#i mean I can't judge
wanderingmind867 · 1 year
I don't think I can hate censorship too much, because I'd probably be a censor if I had control of TV. If I had control of TV, I wouldn't allow any channel to play things that scared me (and there's a lot of those), so I can't judge who also support censorship. Unless it's politically motivated censorship, but I think that's a different matter from what I've described. If I'm wrong about that, then I suppose I'll have to make a continuation post one day.
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stealingpotatoes · 5 months
"can't use the dark side of the force if you can't even use the force" this sentence has given me 10 life points, thank you for your service
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LMAOO amazing omg, thank you for this gift
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
hi just want to pop in this request how would 141 react to reader who likes to uh.. chomp down on almost anything like maybe their arms? or random bites on the finger?? but its just in a playful way what would their react to it?? anyways you're a lovely writer have a good day <33
Hello! I wrote something similar to that for Gaz already here, so I left him out! His biting section is a bit short since that ask encompassed something similar to it, but it's there!
Price, Ghost and Soap with a Reader who likes to Bite Them
Price: He’d be so utterly confused if you bite him. Depending on whether or not you’re close with each other the scenario could go one of two ways: If you’re close, he’ll raise an eyebrow and ask you what you’re doing. If you respond with showing affection then he’ll be more inclined to let you continue doing whatever it is you’re doing. Truth be told, he’s not the biggest fan of you biting him, but if you’re his partner, then he’ll tolerate it. He knows you’re just being friendly and showing him that you love him in your own way, so he won’t say anything, but he’s not particularly too happy about it. Price doesn’t like how you’re getting saliva on him, he’s not a big fan of something like that. If you’re not his s/o then he’ll tell you to stop.
Ghost: Like Price, he’ll raise an eyebrow upon finding you chomping on him and will ask you what in the world you’re doing. Unlike Price he’ll be more understanding of it all and won’t really mind it too much. He won’t do it back to you in fear of biting your finger off or hurting you otherwise, even if biting people really isn’t his style either unless he has to. He’ll allow it and won’t really comment on it too much, aside from asking you whether or not you want an actual snack instead of him. Bite him and he’ll awkwardly pat your back, he does appreciate you being affectionate with him, though. Doesn’t mind you getting saliva on him either, he’s been through far far worse. Overall, just don’t bite him too hard and he won’t mind, but if you’re genuinely hurting him then he’ll put an end to it all.
Soap: I wouldn’t be surprised if he bit you first, in all honesty. Not by accident, but on purpose. Soap isn’t a biter normally, but he can and will bite someone if dared to or if they lovingly annoy him. However, if you’ve bitten him first then be prepared for him to bite you back. He’s not grossed out by anything, but he will bite down harder than you bite him. Affection like this is a competition and he is hellbent on winning. If you’re his S/O then he’ll also try to leave marks on you to show everyone that you’re his and that you’re having fun with each other. And by that I mean he’ll bite your cheek since that’s one of the most obvious places out there. By the time you’re done being affectionate with each other you’ll both be covered in bite marks, each one deeper and more concerning than the last. But you’re having fun, and that’s all that matters.
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pseudophan · 14 days
where's the video of phil bringing dan hot chocolate from?
it's very sweet i can't lie...
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tapakah0 · 7 months
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#I've read it.#**** you just read fluff chaos and little amount of angst and here BUM#It took me almost 2 hours to read just one chapter I don't know why but no regrets at all#With all these emotional ups and downs#I have one novel that I hold on the very top of the angst stories (I haven't read that many books#stories and fics and can judge only withing that little I have)#but if mnmc keep going like this this I need to widen my place on top...#I've cried over Mojo again#The same scene and here we go again. how.#And then this one SORRY I CAN'T PUT IT INTO WORDS#The way they triet each other#they both go through hell#All little details about their emotions#Their differences yet so many similarities#I don't like the angst is placed out of nowhere but this fic was BORN IN ANGST#I WANNA BITE BIG MAMA'S HEAD OFF#FOR THE GOD'S SAKE LEON KILL HER FRIEND#YOU WANTED LEO JUST TO BE SAFE BUT WHAT'S THE MEANING IF HE'S NOT#AND IT'S SO DARK IN THEIR CEILING THAT LEON COULDN'T EVEN SEE WHAT'S GOING ON WITH LEO#SO MANY THINGS HAPPENED AT ONE TIME#I DID COUNT WITHOUT JOKES HOW MANY TIMES I DID CRY DON'T JUDGE (I AM HARD TO CRY ON SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T CATCH MY ATTENTION I GUESS MY AT#ENTION IS CAUGHT WELL ENOUGH) 4 TIMES. 4 F***ING TIMES#FOR THE GOD'S SAKE I WANNA SEE CLICHE WHEN THEIR BROTHERS JUST BOOOM CRUSH EVERYTHING AROUND ON THIS AIRPLANE AND SAVE THEIR BROTHERS I WAN#A A CLICHE#I DON'T WANT IT TO BE THE END OF THE STORY WHEN LEON DIES HOW HE WANTED FROM THE VERY BEGINNING#I AM NOT OKAY OVER THE WAY HE TREATS THESE KIDS#OR LEO SUDDENLY A BOOST OF POWERS AND TELEPORTS THEM#ANYTHING#JUST NOT DEATH#AT LEAST NOT LIKE THIS
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Best Shakespeare Adaptation
since the 1600s, people have been rewriting shakespeare and writing spinoffs in good, bad, and frankly just kind of insane ways. today, they will compete until only one is left standing!
during the poll craze i ran a lot of brackets and had fun, but ended up with a couple spare blogs i ended up having to delete, so i'm running this one off my main.
q. is this a tournament for productions or adaptations?
a. adaptations! stuff that changes dialogue or medium (beyond play -> movie) or takes a really new spin on it! west side story counts, romeo and juliet (1996) doesn't.
q. will there be a limit on contestants?
i'll cut it at 64 or 32 depending on how many submissions we get! if we get a lot of adaptations of a few plays and less of others, i won't cut any of them out, but i'll make some of them face off in round one
q. are you biased?
yes. fortinbras sweep. i've been reading 'these violent delights' too and it's pretty good. oh and can't forget haider, and requiem of the rose king is an all timer... basically, yes i really like rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead, but i have much room in my heart
q. is it most best portrayal/analysis, or best on its own merits?
a. a little of both, but mostly the latter
q. does [x thing] (that's pretty different than the original inspiration) count?
a. if it is common knowledge that it's shakespeare inspired
q. does the lion king count?
a. yea
signal boosting! if yall great bracket blogs will help out @gayest-classiclit @byronicherobracket (this one's still in qualifiers, it seems cool!) @straightplayshowdown (this one's getting going again!) @bestadaptationtournament @gayestshakespearecouples
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passthroughtime · 2 months
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Why do we put so much value on truths, if all they do is crush us?
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r-aindr0p · 5 months
Pardon the spam reblogging just now, i tend to go ham by accident because I'm easily excited and also distractible. I love your art but i tend to get lost in most of my social media existences so i couldn't find it. I was struck with the need to see your art again because it is amazing and good and it makes me so happy cause they are shaped like friends and they're lovely and i want hug them all. I couldn't remember what your blog name was tho cause i follow too many people because there's so much talent everywhere and i do not have enough eyes or time for them all and my memory is bad. So i took forever to look and now i am binging. I no not the word but it's basically momentarily fixating and ravenously going through media.
Also saw this tiktok and thought it'd be a funny dynamic for your blorbos/ faves (I'm not sure which but i thought it was funny and also cause the mess up matches the characters chosen for the audio)
Aww I'm happy you feel that way about the lil' guys I scribble I've been having a lot of fun drawing lately ! thanks ! And lmao that audio is so dumb(positive) like, so dumb it only felt like a Crowley thing to do.
The headmaster requests your help once again with problems that he created. You complain but still begrudgingly accept. He clears his throat, trying to look as credible and serious as he can and :
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marclef · 14 hours
okay so uhhh. definitely wasn't expecting this any time soon. or ever. but unless my tumblr has been lying to me for 3 days straight then i guess it happened.
uhhhhh. thanks for 700 followers bros 👁👁💧
like. i didn't even see my tumblr get to 400. unless i've been hallucinating that it's been at 300 for the last month. am i going insane? maybe. but uhhh. that's a lot of people looking at me. kinda freaking me out a little. but thanks regardless i guys, it does mean a lot to me ✨❤❤❤✨
anyways. i die. nervous. some various rambling under the cut and in the tags but here's an artistic rendition of how i feel right now. enjoy.
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so yeah. i don't know how the hell my follower count has doubled in like, two months. maybe it's the Fake Peppino Hugs? a lot of people have been wanting hugs after all. it uhhhh kinda makes me feel weird knowing there's this many of you. but i'll try to manage.
speaking of hugs, yes i've seen the new asks and requests in my inbox i promise!! i will get to them when i can, but for now i'm gonna try to focus on getting a couple other big important things done. mainly, a large Fake Peppino headcanon-related post i've been planning, and getting a few more characters up on Artfight before July.
and also.... i might be getting commissions up soon too?? i don't know how soon, but it'd be a way for me to get income right now since i don't have a job. or, if you don't wanna commission me but still wanna show support, i have a link to me Ko-Fi on my intro post as well! really any support is welcome, but i'm trying to figure out how to do commissions and pricing and stuff since it'll be the first time i *officially* do them. i hope you'll think about it though!!
but yeah, i've got a good few things i've gotta get done with, i'm trying to take things a liiiiittle slow right now though so i don't burn myself out fully. i will try to get stuff done soon though! expect that big Fakey post in maybe a week or so, and i'll update you all on other things that happen as well!
thanks for reading if you have, love ya's ❤❤💗💗💗❤❤
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hussyknee · 2 months
FYI if you're watching MasterChef Australia, the Sri Lankan Australian contestant Savi is a friend of mine and kind of a stealth idol because everything I seem to be online (a ball-busting, bombastic, proudly brown, unapologetically fat, sexy decolonizer lady) she actually is irl. It's funny because she was a few grades below me and found me intimidating when we were in school and now I'm the one perpetually in awe of her. Do watch if you can and root for her! She's a delight!
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immediatebreakfast · 1 year
Victor's upbringing, and his parents are... Really something. I'm not familiar with early 19th century social dynamics, and gender roles. But it's like a whipslash to read all of these strict and almost extreme case with the Frankenstein family, while coming from the likes of Dracula, Jekyll and Hyde, and Sherlock Holmes where one can feel modernity breathing through the novel.
"No creature could have more tender parents than mine." Victor, buddy, I agree that your parents cared a great deal for yours and Elizabeth's education, regarding you both with an amazing gift of knowledge, and such... But so far I don't like them a little bit.
Your parents not only want to marry you to your fucking cousin because apparently the decision of "who am I going to romantically spend the rest of my life with" is not yours to do no no, but also your mother has been only educating poor Elizabeth as a bride-to-be. At least Elizabeth found joy in poetry to express her creative view of the world (even if these traits are expected in an early 19th century noble girl.)
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sau-cen · 2 years
He says he's sorry so it's ok
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teamsasukes · 2 years
the naruto vs neji fight makes me laugh because:
naruto frames his win as a victory for "hard work" (as opposed to inborn talent) even though the only reason he turned the battle in his favour was due to his innate potent chakra reserves. neji may be a genius, but he also learned and mastered the hyuuga main house techniques through his own labour. neji is a closer representation of hard work than naruto will ever be (especially when it comes to this fight).
naruto goes "haven't you considered HINATA is suffering too" after hearing about how neji's dad died for the main house
realized how fucked up it was that neji refers to hinata with the suffix "sama." the only others who receive that level of deference are the kages and the sannin.
naruto seems more outraged at neji for reacting negatively to what’s been done to him and his father than hiashi or the hyuuga clan in general (because he, too, is an orphan boy and he alone gets to dictate how every other orphan in the series behaves, apparently)
naruto immediately shelves the issue of the hyuuga clan to be revised after he rises to the position of hokage.
naruto says to neji "you can change your destiny." myself and presumably all audience members assumed that meant neji would not die for a main house member exactly like his dad did.
and watching this fight for the first time i thought "great we'll get development on all these fronts for naruto and neji and the hyuuga plotline later on" and isn't that just hilarious
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ichorblossoms · 22 days
lots of respect for ppl who don't post/talk abt certain oc things due to not wanting to spoil their own stuff, however i will not be doing that. by the time any of this stuff is finished it'll probably be different anyways
#i have this thing where i simultaneously cannot ever find the words to articulate my oc stuff and the inability to shut up about it#who the fuck knows if i'll actually finish it. i mean i'd love to. i WANT to but these are (for now) passion projects and i can't devote#myself to them full time so! i'll hand over the details#nothing wrong with not wanting to spoil things either i get it. i jsut talk a lot. esp if i'm excited abt smthin#actually now that i think abt it there are some ttw things i keep close to my chest#partially for spoiler things but also the canon of the story is so wildly different from what it has been that it is the one case where i#don't want to introduce something cool and neat only to have it scrapped later bc this blog is evidence that i have done that. many times#and thinking abt storytelling the way i imagine honeybee being told is nonlinear so at times it necessitates me 'spoiling' things from#p1 and p2 for instance to explain how they got to where they are in p3#i'm thinking a bit more and with ttw being horror i think the next time i get around to taking a solid jab at it i will actually be more#cagey about certain things. esp in regards to sanguine as a whole#but it's underbaked in the middle rn so. shrugs#i still also don't really mind spoilers in general so i don't give much of a shit abt spoiling my own stuff yknow?#good stories are good regardless of spoilers and my intention is to make good stories. not that i can be the one to judge that tho#but i like what i make and that's the really matters yeeeeeeeehaaaawwwwwww#rambles
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the real funniest thing about journal 3 is that ford is absolutely positively UNHINGED the whole time and dipper really read this thing and still fanboyed over ford
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rottiens · 7 days
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