#i mean all this time we thought we were blowing our own trumpets but boy apparently WE WEREN'T BLOWING IT HARD ENOUGH
zingaplanet · 2 years
The photographer of the handholding moment, Ella Ling, who was there covering Team Europe throughout the whole night recounted how shocked she was to truly realise for the first time how close Nadal and Federer actually were.
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Kudos to @keepitmovinshawty for flagging this interview!!
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thefoodwiththedood · 3 years
"Good Guys"
Here's another story from a bit ago, this time about Hatou and Eobea going on a diplomatic mission to Darkon III, and Hatou making a new friend! This is sort of a continuation of my stories "Strategy" and "Rising Phoenix," so for more context, you could read those first. Either way, let me know what y'all think of this!
Characters: Hatou Koros, Princess Eobea Xovrada, Oesta Varg, Chieftain Haeris Varg & Khosti Varg (who belong to @kaminoanbat)
Setting: 21 BBY, Darkon III
Word Count: ~2,300
“Must we do this?” Eobea whispered, just loud enough to be heard over the trumpets announcing her arrival. Her own procession was rather small, compared to the reception she’d been given: All around the walled courtyard of the palatial fortress where they’d landed, Mandalorian warriors stood at attention, their freshly-polished armor gleaming in the sun. At the end of the courtyard opposite her stood two more Mandos, an adult and a child, with their helmets at their sides and their own entourage at their backs. “I thought visits like this were reserved for planets with some…value to us”
Before Hatou answered, he held out his elbow, and her mechanical forearm hooked itself in the crook of it. “We’re here to encourage the people that Iridonia is with them, same as always,” he said as the two of them walked, “the Darkonan clans are good people, and even better warriors—if we can convince Clan Varg to join forces with us, the other clans will follow, and they could help us defend the other colonies from Separatist attacks''
“I can always rely on you to be optimistic, can’t I,” Eobea smiled,but the disdain was still palpable in her voice. “Maybe it’s just my ancestors talking—the ones who were murdered when the Mandalorians occupied Iridonia, you remember them—but I’m not so quick to trust. As I far as I know, Darkon III might just be the final holdout of those same invaders"
Thankfully, Eobea had said the last part just before coming into earshot of the Darkonan chieftain ahead of them. “Have faith, Princess,” Hatou reassured her, choosing his words carefully now that he could be heard, “It’s possible we may find some life-long allies today”
At the end of their long walk, Hatou and Eobea came face-to-face with a tall, middle-aged Zabrak clad in regal yet battle-worn armor. “It is an honor,” he began in accented Basic, his voice a strong, baritone rumble, “to welcome you to Darkon III, Princess Eobea. I am Haeris Varg of Clan Varg, Chieftain of the Darkonan Clans, and,” he paused only briefly, as he and the child at his side bowed respectfully, “your humble servant for as long as we may host you”
Eobea gave one final look to Hatou, before clearing her throat and replying. “You are very kind, Chieftain. I look forward to my stay here,” she lied, “and I look forward to discussing business—my father has assured me that you will be most indispensable allies''
“We always endeavor to be,” Haeris smiled—it could have been genuine enthusiasm behind that smile, or it could be as much of a put-on as Eobea’s. Neither she nor Hatou knew him well enough to tell, but they both wondered about it. “Ah, but in the meantime, allow me to introduce my family; this is my son, Khosti,” he swept an arm over the child at his side, and Khosti bowed once again. The boy was awfully mechanical in his movements, and he didn’t dare make eye contact with the Princess—clearly, he’d rehearsed this, or his father had made him. “And,” Haeris sighed, “though she’s running fashionably late, there’s also—
A sudden, roaring sound cut Haeris off mid-thought, and everyone in the courtyard looked up to see its source. A lone Mandalorian warrior rocketed across the sky, only to then circle back and finally stop just above Hatou, Eobea, and the Chieftain. Hovering in the air for only a second longer, she cut the engine in her rocket pack, falling several feet and hitting the ground on one knee. She rose to her feet slowly, removing her helmet and revealing the big, toothy grin she’d rode in with. “Hey, dad,” she spoke, tucking her helmet under her arm as she turned to face the Chieftain, “Sorry I was out, thought I’d take the scenic route back here. What’s…” she trailed off, apparently just noticing Hatou, Eobea, and the amount of people there in the courtyard with them. She studied Eobea in particular, her smile fading as she looked her up and down. “What’s with the Iridonians?”
“Oesta, please,” Haeris seethed, calling her attention back to him. He gave her a single, stern look, and she scowled back at him before relenting and taking her place at his right side. He took a deep breath before speaking again. “Oesta,” Haeris said again, this time introducing her to Hatou and Eobea, “is my eldest daughter, and will one day inherit my throne—if she can ever learn how a leader ought to act” Oesta rolled her eyes in response, before continuing to silently size up the Princess and her bodyguard.
If the mere prospect of working with Mandalorians wasn’t enough to sour Eobea’s view of this planet, the sheer disrespect from the Chieftain’s daughter might be. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Eobea lied again, trying and failing to mask her feelings, smiling so fleetingly she was bordering on curtness.
“Perhaps,” Hatou chimed in, rescuing Eobea preemptively from what surely would have been a long, uncomfortable silence, “I should take the Princess to her accommodations—allow us time to settle in, before our negotiations begin” He surreptitiously took her hand, and he could feel her relax slightly as their fingers interwove.
Haeris cleared his throat. “Yes, of course, please do—if you’d follow me inside, someone will show you to your rooms”
Hatou nodded, once again hooking Eobea’s elbow in his. The two of them followed the trio of Vargs and their entourage as they turned towards the large fortress, and Hatou almost caught Oesta studying him over her shoulder as they walked inside.
. . .
Hours later, Hatou found himself quietly slipping outside, sighing in relief as the brisk evening air hit his face. Even better than the air was the peace and quiet; to everyone’s surprise, Eobea’s opinions on the Darkonans began to sweeten over the course of the evening, and now she was happily—not to mention drunkenly, and loudly—wining-and-dining with the Vargs’ most senior clansmen. Hatou himself couldn’t partake, of course. His duties to the princess came first, and he needed to keep his wits about him. So, here he stood: a balcony overlooking the sea, lit by the light of Darkon III’s moons, leaning back against a railing and watching his charge through the giant glass door. She was having fun, clearly. That much made him happy.
“Hey” a voice suddenly spoke up to Hatou’s right, and he jumped in shock. He instinctively reached for his sword, but, upon turning to see the voice’s owner, he relaxed. It was just the Chieftain’s daughter—Oesta, if he remembered right—resting on the railing in the opposite corner of the balcony, looking at him with a sort of half-smile. Two drinks, one full and one half-full, were sitting on the wall at her side, evidently brought out from inside some time ago. ��This kinda party ain’t your speed, huh?”
Hatou took a breath before answering, removing his helmet and holding it at his side. “No, not exactly,” he admitted, “And you?”
She smiled. “Not tonight. Kinda dreading having to talk to my dad after this morning, in the courtyard. Here, wanna drink? I was gonna have both myself but, now that you’re here,” she slid the full mug towards him, but with a small wave of his hand he refused it. “Yeah,” she continued, “Best to let him get all boozed up to soften that blow, y’know how dads are”
“Actually, I don’t,” he responded, “we’re very close, my father and I, we almost never fight”
Oesta raised an eyebrow, and her smile faded slightly. “Lucky you”
“I…” Hatou stuttered, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”
“Must be nice,” she continued, interrupting him, “to be born into a thriving empire, to a parent who likes you just how you are, and to get to serve your planet’s royalty, that’s—”
“Iridia” Hatou interjected, interrupting her in turn. “I’m from Iridia, not Iridonia”
“...Oh” Oesta paused for a moment, silently retracting most of her prejudgements. “What’s the difference?”
“Iridia’s its own planet, a former colony just like Darkon,” Hatou said, his tone softening. In spite of his previous reservations, he decided to take the drink she’d offered him after all, and he paused to take a sip. “It’s beautiful, but not in the same ways as Iridonia. It has natural beauty, I guess. You go there, and it just feels warm and welcoming, like the planet itself wants to nurture you and take care of you. It’s motherly, in a way”
“Motherly…” Oesta replied, the word lingering on her lips a little longer than she’d meant it to. “It sounds nice. But then, if you’re from a colony, how’d you end up with...y’know…” she gestured towards the glass door, and the half-in-the-bag Princess seated inside.
Hatou smiled, unabashedly proud of what he was about to say. “Emperor Stotrau saw great potential in me, he said so himself. He needed a bodyguard for his daughter, and I was the best candidate, from Iridonia or otherwise. It’s a great honor”
“I’ll bet,” she said, her lips curling into a wry smile. “So, does he know you’re banging his daughter yet?”
Hatou, who was in the middle of taking another swig, nearly choked. Oesta tried and failed to stifle a laugh as he coughed, and it was several seconds before he even tried to speak. “I...we...well, see...who told you?”
“Well you did, just now” Oesta chuckled, earning a groan from Hatou as he realized his mistake. “I saw you two out in the courtyard, the way you calmed her down. Seems like she trusts you”
With a sigh, Hatou shook his head and smiled. No use denying it now. “The princess...Eobea...we were friends long before we ever, well...I don’t know, it just kind of happened” He felt himself blushing now, and moreso, he felt Oesta’s gaze on him. He turned away, just to spare himself a little embarrassment.
“No need to justify it, man, I get it—it’s your job to protect her 'round the clock, you two’re bound to get close like that,” Oesta smiled, taking another sip herself, “She’s cute, too. Total catch”
“It’s more than just physical” Hatou hadn’t quite meant to say that, but he couldn’t help justifying himself here. This was a talk he’d rehearsed many times, in preparation for the day when someone found out, when someone would question how a relationship between an Iridonian princess and a lowly soldier from the Colonies could ever work. Explaining it to a nosy Mandalorian was never in the plan, but oh well. “I mean...she values my company, and I enjoy seeing her happy. Every day I watch the stress she’s put under, the way she’s underestimated and put down, even by those who mean well. But she’s ambitious, smart, driven, more than any of them see. I want to help her succeed. I want to be there for her through good and bad times, and share in her triumphs. I don’t want her to be alone at the top, when she inevitably gets there”
Oesta’s smile faded as she listened, alternatively glancing at him, and through the window at the princess herself. “You’re really devoted to her, huh” she finally said, her tone an equal mixture of intrigue and confusion, with just a pinch of concern. “Does she feel the same way about you? Wanting you to succeed and everything?”
“Yes. Maybe. Well,” Hatou paused, considering the question. “I’ve never talked about this with her, not really. In our private moments, we’re more focused on...well... “
“Just having fun?” Oesta smirked, and in spite of himself Hatou smiled back at her. In the back of his mind, though, he was worried. He found himself mulling over that question in silence for a few moments—does she feel the same way about you? “I hope she does” Oesta spoke up, as if reading his mind. “You seem like you have a lot of love to give. Only fair for you to be with someone who gives it back”
“Yeah?” Hatou found himself looking at Oesta now, even as she was staring down into her drink. No one had said that to him before. Not even Eobea.
“Yeah” she looked up at him, their eyes meeting for the first time that night. “You’re a good guy. The galaxy needs good guys” Their eye contact held for all of five seconds, and when those five seconds passed, they both got the same feeling: either they looked away right then, or this night was going to take a new, serious, and probably wrong turn. They chose the former.
After another brief silence, spent largely with the two of them feigning great interest in opposite sides of the ocean view, Hatou regained his composure a little. “Thank you,” he finally said, “You’re very kind” Oesta responded with a barely audible mumble, which could have been anything from ‘You’re welcome’ to ‘Yeah, whatever’ to simply ‘mhm’, but whose sentiment was clear enough. Another, much longer silence followed, before Hatou finally downed the rest of his drink, sighed, and re-donned his helmet. “I...should probably get back inside, see how the princess is doing”
“Yeah...yeah, sure” Oesta muttered, re-donning her own helmet, mostly just as something to do. “Nice meeting you. Good luck with your lady, Sir...uh…”
“Hatou,” he finished. “Hatou Koros. And you’re—”
“Oesta...yeah” she said, the smile evident in her tone despite being hidden behind her helmet. Hatou had heard her name before, in the courtyard, but only from her father and only to scold her. Now, from her, the name sounded as it was meant to: strong, stable, and really kind of pretty. Even as Hatou was thinking this, Oesta was climbing up onto the balcony’s wall—and before he even registered that. she was hovering in the air with her jet pack. “See you around, Hatou” she said, rocketing away with the cold, seaborne wind. He watched her go, waving halfheartedly before sighing, standing up straight, and rejoining the party.
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havenoffandoms · 3 years
Eskel/Lambert You’re My Shelter
Based on Kashimalin’s 50 Types of Kisses prompt list. 
Prompt: “Wet kisses after finding refuge from the rain.”
Pairing: Eskel/Lambert
Read on AO3. 
“Smells like rain,” Eskel remarks conversationally from where he’s lying on the grassy bank of the lake, his hands folded behind his head for support and ankles crossed, “we should probably start headin’ back to the keep soon.” 
“Soon,” Lambert agrees absent-mindedly as he flips onto his side to gaze at his lover, “just five more minutes. I’m really enjoying the view.” 
Eskel cracks one eye open, a lopsided smirk tugging at his scarred lips as he glances at Lambert from the side, and for a second Lambert feels like the luckiest man on the Continent to have someone as gorgeous as Eskel in his life. These stolen moments they enjoy in the autumn, when the cold hasn’t had a chance to settle in completely in Morhen valley, act like a soothing balm for Lambert’s broken soul. 
“Flatterer. You don’t need to compliment me to get into my bed, y’know? All you have to do ‘s ask.” 
Lambert heaves a dramatically long-suffering sigh.
“Eskel, Eskel… of all people, I thought you would appreciate a cheesy pick-up line.”
A warm chuckle rumbles deep in Eskel’s chest as he, too, flips onto his side so he and Lambert are facing each other properly. The roguishly handsome smirk, coupled with the soft eyes shimmering with adoration, are enough to take Lambert’s breath away. Nothing compares to the intimacy of these moments, Lambert thinks, when he and Eskel just lie there enjoying each other’s presence and revelling in the fact that they’re both here, alive and well, and in the company of the person they care most about in the entire world. 
A rumble of thunder breaks the soft moment, and when Lambert looks up at the sky, he notices the dark menacing clouds rolling over the valley. He has two minds to not move - what’s a little rain and thunder gonna do? - but when Eskel shifts into a seated position and reaches for his boots, Lambert realises that he’s not being given a choice in the matter. He doesn’t realise he’s pouting until Eskel nudges his ribs with his elbow, and leans into his space to nibble at Lambert’s earlobe. 
“Don’t worry, lil wolf. I’ll still take care of ya when we get back to the keep.” 
“That’s so far away,” Lambert whines, dragging out the vowels petulantly, “I want you now, Kel…”
“I’ll make it worth the wait,” Eskel adds with a wink, before rising to his feet in a frankly cruel move, and whistling Scorpion over to him. Lambert rolls his eyes in resignation, but mimics Eskel’s actions. His own gelding is young and not nearly as well-behaved as Eskel’s stallion, but that’s what Lambert likes about Milo. He’s wild and temperamental, just like his owner. Lambert and Milo understand each other on an emotional level, and they’ve learned to tolerate each other’s mood swings over the past couple of months. 
“You and I both know that the second we step into that godsforsaken castle, Vesemir will assign chores for us to do,” Lambert grouses as he pulls himself into Milo’s saddle, gently clapping the gelding’s neck in greeting, “which means that I won’t get to touch you until after dinner, provided the old man and Geralt didn’t kill the mood.” 
“If tha’ happens, I'm sure I’ll be able to reignite that fire,” Eskel casts a cocksure grin over his shoulder, before mounting his own stallion. Scorpion huffs a soft complaint when Eskel’s weight lands in the saddle. “I’ve got a couple o’ tricks up my sleeve.” 
Lambert snorts in response, ignoring the flush creeping up in his cheeks and neck. 
“Alright, don’t blow your own trumpet too hard,” Lambert snides back, though there’s no heat to his voice, “might end up dying from asphyxiation.”
“Hmm. Can’t let that happen. Who else would set ya straight if not me, lil wolf?” 
Lambert bites back a snort at the comment, because what Eskel is suggesting implies that he’s the one in charge when they’re sharing a bed. More often than not, the opposite is true, but Lambert decides to let the comment slide for now. They both spurt on their horses just as the rain starts pouring down from the sky. The thunder spooks Lambert’s horse into almost rearing up, and were it not for Lambert’s quick reflexes which allow him to cast Axii right on time, Milo would’ve thrown Lambert out of his saddle.
“We need to find shelter,” Lambert has to shout so Eskel is able to hear him over the roaring of the thunder, “the horses are losing it!”
“Your horse is losing it!” Eskel roars in return, “I can see a cave entrance over there. Let’s go!”
They reach the cave despite the deluvian rain making it difficult for either of them to see, despite their enhanced senses. Milo is still under the influence of Axii, luckily, or the gelding might have actually bolted and gotten lost in the forest. By contrast, Scorpion is the picture of peaceful serenity, the fucking show-off. Figures that golden boy Eskel doesn’t settle for anything less than the golden boy of horses. Milo and Scorpion fit inside the cave, and almost instantly, Milo seeks the warmth and comfort of Eskel’s war horse. Lambert rolls his eyes fondly at his mount, but before he can work on untacking Milo, he feels two strong arms wrap around his waist and pull him flush against a broad chest. 
“Looks like we’ll be stuck here for a while,” Eskel breathes huskily in Lambert’s ear, “need to find a way to fill the time, hm?” 
Lambert turns around in the embrace and tilts his head to the side. There’s not much of a height difference between them, but if they want to split hairs, Eskel is perhaps several inches taller than Lambert. Eskel meets Lambert’s gaze again, and that fondly enamoured look is back, making Lambert’s heart flutter in his chest. Eskel is soaked, water trickling down his face and getting lost in the ridges of his scars. 
“Are ya gonna kiss me, or?” Eskel asks breathlessly, his hands securely framing Lambert’s hips. Lambert’s lips quirk into a smirk at the thinly veiled demand, and while he’s really tempted to deny Eskel his kiss and tease him a little more, Lambert can’t deny that he wants to taste his lover’s lips. 
So that’s exactly what he does. 
Eskel’s lips are wet, like Lambert’s, which admittedly doesn’t make for the best kiss, but it’s chaste and sweet, and soothing on Lambert’s soul. Eskel responds eagerly, his lips moving gently against Lambert’s. Before Eskel has a chance to deepen the kiss, however, Lambert feels his lover take a deep inhale and let out an impressive sneeze that resonates against the bare walls of the cave, spooking the horses in the process. 
“Great,” Lambert grouses, scrunching his nose up in disgust, “thanks for that. Sneezing in my face, you dickhead.” 
“It’s not like I meant for it to happen,” Eskel retorts, his tone turning defensive, “was an accident.” 
“You’re a fucking witcher, Eskel! We don’t fucking sneeze!”
“We’re not statues, Lambert! Our nostrils can get irritated, too. Geralt was allergic to pollen before the trials, he still sneezes when he’s too close to a field in the summer.” 
Lambert snorts in response to that revelation, even though he tries hard not to, but the thought of the famous White Wolf having a sneezing fit while trying to fight off a royal griffin is just too good not to laugh at. Lambert puffs his cheeks, trapping his laughter before it has a chance to tumble past his lips. Eskel levels him with a look, though Lambert notices the way scarred lips twitch into a half-smirk. 
“Stop that! It’s not funny,” Eskel chastises, biting back his own snort. 
“Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong, my dear Eskel. Let me tell you exactly why this is fucking hilar-”
Lambert doesn’t get a chance to finish his sentence before scarred lips cover his mouth once again, catching him off guard as Eskel kisses him breathless. Lambert melts under the ministrations, and soon enough, all thoughts of Geralt and his strange bodily reactions to pollen leave his mind as Lambert focuses wholeheartedly on the feeling of Eskel’s lips against his. 
The rain is still pouring outside, but there’s no place Lambert would rather be than in this cave, wrapped up in Eskel’s strong and warm arms. 
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hlupdate · 5 years
When One Direction went on hiatus in late 2015, everybody figured Louis Tomlinson was poised for instant pop success as a solo star. After all, he co-wrote so many of the group’s most beloved tunes. But he’s just finding his voice now. His hotly anticipated solo debut, the excellent Walls (due out Friday), is worth the wait. “It took me a second to get here,” Louis says with a laugh. “So it’s a bit of a relief. Because there was a lot of treading water.”
With 1D, Tomlinson was always famed for his cocky wit and his combative “Sassy Louis” bravado. But in recent years, he’s had to face intense heartbreak. In 2016, his mother died of cancer. Last year he released his poignant tribute “Two of Us” — but just two weeks later, his family was hit by tragedy again when his teenage sister suddenly passed away. Walls is full of personal reckoning, but it’s also the sound of a pop artist hitting a new creative breakthrough, as in the Oasis-style Britpop guitar blast “Kill My Mind.” Gearing up for his first solo tour, Louis took a break to discuss life after One Direction, dealing with grief, feuding with indie boys, turning 28, starting over in public, and how it feels to hear his ex-bandmates’ songs on the radio.
Congratulations on the new album. It sounds like you put a lot of heart and soul into it.
Yeah — I feel like I’ve been swimming against the tide a little bit. When I took the leap of faith to go, “All right, I’m going to do something on my own,” it took me a second to work out exactly what that was going to be. A lot of people, when they’re first starting out, they develop in the background, trying different things. But obviously, I had to do that a little bit more publicly. That’s been definitely been challenging at times. So I’m relieved to have an album that I’m really proud of.
People expected you to bang out something fast for a hit. Why did you want to take your time?
I definitely could have made a quick record, a more trendy record. But I think it’s a big thing for me as a writer that it’s got to be believable coming out of my mouth. So lyrics are really important to me.
You wrote so many classic tunes with One Direction, going back to “No Control” and “Midnight Memories.” But as a solo artist, did you feel like you needed to do something different?
When I first started my solo career, I did an electronic track with Steve Aoki. He’s a fucking legend. And I did a track with Bebe Rexha — she’s cool as hell. But when I look back at those songs, I don’t think they really represent me. So it took me a second to work out that I just wanted to follow my heart. Because I have the luxury of having been in a band like One Direction. And luckily, I saw a lot of success with the band. But instead of focusing so much on numbers and chart position and radio, I thought, “I’m just going to follow my heart.” And, hopefully, it’ll be a more authentic record that way.
You made that big public statement last year, where you said you needed to stop trying for Top 40 hits and rethink “what success means to me.” Where did that come from?
My only experience is being in a band the size of One Direction. So naturally, as much as you try and stay humble and realistic, that’s your experience. And that experience is based on something that isn’t real life, really. So it took me a second to be at peace with that.
You really changed gears last year, with “Two of Us.” It’s such a bold song emotionally.
For obvious reasons, that is definitely one of my proudest moments to date. As a songwriter, I’ve never written a song that had as much weight and importance, from my own perspective. But then when I was chatting to friends, people would pull me aside and they’d say what that song means to them. Maybe they had lost someone recently and they’d share their story with me. And I’ve never really had that with music before, where it goes deeper than just being a love song. That carries a different kind of weight. That’s one of my proudest moments.
It was funny because around that time, for obvious reasons, I felt really redundant creatively. I was really struggling. When I look back in hindsight, it’s because I needed to get that song off my chest. Other concepts lacked significance, until I’d fit in that song.
These days, people aren’t necessarily used to hearing male songwriters open their hearts like that.
My mum had a massive influence on my life, so there’s more of a female perspective there. And I do find it easy to speak about my emotions. I realized in my writing process, that was my ace to play — to lean on emotion and honesty. And talk about things that sometimes you’re not able to talk about.
How did you go from a song like that to a rocker like “Kill My Mind,” just a few months later?
That was written deliberately as a statement of intent, really. I don’t want people to feel sorry for me, so I didn’t want to keep writing emotional, heavy stuff. So I thought it was a great opportunity to just completely switch it all, and really go in on my inspirations.
It has the pop-punk vibe of “No Control.” I loved something you said on Twitter a couple of years ago: “Remember if it’s by One Direction and it’s a banger I probably wrote on it.”
Do you know what? It’s not often I blow my own trumpet, but I thought, “Fuck it! I’m having it. Because it’s true.” So yeah, I did enjoy that.
How’s it different doing it in your late twenties, as opposed to your early twenties?
I feel like every song I write, I get better. But I tell you what, man, I am fucking conscious of my age. I’ve just turned 28 — I’m like, “Fuck me now. I’ve been doing this for 10 years.” If I do it all over again, I’ll be fucking 38, mate!
It’s an old cliche that when you go solo, you’re supposed to complain about your band and renounce them. But you haven’t done that.
Well, two things. First, I absolutely fucking love the band. I’m super proud about where I’ve come from. At the end of the day, I’m from Doncaster, and the band gave me such a nice opportunity. But also, there’s a big history of that, people coming out of bands and chatting shit. I just think they just look so obvious. It’s such a desperate attempt to try and get cool points. So I don’t think it’s authentic. I fucking love the boys, and I love everything we’ve done together. And I still miss my time with them. I think any of the boys would be lying if they said otherwise. It was a special time in our lives, definitely.
In the music you’re making separately, you’ve each got your own voice.
I think that’s a testament to this strength of us as a band, really, and what we all brought individually. And we do all have a different range of inspiration — that’s what made it interesting, both on a personality level and on a music level. I think we’re all making really fucking good music as well. So, yeah, it’s nice for me to turn up the radio and hear the boys with another banger.
What’s in store for your solo tour?
Listen, I’m so excited — I’ve definitely had my eye on the tour. Because it’s one thing being in the studio, or a rehearsal space or TV studio or whatever. But it’s another thing literally going to see the fans, being able to look into their eyes and see what certain lyrics mean to them. And just feel the energy of the room. There’s nothing like that.
With One Direction, you always made that direct connection with the live audience.
I think, to a certain degree, we were lucky in the time that we were living in. You look back to some of those Nineties boy bands, and they had to be a certain way. But we were always able to be ourselves, and I think that makes it easier for fans to connect to us. And you always want to make people feel as included as possible — everyone.
Do you have any heroes you dream about collaborating with?
Obviously, I fucking love Liam Gallagher. He’s such a incredible lyricist. Most of the time when I’m playing music in the car, honestly, I’m not that diverse. I’ve just got Oasis on most of the time.
Any other music you’ve been enjoying lately?
I really love fucking Catfish and the Bottlemen, which is ironic, because they chatted some shit about One Direction. Basically, I listened to the first album, and I’m like, “This is fucking amazing.” So I tweeted, saying, “I love this album.” And they tweeted back, trying to do the typical indie boy thing of trashing the fucking pop boys. I got a bit sour because they were chatting shit, trying to be clever, so I just boycotted them. But enough time has gone by, so I can listen to Catfish again. They do make fucking good music.
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awakendreamersworld · 3 years
Here’s chapter 12! The Calm Before The Storm
It was a bright summer day, warm heat, partly cloudy sky, and the best part was the competition was over and nobody won anything. Giulia opened her window and played her trumpet noises startling everyone awake, "C'mon, guys! Time to get up!" She said and jumped down and ran downstairs just as soon as Massimo came through the gate. "Alright boys, let's go." Massimo said and Alberto and Luca go with him to the docks to the boat, Maria climbs down the tree following and looking at Alberto leaving. "I'll be right back, Maria!" Alberto said and Massimo started the boats engine and started driving away into open waters. "looks like your gonna help me with deliveries!" Giulia said and grabbed Maria's arm and hopped on her bike with Maria hanging on her waist behind her and they started riding up the hill getting deliveries done.
"How do I, 'deliver?'" Maria asked
"Its' simple! Just knock on the door and then they'll answer and you give them the fish and they give you the money!" Giulia said doing a demonstration by knocking on a door as a person opens the door and Giulia gives the fish to the person then the person gave Giulia some money and closed the door.
"Wow, it worked." Maria said
"Okay, now you try!" Giulia said giving Maria two fishes and pushing her towards a door,
Maria knocks on the door and a female wearing a blue striped yellow shirt answers the door, "Hello Ma'am. Here's some fish." Maria said handing the lady her fish,
"Thank you, signora!" The lady said as she handed Maria some money.
"Woohoo! You did it, Maria! Good job!" Giulia cheered,
"Is that it?" Maria asked,
"Yep! And we just continue doing that until all the fish are gone!" Giulia said hopping back on her bike as Maria jumps on too and they continued with deliveries.
Back out on the ocean, Massimo started pulling up the rope for the boys to pull out to reveal some more fish, "Alright, that'd be all for today." Massimo said started the boats' engine and heading back to shore. "There's no more fish in the cart, are we done?" Maria asked seeing that the cart that they were pulling with fish was empty, "Yep! Now we just go home and relax!" Giulia said riding her bike up to the top of the hill getting ready to ride back down. "Stop here" Maria said hopping off the bike, "Why?" Giulia asked "I just wanna look at the scenery, you can go ahead." Maria said, "Ok...?" Said Giulia as she starts riding her bike down the hill back home.
Massimo, Luca and Alberto started pulling up on shore just as Giulia was coming down the hill, "Hey, where's Maria?" Luca asked, "She said she wanted to stay at the top to enjoy the scenery apparently." Said Giulia, "I'll go check on her." Alberto said and hopped on his new Vespa he bought since his other one was destroyed trying to jump on top of a moving train and rode to the top to meet Maria. Maria was sitting on the edge looking out in the distance at the ocean as Alberto was riding up behind her parking his Vespa in the corner. "Hey, Maria." Alberto said walking up to her, "Hello, Alberto." Maria said not taking her eyes off the scenery "Enjoying the view?" Asked Alberto "Yes, it's very beautiful." Maria said as she gently closed her eyes and felt the wind blow through her long, curly, wavy, brunette hair as she smiles.
Alberto smiled just staring at her enjoy herself, happy that she doesn't have to worry about anything anymore. Alberto hops on top of the edge and sits next to Maria placing his arm around her and joins her in watching the scenery. After a few hours, the sun was starting to set, Alberto and Maria rode down the hill back home. They both go inside just as Massimo was done with the pesto, "There you two are. Come, sit and eat." He said placing the bowls of pesto in front of them. Maria saw how everyone was grabbing a fork and eating with it.
Maria tried to use the fork too but was struggling a bit to keep the food on the fork, Alberto tapped Maria's shoulder and showed her how to do it the correct way by spinning the fork in the food and lifts it up showing the food on the fork and eating it, Maria copied Alberto and successfully managed to get the food onto the fork and eat. After dinner, Giulia was in her room with Luca showing him a book about dinosaurs and getting excited while Alberto and Maria were in the tree laying down sleeping together. Maria woke up hearing painful screams and cries in the distance past Alberto's island that sounded similar to hers, she ignored them and went back to sleep hopping it was nothing.
The next day, it was cloudy, almost looked like it was going to rain. Massimo called for Alberto to come down and help with fishing again, "Can I come with you?" Maria asked a little worried about the screams she heard a while ago, "Sure, c'mon!" Alberto said grabbing Maria's hand and they started heading towards the boat and out to sea. While riding out to sea, Maria looked around to see if she could spot anything. Massimo threw the rope into the water and waited for some more fish to catch. Maria was looking around out in the ocean vigilant about what she heard and was really hoping it was nothing.
Alberto noticed Maria's actions, "Is everything ok, Maria?" He asked, "Yes, everything is fine." Maria said not making eye contact "I'm just searching just in case any fish comes upon the net." Alberto shrugged and sat back down waiting for the fish. After a while, Massimo started pulling up the net as Alberto started helping, Alberto saw that Maria was still staring out at the ocean and wasn't helping with the net. "Ok, Maria. What's wrong?" He asked standing up and sitting next to her, "Nothing." she said, "That's not what it seems like." Alberto said "It's nothing, Alberto." She repeated. Massimo continued pulling the net with another load of fish and started the boat and heading back to shore.
Once back home and everyone was done with their jobs, Maria went back to the docks still staring out to sea. Alberto walked towards Maria next to her. "Maria, what's wrong? I know there's something bothering you." He said, "I don't know, I thought I heard the others last night." Maria said "The others? The others who?" Alberto asked confused "Mine. I thought I heard their cries last night." Maria said still not making eye contact, "Maria, your 'people' aren't here, your friends' death is starting to get to you." Alberto said as Maria looked at him for a bit, "Ah! I'm sorry I didn't mean-" He stuttered "No, It's fine. Your right, I think ever since I saw her body I might be hallucinating and hearing things." Maria said looking down "Exactly! C'mon, let's go get some ice cream! That'll clear your mind!" Alberto said taking Maria's hand and heading towards the ice cream shop and bought some strawberry ice cream for the both of them.
Late at night when everyone was asleep, Maria got up and headed to the docks. Alberto noticed Maria was missing from her spot when he woke up and saw her at the docks and followed her, Maria jumped into the ocean as Alberto followed behind. Alberto followed Maria swimming towards his island and looking around, "Maria." he called "Alberto, why are you following me?" She asked "I wanna help you with what your so worried about." He said swimming closer to Maria "Alberto, no! You don't know what's out here." Maria said with worry then they heard the screams again. "What was that?" Alberto said a little scared, "It's them! Swim away, now!" Maria said grabbing Alberto's hand and started swimming back to shore when all of a sudden other Sirens start blocking their path and surround them.
"What's the meaning of this!?" One of them shouted, she had brunette hair like Maria's but was long and wavy. Then they started pulling out a corpse of Maria's friend in a blanket. "Who did this!? Was this you, Maria Rose?" The Siren asked in anger, "No, I would never kill one of my own!" Maria cried out, "Was it this, creature here?" Another one shouted pointing out Alberto, it was a male and he had black hair with a black beard. "No, Alberto would never kill anyone or anything!" Maria said hiding Alberto behind her, "Then speak of the one who slaughter one of our people!" The Brunette Siren ordered. Maria looked down, "She was killed by fishermen. She tried to sink their boat but they killed her." Maria said not daring to look the others in the eye.
They all start screeching in anger, "A HUMAN!?" The other brunette screamed "They dare temper with us!?" She hissed as she screams and orders the others to follow her to shore to punish the humans for what they done. "Wait! The fishermen are dead already!" Maria said trying to swim after them as they stopped after what she just said, "What did you just say?" The other brunette asked "The fishermen that killed her, they're dead already..... I killed them." Maria cried out. Alberto stood there in shock that Maria had killed someone. "Were they the two skeleton corpses we saw with our own?" The male asked "Yes, that was them." Maria said. The other Sirens looked at one another, "Why would she come all the way out here?" The male asked the older brunette, "I think she was looking for me." Maria said while looking down.
"What?" the other brunette said "But, wait! Not all humans are bad!" Alberto said swimming in front of Maria, "Alberto! What are you doing!?" Maria said trying to get Alberto to stop "I'm trying to save our friends before your people kill them!" Alberto whispered. "What do you mean 'not all humans?' All humans are the same no matter what!" The male said "And since your choosing their side over the seas, you'll be put in our dungeon!" The other Sirens start grabbing Alberto and start swimming away, "ALBERTO! NO!" Maria cried and tried to swim after him but the other brunette Siren stopped her, "Maria Rose, you are hereby banished from our kingdom for the cause of death of our own and befriending humans." She said. "No! I won't let you take him away from me!" Maria shouted and tried to swim around the other brunette but she knocked Maria out with her end of her spear and Maria sank to the ocean floor unconscious. "And don't even think about coming back, or else the price will be death for you and you Sea Monster friend." The other brunette said and swam away with her pack as everything faded to black.
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vocalxtributes · 4 years
[Tw// Violence and death]
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"Arena Area will be compromised. Tributes that are not in the Valid arena area will be terminated. Red markers on the edge of the valid area will be shown to guide the tributes safely."
The robotic voice and the red markers were enough to have the remaining tributes emerge from their hiding spots. The red markers surrounded almost the whole arena. Only the center of the arena was the valid area.
And what's troubling the tributes, are the screams and grunts coming from that area. Clearly there was a fight going on. But the tributes knew deep down, that they're being led to the center so they'll be engaged in combat. All of them. They were rushing the match. They wanted to end it so badly.
Hoshi and Dino exited the cave that they were currently staying at, walking towards the center of the arena, fear was evident in the two, but they decided to brush it off and face their inevitable fate.
Seungkwan who was staying with Woozi had stood up, guiding the injured smaller male with him towards the center. However, Woozi hesitated. "What about Joshua? He's not back yet-" Seungkwan sighed, "I'm sure Joshua heard the announcement as well. We'll see him at the center, don't worry okay?" The trickster reassured.
Well Seungkwan wasn't wrong.
The tributes met at the center, with an intense fight going on in front of them.
The two cursed men.
Not only were they met with the two fighting men, but they were also met by the dead bodies of Seokmin, Joshua, Minghao, and Wonwoo.
Dino let out a gasp at the sight of Minghao's body, eyes wide open, irises an intense shade of green, fingers still in his mouth. The leader gripped his teammates shoulder and let him bury his head in his chest.
In the center most part of the arena were the two men fighting, both of them enveloped in Jeonghan's thick black smoke. Seungcheol was grunting in pain but his sheer willpower was keeping him from fully succumbing to the smoke's effects.
Jeonghan, who had gained little immunity from the smoke in the past few years, didn't feel as worse as Seungcheol. Yet his other abilities were taking a toll on him.
The awful memories were coming back.
Seungcheol was doing the same thing Jeonghan's father had done to him all those years ago. He was making him use his own abilities against him.
Jeonghan knew that he'd experience it once more. And so he trained hard enough to come up with a solution. He had learned how to use his abilities on more than one person. And while he was using them on himself, he was using them on the other leader as well. And he felt it. Seungcheol was getting weaker with every passing second.
The remaining tributes couldn't do anything other than watch the legendary battle going on in front of them. All of them held their breath when Seungcheol fell on his knees.
Woozi and Seungkwan almost sighed in relief at the sight of Seungcheol crumbling in the hands of their own leader. Vernon however only felt fear. He knew Seungcheol would do anything just for his own sake. Vernon was aware of where his leader had come from, and he refuses to go back to where he used to be. Seungcheol wanted the glory and honor. He wanted it so bad.
The healer expected next thing that happened. It was indeed one of the things his leader would do.
As soon as Seungcheol knew he'd lose to Jeonghan, he came up with a plan. Healers were meant to heal others he thought... So why not have them heal him right now? Infiltrating the minds of both Vernon and Hoshi, he forced them to heal them with the best of their abilities. And slowly he stood, his body healing, his strength coming back, and his energy doubling.
"Hoshi hyung!" The youngest of all the tributes panicked. His hyung was in trouble. But he knew he couldn't do anything. The young boy was sobbing. He can't lose his Hoshi hyung now, or not ever. He was nothing without him. All he did was protect and defend the young oracle. But now he was in trouble yet he felt his hands were tied. He knew he didn't have any means of helping him. Nothing could break the young man more.
Vernon... He was smiling sadly at how his leader, whom he considered as a brother, used him one last time. Tears fell down on his cheeks as his eyes turned to a ghostly white. A common sign of exceeding the power limit.
"I forgive you hyung." The Healer whispered.
Woozi couldn't hold back anymore. He had to do something.
With shaking hands, he summoned fire in his hands, sending balls of fire towards the opposing leader's direction.
Jeonghan's loud voice could be heard. "NO! STOP IT JIHOON! MESS WITH HIM AND HE'LL KILL YOU TOO! I CAN'T LOSE ANYONE ELSE PLEASE!" The leader yelled, voice filled with desperation as he turned to look at them. He glanced at Seungkwan, giving him a knowing look.
Then, the two healers dropped down dead on the ground. Seungcheol chuckled, ignoring the broken cries of the youngest tribute, and ignoring the body of his own teammate. He was now at his peak.
Jeonghan was strong, but it doesn't mean he wasn't tired.
Seungcheol pushed himself to his limit, using his abilities with the intent to kill. And at the exact moment, Seungkwan encased all of them in his illusion. An illusion of Jeonghan dropping dead in front of Seungcheol as he laughed in satisfaction.
Jeonghan hurriedly conversed with his members, it was only a matter of time before Seungcheol would sense an illusion around him.
"I have a plan. But I need you both to trust me. Can you both do that?" Jeonghan asked in a hushed whisper. "Hyung we do but what exactly are you planning?" The trickster asked worriedly.
"When I give seungkwan the signal, you're gonna break the illusion. And I'll surprise Seungcheol, and when I catch him off guard, I'll feed off most of his life force, which will hopefully help me regain a bit more strength. But Woozi, I need you to finish him off for me. I can't do it myself. Not with my condition. You're the strongest at the moment. Can you do that for me?"
"I'll do anything hyung. If it means we get to come home. I'll do it."
Jeonghan nodded. And with one last look at his members he yelled.
Seungkwan broke the illusion and Jeonghan charged at Seungcheol.
"Wait! How are you alive?! I killed you-" He was cut off with Jeonghan's scream trapping the both of them in the smoke, feeding off of his life force.
Jeonghan knew that his actions would use up more of his energy than what he'll get. And he accepted it.
He had to die to take away most of Seungcheol's life force.
And so he did.
Woozi could make out Seungcheol's figure dropping weakly to the ground, he summoned fire and lightning. And he shot it at him. Lightning up the area, making it visible through the smoke how he died from one lethal blow.
The smoke cleared up, but they were not met with one deceased leader. They were met with two.
Woozi and Seungkwan broke into sobs at the sight of their leader, a soft smile plastered on his face as a single tear fell from the leader's eye.
The two would've mourned and wailed at the fate of their leader, but the countdown cut the both of them off.
"5 minutes til Arena's self destruction."
The two exchanged a look and hurriedly picked up the bodies of their fallen teammates, not wanting to leave them behind before they locked in their scores in the transportation cubicle.
Two minutes before the scheduled self destruction of the arena, they met the broken eyes of the last surviving tribute apart from them.
'Lee Chan' 'Deo Academy' 'Oracle'
"Come with us. I can disguise you as one of our tributes." The trickster whispered.
The oracle shook his head.
"No, you go on. I want to stay with Hoshi hyung."
"But your Hoshi hyung wouldn't want you to die here."
"20 seconds til self destruction"
"Seungkwan." Woozi tapped his shoulder, "Leave him be. We have to go."
Seungkwan tried not to cry even more as he turned his back away from the arena, Woozi closing the doors and enclosing them safely inside the cubicle as they were transported outside the Arena, ending up in the center plaza where people were waiting for them.
Loud cheers, trumpets blaring, and cameras flashing. Everyone were pleased for the traumatized men.
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[This is based off a story that admin wrote. Everything is purely fictional.]
The honourable tributes: @hiphopxtributes @performancextributes [You will always be remembered.]
Tags: @moonlit-jaemin @yanlee (og) @ekjjh @silverypurple-rosedlions @seventeen-chatbot @boxer-joshua @decadewonwoo @marcelinethevamp-cb @soonyoungii @bimbo-sana @bimbo-somi @iceskater-sana @vampiremomo @seleneminnie @yanderechae @bossladylisa @baristadahyun @kaanghana @vampireprince-jeonghan @shin-haneul @yandere-bc @maniac-yeonjun @badboyjjh @shyboicya @midari-jieun @fairy-twice @demon-lee @heathenxbovs @hunter-chaeyoung @scholar-lia @thewolfpack-cb @split-jiu @la-soleilmafia-cb @urboys @camboy-superm @yourlele @yanderejoy @playboyyoungk @hybridteez @yanderetzuyu @neodaddies @npc-haechan @m-brian (DM for +/-)
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babieyangyang10 · 4 years
violent ends (chapter 7)
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(chapter 7)
series masterlist
genre: hunger games!au
pairings: huang renjun x oc, na jaemin x oc
warnings: nsfw, loss of virginities, mutual degradation, switch!renjun, switch!oc, language, mentions of death
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"Holy-" Jaemin looked at my outfit, "Jesus Christ, Athena." His cheeks turning pink at the sight.
"Do you like it? I think Seulgi did a good job." I spun around for him. Both my dress and the stars in my hair were twinkling even under the backstage lights.
He laughs, "Of course. You look pretty in everything, though."
"She does, doesn't she?" I turn to see Lee Jeno and Lee Donghyuck, who goes by Haechan now.
Haechan slyly adds to Jeno's comment, "Almost good enough to eat. Congrats on the eleven, by the way."
I feel uneasy and lock eyes with Jaemin. His jaw is clenched and eyebrows furrowed. I try to seem unaffected, "Thank you. You boys look handsome as well."
"Who knew such a little thing could be so vicious?" Jeno darkly coos.
"Makes me wonder what else she's hiding in that pretty little head of hers. Doesn't she look pretty, Renjun?" Haechan tauntingly asks.
I didn't even notice the boy, who was standing right next to Haechan. He looks me up and down and stoically says to his allies, "Of course, she does."
The sound of trumpets and loud cheering interrupts our extremely pleasant conversation. "Ladies and gentlemen, our master of ceremonies: Caesar Flickerman!"
"Such a shame, looks like were starting. See you in the arena, pretty girl." Jeno says, however it's directed more towards the visibly-fuming Jaemin.
All the tributes are lined up by district. In one of the corners, there is a screen showing the live broadcast.
"So, our first tribute is from District 1!" A single man in the crowd lets out a cheer, "Someone likes District 1. Why, do you have money on District 1? Well, I'm not aloud to bet, contractually. Well maybe just a little bit."
The crowd laughs and Caesar continues, "First, from District one, we have a lovely young man named Jeno. Please give him a warm amount of applause."
Watching the screen, I see Jeno sit down in a white chair as the crowd cheers for him.
"Tell me three things: why have you always wanted to be here, what are your strengths, and what are your weaknesses?" lists Caesar.
"Well, every single year I'd tune in to watch the Careers completely dominate in the games. I knew, that is definitely going to be me someday. I began working harder and harder to get there." He explains to the audience, "I think me being here, just goes to show that with hard work and patience you do anything you want to."
The crowd goes wild, causing me to roll my eyes. They really buy this corny bullshit?
Next, Haechan is called onto the stage.
"Now, I can't describe how shocked we all were when District 1 had two boy tributes, instead of a boy and girl. Was it just me or did you all feel your heart drop?" The crowd nods, "Tell us, Haechan, what was going through your head when your name was called?"
"I was honestly thrilled. I honestly felt so disappointed when they called Jeno, instead of me at first. Then, they called my name and I was so happy. These are truly the greatest games ever invested. I mean, who wouldn't be excited?" Haechan asked the crowd.
"That's right folks, this year’s Hunger Games are going to filled with twists and turns." explained Caesar.
Now, it's District 2's turn. Firstly, Renjun is called to the stage. His face expression looks natural and indifferent in his black suit. On his collar, there's a star pin, matching the ones in my hair.
"Renjun! Welcome to the Capitol! How are you liking everything so far?” Caesar greeted.
“Everything’s great. Of course, The Capitols been treating me very well.” He flattered.
“As expected,” Caesar nodded, “Now tell us, Huang Renjun, who do you think is your biggest competition and why?”
Renjun paused for a second. I would hate to get that question. If you choose the wrong person, it could definitely blow up in your face.
“You know, I think it would have to be Lee Athena. Not only does she come from my district, but she scored an eleven yesterday. I think it’ll be a interesting fight, for sure.”
Good choice, Renjun. I know he couldn’t choose his allies, that would make things awkward. I can’t help, but feel a little flattered though.
Caesar smiled, “I like his attitude. What about you guys?”
I took a deep breath, starting to internally get into character. The innocent sweetheart, who adores the Capitol. I glance back at Jaemin and he gives me a supportive nod, before I hear my name announced.
Once I enter on the stage, Caesar squeals in delight, “Look at our Golden Girl shine! Give us a twirl.”
He says, once we sit down, “Absolutely stunning! Now, tell us how does feel to have your brother, Lee Taeyong, as a mentor?”
I hear the crowd go ballistic at the sound of his name. Especially, after his waving face pops up on the big screen.
“Well, Caesar. Taeyong has taught me so much. He’s a wonderful leader and has always been very inspiring to me. I hope to win for my big brother!” I overemphasised my emotions. The audience melting at my affection towards him.
“So cute. Oh stop it, your going to make us all cry!” pouted Caesar, causing the audience to laugh.
“Ladies and gentlemen, from District 2: Lee Athena, our very own Golden Girl!” I blow kisses to the audience, hopeful that I did all that I could to impress them.
I join Taeyong, Doyoung, and Renjun backstage to watch the rest of the tributes. I swear I almost lost my hearing from the screams when Jaemin entered the stage.
Caesar leaned in, “So, Jaemin. Many of us, especially the ladies, are curious to to know if you have a special someone?”
“Just the ladies?” Jaemin raised an eyebrow.
“Okay, fine! I wanted to know too!” Caesar bursts with excitement.
He paused, before answering, “Well, there is someone, but she doesn’t know how I feel about her.”
The audience thrilled, Caesar pries, “Well, tell us about her! Where did you meet?”
“Well, it was hard not to fall for her. She was wearing this beautiful gold dress at the parade,” Jaemin beautifully sighs, “It literally took my breath away.”
Taken aback, Caesar asks, “Wait, did we all hear you correctly or did you say ‘the parade’? As in the tribute parade? Jaemin, don’t tell me you’ve fallen for another tribute?”
“It’s true, Caesar,” Jaemin looks directly at the camera, “I’ve fallen for Lee Athena.”
The crowd gasps loudly. Suddenly, a camera is in front of me, broadcasting my shocked expression to all of Panem.
“Well folks! Looks like we might have a romance blooming in front of our very eyes soon.” Caesar teased the cameras.
“Athena! Oh my god! That was so dreamy.” Doyoung cried in the apartments.
“Yeah, I guess.” I said, cooly.
“Well, just so you know,” Doyoung whispered, “I’m rooting for the two of you.”
“Thanks, Doyoung. I know Renjun is too prideful tell you this, but you’ve been a great help to us these past few days.” I say, knowing this is the last time I’m going to see him.
Doyoung actually starts tearing up, “Please, it’s been a privilege to be your sponsor. Honestly, this year has been my favorite year of tributes ever. Do well, okay?”
He squeezes my hand, before I leave to the kitchen, where Taeyong will give his final pep talk to Renjun and I.
“When the gong sounds, don’t step off right away. You’ll blow up. It’s your personal choice if you want to raid the Cornucopia or not. Both of you are perfectly capable as long as you keep your guard up. Just clear out, try to put as much distance as you can between yourselves and others, and find a source of water right away," he says. "Got it?"
We nod.
“Meanwhile, Doyoung and I are going to be working on sponsors to provide anything the two of you need. We got your back.” He promises.
Once Renjun leaves, I give Taeyong one last hug. He quietly says, “Listen to me. You’re going to win this, alright? Do whatever it takes. Okay? After, I’ll take you to the mountains like I used to. Just us two.”
Memorizing his face and the feel of his hugs one last time, I state, “I’ll see you.”
“Alright, kid.” He ruffles my hair.
I go to my room and take a shower. Once all the makeup is removed, I throw on a thin nightgown and hop into bed.
After what seems like hours, it’s finally obvious in my mind that I am incapable of going to sleep. My mind just won’t slow down enough to let me. Obviously, I need all the sleep I can, before tomorrow.However, before I can stop myself my feet are moving to the kitchen.
I pour myself a cup of water and sit in the dark. However, I quickly realize there’s one single light still on.
Putting my empty cup in the sink, I walk over his door and knock.
“Who is it?” I hear him softly ask.
Finally, get my chance to tease him about the interview, I say, “Your biggest competition.”
He lets me in, closing the door behind me.
“What do you want?” Renjun frowns at me.
“I can’t sleep.” I explain.
“How is that my problem?” He raises his eyebrows, annoyed.
“Shut up. Obviously, you aren’t getting much sleep either, idiot.” I insult.
“Fine.” Renjun just sits down on his bed. I happily follow him and sit across from him.
“Your allies are certainly charming.” I trail off.
“Yep, that whole thing was them trying to trip out that lover-boy of yours.” Renjun explains.
“I thought so. It worked too, I guess,” I admit, “Especially the part where you said I looked pretty.”
“For sure, your boyfriend was fuming.” He laughs.
I roll my eyes, “He’s not my boyfriend.”
“Then, why else would you throw your whole game and life away for him?” He shuts his eyes.
“Are you serious?” My mouth falls open.
“Yes,” His jaw clenches tight, “Are you serious? You’ve known this kid for a week. A week. Now, he’s confessing to you. Don’t you think that’s a little suspicious? Did it never cross your mind that maybe he’s just using you?”
I hate how he thinks I’m a dumb little girl. I hate how he doesn’t know the truth.
“You know, Renjun, why do you care so much?” My tone sharp.
“Just shut up, Athena.” He shakes his head.
Furious, I get closer, “No, really. So what if I throw my life away? You never cared before. What’s it to you?”
He starts, “Just-“
Renjun softly grabs me by my chin, shocking me. Just for a second, he stares at my lips. He then, looks me straight in the eyes.
Holding himself back, “Listen to me. Get out of here, before I do something I’m not supposed to.”
“What if I don’t want to?” I widely grinned, before quietly asking, “What are you going to do to me?”
He answers me with a kiss. I wrap my arms around his shoulders, bringing him closer. Different from the last time, this one is certainly less gentle. It’s desperate and demanding at the same time.
I know I hate this kid, but holy shit he’s fun to make out with.
I can’t remember the part, when I decided to climb into his lap. I do, however, remember clinging to anything I can, his hair, shirt, or face, with need.
When he disconnects our lips, I almost cry out when I think it’s over. However, I forget all about it, when he starts kissing my neck. Up and down, little pecks. It’s so good. So sensitive. He should feel this too.
I push him backwards on the bed and crawl on top of him. Giving him only one brutal kiss on the lips, I copy what he did on my neck.
After I reached a certain spot by his collarbone, he let out a quiet, “Oh my god.” Curious, I decided to suck on the spot. He cried out, bucking his hips into mine. I pulled back to see a dark mark left behind, being filled with a weird sense of pride.
He slightly jumps, when I run my finger over the bruise. I let my fingers down exploring the uncovered parts of his neck, before I stop at his collar. I pause, unsure what to do next.
“Off?” He asks, still underneath me. I nod, crawling back to give him some space.
Renjun pulls his shirt over his head. He leans back, letting me do whatever I wanted. I run my hand slowly down his chest.
“I never pegged you for the obedient type.” I speak my thoughts.
“I’m not. I’m just being nice.” He says, plainly.
Testing the waters, I ask, “What if I said I don’t want you to be nice?”
His right hand suddenly places itself around my throat. Not squeezing, just resting. It was almost like he was saying, I could do it, but I’m not going to.
“Watch it.” He warns.
I raise my eyebrow, “Or what?”
Wanting to piss him off, I moved my hips against his. Back and forth. Back and forth. He flinches as other hand grabs my hips. I let out a moan.
He halts my movements, “Do you want them to hear you? Shut up.”
I laugh, “And what are you going to do about it? You gonna shut me up?”
Annoyed, he forces his pointer and middle finger in my mouth. I delightfully moan, deciding to suck on his fingers. Meanwhile, he just looks at me in shock. Eyes wide and curious, he just watches me take his fingers. To his dismay, I also continue my hip movements.
Grabbing his hand on my hip, I bring it down to the edge of my nightgown. Getting the hint, he grabs it and pulls it over my head. Fascinated, he looks over my body. It’s almost like he’s looking at a painting, analyzing every detail. He takes his fingers out of my mouth and runs his hand down my already-bare chest.
Stopping my hips, I plead, “Renjun, please do something.”
“What do you want me to do?” He quizzes.
Too shy to say the words, I reply, “Anything.”
He brings his hand down to my underwear line, asking, “Here?” I nod, feeing a little nervous.
Placing me down on the bed, he climbs on top of me. Just like I was to him, a few seconds ago. Only now, I was beginning to feel truly smaller.
I take a deep breath as he pulls down my underwear. When he looks between my legs, I nervously start shutting them. However, he forces them apart. Watching my facial expression, he runs his fingers over my core. Jumping, I let out a whimper.
“Shh...” He shushes me.
Continuing, he asks, “Did I make you like this?”
Too prideful, I stay quiet.
Unsatisfied, he rips his hand away, “Say it, or I’ll make you go back to your room right now.”
“Yes,” I force out with all I could, “You did.”
Content, he noticed me flinch, when his fingers touched a certain spot. He continues softly touching it, making me squirm around.
Curious, he asked, “Can I put my finger in?”
Once I agree, he pushes his middle finger in. I am met with a new and unpleasant burning. My face wrinkles up in pain. Sensing my discomfort, he quickly removes it.
“No, put it back.” I whine, knowing it’s pretty normal to hurt at first. His finger returns, starting to move in and out, very slowly. Once I got used to the movements, it actually started to feel really good.
He watches my face, as I slowly start to fall apart beneath him. When he starts to speed up, my hands cover my face in surprise.
With his free hand, he gently slaps my hands, wanting them away from my face. After I comply, he happily adds in his ring finger.
His fingers were now getting bolder and deeper inside me. Suddenly, they press against a spot that make me jerk, shutting my legs around his arm.
“Good?” He checks, unsure. Once I nod, he just starts hammering his fingers into the same spot. Unable to contain myself, my body starts thrashing around. Renjun just rolls his eyes and braces his free arm on my stomach, holding me down.
As a result, I am forced to just completely take his quick fingers. Eyes shutting, I feel a building feeling in my lower stomach.
“Renjun, I think-“ I pause, too overwhelmed to even think or muster out the words.
Understanding, he says, “Look at me, then.”
And I do.
I see his eyes just watching me with want and curiosity. Before I know it, something snaps deep within. Renjun’s hand is over my mouth, muffling my cries. However, his fingers are still working inside me, prolonging the bliss.
It’s only when I slap at his arm from sensitivity, that he removes his hand. Even so, I still feel like I’m floating above earth on a cloud. I can’t even think about anything else, except this happy feeling.
I wanted him to feel it too.
“Take off your pants.” I breath out.
Sitting down beside me, he pulls off his sweatpants. I see that he’s painfully hard in his underwear. I almost feel sorry for him.
I kiss him, climbing on top of him. He eagerly kisses me back, becoming stiff when my uncovered lower half slightly brushes him.
I break away from him, taking in the look of desperation and need in his eyes.
“What do you want from me, Renjun?” I run a finger down his covered bulge. He breathes out, when I stop at the end, where I notice there is a dark spot.
“You want my hands?”
I press down, where the spot is. His hips, jerking up from beneath me. Meanwhile, the look of constraint is still clearly evident on his face.
“My mouth?” His eyes dart to my lips, while I can see him considering the options in his head.
“There is something I’m forgetting, isn’t there Renjun?” I feign dumb as I sit down directly on top of him.
“You’re having so much fun, aren’t you?” Renjun darkly breaths out, “You sure didn’t talk this much, when I had my fingers in you a few minutes ago.”
“It is fun, because I know you’re too much of a pussy to ask for what you really want.” I chuckle to myself, enjoying my revenge.
His head snapped up at me, “What did you call me?”
“You heard me.” I stare blankly back at him.
“Fine. I want to be inside you,” His fingers run over my core, making me jump in surprise, “I want to feel you in here.”
While I’m at his mercy, he roughly pushes me off of him, onto my back.
He asks for consent, “Is that what you want?”
I peer up at him through my eyelashes and nod, “I want you.”
Just like the fingers, it burned at first. However, when he started leaving little pecks on my neck, it went quickly away. Instead, I felt full and completely satisfied.
I could tell it wasn’t just me. Finally getting some relief, Renjun was silently cursing to himself. The both of us listening to the sinful sounds of our skins slapping together.
It’s almost too much. The way I could feel him going in and out. Grazing exactly where I needed him.
“I’m almost there. Just pull out, okay?” I whisper out. Once speeding up, I feel his hand travel down to my clit. Feeling the familiar tightness in my gut, I wildly buck my hips into his. Knowing what’s about to happen, he shuts me up with a kiss, as I fall apart beneath him.
Not long after, he quickly pulls out. After sliding his hand over his length a few times, he releases a white substance all over my stomach. He crashes down on top of me, but I don’t care much. I just run my fingers through his hair, as he calms down.
Reaching into his bedside table, he pulls out some tissues and wipes my stomach. I let him take care of me, finally feeling exhausted.
Once he finished, I avoid eye contact,“Okay, bye. I’m going back.”
I look up at him, then quickly realize that when we see each other again, the harsh reality is that one of us will have to kill the other.
I don’t even have to explain my sullen expression to Renjun. He just knows. We both there’s no other way.
Before I leave, he kisses me, trying to soothe the bitter sting of reality. I don’t fight, just simply accept it. Try to remember the way it feels, before I go back to my room and this is just another memory I stuff into a jar and keep hidden in the back of my mind.
He kissed me one last time.
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leechtwinsfling · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland @ DISNEYLAND  [ Chapter 3 ]
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✨ Twisted Wonderland FanFiction ❤
[ Disneyland Date Series - HEARTSLABYUL ]
We are lead another portion of the garden as I find decorated tables inside the tall wall rose bushes. A few people are already seated as a server dressed similar to a butler heads our way before bowing.
“Welcome, for two?” 
“Ah, no, we actually have five more coming. So it’ll be a total of seven.” I answer getting the butler to nod before leading us to an empty table of eight. 
The table has a black tablecloth with three rounded plants in a row on the middle of the table. Each golden seat has a red ribbon wrap around with roses behind. There are three sets of different size plates, and neatly organized cutlery along with tea cups.  
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Since the size of the table is similar to the seating back at the Heartslabyul’s Unbirthday Parties, I take my seat at the middle of one side as Riddle takes the head. We wait patiently for the others to come as I find small snacks already on the table.
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Trying not to drool at the appetizing food, I hear familiar voices nearby getting me to look over to the entrance to find Cater and Trey. Smiling, I wave them for their attention as they are looking around. Seeing us, they inform one of the butlers who was welcoming them before heading over. 
“Hey guys.” I greet.
“Hey, the Queen of Hearts mentioned you two.” Trey informs with a chuckle, “Said that it’s a shame Riddle doesn’t have a lover.”
I laugh hearing this as Riddle sighs, “If I have a relationship, I don’t want it to affect my learning.”
“What, is there a rule that doesn’t allow you to date?” I ask.
“Actually -” 
“WOW! THIS PLACE IS AWESOME!” a distinct voice shouts getting all of us to instantly know who it is. 
Looking over to the entrance again, we find the three stooges grabbing everyone’s attention. I couldn’t help stifle a laugh watching them running everywhere as the butlers try to calm them down. Seeing Riddle getting annoyed, it seems like the three could feel his glare as they stop and look over to us. They halt their crazy running before heading over to us quietly. With how they act reminds me of children who know they’re in deep trouble from their parents. 
“There are other people here, don’t bother them.” Riddle lectures them for minutes as I find Cater sitting between Riddle and I. 
Trey sits across from him having an amused smile on his face watching the three as usual getting a scolding. When the second year finally finishes with a huff, the three take their seats. Grimm sits beside me as the other two sit across, all with guilty glum faces.
“So where did you go?” I ask Grimm wondering where he went when we were at the theater. 
“I smelled tuna, but in the end it turned out to be tuna scented eraser.” the cat sighs as I react with a horrified face.
Tuna what eraser?!
Just when I am about to comment about such an absurd product, trumpet horns ring as I realize that every table is now full of people. A red carpet rolls down the entrance as the mascots that we saw minutes ago walk down towards the larger table at the end. It’s design is near the same replica as all the other tables except for the parts where it’s bigger for the mascots’ hands and size.
“Presenting! Queen of Hearts!” a soldier-like dressed staff shouts as the Queen is the last one to walk down the red carpet.
When everyone is seated, the Queen stands up, “I welcome you all to my Unbirthday Party. Please enjoy yourself!”
With that, people dig into the tea and food offered getting me to wonder how do we pay for all this.
“I’m pretty sure all this is not free, so where do we pay?” I ask Cater who’s munching on a bite-size sandwich.
“Oh, we paid it beforehand. Trey reserved it once we were told we’re coming to Disneyland for a field trip.” he answers.
Okay, not a shock.
“Isn’t she amazing?” Ace asks staring at the Queen like a love-struck boy.
“Ace... you do know she ain’t real, right?” I ask concern for his well-being.
He dramatically gasps at me, “Don’t say that! What if the children hear you? It’s like saying Santa is not real!”
Turns out, someone must have heard him as a nearby table a child begins crying saying that Ace said Santa isn’t real. The parents look over to our table before giving a disapproving glare.
“Good job, Ace. You ruined a kid’s childhood.” I shake my head disappointingly at him.
“Hey! You’re the one who started it!” Ace blames.
“Quiet, let’s all just enjoy the tea please?” Riddle sighs already used to our bickering during times like this. 
With us enjoying some small talk about our experiences so far, along with the tea and snacks, I hear Cater soon humming along with the music which I recognize is the ‘Unbirthday Song’. Couldn’t help myself, I decide to hum along getting his attention. He breaks into a smile before singing along with the music and raising his tea cup to me. Laughing, I clink my tea cup with his as we both begin singing the song.
“A very merry Unbirthday to me !” he begins singing loudly that other people look over to us.
“To who?” I sing back deciding that it’ll seem fun despite being embarrassing. 
“To me!” 
“Oh you!” I point to him looking shocked.
“A very merry Unbirthday to you!” he offers me a hand which I take after putting my tea down.
“Who me?” I question.
“Yes, you!” he quickly touches my nose.
“Oh, me!” I gasp in surprise.
“Let's all congratulate us with another cup of tea! A very merry Unbirthday to you!” he cheers as people begin applauding and cheering.
Laughing at how he amazingly hit that high note, he then pulls me off from the table as he continues singing. Instead of being a small show to each other, it then becomes a huge performance for the whole party.
“Now, statistics prove, prove that you've one birthday.” I speak looking over to a group of children enjoying the unplanned performance.
“Imagine, just one birthday every year!” Cater adds.
“Ah, but there are three hundred and sixty four Unbirthdays!” I cheer.
“Precisely why we're gathered here to cheer!”
“It’s also my Unbirthday!” a child from the crowd raises his hang getting Cater and I to look over at each other before smiling and heading over to the small boy.
“It is?” Cater asks picking the child.
“What a wonderful world this is!” I pat the boy’s head.
“In that case!” Cater puts down the boy.
He puts the boy’s hand with mine before grasping the other boy’s hand and mine. We begin dancing in a circle as we continue to sing.
“A very merry Unbirthday!” we sing as children become rushing over to join the circle.
“To me?” the small boy asks.
“To you!” I smile finding the circle growing big as adults are cheering from the sidelines.
“A very merry Unbirthday!” the audience then begins singing.
“For me?” the children asks.
“For you!” we all shout.
“Now blow the candle out my dear and make your wish come true! A merry merry Unbirthday to you!” we all sing together.
Once the music ends, I can’t help but laugh as the children demand another performance from Cater and I.
“One more time! Can we please?” a child begs pulling down my shirt.
“Please!” other children chorus.
“Okay! Okay!” Cater agrees, “Everybody get ready!”
Everyone heads back into a circle as another child grabs my hand. I smile at the small girl who smiles widely back at me.
“You have a nice boyfriend, Big Brother/Sister.” she speaks.
Okay, stop right there. How many times has it been that people mistaken me to be with these boys.
“He’s not my boyfriend.” I laugh.
“Eh? But you’re holding hands with him!”
“Yes, and everyone else is holding hands with others too, right?”
“Ah!” she realizes, “Yeah!” 
After many repeats of singing and dancing, the parents decide to help us as they see the exhaustion on Cater and I. Giving a relief sigh, I feel Cater lean on top of me with his chin on my head.
“Ah~ I didn’t expect to be so tired this early in the morning.” he  hugs me, “[N/A]~ Carry me~!”
“You think I can carry your heavy-butt?” I ask feeling tired on my own.
“So mean~”
“Can’t help but tell the truth.” I laugh before feeling him actually put all his weight on me, “Ugh, oh my god, what did you eat?”
“Trey~! [N/A] called me fat!” Cater tattles as I’m trying to support us from not falling face down on the ground. 
“I didn’t! How do you expect me to carry a grown man?! I’m still growing!” I argue dragging us towards our table.
“I’m still growing!” Cater gasps.
“Ha, not with your age.” I laugh obviously fooling around.
“I’m only two years older than you!” 
“Two years! You’ve eaten more than 2190 meals than me!” 
“How did you get that number?” 
“Well, there’s 365 days, and the average amount of meal is three. So 365 times three is 1095. Then multiply with two since it’s two years, and that’ll be 2190.” I easily explain.
The boys can only stare at me as the first years look at me like I’m talking gibberish as the older two didn’t expect this from me.  “Okay, I might be not that smart at school but that’s only because everything I’m learning is entirely new to me! Remember, I’m from a different world than you guys.” I remind getting them to snap out of their daze.
“Awe, our little transfer student continues to surprise us all still.” Cater hugs me tighter. 
I let out a choking sound, “Can’t breath. Can’t breath!”
He releases me allowing me to gasp for air before relaxing, “I thought I was gonna die just then.” “Am I that strong~?” “With the addition of your body weight, then sure~” I continue to tease getting him to gasp and sulk before slapping me playfully.  Laughing, I sit back onto my seat as he does the same. The party continues as the mascots visit each table to talk with the children. I, personally, am stuffing myself with this delicious food in front of me.
“Y/N~! Try this!” Cater offers a bite of his small chocolate cake on his fork. 
Without hesitation, I take a bite and can’t help but moan from the richness it melts on my tongue.  “Right~! It’s so good! Here, have another bite.” he offers another spoonful which I once again eat from.
“This scene reminds me of a mother feeding her baby.” Grimm comments.
“Don’t be jealous that Mother loves me more than a stray cat.” I stick my tongue out at Grimm playfully. 
“Ah! There’s chocolate on your cheek.” Cater takes a napkin and gets ready to wipe it but stops.
Instead he smirks and leans in before licking the chocolate off my cheek. My eyes widen as I can’t help but blush like a tomato. The others saw this and are frozen into place as they can’t believe what happened. “There~” Cater smiles acting like nothing happened but knows what chaos he just started.  And the party ends with a food fight started by the first years. 
[ to be continued ] 
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louistomlinsoncouk · 5 years
When One Direction went on hiatus in late 2015, everybody figured Louis Tomlinson was poised for instant pop success as a solo star. After all, he co-wrote so many of the group’s most beloved tunes. But he’s just finding his voice now. His hotly anticipated solo debut, the excellent Walls (due out Friday), is worth the wait. “It took me a second to get here,” Louis says with a laugh. “So it’s a bit of a relief. Because there was a lot of treading water.”
With 1D, Tomlinson was always famed for his cocky wit and his combative “Sassy Louis” bravado. But in recent years, he’s had to face intense heartbreak. In 2016, his mother died of cancer. Last year he released his poignant tribute “Two of Us” — but just two weeks later, his family was hit by tragedy again when his teenage sister suddenly passed away. Walls is full of personal reckoning, but it’s also the sound of a pop artist hitting a new creative breakthrough, as in the Oasis-style Britpop guitar blast “Kill My Mind.” Gearing up for his first solo tour, Louis took a break to discuss life after One Direction, dealing with grief, feuding with indie boys, turning 28, starting over in public, and how it feels to hear his ex-bandmates’ songs on the radio.
Congratulations on the new album. It sounds like you put a lot of heart and soul into it. Yeah — I feel like I’ve been swimming against the tide a little bit. When I took the leap of faith to go, “All right, I’m going to do something on my own,” it took me a second to work out exactly what that was going to be. A lot of people, when they’re first starting out, they develop in the background, trying different things. But obviously, I had to do that a little bit more publicly. That’s been definitely been challenging at times. So I’m relieved to have an album that I’m really proud of.
People expected you to bang out something fast for a hit. Why did you want to take your time? I definitely could have made a quick record, a more trendy record. But I think it’s a big thing for me as a writer that it’s got to be believable coming out of my mouth. So lyrics are really important to me.
You wrote so many classic tunes with One Direction, going back to “No Control” and “Midnight Memories.” But as a solo artist, did you feel like you needed to do something different? When I first started my solo career, I did an electronic track with Steve Aoki. He’s a fucking legend. And I did a track with Bebe Rexha — she’s cool as hell. But when I look back at those songs, I don’t think they really represent me. So it took me a second to work out that I just wanted to follow my heart. Because I have the luxury of having been in a band like One Direction. And luckily, I saw a lot of success with the band. But instead of focusing so much on numbers and chart position and radio, I thought, “I’m just going to follow my heart.” And, hopefully, it’ll be a more authentic record that way.
You made that big public statement last year, where you said you needed to stop trying for Top 40 hits and rethink “what success means to me.” Where did that come from? My only experience is being in a band the size of One Direction. So naturally, as much as you try and stay humble and realistic, that’s your experience. And that experience is based on something that isn’t real life, really. So it took me a second to be at peace with that.
You really changed gears last year, with “Two of Us.” It’s such a bold song emotionally. For obvious reasons, that is definitely one of my proudest moments to date. As a songwriter, I’ve never written a song that had as much weight and importance, from my own perspective. But then when I was chatting to friends, people would pull me aside and they’d say what that song means to them. Maybe they had lost someone recently and they’d share their story with me. And I’ve never really had that with music before, where it goes deeper than just being a love song. That carries a different kind of weight. That’s one of my proudest moments.
It was funny because around that time, for obvious reasons, I felt really redundant creatively. I was really struggling. When I look back in hindsight, it’s because I needed to get that song off my chest. Other concepts lacked significance, until I’d fit in that song.
These days, people aren’t necessarily used to hearing male songwriters open their hearts like that. My mum had a massive influence on my life, so there’s more of a female perspective there. And I do find it easy to speak about my emotions. I realized in my writing process, that was my ace to play — to lean on emotion and honesty. And talk about things that sometimes you’re not able to talk about.
How did you go from a song like that to a rocker like “Kill My Mind,” just a few months later? That was written deliberately as a statement of intent, really. I don’t want people to feel sorry for me, so I didn’t want to keep writing emotional, heavy stuff. So I thought it was a great opportunity to just completely switch it all, and really go in on my inspirations.
It has the pop-punk vibe of “No Control.” I loved something you said on Twitter a couple of years ago: “Remember if it’s by One Direction and it’s a banger I probably wrote on it.” Do you know what? It’s not often I blow my own trumpet, but I thought, “Fuck it! I’m having it. Because it’s true.” So yeah, I did enjoy that.
How’s it different doing it in your late twenties, as opposed to your early twenties? I feel like every song I write, I get better. But I tell you what, man, I am fucking conscious of my age. I’ve just turned 28 — I’m like, “Fuck me now. I’ve been doing this for 10 years.” If I do it all over again, I’ll be fucking 38, mate!
It’s an old cliche that when you go solo, you’re supposed to complain about your band and renounce them. But you haven’t done that. Well, two things. First, I absolutely fucking love the band. I’m super proud about where I’ve come from. At the end of the day, I’m from Doncaster, and the band gave me such a nice opportunity. But also, there’s a big history of that, people coming out of bands and chatting shit. I just think they just look so obvious. It’s such a desperate attempt to try and get cool points. So I don’t think it’s authentic. I fucking love the boys, and I love everything we’ve done together. And I still miss my time with them. I think any of the boys would be lying if they said otherwise. It was a special time in our lives, definitely.
In the music you’re making separately, you’ve each got your own voice. I think that’s a testament to this strength of us as a band, really, and what we all brought individually. And we do all have a different range of inspiration — that’s what made it interesting, both on a personality level and on a music level. I think we’re all making really fucking good music as well. So, yeah, it’s nice for me to turn up the radio and hear the boys with another banger.
What’s in store for your solo tour? Listen, I’m so excited — I’ve definitely had my eye on the tour. Because it’s one thing being in the studio, or a rehearsal space or TV studio or whatever. But it’s another thing literally going to see the fans, being able to look into their eyes and see what certain lyrics mean to them. And just feel the energy of the room. There’s nothing like that.
With One Direction, you always made that direct connection with the live audience. I think, to a certain degree, we were lucky in the time that we were living in. You look back to some of those Nineties boy bands, and they had to be a certain way. But we were always able to be ourselves, and I think that makes it easier for fans to connect to us. And you always want to make people feel as included as possible — everyone.
Do you have any heroes you dream about collaborating with? Obviously, I fucking love Liam Gallagher. He’s such a incredible lyricist. Most of the time when I’m playing music in the car, honestly, I’m not that diverse. I’ve just got Oasis on most of the time.
Any other music you’ve been enjoying lately? I really love fucking Catfish and the Bottlemen, which is ironic, because they chatted some shit about One Direction. Basically, I listened to the first album, and I’m like, “This is fucking amazing.” So I tweeted, saying, “I love this album.” And they tweeted back, trying to do the typical indie boy thing of trashing the fucking pop boys. I got a bit sour because they were chatting shit, trying to be clever, so I just boycotted them. But enough time has gone by, so I can listen to Catfish again. They do make fucking good music.
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
#3 with Sternclay? If you could, from Stern’s perspective? He’s one of my favorite characters and I love how you write him :)
Thanks, I love writing from his perspective! Prompt 3 was “Song” and went with SFW
Joseph Stern has more house than he knows what to do with. His father has given him this building on the coast of Virginia, no doubt in hopes of hiding his eccentric--and only remaining--son from polite society. 
But the house may as well be a cave, a country full of strangers, a vast and cold space that Stern has no idea how to fill beyond the ghosts of the past it already contains. He has no lovers, no children, and the servants, used to his father’s temperament rather than his, give him a wide berth. And so he fills it with his books, his research into the strange and unusual, politely eats the meals the elderly cook prepares even though his eyesight seems to have given him the habit of mistaking one spice for another.
He’s also taken to having a nightly constitutional along the beach. It’s stormy and grey more often than not, but it suits his mood. Usually he’s perfectly alone. But tonight he must not be, because on the wind, he hears someone singing.
While the raging seas did roar
And the stormy winds they did blow,
And we jolly sailor boys was up, up aloft
And the landlubbers lying down below, below, below,
And the landlubbers lying down below.
It’s a rich baritone, longing and sad, and Stern wanders the beach up and down twice before he gives up on finding the singer. He resigns himself to it being a one time occurrence. 
But the next night, the voice finds him again. 
As we lay musing on our bed,
So early morn at ease,
We thought upon those lodging beds
Poor sailors have at sea.
This time he follows it through the second chorus of the song. And there, in the fading grey light of evening, a man is perched on an outcropping of rocks. He has shaggy hair, and even in the poor light Stern catches sight of copper within it. His beard is messy, and he’s bare-chested, a baffling choice in this weather. 
As Stern makes his way across a nearby patch of rising tide, he loses his balance and splashes onto his knees. 
By the time he looks up, the song is over and the man is gone, though he sees no sign of him upon the beach.
The third night, Stern is ready. He finds the outcropping, hiding himself down out of view of all but one side of the shore and sea. 
Just as he’s starting to shiver and curse his poor judgement, a low, sweet humming begins. It’s the same melody, and he wants to dive into the voice, let it drown him if need be. The man hums a good portion of the song before his voice carries across the windy shore. 
I'm sorry for my mother dear,
I'm lost in the salt, salt sea.
For last night, last night, the moon shone bright,
And you know that she had sons five,
Tonight she may look in the salt, salt waves
And find but one alive, alive,
And find but one alive.
The singing ceases, and in it’s place he hears a sigh. Cautiously, he sits so that the man can see him.
“That was wonderful.”
The man starts, turns to leave and Stern, in a moment of unusual impulsiveness, grabs his arm, “Wait, please, I just wanted...to..say…” He stares at the silver and blue tail that starts at the mans waist. 
“Please let go.” The man says with the air of someone trying very hard to mask their panic with calm. 
Stern drops his arm at once. 
“I, I didn’t mean to alarm you. I’ve heard you singing the last few nights and I wanted to see who you were, I meant to show myself right away but I got caught up in the song.”
Brown eyes narrow, “Is that all you want?”
“Yes. I’ll admit I also have a multitude of questions based on this new development.” He gestures to the tail, “but-” 
A wave crests, drenching them both.
“Damn it.” He shivers. 
The merman chuckles, “yeah, that’s why all sensible humans stay off these rocks.”
“I’m plenty sensible.” Stern mutters, shivers again. The merman seems to reach for a coat that isn’t there, then sets his hands on the stones. 
“Come back at midday tomorrow if you really do want to talk.”
“Should I bring anything? Something for your trouble.?”
Calloused fingers drum on the rocks, “Cake? Or even just bread?”
“I can manage that.” He holds out his hand and the merman shakes it, then dives into the rolling sea without another word. 
��Uh, I don’t mean to be rude but where the hell did you get this bread?” The merman, who introduced himself as Barclay when they met at the edge of the waves, looks down at the chunk of bread skeptically. 
“My cook made it. I, um, am trying my hand at it as well. For perhaps obvious reasons.”
“I could teach you. Or at least tell you what to do so you could write it down.”
“How on--are there ovens underwater?”
“No” Barclay tosses the remaining bread to a waiting gull, “I remember from, well, from before.”
“You became merman rather than being born one?” He wants to press further, but the sorrow darting across Barclay’s face suggests that is unwise. 
“The ship I was one went down. I...well, I tried to save people. According to one of the few other mers I know, if someone dies at sea while trying to do a selfless act, sometimes that’s enough for them to turn into mer. Not really clear on the mechanics beyond that.”
“Glad you think so.” Barclay’s expression is turning glum, and so Stern tries a different line of conversation. 
“Are sea monsters real?”
Barclay chuckles, “Gonna ask about those instead of sunken wrecks laden with gold?”
“Those are far less interesting.”
“Kraken is real, sort of. There are some very large squid down there. Fish bigger than you can imagine, sharks too.”
“Say more.” Stern offers him the flash of tea he brought and Barclay eagerly accepts it.
“Well, some of them are harmless--are you writing this down?”
“Just for my own records. Please, keep going.”
And so pass their first few meetings, Stern electing to bring Barclay food from town after the first time, reveling in his delight at the meals. They eat and talk, Barclay eventually comfortable enough with Stern to come fully ashore. On warmer, sunny days they even lay side by side on their backs, and sometimes Barclay’s tail will brush or tap Sterns leg.
He doesn’t mind at all. 
One day, after Barclay bemoans his inability to trim his beard to his liking (“water and sharp metal aren’t friends), Stern comes down to the water with his razor, soap, hand mirror, and brush, swearing that if he can successful keep himself clean shaven in the terrible mirrors in the house, he can trim Barclay’s beard without disaster. And so Barclay lays, tail in the surf and head in Sterns lap, as the man meticulously sets about his task. 
When he’s done, Barclay sits up and looks into the hand mirror.
“That’s much better. You got some clever hands there, Joseph.” He grins and Stern tries to distract himself from the double meaning by brushing stray sand from his beard. 
This backfires harder than a mis-built canon. Barclay rests his hand atop Sterns own, rubbing his cheek against his palm with a sigh.
“You take such good care of me, Joseph. God, if I weren’t as I am, I’d take such good care of you right back.” His free hand traces the line of Stern’s cheekbone, dips down to caress his jaw. 
“You, you’ve been wonderful as well, I’ve learned so much, and it’s so nice to pass the time with you, even if you cannot follow me home or takeover the kitchen.”
“I could be even better to you, if you’d let me.”
“I will let you do whatever you want.” Stern shuts his eyes to better feel the touch of Barclay’s hands, “I will follow you like a beacon.”
The hands leave his skin. When he opens his eyes to search for the reason, Barclay’s tanned face has gone pale. 
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No, no it’s, I, just, you reminded me of something.” He pulls away from Stern, turning to face the sea. Stern doesn’t follow, although he aches to.
“Would you feel better if I left?” He asks softly. 
Barclay shakes his head, “No, but I’ll feel better, in a way, if I say this. I told you I was in a shipwreck. That much is true. I told you I was a cook before, that was true as well. But what I didn’t tell you was that I was a cook one town over, for a family who was, well, they had more than enough money but that didn’t stop them from wanting more. So once a month, at the new moon, they’d go to the cliffs by the rockiest, most dangerous part of the coastline and hold up lanterns.”
“They were wreckers.” 
A solemn nod, “When the ship was sunk, they’d go down the next morning and plunder the wreck. I never helped them, but I knew what they were doing long before I tried to stop it. Then one night, I couldn’t take it anymore. I rowed out to the target, tried to tell them not to go towards those lights.  They wouldn’t listen, held me prisoner thinking it was a trap. When she went down, just as the water covered my head, my legs twisted and changes into a tail and I could breathe beneath the waves. Making me the only man to make it off the Golden Willow alive.”
Stern gasps, covers his mouth in shock.
“The Golden Willow was the ship my brother was on when he died. A merchant, traveling with his stock.”
“I’m sorry.” Barclay’s eyes are wet, and Sterns turn that way as well as the mer dives into the sea, shame etched in his face. 
Call for boats, call for boats, my fair Plymouth boys,
Do you hear how the trumpets sound?
For the want of a long-boat in the ocean we're lost
And most of our merry men drowned.
“I don’t blame you, you know?” Stern stands in the sand, several books clutched to his chest.
Barclay doesn’t reply, but does turn to look at him. 
“And, if I’m right, you think your being a merman is as much a curse for your inaction as it is a blessing for your attempt to save the ship and her men.”
A nod, accompanied by Barclay wiping a palm beneath his eye, “God, I miss so much. I, I’m glad I’m not dead, but I miss my kitchen, I miss the markets on summer mornings, food that isn’t fish.” He flicks his tail in frustration, “I miss sleeping in featherbed, not that I ever really got to being a cook and all, I miss my friends, my little sister, everyone.” 
As he speaks, Stern hurries up the rocks to join him, guides him into his arms. He doesn’t cry, but he breathes heavily, holds tightly to the front of Stern’s coat. 
“I looked through my library, did hours of research,” he inclines his head towards the books, “I found a few supposed means of transforming a merman into a human. I have no idea what is myth or anecdote and what, if anything, will work. But if you want to be human again, I’ll help you.”
“Thank you.” Barclay whispers, and Stern continues holding him, face stinging with salt spray, and stroking the planes of his tail soothingly until the other man is ready to let go. 
Over the next several weeks, they try every potion, prayer, and process Stern was able to find, all to no avail. They’re sitting, dejected, side by side on the sand, when Stern spots one recommendation he dismissed as the stuff of fairy-tales.
“I have something to try. Um, please close your eyes, because I have a feeling I’m about to look very silly.”
Barclay obliges. Stern cups his cheeks, kisses him soundly, certain this will be the only time he gets to do so, no matter how much he longs to do it each day. 
Barclay chuckles, eyes still shut, “Was that really a suggestion, or just an excuse to-”
Then he groans, head falling forward to rest on Stern’s shoulder, his whole body convulsing. Stern watches in awe as his tail slowly shimmers and dissolves, leaving feet and legs in it’s place. 
“Really? Really? That was the solution?” Stern giggles, “of all the nonsense I read, I didn’t think ‘kiss of a lover true’ was worth a second look.”
“Kiss of what now?” Barclay shakes his head to clear it with a woozy, yet knowing, smile. 
“I, um, I-” Stern blushes, both from his admission and from spying that Barclay is now completely naked. 
“Joseph” Barclay kisses his cheek and he melts into the sand, “you think that after all that talk of wanting to treat you well, I wouldn’t want you kissing me?”
“I didn’t want to presume.”
“You can presume whatever you want. Fuck, Joseph, I’m in love with you and you just gave me the one thing I thought I’d lost, you could ask anything and I’ll give it.” 
“In that case, would you come home with me? Though we may want to get you some clothes first.”
“What? Not enjoying the view?” He rolls onto his back, and Stern gets a full glimpse of just how good a view it is before shielding his eyes.
“I didn’t say that.” He smiles, laughs when Barclays beard tickles his throat and his teeth nip his ear, “but I think it would be enjoyed even more in my nice, feather bed. Don’t you?”
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Sing Once Again With Me: Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again (The Witcher; A Phantom of the Opera AU)
A/N: This was tricky. I made it tricky for myself by changing who/what our beloved protagonist thought the Phantom was at the start. But that’s okay. Word Count: 1879 Content Warning: Angst, violence Taglist: @ficsandcatsandficsandcats @joz-stankovich @sennextheassasinkingoflight Previous Chapter: Madame Giry’s Tale Cross-posted to AO3: here
As soon as he was released from the prison, ostensibly into Yennefer’s custody, Geralt’s first instinct was to go and check on Jaskier.
“He’ll be asleep,” Yennefer cautioned. “Let him rest, and get some rest yourself. See him in the morning.”
Geralt shook his head. “I need to see him now. I…don’t intend to leave his side until this is solved.”
She studied him for a moment and then sighed. “I can let you into the dormitory hall, but the rooms are shared by a half-dozen performers each. Who will raise an alarm and wreak havoc if you disturb them unexpectedly. There is a small alcove not far from the door to his room, if you really insist on it, you can rest there.”
He took her hand in his and squeezed it affectionately. “Thank you Yennefer. For everything you’ve done and are doing.”
She rolled her eyes. “You fall for the bard and suddenly you’ve gone all soft on me.”
Geralt dozed fitfully, propped in the little space Yennefer had directed him toward. Jaskier knew that the witcher was waiting there for him, and that if he asked it, he would go with him happily. But unfortunately, that was the problem. He loved Geralt and knew that the other man was only trying to look out for him, but since everything began, he had felt suffocated, strangled by the concern on the faces of those closest and contempt on everyone else’s. He needed space. He needed a moment alone. He needed to think.
He pulled his cloak tightly around him as he slipped past his sleeping guardian in the pre-dawn light, trusting his familiarity with the music hall to guide him where light could not.
He had only meant to take a short walk, let the crisp morning air clear his mind, but some impulse or instinct carried him out past the city walls to the cemetery with its hundreds of quiet, unremarkable dead.
“I wonder,” he breathed, words misting in the air before him as he leaned against a low stone wall separating the graves into years, “are any of you the ghost that haunts me now?”
He stood there for a long while, thoughts tumbling over each other. Was this spirit indeed, as he had once hoped, the one his grandfather spoke of? Why then had it turned cruel? And why was wearing a mangled version of the face of his first love? (Well, calling Valdo his first or love were perhaps being overdramatic, but there had been something unique and special about their relationship when they had been young and foolish boys at school, something neither of them had ever cared to categorize.) And if it wasn’t the spirit, what was it? What did it want from him?
He felt tears stinging at his eyes as he began to wander again, the wind biting at him through the layers he’d put on. As a younger man he might have loved this whole ordeal, the drama and the twisted desire, the waring feelings within him for the monster and the hunter, every element a piece of the perfect story, a ballad of epic proportions, one for the ages and the history books. But now, he just wanted peace.
A monument caught his eye and called to him, a hooded figure playing the violin, carved so lifelike that he could almost hear the aching notes.
Valdo Marx A True Artist Never Dies May His Song Be Everlasting In Our Hearts
Jaskier drew in a sharp breath as numb, gloved fingers reached out to trace the letters of the inscription on the plinth.
He had wondered, when he came to the city where he knew Valdo had been a frequent performer, why they had never run into each other, but thought that perhaps it was just a matter of timing or of Valdo having found somewhere better to be, after all they were quite far from Cidaris, whence he drew his fame. As it had gone on, it had become no more than a passing curiosity. It was better that they never met, what with being rivals. But still, he had never imagined nor wished the man dead (the incident with the djinn far from his mind at that moment).
“I don’t understand,” he muttered, as if the hardened stone could give him answers. “How can he be dead? Unless…”
He took a step back and planted his hands on his hips in an attempt to look imperious, drawing on what memories he had of learning to be a proper noble from his father.
“I don’t know if this is how any of this works, but I hope that you can hear me. If you’re really dead and haunting me then say so. Tell me plainly.”
Silence reigned over the cemetery, so complete that Jaskier thought he could hear the snowflakes that now fell from the sky as they settled on the stones and ground around him.
“No I suppose I didn’t expect that would work,” he said after a while, shrugging. “Well, it was worth a try.”
Still, he could not peel himself away from the beautifully carved marker. He sat heavily, regardless of the cold and wet and cast his eyes upward, as if hoping to find some face beneath the player’s hood. Instead he found only shadow.
“That doesn’t seem right for you, you know,” he said, gesturing vaguely at the statue. “You were never the mysterious hooded-figure type, and of all the instruments you played the violin was your worst. Course, trumpeting angels wouldn’t be right either. Too nice, too clean for you.”
He ran a hand through his hair, briefly wondering if criticizing a dead man’s grave to the air when his ghost might or might not be haunting him was a good idea, but decided that it probably didn’t matter. What could it do, make Valdo haunt him more?
“Can’t fault them completely I guess. They were trying their best. You were…impossible to capture in a single thing. There was just too much of you, and too contradictory, for that.”
He fell silent, leaning back and closing his eyes, as he had against the man himself when the two worked on lyrics together (when they weren’t competing fiercely), in the rare moments of peace between them, under the trees at Oxenfurt.
“How did you die I wonder? Did you have to suffer? Were you alone? Gods I hope you weren’t alone. You hated silences and being left completely to your own thoughts. It wouldn’t have been fair.”
He was crying now, the tears freezing to his face painfully while he continued to ramble.
“I do miss you sometimes. More so since I settled than when I was travelling, but I think that’s because I could convince myself we’d only just narrowly passed each other and might cross paths again.”
He sighed.
“I didn’t want to reunite or rekindle the…passion between us. But you were my first friend you know, the first person who saw me as Jaskier, or as a musician. I loved that you considered me an artistic rival and the way we fought. It was the first time I didn’t think someone only saw the Viscount de Lettenhove.”
Suddenly, he stiffened. The wind carried the sound of his name, whispered, coaxing, to his ears. He stood, dusting off the seat of his pants, and waited. When he heard it again, he tried to follow, wending further from the gates, toward the decrepit and tumbling mausoleums that stood, long forgotten, near the walls.
One of the sets of great, iron doors stood open. An eerie, reddish light glowed from within as Jaskier climbed, entranced.
“Who are you that calls to me?” he asked, voice whispering and awed.
“Have you forgotten your Angel of Music?” the answer was soft, almost hurt. “You know who I am. Come to me, my sweet.”
Jaskier nodded, his steps drawing him nearer. “I tried to deny you. I turned from you. I still feel like I should be fighting against this pull…”
The response was hypnotic, sonorous, perfectly cadenced to fit into Jaskier’s mind. “But you know, in your soul, you can feel it, we are two halves. You cannot resist, do not want to resist. Come to me, come to the Angel of Music.”
He was nearly at the doors when another voice cut through his mind, breaking the hold over him that the spirit seemed to possess.
“Jaskier!” Geralt called, thundering up on Roach. “Stop!” He dismounted before the horse had fully ceased her movements, drawing his silver sword as he ran to the bard’s side.
“Geralt!” the cry was startled, but pleased, a thundering terror suddenly sweeping over Jaskier and threatening to drive him to his knees.
“Whatever you think, whatever’s going on, this thing means to harm you.”
With a snarl, Valdo leapt at the witcher, diving out from behind one of the mausoleum’s statuary in a flurry of black cloak and the flash of steel as his own sword struck out.
Geralt dodged, barely, and the pair locked into combat. The clash of blades shattered the stillness of the morning, their ever-moving feet stirring up the mud and slush, sliding to keep their balance. Jaskier cowered, pressed to the banister of the stair, struck numb with fear and the confusion of it being for both men.
More than once the Phantom tried to blind or distract Geralt with a swirl of his cape, and at least twice his aggressive movements had seen the witcher tumble to the ground. Still, strength for strength and blow for blow it was an even match, and as they moved, Jaskier followed, wide-eyed and open mouthed in horror.
The Phantom punched Geralt, who stumbled back with the sickening crunch of his nose breaking. When he recovered footing and sight, the ghost was gone, only to reappear moments later from around a statue, striking at him from the back. Geralt barely dodged, feeling the blade slice into his shoulder, and shouted.
Rather than slowing him though, this seemed merely to light a greater fire within the witcher and he lunged, startling the Phantom, who stumbled down a short set of steps. Using the height, plus his own natural size, Geralt pressed the advantage against the lither opponent. Knocking his sword away, he swung back, ready to behead the other man and see the whole thing end.
“Geralt, no!” Jaskier called out, rushing to his side. “Please, not…not in a cemetery, not like this.”
Geralt stepped back, panting heavily, and turned to the bard in confusion. Jaskier’s eyes were wide and pleading, the blue shining with tears and fear and pain. He gritted his teeth, turning back to the creature on the ground, fury pounding in his blood. And then he sheathed his sword.
He swung himself onto Roach’s back and reached down to pull Jaskier gently up behind him.
“Let’s go,” he growled, taking off at a hard canter.
Jaskier wrapped his arms tightly around Geralt’s waist, casting a last glance back at the Phantom, who was now standing and watching them go, the tension in him obvious even from the growing distance, before pressing his face between Geralt’s shoulder blades with a soft sob.
19 notes · View notes
queensdivas · 5 years
Jazz and Crabs (Modern Roger Taylor)
Okay I know that title is weird..but it’ll make sense as you read on!  @leah-halliwell92​ for the request. An interesting one to write about but it turned out to be more fun than I thought it would. A very wild rollercoaster this one! Hope you enjoy! 
If you would like to be tagged please let me know and I will tag ya. Wanna request something? Go for it!
Warnings: Theres smut..there’s fluff..there’s some swearing..and a whole lot of jazz. 
wordcount: 3k..there’s a lot. 
@mexifangorl​ @i-live-for-queen​ @its-funny-til-its-not​ @brianmydear​ @bonafiderocketqueen​ @endlesslydead​ @teathymewithben​
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I was born to love..with every single beat of my heart...yes I..was born..to take care of you..every single day of my life!
A large gust of wind began flapping around the curtains in the bedroom as my hand rubbed his chest. A little smile formed on my face with my eyes blinking a little bit to adjust to the sunlight that was coming in and out because of the flying curtains. Moving myself a little closer to leave a soft kiss on his cheek to then get up and sit on the edge of the bed. God I really want some orange juice. 
Grabbing my robe from the floor to walk into the small kitchen that was in our hotel room, hoping to find some sort of orange juice. Opening the fridge to see a glass bottle of juice looking so damn beautiful! Pouring myself a glass as Roger was still sound asleep in bed. Looking very peaceful as I tried to stay quiet so he wouldn’t wake up. But I would love to stand on the balcony and watch the city hustle and bustle. 
Sneaking through the curtains as I walked out to the balcony and leaning against the railing. It really was how he described it over the phone and a little bit of last night. It’s already eight o’clock and music is already playing. No wonder the boys love coming here when they would tour America. 
“Unreal isn’t it?” He came out in his shorts and Hawaiian shirt to hold me from behind. 
“God this is amazing. Why don’t we come here more often?” My hips were swaying to the clarinet solo that was blasting from the street below. Finishing my glass of orange juice as I spun around to put my arms around his neck as he joined me in my swaying. 
“It’s been a while since you and I have done something like this baby.” His lips placed a soft kiss on my forehead as I held him closer to me. 
“I know. I’m glad I took time off for the rest of your tour.” He stopped swaying as his face was filled with absolute joy. Giggling as we started swaying again as the music was getting more raunchy. 
“God I love you.” Cupping my face to give me one of those old Hollywood kisses. Ya know when the male would just suck the soul out of the women. Stopping for a moment to grab my hand so I could do a little twirl in front of him. Once I finished my twirl, I lifted my left thigh up to his side for a few giggles. His hand grabbed my thigh to then give it a small squeeze. Who knew that Orleans would make me super horny! 
Putting my leg down to begin leading him back into the bedroom slowly to give him a little morning show. Knowing what I had planned for him. He sat down on the edge of the bed with his hands sitting on his knees. My fingers lightly holding onto the ribbon that was keeping my robe enclosed to start pulling it. Hips moving closer till the ribbon was undone for it to be barely opened right down the middle. 
My arms moved above my head to start making their way down, slowly to make him anticipate what was coming for him. Turning around as I let the robe fall down to the floor so my back and red undies would be exposed. I could sense he was getting tensed by the way his breathing was changing from soft to almost growling. 
The next song began playing as the clarinet was really getting into the song which was getting me all worked up. Spinning back to him as I got closer to him for his hands to grab my waist. 
“Dance for me baby.” He growled as he turned me around so I could shake my groove thing before him. Keeping in time with the clarinet as I sat on his lap to grind against his member. 
“Fuck..” He growled as I turned myself to sit on his lap to then spin my head for my hair to go all over the place. My hips grinding on his member as he made a loud smack on my ass. 
“Someone is eager.” Whispering in his ear to then bite his ear. He wrapped himself around me to began leaving kisses all over my neck. Still grinding as his member was getting harder underneath each movement. 
“Fuck me.” Moving my head so I could kiss him roughly. My lips attaching to his as he slipped his tongue inside my mouth. Foreplay isn’t even needed because we were wild animals! 
I had to get off his lap for a moment so he could pull down his shorts as I moved my underwear to the side. He stroked it for a few seconds as I sunk myself down onto him. My eyes rolling to the back of my head as it felt so damn heavenly since it’s been so damn long. 
People always said that jazz drives people mad, but just wasn’t expecting it to give me the greatest sex I’ve ever had. His nails began digging down my back as he kept thrusting inside of me. His walls stretching me as I was grinding into each thrust so we could really be in sync. 
I ripped his Hawaiian shirt open for my nails to dig into his chest, claiming him to be mine. He’s my sex God! He fell back onto the bed as I kept grinding on his cock with each thrust becoming harder against him. 
“God..yes..baby..” He smacked my ass again with my nails still digging into his chest. He gripped my breast giving them a nice squeeze as I felt him getting closer to the edge. As was I. 
“You ready for me Roger?” Giggling as I kept going for him. Butterflies were dancing in my stomach as he began moving at a faster pace to then hit my holy spot. Double time was it as I fell down on top of him for our lips to meet again for sloppy wet kisses for each other. 
The clarinet began its twill as fast as it could, the trombone blowing its sweet low blues, as the trumpet to play its highest note to cover up the screams of becoming one together. The crowd cheered as we were entangled together trying to catch our breaths from the most sexiest and quickest sex we’ve ever had in our lives. Even our honeymoon in New Zealand was nothing like this! 
“Breakfast.” Someone yelled from the hallway as I climbed off of him to grab my robe from the floor. He quickly climbed under the covers as I tied my robe so I wouldn’t be naked in front of the staff. Looking back to see Roger under the covers giving me the go. 
“Breakfast mam.” The lady smiled as I grabbed the tray from her then closing the door behind me. 
“Never seen you spring so fast.” He sat up in bed as I brought over the tray to the bed. Climbing into the bed to then remove the top for a delicious tray of chicken and waffles steaming. He always said New Orleans had the best chicken and waffles, God they look absolutely delicious. 
We downed breakfast while we figured out our plans for the day. Brian wanted to take a photo with him on the street corner, then a big lunch with Adam and his boyfriend at some seafood restaurant. I want this day to be all about him having a wonderful time. I mean it already started with the best sex which is absolutely perfect. 
Finishing breakfast as we got dressed for the humid Louisiana weather. So my thin pink maxi dress that had an opening in front to expose my leg for Rogers pleasure. Slipping on my sandals to see Roger in his punk jeans and his black button up. My punk even wearing all black in this heat. God I love him so. 
First time in New Orleans with Rogger so far has been an absolute blast! He showed me all the hot spots where they previously partied, and where apparently Brian got so drunk he tried riding a bicycle down the street. Now according to Roger, Freddie loved New Orleans with it’s own culture outside of the rest of America.
Walking into one of the bars to see Adam and his boyfriend sitting at the bar waiting for us. He kept a tight grip on my hand as we walked up to them at the bar. Adam turned around still drinking his drink for his eyes to widen. 
“MATT! YOU MADE IT!” He smiled as we hugged a little bit. 
“I know finally! So whose this man?” 
“Matt this is my boyfriend Javi. Javi this is Rogers wife Matilda. But we all call her Matt.” Javi put his drink down to then hold his hand out to me. 
“Lovely to meet ya.��� Shaking his hand as Adam ordered Roger and I two fish bowls.
“So shall we get exploring? I’ve never been here before so not sure exactly what there is to do.” Asking them as Adam handed me my fish bowl. Taking the little Hawaiian umbrella out to place it behind my ear. 
“A little bar hopping then to Jackson Square, to lunch at this backwood seafood place I was told about. Then to get ready for the show.” Adam told us as I nodded to start drinking my fish bowl. Wait where’s Brian?
“Brian not joining us today?” Asking as Roger looked at his phone to see a text from Brian. 
“Says he'll join us for lunch since he’s picking up Anita from the airport.” Nodding as I leaned my head against his shoulder. Though he was emitting off heat like a radiator but it felt wonderful to finally be with him again. 
The four of us began our adventure running around New Orleans. Down all the streets to listen to the street bands, watching the dancers, and occasionally stopping at bars along the way to refill on our fish bowls. We made it to the corner of Royal and Toulouse. He got quiet as he walked over to the light post and took a big drink from the bowl. 
“He said. What an odd name to name a street. I love it.” Roger said as I walked towards him to kiss his cheek. 
“He almost named a cat Toulouse. But heard the name Miko and thought it was better.” 
“Toulouse the cat. I like it.” Holding his hand as he wrapped his free hand around me. Every once in awhile he goes silent with his own thoughts. Whether it be in the mornings when he stands in front of Freddie’s statue in the backyard. Or whenever we're running around London to see one of the small music halls they played at in the beginning of their band's history. The best way to handle it is just to let him hold me or just hold his hand. It’s a very touchy subject obviously. 
“Alright. Adam where’s this seafood place.” He brings himself back every time. What a trooper. 
“It’s down two blocks. Brian says he’s already there with a table.” Adam and Javi began walking off as Roger took one last look at the street pole. 
“Don’t worry. Were coming back anyhow for pictures. Brian has something funny for his instagram I think.” He nodded as we began walking down the street. My thumb was rubbing his hand to hopefully bring some sort of comfort. 
“Matt. Thank you.” We stopped walking then moved over next to the entrance of the restaurant. 
“For what? I haven’t really done much.” 
“No you have. You’ve done more than you can ever imagine. Not quite sure where I would…” Interrupting him with a quick peck then giving him a tight hug. 
“It’s my absolute pleasure. I love you. Now let's chow down because my hangry stage is coming in at any time now.” He laughed as we walked into the restaurant to see everyone sitting around a large table. 
“Matt. Lovely to see ya!” Brian got up from the table to walk over to give me his famous bear hugs. 
“As well Brian. Also lovely to see you Anita.” She smiled as the three of us sat down then saw that food was already being brought to our table.
“Ordered a little early so we could chow down.” Brian told us as a large bucket full of crabs were placed right in front of Roger and I. He became stiff to then look away from the bucket. 
“Roger?” He kept his eyes away as the side dishes were being brought to us. 
“Roger..do you not like crabs?” 
“What animal needs that many legs!” He commented as I looked at the crabs. Is..is he scared of crabs? I know he’s scared of spiders because I have to kill them whenever they find their way into the house. But crabs? Really? Smirking as I grabbed one from the bucket. He pushed the bucket away from him towards me which gave me the answer. 
“Don’t tell me you’re afraid of something that’s been boiled alive?” Holding it up to him as he moved his chair away from me. 
“Roger it’s not going to bite. Maybe snip but not bite.” Adam grabbed a crab from his bucket to hold it up to Roger. 
“Is it the little eyes that scare you?” He grabbed its leg to wave it at Roger who turned away back over to me. 
“Or is it the clamps? Are you afraid of clamps? No! You’re afraid of nipple clamps!” Moving the clamps as he crossed his arms. 
“Roger..all I want you to do is eat me. I didn’t ask for ten legs.” Adam mimicked the crabs voice as he scooted his chair back away from the table. 
“Okay I’m done.” Lying as I put the crab down on my plate as he moved back to the table to grab the large bowl of gumbo. As soon as he’s done grabbing his fill of gumbo. Mr. Crabs will strike! He passed the bowl over to Adam to start a conversation, holding the crab up close to his face. 
“Hey Roger look at this.” Telling him as he turned towards me. 
“HOLY HELL!” He almost fell out of his chair as we all had a good laugh. 
“WHAT FUCKING CREATURE NEEDS THAT MANY LEGS!” He yelled as the entire table was laughing. He was getting a little angry as I put the crab back into the bucket. The waiter placed down a large bowl of gumbo for him since I’m assuming Brian knew his fear of crabs. 
“We wouldn’t mess with you if we didn’t love you Roger.” Kissing his cheek as we started to chow down on lunch. Every once in a while we would hold hands under the table. We’ve been married for a few years but still act like a young couple in love and it feels wonderful. 
*Later that day*
Roger and Brian posed next to the pole as I began taking the pictures. Brian looked happy while Roger was pulling off his regular photo face...smirking little devil. They began talking amongst themselves as I handed Anita Brians phone. 
“Matt you’ve done wonders with Roger.” Anita blurted out as I looked over at her as she was nodding. 
“I know you’ve only been married for a few years. But he hasn’t been this happy since Freddie. You’ve brought life back into his life..such as Adam has as well. Both of you have done wonders to them. So thank you.” For most of my life being with Roger. I always got this feeling that Anita didn’t like me and had no interest in me. But boy was I wrong. 
“Thank you Anita. Thought you didn’t like me or something.” 
“Oh no I enjoy you.” Percolatin Blues was beginning to play a few yards away from us as Brian walked towards Anita to swing her away from me. Roger walked over and held his hand out to me. Taking it as we walked over to the rest of the dancing crowd. 
Swaying back and forth as we kept perfect eye contact with each other the entire time. Our fingers entwining for another light squeeze with each other. Guess sometimes we need to make sure this wasn’t some sort of dream. 
“What did Anita say?” He asked as I placed my head on his shoulder. 
“Oh nothin’. Just a little catch up.” Come to think of it. Have I really done that much? I know I can be a little clueless sometimes but..did I really do that much for him? 
“Roger..do I really make you happy?” He looked down at me with his eyebrow raised at me. 
“What a silly question Matilda. Would I be married to you if you didn’t make me happy?” Thinking back to Dom since they got married basically for their kids. 
“Just..wouldn’t..don’t..just sometimes it feels like..I just haven’t done anything for you..that I’m just here to be..
“Listen to me my love. Do you think I would be touring again if it weren’t for you? Yes Adam helped but who pushed me to get back into doing what I love? Your kindness..that heart of yours is what got me through some very difficult times. Waking up next to you each morning or either seeing you with the sun making you shine makes..makes my heart stop. When you accepted my children into your life even though you’re not..ya know. I finally found the one I was meant to be with and it took me forever..but I caught ya. Even if you make fun of me for being afraid of crabs. Not the point. Matilda..you’re more whole world now..and I wouldn’t trade it for anything..almost anything. I love you. You make me so happy with your witty humor, your kindness towards the world, my children, and even the way you bring lunch to me when I’m in the studio. You’re my entire world now..” One more kiss on his lips as I laid my head against his shoulder then grabbed his hand hold next to me. No more words were spoken during the music because no more were needed. Life is perfect with my punk man who makes my heart sore every day. 
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primitivejunketer · 4 years
I Want To Tell You- A George Harrison FanFiction
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Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3
Chapter 4- It’s Been A Long Long Time
Fic Summary: George and Rosemarie have been next door neighbors their entire lives. As they grow older, feelings grow stronger. Will they fall in love or fall apart? angst/fluff/slow burn
Chapter Summary: Cuteness! George and Rose face conflict in their school years and feelings begin to erupt.
Word Count: 1818
Rating: T
Warnings: explicit language
Note from the author: This is the chapter that really got me excited for this fic, I hope everyone enjoys!
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Listen while you read xx
February 9, 1954
George laid on his bed, listening to the classical Indian music his mother was playing on the record player downstairs. 
A knock came from the already opened door, "Can I come in mate?" His older brother, Peter, asked. 
"You alright?" Peter asked. 
"I just don't wanna go. I don't see why it matters anyway." George answered stoutly. 
"We all went, it's like a right of passage. It's traditional." 
"It's stupid, Rose is staying at public school and I'm sure she'll be just fine." George scoffed, jealous of his best friend. 
"G, will you at least try not to be so bitter about it? Mum and dad just want what's best for you, and I'm sure you'll get on in no time," he said. 
"I guess." George sighed, picking up the guitar. 
"Chin up, mate." Pete said, patting George on the shoulder before leaving his room.
June 11, 1954
"So, your birthday is next week, anything special you want?" George asked with a grin. 
"You already know what I want." Rose snarked back. 
The two met at the park near their house for some peace and quiet. Lately this seemed to be a weekly affair to blow off steam when their families became too much. 
"Rosie, something I can actually give you." George pleaded. 
"You can actually give me this!" Rose mocked. 
"You know I can't." 
"I just don't know what I'm gonna do without you." Rosemarie sighed. 
George opened his arms for a hug, just as Rose leaned into the embrace they heard a voice from behind. 
"Awww, saying bye to your boyfriend, Rosie Posie?" A boy from their school, Fred, that had tormented the two for years arrived with two other boys. 
"Grow up, Fredrick." Rose said, annoyed. 
"I mean, it's obvious, match made in hell for two freaks." Another boy from the group teased. 
"Hey boys, why don't you fuck off and give me a minute with my girl." George spat, his arm still wrapped around Rose. 
This was the first time George had ever referred to Rose in a romantic manner. She could feel the color coming to her cheeks. 
"Come on George, lets just go." Rose attempted to walk away to avoid further confrontation, but was stopped by Fred's voice, "yeah you should, slag." 
Rose turned with her hand raised, but George beat her to it. 
"You bastard!" He shouted, landing a blow on Fred's cheek. The two began to brawl. As the other boys jumped in, Rose fought, too. She kicked and bit and even pulled hair. 
"You bloody wanker don't hurt him!" She screamed. 
To their demise, a nearby police office saw the fight.
He separated the children and attempted some poor form of conflict resolution. 
"Get on out of here or I'll get your parents involved, aye!" The police officer shooed the kids away, the two opposing forces in opposite directions.
The boys ran from the park the moment they were free, but George and Rose lingered. 
"What's on with you two then?" The officer prodded. 
"Nothin sir, we were just sitting in the park." George answered. 
Rose stayed silent. She watched her shoes, occasionally peeking up and George's bruised face and messy hair from the corner of her eye.
Why would he tell them I was his girl? Thoughts raced through her mind as she avoided confrontation with the officer-and George. 
The two were released and began their journey home. 
"We really told those tossers, huh Rosie?" George scoffed, kicking a pebble into the street.
"Yeh, told 'em," Rose muttered, still looking down. Her eyes shot to George, just for a quick glance to try and read him. 
George stopped in the center of the pavement. Rose stopped and turned around to face him, "You coming?" She asked. 
His thick brows furrowed in the middle of his forehead. Rose's eyes met his, but she focused on every part of his face. The red and purple bruise on his right cheekbone, his warm brown eyes staring into hers, the little gash on his lip, already scabbed over. The two sat frozen, staring at one another. 
"Rose? Rosemarie? Hello?" George waved his hand in front of Rose's face, snapping her out of the daze she was in. 
"Huh?" Her eyes met George's again, this time she felt a warm feeling in her stomach. Something she never felt before. 
George laughed at the girl, assuming she was out of it from the fight, "Let's go, Winthrop." George laughed, linking his arm with hers. 
Rose's heart skipped a beat simply at the soft touch upon her arm.
George mindlessly trotted along the pavement, Rosie on his arm. 
"Hey, George?" Rose cleared her throat. 
"Yes, love?" George responded. 
She was struck with the feeling again as the word "love" left his lips. He's called her that before, but it was different this time. 
"Why'd you tell Freddy and the others that I was your girl?" She couldn't meet his eyes as she asked the question, afraid of the answer. 
George laughed, "y'know how they are, Rosie," he nudged her arm, "those buggers have bothered us for years, I was just playing into their game, wanted one last brawl with the boys." 
"Oh, yeah." Rose mustered up a fake laugh. She thought George might have meant it. Maybe he did like her. Maybe it was more than this. 
"You did great, by the way." He smiled, squeezing Rose's arm that was still interlocked with his. 
"Ah, it's nothin' really, you got the worst," She laughed, motioning at the bruises on the boy's face. 
The two walked through town, arms linked together until they reached a record store. "Wanna go in?" George asked Rose. She nodded excitedly. 
The two browsed through albums and singles, pointing out occasionally pieces they liked. After a while, the two were separated and just looked in silence, fixed on every piece of music they touched. 
Rose ran her fingers over the thick card stock outlining the vinyls inside. Her small fingers traced over a particular section until she found the one she was looking for. She gasped, "George come here!" She called across the shop. 
He made his way over to her at the turntable where she gently placed the needle into the groove of the record. 
Rose jittered with excitement as the soft trumpet echoed throughout the shop. She held her hand over her heart and sighed, gently swaying back and forth. 
George sat, confused, watching the girl dance alone. 
"It's my parents' song." She smiled at him, putting her hand out for him to dance. 
He took her hand and the two goofily spun around the store, Rose singing along to the lyrics of the song. 
"You'll never know how many dreams I've dreamed about you," she hummed, hands interlocked with George's dancing in a swing style that didn't at all go with the song. Lost in their own world, it's almost as if she was singing directly to George, "or just how empty they all seemed without you." The boy smiled at her and his eyes met hers. 
He studied her face, the pink scrape on her chin, dirt lightly smudged across her nose. The world slowed down and he watched her dance in slow motion. A light fluttering filled his stomach, something he'd only felt once before. The moment he called Rosemarie his girl. 
The duo was lost in their own world of George and Rosemarie. No one else existed to them. They danced, George spun Rose and then CRASH. 
The young girl fell over a stack of records, sending attention to the two children. 
The shop owner stomped over, faced by two children covered in dirt and bruises. A scowl grew on his face as a thin, bony finger rose and pointed at the door. 
George and Rose scrambled themselves together and ran outside, running for a few blocks before stopping. 
They finally turned a corner and stopped to catch a breath. They giggled together, falling onto the ground. 
"What just happened?!" Rose laughed, still out of breath. 
"We've just got a knack for trouble today," George giggled back. 
They continued their walk home, talking and laughing, arms linked together. 
They went to the Harrison's first. Being that George is the youngest child, his parents were less likely to get too worried over the fight incident. 
But that didn't change the fact that a mother will be a mother. "What happened to you two?!" Louise almost shrieked, cupping the children's faces in her hands. 
"We got in a fight, mum." George grinned up at his mother. 
"Please don't tell my mother." Rose whispered in fear of her poor mother finding out she fought with boys. 
"I'm sorry, darling, but I won't hide this from your mum." Louise dug in the cabinets for the first aid kit with one hand and grabbed the phone from the wall with the other. Within minutes of the phone call ending, Amelia and Thomas were already at the door. 
"Ugh! I'm fine mum!" Rose groaned as her mother held her face, examining every inch.
"Oh you could have been so hurt," she cried, holding her daughter's head to her breast. 
"Mum!" Rose groaned. 
"Who did this? Why'd they do this?!" Amelia asked assertively, holding Rose's shoulders. 
"Mum, it's fine. It was just some boys from school." Rose sighed and made a wide eyed face at George which he returned with a grin. 
"Louise, we should speak to their mothers, what are their names?" Amelia asked the children. 
"Oh, no ma'am, it's alright," George started, "I handled it already." He stood up and poked out his chest, trying to make himself look strong and taller. 
"Excuse me, we handled it!" Rose replies with sass. 
Amelia and Louise eyed one another knowingly. 
Louise walked into the kitchen and flashed Amelia a look to follow her, they left the children alone in the dining room. 
"What happened between then today?" Louise asked in a hushed voice. 
"I've no idea but our dreams are coming true!" Amelia stifled a laugh. 
"They've always been each other's everything, but I don't know," she paused and watched the children for a moment, "something changed today." 
"Mother's intuition, I'll tell you, I'm sure Thomas and Harold can't even tell," Amelia scoffed. 
Louise watched their husbands in the living room, "Harold, no. But Thomas, he sees everything little Rosemarie does. He knows." 
"Oh lord I know, I wonder if he's the favorite parent sometimes, they're just so close you know." Amelia smiled lovingly at her husband, he caught her stare from across the room and shot her a wink. 
"You two are adorable." Louise commented. 
Amelia laughed, "We've been through a lot together, Rose too. She deserves George, I know he'll give her the world." 
Louise sighed and hugged Amelia, "She's an amazing girl, I can't wait to be her mother-in-law." The two laughed as they embraced.
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queenarticlearchive · 5 years
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Sophisticratic rock - Genevieve Hall gets a dressing down from Queen
Record Mirror
March 30, 1974
Genevieve Hall
Fire and brimstone, the gnashing of teeth and all of hell’s fury, is nothing compared to the anger and wrath of Queen.
It was the first journalist they’d encountered after having had their new album Queen II slagged off unmercifully in most of the music papers. Plus the fact that one particular journal had analytically delved into the depths of hype using Queen and Merlin as their prime examples.
So was it any wonder that all their embittered feelings of outrage, hurt, anger and frustration poured out like hot lava from an erupted volcano?
Lead guitarist Brian May picked up the paper and waves it under my nose. “This article is the biggest load of rubbish I’ve ever read in my life”, he declares vindictively.
“Look, there are people going to read this article - some of them won’t have heard of Merlin and some of them won’t know us. The headline screams out commercial pop. They’ve printed a very old picture of us, which we hate, looking extremely poppy, and underneath it is the word HYPE. The whole article says in a suggestive way that Queen are a hype.”
“To be honest it looks to us like a put-up job. They say we’re a put-up job. I say that’s a put-up job, and the reasons are that this paper completely ignored us all the time we were going around on the road building up a following. We draw about a minimum of a thousand people a night for the last God knows how many months and they all know where we’re at.
“This paper completely ignored us and so now that we’ve got to the position where our records are taking off and we’re in the public eye. Now we’ve got to that position without the help of the music papers, they can’t really admit that we’re good, they have to suggest we’re a hype or something.”
Is that how you really see it? I asked.
“That’s exactly how we think it is,” joined in their drummer Roger Taylor. “Supported by the fact that they’ve compared us to a totally new band who we’ve never even heard of. We don’t want to say anything against them, but, apparently they’re just a straight pop band. Whereas we’ve been playing and working up to this for years. Christ, I’m 24, Brian’s 25, Freddie is 27, John’s a bit younger 23. Plus the fact that we’re all intelligent enough not to want to be put across in that way. We want to put out music first.”
Is it coming first? I asked, we appear to be getting a giant-sized image with the music running a close second.
“That’s only ‘cos we want to put our music across in the most striking and entertaining way. We want to make an impact. Surely that’s what it’s all about - entertaining.
“And that’s another thing,” he continues, “They’ve given the impression that someone’s said to us, ‘here’s a load of money boys, go down to Carnaby Street and get yourselves some clothes.
“Freddie and I used to sell old clothes. In fact Freddie used to design and MAKE our stage costumes. We’ve always taken care to make sure that our clothes are just right and look good. Perhaps they’d prefer it if we went on in dirty jeans, but we don’t really think the public want to look at that. I think they’d rather see something that looks good.”
Their lead vocalist Freddie Mercury (the aristocratic one) reads aloud with indignation the parody of a hype lead singer, and comes to a part where it says that hype bands employ writers to pen their instant hit singles.
“Now how the hell do they think we fall into that category? They haven’t done any homework. They’ve even called John our bassist our drummer. They haven’t even bothered to find out what we’re really about.
“Everyone seems to object if you’re playing what you think is serious and the kids buy it, they can’t understand it.
“Well we’ve definitely had no Chinn and Chapman behind us,” Roger bursts out, “every song we’ve do is planned by us, including our album sleeves” (note the famous Queen crest designed by Freddie).
“We even have control on which tracks we want released. In fact out of all the bands, I think we’re the most uncontrolled.”
“Exactly,” says Freddie, “That’s why this article is a complete farce and nowhere near the truth.”
OK - so how come they’re able to obtain this uncontrolled freedom? It was Brian who answered. “Because the record companies desperately wanted us in the beginning. I know it sounds like blowing our own trumpet, but it’s true. We made demo tapes and everyone thought they were good and wanted us. They realised they were in competition with each other. So in the end we were able to settle for a deal which enabled us to dictate a bit.”
You can’t deny that you’ve been getting preferential treatment over a lot of equally good bands, I said glancing around at their specially provided de-luxe van, which had been given to them at the beginning of their British tour.
“Ah wait a minute,” says Roger. “It wasn’t until our record company realised we were succeeding before they started giving us the big treatment. At first EMI printed 5,000 copies of our first album and much to their surprise they had to reprint that number five times over. So naturally when we made our second album, they felt justified in a lot of work behind it. Which is really why there’s been enough copies in the shops to put it into the charts in the first week.”
“Yes, but any record company if they’ve got any sense is going to do that,” says Freddie, “it looks like we’re getting knocked for having the right people around us doing their jobs properly.”
Is that a large part of their success - having the right people doing the right job?
“No”, answered Roger, “that comes after. Our success is due to us being a bloody good band and also having common sense - ‘cos there a lot of bloody good bands around - to get things managed properly. But even so we wouldn’t have had the support of the people if they hadn’t believed in us in the first place.”
And now over to Freddie. “People think that if there’s a lot of money put behind a band and they seem to make it quicker than usual, then they’re a hype. But we’ve geared ourselves to jump a few hurdles and have benefited by doing so.” He glances down at his picture.
“Oh really,” he exclaims in disgust, “this paper has no flair - I mean to print this picture three times in succession … and just look at my arms!” He was horrified, “look at how fat they appear, now my arms aren’t like that at all - what do you think?”
He rolls up his sleeves for me to inspect and I’d like to state here and now that the poor dear’s arms are quite, quite slender!
Phew! If after all that you think that the lads are hypersensitive to criticism and feel animosity towards their critics, then let Roger put you straight.
“No, we don’t hold grudges - we just go round and wrench people’s arms and legs off. Or send them bags of wet cement, nothing too violent!”
By this time John Deacon (who reminded me of the Alice’s doormouse) had woken from his slumbers (too many late nights and early mornings), he was reasonably cheerful for someone who had had his clothes ripped off the day before.
“By the law of averages,” he was saying, “it’s someone else’s turn to be ripped off today.”
You talk to him about the success of their Queen II album and he says, “It’s all our Mums and hype.” He’s a lot quieter than the other three, but can’t help warming to him as he’s completely unpretentious.
Freddie is a pretty dynamic character, he has an air of confidence which can sometimes be mistaken for arrogance. He has hair the colour of midnight, luminous brown eyes which he makes look evil with skillful use of make-up. He speaks ever so nicely (don’t you dear?) with the superfluous use of his hands, and commands attention rather than demands it.
Brian’s the tallest one and has a shock of dark curls which bring out the green flecks in his lucent grey eyes. He’s the thoughtful considerate one, and it’s a joy listening to him arguing with Roger.
And Roger - well he’s the pretty one with a sense of fun. He doesn’t look capable of busting a gut over a set of drums, but once he gets that adrenaline moving - the guy goes berserk.
Music wise, Queen are a heavy electric rock band - but not raucous. There’s a fair amount of melodic structure incorporated in their material, which contains complex harmonies and could quite easily become messy was it not skillfully honed to precision. They’re exciting to listen to and watch, and have the good sense to capture rather than rupture the senses. The only word which describes their musical finesse is SOPHISTICATION.
After their British tour which climaxes at the Rainbow Theatre, Queen will take their ‘sophisticratic’ rock for a two-month stateside tour. Their opening night will be in Denver, Colorado, where they appear on the same bill as Mott the Hoople. I don’t know about the rest of you - but I’ve always been a right sucker for royalty.
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 234: Tomura Flashbacks and Giganto ex Machia
Previously on BnHA: Re-Destro lost his temper and hulked the fuck out and started breaking off Tomura’s fingers like a goddamn Kit-Kat bar. Elsewhere, (1) Twice cloned Toga in order to give her a blood transfusion, unaware that Skeptic was heading their way; (2) Spinner’s quirk of being a Gecko Man was revealed and he attempted to wall-crawl his way over to Hanabata only to be assailed by a bunch of redshirts fired up by Hanabata’s Trumpet quirk; (3) Dabi continued to battle Snoopy Sno-Cone Machine offscreen (I assume); (4) Compress was also probably doing something but who can be sure; (5) Giran was running off to safety with one of the clone Twices, and finally, (6) Gigantomachia Goron-rolled his way towards the action while Slidin’ Go stood there nervously, probably sensing that his number is coming up on the great cosmic roulette wheel. All of this happened two whole weeks ago because the manga was on break last week! But it’s finally back now, so leeeEET’S geeet ready to rrrruuuuUUUUUUUUMMMMMBLE.
Today on BnHA: RD continues to get handsy with Tomura until Tomura starts to disintegrate one of RD’s own fingers to see how he likes it. He does not, in fact, like it, so he flings Tomura away and starts thinking all of these shocked antagonist thoughts about how Tomura is stronger than he expected and his powers are ~awakening~ and blah blah blah. Meanwhile Tomura hops back onto the Flashback Train to Feels City and recalls how AFO gave him his family’s severed hands to make sure he stayed good and pissed!! And he also remembers more about his sister and how much she loved him! And his mom and grandparents who were also super nice and are now fucking dead and it’s a lot! Horikoshi is pretty fucking ruthless! Anyway so RD decides he’d better go all out and wrap this up, but before he can deliver a killing blow, Gigantomachia finally makes his entrance. At the same moment, Tomura finally remembers “everything” (?? ???!?!?), which, holy fucking shit you guys.
(All comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity immediately afterward, and added one or two ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.)
okay so let’s see what gruesome things are in store for our intrepid villains this week
“destroyed memories” oh? come again? you don’t say?? fancy that?? goodness me???
so is this referring to Tomura? or Dabi? if it’s referring to Re-Destro or one of his gang, I swear to god...! nobody cares about your memories RD. you’re a jerk and you suck
lol what the
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aww. is this a “real” in-universe children’s book, is that what this is. did all the lil U.A. dumplings read this when they were small. and was there also a similar book called “don’t judge people by their lack of quirks” and if so why did no one read it to lil baby Kacchan hmm
anyway now we’re cutting right back to this unpleasant image! and not only that, but in the two weeks we’ve been gone things have even escalated!
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we’re up to two hands being grabbed now! um. he’s really going to need at least one of those? probably?? please don’t Overhaul my deranged villain son fffff
reminder that Tomura needs to touch something with all five fingers in order for his quirk to activate (or he did before at least), so even though he still has... two...? fingers remaining on his left hand, that hand is still effectively useless as far as quirking goes. so if he suffers even the smallest amount of damage to his right hand as well, it’s basically all over for him. unless he actually was using his quirk with his feet in the previous chapter. I’m assuming not because he presumably would have decayed his way all the way down to the center of the earth if that was the case. I think @khorale mentioned this in a comment on my last recap, but yeah, seeing as the ground’s not disintegrating underneath him, it’s safe to say it’s Hands Only here
anyway I got so caught up in being calmly horrified over the current situation that I didn’t even read the dialogue. so RD’s saying that superpowers are linked to personality, and so that “don’t judge people by their quirks” stuff is in fact bullshit
um, source? are you a psychologist? in general I try to take things with a grain of salt when they’re said by pieces of shit, so yeah
fffffffff noooooo Tomura’s face sob Horikoshi you bastard
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he looks so freaking young here. okay, shit. I’m starting to think I need to make plans to unwind after I finish reading this chapter. maybe get an Enya playlist in the works. diffuse some essential oils. find some cute baby animal videos
but on the plus side, it’s looking ever more likely that his are indeed the Destroyed Memories in question omg. so I will continue to get hype while also feeling very guilty and stressed
you guys I’m actually really glad RD is feeling like he has the upper hand now, because he’s starting to waste some valuable time monologuing, and with every second he babbles on, Machia is getting closer and closer to whooping some ass
so he’s asking Tomura what he’s trying to create
and well, actually, he’s not really that far off
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I mean. does it count as nothing if he wants to destroy the whole world? one could argue that would be “creating” a new world in which everyone is fucking dead. idk. I might have to give RD this one; his whole point of “quirks are linked to personality and you have a quirk that destroys everything you touch so you probably just want to destroy shit” is holding up surprisingly well to scrutiny thus far
yeah so now he’s yelling “YOU ONLY LUST FOR DESTRUCTION! AM I WRONG?!” and nope. but even a broken clock, twice a day, etc.
oh shit OH FUCKING --
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and (2) MY FUCKING FEELS. why am I even surprised. what the fuck. I knew more angst was coming and yet it still...
just, god. okay fine Horikoshi I’m a glutton for punishment, please continue then
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this really is the wildest shit though you guys. I still can’t get over it. “hello little boy I’m sorry your family is dead but don’t worry I’m adopting you and here are all of their severed hands. with little plugs on the end too or some shit. just, you know. souvenir”
I can’t fucking believe AFO played this so straight. maybe that’s why it worked. it was just so fucking out there that Tenko wound up buying it hook line and sinker. “hmm, seems a bit shady, but then again why else would a strange man I met only yesterday just randomly up and give me a dozen severed hands”
I don’t know if any of this shit is important, but it’s probably good practice to just post every mysterious thing that AFO says
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yes you really did a great job healing this guy’s wounded fucking heart, Dr. Phil
oh wow, never fucking mind, even
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I see, so that wasn’t meant to be a reassuring “in time you’ll get over it” speech; it was meant to be a cautionary “you’d better surround yourself with reminders of your terrible pain at all times or else you might actually stop feeling fucking miserable and WE CAN’T FUCKING HAVE THAT” speech. holy shit
I’m seriously having trouble wrapping my mind around just how terrible this is. like, it’s nearly impossible to fathom that level of cruelty. this is a four(?)-year-old child. he tracked him down, gave him a quirk that would kill his family*, sat back and watched it happen, and then let him stew in the horror of it all alone until he finally swooped in and claimed him and then raised him with the express purpose of keeping him sad and scared and angry and depressed at all times, all so he would eventually grow up and, with any luck, murder the man that his grandmother thought of as a son!
(*this is just conjecture right now, admittedly, but until I’m proven wrong I’m basically operating under the assumption that it’s true)
just. “fucked up” doesn’t even begin to describe it. god
anyways, let’s continue to read more about young Tenko’s extreme emotional abuse at the hands of the final villain I guess
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okay so I can’t remember where we left off on this last time, but a bunch of people said they suspected that the young Tenko wanted to be a hero when he was a little boy, and that’s why he was always clashing with his dad, because his dad’s own experience with heroes was pretty sour on account of the whole his-mom-gave-him-up-when-he-was-little-and-then-later-died-horribly thing
so yeah, I assume that’s what Hana is referring to here with the whole “I just tell Dad...” bit. so they both wanted to be heroes! how perfectly fucking tragic! great!
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KEEP IT UP TOMURA YOU CAN DO IT!! YOU CAN REMEMBER! YOU’RE DOING GREAT. aside from the whole “this really big man is killing you slowly” thing
yeah, this whole deal
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but aside from that. doing great
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so now Re-Destro is belatedly realizing that Tomura is going through a very weird leveling-up process and taking advantage of the fact that he’s temporarily become the main character of the series and thus possesses all of the narrative powers that come with that venerable distinction
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...that he’s the main character? yes
anyways lol there’s some real good crazyface action going on here guys
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did Horikoshi take the extra time just so he could devote a little longer to nailing down panels like this because if yes, A+++
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it’s mom!! wow!!
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you guys this is the most I’ve ever liked Re-Destro. there’s something about evil nemesis characters being begrudgingly impressed by their enemies that just pleases me, idk
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so do we get 100% when he goes up against Machia, then? smdh, fucking power levels. well I guess Deku technically uses them too. but still, it’s not something we see in this series too often aside from that
holy shit you guys
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honestly, I guess this should be really intimidating or whatever, but all I can think is that it’s about time this guy finally started taking this “pitiable gang of thugs” seriously. even if that does mean Tomura is probably about to fucking die, barring some Giganto ex Machia. that guy really needs to get a move on
oh hey
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[RAISES EYEBROW AT GIGANTOMACHIA AND JABS FINGER TOWARDS WRISTWATCH] cut it a little closer next time why don’t you??
(ETA: also I didn’t notice all of Tomura’s other hands being flung away from him by the impact, but whoa. so now he’s just got the Papa Hand left in his pocket, along with whichever hand is grabbing the back of his head. and that’s it. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that his dad is the only remaining family member whose face we still haven’t seen yet. some big reveal coming up with that soon, I bet.)
oh and also guys here’s some more flashbacks. this time with loving grandparents. because Horikoshi just really wants to make sure our emotions are good and churned about
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okay guys, Tenko’s very dead flashback!grandma and grandpa telling him not to cry and giving him yummy food so he won’t be sad is pretty much close to the limits of what I can take, angst-wise. I don’t know why this is hitting me so hard! this is hardly my first anime flashback! I should be a pro at this by this point, the fuck is wrong with me
but on the other hand, I think a big part of it is that I’m not just sad about Tomura’s past, but also angry. because none of this is just coincidence; all of it is actually stuff that was done to him very deliberately, and the worst part is he doesn’t even realize it. and so in addition to the usual rush of protective feelings, there’s also this sense of outrage about it all too. and I think that’s the harder part to deal with. here I am, a grown adult, getting really mad over the staggering cruelty of what was done to this fictional character when he was a child. it’s possible there’s some real-life anger and frustration over certain real-life horrific cruelties and injustices that may be bleeding over into this, idk. just, the world is a fucked up place, and my emotional support manga is currently being less than supportive and it’s a struggle sob
anyways sorry about that. meanwhile while I was having a mini breakdown, possibly the most pivotal character development in Tomura’s history was happening and HOLY SHIT THOUGH WAIT UP GUYS
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sdfkdsfjwoilkkj BOY!!!!!!!
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...hee. but it’s hard to stay mad, though
... :)
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:D :D :D
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lol what. recall, if you may, that you guys are the ones who basically forced them to come down to your mountain city and kick your asses you dickasaurs
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Tomura looks so freaking sad, you guys. he’s just standing there completely still and he looks like he’s just completely destroyed emotionally
and he said he remembered everything!?! so what the shit am I supposed to do, Horikoshi?? my boy is just standing there with seven fucking fingers and one shoe and so caught up in his sad reverie that he’s seemingly oblivious to the fact that the long-awaited cavalry has finally arrived. kid is maybe 2-3 chapters away from finally triumphing over this bald Disney tree man who talks too much. and not only that, but he’s more than likely going to finally win Gigantomachia’s loyalty in the process. which in turn means he’ll have access to Ujiko and all of his resources
so in short, this boy is minutes away from becoming one of the deadliest and most powerful forces on earth... and I’m pretty sure that right now, at this moment, none of that matters to him one iota
you guys. so what does this mean for future developments?? I’m really going to need him to define “everything” ASAP, for starters. that’s a very vague statement, and its implications could mean the difference between us just having a sadder-than-usual Tomura from this point out, or a Tomura that’s sad but also realizing for the first time that there’s a lot about his past that doesn’t quite add up, or hell, even a Tomura that’s actually out for fucking vengeance against AFO. that last one seems like too big of a jump to happen right away, but dare I at least hope for the second option though? god that would just be the icing on the cake for this fucking perfect arc
now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to go do some yoga or chant some mantras or something holy shit. this fucking manga
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Gitchee Gitchee Goo
Jihoon has never seen Phineas and Ferb. You can’t let it stay that way.
This is a very specific fanfiction, for a very specific type of person who grew up watching Phineas and Ferb. But either way, I wrote it so I hope you guys enjoy! And if you haven’t ever watched Phineas and Ferb,,,, Just know you are really missing out.
It started out when you realized just how different growing up in Korea was to growing up in America.
Sure, somewhere deep down you realized that Jihoon hadn’t grown up with the same television shows as you, but there were certain shows that had just made your childhood that you had simply assumed everyone had seen.
Like Star Wars or Die Hard, no matter what country you were in, you had at least heard of it.
But when you walked into Woozi’s studio one day, simply stating “hey Jihoon, whatcha doin’?” And he hadn’t understood the reference, it had totally turned your world upside down, and not in a good way.
“What do you mean you’ve never seen Phineas and Ferb?” You asked for possibly the millionth time that day. Jihoon glanced over at you looking somewhat unamused.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t watch those kinds of shows when I was growing up,” Jihoon replied. You sat next to him on the bench and tried to just eat your noodles like the rest of Seventeen were, but you couldn’t keep to yourself.
“But it’s Phineas and Ferb,” you blurted. “What kind of life can you be leading if you haven’t watched Phineas and Ferb before?”
Jihoon looked at you again, his own noodles partially in his mouth, partially not. You scrunched your face in frustration and looked across the table at Vernon.
“You really never showed him Phineas and Ferb? I mean I’d expect it from Joshua but from you? I’m disappointed,” you stated. Vernon only looked moderately offended, it was Joshua who was surprisingly enough the most hurt.
“Hey I watched Phineas and Ferb too,” he grumbled.
“Why does she keep talking about Phineas and Ferb?” Seungkwan asked slightly annoyed. “What is Phineas and Ferb?”
“It’s a children's show,” Joshua explained. You scoffed and crossed your arms.
“It is a staple in every American’s childhood,” you insisted stubbornly. “It’s the best cartoon ever made ever.”
Every member of Seventeen stared at you blankly. You pouted and leaned back slightly. You tried to stay silent, forget about it, but for some reason, you just couldn’t get it out of your head... Phineas and Ferb had been such an important show in your young life, that dating someone who never had the chance to appreciate it just felt... Wrong.
You stared at your noodles, honestly feeling a bit upset, but you didn’t have to feel like that for too long. After only a few moments, Jihoon was nudging you in the side with his elbow.
“Do you want to stay up all night watching it?” He asked. Your eyes lit up.
“Are you serious?” You asked excitedly. He nodded, a small smile crossing his lips.
“If the show is that important to you then I don’t mind watching it with you,” he agreed. You whooped your excitement and wrapped your arms around his neck, planting a kiss on his lips.
“Jihoon, you’re the best.”
Half the boys at the table groaned at the public display of affection, but you didn’t even care.
That night you two settled on the couch at your home, wrapped in a blanket with all sorts of snacks surrounding you. You had so much popcorn already in your mouth that Jihoon had already made three jokes that you ate a lot, which you, of course, countered with the fact that you ate just as much as he did.
You hadn’t actually watched Phineas and Ferb in years. For crying out loud you were an adult now. Your days of pretending to be sick just to stay home and watched Phineas and Ferb all day were in the past.
But when the theme song began to start playing, it was like you were in middle school all over again.
“There are 104 days of Summer Vacation and school comes along just to end itttt, so the annual problem for our generation is finding a good way to spend it... Like! Maybe!”
You began to sing the opening with just as much energy as Phineas and Ferb were on the television screen. You sang to each trumpet blow, blurted out every line that Phineas and Ferb said during the opening and even jumped to the very end break right before the finale of the song.
“Mooommmmm, Phineas and Ferb are creating a title sequence.”
You violently strummed to the last guitar strum in the air and burst into laughter.
“Oh my gosh, you’re going to love this Jihoon!” You insisted excitedly. You slid yourself back into his side, smiling widely. He chuckled softly and kept his eyes on the captions before him.
By the time the first episode had ended he already had questions.
“So these boys-”
“Phineas and Ferb,” you supplied.
“Right, Phineas and Ferb,” he agreed. “They just build crazy inventions and spend their summer days driving their sister wild?”
You hummed and nodded.
“Pretty much. They have really quirky lines and some really fun catchphrases along with it. The show isn’t afraid to make fun of itself.”
Jihoon was silent for a moment, and then he tilted his head, resting it against your head.
“Aren’t they a little too young for that?” He asked.
You giggled slightly.
“Yes, yes they are.”
That made Jihoon glance at you, obviously wondering why that question had made you laugh.
“What? They get that a lot,” you replied. “It’s one of their funny catchphrases.”
“This show seems like it’s kind of everywhere,” he replied skeptically. You nodded your agreement.
“Yeah, it kind of is,” you admitted. “But that’s what makes it so incredible. Somehow it works despite it being totally chaotic.”
“Shh, shh pay attention!”
You guys hit, all of the classics. You watched Swintr, the Rollercoaster episode, The Beak, the aglet episode.
With each episode, you fell back in love with every line and every quirky moment.
During “Dude, We’re Getting the Band Back Together” you couldn’t help but sing along to every song, even Jihoon couldn’t help but to tap his foot to “I ain’t got rhythm”.
You guys started watching so many episodes that even Jihoon started to giddily say the catchphrases with you. “Ferb I know what we are doing today.”
He fell in love with Jeremy and Candance, making quips at you asking if she was why you had been so obsessed with him because you learned how to have a crush on someone from her.
“But when  I turned around Jeremy was standing right behind me!” You said completely in unison with Candance. “Well, actually he was sitting, and he was a couple of blocks away but he was right there!”
Jihoon laughed, his whole body bouncing with the motion.
“Doesn’t that just prove what I said earlier?”
You responded to such an accusation with a sharp glare, which only made him laugh more. You even had to pause the episode because he seemed to think he was so funny.
“Oh my god, I almost forgot about this episode!” You blurted excitedly. “Phineas says it himself, but they do the Rollercoaster episode again, but with a musical spin.”
“But isn’t the show itself already a musical show?” He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. You laughed.
“Isn’t this show the best? The end dance break is even choreographed by Kenny Ortega!”
“Kenny Ortega?”
“The guy who choreographed Highschool musical, duh.”
By four in the morning, when you would have thought that he would have been tired of watching the show, the two of you were still going pretty strong.
“See it occurred to me that I should be fighting fire with fire. And by fire, I mean Perry the Platypus. And by fire, I also mean Perry the Platypus. It occurred to me while I was on fire,” you rattled off, perfectly nailing the timing on every line that you said.
Jihoon turned to look at you, his eyebrows raised in amusement. You wondered briefly if maybe you had gone too far. You had kept him up till all hours of the night, making him watch a children's cartoon show with Korean subtitles, annoyingly singing along to every song, and randomly blurting out every line that you knew perfectly.
Most people would find that annoying.
“What?” You asked nervously. “Something wrong?”
Jihoon shook his head.
“No, I was just thinking about how cute you are,” he replied. “How many guys can say that they are lucky enough to have a girlfriend so obsessed with kids show that they would keep him up all night?”
“You’re actually quite unlucky. Now that I know you haven’t watched Phineas and Ferb, I also know you haven’t watched Gravity Falls which is another huge tragedy.”
“And here I spent the last few months assuming you were just a normal girlfriend.”
You laughed.
“You silly boy,” you stated softly, patting Jihoon’s head. He rolled his eyes and batted away your hand.
“You about ready to get some rest?” He asked. “I know you are loving this, but it is getting late.”
You went through the checklist silently in your head.
You had watched all the important episodes you could think of and of course you had watched everyone’s favorite episode Summer Belongs to You. There wasn’t really much more to add to this important experience. You wrinkled your nose.
“It was nice to see Meep,” you mumbled. He laughed.
“And now you’ve become delirious,” he said pleasantly. “Let’s get you to bed.”
You got up and shut off the television, watching as the animated characters on the screen turned to black. You sighed happily.
“Thanks again,” you said. Jihoon looked at you, the surprise evident as he hesitated to continue folding the throw blanket the two of you had been using to stay together.
“For what?” He asked. You shrugged offhandedly.
“Watching the show with me. I know that it is kind of dumb-”
Jihoon interrupted you by holding his hand out in front of him.
“Hey, it was part of your childhood. It wasn’t dumb,” he said pleasantly. Your face reddened slightly.
“I love you.”
“I Gitchee Gitchee Goo you too,” Jihoon replied. You laughed, and couldn’t help but think about just how lucky you had gotten, getting to date a boyfriend as great as Jihoon.
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