#i mean i'm genderfluid but still
rainbownixie · 2 years
do you have any enby mike wheeler headcanons? asking for a friend
your friend is very nice! please tell him he's one of my favorite mutuals if you see him! <3
and i have SO MANY enby mike headcanons omg- btw they're still in the 80s here.
obviously the first one is that he HATES the name "michael". he hates hearing it and writing it and always asks for people to call him just mike. he doesn't have any issues with the party, but it's hard being at home because karen always uses his deadname.
he comes out to, surprisingly, max first. because she's also enby (she isn't actually like openly enby, she just is) and won't stop complaining about her name and clothes and the way she hates people seeing her as a girl. mike would probably hear that and say "but you... are a girl..." and then max would respond with "i can be whatever the fuck i want. no one should tell us how to feel about ourselves". and there's a long, long silence until mike says "i think i'm not a boy, either". and max understands.
he borrows clothes from nancy. not too feminine stuff yet, because he doesn't want to stand out much, but he likes stuff like her shirts and pants and coats. she doesn't find out until one day where she catches him trying on one of her dresses. and mike is scared and tries to lie about it, but ends up confessing that he doesn't know who he truly is. nancy helps him with his makeover and supports him <3
mike actually ends up not liking too much feminine stuff. it makes him feel like a girl, and he isn't a girl. but he also doesn't want people to think he's a boy, because he isn't one either. so he mixes shirts and clothes to be more androgynous. but none of that helps because, what he truly wants is for people to see him as just... mike. and not a boy.
he doesn't care about clothes much, but having long hair helps him. he doesn't look like a girl but he doesn't look like a boy either. it's perfect.
he ends up coming out one day to the party in one of their sleepovers. they are playing dnd (max and el included) and he, besides being the dm, is also playing as the paladin (which is truly hard bc he's doing two things at once and dms don't really do that but idk make it a npc or something it's just a hc). and he tells the party that mike the paladin is, indeed, not a boy. or a girl. and he looks at his friends, begging for them to understand what he means. they're all in silence at first, but then dustin keeps playing as if nothing happened and the others follow. will smiles at him from the other side of the table.
when he starts dating will, mike is scared of will leaving him for being like this. which is a dumb thought, and he knows that. but he can't help but to stop wearing nancy's stuff or talking about his struggles because he just... wants to ignore it in case will won't like him anymore. when will asks, mike tells him the truth and will comforts him and tells him that, no matter what, he will always love him. he's his partner, and will loves that about him.
on dysphoric days he pretends to be sick to not go to school, and always calls will because he doesn't want him to worry. will always goes to his house after class to spend time with him and tries to distract him.
dustin always corrects everyone (even parents) who refers to the party as "guys" with "party". he says it's because he wants to include both max and el, but mike knows he does that for him.
when they play videogames and lucas is the one choosing, he always chooses a game that doesn't make you choose gendered characters. he knows mike has a hard time with that.
will holds his hand in class without other people noticing (i still can't get over the fact that they seat next to each other- robin move on it's been years since s2-) every time mr.clarke says his name.
max and him bond over that! they start hanging out to complain about their struggles being enby and they end up actually not hating each other! they enjoy their time together, tbh. and mike always says "max" is way cooler than "maxine".
dustin comes up with the idea of using they/them for max and mike, and they love it! mike ends up using all pronouns (mostly they/them, tho) and max asks for the party to use he/they!
i love the idea of karen actually noticing mike hates being called michael, so she starts calling him just mike. she also notices the way he now dresses (he only gets to do it at home or hanging out with the party- although it isn't very feminine either but- y'know- he doesn't want to get bullied in school) and says nothing about it. she just smiles, and mike feels so so loved.
will always avoids gendered pet-names and names for mike!
i could keep going but this is long enough i think!!! thanks for the ask <3 yours are always the best ones!
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Trans? Need a Name?
i will fucking name you hmu
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captainjackscoat · 8 days
When I came out as bi to my dad he said "I have a straight son, a love-hating daughter, and a lesbian daughter. I managed a full set!"
(we're not gonna tell him my brother is probably queer too)
can't wait to tell him I'm gender non-conforming so he can realise he has a son, a daughter and a child. He got the full set there too
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chippdhearts · 1 month
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CSI and LGBT+ Headcanons ↳ Julie Finlay ✦ Bisexual + Polyamourous
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dorianbrightmusic · 8 months
trying to label your sexuality is the weirdest process. you can trudge through the whole basket, flinging 'gay', 'bi', 'ace', and every microlabel from the box, folding each pair, trying each – and they all fit sometimes, but none look quite right. and you try the microlabels, the split-attraction model, and when you've cleared out half the box, you can see the greater nametag on the box itself, and it's simply called 'queer'. and you don't like this, because it's ambiguous, and in a cishet, allosexual, amatonormative society, sexuality is meant to be approachable, comprehensible, easy to dissect and taxonomise, right? and you try, and you try, and you try, and somehow, the certainty of each other term is just too heavy to wear comfortably. and you feel like a whole shredded family reunion full of names that don't fit.
till one day, you lay your hands on the queer box, because as much as its strange shape is terrifying, you've kept coming back towards it. you thought you craved its contents, but maybe it's the box after all. and you pick it up, and it takes on fifty different guises in the time it takes you to lift it to your chest, and eventually, it settles on some gorgeous amorphous shape. and you know it fits around your shoulders, and while you can't tell quite what it is, it's beautiful, it's beautiful, and it's free.
sometimes, labels are extremely useful. and at the same time, when the overlap is too complex, the fluidity too difficult to let settle, it's most beautiful to take on the word 'queer', in all its strange unapproachability and odd colours and forms, its inherent imperfection, its gorgeous shades—yes, yes, yes, to be ambiguous, to be an oddity, a proud and gorgeous oddity—yes, this is the joy of being queer.
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vt-scribbles · 28 days
Posting this on my personal instead of on my book account-
There's a canonically transgender character in Find Your Wings, and I just KNOW that no matter how blatant I make it, people will still argue it isn't there lmao
That's okay, though.
In the end, it's not for the transph0bes. It's for the people who want to see the themes I put in.
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feathersnflowers · 11 months
When I was younger I went through this very long phase of pretty much only drawing women with big boobs. That was definitely an indicator that I wasn't straight
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bigboobshaunt · 10 months
Idunno! Alex and Sandra are soooo clearly both alter-egos to Alexandra* that I can't help but feel any read that would treat them as different people is very disingenuous, like... their genderfluidity is a reference to the color-changing nature of their alexandrite core, it could not be any clearer...
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casiavium · 9 months
All of these "who has more anything gender!" polls are just. white man without extreme body builder muscles v white man without extreme body builder muscles. The gender is "masculine" stop pretending it's universal
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throughalleternity · 11 months
If Lucy goes on T do you think Maggie and Alex would accept all of the changes that would come with it, or only certain aspects of it? Like for example they would be ok with their voice deepening but not with facial hair/musky body odour/bottom growth etc., or vice versa? And would one of them be more accepting of certain things than the other? And which changes would Lucy look most forward to?
I don’t think they have issues with Lucy’s changes on T, and they certainly accept all of them (especially because what does not accepting them even look like? Alex and Maggie won’t try to control Leon’s decisions—those are 100% his to make, especially when it comes to his body. They could break up or change the nature of their relationships if he goes on T, but I don’t headcanon that).
(An aside: sex is a related topic but any boundaries around that are about gender and sexuality, not physical changes on T.)
There are things that they found attractive in Lucy that change with T, like her voice. But for them, they find that the new change is also attractive (and some things that they don't expect to find attractive end up being so on Lucy/Leon bc it's her/him), or that even if a certain change isn’t particularly attractive, there are other changes that are. Leon being more comfortable/happy and them getting to be a part of that is what’s most important to them, and their love doesn’t go away. (Also, some changes revert or somewhat revert for a Leon that goes off of T eventually.) Their attraction is more about who Lucy/Leon is as a person.
I think with Maggie’s experience dating within the queer community and dating aliens, it's easier for her to adapt and feel confident that she'll stay attracted to Lucy. Alex is a little more worried about how she'll feel, but she reads about the experiences of other people in relationships with genderfluid people and talks about it with Lucy and Maggie. And kinda like I alluded to in the previous ask, she realizes that an amazing part of loving people is loving and supporting them while they change and grow into themselves, which makes this seem less scary. And they've all been uncertain about relationship things at some point—entering a polyamorous relationship and not knowing how they'd handle dating and their feelings was kinda scary! But they talked about things and were intentional with their actions and things ended up fine for them. And tbh as far as their specific feelings about specific changes on T, I don't really have many headcanons? It's mostly just the broad thoughts I outlined above, since I'm flexible with headcanons.
Voice is a big change Leon looks forward to. I know fat redistribution is often a big one, but it's actually height and build that bother Leon more, which doesn't change much for him on T. I don't think Leon necessarily stays on T long enough to develop a lot of facial or body hair, but he likes what he gets, and likes the ritual of shaving.
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gendrsoup · 4 months
ngl, being cast as a male part in the musical i'm doing while being an afab genderfluid person has me constantly feeling like pinnochio around the male ensemble like,
am i a real boy?
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ghost-orion · 1 year
#personal#i still have like a deep seated hatred for people who like girls and i have no idea why#i've been like this since 15 what's going on. like i can't get to the bottom of it?? where did this come from??#it's bisexuals it's lesbians; straight guys are like. idk not really 'off the hook' but i guess they're like 'well whatever'#cishet guys are like 'well what would i do with you anyway' and i relate to trans straight guys on the basis of being trans#but i just. idk. i just seethe#it goes away when i hang out with -lw people but when i'm alone and i see someone be like 'yeah haha i've been talking to a girl'#or someone 'simping' in the comments of a girl's selfie or whatever i'm like '!!¡!'#and like this has a root somewhere but i can't really find it? i think the closest is like jealousy ig. but idk??#it's not like i want lesbians to be attracted to me lol or that i need everyone to drop everything Look At Me >:[#disclaimer: this is something that i'm working on and i don't tell anyone i'm just putting it here to say it somewhere#it might be like a gender thing. i'm like kinda genderfluid in some way and#and i'm a trans person who considers itself to 'have been a girl and now live as not-that'#so maybe it's like. 'i've been called a pretty girl and now i've abandoned this for an uphill battle of chasing gay guys who fucking hate#trans people'#and by that i mean gay guys around here are just. woof#i am in fact not into transphobes dkdkksks#it's just. idk#if you're reading this and you like women i don't hate you btw jdnjs this is a me problem and you're fine lol i realize how fucked up it is
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datastate · 2 years
you're my: BESTIE!!! also murderbot mutual! i know your icon tends to be fma(?) & you posted a fair bit of it when i first followed you, but the murderbot stuff tends to stick in mind :0
how i met you: I... DO NOT REMEMBER ! i assume it was through hollow knight? but i don’t really remember the specifics, sorry! but i’m glad you’re here now :D you’re fun to talk to i’ve just had low energy as of late ahgmgs
why i follow you: you always manage to find such amazing art & i like the funny videos :] i wish you’d post your art more so i could launch it at my followers, but no pressure ofc! your blog’s entertaining as is and seeing you on my dash makes me go :D
your blog is: i think i kind of went over that just now ahgmgs
your URL is: you know i’m not quite sure whether it’s referring to envy the character or in general being envious of genderfluid people but i like both!!! it’s a neat url
your icon is: [clap and cheering sfx] making our faves aspec is literally the best
a random fact i know about you: hmm. you’ve been trying out making food more as of late, which i’m proud of :D it’s always cool lookin and seeing the updates as you go along
general opinion: you’re a very kind and encouraging person, and i’m very happy to have you as my friend!!! i’ve appreciated you indulging my hk thoughts in the past, and it really does mean a lot to share games with you now and hear your thoughts on them! your ideas (esp re: that one kai game :0) are so interesting and i really enjoy talking characters & games (like ace attorney! and zero escape, when you’re able to join) with you around. i hope you’re doing well bro!!
a random thought i have: reaches for your cooking. i would like to make eggs benedict with you
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neverendingford · 5 days
growling at my boobs in the mirror to encourage them to grow bigger
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feathersnflowers · 1 year
guys my dad just asked me what my pronouns were tuday💗💗😭🥺💗
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biteapple · 5 days
part of me still feels like i might be sort of genderfluid and/or bisexual but just traumatized about it. no idea anymore
#like. remember that. remember following me back when i was bi and genderfluid lol. awhile ago now#its like whatever to me now. its really hard for me to pin anymore#like when i feel like genderfluid and bi again i feel like i can be a lot more open about shit#but i dont really even know. its hard#i feel like. and this is just like. me yknow. i feel like if i wasnt dating a man i'd be missing out on something that i want#like i dont know if i would be content just marrying a woman and being satisfied if i. didnt have a husband. yknow what i mean#and its like. if *I* wasnt a man i'd be sad. if in a relationship i wasnt someone's boyfriend or husband i'd be sad about it#so this is what wraps back around to me being a gayboy about it yknow#its complicated because no matter the gender label outcome. i would STILL want testosterone and surgery and masculine terms#and i KNOW this doesnt mean anything for some people. like some women do all that and are women#so i could just be not-a-man and still want all this anyways#but i also know it doesnt make it any less complicated for some of these women. who also had to think about themselves a lot in this way#its this weird notion of whatever ends up happening i... physically want the same shit anyways. THAT stays almost completely static#so that for me is a breather. its just like.... idk ... if i ever got in a relationship with a woman#i'd feel like i would be intrinsically. missing out on something i wanted#which i think is what a lot of burgeoning gay kids feel generally. right#like if you went down this stringent path laid out for you that you'd be missing out on. your life that you want. right.#i dont know what i want out of that really. sometimes i feel like im too out of it to pursue anything romantically anymore anyways#i do sometimes think it'd be cool to be a butch woman. kinda..?#i think what i like about that is the masculinity of myself is gender non-confirming if i were a woman#which if im a masc guy i'm just like. your average dude. like. right#but i wanna be a bear about it. i wanna fag it up about it. and my metric of being transgender im not ... average about how i present mysel#can someone teach me how to fag it up. the construction worker part of this is working right#sighhhh.... i have to go shower. maybe i;'ll have a shower epiphany or something. sighhhhh#sometimes in my head being a woman would be alright. but its like.. i dont even know how to decode it#i think some people would call what im feeling being genderfluid. some people might call it something else. it depends on like. you yknow#and what you want. and what makes you smile. me? not quite so sure anymore#and i think its like. this sounds like its laid quite bare right. but its hard to word even.#but sometimes im like. am i just like. talking ...? yknow what i mean.
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