#i mean nat directs as well ;)
beheworthy · 11 months
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littleredwolf · 6 months
Hungry Eyes
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: The team overhears Nat and Y/N's 'girl talk' through the comms and feelings surface as a result.
Warnings: Suggestive content. Sex references.
Words: 956
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“Bucky's done nothing but undress you with his eyes since you walked in,” Natasha's husky voice came over your earpiece and your eyes snapped to the super soldier on the other side of the room, your cheeks reddening to find him already staring in your direction. 
You let your gaze casually pass over him, playing the brief moment of eye contact off as a coincidence as you scanned the room for the mission, but your heart was pounding and you were sure he could probably hear it. 
“Doubtful,” you scoffed, though you couldn't ignore the tingle that travelled up your spine at the thought of Bucky finding you attractive. You'd had the hots for him for months, but your fear of rejection strongly outweighed your desire to tell him so you'd kept your little secret to yourself…and Nat of course. 
“Stop living in denial, anybody with half a brain can see how he practically drools over you every time he sees you,” Nat argued, and you rolled your eyes as you continued to survey the room. “Don’t roll your eyes at me, it’s true.” 
“Stop watching me, you know it creeps me out when I can’t see you,” you hissed, eyes roaming the crowd in an attempt to spot the redhead. 
“If you could see me, I wouldn’t be very good at my job,” she teased, and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes again. 
“Just hurry up and do your job, Romanoff - the quicker we finish and I can get out of this dress the better,” you stated, readjusting the silky garment that Natasha herself had picked out for you. It suited your cover well, but it was a little provocative for your usual tastes. 
“I’m sure Barnes would agree with you on that one…”
“As much as I’m enjoying watching Bucky squirm from this conversation, head’s up that this is an open channel,” Sam’s voice cutting in over the comms caused any reply you had prepared for Natasha to die on your tongue, the blood draining from your face as you turned to look at Bucky.  
The super soldier was no longer on his mark, but as you searched the crowd you caught a glimpse of him as he was making a swift exit. More than anything you wanted to follow him, to defuse the awkwardness and recover from the embarrassment of him overhearing Nat’s comments, but you stayed rooted to the spot, unable to leave your position. 
“Go,” Nat urged, as though sensing your inner turmoil. “Me and Sam have got this.”
A quick look towards Sam confirmed that he agreed, and you wasted no time in hurrying towards the same door Bucky had gone through moments ago. 
Surprisingly, he hadn’t gone very far, and you found him leaning against the wall in the foyer. Heat rushed to your cheeks as his eyes landed on you, and you smiled sheepishly as you approached.  
“Hey Buck,” you softly said as you reached him. “Sorry about what you heard back there - Nat was just teasing, she didn’t mean any of it.” 
“Didn’t she?” He asked, raising a single eyebrow. 
“What?” You frowned, unsure how to interpret his response. There was a way you wanted this to go, but you didn’t want to get your wires crossed and make even more of a fool of yourself. 
“You said she didn’t mean any of it, but how can you be sure?” 
He pushed himself off the wall and fixed you with an intense gaze, making your knees weak and your breath short. You didn’t dare look away - afraid that if you did, this moment would end. 
“I-uh…I don’t know what you’re getting at here, Buck…” you stammered, too dumbfounded to form a better response. You were very aware of how close the two of you were and the smell of his cologne and warmth emanating from his body was making your brain short circuit. 
“Then let me show you.”
There was no hesitation as he took your face in his hands and pressed his lips to yours, and you melted into him with a whimper. The sound gave him the encouragement he was looking for and he spun you round so that he could press you up against the wall, moaning into your mouth as you raked your hands through his hair. 
Everything around you ceased to exist and all sense left you as you gave into your desires, the feeling of Bucky’s hands roaming your body setting your skin on fire. You couldn’t believe this was happening, you’d never even let yourself hope that Bucky might actually feel the same, yet here you were, making out with him while his sizable bulge pressed up against you. 
Had Sam not cleared his throat over the comms, you were sure you’d have let the super soldier take you right there and then, regardless of the fact that you were in public and on a mission.  
“Channel is still very much open, guys,” he informed, and Bucky’s eyes widened in horror as he pulled away. You giggled and gave him a quick peck on the lips. 
“I’m not even sorry,” you told Sam teasingly, straightening up and readjusting your dress. You were aware of Bucky’s eyes on you and you looked up to meet his hungry gaze. 
“I can’t wait to get that thing off you when we’re finished here,” he blurted, and you bit your lip as heat flooded your core. 
“Then we’d better hurry up and finish,” you replied, taking him by the hand and leading him back to the main room so that you could get the mission, and later on your clothes, out of the way. 
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tongue-like-a-razor · 5 months
Request for Rooster please :) basically fluff, not sure if you have something like this already but something along the line of y/n being a pilot as well, Rooster falling for them and trying to potentially impress them? Trying to confess before his chance is loss because he sees hangman around y/n time to time but Rooster doesn’t find out (immediately) that hangman and y/n are siblings so Rooster is torn between confessing or not (he does end up confessing)
Ahh thank you for the super cute request! I have a thing for writing sisters, you know ;)
Worst Day Ever
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Seresin Sister!Reader
CW: Just a lil drabble, nothing fancy. A little cheesy. A bit fluffy. A lot goofy. The star of this show is Nat XD
WC: ~1100
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“This is the worst day ever.”
Natasha looks over at Bradley as he moodily packs up his things at the end of the briefing. She grins in amusement. “You sound like a toddler.”
Bradley exhales gloomily and directs his gaze toward the front of the room where you stand, chatting with Bagman. “What does she see in that dirtbag?” he makes a face of disgust.
“I guess she sees his abs.” Natasha shrugs.
Bradley gives her a flat look. “Not you too.”
“What?” she exclaims with a laugh. “I’m not denying that he’s got a shit personality.” She glances over at you and Jake. “But he’s easy on the eyes, what can I say?”
“Maybe I should challenge him to a push up contest,” Bradley muses.
“Dude, we’re in the military.” Natasha shakes her head. “Push ups are not going to impress her.”
“But his abs did the trick?”
Natasha purses her lips. “Have you seen him flex?”
“Maybe you should bag him,” Bradley proposes sourly. Then, he adds, “Actually, that’s not a half bad idea!”
“No,” Natasha responds curtly and starts for the door.
“C’mon, Trace. I will owe you.” Bradley trails after her. “I will pay you.”
Natasha stops just short of the door. “To do what?”
“We’ll invite them to the Hard Deck. You distract Bagman –”
“No,” Natasha repeats, exiting the room.
“I thought you had my back!” Bradley calls after her as the rest of the aviators assigned to the mission start filing out into the hallway.
“Someone leave you hangin’, Rooster?” Jake asks playfully as he walks by.
Bradley flashes an annoyed look in his direction and sees that you’re walking alongside him. He locks eyes with you briefly – for the first time ever – and then glances back at Jake irritably. “Don’t worry, Bagman. That’s still your undisputed domain.”
Jake scoffs while you drop your head to hide a smile.
“Hey Bagman!” Natasha calls from down the hall.
Bradley looks up to see her doubling back.
“You guys want to join us at the Hard Deck tonight?” she asks casually.
Jake raises his eyebrows in surprise, so shocked at the invitation that he doesn’t respond right away.
That’s when you say, “Sure! We’ll be there!”
“Drink as much as you want, Phoenix,” Bradley says giddily. “It’s on me.”
“You bet your ass it is,” Natasha says, taking a swig of beer. “I’m going to need it.”
Bradley doesn’t have a chance to laugh because that’s when you and Jake enter the bar.
The two of you make your way over to Bradley and Natasha’s table. Jake is scowling but your smile is bright enough for the both of you.
“Hey!” Bradley says, rising from his seat to greet you.
Jake gives him a dirty look and Bradley squares his shoulders to appear a little taller. Jake might have gotten to you first but that doesn't mean that Bradley can't, at least, try.
“How’s it going?” you say as you take a seat and Bradley could swear they’re the three sweetest words he’s ever heard in his life.
“Great,” he responds, beaming at you like an idiot.
“So good,” Natasha responds absently, downing the remainder of her beer. “I need a refill.”
Jake, who is just about to sit down, rises again with an irritable sigh. “What’re you drinking?” he asks.
Natasha grimaces at him. “I can get my own beer,” she responds, also getting up.
Jake gives her a phony grin. “I guess you’re used to it,” he bites back.
You elbow Jake aggressively in his leg and he nearly loses his balance. “Be nice,” you warn him.
Bradley watches Natasha and Jake head to the bar together, surprised that you’re familiar enough with Jake to physically assault him considering the briefing this morning was only the third time you’ve met. Bradley wonders if maybe you know Jake from before; that would explain your allegiance.
“I’m glad you guys came,” Bradley says to you, not really sure how else to start a conversation with a girl who’s more or less spoken for.
You smile at him. “Yeah, thanks for the invite!”
“Of course,” Bradley responds. He decides not to mention that the entire night was orchestrated just so he could spend time with you.
“Jake’s pretty excited.”
Bradley lifts his eyebrows dubiously and looks over at Jake who’s at the bar with Natasha. “He’s got a weird way of showing it.”
You laugh. “Oh, he’s far too ‘badass’ to show it.”
Bradley snorts and looks back at you with a grin. “I like you,” he says before he can stop himself.
You chuckle slightly and lower you gaze without responding.
“I mean it,” he says.
You shift slightly in your seat and change the subject. “Your low altitude pass yesterday was pretty awesome,” you say.
Bradley grins and straightens his posture proudly. “You saw that?”
“It was hard to miss.” You cringe slightly. “Cyclone was so mad, I'm surprised you didn't hear him yelling from the cockpit.”
Bradley winces. “Yeah, I may have gotten into some trouble. But hey, if it means you noticed me, it was worth it.” He lets out a chuckle.
You smile, your eyes resting on his. "I noticed you," you admit.
Bradley keeps his gaze on you, releasing a guilty sigh. What's he doing flirting with you when Jake has clearly already shown interest? He hangs his head sullenly and says, "Look, I don’t know what you and Bagman have going on –”
“Umm,” you interject, holding up a hand. Bradley looks up at you, already nauseated because he’s fairly certain you’re about to tell him off. Instead, you proceed to say, “You know he’s my brother, right?”
Bradley blinks at you in awe. After several lengthy seconds, he says, “Shut the fuck up.”
You start laughing. “What did you think?”
Bradley drops his face in his hands, embarrassed and relieved in equal measure. “That’s why you like him.”
“Well, I wouldn’t go that far,” you mutter sarcastically.
Bradley nearly chokes. “You’re hilarious,” he says.
You lean into the table toward him. “And you’re cute.”
Bradley stares at you in amazement and then grins sheepishly. “I’m so glad you think so.”
“Alright kids,” Bradley hears Jake’s voice and realizes that he and Natasha have approached the table. “We’re gonna call it a night.”
“What? Already?” Bradley exclaims, looking up at them. He instantly observes that Jake is holding Natasha’s hand. “Oh,” Bradley adds, meeting Natasha’s gaze with an amused grin. “Well, this is turning out to be an alright day.”
Natasha shoots him a threatening look but says not a word.
“Bradshaw,” Jake says, narrowing his eyes as he glances between you and Bradley pointedly. “Keep your hands to yourself.”
Bradley solutes him with a nod and a smirk and then says, “You have yourself a good night, Seresin.”
Rooster Tag List:
The rest of the list will be in the comments.
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traveler-at-heart · 1 month
Miss Communication
Summary: Natasha is avoiding the feelings talk so you use the only thing that seems to be working: jealousy.
A/N: This request and entire plot is from @happychopshoppenguin so all credit really goes to them. I just put into a few more words.
Natasha Romanoff x F!R
Stealthy, precise, lethal.
Well, what a load of crap. All Natasha Romanoff is, is a coward. There.
You’re so pissed off, all you want to do is open up her file and write “committment issues” under weaknesses.
But that’s not your job.
No, your job is intelligence and data analysis. Go over information, read endless reports and make a summary that the Avengers can understand, because they don’t have the time to sit around and do it themselves.
And now, you’re here, talking about a new terrorist organization with Steve. Natasha should be here, as second in command, but for reasons unknown to you and Captain America, she has failed to show up.
Again, coward.
Fine, if she doesn’t answer your texts you’ll find her anywhere she’s hiding in this big ass building.
“Hey, Y/N” Sam greets as you walk down the hall.
“Damn. Is it allowed to have guns in the kitchen area?” you smile mischiveously, used to flirting around with the team. He looks around, clearly confused and you reach out to touch his bicep. “I mean, what are they feeding you, Wilson? You’re as buff as Steve”
“Hell, yeah” he smiles, flexing and putting on a little show. You’re laughing and making small talk when someone magically appears, glaring.
Natasha is fuming and you don’t know if the anger is directed at you or Sam. Looking directly at her, you laugh and place a strand of hair behind your ear, as if Sam just said the funniest thing ever.
She can’t answer a fucking text but feels jealous? Well, good. At least you know she cares.
“You’re annoying her, Wilson” Bucky joins you, leaning against the kitchen island and giving you a crooked smile. “Hey, doll”
“Hi, handsome” you place your hands on each side of his face. “Can I tell you something?”
“Yeah” he says, practically drooling.
“I think you’d look really good if you cut your hair”
“I’ll think about it” he promises.
“Move aside, I’m taking Y/N out for lunch” Sam says, pushing Bucky.
“Oh, sweetheart. You can’t handle all of this” you tease. “But I won’t say no to lunch”
“That’s good enough for me” he agrees, offering his arm. You take it, winking at Bucky and walking away.
Natasha is already planning six different ways to make Wilson disappear, and Bucky goes to his room.
“Gotta get a haircut” he mumbles.
Oh, like hell.
Neither one of them can touch what’s hers.
Natasha: How was lunch?
Y/N: Oh, NOW you text me?
Y/N: We need to talk. Call me.
Natasha throws the phone across the room, feeling like screaming into her pillow. It still smells like you, which makes her heart ache.
If only she hadn’t been so stupid to ruin whatever it is you two had.
You were on top of her, riding her strap, as you had done so many times since you started your situationship. Hands on Natasha’s abdomen, feeling how her muscles worked to pump in and out of you.
“I love your tits” Natasha said, breathless. You nodded, bouncing harder, moaning desperately. “I love your pussy, it’s perfect for my cock”
“Baby, I’m so close” you whined, so desperate you barely registered her next words.
“I love you”
Eyes wide open, your movements stopped for a second. Before you could answer, Natasha flipped you and you were face down, ass in the air as she entered, pounding harder.
And you really wanted to ask what the fuck and if she really meant what she said, but you were so close that all you could do was moan her name and come hard around the strap.
You barely registered when Natasha pulled out. You felt empty and confused and so stretched.
“Nat? Babe, wait”
“I have to… I forgot a mission report, I’m sorry” she muttered, putting her clothes on and leaving in a hurry. She ran out of her own fucking room before owning what she said.
And now, she couldn’t even look at you. She couldn’t stand the idea that you would reject her.
The little hope that lingered in the back of her mind was the most painful feeling of all.
All she wanted was to be loved by you.
Call me means fucking call me.
It means don’t pretend nothing happened.
God, she’s so infuriating. And hot. And good at sex.
But mostly infuriating.
Now you’re back in the Compound, determined to get her to talk to you. Which is why you decided to wear your low cut dress and push up bra.
She said she loves your breasts, right? Well, here they fucking are.
You carry a bunch of binders that need filing, and they help cover your boobs as you enter the living room. Natasha is sitting, and you think she is almost ready to approach you when Sam beats her to it.
“Here, let me help you” Sam offers. The minute your cleavage comes to view, his eyes widen.
“Hey, doll” Bucky greets and you turn around. His mouth flails open, but all you can do is admire his new look.
“Buck, oh my God! You actually listened to me?” you run your hands through his hair, making it impossible for him to look away from your chest. “You look absolutely stunning. Good boy”
“Yeah, uh… I…”
The interaction annoys Natasha, but she knows you won’t even entertain the idea of doing anything with those two.
Her mood quickly changes when Carol appraches you. She's a whole different story.
“Carol, it’s been ages since you’ve been here! All I read are your mission briefings” you say, hugging her tight.
“Well, how bout I tell you everything I’ve been up to over dinner?” she offers with a smile.
“Y/N” Natasha finally snaps. “I missed this week’s report. Mind filling me in?”
“Sure thing” you pull away, reluctantly. “Be right back, Danvers”
Natasha leads you to the conference room and pushes you against the door as soon as you enter.
“Why must you be such a brat?” she whispers against your ear, biting down your earlobe.
“It's the only way to get your attention, Natasha” you protest, trying to sound upset.
You’re torn between lust and anger, but she’s such a good kisser that her lips make you forget everything that’s happened in the last few days.
“I should punish you” she threatens, going down your body and pulling the dress up. Who is she kidding? Her mouth is watering at the thought of tasting you. “Bet you’d love that”
The word pulls you out of your trance. Natasha is about to take your panties off when you stop her, pulling her away by her hair.
“We’re going to talk”
“You don’t make the calls here”
“Natasha, stop it. I’m serious”
You really don’t want her to stop, but you can’t keep wondering if she meant it.
You want her to mean it.
“Are you seriously gonna make a big deal about it?”
“Ugh, you drive me insane, Natasha. Why can’t you just admit what you said and whether or not you meant it? Do you even care about what I want?”
She stays silent and you groan, pulling up your dress and fixing your clothes.
“I really wanted to be more than just fuck buddies” you admit before going out. “But if the thought of loving me is so embarassing for you, then forget about it. I won’t force the feeling out of you”
Natasha stays behind, wondering how she got it all wrong.
You wanted her.
By the time she comes to her senses, you’re long gone. But Carol does meet her in the hallway, smiling.
“Hey, do you mind telling Cap I’m skipping our meeting? Y/N and I are having dinner”
“Sure” Natasha nods, feeling her stomach drop.
Now it’s too late and she lost you.
The second anniversary of the Sokovian Accords comes and goes in a flash. Natasha really wanted to skip it, go find you and apologize.
And yet, here she is, in the Quinjet, flying back to the Compound after two days of exhausting diplomacy.
“Why couldn’t we stay a few days in Paris?” Sam laments for the third time.
“New recruits are in the middle of their training” Barton says from the pilot seat. “At least they got a break these last couple of days”
 “No, they didn’t” Wanda says. “Y/N is training them. Maria asked her to do it before we left”
“Y/N?” everyone says, looking at each other.
“But she’s a data analyst, not a field agent” Sam says.
“And the sweetest person ever” Bucky adds. He holds Natasha’s glare and smiles. Oh, he knows what’s up.
“Well, let’s make sure we put them back into shape when we get there” Steve slaps Bucky’s arm.
Boy, are they all wrong. When the team goes back to the Compound, you’re in the middle of a training session. A guy runs out of the gym, his shoulder crashing against Sam’s as he bolts for the exit.
“She’s fucking crazy, man” he says to himself, looking terrified.
“What the hell?”
Steve pushes the door to the gym. And there you are, in the middle of sparring. With one swift motion you kick the guy to the floor, and he puts his hands up, as if begging for mercy.
“Oh, we have company” you taunt, walking confidently around the students. “Anyone want to fight the Avengers? I promise you they’re not as hard to beat”
“Who is she and what has she done to Y/N?” Barton whispers.
Natasha has to hold back a moan. You look cold and deathly, having kicked all of their asses without breaking a sweat. That also explains why you’re so… bendy.
“Fine. Since none of you could even land a hit on me, you’re running ten laps. Don’t come back here unless you’ve thrown up or cried once”
All the recruits scramble to their feet, relieved now that they can get away from you. You turn around, giving the Avengers a challenging look.
“What? Wanna give it a try? I’ll go easy on you” you say. “Maybe not on Natasha, though. She hasn’t been a good girl”
“Ew” Wanda says, leaving the room. Between that and Natasha’s bendy thought, that was so loud she might as well have screamed it in the middle of the gym, she’s had enough.
“Alright, let’s see what you’ve got” Barton is the only one that steps up. You nod, evaluating his approach. He throws the first punch but it never lands. You move out of his way at record speed, keeping the contact at minimum while you kick the back of his legs, making him fall on his knees. Another three blows and Clint is face down on the mat.
“Pass” Sam says when you turn around to see who’s next.
“I’ll take my chances” Natasha says, stepping up. You smile in a way that makes a chill run down her spine.
Natasha thinks you can never go wrong with a classic move, so she throws her legs around your neck. But you block the movement and make her land on her back, hands pinned abover her head.
It happens at least three different times, each position becoming more sexual.
“I think we should leave” Bucky says.
“In a minute”
“Come on, Wilson” he forces him out the door, closing it for good measure and hoping you keep your clothes on before the recruits come back.
If they even come back.
“I promise you, you’re not gonna win this time, Natasha” you say, out of breath for the first time. Her eyes travel to your lips and you lean forward, stopping inches away from her mouth. “And I sure as hell ain’t letting you go without talking about that thing you said the other day”
“Now you’re polite. Now you say please. I’ve been chasing you for a fucking week to know if you like me for more than my tits and ass” you finally give in, kissing her for a few seconds. She whines against your mouth, trying to create friction. But your hold is too strong and she can’t move an inch without your permission.
“I’m sorry, baby, I’m sorry. I was scared you’d reject me and then everything would be ruined forever between us. I love you, so damn much it scares me” Natasha finally breaks, surprising herself with the way she’s pouring her heart out to you.
But that’s how much she loves you and how much she needs you.
Her words leave you breathless and you smile, going back to being your usual self.
“Natasha, I love you so damn much, it drives me crazy. Please don’t ever doubt that, sweetheart”
She nods, her nose rubbing against yours and you finally do what you’ve been craving all week. You kiss her, gently at first, and then more passionately, your hands dropping from hers to let her hug you.
You moan against her mouth, Natasha’s tongue slipping inside.
“Fuck, baby, I need you” you moan, going back to being submissive for the redhead.
“What does my pretty girl want? My mouth or my fingers?”
“Just you, anything, please”
Thinking back to the last time she almost had you, her mouth waters and she decides to flip you on your back and travel down your body, leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses and pulling down your shorts and underwear.
“All of this for me?” she asks, running her fingers up and down your slit, collecting your juices and sucking on her digit. “I missed your taste, princess”
“Nat, please” you cant your hips up, hoping she takes the hint. You’re too far gone to form a coherent sentence.
Natasha darts her tongue out. She moans at the taste, and snakes her arms around your thighs to keep you in place. Her tongue goes up and down, then deep inside you and you shudder.
You would almost feel embarrassed for lasting so little, but it’s not your fucking fault she was hiding for a week.
When you remember that, your hands go to her hair and you pull her closer. Natasha enjoys the roughness, her movements speeding up and pushing you over the edge.
You come, crying out her name and trembling. As you struggle to catch your breath, Natasha moves up, letting you taste yourself in her mouth.
“Hey, baby”
“Hey” you say, smiling.
“Can I take you out to dinner tonight? I’d like to make it up to you”
“Yes to dinner. And give me a couple more of those orgasms and we’ll call it even”
“That sounds like a deal” she smiles against your lips, eager to make up for the lost time.
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roosterforme · 3 months
This blurb is based on an anonymous request for a birthday treat for @phoenix-rising-starbird-one Happy birthday, Vonny!
Designated Driver (Bob Floyd x Reader)
contains fluff, mentions of drinking, and Bob shooting his shot
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The best thing about the Hard Deck was that Bob could walk there from his place. It gave him a few minutes to himself on the way there and on the way home to clear his head. He loved his friends, he really did, but they could be a handful when they had too much to drink. They liked to get a little rowdy, while he rarely drank alcohol at all. At least they never assumed he would drive them home, and they usually just called for an Uber instead while he walked back along the peaceful streets alone.
But the Hard Deck was closed for an extended refurbishment, and everyone insisted on trying a new bar on the other side of Coronado on Friday night. Bob knew what that meant. One look at his new SUV with the extra row of seats, and they would all be bugging him to drive them home. In fact, it started while he was still at work on Friday afternoon.
"Hey, Baby on Board," Jake called when Bob tried to sneak out of the locker room unnoticed. "You mind giving me a ride to and from the bar tonight?"
"Oh!" Javy chimed in. "Me too."
"I'm like two streets away from Javy," Bradley interjected. "Mind getting me on the way?"
Bob sighed but ultimately shook his head. "No, I don't mind. I'll pick you all up."
Three hours later, he was pulling away from the curb in front of Mickey's apartment with all of his friends in tow. Nat was in the front seat navigating for him while Reuben selected which song he wanted for the ten minute drive, and Bob was already looking forward to dropping them all back off and going home later.
The bar left a lot to be desired, especially compared to the Hard Deck, and he immediately felt out of place. He was about to go sit outside when Nat rubbed his arm and said, "Why don't you go grab that empty bar stool? Next to the cute girl?"
He turned to look where his friend was pointing, and a second later, his mouth was hanging open. "She's beautiful," he whispered, and soon his friend was guiding him in your direction where you were perched on a bar stool, reading a book.
"She looks exactly like your type," Nat mused. "She's drinking a bottle of Coke and reading a novel at a bar."
Bob was busy taking in every inch of your pretty face, and the closer he got, the faster his heart pounded. Without another word, Nat shoved him so he bumped into the empty stool next to yours, and you looked up in surprise.
"Sorry," he muttered as his friend vanished. "I didn't mean to startle you."
He was sure his face was bright red, flushed with embarrassment as you saved your spot with your bookmark and smiled at him. "It's okay."
Bob cleared his throat. "Would you mind if I sit here?"
Your smile grew as you shook your head. "Not at all. Maybe if my friends see me talking to you, they'll get off my back about being antisocial. It's not my fault I prefer books over playing darts."
As he slid into the seat next to yours, he said, "Books are way better than darts. I read that one last month."
"Really?" you asked with excitement as he pointed to the spine. "I love this author."
"Me too," he replied, still in awe over you. Then he decided he really had nothing to lose. "If I would have known the most beautiful woman at the bar was bringing a book with her tonight, I'd have brought one, too."
You made a cute little noise ducked your head away from him, and he hoped he hadn't embarrassed you too much. A few seconds later, you looked up at him with a grin and said, "Well, since you didn't, maybe we can just talk instead?"
"I would love that," Bob promised. "Will you let me buy you another drink?"
"Okay, but just a Coke. I'm the designated driver tonight, and I'm not much of a drinker anyway."
Bob laughed as he waved down the bartender and said, "Two Cokes for the designated drivers, please."
"You, too?" you asked him, your smile bright again.
When he nodded in response, he held out his right hand. "I'm Bob, by the way."
Your fingers glided along his, and you told him your name as you shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you, Bob. I must admit, the last thing I anticipated was meeting a man with good taste in books tonight."
He laughed softly as the bartender dropped off two cold bottles of Coke. "I would have never guessed that the coolest woman here would let me buy her a drink."
You looked very pleased with yourself, and a beat later, you held your hand out again. "Why don't you just go ahead and give me your phone so I can save my number for you?" Bob scrambled to pull it out of his pocket as you added, "Maybe next time we can ditch our friends and the bar and talk about books somewhere quieter?"
"Absolutely," he said with a smile as you saved the number he already couldn't wait to text later.
Happy birthday, Vonny! I hope you enjoyed the actual story of how my parents met lol
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crosshairlovebot · 6 months
enclosed intentions / crosshair gn!reader
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pairing: crosshair x gn!reader (no y/n). reader has a nickname.
description: amid your growing feelings for the silver-haired sniper, you and crosshair are paired together on a mission that goes awry, which brings to light intentions you've been aching to know.
word count: 9,934 (pHEW!!)
warnings: near-death experience (everyone lives). landslide. heavy storms. enclosed spaces. minor injury. minor injury description. making out. light angst.
been wanting to write another crosshair fic for a while bc he's my GUY and i love him!!! season 3 is only fuelling the burning fire he stokes in my chest. i hope you enjoy this! strap in! it's a long one! (sorry if there are any errors, i've edited this but it's so long it's entirely possible that i missed some <3)
also posted this on ao3. feedback is welcomed, reblogs are appreciated.
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More often than not, Clone Force 99 was sent on dangerous missions – missions too specialised for the regular battalions and squads that filled the Grand Army of the Republic. The missions that troubled Jedi Generals regarding the potential loss of men. But Clone Force 99 and their specialised skills took on those missions with ease, enthusiasm even.
You were about to embark on another one of those missions.
When you’d first joined the GAR as a medic, you’d heard rumours about the squad of defective clones and their enhanced skills, and you would be lying if you said you weren’t impressed by their reportedly unbroken mission success.
When Echo walked into your medbay after he’d been rescued from Skako Minor and you were the first to check over him – making him feel comfortable after years of prodding and inhumane treatment – it only made sense for you to join the team as a field medic to continue to treat him and the other members of the squad.
Though they were initially dubious of the idea of a nat-born joining their ranks, they had always been a misfit crew – you were only another addition to that, and it wasn’t long before your presence with the squad felt like being at home.
You got on with each of the members well, even if they grumbled and complained about your regularly scheduled medical check-ups after missions.
Tech was a great help in collating the medical files he’d made from when he acted as the informal medic. You joked along with Wrecker, who often used you as an alternate barbell, lifting you over his head to warm up before a mission. Hunter often conferred with you before mission briefings to go over any hazards that could harm them. Echo was probably your strongest bond, the trust that existed between you both created a level of closeness not shared with the other members of the squad.
But Crosshair…
You’d soon discovered that Crosshair was weary of anyone who wasn’t part of his immediate family, and you joining Clone Force 99 – and in such constant close quarters, meant your relationship with the sharpshooter was a little more distant than the others.
You tried not to let it bother you so much, but it was hard when you were joking with Wrecker, and you could feel Crosshair’s discerning enhanced eyes on you. You often ignored his gaze as best you could, but sometimes you would look over at him, and hold his eyes for a moment before he got up and walked away.
You wish you knew what those looks meant. You would lay in your bunk at night, and think about it, trying to piece together any patterns and figure out why Crosshair’s eyes never seemed to truly leave you.
Despite the distance between you both, it didn’t deter your intrigue about him. There was something about him that drew your attentions towards him.
If you didn’t feel his eyes on you, your eyes would find him. He was so fascinating to watch. Everything he did, he did with purpose; intention. Nothing about Crosshair was insignificant. Every word, every gesture, every look held meaning. You liked trying to figure it out, but you had yet to decipher much of it – especially when it was directed at you. He was like a puzzle that didn’t want to be solved, hiding all his answers in disappearing ink, you had to hold him up to the light to try and unravel him. You wished he would let you, but his terse demeanour kept you at bay - not wanting to disturb what balance you had.
So you were content to watch him from a distance. He was methodical about everything. Cleaning his rifle the same way after every mission, never missing a step, always performing each of them in the same order. His armour went on the same way. You would watch how his toothpicks would always dangle from his lips as he cleaned his prized weapon, and you would almost be hypnotised by the way he moved the wooden stick between his teeth. You spent so much time staring at his mouth, that you could probably draw it from memory.
He was magnetising.
Whenever you needed to perform a medical check on him, you would do so quietly and draw it out, as if trying to soak up every moment of the closeness to him, catalogue it all.
When it came to checking his hands, you would gently hold them in your palms and gently massage the joints that could get cramped from holding the rifle tightly. You would check the nerves with a light prick on each fingertip and around the palm. Those examinations were so tense, his eyes on you the entire time watching your every move in the tiny medbay on the Marauder. You could barely focus in that room, there was nowhere to hide from his sharp eyes. And when you dared meet his gaze, his eyes would hold yours in a way that left you breathless and you were never able to look him in the eyes for very long. They’d look right into yours, an expression dancing in them you could never place.
But he never said anything to you – not unless you asked him a question about pain. But you’d think about each interaction for days afterwards.
Your silent exchanges filled your head at night, spilling over into your dreams. Dreams where those hands you’d just inspected in the waking world would be holding you tightly, that mouth you’d stared at brushing against your cheek and neck, whispering things you pretended not to remember once you woke. You’d wake up from those dreams confused, still feeling the ghost of his touches on you. It didn’t hit you until several dreams later that that initial intrigue had given way to feelings much deeper; to an intense crush that only seemed to build the longer you spent with Clone Force 99.
If anyone else noticed, they never said anything. You carried on as normal and hoped Hunter’s heightened senses didn’t pick up on the way your face heated or your heartbeat increased when Crosshair was near.
Except the silence between you broke a few days ago.
After the last mission, you were scheduled to do the weekly checks on the squad. You always left Crosshair until last, knowing he liked to clean his rifle as soon as the mission debrief was over. When you called him into the tiny room, he sat down on the bench, and you completed the first part of the check-up smoothly.
It was when you were massaging one of his hands, loosening the stiffness with your own fingers, that you felt his close around yours.
You had stilled and slowly looked up at him. His brown-eyed gaze met yours and you felt the air get sucked out of your lungs. You watched his eyes flick between yours, his throat working as his fingers were warm around yours. He was holding your hand, and it was warm and strong despite its slenderness. It was such an innocent gesture, and yet the sensation of his touch made your face burn and heat unfurl in your chest as your feelings for the sniper were unleashed in full force. You didn’t know what to do, but you would be lying if you didn’t like the feel of his fingers around yours. But this was Crosshair – the Crosshair who barely spoke to you, who watched you like he was analysing your every move.
“A-am I hurting you?” you managed to stammer out.
Crosshair blinked, seemingly jolting himself out of a trance and pulled his hands away roughly, frowning. “No.” His voice was like gravel, and he stood up and quickly left the room, check-up unfinished.
You had no idea what had happened, what you had done, what he had done, but you stood in that room trying to quell your racing heart for ages before you worked up the nerve to emerge. You spent that night thinking about the warmth of his fingers around yours and the way his throat bobbed like he wanted to tell you something.
What was it that he wanted to say? You knew Crosshair was always intentional in everything he did, so what was his intention with holding your hand like that?
Now, as the Marauder flew into a planet you couldn’t remember the name of, you felt those brown eyes on you from where Crosshair sat in one of the seats in the cockpit, his arms crossed and toothpick between his lips. Echo helped Tech guide the ship as Wrecker bench-pressed Gonky in the corridor. Hunter stood nearby as you held onto the back of Tech’s pilot seat as the ship flew into the planet’s atmosphere.
Since joining the squad a mere two months ago, you had been to more planets than you ever thought you would visit in your entire lifetime, but you had never seen anything like this.
The sky was full of enormous floating rocks, with thick greenery on top. You didn’t know how they stayed floating like this.
“This place is unbelievable,” you murmured. “How is this possible?”
“The rocks are held up by the planet’s unique gravity, creating a balanced pull that tethers the rock to its place. Think of them as miniature planets that exist within the atmosphere,” Tech explained.
You hummed in amazement as Tech flew past them all and steered towards the planet’s surface, which lay beneath a thick bank of dark clouds. The clouds gave way to rocky terrain, with a mountain range that jutted up from the ground haphazardly, not unlike their floating counterparts, as well as canyons and valleys. The whole planet seems to be rocks in various states. Tech landed the ship in a clear area and then everyone turned to Hunter.
“So, what’s the plan, Hunter?” Wrecker called out, finally giving Gonky a rest and placing him back on the ground.
Everyone gathered around a holomap Hunter had brought up. You felt Crosshair slide in next to you, his crossed arms grazing yours. Heat prickled your skin, the memory of the warmth of his fingers coming to life again, and you shifted slightly, drawing your arms closer to your body. You looked up at him but for once, his gaze wasn’t on you, but on the blue graphics in front of him. Your face burned. It was embarrassing how much of an effect he had on you, and even more so now after that moment in the medbay. He seemed to have completely forgotten about it, and here you were still having phantom feelings of the way his fingers wrapped around yours.
“We divide our squad,” Hunter begins. “Break off into pairs. The mineral we’ve been sent to recover is located across this entire sector, but according to Tech, not all of it will be viable.”
“There is a very narrow window in which the mineral is usable, and it will be difficult to find. But we will need to be cautious. The viable mineral is highly volatile when handled. And there’s an incoming storm headed this way, and due to the unique gravitational field on this planet, the storms here are quite lethal,” Tech tapped on his datapad.
You took a deep breath in. It appeared there was a lot that could go wrong.
Hunter nodded. “I can feel it. We’ll need to move fast, so let’s get going. Echo, you’re with me in the Badlands. Tech and Wrecker, you head west for the Valley. And that leaves Crosshair with N’edee up in the Mountains. Comm if you find any viable mineral and triangulate your position as best you can for reference before extracting as much as possible. Then head back to the Marauder where we’ll reconvene. Questions?”
Everyone shook their head. “The terrain is tough out there, so let’s try to avoid N’edee having to patch up any injuries,” Hunter added, sending you a smile. Everyone nodded before Hunter signalled everyone to move out.
N’edee was the little Mando’a nickname they’d appointed you. It meant ‘no bite’. After you’d first joined, you’d witnessed your first ever disagreement between Crosshair and Hunter and, not used to their scuffles yet, tried to mediate between them. They were so amused it stopped the argument and earned you the name – since you’d rather try to keep the peace instead of letting them fight it out.
Now, you knew better, but the name stuck. You wished you hated it, but Crosshair’s smirk as he called you it the first time was the first time he ever sort of smiled at you.
And the last.
The squad grabbed their gear, and you strapped your med pack to your back and holstered a blaster you barely ever used. You felt your whole body go into overdrive, not only because of the risk of the mission but also because you were paired off with Crosshair. The thought of being so close; just the two of you sent nerves running through you. If it was anyone else, you wouldn’t hesitate to ask what happened in the medbay, and try and sort it out and move forward, but you didn’t have that kind of closeness with Crosshair. There was no way you felt comfortable bringing up the way he held your hand – this was an important mission, and you didn’t want to risk ruining it by making Crosshair uncomfortable and clam up so tight you’d lose the modicum of trust you had.
Whenever intention he’d had, you weren’t destined to ever know what it was. So, you’d just have to take a page out of his book and pretend it never happened.
You made your way down the Marauder’s gangplank to find Crosshair waiting for you, helmet under his arm and holding the barrel of the sniper with his free hand as the hilt rested on the ground. He was the only one there, the others had already started their treks. You quickened your steps down as he looked over at you, heat blooming up your neck.
“Sorry,” you told him. Crosshair shook his head, either dismissing the apology or disappointed in your slowness to get ready – you couldn’t tell.
“Let’s go, the storm’s moving quickly,” he informed in that way of his. He placed his helmet on and started walking. You watched him walk away, not looking back at you as his long legs carried him quickly through the rocky ground in the direction of the mountain range.
“Try and keep up,” he called back, and you huffed, adjusting your med pack and jogging after him.
Crosshair kept a quick pace as you both walked, and his height didn’t help. The rhythmic beeping of the scanner Tech provided you with and your footsteps were the only sound between you both. You tried to keep up as best you could as you approached the base of the mountain range, but you were still lagging a couple of metres behind him.
You had been worried about the awkwardness a conversation about what happened in the medbay would bring, and yet you were not even close enough to have one.
You huffed, a light sheen of sweat covering your brow, as you stepped over a bunch of rocks, moving between them as best you could, looking down at your feet to ensure you didn’t fall. The weather was beginning to change, and you knew the storm was getting closer as the wind picked up and nearly knocked you off balance a few times. But you had still to find any viable mineral. You looked at the scanner and saw it was indeed picking up signs of the mineral, but none of it was suitable – either too old or too young a sample. You sighed. This was going to take longer than you thought, and you only hoped you had more luck once you reached the mountains, and that the storm would hold off.
“Watch your step,” Crosshair called back to you. You looked up to watch him as he stepped on a boulder and jumped down into what must’ve been a small ditch at the foot of the mountain range. You frowned and kept walking. As you got closer, you were surprised as you realised he was waiting for you. His helmet was trained on you as you reached the rock and you tried to pretend like it wasn’t a big deal to you. You stepped on top of the boulder, the wind whipping around you as his gaze tilted up at you. For once, you towered over him. You couldn’t help but smile playfully at him.
“So, this is what the world must look like for you,” you joked, trying to ease the tension that was still thick between you.
Crosshair let out a small scoff at your joke before holding out his hand. “Hurry up.”
You widened your eyes at his extended hand, your eyes flicking to it and then back to his visor. After the medbay, you hardly imagined he’d be offering a hand to you again in a clinical setting, let alone to help you descend a boulder. You looked at his outstretched hand, letting a moment pass as you waited for him to retract it, but he didn’t.
This gesture was intentional.
You slowly placed your hand in his. His hand was as warm and strong as it was several days ago, and the familiarity of it made your insides jolt as you felt it wrap around your palm. The nerve endings in your hand tingled in excitement as they ignited from his touch. Heat coiled its warmth through your whole body as you crouched down to a sitting position, doing your best not to topple over not only from the wind. He helped you slide off the edge down to where he was standing, his hand steadying you.
You wobbled on your feet slightly as you landed, and you looked up at him, wishing he wasn’t wearing his helmet right now so you could discern his steely gaze. Though you had a feeling his bare face still would not betray anything of what was going on in his head.
Was he acknowledging what happened? Or was he just being considerate of the terrain?
Before you could open your mouth with a ‘thank you’, he let go of your hand and started walking up a pathway that seemed to wind up the mountain.
You guessed it was not the former.
You took in a shaky breath, body tingling with the remnants of his touch as you felt its cold absence and started after him; scanner poised as you walked.
The pathway up the mountain was wide enough to walk on, but too narrow to walk side by side comfortably without worry of falling over the edge. So, you trailed behind Crosshair once again, who had now slowed down that the route had grown more precarious. You clenched your jaw as you followed his steps carefully, avoiding any loose rocks as you walked. You tried not to think about the increasing ascension of the mountain, the ground below getting smaller and smaller the higher you both trekked as you continued to scan the side of the mountain for any trace of a viable source of the mineral, but still, there was nothing.
The higher you moved the wind that whipped around both your bodies increased as the clouds rolled in. You had to move your hand alongside the mountain as you waked, too afraid you’d blow away as the gusts of wind threatened to knock you over.
You’d been walking for a few hours by now and with the weather getting worse, the constant pace was starting to wear on you; arms and legs sore and feet aching, face stinging. You looked out over the cliff and saw you were almost halfway up, and the sky was getting darker as the storm continued to draw closer. Every time you looked, it seemed to be moving towards you quicker, so as much as you wanted to stop and rest, you knew that you couldn’t – especially when you looked ahead at Crosshair and saw he didn’t seem to show any signs of exhaustion.
Though you knew clones had been engineered to withstand increased levels of physical exertion, you still felt inadequate not being able to keep up. Even after two months with the squad, you still weren’t used to the physicality of the missions. You weren’t initially trained as a field medic, but you still didn’t want to look like you couldn’t handle this simple mission – even if it was more gruelling than you anticipated. So, you gritted your teeth and kept walking, despite the way your body protested with each step.
Crosshair began to slow before he stopped and turned to look at you. “Picking up anything?”
You shook your head and hoped you didn’t sound as puffed out as you felt. “Nothing viable. Not even a false read.”
Crosshair grumbled. “Another wild bantha chase.”
You tried to sound upbeat, but you weren’t fooling anyone. “Maybe the others have had more luck?”
“Maybe,” Crosshair said, his helmeted face drifting from you to the sky. He removed his helmet and scowled as the storm drew closer and closer to your position on the mountain. It was close enough now that you began to see flashes of lightning strike within the clouds, and you jolted when a crack of thunder sounded like it was almost on top of you.
“The storm is too close,” he said, shaking his head in concern.
“I know. Should we head back to the Marauder?”
“There’s no time. We need a pickup,” Crosshair sighed and placed his helmet back on, pressing the side of his helmet. “Hunter, do you copy?”
You watched him, hand gripping the mountain as the wind grew stronger with each passing second. You were starting to feel spits of rain hit your skin as more thunder and lightning struck. Your body was shaking with exhaustion and all you wanted to do was lie down in a safe place and fall asleep.
“Wrecker? Do you copy? Tech? Echo? Hunter, are you there?” Crosshair spoke into his comm, his voice getting harder with every word. He let out a frustrated sigh.
“I can’t reach them. There’s too much atmospheric interference with the storm, maybe even the gravity too.”
You looked at him and tried not to sound panicked, but you knew your face betrayed you anyway. “What do we do?”
A crack of thunder sounded, and it was like the sky was splitting open. The mountain shook under your feet, and you fell to your knees, yelping. You felt Crosshair crouch next to you, a hand on your back to steady you. You looked up at him as the rain started to pelt down heavily on you both. You tried to shield your face, but the rain was so heavy it felt like knives cutting as it hit the skin of your face.
Crosshair hooked a hand under your arm and hauled you up. “We have to move.”
“We need to get off this mountain!” You shouted over the rain.
“We need to find shelter. Come on,” Crosshair skirted you in front of him and you both started to run up the path in the pouring rain. You held a hand against your brow to try and see, but the rain and wind intensified more than you thought possible, blurring your vision.
“Crosshair, I can’t—”
You slipped on a rock loosened by the wet ground. You cried out and fell forward, landing on your hands harshly. You felt your palms sting as you tried to get to your feet, but Crosshair slid his hands under your armpits and lifted you just as there was a flash of bright light, and the mountain shook again, this time more violently. It felt like the lightning had hit the mountain this time, and when you tried to look up to check, your worst fears were confirmed as the sound of rocks tumbling began to get louder over the heavy rain. Panic coursed through your veins.
“Go!” Crosshair yelled, hand steady on your arm as you both ran, him pulling you forward. You could feel rocks landing behind you and you tried to run faster, skin numb from the rain.
“There’s a cave up ahead! Hurry!” Crosshair shouted as he led you towards the mouth of the cave. Your thighs and calves burned, and Crosshair pulled you inside just as rocks fell and covered the entrance of the cave, trapping you both inside.
You fell to your knees, catching your breath as you looked around and realised how dark it was. You’re eyes hadn’t adjusted yet, so could barely see anything, but you heard Crosshair’s body hit the ground nearby as he sat down, grunting as he took his helmet off. His breath moved quickly too as you blinked and tried reaching out to see where he was.
“Crosshair?” you said, patting the hard ground next to you until you found his knee.
“I’m here,” he said, placing a hand over yours. You sucked in a breath as his fingers curled around yours. “You okay?” He asked, his voice raspy.
Your heartbeat which had only just started to slow, picked up again as he held your hand again. How many more times was this going to happen? Would you ever not freak out when he touched you now? Was that his intention?
You swallowed. “Yeah, I’m okay. Are you?”
You felt the muscles in his hand flex. “Yeah.”
You took in a shaky breath and let him hold your hand again, relishing in the feel of his fingers wrapped around yours for a moment, so warm and solid. The feel of his knee under your palm, a part of the body you had originally thought completely savoury until this very moment. After a moment too long of no sound except the roaring rain on the other side of the rock, you cleared your throat before you felt around you with your other hand. “I can’t see.”
“I can.”
You blushed profusely and hoped to the Force you didn’t look as bewildered as you felt. “Right. Of course.”
Crosshair slowly let go of your hand but made a point of keeping your empty palm on his knee, like he knew you needed to feel him close by.
The word intentional flashed in your mind.
Your stomach turned over at the gesture and you wiped your face with your other hand, shoulders beginning to shake. You heard Crosshair take off his pack and scramble through it, pulling out a small light that he usually placed on the end of his rifle. He clicked it on, and you shielded your eyes, before blinking your vision clear. Now you could see Crosshair’s face half illuminated, his brow was creased as he held out the light to you.
“Thanks,” you said, taking it from him. You pointed it around the cave and realised it was not so much a cave, but an oversized cavity in the side of the mountain. It wasn’t very deep, and it looked like its width was only a little bigger than Crosshair was tall. But it had saved your lives. You looked behind you, at the rocks that had fallen there.
“How are we going to get out of here?” you asked, running the light over the edge of the cave to see if there were any openings, but there were none substantial enough for you to try and get leverage to move the rocks that blocked you both in. Some rain fell through the cracks, the water landing on the rock as the storm carried on outside. That was good – at least you had some airflow.
“We need to wait for the storm to pass before we can see if comms will work to call the others,” Crosshair explained. “If we can’t contact them, we’ll have to wait for them to find us.”
The thought of being trapped in here for an undetermined amount of time made your heartbeat begin to race. “And if they can’t find us?”
“They will.” Crosshair’s conviction was comforting. You’d learnt that his belief in his brothers was unwavering, and never misplaced. If he believed that they would find them, then you did too.
You looked at him, careful not to shine the light in his sensitive eyes. His gaze was on you, and this might’ve been the first time you didn’t feel the need to avert your eyes. As intense as his gaze was, it was soft, and the brown of his eyes shined in the low light. Your hand was still on his knee and your eyes flicked down to it. You didn’t know if removing it would make it more awkward, or if leaving it there would. In the split-second moment, you were debating it in your head, with your body still shaking when Crosshair interrupted your thoughts.
“You’re shivering,” Crosshair said. “You need to get dry.”
You looked up at him and realised just how much you were shivering, now that the adrenaline had worn off. Your clothes were soaked through from the downpour, and the chill was sinking into your bones. You knew that if you didn’t get dry, you would get hypothermic.
You held out the light to Crosshair to take, which he did wordlessly. With shaky hands, you pulled your med pack off your back and placed it in front of you. Crosshair shined the light where you needed it as you searched through the items for a reflective blanket and when you found it, you pulled it out, the light bouncing off the shiny fabric. You looked at Crosshair, heat crawling up your neck.
“Um, I need to…”
Crosshair turned his head immediately but kept the light pointed in your direction. As quickly as you could, embarrassment flooding your trembling frame, you removed the layers of clothes you had on. You kept on the black GAR issue bodysuit you wore under all your clothes, even if it was slightly damp – you weren’t going to be completely bare with just a blanket between you and Crosshair. As you stripped everything off, you noticed the palms of your hands were grazed from the fall, and it hurt to move them as the skin stretched. You would deal with it once you weren’t shivering anymore, but the priority right now was to get warm.
Once you piled all your clothes together – there was no hope in everything drying whilst you were stuck in here, you pulled your knees to your chest and wrapped the reflective blanket around you tightly.
“Okay.” You said and Crosshair looked over and he squinted as the light bounced off the blanket, gaze searching your frame.
“What about your hands?”
“My hands?”
“You fell. I saw your palms are grazed.”
He was so perceptive, you wondered what else he saw that he never acknowledged. “I’ll patch them up after I stop shaking,” you told him, wrapping the blanket tighter.
Crosshair shook his head. “Aren’t you always telling us that injuries should be treated as soon as possible? Give me this—” he pulled the med pack in front of him and pointed the light inside.
“Crosshair—” You said as he dug around your pack, pulling out some antibac wipes and bacta patches. “You don’t have to. It’s not your job.”
Crosshair sent you a withering look before he placed the light between his teeth and gestured for you to show him your hands. You sighed and pulled your hands out of the blanket as best you could without it slipping off your shoulders. You turned your palms up, still slightly tremoring. They weren’t bleeding, but they were red and rubbed raw from the gravel you landed on. And they stung, but you were trying to be brave about it.
They were easily treatable, but your hands didn’t look pretty, that’s for sure.
Crosshair looked at them, adjusting the light in his mouth so they were completely illuminated before he shook his head with a frown, ripped open an antibac wipe, and cradled one of your hands in his.
 He met your eyes, a silent question in their gentle expression as his hand was poised, wipe ready to be drawn across your palms. You’d never seen him look at you like this before; this softly. It was so easy for your crush to bloom when he looked at you like this. You looked into his brown-eyed gaze, cheeks heated, and you nodded.
Crosshair gently placed the wipe on your palms, and you sucked in a breath as it stung the exposed skin. You felt the hand that cradled yours tighten and then he slowly began to clean the wound. With his attention on your hand, you could watch him unabashedly. The roles between you had now reversed. He was treating your hands as attentively as you treated his. The way he held your hand in his large palm was so gentle that your heart fluttered. You could feel the heat permeate from under his gloves into your skin, and you felt your hand slowly begin to still, the warmth returning to you with his touch. You were so touched at the way he was doing this for you, without you even asking. The way he insisted upon it. You hadn’t expected it after the medbay, and you ignored the little voice in the back of your head that asked what his intention was and simply savoured this moment of kindness from the man you were hopelessly crushing on.
He was as methodical as he was when cleaning his rifle, wiping the wound on one hand in even strokes that coated all the raw skin twice before he moved to the other hand, a new wipe this time.
You watched the way the light was poised between his teeth, and when his eyes flicked to yours for a moment, you averted your gaze back to your hands reflexively. You heard him breathe out through his nose harshly as he discarded the wipe and grabbed a bacta patch, pressing it between his palms to warm the liquid. You watched him, your eyes meeting his tattooed gaze once again as your hands remained suspended between you.
You thought back to the medbay, at how his fingers had curled around yours so naturally like it was instinctual; at the way he pulled his hands away so quickly and so forcefully it was like your hands had been burnt; at how fast he’d left you standing there, reeling from his actions. You tried to think of what his intention had been, and what you had done that had made him retreat.
“I’m sorry…for the other day.” Your voice was quiet in the small space. The storm continued to rage outside, but there was no way he hadn’t heard you. Crosshair looked at you, knowing exactly what it was you were referring to, and placed the bacta patches in one hand before removing the light from his mouth to talk, confusion etched into his brow.
You brought your lips between your teeth as your eyes flicked between his. “Because I upset you.”
Crosshair looked at you for a moment, an undiscernible expression passed over his half-shadowed face as your eyes stayed locked on each other. What you would give to know what he was thinking, what thoughts swirled in his head. Two months of watching him had barely scratched the surface – you wanted to know everything, to be privy to the innermost workings of his mind.
Crosshair was the first to break his gaze, shaking his head.
“You didn’t upset me.”
You frowned at him, but before you could ask him what he meant, he had placed the end of the light back between his teeth and started applying the bacta patches to your palms, activating the adhesive and smoothing them down over your hands with his thumbs. He held one of your hands in both of his, his fingertips touching the back of your hand as he ran his thumbs along the edges of the bacta patch. He pressed them gently down, and you could already feel the bacta doing its job. He did the same thing to the other side.
You watched him and you realised you’d never felt so cared for before. Never had you been held so gently, treated with such practised methodical hands that were also so soft and caring. Your heart swelled.
He took the light out of his mouth. “Bandages?”
You cleared your throat. “They’re in the side pocket.”
Crosshair took some out and started wrapping your hands up so the bacta patch would be more secure. He was so good at this. With the light dangling from his teeth, he circled the bandage around one hand, before he tied it off and tucked the end, and then the same on the other side.
When he was done, he dropped his hands from yours and removed the light from his teeth for the final time.
You looked at your hands. You couldn’t have treated them better if you had done it yourself. You hadn’t even had to coach him through what to do, and that impressed you. It only made the warmth in your chest grow, that hopeless crush in full bloom and only growing more hopeless by the minute.
“Thank you,” you told him and pulled your hands back underneath the blanket.
Crosshair hummed and then placed the light up on its base between you both and leaned it against the rocks behind you, so the beam of light shined upwards and illuminated where you at. You watched him then sit back against the rock, stretching his long legs out in front of him and closing his eyes, sighing. You sat facing him and brought the blanket around you tighter. You no longer shivered, but you still wanted to be warmer than you were. You stared at the side of his face, Crosshair’s profile half-lit in the light. You gazed at the brown of his skin, the sliver of his hair, the slope of his nose, the purse of his lips. You noted the stubble lining his angled jawline, and wondered what it would feel like against your lips. He was beautiful.
He only hummed again in response.
You tightened your hold on the blanket as you worked up the courage to ask the question that was burning inside you. You couldn’t sit here anymore and not know.
“If I didn’t upset you…what happened?”
Crosshair opened his eyes, but he didn’t speak straight away. It was like he was searching for the right words, the best way to explain what had happened. You waited patiently for him to answer, your anxiety only building in anticipation.
Crosshair scraped the sole of his foot on the floor of the cavity as he brought one of his knees to his chest, resting his elbow on it. You swore you saw the tips of his ears turn pink, but you weren’t sure in this light. “I…crossed a boundary, and I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry for acting the way I did.”
You blinked at him, confused. That was the last thing you expected him to say, especially his apology. “Boundary? What boundary?”
“Does it matter?” Crosshair grumbled, his voice scratching.
“It does to me,” you told him gently.
He turned quiet again. He avoided your eyes, instead choosing to focus on a spot on his knee, frown etching deeper into his brow. You wished he would look at you. All those times you caught him watching you, now you willed him to meet your gaze. If he looked at you, you would be able to tell him with your eyes that he could trust you with whatever it was he was having a hard time verbalising. That you wouldn’t judge him the way you knew so many people did. That you saw him, how underneath all that surly exterior was a kind heart who’d been wounded too many times. But he pointedly didn’t look at you, and all you wished to say would remain your secret.
Crosshair sighed, breaking the silence. “You’re our medic, that’s more important.”
That only puzzled you more. “More important than what?”
Quiet descended again, and after several moments, you tentatively reached out and placed a bandaged hand on his shoulder pauldron. His eyes darted to you, wide like they were before in that medbay, and he shrugged you off, his voice hard and frustrated, and his cheeks tinted pink.
“Just forget it. It won’t happen again.”
You watched him, and the way his hands were clenched on his knees. The way he wasn’t looking at you anymore. You recalled the panic in his eyes that you saw in the medbay when he allowed himself the comfort of holding your hand, and how he’d had that same expression just before. You thought back to all the times you caught him looking at you, the way his eyes never left you – even when it was just the two of you during check-ups. The way he brushed up next to you when standing in mission briefings. The way he didn’t hesitate to touch you when he was helping you or keeping you safe – because it was easier to hide behind those gestures than the curling of his fingers around yours alone in the medbay.
Intentional. Intentional. Intentional.
Oh. Oh.
You felt your heartbeat increase as heat rushed through your body, your stomach flipping over at the realisation. You bit the insides of your mouth to stop yourself from smiling before taking a breath. It all made sense now.
Crosshair wasn’t upset at you, he was embarrassed. The man who was so careful about everything he said and did, had one moment where he allowed himself to do something on a whim, and it had made him vulnerable. The impulse had revealed a secret part of himself he had always intended to keep hidden, and now it was out there, and he was embarrassed about it.
He was embarrassed because he thought you didn’t feel the same.
What a fool. A beautiful stupid fool.
Nerves rattled through your body, but you couldn’t sit here any longer and not let him know how you felt too.  “Crosshair…” you said his name softly, barely above a whisper.
Crosshair didn’t move, his eyes stayed glued to the middle distance, his hands still clenched into fists. You let out a breath and held out your bandaged hands. At the movement in his periphery, his eyes slid towards your hands and then up to your face. You flexed your fingers, a silent signal to place his hands in yours. His mouth turned into a line and just when you thought he wouldn’t, he slowly placed one of his tight fists in your palms.
You cradled his hand, the back of it resting in your bandaged palm. As best you could with your other bandaged hand, you began to manually unfurl his fingers, spreading them out slowly against yours. He let you, his hand as pliable as it usually was when you did this – there was no apprehension in this moment, only trust. You began to slowly massage his hand, pressing and kneading the joints of his knuckles and the centre of his palm. Neither of you spoke, and the storm continued its fury on the other side of the rock, but it very well could’ve been a parsec away with how intimate this moment was. All you could focus on was him. You could feel him watching you, wondering what you were doing, but you didn’t let his intense gaze pull you away. Not anymore.
Once you reached the end of the massage, you slid your palm over his, fingers lined up. You moved your hand slowly like he was a baby tooka you had to coax into your lap, you were giving him time to pull away. You let your fingers fall between the gaps of his and then curled your fingers down, so you held his hand.
You felt him tense as he realised what was happening, and you looked at him, but his eyes were locked on your intertwined hands. You waited to see if he pulled away, but he didn’t. His hand stayed firmly in yours, his fingers still splayed out – but his palm stayed pressed into yours. You heard him take in a shaky breath as he finally looked at you.
His eyes had softened on the edges, but his shoulders were still tense, and he had an expression that looked like he was pleading with you; begging you not to play with him like this.
You wouldn’t dream of it.
“Is…is this the boundary?” you asked. You felt Crosshair shift, and his voice came out in a rasp and his ears were definitely pink in this dim light.
You looked down at your intertwined hands and squeezed his gently. “And me being your medic is more important than this?”
His reply came a second and a half later, all strained and breathy. “Yes.”
You looked at him, his tattooed gaze boring into your face. Ever the perceptive one, you could see he was trying to figure out what you were doing, and why you were doing it. You offered him a smile as you gave him the answer.
“This…this isn’t a boundary for me. Me being your medic has never mattered when it comes to this with you, and never will.”
You watched his eyes widen minutely, and if you didn’t know his face so well, you wouldn’t have noticed anything. But other than that almost indiscernible change in expression, Crosshair remained unmoving, his shoulders still rigid and his fingers still splayed out, not touching the back of your hand.
You searched his face and suddenly felt like you had completely misjudged his actions. Maybe he didn’t have the same crush on you, you did him. Maybe he had just held your hand by mistake, that what you thought had all been intentional, wasn’t actually intentional at all.
Your face burned and embarrassment flooded your body. You started to pull your hand away from him.
“But if it’s a boundary for you—”
But Crosshair’s fingers came down before you could rip your hand away, and he held your hand to his tightly, stopping your palm from leaving his. His hold was secure, warm and purposeful. There was nothing to hide behind anymore.
“It’s not,” he told you, his voice as soft as you’d ever heard it. He looked at you, and he was more vulnerable than you’d ever seen him. You felt your heartbeat flutter. You knew this was hard for him, vulnerability of any kind wasn’t Crosshair’s comfort zone. You smiled at him as reassuringly as you could.
You felt his shoulders drop as his whole body relaxed. Your heart almost burst when you saw the corner of his mouth turn up at you – a smile that was yours and yours alone. You smiled at him, that warmth in your chest glowing brightly, making you feel so at home, you almost didn’t mind you were trapped in this space. You were with Crosshair, and that was enough.
You both sat there, holding hands in the torchlight. It was such an innocent kind of intimacy, but for you both, it held so much. So many unspoken feelings now known through the feel of your palms against each other. You never wanted to let go, and you suspected he didn’t either. You felt his finger muscles flex and you squeezed his hand. He lifted his thumb and placed it on top of yours, stroking it gently in a ministration so comforting you could’ve sobbed. You smiled at him, and he returned it.
A genuine Crosshair smile was a rare gift so few received. He kept them, saving them for the people he trusted and loved. To get one now, to see the corners of his eyes crinkle and the smile lines in his cheeks stretch in a closed-mouth smile, you felt honoured. You never imagined you would ever see Crosshair smile at you like this, to let you close like this – to let you close at all. The dim light of the cave had revealed the disappearing ink of his feelings, and it was extraordinary. You would tell him the full extent of what you felt for him in time, but for now, your feelings were wordlessly exchanged with just you two for witnesses.
You watched as Crosshair tentatively and wordlessly brought the back of your hand to his lips. With his tattooed gaze on you the whole time, he placed a lingering kiss there. You inhaled sharply at the gesture and the skin tingled under the bandage where he kissed you. The rain outside was heavy, but your heart felt light – like if you weren’t trapped in this space, you float away and join those rocks in the sky. You watched him pull away, brushing his lips on the spot for a moment before he let your hands drop between you.
“Was that okay?” he asked, his husky voice asked softly.
You chuckled, a grin stretching across your face. “Yes. More than okay.”
Crosshair hummed, his eyes smiling. “Good.”
The mountain shook again, and you looked around you frantically as dust from the cavity began to fall on you both. Crosshair pulled you against him, arms going around you as he shielded you to his chest. You held onto the edge of his chest plate so tight it dug into your fingers, your face pressed into his chest as he held you tightly. You squeezed your eyes shut and tried to focus on the mixed smell of soap and wood of Crosshair instead of the panic that coursed through you. When the tremor stopped, you looked up at him, and him at you.
“You okay?” he asked
“Yeah,” you lifted your head but didn’t dare untangle yourself from Crosshair’s arms.
Crosshair adjusted the blanket on your shoulders, pulling it tighter around you. “The longer this storm goes on, the more danger we’re in.”
“Should we try the comms again?”
Crosshair let go of you briefly to grab his helmet and put it on. “Hunter, come in. Tech? Wrecker? Echo? Do you read?”
You waited. Crosshair’s arm tightened on you, but he let out a frustrated sigh and pulled the helmet off roughly, setting it down next to him. “Still nothing.”
You let your head rest on his shoulder as you sighed. “What do we do?”
You groaned. Crosshair chuckled and you felt his hand run up and down your back soothingly. It was a simple gesture, but one that conveyed how much he cared for you. A man of few words, he let his actions show his feelings for you. And you had no doubts about it.
After a minute, you lifted your head to find him looking down at you intensely. You felt his arms tighten on you as this hand travelled down to your waist and stayed there. You blinked up at him, drawing your eyes across his face before they landed on his lips.
They had been so soft when they touched the back of your hand, what would they feel like pressed against your own? You’d dreamt about it, but you had a feeling that it would be nothing to the reality of it.
“N’edee?” His voice was quiet, but you feel the weight on them in your stomach.
“Hmm?” you hummed innocently, but there was nothing innocent about what was running through your mind right now.
“Can I test another boundary?” His tone was hesitant, careful as he leaned in a little closer to you.
Your voice came out in a whisper. “Which one?”
“This one.”
Crosshair slowly closed the distance between you and pressed his lips to yours. It was like your whole body lit up inside, igniting you so completely you were aware of every nerve ending you had. Your fingers tightened on his armour just as Crosshair languidly pulled away after too brief a moment. You stared at him, dazed with your mouth parted slightly, and in need of more.
“Well?” he asked, his voice like silk.
You were breathless. “Not a boundary. Kiss me as much as you like.”
“If you insist,” he smirked and pressed his lips to yours again.
Kissing Crosshair was an all-consuming kind of feeling. That magnetic pull he already had on you only seemed to intensify the minute his lips descended on yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he hoisted you onto his lap, your thighs falling on either side of his as you straddled him, and the blanket slipped off your shoulders – not that you needed it anymore with the heat that thrummed through you.
You melted into the kiss, and you were right – your dreams of his lips were nothing compared to the real thing. You felt the tickle of his breath on your cheek as you arched yourself closer to him. With just your body suit on, you could feel every hard ridge of his armour against you. His arms moved across your back, and you could feel his fingertips searing along your shoulder blades. His hot mouth moved against yours and you allowed yourself to nip at his lips. You felt him flinch before his lips stretched into a smile against yours, a chuckle vibrating his chest.
“Guess you do have some bite, N’edee,” he mumbled against your lips.
“Just for you,” you breathed, and he groaned into your mouth, kissing you deeper.
He was just as starved for you as you were for him, and you wondered how long exactly he’d been feeling like this towards you, but you’d ask such questions later. His mouth was heavenly, his lips like a caress against yours. Your lips parted and he took the chance to deepen the kiss as you dragged your hands up into his buzzed hair, feeling the short strands against your fingernails. And you felt just how skilled he was his tongue as it slid against yours, and you silently thanked his toothpicks for giving him the practice.
You’d never been kissed with such passion before, with such intention. Now, he was no longer embarrassed, he did not hold back his kisses and touches. That knowledge made it all the more thrilling as Crosshair pressed you into him, pulling your hips against his with hands that you knew to be tender, but now held with you with such desire you felt dizzy.
He moved his lips down your jawline to just below your ear, and you panted as you tightened your arms around him, rocking into him. He sucked the skin there, his tongue darting out and wetting the area. It made you moan so loudly you were glad no one else could hear how desperate you sounded.
“Crosshair,” you moaned.
You felt him smirk against your skin before he made his way back to your lips. Groaning into your mouth again, you felt his hands move from your hips to your ass and back up again, and you felt your body go into overdrive, pulsing with a wanting need. Where did he learn to kiss like this? You wanted to thank whatever Kaminaon training module taught him, or the illicit holos you knew Tech had stashed on the locked-down data drive you found a week after you joined them – whichever it was.
You were so lost in his kisses, the way they grew in fervour with each press against your skin, you almost didn’t hear the beeping of Crosshair’s comm in his helmet.
“Crosshair,” you said when you finally heard it, pulling away, but his mouth just found your neck instead. You patted his shoulder. “Crosshair, the comm.”
“What?” he said raggedly. His lips ceased their attentions, and he pulled back. His lips were all swollen and you smiled at the knowledge that was all you. You stayed perched in his lap and he grabbed his helmet and put it on. You could hear the other voice when you were this close to him.
“Crosshair, come in.” It was Hunter.
“Copy, Hunter,” Crosshair said, and you mentally applauded him for not sounding as breathless as you would’ve.
“Are you and N’edee okay?”
Crosshair’s hand squeezed your thigh, and you squirmed on top of him, smiling. “For the moment. We’re trapped on the mountain. The storm caused a cave-in, and we can't get out.”
“We’ll lock in on your signal and fly to your location. Stand by.” You realised then the rain and thunder had stopped, and that the storm had now passed.
“Copy,” Crosshair said before he removed his helmet and placed it next to him again, and you both looked at each other. He gripped your hips. “They’re on their way in the Marauder. Wrecker will be able to push the rocks out of the way, and we’ll be free.”
You breathed in, relieved help was coming. “I didn’t even realise the storm had passed,”
“Well, we were busy,” Crosshair snided.
“Right,” you laughed lightly.
Crosshair looked away from you for the first time since everything changed between you, and his hands on your hips loosened. You frowned as you watched his once open expression, slowly begin to close off again in the dim light. He looked uncertain, all in his own head again and you realised that he was worried – worried that this moment together was but a brief interlude in which you got caught up in the danger of the situation. You wanted to shake his shoulders and tell him he was being absurd, how he could think such a thing after all you just said and did. But you didn’t, because like baby tooka, Crosshair needed gentle reassurance; that his vulnerability and his feelings were not being played with.
Later, when you had more time and were back on the Marauder and tucked away in the medbay just the two of you again, you would tell him just how much he had nestled his way into your heart. That your crush was much more than that, that you saw all of him, and though you were still learning to decipher the riddles he was made of, you never wanted to stop. That you saw all his intentions, and now yours was to hold his heart in your bandaged hands the way he held yours.
But for now, in your final moments alone with him before his brothers rescued you both, you locked your eyes on him and gently grabbed the hands that had slackened on your hips, linking your fingers together once more. You watched his eyes find yours, his brows slanted at the ends as he looked at you with all this apprehension. You brought his knuckles to your lips and kissed them, lips lingering there as you let the gesture convey wordlessly your intention to keep nurturing what was between you for as long as he let you. That this didn’t end once you were both bathed in sunlight again.
“I hope we’ll be busy again later? And many laters after that too?”
Crosshair’s shoulder relaxed and you smiled as the corner of his mouth twitched into a smirk, his eyes smiling as he squeezed your hands once more. “Oh, I’m counting on it.”
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banner art by @vimse thank you reading! if you made it this far, thank you! i appreciate it so much! this is the longest standalone fic i've ever written!
🏷️ @starrylothcat @sinfulsalutations @moodymisty @nahoney22 @freesia-writes @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @bobaprint @crosshairsnose @jesseeka @thegalaxys-edge @chopper-base @shredderwest @leavingkamino @r2d2staser @beckbucket @pb-jellybeans @mylifeisactuallyamess @padawancat97 @littlecrowtime @jedipoodoo @ezras-left-thumb @lovelycurls @fruitsaladtree @literallydontlook @burningfieldof-clover @queencousland101 @clonethirstingisreal @skellymom @hopelessromantic727
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jobean12-blog · 1 year
Perfect Kind of Trouble
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 4,566
Summary: You’re new to the neighborhood and you’ve landed a great job bartending at one of the local spots. So far it’s been a good change and things are going smoothly, that is, until Bucky Barnes, the neighborhood’s most eligible bachelor, walks into your bar and sets his sights on you. 
Author’s Note: I love the idea of Bucky chasing after a girl who gives him a run for his money! Hope you enjoy! Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy!🥰
Warnings: Lots of fluff, flirting, tension, Bucky might be a bit possessive but in a good way and he definitely goes for what he wants and that’s you, some sass in there, Bucky is protective too :) and Nat is the best wingman ever! 
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“Oh my god, he’s here.”
You stop drying the glass in your hand and go stiff, side eyeing your friend Nat.
“Who Nat?”
She doesn’t answer and instead slides closer to you, leaning her head toward your ear.
“Bucky Barnes.”
“Who?” you ask again, starting to crane your neck to look.
“Don’t!” she snaps then instantly softens her tone. “Just meet me in the back in two minutes and don’t make it look suspicious.”
You give her a tiny nod and go back to your work on the glasses but you can feel the hairs at the back of your neck stand on end. You can feel his stare.
“Ok. What the hell is up with you?” you ask when you shut the door to the back room.
She’s pacing back and forth and it’s making you nervous but when she meets your eyes you relax slightly at the smile on her face.
“Bucky Barnes,” she repeats.
“Yeah? And? I have no idea who that is!”
“Of course you don’t!” she muses. “You wouldn’t know because you only moved here a few weeks ago.”
“Righttt…so, who is he?”
“Just the perfect man.”
“How do you know?”
“Everyone knows.”
You quirk your brow and cross your arms over your chest.
“Well, everyone who lives in the neighborhood,” she laughs.
“If he’s so perfect I’m sure he’s married with two point five kids, a dog and a house with a white picket fence.”
“There are no white picket fences in Brooklyn babe,” she says. “And you’d think that but he’s been a bachelor for as long as we know him.”
“Then he’s probably a player and an asshole!” you state.
“I mean sure, all the women, and men, talk about how hot he is and how much they want a shot and boy do they try but as far as I know he doesn’t date.”
“I don’t get it,” you say.
“Me neither!” she agrees. “But he hasn’t been at this bar in forever…”
“Maybe he wanted a change of scenery?” you say with a shrug.
“OR MAYBEEEEEEEE,” she starts, her grin growing. “He heard there’s a new girl in town and he’s here to see you!”
“You’re insane! And he sounds like a player to me.” you huff. “I’m going back to work. Come on, you have to point him out to me. I at least want a look.”
“I won’t need to. You’ll know who he is…”
At her wistful tone you roll your eyes, pushing open the door and walking out with determined steps.
When you hit the bar you discreetly scan the seats. You don’t see anyone that stands out, mostly just the usual crew that shows up on a Saturday night for four-dollar drafts.
A customer calls you over and you head in his direction with a smile. You’re just greeting him and taking his order when you feel that familiar heat at your back, your skin tingling.
Once you’ve got the drink order you turn toward the bar only to lock eyes with the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. It momentarily stops you in your tracks and if it weren’t for Nat lightly bumping your shoulder and whispering, “told ya so,” you would stay rooted to the spot to stare.
Instead you blink several times and look away, trying to remember what drink you’re supposed to make.
When you’ve finished making it you deliver it to the customer and try to take another peek down the bar.
“I’m not taking his drink order,” Nat singsongs when she comes to stand beside you. “That’s all you.”
Your mouth falls open and you give her a glare with narrowed eyes. She just smiles brightly and sashays to the other end of the bar to take another order.
With a huff of annoyance you square your shoulders and turn toward Bucky. As you approach him his eyes light up with his smile.
“Hi, what can I get you?”
He returns your greeting and sticks his hand out.
“I’m James Barnes but you can call me Bucky.”
You wipe your hand on the towel at your side and shake his. The shock of electricity at his touch doesn’t seem to be one sided when you feel the slight squeeze from his hand. You introduce yourself, hoping you don’t come off as confused at his direct attention.
“Apparently you’re rather popular around here?”
It comes out as a question and he chuckles.
“Don’t believe anything you’ve heard,” he says with a wink.
“So what about a drink?” you ask, focusing on doing your job.
He orders and before he can say more you rush off to fix his drink. You drop it off with nothing more than a smile and move toward the next person who calls for your help.
As you’re making your next few drinks you notice Nat chatting with Bucky and you can’t help but wonder what they’re saying.
You move back and forth behind the bar, trying to ignore the feel of Bucky’s eyes, but he finally catches your attention and waves you down.
“Another?” you ask.
“Sure doll, thanks.”
While you’re pouring his drink he tries to keep you engaged.
“So Nat told me you’re new to town?”
“Yeah, moved here at the end of last month.”
“Do you like bartending better here in the city?” he asks.
You look down at the bar and scold with a single name.
Bucky leans in. “Don’t be mad. She’s just trying to help me out.”
You lean in too, elbows on the bar and your head tilted his way.
“You usually need help? From what I’ve heard you can have your pick of anyone.”
At the slight scrunch of your nose he can tell you’re not saying it with a positive tone.
“Not my style. I’m pickier and right now, I need all the help I can get because I think I’m in real danger of striking out.”
His eyes drop to your lips and when they turn up every so slightly he relaxes.
“What is your type?” you ask. “Maybe I can help you out too.”
He scans you slowly and the proceeds to describe you perfectly, the tension building in the inches between you with his every word.
You steel yourself and lift your chin. “Does that usually work?”
“It’s not a line. Meant every word doll face.”
“Do you use these endearments on all the girls? I bet they love it.”
“Nuh uh,” he answers adamantly.
You nod, looking completely unconvinced.
Nat reappears at your side. “You have no idea how much I hate to interrupt this, but I need three long island iced teas at table four or they’re gonna have a hissy fit.”
You straighten yourself. “Oh sorry! Of course. I’m on it.”
You’re busy for the next forty-five minutes but Bucky never leaves his spot and every time you meet his eyes they are heavy with intention as they follow your every move. You can feel them, the heat singing every inch of your skin.
At least two women have approached him at the bar but they both walked away after a few minutes of mundane conversation and lack of interest on his part.
As much as you hate to admit it you can’t help but steal glances at him too, though you try to keep them quick and subtle.
He’s broad shouldered in the tight tee shirt he’s wearing, his biceps on full display under the stretch of the fabric and his dark hair is loose at his shoulders. His full lips are framed by a dark scruff that also covers his cheeks and is peppered with patches of gray.
Your fingers mindlessly caress the glass you’re holding before you catch yourself and look away.
You drop off another glass of whiskey with a smile and he nurses it, shooting you a cocky half smirk when he catches you staring at him. It’s like the intense silence is some sort of foreplay.
Feeling his gaze along your skin, drinking you in and driving you wild, you do your best to keep up with orders.
When things start to slow down and customers go home, you finally make your way back toward Bucky, drawn to him, despite your best efforts.
“Couldn’t avoid me anymore?”
“I wasn’t really…”
The words taper off at the sharp lift of his eyebrow.
“Sorry,” you mutter.
“Apology accepted,” he smirks. “So, do you have plans when you get off?”
You don’t answer, instead fiddling with his now empty glass. He lays his hand on the bar, his fingers just an inch form yours.
“Are you really gonna ignore my question doll?” he chuckles.
His fingers slide closer and he brushes his thumb over your knuckles, gauging your reaction. You giggle at his second question and his eyes drop to your mouth as he licks his own lips.
You’re almost lost in the bubble but then the world outside comes roaring back into focus when you hear Nat yell “last call.”
“Work…I still have to work.”
His lips part on an exhale but he let’s you go.
You rush around the bar first, clearing glasses and debris before heading over to one of the tables where three guys sit in conversation.
Distracted, you lean over the table, trying not to interrupt them. But the blonde closest to you runs the back of his hand up your arm.
It makes you cringe.
“Hi there,” he says.
“Hey,” you answer coolly, shifting away from him.
One of the blonde’s friend gives you an apologetic look, scolding Rob before he hands you one of the empty glasses that’s far out of reach. You reach for it and as soon as your fingers wrap around it, Rob grabs your hips and yanks you into his lap.
You drop the glass to the floor and it shatters before you push against his chest, loudly yelling, “what the hell?”
Rob starts to speak but you’re suddenly lifted in the air and whirled around then planted gently on your feet behind Bucky’s broad back.
Bucky now has Rob’s tee shirt fisted in one hand as he gets in his face.
The bar goes silent and the next thing you hear is the low growl of Bucky’s order. “Don’t touch.”
Bucky slowly lowers Rob’s feet to the floor, keeping a careful eye on him. His eyes narrow a split second before Rob bellows, “motherfucker!”
The asshole rears back and punches Bucky clean in the jaw.
You gaps in horrified shock, but Bucky grins, his tongue peeking out to test his lip and you can’t help how your eyes linger there.
“You threw the first punch shithead,” Bucky says before winding back and punching Rob in the gut.
All the guys now rush toward their friend, muttering curses at him as they drag him to his feet and eye Bucky warily.
The owner of the bar, and your boss, Barry, comes over and gets in their faces. “Get out and don’t come back!”
They drag their belligerent friend out as quickly as they can, apologizing to you, or maybe Bucky, the whole way.
“What just happened?” you ask, your voice quiet.
Bucky steps close to you, his knuckles brushing over your cheek, light as a feather.
“Are you okay?”
His eyes are filled with emotions. Worry, fury, fear, and tenderness.
“I think so. That was just…crazy.”
Nat wraps her arm around your shoulders comfortingly. “Let’s go get Bucky some ice, ok?”
You glance down at Bucky’s hand, puffy and red.
“Oh no,” you say, gently taking his hand in yours.
He smiles. “It’s fine. Been there, done that.”
You watch him go back and sit at the bar, most of the other customers now cleared out. When you come back out with the ice and ointment your gentle, “you okay?” pulls him from his musings.
“Yeah, no big deal. As long as you’re okay?”
You sit next to him, resting his hand on your thigh and carefully pressing the ice to his knuckles. He stares at his hand on your skin.
“I don’t know if okay is how I would describe how I’m feeling right now…that was…”
Your words trail off when you can’t find a suitable label for the last ten minutes.
“Sexy?” he suggests, deadpan.
Your jaw drops open in offense.
“What? NO!”
He breaks and his lips spread wide in a grin.
You deflate and bump his shoulder, not trying to hide your own smile.
“Seriously though,” you say, shaking your head. “You didn’t have to…why did you do that?”
He looks at you evenly, his voice soft. “Look I’m not some crazy guy who goes around lookin’ to beat people up doll face. But you shouldn’t have to put up with shit like that. I’m sure that wasn’t the first time that piece of shit has pulled a stunt like that, but hopefully next time, he’ll have some decency and sense before laying hands on a woman without an explicit invitation.”
“Well in that case…that’s pretty nice.”
He scoffs with a lopsided smile and his eyes drop to your lips; his hand still pressed to your thigh. His head tilts and he leans in slightly, watching your lips part. He curls his fingers around your thigh but winces at the pull on his knuckles.
You see it and pull back, looking down at his hand.
“Let me get you fixed up.”
Once you have him bandaged up he whispers, “thanks,” still staring at his hand held in yours.
“You ready to go, or do you need to close up first?”
His question is light.
“Go where?”
“Out with me. Ice cream? A walk? Anything you want.”
“It’s the middle of the night. I’m not going anywhere but home.”
“Or we could go to the twenty-four-hour deli on the corner and get ice cream sandwiches then I’ll take you to the roof of my building and we can watch the sunrise.”
Your light touch traces along the calluses on his fingertips.
“Are you usually this friendly to everyone who is new to the neighborhood?” you ask behind a sly smile.
“Not at all doll. Only for you. You’re special.”
Your jaw goes rigid and your eyes narrow. “You can stop whatever game you’re playing.”
You pull back, releasing his hand and starting to put the first aid kit back together.
“What just happened? I’m not playing games,” he says, keeping his voice steady. “But I’m sorry if I said something wrong.”
“It’s fine. I need to go help Nat close up.”
You stand and walk to the door, your head held high. He’s not going to fool you with his sweet words.
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The next evening is slow so you spend most of it helping Nat stock the bar and clean. The hours pass by and nothing exciting happens letting your thoughts wander to Bucky. Then, as if on cue, the door opens, and you automatically look over to see who the latest customer is.
Bucky fills the doorway.
Your breath hitches and you can’t look away. He’s more dressed up tonight. A dark button down opened at the collar and dark jeans that are tight across his thick thighs.
You can’t help but think he’s here to meet someone for a date. The jealousy that surges through you is surprising and infuriating. That is, until he walks up to the bar and sits down. Right in front of you.
“Hey, doll.”
“Hey, Bucky.”
“What can I get you?” you start. “Or are you waiting for someone?”
“Yep,” he says, popping the p. “What time’s your break?”
“Oh,” you breath out. “Um…I don’t really get a long one…”
You start to wipe down the bar aimlessly, remaining quiet while you wait. You can feel him watching you, his eyes tracking your every movement.
He calls over Nat and asks, “can I get two of the special for tonight, please?”
He’s speaking to Nat but looking at you, daring you to disagree.
When you stay quiet, the corners of his mouth lift ever so slightly, victory lighting up his eyes.
“If you want to take it to-go for later, that’s fine. But I thought it’d be nice to have dinner together and figured ya wouldn’t want to go out with me after I fucked up last night.”
“So dinner while I’m supposed to be working is a better option?” you shoot back.
He cringes, despite the lack of heat in your accusation then sighs defeatedly.
“I’m trying here. I want to get to know you better. I promise my intentions are good.”
You stare, getting lost in his beautiful eyes before you scan the rest of his face. He seems more vulnerable now and you want to believe him.
Nat comes back with two plates of steaming food and sets them down.
You give in and unwrap the silverware, digging into a bite of baked potato.
“Mmm,” you moan around the taste.
He freezes with his own bite halfway to his mouth, and mutters under his breath. “Are you trying to kill me?”
You fall into easy conversation about what he does for work, how you like living in the city and everything in between.
After you explain why you moved, spilling the truth between bites, he replies with, “I��m glad you picked Brooklyn.”
His fingers slide over yours and the touch is full of heat. His eyes follow the movement and his jaw tightens. He threads his fingers through yours, holding your hand across the bar.
When he meets your eyes, his are hooded and dark. “How about that ice cream tonight with a roof top view doll?”
The ‘yes’ is on the tip of your tongue as your body leans over the bar, but then you remember that you want more than just a fling and even though he said his intentions are good you can’t help but wonder why a guy like him is still single. You’re not looking for a fling.
You untangle your fingers from his, pulling back.
“Thank you, Bucky. Really. But…”
He nods, not letting you finish before he reaches into his back pocket and sets down some cash to cover the dinners.
“See ya soon doll.”
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The bar is closed on Mondays but Tuesday has you running beers up and down the bar for game night. Bucky’s back. Same time, same seat.
“You need a break doll? Something to eat?” Bucky asks before he takes a sip of beer.
He sets it down as he waits for your answer, studying you intently.
You grab a French fry from his plate and wave it around before bringing it to your lips. He grins wolfishly, catching your wrist in his hand and before you know what’s happening, he’s snagged the fry from between your fingers with his teeth. His tongue snakes out to the lick the salt from your fingertips, then he chews with a self-satisfied smile.
“I’ll let you have the rest,” he says, holding one up to your lips.
You tentatively lean forward, watching him warily in case he tries to pull it away, then chomp down.
“Just let me know when you want more,” he croons.
You continue to work, constantly aware of Bucky and the way he never takes his eyes off you. You check on him regularly, engaging in some deep conversation even with the little time you have.
As your shift nears its end he calls you over.
“Ice cream and rooftop tonight?” he asks, setting money down on the bar to pay for his food and drinks.
“I can’t tonight.”
He smiles. “No worries doll face. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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The next night comes quickly, your tired feet aching from marching back and forth between the bar and the pool tables since it’s half price games tonight.
It’s getting late, and despite your best efforts, you can’t help but wonder where Bucky is. Maybe the last time you turned him down was the final straw. You feel a deep twinge of disappointment at the idea.
The door opens, and you look over, your eyes filled with hope, but it’s just some random couple.
You’re stomach grumbles and you realize you’ve had dinner with Bucky the last few nights and now that it’s late and he hasn’t shown you haven’t eaten.
Checking that everyone has full glasses you wipe your hands and head for the kitchen, hoping to snag something to eat.
The chef, Suzanne, greets you warmly. You ask her for a bowl of the soup and she hums in agreement, yelling out for Charlie.
A guy you’ve never seen before pops around the corner.
“Hey, I’m Charlie, the sometimes kitchen help,” he explains holding out his hand.
“Nice to meet you Charlie.”
You give him your name and tell him you’re the new bartender.
His face changes instantly, eyes going wide and his brows shooting up to his hairline. He pulls his hand back quickly.
He’s still smiling but he seems guarded all of a sudden.
“You forgot to mention the most important part…Bucky’s girl.”
“What?” you say incredulously. “I’m not Bucky’s girl! We’re just friends. He just stops by for dinner and a drink!”
You know it’s more than that. Charlie nods like he knows it’s more than that.
“Sure, whatever you say. But no offense, I’m gonna take his word for it. I’ve never seen him do anything like this before. It has the whole neighborhood talkin’.”
With that he disappears, only reappearing a few moments later with your soup, then he runs off again.
You inhale the soup, not wanting to leave Nat alone and rush back to the bar to check the drink orders.
Nat slides up next to you. “Those drinks for table six?”
You don’t answer her, instead filling her in on what happened in the kitchen.
“Charlie said I’m ‘Bucky’s girl.’ I’m not his girl. What does that even mean?”
“Aw that’s sweet! He’s never said anything like that before and I would know. Been living here my whole life.”
“No it’s not!”
“I think it’s sorta romantic,” she says wistfully. “He’s all in, claiming you far and wide when you haven’t even realized what’s right in front of your face!”
She punctuates the last words of her sentence as she stares you down.
“What’s right in front of my face?” you ask, unwilling to concede that it might be the tiniest bit sweet…in a cave man sort of way.
“He’s here,” Nat whispers, but it’s more of squeal.
You turn toward the door, your whole face lighting up even though you’re still mad at the claim he made. The door is closed, Bucky no where in sight.
Nat’s finger is suddenly in your face. “That! You want to see him. You like him coming here to see you too. Shit, when was the last time someone made this much of an effort for a date!”
She throws her hands up! “Just go out with the man!”
“You mean have sex with him?” you bite out, not forgetting about her earlier warnings.
“Either or, maybe both! What could it hurt?”
“Me!” you say defensively.
Nat’s expression softens. “I think maybe I gave you the wrong idea about him…” she fumbles. “What I really mean is I think maybe we all had the wrong idea about him.”
“What do you mean?”
She shrugs with a heavy sigh. “Bucky is man. A hot as fuck man,” she teases. “And he does have a reputation…but only because everyone wishes they could get a piece of him. I really don’t remember the last girl he went out with. So either he’s really quiet about it, but if you haven’t noticed in this neighborhood everyone is up everyone else’s ass, or he hasn’t really dated.”
Nat eyes you carefully, curiously.
“Oh shit,” you mumble, laying your face in your hands. “I do want to go out with him, but I’m scared…have you seen him?”
Nat grins. “Oh yes. I have and…”
“He’s gorgeous. Like drop dead gorgeous,” you finish for her.
“Exactly,” she agrees happily, a dreamy look on her face.
You swat at her shoulder, getting her attention and gesturing to yourself.
“What? You look amazing!” she says. “It’s not like he hasn’t seen you at work before.”
“You don’t think is just a thing because I’m the new girl in the neighborhood?”
“Do people do things like that where you’re from?” she asks. “And no!” she finishes, shaking her head.
Just as her words sink in your heart sinks with them.
“Doesn’t matter anyway. I blew it, he’s not here tonight.”
“Yes he is.”
The door opens and when you look over, it’s him.
The air charges across the space between you and you know something has changed and when his eyes meet yours it’s almost as if he knows it too. He nods toward the door, silently asking if you’re ready for that date.
“Hey Nat, you think if I ask Barry to let me off early…”
“I swear if he says no I’ll kick him in the balls myself,” Nat screeches.
You rush back to the office and find Barry sitting behind his desk. Your question rushes out and he holds up a hand to stop you before you even finish.
“Go,” is all he says, but the smile he gives you reaches his eyes.
You cross the room to Bucky, his eyes wandering over you with possessive heat and unguarded want.
When you’re standing right in front of him, your toes touching, he asks, “you ready?”
Your lips lift ever so slightly and when his large hand cups your cheek your eyelashes flutter closed. His motions are slow, teasingly so, but he’s giving you time to stop him. He bends down, letting his intentions be quite clear.
He kisses the corner of your mouth then brushes his lips over yours, so lightly, you can feel his breath. You sigh into him and his hands slide over your curves and down to your waist, his grip tightening.
Nat let’s out a cheer, effectively interrupting the moment but you can’t help but smile at her excitement.
Bucky doesn’t let go of you, his hand sliding into yours as he pulls you out the door and onto the street.
“Hey,” he says soothingly.
“Hi,” you say, tucking your chin.
His fingers press under and he lifts your eyes. “You good?”
He waits patiently for you to formulate a reply.
“I just…I’m not sure…what you expect.”
“Anything, doll. I want to know you, spend time with you.”
Dropping his voice lower and bringing his lips to the shell of your ear, he whispers, “kiss you again…for real this time.”
“Oh, okay.”
“Okay,” he agrees, his voice heavy with intention as he takes you in his arms again and drags you into his chest.
Your lips meet, tender and soft at first but as your fingers dance up his arms and grip his biceps, he growls and takes it deeper.
You moan into his mouth, working your hands higher into the hair that brushes his shoulders.
“Fuck,” he groans when he feels you give his hair a little tug.
He pulls back and you chase him for one last kiss which he happily obliges in.
“I promised you ice cream and a roof top sunrise,” he murmurs. “And I keep my promises doll.”
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@book-dragon-13  @sebstanwhore @late-to-the-party-81 @goldylions @laineyreads @randomfandompenguin @lookiamtrying @beccablogsthings @justkinsey @hallecarey1 @blackwidownat2814 @flordeamatista @buckysdollforlife​
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scarlethexelove · 26 days
Heyyyy!!! " Growing family" literally is curing me lmaooo, ur so awesome sauce 🤠🙌
Could you make a part 3 where reader gives birth??? I would appreciate it smmm!!!
I hope you have a good dayy!!
Not As Planned
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Word Count: 1744
Warning: Shoulder injury, A bit angsty I guess, giving birth, angry reader, fluff at the end, Wanda coming in clutch
Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 4
A/n: Sorry it took a bit to get to this and I hope you enjoy. I liked writing this and it honestly got longer than I was expecting it to be.
“Lizzie, sweetheart, can you come here please.” You call out to your daughter as you hold your stomach. You had felt off and more bloated today than normal. Pain started to slowly increase over time signaling you to the fact that you are going into labor. Normally you would have ignored it thinking that it was braxton hicks but you know better than that. The twins are coming now and you need to get to the compound quickly. 
Lizzie runs into the room with a big smile on her face that quickly drops when she sees your face contorted in pain. “Mommy what wrong?” You put on the best fake smile that you can. “Mommy is ok.” She shakes her head not believing you. “Mommy hurt.” You try your best to get down on her level. “Do you remember how Mommy and Mama told you that you are going to have siblings and that they are growing in Mommy’s tummy.” Your daughter nods her head and you smile. “Well your siblings would really like to meet you soon.” The little frown that once covered her face now replaced with a wide smile. “I can’t wait Mommy.” You can’t help but find her excitement heartwarming. “Remember how Mama packed a bag and left it by the door?” She nods her head. “Can you go get that for Mommy?” Without a word your daughter scurries away towards the bag that is most definitely as big as her. 
You pull out your phone but have to stop when another contraction hits causing you to gasp in pain and hold your stomach with one hand. “Fuck.” You mumble under your breath. As it passes you pull up your wifes contact and dial the phone. The phone rings through but she doesn’t answer. You let out a frustrated sigh before dialing again. “Damnit Natasha pick up the fucking phone.” You mumble as the call goes to voicemail again. 
“What does fucking mean Mommy?” Your head snaps to the direction of your daughter who has dragged the bag into the room. “That is an adult word sweetheart you don’t say that.” She thinks for a moment before nodding. “Otay.” You breathe a sigh of relief but not for long as you grunt in pain as another wave hits you. “Mommy!” Lizzie yells as she comes over to you. She does what she can to try and comfort you, following what she has seen Nat do for you in the past. As it passes you let out a breath that you didn’t know you were holding. “I’m okay baby.” You look at your phone and look for Wanda’s number quickly dialing it. 
The phone rings through before you hear Wanda’s voice on the other end of the phone. “Y/n what’s wrong?” Wanda sounds a bit panicked. “I’m in labor and my wife isn’t answering the phone, that's what’s wrong. Ah fuck.” You groan the contractions getting closer together. “I’m coming to get you.” Wanda says and you can hear rustling in the background as she hurries herself to get to you. “Wanda, where is my wife?” You ask as the pain passes once again. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Wanda evades your question. “Wanda you better tell me where my wife is or so help me-” Wanda cuts you off. “Don’t be mad.” You grunt. “Wanda I’m already mad.” Wanda sighs on the other end before speaking. “While training a new recruit who has enhanced strength she may have dislocated her shoulder. She’s in medical right now.” You can’t help but feel anger bubbling up. “I’m going to kill her and maybe that recruit too.” You mumble. Wanda does say anything as she drives as fast as she can to you. 
You take the to go bag and Lizzie’s hand as you lead her outside and lock the door. You have to press your sweaty forehead against the door as a new wave hits you. You hear as the car rolls up but you don’t move waiting for the pain to subside. “Y/n/n you shouldn’t be carrying that. You hear Wanda’s voice as she quickly makes her way over to you. She takes the bag off your shoulder and wraps her arm around you to support you. “Well when my wife isn’t here I have to do it myself.” You mumble as Wanda leads you to the car. She gets you into the passenger seat first before throwing the bag in the back and getting Lizzie into the car seat she has in her car just for her. She quickly runs around the car and gets back in before taking off towards the compound. 
Nat made you promise that you will have the twins at the compound and nowhere else. With Tony hiring the best medical staff in the world she wasn’t taking any chances by having you go anywhere else. You understood and thought it was for the best so you put up no arguments about it. 
It didn’t take long before you’re pulling up to the compound. Nat is waiting outside worry etched into her features and a sling holding her arm to keep from moving her shoulder. Wanda barely has time to stop the car before Nat is pulling open your door. She reaches out for you but you swat her hand away. “Don’t touch me.” You turn to get out of the car on your own Wanda coming up next to Nat before you're doubled over by another more intense wave hitting you. “Detka please let me help you.” You grunt. “This wasn’t the plan Natalia. You aren’t supposed to be hurt. How are you going to hold our babies if you can’t move your fucking arm.” She looks like a wounded puppy at your words and almost makes you forget about the pain. She knows that a part of it has to do with your hormones, the pain, but also your fear of her getting hurt. “Detka please. I can still help and it’s only for 2 weeks.” You shake your head and Wanda moves to help you out of the car. “You can’t hold a newborn with one arm, Natalia. You could hurt yourself more or worse yet one of our babies.” You know you’re being harsh on her but you're upset and scared; and your wife is injured when you need her the most. 
Nat doesn’t fight back. She gets Lizzie out of the car and does her best to sling the to-go bag over her good shoulder. You see how she struggles slightly as Wanda hurries to get you inside. “Natty please be careful.” Nat smiles as your mood changes slightly. While Wanda gets you quickly to the med bay, Nat has Pepper who just so happens to be visiting today to watch Lizzie. She then quickly joins you. 
The doctors are already getting you ready to push the pain overwhelming but it’s already too late to have anything. When your eyes meet Nat’s you give her grabby hands and she quickly joins you by your side. Her hand slipping into yours with her good arm. Wanda is about to leave when you grab her hand. “Where do you think you’re going? I need you.” You tell Wanda she smiles and settles in back next to you on the other side. 
The doctor settles in front of you with nurses moving around the room preparing for your twins arrival. “Alright Mommy and Mama are you ready to meet your babies?” You both nod and the woman smiles. “When your next contraction hits I want you to push. Can you do that for me?” She asks and you nod. It doesn’t take long before the next wave hits and you're pushing. It takes everything in you to keep pushing. Nat and Wanda encourage you and hold your hands as you continue to push. 
Soon the room is filled with the cry’s of your baby. “A beautiful baby girl.” The doctor holds her up. Tears fill your eyes as you look at yours and Nat’s daughter. You look up to Nat who has tears running down her cheeks. You look back to your daughter as she wails and her cry fills the room. One of the nurses took her away to get her cleaned up. You’re brought back to the fact that you still have one more baby to push out with another contraction. “Come on Mommy, let's meet your other little one. Push!” You do as you're told. Pushing and crying. Soon after more cry’s fill the room. The doctor once again holds up your baby. “A beautiful baby boy.” 
You’re now fully crying at your beautiful babies. Nat and Wanda are constantly telling you how well you did. Nat kisses your forehead letting her lips linger there. “You did amazing detka, I’m so proud of you.” You’re sweaty and tired but you feel nothing but happiness. “I love you Natty.” You mumble tiredly. “I love you too Y/n/n.” 
Soon your daughter has been placed on your chest while Wanda holds your son. Tears stream down your cheeks causing Nat to gently turn your face to look at her. She cups your cheek in her hand and wipes your tears with her thumb as she brushes it against your cheek. “Are you ok detka?” You give her a small nod. “I’m sorry I yelled at you.” You mumble your gaze falling. “No detka I should be sorry.” Your eyes lift to her emerald eyes. “It’s not your fault. I shouldn’t have yelled at you.” You nuzzle her hand. “Everything is ok moya lyubov’.” 
The room is silent for a bit as you stare down at your sleeping daughter. Your voice is low as you speak. “Thank you Natty.” She looks at you confused but your gaze doesn’t lift. “For what?” You let out a sigh. “For being here.” You can’t bring yourself to look at her. Nat knows exactly what’s going on. Your ex wasn’t there when Lizzie was born and you had to do it alone. She left the moment she found out you were pregnant. Your words break her heart. She brings your gaze to her once again. “I’m not going anywhere detka. I will always be here for you. For our family.” Nat leans down gently kissing your lips. Today might not have been how you planned it but it turned out just fine.
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wandaslamb · 10 months
Cabin In the Woods
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Parings: Dark!Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ Non-con, Knife play, cutting, blood (just a little bit), pet names (bunny, baby doll, sweetheart, angel), body betrayal, fingering, cunnilingus, hair pulling, daddy kink, chasing, obsessive, stalking, pervy nat, if I'm missing things let me know :)
a/n: hi!!! this is my very first fic, and I really would appreciate it if you left some type of feedback :))) I was really nervous to post this, considering I haven't written a fic in years, but I got bored one day, and here it is!! I hope you guys enjoy it, and maybe I'll turn this fic into an actual AU
Word count: 4.5k
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After your long semester and treacherous finals and projects you had to finish, you decided that you wanted to go to an Air BNB to relax and take time off from the real world. You always liked the woods; it was calming, and you and your parents always went on camping trips when you were younger. Getting older, you found escaping to the woods after a long, hard time and reconnecting with nature was very rehabilitating. So, seeing this offer, you decided to pack your bags and go out for a week. 
There was a slight knock on the door. You assumed it might have been Wanda, the lady who let you stay in her lovely cabin. "Hello? Anyone home?" The knocking continued till you got up and answered the door. 
"Oh..thank god someone answered!" A woman who didn't look like Wanda from the pictures in the cabin stood there. She wore a simple tank top with ripped jeans and black boots to finish the look. She had deep red hair that was messily tied up in a bun. She looked like she had a backpack with a camera around her neck; she must have been a hiker. 
"A-are you okay? It's pretty late out.. are you hurt?" Seeing someone out this late was very strange. When you would go out, it was close to sundown, but you always made it back in time before the sun fully set. 
The woman let out a nervous laugh, "I'm fine, I'm not hurt or anything, but um," she trailed off, clutching her camera in her hands.".. Fuck this is so embarrassing..but I'm uh, pretty lost.." her voice trailed off before she decided to muster up the courage to look at you. 
"Listen, I know... I know. I was trying to get some pictures of the area, and the lookout points weren't doing them justice, so I kind of.. Went off the trail. I mean, I did get a few good photos in the process!" she let out a deep sigh, catching the concerned look on your face." sorry, Besides the point. Can you possibly point me in the right direction of the trail?"
 "Well...I haven't been here for a while, but I can help you." You peeked your head outside past her and recollected your memory of the path you would take when you went on your walks before speaking again.
"got it.. Back up the hill, stay to the right of the river.." She smirked, "And there isn't any chance of you walking back with me?" You didn't know the lady, but the kindness in you wanted to go with her to make sure she got back safe, but how would you get back in the dark?
"I'm kidding! Of course not... It's getting dark for a young girl like you to be out this late anyways.." she grabbed onto the straps of her backpack, sighing, "Well... Thank you! I'm sorry for barging into your peaceful weekend; maybe I'll see you and whoever you are here with hiking tomorrow?" You gave a shy nod and told the woman goodnight before closing the door and going to bed. 
The next day, you spent the whole morning and afternoon cooking breakfast and sitting by the river writing in your journal. Since the river was so close to your cabin, you decided it would be nice to hang out there before returning. The weather was nice; some birds were chirping in the distance, the water was calm, and there weren't many people around. 
The sun started to set, so you decided it was time for your walk. It was pretty late; the sun had almost entirely set, but you figured no one would be around, and you wouldn't travel far from the cabin; you went on your journey. The woods at night were more serene; the stars you never get to see because of the city lights lit up your path along with the moon; the woodland creatures were more than likely asleep at night, so the bunnies, deer, and birds you saw while you were at the river were long gone. 
It wasn't before long you heard a crack deep in the forest that made you jump, assuming you were alone. "Oh, it's you!" you heard a familiar voice say before turning towards it. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to sneak up on you... I mean, it's not hard to spook someone when they are hiking at night." the woman let out a deep laugh before you glared at her for scaring you. 
"Well, I was going on my daily walk... I lost track of time and…what are you doing out here??" You folded your arms, waiting for her reply. "What am I doing out here? More photography..now that I know my way back, I won't get lost if I decide to go out and take some shots of the moon or... Other things.." she leaned against the tree before smiling again, "So, did you get any of your friends to come hiking with you?" You started to look down, but her laugh and deeper voice took you out of your thoughts. 
"Oh… don't tell me you came to that cabin alone... What is a young girl like you doing by herself in a cabin in the woods?"
"I just wanted to take some time off after my semester in school; I assumed no one comes out here, so-" The woman stood up straight; it wasn't until now that you noticed that she was a lot taller and more muscular-looking than you. She had defined muscles along with her shirt, showing off her toned abs. 
"Oh, you are a lot braver than me; I mean, your not worried something happened to you while you were out here; I get it it's pretty remote out here... But Shit can happen, right?"
"Yea… I guess you are right; I just assumed because, on the listing, the lady said people don't come around the area as much, so it would be quiet and peaceful… "You brushed off that she was standing slightly close to you, and you backed away a bit. "Anyways, where's your camera? I'd love to see some of your pictures if you don't mind.." giving her a soft, warm smile, you leaned against the tree. 
"Oh, it's here! I know it doesn't look like much. But I've gotten some really.. Really good photos so far. It takes great close-up shots...We could go back to your cabin and get you out of the dark, and I can show them to you. Only if you want.." she licked her lips before leaning over you against the tree.
"I didn't say this earlier, but you are very pretty. I mean, I could take your pictures too if you want.." The woman's deep voice rattled through your head, and the prominent shyness started to creep up on your face because of how close you were. "Come on! Why do you look so nervous all of a sudden? I mean, you know I've taken photos of you already... what's a few more?"
"You…what?" Your smile quickly turned into a frown, and hearing her laugh only made you feel worse, "It's not like you can stop me, pretty girl.." there was darkness in her eyes that made your body feel cold. You tried too hard to get from her, proving extremely hard because she trapped you between her and the tree. But you managed to get out of the way and make a run for it. 
"You know you only make it worse if you run!!" You paid her no mind instead, running as far as you could. You couldn't run to your cabin because she knew exactly where it was. Maybe the service road could be some help? 
You heard heavy footsteps come after you, but you were determined to get out of the woods. Your breath was ragged, and your running started to slow down; you assumed that you would be more fit to run long distances, but your daily pilates proved you wrong. 
It wasn't long until your arm got pulled, and your body got pressed against the ground. "You can only run so far, bunny.." her breath beating down your neck as you tried to catch yours. 
"Haha... I got you~ awe, bunny, look at those pretty wide eyes, you struggling to catch your breath. I told you there was no use to running; you should have listened to me, darling." she moved a piece of hair behind your ear, now straddling your back, "What really was the plan here? You came out to stay at a cabin alone, you answered the door for a stranger and went out a night completely defenseless. If I didn't know any better, it was like you wanted someone to." She stopped and laughed. She saw the tears roll down your face onto the forest floor. 
"Well... I don't want to spoil the surprise I have planned for you…" she smiled, taking her thumb and wiping your falling tears before she ran that same thumb across her tongue, letting out a guttural moan. 
You just knew you were dead; you watched way too many true crime videos to see what happens to people who are in your situation. You felt her start to bite and kiss the side of your neck, starting to leave a bruise on it, making you whimper in the process. 
"Was that a whimper? What a sweet little bunny..! Do it again.." she returned to a different spot, moaning on your neck, marking you as hers. "I feel you shaking, sweetheart, don't be scared... I'm going to make you feel good.." You started to kick at her, trying to free yourself yet again. 
"Hey.. hey... I can hold you down with one hand and choke you with the other. Do you want me to fuck your pathetic little body on the ground like the little slut you are," she growled in your ear, sending shivers down your body, "or are you going to come back to the cabin with me, like a good little bunny?" she nipped at your ear earning a small yelp from you, "ill.. Come back w-with you please.." you managed to squeak out. 
"Good girl, now come on.." she slowly got off you, still holding onto your arms. "I don't think I need to tell you; what would happen if you try to run again, do I?" You started to get a bit antsy, tears spilling down your face before you heard a flick of a knife that was swiftly held up to your throat. 
"Ah ah ah... Now you are all quiet, aren't you?.. I'm astonished you seemed like a very smart girl; you fell for the lost little hiker act... Such a gullible little bunny.." she chuckled before pushing you to walk. Not before long, you both showed up to the cabin. The knife is still at your neck. Your arms locked tightly in her other hand. 
"Open the door.." your shaky hands unlocked the door, letting you inside. She led you both to a couch in the middle of the room before she sat on it, grabbing your hair and pulling you towards her, making you cry out. "You have such pretty soft hair, bunny.." she let go of it, grabbing your chin and pulling you in for a kiss, instantly dominating your mouth. 
She bit your lip, making you whimper in her lap, making her pull away, now sadistically smiling at you. "Mmm, you like it when I bite your lip, hm? I felt that shiver, sweet girl.. "she let out a deep breath "fuck, I couldn't help myself after seeing you hiking from that lookout point. Your gorgeous ass and thighs in those leggings, your cute little face when you got tried...I got myself off before I got up to where I was. I snapped photo after photo of you while you played in the river and when you went out to journal in your pajamas every morning. But I knew pictures weren't enough, no... I had to have you. I had to be the one that makes you tired, to make you whimper and moan for me. I need to see you... All of you, bunny. Let's get you out of these, hm?" you felt the coldness of her sharp knife press against you, cutting your shirt off along with your sports bra. 
She moaned when she saw your breasts pop out of your bra before dropping the knife and taking them in her hands, teasing you, smiling when you started trembling in her lap. 
"I know you are excited, darling... I am, too.." she ran her palms up your stomach before wrapping them around your neck.
"N-no, please.." she tilted her head before frowning at you, "No? Did you just say no.. to me?" her voice became monotone. She looked like she wasn't happy. 
"Look at me." you didn't. You were too busy in your mind, assuming the worst was about to happen to you until you felt a sharp sting across your cheek. "I said. Look. At. Me." she gritted through her teeth. "You're going to listen to me, bunny? I'm going to get these leggings off, then you're going to go up to that bedroom of yours and lay back on your bed... Do you understand me?" you looked down at the knife in her hand that was dangerously close to your chest. "Look at me. Look at me in the eyes, not the knife, baby.." your eyes slowly met hers. "Good girl.." 
Tears started to pool up again, making her give you a fake pout, "Baby doll, you do not have to cry.. I'm going to make you feel so good. And you're going to make me feel good, too.." you started to sniffle and chose not to say anything else. 
"Now, we are going to walk... And you're going to feel this knife pressed against your throat. If you do anything stupid, you will be sliced open..is that clear?" you nodded, whimpering.
"Say yes, Daddy.." you heard the smile in her voice when she said that. 
"Y-yes, Daddy.." she let out a satisfied hum, "there we go.." You both made your way up to the bedroom, lying on the bed as you were told. "Just like that... Good little bunny!!" smiled, pulling out her camera, "Let me just... capture this moment.." she started taking pictures of you pouting when you began to cry again. "Baby, don't cry! I need you to smile! Let's see that pretty smile, okay?" 
After a few more pictures, she removed her bag, set the camera on the nightstand, and walked over to you. "Hmm, can you do one last thing for me, bunny?.. Give me your wrist." she took your wrist, chaining them to the bed. 
"You can pull off them now, but it won't matter.." she giggled. 
She chuckled, "Aren't you the curious bunny.." she smiled, getting close to your face. "Because baby, I'm going to fuck you so good you aren't going to want to go anywhere..not... That'd let you anyway. Now.. open your mouth." 
You looked at her, opening your mouth before she squeezed your face, making you stick your tongue out before spitting on it. "Aht aht.. Don't swallow it, doll. Keep your tongue out nice and pretty for me.." she started to take off her clothes, and you watched as she did, seeing all the scratches you had left from trying to fight back. "seems like you put up a small fight.." she climbed over you, giving you a complete view of her glistening pussy. Seeing how wet she was from this whole interaction didn't even compare to how much you were dripping on the bed. But you were scared shitless. Your body felt otherwise. 
She lowered herself on your face, grabbing your hair and making you moan against her. "Come on, sweetheart, you're going to eat Daddy out, okay? Clean up the mess you've made of me." you absentmindedly started to lap at her clit, earning her deep moans and her pulling your hair even more.
"Mm yea.. Use your pretty little tongue... Fuck.." her head was thrown back, her toned stomach was all you could see. You, too, caught up in her sounds, and she tasted didn't even notice when she reached back and started rubbing your puffy little cunt through your panties with her fingers making you moan against her, sending vibrations thorough out her body.
"Mm, don't stop licking, keep fucking going. Holy Shit… being such an obedient little slut.." she gasped when she felt your wetness seep through your panties. "Such a dirty little girl turned on by getting used like the whore you are. Letting a fucking stranger use your mouth to get off." her breathing got ragged as you got faster and more sloppy with your licks and sucks, making her cum all over your face. 
"Ah ha.. don't you look pretty angel.. Covered in my cum and your drool…I need another picture.." she grabbed the camera off the nightstand again, snapping some pictures. 
"You want to taste yourself, doll?" she moved her fingers up to your mouth, plunging them down your throat, making you gag a bit. "Taste good, doesn't it? I have to get a taste for myself later, but since you've been a good bunny for me, it's time for your reward.
You thought it was your chance to do something. You started squirming, and it made her a tiny bit upset. "Do you think squirming is going to do anything? You can't get away from me… did you forget I have a knife? I don't want to use it on you, but I will if you keep struggling. You're such a pretty girl... My pretty girl and I would hate to mess you up... Let me cut this underwear off, and then I'll put the knife up…" She flicked it open again, causing you to buck your hips as she got close to cutting them off, making her knick your thigh in the process. "See..this happens when you don't listen to daddy.." 
"No- no, please... Stop, please!" your tears started to come back; she shushed you, licking the blood off the knife before straddling your waist. "You can say no all you want, bunny, but it's happening no matter what.." she cut them off, exposing you to the cold air of the cabin, your scent making her moan.
"Look at you, bunny.. you're dripping down to your ass," she ran her softly up your slit before licking it clean, letting out a satisfied moan. You jerked your hips at her noises, making her giggle. "Oh.. you jerked pretty hard there... Does it feel good? I've barely even touched you.."
She got off your waist, looking down over you, "If I were to just... push my fingers into you now, they would slide in so easily. But I'll be nice... Just circle warm you up a bit."
"No! Stop it, please.." you cried out. Your voice was almost gone, and you watched as she rolled her eyes. 
"Here we go again with the no… you're being so stubborn. I think it would just be better for the both of us if I just.." she took your now ripped panties and shoved them into your mouth.
"Shut. You. Up. There.." she had a satisfied smile on her face. "Oh, don't look so terrified... It wasn't like you were going to wear those panties again anyway... Now where was I… right." she smiled, continuing to circle your clit, moaning before sticking two fingers in you and making you scream. 
"Aww, look at you taking two fingers like a good girl; you usually can only fit one in. You brought that new toy with you on your trip but couldn't even fit that. And look at you now, being a big girl, taking two of my fingers so easily." She really has been watching you this whole time. You were sure you closed the curtains... Maybe she had heard you mumbling to yourself about it...
The room was full of sounds from your aching cunt, her deep moans from seeing your pussy grip her fingers, and your cries of pain that soon turned into pleasures. She started to use her thumb to rub your clit. 
"What if I was to add another finger..oh.. Was that a moan, bunny?" she bit her lip before laughing, "Let me hear it again.." she started to move her thumb faster, making you arch your back before pushing down on your stomach and fingering you harder. 
"Oh, I think you're getting closer for me, baby; we can stop, though, for a second.." she pulled her fingers out of you, making you whimper and clinch around nothing, missing her fingers being inside of you. She started to laugh, seeing your face begin to tear up again. 
"Look at you... It's pathetic! First telling me no and now wanting me to finish you off... You're so adorable, bunny.." she went in her bag and got something to put on. When she came back, she had a strap without the toy. She started to look at your bags before taking the brand-new toy you brought and attaching it to it. "It's so cute that you picked out this one... This might be a little too big for you, don't you think?" she was right; you had picked out a toy that was way too big for you. You ultimately chose it because of its appearance; it was a clear and pink silicone toy with little hearts in it. You didn't read the size when you ordered it and ordered a 9-inch. 
"Don't worry, bunny, ill make it fit.." she lined herself up with your entrance rubbing the tip up and down your slick-covered cunt. "You make me so fucking wet bunny... The way you took my pussy in your mouth like a good slut. You were such a good girl, making me feel so good. But now it's my turn to make you feel even better." she slowly pushed herself in, making you moan out, her holding your hips still as you took almost half the cock in you. 
"Mm, look at that.. God, I wish you could see how good your cunt looks stretched around this toy.." She started to rub your clit again, pushing more and more into you before you felt her bottom out into you. "That's a good girl!! See, I knew you could do it.." she started slowly but started to pound you when she felt you loosen up a little bit. Your back was arched as she held your hips, mumbling dirty names in your ear as she fucked you senseless.
"Doesn't it feel good, bunny?" your face was puffy from all the tears you were letting out as she started to kiss them away. She mumbled into your neck, "I know, I know… it's so hard to go slow when you're making cute noises like these. I want you to scream for me... But there is always tomorrow for that angel; you are all mine. I don't have to rush; you didn't think this was the last time we'd do this, did you?" your heart sank as tears rose in your eyes. 
 You whimpered about how the owner of the house would be looking for you, but nothing came out except muffled sounds in between her thrusts. She chuckled and looked down at you.
"Honey, no one is going to look for you. Your mine for the next few days... Maybe even longer. Fuck! You feel so fucking good. I don't think I'll ever let you go.." you were trying your best to stifle your moans, not trying to be loud to let her know you were slightly enjoying her movements. She stroked your face with her hand before cupping your face.
"It's so cute watching you try to be quiet; you can let go for me, bunny... No one is going to hear you. It's okay.." her breath was ragged again, and her thrust became sloppier.
"You're doing so good for me, sweetheart. Sweetheart, let me help you.." she reached into the side table drawer and pulled out a small vibrator, widening your eyes. 'How did she know that was there?' you thought. But you were completely snapped out of it before she unchained one of your hands and put the vibrator in your hand before guiding it to your clit. 
"Oh fuck!! Your clinching so hard around my cock, bunny… I want you to come for me, doll.." she slapped your face, "aht aht I want to see your pretty little eyes, come on now look at me while you cum, come on be a good girl for me.." the tears pricked at your eyes, but they seemed only to egg her on. 
"Mm, does it feel good, angel? Me pounding you with your toy while you have a little vibrator on your clit?" her moans got louder, and so did yours. It wasn't until she removed your hand with the vibrator from your clit you let out the most pornographic moan, squirting on her and the bed as she pulled out of you. 
Your body was spazzing as she unchained you pulling you into her lap and holding you as you came down from your high. She reached over to grab a water bottle from her bag and gave it to you, making you drink it as she smiled down at you. There was a faint buzz from the other nightstand as you tried to catch your breath; the woman reached over to get what seemed to be your phone. She let out a small chuckle before moving the strand of hair out of your face and showing you your phone. 
"Look, bunny, the owner said you don't have to worry about the payment... She said she'd be home shortly... Though I don't think the cameras did you justice, she'd want to see you for herself.." She sat the phone down before laying you back down on the bed. 
"But let's get you cleaned up first. I want my wife to see how adorable you are when you aren't covered in sweat and cum.. Maybe you can show her the pictures when she comes. How does that sound?" 
And with that, she went to run the bath. You weren't going anywhere anytime soon, not that your legs worked anyway. She carried you to the bathtub, settling you in before going downstairs. It wasn't until long before you heard the words, "Oh Nat, she's perfect... Our perfect bunny."
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hollyseb · 9 months
You need to make ends meet. How far are you willing to go?
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Mob! Bucky x reader
Part 1 can be found here: https://www.tumblr.com/hollyseb/737816177450041344/bartender-part-1
AN; thank you for all the love on part 1!
Warnings: drinking, gun violence, references to the mob, blood, MINORS DNI
Summary; bartending for an elite club to make ends meet. you don’t realise you’ve stumbled into the lair of Bucky Barnes.
He paid for my fee? What the fuck?
Now you knew something was up. First the staring, and now this. Your head was reeling with questions as you made your way inside your apartment, gently closing the door. He is just taking care of one of his employees.
Slipping into your pajamas and flicking the kettle on, you decided to attempt to unwind from your night. Everything was fine until this man decided to act all unpredictable.
Unbeknownst to you, Bucky couldn’t be any more pleased that you had accepted a ride from one of his drivers. You hadn’t questioned how the driver had started heading in the direction of your apartment block before you had revealed your address. He hoped you were flattered by the lift.
He wasn’t used to this. To pursuing his women. Most would flock to him, laying down at his feet. Providing nothing but a quick, cheap fuck.
When Bucky had left the club, he instantly headed to his office, shaking Steve off when he suggested he should head home.
“Steve, just leave me”, Bucky sighed as Steve reluctantly let his friend out of his grip. He could see the blaze in Bucky’s eyes, the focus in his upper body. There was no stopping him when he was like this, this drive was how he had risen through the ranks of the mob so ruthlessly.
Bucky sat in his office chair. He’d received your name and address from Sam, and Steve had found your social media sites. He grinned when he told his driver your address, having to hold himself back from scoping out the apartment block, but his grin grew even more when he opened your social media accounts. A couple pictures of you smiling with Nat, one from your graduation, and none with a boyfriend. He wasn’t expecting that.
You were so different. He found himself wondering about you, pondering your past and how you’d come to work at one of his clubs. He wondered if you knew what you were getting yourself in for, the people you were working for. Part of him wanted to tell you to run while you could, to turn your back and never return, but another part of him felt glad. Signing the contract to bartend his club was the perfect entanglement of your lives. He always got what he wanted.
When you arrived at the club the next night, he made sure to request you to serve his drinks.
When Nat told you the news, that he wanted you to deliver his drinks, you felt your face scrunch. Why me? You didn’t want a repeat of yesterday's events, so you told Nat to help you reapply your lipgloss, and attempt to give you some form of a pep talk before you grabbed the tray of five straight whiskeys.
“He wouldn’t ask you to serve his drinks if he didn’t think you were a good server. Now pucker your lips-” Nat explained absentmindedly.
“It’s just so weird. I mean, it was so awkward yesterday”
“Maybe he likes that?” You giggled. No way. Nevertheless, you appreciated Nat’s efforts to calm your nerves.
She continued, “well I know plenty of women would pay to serve him so…”, she elbowed you, referencing his good looks.
“Nat. That just makes it worse! He’s hot and he knows it, and he knows I know it-“, you rambled.
“And maybe he finds you hot”, you couldn't help but roll your eyes at that, as your best friend handed the tray of drinks to you.
Deep breath. He’s just a man. You’ve got this.
Heading up the stairs to the secluded room again, you felt a little shaky. As you drew the curtain back, the same silence fell over the room. It was all the same men from last night, the tall blond one, the dark skinned one, one sitting in a red suit and the long haired brunette.
You spoke first. Surprising yourself at that. “H-hello. I just wanted to thank you for the ride home last night… and also I have five whiskeys.”
The man at the head of the table let out an exhale, shaking his hair away from his face, “it was no problem honey. There will be one waiting outside for you tonight too.”
You were taken aback. A small, but grateful smile gracing your face. Bucky couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
“That’s… really kind of you, thank you. I’ll find a way to pay you back.”
“Ah-ah-ah”, Bucky tsked, standing up from his chair. God, he is massive. So tall. So broad. Your head craned to look up at him. Your stomach was flipping at his comment, “you won’t pay me back for anything”, he grabbed the tray from your hands, fingers brushing yours.
You sent him a smile, opening your mouth to wish him a thank you before leaving. You left the room with your hands shaking.
Bucky was obsessed with the way he made you nervous, and the way your dress cinched your waist. He saw everything. The way your hands shook when he brushed your fingers, the way your eyes lit up when you took in his build, and the way your cheeks flushed when he let his eyes roam your figure. He felt his cock grow hard when he saw that you didn’t spare a glance to any of the other men in the room, just him. You were his. Whether you knew it or not.
You let elation carry you through the rest of the night. You spent the next few hours behind the bar, your eyes trailing to the curtained room far more often than you liked. With watching Nat flirt with the regulars, and poke you in the ribs occasionally, you felt yourself relax into your role.
That was until you heard a popping sound. Repeatedly. And then screaming.
You were paralysed. Deafened by the noise, and then the sight of masked men enclosing the club, shoving guests down, smashing glasses, and shooting their guns into the air.
Panic seized you, gripping you by the throat. Nat pulled you onto the ground harshly, your chin smacking the cold floor behind the bar.
“Just be quiet. It’s okay. They’ll be here for boss, not us”, Nat explained frantically, as if she’d experienced this before. You couldn’t breath, just wheezing in manufactured gasps, eyes wide.
“N-Nat. I’m so scared”, you felt tears pooling in your eyes as the club quietened. You could hear footsteps. Quick ones. People were leaving. You assured yourself that maybe they weren’t trying to hurt anyone.
You could hear the men approaching the bar. Oh my god, this is it. You squeezed your eyes shut, desperate to stop the scene unfolding before you.
Your whole body seizing up as you felt a hand grab your upper arm, pulling you up, holding your body against theirs. You couldn’t see who it was, and your thoughts ran at a hundred miles-per-hour. As the figure pulled you to your feet, you looked across the bar, Bucky’s associates restraining the men. Sam kicked the gun from one's hand, then pushed him into the ground. Steve had the other backed into a corner, repeatedly pounding him in the jaw.
“Shh, shh, shh. I’ve got you. Let’s go. Come on.” The voice in your ear soothed you. You recognised it as Bucky’s. He brushed your hair from your face and wiped the tears from your cheeks with his rough hand. You could hear him yell something to Steve about grabbing Nat, but the pounding in your ears began to drown him out. He was practically walking for you, your feet barely scraping the floor.
He led you to the car parked outside the back of the club. Sitting you down and pulling the seat belt across your body. He was drinking you in. Looking at your red eyes and swollen lips.
“I am so sorry, honey. I have a… couple of enemies in the city. That will never, ever happen again”, he faltered over his words, carefully picking them.
You were shell shocked. Only able to nod in a fake understanding. What the fuck had you gotten yourself into?
“Look, let me take you home”, Bucky brushed a strand of disturbed hair behind your ear, his thumb running across your bottom lip. God you look gorgeous. He was obsessed with your swollen lips and the way you were clinging to him as if he was the weight holding you to reality. He hated the situation, the imposing mob hydra infiltrating his club at a poor attempt to establish fear, but god you looked insane.
He grabbed your hand, rubbing his thumb over your palm. He tried to explain, briefly, the situation. He ran a company which focused on the safety of citizens in the city. Some tried to breach that. To bring drugs, disorder and chaos in the city as a quick way to make money. You didn’t need to know all the details, he thought. He knew he was omitting information, making himself out to be the good guy. He’d done things he was ashamed of. Wronged good people. Eliminated the competition. Acted ruthlessly to own the city. But you didn't need to know that.
He was drunk on the way you were shaking in his arms. The power that he had to comfort you. He couldn’t help but smile. An open fire by the enemy mob has done nothing but bring me closer to what I want.
Bucky helped you get out of the car, walking you up to your apartment. Even after everything you’d witnessed, your boss helping you up the stairs to your flat brought you to reality. You didn’t question how he knew which floor and door to stop at.
“I-thank you for walking me back but, you should go now”, you couldn’t meet his eyes. The events of the night were catching up on you. You wanted to call Nat and lay in bed.
The tall man made you look at him, picking up your chin with his forefinger. He turned his head slightly as you locked eyes with him. You were just so gorgeous. He wanted to kiss you. But not like this. Not when you were this shocked. He wanted to make it special. Rose petals and champagne. Not like this. So he made a point to look at your chin, bloodied from hitting the ground earlier.
“At least let me clean this up”, god he was so convincing. You opened your door and let him follow you in. You grabbed your first aid kit from your bathroom, telling him to make himself comfortable.
You let him wipe your chin, and gently place a plaster over it. His free hand rubbing circles into your shoulder and the nape of your neck. It was close, sensual even. He felt his cock still at the way you closed your eyes and let your head tilt back when his thumb hit your sensitive spot. He wanted you like this all the time. Relaxed, open, and submissive. You allowed yourself to bask in his touch, and the comfort it brought. You deserve this after the day you’ve had.
“Please, come into my office tomorrow, I can’t have you coming back into work in this state. I need you to feel completely comfortable”, Bucky practically demanded. He wanted to take care of you so badly.
You breathed a sigh of relief. You could confide in him. You could ease yourself back into the club. Unaware of the undertones of comfortable.
“T-thank you Bucky. I’ll be there.” You dropped your eyes and thanked him for the care. He ran his hands down your arms before retreating towards the door. You needed this job, and you needed the money. This situation can’t change that.
You slipped into bed, questioning what exactly you would be doing with your boss tomorrow.
Meanwhile Bucky headed back to the club. There were two masked men in his basement he needed to deal with.
Next part here! https://www.tumblr.com/hollyseb/738091620032987136/the-bartender-part-3
@melsunshine @scott-loki-barnes
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ravenromanova · 10 months
Just one night
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Pairings: Natasha x Ex girlfriend reader
Warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUT SMUT!!!!!!! Mommy kink, fingering, oral, thigh riding, squirting, clit play, nipple play. DO NOT READ IF YOURE UNDER 18+!!!!!!!!!!! (Fluff, Smut, Happy ending)
Masterlist - Send me requests!!!
From the moment you walked into the room her emerald eyes were on you. She drank in the way you looked in the black dress that clung to your body in all the right ways. You were obviously oblivious to her staring as you sauntered your way across the event. Luckily for her you both were forced to come to this event tonight since it was for the avengers.
Stark held a fundraiser for the team once a year so the team can get funding and make nice with the government officials. So fortunately for the redheaded assassin you were forced to be in close proximity to her for the evening. She watched as you walked to the bar chatting up one of the senators of new york. You smiled brightly at the older woman who was talking your ear off about god knows what.
Natasha waited a few minutes for the senator to leave before she walked up next you. “A vodka martini please” She said to the bartender causing you to turn your head in her direction.
”Hi darling“ Her smooth voice echoes through your ears. You could tell by the look on her face she had some kind of mischievous plan for the night.
“Hi tasha” You said as you took a sip from your cocktail and raised your brow to her. The sound of your voice instantly brought a smile to her face.
“Did you come here with someone?” She asked a little hesitantly as she sipped her drink.
“Do you really think id subject someone else to this craziness?” You motion to around the room that’s filled with your drunk teammates.
Natasha laughed a little at your statement. “Well i guess that’s true” She shrugged. “But at least we ran into each other”
“I have a very strong feeling that you planned to run into me” You responded with a smirk causing her to let out a breathy chuckle.
“Well i guess thats somewhat true. Maybe i just wanted to see my girl” Nat said taking a long sip from her drink.
“Last time i checked we broke up” Your words made her frown slightly. She recalled the day you two broke up and it made her heart break even more.
“Doesn’t mean you aren’t mine.” The words sent a chill down your spine and you softly smiled at her.
“Ever the charmer tasha. But im assuming you have something up your sleeve?” You asked and the redhead just smiled her devilish smile.
“More so a proposition” She started as she tapped her finger against the bar. “It’s been a while since i’ve uh been with someone. And i know from my many sources that you haven’t either. So my proposal is that for just tonight me and you forget about the reasons we broke up and just be together again.” Her words make you feel a a little dizzy as she speaks.
You take a few moments to process her words before you finally make a decision. “Just one night?” You asked raising your eyebrow at her before sipping your drink and then ordering another one.
“Just one night” She said sticking out her pinky so you know she’s serious. You smiled at her before you wrapped your pinky around hers.
That’s how you ended up here. Splayed out on her mattress in her room at the compound. Your clothes are partially removed as Natasha is leaving red marks on your neck and chest.
“God i’ve missed you” She admits kissing below your ear making you moan a little.
“Ive missed you too” You confess breathlessly as she moves to unclasp your bra. When her eyes land on your exposed chest her mouth instantly waters. Her lips them circle around your nipple and she starts to suck harshly loving the way you moan for her.
Natasha spends an ungodly amount of time playing with your nipples like she’s never played with them before… granted it’s been six months but it felt like a lifetime to her. So she spent extra time tweaking, pinching and sucking on them like she’s done many times before.
“Please mommy… i-i need you” You beg clawing at her smooth pale skin. Natasha chuckles at your lack of patience before she kisses down your stomach and stops and the hem of your panties.
“Oh kotenok how i’ve missed your begging” She says kissing along the hem of your panties before she slides them down your legs. Once she removes them she takes a moment to appreciate your dripping pussy thats on display for her.
“Fuck i’ve missed you” She continues her words of affirmation as she kisses you inner thighs lightly before diving into your core. Her tongue darts out passed her lips and she licks a stripe along your pussy causing you to mewl in response.
Natasha laps at you like woman starved and gets lost in the way you taste. Your hands fly to her hair and you hold onto her with a strong grip feeling the coil in your stomach build.
“Oh fuck yes mommy” You moan out feeling yourself get closer by the second. Natasha takes your moans as her sign to stick two of her thick and long fingers into you.
“OH FUCK!” You scream out as you feel her fingers fill you up. She smirks she sets a medium pace being careful not to hurt you. Her fingers graze the sweet spot inside and you end up on her fingers and tongue.
“God i love the way you taste baby” She praises bringing her fingers to her mouth and licking off your juices with a delighted moan. Natasha wasnt done with you yet though after she licked her fingers she went back to eat your pussy again.
Your back arched off the bed when she wrapped her lips around your clit and started sucking again. “OH MY GOD” You moaned gripping the sheets for support. Natasha just hummed in response getting lost in your sounds and taste. As she was eating you all you could think about was how much you missed her and never wanted this to end.
You two broke up amicably for multiple reasons the main one being the fact that there just wasnt enough communication. And with you two being Avengers the non communication turned into sloppy missions and arguments which led to the end. But in the end you both missed each other more than either of you wanted to admit.
“Cum for me detka” She said harshly sucking on your clit bringing you out of your thoughts. Her words along with a particularly harsh suck you ended up squirting all over the bed.
“O-Oh my god” You whisper breathlessly as you move the hair from your face. Natasha made her way back up to your face and gently cupped your cheek.
“Ive missed you so much” She whispers pulling you in for a passionate kiss. “I lied… I dont want this to be just for one night”
“Me neither” You confessed moving your hands to her waist and positioning her on your thigh. She raised an eyebrow at you before she got the hint and removed her clothes and sat back down in your thigh.
Your hands gripped her hips and you locked eyes with her and pushed her dripping core onto your thigh. She let out a breathy moan at the contact of your cool thigh against her warm core. Her hands went straight to your chest so she could have something to hold onto as she slowly lost her composure.
Natasha could feel her orgasm creep up on her as she grinded against your thigh. And when you tensed up your thigh under her she let go all over your thigh making you smile.
“Ive missed that” You say chuckling a little making her smile. She slowly got off your thigh and you marveled at the sight of her juices on your thigh. Once she laid down on the bed you laid on her chest as you tried to catch your breath.
“I want us to try again” She whispered in your ear as she kissed your head.
“We were already back together from the second you made your proposition” You confessed. Natasha smiled and kissed you again before she grabbed a towel to clean the both of you off. When she returned she cleaned you and then herself off before laying back down next to you.
“Sleep now my love” She whispered in your ear as well as wrapping her arms around you and bringing you closer to her as much as possible.
Soon you booth drifted off into a peaceful sleep. Yes there was still a lot to talk about but as for now you were going to relish in the bliss that is Natasha Romanoff.
~The end~
A/n i know this was kinda rushed but i really wanted to post something for yall so i hope you liked it :)
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wifeofwandamaximoff · 11 months
The Student and Professor
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Pairings: Professor!Nat x Student!Reader
Warnings: fluff
Summary: The love story of a professor and student.
Author's note: The reader is in college so they will be 18+ and so will be Nat. Thank you so much @natashaswife4125 for the request and I enjoyed writing this and I hope you do too!
"Y/n?" Wanda said while waving her hand in front of my face. I then get out of my daze seeing students start coming in lecture room.
I sigh while looking at my English professor. Staring at her from the farthest part of the room. My best friend sitting right next to me still waving her hand in my face to get my attention.
"She's so pretty." I said, getting lost in my head. Making a bunch of different scenarios in my head about me and my English professor.
Wanda then hit me on the side of my head hard, making me fall back in my chair making a loud noise. Which caused Professor Romanoff to look in our direction with a raised eyebrow.
I then quickly got up and shot daggers at Wanda.
"Hey you were in your own world, that was the only way to get you out!" Wanda said trying to defend herself. I just said nothing but stare at her. I then roll my eyes and turned forward, seeing Professor Romanoff eyeing us with a raised eyebrow.
The bell the rung, signaling that the lesson was about to begin. Professor Romanoff started teaching her lecture.
As a fourth year student at NYU taking a Law degree. I was given a choice between English Literature or Administrative Law. I didn't want to take Administrative law again so I chose English Literature. Which was the best decision of my life because now I have a hot professor until the end of the semester.
Wanda then rolled her eyes when she saw my looking at the professor. She hit me in the back of the head while saying;
"Stop eye fucking our professor and focus on ur work." She whisper shouted.
I jolted at her slap on my head. Turning my head towards her with daggers in my eyes.
"Fine, but stop fucking hitting me!" I whisper shouted. Wanda said nothing but started taking notes on what Professor Romanoff was saying.
Once the lesson was I was still taking last minute notes, Wanda had already left to rush to her next lesson. The students started leaving and soon enough I was the only student left in the lecture room.
Trying to make the notes look perfect, I erased some words to make it look better. I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Professor Romanoff standing right behind me.
"Professor?" I said confusingly. I eyed her hand on my shoulder and then back up to her face which had a slight smile.
"Y/n, I was just curious of why u and Wanda were laughing in the beginning of class, I usually see zero happiness in this class since im quite strict." Professor questioned me curiously.
I then started feeling hot, her hand on my shoulder and trying to think up and answer for her question. Anything besides dreaming about us being together.
"I was just telling Wanda about my crush!" I said with a small smile. I mean I didn't technically lie so I should be fine.
Her face fell just a bit, she removed her hand from my shoulder.
"Ah, okay then." She said before walking off, descending the stairs and going to her desk to grade stuff.
I was puzzled at her change of behavior. I decided to just quickly finish my notes and leave the lecture hall. I then gather my things and quickly leave the lecture hall but before I left I felt Professor's Romanoff eyes burning hole in my head.
Hours later I was on campus going into a cafe right next to my dorm. The bell rung signaling that a customer came in. I waited a bit since there was a small line.
I heard the bell ring and I turned around to see Professor Romanoff entering the cafe. It was then my turn to order and I ordered some hot chocolate and paid.
Professor Romanoff order a hot chocolate as well. She then stood right next too me making me start to get nervous.
My hot chocolate was ready so I grabbed it when I felt another warm hand on my own. I turned to look and see Ms. Romanoff also reaching out to grab the hot chocolate. I then froze not knowing what to do.
" My apologies Y/n, I thought it was mine." Apologized Ms. Romanoff. She then took her hand off of mine which saddened me a bit.
"Its alright u can have it, Ill just wait since u probably have somewhere to rush to." I said, offering my hot chocolate.
"Detka, I have nowhere to go. Im in no rush I can wait." Ms. Romanoff explained. When she called me "Dear" , I started to feel butterflies in my stomach.
"No, its alright!" I hastily said. All of a sudden they call out that another hot chocolate was ready. I then quickly grab the hot chocolate. I give her mine of which she confused as hers. Since the one made was quite hot so I gave her the one that cooled down a bit.
"Thank u detka!" Ms. Romanoff said happily. I give her a small smile before leaving the cafe. A huge smile on my face. All of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder. A familiar touch.
"Ms.Romanoff?" I questioned once I turned around and saw her.
"Would u like to hangout Y/n? I have nothing to do for the rest of the day." Asked Ms. Romanoff. I felt like I was in a dream. My crush asking me to hangout!??! The best day of my life truly.
"S-sure Ms.Romanoff!" I said a bit too quickly. Ms. Romanoff giggled a bit.
"Call me Nat outside of class detka." Ms. Romanoff told me. Pretty name for pretty lady. I nod at her request. We then start walking out of campus and into a busy street after walking for a while. Talking a bit on the way.
Ive learned some new things about Nat. She has a cat name Liho, a sister name Yelena who loves Mac and cheese with hot sauce. Her favorite colors are black and red and she sucks at cooking.
We then arrived at a shop that sold some clothing.
"Nat, Im gonna go in and look at the clothing if that fine. You can go shop around this area." I told her. She then turned around and raised an eyebrow at me.
"We've come here to hangout Im not abandoning you. Ill come along with you alright detka?" She told me sternly, leaving zero room for argument's.
I just nod my head while entering the clothing store. I was then greeted with a smell of flowers. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a cute top that was white. It would show a lot my cleavage if I wore it and some stomach.
I walked towards it, I felt like it was luring me towards it. Nat was following me, curious of what I was doing. She then saw what I was walking towards.
"Nat look at this cute top!" I squealed in delight of finding such a cute top.
"It is indeed detka, but you can't wear that at school. But I know you would absolutely beautiful in that top." She said with a smile adorning her face. I felt my cheeks start to heat up from the compliment. I then decided this is a must have top so I quickly paid for it and dragged Nat out of the store.
Hours later it was dark. Lights adorning some buildings lighting up parts of the streets. I was holding some ice cream that me and Nat had just bought from a small ice cream vendor.
We were laughing and chatting on the way back to campus. I then looked up at the stars, getting mesmerized by them. I stop walking, staying silent. Nat realizing that I wasn't by her side made her worried for me until she saw me sitting on the grass staring at the stars.
"Its really beautiful tonight isn't it?" She questioned me softly. I just nod at her question.
I then feel her hand under my chin, she then turned my head around to face her's. I then looked at her confused.
She then leaned in and softly kissed me. I was frozen in shock not reregistering the kiss but before I could return it she pulled away.
"I-im sorry! I-i shouldn't have done that!" Nat rushed out quickly. She started to stand up but I grabbed her hand before she could walk away.
I then made her sit down and cup her face with both of my hands making her face squish a little. I then leaned in and kissed her passionately. I then felt her returning the kiss.
We pulled away when air was desperately needed. Our foreheads touching.
"I really like you Y/n..." She whispered to me softly. I pulled away and looked at her with a sparkle in my eyes.
"I like you too Nat, ever since I first saw you..." I said giggling at the end a bit.
"So was I your little crush that Wanda was talking about?" She asked me teasingly. I just nodded, tucking my face in her neck so she wouldn't see me blushing. She slowly pulled my face out of her neck to make me face her directly.
She then kissed me one more time. Marking that start of our love story, and the best chapter of my life.
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natsaffection · 1 year
can u write an smutty hate sex story with nat as the mean boss and reader a her assistant 🤭
Distraction. | N. Romanoff
G!P CEO!Natasha x Assistent!Reader
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MINORS DNI!!! (18*!)
warnings: Office sex, nat has a penis, Mommy kink, rough sex, spanking, choking, begging, dirty talk
Word count: 1,6K
A/n: I was carried away and hope that’s the task you asked for..Because I totally forget the hate in it :,)
It was a relaxed day, as usual. You got up early today, got ready and showed up at work quite early. Before that, of course, you stopped by Mrs. Romanoff's Cafe to get her usual latte. You paid with the company card and are now sitting ready in your chair, behind your desk. 
You had already started sorting your work and when you saw the plan for today, you had to pause for a moment. You see a name on the list, and you knew what it meant. You try not to wrap your head around it until you notice your colleagues tense around you. You look at the time and realize that there is one minute before Mrs. Romanoff enters. You take another deep breath and stand up and a few seconds later, you hear the elevator door open from far away and get ready as you do every day. She entered without taking her eyes off her phone. Everywhere you could hear a 'good morning' until she arrived in your hallway. She walks past your desk, and before she could open her own office door, you stop her, "Mrs. Romanoff? Your latte." She stopped and looked up at you. 
You hold the latte out to her and she takes it. She smelled it for a moment and then looked directly at you, "What's on the agenda today?" You knew the question was coming. Like every time, and you were prepared, "Nothing big for the first three hours and at noon you have a meeting with..Mr Stark.." You knew what Natasha thought of him. Nothing at all. However, he is one of the biggest sponsors of the whole company, and so Natasha has to put up with him. 
You see how one of her eyebrows twitched, and then she went to her office and the door closed.
You had spent the first few hours planning Natasha's future plans and meetings and notifying the people to be there. You wrote a few emails and made a few phone calls. You were so engrossed in your work that you didn't even notice Tony Stark marching into Natasha's office. 
You know what that entails, and you were lucky that her office is a good distance away from the other colleagues....
You could barely concentrate because you kept trying to catch sounds from the room, but it was no use. The walls were just too thick. After about 20 minutes, the door opened again and Tony came out. He had a different face on, like he did a few minutes ago, so you knew it was business as usual. He looks at you, sighs, and walks out. You try to find connections until you saw the message on your laptop to come to Natasha's office. So you take another deep breath, stand up and walk in.
You like her office. It was definitely bigger than your apartment and was all glass on the left. It also had a huge rooftop terrace that was great for summer. There you had also held the introductory conversation with her and..signed the other contract, for moments like this one. 
She sits at her table, massaging her forehead, "I'm afraid that conversation didn't go well?" If you didn't have such a..relationship with her, you would never have asked that question. But you're here for that very reason. To take away the stress she has. 
She sees you and leans back in her chair, "As usual. This guy is just too cocky! Thinks he has the right to boss me, ME, around! Just because he..Urgh!" She loosened her shirt and undid the first two buttons that were on it, "Come here..." She looks at you and you immediately obey. You walk towards her and bypass the table. She turns in your direction, and indicates that you should sit on her lap. You sit down and her hands immediately settled on your thighs and she looks up at you, "Mommy needs a distraction, do you think you can help me with that?" Her tone was gentle. You just nod, and suddenly you notice a pull in your right thigh. She knees you as it wasn't enough, "Y-yes, I can help here..." She looks deeply at you and smirks, "Good girl..." She turns you both back to her table and leans you on the front so your upper body is flat on it, "Always so good for me..." 
You slowly get ready, but again you had to shamefully admit that just the way she talked to you for the last two minutes was enough to make you so fucking horny. She fucks well..So well that so far no few people had ever made you climax again.
You hear her undo her belt and a little later you notice her pushing your panties to the side and grunting out, "As always..Do I make you so wet, baby?" Fuuck, if she keeps talking like that it will be over in a few seconds, "Always for you, mommy..." That's what she liked about you. You were so fucking obedient, you have manners and of course a good pussy. 
She smirked at herself and pushed right into you. You slid your body forward, and she held you by the shoulders to keep you still. "Fuck..No matter how many times I take you here, you're still so fucking tight, fuck!" She pushed in further and further until you could feel her completely. You try to hold on somewhere to somehow accommodate the feeling, "Stark really thinks he'd do a better job than me..What do you think, Baby, huh? Could he replace me?" You had to pull yourself together not to forget the question right away, "n-No..No one, AH! No one can replace you..!" Your statement seemed to trigger something in her as she suddenly pushed into you faster, "That's right. I'm the only one who can run this place!"
She got rougher. She grabbed your cheeks and pushed into you with more force. You couldn't take it anymore and let out a loud moan. But it was interrupted when Natasha put a hand around your mouth, "How many times do I have to tell you that while I enjoy hearing your sounds, it's more than inappropriate here? Do you want everyone to know what a slut you are for me?" You shake your head, "Thought so." 
"hmph!!!" She pushed in as deep as she could, feeling her orgasm getting closer and closer. "That's right. Show me how good I make you feel!" She didn't care. If someone could hear you, it is your fault and not hers. She took her hand away and sped up her movements. All you could hear was the moaning and skin contact in the room.
"Nata-mommy, please..." you plead. You completely lost your self-control and just wanted your releases. "Please what?" She is annoyed. Do you want something from her now too? Why can't anyone here work independently?
"Do you need more? Do I have to do all the work again? What are you getting paid for anyway?" She moans and snaps her hips at you. "Fuck, Tony really wanted me to know you'd be better off with him..." she snorts. She holds your ass and spreads you open so her eyes have the perfect view of her cock ruining your pussy, "What do you say, would you rather go to him? Do you want him to take you like this?" She began to move even faster, her hand sliding down to your clit, "No! Only you can- fuck! Can- so well...”
She slows down and smiles as she sees your body start to shake more and more. She pulled her hand from your clit and wiped it on your ass, and you were afraid she was done with you, "Please! D-Don’t stop! Please mommy, let me cum, please..." Your face was already so wet and red that anyone would know what happened if you left this room in the next few minutes. So at least it should be worth it....
She leans over you, her chest pressing against your back, "Relax baby..I can feel your fucking fear in your pussy..." You close your eyes, ashamed of being so easy to read. "It's okay..." Her hands slowly slide to your back and push you further down onto the table, "Just stay like that for me, and you'll get filled, is that what you want? Do you want mommy to fill you?" 
"Yes please!!!" you whine. She slaps you hard on your ass and grabs your neck. She pulls you back to her. She fucks you harder and faster as her hand slides down to your clit again and starts rubbing it.
"Fuck!!!" You cry out, and Natasha just had to laugh. "Come on, come on my cock Y/n, cum...!" She moans out as well, and your voice breaks off as you release on her cock, and you squirm in all directions. Natasha clenches your neck with strength to keep her from moaning all over the room as well. Your eyes rolled back and you sobbed. When you came down completely from your height, you collapse like a lifeless body in Natasha's arms. She wraps her arms around you and rests her head on your shoulder, "You did great again, thank you..."
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natashaslesbian · 4 months
nat's adopted ex-widow daughter gets triggered and may helps her through it? :0
Girl In The Park
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Word Count: 1.2k
A/N• I changed this request around a little as I’n not sure if you mean May but I don’t write for May :)
It was a beautifully warm day, the clouds providing a soft shade in passing moments. You and your mom were visiting the avengers in New York City, a well needed city break from your rural countryside home. Natasha suggested you took a walk through Central Park, something you had never done before. There where lots of things you hadn’t done yet, you’d only been with Natasha for 8 months after she and her sister took down the red room and found you unconscious in the medical bay. You were the youngest widow in the facility, just recently turned 15. It had been the day you were due to be subjugated when Nat and Yelena arrived, a few hours later and you would’ve been under Dreykov’s control. It was days until you awoke from the sedative the doctors had given you, instantly you where alarmed at your whereabouts but Natasha was there to calm all your worries. She had supported you through your integration into society and was always there to calm you after a nightmare. You quickly formed a strong bond with the redhead and soon she decided she wanted to adopt you, you were over the moon to finally have a family of your own. Some days were still hard but your mom was so proud of how far you had come.
Central park was busy, the sun had clearly brought out lots of people looking forward to a picnic or a chance to sunbathe. You stayed close by Natasha, scanning the area for any threats. “Don’t worry sweetie” your mom said, picking up on your anxiety “he’s gone I promise, no one is going to hurt you” Nat said as she wrapped a comforting arm around your shoulder. You relaxed in her hold and let out a small breath of air, she was right there was nothing to worry about. You continued your walk for a little while, moving towards a busier part of the park. A large group of children swinging around on a jungle gym caught your attention, you longed to have had the childhood they were experiencing. “Why don’t we sit for a bit?” Natasha asked, motioning to a bench near by. You watched the children and families over the fence, laughing and enjoying the sun. You let your mind wander for a moment until you made eye contact with one little girl.
Your heart stopped. The air had completely escaped your lungs. The little girl smiled and waved at you before she went down the slide. “Y/n?” Natasha said noticing your fearful state. You rose to your feet as the girl came running around by the fence, waving at you again. It was her. It was absolutely her. Your feet started to move though your eyes stayed glued to the little girl. You soon picked up into a fast sprint down the path, weaving through the forest of people. “Y/n!” Natasha calls after you, following closely behind thanks to her stamina. You continued to run as fast as your feet could take you, people around flashed you concerned glances. You soon reached the end of the park and ran out into a busy road narrowly missing a passing taxi. “Y/n!” Natasha screamed as you ran out into the road, using her skills to jump over the bonnets of cars and snake her way around bicycles. Once on the other side of the street you found yourself sprinting down an alleyway, only stopping when you collided with the metal fencing at the end.
You fought to catch your breath as you sank to the floor. “Y/n?” Natasha said as she came running up next to you “sweetie look at me, deep breaths okay” your mom said, guiding you through your panic attack. “Lu-Lucy” you said through shaky breaths “it was Lucy I swear it was Lucy” you cried. “Easy baby” Natasha said as she pulled you into her chest “in for 4 out for 4, like this, copy mommy okay” she directed you until you had hold of your breathing again. “It was Lucy” you sobbed out “who baby?” Your mom asked “a-at the park, she looked right at me I swear it was her” you mumbled into Natasha’s chest. “Who’s Lucy?” Your mom asked, worried that you were spiralling back into your panicked state. “She-she was my first target” you cried out. “I killed her, she was only 6” you sobbed. “Oh y/n it’s okay, you didn’t have a choice” Nat said as she caressed your hair. You continued to cry softly into your mom’s embrace, focusing hard on your breathing.
Natasha rocked with you gently for a few minutes before she spoke up again. “It wasn’t her baby I promise” she said. “That’s the problem” you hiccuped “I wish it was her, because then she’d still be here and I wouldn’t have taken an innocent girls life away” you whimpered. “Y/n you did what you had to do, trust me sweetie I know” Natasha said “she wasn’t the only innocent girl who had her life taken away from her. What we had to do wasn’t our choice, we were conditioned and manipulated into following orders. We aren’t what they made us, you aren’t what they made you y/n” your mom cooed. Her words floated in the air as you tried to digest them. It had been a long journey unlearning all the things that had been ingrained into your brain and despite Natasha’s constant words of affirmation you struggled to believe you were anything more than a cold blooded killer. “How old were you?” Nat asked, keeping you talking as a distraction from falling into a flashback. “10” you said “it was my first kill” you whimpered. Natasha pulled you closer as you began to shake softly “easy baby girl, you’re okay mommy’s here” she hummed.
You leant towards your mom and listened closely to her heartbeat, gently copying the rhythm of her chest rising and falling. “Can we go home?” You quietly asked “of course sweetie” Natasha smiled, it was a rare occasion that you would tell her what you needed. “I’ll have Tony pack up our things and we’ll take the quinjet to get back a bit quicker” Nat said. “No” you coughed “I meant the tower” you whispered. You loved your little countryside house, but deep down you knew Natasha hated it. Seeing how much your mom loved the city and loved her teammates had convinced you to give it a chance. It was surprisingly easy to settle into the groove of the avengers tower, in fact you felt it was a place you connected to. You could fit in around these people, some of their stories had you itching to trust them, it already felt like home. “I wanna live at the tower” you smiled “with auntie Yelena, uncle Clint, Wanda, Bruce. And you of course mommy” you said. “Baby I…” Natasha stumbled, taken aback by your words “are you sure?” Your mom asked. You nodded as you looked up at Nat “it’s home, you’re home mama” you whispered “I love you” you said as you looked up at Natasha’s green eyes. “I love you too y/n” she said as she lent down to kiss your forehead.
The two of you stayed curled up at the end of the alleyway until Clint arrived to drive you back to the tower, Natasha having alerted him via text of your location. You felt the softness of your moms protection as she held you, cuddling as close to her as you possibly could. You knew that you still had a long way to go, but with Natasha by your side it was definite that everything would be okay.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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lesbians4lottienat · 4 months
Jealous, Much?
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Nat doesn’t appreciate the way Misty looks at her girlfriend. The only problem? Nat hasn’t exactly called you her girlfriend yet.
fem!reader (she/her pronouns used and reader is referred to as a girl), reader is a team assistant like misty, nat is mean to misty because she’s jealous lol
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Nat stood on the field, dribbling the ball absentmindedly between her feet. Surprisingly, she was the first to arrive, although it wasn’t much of a surprise to her. She had been doing this for about a week, albeit with ulterior motives. Simply put, she wanted to spend time with you before the rest of the team got there, and she actually had to play. If that meant she had to show up to practice early and, in general, so be it.
However, you were too busy with Misty setting up a water cooler and warm-up equipment for the team. Nat saw Misty say something, causing you to laugh. Misty beamed up at you while Nat gritted her teeth. It probably wasn’t even funny, she thought, but she’s too nice not to laugh.
“What’s up with you?”
Nat startled, snapping her neck in the direction of the voice. Oh. It was Jackie. Of course, the team captain would be there early. Shauna must’ve driven them there.
“Nothin’, just thinking,” Nat said with a roll of her eyes. She wasn’t in the mood for Jackie’s snooping right now. The brunette raised an eyebrow at this before following Nat’s gaze over to the two girls, now joined by Shauna. She sighed before speaking again.
“I know you’re at least nice to one of them, but you should lighten up on Misty! She’s not…that bad.”
Panic surged in Nat’s stomach before she realized what Jackie meant. She wasn’t accusing Nat of liking you; she was accusing her of finding Misty annoying.
“Whatever,” she mumbled, passing the ball to Jackie, whose brow furrowed in concern at the blonde's lack of bite in her words.
The rest of the team arrived at the soccer field one by one. They performed their usual warm-ups before playing a practice game. The entire time, however, Nat was distracted. She wasn’t performing well, and everyone could tell something was wrong. Hopefully, they didn’t notice that she faltered every time Misty grabbed a hold of your arm or brushed hands with you.
Eventually, Coach Scott pulled her aside and asked if she was alright. She hated how he looked at her and the way they all looked at her. She hated feeling weak.
After a few more easy shots were missed, her coaches and teammates suggested she take a breather. It was annoying. What was even more annoying, though, was the way Misty looked at you—so full of love and adoration. It made Nat sick to her stomach.
“God, Misty, can you keep it in your pants? Some of us are trying to focus here!”
Misty’s face flushed a bright red. Nat huffed at the confused looks before storming off in the direction of the locker room.
She stomped inside, slamming her locker open and pulling her jersey over her head. She began changing into her regular clothes but paused when she heard a familiar voice.
“What the hell was that?”
It was you. Of-fucking-course.
“Why do you even care?” she seethed, refusing to look in your direction. She resumed changing and angrily threw her uniform into the locker.
“Because you confused the hell out of everyone? And because you almost made Misty cry? And because you won’t even look at me?”
Part of her was happy to know she had almost made Misty cry, but the other part swirled hatefully in her gut at the concerned tone of your voice when recounting the event. She hated it. Hated how nice you were to Misty.
There was an awkward pause as Nat gathered her things until, eventually, you spoke again.
“Nat, come on. Talk to me?”
Nat hated you. She hated your stupidly affectionate, concerned voice and how well it worked on her.
“She was clearly flirting with you!”
“What,” she starts, “Were you just going to let her feel you up like that?”
You stared at Nat, utterly confused, before it clicked.
“Oh my god. Are you fucking jealous, Scatorccio?”
Nat’s nostrils flared, and her cheeks flushed. She quickly walked towards you, trapping you in the corner of the room. She glared, opening her mouth to speak, but you promptly cut her off.
“You have no right to be acting like this, you asshole! You don’t even want me!”
She must’ve verbalized her confusion as you seemingly grew angrier.
“You kiss me at Jackie’s party, then you avoid me for a week. You flirt with me early before everyone gets here, then act like I don’t exist. You’ve made it abundantly clear that you don’t like me like that, but now, you’re acting like I’m taken?”
Nat freezes. She glowers up at you, her lip trembling. You stare back, visibly upset. Then, she pulls on your jacket, smashing her lips against your own. You let out a muffled noise of surprise before kissing back, wrapping your arms around Nat’s neck while Nat’s hands land on your hips.
Eventually, you two pull away, breathless. Nat speaks first.
“You’re mine, okay?”
You raise an eyebrow.
“That’s a terrible way to ask me to be your girlfriend.”
Nat stiffens. She’s…new to this. She’s never really labeled a relationship like this with a girl. But, judging by how it makes her heart flutter, she wouldn’t mind calling you her girlfriend.
“S-sorry,” you stutter, “I didn’t- I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, or, like-“
“Shut up and kiss me.”
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spiderfunkz · 1 year
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— summary : when baking cookies with natasha turns into a flour fight.
— word count : 0,6k
— warnings : fluff, fem!reader, established relationship, nat & reader live together, flour fights, pet names, nat being a tease.
a/n : it's october so the autumn-y fics r here !! also i am a firm believer that nat struggles to do basic cooking.
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baking was something you've always loved to do, since ever. you loved the process of buying the ingredients, picking the flavours, toppings, decorations, everything.
you especially loved baking for other people. it's your way of showing that you love and care for them, a love language sort of.
and it's always been a tradition for you to bake fall cookies for your friends. today, you were baking them for clint.
it was the perfect time to bake. the weather was perfect, it was foggy but not too foggy since you could still see the reflection of sunlight. the music was playing in the background, and nothing could possibly ruin this you thought.
tying your apron, natasha walks in to help.
"you look good in that apron." she smirks.
you ignore the comment as you grab the eggs from the fridge. "stay focused, we need to finish these cookies."
"well, i'm more or so thinking that you should wear that apron more often." she teases. "these cookies are for clint. realistically, you should be taking the lead." you reply.
"i've never baked before."
"ever? in your entire life? not even once?"
"i'm pretty sure that's what the word never means." — "do you at least know how to crack open an egg?"
you were met with silence. is she serious?
"just crack these eggs to that bowl, please." you point. "like this?" she asks.
you stare at her in disbelief. she seems confused, possibly wondering what she did wrong.
"you know, maybe, without, the eggshells."
she looks down at the bowl, "i think we should leave it. crunchy cookies, you know? it adds more protein, so it's healthy." she awkwardly smiles.
"whatever, i'll just pick the eggshells out." you carefully grab the slippery shells.
"soooo.. what's next?" she wipes the egg residue on her pants. "i'll whisk the wet ingredients, you can help me by grabbing the flour and baking soda."
natasha nods, as she grabs the ingredients you asked for from the cabinets above. "you know i've always wanted to do this with someone." she says, toying with the bag of flour.
"yeah well, this feels more like a me effort instead of a team effort." you state. "there's no me in team." natasha replies.
"yes there is. there's an 'e' and an 'm'." you stated.
"you're so smart, detka. keep blabbering. see what happens."
was that a threat? you look up from the bowl to see her grab a handful of flour. "put that down. don't get closer." you commanded.
"or what?" — "or the cookies won't get done, and clint will have over-floured cookies."
natasha shuffles forward.
"nat. i swear. i just cleaned the floor this morning."
"i'm not even moving."
"i can see you shuffling towards me."
"i'm standing very still. actually, here, catch!" she throws the flour to you. your clean apron was now covered in flour.
"oh you are so gonna regret that, natasha."
you swiftly grab a handful of flour from the bag, throwing it right on her black top.
natasha gasps, before throwing another handful to your direction.
this went on for a good minute before natasha finally stopped it by grabbing the bag from you.
"okay, okay! time out. i've got to take a picture of you, you look like a ghost!"
"really? because you should really look in the mirror, natasha. i can barely make out the red in your hair right now."
she glances at the reflection of the fridge. "that's. rude."
"who looks like a ghost now?"
"you still do. if i poured the mixture on you with chocolate chips and put you in the oven, would you become a cookie?" she jokes.
"don't you dare mess with the mixture."
"don't worry, love. i'd still love you if you were a cookie." natasha smiles.
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