#i mean scott didnt care about how much he was cheating on her
goomeow · 2 years
i think i found a throughliine in the trope of my favroite characters (previously described as :crazy bitches) its just that theyre characters who are in constant suffering because they care so much. and also being huge bitches about it.
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randomsevans · 4 years
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Chapter one
Chris Evan's x reader
A/N this story will have a mixture of 3rd person and 1st person (form all point of view ) . My gonna try my best but my English isn't the best
3rd person
You know when you have that feeling . The feeling of suffocation. The feeling of you at a stand still as the future you had planned and wanted is suddenly ripped away from you and your left with a shattered heart and minds along with no Hope's. Nothing .
That's what y/n felt . Still feels . See it never goes away. It just dulls down
You see when you go about your life form one stage of the next you never know what's gonna happen . What you gonna do . Who you are to meet . How that person will effect your life .
You never know the most important parts of your life as there happing . Only after .
It's the down side of being human we never understand the importance of somthing until it's too late
Theres a quote that also stickes out to me . A very important one at that. by a person or should I say character .
" life is a pile of good things and bad . The good doesnt always soften the bad vise versa . The bad things dont nessracily spoil the good things and make them unimportant "
If you know you . And we can be friends....
If not ...
I'm gonna tell you anyway....
The 11th doctor .
You know it's silly how much a show you watch as a child and still do today can bring you some much comfort . Not only to you but your children to come . See people undermine tv shows . But there are important to many people . There hold so much meaning and love . People use tv as an escape . Or brings back memories. See doctor who holds a very important factor in my life just for a tv show but we ain't here to talk about that just now . But bare that in mind it is very important .
(Quick side note 12 the best. Fight me !)
Anyways .....
Back to the story ...
Wait where was I..
Oh yes the quote .
This quote ..
This quote ..
No sorry its gonna your gonna have to give me a minute.
Fuck it . I'll just let her explain .
"Come on you can do it " Scott tried to sooth but that ain't FUCKIN WORKING
"I CANT ! SCOTT " I screamed. Squeaking his hand tight .
"Come on you have to . Let me meet my niece "
the feeling. The pain was overwhelming. The screaming wasnt helping at all I feel sick and.... no I can describe it . How the fuck do you describe child labour .
"Miss y/l/n " the midwife inbetween my legs began "she coming. Miss one more push I promise that's it "
I quickly snapped to look up at scott with his annoying ass smile nodding his head .
One more push.
One more push until my life start a new
I nodded and turned my head back to the nurse as tears stung my eyes
One more push and I'll meet my daughter.
One more push until my life starts .
I cant help but smile as tears roll down my cheeks
Here I was in a hospital in London back home after 3 years of living in boston with my ex good for nothing fiance.
At 2 in morning holding his brother hand bring our - NO MY - daughter into the world .
See that man , that cheating man , the man I love more then anything still -WHY ILL NEVER KNOW -
See no matter how much bad hes put me though how he ruined our future together for his pregnant assistant. How he ...
"Ahhh..." I began to push
He will never spoil this for me . He will neve take this future from me . Not if I. Or his brother . Or his mother have anything to do with it
Ha that reminds me of do....
3rd person
See told ya it would come in handy .
Y/n pushed long and hard until the pain rippled through her . Making Scott hiss in pain swearing as he felt as if his finger had snapped of .
Y/n cries of pain echoes through out the room until she was beatin by a strong pair of new lung .
Y/n fell back on her pillow with a wide smile as her baby was wrapped up and cleaned . She glanced at scott who was now crying god know if from the pain in his hand or just witnessing the strongest women he knew apart from his mother bring his niece into the world .
"Ummm miss "
1st person
I quickly turned my head to the nurse who looked down to her arms with a pool of blanket that had
"My baby ...." I whispered
The nurse only nodded and extended her armes to me
I quickly stay up and put my armes in the way I was told and held my dolls as a little girl . I could feel everyone eyes on me in room but I didnt care as the blanket came near to my arms my eyes fell upon a red faced button nosed tiny ... tiny thing .
As she was placed in my armes . I cant stop the tears nor the smile . A loud sob escaped my lips as I was stunned .
Here she was .
In my arms
My baby
My sweet baby girl
"Hello there " I giggled softly causing Scott to giggle as he bent down to .
"Hi little one " he spoke all above a whisper
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath
"Scott ?"
"Hmmm" his eyes were to forced on the little one in my arms
"Is this real ? " I asked slowly
There was a pause. My heart began to race thinking it's all a dream
"Y/n ! "
Oh no it's a dream my baby isn't here yet is she ?
I snapped my eyes open to see Scott eye level with me .
"Of course it " he said softly.
More tears . More tears . God all I've done for 9months is cry .
But for onces in a long . Long. Long time these were happy
I noded my head with blurry eyes as I looked down in my arms
"Its real " I final say
"So .." said scott
"So ... " then me
I placed a kiss gently on the forehead of the baby in my arms . Lifting her up slowly while bending my neck
"Welcome to the real world .... "I began whisper as a secret only to be shared with her once and never again
"Welcome to the world Clara Evans"
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Anyone Who Knows What Love Is Will Understand
pairing: peter maximoff/reader
summary/request: Peter suddenly finds out what the gaping hole in his memory is hiding.
warnings: cheating, angst, language, uh like a teenie tiny mention of sex but like its teenie tiny
notes: which one of you fuckers let me watch Black Mirror, huh? no one asked for this but I feel like shit for not posting yesterday and inspiration struck. also sorry if this is incoherent i didnt edit it and its 2 am
Based off Black Mirror episode 4 season 2, “White Christmas” and the song Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand) by Irma Thomas
            Peter was sure he had heard the song before-- the soft, melodic voice of Irma Thomas singing the lyrics to Anyone Who Knows What Love Is. His fingers drummed the beat steadily on his stomach as he waited for you. Peter was laying on the couch, his feet laying on the armrest as he absentmindedly listened to the radio. He smiled as he held a small remote in his hand-- the same remote that controlled the technology behind his eyes. Peter’s thumb flicked the center button, swiping his finger in circles until he accessed his photos. There Peter sat, a dumb, lovestruck smile on his face as he shuffled through photos of you.
            The first photo he studied was from your first date; Peter had taken you to a drive in and you watched Grease. The two of you were humming the tune to Greased Lightning for the next week. Peter could recall the way you lied in the back of Logan’s truck, his jacket wrapped tightly around you to keep you warm. That didn’t stop Peter from using his body heat to warm you too, of course.
            The second photo he stumbled upon was taken at Kurt’s 21st birthday party when you had given Kurt a speech about his accomplishments and how much everyone loved him. The third photo was from the same party, this time being taken by Scott. It was a photo of you and Peter drunkenly making out against a wall. Peter remembered the intoxicated giggles that the pair of you were reduced to after Scott showed you the photo.
            The final photo Peter examined was taken just a few nights ago at a bar you and Peter had visited with Logan and Charles. You were sitting in a dimly lit booth beside Peter, a bright smile on your face. Peter remembers-- actually, Peter can’t remember much from that night. He got drunk fast and the rest of the evening was nothing more than a dark blur, a void of nothingness. He tried shuffling through his memories, but even the tech in his eyes seemed to have failed him. Either that, or he deleted them. Why would he delete them?
            Peter’s thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the front door opening, the jingle of the doorknob somehow snapping Peter out of his trance. The song from before had apparently repeated, but Peter didn’t mind. The silver-haired man got up from his position to greet you at the door, but you had moved from the doorway to the bedroom quite quickly. By the time he reached the bedroom, you were sitting on the bed facing away from him. The air that hung in the room was tense, and the affection that Peter was prepared to give felt oddly inappropriate. 
            Your face was dark, the light in the room casting shadows across your features. Your eyes were trained on the carpet floor, and Peter couldn’t help but notice the pained vacancy behind your pupils. Steadily, your breath came in short bursts. You didn’t look at Peter when he walked in or when he sat next to you. No, your eyes never left the floor.
            “Y/n? Are you okay?” Peter’s voice was hesitant and concerned. You didn’t answer, instead, you took a deep breath.
            “Do you know that feeling when you learn something about someone you love, and it’s so… so terrible that it hurts to love them? That feeling of guilt and hopelessness when you learn that someone you poured your heart and soul into wasn’t who you thought they were? And-.. and you can never look at them the same again?” The sorrow in your voice felt like a punch to Peter’s chest. The truth is, Peter knew that feeling all too well. He didn’t respond, though, realizing that it was a rhetorical question. Your eyes stayed on the floor. “I woke up this morning and I loved you. The night before I fell asleep and I loved you. The entire day before that night I went to work and I trained and I learned and I taught and through all of that I loved you. I love you and I have for as long as I can remember.” You were getting angrier and angrier with every word, but not violent angry. Hurt angry. “Can you say the same?”
            “O-of course I can, babe, what’s wrong?” For the first time your eyes tore away from the floor and met Peter’s, tears threatening to fall. There was something unfamiliar in your eyes and it made Peter so incredibly afraid.
            “Can you?” Your voice is venomous and pained. “Can you really, Peter? Because I don’t think you can.” The song from before was still playing and looping, but neither of you two really cared. 
            “What do you mean? Where is this coming from?” With that, Peter receives a file from you. He scrambles for the remote in his pocket, quickly lighting up his eyes to see whatever caused you such sorrow. It’s an image of Peter and a girl he can’t recognize in an alleyway. For a second, he doesn’t realize what exactly they’re doing, but then it hits him like a train.
            “That image was sent to everyone. Every single fucking person I’ve ever interacted with knows that my boyfriend is a--” You cut yourself off. Even after all this, you still care for him and you don’t want to hurt him. “Why, Peter? Why?” 
            Peter couldn’t respond. He was still staring blankly at the photo desperately trying to make sense of everything. The gap in his memory-- that must be what this is. Peter was feeling so many things at once, but he mostly felt embarrassed and cowardly. Instead of dealing with whatever this was, he deleted the memory-- seemingly hoping that it would simply disappear. He flicked the remote and the image disappeared, leaving Peter to sit and process the information he was just given. Unfortunately for him, his girlfriend wanted answers as to why he was screwing someone that wasn’t her in an alley.
            “I…” Peter said softly. He didn’t want to admit it, but Peter knew he had to. “I wiped it.”
            “You what?” You were in disbelief. Of course, you understood the logic behind wiping it, but you never thought Peter could be so… so cowardly.
            “I wiped the memory. I can’t-- I don’t know what happened. I must’ve wanted to, uh, let it go.” Peter expected outrage, he expected harsh words or tears or shouting-- all of those things well-deserved, but they never came. You didn’t scream or shout or lash out. You just laughed. You laughed a humorless, dry laugh, and it took Peter a minute to realize your uncontrollable laughter was meshed with an onslaught of sobbing. 
            “You-- you wanted to let it go,” you laughed. Peter started crying, knowing what was coming. “You wanted to let it go.”
            “I know that was stupid and fucking cowardly-- I would take it back if I could and I am so, so sorry, for everything.” Peter pleaded. Your laughter came to a slow stop, leaving the tears in its wake.
            “You wanna know something ironic? I would’ve trusted you more if you kept the memories.” you sniffled. “You wanna know why? Because then I would be sure that you didn’t mean it. That it wasn’t 100% your fault. But I can’t be sure, not now, because you don’t remember. You can’t tell me if you meant it because you don’t know.” You stand up and Peter cries harder as you walk away from him. He’s quick to follow you, reaching out for your warm embrace. Peter is ready to beg, to fall to his knees and beg for your forgiveness. 
            “Maybe you were right. Maybe we both need to… to let things go.” You walk over to the man in front of you, pulling him into a tight hug. He clings to you, his tears soaking your shirt-- you’re crying, too. Peter didn’t know you were holding your remote until it was too late. With the flick of your finger, you were reduced to nothing more than a bumbling blur. Your picture-perfect features that Peter loved were gone, leaving nothing in their wake. The comforting sound of your voice that made Peter feel warm and safe were replaced by a deep gurgling gibberish. You-- or, your silhouette, grabbed your jacket and walked out the door. Peter was alone, the only sound breaking the silence other than his heartbroken crying was the melodic sound of Irma Thompson’s voice.
I know to ever let you go
Oh, it’s more than I could ever stand
Oh but,
Anyone who knows what love is will understand
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hermywolf · 3 years
ranking my favorite characters about random shit part 5
ranking my favorite characters (clarke griffin, dean winchester, fox mulder, rose tyler, newt, kaz brekker, samwise gamgee, charles xavier, bill denbrough, lord asriel, steve rogers, scott mccall, anna milton and barry berkman) about random shit. this is entirely self-indulgent
Part 5: How they’d react to a breakup (i’m imagining a completely random oc as the one breaking up with them because if i start thinking of the people i ship them with breaking up with them i WILL cry)
he’s the sweetest man on earth he’d want to talk about it and understand his partner’s reasons and he’d be so kind and understanding even though he’d be sad lemme tell you this man is a SAINT
sweet understanding KING. absolute TREASURE. he’d be so confused and sad at first but he’d be SO understanding UGH i am in love with this man
remember when allison sorta kinda broke up with him and he was all sweet and kind about it and said that he believed they would find their way to each other again eventually. yeah. iconic behavior. king shit
he’s the PRESIDENT of ‘let’s stay friends!’ squad he’ll definitely stay in touch with all his exes they’re all his absolute besties
mr telepath mindreader therapist teacher man absolutely sees it coming from a thousand miles away and he might even be the one to bring it up so that his partner doesn’t worry about it. he will be sad but he gets over it in a healthy way because he’s (MOSTLY) in touch with his feelings
for a fallen angel with a bit of a god complex she’s surprisingly well adjusted. i think she’s the kind to definitely stay friends with her exes except like two of them which she’s got five different plans to murder each. all in all if it’s a healthy breakup they stay friends if it involves cheating she’s out to get you motherfucker and you know what you deserve it i mean who the FUCK would cheat on ANNA MILTON of all people istg
whoever thinks dean is emotionally constipated enough to be the ‘i didnt like u anyway’ kind has NOT seen spn 1x13 road 666 like GUYS. he pretends to be this no-chick-flick-moments and no-attachment kinda dude but we all know he actually cares SO much and if you look at his relationship with cassie or lisa he’s actually pretty open and communicative and sincere and he geniunely tries to talk about shit with them?? so he does have a constructive and heartfelt conversation and says he understands but he also WILL cope by either going on more hunts to distract himself or by locking himself in his room with pizza and movies in his hotdog pants and send noods socks, s14 style. TONS of ice cream. he’ll ghost his ex for a while when he’s coping with it but then later on they do end up being besties (yes i AM on the team dean-becomes-bff-with-all-his-exes don’t mind me just spreading my dean being besties with anna, cassie, lisa,amara, benny and crowley agenda)
he’s pissed and sad and offended and grumpy and confused he just feels a LOT of shit at the same time like he’s having a full breakdown inside but from the outside his reaction is pretty much ‘what. oh. ok’
he does not, and mark my words on this one, give a single fuck. he IS what kaz pretends to be and what ketterdam thinks he is. asriel does not give a FLYING FUCK he’s like ‘well ok then see you around i guess’ and then just moves on. he was probably cheating on his partner anyway if we’re being honest here, he’s just that terrible. god why is he my favorite character again- oh right he’s insanely hot and wants to murder god right right that tracks
he’s extremely sweet and compassionate and understanding but then he disappears for like five months to chase down an alien in guatemala or some shit and then comes back pretending as if nothing happened at all
she’s NOT happy about it and gets all grumpy and pouty and will angrily rant about it to her friends for ages but then once she’s over it she’s like. OVER over it. she completely moves on, like full on flip the switch and the feelings are GONE
full breakdown in her room with tubs and tubs of ice cream wondering what she did wrong and then probably gets offered by a friend to go throw eggs at their house or some dumb shit. rose says no but she ALMOST did it. she keeps asking if there’s someone else even when it’s very clear that there’s NOT.
allow me to introduce you to the pettiest bitch on EARTH. he will definitely not hurt his ex in any way but he’ll do his absolute best to show them how much they’re missing. like he’s PETTY about it he’ll hold a gruge months, no year, no DECADES after it happened. he shows absolutely no emotions whatsoever you’d barely notice there’s been any change in his behavior, he’s not, like, sad or angry or anything, he’s just suddenly VERY devoted to the fact that everyone must know how AMAZING he’s doing and how rich and powerful and feared he is and how much a hypothetical ex-partner is missing. like this bitch probably has a full twenty pages long plan about what to do in case he gets dumped so that his ex will regret it terribly. and the worst is that kaz is a smart bitch who knows people’s weaknesses and how to exploit them so it WORKS it works and he absolutely loves it, jesper is like ‘dude how come every single time you got dumped they came back asking you to get back together only for you to reject them EXACTLY five months later’ and kaz hiding the twenty pages long binder with his elaborated plan behind his back as if it wasn’t carefully calculated and just shrugging like ‘idk i guess im a catch’ he makes everyone SO angry and honestly good for him!
two words: murder spree. healthy coping mechanisms WHO we don’t know her in this house he’s sad and angry and he’s going to make it YOUR problem. guns out angry bill hader face ON baby. pew pew motherfucker it’s murder time. bam thirty casualties. rip to them. and he doesn’t even feel better after it either he’s crushed by guilt and having ANOTHER breakdown which will result in MORE ptsd and more sadness and anger and eventually ANOTHER breakdown and ANOTHER murder spree. its a lose-lose situation for everyone. except for his partner who’s free of his shit now i guess so true of them
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Do you have any thoughts as to why so many people seem to feel sorry for Gatsby, but nobody really seems to care about Myrtle? I mean, I get Myrtle was a mistress, but Gatsby was also trying to break up Daisy's marriage. Myrtle was in an unhappy marriage, which turned abusive in the end (if it wasn't already), and she also had her nose broken by Tom. Then she suffered a very violent death, and yet nobody that I've seen seems to care about her.
Honestly, I'm not 100% sure. Truly, I think, and this may be a stretch, that she wasnt one of the main characters. She wasnt mentioned as much as Daisy, or Jay. I feel awful for Myrtle. I've made my share of memes about her, but no one gets off scott free on this blog. I pick on them all, for God sake we turned Jay into a cowboy and Nick is a werehorse, and Tom is gonna be yeeted into the sun??? Its a mess. But I think honestly that less people seem to express thoughts about her because she wasn't one of the main characters, so much as I would say her character was an addition to furthering the plot. If Myrtle Wilson hadnt have got killed there is NO TELLING how the story would have ended.
I also think people seem to feel worse for Gatsby because it's hard to compare Jay and Myrtle, for starters. Gatsby is also the books namesake, and the main subject of Nick's narrative. We simply hear more about Jay than Myrtle.
Jay himself is striving to win back this woman whom he fell in love with years ago, thinking she would still be the same after marrying another man and having a child. Jay was willing to do anything to make the dreams he was chasing a reality and if that meant persuading her to leave Tom? Hell, he would do it. Daisy was his mistress, who was married to Tom, who had a notable history of cheating, who was cheating on Daisy with Myrtle. It's a roadmap.
Onto Myrtle. She was in a relationship we can assume she didnt really favor, but again, so was Daisy. George loved her in a sense, but so did Tom, and its questionable how good those men were to her. (We see Tom break her nose for even mentioning Daisy, and George beats her pretty bad whenever he suspects she has been cheating. Was he abusive before that incident? Who knows. Doesnt really matter, abusing a partner even once is way too much.) She wasnt happy living in the valley of ashes and wanted more of a ritzy, glamorous life, that George couldn't give her. Naturally she would fall for Tom, he had money and was admittedly charismatic.
Another thing is: She was a married woman cheating on her husband with a married man. I think some people see her as like, a criminal for this, just like we see Tom as a dick for cheating on Daisy?? And Daisy even knew he was cheating. Not sure with who, but she knew. George probably had his hunches of course, especially near the end, because of the pearls, but anyway. Myrtle was a mistress, sure, but so was Daisy, to Jay.
Either way. There is a lot to unpack here. Wow. Both Jay and Myrtle die in the end. Jay gets shot in his pool. Myrtle gets hit by a car. Both characters had flaws, and neither character was perfect. Only difference was that Jay was a main character. I feel like Jay's motive may be viewed as more acceptable or desirable? Like he is doing everything to win this girl over, even if it means ending her marriage because of how much he wants her,,,, despite being fatally wrong about said girls character,,,,, and Myrtle is just unhappy with her life and wants something better so shes cheating on her husband?? I dont know. I wish more folks cared about Myrtle or showed her some extra love.
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mare-sanguis · 5 years
Its a fire/// A Scott x Jeff fanfic/ one shot
Scott woke up- sweating like carzy. He had this dream again. About Jeff and when he was still alive. He really missed this guy. Why wasnt he there to hep him?
He shook his head and got up- it was already morning anway. Walking down the stairs and heading towards the kitchen to grab some cold fresh water.
Scott stood there, looking down the sink. He thought if he'd leave liberty behind it would all change- But it never did. Not like he expected. Not in a good wy.
He received the message of Montys death in this early morning when he was about to head outside. He stopped in his movements, phone still in his hand- shaking. Monty was dead.
Found like this in his jail cell.
Another dead Liberty student in like just a year. It was like a curse.
Scott turned around on his heel and set down at the kitchen table. There he turned on his cellphone and searched for the last message he had received from Monty.
His mind kept drifting away to the first day he met Jeff. The first day this all started. The first day he felt responsible to Monty.
It was the early spring of 2017 on a friday- one week earlier, he moved to this town together with his parents. It was his first day at this new school. He didnt went to any classes, just wanted to check up on this school and the courses he was about to have soon.
He was standing at the front desk by the principals office and waited for the papers he should fill out as he heard the door open up behind him.
"Oh hey. You the new one here?"
Scott turned around and faced someone who smiled at him.
"Uhm yeah- kinda?"
"Kinda? Either you're new or you're not?"
"Then I am."
"I see. Waiting for some papers to fill out huh?"
"Not the most outspoken are you?"
Scott looked at him for some seconds.
"Well I dont know what to say. So."
The guy at the other side of the reception handed him some papers.
"Fill them out and hand me them back in. Dont rush yourself-" he looked at Jeff.
"And maybe Jeff can help you and show you a bit around." he pointed at the guy next to Scott who was still smiling soft.
"Sure I can. I have some free hours. Come."
He followed this guy through the hallway and they sat down in the cafeteria which was still empty at thid time.
"Anyway- I'm Jeff Atkins. And you are?"
"Scott. Reeds."
"Nice to meet you Scott."
The way he said his name- it sounded so different. Wait. Why would he think something like this? He barely knew this guy. And things like this was one reason why he wanted to leave his old school.
"So lets see-" Jeff grabbed the papers and looked through them.
"Oh. We'll be togther in some courses." He smiled again.
"It wont take much time to fill out these things."
They filled them out and were finished around 30 minutes later.
"Thanks for the help."
"No problem."
They stood up, headed back to the office and gave back the papers - after that, Jeff showed him a bit around school.
Where do you live Scott?"
"Just a 15 minute ride with the car away from school."
"Lets exchange numbers so I can show you a bit around. You just got here right?"
"Arrived here last friday with my parents yes."
"So you dont know the best places around here- let me help you with it."
"Fine." Scott took the offer and they walked back to the office.
They exchanged numbers and handed back the papers before they headed out again.
On the floor they passed by a group of guys who greeted Jeff friendly- one of them had a look on his face like he was scanning him.
"Who were they?"
"Friends from the baseball team." He looked after them, his eyes especially were glued on the guy who stared at him.
"Whos he?"
"Thats Montgomery. Hes kinda problematic."
"Why is this?"
"Very complicated to explain. You'll see for yourself."
They exchanged some more words before Scott headed home.
His parents werent at home- maybe shopping some stuff, he didnt know. Jeff told him he would write him later again- maybe so they could meet up.
Later that day Jeff wrote him that hes going to pick him up from his home. He was totally fine with it- without any friends in this town he had nothing to do anyway.
Jeff arrived in the late afternoon.
"Youre pretty outspoken to strangers you know? It kinda feels a bit weird to be new in town and get greeted by someone like you in such a way."
"Oh." Jeff started. "Should I stop?"
"No. Its fine- be yourself."
"Wow that sounded very wise."
Jeff didnt told him where they were heading, he just followed him down the streets- passing several houses, shops and groups of people.
"So where are we even going?"
"You'll see for yourself in a fee moments. Its one of the best places in this town."
They arrived at this place- Monets to be exact.
"So.... and this[...]?"
"This is the place where we all enjoy some time once in a while."
"Literally half of the school."
They ordered some coffee and set down at a small table near a window, there they had some more talk as a group of guys entered the cafe.
They made eye contact with Scott and Jeff and one of the guys he saw the same day at school headed over to them.
He grabbed Jeffs shoulders and squeezed them tight.
"See you're cheating on your girlfriend? Should I tell her?" he winked at him.
"No thank you Zach. I thini I'm old enough to do it myself. Go back to your friends."
"But I wanna know who your date is? Saw him in school today."
"He the new one- just transfered here. Scott's in your year."
In the background Scott could see the other guy called Montgomery watching them- he especially had his eyes glued on Scott.
Scott himself wasnt paying attention on this conversation Jeff and Zach had- he to was watching the other boys on the counter.
"Anyway- going back to the others, they're waiting and you know how impatient they can be sometimes. See you on monday Jeff."
He went back to his friends and soon they left the shop.
"So... what can you tell me about the guy who kept staring at us the whole time?" realising that Jeff probably didnt understand what he meant he added "The one with the long name, I mean."
Jeff laughed at this comment.
" 'The one with the long name' You mean Montgomery?"
"Yeah. This is a long name."
"What do you want to know? Besides the fact that hes one of the most problematic students at Liberty?"
"I dont knoe- just tell me what wrong with him because he really radiates strong danger vibes."
"So- he likes to pick up fights every now and then- and he enjoys them very much. Hes really not the kindest of them all. It wont be in your best favor to be around him. Try to look not getting into any fights with him."
Scott sighed. Little did Jeff knw at this point that he was the first one to get to know all of Montys secrets. Little did he know at thispoint that Monty and his friends would drag him deeper into ther darkness. He didnt want this at all to happen but it happened anyway. Why? Because he was weak after the death of Jeff. Because he lost someone that meant something to him.
The days passed by- then weeks.
It  was his 5th week in school but he still felt a bit lost.
He thought this feeling would change, go away- maybe disappear. But it never did.
He left his former school and city because of one particular reason- but entered Liberty with this reasons.
He fell in love to easily. He did in his former school and it was distracting him to much- and now this all was about to happen again. 5 weeks in the new school and he already started to feel some strong emotions towards Jeff- and he knew he wasnt allowed to have them. Also because Jeff had a girlfriend.
Scott ignored those feelings many moths more- everytime, he was around him. Sometimes he tried to avoid him. He tried to make it not so obvious because he knew Jeff would be worried then.
But this one particular day wouldnt allow him to ignore him- no. Why? Because Jeff had this great idea to throw a party for his 18th birthday at his house- and he was invited. Wow. That was going to a wild evening- or late night. Also for the fact that he didnt went to a party after a long time.
He tried not to worry about this or anything else that could maybe happen or not happen at that party.
Turns out he worried to much. The whole evening went as smooth as possible without anything embarrassing to happen. He just imagined it all because he was afraid. 
Afraid of doing any mistakes. He didnt want to lose his reputation he got during the past few weeks. Not because of some stupid mistakes.
He even managed to become "friends"- if you'd call it that - with the guys Jeff warned him about. He wasnt so close to close to them but they also didnt treated him like they treated others. He didnt care if they only were this nice to him because he was friends with one of the most popular guy at school.
He recognized how even the biggest assholes in school had respect for him.
It was now late at night- almost right before 1 am. The one half of the guests were drunk or half passed out outside- the other half was gone. So the house was quiet empty and Scott was sitting on the sofa, lonely. He didnt drank as much as the others so he was still aware of what was going on around him.
"Still sittin' around here all so lonely while you could have some fun. Looks like you didnt enjoyed your evening?"
Jeff sat down next to him.
"I enjoyed it. Does it look like the opposite to you?"
"Yeah. It kinda does."
"Well at leasg I'm still aware of what I'm doing- not like the others outside."
Jeff looked out of the window- tilting his head a bit.
"Oh they seem to enjoy it very much- you should too."
"I can- without getting this much drunk. I like to have control over my body and the things I do."
"Sure you can." He laughed.
"Are you really making fun of it?"
"I'm just trying to tell you that you need to relax a bit."
Scott rolled his eyes. "As you wish. Actually- I'm tired. Are you ok with me saying over? Just this night? Its late, dark and I drank. Not the best circumstances to drive."
"You can if you want. My parents wont be here until early evening."
And he stayed.
This was the moment it all started.
Scott woke up the next morning- freshed up and dress.
He was about to start to make breakfast as he heard some footsteps coming down the stairs. Jeff- followed by his girlfriend. Everytime he saw them together he got really jealous- he really needed to stop that.
"Oh wow. What do I see there? Housewife making food?" He rubbed his face as he sat down, his girlfriend next to him.
"Well Had to be useful. To do something."
"No headache? Nothing? Because I'm suffering right now."
"No. I didnt drank as much as you two did." He said, in a low volume. Clearly, Jeff had a hangover.
He sat across from them after serving them their food.
"Housewife at your service."
And after this, smiliar things like this happened almost weekly. His friends gathering around, getting drunk- him staying at Jeffs house.
It was 4 month in ans he slowly was getting more and more jealous of them both- everytime he saw them together, walking down the stairs, being all touchy. And he felt like Jeff started to recognize it.
Oh hell no.
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editorandchief · 6 years
Trust | Montgomery De La Cruz | Part 2
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Summary: Reader was having a normal morning until someone decided to pull a stupid prank
Warning: None
Montgomery De La Cruz x Reader
Its been about 2 months since you broke up with Montgomery and you had no intention on getting back together with him.
Everything seemed so better, you got to wear your favorite perfume that Monty told you sent like shit, and dress, shirt, or shorts you want without him yelling at you about ‘walking about with you ass half out’.
But like everything there was a bad side Monty had been calling and texting you almost nonstop half of which were happening while he was drunk, he ever showed up at your house one night thank god your parents weren’t home, having to sleep alone with no one to cuddle with even though Montgomery was cheating on you he held you so close to him at night that he might have thought you would evaporate if he didn’t.
You also started to notice him getting into more fights at school or coming to school with bruises that weren’t there the day before leaving you to conclude that he had been sleeping at home most nights.
The bell had just rang for third period while you were on your way to ap history when a hand went over you mouth and one around your waist. You start to kick but soon after your feet are restrained as well.
When you finally set down you look around and your surrounded by guys in the middle of the boys locker room.
As you survey the faces of your attackers you realize it none other than the Liberty High baseball team.
“Thanks I’ve alway wanted to know what it felt like to be kidnapped.” You said sarcastically but still with and uneasy feeling as you knew what most of the baseball team were into. “I guess I can also say I know how Natalie Greendale felt at Sheri’s party.” You joked with a small laugh once you realized no one else was laughing you kept quiet....of a while.
“Well explain in a minute just calm down.” Zach said.
“No zach I’m not gonna calm down in a room full of high school male and not a witness in sight.” I sneered.
“What do you think we’re gonna do Y/N?” Bryce asked taking a step closer to you.
“I don’t know Bryce you tell me, but I do know that if you don’t back the fuck up it will be the last think you do.” You replied.
“Alright let’s all calm down here.” You turn at a new voice entering the locker room.
“We’re all calm here coach.” Bryce says taking a few steps back.
“No were not I was just kidnapped.” You interjected.
“Look we’re sorry about that we just needed to talk to you.” Scott explained.
“And ‘hey Y/N.’ Wasn’t gonna workout for you?” You asked rolling your eyes.
“We didnt think you would listen if you knew what it was about.” Zach said making you have him a look to tell him to continue. “Monty.”
“Oh hell no.” You said turning on your heels and heading towards the door, only to find you path blocked by no less than 7 males.
“Hey Y/N, is it? Monty is one of the best guys on this team and as of late it’s been showing in his preformance on the field that something is off with him.” Coach spoke up. “And according to the team this all happened when you guys broke up.”
“Still not seeing what this has to do with me.” You interrupted.
“Look I’ve seen you around school with Monty and at the games in the stands cheering him on and you two seemed like a pretty solid pair and you don’t want one little fight to ruin that do you?” He asked condescendingly.
“Uh coach.” A random member started. “He was cheating on her for almost a month.”
“And that’s awful but everybody makes mistakes.” Bryce replied.
“Yeah and im not putting up with his ‘mistakes’ anymore.” You snapped. “I had to come to school everyday and see the girl my boyfriend was fucking behind my back, see them talking and flirting and act like I didn’t know anything so I don’t look like the crazy jealous girlfriend! For 3 week he looked me in my eye and lied to me and then had the nerve to accuse me of cheating and call me a slut!” You yelled causing half the team to flinch.
“Look no one ever said Monty was smart, but i since you dumped is ass he’s had a hair trigger and if he gets into anymore fights porters gonna bench him for the rest of the season, not that it matters is playing has sucked.” Scott quickly got to the point seeing you were running out of patience.
“I never asked him to be smart Scott I just wanted him to be loyal, or is that too much to ask from you people. You know if the roles were reversed I’d be slut-shamed out of the school, but when a guy does it we’re just expected to forgive him?! Well fuck you! I’d say fuck Monty but I’m sure someone is already on that now either you let me out of this damn room or I’m gonn a start screaming rape at the top of my lungs not that that would be beyond any of you!” You shout. “No offense Zach, Scott.” You said becoming a little calmer.
“All good.” Zach said at the same time Scott replied with a “no problem.”
After you exited the locker loom you went straight to class but you couldn’t focus on anything that was happening your thoughts were only on Montgomery.
Was he really that upset about your break up?
Of course not he wasn’t thinking about you when he was screwing Natalie.
But the team needs him.
So what has the team ever done for you?
Everyone deserves a second chance.
He had a second chance the first time he slept with her, the chance to come clean and never do it again but he wanted to her more than he cared about you.
Thoughts like these were floating though your head the whole day. Finally it was time to go home when you were trying to make your way to the door but a huge crowd was blocking your exit.
“I’m gonna beat your fucking as Adams!” You hear a familiar voice from the core of the mob.
“What the fucks your problem all I’m saying is it not my fault you cheated on your girl and got caught.”someone replied.
As you pushed your way through the crowed you saw just what you expected to see and angry Montgomery. What you didn’t expect was to see the face of the Asshole jock the tried to suck your face.
You felt a presence beside you causing you to look and come face to face with Bryce walker.
“What Walker?” You sighed.
“Nothing just wondering if your gonna let this happen?” He asked gesturing towards Monty.
“I’m not letting anything happen, this has nothing to do with me.” You replied.
“Yeah your probably right. But it’s no secret Monty has been looking for a reason to beat Adams to a pulp, and when he’s does there will be no more baseball he could miss the chance at a scout. Not to mention his dad will hear about it as we both know how that’s gonna end assuming no one presses charges and sends mont straight to jail, but yeah completely out of your hands it’s not like you could stop it or anything.” He went on and on.
Taking off your backpack and trusting to towards him which he takes.
“I hate you.” You say before walking to stand between Monty and Adams.
“Y/N what are you doing? Move.” Monty said still staring down the boy behind you who once you looked at him realized how scared he was. He knew he fucked up and that once Monty started it would take a lot for him to stop.
“Monty no.” You said holding you hand out keeping him from coming forward. “Think about this, even if you beat him up now what’s gonna happen to you after?” You asked.
“I don’t care.” He gritted out.
“I do Montgomery look at me.” You order but you demand went ignored.
You move closer to him and put your hand on either side of his face and gently guilt it down to the level of your eyes.
“Look at me.” You say softly as he finally submits. “I’m willing to talk about us Monty but you have to prove to me it’s worth it. Please just come with me and walk away. Please.” You quietly beg.
He started into your eyes for what seemed like forever.
“Fine.” Said causing you to let out a sigh of relief. You glance over to Bryce and nod.
“Alright, alright folks nothing to see here clear out!” He said starting to wave people off.
Once the group had dispersed Bryce had returned your bag to you and reminded Monty about having practice before the game tonight.
“Okay let’s go talk.” He said reaching for your wrist. You move slightly out of his reach.
“Not now Montgomery.” You replied.
“But you said.” He started.
“And we will, but you heard Bryce you have practice and a game. We can talk after.” You clarify.
“Your coming to my game?” Monty asked. You didn’t miss the joy fill his eyes as he waited for your answer.
“Yeah I’ll be there.” You say bitting your lips.
“Okay that’s great.” He exclaimed. Before you could stop him he quickly pecked you on your lips. “Oh I’m sorry.” He said once he realized what he didn’t.
“It’s fine, but just because I’m willing to talk doesn’t mean we’re getting back together.” You clarify.
“I know but if you do get back together I promise I’ll treat you like the angel you always were to me.” He said.
“You should go you have a game to win.” You said with a small smile.
“Yeah I’ll see you later.” He said walking backwards as if when he turned around you would disappear.
“I’ll see you later.” You said turning to walk away.
Once you got you your car you sat there staring straight forward.
“What the hell am I gonna do.” You said dropping your head down into the steering wheel a little too hard.
“Ow.” You quietly wined rubbing your forehead.
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Could we have Andromeda companions reacting to a biotic Ryder expecting suspicion/rejection/negative reactions to their biotics please?
Story: The team gets cornered fighting Kett and are almost out of ammo, as a last resort Ryder uses their biotics. It turns out that Ryder is very powerful one at that, but tries not to use it because not only are human biotics rare, but many people where scared of Ryder’s natural intensity of their biotics.
So Ryder avoids them, thinking thats what they want. Ryder dosent take them on missions anymore, and always find an excuse to leave the room when they come in. Soon however, the squad member has had enough.
They corner Ryder, and demand an explanation prompting Ryder to expaline why they never used biotics around the team,and all the negative reactions they got when they were younger. Taunghts of “monster” and “freak”, suspensions of drugs and cheats.
Ryder thought the team would react the same way.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cora: Wow, wow. Just wow. She was amazed by Ryder’s power. How their biotics just rippes through the Kett was incredible. So she stood there, slack jaw and big eyed in awe. Ryder how ever, immediately took this as a negative reaction and closed themsleves off from her, thinking she’s afraid.
Cora becomes hurt yet irritated by Ryder’s sudden pull back, and the feeling is doubled if Romamced by Scott. If she did something wrong, they should just tell her so she can fix it!
After learning why though, Cora’s heart couldnt help but melt. She gets it- one of the main reasons she joined the initaive is beacsue she too had people be weary of her because of her biotics
She assures Ryder that there still friends/lovers and does everything shw can to prove that she’s not afraid and means it.
Later on, She’ll ask Ryder for biotic pointers, because with the Kett….damn.
Liam: Holy Hell…That was awsome! He couldnt help but to yelp out in excitement, a large smile on his face. He turned to congratulate Ryder, but they already ran off to the Nomad, almot leaving him behind.
When Ryder first started ignoring Liam, he didnt think much of it, hoping they’ll come around and get out what ever it was in their system. But as they days turned into weeks, Liam become nervous, and then angry, and then sad.
Did Ryder not like him anymore?
Did Sara fall out of love?
He couldnt bare it. But he only felt worse when he learned why. As before he felt sad, then angry at everyone who treated them wrong. Having biotic doesn’t make you a monster. He does everything he can to make sure Ryder knows he’s not going anywhere, and not to subtlely asks them to show him their biotics, thats just awesome.
PeeBee:Wait,What? PeeBee was stuned by the intensity of Ryder’s power. She was amazed of course, and ultimately surpised by Ryder’s level of power. She thinks its freaking cool. But, she didnt say any of this out loud, and was left speechless. Ryder automatily took this as a bad sign.
Now here iz the thing, you cant just IGNORE PeeBee. She’s to bright and too loud. She can and will make a scene.
And that’s exactly what she did. After learning why Ryder was acting the way they are, she wanted to laugh.
An Asari, being afraid of biotics?!
As much as it humored her,she pushed it down, and assured Ryder that everyrhing would be okay. She didn’t think much of thoes jerks who harassed her, because not only where they light years away, they are also 600 years dead. But that doesn’t mean she still poke a little bit of fun.
“Look Ryder, I have biotics too. Oooooooh.”
And besiedes the amount of power Ryder had in their body, as strong and as awesome as it was, was like the amount in an Asari Matriarch’s left foot.
Jaal: He gasped. He was amazed…in awe…and totally in love. The amout of raw force in his dearest friend/darling one was overwhelming…and inspiring. A truly “deadly sneeze” as Cora put it. But questions roamed in his head as they rode back to the Tempest.
If Ryder is so powerful, why do they hide such gifts?
Why have they not used them before?
He was in silent deep thought, unaware of Ryder speaking to him,causing them to believe we was mad.
Now, if you thought avoiding PeeBee was hard, get ready for the challenge of a lifetime. Ryder cant even walk five feet without being confronted by sad,yet curious cat eyes.
Finally they gave in and pour out their heart out to him, and his heart hurt for them. He instantly pulled them into a hug reassuring them that they are his best friend/darling one and no tiny detail can instantly change that.
“You are so much stronger then anyone could ever know. In body,mind,and spirit. And I will always care for you.”
Drack: Hell Yes! Old Grandpa Nakmor would nevr admit it, but he thinks its the best damn think in his live to witness you basically ripping the kett in a half with your mind. He have a grunt and a swift “Good job, Kid” ….
. . But they dont even get the chance to ignore Drack before he realised something was up.They got stiff the instant they used their bitocs, and he settled it right there and now.
Fun fact: It us very hard to lie to a 7 ft tall Krogan Grandpa who claims to feel it in his bad knee when you do.
Ryder tells Drack whats wrong knowing good and well that he won’t let them leave until he does. After learning why Ryder was so apprehensive about using their biotics, Drack went into a temporary parent mode, promising them that everything is okay and he wasn’t freaked out .However if anyone found out about it he would deny it.
But even so he manages to discreetly encourage Ryder to continue to use their biotics, and feel a rush of pride when he sees them rip into a giant crowd of enemies like it’s nothing.
You go kid, bash those Kett brains with your mind.
Vetra: …That ….was the most amazing thing she had ever seen in her entire life! The way Ryder just tore into them like it was nothing simply amazed her.
Like Drack , she instantly praised them for the kill and automatically noticed when something was wrong. She refused to let them go back to the Nomad until they told her why she was upset. After learning the cruelty Ryder had endured,heart couldn’t help but bleed. Ryder was such a good person, they didn’t dserve all the crap they were got because of kickass biotic powers. They were a power house, and that earned them brownie points in her books
Vetra insisted that Ryder use their powers more often, slowly but surely pulling them out of their selfloathing hole, and reassured them that she were always be there as a friend/ lover.
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irishvampireboy · 7 years
last episode woooo
wait....what’s happening??? where the fuck are we now?
run dude run!!! i dont know if you’re a wolf or waht but run babe!!!
scott mccall and chris argent, runnin round saving creatures of the nigth! get it boys!
hello alec you seem nice. are you his new beta? i hope so.
SHIT YEAAAAAAHHHHH MY BOYS ARE BACK BITCHES LOOK AT THEM!!!! long suffering eyeroll: check! Derek jumping through the air like the badass he is: FUCKING CHECK!
mkay so the little growls that derek does when he’s fighting and not doing like full on growls are really cute and attractive all at once.
awww poor Duke, i’ll miss you. weirdly
derek knows shakespeare and i love it
fuck yeah jackson tell him babe fuck his shit up!!!!
good GOD he’s annoying. like....just his voice makes me feel gross. just...fuck off bro
oh hey, i forgot about theo, oops. we’d he go?
his poor toe!!!! also, both them boys day dream about holding each other and that’s all i need to know, and like, past events leave it open to like either one of those being true....so like...i’mma say they saved each other and call it a day. cuz i dont trust either of them to tell the truth
hell yeah mama mcall take back that hospital like your badass self
“its seems to be a situation of unfortunate overlap” holy shit i fucking missed him.
also derek’s “becoming blind?” and stiles voice cracking “yeah, terrified of it always have been” i missed them oso fucking much holy shit i’m okay this is fine
Derek: its good to see someone hasnt lost their optimism
Scott: not yet
Stiles: *staring blankly* i have
poor stiles, he’s like, i hate this place why did i fucking come back here? fucks sake.
Peter noooooooooooooo! close those pretty blue...too late. son of a bitch.
hey jackson, i missed you i love you
yeah take a look. he’s so sassy and persuasive.HE STILL HAS A TAIL YAAAAAASSSSSS
“okay lets break that up” he’s so adorable
“now that we’ve all contributed you wanna get the hell outta here”
stiles stop saying ethan!!!
“i thought you’d never figure it out” and his releived look yaaaassssssss
yo that flannel is looking GOOD
why does that guys stand so weird???
oh fucks sake can we stopp walking into bullets???how did you not fucking hear her???
“no you’re not okay thats yellow wolfsbane its gonna kill you” glad he doesnt sugar coat it
MAZE RUNNER TRAILERRRRRRRRRRR this movie is gonna make me so freaked out when i see the stunts, but he’s okay so i’ll be okay
shit yeah boys fuck those assholes up oh mason you poor thing
“you still have a tail” “its so gross” hahahahaha oh my god they’re gonna be best friends now and jackson is gonna be miserable
fuck yeah team work moves are great!!!! mama mccall to the rescue!!!
oh HELL yeah papa S comign to fuck your shit up boys!!!! listen to the music you are in trouble!!!! and that saunter, you dead
“yes sir....sheriif” damn fucking right
her hair looks weird when she’s made of stone
uuuuggghhhhh not her.... seriously, just gonna throw all of derek’s abusers at him??? cool cool cool STOP FUCKING TOUCHING HIM!!!!!! but like hey i guess acknowledging that she’s his worst fear shows that she was actually an abuser. and not a romance plot, so that’s good i guess....
show me her death or it didnt happen, show her die, let me see her die!!!!
OH SHIIIIIITTTT ummm.....you cant just throw dark stiles at me like that!!!! a girl was not fucking ready for it at all!!! ....that fucked me up a little damn. i’m okay!!! this is fine!!! holy shit man
how did i not get spoiled for dark stiles at all???? how???? i am baffled but also grateful!!!! i mean i almost died just then but its chill cuz i love him
okay so my feeling is.....shape shifting, and fears, and like....teleportation or some shit..is just A LOT.
can we just keep dark stiles instead of this mush mouth mummy man? cuz like....i have trouble hearing him and also...he walks weird and it makes it hard for me to take it seriously....
also like, i feel like using stiles voice would have given a way better chance of him opening them...but hey thats just me whatevs
okay okay he’s just gonna go DO THAT, they’ll grow back right? hopefully. i mean like...if not...who cares but like...ouch
i feel like....there would be way more blood......what the everliving fuck is that thing? oh it was a berserker nrvmd
dont you fucking DARE shoot him!!!!
oh hey coach!!!! he seriously just lives there, there’s no way, he totally lives in that office and no one fucking questions it
alright i guess that’s kinda cool, he cares and can take pain now, good for you theo. i still dont like you. but go you i guess.
kill him chris!!!!!!!! kill them both fucks sake!!!!
alright cool but is she dead tho??? cuz i wanna see it.
dude that was awesome!!!! parrish that was cool as fuck!!!!!
whats wrong girl??? you scared??? how’s it feel??? pretty shitty yeah?
derek’s like “fucks sake these teenagers”
“you’re right. i am a great caoch” FUCK I LOVE HIM! MY CUPCAKE!!!!
is it bad that i really wanted isaac to show up at the end. like....i knew he wasnt gonna but....but i still wanted him too.
we did it kids. we made it. it’s been real. peace out teen wolf.
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