#i mean there are so many Christmas movies which is cool!
lizzzybooo · 1 year
To my Jewish friends: do you also watch the prince of Egypt every year at Passover? Or is it just me? 👀
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stardustto-dust · 2 years
Why you should vote Abed Nadir in the 2023 autism swag summit
I've seen people do this for other polls and it is vital that Abed Nadir from the 2009-2015 NBC comedy Community wins this one.
Vote him round one here.
Does he fit the first part of the statement? Yes, Abed is canonically autistic.
When he realised autistic fans related to him, creator Dan Harmon did as much research as he possibly could into autism as to not let those fans down.
While doing said research, Harmon realised himself was likely on the spectrum. Meaning that Abed is a canon autistic character created by an autistic person. How often does that happen?
Due to the above facts, he is a very well researched and developed autistic character, with both traits more commonly shown in the media, such as blunted affect and difficulties reading faces and less commonly shown traits, such as hyperempathy and sensory issues.
From the time Abed first appeared on screen to the present day, there have been many blog posts, magazine articles and even scholarly articles written about how good rep he is. I have seen him on many a neurodiversity advocacy Instagram account. (If you want me to link some I will!)
OK, we have established the autism. What about the swag? Well, first of all, as Donald Glover summarised it "Abed fucks". There is a whole episode dedicated to his friends trying to get him a girlfriend and worrying about his self-esteem and in the end it turns out he gets plenty of girls and, as he says, he has "self-esteem falling out (his) butthole." He also gets guys hitting on him. And how can we mention Abed without his boyfriend soulmate best friend Troy. who canonically wants to have his "gentle and mysterious" "other half"'s children. In short, bisexual king.
Of course, swag is not limited to just sexual and romantic prowess, as the amount of aroace people I know with limitless swag testifies to. Swag can also be measured by commitment to the bit, for example. And, boy, is Abed known for his commitment to the bit.
Abed is Batman, Han Solo and Jesus. He is a mafia boss. He is a cartoon man discovering the meaning of Christmas. He is the narrator and the cameraman. Like, not metaphorically or in archetype. He realises a need for these characters in the story and becomes them.
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[GIF- Abed as Batman, applying lip balm, possessing undeniable amounts of swag]
9. "How does he realise the need for the these things in the story?" you may ask. Well, his special interest is film and TV. He is a filmmaker. Thus, he frames his life in terms of genre, often seeming aware of the fact he is in a sitcom. However, this often changes, and, the show branches off into completely different genres, which Abed points out. These shifts in genre explore character dynamics and also are super awesome. Abed is so genre-aware, he changes the entire genre of the show. That is swag.
10. The Community fandom here on Tumblr.com, and throughout the web, is quite small. It will make us very happy. Plus, for the first time in 8 years, there likely will be new Abed content this year, due to the release of the movie. (Due to one of Abed's many catchphrases "Six seasons and a movie!")
11. Please please please please I love him so much and i am very cool you should listen to me please please please.
So yeah, that's it! If you have anything to add, please do!
Click below for some Abed gifs.
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[GIF- "Evil Abed" (Abed with a goatee and sunglasses) walking through his college being evil. He hangs up someone's payphone call, pops a girls balloon with his cigarette and then dumps said cigarette into a woman's coffee]
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[GIF- Two gifs. One is of Troy, topless, leaning out of an airvent. He looks down and says "I love you". Next is of Abed, looking up at him. He says "I know", before being grabbed by a zombie in a kilt]
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[GIF- Abed, wearing sunglasses, saying "movie reference". Jeff is there too and also wearing sunglasses]
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[GIF- Abed saying "Cool. Cool cool cool"]
Ok there are so many more GIFs I want to put but I kinda have work soon lol. You get the gist, he is amazing. Vote Abed!
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ciaoteamo · 2 years
Fluff w/Pennywise
pairings (platonic): Pennywise x reader
summary: You deal with this every 27 years.
warnings: mentions of blood, mild cursing.
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^lol, i love how sassy he looks^
further warning: none
⌦ ⌦ ⌦ ⌦ ⌦ ⌦ ⌦ ⌦ ⌦ ⌦
↳ Despite Pennywise harassing you every time he awakes, it isn’t the same harassment he’d do to his… food, per say.
You tolerate his weird ass being in dark places. Or talking to you through the vents. But now, he draws the line at reflections.
*some weeks before*
You and Penny were talking, you don’t remember what it was about, but you had to open your medicine cabinet. You dig around, trying your spare razor.
You retrieved it and closed the mirror to see penny behind you. You jump so hard that your hands gripped the head of the razor, cutting into them. He felt terrible after, and you were scared shitless.
As an apology, he went out and “borrowed” many of your favorite things from different stores. Hey, free gifts are free gifts.
↳ If there was one thing Pennywise could do for a living, it was dramatically entering a room.
This mf would literally take the time to include himself in a movie you’re watching on tv.
Once, you were watching Mean girls. Everything was going smoothly until pennywise was literally line dancing in the christmas outfits on stage.
You had to sit up off of your couch to actually believe it. You were laughing so hard when he finally decided to come into the living room.
↳ You never took Pennywise for a dog person. You didn’t take him for a person at all, honestly.
Taking your dogs out after work is an everyday routine. Or, at least it was.
You can home one day to find them nowhere in sight. You were no nervous and scrambled about to find them.
The front door opens and their happy footsteps approached you, attacking you with nuzzles and licks.
“hey babies” You smile. “where were you?” You run them.
“i took them to the park” Pennywise answered. Appearing from nowhere.
“oh… thank you” You smile. Random gestures like these made you happy to have him around.
↳ Pennywise’s affection towards you.
He’d speak his mind most of the time, leaving you flustered. A random “i miss you” in your head while he was out.
“i never want to leave” Before he heads out to eat.
Always trying to impress you and get your attention while at work. It was always a fun time.
↳ Speaking of eating. You had to put your foot down.
You never were scared of him as a kid, and especially not now as an adult. So you had no worries about your suggestion.
“Pennywise” You say. You never called him by his full name, se he grew a little concerned.
“you need to stop eating children. “ You straight face. “all of these inmates that murdered people!”
“they’re harder to scare”
“i don’t care, stay away from me as long at you continue doing that”
You hurt his heart with the end, but it was the morally responsible thing to at least try and stop him.
It’s safe to ge that he listened to you at the end of the day.
↳ And lastly, his worrying. But who were you to complain? It was your safety.
Pennywise pissed you off today, which literally never happens, and he was upset at you too. It was a petty disagreement, but you concluded that you needed to get out of your stuffy home.
You were walking in the cool and fall air. The slight breeze, nipping at your uncovered cheeks. You didn’t even know where you were walking.
After a while, you decided to take a break on a bench. It was in a quiet neighborhood full of tall homes. It looked nice with the orange colors about.
“(Y/N)~ don’t get lost” You hear an echoed voice from under you.
“leave me alone”
“i’m just checking on you” He says in a hushed tone. You get and and look down at the drainage center.
“ew… you better not get in my bed” You fight a smile.
“whatever” He rolled his eyes.
“we’re you near the whole time?”
“… if i say no, will you come back?”
“if you say please” You tease.
“mm… no” You walk off.
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hyuckmov · 2 years
haechan — fallingforyou
bestfriend!haechan x reader, (feat. best friend mark, mentions of yeri) 5k, unrequited love angst for the most part, a bit of fluff, a happy ending this time, christmas and new years eve season vibes a/n: this is loosely based on 'fallingforyou' by the 1975 because...'i don't wanna be your friend/i wanna kiss your neck' but also hopefully its a little more than that...this goes out to all of you who've been in love with your best friend :) i'm scared there's more mark than haechan in this LOL also for someone who doesn't write long prose 5k is a little amazing for me </3 lmk if you like it thru my asks!
1 dec
you were only having this conversation with mark because haechan couldn’t make it for movie night. 
movie nights without haechan were a quiet affair. with no one clamoring over which movie to put on and insisting on playing a series of games to decide, with no arguments over snacks or blankets or which lights to turn off, you and mark sat down and easily picked a movie from the watch-list. things were peaceful. until mark decided to bring up a topic you had sincerely hoped he wouldn’t. 
“hey, i have to ask…” he sat up from where he was slumped on the couch. not paying him much attention, you nodded so he knew you were listening. “have you really never had feelings for haechan?” 
turning over to look at him, you groaned. “mark we’ve been through this…” 
he slid off the couch and joined you on the floor, pressing pause on the movie so there was silence instead. “give me your honest answer.” 
you truly, genuinely, hated whenever he brought this up. you hated whenever anyone would ask whether you and haechan were dating, or if he had a crush on you, or any other variation of how are you only friends? truthfully, you hate it because whenever someone asks, you imagine it for a split second: it puts feelings and images in your head that are difficult to forget, and before you know it you can’t act normal around your best friend for about the next two weeks. 
but then you embarrass yourself: you linger too long on his hands over the popcorn, you stare a little too much when he’s across the table during dinner, and haechan notices. he laughs in your face, and that makes you drop any other feelings you have settling in your stomach. business as usual. lather rinse repeat. 
mark is still looking at you, his wide eyes telling you he really wants to talk it out this time. mark is a big believer in having all your feelings out, and in ‘open communication’. you’re surprised that it’s been 4 months since he brought up the issue. 
“mark, just tell me what you want to say.” 
“okay.” he pauses, and you can see him lay out his line of reasoning in his head. “what would you do if haechan told you he had a big project due and he was stuck at the library working on it?” 
“i would go over there and help him.” you say, without thinking much about it. “i did that, actually. literally last week.” 
“okay, cool, you’re a good friend.” mark takes a breath, “what would you do if haechan told you, that right now at this very moment, he really wanted to eat ramen.” 
you raised your eyebrows because that wasn’t out of character for haechan at all. “go over there with ramen in a pot.” 
mark nods, but he’s just warming up. “it’s midnight right now, in case you were wondering. it’s also raining outside, but i’ll move on. how many times have you helped haechan just over this past week?” 
you’re beginning to catch on to what he’s implying. “we’re friends. that’s what good, loyal, friends do. we help each other out!” 
“i’m not finished.” 
“well, hurry up with your point and less with the hypotheticals.” you turn back to the tv, and you are about to press play on the movie when mark asks- 
“do you say i love you to each other?” 
your reply of ‘yes” sticks in your throat. yes you do. frequently. but its a throwaway comment, its how you end phonecalls, its what you say before you step out of the door. neither of you mean it. do you? “we don’t mean it.” you settle on your answer. 
“he might not mean it.” mark sighs. “think about it y/n. you’ve blown off dates with people who were interested in you just because haechan wanted to hang out. you’re with him almost every second of every day. you would drop everything just to do something he asked. you don’t do that for me, that’s for certain.” you open your mouth to protest, and he quickly adds “not that i mind. i know we’re good friends. i’m just saying.” 
“what are you saying?” 
mark takes a deep breath. “you treat haechan like your boyfriend.” 
the words settle in your brain for a second. you want to say you don’t, but you think a little deeper. if you and haechan were in a relationship, what would you do differently? where would things change? we would be kissing you think. then, fuck. why am i thinking about kissing haechan? then, if this is love, then yes i’m in love with him.
but mark hasn’t finished his thought. “you think of haechan as your boyfriend, you act like you’re his girlfriend, and i’m only bringing this up today because…” 
“he doesn’t.” your eyes meet mark’s, and in that second, the both of you understand each other far better than can be put into words. 
10 dec
you really hate that mark brought it up. and this time, it feels a bit different than before, because mark has really made some points. do you act like you’re his girlfriend? should you stop? should you scale back? it would be horrible if you just wasted all this apparent girlfriend-isms on your best friend. 
“is something wrong today?” you’re having your weekly lunches with haechan at the cafe near the library, and he’s sitting across from you, and everything is normal: you’re at your regular seat, with your regular choice of lunch in front of you, and haechan is telling you about some way mark messed up the microwave last night. but also everything isn’t normal, because you’re back in the depths of pondering your relationship with haechan, and suddenly you’re wondering if this could be a date in some other universe. 
“nothing’s wrong.” you poke at your food. “so are you getting a new microwave?” 
“y/n i’m serious. did something happen? you’re being really…” he squints his eyes as he examines you closely, and somehow this makes your cheeks feel warm. you can’t look at him in the eyes. “you’re just…you keep not looking at me. why aren’t you looking at me? do you know something?” 
“know what?” suddenly, you’re attentive: know something? your mind is going wild with all the possibilities, because it’s beginning to sound like…
does he like you and he’s afraid you found out? 
“nothing” he says, far too quickly, and it makes your heart beat a little faster. 
“what are you keeping from me?” now you’re on the offensive, and you watch haechan duck his head to avoid your gaze. 
“i’ll tell you when i’m ready”, he mumbles and checks his phone for the time. “fuck. i have to go for class now.” 
“okay!” you’re a little breathless from all the thinking. an awkward kind of silence fills the space as he puts things into his bag, determinedly not looking in your direction. impulsively, you add, “you can tell me anything, you know that right?” 
“i know that. i guess i’m just…” he shoulders one of the straps on his backpack, and pauses to look at you. “i’m just scared of what might happen.” 
you’re hoping against hope. maybe this time things will be different. “i’ll wait. things will be okay, i’m sure of it.” 
“okay.” he smiles and stands up to go. and before you can lose your nerve, you say, as quickly and hopefully easily as you can: 
he turns and his face breaks out into a wide smile. “bye y/n. love you. see you later.” 
maybe you do act like he’s yours. but maybe mark was wrong, because sometimes you think he acts like you’re his too. 
17 dec
it’s been a week, and whatever it was, you’re wondering if that moment in a cafe was completely hallucinated. 
haechan doesn’t bring up whatever he was keeping from you. you don’t want to push him, because good things take time, don’t they? you ask mark if he has any idea what it’s about, but apart from telling you not to get your hopes up, he doesn’t have a clue either. you think you could maybe go on living like this: delusional over the fact that your best friend might like you. ready at any moment to return the feelings but ready at any moment to also pretend like nothing ever happened. 
except maybe you couldn’t, because this whole situation has made the i love yous ever more painful. 
after the next movie night, when you’re about to head to your own flat, you stand around, putting on your shoes and taking them off again while haechan busies himself in his kitchen. mark had already left, leaving you one last skeptical look before he headed out. you want to tell haechan you love him, just to hear him say it back — but every time gets a bit harder because it means something a little realer. “haechan!” 
“yeah?” he walks out, still holding a plate. “get home safe y/n. text me when you get back.” 
“okay, goodnight.” you walk out of the door, and as casually as you can: “love you.” 
“mmhm. love you too.” haechan’s already gone when you turn back. 
as the days turn colder, december seeping into christmas in all its stories of love in the winter and warm fireplaces, it becomes a mini game for you: how many times could you get haechan to say he loved you, just to hear it? ending each phone call with love yous, that you just manage not to stumble over. facetiming at night, and waiting to say it but not getting a chance to as he falls asleep. in the library before haechan’s class, you take too long deciding how you should say it: i love you, or just love you! bye, love you! or love you bye! and haechan has already left, with a wave. 
you say it to his face once: as he’s adjusting the hood on your sweater for you before you leave the restaurant, and his face is so close to yours that you can count his eyelashes. and its so endearing, how his eyes crinkle into a smile, his hands brushing the hair out of your eyes, as he says it back. 
each time he does say it, you let it warm you from the inside out. you let yourself imagine that he means it, and it’s enough for you, just for now. 
20 dec
so your guard is truly down when he shows up to dinner at your apartment. you made kimchi jjigae, haechan’s favorite, and mark had come over too. the plates were cleared, but all of you lingered around the dining table for a while, talking quietly about little things, enjoying the warmth of the living room even as it gets colder and colder outside. 
haechan is a little tipsy from the soju mark brought over. his cheeks are dusted with red, and he’s becoming increasingly touchy: his hands playing with your fingers and his head gently tilted to rest against yours. you like it a little too much, and you could get used to it. you wonder if he’ll tell you he loves you today. 
“mark. y/n.” he swallows. “i asked yeri out today.” 
and just like that, the delusion from the past month, the confidence you’ve gained from knowing your feelings and imagining that maybe he returned them, all your i love yous and all of his, begin to feel like a cruel joke. 
mark is looking at you. carefully, he says, “that’s great haechan. i didn’t know you liked her.” 
haechan smiles: you can feel it against your shoulder. “me neither.” still playing with your fingers, “i think one day, i was sitting next to her in class, and i realised.” 
you think you’ve stopped breathing. normally, your silence would have been suspicious, and he should have noticed: should have turned to you, squinting, trying to figure out your opinion. but clearly you’re the last thing on his mind. “that’s so sweet. what did she say?” you try to sound excited, and you push him off of you like you can’t wait to hear the rest of the story, but really you just want to be away. 
“she said yes.” haechan laughs a little at that, and he’s so happy. “we’re going to the christmas party together. and the new years eve party.” 
mark laughs too, but his eyes never leave your face. “will you she be your new year’s kiss?” 
haechan’s eyes widen. “dude i didn’t even think about that. sure.” he leans back, and looks up at the ceiling and you know he’s thinking about her. you’re not thinking of anything.
later, as you’re both cleaning up the kitchen, haechan stops you gently with a hand on your wrist. he seems to have sobered a little, because the cloudy look in his eyes are gone. “i’m sorry i didn’t tell you. i was really scared i would make a big deal out of it if i told you and mark, only to get rejected.” he smiles a little. 
you nod a little, not sure how to respond. but then he looks at you with his eyebrows furrowed, and he takes your hands in his. “are you mad at me? i’m really sorry. i promise i’ll never keep anything from you again. i love you, and y-you’re my best friend.” 
and instantly, you want to hold on to him so badly that you don’t want to do anything that might drive him away. 
“i’m not mad at you.” and because you’re just a little selfish, you pull him in for a hug. just one last one, before everything changes. “i’m really really happy for you haechan.” and just because you’re such a good friend, the one who puts him before you always, you add as you pull away: “we should probably stop saying i love you. yeri might get the wrong idea.” 
he laughs a little. “you’re right. thanks y/n.” 
it’s a mark of how good a friend mark is that he walks haechan to the crosswalk before saying he left something at your place, and doubles back. 
when you swing open the door, the first thing he says is “i’m so sorry, i swear i didn’t know anything. it just happened.” and it’s that which makes it real, and makes you start to cry. he spends the rest of the night patting at your hair as you mess up his hoodie with your tears, his “i knows” punctuating your incoherent rants about how it should be you. because it should be you, but also there’s no reason for it to be, at all. and there’s nothing you can do. 
25 dec
mark solemnly promises he will watch over you for the whole christmas party. “just in case you get drunk and try to ruin yourself, or them.” he says. you tell him you don’t need someone watching you, and tell him to enjoy his christmas night, but he waves you off and slings an arm around your shoulder, for which you are grateful. it’s mostly been you and him this past week, haechan often busy with a date or another activity, and you’re a little grateful for that because seeing him in the flesh makes it hurt far more than all the hypothesizing you do in your head. 
it’s only 2 hours into the party, more people trickling in by the hour, and already he’s started a game with you where you point out possible people for you to go out with. both he and you know you would never make a move, as evidenced from what happened between you and the person we are pretending is not holding hands with his maybe girlfriend right now. but it’s fun to hypothesise. 
“he looks nice.” mark points at a boy you recognise as jaemin, who’s inspecting the back of your television.
“maybe.” you tilt your head, thinking about it. “he has a nice smile. oh and he helped me with calculus the other day — that was really nice of him.” 
“so you know him!” mark beams at you. “you should ask him what he’s doing with your tv.” 
“ask who what?” and the little bubble you’ve been sitting with mark in for the night is suddenly gone, because haechan has wandered over to the two of you, yeri following behind and smiling widely. he’s wearing a red striped sweater, the one that you picked out for him, and it looks so good that you curse a little internally.
“y/n was thinking of asking jaemin out.” mark says, swiftly. his arm tightens around your shoulder, encouraging you to stay calm. 
haechan looks taken aback. “you’ve never mentioned jaemin to me.” 
“i don’t have to tell you everything. you certainly don’t.” it’s a little mean, and not at all how you would speak with him usually but the way his fingers are interlaced with yeri’s is making you feel jumpy and annoyed. mark is giving you wide eyes, but he tries to pass it off with a laugh. 
“sorry. she’s just mean because she’s drunk.” you haven’t had a sip of alcohol the entire night, but you play along, and try to avoid haechan’s eyes. 
“sorry.” you mumble. haechan is still looking at you suspiciously, but yeri presses herself into his side and his expression clears. 
“yeri wanted to say thank you for hosting the party.” he smiles at her, like there’s something the two of them share. you think you’re going to be sick, but mark has been answering for you far too much. 
“thank you for coming. hope you had fun!” you smile as graciously as you can, but you tug on mark’s jacket with your other hand. “sorry, excuse us, we want to go say hi to jaemin for a bit.” 
mark helps you hop off the kitchen counter, steadying you with an arm as you look around the room for ‘jaemin’. the entire time, haechan watches, not sure why he can’t stop noticing how the two of you are acting, and how this is the first time he’s really seen the two of you so close. he wonders when you’ve ever been this comfortable linking arms with mark, or putting your head on his shoulder, and why hadn’t he noticed before? 
“wait-” he blurts out. you look at him questioningly. “be careful.” 
irritated at him, for making you talk to him and look at him like this, you respond “what?” a little too aggressively. you really can’t control it today. 
“with jaemin.” if you were still delusional, which you are trying very hard not to be, you would almost say it was as if he was making up what to say as he was saying it. “i heard he’s really rude. and not nice to date. at all.” 
you raise your eyebrows, because you know that anyone who’s met jaemin would never say that about him. “sure haechan. merry christmas.” 
and just like that, you leave him and yeri in the kitchen, mark guiding you through the crowd easily. jaemin is nowhere to be seen, so the both of you go to your bedroom, where you spend the rest of the night, mark valiantly trying to cheer you up by playing christmas songs for you on the guitar. 
and if haechan slipped away from the party to stand outside your bedroom, listening to you laughing and requesting mark do the high note from all i want for christmas is you again, you were none the wiser. 
but all you did know, was that when you and mark came out of the bedroom to kick everyone out of your apartment, haechan and yeri were kissing under the mistletoe, his hands wrapped around her waist, and her hands cupping his cheeks. you cheer loudly along with everyone else, and give him an aggressive thumbs up when he looks over at you and mark. you’re beginning to think you want to spend new years eve alone. 
31 dec
you were only having this conversation with haechan because the both of you were stuck, in your car, on the way to a new years eve party you swore you didn’t want to go to, because mark couldn’t make it. 
over the phone, he was really sorry. “i had no idea, but i have a family dinner tonight that i can’t get out of it. i’m really sorry y/n. don’t go to the party if you don’t want to.” 
“of course i don’t want to.” spending new year’s eve alone was bad, but it would be worse if you had to watch yeri and haechan kiss to seal their love forevermore as the clock struck midnight. “i’ll watch a good movie, and go to sleep. i might not even stay up for it. it’s just another night.” 
but that didn’t happen. haechan showed up at your door, breathless and panicked. his car broke down, and he had to go to the new years eve party to meet yeri, so could he please please please borrow your car? and could you please please please come with him, because he didn’t want to drive over alone? as you handed him your keys, seated in the passenger’s seat, in last year’s new year’s eve dress and mark’s huge hoodie over it, the words “you would drop everything just to do something he asked” rang in your head. 
would you go to a new years eve party if he asked, one that you weren’t planning on going to, in the middle of the night, even if you knew it would likely bring you immense pain? yes apparently, you would. apparently, you still treated him like your boyfriend when he was about to be someone else’s. 
haechan keeps looking over at you. how do you look so pretty, in the middle of the night, just getting ready for bed? and why are you wearing mark’s hoodie? “i’m really sorry for making you go out like this.” 
you wave him off. “it’s fine.” softer, “you know i’d do anything for you.” 
cars moved slowly around you, and their tail lights shone in a bright red lane all the way down busy highway. very soon, the car was barely moving. the two of you sitting there, stuck, as the clock on the dashboard blinked 11:40. running his hands on the top of the steering wheel, haechan spoke up first. “when did you get so close to mark?” 
“huh?” you’re genuinely confused. “why would you say that.” 
“you’ve just been a lot closer with him recently.” 
“we’ve always been friends.” you don’t want to say anything too cutting, anything that would make the silence in the car too heavy, but there is no other way to put it. “you’ve been busy.” with yeri hangs unspoken in the air — but its true. and you don’t even blame them. if haechan was your boyfriend, you would want to spend every second of the christmas season with him. “mark has just…been there.” 
haechan doesn’t reply to that. the car inches slowly forward. the song that plays from your phone is slow and deep, and when you look at the lights on his face, his eyes unfocused on the road you realise you just want to reach across the seat and wrap your arms around him. 
you think of skipping the song or switching to a christmas radio station, but you can’t bring yourself to ruin it. 
“y/n i.” haechan finally takes a deep breath. “i don’t know if its selfish of me, but i just feel like i’ve been losing you and i don’t know how to be back in your life in the way that we were.” 
the way we were. “haechan, i don’t think the way we were…was very good for us.” 
“what do you mean?” haechan turns, and looks at you. halfheartedly, you point to the road ahead, but the cars aren’t moving, and his eyes are focused on you. 
“have you ever really thought about what we were to each other?” you blame the lights. you blame the song. and you blame the fact that the clock reads 11:49, and you just want to be honest, maybe just for once in this cursed holiday season. “haechan, my life revolved around you. you were everything to me. and all i needed at the end of the day was just, you smiling at me, or you telling me you…” you can’t finish the sentence. you won’t. 
his heart snags on the were. the was. “i didn’t realize.” 
“well it did. and now you’re unhappy because i’m not just waiting for you to reply to my messages, or pick up my calls, because i’m spending time with mark now.” you are picking the entirely wrong fight. the whole argument is wrong, and you know it, but you look stubbornly out at the window. this confrontation was not going to turn into a confession, not when you were both on the way to literally help him kiss someone else. 
“i’m not unhappy.” haechan says, slowly. “i just…” the car behind you honks, and he hurriedly moves the car forward, but soon stops again. traffic on new years eve was impossible. “i lied that day.” you look over at him, unsure what he was talking about. “i didn’t ask yeri out. she asked me out.” 
you take a moment to process this, but it doesn’t really change anything. “okay.”
“and, i guess i never really thought about her that way before. but she just asked, and suddenly i realised that maybe i did like her. it’s weird, it kind of felt like after she asked me out all of our casual conversations in class just took on a different meaning. i’d never even really thought about her that way before, and suddenly it made sense.” 
why was he telling you this ?! you think love truly brings out the worst in people, because you wanted to jump out of the car instantly. you had to be happy for him, and there was no mark to act as a buffer. you’re about to say something, when he continues on. 
“i told you and mark that night because i waited for you to ask me why i really liked her. or really just, i don’t know, help me figure out exactly how i felt about her.” he ran his hand through his hair. “but i guess you just didn’t say anything and i just kind of went with it.” 
“well…” you try to disengage yourself from the situation. it sounded like haechan really valued your opinion, as a friend, and you hadn’t been there for him. “sorry. i guess it just took us by surprise.” you cringe as you realise that by speaking on mark’s behalf, it really did seem as if you were leaving haechan out. “took me by surprise, i mean. well, do you like her?” 
he laughs a little at that. “it’s a bit late for that, isn’t it?” 
“it’s never too late to rethink how you feel about someone.” you say, quietly. 
haechan looks over at you, and it’s his gaze: as if he’s looking for the answer in your eyes, that makes you look away. you glance at the clock, and suddenly you freeze. 11:58. you scramble to put on the radio. “fuck, haechan we’re not gonna make it.” 
“you should call yeri and tell her you’re going to be late. she’ll be really mad if you don’t show up. she must be really worried-” 
“y/n, please listen to me.” he takes both hands off the wheel, reaches out and holds your face in his hands. the radio announcer has just flickered on: the countdown has started. “i’m just going to say it. that day in the cafe: i was afraid you knew something. actually, i was afraid you realized that i liked you. every day, i would wait for you to say i love you, because i wanted to have a reason to say it, even if it was to say it back. i thought about how much you cared about me and i thought if i thought about you less, if i payed attention to other people, if i let more people into my life, it would be easier just being your friend." 
“but it’s not.” 
“it didn’t get easier, and i just miss you-”
“-every day because i think-” 
“i really think that…” 
and he doesn’t even bother finishing his sentence. he leans in, and kisses you. your head is wiped of everything he just said. you don’t think of yeri, you don’t think of mark, you don’t think about the afternoon at the cafe or that moment you saw under the mistletoe. you’re wrapped up in him, in the smell of his perfume. the graze of his fingertips against your cheek. and you reach out over the console, and wrap your arms around his waist like you always wanted to. 
when you break apart, the radio announcer wishing everyone a happy new year, he mumbles. “didn’t get to finish my confession.” 
you laugh and lean forward, to kiss him again. the cars on the road had all stopped, and you think that maybe the whole universe has been waiting for this moment. “i’ll do it for you. i think i really like you haechan. i think i love you.” 
and you think maybe it’s not so cruel, to sit with your best friend, who you are in love with, and who loves you back, the kiss still buzzing on your lips, as you watch the fireworks in the sky, the voice on the radio singing in the new year.
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urfavsecretgirl · 1 month
can we all agree that arctic monkeys are definitly one of the best today's artists ever? and here are so many reasons
their music taste - they are inspired by amazing artists, such as the beatles, rolling stones, the strokes, etc.
sound - in every album, they have different sound. and they clearly don't care about what other people want them to do yet they do what they like. their first album being a prog punk, garage rock. and you can feel how it looks like being a teeanger. then fwn being a little more heavier indie rock sound. then you have humbug, dark, witchy, psychedelic. and it's giving harry potter vibes sm. sias being like you are in wild west during christmas time. really melancholic, soft indie rock, but again psychedelic sound. i love it sm. am being sexy, cool. like you are 80s rockstar writing your love diary. tbhc being atmospheric, really david bowie influenced. like you are in 80s sci-fi movie, having a great time in some luxury hotel, at night. and at the end, you have the car. really funky, soft melancholic sound. which makes you feel like you are at the balcony, in the middle of spring. it's sunny day. and you are smoking on balcony thinking about your past and future.
lyrics - i mean, we all know that alex is amazing songwriter. and even better than that. look at the lyrics of tbhc. also alex's work in submarine. knee socks, etc. he is really creative
about fame and awards - they NEVER CARED about being famous, getting awards, etc. i already mentioned that they don't care about what people want from them yet they do what they like. so basiclly, they give 0 fcks about people's opinions about their music. it's like "you like what you like. everyone has different taste". and that's what i REALLY love about them as a artist. they live for music, they make music for themselves, not for others. and that's why they don't care about awards too. i mean, they only ince attended grammys while being nominated multipate times in different years. alex's speech for brit awards 2014 says enough. also, 3 out of four members never used social media so that says enough (again)
alex's vocals - ok, he is not the best singer but again his vocals are really good. and the way they change in every album
instrument skills - they are good tho, but not the best. also matt during pretty visitors>>>>>>
creativity - very similar to theme about them changing sounds. you can see that they are really creative about it
they are unique, specific, and iconic rock band. and no one can change my mind.
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
task force 141 + christmas wishlists
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Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
Warnings: none
A/N: ewww i have finals tmmrw
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rodolfo "rudy" parra:
alright so i mentioned this in my stocking stuffers headcanon but we're gonna go in more depth here
rudy's christmas wishlist is really just legos
but like big, expensive lego sets
like i said then, he always compiles a big list of sets he wants each year
this year he's obsessed with the technic/vehicle sets
he got the vespa set for his birthday so that one was crossed off the list
and now he's looking to collect all the ferrari sets
last year he nabbed the ferrari 488 gte "af course #1"
and this year he wants the ferrari daytona sp3
he really likes the technic sets because their like a harder version of the normal lego sets
plus they're a lot more durable which is important to him
he has all his lego sets lined up on shelves around his apartment
and he already has a shelf of lego vehicles
which currently includes the ferrari 488, the vespa, and the lamborghini sián fkp 37 (he bought that for himself after he got a pay raise)
and ofc once he gets all his luxury cars/racecars collected, he plans on moving onto the classic cars collection
john "soap" mactavish:
alright so idk why this headcanon brings me so much joy but it does
but soap really really really wants a dirt bike for christmas
he rode one during a mission around summer time
and ever since then he won't stop raving about how cool it was
if we're being honest he wasn't that good at it
but honestly that just motivated him even more because now he wants one so he can get better at riding it
he wants to be able to do all those crazy flips and tricks they do
and he spends soooo much time researching bikes and watching videos of the tricks
he also doesn't even know when he would get the chance to use it
or where he would practice
since his house is not exactly near prime dirt biking terrain
but he insists he'll figure something out
his dream is definitely the yz250
he just thinks it looks so cool and sleek
but it's like ~$7000 so he doesn't have his hopes up
would definitely implode if he got it tho
john price:
alright so for christmas price really wants a weighted heated blanket
i mean can you blame him?
it gets pretty cold up in his cabin and he just wants to be able to be all warm and cozy
he honestly didn't even realize it was a thing until gaz told him about it
and now he won't stop talking about it
like he keeps hinting about how he wants it
saying things like "god it's cold in here, a nice heated blanket would be great huh?" or "my blanket is getting so thin, one of those weighted blankets would be insane huh?"
what can i say he really wants one
but he also doesn't wanna spend like $100 on one
which is why he's being so coy about it
besides a weighted heated blanket price wants cigars
i mean he always wants cigars but he wants them as a christmas gift this time
he wants really fancy ones that are really high quality
honestly his ideal holiday evening is him on the couch, with warm socks, a tea, a cigar, and his weighted heated blanket and a nice movie on the tv
simon "ghost" riley:
this year (and every year really) simon wants books for christmas
he's a fan of classic literature so he really just wants paperbacks of all the classics
paperback because it's easier to bring on missions
like i said in one of my past headcanons, i think simon was definitely an english literature major in college
so he definitely has a lot of books already
but let's be real you can never have too many books
the books on his wishlist this year include the metamorphosis by franz kafka, journey to the center of the earth by jules verne, and the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde
okay we're gonna go off on a tangent here
but simon secretly wants to open up a bookstore when he retires
except, and this is gonna get kinda sad here, he knows it's ultimately just a pipe dream bc the chances of him retiring are really slim
yk since he's more likely to be killed in action...
but he still likes the idea of it in case he does make it out of the military alive
kyle "gaz" garrick:
alright so for christmas gaz wants new headphones and a speaker
gaz just lives his life with a soundtrack in the background what can i say
he loves listening to music whenever he can
whether he's working or training or in the shower
i like to think that he used to actually have a really nice set of earbuds
and he usually keeps them in one of the pockets of his uniform
but when he fell out of that helicopter he lost his earbuds
and he was absolutely devastated too because they were so nice
but this time around he wants headphones so that he can really take advantage of the noise cancelling feature
probably not the smartest option considering he's in the military but yk what sometimes gaz just needs a break from the outside and honestly who doesn't?
he also has a really nice speaker but then soap broke it
gaz had it next to him on the couch while he was watching tv or smthing
and then soap sorta hopped over the back of the couch to sit next to him
and then sat straight on the speaker
and since the couch at the base sucks and is therefore pretty hard
plus the fact that soap is probably like over two hundred pounds of muscle
the speaker really had no chance
so yeah gaz really just wants his music back for christmas
and off topic but he's into a lot of oldish hip hop/rap rn
like the notorious b.i.g., ice cube, 2pac, dr. dre
yk sorta like the classics
(im ngl idk if those are classics music genres confuse me)
alejandro vargas:
this year alejandro wants a ps5
maybe this is coming sorta out of left field but i feel like alejandro is lowkey a gamer
which ik doesn't make sense since we've established he's into self care and gamers never shower
jkjk no hate to any gamers im sure most of y'all have tolerable self hygiene
but yeah alejandro is actually super into video games
he has a lot of consoles but he didn't get the ps5 when it first came out so now he wants it
im gonna go off on a few alejandro video game tangents here so get ready
first off i think he and rudy played "a way out" together with no prior knowledge of the game
and so at the ending they were absolutely devastated
they also play overcooked a lot
and they let the other task force members play too
it's always interesting because alejandro takes it really seriously
and so he gets soooo stressed about it it's kinda amusing
also he's super good at super smash bros
and surprisingly he's not really a fan of first person shooter games (ironic i know)
it's just that he does that so much in real life he doesn't want to do it in games too
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About chapter 369:
Remember that these are my own, personal opinions, and you don't need to agree with them (however, friendly discussion is welcomed as always). And my opinions are affected by the rumour I heard about there being only 3 chapters of BC left, including 369. Meaning that we'd get the finish, maybe, Christmas 2024.
The chapter was very MagLuck centric, which is amazing to those who love the dynamic duo, and I'm happy for them, but... I felt that essentially... nothing happened? I mean, Asta comes back, with Ichika, and we have the very brief "omg Captain Yami's lil' sister is here?! wait?! He has a sister??!!", but it was very brief. And, I get that due to the tempo of the point where the story is, them being in the battle where we've been for the past... 30+ chapters (granted that Asta was in yet another battle within those 30 chapters, but it's been basically just one battle after another ever since the start of the Spade arc); battles make the tempo quick. That's how most prose works. You can't focus on many events in the heat of the battle, but BC... in my opinion, has become about nothing else than fighting. It's like Luck took over Tabs and it's just fight fight fight. The movie was just one 1h+ long fight scene with minimal story, and so is the manga as it stands now.
And... if Tabs is supposed to wrap it up in 60 or so pages, I cannot see how he could realistically do that unless it ends in the "you all die" ending. Which would be very un-BC like.
Could Lucius die of a heart attack? It's possible. The big bad's heart can't take the toll of all the mana he's consuming suddenly and it gives out and he flops down. Asta and Yuno wouldn't get their rivalry settled and life in Clover would go back to business as usual. (I'm not seriously suggesting this of course, I'm trying to be funny)
I hear that this is very Berserk type of a situation to be in. You got one chapter every 6 months and nothing essentially happens, because the plot is progressing so slowly. But as of now, I feel like BC is a falling house of cards. A lot happens, without proper development, and it's buried under flashy fights, maybe, meant to distract the reader.
The next chapter will (if we believe the battle order in the end of chapter 368) have the Mereo&Morris battle, and the last issue will deal with Yuno&Asta vs. Lucius. But it all feels too hasted.
There absolutely are good things about BC, which is why I'm saddened to feel that it's going out in flames. I just don't find things to expect anymore.
I am happy to those who feel hyped for the MagLuck moment, and them having their Great Duo Fight against the big bad, and my criticism isn't just about this chapter. It's about the last 100 chapters. The movie. The lack of lore, world-building, character-building, the lack... of a story.
And I blame the manga industry pushing Tabs to burnout, which is why we're here.
I feel bad for Tabs. I feel bad for the story. It could've been a cool story.
And that's the real tragedy here, to me. What might've been
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pyromaniacldrt · 2 months
Damn, just realized I forgot Jimmy in my headcannon list.
Which is embarrasing, since he´s one of my faves.
He is a csi-fi movies nerd, specially of Pixel and Back in the Future.
He has defeated Tertis once, and to this day that´s the achievement he´s most proud of.
He is a Harry Potter fan thanks to the influence of his weird, on the run and probably a mafia memeber uncle, who has enough debts to sink Mark Zucchenberg in poverty. He has a boat tho:)
Jimmy comes from a HUGE family full of Gingers™, and at some point the Wild Kratts theorized he could be a Weasley, but it was descarted because JZ is VERY rich.
His wardrobe is full of the Adam Sandler´ aesthetic. That, and a sinlge Gala Suit that no one is sure how it got there.
When looking where to apply for a job after graduating, at first he had thought on joining the air force ,since he didn´t want to go to a local airport to get experience; but then Chris (a dude he met playing minecraft online and later on became friends) offered him to work as a pilot in his older brother´s proyect for an academy.
He couldn´t belive it when he met Koki again, and they pretty much tackled eachother into a hug.
He has a power suit, but Jimmy never uses it (plus, it has malfunctioned so many times that Aviva is impressed its still working)
bro is great at social events, but he has to be dragged in to participate.
Jimmy thinks very little of Gourmand to a professional perspective, if not as a decent human being, and finds his recipes disastrous, and not only because they are made with endangered species.
Back when his grandma wasn´t in the nursing home, she had a five star restaurant that she later on lost to a bet, in which she would teach enterprising chefs her recipes and different cooking skills, including a teen Jimmy, who wanted to be just like her if his dream of becoming a pilot didn´t work out. Between those enterprising chefs was Gourmand, the so called "prodigy", who even got to become the main cheff when Grandma Jimmelda retired. He also won the restaurant when betting with the old woman (he probably cheated, but there´s no evidence)
Jimmy went there regulary and even worked there because his parents wanted him to be hardworking (didn´t exaclty work, but ok)...
Until he found out about the cooked endangered animals and reported Gourmand, making him loose the restaurant and his cooking liscense. Yeah. They don´t get along.
He has a shark stuffed plushie that Martin gave him on christmas. (Jimmy gave him a new pair of socks. He needed those.)
He likes to make pastries a lot, specially if it´s one of his gandma´s recipes.
Grandma Jimmelda has some very deep lore stories from her youth, including marrying at 14 and going to war twice (don´t ask which one though, not even she knows).
Jimmy has had thought of letting his hair grow long, and I personaly belive he would have it very long to try to make the Rapunzel fight moves(he can´t).
Still, he has to go and have a haircut every time he visits his parents and Zach.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that: Grandma Jimmelda has a niece, Aunt Jaminet, who is the cousin of the mother of Zach´s grandma. Somehow (I don´t want to know how), they´re almost the same age.
The family meetings are just something else, specially when there´s a whole bunch of gingers on the table and a singe black haired guy that only comes once every two christmas because he lives across the state and no one likes (Jimmy also rarely shows up, but he´s the cool cousin/uncle, so he´s been forgiven by the little ones, unlike Zach)
Tbh, nor Zach or Jimmy know they are related. I mean, they are distant second cousins(?), but they are still family. Somehow.
He has played World War Z and finished it in three days.
He has also bested with full stars Cooking Mama, ofc at the extent of his emotional stability, but pshh Who needs it?
Martin´s - Chris´- Aviva´s - Koki´s
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Meet the Writer Tag!
(Thank you so much to @mysticstarlightduck for tagging me! Sorry I took so long lol)
This is me!
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(I don't normally wear this many accessories/jewellery lol. But I wish I did! I love it sm)
Three Fun Facts About Me:
I have never been in a relationship before. Ever. The only experience I have in that department is through other people's stories, not really my own. And by that, I mean that I'm used to watching my friends/people around me getting in and out of relationships, and listening to songs about romance and love and heartbreak... but not really relating to them due to not having any of those experiences myself (but it's alright, tho. It'll happen when it happens! In the meantime, I always have my made-up ships from my writing lol).
My favourite book growing up was "Matilda" by Roald Dahl. I thought Matilda was such a cool girl growing up lol. And lowkey relatable in a lot of ways. No, I wasn't a child genius. But she kind of fits into the archetype that I always found comfort in due to being that kind of person myself. Smart/intellectually curious, bookworm, introverted/independent, genuinely kind and has a heart in spite of being seen as cold by others (another example of this is Huey from Boondocks. Been rewatching some episodes of that show recently and wow... forgot how crazy it was lol. It's good, tho).
Christmas is my favourite holiday! 🎅❄️🎄I do get why some people may dislike it, I guess (like, my younger sister isn't a fan, and she's explained why... I get it. The over-commercialisation of it takes a lot of the "specialness" out of it, you know? Distracts from the actual meaning behind it and all. Plus, it can suck if you're just feeling sad and lonely during a time of celebration for everyone else. Aside from that, technically Easter is more significant if you look at it from the lens of which Christian holiday is most important). But I love the joyfulness and festiveness. Makes me feel all jolly and cosy inside. Plus, I love singing Christmas carols. And presents. And Christmas movies. I just love Christmas lol.
Favorite season:
Autumn. Or fall, as some others prefer to call it. That's when my birthday is!!
(Second place is summer because that's holiday season. Plus, that's when my sister's birthday is.)
Continent where I live:
I live in the UK, so Europe.
How I spend my (free) time:
Writing (duh)
Writeblr stuff (tag games, making OC playlists, answering questions, communicating with followers and having discussions with them about writing, etc)
YouTube (mainly watching videos... but I do want to start making videos myself at some point. Stay tuned for that, I guess)
Studying/school assignments (I'm in university)
Listening to music
Watching movies/TV shows
Eating lol
Are you published?
No. It'd be cool to be, though. Pretty sure I've mentioned this at least once before, but I want to self-publish the Stephanie Smith saga once I'm done with it.
Introvert or extrovert?
Introvert. 100% introvert lol. I feel most comfortable within myself when I'm by myself. As a kid, I was so painfully shy that the thought of going up to someone and asking a simple question would terrify me lol. As I got older, though, I was super duper lonely, and I realised that I had no real friends because I was keeping myself all closed off in a tight shell, so I'd literally force myself to open up and become more social and make friends with other kids. I practised it, like how you do with any skill. Now it's not so bad. I'd say I can carry a conversation with someone fairly well, even if I don't know them so well.
Favorite meal:
Ooooh.... this is hard. I love most foods lol.
I think I'll go with something a little bit more traditional. I'm Kenyan, and one of my favourite meals that I've grown up eating is chapatti and stew (any kind of stew, or soup. But my mum would usually make this stew with kidney beans. That was a big hit growing up). Haven't had it in almost a year, tho.
Aside from that, I love pizza. And Nandos.
Tagging: @clairelsonao3, @exquisitecrow, @mister-writes, @winterandwords, @mjparkerwriting, @e-everlasting-g, @erieautumnskies, @annethewittywriter, @writingwithfolklore, @ashwithapen
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halucynator · 10 months
Omg I really needed more swiftie mutuals <3
Please rant about all things you like, i love rants, gosh we seem to have so many close interests, I am not a writer tho, but I do read, effectively making me a reader which doesn't sound as cool, now that I think about it.
My fav Taylor song at the moment is "Slut!". I cannot get that out of my head. I mean "got lovesick all over my bed", I die a little everytime I hear that.
Fav Olivia song at the moment is logical (kinda like you username aah). I still CANNOT get over "can't take a joke, can't get you off". Like please kill me already.
Fav Sabrina song at the moment is probably "because i liked a boy". (damn who hurt me?)
And fav conan song at the moment, "Lookalike"
Tell me yours?
omg thank you thank you thank youuuu <33
okay so i love a lot of things some of them are pretty questionable but I'm questionable literally ask anyone on the discord server so its fine. anywhoo, i love taylor, maisie, gracie, phoebe, alix page, lucy (dacus not myself I'm not THAT narcissistic), olivia hardy (from wasia project) julien, conan, liv, sab (and @loserdiaz but that's a known fact) and so many other people to the point that even i cant keep track. oh and i love laufey, mitski and lyn lapid just bc.
my current fav by wasia project is petals on the moon but ur so pretty especially live from the studio is so gooddd
anywayss, reading is really cool thats how i got into writing (which is the best thing ever ik /hj) i also really really like reading bc it makes me smart and it's super fun
which is your favourite book series?? mine is lockwood and co as if you couldn't already tell by the amount of times I've mentioned it i also really love agggtm series bc why wouldn't it its so good. I'm sure i love so many more book series but my memory sucks (it does not but I'm lazy so I'll use that as an excuse)
anywhooo, i love scream which is weird bc i watched the first one when i was 10 (i know, who let me do that???) and i... liked it? (I'm very questionable i know) but i also tend to rant about it as if its real life (like WHY DID THEY KILL OF *insert name of dead character* IM SO MAD) and not a movie so I'm a bit annoying sometimes but pls don't tell me that otherwise I'll start crying /j
hmm my favourite taylor song atm would be "is it over now?" or "now that we don't talk" bc at the moment i resonate so well with those songs (ikr my life sounds like a nightmare: it is but it isn't really? idk) at yes i totally agree with the "got lovesick all over my bed statement but" also "love thorns all over this rose" and omg "you're not saying you're in love with me, BUT !! YOURE !! GONNA !! DO !!" like who gave taylor the right to be such a mastermind (funny, right? no? okay.) like the entire song, heck the entire album is so GOOD. HER ENTIRE DISCOGRAPHY IS SO GOOD. (this is totally normal fan behaviour btw)
favourite liv song atm is probably lacy but i love all of the songs all the album (and yes logical is soooo good i mean i have to love it otherwise my url is meaningless) but my favourite lyric from the entire album is probably "we both drew blood but man THOSE CUTS were NEVER EQUAL!!" from the grudge (also one of my top 3) bc that hits DEEP. (bc the cuts were deep, i know I'm so funny /j)
favourite sab song atm is prolly cindy lou who / opposite (been there) / a nonsense christmas. i cheated but i simply cant choose one shes too good. also super funny bc cindy lou who and opposite are like sad vibes and then a nonsense christmas i want you to [redacted] and [redacted] me on the couch while we [redacted] presents (sorry i just think I'm so funny when I'm not but dont tell me that i wanna be a stand up comedian no I'm just kidding I'm not a failure. IM JOKING) (also regarding bc i liked a boy, I agree. who hurt you???)
anyways, my favourite conan song atm is prolly the best known option "heather" BUT i also like "the cut that always bleeds" the entire of kid krow tbh
okay i wrote a lot asdxcasdcvafd sorry
alsooo, you didnt ask this but my favourite gracie abrams song atm is "where do we go now?" and "cedar" (you arent mine) bc its such a heartbreaking song especially when you can relate to it. ooh and i also love camden, painkillers, rockland and long sleeves but they're all pretty depressing so if you don't like sad songs they're prolly not for you.
and THANK YOU for this ask this was so fun send me more sometimes <333
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rontra · 11 months
So, given you are interested in DC, or at least aspects of it and RWBY I am curious what your thoughts were on the recent crossover? I assume positive given the art, which s amazing by the by. Also low key curious if you have any "born in DC" headcanon for superhero RWBY. No pressure though.
THE MOVIE YOU MEAN??? well first off thank you hahahah
& for #2 i don't really have any headcanons like that ... somehow i struggle with conceptualizing rwby crossovers w my other interests in general. (maybe it's because rwby's language is so specific to me i struggle to translate in or out of it????)
i do think however we should rank dc characters on how competently they could solve the salem situation /j*
the movies... i watched them back to back in the same night of course, so it was very funny to like, go directly from v7 to post-v9. they were like Guys you will not believe the shit that happened to us since last time we spoke
of course it's crossover spinoff material and not that important to me in the grand scheme of things. so my mode of interaction with it is mostly Enjoying A Light Snack. i can't say i have many capital t Thoughts that are worth posting about individually bc of that. but i DID enjoy the post-v9 aspect of movie2 bc like--altho obviously they can't dig into this shit in a crossover spinoff film--it still gives somewhat of an inclination towards what the writing room is thinking about. ruby especially i had a great time with. how's figuring out the summer rose shit going for you girl (BADLY) (LOL)
oh and omg invoking raven's name ... RAVEN MENTIONED... (to yang no less. heh)
a lot of salem namedrops in movie2 as well which i did chuckle about every time. speaking of, salem not going to vacuo Bolstered... hee hee hoo hoo... pleaaase give me evil gang meetup at beacon pleaaase
movie1 was a special treat for me because i loved all the "this doesn't make any sense this doesnt add up" Memory/Continuity/Spatial fuckery. i could've genuinely watched two full movies about rwby characters going "wait, that doesn't make any sense" at each other. i REALLY enjoyed that. very good show. pyrrha moment very fun also
i think zatanna shouldve showed up in movie2. for me.
i thought i was gonna miss bat ears brucie baby from the RWBYxJL comic more than i did. i think of him so fondly. but wings were kinda fun .... 🦇
movie1 had a little too much diana characterization disease for me to enjoy her. but that's so common its barely worth leveraging as Specific To This Movie. and i feel like she barely talked in movie2 so jury's still out on that. but of course there's a fair bit of wriggle room for the dc characters (in movie1 especially) as well given the "its a random ass crossover so the meta stakes have never been lower + they all got Genuine Teenager Brain for the whole first movie anyway"
movie2 had some pretty cool animation moments that i really noticed. movie1 wasnt like Awful but movie2 was the one where i perked up like "oh, that animation looked cool", you know? also i really liked the models they made for team rwby. the stylization felt nicely balanced to me?...if that makes sense. i hope we can see more models like them in the future just for me. idc who uses them but its my christmas wish RT please
final evaluation: better than DC/RWBY the comic. here is my favorite screenshot
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so true girls<3
*wonder woman could fix everything i know this about her
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hinacu-arts · 1 year
Tags That Made Me Smile 2023 — Part 1 (Jan-June)
Ive collected so many of my "Tags That Made Me Smile List" that i wont be posting it annually this year, its going to be at least biannually (although a good portion of this list is actually random comments in the author notes/lines and not tags 🤣)
[2022's List] [2021's List]
Not Fandom Specific
if they seem ooc at times (to YOU) just ignore it... i know Them
“It’s impossible to figure out comic book timelines” - people who are not me and who I cannot relate to
im ace but i tried my damnest to emulate allo behaviour
canon is nothing more than the sandbox in which I choose to build my castle
Not canon, not fanon, but some other third thing (my love for extravagant world building)
fan fiction vs foe fiction
bro we are teens its ok to be vunerable in front of me #now we are kissing bro dont stop
They have my mind on fucking speed dial i stg
intentional miscommunication in the name of fuckery
Cheesy romance taken seriously
The universe frantically consults the rule book while fate runs off with their action figures
getting a toddler dumped on you by your ex’s ex
“I’m not dying without kissing you” #And then they don’t die #And It’s all quite awkward
"Now if you'll excuse me… Tonight's bad decision isn't going to make itself."
“What’s a ‘boyfriend’? And why am I yours?”
“It has come to my attention that you are, unfortunately, my favorite person on this planet.”
i’m staring at the ceiling fighting the urge to kick you -a love story
Accidental Soul-Bonding oops
Enemy to Caretaker
Wooing via Prank War
Allegedly Platonic Kissing
Fandom Specific
These are ordered by the chronological order of which fandom i was reading at the time
werewolves mate for life
The Gomezification of Wednesday Addams
Legend of Zelda
Hi my name is Link and Welcome to Jackass
Link and Sidon both get a little bit gay: The Chapter
Gerudo Vai Outfit shenanigans
DC x Danny Phantom
Danny is the Tom Bombadil of Superheroes
Jack Fenton’s ability to casually Cool-Aid-Man his way through walls is a symptom of ectoplasm exposure
Skulker, No Skulking!
Danger Twink!Danny Fenton
Red Hood: Civilian Edition
inception—magic school bus version
a guy on staff so adorable it triggers Jason’s fight or flight response
Jason gets diagnosed with "bro your ectoplasm is fucked up" disease
Inspired by Hallmark Christmas Movies #But make it Halloween #where Tim Drake finds out the true meaning of love and Halloween #a true Rom-Com that's just a lil spooky
keeps the Hallmark themes of anti-capitalism #Vlad is the capitalism
pit is gone #raging anger has been replaced with raging hormones
All the (pit) rage he felt at the Joker for killing him is now being redirected and funneled into admiration/gratitude for the guy who did kill Joker
What is a murderer, a maker of ghosts, to the king of ghosts, but a faithful servant?
“Hood, your boyfriend's haunted!”
batman looked at gotham and said "i can fix her" #gotham looked at batman and said "i can make him worse"
Various DC Media
DC stands for Disregard Canon
Pining batman? more like Down Badman
Fortress of Sulkitude
Hurricane Dick and smaller Tropical Storm Damian
Tim finds his missing spleen #:)
just two dudes chillin' in a sleeping bag zero feet apart because Bart stole the other one
Kon's jacket #(it's made from boyfriend material)
Batfam? Bat colony? #how exactly do you to refer to the fascinating taxon that is Tim's family
Breaking the laws of Nature with sheer fucking will and bullshit circumstance (Time and Dimension Travel)
"Ha! Ive been sleeping in his bed for years, i no longer register as a threat"
Let it not be said that Bruce Wayne is a coward. A fool, perhaps, but never a coward.
"This is not very slay of you Tim" Bruce said
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marshallpupfan · 9 months
Final 2023 Marshall Merchandise Update!
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I can't end the year without at least one last update to my Marshall merchandise collection! I've got a handful of items this time, some of which were given to me as a Christmas gift. Well, let's go!
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I figured I'd show off this little guy first. I bought this one myself, and it took a while to arrive because... it's another import! Amazingly, I've been finding a few of these smaller items lately with really good shipping. I believe this one came all the way from Germany.
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Next, this holographic backpack clip. A friend sent this to me, along with the next item I'm about to show off. I think she said it came with a coloring book or something, and she knew I had to have it. It'll look really good in my collection, for sure!
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Next, a Christmas ornament! I believe it's Kurt Adler, like many of the ornaments I've purchased. Again, my friend also sent me this one, and she had my name placed on it, too. I'd actually seen this on Amazon about a year or two ago, but it's one of those things I kept meaning to buy but always put off. I never actually told her about it, so you can imagine my delight when I got it in the mail! It's a really cool ornament! And it's so cute the way Marshall's resting his head on his paws like that. Another item I'm happy to add to my collection! 😄
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Last, the "Pup to Hero" playset! Admittedly, I've been wanting to add this one to my collection for a long, long time... but I could never find one for a decent price. It's another one of those toys that become a bit rare over the years, though the price isn't outrageous like some hard-to-find merch. Funnily enough, I already own the figurine of Marshall without the outfit, just not the rest of it. One finally popped up for a decent price, and my mother offered to buy it for me for Christmas. I hope to find a good spot for it among my collection soon. :)
And that's all for now! 2023's coming to an end, but not my hunt for even more Marshall merchandise. The Jungle Pups toys will (presumably) release in the United States next month, and I've already got my eyes on a few more items on Amazon that I might order soon. I'll likely have even more new merch to show off soon! And even more headaches as I struggle to find a spot for all this stuff. Admittedly, I still haven't found a place for the last items I showed off... or the ones before that, for that matter. That Mighty Movie Marshall blanket is still sitting on my table. Well, maybe soon... 😅
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sebsxphia · 9 months
Sebbie?? My dearest Sebbie?? I was debating on whether or not to send these in because I know my thoughts aren't the smuttiest (although I do have thots I can definitely throw in, lol) and I was a little worried.
You and Preacher!Rhett are living your best lives up in MT, raising Amy as your own, owning your own land with a big timberframe house and making the best of whatever situations you find yourselves in and each season comes with its own little gifts.
Winter for you guys means getting ready for Christmas and the ungodly amount of snow that gets dumped on your town every year. It means Rhett being outside with Amy while she plays in the snow and he drives the plow truck up and down the driveway to make little snowbanks for her and the neighbor kids that live over the hills. It also means a ton of baked goods and prepping the church for the Christmas Eve services and also celebrating your anniversary (you and Rhett got married on Christmas Eve and your preacher was a sobbing mess when he saw you in your red and gold wedding dress and Amy in one that matched yours). He even lets Amy do the honors of putting out the creche that Royal made and gave to you both as a wedding gift and also lets her leave some homemade milk and cookies and a bag of oats for Santa. Rhett's even been known to referee some seriously intense snowball fights with the parishioners' kids after Sunday services are over too (lol).
Spring is without a doubt your favorite time of year. There's tons of animal births on your land and Rhett takes every opportunity to show Amy how to take care of the critters. Spring also means alot of baptisms at the church and Rhett knows that when this happens your baby fever rages out of control along with his breeding kink (Royal and Cecelia took Amy for a little bit and it ended with the two of you doing unspeakable things in just about every room in the house except for the garage since that was just straight nasty, lol). You and Rhett show Amy where the flowers are just beginning to sprout in your garden, where the buds on the fruit trees and bushes in the orchards are just beginning to open up and the grass beginning to get greener.
Summer is always warm and green, bursting with life. Amy will go out with Rhett and gather the grapes, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and huckleberries from the bushes. You love to hang the wash on the line although you've dropped a few things here and there and your large bump gets in the way, but Amy and Rhett are always there to help you. Mason jars full of sweet peach tea are placed in your kitchen while you and Amy wear your prettiest dresses on Sunday, although the church where Rhett preaches is really old and doesn't have central air yet so every single window has to be open to let the cool air in. It's endless days of swimming at the lake and on the hottest nights, ice cream and popsicles at the local food stands along with outdoor movies.
Fall is more homey for the both of you. Yours and Rhett's first baby is born at the house in fall and that's when you work on all your knitting and crocheting. You've made fingerless knit gloves and blankets for you, Amy and many of the people who live at the shelter downtown. Fall means new Sunday school students, especially those in the high school youth groups as well as gathering leaves, acorns and branches to make fall decorations for the church. Rhett may be a man of God, but he absolutely loves Halloween and everything that comes with it. You can't help but admire the way he and Amy utilize the kitchen and all the baked goods they make and you are all more than content to curl up on the big sectional in your living room to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Casper or even The Goonies which is Amy's favorite.
Sebbie dahling, I know these aren't the smuttiest thoughts/thots in the world but I miss our dear preacher and was thinking about this all day at work (lol).
ohhhhhhh my love! 🥹 i love all of these scenarios/season descriptions so much! i like to think that in another universe, preacher rhett can be like this and he’s not a murderer 🤭 in all universes though, i’m always sure that all preacher rhett wants for you both is a home that you can both call your own and make incredibly special and sweet memories in, as you so perfectly described 🥹 thank you so much for these sweet thoughts my love! mwah! 💌
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dr-lizortecho · 11 months
tagged by the lovely @crepuscularqueens sorry I always take sooo long to get these done, lol
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Roswell New Mexico! Though I dabble in The Vampire Diaries and accept prompts for Lockwood and Co, Fate the Winx Saga, Riverdale and Hadestown
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Something to Celebrate- a short little Chenford dancing scene
Can I lead You Astray?- a rivusa get together fic
Wanna See What’s Under That Attitude- Hallmark Christmas movie fake dating Valevans, which is only so highly rated because I wrote it at fandoms peak interest in the pairing
Swing Life Away- rnm all human au, this was and still is my passion project
Like the Sky- a short missing scene from Lockwood and Co, and an exploration of Lucy’s feelings for Lockwood and Norrie
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I wrote for the community so it’s really cool to discuss the characters
The only exceptions are rude comments get to sit- unless I think it’s a misunderstanding than I’ll respond with a simple redirect and thank you
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Angst is NOT my thing, but probably do you remember? which just has Michael fall asleep before Max can ask about Alex, so it ends in their still fractured pre-show relationship
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All my fic has happy endings pretty much! But the one that probably felt the most joyful to me personally ours which was my first foray into malexa and just ends with the sweetest big group moment
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope! Not since I moved into the rnm fandom, barring like one comment on a Forrest fic all I’ve ever gotten is really really nice interactions <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Haha yes, all kinds. From the softest vanilla euphemism full sex to weak ass bdsm (sorry I haven’t quite got hardcore there yet- like I keep blushing and backing out on letting Max wear a collar)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really- I have one crossover written and another in the works. Rnm/Tvd which kinda writes itself.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope- ik I would be terrible to work with cause I’m super particular, but I’m not against the idea.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
You’re not gonna believe this- Echo
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Joniz kidnapping fic! I started back during s3 and formatted the entire thing, only for them to reveal more info on Jones so I had to replay it, and then he actually kidnapped Liz, fed her and dressed her and I was like ‘this is my fic!’
16. What are your writing strengths?
Idk- I think I put a lot of care and effort into making the characters actions and reactions plausible and realistic, cause I studied psychology for a bit and it’s one of my interests, so I just apply it a little too hard. Which feeds into a weakness cause it means I always feel incapable of characters pov’s I don’t think about an absurd amount
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
New POV’s and commas
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I love it personally- but the little Spanish I did retain from highschool isn’t enough to actually write it (so I use google translate) but I’m hoping once I have more free time to take up duolingo and actually learn it
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Doctor Who
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Swing Life Away- it’s like a child to me, however poorly written
no pressure tags @lilshitwayne @morganadw @ajna-eye-cogitations @beautifulcheat @ladynox @maeglinthebold and anyone who wants to!
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starryriize · 11 months
autumn associations | evnne
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summary: things in pumpkin szn i associate with evnne
a/n: this was so much fun! 🫶🏼 obviously, this post is more fall-centric than just regular associations but i truly do hope you enjoy :) PICS AREN'T MINE  
keita ✦ apple cider donuts, pinterest boards dedicated to Halloween because who wouldn't want to dress up, have a month-long debate of whether "The Night Before Christmas" is a Halloween movie, warm apple pie, pumpkin picking, wearing matching fall outfits with you
hanbin ✦ cold weather which means cool fashion, deciding matching outfits for each day of the fall season, watching cheesy badly-made horror film where you just end up giggling because it's so awfully ridiculous, waking up at 2am to make carrot cake, dancing to frank sinatra (more like hanbin teaching you to dance) in the middle of the night, watching the leaves fall and getting candles
jeonghyeon ✦ constantly asking you which costume he should get for his dog, obsessed with showing you his many coats and scarves, definitely prefers iced coffee even when it’s 45 degrees Fahrenheit, sees the "boo basket" trend on tiktok and makes one for you, kisses your forehead for no reason, watching monster high together while holding hot cocoa
seungeon ✦ did you say karaoke battles until you lose track of time, finishing puzzles while seungeon dries your hair for you, cuddled up in a blanket watching the classic peanuts movies, going out apple picking only for him to cheesily tell you that you're the apple of his eye, holding hands while shopping and not buying anything because you're too in love!!
yunseo ✦ making those iconic Pillsbury shape cookies, wandering around the fall/Halloween section of Target, and buying a pumpkin spice latte for the aesthetic, makes you go on brisk morning walks with him, and you both watch detective shows while making matching fall tie-blankets; definitely serenades you in front of the fireplace just because he thinks you're his entire world
junghyun ✦ buying candy for the halloween season but it's actually just for you both to share, going out for the "spooky" photoshoot trend which means have the hyungs take the pics, proceeding to go shopping and getting distracted by potential costumes for each otherjihoo ✦ you both decided that jumping into leaves was a fun activity until you were laughing so hard that your insides hurt, waking up early to watch the sunrise, running through the leaves and then finding yourselves all the way across town, admiring the city lights of korea
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