#i met a nervous sausage dog today
silvandar · 2 years
Things that make me very happy - when a dog says hello to me and the owner says "wow, you're lucky, he never does that with strangers!"
Me: I'm a dog person and a pagan, and he knows it 😁💕
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withwritersblock · 3 months
More Hearts Than Mine -Her Brother's Hockey Game
~More Hearts Than Mine by Ingrid Andress~ Author's Note: I dreamed about this the other night and I wanted to write it because I think it's cute. Summary: Luke and Y/N go to her brother's championship game Warnings: swearing Word Count: 2,279 Luke Hughes x fm!reader
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He delicately tapped his fingertips onto her shoulder as she stirred. “Baby,” he let out barely above a whisper. She scrunched her features together as she rolled away from him, he chuckled quietly. “Babe,” he let out as he delicately pressed his lips on her exposed shoulder.
“No,” she mumbled as she pulled the blanket closer to her face. He smiled as he slowly ran his hand up and down her arm. 
“We have to go to your brother’s game in two hours,” he explained before he pressed his lips against her cheek. She took in a sharp breath as she reluctantly rolled back over to face him. She slowly opened her eyes as her lips fell into a pout. He smiled once he met her gaze. He leaned down and kissed her cheek once more.
“I can’t believe I agreed to that,” she mumbled as she rubbed her eyes. He laughed as he sat up from his lying position.
“You hate missing his games,” he offered as he ran his fingers through his curly hair. 
“His games used to be in the afternoon, not nine in the morning,” she countered. She let out a huff of air. 
He stood up from the bed, his body shirtless as he walked towards her side of the bed. He leaned down towards her, planting a quick kiss against her lips. He delicately ran his hand across her cheek.  “I’ll make us some breakfast while you go get ready,” he smiled widely before he wandered out of her bedroom towards her kitchen.
She took in a sharp breath as she reluctantly stood up from the bed.
It had been an hour since they had woken up, Luke had prepared an amazing meal. With scrambled eggs, bacon, and sausage. 
After they finished eating, Luke started getting ready as it took a lot less time for him to get ready. She finished appling the last of her makeup as Luke was walking out of the shower. She met his gaze through the mirror as her phone began to vibrate on the counter. Glancing down, she saw her little brother was calling.
She pulled the phone against her ear as she walked out of the bathroom towards the kitchen. “Hey EJ, how are you feeling?” she asked. 
“You and Luke are still coming, right?” he asked. Nervous. That’s what she collected from the first sentence. It was the biggest game in his young high school career. His freshman year of high school was a rough season for the entire time, not even making it to the playoffs. But EJ was riding a 0.93 save record and had four shutouts under his belt. His team was also riding on an average of five goals a game. It was the championship game.
“Yes, we are. We are leaving my apartment in like twenty minutes.”
“Luke doesn’t have to come if he doesn’t want to. I know he’s super busy-”
“He wants to, he has the day off today. You asked him to come, he made time,” Y/N said with a smile as she ran her fingers through her hair. She was wearing an old high school hockey sweater she had when she went to school there. 
“Okay, I just don’t want him to think he has to go. I mean it’s just a dumb high school game. He’s been playing elit-”
“Elijah, you play your game. Luke isn’t there as an NHL player, he’s there as my boyfriend supporting my little brother. You don’t try to impress him, you play how you’ve always played,” she tried to be reassuring. 
She watched Luke walk out of her bedroom, rubbing a towel hard against his hair. She wanted to scold him because his hair was too pretty to be towel dryed like a damn dog.
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m glad you guys are going to be here,” he said before taking in a sharp breath. “I gotta go, Coach just got in the locker room,” he hung up the phone. Y/N put her phone back into her pocket. 
“Is he okay?” he asked as he dropped the towel into the washer as he had began to do a load of laundry of his clothes. It was her apartment but he had spent so much time there, they were practically living together at that point. 
“Yeah, he’s nervous,”
“I’m sure, it’s a big game,” he mumbled before he walked back into the bedroom. She followed him, “I mean he’s a goalie, shit’s a lot of pressure,” Luke mumbled as he took a hold of a black Devils snapback and put it on his head backwards. He looked towards Y/N for approval and she nodded with a smirk on her lips.
“He wants to impress you, I can tell,” she mumbled as she walked towards him, wrapping her arms around the center of his back. He chuckled nervously as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing the side of her head.
“He’s the starting goalie at fifteen against eighteen year olds. That’s already impressive and he’s got four shutouts too? He’s badass,” Luke expressed as he slowly ran his hand up and down her back.
The boys were already on the ice when Luke and Y/N walked through the bleachers towards her family. Her parents, sister, grandparents, and a few of her uncles were there as well. “Oh, yay!” her mom shouted as she spotted both Y/N and Luke walked towards them. Luke kept his hands in his hoodie pocket, as the ice rink was small and a lot colder than he remembered. 
“Mark, Jonathan, Mom, Dad, this is Y/N’s boyfriend Luke!” her mother offered after she gave Y/N and Luke a quick hug. Mark and Jonathan were smiling widely as they offered Luke a handshake. Y/N’s grandparents only smiled politely towards him as they were not fond of their grandchildren dating. Despite Y/N being twenty.
“You’re kidding,” Jonathan said as he rested his hands on his hips. 
“Hi Uncle J,” Y/N said as she rolled her eyes playfully. 
“Sorry, Kiddo, it’s your fault you got a celebrity boyfriend who’s more exciting,” Jonathan said as gave Y/N a quick hug as Mark did the same thing. Luke chuckled shyly at the word celebrity. 
“Oh sit, sit,” her mother offered. Luke sat down beside Y/N, delicately resting his hand on her thigh furthest from him, as he pulled her closer. “We’ve got an extra blanket if you guys want it?” she asked but before either of them could answer she was already handing it to Y/N. Y/N covered her lap with the blanket and gave Luke some of it but he brushed it off. 
EJ skated towards the bench to get some water when his teammate Kyle smacked his hand onto his shoulder. “Dude, is that fucking Luke Hughes sitting with your hot ass sister?” Elijah turned around to look towards the bleachers, feeling his heartbeat quicken. He cringed at the choice of words regarding his older sister but he brushed it off.
“Uh, yeah, he’s sorta dating my sister,” EJ mumbled as he stared towards his family and Luke.
Y/N nudged Luke slightly as she leaned towards him, whispering, “You’ve been spotted,” Luke looked towards the bench to see EJ and his teammate staring towards their small group in the bleachers. Luke smiled before switching his gaze towards Y/N.
“Yay,” he said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes playfully before she rested her head onto his shoulder. Luke’s hand was still gliding slowly up and down her thigh as it felt good to feel her next to him. It calmed him down.
The teams skated off the ice to allow the zamboni to replenish the ice. Her mom bumped into Y/N’s shoulder, “Why did Elijah want to be a goalie? I just feel panic for sixty minutes, all the other mom’s get to have a few minutes to relax,” 
Luke smiled as he replied for Y/N, “My mom always had trouble finding us on the ice, at least you’ll know where EJ is the whole game,” her mom laughed as she nodded her head.
“I never thought of it that way!” she let out as she chuckled. 
The game finally started and it was evident that EJ was going to have a busy game. It was only the first five minutes of the game and he had to stop seven shots already as one of his teammates got a penalty. 
Luke was fully involved in the game, his head moving back and forth as the puck was up and down the ice. He would cringe and jerk his head back any time the puck would hit EJ. Letting out a sigh of relief any time he would make a save.
Sure, he loved the game of hockey. Of course, he was going to be fully involved in the game but it was the way he cared. He cared about EJ and has shown that he cares about him since the first time he met him. 
They watched as the opposing team wristed a shot from the blue line and after a deflection it went past EJ. He dropped his head as he immediately went to dig the puck out of his net. Half of the rink erupted into cheers as her family slumped slightly. “He’s solid, that was impossible to see. He’s got this,” Luke reassured as he squeezed her thigh. 
She smiled towards him as she rested her hand on top of his. Within thirty seconds his teammates tied the game and her family shot up and cheered. “His boys got ‘em,” Luke mumbled as he kissed her cheek. 
Right off the face off, the defensemen practically fell as they allowed the centerman of the opposing team skate one on one with Elijah. With a glove save, the game reamined tied. 
Luke let out a huff of air as he shook his head, “That was nasty,” he said as he leaned forward, completely utterly invested in the game. “There better be scouts in this building because goddamn,”
The game remained tied at 1-1 for the rest of regulation. EJ had stopped the remainder of the thirty-six shots he faced. The boys were skating around on the ice waiting for the referees to get set up from the overtime period. 
“Does he do that every game?” Luke asked as they watched EJ face the net and tap his stick against the pipes. Y/N nodded as she stared towards her little brother, who keeps growing. 
She pictures her little brother at five years old with his stick that was as tall as him. To now, ten years later, six foot three and towering over many of his teammates. He bowed his head against the pipes before he got in position as the puck dropped. 
“He’s done the same ritual since he was like eight,” she mumbled as she looped her arm around his own.
For the first two minutes, the puck seemed to be stuck in the neutral zone. “My heart is beating out of my chest,” Y/N mumbled as she watched the puck be tossed into the offensive zone.
After a few passes, there was a turn over and two players of the opposing team were heading straight towards EJ. “Oh fuck,” Luke muttered as his hands covered his mouth. One of EJ’s defensman was able to get back to try and help stop the shot. 
After looking off his teammate, he fires the puck towards EJ. He makes the stop but the puck bounces out towards the other player. EJ was left in an awkward position, which practically allowed the other team to get an easy empty net. But EJ flew his body towards the player as he released the puck. EJ saved the puck with a glove save as he collapsed on the side. The entire ice rink gasped. 
Luke tilted his head back as he let out a laugh, “Oh my god!” he said in disbelief. The referee blew his whistle to stop the play. “How the hell did he save that?” Luke turned and looked towards Y/N. She let out a nervous laugh.
After a few more minutes of overtime, his team did it. They scored the game winning goal. His entire family jumped into the air excitedly. Luke quickly wrapped Y/N tightly in a hug. Their gaze returned to the ice to see his entire team skating towards him, pummiling him in hugs.
The families were allowed to come onto the ice to celebrate with the players. Luke and Y/N hung back, allowing her parents to get photos and celebrate with EJ. After a few minutes, EJ wandered towards Luke and Y/N. He quickly hugged Y/N. “Thank you for coming, sis,” he mumbled as he pulled away.
“I’ll always be here for the big ones, you know that,” she let out as she wiped a tear that had suddenly fallen onto her cheek. EJ smiled towards Luke, Luke initiated the hug. EJ hugged him quickly. 
“Dude, you’re fucking nasty.” Luke said as he pulled away while laughing. 
“Thanks man,” EJ let out while smiling.
“You’re teammates better be kissing your feet after that performance,” Luke let out as he crossed his arms over his chest. EJ shrugged with a wide smile. “I’m serious, EJ. One of these days I’ll be shooting against you,” Luke praised. 
“You mean that?” 
“Hell yeah, Scouts are going to be all over your ass after today,”
“Let me get a photo!” her mom shouted towards them.
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bearcubstory · 11 months
goodnight, night light 🌙
regressor!will had a bad day at work and gets ready for bed with a doting carer!hannibal looking after him 💛
🐻 this is my first time posting any kind of fanfic online for years i am a bit nervous... i hope i did an okay job! pls enjoy this short hannibal piece 🫶
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will sat at the edge of his bed, swinging his legs. it was a little past his normal bedtime, since hannibal had let him stay up to watch an extra episode of bluey before bed and drink a bottle of warm milk.
the older man was being more lenient with will's rules today, since the regressor had a particularly bad day at work and returned home in the evening completely nonverbal.
currently, a few hours later and still nonverbal, will was content and sitting on the bed, waiting for hannibal to finish choosing tonight's pyjamas from the walk-in wardrobe within their shared bedroom.
even regressed, will didnt care too much for what he wore, and usually entrusted his papa with making such decisions. although hannibal sometimes made him wear fancy clothes, such as silky button up shirts with expensive trims, the older man often respected will's preference for basic clothes, especially whilst he was small.
a minute later, as will was starting to doze off where he sat, head nodding against his shoulder, hannibal reappeared in the bedroom, a beige onesie decorated with sleepy brown sausage dogs resting easily on his arm.
"here we are, my little fawn" the caregiver crouched in front of his baby, holding the chosen pyjamas up in front of him. his voice was soft, gentle and warm, like slowly dripping honey. will melted.
"what do you think of this?"
the regressor simply chewed on his jumper sleeve and nodded an affirmative, but this was enough for his papa, who gave him a fond smile, before the two stood up and will began to get undressed.
once changed into the dog onesie- hannibal helped him after the little one tried to fit his head through a sleeve- it was time for will to settle properly into bed.
he'd brushed his teeth and went to the toilet ten minutes prior, and winston was already waiting for him, curled up at the end of the bed and blissfully snoozing.
"bed time, mylimasis" hannibal pulled back a corner of the plush duvet so that will could climb fully into bed, before he moved onto plumping up the pillows to his baby's liking.
will obediently crawled under the covers and laid back on the now sufficiently plump pillows. he raised his fingers to his mouth before moving them again, sleepily signing a 'thank you'.
"you are welcome, little lamb" hannibal murmured, happy with will's good manners. he moved to the bedside table, switching off the lamp.
across the room by the bedroom door, a plug in night light in the shape of a crescent moon glowed faintly in the darkness.
"goodnight, sweet will"
hannibal was met with a tiny snore in response.
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thebookwormfairy · 5 years
Captain the Retired Police Dog Part 4
Back by popular demand here's Part 4. I just want to thank everybody for reading this. Also Shout out to all the Mummy fans and Maribat discord users thank y'all for hyping me up!
The next morning Damain met Marinette and Captain bright and early 
He was determined to make this day one of the best in Marinette’s life
He was so excited that he didn’t notice his brothers’ strange facsination with his plans
Jason:  So what’s your plan for today? How are you going to top last night’s  movie marthon?
Damain: Not that it’s any of your business, but Marinette, Captain, and I are going to the park where she met me as Damain, then the botanical gardens, and then we’re going to explore the city some more.
Dick:  Not bringing Titus with you this time, Baby Bird?
Damain:  He’s still exsahuted from the late night last night.
Bruce *drinking coffee*:  You should bring Ace with you then.  She needs a day out.
Ace who’s been sitting at Bruce’s feet shot her head up to look at him
Like she really wanted to be stuck with two love stuck teenagers and Titus’ friend
Damain:  Not a bad idea father.  Come on girl let’s head out
Ace just rolled her eyes but went with Damain either way 
 At worst she’ll get some exercise and out of the manor
At best she’ll make a new friend
Once Damain and Ace were out of the house and the other Wayne boys got to work
Dick: Alright men we can do this, all we have to do is decide when to ambush the happy couple.
Jason: I say we do it right when Demon Spawn picks up his Angel
Tim: No too dangerous.  He’ll spot us before she even gets out of her hotel
Dick: What about after the botanical gardens?  We can trail them from a distance until they get in the building then all we have to do is wait outside until they come out.
Jason: GENIUS! And there’s no way for him to avoid us.  
Alfred:  Don’t you have jobs to do
Dick:  We’re pulling a Bruce
Bruce glared at his 3 boys unamused 
Bruce: Just make sure to get plenty of pictures
Jason *saluting*:  Will do
With that the 3 adopted Waynes ran out to inact their plan
Alfred:  Are you sure this is wise sir?
Bruce: If they don’t push Damain we may never meet Marinette
In the hotel Marinette was getting ready for her date with Damain
Tikki: Don’t over think it too much Marinette, Damain really likes you I can tell.
Marinette:  I know Tikki, but I can’t help but be nervous.  What if I do something wrong and he never wants to see me again?
Tikki:  That’s just Lila getting into your head don’t let her.  You are one of the greatest ladybugs I have the priviledge of working with.  Anybody would be lucky to have you as a friend or a romantic partner
Marinette: Thanks Tikki. Your right like always.
Marinette head her phone ding with a notification
Marinette: It's Damian he's waiting for us in the lobby let's go Captain
Down in the lobby Damian was getting a taste of Lila
Lila was holding trying to get a hold of Damian's arm, but Ace was doing a good job at keeping the annoying girl at a distance
Lila: Oh what a beautiful dog. You know I do a lot of volunteer work in animal shelters with Damian Wayne. You know Dami's such an animal lover
Alya: Oh really Lila that's so giving of you.
Damian: You know Damian Wayne?
Lila: I know not many people know. But you probably think the worst of me thanks to Marinette. She's so cruel to me for no reason
Lila started to pretend cry making Alya and the rest of her sheep flock to comfort the "distressed" girl
Damian was in disbelief about how gullible Marinette's class seemed to be.
He was a little relieved to see that some of the class didn't see it buy it.
A blonde girl, pink hair girl, and Asian boy stood at a distance and just rolled their eyes
Chloe, Alix, and Kim have been disillusioned to Lila's lies
Chloe new from the very beginning just didn't see a reason to say anything
Alix and Kim found out over time, they felt like it was too late to do anything and feared ending up like Marinette
So they are biding their time waiting for the best time to exposed Lila
Damian was happy that they didn't fall for this girl's lies, but not so happy that they didn't speak up
Lila tried once again to grab onto Damian's arm, but Ace being the good girl she is growled a little at Lila who once again jumped back
Damian: Sorry about that Ace isn't good with sudden movements. As for Marinette she actually hasn't mentioned you. The only she she told me about anybody in her class was that she was here with them. She does speak a lot about her friends Luka and Kagami though
Lila was surprised she was sure she could use Marinette's whining against her
Lila: Oh how rude of Marinette-
Damian: Actually I don't see anything rude about not mentioning somebody who clearly wants to but her down.
At this point Marinette and Captain walked into the Lobby
Damian: Hey Angel
Damian pulled Marinette into a side hug and giving her a kiss to the side of her head being careful to keep the two dogs at a distance for now
Marinette *giggling*: Hey Damian. Who's this
Marinette looked down at the German Sheperd connected to Damian
Damian: This is Ace. Titus was still tired from last night and I didn't want Captain to get lonely and she could use a day out
Marinette: Well hello Ace
Marinette bent down slightly and let Ace sniff her hand
Ace gave her hand a little sniff, she decided to let the girl give her a pet
Not to mention Ace could sense that she was a lot better then that sausage hair girl
Marinette gave Ace a nice little head rub
Marinette: Well aren't you a pretty girl
Lila seethed in her place she tried to get that stupid dog to let her pet it 10 times, and Marinette just has to let it sniff her hand and it'll let her touch it
Damian: Come on Marinette I got a big day planned for us
Damian wrapped his arm around Marinette shoulder leading Marinette and their dogs out of the hotel, but he stopped right before the door
Damian: And Lila maybe you should make sure you know what a person looks like before you lie about them. I would suggest you look up what Damian Wayne looks like.
With that Damian, Marinette, and the 2 dogs left the hotel
Alix intrigued by Marinette's mysterious boys comment looked up Damian Wayne and burst out laughing
The others in the lobby looked at the pink hair girl in confusion
Alix: No wonder he warned you about looking people up.
Alix showed the picture on her phone to her classmates
Kim: Omg he was Damian Wayne!
Lila faced grew red and quickly tried to cover her tracks
Lila: Oh I must have gotten him confused with someone else. Haha you know I meet with soo many people
Lila's sheep laughed with her, but Lila could sense that she lost a little bit of her hold on them with that slip up
At the park
Marinette: You didn't have to do that Damian?
Damian: And why wouldn't I Angel. She tried to threaten you and she was stupid enough to try and use me to impress ME she deserved to be called out a bit.
Marinette and Damian kept talking while Captain and Ace got to know eachother
Captain had to admit he was a bit smittened by this German sheperd
She looked gorgeous and had a good head on her shoulders
But most importantly he could tell she loved her humans just as much as he loved his
Ace: So you really us to be a police dog?
Captain trying to impress Ace: Yep and I still remember all my training. My girl and I run through courses on the weekends to keep it up, but enough about me tell me about you.
Ace in a bit of a flirty tone: Well I don't mean to brag, but me and my humans go through a lot of training too. I actually have a couple of humans. Though inhave to admit my favorite one is the leader of the pack. He's called Alfred. I didn't have the best puppy hood. Alfred's pup, Bruce, found me and helped other people take me to a shelter. Alfresco came a couple of days later and picked me up. He helped me overcome my past and convinced Bruce to keep me. Now I have a pretty cushy life.
Captain: I can relate to that.
Marinette watched as her big tough retired police dog cuddle with Ace. She could already tell her boy was starting to fall for Ace.
Captain laid his head over Ace's and Marinette couldn't help but aww
Damian wrapping his arm around Marinette as they sit under a tree: What's on your mind Mari?
Marinette: It seems like Captain had fallen for Ace
Damian: I'd have to agree with that and it looks to me like the feelings mutual
The two couples stayed in the park for 2 hours alternating playing and cuddling
Damian: You're going to love this next stop Angel
Marinette: Where are we going?
Damian: You'll see when we get there. Don't you trust me?
Marinette with a small smile: Yes
Once they got to the botanical gardens Marinette loved it!
All the flowers and planets gave her plenty of inspiration and Damian let her stop and draw as much as she wanted without getting impatient or annoyed
He even commented and gave feed back and suggestions to some of Marinette's designs
Damian was just enjoying watching Marinette's face throughout the whole experience.
Her face was so open and showed every emotion that she felt and Damian just couldn't turn away
The dogs also had a great time getting to see new sights and smells.
But in Damian's opinion all that was ruined when they walked outside and saw his brothers
Jason: Hey Demon Spawn
Dick: Omg they're both cuddling hurry get a pictur!!!
Jason watching Damianwalk out with his arm around Marinette: Damn I didn't know demon spaw could be so smooth. Hurry get a picture
Tim: Look at them playing with the dogs! Hurry get a picture
Both Dick and Jason gave him a weird look
Tim: Oh right I'm holding the camera.
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Okay I can feel y'alls annoyance with the cliffhanger, sorry.
@felicityroth @northernbluetongue
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Books are Better Than People
TITLE: Books are better than People CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: 17 AUTHOR: dance-in-moonlight ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine  taking Loki to the biggest library in the world, The Tianjin Binhai  Library in China. As soon as you walk in, he’s like a kid in a candy  store as he doesn’t know where to start with 1.2 million books  surrounding him… RATING: T NOTES/WARNINGS: Hey guys… first of all, thank you if you patiently waited and are still reading. I’ve been gone for a long time and I’m really sorry for this. I was busy, then depressed, and then unmotivated. But I found my love for writing again and I desperately want to finish this fanfiction on a good note, so expect more chapters to come (I promise I won’t take so long this time). I’m aware this fic is very fluffy and family friendly, and I think I’d like to keep it that way. I hope you’re okay with this. Now have fun with the new chapter. :)
ADDITION: You are Tony’s personal assistant.
The soft noise of water was the first thing you heard in the morning, accompanied by wind and then, the more you woke up, more sounds. Seagulls cawing against the sound of the sea, voices shouting now and then, the sound of some kind of machine by the docks; all almost carried away by the sea’s loud voice. You smiled, still half asleep. you had always loved the ocean. You’d definitely had to walk down there today and spend some time on the beach.
With a yawn you turned around and made yourself comfortable on the pillow again, ready to fall asleep for another few minutes when your hand brushed something warm. It took you a minute to catch up, then you opened your eyes with a smile. Loki lay inches apart from you, his face half-hidden by the pillow. His raven hair was hanging into his eyes and neck messily, moving slightly with every breath he took. His shoulder and one arm came out from under the blanket, bare and draped beside his pillow. Everything about him was peaceful and relaxed, the soft morning light added to it, making him look like a whole other person. He looked a good five years younger without the stress or bitterness in his expression. It was a beautiful picture, and you were truly thankful to be there to witness it.
Footsteps passed the bedroom door and seemed to be headed to the front of the house. The following clanking of pots made you conclude that the other Odinson had gotten up to make breakfast. So maybe it would be okay to wake him up, wouldn’t it? At least you had an excuse to reach out and tuck the loose strands of hair back behind his ear. You couldn’t resist to trace your fingers along the side of his face, the sharp line of his jaw, the soft skin in the curve of his neck. You stroked the exposed shoulder and followed the arm downward, noticing the muscles underneath the skin. Finally you reached his hand, tracing your fingertips along his slim fingers and intertwined them. That seemed to do the trick. He stretched his neck and legs slowly, yawned, and with a tight grip on your hand he opened his eyes. You stared into two pools of moss, slightly darker than last night but just as deep and shiny.
“Good morning, sunshine”, you murmured and smiled through your lashes. You were very aware of the pillow lines on your face, your messy hair and your morning breath. Not a very pleasant sight in your mind. Loki seemed to disagree, for he eyed you and then reached out to pull you close without a word. You felt an arm beneath your neck, the other one was loosely draped over your side, and your face met his pale chest. This close you could perfectly examine every little detail of it.
“No, not good. Too early”, he groaned into your hair huskily, making you grin amused. So he was not a morning person.
“I suppose I can give you five minutes”, you replied and wiggled closer until you could lean your face against his chest. His flowery-mossy-musky scent immediately surrounded you, as well as his warmth.
“Hm, maybe ten”, you murmured and closed your eyes again. He didn’t make a sound, perhaps he was dozing off again. You didn’t mind, this moment could have gone on for hours if it had been up to you. __________________________________________________________
“Wake up brother, I made coffee! Come on, it is almost noon!” Thor’s voice thundered through the door, accompanied by loud thumping of fist on wood. You groaned and rubbed your eyes, then peeled yourself off Loki and sat up. You had napped in a tight hug before, but you had to get up before Thor destroyed the door. 
“We got it, give us two minutes”, you called out and ended in a yawn. Your gaze fell on the clock on the wall and you shook your head in disbelief. It was 8.30 am. Almost noon, really? So Thor was a morning person, Loki was not. Interesting. Maybe that was where their differences lay. 
“Y/N? Oh. I see. I’m sorry if I interrupted you!” 
“No no no, it’s okay Thor, really. We were just sleeping”, you quickly replied, a blush forming on your cheeks. Beside you Loki grunted and slid an arm around your hips. You smiled, part nervous part amused, and snaked your fingers through his hair. 
“Get up, your brother made breakfast. Doesn’t that sound good, hm?” 
“Is the sun even up? Anything before 9 o'clock is night”, came the muffled reply. You shook your head smiling and got up alone, grabbed another set of his clothes and marched into the bathroom. 
Fifteen minutes later the three of you sat on barstools on the kitchen counter, steaming cups of coffee and plates with sausages and eggs in front of you. Thor was devouring food like he hadn’t eaten in days, but still managed to keep a conversation. Loki was quiet, hugging his mug, looking more or less awake. You felt quite good; the food was great, the morning was beautiful and your clothes were comfy. You had stolen black straight cut jeans and a yellow turtleneck, both a tad too large but it passed as stylish. The 70s were back after all. 
Thor seemed to think of the same topic, for he used his fork to point at you. 
“We can get you new clothes, they’re a bit large.” 
You smiled and shrugged in reply. “I could find them like this in the women’s section labeled ‘boyfriend jeans’, it’s no big deal. And wide sweaters and pullovers are stylish too.” Loki looked up from his cup and chuckled in your direction. 
“They technically are, hm?” 
“Boyfriend jeans”, he clarified and watches your expression over the rim of his cup.
“Oh…Are they? “ Your heart jumped a little at what he was implying. It was a little rushed maybe, you met a couple days ago and so far you had kissed him, nothing more. Then again it felt like you knew him for ages anyway. You felt like a teenager that had no idea how a relationship worked, but you were happy with it.
“I should hope so.” He smiled warmly and leaned over to kiss your cheek. You looked down, beaming into your cup. A hysteric giggle escaped your throat, you hid it with a cough. Best day ever. 
“Congratulations”, Thor said from the other side of the counter between two bites of egg. He didn’t seem the slightest bit surprised or disturbed gladly. 
_________________________________________________________ After breakfast you gathered jackets and went outside. Wind hit you immediately, and you were suddenly thankful for your leather jacket. You had asked to see the ocean, but Thor wanted to go for another quest for land - he had mentioned someone named Valkyrie- so you agreed to go shopping first and then split up. 
Loki casually slid his hand into yours as you walked down the street, quietly for once. You intertwined your fingers and leaned into him as you looked at the adorable little houses and shops you passed. Apparently there was something like a mall near, but you didn’t quite believe it. 
You took the bus - Loki didn’t feel like teleporting three adults, it was too exhausting - and landed in a city, a little larger than the town but still somewhat idyllic, nothing compared to New York. 
The boys seemed to know their way around, for they immediately knew the right way to the mall and lead you there quickly. Not even ten minutes had passed until you stood in front of it. You were surprised. They had advertised it in a way that lead you to expecting something…larger. 
“Wow boys…that’s not a mall”, was the first thing you said. It was barely a small town shopping center. Loki looked at you with a raised brow, quietly shaking his head. 
“No I didn’t mean-… I mean if they have clean clothes, it’s enough for me”, you tried to save the situation. You heard Thor laugh behind you, it reminded you of the sound of thunder. 
“I am certain we will find something”, Loki - your boyfriend, eek! - replied quietly and pulled you into the building. It was larger than it looked from outside, and quite a lot of people were swarming the stores. You couldn’t help but sarcastically think that every citizen of this little town must have been present. After all you were a big town girl, the countryside was beautiful but you never really got used to it. 
The three of you went into the first shop to look for clothes. You strolled through the isles, looking at interesting pieces while the men followed you like obedient dogs. Although you had said earlier that any clothes would be fine, you found yourself shopping soon after. 
It took you a while, but eventually you decided for a pair of high-waist blue jeans and a knitted pullover in creme. The tight jeans and the wide pullover made a nice mix in your opinion and the boys seemed to agree. 
“It’s beautiful”, you murmured as you gazed upon the beach. The cool air threw strands of your hair into your face and made you shiver, but it was amazing nevertheless. In front of you was nature in its wildest state: thick grey clouds hung above the dark and wind-lashed sea, a storm was coming. The boats that were tied to the quay jumped with every wave, helpless against the sea’s strength. 
“It’s cold and grey”, Loki replied quietly and grabbed your hands to warm them. You shook your head and looked at him. 
“But the forces of nature are amazing to watch. It’s so…" 
"Wild and untamed”, Thor completed your sentence from your other side. You turned your head to look at him. His fists were in his pockets, he stood relaxed against the wind and let it play with his hair and beard while he looked at something far out in the sea. As the God of thunder he probably loved storms, you thought. 
“I see”, his little brother murmured and now slid both of his arms around you. You bit your lip to hide the smile that was building on your face as you felt his warmth through your jacket and his chest against your back.
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unicyclehippo · 4 years
Your prompt fills are delightful, but not as delightful as you are, Ollie.
hey cheers mate listen that’s real nice but listen this is important n i gotta tell someone , im nearly catatonic bc ggueSs what is a real thing that u can do that i did today? i went to a PUPPY CAFE u get to sit with PUPPIES and PAT THEM thats right
i met a teeny australian shepherd & there was a border collie who went to sleep on a pile of bricks 🧱 & there was a german sherperd crossed ridgeback i think is what they’re called & he was SO cute & i love him he’s the Softest dog i have ever had the privilege of patting & i was nervous the whole time bc they’re SMALL but also bc u gotta sanitize ur hands up to ur elbows & step in vetenarian grade bleach & the whole time im like but hang on this isn’t comprehensive what if im carrying some kind of bug on my person or on the top of my shoes or smth?? a teeny sausage dog nibbled on my shoelaces what if there are bacterias or whatever on my shoelaces?? anyway other than the overwhelming panic of immediate love for these tiny dogs, i had a great time patting them
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polygamyff · 4 years
49. Part 3
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It’s a weird feeling to feel like this, I am relieved to have met them, I am happy in a weird way. I feel like Daphne gives me such a calming vibe, such a neutering emotion she gives. To see the emotion all of that family holds for my dad, wow I am actually saying dad. Seeing those pictures really felt heart-warming to me, I now see it. I never looked like Thomas, but I mean who am I to question it when everyone said I looked my like my mom, I never did look like him. I feel good, they are so appreciative. Maybe this was missing in my life too, I wouldn’t blame my mom because I am sure she made the right decision for me at that moment in time. I think I have realised I don’t have any feelings towards Thomas, I couldn’t forgive the man because he treated me like a piece of shit and I don’t think I want him to even see me, I wish my mom will let that go because he deserves nothing from me. He treated me like all those years meant nothing, I can’t do it. He called me a whore for finding a man, I just can’t accept that, and he doesn’t deserve it. He should have loved me no matter what, he looked after me like his own and he should have stuck to that. I just can’t accept it but right now, I am in a good place “you’re quiet in the back” Maurice said “preparing myself for the argument” I said, Maurice laughed. He laughed like anything was funny about what he said about his mother “come on Robyn, it doesn’t need to be like this does it?” I shrugged; he will learn that I am not playing about “what did you do now?” Jay said, Jay knows this nigga does nothing but annoy me “nothing really, just Robyn being a drama queen. You know me? I speak the truth?” watching Maurice patring Jay’ shoulder like he’s right in any of this “I am not involved in any of this, nope!” Jay is clever because he doesn’t want the smoke with me either. Maurice thinks it’s a joke, everything is a joke to him “how is the family Robyn? Let’s all ignore Maurice” Jay turned in the front seat to look at me “nice, very emotional. I want to know so much more about him. It’s weird but I feel like there is a connection there, seeing those baby picture of him, he looks like Reign and me. I just, it was emotional Jay” he cooed out “that is sweet, shit like this is amazing. Bringing families together and stuff, when I got them. They asked who I was, I said I am a family friend. The lady, she is so sweet she said how is Robyn? What is she like?. I goes oh she is nice, she has a big heart. Be nice to her, they were all so cool. I get the feeling they have never recovered from their son dying, they mentioned him in the elevator” even Jay noticed that “like it’s been years and they haven’t, it’s sad” I find it sad because I could have had my real dad.
Walking behind Jay up the steps, who needs a gym when these stairs do it for me “is little mess asleep?” she must be asleep, I can imagine. Moving my head to the side to see “oh she is, you’re back. She fell asleep in her activity jumper, she wouldn’t let me put her to sleep. She just fell asleep now” oh Reign was playing up, that is not shocking “thank you Ally, for taking care of her. She wasn’t too much was she?” seeing Reign in her activity jumper, she looks exhausted “that girl of mine” shaking my head “she didn’t want to drink her milk, so like I left it here” Ally passed it me “and then I put her in there because I needed to go to pee and I didn’t want her to move, when I came back she fell asleep. Then you guys came” Reign hasn’t drank any of the milk “thank you though Ally, she can be a little bossy when she wants, I understand. Sometimes you need to trick her into having milk” let me get her out of this jumper, she is something else this girl. I will wake her to have this milk, or let her wake up crying when she wants it, see what happens with that “did everything go ok?” Ally asked “it did thanks, very well. I was nervous for nothing, and Maurice was no help” picking Reign out “it’s ok baby, it’s mommy” Reign woke up like who the fuck is touching me “that is a lie, I helped” here he is “ssshhh, it’s ok” placing Reign over my shoulder “if you say, I am going upstairs now. Goodnight everyone” I hope Reign wakes up so I can feed her.
Reign flat out just fell asleep again as soon as I laid her on the bed “what happened to Reign’ bedroom?” it’s annoying me, I cannot believe this “oh you really picking out fights today” Maurice said “no, it’s legit, what is happening? I am not picking a fight, why is it so long? Is it a grand opening?” I don’t get it “AI said he needs to fix the electronical circuit in the room, that is it. It’s done then, tomorrow, latest ok? Now can we be friends?” shaking my head “I want you to be truthful with me, do you actually feel that way about your mom? You can’t say those words Maurice, it’s not nice” Maurice does not want to talk about it, but we are right now “ok, so I feel disappointed in my mom and I will never forgive her, it still stands Robyn that she was with my dad for money. If she cared for me, she would honestly got me back. What you told me made it even worse, why didn’t she say that before huh? Tell me that Robyn, why didn’t she threaten him before why? I would have loved to be bought up with my siblings, you know that. It’s just bullshit, shit is too late. Mami bought me up, how you think I felt when my dad told me my mom let me go to be with him, she didn’t need another child after Nalah and then she had Malik, maybe my dad lied but I was a child. My mom didn’t think of me and you told me that? Where was she when I was a baby and I needed a mother, she is a bitch, she is a stupid useless money grabbing bitch and I will never like her. I will just put face with her, I told my dad to not hit her because you don’t hit women, but other then that fuck her. So now you know, I am going to get changed” Maurice stormed off, he needs to stop calling her this. I need to personally know who Joy is, I don’t think a mother would be like that. I don’t see it, he is seeing and feeling what his dad fed him.
I knew Reign would wake up; she wants her milk now. She usually likes holding her own bottle but not this time, she wants me to do it “did you miss mommy?” Reign is just staring at me as she drinks her milk “well I did, put your baby grow on once you fall asleep” looking back up at the TV, catching up with The Kardashian’s, I love trash TV and I am behind on episodes. I am trying to concentrate on this, but my mind is on this issue with Joy and Maurice, I mean for him to say to his dad don’t hit her, he does care. There is some care there, there has to be, but he is hurt, and I understand. The bathroom door opened, looking over at him and I had to double take “really? What if I so happened to let Jay come in? Walking around butt naked for?” I asked frowning at him “I am air drying, I can’t be bothered to dry myself so I am walking around to dry myself” shaking my head looking back at the TV “well don’t come here all wet, Reign is settling down” I don’t want his bare ass all in my face “I thought she was sleeping?” he asked, I don’t appreciate him stood there naked “you’re not sexy at all, stop it and she woke up. She didn’t have her milk that is why. So, are you going to dry yourself so we can talk?” Maurice groaned out walking off “I don’t want to talk Robyn, just let’s think about your family. Not mine” he wants to divert the conversation.
Maurice is finally back but with some boxers on “better, didn’t want to see that tiny sausage” Maurice jumped on the bed “hey! Watch it, Reign is there” my poor daughter got scared, he is so stupid “turn this shit off though, it’s wack” Maurice pointed “no, and also. I feel you have gained weight” Maurice frowned at me “also, this big dick be making you moan so loudly, don’t give me that shit, you can’t sit there and tell me my dick is small” shaking my head while watching The Kardashian’s still “your dick is small” I repeated “Maurice!” I shouted, watching the projector fold away “are you being real? Give me the remote now” holding my hand out “you said I am fat and my dick is small” I couldn’t help but laugh “so, give me” Maurice shook his head “ok fine, let’s talk” I said, Maurice rolled his eyes “about what? You know how I feel” reaching my hand over, placing my hand at the side of Maurice’ face “I feel like you do care, somewhere in your heart you do. You’re hurt and I get it. I have been thinking and Paula can visit, she can’t stay. Deal?” Maurice is not happy with that, I can tell “why the change?” he questioned “because” I dragged out moving my hand “I thought back to Spain, I saw the happiness in your eyes. I see you do love her, I don’t want to ruin that for you, she was nice to me but I can’t accept you saying bitch to your mom” I thought until I do my own research with Joy, I will leave it “I can take that, but are you excited about tomorrow. The meal?” nodding my head “thank you, you supported me. I love you so much” Maurice got up and started to crawl over to me “watch Reign will you” Maurice growled before licking the side of my face “Maurice” I laughed before nearly falling off the bed “I swear, you’re so bad” turning my face to him, he pressed a kiss to my lips “Latin mama, I see you” I chuckled “who would have thought” I said laughing.
Reign is really fighting me on this “Reign! Stop it, let mommy see your teeth coming through!” I spat, Reign screamed out “Pootie!” I have Maurice humping and Reign fighting me, she does not want me to see it “ok, fine. Mommy won’t look, calm down” moving back “why do you have to be like this?” looking behind me “I just saw your tee ride up and I was like I need hump her” playfully hitting his arm “dog” Maurice pointed at my phone, looking to the side table seeing my mom calling “woah!” Maurice flew by me, looking to the bed and seeing Maurice just only caught Reign “oh god, Reign” I totally neglected her there but Reign wasn’t phased by it, she giggled because Maurice caught her, she thought it was a game “it’s ok, mommy is bad” side eyeing Maurice “that bedroom better be done! Hi mommy” AI is here so the room has to be done now “Robbie, I didn’t want to call you yesterday because it was a big day but I have been stressed thinking about you, how was it baby?” bless my mother “well I was waiting for you to pick up but you didn’t call, what can I say mom. You was so right in saying he was a good man, I understand why you cried speaking about him” my mother breathed out “now you know baby, he was a great guy. How were they, please tell me” sitting on the edge of the bed “so nice mom, they are so appreciative of me. Daphne said she felt it in her heart that her son lived on and mom! He reminded me Reign as a baby, they showed me his baby picture and he had a bald patch the exact place Reign did, Wesley is Latin, well half Latin. I met Kiano. Mom, they are everything, I feel so complete” I can’t stop speaking “oh Robbie! I am sorry I kept them away from you, I just at that time I felt scared” my mom explained “don’t, it’s ok. Do not explain anything mommy, I don’t blame you but I feel happy, to see pictures of my dad” the name dad came out of my mouth “I wish I never did what I did Robbie, but I never thought Thomas would have changed” sighing out “mom I think you deserve better, I feel like you’re going to Thomas because you don’t want to start again. I don’t want you to be with Thomas” Maurice’ eyes widened overhearing what I am saying “tell me I am wrong mom, he hurt you like he did me. He made you tell secrets you held in your heart out, he did that to you. Mom listen to me, you can do better” my mom is ever so silent on the phone “Robbie, I am going to try. Let me try this again, if I don’t feel it’s right I will leave, please. I am so happy for you, I am happy that you saw your dad like I did” I wish she doesn’t “you loved him, not Thomas” my mom sighed out “I know” she admitted, and I am glad she admitted it.
Reign is banging on that tray on her high chair and will not stop doing it, I swear to god that baby of mine “Jay, Robyn says I have gained weight, what do you think?” here is he goes, placing Maurice’ plate in front of him “shut up and eat, always complaining. I made you waffles and steak! Watch it, and you Jay” placing his plate down “oh wow, Robyn this looks so nice. Marry her!!” Jay said so excited “I will think about it, this steak is a little burnt too” see what I mean with him “nah, I would marry her. I would marry any woman doing this for me!” Jay pointed at his plate, I feel so good, like a good wife “Jay, it’s fine. Maybe you and I can get married” sitting down with my plate “and you! Stop it” holding her hands, Reign is a drooling mess “this is your daughter, look at her” I can’t get angry at her at all, she is too damn cute “Maurice, oh wow. This smells delicious” AI said “made by yours truly!” I grinned “come on baby hype me up” I said “yeah, yeah whatever. Anyways are you done? Do you know how much she has been complaining?” AI laughed “I promise, it’s done. Officially but you are all eating, I will wait. I want to see everyone’ reaction” I am so happy my daughter’ room is made “well let me eat this and I will check, baby your room is done” I can finally have things back to normal.
I need to give Reign a bath, she is a mess. She wants to feed herself and the rest of her body while she is at it “let’s see what daddy done for you baby, this bedroom better be spectacular, I expect Mickey Mouse to be waiting” they are laughing but the amount of time they took “I can only apologise, we was going back and forth and we had to do a lot of changes but then we decided on something with the designers, Maurice doesn’t even know but we had to change a lot, first design didn’t go to plan so we changed it up, are we ready?” AI said, nodding my head “Reign and I are excited aren’t we, little stink” AI stood in front of me pushing the double doors open “and welcome to Reign-Texas world” AI moved out of the way, my eyes widened “oh my” stepping inside her bedroom, a chandelier in the middle of the room, the whites and light pink “oh my god” this is a like a princess’s paradise “we incorporated a bed for Reign just under the princess tower” turning to AI “she can walk up these steps, like she is walking up a real castle” watching AI walk up the steps “ and here, she has a castle doll house for when she grows up, so what happened is that we thought on it and we goes Reign needs a crib, she is not old enough so if you look behind you, she has a baby crib which when she is ready you can get rid of that. This room is ready for her, her princess dream room. There is nothing more she could want. As you can see from the sign, it says Reign-Texas world. The back of the room she has her own bathroom, we changed it up, to be pink themed, made it so when she is training to use the potty everything is accessible, then her walk in closet. We did already move the clothes, and Maurice set that out for her” I am in shock, I get why it took so long “Reign, look at this. Oh my god, I am sorry. I see why, this is one hundred times better then her room in Cali, you are amazing. I am in shock, she is going to love it” Reign whined out pointing “yes, is that Minnie, you want her” waling over to the side “this is yours, daddy did this for you. Ok, I will stop complaining” I laughed “you damn right, AI outdone himself. Thank you” Maurice said, Reign hugged Minnie so close. Maurice walked up to us “can daddy have a hug?” He got his hands out to Reign “you go to daddy” letting Maurice take her “I am so happy, her room is beautiful” moving back “Maurice stand just under the sign” getting my phone out “awww shit, it’s daddy daughter photo shoot Mi Amor” holding my phone up smiling, Maurice placed Reign on his shoulder but held her so she won’t fall back “you like that?” Maurice laughed looking up at her, I took the picture quickly “I love that you both are so photogenic” tapping on Insta, tapping onto the plus sign and adding the picture, captioning the picture ‘Weeks later and Reign-Texas world is now open!’ Pressing send, that picture is too damn cute.
We left Reign with Jay, she is asleep anyways so he just needs to watch the monitors and hear out for her, I am happy she has her own room because now she is in her crib asleep instead of being asleep on the couch waiting for us to go to bed, I prefer it that way and I am happy. I decided I wanted to put Reign to sleep before I go, I said I would meet them at the bar in the hotel for a while, I wanted to put Reign asleep and fed first “thank you for coming with me again” I said to Maurice, he didn’t need too “I would always come with you, you know that. Least we haven’t got Jay, that is one thing huh” watching Maurice as he waved to the receptionists “are you back again?” one of them shouted “I decided I missed you all, have a nice night” he is calmed down so much with his flirtatious ways, it’s none existent and I don’t feel jealous like I would “it’s nice you have a relationship with them like that” I mentioned “you see, some of them have been there since my dad, and he never bothered with them. Keep your workers happy” letting Maurice lead the way “are you wanting a drink?” Maurice asked me “erm, just get me a cocktail, anything nice” I said, Maurice let my hand go as he walked off “I am sorry that I had to reschedule” I said as I made my way to the table “it’s ok, you had to put the baby to sleep. How are you?” Wesley said, sitting down “I am ok thank you, what about yourself? Is New York treating you both well? Is Daphne not awake?” I asked because she is not here “she is not well my mom, so it’s just us tonight. She said she is sad to not see you and she will see you soon” nodding my head “I hope so, yesterday was emotional. I wanted to ask, if you can send me some pictures of Rell?” I asked Kiano “of course, I will do that” he is so sweet “my sister asked, I told her and she is very excited to see you, hi. Nice to see you again” seeing Maurice pulling a seat out, he’s shaking their hands this time around.
Makes me smile that Maurice has water, this is why I know he has changed “I want to invite you and your family to our home on Cinco De Mayo, we will have all of the family there, we eat food and have fun. I want to show you to my family, but if you not ready I will understand” I giggled “erm, I would have but it’s Maurice’ birthday at the same time, and we are celebrating or I mean we could drop in” looking at Maurice “we will be in California, for business. You should be coming” Maurice looked at me “I should be?” I said confused “yeah, I don’t mind it. We should be in the area, we can come” I didn’t know this at all “then that is it, you can come!” Wesley spat “I guess we can, it’s overwhelming. Just to feel the love you hold for Rell, the love you already hold for me. It means so much to me, and I know Maurice said it too, he said that how nice you all are, how hurt you are by Rell’ death. It is just something I needed too, you know to find out that Thomas was not my dad and then to find out my real dad is dead, it hurt me. I felt lied too, I was hurt but I am hurt still because I feel like I need to lay some flowers down at his grave, to feel I have family that like me, it’s a good feeling” I feel a lot right now “I can take you there, it’s crazy that this happened but it’s a blessing. It makes me happy, to see my brother in you. I can just imagine him now, he would be over the moon. His daughter a surgeon and I know he would have loved the name Robyn, I think you are the blessing we needed to heal us all” Kiano said, I just want us to heal together. I am happy that I got to know the truth, I can be less hurt now because I thought my dad called me a whore, when he is nothing to me so I am over that.
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shoogharashk · 4 years
20 February 3998
Today, after just over two days at sea and some on-the-job sailing training from Augmak and Isolt, we arrived in the tiny sea town of Marspeck on the north coast of Camden Rock. Augmak and Belfyr went to the market to resupply and left the five of us to regain our land legs and explore the town for the evening, telling us that we would set out for the destination of our choice in the morning. 
As we disembarked, I could immediately see that this place was built for those closer to Thea or Pallabar’s size than to mine. While most of the population appeared to be halflings, we also spotted a wood-elf, who stood out among the rest of the crowd. He was burdened with a backpack that seemed at least twice his size, with pots and pans and other goods strapped to the outside. Forgetting myself for a moment, I rushed to his side to see if he needed assistance, but my appearance, as I should have expected, was quite startling to the man. He quickly realized that we were new in town, however, and introduced himself as Weedle, a traveling merchant. Weedle unrolled a blanket filled with his wares, and we were presented with a spread including apples, sausages, a saddle, and two swords. One was clearly quite aged and average-looking, but the other was clearly a masterwork item: a shortsword, pristine and gleaming, with runes faintly carved into the blade. 
It was, alas, far out of the price range of even all of us combined. Or so I thought! I was feeling a bit hungry and the sausages were calling my name, so I purchased those, and when Weedle asked if we had anything to sell, I paused. While I had desperately wanted to keep the fine garnet we had picked up in Clever’s house for myself, it clearly had great value and it would not be right to withhold that from the group. Besides, we needed a proper appraisal on it, and Weedle did not seem the type to be an expert in that subject. I did, however, remember the collection of beetle carapaces, and pulled them out of my pack. 
Weedle promptly fell over.
Several of us made to catch him, but it was too late - he crashed all the way to the ground! But he quickly stood back up, recovered from his shock, and told us that we could have the lot of it, the apples, the saddle, the old sword and even the one he had called the Mystic Sword, in exchange for those beetles. This was a far better deal than I had expected we would get for them, and we readily agreed. Throckmorton took the sword to try and attune to whatever properties the runes provided. And with that, Weedle packed up and wandered off, entranced by the carapaces, barely giving a second glance our way.
Pallabar went off to sell some of his spices in the town square, and the rest of us, unsure what else to do, followed. There, a local farmer started lamenting about his missing sheep and goats, and I could feel my frill raising slightly. I was not about to get accused of eating a farmer’s lost sheep and thrown in a small-town jail again, especially not in front of my new friends! Five times have been more than enough. I spotted a tavern, the “Schooner Or Later”, which was advertising a band called Mixed Herbs. I am, of course, never one to miss a musical performance, so I headed over and ducked my head through the door. 
The room briefly grew quiet as I entered, but the mildly intoxicated crowd quickly adjusted and returned to its revelry. I ordered an ale, delivered in a small mug about the size of a coffee cup, and I was immediately captivated to see the Mixed Herbs warming up. They were two halflings - one holding a sort of lyra, and the other with something superficially resembling a bagpipe, but the bag appeared to be an entire goatskin, and the pipe was carved roughly from wood. It was one of the most interesting instruments I had ever seen and I absolutely had to learn more.
As I approached, however, I could see that the pipe player was distressed, and it was clearly not pre-performance jitters. He was tapping his hands anxiously on his instrument and it seemed that his mind was on another plane. My sudden appearance did not help his nerves, unfortunately, and he started to see me approach. I waved at the bartender to bring him an ale and introduced myself, showing my fiddle and assuring him I was a fellow man of the arts. This calmed him, and I had to ask what was upsetting him so. 
He introduced himself as Garbo Sawgrass, and his partner as Talbot Duckweed. He said he was worried about his sister Cerita, who was supposed to arrive in this town a week ago and who always wrote to him regularly, but hadn’t done so and hadn’t been seen in town. The only place he had yet to ask was at the temple, but he was having a hard time bringing himself to ask after her there. I asked him why, and he said the temple was dedicated to a god of death, and to preparing the dead for the afterlife. “It worries me more,” he said, “that they will know somethin’, than that they won’t.”
Certainly understandable. I was immediately compelled to help my fellow artist, and told him that I would ask after his sister at the temple. Tipping back the rest of my ale, I alerted my companions of Garbo’s predicament, and they agreed to join me in checking at the temple. As we walked up the hill to the temple, there were stakes along the road, either carved or with notes attached, with well-wishings and prayers for the dead or lost at sea. The wooden doors were carved with the face of a male halfling and five stars around him. I opened the doors to find rows of pews, and a priest at the head of the room. An altar was surrounded by five busts of animals in profile - two birds, a dog, a cat, and a shark, all with menacing expressions. As the priest noticed us, he quickly closed the book he was reading and pushed it behind him on the altar.
“H-hello!” he said, seemingly startled to see us, though I have become largely used to giving a poor first impression. “My name is Brother Casper. Can...can I help you with anything? Are you here for anyone?”
“Actually, yes,” I replied. “We’re new in town, but I just met a new friend whose sister has gone missing. Young halfling lass called Cerita. She would have only just come into town last week. Have you seen her, or…” I paused, knowing the answer could be uncomfortable, but knew I had to press on, “have you had any...any deaths of strangers in town recently?”
Casper grew immediately and obviously tense. “I…no, no one, no deaths recently! Haven’t seen her, sorry!” 
We all looked at each other. The priest was a bad liar. I stepped closer, and he tried to step back but the altar prevented him from getting far. “It’s ok, you can tell me. Where is she?”
Again, Casper hesitated, before fidgeting with the pages of the book behind him. “I...I’m telling you, I don’t know what you’re talking about. She’s not here!” He was far too nervous.
“We aren’t here to hurt you, Brother Casper, but I need to know where my friend’s sister is. I know you know.” Casper trembled for a moment, then bolted for the door. Unfortunately, we were all in the way, and I snatched him by the arm before he could get far. I was tired of his lies, and grabbed him by the shoulders. He was easy enough to lift off the ground. “Where. Is. She?”
Casper gasped, and started babbling, “She’s...I’m sorry, it’s too late.” “Where is she?”
“She’s...the book...the book is the key…” he said, his eyes darting to the book that he had left on the altar. “The book…” he murmured again before passing out cold. 
Hadn’t quite expected the man to faint outright. I laid him down on the pew, and picked up the book. Quickly, it became clear that a compartment was cut out of the pages, and inside were five stones - one gold, one red, one orange, one black, and one blue. Five stones, it was clear, for five statues, each of which had an empty eye socket.
We took a moment to explore the back part of the temple, to look for any additional clues. The back room appeared to be a morgue, in which we found a poor fellow not too long gone. His throat had been cut. Casper had claimed no one had died here recently, confirming that he was definitely a lying liar who lies. A supply closet and a door outside were the only other exits. We would have to figure out the stones with no extra clues.
We looked more closely at the busts, and Hyla was able to provide some insight. From left to right, there was a bearded vulture, a jackal, a crow, a tiger, and a shark. Some of the colors seemed to be clear connections - blue for the shark, orange for the tiger, black for the crow. The others less so. Hyla, however, recalled that jackals had golden fur, and that bearded vultures were known to bathe in red clay. We slotted the stones into their corresponding statues, and the altar suddenly slid aside to reveal a small spiral staircase headed down. We quickly shackled the still-unconscious Casper, leaving Mr. Mugglesworth to keep an eye on him, and I headed straight down.
At the bottom of the stairs, in front of me was another altar and another set of statues, just like the room above. This room had a much more sinister feel however, which was not helped by the very unnaturally moving goat and ram to the left side of the room. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a cage against the wall holding two more sheep and a halfling woman laying unmoving on the floor. A second halfling in robes stood there and turned when he heard me approach. 
This was not good. I immediately cast a spell, attempting to paralyze him, but I felt him resist it and yelled for the others to get down here NOW. 
Throckmorton was the first down and he immediately rushed in to join me on the attack against the cleric. I turned to the goat, which appeared on closer examination to be very dead, but that wasn’t stopping it from attacking. Thea was next down the stairs, and the spell that flew from her fingers seemed to have an effect. The cleric and the goat seemed to shudder, and their movements became a little more awkward. Hyla went straight for the ram, with the fierce determination she reserved for crimes against nature. Pallabar brought up the rear with his crossbow. 
The room turned to chaos. I managed a particularly good hit on the goat, and cleaved it in two. Hyla seemed to be handling the ram, so I turned my attention to the halfling. Throckmorton had been taking an attack-and-disengage strategy, alternating attacks with his sword and bolts of a strange necrotic energy with each retreat. Thea was sending her own energy bolts at him, and at one point a bright radiant flame erupted on him. In between, crossbow bolts shot between us at him, but he was skillfully evading many of our attacks. He seemed to shrug off the effects of most of my spells, but he was less successful at avoiding our blades.
He kept reaching out to touch us, and for the most part we were dodging - Thea’s initial spell seemed to be hampering his ability to reach us. I heard a clatter on the other side of the room, and saw suddenly that Hyla had lost both her swords to attacks from the ram, and had cast a spell to tangle it in vines. As I saw this, and briefly wondered if I should turn my attention to the ram, when my blood turned cold, and I realized that the halfling had his hand on my arm. Pain swept through me, and he smiled, a new energy seeming to wash over him. Realizing that Throckmorton was in the “retreat” phase of his attack pattern, and no one else was nearby, I could only think of one way to definitely get him away from me. 
“THUNDER!” I shouted, and a loud boom shook the basement, sending him flying backwards into one of the statues. Throckmorton and Pallabar each got in another attack while he was distracted, and he fell to his knees. On the opposite side of the central altar, the ram suddenly collapsed like a puppet whose strings had been cut, and a dark energy seemed to seep out of the cleric’s eyes. We backed away slowly, but a moment later, he floated into the air, and the energy that had been coming from his eyes exploded outwards from him. I seemed to be the only one caught in that blast, but as the chilling necrotic energy struck me, I felt a strange presence, like someone looking into the heart of me. It lasted only a moment, and the cleric fell lifelessly to the floor. 
Immediately I rushed over to him, and found a key in one pocket. The key unlocked the cell, and I rushed to see if Cerita was still with us. Though her pulse was weak, she was, and I stepped back to let Thea work on healing her and avoid frightening her right into the afterlife when she awoke. 
Returning to the cleric, we found a couple of letters in another pocket and stashed them away for later, then headed up another set of stairs that led outside, herding the two terribly frightened but alive sheep ahead of us and supporting a weak, but now conscious Cerita. 
At the top of the stairs, we were met by a crowd of townsfolk including a few guards. The boom of my last spell seemed to have carried all the way down into town. Garbo pushed his way through, shouting for Cerita, and raced over to embrace her and help her away from the ruckus. In the meantime, we had some explaining to do with the local authorities, but given the state of Cerita and the poor fellow in the morgue, it was clear that the head priest had been up to no good. Shouting within the chapel alerted us to the fact that Casper was awake, but Mr. Muggleworth, good kitty that he is, was sitting on him. The guards took him away for questioning, and I remembered the letters, bringing them out for examination. 
They identified the other cleric as Torvin. The first expressed displeasure with him for failing to achieve the results that had been demanded of him, though it was unclear what exactly it was that he had been tasked with. The second, an unsent letter from Torvin in response, assured the other party that he was committed to achieving this goal, and that in fact he was very close and would have results soon. He assured the other person that he was still very interested in joining the Apocryphage, and would get the results they demanded. None of us had heard of the Apocryphage, but it certainly didn’t sound like the local needlepoint club. 
This would be an investigation for later, though. For now, it was time to do the relaxing we had come to town for, so we returned to the Schooner Or Later. Garbo and Talbott, unburdened by the worry over Cerita, had a quite pleasant performance! Perhaps a bit technically rough, but that goat-bagpipe was fascinating to see in action! 
We noticed at one point that Throckmorton had disappeared, and only met back up with him when we returned to the Winchester. He had returned to the temple to investigate further, and had learned that Kyper, the local godling worshipped at this temple, had been a priest that tended to the dead, and he had gained the ability to revive the recently-deceased with much greater ease than even seasoned clerics. Over time, he gained a substantial following, retired, and eventually passed away himself, but none of his followers developed the skills that he had.
Torvin had been contacted by an organization called the Apocryphage, who had told him that a mortal had been imbued with the ability to overcome death. He was to replicate this feat, and he was in significant trouble with them for failing as yet to do so. He had been responsible for recently replacing the statues in the chapel with the intimidating versions that we saw, and Casper, his subordinate, had been concerned about Torvin’s recent practices but didn’t see fit to question his superior. 
This Apocryphage group seems to be after the same thing we have been tasked with -- the pursuit of eternal life. But they are seeking it in a very different way, through necromancy. They don’t seem like folk to tangle with, though I’d be surprised if this is the last we hear of them.
My, look at the time! I should properly have dated this the 21st, with how late it has gotten! We are now off to Greentide, with an eight-day journey at sea ahead of us. Until next time!
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cupcakezys · 5 years
First. Previous.
Read on AO3.
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur.
Summary: Morgana’s head was a confusing mess of fear and dread, hope and wonder. It had been that way since the trip to Ealdor, when Merlin’s friend had confessed to using sorcery to save his people. She hadn’t talked about it to anyone, not since that conversation with Arthur months ago, but it still gnawed at her mind. Especially with the nagging voice in the back of her head telling her that her nightmares were no simple nightmares, and especially after the feast last night.
So, burning with the confusing mess her feelings had become, Morgana sought Arthur out the next day, as they had both known she would.
Merlin greeted her when she knocked loudly on Arthur’s door. His eyes widened when he saw her, and he hesitated only a moment before pulling the door open with a sigh of resignation.
“Good morning, my lady.” He stepped back, sweeping his hand out. “Come in.”
Morgana brushed past him, and only relaxed once he’d closed the door. “Merlin.” She started, then glanced around the obviously empty room. “Where’s Arthur?”
“Out with his knights in the lower town.” Merlin waved his hand and tried to smile, but Morgana could see how tight it was. He was worried. “Someone arrived this morning saying he knew- well. That he had some valuable information. Arthur was sent to check if it was correct.”
Morgana raised an eyebrow. “Valuable information? Why have I heard nothing about this?”
“It was early this morning, my lady. I’m sure you were still asleep, as was most everyone else in Camelot.”
Her eyebrow stayed raised. “Then how do you know so much already?”
Merlin flushed. “Ah. Oh- well, see-“
Morgana laughed. “Relax Merlin. I was only teasing.” She winked. “A prince’s bed has got to be more comfortable than your own.”
Merlin choked and went bright red. Morgana laughed again, and for a moment she felt freer than she had in months. Then the chamber doors burst open, ruining the moment and cutting Morgana’s laugh off abruptly. Arthur slammed the doors shut behind them, already stripping himself of his armour before he caught sight of her.
He straightened, glancing from her to Merlin. “Morgana. To what do I owe this pleasure?”
It sounded like his usual uninterested drawl, but Morgana could see his hands shaking. It made her relax, just a little, to see that Arthur was about as ready to have this conversation as she was. She sunk down into the chair by Arthur’s desk and tapped the table to keep from fidgeting.
“Sit.” She commanded simply, and Arthur slumped.
Merlin took his sword from him and bustled about the room, picking up dirtied clothes and making Arthur’s bed. It had been half finished when she walked in, so she suspected she had interrupted him with her impromptu visit. She felt slightly guilty, but this was a conversation she needed to have with Arthur as soon as possible.
She caught Merlin’s eye and held it. “Leave us.”
Merlin's lips immediately thinned, and Arthur grunted. “Merlin has my utmost trust, Morgana. You needn’t send him away.”
Morgana studied him. She supposed he was a rather gentle man, and a friend. Not to mention he had been Will’s best friend in Ealdor. He must have known about Will’s magic, must have accepted it, otherwise why would Arthur have taken him along to fight those bandits? She nodded, and both men relaxed somewhat.
Still, she didn’t know where to begin, and was grateful when Merlin cleared his throat.
“Have you eaten today, my lady?” He asked.
Morgana shook her head. She’d been far too upset to even think of eating. From the looks of Arthur, he’d been hastened out of bed and thrown into his armour before he could even get a word out, let alone get something to eat.
“Should I go get some breakfast for the two of you then?” Merlin looked to Arthur.
They seemed to have an entire conversation with just their eyes and simple movements of their heads. Morgana watch, fascinated, as they reached a conclusion within seconds.
“Yes, thank you Merlin.” Arthur relaxed back into his chair. “And do make sure there’s enough for three.”
Merlin grinned and gave a little bow, more a nod than anything, and left the room in a hurry. The doors shut near silently behind him, and immediately the air changed. Morgana felt it pressing on her shoulders, and started tapping at the table again.
“Will you stop that.” Arthur snapped, shifting in his seat. “It’s annoying.”
Morgana curled her hand into a fist and knocked it against the table once, hard. “Better?”
Arthur wasn’t fooled by her faked innocence, but, surprisingly, he let it go with a sigh. “I know you’re nervous Morgana, but I promise you have nothing to fear from me.”
Morgana blinked. “I’m not afraid of you.”
She hadn’t meant to blurt it out, but it was true. She had never feared Arthur. He was, in fact, one of the few people she trusted. If the sorceress’s words last night were true, then... well, it wouldn’t change anything. Morgana still wouldn’t fear him.
Arthur chuckled darkly and shook his head.
Morgana frowned. “I’m telling the truth Arthur. I’m not afraid of you.”
“Even if I tell you the answer to your question is yes?”
Morgana gasped and failed to hide it. “I haven’t asked anything yet.”
“You didn’t need to.” Arthur met her eyes, determination filling them. “We both know why you’re here. What you were going to ask.” He sat back, eyes never leaving hers. “So ask it.”
Morgana swallowed audibly, her throat suddenly dry. “Are you a werewolf?”
Arthur’s breath hitched, but his voice was steady when he spoke. “Yes.”
Morgana felt her heart start beating like a drum. She’d been expecting that answer, thought she was prepared for it, but in truth she still couldn’t wrap her head around, couldn’t believe it even after Arthur himself had confirmed it. One look at the normally composed man, and Morgana knew he was speaking the truth. He was shaking, and looking damn near terrified of her reaction.
She thought about it for a second, then nodded. Arthur was a werewolf, and he was her friend, and nothing would change that. She would not fear him. And she wanted him to know that, to believe it. She wanted him to know his trust was not something Morgana would take lightly, without giving in return. So she swallowed, and gathered all her courage.
“I think I have magic.” She finally whispered.
Arthur jerked back and his eyes widened in shock. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, clearly unable to say anything. Morgana shifted, and tried to fight back against the rising panic. She refused to be afraid. Arthur had shown he was more open to the idea that all magic wasn’t automatically evil – the incident in Ealdor had taught her that – but it was hard to squash down the fear of someone else knowing what she suspected about herself.
The silence dragged on, and with it Morgana steadily felt the fear growing to overwhelm her. Perhaps she had made a mistake- maybe Arthur wasn’t accepting of magic at all, maybe-
The sound of the door interrupted her thoughts, and Morgana couldn’t help the little sigh of relief when Merlin entered. Arthur almost leapt forward out of his seat, eyes staring intently at Merlin, and Morgana felt confusion mix in with her fear.
“Show her what you can do.” Arthur commanded, startling Merlin and just making Morgana even more confused.
Merlin closed the door behind him with his foot, a large tray balanced carefully on his arms. “What?”
“Show her, you know!” Arthur waved his hands around. “Your gifts.”
Morgana glanced between the two, her mind whirling. There was no way Arthur was suggesting what she thought he was suggesting. There was no way. She’d gotten it wrong- she must have.
“Arthur-“ Merlin’s eyes darted to Morgana, and she couldn’t hold back the gasp when she saw her own fear mirrored back at her.
She wasn’t alone.
“Trust me.” Arthur said.
Merlin breathed deeply and then dropped the tray. Morgana gasped and automatically stood to try and catch it, no matter how hopeless she knew it was, but to her astonishment the tray stayed where it was, hovering in the air. Morgana looked up into Merlin’s eyes, only to jolt back when she saw them glowing bright gold. She fell back into her chair, simply staring at Merlin.
The magical manservant sent Arthur a nervous glance before he waved his hand and the tray sailed over to the table, placing itself down neatly in the centre. Morgana swallowed, but thankfully didn’t jump this time. Arthur held out a hand and Merlin instantly made his way to his side, his own hands shaking as he allowed the prince to pull him down onto his lap and into a hug.
“It’s okay, Morgana.” Arthur said lowly. “I understand.”
Of course he did. How long had it been since he’d been bitten? He was always kept inside when the moon was full, and Morgana could count on one hand the number of times Uther had allowed him outside the castle walls when the danger of being attacked was so high. The last time it happened was years ago, when Arthur had been on patrol with his knights and had been attacked by-
“That patrol.” She gasped quietly. “It wasn’t an ordinary dog that attacked you.”
Arthur was already shaking his head. “No. No it wasn’t.”
Morgana swallowed and let her eyes settle back on Merlin. “I have magic- my nightmares, sometimes they come true. And you?”
Merlin shrugged and leaned into Arthur’s side, resting his cheek in Arthur’s hair. “I was born like this. I was doing magic before I could even speak.”
Morgana frowned. “Is that even possible?”
Merlin sighed and slipped from Arthur’s lap. A chair slid across the floor towards them, and Merlin sat as Arthur grabbed his plate. Morgana grabbed her own and Merlin sighed again before taking his. He took a quick bite of a sausage before he started speaking again.
“Gaius has a theory.” He said, glancing between them both. “Witches and warlocks – people like us, people born with magic – are rare. Or at least, they were, before...”
“Before the purge.” Arthur finished grimly.
Merlin nodded. “Yes. When there was an abundance of magic within Camelot, those born with magic were few and far between. They were so rare, in fact, that Gaius thought they were a myth, or their powers greatly exaggerated. The only magic users he had ever met were those that had been taught to use magic – sorcerers and sorceresses.”
Morgana frowned. “Then how does he explain a witch and a warlock being born within the span of a few years?” She asked, hushed. “I certainly never learnt how to use any magic – these visions just started happening!”
“I know, my lady.” Merlin reassured her, and he looked excited now. “That’s where Gaius’s theory begins. Since the purge, he has met the both of us, and- do you remember that druid boy we saved?”
“Wait.” Arthur interrupted. “Are you telling me Mordred had magic? He looked barely eight years old!”
Merlin nodded. “He was able to speak to me with his mind. I’ve never known-“ he frowned for a second. “I’ve never known a person that could do that.”
Morgana noted the way he stumbled over his words, but didn’t mention it. Yet. “And?”
“And! Last month, Arthur and I met a woman and her daughter. She was only nine years old, yet Juliana said her magic had already begun to develop.”
Morgana closed her eyes for a moment, calculating, then hesitantly spoke. “I’ve been having nightmares since I reached my tenth year.”
Merlin nodded and sat back. “That’s four children. Four of us that could wield magic without ever being taught how, and who knows how many more there are out there, hiding.”
Morgana shook her head. “It doesn’t make sense. If witches and warlocks were so rare before, why are there so many of us being born now?”
Merlin slapped his hand down on the table. “Because of the purge.”
Arthur snorted. “How did the execution of hundreds of sorcerers lead to more magical children being born?”
Merlin eyes glittered, and Morgana found herself holding her breath. “Gaius believes – and I do too, it’s a very plausible theory – that with the sudden rejection of magic within Camelot, and the execution of all those sorcerers, the magic they once had was left unused in the world. No one in Camelot dared learn how to use it, so it just stayed there, waiting to be used, until it couldn’t afford to wait anymore. Magic requires balance, and without sorcerers to use it, the magic just kept building up until it couldn’t anymore.”
Morgana sat back in her chair, eyes wide and mouth open. “So it found a way to be used.”
“Exactly.” Merlin grinned. “Gaius thinks that most of it went to me.” He gestured to himself and flushed a little. “I’ve been able to do magic before I could even talk, and even for a warlock that’s unheard of. The rest has simply hung around until the right child was conceived, and then it flowed into them in an attempt to balance things out again.”
“But none are as strong as you.” Arthur said, and it wasn’t a question, not with that amount of wonder and pride in his voice, but Merlin nodded anyway.
“No, none will ever be as strong as me. There aren’t as many sorcerers dying now, so it’s easier for the magic to stay balanced. And the more magic we use, the less will build up, and the less magical children will be born.”
Morgana thought all of this sounded wonderful, but there was one thing that wouldn’t stop nagging at her. “I was born before the purge.”
Both men blinked at her, Merlin furrowing his brows in confusion. “You were?”
Morgana shrugged. “I was born a little less than a year before Arthur.”
They all puzzled over it for a moment before Merlin shrugged and said hesitantly. “Maybe you were just the rare child born with magic? Before the balance was upset?”
Morgana blinked. “You think so?”
Merlin nodded. “It would make sense. If there hadn’t been a witch or warlock for hundreds of years, then I bet plenty of magic would have simply built up naturally.” He studied her for a moment. “It would mean that you would be very powerful.”
Morgana gulped. She wasn’t sure she liked the sound of that. Arthur, however, simply looked amazed at the idea.
“You two could be unstoppable together.” He whispered. “If you have all that magic, imagine what you could do.”
Morgana shivered. She could see it, how if she truly were that powerful, if Merlin was too, they could do anything. No one would be able to stop them, they could crush anyone in their path. They could destroy entire kingdoms with such power, she knew. Many weaker sorcerers had come close to toppling Camelot with barely a fraction of what she potentially had inside of her. Would she be able to resist the temptation to use her powers like that? Or would she give in, and do what she wanted when she wanted to, no matter who it hurt?
She blanched at the idea, and wondered how Arthur could still look so amazed.
“You could heal any sickness.” Arthur started, surprising her. She hadn’t even thought of that, hadn’t known magic could even do that. “You could protect the entire city from attack, you could rebuild homes and grow entire forests – you could ensure no one ever starved, or wished for warmth in winter.” He stood up and started pacing, too excited to sit, a grin splitting his face. “You could bring peace to the entirety of Albion with that kind of power.”
Morgana’s heart was beating fast beneath her skin. She hadn’t even thought – hadn’t even known magic could do half of those things! Something hummed, right underneath the blood pumping through her veins, and she could almost see it, almost taste the freedom and the love and the peace.
Albion’s Golden Age.
She gasped, but Merlin was already shaking his head, and the buzzing was quickly fading.
“Magic requires balance Arthur.” He explained, taking Arthur’s hands in his when he was close enough. It made Arthur stop pacing, at least. “Little things are easy, but to do things on such a large scale – there could be serious consequences. Consequences that could be worse than simply letting things be.”
Arthur pouted and slumped back into his chair, though he didn’t let go of Merlin's hands. Morgana chose not to comment. Now was not the time for teasing. There would be plenty of that later.
“But we could help.” She said instead. “We could use our magic to help people.”
“Yeah.” Merlin's grin was huge. “Yeah, we could.”
This may be the last part for a while, as I'm going to be focusing on little one shots for Marry Merthur Month, so if this series is put on hold for a while that will be why! Thank you for reading, and I'll see you in the next one, whenever that may be. :)
If you wish to support me, please consider donating to my PayPal. I’m struggling a little for money at the moment, so any donations would be greatly appreciated, and would allow me to write more, more often. :)
Here's the next part! :)
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thisgirlsays22 · 6 years
Intro to Data Science Chapter 3
Rating: E
Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin
Pairing(s):  Eren Yeager/ Levi
Chapter Word Count: 3.7K
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Angst and Fluff and Smut, (British) Professor Levi, (American) Student Eren, Long Distance
“You’re probably just into him for the accent.”
“It’s not that,” Eren argued. “It doesn’t hurt, but it’s so much more than that.”
Mikasa rolled her eyes. “Sure.”
This chapter took inspiration from @ereri-writing-prompts incalescent prompt ;)
For my lovely @fluffymusketeer who loves smut. May this chapter bring her joy. 
And a big thank you to @attraversiamo19 for being a fantastic beta and workshopping lines and ideas with me nonstop. 
Read chapter 3 on Ao3 or under the cut. Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 on Tumblr. 
Levi should have never allowed the kiss to happen. His plan--if you could call it that--had spectacularly backfired.
“I thought if I spent more time with him, he’d turn out to be a twat, and I’d lose interest,” he tried to explain to Isabel.
Spring had come out in full force that weekend, the sweet smell of the first crocuses blooming in the air. They jogged through Clapham Common side by side, dodging cyclists and couples strolling hand in hand.
“Maaate.” Isabel let out a low whistle. “That makes no sense.”  
She wasn’t wrong. He’d not stopped thinking of Eren’s smile or the kiss for two days straight.
“I’m hardly ever interested in someone once I properly chat to them,” Levi said, wiping some sweat from his brow.
“Fair point. Can’t argue with that.”
Isabel and Farlan knew his track record better than anyone, even Hanji and Erwin. Childhood friends always saw how the sausage got made.
They ran for another kilometer, the kiss still playing through Levi’s mind on repeat. He hadn’t even kissed Eren properly. A fucking wasted opportunity.  
A student had never caught his interest before, and even if they had, he never would have pursued anything. Eren’s pushiness should have been a turn-off, but he didn’t push quite hard enough to be off-putting.
“Right, I’ve had enough,” Isabel said, slowing to a walk. She flung herself onto the grass, red hair fanning out around her. Levi frowned, but gingerly took a seat next to her after he made sure the area was clear of bird or dog shit. Dogs were running everywhere without their leads, and some owners were irresponsible fucks.
Isabel picked up the former thread of their conversation. “He must be quite fit if you’re still interested.”
This line of questioning could only go to stupid places, but Levi thought of how tall Eren was, his lithe muscles, his beautiful green eyes. “Yeah. He’s alright.”
She nudged his arm. “He hench, then?”
“What the fuck is 'hench'?”
“You know, like...jacked and shit.”
“Ug.” Levi rolled his eyes. Isabel taught at a secondary school, and she picked up all the awful slang her students used.
“What are you going to do about it?”
“Fuck’s sake. I don’t know yet.”
“You can’t tell Farlan about this,” she warned. “Exactly the sort of thing he’d freak out about, innit?”
Levi never would have breathed a word about Eren today if Farlan hadn’t been ill. “Of course I’m not telling Farlan. What kind of dick-head do you take me for? I thought you would probably tell him.”
“Alright, alright. Respect.” She held up her hands in surrender. “Just making sure. And no, I won’t unless you tell me I can.”
“Stop saying ‘respect’ like that,” Levi said irritably. “You sound ridiculous.”
She laughed. “Whatever.”
“Thanks. There’s no reason to tell him, really. He’ll get up in arms over fuck all.”
Levi had always appreciated that even though Farlan and Isabel had gotten together when they were teenagers, he’d never been made to feel like a third wheel. If Isabel said she’d respect his desire to keep this between them, he knew she meant it.   
“For the record,” she said, picking at a blade of grass by her leg. “I don’t think it’s that big a deal. You’re both adults, and you’re a good bloke. You’d treat him right.” She winked at him. “Not like if one of the teachers at my school were dating a student.”
“Well, yes,” Levi said, “your students are fourteen. I’d say that’s quite different.” 
“Right. Exactly.” She pointed at him. “So once your classes are over, have yourself a nice shag, if you like.”
“Still feels wrong,” Levi said. Even if you removed them from the university setting, Levi had an established career, money, experience.
“Look, if you wanted to be talked out of it, you’d have gone to Farlan. But you came to me.”
She had a point. Levi shifted uncomfortably, the spot between his socks and his trousers tickled by the grass. Isabel might talk like a bloody idiot sometimes, but she was smart.
“Clever girl,” he said dryly.
She punched his arm lightly. “Yeah, I do alright sometimes, don’t I?”
“Mm. You ready for another lap, then?”
She spread her arms out. “Ten more minutes. I’m cloud watching now.”
Levi sighed, but he joined her in gazing up at the blue sky, full of fluffy clouds intermittently covering the sun. He felt oddly at peace. Perhaps the simple act of confiding his ‘sins’ in Isabel had freed him from their hypnotic spell. Perhaps if he ran hard enough, he could enter into spring’s embrace and leave Eren and their kiss behind him.   
   Of course, he was wrong about that. The next night, he checked his emails only to find one from Eren waiting for him at the top of his inbox.
Hi Levi,
I was just wondering if I could swing by during your office hours to pick your brain about graph databases? We only briefly covered them in class, but I was curious if you had any further reading. My thesis is focussed on them, and Professor Zacharias recommended I come talk to you.
Thank you,
Eren Jaeger
Levi blinked at the computer screen. He hit ‘reply’ and tried to formulate a response.
The cursor blinked back at Levi. His hands hovered uselessly over the keyboard.  
I don’t think I’m the best person to advise you.  
I wish you all the best with your thesis. You’re an excellent student, and your hard work will pay off.
No. That sounded shitty and weird. “Your hard work will pay off”? It could be misconstrued as a pervy come on. And “you’re an excellent student”? He’d barely noticed Eren was in his class until they’d spoken at the pub.
He tried again:
I’m not the best person to advise you. Professor Zacharias overestimates my knowledge on the subject.
I wish you all the best with your thesis.
Levi Ackerman
He hesitated before he hit send. Because if he were Eren, he’d read it as the rejection it was meant to be, and he’d leave well enough alone. The thought made his stomach drop.
Fuck. He stood up and paced around his small bedroom, lit only by the faint glow of the screen. He disappointed himself. Relief, not disappointment, should be his foremost emotion.
Farlan had once pulled some armchair-psychologist bullshit that Levi found flaws in appropriate potential partners in favor of doomed ones because deep down he thought he deserved to be alone.
Levi sat back down and hit send on the email.
   The last lecture of the semester had been earlier that week, and Eren had sat at the back of the room, expression unreadable when Levi had braved a look.
Exam schedules were now set, and panicked students sent him emails asking for clarification about all sorts of topics. Most preferred to communicate digitally rather than dropping by his office hours, which suited Levi just fine.  
He was cleaning his desk when Eren showed up. Levi wasn’t exactly surprised.
“Hey,” Eren said from the doorway, looking nervous. “Can I come in?”
“Sure,” Levi replied. “You alright?”
Eren's eyes narrowed. He marched into the room and shut the door behind him, not quite a slam but with more force than necessary. “Why wouldn’t I be alright? Because you kissed me and then just left? And then sent me that blow-off email? I’m great.”
Levi couldn’t help it; he laughed despite his irritation with Eren, with himself. He’d gone through this misunderstanding with Hanji before. “It just means ‘how are you’. But fair point.” He put the cleaning spray and rag down on the desk, unsure of what to do with his hands now that they were empty.
The laughter startled Eren and seemed to have a placating effect. He shoved his hands in his jean pockets and looked away. “Oh, yeah. I’m still not used to that phrase.”
Silence hung between them, an awkward companion in the room.
Levi took it upon himself to break that silence. “Look. The kiss shouldn’t have happened.” There was no point pussyfooting around it.   
“I don’t care,” Eren retorted, prepared. “I’m glad it did.”
“I’m not here to live out some teacher, student fantasy with you,” Levi said flatly. It wasn’t that he was opposed to one-night stands or flings, but the thought of being used like that, playing some part, pissed him off. He didn’t want to take advantage of Eren, but he didn’t want to be taken advantage of either.
Eren shook his head. “That isn’t what this is.”
“No. I like you. ” Eren took a seat in front of Levi, the small room shrinking further. His body said, I’m not going anywhere. I dare you to move away. “I think you like me too.”
This was terrible in its own way. Because Levi wanted Eren, and if he really wasn’t just some way for Eren to live out a cliche fantasy, and if Eren kept pushing--which it was clear from the way he was looking at Levi that he would--then Levi wouldn’t be able to say no.
They probably just needed to get this attraction out of their systems. This couldn’t possibly go beyond that. Whatever was between them, it had no legs.
Levi didn’t answer but he didn’t look away either, arms folded across his chest as he leaned back against the front of the desk. They were so close, and when their eyes met, he felt the heat, the spark between them.
Eren stood slowly, giving Levi time to break the eye contact or retreat behind his desk. He stayed still as Eren moved closer until his hands were resting on either side of the desk, caging Levi in.
Levi knew he shouldn’t let this happen in his office--and he’d just cleaned the bloody desk--but he had fantasised about fucking someone here. He’d just assumed it would be another professor. Or at least a student in an entirely different department. Music Theory, perhaps.  
Well. If this was going to happen, he’d do it right this time.
He reached a hand up behind Eren’s neck to pull him in, crushing their lips together in a bruising kiss. Sucking and biting Eren’s lower lip the way he’d stopped himself from doing last time, brushing a thumb against Eren’s nipple through his thin t-shirt. Levi was rewarded with a pleased moan, Eren clutching Levi closer.
Once, he told himself, just once so fucking enjoy it. He licked his way into Eren’s mouth, teasing their tongues together.  
After a few minutes, Eren broke the heated kiss, breathing hard. He rested his forehead against Levi’s. “God, you’re sexy.”
“Go lock the door,” Levi brushed past the compliment, shallow breath breaking the illusion of a calm exterior.
Eren stumbled over himself rushing to the door, and Levi rolled his eyes.  
When he was finished, Levi pulled him forward again for another kiss, running his hands along Eren’s back and then slipping them underneath his shirt, fingers cool against Eren’s hot skin. It was only a matter of time before Eren set him ablaze.
“Why are your hands so cold?” Eren took Levi’s hands between his own, warming them.
“They’re always cold,” Levi dismissed, looking down at their intertwined hands. Eren kissed each knuckle, and somehow this felt more intimate than Eren’s tongue in his mouth.
“I want to make you feel good,” Eren said.
Levi glanced at the desk. He had pens, windex, a rag, and a box of tissues. “I don’t have any lube.”
Eren laughed. “Me neither. This is going way better than I imagined.”
“Yeah. You sure won the lucky draw.”
“I know you’re being sarcastic, but I like it,” Eren said. “Clothes on or off?”
Levi glanced at the door. “On.” He knew he would regret not seeing Eren naked, but if someone turned up, they wouldn’t have very long to get decent. His cock swelled at the thought, surprising him. Even the idea of ravaging Eren in his stupid, ratty Abercrombie t-shirt wasn’t enough to turn him off.
“Do you shop anywhere else?” Levi asked, fisting the front of Eren’s shirt.
Eren blinked at him. “Your flirting is so weird. Don’t change.”
“I was sincerely asking.”
Eren ignored him and instead bent forward to kiss Levi’s neck, nibbling and sucking up and down, hitting all those sweet spots that made Levi’s eyes flutter shut. Rendered him speechless.  
“Okay,” Eren said, straightening up. “I know what I want to do.”
“Go on then,” Levi said, nearly breathless.   
Eren dropped to his knees to mouth at Levi’s cock through his soft slacks, the hard outline pressed against his lips as he left wet marks on the material. Eren cupped Levi’s length while slipping two of Levi’s fingers into his mouth. A low groan slipped past Levi’s lips as he imagined that tight, wet heat around his dick.
“Can I?” Eren asked, looking up at him in a way that had Levi straining against his trousers.
“Yeah.” Jesus fuck, yes. Do anything you want to me.
In seconds, his cock was freed from the confines of his trousers. Briefly, he wondered if it would bother Eren that he was uncut; the only other American man Levi had slept with had been taken aback by it.
But Eren licked him from root to tip without hesitation, moaning softly.
“I love your dick,” he said before sucking the head into his mouth and giving his tongue a swirl. He gripped Levi’s ass, moans muffled now as he took Levi deeper and deeper.
“Oh my god, ” Levi choked out. He’d never had someone sound quite like that--downright filthy--when they sucked him off, the vibrations around his length and the way Eren was playing with his balls had Levi’s legs shaking as he clutched the edge of the desk behind him for support.
Eren looked up at him, eyes clouded with lust, and smirked around his cock. Tangling a hand in Eren’s silky, wild hair, Levi tipped his head back, letting go.
Torturously, Eren paused his ministrations, and said, “Keep watching me.”   
Levi obeyed, and Eren tilted his head to the side and began to slide his wet lips up and down Levi’s shaft. It wasn’t a bad sensation, but Levi was confused.
“What are you doing?”
“The harmonica technique.”
Levi had no idea what this technique was, but Eren’s enthusiasm was delightful. “That doesn’t seem right.”
“What do you mean? I’ve been doing it this way for years, and no one’s complained.”
“Well, it’s not awful,” Levi offered. “Wrap your lips around it more when you move.”  
Eren gave a look of intense concentration, and Levi was surprised at how sexy he found it.
This time, Eren got his lips halfway round Levi’s cock as his slid up and down. “Fuuuuck,” Levi groaned, snapping his hips forward.
Eren pulled back and grinned up at Levi. “Like that, then?”
“You’re a fast learner.” Levi's knuckles went white as he tightened his grip on the desk.  
At the praise, Eren let out a soft, pleased sigh, and switched to the other side. Levi was so hard, and all he wanted was to fuck Eren’s sweet mouth, to completely let go.
An acknowledging hum, and Eren began sucking him off in earnest again. Taking Levi as deep as he could, and christ almighty, Levi wished he could just bend Eren over the desk and fuck him into oblivion.
It took all his willpower not to come as Eren deepthroated him and held him still, throat constricting around him.
“Eren,” he panted. “I’m so fucking close.”
Slowly, Eren pulled back. Levi watched reverently as his glistening cock inched out of Eren’s mouth. “Fuck--I’m gonna--”
Eren opened his mouth and closed his eyes, and Levi’s cum painted that gorgeous face and lips and tongue, a filthy masterpiece.
A strange look passed over his face as Eren wiped some cum off of his chin. And suddenly, Eren stood up and slid a cum-streaked finger down Levi’s cheek.
“What the fuck?” Levi spluttered, still in a post-orgasm haze.
“That’s for your email,” Eren said, eyes full of amusement. “And for making fun of my shirt,” he added as reached around Levi to snatch some of the tissues from his desk--for once hayfever season had proven useful--to wipe down the rest of his face.
“I--you absolute shit. That’s disgusting.” His words lacked any bite, despite his best effort. Why the fuck was he horrified and amused?
Levi grabbed one of the unused tissues from Eren’s hand and wiped the cum off furiously.
He yanked Eren, who was obviously trying to hold back laughter, towards him, and kissed that stupid fucking smile off his face. He pulled on that messy, ridiculous hair and when he tugged a little harder Eren moaned into his mouth. It was a shame this couldn’t happen again or he’d want to explore that.
Levi unzipped Eren’s jeans and palmed his erection. “You want me to take care of that?” he asked, voice low.
“God, yes.” Eren rubbed himself against Levi’s hand, letting out a desperate whimper.
“Shame you’ll have to beg for it now after what you did.”
Pleased by the sharp inhale above him, he started another messy kiss. As Eren tried to grind against his hand, he shifted back ever so slightly.
Eren pulled away with a groan. “Stop moving your hand away, I can’t take it.”
“Beg for it,” he said. “I told you.”
Cock jerking against Levi’s hand, Eren gasped, “Please, Levi.”
Levi stroked a finger down Eren’s rigid length, chasing a bead of pre-cum.     
“Please, damn it. I need you to really fucking touch me, I’ll do anything. Please,” he begged, pupils blown wide, as his lustful gaze met Levi’s.
“Alright, then,” Levi sighed, slicked his hand with spit, and gave Eren what he wanted.
Eren’s cock was perfect: long and smooth and not too thick. Levi loved the way it slid between his hands as Eren thrust helplessly, and he imagined what it would feel like inside of him. His cock twitched with renewed interest, but he shook off the fantasy. This wouldn’t happen again.
Levi nipped at the space where Eren’s collarbone met his neck, and whispered, “You going to come for me?”
“Not yet.” Eren shut his eyes. “Too good.”
“Come on,” he said softly. “I want you to. Come for me, Eren.”  
Eren cried out, face twisting in ecstacy. He came all over Levi’s hand in hot, sticky bursts, fingers digging into Levi’s arms as he shook.
“Asshole,” Eren murmured, slumping forward.
For a minute, Eren remained boneless in his arms, Levi half sat on the desk with Eren draped over him. As much as he felt the surprising, unwelcome urge to stay like this, Levi disentangled himself.
Pulling a few tissues from the box to clean them both up, Levi said, “Unlike you, I’ve got a little class.”
“Thanks.” Eren tucked himself back into his jeans. He flicked his eyes up to Levi's. “Sorry I wiped cum on your face.”
Levi arched a disbelieving eyebrow. “You’re not sorry.”
“It was pretty funny,” Eren admitted.
“It was vile.”
“My punishment wasn’t fair, though. Making me beg like that.”
“Seemed like you enjoyed it.”
Eren flushed but otherwise didn’t acknowledge Levi’s observation. “You shouldn’t have blown me off in your email.”
“Well, you didn’t really come here to talk about graph databases, did you?” Levi said, walking over to the bin to throw the crumpled tissues away.
“No.” Eren gave a shaky laugh, looking a little dazed. “I really am doing my dissertation on them, though.”
Levi stayed behind his desk. Now that they’d gotten their attraction out of their system, he felt he should keep his distance. The hazy fog of arousal no longer clouding his judgement, Levi cleared his  throat. “I can email you some recommendations, if you like. I haven’t worked with them much, but I have some resources.”
“Thank you,” Eren said. He looked sad, though. “So was this...is this really it?”
“Afraid so.” Even Levi realised how callous that sounded. “It’s nothing to do with you, Eren. It’s this--” he gestured around them, “we’ve acted on the attraction, and now we can move on.”
“You’re not even my professor anymore.”
“Technically I am. You haven’t sat your exams yet, and I could be involved in grading your dissertation,” Levi pointed out.
He didn’t even know what the policies were on being involved with a student in your department. Probably, “don’t do it”. There was no point in pursuing something else anyway. For what? A few more shags? Ridiculous.   
“Okay.” Eren made a move towards the door. “I’m glad we…acted on the attraction. It’s been real.”
Eren froze with his hand on the doorknob and turned to face Levi again. The look he gave was dangerous, determined. He marched back towards Levi, around the desk, and kissed him forcefully, pure fire. Again, despite his earlier words to the contrary, Levi found himself melting into Eren. Their teeth clashed as they tried to find the right angle, to get closer, Eren’s fingers buried in Levi’s hair.
Eren eased them out of the kiss, planting a few final, softer ones on Levi’s lips.
“Okay. Goodbye for real now,” Eren said, nodding to himself before walking out the door.
In stunned silence, Levi stared at the space Eren had occupied, a small part of him wishing that Eren would come back, that this wasn’t goodbye.
“You know what, no,” Eren said walking back in the room. “I want to see you again.”
Both of Levi’s awful plans had failed. Talking to Eren more and messing around with him had done nothing to lessen his interest. He’d just crossed a big line, might as fucking well cross another.
“Come round for tea this weekend, if you like.”
Eren blinked at him.
“I don’t...I don’t see where this can possibly go,” Levi said. “But we might as well talk.”
“Okay.” Eren ducked his head as he hid a smile. “Yeah.”
Levi grabbed some paper from his desk and jotted down his number. “I would tell you not to abuse this, but I have a feeling you will.”
Eren took the paper and tapped it lightly against the palm of his hand. “Nah. I’m gonna play it so cool now. You’ll be dying for me to message you.”
Rolling his eyes, Levi said, “Play it too cool, and you won’t get an address.”
Moments after Eren left his office, Levi had a text that said, I’m the uncoolest of cool. Please send me your address and a time.
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losille2000 · 7 years
Christmas Balls, Prologue
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TITLE: Christmas Balls CHAPTER NUMBER: 1/? AUTHOR: Losille2000 WHICH TOM/CHARACTER: Actor!Tom GENRE: Romance/Fluff/Humor FIC SUMMARY: There comes a time in every dog owner’s life where he must consider neutering his companion. Tom doesn’t want more puppies running around, anyway, so the decision is simple. Bobby, on the other hand, can’t seem to understand why his dad would be so cruel to him. Nobody took his bollocks, did they? How is that fair? Maybe he can convince the nice veterinarian lady to give his dad a taste of his own medicine… RATING: M (let’s be real, there will probably be sexytimes) WARNINGS:  Nothing. AUTHORS NOTES: Please spay and neuter your pets! The health benefits far outweigh the risks, trust me. As an aside note, I’ve fudged the numbers on Bobby’s age a bit; in the middle of December, he would just be 4 or 4.5 months old according to the timing of the first mention of him on Twitter. I’ve made him on the older edge of 4/5 months old. While sterilization is safe and done at this age (I, personally, have had animals fixed this early and they were fine), the regularly accepted age of sterilization is around 6 months to 1 year. As always, though, listen to your veterinarian. What was right for my dogs may not be right for your dogs, cats, or other pets.
PS: This is the perfect fic for anyone who really likes those cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies, like me! Only select chapters will be from Bobby’s POV.
Also on AO3!!
When Bobby zoomed out of his crate to do his customary morning whiz outside, something immediately warned him of impending danger. The vibrations in the earth and the scent mingling in the frosty air meant the day wasn’t going to go his way. Bobby had often thought this the case, with strange smells tickling his nose, forcing a sneeze out, but ultimately to no radical upset. Dad just laughed at him, patted his head and usually went about putting his running shoes on or fixing breakfast. Nothing terrible happened except, perhaps, a stern talking to about a torn up paper or a tiny wet spot by the door (at least he tried to get outside!).
Today, though, Bobby realized his fears were founded. After his sneeze, he got the customary pat and a laugh from his father, but then everything changed. Dad went straight for the closet by the door they used for walks and pulled out that weird harness thing and his lead. It definitely wasn’t time for walks, mind. The sun was barely up over the horizon, and it was too cold. He’d freeze! What was his dad thinking? It was time for breakfast and a morning nap on top of the floor spot where the warms came out. Maybe a little tug-o-war with the rope.
Walks were for later.
Struggling while Dad tried to put the thing on him—Bobby had already learned that trying to talk to the great oaf was no use as he clearly had no ability to understand even the simplest commands—didn’t seem to clue his dad in to the mistake he’d made, either. What could he be doing, anyway? This wasn’t the order of things! Food first. Then play and nap. Bobby received a harsh rebuke, his dad’s hands tightening around his shoulders and holding him firmly.  A little too firmly, if he were honest, but it was enough to stop the thrashing about he’d been doing, much to his dismay.
Bobby thought about dragging behind his dad when he guided him outside and onto the busy street, but all the morning smells changed his mind. He was hot on the trail of particularly delicious smelling sausages when they stopped and Dad yanked on his lead to get him to heel. Okay, maybe it wasn’t really a yank. More of a light tug, but it still annoyed Bobby as the trail of greasy meats mixed with the odious smear of a German Shepherd’s poo right under his nose.  Bobby gagged and sneezed again, nudging at his dad’s leg to move away.
But Dad opened a door in front of them and led him inside a warm building, instead.
Bobby froze inside the door, assaulted with all the overpowering chemical odors of the worst place on earth. He’d only been here twice with his dad, and both times, they’d stuck things into places they shouldn’t be stuck, and then poked him with sharp little teeth in his scruff. The white-haired man with the teeth said it wouldn’t hurt, and maybe it didn’t, but it certainly wasn’t comfortable.  And it made Bobby remember the times when his mummy—his real mummy—would pluck him from a pile of his brothers and sisters and scold him for being a loud mouth and causing a brawl.
“Oh, hello, Tom!” came a cheery voice.
Bobby pulled on the leash, pushing back toward the door. Maybe if he could just find a nice person outside, they’d open it for him and he could run off?
“Hey, Phyllis!”
Bobby looked up at the old lady with the cloud of white hair on her head as she peered over the counter at him. She reminded Bobby of the lady who kept his mummy, but this one didn’t have the scary painted-on eyebrows that always made his mummy’s old lady look surprised. He liked Phyllis. She always snuck him an extra treat on his way out of the building.
Phyllis came around the counter and leaned down, her ancient bones groaning as she bent to scratch Bobby’s ear. “You’ve grown so much since we last saw ye, wee one.”
“Like a weed,” his dad replied. “I didn’t think he’d get this large, his mother wasn’t very big.”
“Ye canna tell from the dam,” Phyllis said. “If ye dinna see the sire, then there’s always room for growth.” She stood up and looked at his dad. “Is wee Bobby here for his neutering?”
Neutering? What the hell was that? Bobby didn’t like the sound of it. Not one bit.
“Let’s get ye in a room,” she said, grabbing some papers and motioning them back to a smaller room.
There, she stuck the thermo-thingie in the place where it wasn’t meant to be stuck, and plopped him on top of a curved white contraption that she made him sit on before proudly pronouncing he was seven kilograms and fighting fit. Whatever that meant.
Then they were left alone in the silent room that smelled of pissed-off calico and nervous bulldog. He crawled up onto the bench where his dad sat looking at that little rectangular thing always in his hands, and rested his head on his dad’s leg. With an empty, growly stomach and no morning nap, he was already exhausted. What was his dad thinking!
Bobby dozed off and only woke up when he heard the squeak of hinges and an exasperated voice say, “I’m so sorry we’re running behind. We had an emergency bowel obstruction already this morning and everything got shot all to hell—oh my god, Tom!”
His dad jumped up from the bench in apparent surprise, because he didn’t care that he knocked Bobby on the head with his knee and let him fall with a thump back on the seat. Bobby huffed and righted himself, peering over the metal table between them and the newcomer, deciding if it was friend or foe.
A pretty lady with a big smile held her arms out to his dad. A lot of people did this to his dad. He didn’t understand it, except this time his dad didn’t hesitate to take the woman into his arms and squeeze her to his chest.
“Wow, Ivy! How are you?” his dad asked, a silly grin on his face. “Last I heard you were in Mexico.”
“Yeah, about two years ago,” the lady, presumably Ivy, replied with a laugh. She had a kind face with big eyes and full lips that stretched across perfect flat teeth. Bobby still didn’t understand how humans could eat anything with teeth like that. “I’ve been in Edinburgh since.”
“And why down here now?”
She shrugged. “Working for Da again.”
“I thought you two couldn’t ever work together?” he asked.
“Well, he’s getting ready to retire, and I’d like to take his practice over,” she said. “So we’re going to make it work.”
His dad frowned. “Something in your voice tells me that’s not all.”
Ivy laughed. “When you’re made redundant with no notice whatsoever three weeks before Christmas because your ex-boyfriend is a Class One Arsehole, this is what you do. You lick your wounds back at home.”
“Oh, ouch, I’m sorry I asked,” Tom said. “You’re living with them, too?”
“Until I can find a place. Like I said, no warning,” she replied. “And it’s very difficult to find a flat in this area, in my price range, that allows a cat and a dog, just before the holidays. As it turns out, you don’t make a fortune when you decide to wander the world’s missions providing veterinary care.”
His dad laughed again and took a step closer to the lady, dropping his gaze for a moment to her lips, then looked at her eyes again. Strange behavior, that. Bobby had never seen his dad do that before, to a lady or man. Everything about today was strange. The air in the little room was suddenly even stranger, smellier. Like his dad had been running a lot, but that wasn’t the case because there had been no run or walk, and it wasn’t bad, per se. He certainly smelled different, though.
“So,” she said, expelling a giant breath and looking down at the papers in her hand. “Who do we have today?”
“Oh!” His dad turned to him, as though Bobby had been forgotten. Bobby tried not to take affront to the slight, but it was difficult not to as he was put back on the cold metal table between the lady and his dad. “This is Bobby.”
“Bobby?” she asked.
It was a good name. Bobby liked his name, because it was the name his dad had given to him.
“Long story,” he replied.
“And you’re here for a neuter?” The lady bent down to Bobby and met his eyes. He really liked this lady’s eyes, like his dad did. They were deep and kind, but full of life with a little crinkle at the corners every time she smiled. Her hands and fingers were nice, too; lovingly gentle, but also firm, as they rubbed down his back and scratched his ears and pressed carefully on his belly. She put the cold silver disc to his chest and the plastic things in her ears, the room falling into silence as she closed her eyes and listened for a minute.
Bobby lifted his head and looked at his dad, but his dad wasn’t looking down at him. He was staring straight across the table at the woman holding Bobby to her soft, warm body while she listened to the thumpa-thump of his heart. He couldn’t recall his dad ever looking at a woman like that, either, suspended in some sort of trance, like when Bobby really clued in on an invading bug while preparing to pounce on it.
When Ivy stirred again and let go of him, his dad breathed in deeply and stepped back with a shake of his head. “Everything sound alright?”
Ivy chuckled. “Perfection, of course! I’ll be doing the surgery this morning, and we’ll give you a ring after to let you know how everything went. You can pick him up any time after three this afternoon.”
Just wait one darn minute. His dad was leaving him here? This was ridiculous! No breakfast, no nap, and now he had to go with the nice lady? Didn’t he have any say in this?
“He’s being a bit of a handful today,” his dad said. “Didn’t want to come.”
“I should think not,” Ivy said on a laugh, gathering Bobby’s head in her hands to bend down and press her lips to the fur just above his eyes. It was a nice kiss. Bobby liked it enough that he made sure to stick his tongue out and swipe her cheek, too. “Mmm, you smell yummy. Just like a boy ought to. Like fresh soap and cologne.”
Bobby could have sworn his dad swallowed his tongue for the sound he made. He didn’t understand what was going on, but everybody was acting very odd. And he still didn’t want to stay the day in this place. No matter how much he liked Ivy’s hands and lips.
Ivy grinned at him again before looking back at his dad. “We’ve got it from here, Daddy. You can go now.”
“Oh, alright,” his father said, giving him one last pat on the head. “Be good for Dr. Hayes, Bobby.”
Bobby huffed, but settled into Ivy’s soft embrace. Well, this was nice. Nicer than his dad’s hard chest. Maybe staying wouldn’t be so bad, after all.
With one last glance over his shoulder, his dad left them in the room alone. Ivy lifted Bobby further up her chest; he nuzzled her neck and stayed there as she hugged and kissed him again. “Alright, little one, let’s get those bad boys taken off so you don’t run around bedding all the lassies.”
Bobby definitely didn’t like the sound of that.
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Andrew Bogut, Animals, and Desperate: *IS ON the NYC Kill List* Adopt me please! Ta home? Huggy , Lovin Fan Fun Hun ON th Please, don't let them kill me !!! Let's Play! Isn't she lovely? Darling little MINI PINSCHER sweetheart Hermione Granger IS ON the NYC Kil List due to catching the dreaded shelter cold. A VOLUNTEER WRITES: "Do you believe in magic? Visit the marvelous Hermione Granger & I guarantee you soon will! I'm a big dog person' myself, but this snuggly, playful little sausage cast an irresistible love spell from the moment she leaped onto my lap & started smothering me in kisses. Age is just a number &I guarantee Hermione is the sprightliest senior you'll ever meet! She's chock full of energy, aside from sitting on command for treats, spends all her free time running around the yard, jumping up for attention, chasing toys & even play bowing like a puppy. A great leash walker who's cool with meeting other dogs, she's happy to be picked up, cuddled or pet any which way, and is never anything but totally focused on having fun fun fun with her friends. Hermione's at the top of her class with a spotless behavior assessment, & she'd make the perfect pet for a family of any age or size. Open your heart& choose Hermione Granger!" This sweet as can be gal WILL DIE at the Manhattan, NY ACC UNLESS RESERVED/FOSTERED/ADOPTED/RESCUED RIGHT NOW!!! RESERVE her Or APPLY NOW to make her yours! ***** To Be KILLED 9/10/18 in NYC ***** Isn't she lovely? <3 Darling little MINI PINSCHER sweetheart Hermione Granger IS ON the NYC Kill List due to catching the dreaded shelter cold. A VOLUNTEER WRITES: "Do you believe in magic? Visit the marvelous Hermione Granger & I guarantee you soon will! I'm a 'big dog person' myself, but this snuggly, playful little sausage cast an irresistible love spell from the moment she leaped onto my lap & started smothering me in kisses. Age is just a number & I guarantee Hermione is the sprightliest senior you'll ever meet! She's chock full of energy, aside from sitting on command for treats, spends all her free time running around the yard, jumping up for attention, chasing toys & even play bowing like a puppy. A great leash walker who's cool with meeting other dogs, she's happy to be picked up, cuddled or pet any which way, and is never anything but totally focused on having fun fun fun with her friends. Hermione's at the top of her class with a spotless behavior assessment, & she'd make the perfect pet for a family of any age or size. Open your heart & choose Hermione Granger!" This sweet as can be gal WILL DIE at the Manhattan, NY ACC UNLESS ✔RESERVED✔FOSTERED✔ADOPTED✔RESCUED✔RIGHT NOW!!! RESERVE her Or APPLY NOW to make her yours! VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAjRxV-a7Bk&feature=youtu.be ANOTHER VOLUNTEER WRITES: Hermione Granger (40496) is the most amazing senior I’ve ever met, she’s totally outgoing, playful and full of love and her good manners and perfect behavior scores reflect how easy it would be to welcome her into almost any family, from elder folks to little kids. She's at risk of euthanasia on 09.10.18 and if such a bright light should go out tomorrow the world would be a much poorer place. Please share this sprightly gal far and wide, Hermione is simply too good to lose. Volunteer Georgia Richmond writes.... Best Little Dog Ever!!! Hermione couldn't be more outgoing, playful or affectionate and she'll light up the life of anyone lucky enough to welcome her home. Age is just a number and in her heart this gal is still a puppy! ******************************************** ** ON the PUBLIC LIST ** RESERVE her RIGHT NOW & Save her Life via the ACC LINK >https://ift.tt/2wZtIMe or Message Must Love Dogs - Saving NYC Dogs immediately. SAVE her LIFE RIGHT NOW!!! ******************************************** Hermione Granger 40496 Small Mixed Breed - Miniature Pinscher Sex female Age 12 yrs (approx.) - 14 lbs My health has been checked. My vaccinations are up to date. My worming is up to date. I have been micro-chipped. I am waiting for you at the Manhattan, NY ACC. Please, Please, Please, save me! A VOLUNTEER WRITES: "Do you believe in magic? Visit the marvelous Hermione Granger and I guarantee you soon will! I'm a 'big dog person' myself, but this snuggly, playful little sausage cast an irresistible love spell from the moment she leaped onto my lap and started smothering me in kisses. Age is just a number and I guarantee Hermione is the sprightliest senior you'll ever meet! She's chock full of energy and aside from sitting on command to accept treats, spends all her free time running around the yard, jumping up for attention, chasing toys and even play bowing like a puppy. A great leash walker who's cool with meeting other dogs, she's happy to be picked up, cuddled or pet any which way, and is never anything but totally focused on having fun fun fun with her friends. Hermione's at the top of her class with a spotless behavior assessment, and she'd make the perfect pet for a family of any age or size. Visit our Manhattan Care Center today and let the 'sorting hat' in your heart choose Hermione Granger!" Behavior Condition: 1. Green Behavior History Behavior Assessment Dog allows petting and handling. Date of Intake: 9/3/2018 Basic Information:: Small mixed breed dog. How is this dog around strangers?: Dog is a little nervous around strangers. However she does not bark at people and is quite well behaved. Date of assessment:: 9/5/2018 Look:: 1. Dog's eyes are averted, ears are back, tail is down, relaxed body posture. Dog allows head to be held loosely in Assessor's cupped hands. Sensitivity:: 1. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, eyes are averted, and tail is in neutral position with a relaxed body posture. Dog's mouth is likely closed for at least a portion of the assessment item. Tag:: 1. Dog follows at the end of the leash, body soft. Paw squeeze 1:: 1. Dog does not respond at all for three seconds. Eyes are averted and ears are relaxed or back. Paw squeeze 2:: 1. Dog gently pulls back his/her paw. Toy:: 1. Minimal interest in toy, dog may smell or lick, then turns away. Summary:: Hermione Granger approached the assessor with a soft body. She allowed all handling and displayed no concerning behaviors. Playgroup: When introduced off leash to dogs, Hermione Granger keeps mostly to self. DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: ~12years based on PE. Microchip noted on Intake? scanned positive by LVT on intake. MC# 483877762a History : Stray found. Subjective / Observed Behavior - BAR, allowed all handling. Evidence of Cruelty seen - none Evidence of Trauma seen - none EENT: Nuclear sclerosis, OU; ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: dc 4/5; pd 4/5 PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: No murmur ausculted; CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated; tense. U/G: spayed female. spay tattoo seen. MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, healthy hair coat; 3mm dark brown, non-haired skin tag or mass along the right lateral cheek CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: grossly normal. Assessment geriatric nuclear sclerosis advanced dental disease obese skin tag / mass Prognosis: good. Plan: recommend dental cleaning +/- extractions once placed / adopted. weight management -- goal weight of ~9lbs ... NOTE: *** WE HAVE NO OTHER INFORMATION THAN WHAT IS LISTED WITH THIS FLYER *** ... RE: ACC site Just because a dog is not on the ACC site does not mean they are safe by any means. There are many reasons for this like a hold or an eval has not been conducted yet or the dog is rescue-only... the list goes on... Please, do share & apply to foster/adopt these pups as well until their thread is updated with their most current status. TY! ============ Shelter address ========== - Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029 - Phone number (212) 788-4000 (automated only) Operating hours: Monday through Friday 12.00pm to 8.00pm, Saturday & Sunday: 10.00am to 6.00pm. Closed on all Holidays.. ================================= PLEASE, KEEP IN MIND... that the breed listed is an 'educated guess', since the ACC doesn't post the breed of its dogs anymore. Thank you for your understanding. == About Must Love Dogs - Saving NYC Dogs == We are a group of advocates (NOT a shelter NOR a rescue group) dedicated to finding loving homes for NYC dogs in desperate need. ALL the dogs on our site need Rescue, Fosters, or Adopters & that ASAP as they are in NYC high-kill shelters. If you cannot foster or adopt, please share them far & wide. Thank you for caring!! <3 ================================= http://www.nycacc.org/adopt/hermione-granger-40496 ++++ http://nycaccpets.shelterbuddy.com/animal/animalDetails.asp?s=adoption&searchTypeId=4&animalType=3%2C16&datelostfoundmonth=9&datelostfoundday=5&datelostfoundyear=2018&tpage=6&submitbtn=Find+Animals&pagesize=15&task=view&searchType=4&animalid=83241 Beamer Maximillian Leah Pekarsky Imps Nj-Pa IMPS New York IMPS of New England (Internet Miniature Pinscher Service) Caro Hocker Carolin Hocker
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lotsofdogs · 6 years
Celebrating 14 Years (+ 14 Things You Might Not Expect)
After Ryan and I got engaged, I remember discussing whether or not we’d continue celebrating our dating anniversary now that we’d have a wedding anniversary to celebrate instead. To quote Ryan, “YES! We’re not just going to lose those SIX years!” So here we are, fourteen years later, still celebrating the night we went on our very first date back in 2004.
It’s crazy for me to think back on the people we were when we met – so carefree and young! – and everything that happened to those two crazy college lovebirds since our first date at The Cheesecake Factory.
Sometimes I look at Ryan and still picture him as the shaggy-haired college junior I met but then I realize he’s no longer 19 and he’s so much more to me than just the hot guy I saw at the gym. I’m so proud to be married to someone who always makes feel like a priority and there’s truly no one else in this world I’d rather have by my side every day. I feel incredibly lucky to have a husband I consider not only the love of my life but a true partner in every sense of the word.
Whoa! I didn’t mean to turn today’s blog post into a mushy-gushy love fest, but sometimes I feel like in the craziness of day-to-day life it’s a GOOD thing to sit back and count our blessings and Ryan is certainly one of mine.
When we were driving back home from Florida after Christmas, Ryan and I got into quite the comical discussion about little things we know about each other that we think might surprise those who don’t know us very well. I thought this discussion might make a fun blog post and so Ryan and I turned our random car conversation into today’s blog post.
We’re each sharing seven things we think those who don’t know us very well might be surprised to know about the other person. We each brainstormed seven things about the other person – 14 total, in honor of our 14 year anniversary because we’re cheesy, but hopefully this doesn’t come as a huge surprise to you guys by now. I also threw in some throw back pictures for your amusement!
Seven Things You Might Not Expect About Ryan
In Julie’s words…
He owns “A Little Bit of Mambo,” the Lou Bega album that came out along with his first (and only?) hit, Mambo Number 5. I think we’ve all owned semi-embarrassing CDs in our past that make us laugh but here’s the thing with this one… Ryan STILL maintains that this album is a GOOD one. He still owns it, plays it and sings along with nearly every word. Oh and his first concert was Up in Smoke with Dr. Dre, Wyclef, Eminem, Snoop Dogg and Warren G. He also maintains that this concert was a great one, but that one I will give him.
His all-time favorite breakfast (from anywhere, ever) is McDonald’s hotcakes and sausage. His dad used to take him out for hotcakes and sausage when he was a kid, so I think Ryan’s love for this meal is wrapped up in nostalgia, grease and sugary sweet syrup. When McDonald’s began offering breakfast all day, it was a very good day for Ryan.
He plays the drums. Ryan has serious rhythm. He’s always noticing beats and creating his own beats to songs. I always thought this was cool and then the cool-factor went WAAAY up when I learned he used to be in a band in high school called… wait for it… “The Bandits.” You should probably know something about Ryan in high school. He was very far from a rebel and a pretty squeaky-clean soccer-playing kid, so this band name choice made me laugh so hard when he first told me about it. My little bandit.
Little repetitive things easily annoy him. Ryan is an up-for-anything kind of guy which might lead you to initially believe he’s laid back… but he’s also very easily annoyed by certain things, especially repetitive things like someone shaking their leg or tapping a pen on their desk, scrolling through their phone right next to him, a clock ticking, etc. Before I stopped biting my nails, we got in a heated fight or two because he couldn’t handle me going to town on a rogue nail out of the corner of his eye. Also, after 14 years together, I’ve finally come to realize that it’s better for our relationship if I don’t drive when we’re together because the man cannot handle keeping his mouth shut when I am behind the wheel.
He hates spiders. When we lived in Florida, Ryan was our designated roach killer but if a big ol’ spider somehow made it into our house, I had to step up to the plate. (Is it just me, or are cockroaches WAY worse than spiders!?) Also, whenever we go hiking, if Ryan happens to walk through a spider web, he does this spastic Matrix-like move to try to avoid getting any more of the web on him and it freaks the heck out of me every time.
He had shaggy highlighted blonde hair when I met him. He also wore a puka shell necklace and I thought he looked like some kind of a hot Abercrombie surfer model.
He’s an amazing dog dad to Sadie. This one might not be all that shocking because I talk about our obsession with Sadie on this blog a lot, but Ryan’s love for her truly is on another level and it makes my heart so happy. He wants to take Sadie everywhere with us, researches drivable vacation destinations that include her, gets the most overwhelming dog-guilt if something happens and Sadie misses a walk one day, etc. Before Chase was born, I remember thinking to myself that if Ryan loved our first child half as much as he loves Sadie, we’d be in good shape. (Good news: I was right. He’s the best father and Chase wants to be and do everything “just like Dad.”)
Seven Things You Might Not Expect About Julie
Okay, before I copy/paste Ryan’s seven things, I feel like I need to preface his bullet points a bit. I asked him to text or email me his seven things and sent him mine so he could see my formatting. When he sent over his seven things, he said “don’t change or delete anything… unless I spelled something wrong” and I had MAJOR flashbacks to our wedding!
Our pastor asked us to submit five things we love most about each other to him that he planned to read aloud on our wedding day and I sent mine to him directly fairly quickly. A few days later, Ryan emailed me his five things to pass along and I found myself sobbing at my desk at work. I instantly emailed our pastor telling him to throw my five things away and re-wrote everything because Ryan brought the heat and I felt like mine seemed silly and dumpy by comparison. So that’s kind of how I feel about the things he shared below. There were a couple of bullet points he sent my way that made me laugh out loud and a few that made me smile so big that I instantly I wanted to go back and make my bullet points way better. But time limited me so, Ryan, you win this one. And I love you.
In Ryan’s words…
She’s very competitive during Game Nights. Day in and day out Julie is a fun loving, relaxed person but the minute a game comes out during Game Night, she becomes the most competitive person I’ve ever met. Seriously. No where else in life is she competitive, but bust out Catch Phrase and I think she would sell her soul to win. Numerous times she opts to not have me on her team because I’m not the best. What the heck!?
She can’t dip to the right. Julie is a great dancer and we’ve been known to get our boogie on at a wedding or two. So as we prepared for our own wedding we laughed away the idea of taking dance lessons for our first dance. Who needs that? We’re pros! Well, come to find that the we are not. The weekend before our wedding we decided to practice our jig at home. It started great. A little box step, a slow turn, we even threw in a twirl or two. We were feeling confident, smiling and enjoying our practice. But then I tired to dip her right. I planted my foot, she pivoted her hips, but when she bent over her right side she turned into a tree. Stiff as wood, couldn’t bend more than two degrees. Literally she went no where towards a dip. So we tried again. And again. Well, after a couple of the same awkward misses we tried to dip left and she nailed it. We consider this her Zoolander trait and still have fun dancing in our kitchen and trying to dip to the right to this day.
Her driving terrifies me. This one speaks for itself. If you see Julie driving, you should probably drive the other direction. Julie gets nervous going fast and she is easily distracted by her thoughts, the radio, the wind… I often fear for my life when a passenger in Julie’s car and feel my heart rate rising and my butt clenching as I jab my foot relentlessly at the non-existent brake pedal that should be on the passenger side. Julie makes it clear that she doesn’t enjoy my ‘color commentary’ to her driving and therefore this cycle makes for a less than ideal family experience. Needless to say, I drive almost everywhere we go together.
She really is that energetic. Julie is simply the most energetic person filled with positive intent I’ve ever been around. She has a aura of infectious positive energy. She’s the kind of person that you find you are instantly in a better mood after spending time together (unless she’s driving, see bullet above). It’s a joy to see her with Chase and the excitement and love she brings to being a parent. I admire this quality and hope that I bring her as much joy and positive energy as she brings me.
She could eat Ice cream forever. Have you ever played the game where you ask someone what they would choose to eat if they were stranded on a desert island? Julie’s answer is “ice cream.” I’m here to confirm to everyone that I truly believe Julie would happily sustain on ice cream any day, any meal, any flavor. If it weren’t for lactose intolerance (She’s not lactose intolerant medically, simply we all have some intolerance to lactose at high enough quantities. Google “The Milk Challenge.”) she could clearly sustain on ice cream without end. Some of you might say…I’m like this too! Let me assure you that you are not. Just this past Saturday she polished off half of a half gallon of Moose Tracks in one sitting. Yup, this is why we generally don’t keep ice cream in the house.
She’s a Super Mario champion. This one is truly random and goes back to a moment in time from our early dating years. Our first spring break together, Julie’s high school friends came to Florida to hang out. One of those nights we all went out to dinner then decided to just relax and have a few drinks at home. We made some hunch punch and a cup or two later everyone was being silly. My college roommate and I schemed up a plan to have some fun with Julie. He recently found his Super Nintendo and we were nostalgically playing classic games of yore. We plotted to convince Julie that we had agreed on a bet that needed her to get past level 3 in Super Mario or I would lose some astronomical sum of money. (Mind you we were in college and I think the “astronomical” sum was $25.) Needless to say Julie was a bit tipsy and reacted as nervous and bashful as expected when we told her she needed to play. Well, what happened next defied our minds and lives with me to this day. Julie jumps on the controller and proceeds to pilot Mario like Drain-o through a clogged drain. She literally went 14 levels without dying. But here’s the thing:I’m pretty sure she never stopped sprinting and jumping little Mario’s heart out. (Mario literally never stopped moving. Our jaws hit the floor and we have been in awe to this day. So, long story short, never bet against Julie on Super Mario.
She’s incredibly kind. This one may not be a shocker but it’s our anniversary and I’m allowed to be a little mushy today. Julie is exceptionally kind and thoughtful. It’s not just the authenticity of her kindness but also the intentional way she goes out of her way to brighten another person’s day. This is another quality I admire and have learned to emulate. It’s the little things here and there that are special. From something as trivial and passing as an informal compliment to a stranger to going out of her way to help others, her authenticity and intent is subconscious. The cliché statement is “she makes me want to be a better man,” but in this case it fits. She makes me want to be a better person to others. Kinder. More intentional with positivity.
Question of the Day
What is one thing you think people would be surprised to know about you?
For those in a relationship, what is one thing you think people would be surprised to know about your partner?
[Read More ...] https://www.pbfingers.com/celebrating-14-years-14-things-you-might-not-expect/
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