#i might be mad but yall i went out yesterday
tbh-entp · 1 year
the age old question: is this entp female flirting or talking? we may never know.
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portals-posts · 4 months
So What Now?
2018!Billie eilish x fem!"nepobaby"reader
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Summary: Y/n hasn't been answering Bilies calls, Why?(based on another tt i found!)
TT cred: sotobilsgf
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"Y/n is ignoring me" Billie said fiddling with her rings while looking out her car window. "How long?" Maggie asked, looking at billie. "For like two week now" Billie repiled. "Is she mad?" Maggie asked only to get a shrug back. "She may just need a break billie", " If you really love someone you don't need a break" She said before take a bite from her buritto. "If she wanted to leave you she would have said it", Maggie said glancing at her phone before look back at billie. "She's important to me, I don't want her to leave" bilie said in response to her mom with a slightly worried face. "Well has she posted?" Maggie asked,throwing out ideas. Billie shrugged yet agian not knowing. Without any further advice from her mom, billie looked back out the window, waiting to get home.
Once they got home, Billie went straight to her red lit room, flopped onto her bed and went on her phone to see if you had posted. And you did,yesterday and a few hours after she had called you.
*What was posted(or an idea)
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Photo #1: The outdoors is my home🫀
Photo #2: A new baby in my collection🥰🍰
Billie seeing these posts was confused yet upset, Why weren't you answering her calls or texts. Were you mad? Billie decided to call you again but leave a voicemail if you didn't answer.
"Hey babygirl, you aren't answering my calls or texts. I just want to know if your all good, If were all good. Just call me back when you can mamas, I love you." Billie ended the voicemail and tossed her phone onto the end of her bed before heading to her brothers room to get her mind off of this.
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a/n: I hope you like this!!! Might make a second part if yall would like! 🫀
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persephoneflouwers · 11 months
i used to go here a while back even though i wasn’t rlly a proper larrie (complicated lol). at one point i started talking mad shit about them and everyone hated me only for me to come back and see how different people move now. womp womp :/ i genuinely feel like everyone dislikes them a teeny tiny bit, it’s weird to see. back then it was a big deal if you got away with a tad bit of criticism and anyone who was proper bitter was ousted into a small corner of this site where they stayed bitter with their anons. and it was also like 3 people. now im checking random blogs and literally everyone has some shady thing to say. DESERVED tbh. leaving before I say more. sorry if this is annoying or unnecessary. i just wanted to say it 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️
I mean… if you’ve been following closer, they have been clearly very hard on larries for a while. Take Harry for example. This past summer he made his life purpose to destroy all things larries used as… something lol blue bandana? Here, X*nder have it. Sweet creature? It’s for Gemma and he said it in front of 90K people which was very humiliating imo. Umbro shirt? Listen, he’ll have it for a pap walk he will have to promote his brand and yall like bluegreen nail polish. And the last one, the one people willingly ignore, he has O*ivia name tattooed on his INNER THIGH. I dont think it gets worse than this lol do I even have to mention the biking sessions to promote a theatre play or…?
Louis has been a dickhead on twitter since he was in the band. Yesterday he was even more of a dickhead than he used to. If he wants to be the third Gallagher brother he should be asking them first. He was unnecessarily rude with everyone and with the chicken parmesan thing he showed to me he doesn’t even read the tweets or whatever issue with reading comprehension he has going on.
The good thing about social media instead of live or interviews is that you can take your time to write down some articulated response and that you happen to choose what you reply to.
He announced he was going to do this thing 24 hours prior, went online and treated everyone with sufficiency. Totally unprovoked. Can you see how prepared this was? That makes it even worse because he is acting like this on purpose and everyone knows it. Like what’s the point of doing that speech on stage everyone gets so emotional for if you go online and bicker with your fans? They’re not taken for granted when they buy your tickets, but when they tweet constantly about you and keep you relevant on social they’re? This tells a lot to me.
The problem is he wants to deny what he created (he mentioned the recipe even for walls promo) but he puts a target on larries’ back as always, because his fans can be unreasonably nasty and the pop world hates larries already they don’t waste a minute to start alienating them, insult them and bully them out of the safe space they have created for themselves. It’s the marketing they have chosen, their propaganda.
It’s weird when accounts with huge following interact with this part of fandom, because they never do it to “protect” them. We’re talking about a loud, mostly queer and young side of his fandom… I wonder what would happen if larries finally decided to turn their backs at them (which I encourage to do). Yes, there still might be a target on them but at least it wouldn’t be like that. I’m pretty out of the fandom, barely talk about them but I still follow some blogs so I know a few things. I’ve realised I’m not comfortable anymore here. I still want to write a few stories because it’s fun and I like the exercise but that’s going to be it.
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iamyelling · 2 years
today was a hard day. feeling overhelmed. tired, stressed. dissociated a bit. feeling something else that i don't have a word for.
started out feeling weird this morning. i made a bowl of rice crispies but i had a mere thimbleful of almond milk so used annah's (old) soy milk but it was so sweet and gross i had to throw the whole bowl out i couldn’t stomach it. it might be so old it's gone bad idk. so i only had my tea this morning.
then i left to go get my booster, and pick up my prescription that was ready but when they asked for my covid vaccine card i realized i forgot it at home. so i drove back home, picked it up, drove back. then i could get it. and i haven't gotten the flu shot yet so they did that too. boom boom one in each arm. then i went grocery shopping. then put the groceries away, then took sol to pee. then i was gonna eat something but my body was feeling too stressed to eat, so i brushed sol, to calm down. but then found i found 2 fleas on her and oh then it was flea crisis time
i texted annah and figured out what i needed to buy. texted our friends to let them know for their dogs and since we're seeing them this weekend going camping. and for advice from one friend who is an animal expert. and then another friend is texting me to invite me to go accompany them to bellingham next week for them to get a tattoo. and im receiving texts from this person i went on a weird date with on sunday about what theyre interested in. not gonna talk about that right now that's a whole other thing but yeah. ive been posting horni stuff on lex and i know it's always overwhelming getting the responses but the thing i posted yesterday or whenever it was, is particularly overwhelming and aghghg i feel weird
so i make myself some food at it's like probably 2 or 3 by now, eating some yogurt and granola. then i pack my stuff back up and go to the pet store and get flea meds for the animals which is like $140 bc flea meds are fuckin expensive. then i go to qfc and i can't fucking find the baking soda which annah asked for and i'm going up and down the aisles and no workers are around to ask for help and i just fucking give up and check out and i ask the lady at the register if they have it and she's like yup it's just hard to see and i'm like mhm well i really looked but ok. anyways i just fuckin leave im like trying not to just have a mental breakdown in the fucking baking aisle of qfc and annah can go find it on her way home from work. so i finally get home. then i need to medicate all the animals, and i do that. it's topical and i need to make sure nobody ingests any of it so fingers crossed yall.
finally that's done and i can just relax until annah gets home which is honestly at that point pretty soon.
when annah gets home it's immediately chaos energy of course right. she's all like saying she's itchy because of the fleas just hearing about it while she's at work so lord you know it's going off when shes here. so she had ordered something from amazon and it was supposed to get here but it didn't and it said delivered but it's not here or in the mail room and she was very rightly mad about that. it's happened to her multiple times now that it'll say it'll be here rush prime shipping or whatever and it says its delivered and it's uh nowhere to be found. anyways
then begins her cleaning. she pours this huge box of baking soda all over the carpets everywhere. leaves that to like .. soak in? idk how powder works but it's there. she cuts up the lemon and rosemary she requested i buy for her, puts that in a pot of water to boil with peppermint essential oil. which does admittedly smell nice. then she sprays that all over the house, on the carpets on the blankets on the animals (they were very confused and did not appreciate being misted). oh and at this point i remember that the old comforter my parents gave us that we use as an extra dog bed, which i'm washing for obvious flea reasons, (oh yeah i put that in the wash before getting the flea meds) which did one round in the dryer needs another go on the dryer so that's going and loud and overstimulating of course. then begins the vacuuming. so now annah's vacuuming and needs me there to help move things for her. oh also her thumb is flaring up lately and she has been texting me today that it's super painful. but she needs to do the vacuum, not me. ok so we're doing this, we can't hear each other, its stressful. eventually we finish vacuuming. the vacuum needs to be emptied frequently i think due to all the damn powder clogging our very fancy vacuum up. anyways. for the record i did vacuum almost the whole apartment on sunday because annahs sister is in town from nyc! she took the train all the way here! so i was trying to help get things in order and tidy so annah doesn't feel worried about anyone showing up.
but we get through it. and the dryer is still going and annahs putting the instant pot in a cupboard and i keep hearing this beeping! annah is hard of hearing so can't hear it, it's this inconveniently high pitch tone and she is no help in locating it because she can't hear it. and so i'm going CRAZY trying to find it. i think it might be the dryer ? no. it sounds like its coming from the instant pot but that doesn't make sense because it's not plugged in. i check outside if it's maybe a neighbor and i'm hearing it through the walls, nope its louder inside. i give up and accept that i'm going crazy. i sit down and see on my phone a notification from this app from a company our landlord company hired to give us these sensors for leaks and apparently a leak is detected under our sink. wait no this was before we started vacuuming. anyways. so i am trying to mark it as a false alaarm but it keeps going off! so i just accept that this is gonna go off. whatever. it's not going off anymore but idk it doesn't make sense. maybe some maintenance guy will show up tomorrow to deal with it
finally i am resting now. and i'm hungry but i don't even want to make food im just. ugh
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jeonjeonggukenergy · 4 years
May 31
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summary ~ on the last day of your senior year living together, you're still fighting your feelings for your roommate jungkook. before you can fully move out and move on, he makes a pretty significant scheduling error. #and there was only one bed
genre ~ fluff, smut / roommate!au, college!au, bit of crack/fake texts
wordcount ~ 5k
warnings ~ smut (18+), blowjob (oral: m receiving), nipple play, marking, penetrative sex, cumplay (sort of oral: f receiving), jungkook just goes hard as expected BUT IT'S SOFT? this is just super cheesy and cute with some hopefully hot smut
a/n ~ surprise oneshot! and they were roommates? and there was only one bed? this is all my fave tropes wrapped into one, i had a ton of fun writing it and i hope yall enjoy :')
~ read on ao3 ~
You walked up to your apartment door just as a boy from the class below you walked out—with a wave, a "see ya, Jungkook!" and what appeared to be the last piece of your roommate's bedframe.
"You...sold...your bed?"
"Well, sort of. I borrowed it from that guy for the year while he was studying abroad. So now I'm giving it back to him. Since I'm staying in the city for my new job, though, I wish I could have just kept it. Now I have to actually buy one," Jungkook lamented.
"I mean, okay, but why didn't you just wait to give it back tomorrow when we move out?"
"What do you mean? Today's move-out day. I was just waiting for my brother to get off work to help get all my stuff out of here. I was kind of wondering why you hadn't packed up more, but you've always waited til the last minute to pack for things." Jungkook grinned, recalling your friend group’s spring break trip.
Momentarily distracted by his dig, you defended yourself quickly before returning to the subject. "Hey! At least I always get it done in the end. Better than packing too soon and accidentally giving away your bed a day early. Your new lease doesn't let you move in til the first day of June, right? It's May 31st."
Jungkook's pretty doe eyes went comically wide. "31st? There is no May 31st. It's June 1st. Because yesterday was May 30th. Right?"
"Oh my gosh. You're joking. You have to be joking," you tried not to laugh as you pulled up your Google calendar. "Here, look," you turned the phone around to him. "May 31st."
"Shit," he breathed, pushing the soft shock of hair back from his frozen face. "What did I do?"
You took your phone back, already distracted by your texts as you reassured him. "Don't worry, it’s funny but it's no big deal, I'm just messing with you. You can sleep on the couch for tonight, you'll be fine."
Jungkook grabbed your wrist, making you look up from your screen in surprise. In sitcom-esque slow motion, he swiveled his head sideways and you followed his gaze to the living room, realizing—
"The couch was his too. I gave it back."
"Oh my gosh," you muttered, shaking your head down with a smile. Feeling a little braver on your last full day as roommates, you finally gave Jungkook the warning that had almost slipped out plenty of times over the year. "Jungkookie...you're really lucky you're so cute. Otherwise you wouldn't get away with nearly as much as you do in life.”
"I..." Jungkook dropped your hand, grinning at the usual nickname but unsure how to take the half-compliment. "I'm so sorry. I can't believe I forgot about a whole day, I usually double-check my calendar. I can just take the floor for tonight, I guess? I'll go unpack my blanket again. Sorry, I don't want to be an inconvenience."
"No, no," you cut him off—against your better judgment, but determined to ignore your superficial attraction to him to be a good friend and roommate. "Don't be ridiculous, just sleep in my bed. I mean, if that's okay with you of course. It'll definitely be more comfortable than the floor." He nodded rapidly, eyes still wide but mouth perfectly flatlined like an emoji. "Okay then. No worries. Let's eat, I got us takeout for our last night but it's getting cold."
At the mention of food, Jungkook made a beeline for the plastic bags hanging on your arm, and soon you were back to normal—well, sort of. Eating slightly reheated noodles on the living room floor instead of the couch, you giggled over one last Friday night K-drama episode together and reminisced over all the best memories from your year as roommates. You missed the coziness of your couch more than you thought you might, or maybe you just missed the snuggles you'd shared in its corner on countless nights like this one.
Jungkook had always been cutely touchy with his close friends, but it had taken a while for you two to get comfortable. You had to admit you'd gotten spooked when you first met him, disappearing behind your door after a quick "hi, nice to meet you!" and furiously texting your friend and former roommate Jin in distress. He hadn't warned you the new guy he'd found for your apartment was, in your own words, "stupid hot." Jin had laughed you off, saying it hadn't even occurred to him because he just saw his former soccer teammate "JK" as a kid. To be fair, it probably truly had slipped Jin's notice—he barely believed anyone who told him how objectively attractive he was. But Jin was a good enough friend to both you and Jungkook that he took charge of dissolving the initial tension, immediately bringing y'all over for a "double housewarming" dinner party at the cute new place he now shared with his fiancée. (Thank goodness he'd finally listened when you'd told him she found him attractive. Even if it cost you a roommate of two years, you'd happily take credit for that relationship.) That first invitation had felt suspiciously like a double date, but Jin's cooking and hosting skills broke the ice nicely enough. After that, it only took a few more dinners and video game nights to initiate you into their casual rhythm of hair ruffles and backhugs.
Currently, Jungkook had his arm around you to offer a neck rub while you rested your head on his shoulder, hoping he couldn't feel your pulse beneath his fingers. "Ah, you're going so hard," you half-protested.
"I always go this hard! You never complain," he shot back with a teasing grin.
"Nah, come on, you're gonna leave a mark or something. At least check," you lifted your head, sweeping your hair aside. "Is it all red like Jin always gets?" you joked.
Facing away, you had no way of seeing it, but Jungkook's face had gone red too. "Uh...no, it's fine, it's fine." He glanced back to the TV and turned it off, noticing the episode had ended. "Sorry though, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm gonna go shower and get ready for bed."
"Hey, no, it's okay!" You tugged on his shirt as he got up, wanting to reverse whatever you’d done to make him seem so uneasy. "I'm not actually hurt or mad at you or anything, I was just messing with you. Again." You smiled lightheartedly, and his face broke into a soft nose-scrunch at the reassurance.
"Okay, good. I was gonna shower anyway though—so uh, see you in bed I guess?"
"Yeah same, see you in bed," you laughed, trying to maintain the ease in your facial expression until the moment he left the room, upon which your internal monologue immediately turned into "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa."
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You couldn't help thinking about Jungkook in the shower. And not even in the usual way that you couldn't help thinking about Jungkook, in the shower. As much as you hated to admit it, Jin was probably right about your feelings for your sweet, dorky roommate going beyond just physical attraction, or friendship. Jungkook was kind, respectful, smart, athletic, artistic, funny, really hot, and you already got along well enough to live together: he really was the ultimate boyfriend material. You were both pleasantly moderate introverts. He shared your same favorite dramas and brand of instant ramen. Even your parents loved him—wait, did they want you to date him too? A strict follower of every social rule that dictated not dating roommates, coworkers, best friends' exes, exes' best friends, etc., you had simply never allowed yourself to consider the possibility until now. You played back your conversations with Jin over the year and considered the sheer amount of the funny stories you told him, or situations where you asked for his advice, or surprises he'd helped you plan, or simply glowing, grinning descriptions of something new you'd noticed, that all ended up being about Jungkook. He'd never even had to bring him up. Damn Jin for being such a good listener.
Almost an hour later, when you were already in bed, Jungkook politely knocked on your door. He always took long showers, and tonight you couldn't decide whether you were thankful for the extra time to prepare yourself or even more stressed from the extra time to overthink.
"Come in," you called quietly. Jungkook shuffled into your room, toe-socked feet making their way to the side of the bed you'd rolled over to clear for him. Cautious, he climbed in, and you stayed safely facing away from each other for a while, winding down for the night on your phones like you both normally did in your separate rooms. So spaced out that you couldn't even detect Jungkook's additional body heat, you felt the chill of the air conditioning instead and kept adjusting the blankets to try and achieve maximum insulation.
Jungkook eventually spoke his first words since he'd entered. "Am I hogging the covers? I'm sorry."
"Oh no, you're totally fine, if anything I'm taking up more than you. I'm just always cold, so I usually sleep in, like, a three-layered burrito. But it's fine! Really, no worries."
To your surprise, Jungkook rolled over, propping his head up on an elbow to look at you. "Well...I...we could..." he started, swallowing when you turned to face him. "I mean, you could wear socks! Like I do!" He pulled a foot out from under the sheets and presented it to your face, cackling.
"I think the fuck not," you snorted, shoving the foot away and falling slightly on top of him as you both lost your balance in giggles. "You couldn't catch me dead in your weird-ass socks."
"That's the secret, though!" he insisted. "That's how I stay warm."
"You are warm," you realized. One of your hands had ended up on his chest, the other arm tucked in the side of his torso, and both were burning up. You supposed you'd settled into similar positions on the couch before but you'd never noticed just how much of a human furnace he was. Maybe it was because he hadn't been wearing his toe socks.
Neither of you said anything for a second. You could feel his heart beating at a slightly elevated but respectable rate, and while you wanted to pull away, if only to spare your own nerves, you also...didn't. You were too scared to stay like this, but too scared to move too. Jungkook seemed similarly stuck, blinking down at your hand on his chest, but eventually he unfroze to reach over it and drag you fully onto him by your shoulder. You simply let him handle you, not making any additional moves but silently enjoying the heat he seemed happy to provide. His hand spread over your back to press your torso to his, radiating heat through your thin t-shirt, and you suddenly grew self-conscious that you were braless. But of course you were, who wears a bra to bed? You were fine. This was fine.
"Are you okay? Is this warmer?" Jungkook asked, as gentle as his touch.
"Yeah! Yeah, this is fine," you responded, the answer muffled by your mouth's placement all too near to his neck. You could sense the heat coming off his skin from there too, but it contrasted with the mild coolness of his still-damp hair. It smelled faintly of floral shampoo, and the scent suddenly amplified all your nerves as the implications of how close he was hit you from head to toe. Even the soft fuzz of his socks brushed your bare legs, now intertwined with his. You weren't exactly small, but the warm solidity of Jungkook’s body under you made you feel fully enveloped by him. Though he'd shared a fair amount of skin with you through the course of your friendship, the intimacy of sharing your bed took every touch to another level, and being pressed so flush against him felt unbearable. You couldn't possibly process a whole year of pure pent-up physical attraction right now, much less any other feelings that may or may not have grown with it, especially when you knew he had no reason to feel anything back. And you were roommates. You just needed to sleep it off and then you could both move, and move on, in peace. Hopefully the odds of ever being stuck in a bed with Jungkook again would go way down after tonight.
Not bothering to get up and turn off the weak string of lights above your headboard, you just slowed your breathing and attempted to drift off to sleep. Pretending the deeper breaths weren't so you could get a better whiff of his soft, flowery hair, you laid still for several minutes, successfully ignoring your body's instinctual response.
Eventually, though, it became impossible to ignore his.
Jungkook wasn't that hard, okay. He wasn't a teenager; he thought he could control himself around you enough by now that he could just enjoy this last night without giving anything away. He almost felt bad when you invited him into your bed, sensing your reluctance and knowing it was his own fault that you'd had to offer in the first place. But he knew you wouldn't have asked if you weren't truly okay with it, and that confidence gave him the tiniest swell of hope that maybe you were a little bit more than okay. While Jin refused to give away any real insight into what you thought of him, he'd been teasing Jungkook for six months about his crush on you, eventually convincing him to try making your friendship into more once you both graduated and moved on to different roommates. He had just been planning to bring it up in a much better way than the semi that you could definitely feel against your thigh. You had both been silent about it for over five minutes, though, long enough that he could cross his fingers that you were already asleep. He probably didn't have to worry about a thing.
You had finally worked up the courage to stop pretending you’d fallen asleep. You felt him freeze up under you—the defined abs that covered his tiny waist tightening, solid chest muscles contracting, and his thighs tensing to trap yours between them, all at once. You froze too, attempting to speak again but no sound coming out.
"_____, guess what!" he blurted to cut you off. Which was good, because you had absolutely zero plans for what to say after that.
"It's after midnight," he said, jolting up to point to the digital clock on your side table. "It really is the first day of June now. So, according to the lease, we're officially no longer roommates. Crazy!"
"I mean...yeah," you affirmed, confused. "But also, we're literally sharing a bed right now. In the same room. So until that changes, I would probably still call us roommates." A little too amused by your own clapback, you raised your head to peek into his wide eyes and smiled, a big one that scrunched up your whole face.
And his dick twitched. Yeah, there was no way you could not notice that.
Before you could even finish your gasp, Jungkook spoke again. "I like you. I'm sorry. I like you. I didn't want to say anything while we were roommates because I didn't want to make you uncomfortable, and I definitely didn't mean for this to happen, I'm sorry. You can totally not like me back and it's fine. I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to tell you like this, I just...I like you. A lot."
Shocked into silence for a second, but galvanized by his unnecessary apology, you responded without thinking for once. "Don't say sorry. You don't need to apologize, it's okay. Oh my gosh, I had no idea. I really had no idea. I, uh, I think I like you too? Shit, okay, I thought you were really hot from, like, the day you moved in, and eventually it became more than that but I didn't want to make anything weird because, yeah, we’re roommates, so I pretty much tried to ignore it all year. But then Jin made me realize that you're basically all I think about—or talk to him about, shit, I must have been so annoying—"
"Jin? JIN?" Jungkook grabbed his phone from the side table and wasted no time in blasting off the last meme in his camera roll. You propped yourself up in his arms, both giggling at Jin's quick shot back.
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Looking at him now, a big cheesy smile on his face even as he stirred under you, still a little hard, you nodded as if fully understanding for the first time. "Yeah. I like you too."
As he set down his phone and brought his hand around your back again, his smile faded into a smirk. "Wow."
"Yeah...wow," you echoed, nervous and awkward again. You felt your face grow warmer as he looked slowly to your lips, then back up to meet your eyes.
"Can I kiss you?"
Blinking, you shifted your weight back down onto him, bringing your face close enough to hear his intake of breath as your hips brushed his dick. "Can you do more than that?"
"Fuck," he whispered. "Yes."
Jungkook snaked one arm down to your ass and one arm up your back to the nape of your neck, holding you close as he kissed you for the first time, fiercely. He didn't waste another minute hesitating now that he knew you had both wanted this for a year. Passionate but not aggressive, he teased the seam of your mouth with the tip of his tongue and you instantly opened for him, gliding your tongue over his smooth bottom lip as his flicked up to the sensitive roof of your mouth. Squeezing your ass to guide your hips down in small circles against him, he tensed his other hand slightly into your hair and you moaned at the competing sensations. Jungkook broke away to absorb every beautiful noise you made as he discovered you, heavy eyes finding yours before he rolled over to pin you to the bed and bury his face in your neck. He smiled into your skin when you moaned again from the satisfying pressure of his full body over you, and carefully rolled his hips into yours as he covered your jawline in tender kisses. One of your hands carved through his thick hair. As you dug the fingertips of your other hand into his prominent back muscles, you suddenly realized you were both still fully clothed and you really, really did not want him to be. Tugging his t-shirt over his head and throwing it aside, you paused before letting him do the same.
"Wait. Take off your socks. I can't believe I didn't make you do that before any of this. I really just almost had sex with someone wearing toe socks. Kill me," you whined over-dramatically.
"Come on, that would have been hilarious. What a first-time story!" Jungkook said earnestly. "Sure you don't want me to leave them on?"
"Please take them off. Please," you only half-jokingly begged.
"You wanna take 'em off for me?" he teased, wiggling a foot in front of you.
"Fine, whatever it takes!" You flung his sock across the room, reaching for his other foot below the covers to get rid of the other one.
He fell on top of you, giggling again, but as soon as you shut him up with your lips he snapped out of it, eagerly deepening the kiss while his warm hands traveled up under your shirt. Smoothing over the curves of your torso and reaching up to firmly grasp your breasts, he moaned into you and you whined back as his thumbs brushed your hardening nipples. He was incredibly physically precise, each movement graceful yet sharp and intentional. You felt deeply lucky to experience this dimension of him, the most perfect and natural expression of his contradictory nature. Equally loving, giving, overachieving, and sensual—with a side of weird socks and Gen Z meme literacy—that was your Jungkook.
"I can't believe this is happening," Jungkook murmured as he pulled your shirt over your head. "I can't believe I get to see you like this. You're so—ohhh." He trailed off, taking in the fully naked glory of your top half for the first time. His head immediately ducked to your chest, sucking dark bruises into the low-lit hollow of your breasts. You squirmed under his hold on the dip of your waist, whimpering, but the grip of your hands in his shiny black locks let him know you didn't really want him to stop. Grinding against his now rock-hard dick, you eventually couldn't take the friction anymore and reached down to try and pull off both of your pajama pants at the same time. Jungkook just laughed.
He paused to help you out, rolling off of you to take care of his own sweatpants, and you kicked off your pajama pants and underwear as Jungkook slowly let his erection spring free above his waistband. You'd never thought a dick could be pretty before, but it honestly made sense that his would be as perfect as the rest of his body. "Fuck," you swore softly, mouth watering. Jungkook raised an eyebrow at you, and you scrambled to lick the tip as if on instinct, eliciting a much more emphatic "Fuuuuuck!" from him. He spread his legs to let you crawl between them, holding tenuous eye contact as you smirked at his sensitivity. Teasing a single finger up his shaft, you followed its path with your tongue and he let out a deliciously high, shaky moan.
"Please," Jungkook choked out when you approached him, lips pursed. He praised you breathlessly as you tightened a hand around his length and began to sink down. "You feel so good already. Fuck." Closing your eyes, you hollowed your cheeks to accommodate his generous size and dipped your head, sucking him in as far as you could go. He was so responsive, you learned what he liked quickly, and savored each whimper as you stroked his balls gently or swirled your tongue over his slit. You licked all the way from his head to the base and he cried out. Bringing a hand to the back of your head, he didn't quite hold you down, leaving enough slack for you to move if you wanted to, but you submitted to his touch and stayed a second with nearly his whole length in your mouth. And then you swallowed.
"Stop! Stop, please, or I'll cum." He pulled you off by your hair, bringing your forehead to his as you realigned your bodies. "You're so good for me," he professed warmly. "I wanna be good for you."
"Then fuck me," you surprised him by answering bluntly. "Please, I want you so bad."
Jungkook groaned, arching his hips up against you and coating his dick in your wetness. Bringing himself back under control, he pinned you under his thighs and reached down to open you up with a finger. You felt so much more relaxed with him than you had with any previous boyfriend or hookup, and he slid into your entrance fairly easily. You moaned right away when he brushed his thumb over your clit, and he responded with a muttered "Fuck it, you’re so wet already," pulling his finger out and stroking it up your folds as he lined up.
"You're on the pill, right? For your periods," he confirmed.
"Yeah, of course. You really think I'd let you hit it raw otherwise?" you shot back teasingly, trying to hide how touched you were that he remembered from a few months ago, when he'd driven you to pick up your prescription since your car was in the shop. That was your Jungkook.
"No," he said sheepishly. "You're smart."
You smiled up at him fondly, ruffling his hair. "You're smart too. And sweet. And hot. And your dick is enormous. It's kind of unfair."
"Unfair!" he protested. "How can I be unfair when you're perfect?"
"Perfect? Shut up," you dismissed him. "Now I know you're lying. You cheeseball."
"I'm not lying! You're perfect for me."
"Oh, so you're just a hopeless romantic. Where did that come from? What am I getting into?" you fussed playfully.
"Okay, we can make fun of each other later, like always, but right now can I just get into you?" Jungkook pleaded, directing you back to the task at hand.
"Oh my gosh. I can't believe this, you're worse than Jin. That was actually pretty impressive—" Surprised, you half-laughed, half-admired his wordplay, but were silenced by both his lips and his first few inches gliding into you.
Not yet breaking your kiss, just absorbing your moans into his mouth as he stretched you out, Jungkook eased himself all the way in. He drank in every detail of your body's response to keep careful track of your comfort. You tilted your ass up against him, absorbing the fullness of his big dick immersed in your walls, and he froze. "Pretty impressive?" he whispered.
"Jungkook," you breathed back in pure pleasure, too overwhelmed to sass back.
"Can I move?" he asked sweetly.
"Fuck. Yes."
Jungkook's brows narrowed as his eyes turned darker, and he snapped his hips up into yours once, twice, before setting a fierce pace that had you crying out with each stroke. He hadn't lost touch on your clit the whole time, and he began to circle his fingers to pleasure you there too, building up an almost unbearable tension throughout your whole body.
"Fuck...fuck! Jungkook!" you chanted. His eyes overcame their fluttering to meet yours. Jungkook stilled, then ground down on you in one big, slow, circle, drinking in your blissed-out expression.
"Harder?" he whispered. Jungkook loved a challenge.
"Sure, harder. Why the fuck not," you keened, high-pitched and desperate. He could split you in half at this point, leave you unable to walk for days, and you'd love it.
Jungkook made a small, delighted noise at your eagerness, kissing you quickly before flipping you over and positioning you on all fours, sheathing himself in you again. He ran his hands along your torso to clutch your breasts from underneath, holding himself up against you with solely the strength of his thighs and his core. Pulsing his hips into you carefully, slowly, to let you get used to the deeper angle, his fingertips skimmed your nipples tantalizingly, warming you further. He dropped one hand to prop himself up and slowly traveled the other down to your center. The lustful, elated exhale you let out when he rubbed your clit made him snap his hips forward, tilting you into the bed before you could engage your thighs to push back against his. Your continuous moans encouraged him that you were enjoying this just as much as him, loving how he remained fully attentive to your pleasure while pounding into you to pursue his own high. He fucked you like a high-intensity workout, pushing his unreasonably built body to its limits of speed and strength. You couldn't help wishing you'd taken him up on more of his offers to hit the gym together, but he seemed to get off on your breathlessness, wanting to give you his all and push you past your limits too. His fingers working as quickly as his hips, heat swelled up inside you, and when you felt sure that the tension in your core was about to break, you turned your head to cry out to him.
"Jungkookie, Jungkook—nhngh, I'm gonna cum."
"Ahhhh," he moaned. "Me too, _____. You feel so amazing, ahh—you're so perfect for me." The praise warmed your heart and your core, and soon you came around him with a long, drawn-out whine. He fucked you deep through each spasm, sending you into hot, heady overstimulation as he shuddered and emptied himself into you. When you finally collapsed under him, legs sore and shaking, he pulled out of you gently and lowered his lips to your lower lips with great care. Jungkook meticulously kissed from your swollen clit to your entrance, soft as a whisper, and you breathed out in overwhelmed bliss as his tongue emerged to tenderly nudge every drop of his cum into your opening. The gesture of aftercare, just as soothing as it was inexplicably hot, bloomed an affection within you that almost made your heart hurt. You rolled over, stretching your legs out, and he looked up at you from between them. His hair was a beautifully sweaty mess, and he smiled in sweet satisfaction with your wetness adorning his chin. That was your Jungkook.
"Don't go anywhere," he said softly, kneading your thighs with his hands.
"Well, I have to do the whole pee-after-sex thing. But after that, where would I go? There's only one bed in this apartment now," you couldn't help teasing.
"Hey! If I hadn't given away my bed, none of this would have happened," he complained cutely, pulling himself up to big-spoon you. “Just stay with me.”
"I will. I know," you murmured back. "And I'm so happy you did." You shifted back, closer against him, and he buried his face in your neck.
"You know, I was gonna miss being roommates so much," he said thoughtfully. "But I'm so okay with not being your roommate now if I get to be your...your..." He grinned into your shoulder, suddenly too shy to say it.
You turned to face him, holding his pink cheeks in both of your hands and kissing his nose. Knowing this would be just the first intimate moment of many made you both flush with an easy, sweet joy.
"My Jungkook. You're my Jungkook."
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kakubun · 4 years
Seijoh With A TikToker! Manager
seijoh x gen!reader 
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you thirst trap, that’s it
it was supposed to be a joke with your older friend, ryan who thirst traps on occasion with you
but with a little bit of flashy editing and snazzy clothing, yall got thousands of people loving both of you
your fits on tik tok are 🔥🔥 in other words, cool asf 
from suits, way too much accesories (in a stylish way), fishnets to a thousand more clothing you bought online (with ryan’s money of course, since you’re broke af) 
your editing and transitions is crazy good, you were just chillling on tik tok and scrolling through the comments to see people thirsting and asking stuff like “how did you do that :00″, “tutorial!!!” and “behind the scenes?? this probably took a full day to edit!!” 
you were editing a new video, you were in a flowy sundress with a hat and you were twirling around, being so happy of how cute you looked and with a turn of your head, you were in a classy suit
tie, vest and chains around your fingers when you lean in the camera with half lidded eyes and a cocky smirk
you were happy that your thirst trap looked good so you sent it to ryan for her to inspect mistakes and imperfections
and to show how hot you are
you changed out your suit after doing a photoshoot, waiting for her response and wiping off your makeup adorned your features and waited for ryan's response
you opened up a choco pie and relaxed since being in the suit looked really cool but it made you sweat
a notification popped up so you opened up immediately after wiping some sweat off your shoulders
you: *sends video* ahah i look hot
🥛🍞: y/n-
you spat out your choco pie and hurriedly deleted the video
you sat, frozen
oh no no no no you sent it to the WRONG person infact not person, PEOPLE
you sent it to the team groupchat so you didn't know who sent it since you scrambled to delete it
hopefully it was just oikawa but at the same time with his big mouth and teasing nature, you dreaded going to school the next day
nobody texted after that, probably waiting for an answer the next day and you melted to jello on the ground
ryan🍰: darling, let's hope you don't die of embarassment the next day
you: 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
you avoided oikawa, you ran if you saw him and it was easy since his crowd of fans were there at times and you could see iwaizumi dragging him away
the only time you couldn't avoid him after school, you couldn't skip either since that's just irresponsible
breathing in, you entered the gym and you were thankful oikawa hasn't arrivrd yet and watari and kindaichi were there
watari waved to you and you waved back, jogging to the storage room to put up the nets
"looking for these, cutie~" you gasped, slapping a hand on your mouth, did he hid in here just to suprise you or sonething, oh wow why did he so badly want to see you😃
you wanted to 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
but you didn't move yet, standing in place, staring at the carts of volleyballs and fidgeted with your fingers
he rested his chin on your shoulder and whispered in your ear which made chills run down your spine
"where was the oh so confident y/n we saw yesterday?" we? 'we'???? who saw the video, w h o el s e
"w-who saw the video?" you met his satisfied grin as he rubbed your head like a cat and laughed
"makki, mattsun, iwa chan, yahaba, kunimi, kindaichi, mad dog chan, watari and me, everyone saw :))" oh. of course it took about 5 minutes for you to notice the notification and now you wanted someone to take you out
no, not oikawa, i mean a gun it looking kinda segsi tho ;))
you pushed oikawa back out to the gym and hung your head in embarassment and makki and mattsun won't miss the chance to bully you 😔
"y/n you were so cute yesterday, why are you so shy now??-" they ruffled your hair and you have to stop them but their smug ass grins made you flustered
kindaichi couldn't stop thinking about it, his heart was racing of how attractive you looked with a suit
kunimi thought you look neat in a suit since he could see your tik tok, he might stalk it out of boredom
yahaba already stalked it, you look so beatiful but ryan, oh how scandalous of a duo you both were
the tips of kyoutani's ears and cheeks wouldn't stop flushing red, he kept remembering that smirk you had and he served harder when he couldn't get it off his mind
watari was flustered, his face lit up pink, his expression was so adorable when he accidently didn't receive the ball just because you were on his mind
iwaizumi was embarassed for you, he knew you sent it to the wrong group chat, you look so.. suggestive with your expressions that you made in the video and when you run your fingers through your hair, he needed the hospital to check up on him
well as you can see, the rest of the third years didn't hesitate to bully you, they teased and poked fun at you all day
but it was all fun and giggles, they meant no harm
they were impressed with your editing that you had to show other videos so they could fanboy like little boys again as they won't stop bugging you to show yourself off again
y/n: so this is- *you licked your lips* nvm *swipes to next video*
meme team and oikawa: nooo come back!!!
iwaizumi: *has to be a metre away from them so he won't combust*
so at the end of the day, what did they do?
stalked your account.
they would comment in the group chat when it was nearing midnight
iwaizumi won't hesitate to kill anyone who didn't sleep
iwaizumi: sleep 🪓🪓
the rest of the team expect for the ones sleeping: 💫mute notifications💫
iwaizumi: that's not what i meant-
so probably after that, you didn't get shown off the internet but at school as well
ah yes the embarassment
well atleast you did show off your editing skills in presentations (the stuttering didn't helped honey)
ryan🍰: atleast we getting the views hun🤑🤑
y/n: ooo you're glad you don't go to school anymore 🔪🔪
but atleast you could see the team in suits at the school festival after what had happened, ig
(also sorry for the over using emojis, i- i just went crazy on it😔😔)
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yjwonz · 2 years
hi r/aita am i the a hole uwu fuck this
right so my dad recently had a surgery, when i say recently i mean literally yesterday. i took the day off n everything to drive him there get him back and ive been taking care of him while still managing to care for my younger sisters, cook for them, clean the house, etc... right? so when i asked my now 15 y/o sister (turned 15 last week idk if i posted abt it) to go out and buy some medicine like painkillers and shit to help my dad sleep faster (thats it) she couldve done it right? there a pharmacy literally like 4 blocks away idk its like a less then 10 minute walk. she was there anyway because she went to the gym around there to work out. i call her up and i go 'hey can you pick up this medicine blah blah blah like right now please' and she agrees to do it right. 20 mins past i dont think anything bc it might take her a while to find the stuff and walk back i call her 'hey can you maybe hurry up ?? sorry its just he really needs them yk' and she goes 'yeah whatever i know calm down' and im like ...what??
anyways 15 more minutes past, she should be home. i call her, 'where are you ??' she says shes otw. okay. 15 more minutes, where tf is she? the gym isnt far from the pharmacy btw, literally less than 5 mins. also painkillers n shit are like right by the door and its never busy either. im abt to call her and she sends me a text telling me to open the door. i tell one of my sisters to go open it and she goes outside to see where said sister is. i walk over to the door and ask where sister is and little sister says 'shes here but her friends are here' ..what? what. i see sister walking up the steps a huge fucking bag in her hand and shes laughing w her friends. she steps in her friends still outside. im staring hella hard at her and i close the door and im like where the fuck have you been? i asked you for 2 things. why are your friends here what the fuck? and shes like oh my god i got the stuff calm down. and i say thats not the point you cant take a single day of not hanging out w friends?? (she hangs out w them like 8 times every week deadass)
and shes getting mad at ME?? she tells me they were at the gym with her and i tell her then why are they here?? 'they were at the gym with me' 'okay that still doesnt explain why r they here???' and she take the medicine out of the back and goes 'it doesnt matter oh my god just go give this to YOUR dad'
EXCUSE ME???? MY DAD???? i say 'what do you mean your dad, you mean our dad !!?!' i leave to give dad his medicine and shes in the garage w her friends, i tell her they need to leave and she says theyre abt to but shes just waiting for her friends mom to pick them up. im done w it atp so im like okay fine whatever. its like 3 oclock now and i serve the other girls lunch and i wait for my sister to come in. 30 minutes and her friends mom isnt here and she said 'were not hanging out just waiting' LIKE A FUCKING LIAR.
anyways yeah yall im not bitchy right im in the right for yelling at her right. CAUSE SHES GOING ALL "BLAH BLAH UR SO THIS AND THAT" LIKE SHTU UP OUR DAD IS LITERALLY IN PAIN AND YOU CANT BE AGOD PERSON FOR ONCE??@?!?@#$U^
tldr ; i send sister out for medicine for our sickly father, she doesnt get back for like 45 mins and when she does she says it doesnt matter it took her so long and tells me to just give the medicine to 'your' dad as if he's not her father ??? i get mad and yell @ her blah blah she also brings her friends over when i told her not to n shit idk
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iamknicole · 3 years
New Leaf (2)
After having lunch with her mom, Amanda went to visit her brother, Wyatt, at his rehab facility. Him and her didn't have a very good relationship but she wanted to go see him since it had been so long. She had gotten the address of the facility from her dad under the guise that she wouldn't give the information to her mother which she agreed to simply because she knew her mother didn't care to know in the first place.
The nurse led her to his room and opened the door for. When she stepped in, she spotted him sitting out on his closed off patio. She sat her purse on his desk before going out to where he was.
"It's a nice day, huh?" She said plopping down in the seat next to him.
"If you say so, Amanda. What are you doing here anyway?" He asked barely glancing at her.
Taken back by his tone, Amanda took a few deep breaths to keep from going off on him and smiled once again. "I came to see you. I just moved back yesterday, wanted to let you know."
Finally he looked over at her.
"Where are you staying?"
"At home. Where else would I stay?" She chuckled.
"That's dumb. Why go back there? Those people don't love you, they just wanna control you."
"Wyatt ... no they don't. I get it, you're mad that you're here but I think you should be grateful anyone was willing to help you. They could've just let you keep going until you overdosed. Or they could've let you go to jail for killing that little girl."
Wyatt shot a sharp glare at her and she gave him the same back.
"That look does not scare me. We all know what you did, you're just lucky the right people couldn't prove it." She huffed standing up from her chair. "You know, I know you're pissed at them because of what happened to us at camp but that wasn't their fault, they didn't know that would happen. And you feel like they owe you something, especially mom, because of what happened but mom doesn't owe you a damn thing. You're just spoiled and ungrateful."
Wyatt snorts and rolled his eyes waving her off. "That's easy for you to say. They don't do you like they do me."
"What? Wyatt, before I moved to Atlanta all they did was put all of their attention on you. I barely got a glance. You were always in trouble or in the hospital. They did what they did because for some reason they think you're worth saving."
"And you're saying I'm not?" He asked looking up at her.
"That's exactly what I'm saying. I'm getting out of here and don't expect me to come back. Good luck on getting clean."
Ignoring his yelling and insults, Amanda went back into his room and grabbed her purse. She tossed the gift she'd gotten him on his bed then stormed out of the room leaving the door wide open.
After dropping her uhaul off, Lainey ubered to her father's garage. It was one of two of his businesses, the other being his construction company. This is the one he was at today. While she waited in his office, a couple of his employees came to talk to her. When he walked in she was sitting on top of his desk laughing and talking with them standing near her.
"Now I know yall asses got some work to be doing." His voiced boomed making the two of them jump. "Get away from my daughter before you don't have a job or eyes anymore."
Lainey laughed as they scurried out of the office. "Pop, why you so mean to them?"
He kissed her head then pushed her off his desk and walked around to sit behind it. "First, don't be sitting on my desk. Second, cause they asses don't have no business in here talking to you. Especially when it's so much work to be done. What you doing here anyway?"
"Ew, rude, Pop." She laughed sitting in one of his chairs. "I just came to see you. I can't come see my father that I missed so much and that I love so much."
Caleb started at her with his brow raised. "Your mama put you out, didn't she?"
Lainey laughed loudly. "You know she did."
"What did you do?" He asked laughing.
"Well...I had invited her to come with me to drop the truck off and I would run errands with her. I was tryna help her and provide her with entertainment while she got ready. And do you know what she told me, Pop?"
He chuckled. "No, what?"
"She told me I get on her d-a-m-n nerves so I simply told her that she's a Christian and she not supposed to be cussing. She must ain't like that too much cause next thing I know there was a shoe coming my way and she told me to get out and leave and not to come back to later. So... here I am."
Caleb couldn't help the loud laugh that came out. He could hear his wife's voice perfectly in his head. "And I know you're proud of yourself. Want me to take you to get your car?"
"Very," she nodded. "No, Amanda is gonna pick me up. We're gonna go find her an outfit for tonight."
"Where you two going?"
"A friend of hers is hosting a party at a club tonight so we're gonna go. Might find you a son on law while I'm there."
Caleb stared at her, "Alright ... don't get nobody shot, Lainey. Why don't you invite your brother? I'm sure he'll wanna go."
"You want him to go so he can scare people off so no. But he has a date anyway," she said with an eye roll.
"Oh right with that girl from ya mama church. Something about that girl ain't right."
"Same thing I said but Mama told me hush my mouth."
Across town, Benny and Mitch day in their shared office doing paperwork and talking. They had a very busy morning that tapered off into a calm afternoon.
"How's your brothers, man?"
"They good, they good. Two more months left then they gon be home." Benny told him with a smile. "I can't wait."
Mitch looked up smiling, "That's what's up man. I know they're ready, it's been a long time coming."
"Hell yeah been six long years. I know Mama gon be shouting and praying when they get out. You know her," he laughed.
"Yeah, you know it. You ready for your date tonight?"
Benny huffed loudly and laughed. "I'm ready to get out over with. That girl is weird, something is wrong. I been turning her down politely for months then he ass turn around and go through my mama."
"Knowing Ms. Hanna not gon let you say no."
"Exactly. Ima take her to dinner then ima take my ass home. She not about to get my caught up in nothing."
Mitch frowned a little, "What you mean?"
Benny put his pen down and leaned on his desk, "Something about the way she be looking at me and looking over my shoulder, like she paranoid or something. Ion really like that shit."
"Keep your eye out when you're out with her. You picking her up?"
He nodded. "Yeah, I was gonna have her meet me there but you know."
"Yeah, Ms. Hanna wasn't having that. Just let me know when you pick her up and when you drop her off."
Later that night, Benny sat across the table with his date for the evening, Gia. He had been texting his best friend on and off to give him updates.
"You okay? You seem a little distant."
He raised a brow at her. "I'm cool just hungry. Waiting for my food."
She laughed a little nodding, "Yeah, me too. They're a little slow tonight. So how was work?"
"Work was work," he answered watching her look around for the fifth time, "Aye, what or who are you looking for?"
"Hmm? Oh nobody, nothing. Why did you ask?"
"Cause your ass keep looking around. You got a man or you running from someone. Which one?"
She shook her head laughing a little. "Neither, neither. I just like to watch my surroundings."
Benny hummed not believing her. If it's one thing he could do, it's sense when some shit wasn't right. And nothing about Gia seemed right.
"What did you say you do again?" He asked knowing she had never told him.
"You weren't listening to me?" She asked smiling.
He chuckled rubbing his hands over his beard. "I'm a lil forgetful sometimes. Tell me again, sweetheart."
Gia took a sip of her drink which Benny paid attention to. She was stalling.
"Oh I am a uh consultant for a bridal shop." She stuttered out with a smile.
"Oh really? Which one?" He asked leaning back in his chair.
"Mmm I don't wanna talk about work, Benny," she laughed, "Work is stressful and I wanna leave it where it's at. I'm gonna run to the restroom really quick."
Nodding, Benny watched her hurry off to the bathroom with her phone to her ear. He pulled out his phone to text his best friend and his father to let them know something was feeling off with her. Meanwhile, Gia was pacing back and forth talking on her phone.
"What?" The voice on the other end snapped.
"I think I messed up." Gia panicked.
A loud groan came through the receiver. "What the hell did you do?"
"He noticed me looking around a lot and I don't think he bought my excuse. And he asked me what I do and I told him at a bridal shop."
"Dammit! That is not what I told you to do! You just better hope you don't fuck this up for me! Cause if you do.."
"I know, I know. I'm sorry."
"Not as sorry as you will be if you fuck this up. Get back to that table and stop being so damn paranoid!"
Gia assured them that the rest of the evening would go according to plan and hung up. Before leaving the bathroom she fixed her make up. Benny looked up from his phone when he saw her come back to the table, giving a half smile to her wide one.
"Ooh our food came. This smells and looks good," she commented sitting in her seat. "What did you get again?"
"Steak, roasted vegetables and a loaded potato. You good?"
"Yup, I'm good," she smiled. "Would you like to taste my pasta?"
Benny looked up from his food for a moment, "Nah, I'm good. Thank you though. So the consulting thing. You like a independent contractor?"
Gia thought quickly before nodding. "Yes, that's its. They call when they need me and I go in to help on already scheduled days every 30 days."
"So you make your own schedule and all that? You always wanted to do that?"
"Be my own boss," she laughed a little, "Yes. Consulting, no. It's not the last stop but it's a stop. I love fashion and all that."
Benny hummed listening to her talk. He couldn't care less about what she was saying, he just wanted to keep her talking. Caleb taught him if you kept someone taking long enough, they tell on themselves without you having to do much.
"Cool so what's the next stop?" He asked eating some of his food.
She smiled and shrugged, "Haven't decided yet but something big. I hear your sister is back in town. You excited?"
Benny frowned, "How you hear that?"
"You know your mama told everybody at church," she laughed. "And we know some of the same people."
"Mmhm. Yeah that's my lil baby of course I'm excited."
Gia nodded. "A friend of mine wanted to know if she was dating anybody. He's been crushing on her since they were in high school."
"Nah," Benny answered cutting his steak, "She not dating nobody. At all. Whoever it is can keep crushing cause it ain't gon happen."
Gia laughed mixing her pasta a bit, "Awe you're protective. That's cute."
Lainey left her room with her clutch and phone, heels clicking down the hallway to her parents' room. She walked into the room dancing a little bit and adjusting her dress. Hanna sat in her bed against the headboard watching tv.
"Mama, come on and tell me I look good so I can go." Lainey laughed.
Hanna looked over at her and chuckled. "You missing straps and fabric at the top and bottom of your dress. Where you think you going?'
"Mama ... its a halter dress is not supposed to have straps. And it's almost mid thigh, that's long enough."
"Who told you that you could wear that?"
Lainey laughed a little, "I dunno if you know but I'm grown, Mama. Plus I'm cute and it's cute."
Hanna hummed. "Yeah okay, cute. Your daddy seen what you wearing?"
"Nope and ima leave before he does."
Just as Lainey turned to leave she bumped into Caleb. He looked her up and down then chuckled.
"You gon be late to ya party, go get dressed, Lainey."
Lainey looked down at her dress and heels then back at him. "I am dressed, Pop."
"Where you think you finna go in that?"
Again, she started to dance and laugh. "I'm about to go cut a rug, Pop. Shake what my mama gave me."
"You shake too much and you gon be showin what your mama gave you. You not wearing that."
Lainey sucked her teeth, "Pop, its cute."
"Uhuh, cute, I don't care. Go change."
Pouting, Lainey stomped out of the room back to her bedroom. She started to pick another outfit then grabbed her long sleeve jean button up shirt and put it on over her black dress. She left it unbuttoned and fixed it in her mirror then left to go back to her parents room. When she walked in they were kissing which made her frown.
"Hey, ew. Stop that. I don't wanna see that." She complained. "Is this better? Can I go now?"
They pulled away laughing.
"Much. Leave that on, don't take it off. You staying with Amanda or coming home?" Caleb asked.
"Staying with Amanda. Text yall when I get to where I'm going and when we're back at her parents."
Caleb nodded, "Alright, babygirl. We love you. Have fun but be careful."
Lainey went to kiss and hug them quickly before leaving the room. Once she was in her car, she pulled out of the driveway quickly heading for the Cryer house. Halfway there, her phone rung.
"Hey, Manda! I'll be there in like 15 minutes."
"Ugh I can't go," Amanda groaned, "My dad neglected to tell me that we're having a dinner party tonight. My mom tried to help me out but no dice."
Lainey pouted sitting at the red light. "Damn it. That sucks, I was looking forward to the party. Well call me when it's over and we can chat."
"Okay, I will. I'm so sorry about this. What are you gonna do?" She asked still sulking.
"Uuuh, I don't know," Lainey said quietly. "Probably go see my aunt or get food and go back home."
"Okay well I'll call you. And I'm sorry again."
"Girl you're good. I understand."
When they hung up, Lainey drove around for a bit trying to decide what she was going to do. While she rode around her phone ring again. She smirked seeing who it was.
"You must've known I needed something to do," she laughed.
Mitch's laughed echoed through her speakers. "I have great timing. Thought you had a party to go to."
"Plans got canceled. So now I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go."
"I'm sorry to hear that, Lainey."
She laughed a little. "This is when you ask me if I wanna come over, Mitch."
He laughed. "I was getting there. You wanna come over? I'm not doing anything, my best friend is on a date. I could use the company."
"Well good then. What's your address?" She asked happily.
Mitch gave her the address, then talked to her until she got to his house. While they talked, Mitch straightened his living room up then pulled his car out of his garage so she could park there.
Lainey looked around his living room while he went upstairs to change. He noticed pictures of him and a very familiar older woman who resembled him. She knew she had seen the woman before but couldn't remember from where. Mitch had changed into gray sweats and a black t-shirt before coming back down. He noticed her looking as he took a seat on his sofa sitting with his legs wide.
"Those shoes look nice on you but they can't be comfortable to stand in."
She turned to smile at him and went to sit at the end of the sofa. "They're not uncomfortable yet but I did want to sit down."
"Good. I don't know if I told you but you look beautiful."
"Thank you, Mitch." She smiled fixing her dress a little.
He nodded looking over at her. "How long do I have the pleasure of your company?"
She shrugged. "I'm not sure. I was supposed to be spending the night with Amanda so didn't plan on going home."
Mitch stretched his arms out on the back of his sofa, he's knees fanning a bit. "Well if you wanna stay a few hours, I'm good with that and if you wanna spend the night I'm good with that too. Up to you."
Lainey eyed him. Looking from his open legs to his face then his outstretched arms. She hadn't realized just how much of him it was until now and she was not disappointed at all.
"I um ... I'm gonna stay the night. If that's okay with you."
Mitch smiled at her. "Like I said, I'm good with what you wanna do. We can order food and watch a movie."
Realizing he was about to get up, Lainey stopped him and pulled out her phone. "Wait ... we can use my phone. You don't have to get up."
He chuckled softly taking her phone. "No problem. My uncle's restaurant delivers, I'll order that for us."
"Okay um we should ... we should talk and get to know each other while we wait."
"Wanna talk about this stuttering thing you're doing," he asked concentrating on ordering their food. "You didn't do that before."
"That was before I noticed how much of you there is." She said louder than she intended. Covering her face, she laughed nervously. "Oh my God ... I was not supposed to say that so you could hear me."
Mitch laughed looking over at her briefly, "It's okay, honesty is good. Did you not realize how big I was when we met?"
"Honestly, no. I was so tired from the drive and unpacking that I didn't realize it."
"Even when I walked up on you in the kitchen?"
She shook her head looking at the side of his face. "No. Happened so fast and I didn't want my brother to come in so I was looking at the doorway."
"Tell you what, when I'm done ordering the food I'll stand up for you so you can look again. Deal?" He asked.
"Good then I wanna see this outfit," he added softly, "without the shirt that's covering it."
Once the food was ordered he gave back her phone then stood from the sofa. He fixed his shirt and sweats before smiling at her. Lainey raised a brow starting at the moon in front of her. There were so many things she wanted to say and ask but nothing came out but a small, barely audible, "oh." Laughing a little, Mitch pulled her up from the sofa and looked down at her.
"I'm wearing six inch heels and I'm only at your chest. How is there so much of you?" She asked staring up at him.
"I dunno. Genetics, I guess, Lainey." He laughed and sat back down. "Your turn, beautiful."
Lainey removed the shirt she was wearing on top of her dress tossing it aside into the love seat. She adjusted her dress a bit then spun around so he could see the entire thing. Mitch had to restrain himself from reaching out to touch her when she turned her back to him. He smiled at her once she was was facing him and pulled her to stand between his legs.
"You look beautiful. This is a beautiful dress on you as well. I like it."
"Thank you, Mitch. At least you like it, my parents didn't."
Mitch chuckled grabbing her hands. "They're not supposed to. It fits you very, very well. You wanna take these off?"
Lainey raised a brow and laughed. "Wait ... take what off?"
"The heels, Lainey." He laughed. "The heels. Do you wanna take them off?"
"Oh, oh," she laughed, "Yeah, I do."
Mitch started to help Lainey take her heels off. They got one off successfully but the buckle on the other got stuck. Between both of them pulling and tugging, Lainey fell into Mitch's lap. He caught he'd around the waist, her face inches away from her as she laid her hands on his chest to catch herself. There breathing increased slightly.
"You good? I got you." He said softly searching her face.
She nodded tucking her bottom lip momentarily. "Yeah I'm good. Thank you."
Using his free hand, Mitch finally got the buckle loose and tossed the heel aside. His hand slid down her waist to her thigh keeping his eyes on her.
"You got goosebumps. You cold?"
"No," she answered shaking her head. "No, not cold. Just ... you."
A ghost of a smile graced his face. "I can take a hint."
Pulling her further into his lap then leaned up to kiss her. She fell into his rhythm putting her arms around his neck. The two of them kissed until Mitch's phone vibrated in his pocket making her jump and pull away.
"Sorry," he said softly going into his pocket for his phone, "It's Benny. He's been updating me on his date."
Lainey nodded staring at him, waiting. That was fine that they were keeping in contact with each other but she didn't care. When he tossed his phone to the side, she launched herself at him kissing him hard. While they were kissing Lainey's phone was vibrating on the other end of the sofa being ignored. She's forgotten to text her mama so she was calling.
"She probably just having fun with Amanda and forgot. You know how they are," Caleb assured his wife. "She'll text."
Hanna sighed hanging up. "She better. She knows I worry."
"She's a big girl now, she's okay, lil lady. Let's finish this movie."
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“make the time”: Tetsuro Kuroo Toru Oikawa and Wakatoshi Ushijima headcanon
Summary: Volleyball has been taking up a lot of their time and their s/o is supportive but also feels neglected because they do not spend any time together.
WARNING: NONE, JUST FLUFF (gender neutral reader)
• Always wants to make time for you but volleyball is his first love and sometimes he has a hard time balancing you and volleyball • You are understanding and you love him dearly but when’s the last time you guys even hung out? Did he not like you anymore? Should you tell him? You do not want to be clingy, but you miss him a lot. • You decide to start distancing yourself from him because you are afraid of him not understanding • He immediately notices your absence; you stop showing up to his practices, and avoid him in the halls • Even Kenma asks where you were (you were the only s/o that he liked lol) • This goes on for about a week until he can’t stand it up more • He waits for you after the last class to confront you about your absence • “Hey babe, did I do something wrong?” His usual confident demeanor is gone, he just wants to know what he did wrong so he can make it right. • “Huh? What do you mean?” You’re confused, you thought he needed some space to focus on volleyball. You know how important volleyball is to him, you know all his hopes and future goals and it would kill you to get in the way of that. You missed him dearly, you wanted to do nothing more than to hold him and spend time with him. • “I haven’t seen you at all this week. I missed you. I feel like you’ve been avoiding me, you don’t even come to my practices anymore. I always walk you home afterwards but last week I couldn’t find you at all.” • You finally understand that this separation wasn’t good for both of you. You explain to him that his passion for volleyball has made you back away from him in fear that you would get in the way. • He’s surprised to say the least, he loved you so much. How could you ever get in the way? “Kitten, nothing you can do can ever get in the way. I love volleyball but you come before anything. My soulmate, my other half, the one who can call at 2 in the morning to tell cheesy chemistry jokes to.” He chuckled “ I’m sorry you felt that way baby, I don’t want you to feel second place to anything.” • You smile, you knew Kuroo had a way with words but your heart never stops racing when he professes his love for you. “You’re right Kuroo, I should of told you how I felt instead of holding it in.” • “Don’t apologize Kitten, I should have been paying more attention. Come on let’s go to the ramen shop you like.” • “Umm but don’t you have practice babe?” • “Kitten, this day is about me and you. When’s the last time we hung out?” • You laugh “Okay lets go.”
• You start distancing yourself because of all the focus he puts on volleyball. Volleyball is his one number focus and then you. So, it definitely comes as a surprise when you hear a knock on your door and see him standing there with flowers. • “Toru? What you are doing here?” You asked • “Y/NNNNNN” he whines “Are you breaking up with me?” He asks • You’re shocked, what is he talking about? You loved him more than anything. • “What are you talking about?” You ask • He starts to list everything that you did that day,” First you didn’t give me a good morning text, then when I saw you at school I didn’t get a good morning kiss, and THEN you went to eat lunch at the cafeteria even though it’s a sunny day. You know on sunny days we always eat outside together. And FINALLY when my practice was over I spent 20 minutes waiting to walking home with you, only to look at my phone and see you texted me that you went home already” he whines again “You’ve don’t love me anymore, that’s why you been avoiding me” He frowns and pushes the flowers in your hands “Please don’t leave me baby.” Then he gives you the puppy face to end all puppy faces. (aww why did you do that to him, meany hehe) • You’re stunned, you knew Toru payed attention more than he let on, but you had no idea he was this focused on you. • “Toru, the only reason, I’ve been giving you space because I know the volleyball tournament is coming up and you need the least amount of distractions possible.” • “Aww y/n!!!! I love you even more” He brings you in for a hug, he used to people telling him he focuses too much on volleyball and how he should take breaks. Even his group of fangirls get mad when he can’t talk to them because he wants to focus on his serves for the next game. But you always understood him, you always make him feel like he has nothing to hide for you. “Y/N, I appreciate the thought you put into your actions but just know that you don’t ever have to feel like you need to distance yourself away from me to make me better, I’m better when I’m with you, not away from you. If you ever feel like you need to talk to me, don’t hold back. Okay?” He exclaims • You smile “okay, I won’t do that again” • “Promise?” He asks as he walks into your house and sits on the couch • “Promise.” You say as you walk up behind him to give him a kiss. “Okay I’ll get the popcorn.” Already seeing that he has the remote to turn on Netflix. • “Movie night!” he yells “And hurry up you have to repay me in cuddles for ignoring me all day.” He pouts. • The rest of the night you two spend in each other arms watching movies • The next morning Iwaizumi comes up to you “Please don’t ignore Shittykawa anymore he was annoying more than usual yesterday.” He rolls his eyes as you laugh “Sorry Iwaizumi!”
• OHLORD this poor baby • Tbh he won’t really notice that you start to distance yourself. • You and Toshi have been dating for a while and he loves that you aren’t clingy and you able to do your own thing. • But really you are distancing yourself because he isn’t really giving you attention because of volleyball. • This poor boy eats and sleeps volleyball so when you came into his life, he knew that he had to make changes, but he just didn’t know how. • It wasn’t until Tendou notice your absence and asked Toshi about it. That when he really started to miss your presence. • Practices were usually a place where he could completely free his mind, yet he couldn’t stop thinking about you. He couldn’t even focus on what mattered in practice. • Eventually he lied to his coaches and asked to go home early because he wasn’t feeling well. He went to your class hoping that you might still be there. • He found you studying in your classroom because you had a test tomorrow and wanted to get as much information as possible. You were so focused in your studies that you didn’t hear him enter. • “Y/N?” He walked in and sit next to you. • “Toshi?” you said, “What are you doing here, what about practice?” • “I was talking to Tendou and he said he hasn’t seen you lately. He thinks you might be mad at me, are you?” He asks • You couldn’t help to notice the hint of worry in his voice. You knew that he loved volleyball for a long time so it made sense that he didn’t notice you gone without Tendou’s help but it still hurt to know that it toke his best friend to notice your absence. • “Well,” you started “I know that volleyball is everything to you and I’m starting to feel like I’m getting in the way of your future.” You looked at him and his expression didn’t change so you continued, “I mean you’re Wakatoshi Ushijima, the great ace, what am I? Nothing.” You get up to leave. Saying everything you thought didn’t make it hurt any less. You just need to get out of here but Toshi grab your hand. • “Nothing?” he questions “You think that you’re nothing? Y/N, you’re everything to me. To everyone else I’m, Wakatoshi Ushijima, the great ace, but to you I can just be Toshi. I’m sorry that I didn’t notice your abscess at first, I thought that you wanted to your space and I wanted to give you that but now I know that you think so little of yourself and that isn’t true. I love you. Please know that.” • Your eyes start to water, Toshi never been one for words, his actions spoke for him but hearing him acknowledging him love made you heart soar. “I love you too, Toshi” you explain “I was so worried that I wouldn’t live up to the expectations of being your s/o but I’m starting to understand that as long as we’re both happy that’s all that matter.” You lean up into your tippy toes to give him a kiss, he happily leans downs and returns it. • “Can I walk you home?” he asks • You giggled and give him another kiss, “Of course, Toshi.”
Okay hope you guys enjoyed this!!! I got this idea from talking with @aoi-turtle so please check them out!! lmk what else you guys want, my inbox is open!! love yall :) (OPEN TO ANY FEEDBACK) 
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femmeharringrove · 4 years
merry christmas yall have the first chapter of a fic i completely forgot about
It’s Christmas eve, and Steve hasn’t slept in at least three days but that’s fine.
It’s not, not really, but those are the two words the boy has learned to live off of: that’s fine. It’s the motto of complacency, his father said once, after hearing it on the radio. Steve was just twelve at the time and already knew then that his father’s opinion wasn’t worth shit. Steve isn’t complacent, thank you very much. If he has to label himself, he thinks chill is a better word. He’s a chill guy, he’s the most chill person he knows, and everyone loves a chill person so it’s fine.
It’s stupidly early and he’s on the stupid green sofa in his stupid big house and he feels like shit, which is a surprise to exactly no one. The living room is a mess – he should clean it, he thinks vaguely, but he doesn’t plan on making a move anytime soon. If his parents were coming home he’d do it; can’t have them knowing their son’s become a wallowing slouch as of late. But they’re not coming.
His mother called yesterday, trilling over the line in her unnaturally pitched voice about how Prague was just beautiful this time of year and she wished he could be there to see but someone had to hold the fort down and speaking of they just won’t be able to make it back for the holidays but how would he feel about driving to Cincinnati on New Year’s Eve to join them at one of his father’s business socials that would be fun right? And Steve just listened because what else could he do?
He hadn’t been expecting them, anyway. The family hadn’t celebrated Christmas together in four years.
And in those four years he’d had options. Tommy’s family was happy to have him over, he spent many a holiday with the Hagans and then he’d spent that one truly merry Christmas with the Wheelers, and it was fine, but now he’s got none of that. This year, it’s him and the big empty house and he sort of hates it but it’s fine, thanks.
Steve watches the shadows on the wall shift with the rising sun and feels some vague sense of relief; it’s easier to breathe when the sun is out. That’s what’s been bothering him, really. When he does sleep, his dreams are plagued with darkness and cold and danger, and when he wakes up it’s still darkness and he feels like he can’t breathe. Those nightmares have gotten worse, infinitely worse over time. It’s easier to avoid sleep altogether sometimes. And he has no obligations this holiday season, no parties to appear at or houses to crash, so he can afford the heavy circles under his eyes this year.
It’s fine. It has to be fine, so it is. Even if it isn’t really.
Hawkins got snow last night. Steve drags himself up from his seat and meanders to the back door, eyes gazing out over the endless white carpeting the ground outside. He used to love snow. Now anything cold makes him uncomfortable. He hates the winter, makes him think of the dark Upside Down.
Or that damned Soviet Union and their officers and their cold, cruel faces watching on as he tells them he’s not a spy.
Had that really been this year? It feels like a lifetime ago. It feels like just yesterday. He tears his eyes away from the snow and pads into the kitchen in search of something warm. Coffee? Definitely coffee. He waits in the kitchen while the dark beverage brews and since he’s here he figures he may as well get some food into his body. Steve can cook – it becomes a necessity when you spend most of your childhood devoid of parents – but he doesn’t really want to cook. Takes too much energy, and he’s not willing to put said energy into that. So he goes with toast, because you can never go wrong with toast, right? He even slathers the bread with copious amounts of butter. It’s not the most fulfilling breakfast, but he likes it well enough.
The coffee finishes brewing and Steve spills a good bit of his father’s whiskey into it before dunking three spoonfuls of sugar in and retreating back to the couch. He grabs the remote on his way over and drops himself gracelessly on the cushions before pressing a button. The screen flickers to life and he chugs half of the hot beverage, flips through channel after channel before settling on some feel-good holiday movie. He hates these movies, he really does, but if he’s lucky it might be enough to lull him to sleep for an hour or so.
Steve used to love Christmas movies. He watched families on television gather together and enjoy one another’s company, children waiting for the magic of Santa Claus while parents shared tender moments under mistletoe. It was everything a younger Steve had desired in a holiday. Even when he had his parents home for Christmas, things had been different. Their home was filled with strange adults, co-workers of his father’s and social acquaintances of his mother’s. Santa Claus never came to visit him – his parents would simply give him a gift or two gathered from their trips abroad. He used to enjoy it, but as he got older the presents got less and less interesting, less personal. He went from wishing for those perfect movie-esque holidays to resenting them. That being said, they have their appeal.
Even now Steve can’t help but get a sense of warm comfort and joy radiating from the film, a warm sensation wrapping around his chest. It’s a strange comfort to him, in spite of his bitterness. There’s something inherently warm about holidays, and yet Steve finds himself feeling cold. He wonders idly what his parents are doing now, if they’ll remember to call tomorrow. The boy sits and sips on coffee and wonders and he’s right about the movie because he ends up dozing for a little bit. He dreams of families and caroling and trees and the whole scene takes on a peaceful, golden haze. Something almost physical wounds around his body like a cat rubbing along his frame in a form of greeting. It’s the nicest dream he’s had in a long time.
Which is why, when the doorbell startles him out of his dreams, Steve feels like he’s capable of murder.
The boy is so confused at first he doesn’t realize it’s his doorbell. When the incessant ringing gets accompanied by an even more incessant knocking on the door, Steve groans. The warmth seeps away and he heaves himself up from the couch. The mug is drained of its remaining lukewarm contents before he sets it on the coffee table. Footsteps land heavy as he stomps his way to the door, yanking it open and preparing to bite off the head of whoever dared to disturb him so early on Christmas Eve of all days.
His face morphs from a snarl to a look of surprise. Dustin grins up at him, oblivious to Steve’s previous anger.
And he’s not alone, either. El is there, too, brown eyes sparkling at him, arm tucked in Max’s as they flash him identical grins. On Dustin’s other side, Will’s smile is something more timid than the rest of his co-conspirators. Steve’s shoulders drop.
“What are you dipshits doing out here?” he snaps playfully. “Not you, of course, Will.” Will’s smile widens while Dustin and the girls make faces of protests.
“Hey!” Dustin squawks indignantly. “I’m your favorite, that’s not allowed to change!”
“Oh yeah?” Steve’s hands settled on his hips. “Who rang the doorbell?” El’s hand shoots up. “Uh-huh. And who started knocking?” The younger boy shares a guilty look with Max, who kicks guiltily at the ground. Will blinks at him in innocent confusion. Steve smirks. “So, every single one of you played a role in waking me up from my nap with the exception of Will. Little Byers is now my favorite.” Max groans and Dustin makes another scandalized sound, while Will and El both try to hide their giggles. Steve feels a mix of fondness and frustration as he watches them; that seems to be his default emotion around these damned kids. Shaking his head, Steve opens the door wider. “Okay, okay, now why don’t you all come in so I can figure out what I owe this visit to?”
“No need,” El responds, her laughter dying down. That amused happiness never leaves her face, however. “Will you have dinner with us?”
“Mom and Hopper want you to join us,” Will adds. “You can help out with the tree and everything.”
“And baking and cooking and shit, because Hop and Mrs. Byers aren’t the best in the kitchen,” Max finishes, and even though Will makes a small attempt to protest he and El share a knowing shudder. Dustin bounces on his feet slightly as he looks up at the older boy.
“Plus, if you say yes I can ride back to the house with you!” He grins broadly. “Whaddya say?” Steve blinks.
What does he say?
It’s a nice idea, sure. He loves these kids, feels safe with the two adults in question, and spending the day with them promises to be interesting at the very least. But if they’re all there, he has little doubt about Nancy and Jonathan being there too, and he’s really not mad about it anymore but there’s a little bit of awkwardness lingering between the trio. And even if he did go, those lovebirds will have each other. The party has each other, Hopper has Joyce.  Steve is bound to be left out eventually. He knows it’s not on purpose, of course, but he knows how this goes. How many times has it happened before? And he’s already a little bit pissy this holiday season, that truth isn’t likely to make this any more enjoyable.
But eight pairs of eyes watch him expectantly, hopeful looks etched onto their faces. Steve’s gaze shifts past them, down the driveway and he finds Hopper’s truck waiting at the end and he doesn’t have to see the man to know he’s also waiting for an answer.
He doesn’t like disappointing people. He’s chill, Steve goes with the flow as a matter of principle, and this is where the flow seems to be leading. He makes a show of sighing, theatrics making the kids smile even wider.
“I shouldn’t –“ A series of pleas and protests interrupt him and he has to work hard to keep from smiling. Damn, Steve should have run off to New York or Hollywood and becoming an actor, he’s good at this. “- Oh, alright. I guess I can come for a little while. Dustin pumps his fist into the air as the others grin widely. Dustin rushes to the Beamer and Max isn’t far behind.
“Get your keys, Harrington, let’s get moving!” he shouts. Steve can’t help but laugh.
“Hang on, you little gremlin, I gotta get real clothes on! And do my hair!” The two set on riding with him dart back over and duck under his arm into the house, and Steve waves Will and El off. “Go on, you two, don’t wait for me. Tell Hop I’ll bring the little devils with me,” he orders. Both nod eagerly before setting off back to the car. Steve sees them off before turning back into the house. Max is in the living room, face wrinkled into something resembling disgust.
“Jesus, Steve,” she says, “Do you ever clean this place?” It has gotten pretty bad over the past month or so. Steve tries not to wince at the judgement he feels radiating off of the redhead.
“Never, it’s a point of pride at this point,” he teases instead, and she makes another face, nose crinkling before she rolls her eyes and makes a snide comment about messy boys. Steve reaches over and ruffles her hair, reveling in her giggled squawk of protest. “Oh, be nice, Mayfield. It’s a holiday!” Dustin’s footsteps thud down the stairs.
“It is the holidays, so I know you got me a gift, Harrington,” he states, eyes narrowing. “Where is it?” Max perks up in interest now, spinning from the curly-haired kid to the taller boy, eyebrows arching up.
“Oh, uh, presents? Yeah, um -” Steve smiles sheepishly, rubbing at the back of his neck. Dustin’s eyes go wide.
“You forgot?” He marches down the rest of the stairs. “I can’t believe you, Harrington! Party members are supposed to get gifts for other party members! How could you forget?”
“Steeeve,” Max whines, head falling back dramatically. “I can’t believe you!” And she shouldn’t. Neither of them should. Again, he’s sure he’s missed his calling in life with the whole acting thing. Of course he got gifts for them – tucked safely away in the trunk of his car. He doesn’t plan on outright putting his name on them, but he’s sure the kids will figure it out tomorrow morning, which ones he leaves for them.
Chuckling at their antics, Steve hops up the stairs two at a time and dives into his room. How did this become his life, dealing with more barely-pubescent teens than any nineteen-year-old should? Steve’s shower is quick, and he styles up his hair before digging out an ugly sweater his grandmother had gotten him four years ago. Back then people were convinced the boy would go through a growth spurt; he did, but he hadn’t beefed up in the way everyone anticipated. The sweater still remains baggy on his slender frame, but he wears it nonetheless. Jeans are hastily yanked on and socked feet are shoved into sneakers before he trips his way down the steps.
Max and Dustin are anxious by the door, and he grins at them as he approaches the hall closet and grabs a coat. He hears his keys jangle softly in the pocket as he pulls it over his shoulders.
“The two of you have no patience,” he teases, watching them dash out to the car. He follows at a slower pace, amusement tugging at his lips. The kids are practically buzzing with excited energy, urging him to speed up, and they clamor into the car the moment he gets it unlocked, Max beating Dustin out for the coveted shotgun position. The younger boy pouts at Steve in the rearview mirror. Steve smiles right back at him. “Don’t look at me, she won this round, buddy.” Max’s smile is smug next to him, and Dustin scowls before slumping in the backseat. Steve shakes his head. “Alright, everybody buckle – even you, slouch potato,” The kid’s sulking is immediately replaced with a displeased squawk, and Steve doesn’t bother to hide his pleased smile as he eases out of the driveway and out onto the road.
It’s an easy trip; Steve exits Loch Nora and cruises down Dearborn. From there it’s a turn onto Maple and he has Max dig out cassettes from the glove box now. Wham! sings about holidays and heartbreak as Steve drives carefully past the Sinclair home, then the Wheelers not long after. He’s sure the occupants of both homes are either not there or too busy to be peering out of curtains in search of their kids’ babysitter, but he doesn’t want to risk having them see him do anything remotely reckless, and so he adheres to the laws of the road. Once he turns onto Cornwallis Street, he relaxes, speed inching up as he goes. Dustin’s previous sour mood has all but evaporated and he talks in that loud way of his, leaning up so he can get a look at the two people upfront. Max is just as chatty, and Steve is happy to let them converse, offering small hums here and there to show he’s listening.
He’s not really listening, but he doesn’t need them knowing.
Whiskey eyes try to focus on the road as he makes another turn, this time onto Kerley. It’s been five months since Hawkins last had to fight off monsters. Five months since the mall went down in flames. Five months since the Soviets and their needles and their gate.
He has nightmares still, about the room and the faces and the pain. Sometimes Robin’s there, panicked eyes screaming at him to help. Other times he sees Dustin, the kid looking betrayed as the general smugly tells him about Steve’s slip-up in his interrogation. Some nights he has dreams that leave him feeling physically cold. Those are the dreams he can never remember – whenever he tries, his head aches in a sharp sort of way that quickly has him leaving the whole thing alone. Even now as he thinks about it a dull throb warns him against it just behind his eyes. His thoughts wander further as the Beamer rolls onto Mirkwood.
Robin thinks he needs help. She may be right. Two weeks ago he almost had a full-blown panic attack in the back room of Family Video after seeing someone who looked eerily like the so-called doctor that ended up tugging his fingernails out with horrific ease. Even Keith had been surprised, awkwardly giving him the rest of the day off. Robin, bless her soul, tried talking him down, but ultimately she just held him while he sobbed frantically. Every day after that she gave him this look and he felt like he was suffocating under the weight of her pity, the cold force of her concern, the bitterness of her remorseful anger.
He still isn’t sure how he knew she was feeling all of that so clearly. Steve’s not great at a lot of things, but he’s always had a knack for reading a room. You learned how to do that after witnessing your parents have screaming matches almost every night they actually spent the night in Hawkins; he had to decide whether the tension in the air was manageable or too electric for him to safely involve himself in. When you struggle up the social ladder of high school, you learn how to read people and earn their favor. It’s his thing, always interpreting. It’s been five months since that little quirk seemed to get more sensitive. He doesn’t exactly know how he feels about that, or if it’s a good thing at all.
Steve slowly tunes back into conversation as he turns off of Mirkwood and makes his way down a simple dirt path. From what he can tell, Dustin and Max didn’t quite miss his additions to their conversation during the drive. Easily the two chattiest people in the Party, the older teen’s convinced they could talk for a week straight, without pause, and never notice the lack of anyone else’s input. It’s impressive, if you ask Steve. Max’s electric blue eyes catch his for a moment and she grins widely. She looks for all the world like a normal girl, not like someone who’d almost lost her brother on the Fourth of July.
The Beamer finally comes to a halt. Steve laughs as the two kids scramble out of the car and rush up the driveway. He takes a moment to turn the ignition off and now he’s suddenly feeling rather hesitant.
Why did he let them talk him into this?
The boy slumps in his seat. He should go home. He should crawl onto the couch in the living room and hide under blankets the rest of the night. The kids would not be particularly pleased with him, he’s sure, but he’ll make up for it with the gifts in the trunk. But if he leaves, when is he going to have a chance to leave those gifts for them? He certainly can’t come back tomorrow, and after that he’s just going to feel bad. Up ahead, Dustin’s head tilts as he looks back at the car.
“Harrington! You coming?” Steve hesitates, waves the kid off, and as soon as Dustin turns again he drops his head against the wheel.
He really, really should leave.
The door is slammed shut with a nudge of his hip, and Steve trudges his way up the driveway. Joyce is at the door, all smiles as usual. In spite of his doubts, the boy can’t help but smile back.
“Steve! I’m so glad you came,” she greets, pulling him into a hug as soon as he gets near. Steve settles in her hold for a few brief moments before tugging away reluctantly.
“Hey, Mrs. Byers. I would have brought something with me, but -“ Joyce cuts him off, gentle hands waving about dismissively.
“Oh, none of that,” she chides, “And it’s Joyce, honey. Besides, you can still help in the kitchen.” Her smile turns almost sheepish. “Hopper and I could use an extra hand.” Both of them are stellar single parents, but Steve knows for a fact that neither can cook to save their lives. Steve’s been mastering the art since he was thirteen, he’s gotten quite good at it. He nods at the woman as he slips past her into the house and for a moment he’s overwhelmed by how homey the place looks.
Wrapping paper, string lights, and other festive odds and ends litter the floor. Hopper and Jonathan seem to be in the process of setting up the tree in a corner. A holiday record plays loudly, barely heard over the roaring chatter of the kids yelling and running around. It’s chaos, the very best kind. He’s surrounded by the inherent warmth of it all and the lingering trepidation melts away quickly as Steve lets his shoulders relax.
Eleven notices him first among the kids, and is quick to slip out of a confused Mike’s grip to greet him. Her hug is warm, and Steve holds her tight, one hand rubbing her back as he returns her embrace.
“Hey, kid,” he chuckles, ruffling her hair. Eleven beams up at him.
“You came,” she proclaims. Now Steve lets out a full laugh.
“Well, of course I did! I couldn’t just not show up. Besides, you and Will left me with the little hellions, remember?” Will comes next, shy smile creeping across his face as he tucks himself easily against Steve’s side. Steve pretends to give him a scolding look. “Had my ear talked off the whole way here thanks to you.” Will knows for a fact the older teen isn’t even remotely upset with him. The attempted glare melts into a grin and the boy relaxes, his smile growing easier as his slender arm squeezes around Steve’s waist, then retracts as he backs off. Lucas, already trapped on the ground with Max and Erica, waves in greeting. His teeth flash brilliantly in his bright grin and Steve tips an imaginary hat in his direction. Not too far off, Mike nods in his own greeting, gruff in his usual manner but maybe the holiday magic is working because there’s something unusually friendly about the gesture. Steve returns it in kind.
When Nancy makes her appearance, she falters at the sight of him and Steve’s body almost flinches with the strangeness of it all. Her eyes blink once, twice before she gives him that sad smile.
“I didn’t know you were coming.” Steve’s answering smile is painfully awkward.
“Yeah, well, I wasn’t planning on coming. The kids roped me into this last-minute, you know how it is with them.” He becomes distinctly aware of Jonathan eyeing them from across the room and clears his throat.
Yeah, maybe this is a little bit of a mistake.
His escape comes in the form of Hopper, the man’s burly arm falling across his shoulders in a gruff greeting.
“Glad you decided to show up, kid. You’re the only competent chef in this house,” he jokes, but it isn’t really a joke. You’d think a couple of adults would know how to cook a decent meal – well, Joyce can cook a decent meal, but it’s just that. His smile is only slightly less awkward as he’s guided into the kitchen, tossing an odd sort of goodbye to the girl as he goes. Joyce gives him a relieved look as he enters the kitchen.
“Steve, do you think you could help me with this soup?”
He’s kept pleasantly busy after that. Between helping with Joyce’s mushroom soup, letting Dustin peel carrots for the pot roast, taking that job away after the kid hacked apart the vegetables beyond recognition, and attempting to restore some general sense of order to the lawless land of the kitchen, Steve barely has time to think about Nancy or Jonathan or the yelling all around him. He hardly pays attention to the pleasant buzz filling his body as a result of the warm atmosphere. It’s dark by the time all the food gets finished. He’s oddly proud of himself as he looks at the spread of food on the table. It’s nothing fancy, but beef and soup and biscuits on Christmas Eve isn’t a bad idea if you ask him.
He can sit at the table with the rest of the adults. There’s space, and Joyce asks him sweetly if he’d like to sit with them. Steve feels decidedly more comfortable on the living room floor with the kids, however.
And that just seems to be the bulk of his problems sometimes, doesn’t it?
Steve Harrington is almost twenty years old, and he has nearly no friends his own age. To top things off, he also has no idea what he’s doing with himself currently, his past haunts his sleep and his waking hours, and his future is all but nonexistent. He peaked in high school and his life has been in a steady decline ever since. But it’s not all bad – at least he’s got the tragic honor of babysitting the six toughest kids in all the world.
And they aren’t even kids anymore, are they? They’re creeping up on their fifteenth birthdays, all of them. Dustin’s is less than a month away already. Steve can’t believe it. They were kids just yesterday, it feels. He was a kid just yesterday, wasn’t he? Monsters have a funny way of forcing you to grow up, he supposes. And they’ve truly grown, his kids.
Eleven’s curls bounce as her head swivels back and forth to follow their conversation, smile warm and genuine as she leans against Steve’s right. Dustin’s always by his side, the little snot. He looks so happy all the time, his eyes crinkling around the edges as he talks animatedly on his left. Mike’s grown so tall, it’s crazy. Coltish legs are folded awkwardly under him as he sits by Eleven’s side. Lucas rivals Mike in height, though he looks significantly less awkward as he leans up against an engaged Max. She’s cut her hair recently; it’s not a bad look, though he knows she wants to grow it back out again. Something about her is tinged with a bitter sadness, something that makes Steve’s throat choke up in a most peculiar way. He gets it, though; Billy’s brush with death wasn’t that long ago, and she’s still struggling with her grief. But she’ll be alright, he knows. Billy’s getting better, her friends are too stubborn to allow her to struggle alone, even if Billy isn’t their favorite. And on Mike’s other side, simply enjoying the moment, sits Will. He’s grown too, but he’s kept much of his quiet mannerisms. He catches Steve’s eye and smiles a little wider, an action Steve mimics.
Sometimes, the calmer Will Byers is the one Steve claims as his favorite. In all truth, he doesn’t have a favorite.
He has different relationships with each kid, that’s all. His relationships with some are weaker than others, weaker than he liked them to be. Some of them share a bond even Steve can’t explain. But the one thing each relationship has in common is the boy’s love for each and every one of them. There’s no favoritism, even if he tells them otherwise. There’s no choosing, none of that. Each of these six kids have Steve’s whole heart.
It’s Eleven who catches him staring next, and she must see the fondness on his face because the smile she gives him is soft and tender and knowing in its own way. Eleven took to him surprisingly quick; he didn’t quite understand it yet, but he was glad the kid felt so at ease with him.
He’s dragged into the present by Dustin very suddenly collapsing against his side, snorting in laughter as Mike stares at Lucas, offense clear on his face.
“How do you not like the Beastie Boys?” he questions, and now it’s Steve’s turn to snort.
“No one likes the Beastie Boys, Mike,” he chuckles, trying to ignore the appalled look the younger teen gives him. “It’s just what you listen to when you reach the teen rebellion phase.”
“I’m not rebellious!” Mike huffs. Steve’s sure Karen Wheeler would beg to differ.
He doesn’t want to spend the night. Joyce already has her hands full with all these kids, and he doesn’t want to add on to that, so he goes out to the car once the kids have all gone to sleep in the basement and gets his sack of presents and he’s going to leave after giving them to Hopper, but Joyce stops him, a curious look on her face.
“You’re not leaving, are you?” she questions. Steve feels awkward now, shifts his weight from one foot to the other.
“You’ve already got plenty of people spending the night, Mrs. By-“
“None of that,” she cuts him off with a wave of her hand. “You’ll have to come back tomorrow anyway if you leave, you’re having dinner with us.” Steve doesn’t remember agreeing to that, but now he doesn’t have a choice. Hopper, setting a gift under the tree, grunts in agreement.
“She’s right, kid,” he confirms as he stands straight again. “Can’t get out of this one, the kids won’t leave your door until you come back with them. It’ll be much easier on everyone if you just stay.”
And he doesn’t want to because this is their tradition, this is something they’ve been doing together for years as one large family and Steve isn’t really a part of that, so he wants to give them space, but Joyce is already dragging him back inside with the gifts, then she’s off grabbing blankets and Hopper busies him with the task of wrapping last-minute gifts until he forgets wanting to leave.
The couch is his for the night. Joyce gets him some of Jonathan’s clothes and even kisses his forehead and wishes him a merry Christmas before retreating to her room for the night. Hopper wishes him a good rest, and he understands because it’s already ass o’clock in the morning and it’s only a matter of time before those kids come barreling up the stairs to yell about their gifts. The living room is dark, aside from the gentle blinking of the string lights on the tree. It’s a silent night, indeed. He feels warm, and not just from the blankets tucked in close around him.
For the first time in three nights, Steve sleeps. He’s blissfully without dreams.
It lasts barely five hours.
The basement door is opened quite aggressively, and a cacophony of feet thud in before he hears a loud hushing sound, followed by the loudest whisper he’s ever heard.
“Dudes, Steve’s asleep!” one of the little shits hisses. Steve’s fairly sure it’s Dustin. He prays they turn around and go back downstairs for another hour or two.
“Shut up, he’s gonna hear you!” a girl’s voice hisses back, and she’s impossibly louder than the first kid – undeniably Max, Eleven would never whisper that loud. Jesus, who taught them how to whisper?
“Both of you shut up, let’s just get to the target,” a third, quieter voice butts in, and they’re just quiet enough that Steve can’t tell who it is, which tells him it’s either Mike or Will. He’s betting on Mike.
He knows what their target is. Steve takes a moment to contemplate. Either he lets them poke around the presents until Jim or Joyce come in and stop them, which will definitely result in loud protesting and a permanent end to his rest, or he can get up now and get a little bit of sympathy from at least Will for them waking him up. Either way, he’s awake now.
He hears someone poking at a box and goes with the latter.
“Aren’t you little shitheads supposed to wait for your parents?” he groans, eyes peering at the group blearily. All six of them freeze.
“Abort mission?” Lucas whispers to Mike.
“Abort mission,” Steve confirms before the other kid gets a chance, sitting up and stretching. Eleven treads silently over to the sofa and finds her way under his blanket to press into his side.
“Merry Christmas,” she hums, as if she has nothing to do with the early morning shenanigans that roused him. Will joins them on the sofa, and it’s clear the other four are trying to decide how to best fit themselves on the piece of furniture with their babysitter. It’s about to get very cramped, he realizes.
“Yeah, yeah, bah humbug,” he grumbles in reply, but no one misses his fond smile.
Joyce makes her appearance thirty minutes after that, and of all the things she expects to see on a Christmas morning, this was decidedly not it. None of the kids on the couch notice her upfront, too caught up in their giggles and hushed conversation. Steve looks tired, she notes, but he’s not as pale or tired-looking as he was yesterday. He may not be her kid, but she worries about him nevertheless as if he was. Shaking her head slightly, she pads further into the room.
“I hope you all didn’t wake Steve up,” she tells the younger teens as she reaches the sofa. Guilty looks are shared and a few mouths open in hopes of explaining themselves, but Steve beats them all to the punch.
“They didn’t,” he covers, smiling softly up at the woman. “I was up before these hellions tried getting into the presents.” Joyce doesn’t believe him, not for a second, but she leaves it alone as she leans down and gives Will and Eleven kisses on their forehead. Max gets one next, followed by a gentle ruffling of Mike’s hair because he gets fussy about kisses. Lucas smiles as he gets a kiss, and Dustin responds in kind. Even Steve gets a kiss, and he smiles in spite of his surprise.
“Thank you, for keeping them out of the presents,” she tells him as she straightens up and sways off towards the kitchen. He thinks about going to help her, but he looks at the kids sprawled out on the sofa with him and he just can’t bring himself to make them get up, so he stays put. They whisper back and forth about present predictions (Dustin makes a passive comment about some people forgetting to buy presents, Max makes a face at Steve and it takes serious effort to not laugh), and by the time Joyce returns with coffee the six are practically bouncing with restlessness. Their excitement is downright infectious, Steve feels their giddy joy in his bones, his stomach twisting in a good sort of anxiousness. Hopper shuffles in soon after, makes his way directly to the kitchen and gets himself a mug of coffee. He brings an extra one out for a very grateful Steve. Mike makes a face when the smell of caffeine reaches his nose. Lucas doesn’t have to smell it before he gets that disgusted look on his face.
“I can’t understand why you drink that stuff,” he states. Steve inhales the warm smell, sips on the drink (and he’s got to give the chief a thanks because it’s got just the right amount of cream and sugar – not too much, but just enough to take the edge off of the bitter taste), and pauses for added drama before forming his response.
“Lucas, my friend, let’s revisit this conversation when you hit nineteen.” He rests the mug on top of Eleven’s wild curls and revels in her giggled protest.
Outside, the sun is just beginning to poke through the darkness. Steve glances towards the window, watches the black sky turning into blue, and couldn’t help but feel that maybe, maybe, this Christmas isn’t going to be so bad after all.
In an attempt to distract the gaggle of children from the glistening presents under the tree, Steve finally nudges the kids off of him and makes his way to his feet, and he stretches out his body with a few, satisfying cracks in his spine. He’s getting old.
“Hey. You little gremlins want hot cocoa?”
They do, of course they do. And they follow him like a line of duckling behind their mother as Steve trudges into the kitchen. They sit in a row and happily sip on the warm drinks as the brunette then sets about making breakfast. Joyce rubs his shoulder and says he didn’t have to, but Steve is happy to do it, he likes making himself useful. Besides, he’s good at this, the kids love his pancakes. He even whips up scrambled eggs and slices of wonderfully crisp bacon. The smell draws a bleary-eyed Jonathan from his room. He looks surprised by Steve’s presence, but offers a small smile.
“Merry Christmas,” he offers, ruffling Will’s hair on his way by. He pours himself a cup of coffee, and Steve smiles back at him.
“Yeah, Merry Christmas to you too.”
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viva-la-fangirl · 5 years
Yesterday Part 4
yall got every right to be mad at me. end of the semester was crazy, holidays were crazy and then i jumped right back into my job. BUT I have part 4 here! 
And as always: PART 1, PART 2, PART 3
warnings: bad grammar, misspelled words, cursing, mentions of previous abuse
IF YOU ARE HAVING DOMESTIC ABUSE: National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−7233
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The next weeks were a blur of anxiety, sleepless nights and paranoia.
Your mind revolved around your ex. His black eyes always raking over you. The feeling of him kicking you in the alley behind the restaurant where you decided to leave him. You begging him to stop.
There were times where you forgot about him. You went about your day and thought of you and Roger. The tour happening. Planning on which cities you would visit.
Then something would take you out of it. A smell, a sound, a tone of voice from someone passing by and it all came rushing back. Your skin crawled at every thought of him. Even with Roger in bed, with his arm protectively wrapping around you- you would lie awake for hours and wonder if your ex was trying to find you. Roger and the boys had been especially diligent about keeping the paparazzi away from you over the past weeks. Roger nearly yelling at anyone who looked at you for a little too long or even tried to attempt to bring out a camera. It made your heart flutter seeing Roger all protective, but it sank just as fast when you remembered the reason why.
“(Y/N)?” Roger asked. It was morning, the sun was barely up and hidden behind thick gray clouds. You refused to tell him you’d been up for at least an hour, two at the most. 
“Nothing,” Roger mumbled before pushing his face into your neck. His warm breath making your hairs stand up and your body relax. He had been so good recently, not staying out too late, inviting you to band practice and being attentive, ordering food and going out whenever you needed something. 
You hated it.
Well, not totally. Admittedly you liked the extra attention. Usually during an album you were getting less attention than his drumsticks. It was nice to see a different side of Roger. 
But then again. You hated being paranoid. You hated putting Roger out in the middle of recording. You hated being scared to go out. You hated being scared. Secretly, as you would never ever admit this to Roger, but you wished your ex would find you already and hurt you- just enough to put him back in jail. It was an ugly thought that tainted your mind but, being scared just to go to the grocery was killing you. You missed a time when it was only paparazzi to watch out for instead of a man that beat you enough to break some bones.
It felt as if you were in your own personal horror movie. Walking around just waiting for the boogyman to jump and get ya. 
You laid with bed with Roger steadily breathing beside you, one arm draped around you as protection from the world. With one breath you snuggled closer to Roger who pulled you in tighter. At least for the moment you allowed yourself to feel safe.
If only that safe feeling lasted.
It was a cold day when the world dropped from under your feet. You had convinced Roger to finally let you out of the apartment to go for a hair cut. Truthfully you hadn’t been keeping up with your usual hair routine and it showed. Split ends with lack of color made it look greasy and lifeless. No way you could go to the boys concert tonight looking like this!
The wet but crisp air was welcomed. After being shuttled around from place to place for the past couple of weeks, outside felt like a stranger and the air welcomed your presence. Your lungs relished in non-apartment air drenched in remnants of cigarette smoke or cologne Roger loved. 
“You feeling good love?” Beatrice asked. She ran her fingers through your hair, and massaged your head. For a second you forgot where you were, always a sucker for a good head massage. “(Y/N)?” 
“Oh yes!” you brought yourself out of the trance. “Better than I have. Thank you,”
Beatrice was an old and trusted friend of your from your university days. You weren’t the bestest of friends but she was a reliable one and a killer hair stylist. She could make a raccoon look like Cher. 
“Oh love you should have come in weeks ago!” Beatrice fiddled with your hair. “This is absolutely dreadful- sorry darling,”
“No I know,” You admitted. “Can you help me?”
“Of course darling,” Beatrice smacked on her gum. “Might take longer than normal but you’re talking to the master,”
Beatrice went to work right away washing your hair. The next two hours were filled with mindless talking and laughs. Beatrice went on about her sisters tacky wedding and the silk bridesmaids dresses that resembled bubble gum. You told of you and Roger, how tour was starting up soon and they had a local gig just to break the routine. It was the first time you felt normal in weeks.
While the day to day wasn’t bad, the topic of your ex seemed to always linger in the background- just waiting to pounce. While you trusted Beatrice, you know bringing up your ex would welcome a flurry of questions you didn’t want to answer. For just a few hours, you wanted to be a Roger Taylor’s girlfriend getting your hair done. Not some girl who was assaulted by he ex. 
“I think we’re about done sweetie,” Beatrice smiled wide between her purple lipstick. 
You looked in the mirror and couldn’t help but smile. Beatrice had really outdone herself. Your hair gained it’s color back. It looked fresh and healthy. Beatrice had even styled it for tonight.
“Oh Bea,” you fluffed your hair. “I can’t thank you enough,”
“Roger Taylor’s girlfriend deserves the best!” she exclaimed. 
After paying Beatrice and a couple more goodbyes you walked out the door feeling better than you had in weeks. 
Then came his voice.
“Hey (Y/N),” 
You froze. Keys in hand just about to open your car. Your blood ran from your face and immediately turned to ice. You turned to see him standing a few feet away. He looked worse than he did the last time you saw him in court. He had obviously gained weight. His beard was untidy and his hair was greasier than ever with streaks of gray sprinkling the sides. His snake-like eyes ran up and down your body, it was like a rusted knife threatening to pierce the skin. 
“What no hug?” he pouted. 
“You stay away from me Harrison,” you hissed. Blood pumped in your head so loud you couldn’t hear anything besides the words spoken between you and the guy who had beaten you so viciously you couldn’t remember some of that night. 
“Common hon,”
“Don’t call me that,” you wedged a car key between your fingers just encase. “How- how,”
“How did I find you?” Harrison flashed his yellowed teeth. “Humans are creatures of habit. You always went to Beatrice before a big event and with Queen’s gig tonight- I knew it would be a big event for you,
Queen gig. He knew about you and Roger.
Of course he would you idiot. You’re on the front of every tabloid from here to tin-buck-too. 
“You’re a real piece of shit you know that?” Anger took over. How dare this man come back into your life, a life you had overcome so much for, a life you loved with a man you loved. 
“Harsh words coming from someone who was going to marry me,” 
“I was manipulated into loving you. You hurt me. You belittled me. Then when I wanted to leave and said no to your proposal you beat me,”
“A little misunderstanding is all. I mean you could be a little over dramatic,” Harrison gas-lighted. “I lost my temper one time and you throw me in jail. Now how is that fair?”
“You hurt me. That’s not love.”
“And you think you have love now? With that Roger Taylor?” Harrison sneered. He said Roger’s name so grossly like he was thinking of something disgusting. “I mean common- I might have been a little angry but at least I never cheated on you,”
“Roger has never cheated on me,” You yelled as strong as you could. Before you and Roger got together you knew about his flings and girlfriends. Freddie had ranted about another one of Roger’s girlfriend’s flying off the handle after catching him in bed with another women. You knew about his past. 
“I won’t do that to you,” he promised. 
“How do I know that?” you weakly said. Roger had been asking you out consistently for the past 2 weeks. 
“Because...” Roger stopped. “Is saying you’re different too cliche?”
You laughed hardily. “A little,”
“Then call me Romeo because it’s true,” Roger stepped so close you could smell the strawberries you too had shared while watching a movie. “I know I’m not the best man, I fuck up a lot, I’m impulsive, I’m stubborn, I’m-”
“Oh yeah. But the one thing I’m not is someone who is going to hurt you. After seeing you in that hospital, seeing how someone who claimed to love you could hurt you that badly- well it made me never want to see another tear from your eye,”
You melted and agreed to start seeing Roger. It was a slow processes but worth it. 
“So you ignore the magazines with him and a bunch of girls around him. Basically begging to be fucked by him,” Harrison shouted.
You had seen. It made your stomach turn but above all you trusted Roger. 
“What you and I shared is a fraction of what Roger and I do.” You stood up straighter. “I’m going home now and if I ever see you near me or Roger again I’m going to call the police,” You quickly opened the car and started it. Your hands shaking so much you could barely hold on to the clutch. 
Backing out Harrison peered into your window and with the radio blaring and a ringing in your ears you didn’t hear him say. 
“See you tonight,”
Tagged: sorry if i forgot anyone i’m not the best at this 
@alexfayer @marveley @mrsmazzello @frenchieswiftie  http://leahluhve.tumblr.com/ @yasnooshka24   @anita-e-taylor @benhardycult @jennyggggrrr​
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noctomania · 4 years
I'm so frustrated.
There was a tweet going around about how some guy had died on OPs flight right behind them. They went on about how crazy it was etc...but wouldn't name the airline. No details given. Just 'yall it's crazy this man DIED OF COVID & i know bc i overheard the wife tell emt it was covid' & no matter who asked or how NO details given from OP. They even said an autopsy had been done ON THE PLANE. There was another person who claimed to have been on the flight with their family that contradicted the claim an autopsy was done on board.
I check in today & finally someone else pipes up "yeh i was on the flight" stiLL NO DETAILS UNTIL SOMEONE AGAIN ASKS WHAT FUCKIN AIRLINE.
FINALLY state the airline was United but no further details. So tweeters go into detective mode find a flight that made an emergency medical landing & posting that info which i will post here for anyone it may apply to:
"You guys flew to DISNEYWORLD in a pandemic?
Jesus wept. Info 👇👇👇
The flight was UA591.
14DEC20 MCO (Orlando) - LAX.
(It was diverted to [MSY] to drop off a person)
Arrived LAX at 11.144pm. Gate 71
If you were on it or met somebody off it, PLEASE ISOLATE."
The linked tweet also includes a thread from the second passenger's reporting.
Another checkmark had called on twitter detectives to sniff out the details that the passengers reporting this info about were seemingly unwilling to provide for whatever reason. They did find a potential match of flight & an article about an emergency landing in response to a medical issue but no mention of covid or even death in it, it does mention this is a developing story.
So why am I frustrated? Because ppl were flying around unnecessarily during a pandemic? Yes. Because someone died potentially of covid on a flight? Yes. Because passengers reporting this gave absolutely no info about the airline until yesterday afternoon & merely presented reactionary posting? Yes. Because there's still no real confirmation as to which parts are real or not? Yes. Because people have lied so much on the internet for stupid shit like clout & attention making it difficult for people to take anyone online seriously unless they follow through as if they are a journalist with every detail they can divulge? Yes. Because companies, esp those that perceive themselves to be under threat, will take extreme measures to hide facts making them hard to trust as well? Yes. All of the above & more. I'm fuckin tired & i know you are too.
We are all alone in this sadly. We'd be stronger if we were working together but as is the case too often in america everyone has a mefirst attitude. People are out there doing stupid shit - & if they aren't being allowed to do stupid shit they bitch about it, but when allowed to do stupid shit & then get hurt they are mad they were allowed to do stupid shit 🤦🙇 the americun way
Please take care of yourself. I know it's harder for some than others. Ask for help from those you can trust when you need it. Not everyone will be an angel but some are doing above & beyond as a result. We try to balance each other out best we can. Be kind to yourself & others.
The least I can do is pass on this info we finally have in the event it might relate to someone & potentially spare them unnecessary grief. Sorry for the length I wanted to include as much as I can so ppl can be safe & informed. I don't want to panic anyone so use your own best judgement.
Minor update: the OP now has a countdown on their IG for their next flight in 3 days so if you know this person probably best to keep them far away they clearly don't care.
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wakandascrystal · 5 years
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Erik x Black Reader
Summary: Erik finds an old picture of you and an Ex. He recognises him and tells you about the man that saved his life in Afghanistan . 
A/N - Warning⚠, I’m going to make this as emotional as i can. please ignore any errors
🌹🎀🎈 🌹🎀🎈🩱🍑❤🌸💕 🩱🍑 🌹🎀🎈🩱🍑❤🌸💕 🌹🎀🎈🩱🍑❤🌸💕
“Are you on your way here?“ You mother asked over the phone.
“Yes, we are. We might take a pit stop and buy something, do you want anything from the shop?“ You asked polity.
“Yes, get me some milk and cookies. The ones I like. The ones they dip in chocolate.“
“Okay, Ma. No problem. We’ll be there in 20 minutes okay?“ “Yeah yeah. Is my beautiful son in law coming or are you coming with Jade“
“Ma you are on speaker!!“ You were tempted to just hang up but you knew she would kill you. Erik was of no help. He just grinned foolishly.
“Yes. The son in law is driving.“ You slurred
“Hello, Mrs Johnson.“ Erik’s deep voice filled the car
“Erik? What did I tell you about calling me, Mrs Johnson? Call me Mom.“ the was a pause
“Alright, Mrs Johnson.“
“I’m nothing going to tell you twice now. Come on Im your mama.“ Your mom pushed.
You could see Eri wasn’t ready to do that. He had nothing against your mother. He actually liked her but Erik was still working on the emotions he had with his own mother. Even though he lost her along time again the issue was still sensitive and sore.
“Okay, Mrs Johnson we are about to enter the highway so we will see you. Bye“ You hung up and sat back in the leather seat.
“I’m sorry about that?“
“Nah it’s cool.“
You didn’t believe him.
“I’m sure she didn’t mean to make you uncom- ”
“I said let’s drop it Y/N“ His voice was stern and hostile. You saw how his hands tightened on the wheel, the muscles under his skin expanding with the pressure. He was tense. You feared that your mother might have triggered him. You quickly put on some music to calm him down. You put on your favourite lo-fi playlist. You knew it would calm him down and it did. 
Driving 130km/hr you rest your hand on his thigh. You wanted him to slow down, doing this was much better than telling him to slow down. Gently moving your fingers on his inner thigh he slowed down. 
It was raining and Erik had no business speeding on the highway. 
He was driving to your moms. He had agreed to help your mom clear out your old room and the attic. She lived in the countryside, the other side of the state but with Erik’s mustang and driving skills, he could get you there in no time. 
“I’m sorry for snapping at you.“ He took your hand and kissed it. 
“Don’t be, I understand.“ 
You pulled your hand from his placing it on his thigh again. This was the best part. When you were comfortable enough to talk and be okay with him. It took a long time to understand him, the way he showed himself and the parts he didnt want to show. It took some time to understand that Erik was more than just some nigga from Oakland. He was different.He loved differently and you were ready to be with him no matter what. 
“It’s a good thing you didn’t take out your braids yesterday.“ You didn’t hear him until he nudged your shoulder.
“Yes?“ You pulled out of your train of thought.
“What are you thinking about there.“
“Nothing. I’m just sleepy.“
“You should have slept earlier. 11 o'clock is too late.“
“I had work Erik…but if somebody didn’t wake me up for some action in the middle of my sweet slumber then I would have had my eight hours.“ you folded your arms across your chest.
He was smiling again. 
“What did I tell you about sleeping naked.“
“Erik I always sleep naked cause cloths tighten and roll up on me when I move ….they make me feel uncomfortable. “
“Okay ..but you could have stopped me at any time though…“
“…Fuck you right“ You laughed a bit as he pulled into a petrol station thinking about last night’s events.
 You offered to go buy all the things you need for the weekend but he didn’t want you getting wet. So you told him what yall needed and he left. After a couple of hours, you were very close to your Mother’s house and Erik pulled into her driveway.
“My favourite people!“ She closed the space between her and Erik with a welcoming hug. His head fit in her collarbone. She really liked him. 
Disappearing into your old room, you left them behind in the kitchen. 
Your room looked the same. Nothing was changed or moved. The double bed with all your TLC, Destiny’s Child, Aaliyah, Ashanti and most importantly the Tupuk poster were still up.
You could tell your mom still came in and cleaned once in a while. There is no way your white bedding would still look so fresh and clean after 2 years and no dust. Yes, she did. You looked under your bed to find a box. It was filled with your all memories. Old letters and bracelets. Erik hugged you from behind as you looked at through the objects. You kissed him and sat on the bed.
“Look at this stuff. She still kept it.“ Erik started to look through with you.
“Your mom said we will start cleaning up tomorrow cause your tired and its late .“ You agreed while you read your high school report cards.
“I Was getting B’s and C’s like it was nobody’s business.“ you smile
Erik was interested in all the objects in the box. He wanted to know you better and when an opportunity showed itself he would grab it with both hands.
“You used to play…what the hell is this.”
You looked over him to the picture of you holding a bat.
“Oh, first-team badminton… it’s like Tennies..a bit .”
You let out a high pitch scream.
“Damn Y/N what the hell.”
“I’m sorry but look. I remember buying this lucky packet thing and finding this ring in it. Then I saw a shooting star and wished a handsome, intelligent nigga would marry me.”
“Did it work.” “Yes, it did.” You gave him a kiss on the cheek and went back pulling things from the box. A few minutes went by and you notice how Erik went quite. He was holding the stack of photographs that didn’t make into your photo album.
“What’s got my baby’s attention.”
He carried on staring at the old photographs, you lean up against him again to see what picture had his attention. It was an old picture of your ex-boyfriend giving you a kiss on the cheek. You rolled your eyes.
“Oh come one E. You know your girl was fire back then. I …was bringing all the boys in the yard.” He stayed very serious, focusing on the picture of your Ex planting a kiss on your cheek.
“What was his name?” He asked
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous…You married me ..You won nigga" You giggled
“‘I know….but I think I know him.” Your eyebrows shot up
“`From where?… His name is Flex..”
“What…what’s wrong?”
“Was his surname O’Brien..”
“Yeah, I think so…It’s been so long though. After graduating I don’t know where he even ended up.“
He didn’t move, just staring at the picture.
“You alright?“ He worried you. His whole aura had changed.
“I know him…He served with me.“ The sorrow and pain in his voice made you pay full attention to him. 
If he did know Flex he must have done something terrible for him to be so emotional all of a sudden. But flex was not like that. You remembered him to be soft and kind. Sure he likes to cause tribble but none that could hurt anyone.
You placed the diary you held and sat next to him. taking his hand.
“You want to talk about it.“ 
“Nah. It’s late you should get some sleep.“
“You sure? I would much rather hear you vent.“ He smiled 
“Let’s get ready for bed.“ He left you to grab your luggage from the car. By the time he got back from the car, Your dad had arrived. He loved Erik.
‘The son I never had’ he always says. You found them in the kitchen talking about the upcoming game. He seemed much happier then he did before. He could cheer up anyone, to be honest. 
“So you came to help your mother with moving?“
“Yes, Sir. Me and Y/N can handle it don’t worry yourself.“ 
“What do you mean me, Erik? I only came for emotional support“ You played along with your husband.
“Nah we are going to put all them pilates and squats into good use tomorrow. Remember to leave with your back.“ Both your father and husband laughed holding onto each other.
“Daddy!!“ they both looked at you. It made you smile that Erik would respond to that even if your real father was present. You fixed your face and pouted to get him on your side.
“Dad. Erik is bullying me.“ 
Adorable Erik though
“I’m sorry sunshine. I was lucky that Erik was free to help. You know since my back kicked in I can’t do anything.“
“-except eat my pies and cooking” Your mom came into the kitchen holding a basket of laundry.
“You got that right.” shocking her head and called you over.
“Y/N why don’t you make the table. I’ll be back to dish up the food for dinner.”
You agreed and did as told, after dinner. You all got ready for bed. For the first time, you didn’t get weird looks from your mom and dad when it was time for sleeping arrangements. Before the wedding, Erik was just some nigga trying to take advantage of their only baby but after the wedding, Erik was the beautiful, nigga angel who was sent to protect their only child from the world. It was strange, and the funny part was Erik didn’t change he was the same chilled guy. But your parents didn’t want you sharing a bed with him. The Christian side of them just couldn’t let that happen. You wondered if they ever figured out that you would just pull him from that uncomfortable, couch around midnight to sleep with you in your bed and end up fucking. It would be weird if they did.
“Before you get up and leave. I would just like to say something..don’t be shy. Do what needs to be done” You knew exactly where this was going.
“Mom please.” You begged
“I need to say this Y/N…Erik I would like to have some grandchildren.”
Erik spat out his wine. It was too funny. It seems like he had not gotten used to how open your mom was. You helped clean him up and left before she said more embarrassing things.
You started getting ready for bed. Brushing your teeth in your silky pj’s. Erik was already in bed. He looked beautiful. He only had his bottoms on, hair all the way back in 3 cornrows. He could see that you were checking him out. Even though he was scrolling through his emails.
“You want to take a picture, Love?“ You giggled. His favourite sound in the world.
“I already have a ton of them, but the real deal looks much better.“ You climber in bed with just his bed lamp on. 
“You don’t say. Are you not cold?“ 
“No. You?“
“No?“ He gave you a kiss and laid down on his back so did you. He turned the lap off and in the silence, you asked.
“Do you think we should fuck so we can have kids ?“ Your voice was little
“What the hell“ Erik let out a laugh, his whole body shook.
“You being pressured by your mom baby?“
“No. I’m in no rush..like at all but we’ve never really spoken about it, Erik.“
“I want to have kids with you, but when the time is right. We still working on us right now. 3 years of marriage that is not a long time. I’m planning on being with you for the longest, like your mom and pops. 57 years.“
“I want to be with you for longer than that.“ You sounded corny and cheesy saying that. Erik smiled thinking you were. But you were his cheesy and corny girlfriend.
“Period…But I do want kids…I want to show them Wakanda and shit. I would love that. “ He said it confidently leaving no room for you to doubt him. ”Plus we live in a great area. They got a good school. You know his ass is practically going to live in that outreach centre. “
“What makes you think it’s going to be a boy?“ you smacked his chest.
“…what ..it could be a girl…or better twins.“
You gasped. “Like Beyonce,” you whisper dramatically. 
You laid on your side so you can see his profile. The small light that comes from the parted curtains helped you see that his eyes were closed. You left for the bath. In the dead of night is when you insecurities seemed to be the most active.
They questioned why Erik liked you, why he married you and if you were worthy to even carry his children. They told you that there were much better girls out there. Who were more attractive. Who could make him much happier than you could ever? At night, when everyone was asleep. The mirror was your worst enemy but somehow the Wakanden gem on your ring fingers reassure you that you were right where you belong.
“Are you asleep?“ you whispered to Erik when you came back from the bathroom. He didn’t answer but he pulled you close to his body. Your head laid on his chest and your arm on his stomach.
after a few minutes of silence, he spoke.
“I was drafted with Felix.“
You didn’t say anything still trying to process the fact that your high school ex-boyfriend somehow knew Erik.
“You still listening..?“ You nodded your head against his chest still in shock.
“We didn’t train together but he was put into the team that left….long story short…i served with your Ex In Afghanistan.’‘ He gave a silent laugh. You felt his body shake.
“What are the odds.“ He said
“-It was crazy. I came in there. Young kid, trying to prove to everyone that am the shit. I had no idea what the fuck I was doing. He was…how do I put it…he lost his shit every time a gun went off. I guess he was there to prove he was the shit too.“
Yep, that’s definitely him. You remembered him to be funny and witty and non-violent. You wondered what made him join the military.
“His bed was next to mine. He Latino so he was super chilled and super talkative. Won’t lie he annoyed me at first but we ending up being …kinda close.“
“Omg, this that is so adorable….. I should invite him over and have like a reunion some time. I’m sure I can find him on facebook or something..“
His head shot down at you with an unreadable expression. You thought you might have offended him, maybe he thought the idea was stupid.
“Chill E. We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.“
“You don’t know don’t you?“ His voice was hollow and soft.
“Know what?“
“On one of the last days….we were coming back in 3 days. We had to patrol around the wrecked city. We had done this many times. The locals just went about their way…but that day Felix just ….he told me like 10 times he wasn’t feeling it…He knew something was off the second we left the base. And he was right. In the middle of the city, we were ambushed. ..Young kid from Oakland…I thought I was going to die. “ He gave a weak smile
“The base got word of what was happening and they sent help. We lost so many good soldiers but Felix and I made it out, as we ran out……all I’m thinking is I can’t wait to go home….but from a distance window Felix sees a sniper and jumpers in front of me when he heard the shoot….I’ve heard stories of what a Lapua Magnum bullet can do to a human body…seeing it in real life was something else..I didn’t have time to hold him ..close his eyes. He saved my life. But bet… after a few seconds I got the shoot. There was no way I wouldn’t avenge his death….right here. “
He raised his right arm and pointed to one scare on his arm… That scar was for the shoot. Erik had told you what the scars were for and it clicked. You felt heartbroken and angry for so many reasons but you couldn’t tell Erik immediately because he was still speaking. In all honesty, your brain stopped taking in information when you figured out Felix died. Your eyes water and a throbbing pain soaked up your heart. He was a good guy. He didn’t deserve that. You thought about his mother and his sister. They must have lost it when they found out. But that could have been your morning a death if Felix didn’t do anything..if he didn’t jump in Erik’s way. Maybe with how the universe works and timelines, you would never even have met Erik; that was a dark thought you just didn’t want to dwell on for too long. 
Erik saw your face. The light passes him and lands on your downcasted face. You looked distressed but he doesn’t regret telling you this. Your eyes are glossy with tears that are about to fall. You stop trying to fight the boiling emotions in your chest. They are hot and they sting and they want out. You push yourself into Erik and let out a cry. On his chest, your head laid visibly shaking.
He had never seen you cry like this in the past. 6 years of knowing you and not once. It wasn’t like the crying or sobbing you did when you watched romantic anime or kdramas or when he surprises you(cause you’re easy to please). This cry was deep and dark. It reminded him of pain and devastation. He wrapped his arms around you so your parents would hear. He hated your reaction. It also showed him how empathic of a person you were. 
“Can we go…” Your voice rough and small. “- Can we go see his grave?”
Erik’s face pulled up in confusion and you saw.
“Erik! He was my friend. I know …it sounds like we were was just dating and fucking…He was my actual friends and I’m so angry and hurt…I thought he was in Austria with his father. That’s what he always told me..that when he graduated he would move there…”
You wiped your tears that had wet half your face.
“-…i ..I also want to thank him…He also saved you..” You laced your fingers with his. Yours were tiny against his. “I want to thank him for that.”
Erik didn’t push. He simply agreed. He wanted to make you happy. So anything you wanted was a comrade. 
You stayed in that position, his hand over your waist and your head just by his chest, He heard your body try to recover. The rain had picked up, hitting and creating a calming noise. you fell asleep in his arms grateful and depressed. 
You thought about how hard destiny has been fighting to make sure Erik ended up with you. You thought about all the fights, his past, your past, the shit that went down in Wakanda, the girls and boy the nasty ass girl that wanted him. He was meant to be there. you were meant to be there. And the thought of that and the low humming of the rain sent you to sleep.
🌹🎀 🌹🎀🎈🩱🍑❤ 🌹🎀🎈🩱🍑❤🌸💕 🌹🎀🎈🩱🍑❤🌸💕 🌸💕 🎈🩱🍑
 🌹Mini Tag list 🌹
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golbrocklovely · 5 years
only the lonely survive // colby brock - chapter twenty: so filthy, dialed desire, swallowed pride but spit out fire
A/N: first off, super sorry that this is late. i took a really long nap lol in case you are wondering why i didn’t post yesterday and instead i’m posting today, i have moved my writing schedule for wednesdays and thursdays (and then the occassional one off random day when i fill out request). tuesdays just weren’t working for me. anyway, please let me know what you think of this story so far. i’d love to hear what you have to say. i’ll be posting another chapter of Twisted tomorrow and tonight i’m gonna try to fill out some request. okay, see yall later :)
description of the story
taglist:  @ajosieface , @localsleeper , @julyrubyrose , @far-to-many-bands , @absolute-randomness-forever
trigger warning: light smut, cursing, drinking, partying, talks of virginity
word count: 2036
DAY 11/14
"What's up you guys, it's Skye here. And for today's video I'm gonna do a get ready with me slash q and a. I asked you guys on twitter to ask me some questions, so I figured I would answer some while I get ready." I shrugged, staring into the camera.
"I'm going to a party tonight with some friends. It's very last minute so this might have to be a very fast get ready with me." I snorted, pulling out my makeup.
I laid everything out and looked down at all of my choices. Glancing behind me, I looked at my outfit I was planning to wear.
"So for tonight, I'm gonna be wearing this black velvet skirt, which has pockets. God bless." I giggled, "And then I'm gonna wear this grey, key-hole cut top, and black thigh boots."
I slowly started to apply my makeup, starting with some foundation. "Let's see what the first question is..."
I scrolled through my replies on twitter, screenshoting a bunch. "Well, as guessed, the number one question is am I dating Colby?"
I sighed, patting my foundation on more. "No, I'm not dating Colby. We're really good friends and we're super close. I know some of you saw that post that was going around about me, Colby, Brennen, and Casey. We literally hang out all the time together. We're all just friends, y'all."
As I moved on to my eyeshadow look, I saw another question. "’How did you and Colby meet?’"
"Casey has been friends with all the Trap House boys for a while, and me and her have been friends for a couple years now. We decided to take a trip out to LA for a bit as a graduation gift to ourselves, and she surprised me by telling me she's friends with all of them. I met Corey first, and then I was introduced to everyone else right afterwards." I admitted, trying not to ruin the eye look.
I scrolled a little bit further down, coming across he who must not be named. I rolled my eyes. "Someone asked 'do you still hate Travis Marcus?'"
I paused, swiping away the fallout from the eyeshadow. "I never hated him. I still don't hate him. I do think he fucked up by making fun of me, and he hasn't apologized to me since he lied about the whole situation. I don't really want an apology. I'm done talking about it, to be honest. I wish him the best, but I'm done with him."
I cleared my throat, applying my blush and highlight quickly. I then looked at my makeup in the mirror next to my camera. "I think... I'm about done with this look. I don't really wear too much makeup to begin with. I'm gonna answer one more question and then I gotta go."
I grabbed my phone, searching through my replies again. A message popped up from Colby with a bing.
Colby: can't wait to see you tonight
I smiled, glancing up at the camera quickly. I finally stopped on another question. "Oh! This is a fun one: 'Will you go on a XPLR trip with Sam and Colby?' Um, no plans yet. However, I'm so down. I love exploring and going to spooky places, so I'm ready whenever they are."
"I think that wraps up everything for this video. Thank you to everyone that asked me questions. Thank you for all the new people that are following me. I appreciate you so much and you mean a lot to me. Hope you all have a good day, and I'll see you next time. Bye!" I waved at the camera for a moment, then reached over and turned it off.
"Are you ready, Skye?!" Casey yelled through my door.
I rolled my eyes, smirking. "Almost! Just gotta change!"
/  /  /  /
"Who's party is this anyways?" I yelled at Casey as we walked past the speakers.
"Uh... no clue. I think it's just some random influencer that invited everyone they could." She replied, linking arms with me as we walked to the backyard of the house.
House... more like mansion...
We shuffled through crowds of people, finally making it to the back. We spotted Colby and Brennen sitting on a lounge chair together next to the pool. They both waved at us as we strutted over.
"Hi baby. Oh... Casey you're here too." Brennen smirked, as he gave me a quick hug.
Casey's face twisted up as she slapped his arm hard. "That's not funny."
Brennen winced, covering his arm. "It was a joke, woman! You know you're my only baby."
He embraced her, placing his mouth against her ear and whispering something to her. Her face relaxed back into a light smile.
Colby pulled me into his lap. Turning my face to his, I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Hi Colby."
Colby smiled softly as his arms slid around me, pulling me closer to him. "Hey. I was wondering when you would get here."
"Sorry it took a while. Uber got lost on the way." I whispered.
Colby nodded his head and kissed up my neck. He then buried his face into me, nipping at my skin.
"Colby, stop." I giggled, pulling away from him.
He laughed. "What? Am I not allowed to kiss you?"
I looked into his eyes, noticing how they slowly looked me over. He bit his lip while he stared.
"How drunk are you?" I smirked.
He gasped dramatically. "I've only had one drink. Why? Do I look drunk?"
"Maybe a bit. I only assumed because you're being a little... grabby with me." I responded.
"You just look so sexy, I can't help it." He shrugged smugly.
"'Sexy', huh?" I questioned jokingly.
He brought his mouth to my ear, so only I could hear him. "Good enough to taste."
A shiver ran down my spine. My nails dug into his shoulder for a second. "Colby..."
"What?" He smiled innocently. His eyes bore into mine and I couldn't look away.
"Um... I need a drink. I'm gonna go get one." I stammered, sliding off his lap.
"Okay, babe. Come back soon." He stated.
I nodded my head and slowly walked away. Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm down my heart.
That boy is gonna be the death of me.
I strolled into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of vodka, pouring a shot and taking it quickly. I needed to take the edge off but didn't really feel like drinking. Cleaning out the solo cup, I filled it with water and gulped it down. My skin felt hot under my clothes, a heat waving down my body. Once I felt sort of calm, I sighed.
Two hands grasped my waist from behind, spinning me around. Lips landed on mine instantly, taking my breath away. I could feel the ring-cladded hands slide down and grip my hips. I smiled into the kiss and pulled Colby's body closer. My hands tightened their hold on his forearms. He bit my lip as he stepped back.
"Sorry... I needed to do that." He mumbled, his voice breathy.
I felt my heart beat speed up. A growing want settled in my mind and body. I needed him. Right now.
Should I do this?
"Fuck it." I grunted.
I clutched Colby's wrist and dragged him to the nearest bathroom. I yanked the door opened, pulling him inside and slamming the door shut.
Colby laughed. "What are you-"
I cut off Colby with my lips, wrapping my arms around him and gripping his hair. He moaned against my mouth and pressed me up against the counter. His hands slid down my thighs as he hoisted me up onto the counter. I immediately wrapped my legs around him, pushing my body into his. His tongue slipped into my mouth, his fingers dancing along my sides. A moan escaped my mouth as he bit my lip teasingly. A hand slithered up my back and into my hair, tugging. My head fell back, and he began to attack my neck with his tongue and teeth, leaving wet marks up and down my throat.
"Fuck, Colby." I gasped.
He smirked against my skin. My hands wandered up the front of his shirt, caressing his torso. His lips left my neck for a moment as he ripped his shirt off, pushing himself back into me. Our lips attached again, my legs wrapped around his hips. My fingertips dug into his shoulders and waist as we started to grind against each other. His hands pushed up my skirt, making sure I was as close as possible.
My breath hitched in my throat as he slid a finger up my thigh and started rubbing my clit.
"You're so wet." He hissed.
I nodded. "All for you."
He bit his lip, his finger slipping away. He groaned as he stopped his movements slowly.
"What are you doing?" I whined, breathing heavy
He sighed. "I'm sorry. I know... I instigated this. But... we can't do this."
"Why?" I asked, my legs falling off his hips.
"I don't want our first time to be in a bathroom at a random party. As much as we both want it right now, I'd rather not do it here." Colby admitted, keeping his head down.
Our first time... my first time...
"Right." I cleared my throat. "...Okay."
"You're not mad?" He questioned, glancing up at me.
I smirked. "Frustrated... sexually. But not mad."
He chuckled. "Good. I would hate for you to be mad at me."
I leaned forward, kissing him sweetly. "How could I ever?"
/  /  /  /
After our almost first time in the bathroom, we calmed down and went back to the party. We spent the rest of the time chilling with Casey and Brennen. We all called it a night early, deciding the party wasn't as interesting as it had seemed to be.
Casey and I got home, changed, and ordered pizza. We sat in the kitchen, eating immediately.
"That party was such a bust." I remarked, biting into my slice.
She agreed. "I'm surprised it was that boring. Most LA parties I've been to are so much fun."
I paused for a moment, needing to open up. "Me and Colby almost had sex tonight."
Casey choked on her pizza slightly. "What? Where is this coming from? Subtlety just isn't your strong suit, huh?"
"What? I need to talk about it!" I exclaimed, giggling.
"Well, why didn't you have sex?" She inquired.
"He stopped us before we could."
"...Yeah. He said he didn't want our first time to be in a bathroom at a party. Which I understand." I replied.
Casey raised an eyebrow at me, putting her pizza down. "Our first... you haven't told him you're a virgin?"
I shook my head. "No."
"Why?" She asked.
"Because.... I just can't." I sighed, continuing. "What if he finds out and backs out of it? Or thinks I'm weird for being one at twenty-three?"
"Out of all the boys in the universe to be that douchey, Colby would not even fall in the same category. You know he's not gonna judge you." Casey stated.
"I don't think he is like that, but in a worse case scenario, he could be. I can't take that chance. I care about him too much for this minor detail to fuck up everything." I grumbled.
"Why would you want to be with someone that would do that to you though?" Casey responded.
"I know Colby isn't gonna be like that, regardless of if I tell him or not. But I can't. I'm embarrassed enough about it as it is. Besides, it's not that big of a deal." I insisted.
"He might want to know." She mumbled.
"Well, if he asks... I'll tell him. But otherwise, he won't know." I said.
"Are you ever gonna tell him?" She questioned, leaning on the counter.
I shrugged. "Maybe one day."
"You do realize we're gonna be leaving soon? If you plan to have sex with him, you might want to do it ASAP." She chuckled, walking out of the kitchen.
Fuck... she's right.
<< CHAPTER 19 || CHAPTER 21 >>
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inlovewithsaturn · 5 years
Ya know what really just pisses me off? The fact that women cant even be nice anymore. My stepmom, who I'll admit is a bit of a scary lookin gal, tall, short spiky hair, piercings, tattoos, all that. She had to go to the store yesterday for a couple things, but yall know how Walmart is, she was in there a while. Now I live in Wyoming, and even though we are a pretty big town for Wyoming standards it's pretty easy to tell if someone is from out of town. Well she was walking into Walmart and she noticed a guy standing outside the entrance with a cart full of groceries kinda looking lost and not really talking to anyone, but she didn't think much of it. He looked a little out of place, but she just went in. She shopped around maybe 20 minutes, got her stuff, and walked out. Well here this guy is, still standing there with his groceries. She went to load her big ass truck, and drove back to the front of the store and she rolled her window and down and was like hey buddy are you ok? And he said that he was brand new in town and the cab that had brought him to the store and was supposed to wait for him to take him back to his hotel was gone. So she being the nice person she is was like hey load your stuff up I'll give you a ride. Now he put his stuff in the back, right next to my little brothers car seat. So he gets in and he introduces himself and pretty much right away he asked if she was married. She says yes, and that she is happy and has kids as well. She mentions that shes a massage therapist and he says that hes been looking for one, so she tells him that shes not taking new clients but that she can give him a recommendation. So they exchange phone numbers and she drops him off. A bit later she gets a text and she thinks it's one of her clients, so she talks to him, tells him she picked up a guy at Walmart, and she thinks he might have been a little intimidated by her. And this bitch. This absolute bitch who knows shes married, says well I dont think he was intimidated, more like attracted to you. She says nah, and he says I think you just dont want him to be attracted to you. And that's when she realises it's not her client. Shes freaked out, and understandably so. She was just trying to be nice. And that's what happens. I was scared when I pulled over to help a guy jumpstart his car but I wanted to help. It sucks that we are so afraid and have to deal with this shit. I'm just so mad.
Let girls be nice without it being seen as flirting.
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goffilolo · 6 years
Revival of Midoriya Izuku Part 1
Alright you fuckin gremlins yall have been waiting months for this and so was I, so without further ado, heres new isntallment of demise!au fic
you can also find it on ao3 under the same title
The interrogation room at Musutafu’s police station has long become a familiar sight for Izuku. Whether or not it was a good thing was a completely different issue. Let’s just say that the past 9 months of Izuku’s hospital free life were just an extended shitshow of t-posing at the legal system.
And in the middle of it all sat the boy himself, handcuffed to the table for probably a 100th time (‘kinky’ he said to the officer who cuffed him, and the man fled the room looking more uncomfortable than Kacchan during the ‘Bakugou shitshow’). With his mom sitting on a chair next to him, looking far too bored for a woman whose son gets arrested on a weekly basis and Trash Bandit occupying the rest of the table Izuku looks to his left, eyes meeting his own reflection in the two way mirror.
He might be handcuffed, but that’s not going to stop him from flipping off whichever officer was currently standing behind that mirror. And if he happened to be checking himself out while at it then, well it’s not really anybody’s business. Izuku’s green hair has grown out quite a lot over the past months, now reaching his shoulders and being even more unkept than usual. The brown coat from the hospital’s lost-and-found box became his second skin, and definitely needed a wash. All in all the boy would describe his look as ‘straight-outta-trash’, which also happens to be the only type of straight he is.
Izuku’s musings got interrupted as the door to the interrogation room slammed open, the sound being followed by what can only be described as a middle aged sigh of resignation and disappointment.
“Well fuck me if it isn’t my favourite detective! What’s up Tsukauchi, did you miss me?” asked Izuku with a shit eating grin.
“Didn’t have the time to, since I literally saw you yesterday. Would it kill you to stay at home and not get yourself in trouble?” asked the detective in the same exasperated tone Izuku often hears Shin use on him. Huh, they would get along.
“Honestly detective, you and your unrealistic expectations. No wonder you’re still single” replied Izuku in only a half-joking manner.
Tsukauchi opened his mouth as if to retaliate, then looked down at the sheep standing on the table and back at Izuku. He closed his mouth promptly, his face morphing into a very accurate expression of ‘I don’t get paid enough for this’.
‘They would really get along’ thought Izuku.
The detective sat down on the chair on the opposite side of the table. He took out the evidence file and laid it down on the table, which wasn’t his smartest move given the sheep that occupied most of the surface. Izuku scoffed at the offending file. Upon noticing his owner’s reaction, Trash Bandit started to chew on the papers while looking Tsukauchi dead in the eye as the man tried to pry the evidence from the sheep’s mouth.
“Do we really have to go through this every single time?” asked Izuku, motioning to his handcuffs to make a point “It’s always the same old drill, I go and do my shit, you guys arrest me, the law doesn’t account for me being quirkless, you let me go. Honestly why do you even bother at this point?”
“Because-” stated Tsukauchi as he waved around a half eaten photograph from the evidence folder “-you really outdone yourself this time!”
“I did the right thing and YOU KNOW IT!” shouted Izuku as he stood up from his seat, the handcuffs being the only thing holding him back.
“Izuku that’s not up to you to decide-”
“Don’t! I get that you work in law enforcement, but if your sense of right and wrong is dictated by the legal system then you have a moral spine of a chocolate eclair!”
“Says the troublemaker who plays a hero-wannabe in his spare time” replied Tsukauchi.
Izuku scoffed at the man and sat down once again. He turned towards his mother who rather predictably had a worried look on her face at the mention of ‘heroes’. It was still a bit of a sore topic for Izuku, even after all these months and she knew it better than anyone else. The fact that it was Tsukauchi who rubbed at the wound only made it worse.
“A hero?! If you were any good of a detective you’d know that this statement couldn’t be further from the truth” sneered Izuku.
“Then HELP me get the truth. All I know is what they showed in the news and we both know that it’s not worth much, so why don’t you tell me what actually happened?”
Well, Izuku doesn’t really have much of a choice in that matter since this IS an interrogation and all of you noisy fuckers reading this are probably wondering how he got here in the first place.
The day started out rather peacefully. Now that Izuku was homeschooled he had a lot of free time, which was definitely not a good thing and led to a boredom driven shenanigans, but more on that later. Now all the teenager wanted was to get something to eat. Preferably at a place that won’t kick him out for going in with a sheep, but well, you can’t have everything.
Izuku was currently walking through the town centre with Shin, the doctor moving almost like a zombie after his night shift at the hospital. They agreed to meet up in the morning and have a breakfast together before the morning rush began. The two were heading to a cat cafe ‘ Nyanny ’, one of the very few establishments in the city that he’s yet to be kicked out of, mainly because the cats there got really attached to Trash Bandit. Afterwards Izuku plans on hanging around UA since a friend of his will be taking the entrance exam and Izuku, being a semi-decent friend that he was, wanted to be there for emotional support.
“Can you not?” asked Shin as he pulled a cigarette out of Izuku’s mouth, who in turn looked over dramatically “Don’t look at me like this! As your doctor I can’t let you ruin your health like this in my presence!”
“You’re my psychiatrist, you’re supposed to be fixing my mental problems, leave my physical problems out of this.”
“A single cigarette can take away a day off your life, is this what you want?”
The teenager looks at the doctor with a face expression that can only be described as ‘fuck yeah’ as he opens up his backpack, retreats a pack of cigarettes, takes all of them out of the box, puts them in his mouth and lights all of them while looking Shin dead in the eye to establish dominance.
The doctor sighed in resignation “I expected nothing and was still let down” he said.
“To be fair letting people down is like my main skill” is what Izuku would’ve said if it wasn’t for the 20 cigarettes in his mouth, but that didn’t stop him from trying.
The doctor eventually gave up on lecturing the teen and the two continued their walk. As they neared the intersection leading up to the train station the streets got much more crowded, although that is to be expected. What was unexpected however was the commotion that seemed to be taking place there. With the amount of people gathered at the street you’d think Beyonce is in town and she challenged All Might to a rap battle, and Izuku would pay good money to see that shit.
Unfortunately there was no Beyonce in sight, only a fuck ton of people blocking Izuku’s way and half a dozen of police cars.
“Hey Shin, wanna check it out?”
“I’m literally on a brink of exhaustion, but sure, why not”
As the two - or three if you count Trash Bandit - made their way through the crowd, Izuku realized that whatever was happening was far more serious than he originally thought. Heroes and police alike were scattered across the whole area, civilians were screaming and something was definitely on fire. He also noticed a camera crew trying to get good scope of the whole action. All in all it was Izuku’s dreams come true.
“I’m betting you all my money that it’s another villain attack”
“First of all, you have no money. Second of all, please don’t do anything rash” begs Shin.
“I would never” says Izuku as he pulls out an axe out of his backpack.
Events like these aren’t uncommon, Izuku has seen plenty of public hero displays as they detained villains on the streets and obnoxiously gained the favour of the public eye. He’d know, he used to be one of the morons staring at them in amazement. What was unusual however was that none of the heroes were closing in on the source of this whole chaos. From where he was standing the boy couldn’t even see the villain in question, but just form people’s reactions he could tell the damage was bad. The fire prevented most of them from getting close and Death Arms was trying to keep civilians away from the area. Mt. Lady couldn’t enter the area and she got stuck the narrow road due to her size and the rest of the heroes didn’t even attempt to get closer. Cowards, was what they were, running around like a bunch of mindless lemmings.
As Izuku pushed past the crowd, dragging his doctor along he finally saw what, or rather who was causing all the havoc.
It was a person captured by what Izuku thinks is a sludge villain. Boy does that give him some late night ideas-
“Get your mind out of the gutter, you weirdo!” exclaimed Shin.
- oh, he said it out loud, haven’t he?
“Kinda hard to do when this thing looks like it crawled straight out of the gutter itself” retorted Izuku.
He then separated from Shin to try and find a police officer and get a better idea of the whole situation. Although his relationship with the cops wa far from great, they were far too busy trying to contain the situation to argue with Izuku and so he managed to find out that the villain was originally captured by All Might last year and he escaped from jail seeking chaos and revenge. The entire situation was just as cliché as it sounded.
He went back to find Shin who was currently sheep sitting for him in this entire madness and using his height to get a better look than him “I know I haven’t been up to date with all the hero stuff, but I think even I would’ve heard of this sludge” he said to the doctor.
“I remember when they were reporting it on the news” he replied “It was the day you were admitted to the ward.”
“I think the sludge has Bakugou”
The bespectacled man pointed towards the sludge and as Izuku looked closer, sure enough, it was definitely Bakugou thrashing around and using his quirk to try and blow himself away from the villain with little success so far.
“Huh, so that’s where all the fire came from” mused Shin.
Izuku looked down at his axe and back up at Bakugou, whose eyes were screaming for help. He had a choice to make.
“Well this has just gotten personal” states Izuku.
As he moved forward through the remainder of the crowd, he realised once again that the choice has made itself without his brain’s input, but what else is new. His mind was blank as he ran past the police tape, evaded Death Arms and went straight into the fire.
He realised how ridiculous the situation was. Here he was; a quirkless loser running head first towards the danger with nothing but an axe like an IDIOT, because a bunch of pro heroes won’t do their fuckin job. This is absurd!
Keep running!
There’s so many people around who are much more qualified to save Bakugou-
Keep running!
And they’re doing NOTHING!-
“DEKU, what the fuck are you doing? GET AWAY!”
“FUCK THAT!” screamed Izuku as he threw his backpack at the sludge, temporarily distracting the villain “Today’s the entrance exam! I’m getting your ass out of this, whether you like it or not!”
Bakugou fought against the sludge trying to suffocate him as he took shallow breaths in between his pleas for Izuku to get away. Izuku tried clawing at the sludge without much success and the villain laughed at his incompetence.
“Silly boy~ Your efforts are useless, you might as well say goodbye to your friend now!” sneered the sludge “Look around you, all these heroes at the scene and none of them willing to get close enough to save you. Face it boy-”
Oh, shut the fuck up!
“-you’re going to die soon”
Suddenly, Izuku stopped fighting altogether. The screams of the crowd, the fire, the heroes and the cops surrounding him; they became nothing but a background noise. He stood eerily still and for a second, both the villain and Bakugou thought that he sobered up and decided that the fight wasn’t worth it, until they saw his hand; the one holding the axe shaking uncontrollably.
“You think you’re the one who gets to kill me?” asked Izuku, in a strangely calm voice laced with a drop of sarcasm.
Without any warning the boy held his axe high in the air, ready to strike. Although he looked like an embodiment of madness, his mind couldn’t have been clearer. He knew that he couldn’t inflict any damage to the sludge itself, but everyone had a weakness and Izuku was staring it right in the eye.
“You think YOU are strong enough to kill ME? Don’t kid yourself you slimefucker!!!” screamed Izuku as he swung his axe down right into the villain’s eye. The villain let out an ear-splitting screech and completely let go of Bakugou, who fell to the ground like a ragdoll trying to catch his breath. The heroes were speechless and the police was already calling for an ambulance, while the civilians screamed in surprise. Amongst the crowd stood a tall figure, who has seen more than enough and decided to step in.
As Izuku pulled his weapon out, his movements were followed by a sickening sound of wet flesh, blending in with the noises made by the movement of the sludge. He took another swing at the villain.
“Listen up you you gooey pile of shit!-”
“-If a fall from a four story building couldn’t kill me-”
Before Izuku could take another swing he was stopped by a gust of wind so strong that the villain went flying into the sky. Izuku lost his balance and promptly fell on his ass next to Bakugou. The attack was so powerful that the sludge started to fall down like rain, putting out any remaining fire in the area. It seemed like the whole atmosphere cooled down in an instant. Both teenagers were shocked beyond belief to say the least as they looked up to see the source of the powerful blast.
Lo and fuckin behold, it was All Might himself and the whole crowd clapped. Izuku was brought out of his shocked state as the Number 1 Hero leaned down and picked the boys up as if they weighted no more than a couple of grapes.
“My boy, what you did was certainly brave, but ought to be more careful in the-”
“Zip it He Man, I don’t have time for lectures” spat Izuku, with far more venom than he anticipated. Meeting a man who used to be his idol and a symbol of his long dead dreams was not as easy as Izuku would’ve thought. It’s been months since the hospital days, but it looks like time does not heal all the wounds, at least not the emotional ones.
As Izuku became fully aware of his surroundings he realised that how much of an uproar his arrival at the scene has caused. While most of the civilians were too busy admiring All Might, the police looked like they wanted nothing more than arrest him at the spot like usual. Bakugou was strangely quiet, though Izuku brushed it off as still being in the “I almost died” shock. Izuku knew something about that.
Since the fire was put out people could move more freely and soon enough Izuku was cornered by a reporter and her camera crew. As much as he hated being put on the spot like this and he was a bit short on time, Izuku couldn't help but think bitterly about how this whole situation wasn’t HIS fault at all. He wouldn’t have to intervene if these so called pros actually did their jobs. The fact that he couldn’t see Shin anywhere in the crowd only added to his irritation. In the corner of his eye he could see the police approaching, he needed to move fast. Although looking at the reporter, Izuku thinks he might have a little fun before their race to the UA began.
He grabbed the reporter’s microphone and faced the cameras, putting on his best shit eating grin.
“You people want some news? Well here it is! You see these fuckers over there?” he asks while waving his axe in the direction of the pro heroes “They’re full of shit. They call themselves heroes, yet they stood and did nothing when my friend needed to be saved. Is this what it means to be a hero? To stand around fighting small fries, but the moment something serious happens, unwilling to step in and help those who need it? Wake up people, because this is what your tax money pays for!”
Te reporter tried to pry the microphone from Izuku’s hands and the police was coming closer, he had to hurry it up.
“I’m Midoriya Izuku, a quirkless nobody and you are watching the NHK News!” he finished off before handing the microphone back to the distressed reporter.
He grabbed Bakugou’s hand, looking around in panic for any way to leave the area quickly enough. The villain attack was close to the train station, so he wouldn’t be surprised if the trains were temporarily down. There were people everywhere and the police officers looked like they were itching to arrest him. They were running out of time, he had to get Bakugou to the exam on time. Think, a way out. Quick, no time. No path, no way-
Suddenly, the crowd parted like the red fuckin sea itself, except instead of Moses a car drove through like it was speeding to get to the mall on a Black Friday. It made a sudden turn and stopped with a loud screech right in front of Izuku and Bakugou. Izuku should probably be surprised at this point, he really should, but life was already so goddamn weird, it might as well happen. The car’s windows rolled down and Bandit’s head poked out of the vehicle.
“Holy shit, Bandit did you steal a car?”
“Don’t be ridiculous” shouted Shin, who as Izuku just noticed sat in the driver’s seat “Hurry up and get in, you two caused quite a scene!”
Izuku and Bakugou looked at each other, then back at the car. Well, they literally had nothing to lose…
“Except our dignity” said Bakugou, because Izuku still hasn’t managed to get his shit together and fix his muttering problem.
“Bold of you to assume I have dignity” he answered instead.
The two teenagers entered the back of the car as quickly as possible, with Shin flooring the gas pedal before they even managed to get the door closed.
The car made a sharp turn as they drove away from the scene like a bunch of criminals on the run.
“I’m gonna be honest with you boys, I‘m not quite sure what just happened” exclaimed Shin as he drove past a red light like it was his second nature, although it was more likely due to his sleep deprivation.
“We’re in deep shit, that’s what happened” said Bakugou.
“What else is new?” said Izuku, before turning back to Shin “Anyway, less thinking, more driving, we have to be at UA in like 10 minutes if we want Kacchan to still have a chance at the entrance exam!”
“Deku are you crazy?!” shouted Bakugou “There’s no way we can get to UA on time! We barely escaped a villain attack just now, which by the way you should’ve stayed out of-”
The car fell silent as Shin tried to focus on not falling asleep behind the wheel, completely blocking out the teenage drama in the backseat. Bandit was having a time of their life sticking the head out of through the window, feeling the wind in the wool, completely oblivious to the tension. The two teenagers meanwhile were busy having a stare down.
“For fucks sake Deku, is this what it’s all about? Some fuckin promise I had my arm twisted into making because you dragged my ass in front of my parents?”
“The Kacchan I know is a rude, overambitious, self-centered bastard-”
“Are you looking for a fight!-”
“-a bastard that never breaks a promise!” exclaimed Izuku “That day at the hospital...you said you would get into UA and become ‘Number 1 Hero’ regardless of what I said.”
“And you said that I’m not a hero material...” pointed Bakugou “...but those heroes at the scene were pretty useless…”
“They sure were” mumbled Izuku.
“Maybe you were right” sneers Bakugou, humourlessly “maybe being hero isn’t worth shit if a quirkless ass like you can do a better job than them!”
“That’s like the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me, Thanks Kacchan!” relied Izuku in the most sarcastic tone he could utter.
Their little ‘moment’ was however quickly interrupted by the sudden turn that had them flying across their seats, which could’ve been avoided if they wore seatbelts has it not been for Izuku’s life philosophy of ‘No safety measures, we die like men’. The teenagers turned around to see what caused the sudden turn and noticed that they’re currently being chased by two police cars. And it’s not even noon yet! That’s a new accomplishment for Izuku.
At that point Shin just rolled down the window and started to flip off the police “I’M NOT GOING BACK TO JAIL!” he shouted while speeding past other cars on the road. There was something almost poetic about seeing your psychiatrist - the person whose job is to make you into a sane and functional human being- screaming at cops and accidentally admitting that he was in jail at some point in his life. The doctor then turns around and says “Don’t worry, I haven’t killed anyone” as if it was supposed to be reassuring to his patients in the middle of a police chase.
“Huh, at this point we might actually make it to UA on time” said Izuku in a rather nonchalant fashion, leaving Bakugou scandalised to say the least.
“Well how’s that any different than my usual day?”
“Can you two shut up? I’m trying to drive here!”
And with that, the car was overtaken by silence, the only thing interrupting it being the police sirens heard from the behind. For a situation as bizarre as this, Izuku felt strangely calm about the whole thing. It was almost nostalgic, getting to spend time with Kacchan in a civil manner, or as civil as they could get considering the circumstances and having Shin’s support in the strangest way possible. ‘I wouldn’t mind it if all my days were like this’ he thought while reluctantly putting on his seatbelt.
Soon enough they reached the gates of UA just as they were about to be closed. In a moment of panic, Izuku reached into the pocket of his jumper and pulled out a flask, unscrewing the cap and quickly handing it to Bakugou.
“Look we’re a bit short on time, so drink this and go kick some asses, you can process your near death experience trauma after the exam is over.”
“What is this?” asked Bakugou, rightfully suspicious of the mysterious flask that Izuku seems to casually carry around.
“The quil”
“What qui-” unfortunately Bakugou didn’t get to finish the sentence as Izuku forced the flask into his mouth and tilted his head back, making Bakugou drink all of the liquid.
“Ok, so this shit will make you see through time, but that’s normal, you can do it!” shouted Izuku as he clapped the blond on the back and pushed him out of the car.
Both Izuku and Shin watched him run up to the gate right before it closed and they simultaneously sighed in relief.
“You did the right thing” commented the doctor “Your method was questionable at best, but you did the right thing in the end. Not many people would have the strength to help someone like Bakugou.”
“I know”
“What you did was very heroic”
“Oh, fuck off!”
“...so after we parked the police cars caught up with us and they arrested us. Well, me for whatever the fuck that was and Shin for breaking some traffic laws” said Izuku as he recalled the events of this chaotic morning.
“What’s going to happen to him now detective?” asked Inko, because although she might not look like it, she was very much worried about her son, despite knowing that he wasn’t in the wrong for doing what he did.
The atmosphere in the interrogation room became tense as the Midoriyas stared at detective Tsukauchi expectedly. The man looked down at his notes, the evidence folder and sighed in defeat. They’ve been here for hours and it became clear that even the detective didn’t want to be a part of this.
“You’re a lucky kid Izuku” exclaimed Tsukauchi “The only thing we could technically charge you with would be a possession of a fixed blade longer than three inches, but even then it was used in defence of a civilian, and you better thank God that no one has bothered to fix the legal loopholes for the quirkless under the Citizen’s arrest law.”
“Does that mean I can just go?”
“Fortunately yes”
“Nice~” said Izuku “Alright then kinky bastards, uncuff me!”
Right after he said that the door to the interrogation room opened, followed by the entrance of Ignenium himself. Although the appearance of the hero was unexpected, it was definitely appreciated. You see, while Izuku does have a problem with heroes in general, Ignenium, both as a hero and the man behind the mask was one of the most kind and righteous people the boy has ever met and could never bring himself to dislike. And sure the way they met wasn’t the most favourable one, but that’s a story for another time.
“Tensei! What are you doing here?” asked Izuku excitedly.
“I came in here a while ago after making an arrest and an officer told me you got caught doing something stupid again. I couldn’t help my curiosity so I sat and listened to your story” explained the man as he pointed to the one-way mirror. He then closed in on the table and unlocked Izuku’s handcuffs from the surface “Alright let’s get you out of here.”
As Tensei took still handcuffed Izuku out of the room, Inko stayed behind to sign some paperwork that Tsukauchi tried and failed to stop the sheep from chewing on.
The hero and the teenager made their way into the main lobby where they had to wait for the keys to the handcuffs. As they stood around, Izuku with his hands behind his back they were approached by another teenager who looked vaguely familiar and very attractive, as in hot, beefy nerd with dark hair and square glasses that would help you with homework and carry you on his shoulders type of attractive. He stood tall with posture and confidence that the old Izuku could never dream of having, and one that the current Izuku had wet dreams about.
“Nii-san! Mother has informed me that you were at the station, so I came here to tell you about the entrance exam!” exclaimed the boy in the sheer volume of a person with ‘no inside voice’ while moving his hands in an almost robotic way.
“You sure look excited! Alright Tenya, tell me everything!” said Tensei and that’s when it dawned on Izuku…
“TENSEI WHAT THE HELL! Why didn’t you tell me you had a hot brother?!” he whined before quickly turning back to clearly confused Tenya.
“What’s up stud? You dropped something~” said Izuku in a clearly flirty tone as he checked the other one out.
Nevertheless Tenya still looked down in confusion at Izuku’s words, choosing to ignore the way he said it.
“What did I drop?” he asked.
“Your standards. Hi, I’m Izuku~” exclaimed the freckled boy with a shit eating grin as he brought his right hand forward that still had a pair of handcuffs hanging from it, awaiting a handshake.
The other was flustered beyond belief, while Tensei just groaned out in second hand embarrassment from watching awkward teenage flirting with his younger brother on the receiving side.
Wait a minute…
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