#i miss joannes flowers so much
The Butler, Romantic
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"Remember, we'll meet here after two hours, okay boys?" Said Lizzie, a smile on her face. Beside her are Sieglinde, Doll, Paula, and Mey-Rin. Across from her is Sebastian, Joanne, Ciel, Alois, Bard, and Finnian. Sebastian place a hand to his chest and bows, "We will see you then my lady."
And with that the groups left into separate directions. The season was winter, it's cold yet nice for a typical February month, just a few days away from the holiday that is Valentine's Day.
"Isn't Valentine's Day lovely?" Said Joanne as he sighs happily as the men walk into a floral shop. The air was thick with many flowers of different sweets and textures around the room, causing Ciel's nose to scrunch up in a flinch. "I guess you can say that... Just different now since all of us have someone on this day." Said Bard with a shrug of his broad shoulders. The shop owner looked at the lot at last and spoke up gentle, "What can I help with you gentleman?" Sebastian stepped forward, a warm glow to him somehow, and spoke firmly yet... nice- "We have come to purchase some flower arrangements for Valentine's Day sir." The shop owner smiles a beaming gleam as he nods, "You have chosen wisely men!" Suddenly, the man pauses and stares at the Earl of Phantomhive who stares back in confusion. "What is it?" "Erm, I'm sorry. I just thought I saw two of you."
Ciel snuck a glance behind Finny after the shop owner walked to talk with Sebastian more, looking to the young man with peacock gem eyes and dark short hair. "Sorry Ciel." "It's fine Ciel."
Unlike the usual outings, a new guest has joined in the form of the real non dead Ciel Phantomhive, who many of the public assume is either dead or too sickly to be Earl. No one besides the group and the household know of the two working together taking turns of the names, and on special outings like this do the two truly look like twins with matching clothes and eye patches to not throw off people around them.
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The ladies sat at a isolated table a busy tea room, roses decoration all the table centerpieces creating a sweet smell with the scent of tea and perfume, among each member is a box wrapped with their bags. Lizzie claps as they sat down, "I'm so happy we're doing this. We haven't had the pleasure to go out just us girls often and just before Valentine's Day as well." She giggles at the last part. Paula giggles beside her, "I agree Lady Lizzie, this is most exciting." The lady Midford glanced across the table to Sieglinde, who's dark hair is still cut short in an adorable bob while dressed in a lovely green dress, and Doll, who at the moment is wearing a lovely blue gown handed down by Lizzie herself with a scent of roses coming off her neck.
The previous circus performer smiled and spoke, not hiding her accent as much, "This certain is a new thing for me. I never had a partner nor had a excuse to shopping." Mey-Rin, who sits beside her and who's hair is tied in a bun dressed normal, looked to her and joined in, "I agree, yes I do! Never have I ever thought I'd ever find someone to spend Valentine's day with."
"What are your guys plans for Valentine's Day anyway?" Asked Alois as he stands by Ciel looking at the wild roses and daisies. Finny, not missing a beat and holding a large group of white lilies, with sparkling eyes and a big smile said, "I'm taking Valentina to the gardens for a nice picnic! She mentioned how much she wanted to see the stars and thanks to Mister Sebastian I can cook some good Mofongo!" Bard smiles as he picked up a pansy, "I'm grateful Lady Elizabeth gave me permission to use the kitchen and the garden gazebo for the night, I can't wait to dazzle my woman like the angel she is!" Sebastian chuckles, "You have been married with Paula and Finny and Miss Valentina has been engaged for hardly a month already and you're energies are over the moon." The chef lightly shoved the butler, "Come on now you should know why. What are your plans for your lil' lady?" The butler in black smiles and pluck up a red rose before sniffing it, his eyes shining, "I plan to cook her a grand meal and take her to a ballet. She's been talking about seeing this one performance of Cinderella so I figured I take her on the very first night."
Alois giggles and spoke up, "Does that imply the Phantomhive manor will be mostly empty? A whole empty manor for the young Earl and his Valentine?" He giggles as Ciel shoved him and his brother, out in public as "Sirius", speaks, "What are your plans anyway?" Ciel thought for a moment before answering, "Maybe some dinner and a London stroll."
Meanwhile, the ladies' pastries and tea has arrived to the table and conversations of the date in plan are being spoken. "I swear I have a sneaking feeling Alois will spoil me and Smile." Sighed Doll as she sipped her tea, her eye beaming in whoa after she took that sip. Lizzie giggled and asked, "Does he always though? Surely you'd be used to it by now." Doll shook her head, "Nah, even if I should I can't get over it. It's a nice feeling though, being pampered by a cutie like that, especially at night." With a eyebrow risen, Sieglinde queried, "Why at night?" All the women looked to Doll who simply grins with a look in her eye. It didn't a while until it sunk in her meaning.
"M-My Goodness you already have-!?" Mey-Rin shrieked silently in a flush face, shocked her master would be already be doing such things with two people, even if it's been a whole two years since most of the relationships started. Doll chuckled and shook her hand, "No no, we haven't gotten that far yet, just some touching and maybe some-" With pink cheeks Lizzie scanned the area fast while speaking a hushed warning, "Doll! You should speak about things like that in public!" The brunette tilted her head and glance around. "Why? No one's listening and it's normal."
After a moment of silence, a surprise of Paula speaks up, "Baldroy tends to look rather hungry in the bedroom." "Paula!" Doll snorted, "Well I can't say I'm too surprised you both are already there." Paula blushes as she speaks more softer, a small shy smile on her lips, "He seems the type to be rough a bit but he's actually quiet gentle... he even ask what I prefer a lot." After a small sip of her tea, Mey-Rin surprise everyone even more, "When you guys... have those moments with your partners... do you take the reins or-?" "Damn, does Suit let you take charge?" Asked Doll, surprised most with the maid's question. Mey-Rin, blushing more, answers with a small squeak, "W-Well he's mostly tired after work, he is..! A-Also, he tends to smell a lot like peppermint which is very nice, it is."
The three, then four after Sieglinde chimed in, chatted a bit of the men in their lives while Lizzie watches. Then, watching and listening got dull with her so she joined in, "So, you know how Sebastian sometimes roll his tongue when speaking his Rs? Well, on certain times he tends to do that when he kiss-" The table squealed some and giggles and continued to chat around.
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One the morning of Valentine's Day, it seemed like a normal day at first, until both Phantomhive Lords and the servants gotten some cards and roses sent from those whom they too have sent cards and roses too earlier on.
After breakfast and the normal schedules of the nobles until lunch the plans of the day itself was no pushed into swing. Food being prepared, flower assembles being created, settings made, last checks of things done.
Everything by the end is perfect when the night comes and the respected parties go to here the other halves of their hearts to start the day as planned. The manor, besides Finny in the garden with his fiance, was as planned mostly empty with the real Ciel Phantomhive off to Joanne's gardens of his manor with Sieglinde, leaving the other twin in the manor with the two he planned to spend time with. Doll snuggled against his shoulder as they ride the carriage back to the said empty mansion, Alois holding his hand the side next to him, boxes of new clothes and things tied together in the spare seats across from the three.
On the other side of the trees in the city of London walk a man dressed in a lovely shade of emerald greens and blacks beside a beautiful young lady with hair of fine gold done up with a black ribbon wearing a lovely red dress side by side down the street of night, a happy glow among them like a bubble of sorts. "That ballet was lovely Sebastian. The outfits were beautiful and the music was lovely!" Said Lizzie with a giggle and a snuggle of his arm, smiling at the rumbling chuckle of his chest, "I'm glad you enjoyed that." A moment of silence filled the two as they walked more, the candle lights of the street glowing so hauntingly beautiful. Finally, the lady spoke, "Sebastian, what do you think Valentine's Day will look like for us years ahead?"
The butler pauses and ponders, he surely would want to amaze his lady ten times every year but would she want that in the end? "Well, I would want to see you smile much more. I would even say I would want to you smile every day from this day forth my dear." Lizzle giggles, stopping when the man stops walking. "The first time I met you, you were crying over the lose of a boy whom you knew wasn't who your heart truly wanted to please to the rules of the world. Over time I began to see the you you tried to bury away from the eyes of everyone, and for that level of trust made me love you more and more beyond your dear precious smile..."
Lizzie watched as Sebastian free himself her gentle grasp and slowly knelt to her, a hand to his heart, as his voice grew tender as he speaks, "I swear to you my dear that I will always try to make you smile, to love every piece of you, cherish you to the fullest and continue to do so long after your last breath. I promise to stand beside you through every battle, big or small, and treat you like the Queen you are to me." Her breath gets stuck in her chest that grew tight as she sees him reach in his breast pocket, her eyes widening and filling with tears fast. "I may not know much of the traditions of human culture, I may not be the man society wish you to have, but I swear to you with all my being I will never ever stop loving you for not a single day goes by where I haven't loved you after you shown me so many beautiful things to know..."
Carefully, he takes out a box and opens it, showing the maiden the lovely ring inside the velvet walls, his eyes clearly growing misty as a lump grew in his throat as it became clear from his words, "My dear Lizzie, I understand it's custom to bring forth a piece of jewelry to create a bond stronger than anything I've seen, and so I did just that. With proper permission from your family, as the world ahead of us as my witness, with the bottom of my heart...will you do me in doing the honors of making me the happiest being of all the world can more can offer....and marry me and be with me for the rest of time...?"
Lizzie hiccuped as she cries, her gloved hands covering her shaking lips, her heart beating so fast. Sebastian shifted to stand as he quickly formed an apology, "Li-Lizzie, I'm sorry-" The man was stopped with the force of his dear jumping onto him, her arms tightly hung around his neck as her voice coats her ears as the two fell to the ground. "Yes! YES! I would be more than honored to marry you..!" She sobs into his neck, her face pink and such a mess of tears and makeup but neither care at the moment. A smile appears to Sebastian's lips as he sits up, gently takes Lizzie's hand and slides the ring onto her gentle finger. Lizzie sniffs and hugs him again, this time their lips connected as one as their hearts beat as one.
This is part of my Black Butler AU, mostly word for word from a RP me and my sister did recently, still heavily dedicated to @annoyinglyshinycherryblossom, @nullb1rdbones, @sebalizzie, @docmartensanddietcoke, and @onehellofashadynerd
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kookiecrumb · 2 years
May I request you where Tae had these lucid dreams where he kept dreaming of a pretty face and he can't help but paint her and share it in his IG like he always does? And just one day randomly he saw her while he doing his business(idk like he's in a cafe, bookstore or something) and after that post, people have been tagging you speculating that maybe you guys dating or something. And that's where found out little something about you and texted you
Okay listen here. I had this exactly idea for nearly the same plot in my old friend's dms and I abandoned the idea because it felt like it was missing something, but this was PERFECT.
I deleted our dms though...I don't care. I'll rewrite it. Absolutely.
I really don't like social media aus, so I'm going to maybe make Tae an actual artist and make people contact her by word of mouth about it because he's really well-known. This is set in France cause I said so.
Perhaps her friends go to an art show and mention to him that you look like his muse...
Anyways! Here you are.
kth || Muse
Taehyung jumped awake. His palms rubbed into the sockets of his eyes, the dizzying feeling of amnesia overcoming him. He snatched his curtains open, hunching over himself. The sun bathed the room.
The very first thought of you conjured in his mind, a memory that cut through the mental fog. A vivid image, a beautiful woman with warm, captivating eyes and a glowing smile upon her supple lips appeared.
Suddenly, his heart softened. He fell back upon his feathery bed, sighing. Frankly, he was slightly flustered. In his dream, you seemed to fly like an angel above the flowered valleys under an endless sky.
It happened again. It was you again.
He glowed, reminiscing on his previous visions of his Goddess, his Muse.
Taehyung was an enigma from the beginning of his career, though it did cause an air of intimidation within the atmosphere of the humble classroom. There was not a time when he didn't grab the attention from everybody in the room instantly with his attention to detail. Each curve, each crevice, each dip of his model's figure was perfectly captured, through only his earthy hands.
 He had achieved mastery of multiple art mediums, his favorite being life charcoal drawings. 
The way his fingers scraped the canvas to capture the most intimate of details in a single stroke was no doubt one of the most incredible things anyone has ever witness.
He uses his talent to depict you.
In various positions-- some romantic, most sexual...all captivating ruminations of your glowing visage. It excited him in every sense.
His heart, his body, and his mind belonged to the idea of you.
The media was just as excited about Taehyung's artistic debut in Paris. It was known that he taught an anatomy course in the south of France before he quit to follow his ambition of becoming an artist.
That's when the idea of you first crossed his mind. He was enlightened by your unwavering beauty and felt the need to express his passion immediately.
The result of this relentless expression was the attention of some of the top art critics in France.
They wanted his work in the museums and had the connections to get him there. With one phone call, Taehyung would debut as a real Parisian artist.
He'd departed for New York soon afterwards, in search for a moment of much-needed solitude.
The spectacle of his work rendered people all over the country speechless-- including one of your dear friend, Joanne, who was on a European vacation when she spotted the spitting image of her bestie hanging up near the Lourve.
This was unsettling to say the least. If you had a new hot Parisian boyfriend, she'd be the first to know, right? Right.
Just in case, though, she didn't message you right away. She needed to investigate!
She needed to find this guy. Luckily, underneath the title of the painting of you completely naked, draped over a sofa like you were Rose from the Titanic, there was a website! How convenient.
Joanne arrived at her hotel room that night and went snooping on his Instagram. It looked like his entire discography was pictures of her best friend-- you, either partially or completely nude, smiling at the onlooker.
At that point, she pulled out her phone and started typing. "Y/N~ you never told me you had a smoking hot Korean boyfriend from Paris~"
It was still 3 AM in New York, so of course you wouldn't read it until the next morning while getting your morning coffee.
You were very, very confused while waiting in line for your cold brew, though. "Ummm," you messaged back, "I don't???"Jo never texted back right away, so you had time.
You're actually more concerned with this guy who won't stop stealing glances at you from the front of the store.
He was cute, so you didn't mind, but...still questionable.
Your coffee was ready, and you had hours before your next class, so you decided to figure out why Mr.Tall Dark and Handsome here was giving you the goo-goo eyes.
You decided to be bold. Setting your bag on a nearby chair, you sat across from him and smiled. "Hey~ why do you keep staring at me~ its kinda weird~"
"Oh! Is it? Fuck," he laughs. "It's simply that you're pretty." His smile charms you. It's very compelling.
He is screaming inside. If he admits that he has been painting you without knowing it was you in his French apartment for two years now, that would be...incredibly awkward, suspicious, even.
You furrow your eyebrows. "That's it? I don't have food in my teeth or anything?" You joke.
Taehyung shakes his head softly, setting down his cappuccino. "Non, non."
"Okay, well...thank you." You rise from your seat and walk away.
Going home, you can't shake the feeling that there's something you're missing though, so you press Joanna for an explanation later that day.
Taehyung freaked back at the apartment.
At least five years of mysterious dreams and two years of meticulous painting to recreate those dreams have manifested themselves in front of him.
He paced the room like a mad man, holding his paintbrushes, his fist clenched around them. He contemplated his next step. He needed to confront you at some point, but how the fuck would you even word such a confrontation?
The answer was that he didn't have to. That evening, a knock was heard at the door and he answered it promptly.
You stood at his door, arms crossed, a puzzled look on your face.
"Who let you up here?" Taehyung scanned through hallway, suddenly out of breath.
"I know people. It's not important!" You exclaim. Looking into his apartment, it's very evident that this was indeed your culprit. It was simply covered in stunning and expensive-looking art pieces. "How come you-- how have you seen me naked?!" You whisper-yell at him.
Taehyung bites his lip and grunts out an answer you can't quite make out.
You squint and request that he clarify.
"I've just had dreams about you for the past...half a decade. You probably don't know me--"
"You're right! I don't!"
"-- you didn't let me finish! But...I know you."
"How exactly...do you know me?" You inquire. This an intriguing circumstance and you simply must know more.
"We've gone out. In...my mind. Fuck, it might be a stretch but...You've lived here your whole life, right? You hate rock candy and the color yellow because it's just too bright...a shame because you look so so good in it and--" he sighs.
Your face transforms into a soft realization. "Really? You're not stalking me then."
"No...of course not, Y/N. I just didn't think you were real this whole time." He sets down his brushes on his counter and gestures for you to come in.
You do.
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peonierose · 2 years
Meet my OC
Author’s note: I’m very excited about officially introducing my OC. We’re both a lot alike, so I really hope you’ll like her just as much as I do.
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Book: Open Heart
Name: Luna Valeria Auclair ☾
She got her name Luna because when she was born her hair had a very light shade. As her parents didn’t have a name, they went with Luna.
Nicknames: Luna has a LOT of nicknames.
Lunes & Lu (by Bryce)
Moonbeam (by her grandpa and her dad)
Loonsey & Loon-Moon (by her grandma)
Sugarplum (by Maxine)
Hair color: Blonde and wavy ☾
Height: 5‘0 feet tall ☾
Eye color: blue-green ☾
Occupation: Artist. She now teaches art at University of Hawaii
Love interest: Bryce Lahela ☾
Home town: Honolulu, Hawaii 🌺
Born: June 27th in Honolulu, Hawaii ☾
Parents: Grace Auclair & Brian Auclair ☾
Siblings: None. Luna is an only child ☾
Grandparents (maternal): Angelina Auclair & Grayson Auclair ☾
Aunt & Uncle (maternal): Joanne Auclair & Jospeh Auclair ☾
Cousins: Evie (short for Evangeline) Auclair, Soraya Auclair & Skyler Auclair. They have their own wedding planning business, called ”Sunrise Moments“ ☾
Zodiac Sign: Cancer ♋️ (they’re known as bubbly, caring and empathetic) ☾
Lunas Education:
Luna got her BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) at University of Hawaii. She specialized in ceramics, drawing + painting and sculpture ☾
Lunas parents are both from the Chicago area. Brian worked in finance. He comes from a wealthy family, that’s very strict, and technically he didn’t need this job, but he didn’t want to be like all the other rich people who lived of off their trust fund. He wanted to earn his money.
The day he met Grace, they were both on their lunch break. Grace spilled her coffee on Brian’s shirt and felt so embarrassed. She wanted to pay for dry cleaning, but Brian wouldn’t hear it. Later on they kept talking for what seemed like hours. They promised to see each other again on the next day. They met every day for coffee until Brian had the courage to ask her out. They dated for a while before they became official.
Sadly Brian’s parents didn’t approve of his love with Grace, and they made him choose. Grace wanted to break things off. She didn’t want to be the cause of a rift between his parents. But Brian chose Grace and that’s the last day he spoke to his parents. They disowned him afterwards.
With some savings they both decided they wanted to make a fresh start. Grace quit her job as an English teacher and Brian quit his job in finance. They packed their belongings and moved to Honolulu, Hawaii. Where Brian opened up his flower shop called ”Orchid‘s Paradise“. He always had a knack for flowers.
While Grace works as an English teacher at a local high school. She’s very happy with the life she has with her husband and her miracle Luna.
Background about Luna:
Luna struggles with anxiety and can’t handle large crowds. She’s had help from her family, but also from her therapist. She goes there from time to time. Not as often as she did before she met Bryce.
Art is like therapy for her. That’s why she likes to paint or create to help her relax. Because some days are harder than others.
She quit her job in Boston, because she was bullied by her boss. She didn’t feel good to work in a toxic work environment like that. Bryce wasn’t really happy in Boston either. They both missed home. So they moved back to Honolulu, Hawaii 🌺 Keiki went with them.
More about Luna ☾
Pizza 🍕
Art (obviously)
Anything sweet
Loves dogs 🐶
She’s very shy, but with the right people she can be quite adventurous and outgoing (just ask Bryce 😂)
Green is her favorite color
She loves shaved ice (all flavors)
Devil wears Prada & Mamma Mia are among her favorite movies.
Her nickname Looney came from the fact that she watched a lot of Looney Tunes when she was younger and that’s how it came to be (though she still watches it 🥰)
She has a tattoo (done by her best friend Maxine) a wave and the words ”Always and Forever“
Her grandma started the tradition to plant hibiscus bushes at all her childrens and grandchildrens homes. Luna definitely wants to continue that tradition.
People who see women as lesser than (just no dude)
Brussel spouts
Slow internet 😬
When she’s creatively stuck
When she has a panic/anxiety attack.
Surfing (one time was enough 🙈)
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scorsiewrites · 3 years
Never Gone
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Thank you @amelink-greysanatomy​ for the prompt idea
/ Here’s a one-shot inspired by this line.
Set during S16, after Amelia gave birth.
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Link and Amelia are on their way home from the hospital. Not too long ago it’s just the two of them in the car, creating lifelong memories; blasting songs in full volume, the weekly drive thrus at every donut shop around Seattle, grinning from ear to ear while the moonlight hits each others eyes like they’re snow globes in a bed of stars.
And now there’s three.
Amelia just gave birth to this beautiful baby boy. The look on her face shows how, not an ounce, does she regret her decision of raising a kid together with the love of her life.
“I miss our late night drives.” Amelia said, looking out the window. “Staying in the hospital for two days felt like years.”
“I know. Everything’s in slow motion, it sucks.” Link replied, looking back on the time he spent months back and forth in hospital rooms as a kid.
Scout is sleeping comfortably in his car seat. Amelia turned her head around to check on him.
“He sleeps like you.” she tells Link.
“Like a log?”
“Yeah, we could be in the middle of a war and you would still be sleeping.” Amelia chuckled.
“At least I don’t snore.” Link turned to her keeping a straight face.
“I don’t snore, what are you talking about?” Amelia raised an eyebrow.
“Yes you do. It’s cute really.”
“Unless you have proof that I do, I won’t believe you.”
“Now how can you be certain that you don’t? You’re sleeping, how could you possibly know.”
“No. I don’t snore. End of discussion.”
“If you say so.”
Amelia places her left hand on his face grabbing his chin.
“Okay maybe I snore... A little.” she said, pouting her lips. ”But you love me.”
“So you admit it now?” Link remarked. Amelia removed her hand from his face, squinting angrily at him.
“Hey, hey. Sorry. I’m just kidding. Of course I love you even when you snore. You can be as loud as you want.”
Hearing these three words from him turned her frown to a broad smile in no time. A magic potion is what it is.
His features are highlighted by the dazzling street lights; Amelia can’t help but run her fingers, tracing his jawline.
“Chiseled. Like a statue.” she sighed.
Link opened the car door for Amelia, he’s chivalrous like that. He thinks that the simple gestures are what keeps the love going. Telling her how pretty she looks when she wakes up, picking flowers and tucking them behind her ear, making tea, or just simply asking how her day went. It’s the little things.
“I got him. Go take a rest. We’d be there in a minute.” he told Amelia.
He carried Scout inside and went straight to their bedroom where they set up his blue bassinet.
Amelia was too exhausted to function that she immediately went to sleep the moment she hit the sack.
Birds chirping. The morning breeze slowly brushing through the curtains. It’s a beautiful day.
Link opened his eyes and caught a sight of Scout and Amelia who are still asleep.
Waking up next to her is something he looks forward to every single day of his life. Her beautiful lashes, the way her nose crinkles when she yawns, the lines between her brows which she calls “mind cleavage”, the little freckles on her face that are barely noticeable unless you look at them at a very limited distance — makes him fall in love with her even more. It’s the little things.
He got out of bed to prepare Amelia’s morning refreshment.
“Got it. Thank you very much.” Link said, talking to someone. He put his phone down and started boiling some water for Amelia’s favorite passion fruit tea.
Amelia walked in the kitchen and grabbed a green cup that she brought home from Meredith’s.
“Hey, who was that?” she asked.
“Oh it’s Joanne, the new nurse. She told me about my jacket, I left it at their station last night apparently.”
“And she updates you personally? Don’t we have ‘lost and found’ for that.”
“Don’t be jealous. It’s a jacket Amelia. Not a date.”
“I didn’t say I’m jealous.”
“But you are. Nothing to worry about, okay? Love you. I’m yours.” Link said as he kissed her forehead.
“Better be.” Amelia smiled. She placed her hands underneath Link’s sweater, hugging him tightly, her chest touching his back. “Is that passion fruit? god I missed that. But if I’m being honest, I missed this more.” stroking his firm, muscular abdomen.
“Nah uh, doctor’s orders. We have to wait a little longer. Little anticipation won’t hurt.” Link winked at her as if he’s plotting something. “Doctor says nothing about kissing you though.”
“And this?” Amelia placed her hand on his behind.
Link turned to her and kissed her. Slow but intense. They haven’t spent a decent alone time together in weeks. The couple was caught up in the heat of the moment that they almost did it right then and there. On the damn kitchen counter.
“Nope, nope.” Amelia pulled away. Realizing that it may be a bad decision, she grabbed his face with both hands. “You’re right, doctor’s orders. Now can I have some tea, please?” She said, handing the cup.
“Coming right up.”
Link grabbed a packet of her organic green tea that she gets from this Chinese grocery store across Grey-Sloan. He poured hot water in the cup and put two spoonfuls of puree with a little splash of honey. The way she loves it.
“Thanks babe.” she said. “I’m gonna go upstairs, don’t wanna leave him there alone.”
“Yeah, I’ll follow you in a sec.” Link replied.
Link walked in the bedroom and saw Amelia sitting on the bed, carrying Scout and planting a kiss on his forehead. The tears started streaming down her face which got him worried.
“Hey. You okay?” wiping the tears on her face.
“I just.. I miss Christopher.” Amelia responded, her voice was cracking, a clear indication that she might break down at any moment.
“I know we didn’t have much time together. It was literally 43 minutes. The hardest 43 minutes I have ever experienced in my life. But it’s beautiful. I keep picturing him and Scout spending time together if he had lived.” she paused.
“It pains me to think that he didn’t get to live the life the might’ve wanted, that he’ll never play soccer and run to me when he scored a goal.” Amelia started crying. She’s been feeling this emptiness ever since she found out that she’s expecting. Link knows it. He rubbed her thighs, making sure she’s not alone in this fight.
  “I love Scout. More than anything. It’s just that... Christopher was a huge part of my life. Always will be. And I’m proud that in that little time he spent in this world, he changed so many lives. That’s something I would carry with me forever.”
They haven’t talked about Amelia’s first born since that morning in the plant room. Link knows that it’s something very personal to her and it would be best if he won’t bring it up until she does.
“Amelia, you’re the best mom anyone could ever ask for. What you did was brave. And selfless. That makes you and Christopher a hero. In fact, he’s watching over you right now, babe. He’s never gone.” Link consoled her.
go little rockstar.
“Just cry and scream it all out, Amelia. I’ll get you whatever you need. Okay?
- I’m always gonna be here for you.” 
he slowly cradled her head, tilting it so that it rests on his shoulder. She started sobbing.
After a brief moment, she took a deep breath. “Thank you.” Amelia looked up and caught his eye.
“It’s my job.” Link replied.
Link’s phone started ringing.
“Hang on, babe.. I have to get this. You’ll be okay?” Link stood up and grabbed his phone. “I’ll be back, this will be quick I promise.”
“Tell Joanne I said hi.” Amelia sarcastically responds. “Kidding. Go. I’ll be fine.”
Few months after, Amelia returned to work.
“Good to see you back!” Maggie gave her a hug.
“Nice to see you around here again, Amelia. People keep asking me for you. You’re in demand.” Meredith went in for a hug as well.
“Can’t wait to cut open some brains.” Amelia grabbed the charts.
“Hey. How’s your first day back?” Link approached her.
“Besides boring, it’s going alright I guess. Had a great cup of coffee at least. How’s Scout?”
“Last time I checked, he’s sleeping. He’s fine, Angela got him.”
“Good, I like Angela. She’s a good one.”
Angela is their favorite person to leave kids with in the daycare. She looked after Meredith’s kids back in the day.
“By the way, I’d like you to meet someone. He’s a patient of mine and he knows you. His parents too. They’ve been wanting see you for days. Years if you will.” Link said.
“Did I treat them before? Alright.”
“No, but it’s more than that. You’ll see.”
“This is Dr. Shepherd. You know her, right? Amelia Shepherd.” Link introduced her to this kid.
“Hi! I’m Brandon. Brandon Riley.”
“Brandon... Riley.” her jaw dropped.
“Pleasure to meet you, Dr. Shepherd. You mean a lot to me you have no idea.”
While this kid seemed to be a huge fan of Amelia Shepherd: the goddess of neurosurgery, their connection goes way back.
Brandon is now residing in Seattle with his parents. Few weeks ago he was admitted to Grey-Sloan for a surgery. He broke his leg after falling down three flights of stairs. Link operated on him and is now recovering in the peds floor.
Brandon is a former heart patient at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago. Due to his heart condition, he needed a transplant. He received one from St. Ambrose Hospital years ago. And his parents had been grateful ever since. They have not met Amelia until today. Seeing her brought joy and heartfelt gratitude to the Rileys.
“that’s for Chicago.”
“Dr. Shepherd. We’re eternally grateful for you and your son. You changed our lives.” Brandon’s mom broke down crying that she almost knelt in front of Amelia. Link broke her fall and helped her get up.
“Mrs. Riley, I- I can’t believe this is real.” Amelia stuttered. “I’ve always dreamed of meeting the families my son has helped. And seeing Brandon in front of me right know, is just... it’s unbelievable.” she said as tears began to form in the corner of her eyes.
Am I dreaming? Is this a dream? I think it is.
“Can I.. hold his hand?” she requested. The parents granted her request without hesitation.
“Hi Brandon. It’s so nice to meet you.” trying her best to hold back her tears, Amelia glanced at Link. He gave her smile and a nod signaling that she’s doing just as fine.
“How are you? Does your leg still hurt? Dr. Lincoln is the best so you don’t have to worry about that.”
“No. I’m okay. Umm Dr. Shepherd....”
“What’s your son’s name? The one who gave me his heart.”
“It’s Christopher.”
“Do you wanna feel my heartbeat?”
The first time she felt her son’s heartbeat was also the last. It’s the longing feeling that makes her wanna reach the heavens just to have one more glimpse of him. One more chance to reconnect.
“Yes. If that’s okay with you.”
Brandon spreads his arms wide open. “I’ll give you a hug. So you can pretend you’re hugging him.”
Amelia reached out to hug him back; she felt an instant bond. She looked up and closed her eyes feeling her heartbeat syncing with his; the rhythm of each pulse started to sound like a melody. This is her son’s heart. Alive. Beating.
The realization of it all caused Amelia to dissolve into tears.
She hugged him a little tighter before letting go. “That’s a strong heart you got there. Thank you, Brandon.”
“My pleasure, Dr. Shepherd. My parents told me that the greatest present you can get is the gift of life. And Christopher gave that to me. I promise, I’ll take care of his heart.”
“You be a good boy to your parents, okay? They love you. And be careful next time.” she brushed his hair. “It’s so great to meet you in person. I only heard your name from my chief of staff before.”
“Bye, Brandon.” Amelia hands him her calling card. “If you and your family need anything, give me a call.”
“Thank you Dr. Shepherd.” he replied.
Amelia reached for Link’s hand and walked out of the room with him. They took one last look at Brandon through the window, displaying a smile on their faces.
“Let’s go see Scout?” Link wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him.
“Love you. Thank you for doing this.” she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him.
“I know how much this means to you.” Link placed his right hand on her cheek. “I love you. And if you let me, I would love Christopher like he’s my son too.”
“Of course you can, babe. I would love him to have you too as his dad.” Referring to Ryan as his biological father.
“Let’s go.” Amelia embraced him with her left arm and puts her hand inside the pocket of his white coat.
“I can still feel his heartbeat. It’s crazy.” Amelia puts her other hand on her chest.
Amelia and her family arrived home after a long day.
“Today was magical. I’ll never forget it.” Amelia’s overflowing happiness from her interaction with Brandon remains existent.
“Rightfully so.” Link beamed with pleasure.
Amelia opened the door and saw a huge bouquet of peonies displayed on the coffee table beside their couch.
“That’s so beautiful. Ohmygod.”
She reads the note that came with the arrangement.
“For the best mom in the world. -L”
“Awhh Link.. you’ve done so much for me already, I can’t thank you enough. I love this. They’re my favorite.”
“I know. You deserve it babe. You brought Scout into this world and no present could ever top that. Gift of life, as they say.” Link kissed her hand. “By the way, there’s no Joanne. I was talking to the florist. I had those reserved.”
“I’m relieved.” Amelia creased up.
Scout woke up and started crying. “Mommy’s here. Mommy’s here. Shhh.” she said, with her baby voice. “Someone’s hungry.”
Amelia placed him in the stroller. She grabbed a pouch of breast milk from the fridge and started warming it up.
Link sat on the couch and gazed at their picture right beside the bouquet. It was a blurry selfie from the conference they went to in San Diego. He kept it in his phone and told Amelia that if they ever end up together, they’ll have it framed no matter how horrible it looks. To take a trip down memory lane if, at any moment, they feel the desire to.
Amelia and Scout joined Link on the couch.
“Whatcha thinking?” Amelia brushed her fingers through his hair.
“You. Our family. How everything started and the things we did for each other.”
“Well...” Amelia shrugged. “I’m holding the proof. And he’s already full.” she chuckled.
Link took them in his arms.
“Best thing.”
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docheros · 3 years
Egoshipmas day 18: family
Pairing: Jackie/Henrik (dochero)
"This was one of the best, if not the best, vacations of his life; [...] The only person left to make everything perfect was his boyfriend."
Word counting: 839
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— Henrik — Aunt Karina walked behind him, handing Helena a cup of hot chocolate — you urgently need to introduce us to the Hottie.
— Auntie, do you need to call Jackie that? — he laughed.
— Until I see him in person and convince myself he's not a paid actor, he'll be called Hottie!
— Exactly — Joanne, his aunt's 2nd wife, put down her newspaper — you know very well the story of your cousin Carla!
 — You speak as if you were there...
— Henrik — his aunt tugged at his ear, making him laugh louder — more respect for your aunt.
 — Just this way to make dad relax… — Helena elbowed her brother, who covered his mouth full of cookies to laugh.
— I can hear you — their father said without taking his eyes off the ceiling — you better know that I'm the most relaxed man in Germany!…
This was one of the best, if not the best, vacations of his life; the rest of his extended family could go to hell, his father had welcomed him with open arms and his aunts offered him a guest room for him and the children, his siblings? The worst of them wouldn't be for Christmas and the rest was just sme talk! The only person left to make everything perfect was his boyfriend.
Which, incidentally, his aunts kept asking about. Even though Henrik explained everything and the kids agreed, they still have their doubts, "You can't explain things, Henrik"? How? Absurd!
— Tell me, is he at least handsome? — Aunt Karina asked again.
— Yes — he smiled.
— And does he treat you well?
— A lot, sometimes I think he thinks I'm made of glass!
— And… — Before Joanne could ask her question, the doorbell rang — Henrik, be a sweet and go open the door, go. It must be my crochet friend...
— Ook.
Schneep got up from his comfortable armchair, headed for the door and unlocked it; he would usually ask who it was first, but his hometown was small enough for him to know everyone, possibly even Joanne's crochet friends. But, when he opened it, he expected anyone, even Angela Merkel, except Jackie.
In Germany.
With a bouquet.
— …what?
— Hi Henny! — he waved his free hand — did you miss me? I missed you! And the kids! Ah! Take it, take it — he handed him the bouquet of red roses — I bought it at the last minute, I don't know much about flowers, but I think these are good! So, where are your aunts?
— Wait, wait, rewind the tape — he held up his palm for Jackie to stop — are you speaking German? — he nodded — fluently? — he nodded again — and you're in Germany, in my hometown? How did you end up here?
— Surprise! — He smiled broadly — May I come in?
— Henrik — Karina spoke up, her glasses on the tip of her nose — who's the boy?
—Uh… — he closed the door — aunt, Joanne, this is Jackie, my boyfriend.
— …yeah, the hottie… — he replied embarrassed, hearing a weak laugh from his boyfriend.
— Ma'ams — he shook hands with both of them — It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Henrik talks a lot about you!
— Not to be annoying, but weren't you bad at German? —  Joanne asked.
— Apparently I'm not.
— Wait, wait a minute — the doctor left the bouquet on the entrance table, putting his hands on his hips — that's very poorly explained AND there's your finger — he pointed at his children — in the middle, you're too quiet.
They looked at him, blinking twice. They kept eye contact while eating their chocolate cookies, until a small grin appeared on both of their faces.
— Liked the surprise? — Helena giggled— I gave him the coordinates for getting here!
— And I came up with the idea! — Luis raised his arm.
— And I'm the one who went back to training German — Jackie hugged him from behind — which I happened to quit when I was twenty. Heh, sorry to hide this liiittle detail from my life.
— You know I'm not very fond of surprises — Henrik smiled, crossing his arms — so may I know the reason for this one?
— I just wanted to make you happy — the hero shrugged, kissing his ear — you always wanted to introduce me to your family but you never had the opportunity, so this trip was the perfect time! You and the kids traveling first was part of the plan…
— You guys are terrible — he stood on tiptoe, holding his boyfriend's face and kissing his cheek — I love you all.
— ...do you understand what they're talking? — Aunt Karina whispered to her wife.
— No idea.
— Oh. We switched to english.
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hdhsghag i love them
tagging: @the-pastel-kitsune @unpredictably-ghostly @glass-trash-bab @dapperstein @theprinceofflies
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comfortablynumb · 4 years
Sondheim’s Company Ending Explained
So, I just finished watching Company for the first time about twenty minutes ago (I know I’m a fake broadway fan) and the ending really confused me at first. I couldn’t figure out why Robert didn’t show up at his own birthday party at the end. Some people online were saying the entire show was a dream others were saying it’s a metaphor for him committing suicide, but the more I think about it the more I think I get it. (Obviously this is just how I  interpreted it. If you want to keep thinking he kills himself or that he was dreaming, go ahead.) When Joanne tells Robert she wants to have an affair with him, she says “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you.” to which he responds with “Then who will take care of you?” I was confused about why this was such a pivotal moment until I stopped to think about the show in it’s entirety. During every interaction we’ve seen Robert have with his friends, he’s been the one helping them. He helps Amy realize she wants to marry Paul, he tries to help Jenny relax and indulges David by buying him marijuana. When Sarah and Harry are fighting, he tries to be the mediator and when Susan and Peter decide to get a divorce he’s the first one who let’s them confide in him and he gives them advice without judgement. In the song What Would We Do Without You, in which all the characters list the things they love about Robert, they only talk about the things he does for them. He brings them flowers when they have the flu, he babysits the kids while they’re out on dates, he keeps every single one of their secrets, he helps them with chores. But not a single one of them mentions something they’ve done for him. And, it’s not as if Robert minds. In fact, he seems like he enjoys it. When talking to Amy about marriage, she says that Robert is “afraid of not getting married.” However, whenever a girlfriend tells him they love him, Robert immediately tenses up. Robert is able to love everyone around him unconditionally and wants so badly to take care of them. But, he doesn’t want anyone taking care of him. He’s afraid of dying alone but he’s also afraid of being too vulnerable in front of someone or “letting them know him too well.” So, he surrounds himself with friends that let him take care of them without having to worry that they’ll want to take care of him. It’s all very one sided. After Robert sings Being Alive, however, he’s had an epiphany. In the song he talks about how badly he wants a relationship where someone loves him back, singing “Somebody need me too much / Somebody give me support.” So, he misses his birthday party. He stops spending time with people who just let him love them and goes out to find someone who will love him in return. And, that is the only birthday in the show where he truly seems happy, regardless of the fact that he’s alone. Because he’s finally realized that he deserves to be loved.
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clockworkgraystairs · 4 years
HERE FOR YOU || Jurdan College AU Pt. 2
Warnings: None. Swearing maybe?
Tags: @slightlyrebelliouswriter23​ @aesthetics-11​ @hizqueen4life​ @duarteegreenbriar​ @mysweetvilllain​ @judexcardanxgreenbriar​ @nite0wl29​ @althekingshorses​ @thewickedkings​ @demydreamer-otaku-and-book-lover​ @thesirenwashere​ @b00kworm​ @acourtofmoonlight​ @queen-of-glass​ @random-llama-socks​ @jurdanhell​ @cardan-greenbriar-tcp​ 
[if I forgot to tag anyone or if you want to be tagged let me know!]
Summary: After finding a very ill and feverish Jude, Cardan takes her to the doctor. And deals with her usual stubbornness.
HFY Masterlist      Pt 1   Pt 2   Pt 3   Pt 4 [coming soon] 
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My masterlist
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Cardan had never liked doctors. When he was a little kid, his mother had to apologize several times because he kept glaring and calling them creepy warlocks, claiming they cured people using potions that stunk and had a sour flavor. And even though he’d got over that phase of his life, the scent of medicine still gave him a slight skittish sensation. 
Now, after nearly an hour of waiting he was definitely not enjoying himself, except that this time he couldn’t quite tell if the feeling was because of the smell or not knowing what the doctor was telling Jude, making his muscles tense more with every minute that passed.
One part of him wished nothing more than yell at her for being so reckless and not seeking for help earlier. 
The other part though, kept thinking about that morning.  
He and Jude had agreed to meet every monday and  friday at 9:00 am to work on their final project. At the beginning their meetings had place at the school’s library, since they didn’t talk much. Not because he didn’t want to, of course. But after years of confronting Jude at class, he’d learn to give her space when she focused on something. And maybe because she was a little scary too. 
Within time, her frowning glares became curious eyes and her monosyllabic answers, full conversations.
By the third month, they had to look for a new place to meet. The library’s manager, tired of scolding them at least six times a day for talking and laughing too loud, had forbid them to enter the building together. Or being together in there at all.  
That’s how they ended up in a coffee shop near the campus. The place was small and cozy. The owner, an old sweet lady called Joanne, prepared the best cappuccinos Cardan had ever tasted. 
That morning though, he hadn’t been able to take a sip of his beverage. The two cups of coffee steaming on the table seem to mock him as he alternated his gaze between them and the door, waiting for her to arrive. His leg bounced uneasily and he felt his hands sweatier than usual.
 He glanced at the clock. 9:20 am. She was already twenty minutes late. Jude was never late. 
From the kitchen, Joanne whistled cheerfully the song that came out from the speakers. An italian song he couldn’t identify. When her eyes crossed Cardan’s she smiled and gave him an encouraging nod. He shifted on his seat, looking down at the small bunch of flowers he’d bought. The white peonies and daisies rested smoothly on the wooden table.  
Damn her. Of all days, she’d chose this one to be late.
When he woke up that morning, he was thoroughly decided to finally come clean. To finally tell Jude he was in love with her.
He sent her another message. Nothing. 
He called her. No answer. Again. 
Had she forgotten? 
Impossible, they met there twice a week. 
The only possible option left in his mind was that she’d remembered. And didn’t care.  
Anger pooled on his stomach. What an idiot he felt now. They had an agreement, imposed by her by the way, of letting the other one know about any inconvenience. Was he really that insignificant for her he didn’t deserve a simple notice? 
Bottle it up, he said to himself.
That’s when he remembered she’d been absent from class those last two days too. Even professor Noggle asked about her, a thing he didn’t do with most of the students. 
Cardan frowned. In a swift move he stood and walked out. 
He left the money for the coffee on the table, and the flowers next to it. 
The door opened, bringing him back to the present. As Jude walked out of the consulting room, he noticed her pallor had decreased. Not enough to relax him, but it was something. 
“How are you feeling?” he asked, raising to stand next to her. 
She shrugged. “Better, I told you it was nothing. Let’s go.”
“Ah ah,” The doctor started, closing the door behind him. “That’s not exactly what I said young lady.”
Cardan frowned at her. Seriously? Her only answer was a deep sigh and rolling eyes. 
“My exact words were that it didn’t seem like something too serious or life-threatening. Not that it was nothing.” He took a prescriptions block out of his coat and scrawled something in the front page. Jude groaned.  “It’s most likely a severe stomach flu, aggravated by the days it was left untreated. But since the fever was strong, I’d like to wait and see if it settles now.”
“Most likely?” Cardan repeated, his brows pulled together in a frown. What had he paid this clown for, then? 
“Well it’s always good to scrap any other possibility, I took a blood sample from miss Duarte so I can send it to the lab. But I don’t believe it will show any other result.”
He nodded. “So what now? We just wait?”
“Cardan.” Jude mumbled. He didn’t move his eyes from the doctor.
“Pretty much.” He handed him the prescription. “She got an injection for the temperature already. Here are scripted some pills she’ll need to take for the next three to five days, to help with the nausea. And of course, lots of water and electrolytes.”
“Thank you, I’ll get those right away.” She said as she snatched the paper from Cardan’s hand and put it away. 
“Miss Duarte, I’ll recommend you to stay under observation the next two days. Just in case the fever returns and you need immediate assistance.” 
“Of course.” Jude answered nonchalantly, already reaching for the exit. “I’ll let my sister know so she can come over. Thanks.”
Back on his car he drove in silence. ‘Never let me go’ by Florence + The Machine sounded low on the radio. With closed eyes, Jude leaned towards the open window, her brunette locks flying wildly around her head. 
Cardan glanced sidewards at her, forcing himself not to linger too much on her slightly parted lips. His mind went back to the moment she’d collapsed in his arms. Cheeks flushed and burning up in heat. Even if he never admitted it out loud, she’d scared the hell out of him. 
He pulled his attention back to the road and cleared his throat. “I thought both of your sisters were out of town. Is any of them back? I can call them if you like.”
Jude ignored his question. After a moment of silence she whispered. “Why are you doing this?” 
Cardan shrugged.  “It’s a little bit obvious isn’t it?” She quirked an eyebrow at him. “You have our full project on your laptop, Duarte. And it has a password. If you die, then how on earth am I supposed to recover it?”
A punch landed on his arm, followed by a soft chuckle. “Ass. And you don’t need to call anyone. It’s not necessary.”
“Meaning?” Now it was his turn to scowl.
“Meaning,” She sighed. “That I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, you already did more than enough. Besides you’re right, my sisters are far far away from here, right where they should.” 
He couldn’t believe his ears. Earning a honk from the car behind them, Cardan pushed the brake, leading the car aside so it could fully stop on the sideway. 
“Hey, calm down Toretto!” She shouted raggedly, grabbing the door handle for support. “What the fuck!?”
“What the fuck? That’s exactly what I’m asking you, Duarte!” Now he could fully turn to face her incredulous stare. “What the fuck is wrong with you? You passed out a couple of hours ago, you were burning up in fever. Do you realize that? Apparently not, because despite the recommendations, you still insist on not listening!” 
An exasperated sigh left his lungs. He grabbed the wheel tighter, trying to ease the growing pool of rage inside him. Calm down. He’d spent his life telling himself to calm down. Being terrible at expressing his feelings, he was used to get irritated every time he faced pain, or fear. Or pretty much anything, actually. But gods, how could she be so stubborn? 
Jude pressed her mouth into a thin line and looked down, her hands twisting faintly on her lap. She was indeed nervous about whatever illness loomed in her body, he noticed, trying to ignore the lips he so badly wanted to tug between his. 
“I’ll stay with you.” The words left his lips before he fully realized it. 
“You what? Don’t be rid-”
“The doctor said you needed to be under supervision.” He answered turning back to the road, and put his car on march again. She was probably giving him some murdering glare that he prefered to elude. “So you have two options sweetheart, either you let me stay at your place or you come back to mine, but a frat house it’s not exactly a place to rest. You are, by no means, staying alone.”
Half a second later, even the radio was muffled by her incessant ranting. Hardly determined to convince him of doing otherwise. 
Cardan just drove.
When he parked next to her building the sun was already setting. 
With her arms firmly folded across her chest Jude hadn’t stopped gritting her teeth all the way back. This was madness, she repeated to herself over and over. 
The man showed up out of nowhere, took her to the doctor, paid for her medicine and now wanted to stay in her apartment? No fucking way. 
The problem now, was that if there was anyone on earth even more stubborn than her, it was Cardan. A man that no matter how many times she asked him to just leave her on the sidewalk and leave, was now walking up the stairs next to her. A satisfied grin on his perfect charming face. If she didn’t feel as weak at the moment she’d slapped his way out of the place. 
Once inside she left the medicines and the gatorades on the table and turned to him. 
“For the hundredth time, Cardan. You don’t have to stay, everything is under control and I’m not feveri- what’s that?” She asked, noticing the hanging object on his shoulder.
“A backpack?” 
She rolled her eyes. “I‘m not blind, you ass. What are you doing with that backpack?”
“I always keep some extra clothes in my trunk. You know, in case I find myself in any unexpected situation.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her in a way that twisted her guts. Ugh, disgusting.
The repulse must’ve been written on her face too because he snickered for a second before throwing it next to the couch. “Becoming your hot nurse certainly fits in the category dear, you can’t deny that.” 
She blinked and pushed back the intrusive thoughts that emerged from his statement. Why was her mind against her today? Maybe the fever had burned her coherency brain cells, if she’d ever had any to begin with.
“I didn’t ask you to.”
“I know.” Cardan dropped himself on the couch, opening a book he’d taken from his pack. “Now take those pills, put on your weird pijama and go rest.” 
Maybe she could still gather the strength to slap him after all.
Trying to ignore the sour flavor that shitty pills left on her mouth, Jude stood in front of the mirror. Wearing the shorts and the t-shirt she’d put on before they went to the doctor, she found herself suddenly worried by her clothing and messy hair. 
Which was utterly absurd. It wasn’t as if he cared at all about her wardrobe choices.
Still, the idea of them sleeping under the same roof unnerved her. It had been a long time since she’d had someone from the opposite sex staying the night. Either way, her exasperating classmate certainly hadn’t crossed her mind.
She bit her lip.
Ok that was a lie. Being honest she might have thought about it a couple of times. Mostly drunk. She always felt guilty the day after. And pissed. It left her wishing she could hate him again, like she did on sophomore year when he was truly a rude idiot. But no matter how hard she’d tried, his wits and dumb jokes had slowly changed her perspective of him. Not to mention those deep dark eyes and wicked smile of his. It only took a pair of tequila shots to start fantasizing about running her lips along that jaw. FINE, it didn’t take any tequilas to do that. But sober she had a tiny bit of control over her too-creative mind. Drunk Jude had already undressed him in her dreams once. Twice?
And now Cardan was outside, lying down on her comfy couch. Staying the night.
Jude chewed her inner cheek. This was a nightmare. 
As quiet as possible, she opened the door and peered outside. He was nowhere to be seen. Maybe some ancient deity took mercy on her and vanished him to oblivion. That or he was probably in the bathroom, so she tiptoed her way to the modest kitchen. 
She’d just finished preparing her chai tea when the bathroom’s door opened. Decided to ignore him, she kept her gaze down. 
At least until she caught a glimpse of him with the corner of her eyes. That, snapped her attention back. Oh no, no no no no.
“Could you please… I don’t know, maybe put a fucking shirt on?!” She could already feel her blood gathering on her cheeks. 
He paused and quirked an eyebrow. “For your information, Duarte, I tend to sleep naked. These pants are a sign of my consideration to you, since we’re at your place.” 
The goddamn idiot was made of marble. Jude knew he wasn’t precisely one of those big muscular men, not that it meant he didn’t have everything in place. His well formed shoulders and arms were visible even with clothes, and now she could admire the slightly marked muscles of his torso all the way down to the V that disappeared under his pine-green pants. His shoes were off too. 
“Are you blush-” He started, only to be cut by her murderous voice.
“Good night, Cardan.” Taking her cup, she crossed the place with big steps, slamming the bedroom’s door behind her. 
Leaning against the wood, she heard the couch creak as he laid down. Her breathing evened a little a few minutes after. 
Shit, that had been rude. Even if he’d imposed his presence there he was still a guest, her mind scolded her. A really hot guest. No no, don’t think of that now.
As silently as she could she opened the door again. And pressed a hand to her mouth to muffle her laugh at what she saw.  
Cardan’s legs hung over the couch’s arm. Which made sense, considering how tall he was, but right now it only looked bloody ridiculous, and kind of adorable. She tried to ignore the guilt that pierced her heart again. He seemed stiff. An idea shone on her mind. A terrible terrible idea.
“Cardan?” She whispered.
He hummed in response.
She swallowed and walked towards him. “You can’t sleep in there.”
He scoffed and looked at her through hooded eyes, dark and deep made her heart skip a beat. “If you’re trying again to convince me to leave…”
“I’m not.” Jude blurted, passing a hand over her curls. Somehow words seemed to stuck in her throat. “I mean- even when you are completely ignoring me about you not needing to be here… I guess I… What I try to say is-”
“Jude Duarte is babbling. Gods, now I’m intrigued.” He breathed, propping himself on his elbows.
She crossed her arms and tilted her head elusively. It was humiliating how easy it was for him to put her on edge. “Shut up will you? You can’t stay on the couch, it’s small and uncomfortable… And I, well, I happen to own a double bed.” 
Smooth, girl, smooth.
“Trying to lure me into your bed? So soon?” He teased, flashing her a smile, yet his joke didn’t reach his eyes. Something in them was different, they were wider, intense.
“You’re intentionally being an asshole.” She said, gritting her teeth. This time his tricky words and good looks wouldn’t affect her. She couldn’t allow it. “I just meant that we can both sleep there. Like, as far away as the bed allows but at least you could rest.”
For a second he just looked at her. Not mocking or rude, she couldn’t place the expression in his face. His jaw set, chest raising and falling slowly. “You don’t have to, Jude. I’m ok in here.”
“Don’t lie. Besides I’d feel better too. Not because- Ugh, I’d feel better knowing that I could at least make your staying more bearable, I guess.” That wasn’t so bad. Yet. And honestly she couldn’t tell if it was worse if he accepted, or refused. 
Back in her room an awkward silence filled the atmosphere as both laid side to side. Somehow, even if they were not touching, Jude could feel the heat of his skin. Her heart hammered so fast she swore he could listen to it.
“So…” He started.
Panic filled her senses, she needed to cut any conversation before saying or doing something she’d regret later. “There’s no need to mention it, just go to sleep… please.” She rolled onto her side, facing away from Cardan. “Good night.”
Jude barely heard him sigh. “Sweet dreams, Jude.”
It was hot. Really really hot. Fuck he couldn’t move. How much had he drank last night?
Wait. No, last night he didn’t go out with Locke. He’d said he would spend the weekend with his girlfriend, at least this month’s. Cardan had stopped mocking him for it long ago. 
Eyes still closed, he grimaced and tried to stretch but something held down his arm. As Cardan became more and more aware of his body, the memories of the day before flashed in his mind. The failed meeting with Jude, the flowers he’d spend almost an hour choosing, her body going limp against him, the useless doctor… Jude offering him her bed to sleep.  
That’s when something tickled his neck, startling him. 
No, not something.
Cardan’s eyes snapped open, he looked down and froze when he realized Jude’s body was pressed flush against him, one of her hands resting on his chest. Somehow their legs impossibly tangled. Terrified, he found his own arm encircling her waist, bare skin touching his fingers since her too big shirt had rolled up in her sleep.  
She shifted a little and her nose brushed his neck again, letting out a small breath that sent hot shivers down his body.
Any knowledge of how to move or think completely forgotten. He stared blankly at the ceiling. 
Fuck fuck fuck shit what the fucking fucks. 
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alicemarion · 3 years
@celestieu:   miss  alice,   i  noticed  you  liked  pink  as  well   —   it  is  my  favourite  colour,   really   —   and  i  had  some  extra  time  to  spare  so . . .   i  brought  out  my  sewing  machine  and  made  a  new  dress  for  you!   not  that  your  own  clothing  is  not  lovely!   i  just  very  much,   uhm,   enjoy  the  work.
            this  particular  shade  of  pink  reminds  her  of  the  dress   her  mother  picked  for  her  at  the  department  store  in  the  city  when  the  springtime  finally  began  to  melt  the  edge  off  the  winter  cold,   sun  puddling  snow  in  the  streets  as  blades  of  grass  defrosted.   a  pink  dress  to  twirl  around  in  on  the  way  to  the  local  church,   the  pastor  speaking  of  new  beginnings  in  the  morning  before  children  went  on  an  egg  hunt  in  the  afternoon.   she  thinks  he  may  have  had  a  special  word  or  two  for  her  mother,   who  had  deep  circles  under  her  eyes,   blue  like  the  periwinkle  along  the  garden  path.   her  father  was  quiet  by  her  side  as  she  received  his  blessings.   alice  noticed  the  moment  unfold  while  the  other  kids  got  a  head  start  on  her  in  the  hunt,   but  joanne  soon  joined  her  daughter  and  took  her  hand,   pointing  out  what  she  missed.
          that  dress  made  her  mother  smile.   even  though  it  was  christmas  time,   she  still  wore  it  to  the  hospital  because  she  had  almost  outgrown  it  by  late  winter,   but  she  wanted  it  to  remind  her  of  when  she’d  won  the  egg  hunt.   she  still  smiled  when  she  was  awake,   though  it  was  painful.   alice  understands  now  what  she  was  unaware  of  then.   no  longer  a  little  girl,   she  still  keeps  the  dress  folded  up  at  the  top  of  her  closet,   a  memoir  of  a  time  long  gone   —   although  she  doesn’t  expect  she  will  ever  see  it  again  given  her  current  circumstances.   maybe  they  had  burned  down  her  home,  destroying  any  evidence  that  the  marions  had  ever  existed,   and  everything  she  had  left  of  her  mother  besides  her  hair  and  her  face  was  lost  to  the  ashes.   alice  finds  hollow  consolation  in  the  thought  of  staring  into  the  mirror  if  she  wants  to  be  close  to  her.
          here  was  maddie,   reminding  her  of  what  she  couldn’t  have  back.   but  how  could  she  know?   the  gesture  is  sweet  and  thoughtful.   alice  takes  the  fabric  in  her  thin  hands,   feeling  the  cotton  texture  lightly  glide  through  her  fingers  as  she  closes  her  eyes,   recollecting  her  memories.   it  was  a  springtime  ensemble  indeed:   a  square  cut  that  could  probably  even  flatter  her  bony  frame.   when  the  young  woman  opens  her  eyes,   blue  hues,   gentle  as  periwinkle  flowers,   thankfully  soften  at  the  woman  who  has  bestowed  the  gift  upon  her,   not  at  all  worried  by  her  overflowing  explanation.
     ❝   looks  like  a  perfect  fit.   you’re  really  talented.   ❞
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heroofpenamstan · 4 years
Tagged by @nightwingshero, @shallow-gravy, and @sharky-broshaw! Thanks, guys! x 
Unfortunately, the only thing I have in the works is a crack ( big emphasis on crack—I am being held at gun point. Send help. There’s blackmail involved. It’s been a week. ) smut oneshot attempt for these three cowards whom I tag to present their own WIPs: @faithchel ( Stella, get started on your own prompt, love; a deal’s a deal. 😘 ), @abosaa, @risenlucifer. Also, @ariestals, @strafethesesinners, @chyrstis, @deputyrhiannonhale, @teamhawkeye, @mackie-hattwie​, @spicevalleys​ if you want to share a WIP as well! 💖
So, without further ado, kiddies, scram! ( Bad ) semi-smut under the cut! x
6. I don’t want love.—joanne burton + michael s. hughes; ( unedited. we die like men. ) snippet. Pretty lousy and some bits missing, not gonna lie, but I really need the writing practice since I’m rusty as all hell, so—
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It's 4AM, and her lip is split at the corner.
Joanne taps her bloodied tissue to the gushing wound gently, repeatedly, until the red splotches shrink into a minor sting. She breathes in the fresh Montana air, the rotten tree bark, the sprouting flowers, and the heavy cigarette smoke rising from beside her standing form.
"Look, darlin', it ain't your fault, alright?"
But it is, and Joanne's damaged lip quivers.
It was supposed to be an easy enough assignment: a track down of one of John Seed's reaping trucks containing hostages of various degrees of resistance. And, don't get her wrong, it was going fine, up until the bullets ran out and Michael wasn't near enough and the back of a rifle collided with her face—and then—fire and screaming and—
"I had the blowtorch," Joanne croaks out, her right leg wobbling uncontrollably. There's soot on her shirt and blood on her sizzled jacket, barely shielding her slight frame from the early morning mist. "I could of been—faster and,—God." it's as if a ball is lodged in her esophagus; suffocating and choking and—
A reassuring hand lands on the back of her knee, causing Jo to jerk out of her reverie at the sudden contact. 
She looks down at him, at Michael; at his disheveled hair and burnt up shearling jacket, at the scrap of his knee through his torn, dark jeans. He looks just as worse for wear as she, if the flicker of light shielded by his palm for the third time that night is anything to go by.
He takes a moment to release a slow, heavy exhale, and Joanne is left to admire the cloud of smoke dissolving in the air in front of her. Just as fast as it disappeared, the warmth of Mike's hand returns to rest on her leg that still shakes with the images of burning bodies and hollowed cheeks.
"The truck was already riddled with bullets at the gas tank. There's really nothin' more you could have done, dollface—nor I, for that matter, anyway." Michael coughs at a particular long drag of his cigarette, making Jo crack the smallest of smirks at her partner's expense. His green eyes find the small curl of bloodied lips, and for that, his own face morphs into a soft expression. 
And yet, Joanne turns her head away from him.
He can see the slight shake of her shoulders, the way she tilts her head; contorts her face away from his unwavering gaze.
"Hey, hey," Michael's low voice tears through the sheet of silence as long fingers curl firmly about her leg. Joanne braves a tiny glance at him, and the concerned expression he wears breaks the dam, causing the unshed tears to stream down her face—finally.
"Oh, Jo," Michael mumbles, sympathy coloring his mouth as he tosses his neglected cigarette in favor of Joanne's hand. "C'mere, girl."
Joanne doesn't resist the pull as Michael drags her folded body to his propped form. His hand is in her braids now, grazing at her cheek and her shoulder as she digs her chin into his collar. He smells of aftershave and sandalwood, but Jo can still pick up the traces of the tragedy Michael had dragged her away from only an hour ago; ashy and burnt. His fingers knead her tense neck, mouth at the crown of her hair as he whispers soothing words and low promises.
This is nice, Jo lets herself think, placing her palm on Michael’s ribs, listening to the quick, quick, confident beat of his heart, basking in the warmth his body emits. He was always there to comfort her like this, in the only way he knows how to, and Joanne is grateful for it.
"I know it's—it's not my fault, but," Joanne's quiet voice is muffled, filtered through Mike's henley shirt as he takes to each and every word dutifully, finger pad tracing the texture of her braid. "There's gonna be a next time, Mike. You know this as well as I do. What if even more people die that I'm assigned to save? Just the thought of going back to Dutch and telling him what happened makes me wanna puke—this whole fucking situation is just too much!" 
Joanne jerks her head from Michael's chest to get a better look at his downcast face, her cheeks flushed from the burning rage and despair that bubbles beneath the surface of her dark skin. Michael's right hand travels to Jo's exposed calf, tracing small circles along her smooth skin. He feels Jo's muscles there relax, loosen, and melt at his comforting touch. 
She shifts her knee so her leg could wrap around his idly, and Michael's ministrations suddenly cease.
"You don't have to go back to Dutch's until you're ready, Annie," his voice, lilting and pleasant to the ear, has never sounded more serious to Joanne. She stares at him with dark, glassy eyes, and he returns her gaze with an intensity only few had ever seen before. Joanne gulps as Michael hooks her knee across his leg, draping her over his left thigh with little to no effort. 
Joanne, in turn, wraps her tattooed arms around his neck, grazing her wrists across the hijacked car door Mike leans upon. There's a semblance of a knot untying in her belly, and Jo can only sigh as her body relaxes against his, nerves depleting, shoulders dropping.
"Thanks, Mickey," Joanne whispers into his chestnut strands, plush, bruised lips ghosting against his neck, and Michael closes his eyes.
"You're very welcome, doll," he manages out, hoping Jo won't notice the slight hitch to his voice as she scoots closer to his frame, shifting and tugging at his shoulders. After a slight pause, his arms coil around her tiny waist as he drags her towards him entirely, molding them flush together.
There's a danger to this sort of embrace, Mike knows; the way he can feel every curve of Jo's body against his through the flimsy top she dons, the way the heels of her feet dig into the ground on either sides of him, riding her up to press herself completely against him, and if she moves her hips one more time, Michael is pretty sure he'll—
"If you think that means I'll do your laundry for you, you have another thing coming."
Suddenly, Joanne's face is in his, eyes dry and split lip grinning, and Michael feels himself ache for her. His mouth breaks into a smirk, not quite easy, not as bright, but it'll do, he thinks.
"Wouldn't dream of it, dollface. I'd much rather you watch me do the Bend and Snap; might even entice ya—who knows."
Jo snorts, her nose wrinkling at Mike's words; but the only thing he can focus on is her fingers tracing lazy patterns across his back and—he starts to wonder how she would feel like bare against him. 
God, fuck.
"I didn't peg you as the type to know Legally Blonde by heart," Joanne jests, soft laughter fanning his cheek. Mike graces her with a grin of his own as his imposing hands trail against her lithe form, observant eyes taking in the way Jo's lids flutter lightly, long lashes fanning her cheekbones, fingers fisting the grey material of his shirt.
"Yeah, well," Michael says, tone lowering, voice deepening as he rests his forehead against her bruised brow. "Gotta learn some legal shit to compete with John boy somehow."
Her resounding laughter makes his face shift, and, suddenly, he feels her mouth at the corner of his.
They both freeze, for a second—a minute—; Jo pulls back to look at him, to drink him in; the dark greens of his hues, the restrained set of his jaw, the feeling of his fingers digging into her waist—
The kiss Jo plants upon his mouth is searing, and his hands are relentless in their need to uncover more of her soft skin. Michael feels the familiar buzzing and tingling of nerves, the taste of blood and chapstick and Jo coloring his mouth as he tugs on her hair, relishing in the feel of her arching against him, grinding against him. 
She moans, then, as Michael’s large, calloused hand travels across her stomach, her ribs, the swell of her breast. The way he molds and teases and sucks at her bruised lips, his fingers dancing across her waist and grazing at her nipple is carefully practiced, nearly calculated, she knows, and regrets not kissing him sooner, when she was desperate for release and craving another’s touch.
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jaeminlore · 5 years
Christmas in New York | Jisung
summary: is there anything more wonderful?
words: 2.9k+
category: not really a full story just a blurb, eloise at christmastime au, jisung as bill, eloise as eloise, nanny as nanny, lots of references to eloise at christmastime, looked at prizes of plaza rooms for this and geez, the reader is a female model from england, joanna fleming is one of my favorite designers, here’s the dress mentioned in the story
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The Plaza. Ideally situated on Fifth Avenue. Elegance Unmatched. 
At least, that’s how the website describes it. To Jisung, it’s just home, and work, and everything his life has been centered around since he was a child. Growing up in the service industry with parents who worked long nights as room service attendants, Jisung has always known hotel etiquette. He’s known hotel living, as he’s spent upwards of eight hours a day in rooms alone. 
He knows all about guests and their preferred champagnes. He knows which rooms like heated towels and which ones ask for extra toilet paper. He knows how to keep oatmeal from becoming dry before he can get it to its appropriate room. He knows about the stock market and horse races and a bunch of other nonsensical things rich people seem to prattle on about for hours without a break.
He knows the names of bag designers and which ones to be especially careful with. He knows how to respond when he receives a tip. He knows how to hold his tongue when some rich old man tells him he doesn’t know “real work”. He knows when the ballroom isn’t in use; he knows how to sneak in and play the piano before the security guard catches wind.
During Christmastime, the Plaza is especially busy. Balls and galas and dinner parties and lodgings are booked every hour of every day. Employees work double shifts and sometimes triple, if there are enough demanding patrons. There a poinsettias everywhere (real, because the Plaza doesn’t do fake flowers) and red tablecloths the color of cranberries. 
There’s some melody of Christmas songs being played in one of the many parlors, and the sound drifts through just enough vents to be caught by Jisung’s ear, as he makes his way to one of the many ballrooms — this one waiting to be decorated for Hanukkah. Jisung has silverware cleaned and ready to be set out, but other than that,  the majority of the decisions are left to the hostess (a rich woman from Manhattan) and the official event planner, Prunella (who always seems to be in a sour mood, no matter what.)
After he lays the silverware down and asks a few questions about appropriate manners when refilling drinks, he leaves, desperate for a bit of respite before the Winter Gala being held in just a few hours.
His respite comes in the form of Eloise, a six-year-old child who lives in one of the apartments with her nanny. She lives on the sixteenth floor, though she prefers to refer to it as the tippy-top floor. Jisung prefers to refer to it as the only joyful room in the hotel; the only place where he is free to release his inhibitions. 
Nanny (as she is so lovingly referred to) is a british woman, who is, apparently, the world’s best caretaker. At least, that’s what Jisung assumes. He knows how much Eloise’s mother pays for their apartment, and a wealthy home like this wouldn’t be left in the care of just anyone. 
Eloise is another story entirely. Jisung has no idea if anyone can tame her (not that she needs any taming.) Of course, most put up with her shenanigans, but uptight guests find her erratic and intrusive behavior rather alarming.  
Jisung finds her to be one of the most fun people he has ever meant. Of course, this could be said about most six year olds, but Jisung doesn’t know any other six year olds as well as he knows Eloise. 
Eloise has a habit of getting into everyone’s heart, whether they want her to or not.
He knocks on the door, ready to serve Nanny’s evening tea, when the door is jerked open. Eloise appears, blonde hair covered in so much red tinsel that it looks like a wig. “Jisung, Jisung, Jisung, you are oh so late for Nanny’s evening tea. I have been waiting around for ages for you to help me plan my spectacular entrance tonight!”
“Tonight?” Jisung pretends to be surprised as he pours Nanny’s tea. “Are you attending the Winter Gala, Eloise?”
Eloise grabs a tea biscuit from off of Nanny’s saucer and stuffs the entire thing in her mouth. She answers his question, mouth still full. “Of course! Mother went to the gala every year when she was younger. I must, must, must carry on her legacy!”
Bits of biscuit crumbs spray onto Jisung’s lapels. He brushes them off as discreetly as he can. Catching Nanny’s apologetic glance, he winks. Then, with a swift bow, he puts on his “princely” accent — a little bit French and a little bit English. “Well, Miss Eloise, would you care to accompany me to the kitchens? I’m sure we can find some napkins to fold for the Winter Gala.”
Is Jisung trying to get out of his room service duties by working the gala? Yes.
Is Jisung trying to distract Eloise from the fact that she hasn’t been invited to the gala? Also yes. 
Eloise’s eyes grow wide with excitement. Then, as if remembering she’s still pretending with him, she does a small curtsy. “Why, Mr. Park, I would absolutely adore coming to help with you.”
Jisung slips a few raisins onto the coffee table, where Skipperdee , Eloise’s pet turtle, resides. Weenie, the pug dog so beloved by Eloise and her nanny, bugs Jisung for his own treat, so Jisung digs a Pupperoni out of his pocket. “Then if you would so kindly take a seat astride my royal carriage, we shall make our way to the Terrance Room.”
The Terrance room is just as beautiful as it was described. The tables are lavishly decorated in burgundy velvet tablecloths. Wreaths of ivy and winter berries remind you of a winter forest. Lights fall from the ceiling, mimicking snow flakes mid-fall. 
“It’s beautiful, Prunella,” One of the models in the tour group comments to the event planner.
You break away from the group and twirl around, imagining what it will be like to dance in the ballroom tonight, when the Winter Gala begins in full spring. You’ve been chosen to wear a gown by Joanne Fleming. It’ll be her designing debut at the Gala, as well as your modeling debut in America. The ballgown you’re wearing is an embroidered flower blouse tucked into a tulle and silk shirt. Perhaps your favorite part of the outfit is the red silk shirt underneath that features poet sleeves and an oversized bow neckline. Paired with hair and makeup, you’re bound to be just as good as the big names here.
You head down the steps away from everyone else, where a large tree stands tall, decorated with tinsel and red candles. Not lit, of course, as that would be a fire hazard.  Your strain to see the topper atop the large, nearly ten foot tree. You back up, and with it nearly in your sight... you fall back into someone.
“Oh my gosh,” you squeal, as two hands grab you waist. As soon as they push you up, you whip around to apologize. “I am so sorry, I was trying to see what the tree topper, uh, was.”
You smile sheepishly at the boy. He’s clearly a waiter, based on his white tuxedo jacket paired with a gold-plated name tag. “Jisung,” you read. “That’s a lovely name.”
“It’s Korean,” the boy says, risking a smile at you. His eyes are wide, whether naturally or just at the fact that you fell on top of him, you don’t know. “I mean, because I’m Korean. I mean, not that you asked, it’s just... you said my name was lovely, so I thought you might like to know where it’s from.” He closes his mouth tightly after that and scratches the back of his neck. “Sorry.”
“No worries,” you hold your hand. “I’m Y/n.”
Before he can shake your hand, Jisung is pushed away by a very small girl.
“Hello!” She grabs your hand and shakes it as vigorously as she can. “I’m Jisung’s best friend, Eloise. I am six.”
You giggle. “Hello, Eloise. What are you doing in a boring room in the middle of the day?”
“Jisung and I are folding napkins,” Eloise says, gesturing to the one (and only one, that you can see) napkin folded into a swan. “They’re for the Winter Gala tonight!”
“The Winter Gala?” You clap your hands together. “How wonderful! Will you be attending?”
“Unfortunately, Jisung and I have far too many duties here in the Plaza.” Eloise falls back against Jisung’s leg and drapes a hand dramatically over her forehead. “Why, if the two of us leave for just ten minutes, the entire hotel may fall apart!”
You look at Jisung for confirmation. The tall boy shrugs, his bow-shaped lips curled into a smirk. “She’s right. We’re kind of the glue of this entire place.”
“Ah,” you say as seriously as you can muster when Jisung has such a distinct twinkle in his eye.
He’s cute, you have to note, in the hustle of listening to one erratic six year old. He’s much taller than you, but it isn’t as intimidating as one might think. Perhaps it’s the way his shoulders slouch forward just a bit, or the obvious youth in his face. 
“Well, if either of you would like to attend, I do have a few companion tickets,” you say, pretending not to care as you fiddle with your scarf. “Of course, I understand if you’re too busy holding this place together. It’s an important job, after all—“
“Are you kidding?” Eloise jumps up and yanks the scarf out of your hands. “You must, must, must allow us to go as your dates. Jisung and I will be on our best behaviors. I shall wear the gown my mother brought back from Milan last month. We went to a fashion show, and I threw up on Coco Chanel!”
You burst into laughter, despite the seriousness on Eloise’s face. “I’m sure that was quite an unforgettable show.”
“Indeed.” Eloise grimaces, ribbing her stomach. 
“I have the night shift,” Jisung says, his deep voice so obvious when spoken right after Eloise’s pitchy one. “But they might place me here,  so I can watch you. I mean, not watch as in leer, or anything. Just a drop by to say hello–“
“I would love it if you would, Jisung.” You clasp your hands in front of you. “Speaking of, I’m sure my stylists are having a fit. I’m about an hour late for all of my appointments, though it was worth it to meet the two of you.” You bend down to Eloise’s height. “I shall see you tonight?”
“I’ll save you a dance,” you assure her. Then, straightening up, you glance at Jisung. “Shall I save you one as well?”
Jisung blinks. Perhaps the invitation goes directly over his head, but he averts his eyes and answers you, cheeks red with nerves. “That’s not necessary.”
“Oh.” His rejection seems a bit blunt, though you understand. You’ve just met, after all, and it isn’t like strangers to dance with each other upon first (second?) meeting. “Well, I’ll be seeing the two of you.”
Jisung hides in the kitchen, helping out when needed and playing mobile Fortnite on his phone when he’s asked to stay out of the way. He’s sure they might need extra waiters at the Gala, with all the hungry models and their plus ones. Plus, the drinks will be offered up soon, and Jisung wonders just when the Gala will turn into an all-out party. It’s possible that these things stay graceful until the end, but Jisung know how rich people can be around a good bottle of wine. And The Plaza has the best bottles around. 
Eloise has already been taken home by Nanny, as her eight o’clock curfew doesn’t quite match up with the Gala’s full schedule. Jisung only knows that she left because she snuck into the kitchen, and just before Nanny found her, she had climbed atop the counter and licked a spoon full of meringue. “Y/n looks so beautiful, Jisung. You really must go dance with her.”
“I really must finish working,” Jisung had said, grabbing the spoon out of Eloise’s hand. Truthfully, he doesn’t want to see you after making a complete fool of himself earlier today.
It’s not like it matters, anyway. He’s a waiter; you’re a model. There are far more important men in your radar, he assumes. You won’t even notice if he doesn’t go.
So he doesn’t. He finishes his shift and takes his leave out the front door, where the snowfall greets him. 
He has his own apartment; a little studio flat across town. It’s a subway ride away, and Jisung has come to find that one of his favorite parts of the day is his commute home.
But he stays outside a bit longer, watching as the carriage drivers begin to undo their horses’ harnesses. He watches the fake Santa Claus down the street ring a bell for the nearby children’s hospital. He listens to the taxicabs honk their horns as they disobey basic traffic laws. 
“Thought you had to work.” It’s you again, your voice just as bright as it was this morning. 
Jisung feels his heart drop into his chest when he spots you at the top of the stairs, dressed in a gown that makes you look like some sort of winter fairy. The ruby-colored fabric matches the makeup behind your eyes, and Jisung has to stop and stare at the way your eyebrows seem naturally dark and unkept. It fits your face, and he draws his eyes down to your lips, where a dark tint resides. “H-Hi. I just got off. Work, I mean.”
You giggle. It’s not a mean laugh, so Jisung tries to file that into the “not embarrassing” category. Then he remembers the words that pour out of his mouth daily, and he thinks he needs to reorganize his mental filing cabinet. “Well, I saved you a dance. Can’t imagine you’d want to go back into the ballroom though.”
“Drunk socialites?” Jisung guesses.
“How did you know?” You wink at him before descending down the steps. The hem of your dress gets wet from the snow, but you don’t seem to mind. Jisung has a feeling your designer will, but maybe that’s not his business.
“Lucky guess,” he drawls, shuffling his feet. “Sorry about the dance. I thought you were just saying that because Eloise was there.”
“I wasn’t,” you say. “I wanted to dance with you.”
“Still want to,” you correct yourself. “Do you think I would be out in the snow in a sheer blouse if I didn’t want to dance with you?”
Jisung feels his cheeks flush. The blood rushes to his cheeks, and then to his hands when you reach for them, tucking your fingers in the spaces between his and pulling him close to you. “You lead,” he rushes out. “I’m not very good at dancing.”
You hum. As the wind briefly subsides, he makes out the tune to “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.” You place one of his hands on top of your shoulder, and keep the other one in your grasp. “Tell me, Jisung, do you celebrate Christmas?”
“Yeah,” he says. “You?”
“Yeah.” You’re rubbing your thumb back and forth against his waist, urging him to move, but Jisung feels himself freeze up with the wind. Then you’re leaning forward, lips close to his ear and warm breath sending a sharp chill down his neck. “Relax.”
Jisung breathes in. Out. In again. He squeezes your hand and squeezes his eyes shut. “Okay,” and he follows your lead.
It’s a simple dance. A bit of a one-two thing going on. Jisung has never danced before in his life – never needed to, but he has natural rhythm, so he follows along without much complaint from you. “Do you dance with every waiter you meet?” He manages to joke.
You lift your joined hands and gesture for him to twirl beneath them. “Just the cute ones,” you say.
“And how many is that?” Jisung hates the waver in his voice. Hates that he manages to gain feelings so quickly. Hates that one (count it: one) nice person dances with him and suddenly he wants to be the only one they ever dance with.
“Just one,” you say, casually. Casually, but you avoid his eyes, and your grip slips just enough for Jisung to catch it. “Tell me, Jisung. Do you work tomorrow?”
“I’m off tomorrow,” Jisung says. “Christmas Eve, and whatever. Family things, you know.”
“Oh,” you say. “I leave tomorrow morning.”
“Family things don’t start until noon,” Jisung rushes. Heat returns to his chest as soon as you smile up at him. “We could have breakfast together. I know a nice place down the road. It’s not fancy by any means, but it’s really good. You’ll have to say goodbye to Eloise, too, of course. Maybe send her some letters when you return home. She loves getting mail–“
“Jisung, can I kiss you?”
Jisung feels himself nod before he can really register your words. By the time his mind finally catches up with his body, your lips are on his, smooth and chilled like a marble surface, and Jisung is shivering into your touch.
Your soft hands cup his face. You pull him down to your height, smiling at the way Jisung’s shaky hands clasp your waist. 
When you pull away, you’re still smiling, so Jisung smiles with you. “I would like to send you letters, too. If that’s alright, I mean.”
Jisung sputters and shakes his head. He feels his heart pound as the wind picks up around him. “That’s more than alright.”
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End of the Line (Pre-Serum Alpha!Steve and Pregnant Omega!Bucky Modern Bus Trip A/B/O AU)
"'If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around,'" Hugh Grant's voice monologued over the opening scene of Love Actually.
With the hormones still raging through his body and his newborn in his arms, Bucky couldn't help but cry. Not that he minded much. Hugh did have a point. Love actually was all around. Especially the love that Bucky had for the pup who tiredly gazed up at him, milk drunk.
"We love Hu --" Bucky cut himself off, stroking the baby's chubby cheek, an epiphany crossed him. Grinning, Bucky tested the name, "Hugh. Hughie. Hugh Barnes," Bucky made a face at that and tested, "Hugh Rogers. Hugh Grant Rogers --" Bucky softly chuckled before deciding, "Hugh James Rogers."
"I like the sound of that," Steve announced, standing in the doorway of the hospital room.
"Good," Bucky grinned.
"Daddy!" Maisie and Noah exclaimed, racing around Steve's thin legs. Not stopping until they were on the bed, looking down at their baby brother.
"That baby?" Noah questioned, touching Bucky's abdomen, to let him know what he was asking.
"Yeah, he was in there," Bucky confirmed. Tilting his arms a little, so the toddlers could get a better look at him, Bucky introduced them, "This is your brother, Hugh."
"I love him," Maisie decided, leaning forward to kiss Hugh's forehead.
Making sure that everyone knew Noah's feelings, he loudly declared, "I love Hugh, too!"
"And he loves you both," Steve assured, entering the room with his arms behind his back.
Bucky playfully narrowed his eyes suspiciously as he asked, "What cha got there?"
Bringing one arm forward, Steve revealed a small gray and white striped security blanket with gray satin trim and a small elephant head and arms in the center. Shrugging, Steve blushed, "I wasn't sure what to get, but Maisie and Noah said that it was a good pick."
"Very good pick," Bucky confirmed, not talking about the gift as he smiled at Steve. When Steve brought his other arm out from behind his back to reveal a bouquet of multicolored carnation flowers, Bucky stated, "They've got good taste."
Steve's blush darkened and he leaned forward to kiss Bucky. Just a chaste kiss before pulling away and kissing Hugh's forehead. All the while casually running his wrists along them, scent-marking them, the way a happy alpha did. Letting everyone know that they were a unit, a pack, a family.
As Bucky settled into his new reality, a soft knock came from the door. Bucky directed his attention to find a petite woman with graying blonde hair dressed in pink scrubs standing there. A smile on her lovely face and tears in her large eyes, her scent solidified that she was happy.
"Oh, uh," Steve stood from the bed and crossed the room to the woman. Standing side-by-side, it was easy to tell who she was, even though Steve introduced, "Bucky, this is my mom, Sarah. Mom, this is Bucky, Hugh, Noah, and Maisie."
"Nice to meet you," Bucky greeted. Briefly glancing at Hugh who was peacefully sleeping, he asked, "Would you like to meet your grandson?"
"Would I?" Sarah good-naturedly scoffed as she wiped her tears and crossed the room. Accepting the baby when Bucky handed him to her, she fondly gazed down at the sleeping pup and admired, "He's beautiful."
"Isn't he?" Steve agreed, coming up behind his mom to gaze at Hugh. Not forgetting the other two though, Steve gladly lifted Maisie into his arms when she raised her arms in a gesture to be held. Kissing her cheek, he asked Bucky, "When is your family landing?"
"Tonight," Bucky informed, indulging Noah when he nuzzled into his side.
"Well," Sarah sniffled as she teased her son, "I don't think I've ever been so happy for your fear of flying before."
Steve blushed and playfully rolled his eyes while Bucky loudly laughed, unintentionally waking Hugh. Face-palming, Bucky sighed in annoyance at himself. Expecting for the crying baby to be handed back to him, the way that it had been when Maisie and Noah were babies. And even after all the times that Steve surprised him, Bucky was still amazed when he put Maisie on the bed and took Hugh in his arms to soothe him back to sleep.
Having Steve there with him, Bucky knew that he was the luckiest man in the world. Steve was a natural. But Bucky already knew that. Adoringly watching as the alpha affectionately lulled the baby back to sleep. Bucky couldn't imagine doing this with anyone else, and as soon as they got home, he was going to frame that bus ticket.
"What do we call you?" Maisie curiously asked Sarah.
Sarah smiled down at her and questioned, "What would you like to call me?"
Maisie's face furrowed as she thought and Bucky suggested, "Nana is probably the easiest for them both."
"Sounds alright to me," Sarah agreed and accepted Maisie climbing onto her. Swinging Maisie up to her hip, Sarah joyfully admitted, "You guys can call me whatever you want, I'm just so happy."
Taking Sarah's hand in his, Bucky assured, "We're happy too."
"Golly, I was sure that I'd be the first one here, since I work here and all," that voice that had always been there his whole life announced. Immediately, Bucky started crying when he found Becca standing there. "Ah, yes, every sister's goal to make their brother cry uncontrollably as soon as they walk through the door."
"Rebecca Joanne," Bucky demanded, "Get over here, right now!"
"Whoa, you totally pulled a mom," Becca joked as she crossed the room. Wearing scrubs the same as Sarah's, she greeted the woman, "Sarah." Brows furrowing as she spotted Steve, Becca asked, "Is this your son?"
"It is. This is Stevie," Sarah confirmed. Looking from Becca to Bucky, she assumed, "This is your twin."
"Yup," Becca answered, wrapping her arms tightly around Bucky. She teased, "He got all the looks, clearly."
Bucky rolled his eyes and took in a shaky breath, "Clearly, you need some sleep; you're not seeing straight."
"I'm seeing fine," Becca smiled. Tucking Bucky's hair behind his ear, Becca admitted, "God, I missed you, B."
"Missed you, too, Becks," Bucky pulled her in for another hug. Vowing to never go another day without talking to his twin. Crying into her shoulder, Bucky apologized, "I'm so sorry, Becks."
"Shh," Becca soothed, smoothing down his hair and scent-marking him. She assured Bucky, "It wasn't your fault. And you're here now. That's all that matters."
"That's all that matters," Bucky agreed.
Becca pulled back from the hug and grinned at Steve, "What was it like to punch that fucker?!"
"Becks," Bucky chastised while Steve happily relayed, "The best god damn moment in my life."
Then, Steve looked at Bucky, their toddlers, and their newborn in his arms. He amended, "One of the best."
Although Bucky definitely didn't mean it the same way as Steve, he still repeated, "One of the best." Falling more in love with Steve by the minute.
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grelleswife · 5 years
Grelle and ciel for the ask , please and thanks
Why I like them: Her passionate nature, her determination to live her truth as a woman even in the face of ridicule, her skill as a fighter, her beauty, her stage presence (she dominates every scene she’s in)
Why I don’t: Me???? Not like Grelle????? That’s impossible.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): (assuming we’re talking about the anime) Her “big reveal”/fight with Sebastian at the end of the Jack the Ripper arc (sets my little shipper’s heart aflame every time), the scene where she gets her chainsaw back in Book of Circus, all her Book of Atlantic moments
Favorite season/movie: The more recent anime adaptations (Circus, Atlantic), which keep her characterization somewhat closer to the manga
Favorite line: “The more glamorous the woman, the more alluring she becomes, just like a beautiful, poisonous flower, right?” And, of course, “Red is the color of fiery passion, and I am flaming!” from Season 1!
Favorite outfit: I love them all! But her awesome coat in her most recent scenes with Othello and her fancy dress from The Most Beautiful Death in the World are both near the top.
OTP: So, so many. Grellefellows, Sebagrelle, and Redcliff are just a few!
Brotp: Her and Ronnie (though I think Grellron is a cute ship, I also really enjoy their relationship as colleagues–it’s funny and entertaining!)
Head Canon: She’s the only person at the dispatch who’s ever beaten Eric Slingby in a drinking contest.
Unpopular opinion: Um…I’m not crazy about Grelliam, as a general rule. Does that count as unpopular?
A wish: That Yana would let her transition in canon (and give her a girlfriend!)
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: That bizarre-doll!Madame Red will turn up and kill Grelle as karma for Grelle’s murdering her
5 words to best describe them: Passionate, sassy, lascivious, ferocious, gorgeous
My nickname for them: Just “Miss Sutcliff!” Or rufina when I’m writing Sebagrelle content
Why I like them: His resilience, his determination in the face of despair, his drive, his cutness, the fact that he does care for those closest to him even though he tends to hide it
Why I don’t: His willingness to lie to and betray others, his arrogance, the way he overworks Sebastian
Favorite episode (scene if movie): The Book of Atlantic flashbacks, where we get to see him grow into his role as the earl. I’m so proud of my son. :’)
Favorite season/movie: Book of Circus; harrowing stuff, but an excellent chance to gain further insights into his character behind the cool, collected persona
Favorite line: “Even if I’m made to stand on the edge of despair in a hellish place, I won’t give up. I’ll grab the spider’s thread if it’ll help me crawl up out of there. We humans possess that kind of strength.” He’s such a fighter. :’)
Favorite outfit: Although his outfits are exquisite, they’re sometimes a bit…sexualized much for me. I’d probably go with his wholesome little sailor suit from the twin reveal flashbacks!
OTP: Cielsiegelinde, Cielizzy; I could also see him with one of the Weston boys, like Joanne or Macmillan
Brotp: Soma! Unlike a certain bizarre doll, he’s actually a good older brother to our earl.
Head Canon: He once wrote a poem to give to Lizzy but tore it up in humiliation after Sebastian found it and roasted the hell out of his verse. 
Unpopular opinion: The cursed OTP is not canon. Also, O!Ciel doesn’t enjoy wearing feminine-coded clothing; Yana just likes drawing him in it.
A wish: That he’d get the therapy he needs and have a long, happy life.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: He becomes a demon. Although I love him to pieces, he does need to atone for his crimes, and I just want this sad babey to rest. Turning into a devil might doom him to an eternity of suffering.
5 words to best describe them: Determined, bratty, intelligent, ruthless, damaged
My nickname for them: Smol murder nugget, babey boy blue >w
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cosmomoore · 5 years
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And here is some of the stuff I saw at Target. They still had 2+ pallets to unpack.
I have always wanted one of the yard light up things (I have no yard, but they are just so cute). Specifically the little grim reaper one and the holiday narwhal one (I have somehow missed out on the narwhal one the past two years).
Anyways, I only bought two things, the little white pumpkin with the mouth flowers and an unpictured bat-cat candy dish/tealight thing.
This year's trends have regressed back into standard Halloween colors (mainly black and orange, with a couple darker greens, red (?) and much fewer bright purples/pinks/greens). I actually started noticing this with JoAnn's 2019 Halloween fabrics a few months back. Things seem much more subdued this year.
I can honestly say I am not the biggest fan of this year's collection though, I like my Halloween stuff to look bright and vibrant. I liked the way the terrariums looked online, but they look nowhere near as good in person, that is why I just got that little one - it was much cuter than the rest in my opinion.
Anyways, just wanted to give a sampling of Target's stuff this year. I know much of this stuff can be found online, but sometime IRL pictures give a better idea of what it looks like. 🎃👍
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florablume · 5 years
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FULL NAME: Flora Elizabeth Blume PRONUNCIATION: Flaw-ruh  MEANING: Latin origin, meaning “flower” NICKNAME(S): Flo, Blume, Sparky PREFERRED NAME(S): Flora BIRTH DATE: 4th April 1978 AGE: 41 ZODIAC: Aries GENDER: Cis female PRONOUNS: She/her/hers ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Heteroromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Heterosexual NATIONALITY: American ETHNICITY: Caucasian  CURRENT LOCATION: New York City LIVING CONDITIONS: Cohabiting TITLE(S): Miss/Ms
BIRTH PLACE: California HOMETOWN: San Francisco SOCIAL CLASS: Working EDUCATION LEVEL: College FATHER: Richard Blume MOTHER: Joanne Blume SIBLING(S): Pip & Sam BIRTH ORDER: Flora, Pip & then Sam CHILDREN: Finley Dunne PET(S): None OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: In-Laws PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: A few, but nothing significant other than with Henry ARRESTS?: None PRISON TIME?: None
PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME: Nurse Practitioner at New York Presbyterian Hospital APPROXIMATE AMOUNT PER YEAR: $106,554 CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: Definitely content PAST JOB(S): Office admin jobs & worked in a coffee shop SPENDING HABITS: Average MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: An engagement ring from Henry
PHYSICAL STRENGTH: Probably a little above average for her size xD SPEED: Definitely average, if not a little below INTELLIGENCE: High AGILITY: Okay? Mostly because she’s small STAMINA: Better than it has been for the past few years lmao TEAMWORK: Good if other people will listen to her, bad if they don’t take her opinion into account TALENTS: Getting her own way lmao SHORTCOMINGS: Stubbornness, overprotective, sometimes acts/speaks without thinking. LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: English, basic French and Spanish DRIVE?: Yes JUMP-STAR A CAR?: Yes CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: With a little assistance RIDE A BICYCLE?: Yes SWIM?: Yes PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: No PLAY CHESS?: She knows how to but it’s not something she does often BRAID HAIR?: Yes TIE A TIE?: Yes PICK A LOCK?: No
FACE CLAIM: Holly Marie Combs/Zoey Deutch EYE COLOUR: Brown HAIR COLOUR: Brown HAIR TYPE/STYLE: Long & straight GLASSES/CONTACTS?: No DOMINANT HAND: Right HEIGHT: 5′1 WEIGHT: 133lbs BUILD: Short & curvy EXERCISE HABITS: She does pilates and yoga twice a week and she will go for the occasional swim, plus all the sex with Henry... SKIN TONE: Fair TATTOOS: None PIERCINGS: Ears & naval MARKS/SCARS: She has a few stretch marks on her stomach and thighs, and some scars on her back. Also a scar through her eyebrow. USUAL EXPRESSION: 
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CLOTHING STYLE: Comfortable but smart. She likes to wear skirts and dresses and anything with a floral print. JEWELLERY: She likes simple jewellery - earrings, necklace and a ring are all she’s usually wearing. ALLERGIES: None BODY TEMPERATURE: She’s always cold. DIET: Pretty good, she always tries to eat healthily. PHYSICAL AILMENTS: None
JUNG TYPE: ESTJ (Extrovert-Sensor-Thinker-Judger) ENNEAGRAM TYPE: Type 8 - the Challenger (also strong Type 2 - the Giver)  MORAL ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good TEMPERAMENT: Phlegmatic ELEMENT: Earth PRIMARY INTELLIGENCE TYPE: Interpersonal Intelligence APPROXIMATE IQ: 115 MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: None SOCIABILITY: Flora is pretty sociable. EMOTIONAL STABILITY: She’s fairly emotionally stable, but does fly off the handle about stupid things sometimes. On the whole though, she’s a good egg. OBSESSION(S): She gets very easily jealous, but I wouldn’t go as far as to say it’s an obsession. COMPULSION(S): None PHOBIA(S): Clowns, creepy dolls, horror movies in general. ADDICTION(S): Probably caffeine lmao DRUG USE: None ALCOHOL USE: She drinks occasionally, but not to excess. PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: ....sometimes. More so when she was younger.
SPEECH STYLE: Fast and a little shrill lmao ACCENT: Californian QUIRKS: Very short, scar through her eyebrow, fiddles with her hair a lot.  HOBBIES: Gardening, walking, sewing, watching movies, dancing. HABITS: Fiddles with hair & tucks it behind her ears a lot, snores a little, chews her lip, doodles when she’s on the phone, over-eats when she’s stressed. NERVOUS TICKS: Rubs her hands together a lot/fiddles with her hands when she’s nervous. DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: Helping people, taking care of her family. FEARS: Losing the people she loves.  POSITIVE TRAITS: caring, protective, quick-witted and intelligent NEGATIVE TRAITS: volatile, smothering, sharp-tongued and stubborn SENSE OF HUMOUR: Pretty good, she can definitely take a joke, luckily for Henry because he’s always teasing her. DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: When Fin’s not around, yes. When he is around, absolutely not. CATCHPHRASE(S): She uses terms of endearment a lot like ‘sweetie’ and ‘honey’. ‘Be careful’ is probably another because she worries too much. And also ‘stop that’ because she’s bossy xD
ACTIVITY: Sex lmao ANIMAL: Bluejay BEVERAGE: Coffee BOOK: The Cactus by Sarah Haywood CELEBRITY: Hugh Jackman COLOUR: Pink DESIGNER: Lulu Guinness FOOD: Lemon Cheesecake FLOWER: Orchid GEM: Diamond HOLIDAY: Christmas obvs MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: Car MOVIE: Dirty Dancing MUSICAL ARTIST: Kate Bush QUOTE/SAYING: “But first...coffee!” SCENERY: The NYC skyline is pretty nice SCENT: Daisy by Marc Jacobs SPORT: None lmao SPORTS TEAM: She’s clueless about sport. TELEVISION SHOW: The Good Place WEATHER: Sunshine VACATION DESTINATION: She’d love to go to Paris.
GREATEST DREAM: Having a family of her own. GREATEST FEAR: Losing anyone that she loves. MOST AT EASE WHEN: She’s at home, feet up with a glass of wine. LEAST AT EASE WHEN: She’s rushed off her feet at work, or at one of Henry’s mom’s fancy dinner parties. WORST POSSIBLE THING THAT COULD HAPPEN: Jen swoops in and steals Henry from her? idk lmao BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Having Finley. Also getting herself through college with barely any money to her name when she first started. BIGGEST REGRET: Taking so long to have more kids? again idk. MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: lol too many for her to name bcos she’s the queen of embarrassing herself. Probably when she got too worked up the first time she laid eyes on Jen and had too much to drink before Henry had to take her home. TOP PRIORITIES: Fin & Henry (& bump)
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Janis & Jimmy
Janis: [I think may as well start from the start and we can just skip around and get all the potential jealousy 'cos why not, so this can be 2nd day] Janis: they invited you down the pub after? Jimmy: Oi Jimmy: no need to rub it in, lad with the neck tattoos does fancy me, he's just having a go at the long game Janis: have to tell him how many hours you've got left, like Jimmy: DIY tattoo so he knows it's real Janis: 😏 Janis: would hate for you to miss your chance is all, with your lack of English skills and him not being able to count Janis: 🌠💘 Jimmy: Tah mate Jimmy: nice to see a life of crime ain't changed nowt and you're still the same romantic Janis: anything to get him off my case Janis: nothing personal Jimmy: I get it, you've only got eyes for the one with 💪🏆🥇 Jimmy: just a couple of athletes falling for each other Janis: obvs Janis: fully thick enough to see this as perfect dating grounds Janis: petty criminals are the most eligible of bachelors 😍 Jimmy: duh Jimmy: 😎🚬 Janis: we all know you're that thick, mate Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: such a sweet talker today, you Janis: me? Jimmy: you heard Janis: you're funny Jimmy: must be all the #bants flying about Jimmy: can't take all the credit off the lads though Janis: this is why it's a good thing you don't go to boarding school Janis: never hack it Jimmy: @iantaylor8 🙌 Janis: sure he don't want you making friends with any more undesirables Janis: be so buzzin' Jimmy: 🤞 Jimmy: party at the Taylor gaff, forget the pub lads Janis: gotta 1up your 💕, yeah Janis: bit rude Jimmy: he 💕s it Janis: duh Jimmy: you coming to my party then, Jules? Janis: you have fucked over my other plans Jimmy: OR I'm a 🥇 wingman and you're free now to have a #datenight with 💪🏆🥇 Janis: answered your own question there then Jimmy: 👍 Janis: know it's purely selfish though Jimmy: It's alright, I forgive you for choosing 💕 over mates Janis: I was talking about you, dickhead Jimmy: Me? Janis: 🙄 Janis: yes you Jimmy: Doing it to make Ian's day, that's selfLESS, my dear Janis: you clearly just wanna give neck tattoo a new one Jimmy: hot Jimmy: but if I were gonna I'd just invite him over Janis: don't wanna be weird about it Jimmy: 🙄 Jimmy: I ain't been hanging with the flat whites so long that I've lost every 🏆 Jimmy: basic's not catching Janis: sure 😏 Jimmy: Piss off Janis: Touchy Jimmy: Piss off 💕 Jimmy: that better? Janis: you tell me Jimmy: nah, you tell me Jimmy: you're 💔 Janis: am I now Jimmy: I just said Janis: so that means it must be fact Jimmy: Answered your own question there Jimmy: Only fake nice, me Janis: better tell your mate Jimmy: ? Janis: 🕸💘🌢🐍🕈 Janis: be rude to lead him on Jimmy: he don't want me to be nice Janis: 👍 Jimmy: must be bored if you're that invested in my 💕 life Janis: no, picking litter is the biggest thrill of my life Janis: rivals the sleepover Jimmy: obvs, you rich girls love to slum it Janis: only when they look like 💪🏆🥇 Jimmy: I get it, you're bored enough to try and 💔😭 me Jimmy: bit rude Janis: don't need to try Jimmy: [throws something at her, excuse him everyone] Janis: [does 😭 boohoo face at him] Jimmy: I'll have my 😭 in a bit, don't rush me, Janet Janis: s'alright Janis: know you can't keep up, that's not news Jimmy: you inspired me, might as well make it proper 🎨 more like Janis: I look forward to the ------------- stories Jimmy: Just deciding if I wanna tattoo the cliche 🌢 or a 🖤 or a sarky ☻ Jimmy: get his attention an' all Janis: Hoe Janis: you got a 50/50 he's a racist though so worth a shot that one Jimmy: [selfies of him with those deliberately badly drawn on top of the photo like what do you think] Janis: with skills like that, get the pen and needle out now, like Jimmy: could always get your name done, Bill'd be proper chuffed Jimmy: 🤞 wouldn't forget it as easy either Janis: clearly works for some 😍🤤 Jimmy: that's that sorted Jimmy: ✔ Janis: interested to see what name you settle on Jimmy: your actual, Juliet Jimmy: obvs Janis: not paying for the laser 💁 Jimmy: I'll just put a ❌ through it Jimmy: keep the 🥀 though Janis: Classy Janis: love that for you Jimmy: me an' all Jimmy: really gonna make Ian's day that Janis: he got any? Jimmy: @ him Janis: 🙄 Janis: I'm already v busy here Janis: not gonna chat up your dad, tah Jimmy: 🎻💔🎻 Jimmy: gutted for him and you Jimmy: my poor baby Janis: yeah, all boys want step mums, I get it Jimmy: told you before, don't want you as mine Jimmy: if nowt else it'd be dead weird when he can't keep hold of you longer than a few days Janis: bit rude Janis: you know I'm dedicated 💪🥇 Jimmy: were talking about his flaws not yours Janis: I can fix him Janis: got some tips from the gals Jimmy: you're too busy, that were what you just said Janis: yeah but now you don't want me to, I clearly have to Jimmy: crack on then Jimmy: you know his @ Jimmy: and address Janis: thanks for your blessing Jimmy: see you at the wedding Jimmy: 👋 Janis: awh Janis: look well cute in your matching suits Jimmy: duh Jimmy: get some flower girl garb for the 🐕💕 Janis: providing he ain't kicked her out again, deffo Jimmy: she'll do herself in when he kicks you out any road 💔 Janis: 🎻💔🎻 Janis: so rude Jimmy: he is, yeah Jimmy: not news Janis: c'est la vie Janis: well in with Mia's now Jimmy: could try and put something in the vows if you've got your 🖤 but we know who the real daddy™ is Jimmy: set* Jimmy: what's Mia's last name? Janis: Dunno Janis: something suitably plain Janis: you know the vibe, Taylor Jimmy: 👍 Janis: can't even fake offended? Janis: 💔 Jimmy: name's the top thing he's done for me if we're gonna rate any of the bollocks Janis: guess I'm just blatantly jealous then Janis: #cantrelate Jimmy: so soz Joanne Jimmy: my sister hates hers if that dries your eyes any, bit too much like a 🐕 Janis: Yeah, love making kids cry, me Jimmy: got the wrong one, there's no danger with her Janis: 👌 Janis: you're easy, don't matter Jimmy: she'll make you cry when you're her new step mum Jimmy: I'll be 😂 Janis: anything to make you smile, babe Jimmy: cute Janis: you are Jimmy: you ain't got time for flirting, we all heard you Janis: not flirting, bighead Jimmy: [a look like yeah right] Jimmy: I won't tell the others Janis: I'm not the one that's concerned if they know Janis: [look back like that's right] Jimmy: Why would I care? Jimmy: massive slag so you said earlier Janis: She probably don't wanna feel like one and all though Jimmy: What are you on about? Janis: like you don't know, alright Jimmy: wouldn't have asked if I did Janis: come on, you're well blatant Jimmy: how am I? Janis: you and your hero vibes 💕 Jimmy: Bollocks Janis: 😂 alright Jimmy: Alright, dickhead Janis: don't be pissy Janis: she's obviously into it Jimmy: shut up Janis: why you being moody about it Jimmy: Why are you being a knobhead about the fact I ain't one? Janis: I ain't? Janis: I'm not the one you want 🏆 from so no need to go that far Jimmy: 👌 Janis: don't be stupid Jimmy: you Janis: How am I? Jimmy: Not being a massive twat to her doesn't mean I'm 😍💕 Janis: didn't say you were Jimmy: What then? Janis: just don't act like your intentions are any purer than theirs Janis: that's bollocks Jimmy: I don't have intentions, that's bollocks Janis: alright Jimmy: is it? Janis: 'course Jimmy: you gonna leave it out now or what? Janis: alright Janis: 🤷 Jimmy: [a look at her like are you alright though] Janis: [defiant one back like obvs am, YOU drop it] Jimmy: [😒] Janis: [sticks her tongue out at him like a child but also like cheer up] Jimmy: [just shaking his head like he's so #over it] Janis: [🙄] Jimmy: [giving them back and then ignoring her like he's so busy] Janis: [so 😒] Jimmy: [oh lads you do make me laugh] Janis: [clearly having so much #bants with these lads] Jimmy: [#fuming] Janis: [I'm like be careful gal, god knows the sort lmao] Jimmy: [same though I'm too much of a grandma for this] Janis: [as tempting as it would be to #trigger your parents, not gonna take one home] Jimmy: [Ali getting hit with those mems of all her shit exes like] Janis: [mhmm that and Edie's] Jimmy: [you should do it gal] Janis: [cannot though 'cos had a fake boyfriend] Janis: has* Jimmy: [I'm like but still do it though, you don't have to seduce said delinquent] Janis: [just bringing one home to hang lmao no boo] Jimmy: [😿] Janis: [they mad enough at Jimmy, it's fine] Jimmy: [true] Janis: [not playing that dangerous game ty] Jimmy: [plus Jimothy 😒 enough too rn] Janis: 🚬 break? Jimmy: You're alright Janis: okay Janis: well can I have one Jimmy: [comes over and hands her the 🚬 and lighter like there you go] Janis: [taking it like cheers but looking at him like ?] Jimmy: [walking away like a rude hoe cos there's too much drama at school] Janis: [just like excuse me but walking off in another direction to 🚬 like fine then] Jimmy: [I like to think he's gonna go somewhere else to do it because that petty bitch] Janis: you quit or what Jimmy: What kind of question's that? Janis: a valid one, apparently Jimmy: wouldn't be very on brand or #goals of me Janis: no shit, like Jimmy: There you go then Janis: thanks for clearing that up Jimmy: 👍 Janis: Fuck sake Jimmy: What now? Janis: don't say you ain't in a mood if you are Jimmy: I've said nowt one way or other Janis: no need now Jimmy: 👌 Janis: yeah I got it Janis: fuck you too, like Jimmy: Yeah, I got it an' all Jimmy: You're on one today Janis: Oh right, it's me that's in the mood Jimmy: too right, girl Janis: Oh my God Jimmy: *😱😱😱 Janis: just shut up then Jimmy: 🤐 Janis: Great Jimmy: 🥇 Janis: 😑 Jimmy: Alright Janis: what does that mean Jimmy: it means I know when to stop Janis: If I could give you a look right now, I would Janis: bullshit do you Jimmy: come here then Jimmy: not stopping you Janis: you don't wanna so why would I Jimmy: 'cause you do wanna Jimmy: you just said, if you could, you would Janis: just meaning I can't 👀 you Janis: not that immature Jimmy: so come see me Janis: who's over there Jimmy: I am Jimmy: you're the only mate I've got, you know that Janis: you don't need to sobstory Janis: just admit you want me to come over too Jimmy: there's no 🎻🎻 playing Jimmy: you're the only mate I want Janis: don't flirt with me now, like Jimmy: Or what? Janis: I dunno yet Janis: could be really bad Jimmy: I ain't scared of you Janis: that's your first mistake then Janis: [obviously comes over] Jimmy: [the eye contact though] Janis: [just dying but managing to be like 'what'] Jimmy: [just pulling her closer to him like she hasn't come here enough for his liking] Janis: [lil noise that you could pretend was protest but is not] Jimmy: [such a LOOK] Janis: ['Jimmy' the frustration like boy Jimmy: [you know he's gonna say her name too in response to kill us all] Janis: [makeout o'clock] Jimmy: [no regrets] Janis: [gotta be done yo] Jimmy: [we know what you two are like] Janis: [hoes my boo say] Jimmy: [#extra] Janis: [literally have work to do here] Jimmy: [lol don't be getting in trouble on day 2 please] Janis: [such rebhogs] Jimmy: [love you nerds so much] Janis: [shall we skip to our next jealousy event?] Jimmy: [why not] Janis: [what's the mood] Jimmy: [like clearly we gotta kick it up a notch with this girl somehow but not too far yet hmm] Janis: [what is a could be friendly/could be flirty thing, have a think] Jimmy: [maybe she invites him to something obvs not as highkey as the date moment later? like maybe she's into photography too and there's something art hoe-y idk]] Janis: [that's a good idea, let's do that] Jimmy: [maybe they are gonna do something fake dating and he can't cos he's going to that] Janis: [that's a good way for her to even know it's a thing so yeah, deffo] Jimmy: [come at me girl] Janis: You ready to go? Jimmy: ? Janis: we were going cinema with 'em Jimmy: shit, I thought that were tomorrow Janis: Ha, I wish Janis: why? Jimmy: [sends her the deets to the thing which in my head is like one of those walking tour things where you take pics so it's also like a photography class or something cos again don't need to be that swag] Janis: Oh Janis: alright Janis: you coulda mentioned that earlier 🙄 Jimmy: like I said, I reckoned the 👀🍿🔪 were the next day Janis: well it ain't Janis: just say you're sick, again Janis: don't matter Jimmy: say I'm stuck babysitting, you can fake you're with me and you won't have to go either Janis: Not planning on going regardless, tah Janis: but that works Janis: sure they'll be devastated either way 💔 Jimmy: hope the film's a sad one then Jimmy: bit awkward to 😭 at a comedy Janis: hasn't stopped 'em before Jimmy: 💔 when a lad don't show tbf Janis: you can send the fruit baskets if you have time Janis: again, nothing new to 'em is it Jimmy: only thing close to a fruit I recognise is 🥔 Jimmy: they really would be devastated if I sent 'em chips Janis: best to just 👻 'em Janis: comfort in familiarity and all that Jimmy: ✔ Janis: have fun then, nerd Jimmy: Oi Jimmy: my 🎨 homework ain't done itself, and if that's anyone's fault it's yours Jimmy: what kind of muse Janis: if you're asking me to do your homework, not that hard-up for plan bs Jimmy: wouldn't trust you to do nowt as far as I could chuck you, babe Janis: 💔 so gutted Jimmy: Obvs Jimmy: come round in a bit if you want, won't make you do any homework Janis: Wow, so tempting Janis: you're alright Jimmy: Alright Janis: go impress the art hoes with that chat Jimmy: got need to say owt Jimmy: don't* Jimmy: 😎🚬📷 Janis: that's handy Jimmy: you can shut up an' all Janis: n'awh Janis: calm down Jimmy: ladies first Janis: Forgot, you can't handle any #bants Jimmy: I can handle everything you've got, girl Jimmy: deny that but you can't properly forget it Janis: don't tell me to shut up then Jimmy: come on, it's all just #bants Janis: Try harder then Jimmy: What's up with you? Janis: ? Jimmy: you heard me Janis: I don't know what you're chatting though Jimmy: Why are you being so mardy? It ain't a hard question Janis: 'cos I've got to talk to them and answer all their questions Janis: 'cos you can't remember what day of the week it is Jimmy: I'll do it then Janis: don't bother Janis: as if they won't be in my inbox regardless to see if we're sticking to the same story or what the truth of it really is Jimmy: I'm sorry, alright? Janis: Yeah Jimmy: I'll think of something well #goals to drag 'em to Janis: 👍 Jimmy: 💕 Janis: Alright, no need to be a twat with it Jimmy: 😏 Jimmy: miss you an' all Janis: save that kind of believability for your captions Jimmy: 👍 Janis: 💕 Jimmy: [he should 100% take a pic that has community service girl in it or she should tag him in one either way so she knows the gal is there] Janis: [the sarcastic ❤ that is getting lmao] Jimmy: [like realistically she's probably tagged him because he's not gonna jeopardise fake dating babysitting story they've concocted but yeah] Janis: You're such an amateur Jimmy: bit rude Janis: Hardly Janis: getting caught and tagged in photographic evidence Janis: you know nothing about having a sidechick or what Jimmy: 1. I weren't gonna tell her to keep me well out of shot 'cause I have a fake dating scam I'm pulling Jimmy: 2 They know when it was posted not when it were taken Janis: Handle your business Janis: first you forget the plan then you totally fucking risk it all Jimmy: Calm down Jimmy: They ain't nudes Janis: Same diff when you get papped out and about on your date Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: just untag it and do better next time Jimmy: Duh Janis: Duh @ yourself, rookie Janis: embarrassing Jimmy: Piss off Janis: tell your gf the deal and we wouldn't have to have this convo Jimmy: she's nowt of the sort and I ain't telling her nowt either Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: stop being a dickhead Janis: if you're gonna have a real love life, you've got to end your fake first Janis: simple as Jimmy: I'm not Janis: okay Jimmy: is it? Janis: I mean, if you're gonna go on what look like dates with all your pals, the untag rule still needs to apply probably Jimmy: I'm not thick Jimmy: it weren't like I posed for her Janis: then how do you not get what that was Jimmy: ? Janis: you don't just invite random lads to shit like that and just take photos they happen to be in Janis: this is meant to be your thing, work it out Jimmy: Nah, you're making it a thing it ain't Jimmy: taking photos of people you're with ain't a big deal, she don't know that we're surrounded by weird 💀 lasses Janis: oh, I get it Jimmy: Good Janis: willful ignorance ain't the same as actual Janis: but it's all the same to this fake shit so Janis: point remains Jimmy: if you've got a point to make, just make it Janis: Literally did Jimmy: Great talk then, babe Janis: Not really Janis: makes you blind, sure Janis: add stupid to the list Jimmy: send me the full one when you're done 🖋🌢 Janis: It's simple Janis: don't fuck my shit up for me Janis: I get to end it, that's the deal Janis: the minimum you have to do is tell me when before you fuck it all up yourself Jimmy: I haven't and I won't Jimmy: Like I promised Jimmy: you don't look a twat, it's all alright Janis: As you said, they're psychotic Janis: no doubt they'll see it Jimmy: if they had, they'd be in both our DMs Janis: or, they think you're cheating because with that last-minute cancellation they're already suspicious and they're keeping it in their back pocket to use as and when they see fit Janis: if you think you can think like such a normal girl like your gf so clearly is then you've forgotten what you're up against Jimmy: I ain't up against nowt 'cause they'd need more than a picture I'm barely in and they ain't gonna get it Janis: make sure they don't then Jimmy: I just said as much Janis: then we're done here Janis: checking you understand Jimmy: I don't work for you, my dear Jimmy: rich girl or nah you don't need to talk to me like staff Janis: that's what this is, it's business Jimmy: Bollocks Jimmy: we're mates when it suits you Janis: and not when it comes to the deal Janis: that has nothing to do with any of it Jimmy: You're such a massive dickhead Janis: Yeah, well so are you Jimmy: don't lump me in with you Jimmy: I ain't being rude like that Janis: Right, you're such a nice person and I'm just the worst Janis: fine, I don't care Jimmy: Piss off Jimmy: You're being so Janis: what Jimmy: Leave it out Jimmy: it's just bollocks Janis: yeah, like I said Janis: conversation over Jimmy: fuck's sake Janis: that's literally what you wanted Jimmy: How is it? Janis: 'cept I guess you did want me to come over and fuck you when you were done Janis: which is fucked Jimmy: You know what, this chat is over 'cause I'm fucked if I know what to say to that Janis: what part of that is not exactly what happened though Jimmy: any of it Janis: then we remember it very differently Jimmy: I got that Janis: well you're right, I can't be bothered to sit here and listen to how I'm wrong Jimmy: fuck off then Jimmy: suits me Janis: yeah, no shit Jimmy: stop going on at me Janis: I'll say what I like Jimmy: You can't be bothered to listen and you're chatting shit Janis: Listen to what? Jimmy: owt I'm saying Janis: I've heard everything you've had to say Jimmy: so just do one Jimmy: I ain't them, not gonna keep this bollocks going for the #drama Janis: fuck off telling me what to do and do it yourself Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: come and talk to me when you've sorted your head out and stopped being a fucking nightmare Janis: and I can't drop it? Janis: Piss off Jimmy: It ain't me who wants to Janis: yeah you wanna have a go Janis: fuck that Janis: I've done nothing wrong Jimmy: It ain't down to me that that's the only way you wanna chat Janis: I don't wanna hear about your date Janis: that ain't the kinda mate I am Jimmy: It's not and I weren't trying to 🗨 about it either way Janis: you can't just not mention it Janis: yeah, what you been up to, like Jimmy: I did mention it, I'm trying to get my homework done, case closed Janis: Great talk, babe Jimmy: make your mind up Janis: if it gets you to see how we've got fuck all to talk about faster Jimmy: but I just wanna fuck, yeah? So what would I wanna talk to you for? Jimmy: get your story sorted and come back Janis: exactly Janis: you don't need to try as much Janis: 😎🚬 right? Jimmy: 👌 Janis: Dickhead Jimmy: You're the dickhead Janis: This is literally your fault Jimmy: I ain't done nowt except get the day of the week wrong Janis: s'all you had to fucking get right Jimmy: I said sorry Jimmy: And I said I'll think of something else to win 'em over with Jimmy: what else do you want? Janis: Let me be pissed off Jimmy: I ain't stopping you Janis: yes you are Janis: if you're gonna be a twat then be a twat Janis: don't come back trying to fix it Jimmy: Alright Janis: okay? Janis: good Jimmy: night then Janis: bye Jimmy: [should we do a skip here?] Janis: [probably lol, she won't start it again at this point unless he does] Jimmy: [he's likewise a stubborn bitch so should probably reconvene at community service lol] Janis: [good idea] Jimmy: [god knows how this convo gonna start up again, like probably with his idea for the flat whites but I don't have one] Janis: [my boo say hmm] Jimmy: [if we're saying the festival let's say he sends her deets for it] Janis: ? Janis: did you send that to the wrong person Jimmy: I have gotta send it to the rest of 'em but only if you say yeah Janis: What? Jimmy: it's the 🥇💡 I promised to deliver Jimmy: 💌✔ Jimmy: Keep up Janis: Oh Janis: Yeah, they'd probably be about that Janis: rich girls love slumming it Jimmy: You in then? Janis: Both days? Jimmy: Up to you that Janis: It'd be less of a #moment if you didn't offer the camping so, if we're gonna Jimmy: 👍 Janis: let 'em know then Janis: dig out the wellies Jimmy: [sends her screenshots of their hilarious responses] Janis: Oh, Christ Janis: at least there's plenty of 🕛 to fuck them over and make this torture worth it Jimmy: like I said 🥇💡 Janis: alright, not the worst you've ever had Janis: am gonna have to dig out a tent though Jimmy: can't help you there Jimmy: got a sleeping bag but nowt else Janis: I'll make it a 2-man and you'll have to deal Janis: not sharing with any of them Jimmy: I'll live Janis: so chuffed Jimmy: chuffed to hear it Janis: 🙄😏 Jimmy: 🚬? Janis: alright Janis: [comes over like tah but doesn't say anything] Jimmy: [we know the drill he's gonna light it for her because does it without thinking at this point] Janis: [the awkward lingering on an exchange] Jimmy: [we're all just dying] Janis: [ahh the unspoken tension] Jimmy: [5ever a thing] Janis: [but esp. now] Jimmy: [god bless] Janis: [when you wanna break but can't think of anything worth breaking over so you must resist] Jimmy: [when silence comes too naturally for you and you think you're shit with words anyway so you just leave it] Janis: [ahh the joys, debating if to rush the cigarette to escape or drag it out so you at least have an excuse to be near each other] Jimmy: [we all know he'll shamelessly light another one cos that bitch, boy you seriously will never heal] Janis: [you gotta walk off girl] Jimmy: [gotta watch her go] Janis: how we getting there? Jimmy: Mia's broomstick? Janis: doubt it's got the weight capacity Janis: I'll float it, see who's parents will, I guess Jimmy: sure her daddy would 💕 to Janis: 'course Janis: but be a bit obvious if he asks to take me Janis: gonna need 2 cars and I doubt I'm making it into Mia's carriage, like Jimmy: her mum can drive the other one, make it a family reunion Janis: still a romantic Janis: his DMs shoulda shook that out of you Jimmy: I work in retail, unshakeable me Jimmy: 👀 and 👂 worse Janis: better give 💀👑 some coping tips whilst we're there then Janis: she's not okay 💔 Jimmy: 🎻🎻😭🖤🩸 Janis: Yeah, really bring that sincerity Jimmy: obvs Janis: is it though Jimmy: she ain't gonna give me any 🏆 and I wouldn't take 'em off her if she tried Jimmy: 💔 I know Janis: s'weird Jimmy: nowt about her ain't Jimmy: not news that Janis: I mean how little she tries to flirt with you to piss me off Janis: definitely thought that'd be her main strategy Jimmy: 🤢🤢 shut up Janis: Fair, how could you compete with Daddy? Janis: 😍 only man for her Jimmy: he is well fit Janis: I'm sure we'd all commit incest for him Jimmy: bit young for me but I'd still have a crack, only human, like Janis: duh Janis: sure she has a granddad you can ask after Jimmy: 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 Janis: more excited about this weekend by the second, aren't ya Jimmy: duh Jimmy: [coughs dramatically IRL but it's not fake he's just a mess who ain't looking after himself] Jimmy: might 💀💀💀 me Janis: sounds it Janis: not very cute, is it, babes Jimmy: her granddad might be about it, you don't know Jimmy: 🤞❤ Janis: I doubt he's into old blokes as well Jimmy: tah for pissing on my hopes and dreams Janis: just saying 💁 Janis: old people like to avoid thinking about their imminent 💀💀💀 Janis: not be reminded of it when you cough up a lung Jimmy: I were one, don't need telling Jimmy: 🤞 it does come out and I can chuck a more 🥇💪 one in Janis: yeah but you're one of a kind, so you like to remind me Janis: well I draw the line at organ donation so off you fuck Jimmy: might've been wrong at least once, again you don't know Jimmy: and I weren't asking for yours Jimmy: seen you 🚬 they'd be crap Janis: I know of plenty of times you've been wrong, if you really want the reminder, granddad Janis: you aren't in a position to be fussy, fuck you Jimmy: Bollocks do you Jimmy: and I can do what I like Janis: Psh Janis: sure can, long as it ain't too taxing on your lungs, eh Jimmy: funny Janis: don't need telling Jimmy: 'course you don't, bighead Jimmy: might have been trying to convince myself to 😂 Jimmy: you know so I don't 😭 Janis: not all that bad Jimmy: what's not? Janis: dunno Janis: was offering platitude Jimmy: 👍 Janis: I get it Janis: tats didn't text you back, yeah? Jimmy: he's yesterday's news, got a new girlfriend now, don't I? Jimmy: [let's say she checked he was alright when he coughed cos would've hurt and would make it awks haha] Janis: 👍 Jimmy: bringing that sincerity yourself, Jasmine Jimmy: well impressed Janis: what do you want? Jimmy: Why would I want owt? Janis: then don't comment Jimmy: you'd have to post something first Janis: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Jimmy: 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 Janis: thrilling as this all is Jimmy: yeah, go on Jimmy: off you fuck Janis: don't be rude Jimmy: don't hang about when you were about to do one just 'cause I said 👋 Janis: you're that type, alright Jimmy: call me what you like, babe Janis: no wonder you fit right in Janis: get a bird and you got no time for your mates Jimmy: I ain't got no mates, get it right Janis: is it any wonder Jimmy: that I don't want any? Jimmy: nah not living round here it's not Janis: people are cunts wherever you go Jimmy: ☀ today, you Jimmy: Tah for that Janis: We ain't friends Janis: try being less of a cunt and see what you get back from people, there's the silver-lining for you Jimmy: You're alright Jimmy: [another dramatic coughing interlude] Janis: For God's sake Janis: go see a doctor Jimmy: You ain't my step mum yet Janis: you're doing my head in Jimmy: mutual that Janis: you can ignore me Janis: you're making a right performance out of this Jimmy: It's all for Bill's 👻 soz Janis: 'course it is Jimmy: got his 💰 on when it'll turn proper 💀💀💀 scene Janis: if you need to resort to winning sympathy already I'm glad I didn't give you no more than the 👍 Jimmy: there you go again, so funny you Janis: it's not funny Jimmy: my broken rib or how much it's doing your head in? either way 💔🎻 Janis: any of it Janis: [leaves the room/area they're in] Jimmy: [obvs gotta follow her even if he gets in trouble for doing it because priorities] Janis: [looking back like 'Jimmy, do not follow me right now'] Jimmy: [does though cos that bitch] Janis: ['I can't even push you so don't'] Jimmy: ['can do, got loads of other ribs to bust'] Janis: [a face like don't even joke] Jimmy: [a face like I'm not] Janis: [shakes head like that's a fucked up thing to say 'I don't wanna hurt you so leave me alone'] Jimmy: [shrugs 'I don't wanna leave you here'] Janis: ['I'm fine' absolutely not but you know] Jimmy: [shakes his head like that's the utter bollocks we know it is and sits] Janis: ['I'm just gonna go, I don't care' looking at the door like do I or nah] Jimmy: [gets up and stands in front of said door so she'd have to move him] Janis: [folding her arms like ugh really, but not making any eye contact right now] Jimmy: [just chilling in front of that door like it's so casual 'if you get in more trouble, I'll never see you'] Janis: ['I don't think they'll put me in prison for missing an afternoon' ah the #bants Jimmy: ['weren't what I said'] Janis: ['I know' pacing casually but not at all casually lol 'you aren't seeing me now so' shrugs] Jimmy: ['I wanna though'] Janis: [the grumpiest lil sad face that you try and make purely grumpy like you're #overit 'clearly not'] Jimmy: [comes over to her so he's right in that grumpy face 'I said, I want to'] Janis: [when you blurt out 'I won't kiss you if you're kissing her' like he did not ask but you're just like #triggered by how bad you clearly wanna when he's that close so then you had to hide under your hair] Jimmy: [very gently unfolds her arms and wraps his around her instead 'I'm not kissing anyone, dickhead' but saying dickhead like it's the biggest term of endearment ever rn] Janis: [we peeping like hmm? 'you wanna though'] Jimmy: ['I wanna kiss you, yeah' just moving her hair out of her face but not doing anything else because you think she doesn't want you to] Janis: [just slightly deer in the headlights whilst you process all this 'cos you don't wanna say anything else stupid/give yourself away harder 'promise?' and actual eye contact again] Jimmy: [looking at her like I PROMISE and we need the caps] Janis: [writes 'promise?' on his arm like tell me though please] Jimmy: [writes it on her without the ? cos he do] Janis: [SUCH a kiss moment bye] Jimmy: [picking her up slightly even though he's not meant to cos we're just in this moment] Janis: [when that does stop you and you put a hand to his ribs like 'I'm sorry'] Jimmy: [shakes his head like it's okay/I'm okay even though not strictly true] Janis: ['I was a dick though, it must be so annoying, waiting for it to heal'] Jimmy: [shrugs because he was a dick too and yeah it's annoying but there's nothing he can do, even though you could take better care of yourself boy we know it] Janis: [just rubbing it almost absentmindedly whilst you snuggle] Jimmy: [having a lovely soft snuggle moment] Janis: ['I missed you'] Jimmy: ['I missed you too'] Janis: [dramatic sigh but actual because this is all such a headfuck always] Jimmy: [just looking at her because heard it obvs they are so close rn and drawing a ? on her skin but I like to think it's somewhere like on her stomach or whatever so he's had to seek it out, maybe her own rib for that parallel] Janis: [breathing in like oh 'cos missed all of this 'I just- I don't-' pausing 'I like it better when we're friends'] Jimmy: ['we don't have to go back yet' because you think that's what she means and then a genuine smile when she says that because #same] Janis: [smiling back] Jimmy: [drawing a ☀ with a smiley face because your hand is still there from before so you might as well] Janis: ['you're cute' 'cos he is and kissing him again] Jimmy: ['you're-' and kissing her more so you don't have to finish that dangerous sentence] Janis: [get a bathroom or something you two] Jimmy: [honestly where even are you #rascals] Janis: [have some alone time either way, not gonna make you get back to work like that, so rude] Jimmy: [we're not that evil] Janis: [only sometimes] Jimmy: [an appropriate amount of evil] Janis: [soz to you community service girl 'cept I'm not at all really] Jimmy: [me either] Janis: [you could tell they came together i 👀 you] Jimmy: [and like even if she only has his 📷 IG there would still be loads of pics of her on there cos muse] Janis: [hussy lmao] Jimmy: [you're as blatant as the lads flirting with Janis] Janis: [giving you no more credit than them lady] Jimmy: [the balls to ask him on a date in the future when you KNOW] Janis: [you been knew] Janis: [shall we go back in or just skip to fest planning/pre vibes?] Jimmy: [I don't mind doing them going back if we can find shit to say because all the #content lol] Janis: [lol same, see what it do, just come out from whatever cupboard/bathroom/secret place you been then, so 😒 about it] Jimmy: [would they get in any trouble do you think? I don't know what the craic is at all #grandma] Janis: [right, so I basically think it's case by case because they could send you to an old people's home and barely check in on you so if the manager of wherever you are is lax then you'd get away with doing the minimum as long as they logged your hours, secondly, I think one thing they should do would be to 'fix' the damage at the school (so the school gets it done for free) but that should just be them and anyone else who got nabbed at the party, so I think when they're there whoever is overseeing would be more extra but maybe here you can get away with a bit more LONG ASS WAY OF SAYING I DON'T THINK THEY NEED TO lmao] Jimmy: [100% agree with that cos then we can do some shit with that too which'll be a different vibe cos like you said more supervised] Janis: [which is a drag but then this girl ain't there so you're shamelessly more happy with that lol] Jimmy: [yeah cos it might literally have just been them who got community service cos their party and they were shamelessly owning it] Janis: [exactly, maybe it's them and some professionals that the school made their 'rents pay for, hence they're more mad about the whole shebang] Jimmy: [Love that, Ian would be so fuming] Janis: [we know, bastard] Jimmy: [Anyway I'll do something to start this chat again lol] Jimmy: 👍? Janis: [does it IRL] Janis: all good Janis: you? Jimmy: [a half smile that's genuine af but we too 😎 to go too hard in case anyone else be 👀] Janis: [is 😍] Janis: 😏 alright, don't make me swoon onto concrete, like Jimmy: I get it, you don't want a #matching broken bone Jimmy: won't call you a part timer for it or owt Janis: just heavily imply it, yeah Janis: If I have to, rather it's for something 😎 tah Jimmy: Bill's 👻 is gonna be 💔 to overhear that Jimmy: What's 😎 than 💕😍? Janis: I'll 🖋 you both a list 💕 Janis: rather you'd broke something 'fore we came back in, wouldn't be mad about that Jimmy: We'll 🖋 you a sonnet, obvs Jimmy: sorta a one trick 🐴 him Jimmy: That's what we're gonna be doing tonight then? Jimmy: once the 🖋 runs out, like Janis: you're just SO arty, babe, can't be tamed by one medium Janis: once you've given yourself the tattoo, definitely Janis: pain for pain, like Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt baby Jimmy: Where do you want me to put it? Janis: you know that, don't do yourself down Janis: OHH you mean the 💘 Janis: can't ask you to ruin your face, neck tats have obviously been tainted, hmm 🤔 Jimmy: you can ask me for owt, you know that Janis: well, don't tell me that Jimmy: just did do Janis: I know Janis: but we only just came back in Jimmy: That's alright, loads we can still do Jimmy: never not got my 🖋 on me, for a start Janis: 'course Janis: 'til we decide where to put it permanently then Janis: [comes over and is looking expectantly like where's the pen then] Jimmy: [mimes taking it from behind her ear cos he's a NERD and then writes the beginning of a poem that just thought up cos #sonnet was promised on her skin with a fingertip, god knows how many words she'd be able to make out cos it's not easy lol] Janis: [cute ass concentration face trying to make it out 'cos you care what he gotta say but just loving how it feels most of all tbh, lifting his sleeve to give him a classic bicep tattoo moment with her fingertip that says 'talented' like 😏] Jimmy: [so 😍 and then trying not to 😳 when you work out what she's written cos always shy about it we know] Janis: [the lads are fully gonna be wheyying at this like the immature boys they is] Jimmy: [such fun I hope that girl has gone for a pee or a 🚬 because if you saw this you literally can't ask him out bitch] Janis: [that's what I'm saying, shameless, they came into this well 😍 even if there has been moments since, rude] Jimmy: [hate her] Janis: [you ain't the only one, but we not thinking about you rn thank you] Jimmy: [😒 at this annoying lads though] Janis: [honestly, you gotta ignore 'em as much as poss. though 'cos they'd just start shit for fun, we know the vibes] Jimmy: [went to school with so many lads like that] Janis: [hard same, you gotta hold your own or they'll bully you but don't rise to it either 'cos that's even funnier] Jimmy: [mhmm] Janis: [you gotta go back to work though lads, calm down] Jimmy: [but also don't ever cos we love it] Janis: [all the #bants probably alerted whoever was meant to be supervising you though, so at least you can be so #starcrossed about it still] Janis: do you have to be so distracting Jimmy: Do you? Jimmy: If you have to then I obvs do an' all Jimmy: that competitive, me Janis: What a coincidence, me too Janis: guess we'll have to deal with it Jimmy: Take our 🏆🏆 and run? Janis: Worked the first time Jimmy: alright Jimmy: take your headstart then Janis: With your lungs? Janis: you need a good 10 on me Jimmy: Bollocks Jimmy: could beat you if I had the one Janis: Oh sweetie Jimmy: less 🗨 more 🏃 my dear Janis: waiting to watch you go, baby 😘 Jimmy: cute Jimmy: Where are we going in a bit? Janis: Where do you wanna go? Janis: shop for your festival ootd? Janis: get a wax and tan? Jimmy: obvs Jimmy: but where do you wanna go? Janis: that's the real question Janis: could go pub, save your da's stash for a night Jimmy: we are gonna need it to sort this festival bollocks out Jimmy: [does the gun mime shooting her then himself] Janis: we can make it fun Janis: you piss on their tent when you're wasted Janis: I'll drop their shit in the mud by 'accident' Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: easy Janis: can get on stage end of last night for the suicide pact Janis: gotta make a final scene of it all Jimmy: Bill's gonna be well proud Jimmy: 🥇💡 baby Janis: what kind of leading lady? 💪🏆 Jimmy: You're alright Janis: At least Bill's proud of me Janis: ultimate Daddy Jimmy: What you starting a 👻🥊 for? Janis: Drama, darling Janis: love it, me Jimmy: You're meant to have me in on it not use it against me, girl Jimmy: bit rude Janis: Babe, you'll win so easy Janis: he wears tights, jussayin' Jimmy: might get distracted then Jimmy: 😍😍 Janis: 😂😂 Janis: idk how old he was when he died but technically hundreds of years old now, so Jimmy: 52 Janis: Your nerd is showing Jimmy: *😎 Janis: Sure, baby Janis: 'bout to break that bone rn Jimmy: [throws something at her as standard] Janis: Oi Janis: [throwing something back, of course] Jimmy: [playful nudge because we probably can't have a full play fight rn but] Janis: is it prison rules Janis: or can we ask what the rest are in for Jimmy: have a go Jimmy: you'll soon find out Janis: dick Janis: want me to get shiv'd, that's so mean 🥺 Jimmy: Baby Jimmy: I'll obvs dive dramatically in the way of it Jimmy: 💀💀💀 for you any time Janis: it's not a bullet and I ain't sure I trust your reflexes but if you fuck it up you'll have to cradle me in your arms 'fore you get to off yourself Janis: Bill will like that Jimmy: me an' all Jimmy: 💕 Janis: be well bloody Janis: so hot, so welcome Janis: 💕 Jimmy: brb need a bit to calm down now before I can do owt Janis: solid excuse Janis: don't actually be fuckiing off without me though Janis: the rudest Jimmy: don't sound like nowt I would do Janis: You're alright Janis: can think of more times you've invited me than not so let you have it Jimmy: Tah very much Janis: thank me later and get the first round in Janis: then I'll know you mean it 😍 Jimmy: Alright Janis: just don't come for my generous 👑 Jimmy: it were mine first, I let you borrow it 'cause I'm that generous, but I'll have it back Janis: you're such a revisionist Jimmy: Oi, I ain't done revision a day in my life Jimmy: you 🤓 Janis: Go write your 👻🖋 biography, loser 😜 Jimmy: [writes an extra post so they can flirt on socials instead cos been a while] Janis: [it has and you need to get this lovey-dovey out your system or you're gonna say more than you should in a serious way rn lol] Jimmy: [that's the hottest tea] Janis: [like it is so soon but not yet bitches] Jimmy: [you gotta let us 🥛 it a bit please lads] Janis: [this is still moving at an extra rate like it's fine, you're still highkey] Jimmy: [school ain't even started back yet so yeah it is] Janis: [we all been knew but shh, pretend this is just sex like how remotely Jimmy: [in what world, we all see you being soft as] Janis: [Jimothy is too soft to do any less] Jimmy: [he is the anti-Mia he can never just hook up] Janis: [god bless, like you have but it was terrible so we don't wanna do that again fast] Jimmy: [I love my soft son] Janis: [we all do] Jimmy: [except Mia who never flirts with him] Janis: [because she loves her dad, she lowkey never flirts just gets boys like come on when it suits her purpose] Jimmy: [what a horrible thought] Janis: [isn't it just, like you consented so it fine but poor Pablo, not a mood not a moment, as much as any of your hookups are, I'm sure] Jimmy: [He's far too hot for her, as is Harold, not about it thank you] Janis: [lads like that don't have standards, like not gonna date you but will fuck you if you're offering] Jimmy: [we all know the type] Janis: [and that is not this cute egg] Jimmy: [they being adorable af rn on socials so deal with that Mia] Janis: [get ready for this festival experience ladies] Jimmy: [Grace would be 1000% trying to get out of going because she does not do camping honey] Janis: [they're all going to be such stereotypes, like being way overdressed, ending up in the med tent 'cos one of you faints or eats shit in the crowd, one of 'em getting schwasted and totally lost] Jimmy: [1000% having all of that happen] Jimmy: [one of them should also hook up with a lad who's with all his mates that they then can't get rid of cos always a thing like fuck off out of our tent please] Janis: [like on some girls then she's checking which one she hooked up with like is it the cute one or nah lol] Jimmy: [I'm gutted they took that iplayer cos I don't remember that but yes] Janis: [awh no, they like work the t-shirt stand for some reason for someone to get funds and they keep calling Viva boring so then she gets really high and they have to put her to bed and Holly gets off with one of the boys...they're all dressed like where's wally or something equally as bants] Jimmy: [I do remember them calling her boring now you've said it] Janis: [ahh, I liked that show] Jimmy: [same though and a rewatch would be #inspo if we can find it Janis: [how stupid Amber was is Asia, and they all wanted to fuck her dad lmao okay I'll find it] Jimmy: [is there anything else we wanna do here or do we wanna do the pub maybe?] Janis: [we can pub it, they being cute, all is well, its the vibe] Jimmy: [yaaas] Janis: [plan this moment and have moments lads] Jimmy: [she's still wearing his clothes and I'm living] Janis: [@ community service girl, could they be more obvious, I know they both covered in lovebites too 'cos always] Jimmy: [such a fat mood] Janis: [when you gonna have to go home to get this tent and undoubtedly have a massive row with your parentals wutwut] Jimmy: [can always make him come with if we wanna make it more awkward] Janis: [lol we should, also get grace to vouch for you like she's been hanging out with me/I'm going to the festival, not that Janis would let 'em stop her but they'll have to try] Jimmy: [I'm down and then he can stay there for a change so Cass will be mad at him before they even go to the festival lol] Janis: [soz babe, she'll take him away less when she knows the tea more] Jimmy: [soz you can't come babe but it's not a cool one like you're imagining] Janis: [imagine how much she'd die laughing at the flat whites but also wanna smack 'em] Jimmy: [she 100% has to meet more of them than just Asia who's the only one she has at this point, I'll say she comes to the CG at some point before he gets fired] Janis: [simply must, we make Grace babysit at some point but she'll probably keep out of her way lol] Jimmy: [she'll her 'bf' by then potentially so probably I'm so glad they get back together when they're older] Janis: [n'awh, jyler forever honey] Jimmy: [anyway he's getting the first drink in as promised] Janis: 👍 lad Jimmy: 😘 Janis: never needed this more Jimmy: more where it came from Janis: cheers for explaining how pubs work to me 😏 Jimmy: my pleasure, rich girl Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: I meant I were good for more than the one round any road Janis: that a promise? Jimmy: Do you want it to be? Janis: What kind of question is that? Janis: Pisshead, according to yo Janis: u* Jimmy: Depends Jimmy: if 🍺 were what you meant Janis: I wasn't gonna order a cocktail Janis: don't reckon they do 'em beyond throwing all the spirits in and seeing what happens Janis: you're safe Jimmy: but you might be chatting shit about my stamina again Janis: that doesn't sound like something I'd do Janis: always hyping you up, mate Jimmy: 👌 Janis: you're more than welcome to prove your stamina to me any time you like though Janis: just generous like that 💁 Jimmy: [obvs does starting by pulling her chair closer to him and then her into his lap when she is like oh hey] Janis: ['oh' 'cos not expecting that but 😏 about it 'cos favourite, just looking back at him like hey yourself] Jimmy: [actually says hey like a little nerd] Janis: [lols, with him not at him, taking a sip of her 🍺 like this is well casual, 'alright?'] Jimmy: [you know her cute laugh kills him so we gotta kiss her neck so she can't be noticing that he's really 😍 'you?' because he knows what he's doing with that saucy behavior] Janis: [another 'oh!' but with feeling, honey, shifting forward so you're even closer in his lap 'you know, pretty good' 'cos love a challenge moment esp. when you shouldn't] Jimmy: [challenge forever accepted gal cos he wasn't going that hard from the off so it's easy to go harder without having to do anything more extra yet seeing as how you just got here] Janis: [just enjoying this far too much, running your fingers through his hair at the back of his head 'you missed me, yeah?'] Jimmy: [going in on whichever bit of her neck/that general area she likes him to the most as an answer because obviously] Janis: [going in on him 'cos it's mutual obviously] Jimmy: [we living our best lives before we've even had a drink how cute] Janis: [how you get anything done is impressive lads, literally so distracted] Jimmy: [there's nobody else around to annoy you be that other community service kids or the peeps in charge so you can just be extra to your heart's content as long as you don't get thrown out this pub before you're done] Janis: [I'm sure you've picked a place they've seen worse, rebhogs that you are] Jimmy: [so deliberately mhmm] Janis: [when you don't wanna be bothered or run into anyone you might know/knows you] Jimmy: [#relatable] Janis: [so into each other, at least you don't really need to plan plan for this festival moment, we know what we're doing] Jimmy: [Let Mia stress, you guys are fine] Janis: [we all know they're all gonna bring too much shit and it's gonna be the wrong shit and that's half the fun honey] Jimmy: [imagine how much the flat whites have been chatting to each other like !!! since he invited them lol] Janis: [casual frenzy like the prep time you have not been given, the horror, lmao] Jimmy: [trying to keep it chill in the chat JJ are in but Asia keeps writing the wrong things in the wrong chat cos she's dumb] Janis: [oh Asia, how shaming, just peak amusement] Jimmy: [Mia's ready to kill her lol] Janis: [when your squad embarrasses you constantly but you have to keep people around that you can manipulate and feel better than so 🤷] Jimmy: [Oh gals] Janis: [I can see the glitter lewks now] Jimmy: [I will genuinely see if I can do some Grace snaps or something cos I'm sorting my folders cos pinterest will likely actually have some basic shit for me] Janis: [you'll have a field-day, deffo should] Jimmy: [Obvs I'll try and do JJ shit too but that'll be harder as per] Janis: [I have some outsidey pics of her so we'll give it a shot] Jimmy: [they can't keep us down] Janis: [you two cannot be tamed in any way, as is apparent rn and how quickly this devolved, good thing we didn't invite the gals to plan lmao] Jimmy: [we should do a planning session with them even if like we do a group chat moment like when we did the school project lol cos you're not invited to the pub ever ladies] Janis: [lol we should it'd be tricky but funny] Jimmy: [Even if we just do a Grace and Janis convo or something to ref it like] Janis: [I don't mind trying, we probably have to agree on their personalities so I don't mess up the ones I do] Jimmy: [lbr they are all pretty much the same but yeah] Janis: [yeah I think I been knew tbh] Jimmy: [I've only got Grace and Asia so far so you can decide who you want lol] Janis: I'll take #2 and Tammy, who both need actual names lol, then whoever wants to be evil can be Mia too] Jimmy: [I think you should cos I'm just a soft hufflepuff baby] Janis: [hohaha lil babby, okay I can do it] Jimmy: [love you boo] Janis: [you wanna do it before we do the festivals? just finish up here] Jimmy: [I think so because 'planning' which is basically just them being annoying and JJ regretting this idea but if we want we could skip around and do some shit in the group chat too when they're actually there for the lols] Janis: [okay, I shall print this 'cos we know what's up here probably...unless we wanna skip to when they go get the tent and the cali row 'cos that would be awkwarrrrd] Jimmy: [oh yeah I do wanna do that because hilarious] Janis: [I'm like do we wanna make him leave and her 'stay' like she won't stay but just to get him out the door 'cos don't want him around them and this whole vibe] Jimmy: [that makes sense] Janis: [you might have to come at me then 'cos she's just silently seething and hiding now] Jimmy: [Alright, what are we saying the vibe was when he left, like how did they leave things?] Janis: [assumedly Cali were like come here please and trying to talk to her and then that devolved into a shouting match so then she probably just came in like soz you gotta go and if he was like come with she was like nah 'cos too angry so] Jimmy: [let's say it's later because 1. they blatantly had that 'argument' and both needed to calm down and 2. it'd take him ages to get home and then would have to deal with his own fam when he has] Jimmy: [okay so he sends her a selfie so she knows he made it home and didn't get lost] Janis: 👍 Janis: didn't get murdered by a roaming serial killer then Jimmy: still time Janis: only if he breaks in, less chance of that Jimmy: ain't 🔒 in yet Janis: living dangerously Janis: very 😎🚬 Jimmy: 😎🚬 is right Janis: neither me nor your faulty lung is shocked Janis: soz if you were tryna get me on the ground again Jimmy: 💔 Janis: have one for me Jimmy: gutted I can't make the 🚬☁ into a 💔 for you an' all though Janis: Same Janis: thought you were talented Jimmy: you said I were Jimmy: have to cross out the 🖋💘 on my 💪 now Janis: match my name, gotta keep it #aesthetic Jimmy: #ultimategoals Janis: tell you what's ultimate goals, if you're still on side Janis: 💀💀 my parents for me Janis: won't turn on you when we get caught or anything, I promise 🤞💕 Jimmy: 💕😍😘 Jimmy: got nowt else on, why the fuck not? Janis: great, knew I kept you 'round for something Janis: I mean, ILY babes Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: proper felt that Janis: nothing but sincerity for you, honey 💕 Jimmy: expect nowt else Janis: know what they say about expectations Jimmy: Go on Janis: I dunno Janis: something about disappointment Jimmy: Tah for that Jimmy: I'll tune my 🎻 Janis: never said I was Bill Jimmy: never a truer word, mate Jimmy: there's only the one Janis: yeah and you 💕 him so much 'cos you're such a 🤓 Janis: I know, I'm cool with it Jimmy: Alright, shut up Jimmy: like I said, nowt else on, might as well do my homework Jimmy: take advantage of the 👻 who never pisses off Janis: maybe you remind him of his boyfriend Janis: idk if he had just the one Jimmy: such a romantic, you Janis: be a good report, all I'm thinking, everyone would leave you well alone after that Jimmy: I'll crack on with that then Janis: remember, gotta make 'em love you 'fore that though, make parting with you the sweetest of sorrow Jimmy: Obvs Janis: soz, forgot you're such a pro Janis: you can approve their hundred of outfit options for me, if you want Jimmy: Do you want that kind of fake boyfriend? Jimmy: telling you what you wear Janis: I know, be well hypocritical of you to judge anyone's style Jimmy: Piss off Janis: that's where the line is drawn, yeah? Jimmy: what line? Janis: THE line Janis: you're fit and mysterious, you should know Jimmy: that's more of a 🚬☁ around me Jimmy: I can draw you being a dickhead if you want though Jimmy: 🥇 inspiration being offered Janis: charming Jimmy: yeah you are, that's what I'm saying Janis: know what you're saying Janis: not thick Jimmy: you want a 🏆? Janis: sure Janis: can piss in it on this trip instead of risking the portaloos Jimmy: always 🤔 you Jimmy: 🥇💡 Janis: got talents beyond being a dickhead believe it or not Jimmy: ain't convinced but alright Janis: well now you're just wanting a 🏆 of your own Janis: good luck Jimmy: might drink outta mine, long as we don't get 'em mixed up Jimmy: not a #kinkunlocked Janis: 🤢 Janis: you're disgusting, boy Jimmy: I just said I weren't into it Jimmy: make me protest any harder and it'll sound like I am Janis: an animal Janis: ugh Janis: I'M NOT GONNA PEE ON YOU STOP ASKING OMG Jimmy: 😏 won't bother saying please then Janis: ugh, like maybe for our month-a-versary but you CANNOT tell anyone Jimmy: If it don't go on stories what's the point? Janis: exhibitionism is more of a given than a #kinkunlocked Jimmy: DUH Jimmy: love a bit of 👀👂 me Jimmy: full spotlight or nowt, tah Janis: such a ⭐ Janis: I draw the line at 💩 FOR REALS though Jimmy: 💔 Janis: I know Janis: thank God it's all fake, right Jimmy: and near over Janis: 🙌 Jimmy: but I don't reckon me 🤢 on my homework'll fly as a decent excuse so stop being bloody grim please Janis: you that loves it, not me Janis: I'm just doing whatever you want to be the best gf ever, what is more relatable to the doormats Jimmy: we ain't doing relatable we're doing #aspirational babes Jimmy: I'm probably meant to be your doormat Janis: Mia would be about that, deffo Janis: not sure on the rest, their dominatrix vibe is not that strong Jimmy: There you go then Jimmy: she's 👑 its her opinion that matters Janis: don't tell her that Janis: o out on the spot Jimmy: 🤢🤢🤢 Janis: mhmm Janis: had enough shit today without that smugness being thrown my way Jimmy: now that's #relatable Janis: voice of the people, me Jimmy: take your 🏆 Jimmy: can give her a smack with it when we get there Janis: hot Janis: use her blood for my motd Jimmy: I've got talents that don't begin and end with being a dickhead an' all Janis: I know, I've told you Janis: not rude like you Jimmy: you have your moments Janis: tah for the glowing review Janis: can I quote you? Jimmy: Where's the quote going? Janis: CV Janis: tell my 'rents, like Jimmy: I'll give you a better one then Janis: well don't lie Jimmy: Don't sound like me that Janis: only sometimes Jimmy: [writes her a silly and funny fake CV with little doodles and everything cos he's a BIG nerd] Janis: 😂 Janis: that's so Janis: definitely get me a job at CG Jimmy: were my plan all along Jimmy: take my job and I'll 👻 Janis: I'm alright with that Jimmy: Let's go then Jimmy: ready to walk through a wall right about now, me Janis: you know who's on shift or Jimmy: Don't have my 🖤 set on going there or owt Jimmy: just going Janis: where Janis: or is that an official 👻 secret Jimmy: Do I need a where? Janis: nah Janis: just nosy Jimmy: so you coming or what? Janis: I'm still in the same mood, you know Jimmy: weren't what I asked Janis: you finished your homework? Jimmy: that a dealbreaker? Janis: only fuck with 🤓s Jimmy: Alright, I won't tell you I was lying about doing owt Janis: s'alright, not been doing fuck all myself Jimmy: marding counts when you do it well as you Janis: fuck off Jimmy: just take the compliment Janis: it ain't a compliment Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt baby Jimmy: course it is Janis: you don't know, they're fucking nightmares Jimmy: I weren't offering them a 🏆 Jimmy: just you Janis: call me a 🙀 all you wanna but ain't in the mood for bullshit and pisstaking rn Jimmy: what are you in the mood for? Jimmy: Let's do that Janis: alright Janis: meet me here [gym location] in about fucking forever 'cos I've got to bus it there Jimmy: I'll take his car if you want, he's a fucking nightmare an' all Janis: as good as the mems in there are Janis: don't worry Jimmy: Alright Janis: I do have the tent to drop off at yours though Jimmy: if he keeps doing my head in, I'll want it Janis: What's today's 😡🤬 Mr. T? Jimmy: @ him Janis: you say you don't want me to be your step-mum Janis: always tryna hook us up though 👀🙄 Jimmy: nowt personal I just don't wanna 🗨 to him Janis: #relatable Jimmy: #fated Jimmy: me and you Janis: someone should write our story into like Janis: a play Janis: 😍😍😍 Jimmy: I'll crack on with while I'm waiting for your bus to bring you in Janis: you'll wait for me? Janis: baby Jimmy: You reckon I can find [location] on my own? Jimmy: need you to hold my hand Janis: shh don't make it #ungoals Jimmy: 🤐 Janis: more like it Jimmy: 💕 Janis: can we fake one thing for real? Jimmy: What? Janis: pretend you never heard any of that back there, yeah? Janis: Sadly 'pretend I don't have a family' is just too unrealistic 😕 Jimmy: can't hear fuck all, me Jimmy: that your plan back then, were it? Janis: obviously Janis: you'd already had to hear enough from my sister, trying to do you a favour Jimmy: ✔ job done Janis: 👍 Janis: cheers then Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: [sends her a selfie of him already waiting at where the bus drops her like a little 🐕 cos wanted to leave his gaff] Janis: well that's just rude Janis: you aren't allowed to look that good when I'm not there to do something about it Jimmy: I told you before there's loads we can do Jimmy: just get your 🖋 Janis: I should've left with you Janis: you can have that in writing Jimmy: you can come back with me in a bit Janis: that's the only rule, isn't it Jimmy: I said what I said Janis: are you sure Jimmy: if you don't wanna, say that Janis: not what I said Janis: or wanna Jimmy: sorted then Janis: this time, you're not going to leave before I can make you feel good Jimmy: that's why I don't need asking if I'm sure Janis: you won't regret it Jimmy: I don't Janis: Me either Jimmy: good Janis: [sends him a pouty selfie from the bus like get me outta here now] Jimmy: Oi Jimmy: Stop trying to 💀💀💀 me, I get a kiss first, ask Bill he'll tell you Janis: [cheeky video blowing him a kiss like there you go] Janis: if you and Bill can wait though, you'll get more Jimmy: Bill can do one, I got here ages ago Janis: 😏 Janis: alright, just for you Jimmy: and you Janis: me and you then Jimmy: [sends her a little video of him doing a smoke ring heart cos there are ways you can actually do it who knew and I like to think he's using his time wisely to figure out how] Janis: you're so hot it hurts though Janis: actually indecent Jimmy: That's you Janis: I want you so bad right now Jimmy: I don't want it to hurt though Janis: I don't mind Janis: I like it Jimmy: you're just Janis: tell me Jimmy: you're so fucking Jimmy: worth being stuck here for Janis: damn Janis: that was Jimmy: Everything's shit and I don't care 'cause there's barely room for owt but you in my head anyway Janis: I just wanna be with you all the time Janis: that's how much I think about you anyway Jimmy: be here when you want Jimmy: I've already chucked the rule out Janis: tempting Jimmy: that's you an' all Janis: where'd you learn to say all the right things, like Jimmy: You're my muse, have a word with yourself Janis: Imagine if we'd never done this Janis: for real, no fake shit Jimmy: I don't wanna imagine that, tah Janis: Me either Janis: you were always good but you're a lot better when you're being you Jimmy: I said stop trying to 💀💀💀 me, didn't I? Janis: I'm sorry, just can't stop thinking about how much I regret not leaving with you Janis: which then makes me think about all the other things I regret about you Janis: like not fucking you for real a lot, lot sooner Jimmy: I get it, I do Janis: You better Jimmy: come on, you know there's shit even I can't fake Jimmy: no lad's that oscar worthy Janis: Good Janis: I'm sick of fake Jimmy: If you need me to show you again that it's not, you'll be able to feel it, no challenge Janis: there's no limit on how many times you can show me, is there Janis: bears repeating again and again, I reckon Jimmy: only limit's how much you can take so you tell me, girl Janis: Jesus Janis: Jimmy Jimmy: You can't be saying my name like that Jimmy: you'll get struck down by the other one Janis: I can't say it out loud right now Janis: but if that's how I go, not mad about it Jimmy: you're going nowhere but here yet Janis: oh Jimmy: How can I can get you to say it? Janis: say what Jimmy: you said you can't say my name out loud right now, thing is, I wanna hear it Janis: well Janis: maybe I could be convinced Jimmy: [🔥 sext of course because now is a good time] Janis: It hits different when you mean it Jimmy: not what I'm waiting to 👂 but I'll take it Janis: I can't give you what you want that easy Jimmy: Why? Janis: wouldn't be very 🥇 would it Jimmy: if I give you what you want an' all, what can be more 🥇 than that? Janis: but Janis: no, okay Janis: [that 🔥 audio] Jimmy: fuck Janis: yeah Janis: your fault Jimmy: if an apology is what you're after I'll give it my best 'cause I said owt you want but Janis: you know what I really want though Janis: or do I have to try harder Jimmy: you don't have to try Janis: I will though Jimmy: I know Janis: Good Jimmy: What I still dunno is how you're so Janis: You just Janis: make me want you Jimmy: there's nowt you could do to make me want you more than I do Jimmy: other than be here Janis: fuck this fucking bus Janis: I swear, next time I have to be on it you will be too and we'll make the most of just how long it takes Jimmy: got that in writing Janis: I'll write it all over you if you like Jimmy: 🤞? Janis: only if it inspires some great work of art from you too, obviously Jimmy: Alright Janis: 🤞 it won't feel like work Jimmy: never does Janis: I'll take that as a glowing review, yeah 😏 Jimmy: can do Jimmy: but I'll do better if that's what you want Janis: Fuck words Janis: I'm bad at 'em Janis: you'll show me Jimmy: You'll find the right words then Janis: 'cos I don't have to think then Janis: or stop myself Jimmy: there's no need to now Janis: 'course there is Jimmy: course there ain't Janis: you can't get me to make a dickhead of myself that easy Jimmy: weren't part of my plan Janis: what is the plan? Jimmy: you brought me here, don't you have your own? Janis: oh yeah Janis: I'd forgotten about that Jimmy: I get it, there's some other shit you'd rather do first since you said Janis: pretty much Janis: who knew there are ways to work out your frustration that aren't punching things? Jimmy: I could've told you but I'd be risking a smack Janis: not without the pads on Janis: not fucked off with you Jimmy: you were a bit ago Janis: come on Jimmy: What? Janis: you were just there Jimmy: yeah Janis: you don't want me to say the s word do you Jimmy: Why would I? Janis: dunno Jimmy: fuck words, weren't that what you just said? Jimmy: I don't need that one Janis: good Janis: weren't gonna say it but still want you to be there when I get there so Jimmy: not making it that easy for you to get rid Janis: don't Janis: I wanna keep you Janis: around Jimmy: you can't give it out like you're shit at words and then put them ones together for me Janis: something about you, makes me wish I was good Jimmy: You're good Janis: nah Jimmy: you heard me, I reckon you're good Janis: you Jimmy: you Janis: am I gonna have to say your name again to get you speechless or what Jimmy: Dunno the answer to that until you do, do I? Janis: [sends audio saying his name all sexy but then tells him to 'shut the fuck up' deadpan for the lols] Jimmy: 👏 still on track for that oscar, babe Janis: I don't wanna be fake Jimmy: well, I don't believe you want me to shut up, so it's alright Janis: tell me something then Janis: truth for a truth Janis: but don't tell me you wanna fuck my sister 'cos I don't wanna hear it Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: What do you wanna hear then? Janis: that's all you've got to friggin' say, is it Janis: literally anything that's real, I don't care Jimmy: got loads to say, me Jimmy: known for it ain't I? Janis: go on Jimmy: put me on the spot a bit but alright Janis: you just need to make me feel not like a twat for the overshare Jimmy: this shouldn't be fake, nowt about that's an overshare Jimmy: you don't have to feel like a twat for saying what we both know Janis: I meant what I said about keeping you around Jimmy: and I meant when I said you're worth sticking around for Janis: yeah Janis: you did say that Janis: ignore me Janis: my head is fucked Jimmy: I can't ignore you, that's true if you still want something that is Janis: I can say sorry for that then Jimmy: don't though Janis: my family are insane, and everyone chats shit on me constantly, most of all Mia and co who you now know are literally psycho Janis: I'd have to really hate you to wanna put any of that on you Jimmy: Go on and hate me then Janis: you want me to? Jimmy: is it gonna mean we're in this together? Jimmy: 'cause there's nowt you just said that near enough don't apply to me an' all but I'm still sitting here and you said you wanted me to be Jimmy: things are alright how they are Jimmy: aren't they? Janis: I do, I wanna see you Janis: it's alright for me Janis: good Jimmy: so leave the sorry's out Janis: I'll never say sorry to you again Janis: how's that Jimmy: 👍 Janis: 👌 Jimmy: Alright Janis: I'll say I hate you if it's a #kinkunlocked but I won't mean it Janis: soz 💁 Jimmy: can't let you even if it is Jimmy: you don't wanna be fake, I heard you Janis: next time Jimmy: you're gonna change your mind? Janis: next time it can be your choice Janis: fake as you like Jimmy: what makes you reckon I'll pick different to you? Janis: you implied you want me to say it Jimmy: Nah, I said I can handle all the bollocks you listed off Jimmy: 💪🏆 me Janis: have plenty chance to show me in a sec Janis: 🥊 Jimmy: 💕 Janis: 🥇 Jimmy: Are you actually nearly here or what? Janis: Yeah Janis: 5 minutes Jimmy: ⏲ Janis: can't count it as my personal best Janis: bus driver slowing me down Jimmy: 🎻💔💔🎻 Jimmy: must not be a follower, a proper #fan would NEVER Janis: might wanna follow me though Janis: get ready to defend my honour Jimmy: I'll get him on 📷 love giving a shout out, me Janis: name and shame, more like Jimmy: you alright? Janis: nothing I can't handle Janis: 💪🏆 Jimmy: weren't what I asked, bighead Janis: say your name is Jamie, if he asks Janis: 👀 like he heard your real one Jimmy: ask him his, got a lovely voice, me Jimmy: he'll soon forget owt else he might've heard Janis: 😂 Janis: stop Janis: already look certifiable here Jimmy: go on Jimmy: 💰 on it being 😍😍🤤 as names go Janis: Alright but this counts as a dare Jimmy: I get that you're gutted every dickhead don't wear a name tag, #kinkunlocked an' all, but it don't count as nowt unless he answers, mate Janis: 'scuse me I like ease of conversation, James Janis: not at all that I'm shamed and it's all your fault Janis: It's Rob Janis: Robbo to his mates Jimmy: [a hilarious voice memo for him] Jimmy: put that to his 👂 Jimmy: I could do with a decent mate Janis: fuck you cunt 😂 Janis: [sneaky filming this confused man's reaction, probably like please leave me alone oh kids] Jimmy: wonder why I'm scouting for new talent, mouth like that Jimmy: outrageous you Janis: oh, such an 😇 Janis: tell my 'rents and your dad that it was all me and my influence then Jimmy: Robbo is, god bless that beautiful man Jimmy: you can shut up though Janis: not getting off now Janis: drive on, Rob Janis: breaking my heart, you Jimmy: Baby Janis: Remember when I was the only mate you wanted 😢 Jimmy: it were a simpler time, before any of us were keen to ride off into the sunset with Rob Janis: say bye to you now then Janis: forever Jimmy: remember when you wanted to keep me about 😢😢 Janis: you did this, don't try to turn it around on me Janis: I'm devastated Janis: being consoled so much rn Jimmy: bit rude that you won't fight for me Jimmy: ruder for you that he won't do as good a job of that as I would Janis: Robbo is well hard, who am I to compete Janis: you reckon you can give it a go though, yeah? Jimmy: thought you were 🥇 that bollocks were it? Jimmy: and duh can give owt a go, me Janis: 🥇 at lots of shit, more than most Janis: 🥇 mate though? probs not Jimmy: just come here Jimmy: I rate you Jimmy: you're so Janis: [gets off the bus and full-on movie kiss runs to him] Jimmy: [SUCH an enthusiastic response soz to everyone else who's getting off that bus] Janis: [all the old people giving evils, has literally never cared less about anything] Jimmy: [they're used to getting evils from Mia, old ladies they are unfazed thank you] Janis: [thank god she doesn't take her stalking to that extreme yet] Jimmy: [never been on a bus in her life] Janis: [would make her mum drive them in to school but there's only room for 4 out of 5 so if you were out of favour that day you'd be fucked] Jimmy: [I hope Asia's bfs are old enough to drive cos you know it's her when she's got one] Janis: [🤞 they are 'cos aren't goals in other ways really god bless, she'd so use it as a power play like leave it 'til the last minute the night before so no one knows what they're doing] Jimmy: [she so would, oh Mia, we should 100% say her mum drives them to the festival and decide who we're gonna leave out lol] Janis: [who else should we rope in, like Cali or another parental?[ Jimmy: [we could always have Iggy do it with the van if Cali are being rude cos they don't love jimothy then Grace could come with them which would be so awks] Janis: [makes sense, Grace out of favour 'cos Janis is her sister, like, they can then take all the shit as well which Princess Mia would love] Jimmy: [yeah that's what I thought cos you know Grace is lowkey always like you don't even wanna fuck barista boy so can you chill out] Janis: [and Mia's just like they're just trying to make fools of us, your sister hates you, which like they are but you're just salty] Jimmy: [it true but it's not your place to play on all Grace's insecurities by telling her Janis don't love her, you hoe] Janis: [you don't know it's true you're just losing control and hate it] Jimmy: [Grace is still gonna have a better time in the van with that lot than she would with you and that's tea] Janis: [when your friendship so toxic] Jimmy: [literally just the fact she can like eat what she wants/ listen to what music she wants etc would make it better than being in Mia's car, the bar is so low rn] Janis: [pop off sis, we know they'll be happy to ignore you] Jimmy: [you can talk to whatever hot hippie gf Iggy's got currently it's fine] Janis: [like you probably should talk to her to keep this illusion going but you wouldn't wanna lmao] Jimmy: [we all know she's not expecting it/isn't gonna dob you in to Mia regardless so live your best lives kids] Janis: [we're distracted anyway, back to this] Jimmy: [we always get derailed] Janis: [what do we wanna do here, obvs going back to his after but is there anything we wanna say or do] Jimmy: [good question, we have covered quite a lot already tbf but I'm always down for keeping on cos no chill] Janis: [well you're clearly gonna need to have a moment in the changing room before but you can still have a spar moment after] Jimmy: [yasss, I have spar content from that mmfd scene if you want me to send you any] Janis: [why not sweaty, I hope the place is low-key empty 'cos the blatant sexual tension would be awks for dudes just tryna workout lol] Jimmy: [we can say it is because that was blatantly the last bus seeing as they had to have time to calm down post cali drama and they'd already had a day of community service and been to the pub prior] Janis: [not that you two really care but we'll allow it] Jimmy: [for the sake of not having an audience for once] Janis: [who knows how much alone time you can guarantee back at his] Jimmy: [I vote they sleep under/on the trampoline] Janis: [down, obvs] Jimmy: [slightly more privacy guaranteed though Twix will probably be high key as ever] Janis: [always] Jimmy: [also don't have to deal with Ian always a plus] Janis: [we're all thrilled about that, esp. with the cockblock train the 'rents are on rn] Jimmy: [oh my GOD imagine if he was driving them to the festival not that he ever would] Janis: [the worst car ride in the world lol] Jimmy: [as for rn do steal from his stash again though because very deserved] Janis: [absolutely, don't get drunk though, so dangerously close to saying how you feel] Jimmy: [evil laughing over here] Janis: [trickster] Jimmy: [for real though probably do wait for the festival for the drama] Janis: [love drama] Jimmy: [he should 100% teach her how to do smoke rings cos perfect time if they're sleeping outside] Janis: [yes he must] Jimmy: [and one of the ways to do a heart shape starts with blowing two different sized rings so they can do it together then #realgoals] Janis: [when that's such a moment] Jimmy: [living their best lives] Janis: [so in love tbh] Jimmy: [we 👀 you and so does Cass and she's not shipping it rn] Janis: [a good convo starting point 'is your sister alright? once she's gone from blatantly shading you lol] Jimmy: [just shrugging like you don't care even though we know you do] Janis: [shrugging back like alright 'if you let her cut my hair off in the night I'll be raging at you, like] Jimmy: [a lol that you can't help even though you're not in the mood] Janis: [nudges him like I get it '#1 sister, me' 😏] Jimmy: [just having a furious text convo with Cass so all y'all's secrets aren't outted 'sounds about right that' 😏 'easier or harder to get gold when you've got more than one?'] Janis: [shrugs 'depends how you slice it'] Jimmy: [mimes stabbing her in the back cos gals are bitches] Janis: [mimes pulling it back out and holding it to his throat 'obviously I'm alpha so' shrugs like that's gold 'but if it's majority rules' shrugs like idk] Jimmy: ['hot' shrugs again himself 'won't bother @ing any of your sisters then'] Janis: [a 😒 look 'shut up'] Jimmy: [draws a smiley face shaped mouth with his fingertip in the air right by her mouth and then a ✔ next to it] Janis: ['such a dickhead' but not actually mad about it] Jimmy: [nods because Cass is saying as much and worse lbr rn but sighs fake dramatically because can't show you're really bothered 'blessing and a curse, like' and a LOOK because we all know that he's saying that's what her type is and they wouldn't be here if not] Janis: [patting his head like poor boy 'til he gives you a LOOK then you're giving him one back but you're now needlessly close 'just sounds like a cure to me'] Janis: *curse Jimmy: [giving her a look like oh does it and uses her hair that Cass will thankfully not be cutting off to pull her further in for a kiss] Janis: [carrying on talking between kisses 'yeah, you're stuck with me as your only mate, what could be worse?' and then going harder like yeah, this is SO awful isn't it] Jimmy: [likewise 'but it's not like you're my best mate or owt' and going harder still] Janis: ['how do I make that happen again?' we just going more and more every time obvs] Jimmy: ['Depends' and again likewise of course 'How bad do you want it to?] Janis: [makes a noise that's enough like 'I-' that you can turn it into what you say but not enough like it that it isn't obvious to him 'cos shameless '-think I need time to think about that'] Jimmy: [stops and moves away like he's gonna get up off this trampoline and go in to leave her to think because that bitch 'Alright, see you in a bit, yeah?'] Janis: [does a mini winnie growl like oi] Jimmy: [looking at her in such an ott ? manner like he's so unaware of what could possibly be wrong] Janis: [pulling him back down and pinning him like 'you know'] Jimmy: [so into it, can't even keep the charade of trying to go anywhere/not knowing going because she's the hottest ever 'so tell me what you're thinking about'] Janis: [points at him like she's suddenly lost the ability to use words] Jimmy: ['go on' like please tell me more about this as if she's actually said anything but kissing her softly and distractingly everywhere cos that bitch] Janis: 'you' that resolve broke easily gal 'and how you're so-'] Jimmy: ['what?' because you have to but also you want her to finish that sentence really badly rn] Janis: ['I don't- I'm shit with words, remember'] Jimmy: ['I don't reckon you are, remember' and giving her even more kisses for encouragement but less soft because that's what we're all pretending we like] Janis: ['you're mine' and going the hardest to cover any doubt that you mean that anyway than sexually rn in the moment heheh ok] Jimmy: [going with it because questioning that is too dangerous and uncertain and you just don't wanna tbh not rn anyway plus we all know you'd LOVE hearing that so] Janis: [enjoy that lads, you can worry over it later] Jimmy: [which you so will] Janis: [on both counts, yes] Jimmy: [ILY you two] Janis: [at least you don't have too long to be awks and in the rn you can roll over like you're THAT tired] Jimmy: [doing that thing he always does where he rolls her back over like excuse you, looking at her like bit rude but amused not annoyed] Janis: [does a stage yawn like sorry, what? and attempts to roll away away on the trampoline like good day] Jimmy: ['don't fall off, you might break a bone an' all' jokingly still but a bit more like ?] Janis: ['psh' like how dare you, such a pro, does roll back a bit so it's less obvious you're actually uncomfortable] Jimmy: [just looking at her like are you really gonna make me ask what's wrong? because not an idiot] Janis: [shakes head to get self together, also to be like no/don't] Jimmy: [goes to make tea like that'll make her feel better cos that northern] Janis: [getting him to leave the 🚬s so you can have one] Jimmy: [lights it for her before he goes cos #whipped always] Janis: not smoking yours 🤞 Jimmy: convincing that were Janis: you might notice one missing if you count 'em Janis: clearing my name 'fore you do 😇 Jimmy: 1. you know I can't count, Jules Jimmy: 2. if there are any missing you won't get any 🍪 Janis: 🙀 Janis: that's cruel and unusual punishment Janis: don't presume my #kinkunlocked there thanks, I want 🍪🍪🍪 Jimmy: weren't challenging you to see how many you could fit in your mouth Jimmy: but alright Janis: 1. I could easily do double if not triple that Janis: 2. get your mind out the gutter Jimmy: If you keep being that hot, how can I? Jimmy: be fair Janis: I know Janis: gift and a curse Jimmy: #relatable Janis: only thing I want hot is my tea Janis: focus please Jimmy: oh shit Jimmy: you're gonna be so 💔💔💔 Janis: have you iced it??? Jimmy: the news is even worse Janis: well, don't keep me in suspense Jimmy: 🚫🍪!!! Janis: I'm leaving Janis: 👋 Jimmy: go via the shop or you ain't never coming back Janis: oh really Jimmy: you heard Jimmy: [comes out with the tea though] Janis: ['am I allowed to drink it before it gets cold or?'] Jimmy: [shrugs but is fully 😏 and hands it to her like there you go] Janis: [shakes her head like idk, you call this service but is also 😏] Jimmy: [hits his mug against hers to do a cheers, don't do a me and spill it all on yourself boy] Janis: [chin chin gals] Jimmy: [having that 🚬 he missed out on but sharing it with her if she wants because that bitch] Janis: [when you fake 😍 to cover actual 'cos he's just that cute] Jimmy: [giving them back because she's so beautiful it's honestly ridiculous] Janis: [pulling a dumb face as if that's gonna make either of you less 😍 really] Jimmy: [now we just having a face pulling contest because competitive forever] Janis: [a fat mood, ending up loling which wasn't the plan but not mad] Jimmy: [and more 😍 because so cute when they lol] Janis: ['bastard' softly and with feeling under your breath 'cos so affronted by his everything rn] Jimmy: ['what?' did he actually hear that or not, we'll never know baby] Janis: ['you heard'] Jimmy: [cups his ear like he so deaf] Janis: ['I'll finish the job if you ain't careful' 😏] Jimmy: [crosses his fingers IRL 😏] Janis: [gets up on his neck and traces a finger over his ear like, I'm deadly serious] Jimmy: [a lil noise cos #same] Janis: [obviously giving it your all at this] Jimmy: [obviously dying] Janis: [whispers right in his ear 'can you hear me now?'] Jimmy: [nods because what can we trust ourselves to say rn boy] Janis: ['good' smiling into his skin before doing more damage 'you're so fucking distracting, Jimmy'] Jimmy: [managing to say 'you' because must but you can imagine how his voice sounds thanks to her and everything she's up to] Janis: [shakes head and her hair probably tickles him, just tracing your finger down from his ear, down his neck and then along his shoulders, going back and forth 'it's you'] Jimmy: [playing with her hair but not as softly as he normally does because that's the #mood 'no it's not'] Janis: [clearly #intoit 'you aren't distracted, your attention is exactly where I want it' and a LOOK to prove her point] Jimmy: [LOOKING back at her because her attention is exactly where he wants it too obvs] Janis: ['I just wanna...' makeout moment] Jimmy: ['I just want you' picture kissing between each word because we highkey] Janis: ['shit' losing yourself in said moment] Jimmy: [keeping all the moments going as long as you can because you said what you said and you obvs meant it] Janis: [just gonna end up in the same position again girl, no point tryna be awkward about it tbh] Jimmy: [soz not soz] Janis: [neither's she] Jimmy: [is there anything else we wanna do though or should we chill before they give themselves away hardcore?] Janis: [have to actually exhaust themselves eventually, then they can be too busy going in the AM to talk or be real, we fine] Jimmy: [do what you've gotta do to avoid having THAT convo kids] Janis: [soon my babies, soon]
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hollands-poppet · 6 years
Don’t Make Me Choose// Chapter 1
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Mob!Tom Holland and Mob!Harrison Osterfield AU series
A/N: AHHH, I’m so excited to finally put this part out! I’ve been working on it for a while so to get this out is so exciting! I would love some feedback, and also your guy’s response will also determine how fast the next part will come out. 
Word Count: 5.6K 💛
Warnings: angsty, alcohol abuse, italics is flashback, I didn’t proofread this at all 
Being a part of the mob was something Harrison thought was the greatest thing in the world. He thought it was cooler than being the president of the United States or even better than being a superhero. He felt like like he had it all, he had more money than he knew what he could do with and he was able to take care of the people that he loved.
Oh, how he loved Y/N and he would literally do anything for her. And if there was a God, he literally thought she was a gift from up above because she was one of the most beautiful women he has ever seen. He knew from the moment his eyes landed on her that he wanted all of her and to make her his forever.
She turned around from the view of the mirror, her toothy smile immediately making Harrison fall in love with her even more. She turned her back to him again and lifted her hair so that her back was exposed, “Do you think you can button me up?” His fingers lingering to the buttons and your dress and slowly buttoning the pearl beads on her back, the tip from his fingers sending shivers down her spine.
“Thank you, Haz.” She lets her hair down loose again, and turns to him. He wanted to lean in and kiss her, it felt like it was just two of them left in the world until he realized her bridesmaids started setting the veil over her head. It reminded him again that his boss, his best friend and most powerful mobster in the UK was marrying the girl he was in love with.
One of the bridesmaids, Bella, who also happened to be Y/N’s maid of honor and best friend started to pin down the veil. She made sure to hide the pins where no one could see them. The veil itself was long, from the front it nearly touched the ground but from behind it was a train that was longer than the train from the dress.
Bella held a few pins in her mouth as Y/N stare down at the bouquet in her hands. The veil was long and beautiful with lace details all around to the front and to the train. It truly gave Y/N a heavenly look, she almost looked like an angel or maybe that’s what Harrison was thinking because he was head over heels for her.
“Do you need some help with that?” Robyn asked, another one of Y/N’s bridesmaids who was adjusting the train just perfectly on the ground. In the midst of all this adjusting of the veil, Haz just stared at the woman in front of him and was taking her all in one last time before she was wed off to Tom.
He is knocked out of his thoughts when he hears her voice, Y/N’s eyes already locking with his when she looks up from the bouquet. “Are you okay? You look a little pale.”
He clears his throat, and adjusts his bow tie as he shakes his head “No, no. I’m just fine. You know what? I should go and check on the groom, make sure he’s ready to go.”
Y/N nods, she really can’t do much under that veil.
“Thanks again Haz, Tom is so lucky to have you. I’m not surprised he picked you to be his best man.”
Ouch, that stings.
He buttons his tuxedo and smiles behind his bittersweet taste of this wedding, “You know, he’d be nothing without me.”
Lies again.
They both laugh in synchronicity as Bella and Robyn both finish up on the veil, the two ladies both stop in place and notice the vibe between the two.
Haz makes eye contact with Robyn who has her arms crossed, not really liking what she is seeing. “Harrison, why don’t you go get Tom now? I’ll see you before we walk down the aisle.”
Y/N notices the tension that starts to arise, “Thanks again, Haz. See you out there.” She gives him one more smile until she looks back at Bella who is already adjusting the veil from the front.
And then Haz began to make his way out of the guest room of his best friend’s mansion and started to walk towards Tom’s office.
Y/N wanted a twilight,forest vibe wedding back home in the states but Tom was able to convince her to have the wedding in his backyard back in London. He met Y/N back in the states when he was making a few deals out in New York almost 3 years back. She was out on vacation and they both met at Joanne’s Trattoria where she was eating with Bella.
Haz remembers that night so clearly, he remembers walking in and seeing her sitting at the table with her hair straightened and really natural makeup that highlighted all of her best features. Fuck, he was mesmerized.
“A table for two, please.” Tom remarks as he checks his time on the watch. The hostess apologizes and tells him that he must make a reservation but Haz is tuned out of the conversation at this point.
He’s only paying attention to the woman who is sitting across the tiny restaurant, her smile was already so contagious. Haz could hear Tom threatening the hostess when he places his hand on his mate’s shoulder, “Actually miss, those are our friends at that table, we’ll just go and sit with them.”
Tom looks confused as fuck but plays along with his friend’s idea, “What are you doing?” Haz again pats his friend’s shoulder, “Look at that table.” He nods his head in direction of Y/N and when Tom looked back at his mate, he let out a giggle.
“You want to fuck her, don’t you?” The brunette continues to let out quiet laughs, Haz’s cheeks immediately becoming flustered.
“What? No, mate. I don’t even know her.” The two still standing be the entrance look around to see if anyone if paying attention to their conversation, paranoia always on the back of their minds.
“I know you don’t know her, I just know you haven’t gotten laid in a while.” He takes a look back at the table where Y/N was sitting, “Fuck, she is beautiful. I’ll give you that Haz.”
The blue eyed blonde chuckles, Tom was right about the getting laid part but he didn’t want to fuck her. He did want to know her.
“Well, let’s get to know her then.” The most powerful mobster in London readjust his suit and made his way towards the table, leaving Haz behind.
Now that night Tom knew that Haz wanted to make a move on Y/N. So he let him but his soon wife-to-be couldn’t help but gravitate with Tom in the moment, and he did too. He knew from the moment he lied eyes on Y/N that he was going to make her his wife someday.
But he wasn’t ever going to tell Harrison that.
Tom knew that Haz probably had a salty palette at some point about him and Y/N dating but love is love. You don’t choose who you fall in love with, it just sort of hits you in the face and you roll with it. And that was something Tom could never understand.
It was a concept he would never understand because he fell in love with a girl that his best friend wanted to get to know. And she just happened to fall back in love with him, isn’t that fucked?
Tom almost chuckles at the thought of it because of how fucked up it sounds. He is already dressed in his tuxedo for the wedding, a flower that his mom pinned on the left side of his pocket right where his heart is. His fingers typing away at his laptop where he was finishing a couple of things up.
He was on high alert today especially because it was his wedding. He made sure there was extra everything, extra security especially. This was a day that he knew Y/N was so excited about, she had planned the last six months creating the perfect wedding.
Anything that she wanted she always got. She was his sun, and as long as he made sure she continued to shine everything else didn’t matter. Even though she wanted to get married back in her hometown, this was the only thing Tom wanted his way. It was the only way he knew they would be safe from rival mobs, the only way he could truly protect her in his estate.
He closed the top of his laptop, and notices his best mate standing at the door frame.
“You’re never not working are you?” Haz lets out as he crosses his arm and leans against the doorway.
Tom gets up from his work chair, “Yeah, I’m even working on my wedding day. Can you believe that?”
Haz pushes himself from the doorway and into his friend’s office, “I can’t believe you’re getting married.” He makes his way to the big window in the office that is in view of Tom’s backyard, his backyard not even recognizable. Even though Tom’s office was on the second floor, he could tell Y/N had really went hard with the decorating and planning, even the pool had lily pad decorations and lights shining from the bottom.
“I can. I just never knew it would be her.”
Haz didn’t know that either.
Tom pulls out two shot glasses from one of his drawers, along with his bottle of whiskey. “How about you take a shot with me while I’m still a single man?”
Tom sets them down in front of the window as Haz keeps staring down at the fantasy that was created in his backyard, “Yeah..lets do it.” He grabs the shot from the desk as does Tom.
Before they clink their shot glasses together, Harrison clears his throat and raises his drink, “To a happy life and wife.”
Tom lets out a smile and raises his shot as well, “Cheers to that.”
The shot glasses clink together and they both bring the whiskey to their mouths. The slight burn of the whiskey almost as bitter as the burn Haz is currently feeling, his best friend is marrying the woman he was in love with but it was too late to change anything.
So he clenched his fist as the burning from the drink surpassed his throat. He sets the shot glass down as he closes his eyes shut tight, his head spinning. Haz knew his alcohol intake was heavier lately, his addiction that he had kept denying until he had passed out at a gas station only a couple of months ago had crept up on him.
His doctor ordered an immediate detox right away but he didn’t want to, Haz didn’t feel like he needed to. Sure, his dependency on alcohol was high but he didn’t need it to function but he promised himself that once he realized he needed it to function was when he decided he would get help. He knew he was being an idiot but when you’re addicted, the disease doesn’t let you see that.
Tom pinches his nose slightly from the burn, he knew nothing of his friends on going addiction other than the bump Haz got on his head was from tripping on a step. He really didn’t think anything of it, you would think he would know his best friend better but Haz was good at keeping his own secrets.
The blonde clears his throat again and remembers the reason he came into the room, “Before I forget, Y/N is ready mate.” He walks up to the mirror in the office, adjusting his tie before walking to the door frame.
He stops in his place and looks over to Tom who is walking towards him, his arm swinging over his friend’s shoulder “Thank you..for everything.”
The two give each other a hug, and not a bro hug. Full on arms around each other, they’ve known each other since grade school and to come this far was something they both couldn’t be more thankful for.
Once the soft symphony started to play, Nikki and Dom began to walk Tom down the aisle, his parents flung around both of his arms. His mother was already emotional, her first son already being married and taking over the family business was too much for her. Time flew so fast but she was excited for what was to come next for her son.
And Dom was a proud father, he didn’t know quickly his son would adapt to the mobster life and take over. His son took over way faster than he did when Dom was young lad like his son. Too say that he was emotional was an understatement but he would never let his son see him cry.
The trio stopped right in front of the seated crowd, and in front of the reverend who was going to marry Tom and Y/N. The flower wall behind them making this moment almost too perfect not to capture.
As Nikki and Dom are being photographed leaving Tom at the aisle, Bella and Harrison are getting prepared to walk down the aisle next. They both stare ahead waiting for their cue, Harrison’s hands are shaking a bit. He’s nervous but for what, for why? Maybe that was just him wanting another drink.
“Does he know?”
Haz’s hands stop shaking at the question Bella throws at him, they’re both still staring straight ahead, waiting to walk down the aisle.
“What are you talking about?”
She lets out a whispered scoff, “Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about..it’s obvious.” Her hand grips a bit tighter on the bouquet of flowers she’s holding, “You’re in love with her, aren’t you?”
For a moment, Haz looks down at the ground. He feels caught, like he’s about go down for something he’s never told anyone but then he brings his head back up.
“Yes, I do.” He takes a pause. “And if you tell anyone-”
“For your sake..” she takes a deep breath as she hooks her arm around his. “I won’t.”
Bella knew as best as anybody that it wasn’t in anyone’s best interest to know that Harrison was in love with Y/N. Even speaking about it now was risky, but she had to know and for some reason it made her a bit emotional. Tears beginning to flood her eyes but she wouldn’t dare let them come out.
“I want the best for Y/N, and I’m not about to let you ruin it.”
And before he could respond, the duo is cued by the usher who is waiting by the door. Y/N wanted a rendition of My Love by Sia performed as everyone walked down aisle. Tom was actually able to get Sia to perform but she was in regular clothing so she wouldn’t outshine anyone at the wedding, he decided he would tell Y/N that surprise later.
Bella’s arm is hooked on his as he leads the way down the aisle. The crowd of family, friends and a bunch of Tom’s business partners turn around to look at the partners walking down the aisle.
A toothy smile from the both of them appear as they make eye contact with Tom, who has his hands in front of him.
Once they reach the front, they separate and make there way to their respective spots. Sam and Robyn soon follow after, big smiles swept across their faces as they make their way down the aisle. The twin was really attracted to Robyn that night, her red lips paired with the satin champagne dress was really making him feel some type of way.
They both separate once they reach the front of the aisle as well, Y/N didn’t have another bridesmaid for Harry to walk down the aisle with so he sat this one out. But then it was time for Y/N to walk and she was nervous.
She was nervous about a lot of things, the main one right now tripping over her dress. Her palms were clammy as she stood at the entrance of where she was going to begin to walk, she stared down as the reverend cued audience to stand as your presence was about to be made. Tom would’ve made them stand up for you anyway because you were his queen.
The walkway seemed way longer right now than it did this morning when she was making sure everything was decorated the way she wanted. She was a perfectionist and it anything was going to go perfect, it had to be her wedding.
As the guests finished standing up, Y/N took her first step down the aisle. The light shining through the veil casted a beautiful glow on her face that she was unaware of. Tom’s throat began to burn at the sight of his fiancé, how fucking mesmerizing she looked. She looked like a goddess walking towards him, and walking alone down the aisle only amplified the beauty she was casting at the moment.
Y/N’s parents didn’t walk her down the aisle because they didn’t attend the wedding. They didn’t want to get involved in Tom’s lifestyle. They respected their daughters wishes to marry him but did not approve of anything he did, therefore there presence was not at the wedding.
She didn’t care though, at least not in this moment. Sure, she had to walk alone but she knew walking down this aisle she would meet Tom there and she wouldn’t be alone anymore. This union was going to solidify that she wouldn’t walk to have any path by herself.
Every step he became closer in her sight, she tried not to walk too fast because she didn’t want to throw off anyone so she walked in a good pace. The flowers in her hands making her sweat a little more than usual, she kept her eyes locked on forward and Tom.
Fuck, Harrison wished it was him that she was walking towards so badly but it just didn’t turn out that way. The dress she wore really brought out her beauty, and everyone in that room knew Tom was lucky to have her. Anyone that knew her knows how good of a soul she has, and the face this best mate scored her was questionable, at least in Harrison’s eyes.
Tom wanted to cry, this moment was huge for him. He was so in love with Y/N, and he felt so blessed to be able to make her his on this beautiful, spring day.
Once she reached the front of the aisle, she got to Tom’s side and turned to him. Her veil dividing any contact between the two, which almost drove him crazy. So he leaned in to his left and whispered, “You look so beautiful.” Although Tom wanted to take the veil off of her already, he knew waiting til the end would be worth it.
The reverend signals everyone to take a seat and begins his sermon, “We are gathered here today for the union of Tom Holland and Y/N L/N.. if anyone wishes to give any reason why these two shouldn’t be married, speak now or forever hold your peace..”
If Harrison wasn’t Tom’s best friend, he would’ve jumped at the moment like in a scene of a movie and tell the woman that he loved her but he couldn’t. There was too much to risk, even though losing his life could be one of those risks that wasn’t on the top of the list for him. Losing Tom as his friend was the biggest risk of all.
The reverend continued since no one spoke, Tom would’ve flipped if anybody objected anyway so it was best no one say anything at all.
“I understand that you both have written your own vows, so I will go ahead and let Tom go first.”
Y/N smiles and looks at Tom who is pulling a note out of his pocket which are his vows, Tom is never a simpy type but when it comes to his girl, he’ll simp for her anyday. His heart race is beginning to increase as the paper unfolds in his hand, his hands beginning to shake as he realizes he has to read this in front of a bunch of people.
He clears his throat and smiles at Y/N once more before he looks back down at his paper.
“Y/N L/N, I never knew what it was like to be truly in love until I met you. I remember the day I walked into Joanne’s Trattoria and seeing you from across the room. Although it was Harrison’s idea to go in and not mine, it was his best idea yet. ”
Harrison’s heart stings again but he laughs with the audience who thinks Tom’s line is funny.
“I’m forever grateful to him for that. Y/N, you’re the woman for me, you are literally the missing piece that I found that fit perfectly. You were the missing piece that brought balance to my life, and my life has always been on the run but you’ve brought my run to a stop. A stop that I was willing to put a hold on so that I could you bring you on the run with me.”
He takes a pause, the burning sensation in his throat causing him to have a shakiness in his voice. Y/N wants to touch his face but she can’t because of her veil, but she is taking his words all in and her eyes are swelling with tears.
Tom clears his throat and continues to speak, “I promise to protect you with all that I am and with all that I can be. I didn’t know how life could be so amazing until I met you and making you mine forever is the best thing I’ve done thus far. I love you, Y/N.”
He begins to refold the paper and tuck it back into his pocket, he looks up to Y/N who is wiping a tear under her veil as she mouths “I love you.” The clapping of the audience fading in the background, Harrison smiling through his bitterness.
The reverend proceeds with the ceremony, “That was beautiful..now Y/N you may continue with your vows.”  
She knew she wasn’t going to be able get a note handed to her so she had tucked into her lace sleeve on her arm, her fingers tugging it at it with the bouquet in her hand. She unfolds it, and holds the note with her left hand. Before she begins to read, she makes eye contact with Tom who is already staring at her which causes her to tear up again.
“Thomas Stanley Holland, I didn’t know what to think when I first met you. You seemed very in over your head, and you reeked of your vanilla and wood cologne but somehow you managed to make me fall head over heels for you.”
Again, another punch to Harrison’s heart. He wanted nothing but this vow to be read to him.
“I don’t know what the future holds for but I feel like it’s something great. Something is coming and I’m not sure what it is but I know you’ll be there. I know whatever life throws as us, you’ll do what you can to fix it. I will never fail my duties as your wife as long as you promise to keep me as yours forever. It feels like this lifetime will never be enough time for me to love you like I do now. So, I give you my life now, today, forever and always as a promise of my love for you. I love you, Thomas.”
She drops the note on the floor, and immediately taps a tear that is sliding down her cheek. She looks back at Tom who can’t help but have tears swell in his eyes, wanting so bad to just kiss her already.
The reverend begins to speak again, “The rings please.. Tom, please pull Y/N’s veil back.”  As Bella hands one of the rings to the reverend, Tom is pulling back the veil. As he pulls it over her head, he realizes how much the piece of cloth has been hiding her beauty.
“Y/N, take this ring and slide it on Tom’s finger..”
She begins to slide it on his finger when he the reverend asks him, “Tom, do you take Y/N as your wife? To love her in sickness and in health? Through the good and the bad?”
He responds just as Y/N finishes slipping the band in his finger, “I do.” He turns to his best man for the ring, and the blonde reaches in his coat pocket for the wedding band. Harrison hands Tom the other ring, a ring that he wanted to put on Y/N’s finger so bad.
Tom places the ring at the top of her finger and begins to slide it down as the reverend begins to speak, “Y/N, do you take Tom as your husband?To love him in sickness and in health? Through the good and the bad?”
Tears begin to flood her eyes as she smiles, “I do.”
The reverend smiles widely as he achieved his deed today, “With the power invested in me, I know pronounce you Mr. & Mrs. Tom Holland. You may now kiss your bride.”
The moment that Tom was waiting for was here and he was more than happy to do it. His lips landed on Y/N’s as their union was just tired together permanently. Their kisses felt like they had never before, it felt different and even then they both couldn’t hear the claps of their family and friends. It felt like just them two in the room, it felt like it was just them two forever.
Harrison clapped as well, tears beginning to flood his eyes..he wasn’t only just bitter but he was genuinely fucking happy for his best friend, his friend finally found someone who wanted to be with him and take care of him. It just stung, the blued eyed man figured he would eventually get over it.
The after party continued just like any other wedding, of course Tom and Y/N stuck together like glue. They both greeted some guests as they walked around the backyard together arm in arm, more utterly in love than ever.
As they patter around the backyard together, Haz watches from the corner of the party on high alert. He had gotten a call from one of the security that unmarked cars kept patrolling the mansion so he was prepared for anything.
Y/N and Tom had sat at their table while family and friends when up to the mic and said a few sweet things about the couple. The two listened while holding hands, drunk in love at the moment.
Haz watched the people talk from the corner of the room, he was supposed to go up as well but he didn’t know when his turn was. So he did what he does best and took a flask out of his inside pocket and took a drink, the vodka making his throat numb.
“So you’re resorting to becoming a drunk now?”
The familiar voice he had walked up the aisle with startles him a bit, “Hi, Bella. Glad you’re having fun.” He remarks sarcastically as he takes another drink from his flask. 
She stands shoulder to shoulder with him, “Look what I said before-”
“Just forget it. You’re wrong, I know my own truth.” Haz becomes super defensive, taking another drink from his flask before he returns it to his pocket.
“And so do I, as someone who really cares about you..I know how you feel about her. I just don’t want you to get hurt.” She tries to rest her hand on his shoulder but he pushes her hand off.
“Well, it’s too late.” As he walks away, he puts the flask back into his pocket and makes his way to the empty mic. Before reaching the stage, he grabs a champagne glass from a waiter that passes by and cuts the line of people who are waiting for the microphone. The alcohol starting to make him forget that he abandoned his post in the corner while he kept watch.
He clears his throat, “Excuse me everyone, I just wanted to make a toast to my best friend and his wife.”
Tom and Y/N pull away from whispers into each other’s ears, and turn their attention to Haz who has his glass raised by his face.
“Whenever I look at these two, I feel almost a sense of home. They give me hope that love is real.”
More lies, it was all the alcohol rushing through his bloods that was making him say these things. Y/N and Tom didn’t know that though but they continued to listen and raise their glasses high.
“So, to my best friend and the girl that won his heart.”
I wish it was mine that you had stolen.
The guests toasted and a bunch of clanks could be heard in the backyard, as salty as Harrison was though he could at least that all he could truly be satisfied with is being able to keep Y/N through Tom’s life as his best friend. He wanted to be obviously more than friends but he would settle for this than nothing at all.
As he got off the small stage with the large background of flowers, he walked directly to the groom and bride’s table. Tom got up before he reached the table and extended his arm for a bro hug, “Thanks Haz, means a lot bro.”
“Anything for my favorite couple.” Haz lied straight through his teeth.
Tom krinkled his nose and made a confused face, “Have you been drinking, mate?”
Haz completely ignoring question extends his hand, “I just wanted to see if Mrs. Holland would care to dance with me?” She laughs as she puts her hand in his, “Of course, the best man deserves at least one dance.”
She passes Tom and gives him quick kiss as she follows the blonde to the dance floor.
Harrison spins her around as one of her arms find his shoulder and the other lands in his hand, they begin to sway to a song that is playing in the background.
“Thank you for that toast, it was beautiful.” Y/N cracks a smile as she looks into the blonde’s eyes, he smirks as he takes the lead, “Yeah, I meant every word.”
Harrison’s lie streak was on a roll today.
She laughs as she follows his lead, “Thank you for everything, Haz. I’m still not accustomed to Tom’s lifestyle but you being around has helped a lot.”
He stares into her eyes as they sway on the dance floor, “Well, I’m glad... I’ve been able to impact you some type of way.” As he dances with Y/N, he wishes so much that Tom had toasted them instead..he wishes that she felt the same type of way she did. He always thought she did but today was evident of her real feelings, how she decided that Tom was her soulmate.
Y/N and Harrison sway a bit more, following the beat of the song. Although he did smell a bit like booze, Y/N had never really been in Harrison’s grasp until now. He felt broad and strong, and even though she’s known him for as long as she’s known Tom, she wanted to get to know him more and her being married to Tom would allow that.
“We can be best friends now that I’m married to yours.”
Another stab to his heart. He smiles through that, the buzz of the alcohol now hitting him “Yeah, I figured we would be best friends, you don’t love me like you love Tom.” He slurs the words, so Y/N doesn’t really catch what he says, “Wait, what did you say?”
But before Haz could answer again, he is tapped on the shoulder by Tom, “Harrison, my mum would love to dance with you and I would love to steal my wife away from you.”
He pulls Y/N by her waist and into his arms, causing Haz’s jawline to tense as makes a digusted face, “Yeah go ahead, you already stole her.”
While in each other’s arms, Tom and Y/N both look at the blonde concerned.
“Mate, are you okay?”
Haz sighs deeply and rubs his hand through his gelled hair, “I’m just…” he pauses and takes a look at Y/N and then to Tom who is waiting for an answer.
“I’m just drunk...I have to get back to my post now.” And he doesn’t say another word but just walk away, he couldn’t face the humiliation he wasn’t going to remember the next day. Haz wasn’t going to go back and keep patrol, he was going to leave and get wasted so that he could make everything he felt tonight feel numb.
Tom wants to call for his best friend but doesn’t want to cause a scene at his own wedding so he just lets it go.
For now.
A/N: AHHH!!! POOR HAZ, my babes is hurt but what do you think is gonna happen next? I would love to hear your theories, thoughts, anything you want to say! I also have a playlist for this fic so if you want to suggest any songs for the playlist, please send them in! I love you guys! Goodnight/Goodmorning! -Amy💛
p.s not everyone that is on the taglist asked to be tagged but if you want me to remove you let me know!! 
hook me up w/ a coffee? 
DMMC Taglist: @ladybirduris @thedaydreamingwriter @a-walk-in-silence @tomhaz @mischiefmanaged49 @tomshufflepuff @smexylemony @musicgirl234 @spidey-pal @greenarrowhead @superheros-and-others @captainbuckyy @kawaiigothfishpasta @hollandechart @thollandx @glader-witch-wolf @amren-rhyssecond @peteryesparker @hazhasmycoffee @the-queen-procrastinator
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