#i miss stackie
I started shipping them after watching falcon and the Winter soldier.
Welcome to the sambucky club. I started shipping them after seeing Captain America: The Winter Soldier. But only because I wanted to make sure I didnt miss anything when I watched Cap 3.
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Captain America: The First Avenger was drier than saltines; so originally I skipped out on watching it. So when Avengers: Age of Ultron came out I was like 'who dis random black guy hanging with Steve' in the beginning of the movie. 🤔 Then Captain America: Civil War, which is basically a lowkey Avengers movie, came out and between that and seeing one of favorite authors writing SamSteve fics, I had to watch CATWS.
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Loved it. Loved the new Bucky even if he was going through things. Loved me some Sam. Everyone should have a Sam. Their chemistry was fire from the start and was shipping after that.
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Long story short, it don't matter if it took you a while to see the beauty of SamBucky. You are here right now and we welcome our brethren.
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hopelessbluekiss · 2 years
Sebastian Stan - Instagram Video - With Anthony Mackie for RMHNewYork
Am I the only one missing pre-pandemic stackie?
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plantswithme · 2 years
time to bring this back
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nikkiissleepy · 1 year
Stacky Hacks
How to stack
To start stacking, you need any of the basic bun hairs and the Silent Whisper bows. Note that the Fallen Feather suit hasn't returned on TW/CN since it debuted 2 years ago, so grab it while you can!
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If you don't want to keep the bun hair in your hair stack, you start stacking by equipping the bun hair, then clicking on the bows twice. The bows will not show on Nikki and the item will not show as equipped - this is normal. Go back to the hair section and equip the hair you want to use to start stacking, and it will replace the bun hair. Then, click the bows again. This time they will show on Nikki, most likely broken and melted into the ground, but the item itself will not show as selected. This is fine. Select the hair you want to stack - this will not show as equipped or on Nikki. Go back and click the bows again. The broken part by her head should disappear, and your stacked hair will appear.
To stack another hair, select the bows again, then the hair you want to stack (invisible at this point), and then the bows again to make the stacked hair show up. You can keep going until you're satisfied or the game breaks.
If you want to keep the buns in your hair stack, during the start of the process click on the bows only once after selecting the bun, then proceed normally.
Stacked hair dyeing
While layering different coloured hair can look very cool, if you want all your hair in the same colour so it looks more cohesive, you need to use all dyed hairs with the dyes activated. So, no awakened, collab or common items, i.e. hairs that can't be dyed normally, can be dyed through stacking. The colour of the last equipped hair is applied to all the other hairs in the stack.
This can break very easily (it broke for me when i made a stack and then did some dress stacking, any hair i added after that didn't change the colour of the previous stack) so it can help to have a plan starting out and using only solid dyes but it's also fun to experiment, especially with gradient hairs! The recent memory collection hair for example applies edge gradients on all the stacked hairs.
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What else can stack
The only things that can't be stacked are hair ornaments, lenses and lipsticks. Dresses can be stacked with more dresses or even tops and bottoms, shoes can be stacked, headwear can be stacked, wings can be stacked (VIP Leonid wings look so cool with the original and awakened stacked...).
Just equip the hair -> select the bows twice -> equip a new hair -> equip a dress -> select the bows once -> equip another dress -> select the bows once, and continue to keep stacking more.
It works similarly for other categories. Handhelds especially benefit from this, because if you stack the same handheld it fixes permanently to Nikki, even on poses that don't usually allow handhelds.
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Stacking foundations is a little different - for those, start the glitch (bun, bows twice, new hair) and then select the bows once and you can immediately start stacking foundations without needing to go back and forth with the bow. When you're done stacking, select the bows again so they're unequipped.
Be careful with this though, because every foundation stacked adds extra blush and Nail Salon reset doesn't always work with this.
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Resetting glitched parts
The obvious way to fix stacked pieces not going away even after using delete or infecting your main screen set is to just close and reopen the game, but if your net sucks ass like mine and takes forever to reopen the game there's another way!
All you need to do is melt all the stacked items and then go to Nail Salon. Just click twice on all items that you've stacked, more times if necessary - just until the items break and collapse to the floor. Then go to Nails -> Nail Art to open the Nail Salon edit menu, then return to the dressing menu. Nikki should be free of the horrors! If you missed any parts last time they'll still be here, you can just repeat the melting and nail salon visit to fix those too.
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It can be easier to identify stacked items by using the delete button first and then just melting whatever is still partially visible, but the delete button can sometimes not work and cause issues instead, so use at your own risk, especially if you've got a lot stacked. If all else fails, just close and reopen the game.
Note that doing the Nails method keeps the stacking glitch active - meaning you don't have to restart from the bun, you can just pick your base item, then bows, and stack from there.
Specifically for the bow melting into the ground, if you go to 3D Studio and back it will disappear, or just switch to a 3D background. You can also keep selecting items and it'll eventually go away.
Things to Avoid
Saving the glitched sets - it's not possible to save stacked items and it's probably best not to try.
Selecting the same hair twice - unless you want to melt it to reset the glitch, this is usually a bad idea and can break the dye stacking. Doesn't apply to different colours of the same hair, those give cool colour variations when stacked and are fun to try.
Returning to home screen without resetting the glitch - actually go for it. Everyone deserves to experience a little Nikki breaking.
Credits and Resources
Most things stacking I learned from people on the official discord server sharing tips and tricks (special thanks to LadyNaty, Adlers and Kami for the video guides). There's also this video and this doc that helped me get started. A Reddit user also shared this post of cool hair combos.
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fllorencepugh · 4 years
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thyqueerblueberry · 3 years
guys idk if this had been done before but i made a funny
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margarethx · 3 years
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People can try as much as they want to...
...but nothing will ever be as funny as Anthony Mackie saying that he’d make a better Spider-Man movie than Tom Holland, Winston Duke yelling “shots fired!!!” and then all of them (with Sebastian Stan making “ho-hooo!” sound) pretending to shoot guns in three complitely different ways without any preparation or signal to do so.
They just are... like that. Without any effort. It’s a talent.
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serpentargo · 3 years
they better announce shit when assembled (tfatws bts) comes out, because SO FAR we've got NO official confirmation for cap 4 and stuff. y'all better not fuck up
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wenellyb · 3 years
I feel like I missed something again... are there really people who are mad a Sebastian for not commenting on Anthony's post or is it something else?
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dynamicduoofstackie · 2 years
Seb/Bucky stan here, I'm not into shipping real people, that include evanstan & stackie, cuz I think it can get too awkward & there's always people who don't know boundaries. Also, people are too much into Seb's business as it is, wanking over his gf. But I agree that the connection & closeness shippers want Seb to have with Chris he has it with Anthony. I think one of the reason Evanstan was big was because of Stucky. People projected the ship into the actors.
You have your opinions. I have mine when it comes to shipping real people. But when it comes to double-standards with Evanstan and Stackie fans it's ridiculous because Sebastian talks about and interacts with Mackie more even though all three are close.
As for shipping Stackie... It's not like I'm going to walk up to Sebastian or Anthony irl and go, 'I know you dont know me, but you should totally bone your close friend. Do it for the content and tell me all the juicy details.'
Lol, I wouldn't do it to the people I actually knew irl. But gossip rags make their bread and butter on digging into famous people's lives. I'm just occasionally fascinated by these two fine actors and the characthers they play. Never involved or spoke ill of their love interests or family. Just loved all aspects of their relationship whether platonic or romantic; imaginary or real.
I do love SamBucky and Stackie. But when even the actors themselves admit to acting like their characthers, well damn, that's good content. 😈
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afrocentrik · 7 years
"I'm going to FaceTime him later and tell him how it was... he's so controlling"
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spider-man-lover · 4 years
TFATWS spoilers below
so, i expected the episode to be more lighthearted than that (i don’t know why) and i just-
sam experiencing racism HURT. bucky getting arrested hurt too! i didn’t want to cry today.
btw i’m part of the john walker hate club. i can’t STAND him. GOD HE MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL. i wish steve wasn’t dead. ffuckk.
still can’t wait for next episode :)
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freezerburntbarnes · 5 years
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Me watching the same Stackie interviews for the millionth time till more content is released.
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petersspideysense · 5 years
bringing this anthony and sebastian moment back bc it doesn’t deserve to be forgotten
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hypermania · 4 years
This is such a weird ask if it's not you but are you the one who said Sebastian stan does lines of coke off someones dick?
1. this is such a weird ask even if i am the one who said it (and by weird i mean great, thank you for this)
2. i know exactly what you’re referring to
3. i think it was actually aj (unclesteeb who is no longer on tumblr) who said it but i have said so many questionable things on tumblr dot com i can’t be sure 
4. i have to know why you’re thinking about this
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anjelia3 · 5 years
Funny how you can tell who's a true Sambucky fan and who's not just by the way some people talk about Sam... If you see someone who claims to be a Sambucky fans, just go read how they talk about Sam and you'll know right away if they’re true fans or not, because fake!Sambuckies have one thing in common, they think Sam is only there to be Bucky's rebound and consolation prize after being "left out" by Steve...
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