#i missed a few ships too
toolazytodecide · 2 years
writer questions!
nobody tagged me but I love this crap and am technically a writer so lets do it.
1. what’s your favourite genre to write?
Oooooo romance obviously, but more specifically I like writing fics that focus a lot on character analysis? 
2. do you pull inspiration from real-life, or do you pull things from other books/fanfic?
I write a lot of AUs, but I do get a lot of inspiration from songs. I’ll also work in headcanons I see on tumblr and stuff 
3. do you tend to write one-shots, short stories, or longer things?
I always want to write multi-chapter fics, but struggle to finish them. It’s a goal of mine to write more one shots instead of dedicating myself to 20k+ fics.
4. do you prefer description or dialogue?
DIALOGUE!!! I used to be obsessed with writing texting fics which gave me a lot of experience with dialogue, while leaving my description skills to suffer.
5. favourite fanfic/book of all time?
Bro. Impossible question, but my current favourite book is The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. My favourite series is Six of Crows or  The Raven Cycle. 
As for fics...I’m gonna forget so many BUT I’ll give you one for each of my top ships on AO3
1. Andrew and Neil (All for the Game):  Those That Broke Us by  WriteThroughTheNight  ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/9095254:)
 This is atypical for me since it’s not romance focused, but is rather focused on Neil’s trauma from his mother and him realizing that the way she treated him was not okay. 
Also shoutout to every “andreil fake rivalry fic” it is one of the few times I read established relationship and I eat it up every time.
2: Adam and Ronan (The Raven Cycle): while we're on the subject, could we change the subject now by  shinealightonme (https://archiveofourown.org/works/12643005)
A truly adorable neighbour AU. Honestly Pynch was one of the toughest to pick a favourite for. 
3. Mickey and Ian (Shameless): I couldn’t decide between Fucked for Life by  Awritersmind (https://archiveofourown.org/works/21800806/chapters/52022443) 
An interesting twist on the coffee shop AU where Mickey and Ian fall in love as adults rather than teens. 
I read this a while ago, but I was OBSESSED it made me fall in love with the idea of Artist! Mickey and I loved how they wrote his relationship with his sister Mandy.
 and None the wiser by Loftec
Again I read this a while ago, but it is a diner AU and just utterly delightful. I love reading fics where Mickey had a good relationship with his son and this is is a really good one. 
4: Remus and Sirius (Harry Potter)- My actual favourite Wolfstar fic has disappeared and is a Greatest British Bake off AU where Remus has fibromyalgia so if you know where to find it please let me know. 
BUT a close second is Text Talk by  merlywhirls (https://archiveofourown.org/works/1651109/chapters/3501239)
If I’m having a shitty day I’m re-reading Text-talk. it’s that simple. It’s a wrong number AU where they muggles in the modern day and Remus is home schooled due to his health.
5: Boris and Theo (The Goldfinch)- They Fuck (it up) by  colish3
( https://archiveofourown.org/works/33547123/chapters/83356504) 
A gorgeous fic about Theo dealing with the aftermath of the book, and maybe accepting his feelings for Boris. 
6: Ben and Devi (Never Have I ever)- all the magic we gave off by  transfiguredtoad
Bevi trying their best to not still be into each other while in other relationships. Super addicting tbh. 
6. favorite trope?
Wrong number! Enemies to Lovers! Fake Dating! There was only one bed! I’m a simple girl tbh. when writing I especially like writing about chronic illness but idk if that counts as a trope.
7. are you the kind of person to work on more than one wip?
Not successfully. If I start another fic the first one won’t be touched again til I’ve finished my new fic if ever again. 
8. how long have you been writing for?
Since I was 14 so almost 9 years, but that has definitely not been continuous. I’ve gone years without writing anything.
9. do you tend to write more during the morning, afternoon, or evening?
I get an idea and write whenever I can until it’s either done or I’ve gotten distracted rather than having a set time of the day. 
10. do you prefer to post your wip chapter by chapter, or do you prefer to wait until your wip is 100% finished before posting?
I prefer to finish everything first because I’ve found I won’t finish otherwise. Besides I like being able to go back and change stuff. 
im tagging  @furoruisa and  @siriuslynotovermarauders   🙈  feel free to ignore this if it aint your thing. I also challenge anyone else who wants to give it a try.
#tag game
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Everyone Introduced in Dimension 20's Fantasy High: Junior Year episode 17
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you fandom people are always obsessing over your yin-yang, sun and moon, dark-hair-light-hair ships, so give me the bloody fanfiction with all of pairs being reincarnated into their “next form” (aka next fandom) and finding each other over and over again despite all of the obstacles keeping them apart.
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wisegirl29 · 1 year
I just finished watching The X Files. All 11 seasons and both movies. What am I supposed to do with my life now???
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fleetsonourgecentral · 5 months
I suddenly remember That you never told us how a meeting between Prime/Archie! Sonic and Fleetway (Amnesiac/Good) Super Sonic would go.
Also I want to read Fleetway Sonic and scourge reactions if They somehow end Up dating (I like Fleetonic and I need something to draw lol)
I imagine any meeting between Prime and Super would likely come after Prime has already had the misfortune of meeting Sonic, and subsequently had at least one (1) argument about Super. If the argument hasn't already happened by the time Prime and Super meet, it's definitely imminent. I imagine Prime would be a lot more forgiving of Super than Sonic is (partly because he just doesn't have the same baggage Sonic does and partly because he's just overall less of a dick) so he'd be sympathetic to his plight. He'd be much quicker to believe Super when he says he doesn't want to be that evil person who hurts and kills people for fun. Sonic would scoff and call him a trusting idiot, but it's not that Prime is oblivious to or ignoring the danger that Super can cause, he just doesn't believe dogpiling the guy about it will actually help his situation
Sonic's reaction to finding out they're dating would just be more "I think you're fucking stupid" or, depending on how not-awful his relationship with Super is, just a quiet scoff. He probably tells Prime that if he's soooo fond of Super, then he can take Super with him back to his dimension, but he's probably also secretly worried about Prime actually following through, because if anything goes wrong, Sonic isn't there to help stop it. Chaos energy in the fleetway dimension is fucky and corrupted; for all his bitching and "don't come crying to me if he tries to kill all your friends", Sonic doesn't actually want another universe to suffer from that corrupted energy. He definitely doesn't want the chaos energy in the prime zone to become corrupted the same way his was, either
I can't imagine Scourge has much emotional attachment to Super to care too much. Like, he sees a part of himself in Super, specifically in how both of their identities used to be tied to Sonic, but he doesn't like that he can relate to Super. He doesn't hate or dislike him, but he definitely doesn't like him, either. He just often ends up being the one Ebony calls for out of everyone else in the freedom fighters because he's the one with the least amount of history with Super, so Super doesn't put him on edge the same way he does everyone else. So if Super started dating Prime, he'd probably just make some snarky comment about weak-hearted goody-two-shoes flocking together
Ultimately, the two of them together will probably mock the relationship. They probably only find out because one of them comes home and immediately starts bitching about how "did you HEAR Super and Prime are dating now???" and then they spend an hour talking shit about them. After all, even if Sonic has warmed up to Super a little, he probably still doesn't trust him or is comfortable being around him, and Scourge is a stubborn fucker who won't change his mind about disliking Prime out of sheer spite, so neither Prime nor Super have much of Sonic and Scourge's respect
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teafiend · 17 days
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Reasons to love this pairing (for me):
Their canon characters and personalities ❤️‍🔥
I love both of their blunt and straightforward manners, and especially Kang Gil Young’s brashly IDGAF attitude (she is so, so awesome 🤩)✨
Choi Yoon’s at times stoic kindness, and how they can be in conflict yet the real concerns behind that conflict came through clearly 🥰 They were always indirectly quite sweet with each other by being honest (relatively speaking, especially on CY’s part) and showing the their care (gruffly).
I also love the subtle ways CY would defer to KGY later on, his often conciliatory attitude towards KGY. Or how much he trusted her to have his (their) back. The ways he gradually opened up to her emotionally (in friendship). They made me squee so hard all the time while watching the show 🫣🥵😳
Canonically, (post-canon) you can make the case for the both of them being inexperienced - total greenhorns - in matters relating to emotional, physical and sexual intimacy, and would have to learn as they go along while being together (when already in their thirties), which is a trope I love dearly!
(Each others’ first and last 🥰🥹)
Also a pairing I could easily envision - canonical personalities and characteristics - being initially shy and adorable about their sex life but getting a bit freaky and kinky about it later due to their many issues?! What could be better?
Or the many ways they could bring a large measure of peace, understanding and companionship for each other?
And then Kang Gil Young being older and the more aggressive/take charge personality between the two? (Technically ‘age gap’/noona trope - if you stretch it 🤭 - *another shipper-fangirl screech*) That dash of flavour of light femdom in the mix? Literal OTP dreams-come-true❤️‍🔥
Their visuals are unsurpassed. Few male actors get my attention and most of the pairings (the dynamics and complementary factors are the main reasons for any love) I have loved through the years - with real life performers - usually just had me being ga ga over the actress, with the male characters (actors) merely a tag along (if) or tolerated in terms of interest.
To have two of my favorite types of visuals/aesthetics (in particular the actor because that is exceedingly rare) onscreen at the same time is literally the first time in my decades of fangirling❣️😭😍🤩
🥰🥹🥵 *virtual high-pitched fangirl scream of excitement*
They truly are the OTP of my dreams ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 (One I never expected to encounter but which I will forever treasure for the joy they brought into my life)
Ahh 😌
(Disclaimer: GIFs sourced from Twitter/X; sorry not sure who the creator is but definitely NOT mine)
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saccharineomens · 24 days
Omens you like ItaFushi too!? 🥰
it took me a solid thirty seconds before I even connected what this was talking about, I’m so used to their first names 😅
I do! Really the only ship in jjk that I’ve put thought into outside of “yeah sure that’s cute!”, though, is Rika/Yuta, which I just know makes me kind of an outlier.
but anyway the inherent homoeroticism between Yuji and Megumi in season one was really good (Megumi’s immediate attachment to this guy he just met, fighting Sukuna with everything he had to try and keep Yuji from dying), and it’s SO great seeing all of that get returned by Yuji in the current manga arc. It makes me want to go reread the manga and pay attention to their interactions more.
Usually, if two characters don’t have an immediate synergy or dynamic that hits me, I don’t latch onto them as a ship. For example, I was really surprised Maki/Nobara was a big fandom ship at first, because I couldn’t think of any scenes with them interacting, but when I went and looked up their interactions I was like “oh, yeah, I can see why people ship this!” (On the other hand catch me over here shipping Yuta’s Rika+Maki+Toge polycule.) Honestly, I was the same way with Laios/Marcille from DM until after I caught up with the manga (Chapter 88) and really started thinking about the characters/story more (before then, the only things in DM I shipped were Kiki/Namari and a little bit Chilchuck/Senshi).
As much as I enjoy Jujutsu Kaisen, I haven’t gotten the urge to sink my teeth into it quite like I have for Dungeon Meshi, though! 😅
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comfied-chriterature · 2 months
shakes you. do you think when loulu parted, lucy, the romantic and heartbroken, tried to tell herself to think logically?
it was for the best and she knew it. the guild is the past, louisa is win the guild, therefore she is the past too. but that kind of logical thinking was what louisa would’ve done and maybe she rubbed off more on lucy more than lucy had thought.
to rub salt in the wound, that mindset actually helped. it also showed that louisa (and her thinking) is good for lucy. even when she’s gone
(does this make sense? i’m not sure)
(being shaken) Urgghhhhh it hurts to think that in order for Lucy to move on from Louisa she had to be like her and think like her. Had to absorb parts of Louisa into herself to forget her. And she continues to carry Louisa's influence with her as she leaves her behind.
Maybe she was thinking like a romantic at first — that maybe she and Louisa would cross paths again on some fateful day, maybe Lucy could "show her the light" and bring Louisa over to her side. Because, surely, they're going to see each other again, right? Louisa was her first friend, fate wouldn't be so cruel as to split them up forever, right...?
Until she realized that of course Louisa would choose the Guild. The logical girl with hundreds of plans in her head, the strategist who prioritized the Guild's survival over anything else, she would be able to leave Lucy in the past. She would be thinking toward the future; she would be able to accept that they weren't meant to be (even if it hurt Louisa to put their history aside, even if she was so much lonelier now than she thought she could be).
So Lucy would have to do that too. But there are other traits of Louisa that Lucy may pick up over time. Maybe she'd be more open with things and people that she loved. She'd grow to care in a more gentle way (well, sometimes). She'd find a home and a pursuit that she could cling to with such resolve and devotion.
And maybe while she sacrifices nearly everything to protect her home, she'd have a fleeting thought that it's something Louisa would've done.
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inanthesis · 2 days
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I've found myself missing Sifu Hotman today...
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souenkun · 2 months
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I am currently Going Through It trying to write a sexy times fic for a certain ship knowing full well that I'm just that rusty and not well-versed in writing those kind of stuff
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goated33 · 7 months
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I’m procrastinating so have a perfectly legible shipping chart :) inspired by this!
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captainseamech · 4 months
//love the random urge to reset/delete everything
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isaacathom · 4 months
i dont post my hornblower readthrough thoughts here as much because theyre usually just 'weird chapter' or 'oh that was cool! i liked that' but i will say im genuinely really enjoying hornblower in the west indies. its fitting, i think, that the series starts and ends, chronologically, with anthologies.
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fangomango · 1 year
Any weather that isn't super hot is rather romantic to me
Like it may be heavily pouring but all I want to do is take you outside and absorb the rain like a cactus
Texas for the sake of my now single life make every day not hot so I can think about my otps
:) thank you
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armatization · 5 months
GASP now that my head is no longer in job hunting I can focus on RP for a month (until new job starts) so I can actually write shit that isn't my self indulgent fanfic 😐
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ladyseidr · 8 months
scheduled post because you don't need to know what time i wrote this but i literally think abt the concept of jeremy moving into hurricane like. Late. like no younger than 17 ( by default prob ~19?? ). and meeting michael and immediately being like Oh Cool Guy I Like Him and michael having to live with the mortifying fear for, like, a month that once jeremy finds out abt his brother that he'll abandon him ( he won't )
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