#i mostly just want to draw this lil guy though
sweet1delusi0ns · 1 day
Haikyuu boys n cuddles ──☆*:・゚
Team ! Nekoma
Characters: Kuroo, Kenma, Lev, Yaku (may add more players later)
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He thinks he’s such a sneaky shit, he does what tsukishima does exept he’s not trying to hide he just likes teasing
“Ughh do you have to be so needy!” “You came up to me and started cuddling ME?” Then he just rolls his eyes as if he won the argument. He will just go up to you and start smothering you!
He will startle you by randomly pulling you in and aggressively start nuzzling into your hair or neck, you pull on his hair to get him off since you literally can’t breathe most of the time. But sadly he loves when you pull his hair so it he started kissing on you which made it harder to breathe!
Shy boy, he always will be! He never asks for cuddles since he gets timid unless he’s sad and needs your comfort but mostly he just plays games next to you, slowly inching closer to you until he’s on your lap or until you realize what he wants and hook your arm around him
He sits on the edge of his bed while you sit next to him, you normally crawl behind him to give him a back hug, basically caging him in but he doesn’t mind! You kiss up on his neck which makes him softly whine and shrug his shoulders; “Don’t distract me…” in reality he likes it when you distract him
He also loves when you play with his hair while cuddling, you put it up in a pony tail when it gets in his way while gaming. He thanks you later and you give him a lil kiss which he blushes too~
He use to only big spoon you cuz he figured he wouldn’t fit in your arms, even though he did really want to be held sometimes he just never asked since he thought it wouldn’t work but one day you suggested and he had stars in his eyes
When you first held him he was shocked, and in love. Now that’s the only way you guys cuddle! He hooks his legs around your waist and nuzzles into your neck. You hold him like a big baby!
You also draw shapes in his back which makes him shutter, he’s also ticklish so he starts to giggle~ he also smothers you with kisses while talking about how much he loves you!
He is a cuddlerrrrr! He’s also a lover, so any time you guys cuddle he gives you so many kisses and compliments! He doesn’t care if he is holding you or if your holding him he will always love up on you~
Like I said he doesn’t care what position the only thing he cares about is being with you! When you guys face each other he always gives you nose kisses, and you always give him nose boops, if you don’t he will make you. Seriously he with grab your finger and boop his nose himself
He also likes playing with your fingers, he likes how soft your hand are, he also gives you hand massages too before kissing the back of your hand~
Also not proof read cuz again I’m lazy😔 anyways I’m prob gunna post another haikyuu post then write sum naruto😋
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A Dryad shifts into their tree form to hide from humans, and is too afraid to come out, even when a well-meaning gardener starts to cut away at their branches
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(colored dryad below the cut, cw for slight gore)
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whump art tag:
@kira-the-whump-enthusiast , @whumpsday , @regrets-realization-acceptance , @kixngiggles
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hakusins · 13 days
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just wanted to say that i hit 300+ followers a long time ago and i just want to say 🥺🥺🥺 thank you !!!!!!! honestly i'm so grateful for all of you, especially as i just yap about different things that you may or may not be into! HBREFHJERBF
i actually do plan on doing an event to celebrate it!! but im so busy ;;A;;; thankfully though, i only have 4 more deadlines for the year and i'll prob start the event somewhere around july and hopefully by then there'd be more!!!!
but right now with like 3 hours of sleep in my system, all i can say now is thank you and i hope you guys continue to support me for a long time 🥺 i'm having a lot of fun here with you all!
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willowser · 10 months
okay but imagine one day the little one goes up to his daddy and tells him you introduced a guy to him and how much he doesn’t like this man. It doesn’t even have to be a romantic partner it could just be an old friend but lil one and ex!husband bakugou instantly assume you have a new man in your life
omg. the heart attack bakugou is having.
your son is standing on his little step-stool in front of katsuki's bathroom mirror. meant to be brushing his little teeth, but he's mostly chewing on his toothbrush, poking around in his dad's cologne and aftershave and deodorant. at least he's put his pj's on by himself.
katsuki is finishing up his own shower, glancing at him every now and then as he washes the shampoo from his own hair, and when he's finally done, the little boy hasn't gotten any closer to having clean teeth; now he's drawing mindless little shapes through the steam that's built up on the glass.
"oi," he only has to say it once and then your son is letting out a little sigh before brushing the way he's meant to — even if katsuki knows the there's not a lick of toothpaste on that thing.
"dad," he says suddenly, distracted as he turns around to face him. "mommy doesn't let me take a shower."
katsuki moved on from bath time rather quick. in the very beginning, it was fine, because he washed his squirmy son and then wrapped him up in a towel and that was it, but in the last year or so it's turned into "how many toys can i bring with me this time, dad?" and then sitting in the water until it's run cold. it's much easier to get him in the shower at the same time, to shampoo his head and scrub his little butt and then kick him out.
"oh, yeah?" he murmurs, adjusting the towel on his waist. "s'cause mom's better at baths than me."
the little boy only shrugs, before continuing. he's in a small phase right now of 'dad? hey dad? um, dad?' every time he's got something to say, and katsuki finds it both cute and a little exhausting.
"hey dad?"
katsuki hums.
"mommy had a man in her shower."
the first image that comes to mind is of himself, in your shower; the many times you'd taken one together and hugged him beneath the warm water; how it clung to your eyelashes and sat in your cupid's bow. warm, made soft and tender in the steam, like he could mold you against his body forever.
— and then his stomach is swooping so hard, he thinks he might be sick.
"what?" katsuki asks, voice loud and affronted, snatching all his son's attention. "sorry, 'm sorry," and then because his son is still looking at him with wide eyes, he pulls him up close, rubbing his back once before setting him to stand on the counter — which he never gets to do.
guilt twists in his stomach for yelling, though his son seems unbothered now, at new heights. katsuki grabs him by his little tiny shoulders and tries to keep his face smooth and calm, his pending heartbreak hidden.
"who was in mom's shower?"
but your son is smarter than that, can read katsuki like an open book, somehow. as if you passed all your understanding down through the womb; he came out of there knowing exactly what dad was thinking with a single look.
your son only shrugs, averting his eyes to katsuki's shoulder as he lightly pinches his wet skin.
"'m sorry," he says again, shaking his little body around until the boy is laughing. "i'm not mad. i just..." katsuki sighs and tries not to pout. "wasn't expecting that."
"are you mad at mommy?"
the divorce isn't new, and katsuki's not stupid.
you've been on a handful of dates, been open about it, encouraged him to do the same. not that he's bothered, but anyone with eyes and half a brain would try to swoop in on someone like you, so — as much as it makes him want to knock some fucking teeth in — can't say he should be surprised.
he shouldn't be, at all.
still feels like shit, though.
"no," he finally says, tugging the little toothbrush from his tiny fist to put some actual toothpaste on it. "'m not mad at anybody."
"are you sad?"
maybe it's another purposeful distraction, to get out of doing what he's told, or maybe he's probing at nerves because he's too young and too curious, or maybe he just knows his dad too well.
katsuki frowns at his big eyes, staring back at him, before lightly patting his little hip. "brush your teeth, i ain't tellin' you again."
he tries not to think about it, but that just makes it worse. can't stop imagining you in the arms of some other asshole, what stupid shit they must be doing to flirt with you, how they're making you laugh; just the image of it alone — you, besides some fucking bozo, head thrown back the way you do, laughing louder than you ever did with him — makes his stomach hurt.
it makes him dread the hand-off, too. his house is gonna feel too quiet now, after a week with the little brat, and that's a big enough wound to leave him with nothing to say — but you always try to insist on katsuki finding someone every time you get back out there.
it makes him physically ill, just watching the side of your face as you buckle your son into his car seat, all grins because your house gets to be lively with him.
and when you close the door and turn to him and mutter out your little, "hey, by the way....", he has half a mind to just walk away, right then.
"your son," you start off, lightly punching him in the shoulder. "got into the dryer sheets last week and flushed a whole bunch of them down the toilet."
"oh," katsuki says, and then he narrows his eyes at his son through the window, even though he's not paying any attention.
(on the nights when the little boy can't sleep, is more emotional than usual, katsuki calls you because that's what your son really wants.)
(very relatable feeling, katsuki thinks.)
"yeah," you smile, "and my coworker's husband is a plumber, so i was able to get it all taken care of. just...thought i would let you know."
katsuki shrugs like he could care less, but you see right through it all, of course. the both of you, mother and son, too understanding for his own good.
almost like you were made for him, like you're supposed to still be his.
"yeah, good," he nods once, glancing over your shoulder to see your son finally sitting up a little bit, peering through the window with his big, sad eyes.
just watching the two of you. just knowing.
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ocean-sunfish-hater · 16 days
I saw your post about barrel bugs and I wanted to ask if you know more interesting marine parasites?
(Personally I think that dendrogasters are quite cool)
Dendrogasters are pretty cool! I don't know much about them but they look really... odd.
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ID: a picture of Dendrogaster showing its unsual body plan, with its branching structures that end in spherical growths. It is light yellow to orange in colour. It is set against a black background and part of a ruler can be seen.
There's a whole host (haha) of interesting marine parasites, and I won't go through all of them now but here's a few that you might like.
Rhizocephala are a parasitic group of barnacles that live on crabs. They have no internal organs except gonads, a few muscles and the remnants of a nervous system. In fact, their only distinguishable bodyy structure is the female reproductive organs, which sit outside of its host's body. Here's a really cool drawing of the filaments which it sends out into its host's body to absorb nutrients directly from their blood:
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ID: a black and white drawing of a crab infected with the parasite Rhizocephala. It shows the underside of the crab with the externa (female gonads) visible and a network of filaments that the parasite has grown throughout the host body.
I'm sure you've heard of tongue lice, so I won't labour the point too much, but spark notes is that they attach to the gill arches or tongue of a fish, then cut off the circulation to the tongue so that it withers off. It then replaces the fish's tongue.
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ID: an image of a tongue eating louse inside a fish's mouth. The louse is pale, almost white in colour and has two black eyes. The fish is like :O
Finally, this isn't a marine parasite but you'll see why I include it in a second, but the tongue worms (not to be confused with the tongue eating louse). They are actually terrestrial and mostly infect the respiratory tracts of vertebrates (sometimes, though very rarely, us). What I find interesting is that they have no circulatory, excretory or respiratory organs and rely soley on the host to do all these things. Isn't that cool?
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ID: a drawing of a tongue worm (Pentastomida). It has a segmented body that ends in a point. At the other end there are 4 stubby limb-like structures.
If you're still reading , you might be wondering why I picked these ones and why the tongue worm is awkwardly shoved in there? Because @chowaniec I have tricked you; this is not a post about marine parasites, it's a post about the diversity of crustaceans. THAT'S RIGHT, ALL OF THESE ANIMALS, WITH THEIR WEIRD LIFE CYCLES AND UNCRUSTACEANY BODIES ARE COUSINS OF CRABS AND SHRIMP AND LOBSTERS. AND THAT INCLUDES YOUR ORIGINAL SUBMISSION OF DENDROGASTER, WHICH IS WHAT GAVE ME THIS IDEA IN THE FIRST PLACE.
All of these lil guys just have highly specialised bodies that have lost many of the features we associate with crustaceans so that they can be better parasites. It's really only though careful analysis of their lifecycles and genetics that we can even determine them to be crustaceans at all.
I wanted to showcase the immense diversity of crustaceans and the weird and wonderful flexiblity of evolution. I also wanted to show you why morphological criteria for classification fall short, even beyond the "coconuts are mammals" meme.
Thanks for the submission, and thanks for being patient with me! I know this one took a little while longer to receive but I hope it was worth it.
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insuke69 · 10 months
My god, uh- part three but this is before y'all get together
DIFFERENT POVS AHSHDJ Warnings; Miles doin a little prowler stuff, Just description of someone who was beaten.
(So, there's gonna be if he asks you out/crushes on you first, we both know damn well you wouldn't do shit if you liked him and he were real.)
implied female reader :[
When Miles was crushing..:
-He'd draw you, like- during lunch if you're done eating and just laughing with friends he draws you sitting and with your smile
If you don't hang out with anyone during lunch then he'd draw you as you sat by yourself with a calm neutral expression while you did your own thing.
-Bold mf yet shy. He'd ask what you're doing and act all smug and confident but as soon as y'all stop interacting he'd over think his every line
did she actually like that joke? she looked upset, wait- was she? why didn't I ask what was wrong?
-He was always himself around you, yet toned it down when he didn't know exactly how you'd react to him.
-when y'all had your first date, this man is a gentlemen and picked you up in his motorcycle, (yes I declare he has a motorcycle.) He called you gorgeous in every way possible along with more flirty or bold lines
"Damn, If I knew you were this fine than I would've dressed up more myself."
"jealous of your belt, my hands would feel better on your hips."
he was always hella smooth with it too.
-he first asked for your number and he texted so politely for a good first impression. "Hey, so I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out to dinner with me sometime?"
"Alright, perfect. see you then 😗"
but a lil after y'all actually date he just ..is.
"When did yo say the daye was"
he's a fast typer.
-Hated seeing you talk to other guys when he was just crushing on you, mostly pissed at himself for not growing a pair and asking you out though.
okay this is just a scenario I cannot stop thinking about once I said that:
you were freshly broken up with your cheating boyfriend- well, you were never labeled but he made you seriously think it was exclusive and that'd piss you off beyond belief, Miles was the perfect shoulder to cry on. Never once did he make a move on you during that time. "That prick said he didn't care for labels but got a public girlfriend after 4 months of being with me!" You mumble out with small tears of frustration pooling in your eyes, your vision was blurred a bit so you couldn't see Miles reaction. He was seething.
how could a guy just use and fuck with you like that? He doesn't deserve to even be treated as a man, much less a person.. But Miles simply comforted you in that moment and reminded you how it was to be cared for platonically, or at least that's how he showed it. The next day? your 'ex' was nowhere to be found, the day after that: he went to school battered and bruised, broken nose, black eye, limping and bandaged everywhere. He told everyone that he was just chilling out in an alleyway by his house and some rando with a purple dark mask and metal gauntlet kind-of-thing just attacked him. weird. Vague coincidence that Miles' knuckles are bruised and he visibly bites back a grin as he hears your ex talk about it. what helped most was that when you told his girlfriend about what your ex did to you, she dumped him and told everyone exactly why, which made him lose any pity he could have gotten.
-Was terrified to tell you he was prowler, never knew how you'd actually react. THATS IT OMFG IDK- DO I MAKE A P4?!
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celerydays · 10 months
could you walk us through what notebooks & journals & pens /etc you use - they look so good!
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I would be SO happy to, you have no idea!!
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Alright, let's fucking GOOOO~
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Starting off with my current "workhorse" pens - I have like *checks notes* 36 fountain pens and a bit too many inked up atm, but these are just the ones I'm currently reaching for or have inked up more often than not:
TWSBI Go (F): Kinda ugly! But also kinda cute! It's cheap and works great (I friggin love TWSBI pens tbh) and it has a little hole on the cap where you can attach a lanyard or charms, like I did! Makes it cuter imo and it's kind of my emotional support pen these days.
Opus88 Pocket (EF): This 2022 edition has a little Moon tarot design on the cap so it's pretty much the pen I use exclusively for my witchy/tarot practice journals! A lil bummed the cap doesn't post, especially since its a shorter pocket-sized pen, but not a deal breaker and I still love it.
Pilot Custom 823 (F): My grail pen that I've literally coveted for years and just recently acquired at the DC Pen Show this weekend! It's only been a day but I think it could potentially become my favorite pen. Ever.
Pilot Prera (CM): This is my third Prera lol. I just think they're great and really underrated pens! Also a recent acquisition from the DC Pen Show and this cursive M nib is suuuuper fun to write with.
Pilot Vanishing Point (EF): My favorite pen for planning! Super fine-tipped for writing task lists and schedules and love that it's so convenient/quick-draw with the click mechanism.
(I'm totally a Pilot pen ho, can you tell? asdjflaglsg)
Journals/Planners/Notebooks under cut–
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Sterling Ink B6 Common Planner: For a good chunk of this year, I was in this planner because I honestly love the size and all the layouts. Super practical and flexible as a system. 10/10 would go back. I've used it to plan, as a reading journal, as a tarot log...
But I get the itch to move around so it's been sitting a little unused since like June, oop.
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Leuchtturm A6: I started craving something tiny and minimal so I've been bullet journaling in this pocket notebook for the last month or two and I'm really enjoying it!
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Standard-sized Tomoe River Paper notebook: This is pretty consistent in that I don't change up the system itself, but I'm in and out of it for memory keeping/scrapbook journaling! It's almost always a Tomoe River paper notebook of SOME kind that I usually buy in A5 size to go to FedEx and get it cut down to standard. Though I'm thinking of getting a blank Midori MD A5 to have cut down next time - I've been liking the freedom of blank pages for journaling instead of anything lined or gridded.
I really need to catch up with it tbh, but I love sitting in an explosion of printed photos, stickers, and washi and going ham with the pages.
(I do have a flip through of my January-March 2022 pages on YouTube)
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Midori MD Cotton B6 Slim: I also have this sketchbook that sorta turned into a visual sketch diary of sorts. I fell off a while ago but want to get back into it because it's super fun to work in and to look back on!
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Wide-sized Cosmo Air Light notebook & A5 Filofax Malden: These are my tarot/witchy journals. Grimoires I guess? One is for journaling and all my messier notes while the other is more for reference and ease of organization.
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A5 Leuchtturm: I didn't know if I should include this guy, but I've been writing it in a lot recently so I guess I will lol. This is like truuuly a miscellaneous™ notebook.
I got this A5 notebook back in 2017 to use as my very first bullet journal, then found out that this size is personally waaaay too big for me to use as a bullet journal so I hopped off of it pretty quick. It now sits on my desk because since it's mostly blank I'll just pick it up to use it to write literally A N Y T H I N G.
Most recently, I wrote like 5 pages in one night on notes for a fanfiction piece I was working on (I'm not a writer, this fic is never gonna see the light of day by anyone but me lololol. Hyperfixation is so wild; I've put 80k+ words within just 10 days into it so far and it's been hella therapeutic.)
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That's all, I think!?
It's funny because I actually have a NEW notebook arriving tomorrow that I'm going to try out as a bujo/commonplace/omni journal of sorts?? I might write an update post after I've set that up and see how I like it <3
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https-immotmari · 5 months
❝ Is it chill that you're in my head? ❞ ─── mari's mutuals!
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in which, mari shows you who she builds friendships with even through online! also, love toya aoyagi ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
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. . .@melops-postoffice! ( Lili / she/her / they/them)
or rather formerly known as liqi's-postoffice, if desire any type of manhwa/isekai type of fanfic then you'll definitely going to love her project! especially if you're also a fan of akuneko (devil butler with a black cat). of course, she's into a lot of fandoms like project sekai, cookie run kingdom, honkai star rail, etc!
. . .@sweetkiitsunez! ( Kiit / she/her / they/them )
well, kiit actually restarted her acc in tumblr so, make way for her rebirth of a acc! kiit's one amazing person even though i've only met kiit through discord but, still one awesome person! please be warned that kiit's works may have dark theme so, please be responsible in what you read.
. . .@herri-writes! ( Herri / she/her )
the reason why I found ensemble stars, no joke. girlie hasn't been rather active since I think she's busy with schoolworks and her private life (she's much older than me) though her works are quite on point. I recommend her acc for anyone!
. . .@invui! ( Yinnie / she/her )
the one I used to bully back in the server, especially when it was june back then hehe. this acc is actually her sideblog I think, with her main acc tagged there of course. I honestly recommend her acc for anyone especially if you're a fan of kpop!
. . .@bianjay! ( Keith / he/him )
this guy is one cutie-patootie once you chat/meet him, seriously! also, this is yin's kid, everyone say hi to him. he's also a kpop stan alongside his mom, like mother, like son they say. his acc is mostly reblogs about kpop, often TXT, memes, gifs, etc. though, I think he's also into some fandoms outside of kpop.
. . .@moonvityy! ( Emmie / she/her )
if i remember correctly, emmie and kiit are like the oldest among us here. it's no wonder why emmie got that mama bear vibes lol and is a lamli bennet simp fr. say hi to lamli's wife, everyone hehe.
. . .@xlvr-renas! ( Karu/Xin / he/him / they/them )
my ride and die bestie when it comes to teasing the others💗I think he, alongside with Keith, would send c'mon, baby, america memes in the serve and then due to that, I felt goofy and send a meme myself. boschi simp.
. . .@fwoomiufy! ( Miu / she/her )
ammon lead's wife, everyone! besties since we too are delulu about certain butlers hehe, though, a sweetheart one! I, alongside some in the server, send ammon fan arts and she just malfunction.
. . .@pudding-pompurin, @pluckpleepplop!
they're rather new mutuals of mine! I hope we can get along real well (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
. . .@reikaoproducer! ( Kiyo / she/her / he/him / they/them )
ngl, I'm a huge fan of their project sekai sideblog! can't believe that their main acc is mutuals with lil' ol me ヾ(•ω•`)o! I recommend any of their acc like seriously! their writing is so good and the way the scenario or story goes it's like heaven!
. . .@sukiyukiii! ( Suki/Yuki / she/her / they/them )
a newcomer in the tumblr app, everyone say hi! yuki is actually my best friend in real life so, gotta be more careful with my post since two of my bestfriends are now following me ( of course, I followed back ). thank you for the genderbent project sekai au, especially the Eizou, crumbs 💛💛💛 I recommend project sekai users there to interact nicely to her! she's a sweetheart dw!
. . .@emoszart! ( Scarlet / they/them )
another one of my bestfriends in real life now taking form into a tumblr acc. her mind is one of the reasons why I'll take HUMSS. I recommend her acc for those who want like a dark, mysterious, fantasy type of lore and drawing! she's one of the best artist, I can assure you that ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
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so, yeah! that's all my mutuals for now! overall, all are lovely people to interact with so don't be nervous around them. ′ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
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arliedraws · 2 months
Which app do you use for your drawings? And do you use special brushes?
I love your style soo so much. So easy (in a good way) and so full of emotion. You really have a talent for keeping it simple and focus on the important things.
Also your Sirius reminds me so much of flynn riders idk I love it
Thank you!
For the last couple of months, I’ve been using my iPad Air + Procreate, but this is a very recent development. I bought a “paper feel” screen protector because the screen is too slippery, and I don’t feel like I have enough control without it. Truthfully, I use it because I can slouch like a little gremlin and draw in a comfy chair. I think I need a different nib for my Apple pencil, though, because I still don’t feel like I have control or that my lines are going where I want (could also just be practice). BUT! You can see my progress with the iPad from this to this in a couple of months. So it’s also very probably practice!
Otherwise, I’ve been using a Wacom Intuous Pro (the lil guy) with my 13” Macbook for years and years + Photoshop.
My go-to brushes are Kyle T. Webster’s and an ancieeeeeeeeeeeeeent brush set from a Deviantart artist called Thundercake. And when I say ancient, I mean I downloaded these in 2011 and have these brushes saved in multiple places so I don’t lose them; I mostly use these for painting.
HOWEVER, I only JUST remembered to fuckin, like, import my Photoshop brushes to Procreate, so I’ve been using the default Procreate brushes lately. Literally halfway through coloring the mustache dadfoot drawing did I remember that I didn’t have to suffer like this 🙄
Anyway, hope that helps. I need a LOT of control and it takes me forEVER to get things the way that I want. The “easier” and more simplistic the drawing is, it means it probably took me hours. (I’m not a professional so efficiency is not a priority—in fact, I like taking my time!).
OH! And I just remembered that Procreate has a playback button, so enjoy four minutes of me drawing that last Sirius. Watch me redraw the same arm eighty fucking times lol
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dailyranchers · 2 months
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Hello every nyan,
This is the Daily Rancher blog, here is where I post rancher art everyday (hoping)
I will mostly draw simple drawings like doodles (sometimes traditional art too but hopefully just digital!) doodles, shitpost, memes screenshots likes almost everything!
Feel free to send me any requests you want for ranchers!
You can also ask for specific shitposts that you think suits them well, you are all free to just send memes for me to draw as the silly guys, or Outfits and costumes UGHAA ANYTHING REALLY !!!!
and if you have any questions and want me to say something about for example my hcs for ranchers then don't be afraid to send a ask in my inbox on my main blog !!
even if dont answer all your asks, remember I appreciate you all for giving so much support <3
Even though I want all art to appear platonic so most people can enjoy it, I will sometimes draw them in a romantic way, as I love them as a ship too. I will tag it properly though as trafficshipping and with their ship name solidaritek!!!
My main blog is: @XattenQ
And I use any Pronouns!!! ( any means any I rn I don't prefer any of them :P)
Main tag: #daily ranchers
I wont tag replies to asks cause I'm very lazy
i will use a day count by putting it at the top like for example:
[ 34 ]
Im not very experienced on tumblr as I escaped from prison and now need a new home to live in
I'm a minor and won't draw anything weird and shit so please don't send me weird stuff in my inbox , just be a descent human <3
, and I won't draw anything gory, or very heavy mechanical like robots and stuff. I'm also not a fan of backgrounds or difficult time consuming backgrounds
I will insert my own lil hc of these two, like for example cheetah tango and golden retriever Jimmy as I find cat and dog dynamics very cute and it just fits <3
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sharkfinn · 3 months
alright, so i definitely took some artistic liberties for this one, but before i show you i wanna share my made up lore for this absolutely MASSIVE rat :)
so, we all know about the rat kig. this, however, is NOT the rat king. although it is one of his "pets". the rat king is a being who controls the minds of rats, right? so when he found this monstrous rodent dwelling in the deepest parts of the sewers, he just HAD to have it. the giant rat's name is Kirāratto, which means "killer rat" in japanese:) he still lives in the deeper, more spacious depths of the sewers, where it's mostly water. but on occasions the rat king will come down and visit him. i feel like the king, while he may be evil, thinks of his "pets" as his friends. Kirāratto being his bestie. back to the lore, i got distracted lol! so, Kirāratto can travel between the sewers in the surface and in the hidden city, so many people have caught sight of him. i think he also can go from city to city on the surface, and somewhere some secret cult in ohio worships this thing. the turtles have only ever seen it once though, and it was just mikey. it was during that one episode where they were using the sewers as a lazy river of sorts. raph got lost and he fell into the deeper areas of the sewers. when his brothers came to try and find him, mikey saw a giant eyeball staring at them from the end of a long tunnel. but when he told his brothers, they investigated and found nothing so they wrote it off as another one of mikey's fables. although spot has encountered it multiple times while looking for the rat king, and has escaped being eaten quite a few times. Kirāratto isn't actually an evil rat, he is actually quite docile. but under the rat kings control, he became a mindless bloodthirsty creature who can and will eat you. although, when the kings spell is broken, Kirāratto becomes the nicest, cuddliest, most non threatening lil guy you'll have ever met.
anyways, i know that none of that is true cause i made it up while i was drawing, but i wanted to include it cause i liked it so much. also drawing!
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also inked version cause the first one is kinda hard to see
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i hope you like him! i've got another drawing of corrupted Kirāratto coming soon, so be expecting that as well! have a wonderful day/night!
-Casey :)
oh my god oh my hod oh my god oh my god OH MY GODD
ok i wanted to draw him
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friend :)
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b3ansandsand · 1 year
i got bored and wanted to draw some younger dads :) (and cool uncle)
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they're around high school age at this point, and if you're wondering why Pigsy jumps from being the tiniest guy ever to being the tallest one there uhh, something about true forms and glamours.
also! a few hc's under the cut (its mostly Pigsy bc im in love with him) ^^
-sandy was chronically the third wheel when Pigsy and Tang started dating... the first time.
-Pigsy and Tang were a bit on-again-off-again for a while because they were dumb teens and didn't know what they wanted
-the pig makes so many little animal noises and makes biscuits like a lil cat as a stim
-he was also really tiny early on in hs by demon standards and human standards depending on the form he was taking, then his true form shot up and he just got really big really fast, his glamour stayed roughly the same size though
-i will literally never NOT hc tang as transmasc, at the point of these doodles hes on T, he just likes to look pretty so he still wears skirts and stuff. they look good on him, can you blame the guy? (he is like me :D)
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bettertwin1 · 4 months
I wanna attempt at drawing, but I have literally no clue how to start, so do you have any tips?
OUGH, we're not the right person to ask we just do stuff and hope it looks okay enough to post...
Personally though, the way we started was by watching tutorial videos (you guys would have better tutorials now, so this works out in your favor!!) and we kept trying over and over again until we got the product we wanted (This was traditional though)!! We also traced, alot, i mean the desperate press of the paper against the computer screen type tracing (again, you guessed it! Traditional practice!)
For digital, we just did whatever and kept hoping it would come out looking okay, we mostly learned from watching others and studying their artstyles and trying to replicate it so I have no advice for that either...unless that counts as advice...
We never really did the recommended things like studying (text book studies about poses and light and expressions and stuff) but you definitely should! Don't be like us cause honestly not knowing those things are a genuine struggle and makes art a lil harder than it needs to be. Also go crazy with your style! Don't stick to one thing, branch out, get silly, draw anime, draw cartoon, draw realism, draw whatever! Do illustrations, poses, character designs, perspective arts...
It helps a lot in the long run!!
And don't get upset with yourself if you aren't 'great' at it immediately, don't give up just keep trying! Don't compare yourself to others either! It's hard not to but instead try studying them, figure out what you could do better by looking at others!
Art is meant to be fun and silly! It doesn't need to be perfect, art is the most imperfect perfect form of media meaning it doesn't matter how simple or how complicated or messy or 'terrible' or glamorous the art is, in the end, it's all art, and someone out there is going to absolutely love it! Even when you don't sometimes! :>
They will see two cakes!
I hope this helps! Goodluck ♡!!
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notemaker · 1 year
Listen if you’re going to give us a first born anyway I want hiccup an jacks, insufferable dads is my white whale and oh boy I’ve been on this ship for months
I gotchu. Thank you for the ask btw! It gave so many ideas!
Meet KIID! A shipwrecked child found by dragon-trappers. She's 14 now, but when she was taken in by some Dragon Trappers five years ago, no one knew her name, not even herself. So, they just started calling her Kid. She made the name her own, though, and added an extra 'i' to make things interesting. Pronounced Keed.
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She's very fun to draw, ngl!! Might bring her up again.
Have some more character info!
Meet Kiid, the human personification of Everything All at Once!
-The particular group of dragon trappers that found her wasn't a hard-core one. Most of the people in the group were there working mostly as a necessity. Meaning, that while she didn't grow up in the most peaceful environments, it wasn't all bad. There was some sort of support.
-Helped around back when she lived with the Trappy Guys. Multitasking is just tasking.
-Moves a lot. Talks a lot. Adhd vibes. Hiccup and her bounce ideas off one another like a bullet train. Jack thinks its very fun to watch.
-HER SPEAR! She made it. She started off with plain pine sticks, using it to jump around from place to place and smack the occasional weirdo and/or fish. Eventually, she developed a technique for jumping longer distances, and crafted her spear to aid her. It serves as a weapon and for traveling causes. She loves feeling the air and the rush of her speedy travels. Jack and Hiccup saw her jumping once, sixteen feet down as she cackled, and thought, Yeah, She is One Of Us alright. Jack asked her for pointers with his own staff.
-She's been taught a couple of things here and there with the help of The Trapper Guys, but she hasn't got anything 100% mastered. Prob because she didn't have someone to help her master something in particular. She makes do with what she has. Always willing to learn.
-Couple of scratches on her face from a dragon on a rampant from a couple years ago. She thinks it makes her look more menacing and kinda cool.
-Kinda weird at times. A lil' crazy. A lil' wild. A lil' maniac with mostly good intentions. The bad ones come in the form of some pranks here and there which Jack and the twins adore. They are quite the duo/trio. Hiccup joins her pranks sometimes. Those times are the most impressive, destructive, yet funnier ones.
-Hiccup gave her a notebook she carries everywhere, all the time. Doesn't let anyone see. Punched Jack once on reflex when he went to check it out.
-Right side of her hair more cut out than the right. She has a couple of braids at her sides.
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my-catsface · 5 months
HEELLLLOO EVERYONE!! I am going to talk about THE MAGNUS PROTOCOL and a Theory (maybe theories?) I have so spoilers for the first two episodes of The Magnus Protocol and major spoilers for the ending of The Magnus Archives!!!
(Someone has very likely said this before so it might be repeat information)
Okay. okay. Okay. okay. You guys know… that one comment Alice made about the voices reading statements, right? How there are three voices you can hear when statements are read aloud? We’ve got Jon and Martin as Chester and Norris, but she also mentioned an Augustus there too. “Auhhh but who’s that?? There was nobody else in the Panopticon-“ WRONG!! It’s our babygirl Jonah Magnus.
First off, during the end of the Magnus Archives we get a little “after” dialogue from the girlies about what’s going on. They mention something happening to Simon and why it’s probably for the best that they didn’t find any bodies. But that’s the thing. They didn’t find ANY bodies. Not Jon or Martin sure, but Elias’s corpse should’ve just been hangin’ around in there. But this seems to indicate that it wasn’t. So where’d to go? Probably the exact same place that Jon and Martin went.
Okay okay SECONDLY!! This image (below)
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Is taken from the trailer for the Magnus protocol, and I’m sure a lot of people are familiar with it already. The two things I want to draw attention to here are the J.01 and J.02 lines. J1 and M1 are… you know… Jon and Martin. But the J2 doesn’t really have an answer unless you think that it’s Jonah, whose body was never found when the Panopticon fell. Honestly I don’t know what’s up with the master and slave lines but I’m sure those (and the fact that they failed/are undefined) is important.
What I DO recognize however is the date that’s set for 2023 at the very bottom. Keeping in mind that Alice mentioned all this freaky stuff started happening a year ago, and the series takes place in 2024, this is likely the very event we’re seeing of the computers being all wonked out. Though the question I mostly have here is, did someone (or something) put those three in there intentionally, or did that just happen to be where they went after the end of TMA? Furthermore, why NOW? Why now years later (aside from real-life time happening (because I am 100% sure that Jonny has an answer for this and I want to know it)) in 2023? Is there something special about the specific date? What’s up with the EPA Polution Preventer (and why is it spelled wrong)? The memory test went okay, do the three remember themselves? Do they know where they are?
Okay. OKAY. I’ve rambled on for a while but don’t worry we’re close to the end of my scattered, disjointed thoughts. Because the one question I have now is “Who’s listening?” In TMA it was the Web, right? The web, with tape recorders drawn to the lighter (which I’m pretty sure is what was happening but I might be a lil forgetful). But there’s no lighter here? And we aren’t using tape recorders, we’re using… computers, maybe? A cellphone, possibly? The entities have been shown to not really play nice with technology… but there was ALSO the video of the dude who ate his own computer so I’m honestly not sure what to think. I don’t know if it’s the Web, still. Honestly I don’t even know of Smirke’s Fourteen can be APPLIED here. This might be one of those instances where TMA listeners have to forget some things to make sense of this different world. But if it IS applicable to an entity, the best guess I have would honestly be the Extinction. That might explain the EPA Polution Preventer (seems pretty extinctioncore), it might explain Jon Martin and (possibly!) Jonah here, having just come from an apocalypse/the end of the world/AN EXTINCTION EVENT, but aside from that? I honestly am not sure. Because we don’t know how many of the entities are actually intelligent. Sure they can like and dislike things but it’s kind of been very solidified in how much they aren’t very thinking, aside from the web.
So uh… what’s the deal? I have… no idea. I am frothing at the mouth in anticipation. I love this podcast. I love both of these podcasts… this is amazing… this is fantastic. I’m in love. Please anyone tell me if you have any ideas or counter evidence for any of this because I would LOVE to talk to you about all this!!
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temper-temper · 1 year
It’s Me Birthday
I was going to draw a cute lil picture but due to a lil bit of art burnout I wasn’t able to- so instead I’m gonna write a bit of an update of my life by looking back at the past year since my last birthday.
Last year at this time I was working a job that made me miserable and wondering what I was doing with my life. It was a few months after meeting Flash, Flux, and Guru (Dawn and Doe too!) and I had just gotten back into military history- something I felt for a long time was wrong and bad for me to be into. I ended up quitting that job and starting a job that is my favorite to this day (though sadly I moved and couldn’t keep the job) and getting closer to a lot of people I’ve met through this community.
The people I’ve met here- like Silver, Doe, Daw, Flash, Ally, Flux, Guru, Summer, Aw0, Captain Molasses, Saryn ( and Fly Guy through him), Sugar, TechBro, Dainty, Paint, Dark, and so so many more- helped me so much in being comfortable and confident in who I am. They have been a constant supportive force in my life since I’ve opened myself up to them here and helped me through one of the hardest transitioning periods in my life.
In this time I’ve moved states, starting a new job, started a new Church, started a new relationship, and started being unapologetically me and I have my amazing friends to thank for helping me get to this point!
I also need to sing raises to God because where I was just s year ago was a place that looking back on it I really wasn’t happy- I didn’t know it myself but He did. I was around people who put me down (mostly those old jobs) and made me feel I wasn’t good enough and an idiot and now I’m around people who love and value me! Only God could of so perfectly brought me from where I was to where I am now.
I gotta give special thanks to a few key players in helping me out over these last few months and if you aren’t in the list don’t think that doesn’t mean I don’t value you! I think I means we need to chat more! Seriously, feel free to dm me! :3
Doe: Honey- thank you. You were the first I came to when I realized what I did and you were so patient with me, you gave me a distraction and an ear to listen while I was figuring life out. You never said “oh do this” or “do that” just listened and held me to my decision. You even gave me the kick to tell Guru how I felt!
Flux: You stayed up with me in late night calls- helping me process everything when my world was falling a part. You helped me understand my feelings and realize that feeling my feelings was okay. You’ve been the big brother I always wanted and it was so nice to bound with you while we courted out S/Os. I’m grateful for you being there when I was so scared.
Ally: You ALSO helped me understand my feelings and understand that it’s okay to feel my feelings. You sat with me while I toiled with anger and sadness; and you vented back to me your own. You have been steadfast in your support and love for me and I’m grateful to have a friend like that- you also have been nothing but supportive of me and Guru and always know what to say when I need it. Yeah misses “you are cute,” I see you
Flash: Fella you started it all! You brought me to these friendships. Your a quite strong wall of support for us and I just hope I can be one back to you. You remind me repeatedly “is this under God?” And it’s great to have a friend like that. Your a great artist and I’m glad to have you as a friend- we gotta do more with Fell and Celeste!
SilverWing: Honey get OVER HERE! You’ve been so supportive and kind to me in your feral way and I love it. It’s so nice having someone in my life who wants to pop off about the interests I thought for YEARS I wasn’t allowed to have. We don’t talk as much as I do some others on this list but we don’t have to either. Just vibes all the time 😎
Dawn: We don’t talk that much but I can always trust you. No doubt you are my friend and that being around you is always a blast. Your art is amazing and I do hope we can grow closer- but we really don’t need to, it’s just vibes all the time and I’m grateful for you.
Dainty: Girly we may not be extremely close or whatever but ASSDSDSD YOU ASADSF!! Always supportive and kind to me, always saying nice stuff about me!! You are really awesome thanks for bring my friend!
Dark: Dark, you know well by now I call you my dad. You have been in my life since I was 16 and have supported me though so much- you watched me grow up and grow into my own and I do hope I made you proud. When you saw all that stuff happening with me you stepped up to help me in your amazing Dark way and I’m so grateful for it and you. I just wish I knew how to return the favor. Please don’t undervalue yourself of your art- you are a huge inspiration to me and I don’t want you to leave my life. I trust you.
Guru: Well honey it’s your turn now. I’ve been writing this for the 30 min.
You have had such a healthy and happy impact on my life. You support me and love me just the way I am! You are an amazing and godly man that I can say wholeheartedly I love. You were part of why I got back into the military and you’ve been so crazy supportive in that time I really needed it. I’m so glad we grew closer and you ended up catching feelings for me like I did you. Having a great Christian man by my side is nothing short of amazing and the fact that on top of it all you are handsome, outgoing, well rounded, bubbly/friendly, understanding, and patients. You are the whole package as they say.
I love you hun and don’t you forget it
but honestly I love everyone I mentioned- thank you guys (and so many more) for being in my life ❤️
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