#i must correct this tmr
this-should-do · 7 months
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In defense of trashy ya dystopias
Okay, I’ll admit it: Hunger Games is an excellent book. It is powerful and well crafted, and deserves to be an eternal classic. I’m not sure any of the ya dystopias that followed it were quite so good, and I understand why they get mocked so often. Still, I think they deserve a better rep than they get.
Now, I understand that some ya dystopias are really, really bad. The only literary criticism that would call them good art would be a reader response based method that just says “well, some people like them so they must be good!” I don’t think that’s exactly how art works, but to an extent, that’s true. If a book inspired someone, encouraged them to read, and broadened their view of the world, who are we to say that it’s not worth reading? No matter how terrible a book is, it can at least make someone a bit more passionate about reading, and that’s value enough.*
First, I have to talk about Divergent. It makes me sad how many people hate that series. There are some valid criticisms, but most of it doesn’t make sense to me. People accuse Tris of being flat and basic, saying she’s an overpowered Mary Sue of a blank slate. That in particular confuses me. Tris isn’t dull and underdeveloped, she’s depressed. She’s reactive because she doesn’t care enough to be proactive. She’s numb, which comes across as her being unemotional. Now, we can debate whether that makes her a bad choice as a main character, but I won’t stand for her being painted as a bad character.
I was horribly depressed when I read Divergent. Watching Tris made all the difference in my life. I related to her when she threw a chair from the roof and watched it shatter on the concrete below, wishing she could follow it. I would have followed her to her death when she convinced herself that dying for her friends was noble sacrifice, not suicide, not the easy way out. I nearly cried when she realized at the last moment that she didn’t want to die, that she had to choose to keep going. I watched her build her life back up, even through the misery, pain and loss. I watched her find happiness, and I broke down when she gave it all up to protect someone else, someone who was trying to throw away his life out of guilt and grief. She sacrificed everything she had to give him a chance to fight through it and become someone better. She would have done the same for me. I needed to keep going, to honor that sacrifice and follow in her lead. Tris taught me to fight, and I am so grateful.
The Maze Runner was one of my favorite series. My longest completed story I’ve written was a trilogy of (unfortunately very straight) TMR fanfiction. I know it’s pretty garden variety dystopia, but it was very meaningful to me.
I think part of what made it special was having a male protagonist. Most ya dystopias are centered on teen girls, the intended audience, and while TMR could have used more diversity of gender in the cast, it was nice to see myself in the main character (although I like to believe I’m not that stupid). Thomas is also a very competent MC, which is always appreciated, and it feels earned more than Gary Stu-ed.
TMR has, despite not having any canonical evidence, a lot of gay ships in the fandom, probably because the boys all have a ton of chemistry and there are no girls (pretty much). I was deep in denial (see my straight fanfic), but TMR still gave my budding queerness a place to grow. While insisting that being gay was wrong and my homosexual crushes were Not Gay, I still managed to have very strong feelings on which Maze Runner ships are correct (Newt X Alby and Thomas X Minho, Newtmas shippers fight me). Being represented, even if I didn’t know it at the time, was so important to me.
Lastly, TMR taught me bravery. It taught me that even if things are just going to get worse, you have to try and make it out. I look at the world around me, and it’s not hard to imagine the Flare, or WICKED gaining power. Us kids have been handed the burden of fixing the world, and I need all the courage I can get. Like I say in my fanfic (the AWWWB series on Wattpad, first book called Good Grief), “Maybe the universe is just cruel. But… if we don’t know what’s outside of the Maze, then we’d better hold on to the fact that it’s just as likely to be a good place as a bad one.” We have to keep hoping that something better is coming eventually, even if it never does. We have to keep fighting.
I don’t have any others in mind right now, but I want to hear about other books (dystopian or not) that made more of a difference than they’re given credit for. Seriously, I want y’all to defend Twilight, to champion the Matched series. Tell me how they changed your life.
*note: books that spread harmful messages are different than poorly written books, but that’s a whole conversation by itself, so we’re going to be idealists in this post and pretend that’s not an element while acknowledging that in the real world it’s a true and harmful thing
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solsticejrnl · 8 months
Quarter :P
Trying to account for 366 days is doable, but I wanna break it into more feasible quarterly stuff. I've had 2 weeks to just be, and I started spring semester a week ago so I've found my footing and groove in my schoolwork. Now, I wanna actually consider the goals I want to achieve by March. I'm thinking off the top of my head about what I want that is feasible if I put the excuses aside and work for it by then.
The first thing that came to mind is fitness. Today I did yoga, which was good. I did it for an hour before my first class. After rotting in bed, I got out of bed, and that's what matters. No gym because I didn't wake up early enough and the machines were taken when I got back to my dorm. That's an excuse. I need to start 3x a week gym and daily yoga and stretching until I have enough endurance to add in pilates exercises. I KNOW what I want to look like and I don't think I truly have it in me to keep being the one staring and wishing I were someone else. we gotta switch the roles, and quickly. my goal is temi ojora. yes I have an unhealthy fixation on her, but she's just so aspirational. she runs track so maybe its her, maybe its track body but I need to get my ass up rn if this is my goal.
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Like I don't even want to compare, but she stands out physically among people, and I wanna do the same! I have the platform: long limbs, long torso, long legs, straight shoulders etc etc etc I just need to get to work.
The next is nutrition. Now, today I ate one meal bc I'm busy and I'm trying to downsize my appetite forreal. I'm trying the whole 80% health and nutrition and 20% indulgence thing rn and honestly just thugging out my cravings. no liquid cals, no crazy sweet treats, no greasy fast food, no junk snacks. my chest hurt writing that bc i ate a burger and 2 cookies yesterday, and i could honestly conquer the world at that point ughhh. but today the dining served literal slop so i ate white rice with spinach and pulled pork just so i could have flavor on the rice and I intentionally didn't finish. but I'm doing better with nutrition lowkey. I'm tall asf I burn mad calories anyways.
SCHOOL. I'm doing this project, and it's lowkey crushing me. I have a civil engineering class and architecture ones. I just want to chillllll bro. But I want the life any way I might as well be willing to think. I'm on the dean's list already. I wanna get on the president's list this semester, so I'm trying to get there by all means.
I'm tired of being broke so I'm getting a job. I already applied and got a callback so I'm actually bringing them my documents tmr. i just want my first-ever paycheck bro. I feel soooo bad spending bc I have no money ever bc I only get an allowance. if I had a job I could get credit and do things and actually feel grown.
I've been feeling things and the things are feeling like I'm missing something. I feel like I need to do more inner work. I place too much value on people outside of me and look for attention in all the wrong places, I stay in situations due to attachment, I'm not self-aware, and I need to get myself together and find motivation out of mediocrity. I'm gonna go back to therapy and have actual goals for it instead of just venting and leaving.
So yeah this quarter is about me: my mind, my body, my money, and my relationship to myself and to work and to my situation.
if it is a situation i can correct, then wtf am I waiting for. My actions simply must align with my goals.
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letterstomynarc · 2 years
Time stamps
- [ ] 2 Sept 2021 - Manipulation/ Guilt Trip - said I was using him, and when I fought back and reacted saying that I was hurt and that his statement was uncalled for, he blamed me for not asking or caring about the stress he has been through that caused him to say such things. [Screenshot made] We must all take responsibility for the way we make others feel, and be able to have conversations about the hurt and pain we cause. If somebody reflects your feelings back onto you, saying things didn’t happen, or telling you that you’re crazy, then you’re being gaslighted. 
- [ ] 30 Oct 2022 - This sermon is so manipulative. Parents and pastors have a duty to teach us how to honour God. Don’t be afraid to correct your children and members. Not honouring God is going to have God curse our blessings. So if we don’t listen to our parents or leaders we will have our blessings cursed. “The honour to different people is different”. “Pastors deserve more honour than members.” We should honour everyone the SAME away!!!
- [ ] 30 Oct 2022 - texted me to get his things back so I’ll have to see him alone tmr. Started posting lots on IG, probably to get back at me. I still don’t know if he is done hoovering or just wanted to see my reaction. I hope he doesn’t know I’m laying low. I hope he doesn’t see how messed up things can get coz he practically stopped talking to me and caused me to pull out of the trip. I pray for peace.
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fujita-exe · 2 years
I've been imagining how the D.A.M.N crew would text so here I go
You can read this both in polycule or not, your choice
(click/tap read more if you're interested!! It's quite long and I'm not great at writing so I apologize if it's cringe)
"Would you like to eat lunch together if you have the time?"
- they would use slang, and they'd shorten their words sometimes too
- sometimes they'd also use emojis
- it drives Damien insane (sometimes)
"💥💳💥💳💥💳💥 HELL YEA!!! let's just hope my professor doesn't give me extra work this time though LMAO"
- he would use perfect grammar.
- yes that includes punctuation, capitalization, and no, he does not shorten words or use slang. (ex: "with" into "w", "LMAO", "LOL", "ngl")
- also, if you need tone indicators, he will use them for you!!
- it's kinda scary when he gets mad
- he won't hesitate to type a whole paragraph either
- lower case letters ✨
- "i look pretty, so the words i write must be pretty. - Gavin"
- uses grammar correctly
- I'd like to think he uses slang in a wrong way. It's up to you to think he does it on purpose to piss Damien off (like that ✨micro-wave✨ incident) or he just genuinely does not know how to use them cause I like to imagine he's not used to human stuff
- he uses the "~" at the end of certain sentences a lot
- he doesn't like texting, the big guy said it himself. but at least he tries his best
- he'd send voice messages instead though!! Or maybe when the question is just yes/no, he'd just reply with emojis, that works too I suppose.
- he'd definitely use videos too, cause like, I dunno, sometimes explaining things is hard yknow? so you just show'em to make it easier
- when he does text though. well- he's trying, right? definitely a lot of typos, quite hard to understand :''
"Gsuy llok wgat I fonud"
- insert image of a cool looking rock -
- how does this man manage to stutter in text too
- he just types so fast man, especially if he's using a computer. speed.
- if he's using his phone, autocorrect has his back, most of the time anyway. he'd still have to correct some words but it's okay, he doesn't mind (fUCK AUTOCORRECT SOMETIMES IT CORRECTS SHIT YOU DONT WANT TO CORRECT)
- speaking of autocorrect Gavin definitely teases lasko for the words corrected if it gives a different context. but knowing Gavin, he can turn literally anything into an innuendo. like seriously he makes it out of thin air, it's comes naturally to him (que lasko throwing his phone across the room)
"guuys are you freee tgis weekend? we should go to the movies! ofcourseif you want to, i dont minnd ifyoudeclinehaha"
- if he's on computer, autocorrect doesn't have his back, but he won't have as much typos as Huxley though, so at least it's still legible.
- just one or two repeated letters, hitting the wrong keys, or forgetting to use the space bar, that's all.
- lowercase letters. chill man.
- only uses punctuation when needed, very laid back indeed
- does use slang, not a lot though
- emoticons, i cant explain why, just - emoticons. it just gives a friendly vibe
"guys we are meeting up tmr right? if we are still meeting up, can we go to a cafe right after? i just wanna chill w yall hehe ^^"
Do feel free to add more :]
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meltwonu · 3 years
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〚 💜 𝕕𝕠𝕦𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝕕𝕚𝕡 💜 〛| [CHAPTER 4]
this chapter pairing; incubus!jeonghan x fem!reader x incubus!jimin
genre&warnings; incubus!au, stripper!au, dancer!reader, lap dances, dom!jeonghan, dom!jimin, dirty talk, dumbification, degradation, name-calling, handjob… .004 seconds of sir kink 🥴 lbr, these two… are like, devils in sheep’s clothing ykwim, such gentle faces but boy would they fuck you up real fast 🥴🥴 which is rly the allure HAHA also I can’t believe I only realized how close their birthdays are??? bday vlive at bh plz 😭😭💕 also inbox roundup tmr! im finally a little more free this weekend for the first time in like... 4 weekends 😭 I'll try to update my masterlists too!! 💕 For now enjoy ch 4 and have a loooovely weekend! Stream spider! 💕😎 I love u! 💕
word count; ~2000
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - ?
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It’s a slow Tuesday at Club Arcane when Jeonghan walks in - soft sighs on his lips when he spots you from across the club.
You’re tending to someone else right now though; a different incubus whose eyes twinkle with mischievousness when he looks up at you and Jeonghan can’t help but make it his business when he walks over.
He didn’t particularly like it when others played with his things.
“Hi there, sweetheart.” He smiles as he stands behind the seated male but you can already sense the underlying threat in his voice when he glances down at the back of the male’s head.
The silver haired, crimson eyed male peers up at Jeonghan when he feels eyes on him - smile equally as angelic as Jeonghan’s. “You must be Jeonghan. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Jimin.”
I didn’t ask, Jeonghan thinks.
“Ah, no, the pleasure is all mine. I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before.” Jeonghan smiles wider but both males can already sense each other’s aura and it’s not long before it starts to affect you too.
“Mm, you’d be correct~ I’m just… visiting. Seeing what this town has to offer.”
“Um…” You whimper slightly as you fall victim to their overpowering aura and while usually Jeonghan’s was already more than enough for you to be on your knees - now there were two of them and you found yourself overcome with thrums of arousal pouring over your body in an instant.
“Ah, humans are so… weak to us, I always forget.” Jimin scoffs, “So fun to play with though. This pretty ‘lil doll right here was telling me how much she likes to dance for you… Although, I take it that’s not all she does for you.”
Jeonghan runs a hand through his red hair; something you thought suited him and his sharp black horns. Much like how Jimin’s silver locks almost made him seem angelic if not for his own set of black horns protruding from his skull.
“Oh, of course.” Jeonghan rounds the small table, hands on your shoulders when he steps behind you.
You were wearing his favorite pink set of lingerie tonight - something he appreciates.
“She’s a very talented girl. Aren’t you, sweetheart?” He grip on your shoulder tightens slightly in possessiveness and you can’t help but mewl when a rush of wetness soaks into your lace panties.
“Sweetheart, I asked you a question~ Don’t make me have to repeat myself.”
“A-ah, yes! I, mmh, um, I… I’m sorry, i don’t r-remember what you were--were saying…”
Your head feels muddled as you sit in between the two males and it only takes a split second before identical smirks are etched onto their faces.
“You said you were new to town, right?”
“Yeah, why?”
Jeonghan leans over your shoulder, lips ghosting against the shell of your ear as you shiver from the proximity.
“Why don’t we show the newcomer something we like to do for fun, hmm, sweetheart?”
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You’re familiar with the private rooms - very much so when Jeonghan shows up.
But admittedly, it’s the first time you’ve ever been in a room with Jeonghan and someone else.
“Wow, this tiny little club has such nice private rooms.” Jimin steps in after you and Jeonghan; kicking the door shut before he settles against the long sofa lining the wall. “I can see why it’s… popular.”
The room is dimly lit - only soft red lights keep the room from being completely pitch black and a wraparound sofa lines the entire room with a small pedestal and pole directly in the center.
Most often than not, unused, when you and Jeonghan are using the space.
Jeonghan takes a seat diagonal to Jimin, legs crossed as he leans into the plush material.
“Why don’t you give Jimin a lap dance, sweetheart?” His crimson eyes gleam even in the darkness as you gulp and step closer to the silver haired male.
You’re nervous, even though it’s not the first time you’ve ever given a lap dance.
It is, however, the first time there’s been an audience. Even just of one.
“Well, doll? I don’t think we have all night~ Or maybe we do?” Snickering, Jimin spreads his legs and rests his arms on the sofa’s backrest as he grins up at you.
“If I’m lucky, maybe I’ll get to see what else you’re good at.”
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The music is sensual and slow as you move and sway your hips to the beat; two pairs of eyes on you like a hawk when you finally put your hands on Jimin’s thighs.
You get nervous when his eyes smolder back at you, so you turn around - grinding your ass on his lap instead as your eyes quickly flit to Jeonghan before directing your attention to the floor instead.
“Ooh~ Now we’re getting somewhere, doll~ Hurry, come sit on my lap~”
Gulping, you give it a second as you try to shake off your nerves.
Here goes nothing.
You turn to face Jimin again as your hands roam your body over your thin lingerie; soft moans on your lips from how sensitive your body was with both of them in the room. You gather up all of your courage as you start to ease onto Jimin’s lap; still moving to the beat of the music when you start to grind down onto him.
“O-oh, I--” You choke up, finding that your actions seem to affect yourself more than the male sitting underneath you.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart? You stopped all of a sudden. That’s not very nice, y’know? I think Jimin was enjoying~”
Feeling Jimin’s hands on your waist, your hazy eyes meet his own crimson ones as he smirks back at you.
“Let me help, since it seems like you might’ve forgotten.”
His hands guide you - hips swiveling atop his lap as garbled noises fall from your lips.
You can already tell you’re soaking through your thin panties and Jimin’s slacks; slightly embarrassed when you find yourself moving your hips on your own without his guidance.
“Oh, sweetheart, you smell so good~”
Jeonghan palms himself over his neatly pressed pants; quietly moaning as he watches you start to move faster atop Jimin’s lap. 
Admittedly, he wasn’t too keen on the idea of sharing at first. But now, watching you lose yourself so easily with barely even being touched made him realize that maybe it wasn’t so bad after all.
Now he only wanted to see how far you could go.
“Bet you could cum just like this, couldn’t you, doll? Just grinding down onto my lap like a needy little slut.”
A choked sob bubbles past your lips as you nod. “P-please… let me c-cum!”
Your entire body feels like it’s aflame when you feel Jeonghan’s presence behind you; caging you in between their bodies as he stares at the back of your head.
“Then cum.”
The tension snaps quicker than you can formulate a response and you find yourself curling into Jimin’s chest at the immense pleasure that wrecks your body - twice as strong as it normally was with just Jeonghan.
Your walls are clenching around emptiness as you whimper and moan against his warm chest and you immediately start to crave more, even when your orgasm still hasn’t even started to ebb away.
And they know.
“Mm, we both know you need more, sweetheart~” Jeonghan takes a seat next to Jimin this time and you turn your head slightly to stare at him through bleary eyes as he smiles at you; deceiving and warm as you start to drool onto Jimin’s silk button up.
“The question now is, can you take more?”
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Jeonghan’s laugh is cruel and taunting when you cum for a third time - your hand wrapped around his cock as he kneels on the sofa next to where you’re bouncing on Jimin’s lap.
“Ah, you know, I have a friend who I think would love to be a part of this~” Jimin suggests; grinning when he feels you clenching around his cock. “Should I invite him next time?”
Your grip on Jeonghan’s cock loosens slightly as you lose focus from the three orgasms and from the way Jimin’s cock grazes your g-spot - mouth agape as you pant slightly. You can barely register anything the males are even saying at this point as your head becomes fuzzy from the overwhelming sensations.
“Oho~ Wouldn’t that be a treat, sweetheart?” Jeonghan’s mind becomes greedy at the thought of seeing you falling apart on three cocks; drool pooling in his mouth as his hips thrust up into your closed fist.
Humming back in response, your head lolls to the side as the warm fuzziness makes your body feel weak and lightheaded.
“I think she’s already drunk off of two cocks, I don’t think she’ll be able to even handle three.” Jimin pouts mockingly at you, hands on your waist to keep you steady as he starts to thrust his hips up into you. “Isn’t that right, doll? Your cute ‘lil holes can’t keep up, can they?”
You whine in response this time, grinding down and meeting Jimin’s thrusts as you work Jeonghan off with your hand - squeezing him at the base as he growls.
“I--ah, c-can take i-it… w-want more…”
A choked sob falls from your lips when you feel the pleasure building up again and you know you won’t be able to stop your fourth orgasm as much as you wanted to try.
“We’ll see about that, sweetheart~ You always talk so big but can you really take it?”
The thought of both of your holes being fucked with a cock in your mouth sends you reeling; thighs trembling at the desire that floods every inch of your body.
“Fuck, her dumb ‘lil cunt just got tighter just thinking about it. Fuckin’ slut. So greedy for cock that even just the thought of it is enough to get her to cum.”
Jeonghan smirks at Jimin’s words, not even anywhere near his orgasm when he can already tell you’re seconds away from yours.
“I didn’t realize how greedy her dumb ‘lil holes were. I would’ve done something about it sooner, had I known~”
Jimin fares no different from Jeonghan - both of them able to stave off their orgasms for much longer than you as they only drag it out.
“I--I ca--can’t…!”
Tears blur your vision as you cum for a fourth time and through the haze, you can barely register anything else happening in the room as Jimin and Jeonghan’s movements both stop.
You feel your own breath stop in the midst - the buzzing in your ears becoming unbearable as your thighs continue to shake and tremble.
“Hmm~ She’s such a good human~ So… strong-willed~” Jimin’s eyes flash a darker crimson much like Jeonghan’s own, both of them drinking in your energy as you continue to cum on Jimin’s cock; walls fluttering around him in a vice grip.
Jeonghan chuckles as he reaches a hand towards you; tangling his nimble fingers in your hair as your head lolls into his touch. 
“Ah, but you haven’t seen what else she can do.”
There’s a knowing look the two incubus share before Jeonghan is using his free hand to pry your shaking fingertips off of his cock and Jimin’s grip on your waist is tightening to keep you from slumping over on his lap.
“Do we have to be out of here anytime soon? I need to make a call.”
Jimin’s words are muffled through the ringing in your ears but you can still make it out as you gulp. Goosebumps rise on your skin as you stare back at him with teary, blown out pupils - silently begging him to do exactly what he knew you wanted before Jeonghan decided to change his mind.
Not that he would.
“Even if we had to leave, I don’t think you’d mind, right, sweetheart?”
“N-no... s--sir...” 
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haifengg · 3 years
Nanami Kento - You Should Worry Less.
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Pairing: NanamixNeutral!Reader
Genre: Angst // Fluff (?)
Note: Oh well, the first time writing for JJK. How exciting. Maybe I will do more? Requests are open, so if there is anything you want to read just let me know! Also this is not playing into the actual story line of JJK so please don’t think too much about the hinted angsty parts.
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“Thank you for taking me home.” He says at the door while unlocking it. A sign for you to leave.
You scoff. “Wait? Are you kicking me out?” 
Nanami looks down on you, just slightly and asks: “Did you plan on staying?”
 “Not overnight but I will wait until you got into bed.”
He opens the door and enters his apartment and before he can close the door behind him you follow him. 
“I’m a grown man, I can go to bed myself.”
“Yeah”, You admit still following him through the hallway where he kicks off his shoes and losen his tie. “but you’re also you so I rather tuck you in and leave then, than find out tmr that you drank and passed out on the sofa.”
Nanami turns around and sighs. “You really don’t have to stay. I know today was rough.”
“Today was more than rough.” You respond raising a brow. “We lost a friend today. And you lost a family member.”
“He isn’t a family- wasn’t a family member.”
“Technically he wasn’t. But you have to admit that he was like a brother to you. And whatever you’re saying I know you’re just lying so you don’t have to admit it. Feelings aren’t your strong suit.”
He takes a deep breath and then just gives up. “Fine. Whatever. As long as you get home safely.”
With those words slipping off his tongue he disappears towards his bedroom, changing for the night. Since all you planned on doing was waiting until he got to bed and making sure nothing major happened to him, you sit down in the kitchen and wait for him to do whatever it is he does before going to bed. Now that you think of it: You’ve neither been inside his apartment apartement nor did you see Nanami without his usual kind of kooky glasses. Or his suit. You wonder what he looks like without them. In casual wear. Does he even possess those kind of clothes? Is his wardrobe all eggshell coloured suits and ties with insanely lame patterns?
You kind of always anticipated his flat to be very clean and neat. And at least for the kitchen that turned out to be a correct assumption. The countertops are wiped clean, no dishes left over to do, the coffee machine shiny and new, even though he might be using it for a long time. Nanami tends to take care of his things. You stand up and take a closer look at the cook books on the shelf and you quickly learn that he must be a skilled chef. Or at least interested in haute cuisine. He owns michelin guides as well as a lot of issues of something called >wines today<. 
So he really is that cultured old man, is he not? You think to yourself as you heard steps coming down the hallway. 
“If you are really staying for a bit I wondered if you might want some beer?”
You turn around and nearly lose it. 
“What’s wrong?” Nanami asks, standing in the doorway, his hair hold back by a headband with goggly eyes, wearing a T-Shirt of the Jujutsu Tech and sweatpants while watching you holding on to the countertop, dying of laughter. “Why are you laughing?” He demands to know again.
After another few seconds you finally catch your breath and wipe away a tear. “What’s with the headband sensei?” You ask, still cackling.
“I am not your sensei. And what about it?”
“I am first of all seriously surprised that you actually pay mind to skincare.”
He walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge. “Why does that surprise you?”
“Because you’re in your late twenties, early thirties - there is honestly no way to tell -  but you look like something close to Forty.” You say nonchalantly and catch a side glance from him. After working together for about a year this kind of became part of your stick. Megumi who was about your age once told you that he basically never saw Nanami joke. Or smile. Which seems absurd to you because Kento smiles at your jokes from time to time. And even more seldomly he cracked a joke himself. 
“That’s mean of you to say. You know I am grieving.” He states.
You shake your head and when he offers you a beer you politely decline. You had to drive back to the school and also just because you sometimes tend to be snarky or let sass get the better of you, you actually never forget your basic manners.
It is a difficult night. You feel how truly sad he is but you decided by the time you offered him to take him home that you would not bring it up unless he does first. And since he does not talk about it - neither do you.
So he put back the bottle and closes the fridge. “What’s the second thing?”
You sigh and prop one hand on your hip, while leaning against the counter with the other. “It’s … colourful.”
“I know it’s not quite my style. But the store was out of … quieter patterns.”
“I doubt that this is anyone’s style except a Highschool girl maybe.”
“So you must like it then?” He says and takes a sip. And just as you were breathing in to give just another lecture on how you are not a student but a teacher at the same school as him - you see a smile creeping on his face and you breathe out. A joke. These doesn’t occur often. Less often from him. So you relax. For a minute or so the two of you just stood in the kitchen, faces tired and covered in sad shadows from the ceiling lamp as you take a second to recall the day.
It was a tough one and even though you joked and made fun of Nanami you know how hard it hit him and he knows it did take a toll on you as well. You also worried about the students.
“I will check on the students later.” You say and push away from the counter. 
Without any words he followed you to the door. The heels of your shoes clatter in the hallway and the muffled sound of his bare feed filled the silence. At the door you turn around and looked at him. “If there is anything you need, just let me know.”
He nods. You turned around but before you could put one foot in front of the other he says: “Thank you, for taking me home. And for worrying about the others.”
“I am doing it so you don’t have to.”
“I appreciate it.”
“You know”, you say. “If you would worry less your skin care would actually have some effect.” You joke and he shakes his head. 
“How ca you still joke after a day like this? After what happened today?”
You shrug and sigh. “Unhealthy optimism I guess. And also … we will be getting back at them for what they did. We will recover and then we will strike back.” 
Suddenly, without any warning, Nanami reaches out for you and pulls you into a hug. You are so taken aback by his action that you find yourself speechless for the first time in a while. For the first time since you began spending time with him. Because with Nanami, you are always the talking part in this friendship. He only contributes to conversations when it doesn’t affect his efficiency. And you honestly never thought Nanami Kent would hug people.
But, you guess, a lot of things are different tonight. 
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fairybinie · 3 years
correction , it has been a cold minute , its like -30* here (not rly but its cold)
but im oke !! i got my last stitches off so now im just vibin with some bandaids over some scars bc they r very sensitive to cloth textures :] & i saw aidan and alonzo last weekend , i spent some time w rey too and i got some pics of aidan >:3 hes very very pretty and i love him sm , , in fact our 2mos anniversary is on wenzdae :]
how has everything been for u ? any new interests or fixations i should know about so i can spam u ? anything u wish to share with ur favourite birb >:3
omfg is that in *F bc that is . Quite cold HOW ARE YOU HOLDING UP????
i forgot about your stitches :( but you must be recovering more now so i hope they heal soon! AHHHH right i forgot you were in a #Relationship how's that going?? OMGOMGOMGG HOWS REY she can be my plus one since you got your manz ig :/// /j AWW das . Saur cute i must admit . IM HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS i remember when you talked to me about him at first and now look at you :') lmk how it goes bc as much as i am Love Deprived i do enjoy hearing about yours >:))
ugh things for me have been bORING like . i got Nothing to say . all i can think of is how i'm TRYING to write this hc and like it's hard . For WHy . i also have this econ essay due this week but i'm kinda bullshitting it tbh ... BUT I GOT MONDAY OFF ;)) wait that's tmr bYE oh and i am also learning how to drive soon >:)) reading the #Manual yass we love girlbossing anyways but YASSS you could say i got some new Fixations HELP i am a swith now !! so any sumin or isa pics would be appreciated tbh ;)) WHATS A BIRB HELLO
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belphegor1982 · 5 years
I'm just imagining a cross-over of two of your interests - Bertie Wooster hanging out with Jonathan Carnahan. I think they would get along well!
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I’d heard of Jeeves and Wooster a bit but never really got into it until last summer, when I basically fell in love with Bertie Wooster, and since The Mummy is one of those few fandoms that’s always in the back of my mind just waiting for an excuse for me to fall back in, I realised at some point that the characters of both fandoms are pretty close in age, or at least the same generation. (And then TM/TMR took over my brain and I put Wodehouse aside for a while.) Evelyn must be about 25 in the first film; there’s 8 years between Rachel Weisz and John Hannah, and she’s two years younger than Brendan Fraser, so in my head the characters’ ages in the first film go thus: Evy, 25; Rick, 27; Jon, 31 (because a 5/6 years’ difference is more fun to play with than 8 years). Which would make Bertie exactly Rick’s age and (again, in my head), Jeeves 6 years older than Bertie.
I was just throwing ideas together and summing up what might come out as vignettes one day in different characters’ points of view, but it got long, so I’m putting it under a cut ^^’ It’s mostly headcanon stuff, anyway.
So. The Carnahans are a moderately respectable family, even if a lot of the upper crust turned their backs on John Carnahan once he married Salwa al-Masri, and Jonathan and Evelyn (respectively 13 and 7) are deemed suitable playmates for 9 year old Bertie Wooster. Bertie is a little baffled by the tiny force of nature that is Evelyn Carnahan, who despite being a tiny slip of a girl with lots of curly hair walks with purpose and self-confidence. (And she can read almost better than he does.) They have themselves a little adventure, and the sibs conclude that Bertie Wooster is a good fellow. As for Bertie, he’s also looking forward to further lessons in picking locks, climbing down drainpipes, and other exciting endeavours Jonathan seems to know a lot about.
At some point he hears Aunt Agatha make… derogatory comments about the siblings and especially their mother, who is a very nice lady, and resolves to keep being friends, because aunts can in fact be wrong, no matter how scary they are.
When Bertie’s parents die, the siblings find a muted sunshine beam that doesn’t look like their Bertie. Jonathan sets out to cheer him up with Shenanigans, and before they know it all three have taken a tumble into the duck pond of Brinkley Court. It’s a warm summer, so they lie on the grass and wait for their clothes to dry, and Evy talks about Duat and the Weighing of Souls while the boys listen. It sounds beautiful and terrible and probably shouldn’t make Bertie feel better, but it does, a bit. Aunt Dahlia is a little horrified at the state of their clothes, though.
Bertie attends Eton, with Jonathan a few years above him, so they don’t actually see much of each other at school. When the war rolls in, Jonathan doesn’t enlist right away (he tries to finish his degree first - and fails) and so spends almost two years (early 1917 to late 1918) on the Western Front. Bertie, as expected of a young man of his class and education, joins up as soon as he turns 18, but just before he’s deployed he’s hit by the Spanish Flu and spends the last months of the war recuperating and stationed in the South of England. He and the Carnahans write to each other as regularly as they can.
When Evy’s and Jonathan’s parents die in a plane crash, they receive a long letter from Bertie. A lot of words are crossed out and corrected, and it’s meandering and sometimes a little nonsensical, but unlike most letters of condolences they received so far it was plainly written by someone who is 1) kind to the very core of his being, and 2) intimately familiar with that kind of grief.
At some point, Aunt Dahlia reasons that since Bertie and the Carnahan girl get along so well, she might make a fine match, and she tries to push them together. Bertie is awkward and low-key terrified, Evy is nerdy and nervous and absolutely unwilling to seriously consider marrying anyone. She ends up swearing solemnly that she’ll never marry Bertie, which he is considerably relieved about, and they part as friends before she and Jonathan leave for Egypt.
But where is Jeeves, you may ask? Well, he enters the picture just after the above paragraph. Which means that one day, a few months after the events of TM, Bertie tells Jeeves about this childhood friend of his who just got married to an American fellow and will be coming for tea to introduce him to Bertie, along with her brother, simply spiffing people, really, can’t wait for you to meet them, old thing.
…Jeeves is not impressed. Mrs O’Connell seems agreeable enough, prim and proper and quite an authority in her field, but her husband’s tie is a little too loose and it’s clear he has no idea how to wear a suit properly. As for her brother, he’s a foppish cad who makes Jeeves itch to count the silver spoons the second he walks out the door. 
Evy, recognising a fellow scholar from unlikely background, had a splendid time talking with him and Bertie, but Rick and Jonathan think Jeeves is stuffy and snobbish.
I think they’re all going to have a little adventure together, possibly with a slight supernatural twist, which will make everyone reconsider bad first impressions:
• From Jeeves’ perspective, Mr O’Connell clearly has more common sense than most of Mr Wooster’s friends and family, which is a refreshing change. As for his deplorable fashion sense (or lack thereof), allowances may be made considering the man’s history. (Though Jeeves privately thinks Mr O’Connell might benefit from having a proper gentleman’s gentleman to guide him down the path of sartorial competence.)
• Jeeves also mellows a little with regard to the Carnahan siblings, especially Jonathan (because he and Evelyn actually got on well enough). It’s transparent that both of them are genuinely fond of Mr Wooster, just as much as he is of them, and - unlike a number of his acquaintances - are just as quick to defend him and come to his rescue as they are to put him into what he calls “the soup” in the first place. 
• It’s also what endears Jeeves to Evy and Jonathan, actually: the lengths this frightfully intelligent man is willing to go to protect the young master and make his life pleasant. They’re both familiar with the concept of service in a way Rick isn’t, and they recognise how Jeeves excels at his job.
• Plus (personal headcanon here) Jonathan, not being adverse to putting the occasional toe - or foot - or his entire person - out of what is legal for two chaps to do together, didn’t miss the way Bertie’s eyes shine when Jeeves is in sight like he’s never seen them shine, how enthusiastic his descriptions of Jeeves’ brilliance, how he’s splendid and grand and a paragon and such a perfect gentleman’s gentleman. Whether Jeeves returns the sentiment, Jonathan has no idea, but he hopes so. Call him sentimental.
• (Rick also noticed, and he’s fairly sure Jeeves does return the sentiment. Not because he knows Bertie, or Jeeves for that matter, but because he saw enough of the world to know what love looks like. He doesn’t say anything, though, because it’s none of his damn business.)
So that’s it for the mo’! I wrote about 800 words of the first vignette, from Bertie’s PoV, before my mind focused on TM and its characters almost exclusively and I lost what little of Wodehouse style I had. Here’s the first paragraph, for anyone still reading this :o)
I don’t know what it is about getting on in years, but I find as they pass that one tends to look back on one’s childhood days with a somewhat fonder eye than one experienced while actually living them. St Whatsit’s summer, halcyon days, as the Bard wrote. Not that I have reached the point my nieces, if ever they should set foot in old Blighty again, might start calling me “aged relative”, as I am sometimes wont to greet my dear old aunt Dahlia with, but some of the misadventures of my mildly misspent youth do seem a lot funnier now than they did at the time. I suppose it’s the same for any and all misadventures, really, since faithful readers might recall that some of the more recent situations this Wooster found himself in are far more ridiculous than letting oneself be trussed up and mock-mummified.
Promising, what? :D Hope I can make something of it.
Thank you for giving me an excuse to be ridiculously wordy ♥
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tricksters-captain · 6 years
TMR: The Death Cure/Gally imagine - You Made Me A Promise
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AN: Due to my Colin Ritman fic being so popular I have also received requests for other Will Poulter characters. I used to write a lot for the maze runner when the first film came out so it actually feels strange going back to this but nethertheless I hope you enjoy. Also I’m sticking to the movie concept and script rather than the book. I am also using some of the deleted scenes from the movie. 
Summary: You and Gally met as rebels against W.I.C.K.E.D and now that his old maze friends have returned, you’ll be damned if he thinks he’s leaving you out now. 
Pairing(s): Gally x reader
Word count: 2,866
Warnings: Strong language, Fluff, there is smut at the end but I will put a smut warning for those who don’t like smut. There is plenty of fluff at the beginning but there is rough, unprotected s e x  at the end. Hair pulling. 
You shook your head when you heard Gally had gone out on patrol.
“You gotta trust him, (Y/n), he’s a tough guy.” Lucille called to you as you strutted away.
“I do trust him. I don’t trust the fuckers with guns shooting at him.” You called back.
You and Gally had been close ever since he joined the group. You initially repressed your attraction towards the boy due to the fact that it’s hard to have relationships with people due to the loss you have to endure. This world was dangerous and being so close to the city was worse.
You repressed your attraction until you couldn’t ignore it anymore. You were out on a run and it was Gally first hazardous mission which you tried to fight with Lawrence on, however, you lost. Gally got shot; it was just the shoulder and his injuries were minor but you had never felt so much concern for one person until that moment.
He had kept bugging you during the mission on why you didn’t want him to be a part it but you just blanked him or made up some bad excuse like how he was inexperienced. However, he just then snap back a snarky remark like ‘how could he get experience if you didn’t let him out’.
Then he got shot and your concern made it very clear that there was feelings there.
You visited him in the medical area a few times as he recovered and things went from there.
After that incident, you two were put on almost every patrol and mission together as everyone knew you’d watch each others back and you were pretty much inseparable. That became even more so after what happened to your brother.
“(Y/n)! He’s back.” Lucille came and got you from your living quarters when the vans returned from the patrol. There was a bombing on the outskirts from the guns you hated so much and you had been worried out of your mind. Lawrence forced you to stay within the premises after you tried to make a break to find Gally when the guns went off.
You ran down to the vans and managed to catch Gally getting punched by some brunette guy.
“Hey!” You yelled, your protectiveness kicking in hard as you thrusted forward. One of the boys grabbed you and stopped you from going any further.
You watched the brunette hover above Gally with his fist raised as Gally told everyone it was ‘alright’ which definitely wasn’t true to you.
“He killed Chuck.” The brunette grumbled as a skinner blonde tried to calm him down.
“Yeah, I know. I remember. I do, alright? But I also remember that he was stung and half out of his mind. Just calm down.” The blonde one said which managed to just work as the brunette pushed himself off Gally.
Gally also rose to his feet and held his jaw. He saw you and shrugged. ”
“Kinda had that coming.” Gally stated. “Anybody else? Fry? Newt?” Gally looked between the other boys.
“You know this guy?” The older man out of the group asked the kid who seemed to be called Fry.
“He was an old friend.” Fry must have been referring to the maze. That was the only way you could think these boys would know Gally.
“How-How is this possible? I don’t... We watched you die.” Newt, the blonde one, stared at Gally with disbelief as if he might be a ghost or phantom.
“No, you left me to die.” Gally corrected them. “And if we didn’t find you when we did, you’d be dead right now.” There was a pause before Gally spoke again. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“Minho. WCKD has him here.” Newt told Gally. “We’re looking for a way in.”
You scoffed which caught Gally’s attention for a moment.
“I can help with that.” Gally told them to your surprise. You had a way into the city but if Gally thinks he can get them into the W.I.C.K.E.D building he’s wrong. “Follow me.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you.” The brunette refused. You admired his gut but now was no time for holding grudges.
“Suit yourself but I can get you through those walls.” Gally shrugged.
You knew the boys would take this opportunity, you could see it in their faces.
You moved to Gally’s side, shoulder to shoulder almost immediately as he lead the newbies to Lawrence.
“We need to talk.” You mutter, Gally shook his head slightly at your anger which only made you wanna slap him even more.
You peered over your shoulder at the boys raising their eyebrows at your interaction with Gally and just looked them up and down.
Gally explained how he was alive to the group as you all walked down to Lawrence.
“Gally, glad to see you made it back. Jasper told me what happened.” Lawrence greeted Gally as you approached him. “(Y/n), here was worried sick. Practically had to strap her to her bed to keep her within the premises.”
“Thank you for that.” You nodded, slightly annoyed he would say that right at that moment.
“It was a slaughter. There's nothing we could do against those guns.” Gally informed him.
“No, but they can only poke the hornet's nest so long before they get stung.” Lawrence brought a flower up to what was left of his nose as he spoke. “(Y/n), do you mind fetching Lucille for me, I need a word with her.”
You nodded and walked away from the group. You couldn’t fight against Lawrence. He clearly wanted you out the room for some reason.
Gally caught Fry staring at you as you left the room and whacked him on his chest.
“Hey!” Gally snapped, “That’s mine.” Gally warned the guys as he nodded in your general direction. Not that you heard that.
When you returned you found out that Gally would take Thomas, the brunette, and Newt to the city to scout the WCKD building.
You grabbed Gally’s arms and pulled him to one side.
“You’re funny if you think you’re going into that city without me after what just happened out there.” You tugged Gally further away to have a private conversation but you knew the boys would try to listen in anyway.
“(Y/n), I’ll be fine...” Gally tried to tell you, pulling his arm out of your tight clasp.
“I am not losing you.” You quickly cut in, staring at him with an intenseness that even Gally couldn’t ignore.
“It’s just a run, just to show them the building.” Gally told you.
“Yeah, and Mike went out for ‘a run’ and never came back. Where you go, I go. That was the deal.” You reminded him of the promise he made when he asked you to be his partner in everything. Work and life. You were his and he was yours.
Mike was your brother. He went out on a quick run where he was just going into the city to go to the lookout but he was caught by the night patrol and he was killed.
You didn’t trust the city and you didn’t trust Gally to come back alive every time he went which is why you always went with him. If he died at least it was the both of you going down not just one.
“Alright. Aright, you can come.” Gally pressed his lips against your head and wrapped his arm around the back of your neck to embrace you.
Gally was flipping off the boys behind your back as Newt and Fry looked at each other and smirked.
“Come on, we need to change if we’re going.” You pulled back and headed to yours and Gally’s room.
Gally followed you and told the group to wait with Lawrence until he came back and that he wouldn’t be long.
“I can’t believe the only time you go on patrol without me is the only time they drop bombs and shoot at you. Do you realise what could’ve happened?” You asked as you toss the boy a clean jumper.
“Look, I’m sorry. They were a man short today and––” Gally tried to apologise but the anxiety was rattling your brain as you started overthinking all the things that could've happened.
“––Sorry doesn’t cut it, Gally. We’re a team. You made a promise and today you broke it.” You spun around as you snapped to look at him. You hadn’t been this upset with him before and Gally knew that.
Gally threw his jumper over his head before taking a few steps towards you.
“Hey.” He whispered as he pulled you into a hug. “I’m sorry.”
You held him back tightly and breathed in his o-so-familiar scent.
“It’s okay.” You moved back and touched his face. His hard expression melted away at your touch and he closed his eyes.
“Let’s go.” He took your hand and kissed the palm before walking towards the door.
As you made your way down to the tunnels you fell back so that the newbies wouldn’t. Gally lead at the front as the boys in the middle complained about their way in.
It took a while as it always does to make it to the door that lead to the city. There was a close run-in with one of the trains which almost gave you the second heart attack of the day.
Newt fell and Gally went back for him and they dived under the train. You swore you could’ve died right there.
“Are you trying to give me a heart attack today?” You glared at the boy as you and Thomas ran over to them to help them up.
“Keeps up an exciting relationship.” Gally tried to joke.
“I swear to God that if today doesn’t kill you, I will.” You turned on your heels and made your way to the door that lead out into the station.
As soon as you walked into public you took your natural instinct to stay close to Gally and you stayed stuck to his side until you reached the lookout point.
“There it is.” You gestured towards the large glass building that is the WCKD HQ as you rounded the stairs.
“If they’ve got Minho, that’s where they’ll be keeping him.” Gally told the boys as he picked up the hidden telescope.  
“Lawrence has been trying to find a way in for years. The place is crawling with soldiers.” You folded your arms across your chest as you stared at the building you detested so much.
“Surveillance everywhere. Scanners at every entrance.” Gally added.
“Sounds like a bloody fortress.” Newt frowned, looking between you and Gally as you stepped back from the edge.
“Yeah I thought you said you had a way in.” Thomas confronted Gally.
“I might.”
“What do you mean you might? Gally you said you could get us in there. We’re following you’re lead here, we’re trusting you, we don't have to do that.” Thomas barked at Gally.
“Alright, let’s get a few things straight first otherwise there’s no point in going any further.” Gally turned to Thomas to try to explain himself. “Look, I know what I did, okay? I may not remember but I know. I see Chuck’s face every time I close my eyes.” He admitted honestly.
You looked down at your feet and sucked on your lower lip. You knew this all too well. There would be some nights when Gally would wake up, covered in sweat and screaming. Some of the nightmares he has, especially of the boy Chuck, even kept you awake at night. You knew the personal hell he was going through.
“Listen, we don’t have to be friends and I’m not asking for anybodies forgiveness. I’m asking to put it behind us because we want the same thing. And after this, we go our separate ways but until then, none of this works unless we trust each other.” Gally continued.
“Okay...” Thomas backed off. “Okay, what’s your plan?” 
“Take a look.” Gally moved away from the telescope to let Thomas have a look.
Thomas looked through the telescope for a minute before his head shot back up.
“I said I had a way in. I didn’t say you were gonna like it.” Gally knew what this meant for Thomas and so did you. Gally had told you about the girl before and about Thomas, however, it only just clicked.
“Okay, you’ve shown him the building, you showed him the girl. We gotta get back. The later we’re out here, the more likely we’re gonna get caught.” You stepped forward and touched Gally’s shoulder to bring yourself into the conversation.
“She’s right. We can talk this through back at home base.” Gally took the telescope down and hid it away.
When you made it back to base, Gally told Thomas to sleep on it before making any big decisions and that everyone could talk about it in the morning.
Gally sat down on the couch in your living space. He groaned as he ran his hand over his head. He must’ve ached from the near miss with the train earlier and all the running around the city.
You sat slightly behind him and wrapped your arms around him, circling your fingers on his chest.
“I’m sorry I got so worried today.” You whispered. You didn’t like it when you got mad at Gally but on some days you couldn’t help it when your anxiety is telling you you’re gonna lose him. You didn’t want to lose another person. Especially this one.
“Hey, it’s alright.” Gally kissed the top of your head then sighed.
You lifted your head up to his and kissed his cheek. He pressed a thin-lipped smile onto his lips for a second. You used your finger to turn his chin to face you as you took his lips with yours.
He kissed you back warmly before sitting back and taking hold of your hips to move you on top of his lap.
**Smut warning**
You straddled the boy and deepened the kiss, lifting your shirt off over your head quickly.
Gally’s hands were cold and rough as he gripped onto your hip and the back of your neck. You could already feel him growing hard beneath you as the kiss became breathless.
You removed Gally’s shirt, breaking the kiss for only a second, and Gally’s hand soon moved from your hip to your breast as he grew excited.
“Gally.” You whispered his name hinting at what you wanted as you circled your hips against him.
Gally flipped you over so that you were on your back on the couch before he started unbuckling his trousers.
You undid your own and Gally easily took them off of you as he situated himself between your legs.
Gally lowered himself to kiss you, one hand on the arm rest behind your head and the other stroking down your bare stomach.
You arched your back and your lips part as his fingers ran over your clit, he knew exactly what to do by now to make you putty in his fingers.
Gally smiled against your kiss at your reaction before pulling away to watch you underneath him as he only continued to tease you as he rubbed your clit faster, his touch already bringing you close to orgasm.
“Gally... Fuck me.” You begged as he teased. Gally happily obliged as he took his throbbing member and lined it up to you before kissing you one more time and squeezing himself inside.
You dug your nails into his shoulders as he entered you. He waited for you to beg once more before properly fucking you.
“Please.” You whined, and with that Gally started to thrust into you, gaining a a rhythm.
It didn’t take long for Gally to be pounding you into the couch cushions, you both liked it rough. Gally took a handful of your hair as his other hand balanced him on the arm of the couch.
You winced as he tugged but it only brought you closer to the edge with each pull.
Gally clenched his jaw as he too was getting close to climax as he pumped in and out of you.
Gally knew you were getting close, you pulled the same face every time you were nearing your orgasm which only encouraged him to pound you harder.
“Fuck.” You hissed as you felt your walls start to pulse. Gally rode you through your orgasm and then pulled out, covering you with his own finish.
He held himself up as you both tried to catch your breath.
You looked up at him and smiled. He rolled his eyes at your cuteness then leant down to kiss you.
“Come on, you need sleep.” You patted Gally’s bicep so he would get up. He swaggered over to the small kitchen area you had and tossed you a towel to clean yourself up before he scooped you up and carried you to bed.
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History Assignment Thesis And Outline Only
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After the conclusion of the Civil War, 19th century America was still a country divided by race, place, gender, and class.  Using Roediger’s Wages of Whiteness, Erik Larsen’s The Devil in the White City, Twain’s The Gilded Age, and other readings to date, please develop an essay with an original thesis statement explaining how and why these divisions were perpetuated. Your paper should be 4-5 full pages with proper citations. As always, use examples from course readings and lectures to support your argument.After meeting with Dr. Millward about your final essay I need to correct one mistake I made.  Dr. Millward has stated that you MUST include Race, Gender, and Class in your papers. You can exclude place though. Please change your thesis statements and outlines accordingly for Wednesday’s section. Sorry for the inconvenience. You must also include ‘Place’ as well. Sorry for the misunderstanding!you need to write 2 thesis and 1 outline.   I only need you to do the outline now. and the outline is due tmr. Please make sure that it is very detailed. Very Very detailed. Like showing the topic sentence for each paragraph and what will you be writing about in this paragraph, how are you going to support your stance. Just show me a very detailed outline, and after that the student will show it to the professor, and then I will assign the whole assignment. 4-5 full pages to you.   Here’s the link of the Wages of Whiteness in pdf:https://caringlabor.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/roediger-the-wages-of-whiteness-race-and-the-making-of-the-american-working-class.pdf Read the full article
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zalrb · 8 years
Yard Trolls Tho {TVD 1x03 Review}
Hi all! Welcome to the third review of TVD season 1. Considering that I haven’t like sat down to watch a full episode of the past seasons of TVD in a few years and my memory might not be the greatest I think I will start with my usual disclaimer: I will write my thoughts in real time so if I make a mistake at the beginning of this post, it will be corrected by the end. There will be anti-Damon and anti-Delena sentiments (I’m only mentioning these two because it’s the beginning of the series), and in light of recent events I feel the need to say that there may be some anti-Jenna sentiments too. I will probably bring up other shows and call attention to misogynoir, racism, anti-blackness etc. Ready? Let’s go.  Tumblr deleted my numbering for some reason but it's 2:20 am so I will fix it tmr. I remember when I saw this scene --- when Caroline tries to leave the room after Damon bit her, on YouTube and people were commenting on how “comedic” it was that Caroline grabs a lamp and tries to hit Damon in the face with it and how the jokes he’s cracking are so funny and I think when I first saw this scene air I thought it was vaguely funny too but it’s completely horrifying. Caroline is traumatized and hurt and is fighting to escape her attacker who throws her back on the bed to attack her again. Like it isn’t comedic at all. Vicki how are you acting indignant because you’ve been playing with Puppy Jeremy’s emotions for how long and he’s like did you sleep with me because of the drugs? It’s a valid question! Omg I don’t exactly know why but I find it so hot that Stefan goes up to Elena, “Good morning, Elena.” Then, “Good morning, Bonnie.” I lied, I know exactly why. It was polite and inclusive and that is fucking hot. I have it paused on Stefan looking at Bonnie and he just has this gaze that makes me all tingly for Paulerina/Stefonnie purposes. And it’s a DIFFERENT gaze than his SE gaze. LMFAO. “What are you doing, standing there looking like one of those little yard trolls.” “Gnomes”. Maybe because it’s 1 AM but I just find that exchange hilarious, like there are tears of laughter. “Yard trolls” Tyler? Omg. Do we see them in a class other than history at all throughout the show? Elena’s face when Stefan answers that Pearl Harbour question, like omg my boyfriend is so smart and he saves me from embarrassment teehee. She is SO giddy. “Years and years of crossword puzzles, it’s a loner thing.” They tease each other and flirt, like DErs are TRIPPIN. In fact, is Tanner the only teacher we see? Besides Alaric who is Tanner’s replacement? “First my girlfriend, now my team.” Matt doesn’t even give off the vibe that he’s a captain. It’s really disturbing seeing Caroline kiss Damon and get out of the car. Lol Paul looks hot with mussed hair and dirt smudged on his face. I actually wish we could see more of a Matt and Stefan friendship. Another Stefan shirtless moment! “Very Emerson the way you reveal your soul with so many adjectives.” Like the only Damon line I like until season 7. Ian’s hair is becoming less offensive. Seriously, when Stefan is murderously angry with Damon but doesn’t do anything about it, Paul turns into a fucking statue. I find it insane because I think it really shows how much rage Stefan is actually in but he’s containing it so he has to become, like, inanimate. It’s very inhuman and done really well. I didn’t notice this before. Kat’s eyes are beautifully big. That wardrobe though 😒 Salem witches ... Let’s not address that they would be enslaved, like Tituba and Mary Black but whatever. I find it unbelievably disturbing that Caroline and Damon look more like a couple than Damon and Elena ever did. Matt, HOW are you friends with Tyler? He treats your sister like SHIT. That Elena and Damon conversation is like ... I guess. I mean, if they want to say Elena hates cheerleading now because it’s not her life anymore that’s fine, I get it, but it legit just looked like she was confused because she didn’t know the new routine. And how would Damon see her at practice when he drove away before they actually began doing the routine? Something Elena should find creepy but whatever. OK so I know this makeout is just a dream, which sucks, but it really speaks to the Dobsley chemistry, they’re really in sync and when Stefan moves his hands up Elena’s legs when she takes off her shirt, I always find that incredibly sexy. Also when Stefan starts to take off his shirt, something about it I find really hot I think it’s because they’re so sync. And then Damon’s face ruins it. I also find it telling that when Damon terrorizes Elena with that dream, it’s not just that he inserts a sex dream of him in her head, he lures her into a false sense of security with Stefan and then shocks her with his face. Like he goes through all these levels to fuck with her. “There must be a shred of humanity in my brother, somewhere, but how do I make him see it and how do I protect her?” This is 1x03, guys. So Damon’s “You decided I was someone worth saving” speech is bullshit. Julie and the DErs and the show and then eventually Stefan act like Elena was the first person since Damon’s turn who believed he had good in him. When Stefan had BEEN saying, “Damon it doesn’t have to be like this.” “Damon can we just leave it.” ANYWAY. Also I just realized that Elena doesn’t find it a little bit awkward that Damon and Stefan dated the same woman? She’s just like “You lost her too”? And Damon is older. OK. My cat just walked in meowing and dropping one of my old beanie babies by my bed. It distracted the hell out of me. Oh look the DE necklace that Stefan had forever and gave to Elena, the only person he ever wanted to give it to. Seriously, Elena just looks like she feels SO good because of Stefan. “And you’re not in uniform because?” Great delivery. Tyler is such a dick. Like. Wow. Although Jeremy using a bottle is a bitch ass move. “I’m fine!” “Yeah you smell fine!” And Elena just lets Jeremy walk away. He tried to use as a bottle as a weapon and he’s drunk af, girl go after your brother. “Caroline may have some really annoying traits but we’ve been friends since the first grade and that means something to me” yeah, until you sleep with her rapist. So a lamp barely has an effect on Damon but Elena slaps him and his face whips to the side. “You’re not going to hurt her Damon because somewhere deep down, you feel for her” HOW? HOW WOULD YOU ALREADY KNOW THAT. They spoke to each other like three times! HOW? DE IS SO MANUFACTURED. But Stefan really fucking tried with Damon, man. “You hate me because you loved her and you torture me because you still do and that is your humanity” like he’s taking every fucked up thing Damon has done to him and trying to make it a case for his humanity, like he TRIED. I know we keep saying Damon wasn’t that petty in season 1 but he was kind of fucking petty in season 1, fam. Bonnie’s devastation at predicting the death is done so well. Seriously, the Vicki and Jeremy relationship just makes me deeply uncomfortable. That forehead touch before Stefan and Elena hug is everything. I like how Damon invading Elena’s bedroom and stroking her face like a fucking stalker is supposed to show that he has humanity. Like whet? It’s also a really anticlimactic way to end the episode. Yeah TVD doesn’t really pick up until 1x07. OK so I did the first two reviews and I will review 1x04 tomorrow!
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belphegor1982 · 5 years
[Pick any passage from any fanfic I’ve written, and stick that selection in my ask/fan mail/submission box. I will then give you the equivalent of a DVD commentary on that snippet!]
@kikabennet asked for a passage from chapter 2 of Fairy Tales and Hokum - thank you!! And oh good god, I had no idea you’d read it :O
“Evy, that’s – that’s us!”
He was right. Though the photographs were old, blurred, and of rather bad quality, the figures on it were unmistakable. They must have been taken shortly after Hamunaptra, because Evelyn saw some shots of Jonathan with his left arm in a sling, Even years before I thought about the darker implications of some of what happens in the films (TM in particular) and WW1 headcanons, I figured Jonathan’s wound by scarab must have been dealt with at some point and left a profound mark, if only for the following weeks. The sling wasn’t something I added in the rewrites. and several of herself and Rick, arm in arm, both their faces shining with sun and laughter. She remembered how it was, back then – the slight awkwardness between them, the happiness fluttering in her stomach each time his hand brushed against her, even by accident; it had seemed to her that she was constantly walking on a little cloud, inches above the ground, silly as this comparison may sound. In hindsight, this is 20% me drawing on various fiction (fan or otherwise) and 80% “write what you know”. I wrote the earlier chapters in late summer/autumn 2003, when my relationship with the Best Beloved was shiny and new and just a little intimidating because I had no idea what Being A Girlfriend even meant. But I figured it out soon enough.
Of course, she had got down from this cloud long ago – but reality had not been as harsh as her school friends had once told her. This is set in 1937. Evy must have been born with the century. Women of her social class couldn’t necessarily afford the luxury of marrying for love, and once you were married it wasn’t uncommon for your husband to seek love or sex elsewhere. BUT. Evy’s mum and dad were respectively an Egyptian adventurer and an English explorer; she’s an English librarian married to an American adventurer. To hell with social norms and conventions. Rick was a wonderful husband, and there was never a second of boredom between them. Even after eleven years of marriage, he still took every opportunity to seduce her. Not in the romantic, literary way, with tête-à-têtes and candlelight, but something in the way he looked at her over the table, the twinkle in his eye that was for her and her alone never failed to make her melt. I can’t say how much I adore their dynamic in TMR ♥ They are so in love it hurts. And after all these years, he still managed to make her blush, too. Of course, she protested, saying that it was absolutely ridiculous for a thirty-six year old woman to blush; but he’d just laugh softly, his rich chuckle sending shivers down her spine and making her feel as if she were twenty-five again.
This time it’s the opposite, and it’s about 20% “write what you know”, because I’m not prone to blushing (I laugh more than I blush). I tend to go back and forth on Evy’s primness: on certain aspects she is very proper (she corrects Alex’s language, for example, and uses a very RP English) but I suspect she’s actually a lot more... spontaneous and free than her posh accent and elegant posture would make you believe.
And to end on a personal note: I was 21 when I started writing this (and 26 when I stopped), and 37 when I picked up the story again. The hiatus was longer than the period between TM and TMR :D
Thanks again!
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6 Culture Qualities to Look for When Interviewing at a Marketing Agency I Learned From My Dairy Farm
[Editor’s Note: Please join me in welcoming another new author to TopRankBlog.com, Elizabeth Williams. Elizabeth is an Account Manager that has been with the TopRank Marketing team for almost a year and spends her time managing the needs of our awesome clients! Welcome Elizabeth!]
From my first day of preschool, everything I’ve encountered in life, I’ve compared to my experiences growing up on a dairy farm. So, when I had the opportunity to create a post for the TopRank Marketing blog, I immediately knew the theme: dairy farming.
What does dairy farming have to do with marketing agency culture? You’re about to find out.
Since earning my Masters in Communications Studies, I can’t help but study and evaluate the how and why of human communication in everything around me. Like the difference between a supervisor who asks you to take on a new client and one who tells you’re getting a new client. That’s company culture and you experience it every day in your agency workplace.
As you search for a new agency home, I hope you’ll enjoy a few stories about the 6 qualities to consider when choosing your new employer that I learned from the dairy farm. Plus, a question or two you can ask your interviewer to help you discover if the company culture is a fit for you.
#1 – Total Mixed Ration (TMR).
Dairy cattle eat a perfectly balanced diet called a TMR. This ration is strategically formulated and completely integrated so that each bite our cows take is 100% nutritious. Sometimes, I’m a little jealous.
When it comes to an agency’s values, you want to be working for an agency that approaches everything from employee development to client operations to new business development strategically and in an integrated fashion. You should expect consistent, open communication from management to let you in on their strategy. Better yet, work for an agency where you can be a part of creating that business strategy. Making a marketing plan? Work for an agency who implements campaigns that are strategically aligned with client objectives and integrated in every sense of the word.
Ask: Tell me about your long-term vision for the agency? For the clients I’d be working on? How often is this vision communicated with the team?
#2 – A milk check isn’t a given.
For a dairy producer to stay in business, she or he must be results-oriented on a daily basis. Ensuring their cows are healthy and comfortable is a necessity, 100% of the time. Making sure the correct feed has been grown or ordered so the inventory stays stocked is not to be taken lightly. Planning the future genetics of the herd meticulously, matters. Why? Because that milk check doesn’t just come automatically. If a producer wants to maintain, much less get more in the check, they have to do an even better job taking care of their animals the next day than the last.
The same goes for your agency culture. If it’s okay to come to meetings 10 minutes late and leave without any actions being assigned, you probably should be wondering what the end goal is. Find an agency home that is results-driven and always looking to innovate – for their clients, and for their employees and company.
Ask: How do you ensure time spent on client work is focused on results aligned with client objectives?
#3 – Don’t cry over spilled milk.
Just like we learn on the farm early, a little milked spilled when trying to bottle feed a new baby calf is not the end of the world, the same should apply to the company culture you’re going to call home.
A healthy culture will respond to mistakes based on their scale – not just that you made a mistake. You shouldn’t feel scared to tell your boss of your blunder. Your agency should allow you to “fail fast”: make mistakes and support you in learning from them quickly.
Ask: How would my supervisor respond if I made a mistake?
#4 – Take accountability.
Some of my favorite memories as a kid are getting up in the middle of the night to go check on a pregnant cow: Is it time yet? You can’t imagine how euphoric it is to be there just in time to help a mother cow give birth. You get to help make sure the calf is breathing its first breath! However, there are going to be those times you overslept your 2 am alarm or you just didn’t know she was that close to delivery. While most of the time, cows can deliver safely on their own, sometimes they need a helping hand. If you’re not there on time, there is no magic clock to reverse time. Unpleasant, I know. But it’s real.
You want to work at an agency that is just as real. Mistakes are going to happen. Your agency should hold you and others on the team accountable for their actions proportional to the misstep. And, expect your superiors to be accountable too.
Ask: How would the team handle accountability for client programs?
#5 – The grass isn’t always greener on the other side.
Cows are known to reach under the fence, itching for just “a little better” grass to eat, particularly when they’ve been in one paddock a few days–long enough to have taken one bite off the top of the whole field. However, the grass next door isn’t always better. Transition can be hard!
If you’re at an agency now and you take work home every night and dread waking up, that doesn’t mean you should quit. You can bounce to the next agency and you will probably find yourself in the same predicament. Why is that? Because that’s “agency life”? No, because agency’s often present opportunities for overworking, but you’d be surprised how that can become a brisk walk in the pasture (maybe not leisurely, that would be boring) with some open communication.
Ask for help when (and preferably before) you need it. If your boss doesn’t help, ask again! Is there someone else you can ask? Did you ask them? Did you ask them twice? Okay, you get it. If you’ve asked for solutions and still have no reprieve, then it is fair to consider another position at an agency with a healthier culture. Did I mention we’re hiring?
Ask: What is the work/life balance here? How frequent are check-ins with my manager?
#6 – Throwing tires takes a team.
I still have the pleasure of helping my family at corn silage harvest every few years when they are ready to cover the pile. Corn silage is the entire corn plant chopped up and then fermented for the cows to eat. It is stored packed down tightly in a bunker or on a cement pad. It is then covered with plastic, protecting the outside layer as it goes through a natural fermentation process. This process reduces feed waste and keep the corn silage preserved naturally, staying tasty and nutritious throughout the coming year. To keep the plastic on the bunker for a whole year, we cover the plastic with hundreds of rubber car tires sans the rim. Last year’s pile was about 12 feet tall and 200 feet long so you can imagine what it might have been like to throw and carry enough tires to cover it in a 90 degree August day. It couldn’t have been done alone.
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Taking care of clients is also some heavy-lifting. No one team member can do it alone. Look for an agency where you can be a part of a fun team that has each other’s back.
Ask: How is the team atmosphere here? What does the agency do to empower team members to work together positively?
Looking for Your Agency Match?
Deciding it’s time to find a new marketing agency is a tough decision. If you’re ready to stop thinking about it and start interviewing, make sure you keep these keep these 6 qualities in mind and don’t forget to jot down your favorite questions to ask.
If you’re interested in joining an agency that aligns with the values above, see if any of our open positions might be a fit for you!
Gain a competitive advantage by subscribing to the TopRank® Online Marketing Newsletter.
© Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®, 2017. | 6 Culture Qualities to Look for When Interviewing at a Marketing Agency I Learned From My Dairy Farm | http://ift.tt/faSbAI
The post 6 Culture Qualities to Look for When Interviewing at a Marketing Agency I Learned From My Dairy Farm appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
6 Culture Qualities to Look for When Interviewing at a Marketing Agency I Learned From My Dairy Farm posted first on http://ift.tt/faSbAI
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christopheruearle · 7 years
6 Culture Qualities to Look for When Interviewing at a Marketing Agency I Learned From My Dairy Farm
[Editor’s Note: Please join me in welcoming another new author to TopRankBlog.com, Elizabeth Williams. Elizabeth is an Account Manager that has been with the TopRank Marketing team for almost a year and spends her time managing the needs of our awesome clients! Welcome Elizabeth!]
From my first day of preschool, everything I’ve encountered in life, I’ve compared to my experiences growing up on a dairy farm. So, when I had the opportunity to create a post for the TopRank Marketing blog, I immediately knew the theme: dairy farming.
What does dairy farming have to do with marketing agency culture? You’re about to find out.
Since earning my Masters in Communications Studies, I can’t help but study and evaluate the how and why of human communication in everything around me. Like the difference between a supervisor who asks you to take on a new client and one who tells you’re getting a new client. That’s company culture and you experience it every day in your agency workplace.
As you search for a new agency home, I hope you’ll enjoy a few stories about the 6 qualities to consider when choosing your new employer that I learned from the dairy farm. Plus, a question or two you can ask your interviewer to help you discover if the company culture is a fit for you.
#1 – Total Mixed Ration (TMR).
Dairy cattle eat a perfectly balanced diet called a TMR. This ration is strategically formulated and completely integrated so that each bite our cows take is 100% nutritious. Sometimes, I’m a little jealous.
When it comes to an agency’s values, you want to be working for an agency that approaches everything from employee development to client operations to new business development strategically and in an integrated fashion. You should expect consistent, open communication from management to let you in on their strategy. Better yet, work for an agency where you can be a part of creating that business strategy. Making a marketing plan? Work for an agency who implements campaigns that are strategically aligned with client objectives and integrated in every sense of the word.
Ask: Tell me about your long-term vision for the agency? For the clients I’d be working on? How often is this vision communicated with the team?
#2 – A milk check isn’t a given.
For a dairy producer to stay in business, she or he must be results-oriented on a daily basis. Ensuring their cows are healthy and comfortable is a necessity, 100% of the time. Making sure the correct feed has been grown or ordered so the inventory stays stocked is not to be taken lightly. Planning the future genetics of the herd meticulously, matters. Why? Because that milk check doesn’t just come automatically. If a producer wants to maintain, much less get more in the check, they have to do an even better job taking care of their animals the next day than the last.
The same goes for your agency culture. If it’s okay to come to meetings 10 minutes late and leave without any actions being assigned, you probably should be wondering what the end goal is. Find an agency home that is results-driven and always looking to innovate – for their clients, and for their employees and company.
Ask: How do you ensure time spent on client work is focused on results aligned with client objectives?
#3 – Don’t cry over spilled milk.
Just like we learn on the farm early, a little milked spilled when trying to bottle feed a new baby calf is not the end of the world, the same should apply to the company culture you’re going to call home.
A healthy culture will respond to mistakes based on their scale – not just that you made a mistake. You shouldn’t feel scared to tell your boss of your blunder. Your agency should allow you to “fail fast”: make mistakes and support you in learning from them quickly.
Ask: How would my supervisor respond if I made a mistake?
#4 – Take accountability.
Some of my favorite memories as a kid are getting up in the middle of the night to go check on a pregnant cow: Is it time yet? You can’t imagine how euphoric it is to be there just in time to help a mother cow give birth. You get to help make sure the calf is breathing its first breath! However, there are going to be those times you overslept your 2 am alarm or you just didn’t know she was that close to delivery. While most of the time, cows can deliver safely on their own, sometimes they need a helping hand. If you’re not there on time, there is no magic clock to reverse time. Unpleasant, I know. But it’s real.
You want to work at an agency that is just as real. Mistakes are going to happen. Your agency should hold you and others on the team accountable for their actions proportional to the misstep. And, expect your superiors to be accountable too.
Ask: How would the team handle accountability for client programs?
#5 – The grass isn’t always greener on the other side.
Cows are known to reach under the fence, itching for just “a little better” grass to eat, particularly when they’ve been in one paddock a few days–long enough to have taken one bite off the top of the whole field. However, the grass next door isn’t always better. Transition can be hard!
If you’re at an agency now and you take work home every night and dread waking up, that doesn’t mean you should quit. You can bounce to the next agency and you will probably find yourself in the same predicament. Why is that? Because that’s “agency life”? No, because agency’s often present opportunities for overworking, but you’d be surprised how that can become a brisk walk in the pasture (maybe not leisurely, that would be boring) with some open communication.
Ask for help when (and preferably before) you need it. If your boss doesn’t help, ask again! Is there someone else you can ask? Did you ask them? Did you ask them twice? Okay, you get it. If you’ve asked for solutions and still have no reprieve, then it is fair to consider another position at an agency with a healthier culture. Did I mention we’re hiring?
Ask: What is the work/life balance here? How frequent are check-ins with my manager?
#6 – Throwing tires takes a team.
I still have the pleasure of helping my family at corn silage harvest every few years when they are ready to cover the pile. Corn silage is the entire corn plant chopped up and then fermented for the cows to eat. It is stored packed down tightly in a bunker or on a cement pad. It is then covered with plastic, protecting the outside layer as it goes through a natural fermentation process. This process reduces feed waste and keep the corn silage preserved naturally, staying tasty and nutritious throughout the coming year. To keep the plastic on the bunker for a whole year, we cover the plastic with hundreds of rubber car tires sans the rim. Last year’s pile was about 12 feet tall and 200 feet long so you can imagine what it might have been like to throw and carry enough tires to cover it in a 90 degree August day. It couldn’t have been done alone.
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Taking care of clients is also some heavy-lifting. No one team member can do it alone. Look for an agency where you can be a part of a fun team that has each other’s back.
Ask: How is the team atmosphere here? What does the agency do to empower team members to work together positively?
Looking for Your Agency Match?
Deciding it’s time to find a new marketing agency is a tough decision. If you’re ready to stop thinking about it and start interviewing, make sure you keep these keep these 6 qualities in mind and don’t forget to jot down your favorite questions to ask.
If you’re interested in joining an agency that aligns with the values above, see if any of our open positions might be a fit for you!
Gain a competitive advantage by subscribing to the TopRank® Online Marketing Newsletter.
© Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®, 2017. | 6 Culture Qualities to Look for When Interviewing at a Marketing Agency I Learned From My Dairy Farm | http://www.toprankblog.com
The post 6 Culture Qualities to Look for When Interviewing at a Marketing Agency I Learned From My Dairy Farm appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
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