#i need a proposal fic asap
rivkae-winters · 5 months
Edit: the app launched and Is down- I have the initial apology video in a post here and I’m working on getting a full archive of their TikTok up ASAP. I’m letting the rest of this post remain since I do still stand by most of it and also don’t like altering things already in circulation.
Warning for criticism and what I’d consider some harsh to outright mean words:
So I’ve just been made aware of the project known of as ‘lore.fm’ and I’m not a fan for multiple reasons. For one this ‘accessibility’ tool complicates the process of essentially just using a screen reader (something native to all I phones specifically because this is a proposed IOS app) in utterly needless and inaccessible ways. From what I have been seeing on Reddit they have been shielding themselves (or fans of the project have been defending them) with this claim of being an accessibility tool as well to which is infuriating for so many reasons.
I plan to make a longer post explaining why this is a terrible idea later but I’ll keep it short for tonight with my main three criticisms and a few extras:
1. Your service requires people to copy a url for a fic then open your app then paste it into your app and click a button then wait for your audio to be prepared to use. This is needlessly complicating a process that exists on IOS already and can be done IN BROWSER using an overlay that you can fully control the placement of.
2. This is potentially killing your own fandom if it catches on with the proposed target market of xreader smut enjoyers because of only needing the link as mentioned above. You don’t have to open a fic to get a link this the author may potentially not even get any hits much less any other feedback. At least when you download a pdf you leave a hit: the download button is on the page with the fic for a reason. Fandom is a self sustaining eco system and many authors get discouraged and post less/even stop writing all together if they get low interaction.
3. Maybe we shouldn’t put something marketed as turning smut fanfic into audio books on the IOS App Store right now. Maybe with KOSA that’s a bad idea? Just maybe? Sarcasm aside we could see fan fiction be under even more legal threat if minors use this to listen to the content we know they all consume via sites like ao3 (even if we ask them not to) and are caught with it. Auditory content has historically been considered much more obscene/inappropriate than written content: this is a recipe for a disaster and more internet regulations we are trying to avoid.
I also have many issues with the fact that this is obviously redistributing fanfiction (thus violating the copyright we hold over our words and our plots) and removing control the author should have over their content and digital footprint. Then there is the fact that even though the creator on TikTok SAYS you can email to have your fic ‘excluded’ based on the way the demo works (pasting a link) I’m gonna assume that’s just to cover her ass/is utter bullshit. I know that’s harsh but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s probably a duck.
I am all for women in stem- I’ve BEEN a woman in Stem- but this is not a cool girl boss moment. This is someone naive enough to think this will go over well at best or many other things (security risks especially) at worst.
In conclusion for tonight: I hope this person is a troll but there is enough hype and enough paid for web domains that I don’t think that’s the case. There are a litany of reasons every fanfic reader and writer should be against something like this existing and I’ll outline them all in several other posts later.
Do not email their opt out email address there is no saying what is actually happening with that data and it is simply not worth the risks it could bring up. I hate treating seemingly well meaning people like potential cyber criminals but I’ve seen enough shit by now that it’s better to be safe than sorry. You’re much safer just locking all your fics to account only. I haven’t yet but I may in the future if that is the only option.
If anyone wants a screen reader tutorial and a walk through of my free favorites as well as the native IOS screen reader I can post that later as well. Sorry for the heavy content I know it’s not my normal fare.
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yun-fangz · 1 year
18+ mdni, i just can't get Dilf! Jongho out of my head 😿
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Dilf !Jongho who spots you in a cafe, mindlessly doing your course work. He couldn't help but approach you and start a conversation.
Dilf! Jongho who's surprised when you openly flirt with him and ask him out despite the obvious age and social gap. He's even more surprised with how good you look upon arriving to the date.
Dilf! Jongho who's still surprised when you agree to be in a relationship. Dilf! Jongho who spoils you endlessly and although you try to fight it, he knows you secretly love it.
Dilf! Jongho who gets to happily use your throat and pretty pussy whenever he pleases, bending you over on every surface or pinning you to whatever wall he pleases.
Dilf! Jongho with a breeding kink. He'll use any and every excuse to find a way to have you under him, tummy full of his hot cum.
Dilf! Jongho who's sexual libido unrelenting, you sometimes think you're the older one here. The man can't help it though, the mere thought of your pretty face is enough to get him going.
Dilf!Jongho who despite all looks falls deeply in love with you, using every waking moment in privacy to shower you with love and serenades. You've never felt this loved in your life.
and finally, Dilf! Jongho who takes you around the world, showing you it's beauty before proposing to you in the most romantic way possible. You cry as he pulls out the diamond ring, crashing into his arms while spewing a mixture of 'yes's' and 'i love you's'.
Dilf! Jongho crashing your 10am lecture because you conveniently "forgot" your lecture notes, you just really wanted to see him.
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i have so many dilf ideas yall please send in fic ideas/prompts i need to write ASAP!!!
lemme know if u want more tho (and give me ideas 🚬.)
rb's & feedback always appreciated 💋
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4ttack-ur-heart · 1 year
I Think I Wanna Marry You
Pairing: Levi x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, light angst but it’s a happy ending, levi being nervous about proposing.
Summary: You take great care of Levi, you always have. When Hange reveals your intentions of marriage to him, Levi does everything he can to make it happen- just be sure to add a few bumps.
So I know I promised this Levi fic out yesterday, but sadly life got in the way. My bad for any mistakes, I wanted to post this asap. ANYWAYS, I kinda got carried away with the original idea and went super wordy with it, so enjoy a longer fic <3
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Making your way outside was a struggle. Your vision was slightly obscured from the various items held in your arms.
“Excuse me.” You said as multiple scouts dodged out of your way. Some of them chuckled at you and others offered you help.
“You got it, (l/n)?”
“All good!”
Your boots scuffed across the dirt path as you walked carefully to the training grounds. The sounds of grunts and shuffling filled through your ears as you approached the open ground. You set the items down gently on the floor, careful not to knock anything over.
Taking a seat next to the pile, you rested your arm on your propped up leg, taking in the scenery in front of you.
Your eyes scanned over the crowd of soldiers sparring with each other until they settled on one.
His scouts jacket was set on a nearby bench and his white button up was untucking slightly from his movements. Sweat beaded down his face and his hair was swaying back and forth in front of his face.
The sun was brutally beating down on the grounds and you never understood how they could train so heavily in the scorching heat.
Levi was training with Miche. The two men, although different in size, were evenly matched. Miche threw a fist at Levi, but he quickly retaliated by knocking his arm away and sending a powerful kick to his abdomen. Miche grunted from the attack, but quickly straightened up as Levi charged at him once more.
The men threw hits back and forth until Levi managed to knock Miche off balance. Levi sent his leg to the back of Miche’s knee before jabbing his elbow on his back. The tall man hit the ground with a grunt.
“It’s not even a fair fight anymore.” Levi said, holding a hand out to help him up.
Miche chuckled and took it. “Let’s not forget I’m the one who kicked your ass first.”
Levi scoffed at his response, but he couldn’t deny it. He gave it his best, but Miche did manage to take him down in the Underground.
Miche wiped the dust from his uniform and met your watching eyes. He nodded his head at you and Levi turned around, looking at your sitting figure just feet from him.
You smiled at Levi as he approached you, a more mellow look on his face. “What are you doing here? I thought you had paperwork to finish.”
“I did, but I finished early and wanted to see you.” Standing up, you turned to the pile you brought with you. “Here.”
“What’s all this?” His steel eyes scanned over the pile.
“I got you some water.” You handed him the jug, which he graciously accepted. “Then I brought you a towel.”
Again, he took the item.
“And some food in case you were hungry.”
“(Y/n).” Levi started, but you rambled on, pulling out various items.
“I didn’t know if you were getting sunburned or not, so I also brought some of that cooling balm from the market.”
“Oh! I also brought some of that bug spray Hange made. I know the mosquitos are brutal this time of year-”
“(Y/n), darling.” Levi said firmly. You paused mid sentence and looked up at him. “I appreciate it, believe me I do, but you didn’t need to do all this.”
“But I wanted too.” You answered back.
Levi chuckled. “I can see that. How on earth did you carry everything?”
Shrugging, you wrapped the towel around his neck and used the end to wipe the sweat off his face. Then you opened the cooling balm and slathered some of the goo on your fingers. “I have my ways.”
Before Levi could speak up, your fingertips attacked his face and started spreading the balm on his reddened cheeks and nose.
You notice a few scouts staring at your actions. Clearly trying not to laugh at their strong Captain getting pampered. “The hell are you staring at? Get back to training!”
The scouts quickly ducked their heads and walked away.
“I don’t need all this, darling.” He insisted.
“Your face says otherwise.” You smiled. “Finish your water.”
Levi wrapped an arm around you waist and pecked your cheek. “Thanks.”
After a brutal day of training and working on the new scout formation with Erwin, you were beat. You settled into your sleepwear for the night and made your way to Levi’s office, a tray of tea balanced in your hand.
Your knuckles wrapped against the door briefly before you shoved the door open, taking a second to rebalance the tray of very hot tea. Levi was doing his infamous resting face as he saw your figure unceremoniously enter the room.
“Tch, I could’ve been in a meeting.”
You walked over to his desk and placed the tray down. Setting a cup in front of him, you carefully poured him his tea. “Yeah, and…? The higher ups love me.”
“If you say so.”
You shot him a playful glare and he gave you a small smile in return. He picked up his tea from the top of the cup and brought it to his lips.
“Careful, it’s hot.” You warned him.
“Really? I couldn’t tell with the all the steam.”
“Okay, Mr. Grumpy, finish your tea and we’ll head to bed. I’m tired.” You poured a small amount of milk into your own cup, stirring it gently with a small spoon, a gentle clinking sound echoing in the room.
Levi took a sip and placed the cup down, picking up his pen and scribbling his signature down on a few spots. “I’m not stopping you, darling. If you’re tired, go to bed. You know I don’t go to bed at a decent hour.”
“Yeah, that’s gonna change.” You said nonchalantly and took a small sip. “Finish up, cause we’re going to bed in 20 minutes.”
“No, I want to try something.” You cut him off.
Levi let out a small sigh, but nonetheless nodded at you. “Alright.”
After about 15 minutes, Levi shuffled his papers together and placed your empty cups back on the tray.
“C’mon.” His hand grasped yours and he led you to his quarters. The room was very simple and tidy, not a speck of dust either. You looked at the small bookshelf in the corner of the room filled with countless romance novels you recommended to him.
“Did you read ‘Just Us’ yet?” You asked and settled into his bed, the scent of fresh linen filling your nostrils. The book was laying on the nightstand, the bookmark peeking out of the bottom of the book.
“I started it, but haven’t had time to finish it.” He said and started to undress.
“You should! It’s about a young couple that fell in love instantly and their life- oh my god, the wedding scene! Ahh~” You rolled across the bed and draped an arm frantically over your forehead.
Levi deeply chuckled at you. “Yes, you’ve told me countless times about it.”
“Yeah, cause you should read it.” You rolled your eyes.
“I will, I will. Now, what did you want to try?” Levi sat on the edge of the bed and turned towards you, now dressed in more comfortable clothes.
“Come here.” You quickly sat up and made grabby hands towards him. Levi obeyed and sat closer in front of you.
“Now what?”
“Lay down.”
“Darling, I cuddle you, not the other way around.” Levi crossed his arms.
“Shut up, you old man. Just do what I say.”
Levi scoffed and hesitantly laid down against you. His head was leaning on your chest as you sat up against the headboard and shuffled under the blankets.
Levi was stiff against you, clearly not used to the position.
“Relax, Lee.” Your hand brushed through his hair, trailing down his undercut. “Close your eyes.”
So he did. He let his eyes drop shut and focused on trying to fall asleep. The steady beating of your heart lulling him into a relaxed state.
He threw an arm around your stomach and pulled his body closer to yours. You tried not to coo at the sight and continued trekking your fingers through his hair. Levi seemed to like the gesture and you thought if he was a cat, he’d be purring up a storm.
The room was silent as you picked up the book on the nightstand, your hand fumbling to set up the book in a way without disturbing Levi.
Flipping through the chapters, you found your favorite part. The wedding.
Levi was snuggled up against you, soft snores escaping his lips as he was clearly knocked out.
Idiot. Watch me find out he’s a bottom, too.
You read through the book, the vivid detail and dialogue playing out perfectly in your head. You could only hope it could be you and Levi in the novel.
The main character reminded you so much of Levi. Very strong and intimidating, until he met the love of his life.
After the ceremony, the couple in the novel secretly snuck out into the garden of their reception. A stolen dance away from everyone else. The scene was intimate and private as the couple swayed under the moonlight. Drunken laughter heard from inside their venue, but they didn’t care. Their dance was something you only dreamt of with Levi.
“Maybe one day.” You murmured, now very sleepy. Sagging down against the headboard, you pulled Levi tighter against you and shut your eyes.
“You seem well rested.” Hange commented at Levi. She was right, while he still remained his usual self, he was more relaxed and not so much on edge.
“(Y/n) helped me sleep last night at a decent hour.” He replied and looked over some of Hange’s notes.
Hange hummed in response.
“You know she wants to marry you, right?” They said.
Levi froze in place, his eyes widening at the comment. “W-what?”
“Don’t act stupid, Levi. I knew you were a guy, but I still thought you were one of the few that had a brain.” Hange laughed at the stiffened man, their smile faltered slightly as he didn’t seem to relax. “You did know that, right?”
“I-uh. W-well-” Levi couldn’t find the words. “How do you know?”
“Cause she told me.” Hange replied, sticking their face in their microscope, analyzing some new Titan sample.
“A few weeks ago.”
“And you’re just telling me now?” Levi said clearly irritated.
“Damn, shorty, I thought you knew. That girl loves you to death. Have you seriously never thought about it?”
Of course he has. He’s thought about it every day. Levi was hesitant, though. Not about wanting to marry you, just scared something bad will happen after everything he’s been through. Everything he’s loved in his life was brutally ripped from him, so he’s always carried that fear inside of him.
“I have- I do want to marry her.”
Hange smiled at him. They rolled their eyes and gave out a loud laugh. “Then what the hell are you waiting for?! Get to it.”
“Levi, I bought some of those nice smelling oils you like. Ya know the ones from that small shop in town?” You opened the small bag and set the vials on his desk.
Levi didn’t look up from his papers, a small hum leaving his lips as he was clearly not paying attention.
“Lee, you okay?” You asked and tilted your head at him, you noticed he tensed up as you got closer to him.
“Mhm.” He didn’t look up, his eyes still scanning through the papers.
“You sure? You seem distracted.”
He let out a heavy sigh and his hard eyes met yours. “I’m fine, just trying to work, (Y/n).”
Your shoulders sagged at his tone, clearly confused. “Maybe you’re just stressed. Do you want to head to bed? You slept so good the other night, like you woke up and your hair was sticking-”
“Trying to work, (Y/n).” He repeated sternly, making you frown.
“O-oh. Okay, I’ll leave you alone, then.” You said quietly and reached for the vials set on his desk.
Putting a few back in their bag, your hand grazed the last one when it fell forwards and collided with the ground.
The small glass jar shattered upon impact, making Levi’s eyes scan to the mess now on the floor. You flinched at the sound and quickly bent down the pick up the broken jar, nose wrinkling as the strong scent invaded your nostrils.
“Shit, sorry.”
Levi abruptly stood up, the chair screeching against the floorboard and his hand reached up to touch his forehead. “(Y/n)…”
Your eyes met his from the floor.
“I’m trying to work. Please just go.”
“I know, I’m leaving. I just thought these would cheer you up.”
Levi rolled his eyes and opened the window behind his desk. “Yeah, and now I’m going to have a headache from the oils scent. Thank you.”
Your lip wobbled at his words, clearly feeling hurt by his annoyed mood. “Look, I don’t know what’s wrong with you, but you don’t have to take it out on me.”
“I’m trying to work! For gods sake, (Y/n).”
You stood up from your spot on the floor and bit your lip in a weak attempt to not cry. “You don’t have to be an asshole.”
Turning on your heel, you made your way to leave the room. A body suddenly blocked the doorway and you glanced up, before ducking your head down and brushing past him.
“Commander Erwin.”
Erwin looked at you with a confused expression and tried to ask what happened as he noticed the tears escaping your eyes, but you quickly left before he could.
His gaze looked towards Levi and then the broken vial on the floor, a stern look adorning his features. “Care to explain?”
Levi let out yet another sigh and angrily rushed a hand through his raven hair. “I’m stressed out and I took it out on her.”
Erwin let out a ‘hmph’ at Levi’s explanation. “She’s just trying to help you.”
Levi knew that. Of course he knew that. Everything he’s been doing has been stressing him out lately trying to make everything perfect for you.
Yeah, you were right, he was an asshole. Levi reached into his drawer and pulled out a rag. He crouched down to the spill and covered the liquid. “I know, I just don’t want her to find out. I left the fucking book on the desk and I thought she’d see it.”
Levi removed a few papers off his desk and revealed the open book of ‘Just Us’ flipped to the wedding chapter. He had several lines were underlined and circled with details annotated.
Erwin shut the door behind him and stepped closer, letting out a grim chuckle. “Well, you certainly took care of that, didn’t you?”
“Tch.” Levi glared at the commander. “What the hell are you doing here anyways? It’s late.”
Erwin pulled out a a few papers folded together. A letter. “I managed to get in contact with the jeweler. Told him about the rather sad income out soldiers receive along with your story.”
Levi crossed his arms hardened his gaze. “So you made me out as some basket case?”
“Not necessarily. It doesn’t matter, what matters is that he cut the price in half.” Erwin handed Levi the papers. Levi tore the papers from his grasp them and scanned over the writing, his eyes widened as he read through.
“He wants me to pick it up in the morning.” Levi whispered and felt his hands getting clammy. This was it. Tomorrow morning he’d have the ring.
The ring he picked out for you, his future wife.
“Levi?” You knocked on the door to his office.
You woke up to an empty bed this morning and you thought he was still mad at you from last night, so you made him some tea as a peace offering.
No answer. You opened the wooden door to the room, the loud creaking ringing out in the empty room.
“He’s not here.” You recognized Erwin’s voice from behind you. You jumped at his words, not expecting him to appear behind you.
Your hand rebalanced the sloshing cup of tea in your grip. “Where is he?”
“He went into town.”
For what? Levi never really liked to venture into the city on his own and if he did, he always took you with him. You knew he’d much rather prefer a nice stroll in the forest or around the courtyard, so hearing this was a surprise. “Oh, alright. Would you like some tea, sir? I’d hate to see it go to waste.”
Erwin nodded and took the cup from you and set a hand in your shoulder. “Are you okay? You looked rather upset last night.”
You stiffened at his question and nodded your head. “Y-yeah. Sorry about that, sir. We kind got into it.”
The commander gestured for you to walk with him and so you did. The halls were mostly empty, only a few scouts lingering before starting their daily duties. “Stop with the formalities, (Y/n). You don’t have to apologize for your feelings. He’s under a lot of stress right now and I had sent him to go meet up with some of the MP’s.” The lie easily slipped off his tongue as you both stopped in front of his door.
“I understand he’s stressed,” you started and turned the corner to his office. “I just don’t want him to feel like he can’t talk to me about it.”
Erwin took out the key to his office and unlocked the door. “If I know Levi, he doesn’t want his own stress to add on to yours.” The door opened with a loud creak. “Give him some time to cool off and figure things out. You didn’t do anything wrong, please don’t forget that.”
His words brought you a sense of calming. It was nice to hear it from someone else. But until Levi wasn’t upset, you’d continue to think otherwise.
“Thank you, Erwin.” You smiled up at him through watery eyes.
“Of course, my office is always open when you need me.” He gestured to the opened door, making you laugh. “Why don’t you go help Miche? He’s dealing with the new squads and you know how hard he can be.”
“Yes, sir.”
The day dragged on slowly with your mind being clouded on Levi. You weren’t mad at him, just concerned. Both of you had worked so hard to communicate your feelings and concerns throughout your relationship so that situations like this wouldn’t happen.
“Squad 3 advance in! Give Squad 1 their chance to recover!” Miche shouted at the training soldiers. The squads were practicing with some of the new Titan dummies, thanks to Hange and some of the Garrison soldiers, they were able to have more movement and spin on the mechanisms. It gave training more of a purpose since they weren’t just stiff pieces of wood anymore.
You stood next to Miche, surprised by the new recruits. “What do you think of them?” You asked.
“They’re good, still need work though. They won’t be truly ready until they’re face to face with the real thing.” His arms were crossed and a hardened expression carried on his face.
You nodded at his words and a small silence washed over you both as you continued with training.
“Are you going to address the elephant in the room?”
“We’re outside.”
“Don’t be a smartass, you know what I mean.” He gave out a small chuckle.
“Erwin?” You asked and sighed when the man nodded. “Dammit.”
“Everything okay?” Miche always treated you like a little sister. Watching out for you and being protective before you and Levi had started dating. Miche wasn’t too happy when he found out you liked him and knowing how Levi could be, but as he saw how Levi was allowing himself to become closer with you, he eventually pushed you two together.
“Yeah, I guess I just caught him at a bad moment.” Shrugging it off, you tried to downplay the situation. The more you talked about it, the more it wracked your brain.
“Still doesn’t excuse it though, (Y/n).” He replied, voice now more serious. “Just give me the signal and I’ll beat his ass.”
You laughed. “Didn’t he kick you to the floor the other day?”
Miche’s response made you squeal as he wrapped an arm around your neck and dragged his knuckles across your hairline. “Ah, I’m sorry!”
Levi hands felt clammy, he was nervous. Very nervous. He was walking through the halls at a brisk pace, desperate to find you.
The small velvet box in his pocket felt like it weighed a hundred pounds as it gently bumped against his thigh with every step.
Levi took a deep breath and knocked on your door. A faint ‘come in’ was heard and he pushed the door open slowly.
His steel blue eyes met yours hastily. You were still in your casual clothes, your sleepwear in your hands.
“I-I, uh. Shit.” He muttered, losing his confidence.
“Is everything okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost, want me to put some tea on?” Concern was laced with your voice.
Fuck, how the hell were you so sweet to him? Even after he snapped at you last night for no reason, you still found a way to take care of him. Swallowing the bile in his throat, Levi straightened his posture.
“No, darling, I’m alright.” He made his way over to you and he took both of your hands in his. You gave Levi a concerned face, why was he acting so strange?
“(Y/n)…” Levi started, thumbs nervously rubbing over the back of your hands. “Listen, I need to apologize for last night. I was being a jerk and you didn’t do anything for me to speak to you in that way.”
His thumb then trailed over to your left ring finger. The area naked and bare, but not for long, he hoped.
“Aw honey, why do you look so distressed? It’s okay.” Your gaze softened and you reached up to rub your thumb against his cheek, you raised a brow when you realized his face had a thin layer of sweat. “Erwin told me everything.”
Levi almost choked on his spit and his eyes widened. “H-he what?”
“Yeah, he told me how he had to send you in town for all those errands with the MP’s. I’d be mean about it too.”
Oh, thank god.
Levi let out a sigh in relief. “N-no, that’s not w-why-shit.”
You started to become concerned for him. The poor guy was starting to sweat and now he’s stuttering. He only did that when he’s nervous.
“Levi, I need you to be honest with me right now, you’re letting your thoughts get the best of you. What is going on?” Now your own thoughts started to haunt your mind. “Are you…”
Oh god, you didn’t even want to finish your sentence, afraid it going to be true.
“Are you breaking up with me?”
“Oh, no- god, fuck no.” Levi quickly reassured you. He wrapped his arms around your frame and pulled you close to him. Your arms remained at your side. You were beyond confused on what was happening. “Just come with me outside, it’s like a sauna in here.”
Levi knew you were getting really suspicious now, hell it was the middle of autumn and it left the stone castle feeling like an ice tundra, but he couldn’t help the way his cravat suddenly felt like it was suffocating him.
Leading you through the hallway, his hand never left yours, and neither did the puzzled look on your face. You thought it was going to be a simple apology, he literally just gave it to you, but for some reason he’s dragging it out.
The chilly air surrounded your figure, making you instantly shiver. The breeze was light, but the air cold. Levi was sure to cool down in this weather. The full moon lit up the base with hues of blue casted shadows. The crickets and cicadas chirped their songs along with the rustling of dead leaves as they plummeted to the earth.
“Here, darling.” Levi said and draped his jacket over your shoulders, you graciously accepted it. The man now stood in front of you in just his white button up and black slacks.
“Okay, sorry about that whole mess back there.” A slight red tinted his face. “I’m nervous about this.”
“I love you, so fucking much. I was scared as hell when we first got together, because I was afraid you’d leave me like everyone else. Besides, Miche made it very clear he didn’t like me.”
You let out a small giggle at his words, and he continued.
“Eventually he came around, and surprisingly enough everyone supported us. Sure, a bit of teasing here and there but that’s the fun part. Anyways- fuck, sorry, I don’t mean to keep rambling on. What I’m trying to say is Hange told me that you said you’ve been thinking about marriage-”
Your eyes widened and you mouth dropped open. Dammit Hange. This could go one of two ways…
“And so have I.” His finger reached up to your chin and pushed your mouth closed. “It hasn’t left my mind since I realized I love you, and I was scared you weren’t ready yet, but hearing it gave me all the reassurance I needed.”
Levi’s hands patted the pockets of his slacks and he could swear his stomach dropped 6 feet when he couldn’t find the small box. His gaze suddenly shifted to his jacket you had wrapped around your shoulders. With an awkward reach and a disappointed sigh, Levi reached into the coat pocket and pulled out the box.
“The reason we got into a fight yesterday was entirely my fault. Erwin lied to cover for me, I went into town for this and I was trying to work on the proposal and there were things on the desk that might have spoiled it.”
You gasped and covered you mouth with your hands when you saw the velvet box. There’s no way. Tears immediately welled in your eyes as he opened the ring box.
It was stunning, a silver band with a glimmering diamond in the center along with smaller diamonds strewed around the bands.
“Now, there’s about a thousand different ways I wanted this to happen, but I wanted to do this now. I need you to know that I will always love you. No matter what stupid fights we have, no matter who is angry at who, I’m here for it… all of it. You care for me so much, as I do you and no one has ever treated me as kindly as you have. So I ask you…”
Levi dropped down to one knee, his fingertips brushing against the box. “(Y/n) (L/n), will you marry me?”
You were speechless for a moment, trying to decipher if this was real or not. Sniffling you nodded your head and rushed out your answer.
“Yes, of course.”
Levi slipped the ring on your finger with tears in his eyes and stood back up. His hand brushed away a few tears that escaped down your face.
You pulled him in for a hug and started crying into his shoulder. “I love you.”
Levi pulled you tighter against him, his lips planted themselves across your forehead. “I love you too, darling.”
“I can’t wait to marry you.”
Lemme know if you guys want a part 2 with their wedding ;)
Tag list: @sad-darksoul @cullenswife
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wizardpink · 2 months
Devil's Minion fic but told entirely from Louis' perspective, where he and Armand find out about Daniel's Parkinson's diagnosis and Louis can tell how absolutely devastated Armand is. But Armand doesn't know that Louis caught he and Daniel together in the 70s/80s but never said anything, because a part of him hoped Armand would turn Daniel and leave with him. But of course he didn't and they continued on trapped in their sham marriage. But now Louis is watching Armand, someone he does feel SOME love for, losing the love of his life in real time, and he thinks about Lestat. And he thinks about Lestat. And he thinks about Lestat. To the point he can't stand the thought of letting Daniel die before reuniting he and Armand one last time. It would be too cruel even for the guy who promised to stay in a loveless marriage for eternity to punish his ex husband. That's why he initiates the whole interview. It's why he teases Daniel with false memories of Alice that are really papered-over memories of Armand, or why he agrees to feed on Armand in front of Daniel and then goes WAY beyond what Armand agreed to talking about the taste of his blood and his swimming habits. It's why he offered Daniel the gift the day Dr. Bhansali visits, when he expects BOTH Armand and Daniel to be most receptive to the idea. And why towards the end of the interview, when Armand proposes offering Daniel the gift a second time under the guise of extending the life of their testament to each other for eternity, Louis says absolutely, what a stellar idea, we'll have Rashid decorate the dining room and make sure our boy is as comfortable as possible. And finally why he had no fear of leaving Daniel with a pissed off Armand after the betrayal reveal. Because at that point despite truly appreciating Daniel for what he revealed during the interview, he needs to get out of there asap because he can't stand to look at either one if them right now. He'll get over it quickly enough because let's face it, in the back of his mind Louis always knew Armand was behind it all. And he loves Daniel now more than ever. So when he finds out Armand turned Daniel after all, after he ran straight to New Orleans and Lestat, I know he had to laugh. "We're all so fucked up, my god."
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archangeldyke-all · 7 months
Hi baby, Im super like not myself lately and my writing has been suffering for it (I haven't touched my laptop since last week 🫠). Just wanted to pop in, say hi, I love you and I'm gonna be lurking and rereading fics on your page tonight for my own personal comfort. Also whenever you feel like it, I've been thinking about black vamp reader and sev going out for their first hunt together, that's all 🥺🥲 Kisses if you want them ladybug 😚
marsssss a million kisses for you baby i'm sorry you're in a funk <3. i love you so so so much i hope you feel better soon! also, yes, lets do it!
disclaimer!! i'm white-- so i'll try to make it an obviously black reader-- but if i make any mistakes just lmk and i'll change it asap!!
men and minors dni
sevika's nervous-- you can tell.
she hasn't let go of your hand since you arrived, and each time someone walks beside your hiding spot-- a dark little alcove in the alley behind a bar-- she gasps.
you squeeze her hand. "relax." you whisper. she huffs.
"can't we just eat more rats for a while?" she asks. you giggle.
"do you want to eat more rats?" you ask. she hums.
it took her a while to adjust to her new life as a vampire. she loves flying-- and even now, a month in to her transformation, she still giggles every time her feet leave the floor.
she's got beef with your little bat friend now that she can understand it-- and the feeling seems to be mutual, since he's always lunging at sevika and making her scream when he comes to visit you. they're both jealous-- possessive of you and your attention. you think it's cute.
when it comes to feeding though, sevika's still a little hesitant.
it's not the killing that puts her off-- hell, she does that anyways.
it's just that sevika became familiar with feeding with you, her acting as the blood bag. she thinks of it as something inherently intimate-- something that's meant to bond two people, something vulnerable.
and while it can be that, most of the time it's much more brutal and much less sexy-- and sevika's had some trouble wrapping her head around it.
but you've gotten tired of draining rats with her-- you miss the full bodied taste of human blood. and she's not really a fan either-- the fur tickles her too much for it to be enjoyable.
which leads you to now.
"what about him?" sevika asks as a drunk man stumbles by your hiding spot. you snort.
"he's not drunk enough." you say. sevika huffs.
"how long do we have to wait?" she whines, tugging your hand in hers. you giggle and press a kiss to her cheek. she relaxes at the press of your lips on her skin.
"as long as it takes, babe." you say. she sighs.
"you didn't tell me being a vampire would be so boring." she groans. you giggle.
"i did, actually." you say. sevika pouts. "c'mon, you don't have any enemies you wanna drain?" you ask. sevika huffs.
"i already told you! i don't have enemies-- at least not for long. i took care of 'em all already." she says, pouting again. you snort.
"so we're stuck here until you make a new one or someone comes stumbling by wasted." you say. she sighs. you kiss her to placate her again, and she hums against your lips. "it's not all bad." you remind her. "i never had a companion with me on my hunts-- this is fun."
"oh, have i been demoted to companion now?" she asks, glaring at you. you giggle.
"well, i don't see a ring on my finger." you say, teasingly wagging your fingers in front of sevika's face. she growls.
"you proposed to me! i don't need to get you a ring!" she cries. you laugh, reaching forward to fiddle with the ring that you pushed on her finger a month ago.
"i'm just saying-- until we say our 'i do's, legally, you're just my roommate."
"you're the one who won't let me take you to the courthouse--"
"they're up top and only open in the daytime! we can't get burnt on our wedding day sev!"
she grumbles, and you lean forward to kiss her again. she sighs against your mouth, wrapping her arms around your waist and pulling you against her body. you run your hands through her hair and tug, pulling a moan out of her.
just when she starts shoving a thigh between your legs, something down the alleyway clatters. you both look up and watch as a burly man doubles over and vomits behind a dumpster.
"hmm." you say, licking your lips as you examine the man. he's big enough for you to both get a decent drink from him, and drunk enough that he won't remember it in the morning. sevika nudges you.
"him?" she asks. you shrug.
"dunno. it's your first hunt, you tell me." you say.
you watch as sevika's eyes flit up and down the barfing man, her pupils widening and her tongue coming out to lick her lips in hunger.
"he... he's pretty drunk." she says. you nod.
"blacked out, probably." you say. she bites her lip. "can you smell him?" you ask. sevika sniffs the air, and her stomach rumbles. you giggle.
"f-fuck." she whispers.
"better than rats, right?"
"way better." she whispers.
"i think it's him." she says, nodding at you. you smile.
"you wanna take the lead or just watch on your first hunt?" you ask. sevika shrugs.
"you go first-- i wanna see you in action." she says. you smile, kiss her cheek, then duck out of the alcove.
instinct takes over pretty quick. in a flash, you're in the air and flying over toward the man. you wait for the perfect moment, when he stands back up from vomiting, and then move in a flash.
your hand clamps over his mouth and your limbs wrap around his torso as you sink your teeth into his thoat from behind.
there's a muffled gasp and then a bit of a fight, but in a few seconds, he goes limp and falls to the pavement below him. you take a few big gulps from his artery, then pull off his neck and look over to where your fiance is watching you from her hiding spot.
"c'mere!" you call. she slowly walks over.
"'s a lot more scary when you're not doing it to me." she says. you chuckle.
"yeah, well, i wasn't as gentle and loving with him as i am with you." you say as sevika kneels on the other side of the man between you. you gesture at him. "go ahead." you encourage her.
sevika licks her lips as she looks down at the man beneath her, and then she leans down, lines her teeth up to the puncture wounds you'd left in his throat, and starts drinking.
"fuck." you whisper. she hums and looks up at you from where she's drinking, groaning at the taste. "that's so hot." you say. sevika laughs through her nose.
the blood in your body is filling you with strength and magic, and something warm starts bubbling in your stomach as you watch sevika drink from the holes you'd made in your victims neck.
it's hypnotizing. her throat bobs with each sip, there's a sweet furrow in her brow, and the little hums and grunts she lets out with each sip are incredibly tantalizing.
she's still new to it, and she's incredibly messy as she drinks. blood's covering her chin and cheeks, dripping slowly down her throat, and when she pulls away from him with a gasp, you nearly cum in your pants at the sight of your lover grinning and satisfied and covered in blood.
you launch yourself over the man between the two of you and tackle sevika to the pavement. she grunts as she lands, but quickly starts to laugh as you start licking up the blood covering her skin and grinding down against her thighs.
"fuck." you grunt. "you're so fucking hot." you whine.
"shit, i feel so..."
"yeah." she says, giggling-- a little high from the euphoria of finally drinking human blood. you grin then press your lips against hers. after a minute of making out, sevika pulls away with a gasp. "i want you." she says. you moan.
"you can have me."
sevika pushes you off of her then drags the two of you back into your hiding spot, quickly pushing both of your shirts under your armpits and pulling your pants down to your knees.
it's clumsy and messy and sticky with blood, but neither of you care as you grope and lick and kiss one another anywhere you can reach.
you're both high on blood, giggling and euphoric as you clumsily collide. it's a blur of brown skin on brown skin-- blood on fingertips and spit on lips as you grind and grope each other mindlessly.
you cum together, gasping against each other's mouths and shivering in each other's hands, and when you catch your breath, the first thing you say is "oh, i fucking love you."
sevika huffs and smiles, pressing another kiss to your lips.
"i love you too." she says, laughing. "i'm glad we still fuck after eating-- i was sad to let that go when you turned me." she says. you giggle.
"not regretting it after your first real feed?" you ask, tugging your pants back up over your ass and helping sevika button her own. she scoffs.
"hell no-- that was amazing. does it always taste that good?" she asks. you smirk and nod.
"of course, he's got nothing on your blood-- but i think that was more of a love thing than a taste thing." you say. sevika giggles.
"fuck off-- i taste amazing."
you grin. "yeah, you do." you say, shoving your thigh against her cunt. she gasps, then giggles.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
X-Files Collector's Edition: Fics That Deserve More Comments (Part I)
There isn't enough recognition for these fics in my opinion-- and that's a shame and must be rectified! SO-- I'm pushing this list out ASAP, without the usual aplomb and probably half-cocked; but it's the final results that count~. (At least that's what I tell myself.)
**Note**: All of these will be in a more detailed list in future.
**Note Again**: I got too tired to thoroughly finish it all professionally; but I decided to hit publish anyway. Have fun reading~.
**Note the 3rd**: This is probably littered with typos-- will ghost edit later. >:))))
Very loose chronological order below~
Paths Most Dangerous
AU-- Pre-S1 Captain Scully is warned by his old mate about Scully's new job, both men realizing it has to do with the Piper Maru submarine.  
Save by the Sight of Her
Pusher Mulder observes Scully's hurt, betrayal, and quick wit with a gun to her face; but she still keeps him guessing.
The Longest Summer
Post IWTB Mulder had tried to garden himself out of depression. Scully takes some plants with her, hoping that some space will help him heal while not letting him hide out at home forever.
Role of a Lifetime - Chapter 3
AU-- Post IWTB Scully disappeared; and Mulder finds someone he believes to be her five years later. All is not sunshine and roses, with her slowly repelling the life she used to live. This chapter explores Mulder's heartbreak and her explanation-- it's not him she's rejecting, but her own fears of herself.
Rainy Day
Pre-S10 Scully returns, telling Mulder her cancer has returned. He then surprises her twice: by fainting dead away, and proposing immediately after.
Deep Throat Mulder is deeply shocked and grateful at how capable, empathetic, and understanding Scully is after his rescue.
Post Redux II Mulder crashes at his apartment as reality sinks in: in just 24 hours, Scully will be energetically packing her bag and going back home.
Squeeze Mulder is glad that Scully stuck around.
Irresistible Mulder regrets that he hadn't arrived sooner, realizing Scully's "I'm fine" is code for anything but.
Per Manum Mulder is so shocked at Scully's request that he gets a pencil bop to the face. (Set right after he and Scully started dating.)
That WALKERKid's
These selfish wants of mine 
Post One Breath Mulder breaks into his office and tears it apart.
No matter how it happened, I do love you
S8 Mulder massages Scully's feet aches, in awe over his baby's foot outline and "UFO’s, road trips and mummy and daddy being in love".
Of all the things this unremarkable house has seen
Pre-S10 Mulder jogs along, depressed and thinking he'll never be forgiven. Scully calls, trying to veil her concern.  
The questions we don't ask each other
S10 Mulder asks a Magic 8 ball if Scully will ever forgive him; and receives no clear answer.
pir8grl 's This Time
Mulder and Scully trade gentle touches, having escaped death this time.
AlineLovelace's Jericho
AU Scully's body has vanished; but her ghost keeps trying to get Mulder-- who haunts her 'grave'-- to move on with life.
Scar Tissue
S3 Scully contemplates her and Mulder's scars.   
Mulder is mortified over Skinner's personal inquiry of his 'relationship.' Scully is mortified the FBI bet is in the thousands.
adamstanheight's hindsight is twenty-twenty
Monday Skinner is dry-mouthed and horrified as his two agents blow up in the bank, the guilt over his actions in S. R. 819 coming home to roost.
@i-turn-to-stare/iturntostare's An Early Morning, Late Start
Pre-Je Souhaite Mulder and Scully are late to the office that morning, but the only person who seems to mind is an increasingly panicked Kim Cook.
The Need To Know or Mulder's Dilemma
Post Three Words Mulder drops in to TLGs, trying to probe them for information; and after a mild conversations, he knows.
Mother Never Told me There'd Be Days Like This
AU-- Pre-Essence Mulder and Scully are on an undercover mission in Target, fruitlessly trying to corral a perpetrator with Doggett and Monica in a comedy of errors. Mulder ends up dragging Scully, and they both just settle for a night in with popcorn.
ophelia_interrupted's (Ao3) Consortium Downsizing (Ao3)
Crack-- The Consortium hate their accountant but still need him to balance their budget. They're completely broke, though, so they force the US to buy cookies.
A Sprinkle of Stardust/Remembered Promises
Mulder and Scully are scared to death in a haunted house; but end their night with a date set.
Realised Desires (Part 2 of Remembered Promises)
Mulder finally swipes Scully's planner and schedules in their date for that evening-- for a breaking and entering... or not.
Leaving the Years Behind  
Scully has whined many a time through the years, and Mulder has quietly hustled after her, teasing and doting with lunches and nap times.
piece_of_the_stars's snow day
Mulder and Scully are up late-early, calling each other and reminiscing over Samantha and her snowman Kevin. Mulder offers to introduce Kev to Scully the next day.
missing piece
TINH Scully always thought she'd find Mulder alive or die first-- now she can no longer live in denial and must be ripped open.
liveonthesun's Now She Has No Choice
S8 ISTJ understands Mulder's goldfish while dreaming of him and processing her anger at his absence.
Mrs. Spooky Mulder - CaptainLyssa - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Scully is fuming-- a conference full of agents are convinced she and Mulder are dating, and his antics do not help at all. Finally, she just lets them say whatever they want; but her vomiting from a stress headache do not help matters. (I end ~Chapter 5... dunno why.)
Casper, Wyoming. - CaptainLyssa - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Post IWTB Mulder moves he and Scully to Casper, Wyoming; and she is furious when she realizes Will lives here as well. He didn't know, all is forgiven, and they end up adopting their own son at last.
Shopping - CaptainLyssa - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
AU Psychic Family-- Scully and her children are observed by a stranger, who can't quite puzzle how her whole family seem to be psychic... but that's ridiculous, isn't it?
Eating Out - CaptainLyssa - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
AU Psychic Family-- Mulder, Scully, and their precocious children are trying to retain a shred of normalcy while having a nice family outing.
simpletumbleweedfarmer's As Long As You're Right Here - simpletumbleweedfarmer - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Requiem Scully as a dream that Mulder had been taken, and cries it out in his motel room. It's, of course, realized soon after.
todaymyheartleapt's Swiss Omega - todaymyheartleapt - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Pre-Vienen Scully wore Mulder's watch while he was gone.
sisterspooky's The Artist Currently Known As Fox Mulder - sisterspooky (Livylovestabler) - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Revival Mulder is happy that he and Scully are in sync, singing a song until she catches on and strikes a deal.
Day 17 - This Is Going To Hurt - ScullyLovesQueequeg - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Mulder is shot on the job; but he convinces his superiors-- and Scully-- to let him go back and continue to talk down the suspect.
Something's Gotta Give - ScullyLovesQueequeg - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Scully is swamped with Valentine's Day chocolates. Mulder descends into jealousy, stealing her candy here and there.
7. You’ve gone to the bathroom fifty times today.... - Post Tenebras Lux (tumblr.com) Ao3 Day 2 - You've Gone to The Bathroom 50 Times Today - Chapter 1 - ScullyLovesQueequeg - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Post Never Again Mulder can't help but notice that Scully keeps running off to the bathroom, finally following her in and carefully asking her questions. Scully negates his suspicions, telling him her own.
Funeral For A Friend - ScullyLovesQueequeg - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]  
AU-- Gethsemane Mulder died. Scully attended his funeral.
The Reticulan Roadhouse - ScullyLovesQueequeg - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Post Dreamland II Mulder and Scully eat at the Reticulan Roadhouse, neither of them acknowledging its date-ness even when Mulder gifts his partner a pair of beautiful earrings.
Avoidable Feast - ScullyLovesQueequeg - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Mulder and Scully are dating, and the two's lack of communication almost costs them the first Thanksgiving they wanted to celebrate together.
Day 20 - There's Nothing Wrong With You - ScullyLovesQueequeg - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Scully is surprised that, while melodramatic, Mulder is actually sick; and lures her boyfriend over with a clean house.
Holiday Apologies - ScullyLovesQueequeg - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Post IWTB Mulder slowly readjusts to family holidays, visibly slipping into depression. Bill observes him; and buries the hatchet.
thespookyvariation's Letters - Chapter 1 - thespookyvariation - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Post S9 Mulder and Scully read the letters each other had written during their darkest days-- his loss during her abduction and her fear during her cancer.
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Steddie 2023 Music List collab
2023 is almost here and with that, I propose something for all of us Steddie lovers.
Please post a single song that you associate with Steddie and tag me/reblog this post so I can see it and add it to the Spotify playlist.
Include the lyrics and your reasoning, why do you see them in the song? Feel free to include a small drabble, a full fic, a fanart, a Christmas sweater, I don't care. The only requirements are 1 person 1 song and the post with reasoning. Let us see what you see in the song. Share your Steddie vision.
Let's build the ultimate Steddie music list together. All music genres are welcome, all headcanons, all versions (happy ending Steddie, one-sided, pining, AUs...).
Please tag as many people as you want and forward this, the more the merrier! I will try to update this list as much as possible with the links to your posts. And if you find the link to your post missing, please DM me, I will fix it ASAP!
The playlist is HERE!
Tagging my moots and people I follow to get this show started (the usual no pressure if you don't want to thingy here) @unclewaynemunson @strawberryspence @steveshairychest @willowworkswithwords @thefreakandthehair @thelastwalkingsoul @skeliiix @stevesbipanic @steviesbicrisis @henrystars @yournowheregirl @henderdads @frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe @sidekick-hero @legitcookie @hoples (gimme that November Rain, I know you want to!) and anyone who wants to join, if I left you out I just forgot because I'm rushing to post this while I remember, I still love you all!
Oh and by the way. YOU DON'T NEED TO BE WRITERS/ARTISTS. You can just love the ship and that's it. *smooch*
If you want a tag, it's Steddie2023MusicList.
EDIT: I very much appreciate all the song comments/reblogs, but please create a post with the reasoning and tag me so I can add your song/reason to the list! It's not just a set of songs, but also the reasons why you chose them! I can't link comments so please, create posts, not just tags or comments. Thank you!
List of songs and posts under the cut:
@undreaming-fanfiction: Meat Loaf - All of Me
@daysarestranger: Journey - Faithfully
@steveshairychest: Chance Peña - In My Room
@frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe: The Chordettes - Eddie My Love
@asbealthgn: Ludo - The Horror Of Our Love
@reignofdreams: Adam Lambert - Whataya Want From Me
@hoples: Guns N' Roses - November Rain
@goddess-of-the-donut: Taylor Swift - Invisible String
@henderdads: Alex & Sierra - Little Do You Know
@mira-jadeamethyst: Beth Crowley - The Dark
@cinnamon-mushroomabomination: ABBA - Super Trouper
@steviesbicrisis: Maneskin - Coraline
@rogueangelshunter: Jóhan Jóhansson - Mandy Love Theme
@willowworkswithwords: Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Almost Cut My Hair
@yellowsweater-bluevest: Cuarteto de nos - El innombrable
@sidekick-hero: Mehro - Chance With You
@lenythepillow: The Smiths - There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
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lostplotbunniesbg3 · 5 months
Astarion x Wyll marriage of convenience au
Wyll needs to marry asap for whatever posh political reasons (with a dash of self-sacrifice of course). He thinks it over in some shady tavern and gets propositioned by Astarion who works there as a sex worker. Wyll proposes a deal - he gets a spouse who won't mind his lack of love and Astarion gets out of the brothel. For a while Astarion just revels in luxury and annoys Wyll’s noble social circle. Eventually, maybe the plot catches up to them and they have to rely on each other in danger and develop feelings, maybe Astarion decides that seducing Wyll will give him a better position in all of this, maybe Wyll just catches feelings on his own and suffers in silence, but feelings there are.
More of a longfic idea
Doesn't matter NSFW or not
Do want: a bit of humor, they both are hilarious in their own way, Wyllach being besties at least acknowledged, at least one ballroom dance scene💃
Don't want: Imbalanced fic (I love them both! Gimme both!), game retelling.
A Gentleman Vampire Bunny Goes To The Ball Wyll/Astarion AU!
Looking for a bunny to take on long walks in the moonlight after an evening at a fancy masquerade with all the nobles? Look no further! This little plot bunny has a lot of ideas to have some fun alongside the deep storytelling potential, as long as you don't stray too close to the game plot. There's a really nice potential here too for switching POV between the pair, to dig deeper into the feelings of each as they develop through the events of a longer story. Is there an edge of forbidden love to the pair, with the noble seeking affection from one of lower station? Will other potential betrothed seek to thwart their relationship or expose it as a lie, until doing so ends up exposing the truth of their feelings for each other in a moment of haste or peril? Can the Blade save the Pale Elf from a lifetime of struggling to get by, and can that same Elf keep a hero's heart safe when he's finally ready to share it?
Lots of beautiful ideas here, see where they lead you!
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s1rcus · 7 months
The Future Generations [4/?]
Rating: Mature
Words:   2203
Fandoms: Overwatch
Relationships: Moira O'Deorain/Angela “Mercy” Ziegler  
Characters: Moira O'Deorain, Angela “Mercy” Ziegler  
Additional tags: Trans Angela “Mercy” Ziegler, Pre-Fall of Overwatch, Kid Fic, Eventual Sex, Fake Science, POV Moira O'Deorain
Summary: Angela comes to Moira with an interesting proposal one late evening which makes the two start working closely together in secret.
Story below the cut or in AO3 here
Chapter 1 | Previous Chapter
Moira managed to avoid Angela as well as a person can avoid a coworker for four days before her hand terminal pinged with a message from Reyes.
Conference room 3. ASAP
As she arrived she saw that both Morrison and Reyes were present along with Amari, Angela and Lindholm. It was basically all of her higher-ups and she felt like she'd been called to the principal's office if it wasn't for the mood in the room. The mood was somber in a way.
"O'Deorain, perfect, take a seat," Morrison spoke.
Morrison and Reyes were seated at the other side of the table to Angela and Lindholm. Amari had decided to stand it seemed as she stood by Morrison's side. Moira pulled out a free chair from the other side of Angela and sat down giving her a quizzical look. Angela just gave her a sad smile. 
"Doctor Ziegler says you could have some good input to her current assignment. We know you have your own work and prefer to work alone so we wouldn't have asked you to come here, if Angela wouldn't have convinced us that your input really would benefit her," Morrison continued after she was properly seated.
"Fair enough. What is this about then?" Moira asked.
"You might've heard of the rumours going around about Amelie Lacroix for the past few weeks. We're sad to announce that they've been true and we got her back a few days ago. Last night though she attacked her husband as he slept and fled. Gerard has been in critical condition ever since," Morrison explained.
Jeez. That explains the odd mood.
"Why don't you just resurrect him with the staff?" She asked.
"It's not working. Or well the healing isn't working on him so I doubt that would and we'd need to let him die first and if we do that there's no coming back," Angela explained.
"What do you mean it's not working? That thing is supposed to be fool proof."
"I don't know. She clearly did something that blocks it from working. First we're gonna save Lacroix and then we're going to figure out what it is that's making my staff not work and fix it." Angela sounded desperate. This really was serious.
"So what's your plan?"
"I don't really have one. But I do know that I need you. We'll have to first figure out what's stopping the healing process. It seems like his system disables nanites or something. If Talon has this sort of technology we need to figure out a way to surpass it before it becomes a problem."
Morrison cleared his throat and both women fell silent again turning their attention back to him.
"I take it both of you understand that this is a sensitive matter and it can't reach the ears of anyone outside of this room and the select few medical personnel who have been assigned to work with Angela on this."
Moira nodded in response.
"Alright. Dismissed."
Both Moira and Angela got up from their seats. Moira gave one last glance at Reyes. He gave her a very minimal head shake. She was not going to be able to get out of this and this was to be her top priority for now. Morrison seemed deeply worried and for the first time she felt like she was seeing Reyes show any emotion as he placed a hand on his shoulder. She turned around and followed Angela out of the room. 
Angela was already halfway to the lift when the door clicked shut behind Moira. A deep breath to calm her irritation over the situation and Moira caught up with her easily with her long strides.
Angela fidgeted with her sleeve as she waited for the elevator. This had clearly taken its toll on her and Moira wanted desperately to ask how she was doing. It wasn't her place though. Moira had made it clear to Angela she wanted to keep their relationship professional and asking Angela if she was doing alright would be something she wouldn't have done before.
"I know you have some sort of plan. You always have some idea. So what are we going to do first?" She asked Angela instead as they waited for the lift. 
“We have to identify what they've done and find a way to neutralize it. I've done a couple of tests but nothing has come of them. I was hoping you'd have some ideas.”
“I might. Let me take a look at him and what you have so far. I'm sure I'll figure something out.”
“Thank you. These have been some of the most stressful 8 hours of my life.”
“Of course,” she said even though it's not like she could've done anything else but to comply.
As they worked together, Moira found herself accidentally slipping back into their old habit of flirty bickering. It seemed to be an easy way to get Angela to relax and as much as Moira hated to admit it, she was very concerned for Angela's (and the child's) well-being. So getting Angela to relax was important for both of their health. Moira just hated to blur the lines between their personal and professional lives again.
She grabbed a syringe and walked out of the lab with a quick “I need another sample from him”. She needed to get away from Angela for a minute. What she really needed was to go out and smoke but she knew Angela would disapprove of that and then that would be a whole nother thing she would be complaining about to her. So busying herself with Lacroix was the only way out of that lab for now.
Lacroix was situated in one of the small medical rooms they had behind a set of narrow corridors. Arriving at the door, Moira swiped her card and pressed her forefinger onto the reader. The door unlocked with an audible click. From inside the room looked even more sterile than the medbay. A small bed, that Lacroix laid on, was in the middle of the room against the wall. There was numerous medical equipment and lines to various drips hanging around Lacroix’s lifeless body. Only the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor was a reminder of him actually being alive.
The nurse who was currently keeping an eye on Lacroix lifted his gaze from his tablet towards Moira. She nodded to him as a greeting and he did the same before dropping his gaze back to his tablet. Moira scoffed. That was one way to spend your working time but she hoped he at least occasionally glanced at the other screen in the room. Well at least she doesn't need to partake in more human interaction for a little bit.
Moira moved to the left side of Lacroix to be as far away from the nurse (who's name she probably knew but couldn't remember) as she possibly could. She took the blood sample from Lacroix while taking as much time as she possibly could with every step of the process. After she was done with the blood she moved to the cabinets looking for a scalpel. Taking a biopsy and watching what actually happens when she introduces nanobiotics to it should tell her more than just examining some blood. And Angela wasn't around this time to tell her no. She took out a scalpel and suture kit when she found them and laid them out on a nearby table. Then she looked for a petri dish and opened it next to them. After which she tied a mask on and moved to wash her hands.
“You do know how to suture, right?” She asked the nurse.
He raised his gaze from his tablet again and gave her a rough “of course”.
“Great. Then get yourself gloved up and close this after I'm done.”
He grumbled in response but started doing as he was told.
Moira rubbed her face. She was getting tired and her test results kept being inconsistent. Maybe Angela could make some sense of them. She looked towards Angela who was reading through all their data again. She suddenly jerked and Moira realized she must be tired as well. Moira closed her computer and raised up from her position to stretch. Her back let out an audible pop. Then she gathered the sample she'd been working on and closed the lid on it before taking it back to the refrigerator.
Moira looked at Angela again. The blonde had lifted her glasses on top of her head and she was rubbing her eye with her left hand. Moira sighed, as stubborn as ever it seemed.
“I think it's time we head to bed,” she said more softly than she'd ever admit.
“But-” Angela protested. She'd lowered her glasses back to her nose and was gesturing towards the screen.
“No. Angela, you have to take care of yourself. Now more than ever.” She made her way towards Angela and leaned against her table. Facing the other woman.
“I– alright.”
Moira reached towards Angela's face and for a split second she imagined cupping her cheek and pressing a kiss on top of her head. But instead she grabbed onto Angela's glasses softly and slid them off her face. She folded them and slipped them into the breast pocket of Angela's lab coat. She took Angela's datapad from the table and helped Angela up to stand.
“Alright let's go.”
As Moira guided Angela to the elevator and into it she realized how terribly tired Angela was. In the short time it took for the elevator to arrive she leaned against her side and closed her eyes and the same happened again in the elevator itself. She decided to walk with Angela to make sure she actually got to bed and didn't decide to sleep on the first even surface she saw after getting to her room. When Moira turned with Angela towards her room the blonde let out a questioning sound. 
“I'm taking you to bed.” Angela turned to look at her surprised. “Not like that. I'm just making sure you actually make it to bed. You clearly need a good rest and you won't get that if you crash on your own couch.”
They made their way through the hallways slowly and Moira prayed no-one would be around to see her escorting Angela. If there starts to be rumours she actually has a heart Reyes would never let her forget about it. She's already on thin enough ice with Reyes when it comes to her relationship with Angela. He's been giving her weirdly vague threats on not getting attached to anyone. Hypocrite, she says.
Angela had basically fallen asleep against her by the time they made it to Angela's door. Moira has no clue how on earth the woman walked with her the whole way. She balanced Angela against her side while she tried to unclip the key card with her other hand from Angela's lab coat’s lapel. It would probably be easier if Angela wasn't situated against her dominant side. She still managed to finally get the card and to open the door, which happens to be easier when her free hand was the one by the locking terminal. She toed the door open and half dragged Angela towards her bed, turning on the light on the way. 
Angela immediately collapsed into her bed when they got to it and showed no intention to do anything else. Moira stared at her for a while before starting to unlace her shoes. She pulled the shoes off her feet and placed them neatly next to each other by the door. She turned back toward the other woman, Angela was already sound asleep. Moira glanced around the apartment. It was bigger than hers, not that she was surprised. Angela did outrank her. There was what Moira assumed to be the bathroom past a door near the bed. Opposite the wall from the bed was a small kitchenette. Rest of the space was taken by a small wardrobe, a desk and a chair, a sofa, a TV and a coffee table. The TV also sat on a small bookcase that seemed to be mostly filled with medical journals. There were multiple photos of friends and family littered across all the surfaces. Her gaze dropped back to the sleeping form of Angela. This wasn't going to work and she knew it. She returned to remove her lab coat as well. 
“Goodnight,” she whispered and after a brief thought tentatively placed her hand on Angela's stomach. “To you as well.”
She knew the fetus wouldn't be able to hear her. It was way too small for that. It may be that she wasn't built to become a mother but she couldn't help but to think that this child would be the only one she'll ever have. She was going to be emotionally attached to them no matter what and she knew she'd be so proud of them in the future.
Feeling silly over what she'd just done, Moira pulled the covers over Angela and turned around to leave. She hooked the lab coat to the hook near the door on her way out.
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rebelrebelwrites · 2 years
Fic Friday! ❤️ Rebel’s Weekly Fic Recs
Sorry it took so long to get this out! It’s been a week. Thankfully, as always, this week's recs are...
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As always, please mind the tags on any recommended story for your own personal preferences.
The Classic You’ve Heard Of But Somehow Haven’t Read Yet: But mine is as hungry as the sea by @liminal-zone
What you need to know going in:
When I say classic, I mean classic. Fairly certain this masterpiece was one of the first fics I read in the fandom, and in preparation of writing this rec I decided to bask in its beauty another time. The story is one of the first to chart Galadriel and Sauron after Eregion visiting each other in their dreams for some seriously smoldering smut and angst. As the ages of Middle-earth pass, Galadriel grows in both power and wisdom, retreating into Lothlorien and herself. I don’t want to add too much more—just tell you to go experience this gem yourself. It’s beautifully written, achingly sad, and one I—and you—will return to time and again.
Complete, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr or AO3.
The AU You Need to Immerse Yourself In Because, Well, Wow: internal combustion by Lexicon935
What you need to know going in:
This AU is aptly titled because it describes my reaction while reading it to a T—absolute 🔥🔥🔥. A one-shot, modern AU featuring a mean Halbrand (which is quickly becoming something of a flavor of these two I’m enjoying more and more, particularly in AU settings) and a rightfully bowled over Galadriel. The premise is simple: Gal is late to her mechanic’s appointment. Hal is her mechanic, and he’s not pleased. Or…is he? 👀 An absolutely filthy, heaping helping of smut. Like I said: 🔥🔥🔥!
Complete, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Twitter or AO3.
The Complete But Never Forgotten Masterpiece: Fabricated by @frotu
What you need to know going in:
Oo, I love this fic! I feel like I stumbled across it by chance and was in love immediately. The premise grabs you straight away: Galadriel and Sauron rule Pelargir not-so-happily together, and when Sauron overhears a few subjects gossiping over their lack of an heir, he impresses on her the need for them to keep up appearances with a few recurring nighttime visits. The resulting arrangement creates this tentative, tantalizing trickle of a relationship that builds so satisfyingly well, and tugs at the heartstrings in a sighing, swoon-worthy way.
Complete, Teen
Read the story.
Follow the author Tumblr on AO3.
The WIP That Will Wreck You (In the Best Way): with hands as gentle as rain, i shall strangle him by @bad-surprise
What you need to know going in:
Oooooof, this story. I shiver just thinking about it! From trepidation and a little bit of terror and just how freaking terrific it is. The premise: Sauron goes full Annatar, Lord of Gifts, in a bid to try and entice Galadriel to reconsider his proposal after leaving Eregion—and each gift he gives her is more unsettling than the one before it. Sauron is delightfully disturbing in this while still being captivating and very much enthralled with Galadriel, who, however terrified, can’t shake him, either. The tension’s at an all-time high in this WIP and I can’t wait to see where it goes next.
WIP, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr or AO3.
The Can’t Stop Consuming No Matter What Time It Is Fic: I could be your king by @cliffdivingsblog
What you need to know going in:
Another favorite WIP that when I get an update in my inbox, I rush to finish whatever I’m doing and read ASAP. A season 1 retelling that diverges from canon in some really unique ways, be ready for glimpses into a redemption-seeking Sauron (in his own limited way) an always-charging forward Galadriel, dreamlike flashbacks into Sauron’s past (Melkor is a real standout amongst the Valar in this, but the characterization of everyone is top-tier), and insanely scintillating smut. To just name a few of the things that make this fic totally binge-worthy.
WIP, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr or AO3.
Me at all these fics:
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Don’t see your story on this list yet? Keyword: yet. Please don’t fret! I can only recommend so many each week, but I am always looking for more stuff to read, share, and generally shower with love, so please feel free to reply with your own fics or your personal faves. I have plenty more to recommend… ❤️
Until next week!
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saturnville · 7 months
Hiiii! Okay first, I want to say that I love your stories and that I really appreciate you representing black women. Second, in the Major John fic (the proposal one), did he propose after two weeks of them dating, or after a while? Sorry I was just a bit confused and wanted clarification 😭
hiyaaaaa! thank you! I can see how that came off unclear, sorry heheh. it was intended to be presented as, 2 weeks after he made the decision to fully commit to her (marriage), he proposed. so it was after they’d been dating for a while, but it came 2 weeks after he was like “okay I need to lock in asap.” I hope this clarifies! 🫶🏾
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mlbigbang · 1 year
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2023 Miraculous Ladybug Big Bang - F.A.Q.
What is a Big Bang?
A Big Bang is a fandom-wide event, where writers write a long fic (more than 10k words) for which artists make fanart during the 6 months long creation period.
How does it work?
Writers arrive with a fic idea at the start of the event. Once they have begun writing, artists select fics to illustrate in an anonymous process, then mods match writer-artist teams. Betas can apply for a specific story to help with what the writer requests: bouncing plot ideas, helping with the flow of the story, correcting spelling and grammar mistakes.
When can I apply?
Writer applications are open until the 24th of June. Beta and artist applications are open until the 31st of August.
Where can I apply?
Application links will be posted on the 1st of May.
What do I need to participate?
You’ll need an email address, a Discord user and if you’re applying as a writer, an AO3 account.
What is expected of me if I get accepted to the Big Bang as a writer?
Create a complete, previously unpublished fic for the event that is independent from your previous works (no sequels or prequels are allowed) and longer than 10.000 words.
Work closely and communicate regularly with your collaborator partners.
Keep the setting and plot of your fic a secret, don’t talk about it publicly outside the event’s server.
What is expected of me if I get accepted to the Big Bang as an artist?
Create at least two pieces of complete, previously unpublished artworks to accompany the fic of your choice for the event (recommended canvas size minimum 2500*2500 pixels).
Work closely and communicate regularly with your collaborator partner(s).
Keep the details of your illustration a secret, don’t talk about it publicly outside the event’s server.
What is expected of me if I get accepted to the Big Bang as a beta reader?
Work closely and communicate regularly with your collaborator partner(s).  Provide technical spelling and grammar corrections, along with content and plot feedback to the writers if they ask for that. The extent to which writers decide to incorporate this feedback is up to their own consideration.
Keep the setting and plot of the fic a secret, don’t talk about it publicly outside the event’s server.
Do I need to get my fic for the event beta read?
We encourage the fics to be beta-read, however, this year it isn’t required. Still, we’ll have betas on the server who can be called upon if you don’t have a beta, and you can also invite your personal betas (up to 3 people) to the server if you’d like.
How will the matching of artists and writers happen?
After writers submit their Project Proposal on August 28, all summaries, tags, and snippets will be shared anonymously with artists. From September 1 - 7, artists will fill out a survey listing their top 5 fics they wish to illustrate. Mods will announce writer-artist pairs on September 15.
If I apply and get accepted as a writer, is getting art for my fic guaranteed?
Artists have the right to decline any work they do not wish to illustrate, so while mods will do their best to match each fic, writers are not guaranteed an artist partner. However, all writers can still produce a long fic to be proud of with the support of the Big Bang discord community. Other benefits of being in the Big Bang are getting your fic added to the AO3 collection and reblogged by the Tumblr blog.
Can I apply for multiple roles?
We want everyone to have the best chance at completing their work within their writer-artist team. For that reason, you may only be accepted as either a writer or an artist, so if you apply for both be aware that it is up to the mods’ discretion which role you will get. However, writers and artists can also be betas.
What happens if I need to drop out of the event?
If you need to drop out please contact a moderator ASAP so they can inform you of the procedure! If you drop out before the pairing happens nothing will happen. However, if you drop out after this you might not be able to participate in next year’s event.
What happens if my partner drops out during the event? 
If you’re an artist or a beta, you can choose to work with another writer. If you’re a writer, the mods will make every effort to find an artist to fill in for you (this person is called a pinch hitter).
Can writers collaborate on fics?
Yes, writers may collaborate on a fic. In this case please indicate so in both of your sign-up forms. 
What kind of content is allowed?
Your work can be about any ships (or no ships). Salt content (content with a heavy focus on character bashing or other extreme critique) is allowed, though keep in mind that writers must explain any potentially salty content in their Zeroth Check-In and this may affect whether artists and betas choose to work with you. Crossovers are not allowed.
Are NSFW fics allowed for the event?
Yes, you may create NSFW content for the event, be that Mature or Explicit fic. You’ll have to indicate this rating when filling out the Zeroth check-in, though, so we can make sure betas and artists who don’t wish to engage with this content don’t stumble upon them when browsing the summaries. You’ll also be able to discuss any adult parts of your creation on the designated channel. 
Who can work on an NSFW fic?
You may only apply to write, beta, or make art for an NSFW fic if you’re over 18. We’ll trust your word on this, but if we later learn that you lied about your age we’ll take away the project. 
Can I share part of my fic/art with anyone during the creation period?
We ask you to keep your idea and progress as private as possible except for the Big Bang’s Discord server. This is to preserve the anonymity of the writers when artists choose fics to contribute to, and to keep the suspense and excitement in the general fandom about the pieces.
I already shared some details of my fic before I knew about the Bang. What now?
Please contact the mods! We'll make an evaluation based on your specific circumstances.
In general, we aren't penalizing people for brainstorming an idea publicly on Tumblr or Discord; and we definitely don't mind if you shared your idea or bits of your work with a handful of friends privately. Our aim is to preserve the authors’ anonymity as much as possible, and to build excitement for the posting period. If you have shared anything publicly, we ask that you hide the post and stop discussing it immediately in any public spaces.
For more information: Schedule || Mods || Rules
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outsideratheart · 7 months
sorry to bother you but are there any new parts of "The Legacy Series " coming any time soon?
I would love to have more parts of that.
If you need inspiration here are a few of my ideas:
Back in Barca, Reader and Ale are having a few very cute moments and Ale asks Reader to be her girlfriend.
Meeting the Familys as Girlfriends, maybe for Ale's Family something were Alba and Eli forget that she is speaking very good Spanish and Catalan and talking about how much they like her. Reader is hearing it and is like it is nice to hear that, but she dosn't say anything about understanding them.
Also maybe visting the Grave of both dads.
The Barca Team finding out they are finally together now. And Lieke making a Facetime Call for the complete Dutch Nationalteam to tell them asap.
After that maybe a few chapters with looks in the future about proposal, wedding, kids,...
To be clear you don't have to do any of that. I am honest, I am only reading the fics and not what you post every day so I don't even know if you write on this series or not. If you don't like it you don't have to do anything with it. Feel free to delete this request and I won't be sad about it. Also thank you for sharing everything you share and for your amazing work. It is very nice of you to post so wonderful stories for free.
Thank you for your amazing work
Don’t be silly, you’re not bothering me at all.
I will be working on this series once I’ve finished the fic i’m working on.
I love those ideas and they line up with quite a bit of what I have planned.
I do want to have loads of soft moments between the two of them. I had planned of there been a part when Alexia introduced R to her family and Alba get embarrassed that she didn’t know who R was when they first met. I can add the language thing in. I will be touching more of their losses but in later parts. The team will find out in the next part and there is a small scene between R and Lieke when Lieke confronts R about taking Alexia home and what I means. The FaceTime call would be though. They could be speaking Dutch and nobody would know what they are saying.
They’re will be a happy ending and the epilogue will show the future with their own little family.
I am still writing it but it has been paused for quite a bit. Thank you for taking the time to read my fics, I really appreciate it.
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withbroombefore · 1 year
Not all comments are good, but some of the bad ones are at least extremely funny.
Wei Wuxian says, “Do you want to get married?”
WWX, that's not how you propose to your true love and soulmate LOL You should be romantic or Lan Qiren will beat you to it. Just go grab WQ and elope. You both will have a much better life together than become spouses of those two worst Lans from the most toxic sect. LWJ will brainwashes AYuan with those 3000 rules and the sect.will.demand a change from you. You deserve to be free and love a wonderful adventurous life.
(This is real.)
This seems to be developing into an absolutely brilliant story!!! Please update ASAP because once it's too long, I need to start the whole thing from the beginning each time. (PS. The Lan Qiren/Wen Qing partnership makes a lot of sense. All the JC ones ignore her brains and maturity. He's a bad tempered bratty kid with no special talent and she's a famous doctor, a beautiful woman and very well connected. Lan Qiren is a brilliant and powerful man.)
(So is this.)
I do not know who these people with the terrible opinions are or why they feel the need to comment on my fic. But here we are.
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nokkihy · 1 year
so i have two fics im working on rn, one is nearly done and the other i just started like 10 minutes ago.. but idk which one to make my priority to post bc I LIKE BOTH..
so.. yall can pick for me!!!!!!
option 1: getting asked to hoco by miles 42 (or 1610 i haven’t decided)
option 2: national girlfriends day with miles 42 (will have a follow up fic for nationals bf day)
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mebiselfandi · 1 year
hey so uh remember when you said i could leave modramos headcanons/prompts for you to write abt👉👈
i cant get the thought outta my head of sergio learning a little croatian to propose to/confess to/ask out luka (whatever you would wanna write more tbh). i imagine he actually kinda butchers it n ends up asking something totally unrelated tho lmao.
also if you dont have time to write i totally get it youre a busy dude!!! either way love you bro hava good one :D
It’s totally okay. I’ll get there probably this weekend. Or in the next couple days. Rn I just need to write this Neymessi sick fic! I’ve been fighting with it since Feb! FEB! It’s getting ridiculous actually. Anyways gotta pump that one out asap.
And omg yes that sounds soooo cute what?? Also it would be so funny him asking for directions to the library with heart eyes and Luka’s just ??? I’ll definitely try and slot it in sometime.
Love you too🫶🏾
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