#i need more trans programmer friends
missmalaysia · 1 year
100% intention of being toxic but dont u dare think u have a foundation to complain ab anything until uve lived my life
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cosmerelists · 5 months
What Autocorrect Does to Cosmere Character Names
@cosmereplay suggested this list about how characters' names autocorrect in my phone--a great idea! However...I write so many lists on my phone that my phone has learned pretty much everyone's name. If I legitimately mistype "Kaladin," the phone will just correct it to "Kaladin." It knows.
So instead...I went into my phone messaging app and looked at what was suggested as I typed the character's name. I also hopped into Microsoft and looked at their suggested spelling corrections. This did produce some...interesting results. 
So here are my phone/computer suggestions for Cosmere names!
1. Kaladin
Phone suggestion: malady
Computer suggestion: paladin
This is so real. Kaladin feels that he himself is a malady while everyone else sees him as a (sometimes literal) knight in shining armor. 
2. Zellion
Phone suggestion: zero
Computer suggestion: zillion 
Ah yes. The age-old question. Is Zellion nothing...or is he everything? Zellion asks himself this question daily.
3. Shallan
Phone suggestion: shall and
Computer suggestion: shall an
If there is one thing both devices know for sure, it's that "Shallan" isn't a word. It's two words. And is there any better representation of Shallan, she who sees herself as multiple people in one? 
4. Leshwi
Phone suggestion: lesbian
Computer suggestion: lechwe
My phone believes Leshwi to be a lesbian. My computer believes her to be the noble antelope, galloping over the plains of Africa (apparently that is what a "lechwe" is). I'm not sure I totally buy either of those headcanons, but I can appreciate them both.
5. Adolin 
Phone suggestion: advil
Computer suggestions: adjoin, adoring, or addling
Yes, yes, I can see it. Adolin truly is a type of pain relief. He brings people together. He adores his wife and his friends. And I guess he...is confusing sometimes? 
6. Dalinar
Phone suggestion: Salina
Computer suggestion: decliner
My phone is trying to find a lovely name for if Dalinar turns out to be trans, while my computer is like "Man he says no to everything." 
7. Navani
Phone suggestion: navigate, java
Computer suggestion: nagana
Once again, my phone takes the positive track: Navani is an explorer! A computer programmer! Maybe the embodiment of coffee! My computer, meanwhile, has identified her as (looks up word)...some sort of parasitic disease that infects animals? Who wrote this? Moash?
8. Renarin
Phone suggestion: Renaissance, remarkable
Computer suggestion: remain
Okay, I'm noticing a definite pattern here. My phone (correctly) sees Renarin as a remarkable Renaissance man! My computer is like, "Well, he sure is there." 
9. Raboniel 
Phone suggestion: rabies
Computer suggestion: baronial
The positivity/negativity polarity has switched! Now my phone thinks Raboniel is a disease with a 100% fatality rate whereas my computer believes her to be "grand, impressive, opulent."
I think Navani would be like, "Both fit."
10. Rlain 
Phone suggestion: flair, email
Computer suggestion: rain
Okay...I think these all sort of work. Rlain definitely has flair. He is the bridger of minds, just like, uh, email? And singers do go into storms to transform, so rain is a fair association too. 
11. Hesina
Phone suggestion: Jedi; hesitate; he's in; he's insane; he's inside
I don't think I even need to go to the computer for this one. It's already a, uh, lovely (?) poem. Well, less lovely and more terrifying...who is the "he" who is terrorizing Hesina?? Luckily, she's a Jedi, so she'll definitely be able to handle it.
12. Vivenna
Phone suggestion: video, vice
Computer suggestion: Vienna
I feel that Vivenna herself would be unhappy with these suggestions. She does not see herself as a person of vice nor is she a big city person. And I feel like original flavor Vivenna wouldn't be a huge fan of videos either. 
13. Zahel
Phone suggestion: Zach
Computer suggestion: hazel
Something about Zahel autocorrecting to Zach cracks me up. "Yup, that's just ol' Zach over there. Zach with his sword. Ardent Zach." 
I'm pretty neutral on "hazel." It has a "z" I guess.
14. Susebron 
Phone suggestion: dude, dude right, dude rocks
Once again, no computer is needed here. The phone has already produced such a lovely poem. And unlike the Hesina one, it's not a horror show! It's like someone is commenting on Susebron himself. "Dude! Dude, right? Dude rocks!"
15. Steris
Phone suggestion: stern, sterile, sterilization
Computer suggestion: steric
I mean...yeah. Steris can be stern. She can seem sterile. She would definitely be a fan of sterilization of, like, equipment after experiments. "Steric" apparently means "relating to the arrangement of atoms" which, uh, sure?
16. Kelsier
Phone suggestion: keep, keeping
Computer suggestion: Kelsie
My phone seems Kelsier as a survivor--someone who keeps on keeping on!
My computer is now the one headcanoning a character as trans.
15. Sadeas
Phone suggestion: safe, safety
Computer suggestion: sides, saddens
I think that, uh, Adolin would have some words to say about my phone's suggestions here. Sadeas as "safe safety"??
But Dalinar might agree with the computer. Sadeas did pick sides. It was indeed sad.
18. Moash 
Phone suggestion: Moana
Computer suggestion: mash, mosh, moat
Yes, yes, the computer is definitely on to something here (he smashes, he's in a pit, he makes himself an island...)
But can we appreciate that my phone just thinks he's a Disney princess? Tumblr's with you, phone.
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gatheringbones · 8 months
[“It is worth remembering that there is an intrinsic class tension in all workplaces – between the interests of managers or owners, and the interests of workers. The structural role of managers and owners is to extract as much profit as possible from the labour of employees. In theory, decriminalisation brought sex workers’ workplaces in New Zealand up to the legal level of other workplaces in terms of workers’ access to rights and safety.
This is not to say, however, that decriminalisation has eliminated exploitation, any more than other workplaces (for example, restaurants or construction companies) are free of exploitation simply because they are not criminalised. Decriminalisation cannot wash away class conflict between the interests of management and employees; instead, it aims to mitigate the intense workplace exploitation that is propped up and fuelled by criminalisation.
To be able to work indoors with friends without fearing arrest adds to a worker’s power in their relationship with their manager. Ultimately, if they need to, the worker can leave and work with friends. This power is reflected in the data: since New Zealand implemented decriminalisation, fewer people are working for managers; more are working in shared flats with friends. (Managers even complain about this!) When working together is criminalised, predators can use the threat of arrest against workers, as we’ve seen throughout this book. In contrast, workers in New Zealand’s small co-op workplaces are not vulnerable to violent men using the law against them in this way. As a worker in this set-up told the Prostitution Law Reform Committee, ‘I feel more confident now I know I’ve got rights … there’s no fear now of being caught by police. It was difficult when I was younger. I felt like a criminal, and was less assertive.’ Petal, another private worker, says,
I just think the biggest thing with the law change is … emotional support for the girls to say, ‘Yeah, you’re not doing anything wrong … you’re only doing a job.’ I think that’s the biggest thing … saying it’s not illegal … that’s what I like about the law. It’s supportive.
New Zealand implemented some additional forms of regulation which – unlike German or Dutch laws – are designed with the benefit of sex workers in mind, rather than profiteering, control, or punishment. For example, one provision of the Prostitution Reform Act stipulates that if a sex worker wishes to leave the sex industry, they can access Social Security immediately, without facing the temporary penalty to which they would have been subject had they ‘voluntarily’ left another job. How did this come to be?
In 1988, the New Zealand government started funding a newly formed sex worker led group: the New Zealand Collective of Prostitutes. The NZPC was funded as a health-promotion group; its founding basis was that sex workers should be able to ‘take control of their own health programmes as much as possible in order to determine the direction those programmes should take’. The NZPC immediately identified the criminalisation of prostitution as a serious problem in the lives of sex workers and pressured the government to set up a committee to investigate decriminalisation. Throughout the 1990s, the NZPC worked on bringing their bill to Parliament; in 2000, MP Tim Barnett brought forward a proposal to decriminalise sex work. It passed in 2003, significantly helped by the intervention of MP Georgina Beyer, a Māori trans woman and former street-based sex worker. Beyer told Parliament, ‘It would have been nice to know that … I might have been able to approach the authorities and say: “I was raped, and, yes, I’m a prostitute, and, no, it was not right that I should have been raped.”’
The law was shaped by sex workers themselves. Beyond any one specific regulation, this was crucial – the extensive involvement of sex workers in putting together the law and the focus on the safety of people who sell sex are what distinguish decriminalisation from other legal models. Indeed, the text of the PRA describes its first priority as being to ‘safeguard the human rights of sex workers’. It is extremely unusual for legislation that deals with the sex industry to explicitly conceive of people who sell sex as having rights at all, other than the right to be rescued from being ‘sold’.]
molly smith, juno mac, from revolting prostitutes: the fight for sex workers’ rights, 2018
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s3renities · 25 days
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[ zion moreno, trans woman, she + her ] — whoa! gabriela "gabi" mendoza  just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for  nine years, working as a  novelist & hair stylist. that can’t be easy, especially at only  27  years old. some people say they can be a little bit  anxious  and  dramatic , but i know them to be determined and imaginative. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to  the bronx! 
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full name: gabriela mendoza. nickname: gabi. age: twenty-seven. occupation: speculative horror author / hairstylist @ the mall. hometown: miami, florida. birthday: july 4th. zodiac sign: cancer. orientation: greysexual. marital status: single, mingling. languages: english, spanish. residence: apartment in the bronx shared with venus and one other roommate. secret: can recite the scripts of a few anime, in japanese, by heart. positive traits: determined ; imaginative ; reliable. negative traits: anxious ; dramatic ; distracted. mbti: entj.
born and raised in miami, florida, gabi never imagined herself leaving. having grown up in a family with a single father and one older brother, she always was surrounded by extended family members. never did she feel alone, with loud encouragement from all sides to pursue whatever dreams might come to her mind. she considers herself blessed to have had such support, seeing how so many of her elementary and middle school friends struggled. at that moment, she became determined to take care of her friends in the same way she has felt taken care of.
this, unfortunately, led to many relationships in gabi's teenaged years where her nature was taken advantage of. attempting to find the silver lining, she turned to the first outlet she knew: writing. having kept a journal off and on throughout her younger years, she began daydreaming in class, writing little stories in the margins of assignments and sometimes even tests. this often was seen as not paying attention to what was important, but she flourished in ap literature, writing a bilingual piece in english and spanish about her associations with love and loss.
this piece led to submitting to literary magazines, as well as getting into nyu's expository writing programme. when gabi left for new york, she thought that she would be there only for her college years. then, she had found herself. calling her dad every night, telling her brother what was going on, and they kept encouraging her: chase it whilst it lasts. keep it in both hands. she promised she would, even though it was not a lucrative endeavour. two years into the writing programme, and without enough of a scholarship to continue, she was forced to quit and try something else. her savings were enough to get through beauty school.
ever since then, she has been diligent. working to make ends meet whilst still not surrendering on her dream, but anxious about every decision and self-doubting nearly every step. what happens when someone who is the caretaker needs some care taken for them? she buries herself in supporting others, writing, and making others happiest with their cuts and colours. but when she looks in the mirror, she's beginning to see the exhaustion take its toll. just a little bit longer, and the dream will come true like the stories.
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theaviskullguy · 1 year
so about your transfem mask hc?
TW for transphobia btw
ill be using he/him for pre-egg mask and she/her for. yknow. transfem mask
He grew up in a rather... bad, environment. Mask's mom and dad just fled from a cult but still had some of their teachings as second nature. Mask didn't blame them.
When Mask turned 10, he started to feel... off. beyond just his lung condition. He didn't feel like how other boys would at that age. Not in a "not getting crushes on girls" way. He still did, but it always felt more like "she's so pretty i wanna look like her" but Mask just thought every boy had that feeling. It was only solidified when he met Metry in middle school, who shared those feelings (even if metry was also not aware of her being trans)
Eventually Mask graduated middle school and moved out of his parent's house and into his friend/neighbor's house. Said friend is Aloha- who Mask knew for most of his life as Alice, a spunky Tomboy who's own egg recently cracked and he came out as a trans man. When Mask asked him about it, Aloha replied with "I just never truly felt at home in a girl's body. I always envied boys for looking how they do, anyways."
And that. cracked Mask's egg. From that moment forward she knew she was trans herself. However, she knew she couldn't just... come out. As accepting as Inkopolis was, it was still kinda cold towards trans people.
So, Mask kept herself in the closet. She formed a turf team as boy mask and studied programming and hacking in high school and did a side job as a programmer under the name Malfina. Online, without a face, was the only way Mask felt like she could be herself.
Eventually, she reached S+ and joined the S4, along with Aloha, Army, and Skull. They were shot into the public eye and Mask's secret identity as Malfina was outted. She was bombarded with questions about why her online persona was a girl and Mask's response was "to try and further hide my identity I guess"
It didn't help that around this time, Gloves came out as enby and was bullied back into the closet. So Mask was EXTRA worried about coming out.
She was diagnosed with depression from a young age and it seemed to be getting worse. It manifested with her hatred of smiling people- even if it was actually an envy for them being able to live their lives
However, people started coming out. Army was outed as an enby transmasc, and in solidarity, Aloha came out as trans. So did... well, a lot of people. Goggles, Rider, and Gloves even came out of the closet themselves for the second time.
But they were all very... different. All were post or mid transition. Mask wasn't. But she still felt like she needed to do something to prevent her depression from spiraling any more.
So, she came out as Genderfluid. People were confused but receptive. Mask's plan was to ease into presenting as a girl full-time. She set-up a different programming alias- Persephone- to continue her work and if she was outed as Persephone again, well, she could say it'd be easier to have one set of pronouns in her bios than have to explain genderfluiditiy to old people who need help recovering files
But eventually even that took a toll on her mental health. She loved the freedom of being a girl that shoving herself into being a boy again hurt her more and more.
So.... one day she had enough. The S4 were all living together, so she told them. Individually. And... they were all accepting. Army hooked her up with his gender clinic to get started on hormones and a medical transition
And then she came out to the public. She posted and spoke publicly about it, and at the suggestion of Aloha changed her bios to "part time gamer, full time girl" or something like that.
And since then, Mask has been known as the emo girl of the S4.
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satinfoxx · 2 years
Pokemon S/V spoilers below, with headcannons for 3 major characters. Okay, so Nemora is 100% bi, I don't think anyone could even look at her design and think she is straight in any way. And Arven screams Aro/Ace so loud I need to cover my ears when he speaks. But what about Cassiopia/Penny? A bullied young girl who changes names and uses a Sylvion as her top pokemon? I 100% think she is a trans girl, no doubt in my head. I mean, look at her design, leggings with shorts on top and a semi-sheer skirt? A massive pullover hoodie and the Eevee backpack? THE HAIR?! Oh, and the name change from something mytical sounding to just a cute simple name? Which one of us hasn't gone through trying out names when transitioning? And even more she is a super knowledgeable hacker and programmer, and you know what Programmer Socks are, right? I fucking love this game, it is the first pokemon game to feel like *MY* story, not just the story of what ever protagonist the game has given me. I didn't capture a god, I didn't defeat some evil crime syndicate, I just had adventures with my pokemon and friends and helped bullied people come to their senses. Hundreds of people want to get badges and fight the E4, Arven did the research for the Herba Mystica, and I just happened to save a wounded creature that was super powerful AFTER I treated it with kindness (and sandwiches). I didn't go LOOKING for saving the world, and I didn't stop a death beam from destroying the planet, I just helped my friends. Okay, this went from Trans headcannons to gushing about the game, but this is what S/V has done for me, it was a game made *FOR ME* and people like me. I had fun, I caught cool and cute pets and made good friends. This is the best game I could have asked for. If I could draw worth a shit this is where I would post my art of my trainer and Meowscarade having a group shot with Nemona, Arven, and Penny with all of their team leads as well, but...I can't. I have the picture in my head though, and I hope I get to keep it there forever, because this game has made me cry, and it made me cry in the best way possible, out of pure love.
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khlur · 10 months
jesus h christ—
taking on from my last post, i've never felt so isolated — and conversely, independent — before. like yes, it's made me less inhibited and anxious and more self confident. but it's so so so incredibly clear that there's a chasm between me and most of my other coursemates. i love that in a course on mental health, one of them felt like it was alright to mock me for experiencing hallucinations. that my being open about how depression impacts my daily life in casual conversation is seen as weird person oversharing, which has also led to me being treated like a sympathetic charity case? instead of a whole person w personhood? that one person thought it was appropriate to straight up ask me if i 'got surgery on my privates' right after i mentioned in passing that i was trans. that so many felt the need to play good cop and throw me under the bus when i criticized the programme in a feedback session for not engaging with topics of structural racism and imperialism in the field. that NO ONE put in ANY EFFORT to use the right pronouns (bare minimum ask, i did all the patient explaining and guilt soothing for a couple of months before i got tired). that people distanced themselves from me after i came out to them. that i have sympathisers and like 2 friends in this course. that i initiate plans and get told 'no'. that no one initiates plans and asks me to join. that i end up joining social plans only because someone awkwardly let it slip in front of me by accident and didn't wanna look like an asshole.
i am very glad for those 2 friends, i love them sm and i'm happy now sticking to them and not bothering w the rest of my coursemates. i'm glad that i've gotten independent and more self reliant (a big step for my sheltered overprotected kid self). i'm glad i've learnt how to enjoy my own company. i'm glad i've gotten to make new friends in other spaces like concerts and gigs and random encounters. i would have preferred not to have felt so isolated and alone in my first 8 months here, but well. whatever.
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dreadisdelight · 1 month
sometimes i just sit there and wonder what i identify as.
i grew up in an area where i didn't have much representation of anything, "gay" was an insult and colours were dedicated to specific chromosomes. if you grazed football as a girl, you were seen as a tomboy alongside if you even looked at claires you were just odd. i think some messed up part of me still believes that, despite every fibre in my being disagreeing with it. there wasn't much representation of being homosexual in a form or another, mainly just jacqueline wilson books i peered into with such curiosity and utmost wonder.
it sort of struck me that i was different when i was much younger too. hell, sleepovers with girls scared me since they smelled so "sweet" or they were much prettier than me. we all watched films with the odd kissing scene and wanted to peer into the mirror, maybe attempt at looking into it without shame. it didn't stick, yet it didn't wipe off. i kissed a girl on her cheek in my bedroom when i was about nine, fags the most ive ever done, and i don't count it fully either. i kissed a girl on her hand too but still, that doesn't count in my books. nobody ever had the "it's okay to be gay" talk with me but they never had the "being gay is a sin" either. it just sat uncomfortably in the room. all the pins and homemade flags were just pretty colours opposed to something with significance in this world. ive tossed the majority of the relics besides a pin i bought when i had a sense of freedom for the first time but that's about it at most. we still haven't talked about it, and we don't intend on it either.
i remember my mom watching a tv programme with me, her eyes flickering towards me whilst saying "i don't get why people come out. i get where she was coming from, as if it was natural, but she was also the figure who never brought up these sort of conversations. the woman who made me feel a sense of crushing burden when i felt a sense of anger. i just shrugged it off, and never gave my views on the matter. i think if i had the confidence, i would have said something along the lines of "it's because we live in a society where showing who you really are needs courage".
i think i did tell her i was pansexual when i was younger too, this was during a mist of things where id say random bullshit to them as a joke, hoping they'd want to linger nearby. i haven't said a word yet.
gender was another thing that puzzled me, which still does. i never really thought much about it, i just thought you were female, male, or non-binary. that's it. no more options, just three buttons and you could click one. i used to lie awake, my mind thinking about issues for me to go 'holy shit am i trans??' which obviously still happens; why would i be writing this out otherwise? i dipped into being demigirl to nonbinary to immediately agender and i sort of sat there, sticking a label on it like they have to me with other diagnoses. i go from wanting big tits and being the epitome of feminine beauty to wanting to have top surgery and going by a new name. i know gender is a spectrum, but some part of me knows everyone around me wouldn't accept me, thinking im more mentally ill than i am.
i don't know why i decided to type this out either. maybe to give myself clarity instead of chastising myself for what's happened in my world.
ive only ever dated afabs. one cis. one somewhere between demigirl and nonbinary and the other transmasc. i know i hurt them one way or another, and so did they. i speak to one of them a few times now and again but for the other two, i apologised to one of recent and it's stuck to my mind. the other i fucked up so bad it hurts to look into a mirror. i think amabs scare me and i don't know why. i attach myself to older guys in films and loosely to other people, remarrying shane in stardew over and over again. one minute i have a preference and then it drastically changes.
my friend once said that people who are lgbtqia+ must have some evolutionary default in them, which i believe heavily. i have autism and probably some other stuff undiagnosed (my autism is clinically diagnosed yall) so that checks out. i saw a survey a while back that most people who are lgbtqia+ are diagnosed professionally or self with something along the lines of adhd, autism, and other mental disorders. but that's all we are. disordered motions, grasping onto conclusion.
maybe one day i will find somebody and it will make perfect sense. maybe i won't find anybody. for now, i know that i can only try, and when i try i collapse in tears wondering why nobody likes me.
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zaftikat · 3 months
WIP Wednesday March 27th 2024
Hello tumblypoos I have had a whirlwind week of writing this week so let's talk about it! A week ago, I started a Sisters of Dorley X Greenwing and Dart crossover fic, and something about these characters in this setting has driven me WILD like 20k words wild. More under the cut:
So Greenwing & Dart is a series for which I have one MAJOR trans headcanon (and many textual clues to support it) and a few minor ones. Every time I write her, the title character, Jemis Greenwing is a closeted or out trans woman. Most of the time she is named Primrose because that's the name her parents were going to give her if she had been AFAB.
Naturally, she felt like a very good fit to slot into the Dorleyverse as a result, except I didn't want to write about a transfem going through the Programme, because that's sort of just Steph Riley. So I made Primrose a Dorley Graduate instead, and threw her friend/boy who has a crush on her, Roald Ragnor, into the Feminizing Torture Basement.
Roald is a good fit because in canon he had a falling out with Primrose (then Jemis) over his bad habits, so if she disappeared right after their fight and was presumed dead, it would only make sense that he started to spiral, especially if you accept that his crush was already there during childhood. Where that leaves us is one Master Roald Ragnor, son of a baron and complete piece of shit, currently kidnapped into the basement of Dorley Hall. This story is also, though, still about Primrose as well. If she disappeared at 18, what would have changed about her life at home? What would have changed about her canon relationships? Those questions were also compelling to me. So I'm also telling the story of the ways she has to contend with losing her family, and the shock of finding out her supposedly dead father is still alive. She is a story of what life is like after the Hall, but also what it means to love and be loved by flawed people.
There are scattered other POV characters. Indira from OG Dorley was Primrose's sponsor and is now also sponsoring a new soon-to-be girl in this year's intake. Perry Dart, a man who is so sad and so alone after his two best friends have been dorley'd, on a search to redeem himself by way of helping to save Primrose's father. And probably a few more as the story evolves.
I've written 3 chapters~ so far and those chapters cover the first week and change of the new intake in this mashup AU set in G&D's nine worlds setting, but with modern tech and a lot of Earth pop culture. I'm really looking forward to where this story takes me, because every time i try to follow my outline this story gets away from me. Lastly, here's a fun snippet of the stuff I've written today (Still in first draft, and missing dialogue tags)
“You alright? They started breakfast about ten minutes ago and you just didn't move.” “Is he right, Ina?” “Del? I didn’t hear what he said, but from what I know about him, he’s not exactly trustworthy.” “Are you? Like Ina, I want to believe you because sometimes it feels like you’re the only other sane person in down here, but I can’t trust you. I’ve been such an idiot. Of course you’re trying to be nice to me, you want me to roll over for you. You’re trying to get into my confidence, by acting like you’re my only friend down here, so that I follow you like some obedient little duckling when you start making me take pills to grow tits. I don’t want that, Ina. So tell me honestly, are you trying to force me to be a girl?” She takes a deep breath, and Roald studies every small twitch of her face as closely as he can. He studies the truth in her eyes, and the faint pulse he can feel through her hand on his shoulder. He needs to know the truth. “There’s someone I think you need to meet.” “What the fuck. Inyara. That’s basically a yes. I… what the fuck!” “Roald. Roald, look at me. I am not trying to force you to be a woman, but I’m serious when I say there’s someone you need to meet. I haven’t been completely honest with you, and I hate myself for that. It's something I have wanted to tell you from the beginning of this whole thing, but you need to hear it from her. Can you trust me, at least until the weekend? She has to take the train here from Inveragory. Here, give me your phone, I’ll add her on consensus for you two to connect before then. She might be in class right now, but she’ll get back to you as soon as she can.” “What’s her name? I’m serious, if she is just another sponsor hiding out in the security office, I will make the common room Hell on earth until you toss me back in a cell.” “She’s not a sponsor. Her name is Primrose Harper and she’s one of my best friends.” “And if I tell her about this place? Ask her to call the cops or Crimson Lake or the fucking Red Company or something? How is she going to react?” “Well, for one, she’d probably laugh. She changed her middle name Jullanar because she loves the Red Company that much. But also, she’s a graduate of the Programme, and she can tell you first hand, no one forced her to be a woman.” “That’s such an insane way to phrase that, Ina. Are you serious? No one forced her to be a woman? Was she born a woman, like a cisgender woman?” “No one is born a cisgender woman, people are born as babies.” “Fuck all the way off; you know what I mean.” “She has always been a woman, but I don’t think she would use the label cisgender to describe herself, no.”
Thanks for reading if you have! Back to the forcefem mines for me!
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goldiers1 · 1 year
Cleverly Visits G7 Partners to Push for Free, Open Indo-Pacific
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  - Foreign Secretary will meet G7 partners in Karuizawa, Japan this week. - Discussions will focus on accelerating support for Ukraine, ensuring a free and open Pacific region and promoting the Government’s priority of increasing economic growth. - Visiting the Pacific islands, Cleverly will listen to and offer support for regional priorities, in particular climate change. Foreign Secretary, James Cleverly, arrives in Japan today (Sunday 16 April) for the G7 Foreign Ministers’ meeting ahead of a four-day visit to the Pacific Islands and New Zealand. The combined visit will focus on promoting a free and open Indo-Pacific – as the region becomes the centre of growing geopolitical competition.  
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G7 Foreign Ministers Meeting. Artwork by the UK Foreign Office.   At the three-day G7 conference (16-18 April) in Karuizawa, Cleverly will meet G7 Foreign Ministers, including the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs Yoshimasa Hayashi, to discuss closer ties around security and defence. He will also discuss opportunities presented by the UK’s recent accession to the CPTPP trade agreement, which strengthens the UK’s global trading relationship with its partners in the region and will help drive growth across the country in line with the Government’s five priorities. Cleverly will also announce that the UK will join the US, Japan and Australia as a member of the Blue Dot Network which will give a quality mark to infrastructure projects, promoting higher standards. It will operate globally, including in emerging markets, as a recognised symbol of quality and therefore will attract private sector investment and public support. The gap between infrastructure needs and finance has been growing and is forecast to reach US$15 trillion by 2040. This initiative aims to start narrowing that gap, promoting quality investment in projects across the world that are in desperate need of funding – from transport improvements to upgrading hospitals, schools and expanding access to reliable electricity. Cleverly will then travel to Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands, before joining the New Zealand Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta for a joint programme in Samoa. They will then travel on to Wellington together for engagements on Saturday. During his visit to the Pacific islands, Cleverly will announce financial support and the deployment of UK expertise to the region, chiefly for regional priorities such as climate change. This includes £4.5m of new funding to connect communities in Papua New Guinea and across the Pacific to clean energy sources – providing an alternative to common but expensive and polluting generators.  
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Foreign Secretary James Cleverly. Photo by Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. Wikimedia.   Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said: With increasing competition in the region, it is more important than ever that we promote a free and open Indo-Pacific. It is critical to the UK, to our economy, our security and our values. Throughout my visit, I will build on commitments to our friends across the Pacific nations in their bid to promote peace and prosperity in the region.   At the G7, the Foreign Ministers will also discuss the need to maintain collective support for Ukraine and how international support from the UK and other G7 partners can be used most strategically to help Ukrainian forces continue their progress on the battlefield and secure a lasting peace. The visit comes following the announcement that the UK will join the regional trading bloc – CPTPP (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership) – as its first European member. The bloc is one of the largest free trade areas in the world, home to more 500 million people and will be worth 15% of global GDP once the UK joins. It is estimated that joining will boost the UK economy by £1.8 billion in the long run. Joining CPTPP will also support further jobs and create opportunities for companies by giving British businesses improved access to the countries that will be gateway to the wider Indo-Pacific region, which is projected to make up the majority of global growth in the future. The Integrated Review Refresh published in March 2023 set out how the UK will prioritise the Indo-Pacific through a long-term strategic footing, making the region a permanent pillar of the UK’s international policy.   Sources: THX News, Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office & The Rt Hon James Cleverly MP. Read the full article
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