#i need to delete the rest of the stuff on my blog but i haven't gotten to it aughghhjg.. shudders
kisiselintihar · 5 months
This reminds me of my skk times. which i will not talk about. on account of what the fuck
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sirtaehyunsalot · 2 years
Tazzy Chris
Chris x reader
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(I know it's not a tazzy chris gif but I like it so shhhhh)
Cw: sexual jokes and implied NSFW
AN: I deleted my OG blog but before I did I saved my first (and only) fanfic and pasted it here
You and the rest of your friends in the Wild Kratts crew were tagging tasmanian devils so you could find a way to stop them from going extinct. Well technically, the bros were doing all the grunt work, you and Aviva were just helping Koki track the animals. You were only half paying attention so you flinched when you got an alert on the computer.
A blonde kid appeared on the screen and introduced himself as Kenny from Tasmania. He explained that he and his friends weren't seeing as many t-devils around as he used to, while a video of the devils eating a dead animal played on the screen.
"Ick, gross! Rotten meat!", Koki gagged as you both turned away from the screen. Kenny laughed, "Yeah they're pretty scrappy!"
"I think it's cool", Jimmy shrugged. "And I think I'm gonna be sick," Koki replied. "Well look at this Kenny, I finished building the tracking system programming. Each of these icons is a tagged t-devil moving around in real-time."
"Very cool Koki!" Aviva said. "Our system will pick up every t-devil that Chris and Martin tag. We'll be able to track them no matter where they go!"
"Ah wow thanks, I'm really glad you guys are here to help! I'd be sad if they disappeared," Kenny stated.
"No worries! That isn't gonna happen our watch," Aviva reassured him. Kenny thanked all you and said to call him if you needed any help.
"I haven't seen you two so grossed out since you watched me down 4 peanut butter cheese burgers topped with brussel sprouts and whipped cream," Jimmy pointed out to you and Koki
"Did you really have to remind me..?" you grimaced as you and Koki walked away.
About half an hour had passed and you were curious to know how the bros were coming along with the t-devil tagging. You decided to call Martin but before you picked up the creature pod, Martin was already calling you. You answered it.
"Y/N help!" Martin screamed. "There's something wrong with Chris's suit!"
You looked behind Martin to see Chris standing there looking totally fine.
"But Chris looks fine to me," you said with confusion laced in your voice.
"Never been better babe," Chris replied with a smirk. He's flirty like that.
"But he was just craving carcass meat!" Martin replied frantically.
"I'm fine bro! Cmon we've got t-devils to tag," your boyfriend said while walking away.
"Maybe you're the one who's malfunctioning Martin," you teased. "But don't worry we're on our way!" you said before hanging up.
You saw Koki pacing around the tortuga while you were getting some water. "Hey uh, aren't you supposed to be keeping an eye on those t-devils?" you asked.
"Well I can't get any work done because rotten meat and carcasses gross me out!" she answered.
"Yeah trust me, I can relate.. but as part of the Wild Kratts crew we're gonna meet all types of animals, both alive and dead. We might as well get on with it so that it doesn't matter as much to us in the future," you advised her.
"Yeah but animals that eat rotten stuff? Yuck!" Koki exclaimed.
"Ey somebody's gotta eat all that maggotty meat. At least it's the t-devils and not us," Jimmy stated. And at that Koki ran out of the room to throw up while Aviva laughed and you facepalmed.
The moment was quickly interrupted by Martin calling the main computer asking for Koki.
"Oops," she said while running to the screen. "I'll be right there Martin! ...Oh no!" Koki shouted.
"What happened?" Aviva questioned.
"10 t-devils are quickly moving west together, which is unnatural. And then their tracking lights go out.. And they're gone!"
"Is tag number 9, T-bone, one of the disappearing t-devils?" Martin asked on the screen.
"Yeah," Koki replied.
"And number 8, his mom.." Aviva lamented
You all immediately knew that you had a big, big problem on your hands.
Chris and Martin had followed the GPS trackers to Zach's plane, sitting in the middle of the forest. Chris finally caught a glimpse of himself in the reflection of Zach's shiny plane.
"Woah, is that really me-?" Chris asked
Martin threw his arms up in the air. "That's what I've been tryna tell ya bro!"
Chris admired himself, "Hey I'm pretty wild looking! And I've got great night vision, black and white but sharp as a tack"
Chris hopped onto a window ledge to see what Zach was up to. He saw that Zach was using the devils for his security robots and immediately jumped back down to tell Martin.
"He's using our t-devil buddies for evil!" —he growls— "...Did I just growl-?"
"Umm, it was more like, ROOOAAAEER"
"Cool! 😎"
Martin rolled his eyes at his younger brother. "Koki, Zach's got the t-devils."
"I'm so sorry Martin! Rotten meat grosses me out so I wasn't keeping track of the Tasmanian devils and I didn't notice when they started disappearing!" Koki spoke quickly, as if she had been holding her breath.
"Woah slow down Koki! Oh no, Zach's leaving!" Martin responded.
The black plane rose off of the ground while Zach jeered and mocked them for not paying closer attention to their creature friends.
Koki had guilt written all over her face, "And because of me, he's getting away with all the t-devils.."
"Don't worry Koki, we'll get 'em back! Can you pick us up?" Martin assured her.
"On our way!"
"Ok, the t-devil tags are sending signals from inside Zach's jet. 42 degrees north and 147 degrees east," you told Jimmy.
"Got it"
"You've gotta deactivate him Aviva, he's been drivin' me NUTS! I had to do all the tagging and he wouldn't stop drooling on me!" you heard Martin complaining to Aviva.
You went over to where they were only to see Chris, in all his tazzy glory, chewing on some of the scrap metal from the teams most recent project.
"Chris drop that!" you freaked out. "Just because you can chew through metal doesn't mean you should actually eat it!"
"What" he smirked at you. "You jealous that the metal's getting bitten instead of you?"
Martin groaned loudly, "Oh for the love of everything holy, please save that stuff for the bedroom..!" all three of you laughed at him while Aviva picked up her screwdriver to deactivate Chris.
"Wait! Don't deactivate me yet! I've got t-devil power! We're misunderstood creatures, but now I understand why. I could have the key to getting the others back," —he growls–
"Don't bite me!" Aviva screamed.
"Come on, I'd never hurt you!"
The team finally made it to Zach's place, and just in time too! There were 2 kids, a boy and a girl, being surrounded by Zach's tazzy bots.
"Don't be scared of the t-devils, they won't hurt you!" Martin announced to them.
"Oh it's the Wild Kratts! Help were being attacked by Tasmanian devil robots!"
You, Chris and Martin made your way down to the ground, the kids faces shifting from fear to confusion in a few seconds.
"Is that... Chris-?" the girl asked.
"Yeah-" —you ran your fingers through your hair— "He's a t-devil, it's a long story-"
"I've got a plan!" Chris lit up. "If you find any rotten food, throw it in front of you, since they like to eat dead and rotting things."
You and the kids went around looking for rotten food for the t-devils. You dumpster diving for food wasn't your proudest moment but you figured you had to do it for the creature rescue. You managed to find a gas station sushi container with a piece of rotting fish in it. Perfect. You ran back to place your fish alongside the moldy sandwich and putrid pizza that the kids found.
Chris smiled with satisfaction and growled, "Oh they won't be able to resist that!"
"Animals are no match for technology!" Zach interrupted.
"Wanna test that theory?" you smirked.
The t-devils began to break through the robot bodies and one by one the clashing and bashing of metal could be heard as each t-devil jumped out to get their share of the meal. Zach immediately started to throw a conniption fit and promptly slipped on a banana peel, causing him to slip and fall directly on his ass. You simply couldn't hold in your laughter as the 5 of you watched Zach scurry back into his house with a bruised ego, and an equally bruised behind.
"Yummy! Last week's moldy pizza! It's disgusting, but I just can't help i-" you kissed your tazzy boyfriend to get him to forget about that pizza as Aviva hurried down to deactivate him.
Chris pulled away after a few seconds, "Phew, thanks for saving me from eating that, sweetheart," he wrapped an arm around your waist as you walked back into the turtle ship.
"You can thank me in bed," you winked
"Who am I to say no to that?," he replied as he picked you up and ran into your shared bedroom.
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utilitycaster · 9 months
🔥 general CR fandom mood during c3
I don't know if this will be an unpopular opinion per se, but it will be an opinion, and I think after this is a good place for me to take a break and settle back in and fold the laundry I did not fold before leaving on Wednesday before returning to whatever else is in my inbox; in fact, with that, any unpopular opinion question received after 10 pm Eastern Time on Dec. 17 2023 will be deleted (unless it's a really fucking good one).
Speaking only for Tumblr because the subreddit has many problems I've covered previously and Twitter is garbage and always has been, honestly I think it's fine by now. I think people who prefer Campaign 1 or 2 to 3 but are still enjoying 3, myself included, are pretty open about that, ie, we are not expecting this to be our favorite campaign but we're interested in what's going on. I think a lot of people for whom Campaign 3 is their first campaign and who started due to TLOVM or EXU Prime or just a new campaign are also having a good time. I think you will always get a certain number of people who are constantly complaining and miserable and you will also always get a certain number of people who constantly complain about the constantly complaining people, and you should block and ignore as needed.
I do think that this campaign had a rough start, and the vibe earlier was rougher, but honestly the only people who are unhappy now are, as I've said before, either the people who are really invested on how Campaign 3 is the best specifically because it's the most bonded found family when that's a dumb metric to use in the first place and objectively wrong; or the people who started watching because of The Big Ship and have found that a good chunk of the fandom is unimpressed with said ship because the canon is unimpressive and so they have been throwing a slow motion tantrum because they dislike the idea that a nearly 9-year-old fandom hasn't stopped rotating on its axis to cater to their specific tastes. I also do think that people super invested in C3 being the best who haven't seen C1 or 2 are kind of struggling and unwilling to admit it because so much of this campaign is reaping what was sown in previous campaigns and indeed Matt has repeatedly stated that he always wanted to do that. So because of that I do, again, think that there's a sizeable portion of people who are both deeply invested in Campaign 3 being better than Campaign 1 or 2 but also genuinely wish there was the balance of downtime to story and lack of reliance on previous campaigns of C1 or 2 and so that leads to a weirdly bitter and cognitively dissonant vibe among them, but everyone else is chilling.
I also think that the fandom is in a good but transitional period that I've been thinking about bc D20's fandom is several steps behind, namely, the toxic positivity (and deep resentment around the edges) present in some of C2 is mostly gone, but now people need to figure out how to criticize in a way that is meaningful and constructive (and/or keep emotional dislike on their own blogs - and respect other people's right to dislike things untagged on their own blogs). D20 is still in the fawning toxic positivity phase, for an example of that.
Basically: it's in an understandably weird place for a number of reasons but overall it's fine. You will never have total consensus or a perfect vibe so it's not worth aiming for that, but there's some good stuff and it's pretty easy to curate out the rest.
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themasterpostblog · 5 months
Pencil/2D Animation Resources Masterpost
Hello, I broke into my old account so I could make a little masterpost of resources I come across for learning pencil/2D animation. (Free or affordable classes, places to get tools, videos to give insider insight, etc.) I may not be able to get everything included, so if you think of something, you can reach out and suggest things to add! I will be updating this over time, with notes on when it was last recently updated. And maybe I'll end up giving the old blog a refresh too. I likely won't be making new masterposts outside of this one any time soon, nor updating any old ones. It's been SEVERAL years, and the internet is a different place. I would assume most of the old links are out of date by now, unfortunately. I hope that this list is helpful to you as well, and if I'm incorrect in anything I list, I'm learning too! So please be patient with me and feel free to reach out with a correction. It's not finished yet, but Tumblr deletes my posts before I finish them, so I'm starting with posting the skeleton and slowly updating this)
Find a Community to Learn From!
(recommended groups to lurk/join/make connections and ask questions)
What Tools Do I Need?
PDF Guide to Animation Desks, as written by David Nethry
(next line)
Where Do I Get Tools?
(Places where you can buy art supplies, software, etc)
Cartoon Supplies
(Online seller who carries Ingram Bond paper, lightboxes, storyboard pads, blank cels, etc. See also: Lightfoot LTD, which is identical in every way to Cartoon Supplies and for the life of me I'm not sure the difference, though both are equally recommended along side each other.)
Jet Pens
(Ah... I love window-shopping this site. If you love stationary like I do, you'll be on this site for hours adding things to your cart... and inevitably removing them because it's not feasible to spend hundreds on pens and sticky-note pads.)
(I've found they have good prices on name brands, but I haven't purchased from them yet. Often, I'm too overwhelmed by all the choices.)
Improve Your Art/Learn the Basics!
(anatomy classes, starter tools, etc)
Aaron Blaise (Co-Director of Brother Bear)'s Online Classes
He runs very good deals on the classes occasional, but you can also do a year's access to all classes and keep what you download, which is very useful! They're short, quick lessons, and tend to veer into more "helpful tips" than teaching, from what I've personally noticed, but it's well worth the price if you get them at a good deal!
Inside Look at the Industry -- aka: the Special Features:
(behind the scenes stuff, etc)
Books are more useful than you might think!
(Richard Williams Animator's Survival Toolkit, etc) (check out gently used copies of these books on Thriftbooks for a good deal!)
Nifty Free Resources
(Things like height charts, references, color wheels, blog posts, videos, etc)
What Artists Can Learn From Aladdin's Incredible Color by J. Holt [VIDEO]
(spacing for formatting)
The Art of Color Theory: Guide for Animators, Designers, and Artists (Animator Artist Life)
(space for formatting)
Free software!
(A classic, GIMP is an old friend of mine. The first software I downloaded for art, I used to use it almost entirely to create animated GIFs for the Warrior Cat forums. Ah, how time has passed. Nowadays I can't even remember how to animate a GIF on there, but such is life. I still use it to this day for digital art, even having Corel Painter. Before GIMP, I animated the old fashioned way -- MS paint and Windows Movie Maker. With determination, I scripted and animated a handful of Warrior Cat characters frame by frame. Each frame of Hollyleaf or whoever it was blinking was the likely source of death for our old computer, may she rest in peace.)
(Storyboarder is a free software with which you can use to create professional and clean storyboards. It also provides printable storyboard templates so you can do you work traditionally and re-upload it easily into the software! It also works with Wacom tablets. Check it out! It's actually super cool.)
Pencil 2D
(A free, open source software. Simplistic design, switch between raster and vector, and best of all, again, it's free. I haven't used this one much yet, but I've seen it positively talked about by many! I'll update with more research when I have the chance.)
(I haven't used this one yet, so I can't speak on it either! But it's going on the list so I can come back and research it later. My poor laptop is not going to handle this many downloads lol.)
(I also haven't tried this, but see above, haha.)
Blender - Grease Pencil
(Blender is well known for 3D animation, but they added a 2D feature called Grease Pencil as well.)
(Free for up to 3 projects, very simple, but upgrades to a $10 a month plan, which is... eh, I'll keep my Scrivener for now. I used to write scripts in Microsoft Word or the Notepad on PC back in the day, I don't think I personally need the fancy features.)
(A free screenwriting software, very basic and simple, good for beginners.)
Keep an eye out for
(Humblebundle occasionally does software deals -- a good art bundle at a discount can give you an easy start!)
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milktearosethorn · 7 months
After barely being able to sleep last night, I think this is where I'm going to call it for being in the MCYT/DSMP fandom. Everything that we've been through over the years is too much for me to handle. I've thought about the points in my life where I've been in so much distress that I'm unable to sleep well at night, and fandom just does not belong in those moments. I've been in fandom since I was 11, and never have I ever been so affected by terrible things happening as I have been with MCYT. There are still plenty of creators in the sphere who I love and will watch casually on my own time, and I will still continue to support women in the scene, now more than ever. I don't have a desire to pivot to blogging about Hermitcraft or others because 1. I need a cleaner break and 2. The greater MCYT fandom itself, not just the creators attached, have been a source of significant stress and mental anguish for me.
I'm keeping this blog and I still want to be here for all my lovely mutuals! I love all the friends I've made here dearly. The rest of tumblr is like the wild west lol. I'll be a multi-fandom andy from here on out and might still reblog some DSMP lore-related stuff, but I'm fully pulling away from the RPF sphere. I'll clean out my follows at some point but no matter what my moots are still posting y'all are stuck with me <3
For my writing, unless another fandom gives me as much brainrot as this one did, then I'm ready to pivot back into original works. I don't think I've ever talked about it here but earlier this year I reconnected with a close childhood friend, and the first text he sent to me was "so are you a published author yet?". Since then I haven't been able to shake the hope that gave me. Writing fanfiction has helped me improve so much and I love it dearly, but I am getting older and I think it's time to give my childhood dream a chance.
Not deleting any of my works or putting a hard 'discontinued' on anything unfinished! But I'm not going to worry about it so much anymore. If I feel like wrapping something up and things improve, I might go for it, but otherwise it's not how I'm going to prioritize my time and creative energy.
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axofluff · 1 year
✩ Get to know Alex ✩
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*.·:·.✧ Welcome to my about me! ✧.·:·.*
➸ This post will let you know all the stuff you need to know about the author behind this post! Me! :D ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ ➸ I wanted to make an official one since my old one isn't to my style anymore ➸ If you still have any questions after this, feel free to ask me anything in my dm's or AMA! (づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡ Happy reading!
Hi there! I see you've stumbled across my tumblr page! (・ω・) ✦ My name is Alex and I'm a small writer here! I've been writing ever since I was 12. My grandma introduced me to books and ever since then I've always had my nose stuck in a novel about some mystical far away land. ✦ I mostly write oneshots and fanfics but I do have my own works which I sadly deleted or no longer continued as I wasn't happy with them (。•́︿•̀。). ✦ I started off on Wattpad with writing Twilight fanfic and I developed my basic writing skills from there. I may move my work over to a03 but I currently like Tumblr's UI and how I can link my stuff under one blog so it's easier for people to find my work. ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ✦ I am 19 as of writing this and I live in England in the UK! I speak only English, although I want to learn Italian at some point since I love the history and culture of the roman empire. It's been my special interest ever since I played Assassin's creed 2 back on my xbox 360.
✦ I am autistic and I have ADHD so my attention span is less then a goldfish. I have a lot of special interests such as space, the paranormal and history. I also have a huge soft spot for aviation and the military, mostly because I am a huge fan of Top gun and ever since then I've been interested in jets. ✦ I've been in too many interests to honestly label at this point but my mains being; Call of Duty, Detroit: Become Human, Red Dead Redemption and Spiderman. I'm also a huge fan of the game Death stranding and Assassin's creed. I have also dabbled a bit in the Apex Legends fandom as I played a large chunk of the game last year. ✦ I have hobbies outside of writing such as going biking, walking, reading, sketching, arts and crafts and video games. I also love to play chess when I have the chance. ✦ I kin characters a lot, my main being Konig from CoD, Wattson from Apex Legends and Pavitr from Spiderman/ I tend to kin characters that share the same qualities as me. They also bring me a sense of comfort. ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ✦ My music taste is currently a massive heap. I listen to all sorts but I'll label some of my favorite artists ✧˖*°࿐The Weeknd ✧˖*°࿐Childish Gambino ✧˖*°࿐ Kendrick Lamar ✧˖*°࿐ Twenty One Pilots ✧˖*°࿐Radiohead ✧˖*°࿐Slipknot ✧˖*°࿐The neighborhood ✧˖*°࿐Arctic Monkeys ✧˖*°࿐Lady Gaga ✧˖*°࿐NF ✧˖*°࿐Rammenstien ✧˖*°࿐AC/DC ✧˖*°࿐Porter Robinson ✧˖*°࿐Post Malone ✧˖*°࿐Coldplay ✧˖*°࿐Avicii You can find my spotify here to find all my music tastes and what not ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻) Some simple facts about me •⩊• ✩ Name(s): Alex/Tobias/ axofluff ✩ Birthday: 8th November 2003 ✩ Pronouns: All! ✩ Gender: Bigender trans masc but atm its just c o n f u s i o n, I'm still exploring who I am so this is most likely to change .
✩Favorite food: I love chinese takeout's, Pizza and Ramen ✩Favorite animals: I love cats, sharks and kangaroos
✩Favorite colour: Mint green ✩Favorite show: The dragon prince on Netflix ✩Favorite Song: United in grief by Kendrick Lamar ✩Favorite icecream: Mint chocolate chip
This may be updated in the future if I feel the need to add more to the blog! Thank you all for reading! "૮₍ ˶•⤙•˶ ₎ა Remember you are loved and stay hydrated and eat something today if you haven't already ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ MWA! Have a great rest of your day! <3
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radiovisual · 8 months
are you going to come back?
((I keep telling myself im going to, but im not sure. Im especially unhappy with how this blog was written and how it looks at the moment, bc theres a lot of things id Want to change before getting back into rp here, but I have no energy or motivation to do so 😔 my art block from last year is Still ongoing, im still deeply fixated on other fandoms, and VERY recently I had an epiphany of some kind and haven't been able to stop paying attention to the news, bc anxieties about what's happening in Gaza/the West Bank, Sudan, and Chile, and not to mention this next American presidential election, have me reassessing my priorities in life, ykwim?))
((Im still around technically, i wont be deleting this blog or anything, im just in kind of a tough spot, mentally+emotionally+physically, and that makes it hard to get reinvested in something like this.))
((There's also the factor of... feeling rather restricted in this community. It's not any particular person or group of ppls fault, people are entitled to feel however they want around fictional subjects and themes, but i know that the types of things that i like to write and rp are dark and mature, and this fandom [despite the Nature of the show itself and the topics it covers] tends to attract a lot of very aggressive, very judgemental people -- as im sure youre all aware 😂 i found some friends here, but even still, a lot of the time i know i Can't get into the kind of stuff i ACTUALLY want to write, because most of the ppl in this community would [at least, way back when,] assume that That kind of writing means I'm a bad, dangerous person who wants to engage with those themes in real life 🙃. Which isn't to say anyone is Wrong for avoiding me if darker themes trigger them, by all means PLEASE block me for your sanity if thats what you have to do!! but when most all of those Exact Themes are LITERALLY, graphically present in the show, now, it's like. Idk man whats going on! Why are you here! if sexually abusive relationships bother these fans so much, then Why are they in THIS fandom of all places instead of somewhere tangibly Safer for their sanity, yk???))
(( i don't know. Maybe im just a brat, but ive always felt a little put out by the Hazbin community online. Its extremely self policing and isolating trying to find people i can feel comfortable talk to about my ideas, so ive kind of... given up and moved on, found a nice group of Freaks to be perverted about the Avatar sequel instead lmao))
((So... idk. I guess we'll see. But im very sorry it may have been wishful thinking when i said id come back. I really, truly meant it at the time -- things just changed 💔, both in me And in the community. And maybe theyll change again, idk!but i Do know there's people in this overarching Hazbin Tumblr RP community who don't like me very much (which is Okay), and I don't want to force myself to walk on eggshells anymore -- so I'm won't💪😎))
((I adored my time here while i was active, whuch it why i wont delete it -- i go back to re read threads all the time! -- but unless there's a group of sexual weirdos developing that i could fall in with AND I can find a way to balance this with the rest of my life, im still gonna be on this indefinite hiatus 💀👍 sorry))
((Btw -- Palestinians are in desperate need of e-SIMs to keep in touch with their loved ones and to organize humanitarian aid within the Gaza strip itself -- if any of you have a few spare dollars, please consider getting involved. I know the news is very quiet rn, especially if you're in America like me, but let me make this very clear; We are. kind of sort of Already IN World War Three. Russia and China and the global south are finally starting to hold the west accountable and the west is failing a shitting its pants about it Spectacularly. The world order is literally shifting. There's not one, but SEVERAL major international conflicts brewing right now, as America is sliding into fascism at break neck speed bc Genocide Joe is finally realizing he's probably not going to get re-elected [on account of all the genocide] on TOP of finally seeing the tangible effects of climate change. South America and Australia are on FIRE. Like NEVER before.))
((Never Again is Now. We could be going over the temperature "tipping point" of the planet BY 2030. now is NOT the time to be wallowing in escapism, no matter how much we desperately need/want it. If there is EVER a time to get involved with the real world and to take a step back from the internet and high stress fandom bullshit, it is NOW. No matter what Side of these issues you stand on, EVERYONE needs to be voting, everyone needs to be paying attention.))
(( if you can't afford esims [no shame, i often can't either, money is tight everywhere], then at the very least get This website open in your tabs. It generates revenue with free Daily clicks, the proceeds of which are all sent to UN organizations -- particularly UNRWA, which is VITAL to maintain not only getting aid INTO Gaza, but also retaining Palestinians legal right to return to their land -- without UNRWA, Isreal can begin to LEGALLY, haphazardly "deport" Palestinians, which would take YEARS to reverse through future court proceedings. Do your part, it only takes a few seconds a day 💪🌱))
((Alright, thats all! Sorry if you wanted a short sweet answer, but ive actually been ruminating on all of this, so thank you for this ask, for giving me a chance to talk about it all. Im happy to see this community thriving in the wake of Season 1, even if im not joining in myself -- you all keep up the great work, and keep having fun with it ❤ let it empower you to explore the value of Charlie's message and think of ways to impliment it in your daily life And on the world at large‼))
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doku-no-bi · 1 year
Rules are necessary to maintain professionalism.
Hey, it's Kazumi and Vil here to give you the rules we'd like you to follow on our account!
Of course. Rules are needed to make sure we all stay safe and refined. We wouldn't want anyone acting unseemly.
Yeah... Just don't be inappropriate guys.
1. Although Vil is not a minor (18), I am. Any mildly suggestive things are okay (think kissing, flirting, etc), but nothing full on explicit/NSFW (due to me being a minor...). Platonic relationships are definitely okay!! Any blogs that don't want to interact with minors should steer clear.
2. Please remember to be kind! Vil is a person too, and he can be hurt by your words. Any asks that I deem harmful will be deleted.
3. Any time me and Vil talk together, I will be in blue and Vil will be in white. When he is talking alone, he will also be in white. To add to that, I will most likely be speaking in the tags because I talk a lot (and so Vil doesn't see my chatter). Please feel free to ignore this! I absolutely don't mind.
4. I use headcanons in my portrayal of Vil; I try to be as canon compliant as possible with the knowledge that I have of him.
5. Absolutely no homophobia, racism, transphobia, etc. Regular DNI criteria applies here.
6. If Vil doesn't respond to you, please don't feel too bad! He has so many things going on in his life, both in public spaces as well as school and his personal life.
7. That being said, I am also a full-time high school student, and so it is likely that my replies will be fully messed up (read: I tend to procrastinate by doing fun things and then I have a week to catch up on all my schoolwork). Please be mindful of that and don't spam me and Vil.
8. OCs? Absolutely! I love seeing your OCs. Make sure to send in a description of them either beforehand or in your starter (unless Vil doesn't know your character at all, I guess - but it would still help to have a general overview). If there's nothing of the sort, I will automatically assume that your character and Vil have never met. However, I am not comfortable with the first interaction with an OC being a romantic one, as it has become a problem before for me.
9. I can speak a little bit of Japanese (my parents are Japanese but I haven't actually tried to learn it well so it may be messy (though I'm working on it)) and I am learning Spanish (in school) so! I am willing to write replies using those languages as well as English (and I might use honorifics like "-san" so keep that in mind (probably will not due to Vil not using honorifics that much)). Spanish I can't guarantee though because it kind of can suck.
10. I also love shipping and am not very selective (I love seeing rare pairs, and in general seeing how their ship would work out). So, feel free to do that too! Before they get into a relationship, though, they need to have at least some sort of interaction beforehand (because I want to get to know you too, and even if you're playing a canon character, I still want to do some regular stuff first) To add to that, I am a multishipper, so each relationship happens in its own verse.
11. OOC talks? I love them, but if you aren't talking directly to Vil or something about him, then I'd redirect you to @kazumirambles which is my regular ol' talking blog (so I don't spam anyone).
12. Anons will always be treated platonically by Vil (as he doesn't know you that much), but you are welcome to send all your love to him! He does appreciate it a win over Neige ha. Also, if you want to be known with an emoji, you will be tagged as "kantokusei [emoji]" or "[emoji] kantokusei" so there's also that!
13. Mun does not equal muse!! Vil may say/do things that I would not do or that I don't condone. We do not share the same feelings or actions all the time.
And finally, remember to have fun!
And take care of yourself. Make sure to not stay up too late on your devices. Rest is important for a healthy life.
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kfanopinions · 2 years
☾ Rules & Regulations ☽
first it occurs to me that i never really stated the rules to requesting on here. sorry about that, but i think it's high time that i lay down the law (jk). please be mindful of these rules because failure to do so will mean immediate deletion of request :D
please and thank you. i'm so tired of seeing requests that feel like i'm being demanded to do something. it doesn't make me want to get to those requests any quicker. i do this for free because it's fun and i like doing this. but requests that start off with 'i want to know this,' or 'tell me about that,' -_- drive me crazy. so, please use your manners and say please and thank you <3
dating life? who cares?! i will not look into an idols dating life or who they are in a relationship with. i don't care and neither should you. what we're doing is already an invasion of privacy. my question to all those who want to know is, if the tables are turned do you want someone finding out about your relationship status without your consent?
husbands! wives! parents! oh my! look my loves, my babies... there is no way in h-e-double hockey sticks i can tell you what someone will be like as a father/mother/spouse unless i use my own intuition, maybe tarot (and this is a huge maybe because that would be the finest grain of salt), and what i've given in "as a boyfriend" or "girlfriend" <- if i ever do female idols lol nothing in a chart will indicate what someone is like as a husband/wife. it only indicates what a person is "looking for" "will bring balance." idk how others can come up with that kind of stuff unless they change "boyfriend/girlfriend" to "husband/wife" lol
adults only! i will not do 18+ readings on anyone who is not over the age of 21. the legal age in South Korea is 21 years old, so please don't ask because i will just delete that request.
one and only one -_- please, i beg of you, try to keep each request down to 1 thing and 1 thing only. no i would like to know x, y, z...nope not gonna happen haha there is no killing two birds with one stone here lol just request again for something else my loves <3
look before you ask check here the WIP list will always tell you what has already been requested ^^
ummm who? okay i would like to think of myself as a kpop connoisseur but i'm not. i can't identify someone by just their names. so please, tell me their group ^^
help a sister out! if you know the idols birth time, and date of birth (month, day, year) and their birthplace...please put that in the request. it saves me soooo much time ^^ or if you know their birth chart details that saves me even more time and i can get to your request quicker ^^
limited info...is a struggle okay, this is for my non astrology babies. i know you want to know everything you can about your favorite idol, i get it BUT you need to understand that without proper birth information which includes: birth time, birth place (city/country), and basic birthday info (m/d/y) there is only so much we astrology blogs can give you. i'm sorry.
patience is so much of a virtue please know that these requests will take me some time. there are moments when they'll be flying onto my blog like i'm a machine and other times when it seems like i've disappeared. (i haven't i'm just busy). i do these in my spare time when i'm not working and when i'm not writing on my other blog which you can find here. so bear with me as i try to get these done <3
☾ SIDE NOTE ☽ thank you for requesting on here. it means a lot to me that you're interested in what i have to say. i love y'all from the bottom of my heart and please stay safe, warm, healthy, and make sure to get proper rest!
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driftingmoonmenace · 1 year
Helo I just wanted to say I totally get having that horrible sense of inadequacy. Like I've been dealing with imposter syndrome for a while and it stems from depression (which I only got diagnosed with like a month ago) Like I'd joke about having depression and imposter syndrome a lot but a few weeks back idk I kinda realized wow it's like. Actually real. I may joke about this thing and how I wanna hide under a rock and delete my blog but when I stop using humor to soften the blow I actually do, and that is not normal at all. So yea I'm starting therapy soon and hopefully that's something we can touch on because hating everything I make no many how many ppl say it's good is not normal or healthy, and just think about how many other ways it bleeds into my self-image (friendships, relationships, general self-esteem, etc) Like if you're hating everything you make there's a good chance it's not just effecting how you view your art but how you view yourself.
So yeah if you haven't considered it yet, maybe look into therapy and/or see a psychiatrist to see if you could possibly get diagnosed with depression, cause it kinda sorta saved my life. I kept bottling things up and telling myself I was being dramatic, isolating myself, trying to erase myself from the world, and before I knew it I was on the verge of suicide. Sorry if that got too dark.
Like... chances are your brain is trying to tell you something is wrong. Whether it's with mental health, an irl situation or something else. If you feel these negative emotions about what you create, there's a reason behind it.
Obviously you're a different person with different experiences and none of this may apply to you, but I still urge you to take these feelings seriously because you do not deserve to feel like this. You deserve to say your thoughts honestly, to have fun writing/drawing with ocs, make fics, just have fun and create. It does not have to be the most imaginative thing ever, the most beautiful or the most complex. It just needs to bring you joy because finding happiness in expression is what life's about in my opinion.
Yea this got really long and I hope none of it was annoying, I just really want you to take care of yourself and stay safe, okay?
You're loved, and what you create, however small, is precious. There's only one of you and you are enough
First off I just wanna say that I totally feel you and agree on a lot of this Anon! I'm glad that you were able to get diagnosed and able to take the next step into getting help and feeling better!! It's so so important when you're dealing with all these intense, and serious, emotions!!! 💕
(gonna put the rest under the cut)
I do certainly appreciate the concern too! I've actually been diagnosed for bipolar depression for a good 15 years now, just a lot of personal things have happened since that's hindered me from getting the help I need. So these feelings and stuff certainly aren't anything new to me BUT therapy and getting medicated is something I now have the ability to work towards this year, so I'm getting there slowly but surely! ✨
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obscuremechala · 2 years
testing testing 123
i just got here so i wanna test things out, probably won't keep this post in the long run but maybe i'll forget this is up or something idk
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this is my profile pic, i drew it myself real quick and i don't feel like elaborating why. the url is a tad different bc i was thinking of sharing it on instagram (i didn't tho) and tumblr doesn't allow underscores apparently
but i digress
i don't have much to talk about but that's 'cause i don't have a prompt or anything this was just meant to be a test
one day i'll ramble about my story stuff bc there's a lot going on there but there's still a lot i need to figure out
hmm maybe ill do an intro or something
but probably not here i don't think it'll fit
ill test things in the meanwhile
italics? oooh yes
[redacted] (huh would that be unredacted or what is this a paradox)
awelkhfas ooh different fonts too
point 1
point 2
there are no points
what am i doing
idk man
i just got here and want to learn and maybe interact
i tend to just lurk on socials but i am capable of interaction
i just usually don't
friends are nice, i wish i could interact with mine more
testing testing one two three
moths are cute, i like moths
one of my fantasy races/species are inspired by moths but that's for another time
i don't expect anyone to actually read this
tho i do expect it'll take me some time to get used to things here
ive seen a lot of posts on pinterest while looking for writing advice and character design inspo, tho now my feed is 1/3 transformers, 1/3 pokemon, and 1/3 misc. tumblr posts
i also like robots and transformers
what if moth robot
hmm lemme think
i could def make it work in my universe, i shall ponder
anyway more tests
ooo smol
wonder what this does
color text nice
this song is great i found it a few days ago and have listened to it several times on loop
however i don't have spotify i just have youtube music
sad that they deleted google play music, at least i could listen to music outside of the app and with my screen off without paying money
i haven't actually played undertale, i watched a neutral run playthrough and have played deltarune, if i get the game id probably do a pacifist run
undertale music is good tho
there is no 2
what did that do
i don't really get it
maybe it'll do something when i publish this
ooo i should post some art
i don't have a lot tho
maybe i should redraw my old art bc i looked at some last night and yikes
apparently i only recently discovered decent anatomy/proportions and that was via mostly guesture poses
i have recently been shown the way of shapes and im watching a lot of character design and redesign stuff along with my hermitcraft
i never really got into miraculous ladybug but for some reason watching people tear into it and redesign the characters tends to pull me in like a moth to a light
it's funny bc i have no investment in what people are complaining about but im interested in how they make things better/different
also taking notes on what not to do so
i wish i could draw my characters, a good chunk are robots and hard to design, 90% of the rest of them are homemade fantasy races/species i have to actually conceptualize, and then the humans are kinda just there
bc i do have humans there just arent a ton bc i must make everything hard for myself
dw its fun for me it just takes a long time to actually hammer out
i wanna talk more about them but im thinking of better ways to actually organize my thoughts that just vomiting words on a page that no one will see anyway
it's gonna take some tome to figure out this place
maybe ill make separate blogs for original and fandom stuff idk ill explore the features more and get back to
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please-ignore-mee · 1 month
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ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔬 𝔇𝔢𝔞𝔯 𝔜𝔬𝔲'𝔳𝔢 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔪𝔟𝔩𝔢𝔡 𝔉𝔞𝔯 ... 𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔡𝔬𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢?
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I haven't opened up to someone in the past like 7 years, which isn't healthy. I know. I just... don't like being vulnerable. But of course, the gods love me so my mental illness is now affecting my work. I'm getting into a lot of trouble because of my depression. I really need to get a fucking hold on myself so this is my way to get me to open up more. I know a lot about why I am the way I am... I just don't have anyone to explain it to thats a lie. im a fucking liar, i have so, so so many people who would help me in a heartbeat i just dont go to them. why? i dont fucking know.
hehehe also i love dark humor and if i posted bout it on my main people would be concerned about me sooooooo yeah im here 👍🏼
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ℭ𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔪𝔢 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱. ℑ 𝔥𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔫𝔬 𝔫𝔞𝔪𝔢. ℑ 𝔡𝔬𝔫'𝔱 𝔢𝔵𝔦𝔰𝔱 𝔞𝔣𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔞𝔩𝔩 :))
𝔖𝔥𝔢/𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔤𝔞𝔢
ℑ 𝔥𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔄𝔇ℌ𝔇 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔡𝔢𝔭𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔰𝔦𝔬𝔫. 𝔄𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔱. ℑ 𝔡𝔬𝔫'𝔱 𝔨𝔫𝔬𝔴 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱.
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if anyone from my main finds this, im deleting this account my main and tumblr all together. thats a joke lol, i wouldnt do all that its not a joke. i would. ANYWAYS HAHA i dont even know why im doing this- sorry, im just a bit of an attention seeker hehe
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My DMs and Inbox are always open. Please, please vent to me.
i know its toxic and mean but helping others helps me feel good about myself. Don't mind whatever i post, i'm always willing to talk to you. About anything you need. i won't judge, i promise.
Also, please send hate. I know everyone hates me and it's driving me insane everyone keeps tolerating me and being nice. Send me anon hate. please leave it on anon tho because if any of my friends admitted to the fact they hated me i would probably break down hehe, i dont even know what the fuck i want, why am i so complicated?? Also know that I'll be inactive for periods on ends im sorry, im so so sorry, i tried, i really tried, i just cant. theres so much and im so little. im sorry.
TW!!! uhhh depression obvi, suicidal intention??, self harm but in weird ways, food talk, nausea and stuff, dissociation???, i dont even know anymore just dont read the rest of my blog
#ignore me ----> please just don't try to make me feel better or anything, its gonna make me feel worse. feel free to comment 'same' or 'mood'. ik some people say it makes em feel worse but sometimes its what i need :)) #i exist ----> do whatever you want. talk to me. ignore me. i dont mind. do whatever. #please... ----> please, please, please talk to me. im sorry, i just need someone. anyone. im so sorry.
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mgjong · 9 months
★ Intro Post ★
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| She/Her | 20 | Lesbian | INTP | Hi, I am Mg and I scream about characters and stuff!
➤Current hyperfixation: MILGRAM & GREEK MYTHOLOGY
In this blog: ➜ Art and text reblogs, mainly pertaining to the current fandom(s) ➜ Analysis and videos/AMVs (rarely) ➜ Rambles ➜ General simping and the occasional vent
DMs are always open, feel free to tag me in stuff! If there is something you need me to tag, please inform me. My blog is a safe space for all kinds of people as long as you are civil and not a bigot <3
Fandom specific info, tag guide and post masterlist below ⤵
》》 About me
➜ I go by Mg but you are free to use whatever nickname you want ➜ 20 so not a minor. University trying to kick my ass but idgaf ➜ I am just... very gay, apologies for that, I love women ➜ English/Portuguese/Spanish (awful speaker but I understand) ➜ I am a cat person. This is very important and not ironic at all ➜ I am very shy and it's hard for me to initiate conversations but if I start talking I can't shut up ➜ I have some trouble understanding social cues so if something I said wasn't worded correctly or something I did came across in a way that made you feel uncomfortable, please reach out to me. I am trying to grow as a person!
》》 Milgram Specific Info I joined this fandom early September, exactly one week after TPM's release. I haven't been here for that long but it has been a blast. Can't wait for trial 3 to destroy us all! ➜ Characters: My favourite character is Kotoko. My posts and reblogs are usually about her. Literally can't leave my brain Having said that there is no character I dislike and I love discussing all of them so if you ever want my opinion on someone feel free to ask. I love reading theories about every character ➜ Ships and Pairings: All ships in this blog are tagged so you may filter at your own discretion. While I understand this is not exactly the right series for it I do indulge in some shipping My favourite pairing is 0610 and I won't shut up about them Other pairings I like include 0507, muurei and 0909 I am open to most other ships to varying degrees, just don't ship adults with children please. I love most platonic pairings, especially 030910 (they are siblings your honor), 0010, 0710, 0104, 0206, 0810, etc. ➜ Voting: I will be voting everyone innocent on the third trial regardless of what they do. We will be definitely pushed to vote guilty and I am not falling for that. JOIN THE T3 INNO ARMY TODAY!
》》 Other Info ➜ I write sometimes and have an AO3 but haven't posted anything in a while ➜ I have a youtube channel where I post my videos unlisted ➜ My discord is literally mgjong so feel free to add me there! (Just give me a heads up first so I know who you are) ➜ I have a side-blog... which I won't link here for your own good. I am sure you can easily find it if you try <3 (considering deleting this one but whatever)
》》 Post Masterlist ➜ Videos and AMVs Hated by Life Itself - Milgram AMV Only thing I am proud of right now since the rest made people hate me or smth
This post is still a wip
Tag guide? What tag guide, I only use these two:
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I'm by no means a BNF but I am one of the most prolific authors in a very niche corner of my (apparently, as I've recently come to accept) small fandom. Like many, I keep a separate blog for just this one fandom, where people who read my works on fanfic sites can find me and chat if they're so inclined, and where I reblog prompts and games and fandom-related works and stuff.
Recently I've cut ties with a group of people who were getting way too toxic for my taste. It may not be a surprise when I say throughout my time with them I realized I was proship and they're staunchly, and ignorantly, and absolutely anti (they think a two-year age gap between two adults is pedophilia. which is certainly A Take:tm:). For my own mental health I had to leave, and I don't regret it. The only thing I mourned was the loss of camaraderie, but it had to be done. Any attempts on my end to help them be less insufferable would consistently be drowned out, or they'd humor me for a few days and go right back to being little shits like I hadn't said anything at all. And now that I think about it, I don't think they ever actually respected me. I think they just liked what I had to offer (ideas, content, and more often than not, an ear), though it definitely didn't help I felt like I needed to be the person who looked after everyone.
I stopped posting and even now I'm hesitant to post things because I know some of them still follow me and I don't want them to see I'm active again. As far as they know, I disappeared off the face of the earth forever. I blocked half of them because they keep posting negative things in places they shouldn't, with tags obvs, and the other half hasn't done anything worth blocking over (unless you count them actively being friends with the toxic ones as a reason) and I don't want to punish them for the actions of a very vocal few.
2 days ago I posted a silly little story for a Tumblr friend (a drabble exchange) and almost immediately I got an anon in my inbox from who I'm assuming is the ringleader (they used my old handle from the chat which let me know it's one of them) and I just. Deleted it. I know they don't even follow my Tumblr anymore because they've had several separate sequential accounts and they stick to one URL (with slight variations of course). I've blocked the first few and I know what the last one is, and they haven't tried to follow me yet. Surely this means they're aware it won't bode well.
As much as I want to post things again, I'm anxious as fuck and I'm tired of seeing them around. I wish they'd take the hint already so I don't have to tell them (and subsequently all the rest of the group) to fuck off and leave me be. Antis really are a cult, and I'm not keen on interacting with them if I can help it. They can say they've changed until they're blue in the face, but in terms of this group, I won't believe them until they quite literally grow up.
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joey anon coming back to apologize, i was up too late last night & the post triggered my paranoia (like actual "everyone is talking about you" paranoia not "tee hee" funny disorder paranoia) which, is why i deleted my blog in the first place. sorry for the hate-manifesto. the general vibe on tumblr triggers me sometimes and it sucks because it's generally a good community my brain is just. hell sometimes. i shouldn't have taken that out on you. hate aside, it does still like, hurt, to see a 'bigger' creator get more attention and/or kinda slam a post that you put your own heart into. even if you weren't attacking me personally it's something i see with bigger blogs that get into specific headcanons that makes it disheartening to post anything, even outside of my paranoia issues. but, yeah i apologize for sending you hate, it wasn't cool. i should have vented to someone in private instead.
Hey, it's cool; if that's the case, sorry for posting ur ask, I should've probably just deleted it like I normally do. If it helps, the only reason I published it was because it didn't seem to actually insult me, just assume some strange things, which really confused me. I've had some people assume I was talking about them specifically before and attack me for it (or sometimes just ask for polite clarification, which is fine) before, but never on anon, which was, in no small part what confused me. Sorry for putting you in the position where you felt the need to explain your paranoia to a stranger.
For the record (not just for you, for those other ppl as well): while I absolutely do sometimes make posts because of a post I saw, I almost never make posts I directly in response to others, if that makes sense. Sometimes a post reminds me of multiple other posts I've seen, and then I'll make a post because of that trend. But if it's just one post, isolated, that annoyed me, I usually just bitch about it privately. No posts of mine are ever intended as an attack on or response to anyone else's specific post unless I specifically state otherwise.
And I do understand it can be disheartening to have bigger blogs state exactly what you have and get more notes for it, or to just get little notes in general. Believe it or not, this is my biggest blog. I wouldn't even call it a 'big blog' per se, I just have a few hundred followers, but it's definitely bigger than a lot of other blogs and bigger than my others for sure. Not to mention that I write as a hobby, and it's always super disheartening to post things (on tumblr or otherwise) and get little to no attention for it.
But at the end of the day, that's just how social media works. People will be more likely to be exposed to popular stuff, making the popular stuff more popular. It's not the fault of big blogs (or popular writers) for being big. They started with zero followers like the rest of us, then, usually, just got lucky. That's sure what happened with every bigger blog I've ever owned. Nobody's deliberately taking attention away from smaller blogs. Big blogs aren't corporations who are deliberately trying to stifle mom-and-pop stores they see as competitions; hell, on Tumblr, they don't even earn money from their blog. They're just posting stuff like everyone else. Directing these frustrations at them is (as I'm sure you're aware) irrational.
We don't know each other, but from the sounds of it, it seems like deleting your blog was the correct choice, even if it was done in a fit of paranoia. Again, I'm sure you know, but sometimes the best thing to do with paranoia is to distance yourself from the source of it, even if you otherwise like it. I haven't had genuine paranoia (or the delusions/hallucinations that caused it) in years, but distancing myself from one of its main sources (despite me loving it) was essential to my mental health. I'm glad I didn't have access to social media back them, because I'm sure it would've exacerbated my issues. So it sounds like taking a step back from social media is probably the correct thing to do. But obviously, I don't know anything about you, so if I'm wrong in my assumption, just ignore me.
And in case you were wondering: I'm incapable of being concise, which is why I keep writing essays. Sorry about that. TL;DR: no hard feelings, I get it, take care of yourself and I hope you have a good day.
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
Hello! cookie anon here, dropping by again to say that I hope you're doing well ! The holidays are fast approaching and from where I live, literally ever street corner is decorated with christmas lights, parols, and decorative streamers - which is honestly so fun to see (altho I do question their electricity bills but hey, as long as its colorful i'm cool with it!)
how have you been with your deadlines? i hope that you're free from some of it! if not, i'm giving u energy and motivation to push through and finish ur tasks, I believe in you! but anws, remember to take care of yourself and remember that your wellbeing comes first and foremost.
moving on, remember when i told you that i've started a writing blog like months ago? it was under the name enchantingries - i deleted it a few days ago </3 mainly because i lost motivation for writing + i haven't even been able to play genshin for a while, which is a shame :(( i fortunately saved my writings somewhere so they at least won't go to waste.
but hey, at least i tried it! and it was fun for a while, so i wish i'll find the passion to write and come back again soon !!
i think that's all, i really should stop writing these messages @ 3 am in the morning ;-; anws, take care, bestie !!
- 🍪
Hello dear cookie anon!
I’m so glad to hear from you again! And I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying the Christmas decorations! I have to admit I’m a total sap for the holiday decorations and music and all that, so seeing the lights around here is also so fun, it makes so happy, a bit like I’m a kid again. Although I too question the electricity bill haha
And I’ve been alright! I got a big eam done and another project and the big paper I’m working on has a pretty good extension time. Though I also have a final and catch up homework and then stuff due at the beginning of next year, but let’s not think about that (because if we do I’ll cry haha). And thank you for believing in me! It definitely does five me the energy I need to push througha nd just get this done. I’ll be so happy when I can stop analyzing 17th century pamphlets T-T
And I’m sorry that you lost motivation for writing and playing! I have to admit I’ve not been playing as much recently too, though mainly because of work. I logged on to do more of the event (I’m going to have to speedrun it again) and I got such a wave of nostalgia. Though I do think that Genshin is a game that’s deceptively easy to get burnt out on, no matter how advanced in the game you are. It’s hard because the story is great but life, well, it keeps going. Still I’m glad you saved your writings! It’s never a waste to create something, no matter what, no  matter if you lose interest or if you look back and think you’ve improved. Writing, no matter what it is, is always a good thing. It helps you grow as a person after all! 
What matters is you try and enjoyed it! And I’m sure one day it will come back. It took me ages to write again after the first time I stopped (when I truly burnt out). I have requests on my main account that are from 2017! And it took to the pandemic to truly write again. But even if I took that break from fic and from fiction writing (mostly) I am still so proud of where I am now, and I love it. So don’t worry about not writing for a while. You’ll grow and get new ideas and experiences and hey! Maybe one day writing will call for you again in a new or old way! Don’t beat yourself up about it is the only thing. 
And omg I hope you don’t have to wake up early tomorrow! I hope you get some lovely rest and that you feel alright. It’s always lovely to hear from you cookie anon, I hope that you never worry about that. Have a lovely week and I hope that you enjoy your holidays to the fullest!
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