#i need to figure out the hyperlink thing eventually god
apiculturegal · 1 year
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part 7 of selkie!au sketches!!
i’m gonna color these… eventually….
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suttttton · 4 years
An Invitation
How do you get Jonathan Sims to go on a date with you? Easy. Step one: Trick him by giving him a fake statement filled with puzzles that lead him to the date location of your choice. Step two: Profit?
“Jon,” Sasha says, leaning against his desk.
“Hmm?” He doesn’t look up from his work.
“D’you want to get lunch with me today?” she asks. It’s just a casual question. They’ve gotten lunch together before, and she knows that Jon won’t interpret her question in a romantic way, but her stomach still thrums with nervousness. It’s… different, now that she’s decided to let herself have a crush on him. Now that she’s decided that, eventually, she’ll ask him on a real date.
He doesn’t even look at her, just shakes his head. “Can’t, I’m a bit swamped this week. I’ve got a lot of—things…” he trails off, drawn back into his work. The exciting world of follow-up research. She stands there for another minute, just watching him, knowing that he has forgotten her entirely. It’s one of those things that should be annoying, but is really just… deeply endearing. Ugh.
She’s going to ask him on that date soon.
When she asks Jon out, she tries to be obvious about it. Jon has a hard time reading social signals at the best of times, and she wants to make things easy for him. She’s not the most comfortable with grand gestures, but she’s got a bit theater kid in her yet, and she’s sure she can make it work.
She finds Jon in the break room, eating a bowl of microwavable soup and staring blankly at nothing. Very adorable. She knocks twice on the table, getting his attention, and he blinks once and smiles at her.
“Jon, there’s something I want to ask you,” she says. She can feel heat rising in her face. God, this is about to be embarrassing. She really, really hopes he doesn’t turn her down. (Why would he turn you down, James? You’re a catch.)
She gets on one knee, takes his hand. “Jonathan Sims,” she says dramatically. “Would you do me the honor of coming to dinner with me on Friday?”
He looks at her, and his eyebrows furrow. “Sorry Sasha,” he says, “but I can’t. I requested some books, and they’re supposed to arrive Friday. I was planning to get started on them Friday evening.”
She sighs. She’d take it as a graceful rejection, if she hadn’t seen Jon reject people before. He got nervous and stuttery and hyper-apologetic. He doesn’t look at all uncomfortable now, just confused as to why she’s on the floor.
He doesn’t know that she’s trying to ask him on a date.
Later, replaying the scene in her mind, she realizes what the problem was. They were at work. Even with her making it as dramatic as possible, the environment was too casual. She asked him to do platonic activities with her all the time while they were at work—why would he assume differently?
She needs to ask him when they aren’t at the Institute, somewhere where she can make a whole presentation of it. She’ll buy him flowers, sweep him off his feet.
He keeps turning down her offers to spend time together. When he isn’t busy with follow-up, he’s busy researching the Leitner books. It’s… stupidly endearing. And unhealthy. Jon doesn’t look unwell, really, but he does look… stressed, hunched over his desk all day. Jon needs a break from work, not just so she can ask him on a date, but also so he doesn’t drive himself into a nervous breakdown.
Sasha hatches a plan.
It doesn’t take long to put together. Just an evening, researching cryptic puzzles, scouting out locations that aren’t too far from the Institute, writing a nonsensical statement in the ‘I saw a ghost in a graveyard and it was spooky’ vein.
The only problem is how to get the fake statement into Jon’s caseload without him noticing. She can’t just drop it on his desk, not with him there all day long. She could get Lydia involved, but she isn’t sure the Head of Research would approve of her plan, and even if she did, Lydia is a bad liar. Jon would know something was up.
In the end, Jon solves the problem for her. He leans back in his chair, hisses over to her, “Sasha! Swap with me?”
“Spiders?” she asks, and he winces, nods. She holds out her hand, and flicks through the offending file. It has all the hallmarks of a false statement, but—
“I felt thousands of legs swarming over me, filling up my mouth, my nose—”
She snaps the folder shut, wrinkling her nose. “No problem,” she says. She hands Jon the fake statement. “You can take this one, I haven’t gotten started on it yet.”
“Thanks,” he says, smiling. Her stomach flips, and she watches for a few moments longer as he gets to work.
It would be suspicious for her to be staring at Jon the entire time he’s working on the statement, so instead she just glances over every once in a while, making sure he doesn’t immediately drop the statement in the ‘discredited’ pile.
He doesn’t. Instead, his frown deepens as he’s drawn in, trying to figure out the puzzle she’s left for him. The statement is clearly fake, but a few of the words are—wrong. Nonsensical. Gibberish.
She sees Jon go over and over the text, marking every strange word. Then he picks up his phone, dials the number listed on the statement. It’s a disconnected number, and Jon’s frown deepens.
He thinks for a few seconds, tapping his fingers on his desk. Then he pulls out a notepad, begins writing on it, consulting the statement to transcribe the strange words exactly.
At that point, Sasha knows she has him. Jon loves puzzles, and now that he knows there’s a puzzle to solve in the statement, he’s not going to stop until he figures it out.
It’s a simple Caesar cipher, with the phone number as its key. It yields the message:
Here are the coordinates:
In order to crack the coordinates, Jon simply has to replace each letter with its numerical position in the alphabet. Jon is smart, he’ll figure it out. The coordinates belong to a cryptid-themed restaurant in America called the Moth Man Urban Legends Bar and Grille.
Once, the Moth Man Urban Legends Bar and Grill website landing page contained several blurry photos of “Moth Man,” along with a somehow even blurrier photo of a restaurant menu. Now, it’s a nightmarish jumble of the strangest stock photos Sasha could find, along with a single hyperlink that just says, “Click me!”
(Sasha included this step because she finds it deeply entertaining to watch Jon click on the shadiest links possible. It’s revenge for all the viruses she’s had to clean off his computer.)
The link leads to a much more tasteful webpage. It’s has a single picture of a rose on it, and below that it just says, “An Invitation”. Then it gives the address of a very cute little cafe just a short walk from the Institute. Beneath that, “Tonight. 7:00pm.”
It takes about an hour for Jon to figure out the Caesar cipher, and after that he works through the puzzle quickly. It’s a delight, watching his face when he sees “Moth Man Urban Legends Bar and Grille,” and even better when he sees the monstrosity she’s made of their website.
He clicks the link without even a second of hesitation, which almost makes Sasha laugh out loud. And then he’s just staring at the invitation. He opens a new tab, opens Google Maps, puts in the address. She sees the back-in-forth in his head—‘Tonight’ has probably long since passed, and he isn’t likely to find anything if he shows up at the cafe at 7:00pm tonight.
But Jon is stubborn, and if he doesn’t go ‘Tonight,’ it’ll eat at him. She’s trapped him. He’ll show up. She’s certain of it.
She debates for a long time if she should wear a dress, or a button-up shirt and tie. She decides on the tie. It has ferns on it, and she needs the calming vibes.
It’s starting to sink in, what she’s done.
Why didn’t she just say, “Jon, I am asking you on a date”? That would have been so much easier! Christ, she’s tricked her crush into going on a date with her. What kind of creep does that?
She’s terrified Jon will be angry with her. Or worse, hurt. This whole thing is technically a prank. What if Jon thinks she’s just… making fun of him?
She stops by a flower shop on her way there, and the shop assistant asks what she needs, and she’s so nervous by then that she actually says, “I tricked my friend into going on a date with me, and I need flowers that will prevent him from hating me forever.”
“Right,” the man says, uncertainly. “Well—” And then he makes Sasha a very, very nice arrangement because, unlike Sasha, he isn’t a complete mess.
Sasha arrives at the cafe thirty minutes early, because she knows Jon. She knows he’ll want to stake out the place ahead of time. She knows she has to arrive ridiculously early to beat him there.
But apparently, she’s underestimated him because he’s already there.
He’s seated at a table in the corner, where he can see the entire dining room. He’s still wearing his clothes from work, and there’s a pastry in front of him.
He’s watching the door, of course he is, so he sees her come in.
“Sasha!” he calls, waving wildly at her. It makes something pang in her chest, that Jon’s instinct upon seeing her in a public place is to excitedly greet her. She certainly isn’t that kind of person.
She smiles, walks over to him. Her fingers are curled tightly around the flowers, crinkling the paper just slightly.
“Do you have a date tonight?” he asks, looking her over, his eyes still flicking back and forth between her and the door.
“I hope so,” she says.
He frowns. “Are they late? Or—”
She hands him the flowers. “These are for you.”
He looks at them, bewildered, then back at Sasha. “What—”
“The invitation was from me,” Sasha says, sitting down across from him. “I faked the statement, and I made the puzzles.”
He stares at her for moment, then at the flowers, then back at her. She waits for him to yell at her, or run off, or—she doesn’t know.
Then he starts laughing. It’s—wonderful, when he laughs. He always tries to hide his face, and this time he decides to use the flowers for that purpose, stifling his giggles against the petals. “Sasha, I—I thought it was going to be the, the Mob, or something.”
Sasha can’t help but start laughing too. “You thought the Mob sent secret messages to each other using a Caesar cipher?”
“I don’t know!” Jon says. “This is—” He lets out a long breath. “Well, I did enjoy the—game, I suppose.”
They look at each other for a long moment.
“Wait,” Jon says. “So I’m your date?”
“If you want to be,” Sasha says.
Jon smiles. “I—” He laughs again. “Yes. Of course I do.”
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
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“Aphrodite is just a stage name, but the persona is still you. You might be a total dork, but the person you think you present has always been apart of you.”
— Or, in which Pro Hero Shouto falls in love with a dominatrix cam girl, only to find out that she’s quite a weirdo in real life. — 
pairing: todoroki shouto x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, fluff, stalking fan, cursing, unexperienced shouto, camgirl!reader, dom!reader, marking, blowjobs, praise kink
word count: 8,834
a/n: honestly, I did love this fic but mind is BUZZING at the thought of finally getting to write my todoroki family gangbang because I have that shit fucking outlined and I never outline anYTHING!!! but this was fun!!! i did a lot of extensive research into camming to only realize that if I wrote it realistically I wouldn’t be able to write this the way I intended... so camgirl is sorta really inaccurate and im sorry ;-;
Being a Pro Hero was one of the most rewarding things Todoroki Shouto had ever done. With his day consumed with being in an element where he saved and protected people, there was nothing he could ever hope to improve. Well, as long as you only considered things in a job aspect.
As a Pro Hero, his job was his life.
Day in and day out, he was working. 
From the first chime of his alarm at six in the morning until he was crashing on his bed at eleven at night, he wasn’t just anyone, he was Shouto, the Pro Hero.
But Heroes were overworked, with the recent downfall of the League of Villains and the aftershocks that came from defeating a group that changed the world, there was a lot to do. He was twenty years old, two years free from Yuuei, and was a Pro Hero, not a sidekick.
After graduating from school, most individuals had assumed that he was going to work with his father as a sidekick for a few number of years, but that wasn’t right. Bakugou and Midoriya had created an agency together, so with them, the creators, Shouto made up one of the many founding members of this new agency. An agency that was constructed of only graduates of Yuuei,  it was strong, promising, and already one that had him and his friends well within the publics’ favorite heroes.
As goes any new Hero Agency, they had to prove themselves, after all, their alma mater was not enough to carry them through everything. Experience was valued higher than name-value after all. So Shouto, along with the thirty members of the agency, worked hard every day to swallow the fear of the reemerging Japan, fulfilling every and all tedious and significant need.
But for all his hard work, Shouto had been neglecting his own needs.
Two years of hard work for a man without a sexual relationship translated to two years without any sort of lover — romantic and sexual.
At first, it was easy to ignore. He made do with sloppy jerk offs in the shower, the warm water soaking into his skin while he came in loads against his fingers, but eventually, it grew tiresome, lonesome, and tedious. 
That is until something happened one day.
A single link had been sent his way by Kaminari, the blond man unknowingly sending this to Shouto and not the intended Sero. Shouto had just gotten home, his tired eyes looking at the highlighted hyperlink on his phone. Sighing, he had thrown it up on his laptop, wanting to figure out just what he was sending him of all people, he hoped maybe it was an article on his major rescue today. Kaminari was much better at tracking those articles than he was.
But what he got was not an article on his heroic deed today. No, there was no cold day in hell that this was a news article.
His eyes widened, the texts furiously coming in on his phone, apologizing for the mistake, but Shouto wasn’t paying attention. No, he was transfixed on the video before him and fire, unlike any heat he had ever known burned through his veins. Simmering heat rolling from his skin while he watched on, and just like that, Shouto found a way to feel anew.
“Thanks for all your hard work!” Midoriya yelled after Shouto, who was three strides out the door once they traded places. 
It was Tuesday night, one of three nights that Shouto ever really looked forward to. For the past year, he had always made sure that he was never scheduled on these nights, and well, no one had objected, so he was still taking them. The travel back home was a five-minute commute via train, but always, as Shouto sat there, he felt as if the train was barely inching along.
But as soon as the train docked, there was no time to waste. Shouto was out of the crowded train and practically racing to his house. 
The door was slammed and locked behind him, and while practically stripping in his hallway — he didn’t need to care about a trail of clothes as he lived alone — he made it into his bedroom.
7:59, his clock read, and he cursed, moving even faster to set himself up.
Shouto couldn’t help but feel the burning embers of shame igniting in his chest, his heart rate soaring to the sky, when he clicked the join button. This was utterly shameful… twenty-one years old and he was in love… he was infatuated with someone he couldn’t have.
The screen darkened for the room he was looking into was dark, nothing but fuzzy pixels where you sat on the bed, legs crossed, and a sly grin on your face.
“Hi, love,” you coo. Shouto couldn’t make you out exactly right now, but on god, he already knows your lips were painted a deep red that always captivated him, your eyes insanely large with the thick and long strand of eyelashes you wore.
He wants to say good, he wants nothing more than to respond to your greeting, but he’s speechless. Besides, he knows you wouldn’t be able to hear him anyway.
“Now, now, don’t be shy,” you pout, standing up and nearing the camera, your strides were slow, smooth, terribly seductive and Shouto was taking you all in.
However, Shouto’s heart stops when your figure becomes more distinct. Red leather lingerie and toys strapped to the iconic utility belt you don. Even in the alluring lighting of your room, Shouto can see that your eyes are dark with amusement, glee, and lust. He groans lightly, the fabric of his boxer briefs tightening when you lean in close.
“I want to hear you cry my name…”
Shouto splutters at the whisper, feeling submerged into your show despite his brain telling him you didn’t know him. Regardless, his finger trails the trackpad and clicks the blue ‘donation’ button, the amount put at the full maximum the site would allow.
“Aw, thank you for the donation icy-hot,” you purr, your eyes fluttering on the camera, almost as if you were looking right at him. And Shouto delights at the sound of his username dripping like honey from your tongue. “I knew your slutty needy cock wouldn’t disappoint me. I wonder if you’re already touching yourself at the thought of me…” he watches your pretty red lips stretch from a pout into a Cheshire grin, and a pleasurable wave encases his body, his cock twitching against his restraint. “I hope you’re not, after all, I haven’t given you permission yet, have I?”
Shouto exhales shakily, the sultry confidence in your face, tone, and stature overwhelming him.
He watches your eyes fall to where he knows the chat is located on your screen, and the bell-like giggle swims in his mind while you amuse the many different viewers on this chat.
Aphrodite, that’s what you went by. 
The goddess of love, beauty, procreation, and pleasure.
With the way your eyes pierced the camera, legs spread open to reveal your cunt for your viewers, Shouto hissed in need for him to grab his cock, he knew better by now.
“Don’t you wish you were here so I could ride your small cocks instead of my fingers,” you sigh, and Shouto wets his lips, fingers that ached to give attention to his pulsing cock digging into his thighs. “If you want me to let you touch yourself,” you sigh, tossing your head back, your eyes glinted with power and coercion in this position. “Throw in a little donation for your goddess, whores~!”
It pained Shouto to admit it, but he had a sincere and deep attraction for the girl behind Aphrodite. He didn’t need to check his bank account to know that outside of his daily things, the thing that he was freely spending money on was your shows. The more people donate, the more you would do, the more dominating, demeaning, and almost sadistic you would get. Most nights, like last night, Shouto would collapse on his bed. His cock a flush red from the aggressive fisting he had done, a desperate attempt to make himself pretend it was your tight and sopping cunt around his cock and not his heated hands. The room was always foggy, steam pouring from his skin because his control still went up to smoke whenever he watched you on the screen.
There was nothing more to say except that he would do everything in his power to make sure you were gaining enough money from these shows, and that his screen name would drip past your lips every show. Even if you would never do private shows, he would make sure you knew who he was.
But this wasn’t the time to think about you.
“Todoroki!” Bakugou yelled from a distance, and Shouto looked up to see Bakugou staring at him, his face set in annoyance. “Ponytail has a job for you.”
Shouto had just walked in through the door to the agency, but his lips pulled into a slight smile. His head nodding, “Okay.”
In the agency Momo, Iida, and Midoriya were the ones who were best suited at handing out missions and assignments. With Iida on temporary leave as he was on vacation with his family and Midoriya, who was on a week assignment with Bakugou, there was only Momo to hand intensive things out right now. 
Saying his good mornings to the people he passed, he eventually made it into the back room with the door closing behind him. He made eye contact immediately with Momo, who seemed to be jabbering with the client, but he knew her well enough to see that under the cheerful personality, there was something worried in her gaze.
“You wanted to see me?” Shouto asked the second he stepped in.
“Ah, yes, Todoroki-san!” Momo nodded her head, the smile on her face remaining keen on her face while she gestured to the person before her. “This is y/l/n y/n!”
Nodding, he looked down at the client and stiffened only slightly when you turned around.
Y/l/n… y/n… you were Aphrodite.
Shouto’s mouth went dry but also began salivating at an extremely high rate the second your lips pulled into a greeting smile. Was this real?
Would you be dominating in public? Your dominatrix bleeding into your personality outside of the screen? Would you rise to his eye level when you finally stood? He always imagined you would. Were you wearing something flirty, cute, or alluring underneath that jacket you had on your body? Your make up was done in the same matter as the shows, but the red lipstick he loved was substituted with a natural lip color, brightening the shimmer in your eyes. 
“It’s nice to meet you,” you greeted, and Shouto nodded dumbly, words failing him entirely at this moment.
Was that what he expected you to say as a greeting? Well, he guessed you saying something along the lines of ‘welcome you dirty fucking slut’ was a bit out of the picture considering they were in public and you didn’t know him. But still, a part of him craved to have heard that utter from your lips, because there would have been no stopping the way that he would have sank to his knees for you.
“Y/l/n-san is here with us because she’s been a victim of a past B&E’s,” Momo’s voice pierces through Shouto’s thoughts, and he breaks his stare on your — sweetly? — smiling face to look at his friend. “We also have reason to believe that such offenses are because she also has a stalker.”
“A stalker?” Shouto repeated Momo’s words.
“That is correct, and said stalker seems to be in possession of a strong quirk,” Momo nodded her head, her face still kind for you, but her eyes calculating and sharp. “I’m assigning you on her case for a few reasons, firstly because you are capable of handling the perpetrator, and two, you live a block from her apartment, so defending her will be accessible to you.”
Shouto’s stomach jumped at those words, all this time you had been a mere block away from him?! 
“Isn’t that a bit too much?” you laugh, rubbing the back of your neck. Shouto blinks, that was a move most people made when they weren’t confident… you were always confident. “I mean, yeah, I don’t want to be like… hurt by this man, but there’s no way he’d do anything bad, right?”
“Are you serious?” Shouto asked, his voice leaking with his evident discontent to your answer.
Momo, however, redirected your attention back to her by grabbing your hands in hers, “There’s a possibility that there’s nothing bad that he’ll do, but that’s not something we wish to risk.”
“I have pepper spray, a stun gun, and a strong uppercut; I think I can handle this,” you say, pulling your keys up, showcasing the arrange of weapons you carried casually around you. 
“The pepper spray looks like you haven’t used it in ages,” Shouto immediately pointed out. “You need to use it about once a month to ensure it works.”
“Wait, really?!”
Momo giggled, watching in the way that Shouto looked down at you with a raised eyebrow, and how you looked up at him with wide eyes. “I can understand that you believe that you’re confident in your ability to take care of yourself! We aren’t trying to imply that you couldn’t, but your cousin brought you here or a reason! It’s easier to let us do our job, to make sure that you don’t ever have to put into a trying situation.”
Your bottom lip juts out into a small pout, but ultimately you sighed, nodding. “Okay… how long would this take, do you think? It’s just that I can’t have Shouto by my side at every instance of the day.”
Momo’s eyebrows quirked into a questioning stare, and Shouto could feel his body temperature rising at those words.
“Oh? How come?”
You still, as if you hadn’t expected Momo to further question why you didn’t want to be watched at all hours of the day. Loudly you splutter, unable to come up with an excuse through your panicked and while Shouto watched and listened with crumbling hope that your dominatrix personality was something that you held in every aspect in life. Your cries that you were an up and coming YouTuber — which explained the stalker — and needed to film your muckbang videos in peace made Shouto realize that you were not some sexy, confident woman at every instance of the day. No, you were awkward, weird, and dorky, but it still did nothing to calm his hammering heart when you stood up at the end of the meeting, clad in something that had to be pulled from the Lisa Frank collection and you hurried out.
“If I analyzed all of her police reports correctly, the stalker should be back by next week, falling on either Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday night,” Momo informed Shouto, passing the case folder his way. “Take care of y/l/n-san, and be safe.”
Shouto nodded; that was something he didn’t need to be told twice, “Of course.”
You were a camgirl.
For most of your life, you had been someone who was overlooked by most. Being quirkless in a world where having a quirk, even the most useless quirks, was needed to gain success in your peer’s eyes truly sucked. It hadn’t stopped you from being successful, of course, you had worked hard in every aspect of your life, but it kept you from attaining your dream job because having a quirk was essential for it — even though you didn’t need one.
So with a minimum wage job to cover the costs of living and your long journey to prove your worth to get your dream job, you were quick to realize that you needed more money.
And one day, after a long day at failing to find a second job, you were in bed, reading over fanfics to distract yourself from a failed day when a particular story caught your eye. 
A story about a camgirl, and then it hit you.
You could be a camgirl!
It took a month of planning, nights spent on creating a persona, a person for you to become when the camera went on. 
You would turn into Aphrodite.
With such a stage name, you knew that you had to become the goddess of love herself. Your personality was quirky and dorky in real life when you only had to be you, but Aphrodite was all leather, lacy, skimpy hotness. She was daunting, commanding, dominating. It was almost as if the second you turned on your Livestream, the goddess herself possessed your body, turning you into someone that you could only dream to be.
You performed three times a week, precisely at nine and end sometimes even at two in the morning. Within a matter of ten streams, you had exploded in viewers and donors. You had been making around five hundred thousand yen a month, that is until your most special viewer icy-hot had made his first appearance. 
Icy-hot was someone who seemed to have a deep interest in you, and even deeper pockets because he alone doubled the price of your average income from camming. You were obsessed with him.
There was also another reason why you were obsessed, and it might have a little bit to do with the tall man walking behind you, just far away to make you comfortable, but close enough to keep you from harm’s way. Oh yes, in a world of celebrity crushes, you were in love with Pro Hero Shouto. 
It was stupid really, but as a fifteen-year-old girl watching Yuuei students who were your age beating the shit out of each other left an imprint of his then fifteen-year-old abs in your brain and you were hooked. Your crush was always shallow, of course it was, you didn’t know him, but he still provided you with a sense of comfort. The fact that he had lived so close to you for so long sent embarrassing flames to your face, how would he ever react to knowing that you needed time away from him so that you could control people into fucking themselves online? Or about how your stalker was a possessive man who watched your streams?
You had been fine with just informing the police, but apparently, the man had been apprehended before and had his quirk registered. He was dangerous, and with you being quirkless and the cops being unable to use their own quirks, your cousin dragged you to the local hero agency, proclaimed you needed help, and left.
Little did you remember that this was the hero agency that a lot of recent Yuuei alumni were at, and of course, the one that Shouto worked at. Heroes latched at your side, worried for you while taking you to the back to talk to the Everything Hero: Creati. With the police files on her computer, the two of you discussed everything that was happening with ease and sharp detail, and then Ground Zero barged through the door, yelling about something Deku was doing.
Creati talked with him, both of them coming to some understanding and a simple line from her mouth, effectively ending your entire life.
“Will you call in Todoroki-san when he gets here?”
It wasn’t that you were dressed ugly or wrong, but you were definitely dressed up in bright colors because you were trying a Lisa Frank aesthetic before your cousin dragged you off. Tugging at the ends of your hair, you looked back at Shouto, who was silent, his eyes looking at you.
“Are you okay?” he asks, his buttery voice soothes down your spine, and you threw a large thump up in his direction with a nod.
“Never been better!” you lie. This was bad this was so very bad, you wanted to push him into an alleyway and run away, why must the world curse you into looking like you were related to booboo the fool on the day you finally crossed paths with Shouto. Not to mention should he find out about your career? Would he think you deserved everything coming your way?
“It’s okay to be not okay,” he spoke up, his head tilting to the side, trying to figure out where your thoughts are. “You know that, right? You’re going through a lot right now.”
You blow a raspberry, your ears burning when you look back in front of you, your head shaking. “I’m perfectly fine, I wasn’t even in immediate danger! Besides, I have you here now, don’t I?”
They were familiar words heroes heard every day, maybe not those words exactly but similar enough that they weren’t unusual. But still, to Shouto, those words curled warmly in his chest, vibrating deep within his sternum while he nodded.
“You do.”
To say the least, Shouto was genuinely shocked to figure out who you were as a person. 
The biggest thing he could put together about you, the most essential detail he saw was the fact that you were stupidly a dork. You had just about one hundred colorful mugs with weirdly dumb inspirational quotes on them. Whenever he showed up at your apartment in the morning — the nights you insisted he couldn’t sleep on your couch because of your recordings, which worked out because he would just go home and watch your stream with only the slightest guilty conscious.
You had a colorful arrange of sweaters and shirts, none of which were anything that he would have assumed initially you would wear, to begin with. Leggings and sweaters, joggers and tank tops, that seemed to be your style in the warming days of spring, and he was all for it.
With nothing more to do with this assignment, then stay close to you because the police where in charge of trying to find the man, the two of you grew close. Shouto often amused himself by asking you about the videos you were making for ‘YouTube,’ each time you came out with a poorly failed excuse of a lie for him, and every time you believed that he believed you.
It was a month into the assignment, and nothing had happened so far, nothing but late-night conversations and late-night cam sessions. Still, Shouto was a devoted watcher, and with each passing day, his ears no longer blushed scarlet at the sight of you the following mornings. 
The two of you were proper fans, and the crushes you had for each other still held true, only now reenforced with the appropriate images of each other.
“You have to go now!” you complain, trying to shove the much larger man out of your apartment’s front door. It was Thursday evening, and with only an hour until you were to stream — an accident on both of your parts because you had been distracted with watching an anime with him — you needed to get ready quickly. “Shouto, oh my god, I swear if you don’t leave, I’m going to pepper spray you!”
Shouto was pretending to be lost in thought, his body stable and unshifting while you attempted your hardest to get him to move. “I don’t remember you ever cleaning your pepper spray… it’ll end up hurting you more than me in the end anyway.”
“You don’t know that!” you grunt, your hands pressing against his spine, your feet slipping against the wood while you push with all your strength. “Even if it hits me, it’ll hit you too!”
“I’ve been pepper-sprayed before, apart of hero training, I can handle it, y/n,” Shouto points, and he finally takes a step forward, your body stumbling into his side where he graciously steadied you. There’s a silence between the two of you when he realizes just how he caught you, and you feel the temperature fluctuate around you when he pushes you to your feet, throwing on his shoes and leaving with a stiff wave.
“See you t-tomorrow!” he rushes out, leaving you with a burning face in your doorway. 
But as you closed the door, rushing yourself to get ready for tonight, you didn’t get to see the way that Shouto stopped at the staircase, his eyebrows scrunching when an uneasy feeling filled his gut. Could it be that the perp was finally going to make their move tonight?
In thirty minutes you had managed to get your makeup done, the sharp black eyeliner paired with large full eyelashes, your skin perfect from foundation and contour, and of course, the painted red lip. With only ten minutes to spare, you threw your camera set together, connecting it at eight minutes to spare. You sweat in nerves while you hastily threw on your lingerie. Black lacy panties that sculpted your ass, and a bra that left your breasts looking delectable. Then the leather garter belt hung around your waist, attaching to your thigh high stockings with a cute red bow. 
With the countdown on the screen, you flopped on the bed, cameras rolling as soon as your clock read 9:00.
“Hi, love,” you began as you usually do, confidence flooding your person while you sat up from your mattress, your hands smoothly gliding against the soft fabric of the comforter. 
Your show went as it normally did, harmless flirting with your viewers who craved more, thanking donator after donator, your smile growing into a smirk with each passing minute. You noticed that icy-hot was on, his avatar always pinned to your screen when he joined, but he was silent. Not a single donation.
Normally this would scare you, drilling ice-cold anxiety through your veins, but you weren’t you right now; you were Aphrodite. 
“Icy-hot,” you drawled, your voice husky and low, a subtle show to your dominance while you leaned forward, your cleavage only accentuating between your pressing arms. “What are you doing?”
But before you could continue on, before you could utter more phrases to get some sort of response from your favorite viewer, there was a rustle in your apartment. You froze immediately, was Shouto in your place? No, that couldn’t make sense.
Then in an almost slow-motion horror, you watched your bedroom door slam open, and a man you didn’t recognize appeared before you. His transfixed on you as if you were a true goddess, his muscles taut, lips perked into a lusting smirk.
“I finally found you, Aphrodite,” he whispered like a prayer, his feet taking several fast strides in your direction, and as the chat exploded in their confusion, your jaw dropped in an ear-splitting scream.
>> ‘Is this for real?’
>> ‘Is aphrodite finally fucking a man for us? I’m jealous it’s not me!’
>> ‘Holy shit, I think this is real?!’
The facade of Aphrodite was gone on you, no longer possessing you, but instead the meek and weird you. There was no stopping his conquering pace when his hand outstretched for you until he was frozen in place.
“Shouto?!” you squeak, looking to see your hero standing at the door, his cheeks flushed from most likely rushing over, his eyes deadly and severe. His eyes glanced you over, and embarrassment shrouded you when he eyed over your lingerie, but he said nothing of your state of appearance thankfully.
“Go into your bathroom, and don’t come out until I tell you it’s over,” Shouto commanded, and breathlessly you nodded, stumbling over into the bathroom as the perpetrator broke free from the ice. One lustful eye turning sinister and dark, and with an animalistic bellow, he charged Shouto when you closed the door.
You weren’t sure how long you lasted in the bathroom; the only thing you knew is that for ten seconds, it was loud with the clear sounds of battle before quieting. There had been no crash, nothing to tell you that the action had been taken elsewhere, only that you had heard the familiar sound of Shoutos singing ice and then silence. You pulled on your fluffy white bathrobe that hung by the door on your bathroom, your pacing unstoppable in your inability to calm down.
Was Shouto alright? They didn’t both die out there, right? No, Shouto was more durable than that, you reasoned, your hands aching with your nerves.
The pulsing beat of your heart sat heavy in your throat, your fingers trembling with shot nerves and fearful thoughts until a soft knock on your door alerted you that someone was there.
“H-Hello?” you stammer, unable to keep yourself from speaking.
“It’s me,” you hear Shouto’s voice tiredly stated, and without so much as wondering if it really was him, you threw open the door.
Shouto stood there, a bruise on his jaw, a visible injury he had sustained from this fight. 
There was no stopping you throwing yourself into his arms, your own arms throwing around his neck in your dopamine surge. He had saved you, he had finished this.
“Sorry that took so long,” Shouto murmured into your ear, his head burying into the crook of your neck, sending intensive static down your spine. “Bastard took us seven blocks away; apparently, he has a pretty shitty teleportation quirk.”
“That’s okay, I’m just glad you’re okay,” you sigh, not wanting to let go of him anytime soon. “Was it just the bruise?”
“Mhm,” Shouto informs you, his fingers running against the thick fluffiness of the robe. “Quirk side effect is that it makes you stupidly dizzy after using it, and that includes everyone he takes with him. So I nearly was throwing up when he landed one on me. The police will take you in for questioning tomorrow morning if that’s alright? I figured it was too late, and you went through too much to be questioned tonight.”
“That’s perfect,” you agree, not at all caring when the interview would be, just as long as he was with you. 
Shouto eventually pulled away, his hands remaining on your waist while his eyes looked at you warmly, “Okay, well let’s get you on your bed, I want to make sure you’re okay.”
You nodded dumbly, following after Shouto when he guided you back into the room that was liberated from his ice but had obviously been fought in on account of your fallen books. You sighed when you sat up on your bed watching Shouto stand in front of you, observing you in your fluffy white robe.
“Shouto?” you asked while Shouto observed your face in the better lighting of your room, his finger soothing tear streaks you had long ago cried while he made sure you were okay.
“How did you get here so quickly?”
“I thought something was going to happen tonight. I had this feeling when I was leaving and decided to stay until it happened.”
“Yeah, but it’s not like I had screamed until after he was in my room,” you accuse, your eyes narrowing. 
Honestly, you had no idea how he knew… unless…
“I’m icy-hot,” Shouto states simply, but you couldn’t ignore the way that your body literally rejected this claim, how it sizzled to life because he knew what you did on these nights, and how you sparked at the thought of how he’d been supporting you for a year.
“You’re — ?”
“Yeah,” Shouto smiled, pulling away from you with a soft sigh, his arms folding across his chest. “A friend of mine accidentally sent me a link to your cam sessions when you first started, and I was hooked.”
“You’re telling me all this time, you knew?!”
Shouto nodded, unsure as to what you weren’t quite understanding.
“Why didn’t you say anything?!” your voice raised dangerously, your spine shot straight while your world both crashed and built around you.
“I didn’t think it was appropriate to tell my client that I watched her strip and fuck herself on my leisure time,” Shouto sighs, his eyebrow-raising in amusement.
“You’re a dick!” you exclaim, but your words were one of wonder, your eyes brightening in this new knowledge. “I can’t believe you, honestly!”
“Well then, I guess I can tell you a string of truths, and you can do nothing about it,” he challenges, his face nearing yours, dangerously close. His warm and mint breath fanning across your face. “I have feelings for you — deep and honest feelings for you, I think this piece you’re wearing under the rob is by far one of the best pieces you’ve ever worn, and I’m hard right now.”
“You know that Aphrodite is a facade,” you disclosed, your eyelids feeling like weights while you stared up at him, unmoving, unchallenging.
“I don’t think it is,” Shouto challenged his hands, tugging at the fabric that held your robe closed. “Aphrodite is just a stage name, but the persona is still you. You might be a total dork, but the person you think you present has always been apart of you.”
Your tongue is dry, but still, you wet your lips, confidence, and fear meeting in the middle of your chest in an all-out war to see which would win. It was to no one’s surprise that you wanted Shouto, but for it to be reciprocated was a bit beyond you, and finally, you inhaled a bit sharply through your nose, “If you want me to fuck you, you better ask properly. Like a good boy.”
His eyes glint in an unreserved way that sends fire through your spine and a heat flashing in your core. It had been a while since you’ve fucked anyone, and here was Shouto implying that you fuck him. He also seemed to want to be dommed, and if there was something you weren’t expecting from him, was that.
Shouto licks his lips, his hands moving from your waist and pressing onto the mattress so that he’s forcing you to lean backward, trapped in his hold. 
“I want you to fuck me,” he breathes, and in a similar exhilarating thrill of Aphrodite possessing you before a show, that electrifying courage courses through your veins and grabbing onto the thick fabric of his costume and bring him into a simmering kiss.
Your fingers wound in his hair, the intensive heat and passion exchanging between your lips were insane. It was mind-boggling as it was breathtaking. Your head tilted, and you pressed in more, feeling the weight of the bed dipping as Shouto climbed onto the bed with you. Shouto was bigger than you, in just about every way of the word, but still, with your stocking covered leg, you wound it around his waist and spun in your place.
Straddling his torso, you pressed incessant kisses to his mouth, his desperate return sending confidence to your head, a warm pulse in your body. 
“I wouldn’t have pegged you as a bottom,” you murmur against Shouto’s throat, your hands pressing flat against his chest, moving to unravel the restraints holding it together. You get the top of his jumpsuit undone, watching has his pale and toned chest slowly peeking through the growing opening. Your fingers move against the plains of his abs, nails moving against his hardened nipples while you sigh against his throat. “Such a good boy.”
Shouto heaves, his breathing uneven, unsteady, and unsure. For someone so confident thirty seconds earlier, he seemed to be crashing from that stream of confidence quickly, almost dangerously. Skirting around this knowledge, you removed your robe, discarding it onto the dirty floor with a content smirk. 
“I, um,” Shouto swallowed hard, his eyes fluttering at the sight of the lacy black undergarments and, for the first time, genuinely getting to appreciate them in real life. His fingers grab onto your waist, his hot as fire hands tracing your smooth skin, tracing against the hem of your panties until he got to the cleavage of your ass, stopping where your body met his. “I’ve never done this.”
“That’s alright,” you say, hands pushing the blue fabric of his costume off his shoulder, making quick work of it, and finally, your get to press your hands against his broad and naked shoulders. Your lips move unhurriedly against his neck, moving down until you reach his collarbone, taking a long swipe of your tongue against the protruding bone.
The words that had meant to come from Shouto’s lips drifted towards the ceiling, no longer viable with the way that he folded against your touch. With your lips back against his chin, your right hand stretched behind you and pressed firmly against Shouto’s hard buldge palming against the clothed erection. His eyes close immediately, the touch of another on his growing cock was foreign to him, but it was igniting something within him while you continued your ministrations. A strangled moan vibrating at the back of his throat, his hips rising to buck and grind against your cupping hand, only hindered by your teasing retreats and bell-like giggles.
“So desperate already, baby?” you whisper against his ear, your mouth coming back to his, meeting his trembling lips into a passionate kiss. When you pull away, he makes a noise similar to an animal in heat but is quickly silenced by your teeth biting gently against his lower lip. “Let’s get you out of this uniform.”
Shouto helps you make little work of removing his costume, the dark navy blue material joining your robe on the floor, and you straddle him one again. Only this time, it’s your cunt rolling against his clothed cock. 
“Do you want me to suck you off?” you ask, your lips pressing painted marks against his chest. The red of your lips shining like rubies against his pale skin, but it does nothing but stirs you on. It wasn’t a mark like a bite, but it was an acknowledgment that as of now, for this very moment, he was yours. The red lip print proof of this bond. “Do you want my mouth around your pretty cock?”
Shouto shudders at your words, his hips involuntarily bucking at your ask, and he nods his head. His cheeks dusted red, and his heart hammering in his throat, “Y-Yes, please suck me off.”
“Aww,” you coo, your fingers hooking around the waistband of his underwear, your cunt grinding against him. “You said, please!”
The underwear joins the rest of Shouto’s outfit on the floor, and you stare at Shouto’s cock in its full glory. The long thick length bouncing against his stomach, precum dripping slowly from its tip. The knowledge that he was already leaking from your gentlest attempts of domination sent power through you once again, and you smirked leaning down so that you were level with his cock.
“Such a pretty cock,” you sigh, wrapping your hand against his length, your mouth watering at the fact that you couldn’t encompass it in your hand. “So beautiful… now, I want you to stare at me the entire time I’m doing this icy-hot. I’m putting on a private show for you, and I expect my favorite viewer to watch the entire time.”
There was no need to wait because Shouto was ready for your mouth, and with one final roll of his pink head with your fingers, you began.
You brought your mouth to Shouto’s cock and licked a clean line from balls to crown, the back of your tongue swirling around the head.
Shouto’s moan was nothing short of pornographic, and near animalistic in the way that it sent shivers down your back. Most definitely caught in the feel of things, Shouto arched his ass from the bed to thrust right into your waiting mouth. With the confidence of who you tried to be as Aphrodite, you decided to be the best at what you were doing for Shouto, hopeful this would be something he would ever forget. Adjusting to his lifted hips, you gripped and pumped the lower half of Shouto’s cock while slathering and sucking attention at what you could fit into your mouth – he was a lot bigger than the dildos you used for your show.
Your mouth was heated sin to Shouto, unafraid to choke a little, gagging ever so often to send incredulous vibrations through his sensitive sex. You were also a bit sloppy, saliva and drool leaking with his precum down his length, dribbling from the corner of your mouth while he pressed further into you. You then pulled from his length, oxygen burning your lungs to take each of Shouto’s balls into your mouth and delicately roll them with your tongue as your fist capriciously switched between fast and slow over his throbbing cock.
Mouth hanging wide and silent, Shouto stared intensely at your slowly blinking form. You nuzzled your nose against the trimmed fuzz at the base of his hot dick, your lips creating a wet pop noise against his balls. The soft touches of your nose against the vein on his cock ignited a broken and almost needy rasp against Shouto’s chest. And when a thumb, wet with your spit and his precum, trailed a line down the backside of his cock, Shouto’s heavy tongue caught up.
“That feels so good!” Shouto moaned, his voice gruff and near unrecognizable by its tenor. “More, y/n, please, more.”
And who were you if you didn’t comply? 
You groaned at the lewd position you were in, his intense duel eyes focused on every move you made while his cock twitches in front of you, your tongue flicking out of your mouth licking the bead of pre-cum on his tip making your cunt throb in anticipation. 
“Look at you, so needy, so innocent,” you giggle, using the hands that had been sensually traveling up and down his cock to angle it better for your await mouth. Brushing his head against your tongue, his pre-cum gathered on the slick surface, you delighted when his stomach contorted with his tightened breathing. You wouldn’t close your mouth to taste him, so saliva dribbling down your tongue against his length. Your hands rubbed it against his cock, using it as natural lubrication as you continue, “desperate for my mouth, aren’t you?”
Shouto tried to nod his head, which made you giggle, grinning down at him as you once more push his cock inside your heated cavern. Pulling it out slowly when you notice that his eyelids close for a little longer than a soft moan. 
“Keep your hands on me, icy-hot,” you coax, tangling his fingers onto your scalp. Keeping your left hand against the back of his thigh to land a slap against his skin to keep him focused. It was something that he found to be shocking, but the hair tugging that followed the surprising hit sent a proper shiver down your spine. You pushed his cock forward again, pushing inside you deeper this time, so his length hit further than the back of your throat. 
The motion once more sending Shouto to some other dimension as he hissed your name. The tightness of your throat, the muscle contracting against his thick cock, and the cold drool the dribbled from your lips sent his mind spinning. He only wanted more, and he craved more. With ragged breathing and the sight of his contracting stomach, his hips began to thrust into your mouth, pressing his cock further into your throat. Each desperate thrust had him hitting the back of your throat, drool slipping out of your mouth as you tried to breathe through your nose, groaning against his length, sending vibrations along Shouto’s cock. 
Your eyes began to water at the slightly suffocating sensation. Still, you were excellent despite the tears slipped down your cheeks, his hips thrusting into you roughly, the sign of an inexperienced man. Moving your hands to his upper thighs, you tried to slow his forceful thrusts, trying to allocate for time to adjust to his size in your throat. Instead, Shouto’s thrusting hips only stammered more, the sinful noises in your throat, sending only better feeling through his body. His eyes can read your eyes that told him this was okay.
“Fuck, you’re so good,” Shouto babbles, his hands clutching your hair, fingers digging into your scalp using it as leverage to move you against his length. “I never thought, shit, I never thought it would feel like this, yes, yes do that!”
Your moans vibrated around his length as you let the larger man manipulate your wet cavern. Your tongue now rolling along his length, tracing the sensitive protruding veins on his cock, and with the speed in which he was thrusting into your mouth, it only heightened the desperate noises pouring from his mouth. So much so that he almost stopped shifting his powerful hips all together.
You felt Shouto’s thrusts stagger as he came closer to his release, his hips speeding up, your head bobbing with his final desperation as he gave a final hard push into your mouth. His tip hitting the far back in your throat, and he came inside you with a snarl. His hands held your head down on his length as you grunted, trying to take in all fast release in one swallow, but some spilled out of your mouth. His hot sticky seed dribbling down your chin. 
When you moved pulled to remove his length from your mouth, you immediately closed your mouth, tongue lapping at the cum that escaped your lips. 
Crawling back up to Shouto’s face, you gave a tight-lipped smile when his clammy hands rested against your waist, and with fluttering eyes, you connected your lips again. The minority of his cum still sits in your mouth and is pushed into his mouth with your tongue.
You sat up, your lips still connected to his with a string of entangled saliva and cum, his hands coming around to cup your ass, and with the sexiness, only one could achieve through countless times of stripping, you were finally free from your own lingerie.
“What’re you—”
A gust of air ricocheted from Shout’s lungs as his back slammed into the mattress once again, your hands planted against his shoulders, your head cocked to the side with a mischievous smirk. Shouto doesn’t know how to react, for someone who couldn’t shove him out of the doorway was suddenly handling him just fine in bed. But the thought of that stirred his cock back to life, something you noticed the second it rested against your ass. Shouto groaned in embarrassment, but it didn’t matter to you, who arched down to nuzzle his nose. Then you were licking searing stripes along his neck, teeth nibbling and pulling at his ear, digging at the joint of throat and shoulder, Shouto’s tilted chin and swollen wet lips.
Knees dug into the sides of Shouto’s chest, your nails cutting crescents into the slick shining mountains of his shoulders, Shouto hands grasped onto your naked form for dear life, coercing the storm of your shared desire. The impatient and growing unignorable weight of Shouto’s cock slotted between your slick and sopping cunt. Sloppy wet with your untouched arousal, a ticking timebomb of pleasure each time you thrust back against his rehardened cock.
“Y/n, please—” Shouto choked on his words, a lusting cry when he cracked his head back against the soft mattress at the moment you carted his hot cock against your dripping, aching cunt with one firm and delicate palm and your other pressing your weight against his chest. “Oh shit, yes, fuck – yes, more. Please, put it in, y/n. I want, shit, I want you to fuck me properly, y/n—”
“So fuckin’ needy,” your breathlessly giddy reply came, your words soaked the ear and filled Shouto’s head completely. Tightening his grip on your waist to accommodate a stronger hold on you in a desperate thought to sane himself, you began a more frantic rhythm of work-roughened humping. “Is this how you responded back to me when I stream? Do you listen to my instructions the entire time, Shou-to?”
The squelch and wet noises of your hips dragging staccato against Shouto’s throbbing skin was maddening, dumbing him down to strangled huffs and squeaks against your swollen lips. The pulse against Shouto’s own lips raged, a frantic desire for him that both weakened and empowered him to the bone.
Shouto’s finger dug into your skin, leaving imprinted bruises where he touched, his hips slamming up into yours. Wanting more, craving more, and with nothing more to hold from him, you complied and with a wet noise, sunk all the way down against him.
“Shit, shit, wait,” Shouto hoarsely whispered, his nails ripping moons into your skin while he panted against your skin. “You’re too tight, Imma cum, fuck, wait…”
You laughed against his mouth, but you didn’t move, allowing him the time to adjust his brow slick with sweat, eyes closed in concentration. Regardless, your walls fluttered around him while you adjusted, and he shivered with every involuntary move. “You good?” you murmur against his mouth, tongue lapping at his pressed white lips.
He nods once, and you grin, taking that as means to push as far up as you could, and with your entire weight and clench of your muscles, sunk back down against him.
A savage snarl ripped from Shouto’s throat, more animal than man as he tore at your lips, his mouth open with a hot tongue and teeth that tugged at your lips. You had no choice but to open up, letting his tongue meet yours while you felt his cock throbbing against your clenching walls. You met him in full innocent need, your kisses were uncoordinated attack from all angles, his hand working their way to your ass, once again gripping and pulling that the soft and warm flesh.
Your hips rolled against his, lifting up and falling with growing forces, 
The small of Shouto’s waist burned raw from how it kept curling into the mattress, his shoulders singing with sharp pain from your fingernails. Your breaths puff against Shouto’s lips as if you had never taken a single deep breath in your life like you’d flung yourself into the open flames just to fuck Shouto. The fill of his cock, the maddening way that his cock filled you out, it made your head spin and your knees tremble. With each twitch of his cock, his protruding veins pushing against your spongey walls, increasing the sensation, sending fire to your curling toes. Your weight pushing heavy on Shouto now, sandwiching him hard against the gentle mattress when he couldn’t meet you in an upwards thrust, too lost in the sensation of your smoldering cunt around his cock. 
Shouto’s thighs and stomach quivered in your conquest, his words an unclear babble in his prayer to you. The air was filled with the scent of sex, sweat, cum, and something else. Something you couldn’t put your tongue on, but it stirred you on more with the wet slapping noises of your meeting hips.
It was too much, too much, yet nowhere near enough.
“Y/n, I’m gonna—” Shouto searched for his words a short raspy cry, his cock swelling up and pulsing in your clenching walls, his fingers clenching around the nape of your neck. Bringing you in for another hot kiss. “Gonna—”
“Cum for me,” was the only thing you rasped in his mouth, your lips a deceivingly soft push against Shouto’s bruised lips.
Shouto shot off inside of you like an exploding fire, his eyes squeezed shut so tightly he could only see white and feel you. His grip tightened around your body, pressing you slick against him. But the increased angle is what sends you over the edge, your eyes rolling when your body tenses, pleasure, and relief swallowing you whole when your orgasm overcomes you.
“Shouto,” you mewl in a cracked croak of a voice, your face buried in Shouto’s shoulder as he feels your walls spasm against his cock in almost insane ways. 
“That… shit,” he breathes, unable to think.
“Yeah, same,” you mumble, moving to press a kiss onto his lips.
His body rolls off warmth from his skin, and together, the two of you fall asleep on the bed, entangled in sweat and cum and only elation in your blood.
“TODOROKI-KUN!” Iida’s voice pierces through his phone when Shouto wakes up the next morning.
“Iida,” he greets, watching while you brush your teeth, studying the various marks on your body from the night before.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Iida?”
It was then that the two of you realized you had never turned off your session.
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riizev2 · 4 years
The Living Timeline of Riize Wintersong
RPing is hard. Keeping track of nearly three years of continuity is harder. Here is my organized timeline of Riize’s life for those interested in RPing her now that I’ve returned. I recognize that this is based primarily on my own recollection of plot events, so I have chosen to tag in as many blogs as possible for those interested in hearing the other side of these stories.
However, times change. A lot has happened in two years and my recollection is far from perfect or impartial. In that vein, this is going to be considered a living document. It may change as new information is brought to my attention. Furthermore, some of the people mentioned here are not on good terms with each other (or with me lmao), so take some of this with a grain of salt. This might end up being more for me than for you.
That leads to what’s in brackets. Certain story beats that happened previous have been decided to be written out of continuity for a variety of reasons. Out of respect to the wishes of those involved, certain characters have been omitted even though they did have canon interactions with Riize previously. If I feel that the scene in question is still required to understand Riize’s current characterization, I will leave them in with brackets. The names and occupations of those involved will be changed for the sake of obscuring the identities of those involved and to open up future revisits to old topics now that I have more control over certain elements of Riize’s past. 
I’m organizing it by patch because using the IRL timeline might awaken Blizzard’s lore department. Bold information was originally supposed to be proper nouns and important events but it got a little bit away from me. Just fucking kidding I deleted one word and half the hyperlinks broke and all the bolding disappeared so nothing is bold now. Also Tumblr ate this post twice so I’m kind of trying to get it up before it happens a third time. If edits need to be made, I will write a reblog with the changes as they happen (unless it is basic grammar or more comprehensive formatting)
With that said, let us begin.
Riize Wintersong was born in Darkshore to a priestess and a druid. Her childhood was largely uneventful, training under her mother as a Priestess of Elune while spending her spare time exploring the coastline. As she grew older, she decided that her true love was the sea and became a sailor. Travelling around Western Kalimdor, she became a rotating member of various trade ships that provided food and supplies to other kaldorei settlements on the continent.
In the lead up to the Third War, Riize joined the Alliance Navy and sailed much of Azeroth. During this period she learned much about dwarven and gnomish engineering and worked to maintain the components of ships. While only obtaining the title of Seamen, these years kindled her love for tinkering.
Riize left the military after fulfilling her tour of duty in Northrend. Like many she did experience whispers of the the Old God Yogg-Saron, but did not yet begin her study of the Void until far later. During her time as a civilian she fished and sailed for recreation purposes. After the Cataclysm she returned to the sea as a hired hand on any vessel that would take her. This began her integration into less savory groups.
Riize’s status as a sailor-for-hire was the status quo leading into her playable first appearance in...
Patch 7.3
At this time, Riize is a member of the pirate gang the Dreadwing Vultures. Operating under the professional alias of ‘Nine,’ she sailed with the group for fun and profit. While occasionally brushing against the machinations of Unit Eight, her time with the group was generally enjoyable. Around this time is her first meetings with Corine Blythe, Saelkath Alzarah (@saelkath-alzarah) , and Kat Hawke (@kat-hawke).
[During this period Riize would begin dating one of her fellow Vultures. The two of them would spend long nights getting high and listening to vinyl records. While their life trajectories eventually moved in two different directions, she still values their time spent together greatly.]
Riize begins to make ties with the independent intelligence agency The Silent and a few of its high ranking members through their establishment at the Golden Keg. She begins to take up the place of one of their previous agents as an informant within the Dreadwing Vultures. This position does not last long, as the Vultures soon move to Ironforge and afterwards shutter completely.
Shortly after this event, Riize begins to study under Saelkath in the ways of the Void. Reaching into the darkness, Riize’s exploration is noticed by beings lurking in the Void and mentally affected irreparably. While initially curious, she finds herself drawn to understanding the Void and the denizens within with more fervor. She convinces Saelkath to reveal to her the rituals of the Cult of C’Thun and soon becomes a member herself.
[However, shortly after reemerging with her new focus on the Void, Riize is captured and held captive by a masked Light zealot in the Hinterlands. Detained and tortured for over two weeks, Riize was eventually able to escape into the woods. While too weak to fight, she swore revenge on the one who imprisoned her.]
Patch 7.3.5
While examining a job board in Stormwind Riize comes across a flier directing people towards Easterly. After communicating with The Silent, Riize chooses to enter the newly reforming House Draconis on an information-gathering mission. She meets the House’s heir, Strixena Draconis, and begins to establish a friendship with her. She completes her induction after kidnapping a priest of the Light out of Stormwind on Strixena’s behalf. She is initiated into the House shortly after. While initially believing she escaped Stormwind without notice, Riize ends up crossing the Warden Elyza Morrowbranch (@morrowbranch) who was more than capable of overpowering the newly minted Lady’s Hand. Beating aside, Riize chooses House Draconis over her previous bonds and affirms her loyalty to Strixena.
Riize’s involvement with House Draconis does not go unnoticed by those who knew her and soon she finds herself interrogated by Director Hawke. Remaining affable post-kidnapping, the two enter a tense truce. Working with Saelkath and her previous student Iceilla Nightbane (@iceillanightbane​), Riize partakes in off-the-record assistance on a small handful of missions on Unit Eight’s log.
During a heated argument between the two of them, Riize slices Strixena’s face and leaves her permanently scarred. Agreeing that her delving into the Void is making her lose control of herself, Riize is isolated within the barren White Room deep under Easterly’s catacombs. She is kept in solitary confinement for six weeks, with her only outside contact to the world being twice daily visits from Strixena to bring her food. While originally planned as an act of love, Riize begins to go mad. Her connection to the Void deepens in secret. When she is released she rekindles her vow of loyalty to Strixena and is rechristened as Riizen Draconis, the Phoenix of Easterly.
While working as a founding member of House Draconis’s intelligence branch, the Lady’s Hand, Riize meets the Arbiter of Dead Sun Harbor Eilithe Duskbringer (@eilitheduskbringer). While working together during the opening of the House’s gunsmithing store in Stormwind (Dragon’s Breath Smithing) the two kaldorei would develop a lasting friendship. Fulfilling her duties to the House, Riize recruits Joskinar Soulshread (@joskinar) into the Lady’s Hand. Near that time she also meets Aurelia Voidsong (@smoke-and-stilettos), Headmistress of Sordasa Academy. The Academy would act as the research division of the House, providing a vast bevy of knowledge to those who would seek it. Riize, Jos, and Aurelia would soon form a polyamorous relationship.
Patch 8.0
Strixena and other key members of House Draconis are jailed by a mysterious figure. Riize is not targeted, though the time spent away from Strixena eats at her. She tries her best to maintain the organization in her stead but is slowly pushed further and further out of power by inter-House politics. She settles into running the House’s business ventures while awaiting her sister’s return.
During a Unit Eight expedition to Ahn’Qiraj with Saelkath and a mage in SI:7’s employ, Riize witnesses the full power of her teacher’s magic and is horrified. Barely able to push through the ritualist’s powerful psychic influence, Riize helps destroy the artifact they came to collect to free Saelkath from its hold. While the trio are able to return to Unit Eight’s headquarters safely, Saelkath’s mind is shattered and she loses all memory of Riize. Heartbroken, she leaves her teacher in the medbay and disappears into the night. Riize never sees her beloved teacher again.
Eventually Strixena reemerges before the House as a Death Knight, a specter of vengeance unleashed upon the world. House Draconis begins to act again, though with far less of Riize’s input. Not long after, Dragon’s Breath Smithing is shuttered. The intelligence branch that Riize helped Strixena found is scrapped as well, resulting in her joining Aurelia in Sordasa Academy.
Things grew more dire over the coming months. War loomed on the horizon and the temperament of her sister grew even more volatile. The final straw came in the one-two punch of the closing of Sordasa Academy and the ultimatum that re-entering the House’s inner circle would require letting go of her attachment to her partners. Riize, Aurelia, and Joskinar would all leave Easterly for the old Voidsong Manor in the dead of night. She never saw her sister again.
Patch 8.1
The War of the Thorns escalated further, far from Riize’s gaze. The Void’s hold on her grew ever deeper until the Burning of Teldrassil snapped her from her stupor. Journeying to Darkshore, Riize learned that her parents had evacuated to the presumably untouchable kaldorei capital only to be lost in the fire. Riize had not seen her family in decades and never got to say goodbye.
Patches 8.1.5 through 8.2.5
AKA the period I wasn’t playing WoW
Riize, Joskinar, and Aurelia married in private far from the world. The trio would spend the following year together in seclusion, enjoying relative peace together far from the world and the war raging around them. While it was peace at the cost of ignorance, it was a much needed reprieve from the pain that had preceded.
Patch 8.3 through Past and Present
The rise of N’Zoth and the emergence of Ny’alotha took an unseen toll upon the Void-Blessed Night Elf. Visions began to infiltrate her mind showing her memories of lives unlived and roads not taken. In time it became impossible to distinguish the visions from reality. The usually energetic kaldorei would soon spend hours of the day bedridden, barely able to navigate through the illusions that danced before her eyes.
Riize re-enters a world that is unfamiliar during a time of uneasy peace. The public has turned its hatred upon the Void-aligned and allies have become few and far between. Familiar faces have disappeared, replaced by an endless stream of vitriol. Still, Riize searches for answers and closure to a life that has escaped her...
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novaethecosplayer · 6 years
Attie´s Challenge Challenge: Loki x Reader--Space Explorer
Prompt #6: “Do reasons matter when there is nothing that can be done to change things?”
Note: This is for Attie´s Challenge Challenge (hyperlinked) on the blog @barnesrogersvstheworld
How you ended up leaving earth and exploring space never really mattered to you, what mattered was that you had fun doing so. Sure, you enjoy coming back to the planet every once in a while, but it feels less and less like home with each visit. Home is now aboard your spacecraft, which you´ve named ¨The Traveller¨. Some of your fondest memories as a child were looking up at the night sky, wondering what was out there waiting to be discovered. Other times you had imagined yourself becoming an astronaut and travelling all over the galaxy in your very own spacecraft. Little did you know back then that it´ll actually happen. Besides Earth, you´ve been on several planets. Some good, some bad. Some you almost died on. Although, the thrill of adventure and the knowledge of other cultures and species was worth it.
One of the more fascinating places you like to visit is a place called ¨Asgard¨. You think growing up you may have heard the name in a fairytale or myth once or twice, but never expected it to be real. This land holds Asgardians, some of which are self proclaimed Gods... you think. Sometimes getting facts right can be tricky, especially in a place where you don't want to draw attention to yourself. Often times you land away from civilization in a clearing in the forests of Asgard--prefering to be around the nature of the area rather than the people, but the people can be quite friendly as well--proven by a few locals you´ve met and a very dear friend.
He meets you in the forest when he finds out you´re here. Apparently the gatekeeper of this world--Heimdal you think his name is--always sees you land (no matter how stealthy you think you´re being) and informs your friend--no others ever know you arrive. Your friend is quite secretive when he wants to be. You know there's information he's not letting you know for some reason, but you allow him to do as he pleases. Everyone has their secrets and although you're curious, you let him have his. Nevertheless, you enjoy being around him. His stories are fascinating, the way he speaks is heart melting, and his intellect and wit surpass any other you have ever met. In a way, you can say you have a crush on the man. Ah! Thinking of.. Here he is, sneaking around the bushes to surprise you.
¨Hi Loki!¨ You call upon spotting him, having been on your own for a long while, you´ve developed a second sense to always keep track of your surroundings so you are not ambushed. He looks to you as you call and waves, coming out of hiding and over to you giving you a hug, which you return.
¨I can never get the jump on you, huh, little one?¨ He responds while playfulling ruffling your hair, you laugh. Ever since you've become friends with him, he's been trying to scare you when he comes to visit you all the way out here.
¨Keep trying. You get it one day. Oh great god of mischief!¨ You tease him; for added effect, you overstress the title that he had told you that belongs to him.
¨Oh ha ha.¨ He responds dryly, giving you a faint smile; you can tell he enjoys your childish ways. ¨How has your travels been since the last time we spoke?¨ he inquired.
¨They´ve been good. I really wish you would take my offer to come with me. I feel like you´d have a blast.¨ You reply, giving him a small playful push. He sighs at the proposition. You´ve been bugging him about this for a while now and as much as he would love to go, even just for a little while, he can´t.
¨You know I can´t.¨ he spoke softly pulling an arm around your waist as the two of you bagan to walk through the forest in a random direction.
¨Yeah, yeah. I know. Your dad is a hardass and won´t let you do anything. I don't see why it matters so much. I mean you've told me you don't exactly have a job, perse. Nor are you needed for super important things. Why can't ya just disappear for a few days, maybe a week?¨ You respond softly, sighing at having this conversation once again. It just didn't make sense to you why he can't just say ´hey leaving for a bit brb´ and go.
¨And have all of Asgard wondering where one of the princes went to? I don't think that'll blow over very well.¨ He bit back in a soft but still harsh tone. Obviously, irritated by your persistence.
¨Wait...¨ You stopped walking and looked up at him; he paused glancing down at you, knowing you´ve gotten hung up on something he said. ¨Prince?¨ You questioned, eyebrows furrowing, ¨You´re a prince, Loki?!¨ You exclaimed, shocked that this has never come up before. He then realized that he has yet to tell you this little fact about him. He made sure to never mention it because he enjoyed how you treated him like a fellow person, not an authority figure. Honestly, the life of a royal can get a bit stuffy and boring every once and awhile.
¨Ah, yes. I am.¨ He replied gently, casually, as if it wasn't a huge deal that he knows you're about to make it be. ¨Second son to the king of Asgard; the first being my oaf of a brother.¨ He rolled his eyes at this and you just stared up at him, dumbfounded.
¨Why did you never tell me this? I feel like it would be a big deal, a big part of your life. I mean a prince, Loki, are you kidding me?¨ you asked, wondering if he was just playing a trick on you--as he does sometimes. He chuckles and gives you a small smile.
¨Love, it's funny how you don't even blink at the idea that I am a God, but you are so concern with me being a prince. Isn't that a bit odd?¨ He asked, pointing out this peculiarity.
¨I'm not entirely convinced anyone here is a God, but Loki don't try to change the subject. Why the hell would a prince ever come here, somehow meet me, and decide I´m worth his time? That just doesn't make sense to me.¨ You pushed on the topic further and Loki sighed, knowing you aren't going to stop on the topic until you have all your answers.
¨Maybe because you are the only one who didn't know he´s a prince and wanted to be treated like an individual for once and not as some higher up thing.¨ Loki responded bitterly, his tone cutting through you like a knife.
¨For friendship?¨ You asked, interpreting his words. You glanced up at him. Suddenly, a small part of you reminded you of your crush on him causing a pang of hurt to be felt in your heart.
¨Yes.¨ He responded glancing at you, wondering what you'll do next. You smiled at him softly--a smile that he cherishes and adores--but he can see a hint of sadness in your eyes. Something hurt you. Was it him?
¨I´ll drop it then--forget you even mentioned it--and we can continue as normal.¨ You reassured him and as if to prove it to him yelled that you´ll race him to the nearby river while giving him a playful shove before taking off in the direction of the river. He chuckled and smiled before running off after you, easily surpassing you and making it there before you.
You both continued with your day; Talking to each other, playing silly games that you came up with, telling each other of stories of their recent escapades, and just enjoying the company you have with one another. Throughout this day, Loki had caught sight of the hurt in your eyes a few times. He tried not to question it, but he is too wound up in the idea that he hurt you somehow earlier and that you are faking being happy and are actually angry with him.
¨...Love, are you alright?¨ He asked hesitantly. Both of you were sitting on a fallen log at this point and fairly close too. He had you tucked under his arm against his side, a common place for you to be when he's around. Neither of you are shy about physical contact anymore.
¨Yeah, I´m fine.¨ You responded softly and looked up at him, wondering why he said that. ¨Why do you ask?¨
¨You seem hurt, emotionally. I was hoping it wasn't because of anything I said or done.¨ He responded honestly, deciding not to point out that he knows you're lying. He has noticed he's a lot more open with you then any other person, he figured it´s because you let him be himself, that you aren´t pressuring him to be anyone else.
¨Oh… huh, guess I am a little bit, but it doesn't really matter.¨ You said brushing it off, ¨You didn't cause it anyways.¨
¨May I help you with it somehow?¨ He asked, maybe he can help you feel better.
¨Loki, it nothing. Don't worry.¨ You replied and smiled up at him. ¨Thanks for being concerned though.¨
¨I know it's not nothing. Do not lie to me.¨ He responded, huffing. ¨Why do you feel hurt? What reason do you have to feel this way?¨ he asked getting more irritated.
¨Do reasons matter when there is nothing that can be done to change things?¨ you ask rhetorically, ¨I… I love you, Loki, and I honestly thought maybe I had a chance to be with you, romantically, and now I find out you´re a prince--which in most cultures means that you must marry other royalty, not some crazy person from space.¨ You confess and begin to tear up as you let these feeling be known--the thought of it all hurt you, but actually saying it out loud completely tears you apart. ¨So, yeah. I am hurt. Hurt that I was stupid enough to think maybe, just maybe, for once in my life I found the one person I can actually be with. But… I guess… not.¨ You can feel the wet trails of tears running down your cheeks in streams as your chest constricts more and more making it harder to breath as you choke back sobs.
Loki--although surprised--takes you into his arms and begins to rock you back and forth; Letting his hands comb through your hair and rub your back. He tries to calm you, sooth you for what feels like hours, when really it's been less than ten minutes. Eventually, you sigh and rub the tears from your eyes and cheeks.
¨Maybe it´ll be better if I just left and didn't come back...¨ you whispered, mostly to yourself--dejected and tired. His heart rips at the thought of never seeing you again.
¨No.¨ Loki finally speaks. ¨I need you. You are the only person I have besides my mother who actually cares for me. I want you in my life… I… I might not know how I feel about you at the moment--whether its romantic or platonic--but I know I can´t stand the thought of never seeing you again. Stay or visit. Please.¨ He spoke in a hushed tone so soft that only you could hear him. You can feel how important this is to him through his words.
¨Okay.¨ You whisper shakily. Deciding that you will continue with your visits to Asgard, continue seeing him, and maybe, just maybe, once he figures out his feelings, you´ll have a definite answer as to what you are to him.
But for now, you´ll wait and enjoy your time with him, because he's worth it.
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tommyhagen · 6 years
Same Song, Different Man Part One
Click right here to see general info about this part. Jumped ahead a lot in the story and don’t want anyone to be confused. That’s my first time using a hyperlink on this website so tell me if it doesn’t work. Gonna be honest this gives me so many King and I vibes that I may or may not have written most of it to Shall We Dance. If someone is artistically inclined and drew Tony as Ana in the  full purple ball gown and T’Challa as the King I wouldn’t even know what to do with myself
“Excuse me, your highness, could I have this dance?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I’m actually not here to dance but it is a kind offer.”, T’challa waved him off nicely before going back to his champagne. The poor guy must be bored out of his mind and not just in the way Tony always was at these things. Compared to a Wakandan celebration this must be the equivalent of taking an ambien and washing it down with wine.
“Bad kitty, don’t make me get the spray bottle.”
  A grin spread across the Alpha’s features at that. “Anthony!”, he chirped and Tony was pretty sure no one had ever been so glad to see him in his life. “I was just about to look for you. I was starting to think you had left the party.”.
“Yeah.”, Tony grimaced, “Sorry about that. Though it’s not for lack of trying that I haven’t left yet. Pepper watches me like a hawk at parties. Not that I blame her. God knows I need supervision around these kind of people. You’re lucky you get to just stand in a corner. She makes me talk to them.”.
T’challa laughed quietly into his hand. “I don’t know many people here but I can imagine even without that it isn’t pleasant.”
“You imagine right. I mean, unless you’re Bruce and speak boring as a second language.”, Tony snarked. T’Challa’s rumbling laugh practically made him purr. That is,until T’challa’s hand was suddenly on his upper back and he had Tony’s hand in his. “Woah there...what up T’challa?”, Tony squeaked in a manner so undignified people actually turned to look at him.
“I believe I was asked to dance. Unless you were joking?”, T’challa questioned.
Something about his face at the moment made Tony believe that the Alpha would be disappointed to know that he was. So he lied, “No, no. Just wasn’t expecting it to be so sudden. Just let me...”, Tony trailed off awkwardly as he put an arm around T’challa’s shoulders. He only gave in to the temptation to squeeze one for a second or two. But, Christ, that suit wasn’t doing anything to hide how muscled the Alpha was. It just wasn’t fair. No one should look that good in a suit except Tony himself.
“I assumed based on the song’s tempo a waltz would be appropriate. Is it?”, he asked, clearly just trying to understand how he’d put Tony off with something so simple. Something Tony himself had asked for.
Tony could feel heat rising to his cheeks. He absolutely wasn’t going to blush. “Ah...yep you nailed it. Though to be honest it’s an interesting choice, old fashioned, I guess.” At T’challa’s frown Tony was quick to add, “That’s a good thing. I just...haven’t waltzed in awhile.” 
Steve. Steve. Steve. Tony tried to shake the sudden onslaught of memories of him and Steve like this out of his mind. Steve in his dress uniform, the medals on it always polished to a gleam just like his shoes. The way his hair caught the light. Suddenly, Tony was trying to hold back tears instead of a blush.
He must not have been doing a good job because T’challa was frowning. He quickly spoke again to get Tony’s attention, “Then you shall teach me.”, he seemed relieved when Tony snorted derisively. Why couldn’t all Alphas be this nice? Maybe then Tony would still have one. “Is the positioning of my hands correct? My people do not dance like this so I only have films to go on.” 
Tony forced himself to smile again before answering, “Well, you’re doing great. Textbook form, T-cat. Maybe a bit formal.” Time to make new memories of dancing with Alphas. Maybe eventually they might even replace the ones with Steve in them.
T’challa thought about that, scanning the room, eyes settling on an elderly Beta couple   dancing beside them. “I see.”, was all the warning he gave before sliding his hand down to the base of Tony’s spine, bringing them closer together.
 “Oh...”, was the closest to a response Tony could formulate. There was a flurry of flashes and snaps that managed to catch even Tony’s attention. He practically forgot that the paparazzi was a thing most of the time they’d been with him so long. But he hadn’t seen them this excited in a while. For once, Tony couldn’t blame them either. He was pretty damn excited too. Their chests were almost flush against each other and T’challa’s heat was radiating between them. And how the hell did he smell so good ALL the time?! It was more than just Alpha pheromones -not that Tony wasn’t going light headed from those alone- it was like spice and earth and just every remotely sensual thing Tony could dream up. And he was a beautiful dancer. Of course he was. He literally had the grace of a cat. 
“Like this.”, T’challa observed. Tony could only nod stupidly. He really hated being an Omega. One of the smartest men in the world turned into a clumsy idiot at the sight of such an...admittedly gorgeous Alpha. Who could blame him? Then, making it worse, T’challa said in that rich voice of his, “I do not believe I’ve had a chance yet to tell you how handsome you look this evening.”
That left Tony reeling. What? He, Tony, looked good?! Had T’challa looked in a mirror, oh, ever?! Literal perfection had just complemented him. What was he supposed to do with that?! Eventually Tony managed some forced sass. “Not beautiful?”, he practically stammered.
“Well, yes, you are. But I assumed you would prefer to be called handsome.”, T’challa replied gently. 
“You were right. I do. That’s...that’s really thoughtful of you, T’challa.”, Tony practically swooned. He was melting. Soon he was going to be the first puddle with a net worth in the billions. This was too much. He shook himself a bit to try to get his act together. It wasn’t too successful either. It had to be the crazy King and I vibes going on here that were making Tony think this was actually romantic. And not just a dance with a pack member and close friend. Which it was. Nothing more than that.
 T’challa’s eyes were almost sparkling though and the smile he was giving Tony was so gentle. It made him even more beautiful. Tony had no doubt that enough of this memory could replace the ones with Steve in time. But he couldn’t let it go on any further and he quickly piped up, “You’re not looking so bad yourself. Y’know, for a cat. Like Prince Charming really. Or is that insulting to you? Being a king and all”. Tony smiled brightly. Yes, he was doing it! He’d make this playful and light again.
But then T’challa laughed and Tony could feel the rumble of it and that had him going all gooey again. “So long as you’re calling me charming, Anthony, I’ll put up with anything.”.
Tony was speechless. Just. What was he supposed to say to that? To one of the best looking Alphas Tony had ever seen? To a goddamn king? 
After a few moments passed T’challa spoke again almost nervously.  He must have assumed he’d made things awkward instead of just making Tony question his sanity. “My people also don’t have music like this. I like it though it’s very different. This is an older style, isn’t it?” 
Had an Alpha just gotten flustered? That was enough for Tony to eventually come to his senses. “Y-Yeah.”, he answered. “Although you probably already knew that since you knew how to waltz. It’s pretty standard for formal things like this. Soft and unobtrusive. Sometimes it’s just a piano only version of a song, though.”
“What is this one?”, T’challa asked, spinning Tony seamlessly, never missing a beat.
Tony honestly hadn’t even heard the music he was so caught up in their conversation. When he did, his knees almost buckled. His face did. Fuck. They would play this. “It’s...it’s called You’ll Never Know.”, he managed to force out.
“What is it about...?”, T’challa asked a bit hesitantly, trying to figure out what was wrong without having to ask directly.
“Two lovers who are separated by war.”, Tony quavered feeling suddenly every bit the fragile Omega everyone had been treating him like the whole night.
“Oh. That is sad.”, T’challa commented awkwardly, still confused. “Which war?”.
“World War Two.”, Tony murmured, completely miserable.
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jewel-s-blog · 4 years
about me + bias list
 hi there, I’m jewel :)
she/her/hers ・ 20 ・ kpop (writing) blog
Yes, Jewel is my real name although my parents admit I was supposed to be named elizabeth but changed their minds last minute after I was born how cute and I’m currently in university. I study political science and japanese for those wondering (because yes, I am japanese and it’s helpful when you live in hawaii to have that degree yk?). If any of this stuff is even mildly interesting and you have any curiosities, pls feel free to ask me!
I try to write some things when I can, so feel free to take a look at my masterlist. I also read A LOT of fics on this site, so also peep my recs if you feel like it. Warning: its mostly fluff and angst and almost always includes smut but there’s some really good stuff worth reading still! 
Feel free to talk to me :) i don’t have any kpop friends irl :( all my friends are locals smh 
I try my hardest to be active as much as possible but it’s taken me over a year to finally get used to tumblr lol marklee and i both struggle with complex technology i guess Of course, there are times when I get busy with college and will probably seem to drop off the face of the planet exam season kills but now that I’ve been in quarantine for a month, I figured now is the best time to start building an active tumblr routine. 
That’s all for now! Keep reading below for my bias list :)
xoxo, jewel <3
Bias List 
Before I begin, I will warn that this is basically a giant NCT shxtpost. With LOTS of hyperlinks for educational purposes and absolute crackhead-ery. I’ll eventually make a separate list for other groups I stan, but this blog is mainly NCT and this is already so long so I’ll leave it as this. Enjoy!
Biases are bolded in the beginning of each unit, so you can skip everything after if you don’t wanna see my ramblings following it.
A/N: After biasing nearly every member in NCT/WayV I’ve settled for now on my biases for each unit. This will most likely rotate fairly regularly as I literally fall in love with a different member every day cited here. solo stan? I don’t know her.
Jaehyun  *ahem excuse me i mean* 
Johnny Suh, it’s official. Don’t know how to explain, but I love everything about him. In the end, it’s always him. damn i sound like y/n thoughts but istg it’s true From SM Rookies to NCT Life to MV behinds, he’s the one. But I’ve also come to realize that I find myself most relatable to him as a person and I think that’s why no one else can trump him wow narcissist much jewel It’s kind of just my gut feeling. It also helps that hes the fluffiest tall, muscular tight booty hottie on the planet. See this black on black dance practice for further scientific explanation even in this jaehyun trying to wreck me so badddddd
Not gonna lie, I HAD IT BAD FOR MARK LEE still do and yet Johnny overcame that. If mark lee were my first love, johnny is my soulmate.
Lee Jeno has officially been added to the ult list. *See the entirety of my april activity on my sns accounts if you would like to see how this happened haha :)
Tumblr media
im in love with him bc he literally reminds me of my boyfriend -- i like chill guys ok
Taeil is my little teddy bear who looks great in red hair and has a voice form heaven. Evidence? Here you go. He didn’t stand out to me much in the beginning because I was either deaf or blind but after Chain, the game was OVER. +moon taeil in shorts?? serve them thighs honey. Love you bebe tomato <3
BUT Doyoung is the #1 bias wrecker here because have you seen his cover of beautiful on masked singer?? have you?? if not, let me educate you. Also his collab with Sejeong?? Literally the cutest MV ever, perfect for Christmas, listened to it every year since it’s release.
Listen to Coming Home - NCT U for further scientific evidence that NCT has top vocals in the kpop industry.
NCT 127
THE Jung Jaehyun. For reasons that need no explanation. but ill give it anyway smh
After watching the performance of herin and jaehyun singing a whole new world I knew that was it for me. (I still watch it once a month for my jaehyun-related health and to honor SM’s biggest loss, seo herin and ji hansol but thats for another conversation) back to jaehyun His vocals are unique in NCT and bring a nice color to their songs, the man looks good in literally anything, and I’ll probably say this about every member, but I love his dance style--body rolls for days sis. Definitely my ideal type, which my boyfriend is 100% aware of; no secrets in my relationship ofc which explains the wreckage. Pretty sure 81% of the fandom gets wrecked by him daily, so I think I’ll stop here. 
NCT Dream 
Renjun.  why? i just think he’s neat but no really, it was this performance (ok actually this got me ALL SORTS OF WRECKED) and this fancam that had me falling in love with him but were gonna ignore the fact that I get bias wrecked DAILY by all the other members  GOd-tier vocals, personality for daysssssss, variety KING HUANG RENJUN. Safe to claim that I go into renjun feels about 3x a week. Check my twitter for proof. +dnyl renjun was a blessing and I sometimes cant believe that it actually happened. How do I explain?? He’s literally the best boy, but when he gets all worked up....let’s stop there before I have to go to confession again.
But for fun, lets list why I have biased every dream member at some point shall we? (in no particular order) Dream might just be my ult group, songs always bop, members at star quality 
mark- yes i am including mark bc he was the reason i even started stanning dream dreamies leader since mmc days, mentor, A1 rap skills, ad libs go crazy, unparalleled dancing style, hardest worker, cutest watermelon advocate ever, all around amazing person can you tell he used to be my ult? + he’s a good christian boy and my catholic *ss has to confess my sins for being a simp for him 24/7
chenle- vocal GOD, most steady live vocals in kpop, laugh to die for
jeno- i cannot resist his eye smile i wanna cuddle and onstage charisma-2:54 “let’s goooooo” and i alskfdfjlkdldkfa. 
jaemin- “other than my members, i don’t have any friends” and yet he’s literally the most caring and wonderful little puff in existence fight me pls dont im a pacifist 
heachan- idk why but donghyukie feels like he could be my best friend and also cant stop staring at him in their dance practices his body proportions are unreal and his vocal ad libs?? don’t even get me STARTED on heachans vocals
jisung- he is my son, but also my son’s vocals?? MWAH that voice got me second guessing if he’s really my son 
Ten Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul another member where it kinda just....happened? In the end I was like “damn, when did you sneaky bugger get in my heart?” He’s got a similar vibe as Johnny AND DO NOT COME FOR MY THROAT FOR SAYING THAT THATS MY OPINION Like Johnny, I see myself in Ten. There are so many reasons why I love Ten, so I’ll make it simple and provide them to you. 
Reason 1 - Performance/dance  he just hit different, he’s THAT good. Reason 2 - vocals the amount his vocals has improved?? UNMATCHED. Reason 3 - INTELLECTUAL (still trying to find the clip of him talking about different kinds of love) Reason 4 - multi-lingual KING ok so this vid is him struggling in mandarin, but imagine, you speak thai and english and learn korean to debut and all of a sudden your agency says “ok learn chinese now.” MANDARIN IS ONE OF THE HARDEST LANGUAGES TO LEARN. Reason 5 - bad b*tch he just radiates bad bitxh energy in everything he does, and I appreciate a bad bitxh
BUT I love wayv’s chaotic energy and chemistry so much that I literally love them all dreamies watch out 
+special shoutout to xiaojuns vocals in Love Talk
+kun being a dimpled zaddy (jaehyun&kun type CONFIRMED)
+lucas holding binoculars like THAT @ 1:10
+yangx2 doing THIS (prepare to be blown away)
+hendery being a the best teacher 
+winwin AGAIN and with Ten here i don’t even think i have to say that i tweeted about this everyday for a month and im still not over it. This specific dance really allowed winwin to shine even though ten is my bias. It really allowed others to see the fruit of his classical training even in modern dance which he never trained in. Not gonna be repetitive and SCREAM  say that he’s underrated, because we all know that already. Just show winwin some love, ok? thank you.
And so finally, we’ve reached the end. Phew, this took me almost 5 hours to put together because I definitely got carried away. For those who made it all the way to the end, thank you, I love you. It’s so messy and I don’t have the mental capacity to do anymore editing but I hope you got something from this massive post <3 Feel free to let me know what you think! xoxo, jewel
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winterscribe · 7 years
Vampire Hunter D Fanfic
I was inspired by THIS : http://kokoko-sir.tumblr.com/post/162672980752. awesome piece of @kokoko-sir ‘s art and asked permission to post this little ficlet. (Forgot to add the link and mobile wont let me edit in a hyperlink) Of course it turned into a bit of a beast (3044 words wtf?) but I couldn’t help it, somebody needed to comfort that poor child, even if I had to use time travel shenanigans so my OC Avaleara (his wife) could do it. Also I might come back through in a few days for some minor edits, but for now I’ve been staring at it too long to catch any typos. I hope you all enjoy!
I’m putting under a read more cuz DAMN this got three times as long as I thought it would.
D ran as fast as he could, scrambling up desperately every time he tripped. Tears slipped out as a stray branch split his lip, stinging the cut around his eye he’d already gotten from the angry villagers. He forced himself to keep going despite the pain from his beating and the burning in his lungs. Humans couldn’t follow as fast, but if he stopped to rest too soon or too long they would eventually catch up.
An hour passed before he finally collapsed in a trembling heap, every inch of him aching. The broken ribs from a farmer’s boot had healed a bit, but while they weren’t broken anymore, they were still badly bruised. There were other cuts and bruises all over him, and they likely wouldn’t heal much further without him drinking anything. Hand used up too much energy stitching together his bones to worry about such minor annoyances. Still they throbbed and ached as D curled up into a ball on the forest floor, trying not to let anymore tears fall. Not only were they a useless sign of weakness but they hurt right now. Besides that they wouldn’t change that the farmer hadn’t seen a lost child but a monster to be killed, and had called backup to help do the deed.
D staggered to his feet. He had to keep moving. Even if he’d managed to go far enough the humans wouldn’t catch up for days, there were other things out here. While he was trained enough to handle minor beasts, the frontier was full of monsters that were dangerous enough to annoy even Father. D wouldn’t stand a chance if he ran into one of those. That, and he needed to get out of this forest so he could use the stars to navigate home.
“Hey kid, you should call your d-” D idly smashed Hand to shut him up.
“I’m fine.” No, he wasn’t but dad had dropped him on his own, claiming it was a test. D wasn’t sure exactly what was being tested, but he’s pretty sure calling for help would mean failing. In which case calling for help didn’t mean things wouldn’t go from bad to worse. Besides… if he could make it seem like he got his wounds in the forest, father wouldn’t go back to the village. Father wouldn’t stop at the bastards that attacked a lost child, he’d wipe out every single person, most of whom had no idea D had even been there. D didn’t want that much innocent blood on his hands.
D’s tired feet tripped over a protruding root. This time as he fell, there was the strangest sensation, a tingling warmth, then a flash of light blinded him for an instant before he caught himself. When he could see again, it wasn’t the dark, root and leaf covered forest floor under his hands, but a sunlit paved path. Quickly he scrambled up and tried not to show his shock. The- mutant? Monster? Being? - in front of him was a massive wall of muscle, towering to a height that rivaled Father’s. It's arms covered in scars, and the two short swords at its hip would make it seem intimidating even without the thick horns and inhuman face.
D looked up and up and hoped like hell it couldn’t smell fear.   
POV Switch
Avaleara stared down at the tiny child in front of her. She’d seen a lot of shit in her life, but even she was a little thrown by a tiny version of her husband suddenly taking his place. One that was clearly injured - a fact that had rage filling her almost as quickly as panic. She tamped down on both quickly and firmly, briefly checked the telepathic bond she shared with D  (it hadn’t snapped so much as a thick fuzzy veil was between them. Odd and uncomfortable, but suggested he was aliveish) and decided that figuring out whatever bullshit fuckery this was needed to wait. Right now there is a child in front of her, hurt and trying to hide his fear. While she’d processed this in a few seconds, if she took much longer he’d notice.
Crouching down so she wouldn’t tower over the poor kid, Avaleara spoke as softly as her rough voice would allow, “Hello Little One.” D’s flinch was almost imperceptible, but it broke Avaleara’s heart as much as the bloody scrapes on his face. “I won’t hurt you.” The ancient Romanian was strange on her tongue. Adult D didn’t use it often since it brought back too many childhood memories, but it was the only language she shared with child D. Any other frontier languages she knew were evolved thousands of years beyond what little D would understand. Yet it didn’t reassure him as she’d hoped, just made him stand even straighter.
“I assume you’re another part of father’s test.” No child’s voice should be that flat. Even worse was the fear little D hadn’t quite learned to completely hide. Dracula could burn in hell for eternity and it wouldn’t be enough.
“No, I’m not part of any test.” Gah, her voice was far too rough to soothe any Earth child, but she couldn’t help that. Quickly considering what to tell him, Avaleara realized that with any version of D, straightforward honesty was best. Even as a child he’d be too intelligent to swallow any lie she came up with. “I’m not sure what exactly is going on. All I know right now is that I was just speaking with the older you, then suddenly here you are as a child.”
D’s little face showed his skepticism. It would be endearing if it didn’t show how young he’d learned mistrust. Avaleara wanted to rip Dracula apart all over again, but she controlled her rage so it wouldn’t frighten D more.
“I’m not going to hurt you.” She told him again, firmly. When he didn’t respond, she sighed. “Do you mind if I look at those cuts? Are you hurt anywhere else?”
“I’m fine. It’ll heal soon enough.” There was no doubt in his voice. D had already been injured enough to know. D couldn’t be more than 6 or 7, yet he had already been injured enough to know for sure how long it would take. Not for the first time, Avaleara was tempted to resurrect Dracula just to kill him again more slowly.  
“I’d still like to make sure. Please?”
“Ok.” D’s voice was quiet and resigned, but at least he let her help him. It had taken years for Adult D to trust her enough for that.
Avaleara reached out and gently pulled D’s hair back. The cut was healing quickly, but there was enough dirt mixed in that Avaleara wanted to wash it. She wasn’t sure how great his healing was this young, but the fact that such a little cut hadn’t healed already meant it was definitely slower. No sense risking infection if D wasn’t powerful enough to prevent it yet. D stared at her as she took out a rag and pulled water from the air to make it damp. He flinched when she reached for him, staring at the rag. “It’s ok.” Hopefully he wouldn’t make her explain, by the time she finished the science talk, the cut would have healed completely, possibly sealing the bits of rock and dirt inside.
Luckily Little D seemed more determined to be brave than suspicious. He shifted closer and gave her a look that was clearly get on with it. Avaleara resisted the urge to smile at the adorableness, and reached out again.
D’s eyes widened slightly at the warmth as Avaleara gently wiped the cuts around his eye, exposing the bruising underneath. Yet again she repressed the sheer rage that welled up.  She focused on the familiar action of cleaning a child’s face to help keep her calm. Keeping her movements gentle and slow, she moved onto D’s split lip. By the gods all she wanted to do was cradle him in her arms. None of their children had looked so human, but all the same she couldn’t look at this D and not see them. She ached to comfort him the way she would any of them, but D was already so used to cruelty she doubted he’d react well.
Finished with his face, Avaleara rocked back on her heels and rinsed the rag as she contemplated how to convince him to let her check his other injuries. She could see at least another few scrapes on his arms, and his breathing was shallow. At first she’d thought that was fear, but it might not be and she was familiar enough with chest injuries to be concerned.
“Who are you?” At least confusion replaced the fear in his voice as D calmed, though he still watched her warily.
“My name is Avaleara and I’m someone who cares about you. I’ll keep you safe while we figure out what’s going on. I promise.” She held out her small finger in the human tradition Takashi had taught her as children. D hesitated before copying her and she wrapped her finger around his. Careful not to split her scar and make it bleed, Avaleara grinned as wide as she could.
POV Switch
D had no idea what to make of the strange being crouched before him. While he still hadn’t completely ruled out it being part of father’s test, they were strangely gentle. Nothing associated with Father was gentle. The usual method of dealing with D’s injuries was throwing a blood pack or a body at him to drain. D even had a few hazy memories of Father’s wrist pressed to his mouth, but in those he was too far gone in pain to ever be sure it wasn’t just a dream. Never had anyone gently wiped away the blood, calm and tender despite obvious flickers of anger. Even their anger was strange. Father raged when he was damaged by anyone else, but it was half at D for not being strong enough and half rage that someone dared to challenge father’s edict that D not be harmed. Except here D got the impression this Avaleara was more angry at whoever hurt him, for him.
"You never answered me little one. Are you hurt anywhere else?"
D's ribs still ached, his hands had been shredded by many falls, his arm was still bleeding sluggishly where bone had pierced his skin, and everywhere else ached from his long run. But could he trust Avaleara not to hurt him further for admitting it? His caretakers sometimes lulled him into admitting weakness then punished him for it, would this be different?
Avaleara sighed again, "I can tell you're hurt in at least a few other places. I don't want to push you, but I'm worried. Please let me help you. I promise, I'll keep you safe. I'm hoping no bones need set, but if they do I'll be as quick and gentle as possible.”
"I took care of his bones. He'll heal fine enough on his own." Hand finally spoke up. "He just needs rest." For D's ears alone Hand added, "And some human blood, but I don't thi- ack"
"D may heal fine enough on his own but he shouldn't have to damnit." Avaleara was glaring at his hand, irritation but no surprise on their face. They looked back at D, "I'd still like to look after your other wounds. But I don't want to make you uncomfortable. If you agree with Left Hand I'll back off." Looking around, they added, "We should get indoors first, or at least get out of the middle of the road. There's a rest house a short ways ahead we should get too."
D had been too preoccupied with the immediate threat to look around, but he took the chance now. Nothing was familiar. From the sky tinted a shade of purplish blue, the trees with strange colored leaves and even stranger fruits hanging off the branches, to the grass a shade of green so dark it was almost black, everything was different. Even the paved road beneath their feet was different- while the bricks were an innocuous beige, the grout between them was a color gradient starting in the left distance a brilliant blue fading through to pink towards the right distance. What strange noble had built this place and how did he end up here?
He looked back at Avaleara, who hadn't moved while he looked around. "It's a lot to take in. I'll explain it as best as I can once we get somewhere more private. I don't like the idea of advertising Adult D has been replaced by Child D, even temporarily. There's too many enemies that would take advantage. Is it ok if we get moving?"
D nodded. Avaleara stood. They hesitated for a second before asking, “ Are you ok to walk?” D’s legs screamed that he wasn’t, but he nodded again anyway. They raised an eyebrow and sighed, but didn’t challenge him, just turned and started walking slowly. Obviously they could have gone much faster with such long legs, but their steps were measured and slow. D stubbornly stomped ahead, ignoring both the increasing pain in his legs and the long sigh from behind him. His irritation at being coddled gave him just enough courage to throw back, “So what are you anyway?”
“I’m an alien.” D stopped in his tracks and spun around. Their lopsided grin looked horrifying with the scar stretching across it. They held their hands behind their back and leaned back with a mischievous glint in their eyes.
“Stop Teasing me and Answer.”  D tried to inflect his voice with as much authority as he could, which was quite a lot. He’s the son of the Vampire King and not to be trifled with.
“I’m not teasing you. Well, only a little cuz the reaction is always priceless, but I really am an alien. Or technically you’re the alien since we’re on my homeworld, Le’ Shevare. Also since it seems to matter so much to Earthlings- I’m a female.”
D stared. They- she- sorta made sense, but it was hard to wrap his head around. First Avaleara claimed that she’d been talking to his older self before he was swapped in, now she claims he’s on another planet. Except it was plausible- while the nobility hadn’t found alien life on any of the planets they’d reached so far, certainly it was only a matter of time. If he really was switched out with his older self then it was also plausible he’d been visiting one of these colonies. Also, not only would it be plausible that technology capable of switching him would exist in the future, but also that a future enemy of his could get ahold of that technology and use it to revert him to a less powerful state. It could even make sense to turn him into a child. It would seem like the perfect opportunity to ransom him off, not realizing Dracula would kill them for the insult regardless of whether or not it could harm D in the process.
D turned around and started walking forward again as he continued thinking. He still didn’t know if he could trust Avaleara.But at the moment he had no other ideas on where to go, and if Avaleara’s story was true, even calling for his father wasn’t an option. That thought was terrifying. No matter how brutal father’s punishments got they were still a known quantity. Father wouldn’t kill him as long as he continued to be a success. Here he was completely cut off in the unknown. Of course it was still entirely possible that this was an elaborate test and Father was watching right now.
D lost his train of thought as he tripped on his own feet. Strong hands wrapped around him and kept him from hitting the ground again. His face heated up as embarrassment washed through him. Just because it had been almost two days since he’d slept was no reason to be stumbling around like this. Father had made him go much longer, and would be angry at his laziness. Tears burned at his eyes again and he rubbed them away fiercely.
“Its alright little one. I’ve got you.” Avaleara’s voice was rough as gravel and her Romanian was flavored with a strange accent. It shouldn’t have been reassuring, he shouldn’t trust her at all. He should hate how clearly she was trying to be gentle, but instead he liked it. It was a weakness brought on by exhaustion, clearly. Tears spilled over and his shoulders began to shake as he lost control. Gentle hands turned him around and he was pulled close into a strong embrace. It should have scared him how powerful the arms wrapped around him were, but instead he felt safe. It was so different to any other time his father held him. Dracula was kind on a whim, violent on another. D was used to knowing that the strong arms embracing him would eventually hurt him. This time should be no different, yet it felt so different. He buried his face into the crook of Avaleara’s neck and let go, damn the consequences. He cried and cried until he was completely drained of what little energy he had left, all the while that deep rough voice crooned softly in his ear. Avaleara gently rocked him from side to side, and as D ran out of tears he began drifting off to sleep. He stirred briefly as she picked him up, but was quickly lulled back to sleep by hand carding through his hair. He didn’t stir again until he was placed on soft furs, but again gentle hands sent him right back to sleep.
POV Switch-
Avaleara looked down at the child sleeping softly. She was still worried about her D, and needed to figure out what was going on and how to fix it. But for now she’d watch over this Little D, and give him all the love she could. When he returned she doubted he’d remember anything, but maybe, somewhere in his subconscious, a memory of gentleness could rest and help him through the long years until they met again.
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