#i need to show everyone these again AGHHH
llannasvsp · 6 months
Dragons Rising Season 2, Episode 3: Beyond the Phantasm Cave
We are baaaack!! Honestly, I like spreading out my rewatch because I binged all 10 in one sitting. Spreading out my rewatch makes the excitement last longer. Not that I'm running out of excitement. I will never get over this season and it's not even done AGH. ANYWAY. On to the episode!
So, Cinder is Link from Zelda?
You feel the gong what?
Jordana and Cinder beef so real.
Awh, Kai. Glad they didn't forget his anger issues.
Arin is definitely not okay.
Lloyd has every right to be upset and frustrated right now.
Little source dragons!
OH MY GOSH the Netflix subtitles tell us which source dragon symbols correspond with the element!???!?
Soooo Strength is a hater.
"He is no ordinary mortal". Okayyy so are we going to talk about him literally having Dragon heritage???
Once again, Sam is literally serving. He portrays anxiety so well.
I am literally obsessed with this moment between them. Wyldfyre doesn't want to be left out. Kai wants her to stay safe and be okay. He's so kind and gentle with her. I love them.
I gotta admit, I'm an elemental mech hater.
"Would Master Wu take us on a mission based off of half understood dreams?" Oh he absolutely would.
I don't know how I feel about the Cloud Kingdom having a motor buuuut okay.
They really decided that this was the episode to upload clips from.
I love this moment because it addresses that Lloyd is doubting himself, it acknowledges that Lloyd and Nya have been through way too much stuff, and it shows us that Lloyd does not want to put Arin and Sora through something horrific. He doesn't want them to experience "the horrors" too young like he did.
Kai being mad that Wyldfyre stowed away but not in like an angry way but in a "I don't want you getting hurt" way is just sooooo.
Sora is so right to be concerned. I would be too if I were her.
I get what Sora was trying to do with the grappling hooks, but I also feel like this isn't going to bode well for Arin. She made his thing something "cooler" because their elemental powers are involved.
AGHH Arin and Sora complete each other my hearrrt.
Okayyy so visions.
Arin: Fear of letting his parents down. Guilt that he "replaced" them with the ninja.
Sora: Something to do with Imperium?? I don't really understand hers I'm gonna be so honest.
Lloyd: Being an inadequate teacher. Leading everyone to their destruction. "You will never be good enough." Dang.
Nya: Jay not remembering her.
Wyldfyre: The wasting thing that's talked about later.
I feel like we just need to remember all of their fears because it's absolutely going to be important to all of them later.
"I know the real Jay could never forget me." Oh, honey. Don't say that.
Egalt is ugly.
I think we didn't see Kai's vision because they're going to bring it back later. I know some people are saying that it was of a corrupted version of himself, and honestly, I'd say that's a very likely assumption, given his history. He used to have a lust for power, and maybe he still does, it's just more subdued. If anything were to happen to him (pretend we haven't seen ep10 yet), he could likely succumb to that temptation for power.
ALSO I'm such a Lloyd "life" truther, so learning that it was the LIFE DRAGON who claimed him?!??!? Yes. I'm so excited to expand more on that.
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wimsiecal · 11 hours
I think a big part of what used to motivate me to work on the ask blog was not only my love for patb/dp but everyone's excitement for it. I loved seeing everyone's reactions to things, and to an extent I'm still excited for that. But it's just hard to work on anything when you're burnt out. Which I'm sure you guys understand, I'm really just rambling. I guess I just miss working on it and having enough time and energy and passion to keep it going. Of course this is not me saying I'm done. Absolutely not. I just need to get back into that headspace. I need to be pulled back into patb's world, I want it to have that grip on me again. I still love and adore them with all my heart and soul but idk it's hard 😅
I wish the show would come back in a better way than the reboot did. There's only so many rewatches I can do of the same episodes you know? 😭 aghhh guys help x'D I mean idk what anyone can do I'm really just joking lol maybe if I read a shit ton of fics and watched some eps I don't really remember it'll. Do something idk
I'll try to doodle them and work something out with my brain and maybe hopefully I'll be able to work on it again
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oceanjavellana · 2 months
ideas for connections;
please let me know if you have interest in any of these! i'm happy just to start from scratch/first meeting also + see where it goes :) and feel free to pitch things that aren't here!! ideas under the cut [updated 7/19]
The Heartbreakers™! no secret, my boy gets his heart broken easily and often. this connection can be platonic (any gender) or romantic (gotta be a guy, ocean is kinsey 6 gay). we can hash out the falling out in DMs! (1/3 - jesse novak)
victim of attempted slut era! this would be a suuuuuper awkward connect where they were halfway through hooking up and then he got scared and left 😬 (0/1)
various meet uglies! awkwardly going in the same direction on our respective walks of shame, broke your nose in a mosh pit, hit me with your car, reading the same book on the metro and talked about how much it sucks! these are very funny to me :) open to any other ugly scenarios (0/3)
students/sibling or relatives of students! ocean offers piano lessons, usually to kids, but he would definitely take on any adult student that has interest. he goes on a pay what you can basis due to having generational wealth, so open to all <3 (0/3)
musical "rivals"! rivals is in quotes because honestly, this would kind of be a one-sided rivalry because ocean isn't really competitive. but i think that's kind of humorous. one character is like AGHHH I HATE THAT GUY ALWAYS TOYING W ME and ocean is like i love to play for my friend and talk about music with them ✨ (0/1)
groupies, kind of! okay, so synonym sugar isn't like a famous band or anything, but, i'd still imagine they have a small following of relatively casual fans. if you've been to a couple shows, maybe you caught him at the bar afterward :-) (0/?)
book club! ocean has a book club where they exclusively read romance novels and eat sweet treats, anyone and everyone is welcome (0/?)
customers! ocean is a cashier at greenhouse books, and he's absolutely the kind of person to chat up customers. if you've ever came in looking for something to read and needed a little help, he'd absolutely talk you through his recs ❤️ (0/?)
childhood besties and worsties! did your character also grow up in darling circle? let's plot something fun and weird (0/?)
taken connects -
summer camp friend! for this connection, you'd have to be a lifetime zeppelinite from any borough, around 24 years old, with parents who would've sent them to summer camp. bonus points if it's like a music camp or something. i think it would be cute if they were summer camp besties, never saw each other again, and reunite as adults (1/1 - mo hoffman)
that one person who told him to get his life together! heartbreaks mean drinking at the bar by yourself sometimes. for this connection, it could be any character who would 1) be a fellow patron of a bar or a bartender, 2) listen to ocean infodump about his latest situationship going up in flames. despite the name of this connection, totally up to you how they would react! more details provided if interested (1/1 - daphne daughter)
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1d1195 · 10 months
I’m going INSANE!!!! I loved the first part of dolcezza!!!!!! I absolutely LOVE the “love at first sight” trope idc what anyone says ITS A CLASSIC and I just LIVE for romance stuff!
Also the way I always somehow deeply relate to your MCs is kinda crazy like hello!?? I always feel called out lol but her having a stalker was a shock and of course she didn’t even notice it at first :( I have so many questions about that like are we going to learn more about it later in the story? Or do you think the stalker might show up again?!
THE WAY THEY MET WAS SO PERFECT AHHH that dramatic effect of physically bumping into each other AGHHH PERFECT! And him pet name dropping that same moment along with the OG “Kitten” name!?! Ugh I love him already! I also think it’s so adorable how everyone we’ve met at the restaurant already has a name assigned for her even if they haven’t know each other like Antonio, Niall, and Harry all having one for her just makes we want to explode from how cute it is!
OH MY GOD DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED WHEN HARRY COMPLIMENTED HER ABOUT HER NOT NEEDING TO CHANGED?!?? I swear I wanted to melt into the floor because how can he just drop that and act so casually!?! I would have COMBUSTED!!! But ngl I would have reacted the same way lol idk why it’s simple things like that make my brain go haywire sometimes lol
Ahhhh I’m already so excited for the next part!!!! But you take your time and rest! You deserve it and SO much more!!! No pressure!—💜
Sometimes I think I like writing just to read your reactions 💕 (not that I think it’s worthy of the reaction, it’s just something I do look forward to! I hope you know what I mean.)
I love love at first sight. I have a whole bf and I still dream about it 🤭
Bestie, I think we share a brain cell probably. Thats why you relate. This whole blog is an informal way of me coping with my unstable mental state. Most of my characters are me calling myself out 🙃 so sorry to call you out but at least you have company! 💕
Stalking—def called an audible on the fly. I needed a little something, something. Don’t you worry it won’t be the last you hear of it 😉
I wanted her to have her own nickname but I think I’ll die before I stop calling the MC kitten. Lazy writing but. It’s nearly necessary for me hahaha
I need someone who speaks Italian to confirm my little names. I did a google search and translate but I’m so worried I sound like an idiot because the internet lied. Tesorino is supposed to be darling (according to the web). Dolcezza said sweetness. I’m a little more confident about principessa (I love a good cognate!)
Think it’s safe to say he’s head over heels for her 🥰😉 my brain goes crazy too! Made it halfway to work a month ago before I realized I forgot makeup 🙃 I would pass out from a compliment from Harry for sure. Immediately.
You’re so nice! Right now, I have next to NOTHING for part 2. I haven’t had time to write yet this week but just finished a book this evening so hopefully I can write tomorrow/Thursday and the weekend!
Hope studying is going well 💕
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"You make a living selling little kids. I make a living stopping piss-heads like you." - Fucking Bronson
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The movie just started! Fuck yea! This is gonna be so great! - me, before.
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1st pic is 10 to Midnight but I had to include it, I'm only human. They should make a Bronson dildo that beats the shit out of your g-spot and then blows up your house.
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You have no idea how bad things are going to get. There will be spoilers and you will thank me.
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This was rough. She's getting finger blasted by a stranger on a bus. (we're led to believe that she both enjoyed it/climaxed but also that she wouldn't scream or cry out for help for fear of bringing shame for being touched in the first place and it feels fucking gross and the scene lasted way too long and now I feel like I just rolled around in dogshit.)
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Of course shit blows up this is mf Bronson!
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Talk about dedication to your craft. Fucking pimps steady scoping kids 24/7. Look at these starry eyed dirt farmers straight off the bus. Have they even seen sky before?! They walked down the sidewalk like this! I got so angry "I" wanted to pimp them.
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"Don't do it, Stan." - Blood Diner
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She screams, he smells his fingers and then immediately gets robbed by a "Burt Young type."
There's so much racist bullshit! They know a Japanese businessman (aka "sleazy Oriental") groped ("molested") Bronson's daughter and Bronson goes on a crazy racist rant and everyone in the movie acts like a stranger touching a 15 yr old's pussy on a bus is business as usual. "Cmon, it's not like she was raped!"
Was there really a time when Americans thought that the Japanese were going to take over?! You will not believe the shit you hear.
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This scene is fucking NUTS. The gd priest is basically telling Bronson to do some soul searching because if he keeps saying his daughter was "molested" and ramping up his repulsion over a touch vs. an actual deflowering then he needs to look into his heart and see if he loves her as his daughter or as his wife?! WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCKING FUCK, BRONSON?! and his response is "I can't face it."
Again. WTF am I watching?!
*"ramping up the repulsion" is straight up stolen from MST3K #810 The Giant Spider Invasion but to be fair I write how I speak and I speak geek.
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Oriental Riff. Look it up. This sweet angel baby has no idea the pimpmobile is closing in on her. "Hey little girl. Can you show me where your school is?" This movie sucks.
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"Captain! This bag of shit is running little girls! Babies! And he's getting fat off them!"
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Holy shit, Bill Brochtrup aka "Gay John" from NYPD Blue. (insert Andy Sipowicz pic here)
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AGHHH!!!! Holier shit! It's Carl Ciarfalio aka "Paulie" from Out for Justice aka "Tony Dogg" from Casino. This guy played The Thing in the (94'?) Fantastic Four movie that got shit-canned among about 40K other flicks. The Dick Miller of stunt guys.
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I'm skimming over so much stuff! Nicole Eggert is in this for 5 min. Fumiko repeatedly takes the sharp end of the stick. Gobs and gobs of racism. A pimp dies. A pimp meets a young Danny Trejo. Lesbian pedophile. Will Bronson ever find out who touched his daughter's "holy of holies"? Yes, they made her say that.
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I dig Bronson, I dig sleaze and off-color bullshit is pretty much my stock-in-trade but this is ugly in a way that is not enjoyable. I fucking drowned myself in the 80s backgrounds and gleaned what I could but this is uniquely unpleasant. Big ups to @watching-pictures-move whose review inspired me to watch.
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thedevotionaltour · 2 years
remembering i got one of my fave artists on here to draw both matt and elektra *passes out
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jeontaehui · 3 years
Are there any chaotic Taehui moments during hot sauce promotions?
1. someone pls save her
🌶️ NCT DREAM has the hottest striking skills I Hot Sauce Bowling
haechan has been keeping his laughter all to himself since the past minute, causing jeno to become curious as to what he was laughing about. 
“no, just look at noona,” haechan whispers to the latter, their eyes subtly giving short glances to taehee as they stood on their side, “she’s so quiet.”  
as if mark had read his mind, the dreamies hear the familiar laugh of their leader and turn their heads to him, “taehee, calm down! your eyes are literally shaking right now.” 
the boys chuckle at the nervous grin that appears on her lips, her meek voice trying to brush them off, “no, guys, it’s fine. it’s fine!” 
“she’s convincing herself,” jisung comments with a giggle, “noona, i’ll make yours!” 
“okay,” she replies, the worry in her tone causing mark to let out one more laugh. “do you want me to eat yours?” he asks, standing up, and as if she had a sudden change in demeanor taehee waves him off with her hand. “i’m not a baby,” she tells him. 
“jiji noona,” jisung calls, catching the attention of the elder. he raises two of his fingers, letting taehee know that she was about to choose between two options. she groans. 
“option 1, i’ll pick the least spicy sauce but place a ton of drops,” the snort that comes out of haechan and renjun shows that they like his idea, “or option two, i’ll get the spiciest one and place just a few.” 
“wouldn’t that be the same thing though?” she wonders, finally standing up and scanning the various bottles of hot sauce scattered on the table. jisung shakes his head (cutely, if i may add), “okay, then i’ll go with option 1.”
taehee proceeds to watch jisung get to work, obviously dreading the fact that she was the last to eat among their team. 
“but even if jisung places just a tiny drop,” haechan explains to the camera, “taehee noona’s gonna cry.” 
shouts of protest begin to come from the said girl, but he continues, “like her spice tolerance is really really really really really low.” 
“... 5, 6, 7, 8,” jisung finishes, looking proud at what he had accomplished before handing it over to a nervous taehee. as if to tease her further, mark reaches for the box of tissues on the table and places it in front of her. “these are for your tears,” he jokes. 
a few moments tick by and taehee brings the plate up to her nose, “oh the smell— it’s burning.” chenle laughs, commenting on how his noona was so cute. 
they wait in anticipation as taehee grabs the soft taco and sniffs it again, and it seems that all the walls she had built up until now collapse. 
“AGHHH,” taehee suddenly groans, jeno and mark bursting into laughter once more. “WHAT DO I DO?! I CAN’T EVEN HANDLE THE LESS SPICY SAMYANG RAMEN!!! MARK!!!” she exclaims, brows furrowing in panic as she held tightly onto mark’s arm with her free hand.
“we won’t judge you if you cry, noona,” renjun chuckles. “well, you’re doing a really great job at it so far,” she retaliates.
quickly taking a bite, taehee places the plate down and chews on her food silently, serious eyes looking straight at the camera. “how is it?” mark prompts, but taehee doesn’t answer.
it takes exactly ten seconds of silence until her eyes are filled to the brim with tears, and it worsens all the more as she swallows the food in her mouth, leaving a scorching hot feeling on her tongue down to her throat.
the boys erupt into laughter once more, chenle screaming out on how adorable she was being right now, and she gulps down on nothing to soothe the pain in her mouth.
before taehee can even move to get herself a glass of milk, mark is already handing one in front of her, his, “here you go,” graced with a chuckle.
she downs the contents of the glass quickly, sighing in relief as the spiciness that lingered in her mouth starts to go away.
as if her almost crying in front of the camera wasn’t enough, taehee stumbles back as her head spins, and she would’ve fallen on her bum if mark didn’t hold her up by the waist.
haechan smiles at her endearingly but it comes off as a teasing one, “wah.. are you okay? do you need to sit down?”
taehee just looks up the ceiling and stays unmoving, her eyelids fluttering shut, “the world is spinning so i have decided to not move until it stops.”
2. bless jaemin and taehee 
SUB)역대급헤각장!🔥눈떠보니 좋아하는 SM아이돌이 내앞에 있다면!!?? (feat.NCT DREAM) If My fave IDOLS are watching me..?
“you close your hand first,” taehee tells jaemin after having failed two attempts of their assigned challenge, “and then like da da da...” but jaemin couldn’t hear the beats properly since the rest of dream were also practicing on the sidelines, wanting to do the challenge too. 
taehee plasters an annoyed smile on her face as she rolled her eyes, but jaemin was the first to snap, “BE QUIET!”
“STAY STILL!” taehee adds (much like this) as she raises her hands up in the air, the gesture making everyone in the room laugh. 
3. idk how to explain this but i cant get it out of my head
시즈니이2관왕 (210528)
“‘taehee unnie, please cover your abs so you won’t get cold’,” renjun reads with a polite tone, to which jisung laughs at.
“summer is coming though?” haechan wonders from his seat, “do you want to see mine instead?”
while the others shake their heads against his suggestion, taehee clicks her tongue and raises her brows at him challengingly. “don’t say that,” she tells him, “they’re (the fan) mine.”
“okay okay,” haechan chuckles, and the threatening glare that was on taehee’s face is quickly replaced with a bright smile after hearing his response.
“czennies, i’ll work harder so you can see them more in the future too!” she exclaims, raising her fist up in the air before exaggerating a giggle, “ahihi.”
“what the heck is ‘ahihi’?” jeno snorts, “this noona, really.”
4. i sometimes wonder what goes on in her mind
REACTION to '맛 (Hot Sauce)' with Pinkfong REDREX | NCT DREAM Reaction
"WOAHH!” the sight of the red dinosaur mascot that was walking towards them makes the members’ eyes light up in surprise. “it’s a dinosaur!” haechan shouts, his voice going a pitch higher like a child seeing these extinct creatures in the museum for the first time.
meanwhile, mark, jisung, and taehee poke at its fake teeth in interest, fingers prodding at each tooth that were too dull to be sharp. “its teeth hurt me,” mark winces as he delivers his joke. 
it wasn’t long before taehee’s curiosity got the best of her as she opened the t-rex’s mouth big and wide, her sudden movements causing the rest of dream to erupt in laughter. “noona, what are you doing?” chenle asks with a fond smile. 
taehee pulls away from the mascot, laughing after seeing the surprised eyes of the staff wearing it. “he got so surprised,” taehee chuckles with a grin, before proceeding to imitate what she saw to the camera — eyes as big as saucers and a gasp slipping past her lips.
5. our clumsy baby pls be careful
7 (210413)
“what kind of dog will be created?”
“how far are we taking this?”
“the marriage...”
as the rest continue to explain haechan and daegal’s supposed marriage to jaemin, taehee scoots closer to jisung, who was on the floor, to read the comments the fans were sending. 
“what the,” she mutters, amusement in her tone after reading a comment someone had said about buttholes and teeth and dentists. not noticing that she was right by his ear, jisung jolts in surprise at hearing her voice and the phone, that was also taehee’s, falls from his hands and onto the floor beside him. 
taehee went to pick it up quickly — too quickly, in fact, that she hit her nose on the marble table quite harshly as she bent down to reach the object. 
“OH!” all heads turn to their corner when jisung shouts, taehee recoiling in pain as she held her nose. “why?” mark asks in concern, “what happened?”
while jisung explains through held laughter the situation taehee was in, the female member slowly leans into the couch and meets the eyes of a concerned renjun. 
“can i see?” he asks, and taehee carefully removes her hands just an inch away from her nose bridge that she was pressing against in hopes of relieving the pain. “is it bleeding?”
after noting that her nose was fine and that only a very tiny bruise was starting to form on her bridge, renjun decides to answer, “no, but your nose is starting to look like rudolph.” 
the two-tone haired boy proceeds to sing the infamous christmas song, much to the amusement of haechan and jeno, and taehee slaps his shoulder in retaliation. “stop being annoying!” she groans, causing renjun to release a hearty laugh off his chest, hand comeing down to pat on the top of taehee’s head. “it’s okay, baby,” he coos.
“do you want to get some ice for it?” mark speaks up again, worried gaze still looking over her. taehee removes her fingers from her face again and makes eye contact with him, “do you want to kiss it better instead?”
though it sounded more than a threat than an actual attempt at flirting, jeno sighs, “and she’s back.”
6. clumsy baby pt. 2 (ft. chenle)
[Un Cut] Take #1|‘맛 (Hot Sauce)’ Jacket Behind the Scene
after seeing mark throw a chip in the air and successfully catching it in his mouth, jaemin turns to taehee who sat beside him on the carpet floor. “can you do that?” he asks, and taehee shakes her head no. “if i do it, i might choke,” yet she’s already grabbing a chip from the yellow bag the latter is currently holding, “watch.”
the food does in fact get stuck in her throat, but only for a short while until she’s coughing it out. “are you crazy?!” jaemin shouts, the amused grin he was wearing contrasting to his scolding tone. taehee could only give him a smile back as she chewed, a mischievous glint present in her eyes. 
at the same time, chenle watches the two with a bemused expression, before turning to the camera and sighing. “you know those people in school who are like, good in tests and get high grades or something?” he asks, “but then they’re super dumb when it comes to things outside of school?”
chenle laughs, “that’s taehee noona.”
“she’s good at dancing, surfing, skateboarding — all the things that require balance,” he explains, “but she’s the clumsiest person i know, as in the clumsiest.”
“it’s alright,” chenle shrugs innocently, “it’s cute.”
7. u can literally hear ‘all i did was try my best this the kinda thanks i get’ #SMFreeTaehee 
💚시즈니 Fㅏ워🏆💚ㅣ맛 (Hot Sauce) 음악방송 대기실 비하인드 #3
“tmi?” jeno repeats before facing jaemin, “tmi.”
“the tmi for today is,” the other starts, eyes wandering around the room until they finally settle on a certain member, “there’s an album that i’ve been listening to ever since it came out, and i’m not even the one playing it.”
a confused hum sounds out of jeno at his member’s statement, his brows furrowing together as he tries to make sense of what jaemin had just said, so when the latter tries to imitate the familiar intro of olivia rodrigo’s ‘brutal’, he finally nods in understanding and agrees with him.
“ahhh,” jeno smiles, looking at the camera, “that’s right, i’ve been hearing it too.”
“this person,” jaemin continues, “plays the music so loud. they don’t use the speakers so it’s not that concerning—“
“that concerning?”
“—to others except when you’re next to them. they play the whole album so loudly in their airpods! then you go like, ‘huh? what?’ and when you look at them, they just have this look on and you go, ‘wow, they’re really going through it’,” he finishes. while he was describing the person’s expression as they listened to their music, jaemin’s mouth forms into a slight frown and his eyes go blank, jeno doing his own version after.
the video cuts to a zoom in on taehee, eyes fixed on one of the white fluorescent lights of their waiting room and mouth pressed into a thin line as she had her airpods on. “look at her right now,” jaemin mumbles from behind camera.
“she’s contemplating her life decisions,” jeno chuckles, “‘what am i doing?’, ‘why am i here?’, ‘who am i?’”
8. miss seeing baekhyun and taehee together :(
💚시즈니 Fㅏ워🏆💚ㅣ맛 (Hot Sauce) 음악방송 대기실 비하인드 #3
haechan summons the rest of the members by playing baekhyun’s ‘bambi’, not knowing that taehee had too much of her sugar intake for the day and currently felt stoked for their stage more than ever.
“BAMBI BAM..BI ~~ !!!!” taehee sings loudly, quickly popping into frame before moonwalking to the side.
“what’s with you today?” mark asks, bemused at the current state of his best friend. “taehee— ah, you can’t do that here,” the smile on his face quickly fades as he puts on a serious expression, his tone reminding taehee of the time haechan was told to do a dance he thought was sexy until the members tried to stop him.
that didn’t hinder her though from going all out on busting the choreography to the second verse, even exaggerating them before renjun and mark had to push her out of the waiting room.
“do you bet she’s still dancing outside?” renjun asks, brushing his hands off after closing the door, and he bursts out laughing after hearing the rest of the members agree with his question.
they open the door literally 15 minutes later to reveal taehee, both hands full as she waited patiently on her phone. “where did you get that?” mark chuckles, referring to the grape flavored juice can on her left.
“the vending machine,” taehee shrugs.
“did you dance all the way there?”
mark’s eyes seem to look at her with endearment, “really?”
“mhmm.... i sang too.”
9. i think we all have an idea of what she’s singing here
[Un Cut] Take #2|‘고래 (Dive Into You) + Rainbow (책갈피) +Diggity’ Track Video Behind the Scene
before filming the choreography parts of the track video for ‘diggity’, the members wait for the director’s cue to start as they all engage themselves in their own conversations — haechan asking jisung for a hug, jeno and mark talking about anything under the sun, and chenle and renjun singing the lyrics to the songs in their album.
meanwhile, jaemin studies taehee with an unreadable expression, the latter dancing idly to the current song stuck in her head at the time.
“she made some plans with my mmm tonight. she not with him tonight. she not with jim tonight,” and it almost seems like taehee had no absolute clue of the words that flew out of her mouth, like she was in some sort of trance, “she in the gym tonight.”
“workout in that nana,” she pretends to throw something in the air, and reading her mind, jaemin simultaneously ‘hits the woah’ with her as they both shout, “AYEE!”
10. dude didnt even hesitate
7DREAM return! 7+맛=Show #우정의_A컷Z컷 #우정월드컵
“alright! the next one is for taehee .... would you rather keep your friendship ring and miss a chance to meet taylor swift or lose it and get a chance to collab with taylor sw—”
jeno and jaemin were the only ones laughing as the rest of the dreamies looked at her in disbelief. haechan’s hand even comes up to rub the back of his neck as if his blood pressure was going up, yet the proud grin that was on taehee’s lips does not falter.
“don’t you have to think about this first?” mark tells her, pulling her raised arm by the elbow until it was placed by her side.
“she didn’t even hesitate,” renjun gasps, “noona!”
“a ring is a ring—“
“it’s a symbol of our friendship!” haechan argues, meeting eyes with her.
the host begins to laugh at the ruckus taehee’s answer had caused, and the female idol retaliated, “mark and jisung have lost their rings a couple of times but why are you only reacting like this to me?!”
“you answered right away!” the brown haired vocalist says right back before his lips turn into a little pout.
“okay, okay,” taehee nods turning back to their host, “can you please ask the question again?”
even the group of staff behind the camera burst out laughing, “again?”
mark pushes taehee’s shoulder playfully as he shook with uncontrollable laughter, her polite expression remaining on her features as she waited patiently for the emcee to repeat the question.
“taehee-ssi, would you rather keep your friendship ring and miss a chance to meet taylor swift or lose it and get a chance to collab with taylor swift?”
“mmm,” taehee pretends to ponder, her brows furrowing together as she juts out her bottom lip into a pout, “a collaboration with my favorite artist seems like a once in a lifetime experience....”
“but, haechan’s right, the ring is a symbol of our friendship, which i value so much,” taehee says into the mic, some of the dreamies’ chuckles fading in the background. “we’ve been through a lot together — we’ve been happy and sad and all sorts of things together, and seeing how close we are now, i could say that this,” she gestures to all of them, “would stand the test of time.”
“ohhh,” the boys hum, nodding impressed at her answer. “not only a lifetime but would stand the test of time,” the emcee emphasizes.
“so i will pick option b.”
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appleteeth · 2 years
Top 5 favorite OFMD characters^^
This is really tough because of course Ed and Stede are gonna be top 2, so I'm adding 2 more haha
7. Fang
- I love this teddy bear of a pirate. One minute he's hissing at the crew, the next he's giggling and looking after Lucius. He fitted in with the Revenge crew so easily, it's like he's been with them the whole time.
6. Jim
- Aghhh I love this feral cutie so much. They are effortlessly cool whilst also being dorky, they are so protective of who they love whilst also calling out bullshit AND they have both the coolest and most tragic backstory. They bit a priest. *Chef's kiss*
5. Frenchie
- God, who doesn't love Frenchie? He invented the Pyramid Scheme ffs, whilst not being able to read or write. He just has that much swagger. He's also an emotional core to the show, noticing things others don't and willing to help out at the drop of a hat. I am so intrigued why Frenchie was picked for Ed's new crew - it can't just be because he sews.
4. Lucius
- The emotional heart of the show, the audience surrogate, the elder gay, probably the only one on board with the emotional maturity to fix all problems. I just adore how he could have been the 'sassy gay sidekick character' but calling him that is barely scratching the surface. There's the beautiful relationship he develops with Pete, the way he looks after his two idiot gay dads, the fact that he can take on Izzy in a battle of wits. 'We don't own eachother' - a gorgeous line that sums up the relationships on the Revenge perfectly. I am so fascinated how he'll be in season 2 after Ed hurt him so cruelly. He looked after Ed in a way no one else could and Ed tried to kill him for it. I'm just so interested to see what will happen next.
3. Oluwande
- Oh Captain, my Captain. I still think he's the one holding the braincell of the crew (even if he trips over and drops it whenever he has feelings for Jim). He stopped a mutiny by pointing out their captain reads them stories - and everyone AGREED. He reluctantly helps Stede when he could have so easily set him up to fail. The man just wants a simple life and will happily take living wages and arts and crafts over actual pirating any day. The whole crew voting for him without even discussing it makes me tear up every time. I love that someone said if him and Ed had hung out for half an hour everything would have been resolved.
2. Ed
- My ADHD babygirl! My maiming boyfriend! My favourite leather-clad, middle-aged, sad-sack. I’d say he’s the most complex character of the show, just desperate to feel something real again after a life as a pirate. He’s this analogy of success - a rock star at the height of his fame and now just performing a character he thinks he should be for his audience. And he falls in love with someone who is his opposite in many ways but, very importantly, someone who sees him for who he really is. He has this world of social pressure weighing him down that as soon as he knows Stede wants to be with him, he wants to escape his entire life and start over. It breaks my heart that he is back to being who he thinks he needs to be to survive being abandoned. (Listen, he may have marooned the crew and tried to kill Lucius and cut off Izzy’s toe, but he’s going through things, okay?? Okay.) I cannot wait to see where he goes, because he is evolving as a character and showing sides of himself that are new to even himself. And fuck, fuuuuuck, Taika does such a good job playing this character from goofy to terrifying, from heartless to heartbroken. You can see so much emotion is being poured into his character and I want him to get a fucking Emmy and any other award he could be eligible for.
1. Stede
Alright, strap in. It’s Human Ray of Sunshine, Complete Bitch, Baby Gay Father, Disaster Autistic Rep I Can Finally Relate To, Camp Fashion Icon Himself, Stede “Fucking” Bonnet. Will I ever stfu about him? Probably not. The main character of this silly gay pirate show is someone you think will be this awful, middle-management character who everyone just sort of tolerates like so many other workplace comedies. BUT THEN you find yourself rooting for this bizarre little man and wanting him to succeed.
And boy howdy, does that take a lot of work when we’re dealing with an aristocratic buffoon who thinks he knows better than everyone and jumps into danger like it will be a lark. But the show takes the time to show you his awful upbringing at home and at school and his loveless marriage and honestly, Rhys puts in the fucking work to make him loveable. Stede is someone who has had so little love in his life, he can’t see it right in front of him until he is told what love feels like, and yet he wants to show kindness to everyone around him.
I think it’s SO important David Jenkins described him as kind, because whilst he’s quick to judge and can only see as far as the end of his nose, he’s still, at his very core, a kind person. He had this complete stranger watching over him whilst he slept and within five minutes he’s showing him his most treasured possessions because he’s met someone who likes his weird little quirks. He is desperately lonely and wants to give his crew the best he can offer, reading them stories and getting them to talk through their issues.  His self-esteem is essentially zero and the only times you see him actually stand up for himself (except for hitting Nigel) is when his crew or Ed are being mistreated.
And he has the best outfits.
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yandere-mha-blog · 3 years
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Chapter 6:Arrest 
The next day heading into class and feeling everyone's eyes on you wasn't exactly how you wanted to spend your morning in class. At least it wasn’t boring, it isn’t every day you are arrested for murder, found innocent, and then let go the next day. Some of the rumors are funny like how your dad paid them to let you go, no your dad was a humble man who enjoyed relaxing on the weekends with a cup of tea, and feeding the birds in the backyard.
“(name), what do you got there, oh dear!” you remember your dad's face as you were peering over a bird who was dead on the ground
“Dad why isn't it moving?” you asked, poking its stomach, him cringing and pulling your hand back.
“Well, sometimes when things get hurt, they stop moving.” He said
“For how long?” you asked
“Forever, sadly.” He said, “They don't feel or hear anything either.”
“How can we be so sure?” you asked, your father didn't really know how to respond to that, not sure if a four-year-old could understand nerves and the brain function and the pain receptors.
“That's a story for when you are early, come on let's go clean your hands.” He said, as you looked back at the bird, once your dad got your hands cleaned up he told you to avoid touching “dead” animals, what made dead animals dirtier than livings ones, you headed back to the bird and put out one of your talons and poked it, how weird.
You were smiling to yourself having that memory, your dad was a bit concerned when he came back to see the dead bird was punctured and put you in time out and had to explain the many diseases dead animals could carry. Maybe that is why he got you so many books on animals after that to satisfy your curiosity, still, if it was already dead and couldn't feel pain what was the issue, maybe he was worried you would try to do it on something living, but luckily the therapist marked it off as quirk use curiosity, and kid curiosity.
So when you remember that one time you cut a kid's cheek for cutting earthworms that were still alive
“What Are You doing?” you asked a group of kids who were leaning over a worm on the ground, it was wiggling around the pavement and must have been hot. “you know being on hot pavement hurts the slime coat on them right?”
“Why don't you worry about it, look if we cut in half we can get two worms.” He said
“Stop that will hurt it,” you said, trying to
“Back off, it's just a puny worm.” He said as he cut the worm down the middle with a plastic knife he snuck from lunch, you almost vomited, then you got angry, so you flexed your wingers and swiped your smaller talons across his face.
“AGHHH TEACHER!!” he yelled
“Oh stop you puny worm.” you said as the teachers ran over
and when your dad found out he just gave you a pat on the back.
or that one time you swiped at that kid's leg for using a magnifying glass on a trail of ants.
“” What are you doing?” you asked looking at a kid who was crouched down near a lien of ants
“Looking at the ants.” He said
“OH neat, did you know that ants belong to the same family as bees and wasps?” you said
“What a dummy, they don’t have wings.” He said as he adjusted the magnifying glass and started frying them one by one, you pulled his hand back
“Hey stop that, you are killing them,” you said
“So they are just ants, not like they feel anything.” He said
“You are still killing them,” you said, and he just shoved you down
“You are boring.” he said as you furrowed your brows before swiping his leg, and he cried out for the teacher again as the ants were climbing up his shoes
The teacher called your dad in again, and he was trying not to laugh in the teacher's face, still, he took you out of school that day.
“Still, (name) why did you swipe at the kid's leg.” your dad said
“He was killing the ants.” you said “He was hurting something so I stopped him.”
“Well you have a good heart, but sometimes you put it to use in the wrong ways.” he said “Come on let's go get you some ice cream it's hot out today.”
“Okay,” you said
Your dad may not have understood your tendency to use your quirk, but he tried his best to help you curve your curiosity and moral compass of the world. Maybe that's why he was so concerned that you wanted to be a surgeon, that you were just giving in to your urge to use your quirk again, but he must have come around thinking if it could be used for good why stop you.
“Why is she smiling, she never smiles.”
“It's kind of creepy.”
The girl's conversation snapped you out of your thoughts and you looked over in their direction, when they noticed you they shut their mouths and looked down like they aren't just bad-mouthing you earlier. So you were more than happy to finally get back to your dorm away from people. Maybe you would call your dad again, yeah that would be a good idea.
“Hello (name) how are you doing, are you eating enough up there?” was the first thing he asked
“I'm doing fine, don't worry about eating my fruit.” You said, “It's getting really boring.”
“But I thought you loved learning about human anatomy?” he asked
“I do but we haven't been learning everything new, I already know all this stuff.” you explained, “And well I'm not really calling because of school, something happened.” “Really what?” he asked
“I got arrested by the police the other day,” you said
“YOU GOT WHAT!” he yelled
“Dad I can explain, look I saw a guy taking a drunk girl home to take advantage of, and well I followed him and went in and stopped it, he was found killed in his dorm the next day.”
“I see, that's...well I see,” he said
“Dad you don't think i”
“Of course not.” he said “I’m just worried you are always getting yourself in trouble defending people, makes me wonder why you didn't go towards hero work.”
“Haha I’m going to help people in my own way,” you said
“Well, I'm just glad you weren't there when the murders came.” Your dad said and you started to feel guilty. “Well, I need to get going, take care of yourself, love you.”
“Love you too,” you said, and he hung up
“See I told you my daughter wouldn't do anything.” Your dad was talking to the hero public safety commission
“Sir, please understand we think your daughter might be working with the Nighthawk.”
“My daughter wouldn't hang around horrible people,” he said leaning back in his chair
“Sir a lot can change when kids leave college.”
“Well, you don't know my daughter then, besides it sounded like the man had it coming, he decided it would be okay to lay his hands on my daughter after all, do you have kids what would you think if that happened to them, and if the nighthawk did save her, i would give him a firm handshake and a big thank you.” your dad said, taking a long sip of tea “Would you like a cup?”
“N thank you.”
“Well that is your loss, now I answered your questions, can you leave my house now, and stop insulting my daughter.” your dad said, glaring the two guys down indicating it was time for them to go.
You decided to go for another late night walk, it appeared that Hawks decided to book it, he was probably under the impression that you snitched on him, you hadn’t seen one feather from him, you were starting to get man, is this what ghosting someone was?
You kept walking down the campus before seeing a piece of paper on the ground who decided to litter here, you picked it up only to notice a scribble of red ink that looked like a feather, you rolled your eyes and put it in your pocket, if hawks were sending notes then it must've been something he couldn't tell in person. So you headed back to your dorm and closed the blinds and opened the note.
“Hey, chickadee. thanks for not snitching on me earlier really appreciate that, and they are watching you, they went to your dads this morning and were questioning him, so look if you want me to leave you alone I can understand that, just give me one light means leave, two means stay”
You put two lights on that night, you hoped hawks got the message.
Hawks was standing on top of the next building over, he gave a sigh of relief to see those two lights in your window, he knew you would find the note, he knew you were smart, still, The HPSC was now interviewing your family, well your dad. He seemed like a nice fellow, guess the HPSC couldn't see that, not like they saw anything outside their narrow view of what “Justice '' was, aka if they controlled it was good, at anything else was bad. So them hunting down a child to try and force him to become a pawn in their game all made sense in their head, not like they would ever be able to catch him.
Still seeing the many cars surrounding the palace, and all the news campus security that we're looking at you the whole day secretly following you around everywhere made him crush his can of coffee in his hands, maybe at himself for talking to you and getting you into the mess that was the HPSC. But it was more at the HPSC in the first place, maybe it was time to knock them down a peg or two.
“So what are you planning to do after this?” One of the spies said
“I’m not sure?” He said
“How about you go to a hot spring? It's good for the stiff muscles.” Hawks suggested before the two of them looked at him and he quickly knocked them out using both his wings to smash their heads together, now to slash the cars. There were a lot of spies roaming this place, he had a long night ahead of him.
Many employees of the Hero public safety commission have been found knocked out on the campus this morning, the administer is talking to one of the higher-ups this morning, reports show and support that a dangerous villain by the Name of Nighthawk is roaming the campus we are advising all student to have a curfew before 7 and to walk in groups.
“Can you tell us why you had these people on our campus without us knowing?” The reporter asked over the telecom.
“We believe the Nighthawk is roaming the campus, he already killed one of your students, we were taking protective measures.” The president said
“Then why were they all knocked out, why did you only send in low-level employees.”
“We were trying to gather information.”
“This is boring.” you thought and switched to a different video, they had really sent that many people to watch over you what was to happen next, not like you had much time to think about it before your door crashed down and you had about six funs pointed at you.
“(full name) you are under arrest for helping and harboring a high stakes villain,” they said as you had your hands up and one walked over picking the note up, crap why didn't you destroy that earlier, so your hands were put behind your back and you were taken away, two times in one week, what a life.
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faustonastring · 4 years
I absolutely love your writing! I need an expert opinion; got any headcanons for how Asra and Nadia would react to MC taking a hit for them?
Agnhhhh this is gonna hurt writing 🥺 but thanks for requesting anyway! (Also i struggle with writing Nadia the most out of the main six (i need to replay her route again! Aghhh) so take hers with a grain of salt. ) (Also thank you,,but I’m not an expert haha, but it’s still appreciated!)
Tw: (light) mention of blood, death.
Asra and Nadia reacting to Mc taking a hit for them
Oh god no, no no no no no no no no this can’t be happening this can’t be happening oh no, not again, please god no, he can’t loose you again no no no no no no no
He’s panicked all over, he was supposed to be the one hurt, not you, him. And now he’s cradling you, bloody, in his arms, crying, sobbing thinking of what the reasonable thing to do is. But how can one clearly think when the love of their life is slowly dying, this time limp In their arms.
He ends up taking you to Julian, who promises he’ll patch you up safely and as fast as he can. He promises you’ll be okay. He promises you’ll be back to your self in no time! So in the meantime while he waits in the waiting room of Julians office, he cries to Muriel, who came to show his support, with a small bouquet for freshly picked flowers. No one is sure if they were for you or asra, but A+ for effort. Atleast he cares.
If you make it out of surgery, alive, asra is relieved, still crying telling you how much he loves you, how much he cares about you, and then yells at you for doing something so stupid, then quickly laughs it off saying it’s okay, that you’re an idiot but you’re his idiot. He also at some point gets Muriel to join in the hug. (Hes relieved too okay)
If you don’t make it out of surgery, his (half of the) heart breaks. He can’t loose you again. Please god he can’t loose you again, he worked too hard for this. Please no no no no no no. Muriel and Julian have to pull him off of your body. He soon just disappears, no one knows where he’s at. He’s not in nopal, or the shop, not even at muriels hut. He just kind of, vanished.
She freezes for a second, then gets angry, shouting at any one in sight to get a medic, a doctor, a healer, some one, please she needs help. And she’s asking for it, so everyone knows this situation is serious
She’s trying to remain calm, biting her thumb, biting back her tears, as doctors and staff rush you off to the nearest clinic so they can treat your wounds. She’s trying to remain calm espically in public presence, but a soon as she’s alone, she breaks.
She’s in her room, waiting to hear back about you’re surgery, crying with asra, as they hold each other. Asra is trying to remain calm, he’s trying to be the bigger person for her, because he knows damn well how much it hurts to see some one you love hurt, or even dead, but it’s just so hard. He’s not still madly in love with you, he’s moved on, but he cares about you. He loves you as a friend and he doesn’t want to see you go, either.
When the doctors tell her the surgery is successful, she doesn’t even bother fixing her makeup, she’s running down the halls of the palace to where they were keeping you, and the second she sees you she engulfs you in a hug. Scolding you to be more careful and not to worry about her, then pampers you for months.
If you don’t make it out of the surgery, as soon as she finds out the news she clings to asra harder, crying harder, to the point where she feels like she might vomit, and asra can’t keep cool any more, he’s sobbing just as hard. She shuts her self out after you die. Most of everyone can understand why, but she isn’t as efficient as a leader as she used to be.
I hope this is what you wanted! And I also hope you liked it! If any one made it this far and wants to read more of my trash you can find it here!
Next headcanon: main six with a touch starved Mc
Request are (backed up) but open!
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muwi-translates · 4 years
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剣が君 特典ドラマCD 若葉風奇譚 ~江戸花嫁騒動の巻~
Ken ga Kimi Tokuten Drama CD - Strange Tales of the Early Summer Breeze ~Edo Bride Scandal Volume~
Nine track hour or so long drama. No spoilers. As usual, Chinese source with light Japanese referencing.
**Please don’t move this translation or claim it as your own.**
Track 1 - Prologue
Everyone: M-Marriage?!
Enishi: Shh! You’re too loud!
Tsuzuramaru: S-Sorry… but, Miss is getting married…?
Enishi: Well, who wouldn’t be surprised? That one day our princess would actually become a bride… Ugh, those pink cheeks, that silky skin— I can't believe it’s all going to another guy…Gaaah! Princess!!
Saneaki: No, wait, are you sure? It’s so sudden it’s a bit hard to believe.
Suzukake: S-Saneaki’s right! What if you got it wrong? If… if… she got married, I’d get lonely…
Sakyo: You two need to calm down. No matter how much you panic, the problem won’t solve itself. First, let’s listen to what Enishi-dono has to say.
Sakyo: Now then, Enishi-dono. Quickly, tell us what is happening. Hurry and tell us everything you know…!
Kei: You’re the one who needs to calm down! You’re gonna kill him! Let go!
Sakyo: Ah, my deepest apologies. I got a little too… very well, please explain.
Enishi: *gasp* *gasp*...I saw heaven for a second there…
Saneaki: You were really hanging on by a thread there, Enishi-dono.
Enishi: As if you cared about me at all!
Enishi: Anyway, I understand how Sakyo feels. I don’t want to accept this just as much as you guys. The princess getting married to some man…
Tsuzuramaru: I don’t want to think about it!
Enishi: Exactly, to not think about it is to not believe it.
Kei: You’re the one who said it, how could you not believe it?!
Enishi: It’s true I don’t believe it, but I heard it myself.
Suzukake: Heard it? From where?
Enishi: I went to a cloth dealer I knew, and he was talking to me about how his son was getting married soon. Was bragging about how amazing his partner was. I was listening pretty intently, but the more he spoke, the more I thought he was talking about our princess. Eventually I figured out that he *was* talking about our princess, so I ran without even finishing my sake!
Sakyo: And then you summoned us here, yes? I will not say anything about you drinking in broad daylight, I understand the situation well enough.
Enishi. That’s right. That’s why I had to gather all my friends from our journey together from the bridal procession. This is the most serious of emergencies, right? It looked like the cloth dealer’s wedding gift was almost done being prepared, so I thought it would be better to tell you guys as soon as possible.
Kei: Ha. This is stupid. I thought something had happened, but that’s it?
Saneaki: Kei-dono? What’s wrong?
Kei: What do you mean what’s wrong? Cut it out! I was wondering why we had to be called here when it’s just about a girl getting married.
Enishi: You say that, but weren’t you the quickest here?
Kei: Shut up! I… just happened to be nearby!
Tsuzuramaru: Hm? But on my way here a man that looked just like you sped right past me. Did they just happen to look alike? I was walking pretty quickly but he still managed to pass me and disappeared. What a truly extraordinary person…
Kei: *punches Tsuzuramaru* S-S-S-S-Shut up! Stop yabbering! Besides! Enishi, I don’t believe what you’re saying at all. You must have made a mistake when you were all smashed.
Saneaki: Kei-dono is right. If she really were to be married to someone, she would have no reason to hide it from us—
Suzukake: Aaaaah!!
Kei: W-What is it now?
Suzukake: I-I just remembered… when I was delivering medicine earlier, I passed by Princess’ storefront. I think I saw some congratulatory gifts from a dowry being brought there...
Saneaki: What? If that’s true, then what Enishi said might have some weight…
Tsuzuramaru: Ah… it seems that way…
Enishi: Why don’t you guys trust me but trust Suzukake?!
Tsuzuramaru: If this is really happening then… Miss is really being married to some man… Aaaaagh…
Kei: Argh! You’re so loud! Don’t hold your head and start screaming! Oi, Sakyo, don’t just sit there, say something!
Sakyo: Unforgivable.
Kei: Hah? Why’d you stand up for?
Kei: ...Why’d you take your sword? …What are you planning on doing?
Sakyo: What, you ask?
Sakyo: Is it not obvious? I will cut that man.
Suzukake: Cut?! C-Calm down, Sakyo-san!
Tsuzuramaru: Y-You can’t do that!
Saneaki: That’s right, Sagihara-dono. You shouldn’t cut people.
Sakyo: But…!
Saneaki: Even if you injured him, that would change nothing.
Tsuzuramaru: Exactly!
Saneaki: It should be enough to exile him to a deserted island—
Tsuzuramaru: Saneaki!! You can’t do that either!
Kei: Saying some real scary stuff like that… are you forgetting there’s a patrolman here listening?
Enishi: In any case we’re not accepting this marriage. Everybody agree?
Sakyo: I have no complaints. This situation must be stopped, no matter the means.
Kei: You’re scaring us, you need to cool off!
Suzukake: I… I’ve always wished for the Princess’ happiness…so if she really wants to get married, I won’t stop her. But… but, if she’s hesitating even a little… then I hope I’ll be able to convince her to think about it again.
Tsuzuramaru: I’m the same. No matter what, I have to show her my feelings first!
Sakyo: Indeed. I may have been a bit rash...
Kei: A *bit*? A bit my ass. I don’t care what you guys do as long as you’re not cutting down people. And no exiling either!
Saneaki: I will think about it.
Kei: Don’t ‘think about it’, don’t even think about it at all!
Saneaki: No matter the case, I cannot pretend I didn’t hear about this. If this marriage is real, then I am concerned about why she didn’t talk to us about it. This needs to be investigated.
Enishi: Right! For the princess, let’s break this marriage!
Everyone except Kei: Right!
Kei: We’re not breaking anything, didn’t we *just say* we’re investigating? Geez… nothing bad’s gonna happen… right?
Track 2 - Kei
Ah, geez, what’s all this fuss about? Those guys got together and made so much noise over nothing, what an eyesore. It’s just her getting married to someone, what’s the problem?
W-Well, it’s worrying that she didn’t mention it to any of us. But just a bit. Just a bit, that’s all!
Hm? That guy ahead of me… isn’t he the young master of the cloth dealers’ Enishi talked about? But who’s the girl next to him?
(Looks like they’re pretty close… they’re walking so close, and they look happy together.
Don’t tell me, this guy’s about to get married, but he’s going on dates with girls in broad daylight?! 
Don’t mess around. So he’s not planning on properly taking care of her after all? 
That girl’s always working hard no matter where she is, she’s strong-willed but gentle at heart, and she’s an unimaginably good woman. But here you are… Dammit… how could someone like you snatch her up?)
Oi, you over there--
Who’s there?! Don’t bother me--
Huh? Ah, i-it’s you?! Wh-What are you doing here… d-don’t you have to watch the store?
Eh? Ah… you were just coming back from the dojo? Ah, well, there’s nothing wrong with that.
(Nothing wrong with that, my ass! It’ll get ugly if she stays here! If she sees that young master walking around with another woman, she’ll get hurt for sure! I need to think of a way to get her out of here fast. Agh! Why do I have to do something like this? But I can’t just leave it...)
Uh… *ahem* ah, um.. that’s… um… ah, that’s right! You look like you’re getting hungry.
You’re not? Just say you are, idiot!
Anyway, there’s a good teahouse over there. Let’s go! Right now!
(*sigh* Speak of the devil and they’ll appear, huh… but looking at her, it doesn’t look like she saw the young master. But now that I’ve seen that, to let a guy who hangs out with women like that become her husband-- I’m definitely not going to allow it. But… how am I gonna tell her that? …*sigh*)
‘What’s wrong’? What a sleazy guy! It’s because I’ve been thinking about you that I have this headache!
Huh? N-No, it’s nothing… Anyway, hurry up and eat it. Look, all those fresh beans in this anmitsu is definitely going to taste good-- ah, BEANS?! Ugh, I almost ate them…
Hah? I’m not being weird at all! I’m the same as always! Just hurry up and eat it! Here, you can have my portion too.
(What the hell am I doing? I’m getting way too distracted… Anyway, all I have to say is: “Hurry up and turn down the marriage”. A sleaze like him is going to bring her nothing but unhappiness. The time to stop it is now. No, I *have* to say it! “You gotta give up a guy like that”!)
Hey, you. Just give it up.
Idiot, why are you so dazed for? Did you think I wouldn’t know? I was going to find out why you didn’t tell me. But, I have to say this.
If you keep going like this, then you’re just going to get hurt. I won’t say more on what bad things could happen. So think about it again.
That’s true. You wouldn’t understand what I’m talking about. Because you didn’t see what I saw. But I saw it myself, with my own eyes.
I always thought that as long as you were happy, it would be enough. But I realised this wasn’t right. From now on, I don’t want to see you in pain either. That’s why, just believe in me, and think about it!
Ah! I see, you were already planning on giving it up?
--Why are you giving the anmitsu I gave you back?
Hah? I was trying so hard to get you to give up the anmitsu that you decided you won’t eat anymore?
N-No! I wasn’t talking about the anmitsu!
W-Well, it’s true that I don’t like beans, but I don’t care if someone else eats them! Besides! Being this serious over a bowl of anmitsu, that doesn’t even make sense! I wasn’t talking about that at all!
Anyway! Isn’t there something more important?!
That… you know… what I’m trying to say is-- argh, dammit! What I’ve been trying to say is that I want your future to be happy!
(Huh… huh? What… did I just say?)
A-ah, no! Wanting you to be happy… that… that wasn’t what I meant! I-- aghhh!!
T-The money… I’m leaving it here! Bye!!
(What am I doing…? I was supposed to have her give up on the marriage completely… in the end I said so many unnecessary things… I’ll… never be able to face her again… Guh…)
Track 3 - Suzukake
Suzukake: (There she is… it’s the princess. She’s always sweeping the storefront at this time. If she’s really getting married… I won’t be able to meet up with her casually anymore. 
I’ll get lonely.
Hey, Princess, are you really going to get married? Did you really want to get married?
I want to ask her, but I’m scared… 
Ah! She spotted me… I… have to go. Even though I don’t know what to say… I-I’ll just talk like I normally do!)
H-Hey, Princess! The weather’s good today, isn’t it?
Eh? Why was I hiding behind the wagon? So I could come and see you— no, hide and seek! I was playing hide and seek!
Mhm! Y-Yep… I was playing by myself! Ah, no… a person can’t play by themselves… uh… um…
(Ugh… she’s going to think I’m weird…)
Eh? U-Uh huh, yeah, I came to see you. Because I have something I wanted to say to you.
(If I say that then there’s no way I’m gonna run away. I don’t want to either! I’m gonna listen to what she has to say.)
Hey… you haven’t been thinking about wanting to get married before, right?
I’m sorry for asking out of the blue… but I really have to know. You might not remember what happened during the bridal procession clearly anymore, but I still do.
I thought you looked really pretty in your bridal kimono then.
You were just a fake bride then but… but, did the princess really have someone you wanted to get married to one day? Was there... a place you wanted to go with someone?
(Why am I asking these kinds of questions? It’s because… I don’t want to let you go. If you go away with that person… I’ll get lonely. My heart will start hurting, and I’ll feel like I want to cry. Hey… don’t go off to another man’s side! Don’t go, Princess!)
Please, tell me. Do you want to get married?
...One day…?
(That’s a lie… you’re about to get married soon, aren’t you? And then we won’t be able to play, we won't be able to laugh together like this anymore.)
*sobs* Princess! You can’t! Don’t go anywhere! I don’t want that!! *cries*
I won’t be able to hug you like this anymore! I don’t want that! Hey, don’t go, alright?
I’ll do whatever I have to to make you smile! If you ever get hurt, I’ll be able to heal you quickly! No… I’d never let you get hurt! That’s why, Princess, stay with me forever!
Enishi: What the hell are you guys doing in public? 
Suzukake: Aaah! Enishi?! Let me go! Princess is— Princess is—!
Enishi: How could I let you cry out on the streets? Can’t you see you’re worrying the princess?
Suzukake: How could you be so calm? Separating us is so mean!
Enishi: Hah?
Suzukake: The princess is disappearing soon! She’s gonna get taken away by a man I don’t even know!!!
Enishi: W-Wait! If you say it like that then you’re gonna make me sound like a human trafficker! Look! The people around us are staring! Do you want the police to come too?!
Suzukake: *wailing*
Enishi: O-Oi! Don’t move around so much! A-Ah, you’ll hit the wagon! Aaaagh!!
Track 4 - Enishi
*sigh* That got pretty bad… Thanks for letting me rest inside the restaurant, Princess. Suzukake kept coming back too, I wonder what happened?
Ah… you don’t know either. I see.
(Well, he’s probably coming back to listen to any rumours about the marriage… Even though he beat me to it, it looks like no one will bother us for the time being. Plus it’s just the two of us in the restaurant… I guess even the heavens are helping me.)
Ah, no, it’s nothing. Anyway, do you have some time now, Princess?
I see. It’s started to get calmer. That’s good. Hey, Princess, how about we talk for a bit? Here, come sit over here.
(Alright, alright! Everything’s going smoothly. Even though I want to look at Princess like this a bit more, the marriage thing is the most important thing at hand right now. I even made some special preparations for this. I have to change her mind no matter what.)
Hey, Princess. There’s actually something I want to give you.
Here, isn’t it beautiful? This kanzashi.
When I saw it I thought it would suit you so well I decided to buy it. It’s my present for you.
Don’t say that you can’t accept it, you’ll make the kanzashi cry! Besides, there’s nobody else aside from you I want to give it to, so you should take it.
Don’t move, let me put it on.
Come on, if you keep moving around I won’t be able to put it on properly, right?
Yep! I knew it’d suit you! As expected of someone like me, not bad! It’s made out of wood like the ones used for scabbards. Don’t you think that’s nice? You can say it matches the accessories I’m wearing.
Eh? You’re saying this is the first time you know what a scabbard is made out of?
Haha, I’m not *that* knowledgeable yet! Ahaha…
(Uuh… Even though I’m happy she just complimented me, we’re not here to talk about what it’s made out of… I thought it would remind her about the marriage… As expected of the princess, I can’t just use any plain old method… in that case…)
Buuuuut I’m a bit worried…
Why, you ask? Because the princess is just so cute, I’m worried that another man will steal you away.
Maybe that kanzashi can be proof that you should be by my side forever.
Hey… if I said that to you, how would you react? I don’t want to give a princess this cute to someone else.
I’m not playing around, this is how I really feel.
Princess, don’t run away. I want you to listen to me properly. The man you love the most… what’s he like?
You must have thought of someone. Even if you tried to hide it, I can see it clearly. Princess, please think about it carefully.
The man that you’re thinking of right now, is he better than me?
I don’t plan to lose to him. If you doubt my feelings, I’ll prove it to you. I’ll fight him if I have to.
Don’t stop me, there are times where men have to get into battles like this one.
I plan to bring that man here, and have a fight with him fair and square right in front of you.
What? He’s in the house? That’s perfect. Could you do me a favour and bring him out?
(The fact that this guy can just come in and out of her house in broad daylight… I’m so jealous!!— No, he’s about a hundred years too early staying here! Who is this outstanding guy? I’ll personally challenge you! If I win, she’ll definitely change her mind about the marriage!)
He’s out. I’ve been waiting for you. Now, it’s time to duel—!
Ah, huh? Um… I’m pretty sure you’re the princess’ father…?
(Why did her father come out? Hah? I just realised I didn’t specify that I was looking for her marriage partner. Haha, that’s true, if it’s not about love then of course the person she loves the most would be her father. Uh-huh… I see. So… my super serious confession didn’t get through to her at all? P-Princess… I can feel sad too, you know…)
Eh, ah… no, father… fighting fair and square… it was just a figure of speech! F-Father? Why are you grabbing my shoulder smiling like that?
Eh? A cooking battle?
You’re happy because there hasn’t been any youngsters with a backbone to challenge you lately…?? D-Don’t joke, how could a ronin like me challenge the owner of a restaurant?
N-No… y-you made a mistake— this is all just a misunderstanding!!
W-Wait!! Don’t pull me! I know I’m carrying a sword but I’ve never used a knife before!
AAH!! Princess, help me!! Princessss!!!!
Track 5 - Interlude
Kei, Suzukake, Enishi: *sigh*
Saneaki: What’s wrong, you three? Why do you look so worn out?
Kei: Why did I… in front of so many people…
Suzukake: *sobs* No… Princess….
Enishi: J-Julienning… no more…
Sakyo: This time it’s Enishi-dono? What a predicament...
Tsuzuramaru: W-What exactly happened…?
Saneaki: Enishi-dono, don’t you have anything to say?
Enishi: I… I’ll never give up! Princesss!!
Saneaki: It’s no use. I can’t get through to him.
Tsuzuramaru: What about you, Kei? What happened?
Kei: I have nothing to say… except… except. That cloth dealer bastard was getting real chummy with another woman!
Tsuzuramaru: What?!
Sakyo: He is already going to be wed soon… and he was with another woman? Unbelievable…
Saneaki: Even if we ignored Enishi-dono for now, if Kei-dono said so then it must be true.
Enishi: Why do you always have to say things that wound my heart?
Suzukake: *sobs* Princess… *cries*
Saneaki: Suzukake-dono…
Tsuzuramaru: I can’t let this go on! I’m going to go find Miss now!
Saneaki: Wait! Tsuzuramaru-dono!
Tsuzuramaru: Don’t stop me! There’s nothing to say about a guy like him!
Saneaki: Ah, he’s gone…It looks like he went without a plan… will he be alright?
Saneaki: Now then, Sagihara-dono, what should we do?
Sakyo: You… To hand her over to a person like that… 
Saneaki: …It looks like there isn’t a plan here either. *sigh*
Track 6 - Tsuzuramaru
Tsuzuramaru: *panting* I made it…
(Miss… she’s inside. Calm down, Tsuzuramaru. She’s just the same as usual, helping out at home, she hasn’t left the house yet. I can still make it. I should still make it! Now’s the time to be a man, as if I’m staking my life on this!)
*stomach grumbles*
(For my stomach to growl even at a time like this… it makes me hate myself. No… but… ah… that smells so good. It looks like they’re cooking something right now. Are these dried sweet potatoes? 
That smell… Miss’ food always whets the appetite. My stomach’s been completely captured. Even if it’s the same dish, if you look carefully, you can tell she put a lot of effort into it. A woman who meticulously works no matter what it is… that’s Miss… I… I…)
*stomach grumbles*
(Ugh… I want to yell out how I feel about Miss, but I’m so hungry I can’t even summon the energy…)
M-Miss? Why did you come outside?
Is that so? Because you saw me? H-How embarrassing. I seem to have gotten in the way of your cooking.
(No, this is a good opportunity. If I want Miss to cancel the marriage now’s the moment!)
Miss… actually, I’ve been wanting to tell you—
Ugh… this… Actually, I haven't eaten properly since morning because of my worries…
I came at a good time?
T-Taste testing? Are you saying I can help  taste what you’re making right now?
(What? N-No… why did I come here in the first place? But to decline her offer would be a shame… and I’m hungry anyway…)
T-Then if it’s alright with you, I’ll try a little.
Y-Yes! Excuse me…
Usually the master does all the food preparations. It’s strange to see Miss doing that today.
Hm? A lot of customers came and there weren't enough ingredients? So he went to get some?
Ahaha, these customers can really eat a lot, don't they?
Eh? They weren’t eaten? He just did a lot of cooking? And made a lot of food? 
Hm… I don’t really understand, but that’s unfortunate, isn’t it?
(Wait… doesn’t that mean it’s just the two of us here right now? W-What…? My heart suddenly won’t calm down… Anyway, I need to calm down first…)
Sorry, Miss! I was just thinking about something. Ah... did you need me to taste that sweet potato?
Then I’ll help myself.
Delicious! It’s so good! I could taste the flavour of the hot sweet potato as soon as it hit my mouth!
I’m not just being polite! Miss will definitely be a good wife one day. 
(Hm? Wife? That’s right… I seem to have forgotten something important. What was it?)
Oh, did you need me to taste that too?
I’m very grateful. Then, if you’ll allow me…
As expected, delicious! 
(Ah… I’m so lucky... If I were to marry Miss… would it be like this everyday? Marry? ...Marry? Huh… Something doesn’t seem right. I’ve forgotten something… but I can’t remember.
No, I should be focusing on helping taste test the dishes Miss made herself! If I don’t do it properly there’ll be retribution!)
The flavour of this fried fish is endless! I can’t stop my chopsticks! It’s so good I want to eat it with rice! Eh? Can I? Then I’ll help myself. I’ll eat this rice ball, then!
Ah! So satisfying!
Miss’ future husband is going to be so lucky! Hahahaha….
Kei: So. Why did you come back so casually after going out to eat food?!!
Tsuzuramaru: I-I’m ashamed of myself…
Kei: A samurai should stick to his word! Where did all that energy you had when you rushed out this morning go?!!
Tsuzuramaru: Ah… it’s because Miss’ food was so good, I accidentally forgot my original objective…
Suzukake: How lucky, you got to eat the princess’ homemade cooking.
Enishi: Good grief. Let’s not even talk about the food I made, all I got was severe criticism. Huu...
Tsuzuramaru: I-I’m sorry. Hey, where’s Saneaki?
Kei: He just went out. If he can’t do it either, then there’s nothing we’ll be able to do.
Track 7 - Saneaki
(The sun is about to set, and the number of pedestrians passing the bridges has fallen. If the information obtained is correct, the cloth dealer’s young master should pass by here around this time. To get to the truth about these marriage rumours, and the fact that he’s been close to other women, I’ll get to the bottom of this here. If there are any surprises…
No… of course, I don’t plan to cut him down. But if it’s just... the back of the blade, then there should be no problem.
W-What was I just thinking? I’m just going to talk to him.
But… contaminating her beautiful and flawless heart, this is a very serious crime.
Hm? That figure… It’s her? Why? At this time?
I can’t believe I’d see her while waiting for the young master… if she asks me what I’m doing, I’ll have no way to answer her. 
Ugh, did she notice me?)
What a coincidence.
To meet in a place like this. Although… where were you going at a time like this?
Tsuzuramaru-dono forgot something at the restaurant? 
(What was he doing? That Tsuzuramaru-dono…)
Ah, if that’s the case, I can return it to him. No, it’s fine. I have plans to see him again soon, so it’s no trouble. 
Hm? Is something wrong?
Are you that surprised that he and I made plans to meet?
(Ah! No, if you think about it, it is strange! I usually live in the mountains far away from Edo, it’s already unusual for me to be on the streets. Not only that, but to also say I’m meeting with Tsuzuramaru-dono, she’ll definitely think something happened.)
Ah, no, Tsuzuramaru-dono and I were… I know, we promised to train together.
Yes, it was a favour he asked of me. I planned to meet up with him for a few duels.
(Looks like she believes me. So the princess's heart is this pure and flawless.
Plus, my heart is hurting as well.)
Hm? N-No, you don’t have to join us. Although I’m aware you're very passionate about the naginata, it is not appropriate to meet men at night.
Even if you ask me… I can’t…
(Oh no… hearing me mention practice… her eyes are sparkling… If I say it was just a lie, then she’ll know I deceived her. But, I can’t bear to refuse her like this. 
Is there something I could say that wouldn’t hurt her but make her give up…?)
M-My apologies, but wouldn’t it be too difficult for you? This will be very intense training. It’s not something someone should go into without being fully aware of what it is.
What kind of training is it? Well… that…
(F-For me to lie to a pure-hearted girl… please forgive me for my sins!)
We will cross blades at Mount Nabebuta. With a single slice, we will be able to cleave through rocks and trees, split even the earth and ocean, make mountains erupt flames, to raise gales on flat ground, this atypical power passed under the heavens, the true swordsmanship that governs the universe and all living things! That! Is that we will be training for. 
(Is what I said, but what sort of samurai like that would exist?! Even someone like her would notice…!)
I-I see… you think that’s impressive.
No… that… isn’t much.
(S-She believed me? E-Even though I was the one who said it… but to believe even those words is really… Ah… Her trusting eyes… seeing them now pains me!)
What? You want to watch us despite all that? No! E-Even watching us will be difficult.
The reason? The reason is…
(I’ve reached my limit… if I keep betraying her trust in me and continuing saying nonsense… I… I…—)
There’s no possible way I could do that!!
(Oh, God! Please forgive this most sinful servant of yours!)
Track 8 - Sakyo
Everyone: *sigh*
Enishi: Look, even Saneaki looks like he’s gone through a tough battle.
Suzukake: It seems so… Tsuzuramaru aside, Saneaki-san looks so defeated…
Enishi: It looks like the sun is setting soon, I can’t believe the mood got even heavier.
Suzukake: *sigh* We’ve really at the end of our ropes, what do we do now?
Enishi: Oi, Kei, don’t you have any good ideas?
Kei: Don’t ask me, go ask Sagihara. ...Huh? Where did he go?
Enishi: Huh? Now that you say it I haven’t seen him for a while.
Suzukake: Sakyo-san had a really scary face all day, is he going to be alright? When he first heard what Enishi told us, he almost lost his head…
Kei: That was the first time I’ve seen Sagihara make a face that scary before. Don’t tell me… something happened…?
Enishi: No… is what I’d like to say, but I’ve been having a bad feeling about this…
Suzukake: A bad feeling?
Kei: Don’t you remember? When we first met up…
Sakyo: What, you ask?
Sakyo: Is it not obvious? I will cut that man.
Enishi: You don’t think he really took his sword and…?
Suzukake: Eh?! Then we have to go stop him!
Kei: I don’t want to believe it but, with a face like that he really might have gone and done it.
Enishi: In any case, we have to hurry…!
Suzukake: Yep! Come on, Tsuzuramaru, Saneaki-san! You have to pull yourself together for the princess!
Tsuzuramaru: A-Ah, sorry. Now’s not the time to be all down!
Saneaki: Even I had been… Let’s hurry and find Sagihara-dono!
Sakyo: Without knowing it I came to the storefront…
(Just thinking about her marriage partner gives me goose bumps all over my body in disgust. To cheat and marry a girl who doesn’t know any better, what a despicable man! Absolutely unforgivable.
Princess. I will definitely rescue you from the claws of this demon!
For that sake… yes, I have no choice but to draw support from the power of my blade!
Oh? It seems I have been discovered.)
Good evening, Princess.
Are you alright? To step outside at night like this is dangerous. You stepped out because you saw me?
Thank you very much.
Truthfully, I came to find you because I had something I wished to talk to you about.
Eh? Everyone has been saying they were looking for you?
(That’s true… everyone has been very worried about this issue. You did not change your mind no matter who came to you… That is why, I will use this sword…! 
But I cannot do that in a place with so many people. I must find a place much darker, more quiet, somewhere where nobody can disturb me…)
Princess, are you willing to experience the night breeze with me for a while?
Kei: Oi! Is he over there?
Suzukake: He’s not! Where did Sakyo-san take the princess off to?
Kei: Sagihara!! Where are you? Come out!!
Suzukake: Sakyo-san!! Don’t hide anymore!
Tsuzuramaru: He really did go to the store, but I didn’t think we’d be a step too late… I didn’t think he’d take Miss, and not the young master…
Enishi: Sakyo wouldn’t get violent towards the princess, would he?!
Suzukake: N-No way! That wouldn’t happen, right?!
Tsuzuramaru: How could this have happened? Miss!! Where are you?
Saneaki: Isn’t he nearby? We should search the opposite side next…
Sakyo: Oh…?
Everyone: W-We found you!!
Sakyo: W-What is it? Staring at me like I am some exotic creature… and being so loud.
Kei: You have the gall to look that indifferent. We’ve been looking for you!
Sakyo: I do not know what happened, but can you step aside? The princess and I have a place we must go, please do not disturb us.
Suzukake: A place you have to go… w-where?
Enishi: Don’t tell me it’s the Underworld…?
Sakyo: The Underworld? Hm…
Sakyo: Haha. Well, if I am with the Princess, then that place does not sound bad…
Tsuzuramaru: Wh—
Saneaki: I knew it… it’s like that…
Sakyo: I was just teasing, your faces are all so pale. I was simply playing—
Tsuzuramaru: Even if you’re Sakyo, I won’t let you get away with it!
Sakyo: Excuse me—?
Tsuzuramaru: Miss! You can’t lose your life here! Come over here, run!
Sakyo: Where do you think you’re going? Wait!
Enishi: Tsuzuramaru, that guy’s getting the spotlight! As if I’ll let him! Just you wait—
Saneaki: …There’s no choice.
Suzukake: W-Wait! Everybody!
Kei: That idiot! Dammit…
Sakyo: I… I finally caught you… Princess… come, this time… you and I will… together… go…
Tsuzuramaru: I… I won’t let you! Sakyo! Think about it again properly!
Sakyo: No matter how many times I think, my feelings will not change!
Kei: You finally drew your sword, huh, you blockhead!
Saneaki: Sagihara-dono! Do you really think doing this will make the princess happy?
Suzukake: Exactly, Sakyo-san! Come on, put the sword down!
Sakyo: I politely decline the offer. No matter how many times my hand must grasp this sword, I must tell the princess how I feel!
Tsuzuramaru: I won’t let you! Miss, please hide behind me!
Sakyo: You’re naive, Tsuzuramaru-dono.
Sakyo: Oh? There’s a flying riceball in the sky!
Tsuzuramaru: What? Where?
Sakyo: An opening!
Tsuzuramaru: Dammit! Miss!
Enishi: What the hell are you doing, Tsuzuramaru? How could you fall for that?
Sakyo: Hehe. For Tsuzuramaru-dono to think he would win against me, he is a hundred years early for that!
Sakyo: Princess. I truly want to bring you to a very beautiful place. But please, allow me to use this blade to… to blade to…
Everyone: STOP!!
Sakyo: ...give to you! From now on, my family treasures and myself will belong to you!
Everyone: WHAT???
Sakyo: Even after these five’s persuasion, you haven't changed your mind. Since you still want to be paired with someone, then you will have no reason to be paired with that person! Allow me to take you as my bride! So, Princess, you no longer need to be by another person’s side!
Kei: Can you not make it about that?!
Enishi: Right! Right! If you can propose to her can I propose too?!
Kei: That’s not the point either!!
Suzukake: You can be with the princess when you become the groom, right? Then I want to become the groom!
Tsuzuramaru: W-What?! Then me too!! I want to eat Miss’ delicious food every day!
Saneaki: No, no, a groom is a man who can manage the family. If that’s the case then I am the best choice, when it comes to cooking I have some confidence in myself.
Kei: Did any of you guys even listen to me?!!!!
Sakyo: Princess, you do not have to listen to the others. Throw away the cloth dealer’s young master. All you have to do is choose me. Come, Princess!
Tsuzuramaru: M-Miss? Miss? Are you alright?
Enishi: She must be overwhelmed with how she couldn’t even cut in…
Saneaki: You’re asking what this is all about?
Sakyo: What do you mean? We…
Suzukake: We heard you were getting married… so… 
Enishi: Right, and it’s the young master from the cloth dealer, right? But I don’t think that guy will make you happy.
Kei: Sorry, but I saw that guy go out with another girl.
Tsuzuramaru: That’s why we’ve been coming to you, so you can think about this marriage more carefully!
Tsuzuramaru: Eh? You haven’t been thinking about getting married?
Sakyo: But your house seems to have a dowry…
Saneaki: The dowry is your neighbour’s?
Suzukake: Eh? You’re just minding it because they’re not home?
Tsuzuramaru: W-Wait, but there’s been rumours that Miss and the young master were getting married?
Kei: O-Oi, Enishi! What’s going on? Didn’t you say the young master’s getting married to her?
Enishi: Yeah, that’s what I heard! And I was listening properly! The young master’s marriage partner is energetic, is good at cooking, her voice is as clear as a bell, and even flowers will bloom on the road where she walks. She’s so slender she looks like she would break at a touch, but her willpower is stronger than most people. And the most important thing: I heard she has a cute smile!
Enishi: It’s definitely the princess! Even now I think I’m right! That’s how it is! What do you think, you lot?
Tsuzuramaru: …I agree.
Suzukake: That’s true…
Saneaki: I see… Well, it’s not like I don’t understand how Enishi-dono feels.
Kei: WHERE?! You got it completely wrong!!
Sakyo: Wait a second… so what you are saying… is that this is all… a misunderstanding?
Enishi: Ah… It… seems… so. Hehe, but knowing the princess isn’t getting married is good news!
Kei: It’s. Not. Good. News. At. ALLLL!!!
Track 9 - Ending
Sakyo: Apologies for intruding.
Tsuzuramaru: Oh, if it isn’t Sakyo.
Sakyo: Tsuzuramaru-dono? And everyone else seems to have gathered here...
Enishi: Yep, and with you we’ll all be present. Can you sit with everyone? Sit here.
Sakyo: To visit the princess again… it seems everyone had the same idea.
Suzukake: Mhm, I caused trouble for the princess, so I bought some tea sweets as a gift for her.
Saneaki: Everyone all came here for the same reason.
Enishi: Anyway, it doesn’t need to be said, doesn’t matter which one of us it is, we all want to see the princess, right? Right, Kei?
Kei: D-Don’t touch me! You’re the one who needs to reflect on himself the most!
Tsuzuramaru: But, even though we brought trouble to Miss, to know that this time it was all just a misunderstanding was good. After reflecting my stomach couldn’t help but grumble, what can you do?
Enishi: Well… can’t you see Sakyo’s dripping in cold sweat?
Sakyo: T-That is not because I am here to apologise… please do not talk about it. You are being spiteful.
Suzukake: Let’s calm down, the both of you. Enishi, don’t make Sakyo angry.
Enishi: Alright, alright. Well… why isn’t the princess here yet?
Sakyo: Oh? That is strange… did she leave the restaurant today?
Saneaki: Yes, her father was the one who seated us.
Kei: That’s unusual. Usually she’ll rush back to welcome us. What is she doing…?
Tsuzuramaru: Don’t tell me… she’s been mad at us these past few days, so she doesn’t want to see us anymore?
Suzukake: Eh?! We didn’t make the princess hate us, did we?
Enishi: N-No way… we’re talking about the kind-hearted princess here! There’s no way that’s it…
Saneaki: But if it is… we should prepare ourselves just in case.
Kei: Don’t say something like that so seriously.
Sakyo: It does not look like we need to do that kind of preparation.
Suzukake: Ah! Princess! You came! That’s good!
Suzukake: Eh? The kimono you’re wearing today isn’t the same as the one you normally wear.
Tsuzuramaru: It… it suits you well!
Saneaki: I see… you got your other one wet, so you changed your clothes… 
Enishi: Oh, it was just that? Buuuut… hmhm! Not bad! It’s more mature than your usual look, it adds to your womanliness!
Kei: Why’re you saying stuff like that? She hasn’t changed from how she normally is, or whatever.
Sakyo: It is good if that is the case. Kei-dono, why can’t you look at her?
Kei: Shut up!
Sakyo: Heh. Well, I cannot say I do not understand that kind of feeling too. That said, Princess, this is a gift to make up for that day. Please accept it.
Sakyo: No, please do. If you cannot, then my feelings will not be able to recover.
Sakyo: Phew… now I will be able to breathe in relief.
Tsuzuramaru: I’m really sorry, Miss. I got you involved in all that… Haha, seeing you able to laugh like that, it’s already something I can appreciate.
Suzukake: Ah, a customer is calling for you. Sorry for disturbing your work.
Saneaki: Don’t mind us, you should go back to work.
Kei: We’ll call you after we decide what to order.
Tsuzuramaru: Even though we caused nothing but trouble for her… she’s still… such a kind-hearted girl!
Sakyo: Yes, I agree.
Enishi: That’s because she's that kind of princess. That’s why we can’t stop watching her. Ignoring the whole thing with the cloth dealer’s young master, a wonderful woman like her, even if it was someone else we wouldn’t let her go easily.
Saneaki: The so-called fusion of reality and rumors. The customers watch over her too.
Suzukake: You’re right… they’re looking at her and talking about something. 
Tsuzuramaru: Shh. Don’t talk…
Suzukake: What’s wrong? All of a sudden...
Tsuzuramaru: Those men over there, just now, they were talking about the rumours about Miss… 
Tsuzuramaru: WHAAAAT!!
Tsuzuramaru: This time… he wants to get married to Miss???
Everyone: WHAT?!
Sakyo: I have had enough of this!!
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doctorgerth · 5 years
Hey my lovely? 💚 Can I ask for a headcanon with Zoro, Kid and Crocodile reacting to their female s/o asking for a break because they are afraid of their feelings for them? Angst and NSFW, if you want 😌 but also some fluff! The big best cocktail! Love youuuuu ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
MIHOOOOO my sweet lil mouse! Thank you for this lovely request and I’m so so so sorry it took so long to get this out to you. I am a SUCKER for angst aghhh especially angst for characters who are usually so calm and cool like these boys! I hope I wrote this to your liking honey 😌❤️
HCs: Fem S/O Wanting to Take a Break (Zoro, Kid, Crocodile)
(warning: light ns.fw content mixed in, typically at the end of the HCs list)
(( under the cut as it’s kinda long! ))
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“I can’t do this without you.”
- Zoro is a man of very few expressions, and it’s always hard to figure out just what he is thinking most of the time; his brows seem to be permanently furrowed, and paired with that infamous scowl of his, it’s taken you quite some time to figure him out
- but, when you approach him with a sad look, he’s instantly alert to what you have to say as he’s been your biggest comfort throughout the relationship; Zoro was tough and cold at times, but whenever you needed him he was always there to get you through anything (we all know Zoro is secretly a big ol teddy bear)
- needless to say, he wasn’t expecting that his girlfriend all of a sudden wanted to take a break, especially after assuming everything was perfectly fine, if not great between the two of you
- when you tell him that you’ve decided to take a break from the relationship, you see a little shift in his demeanor, as if he’s cracking underneath the surface 
- his scowl is pulled up into tight lips, the brows that always hung low above his eyes are raised in shock and disbelief; and still, no words are able to leave him as he just looks at you, searching for any sign of pretense 
- the way you look at him, like you’re already beginning to view him as a stranger, it doesn’t sit well with him; it wasn’t easy for him to sacrifice his selfish and cold ways to fall in love with you, but he did it any way because he truly believes you are his person and even though he never says it, Zoro knows full well that he needs you in his life
- and now, you looked at him so coldly, so sadly he could feel his heart shattering in his chest; all the months, years you two worked together to make things happen, it was all for nothing?
- he couldn’t believe it and he refused to believe it; the scowl returned to his face as he turned away from you, his attention turning back to what he was doing beforehand, awaiting your laughter and reassurance that everything was fine
- but everything wasn’t fine as you repeated yourself, reaffirming that you wanted a break from the relationship, a break from him
- his back was to you and you figured Zoro had already begun to shut you out, easily accepting your breakup; so you turned to leave, grabbing at your bags and heading towards the door; that was until a firm hand grasped at your wrist, making you turn around
- you turned around to see Zoro an absolute mess in front of you; the usual stoic and stern swordsman was visibly shaking, lips quivering, and eyes messy pools that leaked down his cheeks 
- “I won’t let you walk away like this! Please, don’t leave me. I can’t do this without you.” 
- you were taken aback as you had seen your boyfriend cry before, but nothing quite like this; he was begging for you to stay, and though he tried his hardest to remain strong, he couldn’t stop the cracking in his voice as he cried for you; it was truly heartbreaking to see him like this and you couldn’t help but break down in front of him as well
- you attempted to explain how you were so scared of your immense love for him and how a break would help you sort your feelings, but Zoro would hear none of it as in a state of sorrow and desperation, he couldn’t help but cling to you as you cried together in each other’s arms
- his hands were eager as they roamed your body, rougher in contrast to the sadness in his eyes as he kissed your skin tenderly; he undressed you with ease as he littered your bare skin with affections
- “Please, just stay with me. I won’t let you be scared of us again. I love you. I need you. Always. Please let me love you forever.”
- Zoro shamelessly pleaded for you over and over, embracing and loving your body all the while tears still cascaded down his face; you had been so worried, so terrified of loving Zoro too much, and yet Zoro was only terrified of losing you; you were a fool to think this couldn’t work 
- it was a long, emotional night as you two got lost in each other, crying while reminding one another just what you loved and cherished in one another through passionate love-making
- it was the first time you had ever seen Zoro so emotional, soft, and vulnerable towards you, and with each loving touch and embrace, Zoro showed just what you meant to him and vowed to show you how much he loved you every day so you could see how he was just as crazy for you; there would be no more questioning, no more fears as he promised to love and protect your forever if you’d have him
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“What did I do wrong?”
- the moment you come to him and say that you want to take a break, Kid is fuming, instantly argumentative
- all walls that he had spent breaking down for you are slowly beginning to build back up and he is pissed about it; he loves you and he doesn’t want to shut you out; he doesn’t say it enough but he never wants to lose you!
- why in the hell would you want to go on a break? he’s made himself vulnerable towards you, spent so many days and nights doing whatever it takes to keep you happy! you make him happy! since when was he not doing the same for you?
- is he not enough? is there someone else? do you not love him anymore?
- so many questions are rambling through his head that he can’t even think straight; he wants to kick and scream and hit something because he’s so upset right now; he hates not feeling in control of himself and at this moment he is collapsing right in front of you
- Kid is a very sensitive person, highly insecure though he tries his best not to show it; but the moment you try to end it with him, he can’t help but break down
- he yells at first, spitting false accusations, spilling guilt trips, blaming everything and everyone under the sun; nothing is making sense anymore but god the thought of losing you just makes him go crazy!
- then come the tears when he sees you not budging; he’s still screaming, not at you but more so at the situation, but the tears are evident as they roll down his pale face
- his body is shaking, and he’s near the point of emotional exhaustion after having that outburst; he’s still so mad, eyes clouded with agony, but he just wants to know why
- once the thunderstorm is over, Kid just reaches out to you, grasping for your touch, a reassurance that this is all just a horrible nightmare
- “Please, don’t do this to me. I need you. I really need you. Is this what you want to hear? What do I need to tell you to make things okay? I fucking love you! Is that not enough? What did I do wrong?”
- when you tell him your fears, the fact that you love him so much that it’s terrifying, and how you think a break would be best so you can sort your feelings…Kid doesn’t take that, and you should have expected as much from this stubborn man
- he rushes to you instantly, yanking your body close to his, and settling you down on the nearest surface; his stained lips are on yours, sloppy and desperate, his flesh hand roaming your entire body; he grabs your face to make you look at him 
- “Like hell I’m just gonna let you go so easily. Don’t say stupid shit like that. I love you and you love me. Isn’t that all we need?” 
- in heated passions, he undresses you fairly quickly, ripping and discarding your clothing without second thought as you let him; he needs to feel you, touch you, he needs to show you what you mean to him so you can forget your petty insecurities
- Kid has never been good with his words, he knows that, you know that, so he makes sure to show you with his actions by making sweet, passionate, intense love to you, reminding you over and over again how much you mean to him with every loving thrust 
- there’s no room left for questioning as he holds you close and rocks into your body with a tenderness only you get to experience from him; Kid’s not a sappy guy but he would be anything for you, so he doesn’t hold back in whispering sweet nothings in your ear, reaffirming his feelings for you, begging to hear you say you love him back
- he needs to hear you say it; he’s too emotional to go without hearing you confirm that you do in fact love him and that you won’t ever leave his side; please just say it
- when all is said and done, he won’t allow you to be so insecure any more; he makes it a point to say/show how much he loves you just a little more every day so there’s no more questions
- he needs you after all; you’re supposed to be by his side when he becomes the Pirate King; no King is going to let his Queen escape so easily! 
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“You don’t mean that. Tell me you don’t mean it.”
- very disbelieving at first and is not amused if this is some sick joke; he can’t believe what he’s hearing and you can read it all over his face
- when you express to him that it’s not a joke, and you wish to have some distance from him….he can’t help but break down that calm and collected facade of his
- his voice unintentionally raises at this notion, he’s not quite yelling yet, but it’s obvious that what you’re saying has heavily upset him as his brows are furrowed and the scowl on his face has only sunken deeper
- Crocodile is an independent man and has little to no need of other people in his life except as pawns in his plans; but you, you’re the exception to all of it
- he’s given himself to you wholly, unconditionally, with no regrets; he’s chosen to make a life with you as his partner and he chooses to love you and only you every day
- and now all of a sudden you just want to throw it all away? he can’t let that happen, he won’t let that happen 
- when you explain to him how insecure you’ve been feeling, how scared you are of your feelings for him, his heart drops into his stomach and his body begins to shake visibly
- when you tell him you want to leave for a bit to sort things out, he can’t help but bite his cigar in half, digging his nails into his thighs
- “You don’t mean that. Tell me you don’t mean it. Come here.”
- even in the midst of your breakdown, you still find yourself obliging to your lover as you approach him, a part of you wanting to touch him one last time before you leave
- “You’re scared because of how much you love me? Don’t you think I was terrified to fall in love with you too? And still, I choose you, only you, every single day, and I’ll choose only you for the rest of my life. I’m not going to allow you to throw this away, (Name). I love you, so much. And I know you love me. Let’s not waste that.” 
- Crocodile pulls you into his lap to embrace you and soothe your insecurities; his big arms wrap around you without hesitation, his flesh hand petting at your hair
- he lets you cry into his shoulder though his heart is racing, awaiting you to tell him that you’ve changed your mind and that you won’t be leaving him; the wait to hear you say you love him is agonizing
- the moment you pull away to apologize, he responds rather quickly with connecting his lips to yours; it felt like years before you said anything so he wasn’t going to waste a second longer 
- his lips are passionate and his thumb wipes at the tears that flow freely down your cheeks; he leaves kisses all along your face and neck, gentle affections that form as apologies for letting you worry so much
- Crocodile wastes no time in making love to you in his office chair, praises and endearments spilling from his mouth as he controls your movements and makes love to your body, making you feel like a truly loved and cherished woman
- he can’t help himself from getting just as emotional when you relocate to your shared bedroom, continuing your love-making session in your most sacred place; he chokes up a bit as he looks into your eyes and tries to imagine what would have happened if he hadn’t stopped you from leaving
- though he wouldn’t admit it out loud, Crocodile knew he was a better man because of you; no part of him wants to return to the lonely shell of a man he was before you came along
- and so, he made sure to never take your love for granted from here on out; insecurities come and go, but the love between you and Crocodile would remain forever 
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fireopal-tash · 4 years
How everything started...
If only everybody could see you
Through my eyes
We wouldn't have to worry and leave it all behind
I know it isn't easy but I think we need a brand new start
I'll hold your heart
It was not a good start, nor a bad one. It was not an impulsive moment, much less a thoughtful one.
Spinel spent a week with Steven on Earth, after the Crystal Gems received a message from the Diamonds. Something about a mission, and making peace (peace treaty) with other species. They couldn't take Spinel with them, so they decided that it was best for her to stay on Earth. With Steven. Protected. That was it. Nothing happened, and Spinel returned to Homeworld soon after. Nothing changed... Or so everyone believed.
It wasn't until in Little Homeworld a healed corrupted gem saw them holding hands, laughing and having a good time that things went downhill. They explained they were simply spending some time together, like any friends, but the crystal gems were still upset that the hybrid never told them anything about where he went and with whom. Pearl, specially, freaked out when she saw it was Spinel with whom he was spending time. He couldn't understand why.
Steven was with Connie (it was one of those days when Connie had free time for him), and the boy asked his best friend her opinion about Spinel.
"Steven... I don't think it's a good idea" she started carefully.
"What? Why?" the young hybrid asked without showing his anguish.
"Because she tried to kill you. You and the Crystal Gems" she pointed out "Look, I know you want to help her, but maybe you should let someone else do it" she explained softly.
"No, you don't understand" he shook his head "It's my responsibility. I have to help her. No one else can because... Because no one else can understand her. Only me. And she is not the only gem that tried to kill us, you know? At least she knew it was me, not Pink Diamond"
"She was… trapped, wasn't she? Then Lapis would be the most suitable. Also, she tried to kill you because of your mum" she countered.
"You see!? You don't understand either. Aghhh" he suddenly stood up, anxiety gnawing at his mind "She was abandoned, not trapped. She faithfully waited for my mom for thousands of years!"
"And how about Pearl?" the brunette tried.
Steven groaned, increasingly annoyed that no one could understand him. But that wasn't true, was it? Someone understood him. And that someone was Spinel.. Steven ran away, glowing pink.
"Steven...!" Connie called.
All of my friends and family
Keep saying you're no good
Now that I'm finally happy
Wish that they understood
They may be disapproving
But that ain't tearing us apart
I'll hold your heart
Spinel couldn't meet with Steven after that hasty goodbye. She could still hear the shouting. Such horrible words. She didn't like that one bit. He was her friend, their family. Why were they being so cruel to him? Why wouldn't they let her calm him down.
So what if they were having a good time?
So what if they wanted to be friends?
What difference did it make to them?
What rights did they have to spoil something that was just beginning to flourish?
All those questions were echoing over and over again in her mind, fueling her anger, her contempt for those gems. Towards everyone. But never to Steven. He needed her. And she needed him.
"Spinel, we know that you only wanted to see Steven. We do to. But, surely you understand that it is not right for you to leave without saying a word to us"
Oh, she knew that very well. But it was exactly for that reason that neither of them said anything. They wanted to test their friendship first, before rushing headfirst. They didn't want interference of any kind. It was their life after all.
It was not fair.
Where did everything went so wrong?
Exhausted every option
It's time to run away
Won't even pack a suitcase
I don't need anything
As long as you're besides me
I know that it'll be okay
We'll be okay
Weeks later, after sneaking away from Homeworld again, Spinel managed to speak to Steven, in his room, while everyone else was asleep (or in the case of the gems, in their own room)
"Are you sure?" he asked hesitantly. He was so nervous. What if the gems find out? They would be separated!
Spinel nodded enthusiastically. She had been planning it carefully. Today they were going to leave, they were going to their new home, a home of their own. Far from responsibilities. Away from people who only saw someone else in them. No more Pink Diamond. They were going to be free at last.
"Ok. I trust you. I hope everything works out. How are we going to get there?"
"With Little Homeworld's portal, of course. We will be caught immediately if we use yours. Although, we have to go undercover, just in case" She smirk, satisfied with her plan. She was not stupid, after all. Just a fool.
Steven shared her smile, feeling excited.
Cuz if it's us
Against the world we'll fight it
And win as long as we're united
"Steven?" Pearl called from the bottom of the stairs. Receiving no answer, she went upstairs, determined to wake Steven up. Upon opening the door, however, there was no one in there. Thinking that maybe he would be in the bathroom, she went downstairs again and headed for the other room. She knocked a couple of times. Nobody answered. The fear was taking over the pale gem. Steven was surely fine. These past few weeks he seemed fine, at least. But what if...?
"Steven?" she called again.
"Is he still in the bathroom?" Amethyst said, noticing the other gem in concern.
"I think so... But he would have already answered me" she scowled.
"Maybe he's drowned in the bathtub," joked the purple gem.
"Don't joke about it, Amethyst!"
"Seriously, what's wrong with taking a little more time in the bathroom? Besides, maybe he's still annoyed with us" she said seemingly exasperated.
"Annoyed? Why would he be annoyed with us?" the purple gem rolled her eyes, tired of the tallest blindness.
"Maybe because we are overwhelming? Overprotective? And by "we" I mean you, and maybe Garnet" she finished, with irritation. She really needed to let out everything she thought about this situation.
Take my hand and don't you let it go now
We'll find our way out when we are faced with danger
Steven and Spinel were in the garden. No one was around as expected, but still, they waited holding their breath and their hands. Nothing was happening. The portal didn't activate. They were alone. Together. They smiled widely. And laughed.
And eyes that stares at us in anger
Take my hand and don't you let it go now
"Garnet. Do you know where he...?" Pearl tried to ask the fusion. She was stopped.
"Not now"
"But Garnet!" she complained.
"I said not now. I don't know where he is. I can't even..." She let out a painful cry before a light appeared, separating both gems.
"Oh no. What have we done?" whispered Sapphire, both oh her hands covering her mouth. Her blue orb full of guilt and fear.
We'll find our way out
I'm tired of all the hiding
When the gems told Greg what happened, for the first time ever, he yelled at them. Worse than the time they kidnapped baby Steven in the middle of a snowstorm.
Unspoken secrecy
Cuz nothing's more exciting
When they talked to Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth, they were yelled at again. Never had the crystal gems felt worse than now. They knew it was their fault Steven ran away.
When you're right next to me
I'm captured by the feeling
Connie was the last one to know about their mistake. She just looked at them, disappointed. She waited for Steven. She had faith in him. He would return to her. He always did.
Of when you're wrapped up in my arms
In my arms
Despite all the searching, they never found him. Nothing. No one knew anything about him, nor did he ever came back home.
But one day, they found a little Spinel, far from Homeworld, whistling while looking at some dresses and shorts, shopping apparently.
I don't have all the answers
Not sure what we should do
But it doesn't really matter
I'm so in love with you
As long as you're besides me
I know it'll be okay
We'll be okay
"Our way out" song by Nico Collins
IMPORTANT: Steven and Spinel didn't rushed their decision, but they didn't think it through either. Don't be too harsh on them. They are still young (in fact, worse. Because he is a teenager and Spinel acts like a teenager too, so it was expected xD And Steven almost did the same with Connie, when they were younger)
Another thing. No one thought that Steven was with Spinel because of the time they spent apart, and because they tried to appear like nothing changed. It may sound logic to us, readers, but it's not. That's life without a narrator xD
Also: if it's a ship, or just friends, or family, it depends on the reader~ See them as you want xD I don't care~ xP
People tend to forget the most obvious clues ^w^'
Here a FanArt!
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(why I'm always drawing the wrong hand to hold? xD Oh well~)
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imaginefanganronpas · 5 years
May I request the Sdra2 boys cast react to accidently walking in on their Fem! S/O changing?
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AGHHH, this is so OOOOOOLLLLDDD, because I thought I already posted it, I have always some stories written in advance so I have something to post, I’m so sorry, I’m so bad at all of this!!
I hope it’s still alright though, it’s a few months old, god, I’m such a dunce.
Peeping boys
-He didn’t think much of it when he was heading to your room, opening the door and immediately saying: “Hey, S/O, how’s it go-”
-His jaw dropped when he spotted you, only in your underwear, your back towards him as you picked
-He should close the door and walk away as quickly as possible, but he had to admit, he kinda enjoyed the view and his brain MAY have shut off in the doorway. Maybe he forgot it in his room too, he wasn’t too sure right now
-He snapped back to reality when he heard you scream something at him and now was Hajime realizing that he walked in on you changing, fuck-
-”I’M SORRY! I SAW NOTHING-!” He yelled, quickly turning around to leave with you throwing something at his head, making him yelp and run off
-You then implemented the rule that everyone has to knock at all times or something will be thrown
-Honestly? He probably wouldn’t care too much? Like, his reaction is a little more reserved
-He walked in, because he never knocks, looks at your shocked face, then shrugs and comments “Nice tits.” Before leaving again, making you cover yourself up in embarrassment and plan a murder for this idiot
-Honestly, Syobai walks probably constantly in on you, in every situation, when you shower, when you’re on the toilet, when you’re napping, when you do some frisky business, he just has the worst timing ever and you hate him for it, because no matter how many times you tell him to fucking knock, he never does it
-So, yeah, guess that is your life now. Good luck with that.
-It was an honest mistake, give the poor guy some slack, he was very excited to present a new spell to you and he totally forgot that you need to get changed every now and again and have a different body than him
-He walked in, all excited, only to realize his mistake in a matter of seconds and to start screaming, his mask blushing like crazy as he squeaks: “I’m so sorry!” and then run into the wall instead of out, he was just blinded by your radiating beauty
-You were embarrassed, but you couldn’t even scream or try to cover yourself, you felt kinda bad for the poor, flustered Mikado who covered his eyes so he wouldn’t peep and now tried desperately to run out the door
-So, you just kinda stared at him until he finally found the door and sprinted out, before huffing a laugh and changing into more comfortable clothes and then going after your boyfriend to calm him down
-He walks in and immediately gets all red in the face, quickly uttering an apology and then leaving again, he isn’t going to make a big scene out of it, even if he was horribly embarrassed and avoided you for some time until he could properly apologize to you
-You weren’t even mad, it can happen to everyone, so you give him a hug and a kiss and tell him to just knock the next time before running into a girls bedroom
-That made a lot of sense actually and Yuki got red from embarrassment again, just because he didn’t think of it first, he was friends with Sora for crying out loud, how did he not think about this sooner?!
-So yeah, he is embarrassed, but both of you don’t make a huge deal out of it
-Shinji is gonna make a huge deal out of it though
-He had enough brain cells left to conclude that he SHOULD apologize and walk out,  but regretfully there weren’t enough brain cells left to actually guide him out the door, there was only enough left for stupid standing, blushing and nose-dripping, god dammit-
-You yelled at him to get the fuck out, but it seemed like his brain shut off and you weren’t sure if he was enjoying the view or if he was already gone mentally
-You threw your show at him, which finally snapped him out of whatever he was in and he squeaked an apology and then ran out, catching the blood from his nose with his hands
-He apologized to you at a later time. Trust me, he apologized a lot and very loudly, you weren’t even mad at him, you were in a relationship after all, Shinji was probably more ashamed than you were 
-He always knocked in the future though. Your door was the only door he knocked at though, he still very much barged into every other room, so rip everyone else- 
-Embarrassed boi
-He probably just squeaks an apology, covers his eyes and runs out as quickly as possible, hitting his head on the door since he is so tall and you can’t help yourself but laugh at him when he finally managed to get out of the door
-You quickly threw a hoodie over yourself and put on some pants and hurried after him to tell him that it was okay and that you weren’t mad
-He’s still quite embarrassed and all red in the face but you give him a kiss and tell him that you forgive him, which only makes him redder in the face, but then he begins to grin and leans in for another kiss
-You tell him to knock next time though or you’re gonna bust in when he is changing next time
-Needless to say, he knocked from then on
-Honestly, Nikei would be embarrassed and red at first, but this scoop was too great to pass up, so he gets his notepad and begins to write whatever into it until you notice him and yell at him to get out
-Nikei tells you he just has to finish this one sentence, so you threw your shoe at him and he yelps, quickly hurrying out before you would kill him 
-He wouldn’t even apologize, he would just tell you later on how hot you  looked and how great a scoop it was that his girlfriend looked super hot, which made you red in the face and playfully push him off the bed, making him yelp, then laugh and you couldn’t help yourself but giggle too
-And then you told him where you would shove that pen of his if he bursts into your room without knocking ever again, which made him promise it wouldn’t happen again
-He usually always knocks, just in case something like this might happen, but he didn’t do it one time and he immediately regretted it to an extreme degree when he saw that he walked in on you, quickly closing his eyes and place a hand in front of his mouth and running out
-Unfortunately he left the door open, so you knew that someone came in and saw you in your underwear and there was only one person who would try to get out as quietly as possible, which was your boyfriend
-So you went to his room after you got dressed and he opened the door, crying and apologizing to you and swearing he didn’t see anything and begging you to forgive him, he didn’t mean for this to happen
-You were a bit startled at first, but you pat him on the fluffy hair and told him that it was okay, but to please close the door next time, should it ever happen again, which got him all red in the face and he scolded himself mentally, because how the fuck did he leave the fucking door open, any filthy male could have peeped on you?!
-You gave him a kiss and he let it go, even if he still thought about it, he didn’t bring it up again though, so it’s all cool 
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kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Reiji Sakamaki (Story 13)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! I’m an amateur translator, but I hope you do enjoy it anyway!♡
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An unique chess match performed in the church.
Fortunately, it ended with a checkmate by me who became the queen piece.
Place: Outside — Church
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Yui: Checkmate... With this, we officially won the game.
Reiji: Yes, after all because you moved to the same square as Ruki, Orange truly lost this match.
Yui: (Because I moved to the same square as Ruki-kun, at the end...)
*Ruki comes closer*
Yui: Ruki-kun...
Ruki: No way, for Eve to defeat me like this... — It is really our loss.
Yui: Yes, we won. Sorry...
But, nobody got hurt and it was a really good match we had. Thank you for joining this battle.
Ruki: Even a compassion for the loser just makes the other person more miserable. You will dispose me anyways.
Reiji: That is not the true case. Even if I would plan on disposing you—
There still are two of my brothers in your household.
Kanato: Hah? Why are you looking at us?
Ayato: What are you talking about, shitty glasses!?
Reiji: I will start to explain it now. Yes, it is important for you too, Shu. Please listen to me as well.
Shu: What‘s that supposed to mean?
Yui: Reiji-san, by any chance...
Reiji: Yes, I will tell everyone now. All the informations that we have gathered together.
Since Ruki‘s memories are already shaking themselves, we may be able to fully trigger them.
Yui: I agree. If we tell them now, they might really remember...
Ruki: What are you talking about? Was it a condition that the loser is supposed to understand the winners mind now?
Do you pretend to be a hypocrite who goes around and tells people that he will save them?
Reiji: That is wrong. I am saying that I will be helpful for you. It is my freedom to handle the loser as I please after all.
And as you are now, you may be able to regain your true memories.
Ruki: Memories... ?
Reiji: Yes, I will start from the very beginning.
Place: Outside — Wide area
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Kino: Ah, they‘re already done by now. I was really hoping for them to fight a little more.
It would be boring to just stay here. But if I go back I’ll surely get caught by them...
Guess I’ll just hide myself until everything’s over. See you later, with my noisy older brother, Eve.
Well... just don’t think this will be the ending of everything already.
Place: Outside — Church
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Reiji: —Those are all the events that I and she have come to experience here. And, everyone’s original memories as well.
Yuma: You’re kidding me... Ruki is actually my big brother!?
Shu: So these guys are my brothers... ?
Ayato: The hell you‘re saying? Yours Truly can’t be related to someone like you!
Kanato: It’s already terrifying for me to only have four siblings, but now you‘re telling me we are six... that’s hell.
Shin: That story is surely just made up from him. It's not easy to rewrite anyone’s memories like that.
Yui: That's what I and Reiji-san thought about ourselves.
We both kept wondering what would the reason behind this mystery be.
But, we are definitely sure that it’s someone’s work. Everyone has messy memories and we are locked up in this space.
Because everyone is fighting, it surely must be someone else’s work.
Ruki: ... It really is hard to believe.
Reiji: I believe that you will not trust this right away. But, I want to do my best to make you believe in me.
To leave this space, we can not do this alone anymore. We need you to encourage us in our cooperation.
Yui: Ruki-kun... please.
Ruki: ...Alright.
Yui: Eh... !
Ruki: I was the one who got defeated. In addiction, there wouldn’t have been a point for you to hold into Eve, in other words, you bet your own life for her.
I might be able to understand the truth slowly. For now, we will cooperate.
Reiji: Thank you for your decision.
Yui: (Ruki-kun, he promised to cooperate... !)
Reiji: It is not what you probably expected, but it seems as if we have made a step forward.
Yui: Yes! Now you don't have to contend with everyone in Orange anymore.
Besides, if Ruki-kun and the others will follow you, it will be pretty reliable.
Reiji: Oh, it is just like I could not help myself alone anymore in this situation, that is all.
Yui: Eh... ? N-No... ! That's not the case!
Reiji: Fufu, I know. I just made fun of it.
Yui: Heh...
(But, I feel like the light has finally entered their minds once again. Reiji-san’s complexion is also getting brighter)
(If we continue to move forward step by step at a time, we surely will get out of here one day—)
???: This is certainly not proved.
Yui: Huh... ?
Shu: What is that voice...
???: Fight, seek and compete. Even though true love appeared in such a place like this—
Yuma: Who are ya!? Show yourself!
*bright light*
Yui: Kyaa!?
(What? It’s so bright... ngh!)
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Socrates: This is a very bad situation ... It is already at the point where I have to interrupt you.
Yui: A light... are you talking?
Reiji: Who are you?
Socrates: My name is Socrates. I am the person who created this space, and rewrote your memories.
Reiji: Socrates... !?
Yui: Do you know that thing?
Reiji: Y-Yes... if my memories are correct, this person is one of my fathers dearest acquaintances.
Yui: Karlheinz-sama!?
Ayato: ...Karlheinz... ?
Socrates: This was unexpected. I did not know there was someone knowing about my existence.
Reiji: Socrates... that name. You have been spying on us since we all were children.
One of our fathers greatest acquaintances... However, why are you showing such barbarous manners?
Yui: Ngh, that’s right... Did you really mess up our memories and trapped us in this space?
Socrates: Indeed.
Yui: No... that can’t be!
Socrates: I wanted to try it out. Adam is ascertained by my friend. Whether it is really appropriate or not.
Yui: Adam... ? Did Karlheinz-sama identify that?
Reiji: I can not guess what happened, but could it be that you might have lost confidence in my father's thoughts?
Socrates: No. I just did not believe his words. I could not accept it without any certain proof, so I made one myself.
Yui: Is that the reason why you rewrote everyone’s memories? We’re still fighting each other!
Socrates: This is all about the love between Adam and Eve. To try the bond of those both.
Yui: Love, Bond... ?
Socrates: I erased the love and jealousy between both of them. If they would lose it, would they fall in love with each other again?
I wanted to have it proved by myself. Therefore, everyone's memories were rewritten and locked in this place.
In this miniature garden, or more likely this space that looks like a chess board.
Yui: Proofing... because of that... ?
(This stupid proof, it may have caused someone to lose their life in this space ...!)
Reiji: If I put trust into your words, she Eve, and myself as Adam were your personal test objects.
Together we were able to regain our memories and share hands once again.
There is no need to try this anymore. Would you please, release everyone’s memories so they can return?
Socrates: I can not do that.
Reiji: Why is that?
Socrates: It is hard to say that the desired outcome is finished by just holding hands together. That is definitely not enough.
With the king, in other words Adam. Only once you excluded all the others, Eve‘s heart will be yours for eternity.
Nothing else is enough.
Yui: Exclude others... are you saying that we are supposed to kill everyone? That’s messed up, we can't do that!
Socrates: Then you should live in this miniature garden forever.
Yui: Such... !
Reiji: Unfortunately, there is no conflict anymore. We already have a cooperative relationship with the Orange family.
Violet, we will stop this family for whatever it takes as well.
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Socrates: Why would you do that? If you truly want to get out of this space, you just need to follow what I told you.
Just exclude all the others. Why do you hesitate to give an answer to that request?
Reiji: One thing to make everything disappear — I am aware of the stupidity behind that idea.
As a memory of my own past, I am firmly engraved in myself....
A similar tragedy from my past will not be repeated again. Even if you try to reluctant your will.
Yui: Reiji-san...
Socrates: ...So that is it. Is that really Adam's choice? I will respect that if it is.
But, this trials can not be interrupted.
Yui: Eh, after all... !
Socrates: As long as the last piece still remains on the board, or the rules are not broken...
This trial will never end. A miniature garden made like that. I can not release it that easily.
Yui: Such... !
Socrates: Never grieve again. Just keep fighting until the last piece disappears from the board.
If you refuse to kill each other, I might see myself forced to cut down the created flow.
It was me who supplied the supplies to live in this miniature garden in the first place. I might break this flow then.
Reiji: ...What was that?
Socrates: If you would run out of food, a human being as Eve will die, regardless of vampires and founders.
If you want to protect Eve, get rid of the others and become the only one surviving, Adam.
*bright light*
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Yui: Wha... !?
(The light from before... ngh... what is this...)
Reiji: Yui, come here! I will not leave you!
Yui: Y-Yes!
Ruki: Nh... aghhh!?
Yui: Ruki-kun!?
Reiji: Do not move for now!
Shu: Kch... what’s... that...
Ruki: Shit... Aghhhh!!
Yui: Everyone... !
(I can't see anything. What is going on!?)
(My consciousness... is fading... )
Place: Outside — Church
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Yui: N-Ngh...
(D-Did I faint? Everyone...)
(Oh, Reiji-san! I've been hugged by him all the time...)
Reiji: Uhh... what... ?
Yui: Are you okay?
Reiji: Yes, you seem safe as well... what about everyone else ...?
Yui: I don't know, I just woke up myself...
(Ngh, everyone has fallen. Did they faint as well? Or maybe—)
Reiji: Please wait. I will take a closer look.
Yui: Y-Yes...
*Reiji gets closer*
Reiji: ... It seems as if they have lost their consciousnesses as well. No one is dead.
After a while, they should wake up naturally once again.
Yui: Really? That’s good...
(Then what was the meaning behind the light before?)
That thing, Socrates-sama... That person himself is the one who locked us in here.
Reiji: Indeed. I never thought it would have been one of my fathers acquaintances.
He said that he is testing the bond between Adam and Eve. That means, we both are his personal test object.
And that person still needs to be convinced ...
Yui: Yes… he said that he wouldn’t be able to get us out of here, unless we exclude everyone.
1) — That's the only way (black)
2) — We can't do that (white) ♡ ♡ ♡
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— That‘s the only way
Yui: It seems to be the only way. If we do so, we can get out of this miniature garden...
Reiji: At least, it would show him to be completely satisfied with our doing.
Yui: Such...
Reiji: However, I do not think it is the best option.
— We can’t do that ♡
Yui: But, we can’t do that. We need to escape from here before we might lose everyone...
Reiji: I highly agree. I do not want to follow such a crude way.
There should be another way that he will agree with.
Yui: That’s right. I’m sure there must be something...
end Choices
Reiji: But, all about the masterminds plan is starting to become clearer which makes me feel a little relieved.
Yui: Eh? Why is that?
Reiji: Doing such a large-scale play ... It was something I could not have thought of anyone would do, except for my father.
Yui: Ah...
Reiji: If the mastermind really is my father, what would you think about me as brother if I left Shu behind because of it...
To me, you might be wondering about my answer, or maybe you already expect something like this...
Yui: Reiji-san...
(Surely, if Karlheinz-sama really plans on making Reiji-san do such a thing, he maybe...)
*Yui reaches Reiji's hand*
Reiji: Oh, what are you doing?
Yui: I really want to hold hands ...
Reiji: I am sorry. I might have made you worried while saying something extra.
Yui: That’s not it... but I thought it would calm the both of us down if we did that.
Whoever is trying to separate the both of us will never be able to steal our love for each other.
Reiji: This is... Right now I am supposed to be on the dark side, as I have been told to ...
*Reiji comes closer*
Reiji: Thank you very much. There was no need to worry about this topic in the first place.
You were the one who chose me. With that as fact, I will never let myself feel bad about this anymore.
Yui: Yes. After all Reiji-san is a wonderful person. That was guaranteed for me from the very beginning.
Reiji: I approached to say something. For you, I would defeat any enemy.
*Reiji kisses Yui*
Yui: Kyaa!?
Reiji: Thank you for your kind words. Besides, my education seems to be more fruitful, so that was a part of my celebration.
Yui: I-I’m happy, but don't kiss me so suddenly...
Reiji: My own pride will not allow me to stay comforted. Please allow me to counterattack you next time then.
Yui: B-But...
(I do like it when he kisses me, but it's embarrassing because my face turns red all of the sudden...)
(But, it was good that Reiji-san laughed at me because of my reaction)
Shu: Ughh...
Yui: Eh... Shu-san!?
Reiji: Shu!
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Shu: ... Be quiet. Don't scream at me, I just woke up ...
Reiji: Are you feeling bad?
Shu: I really do feel bad. Waking up is the worst after all ... I feel irritated ...
Reiji: It is not just your feeling, it seems to be your usual mood. Good grief, I really was worried for a moment.
Shu: I can't help it. It’s not like I can stay calm if an annoying old friend from our father appears.
That thing really annoyed me.
Yui: Eh? "An old friend"... ?
Reiji: You, do not tell me you remember...
Shu: Yes, I remember. I remembered all those nasty things.
Yui: Do you really remember everything... !?
Ruki: It’s not like he is the only one.
Yui: Ruki-kun!
Ruki: Apparently, it was the previous light. It might have been the power that woke me up.
If I recall everything, just what exactly was I doing... I was close to slash Yuma ...
Yui: Ruki-kun, you also remember. Is this...
Reiji: It seems to be true. That person... it is Socrates work.
The meaning of tampering us with our memories disappeared. That is why he decided to bring everyone’s memories back.
Yui: Then...
Ayato: Ugh... damn it... that old man! For him to do something like this to me!
This old man dares that!? Not with me, I want to break this guys bones right away!
*Kanato starts sobbing*
Kanato: Uhh ... that is too much. Because of Reiji my whole mind is wrapped up with this.
Once we finally get home, I will have to eat enough pudding to fill up the entire town.
Yui: Ayato and Kanato-kun... Do you remember everything as well?
Ayato: Hah? I didn‘t listen to any of your crap.
The only thing I see right before me is a lowkey forgotten yet blurry face with weird looking glasses on.
Reiji: As soon as you remembered, you can not keep quiet. You got no courtesy, Ayato.
Ayato: Heh, it’s been a long time since I heard that coming out of your mouth.
Yui: (They all remembered ...)
We really... did it... Reiji-san!
*Yui hugs Reiji*
Reiji: Oh ... hey you, you could have hurt yourself running towards me like this.
Good grief, you really are a person with no specifications.
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I buried my face in Reiji-san‘s chest and turned my arms around his back.
I don't know if I'm happy or just relieved, but my tears won't stop flowing from my face.
Ayato-kun and the others are working with us for now, it just feels like the usual daily behavior we used to see in the Sakamaki family.
And surprisingly one by one—
Carla-san who did not want to stay here, had recovered his memories as well.
But I can't help but be happy about this situation. This is because the memory revision was considered as unnecessary.
There is no longer any need for anyone to become the king. Instead, Reiji-san was forced to make a certain choice.
If we want to get out of here, we must exclude everyone... Those words are echoing in my head—
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Snapshot #2: The Storm (Negan/Carrie -F!OC)
Negan/F!OC, Carrie. SFW. 3,502 words. Warnings: Typical Negan language.
Snapshot #1: First Time
Carrie is leaving to help the Kingdom move to Hilltop as the harsh winter has finally done their home in. On return, she hears about what happened between Judith and Negan, and quickly goes to see if they are okay. Includes spoilers for Episode 16 of Season 9, "The Storm".
I pace uneasily as I prepare for the trip to the Kingdom to help them move to the Hilltop safely. With their pipelines only worsening with the impending winter and then finally busting, it was decided they needed to take shelter in another community for the time being. And, I wanted to help. However, that also means I have to leave Negan, and leave him in the hands of the others, namely Gabriel. 
I shiver as I exit out into the chilling air, snow crunching under my feet, my steps quick as I hurry to the said man’s prison. It’ll be weird not coming to sit with him every day, like I had for the last, what, four and half, maybe even five years now? I mean, I go on runs sometimes or I go help when and where I can with the other communities, but it’s been a long time since then. I’d taken over constant guard duty, which involved caring for Negan daily and keeping him company. Even if that’s currently possibly in jeopardy with the last time me leaving him in Gabriel’s hands resulted in Gabriel accidentally giving him an escape. My lips thin at the memory of the talking-to Michonne had given me once I got back. I’d never seen her so angry. 
I shake that thought off as I find the prison’s main door open due to Gabriel already being inside. I try to ignore the eager but also nervous fluttering in my stomach and chest at the thought of seeing Negan. Then the thought of having to say good-bye, even if it’s only for a little while hits, twisting those flutters into something else. As I go down the flight of stairs and approach where Gabriel stands, I hear Negan immediately start up, and it takes all my will not to grin at both that and the droll expression Gabriel is shooting him. “Oh, ho, ho! Gabe, looky here, my boss lady’s done fuckin’ showed up for duty! She’s standin’ attention as we fuckin’ speak, just like I would be if the shitty ass cold wasn’t freezing my nuts off.” 
And, no matter how hard I fight it, I still look over at him, finding a wide grin on his lips and a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. My stomach goes wild when my gaze meets his and I find the usual warmth there waiting for me. “Yes, hi, Negan. I see you’re up early. Whatever could have caused that, I wonder?”
“The goddamn cold, fuck. It’s colder than a frosty ass head-nun’s vagina up in here.” It takes all my will to not snort and burst into laughter and I very quickly retract my gaze to Gabriel, who looks completely unamused while my shoulders shake violently at my repressed laughter. 
“U-Uh-huh, I s-see,” I stutter out, trying so hard to keep it together. “Well, uh, Gabriel, you mind giving out fellow inmate here another few covers? To, y’know, keep off the head-nun’s frosting of his cell.” The priest rolls his eyes and deeply exhales from his nose.
“I guess so. The group isn’t leaving yet, stay with him while I go get them, Carrie,” he requests as he quickly leaves, shaking his bald head. I purse my lips, look at the ground for a moment, then turn to Negan again. He’s steadily making his way to the bars, a long smile that shows off his dimples on his face. I approach them too, degloving my hands and wrapping them around the bars. I wince at the bite the cold has given the metal. As he closes in, he gently lays his hands over mine, and brings our heads next to one another, our noses practically touching. 
“Hi,” I reply softly, staring into his hazel eyes. 
“Hi. So, you have to leave today huh?” He tries to sound nonchalant, but I can hear the disappointment and unhappiness he tried to hide. He doesn’t want me to go.
“Yeah. There’s a big storm that’s moving in, and we can’t afford to let the Kingdom get caught in it as is. Hopefully, I’ll be back in a few days, four or five at most.” He seems to deflate further, his smile wavering. 
“Be careful, yeah? Don’t make me have to engineer another fucking escape to come lookin’ for your ass or else you’ll be coming home with some marks on it,” he says warningly, playfully. I grin at such a suggestion. 
“Why, Negan, it almost sounds like you’re saying you’ll spank me.” His smile becomes stronger, turning into a smirk. His voice drops an octave, which sends electricity skittering all through my body. 
“Oh, Miss Grimes, it almost sounds like you might be into such a thing,” he teases back, his eyes twinkling. I can feel a slight blush working up in my face. 
“Mmm, I guess you’ll just have to find out, huh big guy?” I look away for a moment, before taking a more serious tone. “Negan.” His playfulness drops with mine. 
“Please, try to behave. Don’t give anyone a reason to do something stupid with so many of us not here,” I plead quietly, my voice earnest. When he starts to lean away, chewing the inside of his lip, I add, “Not all of them are as nice as me and Gabriel and none of them surely will enjoy your sense of humor for long.” He snorts offendedly. 
“What, you sayin’ I have a shit sense of humor now? Gonna say good-bye, be a good little fucker, and then say that?” 
“I adore you and your sense of humor,” I answer, knowing my look has to be teasing the hell out of him, “but you also have a tendency to antagonize anyone not me or Judith when you’re left alone with them. So, I’m asking you to just play nice until I get back. Please.” His eyes hood slightly and his thumbs begin running circles over mine as a soft chuckle rumbles out of his chest.
“You adore me?” He lightly tongues the inside of his lip. “Well, I gotta say, that’s real fucking cute and sweet of you.” I roll my eyes.
“If you haven’t figured that out by now, mister, then I do think we need to find a CAT scan for you,” I answer a little under my breath, but I know he hears me. One of his hands lift off of mine to stroke my cheek, then tuck a strand that fell from my ponytail behind my ear. 
“Yeah, I don’t know many people who’d sit ‘n argue for, shit, two or three hours just to get a man another table, chair, and candles.” As returning crunching steps filter down to us both, Negan retracts his hands with hesitation, letting me step back from the bars. 
“No, I did that because it’s a basic human right. Same for the showers.” Just then, Gabriel comes down with two more comforters. “Gabriel, if the storm gets bad-” 
“Don’t leave him down here?”
“Yes. Please do what you have to to see he isn’t left here. It’s not right. And if I find out otherwise… Rick’s rage will be nothing compared to what mine will be like,” I promise the priest. 
“I know. I agree,” he answers as he hands the comforters through the bars to Negan. “The group is ready now. You should go join them.” I look to Negan, whose expression causes my heart to squeeze painfully. 
“Please remember what I said,” I murmur, wanting to touch him. God, what I wouldn’t give to hug him right now. Before I leave. You never know if you get to come back. 
“I will,” he answers in a raspy, low tone, his voice sounding thick. 
“Promise?” He nods. I feel my lips press into a line as my heart fights to stay, while my brain knows I need to go. The climb up the stairs feels like the longest staircase I’ve ever had to climb.
~~Four days later, returning to Alexandria~~
“God, when we get home, I’m sitting in front of a heater or a fireplace until I feel cooked,” I grumble from atop my horse, shivering. The storm may be over, but the cold has done nothing more than settle in further. Shadow nickers in agreement, though I’m not sure how she plans to find something like that to be in front of, too. I lightly pat her neck.
“Aghhh, if I have to hear you complain about the cold anymore until we’re home, I will personally see to it you sit outside on the cold ass concrete,” Michonne answers, rolling her eyes playfully. I throw her a filthy look. 
“Them’s fightin’ words, Michonne,” I warn sternly. She chuckles, shaking her head, sending her dreads shifting around her head. 
“We’ll tie her to one o’ the church pillars,” Daryl chimes in, carefully keeping his face from my view. “Won’t have to listen to her ass sit and whine about the concrete.” I shoot him a withering glare and flip him off, which he returns with a low laugh. 
“Like to see you try, Daryl. You forget I’m good with a tranq gun.” Everyone laughs at that, though some roll their eyes or shake their heads. He snorts and it sounds like he mutters, "Bet," under his breath.  
As the gates come into view, I can see two guards in attendance, Kyle and Laura. Then, I can somewhat hear them shouting, something like, “They’re here! Open the gates!” Which is exactly what they do as we approach, heaving snow out of our path as the carriage comes closer to the entrance. Rosita is waiting there, as is a few other residents whose names don’t form in my mind. As those of us on single horses climb off, a few of said unnamed residents come up and take them while Daryl, Rosita, and I round the carriage to get the excess weapons and supplies out to put away. 
I grunt as I heave up a stack of spears and poles and some more wire. “Heavy ass shit.” 
“Best be glad we don’t have you on building rotation or we’d never hear you shut your complainin',” Daryl says with a grunt of his own as he grabs a couple of big boxes. 
“Shut up, Dixon, before your bike has an accident,” I grumble as we head to the store houses, Rosita follows with some stacks of fabric and excess grain from Hilltop. 
“You touch her, you won’t have hands left to keep your prisoner in line.” 
��Oh, who’s gonna take em? You? I can run faster and you have more weak areas pal,” I point out with a dip of my head towards his lower half. He lets out a disgusted noise. 
“Oh, you gonna fight dirty then? Cheap shot.”
“Says the man who prefers headlocks.” We split up as I head to the armory and he heads to the food cabinet. “Don’t trip over anything, Daryl! Hate to think of what that pickle vinegar will do to your vest.” 
“Yeah, hope you do trip over somethin’ and save me a headache later.” We both laugh as we head into different buildings, cut off from each other. Scott’s currently in the armory, checking supplies from the looks of him with a clipboard in hand. 
"More spears?" 
"And gardening stuffs for when planting times come around again," I reply, shifting my arms so he can grab the spears. After he does, I head to the second room back from the armory where all the gardening supplies are placed. While setting everything down, Scott strikes up a conversation.
“You guys just got back, like, now right?”
“So you don’t know what happened?”
“No?” I reply, a little harsher than I mean to due to throwing poles up on a high shelf. “Nah, haven’t heard a thing, man. I came here straight away.”
“Well, we were moving to Aaron’s house because the other fireplace just about blew up (since only like two places has fireplaces and shit was freezing), and Dog had been loose earlier, so when he started barking Judith tore after him!” 
“She what?!” I nearly yell, causing several rows of chicken wire to fall down as the row I was adding crashes into them.
“Yeah! And Negan went running like a bat out of hell after her! She’s alright and he is mostly, but he did fuck his knee up- hey! Hey, where are you going?!” I barely pay Scott’s yells any mind as I haul ass out of the building and on to the medical ward. He had best be here or there will be hell to pay, I promise silently as I nearly bust the door down. I turn to see Michonne exiting out of one of the single rooms on the left. She gives me a concerned look. 
“Is something wrong?”
“I just- I heard what happened- where’s Negan?” I speak so fast my lungs hurt in an effort to give my words air they need. She nods to the room behind her as she nears me. 
“He’s in there; he’s alright, but he has to rest his knee for a few days-”
“And Judith?”
“Fine,” Siddiq answers before she can as he rounds from the main room. “She’ll be just fine. A little cold burn, but that’s it.” I nod, relieved, but… I still want to see Negan. 
“I’m going to speak to Negan, make sure everything went well with Gabriel.” Michonne gives me a knowing look, one I pointedly ignore as I enter his room and close the door behind me. I hear his intake of breath, and I turn to him. He’s on a bed with his usual long-sleeved button-up, trousers, and a white t-shirt, with one knee bent and propped up with a pillow. He gives you one of his little grins, the ones with just a touch of wickedness. I can see spots of cold burn on his face, especially his cheeks. 
Before I know what I’m doing, I’m right at his side, cupping his face with one hand while the other strokes his buzzcut hair and the back of his neck. “Well, shit-”
“Thank you.” He stops when I speak, his grin fading a little. “Thank you for saving her. Are you okay? What happened?” He leans into my touch, his eyes closing for a moment as I stroke his brow. 
“I’ll be fine, darlin’. She went after the dog, right into the goddamn storm. I went after her.”
“Only you?” He nods. I feel my lower lip tremble, so I try to stiffen it. And, with one last stroke down his neck, I climb right into his lap, my thighs straddling his on either side, my pelvis hovering over his. A cocky look starts to work its way onto his face and I can see he’s preparing to say something that definitely expresses his interest in such a position, but before he can, I wrap my arms around his shoulders, only pausing to shrug off my militial jacket into his lap. I pull myself tightly to him. 
It seems the action surprised him, as he goes silent for a moment other than a soft stutter in his breath, before one of his hands makes its way under my hair to my undercut while the other splays over my lower back, pressing me into his chest. His face buries into the side of my neck, and I cup the back of his head as he does so. I’ve hugged him a very scant few times over the years as we became closer, mostly when one of us really needed it, or when the lack of touch outside of our hands became too much. Always trying to be careful, so I wouldn’t be forced off of watching him. 
I rub in between his shoulders, working at the tension there, while at the same time lightly pressing my lips right above his ear. We stay like that for a few minutes, before he slowly pulls back, looking in my eyes. His are more green today, beautiful tealish green, with brown only being visible around the edges of his irises. I let my hand drift from his head to stroke his jaw as his moves from my hair to stroke my face. His eyes drop to my lips, then slowly wander back up. He’s asking for permission. I tilt my head, letting my lips open slightly, and I do the same motion with my eyes. He slowly leans in, till his lips are a hair from mine, keeping eye contact even with our eyes hooded.
And when I let mine slide close, his lips press against mine, sweetly, gently. His are a little chapped, and I imagine mine are too, from the damned cold. His hands cup my face, their warmth soaking into my still chilled skin and the calluses scraping in a way that sends a shiver through me. After a few moments, he pulls back, but only slightly, his lips still brushing mine. “Fuck, I was wondering what that’d be like.”
“So was I.” I sound as breathless as I feel, and without thinking about it, I press my lips back to his, pulling his face gently to mine. We share multiples of these softer kisses, always drawing back together near immediately after parting, before they start to deepen and last longer. His lips taste like the fruity pain reliever Siddiq has in his medicine cabinet, and God, they feel amazing against mine.
But, eventually, we do fully part, our breaths a little shaken and mixing between us. There’s a vulnerability in his eyes, one I remember vividly during our talks of everything happening, losing his control on everything, his wife. I give him a small smile, before hugging him again, pressing my cheek gently to his as to not irritate it. “Why, Ms. Grimes, I do think you are sweet on lil’ ol’ me.”
“Mmmmm, why, Negan, you reckon?” I reply with a sarcastic falsetto to his teasing, enjoying being able to feel his low laughter rumble into my chest. “And ‘lil’ nothing, you are about half a foot taller than me, mister.” I pull back, pursing my lips to the side as he gives me a big grin, but not his usual one; this one is more goofy, more playful. It makes my heart feel funny. 
“Shit, I guess I am a blind motherfucker after all, you been hittin’ on me this entire time?” he teases, his tongue tip messing with his lower lip. I try hard not to focus on it and instead roll my eyes as I climb off of him. He goes to protest, his hands lingering on my arms, then slide down to my hands when I’m on my feet. “Wait, where you goin’? You just got here.” 
“I am not going anywhere, but you need rest and no pressure on that knee, as it wouldn’t be propped up if it wasn’t needing rest.” I grab a chair and haul it to right beside his bedside, then take one of his hands. “I am your guard, after all. Gotta keep you safe.” I wink at him, unconsciously drawing my lip between my teeth.
“Uh huh. And that’s why you needed to climb into my lap, make my dick hard enough to hammer in a fuckin’ nail, and then have the balls to be all soft ‘n sweet.” He shakes his head in fake exasperation, trying to not show how his lips are fighting to smile. “Goddamn, I ain’t got a guard, I got a master fuckin’ torturer with my name at the top of her ‘make it as painful as you fuckin’ can, maybe even nostril slitting if necessary’ list. My luck is both higher than a stoner with a weed forest and shittier than a stall with fifteen horses.” 
All I can do is laugh so hard I wheeze at his commentary. I had not been expecting his little speech, and God, I laugh so hard my lungs and chest ache. From what I can see through the tears in my eyes and my squinting, he’s more than happy at my reaction as over the buzz in my ears I can hear a laugh from him too. “Negan- I- what-” 
“Yeah, got your master-fucking-plan down, didn’t I? Figured you all out.” 
“Oh yeah, buddy, you got it,” I let out a few remaining guffaws, raising my hands in the air. “Got me all figured out, I admit to my crimes.”
“You are a lucky ass that I got room in my cell for someone else,” he says with a sigh and a shake of his head.
“Oh? Where am I sleeping in there? Your cot isn’t big enough for two.” He gives me a wicked grin.
“I make a mean fuckin’ mattress in every  sense, if you catch my meanin’, darlin’.” 
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