#i needed a reason to procrastinate on work today so it was fun to think about these ;-;
good-beans · 2 years
Ok, without any personal spoilers, Ochako and All Might for the character breakdown!
Lmao it turns out I had a lot to say on them so I put it under the cut :) Thank you for the ask!!
How I feel about this character: I love her so much!! I wish I posted more about her, but she has such a special place in my heart. Her very first scene gave me a wonderful first impression because she started out helping Midoriya, but she was still pretty awkward. Give me a character who's incredibly sweet and helpful but not the most charismatic and I'm in lol! Even though I knew they were setting up for love interest-ing, she was always her own person first -- yeah people talk shit about feminine characters needing to be “tough” to make them cool, but even before she showed her kickass side, she was beloved by being the sweet, pink, girly friend. Little by little I’ve seen my high school self in her, and so her moments of strength and optimism always hit a bit different. On a silly note, I'm also sappy that we look similar: I had like 6 family members see the art of her on my phone case and go "aw is that you?" 
-All the people I ship romantically with this character: My favorite ship for her is definitely with Iida! It's already clear what good friends they are, they'd make a really sweet pair ;-; They'd compliment each other in many ways, which I'm always a sucker for. I am not immune to the art with her and Asui -- I can see that being such a cute relationship. And I'm honestly not against her ending up with Midoriya (which is likely what will happen lol)! I mean, he definitely has a Lot going on between him and several of the boys asdfgbh but I think the two of them are real good for each other.
-My non-romantic OTP for this character: Todoroki :D I've seen so much content of them as the best of friends and it never fails to hit me right in the heart.
-My unpopular opinion about this character: I'll be honest, I don't know the typical fandom takes on her, so idk where this would fall? I think her parallels with Toga are amazing and I genuinely hope they can be on good terms in the end. The parallel gets a weird vibe because their similarities started with "had a crush on a boy," but I believe they're similar in a lot more ways, and it would be really beautiful to see them connecting and growing because of those...
-One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I haven't seen the really new stuff so maybe they do bring it up, but I always wanted more about her reason for becoming a hero! I think her original reason – making money for her family – was extremely noble, but I wonder if she ever questions it as the situations get more dire (aka, "why am I doing something this dangerous if I'm doing all this for my family? I can't help them if I'm dead...) Or have her motivations changed after being with 1A this long? When exactly did she notice they changed? 
-How I feel about this character: adfghh I fucking love this dude! I was so suspicious of him season one, but he's such a cool and unique character -- and just a funny guy 😂 He starts off larger than life (both in canon and to the audience) and little by little becomes such a real and normal man who’s trying his best in that world. He’s so aware of this character he’s playing, but not crushed by the burden because he’s the one that did it on purpose (unlike most hero stories where they’re forced into the savior role), and yet he is sorta crushed by it as time goes on! He loves the Symbol and can’t escape but doesn’t want to escape and that’s so cool.
-All the people I ship romantically with this character: I could never get into any of the ships with him, unfortunately. I don't know exactly what it is, but I can never see him dating, much less settling down with the way he is.
-My non-romantic OTP for this character: I really like him and Aizawa! They have a fun contrast of introvert/extrovert, public symbol/hates the spotlight, doing this for years/never taught a class before now – but they have so many similarities that bring them together in the end. They both live such crazy lives, it’s so nice to see them as reliable teacher friends ;-; I don't think you've gotten to it yet, but they have a beautiful moment talking about motivation to live that solidified their relationship for me.
-My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t see him as Midoriya's dad 😅 I see so many things ranging from making him a dad figure to literally shipping him with Inko to make him part of the family. It's sweet, but I just feel like he fulfills a different relationship/role model to Midoriya than a parent. Midoriya is such a crazy fan, it’d be weird and unhelpful for his all-time inspiration in that way to become a father figure, idk
-One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I just would have liked to see more of young Toshinori, or him with his mentor more. I'm so curious about the quirkless child that thought up the very idea of becoming The Symbol!
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successfulgoddess333 · 6 months
Every one who reads this is going to enter the Void State tonight
Repeat these affirmations
“I am shifting my awareness to an asleep state”
“I am pure consciousness”
“The Void is easy because it is within me”
Chose which one resonates with you
Than you guys for making my previous post blow up
It’s not a lot to most but I manifested it’d reaches more than 20 people so it worked
Do this
You don’t need a subliminal
Or theta waves
Or anything like that
Play an instrumental
This idea came from @ghostfest
So all credit to them
Read their post for more information
The void really is easy
So instead of wasting time on here(yes I’m looking at you) go get your dream life
Baby girl it’s a reason why you know about this stuff
It’s not just for knowledge you’ll never use later
The universe wants you to know
This is YOU
You’re not going to Narnia
The Void state is you
Once you realize this
You’ll understand
All you have to do
Is put your body to sleep
And just think
Let your thoughts come
Don’t try to change them or stop them
Because that’s what’s gonna irritate you you’ll be like
“Why can’t I just think about the void or affirm correctly?”
Darling you’re not giving yourself permission to just BE
Just free yourself the void state really is a fun technique for manifestation
With beautiful permanent results
It really should not be a chore don’t use subs if you don’t want to
Today find a song that makes you feel at peace
Any song
Tonight use the instrumental version and put it at a nice comfortable volume
And daydream about your dream life until you’re in a trance like state
Just be free to do whatever you want as long as you end up zoning out
Then just start counting
You don’t need to visualize
But just feel
As if your desired self were talking to you or you feel like you ARE her/him/them
And count
Up to a 100 or 500 it doesn’t matter
Them just keep doing that
Until you feel super zoned out and peaceful
Then just affirm using the affs I put above
That’s it
I’m gonna need to see some success stories:)
Once again credit to @ghostfest
If you enjoy my posts leave a comment so I can start posting more positive content like this
Don’t procrastinate
Get it done
The cost of procrastination is the life you could’ve had
Much love, Honey💕💕
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shrekgogurt · 6 months
An ask game for writers to procrastinate working on you WIP(s)
Thanks for the tags @theearlgreymage and @wellbelesbian !!!!
🦈Tell us the name of your/ one of your WIP(s)
For the sake of this endeavor I’m gonna focus on I Knew A Boy, I Knew A Man which is also more affectionately referred to as IKABIKAM, eyecab eyecam, 👁️🚕👁️📸, etc.
��Describe your wip/one of your wips in the format of “___ + ___ =___”  
Natasha as like a vaguely Margaret Thatcher figure but she was in office in the late 90s not the 80s don’t think about it too hard okay the exact policy/praxis doesn’t matter so much as the ideology/vibes/dynamic + Davy (The Mage) as like a fucked up Welsh caricature (of his own design) because he’s overcompensating and has the media literacy of the worst film bro you’ve ever had the misfortune of talking to = their sons falling in love through football/soccer against all odds as juxtaposed between childhood and adulthood.
🌍What tags or warnings will your / one of your wip(s) need if you intend to share it?
🧭An alternative title to your/ one of your WIP(s)?
Solsbury Hill for obvious reasons
⚠️Which wip you’re most likely to finish or update next?
This one :-)
💾What is your document of your wip/ a wip called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
Okay, I’m usually absolute ass at naming files in any helpful fashion but this project is so organized on Google Docs. My notes app is a different story. Those don’t even have titles. I just launch into my whims as they come.
Most interesting answer I can give is that the folder containing all my fic documents is titled “kill the part that cringes.”
🖍Post Any sentence from your wip
Listen, I warned y’all.
To be in love with Simon Snow—a life sentence, an encyclopedia of grief.
♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP
In the original musings of IKABIKAM—titled Scarborough Fair as the club was gonna be in Scarborough—Simon was Irish rather than Welsh and raised by Ruth. I know. Wild to think about now. But it’s true. And then I did some excavating on canon and the story we have today was born. Lost to time (the original idea of this fic which was actually two fics) is a whole very fun scene. I had planned that after the international break match against other, Simon convinced Baz to go out on the town with him. I wrote this snippet back then. It didn’t make the cut for obvious reasons and honestly I don’t know how much I stand by the characterization. Or the prose. Everything about IKABIKAM is better to me but this sexy little number deserves the people’s attention. I’m slightly concerned it’s offensive.
They’re playing INDUSTRY BABY in this club right now? I’m not dancing with Simon Snow to a Lil Nas X song. That music video…I’m only a man. I’m also not exactly sober. I will not risk a Snow relapse. Besides, Snow himself just downed the rest of his drink.
He leans toward me to say something. With the combination of his drunkenness and his accent I can barely make out his words, “eye gahta gohbakta da barrr.” (Translation: I’ve got to go back to the bar.) He really doesn’t.
I pluck the glass from his hand, “this last one is on me.”
He goofily smiles. His head is drooping to the side and his eyes are half-lidded. It would be adorable if I wasn’t worried about him falling over. I scan the room. One of the other Irish players is nearby. I hook Snow’s arm in mine (both my hands are full!) and drag him towards his teammate. He stumbles behind me looking completely blissed out.
I tap the other player on his shoulder. Clancy I think? The left winger. “Hey, I’m going to force Snow home so he can avoid a stomach pump. Could you make sure he doesn’t wander off while I close out my tab?”
He nods. I throw Snow at him and maneuver through the crowd up to the bar. It’s packed. I finish my own drink before I can push an opening to order. The bartender nods at me. She looks worn out from the night. I don’t blame her.
“Soda water with lime please.”
“Sure. What’s the name on the tab?”
“Grimm-Pitch. Could you close it?”
She nods and turns on her heel. A minute or so later she returns with the drink and my card. I take them.
“Is there any chance I could close out my mate’s tab too. He’s pissed.” I gesture back at the direction of Snow and Clancy. A circle of women have surrounded them. Honestly, fair.
The bartender gives me a wary eye. “What’s the name?”
“Snow? Like the footballer Simon Snow over there?” She points at Simon.
I nod. The bartender scoffs, “Sure I’ll give Simon Snow’s card to some random Englishman.”
Random Englishman? Am I really going to have to do you know who I am this woman? I go for a subtle approach and just sort of lift an eyebrow and draw attention to the name on my own card: Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch. The realization hits her. I was afraid I would have to tie my hair up.
“Oh shit. Fuck you’re Baz Pitch.” She stares at me. I hold out my hand. “Right, the card!” She hands me Snow’s card.
I nod, “Alright. Thanks.”
She shakes her head at me, “No, sorry for the hassle. Have a good night English…defensive midfielder…Baz Pitch.” She says my name with a laugh like she’s awestruck I’m in this Dublin nightclub (fair), “and thanks for the win today!”
I’m beyond tired of hearing that line.
When I return Snow is having the time of his life: posted up surrounded by ladies singing along to Ayyy Ladies. They’re not being subtle in their flirting. (Again, fair. Good for them.) Snow is incredibly respectful despite being off his face. Good lad. He’s still far too drunk to consent to anything so I don’t feel terribly guilty for pulling him away from the grind fest.
When he sees me approach he lights up, “Baz!” His arms fly open. “Took you long enough.”
I hand him his drink. There is a blonde woman dancing on him. She throws her arms around his neck. He knocks back the drink and chugs it in one go. A little water dribbles down his chin and he wipes it away with his thumb. It catches on his bottom lip. He hasn’t looked away from me once. And this fucking song…
“When I hit it from the back, don't fuss, don't fight
When I put it in ya mouth, don't scratch, don't bite”
I need to get the fuck out of here.
He hands me back the glass, “That drink was awful. What was it?” His speech is a little less slurred than before.
“Water. I’m taking you home.”
He blushes, “What?”
“You’re plastered. So, you should get sick in your own loo rather than on this lovely woman,” I give the blonde a wink. She dances away.
I’m pretty sure tabs aren’t even really that much of a thing in Ireland. And like…I don’t think you can close them out for someone else. So like. I don’t know what the fuck I was on while writing that. Obviously not Google.com, or reality. But most of all I was absolutely jump-scared reading that back and discovering I was gonna make Baz a defensive midfielder? WTF!?
🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
A hockey one-shot. Whenever it happens the chirps are gonna be out of this world.
🤡How many Wips are you actively working on?
One in a way that’s meaningful. Maybe two. It’s a fresh thing.
🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
The chapter is really expositional in an isolated way and so I have to backtrack for context without being boring.
❤️Not a question, just a second kudos to send.
Blessed beyond belief.
Now tagging @artsyunderstudy @brilla-brilla-estrellita @cutestkilla @facewithoutheart @hushed-chorus @iamamythologicalcreature @ileadacharmedlife @j-nipper-95 @noblecorgi @prettygoododds @thewholelemon @valeffelees @roomwithanopenfire @youarenevertooold @you-remind-me-of-the-babe omg and @emeryhall tell me everything
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thecryptidzenith · 4 months
I was thinking today about a timeline where Midnight Oil Riz gets back to his mom and somehow ends up in a party with the rest of The Bad Kids in Junior year (ignore the logistics). Thinking about him having to interact with the Rat Grinders is so funny; I feel like he'd see Kipperlilly being mean to Kristen, immediately try to find something to blackmail Kipperlilly with to force her to drop the election, and accidentally uncover Porter's whole plot in approximately four days.
First of all, I'm delighted that my silly little fic lives in your brain enough that you're thinking of alternate timelines, that's incredible. And thanks for sending this to me! I love excuses to procrastinate and excuses to yell about my guy.
So obviously, I'm God, and there's a lot of stuff prior to where this would be on the timeline that would have an impact, but I'm going to keep my cards as close to the chest as possible, however I think the thing that would impact this the most has already happened: which is that Poxson Tiktaalik is a student at Aguefort. On that, Kalina says "I have contacts at Aguefort." and "There’s more than one conspiracy going on at Aguefort," (to which Riz's internal response is 'what a fucked up school,' a sentiment made extremely funny both because he's an Aguefort student in canon and because he'd be an Aguefort student here.) This will be said directly soon, but Riz has met Eugenia, he's passing rogue class. Logistics aren't a problem at all.
But here's the fun part: the second conspiracy Kalina's referring to is Porter's plan to take Ankarna's place in the pantheon. Him and Jace are her contacts who take care of the administrative aspects of Poxson Tiktaalik being a student there. And Riz has already passed freshman and sophomore year with flying colors, and Eugenia knows who he is. The only thing that would need to happen would be changing his name in the system, and that's not technically necessary. Porter knows Kalina, and he knows Kalina wanted Riz in Aguefort's system for some reason. Throw in anything he may have heard about Poxson from Eugenia or any other networks he may be a part of, and suddenly, he looks like an incredibly useful ally with a high likelihood of helping them. If Kalina did, surely her protege would too, right?
Plus, this is a super tumultuous time for Riz. His living situation has changed drastically, his mom is alive, and he only recently found out that his godmother--his closest confidant--kidnapped him as a child and groomed him to be her actor in the physical world. Kid's not doing great as a baseline, and this makes everything so much worse.
How much does he really know or care about the Bad Kids? He's not exactly a team player here, and these kids are directly responsible for his ability or lack thereof to go to college. In canon, Riz doesn't have any resentment for them, but here? That's likely to be a different story. The two people he actually cares about are his mom and Aelwyn, the later of whom is working for Kipperlily Copperkettle.
Would it be so wrong of him to be a little angry? After everything he's been through, would it be unreasonable for him to get a little mad?
This isn't to say he'd join--there's no way he wouldn't despise the Rat Grinders, especially Kipperlily. He'd find them incredibly entitled, petty, and incompetent. Porter and Jace would probably annoy him too, their final goal is just to make Porter a god, and that's not something Riz would find worth it. Maybe his complicated feelings about Cassandra/the Nightmare King have solidified into hatred and he just wants her to hurt when her wife's domain is given to a new god, but that's the strongest motivation I can devise. Compare this to Kalina, who gave him a personal reason to help her in bringing his parents back and a societal reason in using the Nightmare King's power to fix the ugly parts of the world Riz got to know all too well in Gravalvia. Porter and Jace just aren't that good. Sorry to say, but nobody's doing it like Kalina.
And then there's the Kalina of it all. Does he want to help them because it seems like the thing she would have wanted him to do? Or is he spiteful and works tirelessly to destroy them instead? There's no way he isn't curious about what in the hells she was up to with them, but what does he do with that curiosity? Maybe he plays both sides until he knows exactly where he stands. He could pretend to infiltrate the Rat Grinders for the Bad Kids and the Bad Kids for the Rat Grinders. It'd be hard to pull off, but he's Riz 'Poxson' Gukgak. He excels at hard things.
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sagethegremlin · 1 month
ok so this is kinda rambley and a tad venty but uh yeah long post about my mental state lately ig? idk tldr im gonna get sillier c:
ok so this is weird but i think getting all my thoughts out on a post will help me out through this but anyway i think ive had like really bad anxiety i think? about my fics lately. ive found myself being way too scared about what other people might think of them (way more than the usual voice in the back of my head at least) and i think ive been really scared of i guess no one caring, like the only way someone would care about one of my fics is if its this huge professional thing that means something. ive found myself overhyping or underhyping my wips when i shared them with friends, losing confidence in them entirely even if my friends said something nice, like it was always gonna look stupid so long as it wasnt in my head anymore.
i think the reason these feelings are so frustrating is because something as simple as writing fanfic shouldnt give me this much anxiety, to the point where im losing sleep and procrastinating important things over however good i am at writing something silly thats supposed to be for fun. and it hasnt just been about fanfic either, ive been so scared of how people perceive me online, feeling like i always have to type like im some big blog and constantly being scared of what other people think of me, which is the wrong attitude to have in a fandom space. this is supposed to be fun, and it hasnt been, and i want to change that.
ive really been wanting to say something for i think a few months now. ive noticed how much ive felt like i needed to overhype myself, and just how bad my confidence has been destroyed. theres been a person in my life for a while now that i havent been distancing myself from as much as i should have been, but now i want to try and work on finding ways to enjoy fandom spaces again. im tired of being scared of being expressive and enjoying myself.
im going to start writing more fics that i just enjoy, fucking around and just having fun, and I’ve been starting to doodle a little bit too c: i dont mean to make a post to like say anything big i guess i just kinda wanted to air out my thoughts a little bit (and i do have to admit it feels amazing to just get this all off my chest) but i guess if you read all this i wanna say i love you and i want you to do something good for your mental health today because its so hard to recognize when something is hurting you and even harder to try and fix it especially when it feels impossible but I believe in you and I love you :3
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theflyingfeeling · 10 months
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Ninth Day of Gift-Giving: Nice Compliments
Prompt: "You definitely have a talent for this. It’s awesome."
Resuming the sappy with this piece of the cuties making some music together (Rilla helped, of course, even if it's not explicitly implied; you just know she did 😌). Read the previous part here (yesterday's story was another horny standalone)
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A pair of hands wrapped Olli in an embrace from behind as he was loading the coffee maker. Immediately he lost count of how many spoonfuls of coffee grounds he had already measured – and suddenly he didn’t really care either. 
“Why didn’t you wake me up?” Aleksi asked, his tone as soft as the kisses he was leaving on Olli’s neck, so Olli knew he wasn’t actually upset. 
“Didn’t have the heart.” Olli thought back to waking up to fluffy-haired Aleksi sleeping peacefully beside him, offering Olli a chance to study his each and every feature until he couldn’t procrastinate going to the bathroom any longer. To make up for his absence, Olli had lifted Rilla on the bed and nearly awwed out loud at the dog slithering under Aleksi’s arm. Olli had only barely been able to keep himself from joining them, but he really did need to pee, and while he was up he thought he might as well start their breakfast preparations, like any good host would.
Aleksi kept holding him while he started the coffee routine again from the top; Olli had had enough of kitchen disasters in the past few days, and messing up something as simple as making coffee would be the cherry on the top of that cake. With Aleksi’s hands caressing Olli’s stomach and his lips sliding along Olli’s jawline, focusing on counting the spoonfuls wasn’t an easy task.
“I was thinking–” Olli started, pausing just to collect himself when Aleksi’s fingers momentarily slipped under the waistband of Olli’s sweatpants. He cleared his throat and continued: “Would you like to work on some music stuff today? Not for the band, just…”
For us, he wanted to say, but swallowed the words; he was still a little unsure of how sappy he was allowed to get at this point of their… whatever it was they were currently doing. 
(Indeed, maybe there was another reason for Olli to make his silent escape before Aleksi would awake: at times, despite all that had happened these past few days, there was a small voice in Olli’s head that still managed to trigger his self-doubt if he stopped to listen for too long. This voice, although much more quiet now than it used to be, kept trying to convince Olli that he was being too eager, too hopeful about it all and that all Aleksi was in for was just a bit of fun between friends. Alas, Olli was yet to gather the courage to bring it up with Aleksi properly, to sit down with him and make sure they were on the same page, because Olli for one was more than ready and willing to see if something real would come out of this, his fears and worries aside.)
“Could be fun,” Aleksi said. He had abandoned his task of peppering Olli’s jaw with kisses and was now in the middle of burying his nose in Olli’s hair. “It’s not like Rilla’s gonna want to spend much time outside anyway, not in this weather. So a day in sounds nice actually. Cosy.”
“Day in it is then,” Olli hummed. When Aleksi began leaving small kisses on Olli’s earleaf and temple, Olli closed his eyes and bit his lip to keep a blissful sigh from escaping his mouth. Then, when Aleksi simply laid his chin on Olli’s shoulder, his hands still petting Olli’s tummy, he decided to let the sigh out after all: with Aleksi’s touch so loving and gentle, how could Olli ever doubt his affection?
If someone asked Olli what the two of them had been working on in his home studio all day, he’d tell them they had finished a song. Mind you, he wouldn’t even be lying, merely stretching the truth a little; they had, very much indeed, finished a jazzy little tune on Aleksi’s laptop, with Olli providing the guitar riff and Aleksi, well, everything else more or less, with Olli’s enthusiastic help and commentary. However, it was only one minute long, and it had, in fact, taken them the whole day to finish, not because they had been polishing it to perfection for that long, but rather because they had constantly been distracted by each other. In Olli’s defence, where else was Olli supposed to sit when his legs got tired of crouching by the desk if not on Aleksi’s lap, since he was occupying Olli’s only office chair (fetching a kitchen stool for Olli had somehow not crossed their minds)? How else was Olli supposed to react to Aleksi sneaking his hand under Olli’s shirt if not by grinding his ass against Aleksi’s crotch, feeling his slight bulge? What else was Olli supposed to do when Aleksi’s mouth kept searching for his own if not turn around and hold Aleksi by the back of his neck, guiding their lips together over and over and over again? 
It was unreasonable to expect anything else, if Olli was being honest.
At around nine in the evening, with just a couple of snack breaks and walkies to interrupt their long slog, they were finally listening to the finished product. Olli was standing behind Aleksi, his fingers playing with his fluffy hair, and Rilla, having lazed around the whole day due to the low pressure weather, was sitting on Aleksi’s lap, as if she, too, wanted to be part of the premiere of their music project. 
From the first notes sounding from the speakers, Olli was in love. Even though he did have a music degree of his own and was more than familiar with the processes of music production, he was still blown away by how something that had started off with a few simple chords played on his old, slightly-off tune acoustic guitar could be turned into an actual song with just some clicks from Aleksi’s mouse, in just a few hours (excluding the time they had spent focusing more on each other than the song).
It had to be some kind of magic.
"Have I ever told you you really have a talent for this kinda stuff? It’s so awesome."
Aleksi didn’t say anything for a while, and Olli almost forgot about it as they listened to their little creation on loop. When Aleksi finally spoke, his voice sounded small all of a sudden.
“Thank you.” 
If Olli hadn’t known better, he would’ve thought Aleksi had been moved by Olli’s praise for him. In truth, he was probably just tired.
Nevertheless, Olli decided to say nothing of the quiet sniff he heard a moment later, almost inaudible from under the music. Instead he planted a kiss on the top of Aleksi’s hair and took his sweet time nuzzling the soft hair there.
Olli was in love, and maybe not just with the song.
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landofzero-archive · 1 year
Nagisa Ran - A Nice Day to Have Every Once in a While Chapter 1
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Writer: Yuumasu
Season: Winter
(Location: Arcade game center)
Nagisa: …… This is the game center?
Jun: That’s right~. Isn’t it lively?
Nagisa: …… On stage, I’m often exposed to loud noises and bright lights but…
…… This feels different. It’s like I’m drowning in waves of electronics.
Jun: Hmm. Are you getting overwhelmed? Do you need to take a breather?
Nagisa: …… No. I was just overwhelmed by experiencing such an environment for the first time.
…… I’ve gotten used to it, so I’m fine now.
Jun: If you say so. If you start feeling bad, don’t hesitate to tell me okay~? If something happened to you I’d get put six feet under.
Nagisa: …… Of course. It would be sad if Jun died. I’d be sad… as would Hiyori-kun and Ibara.
Jun: Haha, what about those two~? Well, I’ll be stubborn and keep living. There’s still a lot I wanna do.
…… Hm? Could that be Anzu-san?
Nagisa: …… Makoto-kun’s here as well. …… Ah, they noticed us.
…… Anzu-san, Makoto-kun. Good afternoon.
Makoto: Good afternoon~. You’re with Nagisa-san today aren’t you, Sazanami-kun?
Jun: Yep. That one next to you… Heeh, it’s just you and Anzu-san, huh?
So I guess that means you two are on a date this time♪
Makoto: Huh?! A date?!
Nagisa: …… Jun, what do you mean “this time?”
Jun: I’ve happened to witness Anzu-san and Yuuki-san walking with each other a few times—
At some point I overheard Trickstar say they’d take turns walking Anzu-san home.
But this location? And it’s just the two of you? …… You see what I mean?
Nagisa: …… I understand what you’re saying.
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Makoto: I-It’s nothing like that! Nagisa-san, please don’t look so convinced with a smile like that!
We were on set together today and decided to hang out and have some fun afterwards~
Jun: Ahaha, I’m kidding♪ Thank you for your hard work.
Nagisa: …… Anzu-san, is something wrong? Is there a game you want to play with the four of us?
Makoto: Ahh. The dance game back there in the corner seems to be two v two.
I talked a bit about playing it with everyone the next time we all went to the arcade. If it’s okay with you guys, why don’t we play it together?
Jun: Sounds good~, I’m in! What about you, Nagi-senpai?
Nagisa: …… A dance game? I’d like to try.
…… I’d also like to team up with Anzu-san.
Makoto: With Anzu-chan?
Nagisa: …… Yes, if that’s alright with Makoto-kun. Jun and I already dance together frequently.
Jun: Even if we danced together, it wouldn’t be anything new. What do you think, Anzu-san?
Nagisa: …… You’re nervous that since I’m your partner you’d only drag me down?
…… It’s fine if you do. That’s why I’ll be there to support you. Isn’t that what cooperation is about?
Jun: Wow, you always say the coolest lines.
Let’s work together and do our best, Yuuki-san.
Makoto: Yep! Let’s do our best, Sazanami-kun!
(1 hour later)
Nagisa: …… This is the first time I’ve played something like this, but it’s very fun.
…… Most importantly, Anzu-san seemed like she was enjoying herself despite being nervous at first.
Makoto: Haah, I’m tired… Nagisa-san is so impressive, you didn’t even break a sweat.
Jun: For that guy, this kind of exercise is like a warm-up for his shoulders.
It sucks to end with a loss so why don’t we find another game and wrap things up on a high note?
Makoto: I agree. But what to do next…
…… Speaking of, Eden did a collab with a fighting game didn’t they? Why don’t we play that?
Jun: Ah! I completely forgot, that game was the reason we came here in the first place.
I was so busy that I procrastinated on checking it out and time passed so quickly… Then when I told Nagi-senpai that we should check it out soon—
He said he’d never played at an arcade here before, so I took him here.
Nagi-senpai, what do you wanna do? Are fighting games alright?
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Nagisa: …… I’d rather not. I want to look around the arcade some more.
…… Anzu-san, can you accompany me? It’s a large store so I’d probably get lost easily without help. Hm?
…… In the meantime, you want to take a picture of me looking around the arcade for the Feature Live?
…… Alright. Do as you please.
(10 minutes later)
Nagisa: …… This floor is full of glass cases with stuffed animals trapped inside.
…… Anzu-san, are these “crane games?”
…… I knew it. In the past Hiyori-kun had given me a stuffed animal before saying “I got it from a crane game.”
…… I see. This is…
…… I also want to get Hiyori-kun a present, but I don’t know how to play this. Do you know how to, Anzu-san?
…… Could you play as an example? Thank you– I’ll observe it as a point of reference.
…… Hm. So the arm moves once horizontally and once vertically, and you can use this button to decide the position.
……? The position was correct, so why didn’t it lift up a stuffed animal?
…… Hmm. So there are tricks depending on the prize, just aiming straight above won’t guarantee you’ll grab the prize.
…… I understand the gist of it, so let me try now.
…… I was able to grab the stuffed animal, but it fell along the way. The claw couldn’t bear the weight…
…… It’s more complex than I initially thought. How interesting.
(A while later)
Nagisa: …… I got two stuffed animals with chains at once. I didn’t know that could happen.
…… Alright. I’ve played all the crane games around here, let’s see what other prizes there are…
…… Huh? Ibara?
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emerxshiu · 9 months
kirby doodle dump (+ some small animation tests)
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(this one from today) this dude lives rent free in my head, still trying to make his gijinka more interesting, i dunno, also trying to draw other types of hair, mainly curly (main reason i even wanted to change the one i had) here im just practicing, hold on im rambling and going in cir- next
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remember last post when i said i was gonna drop some kirby doodles but choose to draw other stuff instead, from this one to down, these are those doodles. i scrambled to search for my crayons but i coulnt find my blues and purples, and also my pink, at least i have the others. sometimes i get the need to draw with stuff like that, im thinking about buying pastels, i rlly like the art i see with them, but im afraid i might not like using them that much and end up wasting money, it has happened quite a few times with stuff like acrylics.
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he will.
welp, already knew abt the story, i just bought deluxe for the epilogue (fun fact, rtdldeluxe released on the 24 of february (if i remember correctly) two days before my birthday, needles to say i ate good that day (and also because the sploon3 dlc would drop two days later too) i also have a exclusive rtdldx poster for the pre-order :3 )
aaand then i procrastinated it and basically took up almost a year to finish the main mode and magoland missions, then beat magolor epilogue in like 4 hours, already kinda talked abt magolor epilogue in another post so basically, loved it, wish there was more stages there or to be abe to even further upgrade abilities.
rn im doing extra mode (a bit reluctant because im only doing it for the 100%) not rlly liking that mode a lot, but its ok, bad thing is that ill have to do the true missions in magoland, its gonna be a pain
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first i was gonna make it a gijinka, but i didnt like how it was turning out so i did it with normal kirbs, i think it was suppossed to have some inplied kirfluff, i forgor
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the grimm reaper and loaf, felt way too lazy to do fluff too so he's just there with the text, i love epic yarn so much, i have tried emulating it but it either requieres me to have a wii remote or runs like absolute shit. im thinking about someday getting a 3ds, not just for epic yarn, robobot, triple deluxe and also because i always wanted to try flipnote (it seems cool!) but that is if im lucky enough to find them at a good condition and affordable price
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digital doodle instead, was gonna make an animation but got too lazy, im so inconsistent with my shading
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i did make this animation, its more of a test, but it didnt work out that well
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i do have this silly one tho
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spiteless-xo · 9 months
i am having the worst memory loss of my life (/ns) and i drafted two (this is my third) ask to you aND I HAVE NO CLUE IF THE OTHERS SENT OR NOT 😭😭
tldr: i miss you! hope your holiday season has been restful! i'm officially done with undergrad and have been working on writing more because i find it incredibly rewarding to finally finish a piece! and i wanted to know if you were like me in the sense that i start so many ideas and come up with so many premises but they just sit on my computer, taking up space, never to be finished or posted for others to see 😵‍💫
also wanted to make an effort to say that i think reading tbaw was a huge part of why i took up writing again. i was just thinking about how excited i was every week with every chapter release and it made me remember that HEY i do have a passion for writing!! it's still here somewhere!!
i've been so busy with school and day-to-day life that i've totally disregarded my passion for writing and post-grad is giving me the perfect reason to ease back into it and practice again!
so sappy and sentimental but i wanted to extend a very kind thanks to you 🥹
love u forever + i can't wait to read more from you, tiffie bae 🫶🏼
(also, you were so right to name me porco fucker because that's literally me. literally me. LITWRALLYT MEEEEE)
hello hello!! this is the only ask i have from you in my inbox so idk what happened to the others 😳
miss you love you!! we’re just flying back from my bf’s parents place today. we got some fancy airport lounge passes from our friends so we’re looking forward to the 3hr layover but i’m a lil stressed out because i need to do some training courses before the end of the year for my designation (i procrastinate with them every year 💀 this is my own undoing)
i’m so so sooooo happy to hear that you’re writing!! 🥰 and i’m glad that tbaw helped remind you of your passion for writing that’s so cool hehehe i can’t wait to go creep your blog and read all your posts 🙈
love you too!! and i really hope i’ll have something for you guys this upcoming year 🥰 i miss the tbaw community and all the fun we had as the chapters were getting posted, so im looking forward to having that again with a new project!
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copperbora · 1 year
For some reason I've been procrastinating about posting a life update here. 😅 Beware... plenty of angst below.
- On August 2nd my mom passed away in hospice at the age of 61 after tenaciously battling her rare and virulent cancer for eighteen years. I'm really hurting. Grieving is exhausting and I miss her so dearly; part of me is still waiting for her to come home. I wrote her obituary. No amount of knowing for months that her death was coming has made this wretched experience at all easier. I cropped my hair in grief; I hate when people complement me on it. I think that it's the same brand of insensitive as complementing a cancer patient's bald head.
- Before my mom passed I started a marine aquarium as a form of self care; it's doing pretty great with only one known livestock casualty so far. (I have no idea what the hell my smaller cleanup crew members are doing most of the time as my little reef(-to-be) has very extensive rockwork and cave habitat.) I did lose my skunk cleaner shrimp, Jacques. I only have two fish right now.
- I haven't done much writing, so no updates on any of my fics. I miss them.
- I am working on completely relaunching and rebranding my shop and having a serious go at making it a career. I can still draw while very depressed and grieving.
- I learned today that perpetual loneliness is as physically harmful as smoking fifteen cigarettes a day. So I am slowly dying of loneliness; this explains a lot why my doctor insists every visit that I need to get a dog. I wish that my dad understood; I wish that I didn't need to care about his opinion but he's my housemate, kin, and landlord. He doesn't get mental health at all. He said he was worried about me falling into a deep depression the other day, apparently somehow unaware that I have been deeply depressed already for years which felt so invalidating. And of course we are grieving too. I feel helpless.
- My finances are shit; I barely have my nose above water.
- We're currently under threat from nearby catastrophic wildfires. Fun times. I just love breathing toxic wildfire smoke smog, don't you? * sarcasm * It's preventing us from doing healthy grieving stuff like hiking and attempting to enjoy these dregs of summer, living again after the horror we've suffered in watching my mom slowly die three decades before her time.
- I found the new Backroads Mapbook app and good grief I can spend spend hours on it. If you're in Canada and you like exploring our land seriously go download it, it's really fun (although also sad right now for me because: wildfires.)
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At least Casper is permanently cute.
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hanisentries · 11 months
Hani Entry #1 <3 11/10/23
My names Hani and I hate the DPS. I've been struggling to attain my drivers liscence ever since I became a legal adult, and I hate it. Where I live the city is not walkable at all. I bought apple cider today when I went to the store. I loved apple cider when I was little, so I hope I love it just as much now. I am praying that I will be able to get my driver's liscence before we go on turkey break for my college and work. One of my besties is coming all the way from Chicago to come see me and I've missed her so much, I cannot wait to see her. These entries are a culmination of my thoughts throughout the day, or perhaps only the end of the day when I get to write. My favorite color is purple so I hope there is a way for me to change my page color to pastel purple. I hate being broke, I work full time and live with my mom and I am still broke. I don't know how long I can leave my wallet with this brokeness disorder. College is obliterating me, anyone else in the same boat?  I know I procrastinate quite a bit, but this work load is insane. I haven't been able to take my lab class for chemistry which is the only reason why I want to major in Chemistry ( for the fun experiments) and its making me very sad. Today I cried after about the 394762th failed attempt at getting my driver's liscence. I just came home and plopped on my bed and started bawling. I went to the store with my mom, its a nice one with food area's and all ( I love the sandwiches they have). When we got to the register the boy taking care of our items kept smiling. I see him there every time I go with my mom and I always wear my older brothers dusty sweater when I go (quite literally every time). The cashier is really tiny and adorable, he's shorter than me (he looks like he could fit in my pocket and he has a braces smile). When I was crying about my liscence I thought of his face and it made me cry more, because I thought at least he probably has his driver's liscence and I don't :< I know how to drive it's just, every time I think all of the mechanical issues with my moms car are gone, a new problem pops out on me, not allowing me to get certified. I got my permit again though (its not that useful, I cant drive by myself). I don't want to go to school next semester but my Colombian mom would whoop my ass, so I should probably register for my classes tonight before they fill up.  I really do think having a black cat would solve all of my problems but i'm allergic I hope every one reading this has a great night, may all of your fuzzy blankets stay warm and all your pillows fluffy. I love gummy worms. (I think he like's gummy worms as well, he spoke to himself once at the counter and said "ooh gummy worms!" ) That was adorable. I need to make more money, I will continue to clock in at my clinic. For the good of the people/patients and my wallet.
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shrekgogurt · 8 months
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Well folks. I’m on my substitute teaching grind again this week! Scheduled each day up in hopes of getting some good writing done. I did on Monday! And then proceeded to finally start reading @ninemagicks Game/Set/Match yesterday and did that every bell so uhhhhhh. Today………..well ummmmm…..yeah today I worked on chapter graphics because I’m in big procrastination mode. I want to keep riding this wave of engagement (that sounds corporate gross) but I’m also very much in my head about delivering. I should probably channel this energy into writing the chapter since such pressure is Baz’s literal arc but uhhhhhhhh why do that when I could Simon avoid. I love being mentally well!
One might say I need to find my own bravado. (more under the cut)
lol the chapter title for 13 is bravado by lorde
ok anyway
“Work In Progress Wednesday” right? That means I can talk about the progress of every part of the process? Huh? Yeah? Are you gonna stop me? TRY! TRY TO STOP ME!
Aggression aside, let’s get into it.
As previously stated on Sunday, we find ourselves at intermission. But that’s just the theatrical way of slicing up the story. The fun thing about 24 chapters (I got rid of my originally planned intermission chapter because I didn’t want to write it anymore) is that math really loves the number 24. It’s scrumptious. Yummily divisible. Ergo, IKABIKAM also has/is/will be deliciously divided. Afterall, I do keep saying I’m cooking on it.
Now, to put @alexalexinii on blast (sorry for perceiving you), they wrote in the tags of a Chapter 12 reblog: #made me realise that this fic had proper arcs? And I grinned. I cackled. I rubbed my grubby little hands together at the top of my tower as I’ve been doing this whole time because oh ARCS???????? YOU WANT ARCS???????????? I’VE GOT ARCS LYING IN WAIT LIKE YOU WOULDN’T BELIEVE. (I love overselling myself.)
Allow me to let you in on some of the building blocks thus far.
Chapters 1, 2, 3: a complicated reunion which is shaky but ultimately sets up
Chapters 4, 5, 6: developing the friendship which is a crucial foundation for
Chapters 7, 8, 9: the gay (Baz’s increasingly more external “hi i’m gay”, Simon’s internal “oh wait me too”) which then explodes into
Chapters 10, 11, 12: all that political parent stuff that’s been hinted at in passing which is BIG relevant and incredibly intertwined in this tangled up mess that leads into the work of….
You get it. They’re mini trilogies. Don’t ask me about dividing the chapters into groups of four because I didn’t have that in mind while writing. I like threes better. Always have. Absolute banger of a prime number.
If you for some reason want to read more about the structure, I write a little more about it in this wipsday from when I was procrastinating 9.
Now, @cutestkilla keeps telling me I’m at the downward slope now but honestly delivering on what I’ve set up scares the shit out of me WAY more than the grunt work. I’m uhhhhh yeah. This is why I’m chronically unable to finish projects but by GOD I will finish this one. I swear by it.
So here are three sentences. You get to guess from who and when.
Loving him comes as naturally as breathing. It’s intuitive when I’m not thinking. Or rather, when I’m not panicking.
If you want to follow along with all the songs I’m hyperfixating on as inspiration I’ve been sharing them over on the “shrogurt” instagram. There’s nothing I love more than talking way too much about this damn fic. Thanks for reading!
And thank you for the tags today: @nausikaaa @facewithoutheart @hushed-chorus @artsyunderstudy @prettygoododds @emeryhall
Now tagging: @brilla-brilla-estrellita @captain-aralias @dani-vc @ebbpettier @excalisbury @facewithoutheart @fatalfangirl @hagnoart @iamamythologicalcreature @ileadacharmedlife @imagineacoolusername @ivelovedhimthroughworse @j-nipper-95 @larkral @letraspal @martsonmars @messofthejess @moodandmist @mooncello @nightimedreamersworld @onepintobean @palimpsessed @raenestee @rimeswithpurple @theearlgreymage @theimpossibledemon @thewholelemon @valeffelees @whogaveyoupermission @youarenevertooold @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
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poltergeist-coffee · 11 months
Etoiles in your college au is just so... Etoiles
Yeah, he a Philza are besties
Oh, how about Phil btw? I was wondering but forgot to ask
And maybe foolish and bbh if you have ideas for them
(Oh and Maximus and Quackity too or anyone else if you had any idea)
Unrelated to that
Man, you're lucky, unfortunately I was forced by the brazilian scholar system to study physics on the moment I went to high school
But I went to a museum with my class
On the bus, it looked like it was a class of 11 years old students
It was fun
I have to see them when I find time
The capybara are one of the most random things on the qsmp and I love them for that
However had the ideas of put the capybaras is a genius
I hope I can manage to catch on lore since a lot of the ccs are in Las Vegas and hopefully things are a bit come more calm
Enfasis on the "hopefully"
Because there's already an dead federation employee(on the first day I think)
Btw do you know if they found out who did this? I saw some people talking about how could be federation trying to frame Cellbit but something was confirmed?
- 🍽️
Anon i lied because i 100% i took a physics class last year KNSAKJVNASKJD i nearly failed it tho which is probably why i forgot lmao but still it's the only physics class ive ever done
field trips are always fun!! i hope you had a good time with your class today :DD
qsmp lore + au rambling belowwww
the new capabara is named Alexandre and is played by a new admin who speaks Portugese!! they use teal/cyan signs and Bagi found them at cellbit's castle because they said they forgot the way back to the capabara island :(( i think bagi made them a room in her bunker right after meeting them and they helped her interior decorate all day lol i think you'll like them a lot since they reminded a lot of people of richas's admin at first (this capabaras admin is also the one who's been making all the mystery twins lore recently!! like the cucurucho who spoke to cellbit before he went to sleep and made the enigma bagi solves yesterday on stream)
yee bagi found a dead federation worker like...yesterday i think? or maybe it's been a couple days...i don't remember... (i am very bad with time) everyone is theorizing that it's cellbit but specifically it's f!cell!!! the reason is because bagi got a book she had to decode and all the writing inside sounded like f!cell!! some people think that it's the federation trying to frame cellbit because cucurucho said he'll have to pay the "consequences of his actions" just before cellbit went to sleep so..... it's very sus. if something was confirmed then i don't know? i didn't see anything like that >:00
---- now onto au silliness ----
i haven't thought much about philza in this au but he is 100% there kajnbkja he visits missa who works in the library a lot :DD
Foolish is an architecture major with a minor in sculpture and ceramics!! his current major project is called "The Titan" but he just doesn't want to work on it.... he keeps procrastinating and finding reasons not to work on it because it's frustrating him so much kekw BBh often hangs out in his studio and likes to bug foolish about how much progress he's made (zero progress).
I think almost everyone at the school knows bbh because he's so sweet and friendly plus he's like always willing to help if people need it :"))
i don't have many ideas for maxo and quackity.... but maxo would probably do something in programming/coding and quackity is double majoring in linguistics and law? maybe?
I can totally imagine there being a rumor among a lot of quackity's friends about him and wilbut because quackity keeps claiming they're dating but if you ask wilbur he's like "what" MVKADSJ maybe there's a bet on if people think it's really true or not lolol
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tohokuu · 1 year
rant - mentions of death and suicide and blah blah blah
i feel like i only come on here to fucking rant lmfao
but hey ! at least it’s being put down somewhere and not shoved inside so then i can let it all out when things get too much and have a nervous breakdown LNFOAJF
i need therapy
like genuinely i need to get help !!
but help does not exist !
western therapy does not work on eastern minds ! and ykw- it’s fucking true. therapy doesn’t fucking work for some reason. that’s a beef reference
i just finished beef btw. great show. binge watched it and ignored all of my missing work… ahaha…
i miss when i was motivated my first semester of college and used to have the mentality.
“hey, if you get it all done now, you won’t have to feel guilty about procrastinating ! and then you’ll actually enjoy doing other fun things !” fuck.
so i lost 3 of my closest friends, so i’ve got nobody to text ya know ? but like we never really texted like that anyway but these were my go to friends yk ? the ones i always hung out with but they’re no longer here so now i’m lonely asf w nothing to do and i’m like …. heehee
just hanging there looking like a fucking L
like i’m a fucking loser LMFAO
i’m a loser
i bring nothing to the fucking table
i’m failing my classes bc i don’t understand anything anymore
i cant fucking write
idk how to fucking write
i don’t have friends
i’m fucking ugly
i actually serious hate everyone
my reputation is actually a lot worse than i had assumed btw ??? like … apparently there’s rumours abt me saying “she likes to ruin relationships for fun” and how “the things ppl hear abt me are unbelievable”
like is this fucking highschool ??? why are you focused on spreading rumors abt me instead of trying to fucking graduate college you stupid piece of fucking shit ???
and then this dickhead today i was talking to 😀 i tell this mf i need a job and ask if his place is hiring
he says “start an onlyfans” are you kidding. that’s so rude, inappropriate and disrespectful.
he knows i’m somebody that believes in God and i’m religious LMFAO ik i literally write porn on here for leisure but like … cmon 😀 seriously ? and this is a guy i barely know and ykw, everything in me was like “they’re all the same. they’re all the fucking same.”
and rn my sister just knocked on the bathroom door tryna fucking irritate me bc she can’t find my fucking gua sha like bitch you didn’t fucking ask to use it and no i don’t know where the fuck it is god leave me alone please
and then my mom keeps annoying me about coming down and grinding the chicken bc i was supposed to make dumplings today and freeze them but i’m fucking tired and it’s 10 pm and i’m not grinding chicken and then cooking it and making wontons. no. no. no. no.
i just want it to all stop. i just wanna breathe without my mind thinking a million fucking things at once. i feel like i can’t breathe without inhaling problems. i just wanna crawl into a fucking hole and fucking die. i literally want it all to stop. i don’t wanna actually die but i want to be happy please this week was shit. it was shit. i feel like shit. i just want it to stop. please.
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good morning! I crashed hard around 9 last night and woke up at 5. ran to the grocery store before 6 and honestly I might start doing my shopping then! I was the only person in the store apart from the employees and it was very peaceful. today is thursday and I do not expect to hear about the job today—for whatever reason I feel convinced it will either be friday or (much more likely) monday or tuesday of next week. I think/hope asserting that aloud will help me get a little mental distance from it today, as yesterday was kind of a queasy anxiety day that did not feel good.
I haven’t double checked my schedule yet but I think this is what today looks like:
6-7:30 coffee, lounge, look at job postings
7:30-8:30 log on at work, send a calendar invite and email about that june meeting, update my list of april/may projects
8:30-9ish I did not go for a run alas I lay in bed looking at patio furniture 😔
9-9:30 shower/get ready
9:30-10:30 work on articulate course
10:30-11 AS mtg
11-12 LF (I have to be camera-on but I don’t need to be especially attentive as it’s a giant group meeting so I can keep working on the new course)
I think there’s an onboarding session shortly after that I was supposed to observe but my lead took that project yesterday so maybe I don’t have to go idk
1:30-2 DR mtg
then sometime this afternoon my sister and I are going to go trail rollerblading, which should be fun and maybe a little terrifying since I haven’t skated since last summer. I would also like to do at least a short walk with the dogs at some point! oh and that reminds me—recently I read an article about the #1000hours challenge (which I think is a parenting tiktok phenomenon?) where families try to spend 1000 hours a year doing activities outside together. it’s obviously a bit gimmicky and I’m sure people are insufferable about it on social media haha but I do kinda like the idea of challenging myself to find more ways to spend time outside every day, especially as the weather gets nicer. I want exercise and social outdoor time to be a big part of that (I have some ideas for summer activities I want to try) but I also just like the idea of doing more casual hanging out and working outside. my sister got me a hammock for my birthday and my HOA just installed a big communal picnic table right outside my place so I think some future IUI cycle goal might be to build a habit of reading outdoors for 30 min a day on a regular basis. I’m not actually aiming for 1000 hours but I like the idea of trying to spend 2-3 hours outdoors most days this summer.
mm okay at this point I’m just procrastinating on starting the day sighhh. time to get up and face my job again.
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kinetic-elaboration · 2 years
November 28: Five Things
I was going to write today but then I procrastinated way too long and now it's late and I need to get SOME sleep. It's always so easy when you're just thinking hypothetically of putting words on the page. Then it's impossible. Then you actually do it and it's not that bad! A constant cycle. I'm pretty down about it because of how my vacation worked out. Well anyway, maybe tomorrow.
New furniture for the reading room has finally started to come in. We only finished clearing it in June. I don't know, I'm so upset about pretty much every aspect of this project, I'll always be hurt by it, it doesn't even matter if it turns out "okay in the end." Also, even though the furniture I saw looked interesting, it's, first, not stacks, which is what I think should be in the room, second, completely unrelated to the otherwise coherent style of the library, and third, possibly still awful depending on the Texture of the items, which is yet to be determined.
I'm trying to re-organize, yet again, for no real reason, my writing projects--this time primarily because I want a Physical Object to flip through. Anyway this is going pretty well so far except I'm realizing that I have old notes I can't find... and I can only assume they're handwritten in some old notebook (old = anything pre-plague) and I am just... ugh, how will I find them? I need a secretary.
I've been trying to get myself together for these last three weeks (three weeks only!!) of work before my two week vacation, which mostly involves various lists. And a calendar! I feel like half the stuff that's supposed to be on the work agenda simply won't happen, but that it will also be beyond my control. Trying not to have any feelings about that. My stuff is mostly figuring out gifts.
Yet again the mail room/library mail area situation is causing Vague Drama around me. I hate to be this person but I think literally everyone involved in this, and also the Dean, who is not involved but who I do ultimately blame tbqh, should get in a room for an hour and pool information/assumptions because the communication is so absolutely wretched that this stupid af thing is still causing headaches months after I first predicted it would cause headaches. Look, I love being vindicated (love it!) but when people have passive aggressive fights and I end up in the middle it is less fun. And it's getting old. I canNOT believe how much breath I have wasted on something that sounds as stupid as it is: the fucking mail.
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