#i never get manicures because my job would destroy my nails
I want to go to a fancy spa where they give you fluffy white robes and you spend the entire day getting pampered.
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wolfstarlibrarian · 3 years
Hi librarian, I hope you're doing well. I'm super grateful for your blog and your recs always get me through whatever I've got going on. I was wondering if you have a list for meet-ugly fics, they're my favorites
Hello friend! Your sweet asks always make this Librarian smile, and hopefully this list of fics will return the favor. There are…a lot of fics in this category so there are even more fics below the cut. Happy reading!
💞 Wolfstar Meet Uglies 😅
St-rain-gly Familiar by Judeyjude
prompt: Remus is having a terrible day. To top it all off, when he gets caught in a sudden downpour his umbrella refuses to open. Luckily for Remus, a black haired stranger comes to his rescue. The rescuing doesn't go quite as planned...
Smoke Signals by @kattlupin
Sirius Black, the reluctant God of Black Island, has his world turned upside down. Not by the smoldering volcano that has come back to life and is threatening to blow its top and destroy them all at any moment, but by the islands mysterious, surfing, pot smoking inhabitant, Remus Lupin.
The "Sweetest, Kindest Person" by @kittycargo
Lily's friend Remus comes to the dental office where Sirius works to have his wisdom teeth removed.
Strangers on a Plane by @halictus-writer
Sirius is planning on reading during his short flight. But his seatmate is rather handsome, if not a little standoffish. They're both short on tact today.
Operation Puppy Love by @goodboylupin
After a long string of failures, Sirius must take on the mantle of Man's Best Friend to help James win over one Lily Evans. As a treat for his good deeds, he meets the man of his dreams.
The Social Penetration Theory by @catewip
When Remus Lupin gets distracted by his insanely attractive new classmate, technology rebels and chaos ensues.
Fine Motor Skills by @my-coming-of-age-novel
Sirius Black's car needs work—again. Meanwhile, Remus Lupin is amused to see his favorite customer back at his mechanic's shop. An ode to classic "tattoo artist meets florist" fics, this "mechanic meets bookstore owner" one subverts the trope so the exact opposite marauder that you would expect to own each shop does.
To Fall for/on the Northern Line by @ptarmiganlettercarrier
What happens when the only other guy on the train trips over you? Well... if you're Sirius Black, maybe you start to flirt. And maybe, just maybe, he flirts back.
Tom Jones (A Love Story) by @wook77
The story in which Remus is a street musician, Sirius is a self-important banker that spends more on his coat than Remus makes in a month, James is James and Peter likes Tom Jones.
Hogwarts Bouncy Castle of Love by Children_of_the_Shadows
To many, Sirius in a bouncy castle may spell disaster, but to Remus it is where he has found true love.
Swipe Left for Safety by @remywrites5
His finger hesitated over a picture of someone who absolutely couldn’t be real. He had long, dark hair that fell well past his shoulders and grey eyes that Remus thought must have been either contact lenses or photoshopped. High cheekbones and sinful lips the man looked like a model. Remus was not about to get catfished by a picture that was probably of someone famous that he just didn’t recognize. Besides, what kind of a name was Sirius anyway? It was obviously fake. He swiped left. Not today, Satan. “Hard pass on that guy, huh?” Someone said from above Remus. “Ouch.”
Huckleberry by @wolfywordweaver
One dusty morning in a small town in the middle of the Wild West a gunfight brings the best gunslinger of the Greyback Boys face-to-face with the legendary Black Grim. Who's got the fastest hands in the West?
Chance Meetings, Therapeutically by @halictus-writer
Sirius is getting himself through post-divorce life when he re-meets the husband of the man his husband was cheating on him with.
Be Nice to the Wait Staff by wannnabesuper
Inspired by the instagram @overheardbumble: "I ended the date early because he was rude to the waiter." "Ugh, I hate that." "I know...But I ended up going home with the waiter, so it was worth it."
Headband by diiiangelo
When Remus finally agreed to go watch a soccer game with Lily, he didn’t know that the most gorgeous man he had ever seen would be playing. He also definitely didn’t count on said man kicking the ball right at his head.
Something Beautiful -orphaned account
When Remus Lupin's ex talks him into a drunken tattoo mistake, he goes to his friend and co-worker Lily for help. Luckily her husband's best mate is a tattoo artist who can help with the cover up. Unfortunately for Remus, the tattoo in in a rather compromising area, and he'll have to get over his embarrassment. Luckily for him, Sirius Black is just the man for the job.
Customers Only by Judeyjude
"Dragging her eyes back to Sirius, the hostess pointed a perfectly manicured nail to the sign on the podium that read: Restroom for Customers Only." A charming stranger saves Sirius Black from a sticky situation when little Harry's on the verge of wetting himself.
The London Underground Book of Love by Children_of_the_Shadows
The cardinal rule of the London Underground is to never, ever make eye contact. It is a rule that, among many others, Sirius tends to follow despite his otherwise rebellious, non-rule-following nature. So the first time he makes eye contact with a human being in the subway comes as much of a shock to him as anyone else. Especially when he's unable to look away.
False accusations -orphaned account
It's December 1981 and Sirius has his hands full with Harry, when one afternoon he receives an unexpected visit from Child Protection Services.
On Behalf of the Souls -orphaned account
When Remus gets into an unwitting row with a couple of drunk men at the pub, the last thing he expects is for the gorgeous person at the end of the bar to come to his rescue. But the Universe seems to be interested in seeing them together, as Sirius Black finds something he likes very much about Remus Lupin, and aims to keep him.
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
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A rogue storm had her presumed dead and stranded on the red planet. Left on her own, astronaut Aelin Galathynius has four years to make it to the next drop-site, some two thousand miles. Armed with her smarts and dwindling supplies, Aelin attempts to survive on an inhospitable planet, when the nearest help is only millions of miles away.
masterlist - ao3 - last chapter - next chapter 
Aelin carefully filled a container of water and walked it to her garden, pouring it over the crops and repeating the process until each little plant had been watered.
A camera had been set up in her garden so she spoke to it, still speaking as though TNSB couldn’t hear her or see her every move. “Now that everyone can talk to me, they never want to shut up.” She kissed the leaf of the smallest plant, smiling down at it and whispering a soft word of encouragement.
“They’ve even got a whole team micromanaging my crops. Which is just great,” she added sarcastically. Aelin and the botany team were not on the best of terms. “I don’t mean to sound arrogant,” she spread her arms, as if to say look at all of this, “but I am the best botanist on this planet.”
Aelin put the container down and dusted her hands, “In other news, they want me to pose for a picture. I’m debating between ‘High School Prom’,”’ she posed with her hands elbows bent and hands clasped over her stomach, “or ‘Happy College Student On A Pamphlet’,” she hooked her thumbs through imaginary backpack straps, pasting on a gloriously fake grin. “I’m not sure how it’ll all convey with my spacesuit on, but we’ll figure it out.”
Aelin laughed to herself and walked out to the kitchen area, now addressing the camera by the microwave, “Another cool thing about this communication business: email! I get a big data dump, like when I was on The Lani and stuff. Athletes, academics, musicians and even the prime minister too. But the coolest, the single coolest email I got was from my alma mater, the University of Orynth. They tell me that once you’ve grown crops somewhere, you’ve officially ‘colonized’ it.” A cocky grin overtook her features, “So I colonized Farnor. Suck it, TNSB botany team,” she stuck her tongue out before fetching her suit to take her photo.
Asterin was in stitches as she looked at the picture Aelin had sent. The golden-haired astronaut was mid-jump, her legs bent and her arms stretched up to the sky and she could make out the huge grin splitting the woman’s face. “Oh, this is so like her,” she murmured, tracing an iron nail over the photo. “This – I can use.”
“Good,” Weylan said, already on to the next topic. He addressed Sartaq and Gavriel on the screen, “Sartaq, is your team still on schedule.”
The man looked beat, a certain bleakness in his eyes, “It’ll be tight, but we’ll make it.”
“Make sure you do.” He tapped the table, “Nine-month flight puts us at day 868. Did we get the Botany Team’s assessment?”
Gavriel nodded, “They estimate her crops will last her until day 900. They resentfully admit Aelin’s doing a remarkable job.”
“Resentfully?” Manon questioned, arching a manicured brow.
“Yes, um, Aelin has a tendency to tell them to go have sex with themselves whenever they disagree with her or question her method. Either that or she tells them she’s the best botanist on Farnor and therefore she doesn’t have to listen to mediocre scientists,” Gavriel told them, a slight wince on his face.
The director of TNSB just shook his head, “Get her in line. We can’t have any miscommunications.” He turned to Manon and Asterin, who were both badly hiding their amused grins. “Food gets there at 868, hers lasts until 900…I hate this margin.”
“And that’s assuming nothing goes wrong,” commented Manon, ever-so helpfully.
Aelin grabbed her toolkit and wedged it under her arm as she walked to the airlock, going out to do some late-night modifications on the rover.
Something was niggling in the back of her mind, but she paid it no heed, just wanting to do her work and sleep like the dead after whatever meager dinner she could scrounge up. She was running out of ketchup and she dreaded the day that she was forced to eat plain cooked potatoes.
A yawn grew in her and her eyes watered, gods above, she just wanted to sleep.
When one was stranded on a desolate, slumber was a fickle thing. Aelin’s eyes grew heavy as she pulled the airlock handle down.
All she heard was a ripping sound going along the canvas of the airlock before she was airborne, an explosion catapulting her and the tunnel far far away.
A strangled, panicked cry escaped her as she was battered and flung around the airlock as it flew through the air and crashed, her helmet crashing into something and she heard a cracking sound, closing her eyes on instinct.
The canvas tube rolled too many times for her to count until eventually it stopped and Aelin sat up, alarms blaring in her helmet.
It was cracked.
Fuck, it was cracked, a little hole where the polycarbonate-plexiglass had been chipped free. The beeping didn’t stop and Aelin fought to keep her breathing under control as she scrambled to her feet and wrenched the duct tape free, ripping off a length and taping it across the longest crack and then another across it.
Her toolkit had spilled everywhere and she grabbed a sharp screwdriver, stabbed it into the fabric of the airlock and yanked it down, creating a big enough rip for her to stumble out of.
Aelin could hardly see past the duct tape and she spun around, desperately looking for the hab and then sprinting, tripping countless times in her mad dash.
She stepped foot in and saw… her crops, destroyed beyond recognition.
Her lifeline was destroyed and Aelin gasped, her throat tight as she staggered out. She couldn’t stay here tonight and no good would come if she attempted to fix anything now.
Making her way to the rover, tears dripped down her cheeks until violent sobs were ripping from her throat and chest. She stumbled over a pile of rocks and fell to her knees, her gloves digging into the red dirt. There was no other answer; Aelin was going to die here alone.
A scream tore from her and soon enough, she was cursing the gods, “Where are you?! Why do you fail me time and time again?!” Her throat was raw and on fire. Her voice cracked, “Somebody save me.”
But no one answered her calls, not as she stayed there, kneeling in the sand, the reality of everything crashing down on her. There was no hope left, no bright and beautiful feeling.
The gods had never been there for her. Never.
Not when her parents died in that car wreck, not when she had to protect little Elide when she herself needed protecting, not when they made her fall for a heartless and cruel bastard, who carried a chip on his shoulder, going through life thinking no one had it as hard as he did.
It was stupid and childish to think they would save her now.
The mood in Mission Control was somber, nobody daring to speak as Nox read off the message Aelin had sent. “…crops are dead. Complete loss of pressure sterilized the soil and boiled off whatever was left in the water reclaimer…”
The only upside was that Aelin had managed to store away buckets of water and didn’t have to worry about that. “How long does she have,” Asterin asked.
“Well, she can still eat the potatoes she has. We estimate about two-hundred days.”
“Rations get her to what? Day four-ten?”
“Yes, so with potatoes, she can stretch to six-ten.”
“Prelim calculations call for a four-hundred-day round trip.”
 “By day 868 she’ll be long dead,” said Manon, her face emotionless. Her eyes narrowed and she sucked on her teeth, “It’s day one-thirty-five right now, we need thirteen to mount the boosters and do inspections… which give RPL forty-seven days to make the probe. Darkness above, gods damn it.”
“How long does it usually take?”
Gavriel answered Nox, his voice defeated, “Six months.”
Weylan spoke to Gavriel, already standing and doing his suit jacket up, “I’ll let you tell Sartaq and his team.”
Fenrys was sitting in front of The Lani’s communications computer, typing an email to Aelin. TNSB had finally given them the ok to speak with her and only Fenrys had been up to the task.
Dearest G-Money, he wrote, laughing quietly to himself, Apparently, TNSB deemed it appropriate for us to talk to you and I drew the short straw. Sorry we left you on Farnor, we don’t like you very much and we were all tired of you hogging shower times. The downside is we have to rotate through your tasks, but it’s only dirt (not real science). How’s Farnor?
Aelin was crying as she read Fenrys’ email. Oh, how she missed them, so terribly. The day had been a long one, one where it seemed she couldn’t stop the tears even as she fixed the mess that had been made.
She didn’t think she’d ever been as heartbroken as when she was clearing out her ruined garden and dumping the dead plants outside. After she spent a few minutes mourning all her work, thinking to herself that the botany team would be thrilled she had finally failed, she got busy – covering the hole made in the hab by taping over a plastic tarp she would no longer need now that the greenhouse was useless.
The wind was making it flutter and flap, but it would hold as she replied to her friend.
My most beloved Fenny,
Farnor is fine. How’s The Lani? Cramped, with those two broody men? I accidentally blew up the hab, but fortunately, all your movies were spared which means tonight I’m going to eat plain potatoes and watch Mulan.
Everyday I go outside and look at the vast horizon, just because I can and guess what, I officially colonized Farnor.
I hope the girls are going easy on you poor boys, I know they can be rather ruthless when it comes to board and card games.
Say hello to the others and tell Lorcan that I’m gonna beat his ass if he’s still blaming himself.
After a few minutes, she read his typed reply, just two words, Will do.
Aelin did indeed watch Mulan as she ate her dinner and then, she got up, licking her plate clean and walking it to the sink before she sat down in front of her laptop once more, opening the video journal.
She wished so badly that she could be doing anything other than this, but enough was enough. She wasn’t a child and could no longer put this off. She owed it to herself and to her crew.
“Manon, it’s currently day one-thirty-six, around nine PM. I have a favour to ask of you, and I’m sending these to you, only you, because you’re the only one who will understand. Thank you for everything you did and thank you-“ her voice broke, “thank you for being my friend.”
Aelin took a second, her eyes shut as tears slipped past her lashes, “I want you to send these to the crew in case I don’t make it, ok?”
It took a lot to decide to send these, but Aelin pushed through, addressing the first one to Nesryn.
“Faliq… thank you for being you. Every day spent with you is one I cherish, because I love you so much. Thank you for getting me hooked on The Anatolia Story; it’s addictive. I’ve read fourteen out of twenty-eight volumes and I can’t wait to finish it, but I’m trying to ration them. I won’t forgive you for liking Twilight. Take good care of my goddaughter and your wife. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you guys. Every day I miss you.”
The rest of the letters went the same way, with her saying her last goodbye to her family. Every word had her throat growing tighter and tighter, until only Elide and Rowan were left. She didn’t know what to say to him, how to tell him she loved him so when she would be dead too soon.
Hot tears were streaming down her face and she looked crazy as she spoke to Elide.
“Ellie-Boo. I-“ she sobbed once and covered her mouth, “I love you so so much. To infinity and beyond,” referencing the movie that had their obsession with outer-space beginning, Toy Story. “There’s too much to say to you. You’re my person, baby girl. Without you, I would’ve probably wound up in a ditch somewhere. I want you to have the biggest wedding and a dress with enough sequins so that I can see it in the Afterworld. You are not allowed to be sad, no tears, Elide. I mean it. My funeral better be so much better than the one TNSB had – boooring!” Aelin smiled cheekily and then grew serious, the redness from her crying making the turquoise of her eyes pop. “Be happy, my darling sister. Because guess what, you and me? More than anything, we deserve to know happiness and you’re going to have to take my happy too. I love you, to infinity and beyond.” She pressed a kiss to her fingertips and touched the screen.
The letter she dreaded having to dictate was staring her in the face and Aelin stood up, walking around in circles as she attempted to order her thoughts. Eventually, she sat down, “…Rowan. I… there’s a lot to say, but I won’t ever be able to stop crying if I say everything. Basically, I love you. I don’t know how or when or even why, but I do. I’m completely in love with you, buzzard. And I wish I hadn’t been such a coward to keep it all to myself all this time. I wish that we could’ve been together and in the next life, I will find you and I will not be scared of it, ok? I will find you again and I will not be afraid.” 
She couldn’t say another thing and ended the video, sitting and staring at the wall until she finally fell asleep.
an: that wasn’t a very nice chapter huh....anyhoo! comment/send me an ask to be added or removed from the tag list! thank you for reading darlings 
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
Female!Chromeskull x Male!Reader- Reborn
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My first try at writing Female!Chromeskull (Jessica Cromeans). This one is for the males, because they also deserve a piece of Chromeskull. ENJOY!~
It all started with you searching for a job, been almost broke, and having to evict the apartment made you feel like walking on thin ice; that's when one of your old friends from high-school, Spann heard of your quest and said she might find you something. You knew she worked for a very high and important business organization.
She had called you to tell you that there is one more assistant job and they're looking to hire someone. Looks like the organization was getting so big and important, Spann, being the primary secretary, couldn't handle everything just by herself and the boss decided that one more person could help things get more smoothly.
Spann told you a little about the CEO and you were surprised that it was a woman. Now, you weren't a sexist, but being to work under a female made you a little anxious, mostly because you couldn't talk to a woman, not even if your life was on the line.
The interview went pretty good and looks like they hired you mostly because you could speak ASL fluently and your boss was mute. Your boss was pretty, no, scratch that, she was gorgeous; tall, hourglass figure, long tresses of platinum blonde hair pulled into an impeccable pony-tail, dollface like make-up, black clothes. She was the epitome of a femme fatale and you were surprised you managed to answer all her questions without making yourself a fool.
Before you could get up she stopped you, raising her hand, the manicured red nail-polish on display.
'That won't do.' she signed, making you furrow your brows in confusion.
"What are you talking about?" you asked in a quite nervous voice, afraid you screwed up with something.
'Your clothes.' she signed, gesturing to your attire.
Looking down, you had to agree on a little with her. You were wearing a simple white shirt with faded jeans and black converse; not exactly that professional, but you didn't have the money to buy Versace and Calvin Klein. You looked down in shame, feeling like you were so out of place, then you heard her walk towards you, looking you she flashed you an apologetic smile.
'Don't worry, sweetie. You're new here, but there's always room for improvement.' she signed, motioning to you to follow her and you did, after all, she was your boss now, or so you hoped.
That day she took you out for shopping, buying you new clothes, even going with you to hairstyles to do something about your unkempt hair. You looked yourself into the mirror, seeing a whole new person and you wondered if it was really you. Your hair was all freshly cut, the upper part swiped back, then you looked lower; black button-up shirt, black slacks, and black oxford shoes.
'See...a little magic.' she signed, flashing you her pearly white teeth.
After working under her for almost two years, you started to learn much more about Jessica Cromeans and that her business wasn't exactly that orthodox like, but you learned to accept everything that included a very fat paid job that most would kill for.
With these two years came the taboo feeling and you cursed yourself every time you thought about your boss in the most inappropriate ways possible.
'She is married for Christ's sake! Get your mind out of that, [Name]!' you scolded yourself mentally, as you typed on the laptop, working at your desk for the murderous organization along with Spann.
'She would never look at you that way. You're way out of her league.' you told yourself with a sigh.
Yes, you were falling for your boss, so imagine the shock you felt when she was almost killed and destroyed. Staying close to the operating room, pacing back and forth, with Preston and Spann sitting on the chairs, waiting for their boss to wake up.
"Can you stop that, kid?" Preston grumbled, looking at you with a raised eyebrow.
You sighed, leaning on the wall and looking at your Rolex, counting down the minutes that passed.
When Jessica woke up and you heard she was alive and alright, you were over the moon, but you knew she would never be the same, ever. She became more distant and much more abrasive, but you couldn't blame her. You would be so too if someone disfigured your face.
You were glad that she was back and continued her murderous tendencies, but another incident happened that made her almost have a break-down.
Her husband found out about everything and you didn't know if you were relieved or sad that he shot himself in the interrogation room of the FBI.
Jessica stayed inside her home for at last a week and she called you to bring her some supplies; after all, you were her assistant, so a job was to be done. Seeing her modern luxurious mansion made you feel small and insignificant, but you continued, entering the house and calling for her; no response. You sighed, hoping, at last, to receive a message on the work phone, but nothing.
You groaned in annoyance and walked up the main staircase to her bedroom, maybe she was asleep. Opening the huge double doors you saw her at the mirror vanity, looking into her reflection, a lipstick in her hand that she clenched so tightly it broke.
"Ummm...boss? I brought the food and the supplies." you said, catching her attention.
Looking now better at her face, you agreed that she was destroyed; the once impeccable face, now a mass of scarred skin, her functional brown eye looking at you wide open.
'Leave it on the front table and get out.' she signed, looking away from you.
Your lips pulled into a thin line and you could bear to see her likes this; she used to be a very confident woman, marching with superiority whenever she went, so seeing her so vulnerable, broke your heart.
"Look, Miss. You have to get out at some point." you said, putting the bag on a table close and took a step towards her. Big mistake.
In an instant, she was in front of you with a glare directed to your face, teeth pulled into a snarl.
'I said to get out.' she signed into your face.
"Look. It's not that bad." you started, but were met with a slap across your face.
'Not bad? I'm a monster! I'm ugly! I'm disgusting!' she signed with ferocity.
You were done taking her bullshit and caught her wrists in a tight grip, your eyes piercing into her brown one, wide-open that you had the guts to stand your ground; the submissive soft-spoken [Name].
"Stop all this goddamn signing!" you snarled, your eyes looking from her eye to her lips, scarred, but still so kissable, so tempting. Before you knew it your lips crashed into hers, a kiss so needy and full of attention, all towards her.
If Jessica could speak she would probably squeal and scream, not expecting to be kissed, not with that face and by all means, by you. The nerdy [Name] that in all these years she turned into a handsome and suave man; you really evolved into a man since you started working for her. You gulped back and gasped, blush on your face.
"Look, Jessica. I'm not gonna tell you this a hundred times, but you're still beautiful. You still have the charisma, your intelligence, strong  and by all that happened I still find myself longing for you." you declared, making the blonde woman that was your boss almost tear up.
You knew you probably screwed up, so you were ready to leave until she pushed you back into a kiss, much more feverish than the one before, her hands running up and down your torso. The surprise that you felt was quickly overtaken, your arms wrapping around her waist, pulling her closer against your body.
The next hour was a blur of clothes flying everywhere, lots of biting and kissing, hands running over each other's body; it was pure bliss, like a dream that finally comes true, especially when you pushed into her, her mouth pulled into a silent gasp.
"Oh, Jessica..." you groaned, grinding your hips into hers. It was heaven inside her; so wet and tight.
Sadly, all the pent-up libido in you came to a final and you felt your length twitching, ready to pull out of her, only for her legs to tighten around your waist, trapping you in.
"N-No...I-I'm not wearing a condom....I...Y-You're not on the pill." you gasped, looking down at her.
'I don't care. Cum inside me...Fuck me.' she signed quickly, making you throw your head back and fill her up, her hands pulling your head on her chest, her fingernails scratching your scalp, making you groan, trying to catch your breath.
That's pretty much how you became Mr. Cromeans and she was more than delighted you were so understanding of everything, and I mean everything.
You opened the silver suitcase, pulling out the chrome skull mask, your fingertips brushing over the cold metal, then you felt arms wrapping around your waist, the skull ring on the ring finger, and the red stiletto nails giving you all the guess for who it was.
Jessica was nuzzling on your broad back, taking in your scent and masculine cologne she had bought for you.
Your smile turned into a deadly smirk as you looked back at the skull mask, the twin knives resting into the suitcase.
Oh yes....Things are just going to be dandy.
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cheezritsu · 4 years
Atsumu Miya || Unravelling
[Uhn•rav•uhl] verb, informal. to take apart; undo; destroy
Warnings: implied sex, mentions of sex, quick depiction of self harming behaviors (not explicit.) Inspired by SZA’s Supermodel
It must be considered deviant and demonic how the constant the thud thud THUD! Rings out with an even pace in the hallway of Tokyo’s finest apartment complexes. If it weren’t for the fact that calling the police would no doubt result in a press field day none of the residents of Park Mansion Akasaka wanted, someone would have filed a noise complaint. It’s a shame they did not—perhaps there might be a certain clout that comes with exposing MSBY setter Miya Atsumu’s intimate life, but it would also have saved time, money, and tears in the long run.
But, the residents of the 9th floor could not see into the future. They were instead, attempting to mind their business and not be bothered by Miya trying to make back beats by fucking someone into a mattress.
That little comparison was Osamu’s first scathing critique, until he froze completely. The disgust melted into horror as he turned his head to his companion.
“Hey-,” he starts, but as he catches the expression, the words dry up.
Yes, it would have been nicer—no, merciful—if the residents of the 9th floor had called the police when this happened, if only to spare you from witnessing it yourself.
Your hands get so clammy, the plastic bag in your hand nearly slips out. You catch yourself before the beer bottles can shatter on the marble floor that costs more than your entire block. It’s an easy clean up, but it would probably be very sticky, and disastrous, you think. Almost as disastrous as—
It starts up again, rhythmic and constant like an orchestrated performance. You and Osamu are mere steps outside the apartment, and you can hear the manic, frayed screams coming from the walls. It sounds like they’re in pain; just the way Atsumu likes it.
“Y/N,” Osamu tries once again to get your attention. The pity in his voice is unmistakable, and you hate that of all the emotions the usually stoic twin shows you, this is the one he’s chosen. Pity. Sympathy.
“Guess that’s why he didn’t pick up the phone,” you remark casually, refusing to look Osamu in the eye. “I’ll just leave it by his door with a note.”
Osamu says your name, this time with a firm edge that demands attention. You don’t give it to him. You’re too busy trying not to actively throw the takeout and beer you bought out of your measly paycheck to help your friend (attachment, entanglement, dick appointment, are all better words than friend) feel better after a crushing defeat at the hands of the Saitama Spears. (Crushing, like his hands must be around her neck for the moans to sound so strangled.) No matter, you say to yourself, hands shaking as you send him a text. Something cute and sweet with a properly sickening amount of heart emojis, like any good (not quite) girlfriend would do. Whatever it takes.
Ignoring how the click of your heels mesh with the steady thrum of Atsumu’s two thousand yen headboard against his 100 million yen walls, you march back the exact way you came; down the white, sterile hallway and passed the doors that housed the rest of the 9th floor, who would, unknowingly, pay for the mistake of not asking the shameless Atsumu Miya to please, please keep his fucking at a tolerable volume. Fame and infamy come with perks, one supposes, but they also come with karma.
You’re not thinking of revenge, though. You’re wondering how you’ll make it to the elevator without completely coming apart at the seams. Something in you unravels, much like it might if Atsumu were playing you like the fool you were; perfectly manicured setter hands curling, scratching, plucking at all the right places. No, this unravelling is much slower, much more painful, as if the single thread that creates your existence is being snipped in half. When you push the call button for the elevator, you think the thread is severed completely, because you have to lean your head on the cold steel to steady yourself.
Osamu’s approaching footsteps really only register in the very depths of your mind. The heavy breathing doesn’t really sound like yours—how could it be anyways, when you were miles away from your body, floating in the ether like a ghost; forgotten, discarded, alone. Untethered.
You lift your head up only to bang it against the wall. The soft thud is reminiscent of the moment that just transpired, and you—subconsciously, like you were possessed—start bashing your forehead to the same piledriver waltz Atsumu had played.
“Y/N!” Pity. Bang! Worry. Bang! Sympathy. Bang! Could you crush your skull this way? The mystery woman’s screams tangle in your brain like an earworm, the salacious sounds on repeat. Bang!
When Osamu’s hand lands on your shoulders, it feels like he’s tethered your soul back into your body. You wrench yourself out of his grip.
“Don’t!-” you begin to scream, but you catch the look he gives you. His grey-brown eyes are wet with concern, darting between the growing red spot on your forehead to the watery snarl on your lips. You take a shuddering breath to keep the hysteria from bubbling into your tone. “Don’t touch me. I’m fine.”
Osamu doesn’t even raise an eyebrow in pretence. His mask of neutrality and sarcasm is completely gone, replaced with anger. “You were banging your head into the wall like a patient in a psych ward.”
“That’s unnecessarily stereotypical, Osamu. I thought you were better than that.”
Crossed arms. He’s seconds away from blowing his lid. “Yer not funny.”
You wonder what would happen if Osamu blanked on you in here. Would these good-for-nothing neighbors actually call the police then? What a headline: Miya twins apprehended in two separate noise complaints. Kita would probably stop sending Osamu rice out of embarrassment.
You don’t want to fight Osamu anyways. It’s not his fault that the bearer of his face is fucking another girl as you speak.
The elevator dings, and you step inside. It’s fortunately empty. Osamu stands right next to you, hovering like an overprotective parent. The chrome doors of the elevator slide shut and you’re face to face with your own reflection: hollow, sunken eyes the most expensive concealer can’t fix; posture hunched from years of slaving over work and school; nails short and busted from part time jobs that barely pay the bills. Nails that have been raked down the chiseled, marble back of a man who didn’t belong to you, and never did.
Her nails were probably nicer. Probably manicured. Maybe he paid for it. You can’t even see your nails anymore, because your head is in your hands, shielding your ugly cries from Osamu, who bears the face of the man who doesn’t love you.
“I should have just taken the fucking hint,” you sniffle, wiping the running eyeliner from the corner of your eye. “Shoulda left him alone.”
Osamu just hums. You wished it was anyone else but him. Osamu isn’t bad at a lot of things, but comfort was one of them. He just stares vacantly at the doors, a grimace replacing his usual thin lipped look, but other than that he appears unbothered.
And then, like he’s reading condolences off a list, he says: “I’m sorry.”
The words in their sincerity sound foreign on his tongue. With one big sniff you pull the thread keeping you together tightly, gathering yourself. “What’re you apologising for? You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Sorry my brother is a complete piece of shit.”
“Well, we both knew that, didn’t we.”
Osamu can’t place what he dislikes about that phrase, but the elevator interrupts his thought process. The doors open to reveal one of the security guards eying you two up and down. His eyes narrow for a moment on Osamu’s face, and then dip down to yours.
“There a problem here, Miya-san?”
On any other day he might have pulled a fast one on this guard, but you promptly walk out of the elevator, leaving Osamu to follow your lead wordlessly. The world outside the Park Mansion Akasaka is still turning, still bustling with people catching trains home from work, their patent leather shoes from office jobs clicking on the sidewalk to a rhythm you can’t match. The thud of the salarymen’s briefcases hitting their legs echo like the headboard off Atsumu’s walls. It’s everywhere, everywhere, and your insides churn sickeningly.
You stop, one hand leaning against the glass. Osamu catches up, hands halting just before they reach your back. “Stop running away from me, name,” he says softly, exasperated. “I’m trying to help.”
“How long.”
Osamu blinks. “What?”
You’re nearly doubled over with nausea, your free hand pressed flat against your chest to keep your lungs compressing. “How long has he been with her?”
“I don’t know.”
“I swear to god, if you’re lying to me-“
“(Name) I would never do that to you.”
The promise doesn’t reassure you. Osamu runs a hand through his hair. “Look, I know this is a lot to take in right now. And I’m not going to say anything—“
“Like what?” You look at him over your shoulder, eyes squinted in malice. “Like I told you so?”
Your insolence is wearing out Osamu’s sliver of empathy. You’re unbearable like this, you know that, and Osamu is less tolerable than most. “Your words, not mine.”
“Your brother is cheating on me.”
“You’re not together.”
“There it is!” You let your head fall back in rumbling, humorless laughter. “I was waiting for that.”
“I don’t want to be a dick right now.”
“Too late, ‘Samu.” You haul yourself up, buttoning the front of your coat. “Go home, work on your winter menu. I’ll be fine.”
The statement is met with rightful skepticism, but when you start to walk away, Osamu doesn’t follow. You can’t decide whether or not this hurts, because the all encompassing pain finally registers to the rest of your body. You try to numb yourself, dissociating as every step towards home becomes a blur. Akasaka’s beautiful lights and towers fade into lesser Tokyo’s decrepit neighborhoods, with sketchy alleys and dimly lit streets. Your apartment complex is a shoebox to Atsumu’s tower residence, and it feels just as claustrophobic when you step into your crowded, tiny apartment.
It’s nicer than what your friends can afford, but that doesn’t make it any better. Your couch is also your bed, and your desk faces the window even though you can’t properly study this way. The kitchen is perpetually clean because you can’t cook anything in it. You’re sure the fridge is empty, but it’s fine, because you simply peel off your clothing and curl into a ball on your bed.
It’s not even late. You have work and assignments to do, but as you check the time on your phone, you’re immediately taken to your camera roll, where a picture from several days ago stares back at you mockingly.
It’s from his bathroom, the one that has a television screen by the bathtub, the one with hotel lighting that makes you look glowy and ethereal no matter what. You’re half dressed, in the middle of putting on your morning skincare when Atsumu comes up behind you, arms around your waist. Your face is obscured, but you remember how happy and loved you felt to have his lips pressed against your temple, the heat of his body in your side. How surrounded and safe and warm you felt.
But moments are as fleeting and fragile as glass. The illusion has been shattered, and you’re left in a cocoon of blankets nowhere near as satisfactory as his body heat, in a dark and dingy apartment you will probably stay in for the rest of your life.
Just as you’re about to set your alarm for the morning, a notification pops up. The sparkles around his name indicate that Atsumu has finally, finally texted you back.
✨T’sumu✨: sorry I missed you babe I was not in a good place
✨T’sumu✨: you got work tmrrw? You always know how to cheer me up
It’s as if your heart has been snatched out of your rib cage; your chest hollows and collapses as a sob hiccups in your throat. Something wet slides across your temple. It’s not Atsumu’s lips, not even close. You wipe the tears with the back of your hand, and throw your phone across the room.
It shatters.
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emospritelet · 5 years
Manifesto prompt : that meeting goes as well as a truce negociation during the war of independance in Scotland 500 years ago
I thought they might yell at each other, but in the end they seemed to settle for sarcasm and cold hostility *shrugs*
Sutherland eyed her for a moment, then pushed himself upright, gesturing to the side where a tray sat, containing a teapot and taller pot of coffee, two cups and saucers, milk jug and sugar bowl.
“Can I offer you some tea, Miss French?” he asked. “Or perhaps some coffee? They just brought it in before you came.”
“Thank you. Tea, please.”
He nodded, and poured a cup for her, setting it on the table and pushing the milk jug and sugar towards her. Belle added milk and stirred, setting the spoon in the saucer.
“I trust you made it to the hotel without incident,” he added, as he poured coffee for himself. “The press can be rather - intrusive - I find. Have they been bothering you?”
“I had to lock the library doors to keep them out,” she said flatly, and a tiny smile twisted the corners of his mouth.
“Well, that’s notoriety for you,” he said lightly. “Try being in Government.”
“I have no desire for more press scrutiny, thanks,” she said.
“I very much doubt they’ll be going anywhere until we move on,” he said. “You should try not to let it bother you. It’ll blow over in a few days.”
“You hope, right?”
Sutherland gave her a brief, side-long look, and stirred his coffee, tapping the spoon on the edge of the cup.
“Please, take a seat,” he said. “You’ll find the couch quite comfortable.”
“I prefer to have this discussion here,” said Belle, slipping the satchel from her shoulder onto the table and opening it up. 
“As you wish,” he said, with a tiny shrug.
He took a seat opposite her and leaned on his elbows, threading his fingers together. He had long fingers, with clean, manicured nails. Nice hands and nice eyes. Belle pressed her lips together, and turned her attention to the contents of her satchel, trying to gather her thoughts. She pulled out the folder she had brought, setting it in front of her, and took a drink of tea. It was hot, and she winced, setting the cup down. It rattled in the saucer, and she realised her hands were shaking. Squaring her jaw, she clutched the edges of the folder, trying to think of what to say. Sutherland was looking supremely calm, and it only made her more nervous. He raised an eyebrow. 
“Well,” he said. “I came up here to give the public some good news. To celebrate a local success story. You appear to have derailed that somehow.”
“Sorry I ruined your photo-opp with some hard truths.”
“Are you?”
“Not really.”
Sutherland sucked his teeth, eyeing her cautiously, as though she was a wild creature that he was unsure how to handle. Good, be wary, she thought. Corner me and I’ll bite.
“Might I ask why the library is closing?” 
“Because the Council doesn’t have enough money,” she said. “Or - or at least they do, but they’ve decided to spend it elsewhere. The new bypass, for one.”
“Which will undoubtedly provide the town with much-needed infrastructure,” he said. “It’s a long-term investment for the good of all.”
“You think education and literacy aren’t?”
Sutherland didn’t answer, reaching for his coffee and taking a sip.
“How long have you been running the library?” 
“Three years, give or take.”
“You must have gotten to know Avonleigh’s residents fairly well in that time.”
“I like to think so.”
“I suppose the library used to be sort of a focal point, in towns like this,” he added. “I remember going to one as a child in my own home town.”
“That’s how I’ve tried to run it,” said Belle. 
“Of course, things change over time,” he went on. “People take in information in different ways these days, and technology makes a lot of the old ways redundant, but that doesn’t mean libraries can’t move with the times, does it?”
Belle felt her eyes narrow.
“There’s still value in the printed word,” she said. “And technology’s only useful when you have access to it.”
“Which most people do these days.”
“Most isn’t all, is it?”
“So the majority of your patrons are the elderly and unemployed, I presume?” he asked. “Well, we certainly want to ensure the continued provision of excellent services for disadvantaged groups.”
“Which means what, exactly?” she said, and he gave her that politician’s smile again.
“Funding is allocated on the basis of need, with budgeting at a local level delegated to relevant authorities.”
She reached for her cup to give herself a chance to think, taking a sip and feeling intense relief when her hand remained steady.
“So you’re telling me the library closing is the Council’s fault,” she surmised. “Weird, they’re singing a different song.”
Sutherland spread his hands, as though trying to show how open he was being. It made her eyes narrow further.
“The Government wants to give local communities the final say in how they apportion taxpayer funds,” he said smoothly. “We prefer to relinquish central control and delegate spending decisions to those on the ground, who know how best to prioritise the needs of their people. It seems that in this case, from what you’ve told me, the need for a library was considered less important than other spending priorities.”
Belle stared at him for a moment, processing what she had just heard.
“That’s bullshit,” she said bluntly, and Sutherland’s brows drew down.
“Is there a problem?” he asked quietly, and Belle frowned.
“You’re basically trying to tell me this has nothing to do with you,” she said flatly. “But it’s central Government that controls funding, right?”
“We don’t set local authority rates or interfere in budgets.”
“Maybe not, but don’t try to tell me that’s the only source of funding those authorities get, because we both know that’s not true,” she said. “And we both also know that central Government has slashed payment to local authorities under your administration. Which leaves them short of funds.”
“Difficult decisions have had to be made.”
“Really?” Belle folded her arms. “Do you tell that to big business when it comes knocking?”
“You shouldn’t believe everything you read online, Miss French,” he said, in a bored voice.
“I’m well aware of that, don’t patronise me,” she said coldly. “Critical thinking’s something I teach in one of my after-school classes, I don’t need lessons in it from you.”
“Nor do I need lessons in the assessment of beneficial services,” he said, matching her tone.
“Then we both know where we stand, hmm?” she said. “Which begs the question: why ask me to come tonight?”
Sutherland pulled a face.
“I thought you wanted to use your new-found notoriety to discuss the fate of local libraries,” he said, looking irritated. “I thought it best that we start with a realistic assessment of the current status, that’s all. I’d hate you to have unrealistic expectations.”
“More bullshit,” she muttered under her breath, and Sutherland raised an eyebrow.
“Excuse me?”
Belle leaned on the table, watching his eyes flick up and down momentarily before fixing on hers.
“I think we both know that you’d rather not be speaking to me right now,” she said. “I have no doubt that it’s only due to the coverage of me yelling at you that you’ve decided you have to. This was as much of a press opportunity for you as it is for me.”
Sutherland frowned.
“I’ve made no secret of that.”
“So maybe we can stop with the fake concern, I’m tired,” she said coldly. “Don’t act like you care about the fate of this library or any other when it’s your Government destroying them!”
He sat back, tapping his fingers against the table top.
“Antagonising me won’t help your cause, Miss French,” he said. “I deal with more difficult people than you everyday. Most days three times before breakfast.”
“I don’t doubt it,” she said. “And I’m well aware that you’re the one with the power here. All I have is a voice, and the inability to shut the hell up and sit down when people tell me I should.” 
His mouth twitched a little at that.
“I won’t deny that you’ve provided a - distraction - that we hadn’t anticipated,” he said. “But perhaps I would have reacted in the same way, were I in your position.”
“Except you never have been, have you?” she retorted. “I imagine you’ve never had to go without anything in your life, right? Never had people dismissing your opinion and shutting you down because of your gender or your colour or - or the fact that you’re poor or illiterate! You have no idea what it’s like to have nothing, do you?”
“Does that mean you think I stand no chance of making the right decisions regarding those that do have nothing?” he asked mildly. “By that rationale, no one with a job should be a public servant. Something of a contradiction, wouldn’t you agree?”
“That’s a prime example of reductio ad absurdum and you know it!”
She could feel her fury building, her hands tightening on the folder, and Sutherland sat back in his chair. His eyes were very dark in the light from the lamps around them, his skin warm-toned and his hair gleaming, flecks of gold and silver in amongst the brown. His forefinger was running across his mouth as he watched her, an unreadable expression on his face, the pad of his finger gently pressing against the soft fullness of his lower lip as it passed. For a moment of pure insanity she found herself wondering what it would feel like to kiss him, and she licked her lips, blinking rapidly. Good God, woman, get yourself together! You’re supposed to want to yell at him, not bang him senseless!
“Getting angry won’t help you make your point,” he said quietly. “It just means that I’m more likely to stop listening.”
“Did you have any intention of listening?”
Sutherland let his hand drop, and the tip of his tongue ran across his lower lip, making it glisten briefly.
“Would it surprise you if I said yes?”
Belle huffed in frustration.
“Wow, you politicians really love answering questions with more questions, huh?”
He smiled a little at that.
“Force of habit,” he said. “How about I ask you a question you want to answer. Exactly what is it that you want from me?”
Belle hesitated.
“I want to save my library,” she said simply. “And all other libraries in this country.”
“I’m afraid that’s out of my hands.”
“No it isn’t!” she insisted. “Not if you don’t want it to be! Unless you’re saying that the Prime Minister has less power than - than a local Council leader!”
Sutherland gave her a thin smile.
“I don’t even get paid as much as some of them,” he remarked. “If you’re trying to appeal to my ego, Miss French, you’re wasting your time.”
“This whole meeting’s been a waste of my time, it seems,” she said bitterly. 
“I’m sorry you feel that way,” he said insincerely. “What’s in the folder you keep fondling?”
“Research,” she said stiffly. “Research I put together for my meetings with the Council. For all the good it did.”
“Leave it here, I’ll read it.”
Sure you will, she thought wryly, but tossed the folder across the table to him. Sutherland slapped a hand down on it, fingers pushing up onto their tips to hold it in place. 
“Was there something else?” he asked.
“I - I could take you through the research, if you wanted,” she said.
“Much as you need no lessons in critical thinking, I need no help with reading a few documents,” he said coldly, and Belle felt her jaw clench.
“So this is you patting me on the head and telling me to be a good little girl and stop bothering you, is it?” she said, and he smirked at her.
“You’re more than capable of interpreting intent and meaning, I’m sure,” he said dryly. “I’ll get this back to you before I leave Avonleigh, Miss French.”
Belle hesitated, bouncing on her toes, and he continued to watch her with that flat, dark-eyed stare.
“If that’s all?” he said.
She realised that she had screwed up, that she had allowed her frustration to get the better of her, and that she had, no doubt, played right into his hands in doing so. God, she wanted to scream! She swallowed down the bitter words she wanted to spit at him, and raised her chin, trying for a calmness she didn’t feel.
“Thank you for agreeing to see me,” she said stiffly. “I’m sorry we couldn’t reach an agreement.”
“I’m sorry too.” He was already looking away, to where his empty coffee cup sat. “My Chief of Staff will see you out. Good evening, Miss French.”
He began pouring himself more coffee, not looking at her, and Belle wanted to stamp her foot. Turning on her heel, she headed for the door, frustration boiling over inside her.
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 5 years
Decryption_Error: “The Aftermath”
Summary: Y/N has to deal with the aftermath of the incident in the server room, and not only does she have to worry about losing Elliot’s trust, but she has to navigate through the dirty layers of what it means to be a “Wall Street darling.”
Story Summary,  “The Server Room, Part I”,  “The Server Room, Part II”  “The Long Weekend, Part I”,  “The Long Weekend, Part II”
Word Count: 5300
Tags: @sherlollydramoine  @rami-malek-trash  @teamwolf2411  @limabein   @txmel  @hopplessdreamer  @ouatlovr  @backoftheroomandnotbelonging  @alottanothing  @moon-stars-soul  @free-rami
If you want added, let me know.
A/N: HUGE thanks to @alottanothing for helping me through this chapter. I couldn’t have done it without her cheerleading and feedback 💕
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It took an extra coat of concealer to cover up the purple under my eyes from not sleeping at all, and to top off not sleeping, my beauty blender broke, the top tearing off just as I finished a light blend of my foundation. I threw it in the trash, hoping it wasn’t an omen for how the day was going to go.  
The train ride into work served as nothing more than calisthenicsfor my mind. I replayed my plan over and over again and tried to predict as many outcomes as I could before I found myself swiping my badge to get into CIStech.
I was early and not even Jayne was there yet to set a meeting with Miles, so I headed into the server room and performed a few more patches on the OS. Other than that, everything seemed to be operating as normal. Looking around the room, it was like nothing had ever happened. Once again, I found myself thinking about how absurd life is, just how complicated it can become in a single moment.
Speaking of complicated, things with Elliot were now permanently complicated. We had definitely moved from work-friends to friends, and then there was that kiss on the rooftop. The one I initiated after lecturing Elliot about waiting to know if what he felt was real—if I was this confused, I couldn’t imagine what he was feeling.
I shook my head and tried to tamp down the series of questions running through my mind—nothing could be answered until I dealt with the aftermath of the server room. When I asked Elliot to kiss me during the fireworks, this was why—today, everything would change. I just didn’t know if it would be for the better, the worse, or like most things, somewhere in between.
As I made my way back to my office, I startled Jayne who was just settling into her desk.
“Good morning!” she said, her eyes wide, her voice pitched high.
“Sorry to scare you,” I began as I gave her a quick smile. “I need you to set a meeting with Miles—his earliest convenience. Then, I need a meeting set with Colin and JaLeah as soon as they walk in the door.
“Got it. Anything else?”
“Not at the moment.”
I sighed as I entered my office, my thoughts returning to Elliot. I thought about the way he looked in that server room, how scared and confused. I thought about the way he acquiesced and just let me take care of him—the way he seemed so desperate to know someone cared. I thought about the way his hair felt as I ran my fingers through it when we were stoned. I thought about the feeling of his lips on mine. And I thought about the way I felt so lonely once he was gone.
I pulled out my lime green sticky notes, and I quickly scrawled, No matter what happens today, I still owe you a night that ends with making s’mores :)
I walked out and slid it under Elliot’s keyboard so just the edge was peeking out.
An hour went by as I checked my email and compiled the data I knew I’d need for my meeting. Franco had sent his bill, so I printed it out for Miles’ approval before it went to accounting.
The office came to life as the early morning waned; although I hadn’t forgotten about what was ahead, I did enter a zone of deep concentration. When Colin and JaLeah walked into my office and shut the door, my stomach dropped as reality immediately sharpened back into focus.  
“What the hell happened, Y/N?” Colin demanded, his hands shoved in his pockets while his eyes drilled into mine.
“Take a seat. Both of you. I was hoping Miles would be here so I’d only have to tell this story once.”
“It would’ve been nice to have known something before I got bombarded in the elevator by half of my team.”
“I’m sorry, Colin. I didn’t see any reason to alert you over the weekend because I took care of the damage.”
“Damage?’ JaLeah asked, her eyebrow raised.
I pushed back from my desk and walked over to the round table. Instead of joining them, I stood and leaned onto the chair in front of me, my sweaty palms resting on the edges.  
“A few of the white hats thought it would be easier to lock Elliot in the server room than actually do their job and fix the holes he kept finding.”
JaLeah’s eyes widened and Colin’s fingers began to drum on the table.
“While Elliot was locked in, four towers were damaged. I came in yesterday and set up four new servers, so everything is up and running smoothly. It’s like nothing ever happened, minus the bill for new servers.”
“Howwere the servers damaged?” Colin asked, even though it was clear he already knew the answer.
I was quiet for a few seconds, wishing JaLeah was in charge of the white hats because she didn’t an aversion to Elliot, unlike Colin.
“Elliot had a bad reaction to being locked up,” I said, keeping my voice even.
“You call smashing four towers to bits with his fists a ‘bad reaction’?”
“They weren’t smashed ‘to bits.’” I said, my fingers clutching at the top of the chair while I fought to keep my voice even.
“What the fuck is it with you and this guy?” Colin said, pushing back from the desk, his leg bouncing as his agitation grew.
“He needs fired. Now!”
“Fired because he got bullied at work? Do you watch the news, Colin? That’s a lawsuit waiting to happen,” I said, knowing Elliot would never put himself at the mercy of the legal system, but also knowing I could use this angle to help save his job.
“That’s what happens when you hire an anti-social freak who’s probably a part of some underground hacking ring!” Colin yelled, his face reddening.
I pushed off the chair and rounded on Colin.
“Elliot is not a freak, and once again you’re proving yourself to be a real jerk.”
“I don’t give a shit, Y/N. I’m tired of listening to my team complain about him. We never had this problem before.”
“And since we put Elliot on the team, how many tech issues, you know the ones we get paid to fix, have we had thanks to his automation scripts, huh? Did you forget my job is to track all of that? I just presented those numbers to you last week or were you too busy shoving your own head up your ass to listen?”
“Don’t you talk to me like that, Y/N. You may have your job because of who your father is, but I earnedthis position after years of doing good work.”
“Go ahead! Start proving my incompetence, Colin, since I’m only here because of my last name,” I said, gesturing at the chair behind my desk. “Sit down. Give it a whirl!”
“I don’t want your job, Y/N,” Colin said, finally taking his eyes off my face. “I just don’t want unnecessary stress because one person can’t play nice.”
JaLeah, who had been watching our confrontation with a cool, steady gaze, spoke up.
“Who locked Elliot in?”
“Aaron, Julia, Maurice, Corey, and Ali are the ones who signed out the latest, at the same time, mind you, on Friday night,” I said, careful to hide the fact I had more information, careful to preserve Elliot’s trust I had worked to gain.
Colin immediately asked, “So that’s it? You walk into a destroyed server room—”
“Damaged. Not destroyed—”
“And that’s all Alderson tells you? He got locked in? I call bullshit. No way the guy didn’t rat out who did it.”
“Fill me in, then, because you sure as hell seem to know a lot considering you weren’t there,” I bit back.
“What doyou know, Colin?” JaLeah said, her interruption reminding Colin and me we were in a professional setting, not a back alley gearing up to throw fists.
Colin huffed and rolled his eyes.
“I talked to Corey—it was just a bit of hazing. They were going to go back in a few hours and let him out, but he was gone—”
“Bullshit. No one else entered the building until I came back on Monday.”
Colin shrugged his shoulders, “They knew he’d gotten out.”
“Five adults locked another adult in a secure room, knowing there was no way out! Elliot didn’t have his phone or his badge on him and I guarantee they made sure of that.”
“What did they do—steal them?” Colin asked, a chuckle in his voice.
“You’re a fucking bully,” I said, my temper rising again.
“And you’re spoiled—just another Wall Street darling,” Colin spat.
“Colin, you are out of line,” JaLeah said just as the intercom buzzed and Jayne’s voice interrupted.
“Mr. Hanson is here to see you, Y/N.”
I moved to my desk and answered, Miles entering even before I even pulled my finger from the button on the intercom.  
“What’s going on?” Miles asked as the door closed behind him. “You assured me it was nothing you couldn’t handle, Y/N.”
I gestured to the table for him to have a seat as JaLeah rose and said, “I should get back to supervising my teams since none of them were involved, right?”
I nodded and we were all quiet as JaLeah walked out.
Miles’ bright green eyes flicked between the two of us and settled on me. He plopped his phone on the table and waited, his perfectly manicured nails not yet drumming, but clearly itching to.
Miles was no-nonsense and valued numbers far more than people; in other words, he was just the sort of corporate guy that would one day rise to the top. His main concern was keeping his reputation spotless so nothing would serve as an impediment to his climb.
“There was an incident on Friday,” I began as I shot Colin a warning glance. He knew he couldn’t play his little game in front of Miles because it would publicly call out that Miles may have promoted me because of my father. It took a long time, but I had myself pretty convinced Miles hired me because of my abilities. But at times, especially at times like this, I couldn’t ignore the niggling reminder that I knew it wasn’t wholly true. All I could do was my best work to remind everyone I was deserving—yes, I was born lucky, but I worked hard to be deserving.  
Miles kept his eyes fixed on mine as I sighed and took a seat at the table. I recounted every detail of Friday night, up until the part where I took Elliot home.
“So, an employee destroying company property is what this boils down to,” Miles said in his matter-of-fact tone.
“I think the circumstance warrants some pretty heavy merit, Miles.”
“I expressed my distrust of Elliot on the day Y/N hired him—I just knew something was off. I knew something like this would happen.”
“I don’t deal in feelings, woulds, or coulds. I only deal in facts,” Miles said, giving Colin a pointed look.
“The fact is,” I said, “Elliot was a victim of workplace harassment. Events like this are taken seriously now.”
Miles gave me a measured look before nodding his head.
“What do you suggest, Y/N?”
“Colin and I conduct a formal investigation into the events surrounding what happened in the server room on Friday night. When the guilty parties are found, we fire them.”
“Oh, no way!” Colin interjected, his voice panicked. “Elliot Alderson should be fired. The others should get letters of reprimand in their file for unbegetting conduct in the workplace or something like that. Theydidn’t destroy company property!”
“The last time I checked, Colin, you didn’t have the authority to fire anyone.”
“You’re impossible, Y/N. You’ve turned this Alderson kid into some sort of charity case.”
“Charity? The fact he outperforms every single member of your white hat team has nothing to do with it, right? I am an expert in data analysis in case you’ve forgotten,” I said as I stood up and grabbed a file off of my desk.
I spread out the charts I had used at our meeting and focused on the parts I had revisited this morning to highlight Elliot’s performance. Elliot’s numbers spoke to his brilliance behind the screen, his outperformance of his teammates clear.
Miles looked over the charts, his eyes scanning every piece of information.
“Is this when Alderson was hired?” Miles asked, pointing to a date.
“Impressive. Not only has our overall performance in prevention increased, but it looks the flaws in our security network have decreased by 32% since his hiring. Do you really think that can be ignored, Colin?”
Colin’s mouth was drawn into the tiniest line I had ever seen. I was pretty sure his lips had become a part of his face, completely absorbed into the skin surrounding his mouth.
He settled for a headshake no.
“I’m not going to spend any more time on this. Y/N, I want you to compile a job performance chart like this for each of the other employees in question. Set an example of them, but make sure it’s one that impacts CIStech the least. Any questions?”
“How is this fair? She could make those numbers show anything she wants!”
“And why would she manipulate data, Colin? Is there a shortage of cybersecurity engineers in New York City I am unaware of? An example must be set because we can’t run the risk of a lawsuit. I question just how closely you have been supervising your team, if I’m being straight with you.”
Colin’s mouth popped open and I watched as his lips reappeared. I did my best not to grin because Miles had put Colin right in his fucking place.
“Will that be all?” Miles asked pointedly.
“Yes,” Colin said.
“Thank you, Y/N, for ensuring our operations were not disrupted.”
“Elliot helped me set everything up yesterday—he feels terribly about the whole thing.”
Miles paused on his way out and added, “I want everything taken care of today. I’ll be checking in with HR at the end of the day to see what action you’ve taken. Work together.”
I walked behind my desk and sat down, sighing.
“It will take me about an hour to compile performance assessments on the five of them.”
“Don’t bother. I can tell you how this is going to go.”
“I’m not firing Elliot.”
“Of course that’s not an option now. You know how to play the right cards with Miles.”
I raised my brow and asked, “So how, then, is this going to go?”
“Julia, fired. She couldn’t hack her way out of a paper bag. She’s only on the team because Aaron recommended her and carries her workload. Aaron, now he’s good. I would like to keep him. Maurice, he can go. No real loss there. Ali and Corey,” Colin said, chuckling and shaking his head. “Well, you’re fucked. Corey’s dad is the CEO of Wells Fargo, so Corey gets to have any job for any length of time he wants it.”
I huffed, but before I could speak, Colin continued.
“And Ali,” Colin said. “Ali is the son of the first female to run a publicly traded bank in Saudi Arabia—
the family’s damn near royalty. Do you know what people will say about us if wefire Ali Olayan?”
I knew that a lot of people who worked for CIStech or for Precision Machining had connections, especially people in management. I did not know the extent of Ali and Corey’s connections, but it made sense. Neither of them had gone to college, yet they immediately secured positions with us.
“Why the hell are they even working?” I asked, my voice biting into the still of the office.
Coling laughed, an actual laugh so that his eyes crinkled at the corner.
“Why are youworking?”
“I work because I need to,” I said quietly as Colin ceased his laughter and turned a pointed glare to my face.
“I’d love to live off of daddy’s money--travel, do what I want, live how I want.”
“It’s not in my nature. I need to have direction. Purpose. Without either of those things, I’d end up in an asylum.”
Colin frowned, unwilling to make eye contact.
“Other people’s problems always look much better than your own.”
“Give me an hour to compile the reports.”
“You’re the boss,” Colin said as he got up and walked toward the door.
“Do not say anything to your team other than giving the directive to finish patching the holes Elliot found on Friday.”
Colin gave me a wave of acknowledgement as he left.
I gathered the performance data, and as I waited for each report to print, I thought back to Friday night. Elliot deserved to know there was good in the world—it just sucked that good always seemed to come with a limit. Sure, we can dole out some justice, but only some. Society isn’t ready, may have never been and may never will be, to house anything that is truly good.
And that just fucking sucks.
I pulled the charts from my printer and went over to the conference table and got to work analyzing each one. As it turned out, Colin wasn’t wrong. Julia was definitely out of place amongst the white hats, but Aaron had done a damn good job. While Maurice outperformed Julia, he underperformed Aaron, so Maurice was neutral territory.
Ali, as it turned out, was a damn good white hat, his numbers second only to Elliot’s. However, Corey seemed to perform somewhere in the in-between along with Maurice.
If we went by numbers alone, Ali and Aaron should stay, while Julia, Corey and Maurice were fired. However, I knew I couldn’t escape Corey’s connection. The wave his firing could make for Miles would end my own career.
I buzzed Jayne and asked her to send in Colin.
I relayed my findings, and Colin said, “What about Alderson?”
“We’ve been over this—”
“No, we haven’t. All you’ve said is, ‘I’m not firing him.’ Fine, but something has to happen.”
“What do you suggest?”
“Letter of reprimand so it’s on file for the next time something goes wrong.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know. Seriously, though. I’ll accept Miles’ suggestion of listing it as ‘damage to company property.’”
I sighed, knowing I had to agree.
Colin was also quiet for a minute before he said, “Not that I care, but I do want to say this so I can say I told you so; Getting too close to Elliot Alderson has probably never ended well for anyone.”
“Don’t worry—I’d never think you could actually care about my life. But look at how well isolating him has worked out,” I added.
Colin shrugged. “Let’s get this show on the road.”
“Jayne—can you send in Julia?”
As it turned out, none of the five were surprised at being summoned into my office. While it was clear Julia and Maurice expected a repercussion, it was equally as clear they didn’t think it would be as severe as being fired. Julia sat stone-faced, her leg bouncing as she listened to the reasons CIStech was choosing to part with her services, and Maurice’s eyes filled with tears. I assured both of them they would get letters of recommendation from Colin.
Aaron, perhaps the most humbled and humiliated out of all of them, issued a thoughtful apology to us and as I would later learn, to Elliot. Instead of accepting a letter in his file, Aaron issued his resignation. I knew Miles wouldn’t be particularly pleased because someone else would scoop him up, but an unblemished record was important to Aaron.
When Corey walked in the room, I would more accurately describe it as a saunter. He knew he was untouchable and it finally occurred to me that that’s what I didn’t like about him—his arrogance. Corey wasn’t arrogant in an obvious way, well, not until he pulled his little stunt with Elliot.
Corey was subtly arrogant. It was in the way he smirked, in the way he took control of conversations to direct them to something he wanted to discuss. It was the kind of arrogance that was bred into a person—the kind of arrogance that got his father his job.
“Well, Corey,” I began. “I assume you know why you’re here.”
“Actually, I’m a bit perplexed,” he said, barely containing a smirk.
“Cut the shit, Corey,” Colin began, and for a minute, I actually liked him.
Corey gave Colin a measured look before turning his eyes back to me.
“It was a joke. We didn’t mean for it to get out of hand.”
“Corey, why do you work for CIStech?” I asked, throwing him off his game a little.
“I have an affinity for computers—always have.”
“But why thiscompany?” I said, careful not to push it too far, careful not to say, when you could get any job you want in your own father’s company.
“I like that it’s a mid-size company. I like the job I do and the people I work with, for the most part. I feel like I can learn a lot about the way a big company like Precision Machining operates by how it works to protects its assets.”
I listened, trying to get a read on how much of what Corey said was a truth or a lie, and how much was grey. I had a feeling Corey lived in a world of grey, of always pushing to see how much he could do without suffering a consequence.
“Corey—you’re off the white hat team. . .for obvious reasons. As of tomorrow, you will report to JaLeah for your duties,” Colin barked, uninterested in my question or Corey’s reply.
Corey nodded, his eyes roaming the room as if he were bored.
“Please consider this letter a memorialization of the conversation we held today. Note that any further transgressions against any personnel in this company will result in your termination,” I said.
“Where do I sign?”
I swallowed my disgust as Corey left the office, the scratching of the pen as he signed his name the last noise issued from him. No apology, no thanks for the leniency—nothing.
“Why do you hold such disdain for me and not for him?” I asked, knowing I shouldn’t care about Colin’s opinion, but also knowing my mind would never give me peace until I asked.
“Oh, it’s equal amounts of spite for all of you Wall Street darlings. It’s just I still have some power over Corey. For whatever reason, he listens to me. Plus, the dude’s a beast at our pick-up games on Saturdays and I like to win,” Colin finished, smirking at me.
He continued, “Get over it, Y/N. He might be your boss someday and we will lick his bootheels just like every other clown that came before him and will come after him.”
Nope—shouldn’t have asked. Should’ve just let my mind wonder,I thought.
“Jayne,” I said into the intercom. “Send in Ali.”
While Ali was as visibly unshaken as Corey, he lacked Corey’s arrogance. Ali was much smarter than Corey and his family was quite strict. His family trusted Ali to conduct himself with propriety and to maintain the legacy his mother was working to build.
Ali apologized and readily signed the letter; however, Colin was keeping him on the white hats.
“If you ever even sneeze in Alderson’s direction, you’re off the team.”
“I understand, sir.”
There was only one more meeting left, and my stomach was clenched in knots. I did my best to maintain a front of only casually caring, but I wanted to get this over with as painlessly as possible.
“Jayne—send in Elliot.”
I closed my eyes for a moment and hoped against hope that Elliot would be okay, that this moment wouldn’t ruin the trust we had begun to build.
“Hello, Elliot,” I said as I gestured toward the empty seat at the conference table.
“Hello,” Elliot replied quietly without looking up at me.
“Sorry to interrupt—” came Jayne’s voice over the intercom. “Mr. Hanson is here.”
“Send him in, Jayne,” I said after walking over to answer her and wondering why the fuck Miles was coming in for thismeeting.
If Elliot didn’t appear nervous before, he certainly did now. I could see the movement of his eyes beneath his lids as he examined the floor, probably counting the fibers in the damn rug under the conference table.
“Carry on,” Miles said, as he took a seat at the table, his eyes glued to his phone.
I cleared my throat, praying to god my voice didn’t give out.
“I understand several employees conducted themselves in a manner unbefitting of CIStech’s code of ethics. Those employees’ behaviors have been addressed, and we apologize for the stress endured as a result of their actions.”
When I said, “we,” Elliot looked directly at me. I averted my gaze, shame reverberating through my mind for what was about to come next.
“However, even though your actions in the server room were a direct consequence of their actions, we must issue you a letter of reprimand for the destruction of company property.”
Miles set aside his phone and interrupted, finally providing an answer for why he unexpectedly dropped in.
“Listen, Mr. Alderson,” Miles began. “Y/N is as professional as they come, so I wanted to drop in off the record. Your job performance is outstanding, and we don’t want to lose you as an employee. I am sorry this happened to you, and I want to do anything I can to help you think of CIStech as an ideal work environment.”
Elliot just looked at Miles, his eyes unnerving and unblinking before he finally said, “You’re lucky to have someone like Y/N in charge. I’m sure nothing like this will happen again under her supervision.”
I couldn’t believe Elliot was defending me—I was so shocked that I almost laughed out loud. Here I am, on the opposite side of the table, having agreed to his reprimand, and he’s defending me.
“I agree. She’s proven herself an asset time and time again,” Miles said, shooting me a brief smile.
Colin hmphed, a noise that did not go unnoticed by Elliot, but I’m pretty sure only I caught the quick flicker of his eyes in Colin’s direction.
“Just don’t be surprised to see our appreciation for your skills reflected in your new contract after the next round of employee evals,” Miles added, smiling briefly at Elliot before he turned his head to me, waiting for me to finish the reprimand.
I cleared my throat again, and said,“This letter serves as a memorialization of the conversation we held today. Please sign and date.”
Elliot’s eyes flew over the words on the page and he picked up the pen and scrawled his name and the date.
“That’s it, Elliot. Again, you have my apologies on behalf of CIStech and if you can offer any suggestions to better the working environment, I would look forward to talking with you,” Miles said, once again looking up from his phone.
Elliot nodded, but said nothing as he stood to leave.
The three of us watched him exit before Miles then dismissed Colin.
“Damn, Colin really bugs me. I shouldn’t say that, but he’s really such an—”
“Asshole,” I finished.
Miles chuckled.
“Exactly. Listen, I need to have my secretary put all this paperwork through to HR, but what do you say we leave at 5:00 and hit up that bar on Cedar Street?”
I had to admit that after today, a drink or two did seem in order.
As I walked out to meet up with Miles, much earlier than my usual quitting time, I met Elliot’s eyes. He paused his typing to watch my movement, his eyes quickly taking in my handbag and my tote.
I gave him a small smile, but turned my gaze forward, not wanting to draw attention to him or to myself.
By the time I got home around 7:00, I had a bit of a buzz. I probably shouldn’t have drank as much as I did, but it felt good to unload some of the day’s stress. After changing into some comfy clothes and rummaging around the fridge, I texted Elliot—my fingers had been itching to do it since the second I walked out of the office.
While some of the day’s stress was over, I still had no idea how much damage I had done to my relationship with Elliot.
Y/N: Hey—not sure what the appropriate greeting is for someone I just gave a letter of repri to?
I prayed to whatever higher power that existed he would answer. Just as I popped some leftovers into the microwave, my phone buzzed.
E: Hey about covers it.
Y/N: I’m sorry. I didn’t want anything to go on your record.
E: It’s okay. It’s not like I exactly used my head on Friday night.
Y/N: I really am sorry, Elliot. But I also want to thank you for what you said about me. You didn’t have to say that.
E: I meant it, Y/N. You did more for me than I deserved and I just wanted someone to know that even if they can’t ever know just how much you did. 
I stared at my phone and wished to god text messages were capable of conveying emotion. I wanted to know what Elliot meant by that. Was he implying I was ashamed of our friendship? Did he think I crossed line by helping him? Or was he just expressing gratitude? Maybe I was overthinking it like usual.
I jumped a little when my phone buzzed because I was so deep into asking myself unanswerable questions.
E: Actually everyone’s been nicer.
Y/N: Omg. Did people actually ask you about Friday night?
E: Not outright. It was like everyone just knew. Said they heard something went down and that it sucked. Said they were sorry people were such assholes. Aaron apologized and offered to take me to lunch.
Y/N: No way that you went lol
E: lol nah. But it was a nice gesture.
I waited, wondering if Elliot would text me anything else. I felt unsatisfied by our conversation, but didn’t want to force him into talking to me. I fiddled with my phone, typing and deleting, typing and deleting, eventually just tossing it on the counter and sighing.
E: Lol is there something else you want to say?
I laughed. Of course Elliot was watching his phone, probably almost-laughing in that way of his at my indecisive text bubble.
Y/N: Honestly? I don’t know…I just don’t want to stop talking to you.
E: Then don’t : )
My stomach did a little flip and a grin spread across my face. I settled in on the sofa, thinking of what to say next, knowing that it didn’t really matter because Elliot didn’t want to run, didn’t want to retreat inside of himself even though it was a difficult day for him.
I hadn’t ruined our relationship.
And now the aftermath was over. Elliot wasn’t fired, and even though I wasn’t happy with keeping Ali and Corey, I was only one person in a huge company and a Wall Street darling myself.
How much could one person really change in a day?
76 notes · View notes
mordellestories · 5 years
Bless the Fallen
11 notes · View notes
bobasheebaby · 5 years
Sins of the Father- Crimson Rain chapter 13
Pairing: Bastien x Liza; Liam x Raven
Written for @badthingshappenbingo
Fandom: Choices (The Royal Romance Book)
Square filled: Blackmail
Word count: 2,205
Warnings: angst, threatening of a minor, blackmail
Summary: Liam learns a little more about his father’s involvement and comes to the conclusion of who he can and can’t trust. 
A/N: @katurrade and @zaffrenotes kept pushing me to do a Mobster AU. Beta’d by my patient husband who is completely hooked.
A/N2: My emotions always jump off the page, Liam’s emotions in the first section are the most real and raw I’ve ever written, they are my actual feelings regarding news about my FIL’s killer, so it might really hurt. I could barely breathe while writing them or rereading them. 
Series warnings: Mobster AU, there will be violence, and death. NSFW content to come. Possibly dark. If you ask to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age. 
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist.
Disclaimer: I own my OC’s, the rest I’m simply borrowing from PB for a bit.
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Present day; Trenton, New Jersey: 
Liam stared at the door Mara had just disappeared out of, hands clenched tightly into fists at his sides. While he wanted to react he knew he needed to try to keep some semblance of calm. He knew had Raven not been by his side in that moment he may have done something to hurt them both. He was stunned, anger rolling through his entire body. The last twenty years of his life had been a complete lie. People he had trusted had lied to him, betrayed him. His own father was behind his mothers attempted hit. His fist hit the wall with impressive force, the drywall giving way leaving a large gaping hole in its wake. Hot angry tears stung at the back of his eyes. 
Liam wanted to yell, scream, cry, destroy the entire house with his bare hands, yet at the same time he felt completely defeated. He felt betrayed. Those around him misled him, who could he trust that his father had? Who would be able to lie to him and betray him easily without a single thought? Who had known and watched him blame the wrong man? Every action he had made in the name of retribution for his mother had been made based on falsehoods he had been fed. Would he even know the truth if he hadn’t had found his mother and Hope? 
Hope, he had held the only remaining family at arms length, refusing to let her in based on who her father was because of facts he was led to believe. He was unsure if he could ever get past his feelings he had felt for the last twenty years. Sure what he believed was wrong, but with the truth widely exposed, things he hadn’t ever known come to light his emotions were still high and raw.
Liam didn’t know how if he ever could get past the things he learned. Would he ever be able to forgive Bastien, his actions were still at the root of what caused him to lose his mother. Would he ever be able to let Hope in knowing how she came to be? What else had his father lied to him about? Was anything he was told the truth, or had his entire life been a lie? 
All feelings could wait. The most important thing was deciding what to do about Mara. Fuck! Things couldn’t be more complicated. How was he supposed to deal with the woman who made him lose his mother when she was the mother of the woman he loved? 
Raven watched in stunned silence as the man she loved slowly started to spiral coming completely undone. She watched as years of training him to only show feelings such as rage slowly become forgotten. She knew he needed her, but in that moment she wasn’t sure how, or if she actually could help. Knowing that his years of pain and anguish from losing his mother was all because of her own had her worrying that he may no longer want anything to do with her. 
Raven felt like her entire life was crumbling around her. She hated her mother more in than moment more than she’d ever hated anyone before. She couldn’t understand how she could so easily make the decisions that caused Liam so much pain. Why couldn’t she just help Emmaline? Why did she have to alert Constantine of Emmaline’s plans? Her heart ached knowing that the one to blame was her family. She knew she needed to be punished, Emmaline deserved to be avenged somehow. Could she stand by and watch her mother be punished by the only man to ever hold her heart? She felt as is if the fact that her mother was to blame for everything to befall Emmaline only complicated matters tenfold and she wasn’t sure if her relationship could survive. 
Twenty years ago; Trenton, New Jersey Constantine: 
It was clear Constantine had misjudged Bastien’s loyalty to him, something he should have realized given the intimate nature of Bastien’s relationship with Emmaline. Adulterous Bitch! After everything I did for her, everything I gave her! He felt like he had been taken for a fool, again. Never again. He would get it right this time. 
The one thing Bastien taught him was not to underestimate those in his control, free will was a powerful thing even if it was a falsehood. He needed someone he could control to ensure that there would be no further issues going forward. Mara has given him the intel needed of her own volition, yet that was worrisome. It was clear to him that she was worried about her own gain, he needed to ensure that she wouldn’t betray him and warn Emmaline. He had one avenue he could explore, it was questionable, but no less than the hit against his own wife. 
With his plan in place Constantine sat back, hands folded against his chest as he waited for Mara to arrive. A few moments later he heard a tentative tap at the door, a smug smile formed on his lips. This time nothing will be left to chance. “Come in.” He called out. 
Mara stepped into the room visibly shaking, unsure of why the boss wanted to see her. “You wanted to see me Sir?” She asked her voice quaking.
“Yes, please take a seat.” He replied gesturing to the seats across from him.
Mara sat, clasping her hands in her lap. Her mind raced as she tried to figure out what he could want with her. Has Raven done something? 
“So, I wanted to thank you for telling me about my wife’s plans.” He said drawing to his feet. He crossed to the bar cart pouring a few fingers of Scotch. “Drink?” He asked motioning with his hand.
“N-no thank you. What exactly did you want to see me about?” 
“Ah yes, getting right down to business I see. I like that in an associate.” He said bringing his tumblr to his lips drawing a long sip of the smooth Scotch. “As I said I wanted to thank you for alerting me to Emmaline’s plans to leave.” 
“O-of course. Is that all?” She replied drawing to stand.
“No of course not.” He responded once more sitting at his desk. “I understand you’ve been worried about your position here since your husband’s untimely death.”
“Yes sir.”
“And I would be correct to assume that you gave me the information about Emmaline to secure your position here?” He questioned, eyebrow raised, drink at lips. 
“Y-yes Sir.”
“Very well.” He said, pursing his lips as if he were in thought. “Well, I can guarantee your position here for the foreseeable future—that is if you were willing to handle something for me.”
“A-anything.” She replied without hesitation.
“I need to ensure Emmaline won’t leave with Liam. Bastien was supposed to do the job but he refused, so now it’s yours. I need you to kill Emmaline.” 
“W-What? No I can’t do that!” She exclaimed in shock. She couldn’t be the reason Liam felt the same pain her daughter did. 
“Either you take care of Emmaline or you will never see Raven again, simple as that. Do you want to be a widow mourning the loss of her only child and her husband or do you want to ensure that you and Raven are taken care of?”
Mara’s eyes went wide. No, not Raven! “Fine. I’ll do it.” I’m sorry Liam, it’s for Raven, I can’t lose her.
“Very good. Let me know when it’s done.” He replied, his hand mentioned to the door. “You may leave now.” He sat back in his chair, sipping at his Scotch once more as he walked Mara hurriedly exit the room. At least there shall be no surprises this time… 
Present day; Trenton, New Jersey:
Liam sat at his large oak desk, fingers drumming on the top, empty whisky glass in front of him. He was trying to sort through all he learned that day. He still couldn’t believe his father of all people had been behind his mothers hit, all because she wanted to take him away. Raven sat on the nearby couch, mindlessly scrolling through social media feeds; eyes flicking from one post to the next but registering none. She knew Liam was hurting, and she wouldn’t leave him alone, even if she was also struggling to process that her mother had been the one to enforce the hit. They both looked up when they heard a sharp knock at the door. Must be Drake. I’m sure he’s heard by now. “Come in.” Liam called out. 
The door swung open, Madeline glider into the room. “Liam.” She said smiling widely. “I was hoping to have a word, alone.” Her eyes flicked to Raven. “Eh, close enough.” She smoothed down the back of her dress, sitting across from Liam.
“Madeline, I believe it’s proper to wait to be told to be seated.” Raven stated to platinum blonde woman. 
Madeline flicked her wrist towards Raven, ignoring the comment. “So I hear the cat is out of the bag so to speak.” She said, smirk on her rouge painted lips. “Are sure you still want to marry her knowing what her family did to yours?” 
Liam appraised Madeline, allowing her words to sink in. “You knew!” 
Madeline laughed. “Of course I knew! I was meant to be by your side, to guide you! Why wouldn’t I know?” She laughed off the absurd thought. “But of course you had to go and mess up your part.”
“What are you talking about?” Liam growled, his jaw clenching.
“Bastien.” Madeline said, her face read of annoyance that she had to explain something so simple to him like he was a child. “You were meant to loathe him, hate him so much you would be driven to destroy him.” She tapped a perfectly manicured nail against her leg. “With me by your side you would have, but you had to go and break the engagement and ruin everything.” The last words spat from her mouth like something that tasted vile. “I tried to warn you, but you had to follow your heart like some simpleton.” A soft smile formed on her perfectly painted lips. “Now, can you stop playing this charade and you finally admit that you need me by your side?”
Liam felt his rage boil, growing hotter in his veins threatening to consume him. “You actually think I would choose to marry you, after you admit to trying to trick me?” He sat forward, planting his palms on his desk. “Madeline I never planned on marrying you, why do you think I came up with excuses for four years to postpone? You will never be by my side! And from this day forward you are no longer welcome in my home.” Liam all but growled, he was absolutely seething in anger. It was talking all of his willpower to not take matters into his own hands. He knew he needed to remain calm, she was trying to goad him and he could not allow her to win. He was angry and hurt, but with his father’s insistence that anything but anger and rage was weak he was able to contain the overwhelming pain he felt and learning how much he was being used and played by his own father. 
Madeline’s smile faltered for a second. “Fine, have it your way.” Her emerald eyes shone with pride as she stood, her lips curved up into a sinister smile. “But just know without me you will never find your brother.” She said spinning on her heel, platinum blonde locks swaying behind her as she glided from the room feeling sure in herself that she had him where she wanted him. 
Brother? And Mara said something about my father refusing to lose another child? His mind raced as he tried to wrap his head around the fact that he may actually have two siblings he never knew about. 
“Liam, what did she mean by brother?” Raven questioned. 
“I don’t know but I intend to find out.” Liam replied, running a hand over his tired face. All the new facts not only turned his life upside down, but punched all the energy out of him. He needed to learn more, find out more about this possible sibling he never heard of before. He felt in his gut it had to be true, why else would his father take such extreme measures to keep his mother from leaving? One thing he was positive of, Madeline was only saying what she thought would gain his favor and put her by his side. 
He wouldn’t allow her to win, he didn’t need her. As much as it pained him there was one other person who may know the truth. As much as he’d grown to hate him, he was surprised that he trusted him more than those he’d already spoken to. 
Liam was surprised that he was about to turn to the last person he ever thought he would for help. There was only one remaining question, would Bastien help him after his attempt on Liza?
Feedback fuels me, please like, comment reblog or send an ask. Feel free to scream, I promise I can take it. 
Masterlist can be found in my bio.
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drv3boys-imagines · 7 years
Hm... Could I request something with the boys kissing their fem!S/O's hand? Please and thank you!
Of course! What an adorable request! There’s no way I could decline that!
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The boys kissing their fem!S/O’s hand:
Shuichi Saihara
- Shuichi would have the kind of sweet, gentle kiss
- He would ask for his s/o’s permission first, so he doesn’t do something that might surprise them, and grab her hand as if it was the softest thing he had ever touched
- Bringing his s/o’s hand to his face, he would close his eyes and gently kiss it
- It looked like he had everything under control but deep inside, Shuichi was melting. He couldn’t believe how bold he had been, kissing his s/o’s hand like that.
- After all, he was far from the best in love relationships. But maybe, he wanted this? To be closer to her, to show her that he loved her?
- So when he was done, he’d release her hand and put his own hand on his head, clearly embarrassed. But now that he had done that, he felt that he could show her how much he loved her by other means.
Rantaro Amami
- Rantaro wasn’t the type to get shy when it came to show affection to his girlfriend
- So one day, after he got finished with her manicure, he squeezed her hand in his own, saying that the reason he loved painting her nails so much was because he got to hold her hand for minutes
- After winning a shy smile from his s/o, he returned a smile and kissed her hand with that same smile
- It was a quick, but sincere kiss, and when he looked back at his s/o again, he thanked her for being able to work on such beautiful hands
- before asking: “That… that didn’t sound too cheesy, did it?”
- In the end, the two of them ended up laughing
Ryoma Hoshi: 
- Ryoma had never thought about kissing his girlfriend’s hand before
- So when the two of them were sitting on a bench, with his s/o talking about how her day went, his eyes peeked at her hand that had been put next to him
- It wasn’t the first time he had peeked at that said hand. He really wanted to grab it, to be like a real boyfriend and show signs of affection.
- It was hard, being in a relationship with such a low self-esteem as he had. But today felt different. He felt… bigger than he was, all jokes aside. Looking at his s/o, completely lost in her explanations, he thought how lucky he was. How he shouldn’t waste moves that he could make, to keep their relationship healthy. To tell her that he loved her.
- So when out of the blue, Ryoma grabbed his s/o’s hand and kissed it, his s/o, who had stopped talking, looked at him with surprise
- That’s it. He had made a mistake, he souldn’t have done that, now she’s going to ask why he did this and-
- His s/o’s cheeks flashed a slight pink, and without warning, she returned Ryoma’s kiss, but this time on his lips. 
- Ryoma coughed, cheeks red. At least now he knew that he hadn’t made a mistake.
Kokichi Ouma:
- How bored was Kokichi. His s/o had been out all day, and the worst was that he hadn’t even been allowed to come, because “it’s for work, and for employees only”.
- So when he heard the front door open, he practically jumped on his s/o, weeping about how she had abandoned him and that she didn’t care about him.
- s/o was tired, really tired, and just wanted some peace and quiet. But when she finally fell onto the couch, it was to no surprise that a little gremlin was now harrassing her.
- But no matter how much Kokichi asked her about her day, if she actually loved him or if they could go to McDonald’s this evening, s/o looked like she was about to fall asleep. 
- “Oh I see, you’re playing Sleeping Beauty! Well if I can manage to wake you up, we’ll get to to MC’s! Okay, that’s a deal!”
- Kokichi then proceeded to scratch his head in search of an idea to wake his girlfriend up. Then, he looked at her hand which was still on her bag. He had never, ever kissed her there before. That would surely get him a reaction from her.
- He approached his s/o and picked her hand into his, starting to give quick pecks on her hand, which made her open her eyes because, what the hell was Kokichi doing?
- Kokichi had noticed her revival, but continued to give quick kissed, but began to go up her arm, which made s/o laugh. No matter how much she told him that he was tickling her, he continued to kiss her arm.
- “I’ll stop only if we go to McDonald’s!”. What a pitiful threat.
Korekiyo Shinguji
- Tonight was the grand opening of a brand new anthropology museum. Everyone had to be dressed up properly for the occasion, so s/o had asked for her boyfriend to come help her in choosing a dress.
- Kiyo gladly accepted, and they both went on to the mall. Once they had found a proper shop, s/o went on to try different dresses that Korekiyo had helped her choose.
- The only problem was, for Kiyo, each dress seemed beautiful on his s/o. “It is not my fault if everything fits you perfectly, dear” he had said. She told him that they had to choose one and only one however.
- Korekiyo looked at the ground for a few seconds, and then excused himself before leaving the store. s/o was so confused, where was he going? She returned into the cabin.
- But when she stepped, Korekiyo was back, another dress in his hand. “Please try this one.” he asked her. So that’s what she did. 
- When she stepped out, Korekiyo couldn’t believe his eyes. The dress was one of a kind, and fit you like a glove. She looked like a queen.
- He brought his hands together. “Splendid. Absolutely ravishing.” As a joke, s/o said “well, will you take me to the bal tonight sir?”
- Kiyo picked up her hand and kissed it. “It would be my greatest pleasure.”
- His girlfriend was happy. But when would he take off that mask so she could feel his lips?
Gonta Gokuhara
- “Gonta not sure if he proper gentleman. What should real gentleman do during date with a lady, s/o?”
- That was a question that Gonta had asked his s/o regularly now. But everytime, he told her that he needed to be sure, so he could be a true gentleman. And no matter how much s/o would tell that he was already at 100% of his gentleman capacities, it still wasn’t enough.
- “Gonta know that true gentleman need to open door to ladies. Also know that he need to take arm during walk. And  help lady to carry groceries. But Gonta feel he miss something.”
- s/o’s knowledge on how gentleman behaved was at its limits. The only solution would be to search on the Internet, but she didn’t feel like it. Then she had an idea.
-”Oh, how about how a gentleman behaves in a relationship? I’m talking about showing affection here of course. So you can practice with me right now!”
- Gonta beamed with excitement. Of course he wanted to do that! So when his s/o explained to him which kind of manners were the most appreciated by a female companion, he listened very attentively.
- “Gonta knows now! Gonta will try with s/o, if s/o okay with that.”
- When she told him that it was alright, Gonta closed his eyes, very determined to do a good job. He picked his s/o’s hand in his, and kissed it as gently as possible.
-“Did Gonta do good? Is how gentleman greet lady?”
- You offered him a smile. “That was a good job Gonta! That was very soft, only a true gentleman could do that.”
-,The moment you knew, s/o was in Gonta’s arms.
- Recently, Keebo had been puzzled. He felt that, as a robot, he wasn’t able to be as good as a human could be, especially when it came to treating his s/o.
- Being in a relationship was new. He had found out that he could only improve himself by asking his s/o for tips on what he should do as a boyfriend, or checking everyone’s friend, the Internet.
- His history was completely saturated by searches as “how to make your girlfriend happy”, “how to say I love you to your girlfriend”, “how to look human around your girlfriend”- but he didn’t check that last one.
- He had found a lot of tips, and was planning on using some of them on his girlfriend. One of the tips he had found was “don’t forget to kiss her daily and say how happy you are to be with someone like her”. It seemed trustworthy, and it got upvoted a lot on the forum he checked.
- His s/o was in the living room, watching TV. The weather forecast announced rain for all day, so no stroll into the park for today. It was the perfect time for Keebo to put his plan into action. He walked next to the couch and asked for his s/o to stand up.
- Confused, his s/o got on her feet and was now facing her robot boyfriend. Keebo, confident, took his girlfriend’s hand and kissed it. s/o became even more confused from this sudden action.
- “s/o, is your father a thief? Because he stole all of the stars to put them in your eyes..”
- s/o couldn’t countain the small laugh that escaped her mouth. Keebo was confused, why was she laughing?? Keeping his hand in hers, she asked: “Keebo, did you end up on a pickup line list again?”
-”Is… Is that what they’re called?”
Kaito Momota
- s/o couldn’t believe that Kaito had suceeded in making her apply for a role at a local theatre group.
- “You’ll see s/o, it’s gonna be great! It’s not everyday that you get to be someone else! Not that I’ll ever want to be someone else.”
- At first, s/o wasn’t really comfortable with the idea of having to repeat a text in front of other people, but the scene they had to play in was about an astronaut saying goobye to his family before leaving to destroy a meteorite, so of course she had to say to yes.
- Kaito and s/o had now been repeating for three weeks, and tonight was the grand show. The purple-haired boy had been massaging his s/o’s shoulders, seeing how tense she had gotten. “Hey it’s gonna be okay. I’ll be without through the entire scene, you’ll just have to look at me.”
- When the scene started, s/o tried to focus on Kaito, and played her part. She was weeping and crying, begging her “husband” not leave her, her head buried in Kaito’s chest. His hand was petting her head.
-”Fret not, my dear. I need to leave, in order to protect you, to assure you and the kids a happy future. Maybe with a little chance, I’ll be home before dinner.”
- The husband, or rather Kaito, picked his s/o’s hand, which was not a part of the script, and said, his eyes locked into hers
- “Even if I’m not here, please stay happy. Keep being the wonderful woman I’ve married, the one I’m proud to call my wife. Dry those tears, and watch the sky every night, for I sure will keep an eye on you. I’ll always be there with you, as long as you keep me in your heart.”
- s/o didn’t know if it was the script, or the fact that Kaito had said this while looking deeply into her eyes, but… she felt happy. Happy and so in love.
- The scene ended with Kaito leaving the stage, his face down. The curtains dropped, and the crowd’s cheers filled the entire room. All the actors congratulated each other, but s/o, s/o only cared about Kaito.
-When she found him among the other actors, she hugged him as hard as she could. Kaito, him, laughed. “Hey, that was wonderful! Your face at the end made the entire scene worth it!”. They both hugged each other in silence, but with pure happiness on their face.
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amylillian22 · 8 years
Part of the Pack - Liam Dunbar Imagine
Requested by Anon: can i request a liam imagine where the reader is sort of like a female theo? she comes to destroy the pack but ends up falling for liam and instead of theo getting dragged to hell it's her? and liam is devastated because he really loved her and decides to bring her back without scott knowing (like in 6x06) and scott gets pissed but she does something to try and help the pack and nearly dies but scott gives her the bite and she becomes part of the pack? sorry this is so long and specific!
Word Count: 2,587
Warnings: A few curse words, the reader being taken by a Ghost Rider
Author’s Note: Feedback is always welcome and appreciated :) 
After reading your request, I realized technically Theo doesn’t need the bite because he has the ability to heal and can fully shift into a coyote. Since you wanted the reader to be like Theo, I decided to alter your request. I hope you don’t mind as I still gave you the “she becomes part of the pack” storyline you wanted. Happy reading!
[My Teen Wolf Master List]
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"What's wrong, babe?" Liam asked Y/N as he lifted her chin with his fingers. His worried blue eyes scanned hers, searching for answers as her chemosignals radiated with so many different emotions. He cupped her cheek, his thumb gently tracing her cheekbone as he gazed into her eyes.
She sighed as she closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against his. She wrapped her arms loosely around his neck as he firmly gripped her hips with his hands. "I just don't know what else to do, Liam," she sighed, exhaustion evident in her tone. She fiddled with his hair at the nape of his neck. "No matter what I do, or how much you try to convince them, the pack will never accept me-"
Liam sighed and he tightened his arms around her waist as he interrupted, "Babe-" 
Y/N shook her head, silencing Liam. "After everything I've done to them, lying to them about working with The Dread Doctors, backstabbing them by trying to tear them apart, and killing Scott to get his Alpha powers, I don't blame them... but it kind of feels like maybe I shouldn't be here..." she trailed.
"I don't care about them and I don't care that Scott is still upset I brought you back. I'd do it all over again if I had to," he meant every word he said as he looked deep into her eyes. "I love you... You're all that matters to me..." he sighed before he kissed her.
"I love you too," she pulled back. "But I wasn't talking about you bringing me back." He raised an eyebrow, questioning what she meant. Her hand slid to his chest above his heart as she drew random shapes with the tip of her fingers. "I meant maybe I shouldn't be here in Beacon Hills..." she left the sentence hanging, letting Liam process her idea.
He looked at her closely, wondering if it was an impulsive idea and she would take it back instantly, but she didn't. That's how he knew how serious she was about leaving a town where no one wanted her except him. He sighed as he rubbed her arms before pulling her to his chest. He held her tight and whispered in her ear, "If you want to leave... I won't stop you."
"You won't?" She whispered back, surprised.
"Only if you don't stop me from leaving with you," he ran his fingers through her silky hair.
She pulled back to look at him, completely surprised he was willing to leave his family and his pack for her. She knew he loved her but she didn't know to this extent. Just when she was about to talk him out of it, his phone rang. Liam pulled out his phone and looked down at a picture of Scott displaying on the screen.
"Hey Scott-"
"Liam! I need you at the school," Y/N heard the panic and worry in Scott's voice.
Y/N nodded at Liam, signaling she'd go with him and help Scott. He nodded back at her. "Scott, We're on our way," Liam said before he ended the call as they rushed to her car and headed to the school.
Liam and Y/N had looked everywhere in school for Scott but had no luck finding him. There was only one place they hadn't checked yet, the library. The entire school was too quiet, eerie quiet. Liam slowly and quietly opened one of the double doors to the library with Y/N on his tail. They checked their surroundings but saw nothing. Y/N signaled she was going upstairs to the second floor. Liam nodded in approval before whispering a 'be careful' and checked the first floor.
As she walked up the stairs slowly, pieces of what happened here a few months ago flashed through her mind. It was the night of the Super Moon and her plan was finally falling into place as she had manipulated everyone in Scott's pack. When she reached the top of the stairs, she remembered watching Liam in complete werewolf form, furious, and ready to kill Scott as she hid between two shelves. A huge wave of guilt washed over her. She told herself she was stupid for letting the idea of having so much power mean everything, when in truth it meant nothing. If she could go back in time, she would change it all and make things right. 
The sound of someone's muffling snapped Y/N back to reality. Her eyes quickly scanned the second floor. She didn't see anything unusual but she smelt Scott's scent. He was here somewhere and she had to find him before it was too late.
She rushed between shelves, checking if Scott was hidden somewhere in between. She quickened her pace as the muffles got louder and she heard someone shifting around. Liam heard Y/N moving quick as her heart began to race. He rushed up stairs to find her.
Y/N found Scott in the back corner of the library. His wrist and ankles were wrapped around silver chains laced with wolfsbane. His skin was red and irritated, burning from the wolfsbane.
"Liam!" Y/N yelled as she ran towards Scott. She hissed as the wolfsbane stung her fingers when she tried to remove the chains. She winced as her fingers grabbed one side of the tape that kept Scott from talking or screaming. "This might hurt," she told Scott. He nodded, giving her the approval to rip it off his mouth quick.
Scott let out a growl after Y/N quickly pulled the tape off his mouth. "Thanks," he gasped. He looked down at his wrist and ankles, trying to pull them off with all his strength but he couldn't as the wolfsbane was starting to weaken him.
"Shit," Liam mumbled as he kneeled down next to Y/N and noticed he had no idea how they could remove the chains without either of them getting hurt in the process.
"Go to the coach's office," Y/N ordered Liam. He gave her a confused look, questioning how going to Finstock's office would solve the situation Scott's in. "He has a pair of bolt cutters for the lockers,” she explained.
Liam nodded as he remembered he had once told Finstock he left the key for his lock inside his locker and used his bolt cutters to open his locker. "I'll be right back," Liam said as he ran out of the library.
Y/N looked back at Scott. "Who did this to you?"
"I don’t know…" he trailed. “He kind of looked like a ghost, but he had a hat and a trenched coat.”
Her eyes widened, as she knew exactly what Scott saw, a Ghost Rider. She had heard of them before from when she used to work with The Dread Doctors, but she never expected The Ghost Riders to make a stop in Beacon Hills. 
"Scott," she lifted his head to get him to look at her. "Where did The Ghost Rider go?"
"I dunno," he mumbled weakly.
"Damn it," she slightly shook Scott. "I need you to stay awake and I need you to remember, Scott. Tell me everything you kno-" Y/N stopped talking as a sudden rush of wind gushed through and dead leaves flew everywhere. She turned around and noticed the library was dark. "Shit," she mumbled. "They're here." She turned around and looked at Scott. "Can you promise me something?" Scott nodded weakly. "If something happens to me, I need you to remember to tell Liam I love him."
"What?" Scott asked confused. He heard every word she said, but he didn’t know what she meant.
Y/N ignored him and walked toward the stairs, where she saw a Ghost Rider making its way up toward her. She rolled her head side to side before shifting, staring down The Ghost Rider with her electric yellow eyes. She flicked her hands; her pink manicured nails were replaced with sharp claws. She growled at him, showing off her canine teeth once he reached the second floor. She knew the odds were against her. She was just a chimera and there was no one around her to help her, not that they would help. Taking down a Ghost Rider, let alone killing one, is nearly impossible, but she didn't care. All she cared about was distracting him while Liam saved Scott. 
"I got it!" Liam yelled as he burst into the library with the bolt cutters in his hands. He immediately froze in place the second he saw Y/N and a Ghost Rider staring at each other. "Y/N!" 
"Liam! Help Scott!" She demanded without breaking eye contact with The Ghost Rider.
Liam was torn. He wanted to protect his girlfriend, but he knew he had to save Scott. He trusted Y/N more than anything and he would believe her if she said she could handle what's in front of her, but something in the pit of his stomach was telling him something was wrong. He wanted that terrible feeling to go away by grabbing Y/N and Scott, and getting the hell out of the library as quickly as possible.
"Y/N!" Liam began rushing toward her as The Ghost Rider pulled out his gun and pointed it at her.
"Liam... please help Scott," she begged as she turned around. "Just remember I love you."
"No!" Liam yelled as The Ghost Rider shot his gun. Everything that happened next was in slow motion as Liam ran towards Y/N to save her from the bullet. The bullet flew across the room and hit Y/N on the chest, making a green glow burst through her body before she disappeared into thin air just seconds before Liam could reach her. The Ghost Rider disappeared quickly after she was taken as his job was done. 
He looked around the library franticly, wondering where she went and where The Ghost Rider might have taken her. Within a matter of minutes, he began to forget what he was looking for in the first place. He looked down at his hand and noticed a set of bolt cutters. "What the hell?" He whispered to himself.
Liam's head snapped towards the sound of someone softly mumbling his name. He walked on over and noticed Scott, suddenly realizing why he had the bolt cutters in his hand. "Shit," he mumbled as he ran to Scott. He quickly cut the silver chains laced in wolfsbane. Scott let out a sigh of relief as Liam asked him, "What happened?"
"I don't know," he said. "There was a man in a trench coat with a hat...  but he didn't look like a man," Scott explained. "How did you find me?"
Liam thought hard about it. He doesn't remember why he was here in the first place. Then he questioned how he got here if his truck was still in the shop. "I, umm, don't know."
Scott looked at him confused as he realized he didn't understand what happened either. "I don't remember much other than that guy."
Liam looked down at Scott's wrists and ankles. He wasn't healing as quickly as he should have. "Come on," he wrapped Scott's arm around his neck as he lifted him up. "Let's get you to Deaton."
Three Months Later
Y/N didn't know how it happened. She just knew she escaped the train station and was now in Beacon Hills. She had a feeling it might have been Scott and his pack, but she was hoping when she found them they would remember her, especially Liam.
She was running across the courtyard in the abandoned school. It was night and although the lights inside the school were on, there wasn't a single person in sight, but there was a set of train tracks going into the school. It only meant one thing; The Ghost Riders were ready for the wild hunt. 
Y/N slowed down to a jog as she came up to the lacrosse field. There was no one there. She ran back to the courtyard and decided to take the crosswalk that would lead her to the second floor of the science building. She heard two voices talking to one another. 
"Why do you need the horse?" Scott asked Liam.
"I'm going to ride into the lighting with the horse just like a Ghost Rider," he answered.
The second she recognized the voices she immediately climbed the stairs two steps at a time. When she reached the top of the stairs she noticed there was a Ghost Rider sneaking behind them. Just when he was about to attack Scott and Liam, Y/N lunged at him, wrapped her hands around his jaw, and snapped his neck. Scott and Liam turned around at the sound of the body dropping at her feet. Scott's mouth dropped before he realized Y/N was standing in front of them.
"Y/N?" Liam whispered in disbelief, almost questioning if she was actually there with him.
"What were you going to do with that horse? You don't know how to ride a horse, babe," she smirked at Liam.
Liam pushed past Scott as he rushed over to her, cupping her cheeks before he pulled her in. Their lips immediately collided as Y/N’s hands ran through Liam's soft brown hair. The kiss was deep, passionate, and fierce, as if two long lost souls were finally reconnected as one. Liam's hands gripped her hips, pulling her until her body was pressed against his, and then wrapping his arms around her figure. She locked her arms around his neck as the kiss deepened. They held on to each other as if they were each other’s lifelines.
Y/N pulled back, her lips brushing against his as her warm breath fanned against his lips. He pecked her lips before peppering her jaw and neck, before burying his face at the crook of her neck. "I'm so sorry," he apologized against her neck. 
Her fingers fiddled with the hair at the nape of his neck. "You have nothing to apologize for," she sighed as she hugged him tight. For three months she had wished she was wrapped safely in Liam's arms, the one place she ever felt loved, and now she refused to let him go.
He pulled back and rested his forehead against hers. "I love you," he kissed her once more for a quick and passionate kiss. "So much." 
"I've missed hearing you say that," She smiled against his lips. "I love you too, Liam."
Scott cleared his throat, making the couple turn their heads toward the alpha. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but we have to divert the train tracks."
When it came to doing things together as a pack, Scott never included Y/N. He had a hard time trusting her after everything she had done to him, and she didn't blame him. However, this was the first time he had ever included her and she was beginning to think she was hearing things.
"We?" She asked carefully. 
Scott walked up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. He nodded and gave her a small smile. "We... as in you’re included in my pack."
"Really?" She whispered as tears began to pool in her eyes. All she ever wanted was to make things right with Liam's alpha. She knew things would never work out with her boyfriend if Scott never forgave and accepted her.
"Really. I remembered that night at the library and I can't thank you enough for not only sacrificing yourself but saving me as well. I'm sor-" Y/N silenced Scott as she hugged him tight. Scott chuckled as he hugged her back.
She pulled back, wiping the tears with the back of her hand. She held on to Liam's hand and nodded at Scott. "Let's save Beacon Hills before it's too late."
"Let's do this," Scott said before leading the way and following the tracks with his beta and his newest pack member.
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eluu-chan · 7 years
All of them :3
ive missed out the one’s I’ve answered already
200: My crush’s name is: Dia Kurosawa
199: I was born in: 2003
197: My cellphone company is: Virgin Media
196: My eye color is: kinda a blue/green colour
195: My shoe size is: 4
194: My ring size is: uh idk
193: My height is: 5″2
192: I am allergic to: Nuts
191: My 1st car was: N/A
190: My 1st job was: N/A
188: My bed is: beautiful
187: My pet: is adorable I love her
186: My best friend: I dont like choosing a single best friend tho, like I love all of you…
185: My favorite shampoo is:  Tea Tree Head and Shoulders (Mint)
184: Xbox or ps3: I have an Xbox but I really want a ps3/
183: Piggy banks are: cool, I have like 5
182: In my pockets: uh, sweet wrappers, a tissue, and my tablet pen
180: Marriage is: cool :0
179: Spongebob can: uh
178: My mom: is gr8
177: The last three songs I bought were? I don’t buy songs cuz I’m poor, but the last 3 songs I downloaded were: Jingo Jungle (Sago of Tanya the Evil OP), Snow Halation, and To Be Free by Tonight Alive
175: How many cousins do you have? 7
174: Do you have any siblings? Ye
173: Are your parents divorced? Nope, but they aren’t married either soo
172: Are you taller than your mom? Almost!
171: Do you play an instrument? Nope
[ I Believe In ]
168: Luck: yes good
167: Fate: uhm idk, pretty sure it wasn’t fate for me to fall in a river
164: Heaven: I’d like to think there’s a place where people can party when they die
163: Hell: Satanism is fun so sure
162: God: idk tbh
161: Horoscopes: Sure :)
158: Gay Marriage: LOVE IS LOVE
157: War: WAR IS BAD
156: Orbs: ???
155: Magic: Pls let magic be real
[ This or That ]
153: Drunk or High: i aM 14
152: Phone or Online: Online
151: Red heads or Black haired: BOTH IS BEAUTIFUL
150: Blondes or Brunettes: BOTH IS BEAUTIFUL
149: Hot or cold: Cold
148: Summer or winter: Winter
147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn
146: Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
145: Night or Day: Night
144: Oranges or Apples: Oranges!! (But i do prefer apple juice over orange juice)
142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds ofc
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk chocolate
140: Mac or PC: PC
139: Flip flops or high heels: Flip Flops
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: ugly and rich because then i can support loads of good charities and feed my weeb addiction
137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke
136: Hillary or Obama: Obama
135: Burried or cremated: Buried
134: Singing or Dancing: bothe are awesome, but probably singing
133: Coach or Chanel: ???
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks:???
131: Small town or Big city: Small town
130: Wal-Mart or Target: uh, whats the English equivalent?? Asda??? Lidl???
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: uh idk tbh
128: Manicure or Pedicure: uh I’ve never had either so
127: East Coast or West Coast: again i am English so
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas!! Birthday means i get older and gain more responsibility
124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney
123: Yankees or Red Sox: ??
[ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War: BAD
121: George Bush: its temping to make a joke but i’ll resist
120: Gay Marriage: YES GOOD LOVE IS LOVE
119: The presidential election: orange man is bad
117: MySpace: every 90′s kids emo phase
116: Reality TV: hmm, can be good
115: Parents: some parents are shitty, others are good
114: Back stabbers: pls do not do that to me because i will cry
113: Ebay: i use it to get cheap anime merch yes good
112: Facebook: i would destroy facebook for a single crisp
110: My Neighbors: lol idek who they are
109: Gas Prices: from what I know, they’re pretty bad
108: Designer Clothes: if you can afford them, then yes good
107: College: Better than high school
106: Sports: n o p e
105: My family: eh, alright i guess
[ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: TWO WEEKS AGO SOMEONE HUG ME
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: today!!
100: Cried in front of someone: 13th March
99: Went to a movie theater: oh boi, probably last year sometime
98: Took a vacation: this time last year
97: Swam in a pool: this time last year
96: Changed a diaper: not since my cousins were little
95: Got my nails done: I’ve never had them done
94: Went to a wedding: when i was 8
93: Broke a bone: I’ve never broken a bone
92: Got a peircing: I don’t have any aaa
91: Broke the law: I don’t think I’ve ever broken the law?
90: Texted: hmm a day ago
[ MISC ]
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my bedroom aaa
87: The last movie I saw: original Ghost in the Shell
85: The thing im not looking forward to: i’d rather not say what it is but It’s tomorrow
84: People call me: weeb. mother, elu, eli
83: The most difficult thing to do is: social interaction
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nope
81: My zodiac sign is: Capricorn
80: The first person i talked to today was: my buddy Ilona
79: First time you had a crush: when i saw Rize from Tokyo Ghoul
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: idk, i hide lots of things from everyone tbh
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: hmm not long ago
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: be cool
74: I have/will get a job: Yea i need money to live
73: Tomorrow: is gonna be bad
72: Today: was great :0
71: Next Summer: ew heatwaves please no
70: Next Weekend: i will sleep for most of it
68: The worst sound in the world: someone screaming in pain
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: uh, my OTP
66: People that make you happy: ALL MY MUTUALS AND FOLLOWERS
65: Last time I cried: heh, like a few days ago when i was discussing some particularly sad headcanons
63: My computer is: kinda good i suppose
62: My School: is shit
61: My Car: i dont have one (yet)
60: I lose all respect for people who: at extremely homophobic, racist, or sexist
59: The movie I cried at was: i cry at everything
58: Your hair color is: a weird light auburn colour
57: TV shows you watch: a bunch of anime, oo and i watch the download festival coverage each year, and if my mum is watching some drama or soap i’ll probably watch for angst ideas
56: Favorite web site: I’m on it right now
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: umm not sure…
53: How do you like your steak cooked: I don’t like steak aaa
52: My room is: my safe place
51: My favorite celebrity is: this is no secret to anyone who knows me irl, it’s the beautiful Ash Costello
50: Where would you like to be: in bed
49: Do you want children: maybe, adopting would be cool
48: Ever been in love: nope
47: Who’s your best friend: ALL MY MUTUALS
46: More guy friends or girl friends: more girl friends
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: hmm idk, i’m pretty antisocial tho so
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: ha no
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: nope
41: Have you pre-named your children: no
40: Last person I got mad at: my sister
39: I would like to move to: anywhere not in a large city
38: I wish I was a professional: Tattooist
[ My Favorites ]
36: Vehicle: i want a motorbike aa
35: President: Obama
34: State visited: I’ve never been to america
33: Cellphone provider: okay but who actually has an opinion on this??
32: Athlete: Simone Biles
31: Actor: Daniel Radcliffe
30: Actress: Helana Bonham Carter
29: Singer: ASH COSTELLO
28: Band: BABYMETAL, All Time Low, Avenged Sevenfold, My Chemical Romance
27: Clothing store: Primark
26: Grocery store: uh idk, Asda i guess
25: TV show: American Horror Story??
24: Movie: the Blair Witch Project
23: Website: I’m on it rn
22: Animal: Chinchillas and Red Pandas
21: Theme park: aa i’m too scared to go on rollercoasters tho so i dont have a fav
20: Holiday: That time we went away for a weeks with literally everyone in my family
19: Sport to watch: Football
18: Sport to play: i guess volleyball is okay
17: Magazine: Kerrang is gud
16: Book: Lord of the Rings
15: Day of the week: saturday
14: Beach: there are like 30 beaches around her how do you expect me to choose
12: Thing to cook: curry aaa
10: Restaurant: hmm maybe Frankie and Bennies
9: Radio station: Kerrang ofc
8: Yankee candle scent: COTTON
7: Perfume: pure poison
4: Talk show host: Ellen DeGeneres
3: Comedian: hmm not sure tbh
okay I’m actually physically dead now
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forevercaroline · 8 years
Tumblr media
Cover by the fabulous @klaroline-overdose
Third chapter in my tvd Shadowhunters story This chapter is for @caritobear who I left on a cliffhanger last chapter
“Let me go.”
Caroline gets thrown into one of the rooms at the institute. “Don’t let her leave this room she is under house arrest and don’t let anyone in.”
“You are out of your mind I didn’t do anything. If your going to put me on trial for whatever I didn’t do I want a lawyer.”
Cami doesn’t get why Caroline is so mad at her she’s just doing her job. “ Anything else before we lock you up and throw away the key.”
“When someone gets arrested they get one phone call and people are allowed to visit them am I allowed that.”
“You want to know if Klaus who is not your husband is allowed to visit you?”
“Him, my brothers, my family.”
“ Your marriage is invalid and his family isn’t your family anymore all you have is two brothers.”
It is taking all of Caroline’s control to not attack Cami. As Cami is leaving Caroline shouts at her “ You should know I’m a warrior its in my blood I will fight. You can’t keep me in here forever.”
Stefan and Rebekah were in their bedroom while everything was going on and Damon and Elena were trying to find Elena’s real parents but ended up in a alternate reality. When Damon gets back to this reality he finds he has several messages from Klaus saying get back to institute Caroline’s in trouble.
Damon runs into the institute when Stefans coming down the stairs “ Where’s Caroline?”
“ I don’t know I just woke up?”
Esther was talking to bonnie when she sees Damon “ Damon we need to talk where is the Gilbert girl and where is the cup?”
“ Mrs. Mikaelson it is always a pleasure seeing you but I can’t talk at the moment our sister is in trouble.”
Both brothers find Klaus “ What is going on?”
“Caroline’s been arrested for treason against the clave and they won’t let me see her because apparently our marriage is invalid.”
Klaus phone rings as Damon and Stefan are walking away “ Wait.”
When they locked Caroline in the room they never took her stele, or her phone.
“ I hate them all get me out of here this is pointless. They have guards in front of the door. They are putting me on trial for something I didn’t do. I want a lawyer get me Davina. I love you Nik. ”
“ I feel really sorry for those guards we all know Caroline is a fighter growing up with brothers and being a shadowhunter fighting is in her blood.”
“ We need to make sure she’s ok someone needs to get in there. They won’t let me in I’ve tried. I heard someone say they were going to strip her of her runes and sentence her to exile. If she does get sentenced to excile I will go with her not just because I love her and she’s my wife but she’s my parabatai, my best friend, we made a vow at our wedding to stick together always and forever though thick and thin. That’s why I fell in love with your sister I saw she was a fighter and I knew she was the one for me.”
“ I thought you fell in love with our sister when she broke your nose in kendo training.”
Klaus smiles at that memory they were ten when she broke his nose. They were sparring they had been sparring with each other since they were five. That day he didn’t block her attack quickly enough and her fist came in contact with his nose and broke it. Then a few days later he broke her hand by accident they were training. “No that’s when I knew she had to be parabatai.
Caroline is pacing the room they locked her in when she hears Damon and Stefan’s voices she bangs on the door. ” She isn’t allowed visitors.“
” She’s our sister we need to make sure she’s ok.“
” No visitors you’ll see her at the trial.“
” Fine don’t let us see our sister can you at least tell us what she is on trial for?“
” Treason.“
Kol and Esther are fighting over the whole Bonnie situation, Klaus is yelling at Cami over arresting Caroline and saying his marriage is invalid, Damon and Stefan are yelling at the guards to let them see Caroline, and Caroline is banging on the door yelling to let her go. Elijah and Freya are trying to stop the fighting but failing miserably.
The inquisitor Carol Lockwood, her guards, and a silent brother come walking through the portal door into the institute. ” What is going on? If this is how you run the New York Institute we are going to have to put someone else in charge?“
Everyone turns towards the inquisitor. Klaus steps forward ” If I may inquisitor-“
” -You may not leave us that goes for everyone.“
Carol turns towards Cami when everyone leaves ” I send you here to get the cup and you arrest someone and plan to marry another why?“
” She threatened to kill a member of the clave. His marriage is invalid in the eyes of the clave.“
"Well your upcoming nuptials to him better not get in the way of you prosecuting his possible wife.”
“ You have my word they won’t.”
“Good the trial begins this evening.”
“Can you get my stele back?”
Elijah looks down at his youngest brother then at everyone still bickering amongst each other “ Everyone stop.”
His family turns to look at him. “ Now we have several family problems all happening at the same time so we divide and conquer. Niklaus, Kol you will go with Damon, Stefan and Davina to Caroline’s trial. Rebekah you will help Henrik learn his runes so he doesn’t start another fire. And last mother we need to talk you, me and Freya.”
Everyone disperses to do their job Elijah assigned them to do.
Elijah and Freya are trying to get their mother to see reason on this Bonnie Bennett marriage situation. “ Mother you can’t force someone anyone least of all Kol to do something he doesn’t want to do.”
“It will help repair the Mikaelson name after the unsanctioned missions and helping the Gilbert girl destroyed our name. Bonnie’s family was almost as powerful as ours used to be but when we fell out of grace their family moved up.”
“ We understand why but Kol doesn’t want to do this he doesn’t remember Bonnie plus he’s already engaged.”
“ Yes to a downworlder and not just any downworlder but Davina Claire. She has been around for centuries. That will only destroy our name even more.”
“ We are all friends with Davina we even have a vampire friend. It it’s not like it used to be when you were growing up. The downworlders and this institute of Shadowhunters sometimes work together.”
Rebekah is holding up flashcards with runes on them for Henrik and he has to guess what they are.
“ Speed”
“Courage and Combat”
“ Nourishment”
“ Henrik you know this is the heat rune.”
Henrik smiles at his big sister “ That’s right.”
Rebekah pulls Henrik into her arms and starts tickling him “You little fire starter we should of started with the extinguished rune.”
The door to Caroline’s room opens and Caroline is ready to fight anyone that comes in. Cami walks in and the guards close the door Caroline glares at her. When Cami takes her stele out and traces a rune on her wrist and turns back into Klaus. Caroline throws her arms around him and kisses him. “ Nik.”
Klaus buries his face in her hair he kisses her neck. “ My love.”
“ I didn’t do anything our marriage is valid we have the runes to prove it. I didn’t commit treason. They can’t find the cup and they need something to do so they arrest me for ‘treason’.”
“ I know love I got your text Kol asked Davina and she said yes. Why haven’t you used your stele to get out of here?”
“ You didn’t just fall in love with me because I’m a fighter I also think every move out. They’re testing me. They didn’t take my stele and are waiting till I use it then accuse me of something else. So instead I will go along with there game but anyone tries to take me away from you, our family or try to de rune me I will fight.”
Klaus kisses her forehead “ My beautiful warrior. I have to go your brothers can’t distract Camille forever. I will see you at the trial it’s tonight. I love you and whatever the result is I will be with you.”
Caroline kisses him one last time “ I love you too.”
Klaus pulls out his stele and traces his glamour rune and turns back into Cami.
“Will I survive if I touch that?”
Davina went to law school in the mid 1900’s she never knew she would need it so much. With being the high witch of Manhattan she breaks up fights with other witches in the city, dealing with the accords and now she’s a lawyer.
She looks up at the judge for the trial Carol Lockwood. The that in question is the mortal sword and on the other side of the sword is silent brother Parker. “ If you tell the truth.”
Davina in black leather pants, purple tank top with black jacket, and sparkly purple heels puts her perfectly manicured long glittery purple nails on the handle of the sword which the ruby on the top glows and brother Parker telepathy says the courtroom oath in her head “ By the power of the sword do you swear to defend your client integrity and honesty.”
“ Yes”
Brother Parker bows while Davina removes her hands from the sword.
“ Make your case witch.”
Davina knows she’s not wanted here by the clave but Caroline wanted her and she’s friends with Caroline so she’s here for here. Plus she’s not the only downworlder at the trial. Enzo the leader of the New York City vampires is here.
Enzo has been Caroline’s friend since she was twelve. It was her first mission without an adult watching her. It was a routine mission kill a vampire not following the rules of the accord. Caroline was ready she found the vampire and was ready to kill it when it surprised her and flipped them over and tried to bite her. They were right outside the hotel Enzo lives at he saw the whole thing. He was going to kill the vampire himself but saw a Shadowhunter do it for him. When the vampire flipped them over and he saw how Caroline was struggling a little bit to not let the vampire bite her. He vamped down to them and killed the vampire. He helped Caroline up and they have been friends since. Caroline’s even saved his life too.
The whole institute is in the courtroom for the trial including all the Mikaelsons, Alaric, uncle Silas, Katherine and Lucien.
“My client Caroline Mikaelson is innocent on all charges. She never committed treason. Plus she has the runes to prove her marriage is real. I also have proof myself silent brother Parker was at the wedding he was the officiant. Both Caroline Mikaelson and Klaus Mikaelson have the marriage runes. Klaus wears his gold bracelet everyday and Caroline wears her pearl teardrop necklace everyday. This isn’t a case of treason and invalid marriage it a case of she has what I want.”
“ The marriage between Caroline Salvatore and Niklaus Mikaelson is valid.”
Klaus leans forward and puts his hand on her shoulder which she puts a hand on his hand and squeezes.
“ However I have here saying that Caroline threatened to kill another Shadowhunter and said Shadowhunter is apart of the clave.”
“ Caroline was upset she was just told her marriage was invalid and to make it valid said Shadowhunter is going to marry her husband. She was acting out of rage. And hasn’t everyone said something they regret out of rage.”
“I call to the stand Caroline Mikaelson.”
Caroline in a blue knee length dress sits next to Carol Lockwood.
Cami begins questioning her. “ So you deny threatening to kill me?”
“ I never actually said I’m going to kill you I started to say it but only said ki. Also your taking it out of context. In context it makes more sense. My husband and I were talking with his younger brother Henrik when John Gilbert walks into the institute. We push Henrik behind us and I throw one of my knifes at John Gilbert he catches it and pulls out his stele and traces a rune on his arm and de glamours as you. Who says our reaction time is a abysmal we need to talk. Then you tell us our marriage is invalid and to make it valid you will marry my husband. Then a couple minutes later you arrest me for treason.”
“ So you admit you attacked me.”
Caroline rolls her eyes “ I didn’t attack you. But you know what this whole trial isnt about me or you or anyone here it’s about the cup your sick of waiting for the cup and your afraid that the cup will fall into the Gilbert’s hands.”
“ Caroline I have to tell you everything you say will be taken inconsideration for the verdict.”
“ Good im done playing your game Camille. You’ve locked in a room and have not let me see my family and told me you were going to throw away the key. I’m done I’m going to say what I need to say and your going to listen. I don’t want the Gilbert’s to win I have been helping find the cup and fight demons.
Why would I commit treason against something I’ve been apart of my whole life I’ve been fighting since I was five. I remember the first rune I ever got the courage and combat rune I was so excited. After I got it I ran to my brothers and I showed them.
We have angel blood running through our veins but we also have mundane blood it’s ok to be scared. We’re all scared we don’t know where the cup is and the Gilbert’s are back and they could find the cup before us. When you think about it were no different than them we justify everything with Angel blood just like they do. We will end up turning on each other just like they did.”
Carol Lockwood has been listing to Caroline’s speech she always thought Caroline was a good fighter. “ Is that what you think that we are turning on you?”
“No offense inquisitor but the clave did falsely accuse me and put me on trial for something I didn’t do just because they can’t find the cup.”
Davina stands up to address the inquisitor “ I call to the stand Camille O'Connell.”
“ I don’t see how that could be relevant.”
“ We add that to the list of us because Caroline, Klaus, myself, the entire Mikaelson family, and the entire New York institute don’t see the relevant of this case let alone this trial.”
Cami goes to the witness chair and Davina starts questing her. “ I only have one question for you why are you prosecuting this case?”
“ She threat-”
“ -I don’t want to hear she threatened to kill me or attacked me, or their marriage is invalid. We’ve already discuss that so why are you pushing this trial.”
Cami looks up at Carol who looks at her “ Answer the question councilor.”
“ In Idris I grew up next to the Mikaelsons and across the street from the Salvatore’s. When we were five and we were allowed to train with everyone else it was always Klaus trains with Caroline and vise versa. Then they became parabatai and that sealed it they are supposed to train together fight together. Nobody wanted to train with me or become my parabatai. Not even my late fiancé. Then the clave took me in a made me envoy to the clave.”
“This is ridiculous.”
“ This case is ridiculous I see that now. I withdraw the charges.”
Caroline turns around and hugs Klaus so tight “It’s over my love your safe.”
Davina returns to the table and Caroline hugs her “ Thank you Davina your are truly the best lawyer/witch/best friend a girl could ask for.”
“ Your welcome and next time you come to the other side drinks are on me.”
Caroline returns to Klaus arms. While Davina flicks her hand and confetti starts falling over them.
Carol Lockwood hasn’t made her decree yet she starts banging her gavel “ Silence order in the courtroom silence.
Just because you withdrew the charges doesn’t mean it’s over. The defense was right we want the mortal cup. If you don’t get it to us in twenty four hours Caroline Mikaelson will be strip of her runes and sentenced to exile. And anyone who gets in our way of finding the cup will join her in exile.”
Klaus tightens his arms around his wife “ It will be ok. We will find Elena get the cup and you will be fine. If I personally have to drag her back here I will.”
Caroline nods “ Fight against Elena to decide whether or not I remain a Shadowhunter I am so in.”
Klaus kisses her. Everything could change in the next twenty four hours for them.
Caroline looks over at Cami “ You know if you would of just said you would of liked to spar with Klaus I would of said fine. You didn’t have to arrest me and make false accusations against me which by the way still mad about.”
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obsidianarchives · 7 years
The Chang-Yang Family - Part 1
INT. HOGWARTS EXPRESS - AISLE - AFTERNOON                  STUDENTS fill the corridor. They're talking, laughing,                  kissing, holding hands, watching videos on their mobile                  devices, being casual, being carefree.                      INT. HOGWARTS EXPRESS - COMPARTMENT - DUSK                  MICHELLE CHANG-YANG, 15, Black, sits in a compartment                  with her friends. 15 year old AISHA GOLDSMAN, a girl with                  rich brown skin and long, deep red braids, is reading                  BLACK MAGIC, a hair & beauty magazine and laughing at:                  JAMES POTTER, also 15, a tall, brown haired boy, whose                  makeup keeps being altered by LYRIC SCAMANADER, 16.                  Lyric's light brown skin and bright, red afro glow as she                  debates with James over the softer pallet she prefers on                  his skin rather than the dark and bold color scheme he                  usually wears.                  Michelle holds a book that she doesn't read and sits                  still, her attention caught by whatever is on her mind.                    The train zooms by the moors of SCOTLAND, beautiful and                  bone-chilling, but she doesn't seem to notice. Her                  friends laugh raucously and still, nothing draws her gaze                  from her hands.                  EXT. PLATFORM 9 3/4 - NIGHT                  CHO CHANG, 49, Chinese, stands on the train platform and                  doesn't interact with any of the waiting families. She is                  dressed to kill in a bright, color blocked pants-suit,                  hair and nails perfectly manicured. In front of her face,                  a screen floats. Cho uses her wand to scroll down and                  read the next few paragraphs of the report displayed.                  SMALL AND LARGE GROUPS OF FAMILIES have clustered in                  their winter gear, making mindless chatter about their                  yule plans and stealing glances at Cho who doesn't even                  wear a coat.                    In moments, the HOGWARTS EXPRESS, in all of its crimson                  and black glory, roars into the station and the air fills                  with anticipation. Cho waves her wand to disappear the                  screen. Suddenly she is excited and scans the crowd of                  students eagerly. The too-cool-for-school business woman                  of 2 minutes ago completely disappears when Cho spots the                  person she's looking for.                                         CHO                            Bones! Bones! Shelly Bones!                  Cho's waving and calling out isn't helping. She rushes                  past the crowd in front of her and catches up to                  Michelle, who is moving quickly towards a column to exit.                                         CHO                            Bones!                  Michelle turns around, surprise evident on her face.                                         MICHELLE                            Mama?!                  Cho embraces her daughter tightly. Michelle is still                  surprised but returns the hug.                                         CHO                            Where are your friends? I told                            Harry and Ginny we'd bring James                            home.                                         MICHELLE                            He's going to the movies with Ish                            and Lyric. So, what's up? What are                            you doing here??                                         CHO                            Baby, it's your 16th birthday. I                            know you didn't think I would let                            someone else be here.                                         MICHELLE                                 (rolling her eyes)                            My birthday is NEXT Saturday.                                         CHO                            Your birthday is the month of                            December. And nobody is picking up                            my baby from the train for her                            16th birthday visit-but me. I                            forced all of the UK to                            accommodate my schedule only for                            my daughter to be unimpressed by                            my appearance.                                 (She lets out a                                  dramatic sigh)                             Ready to go?                  Cho takes Michelle's hand and begins walking towards the                  column.                  There is a short line of people waiting to go through but                  she goes to the front and steps in front of the family                  beginning to push themselves into the brick column.                                         CHO                            Hi, sorry, just got word. Big                            emergency. Happy Christmas to you.                  Cho steps through the column, leaving Platform 9 3/4                  behind. Michelle glances at the stunned family,                  embarrassed. She mumbles something unintelligible and                  follows her mother through the column.                  INT. CHANG GRANDPARENTS DINING ROOM - NIGHT                  Michelle and Cho sit on opposite sides of a small dining                  room table. At the head of the table is GRANDPA CHANG,                  60s, kind with a bright twinkle of humor in his eyes, and                  GRANDMA CHANG, 60s, the resident bearer of truth in the                  family, sits across from him.                      All dialogue in italics is in Mandarin                                         MICHELLE                            The only class I'm worried about                            is Defense Against the Dark Arts.                                         GRANDMA CHANG                            Do you need an OWL in that?                                         CHO                            She wants an OWL in all her                            courses Mama.                                         GRANDPA CHANG                            Of course she does.                                         MICHELLE                                 (staring at her                                  plate)                            It's because I don't know what                            career I want.                                         CHO                            Right now, she wants to work in                            Magical Law as much as she wants                            to be a Healer.                                         GRANDPA CHANG                                 (proud)                            And last month, you thought it                            would be fun to be an author.                                         GRANDMA CHANG                            You have so many interests little                            one.                                         CHO                            It's that curious mind you have.                                         MICHELLE                            Yeah.                  The adults look at one another questioningly. Michelle is                  pushing the food around on her plate but has hardly eaten                  anything.                                         CHO                            Your father said you're doing                            really well in Transfiguration.                                         MICHELLE                                 (Michelle's head                                  snaps up at this)                            ...yeah.                  They all look at her expectantly.                                         MICHELLE                            It helps that he teaches it? I'm                            not afraid to try anything in that                            class.                  Michelle gives them a small smile and takes a bite of                  food before another question can be asked. Everyone is                  quiet for a moment.                                         CHO                            You alright honey?                                         MICHELLE                            Yes Mama, I'm fine.                  Grandma Chang pats her daughter on the hand                  understandingly. Teenage girls, what are you gonna do?                  They carry on the conversation and leave Michelle to her                  thoughts.                  INT. CHANG GRANDPARENTS LIVING ROOM - NIGHT                  Michelle and Grandpa sit on the floor, an elaborately                  Chinese styled game of Wizards Chess between them.                  Grandpa is the clear winner at this point.                  Several of Michelle's bronze pieces lie destroyed on the                  floor in front of him while his red pieces stand tall                  across the board.                                         GRANDMA CHANG                            You know, little one, I haven't                            beat you this bad since last year.                  Michelle barely laughs.                                         GRANDPA CHANG                            Let's call the game a draw, hm?                            And talk about you.                                         MICHELLE                            I never draw.                                         GRANDPA CHANG                            Then let's talk about what's on                            your mind then finish playing. I                            don't like playing against a                            zombie. It's not a good game.                  Michelle doesn't speak right away. Her eyes stay on the                  Chess board, and the piece she's holding. Grandpa sits                  patiently.                                         MICHELLE                                 (so low it's almost a                                  whisper)                            I've made a big decision but I                            don't know how to tell Mama.                                         GRANDPA CHANG                            Your Mama is a strong girl. Tell                            her whatever it is.                                         MICHELLE                            What did you think when she                            brought me home the first time?                  This time it's Grandpa Chang who doesn't speak right                  away. After a moment, he looks Michelle in her eye and                  doesn't look away while he responds.                                         GRANDPA CHANG                            I thought my daughter had went                            crazy.                  Michelle absorbs this, still holding his gaze even though                  she doesn't want to.                                         GRANDPA CHANG                            32 years old, no husband, no                            boyfriend. Busy job. A 2 year old                            child she found in a building.                            Black girl. I think 'ah, she                            finally fall apart from the school                            boyfriend's death.'                                         MICHELLE                            It was an orphanage, Grandpa. And                            she's told me about him. He sounds                            really nice. Do you think they                            would've gotten married and had                            their own family.                                         GRANDPA CHANG                            Own family?                                         MICHELLE                            Their own children.                                         GRANDPA CHANG                            Who's child are you then?                                         MICHELLE                            I know I'm Mama's child. I just                            wonder if she would've had her own                            children if she could.                                         GRANDPA CHANG                            She can. She chose you. She said                            you were born to belong to each                            other.                  Grandpa Chang takes the piece from Michelle's hands and                  moves it on the board. He begins playing against himself.                                         GRANDPA CHANG                            Talk to your Mama, little one. She                            will help you. You belong to all                            of us and we belong to you.                  INT. CHANG HALLWAY - NIGHT                  Cho and Michelle side along apparate into the front                  hallway of their home.                                         CHO                            Pretty soon, I'm going to miss                            that. You're growing up so fast, I                            lose a little bit of you every                            day.                    She places a kiss on her daughter's forehead and lets her                  go.                                         MICHELLE                            Mama...Mama, I need to be Chinese.                  Michelle looks at her mother expectantly but Cho can't                  pretend like she understands. She can't even follow where                  this conversation is going.                                         CHO                            Can you give me a little more?                                         MICHELLE                            I've been working on a spell.                            Since last year. It'll...make me                            Chinese.                                         CHO                            Baby, I don't understand.                                         MICHELLE                            I want to look like my family. I                            need to look like my family.                  Cho finally registers what's going on just stares. She                  can't believe this.                                         MICHELLE                            The spell is permanent.                  Cho cries out but Michelle, unable to stop now that she's                  begun, continues.                                         MICHELLE                            I've chosen my birthday as the                            transformation date so I need to                            get back to Hogwarts next week.                            Dad's going to be there to help me                            and make sure nothing goes wrong.                                         CHO                            Okay, just. Wait.                  Cho puts her hands up, gesturing for Michelle to stop.                  They stand there, looking at one another, each needing to                  express more. More thoughts, more questions, more                  beliefs, more viewpoints. But they can't. So they stand.                  INT. HOGWARTS HEADMISTRESS OFFICE - DAY                  Cho is no longer standing. She's pacing. Furiously. She                  is a ball of tightly wound energy and when MICHAEL YANG,                  38, Chinese, the consummate academic, enters the room,                  she unleashes it all on him. The door to the Headmistress                  of HOGWARTS' office hasn't closed before Michael has been                  disarmed and pinned to the wall in a burst of incensed                  magic by Cho.                  HERMIONE GRANGER, 49, Headmistress, is alarmed but                  instantly aware that she will have to be the voice of                  reason. She quietly calls out to Cho from her desk.                                         HERMIONE                            Cho. Can you please let my                            professor down from the wall?                                         CHO                                 (she only has                                  attention for                                  Michael)                            How. Dare. You.                                         MICHAEL                            Let me down. Now!                  Cho doesn't budge. She is all fire and fury. Hermione                  disarms her, releases Michael and has them both pinned to                  the seats in front of her desk in a matter of moments.                  Cho watches as Hermione draws another spell with her wand                  and encloses them in a large, clear cube. A thin,                  transparent wall stands between her & Michael's chairs                  from floor to ceiling. Cho leaps from her chair, her rage                  temporarily directed to Hermione but the air outside the                  cube seems to be peaceful & undisturbed.                                         HERMIONE                            The cube is soundproof. I assume                            this...conversation is about your                            daughter so I can't hear a word                            you're saying. Yell, scream, do                            whatever you need. My office was                            chosen for a reason so just let me                            know when you're done and ready to                            explain what my role is supposed                            to be.                    Hermione turns her back on them.                                         CHO                            I hate that bitch!                                         MICHAEL                            Cho.                                         CHO                            Don't say my name! Don't you dare                            say my name! How could you                            Michael?!                                         MICHAEL                            She asked me.                                         CHO                            And the answer is no! You don't                            get to help my daughter feel like                            she's not good enough!                                         MICHAEL                            You need to listen to OUR daughter                            about what she wants. We don't                            have the right to tell her no.                                           CHO                            Yes we do Michael! We're her                            parents. It's what the fuck we do!                            She's young, she wants to make a                            decision that will affect her for                            the rest of her life and WE TELL                            HER NO!                                         MICHAEL                            Have you even talked to her about                            it? She came to me because she                            knew you wouldn't listen-                                         CHO                            AND YOU, YOU WORTHLESS ASSHOLE,                            YOU SHOULD'VE COME TO ME                            IMMEDIATELY!                                         MICHAEL                            My name is Michael. And you're not                            the only one that cares about-                                         CHO                                 (disbelieving)                            If you care about her, act like                            it!                  Cho walks to the edge of the cube and bangs on it to get                  Hermione's attention.                                         HERMIONE                                 (as though on a loud                                  speaker)                            Is everything alright?                                         CHO                            Let us out of here.                  She gestures, remembering Hermione's instructions that                  they can't be heard.                                         HERMIONE                            Are you done? I can't have you                            throwing Professors all over my                            office Cho.                  Every portrait hanging in the office voices their support                  of Hermione and their outrage at Cho's behavior.                                         CHO                            Just let us out.                  Hermione vanishes the walls surrounding Michael and Cho.                  They don't take their seats again but they stay on                  opposite sides of the room.                                         HERMIONE                            So...why are we here?                                         CHO                            Professor Yang, please.                                 (she gestures                                  invitingly)                            Why don't you continue the                            conversation I'm sure you've been                            having with Professor Granger.                            Certainly you and my daughter                            haven't set these grand plans to                            take place on school grounds next                            week and not shared them the                            Headmistress.                                         HERMIONE                            Professor Yang?                                         MICHAEL                            Michelle came to me at the                            beginning of the school year and                            informed me of an advanced                            transfiguration spell she's been                            working on-                                         CHO                            You knew about this in September?!                                         MICHAEL                            -to permanently alter her                            appearance.                  Cho makes a noise of frustration. The Headmasters hanging                  on the wall are shocked but Hermione urges Michael to                  continue.                                         MICHAEL                            Her entire family is Chinese and                            she wants to...look like the rest                            of us.                                         HERMIONE                            Am I to understand that Michelle                            is planning to perform a spell                            that will permanently make her                            appear Chinese?                                         CHO                            I'm being quiet because if I say                            anything, I'll scream.                                         HERMIONE                            Certainly, Professor Yang, you                            wouldn't allow a student to                            perform that kind of experimental,                            and likely illegal, magic on the                            premises.                                         MICHAEL                            She's done the research, there are                            no laws on record outlawing the                            magic.                                         HERMIONE                            Currently.                                         MICHAEL                            The spell combines 3 forms of                            interchangeable magic in a way                            I've never seen before. It's a                            transfiguration spell supported by                            a charm and a potion, both of                            which she also created. It's quite                            remarkable Professor Granger.                                         CHO                            That doesn't make it right,                            Michael!                                         HERMIONE                            As impressive as the magic sounds                            Professor Yang-                                         MICHAEL                            -It's a personal project and would                            take place when students aren't in                            term! Michelle is not a student                            next week, she's my child visiting                            me at my home.                                         HERMIONE                            Which is my school.                                         CHO                            My daughter is Black, she is                            beautiful and she's going to be                            both of those things forever.                                         MICHAEL                            Our daughter is brave and                            brilliant and determined to do                            this!                                         HERMIONE                            That may be the case but she can't                            do it here at Hogwarts. If                            Michelle wants to return to school                            with a new...face, that's a family                            matter, that I would expect the                            ministry to weigh in on, but I                            cannot allow you to carry on this                            experiment here. And I'm very                            disappointed in you Professor                            Yang, that you would abuse your                            position in this way.                                         CHO                            Michael Yang, you listen to me.                                 (she's crying now)                            You cannot do this. Don't do this.                                           MICHAEL                            At 14 years old, Michelle created                            a spell that most hundred year old                            witches and wizards can't fathom.                            And she is very clear about her                            reasons for doing so. You don't                            get to tell her who to be Cho. You                            think that's your job as her                            parent but it isn't.                            I'm telling you in no uncertain                            terms that she has my full support                            and will have my full assistance                            however SHE chooses to see this                            through.                                 (to Hermione)                            Professor Granger, I apologize.                  Michael wordlessly calls his wand to him and storms down                  the stairs.                                                         TO BE CONTINUED...
Sunshine Moxie Entertainment exists to put Black women of all ethnicities, nationalities and walks of life at the center of their own stories. We use creativity in the forms of cinema, television, music videos, live productions, audiobooks and other forms of new or emerging media to build a worldwide community of Black women. As part of our commitment to making sure the world has unparalleled access to a wide berth of perspectives, Sunshine Moxie Entertainment seeks to find, develop, educate and empower talent in front of and behind the camera.
Eliyannah Amirah Yisrael, Ravenclaw and founder of Sunshine Moxie Entertainment, is a Black girl from Chicago who was supposed to stay inside her box. Instead, she decided to dream big, live bigger and change the world through visual storytelling. Since 2010, she has written and directed across mediums to tell stories about the objects of her obsession: women of color.
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hernameisleah-blog · 7 years
She’s been sitting besides me the whole day, silent but her presence alone made the air heavy.
"You know," she finally said. "what are you doing there is shit. They just pay you for that because they pity you."
I look up from the screen. Her blonde hair is falling over her shoulders, she is looking at me with cold, mocking, blue eyes. I sigh.
"Why do you think that?", I ask her and take another sip of the coffee. She scoffs, leans back in her chair and crosses her legs. "Oh come on. You are struggling with that layout for hours now, a real professional would have that finished in no time."
"I would, if you would stop annoying me.", I mumble and try to focus on the screen again.
"What did you say?", her mocking voice makes me groan. "Are you trying to rebell against me?"
I roll my eyes and turn around to face her directly. "Tell me, what do you want?"
"What do you mean?", she seems confused for a second.
"I mean, what's your goal? What do you try to accomplish?"
She thinks about it for a moment. "Do I need a goal? Maybe I just enjoy controlling you..."
"Don't you get bored?", I don't know where this comes from, but I feel like poking a lion with a stick. She could just hit me hard and I wouldn't be able to to get out of bed for days and get into big trouble with my current jobs. "I mean, you do that for so many years now..."
"Mmmh," she runs her perfect manicured fingers through her hair as she thinks about it. "I've never done anything else... But what do you know about goals?! Did you ever accomplish something?"
I sigh. Again. "Thanks to you, no."
"See.", her face is the epitome of arrogant bitch. "So, anything else you want to say, or do you want to get back failing at that job?"
"There's a lot I want to say."
"Well, go on."
"I hate you." I've never spoken that out loud. It feels good. "I hate you with all my being."
Her eyes grow wide. "Please?" She has the look of someone who has never been confronted before.
"You are destroying me. You do nothing but make me feel bad about myself. You destroy my work, my dreams, my relationships. And I want you to leave. I want you to leave and never come back."
"What do you think this is? Do you try to reenact that Gollum/Smeagol scene?", she smirks.
"No, I'm breaking up with you."
She laughs an evil, arrogant, loud laugh. "That is not possible, Darling."
"And why not?"
"I'm a part of you.", she cocks her head to one side. "you can't get rid of me."
I stare at her and grind my teeth. What she says feels true, but... there has to be something I can do. I feel like I'm standing in front of an impossible tall wall, knowing I have to get to the other side but unable to come up with a way how to do it. I feel weak and tired.
"See," she is checking her nails. "You are simply incompetent. Live with it."
"You make no sense." I mumble as I turn back to my work, trying to finish it in reasonable time knowing already I will have to change the time entries for them to be reasonable.
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