#i never would have dared to let myself dream to see a grown man cry and for the narrative to allow it and not turn him into a punchline
freakeii · 3 years
And So He Cried
“I apologize, Terzo.  For everything I've done.  I truly do.” Those few soft-spoken words had made Terzo’s heart just about stop.  The young unholy father couldn’t believe what he had heard, was he dreaming?  Would he wake up to another day of his miserable life?  Or was his father standing before him with furrowed brows and eyes threatening to spill tears real?  Terzo couldn’t focus anymore, blood pumping and heart beating at a faster rate than a death metal song.  Was that it?  Was that all his father had to say?  That he was sorry?  Terzo’s left hand clenched, untrimmed fingernails digging into the pale skin of his palm.  He could care less if he broke skin, focusing on anything else would be better than this. “Leave.”  Terzo finally hissed out, voice uncharacteristically angry.  The one simple word was full of venom and pure hatred for the man before him.  But the only thing that responded was the sigh of his father and heavy footsteps.  Terzo flinched back when Nihil’s familiar foot pattern inched closer, wanting anything but to be near him right now.  But alas, Terzo made no argument against it.  Deep down somewhere dark in the back of his mind and heart, that little boy Terzo once was still cried for his father.  He longed to have someone to look up to other than his brothers, someone to cry to, to talk to.  Terzo wanted to choke and sob against his father's chest as he would when he was small, but of course he couldn’t.  He’s a grown man now.  A leader and a figure.  Terzo only kept his head down, refusing to let Nihil still his tear threatened eyes.
“Please let me speak to you.”  Nihil nearly begged. “Why?  After all these years you finally decide to say sorry?”  Terzo squeaked out the question when Nihil finally stood right before him, looming over his sitting figure.  Terzo felt small under Nihil’s gaze, exposed and judged.  He gnawed on his painted lip, the taste less than dashing but he could care less. “Let me see your face, boy.”  Nihil spoke, voice gentle.  Terzo thought against it, not believing his oxygen tank breathing father was worthy of this moment of weakness.  But he just couldn’t help himself.  Nihil then was met with the painted face of a child, eyes wide and puffy.  The child behind those tired eyes longed for comfort and reassurance, begging anyone for it.  He sniffled and hiccupped, fighting back the tears that dared to spill.  Terzo blink once or twice then, staring into the piercing white eyes that Nihil bore.  It was the longest time he had dared to look at his father for, shame then lacing his expression. “Papa” Terzo then choked, no longer capable of holding back the inevitable.  A sob escaped the young man’s, tears rushing down his cheeks like a waterfall.  Years of hiding, years of yelling ringing through his ears.  Years of backhanded lies and manipulation all came coursing through Terzo’s soul and he made no attempt to stop it.  He deserved this moment to let out his pain and frustration.  He had worked for it.  Just like Nihil had always wanted him to. “Oh son.” Nihil sighed and brought his hands to cup Terzo’s face.
“Va bene, sfogati.”  Nihil cooed to his youngest child in Italian, almost as if it were a lullaby.  Terzo then stood up from his chair and without thinking, pulled the old one in for a hug by the neck.  Terzo buried his face into his father's shoulder, paint smudging against the silk robes.  He heard the way Nihil's breath hitched but he couldn’t care.  Terzo would rather kill a man than let go any time soon.  Then, frail and shaky arms wrapped around his torso hesitantly, returning the act of affection.   “I never wanted to hurt you, Terzo.”  Nihil finally spoke, accent laced over with shakiness.  “I have only wanted you to become far greater than me or your brothers ever were.”   Terzo could only sob harder at this, nearly incapable of speech or thinking as he held Nihil tightly.
“But I never wanted t-to be them, papa.” Terzo stuttered through his sobs, body trembling.  “I just wanted to be the best of m-myself.”   “I understand now, my son.”  Nihil whispered, “I understand.  It is fine.”  Nihil then lifted his right hand to bring it to the back of Terzo’s head.  His slender fingers buried into the black locks, holding Terzo ever so tightly.  “We shall fix our relationship, si?  I promise.”  Terzo nodded at that, a smile finding its way to his smudged black and white lips.  Perhaps his prayers to Lucifer had been answered.  Life would be getting better after all.
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abbabycchio · 3 years
I don't think any of my followers know this but I love flowers! So here is  flowers that the Bucci gang would give to you based on how they feel about you/ think of you.
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Bruno Bucciarati: Since the fall of the former boss, and his reposition as the second hand to Don Giovanna, although he loves you dearly he knows it will have to be a very “long distance” secret lovers situation to ensure your safety. However he makes sure you know how much he loves and longs for you every day he lives.
Pink Camellias: Longing for you
Gardenia: Secret love
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He’ll send you these flowers in a bouquet anytime he thinks of you with a note attached to remind you of his love and longing.
I long to see you again, mio fiore, there isn't a day that goes by that you aren't on my mind, your smile, your body, the way you sway to your favorite songs, the way your face contorts in pleasure when I touch you. I wish our love had blossomed sooner so I could hold you in my arms more often, hear you whisper your love into my ears, and bask in your heavenly laughter. My love, until I see you again.
Leone Abbacchio(happy birthday baby): It’s been awhile since he’s ever felt the way he does for you, he doesn’t particularly understand what he feels for you but he knows it’s more than how he feels for anyone else, as a result he pushes his insecurities aside and tries to become the type of man who’s worthy of your love and attention.
Red Camellia: You’re a Flame in My Heart
Savory(yes it’s also the name of a spice): interest
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Rather than send you flowers he’ll hand deliver them when he can. When he can’t he’ll send you a note attached to the flower to reassure you of his feelings. In person he’ll just man up and tell you aloud. (Most the time he’ll tell you these things when he’s literally busting inside you)
I fell for you not just from your appearance. I fell for you because we are best friends and I can't stop looking at you or thinking about you. I fell for you because of the way you smile, how your lips move when you speak, and how you always try to make me smile even when I don't feel like it. I fell hard for every aspect good or bad. Not just one thing.
-Leone Abbacchio.
Narancia Ghirga: He adores you, you are the most precious, important person in his life. He 100% devotes his love and affection to you and loves to remind you of that every day.
Edelweiss: Courage, devotion
Dwarf Sunflower: Adoration
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 He comes to you in person, wherever you are, or whoever you’re with. With bundle of flowers and proclaims his admiration for you. 
“I do and always will adore the parts of you that you’ve forgotten to love, I devote myself to seeing you happy, to loving you. I will do anything for you, more flowers, notes, praise, bow at your feet! I don’t care, I love you and all I want is for you to love me for me back.” 
Pannacotta Fugo: He is constantly anxious he loves you but worries it won’t last, he wants to be his true self with you, wants to make you happy, he wants to set his anger aside and replace it with your love.
Red Carnation: my heart aches(these flowers are also used in funerals)
Violet: Loyalty, devotion, faithfulness, modesty
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He will send these flowers to you with a note, of course you’ll call him after you read the note, thanking him for the flowers and let him really explain what exactly he’s trying to tell you. 
I may not be your first, or your last, or your only. You’ve loved before and you may love again. But I love you now, so what else matters? You’re not perfect - I’m not either, and the two of us may never be perfect together but you make me laugh, cause me to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, I’m going to hold onto you and give you the most I can. You may not be thinking about me every second of the day, but you’ve given me a part of you that I know I can break - your heart. So I won’t hurt you, won’t change you, I won’t analyze and don’t expect more than you can give. I’m gonna smile when you make me happy, I’ll let you know when you make me mad, and I’ll miss you when you’re not there.
-Pannacotta Fugo.
Giorno Giovanna: Being the Don of Passione is a hard job, he doesn’t let you out of his sight though, you’ll always be under his protection. Of course he doesn’t keep you around him 24/7 you are your own person with your own life. But the moment he knew he was in love with you he swore to protect you.
Red Salvia: Forever mine
Yarrow: Everlasting love
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Using GER he’s able to make these flowers blossom around your home, practically encasing you in his love. But he also uses this flower wall as defence against any of his enemies that would dare use you against him.
What is it that draws me to you? My cheek against yours, so smooth and warm. Breathing your heavy scent. Your lips so soft and firm, the kiss seemingly lasting forever. So strong and overpowering. I find it hard to resist. The desire, the craving. To be near you, to touch your face, to kiss those lips, to hold you in my arms. I wonder if you feel the same, is the desire a strong? Each time you speak to me my heart melts. I wonder if, for you I have withered and died. Like the last weeks rose. Petals falling around the vase, like the memories of stolen moments. Fragments of a dream. My dream. Of your kiss that lasts forever.
- Giorno Giovanna.
Guido Mista: He’s surprisingly deep, he loves you, and you know it. You have since day one, and he’ll keep telling you until the day he dies. You are on his mind constantly. Every special, passionate moment, every laugh, cry, moan. Every single one of his thoughts are on you, and your future together.
Red Chrysanthemum: I love you
Blue Salvia: I think of you
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He’ll show up at your door and give you the flowers, he’ll then sit you down inside and tell you everything that’s on his mind. He’s the type that thinks this is too intimate of an exchange and would rather it be a private moment for the two of you.
“I never thought I’d like you this much. And I never planed to have you on my mind this often. I want to wake up with you beside me in the mornings. I want to spend my evenings looking at you across the dinner table. I want to share every mundane detail of my day with you and hear every detail of yours. I want to laugh with you and fall asleep with you in my arms. I feel like we’ve known each other our whole lives. I don’t think I’ve ever connected with another human the way I have with you. When I look into your eyes, that’s when I feel it. That’s sudden sense of hope. You give me hope. You make things okay. No one else can do that for me but you. You are special. Believe me when I say I always think of you no matter how busy I am no matter what I’m doing, my brain is constantly thinking of you. I don’t know where my life is going, but I hope I get there with you.”
Trish Una: It took awhile for her to truly fall in love with you, she doesn't say I love you a lot, mostly because she wants to say it a the perfect times, when the love is so strong that she physically can't hold it back. 
Red Tulip: Passion, declaration of love
Heliotrope: Eternal love, devotion. 
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She’ll leave it at your door step and text you the note along with it. You’ll probably catch her peeking around the corner watching you read the text.
The more I see you my love, the more I fall for you. With each passing night and day, my love has only grown. Since the time I met you, I knew it was you. Why do I feel so passionate when I am with you? I love you so much. You are the reason why I breathe, you are my only solitude. Thank you for coming in my life, thank you for taking all of my troubles and showing me the light, thank you for giving me a reason to smile. I always glow when you are with me.
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whitefawnn · 3 years
blood letting (pt. 3)
(c!wilbur x reader)
spoilers for 4/29 stream
pt. 1   pt. 2 pt. 4 pt. 5   AO3
warnings: manipulation, vampires, swearing, gas lighting, threats
note: Read the Warnings
not heavily proof read also,,,
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Wilbur stormed out that day, jaw clenched, he didn’t spare me any words after the kiss. I thought I had learned how to live without him due to the months spent apart but knowing the distance wasn’t created by one of us being 7 feet underground made me feel sick. The danger of Dream escaping loomed around every corner. I warned Tommy, and he subsequently he spared me words of Wilbur’s state. Saying he rambled about Dream being his hero, the image made me feel woozy, almost enough to make me faint. I didn’t tell Sam. Maybe it was because I didn’t want him to hunt down Wilbur. Maybe I couldn’t bear to be the cause of his death or, if he was lucky, imprisonment.
I hadn’t been well since the night with Wilbur, my body still reeling from the blood loss it wasn’t able to recover from, I had been too anxious and high-strung to keep down food. A static forever lingered on the edges of my vision, my skin becoming increasingly pale. I wasn’t a pretty sight and I tried to avoid looking in the mirror whenever possible, eyes glued to the porcelain counter of my bathroom. 
I jumped as a shrill sound, high-pitched and disorienting, rang in my ears. I quickly covered them with my shaky hands, stumbling out into my living room. The radio that sat on the kitchen counter was the source of the insufferable crying. The message began then, my stomach sinking.
The message continued to repeat as I desperately reached to unplug the metal box. I felt my heart begin to race as it slammed into the ground; Pieces of machinery now littered across the tile floor. Suddenly I was dizzy, my vision becoming black, my thoughts hazy. The metallic shards dug into my knees as I fell. The last thing that crossed my mind was that I never had the chance to lock my door.
I awoke to the rattling of the door nob then the subtle creak of it swinging open. I was paralyzed by fear as I slowly strayed back into reality, I don’t think I would be able to move even if someone wasn’t breaking in. I rolled my ankles, trying to regain feeling.
 “They really left their door unlocked?” a male voice questioned. I tried to focus on where the footsteps went as the sound trailed closer. My body ached as I struggled to get up; my hands stiff as I laid them flat against the cold floor. Fuck just get up. I pleaded with my body as I attempted to push myself. Every limb felt full of lead.
“Hm, what do we have here?” it was Dream’s voice that came from behind me. I weakly groaned, giving up on remaining hidden from the terrifying figure that loomed over me. “y/n, tch tch. You left your door wide open, and what a sad sight you are.” He leaned down next to me. “Where’s Wilbur, hm?” he asked now close to my ear. My eyes were closed tight, but I dared to look at him. His face was littered with fresh scabs and healed over scars, his iconic mask nowhere to be seen. One of his eyes was bruised purple and green, yellow spread across his face from the focal point of the severe black eye. His pupils seemed impossibly small, and his hair had become unkempt having grown into a crude mullet after his time spent in the prison. 
“Wilbur,” I whined out once again desperately trying to push myself to my knees, I winced, the metal under me digging into my shifting body.
“Wilbur-” he mocked me with a laugh. “I think you owe me too, y/n. I brought you Wilbur didn’t I?” a wave of nausea came over me. My body seemed to realize what danger I was in giving me the little strength it took to scurry away from the over imposing man. He grinned at me, squatting down on the heels of his feet. I felt like a caged wild animal.
“Dream?” I watched as his face feigned relief at the voice.
“Wilbur!” Wilbur. “I’ve been looking all over for you. Thought you would be here to see them, but I guess I beat you to the punch hm?” he was now standing above me, my back pressed firmly against cabinets.
“Are they here?”  Wilbur strode over to stand by Dream, his features immediately softened when he looked down at me. He rushed to my side, hand caressing my face. “Hello, darling.” he cooed at me “you don’t look so good” I numbly nodded, leaning into his touch. Wilbur didn’t look so great himself, his hair was wild and his skin made him seem sickly. Yellow peaking out and overpowering any pink that could have been there if not for the low lighting. He looked one good hit away from dying if I’m being honest.
“We need to leave, lover boy. I have horses from Techno tied up in the back. You are a wanted criminal now, keep that in mind when you think about wasting time here.” Dream’s face was one of disinterest as his eyes remained locked on the wide-open door. “5 minutes,” he mumbled, leaving the two of us alone. Wilbur pulled me up from the ground and into his arms, sitting us both on the couch like we had days before. 
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled into the crook of my neck. I breathed in the smell of his hair relaxing into his arms. The closeness of our bodies communicative without words. I felt relieved to see him, but I couldn’t ignore what he had done.
“Wilbur, Dream he,” I went over the things he had done in my head while staring at Wilbur’s form. I pursed my lips. Did Wilbur freeing him make him complacent in those actions, in hurting my friends? What did it make me?
“I know, I know, dear.” he dismissed me. “We have to go with Dream. We are gonna go somewhere safe.” I tilted my head as he pulled away from my neck. His wine eyes intense, body rigid. He leaned towards me again, face a few inches from my own. I felt apprehension at the intimacy. He seemed out of it, his expression far away and blissed out. “You smell so good, darling” he muttered pressing his face into my hair. “Fuck, I’ll be right back” Wilbur gently set me on the other side of the couch rushing to the bedroom, He came out with a bag. 
“What’s that?” I inquired still feeling as faint as I had in recent days.
“Just some of your clothes,” he waved away my concern “we have to go” 
“Go where?” he shook his head. 
“Dream knows, we just need to get out of here.” Wilbur pulled my hand, getting me up from the couch. 
“But my home.” I mumbled, shuffling my feet.
“We don’t have time for this, y/n.”
“We’re leaving so many people behind and for what, for Dream?” I argued, yanking my hand out of his own to point at where Dream was waiting. Emotions built in my chest as I glanced around the small comfortable house. Memories painted in every corner, things I didn’t want to leave behind. 
“No,” he gritted his teeth, snatching my hand back and using it to tug me towards him, only a few inches from his face “because I’m fucking wanted, y/n. This isn’t for Dream, this is for us.” he spoke with his jaw clenched, his sharp canines more visible. I shut my mouth, immediately looking away from his face. He led me out the back door where two horses waited. 
“Ready?” Dream said sat on his black steed. He ran his eyes over me with distaste, it made shivers travel down my spine. “We really taking them?” Wilbur hoisted me up onto the horse then slid himself behind me. My back was flush against his chest, his arms caging me in order to properly hold the reins. 
“Shut up, Dream.”
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loki-hargreeves · 4 years
Bucky x Reader - She Will Be Loved
Warnings: terrible date (being ghosted), fluff, fighting (combat), being held at gunpoint, being trapped, hypothermia, vulgar language, mentions of death, hurt/comfort sort of, more fluff Word Count: 8,8K (I tried to keep it under 4K but I can’t control myself) Summary: You have feelings for Bucky that you have pushed aside for too long, in a fear that having feelings for your colleague would be a distraction for you as an Avenger. After a terrible date, Bucky comforts you. The two of you get cozy and you say things you soon regret. You talk things through a few days on an icy mission, when you get trapped together in a sticky situation.  Song prompt/Listen to: She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5 Author’s Note: This is for @nekoannie-chan​ ‘s writing challenge. I hope you’ll enjoy it! I’m so excited to write for Bucky again. It’s been too long. I’m sorry if it sucks, I procrastinated way too much while writing this. #bucketdeservesbetter 
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It had been well over twenty minutes since the artificial intelligence system had informed the people at the compound that Y/N had returned. Whenever the garage was used, it would let others know. Oftentimes, no one really thought much of it. The updates and messages from the system were something the Avengers and the other people working at the compound had grown used to. 
When Bucky realized that she wasn’t anywhere to be seen, he wondered if she could still be in the garage. Was she alright? 
He didn’t want to pry because he knew that her business was none of his business, but he knew that she had been out on a date and she had returned quite soon. 
Eventually, he decided to go and check on her, just to make sure she was alright. Whether or not he liked to show he cared, he did. Probably more than she’d ever know.
When Bucky entered the large garage, he heard the faint bass vibrations. Was she listening to music? 
There she was, sat in her car with a sadness washed across her face. She just sat there, leaning against the car seat as she surrounded herself with a minor tune. Clearly, things hadn’t gone well.
To make his presence known, Bucky tapped on the window.
She seemed to snap out of a daze. Quickly, she turned down the music and lowered the window, so they could hear each other speak.
“Everything alright?” Bucky wondered, already knowing the answer. 
“No,” Was all she could say. Earlier, she had felt like screaming her lungs out in frustration. Now she felt like one push was all it would take to make her cry. Why did everything always go South when it came to her life? Why did Bucky have to see her like this? Out of all the people on planet earth. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He wondered and desperately tried to find a way to comfort her. Even if it was just as friends, he wanted to be there for her, like she had often been there for him. He was angry that whoever her date was had left her like this. If he had a chance to treat her right, he would never do this to her. He quickly wiped those thoughts away, knowing damn well that having feelings for her, his team member, a fellow Avenger, would only cause trouble. 
Y/N leaned over to the passenger seat door and opened it, “hop in.”
And so he did. Bucky walked around the car and then sat inside it, closing the door gently. It was just them now, where the other Avengers couldn’t eavesdrop on their conversation or walk-in at a bad time. Now that he sat in the car, he could hear the melody she had tried to turn off. It sounded familiar, but he couldn’t quite put his tongue on it. Bucky assumed it was a more recent melody. He had a lot of catching up to do. 
‘...I don’t mind spending every day, out on your corner in the pouring rain...’
“What happened?” He wondered and faced her properly. When he saw the glossy tears in the corners of her eyes, his heart tightened in his chest. It was terrible to see her like that.
“He ghosted me,” She cracked a smile but it wasn’t a happy one, “I waited at him for an hour and then he texted me, saying he couldn’t do it.”
Bucky barely knew of this man, but he already hated him. How could anyone ask her out and then not show up when she was already at the location? In Bucky’s mind, the man was merely a coward. She deserved better. 
“I’m sorry that happened,” He didn’t know what to say. Bucky used to be smooth with his words, but these days he found it hard. Luckily, she seemed to understand. 
“Well, it is what it is. At least I know not to contact him again,” She tried to see the positive side of things. That was an admirable trait. It was also why- in Bucky’s mind - she spent time with him. Despite all the terrible things he had done as the Winter Soldier, she stayed by his side. 
Y/N changed the song and turned the volume on a little bit higher, trying to fill the silence. By now, she felt slightly better because she wasn’t drowning in self-pity. But she was nervous because Bucky was next to her. 
Bucky, the man that made her heart do somersaults. The man she had dreamed of so many times but would never let anyone know of. It was almost like fate was tormenting her by putting such terrible dates in her path when she ended up speaking with Bucky at the end of the day anyway. 
She decided to add to what she said, “I’ll get over it.”
“It’s okay to upset, Y/N,” Bucky remembered when she had said the exact same words to him before. He often bottled things up, because he didn’t like to put his problems on other people’s shoulders. But she was always willing to listen to him.
“Yeah,” Was all she could say. She felt silly for being upset over a failed date. She felt as if she should’ve expected this. After all, she was an Avenger. Normalcy wasn’t destined for her. Despite how much she yearned for connection, or perhaps for someone to make her feel good for one night, it never seemed to go well. Perhaps some day she would learn to expect less from the world. 
Bucky tried to think of something that would cheer her up. “Have you eaten today?” 
“If you don’t count the breadstick I ate at the restaurant, then no.”
It was his chance to take her mind off of things. 
“I was thinking about ordering some takeout. It’s convenient when it comes all the way to the front door, and it might be my cheat day as well.”
The light lit in her beautiful eyes. “That sounds nice, Buck.”
She turned off the engine and the music stopped. Together they climbed out of the car and made their way to the elevator, that would take them inside. As the elevator doors closed, and she stopped right next to Bucky, she smiled. It was nice to know that he was there for her, but she felt bad for thinking of him as more than a friend. 
“What do you want?” Bucky wondered, already thinking about his own order. He had heard of a new pizza place that opened nearby and perhaps he could try their menu. 
“I don’t know. What are you thinking about?” 
A smug smile spread on his face, “New York-style pizza,” he turned to face her. “Nothing beats that.”
She should’ve known he would say that. “Why am I not surprised?” 
“What? You know I’m right,” He said confidently. 
All she could do was to roll her eyes playfully. He never failed to make her smile. 
“I can’t argue with you on that,” Y/N admitted. To her, pizza sounded great. Especially after the terrible date she had, if she could even call it that. 
                                           Less than an hour later, they were sat in one of the many common rooms in the compound. They didn’t have a mission for that day, or for the next as far as they were aware of, so they decided to enjoy the little time they had off. It wasn’t that late yet, so most of the other teammates were busy finishing their tasks, which meant that Bucky and Y/N had a few moments to spare just for each other. 
The pizza arrived and Y/N had already logged into Netflix to find a movie for them to enjoy. The team often found comfort in watching movies together, because for an hour or two they could focus on something else than their own issues and lives. A little bit of escapism never hurt anybody.
They decided to watch Focus, with Margot Robbie and Will Smith, a movie that seemed action-packed and fun. As long as it was entertaining to watch, they were happy. The main focus of the night was the pizza anyway. 
Bucky took a decently sized bite of the warm pizza, and some of the cheese threatened to slip off it and onto his lap.
Y/N, who was watching from the side, quickly grabbed the topping that was a second away from being one with his pants, and she ate it herself. “You have to watch your food.”
“How can I watch my food and the movie? I might have superhuman powers but I still have just two eyes,” Bucky explained the obvious. 
As they ate the pizza and focused on the film, time passed faster than they could comprehend. They sat next to each other, and Y/N was beginning to feel tired. It had been a long day and she had been on an emotional roller-coaster. Despite how fun the movie was, she felt like closing her eyes for just one moment. 
Bucky didn’t realize how tired she was until he felt her leaning against him ever so slightly. As he turned to look at her, he noticed that her eyes were closed. She looked adorable like that, but he wasn’t going to say it out loud. He didn’t dare to move a muscle, afraid it would make her wake up or move away from him. Knowing that she felt comfortable enough around him to fall asleep just like that melted his heart. 
It didn’t take long until her head slid closer and closer to him until she was resting against his shoulder ever so comfortably. At that point, Bucky swore he could feel his heart trying to beat through his chest. He wondered if he should wake her up, or if he should let her sleep. Would she be upset for missing out on the movie? 
For now, he didn’t know what to do. He grabbed the remote that was nearby, paused the movie and then took a deep breath. As much as he loved being like that with her, he knew it mustn’t have been nice to sleep with pants on, sitting upright on the couch. 
Before he could try to wake her up, the opened suddenly and no other than Sam walked in, Natasha and Steve closing in from behind. 
“There you two are! We’ve been looking all over for you,” Sam explained. He hadn’t realized that Y/N was asleep. 
She opened her eyes, startled by Sam’s voice. When she realized that she had made herself cozy against Bucky, she pulled away and felt her cheeks burning from embarrassment. How did she let herself doze off like that?
Natasha had a knowing look on her face, but she didn’t point anything out. They had definitely noticed how close they had been. 
“Why? Is everything alright?” Bucky ignored how startled Y/N looked, and he focused on what Sam had said. 
Sam sat down next to Bucky and glanced at the screen. “No. It was just weird to not hear from either of you. Thought you sneaked off without us,” he explained with a bright smile. 
Steve and Natasha sat down as well. They noticed the empty pizza boxes and drinks. 
“What are you watching?” Steve wondered. He had never seen Focus before since he had plenty of other films on his watching list. 
“Focus,” Y/N muttered, now wrapped up in a blanket. “I fell asleep, I have no idea what I missed.”
“It’s okay,” Bucky reassured her. “We can play it from the beginning if you all want to watch it too.”
Yes, it was fun to spend time with his friends elsewhere than on the field, it also stung a little bit. Spending one on one time with Y/N was rare these days. He hoped that she wouldn’t distance herself again after getting comfortable with him. She had a tendency to shut people out once they got too close to her. Bucky couldn’t blame her. He knew damn well how harsh one’s own mind could be sometimes. 
“Sounds good to me,” Natasha shrugged and waited for the others to voice their onion as well. 
Just like that, all five of them watched the movie right from the very beginning. During the entire time, Bucky and Y/N would steal glances from one another. They didn’t speak of it, but they both thought about what happened. 
It was funny when Steve would make supportive comments of the main characters, who were thieves and the others would tease him for it. Ever since his ‘language’ moment, people hadn’t cut him any slack. 
At some point in the movie, the main characters Nicky and Jess were in the car. They had just won a gamble, and they were talking about they had subliminally planted the number 55 everywhere. At first, the scene was harmless. They were having a great time, and it even lead to a kiss. 
Despite how much Y/N liked the movie, the thought of being kissed and held like that made her long for it even more than before. It had been too long since the last time someone made her feel such bliss. Her mind got the best of her, and she wondered when Bucky had last kissed someone. Despite how much she could tell about other people and read them like open books, he was a tough person to crack. She had no idea.
Suddenly the atmosphere changed in the film. Nicky made the driver stop the car, and he handed Jess her part of the money they won. They both seemed upset. When he implied that their ways had to part, as the job was done, Y/N felt bad for the woman. She knew damn well how hard it was to love someone when they were both on the same job. Feelings just complicated things. 
The man left the car and ordered the driver to take her to the airport. Everyone in the room watched quietly as he left, and she was left alone in the car with tears in her eyes.
It reminded Y/N of where she had been a moment ago; swimming in a pool of her own misery while jamming to She Will Be Loved, by Maroon 5 in her own car. Then Bucky had shown up. 
“That’s tough,” Sam was the first one to make a comment. 
Bucky had also thought of Y/N when he saw that scene. He wondered if that’s what she had felt when she had been left alone at the restaurant, waiting for someone who never showed up. Once again, he felt angry as he thought about the man who had let her down. He couldn’t wrap it around his head that someone was lucky enough to spend time with her and they would leave her hanging like that. It was wrong. 
“Why would he leave her? What a coward!” Natasha was irritated. She knew it was merely a moment that would ultimately deepen the plot, but it still agitated her. 
“He might’ve known that catching feelings for someone you work with isn’t easy,” Y/N let the words slip out of her mouth before she could stop herself. If she had watched it with anyone else, it would’ve been okay. But these were Avengers. Natasha was an excellent agent and it didn’t take a genius to pick up the trace of sadness in her voice. No one wanted to mention it, but everyone seemed to notice it. 
Why do I have to open my mouth? Y/N thought to herself and wished she would have disappeared into the couch. 
As if it couldn’t get any worse, Steve asked something rather harmless. “How did you date go?” He tried to steer the conversation elsewhere.
Bucky shot his friend a glance that told him to be quiet about it. But it was too late. 
“It didn’t even begin,” Y/N answered vaguely. She didn’t really want to talk about it. 
For the rest of the movie, she felt tense. Although she was sure everyone had moved on from that topic, she couldn’t. The moment the movie ended, she excused herself and rushed to the safety of her own room. 
The door closed behind her and she let out a deep breath. The day had been humiliating and all she wanted was to take a shower and fall asleep. 
                              A few days later, they had a mission. They left in a hurry, and they were filled in with the details as they were all geared up and in the quinjet. They were on their way to Alaska, where it would be cold since it was winter. In the remote wilderness, the satellites had picked up signals that weren’t supposed to be there. The code that they received from that was worrying.Tony even suspected that it could lead them to an enemy they had been tracking desperately for weeks now. 
 Y/N and Bucky were supposed to go in from the West side of the suspected enemy location, as Sam, Steve and Natasha would go in from the other side. They had the others ready for backup if it was needed, but so far it seemed like something they could handle just fine. They were unsure whether or not they had civilians locked up there, so they had to be careful. They were supposed to meet in the middle and take care of any enemies that would get in the way. 
Being teamed up with Bucky was usually fun, but right now Y/N dreaded it. Although they worked well together, she had avoided him since the movie night, in fear that she had made a fool of herself. Not only did she fall asleep against his shoulder, she also had to open her big mouth and make things awkward. 
“See you soon,” Natasha waved to the duo as their paths separated. Y/N and Bucky landed in the snow that was hard and icy because of the weather, the contrary of the soft snow that had coated New York. They hadn’t spoken much on the ride yet, but it was impossible to avoid now. 
From a distance, they could see the base. It was half disguised by the snow on the roof, but from ground level it was obvious. It’s like they didn’t even try to hide as they had their flags on the poles, letting anyone nearby see them. Admittedly, they were in the middle of nowhere and no random people happened to pass by any time soon. 
One thing was sure, this was definitely their base. These people were dangerous, armed and evil. 
There were a dozen armed guards on the outside, who hadn’t spotted the Avengers that had slowly crept closer and closer. Their weapons said it all. Whatever or whoever they were hiding was valuable. 
“It’s cold,” Bucky tried to ease the tension between them by talking about the weather. He was worried that he had said or done something that made her uncomfortable. If so, he just wanted to make things alright again. 
“We better make our way inside fast. I’m sure it’s warmer there,” She tried to sound casual - as if they weren’t in a situation that could potentially be life threatening. That was their life, their normal. She realized that her dates could never understand this. 
But Bucky could.
As they crawled closer to the base from behind the trees, hidden by the safety of the night, they noticed how small the windows were. They had to go in through a door, or somehow squeeze through the small, certainly bulletproof windows. 
“Hey,” Bucky wanted to face her. He was usually great at focusing on his missions, but this was his chance. It was just the two of them now.
Nervously, Y/N faced his blue eyes. It was hard not to get lost in them. Even in the dark, they were so bright. 
“Are you okay?” He asked her and felt his own heart beating a little bit faster. The way she looked at him was something he would never get used to. 
“I’m fine. We’re here, on a mission, where we belong,” She decided to stay focused. If she let herself  get distracted now, it would end up in chaos. 
Bucky dropped it. He knew that she would open up to him eventually if it was important. 
They were close enough to take out the first few guards. They would have to be silent, so they wouldn’t alert anyone. 
“You go in from the right, I’ll go left,” Bucky gave her the order with a soft voice. It was the natural next move from their point of view. 
Y/N simply nodded and got ready. She had to take down two guards. One was closer to them and the other one had just walked behind the corner, to the other side of the huge building. It was a perfect opportunity to strike. 
She got up from the icy ground ever so silently. Before the guard could notice her, she leapt at him without any hesitation. The startled man tried to yell, but she wrapped her strong arms around his throat and he knew damn well that one wrong move could end his life. He shut his mouth, afraid that if he spoke, she would kill him.
“Do you have a key card?” Y/N asked him and steadied her feet on the ground. She expected him to try and fight her, but she was prepared for an attack
Slowly, but surely the man grabbed something from his pocket. At least this one was cooperative, but it didn’t make up for the terrible things he stood for. She watched as he pulled out a few keys and cards, dropping them all on the ground. Satisfaction flowed through her veins. It was always nice to have something useful on missions like these. 
To avoid wasting time, she squeezed his windpipe hard and felt his body tighten as he panicked. Quickly, she put him out of his misery and dropped him on the ground. Y/N collected the keys and put them in her pocket, and then she made her way to the direction of the other guard. He hadn’t heard her, which was a positive. 
His back was faced toward her, and he couldn’t see or hear her coming as she sneaked closer to him. Once Y/N was close enough, she grabbed him from behind, and choked the air out of his lungs. 
This one didn’t comply as well as the first. He tried to squirm away from her touch, but she had a good grip. Suddenly, he managed to switch things so that they both fell on the ground. 
“Oh no you don’t!” Y/N groaned, annoyed that she let it happen. Then she rolled over above him and punched his face, knocking him out instantly. Once he was unconscious, she used his own handcuffs to cuff him against a flag pole. Just like that, she was done. She wiped the snow off her hands as she stood up.
She noticed Bucky had been watching her. Why did he smile at her? He had certainly been quick. 
“I got the keys,” She let him know and patted the pocket gently, so he could hear them. Taking down the two guards had made adrenaline rush through her body. The mission, despite its dangers, excited her. 
“Great. Let’s go, shall we?”
They made their way inside the base without being noticed. As they walked further inside through the dim corridors, Y/N wondered how the others were doing. She thought it was strange how little resistance they met. Surely, they would’ve been noticed by now. 
Bucky was thinking the same exact thing, which was why he was so cautious. He had been on missions long enough to know what when things seemed too good to be true, it usually was that way. He hated letting Y/N walk in first, because she was at greater risk of being injured. But he wasn’t going to doubt her abilities now. He knew damn well she was capable of handling things herself. When he saw her taking down those guards, he was still just as impressed as he was when he first saw her in action. 
“That’s weird,” Y/N whispered when she saw a door that was wide open. It looked like it led to a cold room. She noticed that deep inside the room, there were several metallic doors that were shut. They all had small windows on the top, but they were frozen so it was impossible to see to the other side. Were they some sort of chambers? 
By glancing at Bucky once, she let him know where she was going. He just nodded and let her walk inside. As she did that, he stayed on the outside to keep watch. Something told him that they weren’t as safe as it seemed. Call it a bad gut feeling.
Y/N noticed how cold it was the moment she stepped inside the room. She was happy she wore her winter gear, but the cold still crept through and slid underneath her shirt, sending icy shivers down her spine. Her breath was foggy, and the cold air hurt her nostrils. She looked around the room and noticed a surveillance camera in the corner, but the lights weren’t on. Nevertheless, she avoided it. Better be safe than sorry. 
That’s when everything changed.
One of the closed doors opened and a man walked out with a gun in his hand, pointing it directly at Y/N. “Hands up!” He growled angrily, alerting Bucky who had been facing down the corridor. Without any hesitation, he was ready to bolt in there and aid her. 
Being held at gunpoint wasn’t new for Y/N but she was careful nevertheless. It was a good opportunity for her to take in all the details she could from the gunman. He wore a white lab coat, heavy boots that looked like combat boots. Was he a scientist? Ex-military, perhaps? He was older than her, perhaps nearing his 60’s, judging by the grey in his beard and hair. His face was incredibly familiar, but she wasn’t quite sure where she had seen him before.
Knowing that Bucky was nearby made her relax as she raised her arms. “You don’t have to shoot me,” Y/N tried negotiating with him.
Nevertheless, the angry old man walked closer to her. The tip of the gun was shaking. Was he afraid or just cold? 
“Are you alone?” The man wanted to know. 
“Yes,” Y/N wasn’t going to blow the cover of the others. 
As if on cue, Bucky stormed inside the room. The man barely had time to react to it as suddenly Bucky grabbed his wrist and forced the man to drop the gun. As Bucky took care of him, Y/N kicked the gun away so no one could reach it and use it. 
Within seconds, Bucky had the guy pinned down on the cold floor, ready to break his windpipe for daring to point a gun at the person he cared so much about. 
As Y/N stood by, she heard another pair of footsteps coming from outside the cold room. When she turned to look, grabbing her own gun so she could defend herself and Bucky, she saw a masked person. They were tall, with a slim build. The mask was white as snow and it had no details. 
“Stop!” She demanded and pointed the weapon at them, but it was too late. The person slammed the metal door shut and she heard a click, indicating that it was locked. 
Her heart bolted to her throat as she ran to the door and tried to open it, realizing to her own horror that it didn’t even have a handle from the inside. 
The man Bucky had pinned down on the ground began to laugh, “We’re never getting out of here alive!” What the hell was that supposed to mean?!
Stay calm, Y/N told herself over and over again in her head. The others knew their location. They were going to be just fine. 
“The temperature will keep dropping until we’re all icicles,” He continued to taunt them with the horror of their situation. Why didn’t it scare him? Had he already accepted his fate?
“Do you have anything useful to say?” Bucky sounded so intimidating now, speaking with no mercy or warmth in his voice. If it wasn’t for the terrible situation, Y/N would have loved listening to his voice like that. It was undeniably quite sexy of him.
Clearly, the man wasn’t going to cooperate. 
And Bucky wasn’t going to listen to his nonsense. Instead, he did what he had done to the other guards and left the man’s body on the ground. He might’ve been unconscious, but if what he said was true, he too would die in this place.
Being locked up in a giant freezer didn’t bring back any warm memories to him. He walked to the other end of the room and banged on the metal wall. Nothing happened, so he hit it again, much harder this time. He tried to find a weak spot so he could get out of there with Y/N. Bucky tried the corners of the room, and eventually he ended up by the door.
Y/N tried to push the door open, but it was useless. She kicked it, and searched for buttons - anything - on the inside that could help them escape the huge freezer. There was absolutely nothing she saw that would’ve helped them. The room was like a metal box, which meant their devices didn’t work. There was no way they could contact anyone outside the room, and no one could contact them. The bangs on the metal only echoed loudly, but certainly didn’t help them escape. That freezer was built to contain even the strongest of people. It was almost eerie how much it resembled something they would find at a HYDRA base. Could they be connected? 
One thing was for sure,
They were trapped. 
“Well this sucks,” Y/N kicked the door out in frustration. Shooting at it would’ve been reckless, since the material would only make the bullets ricochet and endanger them furthermore. A rotten feeling bubbled in her stomach. If she had been more careful, they wouldn’t have been stuck in that sticky situation. Who was that masked person anyway? Why would they lock them in there, when one of their own was there as well? It didn’t make much sense. Perhaps these people were simply ruthless enough to risk their own in order to win in every situation. The thought of it made Y/N uncomfortable because it meant their enemies were willing to do terrible and unimaginable things. 
As she turned around to face Bucky, her heart dropped. He looked troubled, almost afraid. He never looked like that on missions. She realized that the cold room must’ve reminded him of his days at HYDRA. 
“Hey,” She rushed over to him. 
He couldn’t face her. Bucky felt his anxiety rising and he didn’t want her to see him like that, so afraid. It made him feel pathetic. Would she judge him? He quickly knew that she would never judge him, but he didn’t feel much better anyway. 
“It’s okay, the others know we’re here. I’m sure they’ll come through that door soon enough,” She tried to comfort him. 
Bucky knew that she was right. He tried to focus on facts, that they weren’t alone and that it was possibly to rely on the others for help. He had relied on himself for so long that it was hard to trust that other people could help him. Right now, they didn’t really have a choice. 
Her hand was right against his back, which was comforting. Bucky relaxed his shoulders and faced her with a gentle smile. Although his lips barely curved up, she saw it. Every smile from him was like a gift. 
They had to stay warm. It wouldn’t be much of a problem for him, as it would for her. If what the man said was true, it would get colder the longer they were there and Y/N was in real danger of getting hypothermia. 
When he looked at her, he noticed that she was already shivering. It broke his heart to see her like that. 
“You’re right,” He cleared his throat. The others would find them. They had to be patient. 
For now, they could try to find clues on the man who was unconscious on the ground. As far as they were aware, the metal doors were locked. Besides, they didn’t lead anywhere. It looked like the man had used one of the small rooms as a hiding place when he had heard them in the corridor earlier. What those tiny rooms were originally built for, Bucky wasn’t sure he even wanted to know. It looked like a row of tiny prison cells.
Bucky knelt down beside the body and began searching through his pockets. All of them were empty. Soon enough, he let out a disappointed sigh. There was nothing useful to be found, but it was worth checking out. 
As he faced Y/N the next time, he noticed that she had wrapped her arms around her own body. He too noticed it was getting colder, but the serum protected him from it, for now. He knew how to make her warm, but he wasn’t sure if she would like it. But if it meant it would help, he had to suggest it.
“You know, if we stay close to each other, we’ll stay warmer for much longer,” Bucky let her know.
Despite how freezing cold it was, Y/N felt how her cheeks heating up. She knew he was right. They could benefit from each other’s body warmth. 
“Bring it in,” She tried to act cool about it as she opened her arms widely. Bucky couldn’t hold back a smile as he wrapped her in a hug. It felt nice, despite it all. Awkwardly, they sat down on the ground and huddled closer to one another. Now all they could do was wait.
“You’re warm,” Y/N noticed. Perhaps it was because she was as chill as a snowball, she still found Bucky warm. She wondered if the serum made him that way, or if another person was truly radiating so much heat in the cold. 
Bucky was glad she couldn’t see his flustered face at that moment. Her head leaned against his shoulder and she was staring at the door, waiting for it to open up any moment now. He held her tightly and hated how good it felt. If only the circumstances were different. 
“It’s the serum,” He eventually replied. 
Once again, it was just the two of them - the unconscious scientist was left out of the count. They couldn’t avoid each other now. They had all the time until the door would open, to discuss things. Anything, as long as it would keep Y/N awake. The cold had a tendency to make people drowsy.
“Sam will never shut up about it if he sees us like this,” She realized, saying it with a hint of playfulness in her voice. 
Bucky silently agreed with her. He also knew that Sam knew of Bucky’s feelings. Sam was one of the very few people who Bucky had confided in. Sure, it had been a while since he told Sam that he cared for Y/N as more than just a friend, but Sam definitely remembered that. 
Feeling brave, Bucky decided to test the waters. “Why have you avoided us since the movie night?” He was fully prepared for her to change the topic immediately, and he wasn’t going to push her buttons if she chose to do so. 
Didn’t he really know?
Y/N felt bad for what she had done. She truly thought she had made things awkward, but perhaps she had been over-thinking it. 
“I thought I made things weird,” She admitted.
Weird? Bucky furrowed his eyebrows as he felt confused. He thought about it for a moment and remembered how she fell asleep against his shoulder. Was that it?
“What do you mean?” 
Y/N felt nervous now. Although it was difficult to talk about it, her feelings and all that, she decided to go for it. There was a slim chance the others wouldn’t find them until it was too late. The temperature in the room was plummeting, after all, and they couldn’t break out of there. 
She wanted to talk about things. 
“When I said that thing about catching feelings, and how it could make things hard,” She hoped she wouldn’t have to repeat herself, that he could recall the moment. 
It felt like a light bulb lit above his head. 
What was she implying? After pushing his feelings for her aside for so long, he was almost scared to even consider she could feel the same way about him. He had watched her go on dates several times and come back, disappointed. Every time, he was there to help her. Bucky wondered why she would put herself through that, but if she cared for someone, it made sense that she’d distract herself.
Bucky couldn’t let his mind go that far. There was no chance she cared about him the way he cared about her. Surely, she had been upset because of the date who never showed up. 
“Why do you see these people?” Bucky was genuinely curious. It felt wrong to question her love life. Nevertheless, he couldn’t stop thinking about what he’d do if he was in their shoes. He would treat her like the wonderful person she was. Bucky would stop at nothing to make her feel good about herself, to feel beautiful - inside out. In his eyes, she deserved to be loved. Even if it meant she’d find someone else. 
“I don’t know,” That was a lie. They both knew that.
“You don’t know?” 
“It’s complicated,” She corrected herself. 
How long had they been there? It already felt much colder and her shivering was beginning to get uncontrollable. Bucky felt bad for her as he held her closer, feeling every tremble of her body against his. What he feared more than that was when she’d stop shaking. 
Y/N’s fingertips felt like they were freezing over. It made her sick to her stomach when she couldn’t even bend them properly anymore. 
Bucky noticed that and he was quick to grab her hands into his, which was much warmer. His flesh hand was so warm against hers. Since his metal arm was quite obviously cold, he had her hands pressed against his stomach and he covered them with his hand. They were safely sealed away from the cold air. 
It felt amazing when his warmth spread across her skin. 
Either the cold was getting to her head, or she was otherwise losing her shame and willpower. Her heart was screaming at her to tell Bucky about her feelings. Other times she would silence that voice as well as she possibly could, but now she listened. Would it be so dumb? Was she imagining things or did it seem like he wanted the conversation to go there? Perhaps she was finding too much comfort in his embrace. It was bizarre how quickly she succumbed to the cold. One moment she was fine, and now she was trembling away in Bucky’s arms. Without a clock or anything else that made the passage of time clear, it was difficult to tell how long they had already been there. 
Five minutes? 
“Bucky?” She made up her mind. She would deal with the consequences if they made it out of there alive. Surely, he would be fine but she wasn’t so sure about herself. Bucky was the one with the serum. 
“Do you really want to know why?” She kept the sentence short. It was so cold that it was hard to move her mouth as she spoke. Inhaling the cold air, oddly enough, felt like swallowing fire. 
Bucky’s heart skipped a beat. He hadn’t expected the conversation to go like this. 
“You can tell me if you feel comfortable with it,” He hoped he hadn’t pushed her. 
“I am,” Y/N nodded. Her heart was racing by now. It couldn’t believe that its tiny voice was being heard. “When I said t-that catching feelings for someone you work with is...isn’t easy, I was talking about how I certainly don’t know how to deal with it.”
Bucky was shocked. Was he hearing right? He didn’t know what to say.
She decided to continue, “I’ve tried to ignore this for so long, because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship,” As she spoke, her feelings got the best of her. After bottling up her feelings for so long, letting them pour out was overwhelming. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes. She blinked, and one of them rolled down her cheek. It froze within seconds against her skin. 
“Hey,” Bucky noticed it as he looked down. They faced each other and all Y/N wanted to do was to get lost in those eyes. Why did they have to get trapped in this room? Why didn’t she do a better job at keeping watch? She blamed herself for being in this situation. The thought of anything happening to Bucky, and knowing he was locked there which certainly put his mind to a terrible place, made her feel so guilty. 
“I’m sorry,” Y/N said softly. She didn’t want to cry, but it was hard not to. Keep yourself together!
Bucky couldn’t let go of her hands, but he wanted to wipe her tears away. He wanted to hold her differently, to cup her face, but he didn’t want her to get colder. He just couldn’t believe his own ears. For all that time, they had both been hiding the fact that they cared about each other so much. 
“We can talk about this later if you want to,” Bucky noticed that she was struggling. 
She shook her head no, “If I freeze to death, you deserve to know that I really like you. You’re wonderful, Bucky.”
She said those words with such sincerity that it melted Bucky’s doubts. Although her words were slurred, he found the truth in it. He felt like the luckiest person in the world, knowing that his feelings weren’t one-sided. The joy was short lived as he focused on the other half of her sentence. The sharp pain was quite the opposite of the moment of happiness. It was bittersweet. 
“You won’t die here, Y/N,” he was quick to reassure her, although by now, he felt freezing cold as well. He wanted to tell her about his feelings as well, but he wasn’t sure how, when her eyes were closing slowly but surely. This drowsy stage was only going to get worse. 
“Stay awake for me, okay?” Bucky grew worried at the sight of her. Earlier, she had been shaking violently in his arms and now she began to relax. He knew she was beginning to feel warm, which was a dangerous sign of hypothermia. “Y/N, please,” He tried to make her focus on his voice. 
 It was so cold, yet she felt a sense of warmth coming from deep within her body. It came suddenly and it was almost too hot. A part of her wanted to open her jacket, but she knew better than that. Although she felt warm, she knew it wasn’t true. Her temperature was dropping at a dangerous pace. Bucky’s body felt so soft, and she wanted to stay awake but it was so tempting to fall asleep. It was hard to think at this point. How much time had passed?
Ten minutes? Twenty? She had no idea. It was all becoming one big mess. 
Bucky was terrified of how calm she was. He had seen enough in one lifetime to recognize these symptoms. Hell, he had felt like her so many times before. He tried to stay as calm as he possibly could in this situation as he held her. He rubbed her hands so she could focus on the pattern and possibly stay distracted enough to stay awake. Bucky knew the ground was frozen cold, so he pulled her on his lap, making sure she was as warm as she possibly could be in that moment. 
“You’ll be alright,” he reassured both her and himself. Gently, Bucky placed a kiss on top of her head. He wasn’t going to let anything happen to her now. Not now, right after she had found the courage to express her feelings. Bucky was going to appreciate that. Once they were warm and safe, he was going to show her a good time. They would be happy. Maybe it wasn’t the smartest idea to catch feelings for each other, considering they worked together, but they could make it work. They understood each other better than any strangers ever would. It would all be alright. 
                      “Stay with me, doll,” Bucky’s voice was louder this time. It echoed in the otherwise almost empty room. “We’ll make it out of here, just you wait.”
She didn’t reply, and it made Bucky’s thoughts race. He had to keep her focused, “How about we go out after this? No missions, no cold, just us. It’ll be fun, right?” He realized he sounded desperate, but he didn’t care. He was going to say anything to keep her there. 
Although she heard his voice, she couldn’t bring herself to reply. It felt like her body was frozen still like that and moving would make her cold again. She just nodded her head ever so slightly as an answer, since she didn’t know what to say. Indeed, the thought of going out with him sounded fun. It was all she thought of as her mind began to drift away to a much warmer place. 
He would’ve yelled at the others to alert them of their position, but he knew better than that. There were guards out there. Yelling and making their positions clear would blow their cover. Bucky had to act like he didn’t know they were out there, although it pained him to do so. 
They would open that door any minute now…
“Come on now…” Bucky groaned as he grew restless, worry brewing in his gut like poison. He knew Y/N was breathing, which was a good sign but it wasn’t so comforting when the air around them grew colder and colder by the second. It reminded him of his past. He had been frozen like a piece of meat so many times, just so he could be thawed later and used to do terrible things.
The thought of her freezing to death crossed his mind. Bucky wasn’t stupid or oblivious. He believed the others would find them, but it would have to happen sooner than later. She might’ve been an Avenger, but the cold was merciless to anyone. 
Where on earth were the others? Were they okay? Or were they trapped in a similar frozen over hell too? 
                       Despite how heavy her eyelids felt, Y/N felt the strong need to open her eyes. She was exhausted, and a yawn was drawn from her mouth. As she opened her eyes, she noticed that she was on the quinjet. Her body was wrapped in an emergency foil blanket and she felt warm, yet she was shivering. As she looked around, she saw Bucky, who looked sick of worry. 
It all came back to her immediately. The cold room, how cold she had felt deep down to her bones, and the things she had told him. What happened then?
“What’s going on?” She made it clear that she was awake. Although she was embarrassed now that she knew Bucky knew of her feelings, she couldn’t stay quiet forever. 
Natasha sat by her other side, “You gave us a scare, that’s what’s going on,” She admitted. “We didn’t catch the bad guy, but we have their next location and another team is already on its way. We, on the other hand, are going home to keep you warm.” Natasha continued explaining softly, clearly feeling relieved when her friend woke up. Seeing her like that, frozen over and unconscious, was terrifying. 
“We’re glad you’re okay,” Steve said from the cockpit. No scolding from him? Must’ve been a miracle. 
Y/N felt guilty for making them worry. “I shouldn’t have let the door get closed in the first place,” She sighed deeply. Had the others seen the masked enemy? 
“That’s not on you,” Bucky was quick to argue with her guilty worries. He couldn’t let her dwell on it. 
As they faced each other, it felt like no one else was there. Did he remember what she had said? That was a silly thought, of course he did. 
Bucky was going to mention it to her once they were at the compound. Not now, when they were surrounded by the others. For now, he just put his hand on her shoulder and tried to comfort her. She was safe, and it felt like a ton of bricks were lifted off his shoulders. 
“Next time, I’ll keep my foot between the door so that won’t happen again,” She was sure of that. Although the odds of stepping into a trap like that again were slim, she was going to be prepared. 
“That might hurt your foot. Did you see that door? It was pure metal, ouch,” Sam imagined getting his foot stuck between a heavy door like that. 
It was exactly the type of thing he would say, and it didn’t fail to make her laugh. “Always so logical, Sam.”
“Someone has to be,” he teased her and his words came from a place of love. “We’re all just glad we found you when we did.” 
Bucky was glad too. When they had opened that door, he felt a sense of relief like never before. 
                                         They arrived at the compound safely, and everyone was worn out. Bucky had offered to help Y/N and she gladly accepted, for once. The rest seemed to catch the hint that they wanted privacy, so they didn’t stick around for too long. 
As they reached Y/N’s quarters, she immediately sat down on her bed. She was so tired and all she wanted was to sleep, but she knew she couldn’t. Not yet. Her body was still longing for warmth and her mind needed rest, which she would find by talking to Bucky. 
He was running her a bath so she could warm up. As he waited for the tub to fill up, they could talk. 
“How are you feeling?” He wondered, taking in the sight of her wrapped up in her blanket. 
“I’m okay,” She reassured him softly. Perhaps her limbs ached a little bit, but it was nothing she couldn’t handle. 
He kept an eye on the bathtub to make sure it wouldn’t overflow. Then he faced her again. His heart was racing. How could he find the right words to mention what she had told him? 
“Do you want to talk about what I said?” Y/N was the first one to speak of it, to his relief. Was it so obvious that he was thinking of it? 
“Only if you feel like it”
She held onto the blanket tightly and stood up, walking closer to him. She had to go to the bathroom soon anyway to enjoy the lovely bath, but now she stopped so she was right in front of Bucky. His eyes never left her, and he looked curious. 
“I meant it,” Y/N confirmed it and took a deep breath. Being so open about her feelings was bizarre, almost frightening. But she felt confident because Bucky wanted to bring it up. Surely, that was a good sign, right? She searched his eyes for something that would ease her wild heart, or put an end to her worrisome thoughts. When she saw the hope and joy in his eyes, she wanted to melt on the spot. 
“Good,” Bucky couldn’t possibly hold back his smile anymore. Not only was he happy that she survived the ice box, he was ecstatic to hear that there was truth behind her drowsy words. 
“Oh?” She wondered if he’d say more than that. 
Bucky nervously put his hands on her cheeks, cupping her face gently as he looked deep into her eyes. “I was hoping you’d let me take you out someday. I think I promised you that earlier. Wasn’t sure if you heard me,” He felt oddly positive about it as he asked her out. Perhaps it was because he was almost sure that she would be delighted about it. There was no reason to worry or fear this anymore, and it felt great. 
Y/N couldn’t believe how lucky she was. Right now, she couldn't have cared less about the practicality of having such strong, romantic feelings for someone she worked with. This was Bucky, and he owned her heart. She nearly died earlier that day and all she could think about was him. Life was too short to ignore those feelings for much longer. 
“I’d love that,” She finally answered him. The look of pure joy on his face that followed was so wholesome. She wanted to kiss him. 
Before they could initiate anything, the sound of water splashing against the floor caught their attention. The tub was overflowing. 
“Fuck,” Bucky groaned and let go of her, rushing inside the bathroom to turn the water flow off. Y/N couldn’t help it when she let out of a laugh, one that was utterly precious to him. “That didn’t go as planned,” He sighed deeply. When he turned around, she was by his side and there was a look in her eyes he had never seen before. It was dark, mysterious and longing. 
Silently, she wrapped her arms over his shoulders and pulled him closer until their noses brushed against one another. It was long overdue, but it was finally happening.
Bucky closed his eyes and held her by the back of her head. Then he closed the gap between them and kissed her. Once their lips met, they were okay. It felt like a spark that ignited a great fire. Although her lips were still cold, Bucky knew they would be warm soon enough.
They parted the kiss, only for a moment, to look at each other. They were both in awe, and surely the kiss had wiped their thoughts clean. Nothing else mattered but that moment.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” Y/N had to let him know. 
Bucky smiled, “so have I,” he murmured against her lips before sealing them into another one. And another one. And another… 
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Author’s Note: I hope that you, the person reading this that made it this far, enjoyed it! You must know that fluff isn’t my forte, so I apologize if it’s cheesy at the end. Nevertheless, I would love to hear your feedback if you have any to share 💚 I’m definitely writing more Bucky stuff in the future. If you like angst, stick around. 
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
Basket Case - A Tom Hardy Smut
The one where you anger Tom with your refusal to admit your feelings for him, until he gets you worked up enough that you can’t deny your desires anymore.
Warnings: smut, age gap, lots of swears, dirty talk (I can’t write smut without it), thigh riding, unprotected sex, overstimulation, spanking (briefly), pleasing kink? is that a thing? I might be making stuff up at this point tbh, hair pulling ‘cause I’m basic like that, squirting
A/N: This is pretty much a pwp motivated by my need to see more stories about this man. I hope someone else in this void is as attracted to him as I am. Enjoy!
Tom’s P.O.V.
“So you’re saying that it doesn’t matter how you feel about me, since society will never approve, you’ll not only punish yourself but also me, keeping us apart?” I was furious. My hands tightly pressed into fists, I tried to reason with the woman in front of me, my best friend. It didn’t help that she looked at me with those big doe eyes, obviously trying her best not to cry. It only made me get angrier at the whole situation, especially since I could never find it in myself to get angry directly at her.
“I’m sorry, Tom. You know I love you, I just…” she started, but I had had enough.
“Bullshit,” I cut her off, effectively getting her to close her mouth and stare at me in surprise. “You don’t love me, Y/N. Don’t lie to me, not when I’ve come here to your house, begging you to take me as your man. I love you. I’m willing to risk everything for you. Meanwhile, you’re standing there, too scared about what the papers will say tomorrow to act on your so-called feelings”.
I had to take a deep breath to contain myself, my hand coming up to comb through my hair in an attempt to calm the feelings that threatened to spill out of me.
“You don’t understand, do you?” She suddenly interrupted my train of thoughts, but before I could ask what the hell she was referring to, she crossed the room to stand before me, a fire in her eyes I had never seen before. “I’m not scared of my own reputation, Tom. Lord knows I have been drawn as the worst possible characters and I have always been able to come back unscattered. I’m worried about you. What they will say about you. That’s what I’m worried about.” She took a step back, taking a deep breath, her eyes still not leaving mine. “I don’t want you to be known as a predator or whatever the fuck they are going to say because of our age gap. You’ve been through enough under the public eye. You deserve nothing but happiness and I won’t stand in the way of you getting it,” she finished her speech, a little nod towards her own words as she breathed deeply once again, finally relaxing after saying what she had kept inside since God knows how long.
I would have been more surprised about her sudden outburst if her words hadn’t reignited the anger within me.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“And who the fuck do you think you are to make choices for me?” He all but yelled, taking steps towards me until I was pressed against a wall. He looked so utterly handsome, his brown leather jacket accentuating his broad shoulders, a few strands of his brown hair falling on his forehead. 
“I’m a grown fucking man, Y/N, as you might have gathered from the papers’ headlines. That means I can make my own decisions and I have been doing so for the past forty years of my life. I don’t need you to limit what I can and can’t do.” His chest heaved from the anger I knew he was feeling, but instead of scared, arousal pooled in my underwear at the sight of my best friend towering over me, his eyes searching mine for something. 
“The only person standing between me and my happiness is you. Tell me,” he asked, his tongue coming out to wet his lips as his gaze dropped to mine. He was standing so close I could feel the coldness of the fabric of his clothes, as they were wet from the rain he had endured to come to my apartment. I could smell his minty breath as he breathed with his mouth open. I could feel the electricity between our bodies, as he stood just close enough, not yet touching me. “Do you want to be with me?” He inquired, and I couldn’t find one single reason to lie to him. Besides, I knew it wouldn’t be of much use. He knew me too well, and as his eyes stared deep into mine, I found myself answering in all honesty.
“Yes.” My own tongue wetted my lips, which suddenly felt dry and eager to meet another pair, specifically the ones that stood just above me. He panted over me and I shivered, just as his arms came around my waist to pull me to him, mounting me on one of his thighs. 
“Do you want me?” He asked, knowing I understood the difference between both questions as his eyes once again traveled through mine, looking for any sign of a hesitation they would never bear.
“Always,” I wheezed, just before his mouth engulfed mine and I drowned in the sea of passion that had been threatening to wash me ever since I had met this man.
His kiss was just like him, daring and overpowering. His beard scratched my face in a way that made me whimper against him, which in turn only seemed to urge him on. He pulled on my dress like he wanted it to rip under his fingers and I found myself grinding against his jean-clad thigh, desperate to find some relief for the need that was killing me.
He shamelessly made out with me right there, in the middle of my living room, igniting a desire in me that no one had ever been able to uncover before. His big palms spread across my back, he seemed to understand exactly what I was trying to do and approved of my plans. 
As if he was reading my mind, he parted our lips just enough for us to gather our breaths. “You’re drenching my already wet jeans, love,” he whispered, erupting shivers across my skin yet again. “If I had known I was able to leave you this needy just from a kiss, I would have done this a long time ago,” he teased me just as I pulled him to meet my mouth again. 
It wasn’t just the kiss. He didn’t know the effect he had on me every time he walked into a room I was in, even when we didn’t touch. The contact of his skin on mine, however, his warmth against my body, was like gasoline to my desire, never failing to keep me wanting more.
Tom’s P.O.V.
I tried to show how utterly devoted to her I was through the kiss we shared. I still remembered the first time I laid my eyes on her and I couldn’t believe I finally had her exactly where I had dreamed to bring her for so long. She had become my religion, I realized. I wanted nothing more than to fall to my knees and dedicate my entire life to worship her - preferably through eating her out until she cried for me to stop.
My dick throbbed on the confines of my clothing as she slowly moved against my leg, but it wasn’t enough. I wanted her to come, I wanted to see her fall apart right in front of me, against me, because of me. So I took matters into my own hands and forced her down on me, quickening her movements. She gasped, not expecting my actions, I realized - her head that had fallen down to her chest from the pleasure coming up quickly to stare at me.
I leaned down over her to kiss her neck, smiling as I once again witnessed the goosebumps erupting on her skin from my touch. My touch. The fact that it was me bringing her pleasure brought me pride like nothing else. I kissed her just below her pulse point, losing myself on the smell of cinnamon on her skin and on her tiny breathless whimpers, focusing my attention in a particular spot on her neck as I heard her first full-on moan.
“Oh, the princess has a special spot, doesn’t she?” I approved, licking the place over and over again. Her head fell down on my shoulder this time and I was the one who shivered as her labored breathing hit me.
“Tom,” she pleaded, her hands finding their way under my shirt to scratch my back as she tried to resist my attack. “Tom, please…” I didn’t even know what she was begging for but fuck if it wasn’t the hottest damn thing I had ever heard in my entire life.
“What?” I nibbled on her ear, fully enjoying the effect I was having on her. “What do you want, darling?” I asked, still not stopping my movements, despite her push on my shoulders.
“Fuck me,” she breathed, effectively managing to stop me dead in my tracks.
“What?” I asked, perplexed by the demonstration that she in fact desired me just as much as I wanted her.
“Please, fuck me,” she repeated herself, pushing her breasts against my shirt as I absentmindedly noted that her nipples stood up from under her dress, begging for some sort of attention. “Please… I never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly.”
That did it for me. It was like I was not even in control anymore. Keeping her up against the wall with one of my hands, I opened my jeans, letting it fall down just enough to allow my dick to appear and pulled her panties to the side. I didn’t even wait for a second before pushing myself inside of her, growling at the feeling of the tightest warmth I had ever had the pleasure to fuck. 
“Fuck,” I spoke, taking some time to gather my thoughts before I came right then, before even beginning to move. My face hid in her neck, her scream of pleasure at my sudden intrusion wasn’t lost to my ears, just as her tiny whimpers as she tried to get me to move. “Hold on, tiny minx,” I warned her, grasping her by her hips once again. “I’ve waited for this way too long.”
Y/N’s P.O.V.
When he finally started to move, it was exactly as I imagined it would be like to be fucked by Tom Hardy. He was brutal as his hips moved in and out of me so quickly I could barely feel like he had left me at all. I knew I was screaming, but I couldn’t find the strength in myself to try to calm down, not when he was seemingly trying to nail me against the wall. 
“Tom, Tom, Tom,” I settled for repeating, over and over, not even sure why I was calling him, my head falling from the force of his thrusts. Despite his constant gentleness towards me and the declaration of love that had just left his lips, he fucked me like he hated me and I figured out then and there that it made me aroused like nothing else.
He managed to pull my dress down over one of my shoulders, barely exposing one of my breasts, before he engulfed the nipple into his mouth, biting on it hard. My vision blurred as I gasped and I felt my pussy contract around him, almost missing the long current of expletives he let out as he emptied himself inside of me.
We took some time to gather our breaths and I threw my head back against the wall in an attempt to find some air that wasn’t filled with him and his intoxicating scent. I didn’t miss the way he looked down at me, his eyes expressing the incredulity and amusement he must have felt at the situation, or the fact that he was still inside of me, still hard, despite the fact that his cum now pooled my underwear, dripping from my thighs
“You are unbelievable,” he started, making me meet his eyes again.
“What have I done now?” I questioned, curious but almost irritated at his comment. He simply shook his head, that cute lopsided smile appearing on his face just before he pulled me from the wall, turned me around, and deposited my chest over the kitchen table. My legs dangled as I tried to turn my head to see what the hell he was trying to do, but before I had the chance to ask, he had raised the skirt of my dress and thrust into me again.
“Fuck,” he repeated just like he had said the first time he entered me, and I briefly wondered if that was something he would do every single time it happened. My thoughts were interrupted as he pushed my head down against the marble counter and I welcomed the sensation of both the coldness that helped with my scorching face and of his cock inside of me again, especially since my stomach was tightly pressed against the table. He pounded into me again, apparently not in need of any kind of retraction period, something my pussy seemed to appreciate, as the feeling of being fucked despite its soreness was unbelievably arousing. “You are impossible,” he grunted, once again arising my curiosity. “Do you think this is how I wanted our first time to go?” He inquired and my heart skipped a beat as I realized the implication underneath his words. “I wanted to take you out to your favorite restaurant, treat you like the princess you are, maybe steal a kiss as the night was about to end, but did you let me?” A particularly rough thrust almost sent me across the table, but he impaled me on him again by my hips. “Of course not, you had to go and beg me to fuck you like the little minx you are.”
“You could have always said no,” I managed to let out between moans, but he huffed and gave me a spank on my ass.
“As if that would have worked with you, you little seductress,” he sneered, spanking me again. “I don’t think I would have been physically able to deny you, anyway. You make me so fucking hard, ‘ve been thinking about fucking you since the first time I saw you,” he admitted.
“Good,” I moaned, reaching out to grab the edge of the counter as he continued to pound me. “That makes two of us.”
My response only seemed to urge him on. My head was spinning with the fire that was rising from my belly and the sounds of his thighs colliding against the back of mine, our juices running out of my pussy as he fucked them into me again. As I let it fall down against my arms, that were splayed out in front of me, he slowed down a bit, gathering my hair in his hand to pull me up.
Tom’s P.O.V.
“You ok there, princess?” The last thing I wanted was for her to hurt. She released a long-drawn-out moan that calmed me down, but was still able to answer me.
“Y-yeah.” I used my other hand to pick some strands that were falling over her face, still not returning to my previous speed, just softly fucking into her. 
“You sure?”
Y/N groaned as she started to thrust back into me, effectively fucking herself on my cock.
“Yeah, yeah yeah… C’mon, Tom, please move. I just… I just really want to please you.” That little confession brought a silly smile to my face. I pulled her hair more forcefully, raising up the speed and force of my thrusts as I fucked her with all that I had.
“And you do, pretty girl… You really do.” The validation of her efforts seemed to do it for her. Her whole body quivering, she came one last time, squirting all over us. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
When I came this time, I had to focus all of my energy on making sure she was able to stand on her feet so I could drag us both over to the couch, where I let my body fall, making sure hers was covering mine.
For a few minutes, we didn’t say anything. I was unable to do much other than stare into the wall, softly caressing her back while I tried to find any strength in me to see if I could do something other than taking a nap. Finally, after long minutes of just relishing in the afterglow and each other's warmth, she wiggled her way up my body, so her face was just a few centimeters from mine.
“Okay,” she whispered, her eyes glancing from mine to my lips. I didn’t even question what she meant, just raised an eyebrow and she immediately clarified it. “Okay, I will be yours.” All I could do was smile, followed quickly by a kiss that grew deep very quickly. “You’re not gonna let me leave this apartment until you’ve fucked me against every piece of furniture I own, are you?” She asked after pushing me away to catch a breath. A laugh escaped my chest and I pulled her further up my body, so she could straddle my hips.
“You’re absolutely right, my love.”
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Caught In The Storm" *Part 8*
Alright y'all I know this took me ALL day, but I re-wrote it and tweaked it until it was PERFECT. And by "perfect" I mean "perfectly HEARTBREAKING." I'm really proud of this one to be honest with you, I can't wait to see what you think.
This is the crescendo folks, it's all been leading here. Let's all take a deep breath and get some tissues.
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Over the next few weeks you balanced promoting your album and planning a wedding all at the same time. Surprisingly, Rafael had decided that he was too busy to have an intern anymore so Nathan had gotten a job elsewhere.
You hadn't talked since that night that you got engaged.
So here you were, standing in a bridal shop prancing around in ball gowns, presenting yourself to Olivia Amanda and Kelsey.
“What do you think about this one?” You twirled in a bright poofy chiffon white dress.
“Too poofy,” Amanda laughed.
"Agreed," the other two added.
"We've been here for 3 hours. Can we just throw up a coin and go with that one?" You whined.
"This is your wedding dress darling," Olivia said softly, taking your hand. "This is the dress you're going to wear on the happiest day of your life, don't you care about that?"
"Yeah.. I guess so," you sighed. "I liked the one with a long train that was sleeveless with the tiara," You finally smiled. "Did you like that one?"
"Wonderful choice, baby girl," Olivia smiled.
When you got home from the dress shop, Kelsey decided to call you out.
"Okay what was that?"
"What was what?"
"Why were you being such a brat in the bridal store today?"
"I'm just tired," you lied. "I'm tired from all the promoting and the planning and I just don't want to do it anymore."
"Which part don't you want to do anymore?" Kelsey asked with a suspicious look.
"What does that mean?" You eyed her back.
“I think you know what it means." She crossed her arms.
"Whatever. I don't want to talk about this anymore. I've got an early autograph signing." You walked off and slammed your door.
The next day you were at your autograph signing; You smiled and signed politely, lightly chatting to each fan that came up to you.
You did your best to keep light and not bum everybody out, But you were drained. Getting close to the end of the line, you looked down and saw a hand push your album in front of you.
"And who do I make this out to ?" You asked almost in a robotic voice.
"Could you make it out to Rafa?" A familiar voice asked.
You looked up to see Rafael standing there with a small sad smile.
"Rafa..." you whispered. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm buying your album obviously, carino," He smiled again.
"You really don't have to do that" you shook your head.
"I wanted to," he said. Now will you please sign it?"
"Yeah," you smiled. You wanted to talk to him so much more but you still had a line and you couldn't just walk away from all these fans that had bought your album.
"Alright carino well I'm...I'll see ya," He gave you another nod before squeezing your hand softly and walking away.
You couldn't believe that he had taken that moment to come see you. Was it because he didn't want to talk to you? Was it because he didn't want to get into anything? Was he mad at you for saying yes to anything?
All of these things ran through your head as he walked away but again, you couldn't do anything about it and you hated it.
Finally it was the night before your wedding. Kelsey had decided to sleep at her boyfriend's house so that you could have the house to yourself, your one final night alone.
You figured people would think you were spending it celebrating, doing your nails or a million other girly things; but instead you were in your sweats, drinking wine, watching romcoms and crying. Not a great sign the night before your wedding. You tried to put everything out of your mind. It got later and later when you heard a knock at the door.
"I knew it. I knew you were going to forget something Kelsey. Did you forget your toothbrush or your herpes medication?" you laughed as you opened the door.
But it wasn't Kelsey, It was Rafael. He looked at you with pure sad eyes and rocked back and forth on his heels.
"Oh my God Rafa, are you drunk right now?" You asked him in pure shock.
"No.. maybe... Can I come in?" He slurred.
You let him come in and flop down on the couch. Your mind was spinning. Probably a lot like the ceiling was to Rafael.
“I don't understand. What are you doing here? You haven't talked to me, you barely said anything to me when you came and got your album signed. You basically act like I don't exist since I said yes to Nathan. So, are you mad at me? And if you are then why the hell are you here right now?” You rambled on, the million questions you had for him over the past few weeks came spilling out of you.
“I’m not mad at you, I'm mad at myself!” He admitted, his head in his hands.
“...What?” You asked, still in shock.
“I know...I know I've waited. I've waited too long.. but every time I try…” He said with his hands still over his face.
“Try to do what?” Tears coming to your eyes
“Every time I've tried to tell you, something has always happened, or my fears have gotten the best of me. or you're dating some prick or getting engaged to some prick,” He huffed when he mentioned Nathan.
“Oh that's really nice Raff,” you rolled your eyes. “Don't blame Nathan for your insecurities,”
“I'm not, I just….” He stopped again, now looking at you.
“You're doing it again, by the way,” you rolled your eyes trying to stay snarky.
“Doing what?” He looked at you in confusion.
“You're chickening out again,'' you said.
“No I'm not!” he angrily yelled, getting up and trying to yell at you but only stumbling and falling into your arms.
“So say what you came here to say, or get out,” You looked at him seriously; you both had tears in your eyes.
“...I'm in love with you Y/N. I always have been, I think I always will be,” He finally said it, after all this time. He was saying the words you had waited for, right here and right now.
“Well.. that's great. I'm glad you finally told me,” You nodded, letting him back down on the couch.
“What…?” Rafael asked, confused. That definitely wasn't the reaction he was expecting.
“I'm glad that you finally had the balls to admit your feelings.” you said more sternly, sucking back your tears.
"Why do I feel that there's a but?" Rafael asked with fear in his voice.
"But...You're too late," You said softly.
"No.. that can't be true. I know that's not true," He jumped up from the couch again only to stumble a bit, but steadied himself on the arm of the couch.
"Why can't it be true, Rafa?!" You yelled. "Because I was so in love with you that I've just been sitting here pining for you all these months, just waiting for you to say something? Like I'm some pathetic puppy?"
"No, but…" Rafael started.
"Because I wasn't, I'm not!" You continued to yell trying to stay angry instead of sad.
"You're right," you sniffed. "You have tried. I know that you've tried. You've had so many chances to tell me this, and every time you've chickened out"
"But if you knew that, then why didn't you say anything…?" Rafael asked while tears were forming in his eyes again.
"Because you're a grown man Rafa!!" You cried, tears now forming against your will. "I can't force you to do anything, I can't force you to want to be with me!!"
"I know that," he replied sadly.
"I went to say something one night at the Supper Club MONTHS ago, but you were kissing that prick...and then Kelsey said that if I really loved you, that I would let you go,"
"....What?" You blinked in disbelief.
"And, and THEN, that night at your party…" He rubbed his head like he was recalling a bad dream.
"Yeah, you mean when you were going to tell me that you loved me, and then just LEFT?" You snapped.
"Are you--" he scoffed with a laugh. "I left because you got fucking ENGAGED, Y/N!!"
"Because you didn't say--"
"I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF SAYING IT!!!" He was suddenly yelling, pissed that you were putting this all on him.
"And then the group interrupted, and then that dickhead PROPOSED, and you said YES!"
"Because you weren't there!"
"Because you said YES!" Rafael wasn't backing down on this.
"If you knew what I was going to say, then don't you think that you could've taken a MINUTE to say “Oh hey Nathan that's really nice but I need to talk to the LOVE OF MY LIFE first before making this LIFE CHANGING DECISION?"
"I…" Your thoughts were racing.
"I hadn't said anything, because I told Kelsey that I wouldn't. And I figured you had moved on! You looked like you had moved on!!!" He continued to explain, but tears were choking his throat.
"I…" This whole time you assumed Rafael would know how you felt because you told him the ONE time. It never crossed your mind that he would just assume you "got over" him.
"And, and THEN...at the party, I thought 'maybe she hasn't...maybe I still have a chance'...and then you said YES!" He was crying now.
"What else was I supposed to think, Y/N? Tell me that, huh?” He looked at you with tears streaming down his face, his voice trembling.
Your head was really spinning now. Fucking KELSEY, how dare she interfere with your life? If she hadn't told Rafael to...and if you hadn't….
"I thought you were in love with that douchebag, and I didn't want to mess with your happiness," He finally ended his rant as he collapsed back onto the couch. The crying and the drunkenness was wiping it out of him.
"...And so what was the other day? Why would you just show up at my signing when you KNEW I couldn't just sit there and 'talk it out' with you--" You continued to interrogate him, you didn’t care how exhausted he was.
"I had this whole thing! I was going to come up to you and when you asked me what to sign I was going to say "sign it I love you too Rafa. And then you would look up and I'd say I LOVE YOU!!!" He explained.
"And..?" You asked flippantly, pointing out the fact that he STILL did not follow through.
"And then I saw that fucking diamond ring on your finger!!!!" He gestured to your ring angrily.
"Oh for fucks sake…" You muttered, about at the end of your rope.
"This is exactly what I'm talking about Rafa." You narrowed your eyes. "You wanna blame Nathan for EVERYTHING, like he 'stole' me from you. But I only met him because YOU left me hanging. AGAIN,"
I was waiting for you at that bar and you once again chickened out coming to see me, so Nathan bought me a drink." You did your best to spin this back on him.
"...That's not true.." he kept going through things in his mind. He knew it was true. He had seen you talking and flirting with him in the window that night.
"Yes it is true. It's like you were pushing me to Nathan trying to get me out of your life, and so I accepted it that way," You really had felt that way.
"You JUST heard why--"
"I DON'T CARE!!!" You screamed.
"I don't care what I did, or what Nathan did, or what Kelsey said. It's EVERYBODY else's fault except for yours isn't it? You should have just TOLD ME, consequences be damned! That's what I did! And you made me pay for it!" You got up in his face, livid that he wasn't owning up to his own cowardice.
"You did this, you got us where we are today and you have to live with it. Now please leave." You walked open and opened the door motioning for Rafael to get out.
"No," He walked towards you as the anger and emotion in him was sobering him up pretty fast.
"No, this is bullshit. You're not going to sit there and accuse me of just 'letting things happen' the way they did. That I didn't fight for you. Because I'm fighting for you RIGHT now,"
"A fight over what, Rafa? There's nothing left to fight for," You rolled your eyes.
I don't believe that," He insisted.
"Why not?!" You asked as a few tears dripped down your cheek.
He reached you at the door and put two hands over your face looking into your eyes with his own green irises.
"Look me in the eyes and tell me you're not still in love with me," He said to you just as you had dared him in his office almost a year ago. The reverse feeling felt almost too cruel.
"No, I'm not, You looked at the ground just as he did before.
"You're lying," he said, mimicking your line.
"Yeah? Well now you know how it feels!"
"I knew it," Rafael said with a smile. He grabbed you, pulled your face into his with a deep, passionate kiss. It was like years of longing and wanting and waiting being released all at once in one perfect kiss. It lasted what seemed like forever, but It was only probably about 30 seconds.
All you kept thinking about was how right this felt, how perfect it was, how it never felt this way with Nathan but... you also thought about what Kelsey said.
Rafael had said multiple times that he didn't love you, and now that he was drunk and had false confidence, here he was proclaiming his love for you. And what would happen when that liquid courage went away in the morning?
"But it doesn't matter,'' you said softly when you pulled away from the kiss. Rafael's eyes went from pure Bliss to instant confusion and sadness.
"What are you talking about?" He asked while his eyes searched yours for an explanation. "That kiss was perfect. You cannot tell me that you did not feel what I just felt in that kiss, you just can't."
"Of course I did, you moron! I've probably loved you longer than you've loved me. I've waited for that kiss for years, since the moment I met you! But you wouldn't let me. You wouldn't let us happen. You broke my heart over and over and over again. It hurts too much to love you! And I won't do it anymore."
"No…" He held onto you tighter. "No, you're not doing this."
"Why? Because you're the only one who knows how to say no? Because you're the only one with the power to hurt someone you supposedly love?” You pushed him away out of your embrace.
“Because everything's about you, and I should just fall into your arms now that you're ready? You couldn't even come over here and do this sober! You're saying all of these things, confessing and promising me things, all while you're drunk off your ass!” You screamed angrily, tears now streaming down your cheeks.
“How am I supposed to believe that tomorrow morning when you realize what you've done you won't immediately take it back like the coward you are?"
"That's not fair…" he whispered.
"It is ABSOLUTELY Fair!! you screeched back. “You have done nothing but get my hopes up and crush them, and hurt me for as long as I can remember, and just because you have a moment of clarity while drinking doesn't undo all of that damage and it won't help once this wears off,"
"It's not going to wear off my end I swear. It hasn't worn off for months, maybe years. I love you I'm in love with you probably more than anything or anyone ever," He grabbed you back in his arms, holding onto you for dear life.
"You know Nathan's a good man." You said softly, pushing him away once again. "He's a good kind man who loves me, who has always loved me and who has always taken every second he can to show me that he loves me,” You crossed your arms so you wouldn’t be tempted to run back into Rafael’s embrace.
“Don't you think that's what I deserve? To be told that I'm loved and I'm beautiful and that I'm wanted?” You asked him softly, all he could do was look back at you with sad eyes.
“...And not that there's ‘too much’ between us, or it’s ‘too complicated’, or excuse after excuse why I'm not good enough for you?" You sniffled.
"I never meant that you weren't good enough for me. I've never meant that,” He tried AGAIN for you, but you stopped him before he got close this time.
"Yeah well that's what it seems like," You said.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry.. I can't say anything else but that. I don't know how else to express to you how sorry I am and I will make up for it the rest of our lives if you let me. I am so sorry that I hurt you and I will never hurt you again." He got down on his knees and clung to you like a child.
"I don't believe you," you whispered.
"What?" He looked up at you in disbelief.
"I don't believe you. You repeated, pulling him off of your legs. "I don't believe that you won't hurt me again, because it's all you do. And all Nathan has done has loved me and made me feel special,"
"But you don't love him,'' Rafael pointed out.
"You don't know that!" You snapped.
"Yes I do!" He shot back.
“How could you possibly know that?”
"Because you have never looked at him the way you look at me!" He exclaimed.
Your face went from upset and sad, to absolute rage after hearing him say that.
"You arrogant, selfish, son of a bitch…" you growled.
"How DARE you say that to me?! How DARE you use my own feelings and how much I loved you against me? Get out," You grabbed his arm and dragged him to the door.
"No look I'm sorry Y/N, but it's true. You don't love him and you're only marrying him to spite me!" He continued to dig himself a hole.
"Well if I wasn't doing it before I sure as hell I'm doing it now. So please do us both a favor and FUCK OFF," You pushed him out and slammed the door behind him. You fell to the ground crying, not knowing if you had done the right thing.
Rafael didn't leave. You could hear him crying through the other side of the door. You sat there for a minute just listening to the both of you cry. You reached for the door handle several times, but every time you reminded yourself of all the times that he hurt you, and that it was his time to hurt.
Finally you stopped hearing him cry. Assuming he left or passed out, You forced yourself to get up and go to bed and forget about it.
The next day you were in the bridal room getting ready; It was pouring rain outside, it seemed appropriate.
Amanda, Kelsey and Olivia were helping you polish your tiara, ironing your dress, fixing your makeup and all that jazz. Hundreds of fans lined outside the church since someone had leaked where you were getting married. Everything came down to this moment. It was supposed to be the biggest day of your life, and you were terrified.
“You're shaking,” Amanda noticed.
“It's just nerves, you need some champagne'' Kelsey grabbed a champagne flute and shoved it in your hand; you downed it.
“You're doing the right thing,” Kelsey assured you, as if she knew what you were thinking. You looked at Olivia and Amanda.
“And what do you say?” You genuinely asked them both.
“I think that whatever you want to do is the right thing,'' Olivia replied, squeezing her hand. You smiled thankfully, glancing at the door.
When it was time, you walked up to Finn who was waiting at the doors of the chapel. He was dressed in a tuxedo with a baby blue tie.
“You look beautiful, baby girl,” he smiled. “Are you ready to do this?”
“Now or never,” You smiled.
The Wedding March began to play as the chapel doors opened. You proceeded to walk down the aisle and looked at everyone watching you. All of your past and present family from the SVU squad was there. Grandpa Kragen and Grandpa Munch, Uncle Brian, Uncle Tucker, etc.
Then you looked at Nathan's family, a bunch of white rich stuffy but welcoming people. You noticed all of the crowds lining outside the windows of the church cheering you on, some crying, some holding signs. Then you looked at Nathan waiting for you at the end of the aisle smiling proudly. He really did love you.
You reached the end of the aisle and took Nathan's hands.
“Dearly beloved, we're gathered here today…”
The Preacher went on through the normal wedding exchanges until he got to your vows.
“Do you Nathan Lee Price, take YN to be your lovely wedded wife, now and forever, through richer and poorer, sickness and health, before and after you both shall live?
“I do,”
“Y/N, do you take Nathan Lee Price to be your lovely wedded husband, now and forever, through richer and poorer, sickness and health, before and after you both shall live?”
You looked to Nathan, then you looked to your side of the wedding, then you looked to his side, you looked to the fans outside again, you looked to the sky, looked to the ground and then you looked back at Nathan.
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Treasure hunt Part 3
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Pairing: dragon!Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, forced pregnancy.
Words: 1884.
Summary: No knight would dare to save a sacrificial bride of the dragon.
Part 1
Part 2
"Don't you dare hurt her!" The boy's desperate voice cut through the heavy silence, and Steve saw his long scaled tail with a razor-edged tip just like his own. "Step away, or I will burn you to ashes!"
Steve's son had his face, child's light blue eyes burning with hatred and pure savagery at the sight of his father, the one who had been chasing him before he was even born. The boy had his golden hair, too, shining in the sun. Everything in his look reminded Steve of himself when he was younger, but he could see your features in the boy's face, and the way he moved, talked and thought was yours, undoubtedly.
"You are my flesh and blood." The man whispered, amazed, confused. "Your fire can't hurt me."
His son sent him a triumphant smile, baring his sharp teeth, and reached out to his pocket to grab an odd small bottle. Oh, Steve didn't like it.
"We'll see about that."
Once the boy opened the bottle, Steve felt a repulsive scent filling his nostrils. It was the goddamn pyrite potion. Once consumed, it would give his son the power to burn both Heaven and Hell. Gods, how did he learn about the potion? Where did he find it? What did he give in return?
"Run." Your weak voice made the boy look at you with both fear and sadness, but then Steve saw determination in his face. "I'll hold him! RUN!"
Your grip on his shoulder became harder, but both of you knew no one could detain Steve here longer - except for his son and the pyrite potion in his clawed hands. His little child was only ten by now, yet he had eyes of a grown man, tired, anxious, desperate. He was well prepared to fight for you, the mother that kept him hidden when Steve roamed the earth, searching for you two for more than a decade.
The deep hatred in his child's eyes made the man shook.
"You can burn half of your face with that." The dragon said, pointing to the little bottle carefully with his human finger.
"If it means the world will get rid of you, I'm ready to burn myself, too."
Steve woke up with you hovering above him and shaking him by the shoulders in distress. His face was wet - apparently, he had been crying in his sleep, horrified by the pure nightmare he saw, the image of his son drinking the pyrite potion in front of him forever captured in his memory. Looking at your face pale with worry, the dragon wept and snuggled against your round belly. It was all a dream. It did not happen. Yet.
He let out a loud cry and kept his eyes shut while you were caressing his soft hair, afraid to  ask for an explanation as he was shaking against your body. You didn't understand what was happening to him, but he felt too weak to talk.
His own son was ready to kill himself if it meant Steve would stop following him and his mother. His dear little child became so hateful and bitter he wanted nothing else than to see his father's death.
What had Steve done? How much did he hurt his boy and you to make the both of you hate him to such extent?
He couldn't bear to think of it.
"It is alright." You cooed lovingly and pressed his blond head to your bulging belly. "It is alright, dear. You're safe. I'm here with you."
Steve felt deeply disgusted at himself, listening to your lovely voice: he was the one whose rile was to keep you safe and sound, and yet he abused you instead, locking you inside his cave, making you do what you were told, forcing you to bear his child. He believed you grew to love him, but was it true? What choice did you have rather than submitting to him?
He had been blind, thinking he could make you love him. Love couldn't be forced. He had to earn it.
"I'm sorry." He uttered, afraid to look at you and keeping his eyes shut. "I'm sorry!"
You froze on the spot, unsure of what you just heard. Did he apologize? Why? For what? What did he had to do to apologize for it? You couldn't remember the last time he said sorry to you, regardless of what he did. He thought he had always been right, always. To think of it, he hadn't been too cruel to you, but you had never pushed him to. As soon as you realized his power was absolute, you gave up, not willing to risk it. Your first attempt to flee failed because of the dragon fruit you'd eaten the day you met Steve, and all other attempts were worthless as you couldn't leave the cave without his permission. What else could you do? No magic treasure of his was able to kill him, his scales and ancient dragon charms protecting him fully.
You had to live with it. Thankfully, Steve had treated you kindly once you stopped rebuffing him, even taking you outside with him when he deemed it useful to keep you healthy and content.
What was he saying sorry for, though? You didn't believe he had finally felt remorse after many months of keeping you with him.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sor..." He kept whispering feverishly until you bended over and kissed the top of his head, concerned with his state. "What have I done? What have I done?"
You didn't know what dark thoughts he harboured, but you were frightened. You had never seen him like that. You wished you knew what he was thinking.
"It's alright, darling. You're going to get better."
"No, no!" He cried softly, kissing your belly over and over again. "It's all my fault. If it's going to happen, it's all my fault."
Ah, he probably saw something terrible in his sleep. That was it, you thought. Of course, what else did you expect from Steve? He wasn't human. You doubted he knew what it was like to be trapped against your will, even if you had feelings for him. He had never obeyed anyone and lived free as a jaybird. Steve was the one and only King who ruled over these lands, what could he know about your fears and pain?
"It wasn't right. What I've done... it wasn't right. I'm sorry, my love, I'm sorry, for I have hurt you."
Your eyes flew open at his words when you stared at his soft golden hair, running your hand over his lovely locks. Gods, what did he see in that nightmare of his? What had forced these words out of his mouth?
"I should have never made you to stay against your will..." Steve's cries had finally ceased and he lifted his head, his face red and puffy, blue eyes glowing in the dark. "I have been blind. I... I give you my word, I will not make you stay here any longer."
"W-what are you saying, Steve?"
Would he let you go? Would he let you return back to people instead of locking you in his dungeon? For the moment you forgot how to breath, watching the dragon with both fear and an odd excitement.
"You said you were travelling before the villagers took you away, didn't you?" He sounded calmer, but his heated gaze showed he was still agitated as his palms gently brushed against your belly. "Do you want to travel again? Do you want to see the world?"
"Yes!" Your answer was immediate, your eyes sparkling with happiness - he hadn't seen you so joyful for a long time.
"Then we will leave tomorrow morning." He whispered and moved up, sitting close to you on your spacious bed high above the ground, furs and blankets all over the bedsheets. "I will take you to the East to show you the most attractable secrets of the Orient. Or would you like to fly up to the South to see the Great Ocean? The Sacred Mountains of the Northen island? Would you want to see the waterfalls of the Acient?"
"Yes! I want to see them all!" Tears of joy filled your eyes, and Steve smiled at you, cupping your face with his hot hands. "Let's do it, my love! Let's leave this place for good!"
Then he leaned forward to you and left a tender kiss on your forehead, brushing away your hair. You looked so cheerful, contented, extremely pleased with him like never before. It was so easy to make you happy, yet he had always thought you were happy enough with him in that cave of his, stuffed with all those things you cared little for. Why was he so stuborn? Why had he forgotten what his own mother had taught him when he was a boy? He had forgotten what the true kindness meant.
"'Tomorrow morning we will leave." The dragon assured you, leaving little kisses on your face here and there, his eyes welling up. "Don't worry, you won't have to ride me as you did when I brought you here, I will make you... a rickshaw! A cart of some kind where you'll be safe and sound."
Amazed at his enthusiasm, you burst out laughing and shook your head, wiping away your tears with the back of your hand. You didn't know what he saw in his dream, but you were ready to keep thanking the gods for eternity for sending the dragon this nightmare. You were free to leave. You could see the world as you had always dreamed, a dragon at your side to protect you and the child growing fast in your belly. You couldn't pretend you wanted to abandon your own child and the man who, aside from keeping you captive, loved you like no one else did. If only Steve was more perceptive of what he was doing, realizing he might be wrong instead of claiming he always knew what was better for your and the child...
But maybe you had a chance to make him understand now. Maybe from now on everything would be different.
"We need to sleep, sweetheart." Steve whispered gently, helping you to lay down on the side - your big belly didn't let you to sleep on your back. "We'll have a lot to do tomorrow."
"Yes." You answered and snuggled closer to him, his breath tickling the top of your head. "Yes, my love. Sweet dreams."
"Sweet dreams."
Watching you close to him, Steve let out a loud breath, finally calming down. Yes, it was right. He needed to take you away from this place. He needed to give you the life you always wanted and make you happy so you would never leave his side. He needed to raise his child with affection and care, watching him grow as a boy loved deeply by his parents, not a little fugitive with a heart full of hatred and desire to kill. The boy didn't deserve a future like this. No one did.
"I will never let it happen." The dragon whispered after making sure you fell asleep. "The stars of heaven shall fall, but I will never make you suffer this fate."
Tags: @finleyjayne  @alexakeyloveloki ​ @helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin​ @lovelydarkdaydream
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another-snape-story · 4 years
In the Darkness
Chapter XXII
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Downhearted, engulfed with hatred for himself, Snape was sitting in the dark of his quarters, fingers tracing the curves of a fancy vial he twirled in his hands. A bottle of firewhiskey prepared to be uncorked long ago, seemed now to be forgotten.
Blueish moonlight seeping through frozen waters of the lake illuminated a part of the room reaching the wall where extinct fireplace breathed cold and chilliness adding an unpleasant feeling of despondency to the surrounding. His black frock rock thrown carelessly over the armrest of the sofa, Snape hoped physical discomfort would at least partially replace excruciating pain within his soul. No matter how hard he knocked at your door, how desolately he pleaded to open it, you didn’t answer. Snape was sure you had no desire to see him. If only he knew you were looking for him in the meantime.
You’ve never been to his private chambers – even approaching that part of the corridor made you feel uncomfortable, as if you were violating his privacy. But you just couldn’t leave it like this! You had to talk to him…
Realizing the misery of your predicament, drained of every feeling or emotion – you’ve cried too much to be capable of any – resigned with the worst outcome, you dragged along the passageway to try your luck at the last steppingstone which would predetermine your further relationship with the man.
Snape’s heart sank as he saw you at his threshold. Eyes locked on his, you stood motionless not daring to enter. Words stuck in your throat; you seemed to forget how to breathe.
Snape stepped aside.
Uncertainly, you trudged past him.
“Where have you been?” you asked quietly, “I’ve been searching for you everywhere…”
Your question baffled him – Snape would imagine it otherwise. The only thing he wanted was to fall on his knees before you and beg for forgiveness.  
“Dropped in ‘Hog’s Head’ for a drink,” he answered down in the mouth.
“I returned after you a few minutes later…” disappointed, you reverted your glance. Snape couldn’t expect that. If he found it probable you would return, he would surely stay there for as long as it’d take, even if he had to wait an eternity!
“Forgive me, Sev?” you turned to him all of a sudden, your eyes emitting the anguish of a mental agony. “Forgive me being an ungrateful bitch…”
Pain and despair now visible on his face, Snape dashed towards you. “No! That’s me who should apologize. You’ve been through hell, and I…”
“And you never left my side,” you smiled weakly, a tear rolling down your cheek.
“I hurt you. I didn’t mean that,” he whispered taking you into his hold. “It was a mistake. I am a mistake. My life is a mistake…”
“Don’t say that!” you pulled away to look him in the eyes. “You’re the most wonderful human being I’ve ever known! Don’t say you’re a mistake…” your voice cracked. “If it is me who made you think so…” you cried, too distressed to hold back, “…I will hate myself for the rest of my life…”
A storm of emotions raging in his soul, Snape rose shaky hands to your face. Lacking on confidence, he was afraid to touch you considering this gesture too intimate to be permissible, yet desire was stronger than reason.
Your skin so soft against his fingers, he gently wiped your tears putting so much delicacy into it, as if you were the most fragile thing in the world to fall apart at a slightest contact. Although physically you remained solid in shape, on the inside you appeared a real mess. Clutching at him, you sobbed still cursing yourself for your outburst at the station, yet immensely happy to be in his arms, relieved he didn’t reject you. “I’m so sorry, Severus… I’m so sorry…”
“Don’t be,” his voice as gentle as his touch, he caressed your face losing himself in the depth of your eyes. Yet he was so close that a tiny bend of his head was enough for your lips to come together. Looking at him, you felt all the tension disappear straight away – for a split second you fully relaxed once you realized what was going to happen.
The world spun around as his lips touched yours, hesitant and insecure at first, but growing more resolute inasmuch as he sensed you were kissing him back; on the spur of the moment, you could no longer feel the ground under your feet – you could no longer feel anything but a euphoric feeling expanding your chest.
Dissolving in his embrace, you kissed him selflessly, with all love and tenderness you’ve been harboring for this man since your nature trusted him long before your mind could too. Snape held you tight melting into the warmth of your side, unwilling to ever let go, since it might be his only chance to relish your affection he craved so bad.
“We can’t,” he breathed out as your lips parted.
Your mind still floating in the air, it took you a second to comprehend his words. “What? Why?” Delighted glint of your eyes faded all at once.
“I’m not a good party for you,” the words seemed to hurt him more than yourself.
“Let me decide!” you couldn’t believe he was backing down – now – when he made you happier than ever once in your life.
“Just look at me!” he spoke out of heart. “I’m not worthy... You deserve better. The best! And I... What can I give you?”
“Although you are the one and only thing that matters to me and brings sense to my life... although I’m going to protect you at all costs… I just can’t drag you into all this shit I’m involved in without breaking your heart with the terrible things I did and certainly will do. You wouldn’t bear it if I tell you, neither would you tolerate silence or lies, which I want to tell you the least! I want to be honest with you, but truth might kill all the good feelings you have for me and... You shouldn’t have grown with any kind of empathy for me... I can’t understand how it happened, why you...”
“You’re right,” you didn’t let him finish, cupping his face and gently stroking his jaws. “I don’t know what you’ve done, but I know what you’re doing here and now! And I don’t see a bad guy behind these eyes,” your thumbs softly traced a line along his eyebrows, while you reached out for his lips giving off your soul through the kiss. Your tenderness disarmed him – too weak to abstain from pleasure of your soothing touch he couldn’t help conceding into your will. “If you think some unpleasant fact from your past, which I believe you have a plenty, would scare me away,” you pressed your forehead against his, “you’re damn wrong!”
“You have no idea who I actually am!”
“You’re the man I love,” you whispered, “and that’s just enough for me. Even if you are the Dark Lord himself.”
“I served him,” he confessed louringly knowing he might lose you forever, but his words didn’t seem to frighten you.
“Yes, that’s what I thought,” you smiled lovingly, looking him in the eyes and stroking his hair.
“But how did you…” Snape’s brows twitched in utter disbelief.
“That night, when you told me you did really bad things, remember?”
Of course, he remembered.
“You can talk to me anytime once you’re ready. I want you to know I’ll always be here for you – to listen or to share silence... I won’t leave you, whatever you say...” you wrapped your arms around his neck clinging to him with your whole essence. “Don’t push me away... Severus, please... Together we can handle everything…”
His hands landed on your sides and made their way along your back to squeeze you tightly and never let go. You felt his breathing on your skin as he let out a peaceful sigh, once his head found place on your shoulder. 
“Could you possibly light the fireplace?” a playful voice resounded in semidarkness of a cold and poorly lit room.
“I believe I could,” answered the deep one.
“And some candles would be nice.”
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Tag: @diaryofafan17 @yul-is-sparkling @fullmoonshadowwrites @forthehonourof @amywright @redrehab @space-helen @fluffymadamina nadiigh @theworldisugly-22 @lukaerith-morningstar @sighsinkhuzdul @67-chevy-baby @rustypotatospork @aquila-leo @dandyrua @majusketch @sevyythebeanqueen @writingmi @s00nhi @pinkininja @shizuethedragon @chocolattefrog awkwardaxelotl @bionic-otp @samnblack @sailorstupidsblog @purpledragonturtles @xwaterproofx @lokistann @psycho-howell @planetmystery @lovelyravenkite @taschaschwarz @grimrapper11 @xpissbabyx @lullabylike green-forest-dreams brujaporfavor @severuslovebot moonflower81 @yourbadnightmare @cyber-cry-baby @fandomfrickomg @azzle417 @primavera-allegoria @scarletflavour garsiri04
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alakema · 4 years
ds Dreammare: Burn
Previous chapter: https://alakema.tumblr.com/post/645649623479943168/ds-dreammare-calm
Dreamswap belongs to onebizarrekai
Trans male Nightmare. Some years after Dream’s betrayal. Have yet to meet Error. And yes, I’m aware conceptionelized isn’t a word, but this is Nightmare okay?
Nightmare’s point of view:
It’s been two years. Two entire years since I met Cross, and I’ve yet to tell him anything important about me : my transsexuality, my gayness, my past with… ‘Today’, I decided ‘I will tell him everything.’ Well, after I escape JR’s prison anyway. Yeah, trying to paint ‘Nightmare was here’ with a doodle of me looking over a wall, when all of JR was on high alert because of a traitor, might not have been my best idea. I regret nothing.
I hear footsteps coming this way. For a moment, I fear this is Dre-… Him, but all I see is a friendly Cross getting dragged along by the arms, thrown and chained into the same jail as me. Convenient. I wait until I’m sure the guards won’t hear us, then I move a little closer to him (as far as the chains are letting me).
“ Hey man, you’re alive?” I ask jokingly.
He doesn’t respond, unmoving. He isn’t dead, I can still feel his emotions; so he is either ignoring me or asleep. Meh, I’ll kick him anyway (to wake him up or to punish him, for me it’s a win-win). The Oreo yelps as he flinches in a straight position. The glare is more of a reward than an intimidation. I only snicker as I question him on why the fuck is he here. To save me? Well fat luck doing that now, inside a prison. He defends himself, and mutters about ungrateful little brat.
“ I’m not little damnit. I’m a full grown man!! - You’re as short as a girl! - Well excuse me, you dimwit, for being born one! - What? - W h a t?”
Oh. My. Fucking. Dog. I    D I D   N O T. No way, nopity nope. Nuh huh. The way he looks at me right now. As if I was never really in front of him all this time. Tripping over his word in front of this revelation, revelation he should have already known. It’s not that I think he isn’t worthy of it, I was just- worried, I guess. I didn’t think I would reveal it under that kind of circumstance. I look around to see if anyone else heard us. But the guards are at the entrance, far away from our sail. And yet, I’m not reassured in the slightest. Fuck. Damnit, this isn’t how I wanted to tell him. He shouldn’t have known over a throw-away line said in an argument. Not like this, not now. Not here, of all places.
“ Sooo… I’m lost. - No, you’re Cross.” I try, in an attempt to derail his train of thoughts. It doesn’t work, since this asshole ignores me entirely. “ Are you a girl or a boy? Cause, the first time we met, you told me you were a boy, but now, you’re saying you’re not. - God damnit, Oreo. I’m a fucking trans masc! - Trans what?”
‘Don’t you dare make the puppy face-… He’s making the puppy face.-_- ’
Explaining to my friend what transsexuality means is like explaining a toddler the conception of the stars… When you don’t know how the stars are conceptionelized. Needless to say, I regretted telling him. But when he finally, finally understood the meaning, he only told me:
“ No matter what, you’re still my bro, bro.”
Well shit if that didn’t make me cry. (This is the only time I’m ever crying in front of him. I swear on my chicken’s honor, never again.). We talked a bit more after that. Meaningless shits, mostly. But hey! They’re funny meaningless shits, so I don’t care. I can almost forget I’m behind bars, in JR’s prison. But I’m hungry, and I know it’s time for supper; the guards are late, I wonder why. When footsteps come our way, this time I can feel it. Powerful, certain, determined. Familiar.
It’s him.
I let a shaky breath. His aura burns me to the core, and I’m sure he knows it. But I don’t give a flying fuck. I’m strong, I can handle it. Just as I finally put myself together, a bright glow enters and bathes the flimsy place in an unnatural, otherworldly atmosphere.
“ We finally caught you.”
I don’t answer him even as I stare defiantly at his silhouette. In truth I’m at lost for words. Oh, god it hurts. His voice, his eyes. So different and yet so achingly familiar. Unwelcoming and yet so addicting.
“ Tell me, where did you find your…accomplice, all this time away from me?”
‘Why do you care, you feathered asshole?’ I want to snarl, my voice still lost in the past. Instead, I can barely whisper :
“ Non’yer fucking business, you prat. - Humph. As impolite as ever, sister. But it doe- - Brother.”
Cross, buddy, my dude, my bro. What  the fuck  are  you doing? One: just because I didn’t tell you to keep it a secret, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have kept it a secret. And two: even I know you just don’t interrupt him if you don’t want to be in more trouble than you already are! And yeah, I know I’m one to talk, but it doesn’t matter in the end, since he wants me dead. Drea- HE is shocked as well, if I can still read him correctly.
(I can. And it burns. I can still read a familiar stranger, and it burns!)
His magnificent feathered prick starts, slowly:
“ What… Is the meaning of… This, sister? - Are you deaf, you shitty tosser? He said ‘brother’. - I am quite aware of what he said, and what the word means. My question is why did he tell me, affirm me even, that you are my brother? - ‘Cause I am.”
The leader of Justice Reigns frowns deeply in disapprobation (and why does my heart tightens still?). He demands that I “do not lie to me again. I am not here to mingle with your absurdity”. Fed up with his bullshit, my voice rises to a deeper, steadier tone, even though my body weakens.
“ We’re not lyin’, your stupid birdbrain! I’m a man, always have been. Would have told you if I had had the time, you know, back when we were still together.”
Bitterly, I notice he doesn’t even flinch at the accusation, unperturbed.
“ Duly noted. However, this has nothing to do as to why I am here currently. Take her…him to your laboratory.”
Wait, what? True enough, people behind that bastard, in white coat, are advancing toward. Like hell I’m being a guinea pig! I trash around, hoping for some kind of miracle, and Cross kicks and screams, in vain. He expands and reenforce his power on me, knowing full well the effect he has on me.
The last thing I see before I’m taken away for good is my Cross, scared and small, and a Dream I wish I could forget.
I don’t remember what happened at the laboratory. All I know is that my whole body is burning in new, unfamiliar flames. My limbs are singed ruins (my heart is ashes). Breathing is hard (Crying is harder). My friend is worried about me, but I can’t even summon the force to care anymore. I let him scream and plea for a response, but it’s too late for me. I’m burned, hurt and broken.
And I hate myself for it.
Next chapter: https://alakema.tumblr.com/post/646082387364790272/ds-dreammare-depart
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stormra · 4 years
Hiya! I was wondering if you could give your headcannons on how the Matsuno brothers would react towards someone finally reciprocating the same feelings/developing a crush on them? Take your time!
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❝     𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
— type : headcanons
— characters : the matsuno brothers
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Thank you for being my first headcanon request! I know that I’m allowed to post other works without anyone requesting them, but I felt as if it would be more rewarding to wait until someone finally did. Now I’ll let myself write headcanons, especially since I’ve finally caught up on matchups. It also took me a while to figure out how I want to format headcanons. I care too much about what my blog looks like. So, without further ado, let’s get into it! Thank you for being patient!
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Osomatsu : Although he’s a huge pervert, your confession will leave him absolutely winded. He has spent his entire life begging for a partner—with you as the target he’s been dreaming of—but with this sudden opportunity placed before him, he doesn’t know what to do... and is he really cut out to date someone as awesome as you? Wishing for a partner is immensely different than actually having one. Rather than immediately accepting the confession, he’ll hesitate before quickly realizing that he shouldn’t think, deciding that acting fast is probably the better option as compared to standing and worrying. He doesn’t want to lose you, after all! He’ll jump at you with open arms as if miraculously brought to life by your smile, nuzzling the living Hell out of your head. Wow, wow! A partner! How awesome! His thoughts won’t be very profound... nor will his speech. He’s pretty puppy-like in disposition. Despite being a bit worried about the future, though, he’s elated—especially because it’s you who likes him, not some rando or Totoko. I headcanon that his “crush” on her is just his version of coping with the fact he has nothing he truly came up with on his own. So, crushing on someone gives him the same sensations related to finally having his own idenity... but that’s a thought for another post. Anyways, your confession leaves him undeniably euphoric, really. He won’t exactly tell you that he feels the same, but it’s kinda obvious in the way he begs to kiss your cheek and tell his brothers about your confession.
I’ll be real with you; he’ll definitely want to show you off and the fact that you confessed first. You best prepare yourself for that. 
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Karamatsu : Did you say “lots of blubbering?” “Many futile attempts to hide his obvious tears?” Like Osomatsu, Karamatsu simply cannot believe someone as elegant and as beautiful as you returns his cheesy affections. It’s no secret that he’s a very emotional, guarded man who hides the truth behind painfully obvious facades of cringy confidence and things of that nature. Upon hearing your words, he‘ll stop whatever he’s doing and stare at you as if you single handedly fought off a horde of angry people, lips agape and eyes wider than saucers with tears already forming in the corners. He did not just hear you say that! By the gods! He definitely tries to mask his joy with those obnoxiously cringy phrases he loves, calling you his muse while claiming he knew this would happen—who can resist such a man as he? Yet... when push comes to shove, that persona of his is faltering immediately as soon as you laugh or even smile at his attempt to play it cool. I can tell you that much. As his tears finally fall, overwhelmed by just how euphoric you make him feel, he’ll let you comfort him like the man-baby he is. He’s just so overwhelmed that you, the light of his life, finally feels the same about such a lowly NEET like himself! Although crying like an infant, he’ll try and confess his own feelings in an attempt to win your affection further. What a dork!
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Choromatsu : Don’t expect a dramatic reaction from this guy. On the surface, he’ll manage to stifle his joy and surprise well enough to smile at you, timidly (yet effectively) expressing himself in return. Great! Romance! However, on the inside, he’s indefinitely a panicked mess, stressed and worried about what he should say and do from this point onward. Dating? Who is she? He doesn’t know her—especially anything having to do with “wooing” you. Prior to your confession, he hardly flirted with you at all! He’ll definitely crack from time to time during his own confession, stuttering every so often, incapable of looking into your eyes for any extended period of time. If you want to see his composure fall, just kiss him, hug him, or try to hold his hand. Even quicker than Karamatsu’s facade, his unbothered approach will quickly melt into that whimpering mess we’re familiar with. Once he’s true to himself, though, he might even calm down and effectively convey himself without tripping over his words. You can expect to see a very prominent reddish hue on his cheeks. It compliments him greatly!
I’d also like to mention that he’s definitely the most obvious when it comes to his crush on you. I honestly don’t make the rules; I only enforce them!
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Ichimatsu : This one is a bit tricky. While it’s easy to assume he wouldn’t have much of a reaction to your confession, it’s more accurate to say that his reaction would be the most negative out of his brethren. No, he won’t shoot you down, but he won’t say yes either. He’ll instead look at you in complete disbelief, confined to silence for a moment, before uttering that he doesn’t believe you and that you’re just trying to make him look like an idiot. If I’m being realistic, you’d probably have to space your confession out over the span of two days in order to reach the best results. You need to give him some time to sit and think through the thought of dating someone. Even though he adores you and your presence a lot—more than anything else—he views himself as garbage; someone unfit for love. He never would have imagined that his tiny crush would lead to this. If you confess to him and give him a day to think, however, you’ll find that Ichimatsu really is just misunderstood and touch-starved, desperate to find the love and support he has been dreaming of. He needs someone in his life who is willing to be patient with him and his struggles. The fact you are willing to wait for his indecisiveness to pass shows just how reliable you can be for him within a relationship. He’ll return to you the next day and wordlessly embrace you, ready to try something outside of his comfort zone. As long as it’s you he’ll be dating, he doesn’t really mind!
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Jyushimatsu : Yeah... you can anticipate a lot of smiles and a lot of jumping up and down with flappy arms. He’ll definitely find your confession to be the most exciting thing ever, but it’s important to remember that Jyushimatsu is very, very incapable of keeping still and expressing himself with words (due to a lame vocabulary), so it’s advised to be patient with him and read his behaviors closely. Instead of expressing his own feelings with words, he’ll excitedly lunge at you and wrap you in his strong arms, absolutely ecstatic over the fact that his crush reciprocates his feelings. Internally, his mind is one with his outward demeanor, fueled by the ideas of what the two of you can do together now that he knows you feel the same. Again, while he may not express his love with words, the way in which he actively tries to kiss your cheek is a pretty solid indicator that he feels the same. Honestly, his reaction to being confessed to isn’t too different from his typical way of expressing himself to you. Prior to your confession, he always greeted you with a huge embrace! Now that he knows you feel the same, though, expect a lot of kisses and a lot of super tight hugs. You probably won’t get a confession out of him at all; you’ll have to ask him if he truly wants to start a relationship or not. Communication is always important. Although it may be hard to communicate with someone as exitable as him, it’s very important and he’ll appreciate it immensely! Trust me.
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Todomatsu : Honestly, compared to the rest of his brothers, this guy’s reaction ought to be the most casual and, dare I say it, assertive of the bunch. His siblings are all painfully starved from social interaction and proper enactments of adulthood, so it’s no surprise that they’ll react like children when finally given the opportunities they have been dreaming of for years and years. Todomatsu, however, has grown to be a more social man when posed aside his extremely toxic brothers, constantly hanging out with girl after girl and guy after guy in order to climb to the top of his sextuplet home life. It’s no surprise that he’s the most unbothered by your confession of love. Upon hearing your confession, he’ll blush a bit while placing a smirk on his cheeks, dead set on teasing the Hell out of you. Being a tease is his specialty, after all. Even if he’s a bit embarrassed on the outside, he’s ready to assert whatever dominance he can. It’s cute, honestly, but that doesn’t mean he won’t comment on your confession or crush.
“Wow, Y/N-chan has a crush on me? How sweet!”
“Finally coming around, huh? You’re so cute.”
However, deep inside, peering around his two-faced nature and desire to be the best of his brothers, he’s shocked with your confession, feeling like a pampered prince who has just touched the most lavish cushion ever crafted by man. Finally! His efforts have been noted! You can expect to receive a hug or a kiss as he admits to liking you back. While it may not be the most extravagant reaction, your upcoming relationship will make up for it. I promise!
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icollectyoursins · 4 years
Heyy!! Congrats on making it to 50 followers!! I know it's not much but sooner or later it'll grow big and you'll have tons of mini minions who love and adore you! + your writings too!!
I just want to say that your Caesar blowjob with a twist got me hooked on recreating questionable scenarios while I was folding the clothes and my brain said "How dare this person make me go horny without consent!!" Just kidding, I give my utmost thanks from getting my hormones set off from your writing❤❤
I just recently finished watching SDC and I'm in the big sad from seeing Kakyoin dying while listening to Goodbye Nostalgia before crying because the lyrics hit me so baddd
Would it be alright if I were to request a small scenario that Kakyoin survived the hit? I just want my cherry boy healthy and well dhdhdhdhdhvf
I also love my cherry boy, so yes. You can have that. Now I need to go mop up my tears because this whole thing was so sweet. This may be a little sad, but it gets better. Just... my poor boy, he needs to heal. Honestly, this was a nice break from what I usually write, so thanks for that! Had to hold back lots of happy tears with this one.
Kakyoin is finally released from the hospital after healing from his DIO-induced injuries and he could not be more excited.
Have a character, but no idea? Prompt list here!
Looking for more? Master post here!
WARNINGS: A little bit of sad, but mostly happy reunions! Paraplegic!Kakyoin.
Word Count: 1205
Hope and Recovery
     Kakyoin’s feet dangled over the side of the hospital bed. He looked at them with a sad curiosity, narrowing his eyes and focusing, willing them to move, to feel that tingle, the feeling of stretching them out. But, they wouldn’t. No matter how hard he tried. It was still too soon, according to the doctors. He couldn’t help wanting to be that tiny 1%, that little miracle person. For now, he would have to be okay with a wheelchair seeing as using Hierophant would be a little too odd for people who can’t see stands.
     He sighed, pulling his legs back onto the bed, arranging himself so he was lying down again. He smiled, staring at the bed table near his feet. Various pictures of smiling family, friends and whatever Iggy was feeling in the picture Polnareff took. A chuckle escapes him freely. Iggy had sunglasses on and what looked like a smaller version of what Mr. Joestar would wear on vacation with a small vibrant drink in the lower corner.
     Looking over to the calendar on the wall next to the clock, he checked which day it was. Of course, he knew what day it was, he just needed to keep reminding himself that it was happening. He was going home today. After so many months of healing in the hospital, he was finally allowed to go home. Home to his bed and games and beanbag chair, his dad’s awful jokes and his mum. He missed her the most, he thinks. 53 days travelling and then another 3 months on top of that was too much, to say the least. They’d visit, of course, but nothing compares to waking up to her cooking.
     Kakyoin laughs to himself, thinking of what his father and uncles would say at parties when he was a kid. He really was a mama’s boy and proud of it! He looks at the clock, then back to the calendar for the umpteenth time today, pinching himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. This day was finally here.
     And Avdol was late.
     Funny, the warm-hearted man was usually very punctual. Maybe Mr. Joestar was driving them. He and Avdol had grown close, sharing this room together while they healed. The Speedwagon Foundation had given him robotic hands, like Mr. Joestar, so it was a bit easier for him to heal probably. Meanwhile, Kakyoin chose to keep his legs. When he woke up, they had told him that there was a small chance that he would be able to walk with his own legs again and, by God, he was going to take it. Even if it didn’t work, he was sure they’d come up with some way to help him.
     All of the sudden, Polnareff burst through the door, flowers and balloons in his hands, smiling like a buffoon, not that he could blame him. His own cheeks hurt from smiling so much today which was only amplified by the grin he gave his friend. The two laughed whole heartily as they hugged, being careful of Kakyoin’s injuries, babbling about how exciting this all was. He barely remembered what they said! It was all a blur. Someone came in and gave him his clothes, then helped him into the wheelchair so he could change with a little help from the nurse.
     Everything was a buzz with excitement as Avdol pushed him down the hallway, flowers in hand and the balloon tied to the handle of the wheelchair. They all waved at the doctors and nurses, laughing about the good times of Egypt, exchanging inside jokes, the like. When they arrived at the doors, he saw Mr. Joestar and Jotaro standing together, a rare smile graced Jotaro’s lips as he saw his friend approach him, joking about him looking like shit when he could see how tried Kakyoin was.
     “I couldn’t sleep last night. I was looking forward to the morning too much.” They all smiled sincerely, Joseph clamped a hand down on shoulder, laughing loud enough to draw attention from the passers by.
      Looking out the glass door, his eye was caught by a familiar form. “Mom!” He said, putting his hands on the wheels and rolling as fast as he could towards her. She turned at the sound of her son’s voice, then grinned. 
     “Noriaki!” She ran to him, almost falling to her knees when she was close enough to hug him. He tried his best to catch her, pulling her close to him. They laughed through happy tears, reunited. She immediately went into telling him about what happened at home when she pulled back. His dad came over and did the same, kissing him on the temple gently, patting his back. 
     It was evident they were all happy to see each other, happy to get back to their usual routines. With these people around him, healing would be a breeze! It would be like it never happened. Perfect.
     “Oh, come on! No way!” Kakyoin shouted with glee, hitting the buttons on his controller harder than he was before. He was trying to beat Dark Link from Legend of Zelda 2, but to no avail. One final stab from the black pixel counter part and he was toast, dropping his hands to the couch and letting out an exasperated sigh. He looked over to Jotaro, who was trying to hide his smug smile. “As if you could do any better!”
     The two laughed lightly, reaching into the bowl of pop corn they had sitting between them. He closed out of the game, done with the fight for now. One day he’d get it. One day. 
     “Was there anything you wanted to play?” He asked. Jotaro shrugged. “There’s not a lot, but there is Super Mario Brothers. You seemed to like that last time. Until the Goomba.”
     “The what?” He looked over, confused and perturbed. 
     “The Goomba. It’s the mushroom thing that kept-”
     “Oh, right. Is that what they’re called?”
     “Yes, that’s what they’re called. Do you want to play it? If not, we could watch a movie,” Kakyoin mused, trying to get his friend interested. He heard him sigh and smiled.
     “Fine, I’ll play.”
     “Great! Would you mind getting it set up? I would do it myself, but...” He gestured to his legs. Jotaro got up wordlessly, getting the new game and setting it up the way he had taught him to, the proper way as he says. Kakyoin did whatever he needed to on his end, the familiar, joyful music filling their ears. He quickly reminded Jotaro how to play and then they set off on starting a new file. 
     Everything was going well, until the Koopas at the second stage. Jotaro made Mario jump on to the first one properly, and then hit the wrong side of the shell, making it barrel the other way, killing his tiny character. Kakyoin laughed.
     “Well, it wasn’t the Goomba!”
     “Let’s just watch a movie.” Another loud laugh made the taller teen hide his head behind his hat. He couldn’t help letting a small smile creep across his lips. Content. Glad that he has his friend, now and forever, as cheesy as that was. It felt nice. For both of them.
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ificanwriteiscannon · 4 years
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Love Story (A Luca Changretta imagine)
ps: The lyrics, the picture and the characters dont belong to me. Picture found in Pinterest. 
Yes, its cheesy and cliche, but I hope you guys like it. Sorry for any mistake that you may find.
We were both young when I first saw you I close my eyes, and the flashback starts I'm standing there On a balcony in summer air See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns See you make your way through the crowd And say, "Hello" Little did I know
Luca knew the second he laid eyes in her. She was the one. One of his men pointed that he didn’t even know her name, but that didn’t matter to him. And then he heard her laugh. Oh, he was done for in that second.
“Excuse me miss.. Could I possibly buy you a cup of coffee?” Luca was not used to this feeling. Suddenly this stranger turned him in a teenager all over again. She had her back to him and the gangster noticed her friends giggling.
“Well, now I’m having tea with my friends..” Luca chuckled humorless. She was a flower, but how dared she refuse him? He was lost.
“But tomorrow would seem to be a nice day to have coffee with a stranger” From over her shoulder she smiled at him, and Luca walked away knowing for sure that she was his flower.
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet" And I was crying on the staircase Begging you, "Please don't go, " and I said
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess It's a love story baby just say "Yes"
It took them a total of four dates to make them inseparable. He was all that filled her mind and she was the light of his dark days.
“Oh darling, those are beautiful” Her mother said joyfully, as her daughter got inside all smiles reading the card between the bouquet. “Who are they from?” The older woman worked faster than Y\N could and stole the small, delicate piece of paper. The romantic words animated her until she got to the end. “Luca? Please Y\N.. Luca Changretta? The gangster? Are you mad?”
Y\N knew her family would have issues, but this was never how she imagined this would go.
“DAD, YOU’RE TREATING ME LIKE A CHILD..” Her mother was crying for what felt like hours. Ever since she screamed for Y\N’s father and told him about his daughter’s lover.
“Look, I know that..” Y\N started taking a deep breath, trying to calm the situation.
“You forbid me? You can’t do that, I’m a grown woman! I got a job..I ..I”
“You keep seeing him, you can forget about this family. That man is trash Y\N. He’s gonna get us all killed or worse”
So I sneak out to the garden to see you We keep quiet, 'cause we're dead if they knew So close your eyes Escape this town for a little while
Y\N walked the neighborhood watching her surroundings. She was supposed to be at her friend’s house for a ‘girls night’ as she lied to her parents. There was no chance she would ever go out again I they ever dreamed that she was going to her lover’s arms.
Lost in thoughts, Y\N gasped as a pair of hands pulled her waist to a dark alley. As soon as she turned to the man, horrified, she relaxed. The girl slapped his shoulder and they laughed as Y\N hugged Luca.
“I’ve gotta tell ya something, mi bella” He could feel her heart accelerating against him, and the gangster caressed her arms. “I got business in England. I’ll be gone for a while” Her eyes fell to the ground and Y\N distanced herself as far as she could, since Luca didn’t let her go.
She knew what those businesses were. She had heard him talk with his mother about it, Y\N knew how dangerous this could be. Vendetta.
“How long?” The girl asked harshly
“I don’t know yet.. Maybe four months, maybe more” She nodded as Luca observed her, he could practically hear her brain screaming and her heart breaking.  
“I’m not gonna waist my breath in trying to stop you, because I know you won’t listen.. But  you listen to me Mr. Changretta, you will come back to me. Safe. And you’ll marry me then. Dare to disobey that and I’ll hunt you wherever you are and kill you myself” Luca chuckled at his woman and her finger pointed at him. There was no doubt. Never could be.
“Yes, ma’am” Luca pulled her close and they stayed in each other’s arms in silence.
'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet" But you were everything to me I was begging you please don't go and I said
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess It's a love story baby just say "Yes" Romeo, save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel This love is difficult, but it's real Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess It's a love story baby just say "Yes" Oh, oh
Long were the months Luca stayed away.
The girl came clean with her family about her relationship with Luca, and much to her disappointment, her father kept true to his word.  
Y\N was tired of them trying to control her feelings anyways, so she collected her stuff and Audrey was happy to open her doors to her future daughter in law. The Italian becoming a mother to her, and their worry over Luca their bond.
They received letters and phone calls, but none enough to calm their hearts. Of course, they trusted him, but neither would be calm as long as he was back and safe.
“Mi amore, soon this will all be done and we’ll be together again..” It broke his heart to hear her cry. Specially when Luca knew he was the source of her worry.
“Don’t you dare to lie to me Changretta.. I can hear it in your voice. Something is wrong, isn’t it?”
“These men are not to be intimidated, and it may take longer than expected, but I made a promise to you, mi bella, and I intend to keep it.”
“You better”
I got tired of waiting Wondering if you were ever coming around My faith in you was fading When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said
Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone I keep waiting for you but you never come Is this in my head? I don't know what to think He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said "Marry me Juliet You'll never have to be alone I love you and that's all I really know I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress It's a love story baby just say 'Yes'"
She had a dream one night. Luca died. Y\N didn’t remember ever crying that desperately, Audrey tried to calm her, but they knew that the only thing capable of doing so was miles away.
As soon as the hours permitted her, Y\N called Luca. She told her dream and he said nothing, he only hummed and soon said his goodbyes talking about a final urgent business.
Weeks passed and only letters came. Two to be exactly. A deal was made and Luca was free. Waiting was all she could do. And at this point, the small voices in the back of her mind got louder.  
Distracted and with two of his men watching over her, Y\N walked back to the now familiar neighborhood with the groceries the Italian woman asked her.
“I do hope you can teach me this recipe Audrey, I had to fight two not so polite old ladies for this vinegar” The girl laughed remembering the ladies at the cashier.
When she received no response, she turned to the figure in the living room.  The groceries falling from her hands as her body moved slowly at its own accord.
“You’re back” Y\N whispered with tears in her eyes. As Luca opened his arms with a smile in his lips, she ran. “Oh my god, it’s really you?” Her hands travelled between his cheeks and his neck
“I promised you, didn’t I? I hope you set up a date, mi bella” Luca said taking the little velvet box in his hand.
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crowgale · 3 years
Resident Evil 2 AU
Claire Redfield x Elza Walker
Generally the characters are the same, but with a kick of real so they aren't blank slates. Elza herself is a street-smart, confident young woman with a troubled past.
Born Elizibeth Walker in Anchorage, Alaska to parents separated before she was born, her father was an fortuitous yet endearing construction worker who took custody of her until he went missing during the construction of an Umbrella Research Facility in the Rockies during her early teens and was then sent to Connecticut to live with her mother, who was an abusive drug addict.
In her teens she developed a keen interest in motorcycles while overstudying in a library to avoid her mother and further strengthed it with part-time jobs in various mechanics. Eventually she lost hope in her father being found and her increasingly hostile mother drove her to runaway from home, using connections she developed through gangs and mechanics to move to Florida and join an amatuer racing contest in Daytona under the alias 'Elza' (Her father's nickname for her)... where she broke the track record 4 times (The first was the previous fastest lap time, she then broke her own fastest laps 3 times).
By her 18th birthday she had left her criminal ties behind and became a minor celebrity on the fast track to becoming a professional bike racer. She had sponsers ready to pay her into any university she wanted, emancipation from her mother and enough money saved up from work and victories to let her live as an independant young woman.
Elizabeth was gone. She was Elza now, and she had found her path to happiness.
By 1996 Claire had enrolled in the University of Houstan, Texas. Chris hoped she would enrol in Kansas City so she'd be closer to him but she wasn't going to be his little sister forever. She had grown up quick after their parents died... they both did.
Elza and Claire first met the week before classes started, Claire having just moved into the dorms a day before; Elza arriving like a perfect storm the next day on an customised kawasaki sports bike and a trailer full of her belongings.
Claire recognised her of course, her debut into the racing world made national headlines. So like a dork Claire was shy and tried to avoid Elza as she rode in on her Harley Davidson, after running an errand off campus.
Elza however, heard the sound of a Harley and wanted to know who owned it. She took one look at Claire in her red leather shorts, that 'Made in Heaven' jacket tied around her waist and that tight black bodysuit she had no business looking so sexy in, decided 'Yeah, I'm chilling with you!" and was having none of it.
There was, what a native of Northern Ireland like myself would call, a fresher's fair that night and like a hawk Elza seeked out the introverted Claire and started asking about her bike.
By the end of the night, Claire's shyness vanished upon realising that the seemingly untouchable queen of bikers, whose body was covered in tattoos and whose hair was as wild and untamed as the wind, was actually a massive dork. Elza however found someone who had quickly seen her and not the racing queen. The dealbreaker came when Elza asked what made her get a bike to begin with.
"Well... my brother owned a Suzuki before but... I guess I saw the film 'Akira' and that's what made me do it"
"Oh my god bitch me too!!!"
The two would then become firm friends. Elza being the misadventurous one who managed to talk Claire into actually leaving the library and give herself a break from studying; Claire being the one to get them out of trouble and keep Elza grounded. The two became a power-couple without realising, defending the other from rude people who mocked Elza for daring to be a woman racer or harassed Claire for her looks or for trying to latch onto a celebrity. It went without saying no one could harass these women if they wanted their hearing and face intact.
Things would eventually become more personal between the two. The week after New Years, Elza received news that her mother had died from a drug overdose. Although she didn't need to, Claire bought a side-car for her bike and rode her to New London for the funeral.
The service itself was tense. Elza being uncharacteristically silent and the lack of relatives worried Claire as the service ended. She never saw Elza's eyes look so cold as she gave her eulogy, which she soon realised was a stock eulogy the minister gave to those who didn't write one.
A while after she was buried in the a man approached Elza in the cemetary, introduced himself as her mother's dealer and decided that since she was a famous racer her mother's debt would pass on to Elza and that she would pay him else there would be cpnsequences; it goes without saying she refused to pay off the debt and apathetically asked him to leave.
Claire was on him like a wolf the moment he slapped her and was ready to kill him when he started to threaten her with a knife.
She very nearly did.
They left New London that evening amidst a police BOLO for a woman with auburn hair seen kicking the living shit out of a man in a graveyard. They made it to Kent Island before a blizzard rolled in and they had to say at an inn along the Chesepeake Bay.
That night Claire meant to apologise for her actions, stating she saw her get hit and just... reacted. But Elza pulled her into a tight hug and finally released her pent up emotions. She told Claire about her fathers disappearance, about the years of torment at her mothers hands, that this wasn't the first time something like this happened, that she doesn't understand why she's crying if she hated her mother so much and how much it hurt to remember all those terrrible things and have someone make her feel like that scared little girl again.
Claire, feeling her best friend shake in her arms, doesn't know what to say. She's silent for a time as Elza holds onto her like a lifeline, as if letting go would make her fall off the Earth itself. She finally tells Elza that she isn't that little girl anymore.
"You are Elza Walker! Yhe Woman who can never be slowed! You're unreachable! Unstoppable! And no one will ever hurt you again!... I... don't want to see you hurt again"
Elza didn't speak for a while after that... but eventually she did and what she said broke Claire.
"I've wished for someone like you my whole life Claire"
Life returned to normal soon after that. One tournament race was enough to bring Elza Walker roaring back to life and with a vengeance. She was faster, she was braver, her smile after each weekly victory able to light up the world... or at least Claire's, who now made it a point to go to every race, or at least watch it on TV if the race was in a city too far out of reach.
Elza knew Claire was watching her... she figured that's why she was doing better now.
Spring came and went, the summer exams now already a fading memory to the pair, but foreshadowed by Claire losing her part-time job and being unable to find another one. With no means to pay for her student fees it looked like she would be forced to drop-out.
But Elza wouldn't have any of it.
"I know how you can pay off your fees. A guy in my pit crew retired a month ago and I've been short two hands ever since. It's hard work but the pays good and if I make pro next month it'll be even better"; she said idly at a bar one evening.
"You... you want me in your pit crew?"; Claire asked incredulously.
"No, I want you as my personal pitbabe so I can drool at you in a tight spandex jumpsuit looking all cute with dirt on your face"; Elza said with a lop-sided smile.
"Hm... seriously Claire, I want you there with me. I can't imagine anyone better to look after me on the track"; Elza said confidently.
"...You do take way too many risks"; Claire mused, before Elza held her cheek in her hands.
"You told me once that I am the woman who can never be slowed... well Redfield, I'd slow down for you!"
Elza's manager might have called her decision to hire Claire personally driven and entirely unprofessional. However, Claire proved herself highly compotent within a week of employment, being able to keep up with the repairs, adjustments and tyre changes her job demanded.
It was also found that Elza actually listened to Claire whenever she was pushing her luck, which turned out to be a blessing in the final race of the season in San Francesco. Her main rival who was tied for 1st with Elza didn't want to lose to a woman, and in the final 3 laps had begun making poor judgement calls to try and keep up with her. Risky overtakes, tight cornering and high speed was equally met, and soon Elza found herself in a dogfight she refused to lose.
If Claire hadn't screamed at her to brake before the last corner, she would have been thrown off her bike with her rival after an attemped inside lane overtake resulted in them losing control of the bike and wiping out.
Elza won of course, making it into the professional league. It was a dream come true. At no point after she took off her helmet and locked teary eyes with Claire could she make any expression that wasn't a bashful smile or tears of joy. It also seemed like she couldn't stop looking at Claire during the victory reception or later that night on the train ride home... where she had too much to drink, leaving Claire having to help Elza meander into the sleeping car after the 8th Buttery Nipple.
She helped her move herself onto the bed, but Elza didn't let go of her hand. Instead she brought her hand to her lips and kissed her knuckles and held it to her cheek as she openly wept.
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derireo · 4 years
chasing the clouds / izumi tachibana
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I wrote this due to a comic that ann @ oratoza on twitter made (please follow her!!!!!!) about Izumi going back on stage! As much as that comic was happy, I kind of went down a sad route.. Lol. Hope you enjoy.
「 Read on AO3 here 」 「 2.5k words 」
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There was only one more day for practice and then it was opening night. Izumi was anxious as always, for Yuzo still had some things to spew out, and she had only hoped that her actors were up to the challenge to prove him wrong again. She didn't let it show on her face how nervous she was feeling, but her hurried steps as the furious wind blew against her was a sign.
She entered the empty theatre just as the troupe finished their intermission and went back into character, breathless with how much energy she exerted. She didn't mean to be late, but she got distracted by the work that was piling on her desk and forgot what time she was supposed to leave.
Her actors were bantering as it says they should in the script, and Izumi quietly snuck down to the front of the theatre to sit down beside a supervising Matsukawa who seemed to be on the verge of falling asleep. Not many of the actors took notice of her other than the ones on stand by, and they waved at her as a greeting.
Her smile was shaky due to exhaustion, but she still nodded her head to tell them to focus on their play.
It wasn't very hard for her to fall deep into the universe that her actors created with their confident voices and the self-assured way they held themselves beneath the stage light. She watched their every moment as they strode across the stage, seeing how the actors kept their eyes on each other as they held amiable conversation.
But then amiable turned into something akin to anguish and woe; their voices slowly growing in volume and ferocity as their character's anger and despair seeped into their bones and made their mouths snap as they barked at the other.
The change was so quick, but so raw that it had Izumi on the edge of her seat as the tears and the scratch of their throats began to make an appearance, and it left their director in awe.
Left her feeling restless as she remembered the times where she'd put her all in a play just like this.
She fidgeted in her seat as she watched the troupe go through their dress rehearsal, fingers anxiously grasping onto anything she could reach like the armrest or the edge of her seat. She was moving so much that it actually distracted Matsukawa, who wasn't paying attention to anything in particular, to the point that he had to ask her if she was okay.
Her stiff nod was enough to convince the man and he quickly went back to daydreaming, but Izumi was still restless. Her brown eyes flickered between each actor that made their way onto the stage, heart thundering inside her chest as their clear, strong voices made its way to her ears.
She watched as their costumes, made by Yuki, fluttered and flowed so naturally as they moved, their lines rolling out of their mouths as if they were having a real conversation; one that wasn't typed out on a script written by Tsuzuru.
Her heart felt like it would burst at any second because these actors that she took under her wing, were blooming right in front of her. She didn't notice how much they had actually grown until this very moment, and she had no idea how to feel. They were so smooth in their blocking, their monologues, their soliloquies; it was like she was being dragged into their world once again.
She breathed in the clean scent of a large concert hall into her lungs to bring herself back to her reality, fingers digging into the armrests that sat on either side of her. Her eyes sparkled in admiration for the actors that stood on that stage as if they were always meant to be there, and she couldn't help the stinging in her eyes as she felt her heart rattle.
As much as she wanted to be on stage and do the things her actors did, she knew that her role as a director was something vital for the rebirth of Mankai. As much as she doubted herself in the beginning and as much as she struggled, she still managed to become something that she was told would never happen.
She was able to come back to the stage, not as an actress, but as someone who lent a hand in growing the best actors in the area. Even though she struggled and had Sakyo watch her every move, she reached this height to spite those who told her that giving up was a better choice for her rather than to continue.
Her mind raced as another part of her begged to be on that stage again, to feel the creak of the wooden planks shake under her feet as she bellowed out her lines in confidence, to feel the heat of the stage light on her forehead as it dawned on her when she looked at her fellow actor, to feel the relief wash down her body due to a job well done on closing night.
That part of her begged and begged, scratched at the corners of her mind to let her have that experience at least one more time.
And she wanted to. She really did. She wanted to give in and take the stage once more, feel how the weight would slowly lift off her shoulders when she looked into the empty audience and spilled her heart out for no one.
But she couldn't. She feared the playful jabs and the honest criticism if someone overheard her weak acting. She feared the silence that would stretch throughout the theatre if she did perform alone. She feared that pouring her heart out again like that would only result in more pain and more loneliness.
She loved her actors. Of course she did. But she could never regain that part of her that pursued acting with reckless abandon. The absence of a father and a detached mother; they were a part of her, but they couldn't help her grow.
In her head, they supported her dreams. In reality, she didn't have anyone there to catch her when she fell; fell from that very high mountain that she somehow managed to climb.
Her heart trembled this time.
It wasn't a violent shake, no. It was a tremble like when your lip shakes when you hold yourself back from crying. It was like the sad whimper of a puppy or a faint mew from a cat.
But she willed herself to keep quiet for the dress rehearsal was not over, but the tears in her eyes slowly grew as she continued to watch the play in front of her. She was captivated by the joy hidden behind their own eyes, and how their smiles sparkled under the light as they bantered in another scene.
Her lips were pressed into a thin line to prevent a sob from suddenly breaking out, but the shaky breath that escaped from her nose would have been enough to alert anybody sitting nearby.
Too bad Matsukawa was half asleep.
She couldn't tell if her body was aching from excitement or sadness and she clung to the armrests as if they were the only things keeping her down.
Her nose was burning at this point, the climax of the story already been reached. Her heart felt like it was falling apart at the seams and all she wanted to do was to look at an audience from the stage one last time; see the expressions of strangers that were captivated by her peformance or were moved by the way she held herself in character.
She wished she was able to make people feel the way her actors make her.
Suddenly, the attention snapped to her when one of the stage lights trailed over towards the spot where she sat, narrowly missing a napping Matsukawa and snacking Kamekichi.
Her mouth clammed shut out of shock when the actors on stage looked directly at her; watched as the tears gathered in her eyes finally fell and rolled down her rosy cheeks. Her shoulders went stiff, brows furrowed together in startled confusion while one of them walked towards the edge of the stage, only a few metres away from where she sat at the front of the theatre.
There was concern in his eyes, hidden behind a mask of resigned sadness for the role he was in. He knelt down at the edge of the stage with an outstretched hand, waiting for Izumi to stand and reach out to him, brush her fingers with his.
He was nearing the end of his soliloquy, and that meant the play was near its end.
"I wonder.. If I had listened to myself all that time ago.." He spoke, loud enough for the empty theatre to hear him, but it felt like he was whispering only to her. The actor beckoned her closer when she barely took a step, and seized her wrist in his large hand to make sure she wouldn't pull away at the last second.
"Would I find myself in the same spot I am in right now? Or would I be standing somewhere else.." He pondered aloud and bent down further to grasp her by the waist and bring her onto the stage with him.
Her tears were quickly drying due to the shock of the spotlight reaching her, and she stared wide eyed at the actor that pulled her up on stage with ease, kindly smiling down at her as he set her down on her feet.
The wooden planks quietly groaned beneath her weight, and the feeling of that creak shaking under her feet made her choke on her breath.
The actor still held onto her hand as he lifted his other one to gently brush away the tears that stained her cheeks, voice soft as if there was a light breeze coming in to sweep his words away into the clear sky.
"..standing somewhere else that felt like home." He tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and uttered the last word like it was a secret, bringing his hand to tangle with her hers as he lead her towards centre stage with a fleeting smile.
"Like right now." She whispered. The emotions inside of her built up with each frightful step she took with the actor, fingers twitching nervously between his own as she dared to look out into the empty seats.
The sleeping Matsukawa and perched Kamekichi caught her attention, but despite the comedic sight, a sound that was teetering between a sob and a laugh escaped her, and the dam that held her tears crumbled down once more.
The actor that stood in front of her could only offer her a sad smile as she used the back of his hand to wipe away the tears that flowed down her face, teeth clenched into a grimace as her body shook with each cry that left her.
The theatre went dark.
Her small body was suddenly engulfed in a tight embrace, fabric of a costume muffling her laboured breaths as she clung to the hand that kept her weighted, arm coming around to grip at the back of the actor's shirt as she squeezed out every emotion that her heart held.
"This is my home." She said to herself, tears staining the actor's clothing as he held her, gave her the embrace that she never knew she longed for, and brought her close to his chest to hopefully use his calm heartbeat to soothe her.
"It is." He agreed as the stage lights turned back on, the rest of the members of the troupe bounding onto the stage to attack Izumi and the actor with a group hug. Each member's cheer was so characteristically them, one loud with energy, another one quiet with their hand patting her head, and another one stuck between saying something or simply standing there to watch.
There was no part like this in the script where the actor took the hand of an audience member, but he remembered taking a quick glance towards his director and saw the way her eyes shone with tears. He couldn't help but reach out for her when she wore such a painful expression on her face, and the urge to hold her was strong.
Everyone knew how much Izumi loved the stage. They've heard of her stories here and there. Not through word of mouth, but through Izumi with the casual comment or fleeting memory as she watched them move around in the practice studio or outside on Veludo Way.
They've heard of the times when she was told her acting wasn't good enough, heard the times when she was told that her dream was too out of her reach. They've heard of her talk about the person who was her inspiration to act never coming home to help guide her into becoming the actress she had always wanted to be.
They've seen her alone on the stage. They've seen her stand in the centre with the stage light glaring at her as she recited the lines to one of the plays Tsuzuru wrote, or one of the plays that she worked so hard to audition for.
They saw how hard she worked and how frustrated she would be at the end because she just wasn't good enough. They saw those little moments of her just laying down on the stage doing nothing; those moments of her holding her head in her hands as she asked herself why she couldn't execute this or that better.
They've seen her sleeping on this stage on the most loneliest of nights, and have had to bring her back to the dorm so that she'd at least be somewhere warm and safe.
Those little jabs of theirs weren't meant to harm her, but they understood that deep down, despite her smile, Izumi believed it. She believed there was no way for her to improve herself to step foot on a stage like this, and so she kept herself behind the scenes so that she could at least help them become what she had always wanted to be.
She had helped them for so long now, and didn't make a move to help herself.
To heal and to forget the reason why she went back into her shell.
So it was their turn.
It was their turn to help change things for Izumi. Help her work on that stiff acting (she's been getting better) and aid her in how to move with water like fluidity on stage.
They want her to finally feel that hollow creak of wooden planks beneath her feet as she tore into her lines, bellowed them out to the audience in front and truly hear how her words would resonate in the theatre.
They wanted her to understand that even she is able to bloom in front of her very own eyes, and they were going to make it happen.
If I had listened to myself all that time ago.. I'd be standing right here. Doing the thing that I love most.
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jay-and-dean · 5 years
Rescue You Chapter 11 : December 2 and 3
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Dean x reader
Summary : My name is Y/n. I’m the outcast of my witch community. This is the story of how I rescued Dean Winchester, the story of how he saved me.
Serie Warnings : Swearing. Injuries. Smut. Fluff. Angst.
Chapter warning : Angst, angst, angst and fluff.
Words : 2.9 k 
Author note : There will be 14 chapters, the schedule of the editing is added in the Masterlist. If everything goes as planned, I will stick to that schedule.
***Rescue You Masterlist***
***Want to read more ? => MASTERLIST***
December 2, 9pm.
…My love is afraid of me.
I look at his bedroom and don’t recognize anything. The picture of Dean with his mom is not even in its pretty frame anymore. It’s like the room was padded. I’m dangerous.
           A sudden urge to cry crawls up my spine and I need to see Dean, I know he’s the only one that can kill that panic growing inside of me.
           I turn around and walk toward the library, impatient to hear the only voice that helps me win against those horrible overwhelming feelings and the din inside my head.
           But whispered voices catch the attention even more than screams sometimes, and when I hear Dean talk so low, I start to listen.
“No Sammy, you don’t understand, we don’t have a month or even a week to find one… It’s getting worse…”
“I know Dean” Sam says but my boyfriend cuts him.
“No you don’t know. I… During the night she loses control, last time snakes appeared,Sam ! Freaking snakes ! I have no idea how to deal with that and our feelings for each other won’t be enough for long to hold these powers. She will hurt someone. If… If she hurts me Sam, she will never forgive herself. I know her.”
When tears reach my shirt, I notice it is blood and frown. My hands are shining like hot lava. I have no memories of snakes and… He’s right, I would never forgive myself. I look at him one last time from the shadow and walk back.
           Entering the garage, I look around, I don’t have a driving license, of course I don’t, I wasn’t supposed to leave that shitty town. I have to get away for a time, I will miss him so much and I have no idea how I will deal with this without Sam and Dean, but I can’t take the risk to hurt him. I just can’t. I put my fingers on my temples in a desperate attempt to ease the noises and headache.
           Get away… you’re a danger. You’re a monster…
I close my eyes and sigh, I could drive anyway, but then I would be a danger for everyone again.
 December 2, around noon.
             I regret not taking my phone before I left. I would love to tell Dean I love him but I just can’t be around him lately. I regret not taking a coat or shoes, but not because I’m cold-I’m not with that burning fire inside of me-, just because I can’t hitchhike, take a bus or anything, I would look crazy. But again : dangerous anyway.
           I know where I want to be right now. I want to be in that cabin, my own little home. I saw it grow from its ashes and I have no idea if it was a dream or if I did it for real. I have to see it with my eyes.
           I can picture the inside of my cabin in my head, like I was watching a movie, I can see it so clearly. I start to cry and lift my hands to try and reach it but it’s in my head. The room is exactly how it was when I left it running, the sheets still have Dean’s print and there are bandages everywhere, some of them with Dean’s blood on it. There are food papers and blood stains on the bed.
           I can feel the cold air coming from the poorly insulated window now and the wood under my feet. I close my eyes but still can see everything. The floor where he slept for days before I could move him….
           I touch the sheets and bring them to my nose, it smells like Dean, I take the cover and roll myself in it.
           And when I open my eyes again, I’m in the cabin.
             I stayed for hours in those covers, trying to remember how it was when I wasn’t afraid to hurt Dean, when I did more good than bad. Remembering the beautiful amazed look he gave me when I was patching him up, like it was the first time someone actually took care of him.
But now you are what he hunts…
           I look at the small dusty TV that occupied him for hours, probably preventing him to be totally overwhelmed by pain on the first days. I turn it on, searching the few functioning channels for something like Scooby doo to remind me of nights with him. But I stop on the news.
           They’re talking about that town, mine, where a strange cult has been massacred by maybe some others. It’s on national info. They found hundreds of corpses, something the United States hadn’t seen in decades. A shiver makes me whine when I see the aerial view…
You did that and now you dare coming back here. The cabin may be fixed but everything is destroyed… You should be locked here forever.
I turn it off, curl up in the bed and try to ignore the panic raging deep inside of me. Outside, the night seems to be falling. Weird, I was sure it was still early…
           Darkness wraps me and I try to calm, thinking of Dean, trying to replay some of our moments in my blurry mind, counting in my head the wounds I had to clean every day to distract myself from the storm with a comforting routine…
 December 3, 2am
             “Y/n !” I hear far away. “Y/N !”
I open my eyes, I fell asleep. I’m still in the cabin and the night is totally dark but my eyes can see clearly. I shiver, did I really hear him ?
“Y/n !it’s me !” Dean’s voice becomes clearer.
I get up and take a deep breath, he found me. Of course my baby found me, the cabin was not the best idea to hide. Why is he calling me from so far ?
“Y/n ! I’m begging you, let me enter !”
Maybe he’s in danger, I get up quickly and lift my eyes to the window : It’s totally covered in wood ! Branches tightly mixed, covering it totally. That’s why night seems so dark. I run to the door and open it, but it’s exactly the same, like trees and creepers had grown to wrap the cabin in a box of wood.
“Y/N !” Sam’s voice joins Dean’s and a loud noise makes me take a step back.
They are trying to break the magic wall.
“BABY !” Dean finally calls and my heart starts aching.
“DEAN !” I answer, suddenly having trouble to breathe at the idea that I can’t get out.
Another loud shock.
“Let me in…” his voice has changed, it’s still worried, but there is no panic in it anymore.
“I can’t ! I don’t know how…”
“SAM !” he yells suddenly and I put my hands on the wood.
“What ?” I call. “Dean ?... DEAN !”
I put my head on the wood and start begging I don’t know who. They came here, and now I’m may be hurting them. Please Please Please… Stop !
           The ropes of wood tighten and Dean’s voice becomes further. I start to panic, and the structure of the cabin cracks, like its box was a constrictor snake.
“Oh my God…” I murmur when dust falls off the roof. “No nono… Dean… DEAN!”
He can’t hear me now.
           What have I done ! I can’t control those powers and now the trap is closing. The cabin cracks again and this time the window shatters. My heart beats way faster than humanly possible, and the floor starts to shake, everything falls of the floor.
If Dean dies…
If Sam dies…
My head is spinning and my hair start floating and glowing.
Dean will die.
Sam will die.
You’re the monster they have to put down.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I can’t let that happen, I won’t. I have to think of the good times, I’m the one doing this, that means I can stop it, just like that. I will. I close my fists and struggle hard to hear my thoughts inside of my head.
The man I love has a smile like no other, and when we made love for the first time, just here, he gave me one of them. A smile I will always remember, with sweat on his forehead and love in his dilated pupils, his skin was still cold from that shower and his lips were swollen by my kisses. I can’t stop kissing him, I won’t. Ever. I want to see his smile.
The cabin stops cracking but I still can’t hear them outside, the night is still so dark and I pray that I’m not too late.
Please… Let me see him again, let him be safe. I’ll take the burden, I’ll take every blame but let him go home.
A loud noise against the wood again. My love is alive ! I focus even more : When he will reach me, he will put his arms around me, I live for his arms around me, holding me so tight I don’t have to carry any weight.
Another punch on the walls of my wooden prison. The deafening whispers in my head harass me and right now I know I won’t be able to fight that evil for long, a few more days, maybe weeks… But after that, if there is no other way to keep them safe, I will have to end it.
Another punch and something cracks. I just realized I have to kill myself and burning tears roll on my face, evaporating before they reach the floor. I don’t want to die, I just started to live ! I don’t want Dean to loose someone else, but I can’t afford to hurt any of them.
“Y/n !” I finally hear him and a strangled sob escapes me.
“Dean !”
“Baby ! Baby you hear me ?” he half shouts half sighs.
“I’m sorry ! I can’t control it ! I can’t open !” I sob, starting to scratch the wood.
“Hold on ! And don’t panic okay ! I will reach you baby !”
“Where is Sam ?” I ask shakily.
A silence and my heart seems to fall on my lower stomach.
“Dean where is Sam ?”
“He’s… he will be okay, we’ll deal with him later” he growls and I know what is pain when I hear it.
“Oh my God !”
I hurt Sammy.
“Y/n focus on my voice, don’t start panicking. Sam will be okay !”
“I hurt Sam ! Did I… I hurt Sammy ! Oh my God !”
The floor starts to shake again.
He was right to be afraid of you, he wasn’t even careful enough, now it’s too late.
“YOU WERE RIGHT TO BE AFRAID OF ME !” I cry out, feeling that incontrollable wish to close that prison tighter.
           The shocks on the wood stop and it’s like I could feel Dean’s palm on it.
“Y/n… I’m not afraid of you” he says more calmly. “I am afraid for you. Listen to me now. Breathe. It’s going to be okay, we will find a way, we always do, we’re close to find a way…”
I pant, my breathing strangled by panic and he hears me.
“Breathe calmly. You remember when I talked to you about that mark… What was its name ?” he asks to make me focus.
“C-cain” I stammer. “The Mark of Cain.”
“I thought it will never be okay again, just like you do right now. But I got rid of it, it was awful, baby. This force fighting me every second, the urges… But it’s over now. You will find peace too baby… Let me give you peace. I will break that, just stay calm for me.”
           I fall on my knees and the din in my head fades a little. Dean starts hitting the wood again and after a while, a tiny ray of night light pierces the wall of my airtight prison. The hole becomes wider and Dean’s hands finally appear to tear the branches in growls.
           When he can slip in, my love enters and falls on his knees to take me in his arms.
“I’m so sorry” I sob, clinging to him. "Dean I didn't mean... I'm so sorry !"
He hushes me and grabs my face to stare at me with his intense eyes, checking on my face and body, his thumbs grazing my cheekbones. He’s sweaty and out of breath. When he moves his palms just a little on my cheeks, I notice they’re wet and very hot, the smell of blood comes to my nose and I realize he must have open his palms with the branches. But before I can react, he puts his lips on mine.
“Don’t leave me” he pleads against my lips. “ Don't ever leave me again. I’m not afraid of you, and I need you. I won’t lose you.”
“Sam ?” I ask below my breath.
“I called Cas…”
“Tell me Dean. Please.”
You've hurt Sam.
“The branches… Y/n… It’s not your fault…” he looks down.
I get up to run outside, but Dean catches me by the arm quickly, tugging to crush me in his arms, holding me with my head against his chest.
“The branches crushed him like they were snakes. He’s breathing but… I think his bones… his bones are broken. He fainted.”
I grab Dean’s flannel and sob in his arms, muttering pleading apologies in loop.
           And while we wait for Castiel, Dean never lets go.
 December 3, 5pm
             Castiel came and Sam was alive. Dean never wanted me to see him broken, but I can only imagine the amount of pain he went through. After a while, the angel broke more wood in the door frame, and Sam came in, I was in tears, not daring to look at him in the eyes even if he was trying to reassure me.
           After a long talk, I finally told them I needed them to be safe, that I couldn't let it happen, and that it could happen in the bunker too. I suggested that maybe I shouldn’t come back in the bunker just now… Sam agreed. I ignored the pain on my chest, still entertaining the idea of ending it myself. But Dean’s answer was clear : He will stay here with me, until Sam finds a cure.
           I couldn’t fight him long, he was determined and argued that he was the only one that could keep me safe. I was terrified, both by being alone and hurting Dean ; so when he asked me to trust him, I just did.
           Sam went to his car to give us the few snacks he had there, and said he will come back tomorrow, no matter what.
             Now here I am, using that first aid kit that helped so much in the past to take care of my boyfriend's palms. He’s sitting on the bed and I kneeled before him, like I used to do, except this time he's strong and well, mostly. Taking care of him calms me and the light of the old oil lamp too somehow. The delicious smell of Dean is embracing me, keeping the loud whispers at bay for now.
“There is a piece of wood under your skin” I whisper, looking up to find his eyes seaching my face.
“You know I love you right ?” he answers and my heart starts racing like the first time I heard it.
“I know. Thank you so much for loving me…” I look down, still tortured by the guilt.
He chuckles and pushes a strand of hair behind my ear. I tug at the thorn but my wolf barely winces.
“Sam is close to find something…” he smiles while I examine his beautiful strong hands carefully. “He says he could transfer the powers to someone else, turn the spell you used, there is just a little more details to think of.”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea” I frown, sincerely worried by that idea.
“We just have to find an evil witch of the Coven, we know some ran.”
“Evil, Dean, that’s the whole problem…” I take bandages to stay focused on taking care of him.
“Yeah but that knocked you up… What if I put a witch killing bullet in her head before she thinks clear again ?” he grins.
“I don’t know…”
“I do” he states. Now come here, it’s still freezing in that cabin, even with, you know... the new weather-proofing” he chuckles.
           I get up and join him on the bed, cuddling against him when he lays down. A loud sigh of relief escapes my lungs and I flatten my palm on his chest to feel his heart.
“I’m going to make love to you all the time when this is fixed” he groans, managing to make me chuckle slightly.
That man is not only the strongest of the world, physically; after all he's been through... his heart also is made of the toughest diamond.
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maidenof-thesea · 5 years
Snakes & Butterflies | Part VII
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Soulmate Au!, Fluff, Angst, Smut (in the future)
Words: 3.2k
Warning: minor swearing
Note: Part 7 is here! I hope you enjoy. I have decided to add a lot more fluff and a just a little pinch of drama. I love you guys !! 
Reminder: * conversations in Korean *
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Once we separated Jimin from Taehyung, the adventure to the museums commenced. I decided to leave my Jeep and opted to ride with the guys, since they had such a big car. Jin wanted to drive there but I decided to drive since I was more familiar with LA traffic. Jungkook was my navigator, so he had to sit in the middle, right next to me, much to Jimin’s disappointment. 
Once we were on the highway, Taehyung started to play music and the car became a karaoke party. After hearing Namjoon and Yoongi rap to Eminem’s Lose Yourself, I was convinced that they were not human. I mean, I knew Jungkook had a beautiful voice but I never imagined that all of them were so talented. Taehyung’s vocals were husky, yet rough that made it sound warm and soulful. Jin’s were very even and yet sweet sounding. I could tell from how Hobi was vibrating in his seat that he was full of passion, if I remember correctly, Jungkook did mention that he was dance major and he specified in hip hop. I had yet to hear Jimin’s voice, which had me a bit excited. Once Charlie Puth’s ‘We don’t talk anymore’ I was not disappointed. 
“We don’t talk anymore, like we used to do” Jimin sang. “We don’t love anymore. What was all of it for?” 
His voice was what I would describe as heavenly. It was very sweet and crisp and combined with Jungkook’s soft and smooth vocals, I may have been the first person to thank God for LA traffic because I’m sure I would have crashed. To my surprise, I looked in the rear view mirror, and I was attacked by Jimin’s intense stare, as if he had already been staring at me as he sang. I quickly averted my gaze back to the road and put both hands on the wheel, even though the traffic was so bad that we hadn’t even moved an inch for the last five minutes. I gulped my nonexistent saliva, and I realized that my throat was really dry. I should have brought water. I risked another glance at Jimin, and he was still staring at me, but this time with a smirk. I quickly rolled down my window and prayed that there was some wind. The audacity.
“Y/N,” Taehyung said from behind me. “You’re next. What song do you want to sing?”
“I-I” I stuttered. I tend not to listen to music since most songs portray love but I was definitely not gonna be singing some club banger.
“Noona,” Jungkook said. “You liked that one song by Ariana Grande that I showed you. You should sing that one.”
“Are you insane?” I spluttered. “I would butcher that song.”
And they all started to chant my name and I quickly rolled up the window since some of the other drivers were giving me weird looks. 
“OK!” I exclaimed with a slight eye roll and the buys erupted in cheers. “Play Breathin’ by Ariana, Taetae.”
“Coming right up,” Taehyung said. 
“I actually have never heard it before,” Yoongi said with Hobi nodding in agreement. 
The music began and almost immediately I began to sing.
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I bopped my head along to the beginning of the song as Noona started to sing and the car was real quiet. Too quiet and her voice wavered a bit from what I reckon was nerves. So in order to help her relax, I started humming along.
“Sometimes it’s hard to find,” Noona sang now, getting in rhythm and swaying back and forth with me, “Find my way up into the clouds. Tune it out, they can be so loud. You remind me of a time when things weren’t so complicated. All I need is to see your face.”
Once the song ended, Noona’s face was flushed from embarrassment but erupted into her signature smile as the hyungs cheered and complimented her.
“Liars.” she started pouting with a small smile, but I could tell she felt a bit proud. “You guys sound like angels and over here I sound like a dying whale.”
“I like your voice Noona,” I said automatically and she turned and gave me a grateful smile but she nervously looked into the rearview mirror and back to the road. Traffic was starting to move and she focused on driving. For some reason the back of my neck was feeling real hot.
“You are a brave boy Jungkook,” Namjoon whispered from the passenger seat next to me. “But let’s not test Jimin’s patience anymore okay?”
“Yes hyung,” I said with a gulp, remembering the punch Jimin gave Taehyung earlier.  
“We’re almost there!” Y/N said in excitement and the boys sighed in relief, even though the SUV was big, it was slightly uncomfortable for eight fully grown adults. Once Noona paid for the parking, in spite of Jin’s insistence to pay, we were finally off and exploring. We relatively kept together as a group as we explored the museums, which were all conveniently within the same area. One of the museums had a German history exhibition, much to Namjoon hyung’s delight. Him and Noona stayed behind to look at more historical artifacts and photos. 
Jin hyung had dragged all of us outside to take selcas and Yoongi and Hobi hyung were heading to another exhibit on the opposite side, which looked like an indoor garden. Jimin sort of lingered outside of the group, almost as if he wanted to go back inside.
“Hyung,” I whispered to him and he hummed in response, not really paying attention. “Just go back inside, Namjoon hyung may get lost, and Noona will panic, you know her.”
“Should I?” He said even though he was already taking a step towards the building. “Does she really panic like that still?”
“Yep,” I nodded. “If anything she’s gotten worse.”
Jimin then took off without replying and I couldn’t help but smile and feel relieved. A big arm wrapped around my shoulder and Jin hyung sighed from between me and Taehyung. 
“Always needing encouragement,” Jin said with a hint of endearment. “It’s the first time I’ve seen him act this way towards a girl..I never thought I would actually ever witness it.”
“He deserves it,” Taehyung said with a small sad smile. 
“They both do.” I said with a twinge of an unfamiliar emotion in my chest. 
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I noticed that Namjoon had a tendency to wander off in curiosity, since it had already been twice that I lost track of him. I was incredibly thankful for his height, otherwise I would have had a full on panic attack at being left alone in a room full of people I don’t know. I kept hold of the sleeve on his hoodie, just in case though but he didn’t really seem to notice. We were both currently looking at a photograph of a statue of a leopard carrying a child, when a small statue caught my eye. I looked at Namjoon and he was still reading the facts about the photograph. With a slight sigh, I released his sleeve and made my way to the small secluded statue that no one paid attention to. 
It was a replica of a gravestone found in Germany in the 1850’s. It was of a butterfly and a snake. The snake was devouring its own tail, while the butterfly was in the center. The butterfly reminded me of my own drawings from when I was a little girl. I lightly traced the henna tattoo and I let my mind wander back to my dream. I haven’t had any dreams lately, to my disappointment.
Don’t cry too much
I wonder what Cassandra meant by that. I shrugged, I had been a tad bit more sensitive lately but I figured my cycle was due. I look back at the statue one more time and this time I focus on the snake devouring its own tail.
“I’m jealous,” Jungkook said with a sigh. “Your Mark is so cool! The snake looks so real!”
“I like yours Jungkook,” another voice said. “It suits you, you are like a hawk: quick and agile.”
“But I like Y/N’s the best,” the voice continued. And I felt a warm pressure on my hand. Almost as if someone had squeezed my hand. “Monarch butterflies are really pretty.”
When I looked up at the voice, the sun was too bright for me to make out the person. I looked back down squinting from the sting of the sun. 
“You’re home now Noona,” Jungkook said with a teasing tone. I felt my eyes water slightly. “Don’t cry Noona I was only joking!”
“Jungkook,” the voice said sternly and I was quickly enveloped in a hug. “You didn’t have to come, I could have walked her by myself.”
“I was only joking Jiminie!” Jungkook whined. “I’m sorry Y/N!”
“Jimin,” I said wrapping my arms around him. Not really wanting to let go. 
“Jimin,” I repeated once more, hugging him even tighter. 
“Are you okay?”
And I was startled, almost as if I had fallen asleep. 
“I’m sorry,” a familiar voice said, as big hands steadied me. “I was talking to you earlier but you seemed lost in thought, Y/N are you okay?”
“Yes,” I said quickly, regaining my surroundings. “I must have dozed off in a daydream. Wait..”
“Minho?” I asked once I recognized the man in front of me. And I was right. Minho was in front of me and he chuckled at my expression. 
“You really were dozing off,” he chuckled once more. “As I was saying, you never gave me a call...I was wond-”
“Y/N?” Namjoon sighed in relief, he was panting and his glasses were askew. “Where have you been? Jimin and I have looked all over the place-wait I need to call him before-”
“Ladies and gentlemen sorry for the announcement but we have a missing child: her name is Y/N L/N. She is wearing a black V neck shirt with a jean skirt. She has long black hair-”
Before I could hear the rest I covered my ears in horror, while Namjoon scrambled through his pockets. I have never been so embarrassed in my whole life. Not even my mother would have dared-
“Jimin!” Namjoon said into his phone. The rest of the conversation was in Korean and Minho chucked a bit. 
“Wow,” He said as we both heard a pair of running footsteps. Before I knew it, I was wrapped in familiar arms and Jimin’s chest was constricting with exertion against my cheek. 
“Jimin,” I said as best as I could. “I’m-”
And he spins me around inspecting me and then his hands are on my cheeks.
“Why did you go off by yourself?” He said his eyebrows scrunched in worry. “Do you have any idea how worried I was?”
“Aren’t you twenty four, Y/N?” Minho said in amusement. I felt my face turn red in embarrassment. Jimin’s eyes hardened, and he took my hand in his and took a step in front of me, almost blocking me from Minho’s view. “Didn’t know you were a child, almost foo-”
“I’m sorry but who are you?” Namjoon said before Jimin could. He was now fixing his glasses and straightening his coat. He had his hand on Jimin’s shoulder.
“He’s an acquaintance of mine,” I said side stepping around Jimin, who tried pulling me back behind him. “It’s okay, his name is Minho Lee.”
“Nice to meet you,” Minho said bowing. “You guys are Korean as well right? I’ll speak comfortably if that’s okay?”
“Aren’t you already speaking comfortably?” Jimin said, his tone brazen, causing Minho’s smile to falter and his gaze darted to our clasped hands. I felt my face turn even more red and I tried to tug my hand but Jimin only squeezed more. “Keep still.” He whispered. 
“How do you guys know each other?” Minho asked, his eyes held a hint of amusement. 
“I’m actually their host-”
“We’re friends,” Jimin answered. “Since we were children.”
“But we’re actually staying where she works,” Namjoon clarifies. “An Airbnb.”
“Did you quit your job at the hotel Y/N?” Minho asked. “Did you quit the same day you saw me there?”
My eyes widened at that, and Jimin quickly glanced at me with a question in his eyes. I had forgotten to mention that I worked at a hotel as a part time outside of the summer.
“It’s a long story,” I sighed, pushing my hair back with my free hand.“I’ll give you a call soon to plan a meeting with you Professor Lee.”
“You’re a professor?” Namjoon said with a surprised tone. “You seem young..”
“Ah,” Minho laughs. “Yes, I just started lectures at Y/N’s university. We’re both from the Anthropology department.”
That piqued Namjoon’s interest and before me and Jimin could even stop him, Namjoon’s curiosity got the best of him.
“What do you specify in?” Namjoon asked with his head inclined. Jimin quietly sighed and he wasn’t alone there, I was always open to hearing Namjoon rant and answer questions but I didn’t really have patience for it right now.
“Origins of the Nethanderals,” Minho replies. Almost immediately Jimin and Namjoon stiffened. I hummed in confusion and Jimin shook his head. His phone vibrated and he quickly whispered in Namjoon’s ear. Namjoon nodded as well.
“Well,” Namjoon says, extending his hand to Minho. “I would love to hear all about it sometime Professor Lee but we really must get going, the rest of our group is looking for us.”
“Oh that’s too bad,” Minho says smiling as he shakes Namjoon’s hand. “Do you perhaps have a moment Y/N?”
“She actually can’t,” Jimin replies before I even open my mouth. “She brought us here, and she’s showing us around so-”
“It will only be a minute,” I said with a hint of annoyance. Before Jimin could protest, I managed to pull my hand free. I lead Minho towards a secluded section, missing the way he shrugged at Jimin, who took a step in his direction but was held back by Namjoon.
“Okay,” I sighed. “When are you free so we can chat?”
“Your friend is funny.” Minho said with a hint of mischief.
“I’m not here to talk about Jimin,” I said rolling my eyes. “So if you have nothing to say I can go?”
“Wait!” Minho says attempting to grasp my arm but I crossed my arms. I was honestly annoyed with these guys trying to manhandle me. “I was just joking. I’m free whenever after the morning.”
“Well I’m having a barbecue tonight if you want to come?”
“Will that be alright with your guests?”
“It should be,” I shrugged. “You can talk to me about your research then.”
“Do they know about your?” He asked, gesturing to my arm. 
“No,” I sighed with frustration, only Jungkook knew. “How about after, the barbecue shouldn’t take too long?”
“That’s fine.” He said, sounding a bit pleased. “It’s a date.” He said that last part a bit loud and I turned around to glare at him. 
“Or not.” He shrugged. “It’s not a date.”
“I’ll meet you at the hotel around 8.”
And I walked back to Namjoon and Jimin. Namjoon was reading the facts on the statue of the snake and butterfly, while Jimin was staring at me intensely. 
“Jimin,” I sighed was I was in his proximity. “I’m not a child anymore, you didn’t have to make an announcement.”
“Oh excuse me,” Jimin said with an brazen tone once more, causing my eyebrow to arch. “Didn’t mean to interrupt your reunion.”
“Jimin, I-”
“Never mind,” Jimin sighs. “Hobi hyung wants to have lunch.” 
And he left me and Namjoon standing there. Me more in shock and Namjoon scratching his head. I look at Namjoon for an explanation.
“We were worried, Y/N,” He says sighing. “With what’s been going on lately how could we not?”
“I understand that,” I sighed in defeat. “But he seems upset for another reason.”
“Well that guy was a bit weird,” Namjoon mutters. “He didn’t know how to take a hint.”
“Nothing,” he says smiling. “Let’s go. I’m hungry.”
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“What the hell happened?” Jungkook whispered to me as Jin was showing me all the pictures he took. I sighed as I looked at what he was talking about. Jimin and Y/N were both sitting next to each other but facing the opposite direction, not even acknowledging one another. But it was funny how the maknae line still managed to get them to sit next to one another. 
“He sort of asked the museum to make a missing child announcement.” I whispered back, causing Jimin to roll his eyes. “It was embarrassing.”
“What?” Taehyung and Jungkook both said. 
“Why didn’t he just call her?” Jungkook whispered. 
“Not all of us have her number,” I reminded Jungkook.
“What are you talking about?” Taehyung said, pulling out his phone. “We have a group chat.” 
He was right. The group chat was on kakaotalk and already there were several messages.
“Taehyung,” Y/N said with a confused expression. “What’s this app, it’s all in Hangul? Wait, my whole phone is in Hangul?”
“Oh!” Taehyung laughed. “Sorry I still have trouble with English! I’ll fix it for you!”
Taehyung reaches for her phone but Jimin quickly grabs it. 
“Hey!” Y/N whined, but Jimin just gives her a pointed look and she blushes. “Oh thanks..”
“You forgot to add me to the chat Taehyung…” Jimin muttered in annoyance. “But he added you Namjoon…”
“Really?” I said surprised. “I actually haven’t heard anything..oh it’s on silent.”
I did a derp face while everyone but Jimin laughed. He rolled his eyes and handed Y/N’s phone back. After lunch, we went to other museums and this time we made sure to stay together, which pretty much meant we went through everything fairly quickly, to my disappointment. There was one garden or a greenhouse that we all did not want to leave though.
“Y/N!” Hobi exclaimed with excitement. “You’re gonna love this place, me and Yoongi loved it!”
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Hopi started to lead Y/N to this greenhouse that seemed to be packed with people. I felt myself get a bit nervous by the crowd so I decided to keep a close watch on her. Once we had entered, Hobi had covered Y/N’s eyes, who pouted and I opened my mouth but Yoongi hyung shushed me. 
“Wow…” Y/N said once Hobi let go. And wow was right. What must have been a trillion monarch butterflies flew just about everywhere. Some landing on people’s faces, shoulders and hands. The others had walked further in, leaving me and Y/N to stare in awe. I cupped my hands and sure enough a butterfly landed on my hands. She squeals in joy and does the same, but a butterfly lands on her Mark. Her sword Mark was bleak compared to the butterfly. I couldn’t help but wonder, how her Mark looked. Did it look like mine? Was it cracked and broken as well? Did she have it removed and got a tattoo of a sword. I wasn’t quite sure. I look back at her face and her smile was gone and her eyes shined with unshed tears. She stared at the butterfly that had yet to fly away. 
“Are you okay?” I asked.
“Jimin,” Y/N said. “I remember.”
“Remember what?” I asked. My whole body was on alert and I could feel my blood ringing in my ears. She looks up at me and a tear fell, I go to wipe it but she catches my hand.
“I remember you,” She says and I felt my heart drop. 
Shouldn’t I be happy?
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