#i no longer use fandom tags when i can help it so it doesnt show up in the main tag
anankos · 7 months
Hi ! Would it be possible for you to use Edelgard critical or Edelgard discourse as tags ? It help to make the fandom more civil and make it a better space in general.
Thanks you for reading, have a good day ! ( Also feel free to ignore this message if you don't want to )
i mean i.... can? but i havent posted abt fe16 that touches on that specific topic in, if i recall correctly, years. Nor do i intend to post on the topic publicly in the future, im just kinda vibing. So im not going to be going back and backtagging a bunch of posts from early 2020s and 2019, sorry thats too much work to be worth it :( nobody will be scrolling down the search/tag that far anyway i assume
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xiaoshanren · 1 year
A little intro I'm making this blog as an archive for Zhang Zhehan and Gong Jun attribute cotton dolls. This includes dolls made after any of their characters, both by solos and cpfs. There are so many dolls in this fandom, and more being produced quite regularly, so this will quite a project. But I wanted to make a place for people to be able to more easily find them. I want to keep things fairly simple so as to lighten the load of running such a blog, so I wont be too detailed, but I do want to have a basic tag system that will let people search for particular characters, kinds, sizes, etc. more easily.
This is an archive first and foremost. I am by no means an expert in the doll circle, I am just a fan as any other, but I am willing to help out with related questions if I am able. Thank you for visiting~
For character attribute tags, some dolls might be double tagged if it can pass for more than one character (for example, a doll might potentially pass as either Wen Kexing or Dashixiong) – Zhang Zhehan – Gong Jun – Junzhe / LLD
– Wenzhou – Wen Kexing – Zhou Zishu – A-Han / Jinli – Xiao Zhe / Qing Lian – Tian Zhao Dashixiong – Han Ye – Xu Jin – Ji Fa
– Official doll Official merch for a show either of them were a part of, for example Rua wenzhou dolls or the recent Anle Zhuan Han Ye doll. – CPF doll Dolls created by cpf, usually made as a pair – Solo doll Dolls created by solo fans, or just made without an official pair. Can also include official dolls.
– 5cm – 10cm – 15cm – 20cm – 30cm
– Fat body Fat dolls are made especially chubby. Very cute, but sometimes doesnt fit as well into usual doll clothes made for normal body type. They make clothes especially for fat body type, though there's usually not quite as much. – Star body Starfish shaped body, exactly how it sounds. Usually 10cm or smaller. Can be harder to dress since they don't have defined limbs. But very cute.
– Fabric hair Just the usual short fur fabric used for cotton dolls. I count fabric hair as the default for junzhe dolls, because they're usually all short-haired, so they will not be tagged as such. This tag is mainly for wenzhou dolls with fabric hair. – Rabbit fur Just a different kind of fabric than usual, usually softer/plushier. Not real rabbit fur. – Shaggy hair Don't really have a better name for this, but basically just normal fur with longer pile. – Fried hair Very fine, loose hair. A bit like troll doll hair. Brush carefully, losing strands when brushing is inevitable, but avoid overbrushing or being too rough to minimize hair loss. – Real hair Not actually real hair, just more real-looking. Synthetic, typically quite long and a little stiff and heavy.
– Light hair WKX – Light hair ZZS – Light hair GJ – Light hair ZZH misc expression tags: - Smiley eyes - Frowny - Winky - ^ shaped mouth - Open mouth - Kitty mouth - Mlem
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We need more MIND CONTROL ANGST in this fandom give me Alec hurts Magnus and for a split second Magnus is just shocked with this feeling of "alec... hit me?" And even tho he very quickly realizes something is wrong it just feels so wrong and painful and later when Alec is unwhammied hes so guilty he doesn't want to even touch Magnus but that's what Magnus needs most rn, touch and affection and reassurance and comfort, cue misunderstandings and more angst before the ultimate happy ending :)
again, ur mind........ the talent in this.... *girl in porn voice* it's so big
also this is tagged but just to make sure, trigger warning for mind control, abuse/child abuse mentions, self harm
ok maybe it starts like... they are together and alec has a headache or something as the control kicks in or something and he falls to the ground and magnus runs after him like what happened? and alec's like "something's wrong, magnus, stay away" but magnus is too worried so he doesnt listen and he touches alec and alec hits him
and for a second he thinks it's because he went too far and touched alec without consent and his mind is flashing with asmodeus and his words when he hit him, and memories and for a second he barely knows where he is and what is happening and who is who. and because this is happening slowly alec screams "something is controlling me!" because he knows soon he'll be like possessed completely and he wants to apologize but he knows it's more important to let magnus know what's happening first. and sure enough soon a Demonic Voice overtakes him and his alec is obviously gone
and it's quickly resolved because magnus is 1- smart, and 2- powerful, and clearly the spell whomstever was using on alec was not super strong lmao. maybe someone who was trying to get to magnus for some reason? so like, extra spice because magnus feels guilty - he knows all too well what it's like to be forced to do things you don't want to do, to see yourself as a monster, to have nightmares about being forced to hurt the people you love- 
and alec of course is drowning drowning drowning in guilt as well because he hurt magnus, it's the one thing he remembers before losing control, he hurt magnus when he was supposed to protect him, and he knows magnus has history with abuse, and he could clearly see the way that magnus lost himself in a flashback for a second, he triggered him and he became the people he had always sworn he'd never be, that he'd help him forget, and he hurt magnus he hurt magnus he hurt magnus he hurt magnus
and he feels so stupid because he hadn't even realized something was wrong before it was too fucking late, and he had enough control to scream at him, but not to hold himself back? what kind of bullshit is that? he feels like a failure and he blames himself and he wants to scratch his own skin off, make himself bleed because he failed the one person he loved the most, again, and he doesn't deserve magnus if he can't help him
so basically like as soon as magnus manages to undo the spell and they are done Finding The Culprit and Resolving The Plot alec is just like. completely retracted in himself. already scratching his hands in a similar way to what he did when magnus was in the hospital, fists tight and hurting, and usually magnus would notice that, but all he sees is the rage burning within alec, that terrifying anger that he shows sometimes and after alec hurt him... it's scary
and because the person who did this was trying to get to him, he feels like that's his fault, too. he dragged alec into this mess and he was too much again, and he's nothing but a burden to the people he loves and he knows how alec feels like he needs to be in control of things, how if he doesn't he loses his footing, and losing control of his body is the most terrifying experience - magnus would know - and he brought this on alec and didn't even notice when he's the warlock, he should be able to have noticed the spell, he could have stopped this whole thing from happening but he didn't and things could have been so much worse, all because he wasn't paying attention as always, and god, he hurt someone he loved, didn't he? again. he's like an omen, bringing pain and death and hurt to everyone around him, he's cursed-
and alec pretty much leaves immediately with some bullshit excuse about needing something, and magnus tries to call for him, but alec is gone in an instant and ignores magnus. and magnus is just unleashing the spiral he had been keeping at bay and contained while he was figuring out the solution for this, and he just had a horrible flashback moment and the voice of his father is running free around his head, telling him everything about how he's not good enough, not powerful enough, how he'll never have anyone because he's a demon and this is what he was made to, to hurt, and he might try to pretend otherwise but in the end it will always come back to this; so he's in a bad mental state to not realize what he otherwise would immediately - alec is blaming himself, of course he is - and just sees that he's angry and leaves. and then he's alone with his thoughts screaming at him that he keeps bringing pain to the people he loves, that he's useless, evil even, that his father was right, that camille was right
and maybe he knows deep down that alec wouldn't blame him for this but he still can't help but think that eventually alec would grow tired of him and why not now? what does magnus even have to offer him, except for baggage and pain?
and he can't help but think, what if it happens again? what if that was just the first time and soon enough alec will become camille just like he always feared his next lover would? and then he feels guilty for even thinking that, because of course alec wouldn't, and this wasn't his fault, and magnus should be able to get over it instead of spiralling like that and acting like alec had done something wrong when he knows alec got the worst position in that situation
and alec is just shooting arrows all night, letting his hands bleed and hurt and also doing his best to train, because he needs to do better, he needs to be stronger and he can't keep letting this happen because last time it was irreversible. and he's thankful this time wasn't like that but this is unacceptable and god, he hurt magnus
he probably only comes back home the next day and magnus doesn't sleep at all that night because fuck, he fucked up. he didn't notice and he let this happen to alec and then he was a baby about it and mentally compared him to camille and basically blamed alec for all of that and alec didn't even come back home. maybe this time he's done forever, maybe alec's tired of him, maybe this will be the one thing they never manage to overcome, because alec will blame himself and magnus can't pull his shit back together to support him, and god alec will blame himself and god last time this happened magnus had to take him off the ledge, and alec promised he would tell him if things ever got that bad but how could alec even trust him right now, what if he's gone, magnus didn't even check up on him, he was too busy worrying about himself like some fucking asshole
and like he knows alec is alive because he can sense him with magic even if faintly but he still has that moment of panic and maybe alec isn't ok and he doesn't know but what right does magnus have to track him down right now? what good could he even do? it would be overbearing and unfair to go after him, alec obviously doesn't want his company right now
so when alec finally comes home the next day magnus is like "alexander" relieved and worried at the same time and he kind of runs to him but alec stays still so he pauses when he stops, hand even hovering mid-air, clearly hesitant and afraid to touch him and alec thinks, he's scared of me, look at what you did, he can't even trust you enough to touch you. and because alec doesn't touch him either and just seems closed off, magnus thinks, you can't fix this. it's all your fault and he'll never open up to you again. you're done
and then more guilt because he thinks, alec is not camille, he's not withholding touching me as punishment, why can't i stop acting like this is his fault? what's wrong with me? just talk. but he can't because he's terrified and there's so much going on in his head and then he feels worse because he can't just do the right thing and communicate, again, when clearly he should be the one to bring this up and make sure alec knows it wasn't his fault, and apologize for not being there for him
and maybe alec has that moment of "maybe i should just... go" and then magnus tries to stop him like "no, don't, please" because he's scared if this goes on for longer he'll just spiral harder and then he'll lose alec for good. and in the process he touches alec and alec recoils like he's been burned and magnus freezes completely and the sudden movement makes his eyes widen for a second and there's this almost imperceptible flinch and then again the guilt because 1- he touched alec without consent and warranted this reaction; 2- alec doesn't even want to touch him and he could have prevented this; 3- he's acting like alec would just become his abusers again. why the hell did he flinch?
and alec goes "i'm sorry", and magnus almost interrupts in his haste to be like "no, no, no, don't be sorry" almost begging him and that's when it hits alec that magnus has probably been spiralling this whole time too. and he wasn't there for him when magnus obviously needed comfort after such a traumatic experience. fuck he's fucking this up even more
so magnus can see the spiral in alec's eyes and he's like "no, come on, sit down, it's alright" and offers him like tea or something and his hands are shaking a bit because he wants to fix this and they both do really. cue awkward "im sorry" "no im sorry" "no im sorry" "no im-"
anyway they both talk about what they had been thinking and the guilt and the spirals and (in magnus' case) the whole thing about being triggered and not knowing how to deal with that and they clear the air and reassure each other because they are healthy and communicate and we stan that. sometimes just talking about the pain and reassuring each other is enough, you know?
and like alec holds magnus' face tenderly where he had hit him and very slowly leans down to give it a kiss and strokes it a bit and magnus takes alec's hand/fist and gives it a kiss too and slowly heals his knuckles and alec smiles up at him in the way he does and magnus' eyes shine too when he asks "better?" all hopeful like it really matters to him you know
and just alec peppering kisses on magnus' face and magnus kind of nuzzling against his hand and they both get that comfort of touching and knowing that they're still welcomed for each other and they have a Really Long Hug. complete with alec's face buried in magnus' shoulders and magnus clutching him a bit and it's almost smothering for them both but it's what they both need you know. and they whisper to each other "it's ok" and "i love you" and all that nice stuff 👌
anyway this is REALLY LONG so im ending it now im just obsessed with the mental image of alec kissing magnus' face and magnus' kissing his hand bye. also i love this ask ugh we stan mind control angst
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meetthemoosemonster · 4 years
*Enderman noises*
Hey yall, I wrote a Ranboo fanfic and thought I’d post the link on here so its with all the other things that I write and show random people on the internet!
*Enderman noises* (1918 words) by nika_write_snow Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Ranboo & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF) Characters: Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF) Additional Tags: Mentioned Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Dadza, Enderman Hybrid Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Winged Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Angst, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Panic Attacks Summary:
Ranboo finds out he has one of Tommys disks, Philza notices the ruined property value and parents the scared enderboy.
"here is the ao3 link, tell me if it doesnt work or something.
Ranboo finds out he has one of Tommys disks, Philza notices the ruined property value and parents the scared enderboy.
What I wished happened after Ranboo found the disk, with Dadza because I have Parent Issues (yup, its not just one of them, hahahahahahahahaha)
Content Warnings:
Panic attacks Mild injury That's all I think, but if I missed one please tell me so I can fix it!
Under the cut is the full work, remember, Reblogs fuel the writing braincell!
Purple particles buzzed around Ranboo, his body also vibrating as his breath sped up and his brain grew foggy. This happens sometimes, when things got really bad, and Ranboos memory really started to slip, or he was just straight up panicking. The half enderman boy was sat shaking in front of an open chest surrounded by dug up dirt and soft looking snowflakes that bit at Ranboos skin. He was staring blankly at the green disk in the chest, making vwoops and crackly noises each time the reality of his situation hit him. The enderman hybrid shook his head, making more aggressive enderman noises for a second, then tried to take a deep breath.
‘You're ok, You're ok. Dream isn't here right now. Dream can’t-’
‘I have cat. I have one of Tommys discs. I have one of THE DISCS. Dream gave ME one of THE DISCS? Why? Why would Dream do that? Why would he trust me with something that gave him so much control over Tommy? What did I do?’
‘You didn't do anything, you would have written it down in your memory book,  you would’ve, wouldn't you?’
‘Would I? I didn't write down that I blew up the community house, but I definitely did that, right? I mean, I had that tnt, it must have been me. I just didn't write it down cause I didn't want to remember. What else am I forgetting? What else did I do that was so bad that I didn't even write it down? What else did I want to forget about? What else-’
Philza was looking through chests looking for glass. The honey farm had broken again, and he needed bottles to fix it.
“This chest system is still scuffed from Tommy, that gremlin child really doesn't know organization does he.” Phil shook his wings in exasperation. He was still looking for the glass when he heard the sounds of an upset enderman. Confused why Edward was so riled up, Phil looked over at the enderman sat awkwardly in a boat, the mobs limbs too long to fit inside. Phil only got more concerned when he saw that Edward was only making small, concerned vwoops after the more aggressive noises, head was turned to look out the window towards Ranboos shack. 
Phil followed the endermans gaze to look at Ranboos shack through the window and sucked in a breath. What used to be a snowy lawn in front of Ranboos makeshift base was now a big hole of messily dug up dirt. Phil could see Ranboos figure, looking eerily small for his actual towering height, hunched over in front of a small chest, a shovel shimmering on the ground next to him. But what concerned Phil the most were the enderman noises coming from the area. Phil had heard Ranboo make some enderman noises before when he talked to Edward, and a couple in passing to himself, he'd never seen such loud scared crackles and vibrating noises from him before.  Another small worried vwoop from Edward grounded Phil enough to realize that this kid probably needed help. Phil grabbed his coat and wrapped it awkwardly around his wings before he rushed out the door and headed to where Ranboo was. 
As Phil approached, he could clearly see the cloud of purple particles around Ranboo, who appeared to be shaking, no, vibrating. His suit was wet from the melted snow, and plastered to his body, and Phil flinched remembering how much water could hurt enderman. His hair was also soaking, the white and black strands dripping. There was an indent where his crown would usually be, but Phil could see the red and green jewel encrusted golden band a couple blocks away, in one of the deeper areas of the damage. Phils footsteps slowed the closer he got to the dug up lawn, trying not to scare the kid with heavy footsteps on snow. 
Ranboo was trying to breath. ‘In, out, in, out, in, out, in, out, in- Does it even matter?’ He understood better now why he might have wanted to forget. It would be easier to not remember the chest or its contents, ‘Traitor’, Dreams voice in his head, his panic room. But the thought of forgetting and then finding out what he'd done when his friends, ‘Are they my friends?’, found out what he had done filled his body with terror and caused his eyes to well up with tears. It felt familiar. ‘Why does it feel familiar?’ The air around Ranboo felt like it was vibrating with the enderman hybrid and the particles that circled around him, and the glitchy noises started getting louder.
‘Stop thinking, stop, STOP, STOP THINKING.’ Ranboo let out the enderman equivalent of a scream, and then winced as he felt tears fall down the sides of his face, leaving burning trails of pain.
“Hey, Mate, you okay?” Ranboo jolted at Phils soft voice, a small surprised vwoop coming out. 
“Oh, Oh, um, yeah” Ranboo said quickly, hastily trying to close the chest in front of him, but accidentally slamming the lid on his thumb as his shaky hands fumbled with it. “Im fine, I was just uh…..” He trailed off, not having a good explanation for the mess that he made other than the truth. And he couldn't tell Phil that. ‘But you can! You should, so you stop betraying everyone.’
“Mhm…” Phil hummed skeptically as he looked at the chaos, but decided not to press. He looked back at Ranboo, who was shakily trying to stand up, but then had to sit back down, his body too exhausted and painful. Ranboo looked up for a second, locking eyes with the winged man standing cautiously in front of him. He realized his mistake too late, and was too exhausted to stop the instinctual reaction. He felt his jaw fall and the air begin to buzz intensely all over again. He felt defensive beyond reason, like he always did when he lost control while making eye contact. Luckily, Phil noticed Ranboo tense up and saw his jaw fall, showing off purple glowing teeth like spikes and looked down, breaking eye contact. His gaze found the black and white mask Ranboo usually had covering his mouth was on the ground next to them, soaked and abandoned.
“How about you come into Technos house with me so we can get you dried up, Ok?” Phil was still looking at the ground, and couldn't see if Ranboo was calmer now, but he felt the buzzing particles in the air fade significantly at his quiet words. Phil dared to glance back at the soaking white and black kid, and relaxed when he saw Ranboo was also looking down, more out of exhaustion than anything, but definitely more calm now. His jaw was back where it usually was, and he was no longer vibrating intensely. 
“Ok, here, let me pick up your crown and mask, and then we can head back to the house.” When he had put the 2 items away he held out his hand to Ranboo who took it carefully, almost as if he was afraid it would be snatched back. But it wasn't, and Phil helped Ranboo stand up, and started to lead the boy through the snow, leaving the chest behind them. Ranboo leaned against the significantly shorter man next to him, stumbling through the snow, his brain foggy from the pain and fear. Philza felt him shaking slightly, and nearly pulled away, worried that the enderman hybrid was panicking again. Almost immediately he realized that Ranboo was just shivering from the cold, being in a soaking wet suit surrounded by snow was going to make nearly anyone freezing cold, Enderman hybrids being no exception. Phil freed one of his wings from his coat and wrapped it around the kid to warm him up, not caring that he would have to deal with wet feathers later.
When they reached the house Phil got Ranboo a spare bed, which the boy flopped gratefully down on. Phil chuckled quietly for a second before grabbing a set of antarctic empire style clothes and placing them on the bed.
“Don’t go to sleep yet mate, you need to change out of those wet clothes so you don't hurt yourself anymore.” Ranboo slowly nodded as he sat back up and ran his shivering hands over the soft material of the clothes. Phil started towards the stairs, then looked back for a second.
“I'll be right back with something warm for you to drink so you can warm up quicker, and a health pot or 2 so we can take care of the water damage. Once you're done with that you can sleep, Ok?” Ranboo mumbled something that Phil took as an agreement, and headed the stairs.
Ranboo changed into the fuzzy clothes as quick as his shivering, tired body would let him, too tired to question why the clothes fit him perfectly despite the fact that he towered over Phil, Techno, and Tommy too. He sat back down before his legs could give out again and sighed, feeling himself getting warmer. 
His eyes were beginning to fall closed when he heard Phils foot footsteps and looked over to Philza, who was holding a steaming mug in one hand, and a health potion in the other. He also had a towel draped over his arm. Phil handed the enderman hybrid the health potion first, which he drank quickly, and then the towel. Ranboo just wrapped it around his head, too tired to put anymore effort into drying his hair. The bed shifted slightly as Phil sat down on the bed, maneuvering his wings around so he could give Ranboo space. Ranboo took the mug of what he could now tell was hot chocolate and began to take small, experimental sips. 
After a bit he pulled his knees up to his chest and leaned against Phils body, still taking small sips of his drink. Phil smiled at the boy and slowly wrapped his wings around them both, hoping it would help warm up Ranboo faster. When the enderman hybrid was done with his drink he closed his eyes and let his head rest on Phils shoulder, letting out a small sigh before he fell asleep. Phil didn't move for a bit, only moving his hand to carefully take the mug out of the others hand, and he settled down for a while, just thinking about the day's whole ordeal. Questions filled his brain. ‘Why did Ranboo dig up all that area so messily? What was even in that chest, and why was he so obviously scared of me seeing it? Why was he so scared?’ Phil tried his best to just brush them off, he would ask Ranboo another day, when he was more calm, and feeling better. 
Some time had passed by now, and Philzas wings were beginning to cramp, so he gently laid the boy down on the bed, and carefully threw a thick blanket over him. Ranboo looked very peaceful in this moment, small vwoops coming out occasionally, but he didn't sound distressed. Phil smiled for a second before he grabbed the pile of wet clothes and took them upstairs to get washed and dried with the mask. Ranboo felt safe and warm for the first time in a long time, and he was content, dreaming about defeating a dragon with a steak or something, snuggled under the warm blanket. Who knows, dreams are weird.
Thank you for reading! If you got to this point I wish you the most amazing day, thank you!
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
Guidelines & FAQ
Seeing as this blog has been around for two years now, I thought it would be a good idea to finally get this up. I’ve been holding off on doing so, but hey why not now?
These guidelines will help you to help me in the long run. I figured if there was a place with everything in one spot it would make things easier for all of us in some way. Before we dive into the guidelines, I just want to say that these will never be strictly enforced, but if needed I will always refer to this list at any point in time. I do hope that this doesnt come as rude or a shock to people. The purpose is just to make things easier for us in general. So lets begin, shall we?
⚜️ First and foremost, let me introduce myself. My name is Dominique, or Dom for short! I currently write for The Vampire Diaries Fandom (This of course includes The Originals and Legacies!)
⚜️ I currently post my fics to Tumblr, fanfictionnet and slowly branching myself onto AO3. All three can be found using xxwritemeastoryxx. My masterlist on Tumblr can be found here. 
⚜️ If you would like to be added to any of the taglists, please add yourself by clicking here. Please be respectful and only add yourself to the lists that you'd like to be notified for. DO NOT ADJUST, REARRANGE OR REMOVE ANYONE FROM THE LIST. I'm notified when any changes are made. Do not be the person I block because you wanted to be an ass and remove someone or try to be funny about something. This is the only thing I wont tolerate.
⚜️ Be patient. There is a lot of things going on in my life that will take my attention elsewhere for an undetermined amount of time. If you are constantly sending messages or asks that say "when are you going to update so and so fic?" I purposely wait longer to do it. So let's not do it. Now the only exception to this is if it has been SEVERAL MONTHS (Not days or even weeks) since I had last updated and you are curious as to what is going on, then by all means, ask away.
⚜️ Hate Messages and Asks will be deleted. But not before I block you. I haven't needed to do this and I hope that it will never happen. But the point is, I don't tolerate hate mail. Now if it is CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, that I will allow and will respond privately.
⚜️ FEEDBACK IS IMPORTANT! If you want more fics, more of a specific trope, the best way to do so is to provide feedback. Leave a response on a fic. Reblog it. Heart it. Show it to your friends. Anything you give helps to provide fuel to the creativity and get new conent up. Not providing any kind of feedback or showing any kind of reaction that you've enjoyed what I've written diminishes that creativity and there will be lack of updates. So lets help boost the creativity.
And that's about it! Lets move onto the Frequently Asked Questions, shall we?
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I send in a Request?
Yes you can. As of right now, I have quite the handful of requests that it might take some time to eventually get to them. If you have the patience, go a head and send something in.
2. Can I be tagged in a fic?
Of course you can! You can actually add yourself to it now! You can do so by clicking here.
3. When will you be updating?
That actually depends on how things are going while away from tumblr. Some updates can come as quickly as hours, or we could go weeks without there being something new for you guys to enjoy. This is where patience comes in as well.
4. What fandoms and what characters do you currently write for?
I write mostly for the Vampire Diaries and everything underneath that umbrella (The Originals & Legacies). As for who I write for, lately it's been mostly a selected few (Elijah, Klaus, Damon and Kol, with a few others) but I am most definitely up for writing for other characters as well!
5. What ships do you write for?
I write mostly reader inserts here on tumblr, however I've been known to thrown in a Elejah fic or even a Klaroline or Klayley fics every now and then. I've also got some OCs mixed into the bunch as well!
I do believe that is it for now. I will of course add more if needed or take things off as needed. Please note that these are subject to change without any notice.
⚜️ Dom
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bangtanficrecs · 5 years
Lost & Found Batch #20
Can’t start up the blog again without posting the newest batch! As always, if you happen to know the fic the ask is looking for, reply to this post or send us an ask with the request number and title/author. If you happen to know any fics from Past Batches, those are more than welcome as well. Thank you!! ~ Admin P
1) Hi! I’m looking for a fic I read quite a while ago and if you can help me i’ll be forever grateful... it was about namjoon having powers and accidentally causing damage, so seokjin (who was a kind of a social worker assigned to him) sent him to live with yoongi as a way to make up for his “crime”. Yoongi was also magical and lived isolated from society. If I remember correctly hoseok was also guilty of something and sent to yoongi with namjoon. Sorry if it’s too vague, but that’s all I remember
2) Hi, I decided to give this a try though I think the fic may have been deleted because I just can't find the fic anymore. Basically its ot7 and the main character (Jungkook?) took the boys to meet his mom. The author had the boys super athletic, tall and in college;they were also from Texas. Jungkook sadly had to deal with homophobic classmates. It was a one shot I believe.
Hey, Momma by CaridwenAngetueur1
3) hi!! i’m trying to find a yoonmin fic i read a while ago, where yoongi lived in this small town and had an apothecary and jimin would come and sing in the town centre, and yoongi would give him something for his nerves before he’d go on stage. i remember jimin would glow and light would shoot out from him when he sung. it was a completed fic on ao3, i can’t seem to find it. thank you so much for your help!!
4) Hello! If you don’t mind helping me, im looking for a jikook fic i can’t seem to find again on ao3. Its a time travel, canon au where present day bts where in japan and Jungkook had went through a shrine? He ends up in the past with younger!bts and acts as like a cousin to Jungkook until they can figure out how to send him back. I remember there being a scene where younger!bts miss their flight to help older!jungkook get back to the future? If you need more details please let me know. Thank you!
5) Hello! I'm looking for a vmin fic where flowers literally grow on Tae and he's really insecure about it and gets depressed. It's super soft and fluffy and the entire thing is pretty much just Jimin taking care and comforting him. I'm pretty sure it's a one-shot and that they are the only two that are explicitly brought up. I love it so much and I hope that this isn't too vague.
6) hi idk if any of u can help me find this fic but imma try: its an au in which kids go disappearing often and i can only remember that one day taehyung is one of them and jungkook takes it up on himself to find him bc he firmly believes that he isnt dead yet. not sure bout this but i also think tae got kidnapped to get tested on? and seokjin is one of the doctors in that institution??? this fic is written by a fanboy as far as i can recall and had a reallyyyyyy hard to remember title sigh 😔
kotov syndrome by wormkun Note: The fic is locked and requires an AO3 account to view
7) Hey so I read this fic a while ago but no matter what i search, i can't seem to find it. Namjoon was a depressed ?college student? and he wrote songs that he only showed to his friend Jimin. He and Jimin go to a coffee shop where Yoongi works and yoongi keeps leaving notes to RM on Joon's coffee cups, but namjoon doesnt' know who RM is. I think it turns out Jimin had been posting Joons songs and yoongi recognized his voice and wanted to encourage him. NJ writes always and almost attempts suicide
8) Hello, I was wondering if you could help find this fanfic I've looking for forever. It's an ot7 relationship fic ( I think it's jimin centric). it was still not completed. The summary was something like taehyung asking jimin if he wanted to be in a relationship with them and jimin saying No. Because technically he already knew they were all in a relationship and he felt betrayed that he was left out for so long. There is something about a creepy sasaeng fan too. I would really appreciate it.
Last to Know by Meadow_Wanderer
9) Hi! Im looking for an au fic where Jungkook was depressed, and was with V who had anger problems bc of past child abuse. Jhope didn’t like Jungkook bc of something about his dark past involving his sister who I think was raped and died. I also remembered RM having a tattoo and being an ex member of a mafia group. He blew a gas station up, and Jin thought he died but he came back, and they had sex on the window. JK attempted suicide as well but Jin saved him. Thanks!!
10) I'm searching for a vminhope fanfic. It was I believe an A/B/O one. It was on aff. Hoseok was a berserker, Jimin was a beta and Tae was an omega.
11) Hi!!!!! I've been looking for this one fic forever. It's about jungkook who's an art student and jimin and taehyung are cops who look out for him. Jungkook talks a lot about suicide and he's a university art student. I think one of the art projects in the fic was a corpse painting with flowers. Jungkook also stole from a convenience store and when jimin and Rae caught up to him they noted he had a red beanie in his pocket. Thats all. Thank you!!!
12) There was this fic where Jungkook was lonely and lived alone in a hut on the woods, and he saw Jimin in a club took him to that hut and Jimin tried to run away but Injured his leg and had to stay. It's wip, and now i can't find it :( help please?
13) i'm having trouble finding a fanfic about taekook, where jungkook finds taehyung in a lake (or any body of water), and it turns out that he's from past times. he shows taehyung around present day, and taehyung at one point dresses up as a cowboy. jungkook gives taehyung's peepee the big succ, they get caught by the police, but they run away. from my memory, that's where it ends, or there may be more to it. even tags from ao3 to jog my memory will help.
14) I read this Taejin fanfic a while ago and now I can’t find it, all I know about it is that Taehyung was in some way abused and Jin brought him to his home, also that Jin had a twin brother, also it had many chapters, if you can find it I’ll be very grateful!!!
15) Hi! I read a yoomin fic in ao3 when I was new in the Fandom and I can't find it anywhere, I remember it being angst, mostly Yoongi's pov, it was set in the I need you era and Yoongi played the piano for jungkook's dance, I also remember Jimin struggled with eating disorders and alcoholism and that at some point they had a big fight when jimin came home drunk in a random cab d
16) Hi! I can't find a fic I read few years ago, so I was wondering if you could help)) It was Taehyung/Namjoon fic, and Namjoon hired him as his fake ex-boyfriend so that his friends (Hoseok and Jimin if I remember correctly) would stop asking him to go on dates or smth like that.
if it bleeds by wertstoffhof (roachprince)
17) Hello! I’m hoping you can help me find a fic, it’s a mental hospital one where all the members apart from jin and namjoon are in the mental hospital and another member (maybe jungkook) arrives and it turns out jin is making up their diagnosis because he thought they’d want to stay longer. If that’s too brief i can remember specific bits but i couldn’t find anything on your tags, thank you! Jin is a sort of like a therapist who looks after them and namjoon is like the manager of sorts i think
Seeking Heaven by fullofsuga
18) Hello, hope you're well! I was wondering if you could help me find a Jihope fic that I've been looking for forever! Jimin was friends with Taehyung and didn't know the rest of the boys until he was added into a group chat. I remember that Jimin worked in a shop that was broken in to, and that Taehyung didn't want Jimin and Hoseok to date? I think the chapter titles were all days of the week as well - thank you!!
19) Hey do you know the name of this historic au fic where Yoongi is a chaebol and I think he buys Jungkook from his abusive dad to be his servant? I remember he teaches him how to read and even gives up his money just to be with jungkook and becomes an author
tear the moon from the stars tonight by euphoriae
20) Hi! I'm looking for a YoonMin fanfic that's a pretend/fake dating au, where Jimin was at the grocery shop and his ex suddenly came up and started teasing/mocking him? Then Yoongi suddenly came up behind him and started pretending to be his bf? Thank you so much and I'm so sorry for the bother!
21) Hey! I've been looking for this fic forever (i've tried every tag on ao3, god help me). It's a v/yoongi fic where tae is really into public sex and yoongi too, but yoongi is shy at first. there's a scene at the beginning where yoongi is on a date with a girl and he goes to the bathroom to masturbate. at the middle they both are in a restaurant with 2 other people (from bts, i can't remember which members) and tae touches him. at the end tae masturbates yoongi in a restaurant/karaoke booth?
Hands-On Learning by pornographicpenguin
22) Hi! Looking for this multi chaptered abo fic where Yoongi is a omega and kookie presents as an alpha during practice and triggers yoongi's heat. Later on jin and joon become mates but it's mainly about yoonkook slowly getting together... Idk if that's helpful but it's driving me crazy because I can't find it
23) Hi, I'm looking for an old jin/yoongi fic that had a magical element in it I read a while ago and need a little help. Yoongi is an underground rapper and he always passes by this shop. One night after a gig he actually stops in front of it and goes in. Jin runs it and gives him a drink. (I think its tea but idk) he also gives him a muffin or cupcake. At the end jin tells yoongi he was looking for love and that's what led yoongi into the shop.
24) Hi! I’m looking for a fic I read a year back. It has Jin as an assassin and he saved the maknae line from abuse and stuffs and they fell in love with him. And he also has a relationship with Suga
25) Weird fic I read but I want to see if more came out. Anyway it's super weird, bts is the a werewolf gang and they go to a party for the higher ranking alphas. There they meet an omega of a high ranking alpha and then more stuff happens that I can't remember. I just thought of it randomly and I wanted to see if you could find it. It's okay of you can't I appreciate the help either way.
26) Ok color me corrected if you manage to find this fic, but I can’t seem to remember anything about it. It’s a red string of fate/soulmate au but I CANNOT remember the pairing. I think it was canon divergent, they lived in the dorm together. I remember that the string was actually tangible and the pair would always trip over it. Thanks haha
27) I am looking for a fic I read ages ago. It was jikook, they were in high school. Jk is really rich and loves taking photos one day he sees jm and is compelled to take a photo of his bright orange hair. Tae sees the photo and hires jk so take photos of jimin as he never sees him smile. Jm is very poor, he is freinds with joon and tae I think. Jin is jks brother. Jm initially gets mad at jk but eventually they become friends and fall in love. There was some past stuff with taegi too I think.
Imperfectly Perfect by whenIseeUsmile
28) Hi. I'm looking for a fic on ao3. It's a historical royalty au and I think it's yoonmin. I think it's incomplete too. Yoongi is a prince and his brother is JK. Jimin and Jin are spys from a neighbouring kingdom that's on the verge of war. The last chapter I remember has the castle being invaded and the royal family being killed, there may have been a fire. I hope you can help
Death In Disguise by pikachoi
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catsblob · 6 years
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i made my first basics post on nov 23 2016 and current me doesnt even know that innocent bitch anymore.. though she made some points
i won’t be repeating myself from before unless it’s to clear up somethin so here we go class
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there’s no simple way to this. this relies on so many things such as post quality, interaction, active posting, and personality. if u got a shit personality, u’ll only be in this town for a month or so before getting kicked out in some way. 
make friends. yes, it’s easier said than done, but u gotta. reply to people’s posts, send asks, ask for collabs, make jokes, etc. etc. it helps to hang out w people who have similar aesthetics or interests as you! ur just gonna publicly clown yourself if u just hang out w people who have 0 commonalities w u... 
also posts? POST. preferably only sims-related stuff. many people, including me, avoid blogs that are mixture of irrelevant fandoms or are super personal. make a sideblog or a twitter to put that stuff in. yeah, its fine to post some personal updates here and there but... have mercy
this ties in with your posts getting attention. everyone starts off rough and getting lucky with a single like or even a reblog. it may take some people longer to get through, but you’ll make it if you try hard enough. don’t get easily disheartened!
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this is just a reality check everyone needs entering this community, just about ANY community. at some point, you’ll most likely get some form of anon hate in your inbox or on simsecret. don’t take it seriously. laugh it off. make some jokes about it. clown them. key point is that there is a difference between a criticism and just plain rudeness.
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within the past year, tumblr has done goofed up bad and has an automated system that flags posts that they believe is “sensitive content”. 99% of the time it isn’t so you gotta appeal it. sometimes, if you’re lucky, it’ll show an appeal button for you on the posts. if not, you can follow this method to appeal. if that doesn’t work, well, might as well just repost it.
most of the things that trigger the system are warmer tones (thinking its skin). i haven’t really noticed what else triggers it but i don’t even think tumblr staff knows that.
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there’s been an uprising of patreon creators, esp in the ts4 community, and many use this as a way to earn some money for their work. may it be early releases (most popular), exclusive cc (which you shouldn’t do. it’s shitty), wips, benefits, etc. etc. it’s basically a fancier version of a donation box.
a lot of patreon creators do exclusive cc which is quite frustrating, esp for people who 1. do not have extra cash to spend on two files of cc 2. are literal children and can’t pay. 
support who you want and know who you are supporting. don’t waste your money.
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i’m answering this as someone who creates for ts4. download sims4studio and blender (3d program - covers just about everything for ts4). you won’t really need anything else (besides, of course, photo editing programs) until you go on the deep end of 3d meshing. watch youtube videos. read tutorials (and resource tags). go wild with what you wanna do. figure out which area you wanna go ham in. poses, recolors, retextures, new meshes, building, decorating, etc. 
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if you’ve been following me for the past couple of months, you know the general jist of this. legally, according to ea’s TOS, anyone is allowed to do whatever with someone’s UGC (cc) even without notifying them. this is when it gets a little crazy.
simblr has the reputation of having rigorous TOUs where you cannot edit at all (or you can with special permission). understandable, it’s just a respect of each others’ rules. people then go to the next step to copyright their cc, which isn’t truly legally correct. i’m no lawyer, but once you put your shit into the .package format (dedicated format for sims content [EA ownership]) then it’s a free for all.
here on tumblr, people can submit DMCAs and take down your posts and give you strikes to your account (three [uncontested] strikes and you’re out within an 18-month period). for example, marigold (sims4marigold) sent me 2 DMCAs over 3 of my posts that recolored/retextured their cc. with my cc respectfully going along their TOU (reminder: this is all just a respect thing), I submitted a counter claim through support (follow the steps it shows > if it doesn’t show, choose the “other” option) and explained how the DMCA was false. 
you will then go through a ridiculous process that will take months. you will need to submit personal information to properly submit a counter, so be wary of that. after that is processed and you agree to all the terms, you will go through a 10-business day process of waiting to see if the DMCA sender rebuts it. typically, such as in my case, they did not so my content was restored after the wait. 
if you were truly falsely DMCA’d, this will be a tedious process and annoying, but it’s worth it. contest to all of them and remove those strikes so your account is not terminated permanently.
and that bout does it! those were the tips i could think of that would benefit newbies in the community and hopefully helped anyone else who was a little confused by certain things. if you have any further questions, please go right ahead and ask!
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Hi! I haven't watched any of season 3 but this episode doesn't seem like it focused on Winn at all. When I go in the fandom tag no one is talking about Winn so it makes me think he only got 10 minutes of screentime. I thought he was the main focus of the episode. Plus apparently he didn't sing when I thought it was confirmed. In an interview he said it was his idea which doesnt make sense cuz he says he loves to sing and even said he missed broadway lol. I know he is more than a singer but still
(2/2) I kinda like Supergirl as a show but I think Jeremy deserves better or maybe I just prefer him singing. I loved him on SMASH but then again he sang on that show and I prefer shows with singing and drama compared to superhero shows so idk. At least he got to do more on that show and personally I loved that show and his character. This episode didn’t seem to have a lot of Alex or J'onn or Lena either. However Jeremy seems happy with the episode and I will support him no matter what.
Hi, anon!
The loudest voices of the fandom care about 1) Lena Luthor/Supercorp or 2) Karamel (usually in that order). It’s great that there are fans of different things in the show, but a lot of everything else can get swallowed by some of the more aggressive parties. Try searching just “Supergirl” and 90% of what comes up is Lena, which is great for the character and the actress but… well it’s not her show.
Winn, while a series regular since the beginning, has been kind of made into a minor character in S3. There is also the fact that, again, certain “loud” parts of the fandom are… shall we say… not exactly fans of Winn or Jeremy, to put it delicately. Their loss. ;) So, prior to the episode airing most of this faction could only talk about how awful it looked. After the episode, they talk about the things they care about: namely, not Winn.
He got a lot more screen time though! The episode heavily centered on Winn and I am so happy that it did. I haven’t done a count lol, but I would say a good 65% of the episode was spent focused on Winn. He deserves this. JJ, a phenomenal actor, definitely deserves this.
And I’m not going to lie and say I’m not disappointed we don’t have a scene of Winn blowing everyone’s minds with his amazing voice, but after all, he is a character. He is not, in fact, Jeremy. None of the other actors who are also vocally inclined really went all out in a blaze of glory either, which is maybe more realistic for the characters.
Jeremy does sing a little at the end, and part of the fun for me was the fact that they kept setting it up like you were about to hear him, and then abruptly cutting away for one reason or another. In the end, he sings in a silly fashion, not in the manner in which some of us are accustomed to. I choose to believe it’s because the producers think the Supergirl fandom is a) not ready for that level of incredible talent and b) would only care about Winn from that point out. ;) That’s just me. XD
One of the super neat things about Jeremy is that he takes the time and effort to care about characterization and doing what’s best for the story. He said it didn’t feel right undermining such an emotional episode with something completely unrelated, like the fact that Winn could steal a season of American Idol.
There is zero doubt in my mind that JJ misses Broadway and will go back the first chance he gets, but the fact remains that Supergirl isn’t Broadway, and Jeremy isn’t the star, and he’s cool enough to recognize and respect that. Melissa, after all, is also a talented singer, and Kara Danvers was a goof through Karaoke night as well.
J’onn and Alex were part of a slightly separate plotline for the episode, the only actual separate plotline as a matter of fact. (stuff was happening with Kara and Mon-el but it wasn’t really a sideplot so much as a brief aside) I would have loved to see them interact more with Winn during all this, but hey, it is what it is, and I’m invested in what is going on with J’onn that Alex is helping him with too. :) And Lena has a plateful of her own troubles to be dealing with, which took her away from the main action. I’m still holding out for some good interactions between Lena and Winn again, but I guess I will be waiting longer.
Smash was….a fun show. I enjoy the second season, and I love my trashcan son Jimmy Collins. XD And it was great that JJ could showcase some of his talent there too, especially musically.
Jeremy was amaaaazing in this episode, anon. Plot problems aside, and forgiving how rushed everything felt, Jeremy’s performance as Winn is nothing short of stellar. We get to see a completely different side of the character that has never fully come out before, and we get to see him kind of “come into his own” for lack of a better term.
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(the fact that this is like…the only Winn gif to come up when I searched the episode title just proves my first point.)
This is probably a longer response than you were looking for, but heck, I have a lot of feelings. Was the episode perfect? Nah. But it finally showed us a place in the Supergirl world where Winn is appreciated, valid, respected, strong, and loved. And I am here for that.
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michaelamimi · 6 years
Tumblr and Fandoms are Like Tv
A argument against antis By Me I’m writing this as I am tired of Antis. I’m tired of them puling the “I’m a minor uwu” card out of their asses whenever someone calls them out on their bs.  I’m tired of them sending content creators, va’s, and artists hate, death threats, and doxxings. I’m just tired of dealing with self righteous, holier than thou, self entitled assholes who think the world revolves around them. So today Iam comparing Tumblr, as well as fandoms, to tv.  I see so many posts “Why would your parents leave you alone on the computer? Would they do that with you out in the street?” Well that comparison never realy fit. So it hit me that tumblr, fandoms, and the internet, was like TV.  You have channels dedicated to children and teens; ie nickelodeon, cartoon network, and disney. And you have channels dedicated to adults; ie HBO, Comedy Central. Adults even have porn channels like theres porn website! The argument I see a lot on tumblr is that “Children, or minors, might see this NSFW stuff”. Well my question is; “Where are their/your parents?”  Whenever a parent complains about a tv show they are often told “Just dont let your kids watch it” Well why cant the same be said about parents who let their children roam the internet like its their own personal playground? Why are children making email accounts to get onto websites like tumblr, which is 13 for browser and 17 for the app, and why arent their parents watching them? Tumblr is not a childs playground. Its not meant exclusively for minors, just like it is not exclusively for adults. They allow minors to be on this site because they have made areas, blockers, and blacklists for minors to use so they can experience tumblr. They have even made it that if you have made a tumblr with an email with your real birthdate than you cant access the adult stuff on tumblr. You dont sit your child in front of the tv unsupervised. You keep an eye on them, and if they go from disney to hbo you come in and tell the CHILD that they cant watch that channel. And then as the adult YOU put up the blockers.  No other adult, other than their teachers, doctors, police officers, and the adults who agree to watch children, are in charge of watching your child and giving up the things they like just because you dont like it your your child might see it.  Your the parent, your the one who decided to bring a child into this world. Nobody else agreed to that. Nobody else decided to take on the responsibility of taking care of your child. It seems cruel and wrong but thats how it is. I used to be a babysitter. I took on the job and responsibility to watch other peoples children. I got paid to watch peoples children for a few hours each day, so there for I, nobody else, was responsible for that child. if that kid got on their computer I made sure they werent on something they shouldn't be. I made sure that they were safe. When the parents got home and I got paid those kids were no longer under my care. I no longer had authority over them. What I do in my private home, as long as it hurts no one, shouldnt be other peoples buisness just because the thought of it squicks them out.  Antis, if you want to make it your job to “protect minors”(btw your doing a terrible job at it considering your sending hate and death threats to mainly minors) then thats you. No body else has to police themselves on what they post just because a minor might see it.  Yes, get onto the people who are endangering real children, callout the ones who arent tagging properly. But dont go after people who literallery arent harming anyone with their art, fanfictions, head cannons, and ships. Your faux activism doesnt help anyone. Sincerly a CSA victim/survivor who is tired of yalls shit.
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about me! (tag me game)
I was tagged by @pastapizzacheesedragon  yay thanks! 
1st Rule: tag nine people (if you want to of course!)
ehhhh well considering that ^pastapizza ... tagged most of the people i know too i cant really tag that many ehe, wait i can tag like one person, (wow i have a lot of friends) @altialt 
2nd Rule: bold the statements that are true
APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller
I am dark skinned
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing (earrings)
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes (I don’t actually know, they’re some mix of green, brown and yellow)
I have short hair
I am overweight
My abs are at least somewhat defined (they are when i laugh, so hope it counts ) 
I have or have had braces
I have small feet (they havent grown since i was like 7 or something the like ugh) 
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people 
People tell me that I’m funny (im not really sure about this one) 
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me (yes but i suck at it in person -.-) 
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well 
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it (same, boohoo, and the list goes on and on into eternity and darkness) 
There is something I would change about my personality
I’m mentally stable (somewhat i think, not emotionally thats for sure though) 
I can sing well 
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory 
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling (does them purposefully loosing cuz they’re family count) 
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch 
I know how to throw a proper punch
I can sleep 8 hours uninterrupted (you say to a girl, that once slept 12 hours straight) 
HOBBIES: I enjoy reading
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I binge watch series regularly
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing (doesnt mean im superb at it tho) 
Fandoms are my #1 passion
I do or have done martial arts (like one time) 
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have been rejected or rejected someone who was interested in me
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have had my heart broken (yes, but the blame lies entirely on fandoms and fan fictions)
I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity (AHHAHAHA yup “one”)
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year 
I have been in a relationship for at least a year (yes, but no longer) 
I have had feelings for a friend (were a relationship then broke up) 
I have never loved someone
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school  (sort of, i mean, i were but now i have moved to another school thats like 30 minutes away-> if i walk, so dont know if that even counts) 
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling (one big brother) 
I live in the United States
I have lost someone special (my fathers father- but we werent really that close as much as i would like to have been) 
I suffer/ had suffer from mental illness
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs (never use them though) 
I share my room with someone 
RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce 
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now (i’ll be good by jaymes young, and yes i really hate myself because of it) 
I have punched someone in the past week
I wax/shave my body hair (not all the time tho) 
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages
I have made a new friend in the past year
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