#i just mind my own business and stay in my lane these days and have been for a good while
anankos · 3 months
Hi ! Would it be possible for you to use Edelgard critical or Edelgard discourse as tags ? It help to make the fandom more civil and make it a better space in general.
Thanks you for reading, have a good day ! ( Also feel free to ignore this message if you don't want to )
i mean i.... can? but i havent posted abt fe16 that touches on that specific topic in, if i recall correctly, years. Nor do i intend to post on the topic publicly in the future, im just kinda vibing. So im not going to be going back and backtagging a bunch of posts from early 2020s and 2019, sorry thats too much work to be worth it :( nobody will be scrolling down the search/tag that far anyway i assume
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WIBTA for calling building management on our new loud neighbors?
CW: Child Abuse (content about this in parentheses)
We have new neighbors in the apartment next door and my roommate and I share a wall with them. We have never met these neighbors beyond knowing they only moved in fairly recently. Like most of our neighbors in this apartment building, I will be polite if I encounter anyone in the shared staircase but I don't feel the need to introduce myself. Our walls are not thin at all as we never used to hear neighbors next door this much even when having house parties.
These new neighbors keep getting into extremely loud fights that we can hear through our wall.
My roommate and I can hear clearly that there are two people absolutely screaming and shouting at each other. Sometimes these fights devolve into someone seemingly just non-verbally yelling out (in pain?). Almost always end with one of them going "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!" ad nauseam until the noise dies down to an inaudible level. They're having a fight like that right now as I write this AITA out.
I would love to mind my own business, but it's hard when I can hear two people screaming bloody murder at each other right next to me. Unfortunately, I have trauma about situations like this, particularly about loud arguments happening in the same building as me (thanks mom and dad), but also trauma about confronting potentially violent neighbors.
(To make a long story short, when I was still living in the suburbs a few years ago I confronted a loud neighbor who was always shouting and screaming that could be heard houses away. I learned the hard way that the loud neighbor was an abusive father. I did manage to help the teenage victim out of that house for some time, yet my life was repeatedly threatened by that abuser and the rest of his family while the local police did nothing as they agreed with his "discipline". I have since moved out of those shitty suburbs and into the city. Last I heard that victim - who was my age at the time of the confrontation - has moved out and joined the military.)
With that context in mind, I'd really really rather not knock on my neighbor's door asking, "Hey, new neighbors, can you quiet down your shouting and screaming at each other so I can't hear it through our wall every hour of the day? Also, are y'all good in here?"
(I'd rather not have a weapon pointed at me again.)
I am absolutely not calling the police as they will not do anything and I don't want to ruin anyone's life over a possible misunderstanding. I am hoping that all this yelling truly isn't anything - maybe they're just gaming and having heated gamer moments. But at the same time, all this yelling real triggering for me, and so I'm considering calling our apartment building management to check in on them. I am aware building management may not do anything either, but at least it would be something? Maybe I should leave note on my neighbors' door or something?
WIBTA for calling building management to check in on our constantly fighting neighbors? Or should I just suck it up, stay in my lane, mind my own goddamn business, and learn how to cope being triggered every other hour by screaming through my nearest wall?
What are these acronyms?
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fangirltothefullest · 9 months
Went to a new doctor today. She's skinny. Of course she saw me and diagnosed me fat immediately. Mentioned cholesterol and diabetes and thyroid issues three times and ordered same day blood work. And on top of that she looked into my mouth and just decided to tell me that I should look into seeing a dentist. Like EXCUSE me??? You are not q dentist you have no right to shame me when my teeth are fine??? I don't understand why she felt the need to make me self conscious over something she has ABSOLUTELY NO EXPERTISE IN.
This is why I hate doctors but ESPECIALLY skinny doctors. They don't give two shits about you, they don't care how healthy you are they see weight that isn't stick figure, diagnose you with fat and won't hear any other problems you might have without telling you to lose weight first which is BULLSHIT and all the studies now are saying we have been thinking about weight wrong and the healthiness of your body is not weight-controlled.
Anyways I'm switching to a heavier doctor that my sister has whose nice and actually cares, but I spent an already anxiety-filled time at the doctor masking my fucking heart out and getting my blood drawn and having to on top of that come out feeling ugly and like I don't take care of myself.
To any of you who might be getting your doctor degrees or whatever, stop fucking treating fat people like we don't have feelings. Stop treating us like we are ugly horrible people. And for fucks sake mind your fucking business when it comes to information you know Jack Shit about. Stay in your own goddamned lane.
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kabukiaku · 15 days
I adore your art and I really appreciate that myself and others are able to interact and boost your art despite you having different shipping preferences
I wish the fandom was more like you where tags are blacklisted and whatnot rather than everyone trying to argue and harass
Keep up the good work, your posts and cute little plush updates always make my day💕💕💕
of course, anon, i've learned a lot in how to interact respectfully in fandom spaces over the years. why make people feel bad about something they like, when you can just mind your own business and surround yourself with people who enjoy the same thing you do?
it's truly better to just stay in your own lane, don't let others opinions of your favorite thing bring you down, nor you having to appeal to a specific audience without considering your own interests. we're not here to 'impress' or gain the 'approval' of our audience. we're no business.
in the end we're all just silly internet users who like to think of our favorite characters kissing or getting along. we're just here to have a good time. the world already has enough hate going around. the least we can do is to be happy and respectful in fandom spaces.
see someone post about a ship you don't like? just don't interact. and always remember to uplift and support your favorite artists/writers. use that reblog feature!
alright, thanks for coming to my fandom TED Talk.
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thebibutterflyao3 · 4 months
Day 6 Prompt: Heat @rosekiller-microfic
March Daily Series - 995 words
<<<Previous Part OR Start Here
Barty shook his head clear and refocused on the mostly empty road ahead of him. Luckily, it wasn’t busy in the off-season. Not many were foolish enough to travel to the coast in the winter, especially in a car without heat.
The sun mocked him through a cloudless sky, bouncing absurdly cheerful light off of the hood and directly into his eyes. He fumbled for the sunglasses tucked into his visor and shoved them on his face. Relaxing a bit, he leaned back and grabbed his phone. Barty rolled the scratched-up silver case on its edge over and over on his thigh. When the screen woke up mid-spin, he glanced at it hopefully.
No notifications. Of course.
By the time he reached the signs for the Prince of Wales bridge, Barty was seriously considering a detour into the river. If he wasn’t already regretting his life choices, and there weren’t a massive green metal barrier, the decision would be so easy.
Best not to start trusting myself now.
Barty inhaled deeply as he stared at the cables rising to the outline of an enormous letter “h” that straddled M4’s six lanes. Bridges fucked with his head, especially long ones running over water like this. Movie scenes of bridges cracking open like a fresh, crisp baguette toyed with his mind.
Breathe. Just breathe.
The moment his front tires passed the shoreline to England’s soil, Barty deflated. He was one hour in and already drained physically, mentally, and emotionally. Any clarity this road trip brought him earlier was lost to him now. He just wanted to crash onto his crappy sofa and stay there. Not moving for a week sounded so bloody good, but he was expected at work tomorrow.
When the opening bars of Never Let You Go drifted through his speakers, Barty tensed again. The chorus of this one hit a little too close to home.
Suddenly, his screen lit up as his mobile buzzed against his denim-covered thigh. Evan’s face appeared on his screen and Barty jerked the wheel as he screeched to a halt on the shoulder and narrowly avoided scraping the barrier. He fumbled with his phone as his stomach lurched violently.
The other end was silent except for the steady tap tap tap of Evan’s rings against the phone he was holding. Barty knew that sound intimately, but not the tempo. Evan was agitated.
His heart beat doubled and his chest clenched in panic. This wasn’t good. He didn’t know how it could get worse, but it was about to and the dread was overwhelming.
Shite shite shite!
“Before you hang up…I’m sor-sorry I didn’t tell you about Regulus. When I realised that you were friends, I shou-should have.”
Barty’s ears thrummed with his own rapid heart beat as he strained to listen for a response. After another long silence, he released a ragged breath and added, “And I’m sorry for going after your sister yesterday. I was….that doesn’t matter. I’m sober now and I hate myself for acting like that.”
“That makes two of us.”
His heart plummeted to the floorboards. “Please don’t say that, Rosie. I swear—”
“Don’t call me that,” Evan said. His voice was flat and clipped.
“Oh, right.” A chill ran down Barty’s spine and he struggled to find the words he’d practised in case Evan actually answered one of his calls. “Evan, I—”
“Not that either.”
Barty closed his eyes and repressed the urge to beg for forgiveness. There was no hope of that in Evan’s tone. This was going to hurt, he could sense it. The hammer was already pulled back and the trigger was twitching.
“Okay. I understand.”
“Good, because we are nothing to each other,” Evan snapped cruelly. “I don’t want anything to do with you, Crouch, and if you come near my sister again—”
“I won’t!” Barty cried out, shaking with the effort to hold himself together. “Please, please don’t—”
The line went dead.
“No! No no no nonono!” He quickly tapped on Evan’s picture to call back. “Please pick up! Please, please, please.”
A robotic voice informed him that his call could not be completed as dialed. His hands trembled as he texted Evan, pleading with him. The text didn’t go through. Barty stared at his screen in disbelief.
“He-He’s…I can’t…oh fuck.”
His body crumpled against the steering wheel as a shudder rushed through him. He was numb from head to toe. The hole carved out of his chest deepened until it hit curled his vertebrae. No thoughts, no emotions.
Moving on instinct alone, Barty opened his car door, stumbled out of the road, and collapsed before he emptied his stomach. His limbs quivered beneath his weight until he flopped onto his back. He swiped at his mouth and groaned at the sharp burn that raced up his throat.
He rolled away from the open car door and forced himself to push upright. The endless expanse of the river where it joined the sea spread out before him. Barty stared unblinkingly at the waves as they lapped the shore, rhythmic and repetitive.
This is it. Rock-fucking-bottom.
A hollow laugh burst from his chest, but quickly died out. It hurt to laugh. Hell, it hurt to breathe!
He hauled himself to his feet, then stepped unsteadily toward the edge where the tall barrier ended. With slow, measured steps, he climbed the short rail and headed down the slope toward the shore. Barty studied the muddy, frigid water as his boots sank with every step into the soft soil. The height of the bridge created a terrifying vantage of the water, but from here it looked tame.
Water was cleansing, that was a common belief. A refreshing drink for a parched throat, moisture for dry skin, and the perfect conduit for soap. Standing here before a river wide enough to swallow an entire city whole was humbling.
I would only make short-lived splash.
With a short burst of adrenaline, Barty ran forward, threw his arm back, and flung his mobile into the river. It disappeared beneath the waves without a sound. No splash, no interruption.
Next Part>>>
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powerful-niya · 9 months
What fanfic or fanfics have stayed in your mind ever since you’ve read them?
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Hello, anon! This is a fantastic question! It's taken me quite some time though, for it to properly marinate in my mind. I've read a lot of fanfiction, and many of them have stuck with me. I was seriously a fanfic crackhead when I first started reading fanfiction a few years ago! Every day, I would read, read, read! I mostly read Naruhina because it is and always will be my main ship.
So, most of the stories that have resided in my head rent-free are Naruhina, and the majority are dark, smutty, or simply angsty. Not all of them, but the majority...
I'll just list out the stories and their authors, and provide links. I'll also separate the dark ones from the fluffy or even just smutty ones.
Dark Fanfics:
• Listen To Me - By: SullyR
• Chaos - By: Murdered.By.A. Marionette.
• Honeymoon - By: Demonofthefridge18
• Demon's Obsession - By: Demonofthefridge18
• I want you to cry - By: Yuhikoi
• Naruto's Possession - By: AAAllisWell
• No love, strictly business - By: Sadistic One
• Forgotten Faith - By: Sadistic One
• In a Demon's Possession - By: HoneyWriter78
• A Love Never Seen - By: HoneyWriter78
• The Demon's Contract - By: Cheating Death
• Game Of Death - By: Cheating Death
• Distorted Minds - By: Cheating Death
• Not an Ordinary Psychopath - By: Jojo07
• A Beautiful Princess - By: Wasabisugar
• Highschool of Disasters - By: Wasabisugar
• Experiment - By: Gottachidori
• Ravenous - By: @sessakag
• Experimented - By: ExtremexWritingQueen
Smutty/Kinky Fanfics:
• The Lustful Maid - By: HoneyWriter78
• Hot For Teacher - By HoneyWriter78
• Out With The Old - By: agitosgirl
• Endless Lemons - By: agitosgirl
• Sweet and Sour - By: Sadistic One
• Let Me Be Your Bad Boy - By: Naruhina1888
• Lord Hokage - By: EroPrincess
• The Benefit Of Having A Vampire Boyfriend - By: Rainy Downpour
• Naruhina Erotica Oneshots - By: Makuro767
• The sweet, shy, innocent, kunoichi - By: TJanimelover
• The Love We Keep To Have - By: Rasengone
• You belong to me - By: rarepluto
Fluffy/Or Angsty Fanfics:
• Gakusei Meido - By: Wasabisugar
• Bad Boy's Heart - By: Badazz Writer
• The SuperStar Falls In Love - By: HoneyWriter78
• My Therapist - By: Kuramaki
There's probably a whole lot more! But, that's all I can think of and find at the moment. The stories or oneshots I have picked have replayed constantly in my mind at random. It could be a scene, or the entirety of it, and I'm like "damn, I remember that story. That's a good ass story, or damn that was really fucking crazy, I'll never be able to get that out of my head." (in a good way.)
I remember the days when I used to read fanfictions a lot, I used to take notes on how other fanfic writers wrote their content. They all inspired me so much. So, it was only a matter of time before I began writing on my own.
As you can see, I've read a lot of dark Naruhina content. And I don't even think that's everything I've read, just the majority that's stuck in my head. I also know there's probably TONS of other life-changing, and thrilling Naruhina content that's out there and slowly but surely, I'll be sure to go around and begin reading them all when I get the chance.
But overall, there's that! Thanks so much anon, for the ask! I felt like I took a trip down memory lane!
Ahh, the good times!
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laithraihan · 17 days
I just saw your stance on anti/proship stuff. I respect your opinion , you weren’t being hostile. I agree that tagging properly is extremely important. While I am proship/profic, I stay in my lane but unfortunately I have been severely harassed by antis even when I mind my own business. I love your art of Reigen, so I will love it from a distance and I hope you have a great day. I’m so sorry you dealt with harassment by both sides, you don’t deserve that.
Thank you a lot for respecting my boundaries and I hope people do the same with you. I also hope you have a nice day 🫶💜
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secretlythepits · 24 days
Legos, Teeth, Nightmares
I’m not taking care of myself. I’m not taking care of business. I have no time to waste but that’s all I’m doing. I’ve noticed my unhealthy coping behaviors creep up and now I’m worried. I’m using this post to help me— I don’t know— I need help.
I’ve been watching a lot of tv. This is what I do when I numb down. I’m rewatching This Is Us. So, themes. But also, catharsis.
I’m not eating consistent meals. I skip, forget, and I feel starving. Sometimes I stay starving and sometimes I make a poor choice. Or, i’ll make a good choice but then the rest of the meals are thrown off.
I’m not exercising or even walking. Part of this is due to my sprained ankle, though I think walking would be good at this point. Part of it is a heat wave making most of the day too hot so have a narrow window to make it happen. But the biggest thing is that I feel utterly paralyzed so I’m sitting on the sofa thinking about all that I need to do that I’m not doing and feeling ashamed and overwhelmed. It feels like I just CAN’T.
I need to complete important paperwork. I made good progress and just stopped. It still needs to be done.
I haven’t worked on my business since I came back. I need to get it up and running, but my mind is not in that head space. This is a needed income source.
I need to make a bunch of appointments for myself and the kids, but I haven’t because I don’t know what my husband’s doctors schedule will be. That’s stupid. I should just set them and adjust if necessary, but I CAN’T.
All I want to eat are carbs and sweets.
My body composition is changing rapidly due to perimenopause and these behaviors are making it worse. This greatly affects how I feel about myself.
I’ve been having so many sleep issues. Last night I had a dream where I was getting married in a couture LEGO dress, but as I was getting ready, all of my teeth fell out. I was naturally distressed and then I realized that I must have bone cancer. The dream lasted forever and I kept running around, looking for help, but nobody seemed to care enough to even try to help me. My husband was like, ok, you have to just deal with it. It’s still time to get married. I was freaking out and nobody could recognize the emergency. I felt so lost, panicked and alone.
The PET scan results will come in any day or maybe in a week. I am on edge. They will be the most telling. Biopsy is tomorrow.
I need support, but I don’t even know what to ask for. What can my friends do? I can’t talk to my husband about it because he is overwrought.
What I wish:
I want to remember to stay in my lane. Eyes on my life. Keep moving forward with my goals.
I really want to prioritize my own health and wellness. I want to lose weight and build strength. I want to feel inside of my body again. I like that feeling.
I want to renew my spiritual practices because they ground me, renew my energy, and bring me peace. (I’ve been avoiding them too.)
I want to make progress on my to do list so I have less to worry about.
I want unlimited amounts of good chocolate.
I want to sink into a good book, literary fiction that captivates me wholly.
I want to sleep through the night.
I want to know how to feel more supported while not having any of this touch my husband.
I want to be able to approach my day with a spark of go get em.
I don’t know how.
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kimium · 10 months
What are your top 5 headcanons for Rook/Vil? 👀👀👀
Oh hi friend! Thank you so much for this ask! As you (and many) are aware, Rook/Vil is my favourite ship in Twisted Wonderland. I'm always so happy to talk about them. Before I get started though, I do want to make it clear that 1) This is just my opinion and my headcanons and 2) I play in the ENG server, so if there is something either I haven't seen because it's in the JP server or because of some "lost in translation" thing, sorry.
My Top Five Headcanons for Rook/Vil
5. Vil has met Rook's parents. The first time was entirely accidental.
With Rook casually revealing to Epel and Yuu that his family is rich and owns many villas around the world, there had to be a point that Rook offered one of the villas to Vil. Perhaps Vil was in the middle of some photo shoots, press tour, or acting and needed a place to stay. Or maybe it was a rare break for Vil from both work and school and Rook decided to offer one of his family villas as a get away.
Regardless, I love the image of Rook and Vil in a cozy villa, overlooking the ocean or maybe an orchid across the way owned by some family that Rook loves talking to every morning. They're enjoying the time together, playing a little bit of house. One morning Vil walks downstairs, expecting only Rook at the table, when he meets Mr. and Mrs. Hunt. I bet this is embarrassing not only because Vil isn't 100% put together but because he's not put together because of Rook. It's a first impression Vil wishes he could scrub from everyone's minds, but Rook's parents find it charming and adorable.
4. Vil and Rook's relationship is an "open secret" at NRC. No one is going to tell the media though; they like living.
Like many famous people, I think Vil wishes to keep his love life mostly out of the public eye/media. Not that he's attempting to hide his relationship with Rook (impossible on campus), but Vil hasn't made some public announcement. Why would he want to? The media already hounds him 24/7. (Vil thanks the Seven every day that NRC has strict rules about media presence on campus.) It also isn't that he doesn't want to someday announce happily to the world that Rook is his, it's just for now Vil is fine with the open secret.
I also think it's hilarious to imagine all of Pomefiore (and majority of campus) to either decide 1) It's really none of my business if Vil and Rook are dating. I'm staying in my lane. Or 2) Wouldn't it be funny if we collectively ignored every tabloid reporter or journalist looking for an easy story. Vil deserves his privacy from those vultures. Like, I'm imagining whenever students are off campus tabloid reporters are always waiting to "ask them questions" about -insert character in the major public eye-. All the students just blankly look at the reporters or say "WHO? I've never heard of him" to their questions.
3. Rook nearly got escorted off a set by security the first time he came to drop off something Vil forgot.
Sort of tying into my prior one, since Vil and Rook aren't publicly announcing they're dating there had to be ONE time that this happened. In the security guard's defense, they're used to people trying to sneak in claiming to either know Vil or sent to deliver something to him. Sure, Rook is in the NRC uniform, but that doesn't mean free access. However, those poor security guards probably had to sit through Rook wax poetically about their "devotion to their jobs" or something like that. It's a good thing Vil personally stepped out to meet Rook and didn't sent an intern or personal manager. Those guards would have been stuck for hours.
Also, imagining the guard's surprise when Vil sighs, walks up to this weird man spouting poetry (with random French intermingled), and drags him off with a "sorry, he's with me".
2. Rook and Vil have probably one of the spiciest sex lives.
Here is my one (1) sexy idea you'll get out of me for this list. I have many ideas but I don't want to share all of them. What I want to say is I think Rook and Vil are open to trying many things together and put their 100% into it. Sure they have boundaries but they're mature enough to communicate so it's fun and comfortable for both parties. They just know each other so well and are always on the same wave length! This translates to their love lives and I think it's Relationship Goals.
Rook is the one to propose to Vil.
While I think Vil wouldn't be opposed to proposing, ultimately I think Rook is the one who does it. It just suits him. Rook is already a romantic at heart. He's planning the proposal well in advance and doesn't even need to ask Vil his hand size because Rook already knows that. The proposal is a private one, definitely not a public proposal, but it's so soft, sweet, and filled with romance that it's truly a day Vil remembers fondly. Afterwards I think the first people Vil tells besides their parents are Jack and Epel. I love Vil's friendship with Jack and there is no way Epel wouldn't be one of the first. Though while Jack is very excited for his friend and congratulates him eagerly, I bet Epel sits there going "It's about DAMN TIME". Vil reflex scolds Epel.
(Also, Vil 100% takes over all wedding preparations. While Rook is calmly taking all of this in stride I think Jack, who is the best man despite believing someone else would be better, is overwhelmed. Epel is ready to Scream and throw something at Vil. Trey is in charge of baking the wedding cake and the poor man somehow manages to balance Vil's micro-managing and Rook's "passionate" nature.)
There we have it! My top five headcanons for Rook/Vil. I hope you like my ideas, friend! If there is anything you want to add for yourself, feel free!
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monstersinthecosmos · 8 months
THANK YOU for your "kink in TVC" Ted talk because while I'm finally working my way through the series for the first time, I spent most of my tween years scouring the internet for TVA excerpts because Armand is my special boy. And I was SO BUMMED to see people saying that TVA is a bad read and that it comes off really rapey. And when I read the whipping scene I was just like. That's not what's happening here! This is a pretty tame bdsm scene all things considered! Like it's so cathartic to be able to go 'im Not Crazy, these people are just from a different planet' lol
gjdlgasd i am so happy to hear this, you don't even know!!! IF I CAN MAKE EVEN ONE PERSON FEEL HAPPIER AND SAFER I AM SO HAPPY LOL.
(post in question in case you missed it lol)
I will never tell someone not to be uncomfortable or grossed out by the sex content in TVA because it's SUCH a personal topic, but I also think this is an exercise that young fans have to practice in that "my discomfort is not a moral" and "my personal experience is not everyone else's experience" and "shipping isn't activism" and I think fandom would be a lot more safe and fun if everyone could respect each other's reads/lenses/lived experiences/etc. As easy as it is for us to say "this topic can be very triggering and it is very personal to some people" I think we need to also say "some people find comfort in it and it's also very personal" and even "some people feel neutral towards it because it's fiction and their comfort or disgust is not a moral spectrum for you to judge"
There's also, of course, at the end of the day, "I find this disgusting and triggering AND I LIKE IT" and all of these feelings are allowed because fiction makes up fake spaces to explore our feelings safely where no one is getting hurt and no one is morally incorrect for enjoying the book. I always feel the need to mention this option too because like who the fuck cares haha, I'm not interested in defending TVA and making excuses why it's okay to like it--you're allowed to like it ! Period! Even if you read it as noncon! Some people like reading noncon! They're allowed!
Basically mind ur own fuckin business lmao god damn guys.
And yknow as much as I urge younger/more conservative fans to behave themselves, I also urge those of us who are not bothered to ignore them to the best of our ability. I think these folks need space to grow, and if they grow that's great!, and if they decide they'd like to remain conservative that's fine too, I'm not particularly interested in interacting with that type of rhetoric anyway so I'll stay in my lane.
Anyway I think a lot of the fandom worried that an influx of fans would bring some of this attitude into the conversation because it's a trend with younger fandom folks and newer fandoms and it really sucks that this happened! But I think there's a still a very passionate group of people who aren't judgmental cunts lol and it's still possible to find your people and vibe!!!!
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Welcome to the 12 Days of Christmas countdown to Christmas Day. We've 10 days left!!
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The Backcracker
Summary: John and Cree get through the holidays together.
Tags: John Kelly/John Clark, Holidays, Chiropractor!John
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Cree didn't usually bring home men from bars, but John Clark was the Louis Vuitton bag sitting pretty in the middle of a thrift shop. She had to snatch him up before someone else realized its worth. He was well dressed and fresh with a cut that said "I do date the sistas," and he was sitting there at the bar, minding his business. What MAN minded his own business and stayed in his own lane? She had to venture out and at cast her feelers.
To her relief, he was fairly open. She got the vibe that this was unusual for him, and the liquid courage in his cup was loosening his lips. He assured himself that he wouldn't give up on his life and that he would stick around come what may. There was pain and memories in his eyes that Cree could see.
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As she listened, she understood that he was having a very rough December, something they connected on. For Cree, it was having to put down her beloved cat that had her down in the dumps. She showed pictures and shared her favorite stories of Jerome the orange boy. She appreciated that John enjoyed the distraction from his own situation.
For John, it was the loss of his wife Pam.
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The years didn't get much easier, the pain demanded to be felt.. but he wanted to move on and love again. For a while he was so full of rage that he couldn’t.. but that had since subsided.
Cree deduced that he only needed someone who was patient and accepting of his feelings for his wife. Talking about Pam would help him to continue in resuming his life.
While Cree laid in her bed fully clothed with her ankles crossed, John laid over her legs, looking up with eyes that said he just wanted to have joy again. Through the pillow talk, Cree desired to know more and more about him.
"I feel like I know some things about you, but I haven't asked the basics like what do you do now? I know you left the military."
"Well.. I crack backs," he chuckled hiding his smile in her leg.
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"Whaaat.. I might need you to crack mine. I get so damn tense."
"I could pinpoint the tension and make you good as new."
"What are we waiting for?"
"You gotta come in and get it done. That way I get to see you."
Neither John nor Cree wanted a one-night stand. They planned to spend more time getting to know one another and talking to get each other through the rough holiday season.
With that said, Cree did schedule an appointment with John for Christmas day.
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He was happy to hear from her and could foresee their relationship progressing with a little time.
"Hey," he greeted her with a hug when she arrived. He treated her as he would any client, his tongue was just a bit more loose, and he was a bit more free to be himself. "Have a seat and don't be nervous, I do adjustments all day everyday."
"Oh, I'm not nervous," she pulled her hair over her shoulder as she settled, sitting her purse on the floor. He placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Here's how my sessions go. I love my first time clients and after that I'm a bully."
Cree shook her head, thoroughly amused as his face cracked. He was a serious man and to see him so goofy was charming, bully or not. "We'll see about that."
"Is this your first adjustment?"
"It is!"
"Just make sure your teeth are together, relax the best you can." Cradling her head in his arms, her cheek to his chest, he could feel what he needed to do. "You're stiff as hell."
She could feel her neck POP. The look on her face was bewilderment at a surprisingly good feeling.
"The cracking is just gas being released. It’s not your bones."
He crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her up enough to slip his hand underneath her, leaning down over her, “Go like this for me.. breathe in. Just let it go." He groaned in her ear as she POPPED. "Just relax..”
"Oh my god," Cree moaned, losing control. She'd never felt so loose and good. She jumped up so scared she would cum.
"How does that feel? That feel good?"
"You have magic fingers," she moaned before turning around to stare up at him, amazed. As she sat back down, she breathed slowly through her mouth while he felt his way firmly through her body, gripping and grasping and rubbing, turning her temperature way up. Again, she was willing to give it all up to this man.
“Your hip is locked at the side joint."
Under John's instruction, she laid on her stomach and let John do his thing. He pressed on the top of her ass, pulling her leg up behind her to stretch it and see how flexible it was.. for multiple reasons.. He poked under her ass in the cuff while he explained how he was opening her hips. He didn't mention his half-mast wood. Pressing under her ass, he did it over for 2, then again for 3.
He then rolled her hip to the side and pushed her body down hard, and swift. POP.
"UHH," she moaned filter broken by all the release she was feeling throughout her body. "Whew," she blew.
"Sit up for me." He guided her up to her feet where he put Cree in a headlock with her arms over her head.
She loved every second of being in his bicep, which he could tell by her smirk.
“Lean back,” he pulled her up for the ultimate back crack. She groaned with instant relief. “Should make you a lil taller.”
"Oh my god.. John," she chuckled still glowing. She couldn't stop chuckling, her body felt brand new as if she were floating. "I'm gonna sleep good tonight."
"Well that's a long time away.. was hoping we could catch dinner.. go to my place?"
"Dinner," Cree smiled looking into his eyes. "On you. We'll see about the rest," she teased as though she hadn't moaned through their entire session.
Dinner at Christmas turned into dinners and more nights together without sex. Cree found herself sharing company with John again on New Year's. They were at his place telling stories of their childhood. John shared stories of the military, specifically basic training. There was lots of deep belly laughter from both ends, and then Cree mentioned her day.
"I've been moving shit around at work. They know them boxes are too damn heavy."
"Get someone else to do it."
"I should've. I really should've instead of trying to throw my back out after you fixed it."
It was John to break that unspoken barrier between them and reach out as they sat his living room tipsy and still drinking. He sat down his scotch, stood, and gestured for her to stand in front of him. He put his hands on her shoulders, sweeping up to her elegant neck.
"You need to fix your posture too."
"I know, I slouch." She sat her own drink down.
He led her to the wall to show her the proper position, standing straight with her head back and touching her wall would be her practice. He made sure she remembered. She was to practice everyday.
"I will surely try," she agreed. She'd wanted to work on her posture anyway. This was just a push.
He pulled her right shoulder and left leg to twist her body with a loud crunch from her back.
"UHH," she groaned. “That was amazing, ohh, that was smooth, that was so deep." Her laughter was uncontrollable and infectious.  
"You like that?" He grinned as he watched her.
The adjustment relieved so much pressure and tension immediately. She felt so free that she started to dance to test the width of motion.
"Have a seat right here," he led her to a chair. She was eager to do whatever he said. "I’m just gonna bring it over here. There it is..," he held onto her head. "Let it fall.. just like that,” he groaned in her ear. "Let it roll toward me, just kinda let it stretch best you can." CRACK. “Wonderful. Good girl."
"That’s the one," Cree moaned, feeling absolutely transformed.
"Good. I got one more for you. Go lay on the bed."
"Huh," she looked back, still walking. She smirked at his serious face as he pointed her forward, grabbing his scotch. He followed her and stood by as she laid across his bed. He took sip and sat the glass back down.
"On your stomach."
"Yes siirrrr," she grinned, ready for anything.
He grabbed her neck and put her leg between his legs to grab her thigh and pull.
"Uh fuck," she gasped, giggling at her own reaction. "Do you ever get turned on working on clients?"
John chuckled. "What you really wanna ask.. is did working on you.. turn me on."
"And the answer is...?"
"I'm a professional," he smirked, watching her small knowing smile. She could probably feel his dick on the back of her thigh at some point.
"Hm," she teased. "Well, you have to be professional, but that’s your job, not mine."
"O-kay," he laughed. "I'm gonna have you breath into these movements, get ready."
"Mm," she moaned.
He went up her dress and took down her panties to her surprise, shifting her to that her ass was up and her torso was flattened.
She helped him by arching, and surely enough, she heard the crinkle of a wrapper being opened and tossed in the nearby small trash can.
"Breath into it," he thrusted inside as she gasped in pleasure.
My gift to you is edging.
@dashhoney25 @lettidarawest @soufcakmistress @ljstraightnochaser @princessstevens @eye-raq @thiccdaddy-mbaku @destinio1 @iamrheaspeaks @hidden-treasures21 @bidibidibombaclaat @forbeautyandlife @blowmymbackout @misspooh @thotyana-in-this-hoe @purplehairgawdess @thegucciwaffle @goddessofthundathighs @nobodybaby93 @theegoldenchild @thadelightfulone @sultanabby @mysticalblackhottie @baekhyunbabybunni @fd-writes @richonne4life @tgigoldie @thehomierobbstark @capswife @blackpinup22 @harleycativy @lishabaybee @playgurlxoxo
Just kidding.
"Breath into it," he thrusted inside as she gasped in pleasure. He slid in deep and paused before sliding back, keeping the head inside of her. He teased all her nerve ending that sat at her entrance, listening as she continued to breathe through it.
His hand slid up her back, and he unzipped the dress seeing skin and the back of her black bra. "May I?"
"Of course."
When he unhooked the prongs, he found impressions in her back that he rubbed like he used to do for his wife.
These new feelings didn't take away from what was.. and what was.. didn't subtract from his new and growing feelings. He lifted Cree into his arms while he peeled her arms from the layers, pulling them over her head and tossing them to the floor. His hands explored the soft skin of her arms, her waist, her stomach. He was enjoying the intimacy of being inside of her.
Cree's hands traveled everywhere his did over her body, and she also felt his strong forearms and hands, moving them to grasp her tits. He did so firmly, then twirling his fingers gently around her areolas, his tongue just under her earlobe. His hands were practiced and broken in, but the way he used them, he was still taking his time to explore.
"Keep your arms straight on the bed," he whispered in her ear. He bent her back over with his hand on the scruff of her neck, and he slid his dick back inside slowly, feeling every bit of her that a condom would allow.
Deep, slow, gentle strokes allowed both John and Cree to lean into it, breathing as one.
He rubbed the skin of her back slowly, down to her ass which was pressed against him. It was sex for the soul, rather than just their bodies.
NOW Merry Christmas!!!!!🎅🏾
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been busy with a hanta sero x reader fic (yeah i took the matter into my own hands lol all the wips i have will be the death of me) but happy new year guys! (^-^) here's a little treat to commemorate the event!
villain doesn't celebrate new years.
they're not certain if it's the noise it brings, or the blinding lights of the explosions being set, that they'd rather stay inside than wreak havoc in the city. it's ironic. they relish at the sight of a building being engulfed in hungry flames and hum along with terrified screams and sirens, but grimace at speakers blasting loud, upbeat music and fireworks stroking bright colors at the night sky.
maybe it's part of their bad guy persona. honestly, they don't care. what they care about is tonight is new year's eve, and they have no choice but to go out.
"Bibi!" called villain as they march across the busy street. it was a grave mistake, forgetting to close the door after receiving their pet's favorite food they ordered online. they should have been more careful, more attentive. now look where their carelessness led them. in the city. suffocating amidst the waves of crowds. hungry and nervous and impatient.
villain could've just use one of their multitude of inventions to track the little pomeranian. of course, why hadn't they thought of that?—another mistake.
why did they make the effort to track Bibi themselves? to restore their dignity? their ego? what exactly would they gain from doing this? they would find Bibi for sure, but what else?
"Momma, when are we going to see fireworks?"
villain had just realized they stopped on their tracks, too immersed in their own thoughts to take another step forward. their gaze darted at a kid with his mother standing by the pedestrian lane, waiting for the go signal so they can walk to the other side.
"Soon, sweetie, but I'm afraid you'll sleep through it like what you did last year." his mom chuckled.
"I won't! promise!"
huh, that's strange.
little by little, all villain sees molded into a hazy blur, as if time slowed and sped up at the same time. different conversations from different people crawled into villain's ears.
"I'm starving! I can't wait to go home and eat dad's cooking."
"I already bought the shoes that you wanted, is there anything else?"
"Let's go karaoke!"
"Do you want some coffee to keep you up 'til midnight?"
"Take care, love you!"
huh, truly strange.
all of a sudden, a hand patted villain's back. the uncomfortable feeling pooling in their stomach wanes when they heard a familiar voice: "I almost mistook you for a distorted pole in the middle of the sidewalk, villain."
"hero," villain murmured, turning to the side to get a better look of them. even in their civilian clothes, hero's as dashing as ever. and to villain's surprise, in their arm rests a cheery Bibi. "you found her."
villain carefully takes their pet in their arms. a surge of relief flowing through their veins.
"i can't wrap my mind on how tiny she is and managed to devour a whole fucking trash can. how did you even get her to do that?"
"You ate a trash can?" villain, flabbergasted, held the clueless pomeranian up in the air like a baby, missing hero's question. "Bad Bibi!"
it was too late when villain realized what they'd done. as they met hero's stare, hero's already stifling a grin. "never knew there'd come a day I'll see you act like that,"
"act like what?" this is villain's last resort to save what's left of their pride.
"cute," hero muttered, enough for villain to catch on.
what are you supposed to say after that? villain asked themselves as they quickly let their feet take them elsewhere, cheeks burning in embarrassment. should they set hero's agency on fire to get back at them? that would be fair right?
Bibi barked, as if she's aware of villain's plan and doesn't approve of it. can she read minds now? resurrection serum has no such side effects.
villain sighed. new year's eve really has some serious impact on everyone. however, it's not like hero never pulled off something like that before...
"where are you going?" hero reappeared on villain's side, matching their footsteps so they could continue their conversation. "were you going to buy something for the new year? let me help you."
"no. go away," villain kept their eyes straight ahead. they don't know where they're going. their lair is in the opposite direction.
"Bibi seems like she doesn't want me to leave, though." —and hero's right. Bibi's wagging her tail at them. traitor.
"aren't you busy?" villain huffs.
hero thought for a while. one, two, three seconds, then smirked. "yeah, so?"
"then why are you still here?"
"I'm waiting for you to notice we're walking towards my place,"
oh, shit.
"Don't turn back now," hero laughs and wrapped their hand around villain's waist to keep them from backtracking.
how did it come to this? villain can feel their face heating up again. Bibi barked once more, a happy bark. she toss and turn until villain had no choice but to let hero have her. no eye contact was made, but villain did steal a hasty glance at them.
this near, seeing hero cradling Bibi—the only treasure villain has—it's nice... comforting, even. their chest became ten times lighter, mind clear and at peace.
hero peered up at villain, their lips forming a genuine smile. "Let's make this new year a special one, shall we?"
a stray firework erupted, but the colors didn't irritate villain like it used to. in fact, it looked pretty. the noise, no matter how loud and incomprehensible it is, wasn't a bother anymore.
villain doesn't celebrate new years.
but with hero, maybe they will.
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aceofthegreenajah · 1 month
13 books! tagged by @old-man-ghost
1)Last book I read I read Ocean at the end of the lane in two days recently. It was a very fun concept. It's the kind of book that would have left a lifelong impression on me if I had read it young. But now it was just one good book in a long line of others. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2) A book I recommend Let's go with a Taste of Gold and Iron. It's a very fun mystery, and the main character made me go. Wait. I know that feeling! I have a brain exactly like that too! (Riddled with anxiety and self-doubt at the most mundane things, but when things get serious, it's suddenly all business.)
3) A book that I couldn’t put down: I don't know if it exactly fits, because I wasn't fully invested from the start. But I did read all 500+ chapters of Omniscient Readers Viewpoint in just three days. And it is the only book I've ever read that make me go "Wait. I didn't know you could do that with a book." There are so many levels of meta in this book. It's like three books in one.
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more): I reread a ton of books. Let's go for Kalevala just because I was reminded of it while taking the picture at the end of this post. I used to read it every 6 months or so as a teenager. When we were told to read it for school I just read it again instead of telling anyone I'd read it like six times already.
5) A book on my TBR: One that has been there for ages is the Thief by Megan Whalen Turner. I hope to get around to it one day. I already bought it after all.
6) A book I’ve put down: Putting things down (as in meaning to continue then forgetting about it) happens often. Putting down and deciding not to continue very rarely. Last was The Calculating Stars by Mary Robinette Kowal. I have no idea why. In concept is sounds like just my thing and I have enjoyed her other books. My mind just couldn't get a grip on it, my attention always started to waver instantly.
7) A book on my wish list: I want an ORV official english translation SO BAD. Where is it??? It's announced and everything! Same for Nirvana In FIre, actually. Usually if I wish for a book I just buy it. It has to not exist to stay on my wish list long.
8) A favorite book from childhood: How young are we talking? Roald Dahl's witches book was my favourite at age 5. His dark materials at age 8. Good omens at age 12. Farseer trilogy at age 14. (all ages approximate)
9) A book you would give to a friend: 've gifted two people with All systems red. I would love to give it to everyone I know.
10) The most books you own by a single author: Mo Xiang Tong Xiu. As long as all 8 physical tgcf books and 4 svsss books count as separate. Though Brandon Sanderson comes very close. I think I have 7 of his books as physical copies and a few as audiobooks.
11) A nonfiction book you own: The Dawn of Everything is both excellent worldbuilding material, and really opened my eyes on how uncreative and stuck I was about how societies 'must' work. Applicable to real life as well.
12) What are you currently reading: I am still reading Exordia. It is an excellent book I'd recommend to everyone (as long as you are not particularly sensitive to body horror). But that is also why I'm going slowly because I only want to read it when I can concentrate properly. I am also reading Trash of the Count's Family when I need a less serious book, and an isekai manga, and What technology wants. The best way for me to read stuff is read whatever I feel like at the moment.
13) What are you planning on reading next? I got The Traitor Baru Cormorant at the same time I got Exordia so that's probably next.
My shelfie (one of several bookshelves. I should really weed them):
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messyhairdiaz · 2 years
6.02 Coda
Sometimes you gotta I guess?
They make it an admirable ten minutes after the waiter brings the food.
“You’ve got a hundred yard stare going on,” Chimney says, breaking the silence. They hadn’t been quiet the entire time, they’d made small talk while waiting to order, and while waiting for their food, but it had been more stilted than conversation had ever been between them, both of their minds elsewhere.
“I’m sorry,” Eddie replies, pushing omelet around his plate. Breakfast had sounded like a great idea until he had to face the palpable absences of Buck and Hen.
“It’s fine,” Chimney says with a sigh, scooting his plate away. “You’re worried about Buck, I’m worried about Hen.”
“I’m also worried about Hen,” Eddie says, trying to deflect.
“And I’m also worried about Buck. But Hen’s my partner, and Buck’s yours. We’ll just make it easy and stay in our own lanes.”
Eddie cuts his omelet into even smaller bites he won’t eat. “He just took it really hard.”
“He always takes it hard,” Chimney shoots back, but not unkindly. Eddie nods.
“But this one he seemed to take even harder.”
Chimney steeples his fingers. “I don’t know if you could hear from where you were, but they talked. I didn’t hear a lot of it, and then I left to get that kid out from under it all. But you know Buck. His heart’s so big its got its own gravity.”
“Yeah,” Eddie breathes. “That’s what worries me.” They both go quiet. Contemplative. Eddie nudges Chimney’s foot under the table. “You wanna talk about Hen?”
Chimney blows out a breath and swallows the dregs of his mimosa before answering. “I’m worried she’s overextended herself. I seldom find myself thinking there’s something Henrietta Wilson can’t do, but I think you’d have to be superhuman to manage it all. I’m worried she’ll burn out, if she hasn’t already.”
“She is trying to juggle a lot of balls right now,” Eddie agrees. He knows well enough how busy being a parent and a firefighter keeps a person, and that’s without adding captain and med school on top of it.
“I’m worried about what will happen if she drops one,” Chimney confides, lost in his own hundred yard stare.
“Maybe you should go check on her,” he suggests.
Chimney shakes his head. “Not right now. I’m hoping right now she’s having a nice, long nap. She deserves it. I’ll swing by later with dinner.” He looks Eddie up and down. “You should get out of here though. Go see Buck.”
“You sure? I can stay—”
“And mutilate that omelet further? Nah, go check on him. I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you.”
Eddie stands and pulls some cash out of his wallet, dropping it on the table. “Let me know if Hen’s doing alright later, ok?”
“Yeah, same for Buck.”
Eddie nods, and turns to leave, but stops when Chimney dramatically clears his throat.
“One more thing,” Chimney says, leaning his chair up on its back legs. “Just giving you fair warning. One of these days I’m gonna throw your advice back at you.”
Eddie’s lips curl into a smile. “Yeah? Maybe I’ll listen when you do.”
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miss-wanna-draw96 · 3 months
The Beginning of a Cursed Fate: Chpt 3
- Chapter 2: Full-Course Identity! -
[Warning, this chapter will include: -Eating disorders -Kidnapping -Experiments -Body dysmorphia
Proceed with caution]
Paige took her wallet out from her coat pocket and glanced over at Evan, who was still busy drinking their tea. They seemed to have healed since then, and they have shown that they trusted Paige. Though, she didn't understand why fully. Maybe, she wondered, it was because she took responsibility for her actions and allowed Evan to stay, even though they're technically a criminal. She slipped on her boots, and her jacket, covering her "misshapen" body.
She hated how she looked, especially since she was bullied for being overweight when she was younger, a mere high schooler. Paige could still hear the taunts and insults thrown at her to this day, those words strangling her and killing off every good thought she had of herself.
Wanting to be beautiful, perfect, she tried out many diets and one specific one was about starving herself just so she could be just like everyone else around her. Skinny and gorgeous. It didn't work. So instead, she turned to dull the by overeating, causing her to gain unwanted weight at an unhealthy rate. She had done this for so long that she landed herself in the hospital. Did her parents care? Of course they did! She was their little girl, and to see her harm herself like this made them devastated. Her brother was a known people pleaser, and he had even tried to stand up for her sister against the bullying she had to endure. He was locked away in his room for engaging in a fight to protect his sister, and his still couldn't understand why. He saved Paige, so why was he punished?
She eventually gave up in 10th grade and let the world do its thing, whether it be making her harm herself from starving or allowing her to be a bit heavier than other adults. She just didn't care anymore. At least the college kids were accepting of her, some even having the same problem as her. Others in the same boat as her. She wasn't alone anymore.
She felt a tap on the back of her head, snapping her out of her rotten thoughts. With a jolt, she looked back behind her and saw Evan grin at her, clueless.
"Shall we leave your dormitory now?" Evan asked, carefully setting Paige's cup into the sink with a soft click.
Paige nodded, not speaking to them as she sighed. She'll take a trip down memory lane later, right now, her brother needs her. She opened the door to her dorm and stopped in her tracks when she saw Umeko, a foreign exchange student from Japan, holding a small decorated basket in her hand. Without saying a word, she sat the small basket into Evan's hand. She took a small bow and stepped back, allowing the pair to move past her. Evan shut the door to Paige's dorm.
Paige stuttered out, "O-Oh, um, thank you Umeko. I'll take a look at the gift basket after I finish picking my brother up." She finished, making Umeko smile at her. The smaller adult knew that she meant it and afterwards, she turned around to her own dormitory and entered it, softly closing the door.
"Umeko. A name gifted to those who remind the mothers of plum blossoms, correct?" Evan spoke up, looking at the basket with great curiosity. "And it is not of this country, but it is still a nice name. Like yours." Again, she stopped in her tracks with surprise in her eyes.
Paige only said, "Thanks." And soon, she was on her way to get Nathaniel out of Hell, Evan followed after her while they still held the basket in their arms. Her mind dwelled on the image of Umeko, a polite lady whom she barely knew. Her features were soft and round, her height short but she looked fit at the same time. And always, she wore a bunny hairpin in her hair, never taking it out unless Umeko fixed the position of her peach colored hair. She was everything Paige wanted to be more.
It didn't take long to find her car, the copper colored car with a dent in the side. The pair stepped towards her car, and unlocked it. Evan didn't seem to understand how she did that and yet, she found it funny.
She got into her car and opened the backseat from behind her, then said to Evan, "Alright, get in. We don't have much time left."
Cautiously, they got in, dumbfounded by her car and its mechanics. They carefully shut the door, a slam had alerted her that they were ready. In a moment, she buckled herself in and Evan copied her, even went as far as to tighten the belt.
"Shall we make haste and fetch your kin?" The slim and tall genderless person asked, their words confusing Paige ever so slightly.
"Yeah, let's go." She took a look in the rear view mirror and saw a couple walking past her car. Now that they had left, she started her car and pulled out of the parking lot, still looking around for campus students. She didn't see anymore. Perfect.
It sat there in the dark upon a sheeted bed, a pillow between its arms. It had stopped crying a while ago when it had arrived at this place. It didn't even know where it was, but it didn't like it. It scooted itself against the wall when it heard the loud banging and scraping against the floor, a metal door against the cold cement floor. A flesh husk dressed in white with rings around her eyes stepped towards the shadow, it cried upon contact. She took her hand off of its shoulder and began to pace back and forth in front of the young mist of darkness. She was trying to formulate a plan, it could see how she delved deep into her thoughts, a vein starting to poke out of her skull. At once, she stopped and called out for other flesh husks to join her. Three more, dressed in blue suits covered with heavy armor and wielding weapons, entered the room. It held onto the pillow tighter, watching and waiting like a poor dog ready to be punished by its owners.
Was this it's fate? To be trapped with the abominations who took it away? It appeared so as the husks with weapons took a hold of the child. Its voice cried out again.
Dr. Simon had entered the containment cell of the dark creature, watching her with its beady white eyes. She took steps towards it and gently brushed her hand against it's shoulder, but it cried out in pain so she drew her hand back.
'How odd.' She thought as she began to ponder. Did it hurt when she touched it? It didn't matter, she needed to relocate the beast within ten minutes before it was incinerated by bullets. The doctor didn't want that to happen to it; she thought of several ideas and they all pointed to the direction of its death. After a few more seconds of pacing, she thought of an idea to not only save its life but also benefit humanity.
"Reaper, Tank and Tommy! Get your asses in here at once." She ordered harshly, watching as they flooded into the room. "Take the child and transfer it to the upper levels, room 22-6B. When you're done, alert Dr. Harley to meet me in its room at exactly 18: 00 hours. Do it quickly now before I lose my temper." The doctor crossed her arms over her chest as she stared through her thick rimmed glasses, the soldiers took the child by the arms pulling it up from the bed with great force. A shrieking cry was let out from the child but the four adults ignored its pleas, its agony induced heartbreak from separating it from its cursed kin. The monsters that tarnished the world and everything in its godly light, had turned everything with its path into bleak and dark realm of misery and nothingness. And now that she had a bit of the darkness within her lab, she would do everything in her power to destroy it from the inside out, molding it into something that would make the rest of humanity proud of her work as head scientist.
She saw the three tear the disgusting creature out of the room, a grim smile on her face as she noticed tears running down its face. How glorious. It would understand the true meaning of why humans are the strongest to walk and control this earth, why they were basked in the light of gods that could eliminate its wretched kin.
Dr. Simon followed after them. Today would be the start of something revolutionary, something beyond science and technology. She only needed to get the higher ups word to perform the implements and changes.
Nathaniel chewed gum to pass the time, on the verge of dozing off in the warm sun. He had waited for forty minutes for his sister to arrive but he remained cool headed. He was tempted to go back and apologize to his parents, the urge tugging on his heart harder and harder. The boy was stronger than this, he believed, so he casted those ideas out of his mind.
He spat the wad of gum out into a nearby trash can, its dull flavor still lingering on his tongue. At least it had tasted good and provided him comfort.
He didn't even notice his sister pull into the small parking lot. The only thing that dragged him out of hus momentarily emptiness was a loud honk that was played twice. He whipped his head to face his sister, who was waving her hand out of her window. Nathaniel had instantly rushed over to her, being mindful of the loose rocks scattered around.
The boy halted when he reached her window. "Hey sis." He greeted her.
"Hey dude. I see that you're doing better now that you have quit?"
He dipped his head. "You have no idea." From the backseat, Evan waved their hand towards Nathaniel and not wanting to be rude, he waved his hand back. "Is that...?" He trailed off and his sister picked up his thought and finished it.
"Yup, this is Evan. Evan bud, this is my brother Nathaniel." She introduced the two to each other. Nathaniel had remembered a key detail about them: the fact that they were Nonbinary.
"Salutations." The Nonbinary and gentle person greeted, their voice calm like the waves upon the ocean and pleasant like falling raindrops in the night with a quiet thunderstorm in the background. It made Nathaniel feel better around them to hear a comforting voice after his interaction with his parents.
"You as well, Evan."
"Ah, you presented me with a kinder reaction than your kin did." Evan explained, making Paige chuckle to herself.
"Really? How?" Nathaniel questioned, his hand on his hip.
"Okay, when I first saw 'em, I swear that I thought I felt my soul leave my body. I didn't expect them to suddenly show up but hey, at least I have company while Maxwell is away at work."
"Oh shit, the dude finally landed a decent job?"
"Yup. Got a position at the the daycare he badly wanted to join."
Nathaniel nodded his head in approval. "He's growing up so quickly, I'm so proud of him."
"I am as well."
[A/N: Name of chapter comes from the song 'Appetite of a People Pleaser' by GHOST/Ghost and Pals.
Not much to say about this chapter tbh. If the chapter makes you uncomfortable then I'm sorry. I hope you do like it and the small sneak peek into Evan's past.
That's all for now. Also, thank you@/theinsaneartist for being cool and liking my story so far, you rock.]
Word count: 1998 words
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thestarseersystem · 1 year
Systems, you can do whatever you want, forever. I don't care anymore. And if I care later, that's someone else who pilots this meat body.
Syscourse is stupid. I may scroll through the tag of my own curiosity and outrage, but getting mad over how another system does or doesn't operate is stupid.
I do the following:
Roleplay and make picrews and do silly videos with my alters and dress up
Romanticize my symptoms as a coping mechanism because that's all I got
Edit my shit and constantly fight in my head, because who's actually right here
Take shit personally. Hey what the fuck you looking at??
Thinking about committing and constantly threatening violence. Because evil alters are poggers actually
Half of the system is hypersexual. Including the littles. I've been hypersexual since I was bodily 5 years old. Whatcha gonna do, give me therapy about it? I need it.
Have a lot of problematic behaviors. So what. Who doesn't. You aint pure, bitch
Using names that I wasn't born with. Because apparently people get mad about that. I'm not elaborating. Y'all just wanna trigger ppl with OCD all day, huh.
Etc etc etc.
I'm unpalatable. DID, OSDD and other dissociative disorders aren't pretty or happy or easy to deal with. It's dark and dirty and grungy and sucky and I become an asshole sometimes.
Stop expecting systems to be perfect or having perfect labels and perfect names or perfect existences. We had to do whatever we could to survive, and that means doing morally questionable shit. That means taking up space. That means stop judging people when they do something you don't like. Because they probably are not in recovery or in therapy or getting the right treatment or wanting to get treatment or needing everything you needed.
Systems have no set way to be. Yes, I'm mainly anti-endo and do think all systems come from trauma, but do you know what I'm not gonna do? Go and harass people about it. I block people, constantly. I constantly question if I should block people on my side of things because of their stupid fucking opinions. I stay in my fucking lane and try to mind my own business.
But sometimes I'm a nosy bitch, sometimes I'm curious about what's going on. Because there's no positive or neutral system content most of the time. But there's always some crazy drama going on. And that's what I assume some of y'all are doing when looking at this post.
So, just take a step back and ask yourself, are you willing to die on this hill and keep shitting on other fucking randos on the internet, for shit you have no right to question, or are you going to log off and touch some fucking grass? Because honestly, I don't care anymore, and you shouldn't either.
Live authentically, even if that means being a little punk ass bitch or mauling a stranger.
I'm done with keeping up appearances and masking in this community. I don't need a crumb of validation or acceptance, I'm just throwing this out there to anyone in the trenches. Don't give a shit for a moment. Eat some grass instead of being online.
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