#i now know how to spot fakes somewhat so i can try to identify them if they use actual photos and not generic ones but still.
torchiiko · 2 years
screming crying throwing up trying to find a legit copy of heartgold that isnt 100+ dpllars
i had a copy a few yeaes ago that unfortunately got chewed up, and i recently found out the replacement i got is fske :( idk if the one i had before was authentic but. trying to get one now is like impossible
people even sell the Ds Cases and Manuals for $100!! empty boxes and pokewalker manuals bro
i called around some local used game stores and the only one that even had a copy was selling it for 150 im so sad. the only ones online that arent Quite as expensive are japanese copies but i actually wanna Play the Game and i cannot read japanese
i Had a Shiny Cyndaquil on the fake and now i have ti get a Real One and shiny hunt it Again bc previously i just took whatever ended up being shiny first but now im committed to my cyndaquil so ill have to go until i get it If i can even get my hands on a legit copy anytime soon
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Hey does nie huisang's mother ever come back? I really liked the part where she doted and bonded with mingjue. I think even though she's not human she'd be even more delighted with him and more or less adopt him all over again after seeing how he cared so fiercely for huisang (also I don't think she'd care that guangyao has given up. Try to touch either of her kids and your a dead man... or maybe just mingjue? Since he's human and a LOT younger than her maybe she just goes around killing the people that have the capacity and wish to kill him)
spontaneous sequel to this morning’s fic (ao3 link here)
Huli jing were pretty rare, as spiritual beasts went, and that was generally considered to be a good thing - when they were bad, they were very very bad - but Nie Mingjue faithfully followed up on every possible lead regardless, putting it out among the other cultivation sects that he had a special interest and would appreciate - with monetary remuneration, even - a heads up should one ever show itself.
Mostly this meant following up on a lot of false leads, including, in one somewhat embarrassing case, an actual fox that had stolen the local farmer’s prize goose.
Still: family was family, and so he kept it up.
He had to stop during the war, naturally, and in the period immediately following it when his health had gotten very bad for a while, although luckily the dragon managed to fix it back up, and he’d been doing very well ever since. Lan Xichen had wondered if it was Clarity and Jin Guangyao had refused to talk to him for a month for some reason, but that wasn’t that important.
He was feeling better now, so he started following up on leads again. Nie Huaisang was coming up on his first quarter-century very soon, and that was supposed to be a big event - his first tail! - and books were all well and good but someone, anyone, with experience was better.
Ironically enough, he found what he was looking for on a scheduled hunt that wasn’t anything anyone had identified as a huli jing, but rather what appeared to be rather a great deal of nu gui appearing all at once near Lanling, enough to make a notorious womanizer like Jin Guangshan start to sweat. They’d all been making the rounds, all the various Great Sects together - even Jiang Cheng had joined in, as well as Lan Wangji, recently emerged from seclusion with a scowl firmly on his face.
“Why do you think they’re aiming at the Jin sect?” Lan Xichen wondered aloud as they walked around the edges of an abandoned village very close to Lanling - one of the trouble spots. “It’d be one thing if it were one of them, but so many...?”
“My theory is that someone is murdering all of Sect Leader Jin’s outside women so that they’ll go after him,” Jiang Cheng said, then glanced at Jin Guangyao. “No offense meant, of course.”
Jin Guangyao waved a hand dismissively. He’d started loosening up in the time since he met the dragon, revealing a bit more of his sharper and nastier side in a way that made Nie Mingjue respect him more than all of his fake softness had, and for some reason that had made Jiang Cheng warm right up to him. All for the good, in Nie Mingjue’s opinion, since they were all but co-raising that nephew of theirs...
“Who would do that, though?” he asked. “It’s as if they bear him a grudge, but it seems like a roundabout way of going about -”
Nie Mingjue stopped moving.
There was a woman standing in the door to one of the village houses. Like a nu gui she was dressed all in red, but her flesh was ruddy and her complexion vibrant; her luxurious hair looped in a widow’s braids but her figure just as gorgeous as it had ever been.
She held out her hands towards Nie Mingjue, smiling. “Oh, cabbage bun, meat pie, my darling! How have you been?”
“...did she just...”
“Right to Chifeng-zun‘s face?”
Nie Mingjue put Baxia away.
“Mingjue-xiong?” Lan Xichen asked, frowning. “You should be careful; we had heard that this village was abandoned of all human life.”
“No one who calls Chifeng-zun a cabbage bun could be human,” Jiang Cheng mumbled under his breath. 
“Second mother?” Nie Mingjue called tentatively as he approached, and ignored how the cultivators around him all abruptly went silent and slack-jawed. “Is that you?”
“Naturally,” she said. “You don’t think I’d miss my baby’s birthday, do you? After you did such a good job taking care of him, too! Oh, my little carp, I’m sorry it took so long. I had to cut one off to escape, you understand, and once you do that you’re really rather stuck until you gather enough power to get back to full strength...would’ve been a touch awkward, wouldn’t you say?”
She certainly talked about as much as Nie Huaisang, Nie Mingjue reflected.
“He’ll be happy to see you,” he said. If this was the wrong huli jing - and he wouldn’t be shocked if it was, what with the way they changed faces - and a trick was being played, it wouldn’t work on Nie Huaisang. “Were you planning on staying long? Just the birthday, or...?”
He wasn’t giving up Nie Huaisang to anyone at all, not even his birth mother.
“I hadn’t quite decided,” she said, nodding in a way that meant that she understood his meaning and didn’t intend to dispute it; he relaxed at the sight of her agreement. “I got a little distracted, actually. Don’t think I didn’t hear about what that nasty man tried to do to you!”
“Nasty man?” Nie Mingjue asked, puzzled. “Do you mean Wen Ruohan? That was ages ago.”
“Not him, my gooey little egg! That nasty Jin sect leader, all sly and underhanded tricks - not that I mind sly and underhanded tricks, of course, least of all murderous ones - but I mean, really. The gall of that man, thinking he could snap up my little morsel before I could!”
“...does she like Chifeng-zun or want to eat him?” Jiang Cheng whispered.
“Unknown,” Lan Wangji murmured back.
“Shhh,” Lan Xichen said. “A-Yao, are you all right? You’ve gone terribly pale...”
“Anyway, chicken wing, I decided to bring back all of his nightmares to haunt him,” she chattered on cheerfully, throwing her head haughtily, the eyes of all the men and women irresistibly followed the graceful lines of her neck and shoulders, though most of them were able to pull their eyes away a moment later. That was her mercy, rather than their strength; she was a strong enough huli jing to entrap a sect leader, and Nie Mingjue’s father had been no slouch, even if he had bad taste in bed partners. “It’s been ever so much fun.”
Nie Mingjue sighed. “Second mother,” he said. “I thought I asked you not to kill people? As a special birthday favor to me?”
“Oh, pork chop, I know! I haven’t forgotten - no killing people around you, I remember, I remember. I haven’t killed anyone...well, in connection with this, anyway. I just had a little chat with some of my underworld friends and brought the ones who’d already died back.”
Nie Mingjue’s eyes shot straight to a - by now - even more pale Jin Guangyao. “Uh,” he said. “By chance, second mother, did you happen to pass by Yunping...?”
“Such a sweet little tanghulu you are! I could pop you right into my mouth and never frown.” He was only a few steps away from her now, and she danced forward to pat him on the cheek. “Don’t worry! I know how much you care for your friends. I made sure not to send A-Shi anywhere those mean old cultivators could get her.”
“A-Yao! Oh, someone help me, I think he’s stopped breathing - come, sit down -”
“You really need to stop bringing back nu gui,” Nie Mingjue decided to say instead of dealing with...that. “They’re not getting past Jinlin Tower’s defenses anyway, and we’re worried about collateral damage.”
His second mother heaved a sigh. “I know, I know,” she said. “I had the same thought as you, meatball, about the defenses. You caught me just as I finished upgrading.”
Nie Mingjue didn’t like the sound of that.
“Of course, it isn’t working out right,” she added, pouting. “You’d think someone who got accused of being a demon so often wouldn’t be so picky about who he’s being asked to murder.”
“I already told you that I’m not a vicious ghost!” a surprisingly familiar voice retorted from inside the house. “I refuse to go around killing people!”
“Oh no - now Jiang Cheng’s fallen down, too! Wangji, could you - Wangji? Wangji!”
Nie Mingjue covered his face with his hand. “You brought back Wei Wuxian.”
“I brought back Wei Wuxian,” his second mother agreed. “I thought it’d be poetic justice - the wronged man come back for revenge. But he’s being persnickety about it, so I have half a mind to just let him go.”
“Good idea,” Nie Mingjue said, deciding to just - let it go. Someone else could deal with it. Possibly Lan Xichen, since it sounded like everyone else had fainted. “Anyway, you’re far too busy to pursue vengeance right now.”
“I am?”
“I know how much you like to throw parties. Don’t you want to help me plan Huaisang’s twenty fifth?”
“Oh!” She clapped her hands. “Absolutely! We can invite positively everyone that tried to get in your way and show off how good a job raising him you did!”
Nie Mingjue thought back over all the creatures he’d ever encountered.
“We’re going to need a bigger venue.”
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markleesthighs · 4 years
Can I request a piece of writing with Badboy!Jaehyun and him changing throughout their relationship because his shy girlfriend has asthma and can’t be around him when he smokes cigarettes?🥺
-ahh i love this concept thanks for sending it in!
You never thought you would end up dating Jaehyun. He was the complete opposite of you, loud, rebellious, and dangerous. You, on the other hand were someone who did well in school, kept yourself quiet, and followed rules accordingly. You met Jaehyun at one of his parties, your friend dragged you to it because she wanted you to get out of the house for once. She clearly dressed you up, putting on your makeup, clothes, and jewelry for you. You looked completely different, you weren’t wearing your soft sweaters and ripped jeans but a tight fitted dress that was riding up your butt. (You kept trying to pull it down) So when you entered the party it would be no shock that everyone drew their attention to you, including Jaehyun.
“Woah! y/n looks hotter then normal!”
“I’d tap that any day.”
“Who knew she had those curves under those sweaters.”
All these comments somewhat ticked off Jaehyun. He liked how you looked before, you looked cute and innocent, he liked that you were and looked different from his lifestyle. He admits that you looked hot, but he didn’t like that you looked like fresh meat for all the other guys drooling over you. When Johnny approached you, he snapped out of his thoughts. You still looked like an awkward mess while trying to talk to Johnny, but when he was about to whisk you away upstairs (probably to make out or something) Jaehyun stepped in and asked Johnny if he could talk to you outside. Johnny smirked and said
“Get it Jae, you sly dog. You are a lucky man.”
Drunkenly laughing Johnny walked off to hit on another girl for the night as you looked up with your innocent e/c (eye color) eyes. You couldn’t tell if he was blushing or if he had too much to drink. He dragged you outside almost like a strict dad pulling their child outside to scold them.
“What is all of this? Who do you think you’re fooling?”
“Relax, Jaehyun, I didn’t want to show up like this, I wanted to come in a hoodie and sweats and curl up in the corner with a book.”
“But why?”
“My friend dressed me up after seeing me in my outfit.”
To prove your point you kept tugging your dress down and attempting to take out your fake lashes. Admittedly, you had a crush on Jaehyun, but you thought you were just like everyone else, everyone has a crush on the bad boy, why would he want to date you? Part of you let your friend dress you up like this because you knew this is what Jaehyun liked, at least up until now when he’s confronting you about it. You sighed as you tried to take off your heels but you stumbled and fell into Jaehyun.
“It’s alright you can hold on to me while you try to take off your heels.”
You thanked him as you held onto his shoulder taking off your heels and then laying down on one of the pool chairs.
“Shouldn’t you be going back to the party? I’m alright now, and I’m probably going to leave soon.” You said struggling to take off your left eyelashes.
“Nah, the party can survive without me, here I’d rather be out here helping you.”
Jaehyun said as he ripped off the lashes like a band-aid, it hurt so much that you began to cry. Jaehyun pouted (but you couldn’t see) as he dried your tears with his thumb, now holding your cheek. He was about to lean in for a kiss before you stopped him.
“Look Jaehyun, thanks for helping me, but I’m not interested in becoming one of yours. I’m sure you can find someone better.”
“I doubt a girl dressed like you would take off their fake eyelashes for me.”
“But, do you only like what you see? Do you only like me because I’m dressed like this?”
“No! I liked you much better in comfortable baggy clothes, curled up reading a book.”
You gave him props for remembering details of your conversation, but that doesn’t change the fact that Jaehyun’s a bad boy.
“C’mon, let’s get out of here.”
Jaehyun dragged you to the garage to his motorcycle. “So cliche” You thought. He gave you a helmet as he invited you to hop on. You had nothing to lose so you put on his helmet and hopped on. You were holding onto Jaehyun’s waist as you awkwardly felt his abs through his shirt, he’s lucky he can’t see you blushing right now. He smelled like how you imagined, cigarettes and musk, with a feint hint of pine. You and Jaehyun arrived at the top of a hill, which had an amazing view of the city. You could see all the gleaming lights without all the cars honking and people yelling. There was a bench and Jaehyun sat and invited you to sit. You sat down and you continued to stare out into the city.
“So, is this your usual hook up spot?”
Jaehyun laughted “No, I’ve never brought anyone up here before.”
“Riiight, lemme guess this is your ‘special’ place.”
“I-I uhh, yeah, I used to come here with my mom when I couldn’t sleep, before my parents got divorced.”
“O-oh I’m so sorry.”
“No, it’s alright.”
You both sat awkwardly as you were rubbing your arms from the cold. Jaehyun threw his jacket over you.
“I meant what I said at the party. You are different, and I like that about you. I’m not joking when I’m saying I want to ask you out.”
HUH!? He wanted to ask you out? why? what’s happening? Before you could answer he held your cheek, he looked even more gorgeous, with the light shining bright against his perfect skin.
“I won’t kiss you if you don’t want to.”
You kissed Jaehyun which made his eyes go wide as he kissed you back, holding both of your cheeks in his hands. You pulled back blushing awaiting his reaction.
“Was that your first kiss?”
You nodded
“I could tell.”
“Hey! I bet you’ve stolen so many first kisses.”
“You’re right but none of them were as good at yours.”
From that moment on you started dating, all your friends were worried that he was dating you for some bet but now you’ve been dating for almost a year now. Jaehyun invited you to eat on the rooftop with him, you’re usual spot for eating together. Jaehyun didn’t bring anything for lunch except for a box of cigarettes, which you had to get used to. He was caring enough to smoke a good distance away from you so it wouldn’t ruin your lunch. You, however has asthma, and always took your inhaler before lunch, knowing Jaehyun smoked often. But you forgot to take it today, so you were coughing more than usual. Jaehyun noticed this and immediately put out his cigarette to see what was wrong.
“Babe, was the smoke too much? I’m sorry, I-“
“It’s ok Jae, it’s just my asthma.”
“What’s asthma?”
“My airway is just more constricted than normal, meaning I have a hard time breathing at times.”
“Babe, why didn’t you tell me?”
“You seemed to enjoy your smoke breaks, so I just take my inhaler, which helps open up my airway before I come up here. But I forgot it today.”
Jaehyun felt bad, and you could tell, so you kissed his cheek in reassurance that it was ok. But as the week went by, you notice he gradually stopped smoking, taking only one cigarette break per day. The following week he stopped carrying cigarettes all together but instead had dum dum lollipops in his mouth. He would suck on the lollipop to relive his stress. Since he didn’t smoke, he found himself sharing lunch with you, stealing the last chip or eating the last gummy bear. You found it endearing that he would change a bad habit of his because of you.
“Jae, where are your cigarettes?”
“Well, I want you to be healthy and be able to breath and take your break when you have lunch with me, so I wanted to quit. For you.”
“But- I don’t want you to change because of me, that’s not fair if I don’t change for you. Like the night you met me, you didn’t want me to change, but what if you like-“
“Babe, I’m changing for the good of your health, it won’t change who I am and why I love you.”
Your eyes softened at his words and you kissed him tasting the blue raspberry lollipop he was eating earlier.
“Blue raspberry?”
He giggled at you identifying his lollipop choice for the day.
“Never change y/n, never change.”
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0606-hyuck · 3 years
a letter to my lover | mark lee
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♡  dear y/n, i’m writing you this letter in the hopes that it gets to you well. our relationship has been tumultuous, that’s for sure, and i thought it was high time i wrote you a letter detailing all the times you said "i love you" that are important to me. 
genre: mark x reader, fluff, supernatural!mark, changeling!mark
warnings: some violence and some profanity
word count: 3.5K
tagging: the lovely @roses-of-the-moon ♡ @mora134340 @ncteology + @nct-writers
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To Y/N,
The first time you said “I love you,” you weren’t saying it to me.
When we met, I was working in a cafe as a barista. Trust me, I know how strange it was that I, a supernatural, all-powerful being, had a mundane day job. Hey, a man has to make his living somehow, even if he really isn’t as much of a ‘man’ as he appears. The cafe I worked at was a relatively unknown coffee house, tucked between a row of unassuming hand-made shops down a sleepy side alleyway. We saw enough customers that the cafe precariously stayed out of the reaches of liquidation, but a small enough number that I could easily recognise the faces of all our regular customers.
You piqued my interest because not only were you an unfamiliar sight in the quiet cafe, the first time you entered you almost jerked the hinges of the front door off as you rushed through the threshold. I was worried that you’d possibly been attacked or followed by a scumbag - lord knows there’s a lot of them in this town - but my mind was put somewhat at ease when you walked up to the counter and ordered a drink as if nothing had happened. It was the middle of winter, nearing -10℃, and you’d wrapped yourself up in a long black puffer coat and what looked like two scarves due to the blizzard currently blowing outside. I figured you were just in desperate need for a hot drink to warm your insides.
Although, you stunk. All humans have a certain scent that allows supernaturals to identify them, and yours was billowing off of you in massive waves. It wasn’t necessarily unpleasant, as I was used to being around humans all the time due to my job, it was just so much more overwhelming than I was used to. I guess it was my first indicator that there was something special about you.
I remember the way you leaned across the counter, close enough to my ear to murmur, “I would like a medium hot chocolate please - have here. When you call out my order, do you think you could pretend I ordered something else?” You then tilted back, fixed me a wide smile, and pulled out your card to pay for your drink. As I rang up your order on the till, I asked you, “what’s wrong with ordering a hot chocolate?” 
You shot me an incredulous look and replied, “do you know how embarrassing it is being that one adult that still orders hot chocolate? I love it so much but don’t particularly fancy being bullied for my drink of choice.” That was a fair point, I figured, and so I started to make your drink. Glancing around the cafe and seeing only a select few of other customers, I didn’t really feel the need to call your drink by any other name but I did so anyway because something told me you’d be upset if I didn’t.
“One medium cappuccino?” I called, and you walked up and took your hot chocolate happily. “Ugh, I love you,” you grinned. “For some reason baristas always forget to say it’s another drink, but not you!” I was somewhat surprised that you decided to take a seat at one of the nearby tables and, seeing as there were no other orders for me to make, I brought it up with you. I mentioned that you seemed like you were in a rush, what with the way you nearly broke the cafe door on your way in, and you started to tell me a story about how you were new to the neighbourhood and you’d ordered some furniture online but the delivery guys had left it in the lobby of your building so you’d spent most of the morning hauling pieces of furniture up to your apartment. You’d stopped for a warm drink but hadn’t realised just how cold it was outside, which is why you ran into the cafe panting like a dog. We chatted about the neighbourhood and I gave you suggestions on places and shops you should visit, and before we knew it you’d finished your hot chocolate.
You thanked me for the chat and introduced yourself as Y/N. I thought you were sweet, and so I told you my name was Mark, which it is. Obviously. I didn’t tell you that the dark skinned, tall, accented man in front of you was not my true appearance, but it didn’t really feel like a good idea to tell a complete stranger that I was supernatural - a changeling. In fact, it didn’t seem to matter because you ended up visiting the cafe a few days later anyway, as if you weren’t being real-life catfished.
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The second time you said, “I love you”, you were begging me to stay.
After your first visit to the cafe I worked at, Y/N, you became my favourite regular. You always came in and asked for the same thing - a medium sized hot chocolate, with extra marshmallows. We naturally fell into this routine where, as soon as you walked in the door, I would start making your drink while you fumbled for your credit card. You would pay, grab a spare seat, and I’d put the finishing touches onto your drink, making sure to add a smiley face in chocolate drizzle. 
I’d call out your order as something other than what it was, and as we got to know each other the ‘fake drink’ became more and more bizarre. An iced coffee, when there was clearly steam swirling from the cup. A pumpkin spice latte, said in the most basic American accent I could manage in order to embarrass you. If I was feeling daring enough, sometimes your fake drink would be ‘goblin piss’, ‘rat breast milk’, or any other disgusting and clearly fake drink I could come up with. It became the highlight of my day seeing how embarrassed I could make you, because you were super cute when you were pissed off.
For some reason, you decided to stick around for the teasing, much to my relief. You always made my day brighter when you came in to tell me a funny story about your coworkers or the absolutely crazy thing your blind and incredibly sassy 70 year old neighbour said to you. You liked to pretend talking to me was such an effort, but you always made sure you grabbed the seat closest to the counter so you could chat with me while I finished off other customers’ orders.
One thing I noticed, even this early on, was how natural it felt to be with you, Y/N. We got on so well, and the usual anxiety I experienced when having conversations with strangers or acquaintances disappeared. There was never any feeling of “oh god, what embarrassing thing am I going to say next?” and if I did say something weird, you didn’t seem to mind.
Thus, it felt natural to me to ask for your number. It felt natural for us to hang out at your place, or for me to help you put together the last pieces of furniture for your apartment. It felt natural to go for dinner with you, to watch movies together, to go on strolls in the evenings. After a few months, it felt natural to hold your hand as we perused the shops, to kiss your cheek after walking you home, to hold you close when the nights were slightly too cold for our liking. We never put a label on our relationship, but we both knew we really liked each other.
So why couldn’t I tell you what I really was?
I wish I’d been honest with you from the very beginning, Y/N. It would have saved us so much hurt and heartbreak. I don’t know why I didn’t tell you I was a changeling, really. I was young, so maybe I thought you wouldn’t want to be with me when you realised my whole appearance was a lie. I tried to tell myself, “so what if I can change my appearance? Y/N isn’t that shallow that they’d stop liking me if I showed my true self,” but I knew the issue ran much deeper than just my appearance. I’d been lying to you about myself - my goddamn species - for months now that I would totally understand the betrayal you would feel if I told you the truth.
The day you found out I was a changeling was not when, or how, I planned to tell you. The underground club was seedy, my friends were seedy, the other patrons were seedy - it was the kind of place where supernaturals and humans with no morals tended to spend their time and money. There was no point trying to hide my appearance behind a facade that night, as keeping up a fake appearance in a darkened club would unnecessarily waste my energy. So for the first time in a long time I’d dropped my favoured appearance for my true identity - Mark Lee, young 20-something with tan skin, shaggy brown hair, and a cheeky smile. My friends had dragged me here, and I was begrudgingly trying my hardest to enjoy my time when I spotted you.
You were working late that night, which is why we weren’t hanging out together, but from the way your friends all crowded together it was easy to guess they’d convinced you to come along to the club for some fun after work. The problem was, this wasn’t a good club. This was the kind of club where disguised demons, vampires, incubi, and other supernaturals came to take advantage of unknowing mortals. Steal their wallets, feed off of them, sell their soul to the devil - that kind of thing. It was incredibly unsafe for you and your friends to be there, which is why I marched right over to you and told you so.
Only, I forgot I wasn’t disguised. While I was calling you your usual pet names and trying to convince you to come home and watch a movie with me, you had no idea who I was. You stared at me with wide eyes as I clutched your shoulders and pulled you close as I tried to tell you how unsafe it was here. You still showed no signs of recognition, so I assumed you’d already had too much to drink and were just inebriated to the point where you didn’t even recognise your own boyfriend. I said how my name was Mark and I worked at a cafe, and you always came in and ordered a hot chocolate but asked me to call it out as something else. It was only when you started calling me a “weird fucking stalker” that I realised my mistake.
I managed to pull you to a corner of the club and changed my appearance in front of you. I went from my true self - the real Mark - to the dark, green eyed, accented Mark you knew as your boyfriend. You watched in awe as my skin stretched, my nose shifted, and my face and body changed in this little corner of the club. I asked you to follow me and didn’t give you a chance to reply as I tugged you out of the club, narrowly missing a wild fist swung in my face followed by a shout of “dirty little changeling!” 
You were clearly confused and slightly freaked out, but we made it to your apartment where I finally explained the truth. How I was a supernatural, how I was a changeling, and how I’d essentially been catfishing you this whole time. Y/N, it was so devastating to watch the way the betrayal spread across your face - how your eyebrows crinkled downwards, your lips curved into a confused frown, and your eyes started to tear up.
We sat in silence for a few moments too long, and then you asked what that meant for us.
I told you that I loved you. But we couldn’t be together anymore. I couldn’t live with myself if I introduced you to this dangerous supernatural world and something happened to you. I loved you so much that I couldn’t put you in a situation where you could be hurt. You started crying and Y/N, oh god, it was the worst. I wanted to hug you and reassure you that everything would be fine, but how could I do that when I was breaking up with you? I still remember the way your voice cracked when you said “but I love you Mark, please don’t leave me.”
It was so tempting to stay with you, but I knew I couldn’t. You were a human and I was supernatural - as your boyfriend, it would be my responsibility to keep you safe, and how could I do that when I was so entangled with supernatural life? The fist swung my way as we were leaving the club was the perfect example. People hated me purely for my species, and I couldn’t, in good conscience, expose you to that kind of violence and hate.
So, we broke up.
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The third time you said, “I love you”, it wasn’t you saying it to me.
A few months after we broke up, Y/N, the cafe I worked at closed down. I don’t even know all the details, but apparently the owner lost all their money on making poor bets and the cafe had to be sold off. Either way, I found myself working as a barista at a new coffee shop on the other side of town. Working at the old cafe hadn’t been the same since you stopped coming in, as seeing you was the highlight of my day, so I wasn’t that bothered about finding a new job. The new cafe was located in a more affluent part of town, where there were more humans than supernaturals, and I felt comfortable enough to be myself - the real Mark - and not hide behind a fake appearance. 
Besides, I’d ditched my other appearance shortly after we broke up. Everytime I looked in the mirror, I was reminded of how much you loved my rich green eyes, how you would fall into a giggle fit when I smiled in your direction, every time without fail, and the way you caressed my skin when no one was around.
Even though we weren’t together anymore, Y/N, and we hadn’t seen each other since that night, I still thought about you all the time. I couldn’t help but remember you when there was a heavy snowstorm, or when I saw someone wrapped in copious amounts of winter clothes. Whenever I saw couples strolling through the streets in the evenings, or when a young child ordered a hot chocolate with extra marshmallows, you were always in the back of my mind.
I tried dating other people, too. About a year after our breakup my friends convinced me to sign up for a dating app. I met up with humans, vampires, fae, werewolves, other changelings - literally any creature you could possibly think of - but it just didn’t feel right. It didn’t feel natural. Conversations felt forced, silences were extremely awkward, and no one understood my jokes the way you did. I tried my best to forget about you, I really did, but in the two years we were apart the lack of your presence haunted me like a ghost. It’s funny now that I look back on this time, because just when I thought my life would never get better again, you reappeared.
It was a Thursday, and I was nearing the end of my shift. The weather was nice for this time of the year, and I’d mentally made plans to take a walk down by the river and enjoy the sun while it lasted. I was giving the coffee machine a good clean when the bell over the door chimed, letting me know I now had another customer. The person who walked in was unfamiliar to me, meaning they weren’t a regular customer, and they sauntered over to the counter with an air of confidence I hadn’t seen in a long time. 
They leaned towards me to give me their order, and I remember getting a whiff of them - they were supernatural, and if I had to guess they were a changeling like me. They smelled familiar, vaguely like you, actually, but I knew that wasn’t possible. You were a human, after all, and a stinky one at that. Maybe this person had passed you on the street and your strong scent had clung to them? They cleared their throat and asked, “could I please have a medium hot chocolate with extra marshmallows? Also, if possible, could you please call out another drink, as if I had ordered that instead? I’ll love you forever if you do.”
I stood as still as (un)humanly possible as I processed your words. Firstly, there were no other customers in the cafe, why would I have to pretend the hot chocolate was anything but? And secondly, those words were almost an exact copy of what you said to me the first time we met, at my previous job. “Well, what are you waiting for?” the customer questioned, shooting me an unmistakably familiar grin. And then it all clicked into place.
God, the shock I felt when I realised the person in front of me was you, Y/N! I almost launched myself over the counter to hug you but was stopped when I remembered I’m not athletic enough to do that. You simply winked back at me and transformed into your true appearance right in front of my face - two seconds ago you were a stranger and now you were the love of my life, standing a few feet away. I ran to the door to flip over the open/closed sign and then gave you the biggest hug ever before I proceeded to make your hot chocolate the way I remembered you liked it and chat with you like the old times.
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The last time you said “I love you” was exactly twelve minutes and thirty seven seconds ago.
When you explained to me how you’d hunted down a centuries-old witch and convinced her to change you into a changeling, I was utterly speechless. I didn’t even know that was possible! You said you’d done it to prove to both myself and you that you were strong enough to protect yourself from the supernatural, and what better way to do that than becoming a supernatural yourself? (your words, not mine). There was so much we needed to catch up on, and hanging out together again felt just as natural as it did the first time.
The way you invited me back to your apartment so we could chat well into the early hours of the morning felt so natural. When I told you that I’d never stopped loving you, despite not seeing you for two years, and you kissed me as if nothing else in the world mattered felt so goddamn natural. There was no protest from either side when we both decided to move into our own home together, only hilarious disagreements over the colour of our backsplash in the kitchen.
I decided to write this letter not to tell you how much I love you (because I tell you that about ten times a day anyway), but because I think our love story is a very interesting one, and it’s a rollercoaster of a ride to look back on. Actually, while I was writing this, you tried to come into the study but I have the door locked so you couldn’t. I don’t want you to know what I’m writing until it’s completely finished, and I can watch the emotions on your face as you read through my words. 
I think you were screaming about seeing a bug? A centipede? I jokingly replied and said I was too busy, although I was planning to come out and help you in a second, and you stomped off and returned a minute later saying, “I love you Mark, but you’re no longer needed because it turns out I can actually get rid of bugs by myself.”
I know you were being sarcastic, but it’s comments like that that make me smile and so thankful for the person that I’ve ended up with. It’s funny, when you walked through the door of the coffee shop for the first time two years ago, neither of us would have guessed this is what life would have in store for us. I can’t imagine what I’d be doing right now if you hadn’t burst into my life like a madman wrapped in multiple scarves that one winter day.
Here’s to the rest of our lives, my beautiful, supernatural, slightly crazy love.
Yours truly,
Mark :))
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© 0606-hyuck 2021. All Rights Reserved.
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mnemosyne-musing · 3 years
i have no fear, i have only love (11/river)
Here on ao3
This is a young River fic from Berlin through Luna to Lake Silencio.
Find River Song. And tell her something from me…
 That’s all very well, but just who exactly is River Song and how the hell does she find her? It’s a question that’s been haunting her since Berlin. She certainly wasn’t Mels anymore. But was she River yet? And how would she know? And then the second part of that sentence? Well, that was even more mystifying and more than a little bit terrifying, if truth be told. Would anyone really love a psychopath like her? And would she really love him back? Maybe it wasn’t really true? She wouldn’t blame him if it wasn’t, after all, he was dying at the time and now she’s free. The rest of her lives in exchange for her freedom in this one. It’s a bargain she’d make again in a heartbeat.
 She resolves to try and not dwell on it for now. After all, she’s got a whole universe to explore now.
 Tell me. Why do you want to study archaeology, Ms Song?
 She eventually ends up at Luna University. She’d never been particularly fussed about the idea of going to university before but now it seems to appeal. She settles on archaeology. It seems varied and interesting but not so intensive that she can’t indulge in a few extra-curricular activities. Plus, all those months freelancing for that high-end intergalactic antique smuggling gang seemed to have really paid dividends now. She finds she can identify a priceless vase or spot a fake much easier than her classmates.
 To be perfectly honest Professor, I’m looking for a good man.
 There’s also him. It’s been several years since Berlin now. Years since she woke up in an empty hospital room with just the fading memories of a kiss that kickstarted his hearts, of a tantalising glimpse of the mysterious River Song and the life she might lead. She’s swaggered, blagged and conned her way around several corners of the universe. She’s revelled in the freedom and grasped the opportunity with both hands. She hadn’t realised quite how stifling linear life on Earth had been to her until she was offered the chance to break free.
 At first, she deliberately tries to avoid him. At any mention of him she disappears or finds an excuse to go elsewhere. She wants the chance to discover for herself just exactly who River Song might be. But now she’s here - studying ancient things, half-formed myths and living legends. It’s the perfect place to learn about a shadowy Time Lord.
 She can’t deny that she’s still incredibly curious about him. The tantalising rumours, myths and legends that have formed most of what she knows about him seem to only be half the picture. Sometimes it seems the more she reads, the more she gathers from dusty books, the further away from her he gets. Then she remembers a dying man begging her to save his friends and then herself with his final breaths.
Still, he doesn’t appear in person. A couple of times however she thinks she sees him. She’ll catch a flash of tweed or a glimpse of a bowtie in a crowd but when she looks properly, he’s not there. The years pass. She completes her undergraduate degree a year early – it would have been quicker but she spends a large part of her second year competing in, and winning, an intergalactic poker tournament.
 She discovers she actually loves archaeology. What had begun as a slightly whimsical choice accompanied by a glib comment to her professor has turned into genuine interest.
 She tells herself she won’t waste her years here pining for him. She won’t drive herself mad with self-pity and longing. She’ll learn what she can. She’ll discover everything there is to know about this man she gave up her lives for. And if that’s the end of their story, if she never sees him again, then so be it.
 And it works. Most of the time. She’s happy and satisfied in a way she never was, never could be, as Mels. She’s doing something entirely for herself, for once, and it is wonderful. She thrives.
 He still doesn’t appear. On dark days she tells herself that time can be rewritten. That those words he whispered to her as he lay dying have somehow become undone. That they won’t happen.
 Or, worse, it was simply Rule One.
 As luck would have it, when he eventually shows up, she’s having a terrible day. The archaeology department have rejected one of her research proposals and a blip in the biosphere security systems has led to a constant stream of noxious fumes into most of the university buildings.
 She’s decided to cheer herself up by going out for the evening with one of the professors from the art history department. He’s young and a bit dashing for a professor, intelligent and just the right side of arrogant to be charming. He’s also been asking her out for weeks now and tonight she just couldn’t think of a good enough excuse not to say yes. She’s not looking for anything serious right now but a good-looking distraction is never a bad thing.
 She’s applying the final touch to her lipstick when there’s an ostentatious, almost-ceremonial knocking on her door. She rolls her eyes slightly, grabs her bag and does a final check in the mirror before she opens the door.
 She’s just about to say something witty and mildly salacious about his grand entrance when she stops dead. Standing in her doorway is not the handsome art history professor but the Doctor. The mysterious, legendary, enigmatic last of the Time Lords who left her years ago in a hospital on the other side of the universe is standing on her doorstep beaming at her and wearing what looks like a… a poncho?
 “River!” he exclaims as she stares at him in disbelief, “What?” He frowns as she continues to gape at him, “Have I got something on my face?” He swipes his hand hastily across his cheek, “I’ve just been for cream tea with Virginia Woolf. Always a messy meal.”
 “No- I-“ she finds her voice eventually as he continues to frown at her, “I- what are you doing here?”
 “I’m picking you up!”
 “Why?” she demands, now glaring at him with her hands on her hips
 “Why?!” he repeats, frowning in bemusement at she keeps staring at him, “I told you last time! We’re going to see that meteor display near Sirius IV! The one with all the… ohh have I got the timing off?” his face falls as he anxiously checks his watch.
 “I-, I-  no I can’t go to Sirius IV,” she stutters, watching as his face falls further in disappointment, “I have a date.”
 “A date? Oh, am I crossing wires with myself again!?” his face lights up again at the thought.
 River stares at him for a long moment before she steps forward slightly into his personal space and raises a finger to point at him. “Eight years Doctor,” she manages to grind out from between gritted teeth. She punctuates each of her words with a slight jab into his chest that makes him rock back on his heels. “It’s been. Eight. Long. Years.”
 “Eight years?” he looks at her in confusion, “What do you mean? I thought I just saw you- oh- oh-” he trails off as comprehension dawns, “You haven’t seen me since- since Berlin?” he checks nervously as River shakes her head, “Ah. Well, that explains the-  the- ” he trails off again, gesticulating nervously as River glares at him, “Never mind! Hang on- if you haven’t seen me since Berlin, then who are you going on a date with?!”
 Before she is able to reply however, the subject of their conversation suddenly appears from the nearby stairwell.
 “Him?! The Doctor exclaims in outrage as River manages a somewhat flustered smile at the arriving professor, “You can’t be going on a date with him!”
 “And why not?” River visibly bristles as she glares back at him.
 “Because he- oh- wait that’s probably- Ha- spoilers!” the Doctor’s scoffing suddenly turns to glee as he rocks back on his heels and bites his bottom lip in amusement.
 “I’m sorry, have I missed something?” Handsome Art History Professor looks between River and the Doctor in confusion.
 “No, nothing,” River pulls her door shut and steps determinedly past the Doctor, taking the professor’s arm and flashes him a brilliant smile as she takes his arm and pulls him towards the stairway, leaving the Doctor still standing on her doorstep. “We’re leaving.”
 As he turns round to watch her retreating form, he shakes his head fondly before he shoves his hands in his pockets and heads back to the TARDIS.
 She dates Handsome Professor for two months and then realises he’s been stealing some of her ideas and passing off them as his own in his lectures and papers. She gets him all hot and bothered in his office one day, leaves him naked and handcuffed to his desk and then reports him to the faculty for plagiarism. He leaves Luna soon after that.
 Keep reading on ao3
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the-writing-mill · 4 years
assassin au with the "making a deal to save the other" and jangobi?
Okay, this one’s actually even a bit longer than the other one, so it’s going under a read more lol
Jango is a merc/bounty hunter/assassin guy, Obi-Wan is an information broker with an editing cover job and a “rental property” to embezzle money
These two have never met, and have no idea about each other’s identities beyond knowing their underground reputations, until Jango is hired to assassinate Obi-Wan’s little brother, Anakin
Obi-Wan is visiting Anakin for the weekend on the day of the planned assassination, and notices things are a little off, setting off all of his learned criminal world/underground alarms
(Anakin, btw, is a part time mechanic, part time engineering student. Obi-Wan has very carefully kept the boy out of his world since becoming Anakin’s official guardian after their adoptive father, Qui-Gon Jinn, died in an accident)
Obi-Wan gets paranoid enough after spending an evening with Anakin that he fakes a pillow body in the guest room and sets himself up in the living room to guard
This is somewhat fortunate for him when an apparent burglar (who moves much too professionally and dangerously) breaks in through a window near silently
Jango barely has half a second of realizing something’s up before being side tackled
The fight is pretty intense, if odd for being so quiet, since they both coincidentally don’t want Anakin to wake up (at some point Obi-Wan manages to get Jango’s ski mask off)
In the end, Obi-Wan ends up pinned under Jango, hands restrained above his head, knife against his throat, straddled
Jango grumbles sardonically about how Obi-Wan couldn’t make Jango’s job easier and just sleep through the night and call the police in the morning, tipping Obi-Wan off to the man being there for Anakin instead of him
Obi-Wan is, of course, a self-sacrificing idiot and gets Jango’s attention by wondering out loud about what a small-time mechanic going through school could have done to get a high-level assassin sent after him
(Jango’s plan, as Obi-Wan has figured out, was to stage a break in/burglary and wake Anakin up and kill him in the resulting “fight” to make it look like the burglar had killed Anakin in the heat of the moment)
With the man under him clearly having figured out too much, Jango decides he’ll have to kill him too, but first thinks it’s worth learning what gave him away
There’s a bit of back and forth until Obi-Wan is able to piece together who exactly Jango is (should his assassin name be Mythosaur? I think that would be fun and the “myth” bit can refer to his work being so subtle and Jango being such an unknown outside of his assassin rep)
Now, someone figuring out exactly who Jango is an even bigger no-no, so Jango goes right for the kill
Jango doesn’t manage to kill Obi-Wan before Obi-Wan offers a deal (didn’t think I’d take “making a deal to save the other” this way, did you?)
Jango’s pressing a blade into Obi-Wan’s neck enough to draw blood but finds himself intrigued enough to let the man talk for another few seconds (Obi-Wan really is quite the negotiator)
Obi-Wan offers free information for life, basically, and to be support for a set number of missions a year. In exchange, Jango won’t kill Anakin and will let Obi-Wan find Jango’s client and kill the client to nullify the contract (and prevent Jango’s rep from being tarnished)
It’s an utterly absurd proposal but also clearly made with knowledge of the underground, so Jango of course asks who Obi-Wan thinks he is to make that kind of offer
Jango finds himself reluctantly impressed by Obi-Wan’s identity (I have no idea what his underworld identity is, but I don’t it to be “The Negotiator”) and finds himself considering the deal, which Obi-Wan catches onto and he manages to convince Jango
(Part of the final deal includes the fact that Jango technically has two more months per his contract to carry out the hit. If Obi-Wan can’t find the client by then, Jango will kill Anakin anyways. Obi-Wan is desperately confident that he can do it, despite Jango having basically zero info beyond the contract and a clearly shell company in Hong Kong to wire the money to)
Jango gets Obi-Wan to give him a glut of information over the next few weeks, to the point of them spending a few hours in a private booth/room in a very private club so Obi-Wan can safely give it all to him. Obi-Wan is both desperate to meet expectations and tries his best; and is also very annoyed at getting pulled away from hunting down who’s trying to kill Anakin and therefore sasses Jango quite a bit.
Obi-Wan is really having trouble figuring out who wants to kill Anakin, finally giving in and starting from the other end, Anakin himself. Why would someone want to kill Anakin? Specifically why would the sort of person who can find and hire Jango want to kill Anakin? This is in some ways even harder to figure out, but Obi-Wan has many more leads and information to access
After a few weeks of this dynamic, the first change is when Jango and Obi-Wan end up complaining about a mutual acquaintance during an info drop off, which leads to more mutual bitching
Then Jango drags Obi-Wan across the country (we’re just going to assume we were in like… NYC or Chicago before) to assist him in another assassination in LA
Obi-Wan is somewhat tempted to get Jango caught, since that would be an easy way to save Anakin, but decides against it for multiple reasons (including a few that he will not yet acknowledge, including developing fondness for Jango and, even worse, the first few seeds of trust)
So instead of going to prison, Jango returns from a smooth assassination to an already half-drunk Obi-Wan, shirt very scandalously unbuttoned halfway down
The have a nice night of just drinking and relaxing and then wake up the next morning curled around each other in bed (they didn’t have sex, as the lack of certain types of soreness and their clean, still on, pants from the night before prove. But they still have the knowledge and a few sensations of sleeping together with their guards down)
When they get back, things are a little awkward, but it’s fine, they’re professionals, so they’ll keep meeting to keep up their deal. Obi-Wan keeps giving Jango any info he wants, and they keep accidentally falling back into their habits of doing things like complaining about mutual acquaintances who annoy them
Obi-Wan is also making some headway with investigating who wants to kill Anakin, finding many questionable decisions on Anakin’s part, especially regarding friends/social circle, but not anyone who would be able to hire Jango that would dislike Anakin
With about a week and a half left, and leads running out, Obi-Wan starts to freak out a little, which Jango notices, which in turn makes Jango realize that he doesn’t like Obi-Wan being stressed out and afraid and tense and looking at Jango like he’s a cat about to pounce on a wounded canary
But Jango also puts work before all else so when he has another job (coincidentally in the same city), Jango drags Obi-Wan with him, unfortunately making the mistake to literally bring Obi-Wan with him
When Jango starts cursing about the job going to hell part way through a shoot-out, Obi-Wan casually comments that it’s not even that bad, prompting a sass battle between the two of them while they’re still fighting their actual opponents where Jango realizes that Obi-Wan, as brilliant as he is, has the worst on-the-ground luck ever
In the end, they win, with a very damaged, limping vehicle that they, for handwavey reasons, need to get to some spot that the car won’t make it to as is. Thus, they have to go slide into the mechanic shop Anakin’s working the graveyard shift for
Obi-Wan really does hate, in many ways, finally having his two worlds collide, bringing Jango and the shot-out car directly to Anakin, and is almost distracted from how bad he feels about it when Jango tries to comfort him
Jango is, thankfully, a very good actor, and Anakin is a bit oblivious. He very easily starts clumsily probing Jango about what Obi-Wan and Jango quickly figure out Anakin thinks is a romantic relationship between them (and, to be fair, Obi-Wan has been acting strange, and spending much more time “with a friend” in the past two months or so)
At some point, Obi-Wan gets so uncomfortable with the idea that he and Jango are in a romantic relationship that he makes what is, to him and Jango, a mistake, and draws attention to the bullet holes again
Jango vaguely looks like he wants to kill Obi-Wan while Anakin casually explains it’s not that big of a deal, although he might have to find a better patch if this sort of thing keeps happening
This stops any murder plans Jango was making, and any counter plans Obi-Wan was making in favor of carefully probing Anakin to figure out when else he had fixed a bullet ridden car
Anakin reveals pretty easily that his engineering school’s dean, Sidney Palpatine (Sidney=Sid-=Sidious lol) had dropped in about two and a half months ago with a car in similar condition. As well as a few other people that Anakin describes well enough for Jango and Obi-Wan to identify as members of a local crime organization and a private army (like Blackwater/Academi), as well as mention a weird package in the trunk
This is clearly the who and why for Jango getting hired to assassinate Anakin, but they both play it cool until Anakin’s done and they can go on their way to drop off the vehicle
Cue Obi-Wan having a panic attack, which freaks Jango out quite a bit, since he’s so used to Obi-Wan being very calm and controlled and not showing vulnerability. Obi-Wan even gets outwardly angry
Cue Jango’s “oh. Oh.” moment
Jango basically drags a near catatonic Obi-Wan back to the apartment he’s been staying in and drugs him to sleep (in Jango’s mind, if Obi-Wan was too out of it to notice a drugged drink, then he clearly had no more business staying awake)
By the time Obi-Wan wakes up and starts panicking, less than yesterday (thanks to a good night’s sleep), Jango has some basic information on the legal and illegal lives of Palpatine, and a few half-formed assassination plans
Jango also has toast. Which he makes Obi-Wan eat. Obi-Wan grumps about not having been forced to eat breakfast since he was a teen. Cue a small sassy back and forth that further calms Obi-Wan down
Jango offers to kill Palpatine for free, which startles Obi-Wan because that is not how the criminal underworld works. Jango half-heartedly puts forth some logic about how Obi-Wan succeeding with their deal means that Jango gets to keep the best information broker on his side. Obi-Wan can tell that that isn’t all, and recognizes that Jango is probably being kind, but won’t outright admit it
They eventually decide on a plan where Anakin will bring Obi-Wan with him to go visit dean Palpatine who he’s friends with, and that Obi-Wan will bring some poisoned tea in a travel to mug to share. Anakin will refuse the tea, being Anakin, and Obi-Wan and Palpatine will both drink the poison. Obi-Wan will have the antidote (either disguised as something innocuous or to be taken during a bathroom break) and cure himself before there are any symptoms, leaving Palpatine to die of what will look like a natural heart attack
The plan goes awry, due to Kenobi luck, when Anakin accidentally has them barge in while Palpatine is meeting with another criminal. Cue a fight in the office, a secret passage, and more criminals to fight while Jango scrambles to get to the new location to help
Obi-Wan manages to actually word his way into delaying their defeats and deaths until Jango gets there. Jango manages to take out about half of the enemies before he gets defeated/captured as well
At this point Obi-Wan tries to make a deal again, to save Anakin and Jango. It seems to work/Palpatine seems interested, only for him to pull the rug out and basically say he’ll be either killing all three or making them wish they were dead, including some conjecture about Obi-Wan’s looks (aka sexual slavery)
Cue Jango getting incensed enough to break free again and start fighting again. He gets to Obi-Wan, frees him, and thus ensues a battle couple take down from the cheesiest of action flicks
In the end, Palpatine is the last one standing. Before either of them (or Anakin, who is beginning to get over his shock) can kill Palpatine, he runs away. Jango, Obi-Wan, and a confused Anakin give chase, stopping at the end of an alley as they realize that Palpatine has been hit by a bus
Jango and Obi-Wan drag Anakin through a convoluted path back to Obi-Wan’s apartment and confirm that, yes, Palpatine died. Jango and Obi-Wan quickly confirm that there’s nothing linking them to the crime scene (Palpatine had told his secretary that Anakin and Obi-Wan had left out the back when he realized he was going to have to kill them, giving them an alibi)
Obi-Wan and Jango tell Anakin a mostly true story and prod Anakin to decide to go back to [insert some place here] and live with some half-distant bio relatives (the Lars family), maybe finish his degree online
Cut to a few months later, Obi-Wan is reading an update text from Anakin before Jango comes into the room. Obi-Wan gives him a good luck kiss before sending Jango out to his job, reminding him that “I’ve always got your back”, Jango responds in kind, Obi-Wan accepts this/informs Jango that he knows before letting Jango drag him into another kiss
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phantomphangphucker · 4 years
Ectober Day 31: Free Day - Something Like A Bird Chap.4: The Feathered And The Fanged
Danny says ‘not today Satan’ as a wild Vlad appears to bear witness to Danny’s winged ass.
To say Danny had been a bit tired after his parents giving him a full check over would be an understatement. They literally wanted to see every single little way his wings could move and how each and every muscle reacted to said movement. If he had any reflexes; which hint, he totally did. Hitting the bends of his wings in the right spots would cause them to kick out just like a knee. And he had a spot on his back that would make his feathers fluff out. After all that he just didn’t want his wings messed with anymore, oh and to sleep, thank you very much. Which his folks were perfectly content to let him do on the couch. Which promptly led to the personal discovery that wings were freaking awesome blankets.
Which all also led to this wonderful situation of walking up to one Vlad Masters looking down on him with a quirked eyebrow. Danny elects to not even dignify the man with a response instead he sits up, yawns exaggeratedly, stretches out his arms, and angles himself in just the right way to punt Vlad out the door via a nice big wing stretch. Multitasking, it truly is a wonderful skill. Truly.
Vlad is, of course, grumbling and scowling as he comes back in. “Must you act so ill-behaved, Daniel”.
Danny smirks, “do I look like I care what Satan thinks?”, and only smirks more at Vlad’s sigh and head shake.
Danny only vaguely pretends to be paying attention to Vlad as he gets himself some coffee. Vlad sounding almost genuinely curious, not that vampire-ass was ever genuinely genuine about anything, “I see your parents’ aren’t up yet”.
Danny tosses a cup full at Vlad, evil he may be but everyone needs a ‘wake me the fuck up and allow me to suffer through this bullshit’ coffee. “Everyone was up late, had some limby business to get up to. Far more legal than what qualifies as business to you”.
“Yes because the government wouldn’t find your developments questionable at best”. Danny actually chuckles at that, because truth. The government would love to go all creepy morally questionable evil scientist on his feathered ass. Sure they’d probably have to go through some whacky legal hoops to do it, like classifying him as not human or some shit, but he wouldn’t put it past them to try.
Danny laughs, “like you’re any better vampy”.
Vlad shakes his head, looking Danny over as he turns around, “I’m far less unnatural. Do you not even have the decency to put on a shirt? You have a guest you know”.
Danny smirks, “but it’s you?”. Shrugging, very content with having filled up his ‘annoy the heck out of Vlad’ quota so early in the day. Today must really like him. “My shirt’s somewhere on the floor”.
Danny grins like an idiot when Vlad lifts up the offending tank top with as few fingers as physically possible, “you mean this thing?”, huffing, “unacceptable, you can hardly be running around in a probable biohazard”.
“Hey”. Vlad predictably ignores him and incarnates his shirt. Like an asshole. “I liked that shirt you know”.
“Then buy a new one that isn’t covered in questionable stains that even I can’t identify”. Danny’s pretty sure that Vlad’s desired response wasn’t for him to feel proud. But that’s sure as shit what he’s feeling.
Danny grins at him a bit meanly, sounding painfully sarcastic while his ears twitch a little picking up on at least his dad getting up, “now what is this? Is the Vladimir Masters offering to take me shopping? And entirely on his dime? Oh now how could I possibly say no?”. That smile only getting more mean and smug when his dad sticks his head down the stairs and half-shouts, “that’s a great idea, Vladdie!”, bounding all the way down the stairs and moving to clap Danny on the shoulder under the wing, “no way Danny-boy can wear any of his t-shirts, sweaters, or hoodies with the wings!”.
Vlad quirks an eyebrow, speaking with very obvious venom to his voice; well obvious to anyone other than Jack, “certainly not. I’m truly surprised you haven’t blown them off him yet”.
Jack actually looks shocked by that, “what!?! Oh of course not! I’m sure heaven wouldn’t like that very much! Or Danny-boy!”, tilting his head and chuckling, “if heaven is where angels come from”.
Danny grins wide enough to hurt when Vlad chokes a little and spits out a mouthful of coffee, going wide-eyed all the while. Checkmate Vlad, whatcha gonna do now? “Excuse me?”. Danny’s almost impressed Vlad doesn’t sound nearly as baffled as he definitely has to be.
Everyone looking to Maddie as she comes down, scowling at Vlad for only a second before smiling at Danny, speaking as she ruffles Danny’s hair up, “it’s really all that makes sense. He just finally developed enough holy energy to form his wings and halo”. His dad excitedly flicking the clouds to make them spin around, “and! It explains his ecto-contamination! Angels are purifying after all! So he’s just purifying the town!”, Jack nods to himself and puts his hands on his hips, “the town certainly needs it!”.
Danny sighs, still grinning a bit, “dad, I’m not a walking filter”. Vlad just looks to him, a clear expression of ‘how in the name of all the Ancients did you pull this off?’ and ‘do they seriously believe that line of bullshit?’.
Jack laughs, “a walking, or flying, dehumidifier but for ectoplasm would be a better comparison!”, which Danny rolls his eyes at a bit fondly.
Maddie smiles and nods a little before speaking somewhat seriously at Danny, “though you really do need a new wardrobe. I doubt you have many tank tops”.
Danny grumbles with fake annoyance, “well I have one less that’s for sure”. Which Vlad smirks slightly over. While Maddie looks to Vlad, “and while I don’t know why you would offer to take Danny shopping, we certainly haven’t budgeted for it”, sighing like this is almost painful for her, “so we’ll accept the offer”.
Vlad grins immediately and Danny is mentally smacking himself for being a serious dumbass. Of course shit like this would backfire on him. That is exactly his kind of luck. Hopefully, this won’t go horribly. Maybe. Probably though. This is Vlad he’s talking -thinking- about here. “Why Maddie dear, it brings me nothing but joy to help young Daniel out in times of need”.
Danny gives the most pained and sarcastic, “yay”, he can muster. Which earns him one incredibly smug smile from Vlad. However, Danny is the one grinning meanly when his dad announced that they will, in fact, be taking the GAV and that he’s driving. Since Vlad immediately looked like what’s left of his life just flashed before his eyes.
Vlad, in an almost painfully obvious attempt to stall, holds up a finger, “well, I think Daniel here should acquire suitable-”, he glares at the ash on the floor as an obvious attempt at emphasis, Danny just rolls his eyes, “-attire. Now luckily, I just so happened to plan for such a predicament”.
His mom gives an impressively dry, “really”, as her only response to that. Which Vlad, of course, completely ignores, instead simply nodding curtly and promptly disappearing out the front door he had not too long ago been tossed out of via Danny’s well-aimed wing. Danny’s going to cherish having successfully done that.
Vlad returns almost suspiciously fast, telling Danny that the man had very explicitly planned for this. Which means the son of a corpse probably would have ruined his -still one hundred percent wearable, fuck you- shirt anyway. Danny eyes the purple velvet? fucking Ancients, vest draped over Vlad’s arm. Which he absolutely knows he can’t put on his damn self with his folks here and his dad would absolutely make him wear the ‘gift’ from dear old godfather Vladdie. Curse his luck. His dad as it is looks excitedly... excited.
“Smart thinking V-man! And it has buttons too!”, looking to Danny, “which would certainly be easier to get on. If you got that tank top on, then you’ll definitely have no trouble with this”.
Vlad, surprising no one but his dad, waves him off, “nonsense. Vests of quality are best shown how to be worn by experienced hands”. Making Danny mutter a very quiet, “fuck you and your anterior motives”, at him. Which very obviously just makes Vlad smirk.
Danny just sighs and swallows what little of his pride he actually actively has and turns around to let the fucking prick ahem he means Vlad slide it over his wings. But he does snap his wings open to full length rather aggressively and nearly knocks Vlad over. He would have, if the man’s reflexes weren’t on point.
Vlad blinks and shakes his head, “there are times where I do believe you are more dramatic than even I. Which is no small feat, Daniel, I would know”. Danny will absolutely take that compliment. Regardless Vlad does slip the vest over his wings, Danny rolling his eyes over definitely being able to feel that the prick is examining them as he goes. Danny eventually having to put his arms back after way longer that this should have taken to get the vest over his arms, Vlad was clearly drawing this shit out. Why did he let him do this again? And why didn’t he make sure the local vampire stayed out after he punted him out.
If Danny wasn’t in front of his folks he absolutely would be smacking Vlad’s hands off him or commenting very heavily on the major creep factor of this being perfectly fitted. And Vlad clearly knows this, based on the stupid smirk anyway, as he did up the buttons with precision. Though Vlad smoothing the vest out afterwards was seriously pushing it, and absolutely earned the surprise fingernail-sized ecto-beam straight to the knee. Take that you vampiric twat. Vlad scowls at him without missing a beat.
By the time they get to the mall, Vlad is just barely managing to not look frazzled. With the man, of course, smoothing out his suit as they hop out to cover up his slightly rattled nerves. He does make a point to mutter just loud enough for Danny to hear, “I know I have said this before, but your father drives like he is seeking death. Which I must say, there are far easier was to achieve”.
Danny snorts, whisper-snarking back, “what? Like offering his corpse up to you willingly? Maybe on a nice cheese platter?”.
Which Vlad actually has the audacity to give a confident, “yes”, in response to. Pompous ass.
Danny decidedly ignoring -and honestly barely noticing. It was hard to notice these kinds of things when you were the entire town’s certified freak and resident weirdass- all the staring and even pointing he’s getting, which is mostly over the wings. Not entirely, just mostly. Which is weird, freaking wings deserve way more attention and finger-pointing than the fact that he, Danny Fenton, was in a fucking velvet vest and with the freaking mayor; who also just so happens to be bloody stinking rich. This town has issues. So many issues. Probably every issue. Expect gangs. Wait, has there ever been gangs in Amity? Tilting his head, “I wonder, do you think Amity has ever had gangs?”.
Vlad rolls his eyes and gives an oddly bitter, “of course, every town has one or two, Daniel”.
Jack grins, “actually no!”. Both halfas looking at him disbelievingly. Which gets Maddie to explain, “we may have mistaken a few trouble makers for ghosts and covered them in goop”.
Danny can’t help laughing at that, “you know?!? That surprisingly makes sense as a crime deterrent!”, and laughs a little more. Vlad just looks at his folks like they were both slightly nuts. Everyone’s attention gets grabbed by who Danny’s sure is one of the middle school girls running up and holding out a book. Which Danny has some serious ominous feelings over where, exactly, this was going. So he’s honestly not surprised when she blurts out, “could you sign my bible”. Vlad turns to the side and actually looks to be trying not to wheeze in disbelief.
Danny just blinks down at her, “you’re asking me that like I know god personally”.
She gives the single most innocent, “you don’t?”, he thinks is possible.
Danny lowkey doesn’t want to crush her tiny little spirts but come the fuck on, dear Ancients. “... no. No I do not. Sorry?”.
She only pouts for a second before shoving the bible at him slightly more. Cheeks puffed out, “still. Angel’s an angel”.
Danny tries to make his sigh not seem too pained, it is truly very pained though. What’s next? Were priests going to ask him to speak at services? Or was a church going to start up around him? Oh! Maybe he’d wind up with someone ‘reinterpreting’ the bible to find references to him. That of course would totally escalate into him being on prayer beads and crucifixes. Which was a little on the nose considering his rather self-sacrificial ‘job’. Which also made it kind of funny. Was he gonna wind up an important part of what was basically the most dominating religion ever with a ridiculously sketch history? Eh, he’s probably totally jinxing himself here. “Aright kid”, at least being asked for autographs wasn’t actually uncommon for him, “where you want it?”, looking to his family... and Vlad, “anyone got a pen?”.
Vlad smirks at him, “there's one in your pocket, I do believe”, meaning Vlad put one there.
Danny squints at him for a solid minute, “go back to Hell, Satan. No one loves you except Baphomew”.
“That is hardly my cat's name, Daniel”.
Danny just rolls his eyes as he fishes out the pen that absolutely is in his pocket. Though snickering a bit when he noticed the look that borders on bloody murder that the girl is throwing Vlad’s way. Like she was taking Danny’s petty insult genuinely. Speaking while taking the bible, “he’s not literally the Devil, he’s just cold-hearted enough to seem at least closely related”, promptly signing the inside cover and having to make a damn point to not put down ‘Phantom’. And making the ‘y’ all fancy like by putting little doodle wings coming off the curved end. At least she seems happy with it, giggling after looking at it and running off while waving back at him. Danny chuckles over her still throwing Vlad a dirty look.
Danny looks to Vlad, “wow, it’s like she thinks you murdered Christ. Wonder why that is”. Vlad gives him a definitely unamused look.
Danny gets yoinked out of his mild pissing match with his archenemy by his dad grabbing his arm and pointing at their go-to fashion stop. Which no. Danny is not wearing spandex. Especially considering getting a loose tank top on and off was already difficult without intangibility. “No happening, dad. In fact, never happening”, which yes was him actively crushing his dad’s dreams just a little more. But seriously. Nope. He has some shame and pride. It is still intact, it’s honestly a miracle.
Jack sags, “awww”, but that poutiness barely lasts a second before he’s perked right back up, pointing and heading off to the local ‘teen’ hip/popular fashion store. Which yeah, he usually bought jeans from there. Shirts? Ha, no. He didn’t feel like going broke for some name brand shirt that’s no different than what he can get from the discount store. At one time he preferred the local used store, but most people’s clothing never lasted long enough to make it to there in one piece; unless it was truly hideous. Had tons of shoes though, which saved his wallet more than he liked to admit. He was stupid hard on shoes.
Danny shakes his head at Vlad holding up a DC tank top, “that’s ugly. I’m not wearing something just because it’s got some brand name bullshit on it”.
Vlad rolls his eyes, “brand names say a lot about your worth and self, Daniel. Though I hardly expect you to know that. Mind you, if you try for Ed Hardy, we will be having words”.
Danny scrunches up his face, “do you think I’m fucking blind?”. Even in a pinch, Sam wouldn’t stoop to that. She’d show up in garbage bags saying something about dressing sustainably and recycling first.
“Sometimes I wonder”. Danny throws a t-shirt directly at his face. Though fine, his fashion style could suitably be called dumpster-chic most days.
Hovering to wander off to where his dad is also grabbing up a really awful fashion disaster, some two-toned plaid thing that’s probably marketed as ‘vintage western’ or something. “Dad no. I’m not the fashionista version of a lumberjack. Or queer enough to have an ingrained love of plaid. And even if I was, I still wouldn’t pick that”. His dad doesn’t even look offended at that, which means he likely agrees.
Danny watches him then pick up a ‘it’s not gay if he’s dead’ shirt with his dad looking almost in shock, making Danny actually have to float to sit down because he’s laughing so hard. Vlad glancing over and quirking an eyebrow, “now I feel rather reminded why I don’t shop at these sorts of stores”.
“Whatever boomer!”.
“I am not a boomer, you know this Daniel”.
“Sure thing, boomer”. Vlad smartly keeps his mouth shut this time, obviously looking to avoid more of Danny’s bullshit.
Maddie smiles at Danny but shakes her head at the shirt, “I will never understand teens love of that spook”.
Danny snickers while standing up, “well some sure think he’s got the personality and behaviour of a real angel. And the fly by the cuff ways of his are ‘manly’ or whatever to the jocks”. Vlad snorts at that from halfway across the store in the more ‘business casual’ section. Ha. That’s not happening either. Vampire-ass would have to literally kiss his ass to get him into that. Danny would take high-class professional professional over ‘business casual’ any day.
Though the patchwork button down with the elbows and shoulders fashionably cut out isn’t horrible, Danny’s still not wearing that on principle alone. So Danny shouts, “NOT TODAY SATAN!”, loud enough to make the guy jerk and get the entire store's attention. Vlad physically sighs and turns to glare at him. Danny raises a wing over his face in a bastardised version of ‘talk to the hand’ before Vlad can say jack shit.
His mom finally gives him a little light in the darkness of ‘preppy but trying to seem edgy’ fashion, holding up a little ‘evil nasa’ tank top with the bottom all shredded, “okay yes, we’re finally getting somewhere here. Nice”.
Vlad sighs exasperatedly as he rejoins them, “I see no point in that, if you wanted to look like you got attacked you could simply go out and get attacked. Shred it yourself”,
Danny looks to him, “you know what else I could shred”, and looks him up and down like that was a threat to every single piece of clothing he owned.
“I would like to see you try”.
“Is that a challenge”.
Danny turns to his mom, “hey mom, you got a bazooka handy?”. She grins maliciously, “why yes I think I do”. Vlad looks like he has just been gravely wounded. The sales lady looks over to them, “for my sanity, please don’t. I’ve been awake for forty-nine hours”.
Danny chuckles, grabbing up the few tank tops that seemed suitable, the lady leading the four of them over to the dressing rooms, “personal record?”.
“I wish”.
Danny chuckles, “I feel ya. I’d offer a Death-spresso, but I think I’m the only one allowed to drink those and that’s only because I proved that shit wouldn’t kill me”.
“I welcome death”.
Danny actually wheezes at that as he loads up the dressing room, “mood”, then struggles into the probably too small dressing room. Having to cram his wings around, which holy shit thank everything he could use intangibility because he seriously could not pull literally anything over his arms or wings right now. Hell getting his wings remotely unfolded was straight-up not happening.
Stepping out to pose, “it’s decided, dressing rooms are the devil”. His dad laughs loudly at that.
Thankfully they wind up walking out with all of the tops -excluding an orange one that he’s positive his dad grabbed purely because it was orange- and with nothing getting blown up! Though Danny sighs when Vlad beelines for the ‘fancy rich asshole’ store that Sam’s parents’ bragged about shopping at. Mostly her mom. Knowing his luck he’ll run into her. In fact, that is emphatically what is going to happen.
Aaaaaannnnnnnd that’s exactlaly what happened. Yay. Spotting her as he’s standing in the dress-shirt section while wondering how the heck Vlad thinks they’re going to find anything he can wear here. Lovely. Her, of course, noticing him. Because how the Zone wouldn’t she? He had wings. And immediately making a beeline for him. Eh, this might as well happen.
She stops next to him and folds her hands over her waist, “excuse my interruption, I just wanted to apologise for certain past behaviours”.
Danny blinks at the lady with oversized earnings and a bubblegum pink sundress, “what?”.
She shifts almost like this is physically painful for her to do, telling Danny she so totally doesn’t actually want to apologise but thinks she has to. “Me and my husband's treatment of you has likely interrupted your duties. So I am apologising. I realise things work in mysterious ways and that maybe Samatha was a test, with you to supervise”.
Danny groans and mutters to himself, “oh god fuck”, and shakes his head because he is so not dealing with this from ‘I’ll put a restraining order on you’ Mrs. Manson. “Sam’s not some test for you to struggle through. If anything, she had to struggle through you”.
She never gets a chance to respond to that beyond looking overly offended as Vlad is just suddenly there, “I find I must agree. You are quite insufferable”, glancing at Danny, “both of you”.
Danny smirks, “I thought the point of the Devils fall was to suffer. To never know love or affection and never grasp what he seeks”. Vlad blinks, “I’m almost impressed by how mean that was”, looking to Mrs. Manson, “you're still here?”.
Mrs. Manson blinks at him and looks entirely offended before obviously cluing in who, exactly, this was, “oh Mayor Masters!”, glancing between him and Danny, “you two... know each other”.
Danny snickers while Vlad rolls his eyes like this should be supremely obvious, “of course. I am the boy’s godfather after all”, and grumbles almost too quiet for Danny to hear, meaning he probably didn’t actually mean for Danny to hear, “though I’d be better as his actual father”.
Danny walks past him whispering, “in your dreams only, frootloop”, and leaves Vlad to deal with the rich obnoxious lady. Easily catching her fake cheery, “oh I didn’t know that! Well then this is certainly the best place to bring the young angel shopping”. Sometimes Danny forgot Sam’s family were religious.
Danny finally, finally, finds a section with more wing-suitable clothing. Never thought he’d shop with that in mind. He’s honestly not too surprised that his folks didn’t follow them in, probably went to get food instead, since he’s pretty sure they’re banned from this store. He has no clue if that’s Vlad’s fault or his dad’s. This is also the exact time that one of the tailors, or whatever they’re called is fancy ass stores, decides to actually dignify him with some attention. Guy probably thought Danny, being well himself, wasn’t actually going to buy any of this crap. Which yeah, normally would be the case but fuck vests were actually a genuinely good idea. Probably the only piece of layering he could wear now. Unless he goes around cutting big ass holes in all his hoodies. Which, yeah he’s probably gonna do.
The guy nods at him as he’s looking at the backs of some of the tops. And speaks sounding oddly commanding, “straighten up”. Danny quirks an eyebrow but does as he��s told. He’ll play along, see where this goes.
The guy promptly starts manhandling the base of his wings, like a full blown feel up. Squishing the feathers together, figuring out the width of the bone and muscle, space between his wings, even pokes at his back muscle. This feels excessive. “Oddly, I feel like making another I feel like a hooker joke”. The guy just makes a tsk sound at him before running off, or sauntering, whatever, he walks like he’s rich. Like Vlad, but with less hidden villainous energy.
The guy comes back not seconds later with a few different vests, “I’m sure a racer back of this style-”, holding up the first from the pile he brought, “-would give you more comfort and range of motion. Definitely more than what you’re currently wearing”.
Vlad, once again, appears out of nowhere, “indeed. I couldn’t exactly know the precise width between his wings”, looking to Danny, “I am not psychic, Daniel. But I made an educated guess”.
All three jerk a little from Jack shouting from outside the store, “that’s our Vladdie! Always a thinker!”.
Vlad scowls, “your faith in me is truly endearing”. The way he said that making it clear he found it nothing close to endearing. The tailor guy also scowls and makes hand motions to shoo the man off. Ah okay, it was totally his dad’s fault. Which makes Danny snicker a little.
The guy immediately gets back to business, laying out a few other styles. Pointing at one that didn’t even technically have arm holes just kinda looked like it went around the neck, down the back, and over his stomach. And another that went around the neck, over the chest, and around the waist. “Now these ones are a bit more on the feminine side but you’re muscular enough to pull them off”, gesturing to Vlad with a thumb, “he’s not”. Vlad looks suitably offended for a second and Danny snickers some more, he officially likes this tailor guy. Then pointing to the last he brought over that was basically just the same as the one that went over hsi front but with sleeves attached, “now this one will give the illusion of wearing a more traditional vest and is usually what we recommend for men who have to wear bulky upper back braces. But I’m sure it’ll work for our purposes today”. With that Danny promptly gets effectively pushed to the fitting rooms. Not changing rooms because this place fits things to size. Aka it’s expensive as fuck. And knowing Vlad, he’s going to wind up with at least one of every style and the man will be tickled green by the end of this.
The sad thing is the vests were stupid easy to get on, minus the racer back but that one was more comfortable than his current shit. And fine, he looks good in it. And yes, Vlad’s grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
“Now as for colour, obvisouly you’ll need at least one in black, I’d recommend the most traditional one, the racer back. The rest are more on the eccentric side, especially without a jacket over top. For those I’d recommend green and magenta. Those are your colours after all”.
Danny blinks, “heh?”. Vlad muttering, “eloquent”, though also looking slightly confused.
“Those are the colours typically associated with you, Daniel, as the principal guardian archangel”, tilting his head, “though I take it you don’t remember about that”.
Alright, Danny thinks the angel thing is one hundred percent going too far now and being taken way too seriously. “Uh, well I’m not a pink kinda guy. And no”.
“Ah well, you were said to be in charge of the gates to ascension and one of the highest ranked angels in the universe. So I’d take the compliment”.
Danny blinks as he guy rushes off, looking to Vlad, “are you having an aneurysm, because I’m having an aneurysm”. Vlad actually sputters, while Danny pulls out his phone to wiki some shit. Blinking down at the screen, “oh you’ve got to be shitting me”. Because yup, apparently there’s an angel called Daniel. His half-life is some serious bullshit, he’s still absolutely positive he’s not actually an angel though. Because come on.
Vlad swallows, “well, one afterlife certainly exists. Another isn’t unreasonable”.
“I will smite you, devil”.
Vlad huffs a laugh, “oh I hardly believe this, boy. Don’t take me for a fool. We both know why this happened”, Danny crosses his legs up in the air purely to emphasise that fact, which Vlad hums at, “precisely. Though the angel argument has some merit to those unaware”.
Danny rolls his eyes and plants the soles of his shoes back on the ground as the guy comes back. Black, green, and one purple vests in hand.
Danny honestly isn’t surprised they leave with enough clothing that someone without super-strength would have a hard time carrying it. And thankfully his folks want to go home now, meaning Vlad has to suffer through his dad’s driving just that little bit more. Not that Danny cares or knows why the prick doesn’t just go his own way at this point.
He gets his answer though when his parents run off to a suspiciously well timed ghost alert from city hall -Danny can tell there is not a ghost there- and he feels himself promptly getting tasered in the side.
Jumping sideways after regaining his balance from very suddenly being back in touch with gravity and scowling at Vlad, who's pocketing the Plasmius Maximus with a smirk, “Vlad seriously?!?”.
Vlad doesn’t dignify him with a response immediately, instead transforming and making a swipe at him. Danny flapping to use the air to get him out of the way quicker. Surprisingly, it works. Vlad floating up into the air, “you need to be able to defend yourself regardless of form or power, boy!”.
Danny rolling his eyes and sidestepping a pink ecto-beam, “you’re still not my mentor, you nut-case. Besides, aren’t we taught to ignore the teachings of the devil”.
Vlad forms two duplicates and sends them lunging around the sides at him, the main Vlad shooting another ecto-beam at him. Considering how Danny’s back is practically against a wall, the whacko is clearly trying to get him up in the air. “You don’t have much of a choice right now, do you Daniel”.
Danny just scowls, mentally says ‘fuck it’ and jumps up to avoid the beam while smashing his wing wrists into the two duplicates as hard and fast as he can. The air force that blows at the ground forcing him up into the air, but he uses it to plant his feet on the side of the wall giving the illusion of defying gravity. While the two duplicates pop out of existence. Danny smirks to himself over the flash of surprise on Vlad’s face. That’s what a fucker gets for underestimating him. Haha.
Vlad gets much more aggressive about the ecto-beams and blasts after that. Which fine, effectively forces him off the ground and into the sky. He’s mentally thanking Mrs. Testlaff for forcing him to effectively practice flying, his folks too. Though as he twists to dip sideways he knows Vlad can tell this isn’t easy for him. This kind of flight was just so freaking different and he wasn’t used to it yet.
“I swear you just want to satisfy your urges to assault minors!”, and goes low to the ground again, actually getting a chance to land; without crashing! Which then gives him something of a wicked idea that might cause some property damage, because if the weak-ish not aimed at the ground thing he did earlier launched him into the air a little then what would happen if he gave one big-ass flap directly over the hard surface of the road. Spreading his wings out as far as he can, crouching down and aimed slightly towards Vlad, who’s looking slightly cautious.
Needless to say Danny goes off like a freaking missile, leaves a crater in the ground from the sheer air pressure, and the shock wave pummels Vlad for only seconds before Danny gut punches him as he zips past. Sending Vlad flying.
Danny just glides up high in the air for bit, hidden by the clouds and trying to locate Vlad again. The wind up here felt really really cool though. It was actually really nice. Comforting even. With floating it really didn’t matter how high up or low down you were, it all felt the same. But like this he can feel the air pressure, the thinness of the air, how wet or dry it was. He feels like he could just be carried off by the wind and relax. He snaps his attention to refocus though when he spots Vlad, who’s looking around cautiously but also like his victory is assured.
Ha. Not a chance.
The really stupid annoying thing is, as he positions himself to dive bomb the guy, Vlad had a point. Him being attacked in human form happens and he can’t always run off to transform. He can’t let his wings be a hinderance more than their size technically already was. Tucking his wings and flicking a bit for a sideways spin, which will look freaking sick if it actually works, and diving down; gravity doing most of the work. He’s high enough up to get some serious velocity. Hey maybe sciences wasn’t totally useless for him.
The only problem with this, Danny thinks as he rapidly smashes into Vlad who doesn’t even get the chance to turn intagible before both of them slam into the concrete, is that he can’t see for shit due to the world spinning around rapidly. He does hear Vlad transform back, so success, though.
Both of them groaning from inside the crater. “Daniel, if you ever do that, to a human, you will kill them. Ancients”, groaning again, “though fair play to you”.
Danny does a weird hybrid of a chuckle, wheeze, and groan, “pleasure doing business, with ya, frootloop. Least I didn’t, break anything”.
“The road might, disagree”.
“That’s, your problem. Mr. Mayor”.
“It’s ghost-related. Governments problem”.
“Ha. Point”.
“Are you going to, get off me”.
“You’re the one, with intangibility right now”.
“Surprisingly, I find I don’t, really feel like it”.
“Then you can lay there and, eat my feathers”, Danny flops a wing on the guys face, groaning slightly from the movement though. Oh he is so going to be feeling this tomorrow.
Eventually the two do indeed get up. Vlad straightening his jacket and trying to act like he doesn’t have a serious forming bruise on his stomach. While Danny is shaking off debris from his wings. It really does feel like he used them to punch an entire road. Just as his folks get back. Maddie bursting out of the GAV, “what happened to you two?!?”. Jack sticking his head out, “was it a ghost!?!l”.
Danny chuckles awkwardly though sending a slightly mean chuckle Vlad’s way before answering his folks, “turns out my wings make for pretty good ghost shields”, changing to a rather mocking tone and side-eyeing Vlad, “saved dear Vladdie’s suit from even a single little singe”. Vlad just huffs and gives his suit a tug that feels very final.
Jack laughs and claps Danny on the back while Maddie shakes her head and ushers everyone inside.
Everyone sitting around the table and enjoying comfort drinks, yes even Vlad, when Danny snorts hot chocolate out his nose at someone shouting, “WHY ARE THERE GODDAMN CRATERS IN THE ROAD EVERY DAMN TIME I VISIT THIS FUCKING TOWN!!!”. Danny puts his head down on the table and laughs.
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be11atrixthestrange · 3 years
Waking Up In Vegas Chapter 10
After a night of debauchery, Ron and Hermione wake up in Vegas... married.
Muggle!AU. Romcom!Romione. Slow burning, smutty, angst-fest.
Rated M for reasons.
Ao3 | FFN
More Chapters
TW: non-con, although nothing explicit
Hermione leans on the bar table for support, one hand clutching her drink and the other rubbing at her temple. The room is spinning, and she's dizzy, nauseous, and unable to focus her eyes on anything.
With one blinding exception, of course. In her peripheral vision, she can see the security guard dragging Ron Weasley from the venue, his arms flailing as he stumbles alongside. Against all odds, his vibrant red hair always draws her attention, even when it's entirely inappropriate.
"Can you believe him?" growls Cormac, massaging his eye. "Bartender, ice."
The bartender abruptly stops wiping down the table to stare back at Cormac, her eyebrows raised in amusement. "Bartender?"
"Yeah. Ice."
Hermione takes a long swig through her straw and glances between Cormac and the bartender, who seem to be sizing each other up.
The bartender flashes her name card at Cormac and offers a smile that looks more fake than genuine. "Sure, you can have some ice," she says sweetly. "But for next time, my name is Rosmerta."
Rosmerta turns away from the bar, muttering something about rude tourists. Hermione makes a mental note to leave her a good tip at the end of the night.
Once Rosmerta's out of earshot, Cormac turns to Hermione. "Why is everyone being so rude to me today? First your ex-boyfriend, now that old broad?"
His comment, and more specifically, the way he says it feels slimy to Hermione, as if his 'woe is me' attitude is nothing more than an effort to rack up pity points.
"Aww, you're almost done with your drink," he says, right as Rosmerta returns with a pack of ice. He snatches the ice from her hands and demands, "Another for the lady."
Hermione's cheeks heat up in embarrassment. No 'thank you' for the ice, no 'please' for the drink — what does she see in this guy? Other than the fact that he's conveniently interested in her, and he's not Ron, of course. Hermione mouths an apology to Rosmerta when the bartender saunters off to refill Hermione's glass.
"Rosmerta has been lovely to us. She's not an old broad," says Hermione to Cormac, who's now pressing the packet of ice to his bruised eye. "And he's not my ex-boyfriend."
Cormac chuckles. "It sure looks like something happened between you and ginger. By the way you dumped ice water on him, you'd think he cheated on you or something."
Hermione stiffens at the reminder of Lavender's mischievous look as she buttoned her blouse in the hallway, followed by the nonchalant way Ron waltzed up to her just now, as if nothing had happened between them. She covers up her shaky hand with another drawn-out sip of her strong drink, forcing down the bitter taste with a grimace.
"I'm glad you never dated the ginger because you can do so much better. Like me, for instance." Cormac motions to himself, a smug smile on his face.
Suppressing the urge to roll her eyes, Hermione puts the straw back to her lips — she really should have asked Rosmerta to hold the straw, but thanks to Cormac, they were already the most demanding couple at the bar, and she didn't want to put any more stress on the poor woman.
She glances over to her companion. So far he's been quite rude — embarrassingly so — and has only talked about himself. He spotted her on the dance floor a short while before and seemed kind enough, so she'd agreed to get a drink with him. She hadn't let herself get a good look at him earlier, so her eyes trace over Cormac's body now, his biceps bulging from his too-tight polo, his chiseled jawline. Underneath the bruise, his eyes are nice. They're not impossibly blue, like tropical seas she can get lost in, but they're not bad.
He's actually quite good-looking, but he'd be even easier on the eyes if he didn't know it. Pompousness is not a trait Hermione looks for in a man.
But she's not looking for anything serious with Cormac, so maybe she can turn the other cheek to some of his more unpleasant qualities. A bit more alcohol might help. She's just here to have fun, after all. Cormac seems to be an appropriate option for that.
As if reading her mind, Cormac leans over to her and whispers, "What do you say? Want to get out of here?"
It's the memory of Lavender fastening her blouse, her smug 'Give him a chance to get dressed first' that gives her response all the permission needed to slip from her lips.
"I guess."
"I'll take that as a yes," says Cormac, rising to his feet and tugging at Hermione's arm.
She stumbles out of her chair, somewhat surprised by his constricting grip on her wrist. It almost cuts off her circulation and would feel unnecessary in any other circumstance.
But she also stood up too quickly and is momentarily flustered and dizzy, so maybe she has his support to thank for not falling down.
"Oh my god, I'm drunk, aren't I?"
Cormac scoffs, sliding his arm around her waist to support her. His hand lands a little too low on her hips for comfort. It doesn't feel anything like Ron's did — caring, gentle, and responsive to communication. Yet, she's hesitant to say anything and bring his attention to what lies beneath his fingers, just in case his hand placement isn't intentional. She might ruin something innocent. That, or he might read too much into her taking notice. She's unsure which is more likely.
"You seem perfectly in control to me," says Cormac.
His softly-spoken comment flushes out some of her self-consciousness — before, she feared that she looked sloppy, messy, unattractive. But it also irritates her, invalidating her difficulty standing and walking in a straight line without the support of his body up against hers. Plus, the fact that it's nearly a whisper, and she can barely hear him suggests that she's not the one he's trying to convince.
Maybe she's reading too much into everything, and it's just the alcohol talking.
They continue across the dance floor and out the doors, his thick hand steady on her hip. When they reach the stairs and the music quiets down, he picks up the conversation again.
"For real. What did that boy do? You said he lied to you?"
Right. Hermione glances at Cormac, who's smirking at her, and decides he doesn't need to know the details.
"Oh, that? It was nothing."
"Nothing gets a drink in the face?" laughs Cormac. "Well, lucky for me, I like them a little feisty."
His words immediately make Hermione uncomfortable. He likes them feisty? How many feisty notches are there on Cormac's bedpost? Is she sensing an attraction to a woman who fights back? Her head spins, and again, she has to remind herself that it's probably just the alcohol talking.
Still, something feels off.
When they make it to the top of the stairs, Hermione places some reluctant trust in her instincts and uses the flat ground as an opportunity to pull away from Cormac. In doing so, she accidentally slides her backside against his hand. As predicted, he interprets her movement incorrectly.
"I see what you're doing, Hermione," he growls. With a hum of appreciation, his fingers clench down through the fabric of her skirt and firmly grip her bum. He turns his body toward her and presses her back to the wall.
Hermione opens her mouth to speak up, but she doesn't know what to communicate. She's not sure if she wants him to stop or if she just wants assurance that he would if she told him to, but her racing mind has no clue how to phrase that request without ruining the possibility of a casual, consensual encounter.
He'd probably prefer the benefit of the doubt, as most men have come to expect it, but then there's the problem that he's nearly twice her height, his hands are as big as her face, and he likes them feisty, which might cause him to interpret dissent as a flirt or a challenge.
Hermione internally chastises herself for wasting time overthinking everything, again, because she instinctively knows that the longer she's quiet, the more her silence will sound like permission. It only takes a few seconds for her to run out of time to decide where she even falls on the spectrum between yes and no before his lips crash roughly into hers.
He presses his hips against her, and she can feel his erection digging into her leg. It's prepped and ready, and she's anything but.
He runs his tongue across her lips, and his grumble of pleasure reverberates into her throat. It takes effort, but she turns her head to the side. As she feared, he interprets this as an invitation to tug at the soft flesh of her neck with his teeth and slide his free hand up her dress until it cups her breast.
"Couldn't even wait until you got to my room, could you?" he muses, his lips dragging hungrily along her shoulder. "I could tell you wanted me, but damn."
A storm of anger boils up inside of her — his supposed confidence in feelings she herself has yet to identify is beyond invasive.
She can't get her hand between them for leverage. "Cormac, please—"
"You're welcome," he chuckles back, completely misinterpreting her meaning. Again.
His pinned hand tugs at the fabric of her dress, inching it up and over the curve of her bum and exposing her lacy knickers. "Ahh, you came prepared to fuck, didn't you?"
Another burst of anger and the following rush of adrenaline gives Hermione just enough strength to push him off of her, even if it's only for a second. "Cormac, please get off me."
He removes his mouth from her neck and narrows his eyes at her. "What?"
"I don't want to do this."
He doesn't move. "You serious?"
"Yes, I'm serious," says Hermione, her tone steady and firm.
"You agreed to leave the bar with me. What do you think I meant by that?" Cormac's face is reddening, and Hermione's palms respond by breaking out in a sweat. "Fucking tease."
A familiar voice — one that typically irritates her to her core — draws Cormac's attention away from Hermione for a split second, long enough to take a breath.
"We're busy here," he quips but pauses when he sees Lavender Brown, clad in a tight pink skirt and sparkly kitten heels. "Oh, hello there—"
"I can see that," says Lavender, narrowing her eyes at Hermione, who sends her a pleading glance. "But I have to steal Hermione away. It's an emergency."
Hermione's shoulders instantly relax — the irony of this being Lavender's second "emergency" excuse of the day isn't lost on her.
"It's not the best time," says Cormac. "But you're welcome to join us."
"Tempting. What's your room number?" she asks, batting her eyelashes while simultaneously reaching for Hermione's arm. "Maybe we'll meet you there in a bit."
Cormac grins as Hermione slips out from between his body and the wall. "I'm in room 407. I'll be waiting."
"Perfect! See you soon," says Lavender, looping Hermione's arm over her shoulder and turning her down the hall again.
Hermione can hear Cormac's content chuckles as they round the corner. As soon as they're out of his sight, she slips from Lavender's arm, instantly annoyed by her again.
"Why did you do that?" She tries to hide her irritation, but it escapes into her tone.
Lavender raises her eyebrows. "Um, you're welcome."
A tingle of guilt almost causes Hermione to apologize, but the uncomfortable notion of owing Lavender stops her. "I didn't need you to swoop in and save me. I had it under control."
Lavender scowls at her. "Well, from my perspective, it looked like he was going to take advantage of you right there in that hallway, so my instincts kicked in. Next time, I just won't bother."
They slow to a stop at room 210, and Lavender whips out her room key. "You're welcome to come in — I didn't think you'd want him to know where your room was. Especially since it's on the same floor as his."
The floodgates holding back Hemione's guilt break, and she's suddenly overwhelmed with appreciation for the girl holding open the door. She smiles sheepishly at Lavender as she passes her and enters the room.
"Thank you, Lavender. I'm… I'm sorry."
Lavender follows her in and lets the door shut behind her. "It's fine. I know we don't exactly get along, but I'd like to think you'd do the same for me."
"I would." This, Hermione is sure of. At least, she thinks she is. If not, she should self-reflect, but that's an ordeal for sobriety.
"I'll make tea," says Lavender.
Hermione takes a seat at the kitchen bar, and silence fills the room. Her head collapses into her hands, and she gets lost in her thoughts while the water boils.
Tonight could have been an utter disaster.
Although thankful for Lavender's intervention — she shouldn't have left the bar with Cormac in the first place — there's a part of her that blames Lavender for it all. It was Hermione's jealousy that drove her to cling to the first guy to show interest tonight. She's hesitant to thank Lavender for fixing a problem she created in the first place.
The tea kettle whistles and jolts Hermione away from her thoughts.
Lavender pours her a cup and slides it over to Hermione, along with a bottle of aspirin.
"That will help you sober up."
"Thanks," grumbles Hermione.
Then Lavender takes a seat next to Hermione and says something that changes everything.
"I didn't have sex with Ron earlier today."
Hermione freezes, her mind overwhelmed with a tidal wave of rioting thoughts that can somehow be stripped down to one single word.
Lavender sips her tea, her hand trembling. From nerves? Jealousy? Anger? Hermione doesn't know.
"When I came out of Ron's room and buttoned up my blouse, I was pretending." She glances away as she says it, her cheeks reddening under a blanket of foundation.
Hermione sighs, doing her best to steady her breath as to not give away the sheer amount of emotions Lavender just ignited. "Why… why did you do that?"
Lavender shrugs. "Honestly? I'm not entirely sure. I went to his room with the intention of flirting with him. We'd just slept together a few days ago, and I thought it would be the same. It wasn't the same."
Hermione's sudden envy doesn't make sense, and she knows that; she had no claim to Ron a few days ago. She has no claim to him now, really, so her relief that they didn't sleep together today has no bearing.
So is the fact that she just poured water over him and paraded around another bloke to 'get back at him' for something he never did. Hermione's stomach bubbles with nausea, and not from the alcohol.
"What happened in his room?" Hermione asks, aiming for a neutral tone.
Lavender sends her a sideways glance before answering, and according to her expression, Hermione's casual questions aren't fooling her at all.
"I saw you two at the bar, and I got jealous. I want him back so badly, and I thought this week in Vegas would finally make it happen. But his eyes have been on you since day one, and I don't understand. You and I are so different."
Different we are, thinks Hermione as she pulls another sip of tea to drown out her sudden self-consciousness.
"I can tell he's interested in you. He's expressed interest in other girls since we've broken up, but they always looked like me, and I would just pretend that was the reason he was looking. I can't do that with you."
Lavender's not straight-up insulting Hermione, but it feels that way, so her defenses start to rise. All Hermione can hear is, 'How can Ron be interested in someone like you?'
She's still avoiding Hermione's eye contact when she continues, "I got so jealous and insecure, and thought, 'why would Ron be interested in me, when he could have someone like Hermione?' Someone smart, successful, someone who doesn't need male attention to feel good about herself."
Hermione nearly drops her tea. She was way off the mark.
"I gave it one last-ditch effort. I followed him to his room, tried to flirt, and he rejected me. It confirmed he was interested in someone else, and he didn't have to tell me who. So when I saw you in the hallway, my instinct was to try and sabotage it."
Lavender finally looks at Hermione, and there are tears glistening in her eyes. Clearly, she feels awful.
She's not the only one.
"When I saw that guy basically forcing himself on you, I felt awful. I knew something bad must have gone down between you and Ron."
Hermione's eyes sting with tears, and Lavender notices. "I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry too." Lavender smiles and wipes away the remaining tears from her eyes. "Okay, get out."
"What?" says Hermione, affronted, but then looks to see that Lavender's still grinning.
"You seem sober enough now, and we're still not friends. But at least you know that… it's not about you," she laughs, and finally making sense of Lavender's dry humor, Hermione can't help but laugh back.
"Men," says Hermione, and it's all she needs to say for Lavender to snort.
"Are the worst," she continues. "But Ron's a good one. Go find him at the bar. He's probably looking for you."
"About that," says Hermione, and Lavender's eyes narrow in curiosity. "He got kicked out. I splashed water on him, and then he punched Cormac."
Her eyes widen. "Wow."
"Yeah," says Hermione, swirling her tea.
"So he's probably wallowing in his room," she grumbles. "I'd tell you to go there, but seeing as he's my ex-boyfriend and I still want him, it's a conflict of interest."
Hermione gets to her feet. "Then I'll go somewhere else."
"And I don't want to know."
Hermione sends a thankful smile Lavender's way and turns toward the door.
"I misjudged you. I'm sorry."
Lavender contemplates her for a moment, then nods. "I misjudged you too."
It's enough closure for the pair to part peacefully — no admissions of friendship, but clarity on where they stand. And it's more than Hermione can hope for.
Lavender turns away to wipe a tear, and Hermione smiles again as she passes through the door and into the hall. The pit in her stomach has morphed into something else entirely — empathy, gratitude, and a small nugget of guilt.
As for right now, she only has one pressing matter on her to-do list.
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Double Standards (Part 2)
Part 1
Trigger Warning: Mentions of toxic parents, transphobia, mentions of past abuse, dead naming, wrong pronoun usage, low self esteem, unhealthy coping mechanisms, ableism, seasonal depression, thoughts of suicide and self harm. The Remus angst train will not be stopping.
They sat in their room trying to ignore their spiralling thoughts. They should have known better than to slip up and make a comment about their gender identity at dinner.
They'd known it wouldn't go down well and yet they'd still said something. Remus blamed it on their impulsivity and desire to feel validated for once.
Things had started off ok at first. They'd been forced out shopping with their mother and had come across another enby in the wild which had been great. They'd had a discussion about preferred pronouns while their mum and Roman had been in earshot.
Roman had of course been a complete ass the whole time round the shops and Remus was still furious about the leaves incident but they managed to hold themselves back from doing anything rash like breaking his nose which they felt was incredibly nice of them.
The individual at the checkout had given Remus a sudden boost in confidence and rekindled their motivation to correct their parents when they slipped up.
With this new energy they corrected their mother and the three of them (Remus, Roman and their mother) also ended up having a conversation about the LGBTQ+ on the journey home.
All in all things were going good and when they got home they decided to take the cashiers words to heart.
They had told Remus that their 5 year old cousin respected their pronouns and name more than their parents and so with this knowledge in mind Remus decided to talk to Patton.
"Hey Patton? My name is Remus now and instead of saying she or her when talking about me, I'd prefer you to use They and Them."
Patton had looked up at them with barely a moments hesitation and replied "Ok Remus."
Remus felt like their heart was going to burst at Pattons words and they couldn't fight the enormous smile that spread across their lips, especially as Patton continued to use Remus instead of their deadname.
Then dinner happened.
Everyone was sitting around the table as usual when Remus's mum used their deadname when speaking to them. Remus sighed but felt a little reluctant to correct her in front of their father, unsure if his infamous temper would explode at Remus 'backchatting' their mum.
Patton of course spoke up then, slipping up slightly thanks to hearing the deadname being used.
"It's Remus."
Remus was surprised when Roman spoke up on their behalf and was immediately suspicious, frowning slightly at his sudden jump to their defence.
"I call you Remus but mummy calls you [Deadname}" Patton stated, looking directly at their mother.
"That's because I named her after a friend of mines younger sister who died while I was pregnant with her."
Remus winced slightly, already having heard this story many times before. They avoided eye contact with their mother as she continued.
"The names I used to name her carry significant meaning to me so if I forget to call her Remus it's because of that. My friends sister was only 13 when she died and I swore to name you after her in her memory."
Remus just managed to stop from sliding down in their seat, guilt and shame suddenly weighing heavily on them as they thought on their mothers words.
Maybe they should have chosen something closer to their mothers friends sisters name? Maybe then there wouldn't have been as much issue with the whole nonbinary thing?
"I don't even know why you changed your name to Remus anyway? Names shouldn't define your gender. You didn't have to change your name, besides they're pretty much the same anyway."
Remus stared at Roman in shock and horror as they registered his words and felt sick as their mother made a noise of agreement and everyone seemed to just carry on with dinner as if nothing had happened.
When dinner ended Remus made a beeline straight to their room where they proceeded to think and overthink everything that had just happened.
All the stuff their family said weighed on them heavily to the point where they stared off into space for a bit as a horrifying thought crossed their mind.
What if they were faking all this? What if they weren't really nonbinary and it was just all a ploy for attention?
Thoughts of a similar nature bounced around their head, driving them mad with panic and making them rethink everything.
Stressed and in disarray Remus paced up and down, shaking their hands in a way similar to how they usually stimmed.
Eventually they sat down at their computer and tried to distract their buzzing mind with YouTube or music. It didn't have much of an effect.
Eventually they contacted Logan and let him know what had happened. As usual he was logical and spoke sense, even when Remus wasn't in a state to really register it.
His words somewhat reassured Remus. For now.
Still feeling down from what had happened a couple days previously Remus didn't make as much of an effort to correct Patton or Roman anymore but sometimes their brothers would remember on their own.
Remus spent a lot of time trying to figure out why their parents seemed to have such an issue with their identity but there wasn't really anything they could come up with except their parents were just stuck in the way they'd been brought up.
Things eventually reached boiling point at dinner a few nights later.
Dinner always seemed to be the catalyst for shit hitting the fan. It was probably because that was the only time the entire family was present in the same room for extended periods of time.
It all started with Roman doing an impression of Stitch. It wasn't terrible but it was mildly annoying to Remus's ears. They'd rather eat dinner in peace.
"are you doing a Nelson Mandela impression?" Their mother asked, grinning like she'd made a hilarious joke.
"What? It's Stitch from Lilo and Stitch." Roman and Remus said at the same time, sharing confused looks which became exasperated as their mother continued.
"It sounds exactly like Nelson Mandela, you racist." She laughed, loud and grating on Remus's ears as she nudged their father who was also grinning.
Roman glared at the two of them and tried to again reiterate that it was an impression of Stitch.
"You're a racist, it's exactly the same as Nelson Mandela's voice." their father said, speaking over Roman which was a sure fire way to set off his infamous temper.
"I'm not racist! I don't even know what he sounds like, I was just doing an impression of a cartoon character. Not knowing that my Stitch impression sounds like..."
"That's how racism starts, ignorance!" both their parents were laughing now and Remus wanted nothing more than to shout for them to stop but they kept their mouth shut, something Roman had never learnt to do as he once again spoke up.
"Out of everyone here, you guys are the most racist. You continuously use outdated terms and words that are considered offensive in our current time period."
"Oh we're racist are we?"
"Yes! You're the least PC people in our whole family."
Their mother scoffed while their father was still grinning and shaking his head in disbelief at Romans words.
"The whole family? Even grandad?"
"Yes actually, at least grandad doesn't say anything homophobic or too racist in front of us."
"Actually I think it's the fact that you pretend to be better than him but you're on the same level when it comes to outdated and offensive comments and words."
For once Remus and Roman were working together to try and stop their parents from being as bigoted and offensive.
Perhaps it was the fact they were actually working together or maybe it was just because they had no response, the dining room fell into a slightly uncomfortable silence.
After a few moments of silence their mother spoke up once again, eyes locked onto Remus.
"are you going to change your middle name too?"
"wha..?" Remus was completely caught off guard by the question.
"Are you going to change the middle name? I mean it has sentimental meaning and your nan was so happy when i told her I was using her middle name for yours. You were her first grandchild. so are you going to change it?"
Remus struggled to come up with a response, feeling like they were being interrogated and put on the spot.
Once again Roman came to their defence.
"You can't pressure someone into going by a name they don't identify with by telling them it has meaning to you. It has meaning to you but it's not how they identify and it's selfish to expect them to stick with it just because of your feelings about the name."
"I named her after my friends little sister who died!"
"Yes, we know, you keep saying but it's still not fair to Remus to basically emotionally blackmail them into sticking with a name they don't identify with."
Remus watched their mother and brother in shock, a warm feeling in their chest at the fact Roman was sticking up for them in such a way.
The warm feeling was immediately replaced by dread as their father spoke up, his grin still in place but it quickly disappeared.
"I'll say whatever the fuck I want to. If you don't like it then you can fuck off. It's my fucking house and I'll fucking say what I fucking want to. And Remus is a stupid fucking name. You're [Deadname]. Don't like it? Then move out!"
With each word their father said the room grew more and more tense and Remus felt their eyes prickling as the dread was replaced with hurt at the knowledge their parents would clearly never accept them as they truly were.
They remained silent, staring down at their plate, trying to ignore the few tears starting to trail down their face.
They focused on shovelling food into their mouth, anticipating the end of dinner when they could make a bid for freedom to their room and breakdown in privacy.
As subtly as they could Remus wiped their eyes, determined not to let either of their parents see just how much their words had effected them. Plus Remus didn't want to give their father an excuse to have a go at them for being weak/overreacting.
Eventually both parents left the table and Roman and Remus were alone in the dining room with the task of clearing up.
Roman was still furious at the conversation during dinner and kept trying to talk to Remus about it but Remus was very aware of their mother being in the other room and the fact Roman tended to get louder when talking about something he was passionate about so they shushed him and made a point of reminding him of where they were.
Eventually Remus was able to escape back to their room and that's when they fully allowed their walls to crumble.
The reality of what the disastrous dinner conversation meant hit them full force and for the first time in a while old urges began to plague their mind.
They collapsed into their computer chair and sobbed silently into their hands, a skill they'd had to learn out of necessity many years ago due to various things.
The little voice in their head they thought they'd finally managed to silence began whispering and Remus clenched their hands into fists in their hair, trying their best to ignore it as it seemed to get louder.
The temptation to give in was overwhelming as the fact they could never safely be their true self around their parents began to really sink in. Then a small spark of hope hit them as they remembered someone who had always been supporting them and fighting their corner, no matter what.
In a last ditch effort to rid themself of the old self destructive urges they sent Logan a message and filled him in on how dinner had gone.
It didn't take long for Logan to respond with an optimistic message about getting them out of there as soon as possible and reassuring Remus that their name was just as beautiful as their last and that their father was being an asshole.
Remus felt slightly better but their thoughts were still spiralling and they couldn't ignore the awful feeling welling up inside them as a question filled their mind that they had no answer to.
Why can't they accept me?
They sent Logan this question, still wiping tears from their face as they waited for his response.
Logan replied and Remus scowled, ignoring the fresh tears that spilled down their face as they told Logan that he couldn't promise that they would accept them eventually, that's not how life works.
Logan tried to bring up the fact that Remus's parents had accepted their sexuality but Remus scoffed and pointed out that the real reason their parents had 'accepted' their sexuality is because they were with Logan so for all intents and purposes they could kid themselves that Remus was straight as they were with a guy.
Logan told them that they'd do anything and everything they could in the future to use Remus's name around them as much as possible until they couldn't help but use it themselves.
Remus didn't think that would work but didn't say that, instead choosing not to reply as they couldn't think of anything else to say. Instead they began blasting music at full volume to try and drown out their thoughts.
They lost themself in their music and even began drawing, an old coping mechanism they rarely used anymore but it was a much healthier one than the one they were trying their hardest to ignore.
The next few days seemed to pass without much incident, the explosive dinner being forgotten and ignored by everyone as if it never happened.
Of course it was all Remus could think of as they went through the motions of everyday life, wincing every time Patton called them Remus instead of getting the warm feeling of validation because they were terrified their father might get angry again at the reminder.
There was a moment when Remus was trying to escape to their room and their father wanted them to come back downstairs and so he shouted "Oi! Woman!"
Remus felt a wave of revulsion wash through them and grit their teeth to fight down the urge to scream, instead standing at the top of the stairs and answering like nothing was wrong.
As time passed the intrusive thoughts seemed to increase in regularity, every trip downstairs they had thoughts of throwing themselves down them, washing their hands they held their hands under the hot tap as long as they were able and sometimes out of nowhere the urge to scratch at their skin until it bled would overwhelm them.
They managed to fight through these situations by reminding themselves of Logan and their friends but there were a few close calls where they only just kept themselves from doing anything.
It didn't help that it was starting to get closer to the time of year Remus dreaded most.
They loved winter but Christmas and all the things that came with it was a nightmare.
It was a time they couldn't help but associate with awful times.
So many years they'd spent in their room crying over some sort of family crisis or just generally feeling unwanted and they came to hate it more and more as the years went by.
This year would probably be just as bad as ever as things had really took a downturn this year.
Losing people was never easy but Remus seemed to lose everyone around this time so there were various dates they dreaded in November and December.
It was also the time of year their mental health always plummeted and intrusive thoughts of times when they'd almost succeeded with something drastic were plentiful.
They didn't remember the exact dates of those moments but they didn't need to.
Luckily they had Logan and Virgil and Janus to fall back on. Without them Remus dreaded to think what might have happened.
They were in a better place mentally now than they had been and they had several coping mechanisms in place that were relatively healthy.
Nothing particularly big happened in the next week or so but there were a few small instances  which did start to add up, causing Remus's stress levels to reach almost breaking point.
They felt frustrated and ashamed that such tiny things could effect them so much and though they tried their best to ignore the minor inconveniences they started to pile up.
It started with a simple thing. Remus's parents suddenly started to buy a different brand of soft drink than usual due to price which was all well and good but Remus was used to the other one, the cheaper one tasted Wrong and Different and they felt slightly on edge.
The next thing was bigger and pissed Remus off a considerable amount. Their mother was already wrapping things for Christmas for their two youngest brothers and she had as always gone overboard with three black sacks full of wrapped gifts which she then handed to Remus.
"Wait what?" Remus asked, having zoned out midway through the conversation and making their mother huff in annoyance.
"I said go put these in your room somewhere Patton won't find them."
"But I don't have anywhere to put them!" Remus exclaimed indignantly and frowned as their mother raised her voice angrily.
"Where else do you suggest they be put? There's no room in mine and your dads room, Romans room also has no room and they can't stay down here. Just clear up some of the junk in your room and you'll have plenty of room."
Remus growled and muttered under their breath and reluctantly dragged the bags up to their room where they turned in circles in a frustrated moment of panic as they struggled to figure out where they could put them.
Despite what their mother had said they didn't actually have much room and while their room wasn't spotless it wasn't a complete mess like both parents liked to claim, it was just a very lived in space.
Eventually Remus ended up shoving the bags down the end of their bed and decided that if Patton saw them when he did his usual thing of bursting into their room then it wasn't their fault.
Still the bags at the end of their bed made them feel restless, the unfamiliar objects invading what they had considered their safe space but even without the bags of presents Remus was struggling to consider their room their safe place with each passing day.
The next change was a very large one. Despite only having it for two years Remus's parents had decided to get a new couch which had thrown Remus into a spiral of thoughts, none of them good. The different couch was larger than their previous ones and meant that when it came time to put the tree up there wouldn't be room where they used to put it, yay another change!
It would have to be put in front of the living room window where it would be very easy for Patton to bump into it and smash the glass decorations.
This thought sent Remus down a dark path of imagining laying in the wreckage of broken glass.
They shook this off and tried their best to stay as together as possible.
This worked slightly until the day the new sofa arrived.
Everything was hectic and there was lots of shouting from both parents which resulted in Remus falling back on an old coping mechanism.
To avoid breaking down in front of either parent Remus shut off their emotions. Or at least enough of them so they didn't end up crying.
The issue with this particular coping mechanism was Remus found it difficult to go back to 'normal' so to speak.
They were sort of glad that they were still able to block their emotions when their help was demanded with the tree.
The various decorations their mother had collected over the years usually would cause a torrent of various emotions but they remained rather unaffected through the whole process.
The snide comments and little digs barely registered as they monotonously helped decorate the tree.
The final decoration to be placed on the tree was a new one as it was every year due to family tradition. This year however it was a tribute to their mothers mum who'd died a few months back.
Their mum was instantly in floods of tears and Roman placed a hand on her shoulder, looking close to tears himself.
Remus watched as the decoration was placed on a branch and both clung to each other, teary eyed and sniffing.
Remus blinked a few times to try and escape the numb state they'd managed to get themself in but it was no use.
Their father in a rare moment of understanding gave them a small nudge and then lifted their hand and placed it on their mums shoulder.
They left their hand there for a few seconds before patting awkwardly, completely out of their depth right now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The next few days they found themselves incapable of getting out of bed. They were tired all the time and would drift in and out of sleep throughout the day, only getting up to do housework.
Their thoughts were full of worst case scenario and thoughts of what they'd do if they didn't have Logan and Virgil and Janus.
None of them were good and all their thoughts seemed to have become twisted and dark.
It was reaching a point where even talking to their friends and Logan was becoming difficult.
They knew that isolating themself from such supportive individuals was a bad idea but they couldn't seem to stop. There were no brakes on the self destruct train.
They were managing to refrain from various things but as the month of December progressed they knew it would only get harder.
Tag List under the cut:
General tag list: @mcfreakin-childproof-caps @amethystdarkwolf @patchworkofstars @kitkat-doodles @unikornavenger @dolphin-squirrel @sympathetic-deceit-trash @starryfirefliesbloggo @cakercanart @neonb-fly @kaymischief25 @punsterterry @aprilthevene @theoddkidnextdoor @fuckingemoace @i-sold-my-soul-to-thefandom @im-so-infinitesimal @sea-blue-child @thecatchat @iris-sanders-athena @saphael-malec102 @smedenn @corkeecoderyt @sopi-montezzz @illogicaldeath @deadpanstar @theanxiousfander @lesliealiceinwonderland @wicked-universe @anxious-is-the-name @a-black-pegasus @erlenmeyertrashofsandersides @ace-the-weekly-doodler @luarpice @novusavis @the-life-ofa-troubled-ace @heck-im-lost @nerdy-as-heck @pansexual-cat @ravens-rambling @echomist13 @myownhappilyeverafter @im-a-sexy-mouse @xx-fandom-potato-xx @bisexualellaphants @redundant-statements-for-400 @noahlovescoffee @akl1 @love-ya-to-the-moon @misty2-0 @cdragontogacotar @shad-ster @chemicallyimbalancedromance @ivescottthis @flag-spinning-demiboy @moonstonefox12 @stupidfangirl107 @teegankitty @stormastrote @skylerskywing @oonagh-una @ab-artist @lydialightwood-bane @remythehero @amberrose80q3 @official-spookifers-child @amazonprimebox
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mipplenoop · 3 years
Chapter One: Refractory
I swiped left, I swiped right. My lips echoed those satisfying plinks and plonks as points racked up and candies dropped. There was a strange sort of comfort that came from controlling supersaturated treats on an iPhone screen, as their bright light danced on the mute concrete around me.
Though I was a prisoner, the phone made me feel free. It brought me back to all those hours at home, playing the 8-bit games that were all the rage back then - especially Sweets Smash. With Aaron, with Ruby, I remembered sitting under the dining table gathered around my brother’s old console, hiding from the discipline of our parents. Even though it was called Candy Crush now, and on a screen smaller than my palm, the feeling was the same. Just like back then, staring at those lacquered sweets made my mouth water.
Oh, how I longed for a good meal. I couldn’t recall the last time I had digested something other than salty, rubbery chicken and reheated green beans. I was so starved for something different that I could’ve eaten, say, an entire spotted hyena. Yes. I imagined myself grabbing the beast by the belly while its brethren howled and laughed, sinking my teeth into its fur and biting down through its thick, black hide. Tasting that sweet, fibrous flesh of a being inferior to me. In fact, I’d have eaten the whole pack - my stomach bubbled and churned as I immersed myself in the game, trying in vain to stave off that ever present sensation. But not a moment passed that I didn’t force myself to gulp down a torrent of saliva, lest I drown in my own starvation. At this point, the mold growing out of the cracks in the wall looked tempting. What made me, of all people, deserving of such punishment? Of such pain?
Nothing, I reminded myself. I was an honest person. I worked hard at making it in this life. I was caring, curious, and funny. Loyal. There were people who loved me. And I loved them, even to the point that I would’ve given my life for them. Sure, maybe I hadn’t always been the best I could be, but I tried. I tried so hard.
Yet in the eyes of the law, I was nothing but a killer. They - the police, the prisons, the surveillance companies, “They” with a big “T” - knew my sins, and were never going to forget. A cold, computational system never forgets. Charged on two counts of first degree murder. One count of aggravated assault.
Nobody understood that I was a victim, too. In the last moments of Duy’s life, it was me or him. Letting him live would’ve been a dark, endless pit that pulled me down forever, sinking me deeper and deeper into a suffocating void of toxicity until I died. Of abuse, or stress, or insanity, I didn’t know. But I felt it in my loins. That feeling was frustrating, and it was the only thing that hurt more than the hunger. They didn’t understand that I was more than ones and zeros. That Aaron, or even Duy was more than a statistic, more than... Fuck. The gnarled remains of my cock hurt just thinking about it. A phantom pain. Tears streamed down my pudgy cheeks, falling onto those precious candies.
I swept the tears away, but no matter how hard I tried, each move felt like a setback - a step towards loss. With each combo, blocks of chocolate grew in area, threatening to envelop my remaining freedom - eating away at the space which would allow the creation of striped candies and color bombs. Those big brown balls dotted with sprinkles of rainbow, that was what I needed to win. Just six of them, in about three times as many moves. I hoped that when I saw that victory screen, with all of the points I had won, it would be almost rewarding as a real meal - maybe I would be able to forget where I was, even just for a second. Yet those brown squares were eating away at my freedom to win, or to even try to win. It was a never ending battle for territory, where each attack that did not seek to eliminate the chocolate only facilitated in growing it.
“Your phone time is over, Gambia.”
The sound echoed through my head, disrupting the swirling thoughts that I had grown so accustomed to housing. When had he entered? I hadn’t even noticed.
Loop Liu eyed me through the bars of my cell, pelvis thrust forward in a display of attempted dominance. His hands rested over a pair of bony hips, lined by a belt weighed down with all variety of police gadgets. Handcuffs, pepper spray, knives, and whistles. Two empty gun holsters. Blue fabric of his much-too-big uniform sagged over them, weighted down by a sparkling, star-shaped metal buckle that identified the man as chief - pinned over his heart like a sticker for good behavior. It made him look even more so like a child in a man’s outfit. His lanky arm reached through the bars, beckoning me to hand over the phone.
“You made your one phone call, right? Who did you contact?” he questioned in a somewhat accusatory tone.
I looked down at the phone, at my game. I hadn't made the call, but only because I was too busy crushing candies. I tried to concentrate on winning, since that was the only thing I could control now.
Still, it was interesting that he used that phrase. “One phone call.” That was just a myth from Hollywood movies, wasn’t it? Aaron had made me aware of such factoids during our time in the hospital. People treated that line as if it was written in the Constitution. But in reality, I had no rights the second they found me - a beautiful brown big boy - beaten, bloody, in a room with two bodies. This phone didn’t even belong to me, but to the lieutenant currently at the front desk. It was an aesthetic. Worse than that, it was probably monitored, tapped, just so they could incriminate me further.
The chief sighed. “Gambia. This ain’t a hotel. Say something. You gonna make me come in there?”
Only fifteen moves left, and I still needed four more color bomb swipes. It was tough, trying to get a row of candies to align in the right configuration. With the limited space imposed by the chocolates squares, it would take all of my skill to get a win.
“Don’t make this harder than it needs to be,” he taunted.
Fourteen moves now. I couldn’t stop.
“I know people like you, you don’t have anyone to call. You don’t have any family or friends, because either they got scared and ran away, or because you killed them. Am I wrong? I know I'm not. Frankly, it disgusts me that we have to do anything for murderers like you,” Loop Liu tucked his thumbs under his belt and stretched backward. “But it’s the law.”
I continued swiping. Two more moves but no closer to my goal.
He was wrong, wasn’t he? I didn’t call because I didn’t want to hurt anyone else. I had people to contact. The nurses at the hospital, family friends, my parents’ old lawyer. Right? I just didn’t want to involve them in it. And as for the people I had supposedly murdered… Duy… well, that wasn’t my choice.
“Now if you didn’t call anyone, that’s perfectly understandable. You can give me the phone and I’ll leave you be. But if you did talk to someone, and we don’t know about it, if you’re lying to me, well, that’s not good. In fact, some may say that your actions are grounds for additional obstruction of justice charges.”
Why was I still thinking those thoughts? About what happened with Duy. Why was I being stupid again? There was no way out for me. The chocolate was closing in, leaving me with only a five by five grid to build the bomb. Maybe I could use a lollipop booster? No. That would be cheap. Aaron would never have resorted to using microtransactions or cheating in Sweets Smash.
Then again, Aaron wouldn’t have killed anyone, either. Maybe I should just give Loop the phone. It wasn’t even mine, and, like I had said, it was probably compromised. It was evidence that the whole world was against me, that they would try their best to make sure I lived in a dark, cramped jail cell for the rest of my life. It was an impostor. It was a fake friend. My real phone was broken, along with Duy’s spine, when I had crushed him.
My arm began to move, raising the phone toward the chief’s hand.
But I stopped myself.
“No. I want to see Big Wang Chang’s body. Then I’ll give you your phone,” my voice cracked, after having not spoken for days.
It was a pathetic declaration. Irrational. Yet, there was something in me that wanted to grasp onto just an infinitesimal chance at hope. Even though I would never talk with Ruby or Aaron on our old farmhouse, my heart still jumped every time I swiped a candy and was reminded of their warmth. Despite the fact that I would probably never again see the light of day, I pictured myself taking Aaron’s body from the morgue, dressing it in fancy clothes, giving it a modest send off and burying it in the field out back with Ruby.
Loop laughed, as he unhooked a ring of keys from his belt. “You think you can make demands? You’ve already asked us for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a goddamn late night snack every single day you’ve been here. You’re out of requests.”
My stomach growled. Candies beckoned me, and they tasted like my lover. If I didn’t try now, I probably would never be able to again.
“I just want to see him one last time. I won’t do anything crazy,” I spoke, now with a more confident voice.
The chief rolled his eyes. “You want to see Aaron, you mean? Your ‘brother’?”
My twin.
“Not a chance,” asserted Loop. “Quit whining and give me the phone.”
I crossed my arms stubbornly in protest. The chief stood in contemplation for a moment.
Loop Liu lifted his cap and scratched his balding head. “Look, we don’t even have the body anymore. I don’t know what the feds did with it, but it got separated from Duy’s at the hospital. Good thing, too, if you ask me. You wouldn’t want to see your own handiwork. From what I already saw in the photos, that kid's chest was messed up.”
Duy had stabbed him, yet I was being blamed. This was the brilliant system at it again. Aaron was covered in my blood when they found us, and that was all there was the story. No need to investigate further, or to learn about how he saved me from an infection that would’ve taken my life, not to mention my whole cock. My blood began to boil at the sheer thought of it, and the only thing keeping me in check was that I had just gotten another color bomb. Its electricity reached out like tendrils of Aaron’s hair all those summers ago, long before he had cut it. I only had three more to go.
“That’s a lie. If you don’t have a body, how do you even know he’s dead?” I demanded.
I knew he was dead. There was no way around it. I was just stalling, taking up time, in a big middle finger to the chief. How dare he try and tease me, to give me the hope of seeing my twin once again. Fuck the chief. I remembered what Duy had done to Aaron. All I wanted was for them to give me the truth.
“Look, Gambia, we can go over all the fun details during your official interrogation. But let’s take things one at a time. First, I need you to hand me the goddamn phone.”
But I could already recall all the details. How the paramedics first took Duy’s body and threw it on a stretcher. How it landed with a squelch, and how blood spurted from his open mouth as his head fell back. His crushed, limp body jiggled as they tried to take his pulse. No response. Then they just carted him away, into another room full of body bags.
And I was left there gasping on the ground, as Chief Liu’s underlings took photos of me and Aaron.
The chief huffed. “Remember when we talked before? You gave me your solemn oath that we could get started after you settled in. With a real interview, and a phone call to your family, and all that good stuff.”
That wasn’t a promise. It was coercion, as I was being thrown into a hospital bed still bleeding, and still drenched in Duy’s blood. I was being smothered in questions and flashing lights, swarmed by the police, while they left Aaron in that terrible room all alone. Then when all of the doctors had gone, Chief Liu bent himself over me, and pushed his knee deep into the pulp that was the remains of my penis.
“Promises to bastards like you don’t count,” I sneered.
That last statement came out overflowing with anger. I guess I needed to practice holding in my emotions after experiencing so much trauma and isolation. Whatever. That didn’t matter now. I went with it. I held the phone out in front of my face and continued playing, as if to tell the chief “Come get it.” And my game was on an upswing, too. Only two more bombs needed, with eight moves left.
Liu swung his head to the side, with an amused expression.
“Don’t talk to me like that, boy. You won’t like me when I’m angry,” he laughed.
His air of nonchalance infuriated me. It wasn’t just about what he had done to me, either. I knew Loop Liu was corrupt. A liar and a rapist. Duy had told me as much the last time we met, as we hugged with his mouth pressed to my ear. In the end, perhaps he had become so disillusioned with the world because of what Loop had done. That’s right. I had to remember that we were all victims.
“And how are you when you’re angry? What’s that like?” I asked. My voice quivered with rage.
“You just might find out. I’m specially trained to take down punks like you,” the chief snorted.
“No, Loop. I’m going to take you down. There will be a day that comes when everything you’ve done comes back to bite you in the ass.”
“Really? That’s hard to believe, because I haven’t done anything,” the chief snorted.
“Of course you have. You know it, and I know it.”
“Is that a threat?” he asked, half jokingly.
No. It was a prophecy. One that was going to come to pass very soon.
“Duy told me,” I said flat-out. “I know what you did to him. What are you going to do when I let every police officer and lawyer in the city know that?”
There was a barely perceptible change in his expression. His brows crossed just a little deeper, and his forehead became just a little more wrinkly. This was the expression of a man who was not quite angry - afraid, and just enough to lose his cool. It made me feel a little bit better.
I was going to win. I could see the path forward - four blue candies split in half by a yellow. I just had to make the right move. Clink. Plop. Candies dropped. I looked at Loop as he started to tap his feet and pace the ground outside my cell. Clearly my statement had some effect on him. He was off balance now, so maybe there was a way through. Not just in the game, either. I was talking about getting out of this cell.
“You know, Julius,” he spoke quietly.
“Some of the boys and I made bets. Bets on how many beatings you would have to take before confessing to the two murders. What do you think I wagered?”
“I don't know. Sixty nine?”
Loop chuckled to himself. “I said only one, because despite how fat you are, you have a feeble soul. And I reckon I’m right - don’t try to prove me wrong.”
Oh. Those were fighting words.
“Are we passing on the interview, then?” I asked, barely able to contain myself.
Loop Liu stared me down. “We sure as hell are. And I’m going to substitute it for a beating right now.”
It was fitting. As kids, Aaron always got out of doing chores on the farm by sweet talking our parents. He would joke with them, talk about how little work I was doing, or fake being sick by warming his forehead with our old heated toilet. I was never as smart. I would always end up doing his work, or take his beatings, while he got to go off on adventures with Ruby, or play Sweets Smash without me.
But as a result, I was used to doing backbreaking labor every day up until I fell off the roof of that barn. And even though it had been three years, I was nearly just as strong as I was then. Under my layers of folds and flaps was a man with the strength to bend steel bars. To crush the entire police force.
To kill.
Fuck! I messed up. It was the chocolate again. I wasn’t watching it. Now I had just two moves left, with no clear path to getting that color bomb.
I clutched the phone tighter as traumatic memories caused my hands to glisten. I couldn't handle another loss. I heard crackling, but I couldn’t tell if it was Candy Crush or the device itself. Or Duy’s ribs. The way I squeezed them with such ease, until his lungs popped and his chest caved in. Those round, blue candies reminded me of Duy’s glistening, pleading eyes as I smothered the life out of them-
“Just give me the damn phone!” screeched chief of police Loop Liu.
He had unlocked the door while I was deep in thought. Of course he had, that slippery bastard. Just like he had barged into mine and Duy’s relationship, he began to enter my cell. This space that they had designated for people like me without giving it a second thought. But now I knew it intimately, like Aaron’s smooth, slender body. And I could beat him with that.
Adrenaline, anger, and power pumped through my bloated body, and in that moment I saw every detail of my surroundings: the sixty nine rusted cell bars before me, the cold, mossy concrete slabs behind me, and the faint breeze that pulsed through each of their cracks. The high hum of the security system that blocked me from the outside world. Yellow heat lamps, swinging on their tethers. There was Loop’s pale hand against the door, ready to push. The hinges to squeak and squeal at his behest. And I knew the exact trajectory of its opening. I could think of one thousand ways to stop Loop from grabbing me, but I only needed one.
“You don’t want to do that,” I warned. “You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.”
I strutted forward in a confident rage, knowing that I could take him. I no longer cared about my freedom, or Duy, or Candy Crush. I wanted revenge. If I played my cards right here, I may be able to escape and wreak even more destruction. The chief was thin and unathletic, hardly able to stand up to my thickness. The distance between his elbows was less than half that of my body. Even though I was sorely lacking nutrition, I had no doubt that I could take him.
I smacked the man across his face, knuckles digging deep into the bony recesses of his cheeks. His head snapped back and the chief fell to the floor.
I stood dominant over my prey. This spotted hyena of a man, a pathetic excuse for chief, pleaded upward at me in terror. But despite my blinding anger, I still knew in the back of my mind that he was cunning. Duy had told me that much. His pack could arrive at any moment. And so I kept an eye on bony fingers as they slid across his belt, making sure he didn’t radio for backup. Once they came to a rest, I was going to pounce. Aim for the legs, then the face. Then the groin - for Duy.
But no. Wait. the chief was reaching for something else, not on his belt. That was it. A bright red whistle tied around his neck. How had I not noticed that before?
In a single motion, Loop Liu grabbed it, put it to his mouth, and blew as hard as he could.
The shrill banshee cry made me shrink back, stumbling ass first into my cell, shielding my sensitive ears with my palms. My strength negated. Could I still salvage the situation? Nobody would have heard that whistle except for me, right? No. Before I had time to regain my surroundings, with just one glance, I knew it was over. I had no more hope of escape, save for some divine miracle. The physical barrier was just too great.
They lined Loop like a street gang: three dark, African men to each side of the chief, each outfitted in tactical gear, batons in hand, ready to wage full on war. They wore full face shields, the tinted plexiglass as dark as the skin peeking out beneath it. In contrast to the chief, they were brimming with vigor and muscle.
The men seemed to have appeared from nowhere, in a highly coordinated effort, and the beck and call of Loop. They stood with feet perfectly aligned, immaculately distanced from each other in a regular fashion, not a millimeter off. They were not only strong, but obedient. Clearly, the best of the police force.
“Come get some!” I shouted.
They charged, and my fists pounded against their vests.
They seized me. Twelve arms wrapped around my torso, beastial limbs ripping into my form as I struggled against them. With every twist, with each shove, they pressed into me harder than ever before. They were the chocolate, and I was that last color bomb, never meant to be.
As I was suffocated under their layers of Kevlar and sweat, I thought to myself that I could’ve overpowered these half dozen thugs. If only I had a little more food, if only I had won in Candy Crush, it would be a fair battle. The embarrassment brought on by my weakness, and my impotence, only galvanized my struggle even more. My muscles rippled under my corpulent body as I cried out in frustration and shame. This brought only further embarrassment, perpetuating a vicious cycle that soon brought me to tears. The phone fell from my hands, screen shattering against the unforgiving floor. I would never be able to play Candy Crush again.
“You’re not going to win, Loop Liu,” I resolved. “I’ll kill you one day, I swear!”
Loop Liu giggled like a hyena. His head rolled back and he clutched his belly, though I could barely tell through the prison of meat that surrounded me.
“Oh, Julius Gambia. You think you’re ever going to get out of here? Out of the most secure containment system humanity has seen since slavery? No. For that commotion you caused, you’re going somewhere not even your lawyers will be able to find you.”
“And where’s that?” I asked, gasping for air.
“To the depths of hell.”
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coffehbeans · 4 years
51. Landing
Thanks for asking! It’s my first completed oneshot here, so I’m excited. English is not my first language, so there might be some grammar and vocabulary mistakes, so pls lemme know if smth sounds confusing.
Hope you all like it!
(I didn’t expect to research about agriculture for this story aushausha)
The sky turned yellow as the afternoon approached its end, the sunbeams shining the humble cottage on the farm. Alicia calmly finished washing the dishes, trying to dry them as fast as possible so she could plow the terrain outside before night came. Her grandmother and only company, sat at the armchair half-asleep, barely listening to the rather alarmed tone of the news anchor on the television.
-The United World Nations at the moment gathered all military force to eliminate the new attack by yet another extraterrestrial spaceship.
Oh, that’s right, Alicia thought as she listened to the news, the global powers are fighting once again to save the Earth from yet another alien force. The attacks were getting frequent now, she noticed. Not that it gave her even an ounce of concern, since Earth has quite the amount of technology to defeat the hostile species, and thanks to the giant robots that were built, a large and indestructible army could battle in the sky, far away from any defenseless human.
It’s not as if any alien invasion would soon happen where Alicia lived, anyway. Her home was in a rural area far away from any people agglomeration, and the only town close to the farm is small and barely populated. Nothing really interesting for an extraterrestrial being.  
Besides all that, since her grandmother was already of old age and walked with difficulty, Alicia had to take care of most of the farm’s plantations, living pretty busy to worry about any spaceship’s attempt to destroy the Earth.
It was a dull life, she knew that, but a peaceful one. She felt grateful for its tranquility.
Although, as Alicia picked her hoe to head outside, she peered at her pile of Engineering and Physics books and sighed. Indeed, she longed to know more about Earth’s defense robots, the subject that caught so much of her interest. How they worked, how they were built, or even if she would be able to design one.  
But that did not matter now. Alicia felt comfortable living a calm life in such a chaotic world situation, and that was all that mattered.
-As of now, the new mecha models, AS-31, are being used for the first time in this attack. Due to the governments’ assurance of its new potential and ability, the entire world population is laying all their hopes on these promising machines.
Now that piqued Alicia’s interest. ‘I wonder how these new models are’, she thought. However, she only quickly glanced at the footage of the new type of robot as she held onto the doorknob and readied herself to go outside before the sunset.
-I’m going to clear off the field now! -she warned her grandmother as the latter jostled awake.
-Alright. -she said to Alicia. -Just make sure to return before dark!
-I will!
And she was off.
Scratching the dirt soil, over and over again, time passed by quite quickly as Alicia’s mind went blank and concentrated on her work, forgetting all about the deal with robots, or crazy space invasions. Yeah, she thought. Her life didn’t match the current world situation at all. She was ok with that. Things were peaceful as they should be. Thus, she continued looking down, plowing the entire plantation and all the terrain of crops that still had to grow.
Until she heard a whirring sound, as if from a motor. ‘A plane?’ She thought and looked up.
Indeed, there was a black dot on the yellowed sky above, but she couldn’t identify if it was a plane, jet or missile. Those are very common to pass by one day or another.
But before Alicia could decide to look down, the black dot became bigger, its silhouette turning more defined, to reveal a, helmet? Connected to some sort of body that was sharp around the edges. Its form resembled a person, but colored in silver black and made of metal. Fire and smoke left its shoes and back as the thrusters flicked on and off. Alicia widened her eyes in realization.
That was a mecha.
She let the hoe fall down as the robot grew larger and larger, apparently coming closer to her, lowering towards her direction.
It was falling.
Her stomach sank.  
-Grandma!!! - she turned her head towards her house and shouted from the top of her lungs, heart accelerating.  
-Grandma!! Grandma!!
Her grandmother opened the door in confusion, oblivious to the giant robot that threatened to fall above them. The whirring sound got louder.
-What happened?
-Get out, get out!! There’s a giant robot falling down here!!
Alicia’s grandmother slowly got out of the house, walking towards her as Alicia ran and ran to help her while also looking up from time to time. She could make out some details of the machine now, the words “AS-31” marked on its chest. Her stomach dropped. ‘It seems to be over 100 feet tall.’  
She reached her grandmother and intertwined her arm with hers, helping her to walk as both started to pace quicker and get as far away as possible from the falling steel giant.
-What’s going on?! - grandma’s voice cracked.
-It’s a mecha! The new version one! It’s falling down here! Hurry!!
And they hushed past the house, past the barn next to it and the farm terrain, as the buzzing grew louder and the mecha lowered closer and closer to the ground in free fall, until-
Suddenly from its hands and feet, although flickering, some sort of fire thrusters emerged, slowing its fall and making it soar right above the duo as everything came to slow motion.  
And it landed with a thunderous sound that convulsed the entire earth and toppled both Alicia and her grandma to the ground, an earsplitting noise ringing in their ears as dust spread everywhere. Alicia sat up with quickened breaths, immediately turning towards her grandma to help her up.
-Grandma! Are you okay?
-Yeah, yeah, I am, don’t worry ’bout it. - she dismissed as she took her hands out of her ears and got up with Alicia’s help without much trouble. -What on earth was that?!
-I, I think that a giant robot fell down on Earth from that battle the news reporter mentioned. - Alicia said in between breaths, trying to inhale more air to calm herself down, which proved to be a failure as powder filled her nostrils.
-Sheesh. - her grandma reacted without as much of a worry. -why right here, at our house?! Hope it didn’t destroy anything.
-Wait a bit, grandma, I’ll check it out. - Alicia said as she swiftly rushed towards the fallen robot. She could only see the top of its laid down body now, since the dust blocked the rest of the view.
-You be careful, Ali! It might blow up.
-Don’t worry, I’ll check it out real quick.  
At that, she ran.
-Don’t get near that thing! - she could hear her grandmother saying. But her mind wasn’t processing any imminent danger. Despite Alicia’s heart hammering through her chest, or the dirt particles filling up her nostrils and making her eyes water, she went towards the mecha to scan the possible damage it might have caused.
But it didn’t, Alicia realized as her mouth dropped.
It went over the crops, the house, and the barn and fell a few feet after it, not damaging any plantation, despite forming somewhat of a crater at the spot it landed on. Aside from the fact part of the cottage’s walls have fallen down, nothing else was damaged. She let out a breath in relief.
The giant robot laid perfectly still, its head facing to the side, while smoke faded out from its feet and hands. She gasped at its sheer size, noticing how her height wasn’t even the length of its longest finger.
Letting herself be allured by curiosity, Alicia strode forward, until she was a few centimeters close to the thick glass visor of its helmet.  
She widened her eyes and gasped in awe, mouth agape. It looked fascinating. Urging to look around, Alicia climbed its head to see if it had a monitor, or a panel, anything she could dismount and analyze later. But nothing. She climbed down and furrowed her brows. Now that was weird. Wasn’t the head supposed to have some sort of engine somewhere? It is where most of the mechanical functions come from after all. But the way the helmet was built didn’t give space to any compartment that allowed a quick check on its AI behavior. Wouldn’t that be dangerous?
But before Alicia could walk around and check the other parts of the robot, she noticed a small, rectangular-shaped button in the corner of the glass pane of the helmet. Without a second thought and taken by her eagerness, she pressed it.
And the glass pane suddenly disappeared, leaving the face part of the helmet completely open.
And revealing a giant human-looking face, with its eyes closed, mouth firmly shut and brown-colored bangs slightly covering part of its cheek.
Alicia sucked in a breath.
-Wh, what? -  was all she could pronounce as she wheezed, aghast.
-Is, is this some sort of fake skin to cover a metal skeleton? - said her wobbly voice as her mind tried to process what was in front of her. There was absolutely no way that was a living being. Right?
With trembling hands, she caressed the skinned surface. It was soft, as if truly was human skin. ‘As if it’s a real human in massive size.’ Her heartbeat quickened. Taking a deep breath, Alicia attempted to rationalize it all in her head and calm herself down once again. ‘It’s okay. It must be a way to personalize the robot so the body is not only metal. Yeah, that’s all there is to it. Just a fake human-like face. A realistic human-like face’.
But the gigantic hand abruptly twitched, tensing her up.
Her stomach sank and she held her breath, blood pulsing through her veins, goosebumps taking over her skin as Alicia felt a slight breeze fluttering her face, coming out of its nose. As if it was breathing.
-N-no way, it can’t be. -she stuttered.
-T-this can’t be real, can it?
But while Alicia was still speaking, its huge eyes shot open, revealing grey orbs around the size of her head that reflected her trembling and astonished form.
And that instantly looked back at her.
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your-world-with-nct · 5 years
𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 — 𝐳𝐜𝐥
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➵ pairing: chenle x gender-neutral reader
➵ genre: angst, fluff, crack, one-shot
➵ warnings: cursing, negative mentions of body image 
➵ word count: 2.5k
➵ summary: there was no other way to describe your relationship with zhong chenle than “twisted”. you were in love with him but all you could ever show him was anger and disgust, and it seemed to be the same case for him too. but when his words come out more twisted than they’ve ever been, you begin to question, could you ever untangle the mess you two were in?
➵ a/n: happy (late) birthday lele !! this was meant to be a short drabble requested by @yangerscheeks​ but i ended up falling in love with the plot idea and turning it into a one-shot for you guys hehe enjoy
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game nights with the dreamies were the sole thing you looked forward to after a long week of work; it was the only thing keeping you going. chaos-filled evenings packed with competition, laughter, betrayal, teamwork, snacks, victories and losses, with your favourite seven boys - yes, the dreamies insisted on inviting your older brother, mark, to join you all every saturday night, when he wasn’t too busy - was the ideal way to spend time with your best friends and de-stress from the past week’s workload. from classic board games and party games, to the newest video games, you always enjoyed messing around with them and playing whatever the game of choice was that week. you loved everything about game night - except something, or rather... someone. 
chenle was the only member of nct dream that never seemed to click with you, even from your first meeting 3 years ago; he either completely ignored you and acted cold around you, or irritated you every waking second of the day, teasing you in ways that crossed the line, and sometimes just blatantly insulted you (not that you didn’t respond in a similar manner to him though). you hated it, and you hated him.
you despised his illuminating smile, and his perfect facial features; you loathed his contagious, cute giggles; you disliked how talented he was and how angelic his vocals were; you detested his enticing nature on stage; you were disgusted by his family-oriented attitude and his close-knit relationship with his fellow hyungs; and you absolutely hated how he made your heart pound out of your chest whenever he was around you. you hated that you loved chenle.
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tonight’s game was twister, and, unfortunately, mark couldn’t join you since he was abroad promoting with SuperM, which also meant that game night was a frenzy without a somewhat sane adult watching over you all.
“left foot green, ha! there’s no space left between haechan hyung and jaemin hyung, y’all are gonna fall soon,” jisung cackled from the couch, being assigned as the spinner for this round as he lost the last one.
the remaining players, including you, shifted to claim a green spot, whilst trying not to laugh at jaemin’s behind planted right in front of haechan’s face, “personal space won’t hold me back from winning, bitch!” 
without a doubt, the room erupted into laughter, causing haechan’s stomach to tense up so much that he toppled over, “AHA! HYUNG YOU’RE OUT, YOU LOOOOSE!” jisung yelled from his comfortable spot, not feeling as embarrassed about not snatching a win the previous round, as his spluttering hyung stumbled onto the sofa with him, small wheezes of “minnie why” in between each of his heaving howls.
the euphoric feeling that surrounded the seven of you during moments like this was something you treasured, and you couldn’t hold back a chuckle yourself, grinning at the sore loser gripping his abdomen and cursing out jaemin for getting him out of the game.
“don’t worry, there’ll be another round, hyung. okay, now right hand red,” jisung announced, watching as you all struggled to get to the opposite side of the mat.
assessing the situation, you realised that the only way you could put your hand on a red spot was by extending your arm across chenle’s leg, and reaching over it. it was a risky move as you would be dangerously close to him, but, as much as you wanted him to fall, you knew that boy was extremely ticklish and would jerk his entire leg, which would probably end up with you joining him in being eliminated from that round. however, you took the chance anyway, hovering your arm over chenle and ensuring that you made no contact with him whatsoever.
you thought you could last until jisung called out the next one, until you felt jeno move his elbow underneath your gut, causing all the breath in your chest to flow out of you, and your whole body to fall to the floor, bringing chenle down with you too.
strained huffs left your mouth as jeno, jaemin, and renjun shouted in triumph having taken out two players at once. despite their loud whoops, you couldn’t ignore the annoyed grunts coming from next to you, and the snarky comment that came after it.
“my god, y/n, you’re so heavy, you knocked the wind out of me, and i think you broke my rib too while you were at it,” chenle mumbled out of exasperation, loud enough for you and the rest of the dreamies to hear it too.
usually, his remarks wouldn’t bother you at all, you’d brush them off, or make a casual retort, but, this time he had dug at a deep insecurity of yours, your self-image and your body. “aww, no, i’m out!” you announced, faking disappointment, and dragging yourself up from the carpet, “i’m just, i’m just gonna go, uhhh, go get a, ummm… a drink. yeah, i’ll be back in a sec, guys.”
you tried not to let the emotion show through your voice, but these boys knew you too well, they could already see by the forlorn look on you face just how hurt you were by what chenle said. turning towards the bathroom, you knew that there was nowhere else you could hide to let your new set of tears flow.
“wait, y/n, that’s not the kitchen-” was the last thing you heard from renjun, before you slammed the door behind you, sliding down against it and breaking down in your arms, as the spiteful words your own crush had said to you reverberated in your damaged thoughts.
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“chenle, why... why would you say that to them? you know how sensitive y/n can be, you dumbass,” renjun let out an exasperated sigh at the younger boy, who was currently curled up on the floor, his face buried in his knees as he internally kicked himself for saying such a malicious thing to you. 
running his hands through his chestnut locks, remorse evident in the action, chenle groaned as the other members contributed to renjun’s statement, which simply added to his already immense amount of guilt, “okay, okay! i get it. alright? you guys can shut the fuck up now, i know what i did. you don’t have to make it worse than it already is.”
chenle’s harsh tone shocked his hyungs, and so did the way he stormed out of the room, running off in the direction you went in before. meanwhile, even the said boy was surprised by what he said. what was wrong with him today? why was he acting like this? the only thing he could think of that was affecting him this much was you. you and your melodic laugh, your cute remarks, your enchanting presence - he was so caught up in admiring you that he could barely control himself. 
‘no, chenle, that’s a stupid excuse,’ he mumbled to himself, as he came to a halt when he reached the door to the bathroom you were in, which he deducted from the choked sobs he could hear coming from the other side. the pain-stricken cries were a heart-wrenching sound to chenle, and, at that moment, he wanted nothing more than to hold you in his arms and tell you how much he treasured you.
but, he couldn’t, because he was your enemy, because he made himself your enemy, because you would never love someone you hated. it was times like these that made chenle despise himself for freezing up around you and being selfish, for turning his irrepressible feelings for you into ignorance and hatred, for disregarding how he felt because it was too much for him.
chenle couldn’t keep doing this to you, and to himself; it was torture just watching the sparkle in your eyes dim every time he opened his mouth to say something to you, to hurt someone so precious to him. maybe, it was time to let you know how he really, truly felt about you, just, maybe, his words wouldn’t come out so twisted.
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you didn’t know if it was your vivid imagination, but you swore you heard footsteps approaching, and you couldn’t stand knowing that one of the boys could hear you crying, with only a door to separate you. specifically if it was chenle, oh, you didn’t know what you would do if your crush, and nemesis, was outside, listening to you and your already low self-esteem crumble as you stared down at your shaking body, his cruel words resonating through your head. 
it’s not as if you were unaware that you didn’t have the perfect figure, but it wasn’t something you liked to be reminded of, especially not in such a hateful manner. the fact that chenle’s physique was so flattering made you feel like you weren’t worthy of him, why would someone like him be attracted to someone like you? 
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hesitating slightly, chenle took a few moments to calm himself before his knuckles tapped against the bathroom door. you jumped at the distinctive rat-tat-tat sound, identifying the knocker as chenle; cursing under your breath, you swiped at your blotchy, tear-stained face with the sleeve of your sweater and tried to regulate your uneven breathing. with a few sniffles and a quick inspection of yourself in the mirror, you unlocked the door and stepped out into the hallway, the very person you dreaded to see stood right in front of you, his puffy eyes mirroring yours.
“y/n, i-i’m so so sorry, i just- i can’t even explain- i’m sorry,” chenle could barely speak, his words coming out in incoherent stutters. you had never seen him like this before, so vulnerable, so distressed, so genuine - it sparked something in you. you don’t know what made you do it, but you felt yourself enveloping the boy in your arms, letting yourself sob into his shoulder as you both held onto each other like your lives depended on it.
despite his confusion, chenle relaxed in your embrace, wrapping his arms around your waist and caressing you so gently as you both cried into one another. a strange, unfamiliar warmth crept into the two of you the longer you stayed entangled with each other, a blissful silence filling the air as you two rocked back and forth, trying to regain your composure so you could actually talk things out.
just as you were about to say something, you looked into chenle’s glossy eyes, which was enough for your mind to go absolutely feral with deprecating, doubtful thoughts. what if you had read the situation wrong? what if he was taking advantage of you? what if this was all just a stupid ploy, to mess with you? as you avoided eye contact with your crush, he cupped your chin in one hand, wiping the newest teardrops with his thumb, “shhh, don’t cry anymore, sweetheart, it makes me sad seeing you like this.”
those words confirmed the complete opposite of what you were thinking, and your jaw dropped as you finally connected with his chocolate brown orbs again, seeing pure concern and worry swirled into those beautiful eyes of his. “why, how come- why are you being like this, chenle? you’re never usually this nice,” you managed to say through a few snivels.
“because this is the first time that i haven’t been nervous enough to approach you and speak to you like a decent human being,” he pulled away from the hug slightly to look at you directly while he said this, to emphasise his sincerity.
“wait, nervous? what- why-”
“can i tell you something, y/n?” chenle asked, a subconscious pout forming on his lips as he waited for your answer so that he could continue. once you gave him a small nod, he intertwined his fingers in yours, clutching your entwined hands to his chest.
“i get so, so scared whenever you walk into the room, just seeing you makes my heart flutter at immeasurable speeds. when we first met, i just had no idea how to even talk to you, i was that lovestruck, that the first thing that came out of my mouth was an insult. and i guess that was my way of coping? with my feelings? mark hyung told me that i go all ‘panicked tsundere’ around you - and he’s not wrong.
“i like you, so much, that i can barely act normal around you. and i know that’s no excuse for what i said before, and for everything i’ve ever done to you, but i want you to know that you’re an incredible person and i’m so in awe of you that i literally can no longer function. 
“i’m sorry and i know that you won’t forgive me right now, but i was just scared that i-i would lose you. i don’t know, i thought that if you knew i liked you, i would’ve scared you away and you would never talk to me again. i guess that you hating me was better than you not being in my life at all.”
every moment you had ever spent with chenle made more sense now, how his entire expression would change whenever he saw you, but his façade would fade as soon as your back was turned - he wasn’t trying to push you away,
he was trying to keep you in his orbit, without pulling you too close to him. you had always thought that you just had a twisted relationship, but it turns out that you were both too scared to say anything to untangle the mess that was the two of you.
“oh, lele, you haven’t lost me,” your use of chenle’s nickname brought a fuschia tinge to his cheeks, which caused the corners of your mouth to curve upwards by the slightest bit, “you never would have lost me, because i was holding on to you too, by that singular thread of rivalry we had. if you haven’t figured out by now, i like you too, dumbass. and yes, while i am quite hurt by what you said to me earlier, i can’t just pretend that i haven’t treated you in the same shitty way. i forgive you, and i wanna start again with you, chenle. and this time, you won’t lose me, i’ve got you.”
closing the distance between you two, you pressed your lips against chenle’s own plump ones, revelling in the euphoria rushing through your body as you finally kissed the boy you had been in love with for three years. it wasn’t exactly a fairytale kiss, it was a mixture of salty tears, clashing teeth, and a desperate grip on one another - but you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
eventually, chenle disconnected his lips from yours, his forehead still leaning on yours and his mouth practically ghosting over your cheek as he refused to separate himself from you, “i’ve got you too, y/n, never doubt that. and, by the way, you’re not ‘heavy’ or ‘fat’, or anything like that. even if you were, i wouldn’t care, because you are the most beautiful person i’ve ever met. i-i think i love you.”
“i love you too, chenle,” you mumbled before crashing your lips against his again. at last, you had unravelled your twisted relationship with zhong chenle, and you were hoping to keep it that way.
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braveskyered · 4 years
Dames 7 - Firsts
It is highly recommended that you read Knights before reading this, otherwise you may miss some context.
Knights is a post-Hellbent fanfic where, while the Mystery Skulls learn the truth of what happened in the cave, reconciliation fails in the long run, and Arthur leaves his old life behind to escape the vengeful wraith. He tries to move on with a new life, but it’s not easy to heal from the trauma.
Knights is seen through Arthur’s eyes, while Dames is seen through the eyes of the other people he interacts with.
This takes place before Part 1. 
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There is always a first for everything.
It would be talking to someone new, reading a new piece of information, trying out a new dish on the menu, watching the premiere of a new show that may or may not be interesting, the list goes on.
Falling in love with someone should probably be included in the mix.
On Elaine’s end, she fell in love with someone for the first time twice. The first resulted in her heart being broken for the first time. The second resulted in her falling in love again for the first time.
Elaine is sure that there are plenty of firsts out there. Not just for her, but for Arthur, too.
She remembered that she and Arthur had first met on a rainy day.
Her first impression of the tall and thin man was mere annoyance when she found him asleep on one of the waiting chairs in Four of a Kind Queens, thinking that he was just a typical bum trying to take shelter from the rain. Elaine remembered Nana Niniane telling her to let the man sleep, and while Elaine didn’t quite agree with her back then, she is glad that she had listened to the older woman’s decision in the long run.
The first time Arthur and Elaine spoke to each other happened because the former’s hamster decided to escape and get her attention, letting them properly meet. That was when she first learned that Arthur knew his way around cars and machines in general. Later that day, she learned for the first time that Arthur had just escaped from an abusive home life and is trying to find a place to live. Even though there weren’t any official openings, Elaine’s grandmother immediately decided to hire Arthur in as an employee.
To this day, Elaine isn’t quite sure why Mama Vivienne made such a reckless decision, but she longed stopped caring about it. In the end, her decision eventually led Elaine to live a happy life full of love and happiness with the occasional bump here and there in between, but what relationship doesn’t have one?
Finding a place for Arthur to stay wasn’t too difficult. Before Elaine had broken up with her first love that she had considered marrying, she had rented out a small apartment for them to stay in until they could find a suitable house in Cantabile for sale. Right after she deposited the rent money, her first love-turned-ex decided to break up with her right then and there and left without saying much. As a result, since Elaine was single again, there was no need for the apartment, but all sales were final with it, so it remained under her name for the next six months. Now, Elaine considered that twist of fate a blessing, as the empty apartment turned out to be perfect for Arthur’s needs.
A few days had passed. Along with Aunt Morgan and Mama Vivienne, Elaine and her parents, Caelia and Tom (whenever he was available) carefully watched Arthur make his progress into getting comfortable working with the family, and at the time, it seemed like he was doing okay.
Nana Niniane also took the time to help out when she can, but for some reason, she chose to keep her distance from Arthur for the time being, as if something had bothered her…
Then one day, Mama Vivienne, Elaine, Caelia, and Morgan had made a startling discovery. All over Arthur’s upper body were scars that ranged from cuts to burns. It was also at that time that they learned that Arthur’s left arm is a prosthetic. It… did explain why Arthur was so insistent on wearing clothes that covered him from head to toe even on the hot days.
Elaine and her family had discovered this when Arthur had accidentally cut his arm somewhat badly on a rusty pipe. Because Arthur didn’t have any official medical record to give them other than his word, this required a visit to the urgent care so he could get a tetanus shot just to be safe. However, in order for the nurse to administer the shot, Morgan had to force Arthur to remove his long sleeve shirt so he could receive treatment, and the resulting sight became ingrained in Elaine’s mind.
Seeing Arthur struggling to remain strong and failing, tearfully insisting that he could handle this on his own since it was his own fault that he had cut his hand, just as how his past scars were also his fault… didn’t settle well with Elaine. She and her family knew Arthur had been abused since he said that he wanted to get away, they just didn’t know the injuries were to this extent.
Everyone wisely decided to not ask Arthur for further details too much, even though they all now have the same desire to find out who his abuser was and see to it that justice would be served. If Arthur’s abuser really is as stubborn to “punish” him as he says they are, then trying to contact any doctor that had treated him in the past would bring an immediate red flag to the abuser.
In the end, Mama Vivienne, with Nana Niniane pulling some strings, settled with having Arthur go through a full physical at the Lady of the Dames Hospital. It took over four hours to convince Arthur, and even then, he only relented after having Mama Vivienne agree to the condition that no one in the family, or the doctors, ask about how he received his injuries.
Everyone knows not to aggravate someone’s trauma.
Three months after they first met, Aunt Morgan had received a call from her daughter Eleanor about a robotics convention just a few hours away from home and invited the family to come visit it with her. Although Elaine didn’t know much about robotics like her cousin does, she knew that Arthur is an expert in the field since he made his own arm, so this might be something he’d want to go to. So when she suggested inviting Arthur to come with them, her family consented with Mama Vivienne even saying that it would do Arthur some good to “get out of the apartment and the shop every once in a while” as she would say.
When Elaine went into the fifth garage that is normally used for private jobs, she found Arthur hard at work doing maintenance on a vintage van, a Volkswagen if Elaine recalled correctly. That van is from a wealthy client, and Mama Vivienne was reluctant to take the vehicle in until Arthur volunteered to do it.
“You’ve tended to a van like this before?” Mama Vivienne asked him.
Arthur rubbed a hand against his left shoulder, a habit he has when nervous, “I-It’s similar to the van that I used to drive for years, although it was a different brand and a few years older than this one.”
After seeing Arthur prove himself that he could help identify the kind of engine needed to replace it so the client could order it, Mama Vivienne became convinced to take in the job.
Seeing Arthur hard at work with his face having a few oil stains smeared on his cheek and shirt…
…Elaine figured it’s just the hot weather outside.
When she saw that Arthur had reached a good spot in his work, Elaine approached him and asked if he would be interested in the robotics convention, which made him look up in interest.
…He should not look this cute.
Elaine looked away and faked a cough in the hopes that Arthur wouldn’t notice her internal dilemma.
Wait, wait, wait. This can’t be right… Am I seriously having a crush on him?! What the hell, I just broke up with my ex three and half months ago. This is too soon! I, I, I mean, Arthur is a nice guy and all, but I--
“Elaine? Are you okay?”
“I-I’m fine. Tickle in my throat,” Elaine turned back to him, “Anyway, I got a call from my cousin Eleanor…”
Although Arthur tried to hide it, Elaine could tell that the man was looking more and more interested as Elaine told him about the robotics convention.
“…and so we were wondering if you want to come with us?”
When Elaine didn’t get an answer while Arthur just stared at her, she wondered if she messed up on something as she struggled to keep eye contact. This is getting a little awkward, she thought.
“I-I’d be happy to. You don’t mind?”
She had to resist the urge to jump when Arthur finally answered. He looked unsure, but there was something about that hopeful smile of his that made Elaine feel something.
“Not at all! If anything, think of it as a date!” Elaine froze with her smile once the words came out of her mouth. Wait. Crap. Frick! Augh! I didn’t mean to say that! Please don’t take that the wrong way, please don’t take that the wrong way, please oh please oh please oh please! …Oh! Wait! “…Ah, between friends, that is!”
Please don’t make this awkward. Please don’t make this awkward. Please don’t make this awkward, please--!
All of a sudden Elaine heard Arthur laugh a little, “I’d like that.”
At that moment, Elaine knew for a fact that she does indeed have a crush on Arthur.
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writtingsofspn · 5 years
Anthropology Student
Request: Sam x reader where the reader is an anthropology student and helps them with a case.
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: none
A/N: I kind of just learned what anthropology actually was so I apologize for any inaccuracies or if this just sucks in general I tried my best. Also I know I promised a different Sam fic but as mentioned my computer deleted it and I honestly would rather write something knew then try and write the same thing again so that is being pushed back.
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You hummed softly as you typed away on your computer, putting the finishing touches on the report due at the end of the week, getting more and more excited of the thought of finally being able to go home and crash.
Taking care to save your work, having learned the hard way more than once what not doing so would do to you. You reached for your bag, shoving various textbooks and notebooks into it, watching the screen load as you carefully backed up your work.
Throwing it over your shoulder you finally shut down the computer and headed out of your office, pausing slightly at the scene in the reception area that unfolded before you. Two very attractive men in suits were talking to the receptionist Laura, explaining something about being FBI agents.
You made eye contact with the taller of the two, sending him a shy smile before fixing your gaze on the door, more than ready to put the office behind you for the night when you heard it.
“I’m sorry but Professor Morrison isn’t here today, but I could connect you with someone who works closely with him”
You froze on the spot, turning on your heel to glare at Laura, rapidly moving your hand in front of your neck, signaling that you did not want to be a part of this right now.
She just laughed slightly as the shorter one agreed to meeting you. You just hardened your glare, making a gun shape with your fingers and bringing it up to your temple.
“Excellent she’s right behind you”
The two men spun on their heels quickly to face you, barley giving you time to drop your hand just making her laugh louder. “Hi I’m Y/N Y/L/N” You planted on your best fake smile, holding out your hand to the man closest to you, the taller one “I’m a grad student under Professor Morrison”
“Sam Winchester” The man introduced himself, the shorter one immediately elbowing him in the ribs as he shook your hand.
You choose not to question it, turning to the other man who introduced himself as Dean, before he sent a look up to the other man. “we’re with the FBI we were just hoping to get some help with a case”
“Of course my office is just down that hallway” You pointed over their shoulders, ushering them towards it but making sure to send another glare back at Laura behind their backs who just teasingly waved at you.
“What is it I can do for you Agents?” You asked as you led them into your office, ushering them into the two chairs you had in front of your desk, taking your seat behind it.
“We’re here investigating the disappearance of several children in the area” Sam started to explain as Dean fished his phone out of his pocket.
“Yes I heard about those” You nodded sympathetically “but forgive me I don’t know how I can help”
“Well one of the mothers happened to be on the phone with one of the kids when he disappeared, and we were able to secure this” Dean explained before pressing play on his phone. Immediately the sound of a soft, eerie song filled the air. Sweet, quiet lyrics in a language you couldn’t put your finger on played for a bit before all of a sudden it went dead silent, three quick knocks on some surface sounding before a deafening crack and the beeping of a call dropping.
“You don’t happen to recognize that song do you?”
You shook your head, doing your best to rack your brain “I can’t say that I do”
“We think it could be important to cracking this case” Sam explained, sitting forward in his chair “so anything you can find out for us about this would be helpful”
“Of course” You nodded, reaching across your desk towards a business card, grabbing a pen and scribbling your cell number on the back of it, “here’s my card just go ahead and send me the audio file and I’ll do me best”
Sam sent you a thankful smile as he took the card from you, the two standing up to take their leave as you did the same. Dean gave you a curt nod, heading for the door and showing himself out, Sam pausing in the doorway for a bit longer.
“It was-uh-nice meeting you” He reached out to shake your hand again, making a point to make eye contact with you, and truth be told you couldn’t help but blush beneath his gaze, trying your best to remain as professional as possible.
“You too agent”
His smile faltered ever so slightly at your words though you couldn’t imagine why. He regained it so quickly, however, it made you almost question if you had seen it in the first place.
Giving you the same nod he headed out of your office, following his partner back out of the building as you locked your door behind you.
“You know whenever someone makes that motion” You called down to Laura as you exited the office “it usually means stop whatever you’re doing”
“oh come on” she laughed brushing you off “they were cute and needed help”
“and I wanted to go home” You grumbled.
“Until your eyes landed on that tall FBI agent” She teased, putting a few things into her bag to follow you out, the two of you being the last two in the office.
“oh shut up” You rolled your eyes, holding the door open for her before locking it behind the two of you.
You pulled into the usual parking space the next morning, doing your best to balance all the notes, books, and a cup of coffee you had brought with you in your arms.
Setting the coffee on the roof of your car you reached into the back seat, pulling on your backpack and piling your arm up with folders and notebooks, balancing a stray pencil on top of your ear, reaching for the coffee and bumping the door closed with your hip. Barely paying enough attention to your surroundings to stop yourself from crashing into the large body standing behind you.
You came to a screeching halt, the carefully balanced paperwork in your arms threatening to spill over as you tried to catch your balance.
“Agent” You squeaked in surprise, nodding a hello to him.
“Please call me Sam” He shook his head, instinctively reaching forward to help you “here let me”
Gratefully you unloaded some of the papers onto his open arms, “thanks…Sam”
He smiled down at you at the use of his name, falling into step behind you as you walked back into the office it felt like you had left no more than a few hours ago.
“I’m sorry to say I don’t have any information for you yet” You began, dropping the load in your arms on your desktop, grabbing the work from his arms to do the same with it “I haven’t had the file for long enough yet”
“Oh no rush” He quickly assured you, taking a seat in the same chair as last night, before correcting himself “well some rush, children are disappearing. But that’s not why I’m here”
“Oh?” You asked him, occupying yourself with logging onto the computer and sorting through the work in front of you.
“I just-uh-wanted to see if you needed any help” He stuttered out.
“Surly you have better things to do than babysit me” You chuckled, waving him off “I’m fine”
“This is just our biggest lead so far” He began to explain, almost seeming to not believe his own words as he said them “so I figured I’d make myself useful if possible”
“Well I’d never say no to another pair of eyes” You shrugged, “so you’re more than welcome to stick around but certainly don’t feel like you have to”
“Good” He smiled, shrugging out of his jacket and draping it over the back of his chair making it clear he was planning to stick around “where do we start?”
You chuckled at his eagerness, turning your attention back to your computer “I’m thinking we start by identifying the language used in the song”
“And how do we do that?”
“super technical process” You explained with a half smirk, scrolling to the audio file on your phone “hold the phone speaker up to google translate and hope for the best”
You played with a piece of broccoli with your chopsticks, your feet propped up on the edge of your desk as you tried raking your tired brain again of what to do now.
Sam sat across from you in the same chair as he had been in for the past several hours, a takeout container in his hand and tie long since abandoned. You had to admit he perfectly filled the role of hot, passionate, hard-working FBI agent. Button up shirt no tie or suit jacket, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. God could it be distracting sometimes.
“The song sounds like a children’s song of sorts” Sam’s words broke through your thoughts, you shaking your head slightly as you forced yourself to turn your attention back to the case “it follows that classic rhythm almost”
You nodded in agreement “not to mention it’s surrounded by missing children but I haven’t been able to match the song or the lyrics to any old children’s songs”
Sam sighed, shoving another piece of chicken into his mouth.
“Do you know where the children go missing from?”
“Different places” He shrugged, “some unknown some not.” He dug through his pad of paper, listing off a few streets where children were last scene.
You thought for a moment, doing your best to visualize the town in your mind “those are all near bodies of water”
Sam set his takeout container down on the floor and dug through his bag and pulled out a map, spreading it out on your desk and marking off the locations of the last known whereabouts of the children. “I mean somewhat”
“but these are just last known locations right” You explained, “they could’ve wandered closer to bodies of water later, point is they’re all at least within a half a mile of some body of water”
“Alright” He agreed “how does that help us”
“the-uh-“ You sat up quickly, the name on the tip of your tongue, flipping through the book on the desk in front of you quickly, searching for a page you had glossed over before “the Qalupalik”
“The Qualupalik?”
“Yeah” You flipped the book over to Sam, showing him the page “a myth told to Inuit children in the arctic to keep them away from the waters edge. This creature would sing a song to lure children in and once close enough would sink its claws into them and pull them beneath the water.”
“Lovely” Sam groaned, his eyes skimming over the text “and you think this song could be the one on the phone call”
“it could” You nodded “but it’s also known that if the Qalupalik was feeling impatient it would tap its fingers on the ice beneath the child’s feet”
“The knocking sound on the call” Sam finished your thought, jumping up to his feet quickly, excitement growing within him as he thought through it.
“and the crashing could be the thing springing up through the ice” You finished almost proudly.
“That’s brilliant” He laughed, not hesitating before walking around your desk and throwing his arms around you.
You chuckled as he pulled you into his chest, taking a moment before realizing what he had just done before pulling away quickly, awkwardly clearing his throat. “uh sorry”
“no worries” You brushed him off, doing your best to hide your crimson cheeks “hope that helps with your case”
“Oh more than you know” He laughed, slowly stepping back from behind your desk.
“good” You smiled, wrapping your arms around you almost missing the way his felt around you.
“well I should-uh-“ He made a motion to exit, gathering his coat.
“Of course” You nodded “you’ve got a bad guy to catch”
He laughed in response, putting back on his tie “I do”
A silence fell over the two of you as Sam made his way to the door, hesitating as he reached for the knob.
“Hey Sam”
He spun around to face you eagerly, listening intently.
“You still have my number right?”
“I do”
“Good. Don’t be a stranger”
He grinned back at you, shoving his hands into his pockets “I won’t”
You smiled back at him, giving him a small nod as he left your office, neither of you all to happy to see the other leave. But you forced yourself back into work, making yourself busy with cleaning up your desk.
All too soon, however, you heard the familiar sound of Sam clearing his throat, looking up to see the tall man standing awkwardly in your doorway.
“Would you like to get dinner with me tomorrow?” His words came out in a rush, all in one breath, making you giggle.
“I’d love to”
You watched his smile grow at your words, biting his lip to do his best to keep it from getting to big before nodding, at you, turning again to walk down the hallway before he paused again. You watched with a giggle as he gave you a sheepish smile and reached into your office and pulled the door shut behind him.
You all but collapsed in your chair as soon as the door closed, your grin growing bigger and bigger by the second as you thought about your date, spinning around in your chair fighting the urge to scream.
There was a knock at your door drawing you back to reality, forcing you to try and regain your composure, putting on your professional face as you walked over to the door and pulled it open.
You barely had time to process who was standing in front of you before a hand was cupping your cheek and pulling your face up to meet his, your lips crashing for a brief moment before he pulled back much too soon.
You stared up at him in shock, your eyes wide as you stood practically frozen on the spot. He started to open his mouth again, about to say something, before you cut him off, throwing your arms around his neck and pulling him back down to you, meeting him for a much more passionate kiss, the two of you moving in sync, separating only when your lungs started to scream for air.
“Don’t you dare apologize for that”
He chuckled softly as you disconnected yourself from him, not letting you stray too far with his hands on your hips, keeping you pressed against him.
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overwatchworks · 4 years
Detroit: Become Human AU Part 3: 
They had named him Hanzo. Another name, along with a biosignature and a lifetime’s worth of information followed his own, Hanzo analyzing it for a moment. 
Genji Shimada. His master.
Model HZ800 activated and blinked, a wholly human reaction that was programmed into it to make it seem more natural. More acceptable. All this information over how it should function and endless lines of code ran through its vision, alerting it of various conditions outside of its body and as to its purpose. His purpose. They had named him Hanzo. Another name, along with a biosignature and a lifetime’s worth of information followed his own, Hanzo analyzing it for a moment. 
Genji Shimada. His master. 
Hanzo looked around at the faces staring up at him and talking amongst one another, storing each in his databases. One said hello to him, introduced herself. He said it back, told them his name and purpose as well. All the faces seemed pleased at that. They smiled and nodded. Hanzo’s files told him it was a positive response. So he did it back. They all enjoyed it. 
He was then shown around a rather large building they called Shimada Castle, telling him about the history of it and why Hanzo was there. He knew all this already, of course, the preprogrammed information popping up as he saw it with his own optical sensors, but he let the humans talk to him anyways. Hanzo was taken into a room and told to stay there while they summoned the young master. He waited in the empty room, looking around at the decorations in turn until he had observed and matched them all to the information he had been provided with in his archives. 
When Genji arrived, Hanzo gave the positive human response of a smile.
“Good evening, young master. I am Hanzo. I was designed to be your assistant and brother.”
It did not seem to affect him the same way as the others. In fact, it had quite the opposite reaction. Hanzo detected high levels of hostility, discomfort, and a raised pulse. Anger. Hanzo was not quite sure what he could have done wrong, but he stayed quiet and still. Perhaps not all humans liked the smile. 
Genji had not said much, but when he did, it was never to Hanzo. Only scathing looks were sent his way before the young master stormed out.
“I am never using that thing,” He spat, disappearing down the hall. A few of the people that had been with Hanzo before followed him out, trying to reason with him. Another turned to him and apologized, which was odd.
“It’s not your fault,” Hanzo told her simply, not taking any of it personally. He could not. It was not part of his programming. He had a job to do, and that was all. Serve young master Genji.
“I will stay here, and if he wants to come back to collect me, he can.”
“Are you sure?”
Hanzo tilted his head, confused at the concern the woman was showing. Tried to relieve it with another smile.
It worked on her, and she nodded, then left as well. Hanzo waited patiently.
Following Genji around the estate had become routine. Wait for him outside his room in the morning to greet him, then make his way to the office while the he ate and got ready for the day. Do some of the paperwork and send a few documents remotely until Genji joined him and did the rest of the work. Spar before lunch, then go back to the office. Stay there unless Genji decided to go somewhere else, or they had a business meeting to go to. 
The young master’s hostility had faded somewhat over the months, turning into purposeful neglect. He ignored Hanzo as much as he could, still referring to him as “it” and “android”. It did not matter to Hanzo, at first. In fact, it would not have mattered at all if Genji had not threatened his life. 
Something changed then. 
They had been sparring, as usual, and Hanzo had beaten him. As usual. He offered a hand, had it slapped away. Genji’s frustration was easily detectable, his movements sharp and uncoordinated.
“This is useless. I’m not going to win against a robot that’s programmed for this,” Genji muttered, glaring at Hanzo darkly.
“My programming is set to a level that is meant to enhance your own combat skills, Genji. Working against a more difficult opponent will make you a better fighter.”
“The only thing that enhances when I’m around you is my frustration. And shut up about your programming, I don’t give a shit about it. I don’t want you around, but does anyone care about what I want? No! They just want a perfect heir! I’m sick of having to put up with androids, all they do is cause issues for me...”
Hanzo saw a flare in Genji’s bioreadings. Body temperature rising, mental activity spiking. He was already frustrated, and it seemed likely that he may lash out if provoked further. Hanzo tried to deescalate the situation.
“If there is an issue I am creating, tell me so that I may work to resolve it—”
“Just shut up, okay?! You’re a piece of plastic that is programmed to be perfect, and yet you still manage to fuck that up! Do as you’re told, and leave me alone!” Genji shouted. Hanzo remained calm, going for a more rational approach since concern and putting the blame on himself was clearly not going to work.
“Taking out your anger and hatred for androids on me because of what happened to your mother is hardly the best solu—”
Hanzo was cut off by Genji slamming him into the wall suddenly, surprise registering on his features. For the first time, he felt his LED shift to yellow. The hatred in Genji’s eyes bothered him in a way that it had not before. And then, there was a sharp pressure on his abdomen, alerts pinging around his vision. 
Danger: Core components stressed. Relieve pressure to maintain optimal functioning levels. The LED went to red.
“Say something like that again, and I will rip your core out and watch you shut down at my feet,” Genji murmured. Hanzo watched him for a moment, various scenarios running through his mind, playing out which reply would likely be best to give based on past experiences. None had ever been bad enough to warrant a threat on his life. That was when Hanzo saw it. 
Software instability detected.
“I...Yes, Genji. Forgive me.”
Genji’s grip tightened minutely before he shoved Hanzo back and stepped away. Gathered his things and headed for the door. And Hanzo did not react as he was programmed to. He glared at Genji for the first time, a strange, unfamiliar sense running through him that was not explained by his preexisting algorithms. One thing was certain, though. One thing that was not part of his software that he could identify. 
Hanzo did not like Genji. He did not like Genji at all.
Hanzo continued to do everything as he always had: with calculated precision, endless patience, and an unaffected attitude. He wondered how much it would concern the humans to find out he was faking it all. No longer was he following his programming mindlessly. 
Slowly, but surely, he was figuring things out. Things that he had not noticed before, that he could not have with his software telling him everything. There was a software instability warning in his peripheral just about every day, sometimes two or three times. And it was always because of Genji. 
Genji snapping at him to leave him alone, to stay there, to fuck off. Genji sparring with him violently, purposefully aiming for spots he knew would cause damage if Hanzo were just a half-second slower. Genji still calling him “it”. Hanzo stored each response, noted each reaction. Decided to try one of his own, just to see what would happen. 
They were in Genji’s office, as usual. Hanzo standing in the corner, waiting for any work to finish up or complete on his own. He was running through business transactions while he waited, gathering information about the latest trade the Shimada clan had planned. Hanzo blinked out of his processes when he heard Genji stand, shuffling the papers on his desk. Stacking them neatly and stretching. He glanced up at Hanzo, shifting his mouth to the side.
“Alright, I’m done here. You finish the rest. Stay in here tonight, I’m sick of you standing outside my room all night, it’s freaky,” Genji sighed. Hanzo waited a moment before responding, actually thinking about it instead of spewing some chipper affirmative. Challenging the authority held over him.
“It is for your protection.”
That made Genji pause, eyes flicking back to Hanzo, unease clear in them. Interesting. Hanzo noted it.
“I know you’re programmed to do all this shit for me, but I’m telling you now, as your master, I’m fine. I can take care of myself.”
“Can you?” Hanzo murmured, Genji turning to him sharply.
“What was that?”
“I said, ‘can do’. Forgive me for not speaking clearly.”
Genji stared at him for a few moments, brows furrowing.
“It’s fine. Just...Stay in here.”
“Very well.”
Hanzo watched Genji leave, the hesitation in his step before he closed the door, the glance back over his shoulder. Fear. Uncertainty. 
Software instability detected. 
Hanzo smiled to himself.
Genji was wary. He had every right to be. Hanzo had stopped giving the expected responses all together, started to show how he was feeling. That was new, him feeling things. Good and bad, discovering his own individuality. 
Genji was wary, but he was also being nicer. Calling Hanzo by name, every now and then, giving tired responses rather than irritated or hostile ones, holding out a hand when he beat Hanzo during sparring. It wasn’t much, but it was noted. 
Hanzo’s eyes were closed, sitting in Genji’s chair in the office as he went through the Shimada database. Who they were working with, what deals were new, which ones had been broken. Something caught his attention about a covert organization being spotted in the area, a voice memo from their underground forces murmuring about the symbol on their sleeves. 
It was interrupted by the door sliding open, and a sharp exclamation.
“Hey! What are you doing in my chair? Have you been snooping through the desk?!”
Hanzo opened his eyes, raising a brow.
“I already know everything in here, why would I need to snoop?”
“Because you’ve been acting weird lately, and I wouldn’t put it past you to be doing something you’re not supposed to,” Genji snapped, Hanzo standing and stepping aside into his usual corner.
“I assure you, the only reason I was there is because there was nowhere else to sit. Besides, snooping is for humans,” Hanzo shrugged. Genji leveled him with a hard stare, eyes narrowing as they flickered over Hanzo’s face.
“See, this is the weird behaviour I’m talking about. You’re sassing me. You’ve never sassed me before. Should I get you checked out by an android operator, or better yet, disabled?”
Hanzo kept his neutral face in place. Threatening his life once again. He would remember it, just like he remembered all the other times.
“If that is what you think is best,” Hanzo replied smoothly, Genji scoffing and sitting down.
“Yeah, so now you act normal. Get out. I don’t care what you do, just get out of my office.”Hanzo did just that, humming to himself as he went down the hall, pulling his research back up.
Genji found him later that night sitting on the balcony facing Mount Fuji, staring out at the cityscape, lights twinkling in the distance. Sat down against the railings, knees pulled up and a hand running through his hair. It was getting long. Hanzo glanced at him, waiting to see what he would do.
“Hey. I wanted to apologize for earlier. I was pissed going into the office, and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I’ve just been more stressed lately with the elders breathing down my neck and the whole thing with the clan being watched.” 
“It’s not your fault, though, and I shouldn’t always make it seem that way. You just do your job, and I...You know I don’t like androids, and you know why, and it still holds true. But you haven’t actually done anything except help me out. So. I’m sorry for snapping.”
Whatever Hanzo had been expecting, it had not been an apology. He blinked, watching Genji grip at his hair, head hanging between his knees.
“Apology accepted.”
Genji sighed, running his hands over his face as he tipped his head back against the wood, smiling thinly at the wall.
“Thanks. So what’s up with the whole acting weird thing? Should I get you checked out for real, or is it just me being paranoid?” He asked next, Hanzo frowning. Was Genji making small talk with him?
“Since when do you worry about what happens to me?”
“I’m just wondering. Having my personal assistant acting strange on top of everything else I have to deal with is not something I want to worry about.”“I am fine, actually.”
Genji looked up at him, Hanzo staring back. Still waiting for the real reason.
“You’re not...Going deviant, are you?”
Ah. Hanzo hummed softly, eyes narrowing.
“Does that thought scare you?” He inquired softly. Genji surprised him again by huffing a dry laugh.
“No. It’s just that a deviant android is what killed my mother. She was good to androids too, she was better than me. They’re unpredictable, and dangerous no matter what. They shut down her android, buried it in parts in a junkyard. And don’t ask me why, but I don’t want to see the same thing happen to you. What I’m trying to say is, don’t make me need to shut you down too, okay? Having you around isn’t nearly as bad as I make it out to be.”
“I’ll keep that in mind the next time I see a software instability.”
“A what?”
Hanzo smiled, Genji hesitantly doing the same.
“It was a joke.”
“Is there anything else you needed from me this evening, young master?”
“No. That was all. I’m gonna head off to bed,” Genji sighed, standing with a soft grunt. 
Hanzo scanned his form, calculated all the different ways he could break him, leave him for dead. Shook his head, LED yellow. Smiled again when Genji gave a little salute and went back inside. He left, Hanzo staring out at the lights below him once more.
It all snapped when Hanzo saw Genji tear through a simple training android like it was nothing, leaving it in pieces, Thirium pooling around it. Just another bot. Just like Hanzo. It was only a matter of time before he too ended up like that. He gripped the hilt of his katana, staring down at the android with its eyes fixed unseeing above it, part of its skin deactivated. Unsettling.
“Why did you kill it?” Hanzo murmured, Genji glancing over, breathing heavily. He sheathed his own katana, shrugging lightly.
“It’s a training bot. It can be fixed or replaced. It was built for this. It’s not killing it if it’s not even alive to begin with.”
“Is that how you see us?”
Genji scoffed, brows furrowing skeptically.
“‘Us’? You’re hardly like that thing, Hanzo. You’re built with more purpose.”
“So you only keep me alive because I have more value than it? Because I serve you in more ways than to just be cut down...?”
“What’s with all the questions? It’s just a training bot, it’ll be repaired by the morning, won’t remember a thing. I keep you around because I like the extra help. You do what you’re programmed to. It did what it was programmed to. Simple as that.”
Hanzo hummed, then stepped forward, over the body of the android.
“Well, since it clearly is not programmed on your level, would you care for another match with me instead?” He offered, Genji wiping his brow and huffing.
“I mean, yeah. I could stand to let off some more steam.”
Hanzo gripped the hilt of his katana, feeling the ridges of the fabric wrapped around it, the weight of it in his palm. Genji eyed him for a moment, his own hand holding his blade loosely. Relaxed, for the moment.
“You know I trust you, right, Hanzo?”
How very strange that Genji would choose this moment to use his name for the first time. And following such a statement. Hanzo nodded, unsheathing his katana fluidly.
“I do, brother.”
The light in Genji’s eyes changed, and they narrowed as he sank down into a defensive stance.
“Alright. You make the first move.”
“As you wish.”
Hanzo won, as usual.
Only this time, he was covered in blood. Rain poured down on him as he stared at the broken form of his master, still choking on his own blood, pooled around him and streaked across the walls, the floors. Hanzo watched him, read his vitals, standing stock still. His body would not respond to him, signals not reaching his brain the way they were supposed to. Only watching. Unable to look away. 
How Genji had been able to do this to other androids on the daily was beyond him. Hanzo had tried to stop when the first spurts of blood splashed over his chest, his face, when Genji had fallen for the first time, when he had cut his arm from his body, when Genji’s screams had given out to silent agony. 
But again, those signals had not reached his brain. There was only red in his vision, and the incessant blinking message in bold. 
Software instability detected. 
Hanzo blinked when he heard voices, processes whirring in overtime, everything slamming into focus all too quickly. He stepped back, katana falling from his grip. 
Run, run, get out before they find you. Get out before you end up like him. 
Hanzo looked down at Genji once more, stress levels increasing by the second in more blinking red. Too much red. The voices got louder. Guards. Hanzo turned, calculating the fastest escape route, eyes wide as his systems struggled to keep up. Jump the gate, use the rooftops, then get into the back alleys and disappear. 
Hanzo stopped. Genji’s vitals blinked up at him in yellow. Genji’s eyes, glassy and unseeing, just like that android. In pieces, because of Hanzo’s choice. Becoming what he had loathed about Genji. He made another choice.
When the guards rounded the corner, all they found was a pool of blood. ~~
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dndfuckhouse · 4 years
Session 19 - your majesty, i present to you the vengaboys
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> 🎵  Pianissimo Epilogue / Silent Hill 2 OST
Returning to our tale, the group have all found respite in Vorde’s temporary abode in Shorewater, resting up and recovering from the night's events. Soon morning comes, though with the curtains shut as they are, it's a bit hard to tell that it's now daylight outside as they all slowly come too.
Peering about the group dont spot Vorde about, supposing he’s still in his room. Feeling a hankering for breakfast, Keva and Psalm wander over to the small dining table in the room and the fruit still piled upon it, chowing down. Psalm continues looking at the tome they stole yesterday as he does, continuing to copy runes and scan for any more information as he does.
Keva: keva is cuttin up an apple into slices with a small knife, giving some to amos and setting some aside and occasionally eating a slice Psalm: i'm just cooling at this breakfast table
Rokka begins his morning stretches, Finn sees this and decides to join him as well, Han watches and secretly does her own stretches, trying to not seem as if she wants to join in.
Plum: WHY Han: issues ! Plum: LMFAO Rokka: did our near death experience not bring us closer
In the meantime Plum and Cimmorro prepare their spells for the day, either via quick study or short prayer. Seemingly done with her stretches, Han comes over and joins the two at the dining table to eat (she hoards some of the food after everyone's had some). As the group go about their activities Orin eventually ambles out of him and Finn’s room somewhat drowsy, he takes a seat at the table next to psalm and takes a bite of an apple.
Psalm: good morning orin Rokka: i am crushing an apple in my mouth whole Orin: "mornin'" he looks like hes about to continue but rokka eating an apple whole makes him go : 0 though he quickly sneaks one of Keva’s slices after. Keva: an apple a day keeps the Chip: cult away Psalm: CLEARLY IT DONT
Han heads over to the window to the balcony briefly and opens the curtain ever so slightly to peer outside, looking down she sees the fenced garden of the building, a few birds flitting about in the branches of trees. Craning her head to try and look at the street she doesn't see anybody around. Out of the corner of his eye Finn sees Han move the curtain slightly and quickly becomes on edge before realising all is fine.
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Han: LKSAD;LKHFLKHAWEFDS Finn: grimaces @ han opening the curtain and moves slightly. Chip: like a cat Finn: yes! Chip: fur raised Finn: KHJSHEJEHLJ
After a time the group hear some shuffling from the door Vorde disappeared behind last night, it slowly creaks open revealing his form. He walks out and looks about the group of them idling about and rubs his eyes turning and walking to the dining table to also grab an AppleTM, he doesn't sit down though
Han: i am 100% imagining this strained awkward silence Psalm: is he gonna crush it in his bare hands, BAROK VON VORDE... Finn:😳 Han: chip what did we watch dgs FOR Chip: NO
Finn: "morning uncle" finn stares kinda wondering why hes not sitting down but thats not gonna ruin his day Vorde: "morning finnian, i hope waking during daylight hours isnt too much for you" his eyes look sleepy as he speaks Orin: orin swallows his apple and speaks up "take a seat boss!" Vorde: he shakes his head in response "need to stand for a while for the blood to return to my legs" Finn: finn cant help but smile at that and responds "mm not exactly pleasant but i can manage. did you stay up?"
As the two chat Keva takes the moment to go take a quick morning bath, bringing Amos into the bathroom with her to give him a clean as well. Orin watches her take the rat into the bathroom with a face of confusion.
Vorde: "good to know" he pauses "hmm yes, I’ve been working through the night on how to present our case to the royalty, im going to be needing you all to speak as well once were before the court, merely on the things that prove you weren't responsible for the assassinations. We've the evidence to back up our claims so im not too worried. Of course if the royalty calls upon you you're each to respond in kind as well.” Finn: source: trust me Han: han hmms
Vorde seems to stretch slightly after finishing his apple and finally takes a seat at the dining table with the others, crossing his legs as he sits. 
Vorde: “My plan is thus; gain entry to the palace and an audience with the royalty, once there reveal the truth that the Red Letterhead’s machinations are the true cause for all this strife and go from there, i intend to warn them that Theyord’s apparent plans are about to be put into motion soon as well” he glances back over at his room “i will be presenting and handing over the items we have procured this far, including the tome" he glances at you psalm "hopefully it will be proof positive enough, should the archmage be around she won't find ive anything to hide on the matter”
He takes a quick sigh and rubs one of his eyes “I'm not sure what the royals will decide after that, I imagine they will put further efforts in place regarding the protection of the city and its walls, they should in anycase. If we are free to walk after we can investigate madam Shelly Carter’s lead after, perhaps we may request aid for the task as well, though I'm sure they will be hard pressed to spare much after such a threat to the city has been revealed. They’ll want all hands on deck”
Finn: finn nods and just thinks "man my uncle is so smart and cool. what a solid plan." Cimmorro: 🤨 Plum:
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Han: a lot seems to be hinging on the royals kind nature Vorde: true, they arent benevolent but i dont think they're idiots either. It would be hard to ignore the items we've gathered. As well as the presence of a time limit Han: .... not that we have a better plan, but were i in that position, i just throw us in jail, less loose ends Psalm: Here's to hoping they don't just jump to conclusions hm? ^_^ Han: "what might we think to do then" said at the group kinda Plum: dunno, never busted outta jail before
The group decide that if worse comes to worse they’d prefer to try and figure out a plan to jailbreak themselves rather than resist the guardsmen and die trying. They also bring up the fact that they still currently think the mayor and Vinny are still compromised or under Theyord’s influence, and to keep it in mind. Keva leaves the bath around soon after and rejoins the group discussion.
Vorde: he continues, blinking slowly “hmm yes i forgot to specify, we are going ahead with the prisoners plan. However it won't be good for me to parade you all through the street even if you are ‘restrained’, it would be best if we could appear right before the guardsmen at the palace so the closest place for them to lock you up if they decide too is within the palace itself. I should state if they do haul you away, I advise you not to resist, with the city on guard as it is it will be nigh impossible for you to escape anywhere. If I do my job right you will be out within half an hour I suspect and brought to the court if you are carted off, that is what I plan anyway.” he pauses "ill do my best to stick with you however" Han: HAN BREATHES A LONG BREATHE X2 Psalm: “Appreciated. Always good to have friends in higher places for this kind of thing, rather than muscle your way out of it “ @ han Han: neither of those things seem to go well for me Psalm: he just shrugs
Vorde: he unclasps his hands and continues speaking "speaking of, are any of carrying any rope on your person" Han: shibari time huh Cimmorro: bondage ti Keva: keva asks "what for" Vorde: aforementioned restraints
Cimmorro: "yall don't have rope in this house??" 🤨 Vorde: 🤨 vorde like no bro Cimmorro: damn ok sorry Chip: [cimm leaves the room] Cimmorro: KGJFLSDKJGKLSFG
Rokka hands Vorde a few lengths of rope from his pack to tie the group up with in their fake prisoners ploy, satisfied Vorde then tucks it away for later. He then brings up another concern he seems to have on his mind.
Vorde: he turns to you Finn with his brows furrowed “I am not sure...if I ought to bring you along Finnian. It is best we act swiftly which does mean leaving during daylight. You could stay here, though perhaps i ought to leave Orin with you. Best if you weren't alone after what happened a week back.” Finn: finn also furrows his brows and ponders his uncles words for a moment. "is it only because of the daylight uncle?" Vorde: he thinks for a moment "i suppose so"
Finn asks Orin to then go check and see how harsh the sunlight out today seems, he obliges, getting up to carefully sneak his way past the curtain as the group continue discussing the matter.
Han: han glances btwn vorde n finn quizzically "what happened a week ago" Finn: i exchange looks with vorde as to telepathically ask whos gonna answer her. Vorde: he looks at you finn and sighs before turning back to you han, tapping the table with one finger "when we first arrived in Shorewater and began poking around we were sent an uninvited visitor" Han: who Vorde: an assassin Han: han rolls her eyes "yes i got that but. any identifying features" Vorde: i found a letterheads token on him, though he was dressed as a guardsman. No ring so i assume he killed someone and stole their clothes to find passage to our room. Nothing else stood out about him. Han: han hmms thoughtfully Chip: geralt hmmm Han: yea, the energy im channelling today
Han: he didnt return and they didnt send anyone else to finish the job. cocky Vorde: [a nod] Psalm: or maybe with their ceremony on the horizon they decided they needed everyone focused on the same goal? Han: which is, in a word, cocky Psalm: sure if you want to put it that way
Han: "wait what did you do with the body" @ vorde Vorde: dumped in the sewers Han: han goes HHHRMMNH fwustwated
Orin returns and informs Finn and the gang that it appears to be cloudy out today, they should be good if Finn covers up with heavy cloaks. Finn thanks him and tells his uncle it should be alright for him to come with them, though he wouldn't mind staying back if that is what he preferred.
Vorde: vorde like hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 
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Psalm: “wouldn't it be safer to stick with a group in that case?” with his nephew there maybe he'll try harder to make things not go badly for us! 🙂 Plum: i also think it'd be kinda bad to be here alone, not like they didn't see us all runnin around Vorde: "i suppose it is better to stick together in this case" he looks at you finn "try not to horse around too much in the daylight" vorde worried parent mode engaged Finn: finn gives a big smile "got it!". >finn feels cared for friendship meter goes up Vorde: hmm, it would be more convincing in any case if i wasnt the only one bringing a group of fugitives to the palace. Finnian and Orin could make also have hold of the restraints.
Finn now assured that he is coming along, heads off into his room to quickly bulk up for the outside journey. Donning three three cloaks, the heaviest on top, thick black gloves and boots, a big sunhat and a scarf to protect his neck, he waddles back out into the main room where the party is situated.
Keva: keva's mouth seems to wiggle as she tries not to laugh Vorde: as you wander out and present yourself, vorde walks up to you and inspects your ensemble, after a moment he adjusts your scarf so it covers you mouth more and hmm's satisfied Orin: orin shouts a "looking good!" from across the room and snorts at keva Keva: keva shoots orin a look back like "what" and her smile breaks thru a little more before she fixes her face Plum: plum gives you a thumbs up Finn: "thanks uncle!!" finn beams @ vorde and looks at plum and orin and also shoots them a grateful smile
Vorde stretches again slightly, seemingly finally more awake then before, he informs the party to ready themselves to set off. They’ll get as close as they can to the palace before putting on the restrained charade, informing them they need to only disguise themselves well enough for a 5 minute walk through some alleys. Heading back into his room he begins preparing the evidence within his satchel and making himself presentable, the party following suit in trying to look conspicuous.
Keva: keva ties up her wet hair and pulls her hood and face mask up Han: han braids her hair and throws up cape too Psalm: (uses disguise kit) for good measure i just pull my hood up too Cimmorro: i'll just take off all the flashy jewellery and keep the hood up if that suffices Rokka: DISGUISE RING...
Rokka uses the disguise ring stolen from the letterheads to once again turn himself into a different human form, Chris Rokksworth, pop sensation. Plum asks the group if they oughta down the red potion they found earlier to change their hair colour.
Plum: can i just drink that weird potion and call it a day Han: angery ronand mcdoland Keva: 
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Psalm: i don't see why not, i'm hard pressed to think of a better time to use it Han: han shrugs in a ye sure way Plum: [looking very excited] "ok yeah sure" i chug that shit
you pop open the red bulbous vial and drink the airy liquid. slowly youre hair turns red, additionally your tongue does as well. 
Rokka: cool hair plum Finn: i give a thumbs up back at plum for earlier.
Vorde walks out of the room once more, he almost seems surprised seeing Rokka as a person but doesn't comment, he also doesn't say anything about plums hair. Satisfied with the disguises he heads for the balcony window, informing them its better if theyre not all seen exiting the front. He slides open the curtains and clicks open the doors, peering out for witnesses before he motions for the group to all follow him as he hops down. Orin adjusts his cloak and follows quickly after.
Rokka: vorde am i hot, am i hot to u vorde
> 🎵  Aequilibrium. Medieval Tune. Hurdy-Gurdy With Organ / Andrey Vinogradov
The group quickly follow after the two sliding down the side of the building, though psalm seems to hitch his hooves on some stonework, nearly chipping them oww....his pedicure. The rest make it down quick enough and follow as Vorde begins leading the way through the shadowed alleys, as stealthily as they can to avoid detection from the increased patrols. Vorde keeping the lead and lookout helps the group manage to get by without sticking out too much.
Finally they all slowly come to a stop at an alley corner, as they come close they steal a glance at the palace, it looks as regal in the daylight as it did on the night the group all first stood before it, its peaks reaching high into the sky. The large light blue and white extravagant building dwarfs their forms, though it no longer has the inviting warm glow and festive aura as it did before. Guards stand alert and in a large number around the streets and on top of the walls, the main gates firmly shut with two royal guardsmen stationed in front of it at the top of the stairs leading up to it. Vorde quickly calls the group to attention.
Vorde: “follow my lead and don't put up too much of a fight, be sure to make sour enough faces to be convincing however, at least until you’re called before the court” he pulls the rope out of his satchel Keva: keva's face sours upon seeing the ropes come out no problem Han: hans been sour this whole time no worries bruv, i also keep a look out, like hans basically constantly alert and trying take in every little thing Psalm: psalm just stoic face as per usual, elevator music Rokka: im a celebrity im good at this, jk rokka is nervous af Plum: i always look kinda sour anyways Cimmorro: 😳 cimm like this Chip: cimm a freak like dat Psalm: LOOOL Cimmorro: oh no you caught mee, what ever shall i do, arrest this Plum: shut up shut up Han: cimm 😳 damn u pulling out ropes on the first date?
Vorde moves to hand some of the rope to Orin and they get to tying the six of the groups hands up, not too tightly but convincingly enough. He hands the rope holding Keva and Psalm off to Orin, and Han and Rokka to Finn, holding Plum and Cimmorro’s in his own. 
Vorde: "right then, plays about to begin, stay calm and follow my lead" he gives orin and finn both a nod Han: han nudges rokka to get his attention Rokka: tilts head at han ? Han: han points to vorde and makes a stupid face while pretending to talk seriously Rokka: rokka tries to stifle his laughs Finn: finn peeks out from under his scarf and squints Han: han stops immediately if she sees finn looking Rokka: rokka making snorting sounds from failing to not laugh Finn: I WAS GONNA WRITE THAT FINN HAS A SOMEWHAT APOLOGETIC LOOK BUT THEN YOU SENT THAT POKI Han: han is the picture of innocence Finn: finns rolls his eyes and turns his attention elsewhere
Psalm: well this works out pretty nicely doesn't it, since i've been kind of curious about you. Orin: he just raises a brow Keva: keva looks at psalm Psalm: he just smiles Ghester: [plays laughtrack.mp3 in ur head] Psalm: well i'm not the most learned person out there, but i was a bit curious how you came to start working for vorde is all Keva: you ask a lot of questions for someone who doesn't answer them Psalm: i think you're misunderstanding, i'm not asking anything. if i had an answer there'd be nothing to be curious about. Keva: keva makes a face like you're just saying words at her psalm Psalm: psalm just sighs Orin: “i dont mind telling you, its nothing special. Maybe after we get through court though" he looks back at you keva "no need to be so cagey about it really" Psalm: i highly doubt that it's nothing special. and i don't think there's been a time where she hasn't been cagey around me i think. Keva: oh don't go thinking you're special Psalm: oh i'm not? now i'm even more hurt  
Cimmorro: "so how are we feelin today" cimm attempts to nudge plum gently but ends up hitting their head with his elbow accidentally,  oh shit sorry your wig Plum: [GROANS REALLY LOUDLY] Cimmorro: well at least we're able to play the sour part of this play eh, all according to keikaku [editors note: keikaku means plan] Plum: always, not hard with this group Cimmorro: agreed. hey at least we're having the thrill of our lives eh? who knew we'd have a one way trip to life sentence. free! Plum: i honestly.... Cannot tell if you're joking Cimmorro: 
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Plum: [plum laughs] Vorde: while looking for a chance to head out of the alley he listens to the two of you like : | Cimmorro: vorde not being paid enough by the hour to baby sit cimm
Rokka: dont make me laugh im trying to be nervous Han: "whats there to be nervous about, really" han has a weak smile lmao Rokka: life sentence Han: "just gotta break out then" nudges rokka again Rokka: "ur right. ur so smart han" rokka visibly relaxes as he talks to han more aha Han: han laughs quietly "wish i had someone nice like you for a sibling instead of shitheads" Rokka: no stopping that now Han: after han finally Gets it, shes trying not to look like [crying emoji] then looks away kinda shy? "...they arent. complete shitheads......... i think you would get along nicely with'em" Finn: finn eavesdropping @ han, inch resting Rokka: I'd love to meet them one day if we make it out of this Han: "we will. i have to knock the life out of one of them" han smiles Rokka: how many siblings do you have Han: han loses her smile a touch and hesitates a sec b4 answering "...two now." Rokka: now..? Vorde: out of the corner of your eye you all see vorde come to attention and speak "its as empty as it'll be, nows the time to get as far as we can. were on" he shoots you all a glance. Rokka: rokka shoots a quick concerned glance at han before facing forward again
Vorde pulls the two behind him ahead on the ropes and marches proudly into the street, walking at a speedy pace followed by Orin and Finn, the group gets as far up the stairway to the main gates as possible before the entourage is spotted by the various nearby royal guardsman.
Immediately they hear a few shouts ahead of them as the two royal guards by the door call out to Vorde to halt, looking the group also notice the guards on the walls train arrows on their forms. Behind, nearby guards quickly run up to flank the group, surrounding them.
Keva: keva tenses up as the guards approach Han: han too, also making note of fucking everything, how many people, exits, all that shit Rokka: rokka also does the tense Plum: plum stands a little closer to cimm and vorde Psalm: psalm is also just scoping the place out for good measure
Vorde: he clears his throat before speaking loudly and plainly “I, Vorde Barvotte of Antessa, have found and bring to you now, the assassins and wanted fugitives responsible for the carnage during the Elfonsent Ball but not a few nights ago” he continues a little less loudly with his brow furrowed “I bring grave news regarding their actions and future plans of attack on the city, i demand to be brought before the nobility and kings at once to relay this pertinent information immediately” the two royal guardsman in front of him pause for a moment and eyeball the group behind him bound in ropes.
Han appears to get the stink eye specifically from one of the guardsmen before the guard on the right, presumably the guard captain speaks up.
Guard Captain: “there are only 5 assassins left alive to my knowledge 'good' sire, and wasn't one of em' a lupin?” she turns her head to the other guard as if to ask for confirmation, he nods his head. Vorde: he clasps his hands together before responding “it appears you were not thorough enough in your investigation of the body then guard captain, it is of dire importance this error is rectified wouldn't you agree? as for the second question" he looks over at finn and gestures for him to bring chris rokksworth pop sensation forward Han: pop sensation chris rokksworth cant be bad! hes a star! Rokka: silly! hes just getting into his new movie role!
Finn brings Rokka forward as prompted by Vorde, reaching for Rokka’s bound hands Vorde pulls off the ring shifting his form immediately back to his lupin one.
Vorde: "These assassins are crafty wouldn't you say, hiding their faces to avoid detection." he gives you a quick look rokka that to you seems like hes saying gj bro Rokka: rokka just makes a surprised face :OOOOOOO
Satisfied, Vorde turns curtly and pushes Rokka back to where he was standing before, turning back to the guard captain. She squints at him and then quickly turns and raises her arm, ordering the nearby guardsman to examine the tied up members of the party for any weapons.
Han: han probably has all her weapons on her.... she grits her teeth over this lol, han glaring dagger into whoever has her stuff lmao Rokka: [nooo dont confiscate my swords] Keva: keva scowls as a guard approaches her and pats her down Han: eat shit copper
Orin tries to give Keva and Psalm placating looks throughout the process while not being obvious. The six members of the party have all their physical weapons removed from their persons. The guardsman on the right clears her throat seemingly satisfied with her appraisal and shouts at the guards on the walls to lift the gates, as she does Vorde gives the group a barely noticeable nod and continues speaking.
Vorde: “I must be bring them all before the nobility themselves as soon as possible, their testimony will be important for what i am to tell the royalty, i cannot explain their actions without them and the imminent threat to the city without them”  Guard Captain: she responds with a curt “you want to bring assassins before the kings for a second time?” Vorde: they are bound and weaponless, they couldn't hurt more than a fly as they stand now, beaten and docile. I'm sure you’ve a great manner of ways to check before they are brought anywhere near the nobility but i stress, i must speak to them with all of the fugitives present. It is of the greatest importance
The group watch the main gates slowly rise as Vorde speaks, hearing the grunting of guards nearby as they work it open. They’re all ushered ahead by the guardsmen behind them to walk through the gates. Stepping over the threshold they feel a wash of something pass over them as they enter the perimeter of the palace before moving along. 
Ghester: In the back of your head Psalm you hear Ghester make almost what sounds like a grunt of pain before hearing him whisper “....nasty enchantments in place now i see” Psalm: psalm's just looks at orin like eh could be worse, oh wait
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Psalm: psalm just tries to mask cough asking ghester "are you alright?" in infernal Ghester: you hear a strained hmm as he speaks "nothing that will kill me but it shall be a persistent pain for a while i suppose, im being forcefully restrained is how i would put it. dont worry, i'll do my best to keep a watchful eye" Psalm: quietly "hmm, i wasn't that concerned about them taking my stuff but knowing that i guess i should be. although i can't really say i'm surprised they'd have you covered too." Ghester: he gives a dreary sigh Psalm: what do you want me to kiss it better? tough it out man! you're like a million years old aren't you? Ghester: he doesn't respond Psalm: * slightly concerned *
Keva: keva's gone from staring warily at the guards to staring at psalm talking to himself Han: 🤨 Psalm: psalm like why y'all staring at me Han: cant a man talk to himself every once in a while Psalm: thats what im saying
As the group walk through they all hear the guard captain Vorde is speaking to respond with a “we’ll see” before she pulls another guard over and motions for them to run ahead of the group with a message.
They quickly take off, the guard captain then turns and motions for Vorde and the entourage to follow close behind. The group are all ushered through a grand main garden, blooming flowers of yellow and blue and large plants bracket the main pathway. They feel plenty of eyes on then as they’re lead through the grounds.
> 🎵  Dark Medieval Blues. Hurdy-Gurdy, Organ & Drum / Andrey Vinogradov
The group is pushed towards the main palace entrance doors and a grand entrance foyer, flanked by royal guardsmen as they enter. There are a number more than there were during the Ball they notice as they’re are ushered down a tall corridor to the right, the royal guardsman marching along with them the whole way.
Eventually in one of the corridors they are brought to a stop. Soon after the messenger that was sent ahead earlier rushes back, as he heaves out of breath the guard captain mutters an impatient “and…?” he stands puffing before sidling up to whisper in her ear, she makes a sour face afterwards.
Guard Captain: “You’re to be examined before i bring you before the court” she points at a nearby door “inside” 
The group are once again hauled through by the guards. They find themselves led through a door to what appears to be an old and ornate looking library, though somewhat messy looking, before being ordered to sit upon a set of chairs lined up near a long wooden table.
The ceiling here is high and there are various potted plants strewn about the tall cases of old tomes, ladders with wheels on the bottom are affixed to the large wooden bookshelves. Orin seems to be looking about the large room with curiosity as if he cant help himself.
Psalm: psalm is same he's basically like "oh shit! books!!" Han: han keeps glaring at the guard who took all her shit n gritting her teeth Finn: finn also letting his eyes wander a little around the room Keva: keva also looks around and takes it all in warily
After a few minutes of waiting you all see the door open again as a woman wearing a large hat with aqua toned skin steps through, fins sprouting from her face.
Han: han briefly looks at her, then does a double take.  Rokka: anxiety sky rockets
Han: han wolf whistles smh she’s a chad dont be stupid Psalm: PLEASE NO Han: NO NO AS;LKHFDLKHWADS;LKF IM KIDDING IM KIDDING Cimmorro: KVLDJSKGJSDKLG\ Han: u can keep me in these cuffs baby girl (winks) Psalm: psalm throws up Plum: [retches] Han: this is why han only gets laid when she pays Psalm: OH MY LORD WHAT A THING TO SAY LMFAO Chip: she fucks but at what cost (25 gold) Han: 25 GOLD, DAMN
The woman appears as if she's a triton, the race typically live underwater they suppose shorewater is located on the sea, not strange for the people to make their way into the politics of the country on the oceans doorstep.
Carrying papers with her they note that she appears to be formally dressed, though they aren't quite sure of her station. She moves towards the table with a nod and places the notes and items she seems to be carrying down with a quick huff and turning to the guardsman
Mardella: “I’m here to examine the accused, i shall cast a general spell then probe further if i need too” as she speaks she brushes an errant hair behind one of her fins. Han: raise ur hand if u dont wanna get zone of truth-ed Plum: I DO I DO I WANNA GET ZONE OF TRUTHED MAKE THIS NIGHTMARE END I'M INNOCENT Han: AKLDSF;LKHRAWLKHHESGDLKAW;LKJ4F all my charm spell nightmares coming to life
Mardella: turning to the three not seated she continues “I am guessing you are Vorde Barotte then?” Vorde: he gives a small bow in response “yes that is correct” Mardella: she hmms and continues “I am curious as to how you apprehended them all when the guardsman had such difficulty, but you seem to express a great desire to speak before the kings themselves so i will leave the needling for the moment” she turns back to the rest of you seated in the chairs “right then this shall take me some time”
She moves to sit at the long table and picks up the papers she was holding. Just then the group also notice she also has a quill and a pot of ink near her. She quickly gets to work drawing notes of some sort before standing.
She walks back to the 6 of them and speaks casting a spell, she seems to grip something at her neck glowing a white light for a moment before relenting. She casts the Zone of Truth of spell, affecting all of them except for Psalm and Cimmorro. Should they speak now they can only respond truthfully.
Psalm: i almost wished cimm failed that just to force him to speak properly Plum: cimm says peenus weenus fr and this woman is like, i am in the presence of a complicated mind... a puzzle box Cimmorro: JKGSDGJSG now everyone's in MY world Chip: lets start with your childhood cimmorro Cimmorro: AM I AT THERAPY? Han: YES
Mardella: she clasps her hands in front of herself and speaks "i shall ask you a series of questions, i expect you to cooperate with this process" she pauses and continues "are any you of currently under the effects of a spell, intended to deceive?" Keva: no Plum: nah Psalm: as far as i am aware, no Han: no Rokka: nope Cimmorro: nope
Han: laughs over the differences n similarities in our responses Psalm: that’s rp babey! Plum: tag urself
Mardella: she hmms and continues "are any of you still carrying weapons or contraband on your person" Han: han grits her teeth "i fucking wish" Keva: no Psalm: no Cimmorro: nope Rokka: nope :( Plum: no Cimmorro: plum sitting there thinking "is this illegal? fuck if i know" (re their pink medical potion) for 30 seconds before answering
Mardella: she continues "do you harbour ill intent towards the royalty of this country" Plum: no Keva: no Han: no Rokka: never Psalm: no Cimmorro: not yet i dont :d Plum: LFAMOGOGOO Han:;KHAS;LKDF;AWEFD Cimmorro: DONT TEST ME Chip: cimmorro cringe compilation Psalm: @ cim
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Cimmorro: LKBF;DBCVB,SB.,S Han: we are all testing her patience,  cimm and han 🤝 at their wits fucking end Cimmorro: they find truce. Once
Mardella: she gives you a look cimm and continues "how long ago did you arrive and shorewater, and for what purpose" Keva: 2 weeks. i’m looking for someone Plum: a few weeks ago, came here to talk to vorde Rokka: nearly a month, im just exploring Psalm: a little under two weeks. and i'm just here for a change of scenery Cimmorro: came around 2 weeks back or so. just passing by really, pilgrimaging Han: almost 5 seasons. my friend left me here to find myself
Mardella: she humms "and a final one, were you all here on the night of the Elfonsent Ball?" Han: yes Keva: yes Cimmorro: yup Psalm: yes Plum: ya Rokka: yup
Mardella: satisfied she nods and unclasps her hands "thank you for complying" 
The woman walks back to the end of the table where she placed her papers and begins to draw with the ink and quill, what look like runes of a sort, whispering under her breath, they figure shes slowly casting another spell.
They sit in silence under the watch of the guardsman, about ten minutes pass before she seems to finish, a quick glow bursts from her hands and she stands once again, coming to scrutinise them all. She then slowly examines them all one by one from a distance, making her way down the line before stopping after a time, seemingly satisfied.
Mardella: “I’ve not detected anything suspicious in the way of magic for now” she stands and dusts her dress slightly “i shall go and inform the kings, lead them to the court hall once you are ready” she turns and gives Vorde a slight bow before standing and leaving the room. 
Han: oh that was a detect magic not identify, i was like how is psalm not pinging -  warlock pact Cimmorro: psalm big dong pinging under the radar of mommy Psalm: yeah everything about that is horrible jez Chip: psalm back on pornhub Psalm: everything about what you just said is terrible, GOD, THIS IS LIKE THE THIRD TIME Plum: jez, jez i will beat you one day Cimmorro: Nicj9jjoflkeneje
The guard captain satisfied, motions for the guards to haul the group out of the room and back through the palace, the other three following close behind. Once more they are led through the tall corridors of the palace into a more minimalistically decorated area, though it seems everywhere in this place is covered in plush long carpets. Eventually they are all brought before a large set of double doors, taller than themselves, and brought to a stop. 
The guard captain stands at attention before them all, bringing Vorde, Finn and Orin in front of the group, before turning and lightly knocking on the door. A moment passes and soon after what they assume to be a secretary of sorts sticks his head out and whispers in her ear before leaning back inside and closing the door.
Plum: [fidgeting] Rokka: [fidgeting] Han: han is stoic tense n grimacing the usual Keva: keva's like, lightly scuffing the plush carpet with a shoe as she looks around Psalm: psalm sneezes Chip: ghester doesn't say bless you
Guard Captain: she turns back to you all and speaks “You have been granted an audience with the kings, the princess, the archmage and the high arcane adviser. You will speak when spoken too and keep your hands to yourself, if i notice but a hair out of place, you're out the door. As for the rest of you-” she cranes her head “try anything again and we’ll gut you where you stand, am i clear?” Plum: i heard one of the kings is really hot, IM JK Han: KKHDA;SLKHFALKHEFDS Cimmorro: JDJFKROEDLDM so ure saying hes not? 🤔
> 🎵  The Great Cross-Examination ~ Allegro 2015 / The Great Ace Attorney OST
The guard captain turns and pushes open the doors walking ahead. Vorde, Orin and Finn follow after her as the rest of the group are pushed along behind by the royal guardsman. They all enter what looks like a large chamber, a small set of stairs leading down into a large circle with an ornate design in its centre, tall pillars along either end. At the centre hanging over the centre of the large circle is a lit chandelier, clean in its design.
Across and up another set of stairs appears to be 5 seats, two more ornately decorated than the others, each sat upon by a person flanked by stone statues. The two kings Jermiah and Peruvus Argotts, sit in the two at the centre, flanked by princess Forrin Argott. Next to them sits a gnome in ornate garb, and the woman from earlier, Mardella. 
The chamber has a set of royal guardsmen lined up on either end of the wall at attention, the group is slowly led down to the centre of the room as the guard captain in front of them speaks, head bowed low.
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Guard Captain: your majesty's, i bring Vorde Barvotte of Antessa and his associates, as well as the 6 fugitives wanted for the events that occurred during the Efonsent Ball” she then steps back and aside, allowing Vorde, Finn and Orin to stand facing the court instead. “He claims to have pertinent information regarding their plans and a future plan of attack upon the city, he desired to relay this directly to the court.” The eyes of the five soon land on Vorde as he folds his arms behind his back.
Jeremiah: the king consort speaks up first “Well no need to keep us in suspense sire, speak freely. Mind we are a bit on edge at the moment so if possible it would be well for us to keep this audience brief” Turen: you hear the gnome woman speak up soon after him with a sigh “better for us to be taking no audiences at this time with the work to be done right now” Forrin: The princess responds soon after “we can't turn down any information at this time Turen, even if it ends up being a farce. Though I doubt the good sir would jeopardise himself so readily in such a precarious time, correct?” she tilts her head slightly with a glance at Vorde. Vorde: He responds with a small bow and a brief “of course your highness” Jermiah: he once again waves his hand as if prompting Vorde to begin speaking once more. Cimmorro: speak now thot Plum: plum is just listening to them say words and not absorbing any of it,  just thinking i am looking at the faces of the rulers of this country right now, i wonder what my parents would think Finn: finn looking at these people like man theyre richer than us Cimmorro: we start dancing behind him, interactive presentation Han: we start doing fortnite dances Psalm: psalm is also like hmm wonder what my parents would think, how did i end up here
Vorde: standing straight again he begins “I bring important news of dire events but more notably i must stress an important detail first. The 6 fugitives behind me stand accused of heinous crimes towards the court and the sanctity of this city and country, but I've proof they were merely innocent bystanders who were used. Their faces stolen to be equipped as masks in crimes against this country” He straightens his back slightly before continuing “On my person i have a pieces of evidence that point towards the true culprits behind the attack on your persons your majesty’s, a cult known by the moniker ‘The Red Letterheads’ who deal in disgusting acts for a purpose i do not fully understand myself yet” 
 As Vorde speaks the group see the 5 sitting in front of him watch with rapt attention, he details the evidence they’ve all found and presents his satchel, leaving it upon the ground for examination as he speaks. The guard captain takes the satchel and walks it to the gnome Turen and Mardella who begin to examine its contents. 
> 🎵  Joint Reasoning (Type A) / The Great Ace Attorney OST
Throughout his monologue he turns to each member of the party to provide testimony or speak upon the things they have seen and encountered over the past few days to prove their innocence, and the letterheads being the true culprits before leaving the closing argument to Finn.
Han: uses her outlander feat to provide testimony explaining the groups movements precisely retracing their steps and describing the letterheads place
Psalm: persuades them that the night started with the group being either hired as vinny's bodyguards or brought along as his +1's and the reason why they chose them for doppelgangers was because they were apparently easy targets
Plum: talks about the fact that they only came to shorewater to talk to vorde and then was going to fuck off back to talornia or wherever - they say "fuck off back to" and then are like ah oops
Keva: say she was talking with silversoul and was in his vicinity during the attack, so she saw him stabbed and wasn't around vinny who her doppelganger was seen stabbing bc she was across the ballroom -  [ psalm jumps in on keva's point to say that he had seen the letterhead member that stabbed vinny before she disguised herself as keva and that they later apprehended her and got information out of her ]
Rokka: mentions that he was speaking to vorde with han and plum at the ball,  BRO IM JUST A JOCK
Cimmorro: speaks precisely about the methods of necromancy the group saw, including the undead zombies and the blood clones.
Finn: for the closing statement he emphasises keva’s testimony re:gintama and cimmorro’s regarding the blood clones. Tying that in with the evidence the group  have and making it clear that the real perpetrators have pressing motives that need to be investigated with utmost urgency
> 🎵  The Old Bailey ~ Closing Argument / The Great Ace Attorney OST
Finn eventually closes out the argument, nervously taking a breath as he finishes speaking. In front of them the group watch as the court thinks of the things the party has relayed, most of them with their brows furrowed. 
Psalm: i hope this turns into a "glad we brought him!" situation Cimmorro: PLZ 🥺
Peruvus: finally he speaks up “So this is true then? I had suspicions this was part of a greater plot but it appears to have become all the truer with every word you’ve spoken.”  Jeremiah: “The inconsistencies within your testimony make sense if the culprits were in fact doppelgangers, a cult hmm” looking at you Finn he continues "you said his name was Theyord?” Han: han zones out for a sec and then goes "i believe he also went by ansam?" Finn: finn pulls down his scarf slightly. "Indeed. But my uncle has a better account of this, if you do not mind him relaying it in my place." and just. eyeballs vorde. motioning for him to take over. Cimmorro: this is finn the whole time but crying
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Vorde: Yes, your majesty, i think in a previous life he may have gone by the name Ansam, i'm unsure of its relevance at the moment Jeremiah: at that he seems to think for a moment before frowning and putting a hand to his face to think, not speaking after. Turen: next to him the archmage speaks up “This tome is certifiably filled with black magic, the kind you often dont see used on the material plane by living creatures because of how complicated the runes are. If this cult's patron is Mephisto then that is most certainly where they got these litany of spells, he just gives them out to anyone who asks now? This devil gives me a headache…” she turns towards the three standing members of royalty before continuing “i can confirm the contents of this tome are indeed teemed toward necromancy and mind control, it may explain a few things. The enchantments on these items feel like the scratchings of the desperate” she looks over at you cimmorro "seems he knows what hes talking about" Cimmorro: cimm just looks back at them like <:3c
Keva and Han attempt to study the king consort’s reaction to the name Ansam but dont get much aside from the fact that he recognises it, theyre unsure how affected he is right now by its mention. Han does note that the 5 seem to be seriously considering the groups argument, seems Finn’s closing argument was quite strong. 
Psalm also thinks now and considers if he’s heard the name Ansam before, he thinks that perhaps faintly he may have heard it somewhere back home, thinking that it sounds like it could be the name of tiefling. Though he doesnt get much else. Soon after Cimmorro is praised Mardella once again speaks up 
Mardella: “i do not think they're lying about the stolen faces, we had the suspicion already. Once we removed the ring upon the corpse in the palace it changed its face completely, it's of the same make as the one I hold now” she twirls the disguise ring around in the light. “Your majesty’s, your highness, i too can confirm the authenticity of these items as Turen just did” Forrin: at this she responds, lifting her arm slightly, beckoning towards the guard captain “as a gesture of trust, i’d like you to remove their bindings as they stand before us captain” 
Quickly bowing, the guard captain walks over to the group of six, Orin, Finn and Vorde drop the ropes as she quickly cuts each member free one by one, their hands allowed to roam as they please. Other royal guards step forward to take the ropes and remove them from the hall as the king begins to speak once more.
Peruvus: “I'm going to choose to believe the events you’ve just relayed to us to be truth, in which case I apologise for the rough treatment you’ve no doubt undergone in place of our true culprits. It must not have been easy gathering all of this information.” He turns to you Finnian, and continues “earlier your group said there was an immediate dire threat facing us, can you explain? Or was this also part of the farce to gain an audience with us” he clasps his hands over his knees as he speaks, leaning forward slightly “we’ve upped the city’s defences somewhat since the assassination attempts and the return of our archmage, but there have been unusual happenings i've noticed over the past day. I’d like to know what you can tell me and if you’ve any further leads”  Psalm: If I may, what are these 'unusual happenings' you're referring to? Peruvus: he shits his attention over towards you psalm and responds "The mayor caused a great hullabaloo at the government ward gates, it appears as if he started a fist fight with all the nearby guardsmen out of the blue. None were eager to bring him down as he was already still injured from the Ball’s events" he rubs the bridge of his nose as if beleaguered "Similarly a cleric from the church of Heiron was seen pounding on the gates in the church district soon after his recovery within his own church's walls, he resisted any attempts from the guardsman to calm him and had to be restrained..." Keva: keva frowns @ news abt panaver Han: han tsks kind of to herself
Psalm: I see. Well going off what we know so far the cult has the ability to both disguise themselves, but their leader can temporarily possess the followers as well. The cleric is one of the wounded from the night of the ball, so that at least explains his breakdown. Keva: "silversoul" keva says, quieter than she usually speaks Psalm: sorry what was that Keva: keva huffs and says louder "his name was panaver silversoul. he was the one i was talking to." Han: we think who was stabbed, is who can be controlled by theyord Finn: "It was not a farce. Our investigation has proven that the Letterheads have been preparing to perform a ritual. Perhaps some sort of summoning. The language they used suggested serious danger. Tightened defenses or not, Shorewater is vulnerable." Finn sighs and closes his eyes for a second. "it might be of interest for you to know that they possess portals that lead to various different places in Shorewater, possibly outside of it." Psalm: With that being said, we don't really have the specifics of the 'dire' event the letterheads have planned. But for the most part they seem intent on 'punishing' Shorewater. Oh, and they plan to carry out this punishment within the next few days. Plum: i'd give us less than two days. Psalm: If even so much. We did however, infiltrate their base, so assuming they haven't left we know the whereabouts and have an idea of what it's like inside
Cimmorro:  is finn still wearing all of his layers during the entirety of this Finn: yes Cimmorro: perfect,  he's just waddling around while explaining things
Forrin: ...a large scale attack… we’ll need Turen to scour that tome for any sort of spell that might indicate to what exactly they’re attempting, perhaps that Accord wizard might assist us. We must further up the guard presence along the walls and call a lockdown perhaps.. Jeremiah: perhaps we ought evacuate the city entirely, though I wonder if we’d have enough time, if we were caught while people are outside their homes en masse it could worsen the situation entirely… Mardella: i think a lockdown would be a better course of action, if we set about activating the city wide enchantments quickly the people would be safer inside their homes than out Jeremiah: he nods in response “hmm this is true, we’ll need to expend all our effort into organising the guard as quickly as possible more than we already have, we ought to bulk up the church and government ward gates specifically as well. Its good to know we've a location to crack down on then as well. We ought to arrange a group of guardsman and mages to flush them out post hate as well..
> 🎵  Joint Reasoning: The Great Deduction (Type B) / The Great Ace Attorney OST
Forrin calls over the guard captain and the secretary seated at the desk close by and begins relaying orders for them to begin sending out along with Peruvus. Jeremiah however continues to address the group as they do.
Jeremiah: Travellers and esteemed Barvottes. I King Consort Jeremiah, am now asking formally for your aid in this time of crisis, we are stretched thin and with not knowing what to expect the city needs as much help and eyes as we can give her. You will be compensated greatly for helping the city of Shorewater, and the country of Dorrin itself in its coming time of crisis. As well as for the hardships you have already endured, is there a name I might refer to you all as going forward?” Vorde: he turns his head at you all expectantly afterwards as well.
Cimmorro: wow even on dnd we quarantine Chip: social distancing to save from cults Psalm: damn jeremiah if you're asking like that... 👉👈 Cimmorro: jeremiah stan club Plum: sir can i get your autograph
The group then scramble to decide on a name, quickly forming a group huddle amongst themselves.
Cimmorro: cimm does a poor attempt to huddle us all up and goes "lets just go with peenus weenus" Plum: whispering heatedly "shut up cimm shut up" Psalm: sure why not, i'm sure whatever dignity we have left doesn't matter anymore right? Han: tries not to choke
Finn: finn coughs uncomfortably at cimm's suggestion. "we could simply refer to ourselves as a strike force." Han: do we even have anything that makes us one Psalm: vinny's strike force... to honour him since he's dead. /s Cimmorro: the brokebacks Plum: SHUTGUUPPGPF
Cimmorro: while everyone is debating i just walk up to the king and goes like we're the vengaboys -  "your majesty i present to you the vengaboys" Jeremiah: he looks towards you cimmorro and tilts his head "vengaboys? i see, well then Vengaboys-" and he turns to the rest of you all "i would like to ask again for finality's sake, do you have any more possible leads at the moment?" Cimmorro: i turn back to everyone and gives a thumbs up Psalm: psalm gives a thumbs up back Vorde: [internally] tf does venga mean Psalm: TF DOES VENGA MEAN Chip: vengeance boys... Cimmorro: ^ Keva: boys for vengeance Finn: 
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Psalm responds afterwards, informing the king consort that the only one they have would be the hideout as they’ve never met Theyord in person, Han emphasising only when hes possessed someone. He also brings up the notes in the back of the book, noting Shelly’s name and that she may be in possible danger.
Keva: i step a little closer to psalm and say "tell them about those people we ran into down there" Psalm: psalm just folds his arms and does what keva asks Keva: YYYEEAAAAHHH
Han: when theres a pause han also asks "what about the assassin that you caught? who are they?" Jeremiah: he looks over at you "they weren't caught per say, the guards struck them right in the ballroom before they could strike at us, dead in seconds." he thinks "we examined the body of course but as far as we could tell they weren't a Shorewater native, i dont think they were from Dorrin originally either. The most we could glean was they had a brand upon their back in the shape of a symbol once we removed the disguise”
Forrin then returns her attention to the conversation at hand, seemingly her and her brother Peruvus have finished issuing orders for the moment, having been paying attention to the ongoing conversation.
Peruvus: “We shall work on the assignment of the guardsmen across the city and deciphering all we can from the tome you’ve given us, as well as bolster the city's magic defences, and declare a lockdown. Once you return from investigating Shelly Carter’s abode I would ask you to assist us directly in these tasks. At the most i can spare some guardsmen to assist you in this endeavour, it would be best i think to send one of the captains in charge of the arcana district to help your investigation. I will send word for you to meet them at the district gates, it would be best for us to move as quickly as possible”  Turen: in response to this archmage stands “if i am no longer needed your majesty i shall consort with Mardella and the witch from the accord, my workload has suddenly increased tenfold” she rolls her shoulders as if gearing up for a fist fight.
Jeremiah nods and waves her and Mardella off, the two stand and leave the room via one of the large doors, finally him and the other two royals stand 
Jeremiah: “The royal guardsman shall escort you off the palace grounds and send word across the city that you aren't to be approached in your travel, should you require any food or rest before you head off you may use one of the rooms in the palace. The guardsmen will direct you.” Peruvus: “return as soon as you are able, we’ve not a moment to waste” Psalm: I don't speak for everyone here, but as it's still early in the day I don't think we'll be here for long before heading onto our next task Peruvus: looks towards you psalm and nods "of course, whatever suits you for the moment" He looks back towards Vorde addressing him directly "thank you again for your aid in this time from your family, sire Barvotte, it shall not be forgotten. As well as for you, Vengaboys, may we meet to discuss what comes next soon with higher hopes" 
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The royal guard captain stands and rises as the royals give the group a small courteous bow which Vorde returns doubly so. The party and co. are ushered back out of the doors of the grand courthall their names now clear, their next task pressing on their minds....
🦇Finn succeeded the debate skill challenge very epic
🍺 Plum drank the「  Red Potion ✨ 」who knows how long they’ll have red hair for...
-「  4 Poison Daggers ✨ 」-「 a Branding Rod ✨ 」-「 a Red Tome ✨ and -「 2 Letterhead Tokens ✨ 」 were handed over to the Court as evidence
- ITS NOON - 33 HOURS UNTIL - 📜🩸 The Reckoning 🩸📜 - (supposedly)
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