#i only love. my puppy. and my loved ones puppies
hsangel64 · 3 days
bandmates pt. 7 !
pairings: bassist!ellie williams x fem!reader
summary: it’s been a couple of weeks and you and ellie were officially together but ellie has been acting suspicious and it feels like you're together only behind closed doors.
warnings: angst angst angst (sorry !!), cussing, slight smut, use of y/n
a/n: i am trying my best to be back and write, ive been in the process of moving and i just got in the mindset to write!! I had a plan for this and then stopped writing this for a while so this series will have more than just a couple of chapters left, i'm not sure yet!! anyways good to be back hope you enjoy!!
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you and ellie were doing fine, great even! but only in your guys' room. you have been so happy the past few weeks, but it was starting to feel a little off. you didn't think much of it but that still didn't stop that small anxious pit in your stomach from forming. you liked ellie so much and was so happy this was finally reality that you didn't see the red flags ahead of time.
"do we really have to go to this stupid get together?" ellie whined and you giggled.
"yes unfortunately we do, speaking of which we need to get up really soon to get ready." ellie groaned and turned away from you and got out of bed. she walked over to her closet while pouting and grabbed some clothes considering we were only in underwear....
you sat up and grabbed an outfit from your closet. ellie came up from behind you and kissed your cheek and made her way down to your neck. you giggled and squished her face in your neck, you tried to push her away, but she fought against your small weak nudges.
"ellie we can't, we have to go dina and jesse really want us there to meet these people."
"we could be late." she said in that sultry voice she puts on. you felt a shiver down your spine and so badly wanted to fall for it but you knew how much this meant to dina and didn't want to let her down.
"no els we gotta go i don't want to let dina down." you laughed as she kept kissing you neck and reaching down you back. she turned you around and kissed your lips, you melted into her mouth and couldn't resist the urge to just go for yet another round of the day, but you fought back and slowly pulled away. you gave her that look a sad puppy dog would give and she groaned and then smiled at you.
"ugh fine, only because you're cute and i love you." you let out a small gasp, ellie hadn't said i love you yet. a small smile made it to your face and she smiled back.
"i love you too." you smiled at each other and kissed again, you both went on and got ready for the get together.
you two were sitting on the couch together next to dina and jesse at someone's house you didn't know, you just wanted to be home with ellie. the air felt super awkward and ellie felt a little distant. you didn't think much of that until you all introduced yourselves.
"this is ellie and y/n!" dina introduced us to everyone else and they all collectively said hello.
"how did you all meet?" one of the girls asked and ellie answered.
"y/n and i have been friends since before we could remember and met dina and jesse in high school band class. we all became really good friends and formed our band, coastal."
"that's really cool, you guys all seem so close is it just dina and jesse together? some girl asked while making flirty eyes with ellie.
"yeah it is, me and y/n are best friends and i wouldn't have it any other way." your face shifted and you gently whipped your head towards ellie in a questioning way, she was already looking at the girl with that same flirty look and you turned away and excused yourself to the bathroom. dina noticed your change in behavior and decided to follow after you. you quickly made your way to the bathroom before dina could make it in and you closed the door in front of her face.
"babes are you okay? what happened?" you tuned her questions out and your mind drifted. you could tell something was wrong, you knew it felt weird that you two weren't going on dates or that she acted different outside of the dorm. you saw all the red flags but was too oblivious to see what was going on. your eyes slowly filled with tears and you didn't even realize you were crying until you snapped back into reality and heard dina bang on the door.
"hey, are you okay what's going on??" you turned and opened the door, dina gasped and pushed her way into the room seeing your state.
'what's going on, talk to me." she held your face and wiped your tears, you felt so overwhelmed with emotions and couldn't make out the words so you said.
"ellie is an asshole." she looked at you saddened and nodded her head saying i know, she grabbed you and pulled you into her. you silently cried into the crook of her neck and just felt so angry. you were mad at yourself for thinking this was going to work. you didn't want to cry anymore about it so you gently pulled away and turned to the faucet and wiped your face down of the mascara streaks. dina helped you pull yourself together and you both made your way back into the living room. everyone was preoccupied with mario kart on the tv and didn't even notice you two coming back. you sat down on the couch next to jesse and dina occupied the spot next to ellie. she turned over and looked at you and nodded her head asking if you were okay. you looked away and dina pushed her head towards the tv and diverted her attention away from you.
for the rest of the time you guys were there you sat on the couch with your back against the cushion and your head slouched. dina tried her best to stop ellie from talking to you and left you alone till you guys left.
when you guys were getting ready to leave you all said your goodbyes and you saw ellie and that girl exchange numbers, you felt sick to your stomach and didn't want to face her in the car. you turned away and walked out of the house without anyone, you guys weren't to far from the dorm so you just decided to walk on your own.
as you walked you made it to the gas station right by the school so you stopped for a slushy. you walked in and grabbed the biggest size, you needed this. you also grabbed some ice cream and made your way out. you sat on the curb for a little and pulled out your phone to a million notifications.
40 texts from ellie, 20 missed calls from dina, it all felt too much. so you texted dina and said you were fine and just decided to walk home. dina proceeded to cuss you out in your texts and raved about how dangerous that was for you to walk alone by yourself. you rolled your eyes and got up from the curb and walked to rest of the way towards the campus.
you found your way back and checked their locations to see they were home so you just knocked on the door. ellie answered and quickly let you in. you made your way to your shared room and grabbed some clothes.
"hey what happened back there?" she quietly asked and you rolled your eyes. you made your way to the shower but not before ellie squeezed her way through the door.
"bee what's wrong?" she grabbed your arm and you felt sick, you pushed her away and started to take your makeup off before your shower. she put her hand back on you and you pushed her away again getting frustrated now.
"why do you keep pushing me away, what happened back there?" you pushed her away hard and felt that tickle in your throat. you grumbled and said wouldn't you like to know under your breath, but it wasn't very quiet, so she heard.
"what do you mean? i would like to know. what's up with you?"
"i don't know ellie you tell me."
"I don't know y/n that's why i'm asking." you rolled your eyes starting to get more frustrated with her.
"maybe it was the fact that you just called me your friend and not your girlfriend?? i guess i missed something but i thought us having sex all the time and calling each other girlfriends meant just friends."
"i just called you best friend it isn't a big deal i'm sorry." she didn't sound sorry.
"it's a big deal to me ellie."
"well, i'm sorry." she shrugged and you scoffed at her nonchalant movement.
“i really don’t want to deal with this can you please leave i want to shower.” she didn’t pick up a fight and left. you sighed and wiped your face from any left over tears. you made your way into the shower and let the warm water help you forget about your thoughts for just one second.
a/n: i’m sorry this was short !! it was more of a filler before we get into some good angst and drama!! chapter 8 and possibly 9 will be out tomorrow!!
@gold-dustwomxn @lil-elliesgf @hopelesssheaven @elliestears @cjrights
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alottiegoingon · 2 days
hc!friends to lovers
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shauna shipman x gn!reader
summary: going from friends to lovers with shauna
warnings: mentions of jealousy, shauna being slightly toxic when it comes to her feelings, fluff, no nsfw but characters are always aged up, not proofread
୨୧ being friends with shauna shipman was like having a second shadow, she was always glued to you. you didn't mind, you liked having her always by your side
୨୧ shauna always knew she had feelings for you since the day you met but would rather die than admit that
୨୧ she got accepted into brown university which means that shes really smart so you had your own personal tutor
୨୧ "this is so easy, i can't believe you don't understand that," she mocks you, a smug grin on her lips. you were friends with shauna for long enough to know that she wasn't the most extrovert person in earth but she loved to tease you over small things
୨୧ "not eveyone is as smart as you, shipman!" little did she know that you were hiding your aced tests under your bed while putting on your best show to pretend you sucked at math just to listen to her
୨୧ even if you weren't much of a extrovert, shauna was worse. she would cling to you in parties like a lost puppy and would panic if had to stay by herself for a few minutes while you grabbed drinks or said hi people
୨୧ however, that didn't mean that she didn't praise some alone time.
୨୧ shauna seems to be a lonely girl and a people hater (shes just like me fr) and she would always be reading something. when she was alone, she was also busy girl with her most loyal friend; her pencil
୨୧ she would write about you on her mf journal 24/7!!! it didn't matter if it were good or bad things, she would go from cursing you and your entire family to calling you beautiful words and rant about you being the love of your life
୨୧ very very very jealous. can kill someone just with her angry gaze if they look at you in the wrong way or act too friendly (only got worse after you started dating)
୨୧ shauna would never, ever discuss her feelings, so if she felt jealous, angry, or upset, she would become a ticking time bomb, unpredictable and ready to explode at any moment
୨୧ would 100% say the meanest and cruelest words to hurt you on purpose, looking into your soul. my girl has some anger issues ok...
୨୧ she regrets all of it later but is sooo embarrassed to apologize, stuttering and struggling to look you in the eye. it's not like you could stay mad at her when she looked so cute...
୨୧ being friends with shauna had a great advantage; she had a car. you had made her your personal driver and she would always find a way to complain
୨୧ "i'm not your butler, you know," she rolls her eyes after agreeing to drive you to the mall. and then at the beach. and at the bookstore and the movies and the ice cream shop
୨୧ she was always making disapproval noises and acting annoyed but you knew she enjoyed driving you everywhere when she would act pissed if someone else did that
୨୧ "are you gonna sleep at school tonight?" shauna asks as she notices you not following you to her car. she was so used to drive you home that it was a natural thing already
୨୧ "you're so funny," you taunt her. "you're free today. lottie's going to give me a ride to the mall. i need her help to buy new clothes."
୨୧ "oh, okay," she forces a smile. "good, cause i hate driving you all the time. that's great," and its just shauna and her sad brown eyes against the world on her way home to write horrible things about you two and draw lotie with devil horns and a mustache
୨୧ in the classes you shared, she always sat by your side and paid no attention to them. she was too busy staring at you
୨୧ if someone was being annoying by always asking dumb questions, she would be so stressed. constantly bitching about it with whispers in your ear. but then if you asked the professor why the sky's blue she would be the first one to keep an eye on everyone and see if any of them was mocking you
୨୧ during mari's birthday party, shauna decided to play seven minutes in heaven with you and a bunch of "stupid drunk weird idiots" (more like forced to because she didn't want you to be out of her sight)
୨୧ coincidentally, she turned out to be your partner for the game. panic flashed in her eyes, and her cheeks flushed crimson as she heard her name paired with yours
୨୧ "we don't have to do this if you don't want to," you whisper, you and shauna exchanging awkward looks inside the closet
୨୧ "it would be so weird, don't you think? we are friends," a sheepish chuckle fell from her lips. yet, she takes a step closer
୨୧ "so weird," you nod, your fingers brushing against shauna's by chance, yet she made no move to retreat. instead, she timidly intertwined her fingers with yours
୨୧ "but spending seven minutes locked in here seems like a bit of a waste. it's just a game anyway, right?" her words incresed your heartbeat, your gaze flickered to your entwined hands as shauna drew nearer, her nose was inches away from touching yours
୨୧ "and it would be just a one time thing. and for the sake of our friends too, we don't wanna ruin their game," you agree, adding to her comment, lips grazing against each other
୨୧ "you're right," she murmurs, her hot breath tingling against your skin
୨୧ judging by her shaky voice and unsteady stance, it seemed that the scary shauna shipman was more nervous than you. offering her a reassuring smile, you reached out to stroke her cheek, drawing her closer until your lips met in a tender kiss
୨୧ thank god because she would not have the courage to kiss you or ask you out, only if it happened during a fight and she was so full of anger that would just force you to shut up by crashing her lips into yours
୨୧ it soon became clear that it wasn't just a one time thing. no questions asked, kissing shauna shipman became a habitual affair and, just like that, you were dating
୨୧ if shauna was jealous before, she was a green eyed monster now. extremely protective and would make it obvious by always touching you in some way. a hand over your body, a caress on your face, kissing you like she was about to devour you in front of everyone and holding hands were just a few examples
୨୧ shauna could be shy in the first weeks but then she would call you pet names like sweetheart or baby (like when she called lottie sweetheart in that episode 😔)
୨୧ and you were completely fine with that cause calling her sweet and cheesy pet names ever was your thing; honey bunny, cupcake, pumpkin, sunshine, buttercup, the list was endless
୨୧ your favorite part about it was to watch shauna's cheeks getting rosy in a matter of seconds whenever you affectionately called her those names in front of your friends. she'd act all shy but the moment you left to grab some food, she would tell the others to fuck off
୨୧ shes just a girl 🎀
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yunjinkisses · 1 day
Hello!I was wondering if you could write g!p Danielle smut?
of course! i LOVE danielle sm , hardly see any smut for her,so i am happy to write some! enjoy MWAH! -ps sorry this took ages
what’s ahead: long fanfic ,college au,y/ns friends are,minji & haerin , danielle’s friend is , hanni,soft dom danielle , praising & some soft degrading,begging,body praise,sort of nerdy reader,riding,voice kink,biting/marking,and creampie
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i sat down in my desk as the bell rung for our lecture to start , the teacher came in and began talking about whatever the topic was again
after a bit i started to regain focus and take some notes , one of my best friends , minji had nudged my shoulder indicating she wanted something , so i whispered to her
“what’s up minji?”
“wanna get something after the lecture before your volleyball tournament begins , figured you’d need a bit of extra energy!”
i nodded my head smiling the professor quickly told us to quiet down
time had quickly passed and the lecture was over , me and minji were headed to a coffee shop near our college,so we wouldn’t be late for my volleyball game incase of anything. Once me and minji had ordered and finished our drinks we were on our way to my game , haerin was also there to cheer me on in the crowd supporting me
my teammates were kazuha,minnie,ryujin,yeji,and yujin,that made six players including me
it was the final round and it was already a close game , my team just needed one more point to win,i had hit the ball over the net and then..
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my team had won the tournament,my teammates had huddled into a circle and were cheering for our victory.
i turned to the crowd to greet my friends and smile at them,but i noticed someone in the crowd who could have been cheering me on aswell,Danielle marsh,one of the most popular girls in our school,known to be one of the nicest girls too.
i couldn’t take my eyes off her once i spotted her,i felt a blush creep onto my cheeks,i noticed her eyes meet mine ,she smiled at me and waved a little at me
i look around to see if there was anyone else around me or behind me , just to make sure that i wasn’t going crazy,i turned back to face her in the crowd and she seemed to have giggled a bit , and nodded her head and signaled me to come over,i was a bit confused but started to walk towards danielle.
The thing is i’ve had a HUGE girl crush on danielle ever since i laid eyes on her,well maybe not “girl” crush,just crush crush.
“you were really good in the game you know?, congratulations to you and your team on the win! , very much deserved if i’d say so myself , personally i think you’re the best player out there though” danielle spoke as she gave me a wink
my cheeks had to be beyond red by now,i was stuttering between words at first,but ended up getting my sentence out.
“t-thank y-you,means a lot to me!..i didn’t even know you watched our games..” i spoke a little embarrassed scratching my head
“of course i do! , i love watching you guys play, especially you, you know watching you focus and play is really cute, and you seem really strong too..”
i avoided eye contact as she spoke
“t-thank you danielle..you’re always pretty aswell…you really are as kind as everyone s-says..”
“oh please you can call me dani-unnie,as i am a bit older than you,only if you would like of course!”
i smiled and nodded my head agreeing to her proposal
“o-of course i’ll happily call you that!”
“hey y/n-ah,would you like to come over to my place later tonight?,maybe watch a movie or just hangout, have a sleepover?”
i light up at the thought , nodding my head like an excited puppy
“o-of course- i mean y-yeah that sounds fun- , do you want my number o-or something?”
danielle giggled and nodded her head
“of course i’d love that!,here’s my number , it’s xxx-xxx-xxxx!”
we both exchanged numbers and talked for a bit more and parterd ways
i got back to my friends and minji slapped my arm lightly
“ow! what was that for?!?”
“y/n! what the fuck was that with you and danielle?!?”
“yeah y/n since when were you two talking,tell us everything!”
i rolled my eyes
“can you two keep it down! , we barely talked , and i don’t even know when we started talking!! u-uhm not really talking talking? but u-uhm we started to g-get to know each other today…”
i scratched the back of my neck
“get to know eachother as in danielle just full on flirt with you and eye fuck you , meanwhile you stand there and act like the socially awkward nerd you are?”
minji said and haerin giggled
“n-no that’s not true! , plus she wasn’t even flirting,we just became friends…”
both of them just looked at eachother and then back at me , i just rolled my eyes
time skip - ish
me and danielle were texting back and forth for a while now , i noticed it was starting to get darker outside, suddenly a new notification pops up on my phone
from dani-unnie❤️
getting dark outside! wanna head over to my place now for the sleepover?💕
i smiled as i felt my heart beat,i responded quickly with a yes,and packed everything and left my house.
it was currently really dark outside , right now i have an overnight bag filled with my essentials for a sleepover.
there is stood at danielle’s door nervous to ring the doorbell,my hand shaking,my glasses falling off my face ,so i readjusted them
i finally rang the bell and nervously started rethinking my choices , quickly the door opened to dani-unnie in front of me
“o-oh hi dani-unnie!-“
“hi y/n-ah! come in please, im super excited for our sleepover,been excited ever since i asked you,but i was even more excited when you were on your way!!”
she sounded genuinely excited,it was super cute,as she leads me into the house and i take off my shoes she’s telling me where everything will be.
“oh and you obviously you can stay in my room,but i hope you don’t mind sleeping in my bed aswell as my room..”
she said turning to me in a more flirtatious manner , i avoided eye contact immediately and got jittery
“o-oh of course i don’t mind,a-as long as you’re comfortable with it a-as well!”
“of course i’m comfortable with it silly,otherwise i wouldn’t have offered..”
she said in a singy-song tone,she then led me to her room , telling me to put my bag down and letting me unpack my things
“holy shit..your room is super pretty,i mean it fits you,but it’s really nice , i feel comfortable in here too. It has a homey aroma to it..”
she giggles as i look around the room
“thank you cutie,i’d like to think it has a cozy vibe to it as-well,also i haven’t seen you with your glasses on,you look super cute,they fit you..”
i turned my head to her and it took a minute to process everything she said..cutie? i look cute?
i shook my head and sat down on the bed next to her
“thank you d-dani-unnie,you always look more than c-cute yourself..”
“what’s that mean? , you saying i look hot?”
my eyes immediately widened
“N-NONO,,,w-well not no o-of course..y-you do look hot ..alot of the time..all the time actually..right n-now even..”
i whispered the last bit about her looking hot right now but she just seemed to giggle
i was flustered and i looked away
until i felt her hand turn my head towards her..
“y/n-ah , you don’t have to be embarrassed,i think you’re hot too..”
she slowly took my glasses off my face
“matter of fact…why don’t i show you something?”
i was confused but of course i nodded my head slowly
“o-of course ,show me w-what?”
she crawled closer to me on the bed and whispered into my ear
“…why don’t i show you,how hot i can be..”
i was flustered beyond imaginable ,i just stuttered not even coherent words
“what do you say..hm?”
i nodded my head rapidly like a excited puppy
she slowly undressed,leaving herself in only her boxers , and bra ,she was teasing me with how slow she was doing this all..
she sat me to the headboard of the bed ,sitting upright , then she crawled to me cradling me on my lap facing towards me. she came into a kiss , a slow one at first , then it became more passionate,more intense,lustful.
we parted from the kiss,a string of saliva could be seen between us. i was panting a little already..
“oh , so out of breath already doll..make sure to prepare yourself because i’ve got much more in store for you..”
i nodded my head slowly , i didn’t even notice that i was drooling.
danielle looked down and wiped the drool from my mouth , and just giggled
“what a naughty girl..can’t wait to make you mine..”
i gulped at her words,i could feel myself getting wet
she then started to undress me , leaving me in my lacy bra and panties that were see through to some extent.
dani-unnie giggles
“cutie did you wear this for me..?”
i shyly nodded
“good girl..you know how to tease unnie without trying , now get on your hands and knees for unnie why don’t you ?”
i was shocked when i heard those words come out of her mouth it didn’t fully process
“w-what was that?”
“i said .. get on your hands and knees for unnie and be a good slut..got it?”
she said smiling so brightly like it was said everyday , but i nodded and did what she asked
“good girl..oh wow,y/n-ah already so wet you’re soaking through your panties!
i got embarrassed by this..
“o-oh u-uhm-“
“it’s okay princess ,it’s perfect for me..i think it’s adorable..”
i shyly nod not knowing what to say , then i hear ruffling behind me , movement from danielle , it soon stops and then i feel danielle’s finger push my panty to the side , gasping at the cold air on my now fully exposed cunt..
she swiftly puts two fingers into me , making me moan abruptly really loud , i cover my mouth out of instinct..
“jesus..you really are soaked princess,did i do this to you y/n-ah? does unnie get you this wet,come on baby,uncover your mouth , wanna hear your pretty voice..”
she whispers into my ear bending over from behind,soon slowly moving her fingers inside me
“a-ah..y-yes! unnie makes m-me feel r-really good, d-dani-unnie gets me really excited..”
she then pulled her fingers out of me , making me feel empty , already missing the feeling of her inside me ..
“hey d-dani unnie what was that-“
soon i feel a much bigger and rounder thing go inside me ,assuming it’s danielle’s cock , which felt fucking huge..
“f-fuck!~..dani u-unnie please ..be careful..”
all danielle does is bend down and giggle into my ear and then whisper
“awh im sorry princess..would you prefer to ride unnie instead? , i think that’s such a good idea , seeing my pretty slut bounce ontop of me..”
all i could do was whimper , i nodded my head and danielle pulled my hair slighted to come up towards her , whilst she pulled out of me
she laid against the headboard of the bed , now signaling that she wants me ontop of her
she grabbed my hips and pushed me down onto her cock with no time to waste,wrapping her hands around my neck , licking,kissing,and biting my jaw going down towards my neck ,getting lower to my chest , danielle slowly removing my bra from me discarding the clothing item as she kisses and bites my chest getting closer to my boobs..leaving marks everywhere
“you’re so perfect..my slutty princess,just gonna mark you up nicely to let everyone know that you belong to me..god you really are so cute!”
she giggles into my chest as i’m whining slowly riding her cock,but she soon grips my hips down firmly stopping any movement from me,her nails digging into my hips
“mmhm i don’t think so..i wanna hear my baby beg to ride unnie..come on now cutie!”
i looked away and gulped nervously..
her grip got tighter around my hips and she bit down onto my neck and whispered
“be a good girl and do what unnie asked..”
i let out a breathy moan which was followed by nothing but mindless begging..
“fuck…dani-unnie i c-cant take it anymore please g-god please,your voice m-makes me so wet,everytime you speak o-or even laugh it gets me so t-turned on..fuck please unnie i-i need you to breed me so f-fucking bad..”
danielle was smirking slyly and pushed me back down onto the bed on my back,intertwining one hand with mine , and the other gripped onto my hip , pushing her cock into me swiftly , she then just kept at a fast pace
my eyes rolled back and all i could do was moan and whimper
“you feel so g-good princess..can’t believe you’re a v-virgin..unnie is s-so happy to be the one to change t-that..god you’re so tight..just wanna breed my princess..”
i mixture of our moans kept going on,soon tears started to flow out my eyes from being so close , and from all the pleasure
“f-fuck!~ u-unnie breed me..d-dani unnie,gonna cum..please b-breed me!~”
she giggled and just responded by whisper-moaning into my ear
“cum with me princess..let unnie breed you..”
at her words i felt a rush come over me , aswell as feeling danielles cum shoot into me ..
we both sighed and laid next to eachother , next thing you know i was passed out next to danielle..
next day in classes
“hey y/n what’s with the scarf..?”
minji spoke up to me and i was about to speak when haerin pulled it off revealing all the marks danielle left on me , they both just stood there shocked , danielle then appeared
“hi guys!,hi princess~”
she gave me a kiss on my cheek and wrapped her arms around my waist
before i finished my sentence minji and haerin interrupted
danielle just giggled
“you are most DEFINITELY filling us in later..” minji spoke up
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Merlin Fanfic list>>>
For Want of a Nail by OhThereBigBadWolf. I feel like this is a BAMF! Merlin, though it isn't tagged as such. Either way, it's still a good fic. "Fleeing from Essetir in the bloody beginnings of the Purge, Hunith finds herself on the doorstep of old friends. That's all it takes to untangle the skeins of destiny and weave a new tapestry."
I suppose that I look different (Without the robes and crown) by WingedWolf21. "When Arthur blows the horn of Cathbdhah for the second time, the horn doesn’t just send Uther to the other world. It sends Arthur away as well – to a world where Ygraine never died, the Great Purge never happened, and magic lives freely at court. As do those who practice it."
Stars Above, Stones Below By Destina. "After the disastrous end of his betrothal to Gwen and the regret of his offer to Princess Mithian, Arthur swears off finding a wife until he's ready to wed. When Merlin offers himself to Arthur as bedmate, Arthur suggests they hand-fast in secret for a single year of mutual pleasure without obligation. As their year together unfolds, and secrets and betrayals unravel around them, Arthur and Merlin learn there is no such thing as uncomplicated pleasure. Everything they thought they knew could change in a single year."
Give the Dragon a Chilli by Supercalvin. Modern with Magic. "Aithusa might have been no bigger than a house cat but she was still a dragon. That meant wings, claws, and her hoard, which in Aithusa’s case included soft pillows, fluffy socks, and much to Merlin’s chagrin, stolen pants. When Merlin found out that his winged ward had stolen a rather considerable pile of clothing for her hoard, he thought that it would be the end of any kind of friendship with his neighbor. But when Merlin met the victim of Aithusa’s burglary, he was pleasantly surprised to find Arthur, a man who had never in his life seen a dragon let alone a burglarizing one, and Cavall, a curious German Shepherd puppy who was quick to befriend the little white dragon. From there, it was only the beginning."
The Student Prince by FayJay. Very famous this one, you probably know it already. Modern with Magic, BAMF!Merlin and Reincarnation. "A Modern-day Merlin AU set at the University of St Andrews, featuring teetotal kickboxers, secret wizards, magnificent bodyguards of various genders, irate fairies, imprisoned dragons, crumbling gothic architecture, arrogant princes, adorable engineering students, stolen gold, magical doorways, attempted assassination, drunken students, shaving foam fights, embarrassing mornings after, The Hammer Dance, duty, responsibility, friendship and true love..."
Dew Point by kinase. Modern with magic, BAMF! Merlin "Arthur Pendragon is as popular and successful as a sixth former can be. He hasn’t quite figured out his future yet, but it’s going to be brilliant, he’s certain. At least until some daring stranger on a cool motorcycle topples his world upside down on the first day of school. Modern magical AU".
The Wall of Arthur by supercalvin. ModernAU has no magic, but this is just adorable, I love it. "In a surprisingly good David Attenborough impression, Gwaine said, “Here you see the remarkable mating ritual of the Merlin and the Arthur. Which involves mostly insults and swearing.”
Or: How Merlin and Arthur Met and Why There is a Restroom Wall Dedicated to Arthur’s Ass"
In Love With My Radio by lunchee. ModernAU is funny and sweet. Good fic. "Merlin listens to the radio, Arthur stalks Merlin, Morgana lives to create chaos in Arthur's life, and then everyone goes to McDonalds! Also, love happens.
From the km prompt: Arthur has an anonymous blog/LJ/twitter where he posts about his life, and Merlin follows it RELIGIOUSLY. Arthur starts posting about how he's stalking this amazingly hot guy.
My Significant Bother
Merlin's job as PR junior on the royal account isn't as glamorous as people believe: Most nights, he's saving Arthur, Duke of York and black sheep of the family, from possibly committing monarchy-shattering shenanigans. When tragedy hits and Arthur is now second in line to the throne, the public doesn't react too favorably to the new Prince of Wales.
A solution has to be found and Merlin's contribution is key to the problem: Roped into posing as Arthur's fake boyfriend, he's supposed to make Arthur's popularity levels rise with his steadfast and relatable presence and elevate him from scandalous rake to romantic figure...
For Without You I Am Lost
What if… Throughout the centuries, the magic in Merlin grew? Like, every sorcerer/witch and so on has a limit for growth, yeah? Some level that they reach and that’s it. No more power for you. But Merlin /doesn’t/ since he’s not /with/ magic but instead /is/ magic. So. Like. It grew with him and he learned more and more but he’s all alone, right? Has no Anchor. So he’s doing all he can, spreading the knowledge, educating people on and about magic and for a while it works. Magic is accepted, taught, even revered all over the world. The world prospers. Peace and harmony grows. Yeah, sure, there’s baddies from time to time but in general all is well yeah?
But… All this power that keeps on growing inside. What if it… Starts corrupting him? Like. Unintentionally, bit by bit. He doesn’t even notice that some of his decisions sHOuLd seem… Wrong, maybe..? But.. Power grows and grows and morality blurs for him. After all, he’s all alone. He has no one there for him. He’s always there for the EntiRe PoPulaTion of the WoRLd, but HE’S alone.
So what if… Arthur returns because Albion’s greatest need is to be saved… From Merlin..?
We Begin Again (Series)
*** Absolute fave. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read this series, especially the first two books ***
For many long years Merlin waited.
For the other part of his soul, for the other half of his life. He was born to serve Arthur. So that meant he was also born to wait. Even if it took a thousand years. Even if the wait seemed never to end.
Until one day, suddenly, it did.
When Arthur stumbles from the Lake of Avalon 1,500 years after his death, he finds a world unlike the one he knew. Faced with the loss of everyone he loved, and the threat of impending prophecy, Arthur must learn what it means to be not just a king, but the Once and Future King. Merlin does all he can to guide him, even as he struggles to hide his love for his king, and his fear of losing him again.
Story includes sass, banter, horseplay, & True Love.
In For Keeps
Merlin and Prince Arthur have been in a relationship for a while, unbeknownst to others. Arthur is ready to take the next step and make them official, but Merlin isn’t yet. The restrictions on his life and the mere idea of the lack of privacy seem too much for him to bear.
Separated over Christmas, overworked and overwrought, an accident befalls Arthur.
Cue a worried Merlin racing overnight on a trouble-ridden trip to Scotland on Christmas Eve.
Well, the course of true love never runs smooth...
*** I swear I’ve read these a million times ***
The Pact
The ancient Albion Pact demands that the Prince of Wales must take someone magic born as his soul-bonded consort by the time he is 30 or face death. Before he was a Detective Inspector Warlock, Merlin Emrys was young and in love and made a promise to Prince Arthur -- and now Arthur is calling it in.
The Lonely King
The Prince of Wales at his school. Merlin was sure it was all just a very bad joke. A modern royalty AU.
There Are No Gays In Football
When a deeply-closeted Arthur Pendragon finally earns a spot in Camelot's first XI, he's dead set on breaking records, not one of sport's last taboos. But life, like football, is a funny old game, and sometimes the only way up is out. Especially once he realizes he's arse over tit for the new physio.
A queer Arthurian tale of courage, love, and football.
The Difference of You
It’s not that Arthur Pendragon can’t get girls to fall for him; it’s just that he can’t seem to keep them around. Relationships and Arthur aren't on the same page at all, really, but one day there's Merlin on a bus and then it's different.
But it’s a Good Refrain
Arthur doesn't care much about the popular radio program Dragon's Lonely Hearts until his ex-girlfriend calls in to slag him off and get advice. When he calls in and has an on-air argument with the host, it starts off more than he expected, including meddling friends, over involved fans, and maybe love.
No Matter How Far Away You Roam
“I was wondering if you might come home with me.” Merlin stops mid-rant and stares at him, and then down at his panini again, and back at Arthur. This is a panini of lies and pain. He can tell already.
“For Christmas? I’ve got an uncle and a mother and a sister waiting for me at home, in case you hadn’t remembered, I’m not going home with you just because you’re a workaholic.”
“No, it’s. My mum might be under the impression that we’re a little bit married.”
In which Merlin gets conned into spending Christmas with Arthur's family and pretending to be his husband, because somehow this is his life
Magic Reveal
What I’d have done
It’s set around season 3. It’s mostly Arthur centric and it’s really good. It’s not out of character at all and is a realistic depiction of what could have happened in cannon
These are my bookmarked favorites! I love these magic reveals!
In relief:
The Map of Honor:
By the Sword:
Dying to Return
Turn of the Tide:
 I tried to keep it plot heavy. Most are Arthur/Merlin, but a couple isn't.
Family Tree - Fic starts after defeating Cenred's forces and an army of the dead in the siege during the Tears of Uther Pendragon
Without Song - In which Arthur is envoy to a grieving family, and Merlin rides with him.
So Are They All, All Honourable Men - Merlin gets into a fight with a knight
I've come Too Far To See The End - Morgana finds out Merlin is Emrys.
Onfindan - The aftermath of Athur finding out
The Perfect Scry - Arthur finds out Merlin has magic and Merlin doesn't know he has magic. So Arthur does what any BFF would do: everything he can to keep Merlin from finding out he has magic so he don't freak out.
After Ealdor - There’s a fine line between good and evil, and Merlin wonders if he’s crossed it
Pendragon Red - Camelot is overrun by sorcerers, Uther is dead, and Arthur wonders what the sorcerer want him and Merlin so much for.
They Call Him Emrys - Bring Emrys to the Dark Tower, Morgana demands. Or Gwen will die. Canon AU that diverges in mid S5.
The Best-Laid Plans - A group of mercenaries pose as Knights of Camelot after the disaster of Agravaine and the dragon. They run into Arthur and his Knights.
The Immortal’s Encore series
Believing that he has long since failed in his destiny, an immortal Merlin decides the only way to make things right is to break the barriers of time, rewrite history, and correct his mistakes. Unfortunately, such a task is not so simple in practice. The threads of time are a slippery opponent, and people are not easily made pawns in destiny's game. And perhaps the greatest threat of them all? Merlin himself. A millenium has left him greatly changed. Is he still the man that destiny chose, or will Merlin's return only bring a new doom to Camelot with it?
Not very well known. This is one of the best fanfics I ever read. I’ve checked so many of the classics and most of the most commented, most bookmarked ones, with the most kudos. I’ve accidentally stumbled on this one and since that day I am completely obsessed with it. The best BAMF Merlin I ever read, the writing style is impeccable, the plot is smart and well planned and thought through, characterisations are on point, the consequences are realistic and so complex. I cannot recommend this enough. There are 4 works in the story so far and it’s WIP, but the writer is very productive and disciplined, the updates are happening once or twice a week.
Lay Your Head on The Shoulder of a Good Friend
With Camelot readying for the upcoming gathering of rulers of the Southern Kingdoms to discuss peace, Uther has tasked Arthur with an additional duty: befriend the Prince of Essetir and learn anything he can of King Balinor, and of magic, and of dragons, that might be of interest should the treaty not succeed.
That's easier said than done, as he and Prince Merlin don't exactly hit it off immediately. But, befriending Merlin and learning of magic and life in Essetir leads Arthur down the paths of discovering long held secrets surrounding his own birth, and his mother's ill health, and his father's hatred of all things magic.
Adding even more complications to the mix are rowdy knights, frustrating princesses, a possible traitor in their midst, and an overly-verbose dragon; not to mention the burgeoning and peculiar feelings for his fellow prince that Arthur struggles to put a name to.
I love this fanfic. It’s written by Skitz_phenom, not very well known, but this author is amazing. Incredible BAMF Merlin, Arthur & Merlin are so very well written, she/he written one of the best sexiest and steamiest scenes in Merthur fanfic world. The story is great and touches your heart. Completed.
If you will enjoy this, I highly recommend checking their other works.
N16 writes great magic reveal fanfics (not just)
There are 24 works written by this author. I haven’t read them all, but the ones I’ve checked are great. The theme of so many of N16 fanfic stories is the reveal.
To Kill a Nightmare is one of those. It include BAMF Merlin tag as well. Once again, if you enjoy it, check the other works of this talented author.
These are various lists from different individuals that I saved in a document some time ago.I need to free up space on my computer… However, I'm hesitant to delete them. I'm not familiar with all the blogs mentioned; if you recognize any, please inform me!
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In which the Europe trip starts
series masterlist
Note: this is kind of a filler chapter, but I'll keep updating! If you want to be added to the taglist, just let me know. Enjoy :)
aubreyyang posted on their story
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caption: ready for the next two weeks :)
dior.n.goodjohn replied
gonna pretend I only heard the first part ILL MY U TOO
aubreyyang posted
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aubreyyang looking for a London boy
tagged: alexandrasaintmleux
liked by swift_009, alexandrasaintmleux and 99,003 others
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taylorswift love
-- aubreyyang OH MOTHER
alexandrasaintmleux hâte pour l'europe avec ma belle 💞
-- aubreyyang YAY je peux pas attendre!!
user1 damn she getting brave
user2 someone tell her ollie is from essex
charlesleclerc did u just steal my girlfriend
-- aubreyyang I got tired of third wheeling
olliebearman posted on their story
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caption: in London today 🇬🇧
landonorris replied to your story
alexandrasaintmleux posted on their story
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alexandrasaintmleux with my boyfriend, his son and my girlfriend
tagged: olliebearman, aubreyyang, charlesleclerc
aubreyyang replied to your story
pls just kiss the tension is wild
Sighing, Aubrey slipped her phone back into her pocket. Alex and Charles meant well, but…Ollie meant too much to her to ever risk ruining their friendship. When he crashed, she remembered halting the scene they were blocking because of the sheer amount of notifications she was getting. Her phone dropped out of her hand when she read the first headline, one of the assistants catching it and placing it back into her shaky grip. She felt tears welling up at the photo of the mutilated car. Finally, when he picked up, the relief had hit her like a tsunami. She was afraid of what this sweet boy could make her feel. 
“I’ve got it.” Ollie came up behind her in the aisle, chest pressed up against her back, long arms looping around to hoist her (very heavy) luggage easily into the over head storage.
The last time they'd seen each other in person was the club in London. Even then, when they'd only known each other for a little bit, he had given her a hug, guided her where to go, held her drink for her...
And she realized that he was such a touchy feely person and she loved it.
She flashed him a grateful smile in thanks, and tucked herself into the window seat. She watched as he put his much smaller luggage up and helped the elderly woman behind him too.
As she watched him, she realized something. Obviously, he was tall. His mom, Terri, as the older woman insisted Aubrey call her, had shown her some photos of his teenage years, lanky and stretched, with big hands and feet like a huge puppy. But he was one of the tallest on the grid now, the growth spurts of youth still seemingly present. But she hadn’t noticed how broad he’d gotten. Sure, he’d been toned when they met, and she’d been very taken by his arms, but his shoulders looked so wide in his blue sweatshirt and his neck so thick. His chest was maybe four of her hands outstretched. She wanted to check. For science, of course.
He sidled back to her, long legs stretching put and bumping hers.
“Excited?” He grinned, and she had to smile herself.
“It’s a two hour flight, Bearman.”
“Yeah, so we have lots of time. What’s your favourite colour?” 
“What?” She laughed, a little shocked.
“No, I’m serious.” He poked her arm, “We hardly talk about this stuff. I want to know you better.” 
“Red. I think I really like red.”
charles_leclerc posted
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charles_leclerc bread. beer. bon.
liked by charl_locklerc, alexandrasaintmleux, and 990,226 others
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charl_locklerc yo who took that photo of him and Alex
aubreyyang never eating a pretzel again
-- charles_leclerc this is why you pace yourself
-- aubreyyang you would know
olliebearman don't tell them about the beer
aubreyyang posted to their story
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caption: pretty view 🏞️
olliebearman replied to your story
pretty girl more like
I had a very handsome photographer
dallas_liu replied to your story
olliebearman posted on their story
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caption: actually pretty wild
f1wagsupdate posted
clip one: a video taken from afar on a grainy iPhone camera, four figures walking out of a club in Berlin, Germany. It zooms in, and we see that it is two renowned Ferrari drivers, Leclerc and Bearman. Walking between them with linked arms are Saint Mleux and Yang.
f1wagsupdate during the f1 summer break, Ferrari drivers Leclerc and Bearman are seen with girlfriend and potential girlfriend partying in Germany.
liked by f1girlypop, user1 and 8620 others
user1 manifesting this is real PLS
user2 stop the hand placement 😫 Ollies hand on her back
cutiesgrid24 the height difference is everything my cousin was there and she said right after that video he picked her up and carried her because her heel broke
-- user1 WIEHFIJOE I just went into cardiac arrest THATS SO CUTEE
Taglist: @callsignwidow @iloveyou3000morgan @honethatty12 @taygrls @destinyg237
© sweetteainthesummerx.tumblr. all rights reserved. unauthorized copying, translation, or claiming of my writing or any works as your own is strictly prohibited.
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nocturnowlette · 9 hours
one really fun part of my puppy training is people starting to underestimate or forget my skills as a hypnotist!
they'll tease me and pet me and talk down to me, but the moment they give me too tempting of a chance, I'll easily and smoothly take control of things and make them just as puppy as I am! ^w^
i quite enjoy the idea of being an infectious pup, being so powerfully submissive that the idea permeates from me. it slips through the cracks of the minds of people petting me before they realize how nice it feels to be a puppy too! i simply have to pull them down once i see that shift in their eyes and quiver in their voice! ^w^
surely, only those already susceptible to such ideas could be affected, so why don't you give it a try? i really love pets!
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My suggestion for how to fix the Stolas Problem
Don't know what the Stolas Problem is? Don't worry! I'll explain it to you. The Stolas Problem is an issue that the Helluva Boss show is having in which the entire premise of the show has basically been scraped to instead focus on a character that was supposed to be a love interest only. The end of the first season and beginning of the second also majorly ret-conned him so that he is no longer a sympathetic or fun character. It transformed him from someone that was horny all the time and rather bad, but typical for what a demon in Hell should have been, to a sadistic delusion narcissitic jerk that coerced a lower being into having sex with him or else Blitz's only friends and daughter would be out on the street. It went from them using each other to Stolas coercing and raping Blitz in what's called a quid pro quo relationship. So that being said, let's get going!
Instead of having him be sad that he's not loved by Blitz, have him be oddly excited about the date and trying to figure out why his feelings are so weird, maybe through the song Stella yells at him for.
Get rid of The Circus entirely, it's unnecessary and makes the quid pro quo rape really uncomfortable because Stolas thinks they're basically dating instead of just using him back.
Get rid of Seeing Stars. We already had a "Stolas trying to love his daughter the way she needs" episode and this is just making him look far worse. If you want to show more Stolas then have him out with Via when Blitz is calling him for help with the DHORKS or something.
Make Stella an actual person and show her in the background with Via. If you want her to be abusive, make sure that none of her actions mimic Loona or Stolas or any of the other characters that are seen in the show like they currently do.
Put Western Energy at the end of S2 and put more episodes specifically just about IMP. Maybe develop Millie more as a character, have the episode where Blitz tells Loona that she needs to be nicer be a full thing where he has to try and hire other secretaries but finds that she's the only one that works for them. The show is about Blitz, the protagonist, not about Stolas the love interest.
The "He can get hurt?" is the perfect thing to perk up Blitz's love for Stolas so it should definitely be at the end.
Show more of them liking each other after the awkwardness of their first 'date' at Ozzie's. Show them cuddling in bed or laughing about something or deciding that they don't want to have sex after trying awkwardly for an episode and so they just sit and eat ice cream while bonding over a shared interest. Right now the only thing drawing these two together is the narrative.
I also think making him a serial cheater would explain the fetishization of Blitz' demonic race, by having previous partners enjoy being degraded and talk to that way. It could end up with them having a fight and that's how Stolas confesses by saying he wants to learn Blitz more than he did them because he loves him.
Have Blitz still get back with Fizz as friends but explore more of their romantic feelings to show what Blitz thinks a relationship should be except it's not what all relationships had to be because they had puppy love and not grown adult with kids love.
If you have any ideas of other things that might help make their relationship more believable or make more sense, feel free to add to this last!
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empress-simps · 1 day
Self-Destruct [Two]
Pairing: James Potter x Fem! Reader, Sirius Black x Fem! Reader
Synopsis: Y/n Holstein tends to self-sabotage when something good happens, such as James Potter who came into her dark and dreary world like a ray of sunshine that she never knew she needed.
CW: Mentions of Blood Prejudice and implications of abuse.
Note: Hi everyone! Any thoughts on the previous chapter? This chapter is a bit short compared to the last one, that being said, hope you enjoy!
The Wrong Sort
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James ultimately decided that you were one of those snobby, posh, and entitled pureblooded kids.
The frown was still etched deep in his face as he saw you being dragged by a boy away from him, all the while shooting a warning glance to his direction.
James absolutely loathes people like you.
Although— he also concluded that you were absolutely breath taking; the good kind. Despite the somewhat permanent emotionless expression on your face, he definitely feels his cheeks heat up thinking of you. He really doesn’t know why.
Maybe he’s getting too worked up because he’s annoyed by your attitude?
Yeah, that’s probably why… It’s the only plausible idea that his eleven year-old mind could wrap around.
“James, darling! Something wrong?” Euphemia calls to her son, catching his attention and ultimately breaking the eye contact between both of you.
He shaked his head, trying to rid of thoughts that were filled with you.
“Nothing mum, a bit pre-occupied is all.”
He was sure you wouldn’t even interact with him again— Hogwarts has tons of students, right? Also, you might be an incoming student of Beauxbautons!
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James Fleamont Potter has proven himself wrong when you’re sitting directly across him in one of the compartments of the Hogwarts Express.
He blinked, took off his glasses to rub it with the hem of his shirt then placed it on his face again, blinking multiple times to make sure he isn’t hallucinating. Merlin, were you haunting him? Maybe you are right— he needs to get his glasses adjusted.
Your sigh made it very much clear that you are certainly real and actually in front of him.
Since when did you get here? Why are you and the boy here?
“The other compartments are already full.” You simply told him, as if reading his exact thoughts before pulling out a book and making yourself busy.
He could only blink in response as Sirius looks at him. As if sizing him up. “Erm, may I help you?” He asked, unsure of what to make of Sirius who seemed to take on the role of being your personal protector.
“Sirius Black.” He holds out his hand to shake, James looks down and quickly shakes it back. His charming grin making its way to his face.
“James Potter. Pleasure to meet you.”
“ Potter? House of Potter? I would say the same, but you slammed into my wife a couple weeks earlier.”
James sputtered, eyes nearly bulging out.
Excuse me, what?
Surely Sirius is wrong, right? He can already feel the dismay entering his system and— wait, why would he even be disappointed? He even finds you annoying when you sassed him at Diagon Alley!
“W-wife?” He managed to choke out, eyes darting back and forth between you and Sirius— staring at the both of you incredulously.
You glared, slamming the book as you stared at Sirius before kicking him under the table, eliciting an ‘ow!’ from him. “We are not yet married, Sirius. Please refrain yourself from calling me your wife.”
“But we’re going to be!” He reasoned out childishly, looking like a kicked puppy.
“And we are currently not.” You grumbled, opening your book again and looking at the page you bookmarked before the bespectacled boy turned to you.
“I haven’t caught your name. I’m James Potter, you?”
You felt your eyebrow twitch in annoyance. This Potter boy surely loves to yap, huh?
All you want is some peace and to read without any interruptions, but it doesn’t seem like a viable option. “Y/n Holstein. Pureblood?” You shot him a question, an eyebrow raised expectantly.
James furrowed his brows, “Pureblood. What does blood status got to do with this?” You hummed in a somewhat approval tone before closing your book gently and crossing your arms over your chest as you stared at him. Noticing the Potter crest signet ring on his pointer finger, you concluded he is the heir of house Potter.
Hm, wouldn’t hurt to talk to him.
“It tells you everything about what a person is, Potter. Didn’t Lord Fleamont Potter and Lady Euphemia Potter ever tell you that?”
James blinks, surprise evident in his features. “How did you know my parents’ names?”
Sirius wasn’t all that surprised, he knew Walburga ensures that his studies are rigorous—drowning him with the history of their family, sacred twenty-eight, dueling, and the dark arts.
Ludwig Holstein took it up a notch, much more intense than his mother. He started training you and grooming to be the successor of the house and the Winzengamot seat ever since you were merely five years old.
You frowned, seriously? Was he never educated or was he living under a rock?
“It’s common knowledge to know the Lords and Ladies of a noble house, Potter. Tell me, were you off dilly dallying when your tutor taught you that?”
James can feel annoyance brewing in his chest yet again as he opened and closed his mouth, trying to come up with words.
You sighed, mock disappointment adorning your features. "My my, Potter. I suggest you brush up on your lessons before we reach Hogwarts? I think that would be fantastic."
You smiled at him politely before opening your book and ignoring how he stumbles over his words.
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"Y/n, what house do you think you'll get sorted in to?"
Sirius asked, trying to mask the nervous edge in his tone with curiosity as you and fellow first year students line up in front waiting for Professor Mcgonagall call the names of each student one at a time to get sorted.
"Why Slytherin, of course." You replied coolly, an air of sureness surrounding you. He looks at you wearily, "What if... What if we don't get sorted in Slytherin?" Sirus voiced out his worries to you. His grey eyes glancing at the sorting hat warily, as if it’ll expose his darkest and deepest secret.
"You should never dream about not being in Slytherin, Sirius. You aren't foolish, you know what can happen." You uttered lowly, casting a glance at the boy beside you. Walburga and Orion will not be pleased with the heir of house Black being sorted into a house that isn't Slytherin. Certainly, Ludwig Holstein also doesn't welcome that idea.
"Y/n Holstein."
The chatting amongst students suddenly stilled, everyone's focus was directed towards you, the Holstein heir. Merlin, even Dumbledore himself was looking at you!
Normally, you are able to handle other people's gazes directed towards you, but as you walk towards the stool where the sorting hat waits for you, you can't help but feel the twinge of self-consciousness nibbing at you.
Holding yourself up with such elegance and grace, you sat down and felt the sorting hat placed on top of your head.
'Oh? What's this? Another Holstein?' The hat mused, you kept a straight face and looked ahead, not bothering to respond to its comments. It would be useless anyway; you already know which house the sorting hat will pick.
'Where shall I put you...? I have been longing to put a Holstein in Ravenclaw.' It hummed, you felt your stomach drop, cracks were forming on your composure the longer the hat doesn't announce your house.
'You'll do great in Ravenclaw, young Holstein.'
Merlin, no! You tried your best not to grit your teeth as you try to relax your shoulders.
'Do not even try to put me in that house, I am a Slytherin, through and through.' You thought, 'It will be a shame to the Holstein name. A stain.' you added, making the hat droop down, disappointed yet again. It seems that the Slytherin traits run deep in Holstein’s bloods.
Sensing the reaction, you were rather quite pleased with yourself knowing you had already won.
"Very well, SLYTHERIN!" The hat roared, not even a second had passed, loud and boisterous cheers were heard from the Slytherin table, quite uncharacteristic for them but who cares? The Holstein heir was in their house, it gave the Slytherin house more prestige and power.
You let a small smirk appear on your face as your fellow housemates welcomed you warmly and with open arms, if you say so yourself, they look like they're ready to kiss your arse.
"Narcissa, thank you." You smiled, reaching the table and nearing the girl as she saved two seats, you assumed one was for you and the other is for Sirius.
"Welcome to Slytherin, Y/n." Andromeda piped up, smiling at you. You returned her action and uttered out a 'thank you'.
"James Fleamont Potter."
Now that spiked your interest, your eyes observed him as he walked towards the stool in front as if he's just strolling through the gardens of their estate. He sat and not even five seconds in, the hat has already decided his house.
Cheers erupted from the respective table as they welcomed Potter with open arms. You hummed, "As I've guessed."
Narcissa turns to look at you with an eyebrow raised, "You know him?"
"Barely, he bumped into me in Diagon alley, and he shared a compartment with me and Sirius earlier." You replied, turning your attention yet again in front as Sirius' name was called.
"Sirius Orion Black."
Similarly to you, the chatter stilled and hushed whispers were heard all over the great hall. You noticed how Sirius' shoulder visibly tensed as he sat in the stool while waiting for the hat to announce Slytherin.
You placed some of his preferred dishes on the plate beside you, marking it as a seat saved for him. Narcissa and Andromeda noticed this which made them giggle. Ah, young love.
You raised a questioning brow to them, but they didn't bother to respond, just motioned you to pay attention to the sorting ceremony. You'll be sure to tell Sirius about his older cousin's antics as soon as he joins you in the Slytherin table.
Except he didn't.
He wasn’t placed in Slytherin like everyone expected.
"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat thundered; the raggedy thing looked proud— almost smug as it announced Sirius' house. You felt time stilled, your eyes and Sirius' grey ones connected for a split second. His eyes screamed at you.
Absolutely terrified.
Surely this must be a mistake?
The cheers beside your table fell to your deaf ears as your attention was solely focused on Sirius. You didn’t notice how the Black sisters wearily exchanged a glance as their eyes darted to their younger cousin who walks towards the Gryffindor table hesitantly.
The feeling of dread entered your system as you faced Sirius— tables and houses apart.
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Sirius really felt like throwing up. His head was spinning. His thoughts are in a jumbled, flurry mess, heck— he was even surprised he didn’t stumble on his way over to the Gryffindor table.
The claps from his house can be compared as an annoying ringing in his ears, they all look quite unsure, but still clapped nonetheless. He really couldn’t blame them.
The black sheep of the family.
A lion in a snake’s den.
“Black!” He quickly scanned the table and saw James calling for him and patting the space next to him— at least he won’t worry where he’ll sit for dinner now.
Nearing the glasses-wearing boy, he saw two boys who roughly looked the same age as them converse with James.
One was littered with scars, both old and new. His arms were also noticeably covered in bandages even with the school robes concealing most of his injuries— poor thing.
The other boy, well— forgive Sirius but he reminds him of a rat. You know, if a rat becomes a person, it will look like the bloke sitting beside scar boy?
“What an unexpected surprise.” James grinned, Sirius fought the urge to scoff. This was hell for the Black heir.
Both you and Sirius are uncertain on what this exactly entails, nervousness festering in your stomachs as this was way off from what both of you pictured.
He should be sitting beside you, eating and conversing with his older cousins. Instead, you both were staring at each other, a gap that seems impossible to conquer creating distance between you both.
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lunajay33 · 2 days
Summary: You’re Sam and Deans sister and have been seeing Castiel behind their back, but what happens when you need to come clean when you find out yours and Castiels time together creates a little surprise
Pairing: Castiel x f!reader Winchester
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Holding the pregnancy test in my hand felt surreal, if someone told me a few years ago that I’d be back to hunting monsters with my family and pregnant with an angels child I’d think they were crazy, but here I am in another motel bathroom, my brothers in the other room working on a case as I’m having a whirl wind of thoughts over take me
After some time I take a deep breath and put the test in my back pocket coming to terms that this secret Cas and I have kept under wraps needs to come to light, sneaking around always made things between us more fun but we also wanted to be able to just be together without the stress of Dean trying to kill Cas or their disapproval, plus with how many enemies were after Castiel it just felt safer to keep it a secret, a year long secret
I walk out of the bathroom fiddling with my hands sitting on one of the two beds
“Hey you okay kiddo?” Dean always called me that, he always sees me as that little sister who looked up to him when dad was away, which makes me feel even more guilty
“Can I talk to you guys for a moment” they instantly got up from the small motel table in the corner and sat on the bed across from me giving me their full attention
I never thought I’d be scared to tell my brothers something, Sammy was always the sweetest little brother and Dean always tried to protect me like it was his only mission in life
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Sam asked, worry written all over his face
“I’ve been keeping a secret from you guys just please promise me you won’t be disappointed in me” my chest was heavy and my stomach is bubbles of anxiety
“What did you do” Dean groaned but I know he’s just worried
I pulled out the pregnancy test and handed it over they immediately went wide eyed
“Is this real?”
“How the hell did this happen I don’t even ever see you flirt with anyone at bars, you don’t even look to the side of anyone” Dean sighed
“I don’t just go around hooking up”
“Then what? Is this the new Jesus?”
“Yeah about that…….”
“You can’t be serious” Sam said shocked
“What no it’s not immaculate conception, we wanted to wait and ease you both into this, we wanted it to just be the two of us for a bit but now with the pregnancy I can’t not tell you both any longer”
“We? You’ve been seeing someone?” Dean asked confused
“It’s C….” Before I could confess Castiel himself popped into the room making a bee line right to me, not even acknowledging Sam and deans questions as to why he was there, and kneeled infront of me holding my hands that were in my lap
“Y/n you haven’t answer my calls for almost 2 days do you know how worried I’ve been” he stated with those puppy eyes I feel in love with
“I’m sorry I’ve had a lot on my mind, there’s something I need to tell you too” whenever I was with cas it felt like we were in our own little bubble of love, completely forgetting why I was sitting on this bed in the first place
“You can’t be serious, you and Castiel? How long has this been a thing?” Dean said standing up now
“It’s been a year Dean, she is the love of my life, it was meant to be” Cas said matter o factly as he stood
“A year? You’ve been sneaking around for a year? How the hell did we not notice this Sam?” Sam just shrugged his shoulders
“And now you’re pregnant with an angel how is this going to end?”
Of course Dean had to be the one to blurt it out, Castiel turned to me wide eyed looking at my still flat belly no sign of a bump
“You’re with child? With my child?” He asked bewildered as he held my hips
“Are you mad?”
“Of course not, I love you and I’ll love this baby, you’re all my family now” I laid my head against his chest letting his warmth calm me down as he held me
“It’s going to be crazy to get use to but congrats guys” Sam said patting my back
“You better watch over them Cas or I swear to god” Dean groaned as he took a sip of his beer
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After 8 and a half months it was time to pop, laying in a hospital bed with Sam and Dean sitting on the couch by my bed anxiously, of all the monsters we’ve fought this seemed to trump them all
“DEAN WHERES CAS?” I scream as another painful contraction courses through me
“I don’t know honey, I’ve been calling and praying” he says panicked as he gets up and dabs a cool cloth against my face
“I’m scared, what if the baby is an angel and it rips me apart, what if Cas can’t save me and I don’t get to say goodbye”
“Hey don’t talk like that you’re going to get through this, you’re a Winchester” Sam said trying to be supportive
A wosh of wings sounds through the room and Castiel is there by my side
“I’m sorry some demons had me I got here as fast as I could”
“It hurts so much, make it stop” I whimper as he presses two of his fingers to my forehead immediately easing my pain
“The child is already stronger than I had hoped”
“What does that mean? Will she be okay?” Dean asked his eye brows pinching together
“I will have to dull its powers until she has given birth” he worked his magic and the pressure lessened before I felt the urge to push
Everything happened so fast, the doctor came rushing in helping guide me as cas kept dulling my senses to get rid of the pain when a cry brought me back to reality
“Congratulations on a beautiful baby girl” the doctor said laying her in my chest before giving us space
Sam Dean and Castiel surrounded my bed all looking at this little bundle of bright life, she opened her eyes and all that emitted was bright white and blue light, like when cas would go supernova
“She’s beautiful, she looks just like you”
“Except for the glowing orbs” Dean stated
“Yes well that will fade over time as she grows but she will still have powers”
“What’s should we name her cas?”
“She looks like a Pam” I couldn’t help but laugh at such a name for a baby
“How about Samantha, and maybe the next one could be after Dean” I smile up at my two brothers who had tears in their eyes
“I think it’s perfect, you’re perfect”
“You did good sis, we’re proud of you”
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hereforhalstead · 18 hours
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Spencer Reid x Reader
*I don’t write smut purely bc I’m too rubbish at that but I will write everything leading up to*
1.��     “I’ll feel much better if you let me walk you home.”
2.      “I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.”
3.      “Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.”
4.      “i fucking love you” “hang up, and tell me this when you’re sober”
5.      “i really want to kiss you right now” “do it then”
6.      “Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
7.      “okay, where are all my jumpers?”
8.      “oh, you’ve started stealing my socks now?”
9.      “You took all the pillows so I’m using you as one.”
10.     “Stop being so cute.”
11.      “I missed being with you like this,”
12.      “You’re the only one I want”
13.      “Pretty boy, with me!” (…) “Oh, I’m pretty boy?”
14.      “Why are you hiding behind me? What did you do this time?”
15.       “Don’t give me that puppy dog face.  How am I supposed to say no to that?”
 1.      “I dont know how to exist in a world without you”
2.      “The worst thing is, that even after all of that, I’m still in love with you.”
3.      “If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart.”
4.      “i swear, if you say another word, i’ll leave.”
5.      “Would you just shut up and listen to me for two goddamn seconds?!”
6.      “if i asked you to stay, would you?” 
7.      “I’m leaving.” “Of course you are, that’s all you know how to do.”
8.      “I miss the old you.”
9.      “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t leave.”
10.    “Don’t you dare walk away from this!” 
11.    “that was, by far, the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.”
12.    “fuck you.”
13.     “What would you do if I didn’t come back?”
14.     “Why do we have to keep hiding? I’m tired of being kept a secret.” 
15.      “And I never thought I’d be in love with you, yet here we are!”
 1.      “I may or may not have left some….marks.”
2.      “I think we were a little too loud last night.”
3.      “You’ve been giving me bedroom eyes for the past half an hour”
4.     “bite your lip once more, i dare you”
5.     “I love hearing you moan,”
6.     “Sorry, did that hurt?” “No, I’m just a little sore from last night.”
7.     “Bite me,” “Where?”
8.     “Harder, Deeper…”
9.      “we’re in public, you know”
10.    “either take it off, or I will happily do it for you.”
11.     “Don’t smile at me like that. You know it drives me crazy.”
12.     “I’m going to be late because you can’t keep it in your pants.”
13.      “All I can think about is ripping that dress off of you.”
14.      “You’re mine and no one else can have you.”
15.       “I’m not necessarily hungry for food right now.”
1.      “how much did you drink?”
2.      “i asked if you were having a party. i didn’t tell you to have a party.”
3.      “this is the opposite of what i told you to do.”
4.      “Aw, look at you trying to be intimidating.”
5.      Baby I love you and all, but please step out of the kitchen.”
6.      “Is that vodka? At 7 in the morning?”
7.      “Come back to bed. Please.” 
8.      “Are you jealous?”
9.      “Hey, look at me. Focus on me alright?”
10.    “You’re a bad liar did you know?” 
11.    “for starters, that’s impossible.”
12.     “(She’s/he’s/they’re) just a friend.” “We used to be friends to be ‘just friends’ too.”
13.     “It’s four in the morning, for christ’s sake.”
14.      “What the fuck are you wearing?”
15.      “Remind me to kill you later.”
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gleefullypolin · 5 hours
Stacy's tipsy ramblings about season 3:
I have thoughts...and I've had a bad Friday sooooo....here we go.
Do I want Pen to write as LW past S3? Yes and No. Fantasy Stacy wanted Colin and Pen to be Lord and Lady Whistledown spitting truth across the ton to all who needed to hear it. Reality Stacy wants her to have a true career and write a real novel as Penelope Bridgerton where she has her own success and Colin has his.
How are we feeling about the Ben storyline? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Sorry.....was asleep. Wake me when we give him something to actually do.
Do we feel sorry for Cressida and want to see her arc redeemed by the end of Season 3? Nope. Every story needs a villain and I'm perfectly fine to see this one drown.
Do I enjoy John and Fran? No. Their story is not exciting for me. Sorry. Nothing against them, I'm just not enjoying it, personal opinion simply my own. I'm sure others might be in the same boat but unlikely to voice that opinion and that's fine as well. Again. Personal opinion and nothing against them. Just how I feel.
Should Colin forgive Pen so quickly in Part 2? Duh. It's a gossip column. I'm sorry that she wrote some honest things that cut close to the vest for people. She didn't lie. She tried to talk to these people over and over and over again and NO ONE listens to her. Colin patted her on the head like a puppy...."Pen you are so good" when she tried to warn him and she saved his ass from twins. Soooo, yeah. Let him feel his feels but honestly, lets move on.
Do you feel like Colin's character is OOC and the brothels are unnecessary? Nope, he came back as the person society expects him to be. Just as he said. He tried to fit with the Lord Douche Brigade and went about his business. The only time he was himself was with Pen. The whole point of that was to see the difference. Brothel mess and all and I was good with that. Clutch your pearls when you want to complain about his brothers having threesomes and fucking in public against trees.
Is Pen trapping Colin by not telling him right away about LW? Girl just got all her dreams converging into one. Confessions of love and fingering all in one. Then thrown into a family marriage proposal, immediately blackmailed by Eloise to confess, Cressida taking all her life's work credit from her, the Queen hunting her down. She's 20 years old. Image the pressure. Not only that but she gets the one thing she's been coveting since she watched him fall off a horse and now it could fall to dust. El already showed her what could happen by telling that secret and she was the love of her life. No one gave her a chance to breathe much less think of what these repercussions could mean. Either way, mistakes were made, but not unforgiveable, and nothing she would not have allowed him out of. When you allow someone the chance to remove themselves, it is not a trap. Point. Blank. Period.
Is the season rushed? I don't know, I've only watched four fucking episodes. Have you watched more than me? Please tell me where to watch the other 4, I'll pay!
Am I an asshole? Nah, just had a bit to drink, did you not read the top part...ok show time over! Before I really tell you how I feel!!
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pervile · 9 hours
my darling boy, you are perfect
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⸻ sephiroth & transmasc reader
adult content. minors do not interact. lots of praise, marking, pet names, nipple sucking, insecurities but he fixes that by fugging your new tiddies. 1.6k wc
✦ i've been feeling a little dysphoric recently about my chest, so i wanted to write some self-indulgent post-top surgery with seph! and for any trans guys out there feeling the same as me rn, just know your fave will always be turned on by your body, pre-surgery or post-surgery. . .you are perfect. bc having tiddies doesn't make you less masculine hehe
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thinking thoughts about sephiroth today, and how puppy-like his personality turns when reacting to your body just months after top surgery. he'd have so many questions once they finally fell upon his gaze, but he couldn't stop to think just how beautiful they looked against your skin; because it turned him on so much.
even pre-op, he was aroused by the fact that you responded so well to getting your nipples sucked. and it comes as a shocking surprise to him when he finds out that. . .well, you don't really have feeling in that area much anymore because of the medical procedure.
maybe some more months of proper healing would change that, but right now, it was like he was licking a flavourless lollipop.
he's tried prompting it out of you mid-missionary―for a second, you could swear you felt something tingle, but focusing too much on your chest only brought back awful memories you tried to bury away before going under the knife.
however, it also made you think of the first time he fucked you rough, making you breathless and hot in this moment. you truly wondered if that was why you were feeling a bit dizzy right now.
when you first met sephiroth you were glad he was well-versed in this department and didn't need much education. of course, some questions were still asked, appropriately, but they were mainly to do with consent, and what you liked and didn't like.
he has always been one heavy on marking―littering every inch of your body with love bites and hickies just proved how possessive he was, especially when he told you to discard the idea of covering them up in public.
you were his, and he was yours. but the only problem you faced with how blasé he was about these things, only made you feel more insecure.
it really was an endless cycle of anxiety with him, because no matter how perfect he was through his actions or words, it didn't change the fact that you were still left with no confidence, especially around your lover.
this was a common thing to feel because in your eyes, he was everything you saw in a partner.
after he noticed that complimenting you didn't get far, he began listening to your concerns more silently, and urgently―all of those words falling from his mouth you couldn't believe, though, because your whole life you were told lies from the people around you.
so what if he was just saying that to you too? to make you feel better? but isn't that the whole point? he was trying to make you feel better, because in his eyes, these flaws you feel so strongly for are massive accomplishments you did on your own.
now, years later, you find yourself in the same predicament, slowly sinking below the surface but barely just above it to call out his name.
like now, with sephiroth between your thighs, his bare chest pressed heavy into your stomach as he indulges in licking the skin of your scars and nipples that were hardly perky. he only pauses to look up once your moans start to diminish a bit.
he could tell when you were acting performative, but it didn't break his fiery confidence one bit, and it kind of irritated you. . .one way or another, he is going to make you feel good―you knew this already, yet in some way, you felt like your mood was bringing him down.
when sephiroth makes eye contact with you, you bring the back of your hand up to cover your burning face, puffing out a large breath of air. you quickly feel a deep rumble emit from his chest and he drags himself up and onto his palms to start kissing and smooching and pecking the skin softly instead, like he was handling a flower with his mouth.
you could feel him smiling when he did this, ironically considering you said prior that you couldn't feel much from him touching your chest, and it compels you to glance down at him, cheeks scorching so evidently now.
"seph-!" you lightly tug him by his widows peak to bring his attention back to you, saliva connecting his mouth and your scars. his eyes soften when they meet your gaze, and he gives you his signature smile before inclining, brushing stray strands of your hair away from your forehead, and kissing it.
"hmm, are you sure you're not able to feel anything? you always twitch down here when i merely breath against your skin."
sephiroth runs two of his digits up your folds to collect your sticky arousal, and then ending at your puffy clit to reveal it after pushing back the skin. he rolls your clit between the pads of his fingers to get a reaction out of you.
you shudder expectantly before you feel his hair trickle down your collarbone and shoulders. and then he bites your nipples without warning, your back instantly arching off the surface you laid on.
sephiroth also feels your cunt twitch from this too, and it urges him to insert the two digits into your heat, curling just a few inches in.
"w-wait-" your eyes blow wide in shock―did he seriously have to bite, that hard?
you glance down with watery irises at your swollen chest. it didn't seem like he left too much of a mark, but it still stung, nonetheless. and then your attention immediately turns to him after remembering what you had said prior to him about your chest.
"m-maybe. . .a little? ngh- i don't knowwww~" you whine the last part of your sentence, throwing your head back, arms thrown over your face before sobbing a little in confused anger. sephiroth pauses his actions and slips his fingers out of you, a tilt forming on his lips.
"my darling boy. . .show me your pretty face. please." you could never resist when he uses that tone with you, especially followed by the very name you enjoyed to hear roll off his tongue.
you move your arms slightly to reveal his worried expression. "console in me?" he brings both of your hands onto his chest before continuing. "guide me, tell me what you like and what you don't like."
you sniffle a bit before clenching your jaw, "it's just. . .i don't know. you've always enjoyed sucking my nipples and-" sephiroth brings you into a spoon position, half of his body leaning over you.
"i don't want you to feel like sex with me is boring now." you cave in on yourself, putting your hand over your face this time to hide the embarrassment on it.
his eyebrows shoot up from your response and his pupils dilate to an extreme amount, a pained expression forming on his countenance.
is that what you're so worried about? if only you knew how hard he was for you, right now. . .
"my love. . .if i really wanted you for that, i could have just dated a woman instead."
your lips then form a thin line.
"but you know that isn't the reason why i am here, embracing you, right now." sephiroth begins to trace the scars on your chest that has you shivering against his warmth. you follow his fingers that make their way down to your navel, ending at your clit. and then he feathers them back up toward your face again, tracing your jawline and grabbing your chin towards him.
your lips barely touch his as he smiles, breathing heavily, and you follow his eyes ever so slowly.
you definitely know this isn't the reason why he is embracing you, but some part of you yearned for him to say it aloud again―there was never a moment where sephiroth didn't make you feel sexy.
"every time i look at them, it makes me want to lick you, kiss you, eat you up." he leans into your ear, ghosting your cheeks with the tips of his fingers before whispering, "you're so painfully beautiful."
your mouth drops open to say something, yet you're unable to articulate your thoughts properly, and instead, they turn into light tears. sephiroth carefully wipes it away with the back of his knuckles before getting up on all fours to tower over your body.
you watch him carefully unzip his pants, letting his cock spring free. it hits just between your ribcage and you shudder at how big it looks from this angle. he then begins to slowly rock his hips into you, gripping his shaft so it guides his crown over your nipples, smearing precum all over the skin.
"hah-" he slaps his dick lightly against your right nipple after brushing past it. you're not really sure what to say in this moment as your emotions are beyond embarrassment at this point. but you swear you're starting to feel something.
sephiroth then tells you to place both of your hands on his cock. after obliging carefully, he fucks himself into your chest at a slow pace, rocking back and forth that has your knees coming up behind him.
"my darling boy, you are perfect."
his hair is in messy folds when you look up at him from his leaking cock, and for the first time in your life, you had never seen your boyfriend so flustered, cheeks burning a bright red. it compels you to whine, rubbing your thighs together.
"stay still, hmm?" he lets out a shallow moan as he directs you, and you move his cock with your hands all over your chest. its hot and heavy when he absent-mindedly puts more of his weight onto you.
he thrusts faster this time, your chest practically wet all over with his precum. and before you knew it, he spills a load directly in the middle, grabbing your hand and smearing the rest of it over each nipple, later prodding the scars underneath it between short pants.
you squint a little, noticing he got some on your face as well. and when you look up at him again, he's smirking, slapping his cock against your skin.
"do you finally believe me now? get on your stomach so i can fuck you properly."
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yangbbokari · 1 day
Skz As Toxic Cheating Men
Pairing: OT8/skz x fem!reader A.N.: Don't ask this just randomly came to mind
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CHAN - Who'll make you believe that he's so kind-hearted but will do an entire 180 when he gets you where he wants you - Who'll victim blame all the time - "But, Baby... If you would have loved me more I wouldn't seek for it in other people." - Who'll coax you into forgiving him, which you do, and the cycle begins
MINHO - Who won't hesitate cheating on you from the start - You could be the other woman and wouldn't know - Who begs for you back and you forgive him each and every single time - Who your family doesn't approve of but they don't even know what's good for you, right? - (Or at least that's what Min told you) - Who makes sure you don't find out about the fling he's having with one of your friends right now - "Don't worry about her, baby. You're all I want."
CHANGBIN - Who is the most manipulative type - Who won't allow you to meet other people and you must be with him all the time - Who doesn't allow you to have any social media when you guys begin dating - Who always has your phone and limits your usage of it - Who claims its for your own safety because after all he has these muscles for a reason - Who will disappear after you fall asleep to hook up with a random girl - Who you'll wake up beside in the morning with kiss marks on his shirts collar but you choose to ignore it like you always do - "Why are you staring baby?"
HYUNJIN - Who breaks it to you softly just to do it again - Who promises you he's a changed man but we all know that's a lie(except you) - Who likes to string you along like a puppet - Who secretly deletes all the chats between you and any male relation because he can definitely cheat but you can't - Who tells you he does it for fun and will come back to you at the end of the day anyways - "I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of this. It's not even that serious."
JISUNG - Who makes an entire scene when you confront him about it - Who refuses to admit to his adultery - Who in the end turns the entire situation on you - Who will purposefully send you explicit things that’s going on between him and his fling just to get you riled up - Who denies that that’s him in the video - Who basically tells you that you no longer satisfy him so it’s only fair that he finds it elsewhere - “I would never cheat and you know it. If I did then it must be because of you.”
FELIX - Who does it discreetly - Who tells his entire friend group and about the other woman and then “accidentally” sends you a text - Who proceeds to say the text wasn’t meant for you - Who gets violent when you ask him about it later on - Who slaps you across the face when he catches you searching his phone - Who threatens you he’ll break-up with you if you continue with your “nonsense” - “Why can’t you just trust me!? Never touch my phone again!”
SEUNGMIN - Who begins cheating and gets wary about you - Who will constantly cheat even in your own house - Who brings random girls at night when you’re working the night-shift - Who tells you it’s not him when your friend sends a picture of him kissing a girl at a bar - Who then begins questioning you - Who asks you if you’re the one cheating because cheaters are always worried about their partners cheating when deep down he knows he’s talking about himself - Who gets jealous when he sees you talking to a coworker - Who deletes all your male contacts and blocks them on your socials too - Who thinks you’re cheating on him too because it’s only right for you to be doing that or he wouldn’t be doing it to you - “I bet you’re fucking cheating on me! We all know you’re a fucking slut anyways!”
JEONGIN - Who claims that he just didn’t know it was wrong - Who uses his puppy eyes and says that he truly didn’t mean to - Who says it was the woman who seduced him and he’d never do that to you - Who claims he’ll never do it again - Who’s cheating on you the week after that - Who smiles at is phone like a teenager and says that its his sister when you ask - Who knows he’s caught in a lie when he says so since he only has brothers - Who begins crying hysterically and claiming that it’s just because he’s been so lonely when you’re gone - Who plays victim until you fall into his trap again - “But you love me, don’t you, noona? If you really love me you’ll forgive me, right?” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A.N.: Y’all notice how each member’s got longer. Yeah I got a little carried away
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venturethighs · 2 days
Omg pookies I loved the onlyfans post you should make a part 2 😚 (I’m not the one who requested it but kudos to them)
OKAY, only for you! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
AFAB!Venture because we haven't had a good strap scene in awhile.
The transatlantic monorail really could not have been slower. They traveled all the way from one continent to the other in the span of three hours and the sun was just creeping up over the horizon where you lived. Yet, they still felt like they were incredibly late. Perhaps it was simply the idea of finally being able to fuck your brains out– or so they would try– that was obscuring their perception of time.
Because they didn't think about how knocking on the door to your house at 5:05 AM was a terrible idea.
It took several knocks before you actually answered: messy bedhead, dark circles and the cutest darn pajamas they ever did see!
Their arms wrap around you and pull you in for the biggest hug you've received in a while. At first you were absolutely pissed, but it's Sloan we're talking about here, and it's so hard to stay mad at someone so adorable.
"Sloan... it's five in the morning. How are you still awake?" The tiredness of your voice is evident, and you yawn as you welcome them inside.
"I slept on the monorail over here, actually! I almost missed my stop..." They explain. "Then it would've been another three hours to see you and I didn't want to make you wait!"
They wrap their arms around you again like you were their personal teddy bear.
"I understand that, but I usually don't film until the evening." You reply, trying to let them down gently.
They give you the saddest puppy dog eyes you've ever seen.
You sigh. "Okay, fine... but only because you're you. I wouldn't do this for anyone else."
Their expression immediately changes into an excited grin.
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The entire time they could hardly contain themself as they watch you get ready. They were hypnotized by the way your silky hair fell perfectly with every stroke of your hairbrush and the way you delicately apply your dollish makeup, it was almost like it was second nature to you.
If their tiny crush on you was anymore obvious then floating hearts would be appearing out of thin air over their head.
"Do you want me to do you next?" You offer.
"YES!" They shout.
"I meant your hair and makeup." You giggle.
"Oh–" They pause and think about it for a moment. "I guess I didn't think about showing my face. Should I?"
You walk up to them and place a hand underneath their chin to look at their complexion.
"You have wonderful skin. You barely need any. Not like me..." You note.
They took offense to the last part of that sentence. "Don't say that! You're beautiful with or without it."
"You're just saying that." You deflect.
"No! I mean it! You look good to me regardless of what you choose to do with yourself. If anyone should be self conscious, I guess it should be me."
You squeeze their cheeks lovingly between your fingers. "If I can't talk badly about myself then neither can you."
You lean in to place a kiss to their lips, and their face turns a heavy shade of red.
"Yes, m'am!"
What a goofball.
"M'am? You're in charge here. Would you like the honor of picking my outfit?" You ask.
They gasp, sparkles filling their sepia eyes. "C-can I really?!"
"Of course." You gesture back to the bottom drawers of your wardrobe. "I organized everything, so please don't make too much of a mess. It's a pain to fix."
As soon as the first drawer opens they're hit with the powdery scent of florals. Everything felt so incredibly regal– and it fit, because you were certainly a princess in their eyes.
"First drawer is pastels, second is dark colors, third is accessories." You begin to undress yourself from your pajamas unbeknownst to them.
Both drawers fly open with eager hands. They could imagine you wearing all of these and pulling them off flawlessly, which made it near impossible for them to choose in the first place. Their hands lightly shuffle through colors of mint green, lilac purple and blush pink to wine red, emerald green and jet black. They wanted to see you in everything...
"I can't choose..." They sit back for a moment and look at the endless choices before them.
"Guess I could always go naked, not like people are going to be looking at what I'm wearing to begin with." You point out.
"No! I can pick something, just give me a few minutes!" They go back to rifling through your drawers piece by piece, being extra careful not to displace everything too much.
Then, the metaphorical lightbulb lights up once again. Of course! Why not put you in your favorite color?
Their hands hover for a moment before pulling out the most elegant looking lingerie they have ever laid eyes on. Truly fit for a princess– no, a queen.
"Okay. I made up my mind!" They turn on their heels before nearly being knocked backwards. "Oh– gosh, you're actually naked–"
Once more you can't help but giggle at their reaction.
"Yes. I'm naked. I'm glad you noticed!" You tease.
They toss the lingerie set at you and look away– completely, helplessly overwhelmed by your suggestive presence. It only takes you a minute to get fully ready before eyeing yourself in the bedroom mirror.
They peek at you briefly, just like they used to do.
"Would you like to dress up?" You ask.
They shake their head. "You're the star. Everyone's focus should be on you."
You smile from their sincerity. "You can be pretty, too. It's okay."
They look at the drawers filled to the brim with bows and lace. "Mmm... well..."
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You left them to it. Hopefully they wouldn't take as long deciding for their own outfit as they did for yours, but you can understand the indecisiveness.
In your recording room you begin sorting through various toys and gear before finding the brand new strap you had ordered just a few days prior. You were extra excited to try this one out: it was the perfect shape and size in every single way, down to its very design and texture. Definitely perfect for the first time, too.
You set up your recording equipment before dimming the neon colored lights to a less intense setting. It almost looked cozy– in fact, you'd argue that it was. You kept it extra clean and tidy in case you had visitors, in which case it became a designated movie room. Nobody– except for one special person– had any clue just exactly what goes down in here.
The door flings open. "How do I look~?" The enthusiasm in their voice is downright contagious.
You turn to face them, and the breath instantly leaves your lungs. Perhaps that was just a taste of what they had felt discovering your page for the first time. The fabric of their top was translucent enough to show off all the scars and tattoos they've acquired through out the years, yet it made them look so much softer. In the back of your mind you considered yourself blessed. Not many people got to see them so up close and personal– everything from their pierced bellybutton to the Egyptian themed tattoos littered across their sun-kissed fawn skin.
"It's good, right?" They twirl happily and the fabric lightly billows in the air.
"It's wonderful! You look great!" You couldn't hide the blush creeping up on your face.
Their muscular arms embrace you before lifting you up for a bear hug. "Not as great as you look!" Before you knew it, you were smiling so hard that it hurt.
They lower you back down, leaning into their touch one last time before they pull away again. You already feel yourself longing for their touch again.
"So, what's the plan?" They ask, flopping down on the couch dotted with pillows.
"Have you ever worn a strap before?" You ask, picking up the toy with its matching harness.
"Oh, jeez..." They become flustered from the question. "Once or twice. But I don't like thinking about it."
"Don't focus on your bad memories. Just focus on me, okay? It's just you and me now." You reassure them. "Stand up for me, I'll help you get fitted."
They do as you ask, nearly flinching each time you touch their thighs.
"You could crush my skull in a heartbeat, huh?" You softly grab the flesh of their leg to tease them.
"Ah– I'm not that strong–" They feel their heart leap as your hand creeps closer to between their legs. "Really! It just... looks like I am..."
"Guess we'll have to see sometime, huh?" You lean in and place a quick kiss to their lower tummy.
You make sure all the measurements are correct before setting the strap aside for later.
"I know you're nervous. Let me take the lead until you feel confident, alright?" You add. "Just relax. I know you'll do fine. Just think about what you would do in a normal setting."
They nod, sitting back down and attempting to calm themself down before everything starts.
You press the record button on your phone.
And thus it began– no introductions, no explanations. Their heart pounds in their chest as you take a seat in their lap and lovingly cup their face, leaning in to place delicate kisses to their lips as your eyes squeeze shut. They can sense the heat building between their legs just from feeling your warm body so close to theirs, and it was everything that they truly dreamed it would be. Your skin was so soft that they didn't even know where they wanted to place them– so instead they begin to roam and touch as much of you as possible as you rain kisses upon them.
You move to place both your hands on top of theirs and guide them up towards your chest. Without any hesitance they gently squeeze the flesh of your breasts as you whimper in delight– something they never thought they'd hear in this lifetime. Every moment they spent exploring your body felt absolutely unreal, all the dreams of you– both wet and innocent– flood into their melting mind. In between all the fondling, the kisses and your body brushing up against theirs something deeply carnal and feral starts to take over.
Their kisses became rougher. They begin to grasp the flushed flesh of your hips and you squeak in surprise, but it was pleasant, and deep down you hope that it wouldn't stop. They begin to trail down your jaw to your neck, suckling and biting softly to mark their territory for everyone to see. All the noises they drew from you only egg them on further, and they wanted to hear even more.
"You're doing so well–" You praise them underneath your breath. "Keep going–" Your breath hitches as playful fingers suddenly brush over the thin fabric of your underwear.
The look on your face was priceless to them, full of nothing but neediness.
It's easy enough to pull your panties to the side and run their fingers against your folds, starting to become wet with arousal. Your hands splay out across their chest as you press a rough kiss to their lips, letting them slip their tongue inside as a finger flicks against your pulsing core. They swallow each and every moan they could draw from you and savor it as they continue resonating from inside your throat.
They prod your entrance in order to test your wetness. You're soaking– more than ready– and so they shift your body so that you're laying down next to them as they fit the strap's harness around their flushed hips. It isn't long before the toy is aligned at your entrance and you wrap your legs lovingly around their waist to bring them even closer.
"I need it– please–" You beg. "Sloan! Please!"
Hearing you say their name like that was all the encouragement they needed.
"Anything for you, mi reina."
They delicately push inside and let you adjust before bottoming out completely. Every gasp and sigh you made sounded like music to their ears. Their hands clasp your waist to help them stabilize themself and slowly increase the pace of their thrusts. Beads of sweat dot their forehead as they continue to watch your expression transform from the pleasure, just like all the dreams they had before.
All the sensations were overloading everything from your brain to your delicate nerves. It feels like every hasty thrust has you crying out for more as your inner fire erupts into a roaring blaze. Drool drips down from the side of your mouth as your eyes roll back into your head, glazing over from the euphoria being ruthlessly pounded into you.
"I– I'm so close!" Warm tears slip out as your back begins the arch off the couch.
"Then come, come for me..." Their voice is soothing honey to you in the chaos of it all.
You hardly understand how they could maintain their composure from everything that they were unleashing on you– but it's a question for another day. For now, you chase the high that you've been desperately craving until it hits you full force like an earthquake. Stars begin dancing in your vision as your back fully arches in ecstasy.
"That's it. You're so beautiful like this." They watch and savor every moment you spend writhing in absolute pleasure.
It was better than any dream, any photo, any video... being right here next to you.
They pull out just in time for your soul to reenter your body. You physically begin crawling over to your phone before stopping the recording, collapsing on the floor as you recover from the pounding you just received.
"Uh, are you gonna be okay?" They ask.
"I'm fine. I just need twelve hours of sleep real quick." You answer.
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"Oh, wow." You state nonchalantly.
Sloan crawls over to you as you scroll through your phone.
"I'm the highest rank I've ever been. 0.5%!" You show them your stats.
"What does that mean?" They ask.
You scroll down a little further and show them the money your newest video made. Their eyes widen in shock.
"It means you're going to be collabing with me much more often now." You smirk.
Their heart begins to pound inside their chest all over again. "... When's next filming day, then?"
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mxwhore · 1 year
sorry followers. I'm a cat person 😔🐱
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egophiliac · 3 months
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don't think I'm not still deep in the episode 7 brainrot. because OH BOY AM I
(also one more extremely, obnoxiously self-referential thing, I'm -- I'm so sorry)
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