#i promise i will finish these eventually lol
matrixbearer2024 · 1 day
Based on poll, here's some stuff about Athena + sketchies of her that I will eventually finish digitally. I totally didn't stay up until 4 am to finish these doodles-
Audaces fortuna juvat
- Athena "F" Pines
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Named after the Greek goddess of wisdom and war 'Athena' and the english scientist 'Michael Faraday', she is the youngest of Ford's triplets and inherited his polydactyly! (She also inherited his felony of a fashion sense but let's gloss over that.)
Compared to her siblings, she normally covers up entirely just by preference and not because she's hiding something(like Max is). No she doesn't die in the summer heat despite turtlenecks and sweaters because she runs cold and would sooner freeze than melt.
Teena's a daddy's girl through and through, to the point that she and Max would fuss on sharing papa Sixer back when they were babies. Thank goodness Fordsy had two hands!
She's likely the most pragmatic of her siblings but not the most cynical or paranoid. Her most common mood is just tired, since she mostly runs on energy drinks and pastries.
Teena's not really one for candy either so she doesn't even dive for the groceries when somebody brings home jelly beans like the men in her family. When she does indulge though, you can find her eating dark chocolate.
Is practically allergic to color and frankly her closet looks like it was meant for 20s television. Just blacks, whites, greys and some other muted shades. At least she doesn't wear the same thing over and over again compared to her father.
Doesn't denounce dresses but finds them quite impractical and would rather wear cargo pants. Again, pragmatic. She's also quite tomboyish in nature which Mabel finds odd and Dipper thinks is interesting. Her laid back nature reminds Dipdip of Wendy to a different degree but the semblance is so fleeting he just usually shrugs it off when he notices. (Planning to have Teena actually be Aro: Demiromantic, she just doesn't know that there's a label for that yet LOL)
I wouldn't say that she is the closest to Ford however, she used to be back when she was a kid- but as an adult it's a different story. With her fractured family and blatantly obvious mutation, by the time she left to pursue a doctorate in Biomedical Engineering at Duke University(North Carolina) she was already slightly harboring a sense of disdain for her mutation and anything odd.
The teasing and taunting only got worse in university as well, she wanted to become a medical doctor to practice orthopedics but made a promise with her siblings that they'd only pursue their dreams once they've gotten their dad back- hence the engineering bit and why she didn't even go through to med proper. She did figure out she had a passion for tinkering and robotics though.
Her peers were not kind, people were absolutely more accepting compared to Ford's time but she was still branded as weird or odd and the disdain for her uniqueness grew. She put everything off for as long as she could, only returning to Gravity Falls in 2010 after her siblings started calling and looking for her. At that point, Teena figured she couldn't just stay away forever so she bit the bullet and returned to gravity falls despite her hesitation. She was the last push they needed to completely fix the portal; problem being that they didn't have an iota of how the hell they would turn it on.
So yeah, that's why Dipper and Mabel are still pivotal in helping them all make amends as it stands(also finding the journals-). Haven't completely explained why for the other two yet, but that'll be in a separate post. Anyhow, enjoy and don't forget that my inbox is always open to asks or requests for fics or even about these guys!
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pepperpixel · 4 months
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The adventures of goofball mcchucklefuck part 1, aka, art dump of myself / evil me stuff that I’ve drawn over the past 2 years! That I either never finished or just never posted! I’m gonna try my best to sort these in chronological order. But… I kinda forget exactly when I drew a few of them. Mostly it should all be correct tho.
This part featuring! Quite a bit of vent art! And a few sketch pages from my first forays into bars! Cuz… I was sad 2 years ago lol… and desperately searching for friends.. not all of the art is going to be venty tho I promise!!!
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solradguy · 1 year
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Inprnt is doing a big 40% off sale right now. If there was anything in my store over there you were interested in getting, now would be a prime time haha Thanks for the support!!
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somelazyassartist · 7 months
I'm trying to keep the 20 full illustrations a surprise until the zine's 100% ready for preorder but I'm so excited I can't help but post a tiny tiny tiny sneak peek for just ONE of em hehehe,,, here's a very small look at the wip for Hallows' spot in my pinup Zine I'm working on :]
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fleetways · 1 year
Do you have, werehog Sonic / Shadow fanfic recs? 👁️👁️✨?
Yeah i got one called “Monsters Don’t Live Happily Ever After” its pretty cool
But in all honesty though, I’ve gotten asks about fic recs before and have been hesitant to answer bc…I haven’t actually read that much sonadow fanfiction 😭 I’m sorry!
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drowninginthoughts27 · 8 months
Seven Sentence Snippet
thank you sm for tagging me @buttfaceingtons
“Listen Reg, if you're not in grave danger I’m gonna hang up now. If you need someone to talk to I’m sure Sirius or Pandora or someone would be a better option. I heard you’re in France right now so I’m fairly certain Barty would be more than happy to help you out as well.” The way he says Barty’s name along with the acknowledgment that he’s in France sends a shiver down Regulus’ spine. An uncomfortable weight sinking deep into his stomach. He stays silent though and lets James continue, “But I’m really not in the position to be that person for you any more. I’m sorry, really.” 
this isn't edited so I'm sorry for any mistakes lol
np taggs to @regscupid @spacexcowgirl @rweoutofthewoods @theicarusconstellation and @kwiwrites (sorry if you've already been tagged)
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doqt33th · 1 year
i’m not exaggerating when i say that your mirage fic was THE best transformer fic i have ever read. ever. like literally ever 😭 i would love some more mirage, or even bee!! your writing is just incredible 😭 i feel like i can’t read any other transformer fics bc they won’t compare to yours LMFAO
oh my goodness 😭 thank you SO much, literally from the bottom of my heart!! this is such a high compliment i can’t even explain 😭😭 ARGHHHHHH YOU’RE SO SWEET!!!! trust that more mirage is definitely on the way, it’ll just take some time!!
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fleetsonourgecentral · 11 months
Imagine If Fleetway Super Sonic and Sonic were actually very friendly with each other.
Now imagine Scourge getting jealous or be shocked by it
I think Scourge would be too busy being shocked to be jealous by it lmao. I headcanon he's surprisingly not as jealous a person as people expect him to be, and even if he was, he'd be too busy going "who are you and what have you done with my Sonic" to be jealous. In an extreme case, where the change of heart seemed to be sudden, he'd be worried about mind fuckery going on, maybe concerned Super or someone else has some mind altering power or device that's fucked with Sonic's head to make him be friendly with Super
Fortunately for Scourge, it's doubtful that will happen (unless someone really did pull some mind fuckery on Sonic, which would be a pretty cool storyline ngl) because I don't think Sonic will ever be friendly with Super - or at least it would take a very long time and a lot of work (and maybe some forced proximity). I think Sonic is still hung up on that one time he thought he - as Super - murdered his friends, and doesn't really believe Super can ever be truly good also his whole issue with Kintobor/Robotnik. He probably thinks there's no justice in Super getting a happy ending and being good despite being made out of chaos energy when Kintobor couldn't. Maybe that would calm down after Kintobor's return but who knows. He's not against second chances, but I don't think he'd be particularly willing to give one to Super, partly because he sees Super as more a manifestation of chaos energy and the evil within it than a person. As for Super, I think he's (understandably) nervous about being around Sonic. His ire would be hurtful, considering Super is trying so hard to be good and Sonic just will not believe it. Sonic's fear of Super undermine's Super's efforts to be a good person, and Super is worried, deep down, that Sonic is right. He was right before, after all
I think the relationship between them could certainly improve, albeit most likely with outside influences - Sonic could certainly stand to learn Super is a person and not just an evil manifestation of chaos energy that wants to destroy everything he loves, and therefore see him as a person who is not only capable of being good, but who wants to be good - but it's very difficult to envision them as ever being friendly with each other. The tension between them can be minimised, but it would be incredibly difficult to eradicate it enough to be friendly. I actually got a comment on one of my previous fics, that described them as "working towards chill civility" which I think sums it up perfectly! They can absolutely learn to co-exist in chill civility, accepting one another's presence in the world, but just... preferring the presence to be at a distance as much as possible. Anything more than that would take a lot more effort than I imagine either of them are willing to give lol
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orcelito · 5 months
i miss akechi goro so much. maybe even enough to finally finish that ladue chapter 3
#speculation nation#ladue shit#listen hes such an asshole and i NEEEEEEED to channel his voice for a bit again#if this urge persists to tomorrow i'll crack open the fic again. for a little reread.#this will satisfy only approximately 53 people (the total subscribers to that fic)#which ok that's actually a good few people when i think about them as actual people#but it's the least amount of subscriptions i have out of most of my multichapters#EVEN STILL. it's a matter of pride and self-satisfaction.#and god fucking damn i have 18k for chapter 3 already written. i literally just need to close the damn scene up#it's been over a YEAR NOWWWWWWWWWW like holy fucking shit. i need this OUT ALREADYYYYYYYYYYY#ladue chapter 3 i will free you into the abyss. i cannot promise more than chapter 3 but i can promise a chapter 3 at least.#i had a whole plan for the fic but idk if i'll ever be able to write it#considering it's taken like. ... years. between chapters.#it took me 2 years to post chapter 2 and it's been a year now since then. ugh.#see the thing is chapter 3 closes the initial arc of them starting to date. and then there's more stuff.#maybe i'll keep it open just in case the urge strikes me to continue it eventually.#and if it never does. i might make a 4th chapter that outlines the eventual plans i had for the fic. so that people know at least.#ive seen that a Few times for discontinued fics.#....but the thing is i dont want to mark any of my fics discontinued!!!! theyre all my darlings!!! i want to go back to them all eventually#i'll just have to see. if a chapter 4 ends up taking several more years. well. maybe it'll be time to call it there. who fucking knows lol#i'll try to get chapter 3 finished sometime soon though. i really want to have it out already.
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scamera-writes · 9 months
[wip poem] the citys' song falls on deaf ears
what if i died what if you died what if we all died would you miss me would i miss you would the world miss us i hope you would i hope i would i hope the world would
i hope the world weeps for us i hope the city withers and shrinks back without our love i hope the city wails and their song drives away the life i hope the city wraps up our corpses and holds a burial in our name
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chaoticeddie · 10 months
7, 21 and 81 for the Spotify Wrapped thing
7: Carry You by Ruelle
21: Beautiful Liar by Monsta X
81: Any by Stray Kids
all fantastic songs!! Any by Stray Kids was on my wrapped last year as well lol
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Kira Ex-Machina!!
VERY short reaction post, but it's here for me to remind everyone that I do, in fact, still like this show, and that I am, in fact, still watching it. I'm just....slow. But what else is new. XD
Anyways. I see that we're back to our amazingness of saving everyone that we possibly can and we love that. Kira Yukimura for the win, coming in hot and slicing those arrows clean in half.
Now, obviously, I would like some closure to the GIANT FREAKING REVEAL I got last episode, but I'm sure that will come soon enough.
For now, I'm glad Brett's not dead, and I'm glad we saved his life...again. XD
I'd like to finish Season 4 tonight, but I don't know if it's gonna happen. I will certainly try my best, though!
I mean, we're on episode 10, so that's promising, right...?
...anyways. XD
Bad*ss Kira gif, because we love her and we missed her. <3
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(Seriously though I love her so much. <3 <3 <3)
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raydfil · 2 years
yall can have the first part of the animatic, as a treat
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six-of-ravens · 1 year
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pfft okay so I was like "well, I got a pot for the monstera so I might as well transplant it and then I can get a dowel to support it tomorrow or this weekend!" but then uh. the first photo happened. this plant literally grew to support itself on the edge of its old pot bc I was a bad plant mom and didn't realize it needed a pole lmao. so I sacrificed the dowel that was holding the macrame thing over my bed to prop it up (which is why it's stained dark brown).
Tying this thing up was an adventure...I let it grow wild for so long that it developed some really weird angles and such. I tried to position everything so its leaves were mostly facing the right way up, but I think it's going to have some growing pains as it gets used to the new arrangement (and I'll re-tie it as needed). Hopefully it'll grow stronger and taller now though!
Also, my aunt is bringing me a trimming off her mini monstera, so this guy will have a friend soon!
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e-m-p-error · 1 year
✨ {{ Val. }} ✨ {{ bonus for Crimson. }}
Send a ✨ if your Muse thinks my Muse is pretty!
[ Valentino ]
"Glad to see you got eyes, Baby." He winks, and despite teasing, he's clearly preening.
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atragicsquirrel · 3 months
i promise i'm working on the main storyline for byacb, but right now i just needed to get some ideas about side story in the same universe out of my head. it's titled incident report #2064
here's a snippet of that, w no spoilers for the main story. this is all stuff we kinda know by now in byacb.
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