#i read jung i know it's obvious
youremyheaven · 3 months
Random Astrology Observations
Moon in the 1h is often talked about like 🥺🥺wears their heart on their sleeve🥹🥹uwu softie way but tbh Moon in 1h can make someone incredibly manipulative, they know just what to say and when to say it and know how to work their audience, this is perhaps why this placement is found in the charts of soooo many successful actors. ex: Leonardo DiCaprio, Audrey Hepburn, Henry Cavill, Charlie Chaplin, Priyanka Chopra, Antonio Banderas, Brendan Fraser, Benicio Del Toro, Jared Padelecki, Val Kilmer, Adrien Brody etc
I think this is a very manipulative placement, again manipulation is not in and of itself a bad thing, its what we use it for that matters. Some people completely lack the ability to manipulate at all (they don't have Moon influence)
2. Debilitated placements point to unconventional intelligence & wisdom in that area. I feel like they've cracked the code . They struggle a lot but when they triumph it's magic
3. I've mentioned this in other posts but many notorious sex offenders have Venus influence. Actions of this sort, as well as criticizing others' beauty, not taking care of yourself/surroundings, being shabby or disorderly in general are all things that harm your Venus. Abusing someone is the quickest way to ruin your Venus, you start corroding and that ugliness begins to manifest on the outside.
Ex: Harvey Weinstein looks like a cartoonish villain
4. As I explore the astrology content put out by others across different platforms, I've seen how the nature of the take themselves are so specific and unique to the person making them. Claire Nakti has a tendency imo to focus heavily on romance, sex and women's sexual behaviour and what sort of men they attract.
Going through her website, it's obvious that she's deeply immersed in occult & esoteric philosophy (all of which ties together with vedic astrology, philosophy, Buddhism etc because I truly believe that spiritual truths are universal and different schools of thought/religion/culture/mythology express these same truths in their own way with a LOT of recurring patterns) and Carl Jung as well.
It's studying Jung that helped me understand that what we see or draw from something is a reflection of who we are. As a beginner to vedic astrology, I initially believed Claire's one dimensional portrayal to be the all encompassing truth of a nakshatra until I started doing my own reading and research.
The things I talk about or the patterns I find are a reflection of me and I get a lot of asks about why I don't do xyz nak and honestly it's not as simple as doing research for an essay for uni, you kind of have to have a gnosis or innate knowing of its themes, something to base your search off of. And different naks call to me at different points. I come across content that describes certain naks in lights i could've never imagined which is to say that gnosis or inner knowing is an important aspect of studying anything esoteric, it kind of has to be revealed to you and what you see, what you can discern is a reflection of you.
5. you have to have a strong Rahu to discern patterns and similarities because Rahu is maya/illusion and a well-placed Rahu will allow you to see through those patterns/illusions. it will be very hard for someone without a strong Rahu to find similarities or common tropes, patterns, themes etc. Seeing through the veil or fog is Rahuvian.
6. Claire Nakti made a video about Venusian men where she said they were the ideal type of man and tbh that just confirmed my suspicion that she's Moon dominant because I think Moon dominant people are attracted to Venusians but in my humble opinion both Venusian men and Moon dominant men are some of the most batshit crazy people (manipulative and controlling at the least, psychopathic at worst) basically men who have a lot of Yin tend to be psychotic
7. I've noticed that Revati people tend to speak in a very verbose way. Nigella Lawson, Revati Moon is a really good example. Obviously other placements will also impact speech
8. Moon dominant people hate it when others share sob stories. They're the type to have the least amount of empathy for others and will either react in a neutral way or like they don't understand why you're saying this stuff at all. They're bored by other people's mundane problems and make it known as well. Not people you want to open up to.
My former friend was this way, I once cried in front of her and she showed zero emotion and didn't even try to comfort me lol
9. The way others treat us is the way we treat others. ik this is a basic take but karma is cause and effect. if you're dismissive of others feelings, other people will be dismissive of yours. what you do is what will be done unto you. Its so crazy to see how people who've been treated like shit by their friends will turn around and treat other people like shit. this is sooo basic but genuinely dont do anything to others that you dont want done to you.
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we-stan-cale · 2 months
I meant to post something about when Cale received the letter from the God of Death, but that whole bit is just too damn good. I basically focused on reading it and didn't really think of writing about it.
This is where we truly start to learn about Kim Rok Soo's past. There were a lot of teasers before - learning that his Korea has monsters, that he was a Team Leader, that his company dealt with monsters and corrupt guilds. That he had an ability like Record.
There were some flashbacks, especially to some of his interactions with Choi Jung Soo (who we learned died before him back when Cale had that memory after fighting the golems) and Lee Soo Hyuk...
And then we got the letter from the God of Death, and Kim Rok Soo had a truly traumatic flashback to when they all died.
I think this is the first time we truly saw him shaken? The guy with the perfect memory, the guy who could record and playback everything, experienced something so traumatic that his records were broken.
We see that Kim Rok Soo was an analyst. A very good one. One able to predict a terrible monster (and thus felt guilty that his entire team died fighting said monster -though he seems to have worked through that. Some. Mostly.
We see how he interacted with his friends, really his family. And in a subordinate role, unlike most of what we've seen.
There's this bit where he'd overused his ability and had a bloody nose, and Lee Soo Hyuk tells him
‘Kim Rok Soo, wipe your nosebleed. You should get some rest if you have overloaded.’
Which contrasts with after their deaths, when he's briefing the reinforcements and notes
The reinforcements all focused on his explanation, but nobody said anything about wiping his bloody nose.
So much desolation from such a small thing.
And the request to retrieve their bodies! Over and over again, we've seen how much Cale cares about retrieving bodies and showing respect for the dead. Insisting on improving the graves at Harris Village, recovering all the remains from the Path of No Return, protecting the dead in the fight against Adin...
While that didn't solely come from this incident (the losses in his monster torn Korea played a role, this is why he truly understands how important that is for the ones left behind.
And we also see how he didn't want his team to fight that monster. He knew, with all his analytical skills, that it was too powerful. That it was likely that they'd all die. Even though even more people would die if they didn't (since the guild in that area had run away).
He straight up says how it made him feel.
The reinforcements had been too late. Boom. Boom. Cale’s heart suddenly ran wild. The sense of responsibility, anger, and sorrow that had made Kim Rok Soo’s heart boil had risen. 
A responsibility to stay alive (even if he doesn't really want to), to carry on in Lee Soo Hyuk's place ('I leave it to you').
We learn why he despises the concept of heroic sacrifice so much, why he works so hard to come up with plans that ensure nobody has to. That nobody is ever in the position where they feel compelled to do so (though if it does come to that, he'd rather be the one to do so... Than be the one left behind. Again.)
And there's this, that he thinks after Raon and Alberu break his flashback (such good friends and family) and he finishes the letter.
Cale knew that he was selfish and bad and that he cherished people who were important to him the most.
Selfish - because he wishes his team had run away and survived? Bad - because he knows that if they had, many more would have suffered instead?
He cares, he cares so damn much. And he also seems to hate himself quite a bit, though I say that not just because of this. Also his hypocrisy towards scars, where it's fine in Mary and Hannah and a sign of survival, but disgusting and something to hide in himself. That, and numerous other things that don't seem obvious at first because damn is he good at masking it and seeming normal, but yeah...
This whole scene is just so well done, means so much, answers so many of our questions, and once you know about it you can see how it affected everything.
Addendum: we also see a contrast between what Cale recalls here, and what Choi Han experiences with Choi Jung Soo's memories. Especially how he saw Kim Rok Soo use a metal board as a shield to defend him, and shortly after broke an arm.
Cale didn't mention that at all, didn't explain why he couldn't move when you he reinforcements came.
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kiestrokes · 6 months
hard hours for your idols of picking- their touch starved and lose their minds when reader starts foreplay
Touch Starved | NSFW
Idol Casting: Jung Wooyoung of ATEEZ. Kim Mingyu of SVT. Lee Minhyuck of BTOB. Rating: NSFW. Mature (18+) Minors DNI. Genre: hard hours, headcanon, imagine, smut. Warnings: cursing?
Sexually Explicit Content: overstimulation, touched starved men (obvi), whiney needy idols (if that's not your thing, please don't read), penetration (kept it vague, choose whatever hole you'd like), kissing, biting, marking, hand jobs, let me know if I missed anything.
🗝️ Note: touch starved 🥹 OF MY CHOICE anonie you are so giving 😘 has not been beta read, it's a hard hours so these are meant to be less work and just for fun. Sorry its wayyy late I was busy irl.
Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction; I do not own any of the idols depicted below.
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Jung Wooyoung of ATEEZ I may hurt myself writing this one 🥴 Woo had been MIA for the last couple months while preparing for the latest comeback. So, when he showed up at your door requesting a Netflix and chill night, you prepared all his favorite snacks, soups and soju. Woo has always been affectionate in your relationship, but he’s never pushed your boundaries. You brace yourself on his thigh to reach across the coffee table for some banchan when you feel his thigh muscles stiffen. “Oh sorry, you must be sore.” You’re cut off when Wooyoung’s hands pull you into his lap and your mouth to his. Your chopsticks clattering into the pot of jjigae noisily. "Woo the soup!" "Fuck the soup!" Wooyoung whines into your mouth when you return his kiss. “Sorry-can I? I just need-" He breaks off into another deep whimper when your hands undo his pants. “Yes.” Is all you say before kissing across his beautifully cut jawline to leave a trail of marks down his neck. Wooyoung works on ridding the two of you of your bottoms. His skilled fingers immediately begin to work your entrance open. The first thrust in Wooyoung cries out, head falling against your chest as you work him. Mumbling about how you feel so good, how he needs this, that he’s sorry if he doesn’t last. He doesn’t, he’s painting your insides as soon as your mouths reconnect. But he lets you ride him through overstimulation until you’re coming just as hard as he did.
Bonus: Soup Recipe!
Kim Mingyu of SVT Gyu. You had been away on a trip with your friends for the last week, and then came home to dive into work for another three. You've only seen your partner, Mingyu in formal settings and are always getting pulled away from each other. So, when the two of you are finally alone and you climb into his lap, he folds his large frame around yours becoming a whimpering mess. "Baby please," Mingyu begs as you trail kisses down his neck. His shirt long discarded, his hands firmly on your hips dragging you across the erection very obvious in his favorite gray sweats. "Are we needy, Gyu?" You slip a hand under the band to tease the line of pubic hair, his hips buck hard. Mingyu buries his face in your clavicle, nipping at the bone. "Don't tease me, it's been so long I just need you." You kiss his temple, other hand stroking his hair as you release him from the confines of his pants. "What do you want baby?" His head drops back, and those puppy eyes gaze up at you, "please fuck me." You kiss his plush lips, the two of you messily remove your bottoms so you can grant his wish. Mingyu clutches you to hip through each stroke, hands wrapped up your back with you're a life preserver and he's almost drowning in an ocean of arousal.
Lee Minhyuck of BTOB Huta...your gym buddy had seemed a little on edge for most of November, but you hadn't figured out why just yet. You thought he could do with a little shoulder massage to release some of his tension. What you didn't anticipate was Minhyuck to drag you off to the empty mens showers and for your bodies to be shed of your clothing and slickened with hot water in minutes. "Huta," you gasp as his mouth finally leaves yours trailing opened mouthed kisses and bites down your neck. "Sorry, the no nut contest really wound me up this year." He huffs, restraining himself but bracing his elbows on either side of your shoulders. "Can I have you?" His earnest eyes bear into yours and as soon as you give an assured, consenting nod Huta is all over you again. Just as you are him, finally delving into the luxury of embedding your nails into each rivet of his cut abdomen. Biting deeply into his plump pectoral, earning a pleased growl from Minhyuck's cute mouth. "Keep it up and I'm gonna cum before I even make it inside you." His voice breaks off into a moan that echos around the tiled room as you fist his standing erection slowly. "Wouldn't want that," you tease, pecking his jaw and laughing when he flips you on your stomach against the shower wall. "Whoever cums first is buying the other a smoothie." You gasp as he thrusts two fingers smoothly inside you. "I'll buy you whatever you want for letting me inside this tight hole." 🫣
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© COPYRIGHT 2023 by kiestrokes All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be reproduced without written permission from the author. This includes translations.
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eoieopda · 1 year
liar, liar (jhs)
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Hoseok suspects that you’re “phoning it in” while sexting and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t call your bluff.
Pairing: Jung Hoseok x AFAB!Reader Type: Smut (18+ — EXPLICIT — MINORS DNI!) Word Count: 5K CW: Hoseok POV; cocky, fuckbuddy!Hoseok; soooo much teasing; masturbation with an audience (f); oh, the dirty talk; unprotected sex (p in v); Hoseok hits it from the back; overstimulation; squirting; multiple orgasms, etc. A/N: Inspired by some of the responses to @here2bbtstrash’s horny headcanon ask game 😈 Specifically, this and this.
Hoseok is a lot of things: a connoisseur with a dutifully refined palate; an archivist, collecting your artful nudes in a museum only his face can unlock; an absolute demon in his sexual prime. What Hoseok isn’t is a much shorter list: a goddamn idiot, though you seem to be taking him for one.
He’s not sure how he knows it — maybe he has a sixth sense for this sort of thing — but when he reads your text, telling him how wet you are for him, that’s not the way he pictures you.
Little liar that you are, Hoseok suspects that you’re half-awake in bed, going through the motions while some mindless drama plays in the background. In fact, if he knows you the way he thinks he does, you’re probably elbow-deep in a bag of kkobuk chips.
To your credit, you don’t make it obvious — not in your words, that is. You describe in poetically pornographic detail what you claim to want to do to him; and he’d be lying if he said his joggers weren’t growing increasingly tight with every little obscenity you send his way. You made one mistake, though, and Hoseok can’t let it go.
He could pick your disastrously thick, downright bite-worthy ass out of a lineup — and he knows that the picture you just sent him is one you’ve sent before.
It takes a minute for him to force his eyes off your supple skin and throw himself out of his bed, but Hoseok eventually manages. He tugs on a shirt, then a jacket for good measure, and then he stalks off towards the door to his apartment. Shoes on and keys in hand, he’s on his way to you before he can think once, let alone twice.
When he hits the sidewalk, it’s the fury of a fuck buddy scorned that propels him up four blocks to your place. Then, desperation and aching balls force him to skip the usual, friendly conversation with your doorman as he breaches your apartment building. Finally, with a bit of menace — for zest — his knuckles rap against your door. His jaw is clenched and twitching slightly when you finally answer, looking good enough to eat in your baggy sweatpants and shocked expression.
“Jay?” You squeak out your little nickname for him. Cute. Your frenzied hands then fly up to scrape fly-aways back into the bun sitting crooked on the top of your head. “What are you doing here? My place is a mess right now. I’m a mess right now — I wasn’t expecting company.”
Hoseok smirks, revels in the fact that he’s caught you red-handed, and slips past you into your apartment. Before your brain can catch up to this turn events, he gazes at you through narrowed eyes while his head cocks to one side. At first, he says nothing. He simply lets you simmer; make-up free cheeks burning maroon while your dumbstruck mouth hangs slightly open.
“So,” he snips. Your knees wobble a bit under the heat of his gaze; he knows exactly what it does to you when he plays up the assertive attitude. "It would seem that we’ve got a credibility problem, petal.”
Your mouth closes, but your eyes grow wider with the practiced, twinkling innocence only a guilty person can sell. Hoseok can hear the gears turning in your brain as you try to think up an excuse for sexting him on autopilot. Lucky for you, he’s got all the time in the world to wait while you spin your wheels over the issue.
Lucky for him, granting you leave to answer and toying with you aren’t mutually exclusive.
When he steps closer to you, you inch away until your back bumps against the wall behind you. A tiny gasp escapes; your warm breath fans out over his neck as he leans down to you. You’re not entirely chest-to-chest — not yet anyway — but the consequences your actions had on him earlier are still palpable. He knows you can feel it, too, nudging the space just above your hip bone.
Hoseok, ever the tease, takes the hem of your t-shirt between his thumb and middle finger. Running the tips along the seam there, he tugs so lightly that the movement barely registers. Even still, it’s enough pressure to make your nipples peak through the fabric — just like he’d hoped. Meanwhile, your eyes shake as you stare, unblinking, up at him.
You are so fucking pretty when you shiver.
Pulling just a little bit harder on the end of your shirt, Hoseok leans in even closer. You push up, ever so slightly, onto your toes like you’re waiting to be kissed. He wants to indulge you — he knows you know that — but he’s determined to hold the line. You whine when he turns away at the eleventh hour so that his lips instead hover below your ear.
“You had so much to say over text,” he hums as he fidgets absently with your top. “Can’t help but feel a little neglected, honestly. Where’s all that big talk now?”
With his voice dropped low like that, Hoseok wonders if you feel it vibrate against your neck. You whimper, wordlessly confirming that you do. When he eliminates whatever remains of the distance between you, the tip of his nose bumps your jaw at the same time his swollen dick presses more firmly against your abdomen. Out of the corner of his eye, he catches sight of you swallowing down a moan.
He smirks as you shift. You’re subtle with it, but he knows what you’re trying to do — sidle up closer, get his lips to finally touch your skin. On any other day, you’d win him over in a heartbeat. You’d get him now if you used those honeyed words of yours in person.
“Ah, ah,” he tuts with a disapproving click of his tongue. Doubling down, he holds his hands up and out to the side where you can see them but not touch them, “Not laying a finger on you until you speak up.”
You pinch your bottom lip between your teeth as the tip of his nose once again prods your jaw. Now, that won’t do. “Not gonna give you my lips, or teeth, or tongue, either, if you can’t say that same filthy shit with your whole chest.”
What he does give you is a microscopic roll of his hips. There’s hardly friction at all — no relief. Maddeningly, it just compounds that dull ache you cursed him with. The only benefit Hoseok reaps from that tiny movement is the pout that blossoms on your face when you realize:
Playing stupid games wins you stupid prizes.
“Aren’t you curious?” His gaze drops to your lips for half a moment — long enough for you notice — then his eyes raise again to bore into yours. “About how good you could have it if you weren’t just going through the motions?”
You finally open your mouth. All he gets is his last initial, drawn out and quiet, but still so needy.
“Nah,” he laughs darkly. The corner of his mouth pulls up into that smug, lopsided smile he knows will fuck you right up. “I’m Hoseok to you tonight, petal — and I don’t give a shit about the state of your apartment, or whether or not you shaved your legs.”
Your frown deepens when he backs away, but goddamn, does your face light up when he starts walking in the direction of your bedroom.
With how expressive you are, you’re unbelievably easy to tease. Any reaction Hoseok could ever want from you is broadcasted in an instant all over your sweet face. He has to bite back an endeared grin before he glances back at you over his shoulder — only to find that you’re still holding the wall up.
“Cat got your tongue and your legs? Damn!”
He’s already crossing the threshold into your bedroom when you finally take your cue to follow him. That adorable, confused crease reappears between your eyebrows when he goes for your vanity instead of the bed set up on the opposite side of your room. Grabbing the stool, he pulls it out and sits down. He then gestures languidly with his palm extended, silently inviting you to sit across from him on the edge of your mattress.
Abundantly cautious, you quietly study his face as you sink down onto your unmade bed. Your voice drips with suspicion when you ask, “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” Hoseok chuckles with a shake of his head and an admittedly devilish grin. He runs his palms over the thighs of his joggers, praying he’ll be able to shed them soon — just not too soon. “That’s precisely the point, petal.”
His words clearly haven’t sunk in yet, so you cross your arms over your chest and one leg over the other. Then, you wait — albeit not patiently — for an explanation he’s not going to offer.
Hoseok tilts his head to the side as he stares back at you. On the nights when you actually expect to see him, you tend to be more dolled up than you are now. He understands that, but he can’t figure out what you meant when you called yourself a mess. You may not be wearing the fatal lingerie from that recycled photo, but that fact doesn’t make him want to unwrap the gift in front of him any less.
Doesn’t make him want to tease you any less, either.
“Well, then,” he starts simply with a shrug, “Show me.”
You might be genuinely puzzled by this, but then again, you might be fucking with him now, too. You swallow, blink back at him all slow and cute. “Show you what, exactly?”
Hoseok leans back against your vanity and rests his elbows on the tabletop. His tongue darts out to wet his lips before he answers, and the way your hungry eyes follow its path isn’t lost on him. Though he won’t show his cards just yet, he’s dying to give you every sick little thing you want — so long as you open that pretty mouth of yours and speak it into existence.
Until then, he’s prepared to coax it out of you.
“Show me how you want me to touch you.”
Your eyebrows raise. That cotton candy blush sweeps over your cheeks again and it takes a conscious effort not to palm his own dick through his pants. He wonders if you taste like cotton candy, too.
A few moments stagger past while the two of you sit at an impasse, simply staring at one another in tension-riddled silence. He’s determined not to buckle, though that little pout of yours would normally have him on his knees by now. He’ll gladly be your toy any other night of the week, but this time, he’s not backing down.
With a tiny huff, you stand up on wobbly knees. Your arms cross over your stomach as you reach for the hem of your shirt, then you pull them back up slowly, taking your shirt with them. It’s not a sight he’ll ever get tired of — not one he ever takes for granted, either — watching the way your tits bounce when their only covering slips up and away.
When it really comes down to it, though, it’s what comes next that really turns him feral.
Your nimble fingers work out the knotted drawstring at the waistband of your sweatpants; Hoseok is all but drooling with anticipation. No late night photo of your ass could ever replicate the effect that the real thing has on him. There’s no comparison, no substitute. He groans without meaning to when that thick fabric slides down your silky thighs and lands with a muffled sound at your feet.
As he suspected, there’s no black lace to be found underneath. Hoseok feels validated, but more importantly, he feels his dick twitch against the confines of his pants when he sees the faint gloss of arousal on the upper-most part of your inner thighs. He tears his eyes away and follows your legs all the way down when you bend to pull your discarded sweats off your ankles.
He’s not sure if he’s capable of speech, so he doesn’t instruct you further. Instead, he opts to observe with a clenched jaw as you sit down on the edge of your bed. Once your bare ass meets the duvet, you push yourself back until there’s enough room for your legs. Your heels come to rest in front of you, but you keep your knees together — still hiding.
Really, he’s on the brink of begging. Hoseok can’t let it show, though. He fixes his dark-eyed stare on you and smirks, hoping one look is enough to prompt those perfect legs to spread. When they actually do, he swallows down a growl.
Your face and your pussy are tied for first, both the most angelic thing Hoseok’s ever fucking seen. Inside his mouth, he captures his tongue between the tips of his teeth to keep it to himself. There isn’t a part of you he doesn’t want to savor. Nowhere on your body he doesn’t want to nip at, suckle and mark.
Leaning your weight onto one hand, you slide the other down your navel. Then, his eyes follow it as it trails over the soft hair he’s told you a thousand times he doesn’t mind; but which is likely the reason you look so self-conscious now. Your hand stops to rest just above your clit and Hoseok doesn’t know if it’s nerves or showmanship that justifies the pause.
“Go on,” he sounds casual when he says it as if this isn’t killing him any less than it is you. “Prove that you meant what you say.”
Finally. Movement.
The tip of your middle finger dips down between your folds, and Hoseok can hear how thoroughly you’ve drenched yourself. He can hear your little mewls, too, as your fingertip wades through your wet heat, then travels back up to your clit. Slow spirals follow, underscored by breathy moans.
“Shit,” you sigh as your eyes flutter and your head falls back. Is that really all you’ve got to say? You push up slightly onto your heels, swirl your hips in microscopic circles opposite to your finger’s ministrations.
Hoseok knows it’s not enough for you. Your greedy pussy is screaming for more; he hears it loud and clear from his spot several meters away. It begs to be filled, knuckle-deep, and craves teasing pressure at an angle that’s difficult for you to meet on your own. He doesn’t move to help you, though. He just lets you try to mimic the way his longer digits make you feel.
It’s frustrating, sitting there with his hands kept to himself. If he’s not going to wield them against you, his only other instinct is to tend to the painfully hard dick leaking pre-cum inside his boxers. Unfortunately, it’s your touch he wants, not his own. Maybe if he gets you talking, you’ll unravel faster and earn a reward.
“I wanna see you finger-fuck yourself,” Hoseok’s gruff voice surprises you and causes your doe eyes to snap open. They lock in on his face, clearly flustered by his assertiveness. “Stretch that pretty pussy for me, petal. Need to know you can take it when I finally let you have my cock.”
You sound like an angel when you sigh like that. Hoseok grits his teeth and swallows hard. It dawns on him then that he may be torturing himself more than he’s torturing you. Every muscle in his body is threatening to mutiny, but he refuses to indulge their cries to move. Thankfully, you do.
As your finger penetrates your hole for the first time, Hoseok’s can’t decide which sound is his favorite: the moan that starts in the depths of your chest and only builds as it exits your mouth, or the squelch of your cunt as you tease yourself. Maybe it’s the slight squeak of the bed frame when you begin to grind down against your hand, pushing your finger in deeper towards your detonator and increasing the pressure of the heel of your hand against your clit.
You whimper his name and that settles it — that little plea is the best noise he’s ever heard. “H-Hoseok!”
At this point, he’d be quick to soothe you, rush over to gift you that orgasm you’re so desperately chasing. Instead, he stays planted in his seat, tilts his head to the side, and hums fondly, “Yes, petal? You wanna cum?”
He gets an eager, desperate nod in response which is nowhere near good enough. Please just learn your lesson so he can fuck you the way you need to be fucked. Just — “Tell me, then. I’ve read your bark; show me your bite.”
You add a second finger, and your head drops forward. The pace increases and — fuck — you’re gushing. Your arousal catches the light as it drips down the length of your fingers and pools in the palm of your hand.
Please, please, please just say what you need.
“Agh!” Your frustration peaks and you wail, panting. A sheen of sweat breaks out on your forehead, matching the slick on your collarbones. “Want to cum. Fuck, I — ah! — I need to cum so fucking bad, Hoseok, p-please. I want to feel you in my stomach. I — mmnh — need you to fill me.”
Hoseok has options. He could continue to sit there, watching you fall apart, and try not to cream his fucking pants. He could break his cardinal rule and impale you on his dick before making you cum twice first. Or, he could tag you out; take care of you and guide you right off the edge.
He gets to his feet before he even settles on a plan. The distance between you closes quickly, and then he wraps his hand around your straining wrist. You crash back against the mattress with relief washing over your face — and you have no idea what that aid is going to look like. He settles on his knees, one between yours and the other on the outside of your right leg.
“Got you, petal,” Hoseok murmurs.
His left hand cradles the back of your neck and pulls you in for a sloppy kiss. As he does, his right hand slips between your thighs. You moan into his open mouth, and he swallows it. He accepts your tongue without resistance, too; the same way your pussy takes his middle and ring fingers. Thoroughly soaked, he bottoms out quickly at the knuckles.
Immediately, he angles his fingers upright, presses the tips against your g-spot, and sets a punishing pace. The babbling that pulls from you is barely louder than current below, but Hoseok gives credit where it’s due: You cry out, clear as a bell, “G-gonna make me cum all over your fingers. Feel so f-fucking good!”
And you do, hard. Your release spills over his hand and soaks the sheet underneath you as you writhe underneath him.
Hoseok kisses you, deep and desperate, but he can’t stop there. He presses his forehead against yours, looks you dead in the eye, and then he begs, “One more, petal. Gimme one more and then I’ll fuck you stupid, I promise.”
You clench your jaw tightly and nod. Thankfully, you don’t make him wait long. He watches your eyes screw shut, then your mouth fall open. When your second orgasm rips through you, you’re too far gone to make a sound. On otherwise dead air, it’s just the flurry of expletives tumbling out of Hoseok’s mouth and the river he’s fucked out of you.
When the aftershocks eventually peter out, you slump back on top of your doused duvet. You throw an arm over your face as you attempt to catch your breath. While you do, Hoseok’s hand finds a new occupation in caressing the curve of your hip. You can’t see the pride in his smile, but it’s there.
“Don’t think I’ve ever heard you say cum out loud before,” He grins. Your move your arm just slightly, but it’s enough for him to see the one eye you’ve cracked open to glare at him. He gently and repeatedly taps your hip bone with the pad of his thumb until your face dissolves into a hard-fought smile. “Hot as fuck, in case you were wondering.”
You give up your hiding place and let your arm drop down beside you. Better still, you raise an eyebrow and hum, “I wasn’t, but d’you wanna know what I am wondering?”
Hoseok captures your lips in another kiss, though he doesn’t linger the way he wants to. “Sure fuckin’ do,” he says on a weighty exhale. He means it; he’s dying to hear whatever it is you’re about to say.
It’s difficult with the way you’ve melted into your bed, but you still manage to tilt your head to the side. Though he can’t know for sure, Hoseok suspects that the way your tongue glides over your kiss-bitten lips is payback for the way he’d looked at you earlier. He’s certain that this little tease looks far better on you than on anyone else — himself included.
As you speak, you pinch the hem of his shirt between your thumb and middle finger. You trace the seam, tug it with a force that barely makes the fabric flutter but still threatens to knock him out. Shit, the toll you take on him when you use his own actions against him…
“Tell me why you’re not naked yet, Hoseok,” you drawl, letting the last syllable click in your mouth. The wicked glint in your eyes makes his dick twitch; he knows you felt it jump on the top of your thigh. “You gonna fuck me stupid, or are you a liar, too?”
In a frenzy, he grabs both sides of your face and kisses you hard. You open your mouth against his, keening as he licks into your mouth. It’s now that he realizes he was right about something else, too: there’s a faint taste of kkobuk chips that barely registers when his tongue savors yours.
With a melodramatic gasp, he pulls away in order to point an accusatory finger at you, “I fucking knew it!”
It’s clear by the slight furrow of your brows that you have no idea what he’s talking about. In short order, you ignore the self-satisfied grin he’s wearing. Then, you tangle your fingers in his hair and tug. You pull a growl out of him in the process, “Goddamn it. I love it when you do that.”
“Hoseok!” You whine as your restless hands paw at his still-clothed chest. The pout he loves so much takes up residency on your face, shuts him right up. “Clothes off! Please, please, please — I’m dying here.”
He, a bastard, blinks down at you with the most convincing bemusement he can muster at a time like this. He asks, “Dying? For what?”
You don’t bother to respond with words this time. Lips pursed with effort, you wrap your arms around him tight and pull him all the way down on top of you. Undeterred by the weight of his body on yours, your unchecked arousal empowers you to roll until you’ve got him pinned on his back beneath you.
That look in your eyes — that feral one, where your pupils swallow up your irises — tells him everything he needs to know. He lets your rabid hands rip his shirt over his head; his hands drop down until his thumbs hook under the waistbands of his joggers and boxers in tandem. Before he can begin to tug them down, you swat his hands away and take over.
“Shit,” he hums, impressed, “Did I awaken something in you, petal?”
You shoot him a smirk and the way his unrestrained dick leaps at the sight of you makes Hoseok consider the possibility that you’re telekinetic. Amusement clear on your face, you lift a hand to run the top of your index finger along the vein trailing down his length. You shrug, suddenly nonchalant, “You wanna sit here and discuss it, or do you wanna feel that cock twitch inside of me?”
Oh, fuck.
Now unspeakably eager, Hoseok sits up until he’s face to face with you. “Turn around,” he instructs, and you listen.
Once you’re on your knees with your back to him, you lean forward and stretch your arms out on the mattress in front of you. As you wait, head down and perfect ass up, Hoseok is momentarily hypnotized by the subtle way you swivel your hips. The way your cheeks jiggle, even with the slightest shift.
“Liar and a tease,” he sucks his teeth. “You really wanna be my downfall, don’t you, petal?”
You bend your neck to look over your shoulder at him, knowing full well that he dies a thousand times whenever you stare up at him from under your lashes like that. Jesus Christ, you’re a dream. He’d pinch himself, but he doesn’t have the time; you reach back between your spread legs and take his dick in your hand.
Rolling your wrist, you work his tip at a goddamn snail’s pace like you want him to drop dead behind you. He’s unable to keep from groaning, and he can’t stop his hips from rutting forward into your fist, either. You do him the favor of squeezing the crown tighter when you finally do let him go, hand sticky with pre-cum.
“Well then,” you echo his earlier statement with that familiar twinkling innocence in your eyes, “Show me how good I can have it.”
Part of Hoseok is stalling because he knows that he won’t last long. He’s been so impossibly hard for so long now, the way you grip him will have him blacked out and drooling in a matter of minutes. However, the rules he’s made for himself dictate that you have to finish three times before he gets to. And so, with that perverted sense of duty in mind, his hand picks up where yours left off.
You both groan when his tip slides through your folds — goddamn, he wants to drown in you later — but he goes mute the second he finally enters you.
“Oh, fuck. How are you thicker than last time?” you croak because you know his ego hasn’t hit the ceiling yet. Your heads slumps down towards your elbows like you’re dead already, halfway to buried in a mess of sheets. “Swear to God, I’ll get used to this someday.”
Hoseok grins even though you can’t see him do it. The pads of his thumbs find the Venus dimples sitting pretty above your ass. It’s arrogant — he knows this — but he likes to think they were made for him, placed intentionally where his hands can find them when he gets ahold of you.
Rubbing spirals at the base of your spine, he calls, “All good, petal?”
“Fuck me,” you answer.
And he does.
The first thrust tests the waters to make sure you’re actually able to comfortably take him and it’s not simply wishful thinking on your part. You’re impatient, though, and you push your hips back when his second thrust snaps forward. For a moment, Hoseok fears he’s gone blind. Thankfully, it’s temporary; just the haze that overtakes his fucked-out brain whenever he feels your velvet walls squeezing the life out of him.
You match his movements every time he grinds himself into you. Either you’re as desperate as he is to cum, or you know his unspoken rule and intend to kamikaze dive off the edge with him in tow.
Whatever your motivation is, he can’t keep his train of thought on track — not with the way your slick has coated his balls, which slap sickly against your clit when he drives himself into you; not with the sight of your ass bouncing so deliciously against his pelvis, more so the harder he fucks you.
“Thrust are getting a little sloppy there, Hoseok,” you lilt through gritted teeth. Your teasing is interrupted by a breathless moan, but you still persist, “You about to cum, baby?”
He’s holding on for dear life — to your hips, to the last shred of his resolve. He is going to cum, but not before you do.
“N-no. Could do this all night.”
You shriek when his fingers dig deeper into your doughy flesh and slam you down onto his cock; the force of your thighs colliding with his leaves him tingling.
Two things happen in such quick succession that Hoseok doesn’t have time to process them. There’s you, creaming on his cock with a wail. Then there’s you calling him a liar as your cunt flutters around him, forcing him to empty himself completely with a toe-curling groan.
Hoseok collapses in a heap behind you when he finally finds the strength to pull his still-twitching dick out of your pussy. A potent mix of your joint release spills out of you in his absence; he’s only graced with the sight of it in the split-second before you turn around and crawl back over to him. Unceremoniously, you drop yourself into the space next to him and rest your head on his heaving chest.
“So,” he sighs, thoroughly blissed. He glances down his nose at you as he gently unsticks strands of your hair from the layer of sweat on his chest. “What did we learn about mouths writing checks?”
You try to hide your smile when you roll your eyes up at him. You sound exhausted but thoroughly amused when you respond, “Ass better be able to cash them.”
Hoseok pats your ass cheek affectionately, gives it a light squeeze for good measure. “Damn straight, petal.”
823 notes · View notes
gimmethatagustd · 2 months
venor (13) | kth + jjk
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The barista at the university’s café keeps telling Jungkook not to come back, but Jungkook is too busy daydreaming about kissing the beauty marks on his face to be paying attention to his warnings.
○ Pairing: Tiger!Taehyung x Bunny!Jungkook
○ Rating: Explicit/18+
○ Genre: Hybrids, predator/prey, college au, strangers to lovers, slow burn, fluff, light angst, eventual smut
○ Word Count: 7,347
○ Warnings: Chasing, what the gworlies call self-lubrication aka slick, Taehyung’s got a big dick (in every universe imo), size difference, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, anal fingering, unprotected anal sex, scenting, marking, jealousy, pet names, more weird dick jokes
○ Notes: Another cliche, smutty, fluffy chapter, pls don't @ me. I also didn't proofread this so I'm sorry 😩
○ Post Date: April 7, 2024
○ Masterlist | AO3 Cross-Post
○ What was Jai listening to? The series playlist
Series Masterlist
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Only one thing comes between Jungkook and Taehyung's relationship: winter break.
The end of the semester sneaks up on them quicker than Jungkook expects, despite Professor Jung's weekly warning that their Art History final project deadline is looming over their heads. School and work are conveniently forgotten when one is in love. The sun shines brighter, the air feels crisper, and more often than not, Jungkook wakes up with Taehyung's face snuggled in his neck and Taehyung's limbs flung over his body. He's such a big, bad tiger, yet he loves cuddles; it makes Jungkook's heart swell every time. 
Knowing that this domestic bliss will be severed by two months of Jungkook stuck in his parents' house, forced to give up his autonomy in exchange for suffering through their old-fashioned ways, creates a creeping sense of anxiety in his chest. He loves his parents, but life in Seoul has opened his eyes to a more adventurous, accepting, and worthwhile world than the rigid, closed-minded way his parents choose to live. Two months stuck in the house with them and away from Taehyung sounds like a nightmare.
"What're you thinking about?" Taehyung's morning voice rumbles in his chest and vibrates against Jungkook's. He speaks with his face still pressed to Jungkook's neck, so his question is muffled.
"Don't lie to me, bun," Taehyung says, running his nose up and down Jungkook's neck, triggering a smattering of goosebumps in his wake. "You smell distressed."
Lately, Taehyung has started letting Jungkook in on his little secrets, like the fact that his predator hybrid senses allow him to more accurately sense changes in other hybrids' moods by their scent. Looking back, Jungkook can pinpoint moments when Taehyung seemed to know exactly how he felt, even when Jungkook thought he was being subtle. Then again, Jungkook has never been very subtle around Taehyung. He's not sure his crush on the boy would let him.
Jungkook's feelings are more than a crush now. Sometimes, he wonders if Taehyung can tell that he's in love with him. Suyun and Yoongi say it's obvious, but Jungkook still has trouble reading Taehyung's steady nature.
"I'm nervous about the end of the semester," Jungkook admits.
"Because of finals and stuff?"
"A little bit…"
Absent-mindedly, Jungkook massages Taehyung's head, sifting his fingers through the soft curls until he finds the fur of his striped ears to gently scratch them. In return, a soft purr hums from Taehyung's throat. Something about the sound and vibrations feels calming, maybe even healing.
They stay like this for a while, curled up against each other. Jungkook's eyes are closed, and his breathing is shallow as Taehyung thoroughly scents him. A kiss near his temple, one just below the corner of his jaw, another more of a suck of his skin than a kiss at the center of his throat. It's hard to focus on anything when Taehyung shifts, half his body lying on top of Jungkook, giving him access to the other side of Jungkook's neck. His breath blankets Jungkook's sensitive skin as he huffs a low, quiet laugh when his thigh brushes against Jungkook's hard cock.
They haven't had sex since the first time, not because of a lack of interest but because Jungkook wants to take things slow. This sudden interest in sex has left Jungkook shaken up a bit. It's so unlike anything he has experienced before that he's suddenly afraid of his own sexual desires. Taehyung made one joke about fucking like rabbits, and Jungkook has been self-conscious about his sex drive ever since.
"After we pick up our flower pots, we can go over the presentation?" Taehyung offers once he seems satisfied with his job of scenting Jungkook.
"I'll reserve a study room in the library."
While Jungkook gets his phone to make the online reservation through the university's library, Taehyung rolls off the bed. He lands on his feet, and Jungkook wonders if he's like a cat and always does. The thought makes him giggle, and he shrugs when Taehyung's head tilts and his ears swivel in confusion.
Snow blankets the ground in a dusty sheet. It may not be much now, but weather forecasts predict heavier snow in the coming weeks. Jungkook can't believe the year has gone by so quickly and figures it must be Taehyung's fault.
Unbothered by the cold weather, Taehyung pulls a thin white hoodie with the university's basketball team's logo over his t-shirt. His black tapered joggers are just as thin and poorly insulated, and Jungkook is sure that the matching basketball shoes Taehyung will probably wear when they leave won't be much warmer. Predators and their body heat. It makes Jungkook roll his eyes, even as his heart flutters when Taehyung opens the second drawer in his dresser where some of Jungkook's clothes permanently live now.
"Are you in a comfy mood or a cute mood?" Taehyung looks over his shoulder to see Jungkook still sprawled on the bed. His gaze runs along Jungkook's body, probably admiring his exposed legs and how soft he looks in one of Taehyung's baggy t-shirts that he often wears to bed.
"My comfy clothes are cute clothes," Jungkook pouts.
"Right, of course."
"You can pick out whatever you want me to wear."
Taehyung has great fashion on most days, but it's different from Jungkook's. Still, he does well choosing an outfit: light blue straight-leg jeans with pink hearts printed on them and a fuzzy white sweater that falls just enough to expose part of Jungkook's shoulder. How coy.
"Are you trying to tell me something?" Jungkook gives Taehyung his starry doe eyes, the most innocent look he can muster—not that it's particularly difficult. Jungkook is an angel.
"What?" Taehyung smiles, genuinely confused.
Jungkook could tell him now. Those three words are ready to burst out of him, a broken dam, a busted floodgate. Taehyung picked out pink hearts! Jungkook could tell him.
"Nothing." Jungkook stands on his tiptoes to wrap his arms around Taehyung's shoulders and nuzzle his neck. "You're just cute."
Jungkook will tell him later.
In the kitchen, Hoseok is reheating fried rice. He looks very domestic yet highly fashionable in his lavender matching silk pajama set. When Jungkook sits at the kitchen table, Hoseok’s face lights up. 
“Jungkook-ah! I didn’t realize you were here. Good thing I have a lot of leftovers.” 
Hoseok motions for Jungkook to grab one of the three bowls while he prepares a fourth one. Before Jungkook can ask him why he has made so much food, Jimin slinks into the room, rubbing his eyes with his fists.
“Good morning, Jungkook,” Jimin mumbles as he flops into one of the kitchen chairs. 
“Good morning, hyung.” 
Jimin is disheveled, his hair sticking up so high that it nearly hides his ears, and his t-shirt wrinkled. Jungkook can’t tell if he’s wearing shorts under his shirt, so he avoids looking, just in case. The shirt is definitely one of Hoseok’s; it has the university’s basketball team’s logo. All the players got one. Jungkook has worn Taehyung’s before.
Hoseok brings Jimin a bowl of rice, pausing to kiss the top of his head before placing it on the table. It’s cute how Jimin purrs, even if it’s brief because he seems to remember that Jungkook is there and abruptly stops, cheeks aflame. 
Making it clear that he’s minding his own business, Jungkook eats while scrolling through his phone and wonders if everyone else knows that Jimin and Hoseok are together, and perhaps Jungkook has been oblivious this whole time. Another part of him wonders if his poor Yoongi hyung knows, too. It's obvious that Yoongi has a crush on both of them, even if he yells at Jungkook to shut up whenever he tries to talk about it. Honestly, the yelling is what makes it so obvious. 
“How long have you been up, hyung?” Jungkook asks Hoseok, who seems chipper and wide awake compared to Jimin’s zombie stare as he eats. 
“For a few hours, but not too long. Yoongi hyung’s work alarm woke me up at the ass crack of dawn–” 
“Hyung!” Jimin snaps, suddenly very alert. He gives Hoseok a pointed look, but Jungkook’s head is already reeling. 
“Yoongi was here?” Taehyung asks, causing the other three men to jump in their seats.
“Shit, Taehyung, you can’t do that to me,” Hoseok whines with his hand pressed over his heart. “I’m too fragile.” 
With a snort, Taehyung grabs some rice and a carton of strawberry milk. Jimin curls his upper lip at the food combination when Taehyung sits beside him. 
“Why was Yoongi here?” Taehyung talks through a mouthful of rice and Jungkook knows he’s down bad because Taehyung is so cute. 
When neither Hoseok nor Jimin answers his question, Taehyung arches an eyebrow at Jungkook. Hoseok is pink in the face and stares at his rice. Jimin glares at Hoseok, mid-chew. 
“Are the three of you fucking?”
“Taehyung!” Jimin snaps, redirecting his glare. 
Jungkook keeps his eyes on Hoseok, the one who is the worst at telling lies. That’s probably why he hasn’t said or done anything. 
With a grin, Taehyung shoves more rice into his mouth. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Jungkook immediately opens his text messages with Yoongi and demands to know what’s going on, just as Hoseok tries to grab his phone. 
“Jungkook-ah, you shouldn’t bother him while he’s at work!” Hoseok insists, but Jungkook scoots away from the table before Hoseok can reach him. 
“Call him, bun,” Taehyung instigates things and gets a kick to the shin from Jimin.
There is no way Yoongi could possibly hide something like this from Jungkook! It’s hurtful! After everything he confided in Yoongi regarding Taehyung, Jungkook gets this in return? Unbelievable. 
“I’m leaving.” Jimin grabs his bowl and stomps out of the kitchen, slamming Hoseok’s bedroom door behind him. 
Satisfied by the mess he’s created, Taehyung leans back in his chair and sips his strawberry milk. 
“This makes a lot of sense, actually, since male snake hybrids have two dicks…” Taehyung grins when Hoseok slaps him on the arm. 
“Oh, shut the fuck up, Taehyung.”
Jungkook looks up from the long text message he’s crafting to Yoongi and stares hard at Hoseok. 
“A boy for each dick.”
“Taehyung, I swear to god.”
“What?” Taehyung props his elbows on the table and leans forward with a dark look. “You told Jungkook that I have a cheese grater dick. I’m just returning the favor by explaining your anatomy. So how do you do it, hyung? Do they both just climb on top–” 
“Alright, that’s enough!” Hoseok pushes himself away from the table and nearly flips his chair backward. Like Jimin, Hoseok grabs his bowl and leaves the kitchen, giving Taehyung his middle finger on the way out. 
Once Hoseok’s bedroom door is slammed shut again, Jungkook turns to Taehyung. 
“Does Hobi hyung really…” 
Taehyung’s devilish grin makes Jungkook’s stomach flip. 
“Nah, he doesn’t. That’s a myth, too. I just wanted revenge.” 
“I really hate you for putting that image in my head…” Jungkook grumbles as he finishes his 5 paragraph essay to Yoongi. It’s impossible to genuinely be mad at Taehyung, though, especially when his laugh brings so much warmth to Jungkook’s chest. 
Considering their eventful morning, Jungkook thinks he worked up enough courage between eating breakfast and their short walk to the Art academic building to confess to Taehyung. It’s the third time they’ve visited the studio together, the second being when Taehyung taught Jungkook how to glaze his flower pot, Jungkook choosing a shiny mix of pink and beige to paint the entire thing. Unsurprisingly, Taehyung went with darker colors, swirls of navy blue and forest green. Since glazes are tricky in the kiln, it may be surprising what their flower pots look like now that they’ve been re-fired.
Everyone says the third time’s a charm, but this third time in the studio is a nightmare when another person falls in line with Jungkook and Taehyung as they walk down the hall toward the studio doors. For once, Jungkook thinks he’d like to catch a break. First, it was Byungchul attempting to ruin his relationship with Taehyung; now, it’s Ten’s annoying habit of showing up at the most inconvenient times.
“Hey, Taehyungie hyung,” Ten sneaks up beside Taehyung and squeezes his bicep, the one Jungkook isn’t clinging to. He leans forward to give Jungkook a toothy smile. “And hello, Jungkook-ah. What are you guys up to? Going to the studio?”
Obviously, they’re going to the studio, Jungkook thinks as they reach the only door at this end of the hall. Where else would they be going? He wants to sass Ten, but his parents raised him to be polite, so he can’t find it in him to answer Ten’s question.
“Mhm,” Taehyung hums as he holds the studio’s door open for Jungkook and Ten. “Jungkookie and I are just here to pick up some projects we worked on a few weeks ago.”
For a moment, Jungkook’s heart plummets when Taehyung pulls his arm out of his grasp, but he smiles once Taehyung holds his hand instead. Leaving Ten to put on an apron and prep for whatever he’s working on, Taehyung leads Jungkook to a little side room where the kiln is. Their projects are in the bottom of the machine to rest and cool for a few days. About a dozen other projects are resting with their flower pots.
Jungkook lets Taehyung take theirs out, too worried about knocking things over to try getting on his tiptoes to reach inside the kiln himself.
“Yours came out so pretty, bun,” Taehyung observes, gently passing the flower pot into Jungkook’s hands. “You did fucking great for your first time sculpting.”
The flower pot is pretty, just as shiny and easy on the eyes as Jungkook wanted it to be. The pink and beige hues will nicely complement whatever green plant he chooses to put in it. Taehyung’s end product is equally as pretty. The colors remind Jungkook of the sea on a stormy day, and he thinks they fit Taehyung well.
Taehyung carries his flower pot in the crook of his arm and fumbles to pull his phone out of his pocket, smiling through his struggle as Jungkook giggles at him. 
“Let me take a picture.”
Jungkook holds his flower pot next to his face and side-eyes it, raising his eyebrows and pouting with goofy, puckered lips.
“Why are you so cute?” Taehyung asks, but Jungkook knows the picture is likely terrible quality. The kiln room is tiny, leaving little space for Taehyung to take a proper picture that isn’t too close-up, and the lighting is dim. Still, Taehyung looks at his phone like he’s just photographed something award-worthy.
“Bunnies are naturally cute,” Jungkook bites his lip in a hesitant smile when Taehyung leans into him.
“You’re the cutest bunny I’ve ever seen.”
“That’s an exaggeration.”
Taehyung tilts his head slightly to the side and bumps his sharp nose against Jungkook’s button nose. His breath is hot against Jungkook’s face, and it comes out in little puffs as he laughs at Jungkook’s squirming.
“What’re you doing?” Taehyung bumps their noses again and tries to press his lips against Jungkook’s, but Jungkook wiggles away.
“You’re making me nervous!”
Their teeth click against each other, Taehyung laughing and Jungkook giving a scrunched bunny smile. Jungkook doesn’t know why he’s so giggly and nervous, but it might be because he’s in a tight spot with the boy he loves and can’t hold still with so much affection swelling inside him. Taehyung is suffocating him in the best way.
Rising up on his toes, Jungkook kisses Taehyung, something soft and sweet. Jungkook rarely initiates kisses, but ever since he and Taehyung became official, he’s felt more confident in seeking the affection he craves. It pleases Taehyung, too. When Jungkook pulls away, he leaves a boxy grin on Taehyung’s face.
“Baby,” Taehyung whispers with his fingers hooking in Jungkook’s belt loops to pull him closer. 
The term of endearment makes Jungkook’s soul light up. His soul may even fly away, lift off, and soar to heaven when Taehyung’s cheeks turn pink, and he nibbles on his bottom lip with rare nervousness. They need to be more careful about being touchy, giggly messes while holding their precious ceramic creations.
“I know I don’t always say the right things, but I wanted you to know—”
“What are you guys doing in here?” Ten flings the door to the kiln room open, momentarily blinding Jungkook from how brightly the studio’s lights shine compared to the dim lighting in the kiln room. “Professor Choi won’t like students hooking up next to expensive equipment.”
“Oh, like you haven’t,” Taehyung teases Ten, and a strange part of Jungkook gets annoyed that it doesn’t make Ten blush or appear flustered. Instead, Taehyung’s teasing seems to encourage Ten’s obnoxious behavior.
Shrugging, Ten gives Taehyung a coy look and says simply, “Maybe. Maybe not.”
Jungkook wants to wipe that smug look off Ten’s face! How, he doesn’t know, but he certainly wants to. Resisting the instinctual urge to stamp his feet, Jungkook spins around to look Ten in his piercing eyes.
“Don’t worry, last time Taehyung bent me over and fucked me on that table,” Jungkook points to the table Ten is using to work on his latest project, “So no broken expensive equipment.”
Twisting to the side, Taehyung violently coughs into his elbow. Cocky satisfaction buzzes through Jungkook, pleased that he elicited not only a strong reaction from Ten, whose face turns bright red, but from Taehyung as well.
“Well,” Taehyung exhales loudly once he can speak again, “We’ll see you around…”
Ten nods and avoids either of their gazes, quickly turning around to stare at his work table. Jungkook sincerely hopes he can’t get the image of Taehyung fucking Jungkook out of his head and that he has to move his project because of it after they’ve left.
“Bun, what the hell was that!” Taehyung exclaims once he has pulled Jungkook into the hallway.
Batting his eyes, Jungkook smiles sweetly at Taehyung and cradles his flower pot to his chest.
“A little lie never hurt anyone.”
“I…” Taehyung lets out a disbelieving laugh. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk like that before.”
He hasn’t. Jungkook smirks and shrugs; there’s nothing more to say.
Shaking his head, Taehyung squeezes Jungkook’s hand in his and leads him out of the building. He mutters about how Jungkook has turned into some kind of menace since he met him and wonders if this is somehow his fault. All Jungkook can do is laugh because Ten got what he deserved. It’s rare now that Jungkook can fluster Taehyung, so he celebrates the small victories whenever possible.
Never mind that the fake scenario Jungkook cooked up for Ten is kind of hot…
Jungkook keeps that thought buried in the back of his mind as he and Taehyung drop off their flower pots at Taehyung’s dorm in exchange for their backpacks. The library study room Jungkook reserved is next on their agenda for the day. Much of Jungkook’s time with Taehyung is spent not doing their school assignments, so he’s determined to keep them on track. They only have a handful of standard classes before final exams begin and final projects are due. If there ever was a time to get their shit together, it would be now.
Luckily, Jungkook and Taehyung are strong students when they aren’t together. Despite his cool guy persona, Taehyung takes school very seriously. Like Jungkook, Taehyung is motivated by the desire to perform well for his parents, which is a sign of respect for the sacrifices they made to get him a good education. Jungkook’s motivation comes with a twinge of fear that he will disappoint his parents if he doesn't perform well. Unfortunately, that comes with the reality of having strict parents.
The thing is, their parents aren’t here to encourage or scold them. Jungkook finds it easy to become distracted by Taehyung’s presence, even when all they’re doing is sitting across from each other while they work on assignments, Jungkook working on some code on his laptop and Taehyung sketching a design for his final sculpture project. Taehyung’s fingers are pretty curved around his pencil. When Taehyung looks up at him through his curly bangs, Jungkook feels his stomach dip with a sensation that flirts with the line between anxiety and arousal.
After a while, hunger replaces the strange sensations in Jungkook’s stomach, gnawing and gurgling at him. Since they started their day late, it's well past lunchtime, but Jungkook is determined to run through their Art History presentation before they leave the library.
“Can you stop looking at me like that?”
Taehyung squints at Jungkook from behind a podium in the front of the room. Their presentation is projected on the whiteboard behind him, skipped ahead to his part. Rigid, his face scrunched into a frown, he looks more awkward than Jungkook has ever witnessed him.
“Looking at you like what?” Jungkook asks with a smile. He sits on the table and swings his legs because they don’t touch the floor.
Irritated, Taehyung’s tail swishes back and forth, curling around the outside of his ankles with each whipping motion.
“I don’t know, just don’t look at me.”
Biting his bottom lip, Jungkook muffles a giggle as Taehyung reviews his project notes scrawled on a wrinkled piece of paper lying on the podium. Never would he have guessed that extroverted, charismatic Taehyung is afraid of public speaking.
“What?” Taehyung frowns. “Jungkook, I’m serious, it’s not funny.”
Jungkook isn’t bothering Taehyung on purpose. He just can’t get over how precious he looks, stiff-limbed and pouty, with a light pink hue blooming across the honey-gold skin of his cheeks.
There’s a lot that they don’t know about each other. Rather than being discouraged by that, Jungkook finds each new bit of information learned a blessing. How wonderful is it to learn new things about someone you love? He gets to continuously discover Taehyung, just as Taehyung gets to learn more “Jungkook lore,” as he calls it. They’re young; they have so much time to evolve and discover new things about themselves, together.
Maybe Jungkook is naive. Maybe he’s falling deep because Taehyung is his first boyfriend, and no one finds true love in their first relationship. As he hops off the table to stand on his tiptoes in front of Taehyung with his arms around his neck, Jungkook decides that he doesn’t care about any of that. He doesn’t care that he’s young, naive, and inexperienced. He doesn’t care that he and Taehyung aren’t supposed to be together.
Jungkook will tell him what he’s been wanting to tell him for quite some time, and he will do it now.
“You’re going to do an amazing job,” Jungkook insists, pulling Taehyung into a tight hug.
“I’m gonna get up there and forget everything.”
“If you freeze, I’ll do the talking. You know I’m good at that!”
Jungkook hums when Taehyung’s hands wrap around his waist to tug him flush to his body. They fit together so well, with Taehyung strong enough to support Jungkook when he feels like he’ll turn to mush from how gently Taehyung holds him. The feeling only grows stronger when Taehyung bows his head to tuck his face against Jungkook’s neck and tickles his skin when he inhales deeply.
“Baby,” Taehyung whispers, his lips tracing down Jungkook’s neck. Jungkook’s body grows hot from the smooth and deep sound of Taehyung’s voice.
Taehyung’s next inhale trembles. He tightens his hold on Jungkook’s waist and presses a kiss to the corner of Jungkook’s jaw before pulling back far enough to look Jungkook in the eyes.
“I love you,” Taehyung says with a timid smile.
He watches Jungkook’s expression with attentive eyes that glow a warm amber far more comforting than the fluorescent lighting in the study room. They shift between focusing on Jungkook’s eyes and his parted lips. Leaving Taehyung waiting must be torture. Jungkook doesn’t mean to prolong the suspense or make Taehyung reconsider admitting his feelings, but he can’t formulate words. Blood rushes to Jungkook’s head, forcing his heartbeat into his eardrums as it pounds so frantically that Jungkook feels lightheaded.
“I wanted to say it first,” Jungkook blurts out, his tone breathy. He's clearly overwhelmed by the slew of emotions flooding him.
“What?” Taehyung laughs, “You wanted to say you love me before I said it to you?”
Jungkook nods, still feeling out of breath.
Taehyung loves him. Taehyung loves him, and he said it first. Jungkook wasn’t even sure if Taehyung would say it back, but he said it first.
“So, you love me?” Jungkook nods, but Taehyung clicks his tongue. “I wanna hear you say it, bun.”
Taehyung’s timid smile grows into a confident and boxy one. It makes butterflies emerge in Jungkook’s stomach because that look is for him.
“I love you, Tae,” Jungkook whispers against Taehyung’s mouth before he leans in to nibble on Jungkook’s bottom lip.
“I love you so much, baby.”
Taehyung speaks in between kisses that feel like they’ll bruise. Jungkook can hardly keep up as Taehyung leans in further, nearly bending Jungkook backward as he bites and sucks his lips, occasionally shoving his tongue in Jungkook’s mouth and coaxing Jungkook to share his passion. It feels rushed initially, Taehyung’s hands slipping beneath Jungkook’s sweater to squeeze his waist and force him to grind against his body. But Taehyung’s mouth is slow as it leaves Jungkook’s to trail kisses along his jaw instead and eventually drops to suck on the skin where his scent gland is.
“Tae,” Jungkook moans and digs his fingers in Taehyung’s curls to hold him in place as Taehyung laps at the invisible spot where his scent gland is, licking and swirling the smooth skin until all that surrounds them is the sweet, floral smell of Jungkook’s arousal.
The burning desire pulsing through Jungkook’s body deepens when Taehyung scrapes his teeth against his skin. They could mate right now. Taehyung could bite him, permanently marking him with the scarred puncture of his teeth in his neck so everyone would know that Jungkook belonged to him. It would hurt terribly, but Jungkook wants it. They’re in love; why should they deny what their instincts tell them to do, even if tiger hybrids aren’t supposed to mate with bunny hybrids?
The desire to submit to Taehyung is so strong that it scares Jungkook, so he quickly tugs on Taehyung’s hair to pull him away from his neck.
When Jungkook meets Taehyung’s gaze, he understands why he’s so overcome with desire and heat, why his mind is telling him to do things he usually doesn’t. One look at Taehyung’s dark eyes with dilated pupils, and Jungkook knows.
“Bun,” Taehyung’s call is rough, nearly a growl.
Jungkook doesn’t listen to him. He twists from Taehyung’s grasp and nearly knocks over a chair to reach his backpack. Shoving his laptop and planner inside, Jungkook doesn’t bother checking what Taehyung is doing. He throws the study room’s door open and rushes down the hall. Conveniently, they’re on the ground level, making it easy for Jungkook to slip out of the front doors. The cold afternoon air paralyzes Jungkook’s lungs and cools his blood. He’s breathing so hard that he’s nearly hyperventilating. Each inhale hurts, but the situation thrills him. All he can think about is running. He has to find somewhere to hide. Instincts tell him to go home, but his heart urges him toward Taehyung’s apartment.
Campus clears out on snowy days. Very few people go outside on the weekends, so Jungkook has little trouble weaving through people, taking the sidewalks between the predators’ side of campus and the coed middle grounds. Despite Jungkook’s hurried pace, nearly a light jog, he doesn’t draw much attention to himself with the hood of his coat pulled over his head to hide his ears. The hood prevents him from seeing if Taehyung is catching up to him, but he’s too focused on getting away to check.
Something about the prickling of the hairs on his forearms and the back of his neck, despite being protected from the cold, makes Jungkook think that Taehyung is near. He feels like he’s being watched, crept upon. Reaching the dorm, his heart falls into his stomach when he belatedly remembers that he can’t get inside. His keycard only gives him entrance to prey hybrid dorms.
He could wait for someone to exit the building and quickly slip inside after them, but he can't get into Taehyung’s apartment unit unless Hoseok is home! But Jungkook really hopes Hoseok isn’t home.
Before Jungkook can panic about what to do, firm hands spin him around and shove him against the side of the building. His backpack protects him from hitting the wall, but he still gets the air knocked out of him.
“Think you can run away from me, bun?” Taehyung’s hands slide from Jungkook’s waist to palm his ass, squeezing it when Jungkook gasps.
“N-No,” Jungkook stutters when one of Taehyung’s hands slides underneath his coat to play with his fluffy tail.
“You like riling me up.”
Jungkook does. He likes it when Taehyung towers over him, his amber eyes turn dark, and his smooth voice turns gravelly. He likes the prickle of fear that heightens his senses when Taehyung gets like this and how it triggers something inside Jungkook that he’s never felt before — even if it’s unknown and scary.
“I told you I love you, and you ran away from me,” Taehyung growls against Jungkook’s throat, and Jungkook realizes how bad that looks.
Taehyung has gotten like this a handful of times before. Each time, his affection for Jungkook or his desire to protect him triggered the almost feral switch in his personality. Jungkook shouldn’t have left Taehyung alone after he’d been so brave by confessing his love.
“I’m sorry, Tae. I didn’t mean to.”
“Why did you do it?” Taehyung sounds genuinely hurt, and Jungkook’s heart breaks.
“I got scared.”
Taehyung whines and shoves his face into Jungkook’s shoulder.
“Not of you!” Jungkook quickly reaches for Taehyung’s ears, scratching them and playing with the curls surrounding them. “Not you, Tae. I was scared of… myself and how I reacted.”
“Don’t understand,” Taehyung murmurs. The hand that had been playing with Jungkook’s tail is now gripping his throat so Taehyung can tilt his neck to scent him.
They’re doing this in public. Few people have ventured outside, but they’re in the open, easily seen even by the predator hybrids in their dormitories. Jungkook’s mind is so foggy with the comforting pleasure of Taehyung’s scent mixing with his and the lust that shoots through him every time Taehyung squeezes his ass to coax his hips to grind against his.
“I want things,” Jungkook says with a shudder rippling through his body when Taehyung gently bites his neck.
Taehyung groans impatiently, “What?”
“To, um,” Jungkook feels his face heat up when Taehyung steps back to look at him. He’s never felt more embarrassed in his life. “Submit… to you…” he whispers the rest and is unable to look Taehyung in the eyes. As a predator hybrid, Taehyung will know what Jungkook means, likely even more than Jungkook understands himself.
Jungkook’s legs feel like jelly when Taehyung tugs him through the dormitory’s front doors. He trips up the stairs, relying on Taehyung to keep him from falling as they make their way to his apartment. With a face hardened by determination, Taehyung doesn’t even let Jungkook take off his shoes once they stumble into the entryway of his apartment. He kneels to pull Jungkook’s boots off while Jungkook unzips his coat. They must be loud, stomping, breathing heavily, and Taehyung throwing shoes into the corner, because Hoseok peeks around the corner from the living room.
“Hey guys! What’s—”
“Hyung, I’m gonna fuck Jungkook right now,” Taehyung interrupts and both Hoseok and Jungkook’s eyes widen at how explicit and blunt he is. “So if you don’t wanna hear it, you should leave.”
“Oh.” Hoseok watches as Taehyung grabs Jungkook’s wrist and leads him down the hallway.
Sorry, Jungkook mouths, afraid to hurt Taehyung’s feelings if he says it out loud. Despite being bossed around by a very demanding Taehyung, Hoseok simply grins.
“Taehyung, I can’t believe you kicked Hobi hyung out,” Jungkook playfully scolds Taehyung once his bedroom door is closed. His giggles die when Taehyung grabs him by the front of his sweater and pulls him toward the bed.
“No offense, but I don’t care about hyung right now.”
A bit of clarity has returned to Taehyung’s features. His pupils aren’t as dilated, and his voice is still deep but no longer distorted. The tingle of power radiating from him still exists, though, keeping Jungkook’s skin hot and fear in his chest.
“Okay,” Jungkook nods and lets Taehyung pull his sweater over his head.
Taehyung quickly removes the rest of Jungkook’s clothes, replacing them with kisses covering each strip of exposed skin as he tugs off his jeans. All the attention makes Jungkook shy. This being only the second time he’s been intimate with Taehyung, Jungkook feels like he still doesn’t know what to do as Taehyung kisses him and guides his hands to the waistband of his joggers, encouraging Jungkook to pull them down. Jungkook is timid with each brush of his fingers against Taehyung’s skin. He admires how toned his body is, naturally lean as a predator hybrid, with muscles that Jungkook has to work to get.
“Bun,” Taehyung murmurs against Jungkook’s lips as he slips his fingers through his silky, dark hair and lightly tugs. “Are you gonna submit to me?”
The gentle yet dirty question makes Jungkook whimper despite his embarrassment at being reminded of his confession. He opens his eyes when Taehyung encourages him to tilt his head back by lightly pulling his hair. Even though Taehyung is speaking and behaving more like himself, there’s still a wild look in his eyes.
“Y-Yes,” Jungkook nods, and Taehyung slowly lets go of his hair.
“Good bun. Let me see.”
Kneeling on Taehyung’s bed, Jungkook slowly eases himself down onto his forearms, keeping his upper body low to the bed and his ass up. He’s been in this position before with Taehyung, but something feels different about it now. Perhaps it’s because this isn’t just a quick fuck. Love is involved this time. Maybe that’s naive and cliche, but Jungkook feels it when Taehyung runs his hands along his back. 
“Relax, baby. I’m gonna take care of you.” 
Taehyung presses his thumbs into the muscles of Jungkook’s back, where he must feel knots and points of tension, massaging Jungkook until he’s a puddle on the bed. Taehyung is always taking care of Jungkook. Part of Jungkook feels bad; all he’s done is give Taehyung a handjob. He’s still shy and unsure about what to do, but it doesn’t seem like Taehyung cares. 
To adjust Jungkook’s position, Taehyung grabs his hips and pulls him back until he’s kneeling at the edge of the bed, allowing Taehyung to stand behind him. Jungkook falls forward even more when Taehyung stands between his legs so he can spread Jungkook’s knees as wide as he wants.
“Do you always get this wet, or is it just me?” Taehyung asks as he rubs his fingers around Jungkook’s rim. Jungkook doesn’t turn around to look at him, but he can hear the cocky attitude in his tone, and it makes him even wetter.
“Just you,” Jungkook moans when Taehyung squeezes his hip and presses two fingers inside him. 
His response isn’t a lie to stroke Taehyung’s ego; Jungkook has never even cum more than once on his own. Something about Taehyung brings out this needy, desperate, depraved version of Jungkook. Taehyung is slow as he fucks Jungkook with his fingers, twisting and crooking them so they hit his prostate with each thrust. He massages it, pressing hard enough to make Jungkook’s legs shake, before pulling back again.
“You’re even wetter than last time.”
Jungkook hopes Hoseok really did leave because his moans grow louder as Taehyung uses his free hand to reach around Jungkook and squeeze his cock.
“Is it because I love you?” Taehyung asks softly against the nape of Jungkook’s neck when he leans over him and rolls his palm over the head of Jungkook’s cock. “Is that why you’re so wet, baby?”
Jungkook lets out a breathy whine and tries to push back against Taehyung’s fingers when he stops moving them. 
“Oh, it is,” Taehyung grins against Jungkook's shoulder, his teeth pressed into his skin.
“Taehyung, please.”
It’s not fair that Taehyung can read Jungkook like this. It makes Jungkook’s face heat up, especially when it’s obvious how his body reacts to Taehyung’s teasing. 
Kissing Jungkook’s nape, Taehyung’s lips follow his spine until he reaches his tail, skipping over that and leaving a kiss on each cheek. His hot breath and soft lips tickle, and Jungkook almost giggles until he feels Taehyung slip his cock between his cheeks. Taehyung grinds against him, slicking up his cock and making Jungkook moan every time the head of his cock catches against Jungkook’s rim. 
“You sound so pretty, bun,” Taehyung praises as Jungkook chants his name between breathy ah, ah, ah’s. “You look pretty, too, like this. I love seeing your gorgeous face, but…” 
Jungkook jolts forward with a moan when Taehyung slaps his ass, making the muscle jiggle. The sting shocks Jungkook, and the pleasure that comes from it. His weak whimpers must encourage Taehyung to do it again because he slaps Jungkook twice more in the same spot, each hit slightly harder than the previous. 
“Taehyung, please, please, just f-fuck me.” Jungkook might be an independent, confident person outside of the bedroom, but he isn’t above begging when Taehyung’s teasing him and torturing him. 
“Alright, baby, I’ll give you what you want,” Taehyung chuckles, and Jungkook’s face feels like a wildfire. 
A hiccuped sob tumbles from Jungkook’s chest when Taehyung slowly sinks his cock inside him. The position lets Taehyung reach deeper than he had before. It feels strange, and Jungkook panics for a moment when Taehyung squeezes his hips with both hands. 
“Tae,” Jungkook leans on his forearms and twists his head to look back at Taehyung. 
Taehyung looks gorgeous, with a healthy glow and bright eyes, even while wild. The veins in his arms are raised, and his biceps flex when he squeezes Jungkook’s hips to guide him back onto his cock. 
“It’s a lot,” Jungkook moans at Taehyung’s first real thrust. 
“I’ll be careful, baby,” Taehyung runs his palm up Jungkook’s back, soothing him with his gentle touch. “If it hurts, tell me, okay?”
Nodding, Jungkook lets his head hang as Taehyung thrusts into him again. The thrusts start slow, Taehyung building them up until he’s properly fucking into Jungkook with more power. He digs his fingers into Jungkook’s hips and pulls him down on his cock to meet each thrust.
They’re messy and loud, the wet slap of Jungkook’s ass against Taehyung’s body a steady beat to Jungkook’s loud moans. He can’t keep quiet, can barely keep himself grounded. Every drag of Taehyung’s thick cock against his walls makes Jungkook’s head spin. 
“You good, bun?” Taehyung grunts, adjusting his angle to make sure he hits Jungkook’s prostate each time he fucks into him. 
Unable to speak, Jungkook hums, sounding more like a needy whimper than anything else. Jungkook can tell that Taehyung is holding back so he doesn’t hurt him. He fists the bed sheets to give himself something to hold onto and tries not to let his knees give out or his face smash into the mattress when Taehyung reaches around his waist to pump his cock. 
The angle is awkward, and it’s hard for Taehyung to fuck Jungkook deeply if he’s leaning forward to reach his cock. After a few tugs, Taehyung wraps his hand around Jungkook’s wrist to pull his arm out from underneath him. 
“Touch yourself for me,” Taehyung commands, his voice too soft and smooth for what they’re doing. Hearing it makes Jungkook’s body quivers. 
“Feels so good,” Jungkook sighs as he begins fisting his cock, doing his best to keep up with Taehyung’s thrusts. 
Jungkook is a screamer. It’s embarrassing, but he can’t stop himself from wailing when he cums into his hand. His body spasms, making his other arm slip from underneath him. His body slumps forward onto the mattress, but Taehyung’s grip on his hips keeps him on his knees. 
“Keep going, come on.” 
Taehyung threads his fingers through Jungkook’s hair and holds him, doesn’t press down or tug, just keeps his hand there in an intimate touch gentler than how roughly he fucks him. It doesn’t take much more to have Jungkook coming again, his second orgasm apparently following his first fairly quickly – another new thing for him to learn about himself. 
“That’s it, bun, fuck,” Taehyung helps Jungkook finish himself off, lacing their fingers together so they can both fist his cock. 
Taehyung pushes Jungkook forward so he can kneel on the bed and drape his body over Jungkook’s, caging him in as he reaches his climax. When he cums, he bites Jungkook’s neck hard enough to bruise the skin but not break it. The throbbing pain makes Jungkook cum again, this time ending in a weak whimper that Taehyung captures in a kiss as he hovers over Jungkook’s body. 
“Fuck, I love you so much, Jungkook,” Taehyung whispers, and Jungkook can’t stop his tail from wiggling despite the embarrassment it brings him. 
“Oh my god,” Jungkook squirms, trying to escape from being underneath Taehyung, who smothers his laughter against Jungkook’s neck. “Taehyung, get away from me.” 
“Are you that happy? Getting all wiggly over here,” Taehyung coos. “Trembly and wiggly baby.” 
So much for being sexy. 
Later, after they shower, Jungkook has to sweep away the disappointment he feels when he looks in the mirror and notices there aren’t any puncture wounds or drops of blood on his neck. It’s not time, but maybe one day it will be. Clearly, Taehyung wants it too. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have risked a bruising bite that could have turned into a mating bite. Maybe Jungkook is getting ahead of himself. Maybe Taehyung is the one he’s meant to be with. 
“It looks good on you.” Taehyung’s whisper turns into a kiss on Jungkook’s temple when he squeezes past him in the small bathroom. 
Their eyes meet in the mirror; Taehyung’s a calm amber again. He touches the edge of Jungkook’s jaw, running one long finger along the edge and down his neck until he reaches the bite mark around his scent gland. When he presses on it, Jungkook whimpers. 
Holding Jungkook’s neck, Taehyung guides him to turn and raise his chin so he can kiss him from where Taehyung stands behind Jungkook. 
“You think so?” Jungkook doesn’t open his eyes, just basks in the smell of Taehyung’s shampoo and the warmth of their naked bodies pressed together. 
“Of course, bun.” 
Jungkook finally opens his eyes when Taehyung pulls away. 
“I have something for you,” Taehyung says quietly, focused on wrapping his towel around his waist. Hoseok was nowhere to be found when they emerged from Taehyung’s bedroom, but there’s no knowing if he has returned since their shower. 
The prospect of receiving a gift makes Jungkook giddy, not because he cares about material things, but because he likes the idea of Taehyung seeing something and thinking of him. 
“What is it?” he asks excitedly, a little annoyed when Taehyung won’t look him in the eyes. That is until he sees the pink blooming across the apples of Taehyung's cheeks. 
“I have to take you home to give it to you,” Taehyung says quietly, finally giving Jungkook a small smile when he looks up. “Home, home.” 
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Series Masterlist
Disclaimer: All my writing is fictional and for entertainment purposes only. None of these characters are meant to actually represent the real people mentioned in the stories. 
All rights reserved © @gimmethatagustd​ - Do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my writing. Do not use my writing for any AI purposes whatsoever. Do not use my fics for anything aside from reading and commenting on them. My fics will only be posted on this Tumblr and on AO3 (gimmethatagustd & daddytaehyungie).
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slackerlifewhere · 4 days
random thought #5: clothes
I only noticed this after remembering what he went through as Kim Rok Soo but I think Cale actually likes or prefers to wear dark-colored clothes. That, or there's another reason why he wears them.
It's not as obvious in the manhwa because the artist probably wants him to have bright colored clothes (fair) but it's been mentioned a few times in the beginning of the novel.
Cale, who used to enjoy wearing fancy clothes and showing off until just two years ago, was suddenly only wearing dark clothes, and had a completely different demeanor about him.
Chapter 43: Somehow
I'm not completely sure if he likes the color (shade?) but I remembered seeing Kim Rok Soo wearing them behind Cale Henituse in a cover.
[SPOILERS for the first part of TCF👇]
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Dark clothes could mean a person wants to look cool and stylish or it could mean a person is boring. And in some ways, the person wearing black is grieving.
I looked it up because I wasn't too sure (and I don't want to offend anyone) but Koreans apparently wear black clothes at funerals.
And knowing his past, it could be that he never stopped grieving even as Cale Henituse.
Like I've mentioned before, and what most readers know about him after reading the novel, there are a lot of funerals back in Korea and he attended some of them.
People die everyday in his world and some of them don't have anyone to grieve for them. It's why he's the one who showed up in Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo's funeral.
One of the things that changed the most was the funeral tradition. The reason was simple.
Too many people had died.
And even more continued to die every day and will die in the future.
- Chapter 719
Him constantly grieving for those he lost could appear in what he's wearing.
Yes, there are moments when he wears them to look intimidating in front of the nobles or his enemies but there was this one scene after the Plaza Terror Incident when he actually wears dark clothes, albeit more luxurious.
“It is a beautiful day today. Probably because we are here to respect the fallen.”
Cale’s red hair fluttered in the wind and created a stark comparison to his black outfit.
- Chapter 48: Somehow
It's a sad thing to think about if this is actually the reason why he wears them.
Another preference that was briefly mentioned before is him liking simple clothes. It could mean several things for him.
Simple clothes could mean he's lazy (which is debatable but probably true). Simple clothes could mean he's a guy with simple tastes (also debatable). Simple clothes could mean he was poor or doesn't have the more luxurious type of clothes. Or simple clothes could mean he's used to wearing them in a world where the apocalypse is real and he needs to move comfortably to survive.
I'm thinking he's so used to getting too injured, he never allows himself to wear something different. Like if you're gonna get cuts all over your body after using an ability, I doubt you'll bother wearing something nice.
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It's intriguing how a simple mention of his clothes can mean several things.
I really didn't consider the possibility of something more by judging what he wears.
From his words, to his actions, and even to his clothes, you can make different opinions and theories about him and that's why I'm having so much fun reading this novel.
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plusvanity · 2 months
Yesterday, I wanted to say that people who blocked me did the wiser thing, but today, I want to touch on a recent issue, a hugely (intentionally) misinterpreted and degrading problem.
The controversies that people started to spread about me literally make me sick to the stomach.
They don't give a fuck about my countless explanations of how this ship is my comfort ship, designed to help me heal from severe abuse, self hatred, body dysmorphia, depression and anxiety.
I try to switch from unhealthy coping mechanisms to something that is both productive, helpful and most of all, harmless (because it's imaginary).
They felt the need to turn something that I created as my own personal fictive escape into a gross sadomasochistic, abusive and extremely toxic 'excuse' for 'why is this ship and not that?'. My guts twist for seeing such cruel assumptions when I have one thing that makes me happy (a story, a healthy narrative) viciously turned into a gruesome scenario that is not what it is at all.
The fact that they accuse me of shipping fair-skinned, blonde people is also the biggest hypocrisy that they could come up with when they themselves forget that Øystein's natural hair is blond and his eyes are blue in their own double-standard ship.
The fact that accuse me of romanticizing self-harm while they themselves 'like' (I have proofs) and approve art of EuroDead self-destructive romanticism shows their duplicitous and impostor nature. This is not to be taken as an insult, but an obvious fact concluded by their behavior.
My ship has little to do with physical looks and everything else to do with the in-depth psychology. It's not me, PlusVanity who says that there's a gigantic overlap between highly-autistic traits and trauma response (in personality disorders), it's Freud, Jung, Lacan's teachings and many other's scholars, neurologists and psychiatrists came to this conclusion many many years before you and I were even born. If you, dearly-opinionated friend, think that you can prove to these honorable psychoanalytical figures (and me, of course) otherwise with credible and well-documented research and not your 'I don't like that just because' synthetic opinion, I will gladly listen to what you have to bring up. I am well-versed in the philosophical and psychological domain, and I can provide solid arguments to everything I claim.
It's more than just unfair to point the finger at me, accusing me of a ludicrous sadomasochistic and 'subliminal racial element' in my art just to satisfy your late frustration with an ' good-enough explanation' for something that you never even bothered to look into because otherwise you would know that you are wrong. I'm not spiteful, I'm just pointing your flaws in logic as straightforwardly and inconsiderable as you seem to point mine, but it's not like you will actually try to understand what I'm saying because this must imply 'admitting defeat' and a kick in the ego, so you don't even bother with my transparent explanations. That's alright.
This message is for the people who are open and mature enough to read the motive behind my art and writing. This monologue is not for the ones who blindly accuse me of horrible things or a hidden agenda that I don't have or try to promote.
If you think that you know better than me, you simply don't. Why might that be? Because I am the author, because you don't think with my brain and you have no access to what I stand for, other than my words and actions and neither my words or actions stood for any type of abuse or political extremism.
You also put words into my mouth by calling me a fan of Varg, when I'm most certainly not, but I mean you hate me, of course you will say such things. Everyone who's following me knows that I not only hate Varg, but mock him daily for his spiteful persona.
I do not engage in any drama, I am not here to fight anyone.
I will only have civilized conversations (if openness exists). I am here to be and share with my friends the one thing that makes me happy. To subjugate me for simply having a different view than yours is tyranny and black and white extremism.
Pairing real people is morally bad, but this includes all real people. Not just Varg and Pelle, but Øystein and Pelle too. Doesn't sound fair now, does it? I understand why.
Anyone is free to believe anything, but a conspiratorial opinion will never compare to the ultimate truth that only the author can provide.
Please block me if you wish for. This is a far more mature approach than lurking here or sending hate. I hope this is constructive.
To sum it up, I'm beyond hate and ingoing frustration. I will gladly wish my late-proclaimed haters a wonderful day even if they roll their eyes. 🖤
You cannot change options, you can only provide your insight.
Be kind, be open, be alright 🖤
I wish this post can be shared so a lot of people can read this 🙏
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cherrysoojins · 10 months
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८ bewitched , ateez laufey songs .
✉️. two of eight, jung wooyoung. from the start.
you had cupid on your shoulder and he couldn’t leave until he got jung wooyoung to fall in love with you.
&ㅤㅤ 📦 ♡ warnings. sfw, fluff, small mention of jongho if you read his story you will understand, suited for all ages, not proofread ( might have spelling errors ), let me know if any other warnings that should be added !
you had a little cupid on your shoulder.
and not just figuratively, either. you literally had a little man with wings, a diaper and a bow on your shoulders.
you were also not insane, though it one hundred percent sounds like you’re seeing things, you’re not. you were telling the complete honest truth, no lies. if anything, you really wish you were telling a lie because this thing– cupid– was a complete, utter annoyance to you.
you would think he would be helpful, but he is quite the opposite. granted that maybe he would help you on your college final exams and whisper you the answers when you needed help, and maybe he would conjure up some of the best tasting cookies known to man kind despite being the size of one, so maybe he was helpful in one aspect that wasn’t his actual job.
but when it did come to his actual job? he was absolutely unhelpful. and unfortunately, you can’t get this little guy to leave you alone until he completes his mission of finding you a lover.
“i just don’t get why my arrows don’t work on him.” cupid whined into your ear, his small body sitting on your shoulder as your hand scribbled down notes your professor had on the screen. luckily, you were in the back and the class was small, so most students gravitated towards the front, therefore none of them would be able to hear you conversing with cupid, who only you can see.
one thing to gather, cupid is stubborn. if he finds the perfect someone for his target, he will not give up on it. you’ve learned that the hard way.
cupid can’t leave you alone until he successfully matches you with someone, and jung wooyoung just absolutely would not fall in love with you.
cupid has been with you for years now. starting from your second year of high school when you realized you were in love with your best friend, wooyoung. and now he was still with you in your second year of college– you realized cupid might actually be with you for a lifetime trying to get jung wooyoung to fall into your arms.
arrow after arrow, spell after spell, book after book, cupid has been trying to figure out what was wrong. soulmates were not a thing everyone had, if you had a soulmate, cupid wouldn’t appear in front of that person like he does for you since they don’t need his help, so it’s obvious you don’t have a soulmate after his explanation of that. however, jung wooyoung didn’t either. therefore, cupid’s arrows should be working, so should his love potions, and according to his books there wasn’t anything he was doing wrong.
so why was jung wooyoung not falling in love with you?
“maybe you need new arrows.” you joked under your breath, loud enough for him to hear but making sure to not draw attention as you looked at him from the side of your eyes, going back to focus on your notes shortly after.
cupid froze on your shoulder, his eyes widening before he stood and pulled on your ear painfully hard, causing you to squeak and swat at your ear to get him off.
that earned some stares.
“sorry, fly.” you told the people who were affected by your squeal, getting a few nods in understanding before they turned back to their own notes. your own eyes traveled down to your notebook you slapped cupid onto.
“i never even thought of that!” he cheered joyously, clapping his small hands together as he stretched his angel wings out, peering up at you like you were the mythological creature that randomly entered his life.
you held back your smile, lightly brushing him to the side to get him off your notes so you could continue writing them.
“are you going to do that, then?” you inquired, not lifting your eyes from the notebook in front of you but still being able to see cupid nod vigorously in your peripheral vision. you couldn’t stop the smile from etching onto your face this time, holding up your pointer finger for him to high five.
cupid was sure as hell annoying, you swore he was annoying. but sometimes he was just an adorable little guy.
“i’ll be back before you know it!” cupid said, the underlying tone saying ‘i will be back with these arrows before you meet jung wooyoung later tonight at the cafe!’ before he vanished, leaving a dust of pink and silvery sparkles behind.
you shook your head with a smile, resting your chin on the back of your knuckles, writing your notes once again.
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cupid was not back in time for the meeting in the cafe. in fact, your class that he disappeared in ended five hours ago and he still hasn’t shown up in front of you since. you’ve never gone at least thirty minutes without cupid, so this sensation of feeling alone was definitely new and it was totally getting to you as you fidgeted with your coffee in front of jung wooyoung.
the same jung wooyoung who you fell in love with in high school.
the same jung wooyoung who even cupid can’t make fall in love with you.
and the same jung wooyoung who was talking about this new girl saying she was totally perfect and blah, blah, blah. you didn’t want to listen to it anymore, the heavy feeling of your heart in your chest becoming too unbearable.
with cupid here, you had hope. it’s the way cupid would do everything in his power to throw arrows continuously at wooyoung in hopes that maybe one will work, or magically spawning a love potion out of thin air and pouring it in his drink– those kinds of things gave you hope that maybe something will work out.
but you’re on your own, without cupid. and now, you have no one to rely on.
“she sounds great,” you strained, bringing your coffee to your lips and taking a sip, looking out the window you two were seated at as you listened to the soft jazz playing in the background. through the window you could see the barista that served you and wooyoung your coffees openly flirting with a straight faced male across the counter.
even opposite of them was another couple feeding each other a pastry. that was a little much, but still.
couples were everywhere right now and right in front of you was the man you literally wanted to be a couple with.
it was like the world was teasing you, saying ‘you can’t have it, hahaha!’.
“does she?” wooyoung asked.
you nodded, pursing your lips as you looked back at him with a forced close lipped smile.
“she’s you.”
“what?” you asked.
“what!” a voice piqued from your shoulder, which in the heat of the moment didn’t even scare you– you automatically knew it was cupid, who with no doubt probably had fresh new arrows he spent those five hours away from you working on.
wooyoung laughed, hiding his smile behind his hand as he threw his head back, leaning back on the dainty seat of the cafe chairs, shaking his head at the ceiling.
you stared at him, blatantly. literally with your jaw slightly unlocked, cupid having to use his small hands to push it up, then moving one from under your chin to push his own unlocked jaw shut.
“every time i talked about another girl, i’ve been describing you.” wooyoung told you once he sat up straight, putting his elbows on the table and leaning forward slightly, tilting his head at you with a smile.
cupid was sent into a frenzy at that sentence, hitting your shoulder and pulling at your ear as if he was throwing a tantrum (he was) but also coming to a realization.
“that’s why nothing worked! he loved you already!”
nothing worked because he was already in love with you. jung wooyoung already harbored feelings towards you. the potions, arrows, research books– all of it failed because they exist to make someone fall in love with you, but if jung wooyoung already loved you, obviously he would be immune to the affects of cupid’s abilities.
your heart fluttered, a smile overtaking your lips that you had to hide behind your hand, your gaze fluttering over to cupid who was now flying a couple of inches away from your shoulder, doing a small little happy dance.
all these years you spent with cupid trying to make this man fall in love with you… you want to say it was all worthless. but it wasn’t.
a silent ‘thank you’ was portrayed through your gaze, knowing if you said anything to the small flying man, wooyoung would probably think you’re insane and you weren’t risking him losing any feelings for you because you ‘talk to air’.
cupid smiled back at you, a happy, sentimental smile.
“for how long?” you turned your attention back to wooyoung, dropping your hand down to hold them against your cup of coffee.
“from the start.”
and with that, you could see the pink dust and silvery sparkles in the corner of your eyes.
cupid finally found you someone.
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full bewitched series masterlist !
send and ask or a pm to be added to the bewitched tag list!
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Tangled Hearts
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✿ Synopsis: He was your number one rival, after being caught in a compromising position with him, you find yourself in a circumstance where working with him seems to be your only solution. A torn sheet of paper with a list of rules holding both of your signatures, being the only thing connecting you two. Yet, what if you find yourself wishing that paper was not the only thing tying you two together.
✿ Who: Park Jeongson / Jay [Enhypen] & Gender Neutral Reader ✿ Word Count: 19733 Words ✿ Genre: Angst/Fluff ✿ Warnings: Explicit language, forced kissing, kissing, bodily harm, bleeding. ✿ Request: No ✿ Enjoy.
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“Read it and weep,” Slipped from your lips, slamming the exactly twenty-nine page report, which has a bright red A plus with a ninety-nine drawn in large letters and circled, onto his desk. “It seems someone didn’t do that well,” Mockingly left your mouth, as he quickly tried to cover the bright red A with a ninety drawn on in it large letters and circled, opting to just shove it into his folder instead of attempting to cover it. “If you need help you could always ask, I’m sure I could find the time in my schedule to tutor the less fortunate.” Was said with false pity lacing each word, nothing more than sarcasms dripping from each word that left your mouth.
Jay was quick to scoff, hiding the papers within his folder, before pushing your report from his desk, wishing you would just turn around at your table, instead of bothering him. “At least I got an A, or did someone forget that B you got yesterday.” He quickly retorted, laughing at the obvious displeasure upon your face, as he brought up the score you had received on your literature essay the day before, an eighty-nine, meanwhile he received a ninety-seven. “If you need help you could always ask, I’m sure I could find the time in my schedule to tutor the less fortunate.” He said, directly mocking what you had just said to him.
“Damn, y'all got nineties?” The person who shared the table with Jay inquired, as they looked between your papers, before looking at his own. “I got a thirty-two.” The voice was quick to add, which a thirty-two was a generous score, seeing how he only wrote about two pages and one of the two was not even on the topic the reports were supposed to be on. 
As you stared at the person who dared interrupt your bragging, Jay was doing the same. “Shut up Beomgyu.” Came from both of you at the same time, like some sort of coordinated circus act. Speaking at the same time, Jay and you made eye contact, an obvious look of disgust coming upon both of your faces. “This doesn’t involve you Beomgyu,” 
Beomgyu was fast to raise his hands up, symbolizing that he surrenders. “God calm down, I was just saying, I’d kill for a ninety-nine, or even a ninety.”
“Beomgyu, you would probably kill for a seventy, you have like what, a forty-three in this class.” Jay was quick to say, turning his attention to the guy besides him, hoping you would take the hint and leave him alone. Luck however in his favor, since at that exact moment a loud voice was heard clearing at the front of the class, drawing everyone’s attention.
Unable to retort to either of the men, you simply picked up your report, placing it into your folder, before focusing on the professor in front of you. Professor Jung was luckily not one of the hardest professors at your university, however, she did assign the most essays and reports. Today was no different, you had finished a month long report, and here she was ready to assign another report. The only question on your mind, was what would the topic be, 
“You all have done various reports and essays for this class so far this semester, so this month’s assignments, you will instead have a month long project. I know, you are disappointed you aren’t getting the monthly report and weekly essays as usual, but instead all your focus will be towards this project, so no reports or essays this month. This project is twenty percent of your grade, so make sure you work diligently, it can really hurt you, or it can really help you. The next two months will be one large project instead of two smaller projects, so remember who your partner is, they will be with you on this project until the end of the semester.” Professor Jung spoke, her eyes shifting towards Beomgyu as she said the last part. 
“I will be pulling it up onto the board momentarily, however I have chosen who you will be working with, make sure you get together with who you are paired with a plan out a schedule that will work for you. On our front desk, we have five papers, you will need one of each per group. One paper is a log, you will need to write down the time and date you meet up to work together and sign off on it, you need to meet up at least 5 times, to get full credit for that portion of the rubric. The next paper will vary group to group, they are upside down so you can not look through them; these are what you will be creating and if you need to create it to withstand a certain condition. You should all know we have been discussing urban building, rural building, and natural disasters; these sheets give you a prompt and some have a natural condition, you may be planning and building a kindergarten that can withstand the torrential tornados of the area, you maybe planning how to build a hospital in an area that does not have one for hours around and has extreme winters and summers, or you may be planning and building something that will be contained in the dead space under an elevated highway system. The third sheet is of the required components of your build and your documentation, each of these must be included for you to get full credit on this section.  The fourth sheet lets you know what is needed of your models, the minimum and maximum height and size your model can be. The last sheet is a list of questions that should be answered throughout your report. Please do not wait until the last minute to do this project, it is a lot more than you think it will be. Any materials for your builds can be taken from our department storage, however, make sure not to waste them, or take way more than you need.” Professor Jung finished her monologue, opening up the file with the pair's names onto the smartboard of the classroom, before starting to retreat towards her connected office. “Here are the pairs and class is dismissed. Get to work on your projects.” She said, finally entering her office, yet not closing the door behind herself, leaving it wide open for any students that have questions.
Looking down at the paper on your desk, the notebook sheet was filled with perfectly written and spaced notes. You documented everything she said was important, and wrote the main details of the project down. Making sure to make your things up, except for your folder, to put the papers into. Knowing that the professor made your pairs, you could only hope that Beomgyu’s name was not next to your own, since that would mean doing the whole project solo. As you thought about being paired with Beomgyu, a few other classmates names came to mind, Winter, Taehyun, Yuna, and others; each one being just not the best to be paired with, either they were failing or just barely getting by, and you would be damned if you let them ruin your straight A’s in this class. The lowest score you had received from Professor Jung was a ninety-four, and you planned to keep it like that. However, you did not have long to dwell on who you would be working with, as you heard an anguished muffled yell from behind you.
“She has to be joking,” Jay was quick to say, shooting Beomgyu a dirty look, as his seatmate started to laugh, knowing why Jay was so mad. “Don’t even start with me Beomgyu,” He said, the venom dripping from each of his words, causing Beomgyu to immediately shut up. 
Beomgyu noticed in his own silence, that you were silent, but also that you were packing your things. “I guess someone’s not as mad as you, maybe they wanted to work with you.” He was quick to say, rising from his seat before poking at your arm, with a laugh. “Am I right?” 
Feeling the finger poke at your arm, you moved your arm, staring up at Beomgyu with a look to tell him to stop. “Are you right about what? Why are you looking at me like that?” You asked him, finally deciding to look away from his grinning face, the only thing to look at being the board in the front of the class. “This is a joke right, this has to be fake, no way am I working with him.” You were quick to say, rising with a start, unable to believe what you had just read.
On the board was a list of names, Taehyun and Yuna, Beomgyu and Sakura, Winter and Karina, and right under that sat your name, next to one you would never wish upon even your worst enemy. “No way am I working with Jay,” quickly left your lips, grabbing your bag, you planned to make your way over towards the professor's office, this could not be happening, and you could not be expected to work with him. Hell, you would rather work with Beomgyu, the person whose highest score in the class was a fifty-four, than with Jay.
“Think I want to work with you either sweetheart,” Jay was quick to say, walking past you with ease, making it to the professor's office right before you did. 
Beomgyu stood back, enjoying the show, watching as you both stormed into Professor Jung’s office. “You might not want to work together, but it seems she wants you to.” He called out on deaf ears, since neither of you were listening to a single word from anyone, instead being consumed by your anger of the situation.
Walking into the professor's office, she looked up, gesturing to the door. Jay was quick to close the door, given the look in her eyes, you knew she had done this on purpose, and it let you know that you were not going to be successful in getting a partner change. “I can not work with them.” You said, just as Jay did, once again speaking in complete sync. As you had prior, both exchanged a dirty look, shocked that they spoke in sync once more. “I would rather work alone than with them.” Was said, both completely in sync again, causing an amused look from Professor Jung.
“You two are my brightest and best students. I don’t know what is going on between you two, this whole little hate situation, but it needs to end. The architecture business isn’t as large as you may think it is, and both of you, being as bright and excellent as you are, will more than likely be working together once you graduate. You two need to figure out whatever this little problem is between you, sort it out, and work together. You will not be getting separated, you will not be doing this project alone, and you will not just do the work on your own. You have been paired together, so you will be working together as a pair, I will not be changing my mind, this discussion is over, go get started on your project.” Professor Jung was quick to say, ending any argument before it started, not even giving either of you a chance to plead your case. 
Leaving her office, you felt dejected, and honestly, Jay felt the same. She dismissed the two of you and did not even allow you to get any words in, instead ending the discussion and sending you on your way. Exiting her office, the classroom was empty, not even Beomgyu hung around to bother the two of you. Leaving the office, there were exactly five sheets of paper left on the table at the front. Grabbing them, you sighed, guessing you would be having to work with Jay, despite how much it hurt you to think of. “Modern art museum surrounded by a garden, no major environmental conditions affect this area.” You read off the paper, just before it was stolen from your hand. 
“If you think I trust you with our project’s papers, you are dreaming.” Jay said, starting to shove the papers into his bag. Just wanting to leave this classroom, go to his apartment and forget this ever happened. Being paired with you was the worst thing that could have happened for his day, he would rather work with Beomgyu, or any of the other names on the list of slackers of the class, than you. 
Cringing as he shoved them into his backpack, you reached in, grabbing the papers back before he could zip his bag. “You could at least have the common fucking courtesy to not crumble the papers into small balls.” You said, starting to flatten the papers out, before putting them into your own folder. “You know, then maybe we can actually read them, when we need them.” 
Jay scoffed, watching as you treated the papers with such gentleness, attempting to fix the crinkles he made in the material. “Whatever you say sweetheart, whatever makes you feel better.” He said, just zipping his bag up before removing his phone from his pocket. “Just give me your number and we can plan when we’ll meet up,” He started, planning to insult you once more, by saying he just could not stand to breath in the same air as you any longer, yet seeing Professor Jung leaving her office, a new stack of papers in her hands, for her next class, he decided not to.
Looking up, seeing his eyes catch onto something, you knew Professor Jung was in the room. Knowing that, you stopped your own arguing, simply just putting the papers into your folder, and your folder into your backpack, before zipping it up. Giving him your number, you found yourself leaving the classroom right after him, the two of you headed in different directions as you headed to lunch. It took not even five minutes for you to receive the first message, ‘this is Jay’, being all it said. 
Before you knew it, it was the end of the day, you were on your way to the library, having planned to meet with Jay there after your last class ended. While walking through the various shelving units, you searched each of the tables, looking for the familiar sharply dressed black haired man. He had told you that he would be here after your last class, so you consider that maybe you should have walked with him here, seeing how you had all the same classes. That was how all this started, being the same major, you both took the recommended course loads, and therefore ended up in all the same classes. It being semester three of this, with five more to go, it was only natural that the two top students in each class would begin to compete with one another, being rivals. 
Walking through the aisles of the library, each table seemed to be full of students that were not him. In another life you would have been working with anyone else in the class, or better yet your professor would have allowed you to work alone, but instead you were stuck in this life, and stuck with him. Maybe in your other life things went differently, you were the top of your class, no need to compete with Jay for that spot; yet, for every life you were top of class, there was another Jay who was top of class. Throughout your endless search for the male, you were growing tired, where could he be hiding in this library. Rather than just having to search every nook and cranny of the library, you should have made him give you a specific place to meet at, which you would the next time you meet.
This was the first of your five mandatory meetings, and it seemed like it might not even happen. Anger filled your being as the thought that Jay had lied, wasting your time like this, crossed your mind. Getting ready to head back towards the entrance and leave, you found yourself standing at the stairs to the fourth floor, the last floor of the library. Deciding you may as well check it, seeing how you checked all the other floors, you started your way up the stairs. The fourth floor was rarely used by students, one half of the room was full of old books from the archives, while the other half of the room was filled with a variety of children’s books and stories. These archive books were not available to be checked out in the university's library system, but were allowed to be used while on this floor. This part of the floor was usually only used by medical students, using the books that were so heavy they were unable to be removed from the podiums on which they sat, while the other part of the floor was only used by the education majors, selecting books to read to their practicum classes and books for their children’s literature reports. Weaving in and out of the shelving units, even going as far as to glance into empty study rooms that usually remained vacant at this point of the semester, honestly they usually remained empty at every point of the semester, he was nowhere to be seen. 
The anger you had felt before ascending the stairs started to return, the fact that he had wasted your time like this, you had been searching throughout the library for almost thirty minutes for him. It angered you how he did this, practically sending you on a wild goose chase for him, when he obviously was not in the library during this time. The only places you had yet to check were the bathrooms, and you were definitely not going to be checking in them. Rounding the corner you exited the tall shelves full of old ancient books, most of which were factually inaccurate at this point, but too costly for the university to dispose of, into a much different scene, tall shelves full of colorful children’s books in a variety of languages. Walking through the first few, you started to hear voices, they were unintelligible from where you stood, but were louder the further you walked. Glancing at the books displaying brightly colored covers with anthropomorphic animals wearing a variety of clothing you thought to yourself, of course I would find Jay in the middle of the children’s section, these books are probably perfectly his reading level. 
As you neared the first corner in the children’s section, the voices became a lot louder, it was a female voice, and they were repeatedly whispering, yelling a name. Getting closer you started to recognize what they were saying, it was Jay’s name repeatedly; the girl was saying Jay, Jay Park, Park Jongseong on repeat, like she was trying to call some sort of dog. Immediately turning on your toes, you walked in the opposite direction, not wanting to run into what sort of banshee was a few shelves down calling out for Jay’s name like they were calling a lost dog. Walking directly into the next corner, you found yourself being grabbed by the arm, back pushed against the cold hard deep brown wood of the side of a bookshelf. Immediately you opened your mouth to scream, but instead a hand was quick to cover your mouth, muffling any noise. Looking up, you realized the hand belonged to none other than Jay, as he kept you from making any noise, his eyes staring into yours with a pleading look, begging you to say nothing. With a nod, his hand moved from your mouth, the pleading look stayed in his eyes. “Why they fuck are you hiding up here? What the fuck are you doing?” You whispered to him, trying to move from his grasp, but his hold on you kept you exactly where you were. 
As you started to whisper, Jay could only hope that Yujin was unable to hear the two of you, otherwise she would be all over him again in just a minute. “I’m trying to hide from Yujin, so if you could keep it down, once she leaves we can work on our project.” Jay whispered through clenched teeth, trying his best to keep the two of you hidden on the bookshelf edge, hopefully just out of Yujin’s line of sight.
Upon hearing the name slip from his lips, a moment of realization hit you at that name, Yujin. She was a girl you noticed back in the second semester, it was freshman year and she for some reason got obsessed with Beomgyu and some other guys in your classes. Beomgyu was always bragging about how smoking hot she was, that was until she realized Beomgyu’s future was not as bright as Jay’s. She transferred into your architecture classes at the beginning of your second year, but quickly transferred back into her original major, once she realized how hard the classes were. Honestly, she was a joke to everyone in your major, she would attempt to attach herself to any guy that would catch her attention, especially to any major that she felt would be rich. She had her try with the medical majors, none giving her time of day, she then tried to shoot her shot with the computer science guys, but they honestly were mostly too focused on coding to pay attention to her, the engineering guys did not even let her start, and then it was the architecture majors. None of them would let her around them either, Beomgyu being the only exception, and he was honestly the only one of them she did not want. 
Knowing her history around the college, how she described herself as majoring in becoming a missus, made the whole situation even more hilarious to you. Yujin, whose whole goal was not to graduate university, but instead to get married to someone that will be rich, seemed to have set her sights on the one and only Park Jongseong. His discomfort brought you joy, it reminded you of a freshman student you had tutored for one of your professors, he thought it was more than just tutoring, swearing he had fallen in love with you, always asking you out and not leaving you alone. “If you aren’t interested in her, just let her know, I’m sure she’d leave you alone after being told.” You mockingly said to him, recalling the exact words Beomgyu had told you last semester, overhearing your complaints about the freshman, Alex, words Jay agreed with at that moment. Yet, in this moment, based on the look he immediately gave you, they were words he did not agree with any longer.
Opening his mouth to respond, he immediately closed it again after hearing the voice getting closer and closer to where you were standing. Yujin’s shrill voice saying Jay on repeat like a broken record. The voice was getting closer and closer, like some twisted version of Marco Polo where only one person calls out, and in this version you definitely did not want to get caught by the one calling out. Jay’s body pressed closer to yours, the voice getting closer and closer. 
“Jay, I found you.” Yujin’s voice started to say, finally seeing Jay’s backpack, but luckily not seeing where you stood. She started to make a beeline down the aisle, easily walking as quickly as she could towards the man she had spent the last thirty minutes or so in the search of.
Hearing her footsteps get closer and closer, fear set into Jay, and you were able to see it on his face, knowing good and well that once she was here, Yujin would probably not be leaving him alone. You started to open your mouth, a comment for Yujin loaded, to let her know where he indeed was. The comment however never came. 
Jay looked around, trying to find a way out, Yujin getting closer and closer, terrifying him more than anything. As he looked around for a way out, he caught your eyes, keeping eye contact for only a second, he tried to find a way out once more. As Yujin was almost there, he did the unthinkable, bending down he pressed his lips against yours, rendering the both of you frozen for a moment, completely unsure of what just happened. 
The two of you just stand there, frozen, letting Yujin see exactly what was going on. Before you knew it a shrill scream was heard, she was shocked at what she saw evident by her voice. “You fucking asshole Jongseong,” She started to scream, “You’ve had a significant other this whole time you asshole, leading me on like I had a chance.” She said, the venom dripping from each word she said. With a huff that sounded more like a muffled scream, she turned on her heel, storming off, leaving the two of you alone, lips pressed against one anothers, and confused as to what just happened.
Once she was out of the area, the two of you finally parted, Jay moving away from you, making sure Yujin was actually gone. As he did that, you were unable to stop your hand from coming up, hitting him square in the chest, causing him to let out a labored breath, before stepping back once more, out of your arm’s reach. “What the fuck was that for Park Jongseong?” You whisper yelled at him, the last thing you wanted to do was attract Yujin’s attention back to where you stood. “I have to disinfect my fucking mouth now” Was muttered under your breath, as you wiped at your mouth with the sleeve of your plaid cardigan.
Stepping back away from you, attempting to dodge another slap that never came, Jay stared at you, his eyes catching the look of disgust that was held in your own eyes. “Sorry, you think I wanted to do that, it was the only thing I could think of to get rid of Yujin. You know how she is, a damn piranha, once she sticks herself on you, she doesn’t leave. I didn’t know what else to do.” He started to ramble, attempting to explain why he did what he just did. As he spoke however, he thought of how Yujin was the campus gossip, if she had not already, soon everyone would know what just happened, who he was kissing, and everything. 
“Maybe talk to her, if you aren’t interested in her, just let her know, I’m sure she’d leave you alone after being told.” You said, mocking him once more for the words he agreed with that were once said to you. “Maybe instead of putting your disgusting lips against mine, you could have used your words, and just told her you don’t like her. Maybe spoke up for the whole male population of the school, maybe humbled her a bit, instead of kissing me.” Was said, each word making you angrier and angrier at what he just did. “Do you even know what you just fucking did? Everyone and their mother is going to know what you did, in like thirty minutes. The devil moves fast, but Yujin moves faster, especially when it involves the object of her misguided affection at that moment in time.” You said, what was to happen, finally hitting you. “She’s going to tell every fucking one.” 
Jay shakes his head, wanting to do nothing more than forget what had just happened, what he had just done, what he had honestly just started. “Let’s just work on our project, I doubt she’s gonna do much. She’s all bark and no bite. Sure she’ll run her mouth, but who is gonna believe her.” Jay was quick to say, thinking of all the times the two of you have started arguments, knowing there was no way anyone in their right mind would believe Yujin if she said she found the two of you kissing. Honestly, most people would not even believe Yujin if she said she saw you two in a room not arguing, even that would be a stretch.
The anger in your eyes remained, despite his words, since you knew she would talk, and people would listen. Even if they did not believe her words, they would still humor her, they would listen to her talk endlessly about whatever it was, and this week it was yourself and him. “I swear to god, if I have even one person approach me about this bullshit, I will make your life even harder than it already is.” You were quick to threaten him, wanting nothing more than to go home at this point, but knowing you needed to start on your project. 
Grabbing your backpack, you were quick to walk towards the isolation rooms in the middle of the floor that separated the children’s section from the archives. Entering one, you left the door cracked, hoping that Jay had the common sense to follow you. Sitting down, you were quick to start unloading your supplies, getting everything from class laid out. Ready to start working on this dumb project with him, knowing the sooner you get started, the faster you can get away from him.
Jay was shocked at what he heard, listening to you threaten him, but he oddly understood why. Watching as you started to blaze a trail, walking away from him, he quickly grabbed his own backpack, walking quickly to follow you. Entering the isolation room after you, he was fast to do the same as you had, spreading out his supplies on the table, getting ready to start the project. Working together, the two of you decided upon some basics of your assignment. Despite having plans to get as much done as you could, the drama with Yujin had delayed your start, leaving little done, before you decided to finish for the night.
Exiting the fourth floor, you found a set of eyes on you, averting your eyes as one of Yujin’s friends caught sight of you and Jay leaving the fourth floor, you just continued walking. Unbeknownst to you, what Yujin had seen was already spreading along campus, especially amongst your circles. It would have been nothing more than hearsay, had it not been accompanied by a photo taken by a Yeji, one of Yujin’s friends who worked in the library, who happened to be monitoring the cameras at that exact moment. 
Exiting the library you were quick to realize a short buzz to your phone, opening it up, you saw nothing more than a message from Gaeul, one of your friends. The message said nothing more than ‘Jay? Really?’, alerting you that the mouth of Yujin had started to spread what she saw across campus already, much to your dislike.
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Entering class the next day, it was odd, everyone’s eyes were shifting between Jay and yourself, yet none of them said anything. You had hoped that the rumor would just stay between Yujin and her circle, but obviously that wishful thinking had not done you well at all, since it seems everyone knew, even the teachers. Luckily no one said anything, most people were too afraid to speak up knowing how easily the two of you would give other verbal lashings with your words, too intelligent for many to even attempt to say anything. Well, that was until Beomgyu spoke up, once you sat in your seat next to him. 
“Enemies to lovers arc, am I right. I totally called it. The chemistry I sensed between you two, I totally know you two were totally hate fucking after class, I just fucking know it.” Beomgyu was quick to say once you sat next to him, Jay was on one side, while you were on the other. “Here let me switch you two seats, so you two lovebirds can sit together.” He said attempting to stand up, before Jay’s hand roughly grabbed his arm, pulling him right back down into his seat. “Oh, I see,” he started, like he was some sort of detective genius, instead of just an annoying classmate and friend. “A lover spat, I see. Probably wanted to keep your relationship on the downlow a bit longer, am I right, that photo Yeji sent around must have made it really hard to do that.” 
Ignoring Beomgyu was an art, if you were to be honest. He could be saying anything in the world, and your selective hearing would kick in, and only hear what it wanted to hear that fell from his overactive mouth. Yet, this time, your selective hearing was unneeded, you listened to each word he said, anger starting slowly, until it peaked at the last thing he said. “What photo?” You were quick to ask him, grabbing his arm, your nails digging into his arm as you started to squeeze his arm. “What photo are you talking about Beomgyu?” You repeated, each word getting deeper and deeper, as the anger started to take you over. It was expected that Yujin would run her mouth, telling everyone and anyone that would listen, a photo accompanying her words, that was crazy, there was no one on the fourth floor yesterday except for the three of you. 
Beomgyu grimaced, shaking his arm from your grip before grabbing his phone, quickly pulling up the campus drama twitter page that had been created long ago by students that had not enough work to do, and too much free time. “See, this photo.” He said, showing it to you, before showing it to Jay, knowing if you had not seen it, Jay probably had not as well. Holding his phone out, so the three of you could see it, he gazed at the photo. “Who would have guessed my two besties would be caught making out in the library, like naughty, naughty, you couldn’t choose a better place, the children’s section of the library. What if there was a child there? You two would have scarred it for life, imagine looking for Pinkalicious and instead seeing you two sucking face, horrifying.” 
Staring at the photo, you found yourself speechless, the anger that was within you found itself slowly being replaced by embarrassment. Not only did the whole campus know about Jay and you kissing, but here there was a photo to prove it. A photo that had not only spread through your department, but the whole campus at this point. Staring at the phone in Beomgyu’s hand, you were unable to stop your eyes from shifting down to the limited comments that were available, each one saying that they either saw this coming, or pointing out the fact you were making out in the library like heathens. 
Unable to keep yourself calm, you decided it was best for you to leave. Skipping class was unlike you, but with the feelings that were filling you heart in that moment, you felt it was best, needing to get away, to just have a day off. “I, I’ve got to go.” You quickly muttered to Beomgyu, gathering your items as quickly as you could, before leaving the classroom. 
Watching going through whatever turmoil was going on in your mind, Jay found himself caught up in the thoughts going through his mind as well. On one hand, Yujin would leave him alone now, but on the other, everyone thought the two of you were dating. Watching as you stormed out of the class, he was confused for a moment. You were often so strong, always willing to fight, but here you were all but running, and it looked almost as though there were tears pooling in your eyes as you left the classroom. He was quick to stand up, deciding to follow you, after all yesterday he said no one would trust what Yujin said, but he had not bet on her having a friend that was employed at the library and working yesterday afternoon. He ignored Beomgyu’s call to make sure his lover is alright, just wanting to do something he had never wanted to do to you before, apologize.
Leaving the classroom, you were unable to make it far before an arm grasped your own, stopping you where you stood. Coming face to face with no one other than Alex, the younger man stood there, obviously uncomfortable with what he was going to be doing. “Hey, I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I wouldn’t have come on to you if I knew you had a boyfriend.” He said, almost like all those times he made you uncomfortable would have been okay if you were actually single. His words said one thing for certain, he was only sorry at the thought that he had attempted to come onto another guy's significant other, not that he was actually sorry for making you uncomfortable with his constant advances and appearances. Alex opened his mouth, about to speak more, but seeing someone over your shoulder, he instead closed his mouth, just bowing his head, muttering one last thing before running off. “I’m really sorry.” He muttered, but it was more directed towards the figure behind you, than to you.
From how Alex reacted, you did not need to turn around to know who stood behind you, it was of course Park Jongseong. “What do you want?” You asked, your voice cracking, as you finally turned around, looking him in the eye. You wanted nothing more than to continue running, but seeing how he already followed you this far, you knew he would follow you wherever you left to go.
As Jay’s eyes made contact with yours, he knew he was right, there were tears in your eyes. The person that was always so strong, always willing to fight, stood here in front of him, tears filling their eyes and their voice cracking, breaking. “Um,” He started, suddenly feeling unsure about what he was going to say. He suddenly felt worried, what if what he said made those tears actually start falling, what if he just hurt you worse than you already were. You might have been rivals, but other than in the case of grades, he did not actually want to see you hurting. “I just wanted to say I’m sorry, I didn’t know that she had someone that would do that. If I was honest, I didn’t think Yujin would have any friends seeing how insufferable she is, let alone a friend that works at the library.” He said, like it helps somehow, like his apology would make everything better. 
Shaking your head, you turned on your heel once more, starting to storm off. The only thought on your mind was getting home as quickly as possible, getting back into the safe walls of your apartment, only there could you forget everything that happened and all about Jongseong. Had you been looking behind you, you would have seen Jay reaching out his hand to grab you, only to clutch at air, as you moved before he could catch your arm. Weaving through the students, you ignored all the stares, especially when you heard the footsteps behind you, only attracting more attention than you had before. Walking faster and faster, you practically ran out of the hall, down the flight of stairs, and then out the front entrance of the building, just needing to get away from all of this, to get away from everyone, to get away from him.
Jay was quick to follow you out, he weaving through the students as you did, walking fast just behind you out of the building. Seeing you rounding the corner, he started to actually run, easily catching up to where you stood, grabbing your arm, yanking you back towards him. “Please, just hear me out.” He started, keeping a hold on your arm as he spoke, knowing the moment he let it go, you would run once again, and he would have to chase you all over again.
You stood there in silence, not wanting to do this now, honestly not wanting to do this ever, but you found yourself turning around, finally deciding to confront this issue. “Hear you out about what? How is it not a total trainwreck that all of our classmates think we are together? How is it not a total violation of my privacy that some photo of you kissing me is spreading around online? How I should be lucky it was you since I obviously couldn’t do any better on my own?” You started to rant, unsure exactly what was coming from your mouth half the time, your brain just taking over, and running on autopilot, words falling out without much of a thought put into them. 
Jay shook his head, staring at you, listening to each thing that you said in that moment. “Just hear me out,” He said again, finally getting a nod from you, as you crossed your arms. “I know you think this is the worst thing that could happen, but think of it how I’m seeing it now. Yujin and her crew haven’t bothered me once, since those photos were spread. Think of that freshman, he apologized to you, have any of the other underclassmen been bothering you since those photos started to spread.” He started to explain, as much as he hated to suggest it or look at it this way, he valued not being followed by the girls that only came to college to find a husband even more.
“He didn’t apologize to me, he apologized since he thought he was messing with another man’s significant other.” You told him to start, pausing before continuing. “And yeah, sure, none of the other under or upperclassmen have bothered me since the photo was posted.” Quickly followed after, thinking of how none of the guys that were in your direct messages had messaged you within the last twelve hours. 
“I’m just saying, they don't bother me and you aren’t being bothered anymore either.” Jay explained, the idea coming together in his head. “All I’m saying, let them think we are dating. Hell, we could pretend to be dating, that way we can keep our sanity, we keep them away from us, and we don’t have to worry about them bothering us anymore.” Jay suggested, unsure of what he thought this was a great idea, but he enjoyed the space he has gotten since they decided to leave him alone a little too much.
Scoffing at each word he spoke, you found yourself shaking your head, pretending to date, letting them think you are, what kind of world is he living in. “You must be the single stupidest person I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting in my life.” You started, staring at him in disbelief. “Pretend to date, no one would believe that, and that’s possibly the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard.”
Listening to you speak, he shook his head, listening to how easily you discredited his idea. “Just think about it. When those pictures spread, all those freshmen that were bothering you stopped, just cold turkey, no longer messaging you anymore. They didn’t even question anything, they saw that photo and just believed it, so I think they would. But, you know if you would rather, we can deny it and I’m sure that one freshman, what was his name, Alec, would have no problem being quick to ask you out again, you know, if you want that.” He explained, seeing how easily they believed a photograph, saying you were dating would probably work just as easily.
The grimace quickly grew onto your face at his words, the mention of Alex finally making your mind think, maybe it is not that bad of an idea. “No, no, don’t.” You started, finally thinking about what he said fully. “But how would we make it believable, no one's gonna just believe it just started or anything, they are gonna want to know details, information, and the backstory.” 
“Simple, we just worked out a fake backstory. Like how with our project we need to give our building a backstory, just like that, except it’s us.” Jay started to explain, “And we can just share our favorite things with each other, that way we know some things about each other, so if anyone asks, we know.” He said, nodding at his own idea, knowing it was a great one, but seeing the apprehension on your face, he continued. “We could consider this a project itself, like we are doing a project within our project.” He said.
Nodding your head, as much as you hated the idea of it all, the idea of being left alone seemed too good to resist. “Fine,” You started, before thinking of something that would definitely help this situation. “We need rules if we're gonna do this."
This was how you ended up sitting across from him, surrounded by an empty cafe, two half empty coffee cups on the table, and a notebook with a blue gel pen sitting on top of it. "Rule number one: no catching feelings." You were quick to say, writing it down, before looking up at Jay, seeing him nodding at the text.
“Rule number two; tell no one.” Jay added, seeing an odd look from you, as he spoke. “Don’t lie, I know you’ll tell Gaeul, and you and I both know, she can’t keep her mouth shut for anything.”
Nodding at his words, you quickly wrote it down. “Rule number three: no romantic shit.” You said, starting to write it down, only having the words rule number three down, when Jay’s hand stopped yours from writing.
Jay shook his head, grabbing your hand, stopping you after you had written down what rule you were on. “We have to do some of that romantic shit, as you put it, otherwise people won’t believe it. What about instead of ‘no romantic shit’, you put ‘only romantic shit when around others’.”
Shaking your head, you could not believe what he was saying, but you understood it to an extent. “What about, ‘romantic shit to an extent when others are around?” You proposed, seeing him nod his head, you quickly wrote it down.
“Rule number four: once all of this is over, we go back to hating each other, like none of it ever happened.” Jay suggested, watching as you wrote it down, before seeing you write rule number five, putting don’t fall in love again. “Why list that twice?” He questioned, just to see you shrug at the question. “Really helpful.” 
Signing the paper, allowing him to sign it, you folded it, placing it into a pocket in your folder, almost like it was a real contract. “I guess we need to learn some basic things about each other too while we are at it.” You said, finishing your coffee, just before Jay gets up to get himself a new coffee. 
That was how your day was spent, going over favorites, creating a backstory, making sure it was believable to others. “So, we hit it off after working together in a class last semester, kept a bit of a situationship before deciding to make it real this semester. We are still super competitive, but we don’t hate each other. Your favorite color is purple. You play the piano and guitar. Your favorite season is autumn. You enjoy cooking and playing video games.” You said, listing off the things you came up with, how you started to date, facts about him, and Jay did the same for you. As the cafe started to get more crowded, you realized how it was nearing noon, nearing the time that more and more students would be getting out. Noticing this, you decided to call it good for the day, allowing tomorrow to be your first official day dating.
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"Hold my hand you dumbass." Was muttering under your breath, you attempting to slot your hand into Jay’s, as the two of you walked to class. The both of you slightly shivered as your hands finally intertwined, but luckily was invisible to the student eye, they instead saw a sweet couple walking hand in hand to class.
Jay had to resist the urge to grimace as his fingers intertwined with yours. “Your hand is sweaty.” He muttered under his breath, just loud enough you could hear it, but no others.
“And your hand is clammy.” You retorted back to him, allowing him to hold the door open, the two of you walking through the halls of the building your classes were in. Making your way to your classroom, you could tell other’s eyes were on you, but you honestly did not care, just happy at how the few underclassmen you had chasing you, were finally leaving you alone.
Entering the class, luckily it was empty, except for one person. One person who never comes early, but he could not resist the urge to see his favorite couple this early in the morning. “Oh, look at the lovebirds, even so enamored this early in the morning.” Beomgyu was quick to yell. Walking closer, you noticed that he had moved over into Jay’s seat, leaving his seat empty to allow Jay and yourself to sit together. “My favorite couple, making my heart swell with joy, I feel like cupid.” He started to ramble, running his mouth like he did shit in getting the two of you together. 
Sitting down, Jay followed quickly after, seated next to you. The two of you grabbed your things out, getting ready for class to start. At some point both of you were just ignoring Beomgyu, he was talking like he was a relationship god for getting you two together. Only hearing the odd word from him, you were able to put together that he was talking about starting a company, a dating company, getting paid to pair couples together, since he was the human version of cupid. 
You were ignoring him, until he started directly talking to you once more. “I’m just saying, I’m like a godly matchmaker, like if it wasn’t for me manifesting, you two wouldn’t be together. Like I manifested this, I could charge others and become a millionaire, you two being my first and favorite success story.” Beomgyu rambled on, like he had any part in this at all.
“Shut up, Beomgyu.” You were quick to tell him, having enough of this constantly rambling and talking. Holding his hands up, Beomgyu leaned back in his chair, causing you to ball your first, almost like you were planning on taking a swing at him. Shifting, Beomgyu was quick to lean as far back as he could, knowing you would not hit him, but not taking any chances. Jay was quick to catch your hand in his own, unfurling your curled fingers, and intertwining your hands. Starting to pull your hand out of his, a look of disgust almost coming over your face, you noticed the odd look from Beomgyu as he saw you moving, then the look upon Jay’s face, that made you just stop moving in all, staying still just accepting your fate. Staring down at your notebook on your desk, you slowly let out the breath you were holding out, trying to calm yourself. The last thing you needed to do was something stupid, since you knew if Beomgyu knew the truth, everyone on campus would within a matter of minutes.
Beomgyu was quick to make a soft noise, staring at the couple in front of his eyes. “Aw, don’t be shy, you two can hold hands in front of me, no need to be shy.” He started, thinking your reaction was shyness from him being there. “I am basically like your fairy godfather, so it’s okay, hold hands, sit together, kiss, it’s all good. I wish I was in love, seeing you two makes me want someone of my own.” Beomgyu started to talk again, going off topic with ease, going on and on about how he wants someone, how he actually thought Yujin was pretty hot, but she said he was not smart enough for her.
At some point, you were unable to hear Beomgyu anymore, the only thing on your mind being how Jongseong’s thumb was drawing small circles on your palm, just barely grazing the surface of your hand without a single thought. Despite the desire to rip your hand from his grasp, you knew what it would look like to the others, and the need to push the idea of this relationship, freed you from more things than you would gain from denying it. Since the rumor started there were no more weird guys in your direct messages suggesting tutoring sessions, that they hoped would turn into more. Jay was noticing something similar, since Yujin started the rumor, no longer did he receive the lingering stare of the single girls in the class, nor did he receive the whole spiel about how he was so handsome and so smart and they would like to go out with him. Despite the pain of the situation, the pros were outweighing the cons at this moment.
It was not long before your professor entered the classroom, her presence bringing all conversations to a stop as she started to teach. Only then did you let your hand drop from his, taking notes and making sure you document everything she said of importance. It felt odd, sitting in class next to Jay without the desire to argue with him, but honestly pretending to be with him was doing you more good than arguing with him would. The freedom you felt in this moment was nice, you were able to focus on the lecture and work, without the thoughts lingering in your head of the guys that would usually bother you within your social media. 
Class ended at exactly the moment the video the professor was playing ended, she had her presentation timed down to the minute for the most efficiency. Placing your items into your bag, you went to stand up, only to be met by Jay grabbing your bag from you, swinging it over his shoulder. Watching as your bag landed on top of his backpack, you had to stop yourself from physically recoiling at the action. The rational part of your brain begged you to rip the purple strap of your bag from his hand, telling you to carry it yourself, but seeing how you had already frozen at his actions, you tried to just push on. Finally standing, you followed him out of the classroom, luckily, or rather unluckily you had your next class with him; you actually had all your classes with him, the fun of being the same major with identical course loads. 
Walking besides him, fingers became intertwined, as your shoulders bumped together. Throughout the halls, you finally met a dead zone, no one being anywhere near the two of you, and the classes in that hall still being in session for a while more. “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t carry your stuff?” Jay was quick to whisper around your ear, seeing him glancing at you from the corner of his eye. 
Nodding, you found yourself understanding why he took it, but part of you wished he had not. “I have to disinfect it now since you’ve touched it.” Was all you replied back, continuing to walk alongside him. During this time, you thought about what led you to be in this situation, and how it seemed like the plot line of some b-rated drama. If anyone would have told you that you would be walking hand in hand with the person you considered your worst enemy, your biggest competition, Park Jongseong, you would have laughed in their face, and gone on with the rest of your day. Yet, despite the impossibility of that statement only a week ago, here you were doing just that. Finger intertwined, shoulders bumping together, with your bag slung over his shoulder, the two of you being a picture of a perfect college relationship, the kind of thing you would see a photo of on the instagram of someone who peaked in high school, yet thinks them and their significant other are the it couple of the campus.
Jay said nothing, just a slight laughing slipping through his lips, as he heard what you said. The rest of the walk was silent, until he opened the door to the next class for you. “After you,” he muttered as you walked past him, as he held the door open for you. The two of you quickly found your seats, placing your backpack on your table, before taking his seat behind you. 
The silence of you two being the first in the classroom however did not last, as Beomgyu entered the classroom, taking his usual seat beside you. Class started without fail, and leaving class was just as it was before. That was how your day went from then on, Jay carrying your bag as the two of you walked hand in hand towards your next class. Having all the same classes made it irritating, as you had no chance to get away from him, or have any bit of freedom without him being around. Beomgyu sitting near the two of you in each class made it even more insufferable, as he talked about being a fairy godfather and how he was a top tier matchmaker, when he did not match shit.
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This routine became a standard for the upcoming days and weeks. Like clockwork, Jay would be waiting outside your apartment building, the two of you would walk from the apartments to the architecture building. You would walk to class, and then after class you would walk to your next, this would repeat until the end of the day, when Jay would walk you back to the apartments. Each day he carried your bag without fail, you even stopped making jokes about disinfecting your bag, each time he touched it. It felt odd letting him do it, he carried your bag with little complaint, not even your actual boyfriends had done that, each having some sort of complaint about the weight of your books, the size of your bag, and what was in it. Instead, Jay carried it without word, even when the two of you would meet up to work on your project, he carried it, even when you knew no one around went to the college, or knew who you were. He was being a better fake boyfriend than your real boyfriends had been boyfriends. It was irritating to think of how someone you hate, was somewhat treating you better than someone who claimed to love you. Despite the cute acts, the two of you still exchanged harsh words, academic arguments happened over rushed whispers, others thinking it was a loving couple exchanging sweet nothings and compliments, when instead it was really bragging about grades and competencies, pointing out each other’s flaws in detail, and letting one another know about failures and disappointments that the other brought about. 
Even as you met the requirement for meeting for your project, the fake dating continued, soon branching from just being while class was in session, to when around campus, and eventually when off campus as well. Lunch meetings, you refused to call them dates, became a regular occurrence; as did dinner meetings, and shopping meetings. The two of you genuinely looked like a perfectly put together couple, unknown to anyone that within the idyllic fantasy was two people who were practically strangers putting on the performance of their lives. This was how you ended up here, at a party.
You were never one for parties, preferring a small close knit party to a large frat rager. Yet, Jay having to attend these frequently, thanks to his friends Heeseung and Jake, brought up how odd it appeared for him to show up alone, and he could only say you were sick so many times, before the boys would start questioning things. This was how you ended up here, holding a half empty cup, Jay had sworn it was water, but part of you had yet to pull together the desire to test whether it was water or vodka. You were standing near Jay, his arm wrapped loosely around your waist, as he chatted away with his friends. As he noticed you standing uncomfortable, he shifted the two of you, and his conversation around, moving towards the open sofa and recliner in the living room of the frat house.
As Jay took a seat, he noticed you going to sit besides him, immediately stopping you. "Don't worry darling, you can sit on my lap.” Jay said aloud, pulling you into his lap in one harsh movement. “Gotta sell this to the people don't we?” He softly muttered in your ear, knowing that you and only you were able to hear that. Yet, it was true, it would be odd if the ‘oh so in love’ couple were sitting apart. It would lead to rumors, is there trouble in paradise, was paradise nonexistent, is the couple no longer a couple. These rumors would open the idea of too many things, most that would not bode well for either of you, so it was easier to pretend to be a cute in love couple, than be truthful.
Leaning back, you felt comfortable in his lap, despite every part of your rational brain telling you to stand up, get away from him, to not think he was comfortable to rest against. The smell of his cologne filled your nostrils, it was a warm and comforting scent, and you hated it, you should not like it, and it should not have grown comfortable to you. As the night drew on, you found yourself getting cold, having not dressed properly for the frat party, you had no jacket or coat to keep you warm. As Heeseung and Jake left to refill their cups, "I want your hoodie... to sell the dating lie,”  You told him, turning around, to look him in the face, knowing that it was honestly only partially a lie, you were cold and it would sell the dating lie, but you also wanted it since it smelled like his cologne, a scent you had grown to like, a scent that you should buy your future boyfriend, once this whole situation is over. 
“Next time dress properly,” Jay was first to say, almost like a mother scolding her child for not wearing a jacket when going outside in the cold weather. Yet, despite this, he easily slipped it off, helping you to slip it on over your head, and straightening it once you had it on. As he did this, one of the nearby drunk girls started to fawn over the two of you, her friend dragging her away as he lamented about how no guy would ever do that for her. 
The peace from Jay’s friends leaving was waning, as someone even more annoying showed up, Beomgyu. Sober Beomgyu was annoying as hell, so you could only imagine what sort of level of hell drunk Beomgyu would unlock, and you were not prepared for it, whatever it was. Beomgyu was quick to sit besides the two of you, he was practically sitting on Jay’s lap almost, as he tried to get closer and closer to the two of you. “Lookie here, it’s my favorite couple.” He started, each of the words slurred, and his speech drawn out. “You two little love birds, I love you both so fucking much.” He continued on, watching as the two of you looked at each other, the eye contact you shared being enough to egg him on further. “Oh, no, don’t let me interrupt this little lovers moment. You two just do your little lovers thing. I see you eyeing each other, you two can kiss in front of me, you can also do more, I wouldn’t judge, my sweet little love birds.” Beomgyu continued on, encouraging the two of you to kiss, at some point, he stopped talking, just staring, encouraging, almost as though he was waiting for it.
Despite how badly you wanted Beomgyu to leave the two of you alone, it seemed in his drunken state, the only thing that would get him to leave was the two of you doing exactly what he wanted, the two of you kissing. Despite your unspoken pleas and prayers, he did not leave, and instead you found yourself turning to Jay, unsure of what to say, yet, luckily Jay spoke instead. “I don’t think he’ll go until we kiss, just play along.” He whispered into your ear, receiving a short nod, before his lips were on yours. 
The kiss was more intense than the one you shared before, the one that started this whole mess, it was no longer just his lips pressed against yours, but yours were reciprocating. As your lips moved against each other, Beomgyu let a single gasp slip, he was absolutely enraptured in what the two of you were doing. As he reacted like a shocked movie goer, you felt Jay’s lips moving around, from your lips to your chin, but you found yourself unable to tell him to stop. Beomgyu’s gasp simply encouraged Jay’s actions, as he started to kiss along your neck, making his way down your throat. Eventually stopping at one specific spot, starting to suck along it, as your hands made their way into his hair. Tugging at the strands of hair, Beomgyu was not the only one caught up in the actions between you and your fake boyfriend, yells from Jay’s friends soon caught your attention, and at that he finally parted from your neck.
Resting your head on his shoulder, trying to hide the redness that was overtaking your face, you watched as the drunk spectators all went on. Beomgyu back to the kitchen for another drink, while Jake dragged Heeseung with him onto the dance floor. "Do you think they bought the act?" Came out as a breathless whisper, as you still tried to catch and retain a stable breath.
"While I kissed you down your throat? They definitely did, honey." Jay was quick to whisper back in your ear. His words were stable and steady, he was not as out of breath as you were after that, despite him being the one who did most of the action. 
As he spoke, only one thing came to mind,“This doesn’t change anything between us.” You were quick to whisper into his ear, wanting to make sure to establish a boundary, a line, that no matter how many times you may have to do this, it changes nothing. He is your fake boyfriend, you are his fake significant other, and that is all you are to each other. Your words were more for yourself than him, a reminder to yourself, since you were finding yourself able to bear his presence. A presence you honestly would have only weeks ago hated being around. 
Sensing a shift in the mood, Jay was quickly to get you standing, before he led you towards the roof. Finally getting away from everyone, you felt the freedom to be yourself, as did he. Yet, somehow instead of staying apart on opposite ends of the roof, you found yourself standing next to him. Staring up at the stars, the night sky was gorgeous when the common light pollution from the surrounding buildings was not obscuring it. 
The silence with him was oddly comforting. Just the two of you, the cool breeze, the scent of his cologne in the air, and billions of stars illuminating the contours of each other’s faces. It was not long before Jay’s voice broke the silence, he started to point out different stars, different constellations, and explain some of them to you. It was odd, in the two years of classes you had with him, you would have never guessed he had a secret love for astronomy. Yet, you were not complaining, your eyes just following his pointing, observing the stars as he pointed out everything. “I would have never guessed you loved astronomy.” Was muttered, just barely heard by Jay.
Shifting his hand from one star to the next, he heard your words, just barely audible over the sound of the rushing wind. “Did you ever care to ask?” He murmured back to you, allowing the topic to drop, as he continued to tell you more about constellations. “There are also some we can’t see without a telescope, like the Perseus and Andromeda constellations.” He started, shifting so he was laying against the roof, tugging your sleeve, pulling you down with him, before he continued. “Princess Andromeda was the daughter of Queen Cassiopeia, she was very beautiful, so beautiful that the Queen proclaimed her more beautiful than Poseidon’s daughters. Poseidon, not liking that, decided to punish them, sending a sea monster, Andromeda’s own father, King Cepheus thought that if they sacrificed her, the sea monster would go away. However, before the sea monster could devour her, Perseus saw her, falling in love with her at first sight. An agreement was made, he would kill the sea monster, and in turn would have her hand in marriage. Yet, she had already been promised to another man, he fought for her and won, then boom happily ever after.” He told you, unbeknownst to you, it was his favorite constellation and story, it was one that had loved since the moment his mother told him the story when he was young. His mother had a love of astronomy as well, teaching him everything she knew, his own favorite constellation, being hers as well. 
Laying on the ground, Jay’s arm around your shoulders, keeping your head from resting on the dirty ground. Despite the chill of the wind, it felt comfortable, you felt comfortable, he was oddly comforting as he spoke about the constellations. It was interesting, you could tell when it was one he liked, he spoke with more conviction, with more joy, he enjoyed the topic more, than he did when talking about the generic ones he did not like as much. Your head rested on his shoulder, eyes still staring straight up, captivated by the twinkling and shining stars above your head. So many thoughts came to mind as you observed the stars, yet, none of them slipped past your lips, instead you enjoyed the silence, enjoying the moments before you would return to the party.
It was Jay who broke the silence, his voice soft, you barely heard him, and even then, you still think you misheard him. “You think we’ll end up falling in love.” The words were quiet, not even entirely audible, but he honestly did not care if you heard him, nor did you care whether you heard him properly.
At his words, you found yourself getting up quickly, reaching a hand out to him, to help him up. “I think we should go.” You were hastily saying, wanting to get out of here. The ideas flooding your mind were not welcome, and after spending the day with him, you just wanted to be all alone to suffer with the thoughts going on in your mind. 
Instead of standing, he just stared at you, the stars illuminating the area behind you, broadcasting you like some sort of beauty, but he could only wish it was someone he actually loved standing in front of him, not you. It took a few moments before Jay stood, the two of you making your way out of the party, ignoring the calls and yells from his friends and Beomgyu. Leaving the party, a sudden wave of fatigue hit you, Jay walked you to your apartment, before leaving to go to his own. 
As you found yourself falling into your bed, the thoughts of what had happened tonight flooded your mind. The thoughts flowing through your mind at lightning speed, before you eventually found yourself lulled to sleep.
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After that night, you found yourself oddly enough getting closer and closer to the male, becoming accustomed to his presence, feeling uncomfortable when not around him, it was almost like you were really dating. It was just like a friendship was being formed,or something, you were unsure what exactly it was. No longer did your time alone consist of bickering constantly, but instead it was filled with actual conversation, sharing interest, and more than just bragging and arguing.
This was how you ended up with him sitting at your kitchen table on this Sunday afternoon. You two may have already met the requirement for in person meetings for your project, but the desire to go above and beyond by both of you, made that requirement nothing more than a simple number. Both of you had easily gone over that number, sometimes even meeting twice in one day to work on the project, both destined to get the highest score possible on this assignment. It was on this day that you were working on the display aspect of your project. 
Two days prior both of you had raided the supply closet, taking just exactly what you needed for your display, to make the perfect model of a modern art museum and the surrounding garden. Jay sat trimming down little fake bushes, starting to create the outline of the garden, while you sat attempting to open another package of fake plants. The utility knife you were using made quick work of the thick tape keeping the package closed, but it also made quick work of your hand, slicing your palm as you made a quick downward movement, not closing the blade quick enough. A pained gasp came from your mouth, as you dropped the knife, it closed before hitting the floor with a sound. Trying to hold your hand, attempting to stop the bleeding, the action was caught by the person sitting across from you.
"Why did you hurt yourself?" Jay was quick to say, his body moving around the table towards you with speed. He quickly grabbed your hand, the napkins on the table from your midwork snack, quickly being pressed against the wound, as he tried to stop the bleeding.
Watching as Jay tended to your injury, you found yourself trying to tug your hand out of his. “It’s not that bad.” Was what you said first, but he did not listen to you in any capacity, just continuing to apply pressure to the cut. "None of your-" 
Jay’s grip on your hand did not leave, he instead started to steer you towards the sink in your kitchen. Luckily it was only a few feet from the kitchen table that you two were seated at working. "Yeah, then fuck you. My bad for caring." He said without much thought, starting the sink, allowing the water to stream out. Removing the napkins, he pulled your hand under the water starting to wash out the cut, while seeing how deeply you had injured yourself. 
"For an asshole, you make a pretty good boyfriend." fell from your lips as he cleaned the injury out. Taking care of you like someone who genuinely cared for you would. It was odd, no one was here to see his actions, but he still gently tended to you, cleaning out the cut before starting to get ready to bandage up your hand, once you pointed him towards the first aid kit you kept in the kitchen. 
As he made sure you would not bleed out on your floor, he finally released your hand, leaning against the counter of your kitchen, looking at you, before grabbing the kit. “I could say the same about you.” Jay was honestly a bit surprised at how well this had been working, how easily you two played the part, your Oscar worthy performances tricking everyone around you.
You would never admit it, it would hurt your ego and probably inflate his, but sometimes you wished it was not fake. The enjoyment of being around him, how he genuinely listened to you and gingerly treated you, he was a better boyfriend than your actual ex boyfriends were. You found yourself wishing when he would kiss your cheek, that he was doing it out of love, not because Yujin was staring. You found yourself wishing when he was carrying your backpack to and from class, that it was actually because he was your boyfriend, not because he was just playing the part. It hurt sometimes, hearing the comments from others about how perfectly matched the two of you were. Both overachievers, getting degrees in architecture, and a desire to be top of the class; so many similarities, of course the two of them would fall in love, but you genuinely wished that look of love others claimed to see was real.
Resting against the counter, you sat on the marble tile as he started to bandage your hand. When it started, holding his hand felt like nothing, you could only feel how sweaty and clammy his hand was, but as the days turned to weeks, it felt more comforting, almost like maybe it was where your hand belonged. You would never admit it to him, the thought that you felt maybe you were falling for him, maybe you were no longer feeling that hatred and pain you once felt for and around him, but instead you felt a slight tinge of joy when walking hand in hand with him, when seeing his face seated next to you in class. Sometimes you even find yourself getting lost while thinking of the idea of his face, the idea of his lips against yours once again, the idea of this all coming to end sometimes soon and the pain you would hold afterwards.
It was not long before Jay had finished tending to your hand. “And there you go.” he muttered, before helping you down from the counter where you sat. His hands felt natural around your waist, as he picked you up before putting you back down. You enjoyed the feeling far too much, way more than you should. You should hate the idea of his hands on you, the idea of his arms wrapping around your waist and holding you close, but you did not, you could not even if you tried. 
You were the one who so vehemently demanded the to add the rule about not falling in love, so passionate about it, you added it twice, it being rule number one and number five on the singular piece of paper that bound the two of you together. You just wanted to say fuck the rules, fuck the paper, and fuck the feelings you were having. Weeks ago you would have thought your dazzling personality would enrapture this man enough to fall in love with you, someone he would never have. But instead, here you were the one breaking your own rule, finding yourself falling in love with someone you would never have, since one day all this would be over, you would say the contract is finished, and he would go happily upon his way, and you would do the same. Yet, he would be a lot happier seeing this end, than you would be. 
Sitting back down, Jay took the packages, instead handing you the ones that were already open. “So that doesn’t happen again.” He explained, starting to empty the boxes so you can work on the project without the risk of injuring yourself again. 
The project was one that was simple enough to complete, the museum had already been built from foam, and all you had to do was arrange it and the garden. The afternoon quickly turned into evening, and soon you were putting the finishing touches onto the display, and it was ready to be presented to your professor. Having already completed all the written work, it meant that your project for this money was complete. You may have hated it to start, but you were thankful that partners were for the rest of the semester, not just this project, since at least it meant you had two more months to enjoy this treatment, to enjoy being with Jay, before it would all probably come to an end. 
As Jay placed the display on the island of your kitchen counter, it was odd, there was a knock at the door. You were in the midst of putting everything up, about to tell him to grab his stuff so he could leave. Moving away from the table, you did not even make it to the door before it flew open. Standing there was your mother, a person who had your spare key against your better judgment. 
“My baby,” The older woman said, kicking her shoes off with speed, before crossing the few feet that separated the two of you, pulling you into a hug. At that action, you were unable to move, just letting her hug you as much as she wished. After a moment, she finally released you, looking around, a gasp slipping out of her mouth with ease, as she sees Jay’s shoes sitting on the ground by your shoes. “You have someone over?” She was quick to ask, just as Jay exited the kitchen, coming to look for you.
The scene was an odd one, your mother fawning over Jay, just assuming he was your boyfriend without much word from you. “This must be the young man that Beomgyu set you up with.” Your mother said, but you were stunned at her words, unable to speak. “He’s such a lovely young man, he told his mother all about how he was playing matchmaker and set you up with such an amazing young man. His mother told me all about it at our monthly hair appointment.” 
Honestly, you should have expected that much, Beomgyu did believe he was some sort of relationship god and that he manifested the relationship between Jay and yourself. You also should have expected your mother to find out about it sooner or later, after all she was best friends with Beomgyu’s mom, that being a large reason why you were somewhat friends with the odd person. Sheer panic set in, you wondering just what he had told his mother, and just how she twisted those words in telling your own mother. 
Jay was oddly able to sense the stress you felt from this situation, and reacted accordingly. Seeing the woman that he overheard call you their baby, he assumed this was your mother, and seeing how she seemed to know about the fake relationship, he acted accordingly. “Yes, I’m Jay, their boyfriend.” He said with ease, walking closer, sticking out his hand to your mother, however your mother was quick to pull him into a hug, squeezing him just as she did to you.
“Oh, if I knew you were here with your boyfriend, I would have come on a different day to visit you.” Your mother started, finally letting Jay go, acting as though she would have come another day, when you know she really would have come today, just probably at an earlier time. “I was going to take you out to dinner, but I may as well just take you both, my little love birds.” She said, as she eyed the two of you, going as far as to send a wink your way. You knew from that alone that you were in for an earful later, she was probably never going to shut up about how handsome and polite he was, or about how he was nicer in the five minutes she knew him than your ex’s were.
Jay was quick to shake his head, starting to refuse the offer, starting to come up with some lie so that he could leave, but seeing the look on your mother’s face, he knew it would not work. “Um, sure, why not. I have no objections, Mrs.” He said, his hand slipping into yours with ease, watching as you nodded your head.
Your mother was quick to notice his action, a smile quickly coming upon her face. “Oh goody, come on children,” She started, turning on her heel to go towards the door once more, “and don’t call me Mrs. just call me mom,” she added, conveniently stopping herself from saying since she’d be his mother in law soon, despite how badly she wanted to, slipping her shoes back on before opening the door. “Let’s go, mimosas wait for no one.” She said, stepping out of the apartment, waiting on the two of you.
This was how you ended up sitting next to Jay, while your mother sat across from you, leading the conversation. She went on and on about what she was doing in life, her job and everything, especially mentioning everything she had heard from Beomgyu’s own mother about his matchmaking abilities. She then turned the conversation onto Jay, doing her best to get the ‘get to know the parents’ conversation out of the way. He spoke with her with ease, it made you slightly saddened watching the two of them speak, she was getting along better with Jay than she had any of your other ex’s, and this was not even a real relationship for this level of attention. When you agreed to fake date Jay, you never thought that it would lead to the two of you having a nice dinner with your mother, and it was oddly going great. 
As the three of you started to wrap everything up, Jay excused himself for a moment. During this time, your mother wasted no time starting to talk. “Oh my gosh, he’s so nice and polite. You really picked a good one this time, unlike your ex’s. He’s so handsome too, like oh my I’m going to have to tell Beomgyu’s mom all about this, she’ll be so proud her little boy set you up with such an amazing man. And you two are the same major and all, and he’s just as passionate about it as you are. I just think it’s a match made in heaven.” Your mother rambled, she honestly would have continued, had it not been for her seeing Jay on his way back to the table. Sending a quick wink to you, she stood, and you followed, the three of you making your way back towards your apartment after she paid. 
"I'm pretty sure my mom likes you way more than any of my actual partners." Was the first thing out of your mouth, once Jay and yourself were safely within the confines of your apartment. It was honestly ridiculous, the first one of your boyfriends that your mom likes, is the one that is not really your boyfriend. Every other one she had some sort of complaint about, he was too work oriented, he was too controlling, he was lazy, he was uncaring, he was rude. But she had not a complaint for Jay, instead she spilled out compliments, he is committed to his school work, he is passionate about architecture, he is kind, he is polite, and he is handsome. 
To your dislike, laughter was all you heard from Jay for a moment. “I guessed that,” he said through his laughter. “The way she couldn’t even wait until I was out of earshot, before she started talking. What was it she said again? ‘Oh, he’s so handsome and polite, unlike your usual boyfriends’.” He said, recalling the exact words your mother had said only minutes prior to the three of you leaving the restaurant. 
“Ugh, don’t remind me.” You muttered, walking through the living room, you found yourself sitting on your sofa. The scene felt too comfortable, like the man in front of you was not someone you would have argued with and yelled at only weeks prior. The comfortable feeling you gained around Jay was not on your list of things that might happen, it was not even anywhere near the list. Repeating the mantra in your head, you were the one after all that added ‘no catching feelings’ to the list, not just once, but twice. 
Jay laughed at your words, still in the process of removing his own shoes, just as you had. “Oh, don’t worry, I will.” He jokingly said, following you without a word into the living room. He went to sit beside you, the tone in the room completely shifting, he watched as you shot up, sitting straight, causing him to look around, remembering where was. He was not with his friends, he was at your apartment, and he needed to leave. “I think I’ll head out.”
“I think you should go.” You spoke at the exact same time as he did, both seeming to realize where you were, the tone of the room was no longer jovial and happy, it was awkward and unsure. You were unsure of whether you wanted to really go, but you had already spoken, already told him to leave. You were also unsure how he would react if you asked him to stay, would he say no and leave or would he laugh in your face, or maybe he would catch on and make fun of you for possibly breaking one of the few rules you had outlined for this. 
Jay was quick to nod his head, bag in his hand, and he was out your door before you could think of anything else. Standing up, you were fast to follow him, closing the door behind him, locking it, before leaning against it. Staring at the beige wall across from the door, you tried to compose yourself, but failed. Back against the door, slumping down, you found yourself sitting on the floor. Soon your hands were covering your face, soft sobs coming from your mouth as the events of today and the past few weeks finally fully started to be interpreted in your mind. The soft sobs quickly turned to full sobs, your shirt becoming tear soaked quickly, unable to stop the tears from falling.
The thoughts of the feelings you felt holding his hand, kissing him on the cheek, him kissing your cheek, it was all too much. He would carry your bag, he would always wrap an arm around you, he would walk you to and from classes, even carrying your stuff when you would work at the cafe or library instead of letting you. It was too real, it felt too real, you wanted it to be real. The realization that you never really hated him, was a tough one. You two were always nothing more than rivals, encouraging each other to do better, to get higher scores, to try to outdo the other. He was so much like you, you had the same passion for your chosen field, enjoyed all the paperwork and crafting, and had the same desire to be the best. This whole situation was not something you would have thought would happen, you were usually happily fine just competing with him, not having to be around him except in class. Yet, finally admitting to yourself what you felt was difficult, but the worst part was knowing he did not and would not feel the same. Your mother loved him, you felt like at some point you would love him as well, but he would never love you. 
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Hands intertwined, you found yourself being walked from class to the library, once again the two of you meeting to make sure your project was finalized. If the events of the past few months were odd, no longer were you arguing and yelling, instead the conversations consisted of teasing and light bickering. No longer did the two physically cringe when your hands met, instead you silently reveled in the feeling, how his hand enveloped yours and felt within your grasp. Enjoying how he would lead you around the campus with ease, hands intertwined, swinging to and fro as you walked side by side. 
The end of the semester was coming, and you thought that it would mean the end of whatever was going on between Jay and yourself as well. The semester would end, the fake dating would end, all the feelings you had towards him would be pushed aside, and the next semester you would come back and fall back into your pattern of being rivals and hating one another. At the start of this agreement, you genuinely could not wait for it to be over, but now as it was nearing its end, you wished for it to continue. Struggling with the realization of your feelings towards Jay, even fake dating him was better than nothing, and you would rather continue doing that, than having nothing from him. 
Faking dating him was better than being nothing more than a rival to him. The feelings you felt you wished would just disappear, push them into the back of your mind like they never existed, like they had never existed. Soon you will go back to just being a rival with him, the only thing connecting the two of you is the desire to outdo the other, the need to score higher, to do better, to be the best. The warm feeling flooding your chest when you held hands, would be gone. The joy you felt from just spending time with him, even if it was nothing more than doing homework together. The happiness that would overcome your being, just from the small things he would do when with you. Meeting him in the morning, him having gotten you your favorite morning drink, would stop. He always carrying your favorite snacks in his bag, for mid study session snacks, would no longer be there. He remembered and always ordered your favorite pastries, when the two of you would work at the cafe, would be gone. Most of all, he walking you to and from class, making sure you got home safe, and constantly checking in on you throughout the day, would stop.
As the two of you rode in the elevator, Jay could sense something was wrong. There was no conversation flowing, there were no witty remarks, and there was nothing going on between the two of you. “Hey,” His voice was soft, as he caught your attention, his hand coming up, tilting your face up to look at him. “What’s wrong?” He asked, his thumb starting to stroke your cheek. “Do you not feel well?” He added. As you attempted to shake his hand off your face, he however stood there, not moving. “Hey, tell me what’s wrong. If you don’t feel well, we can finalize the project on another day. I can take you back to your apartment, we can get you your favorite tea, and just take a rest day.” 
"You're not my boyfriend, why do you keep saying romantic and caring things?” You were unable to stop the first thought in your mind from slipping past your lips. Immediately after, you gasped, realizing what you had said. 
Jay however did nothing more than laugh, hearing your words. "So... you think I'm romantic and caring.” He replied with ease, a smirk starting to come upon his face, at your words. 
“No,” Immediately slipped from your mouth, attempting to answer him and defend yourself. “I just…” Unable to think of a reply, with all the thoughts in your mind, none of them came out. There was no one around, so why was he being so sweet to you? Why did he always do this, getting you coffee and tea in the mornings, getting you snacks, making sure you were alright. These were things a boyfriend would do, which he was not yours, and a fake boyfriend would not do these things in private. Jay not only did those things around others, but also when it was just the two of you. He would always say some bullshit about how he likes to be consistent, but consistency was making your heart skip a beat, consistency was making the butterflies in your stomach go crazy, consistency was making you feel things for him that you should not be feeling for him.
Luckily, you were saved by the elevator doors opening, unable to respond, and instead just listening to his laughter, before he pulled you from the elevator, over to your usual table. The past few days had gotten harder and harder to spend time with him without the feelings flooding your mind taking over all rational thought. It was getting to the point that you were unable to spend time with him, without wishing this was real, that the way he held your hand was genuine, that the way he spoke to you was all you ever wanted in the world. He was so sweet and romantic and caring, but it was not real, it was not actually a relationship, despite how badly you wished it was. 
“Hey, if you don’t feel well, we can just raincheck today?” Jay’s voice breaks your train of thought, he watches as you shake your head.
You did not want to let him know what was going on, and instead just put a smile on your face, wanting to get this day over with. “I’m fine, let’s just finish this up and then we can go our separate ways.” You suggested.
Jay was quick to look around as he heard your words. “Let’s finish the last parts of the project, and then I think we need to go to the cafe, to talk about our, you know, situation.” The finalization of your project was completed with ease, just making sure that each and every part of the rubric was answered and all ready to be turned in. 
As the both of you had checked the last question on the paper, making sure it was answered, you started to pack up your supplies, ready to leave, to finally get back to your apartment. However, you were unable to get all of your things packed, before Jay’s voice caught your attention. “Hey, let’s go to the cafe, we need to discuss something. Then I’ll walk you home, okay?” He said, and you only nodded, just wanting to get this day over with.
Once again, you were hand in hand with him, Jay holding your backpack, as you walked across campus with him to the cafe. As you took a seat in your usual spot,the secluded table at the corner, you waited for Jay. It was hard to keep yourself from smiling as he put down your favorite drink. He always remembered all these little things. These were things that even your ex’s would not remember, your favorite drink, food, snack, and just everything. Despite the desire to enjoy the moment, you left the drink where it sat, looking up at Jay. “What did you want to talk about?” 
Jay was sipping at his coffee when he heard your voice, deciding he might as well just get to the point. “I know we said that we should just do this until the end of the semester, but I think it might be good for us to continue after coming back from winter break.” He was quick to say. “I just think it would be best, like Yujin and her friends have been leaving me alone, and I know the freshmen aren’t bothering you, and I just think it would be best for us to continue. I mean, I feel like we don’t hate each other as much anymore, and just don’t you feel better without having to worry about them. We can just continue and then maybe once Yujin latches onto someone else, we can end it.” He offered.
Nodding your head, you found yourself agreeing without even thinking about it. “Yet, I guess that makes the most sense.” You said without a single thought in your head, you were trying to not think about this. Trying not to think about how his hand would hold yours, how he would kiss your cheek, and how he would say the sweetest words to you without much thought. Trying not to think about how much it would hurt hearing those words knowing he did not really mean it, holding his hand knowing he would rather be holding someone else’s hand, and feeling his lips on your cheek knowing it was only there for show. 
You watched as Jay responded with nothing more than a nod, sipping at his drink once more. The silence was usually comfortable, yet, you found yourself uncomfortable. Sipping at your drink, trying to finish it a bit quicker than you usually would have, wanting nothing more than to leave. As you quickly finished the drink, you stood, grabbing your bag, throwing it over your shoulder, before Jay could try to grab. “Take your time, I’m just gonna head out.”
Jay was fast to stand, watching as you started to grab your stuff. “Hey, I’ll walk you back.” He said, starting to grab his own things, it was odd how you wanted to leave so quickly, but he did not question it. 
Shaking your head, stepping away, ready to go. “No, it’s fine. Just enjoy your coffee, I just want a moment alone.” You tried to assure him, watching as Jay slowly nodded, before he slowly sat down, deciding not to fight you on this. Leaving the cafe, the walk back to your apartment was lonely, you were accustomed to Jay being beside you, his pace always slowed down to meet your pace. As you walked, you had time to think, the thoughts of everything flooded your mind. The thoughts of what you had agreed to, and how it was affecting you, only months ago you would have not enjoyed just being with Jay, only months ago you would have not wanted to be around Jay, and only months ago you would have not been falling for Jay.
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December came and went with little fanfare. The project was done, presented, and graded with a wonderful score of ninety-eight. Winter came and went, the break being far to short, before it was time to resume classes. The weeks you had away from campus gave you time to think about everything that was going on, and think you did. However, you came to no conclusions, instead every single thought helped you in no way at all. As winter break came and left, you found yourself back on campus, falling back into the routine you had with Jay from the semester before.
Being the same major, having the same classes, and the same professors meant that the two of you were often together. It was routine for you two at that point, Jay picking you up from your apartment, walking to campus with you, walking you to class, and then at the end of the day walking you back to your apartment. It was hard to pretend like everything was alright, especially like the whole relationship was nothing more than your contract. 
It was almost the end of January when the two of you went out to your first part, from being back on campus after winter break. Of course it was a frat party, once again Heeseung and Jake talked Jay into coming to the party, and he only agreed if you were to come with him. Parties were still not your thing, specifically frat parties. The faint smell of body odor, the faint stickiness of all the surfaces, and the loud booming edm music playing through the speakers; it was just not what you enjoy, but you were here for Jay, not yourself.
Sitting in his lap, after he said some shit about saving a seat for the others, felt odd. You would rather be sitting alone, maybe five feet away from him, or even just in a total other room, that way you would not be feeling these butterflies in your stomach at how his hands held you around your stomach. “I need some air.” You said to Jay, before prying his hands from you, and standing up, quickly going out the door. The stuffiness of the room was too much, the feeling of him holding you was too much, and the thoughts in your mind were too much. Leaning against the porch fencing, you found yourself sitting on the ground, trying to calm yourself, knowing you would have to go back into the party at some point or people would ask questions. 
However, you were unable to relax too much, since after only three minutes, Jay was slipping out of the door to rejoin you. “Hey, are you okay?” He asked, sitting on the porch, right besides you. “If you don’t want to be here, we can leave.” He offered. “You also don’t have to come with me to the parties, if you don’t want to.” He added. Jay would never admit it, however he did not want you to be uncomfortable, and he felt bad for having you come with him, since you were obviously not enjoying yourself here. He was not one for these large parties either, but someone had to keep Jake and Heeseung from themselves, and until their other Sunghoon made it here, it was Jay that had that task.
Shaking your head, you leaned against the fence, just closing your eyes. “No, it’s fine. You can go back in, don’t worry about me.” You were quick to tell him, but had you been looking, you would have seen the look on his face that told you he would not stop worrying, and he would honestly probably worry more.
“Hey, let’s go.” Jay said, standing up, offering you his hand, deciding if you were not going to tell him what was going on, then he would take you elsewhere. “Heeseung and Jake will be fine until Sunghoon gets here, it’ll only be like ten minutes, what’s the worst they can do in that time, shave their heads? They wouldn’t, they couldn’t pull off being bald.” 
Looking up at Jay, you found yourself laughing, before finally giving him your hand, letting him help you up. Jay was fast to lead you through the house, out of the house, and then down towards the close convenience store. “Thank you.” You muttered, unknown to you whether you heard him or not. 
“It’s okay, but you need to tell me if you don’t want to be places. I’d rather leave than make you stay somewhere you don’t want to be.” Jay told you, leading you over to the outdoor table, outside the convenience store. “Stay right here, I’ll be right back.” he said, pushing you into one of the seats.
Sitting down, you watched as Jay went into the store. Not even ten minutes later, he exited, bag and two bowls in hand. Jay had set one down in front of you, looking at it, you noticed it was your favorite ramen. That bowl was soon followed by a bottle of your favorite drink, and then a bag of your favorite snacks. “Thank you.” You said to Jay, watching as he already started to eat his ramen, he encouraged you to do the same.
“Honestly, I don’t really like frat parties either.” Jay started, as he watched you start eating. “Honestly, if it wasn’t for  Heeseung and Jake needing someone to keep them from doing stupid things, I wouldn’t go either. I probably haven’t told you about why they need to be babysat when they drink, have I?” Jay continued, as he ate his own food. “So once, they were both completely shitfaced, like drunk off their asses, and they got this great idea, well great to them. They decided to go get matching tattoos. They found some shady little place that was still open, and got matching tattoos. They somehow thought it was a great idea to get brothers tattooed on each other, but they misspelled what they wanted, so instead of saying brothers, it says bothers.” As he told you, Jay found himself happy, watching as you started laughing at his story, it was one of the first times in a while he had seen you genuinely happy. He was unsure what was going on, but he did not like it, despite the fact he would have not admitted it to you. 
Listening to him, you found yourself laughing. Oddly enough, the tattoos saying bothers instead of brothers made sense as well, since Heeseung and Jake were both a bother to many people. “I can’t believe that’s why they need a babysitter.” You muttered, looking down as you noticed that you had finished your ramen, the snack and drink being soon to follow. 
It was not long before both of you had finished everything, and Jay started to help you clean up, throwing all the trash away. “I guess I’ll get headed home.” You said, as Jay spoke.
“Wait right here for a moment.” Jay said, standing, and heading back into the store.
Watching as he walked away, you decided maybe the night did not need to come to an end so soon, and instead waited for him. Soon he returned, bag in hand, and soon your hand was in his other hand. He started to lead you towards your apartment, but you somehow knew that you were not going there.
Jay led you through the streets, going towards the park that was near your apartment. “I want to show you something.” He said, taking you through the streets, towards the grassy knolls of the park. It only took about ten minutes of walking more, before he found where he was taking you. 
Soon, you were in an open field, the close street lights were blocked by tree cover, and the only light illuminating the area was the cloudless sky. As you were staring up at the stars, seeing how clear and beautiful the sky was, Jay was busy opening the bag, spreading the blanket he had bought out on the ground, sitting down, before grabbing your hand, to get you to do the same. “This is what you bought.” You muttered, before sitting down next to him. Soon, your back was on the blanket, staring up at the stars, as Jay did the same.
As you started to stare up at the sky once more, Jay started pointing out the constellations, with you starting to point out the ones that you remembered. Had you turned to see Jay’s face at that moment, you would have seen him staring at you, instead of the sky, enamored with the fact that you remembered them from all those weeks ago when he told you about them for the first time. As you explained what you recalled from all those nights ago, Jay found himself fading into sleep. Noticing how quiet he was, you sat up, being sure not to wake him. “All those weeks ago you asked if I thought we would fall in love. I don’t know about you, but I know I have.” You whispered, finally having the confidence to admit it, after the wonderful night you had with him, yet you knew you were screwed, since he would never love you back. 
You allowed him to rest for a few minutes more, observing his features. Maybe you were attempting to memorize his face just in case things went back, really for when things went bad. He would be your one that got away, but did he really get away if he never loved you back. After about ten minutes, you started to shake his shoulder, waking him. As he woke, soon the two of you were headed back towards your apartments, all while you decided you needed to do something, to let him know you really feel, so he can reject you, and you can move on from these feelings.
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"I hate this so much. So much. How'd you talk me into this again?" Jay’s voice said, looking around at the pink, white, and red decorations with disgust. He was never one for any of the school events they held, off campus events, and even the frat parties to this. 
A laugh left your lips as you dragged him alongside you. He did not want to be here, but alas here he was, by your side, despite his dislike of these events. “Come on, lighten up. We had to come, Beomgyu invited us to join him and his girlfriend of the moment.” You started to tell him, laughing as he groaned, knowing he would have to deal with Beomgyu outside of class today. “Also it’s a holiday for lovers, Beomgyu would have questions if we didn’t show up.” You reminded him, keeping up appearances, to the others, you had been dating for almost six months, it would have been odd if you did not come to this event. While you had other motives for inviting him, you let him believe that it was just because of Beomgyu’s invitation. 
Meeting up with Beomgyu and his girlfriend of the month, was quick, the two of you quickly going off on your own, leaving him and his girlfriend on their own. Jay may have hated college hosted events, but he honestly did not hate it as much, when he was accompanying you. Sitting at a table, you watched as Jay enjoyed some of the provided foods, while he might hate these events, the food was not that bad, and your company made it almost worth coming. 
The night drew on, the two of you dancing and enjoying your time together. It was not long before you had dragged him out of the party, into the impeccably decorated flower garden the university had prepared for the event. Walking through the maze-like garden, the two of you found yourself besides a flower wall. The pink, white, and red roses aligned for the perfect couples photograph.
Jay had to stop himself from laughing at the scene, the flower wall being nothing more than a backdrop for couples to take cute photographs, looking towards you, he easily spoke up. "If this is some plot to confess your undying love for me, you could've just said so." Jay’s voice cut through the silence, easily capturing your attention, reminding you that you were not alone. His voice held a teasing tone, like he was about to make some snarky comment about where the two of you were standing. 
It was in that moment that you decided you had enough. You had enough of your heart skipping a beat, enough of the butterflies in your stomach going crazy, enough of your feelings that you tried so hard to suppress. Deciding to put it all out there, to risk it all, either you would leave knowing he feels the same way you do, or you would leave embarrassed, knowing you were the only one to break a rule. “And what if it is?” You muttered, watching as he simply placed his hands on your waist, pulling you closer. Looking around, there were few people in the area, most were leaving the event, but it still automatically reminds you of his keeping up appearances statement from so many weeks ago. "Are you faking it-" You started to ask him, voice soft so only he could hear, expecting nothing more than for him to agree, to play the part of the sweet couple sharing a kiss in the middle of the Valentine’s Day event. 
It was unexpected when his lips met yours. Being quick to kiss him back, you were unsure how long the two of you stayed there, the scene being one out of a movie. "I can't seem to fake anything when it comes to you, love.” Jay muttered against your lips, his hand moving from the side of your waist, to behind your neck. “I can never seem to fake anything when it comes to you.” He added, before fully reconnecting his lips with yours once more.
The kiss however was broken shortly after, moving back from Jay, looking up at him. “Tell me you are telling the truth.” You softly said, looking up at him. “I don’t know if I could handle it if you tell me later that this was all for show. If saying you love me was all for show.” You muttered, just thinking about how easily that would break you, here you were opening your heart up for him, confessing how you felt, and if afterward he said it was all to make the fake dating seem better, it would break you more than you would care to verbalize, to tell him. He could destroy your heart with ease, and all you could do is hope he feels the same way as you do.
“It’s the truth,” Jay started, grabbing your hands, pulling yourself closer to him once more. “Nothing but the truth.” Was added, his lips making contact with yours once more. His hands wrapped around your waist, your hands coming up to his neck, one intertwining into his hair, tugging him closer to you, as though close was not even close enough. 
The kiss however was quickly ruined, as an annoying voice was heard from behind the two of you. “Your mom will just love this photo.” Beomgyu said, somehow having found his way to you, taking a photo, sending it to his mother to show your mother. 
Jay and yourself were quick to reply. “Shut up Beomgyu.” Was said in tandem, voices overlapping one another’s, causing laughter to come from you, as Jay shot the male that was only feet away a dirty look. Putting his attention back onto you, Jay was quick to lean back down, your lips finally meeting once more, knowing that despite your original thoughts, it was not only you who broke a rule, and maybe it was for the best in the end.
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hee0soo · 1 year
You´re my favorite
Jung Wooyoung x bestfriend!reader
Summary: Feeling replaced is never a good thing
Disclaimer: this fic is written and copyrighted by ©hee0soo on tumblr. do not rewrite or repost on any other plattforms without my permission.
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To say you were mad wouldn´t even begin to cover what you were feeling at the moment.
It had been a while since you and Wooyoung had hung out but today was your weekly movie night, something that had been tradition since the two of you were teenagers.
A tradition that had apparently been forgotten by the troublemaker you called your best friend.
Ever since the two of you had started collage, the boy had become more and more distant. Making friends left and right while you´d rather stay at home listen to music or play video games.
The longer you watched him socialize, the harder it became to stay close to him.
It wasn´t that you were mad at him for getting to know new people but watching him go out with his new friends and getting left on read let your anger slowly simmer to the surface.
Yeosang and San were nice, there was no arguing about that but the longer you watched, the stronger the trio grew together. Without you.
Your movie nights were the only thing that stayed consistent throughout the semester.
Up until now at least!
By now, the Pizza you had ordered went cold and the movie you had started was almost over. The clock on your microwave showed 11:52 p.m, glowing in a bright red color as the rest of the room stayed dark. Save from the illuminating light the TV gave off.
Your phone stayed silent as the dozens of messages you had left Wooyoung had gone straight to the voicemail, texts had been left unanswered and your mood dropped further that it already had.
If only you hadn´t gone on instagram earlier!
 Then you wouldn´t have seen the story he posted while getting drunk with his two new friends at someone’s house party.
Exactly what you needed now!
Deciding to try your luck again, you picked you phone up and pressed the call button one last time.
It rung a few times and you already thought of hanging up when Wooyoung finally managed to pick up the call.
“WHAT DO YOU WANT Y/N?” he yelled rudely over the music and you had to pull the phone away from your ear because of the sudden noise.
“What do you mean Wooyoung, It´s Friday! Like in Movie-Night-Friday! Why aren’t you here? Or if you were planning to go somewhere with the boys then why didn´t you cancel?”
The disappointment was evident in your voice and Wooyoung would have to be very gone not to hear it, even over the phone.
He let out a suffering sigh before answering in a low voice.
“Come on bunny. Don´t tell me you are seriously mad about it! We have these nights every week and Yeosangie invited me and Sannie to go to this party with him. It´s no big deal!”
You couldn´t believe what you heard. Not a big deal? Did this really mean so little to him?
“No big deal? Wooyoung I’ve been waiting for the better part of the evening for you to call and cancel or at least some kind of text that you wouldn’t show up but instead I get nothing. You wouldn´t even answer my messages! And what’s worse is that I find out you went to go to a party through your instagram story? That´s fucked up!”
It was obvious to you that this conversation annoyed the other. The way he huffed was a dead give away!
“Sorry but it was a last minute thing. I´ll call next time okay? But I got to go now, talk to you later! Bye.”
With that call ended. You were stunned to silence. Did he really just hang up on you?  
You lowered your hand slowly from your ear before starting to clean up the living room. Wooyoung could really be an idiot if he wanted to be!
Anger started to consume you as the Pizza box got placed on the kitchen counter and the soju bottles vanished in the fridge. Neither got touched even once!
Your phone lit up again but this time it was you who left him on read.
Wooyoung had sent a message, hoping to placate you at least a little.
What were you supposed to answer? It´s fine? Absolutely not!
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Don’t be mad bunny :( send 00:04 a.m
Instead of answering, you connected the phone with the charger and got ready for bed. You knew you weren’t going to sleep but wallowing in self-pity wouldn´t get you anywhere either.
Tomorrow was another day and since it was a weekend you could finally sleep in and rest for a while.
The next day you got rudely woken up by a pillow to the face.
“WHAT THE HELL?” you groaned and sat up to look at the offender.
What you didn´t expect was to see Wooyoung sitting on the foot of your bed. The boy had gotten a key to your apartment almost the minute you had signed the contract for the apartment and it wasn´t the first time the boy had let himself in either.
But you had expected for him to sleep in today and cure his hangover. Apparently that wasn´t the case!
“What are you doing here Woo?” you sighed, letting yourself fall back into the pillow to try and go back to sleep.
“You weren´t answering your phone!” he whined loudly.
“Oh so now not answering is a problem? Are you kidding me?”
Rolling your eyes hard before turning your back to the boy sitting on your blanket did not make him go away as you hoped!
Wooyoung realized that you were truly mad at him when you didn´t budge at his insistent shaking on your shoulder.
“Seriously Wooyoung, go away! That´s what you seem to do a lot recently!”
“Are you seriously still mad about yesterday? I told you why I didn´t call!” he reasoned, brushing his hair out of his eyes.
“No you didn´t! You said it was a last minute thing but not why you didn´t call and you can shove your apology up your ass by the way! If you could even call it one! Go back to Yeosang and San okay. They are probably waiting for you somewhere!”
You looked back at him. It seemed that he still didn´t understand what was actually bothering you and just looking at his face made the anger and hurt come back full force.
“Why are you so mad at me? I´m sorry that I didn´t call, it was a dick move from me but we´ve done these movie night every week since we were teenagers. Is it really so bad that I missed one?”
“It is to me! In case you haven´t noticed but these movie nights have been the only chance for us to hang out recently since you always hang out with the boys. Which is fine by me and it would have been fine if you had just called and talked to me instead of just not showing up and ignoring me!”
Something in the boy clicked. He didn´t even realize that he hadn´t been hanging out with you! Has it really been that long? The boy couldn´t even remember the last time he had seen you longer then for a few minutes in between classes.
Guilt crept up on him as he looked at you. As much as you wanted to hide from him that you were hurt, he knew you to well for that!
You had always been someone he could come to when something was bothering him, so for you to turn your back and hide behind a wall of blankets and silence pained him greatly.
“Y/n… I’m sorry. I didn´t realize it has been that long. Can you look at me please?”
You had to force down a sob, desperately trying to hide the tears threatening to leave your eyes.
Wooyoung saw your struggle immediately. He laid down behind you, wrapping his arms around your midsection.
“Just tell me if you want to hang out with them instead of me. I get it honestly I do, but being forgotten without a word of why hurts okay?!”
“Oh bunny I could never forget about you! You´re my best friend. Don´t doubt that! I love Sangie and Sannie but no matter how much I hang out with them, you will always be my favorite person!”
You turned towards him, hiding your face in his chest while letting the tears run freely.
It felt amazing to hear those words but no matter what he said, forgiving him was not something you could do.
At least not right now…
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Hi , i love and appreciate the sense of poetry in your writings it catches my attention and excites me to keep reading . Can you please tell me where you get the inspiration from ? Are they books? Perhaps it's your studies ?
Ty and what a lovely question 🩷💋 There are so many things to list such as the obvious nature, music, other people but yeah, there are some specific little things that inspire me!
Baring my soul here really but here we go:
I consider myself an animist so the works of authors who have an animist mindset as well inspire me very much. Such as Martin Shaw (please go read Courting the Wild Twin or Scatterlings) or Peter Grey (Apocalyptic Witchcraft. Incredible.) or David Abram (Spell of the Sensuous 💙) They all write magically and very poetically, I can feel their writing in my body & soul so that's always a plus.
Also most artists who've written for the Dark Mountain Project (their manifesto is insane btw) or poets such as Gary Snyder, Rainer Maria Rilke, T. S. Eliot set me straight when I feel like I'm lacking in words. Also Anaïs Nin! I know some people can't stand her but I think she's brilliant.
I absolutely love depth psychology, Jung opened the doors for me to understand archetypes, myths and recurring themes in stories. His works and the work of Jungian scholars who've studied fairytales, female initiation and the animus are very dear to me. I think without their influence I wouldn't understand what I'm writing or wouldn't be writing at all.
My studies, sometimes, yes! I read a lot of papers on ethnology and anthropology but it's mainly folklore and myths that are my main interest and inspiration... I'm actually in the wrong field but that's ok ;_;
Also your "regular" psychology, I love to study how the human mind works, I'm especially interested in traits that are considered pure evil such as the Dark Triad. I used to be very interested in war history but nowadays I lean more into reading about the psychological impacts of war. A bit gruesome to list these as "inspiration" but it does inspire me to look monstrous things in the eye and not shy away from them. Especially when writing about traumatized military cocks lol 👹🩷
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nctinkverse · 2 months
Promissa Redux - Chapter 3
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Synopsis: A life-altering phone call from Jaehyun prompts reflection on your personal life and career choices. Despite initial confusion and concern, he surprises you with a movie script offer. Memories intertwine with present decisions, revealing a longing for closeness. Accepting the script becomes a opportunity to have your best fried back, you miss the banter and tender moments you had with him more than you thought you did.
Warnings: minors do not interact!, for this chapter we've got a little angst, smut and crude words.
Pairing: jaehyun x f. reader
Word count: 1.760
Autor note: This chapter takes us back to Jaehyun call we saw in the preview of Promissa Redux, some parts are a little more detailed and at the end, there's a flashback were we get a glimpse of what their relationship as a married couple looked like. Sorry for taking so much time to update and enjoy!
Unauthorized copying or translation of this work is strictly prohibited.
-------- Preview with all the warnings and Chapter 2 -------------------
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Chapter 3 - One call away is not close enough
A call two years later changed everything.
Your career…
Your personal life as well.
You were fast asleep when the phone rang. Jaehyun’s name on the screen made you alert, is he alright? Did something happen?
Laying your back on the headboard you answered the call.
“Hi” he said using a normal tone. That made you a little less worried.
“Jaehyun, is something wrong?”
“Oh, no… I’m sorry… I didn’t check the time difference. I should have called another-
“Jae…spill, what’s the gossip, huh?”
He let out a little laugh since the gossip thing that a old joke between you two.
“No gossip, but I do have something.”
“Clearly, it’s something good or you wouldn’t be calling on impulse, spill, Jaehyun.”
“Yeah right…” He hesitated a bit coughing a bit, his telltale sign that he was nervous.
“I got sent this script for a movie, they want me as the main character…” He hesitated again which made you ask.
“Jeong Jaehyun, what did you do?”
“I sent a copy of the script to your mailbox.”
You could feel your sleepiness vanishing as you started to scold him.
“Jaehyun, are you nuts? You can’t ship stuff like this in the mail! What if gets – “
"It got delivered today." He interrupted, making you stop your thinking.
Scrambling for a thought since he didn’t elaborate, you asked.
"What the hell am I supposed to do with it?! I’m not a male actor, Jung."
"Read, dummy, read."
"And do what?"
"Tell me if you want it."
You opened your mouth to be obnoxious, pointing out the obvious, but Jaehyun must have listened to your 'I’m about to give you an earful' breath and went first.
"Listen, it’s an amazing script, just like the ones you used to want to work on. There’s an opening for a cinematographer, and I know you’re a hell of a good one, so if you want, it’s yours." He said in one breath, probably afraid you would interrupt again.
But from all he said, this part really got you confused.
"What do you mean it’s mine?"
"I showed the director your profile and portfolio, and he said yes."
"Fuck, Jaehyun." You didn’t know what to say since he was never one to interfere in your personal life since the D word.
"You’re sleepy, and I know how grumpy you can be at this hour, so… I still must tell you two more things, the job is in the states, probably 3-4 months of filming, and I am supposed to give an answer on the male character in 48 hours. We would have to work together, and we would probably have to strike a deal with my parents since we can’t pull Junnie out of school, so…"
You understood what he said, but you needed at least a cup of coffee to process it. But before you could say anything, he went off again.
"I can give it up if you want." He said almost like a whisper.
"Give what up?"
"The character."
"You didn’t like it?"
"No, but –
You interrupted again.
"So, if you do like it, why would you give it up?" It made no sense to you.
"For you –"
It still didn’t make sense why he would give it up.
"Give it up for ME?"
"I like it, Y/N, but this script has you written all over it… and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable by being there."
Now you got him, yet he was about the last person in this world who could make you uncomfortable.
"Yuno…" You said in a softer tone.
You heard his breath and a soft "yeah?"
"I don’t hate you." You stated in your most soft yet firm tone, it was one of the things he must not forget about you two.
"I know, Y/N, I know."
"I am going to read it and think about what you said, ok? Don’t do anything hasty."
"Ok, I will let you go back to sleep."
"I’m not sleeping after all this, you know right?" You said, letting out a small huff.
"I know."
"What I am about to do is getting up, making some coffee and grabbing the script out of my mailbox, does it sound good to you?" You were being just a bit playful.
"It does, love."
That word made you warm like butter melting on a frying pan. Still, that wasn’t something out of the ordinary for him to call you. So, you let it slide.
"Well, for sure it’s better than staying in bed tossing and turning."
He let out a small giggle, he knew you were one of those to fight a lot with your bed at night.
"Good morning, love."
"Good afternoon to you?" You didn’t know what time zone he was on, so you tried.
"Try again." He said with a smiling voice.
"Good night!" You said like you had guessed the lottery numbers.
He let out a giggle sound and said, "Give little Nari 1000 kisses from me, will you?”
"Why just a thousand?" You said with a little pout as if he could see.
You could hear his playful tone in reply.
"Don’t you know our daughter? She might ask for in real life a thousand kisses; since you are the closest parent, you might fall victim to it, so I think that’s a great number for kisses."
You both giggled, Jung Nari, the lily to our garden, was at that phase where hyperbole would be a tough concept for her to grasp.
"Ok, fine." You agreed still giggling.
"I will call… stay safe."
"You too, Jaehyun."
With that you decided to get up put some warm clothes, while the coffee maker did her job, you went downstairs to get the script from your mailbox.
When the coffee was ready you got back to your room and pulled the curtains up letting a little of the city lights get into your room. Turning on your lamp you seated yourself on your favorite chair.
The script was big, over 200 pages, there was no way you would finish it before Nari would wake up, but when you reached page 50 you decided it was okay to close it.
Jaehyun was right, it was exactly the type of script you wanted to work with. You were deeply touched he even remembered you talking about it…
“I believe in you.”
“You do?” You asked raising your head from Jaehyun’s chest so you could look at his eyes. “I don’t think I can do it, I think it’s too late”.
He was already shaking his head even before you could finish.
“It’s not late, if you want to change careers you know what to do, I don’t doubt for a second, you’ll get there.”
You were deeply touched by his words. It’s not like you thought he wouldn’t be supportive, you just never imagined needing to hear his genuine tone, the way he looked into your eyes ensuring you could perceive every feeling he conveyed.
Raising your head a little, you gave him a kiss. It was a sweet ‘thank you’ one.
When you disconnected and snuggled even more close to him on the couch, using your leg over his hips to feel every part of you against his comfortable warm body.
“So, I’m curious, if you could pick a type of movie to work on, what it would be like?”
“An 80’s movie for sure.”
“Why baby?”
“Well, you know they are my favorites, the whole boombox thing outside a girls window it's a classic, I also like Ten Reasons Why I Hate You, I love the whole enemies to lovers it’s an amazing plot if done right.”
“I don’t think you can work on movies like enemies to lovers, you might get a crush on Heath Ledger and I could lose my wife.”
You smacked the upper part of his butt for the almost funny insult.
“I do not have a crush on Heath Ledger!”
“Oh yeah babe, you do, you have all his movies.”
“Yes! Because he was an amazing actor!”
“Are you sure he’s not handsome?”
“You literally drool when he is on screen baby…”
“Fine! That’s just because he has dimples!”
“Oh, I knew it!”
“You have dimples too, so shut it, Jae.”
“Oh, you’re soo nervous, you’re-
You stopped his sentence with a kiss. A warm one this time, you were trying to make a point so he would forget about stupid cute Heath Ledger and just kiss you dumb.
It took only a few seconds to feel his tongue invade your mouth, playing with yours, his hand that was on your lower back traveled to your butt check and he pressed your body even closer to his.
You moaned, his cock pressing very close to where you needed him, he lowered his lips to your neck. Using your hand, you guided his head to the spot you needed him, your fingers right over one of the dimples you loved so much.
“Yuno…I don’t like other man’s dimples, I just like yours…” You said between breaths.
Against your neck he let out a small laugh.
“Yeah baby, how much?”
“I like it so fucking much I want you to pass it on to our kids.”
“Oh, kids.”
“Yes, kids.” You also replied with your body undulating against his, all tingly with excitement.
He left your neck to tease your lips with his.
“Plural. Interesting.”
You just nodded pleading with your eyes for him to kiss you fully.
“So, you like the idea of babies…
“Not really the point.”
“So, what is the point?” He kissed you a little harder for a few seconds but pulled away again.
“I like trying to make babies with you so much, I know one day I’m going to go insane and tell you to forget the condoms.”
“Or maybe one day I will fuck you so hard and soo good the condom would break.” He completed.
“That’s exactly my point. Now stop being a tease.”
He laughed but finally went back to kissing you.
You shook your head so the memory would go away, Jaehyun was the love of your life, your already happy ending was Nari.
But you missed your best friend.
He had a strange sense of humor, was calm and knew what to say every time you needed him.
You missed him so much, so that’s how you convinced yourself to accept the script. Maybe it was a way you could also be close to your best friend again.
@dulyrana @clblnz 💚
@electric-hearts @hyuukah @baeseungcheolie @girlinbangtan @johnbanana @fashion-addictedd @peachfulnight @angel63715 @daegalismybiasinnct @chloemargaret @phattyboo90 @oyasueme @peachfulnight 💚💚
@lijennoow @crazywittysassy @matchaforyanna @ihrtsolana @the-universe-in-you-jjh @iarayara @mrsuhnshine @dilfjohnnyaf @xuyiyang @monstanctiny21 @jccv @peachytokki @jaescafe 💚💚💚
The ones in bold are the ones I wasn't able to tag and will be sending the update in priv.
This chapter was a pain in the &&& to post coz tumblr keeps NOT letting me post anything so it's missing spaces and format so so sorry about that.
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we-stan-cale · 2 months
I love this story so much! I keep coming across things during my reread that I just have to comment on.
Currently, that's after Choi Han read the book left behind by Choi Jung Gun
And I really just wanted to talk about this part
The corners of Cale’s lips slowly went up. ‘Yes. This is it. Choi Han knows our methods now.’ “Cale-nim, everybody needs to work together.” Cale started to smile. The original story was gone. This was their history now.
Well, okay, this and everything leading up to it.
Because one of the things I love about Cale is that he absolutely despises having a hero sacrifice themself. He also truly believes that every skill is useful, and that success is really about using a team's skillset effectively.
I originally had been a bit iffy about Cale controlling access to the book. He was concerned Choi Han would read it and decide on some self-sacrificial heroic plan (ironic, I know, but that's Cale for you).
Cale eventually did decide it'd be okay, but it's obvious he manipulated the entire thing. Probably dropping the book so Choi Han would first see the part suggesting someone monopolize the earth powers and then sacrifice them (which since Cale already has one of those powers means Choi Han would think it's suggesting they sacrifice Cale)
Then we have the conversation at the end, where Cale said he didn't like the sentence about all the heroes dying (as well as the sentence in Korean about heroes being born, but ofc he can't tell Choi Han that).
But really, the important part is that Choi Han himself suggested that they work together to defeat the White Star.
I can't say this enough. Most protagonists, though I love them to death, focus more on getting stronger individually.
They don't really talk about creating a team, and most of their teams seem to come about by happenstance.
Having a protagonist who always thinks in terms of what skills they need to succeed - without anyone sacrificing themselves or dying - is an absolute delight.
In some ways Cale also reminds me of Shikamaru, though there are some significant differences.
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moonsoupstar-ao3 · 9 months
How Team Soo's messages are
Kim Rok Soo.
Perfect grammar almost all the time
Formal speech
Specific when joke (but is quite obvious bc he change the speech style and use more "banal" words)
You suck.
(This, above, is a joke. In case I wasn't clear enough.)
Use what CJS called "big textbook nerdy" words
He's just really proud of how many words he knows and want to show off
Send the ALT every time he send photos
Use certain words with different people thinking about the fields they're specialist
Have someone with a master in chemistry, speak almost only in elements with them when posible.
Please bring some CO², if possible.
LSH thinks is adorable, CJS is extremely confused most of the time
All of this bc CJS enjoy taking his phone and text the rest of the Team pretending to be him
It fail almost all the time for a very long time
Does Rok Soo-yah knows that you have his phone?
Please never contact to me again from here unless death or live situation.
Hi, Jung Soo-yah, I hope Rok Soo-yah doesn't kill you for take his phone.
Were the most common responses
Luckily for him, KRS found mess with people (specifically, their team members) the most funny shit ever, so he takes the time to teach CJS super big and unnecessary "only applied to this context" words
CJS is also the one who teach him lots of slang, and make people lives a bit worse
(more than one think about kill him but then realized they would have to fight KRS and LSH)
Get drunk as fuck once and send this to the Team group:
I luv yo all im realy fund find fod FOND to yal tzh fr fir fur FOR be ecsisting
Delete the next day, first and only time he send a text with so many mistakes
Didn't talk to anyone for two days after it
Choi Jung Soo.
So many slang, even the oldest in the company feel young again after talk with him
Bunch of text one after another
Looks like the kind of person who doesn't know what the heck is a comma
Random text at 3am
Mess a lot with people
Cryptid messages when bored
Can talk with emojis and make himself understandable
He's also the reason why KRS start using emojis, but he keeps them at minimum and only to make his jokes more obvious
A normal text from him is like:
U knwo
Hyung's gonna do
The dinner 🍽️
He said go take 🥛
In your way back 🏠
Thx 🫂
Lee Soo Hyuk.
Read message one or two seconds after received it, don't answer in like seven hours unless important or from his team
Normal person with randoms and higher ranks in the company
But a totally unhinged bastard with his friends
So. Many. Dad. Jokes
Something even him found them terrible but the idea to make someone regret talk to him is hilarious
He's the one who convinced KRS to let CJS use his phone
Never regret it
He can be intentionally suggestive but only for fun
Everyone knows better than take him seriously
When drunk, he is super straight forward and lewd
Someone try to approach him once in this state and end being persecuted by two rabid dogs
No one try to flirt back with him, even when sober
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hopeisgrey · 5 months
My Demon - 7/10
Tumblr media
The announcement of My Demon literally created chaos among the k-drama fans. The Song Kang-Kim Youjung pairing was making everyone insane. The hype was unreal. But did My Demon live up to it? Well, the answer to that would be… yes or no (kissy if u read that in Na Bora’s voice). My Demon did have a very interesting plot line, good enough characters and it was successful in getting the audiences hooked with the first few episodes. The cinematography was the most talked about among the viewers and rightfully so. The wide shots of Jung Guwon’s (Song Kang) office, the underwater scene, the slow-mo shot of the waves forming a portal around Guwon and Dohee (Kim Youjung), the Dohee-about-to-fall-off-the-balcony scene and so on. Another thing that filled twitter was the fashion. And not only the female lead’s this time, but also the male leads. Guwon has secured his place among the very few male leads with impeccable fashion sense. When most male leads are shown in sophisticated suits, Guwon was rocking cropped jackets and scarfs. But then again, I don’t think most male leads are Song Kang.
Nevertheless, My Demon stands as an example that if you start with a bang, your ending should be a banger. This is where the drama failed. In the second half, it started to feel like the story line was being stretched. The cinematography and direction which was so good in the start had taken a back seat and love making montages were put in for the action that wasn’t happening. And by action, I mean just anything that would contribute to the plot. The plot was moving, but at a very slow pace. Sure, Guwon and Dohee make the best couple, the greenest flag couple, the entire amazon rainforest couple, but where is the drama? I wasn’t necessarily waiting for anything bad to happen, but for a time being literally nothing was happening. And I was mad about that. Until towards to the end, everything happened. The new trend of k-drama rom-coms only having 12 episodes, My Demon should’ve followed that. Because the more they stretched, the more Song Kang’s bad acting showed and also the writer’s inability to stitch it all together. I honestly loved Song Kang in Sweet Home, not that he had any more than 2 expressions 3 dialogues in it, but still. Jung Guwon is far more expressive, and Song Kang couldn’t do justice. He shines when the camera requires for him to be the slayest demon to walk this planet, but when it is time for the playful babygirl Guwon to get on stage, his acting feels like… acting. It’s not terrible, it’s just not the best. Also the entire past life plot is becoming more than obvious. The moment I saw Guwon dreaming of his past, I KNEW Guwon and Dohee probably died in the past life and one of them thinks it’s their fault and they will try to distance themselves from each other. You know which other drama did it? See You in My 19th Life and Destined with You and maybe more but I don’t remember. Like can we please move on? This is equivalent to the 2016 era dramas having the oh we’ve actually met in childhood and not forgotten each other since trope. But then again, they have given us the most iconic dramas, can’t the same about these though.
However, I loved the way they showed Jin Gayoung’s character coming full circle. She is probably the only one who started a certain way, learned her lessons, had character development and got her happy ending. So yeah, My Demon definitely isn’t the best drama for me. I am not going to put in on my re-watch list. But I will recommend it. It’s fun, and sweet, and great for fashion inspo!
Another thing I want to add is that My Demon is compared to Doom at Your Service a lot for having a similar concept, so I’ll just say that DAYS is a much better drama, for all aspects – storyline, acting, romance, comedy, THE FUCKING AWESOME THREESOME OF THE SECOND LEAD THRUPPLE, even the song (If Love Sight by TXT doesn’t play in my head when I look at my future partner, I’ll know they’re not the one). Except My Demon is going to take the trophy for best costume.
Ok that’s it now let me play Hyunsu’s “What should we do?” until Sweet Home S3 comes out hehe!
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haggishlyhagging · 2 months
In order to effect this re-birth—that is, castration—of women, the therapeutic "mothers" know that it is essential to discredit real mothers. All Hags are familiar with the omnipresent "blaming the mother" syndrome among psychotherapists from Freud downward. C. G. Jung, whose theories are pernicious traps which often stop women in the initial stages of mind-journeying, displays with arresting arrogance another way of discrediting women who are mothers. He simply flattens them into projection screens. We read:
“My own view differs from that of other medico-psychological theories principally in that I attribute to the personal mother only a limited etiological significance. That is to say, all those influences which the literature describes as being exerted on the children do not come from the mother herself, but rather from the archetype projected upon her, which gives her a mythological background and invests her with authority and numinosity [emphasis mine].”
Having reduced women to nothing, Jung blames them for everything. The reader is subliminally led to accept the idea that mothers and not men (such as Jung) are the castrators of women. This renders invisible the fact of female castration by males. Thus, describing a daughter who has a "mother-complex," Jung writes:
“The daughter leads a shadow existence, often visibly sucked dry by her mother, and she prolongs her mother's life by a sort of continuous blood transfusion. . . . Despite their shadowiness and passivity, they [these daughters] command a high price on the marriage market. First, they are so empty that a man is free to impute to them anything he fancies. In addition, they these women are so unconscious that the unconscious puts out countless invisible feelers, veritable octopus tentacles, that suck up all masculine projections; and this pleases men enormously.”
Jung's reversals should be obvious to Hags. He frankly admits that the daughters' condition of being "sucked dry" is a male requirement for marriageability. Just as foot-binding was required by the men of China, so is mindbinding a universal demand of patriarchal males, who want their women to be empty so that they will be forced to suck male projections/ejections, becoming pre-occupied, pre-possessed. This deprivation of vitality is required by patriarchal males who "command [this] high price" which "pleases men enormously." On the level of body-gynecology we have seen what women are commanded to "suck up": The Poisonous Pill, carcinogenic exogenous estrogens, DES, et cetera, ad mortem.
-Mary Daly, Gyn/Ecology
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