#i realized how pretty the hair look without the lineart
aria0fgold · 1 year
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peachyonepiece · 10 months
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appears looking at you with autism creature eyes. hello @sangerie your vs bros fankids (one of which i had a hand in making bc. glances at the reblogs/notes in @loopyarts post. i have confessed there fskakfafsga) are really really neat .u.
SPEAKING of loopyarts ty for allowing me to take inspo for nijis kids raid suit fit!! i really liked the softer yellow and the thicker lightning bolts on his pants you gave him so tysm for letting me yoink it <3
uh uhh individual pieces and also design/character rants under the cut bc. i wanna.
RAID SUIT RAMBLING TIME bc i spent the most time on those. also you might be asking 'why is only their hair rendered in those pieces?' well the answer is because i am Lazy. moving on . (/HJHJ i AM lazy but also rendering it further would mess up the colors and i didn't wanna do that lmao. carrying on..)
Ichiji's daughter i am so SO proud of her fit. i did not look up a reference or even inspo ideas at all, that all came from the ole noggin baybeee. anyways she is obviously based off a magical girl(s) fit bc she wants and DESERVES to be. also since Reiju doesn't have any kids of her own (based wine aunt) i also decided to let Little Red have some of her motifs instead of just purely Ichiji's!! primarily the 66 on her pants but also all the pink on her instead of just red :) and obviously she has her dads number and while she DOES have a (white? bc like daddy shes a special little princess /aff) cape i didn't include it here bc it looked reallly bad lmao. but she does have one tucked into the bow probably!! there she is, Sparkling Red Neo!!! (get it.. sparkling instead of sparking... bc magical girl.... im funny i think.) onto Little Ocean Boy
OKAY LET ME TALK ABOUT THE MOST MINISCULE YET MOST IMPORTANT DETAIL TO ME AND ME ALONE FIRST. that being the symbol on the brats belt. it was actually inspired/based off of this post which really stuck with me with me after reading it which i later realized was bc the "that something has been completely reversed" REMINDED ME OF THIS POST OF YOURS. i don't think im especially good at theory crafting but. idk i think there could be Something about how after judge came and turned germa into mercenaries their symbol turned from what once symbolized 'purity' into the skull of war mongers and then BACK to purity after 0124 get germa on the right path... poetry or smthn. ANYWAYS yah shoe shiners got a pretty basic fit bc like i said in the og ask, hes a sora warrior of the sea fan, once he saw the raidsuits irl methinks he'd want to stay pretty close to the og design. HOWEVER he refuses to drop the hat (much to Niji's dismay) and i came up with a reason besides 'its one piece and therefore there's GOTTA be a kid with a weird hat that they're attached to': and that is the fact that it hides his eyebrows. Little Red has the curly brows, all of Yonji's cabbage patch does too, and the brats the only one without. even if literally no one else notices or cares, he wants to hide the fact that he doesn't have em because it Separates him. and he doesn't want that. at all. he really, Really wants to be a part of this family (oh no i made it. angsty). ANYWAYS UHH YAYYY HE HAS A TWO ON HIS HAT (that he sewed on himself which is why i made sure you can see the stitch-lines) BC NIJIS HIS DAD WAHOO YIPPEE :D:D:D Dengeki Blue Neo: little shoe shiner edition!!
UHH second image is just a refined piece of that first doodle i sent you. with lineart and a better color pallet and all. actually looking at it again now i realize i forgot little brats freckles and i am now punching the air bc its too late to fix. just act like they're there. please :,,,) edit: nvm its the next morning i fixed that kjahsdah
i don't even have much to say about the last two because i Think i am Rightgksfjgasjkfa but for the third i think the brats a bad influence on Little Red especially. ALSO FOR THE FOURTH NO I DIDNT FORGET ICHIJIS TATTOO. I AM JUST LAZY. (and I also forgot his tattoo :]) ANOTHER edit: i also. fixed this :]
CHRIST i am incapable of contacting you on Tumblr via any way that includes anything less than 250 words i am so sorry sangerie.. i hope you like these tho cause i really do tbh :3 (PS you have to take literally NONE of what I said here [mostly about shoe shiner] as like.. canon about them?? these are YOUR ocs obvi so please, change Little Red's raidsuit design if you find it unappealing!! make shoe shiner have a backstory of your own!!! i hope that isnt weird or rude to say, i just thought it was important too bc i threw sm at you so strongly ^^' okay thats all tysm for reading this it means to world to me byebye <3)
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crystalkleure · 3 years
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Haha hey remember that post I made awhile back, speculating on what a bad idea it might be to fuse dead things in the godless Frankenstein fossil machine
Meet White. He is a reanimated corpse. Two of them, actually. Or more like 1.5. [And I whipped up this half-assed partial reference sheet in one night instead of sleeping, so don’t look too hard at the chickenscratch lineart and visible guidelines, and kindly ignore the total lack of shading as well as any other messy jankiness.]
White is a product of me wondering not only about what happens if you NecroFuse a human with a Pokemon, but also what happens if you make it even worse and specifically fuse that human with a Pokemon capable of mega evolution. Because canon seems to imply that mega evolving is at best deeply uncomfortable -- and at worst outright agonizing -- for whatever creature is going through it.
Character Lore under the cut. Lots of text:
White is one of actually multiple undead guys who got mashed together with bits of dead Pokemon. They’re science experiments, so they've got the dex numbers of the Pokemon they're spliced with tattooed on the backs of their necks, and those numbers were treated as their names In The Evil Science Lab.
In his Original Life, White [and some of his buddies] got gored to death by some escaped Horrible Fucking Monsters that were accidentally [...and then not-so-accidentally] created via Two Pokemon At Once In A Fossil Resurrection Machine, because hey, it is SUPER easy to think you got Just One Thing's Bones from an excavation dig but then later you realize that Some Of Those Bones were from something TOTALLY different that just died in the same place. It happens. So, some Fossil Scientist People accidentally resurrected an Abomination, realized they fucked up pretty fast...and then started wondering if they REALLY fucked up or if this is Cool, Actually. And then the team of Science People split into two Morality Factions, with one half being like “This is unethical as shit, we need to make sure this doesn't happen again because it's not natural so who knows how this poor fucked up creature is suffering” and the other, cooler half being like “WE NEED TO DO THIS AGAIN RIGHT NOW BECAUSE SCIENCE. IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES HOLY SHIT.”
Cooler group splits off from the Horrified Group With Morals, and they promptly use their Science Knowledge to Construct More Machines and Make More Monsters. Doesn't take too long for them to realize, however, that Abomination Pokemon are stupidly hard to control, because not only are they suffering, their masters obviously don't care for their wellbeing, so Revolt Inevitably Occurs and they escape to wreak havoc upon the nearest congregation of townspeople. They promptly maul some people to death at a nearby local rock concert, scientists chase after them to clean up the mess, realize “Oh Shit, Manslaughter Charges Impending”, and then realize...
Science Guy 1: “...Hey, what happens if you put a dead person in the fossil machine?”
Science Guy 2: “Hey, people probably listen better than Pokemon. We can, like, TALK to people.”
Science Guy 3: “Lads, I got a stellar idea just now. And we got plenty of Dead Guys to start with right here! Great way to hide the bodies too, probably.”
This goes approximately as well as you would expect, and precisely as ethically. A smashing success!
However, because they Fucking Died, the reanimated Newly-Monsterized dudes do not remember shit about who they were pre-resurrection. They're not technically even the same people, they’re more like clones. They've been remade. So, all they know now is Science Lab Life, and they have no initial attachment to eachother aside from "that other guy is also a Science Experiment Person just like me, so Same Hat @ Labrat Neighbour ig", in spite of several having been friends or even family prior to death. They also just...don’t know/remember things in general. They are fresh blank slates. And to a morally-bankrupt team of scientists, that’s perfect! They can train these guys to behave however they please!
...However, people might be People Instead Of Animals, meaning they can be Reasoned With And Manipulated And Coerced far better than animals due to their far better communication abilities with the Science People, but...there is Still A Problem in the sense that Holy Shit, A Person Can Only Take So Much. You can only treat someone as "Experiment [number]" for so long, blatantly putting no value on their life outside of The Value Of Scientific Research, in spite of literally basically needing to raise them like a normal child due to the Lack Of Memories issue. Eventually they're not gonna be able to take that anymore and they are gonna Fucking Leave, too. And they’re gonna be much harder to track down than the rampaging Pokemon were. Impossible, actually, once they’ve ripped out their tracking chips.
So then there's just these monster dudes, who don't actually know what they are because they weren't ever told anything more than necessary to get them to cooperate with Tests And Experiments, just Escaped Into Civilization and having NO idea how Anything works. Fun! Especially considering how, at first glance, these just look like Normal Dudes. Their monster bits either aren't apparent or just look like funky body modifications.
They've also got Science Things in them and they Don't Know What The Fuck Those Things Even Are. They've just got these little Devices in/on their chests, and they were never informed of the exact functions of them because there's no reason to explain to the experiment What Is Happening, just that the experiment needs to Hold Still and Cooperate and Now Do This, Now Do This, Now Do That, Good Job That's Enough For Today, etc.
Those devices contain both key stones and mega stones.
If you were a Mad Pokemon Scientist, you would most certainly be interested in the mega evolution phenomenon. What would YOU do if some of your Undead Fusion Experiments happened to be spliced with bits of Pokemon known to be capable of mega evolving? You’d kill two birds with one enigmatic set of stones, that’s what you’d do. Your Frankenstein Experiments can even TALK to you and tell you exactly what they are experiencing when you run tests on them! It’s perfect!
So, if a rock-bearing monster’s heart rate goes too high, part of the little device, which is a barrier between one type of rock and the other, opens up and Exposes One Rock To The Other Rock. Which exposes the monster to the Rock Energy Reaction. The greater the stress, the higher the dose. And I’m sure you can see the snowball effect that’s gonna create, at least the first time or two.
They were INTENDED to eventually be made to Physically Fight With Eachother to gauge the effects of The Rocks™️ when the Guys With The Rocks are under Stress and need to Do Some Self-Defense. The Science Squad was basically trying to suss out the Actual Purpose of mega evolution. Because mega evolution is weird -- it puts ENORMOUS stress on the body of whatever is undergoing it, so the hypothesis was that its true power is probably drawn out best via a perceived life-threatening situation, like it’s a type of hysterical strength, because what else would cause a need for that kind of ability. And aren’t ethics a bit overrated?
So, there’s our premise. White is just wandering around without any particular purpose outside of never ever going back to Science Hell, and he has no clue what the funny little doohickey buried in his chest does until it activates one day and absolutely fucks him up [...as well as everyone around him. Mega Absol radiate an Aura Of Sheer Terror that can literally scare people with weak hearts to death if they’re not careful.]
And now, some Miscellaneous Character Info:
The bit about Lots Of Death happening at a rock concert specifically was important. White was actually the vocalist of the band that was playing. He doesn’t remember that now, but he still loves music and has the same strong vocal cords. And THAT is important because White is partially an Absol now and Absol naturally learns Perish Song. These Fusion Monsters are absolutely capable of using Pokemon moves, though whether they’re aware of this is a different matter entirely. Imagine what happens when they end up tapping into those abilities accidentally.
That band was a relatively-unknown little local band. White was by no means anywhere near famous. Very few people even realized he was gone, and most of the ones who would have noticed also ended up Equally Unalive.
That black stuff between the belts on White’s arms is mesh. Like, stocking mesh. It gets Ripped The Fuck Apart when he goes Mega Mode and his arm fur gets Extra Spiky. Hence one stocking being a bit tattered in that reference pic. He frequently has to replace those things, they are fragile.
“How did White get his name if he doesn’t remember his original name and didn’t have a real name in the lab” I am glad you asked! Post-escape, he eventually encountered a situation where someone asked him what his name was, he bluntly told them “I don’t have one. I am #359.”, they said “Well That Is Not A Name, I need something proper to call you”, and he was just...Super Apathetic. So, the other person picked out the name “White” just based on the fact that White’s hair is white, and he just shrugged and rolled with it.
As you can see in my Incredibly Quick And Rough Sketches, the backs of White’s shirts are open to accommodate that huge amount of fur that bristles out into false wings when he goes Mega Mode. Because his Actual Normal Hair is relatively long and overlaps with that fur, it blends in with his Actual Normal Hair and doesn’t look too odd [when it’s down]. Probably mostly because nobody’s expecting it to be anything OTHER than Perfectly Normal Hair That Just Happens To Be Very Long.
White does not particularly like violence. White does not want to beat you up. He will, though, without a bit of hesitation, if there’s some logical reason he feels like it’s the most practical course of action. Being essentially raised by Cold, Emotionally-Sterile Scientists With No Care For The Wellbeing Other Living Beings uh, tends to affect a guy a little bit. White has a bit of an internal dilemma regarding “It would be efficient for me to just Harm This Other Person to defuse the current situation, because attempting nonviolence will be overall more risky somehow” vs. “Holy shit it feels bad when I hurt people. Why does it feel bad when I hurt people. Is it...SUPPOSED to feel bad when I hurt people?? No one ever felt bad for hurting me.” He Figures Out How Empathy Works Eventually. He is a good guy at heart. He is a Monotone Snarker, but not actually Cold or Malicious at all.
If an Absol can do it, White can probably do it. He has incredibly keen senses and a STRONG ability to Detect Impending Doom. He has exactly the amount of Supernatural Absol Powers you would expect. He is also stupidly physically strong, way more so than he appears to be.
White can’t punch people. Look at the fist he’s making in the pic, he’s doing it wrong. If you punch someone like that, you WILL break your own thumb. That’s not a Revving Up To Sock Someone pose, he’s just tense. He’s using his thumb as a buffer between his long-ass Sharp As Fuck claws and the flesh of his palm. If White tries to punch anybody, or just makes a proper fist at all, he will impale his own hand on his nails. Like, all the way through. He CAN slash straight through things like metal and bone with those claws, though.
White...is unsettling. Completely accidentally, and unknowingly. He just radiates an Aura Of Intimidation [...or Pressure], even when not in Mega Mode, that scales depending on his mood. Just being near him tends to put people and Pokemon on edge. Thus, he’s generally avoided.
The latter point is especially unfortunate, because White’s preferred method of Socializing and Bonding is to just kind of quietly hang out in the same room as whoever he is trying to Socialize and Bond with. He just wants to, like...chill out Near A Buddy and watch a movie and share a bag of chips or something. His social skills are predictably not good.
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alaraxia · 4 years
Process Breakdown: Starfall
Since I got some positive responses to my question on process stuff I’m gonna do a behind the scenes breakdown for my most recent piece to help people see the process I use and how I problem solve. I didn’t plan to do this initially so I won’t have a ton of process shots but I did save a handful. There’s a few scattered hyperlinks to other pieces I reference too. Just a warning this is mostly train of thought so it’s super verbose.  
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So base sketches were mostly focused around me defining the shape of the girl since she was the focal point and building the environment around her. Going in the things I knew I wanted were a girl precariously balanced on top of a massive capybara catching a falling star, while surrounded by smaller sleeping capybaras on rocks. I layered out a general forest scene surrounding it but didn’t really commit to much in the sketches. Messed with the angles of the large capybara a few times to make it feel less flat and more 3D in the space, used a lot of reference photos of capybaras and sorta simplified them to what I thought was cute/ what stood out to me as their defining features.
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Skipping ahead a solid amount is midway through the initial lineart, with some areas just colored in to define them as separate. Initially this piece was supposed to be in a similar style as my “Stratosphere Dreaming” art, with a single uniform line thickness, bright colors, and no gradient shading at all, but I realized pretty soon after I finished the lineart and started coloring that I had done what I tend to do a lot and made it too complex to pull off successfully in that style so I had to pivot to using gradient shading and other non-cell style techniques (though you can see a lot of those methods still in the coloring of the girl). This caused an even bigger challenge as I was drawing on a large canvas with high DPI in Procreate which resulted in me having a cumulative 50 layers to work with at any given time (hell).
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Now once I made that rendering style pivot is when the really hard part began, and why on top of my persistent arm injuries this took me about two months to finally finish.
1.) I had an extremely difficult time trying to figure out the color pallet for the piece. I had an idea of the values and general colors I wanted (you can see some pallets and random base color tests in the image above) but I just couldn’t get them to look right and I became extremely more aggravated as I kept trying new and different things. My biggest mental block was feeling like I was stuck trying to make the initial pallet idea work, but eventually I was able to bump it to a slightly adjacent pallet and it worked far better. Essentially a lot of angry experimenting and testing.
2.) I made the piece too complex for its own good when it came to the foliage and scene. After finding success with a very specific way to render foliage in one of my favorite pieces I started to use it as my standard, but that standard started to show cracks when I had foliage heavy scenes like in my Hollow Knight piece from last year. The rendering style became insanely too time consuming, and incredibly distracting when used in abundance, taking away from the focal point. I knew this but I still attempted to use the same style to render the foreground foliage MULTIPLE times in increasing states of frustration until I stepped back, evaluated it wasn’t working, and tested out a very similar style with the same effect but that I could throw together twice as fast without the aggressive distraction and minuscule details that were irrelevant in the scheme of the art. This frustration in the rendering not working was only exacerbated by the color pallet indecision making a lot of the attempts just look bad both color and style wise.
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Due to the limited layers I had to finish rendering out the girl very early and merge her together to free up layer space, and couldn’t keep my lineart layers as separate as I would have liked to allow for quick line color swaps. She ended up being a key point in defining the rest of the color pallet of the piece. The dress shape was indeed inspired by the Lirika Matoshi strawberry dress, but with my own twist.  
Once I got a more solid color pallet down the rest started to come a lot easier and I was able to begin filling stuff in and doing general color adjustments to make the backgrounds darker and give it more depth. I don’t have any more process shots beyond the initial color pallet exploration unfortunately, but the last hurdle I hit was at the very end once I was doing final touch ups. I found that with the only light source/ lighter color being the falling star that it washed out a lot of the rest of the pieces and made the details I spend so much time on feel unnoticed. I found though that adding the bright orange stardust specks into the trees, the girls hair, and falling from the star itself gave the last bit of color I think it needed without completely destroying the atmosphere. Originally (you may see it in some of the process shots) there were going to be jars with stars already in them illuminating the bottom of the piece, but after multiple trial and error iterations it just didn’t work out and ended up taking the focal point away from the girl and the star too much so I scrapped it.
Finally once I got everything done I made a copy of the entire art file to save as a backup, then with one of the copies merged all the layers together. Once all merged I made a copy of the fully merged layer, and went and adjusted the entire layer copy using a Gaussian Blur, reduced the opacity of the blurred layer to a super low percent, and put it on top of the original merged layer. This gave it that ethereal sort of feel that is difficult to notice unless you zoom in but really helps soften the piece and make it more dreamlike overall. Then I merged that blur layer down, and turned on about a 3% noise layer on it all to give it a bit of texture.
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But that’s enough rambling from me, hope this helps give a bit of background to my process and decision making and it wasn’t just a wall of random musings. 
My last piece of advice is if you’re looking to do art professionally, do commissions, or make a lot of pieces in a short period of time I would highly advise against directly copying techniques I use. Because while I’m always working to improve I do only do this as a hobby rn so I have the luxury of being able to invest a lot of time, energy, and details into higher complexity pieces that would take way too long in a professional environment. I can put a lot of time into making a single piece exactly as I want it since I’m not reliant on art as my sole income. As I improve I can make things faster, but it’s still an overall slow process and I just end up moving my quality standards up with any level of improvement anyway. Use stuff I do as inspiration but I cannot stress enough to learn as many shortcuts as possible (I’m still struggling with this myself).
If y’all have any questions about bits feel free to dm, if I do something like this again I’ll try to get better screenshots during the process n try to be less verbose.
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Episode 68 Poll Results (for Manga Readers)
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The poll closed with 146 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Manga Readers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll, click here.
RATE THE EPISODE 140 Responses
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The anime continues its positive streak with just over 90% of respondents rating the episode a 4 or 5. MAPPA appears to be blowing this season out of the water for most of us!
I liked it
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We got a pretty mixed pie chart this week. To be expected, given how many moments were in this episode. At a tie with the largest pieces of the pie were Hange’s eccentric attempt to greet the Marleyans and Eren’s gunshot figuratively hitting Sasha. Behind that two more options tied in each with 10.4% of the vote - EMA’s conversation at the shooting range and Sasha appreciating Nicolo’s cooking. This is followed closely by Eren’s mirror scene with 9.7% of the vote. Onyankopon explaining why he looks different when Sasha asks him about it took a solid 9% of the vote.
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This was almost too close to call, but Mikasa sitting alone managed to edge out just slightly over Connie’s “I’ve lost half of me” moment at Sasha’s grave. Trailing behind the two were Nicolo’s grief and the agreement between Papa Braus agreeing to a free meal from Nicolo.
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The larger chunk of respondents are feeling relieved to get a break from the action for a few episodes. 21.7% prefer the action but don’t mind a break here and there, while 21% state that they enjoy the exposition more than the action anyway, so they are content. A small handful don’t care either way. 
We needed this for another build-up to more action
I like the action but it’s important to move the story along 
These just feel mandatory fillers to me.
I miss the warriors
I feel fine with it. I thought that was going to be some happy-go-me episode, but gladly it still had a serious tones.
This episode felt like a very welcome respite after the absolute shitshow that was spoilers week and....whatever the fuck chapter 137 was. 
Nice breather of sorts, I always like seeing characters from action-heavy series in their downtime.
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The vast majority of respondents would prefer the slightly less lethal greeting given by Hange and Eren at the beginning of the episode. We’re not sure if the other 29.1% are masochists or just really love Levi and/or Armin that much more. Or perhaps they’re intrigued by the pig piss from the filthy island devils.
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Overall, fans are happy to be back in familiar territory and put into the perspective of the Survey Corps again. Let’s get ready to rumble!
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Though subtle, MAPPA did include some anime filler (such as Eren’s, erm, mouth breathing). 51.1% enjoyed the noticeable additions, while 37.4% are completely confused by the question and didn’t realize there were any. A handful generally don’t prefer additions but enjoyed what little ones we had this episode. A small sliver didn’t care for them.
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MAPPA is shuffling things around to pick up the pacing of this arc, and 48.2% of respondents are feeling very positively about it. 38.8% also feel that both the order of events in the original manga and the anime work out just fine regardless. A couple of smaller groups either felt that things were a bit off from the manga, or didn’t really care either way. 
I think it's great because it allows an episode to start and end on the same chapter if mappa ever wanted it, allowing the right twists or cliffhangers to be in the right episodes, all WITHOUT having to slow down, which I wholly appreciate.
I'm fine with the changes. Mappa is doing good job.
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Nearly half of voters feel that both MAPPA’s take and Isayama’s original take work just fine for Gabi’s character. 28.9% prefer the anime’s take on Gabi’s reaction to all that happened, while 14.8% feel that her more defeated posture in the manga makes more sense for her character. 
I'm a mix of both? Her defeated posture implies that she's not happy with the way things worked out with them in jail and Zeke betraying them. On the other hand, her angry face is realistic to the scene too because it implies she really blames Eren for their current predicament.
She looks like some female version of young, angry Tarzan. This time Mappa should have kept the original postures, because the defeated Gabi feels to be more realistic, than the crazy anime one. 
I think they both work but the anime's take might be the anime team beating us over the head that she's just like Eren when he was young.
Makes it clear to the anime-onlies that she really is psychotic
Gabi sucks
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The response to MAPPA’s take on Eren’s shot inadvertently hitting Sasha was overwhelmingly positive, with only a few people saying that they could have done better with it. 
Eren shot linked to Sasha's death was awesome. Mappa is nailing it!
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Exactly 50% felt that while having that JSC characterization would have been very much welcome, they’re okay with that small detail missing from the manga (granted, it was at least acknowledged by one panel being animated). 25.7% have a more nonchalant response, stating that if it helps with the pacing, they’re fine with small cuts like this. 10.7% are just let down by JSC’s lack of characterization in the anime overall and didn’t appreciate even more being taken from their characterization in this episode. 
I was more so interested in our Paradis Peeps talking about newly discovered technology but I’m happy with what we got.
Not dissappointed since I understand you can't show everything but I love them so sad
Why was it animated then?! I’m so confused
Normally I don't like it when they cut corners like this, but I wasn't fond of that scene in the first place so it's okay.
If by "anime" you mean the entirety of it including the past 3 seasons, then option 3. I'm always going to be salty about how much they took out or changed for these three during the uprising arc. So far mappa has done okay with them, I guess. 
Would have been a funny JSC moment, but it was really absolutely pointless. In manga format it works as just background words on a panel. Animating it takes seconds of an episode that could be used elsewhere. So I'm fine with it being cut out.
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43.5% were receptive of the anime only shots, but favor the way the scene was portrayed in the manga more. 34.1% felt that both versions were done well, with only 9.4% feeling that the impact was largely the same (if not better). Based on the write-ins, the main complaint seems to be the lighting/color scheme of the scene not quite meeting expectations, or that MAPPA made Eren’s back look weird. 
theyll make up for it when eren screeches at hange next ep
Impact was there, art just felt a bit wonky and toned down the scene overall. 9/11
This goes into my criticism of the color palette and shading style mappa uses, which is far more subdued. The contrast is lowered and the scene is very dark, and there is little rim lighting, so while the actual lineart has far more detail, the detail in the lighting is reduced. Damn I really am writing a wall text aren't I? I prefer Wit Studio's art style a lot but Mappa has honestly been doing great so I couldn't care less, manbun Eren is hot.
I prefer the manga version. I think the anime version have weirds shadows in eren's back. Plus the mirror don't have the same energy, less impactful
Cool scene in the anime, an unforgettable blow to the brains in the manga
Most of the time seeing things for the first time is what's really impactful. Feel this way towards Armin's transformation in the boat as well. It was definitely less impactful than when you first read it in the manga.
I understand the fandom because this moment was very popular when the chapter was out. I think that in the anime Eren lacks the anger he had in the manga. His voice was too calm while repeating his mantra. .
I didn't care for it in the anime, it was really underwhelming. 
I think most people are annoyed about the lighting than the impact. It’s a bit too dim and the lamp hides Eren’s new hair.
Didn't like the anime version at all
The animation wasn't good and they totally fucked his hair, face, and body up. Although the added shots were definitely welcome.
Eren could've been sexier/animated better, I hope they do better next ep 😭
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With Mikasa meeting Kiyomi presumably being inevitable in episode 69, we wondered if any opinions had changed on this. 34.1% feel hopeful that the tattoo will be retconned into the anime and that we will see this scene faithful to the manga. 28.9% think that Mikasa will happen to have some kind of embroidery on hand already. 25.9% don’t want to make a call either way, and a small handful think Mikasa’s going to just pull out an embroidery kit and go with it, lol.
The embroidery will be on the inside of her bandage.
Japanese are very taboo about tattoos because of the Yazuka... it will 100% be the embroidery.
I don't know but I hope it gets retconned. Never liked the embroidery thing.
It won't be included
Let’s just... ignore it..
I really really hope MAPPA retcons Mikasa's tattoo next episode. This will be the one retcon I will absolutely celebrate. Plus, it's not really a retcon if they're just amending Wit's changes.
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Uncertainty continues to loom over exactly how far MAPPA will get into this (first half of the?) season. Nearly 40% don’t want to make predictions one way or another, while 23.4% feel that it won’t make it quite to chapter 122. The rest believe it will make it to chapter 122, with 17.5% feeling there will only be minor cuts, if any, and the remaining 13.1% feeling that there will be major cuts to make the feat to chapter 122. 
116 (?) when the allied force attack paradis
122 with the amount of cuts being somewhere in between. They can cut a lot of the Gabi and Falco plotline and still have the story remain intact.
See, I'm not sure buy I'm also worried and curious about it all. It brings up the question of will the story continue in a possible second half of the season? With the manga ending very soon now, it makes sense to have the story wrap up in its anime medium as well. Fees like there's some kind of uncertainty surrounding this, it's unnerving tbh. 
119 with Eren's head being blown off.
gabi no scoping eren, ending creds is eren entering paths and we see ymir standing behind him, s4p2 starts w the ymir backstory
No idea and I don't think about it. I just enjoy the show. 
Your guess is as good as mine, I'm still fearing major cuts.
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With Nicolo now formally introduced in the anime, we were curious how you felt about his portrayal. Overall the reaction was positive, with 48.6% agreeing that he’s a “cutie pie chef”, and another 45.7% feeling that his design and seiyuu are absolutely great! A small handful were less happy with the voice, but happy with the design, and a sliver went in the opposite direction, preferring voice over animation.
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Respondents vastly appreciated the flower symbolism from MAPPA with 82.9% of the pie. 12.9% aren’t really sure what symbolism there even was, and a small amount either don’t care or felt the effort could have been spent on something other than flowers for Sasha.
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This pie chart wound up being almost eerily even. 42.7% are most looking forward to the 104th discussing Eren (hopeful for the train flashback?). 39.9% instead are looking more forward to Hange and Eren’s tense conversation at his jail cell. The remaining three preview moments were pretty evenly split as well.
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71.5% feel that there is a chance we will get the train flashback of the 104th in this episode, but don’t want to say for absolutely certain. 18.5% feel that it is a guarantee based on what we saw in the preview. 10% feel it is instead guaranteed that we will NOT get the scene in 69.
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The plotline that continues to be a frustrating mystery in the manga - Historia’s pregnancy. 34.3% aren’t particularly looking forward to seeing her in the rocking chair and aren’t very stoked about having to relive this plotline all over again. 33.6% mainly just care about seeing how the anime only fans react to the scene. 17.9% just miss Historia altogether and will take any scraps they can get. And a small handful, at 9.3%, are actually looking forward to seeing anime!Historia with a baby bump. 
Don't really care about historia
It's in MAPPA's hands now. I just hope they can add a little more of her screentime somehow.
I hope so. I want to see the design of her adult self. 
I honestly wouldn't mind if Historia's entire arc, which consists of equal parts pregnancy, irrelevance and uselessness, is just completely cut in the anime lol
not interest
I'm not interested 
I've hated this fucking plot line with all my being and what it's done to Historia since the leaks for this chapter were revealed years ago. So I'm not looking forward to anime-only people jumping in with their hot takes too. 🤮🤮
mikasa was shown in sasha's grave in the morning/afternoon and then she was shown again at dusk. SHE SPENT THE WHOLE DAY THERE. and annie... what a queen. and hisu's few scenes? so pretty.
Really glad the pacing was well done
nicosasha ship just flew in and took the spotlight
fantastic!! maybe it's just because this isn't my first time going through this arc anymore, but i feel like the anime feels chronologically less confusing than the manga—I remember being very confused my first time reading these chapters.
The lack of score by Hiroyuki Sawamo is negatively impacting my relationship with the anime. The depth of the emotion that could have been evoked was not present. I also did not get the sense that Nicolo and Sasha were in love, which was a major disappoinment. There were other aspects that weren't so bad, though; specifically, Levi's portrayal and Onyankopon's philosophy.
It felt a bit all over the place, but just seeing things from the manga being animated, I ain’t even mad.
I think that the scene between Sasha and Nicolo was made better in the anime. Isayama has problems with writing romantic moments, so in the manga the whole moment looked like it was taken from some light romance. Mappa made this scene more serene. I liked it. 
I think MAPPA is doing so great tbh! I just need them to hurry up and explain if there will be a part two to this final season or what?! I need to know if we get more anime or they'll diverge into movies or.... just tell us! Lol! 
How DAREEEE they not give Levi his black steed!!!! .....Although knowing what happens ummm yeah maybe his pony gets to live another day this way lol
Here comes the train wreck, choo choo!
I'm really sad I didn't get to hear Sasha call Jean a perv. I was really looking forward to that. LOL I love them. When EMA were at the shooting range, it looked too much like Mikasa wasn't wearing any pants. 
VERY solid. Not the biggest fan of the War for Paradis arc but I'm here for the ride.
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Thanks again to everyone who participated!
19 notes · View notes
A totally self indulgent compilation of my favorite works on this blog of the year June 13, 2019 - June 13, 2020
I wanted to do this for the blog's first anniversary but then completely forgot about it lol.
The following lists are all in chronological order according to the date each post was first published.
Top 10 panel edits:
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#1: Don and Gilda - Chapter 138: Demon serch (1)
Date: Jun 14th, 2019
Time: ~ 1:30 h
My very first redraw from my very first edit posted here, so it deserves an honorable mention. Back then I was young and inexperienced, I didn't even apply a gray filter (lmao I was so unskilled I even unintentionally scratched the picture, I hadn't realized until today). I'm actually very happy my first redraw was of Don, boy deserves all the love.
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#2: Emma and Ray - Chapter 140: I’m Here!
Date: Jun 28th, 2019
Time: ~ 1 h
Back then this looked like so much work to me!!! And to this day, I think it turned out pretty well. I'm particularly proud of how the bow turned out. This is one I was really proud of right after having finished it; it gave me the confidence to try redrawing bigger areas. Also, the edit were I first applied the opacity of layer / opacity of brush for the gray filter that would have stuck with me.
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#3: Krone's birthday edit
Date: Jul 15th, 2019
Time: 15 mins
I don't know I just really like how Krone's hair vanish to a more sketch-like style here– and consequently, how I managed to replicate such effect. I think Krone's beautiful.
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#4: Emma, Norman and Ray - Chapter 153: Coward
Date: Oct 4th, 2019
Time: 4:07 h (and 67 layers lmao)
Probably the single panel redraw I'm the most proud of. That Norman panel was beautiful and very poignant at the end of a chapter I adored, so I believe it deserved all the time I've spent working on it. It's far from being perfect - the back of his head is too plain, and the difference between my brushes and the original brushes is pretty visible - but I still like it very much and am extremely attached to it. The horn looks kinda big but I honestly believe it to be more of an issue with the original than with what I had redrawn lol. Funny enough, the whole picture didn't make it to the final edit and had to be trimmed.
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#5: Full Score Trio - Chapter 154: A Breakthrough
Date: Oct 11th, 2019
Time: 29 mins
I don't have a particular reason for this I just think Emma's hair turned out amazing. It took just half an hour and I didn't even use references like. Wow. @Redrawing skills where did you go please come back
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#6: Mujika and Queen Legravalima - Chapter 158: The Reason I Was Born
Date: Nov 17th, 2019
Time: 2:09 h
Sis I love this so freaking much. The shift from redrawing almost exclusively people and clothes to redrawing this mess was so fun and refreshing. Even though it's a mess I think it turned out very clean and overall it looks beautiful? I remember after finishing this I felt so powerful, like now that I had redrawn this thing I would have been able to redraw anything I set my mind on lol.
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#7: Emma - Chapter 161: Never Be Alone
Date: Dec 13th, 2019
Time: 57 mins
Again no particular reason except this is a very cute Emma and I think the redraw turned out pretty well. There's this big lock on the left that doesn't make a lot of sense but overall I really like it. Cute Emma is cute, and I love her determination.
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#8: Emma - Chapter 166: Going Back Home
Date: Mar 9th, 2020
Time: 3:45 h
I'M SO FREAKING PROUD OF THAT RIFFLE I have not the slightlest idea why this took so damn long BUT I'M SO PROUD OF IT
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#9: Norman's birthday edit
Date: Mar 21st, 2020
Time: 1:04 h
This is cool! I didn't know I could manage to draw this, but I did it! The feathers were particularly hard to clean but I think they turned out fine.
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#10: Full Score Trio - Chapter 174: A New World (part 1)
Date: Apr 6th, 2020
Time: 2:11 h
I just think they're very pretty? I can't understand if I like Ray's face a lot, or not at all, but I think overall there was a lot to redraw and it turned out pretty cute! Sorry Gillian.
(Also insert pretty much every panel from the chapter 177 Isabella edit– I've spent so many hours on basically every panel there's no way I could choose only one).
Top 5 edits as whole:
#1: Emma and Ray - Chapter 140: I’m Here!
Date: Jun 29th, 2019
Complessive time: 2:57+ h
The very first edit I'm actually proud of; I'm really attached to it. It's the first edit I had put all of my effort into, and I remember feeling anxious people would have left it without notes. It kinda feels weird to think about it now, because I really don't care about notes anymore; yet, it somehow makes me happy to think that past-me wasn't let down. Thank you @neverlandstrio for your support, you may not remember but it really meant a lot to me back then! And it still makes me smile. You're the best!!!!!!
#2: Mujika and Queen Legravalima - Chapter 158: The Reason I Was Born
Date: Nov 20th, 2019
Complessive time: 7:12+ hours
This whole edit was an hella wild ride. It's midnight before a school day, when I think: "Mh, it's been a while since I last made an edit, why not make one about Musica and the queen from the last chapter?" And seven hours after this was born. I'm particularly proud of the queen's redraws on the 3rd, 7th and 9th picture (ofc), the areas which have been redrawn are pretty huge yet I think the difference with the original is almost impossible to notice?? @Redrawing skills where did you go please come back (part 2)
#3: Emma - Chapter 174: A New World (part 1)
Date: Apr 12th, 2020
Complessive time: 6:53+ h
I think the panels that were selected work very well together, especially considering the close-up / full body alternation. I love Emma, and I've always been kinda sad noticing that edits that focus one her take the less notes... She deserves all the love. Also, fun fact: for the last but one panel, I had redrawn Emma's whole left ear before remembering she doesn't have one, so I had to redraw the panel from the start. Besides from the error with the ear, the reason why this (and all the others after) took so long is because official panel take way longer to clean.
#4: Isabella and her children - Chapter 177: Mother
Date: May 22nd, 2020
Complessive time: 13:41+ h (ahah.)
Lmao tbh I can't understand how this has so few notes it's like. Technically speaking, probably the best edit I've ever done. I don't even like Isabella that much, I haven't got the slightlest idea why I decided to spend so many hours on this. Anyway, I find the composition (full body on the left / headshots on the right) really good looking in this as well! And I think the redraws turned out fine, especially Isabella's.
#5: The Promised Neverland manga ending countdown→ 1/7 chapters: chapter 1 - Grace Field House
Date: Jun 9th, 2020
Complessive time: 1:59+ h
I don't know how I came up with that idea for the composition but I find it really beautiful??? I think it does a pretty good job conveying the sudden, terrific shift of atmosphere from the first chapter, and I think that sharp bridge is very nice. I'm very, very proud of this.
Honorable mention #1: Full Score Trio - Chapter 154: A Breakthrough
Date: Oct 13th, 2019
Complessive time: 3:44+ h (+ 1:13 h of working on a panel that ultimately didn't make it to the final edit)
A very good chapter, and the edit turned out surprisingly amazing??? All the redraws look great and make it almost impossible to distinguish them from the original; honestly I feel like I'll never be able to redraw so neatly again lol.
Honorable mention #2: Don and Gilda (+ Norman) - Chapter 160: Shackles
Date: Dec 11th, 2019
Complessive time: 3:14+ h
That one is really one of my favorite scenes; I'm telling you peoples, Gilda and Don are a blessing to the earth. I think I've never mentioned it, but Gilda's hair is a nightmare to redraw??? More specifically, it takes me h o u r s to fill the texture without making it look too weird, it's the worst.
Honorable mention #3: Norman and Ray - Chapter 179: Compensation
Date: Jun 6th, 2020
Complessive time: 4:16+ h
I was so glad to finally be able to make a Norman / Ray edit, and it turned out it was just in time before the series' finale. I like how it turned out and I'm pretty satisfied with the redraws (even though my sister helped me with the lineart of some panels - it was exams time and I really couldn't afford to spend more time on it), too bad we didn't have more chapters that focused on the boys. Ray sweetie one day I'll fix your ear it's just today's not that day.
Btw, I justed realized I have never done an Emma / Norman centered edit? I'll have to make one eventually. I remember considering focusing on them alone for the chapter 154 one, but then I thought "even if the manga is gonna ignore Ray, I will chose to do not" lol.
Top 5 long posts:
#1: Reconstruction of how the Grace Field children were settled in the three bedrooms
Date: Aug 28th, 2019
I just had really a lot of fun doing it. I love putting all the little things to their own place, it's so calming to do and that's why I love making this kind of things. Also, loved how @temporoom contributed to the post! It was so nice of them to add what they had noticed to come up with more exact conclusions, that's one of the things I love the most about the internet.
#2: A study of how many times the characters of The Promised Neverland call each other through the first season of the anime
Date: Sep 10th, 2019
I REALLY LOVE IT! I mean it *was* kinda stressing to note everything, but it was very also very satisfying to see everything methodically divided and organized! And it's not just that– it's also the fact that it looks good. That's one post I have fun rereading because it's actually pretty! Also, even though it can be very stressing to learn to use new programs and sites, it's always very satisfying to look at the final result. Again, I really adore compiling these tiny little details! I would love to make more posts of that kind if i had the time.
#3: The Promised Neverland musicals headcanons
Date: Oct 27th, 2019
I mean it's literally. Putting my two favorite fandoms together how could I not love it. This is another one I really enjoy rereading, I find all the musical / character associations so fitting! I really want to make a second part, I hope to find some time to do it.
#4: Considerations on the reward / eventual series' finales (and Emma's sacrifice)
Date: May 7th, 2020
It's always nice to put down all your thoughts regarding a particular matter. It can take a lot of time (at least for me it does because... I need time to think about things), but it's so satisfying to see all of them there once you're done. Bonus points when, like in this case, it was something asked by someone else because “Wow! Somebody wants to hear my opinion on this subject! I'm flattered (◍•ᴗ•◍)”
#5: Some other considerations on the series' finale and Emma sacrificing herself
Date: Jun 13th, 2020
Pretty much the same as above. It's like some kind of clarity when the post is done and signed. Another fun fact, I had to censore the post a lot; the first version was extremely sharp and harsh, but I believe it's right to express your opinions calmly and politely.
Bonus: A thread of what the tpn characters would wear at the Oscars
Date: Feb 9th, 2020
Imagining all the children in those pretty dresses makes me so incredibly happy (╥﹏╥) I go back to look at that post a lot. I really love red carpets, I love looking at pretty dresses!!!!!
Lmao it's so funny how the post of mine I like the most are also the ones with the less notes
Anyway this was just a personal report! You don't have to read it all (or any of it actually). But it was indeed fun making it! Here's to many more months in the fandom!!!
40 notes · View notes
httpjeon · 5 years
❝ tattooed together ❞ jjk ― m.
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― summary: you get your first tattoo with your boyfriend jungkook.
jungkook/reader | tattooed!jungkook | smut, light fluff | 3.1k ↬ content warnings: subspace, daddy kink, dumbification, dirty talk, cunnilingus over panties, spanking, tit slapping, hairpulling, creampie, cum eating, cum sharing
a/n: coming in the next installments, we’ll be going back to the start of their relationship!
→ blog masterlist     → series masterlist
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You stood in front of a familiar tattoo parlor with Jungkook's hand in yours. He smiled, pressing a kiss against your head before speaking.
"Are you sure about this? You don't have to do it, you know," You looked up at him to see his gentle smile.
"It's okay I'm just nervous," You confessed, tugging him towards the entrance of the parlor.
The little bell above the door rang and you smiled at the familiar man sitting behind the counter reading a magazine.
"Sup Jeon," He greeted without looking up.
"Hey Yoongi," Jungkook smiled. "Namjoon set up yet?"
"Yeah head on back," He grunted.
Jungkook tugged your head and nodded towards a doorway, urging you to follow him. As you entered a little room with a man inside wearing thick rimmed glasses, you felt your nerves rise again.
"Hey you two!" Namjoon greeted with his dimpled smile. "Who's going first?"
"I guess I will," Jungkook eagerly took his place on the tattoo chair. "You got the email attachment for the artwork right?"
"Who do you think I am?" Namjoon scoffed, snapping on some black latex gloves.
"Just making sure!" Jungkook giggled, rolling his sleeve up to reveal an already well-filled arm.
Over the course of a year, Jungkook had quickly gotten addicted to tattoos. He got his first one and after that he wanted more and more until he possessed an almost-full sleeve. He had come to get a tattoo to finish up his sleeve today.
Interested in his addiction, you decided to try and get your first tattoo as well. And what better idea than to get tattooed together?
Namjoon began to prepare for the tattoo, cleaning the site where Jungkook would get inked and setting up his tattoo gun. Jungkook was as cool as a cucumber, laughing and joking with the tattoo artist.
“Let’s get this started then,” Namjoon grinned.
The sound of the tattoo gun filled the room and you were surprised by just how loud it was. Neither man seemed to notice it though.
“Does it hurt?” You asked your boyfriend.
“Mmm, I guess it depends,” Jungkook answered, not even wincing as Namjoon began to tattoo him. “Everyone has different pain thresholds,”
“What’s it feel like?” You asked, watching Namjoon wipe at the tattoo site with a cloth.
“It feels hot,” Jungkook explained. “It stings and it feels almost like a burn. But as soon as the gun is off it doesn’t hurt at all. It doesn’t even feel sore,”
“So you basically just have to make it through the process and then it’s all good?” He nodded at your question and then he smiled, taking your hand in his.
“A little bit,” You confessed, squeezing his hand.
“You don’t have to get one if you don’t want to,” Jungkook released your hand in favor of stroking your hair.
“I really want to get at least one,” The conviction in your voice made Jungkook grin.
“Alright baby, if you say so,”
You fell into a comfortable silence after that. Just the buzzing of the tattoo gun filled the space mixing with a soft indistinguishable melody floating through the radio. In a short period of time, the tattoo was finished and Namjoon was cleaning off the tattoo site.
“Alright, wanna check it out in the mirror over there?” Namjoon asked, cleaning up his station.
“Absolutely,” Jungkook grinned, hopping down from the chair and waltzing over to the large mirror in the corner of the room. “Holy shit, that’s awesome man!”
“Wow,” You breathed, gazing at the reddened skin now splashed with gorgeous splashes of color in a watercolor style.
“Are you ready for your turn now, ______?” Jungkook asked, a teasing smile on his face as he allowed Namjoon to wrap up his tattoo to keep it protected.
“Yeah let’s do it,” You smiled, taking the still warm spot Jungkook had been sitting in.
The process repeated of Namjoon setting up the tattoo gun and applying a ink print to your skin for him to trace.
“That place good?” He asked, gesturing to where he had placed the lineart on your forearm.
“Perfect,” You nodded, reaching out to take Jungkook’s hand. “I don’t think I can watch,”
“That’s alright I’ll watch for you,” Jungkook leaned forward and chastely kissed your head.
“Alright lovebirds, no smooching in my tattoo chair,” Namjoon teased, making your blush.
Once the tattoo was started, you realized how right Jungkook was. It was a hot, burning sensation. It hurt the most when Namjoon would go over a place he already went over.
In a matter of 30 minutes, the tattoo was finished and you permanently had art embedded in your skin.
As you examined it, you could help but smile. It was just as beautiful as you’d hoped it would be. Namjoon’s minimalistic design style mixed with the pretty cherry reds and blossom pinks was something to worship.
“Thank you so much, Namjoon,” You said as he wrapped yours up just like he did Jungkook.
“No problem at all, you can come back any time,” Namjoon grinned.
“What do you say we get some McDonald's and head home?” Jungkook asked as you exited the tattoo parlor.
“I think that sounds lovely,” You agreed, lacing your fingers between his as you walked down the sidewalk, basking in the cool Seoul night air.
True to your agreement, you stopped by the local McDonald's to pick up some dinner. Jungkook ordered two burgers with a large fry and got you some nuggets, with fries and honey mustard.
"And that was the day I met Namjoon," Jungkook explained as you unlocked the front door to your shared apartment.
"He sounds like a pretty cool guy," You smiled, tossing your shoes off and shutting the door once Jungkook was inside.
"He's honestly awesome," Jungkook gushed, pulling his own shoes off.
You both made your way into the living room to eat your dinner.
"What do you want to watch?" You asked, turning to TV on to the Netflix menu.
"Let's just watch Ghost Whisperer again," Jungkook mumbled through a mouthful of french fries.
"Ghost Whisperer it is," You replied, putting the first episode on before digging into your still warm nuggets.
Before long your bellies were full and you found yourself snuggled into Jungkook's side with his arm wrapped around you. You had watched a couple of episodes when you began to feel tired.
"Are you ready to sleep?" You asked, noticing how tired your own voice sounded.
"I am if you are," He replied, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
You nodded, sitting up and leaning in to kiss your boyfriend's lips.
"Let's go then," He said, pulling your hand to pull you to your feet.
You let out a heavy sigh as your back hit the mattress. Jungkook disappeared in the bathroom and you could hear him rummaging around in the cabinets. A moment later, he came out holding a bottle of lotion.
"Let me see," He held your hand, examining where your forearm was wrapped nicely.
You winced when the tape pulled at your skin as he removed it. You smiled at the ink on your skin, proud of how pretty it looked on you.
Jungkook pumped a bit of lotion into his hand and generously smeared it on your tattoo. You expected it to burn or hurt or something but you felt nothing surprisingly.
"There we go," He smiled, proceeding to do the same to his own fresh tattoo. "That'll keep it moisturized while it heals. It'll start peeling and whatnot -- just don't pick at it and let them fall off on their own, yeah?"
"Whatever you say," You smiled, scooting back in bed and got comfortable in the pillows as Jungkook changed for bed.
"Aren't you gonna get into your PJs?" He asked as he stripped his shirt, showing his now complete sleeve. The way his biceps flexed with every movement had you nearly drooling, unable to break your eyes off of him.
"I was thinking of sleeping in something a little more comfortable tonight," Your words caught his attention and he stood in just his boxers, the legs stretched around his thick thighs.
"Oh?" He smirked, standing taller as he looked down at you on the bed.
Biting your lip, you felt your heart pounding in your chest when he crawled onto the bed -- hovering above your form. His hair tickled your face as he leaned down to kiss you, sliding one hand up your t-shirt. The feeling of his hand on your bare skin had goosebumps arising and you couldn't help but whimper into the kiss.
"Let's get this off, yeah?" He whispered against your lips, tugging your shirt up. You sat up to help him pull it completely off before it was tossed carelessly to the floor.
You didn't bother waiting for him to take your bra off, undoing the hooks and tossing it away as well.
"Fuck, such pretty tits baby," He groaned, cupping your breasts in his hands. He abandoned kissing your lips in favor of enveloping your nipple in his mouth. You whined, tangling your fingers in his hair as he tongued the hardening bud.
It didn't take long for him to begin kissing his way down your stomach, occasionally giving a small nip to the smooth skin. With practiced fingers, he undid the button to your jeans and with your help pulled them off.
"E-Eat me out, Kook," You whispered, tugging his hair to urge him closer to your core.
"Didn't even say please," Jungkook scoffed, kissing your hip. "You're such a brat,"
Suddenly, he licked a fat stripe over your slit through your panties. Your hips arched and you whined, the fleeting pleasure making you twitch.
The material became wetter with a mixture of his saliva and your own arousal making them stick to you. His tongue found your clit, the rough fabric making the stimulation even more intense. Your thighs twitched on either side of his head and he was quick to pin them apart again, leaving you even more open.
The occasionally tug at his hair made him moan against you, edging you closer and closer to orgasm,
"You're so easy." He chuckled, sucking your clit through your panties until your back was arching and you were crying out his name.
He made no move to move your panties aside, continue to run his tongue over your folds through them. The stimulation was teasing, almost fleeting but the texture against your hard bud was just enough to give you what you needed. He was talented with his tongue, knowing exactly what you wanted and when you needed it. Living to make you cum for him, he eagerly sucked your clit over the fabric.
You keened, pulling at his hair as your hips arched up to grind against his godly mouth. He let you, moaning at your eagerness and more than happy to indulge you.
"I'm gonna cum," You whined, tossing your head back into the fluffy pillows beneath you.
"Yeah?" Jungkook chuckled, a cocky put-on sound that made you tremble. "So greedy and easy. I barely have to do anything and you're gushing. Well go one then. Cum for me and ruin these cute little panties,"
Your whole body tensed up as you felt that wave coming over you. Eyes rolling back in your head, you were vaguely aware of the way you whined out your boyfriend's name. Jungkook groaned against your heat, tonguing you softly to ease you through the waves of pleasure. As your limbs finally relaxed on the bed, you blankly stared up at the ceiling while you caught your breath.
"So pretty," Jungkook cooed, sitting up on his knees.
You whined, flinching when he gently supplied 3 soft slaps to your oversensitive folds.
"What do you say?" Jungkook growled.
"Th-Thank you Daddy," You choked out, closing your thighs in case he decided to smack you again.
"That's a good girl," He smiled, leaning over your form to press a kiss to your lips.
The orgasm wasn't enough and both of you knew that. Sharing another soft kiss, Jungkook got up and began to strip himself of his boxers. You took a moment to admire his form, the way the veins in his arms popped as he wrapped a tight fist around his cock. He hissed, jerking himself slowly, smearing precum down his length before looking at you.
"I want you flat on your stomach," He ordered and you scrambled to do as you were told.
You breathed in the floral scent of the fabric softener Jungkook was in love with. He crawled onto the bed behind you, spreading your thighs slightly. Whining, you arched your hips slightly as you felt the blunt head of his cock against your entrance. Hot and wet, he easily slid into you and the two of your groaned in unison as he easily bottomed out.
"Fuckin' made for me," He groaned, not wasting any time before he was fucking you just the way you both liked.
The position made it easy for him to reach deep inside you, filling you up just the way you always craved. He hit your cervix, making you wince and tighten up around him -- the pain adding sparked of pleasure and you tightening walls making him tremble.
"F-Fuck Daddy," You cried, voice muffled in the fabric.
"Dirty mouth," He snapped, pausing to slap your ass so the skin jiggled.
"S-Sorry Daddy," You gasped, raising your hips to grind against his cock buried inside you.
"That's okay baby. Daddy knows you're just a desperate slut who can't help herself huh?" He chuckled, soothing the skin he slapped.
"Y-Yes that's right Daddy. I just love your cock," You sobbed, grinding against him in hopes he would start fucking you again.
"Just a dumb babygirl drunk on cock isn't that right? Your little brain is so cloudy all because your stupid cunt is wet," His filthy words had you trembling and whining.
"Yes Daddy,"
"Tell me what you are," He chuckled, leaning over you and grinding his thick cock into your spasming hole.
"D-Daddy's dumb babygirl," You breathed, feeling your eyes burn in humiliated tears.
"That's right," He chuckled, finally resuming fucking you properly.
Your eyes rolled back in your head as he angled his hips down so he could hit your g-spot with practiced ease. He groaned every time you tightened around him, his cock throbbing inside you.
He smoothed his hand down the length of your spine until he reached your ass. Biting his lip, he couldn't stop himself from slapping your cheeks -- making you gasp dramatically. The pain only added to pleasure and you cried out into the blankets.
"Slut," He snarled, tangling his hand in your hair and yanking you up roughly until you were on your knees with your back against his chest.
You leaned your head back against his shoulder, pressing kisses to his neck and nibbling on the spot you knew was sensitive. As you breath fanned over his ear, you could feel him shiver. He reached around, cupping your breast in his hand rolling your pert nipple between his fingers.
"You're getting so tight, are you going to cum again?" He asked as you panted in his ear.
"Y-Yeah," You gasped as he suddenly landed a heavy hit to your breath.
"What was that?"
"Yes I'm going to cum Daddy," You rushed out, squeezing your eyes shut as he continued to pluck at your sensitive nipple.
"Good girl," He soothed where he had slapped with a gentle hand before the digits sunk to where he was buried, finding your swollen clit easily.
Your eyes rolled back in your head as he circled the bud in time to his thrusts against your g-spot.
"Cum," He ordered, his voice breaking into a groan as you clamped tight around his cock.
You could only cry out and tremble in his arms as he fucked you through your orgasm. Unable to hold yourself up, he let you plant your face in the pillows as you sobbed. He didn't slow, continuing to brutally slam his cock into your creaming hole.
"Fuck!" Jungkook cursed, burying himself deep as he came.
You could feel the way his load filled you up as his cock throbbed. You could feel every flex of his cock and the way his body trembled in the throes of his own pleasure. How you wished you could see his face -- always such a beautiful orgasm face. You could only whine and listen to the way he moaned and cursed until he finally pulled out.
"On your back," He breathed, helping you roll over as your limbs felt like jelly.
Spreading your thighs, he gazed down at your swollen folds and clenching entrance.
"Push my cum out for me," He said and waited until you did as told, a gush of his milky white cum meeting his fingertips. "Open your mouth,"
You eagerly did as you were told, opening your mouth and leaning forward to envelop the soiled fingers in your mouth. Jungkook watched you with dark eyes as you sucked every drop of his cum off and swallowed. Removing his fingers, he reached down the scoop some more up and you eagerly drank that down as well.
He slid his fingers into your cunt but instead of putting them in your mouth, he popped them in his own. Your cunt clenched around nothing at the sight.
Leaning down, he met your lips, easily pushing the cum in his mouth into yours. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you both kissed until there was no more cum to share between the two of you.
You both pulled away, breathless and he rested his forehead against yours.
"You good?" He asked, cupping your cheek and kissing your nose.
"Yeah Daddy," You whispered, biting your lip.
"Hm? Daddy?" He smiled, cupping the back of your head and laying on your side, pulling you close against him. "My little girl's still lost huh?"
"Mhmm," You agreed, hugging him closer against him.
"We'll take a shower soon alright?" He smiled, kissing the top of your head gently. "And then we'll go to bed because I'm pooped,"
Mindlessly, you traced the lines of his tattoos -- avoiding the new one of course.
"Will you get another sleeve?" You asked, throwing your thigh over his.
"Do you think I should get another sleeve?"
"Mm, I think tattoos suit you very nicely," You complimented, making him grin.
"I think they suit you very well as well," His words made you smile, leaning up to press a kiss to his jaw.
"Let's go shower now,"
"Alright...and then we'll put some lotion on your cute little butt because man, I smacked you hard," He smiled as he heard you laugh from the bathroom.
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© httpjeon 2019. do not repost or modify.
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the-goddessfighter · 4 years
[Part 1] AAAW TEMPERANS-SAMA THANK YOU FOR THE SURPRISE GIFT I'M STRUCKED BY THE SWEETNESS OF THE DRAWINGS I'M-- 😳💕😩💗💘💖 Can I just say that the art theme + color (blush pink) suits very well with domestic fluff Batarou, to emphasis the love and softness they have in their romantic gestures, so light yet also actually very intimate? This wanna make me write a short review for these delicate beautiful drawing! Let's start~ 😋👌💕
[Part 2] The 1st image, with Sweet&Spicy™ Batarou, I love the way you draw Badd's blissful expression. And his BLUSH made him looked prettier 😍💖 Also bonus point for Badd's messy hair in the midst of their sexy time 😎👌 Garou OMG he gave Badd's so many good hickeys and kissmarks! And that lick on Badd's neck whoaaa.. I look at it respectively 👀👀💦🔥 Also, by this image I realized your lineart becomes more SMOOTHER! It's very nice to look at. GOOD JOB! 👍💯
[Part 3] The 2nd image, with Garou kissing Badd's eyelid, OOH THIS IS UNDERRATED KISSING TYPE! It's not often people would write/draw this kind of kiss, although it's actually considered very affectionate without being too intense. So I'm glad you made it! 👏👏😭💕 Highlight: Garou's subtle smile & Badd's long pretty eyelashes! Those are very spot on, and you draw very difficult angle to draw (Badd's tilted head pose) with such ease I'm amazed! One more: Badd looked so soft in there aww.. 😣💕
[Part 4] The 3rd image, with Batarou's Almost Kiss, I really can't take my eyes off from it! This is so SWEET MY HEART TURN INTO MUSH 😍💖 You draw their kissing pose very naturally, at good angle, more sharper lineart than the others, the blushes seems very fitting them here! Also, I noticed in this image BADD is the one who initiated the kiss, while the previous two all were from Garou, am I wrong? 😏✨ Love to see them being intimate with so much softness like this I'm melting rn haaah.. 😚💕
[Part 5] TYSM for accepting my present before and now you also giving a MASTERPIECE gift to me aaa- 😭🙏💝 You're so kind I'm very grateful for you and your arts, seeing how much effort you put on the works and how dedicated you to create many beautiful Batarou arts since last year, I can see you have lots of improvement throughout time! Your art style already evolved. That's WONDERFUL! 👏😤👍💯 Thank you so much, Temperans-sama! I hope you also have great &beautiful days, too~ 😘💋❤💜💙💖💝💐
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appleb0mb · 4 years
Hyacinthus Art Process! (Part One)
ART PROCESS BELOW!!! (forgive me if I’m salty, I was looking for the link for Step One for almost HALF AN HOUR)
Also end and forgive me I made the bunning Hyacinthus PURPLE. Luckily I change it but S T I L L I’m ANGRY ABOUT IT
Step One - Rough Draft
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Okay! So I started this album around October 20th, 2020 on a Tuesday (lol).
When I was thinking of the song (while doing the covers of the last two), I really wanted to show that power and desperateness of Jamil (and how he indulges and relishes in it). I remembering see this pose by yama_kome and I really liked how they represented Jamil’s overblot. 
Ever since I saw this incredible piece of art, I wanted it to be done in this kind of way. Now, since I’m releasing covers of Scarabia (Mystique and Cardenalia), I decided to do it this time for his overblot. 
Besides, I wanted to change things up a little bit!
This took me a while to get (almost a day I believe?), but when there’s a will - there’s way. 
Just to let you know: I was originally going to name the song Hyacinth but if you say all the Scarabia Trilogy’s Tracks in order - it wouldn’t sound right. So that’s why I changed it to Hyacinthus. 
Secondly, I feel like if you say a flower’s scientific name than its common name - it gives that effect of a beginning, of a source and of an origin. I feel like the Overblots are a representation of their true feelings and emotions (in this case, Twisted Wonderland) so that’s partly the reason why I changed it as well.
Step Two - Rough Lineart
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This dang lineart took me till Thursday, October 22nd. Here’s why.
1. I COULDN’T WING IT THIS TIME - there was a lot going through my head as well as references about what I wanted him to wear. Other ideas popped into my head such as, “Should I add some blot there?” or “What should I do for the shirt?”. 
So many ideas, but few were added.
2. The DESIGNS. - So many interpretations and stuff were everywhere, and they all looked good. But the problem was the amount of time to put such beautiful details. That killed me.
To sum up one and two, my brain for ideas went brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-
Steps of Lineart (at the top of my head - yes. I don’t write this in the time I’m doing it because it slows me down lol):
1. Face (was done already) - more specifically the side profile to the neck
2. Nose Piercing (yE-)
3. Mouth Piercing (hOt-)
*4. Braided Hair (*dies*)
*5. Veil on Face (then the pattern waaaaaay after)
*6. Dazzling-Jewelry-Neck  (more sure about doing the neck first, but #6 and #7 can be interchangeable)
*7. Snakes (only the right of the art piece though/snakes nearest to braids or plaits)
8. Upper Body
9. Robes 
*10. Chest
11. Shoulders
12. Right Hand - Fingers
13. Right Hand - Fingernails
14. Right Hand - Palm
15. Left Hand - Fingers
16. Left Hand - Fingernails
17. Veil on Body
*19. Snakes (left of Jamil and his beautiful hair strand)
20. Right Earring
21. Left Earring
22. Thing on his head (nope, don’t know the name and I ain’t bothering)
*For numbers 4, 5, 6,7,10, 17 and 19 in particular, I had to do multiple layers to make the detail. I would say:
#4 - Two layers: One for the plaits and one for the line...thingy...
#5 - Six layers: It’s technically two, but I had made multiple to get the pattern I wanted. Sadly, I didn’t achieve it so I decided to stick with the one above.
#6 - Six layers: THE FULL DANG TRUTH. The diamonds were first (1), then the line separating the pearl and diamonds (2), Later the designs of the pearls + rectangular thingies (3), The triangle into multiple triangle thingies were next (4), Soon after was the circles into multiple circles  + Two triangles overlapping each other (5) and then that last bit at the end of the neck (6). 
There’s actually more due to the designs of the diamonds and pearls, but I’m not going that far into memory lane.
#7 - Eight layers: If you count them, that’s how much layers I had to go through.
#10 - Four layers (without counting the two (or three) patterns that you see up there): That darn pattern (1), Them s p i k e s (2), That thing it’s being held up in (3), that pattern near the spiky pattern (4).
#17 - Four layers: Just count, please. Going up and down with my eyeballs is killing me.
#19 - Seven layers: Not as bad (because it’s pretty small), but whatever. (1 - 3) First three ear piercings you see (you may see two though), that tail, long thingy (4) that crap Bubbles wear...them circles (5 & 6), and that diamond. (hehe cATER DIAMOND)
You better read that crap. I took a good while writing it. If you did, you earn my biggest respect and time in the inbox. 
Step Two and a Half: Cleanup WITHOUT the Background 
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Ah. The nostalgia. That feeling when you forgot the flower you were supposed to be working on...
Words, text and speech can not even compare to the feeling I had when I rEALiZED, I foRGOT the BUNNING FLOWER-
Step Three: COMPLETE Cleanup
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Perfection. Isn’t that nice?
Step Four: Coloring 
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October 22nd, 2020 at 11:03 AM...
Immediately when I thought of Jamil I immediately wanted to give him that w h i t e s c h e m e 
The reason why I wanted to was because he hard more darker colors in his normal design, and besides - his power has something related to the meaning of white ;). Anyways, I made sure that the ivory (celestial?) theme continued to flow through the whole art piece. Basically, making this smol boy a goddess-
Also, I was thinking that this Overblot scheme would be his true form or something, but he kept it locked away maybe due to how much it takes up his health. Consider this idea though as 100% “Not-Fully-Developed-But-Getting-There” Idea.
I really wanted them snakes to be white. Sorry not sorry. 
Plus, I wanted that veil black instead of white, but I was way too into it to ever think of that apparently. In particular, them f i n g e r n a i l s. I absolutely wanted Jamil to have that light peach color and all that so I did it! Makes my heart go UwU-
Annnnnnnd cut! That’s Part One for you.
Hyacinthus [ Art Process - Part Two ] here!
Thank you for your continuous support!
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mysticsparklewings · 5 years
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I’m Not Dead‪
I'm not laughin', You're not jokin' I'm not dead I only dress that way Out nowhere take me out there Far away and save me from my Self-destruction, hopeless for you Sing a song for California --My Chemical Romance, "Boy Division" ____ Have you heard?? Have you heard the news?? Well if not, I'm gonna tell ya: MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE IS BACK, BABY!!! :D On Halloween, we got the announcement that they will be playing a show in Los Angeles, California on December 20th. And just a few days ago we got the news that they're also going to New Zealand, Australia, and Japan which basically confirms to me they're doing so sort of tour, whether they actually call it that or not. There's still a lot we don't know for sure; whether this is just a one-time reunion tour or their official comeback tour, if we'll be getting new original music both at the shows and available for download/purchase or if they're just going to redo their existing music and covers, if it's only going to be the main four that were there at the end or if there will be some of the other members that were in and out over the years rejoining them...Where all they're going to go on this tour...the list goes on. But! The important thing, at least to me, is that they came back at all. Six years. Six years we've waited and hoped and prayed, been let down by false rumors and speculation...And now it's actually happening. I just... Hence why I had to make an art piece celebrating the occasion and as an excuse to talk about it. (I figure if I'm going to dump my opinions on the internet I might as well make some art to go with them. Sue me. ) Originally, I was planning on making something more along the lines of true fan art, as this is more pseudo fan art here, but I just couldn't settle on one good idea that I felt really comfortable pursuing. Although I am still considering doing an updated (or at least colored in) version of my Killjoys, Make Some Noise! (lineart) I did a couple of years ago...we'll see. Anyway. Since we did get the news on Halloween, it's worth noting that originally I'd been debating if I wanted to do any makeup this year at all or just slide on a mask since my only plans were going to Krispy Kreme, who was offering a free donut if you showed up in costume. But after the news broke, my decision was made for me. I had to. MCR isn't strictly associated with skeletons/skulls, as has become my preferred Halloween costume, but The Black Parade, their second album, does have a little skeleton as the leader of the marching band, and the band members did wear skeleton/skull inspired makeup during that time. Admittedly this year's makeup wasn't nearly as involved or elaborate as what I've done in years' past, but it beats last year's absolutely nothing. I ended up taking a few pictures to preserve the look, as I always do even though I rarely take photos of myself, and I would decide to draw one of them where I was trying to do this face that Gerard (the frontman and lead singer of the band) has made on a several occasions; this wide-eyed intense stare. Partly because this, I'm sure, is very close to my actual face when I heard the news that they're back, the makeup was inspired by them anyway, and also because it pairs very well with one of my favorite lines from my favorite song by them. Said line being, obviously, "I'm not dead I only dress that way," from Boy Division, as cited at the top of the description. If I'm being completely truthful, I can't even really put my finger on what it is about Boy Division specifically that makes it my favorite, as I've yet to hear an MCR song I truly do not like, but I think there's something in the lyrics of the full song that just sells it for me in combination with the high-energy music. But whatever the case, it is my favorite nonetheless. Beyond that though, it's really hard to place the rest of them in any coherent order because, at least to my ears, they're all really great. Anyway. So I went about drawing my face, erring slightly more on the realistic side than usually (but obviously not too much) in hopes of capturing the facial expression. Which, it's pretty good, but I do think it could've been a little better. I think my biggest problem was getting the eyebrows a mouth right, and I'm still not sure they're quite there since my real eyebrows are pretty translucent and the mouth was hard to balance between looking logical and more neutral than sad/angry. And I think maybe the proper expression was a little more apparent in the sketch, but it's pretty normal to lose some feeling between the sketch and the final product so that I won't discount too much. After that, I had to take a break from the drawing to think about how to color it in any style it and everything. I ended up transferring the sketch to Mixed Media paper after deciding I wanted to use alcohol markers as a base but not knowing if I'd need to adjust it with colored pencil and/or other mediums on top or not, and I did the lines with my Faber Castell Polychromos once I felt like just black lines would be too harsh and thinking colored lines would be better. Plus, the Polychromos are very non-reactive to water, so if I really wanted to I could add watercolor or something water-activated without having to worry about the lines getting messed up. I did not consider how the Polychromos would react to the alcohol markers, but other than one or two spots where the top layer of pencil kinda dissolved after some heavy layering (which was easily fixed by just going back over the lines in that area again really quickly), fortunately, it worked out okay. Although sweet sparkles I swear it took at least twice as long to actually do the lines as opposed to normal between having to apply enough pressure to get the right amount of color down and working on the differences inline weight.   Anyway. I was a little worried about some of the shading/effects I'd be doing with the markers, but I think I did alright with it. This mixed media paper (Strathmore 400 series for anyone who cares) is nice and thick, so I had plenty of room to layer up and blend as I needed to get the look I was going for. This came in especially handy around the eyes and on the nose when I told myself to at least try and get the colors like the photo before cheesing it and just using straight (or nearly) black. The only area that I think came out a little rough is really the skin, mainly the forehead. But that has more to do with 1. There isn't much contrast on the face in the photo so I didn't want to take it too far in the drawing and 2. I think I may have started slightly too dark for skin this pale. I realize that's a weird thing to say, but when you're pale as a ghost like I am, you'd be surprised how easy that is to do. And to be fair, I probably could've tried to adjust that with colored pencils, and my original plan was to add some white pencil on top in the areas of the face where a highlight would naturally hit (forehead, bridge of the nose, cheekbones, etc.)  But by the time I got done with the markers, I honestly felt like it was nice enough without any additional pencil that I thought it might be best to just leave it alone. Since I still have the original drawing, my thoughts may change on that and I could update this eventually, but for now, my decision stands. On the other hand, I was actually pretty pleased with how the hair turned out once it was colored. That is until I scanned it in. I don't know why, but the darkest shadows in the hair were too dark and too bluish on the scan, despite everything else looking fairly color-accurate. I fiddled with the scanner settings for a few minutes to try and fix it, but it became quickly apparent there wasn't much to be done about it at the level. Which meant I had to try making the adjustments in Photoshop. Now, I've done my fair share of scan-fixing, photo editing, and just color adjustments on digital art, but for the life of me I could not get things to work the way I wanted them to here. It became to the point I'm starting to suspect if the actual true-to-life shades of purple of the drawing are just really hard or even impossible for computers to capture and/or create accurately. Fluorescent colors fall in that category, surely they're not the only ones. In the end, after more time than I bothered to document messing around with settings and adjustments, and firmly decided I was not going to essentially manually re-color/shade the hair digitally, I tried the only other thing I could think to do. I took the hair, as I had been for all my adjustments since the rest of the colors were fine, on a separate layer and took all the saturation out so I was left with just the gray values. And I noted while I was at that point that it didn't seem to be an issue of the contrast between the shadows and the rest of the hair. The transition looked perfectly acceptable in grayscale. Then, I added a color layer on top of that one, clipped it to only show up on the hair, and changed it to an "overlay" layer so that I would get the values from the gray layer, but colored purple. It did take a couple of tries to get the right shade of purple for the color layer, and I'm sure it's still not 100% accurate to the IRL drawing, but it's a heck of a lot closer than it was. And this gets even weirder when you consider that just a few days before I made this drawing, I made a different one for a friend where I used the exact same marker colors for the hair, blended in almost exactly the same manner, on the same paper, and it didn't have this problem when I scanned that one in. I have never in my life. Anyway. The accessories actually didn't give me much trouble in drawing or coloring. Admittedly, I did tone down how many feathers and stuff are actually on the tiny hat for my own sanity's sake, and while I did my best with the lace on the choker, I don't have a ton of practice with drawing lace like this so I'm sure it could be improved. Although I did decide to color both of those areas (what I didn't draw/fill in with the pencils at the line stage) with a super dark blue-violet instead of a gray or straight black for the purpose of not totally hiding the linework I'd put in and to make it just slightly more dynamic. Which I think was a good call as it seems to tie in pretty nicely with the grayish tones on the face. Other than that though, I did try to stay fairly accurate with my color choices, and I think I did pretty well with that, all things considered. (Despite having a much larger selection than I did just a few months ago, I do still need a wider selection of alcohol markers in some areas just for the sake of color accuracy and smooth transitions.) Once my face was done, then came the text. I searched for a while, hoping to find an MCR appropriate font that I could hopefully add by hand, but my search came up empty. I did find one I really liked the look of though, called "Miserable." So I scanned the drawing in and after the aforementioned hair struggles, I got to play with the placement and structure of the words. I knew I kinda wanted something that just has that "I'm a logo/t-shirt emblem" kind of feel, and in the end, I think I got that. But I do think I could've planned out the drawing itself a little bit better in terms of the space left to fit the words into. I really didn't do myself a lot of favors on that one.   It has its problems, but I'm still really actually kind of proud of how this turned out...and that's really all I have to say about it. Eh, maybe I'm just really happy because I know why I made it in the first place. Now if MCR can just come within 1-2 hours of my location so I can actually go see them...please... ____ Artwork © me, MysticSparkleWings ____ Where to find me & my artwork: My Website | Commission Info + Prices | Ko-Fi | dA Print Shop | RedBubble |   Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram
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synthaphone · 5 years
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time for bunnies- top 10 favorite cybunny colors, and bonus top 5 favorite pre-conversion cybunnies
Mutant- I love this ridiculous thing- its got stripes, and spots, and skulls, and claws, and a really charismatic face and i love its weird nonsensical tentacle ears
Jelly- this one’s really pretty! I actually like the decision they made to leave off the spots, and the colors they chose and the way they shaded it looks really good
Robot- I love the color scheme on this one, and the way the ears attach to the head. they forgot its nose, and I think i like it slightly better without it, although they probably should have remembered it. maybe if they made it a red crystal to match the one on its chest, instead of having it be solid black?
Stealthy- I’m not sure why they decided to make it shiny, but I think the olive and gold accents on the outfit look really nice. they should have given it a little blade to hold or something though, this feels like a color that had the perfect excuse for the hand to be raised!
Chocolate- its got nice colors, and I like the stripes. also Neopets’ rainbow pool kind of sucks so the tail of the Cybunny isn’t actually white, its supposed to be the same shade as the body. I tried to catch every time it displays a pet color wrong and fix it, but I must have missed this one, oof
Halloween- i think i read one of the Bunnicula books, once? anyway this was a really good idea for the Cybunny, and the blood red accents are great. i wish the cape was a little better looking but overall, this is a nice Cybunny color. also, I almost completely missed the spikier hair- that’s weird, but i don’t dislike it
Plushie- the tail is wrong on this one too- it’s supposed to be the same color as the ruff. I’m not super familiar with Cybunnies, so I think that’s why I missed it when I was putting together this list, but god that’s annoying. Anyway I like the simplicity of this one, and I think they did a great job with the color scheme (even though I think they kind of got the ears wrong- they seem to have eyedropped the old artwork’s ears, but those were in shadow, so now the insides of the ears are kind of off looking, value-wise)
Pink- this is silly but I think its nice that they gave this one slightly different markings, in that the ears have dark pink tips. they also just picked nice shades of pink, this is a very pleasant pet
Water- I like how they rendered the underwater texture on the legs- could have maybe used more of that in the head or ears, but its most important that the face reads, so I think this works
Gold- so this one doesn’t look very shiny, but I think that works to its advantage. it doesn’t have the problem of looking like butter that some gold pets have, and I think the colored lines look really nice. its just pretty!!
UC Plushie is very cute- I have other pre-conversion plushie pets I like more, but this is probably the cutest cybunny in my opinion
Mutant again!! they barely changed it when they converted it, but they did choose a different pose’s expression and i think this expression is cute too
I think the pose looks a lot nicer for the pre conversion Robot Cybunny- it feels a little more alert, and the smaller head helps it look less like its head is crushing its little robot body. also the way they drew the hind feet in this art is just objectively better looking, i didn’t realize until i was comparing the two how weird the converted one’s hind leg looks. oh no all converted cybunnies are like that. their foot is just broken... oh no i won’t be able to unsee this will i
Royalboy!!! I love that they made him a little herald, and I think the Brightvale color scheme works really well
I love that they gave Royalgirl lop ears, and lavender, yellow and orange look really nice together
super bonus: least favorite Cybunny color award goes to....
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okay, so it was going to go to Maractite, because it looks abysmal on the rainbow pool page. but if you actually look at the flash file...
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it doesn’t look bad!!! the artist just got SO into making it look shiny that they colored a lot of the lineart, and in some places its way thinner than the lineart usually gets, and in other places places its virtually invisible. anyway after seeing it up close I don’t think it exactly works but I can’t hate it, its like a beautiful glass sculpture
so my actual least favorite cybunny color is this then:
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and yes, its because they just copied the wrinkles from the elderly cybunny for some reason, and left them all black for some other reason, and i can’t fathom what either of those reasons were but I DO hate it. and its a shame because the shading is pretty nice, and the colors are garish but I think they work for Toy (besides maybe the red eyes? but i feel like a good artist who wants to make a character out of this pet could make them work)
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runner up is pirate because the pink feels like it should have been at least desaturated, and at most swapped out for a different color, like grey or even a more reddish pink, if they really wanted to keep pink in there. the shirt looks extremely weird and un-shirtlike, and the pink whisker dots are an odd touch too... and on top of all that, red eyebrows?? there’s some weird decisions going on here. the fact that the base fur color is blue is kind of interesting though, and could have potentially been really nice if they’d paired it with gold and navy instead of red and pink
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erinhime83 · 3 years
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I just want to preface this by saying that my muse isn’t necessarily on this story, although the realization that I created this story 20 years ago last November, meaning I was working on this story around 20 years ago now, kinda sorta makes me want to consider doing the rewrite in November. But that is neither here nor there. Basically, my muse got on this story after reading Marissa Meyer’s Guilded, which is a retelling of Rumpelstiltskin, and the setting is, I guess, supposed to be medieval Germany?  Whatever, sort of reminded me of Angela Dea, and how it should be, and…yeah.
Add in the fact that @callistochan87 recently put up a reblog of some Viking dresses, which is what sort of fashion I decided to go for the Altaire, and I wanted to doodle up a new design for Buttercup before I lost the post/forgot.  And I figured, at the time, why, why not mess a little with the other designs while I’m at it, and here we are now.
To be fair, I only really changed Buttercup and Odessa.  I did Odessa just to mess with her hairstyle and ended up falling in love with it, lol. The other sheets were just me wanted to ride the muse a little longer, so…yeah.
Buttercup:  I had absolutely fallen in love with one of the dresses from the Tumblr post, so I had to give it to Buttercup, and let me tell you – I’m glad I did, because it looks so good!  I really like the idea of them stull dressing medieval and stuff, but since they are an Other, it’s not quite the same as the rest of the kingdoms.  And she looks awesome!  I did decide that Altaire is cold like the rest of the kingdoms, but since Buttercup is a Fire Mage, she tends to run hot and wears shorter sleeves because of it.
Raito:  While I did do a minor lineart tweek on his outfit, his biggest change is the fact that I had him darker.  He still somehow looked rather white, even standing next to Buttercup, but I like this better.
Clover:  Again, just made her darker.  Because I had a trend of making my dark characters darker, lol.  But she, again, looks good, so I can’t complain.
Odessa:  I’ve never really been too happy with Odessa’s design, so I was mostly just messing with giving her the undercut haircut for the hell of it, and instantly fell in love. This is the Odesa I see when I’m writing about her!  And I managed to give her an outfit that I like for a change! She looks tomboyish without being too masculine, and it really works for her!  Everything really matches her personality.  And I went back to the tan with blond hair, because it suits her.  
Dante:  …moving on…
Selene:  Made her black again, just because I liked her better that way.  I think the blue looks great on her this way.  I figure the Middle Eastern kingdom is Collins now; its just that I don’t really have any characters from there, unfortunately.  
Ignatius:  I changed his horns, and I think he looks a little more dragon-like?  Also tweeked his outfit a bit, and I like it, of course.
Aria:  I changed her colors, mostly.  I liked the idea that she looks like a stormy sky in his possessed form, hence the greys and blacks.  
Ruby:  I tweeked her outfit a little, making it look a little more medieval, and gave her new wings.  I was going to give her more red in her outfit, but it was too much red.  :P Sure, her name is Ruby, but she gets that from the way she looks, not what she wears.  ;p  The purple and green look pretty damn good on her.
The next sheet is the Gods, because why the hell not?
Ignatius:  He…well, this is the same as the other one, I just stuck him in this sheet as well because this is his family.  ^^;
Aquarius:  Since I figured out beards, I decided to give him one, since I see him as having one in her merman form.  I really like it – gives him a gruff, old man of the sea look!  
Aria:  This is her healed look.  The idea is that she looks like a pleasant sky like this, whites and blues and light greys to symbolize clouds.  I decided to have her have an outfit change, since, once she’s healed, she interacts with humans more, and thus, picks up on their fashion.  And I did really like this one outfit for her/Buttercup, so decided to utilize it again.  I like it. :D
Tara:  Decided to make her dress sort of a combination of Original Psyche and Ariadne, and I like the outcome!  She somehow looks more matronly to me, but at the same time not, which works well with the character.  I made her a little darker as well, which I like.  
The last sheet is of Buttercup’s friends from her village, just because I was riding the Viking look high, and I had designs of them already.  So I figured what the hell, might as well do them as well!
The one on the left originally had a jacket thing, but it made her look too mature, so I decided those were reserved for the middle aged/married members of the society. ;P  Looks cool, but…yeah.
So left to right, we have Lilac, Rosemary, and Lavender.  Lilac is a fist-fighter, Rosemary a swordswoman, and Lavender is a spear-thrower. Buttercup is closest to Rosemary, considering her her best friend, and at the very beginning, Rosemary gets engaged to Buttercup’s older brother, Seth.  Which is a huge thing, because Rosemary is, like, a month younger than Buttercup, and she has absolutely no one interested in her because she is ‘weird’ (mostly because she prefers to spend her freetime reading, she helps with her father’s forge, and, oh yeah, she’s a Fire Mage not living within a Temple.)
I obviously spent most time and attention on Rosemary, since she is a little more important to the story, but I do like how they all turned out! Lilac originally was purple as well, but I figured if I was going that way, Buttercup would be in yellow, and…yeah. I really like how all three of them turned out, actually!  They look very Viking-y.
Probably not going to do anything immediate with these, but I am in that weird muse-doesn’t-know-what-it-wants-to-do period at the beginning of the year, so I guess we’ll see. ;P
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oflgtfol · 6 years
bc i cant stop thinking abt that dream.. im gonna elaborate on it because it was so detailed and so long and felt so real
so it started off with me in a small library but like, it was so cramped and the lights were off. bookshelves were everywhere, and most were like only waist high? strange adults were everywhere, standing against the walls/shelves or sitting in the aisles. all had their hands cuffed behind their backs or in front of them and they all had like, tape or something over their mouths. but there were some adults among them in bullet proof vests and with guns in their hands. i dont know the situation like i dont even think i acknowledged it in the dream but from context clues im p sure it was like a hostage situation
so im in there sneaking around, in the back of my mind i just Know that my parents and my brother are also in the room also sneaking thru the aisles. all the hostage adults are staring at me like, acknowledging that they know im here to help rescue them. so after a few close calls around corners almost getting caught by the gunmen i get to a somewhat open area, meanig that its still cramped but its a small square between bookshelves with a table and 2 chairs. theres a TON of hostages squeezed into this area. i knew that that was the objective, that i had to get there
so me and my family burst forward and the gunmen spot us, but the hostages all help us overwhelm the guys. the gunmen are shooting blindly into the crowd, aiming mostly for me and my family, and SOMEHOW everybody else dodges it but me. literally it went in slow motion and i saw it like in third person, watching it come towards me and i was like “watch it hit me lmao. oh fuck its actually gonna hit me”
so i get shot in my stomach during all this and the pain just, it wasnt all that bad really? like it felt like uhm. getting hit with a water balloon actually (i was just in a water fight yesterday and now upon realizing this its like.... did that contribute to this dream....) so then its all clear like the bad guys are defeated, it gets kinda blurry at this point but i know in some disembodied way that i told my parents after everything wrapped up when they were asking if everyone was okay that i was hit, and they like, didnt care. i was like “HEY i got SHOT in the stomach!” and theyre like k and it took them foreverrrrrrr to get me medical attention. and i wasnt even.. bleeding outwardly? so i was so worried about internal bleeding because like HEY i have a bullet in me so i must be bleeding somewhere like,,, come on lmao
the next like visual thing i remember is in the hospital. its been a while since like, i woke up so this is kinda blurry too but i remember being put into a wheelchair by some nurses.. ive been in a wheelchair only once and that was in 2nd grade but this one i was allowed to use like, on my own, so it threw me off? and at this point i was like, fuck, i’ve been shot before when i was little. i’ve done this before. i had to go into surgery and everything. but it was all vague flashes i could barely remember it but it felt a lot like when i remember the major things from my childhood that i just COMPLETELY forgot about for so long, like speech therapy? like i had gotten injured from a gun when i was less than ten years old and i just, forgot about that? i was like HOW did i forget about this
so i was already in the hospital at this point but for the one room, i wheeled up to the entrance and it felt kinda like the 11th/12th grade cafeteria entrance that i use in school?? a small double door, blank walls, kinda dark, empty, and there was a nurse checking us in. at this point i was surrounded by all my classmates from my ap lang class, or maybe not ap lang in particular idk since like all the ap kids are mostly grouped together despite class? idk man. but my classmates were literally all fine idk why they were there? they werent even there for checkups or anything (disregarding the fact that you dont get a check up at a hospital you get that at a normal doctors office..) so i was there in my literal wheelchair and the nurse was like “wait your turn!!” she was really snooty it was annoying i was like, word for word, “uhm HELLO i have a GSW in my abdomen!!!!!!” and my one classmate finally spoke up as he was being checked in he was like “uh hey brot is here and like, got shot, so i think she should go first lmao?” so the nurse finally smiled at me and admitted me in
and it led to this small cramped room where they scanned your entire body for every single thing wrong with it adn they displayed it on a board where everyone could see, including my classmates, and i was like ohh my god. oh my god. the nurses were like “hm you could eat better but overall you’re in good health!” and i was like DUDE thats embarrassing i dont want everybody to see all my minute issues and LIKE I AM LITERALLY INJURED I HAVE A BULLET IN MY STOMACH WHY ARE YOU DISCUSSING MY DIET WHEN THERE ARE MORE PRESSING ISSUES...
so finally we go into the actual room and its this giant giant mostly empty room, im remembering this room from my first go at this from when i was a kid. theres a table in the middle thats pretty big but has.. no chairs around it... but theres puzzles and weird bookmark things scattered around on it to keep you occupied, and then theres a single table far removed from everything else, only long enough for a body and slightly wider, and theres one identical to that on the other side of the room. and i know from when i was a kid that those are for surgeries and like, i KNOW this but i was like, wrow thats unsanitary lmao
so i go to the table in the middle because thats where you’re supposed to wait till you’re called for surgery, but im so ANXIOUS because like.. its surgery... and now im remembering more of it from when i was a kid like im remembering going into it, waking up from it... my classmates are all sitting on the table like its some casual after school thing, theyre all talking
and then i remember from the first surgery. i remember the surgery itself. i apparently wasnt put under for it. i was conscious during it. i was numbed out obviously but like, i was AWAKE, and that makes me SO fucking scared for my upcoming surgery. like, enough that some of my classmates sense that im getting more and more anxious so they start shoving the bookmarks in my face, and the bookmarks are like the weird ones from the library irl that have quotes on them, and like i cant even read any because im just so anxious like im keeled over in the wheelchair so anxious about it, and the fact that my classmates are trying to interact with me during this is just making it worse like i APPRECIATE trying to make me feel better but i CANNOT read right now
and like, i was never called for surgery? im sitting there until the sun sets, but i only know that because i eventually leave the room just needing to do SOMETHING and the hospital lobby, for all the people waiting for patients? is empty and the sky outside is the dark blue kind of like, twilight
i really dont know how this dream suddenly turns, like i cannot remember the breaching moment and idk if its because its been almost 12 hours since i woke from the dream or if there even WAS a breaching moment
but the next thing i know is that me and shannen are running (me wheeling furiously) along the top of some like, wall. and the hospital looming in front of us is now some sort of fortified citadel, and we’re on one of the defensive walls around it, theres towers and spires everywhere in the distance around the citadel. and theres fucking. ANGELS attackign the place. the angels are classic white dress wearing, harp playing, type creatures but their eyes are all closed and black tears are running down their faces, and literally everything else about them is white. the dresses are this weathered white, their skin is weathered white (like, like marble but without the darker lines yknow?), and their eyes + tears are the darkest things on them so they stand OUT. and their mouths are flat lines, also black like as if its like, lineart or something yknow? like their faces look like masks but they arent. they have harps in one hand and then LONG ass swords in their other hands and they are fuckign terrifying
so me and shannen are outside of the main area of attack and we stumble upon this part of the wall thats like, collapsed, and theres a fucking OCEAN next to the citadel. so the stones that have fallen into the water, theres some sort of chariot on it with the same kind of look as the angels, white + black accent kinda look to it. the chariot is low lying and theres a figure laying over it, collapsed, reaching forward at nothing almost like a zombie trying to move? and he.. god i wanna say it was icarus but i really dont know because i feel, deep down that his name started with an e but i have no idea what dude it would be then bc i know it was a guy from greek mythology somehow but IDK WHO... so this guy also has the same vibe as the angels but his face is like, a fuckign mess, like it looked like he was melting (maybe thats why i wanna say icarus idk) but the melted parts were black, plus the black eyes (whcih were semi open) and the black tears and his mouth was kinda open in a silent wail (also black). i wanna say he had black hair too but idk maybe the whole black mass on his overall head was just the melting.. and this melted black liquid is strewn all over the chariot and the stone block thats barely out of the water. and out of the water, behind the chariot, all the angels were bursting forward and heading to the citadel like as if it was the Angel Spawn Point
IDK it was such a weird fuckign sight it looked like a fallen angel but i just knew deep down that it was some guy from greek mythology but I DONT KNOW WHO IT WOULD BE especially with a name starting with e..!!!
anyway yeah i woke up then. the whole angel sequence was super short compared to the rest of the dream, but it was more on par with what i normally dream than the rest? like i dont recall ever having guns in my dreams except for maybe one dream in middle school that was like,,,,, nuclear apocalypse type thing......... and never have i ever been like, INJURED like that in a dream? i’ve died in dreams yeah but ive never been like.. shot.. the closest thing i can think of was that one weird borderline nightmare earlier this year where i died of internal bleeding in school due to school negligence..... hm!
like idk this was just such a weird dream i normally have very very wild dreams with a more fantasy element to them, and the mundane ones are just me in school or on tumblr, like ive never had like, an ACTION MOVIE kinda thing??
and it felt SO REAL like when i woke up i literally thought that i had some sort of repressed gun related traumatic event from my childhood that i was only uncovering now and it was only when i realized that i was in bed and not like, at the hospital with a gun wound in my stomach, that i was like oh haha no thats not real
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malecsecretsanta · 7 years
Merry Christmas, @compulsiveshipper!
Alec wasn't a big fan of cafes, especially since they'd get really busy when university would start, but there was that particular one just across the street from the main building, and it was perfection and more. Not only was it cozy, warm, looked friendly and relatively empty, but whenever he'd sit there, he could always set an alarm on his phone five minutes before a lecture starts and still be there on time since the cafe and his university were so close to each other.
Since one of the professors had fallen sick that week, he had more free time than expected but still struggled to save any of it, overflown with assignments and inventing new ways to get enough money to stay alive.
He soon discovered another advantage of buying drinks in that specific cafe - it was cheap, and nobody bothered him upon noticing that he was knee-deep in textbooks.
So that day he walked in during a free period and, without paying much notice to the young man behind the counter, requested softly, "A small Irish coffee, please."
The barista cleared his throat and rested his hands on the table. His nails were painted, Alec took subconscious note on that, but focused on reading until the man spoke.
"Excuse my intrusiveness, but are you old enough for that, sir?" His voice was much like a purr of a cat - it could mean anything, unreadable, really.
"What-" Alec's head shot up and his clear eyes were met with dark eyes of the stranger. Probably the darkest ones he'd ever seen, the brunet thought. It seemed like the blackness would roll down his cheeks any second like ink, it looked like if you stared at them for too long, they'd take up your entire world and swallow you like a galaxy of dying stars releasing their last screams.
Or, OR those textbooks on how exactly to draw a person's butt were so up in Alec's throat that literally anything not related to painting lower body parts seemed awfully attractive to him.
"Err, yeah. I am." He replied finally, and the barista tilted his head as if waiting for something. The strange stones braided into his equally black hair tinkled as they brushed together.
"Very well. Do you have an ID card or anything that could confirm it?"
"Uh, no." Alec gulped and took a quick breath, cornered. "But I've been ordering that nearly every day, you can ask-"
"Ah, it's alright, I'll just have to trust you." The man raised his hands cheerfully, fingers splayed. He was wearing a ton of rings for somebody that looked almost Alec's age, he noticed. The barista smiled and squinted at him. "Besides, you do look like you need a double round of that whiskey - uni struggles?"
"I guess." Alec frowned after a pause. "Wait, was that an insult?"
"For once, nope, not really. After all, it takes one to know one." The dark-eyed stranger chuckled lightly and shook his head in disbelief, pouring steaming black coffee into the cup. "Man, I, for one, have never seen somebody look so bored while looking at pictures of, err, body parts before."
"M-hm." Tired eyes found their way to the graphs and lineart again.
"Wow, you really are exhausted." The barista clicked his tongue as he grabbed the whiskey. "Might as well just give you the whole bottle of the thing."
"Can you even do that?" Alec raised his eyebrows in legitimate curiosity.
"Oh, if I could, they'd be out of alcohol the very day they gave me this part-timer." The other man laughed whole-heartedly and tilted his head again. "I study medicinal chemistry, what about you?"
"Fine arts."
"Oh! I should've realized that nobody looks at pictures of butts in public unless it's their field of study." He sniffed, barely holding back a grin. "But don't let me get in your way, that definitely sounds difficult. You don't look like an art kid, though."
"Well, you don't look like..." Alec squinted at the barista's uniform, finding the nametag in a blink of an eye. "You don't look like a Magnus."
"Ouch." He gasped dramatically and clutched at his chest for a second before cracking a smile. "Well, what do I look like then?"
"I don't know." He shrugged.
"Come on, pretty boy." The barista put a tiny sugar cube into the drink and reached for a spoon. "You're artistic, make up a name for me, won't you?"
"For all that is good in this world, don't call me that." Alec looked away, avoiding those piercing black eyes.
"Alright then, I'll attempt to guess yours." Magnus put the cup of coffee on the table and pushed it in his direction. "Here's your coffee, and... Thomas?"
"Not even close."
"At least tell me the first letter!" Magnus complained.
"Nah." Alec attempted to take a sip of the coffee, but almost burnt his tongue.
"Please?" The other man sat down on the stool behind the counter, seeing there were no more customers to attend to, and propped up his chin with his elbow on the table.
"It's an 'A'." Alec revealed quietly.
"Hmm... Austin?" He guessed again.
"Close, but nope."
"Al--" Magnus started, but the alarm went off in Alec's pocket. He took out his phone, eyes fixed on the warning that only five minutes were left until his next lecture starts, and the professor was not the warmest person in the world.
"Aaaand that was the bell for me." He sighed and closed his textbook. "I'm going to go now if I want to make it back on time."
"Don't forget your coffee, Angel." Magnus smiled and tapped the lid of the cup with one of his painted nails, taking the last guess at the same time.
"Nu-uh." Alec took the coffee and shook his head, finally gracing the man behind the counter with a smile.
"Well, perhaps next time I'll get it." He sighed in disappointment and crossed his arms.
"Will there be one?" Right before opening the door, Alec raised his eyebrows.
"You did say you order here almost every day, didn't you?" Magnus smiled and stood up, turning to the chalk menu on the wall and erasing a few coffee names with his hand, probably the ones they'd run out of ingredients for.
The smirk on his face indicated that whatever conversation they just had, he had won.
Alec held the cup close to his chest as he walked back, secretly thinking of it as a tiny heater and smiling thinly. Perhaps that was just a short conversation in a coffee shop, nothing to make of it, but he felt like he wasn't as tired anymore - and he hadn't even begun to drink.
Right before he entered the building, he remembered that if a customer gave no name in that shop, baristas usually wrote a cheeky nickname on the cup or doodled something silly on the lid. He wasn't really sure if he wanted to see what Magnus scribbled on for him, but curiosity took over and he glanced down, only to silently chuckle to himself.
Pretty boy, it said on the paper cup. The words were somewhere there in his head the entire day, making it unexplainably difficult to hold back a smile. Pretty boy.
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daemon-knight · 7 years
Allen’s Rambling XXXIV: Icons
Yo folks, still working on my fanfic and everything, but this topic has been on my mind for a while now, so I’m gonna’ do a quick rambling to warm up the writing process a bit before finishing a chapter of the fanfic. Still on hiatus until probably Wednesday-ish. The fic is... coming along. And as Allen edits this he realizes an hour has passed and this stopped being a warm up ramblings.
So, you might have notice I’ve been using icons less as of late. Not outright refusing to use them, but some of my recent replies haven’t used icons, at least for the more plotted threads anyway. This is mostly due to me redoing a lot of them in both increasing their size and changing the overlay color of them to a more blueish gradient that fits Claudia’s color scheme better, but I’ve also done some thinking about why I use them in the first place, especially since I’ve been drawing Claudia and other characters on my tablet more and more lately. I can’t speak for everyone, but the reason I use icons is for the sake of showing expressions and reactions to things. Basically reaction images for when I’m doing shorter threads, or when I can’t accurately describe Claudia’s facial expression, or when I think describing her facial expression would break the pacing of a thread, or flatout for comedy’s sake in a crack thread. However... I’m gonna’ be honest.
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I may use Cecily Campbell as a faceclaim for Claudia, but Claudia herself doesn’t look much like Cecily.
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No, this is what Claudia looks like. A small Black girl with a rather long (and expressive) ahoge, often wearing a leather breastplate and gloves under a boyish shirt of some kind along with trousers or a skirt with trousers underneath, and usually carrying her demon spear around or having it in its dagger sheathe (which I forgot to draw in this pic). Ignore the sneakers she’s wearing, I honestly just didn’t feel like looking up boot references when I was doing the lineart of this pic. But yeah, this is what Claudia actually looks like and how she’d actually dress. Tomboyish and simple.
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Needless to say, Cecily looks nothing like how I draw Claudia, my simplistic, amateur art style notwithstanding. She has bright red hair, is usually wearing a skirt and leotard that gives her sex appeal, has a plated breastplate, shoulders, and boots, and boob armor that makes me want to [RETRACTED] the artist of this manga so much. Her design is a good mix of a noble knight and a teenage girl trying to show off her body. Also, she’s known for carrying a demon sword/rapier rather than a spear like Claudia. Her design is good for her, but not for Claudia. And serious, what’s with the titty armor? Like, I'm fine with Cecily showing skin since I’m a shameless fanboy and borderline pervert that likes seeing sex appeal and sexy girls, but boob armor honestly triggers me so hard because it’s so fucking ugly. Why the hell is this a thing in this manga when all the other knights in Cecily’s town have uniform armor that covers everything. What, did they make Cecily an exception because they needed some titty to look at and- 
Oh... sorry, went on a tangent there. The point is, Cecily and Claudia look very different from each other, so why do I bother using Cecily’s image for Claudia at all?
Well, mainly because its easier. 
I could draw roughly a hundred different expressions and actions for Claudia, and probably cheat a little by drawing some templates beforehand, but for that drawing of Claudia alone it took me make roughly 30 minutes to sketch, about 40 minutes to do the lineart, and about another 30 minutes to color. That’s roughly an hour and a half per (full body) picture. Now, I’ve been improving in terms of speed lately, as when I first started drawing on digital these steps took me an hour each, but you get my point. I have about 120 icons of Cecily for Claudia’s expressions and actions, and those took me about an hour and half to get. That’s literally 100 times easier than me drawing them all. To actually draw all those images at my current skill level would take months at least, and that’s something I just really don’t want to do, nor do I think you guys want to deal with either. My art, at this level, isn’t exactly appealing to look at, and though I know most of us don’t want to admit it, having visually pleasing icons and faceclaims how and why some of us follow other blogs, I know it’s true for me at least. People don’t exactly format and doll up their replies and icons for no reason after all. Taking time to look pretty says a lot about the care a mun puts into their blog, and it shows how serious they take it.
Not saying it’s bad to look pretty, just saying there’s a more mechanical reason behind it outside... well, looking pretty.
So with all that said, I think I might start using icons a bit less after this, mostly using them for the sake of reaction images and nothing more. Since I’m starting to get more serious with my writings as I work on my fanfic and working on my ability to show and not tell, I’m probably going to use icons a lot less. There are plenty of ways I can write out a character’s expressions and reactions without using a reaction image for it, so you might be seeing some replies come without icons a bit more often once I finish up a few more draft chapters my fanfic and start doing replies here again.
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Prompt from bullet anon(?): “ Prompt 152 for your favorite Hamilton ship? ”-          “ Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night. “
( what a relatable prompt )
A/N: I wouldn’t say this is my absolute favorite ( that title belongs to Marliza! ), but is my guilty pleasure ship. Heh.( BWAHAHA I IS A REBEL ) Maria’s texting name is Angelica’s contact name for Maria and vice versa, to show how much those suckers are in love.
Maria: 19, freelance artist who quit college, basically what you’d expect a full time artist to do on Tumblr
Angelica: 22, majoring in PoliSci and Journalism, interns under George Washington
3rd POV omniscient 
Warnings: nothing, at least this time, except for poor editing ( I'm too cheap for a beta :P)
Ping! Ping!
Angelica stared at her phone, watching text notifications blink across her screen in a rapid succession. She was waiting for a makeup tutorial on YouTube to load already, so she tapped on the notifications to see what Maria Lewis was sending her.
Maria <3: so ive been working on some art commissions
Maria <3: and this weird thing came to me
Maria <3: if mammals have hair and create milk
Maria <3: therefore
Maria <3: that means that the coconut in my kitchen
Maria <3: is a mammal
Maria <3: u get it right?
Even without any presence nearby to react to such a thing, Angelica let out an exasperated sigh and glared at her dimly-lit screen. Of course Maria was sending her weird shit at 1 am in the morning, because what sane person would? Although, she was heads-over-heels for the artistic girl, so she only half-joked about being irritated by the texting.
Angel the Angelic: y the heck r u sending me this
Angel the Angelic: also that’s not how it works
Angel the Angelic: besides, its super l8
Angel the Angelic: get to sleep so u can wake up 4 ur job
Maria <3: nah I don't have work today
Angel the Angelic: ugh can’t ur commissions wait 4 morning
Maria <3: it is an unspoken rule to never interrupt a writer or artist at work ;)
Angel the Angelic: k fine, but I'm sleeping now
Maria <3: gn then, or good morning actually
Angel the Angelic: please go to sleep
Angelica Schuyler barged into the living room of Maria Lewis’s apartment, with the latter wearing only underwear and an oversized hoodie. It hardly affected the taller woman much, since she was commonly seen in her apartment. After all, Angelica did have the spare keys.
However usual it was to have her in Maria’s place, Maria herself was becoming redder by the second as she was being caught wearing, well, not much. By her undying crush, Angelica Schuyler.
“ Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night, “ she said, plopping down on the couch after a day of working at her journalism/political science internship.
“ Eh, benefits of being a decent artist and not having to go through college. “
“ I don’t really get how you don’t stress out about not having a major. Lucky you, I suppose. “
“ College isn’t for everyone Angelica. “ Maria brought out some chai tea and granola bars that the older woman apparently was addicted to. Angelica studied Maria, making a show of flashing her eyes up and down. Feeling very numb inside from running around doing errands for the higher-ups all day, she spaced out and glared at the ceiling, attempting to count the amount of times the fan was spinning to distract herself from the fatigue and Maria’s body leaning on her side.
“ Hello? Ang? You want a bar or not? I’m gonna eat it if you don't want one...” Maria chuckled. Registering her words, she became a little crimson at the cute nickname and her teasing voice.
“ Oh no, you wouldn’t dare do that.”
“ Oh yes I would, just to spite you.” Growling, Angelica pounced on Maria, struggling to steal the beloved granola bar from her hand. She snickered, throwing the snack across the living room. During the process, Lewis had been pinned to the couch and was blushing furiously, although Angelica mistakened it for raucous laughter.
The normally serious woman sitting on Maria’s knees had crossed her arms, looking perpetually annoyed.
“ Ugh, now I have to get it. Thanks a lot Maria Lewis. “
“ You are very welcome my lady. “
Huffing, Angelica awkwardly scrambled off the younger girl to snatch the granola bar. She gazed at Maria’s face, which was red as a tomato. It was easy for her to read most people, but she was always confused by Maria
Maria was a fairly good actress, able to mask her emotions if needed, but never did around Angelica. Perhaps there was a chance that they mutually loved each other after all.
“ Well, while you enjoy your snack, I'll go back to working on my stuff. And tell me when you leave, ‘kay?” Angelica merely nodded, chewing through the granola bar while flipping through all the assignments from class. There was also a minor article from her internship, but it wasn't much. She contemplated staying over at Maria’s, since she was feeling too lazy to go to her shared apartment with her siblings.
After finishing her bar ( and went to the kitchen for more ), she was curious about what Maria was creating this time around. Angelica always loved looking at people's hard work, especially Maria’s. She was always quite amazed by the younger girl’s art.
“ Hey Maria! Uh, may I see what you are doing?” Angelica hollered, somewhat politely.
“ Actually, I'm just putting on some pants. Kind of indecent to not be wearing some when there's someone in your home, ya know?” Huh, that's pretty strange. She's been acting weirder and weirder, why would she refer to me as a stranger in the apartment?
“ Well, I would like to see what you’re drawing or painting or whatever. “
“ Eh, I’m the lineart pieces right now. And, you can come in now.”
Angelica stepped inside the only bedroom in the apartment, smiling to herself as she viewed the minimalist room, with the exception of the art desk that contained  an organized clutter of cabinets labeled with the specific kinds of supplies. There were two watercolors drying on the wall, and the desk itself contained some sketched papers and few of what Maria was currently working on.
The drawing tablet and laptop were sitting on her bed because of the little space on her work area. Angelica wanted to aid her artistic friend more, maybe upgrade the apartment or endorse her art so she could have better luxuries. Angelica knew better than to ask so; Maria Lewis was a proud girl and was used to striking it out on her own.
She placed her arms gently on Maria’s shoulders, loosely hugging her neck as Angelica perched her chin on her head. Her hair was oh-so-soft. She twirled a strand with her fingers, absentmindedly playing the curly hair as she peered at Maria’s hand sketching out a majestic griffin. 
Angelica sniffed her hair, taking in the intoxicating scent. She didn't notice how Maria had stopped drawing and stared deeply into the paper.
“ Hey Angelica? You're kinda distracting me a little, uh, are you sniffing my hair?” No response, solely because Angelica had leaned her body weight against Maria and was slowly drifting out of consciousness. 
Angelica mumbled something, most likely about the younger girl to continue drawing, but Maria was having none of that. If the Angelica Schuyler was tired from staying up real late and doing her college stuff, she would push her into the closest bed. Okay maybe that sounded weird.
The Schuyler observed Maria as the artist sighed, swept her papers and pencils aside and considerately made sure Angelica didn’t stumble onto the floor as Lewis stood up from her swivel chair. Maria gently dragged her over to her mess of blankets and pillows.
“ Honestly, you should take a nap. Or stay over for the night, you can't go anywhere if you’re gonna fall asleep standing up. Actually, whether you like it or not you’re sleeping over for the night. I’ll text your sisters. You’re probably asleep by now, I should stop rambling to myself.” Angelica was truly unconscious by now, surely. Maria half-ran to her living room to snag her phone.
During that time, Angelica had internally realized where her body was laying and  the simple smell of someone she recognized and loved dearly. She snapped her eyes open, mildly confused that she wasn't gazing over Maria’s shoulders.
She was actually relaxing in bed, Maria’s bed for the matter. A thin blanket covering most of her body. Its scent consisted of lavender and ink, an odd combination but nonetheless pleasing to Angelica’s nose.
Angelica squawked a little as Maria strolled back into the room and they stared each other awkwardly as she inched towards Angelica. The silence was practically sexual tension to any outsider had there been one there.
“ Would you want to sleep with me?” Angelica blurted out before cringing to herself. Way to creep out one of your best friends, Angelica.
The other looked just as surprised. Maria looked down at the floor as she slowly slipped into bed. In another impulsive movement, Angelica grabbed her arm and swiftly pulled her down, instinctively shifting around so Maria was comfortably settled on her side while facing her.
Both of them were glowing crimson, mere inches apart. Angelica was quite perplexed as to why she was feeling so ruffled by this. It wasn’t as if they had never made contact before. But those has been innocent hugs and cuddles during group sleepovers, perhaps watching sappy or horror movies.
Maria flipped over, desperate to not stare into those curious brown eyes. Her thoughts glazed over how it was impossible that the wonderful and confident Angelica Schuyler could possibly love her back. She nearly dismissed this situation as a thing that Angelica did when she was fatigued when a pair of arms warmly hugged her sides.
Holy shit is she actually cuddling me in my bed? What the hell is happening? Maria’’s face grew even redder, and had not gone unnoticed by Angelica who had very keen senses. Angelica used one hand to turn Maria’s head over.
“ Goodnight, and I love you too.” Coming to a decision that Maria indeed liked her back, based on her reactions, prompted Angelica to duck her head under Maria’s chin and lightly kissed her neck, her tongue poking through her teeth.
She smiled at Maria’s shock and sudden gasp before cuddling her even tighter, limbs wrapping Maria like a pillow. Angelica felt the tension on her fall before Maria calmed down, even pressing herself against Angelica a bit. Eventually, they peacefully slept fro the rest of the day and night.
For once, neither of them regretted staying up past one.
Hey there! This, as usual, got out of hand and I did not expect myself tone writing so much for this one. Hope you enjoyed this, leave a note or two, and send me requests! Rules on are on my bio. 
( you can find my fanfics under the crimson-writer tag )
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