#TWSTxDAL art process
appleb0mb · 4 years
Cardenalia’s Art Process! (Part One)
Step 1/2 - Scrapped Version:
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The very first draft I had of Jamil! 
Not gonna lie, I hate the fact that the scrapped version had better proportions than the original one is rather annoying...
But back to the point - I scrapped the original flower because the one below was so much better to me! 
I was going to add some more Dahlias to the background...but I felt it would make Jamil lose focus in the cover so I scrapped that idea. 
The earrings also was scrapped due to how freaking atrocious it was. I mean, WHO on earth wants to wear that? Not me.
In addition, I was going to make both hands hold the stem of the flower but I didn’t want to make Jamil seem like a romantic (because it doesn’t fit his personality) - so nope to that.
To be honest, I really despise the fact when I don’t get the proportions right...but I really had trouble with the arms, so I scrapped that. Shame on me.
Step One - Rough Draft:
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Okay this one looks better and keeps the same style as the scrapped so I’m fine
The Rough Draft was started on October 15th, 2020 - 3:16 AM. (Yes I recorded the dates)
It took me a good while to get that pose...it took me 2 days to get to the lineart though because I was rather unhappy about not getting it right.
The hand, shoulders, and upper body was a huge problem in particular. Luckily, I achieved the result I wanted - which is the picture above.
Step Two - Rough Lineart:
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The Rough Lineart started October 17th, 2020 - 10:52 PM. Took me 2 hours to get this one done...
At first, I had no clue what on earth I should do. I was thinking - should I put this on? What about this? SHOULD I KEEP IT OR NO?!?
So yeah - just like Kalim’s character design - I winged it.
Steps of Lineart (also the top of my head):
1. Face (was done already)
2. Flower??? (not sure, #2 and #3 can be interchangeable)
3. Neck
4. Neck Pattern
5. Shirt(?) 
6. Upper Body
7. Shoulder Design
8. Jewelry (both Left AND Right)
9. Veil (not sure, #8 and #9 can be switched around as well)
Step Three - Cleanup:
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This is where the proportions start dying (especially that left arm - what in daffodil’s name-)
Cleanup started October 18th, 2020 - 12:19 AM (yup, doing it on the due date!)
I then took a break(...ish...?) for a good hour - then beauty sleep.
Step Four: Coloring
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I did some coloring while I was taking a break which ended at 1:30 AM before going to bed. 
Then, I woke up at 8:39 AM to continue colouring.
Originally, I was going to put Jamil in dark blue! But because it didn’t have any remnants to his original TWST design, I decided to not put it in. Instead, I decided the dark blue design will be used at nighttime.
(So in essence, the color of his clothes changes at night to camouflage himself to keep himself away from danger. Not sure about Kalim tho-)
As usual, I would do an extra file of the lineart in case I messed up (Most of the time, I get it right on the first try)
I also had to keep in mind that I didn’t want to make the flower stand out - but to make the album cover completely focused on Jamil (which contradicts the past album covers).
Well. That’s it for now! 
Want to See More? [ Art Process of Cardenalia - Part Two ]
As always - Thank you for supporting the fan made music (and art) of Twisted Wonderland x Date A Live content. 
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appleb0mb · 4 years
Continuation of Art Process below!
Step Five: Shading
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So around this time it was almost 1 AM in the morning and I was forced to go bed at that point...
I would say after I woke up early in the morning (8 AM on Sunday), I continued for approximately 4 hours. 
I remember being panicky since I usually upload Sundays, but thanks to losing an extra 4 hours (4AM on a Sunday night), I was extremely behind in finishing the album cover. 
(But thanks to you guys and the support, I felt a little less pressure)
Also, I changed the flower’s coloring since it looked more like a sunflower than a Gerbera. I could’ve changed it for Kalim since a sunflower’s meaning is happiness, adoration, and loyalty - but the ‘loyalty’ wasn’t working out for me.
Furthermore, by the time I did that I already based the WHOLE album on the color scheme of orange. So that wasn’t even an option. 
Step Five: Background + Highlights
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Usually I would hate the lineart as it looks before the adding multiple layers - but to me it looks SO much better! It was tempting to put THIS as the cover! 
Though, I tend to have a certain style in the album, so I had to keep the same focus. 
I really wanted to mostly highlight them n a i l s , the Gerbera, and his eyes. But now that I look at the final product, I think I lost that focus in the end (in terms of his nails). *cries*
Also, I would say Step 4 and Step 5 is his color scheme - Step 4 being the base, and Step 5 the shading to give them  g  l  o  w  s .
This one took around Sunday night (estimation of 6PM - 10 PM), and thanks to homework being just tests - I secured my time doing this instead.
At this point, I felt I was basically looping Mystique + [insert 3rd song in the Scarabia Trilogy] like CRAZY. I repeated that song the whole way through just like I did with Lupine and Rosaceae. 
I also enjoyed the shine of that Gerbera - I felt like a proud mom -
Just to let you know btw the leaves are apart of Kalim’s design, not just for show.
Step Six: Final Background + Highlights
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When I finalized it a little more...this was Monday night when I was finishing this up 5 PM - 6:40 PM. I was really excited to finish this piece - by announcing that Mystique was about to come out!
But around 6:40 I had to discontinue due to my daily life...but other than that I was generally pleased.
Though, I think that I fell short in the process. Some areas that were supposed to be highlighted (such as the feathers, bandana, and leaves) were not highlighted properly. 
Though, I’m glad that the main focus was still there in the whole piece - his eyes and the flower (which also gives focus on his face). So I’m satisfied.
Step Seven: Orange + Red Lineart
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Now for this I did the following (to achieve that look above):
Copy and paste the lineart on another layer (from now on I’ll call that pasted Lineart #2.)
Lineart #2 is selected, and colored in in a different color (in red)
Shift the lineart to a certain side (which is more of the right)
Add Lineart #3 (which repeats #1 - #3), which was colored in orange.
I was going add hints of green and blue - but I didn’t like how the colors made Kalim look...so I left orange and red. 
Plus, red is apart of his original color scheme + the flower’s orange so it gave me more of a reason to keep that focus. 
Gosh dangit, it’s colour not color Tumblr-
I did this once I arrived home and I was absolutely elated! I wanted to post it as soon as possible, but I wanted to be more professional in terms of announcements and all that, which sends us to Tuesday. 
I scheduled it Monday night/Tuesday morning (4 AM) at 4 P M so I can get you reactions live and be active for questions and responses but THAT didn’t happen- 
Step Eight: Title -> Final Piece!
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Wow! You made it this far! That was a lot to read (lol).
Feel free to send in requests about the art process btw! This includes the plot, the characters - anything! I will happily answer ASAP :)))))))))))))
I feel like I should do this for ??? [ Insert 2nd song of Scarabia Trilogy], but this WILL delay the song as well (especially the lyric analysis that I will and must do). 
But luckily, I’m physically out of school on Friday so it wholeheartedly depends on how much I get done in the weekend...
I must admit - taking the time to do Kalim in normal hours felt pretty good unlike Lupine and Rosaceae. That doesn’t mean I love them less though-
Anyways. You know the drill! 
Thank you for supporting the fan made music and art of Twisted Wonderland and Date A Live content.
Curious? [ Art Process - Part One ]
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appleb0mb · 3 years
Agapanthus - Art Process! (Part One)
Lemme just say - Agapanthus is by far the most hardest track and art I’ve ever made. Like sleep was basically non-existent here-
Step One: Rough Draft
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This was created on December 27th - around 4 days before the release of Agapanthus, I believe. However I’m not gonna lie, this is looking pretty horrible. I’m glad I didn’t even continue with this reference  ( 。_。) . 
I remember using myself as reference, but that wasn’t really working out. I really wanted Vil to have an intimidating look to him, and he’s just staring you down - underestimating MC/Yuu. But I realized...
That isn’t Vil. Vil isn’t like that at all, and it completely changed the idea about him. So I decided to change the expression and pose that Vil was making and start it all over instead.
Step Two (1): Rough Lineart + Cleanup (Head)
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I had to change and redraw a lot of the pose I was making! It was incredibly risky, but I had to do it anyways! 
Just for you guys, I made sure to break it down a bit more so you can see what’s behind the scenes in more depth...
I did the head in the following order:
(1) Head 
(2) Eyes, Nose, and Mouth
(3) Hair
*(4) Halos - Zwei (middle)
*(5) Einz (left), Drei (right) 
(6) Crown - I used the crown from The Aphrodites and add it to his hair heheheh
*For Step 4 - I split the structure of the halo into two layers: A circle, and sharp pointy things before merging the layers together. I made sure to not let the pointy areas overlap with the circle. Lots of Control + Z was used here LOL
As for Step 5 the halos can be one or the other, I don’t know which one I started with at the time.
For his expression, I must admit that I don’t like it. It makes Vil look puzzled, or dumbfounded yet...a bit hopeful. But after seeing what happened to Step One, I decided to go along with it (:P). 
< Note: For Step Two, I did the rough lineart -> cleanup for each part - so that’s why I merged Step Two and Three together. >
Step Two (2): Rough Lineart  + Cleanup (Agapanthus AND Crocus)
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OH HELP ME NOW LOL  (˙ ͜ʟ˙ )
I’m sorry, this part was the most longest things I’ve ever taken when it comes to lineart. I’m sorry.
Seriously! This was one of the longest because it was not one flower, but a BOUQUET of flowers!!! I remember my back hurting a lot and didn’t getting enough sleep as a result...this took me 12 hours to finish just the bouquet alone.
Apologies for the detail below!!!
Note: For some information, I won’t go into detail since it’s impossible to see with the picture above due to the picture limit. 
(1) Drawing the Flowers:
 (1) Agapanthus (wide, inward, middle flowers)-  This took about six layers to do the following:
(1.1) FLOWER (DRAFT) - Here, I drew the basics of its form and its shape. I drew a donut-like shape and short piece of the stem before doing the lineart.
(1.2) Flower (Lineart): 
(1.2.1) Flower - Lineart - OPEN FLOWER: I did the five petal shaped flower first, then refined it to have a finished look.
(1.2.2) Flower - Lineart - CLOSED FLOWER
(1.2.3) Flower - Lineart - UNBLOOMED FLOWER
(1.2.4) Flower - Lineart - STEM STICKS (idk what to call it) - and that’s it!
(2) Crocus (outward, left and right flowers)  - I have the full process of this, so here it is:
(2.1) FLOWER (DRAFT)- I made sure to do a rough outline of the shape so I could have an idea of what I was doing, and make sure the flower was proportionate to the track cover.
(2.2) FLOWER (LINEART) - This is where I drew the lineart and added detail for the petals and their design (at the same time). 
(2.3) STEM (DRAFT) - Even though I don’t have it in the art file, I believed I did it to make sure it was proportionate to size of the flower.
(2.4) STEM + LEAVES - This is when I did the lineart and added the details (at the same time). I then did the leaves as an additional design.
(2.5) MERGE LAYER OF STEM + FLOWER- and it’s finished!
(2) Cleaning up the Flowers:
The cleanup took the longest, since you have to erase the details of the flowers that was overlapped. Took the longest out of the 12 hours.
(2.1) Agapanthus:
(2.1.1) AGAPANTHUS - MIDDLE OF PAINTING/CENTRE (one touching Vil’s face) 
(2.1.2) AGAPANTHUS - MIDDLE/CENTRE: LEFT (touching Vil’s left shoulder)
(2.1.3) AGAPANTHUS - MIDDLE/CENTRE: RIGHT (touching Vil’s right shoulder)
(2.2) Crocus: 
Step Two (3): Rough Lineart + Cleanup (Upper Body)
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As usual, I love the lineart more than the final product (˶′◡‵˶). Especially this lineart - it’s rather mesmerizing to me!
Even Vil without colour looks absolutely beautiful...I love him (I’m starting to stan him (kind of))
But anyways! Here is the order I did the body in:
(1) Head (already completed by then)
(2) Neck 
(3) Neckish Shoulders (I don’t know what to call them - his toned necked muscles??? But it’s located around his neck)
*(4) Shoulders
*(5) Lower Body
*(6) Golden Details + Corset!
*For Number 4, I had to do multiple attempts because the shoulders weren’t proportionate to his body. I remembering 2 - 4 layers before choosing a final rough draft to work with.
As for Number 5, I also had to do multiple attempts as well because the original rough draft was not proportionate with the pose above. I did two rough drafts (I believe), but I don’t think I used them - I worked with the layer that looked the best. 
For Number 6, the golden details were originally in black, but I used the Fill Tool and a bit of erasing and adding to give the final look above. I would say cleanup was the hardest thing for the details, since it heavily overlapped the Agapanthuses and Crocuses...
Thank you for reading this whole post! A Part 2 will come out in the next few days, so please stay tuned.
Have a wonderful day you guys! :D!
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appleb0mb · 4 years
I’m SO sorry for not uploading it sooner due to not being home earlier! Here is the art process below!
Step One - Rough Draft:
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The very first draft I had of Kalim! Originally, I was going to make his hand stretch out to the post (as a way of welcoming you to the arc/chapter) but I felt that wasn’t...exactly his personality. So, I scrapped it and did a different pose (which is the final product of the album).
[I’ll definitely use that reference for one of the leaders though. GUESS WHO-]
Kalim was a hard face to draw, I had to use his original sprites as reference and his smile - that heartwarming smile took a lot of attempts to get right. 
Second, the flower felt incredibly isolated (since it was supposed to be the main focus of the album or fan music series), so - I scrapped this as well.
In addition, in the time I did Kalim I had NO clue what to do for his Date A Live outfit so I basically winged it and hoped the design looked good.
Step Two - Rough Lineart
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Around/or going into a...Saturday night I finished this, I believe. (Maybe 2+ hours??)
From the start - I wanted Kalim to keep his bandana, earrings (but change it up a bit), and his scarf.
At first, I was going to leave one side without the coat which would fit more of his original design of Twst...however, I realized the proportions wouldn’t fit otherwise, so I deleted that.
I really wanted Kalim to have as much patterns as Riddle and Azul, so I did that...and I especially wanted him to have a feathery appearance, since he’s a smol cinnamon bird. I kind of wanted to base him as a pure being mind, body, and soul.
And also I added the Scarabia logo as a reference to Twst (see if you can find it in the final design or the process below!).
Note: At this point, I was seeing Kalim as a god of agricultural fertility or more of a earth spirit that restores nature and bountiful harvest on Earth.
Here’s the steps of the lineart (on the top of my head):
1. Face (was done at that time)
2. Neck (containing scarf)
3. Bandana
4. Earrings
5. Feathers (Arms)
6. Arms (which is the coat thing around him)
7. Left Hand (including thingy on them)
8, Right Hand (including thingy on them)
9. Upper Body 
10. Pattern on Upper Body 
11. Leaves
12. Necklaces + Patterns
13. Gerbera (or Orange Daisy)
Step Three - Cleanup:
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A little fixing up here and there (which required an hour or two I presume...?)
Also a clearer representation of the final output.
Step Four: Coloring
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Now THIS took forever...took me to the next day (literally) around 12 AM on a Sunday.
At this point, I merged all the lineart layers together and saved the lineart just in case I wanted to edit/change something.
I continued to push on the idea/focus of the flower using lighter colors, without trying to isolating and losing focus on Kalim. 
But thanks to his red eyes (red is the highest frequency that our eyes can see), his white hair, his skin color, and the flower - everything went just fine.
I had to experiment on the drawing for hours with the references and everything...my back was hurting this time (yes baby Kalim), but I was tired + eager + extremely motivated to get this done.
I barely took breaks (other than a goodnight’s sleep + interferences) though because I enjoy doing this kind of thing honestly. If anything I only take 2 breaks (which last 30 minutes). 
Usually for albums (such as Lupine + Rosaceae), I would do the full process from Saturday night (10PM) to Sunday morning (4AM).
Art Process (Part Two)
As always - Thank you for supporting the fan made music (and art) of Twisted Wonderland x Date A Live content.
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appleb0mb · 4 years
Hyacinthus Art Process! (Part Two)
Continuation of Art Process Below! 
Yes, I’m still a little annoyed about it here me out
No, wait - continue the post-
Step Five: Shading
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I started this one around the same day, October 22nd, 2020 -12:13 PM 
This time I added darker colors such as black and dark brown to give that f o r m 
As usual, I prefer this over the final product! I don’t know why-
Anyways for the following here’s what I used:
Robes - I used a light red or pink (same applies to the fingernails and the Hyacinths), + black to darken some of the areas
Skin-  Dark brown and a tiny pink 
Hair - Dark brown and black
Veil - Black
White stuff on his arm - Orange + hints of blue 
Upper Body - Light, light blue
Thingy holding his hair - Orange + hints of pink
Neck - Dark yellow + bits of orange 
Neck - Diamond - Dark blue!
Neck - Pearls (Blue stuff on neck) - Dark green (unsure, but hecka likely)
Thing on his Head - Orange + Light, light blue
Hyacinths - Red-purple...? (Unsure)
Chest - Orange + Blue + Red (blue and red particularly on the patterns)
Jewelry - Used bits of orange and light, light pink
Note: I made sure that I didn’t darken it too much so it would lose its color and keep your eyes on that p r i z e.
Step Six & Seven: Final Background + Dark Red Lineart+ Highlights
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HEHEHEHEHEHEH (October 22nd, 2020 - 1:51 PM)
Unlike the past albums, I would try to highlight the characters in the album but then I asked myself,
“Shouldn’t Overblots be different? Such as...mysterious?”
And that’s when I started to derive my whole goal (I actually didn’t have a full idea now that I think about it) and made the whole art piece go down the drain. 
I still love it as much as much as Lupine (in terms of music) and Mystique (in terms of art), but I think the background and highlights really brought the piece down altogether. 
Back to the subject - Unlike my other albums where I used multiple pieces of lineart to make it look static, I used a full solid layer of red, blue and three layers of black to give this result of a darkened layer.
Plus, I only used one layer (so 1 copy of the lineart) in a dark red in the exact same position as the original lineart, and just made it slightly noticeable for you guys to see (in this case, you can’t).
As for the highlights, I used two of the black layers to highlight the jewelry and his skin, so that it can be seen and embellish the painting above.
Step Eight: Darker Effect + Title -> Final Piece!
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Oh yeah I added a darker effect cause I want it to be super ominous-
No seriously! For Step Seven I felt like it was a little too revealing for an Overblot, so I made it darker to add the ominousness and mystery of Overblots! Also I needed to put the title somewhere-
Meanwhile, I’m really happy that I went out of my comfort zone for this album, and especially how Jamil looks here (kind of). 
Though, just because it’s out of my comfort zone doesn’t mean I can’t do any better. 
I’ll definitely strive to do different types of stuff for the Overblots. So yeah! 
After this album, I’ll likely do a character design sheet of Scarabia, and finish requests in my inbox! There’s more stuff coming up, so please - stay tuned and continue along this weird thing of an AU.
Completion of Album Cover: October 22nd, 2020 - 2:44 PM
Time Taken: 2 days 
Release of Album: October 23rd, 2020 
Thank you for supporting the fan-made music (and art) of Twisted Wonderland x Date A Live! 
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Don’t mind me I’m just giving off happy brr vibes
Curious? Hyacinthus [ Art Process - Part One ] here!
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appleb0mb · 4 years
Cardenalia’s Art Process (Part Two)
Second part of Art Process is below!
Step Five: Shading
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Shading started on (according to me recording it): October 18th, 9:05 AM, later on taking a break which lasted until 10:22 AM - then completing the shading process at 11:30 AM.
I didn’t change much here, I made sure to add hints of blue, orange, and dark pink. Here’s the following:
Blue - I believe on the veil, upper body, and cloak...
Dark Pink - His cloak and shoulders (unsure).
Orange - Veil and Jewelry as well (except the rings on his left arm). 
I also scrapped the design of the earrings, because the earrings were atrocious. Who on earth wants to wear something like that?!? His poor ears-
Morever, I made sure the transition/gradient of the flower was red to black because...;).
Step Six: Final Background + Highlights
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Hmhmhmhmhm. Makes him seem dark and ominous. Heheheheheheh.
For this background + highlights, I really felt like I lost Jamil on this one. The flower wasn’t supposed to be the focus, only him. Luckily, it got better.
I like the highlights of his clothes though. Kind of makes him feel like he’s in a void of his own, summoning/conjuring gosh knows what. 
Step Seven: Orange + Red Lineart + Additional Design of Background
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I’m going to just copy and paste the process that was in Mystique’s Art Process (Part Two) below.
Now for this I did the following (to achieve that look above):
Copy and paste the lineart on another layer (from now on I’ll call that pasted Lineart #2.)
Lineart #2 is selected, and colored in in a different color (in red)
Shift the lineart to a certain side (which is more of the right)
Add Lineart #3 (which repeats #1 - #3), which was colored in orange.
I think I did this two times resulting in 5 lineart layers I believe??? (I’m too lazy to check)
But unlike Mystique, Cardenalia has some smoke or trail or whatever as reference to the Countdown Art Yana Toboso and Aniplex made (kind of)!
That additional design was at first an experiment but when I finished it, I thought it looked really good so I kept it (and I’m so glad I did!!!)!
Step Eight:  Pink Lineart + Title -> Final Piece!
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At first, I was going to upload the one without the pink lineart (which is the Step 7) - but in the end, I chose this one cause it’s prettier!
I know both had their pros and cons but I wanted Jamil to be more eye catching so yeah!
For this whole art process I was a lot more chill and relaxed like I did with Mystique and I’m not gonna lie - I kind of expected my hands and back to not work out but dang it sure did! 
I’m much more satisfied with how Mystique looked more than Cardenalia, but I still love Cardenalia nonetheless. 
It holds a special place in my heart (same for my other songs, but this one’s n o s t a l g i a ), and I hope it reaches out to you too! 
Note that Cardenalia may sound like a flower, but it’s not! It’s more like an illusion if you think about it! (;)))))))))
As usual, and on the dot:
Thank you for supporting the fan made music (and art!) of Twisted Wonderland and Date A Live content!!!
Thank you for waiting so patiently as well! I love your response! TYSM!!!!
Curious? [ Art Process of Cardenalia - Part One ]
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appleb0mb · 4 years
Hyacinthus Art Process! (Part One)
ART PROCESS BELOW!!! (forgive me if I’m salty, I was looking for the link for Step One for almost HALF AN HOUR)
Also end and forgive me I made the bunning Hyacinthus PURPLE. Luckily I change it but S T I L L I’m ANGRY ABOUT IT
Step One - Rough Draft
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Okay! So I started this album around October 20th, 2020 on a Tuesday (lol).
When I was thinking of the song (while doing the covers of the last two), I really wanted to show that power and desperateness of Jamil (and how he indulges and relishes in it). I remembering see this pose by yama_kome and I really liked how they represented Jamil’s overblot. 
Ever since I saw this incredible piece of art, I wanted it to be done in this kind of way. Now, since I’m releasing covers of Scarabia (Mystique and Cardenalia), I decided to do it this time for his overblot. 
Besides, I wanted to change things up a little bit!
This took me a while to get (almost a day I believe?), but when there’s a will - there’s way. 
Just to let you know: I was originally going to name the song Hyacinth but if you say all the Scarabia Trilogy’s Tracks in order - it wouldn’t sound right. So that’s why I changed it to Hyacinthus. 
Secondly, I feel like if you say a flower’s scientific name than its common name - it gives that effect of a beginning, of a source and of an origin. I feel like the Overblots are a representation of their true feelings and emotions (in this case, Twisted Wonderland) so that’s partly the reason why I changed it as well.
Step Two - Rough Lineart
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This dang lineart took me till Thursday, October 22nd. Here’s why.
1. I COULDN’T WING IT THIS TIME - there was a lot going through my head as well as references about what I wanted him to wear. Other ideas popped into my head such as, “Should I add some blot there?” or “What should I do for the shirt?”. 
So many ideas, but few were added.
2. The DESIGNS. - So many interpretations and stuff were everywhere, and they all looked good. But the problem was the amount of time to put such beautiful details. That killed me.
To sum up one and two, my brain for ideas went brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-
Steps of Lineart (at the top of my head - yes. I don’t write this in the time I’m doing it because it slows me down lol):
1. Face (was done already) - more specifically the side profile to the neck
2. Nose Piercing (yE-)
3. Mouth Piercing (hOt-)
*4. Braided Hair (*dies*)
*5. Veil on Face (then the pattern waaaaaay after)
*6. Dazzling-Jewelry-Neck  (more sure about doing the neck first, but #6 and #7 can be interchangeable)
*7. Snakes (only the right of the art piece though/snakes nearest to braids or plaits)
8. Upper Body
9. Robes 
*10. Chest
11. Shoulders
12. Right Hand - Fingers
13. Right Hand - Fingernails
14. Right Hand - Palm
15. Left Hand - Fingers
16. Left Hand - Fingernails
17. Veil on Body
*19. Snakes (left of Jamil and his beautiful hair strand)
20. Right Earring
21. Left Earring
22. Thing on his head (nope, don’t know the name and I ain’t bothering)
*For numbers 4, 5, 6,7,10, 17 and 19 in particular, I had to do multiple layers to make the detail. I would say:
#4 - Two layers: One for the plaits and one for the line...thingy...
#5 - Six layers: It’s technically two, but I had made multiple to get the pattern I wanted. Sadly, I didn’t achieve it so I decided to stick with the one above.
#6 - Six layers: THE FULL DANG TRUTH. The diamonds were first (1), then the line separating the pearl and diamonds (2), Later the designs of the pearls + rectangular thingies (3), The triangle into multiple triangle thingies were next (4), Soon after was the circles into multiple circles  + Two triangles overlapping each other (5) and then that last bit at the end of the neck (6). 
There’s actually more due to the designs of the diamonds and pearls, but I’m not going that far into memory lane.
#7 - Eight layers: If you count them, that’s how much layers I had to go through.
#10 - Four layers (without counting the two (or three) patterns that you see up there): That darn pattern (1), Them s p i k e s (2), That thing it’s being held up in (3), that pattern near the spiky pattern (4).
#17 - Four layers: Just count, please. Going up and down with my eyeballs is killing me.
#19 - Seven layers: Not as bad (because it’s pretty small), but whatever. (1 - 3) First three ear piercings you see (you may see two though), that tail, long thingy (4) that crap Bubbles wear...them circles (5 & 6), and that diamond. (hehe cATER DIAMOND)
You better read that crap. I took a good while writing it. If you did, you earn my biggest respect and time in the inbox. 
Step Two and a Half: Cleanup WITHOUT the Background 
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Ah. The nostalgia. That feeling when you forgot the flower you were supposed to be working on...
Words, text and speech can not even compare to the feeling I had when I rEALiZED, I foRGOT the BUNNING FLOWER-
Step Three: COMPLETE Cleanup
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Perfection. Isn’t that nice?
Step Four: Coloring 
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October 22nd, 2020 at 11:03 AM...
Immediately when I thought of Jamil I immediately wanted to give him that w h i t e s c h e m e 
The reason why I wanted to was because he hard more darker colors in his normal design, and besides - his power has something related to the meaning of white ;). Anyways, I made sure that the ivory (celestial?) theme continued to flow through the whole art piece. Basically, making this smol boy a goddess-
Also, I was thinking that this Overblot scheme would be his true form or something, but he kept it locked away maybe due to how much it takes up his health. Consider this idea though as 100% “Not-Fully-Developed-But-Getting-There” Idea.
I really wanted them snakes to be white. Sorry not sorry. 
Plus, I wanted that veil black instead of white, but I was way too into it to ever think of that apparently. In particular, them f i n g e r n a i l s. I absolutely wanted Jamil to have that light peach color and all that so I did it! Makes my heart go UwU-
Annnnnnnd cut! That’s Part One for you.
Hyacinthus [ Art Process - Part Two ] here!
Thank you for your continuous support!
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appleb0mb · 3 years
50 followers?!? Thank You!
I just want to say thank you SO MUCH for your CONTINUOUS SUPPORT for this series!
I hope you enjoy the upcoming Pomefiore song coming this week! This is a celebration for 50 of you guys coming along the journey!
Also...I think this song and art is the hardest one yet  ฅ(= ͡༎ຶ ᆽ ͡༎ຶ =)∫. But I shall persevere! Somehow...
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appleb0mb · 3 years
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Twisted Wonderland x Date A Live (Outfit) - Rook Hunt
Art Process of Begonia here! (currently not available)
Collection of TWSTxDAL Tracks here!
Blue Begonia - This flower represents dark thoughts and cautiousness. This flower is known for  warning others of dangers or misfortune in the near future. It is also a sign of individuality and uniqueness. 
For blue, it is a sign of artistry, passion, and creativity. Usually this flower is given to those who are worthy or understanding enough to accept the beauty of this peculiar flower.
Previous:  “Effort is critical and essential to reach your goal. The ruthless, the hopeless, the beautiful and the ugly have all done the same. Even if people dry up like potatoes, I will persevere - and I will NOT falter.” [ Agapanthus ] here.
“My arrows have pierced the strongest of hearts, and my joy is unwavering - for beauty is at thy side. Let us celebrate till morn, and fill our cups with merriment. For the time has come, to dance till our final breath.”
“Shall we dance, my Dearest Vil?”
(NOTE: This is absolutely free! But NOT free to steal credit from! PLEASE CREDIT MY ART AND MUSIC, AND ASK FOR PERMISSION FROM ME!!!)
(Also comments, criticism, reblogs and likes  are appreciated! I enjoy seeing them because they brighten my day  ( ◜◒◝ )♡)
If you’re into some Pomefiore plot, please - continue below~.
A word from appleb0mb: 
I am INCREDIBLY pleased with how the cover looks! LIKE OMG INCOMING BAD VIBES FROM ROOK-
Begonia here was kind of hard, but overall it was a lot easier than Agapanthus fOR SURE.  
In conclusion, I am extremely EXCITED and ECSTATIC to release Begonia! Thank you for listening as well, and stay tuned!
The Concept of the Track - Begonia:
In the beginning it was a simple, scrapped draft that was lying in the corner while the previous song, Agapanthus was being edited to completion. 
When I first opened the music file, it did feel kind of Rook-like but it didn’t hit me like a truck for this song. It was boring, cringe, catchy...but annoyingly catchy in a way. It didn’t feel like the Rook we know and love - so I decided to do another one instead.
For Rook he’s known as enigmatic and eccentric (well in my opinion), so I definitely wanted his theme to sound that way. But if I’m going to be honest here - the whole theme sounds jumbled up.
The theme sounds like a tiring, never-ending journey of adrenaline rush...except the ending is rather unexpected! I never expected the guitar to be even in the last bits of music there but...it somehow did. (:’)))))))
To summarize, Begonia is an amazing track for Rook and for my ears. Not a bop, but it works for me (lol). I hope it sounds great to your eyes too, oh great reader ( ╰(´꒳`)╯).
Imagery and Ideas From Listening to Begonia:
In the beginning I imagine Rook bowing to Vil amusingly, lowering his hat while looking sus.
Also I imagine him in game mode using multiple arrows to hit his opponent (you) and Vil sometimes helping him by adding poison to the arrows.
That’s it lol
TWSTxDAL Plot - Continuation!
Warning - long reading ahead!
Note: This is not a full continuation of the story in Agapanthus to avoid spoilers. These can be consider teasers of the upcoming story.
A mysterious figure laid above the roof of the glamorous villa, their hands twirling a freshly-bloomed Begonia. Its sapphire petals laid bare to unwithered skin - basked with warm, welcoming rays of the evening sun. Emerald eyes fixated on the meticulous veins of the petal, before subtly shifting its glance to the person next to him. “Good afternoon, Vil.” “Same to you, Rook.” His light, blonde curls bounced as he spoke. “May I ask why you had to call me on top of the roof?” Rook roared with laughter. “Roi de Poison, I want to reconsider the contest that has commenced two weeks ago.” “If it has something to do with that Invidaé potato and those Spirits, I’m not allowing them to join for VDCI.” “Dearest Vil, I understand that they may be a disadvantage...but maybe if you reflect carefully and ponder on the subject - this could be the most fantastic opportunity yet.” Breathless silence befell the two, as Rook’s words sunk deeply into his thoughts. “An opportunity?” Vil huffed in wry amusement. “Explain how conjuring unstable in one place can be considered an opportunity.” “That’s the thing, *mon ange. You want to be even more successful and modern, right? If we bring the Spirits on our side, then maybe the whole world will express a change of heart.” “Rook...we can’t do that - it’s not time yet.”His lavender eyes shifted to tile roofs, glaring at it.“Failing to properly prepare for the worst, is like begging for disaster and danger.” “*Mon bégonia bleu...” His scarred, veined hands wrapped around the blonde’s unblemished, lily-white ones. Emerald and lavender met one another, their gaze unwavering and sparkling in the apricot sun. “We never know what the future may hold.” His grip tightened, unwilling to let go. Moments later, Rook’s hands gently moved a strand out of Vil’s face; before planting his hair with the begonia. “I understand that you may not be ready. I will wait with you, but if there’s a time to begin - it is now.” Instantly, Vil pulled away and stood up hastily. “Enough of the dramatics, we've arranged an appointment in the next hour.” He uttered before turning his back to the golden-haired being. “Meantime, I’ll consider it. Also, Rook - don’t touch my face. I put my life’s work into it.” A radiant smile and chuckle escaped his lips. “Apologies, Vil.” With speed, Rook descended smoothly to the ground of the villa before catching a slightly trembled Vil in his hold. Forcefully, Vil sped inside the front door while Rook simply followed after, all while maintaining an enthusiastic smile on his face.
Words: mon ange - my angel  ||  mon bégonia bleu - my blue begonia 
- End of Post -
Thank you for supporting the fan-made music and art of Twisted Wonderland x Date A Live.
And have a wonderful day!!!
Note: If you have any questions about this post, please request it in my inbox or under this post.
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appleb0mb · 3 years
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Twisted Wonderland x Date A Live (Outfit) - Vil Schoenheit
Art Process of Agapanthus here!
Poll for Future TWSTxDAL content here!
Purple Agapanthus - Represents beauty, love, strength, power and fertility. For purple, it symbolizes royalty - making the person who receives/represents the Agapanthus as valuable and priceless.
Crocus - Represents dignity, pride and success. Also represents joy and cheerfulness, and the return of spring. 
Previous: “Mm…I can tell that there’s something different about them, Roi de Poison.”  [ The Aphrodites ] here.
“Effort is critical and essential to reach your goal. The ruthless, the hopeless, the beautiful and the ugly have all done the same. Even if people dry up like potatoes, I will persevere - and I will NOT falter.”
(NOTE: This is absolutely free! But NOT free to steal credit from! PLEASE CREDIT MY ART AND MUSIC, AND ASK FOR PERMISSION FROM ME!!!)
If you’re into some Pomefiore plot, please - continue below~.
A word from appleb0mb:
The final and last track I’ll be ever be making 2020 (still December 31st, 2020 over here)- and the second track of Pomefiore, Agapanthus! 
I must say, this track is by the far the most difficult track to make musically and artistically! 
Also when I was doing the quote for Agapanthus I was thinking of “Even if people wither like flowers”, but I think that it contradicts Vil’s personality so I had to do “Even if people dry up like potatoes” XDDDDDD
If I’m going to be honest - I’m not really proud of this track and its art altogether - but I am absolutely proud of the effort I made! I really hope it gets recognized though.
But like all things - its temporary. It’ll pass away. 
The Concept of the Track - Agapanthus: 
Boy Agapanthus was a monster to make.
I was really frustrated from trying to depict Vil’s character musically. Since #1, Vil is barely known (since Pomefiore’s chapter just started), and #2 - Vil isn’t a favorite for me.
Though, I knew the ideas I was going for Vil - a waltz, regal kind of music (like battle music!). I also knew that I had to use some synths and instruments that were applied in The Aphrodites. I didn’t expect to use a Organ and a Glockenspiel though!
I wanted to achieve a powerful, posh kind of battle music showing Vil’s tenacity and upholding personality. But I realized everyone has a gentle and calming side - even Vil.
Not gonna lie, I thought this song was way too good for Vil that I almost pushed this as Vil’s Overblot Theme! But I realized that it’s too soft and serene for an Overblot, so I changed it (and I so glad that did!!! :D).
There was so many images flashing through my mind about this song - and in the end I loved it! I admire how it shows the strong and kinder signs of Vil. The soundtrack sounding loud - soft - then loud again (along with the soft parts helping out the loud bits!).
I also liked how the instruments from the loud and soft sections helped accentuate the last parts of the song - the ending leaving the song on an ominous note.
Imagery and Ideas From Listening to Agapanthus:
In the beginning of the song, I imagine Vil looking into a mirror at his reflection or waving his halos in battle until the lullaby parts. In those lullaby parts I imagine an image of Pomefiore in stained glass at a cathedral till the glitchy part, when later on we transition to him back at the mirror, the mirror shattering and no longer see a reflection of his own...or none at all.
And everything crashes down, and he’s holding his well-toned face in his beautiful hands; hiding his wet, newly-formed tears. Lost in a garden maze of his own creation - covering his face in his knees, trying to seal all those desires of someone helping him.
TWSTxDAL Plot - Continuation!
Warning - long reading ahead!
Hours later the two Spirits finally arrived at their destination, after travelling above the Earth’s calming seas.  
The wintery night transitioned into a scorching, blinding sunrise - forcing the lilac to shield his eyes from the early, morning rays of the sun. The blonde also did the same, pulling his hat to conceal the disturbing light that interrupted his view.
Pearly-white heels and marron, cardinal-ribbon boots stepped on the porcelain tile, the duo waiting patiently near the upstairs windowsill. Within a second, the composite windowsill opened; before hastily closing and securing the grand, sophisticated bedroom.
“Why did you two take so long? I couldn’t even start breakfast without you two.” A firm voice spoke.
“Well, fear not! I have some exciting news to share with you, Roi de Poison.” Rook replied excitedly.
“I see. Epel, head to your room and get dressed. I’ll be downstairs in time to properly start breakfast.”
Biting the bottom of his lip quietly, he silently headed left to his upstairs room; careful to not intervene in the older Spirits’ conversation.
As Epel exited the bedroom a fair-skinned, petite form sat on the lavender, chesterfield sofa; lightly tugging the knots and tangles out of his gorgeous hair.
“As I was saying, Epel and I have discovered some new information regarding some...Spirits.”
Eyes of sangria swiftly glanced at Rook, the figure momentarily halting to a stop.
“I’m listening.”
“When we went to the island for training, we met two Spirits and an Invidaé.”  
His eyes slightly widened in belief. “Hmpf. An Invidaé? Impossible. A human cannot last that long under such intense circumstances.” 
“That’s the thing - they’re human. Besides, they already lost consciousness as soon as we came near them. Luckily, I stepped in and offered a price that they could never deny.”
“What was the price, per say?”
“If they tell us all the information regarding Spirits - we will give them the antidote in return.”
“And the antidote was made by Epel?”
“Of course.”
Short locks of blondish-mauve covered his neck, and a lovely blanched tank top covered his well-toned muscles underneath. Well-cut fingernails were polished meticulously; the polish glittering sublimely under the glaring rays of the sun. Elongated, onyx sportswear perfectly shaped his curves - displaying his fit, and slender body.
A full-length oval mirror reflected eyes of sangria, showing a stunning and enticing figure of beauty.
“Excellent job, Rook - as expected of you. You can go now and get ready.” He paused. “And just a reminder - I don’t like waiting.”
Gracefully, he stood up from the plushy sofa - staring at his reflection before him. The morning light warmed his elegant complexion. 
A complexion of the most fairest and the most beautiful of them all - Vil Schoenheit. 
- End of Post -
Thank you for supporting the fan-made music and art of Twisted Wonderland x Date A Live.
And have a wonderful Happy New Year!!!
Note: If you have any questions about this post, please request it in my inbox or under this post.
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appleb0mb · 4 years
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 - Twisted Wonderland x Date A Live (Outfit) Kalim-Al-Asim 
Gerbera - A flower representing beauty, innocence, and purity.
“You will never betray me, right Jamil?”
“Of course. I will never betray you - not even after death.”
I completely forgot what I wrote on this and I hate Tumblr for this CRAP.
What I DO remember is the Art Process (Part One)
And the TWSTxDAL plot ...
Anyways. Tired of this c r a p
(NOTE: This is absolutely free! But NOT free to steal credit from! PLEASE CREDIT MY ART AND MUSIC, AND ASK FOR PERMISSION FROM ME!!!)
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appleb0mb · 3 years
Hello everyone 👋!
I’m sorry that I haven’t been active as of late. I just wanted to let you know that I am in fact, alive,,,so please don’t be concerned if there hasn’t been any content as of late!
At the moment, I am doing a big thing relating to TWSTxDAL for fun. So far it’s 41% completed and like I said before - I can’t WAIT till I finish it!
Once it’s around 80-90% completed, I will add more information and teasers about it. So the next post like this will drop more hints in the near future!
Also I am so sorry for not posting anything...including the Begonia Art Process and 20 Facts About TWSTxDAL: Part Three...🌚🥺😭
Thank you for reading! 😩☺️💗💕
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appleb0mb · 4 years
Q&A (1): Plot of TWSTxDAL
Finally, we have reached the main part of the whole motive of the album series so far!
I’m proud of myself for releasing Lupine, Rosaceae, and now - Mystique! 
I love doing this kind of stuff (mixing my music and art together), and so far this is the best experience! I’m extremely proud of reaching these kind of goals, and for you guys supporting me. 
But this is not what you came for. It’s for this wonderful plot down here.
Note #1: This is not fully based on Date A Live. This is a creative and artistic turn that follows somewhat of the events that occurred in the Date A Live Series.
Question #1: What are Spirits? / What is the origin of the Spirits? / What is the definition of it in this case?
The beings that are called ‘Spirits’ are believed to be born from a star after a soul dies, henceforth giving them their name.
This is said interchangeably, but the soul and the spirit are NOT the same. So when the body dies, the soul dissipates in this case as well – leaving the spirit behind.
Once the spirit is left, years later it transforms into a star. However, once the star (spirit of someone’s soul) dies, it begins the life of a Spirit (the beings).
To be direct – Spirits are beings who are born from the stars that possess either spiritual or physical power.
Human -> Death (Body) + Death (Soul) -> Spirit (Inner part of Soul) -> Star -> Death (Star) -> Spirit
Question #2: How do spirits gain powers – aren’t they just stars?
Spirits can get their powers through many different ways, as long as they gain energy. Such as…
1.    Food (that comes from plants, animals…)
2.    Humans (they actually eat humans – flesh and/or skull)
3.    Spirits
1 – The lowest forms of energy, 3 – the highest forms of energy
Question #3: What do Spirits do/cause/bring?
Spirits can bring positive and negative changes around the environment – such as cultivating forests and food, to destroy plants and livestock and bring famines. Each of them all have specific powers, but they all equally bring destruction at the start of entering Planet Earth – a spacialquake.
Question #4: What causes a spacialquake? / Why do Spirits cause a spacialquake? / What is a spacialquake?
A spacialquake is the consistent, negative reaction of a Spirit’s energy and Earth’s atmosphere – until the reaction becomes neutral in power.
Spirits cause a spacialquake because of the unstable energy they bring when they enter into the Earth’s atmosphere.
Anything that has a negative, unstable and powerful form of energy can cause a spacialquake – which in this case, Spirits can. They sometimes do it completely out of their own will (but they have to learn to control it effectively) or if their emotions are unstable.
Question #5: Can anything other than spirits bring a spacialquake?
No, spacialquakes are the reactions of a Spirit’s energy and the Earth’s atmosphere. Anything other than the following isn’t under the conditions or definition of a spacialquake.
The biggest spacialquake recorded in human history (in this AU) occurred at the time of ‘The Cosmos Incident.’
Question #6: What is the Cosmos Incident?
The Cosmos Incident is when the 1st known spirit was detected, and found on surveillance – with irrefutable proof that indeed spirits lived and at the moment until present day, co-existed with humans.
This brought earthquakes, tsunamis and tornadoes into the world, affecting different areas of the world simultaneously. These hazards ended at different periods of time.
Note that not all areas of the world were affected, but most were.
In addition, Spirits have occurred multiple times before – but have not been proven until 10 years ago. (The amount of time that has passed since the Cosmos Incident)
Question #7: Who was the 1stever spirit to enter Earth?
Now that, I cannot answer ;))))) (It’s a spoiler for now).
Question #8: Who was the 1stever spirit to be created?
Like a million stars planted across the Galaxy, that is impossible to figure out. However, if you’re curious – the Original Spirits were not physically like the spirits as of now.
They likely were midway through transformation, and did not successfully complete it. Or, they were unable to stay stabilized for longer periods of time and thus split and scattered across the galaxy, unable to rejoin as one physical form.
Only the 1st Spirit to enter Earth was successful, and that was millions of years after.
Question #9: Wouldn’t the 1st ever Spirit to enter the Earth be known as the Cosmos Incident?
True, but the Cosmo Incident is when the 1st Spirit was detected by surveillance and technology, but the very 1st, 1st Spirit was not detected or proven. If anything this incident has no name given by human history in MC’s present time.
It’s a shame, honestly.
1st Spirit - The first Spirit in the Cosmos Incident
“1st, 1st Spirit “ - The first Spirit to enter Earth’s atmosphere
Question #10: What happened after the Cosmos Incident?
The whole human population was in complete chaos. 200 million people were dead, making the whole human population in absolute grief and agony.
No human being in the right mind never wanted that ever again, and so – deals among governments funded and equipped a worldwide organization to stop and exterminate Spirits once and for all.
Though, people needed to recover. Lines among lines of patients’ filled hospitals; people became disabled and unable to work – affecting people’s work lives. The economy was no longer of a state of trade and manufacturing, forcing countries around the world to provide for free – whether they wanted to or not.
Secondly, the farming industry, the sowing industry, the culinary- everything relating to agriculture was became (almost) barren. As a result, people starved and died from hunger. Some people tried to cultivate their own food, but the soil was mostly infertile; making their death all the more painful and agonizing.
There’s more areas of the Cosmos Incident – but for now I will keep it short. I might even do a whole post about it.
Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for more Twisted Wonderland x Date A Live content. 
Thank you for supporting me!
Also if you have any questions, feel free to fill my inbox with requests! + If there’s any grammatical errors or lots of answered questions please do the following!
Maybe I’ll do another Q&A if there’s too much unanswered questions!
Note #2: Art Process will be uploaded approximately 5-10 minutes after this post.
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appleb0mb · 4 years
Cardenalia: Lyrics
It’s as it says! Enjoy the lyrics...or not. 
It’s kind of strange - which is exactly how it’s supposed to be. 
Just to give you a heads up: The word ‘Cardenalia’ at the moment has NO meaning whatsoever, so please don’t hurt your wonderful brain over it!
Cardenalia post here
Verse 1:
Silk laced with poison
The apple falling from the tree
The wheel of fortune
Has not be kind to me
All these hands are 
Crawling on me, crawling on me 
Time seems slow when
I am struggling, I am struggling
Desperate, I try to reach out to your hand 
What is with that smile?
Keep on singing, Cardenalia
Keep on singing, singing backwards
Keep on singing, Cardenalia
Keep on dancing, Cardenalia
Keep on dancing, dancing backwards
Keep on dancing, Cardenalia
In my womb (Kudos to you if you get the metaphorical meaning)
“I hate you”
Verse 2:
Same room, same time
My eyes are dyed with jealousy 
“Please stop” you ask me
To cease the puppetry
Now my cup is 
Running over, running over,
You beg with 
Unceasing mercy, unceasing mercy
Desperate you try and cling unto my arms saying,
“End my suffering”
Hate me
Kill me 
Despise me
You shatter me
How could you do this to me?
Time won’t
Heal all the wounds I made in you
But let us
Live, learn, grow and love
Chorus (same tune, but different lyrics):
Let us dance, Cardenalia
Let us dance, dance together
To the ends of hope, love and despair
Let us fall, Cardenalia
Let us fall, fall together
Even if
Our hatred is our despair
Alright! That is the lyrics of Cardenalia! 
Sorry for not posting it earlier as soon as I released Cardenalia...it seems too long to be a part of the post though...
I am happily available for you guys to share your theories! Whether this chat post, Cardenalia’s post reblogs - gosh I really love your responses! You can also put in my inbox too!
Note: Art Process will be uploaded today, please stay tuned.
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appleb0mb · 4 years
Serious Updates. Please Read.
Hello everyone, unfortunately - I have some terrible news to share.
(1) ??? (TWSTxDAL Track)
I’m not sure if this will happen in the way I expected it to (I would like it released by Wednesday) - but it is a rather tight deadline to deal with.
I originally was completely ahead in terms of timing, and I knew I had a better chance to complete it in the time given.
However due to the sound and concept of the track changing over time, I have decided to do the track completely from scratch.
As a result, this has raised the stakes of the deadline - putting me at a disadvantage. This doesn’t change the fact that I won’t do it at all.
Luckily on the bright side, I haven’t released official teasers whatsoever neither changed the dates of the pinned post - which allows me to fluctuate and do such a track on a later date.
(2) Scarabia Official TWSTxDAL Designs:
Due to focusing on the ??? track, I have not completed it. As an alternative, I can do the following (please choose the following below):
- Cardenalia: Lyric Analysis - I planned to do this later, but I can 100% get it done for sure.
- or Scarabia: Memories - This is based on the events after the Cosmos Incident and how they adapted to Earth, as well as moments that occurred. This event is before the Scarabia duo encounters you and you eleven.
(3) Requests - (1)
To the person who has requested, I am indeed terribly sorry for not responding sooner.
For that, I will strive to put more effort in your request due to making you wait so long.
I unsure of when this will happen, but I will 100% get it done. I am deeply sorry for letting you wait for a long period of time.
Besides, Azul has no clue how to respond. Jade and Floyd are teasing him everyday because of it-
Words cannot express how disappointed I feel letting you guys down on this one (and myself).
Even though you may not have the full idea, you’ll know when you’ll see the full track released.
Additionally, I am unsure of doing the art process...but I believe that this is compensation for making you wait for a longer period of time.
I wish that you all have a wonderful day/evening/night. And...
Thank you for supporting the music (and art) of Twisted Wonderland.
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