#i really do appreciate it immensely
wildskissed · 4 months
I have been so busy this week, but I will try to get replies and starters that I owe done this weekend, okay? <3
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grantihare · 9 months
our cat broke his hip on christmas
hi, your local guy-with-a-blog is here to dox himself so his cat can walk again!
i made posts earlier as this was happening, but now that i've heard back from enough vets to get an idea of how steep this is going to be, i can't not ask for help.
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its cheesy to say, but my cats are my everything. mordred, especially, spends his days basically glued to my side. he's my little shadow, and i don't know where i'd be without him.
when he woke me up to feed him at 6am on christmas morning, he was completely fine. i went back to sleep after, and when i woke up for real at 8, he was limp on the ground. when we went to move him, he howled and thrashed like we were torturing him. he ran, and we saw he wasn't using his right back leg.
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many tears and an anxiety riddled 4 hour wait for our emergency vet appointment later, we were told he had a right capital physeal fracture, which basically means he snapped the ball bit of the ball joint in his hip. the vet said the best option for him is a femoral head and neck ostectomy (FHO), which'll take the broke bit of his bone out and the scar tissue will sort of just grow in the right way to replace his missing joint (cats are so weird)
its the cheapest option, and its the one with the best success rate, which is super lucky. unfortunately, its still expensive as fuck.
weve been quoted anywhere between 3.5k and 8k by vets i've contacted so far, and most need at least half as a downpayment before they'll operate. it'd take us years to cover the full cost by ourselves. so we've got to break out the big guns - a full gofundme, which will be shared with basically everyone we know, and hopefully far past that as well. carecredit can only cover so much for us, and our immediate family can't afford to lend us much. the internet is our only hope for meeting the full cost and getting mordred better
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mordred's the light of my life and i can't stand to see him in pain like this. anything helps. if youre not in a financial state where you can donate, spreading the word is just as important and just as deeply appreciated.
thank you so much for getting this far.
our gofundme is here
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angeart · 1 month
I am so in love with Mumbo taking up sewing and making everyone outfits and things. And making Grian his sweater, my heart. And just, everything about the two of them, I love them. T-T Also something about Grian going to find Mumbo in the rain, and now Mumbo is trying to find him after a fire... (also also you keep saying 'if you want' Ange I always want, I love Ange rambles)
something about sewing actually requiring long hours of sitting still. his hands are moving, though, and there is progress constantly! he's learning to calm himself and to stay put in a way, while feeling productive and useful. it's a bit of a struggle at first, but he settles into it, finding that it helps him feel calm and grounded <3
and he likes figuring things out! whether it's tailor cuts or patterns or, you know, the redstone for the stage. it puts him at ease to have a problem to solve (a harmless one!!)
and and and. yes!!
him and grian together are so precious to me. so important.
i know boatem circus au fics so far have focused on mostly scar and grian, but this is behind the scenes, and grian had more than just scar to rely on. mumbo's done a lot for him!! and he is so attached, he did his best for mumbo too!
... and. mmhm. mumbo's now trying to find him.
thinking what if he won't? what if this is it? what if he failed?
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pikkish · 4 months
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i know next to nothing about wh40k lore but boltgun was great
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izvmimi · 5 months
dfnjkasd ngl the other day i thought about how since i'm graduating this year and am off to fellowship (2nd fellowship) but it's a hard one my presence might wane and i might not be on at all and got kinda sad but we'll see what happens in like 2 months no need to be sad prematurely
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kafus · 11 months
this probably sounds dumb and pretentious but i’ve kinda been feeling like nemona lately, perhaps a bit too literally bdjdksks like the way that she is so passionate about pokemon that it puts other people off and she’s lonely because no one Gets It. i’ve been feeling like that lately. i wish i was friends with someone who could hold conversations with me about the pokemon stuff i’m into. i appreciate people letting me infodump but i crave the close connection that comes with truly sharing this with someone and i feel like i just don’t have that. it’s not that i’m particularly unique or special or something either, i’m not, it’s just that meeting people is hard and then crossing from being acquaintances on social media or in a big discord server over into being friends is super difficult and i’m doing my best but i feel like i’m left with a lot of superficial connections, which are nice and i appreciate them but lately i crave more
pokemon my entire life has been my lonely isolation activity, i was bullied for liking it in elementary to the point i had to change schools, and i kept it to myself growing up for the most part. i was never involved in the wider pokemon community until the past few years and so many of those landmark experiences longtime fans describe of playing it with a friend or sibling… i just don’t have those. and i’m very appreciative for finally making some of those memories with people as an adult but like. man,
i want to play a pokemon game WITH someone, i want to take on a mutual ribbon master or other similar project, i want to be able to discuss rng manipulation and other similar topics and have them actually know what i’m talking about, i want to play pokemon on discord calls, i want to hang out over pokemon, and i just don’t have any of that. i don’t know how to start having that either.
pokemon is my lifelong interest since i was 4 years old and i’m extremely autistic about it and man you can tell why i liked nemona so muchjssjks
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catominor · 8 months
honestly i am really glad to have this blog to post all my weird bullshit on without worrying too much and like. have a repository for my silly mind
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thedevotionaltour · 9 months
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i love writing an extremely sleep deprived rushed essay on the insane interest of my mind. through the power of love I Won. she also loved my essay on black cartoonists last semester she put up with two semesters of my comics in my fine art history classes. love her forever. "your catalogue was a bright light in the grading pile and i am sincerely grateful for it" I WON.
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
#I got an ask‚ and to answer I was bracing myself to make a big bsd content masterpost#And I did! I was already on my way to share all the manga reading platform I use for every manga‚ I had already listed them up#And I was going to add the additional content like anime streaming resources and art scans resources...#But now I'm having some serious reconsiderations#Like I was happy to make a masterpost! Making masterposts is fun-#and fuels the autistic need to put every little thing in little categories#But now I don't know if it's... Safe to have them all in one place?? I was very glad to share with people the resources I personally use-#but I really don't want to make something that is just. A big list of sites to report / shut down. The thought scares me immensely#And I thought it was safe to share manga reading platforms on Tumblr but what about‚ to name one‚ n/yaa? Would it be safe to link to that?#And it's something I'd highly want to include because some stuff that's there you won't find anywhere else‚#such as the Dead Apple official English translation‚ the official Beast English scans...#Same would go‚ to make another example‚ for m/initokyo‚ or anime streaming platform.#Is it safe to share those... Uhm... More hidden websites through Tumblr? And if not‚ do I have any alternative for sharing?#I'm quite sad because I was already half way through making the list-#but now I'm not sure it's worth to continue if I never end up sharing it.#But then again the safety of people who share content has the maximum priority to me– I wouldn't be able to do ANYTHING without them#Mmmmmmmmmmmhhhh...#I even contemplated sharing the masterlist through text file‚ but I'm not sure if that might work out.#For one‚ I will never EVER use g/oogle docs or any g/oogle service for the matter. I'd rather die#So... I'd really appreciate it if anyone could advice me on this / had any suggestion / thought#random rambles#Sorry for the long ramble. I'm stuck
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ducktracy · 9 months
I'm not sure if this has been brought up yet, but as I caught myself doing it, I realized it was very likely a good chunk of others are also - I think having the racist parts included in the poll is going to heavily skew the data anyway because people will, very likely, not feel able to vote for something racist in good conscience, and so the votes the racist screams would have gotten if they weren't racist are lost, thus making the data unusable due to personal bias. not even considering the number of people abstaining completely, dropping the pool of data further! I'm not aware if this has been broached yet, but I think it's definitely worth noting that the data for the racist clips will always be untrustworthy, even if the scream itself is good. On top of all of the other reasons why they should be omitted ofc!
GOD YEAH. i feel so dumb going “🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 well gee you make a good point there 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔” all contemplatively because i’m realizing that was my intent too, in that “well hopefully they’ll whittle down as the rounds go further and further” has been constantly harping on my mind. but that absolutely feeds into everything you laid out too, which, again, i DEEPLY appreciate.
i’ll be doing that, then, in that i think it’s the safest and SMARTEST course of action. it’s likewise been pointed out that the setting is a little different here than if i were doing one of my analyses, in that i’m still making it available to vote for one of those options, and that interactive element innately delegitimizes the harm/makes light of it under the guise of a poll.
i was conflating that perspective with my analyses, which IS often a more objective presentation of “okay: this is it. here is the historical context. here is how a more modern perspective impacts how it currently stands” and forgetting that polls are polls. you’re voting on them. they’re going to get spread around and viewed as a game. and they are! and i was viewing the polls from the same archivist lens as the rest of my blog, when, due to the intrinsic nature of how these polls works, you can’t really do that. it’s not the same presentation. i do view this as a historical archival of the progression of these cartoons, how Mel Blanc’s voice changes and adapts through voice direction and even the impact of history on these shorts (like, the shorts made during the WWII years are much more energetic than the domesticity of the post-war cartoons. there’s more yelling to be found in the WWII era shorts for that reason) and i was getting too lost in that and sticking to my guns of “all of this is history and deserves to be acknowledged and accounted for fairly, if/especially describing how well or poorly something has aged, otherwise it’s not history” and that doesn’t… really… work… for these polls.
i can’t believe it’s taken weeks for me to come to this realization and again, i sincerely thank you and everyone else who has called me out on this or offered other means of perspective. it was pure ignorance on my behalf, and i do want to make it known that it was never my intention to perpetuate these stereotypes and caricatures further nor harm anyone. but, obviously, prefacing it with “my intentions were good!” doesn’t negate the very real and serious harm these caricatures and i myself have caused by spreading them in such a leisurely context (or lack thereof).
as mentioned before, i take the safety and comfort of my followers and readers incredibly seriously, ESPECIALLY with the nature of these cartoons. and it’s exactly why i’m so adamant about asking people (such as yourself) to speak up and call me out, let me know what i’ve done wrong, so i can apologize, take accountability, and move forward. those disclaimers aren’t a way to avoid accountability or make it seem like i have a free pass to discuss racism. i really do mean them with every ounce of my heart, so i deeply, deeply, deeply appreciate people such as yourself acting out on those messages. thank you.
i will be excising any future deplorable examples that come up (that, thankfully, have been very few and far between, i’m up to 1948 in logging these and have “only” run into 2 that would apply) and am just going to cut any of the winners out that survived and are going into Round 2. it’s not worth it. none of it has been, but definitely, if i’m constantly thinking to myself “it’ll whittle down!” then maybe we ought to restructure our thinking now haven’t we. funny how that works.
thank you again and my deepest and most sincere apologies. i feel like a complete and utter heel for my negligence—especially because the gut instinct of “just don’t put them in there” was there all along. but, again! these exact situations are why i stress the importance of calling me out on my BS. i’m likewise deeply aware of literally just how silly this entire thing sounds, because none of this should have ever been a problem because i just shouldn’t have included them in the first place! but i did, and i take full accountability, and the harm has already been done. so i just ask and thank you for your patience, understanding and forgiveness, but completely understand that nobody—especially those harmed by my ignorance—is entitled to give it to me.
nobody ever deserves to be confronted nor harmed with such egregious stereotypes, even/especially if said stereotypes are peddled under the guise of objectivity or historical preservation. a poll is not a history site. likewise, nobody deserves to be alienated over cartoons. i post what i post because i want to share the same overflowing love and passion and joy i feel for animation history with others. i love learning new factoids. i love being educated. i love feeling like i’m learning, like i’m indulging in an intimate slice of life from a bygone era. i want to share that same love and passion and joy to my followers. i’m here to make people laugh and to make people smile. i’m here to remind people of long buried memories, or to inspire them to make new ones and investigate these cartoons themselves. i’m here to preserve the history of these cartoons within their proper contexts, and do what i can to ensure i’m doing that safely and smartly and in a way that benefits everyone. and i’m not going to accomplish any of that by slipping needlessly horrendous caricatures in something as inconsequential as a poll on which clip sounds funnier or more impressive or whatever and causing the harm.
so, sincerely, thank you.
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grimark · 2 years
i can just never take any complaints about media like hannibal or whatever “normalising/romanticising cannibalism” too seriously. like yeah sure this practice that has an EXTREMELY strong taboo against it in many cultures throughout most of human history is gonna be brought into vogue by uh. gay horror enjoyers on tumblr. sure. big risk we should all be worried about.
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kaleidoskuls · 20 days
does anyone know where i can read the pairing (by Casey McQuiston) ?
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wiredsmi1e · 3 months
if anyone is looking for a commission at all i would love to help as i just discovered that loki is out of food again & my parents are too broke to let me go get him any & he's on his last bowl of food rn
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rhytmrocket · 11 months
if you’re not in the mood to read a vent, please ignore this, i don’t want to do that to you
im so exhausted and Bad from school that im anxious about being active and silly on here
it’s like when you see your friends playing and messing around but you can’t join, something’s off and you Can’t Join
you want to join, you want to have fun and forget about everything else, just for a little while
but you Can’t
you stand off to the side and observe and feel even worse; you’re trapped inside and you just can’t get yourself to open the door
[insert dear evan hansen reference here]
sorry about this, i’m really sorry that this is all you’re hearing from me, i really am
i don’t want it to be this way and i don’t want you guys to worry about me— i get anxious whenever someone i know vents, i feel responsible as well
but i cant beg you into not worrying, can i
i’m sorry, maybe i’ll be back sunday if i’m not too exhausted from saturday (and everything else)
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merakiichor · 2 years
Hey. I’m not a person who usually posts original content, and when I do it’s stupid sentences that form in my brain that I thought would give people a laugh. Now though? This one is serious.
One of my best friends has been in a declining health ever since a car crash that happened in 2011. Her story and her issues are linked above in her bio on the gof*ndme account (I don’t know if Tumblr will flag this because of the name so I’m playing this safe. This is very important to me). It’s gotten to the point where she suffers about 3 seizures a day. She’s on disability, but to continue being on disability she cannot have over $3,000 yearly. She is trying to get a surgery that will cost over $20,000 while also trying not to break the extremely strict government rules of disability.
If you have anything, anything at all that can be spared, please please please help Julie out. If you don’t, then please share this post to get more traction out of it. The goal is high and I’m planning on donating as soon as I’m done posting the link everywhere. Thank you all for your time and for reading all this. And if you didn’t read all of this—
TLDR; my friend is in serious trouble (physically) ever since a car crash. She needs money for a surgery that will improve her way of life and will allow her to get a job and eventually be off disability. Please donate or share.
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yoichichi · 1 year
I hate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day weekend
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