#i really hate gabriel at this point
motherdoraaaa · 3 years
I kinda like the fanfics of mlb where Gabriel made his wish then everything goes wrong and he totally regrets it?
So i made a fic.....
Ladybug- no, Marinette limped to the side of the lair where Cha- Adrien laid. With her legs broken and her ribs fractured she grunted in pain as she moved to her partner's side. Adrien opened one of his bloodied eyes to see Marinette moving to his side. He silently held her hand as their heads meet.
Hawkmoth won. They lost.
Their breathing was uneven as their exhausted body lay injured on the ground. They closed their eyes as they let their tears fall. Then they heard the transformation words in Hawkmoth's mouth. It triggered them both harder.
"Chaton, I'm sorry“, her voice quivered and shook as her sobs escape her mouth. Adrien rub circles in her hand as he held it tightly.
" You shouldn't be Lad- Marinette", he replied.
"No. I let everyone down. I let Hawkmoth win. And I know this isn't your ideal plan for us to reveal ourselves. I'm sorry", she explained with a heavy heart and tears still flowing endlessly.
" Hey, hey. We did the best we could to protect the miraculous. These injuries we have proves that we fought a good fight. And I don't care how we reveal ourselves, I'm just glad that it's you.", he gave her a small smile as he held her both hands. Marinette felt more tears as she hugged Adrien and let her sobs and tears escape.
"I'm also glad it's you, Chaton"
They hugged each other tightly as they felt a blinding light over to where Hawkmoth stands. He was going to make the wish.
"If we ever had the chance to meet again. I would like to take you out on a date.", he murmured in her hair.
" I'd wait for you."
"I'll love you in a hundred lifetimes M'lady"
"Me too"
They closed their eyes as their vision went black.
On the other side of the room stood Hawkmoth- or also known as Gabriel Agreste as the cold jewels of the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous lay in his hands. The red and black kwami stared at him, frowning.
"You are going to regret this old man", the black cat kwami hissed in remark yet Gabriel paid no attention to it.
He quickly removed his brooch and threw it on the side of the grotto. He clipped the ladybug earrings to his ears and slipped the ring to his finger next to where the Graham De Vanily twin rings were.
"You are going to regret this Gabriel", the ladybug kwami said in a warning tone. He doesn't care. As long as his beloved Emily lives, he doesn't give a shit.
" Tikki, Plagg unify!", his shout echoed the room as power surges through his veins. In years of studying the Miraculous, he has always known the power these two main jewels hold. It was simply exhilarating. His form changed as he entered the powerful state any man can hold.
"Gabriel Agreste, you only have one wish we can grant. Yet it requires a great sacrifice-", a double toned voice spoke in the middle of his state
"I would sacrifice anything", he cut off the being that was talking to him.
" Then, it shall be granted", it spoke again after minutes of silence.
A white flash glowed from the room until it expanded and expanded and Gabriel was enveloped in this blinding light until everything went black.
Gabriel groggily opened his eyes and saw that he was not in the grotto anymore. He was laying on a soft bed with pillows and a blanket. Wait, did his wish worked? Was it all a dream? He looked around and saw that everything was pretty much the same.
He quickly sat up straight and saw the jewels at his bedside. And he breathed a heavy sigh. He scanned his surroundings and saw a figure lying beside him. It was a blonde lady. His eyes became watery as the lady turned her face and it revealed a sleeping Mrs. Agreste.
She opened her emerald green eyes and stared at him for a bit. She rubbed her eyes and sat up straight as her eyes met his.
"Gabriel?", as his name escape her lips Gabriel felt as if his world came back to life. He hugged his wife as some tears threatened to fall.
"What's happening?“, she said with her bedroom voice. But it sounded sad and strained. Gone was the happiness and the sunshine that he used to love and adore.
" Mr. and Mrs. Agreste, breakfast is ready", a voice echoed across the bedroom as a maid called them
Gabriel and his wife dressed for the day and exited the master's bedroom. Gabriel looked around the halls and saw pictures of a little Adrien and in the middle hall stood a large portrait of their family. He expected to see Adrien smiling and beaming while holding his mother. But instead, he saw Adrien having a stoic and emotionless look on his face.
Where is Adrien? And Nathalie?
He and his wife went to the dining room-still excessive as ever- as they sat down and their breakfast is served.
Yet Adrien isn't arriving. Is he okay?
"Is Nathalie here?", he asked his wife quietly chewing on a croissant. She looked at him with confused eyes.
" Gabriel..she died 10 years ago in Tibet remember?", she looked at him as if he was being weird.
"O-oh? Yeah, I must've forgotten", she just shrugged at him as she scrolled along with her phone not even looking at him.
Where was Emelie who was kind as an angel that he loved? Is this Emelie now?
"-Adrien, please"
Gabriel's ears perked as he heard the name of his son. His eyes immediately darted in the grand foyer as his son trots down the stairs. He wasn't like what he used to look like. His hair was a bit shorter and wild. While his clothes weren't the usual Gabriel™ shirt and polo, it was a gray turtle neck and a black leather jacket paired with black jeans.
"Adrien! I'm glad you're here, come join your mother and me in breakfast!", he enthusiastically said.
Gabriel expected an excited approval and an Adrien speeding to the dining hall but instead, all he got was a disgusting stare and an Adrien rolling his eyes at him.
Did he just roll his eyes on him?
"Adrien, I believe your father asked you to join us for breakfast.", Emélie's stern and scolding voice echoed the mansion's halls.
" Pfft...Me? Join you? No, I'll pass", he snorted and chuckled as if what his mother said was a joke.
Gabriel couldn't believe everything that is happening. Was this still a dream? Is this his granted wish?
"That's what public school have done to you, you're becoming a spoiled brat", Emelie's voice laced with hatred as she scolds their child.
" You're really silly these days, mother. They simply opened my eyes to the bullshit you two put me through", Adrien innocently yet irritatingly said.
"Adrien! Don't talk to your mother like that!", Gabriel found himself talking and scolding Adrien. This is not what he expected.
" Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to eat breakfast with my girlfriend not with you two ", Gabriel's eyes widened with the sudden mentioned of a girlfriend. His son turned quite rebellious how about the reputation they have to uphold?
" You h-have a g-girlfriend?", he silently whispered but Adrien seemed to hear it he turned his head and leaned into Gabriel. His father was uncomfortable with space their in and decided to move a little.
"Hey, mother? Your husband must've hit his head pretty bad this morning", he laughed dryly and fixed his bag.
" You-
"Bye old man", he exited the two big doors. While Gabriel, still in shock sat down at the dining table again. When did this go so wrong?
Is this what do they call a prank? If it is it's not funny at all, he thought while continuing to eat his breakfast.
" I'm done. I will prepare for my rehearsal for the upcoming movie. Call me when your spoiled son decides to come home", she said with a cold tone.
Gabriel tried not to stutter as he finds the right words to say. What in the world happened?
After Emelie left the mansion- without a single goodbye- Gabriel decided to investigate why this was the result of what's happening now. He walked around the house to see what changed. In the garden, gone was Emelie's statue that sat by the roses. The flowers were still the same. When Gabriel decided it is time to leave he heard voices of the gardeners murmuring in hushed voices.
"-if I were Adrien I would have done the same. Imagine being locked up and scolded in your childhood. That would be traumatic."
"Well, that's Mrs. Agreste. She likes everything to be perfect. While Mr. Agreste only likes to do whatever his wife tells him to do"
When one of the gardeners looked in his direction, he immediately went into a panic.
"Mr. Agreste! H-how long h-have you b-been s-standing there?" He stuttered.
But Gabriel instead looked at him with a blank expression and left the garden area. Why is everything being the exact opposite of what he wanted? Is this some kind of joke?
Then by noon, Gabriel decided to see things for himself. He asked his driver to drive by Adrien's school. As they arrived in Collègè Françoise Dupont. He spotted his son on a nearby bench. He has some company. A girl with midnight hair which Gabriel noticed was indeed Miss Dupain-Cheng, the holder of the ladybug miraculous.
They were making out by the bench. But Miss Dupain-Cheng was also different from the way she used to be. Pigtails, and everything pink. Now it was all red and dark colors.
When Miss Dupain-Cheng spotted the car. She stopped kissing his son and whispered something to his ear that made him look his way. Gabriel saw the way his son's lips turn into a frown.
He grabbed his girlfriend's arm and his belongings and went to a place where he can no longer see them. When they were gone Gabriel leaned into his chair and breathed a heavy sigh. This was all too much. He closed his eyes and tried to remember the days where Adrien still has that smile that radiates like the sun-similar to his mother- instead of the looks of hatred and disgust he sends to him now.
When he got back home it was already dark. The mansion was cold like it was when Emelie is still in a magical coma.
He spots his wife by the dining table eating her dinner.
"Where have you been?", she asks
Gabriel winced by the tone she used.
" Outside. Waiting for Adrien", he answered.
She snorted and rolled her eyes. And she continues cutting the steak with her fork and knife.
"Claire? Where is Adrien?", his wife asked the secretary. Standing in the place where Nathalie was supposed to stand.
" I d-don't know Madam. He hasn't arrived yet", the secretary replied with a slight shake in her voice. Emelie just frowned.
When they finished dinner, Adrien has not yet arrived. Emelie was scrolling something on her phone. And the mansion was covered in the deafening silence that you can hear even a pin drop.
After a few hours, the mansion doors flew opened and it showed an Adrien that is slightly disheveled and definitely reeks of alcohol. Gabriel almost got sick with the smell, yet Adrien paid no attention to his parents.
"Well, it's about time you come home. I was worried you'll just go with your whore girlfriend and be like wild animals", Emelie's voice echoed across the foyer as she descended the stairs slowly.
Gabriel was by the living room. And his eyes laid on Adrien who was gripping his bag tightly that you could see the white in his knuckles already.
He chuckled bitterly. "At least I know that my girlfriend treated me better than all of you did", he spat with hate and bitterness
" I raised you! And this is what you repay me?!", Emelie shouted. Gabriel was torn in who was he supposed to calm first. If was wearing his miraculous he would be overwhelmed by the anger and tension he was feeling as he stands in the middle of the mansion.
"Well, this is the effect of being raised by you! Don't blame me for what I am now because you raised me!", he shouted back
" Adrien!", Gabriel shouted and Adrien didn't even bother to look at his face.
"You ungrateful son. You are no longer deserving of an Agreste name, I don't want to have a son that is so atrocious and ill-mannered!", Emelie's voice dripped with hate as she shouted those words to their son who was fuming.
"It's not like I want to be an Agreste in the first place anyway", he grimaced as he spoke with the same level of hate. He marched up to his room and slammed it so hard that it feels like the door was about to break. And Emelie went back up straight to the master's bedroom.
Gabriel stood in the living room frozen. It was awful. Everything is not what he wanted. He wanted to curse the little gods for not giving what he wanted.
All he felt was regret. He was supposed to be happy- they were supposed to be happy. But everything is just dark, cold, and depressing. Emelie was alive and they were complete but they were also broken and knowing that it cannot be fixed added weight in his heart. He got what he wanted but all he felt was regret.
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casadefreewill · 2 years
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Continuation of todays chapter of @buggachat‘s bakery “enemies” AU
Also bonus:
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sunfoxfic · 2 years
now i'm curious, what do u think 'bout the ending of wishmaker?
I think there are a lot of people who simultaneously criticize Luka for being a quote-unquote "perfect" and "bland" love interest for Marinette, and who refuse to accept that the decision he made at the end of Wishmaker is a decision that comes from a person who is flawed. If you think he made the objectively wrong decision there, then I don't understand how you can also think that he's a "perfect" character? Also you realize that this is just Adrien salt flipped on its head, right? That's literally the same rhetoric that Adrien salters use. "Marinette/Adrien stans only like Adrien because he's perfect, he's so whiny and annoying!" "Luka stans only like him because he's perfect, he doesn't care at all for Marinette!" Not only are those contradictory sentiments, but they fail to acknowledge what character flaws are for:
Flaws aren't necessarily there to push along the main characters of the story. I dare say that if every flaw ultimately aids the main characters, then the side characters have been treated very, very poorly. ML is a show with a large ensemble cast, and while some people very much do not like that fact, it doesn't stop being true. And if every character aids the heroes at every turn, then they aren't really characters; especially in cases where they don't benefit from their own agency, and Luka probably would not have benefited from admitting what he knew to Ladybug.
Furthermore, people (real, living, breathing, touchable people) don't necessarily like character flaws because they make the character likeable. I know for a fact that I would fucking hate about 80% of the characters that I love, were they real people. More often, people like characters because they have narrative interest. Luka has narrative interest right now. He has a lot of potential to have an interesting role, to choose a path for himself, to step up to something new. That's interesting. Did he make the wrong decision as far as like, Marinette's arc goes? Maybe. (Can we say that with any certainty? Absolutely not. This is a tangent but it aggravates me, how certain some people are about how Luka made the wrong choice and it would be so much better for him to tell the truth. You cannot possibly know that there wouldn't be so many worse consequences, if he told the truth. You just can't.)
But I just don't trust people who prioritize disliking Luka because he's not ~likeable~ to them over following the narrative, I guess. It's an anti-analytical mindset imo, where a character is good if you like them and bad if you dislike them and there's no grayness there. Where your opinion of the character is dictated by your gut reaction, and it's a moral action to enjoy or dislike a character because you are either condoning their behavior or criticizing it, and by doing either it speaks to your real world actions. I don't know, maybe I'm stretching it. But anyone who focuses too much on criticizing what Luka did in Wishmaker always has bad vibes to me. I don't have the energy to hate fictional characters anymore, nor the energy to devote to writing about why they're bad people.
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fearlessinger · 3 years
Adrien The Liar
wait. don’t go. I promise this isn’t salt. I have not been hacked. It’s me.
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Hear me out.
I’ve seen a lot of speculation, in the wake of Gang Of Secrets, that Chat Noir might get to tell someone his secret identity in turn, or, if that doesn’t happen, that someone might find out anyway so that balance between our two protagonists can be restored, at least from a storytelling perspective. I love all of these theories, but I think we are missing a crucial point. If Adrien were to gain a secret identity confidant of his own… that would not really change a thing for him. Because being Chat Noir is not the only thing Adrien lies about. It’s not even the most important one.
Adrien lies all the time. He lies to everyone, for all sorts of reasons, in all sorts of situations. He lies in front of the camera. He lies in interviews. He lies to his fans, when he meets them in the streets in both his civilian and superhero persona. It’s not that he doesn’t genuinely appreciate the attention, it’s not that he hates his job. He likes it all well enough. He doesn’t mind. But he can never be completely *genuine* with people, and in fact… the vast majority of the people he interacts with don’t even want him to. They are not expecting to meet a person, but a celebrity. The same, to a lesser but not much lesser degree, goes for his teachers and classmates, to whom Adrien also tells a different kind of lies. “Father’s just overprotective,” he says. “He’s still grieving,” he says. “It’s fine that he couldn’t come. It’s fine he won’t let me celebrate my birthday with you guys. It’s fine he won’t let me out. I don’t mind.” He tells these lies to his closest friends too, and even when he doesn’t, even in the rare moments when he lets them see his sadness, he still can’t bring himself to admit what the root of it is.
Adrien knows, on some level, that Gabriel is not a good man. Not a good father. The proof is that he keeps making excuses for him. If he really were entirely unaware of the fact that Gabriel is an asshole, he wouldn’t feel the need to defend him in front of others, to make up arguments for why his behavior is forgivable in his own head. Adrien wants to believe so, so badly that his father has redeemable qualities. That his father loves him. That when his father says he only wants what’s best for Adrien, he’s telling the truth. So he lies, to everyone, and most importantly to himself. He doesn’t want to hear Nino tell him that this is wrong. He doesn’t want to give up on the fantasy of having a good, caring family, because the fantasy is all that he has. If he lets go of it, what is he left with? And what could he and Nino do anyway? Realistically speaking? They are kids. Adrien can’t leave his home. Plenty of adults see how he’s treated and don’t bat an eye. They are all too eager to handwave a powerful, obscenely rich magnate’s parenting failures as no big deal.
Of course, Adrien lies to his father. Gabriel is the one who taught him to do it. Who has shown him time and time again that he will not accept from his son anything other than the lies he wants to hear. That the right lies at the right moment are the only thing that can unlock a morsel of love, sometimes, if the planets align just right. And that the right truths at the right time, somehow, in even rarer occasions, can win Adrien a sliver of affection too.
Adrien lies all the time, and all of his lies are deliberate, because when he chooses to, he is actually capable of being honest. He will show glimpses of vulnerability, he will even open up to an extent, when it’s safe or strategic to do so.
Kagami is one of the very few people whom he’s let peek at his soft, squishy, frightened core. This is why, by the start of s4, Kagami really believes that she knows him. That she sees and loves the real boy behind all the masks. And that boy? He is just like her. A kindred spirit. Someone worth lying for. So she lies to spend time with him. She shows him her drawings. She wants him to know all of her, just like she thinks she knows all of him.
“Art never lies,” Kagami says. The poses people choose for themselves always reflect their personalities.”
Then she asks him to pose for her. She wants to see his true self.
Adrien’s immediate response?
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“What pose do you want me to make?”
He sounds so polite and genuinely eager to please that it’s easy to miss he is refusing her request. (Later that night, he will refuse Ladybug’s implicit request to elaborate on the state of his civilian life, and sidestep her explicit request to rethink his self sacrificial tendencies, just as smoothly.)
Kagami seems initially unfazed. After all, she does know him. She knows he is a chronic people pleaser. She’s remarked on this in the past. “You always do what other people want you to,” she had told him disapprovingly at the end of Frozer. Adrien had replied “It makes me happy to make people happy.” It wasn’t a lie, so Kagami had accepted his answer. But it seems obvious, with the way the conversation in the art room is going now, that Kagami still thinks Adrien can and should aspire to more. She doesn’t want him to strike a pose of HER choosing. She wants him to “feel comfortable and at ease” with just being himself.
That’s all the direction she gives him at first. Just be comfortable. She trusts that he’ll be able to do it with her. She trusts that he wants her to see him and know him, like Kagami wants him to see and know her. So she tries to draw several of his poses, despite clearly sensing that they are not quite right. Maybe he just needs to loosen up a bit? She gives him chance after chance to open up, all the while still chatting about her own secretly guarded forbidden passions. But he won’t do it.
She starts getting impatient. “These are model poses,” she tells him. “Try something more natural. More you!”
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The saddest thing about this moment is that this IS, in fact, a big show of trust on Adrien’s part, because it really could give away his secret identity. He DOES feel more comfortable with Kagami than he does with most people. Comfortable enough to get carried away. He seems to actually realize this, a second too late, in part thanks to Kagami’s stone cold reaction, and he tries to downplay at least the pun as best as he can.
“This is not at all natural,” Kagami points out. She’s right. Adrien knows that she is right. But if Adrien isn’t Adrien, and if Adrien isn’t Chat Noir, then who is he? Adrien does not want to ask himself that question.
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“I promise this is really me!” he says, with a hopefulness and sincerity verging on desperate.
This is a lie. Like all the best lies, it does have a grain of truth in itself, and Adrien, like all the best liars, really does believe it, at least in the time it takes for the words leave his mouth.
But he knows it’s not true. I don’t even need to cite all the times in the past he’s explicitly referred to his Chat character in the third person. Just look at his face immediately afterwards. He’s already started to retract that statement. It’s not even a statement anymore. It’s become a question.
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Suddenly, all the ease and comfort of before have dissipated. Kagami is standing her ground. She is refusing to let him sell her an act of her choosing, and in doing so, she has disarmed him in a way nobody before ever had. She moves toward him, she takes his hand between hers, and we don’t even see her push, because she doesn’t. He is backing away from her of his own accord. This isn’t an attack on Kagami’s part, she is trying to be helpful, in her own usual blunt way. Adrien knows this. But he feels the urge to run and cower anyway, because he can’t stand to have her look at him and actually SEE HIM.
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“This is the real you,” she says.
And then goes in for a kiss, and then they get interrupted and Adrien is very quick to jump at the chance to leave the room.
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But he does so with a smile. A real one, because it stays on his face even after he’s turned away from her. Threat averted! Now he knows what Kagami wants, and it’s something that not only he is happy to give her, but also does not require him to bare his soul to her. A win on all fronts!
Kagami doesn’t let it go.
She doesn’t just want some kisses. She wants to actually BE WITH HIM. The real him. The one he won’t show to the rest of the world. She keeps creating occasions for the two of them to be alone and Adrien doesn’t know how to escape because all of his usual tactics aren’t working on her.
“Oh wow the cars aren’t here yet”, he says, sweating profusely at the thought of more Truth Time With Kagami. “Gosh darn, we would have had time to replay the song at least once! Maybe we can still do it, let’s go back RIGHT NOW IMMEDIATE--”
“I just want to spend some time with you,” Kagami tells him, as always honest and to the point.
“And we can totally do that at prince Ali’s hugely crowded party tonight!” Adrien replies.
Here’s the crucial difference between Adrien and Marinette. Adrien does not want to be seen. He does not want to be figured out. He does not want to be understood.
Unlike Marinette and Kagami, Adrien doesn’t hate lying, and he is not bad at it. He, in fact, excels at it. He likes it, even. He LOVES to perform. He wears all of his masks with at least some degree of fondness and genuine enjoyment. He’s crafted them well enough that they all contain a nugget of his true self, and none the whole of him. The masks are comfortable. They are useful. They feel like home. He does not want to put them down.
To an extent, this is because he isn’t quite sure what really lies behind them. He is, after all, a 14 year old boy who’s never been allowed the luxury to dream of a life entirely of his own choice and making. But this isn’t the full story.
The truth is, on a fundamental level, Adrien does know who he is. “Just be yourself!” Nino told him on that fateful first day of school, encouraging him to go give Marinette the chance to give him another chance. Adrien was worried, yes, but he wasn’t confused. He knew what that meant. He knew what to do.
The only thing Adrien never lies about is his desire to be loved. He wants to be loved so, so badly. He is absolutely terrified of being known. He does not believe the two things aren’t mutually exclusive. As far as he knows, he’s never been given a reason to think so.
Marinette wanted so badly to be able to stop lying to her loved ones. She knew that they were all starting to see through her increasingly improbable excuses, and their hurt pained her. She’d have told everybody the truth if she could have. It’s no wonder that the moment she finally was alone with Alya, she let the dam break. But even before then, when Luka confronted her, she tried to give him the most honest answer she could: “I can’t tell you.”
Adrien lies as easily as he breathes. His lies are always simple, smooth, and perfectly believable. Nobody ever sees through them, and so nobody has ever been hurt by them. Until now. But Adrien is a really, really good liar. So even Kagami still wonders, up until the last minute, if she’s not just imagining things. She can’t do like Luka did, and just ask Adrien what the truth is. She knows that Adrien is fully capable of weaselling out of giving her a direct answer, and he’ll do it so well she won’t be able to protest it. So, her heart heavy with grief and hope, she sets a trap for him.
“I hope you found that thing you were looking for,” she says, hiding the bracelet behind her back.
“Of course, I have it right here,” Adrien lies, sealing his fate.
But that isn’t enough to blow his cover. He is far too good at this game. So much better than Kagami could have ever imagined. As soon as he realizes he does not, in fact, have the bracelet on him, he has another lie ready to go. “Oh no, I must have lost it again!” It’s simple. Believable. Perfect. If Kagami weren’t holding the bracelet in her hand right then and there, she would have absolutely no reason to doubt him.
“Don’t get soft, don’t get caught by surprise,” Tomoe had told her daughter what now feels like ages ago, at the beginning of the episode. “This is the only way you’ll be able to keep up with Adrien.”
“Don’t worry, mother,” Kagami had said. “I have all I need to succeed with him.”
Kagami was so, so sure she had Adrien all figured out. “I think we’re really similar,” she’d tried to tell him. She felt a kinship with him like nothing she had ever experienced before. Now, at the end of the episode, she looks at him and sees a stranger.
“We are both liars,” she tells him. “but I lie to be with you. And you? You lie not to be with me.”
The problem is not that Adrien can’t tell her the truth. It’s that HE DOES NOT WANT TO.
“I’m sorry for hurting you,” he tells her the next day. “I want you to know that all the good times we shared… those weren’t lies.” He knows what he did. He knows what the real problem is. He knows it has nothing to do with him being Chat Noir.
And he wants her to understand, but at the same time… he doesn’t.
So he can only try to reassure her, as best as he can, that his love for her was never fake. Adrien, professional liar that he is, knows when it’s time to deploy the truth. And this is the truth.
“I know,” Kagami tells him. And she does. She knows him, after all. Just not enough.
And this… this casts a rather dark shadow on Chat Noir, that same night, telling Ladybug “There’s no one but you that I can have this much fun with.” Because what is the difference between the time Adrien spends with Kagami, and the time he spends with Ladybug? It’s not that he loves one more than the other. It’s that Ladybug doesn’t want to know who he really is. She doesn’t even really notice that he is putting on a show. She is perfectly happy to take his lies at face value.
“You know what the difference is, between us and the rest of the world?” Chat Noir asks her at the end of the episode. And then he doesn’t wait for her answer. He explains. “We can’t tell each other everything. We even lie to each other. And that’s ok. Because in the end,” he concludes, offering her their trademark fistbump, and waits for her to join him in reciting their mantra, “we trust each other anyway.”
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There was a time, long ago, when Chat Noir wanted Ladybug to know him. But now? He’s not just resigned to the necessity of secrets anymore. He’s counting on it.
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buggachat · 3 years
how do you feel about the sentimonster!adrien au basically being confirmed? i see a lot of people hating on it and would love to know your thoughts! (love your art btw :D)
I've said it before, but I actually really love the sentimonster adrien storyline. I think there are a lot of really cool/interesting possibilities with it and I'm excited to see where it's headed.
(the rest under read more because I ended up rambling)
I get why it upsets people, but I personally think that if you're viewing the sentimonster theory as stripping away adrien's humanity, invalidating his emotions, invalidating his abuse, or anything like that that you're not really viewing it right.
I don't think him being a sentimonster makes him any less human. He is a human, basically, just a human that was created with the peacock miraculous. The point doesn't seem to be that Adrien is less human or that the Adrien we've come to know is a lie, but just that Adrien is even more a victim than we thought. Like I've said before, I think Adrien's sentimonster storyline is meant to be a metaphor for abuse.
Sentimonsters have thoughts, feelings, and free will. They can be anything that they were created to be, and in Adrien's case, he was created to be human..... so he is, essentially, human. There's no reason to think he doesn't grow, that he can't get sick (in fact, we know he can. He was injured in Riposte, he has an allergy, and if you take instagrams as canon then he can catch a cold), or that there's really anything about his experiences that differentiates him from other humans. Everything about Adrien's actions throughout the series are actions that are very human, and there's never been a reason to doubt his humanity— just his origins.
The only thing that's confirmed to differentiate Adrien from his peers is that he can be controlled. Not that he IS controlled, just that he CAN be. The Adrien we see in 99% of the scenes he's in is not an Adrien that's being magically controlled by any outside force. He's himself. He's his own person. Nothing about him being a sentimonster changes this. And the 1% of times that we do see him being controlled (e.g. Ephemeral), we see that he is nothing more than a victim of said control.
Basically, I imagine that the sentimonster thing is a part of the series in for the following reasons (this is absolutely 100% pure speculation, but they're the assumptions I'm operating under):
• More magical drama and intrigue, plain and simple. A fun plot twist. It's a fairy-tale like story, and this is a very fairy-tale like thing to do. Par for the course.
• To show to the audience in no uncertain terms that Gabriel, quite literally, is a controlling and abusive parent who values order above freedom. ... But in a magical way. Because this show is literally about magic, so why not? If you're looking for a realistic story that tackles heavy topics without magical twists to them, this isn't really the show for that.
• To give the audience a physical representation of Adrien's abuse. That ring Gabriel wears is now, essentially, the symbol of Gabriel's tyranny over Adrien. Now, Adrien has something that he can literally wrestle out of Gabriel's hands in a climactic final battle to symbolize regaining control of his life. Physical symbols are very powerful in story-telling for scenes like that.
• To add to Adrien's angst. To give him something more to break him down. To make him question his humanity, to have his loved ones comfort him and remind him how important he is, and that he's loved, and that he's human. To make Adrien doubt himself so that when he finally comes to terms with it and himself, it feels powerful. Basically, Adrien going through one of those "who's the real monster?" realizations, only to realize that there was never anything wrong with him, just his father
• Sentimonsters' personalities are based off of the emotions of the person who created them, not the intention of the person creating them. Think of Fu, and how he was really angry and hungry and tried to make himself a kind pet... but the pet was just as angry and hungry as he was. What emotion would Adrien have been created with? .... Love. Because he was created to be a son. You know who else was created with love? Bugette. A different human-based sentimonster that seemed to just be... a normal person when control was stripped away. My guess is that the show is kind of wanting to push a "the core of humanity is love!!!" message. Adrien is made of love, it's what's at the core of his being, and there's nothing more human than that.
• and probably a lot more possibilities that only the writers really know until we see how it all plays out lol
But yeah. I do think a lot of people are over-complicating it a bit to make him being a sentimonster seem scarier than it actually is, or more invalidating to him as a character than it actually is imo. It's just another magical piece of this magical tale, and I would be genuinely shocked if the show took this twist in any direction other than doubling down Adrien's right to exist and be human.
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chatonnoir · 2 years
Since there’s been talk of Chat Noir villain arc again
I would never buy Adrien joining Gabriel of his own volition unless it was for the sake of others. He's not the kind of person who would switch sides just because he felt unwanted. However, that feeling of being unwanted could pave the way for Adrien being manipulated, isolated, & possibly controlled via the ring to help Gabriel, especially since they made a point of showing just how effective that control is twice in Ephemeral
If they are going for a Chat Noir villain arc, I’m pretty sure the “isolated and controlled by Gabriel” scenario is what they’ll go for. But I’ve always been super into the idea of him being a “fake” villain, i.e. choosing to “side with” Shadowmoth because it was necessary to protect Ladybug/his friends. Him playing the part and pretending that he hates Ladybug, that he completely supports what Shadowmoth is doing, etc., and Ladybug being heartbroken thinking “this isn’t him” but also thinking “did I do this? did I push him to this?” The strain put on their relationship by her choices/mistakes could convince her that it’s all her fault, and that he really is lost to her because of her own failings, meanwhile on Chat Noir’s side that’s not true at all, but he has to let Ladybug believe that and that he hates her for her own safety. Everyone is sad <3
Either way, I was entertaining the villain arc possibility after Hack San, because where a lot of people saw the “I’ll never abandon you, my Chaton” scene & the look in Chat’s eyes and took it as foreshadowing that Ladybug was going to abandon him, I took it as foreshadowing that Ladybug is at some point going to have to fight to get her kitty back and will refuse to give up on him even if the world tries to convince her that he’s lost to her
and like I’ve been saying for months  .... there is no more effective way for a girl as stubborn as Ladybug to realize she loves Chat Noir than to lose him
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zivazivc · 3 years
Pinocchio AU
Okay people want the explanation for this comic so here it goes. It’s long and complicated and MESSED UP because of course it is, this is me. I’m going to write in points because my small tired brain can’t handle good english atm but basically to sum up the Adrien was a sentimonster theory or Pinocchio AU as I like to call it:
Young married Emilie and Gabriel can’t have kids. Gabriel reluctantly accepts this fate and even brings up adoption as a possibility once, but Emilie doesn’t want to hear any of that. She’s a bit of a Marinette in the sense that she pictures this romanticized ideal life for herself and a child—her flesh and blood—HAS to be in it.
They keep trying to get a baby while other young families Emilie knows keep growing. She feels left out and hurt and depressed, then her newlywed twin sister announces she’s expecting a baby too and something within Emilie just unhinges.
She eventually lies to some of her friends, who she was out for coffee with, that she’s pregnant too. She mostly does it just to see their reaction and feel what it would be like but it quickly spirals out of control where she just starts pretending she’s pregnant until you can’t even tell if she believes it herself.
Gabriel is confused at first because he hears the news second hand (a friend/family member congratulating him) so he’s apprehensive when he approaches his wife but she convinces him that they really are getting a baby and Gabriel is ecstatic.
It’s only later at a doctor’s check up that Gabriel learns that she indeed is not pregnant. The doctor even speaks to him alone explaining that his wife is in denial and that he should make sure she goes to see a psychiatrist, something she definitely wouldn’t do alone.
Gabriel is unsuccessful with that because he’s not entirely persistent, doesn’t want to be the guy with the crazy wife having to tell everyone she lied about being pregnant, and hopelessly believes she’ll just get over it eventually.
That is until her “pregnancy is near due”—her sister already had Félix in England a few months ago—and he stumbles on her transformed with her peacock miraculous (they already have both of them) creating a sentimonster newborn.
They have a huge fight about it but because Emilie refuses to destroy it, won’t tell Gabriel where the amok is, and Gabriel can’t just hurt the baby with his hands, Emilie just… wins. Fucked up, yeah?
Now she tried creating kids before this one, using her imagination to try and blend her and Gabriel’s looks but it just wasn’t working. So she decided to copy of photos of baby Félix because he already looked almost like a copy of his mother, and Amélie and Emilie already looked alike so it’s not so weird?—is what her mind was telling her.
She didn’t dare alter his looks but she decided to give the baby Gabriel’s eye color to include the “father” in some way. (Yes in that comic I made I gave Adrien a mix of green and gray but that was mainly to get the point across to the perceptive readers)
Now we got Adrien, a normal baby boy to the whole world except for Gabriel who’s forced into his wife’s fantasy through social expectations.
Why are we only at this point and this post is already so long AAAAAAAA!!!
Adrien physically basically grows in a way where Emilie just keeps changing his appearance to match what Félix looked like a few months prior.
Mentally he’s like a robot just taking in information without really needing to learn it. So Emilie decides when he says his first word, she decides when he learns to walk,… He knows how to walk, he just wasn’t given the command to do so yet.
But even so he does develop a personality over time, just slower, because unlike a normal child who’s always testing his boundaries, how far they’re allowed to go until they’re in real trouble, Adrien just can’t misbehave. At all.
But he does have his favorite foods and favorite toys, and jokes that make him laugh the most. The problem is just that Emilie could just decide that his favorite food is strawberries and he’d just start acting accordingly, rewiring his belief. 
He also isn’t allowed to argue or be mean to others which is why Félix thinks he’s a goody two-shoes weirdo while Chloé the brat adores him.
This behavior isn’t so hard to hide with a toddler who’s fickle but it’s harder and harder as the kid grows. Which is why the family becomes very secluded over time.
Gabriel always keeps distance with his “son”. He’s not Dad, he’s Father, he doesn’t do hugs and cuddles, he doesn’t say I love you. But Adrien knows he loves him because his mom told him so and he loves him back unconditionally because Mom said that’s what families do.
Now even though Gabriel is traumatized by this whole ordeal and knowing Adrien “isn’t real” freaks him out he does soften a bit over time. I’m going to give an awful example but like someone who hates cats softening for a cat that their partner/roommate decided to get/had from before. Continuing with this example: But still becoming appalled when the cat starts acting odd/unusually.
Okay I think you get the gist. Let’s move on…
Emilie loves her son more and more as he grows and his sentimonster behaviours start bothering her more and more too. She hates being reminded that he’s not a real boy by people mentioning he looks young for his age because Emilie forgot to make him grow for a while. She hates when he does everything like he’s told. She hates that he has no real friends because they’re afraid to expose him to the outside too much and without supervision. She hates to think about his future.
Her desire for him to be real keeps growing and is what drives her to search for a solution in the miraculous spellbook.
She cracks the script after years, when Adrien is nearly a teen, and finds a way to transfer the creators soul into a sentimonster.
It’s a long process that takes time and while she falls ill to everyone around her, Adrien becomes more real.
Gabriel starts realizing what’s happening when he notices Adrien hesitate for a second when he’s playing a video game and Gabriel wants him to do something, groan when he gets bothered watching TV, huff, complain, have slightly opposing opinions to his and Emilie’s, when he argues with his mother when she tells him she’s feeling fine; when he notices his son’s eyes are greener. Or is it all in his head?
He confronts his wife too late, when she’s extremely ill already, her normally vibrant eyes dulled match Adrien’s bluish gray, and he pieces together in his head what she’s doing.
Before Gabriel could properly think what to do to stop the love of his life from turning into a lifeless doll, in a fit of panic he tries to take her wedding band (where he knows Adrien’s amok is) to get rid of Adrien instead, but is unsuccessful in getting it off her so he snatches her peacock brooch instead (which she needs to complete the spell obvs) and breaks it. (Heyoo! broken peacock miraculous. things are coming together)
Because the spell was almost complete anyway it’s Emilie who falls unconscious. But she doesn’t disappear because she’s not a real sentimonster, she just becomes dormant like one.
This is the point in the story where Gabriel makes it seem like Emilie ran away or something like that—basically disappear. Now he’s living knowing he has an almost sentimonster wife in the basement, knowing he almost killed his son (or her), and having to care for a son that suddenly became much more alive, questioning, arguing, angry, screaming, not accepting, crying, grieving, staring at him with Emilie’s eyes.
Instead of becoming a real parent, Gabriel shuts him out.
Soon Adrien evolves desires for socializing, company, getting away from the suffocating home which eventually leads to him going to a public school.
He slowly starts to live life freely without the restrictions that were put around his thoughts.
Gabriel has an even stranger relationship with Adrien now because he still loves him in a way but also holds resentment toward him. But mostly he sees him as something valuable.
The show happens here…  And now finally we get to the comic…
Gabriel gets a hold of the ladybug and black cat miraculouses. (There’s no epic fight in his lair as you see there’s no Ladybug in the comic but that’s not really important)
What’s important is that Gabriel had deciphered the miraculous spellbook with the help of Emilie’s notes and had decided to use the unification’s “wish” power to awaken Emilie.
He’s aware he’ll need to sacrifice something for the wish to come true and he’s certain Adrien should be enough because the soul inside him is literally the one thing Emilie is missing.
✨Adrien (poor boy just lost his miraculous) is taken to Gabriel’s lair, where he finds out his father is Hawk Moth, sees his mother, learns he’s a sentimonster, and that he’s going to become a sacrifice ✨
Of course the last part is not what happens. It’s Gabriel who ends up being sacrificed.
I can’t decide if Gabriel ends up sacrificing himself because he changed his mind in the last moment while Adrien was screaming for him to stop, OR  because he didn’t love Adrien enough for him to be considered an equal exchange for his wife… O.O
But anyhow…
Emilie wakes up with Gabriel’s soul within her (hence the bluish gray eyes in the comic).
Adrien is traumatized for life.
This took me hours to write… I knew there was a reason why I didn’t want to do it. I hope I didn’t forget anything and my brain made sense of it all
Well there you have it, peeps. The Pinocchio AU. It’s as messed up as my sleep schedule. Good night. 
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plagggscamembert · 2 years
Lukadrien Headcanons
So I’m in the middle of a different fandom fic and cannot find the motivation to write them one so I shall write hc instead
- Luka is an insomniac and on the rare occasions he can sleep w/out meds are because Adrien is there
- Adrien likes to come through Luka’s window
- Luka has a collection of things that Adrien isn’t allowed to have at his house in a bin for adrien when he wants them. Basically consists of more junk food then at movie theaters and movies he wasn’t allowed to see so he watched them w luka
- Luka is top 
- Adrien is demi
- they have to hide their relationship because of Adriens father 
- Natalie knows (found out herself) but hasnt brought it up to him or his father and tries to get them more free time so Adrien can spend time with his boyfriend
- Luka likes to take Adrien to cool places and landmarks on his bike because he knows he doesn’t get out much
- Luka paints adriens nails all the time. it started w more natural colors to blend but one day adrien was like fuck it and had him paint them black. his father wouldn’t let him out of the house until he took it off
- Luka pierces his ears all the time. Like All. The. Time. hes going to run out of ear. Its a coping mechanism for him to try and feel something. Also he thinks it makes him look bad ass
- Luka has a tongue piercing (that one he got professionally done) and adrien loves it. 
- Adrien cannot take a compliment hes too used to them being to get something from him or because of his fans so when luka tells him smth like “you looks so beautiful in my shirt” he doesn’t believe him and asks if he wants anything. As soon as he learns that people give compliments just to make other feel good and starts taking them as smth genuine, he gets all flustered and blushy
- Adrien is good at makeup. like covering up eye bags or hickeys which becomes more and more helpful as their relationship developes 
- Adrien is touch starved and relies on physical contact. Luka is determined to give him as much physical affection as he needs
- when they are together they are usually touching. Like holding hands/arms. 
- Luka can put his chin on top of adriens head if he tries really hard and uses that to his advantage 
- he loves to come up from behind and wrap his arms around Adrien’s waist. 
- can’t be big on pda due their secret relationship but always take up the opportunity when they can
- All their friends know and support them 
- Adrien loves to wear luka’s clothes as often as he can. Hes not really allowed to shop for himself as to keep up the Agreste reputation so when he sees something he really likes he takes it and wears it just until it stops smelling like Luka something he notices and finds adorable until his favorite shirt is missing for a whole week
- Luka taught adrien how to apply eyeliner and he got it on his first try. Luka nearly went into cardiac arrest because adrien with eyeliner is HOT
- although they are naturally fit (fuck genetics) they like to work out together to keep motivated. usually ends in making out and showering together 
- at some point adrien decided he needed to have his ears pierced and went straight to Luka. Who was skeptical at first but did it anyway (can’t say no to adrien begging and he knows from experience) They bought him clear earrings to wear in his house so they could heal properly and not cause too much attention.
- Adrien loves to match earrings w luka just becuase. their favorites are mini thick black hoops 
- Luka knows hes chat noir not just from wishmaker but because adrien tells him
- Fights are very rare and when they happen Luka has to convince adrien he isn’t going to break up with him over a petty argument. Screw Gabriel Agreste for killings his sons self esteem
- the amount of times Adrien has had to talk luka out of drop kicking his father off the Eiffel Tower can no longer be counted
- Luka is the biggest tease in Paris and adrien both loves and hates it
-  Luka likes to rewrite songs into mlm versions of said songs and sing them for adrien who thinks its the cutest thing ever
- Luka calls adrien all sorts of pet names, one of his favorites being “love”
- Adrien makes as many puns as pawsible and luka laughs at all of them. Every single one. no matter how unfunny it was
- Luka is very sound sensative due to music so adrien buys him sound proof headphones so his brain can focus
- Adrien loves to buy luka things. it took Luka a while to actually accept the little gifts but he realized that there was no point trying to stop adrien was useless
- Adrien taught luka how to ballroom dance one summer night on the deck of Liberty. it was the first time he actually enjoyed doing it. Luka is a fast learned so he picked it up quickly so they danced for hours. Juleka was going up to tell them to stfu and go to bed until she saw what they were doing and just let them be
- As soon as Luka found out Adrien never learned how to drive (because his father said he would never need to) he made it his mission to teach him. He can’t be a (french equivalent of a junior in high school) and not at least have and idea of know how to drive. Only problem, he only owns a motorcycle and that would not do. They ended up borrowing  Nino’s Honda Civic, who swears if they crash it they have to buy him a brand new (and cooler) car. Fortunately Adrien is a fast learner and gets his official license only a few months after (this is prolly wrong I have no idea how it works in France). In those months, Luka and Adrien work their asses off at jobs around the city to save up for a car. They end up not making enough but Natalie donates some (a lot) of money to the cause and takes him to legally buy the car. Gabe finds out and has a HEART ATTACK when he sees where all that money went but Natalie says its her car and he (literal dumbass) buys it and lets it go
- Adrien sneaks out as chat noir to see Luka all the time. usually at night 
- Luka once walked in on Adrien doing a face mask. Laughed his ass off about it bc the way Adrien tied his hair up was both adorable and hilarious, this lead to him getting hit in the head with a loofa until he agreed to do one (which he would have anyway but it was cute to see adrien’s reaction) 
- luka is taller so his clothes are bigger and adrien loves wearing them, usually takes them home and sleeps in them whenever he can
I did not intend for this to take so goddamn long lmao
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simplyparker · 2 years
Oh, Baby
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Marvel Masterlist // Navigation
Pairings: Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: May had a baby and Peter volunteers to babysit.
Warnings: Cursing, "babysitting" a baby, Peter Parker being a dumbass, suggestiveness towards the end
Word Count: 1.3k
A/n: I don't even know anymore lmfao
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When May told Peter that she and Happy were adopting a baby, he was really excited. May wasn’t able to have kids, and Peter was happy she was finally adopting a baby like she had talked about for so long. He was an only child so he couldn't wait to be a big brother.
He was excited, to say the least.
Well, that was until May and Happy had accepted Peter's offer to watch baby Ben.
Ben was seven months old, and May and Happy hadn't had a date night since the baby was adopted. May and Happy had met a woman named Gabriel who wanted to give her baby up for adoption as soon as she had it. They signed a bunch of papers and Gabriel told them that she didn’t want anything to do with him, they both understood and that was that.
Peter told May that should bring him over early in the morning so that she and Happy could have the whole day together. May had packed a diaper bag for him that had everything he needed. She told him what times he needed to be fed, and what times he needed to be put down for naps. She even set up the play pin for him in the living area.
Everything was fine. At first. Peter and Ben had been playing on the floor with some of the toys May packed. Ben was army crawling around and giggling and babbling. Everything was fine.
Then 10 am rolled around. Peter made Ben a bottle and had a jar of carrots for him to eat. May told him that carrots were his favorite thing, which is funny because Peter hated them when he was a baby. Peter found your old highchair from when you were a baby and put Ben in it. He fed Ben half a pack of carrot mush, then cleaned him up. Peter was trying to give Bent the bottle, but Ben refused. He was not having it. He started crying because at this point it was past 10:30 and 10:30 was his nap time. Peter just assumed that he was full from the bottle. He changed his diaper, then started rocking him in the single rocking armchair that was in his room. Ben quickly fell asleep.
Though, he didn’t stay asleep for long. May told Peter that Ben should sleep for well over an hour and a half, but Ben ended up waking up around 25 minutes into his nap. He immediately started crying, and Peter grabbed the bottle thinking that would help, and it did, but only for a moment. Peter tried bouncing him and soothing him. He even made weird noises and faces.
After about 10 straight minutes of crying, Peter headed out of his room and down to the living room. When he got down there he saw Kate, Clint, Natasha, and Tony sitting in there. Peter sat Ben down and sat down next to him. Shaking some toys to grab his attention. Ben calmed down for a bit. Playing with toys, and gnawing on the pretzel teething toy May had packed.
Ben could sit up on his own but was new to it so he wobbled a bit. After about 20 minutes of playing, Ben fell over, and Peter panicked. Big mistake.
“Oh my god! Are you okay!” Peter exclaims, making Ben cry. “Rule #1 Peter, you aren’t supposed to freak out when a baby falls over. They pick up on your fear, then they get scared.” Tony tells him.
“Yeah, when Lila was a baby and would fall over while trying to sit up, I would laugh, so she knows that she’s okay. I mean obviously, if she hit hard and started crying I would make sure she was okay, but otherwise, you gotta fake laugh. They think it's funny.” Clint says.
“Oh,” Pete mumbles. Ben’s cries picked up as Peter tried to soothe him by walking around and lightly bouncing him. “Can someone please help me? I’ve never done this before.”
"I- I'm busy right now," Kate says.
"I've never held a baby in my life," Nat says and Clint quickly objects
"That's bullshit." and she sighs and says,
“Okay, I've only held Clint's kids." Natasha corrects.
Y/n walks up to Peter who is standing in the corner of the room with the crying baby at an arms-length distance.
"Uhm…I'll take it.." she says, grabbing the baby and Peter lets out a breath of relief.
"It?" Tony laughs.
"Shut the hell up old man," you say as you gently rock the baby in your arms. “Hey cutie, was Peter baing mean to you?” you ask as Ben calms down.
“Wha- I wasn’t!” Peter yelps.
“He’s just a damn boy it’s okay Ben. But it’s okay, you’re not a dumb boy, you’re a cute little baby.” you smile and Ben babbles at you.
“How did you do that?” Peter asks and you look up at him.
“I don’t know.” you shrug. You look back down to Ben and make a face. You sniff Ben and gag, “Peter you have a shitty diaper to clean.” you give Ben back to Peter and he lays him down and grabs a diaper and wipes.
“He hasn’t pooped all day, I was hoping I was getting lucky.” Peter groans.
“Babies are supposed to poop multiple times a day, that’s probably why he was so whiney,” Tony says.
“I think that would be one of the only downsides of having a child,” Kate says.
“I absolutely agree. I will change piss diapers all day, but you shit? You’re going to your dad.” you say.
“I was okay with changing poopy diapers,” Tony starts, “What I wasn’t okay with was when you would spit up on my face when I would do airplanes with you,” Tony tells you.
“Yuck.” Peter says, “I don’t think I’m ready to have a kid anytime soon.” Peter says, “I mean I would love to in the late, late future, but definitely not now.” he finishes,
“Well shout out to contraceptives. My birth control is really pulling its weight.” you laugh.
“I am right here,” Tony says.
“Sorry dad.” you look away. “Anyways,” you change the subject, “Kate?” you say and she looks up at you, “You wanna go grab some pizza with me?” you ask.
“Yeah, let's go.” she gets up and Peter protests,
“What! You guys can’t leave me. What am I supposed to do?” He asks,
“Maybe don’t offer to babysit all day.” Kate shrugs,
“Yeah… maybe offer to babysit for like a few hours,” you say.
“I’m gonna go grab my jacket,” Kate says and walks off.
“Love? You’re gonna leave me?” He asks.
“I’ll bring you back some pizza.” you smile.
“Fine,” Peter says reluctantly,
“I love you,” you tell him
“I love you too,” he responds. You give him a chaste kiss and walk over to your dad and peck his cheek,
“I’ll be back later dad.” he wipes his cheek off and you make a confused face at him,
“Don’t kiss my cheek after kissing Parker’s lips. Yuck. Have fun and leave me alone.” he says and you roll your eyes, you look ever at Nat and whisper yell,
“Not even the worst thing I’ve done before kissing his cheek,” you say and Nat barks out a laugh along with Clint who is trying to keep the laughter from overflowing.
“Y/n Stark!” Tony shouts.
“I’m just playing, dad.” you wave your arm dismissively.
“Don’t make me ground you.” he points a finger,
“Ooh shiver me timbers, as if I’m not 21 years old,” you say, just as Kate walks into the room,
“Ready?” she asks and you nod.
“Well be back later, bye!” you say and you both walk out.
“You suck!” Peter calls after you,
“You swallow!” Kate yells back and you both break out in a fit of laughter as you walk to the pizza place.
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When you and Kate get back you see Peter laying on the sofa with Ben sleeping on his chest, you both look at his face and see that he is also asleep, snoring softly. Looks like he got the hang of it. You sigh and say,
"Damn it" Kate looks at you,
"What?" She asks.
"I want to have his babies."
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edorazzi · 2 years
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Once again, it’s the post everyone’s been waiting for! Reviewing Part 1 of the Miraculous Season 4 finale. 
This is a followup to my reviews of the “Felix” episode and “Gabriel Agreste”, so if you haven’t read those then you might like to! They’re not required but do contain my thoughts/opinions/screaming/crying about the Felix storyline up to this point. 
I haven’t watched “Strike Back”/Part 2 yet so be gentle with me.
Sorry this one took such a long time, I just wasn’t emotionally ready for this journey (and caught Covid in the middle of editing). But hopefully everyone else is up to date and ready to watch me suffer, so I’ll throw the rest under a cut and let’s get going! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
So to kick off, here are my pregame thoughts. Like previous episodes I went on total content lockdown once the finale aired so I’m only aware of a few spoilery things which slipped the net:
Felix gets hold of a Miraculous. Not sure how, why or which one; just that it’s orange. Also something about the Peacock brooch.
Whatever happens in this has radically changed the fandom’s opinion of Felix and not for the better.
Lila is featured somehow.
So I really have no clue where this is going. I recall Lila was working with Gabriel to control Adrien and seemed to ally with Chloe at the end of “Penalteam”; but Felix dislikes Chloe and outright hates his uncle - who he’s aware is Shadow Moth! - so I can’t see him joining this squad of villains.
I’ve talked about this before but at the end of the “Felix” episode I got the impression Felix really does like Adrien, he was just seething over feeling abandoned at his dad’s funeral (and trying to grab the family ring at the same time). In “Gabriel Agreste” the boys seemed on good terms, so I assume they consider that score settled and anything Felix is scheming from this point on is directed more at Uncle Gabe.
On the other hand, Felix’s relationship with the heroes isn’t great. In his debut episode he really messed around with them, appealed to Hawk Moth directly and looked genuinely hurt when Chat accused him of having no friends. However, they seemed fine in “Gabriel Agreste” when Felix was again in need of rescuing; and I can imagine him harbouring a long-term grudge like he had against Adrien but to sabotage the heroes in a way that benefits Shadow Moth/Uncle Gabe? Ehh. Unless Lila is finally staging an uprising and trying to take over as the big villain? MAYBE.
(And I will say - I think there was a HUGE difference in the writing quality of the previous two episodes. “Felix” was just a “fuck you” to PV fans, an incoherent mess which outrageously villainised this new character instead of telling a real story; while “Gabriel Agreste” was much more solid and portrayed Felix as an intelligent/morally grey figure. Like Chloe’s character assassination in “Miracle Queen”, I think Felix’s attitude in the Finale will heavily depend on which episode this draws more from.)
On my magic third hand, how about the increasing speculation of Felix and Adrien being Sentimonsters, or at least ‘more than human’ in some way? I wasn’t buying into the theory at first but at this point I’d believe it. Mostly because I’m genuinely nervous they’re going to “unalive” Felix; if they’ll basically kill Sentibug onscreen when she was a really sweet character then what makes Felix (the most hated one of all!) any safer?? 
I’m writing this all before going into the episode, obviously. Maybe all my speculation is useless and it’s just “Miracle Queen” Round 2 where they mess up an interesting morally grey character for no reason. Guess I’ll stop avoiding this and go see. :/
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- Alright, I’m going in. Seeing a bunch of the heroes together is nice; I heartily disapprove of “Kuro Neko” downgrading Chat from ‘partner’ to ‘basic bitch backup’ but this isn’t the place to talk about that (OR IS IT?). There’s also nobody in this group I actively dislike Vesperia. 
- How come Roi Singe and Carapace get a bro fistbump but not Chat? Are they EVER going to resolve the plot point of Nino revealing his identity to Adrien in “Rocketear”? He did apologise for beating Chat up in the street but have things been frosty since then or what? :/
- Everyone splits up before they detransform, and Ladybug won’t let Chat go with her to collect their Miraculous(eses) because she doesn’t trust him with their identities. And yeah, I’m glad Chat is going off about this, we’re like 10 seconds in and I’M MAD TOO. Ladybug let Viperion learn who Chat was without his consent (which could have led to a Luka/Adrien friendship arc but this series continues to starve me of the most basic sustenance!! >:0), and I’m glad Luka knows because someone has to keep an eye on both these magic idiots, but SHE CAN’T TRUST CHAT WITH WAY LESS VITAL INFO? GIRL...
- Also, doesn’t he at least know who Ryuko and Pigella are? Maybe he can’t admit knowing Carapace but I’m sure Chat was there for both Kagami and Rose getting their Miraculous. She could let him help a little! :(
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- “Cat Noir will always be a holder like any other...” / “Yep!” LADYBUG. WHAT ON EARTH. Kissing him on the cheek and calling him your “favourite” does NOT make up for that!!! >:0
- I’m also gonna go down that road and say kissing Chat is a really messy thing to do right now. He clearly interpreted that as something romantic and haven’t we established a million times that Ladybug does not want that relationship with him? :/
One thing I want to talk about here is how “Glaciator 2″ includes a scene where Chat admits that he’s been ‘acting up’ out of desperation to maintain the relationship he has with Ladybug, but he’s so inexperienced with affection that he always ends up acting flirty or romantic and just makes her more frustrated with him. 
I think Adrien (as an isolated, socially awkward celebrity heartthrob) has genuine problems knowing how to express platonic love - look at his failed relationship with Kagami! - and yes it’s his own job to deal with that but this kind of thing isn’t helping! What he needs is Ladybug trusting him with more responsibility as a partner to show she values him, not giving out misleading kisses to soften his rejection as a teammate.
Does that make sense? I do think Ladybug’s trying to be nice but this feels cruel to Chat after everything else this season. Where is Felix.
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- Anyway, Rena Furtive makes sure the coast is clear as Ladybug reclaims the Miraculous from each holder. They do a synchronised dive into an alleyway and detransform amid some cute banter and a plan to go to the movies.  This is really pushing the concept of Rena being Ladybug’s ideal partner and it’s making me feel super bad for Chat right now, especially when Rena does what I think is an imitation of him bowing to “Mademoiselle Ladybug”. Maybe it’s a coincidence but it’s very suspect when she’s currently filling Chat’s role as Ladybug’s trusted aide. It’s not funny if you’re punching down, ladies.
- I do apologise for being so nitpicky. I’m way too high strung for regular episode content. Just show me what Felix did and get it over with! >:0
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- Cut to Gabriel in his butterfly cave.
Side note: I’m watching a TV series with my family (“Temple”) about a guy who’s keeping his comatose wife in a secret basement, trying to find a cure for her illness while lying to everyone else that she’s dead, and the LOOKS I received when I said it’s the same plot as Miraculous Ladybug. They know I draw a lot of stuff for this sparkly baby show but I’m not even sure they knew it had a plot. They just know I like the catboy. :/
- Ol’ Gabe starts monologuing to his unconscious wife as per usual, mainly about what an embarrassment he’s been this season; but this time he ends up sobbing over the coffin and cracking the glass by beating on it with his fist. Can’t help thinking that the “I am not worthy of our LOVE!” stage already came when he started throwing Adrien around in Season 1; how many akuma has this man unleashed on his own son??
- Gabe reels back in terror when he realises the damage - huge props to the voice acting here, it’s very good! - and immediately shuts the safety doors on the coffin and bolts outta there like a kid who just chipped mom’s best plate. If you put it back in the cupboard right away it’s like it didn’t happen!! 
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- ...And goes straight to throw a fit in Nathalie’s room, apparently. I know she loves this trainwreck of a man, but 1) why, and 2) is she getting paid extra for this? Adrien comes to cry in here too but at least he brought sandwiches. These emotionally damaged people just bust into her room whenever they want and Gabriel doesn’t even have snacks.
- NATHALIE, I’M SORRY, BUT PRETENDING GABRIEL HAS NEVER MADE MISTAKES IS SO FUNNY. MY BRAIN IS JUST FLASHING THROUGH ALL THE TIMES HE’S MESSED UP LIKE A COMEDY MONTAGE. The worst mistake was letting Felix into his house, not once but multiple times! And where is the little bastard anyway? :/
- Gabriel rushes to Nathalie’s aid when she starts coughing, looks despondent as she assures him she knew the risk she was taking with the Peacock Miraculous; then leaps up with a maniacal laugh as he realises LADYBUG NEVER TAKES RISKS and bolts out of the room still cackling. THE WHIPLASH HERE IS INCREDIBLE. GUESS NATHALIE’S GETTING HER OWN DINNER.
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- Our regularly scheduled stop at the Butterfly Lair! But this time it’s all tinted red as Shadow Moth cooks up his plan to FORCE Ladybug to take enough risks that she eventually makes a mistake. I see we’re out of solid villainous plans and moving into Codename: Kids Next Door territory; this is something Knightbrace would do to increase traffic to his dental practice.
- I do like how Shadow Moth sifts through all the voices of people in Paris experiencing negative emotions; I think(?) it’s the first time they’ve illustrated exactly how he chooses his victims and confirmed that he only knows what he can hear; a nice dive into an otherwise staple sequence. :D
- He settles on a child who isn’t allowed to ride their bike without a helmet or training wheels. Classic Gabriel Agreste, here to start fights with children before getting dunked on by other children! Speaking of, where is Felix. It’s just occurred to me that I don’t even know if he’s in Part 1 of this finale. I better not be suffering through this for no reason. :/
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- New child character! Frog Boy and his generic backgrounder parents! He’s zooming around at the zoo and wishing for sweet sweet adrenaline, the kind you only get on the razor edge of death. I guess not all characters need stories based around their visual theme but why is this child a frog when his story is (presumably) about taking risks? Why not a tiger? Are frogs particularly fearless bastards?
- So Shadow Moth’s plan is to remove everyone’s sense of fear, meaning the citizens of Paris will start taking risks and doing dangerous things. I’m reminded of “Simpleman” where he made everyone incapable of complex decision-making and the fallout was huge. But what kind of risks are we talking about; is Marinette going to fearlessly confess to Adrien or is someone getting hit by a car?
Now I’m theorising Felix gets a Miraculous because he’s already a sociopathic little bastard who knows no fear; and as such is the only one Ladybug and Chat Noir can trust to act level-headedly in this situation. I’m under the impression he steals this Miraculous though. Hmm.
- Frog Boy’s transformation just gives him a bigger hoodie and a very slow pedal bike, and an annoying song to top it off. No flames or spikes on the wheels? Underwhelming but the less I remember him the better, I guess. A megaphone on his bike spits out glowing orbs which zap everyone they find, including Alya (and her whole family), Marinette and Adrien. So that’s our three main protags compromised! There’s a mark left on each of their necks which I’m sure will be used to tell apart two suspiciously identical blond boys at some point.
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- Adrien wakes up first! I appreciate that they scraped together enough leftovers from the budget to give him pajamas; four seasons in and we’re FINALLY allowed to see more of his fashion model closet. It’s taken equally as long for Marinette to get a blanket, she was sleeping on top of her sheets every night until recently! Alya isn’t allowed to sleep at all and Nino doesn’t even have a house (or parents), it just costs way too much. :/
- Nathalie video calls Adrien with his morning schedule, and I’m pleased to see the return of the Chinese lessons! They haven’t done much with that since Season 1, but between this and the Shanghai Special it’s becoming relevant to Adrien’s character again and that’s nice.
- “But first and foremost, the breakfast for two that my father’s been promising me for MONTHS!” SWEETHEART. OH NO. This breaks my heart because I already know Gabe’s going to cancel, I feel it in my bones. Please let Adrien tell his dad to get bent; the fear is gone, right?
- Okay, so Gabriel is deigning to set eyes on Adrien today, but in the study to discuss work instead of at breakfast. This old man can’t talk and eat at the same time, in the room literally JUST across the hall??
- I bet Gabriel’s invited Felix, hasn’t he. Is this ‘new project’ a twin fashion shoot thing? I don’t know why he’d let Felix in the house after what happened previously but maybe Uncle Gabe thinks he’s really got a grip on things this time. Either that or it’s a romantic photoshoot scheduled with Lila, and the test of the akuma’s powers is whether Adrien has the confidence to tell her to back off or not. I’m sorry for all these projections, I’m just trying to second guess this episode before it can get me first.
- PLAGG DECLARES THAT HE FOR ONE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE BREAKFAST WITH ADRIEN. That’s so sweet. This feels like a holdover from “Kuro Neko” where Plagg has realised just how emotionally vulnerable Adrien is - especially now Ladybug is pulling away from their partnership - and has really pitched in with supporting him! I love how their relationship is developing. :’)
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- Oh I see, the frog-shaped Risk marks get activated when Frog Boy (who has apparently been out cycling around Paris ALL NIGHT) passes within earshot singing his annoying song. I guess that explains why there’s no widespread chaos yet. I’m sure we’ll be having MANY “well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions” moments if it comes and goes in waves!
- With a burst of fearlessness Adrien FLIPS OUT, HURLS his neatly-pressed shirt across the room, and yells that he’s fed up of being a model and just wants Gabriel to be a dad to him! SWEETIE, ME TOO! He stalks off in determination to “GO TALK TO HIM” and Plagg can’t stop him. I KNOW THIS IS GONNA GO SO BADLY BUT IT’S WHAT I’VE ALWAYS WANTED FOR ADRIEN, YOU GO HONEY!!!
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- Lila is also here (so no Felix yet), and is either wearing all white or they forgot to texture her outfit. It’s happened before; never 4get Alix going a whole episode with grey hair because they just forgot to colour her model properly. Does anyone remember that Season 1 episode where Max’s hair and glasses ran away from the akuma without him?
- Gabriel shoots Adrien down and he immediately subdues and leaves. I guess the wave of fearlessness has passed but BABY NO, YOU WERE GONNA GET HIM! Even Plagg is encouraging him to give it another try! :’0
- “Rebellions are like cheese soufflés: just because they sometimes collapse doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try again!” is my new favourite line from this show. It’s so uniquely baffling. I want it on my wall like a Live Laugh Love sign.
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- Poor Adrien is stuck doing this romantic photoshoot with Lila, I guess. Is this all before school or did Gabriel pull him out of classes for this? Did they have a lot of time set aside for that breakfast they were supposed to have together? Has Adrien even HAD breakfast? LET ADRIEN EAT 2K22. >:0
- OOH, Adrien calls Lila out pretty viciously when she begins lying to him! Specifically claiming this photoshoot is nearly as romantic as a Hollywood movie she starred in. And that wasn’t even a “sure, Jan”, he went for the throat. Is he being affected by the akuma again or is this a holdover from last season where Adrien really told Lila where to shove it? I’m betting on the latter since he isn’t interrupting the shoot to yell at his dad like we know he wants.
- GABRIEL’S PLANNING TO SEND ADRIEN OFF FOR MONTHS ON AN INTERNATIONAL PHOTOSHOOT WITH LILA. MY GOD. Can’t blame him honestly; sucks for Adrien (who can’t even bring himself to argue, sweetheart!) but Gabriel’s the one trashing the city on a regular basis and making the Surprised Pikachu face when his son gets caught up in it! I’m amazed Adrien hasn’t been in a Swiss boarding school since Season 1.
- “At the end of the ad, using CG, they will meld together to become the perfume bottle. Two souls, one mind, one heart.” Several concerns. I’m VERY nervous about this Sentimonster thing. Not to keep bringing Felix up before he’s even got here but is this about the cousins somehow, or is Ol’ Gabe just monologuing blithely about missing his wife again?  I’m not overlooking that camera angle of Emilie’s portrait right behind Gabriel’s shoulder as he stares at Adrien, either. Hashtag symbolism.
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- GUESS ADRIEN’S OUTTA HERE. SORRY BABY. Marinette’s apparently watched this news clip 22 times and is FREAKING OUT.
At least Adrien gets to attend school one last time, that’s slightly better than nothing but isn’t the “adrenaline or death” akuma still on the loose? Is Gabriel just counting on this not being the incident which gets his son killed before he can ship him off to safety? :/
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- Ah, we’re back to the strategic wheelie bins so Marinette can get around the school courtyard unseen! That’s a nice callback. And of course, despite Lila doing literally nothing this season until the previous episode, she’s suddenly commanding the class again and Mari can’t get near any of her friends. I sure hope Alya isn’t on Lila’s side any more, now she’s all in with Miraculous business can’t Mari explain what happened with Volpina? :/
- Nice to see Adrien with the guys too! I like that they’ve been pushing that friendship group a little more recently when we get so much of the Girl Squad already. I’m half sad to hear Adrien would be missing Nino’s birthday if this travel plan goes ahead (after all the trouble and property damage Nino went to for HIS birthday! :’0) but between episodes like “Rocketear” and “Penalteam” Nino’s been such an ass to him lately that I don’t know where they stand as best buddies. I’m still frustrated they haven’t addressed that! >:’0
- I will say, there’s no way this storyline will actually end with Adrien and Lila going on a months-long trip, so I’m not taking any of this very seriously. Season 4 has been better at updating the status quo but that’s way too big a change. It’s terrible that I expect them to kill Felix onscreen before sending Adrien off for an unspecified amount of time but here we are. :’)
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- I’M GLAD MARINETTE’S NOTICED HOW UNHAPPY ADRIEN LOOKS. I thought she was just going to focus on Lila “stealing him away” or whatever but this is a good use of her infatuation. She’s literally the only classmate paying attention to his feelings right now! I’m more surprised a public photo of Adrien going “:(” hasn’t been analysed more closely but I gotta maintain my suspension of disbelief here. Mari loves him.
- Also, I’ll be really disappointed if this particular shot (shown above) isn’t a rehash of that Season 1 scene where Marinette shuts her locker and Adrien is right behind the door. It’s set up exactly the same way, please, that would be so funny--
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- I expect nothing and I’m still disappointed. 
- Anyway, Frog Boy chooses this moment to cycle past the school and Marinette’s Risk mark lights up, cementing her urge to confess her love before Adrien leaves FOREVER (or at least long enough to fall in love with Lila)! >:0 
Where are this kid’s parents, by the way? They initially let him go because of his akuma power, but if people return to normal when he’s out of hearing range (and still recall what they did in their fits of fearlessness), shouldn’t they be looking for him? Calling the police to report their toddler missing??
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- So is this, like... a class fencing lesson? Like the class soccer outing in “Penalteam”? I really wish they’d give these kids some sports kits, I know animation is expensive but they’re never dressed properly.
- Just like the soccer game, Lila fakes a complex and obscure medical condition to get out of this activity; but it backfires when Marinette (who arrives late after angsting in the locker rooms) gets to be Adrien’s partner and their teacher won’t let Lila step back in for safety reasons. Get rekt LOL.
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- MARINETTE’S ABOUT TO CONFESS AND ADRIEN GETS NUTTED IN THE FACE WITH A BALL. GUESS THEY’RE NOT FENCING. I don’t know why I didn’t pick up on that when Lila was benched for “ball-ophobia” (there are no balls in fencing! >:0) but that was completely unexpected and SO funny. Is someone trying to get Adrien out of this modeling trip by smashing his face in?!
- Oh yeah, okay, they are playing dodgeball! Adrien gets smashed in the face and goes to the ‘dungeon’ behind the opposing team. Is this a metaphor for the way Gabriel treats him under the impression he’s keeping his son safe? And why is this the second episode in a ROW where nobody will explain team sports to this poor boy? :(
- Also I see Nathaniel didn’t get out of this one. Marc can save him from soccer workshops but not this!
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- Alya tags Marinette WAY more gently to send her to the ‘dungeon’ with Adrien! A very generous move. I appreciate that it was just a little bump on the arm while Nino nearly fucking ended Adrien’s modeling career; as Certified Best Friends they’re both doing what needs to be done! :D
- Adrien and Mari have a little talk. It starts out awkward as they don’t know what to say, then gets really awkward when Adrien’s Risk mark flares up and he starts kicking off about how much he hates everything! The photoshoots, dumb ads, his celebrity status and now being expected to just drop everything and go do all this with Lila!! >:0 I REALLY enjoy his speech here; Adrien’s given hints in the past that he doesn’t enjoy the things Gabriel demands from him but this is the first time he’s been so open about it. Yet again the voice acting here is awesome!
- Marinette says she understands how Adrien feels; probably referring to all the pressure of the Miraculous Guardian stuff. Which would be less of a problem if she’d TRUST CHAT NOIR once in a while (or at least build a healthy Alya-Luka support system in the meantime!) but I digress. Adrien seizes the moment and holds her hand! :D
- Lila is getting SO mad. Does she really think she can win Adrien at this point, or are appearances all that matter and she just wants people to think Adrien’s into her via these situations Gabriel engineers? Adrien and Marinette’s emotional exchange continues, and it looks like Mari is about to confess her feelings when LILA BARGES IN AND DRAGS ADRIEN AWAY. SORRY KIDS, NOT TODAY.
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- Everyone crowding in to say goodbye to Adrien is so cute! Albeit very frustrating that nobody is reading his emotions properly. His tutor lifting him up in a hug is adorable, between his dead mom and his emotionally constipated father (and Nathalie not being paid enough to actually touch him) have we EVER seen an adult hold Adrien like this?! I think he sees this as Adrien’s chance to escape - implying he’s noticed Adrien is unhappy at home - when tragically it’s the opposite and Gabriel is just locking him down harder! :’(
- So even Chloe is standing by and fine with all this? I know she and Lila got chummy in the previous episode but she wants Adrien too, right? And we’ve seen proof she genuinely cares about him. This would be a great moment for her to ally with Marinette for Adrien’s sake but I guess Chloe doesn’t get to have positive development any more. I’m sure Felix’s interesting character arc will be joining hers in the garbage soon.
- Oh, I see how it is. I should have waited two seconds for Chloe to hip-check Marinette across the street when she was just about to confess (AGAIN). Is she serious about being able to come visit Adrien whenever she wants, is that her agreement with Lila? They’re basically planning to hold Adrien prisoner between them? Jesus Christ.
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- Alya does come to assist Marinette while she’s lying wasted on the sidewalk, thank goodness. Is this another metaphor for the Rena/Ladybug/Chat triangle? Too bad it’s over Chloe’s nonsense; I want to know if Alya’s suspicious of Lila! >:0
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- Marinette calls an emergency meeting with Nino, Rose, Kim and Alya. It’s not lost on me that this is the same group from the opening scene, minus Luka and Kagami who go to different schools. I wonder where Juleka’s got to?
- I enjoy Nino thoughtfully chewing on his juice box while Marinette lays out her wild Veggietales plan. Time is of the essence but she’s already wasted enough to make little cucumber glasses for the “Alya” juice box?? The life of an artist I guess, gotta put in the extra effort. :/
- Okay, I love this whole sequence with the panning camera as Mari explains she’s trying to save Adrien instead of hinder him; it’s an emotional speech (again, great voice acting!) and way more cinematic than the usual static shots! 
- And of course the others don’t get it. Nino thinks Adrien deserves to travel (after his dodgeball assault plan failed, I guess); Alya thinks Marinette is overreacting to Lila’s involvement so I guess we know where she stands on this issue; Rose thinks this is Adrien’s dream for some reason; and Kim can’t fathom why anyone WOULDN’T want to be an international model. Again, why isn’t Juleka here? Isn’t it her dream to be a fashion model? She’d have more to say about this than Kim!
- I was gonna say “why isn’t Marinette calling Luka? After Wishmaker he’s clearly the best choice to help Adrien!”, but it’s occurred to me that maybe that’s why Juleka isn’t here. Is the houseboat Mari’s next stop when her classmates won’t help? :0
- OOOH, OKAY! Alya gives a firm no, and in a flash of confidence Mari basically tells the whole table to go screw themselves and leaves to fix this herself! BETTER BE HEADING TO LUKA’S.
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- Chaos is erupting all around Marinette as she strides down the street WITHOUT FEAR. This is more what I expected from this akuma! Spontaneous love confessions and other emotional outbursts are embarrassing but not exactly beneficial to Shadow Moth, I want to see Kim catching fifteen different diseases from trying to swim the length of the Seine! >:0 
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- Back at the Agreste mansion and Adrien is despondent. His final bids for freedom have been struck down, his bags are packed and--
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- MY BOY IS HERE, OH MY GOD. MY SON. I’m sure this is the only moment of genuine joy I’ll get in this entire finale but I adore him on SIGHT. He’s just chilling on top of Adrien’s suitcases, wearing Adrien’s clothes and messing with one of Adrien’s basketballs like a cat with yarn. How did he get in??
- Whichever way he broke in here, and whatever horrible nonsense he’s about to start, I appreciate that they kept his neater hairstyle this time. The “Felix” episode was terrible anyway but even worse since they just used Adrien’s character model for most of it. This time you can actually tell it’s our horrible little boy!
- I am so nervous to go beyond this point, honestly. This is such a nice scene. The music is soft, Felix is framed pleasantly in the afternoon sun, and I could just quit watching here and believe he’s shown up to take this bullet for Adrien because he knows how much it would mean to his cousin. WOULDN’T THAT BE NICE.
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- AND IT’S RUINED. The music shifts and Felix leers at Adrien with a menacing “Hi there, my favourite cousin. :)”. WHAT’S ADRIEN DONE TO HIM THIS TIME. DIDN’T THEY MAKE UP? Is Felix the kind of guy who just decides he’s freshly mad about something that happened years ago?!
- LOVE Adrien’s first question being “HOW DID YOU GET IN”, which is basically confirmation Felix isn’t allowed in their house any more. Did the “Gabriel Agreste” episode just not happen? I’d understand these hostile attitudes if this only took place after “Felix”, but how have they instantly started off on the wrong foot? 
Maybe it’s like Lilo and Stitch, where Adrien’s prayed for a nice and peaceful solution to his problems and here comes Felix as the most chaotic thing possible. The universe sent “the nicest angel it has” but stocks were low.
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- I’m sure this will escalate into something nasty, but for now I adore Felix’s dramatic impression of Adrien as a helpless maiden, and Adrien’s annoyed insistence that that’s NOT how he talks. Felix trying to cause trouble and Adrien gently slapping it down every time is the dynamic I crave between these two. I know I won’t get it but I crave it. :(
- I also like the detail of Felix brushing his hair from neat to messy and back again when imitating Adrien. It makes his impressions funnier and (like I said before) is less of a cop-out than just using Adrien’s character model the whole time.
Adrien tiredly pacing around the room with no time for Felix’s nonsense is great; he’s got more important things going on and doesn’t have the energy to deal with his twin cousin lounging around like a supervillain.
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- Also, do you think... are these suitcases a reference to Castle Vanily? Surely not. Felix just gives off that indulgent, catlike energy of sitting atop piles of things (which do not belong to him) like a dragon on gold, and I got there before the series did. Hmm.
- Alright, I KNOW Felix has nefarious intentions by claiming he’s here to “save” his cousin (unless he’s literally incapable of saying anything nice in a non-sinister way, which would be very funny), but I appreciate that he picked up on Adrien being upset from one single press photo on the internet. No one else but Marinette noticed and she’s literally obsessed with Adrien, while Felix has seen him all of twice since they were kids!
- Is it significant that Felix puts so much emphasis on describing Adrien’s “SUPER-cool, SUPER-nice friends”? Hmm. 
- Another reference to Felix living in London. I already suspect he won’t be in the London Special (if he even survives this finale) since that’ll likely be a backdoor pilot for the Miss Rose series, but I’m very fond of these little nuggets of info nonetheless. :’)
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- “Freedom is something you make, Adrien.” Ooooh, that line gives me shivers! I don’t know if we’ll get any more of Felix’s backstory at this stage but I’m REALLY curious about what’s going on with him. He’s so weird and edgy for a 14 year old, but it sounds like he had a breakdown alone at his dad’s funeral last year so maybe he’s earned that baggage.
- So Felix’s plan is to swap identities with Adrien like they did when they were kids; dressing Adrien up in his clothes so he can chill elsewhere while Felix fights his case and tells Gabriel where to shove it. He implies there may be a “hidden side” of Ol’ Gabe which Adrien hasn’t seen yet. I’m thinking it’s the side which tried to murder Felix in the study last time he visited! :V
- I HIGHLY doubt this is actually to help Adrien. I adore Felix shamelessly but I don’t trust him an inch. Is this a plot to distract Gabriel while Felix gets into the study again, this time undetected?
- Adrien’s Risk mark flares up at just the right (or wrong!) time, and he thinks Felix is on to something! Oh noooo. We’ve seen the kind of carnage that comes with Felix dressed as Adrien, but what about Adrien doing “whatever he wants” dressed as Felix? An untapped market of chaos. Is this all gonna go off the rails and Ladybug will give a Miraculous to the wrong guy?
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- THE MESS BEGINS. “Adrien” approaches Gorilla in the courtyard for help carrying his bags, and “Felix” sneaks out the front doors while he’s distracted. This naming will be a little confusing but I’m sure you guys get it.
- Back upstairs, “Adrien” takes a moment to swipe Nathalie’s work tablet under the guise of helping close her suitcase, which she is too weak to do. I’m noticing she has a Risk mark too and I’m sure that’ll be relevant. So this IS a plot for Felix to dig deeper into Gabriel’s business, colour me completely unsurprised!
- Also, does this indicate Nathalie is going on this trip with Adrien? Bedridden Nathalie who needs an Avengers-style exosuit to move around the house?? Nathalie who was on the verge of death at the beginning of this very episode??? GABRIEL.
- Speaking of Ol’ Gabe, he catches “Adrien” at the door and... doesn’t seem to recognise him as Felix. Which is EXTREMELY funny, because at the beginning of this arc he made a huge fuss about the cousins pulling this prank when they were toddlers. “I won’t be fooled a second time!” he said, and has now been fooled a second time.
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- Back downstairs, “Adrien” checks the coast is clear before ducking into the Forbidden Study. And he... apparently has a high-tech monocle which can scan the room and locate points of interest?
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- No, seriously, what on Earth is this thing. Where did Felix get this? How does a teenager just whip out a piece of Phantom Thief technology, and why did he need it when he already had a hunch something was up with Emilie’s portrait? Is this another Magic Kaitou reference, like his magician tricks from the first episode?
- He has a codebreaking device too, which must be pretty complex if it can crack Gabriel’s top secret safe in a house with a ridiculous level of security. How did he get any of this past boarder control? DOES FELIX’S MOM KNOW WHERE HE IS.
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- It’s an x-ray monocle and everything. OKAY, KAITO KUROBA. 
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- Ah, ALRIGHT. So Felix got the safe open and discovered what look to be the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous(es), but I’m guessing these aren’t the real deals. I think Miraculous lose their camouflage when they’re renounced instead of just removed (like Marinette losing her earrings in the Shanghai Special vs Adrien giving up his ring in “Kuro Neko”), and we saw Uncle Gabe putting the Peacock brooch away at the end of the previous episode while scheming up a “surprise” for Felix’s next visit. THIS IS A TRAP.
- Either that or the Peacock Miraculous is still damaged and will just outright kill him. I can’t believe how expectant I am that Felix is going to die; I just feel like if they’ll do it to Sentibug they’ll do it to him. :/
- So Felix takes the Miraculous(es), and manages to reset the whole system including security cameras exactly the way he found it. Even if this kid is evil you’ve got to respect how capable he is compared to literally every other character in this show. But his Phantom Thief monocle picked up more of Gabe’s fingerprints on the painting; is he going to figure out how to get to the butterfly lair or Emilie’s capsule? Are we finally going to see how that whole system works?! I’M LOSING IT.
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- UH OH, HE WENT DOWN THE TUBE BUT LEFT HIS BAG BEHIND. Guess you can’t plan for everything. Felix was ready for a heist, not his uncle’s fucked-up carnival funhouse slides! 
Yet again I wish this wasn’t all done using Adrien’s character model, but at least there’s a better setup for it this time.
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- Upstairs, Gabriel takes off his wedding ring while talking about this being his “riskiest plan yet”. What does that mean, dude. 
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- OH SHIT, FELIX FOUND EMILIE’S CAPSULE. I guess this is my moment of truth about his characterisation this episode; he seemed really fond of his aunt (or at least her portrait) in “Gabriel Agreste” so will he give a shit or are we playing by “Miracle Queen” rules? I really have no idea if Gabe intended this to happen or not, what on Earth is the fallout going to be?!
- HE JUST TURNED TAIL AND RAN. IT GOT TOO REAL TOO FAST. Like I’m sorry, I know this was a really tense moment and huge for all characters involved, but I love this whole spy movie setup leading to Felix just BOLTING at the sight of his dead aunt in his uncle’s basement. HE FIGURED OUT GABE WAS SHADOW MOTH AND STILL DUG DEEPER, BUT THE FRIDGE WITH EMILIE’S CORPSE IN IT WAS THE LINE. GOOD LUCK ADRIEN, YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN.
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- Back upstairs, Gabriel puts his wedding band on Nathalie’s ring finger as a memento “in case something goes wrong”. Buddy, this is on the line with Ladybug kissing Chat Noir on the cheek earlier, you can’t maintain that platonic boundary you’ve been complaining about for this whole arc?! PUT IT ON LITERALLY ANY OTHER FINGER, GOOD LORD.
- “I’m trusting you with my wife’s ring. And my son.” WORST PROPOSAL EVER. At least Adrien won’t take much work; just leaving him alone will be better than the nonsense Gabe’s been pulling with him for the whole series. Except “Adrien” is currently Felix and having a heart attack in the study. Uncle Gabe warned you not to dig any deeper, honey, it’s your own fault!!!
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- FELIX DITCHES THE MONOCLE AND KICKS IT SOMEWHERE DISCREET IN THE STUDY. IT’S SHOWN HIM TOO MUCH. I’d say “why wouldn’t he just put it back in his bag where he got it from, which he’s currently holding?” but 1) I refuse to put the burden of common sense on my special boy; and 2) the kid just saw a corpse which looks exactly like his mom. He’s handling this pretty well all things considered.
- I CAN’T HANDLE HOW GABRIEL BURSTS INTO THE STUDY AND FELIX INSTANTLY SAVES HIS ASS BY SNAPPING BACK TO THE “PRETEND TO BE ADRIEN AND TELL UNCLE HE DOESN’T WANT TO GO ON THE TRIP” PLAN. LIKE THAT HORROR SHOW DOWNSTAIRS DIDN’T HAPPEN. I don’t know if this is equal to or better than his immaculate “Oh I just wanted to get to know you, Uncle! :3″ save from the previous episode; this boy’s core talent is recovering from heart attacks in record time! >:0 
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- Okay, THIS is interesting. Gabriel tries to tell “Adrien” he won’t stand for this rebellion, but falters at the look in “Adrien’s” eyes and itches at the place his wedding ring should be - a habit we last saw in (I think) “Megaleech” when he banished the real Adrien upstairs for being defiant. Nathalie glances at Gabriel, adjusts her glasses with the ring visible on her hand, and tells “Adrien” it’s “time to go”. And “Adrien” just flinches wide-eyed and agrees?! BUT THIS IS FELIX.
The first (and weakest) is that Felix is just obeying in order to get everyone out of the study, because every second they linger in here increases the risk of his Spy Kids mission being discovered - especially since he’s taken things from the safe and his Phantom Thief monocle is lying on the floor in easy sight. He got what he needed here and Adrien can fend for himself.
The second (and strongest) is that this is about the family rings again - now Felix knows Emilie is here he also knows there’s a second ring to be had, so he needs to stick close to Nathalie and the best way is by taking over this trip Adrien’s supposed to be going on, especially if Gabriel isn’t going to be there. 
The third, returning to the Sentimonster theory, is that the ring actually did something to Felix. Maybe Gabriel just fidgets with it as comfort when he has to make tough calls with Adrien, but maybe it really does affect the fight Adrien has in him and forces him to be obedient, and if that’s the case then it might affect Felix too. I’m drawn back to “freedom is something you make” and how much trouble Felix went through to get hold of the first ring when Adrien has never touched this one. HMM.
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- Full disclosure, it was very late so I went to bed after that scene. Couldn’t take any more excitement. Now I’m back for the last five minutes and HI MARINETTE, I NEARLY FORGOT ABOUT YOU. I really appreciate this arc being Agreste-centric; I’ve talked about it before but it’s refreshing for Mari to take a spectator position instead of getting crowbarred into the Adrien/Gabriel/Felix nonsense.
- ANYWAY. Marinette is back and with less than half an hour to save Adrien! We’re returning to the fairytale analogy from “Gabriel Agreste” and Mari’s taken two and a half hours to figure out that Adrien needs to be rescued by a knight, whatever that means. She’s also kept copies of those illustrations Nathaniel drew which is a cute bit of continuity.
- My brain wandered away from me for a second, and when Marinette says “The knight will be LLLLL--” I REALLY THOUGHT SHE WAS GONNA SAY LUKA, LIKE SHE GOT HIM IN ON THIS SOMEHOW. But nope, just Ladybug. There goes my OT3 dream. :( Her reasoning is “Nobody listens to Marinette, but EVERYONE listens to Ladybug!” which is actually very true, especially when Lila is around. If she’s willing to use Ladybug for environmental activism she can save Adrien too! 
- Tikki starts the “you mustn’t use your powers to solve personal problems!” lecture, but I’m not taking any moral guidance from the Galette cake monster. Mari should totally do this. At any rate her Risk mark flares up again; she vetoes all Kwami concerns and forces Tikki to transform her! I’m sure this can only end well.
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- Now we’re with Adrien, sitting on a park bench dressed as Felix. At least I get to see Felix’s character model in SOME form today. It’s like a glimpse into some alternate universe where Felix remained the deuteragonist instead of... whatever this is now. Sigh. 
- Plagg is excited about Adrien’s newfound freedom, though he was VERY critical of Felix in the first part of this arc so it’s interesting he doesn’t suspect any mischief here. Though maybe Felix was serious about getting Adrien out of this mess; like yeah it’s an excuse to go raid his uncle’s stuff again but no harm no foul? I do believe he likes his cousin. Hmm.
- Adrien doesn’t want to risk taking advantage of this freedom (or isn’t in the right headspace to do anything except sit nervously) because he’s just waiting for Felix to call him. Kagami calls first and starts RAGING down the phone about not saying no to his dad. I guess this makes three people who noticed Adrien was unhappy about this situation! She asks how long he’s going to stay Gabriel’s “puppet”, and yet again I’m nervous about that choice of words. Is Felix okay right now?
- Uh oh, Kagami brought up their relationship. I don’t condone what happened there (and still think it’s a sign of Adrien having issues expressing platonic affection) but can Adrien get a break today? Everyone’s dunking on him. Though I think Kagami’s realised how unhealthy it was; she points out how between herself, Gabriel and Felix (and Ladybug) there’s always someone telling Adrien what to do. I’m getting increasingly concerned about this Sentimonster thing.
- Kagami yells some more, apologises for the harsh truths and hangs up, and Plagg just goes “wooooooow”. ME TOO BUDDY. KAGAMI IS GREAT.
- Adrien’s Risk mark flares up and he thinks Kagami is right, he should have stood up to his father a LONG time ago!! He texts Felix to stop the plan because he’s coming to confront Gabriel his damn SELF. All well and good but IS FELIX OKAY THOUGH.
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- Felix (still dressed as Adrien) receives the text, reads it with narrowed eyes, then deletes it and gets into the car. Oh man.
- Both Adrien (in Felix’s clothes) and Ladybug see the car leaving. Adrien says “I should have known, he tricked me again!”, but like-- to what end? The car is heading to the station for an international trip Adrien doesn’t want to go on, right? Does he just assume Felix is tricking him even if he can’t figure out why this is bad? What is the plan here. He dashes off home with the intent of talking to Gabriel.
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- Ladybug arrives at the station and sees “Adrien” and Lila about to board the train. Her Risk mark flares up and gives her the confidence to JUMP DOWN THERE IN FULL COSTUME AND TELL ADRIEN SHE “NEEDS” HIM. GIRL. IS SHE GOING TO SAVE FACE BY MAKING THIS A MIRACULOUS THING??
- Oh no, okay, she saved face with “Adrien Agreste is a national treasure and if he leaves Paris everyone will get akumatized from grief, so TURN AROUND RIGHT NOW AND TELL GABRIEL AGRESTE WHERE TO SHOVE IT”. Which is fair actually.  “Adrien” says he doesn’t have the confidence because, unlike Ladybug, he’s “not a superhero”. This is like the third time Felix has used the word “super” today; is he actively gunning for a Miraculous after all?
- “ADRIEN” GETS ON THE TRAIN AND IT LEAVES. LADYBUG COLLAPSES IN GRIEF. DUDE WHAT IS GOING ON. I guess Felix doesn’t have to pay for his own ticket back home to London but I have no clue how to read his character right now; girl HELP--
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- THE REAL ADRIEN BUSTS INTO THE MANSION. Does he have a door and gate key? I get the impression he’s not allowed to come and go as he pleases. Maybe Gabriel just didn’t lock up after all the capable household staff left. What does he MEAN he left the front door open for three days after Nathalie went on this trip, YES you have to close it yourself--!!
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- Back on the train. Lila and “Adrien” take their seats. “Adrien” overhears Nathalie calling Gabriel to report his son is safe (lol no he isn’t). 
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- This is all very unnerving, but what I’m getting is that GABRIEL DEFINITELY DID NOT LOCK UP HIS HOUSE. THE REAL ADRIEN JUST WALKED IN THERE OFF THE STREET. If Felix had waited like 3 hours he could have wandered in and explored the place totally uninterrupted, but I guess hindsight is 20/20 (and maybe he’s more interested in the ring?). :/
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- Shadow Moth creates Ultron. Between this and Nathalie’s Avengers exosuit he’s definitely been watching too many of his son’s movies.
- Ultron (or “Strikeback”, I guess?) begins stomping through the streets; and fearless Parisians start approaching/waving at/trying to take selfies with it. Which is honestly par for the course and I’m surprised the superheroes are only dealing with this NOW; if the influx of akuma haven’t destroyed the tourist economy they’ve just boosted it!
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- Marinette has returned to the station roof and detransformed to lament about Adrien. Tikki tries to comfort her by describing Adrien simply going on a “voyage”, but Mari’s Risk mark flares up at the key word. IS SHE GONNA USE THE HORSE MIRACULOUS ON THE STARTRAIN AGAIN. “No magic portals” is the kind of sign you’d see in the train carriage and wonder what happened more than once to make it necessary.
- TIKKI IS NOT ON BOARD BUT MARINETTE IS THE CONDUCTOR OF THIS TRAIN. She didn’t even feed Tikki before re-transforming; I guess there’s no need to replenish her energy if she didn’t use Lucky Charm but isn’t it polite to provide a snack?!
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- Back at the Agreste mansion, Adrien ventures into the study. Is he gonna find Felix’s Phantom Thief monocle and use it to discover Gabriel’s secrets too?? 
- Oooh YES. His Risk mark flares up at just the right time to deter him from stepping back out of the room and he spots the monocle; but the sound of Ultron stomping through the city distracts him! 
Realistically I know the “Adrien leaves Paris forever on an international photoshoot with Lila” thing isn’t going to happen, so I’m not too engaged with that (and only focused on it so much because I was nervous about whatever mess was about to happen with Felix, lmao); but as usual the Felix stuff is very interesting. I assume he’s going to do something horrible in the next episode which is why everyone’s been ominously telling me to “have fun :)”. 
HOWEVER. This ring stuff. You guys know I wasn't totally buying the Sentimonster theory back in my "Gabriel Agreste" episode review, but with Felix's submissive reaction to Nathalie - especially right after challenging Gabriel for Adrien's freedom, and Gabriel's fumbling response as he went for a ring which wasn't there - I'm VERY suspicious of what's going on.
At this stage, I think Felix really DID intend to help Adrien out (as a fair trade for being able to get into Uncle Gabe's office again), but he wasn't prepared for how much he'd discover, AND the family ring had some kind of effect which led to him obeying Nathalie and deleting Adrien's text. Is it just because he wants to steal the ring for keepsies, like before, or does it have some other connection more deeply related to Adrien being Gabriel's "puppet"? Is this related to the "surprise" Gabriel planned for Felix's next visit which I'm sure involves the decoy Miraculous items? And where is Amilie in all this??
Can’t wait to see what happens in the next episode (which I’m planning to post a second review of sometime soon), I’m sure I’ll hate it! :D
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im not super into the mlb fandom anymore, but i follow people who are. here are my observations
we liked chloe at one point. and then she lost all relevancy and character growth
Luka isn’t??? a huge??? player in the plot anymore?
kagami is cool. she’s always been cool. she will always be cool.
we hate zoe. because she was introduced like a bad plot device intended to make the world better or worse
the show is written for children still. we keep forgetting that amongst all the angst.
we hate all the miraculouses 
we love all the miraculouses
we really really hate all the miraculouses
we really really love all the miraculouses
felix was equally a disappointing plot device and a complete and utter king and we would die for him
traumatizing children with dead bodies is traumatizing why is this a kids show
ladrien is the new ultimate ship, and it’s endgame
marichat is goals
Marinette is like 2 steps away from a complete mental breakdown
adrien is still extremely oblivious and may in fact only getting more oblivious as time goes on, losing brain cells by the episode
marinette is very traumatized by the chat blanc thing
chat can’t remember the chat blanc thing
i still don’t know how the chat blanc thing happened to begin with
gabriel agreste is still a piece of shit, even more than he was earlier
why are we still watching this show
we will never stop watching this show
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teawinx · 2 years
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Rose/Pigella Rose was done so dirty by the 3D and the colours in this show. They really did pick the ugliest pink to put her in, didn’t they?
I’m sure you’re wondering “why is a character named ROSE in blue?”, glad you asked. Colour is a pretty handy tool for visual storytelling, and I’ve been using it for these redesigns. Most notably with Adrien and Gabriel who are both in white. Pink is Marinette’s colour in this rewrite, with red representing Ladybug. So having Rose in pink would destroy that. So I put her in a baby blue instead with pink accents.
Her dress in canon is so ugly and unflattering, I had to change it. Nothing to salvage just burn it. She’s now a y2k picnic bitch.
And she runs an aesthetic bullet journal blog in her spare time, using all the cute stickers. She’s also trying to get funds to start an “akumatised therapy center”, where people who were traumatised by their akumatisation can enter a support group and heal together and hopefully not get akumatised again. Feels like a very Rose thing to do.
Oh man. Canon Pigella. Wow. Probably the best transformation sequence, best power and WORST DESIGN in the show. I think the designers struggled to make her “pig-like” without it looking weird. But the result was an ugly suit with an ugly skirt and a weird pink plastic thingie on the chest. If think if you showed a picture of Pigella to someone who doesn’t know Miraculous, they’d not make the pig connection. So I straight up gave her proper pig ears, and pigs often have brown patches and spots. So I removed the ugly bright pink and replaced it with soft pastels and browns. Problemo solved.
Idk if it’s copyrighted, but if I had it my way she’d be called Miss Piggy.
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Alix’s canon design isn’t awful, just a bit boring. And misleading. The snake arms kinda led you to believe that she might get the snake Miraculous, but I guess not. I’d still love to see a snake Alix at some point though.
So my revised Alix is a bit different from canon. She’s quite introverted and mostly keeps to herself, but accidentally becomes the mysterious cool girl. Oops amiright? (Quick reminder that in this rewrite the Miraculous were lost and spread out across Paris before the series began) Like Lila she found a Miraculous prior to the series beginning, and has been using it for a little while in secret. Not for evil obviously, just for normal daily stuff. I hate Time Travel in Miraculous, so instead Bunnix has different time powers. She can slow down, speed up and temporarily stop time. And she mostly uses this power to sleep in and then not be late for school. Normal stuff really. She’s also very observant and is quick to figure people out. Aka she doesn’t like Lila and can see through her bullshit.
So redesign wise I drew heavy inspiration from Billie Eyelashes. She’s short and stocky (can and will supplex you) and likes sports, so she wears sporty clothes (duh) but make it stylish. Like she picks her clothes because they’re appropriate for physical activities, but accidentally becomes a fashion icon in school. What a legend. I like her canon shorts and layered top, so I wanted to keep them in spirit.
And then Bunnix... Canon kinda forgot who Alix is and just slapped a boring skin tight suit on her and called it a day. So my main goal was to give her a more interesting silhouette. And she’s not older anymore, since there’s no time travel. To match her civilian self she’s in a casual cropped hoodie (yes the hoodie has holes for her bunny ears), a cool shaved haircut and god damn roller blades. Would that kinda mess with canon? I guess, but Alix needs her skates to GO FAST. She still has her umbrella, I just suck at drawing poses with weapons.
There ya go! I wonder who’s next?
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dessarious · 3 years
Shots Fired
So I’m just going to go ahead and apologize for this in advance. My brain has decided it doesn’t want to concentrate on any of my current WIPs and keeps throwing new ideas at me. This may or may not be a one shot, but I’m hoping that writing some of the other ideas will let me get back to the rest of my in progress fics. So, yeah here goes nothing.
“Bruce Wayne said what to you?!” Adrien winced at Mari’s tone. The sheer rage in it was enough to make most people duck and run. Unfortunately he didn’t have that option unless he wanted her to commit murder.
“He was just being honest. I’d rather deal with that than the brush offs, false promises, and fear I get from everyone else.” He wasn’t prepared for the fierce hug Mari pulled him into but he automatically went boneless against her. Ever since his father had been unmasked and they’d revealed identities, Mari became insanely protective of him. Very few people had stuck with him, period, but their bond was different. No one else knew about the Miraculous and their Guardian so he was the only one she could confide in, and she was the only one he could talk to about what he’d been through as Chat Noir.
“You need to hire a new head designer and show all those assholes what a huge mistake they made.” His head was still buried against her shoulder but he pulled back to give her a dry look.
“I’ve been trying. No one is willing to ruin their career by working with me.” The look he got in return said she thought he was an idiot.
“I happen to know of a talented up and coming and connected designer you haven’t bothered to ask who would love to help you rebrand.” That couldn’t be right. He’d contacted everyone in the industry. She just looked more annoyed at his confusion and it finally clicked.
“Mari, I’m not about to destroy your career before it really starts. Beside which, you’ve got more than enough on your plate without getting pulled into my mess.” She had the audacity to roll her eyes at him.
“You need to look at this as a businessman instead of a friend, Chaton. I’m already known for being unconventional and you want to move away from high fashion. It’s the perfect partnership to attract a younger market and we already know we work well together. Besides, worst case scenario we tank, I become Jagged’s personal designer full time, and you can be my PA.”
That… actually made a lot of sense. Mari had been moving away from the traditional fashion world ever since Jagged started commissioning her. After what happened with his father she had just as much reason, just as much right, to dismantle everything he’d built and turn it into something he’d hate. Something that was uniquely them. Just thinking of the aneurysm it would cause Gabriel in prison was enough to put a manic grin on his face.
“Let’s do this.”
There was a shrill scream coming from Tim’s office and Bruce ran in expecting to see gunmen at a minimum. Instead, it was just Tim, staring at his computer in horror.
“Please tell me you didn’t delete the presentation for this afternoon.” He couldn’t help the exasperation in his voice. After doubling down on Bruce’s own paranoia, he’d made it so that anything he deleted was irretrievable. It had already caused more than a few crises when he was sleep deprived and hit the wrong button. Tim blinked at him.
“What exactly did you say to Adrien Agreste when he suggested a collaboration?” It was his turn to blink at that. The function that conversation happened at was months ago and as far as he knew, none of his children were aware of it.
“I told him there was no point since Gabriel was likely going out of business in a few months and we could simply buy any assets and hire any employees we’re interested in.” Tim’s groan was interrupted by a thud as his head hit the desk. Knowing he wasn’t going to get an explanation, Bruce walked around the desk to look at the article Tim had been reading. It announced the rebranding of Gabriel as well as a new head designer. The designer was quoted as saying that after a discussion between Bruce Wayne and their partner, they believe there are too many fundamental differences for them to work with him, his company, or any of his subsidiaries.
“Who is JHN?” The glare Tim shot him held disgust as well as anger.
“Only the best up and coming designer who Dick and I have been trying to commission for two years now. Unfortunately no one seems to know, or be willing to divulge who they are and the only way to get a commission is to be referred by one of their current customers. That was difficult enough and now you’ve gotten us blacklisted.” The bitterness in his tone almost overrode Bruce’s shock.
“You can’t find any personal information on them?” That was more than a little concerning since they were working with the son of a terrorist. “We need to be at that launch party.” Tim scoffed.
“Good luck with that. Pretty sure we’re not on the guest list.”
Marinette had a streak of pettiness in her that rarely had a chance to surface. When she suggested to Adrien that they invite the Waynes to the launch as a sign that there were no hard feelings, he hadn’t questioned it. The poor, sweet boy had no idea what she was planning, but if things went well she’d be eviscerating Bruce Wayne in person. It wasn’t until they were waiting backstage for Jagged to announce them that Adrien seemed to catch on to her plotting.
“You and Jagged don’t have anymore surprises planned for me do you?” She let out a giggle at that. Jagged had insisted on surprising Adrien with a brand new grand piano to celebrate the launch. When Gabriel had gone to jail, Adrien sold just about everything to donate to charities for Akuma victims, but he’d missed playing far more than he’d thought. He ended up getting an electric keyboard, which Jagged had called sacrilegious.
“I promise that was the only thing we planned together. I will be just as shocked as you at whatever he says before he introduces us.” Adrien let out an amused snort.
“You think he’ll explain how you got your moniker?” She could only roll her eyes at that.
“I hope not, since I’ll have to put out a press release to explain what actually happened.” She loved the man but he embellished the story more every time he told it. “Penny promised me she would try to dissuade him if he brought it up, but we’re hoping he forgets about it.”
“You are the lucky one.” Adrien proved to be right on that. Jagged rambled about how they were two of his favorite people, but didn’t mention that at all. Granted, she zoned out a little bit until she heard their names.
“So, it is my honor to introduce Adrien and Marinette Dupain-Cheng!” Marinette grinned wide at the name as they walked on stage. Not many people knew that her parents had adopted Adrien after Gabriel went to jail. The legal proceedings were sealed for the safety of everyone involved.
After that it was pictures and questions from reporters. She got to tell them the real story behind her design alias. She took too long to come up with one so Jagged started calling her JHN, for Jagged’s honorary niece, and it stuck.
Adrien had lost Mari in the crowd and that worried him. He could tell she was up to something and the fact that she’d deliberately ditched him to do it was concerning. He was trying to find her when two of Bruce Wayne’s sons cornered him.
“Congratulations on you launch, and getting possibly the most talented designer in the business. I’m Dick and this is Tim.” Dick was being too cheerful for it to be genuine and it immediately put his back up. Before he could give one of his polite, rehearsed replies, Tim spoke up.
“Yeah, how’d you manage that by the way?” His tone implied that there was something nefarious going on and Adrien couldn’t help the frustrated sigh that left his mouth. Everyone expected him to turn out like his father and he was just tired of it.
“Since you won’t believe anything I say anyway you should just ask Mari. I’d pick a different tone though. She really doesn't like people making assumptions about me.” He’d had to ban her from business meetings after she threw a stapler at someone.
“How dare you, you bastard!” His head whipped around at Mari’s yell and he found her squaring off with Bruce Wayne.
“Oh shit.” He took off running, only partly aware that Dick and Tim were on his heels. He managed to get in front of Mari just as she was about to lunge at the man. “Mari, stop. You can’t attack Bruce Wayne.” He meant to sound assertive but it just came out exasperated.
“The hell I can’t! He basically accused me of having Stockholm syndrome and you of holding me hostage.” Adrien couldn’t say he was surprised given the rumors going around. He really wished the man had accused him directly instead of going through Mari though. Before he could try to calm her down Mr. Wayne decided it was a good idea to continue.
“How do you explain the partnership then? Let alone the marriage? He’s just using your name for his own personal gain.” Adrien shared a confused look with Mari. Marriage? Surely he didn’t think… Mari started giggling and he couldn’t hold back his own laughter. They ended up barely propping each other up and gasping for air. It obviously annoyed Mr. Wayne but his sons just looked confused. Mari recovered first and he decided to just get out of her way.
“First of all, there is no marriage. We share the same last name because we’re siblings. Something you of all people should understand given your adoption fetish.” The boys both had ‘oh shit’ looks on their faces but Mr. Wayne’s expression didn’t change. “Second, the partnership was my idea after you told Adrien you were basically waiting to loot his company.” He tried to sputter out a denial but she cut him off. “Save it. I don’t care who you think you are or how much money you have. No one gets to my family without going through me first.” Another boy with a white streak in his hair gave an amused snort and Adrien motioned frantically at him from behind his sister. Yes, Mari didn’t necessarily look intimidating but she was fierce and fought dirty. “Laugh it up spot. You all refuse to even look past who Adrien’s father is so I’ll do the same and assume you’re all judgmental assholes like yours. Let’s go.” Adrien shot an apologetic grimace at them as Mari pulled him away.
“Did she just call me spot?” The boy didn’t seem to know if he should be amused or insulted.
“Damnit Bruce! Now we’ll never get a commission.” Tim’s words brought an amused smirk to Mari’s lips and Adrien could practically hear the wheels turning in her head. He honestly felt sorry for Bruce Wayne. The man had no idea he’d fired the first shots in a war he was destined to lose.
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naughtyneganjdm · 2 years
Challenge Accepted
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Summary: With the tension between Maggie and Negan when they were alone at that house hiding from The Reapers, what would have happened if Gabriel and Elijah hadn't showed up just in time to stop it from going any further?
Characters: Negan & Maggie
Warnings: Swearing, smut, rough sex, hate sex, blood play, etc.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37550050
Notes: Someone suggested to me I write what might have happened (or at least my version of it) if Gabriel and Elijah hadn't showed up right after Negan and Maggie's big fight from Season 11, Episode 5. So I went with it. I'm not a shipper of the couple, but their fans have been exceedingly kind to me and I appreciate that, so I went ahead and wrote another one-shot. If you don't like the couple, don't read it. I understand not liking it. I'm finishing this up at 3AM, so I apologize for any errors that this may have.
Waiting was fucking agony. When someone was tracking you and attempting to kill you, the last thing that you should have been doing was sitting and waiting. It left you open to attack. The Reapers were out there. Trained like hell and looking to kill both Negan and Maggie. Yet, here they were sitting in this house waiting for people who were likely never going to show up anyways. After how skilled Negan saw these people were in killing, he knew that it was very unlikely that anyone would have survived that attack. Hell, they barely made it out alive. So this waiting felt like a waste.
This whole thing was a long shot anyways. Just a shot in the dark. Something that wasn’t really planned out. When they had more people, sure there was a chance, but The Reapers took them out one by one with ease. Now it was just the two of them. There was no chance in hell that this was ever going to work out.
An extended, tense sigh fell from Negan’s throat when he looked to the side where Maggie was sitting at the opposite end of the house. They weren’t even a decent team as it was. Maggie hated him and he was fucking wary of her. She had a short trigger. She wanted him dead and she didn’t hide that. At this point, there was nothing that the two of them would be able to do together alone. They could barely stand to be together with each other in this house. There was no way that they would be able to make it through a battle with a small army of soldiers that were as skillfully trained as The Reapers.
There was food here. It wasn’t a lot, but at least it would be something that they could take back to Alexandria. There were only two options that Negan saw working at this point. One, he took this food that was stashed here to Alexandria or two, they stayed here and died. One of those options looked a whole lot better for Negan and that was surviving. Fucking staying here and waiting for the others. He wasn’t going to die all for nothing in the end.
Grumbling to himself, Negan stood up from where he was seated and grabbed a hold of his bag. Heading over toward the crate that was full of supplies, Negan bent over and started to grab the cans of food that were there to put in his bag.
“What are you doing?” Maggie’s voice called out to him making Negan gaze up at her only for a moment to see that she was holstering her gun as she stood from the seat that she was in.
“I’m leaving,” he rumbled as he continued to put some of the food into his bag. There was a need to try to gather as much as he could since this was a whole group of people they had to consider back in Alexandria.
“Not with those supplies you aren’t,” she corrected him visibly thinking that he was going to just take off on his own with what he was grabbing.
“I’m taking them back to Alexandria,” Negan stated simply. There was no sense in explaining any further. Maggie was a loose cannon. Anything he had to say would just piss her off as it was.
“This mission isn’t finished,” she alerted him with a scowl over her lips making a frustrated sigh fall from Negan’s throat. Of course she was going to fight him on this.
Dropping his bag at his side while still keeping a hold of it, he unhurriedly stood up straight to make sure that his eyes were locked on hers. That way she knew he was serious and no longer screwing around, “It is for me.”
Saying that seemed to enrage her. Her green eyes were full of rage when she reached out to snatch the bag from his hands to throw it aside and back to the ground. As soon as the bag hit the ground, she took advantage and pushed forward to shove her hands into the center of his chest making him stumble backwards. That was it. Something inside of Negan snapped when he thought about all the abuse he had taken from others since she had returned to Alexandria. For so long he tried to keep his cool, but the moment he thinks he is doing the right thing, she tries to throw her weight around on him.
Grabbing firmly to her shoulders he was trying to get her to stop, but she was coming at him twice as hard hitting as his chest. Spinning her around, he shook her in efforts to get her to focus on him while raising his voice, “Stop it!”
Instead of listening, like an obstinate child she used her power to push into his shoulders again drawing a distance between the two of them. With Negan’s injured leg, he was already uneasy on his legs while standing. Gaining his composure, Negan could feel his heart hammering inside of his chest. He was angry. She was angry. And right now he was doing his best to lock that shit up.
What the hell was going through her mind?
Advancing forward toward her, Negan noticed that she slowly stepped back toward the backwall and he tipped his head to the side. He got why she hated him. Fuck, it made sense, but her abhorrence toward him was putting not only her life on the line at this point, but everyone else too. They had already been through so much with her not being able to listen to his opinion on things. In this situation, he needed to have her stop being like this if for nothing other than for them to survive.
Standing before her, Negan still managed to keep his distance. His hazel eyes were locked on hers with an intensity while he tried to read her behavior. There was rage blazing in her green eyes and he tried to think of a way to make this whole thing work. They were both alphas. They were both leaders. Negan was trying to be on her side with things, but it felt like no matter what he did he was always crossing that line of doing everything wrong in her eyes.
When it seemed like her fury died down a bit, Negan thought they might be able to talk this out, but instead Maggie advanced forward once again to slam into his shoulders to get that final hit in. This time it made him grunt and his eyes narrowed out at her. Their breathing was labored and a smirk tugged at the corner of Negan’s lips.
“You make no fucking sense,” Negan barked, his eyebrows furrowing showing his irritation with her outburst. “You can’t make up your damn mind Maggie. Should I stay here and help you or should I leave? You keep changing your mind on the whole thing. Now that I’m prepared to leave and help the people you claim to love, I’m doing something wrong. You’re very confusing and indecisive Maggie. What is it you want with me? I do what you want, I’m wrong. I do what is the morally right thing and I’m still fucking wrong. So what is it you fucking want from me Maggie? Let me know because you are sending so many mixed signals at this point that you have my head spinning.”
Maggie remained silent. Her nostrils were flaring. Her pupils were enlarged when Negan dramatically bobbed his head about waiting to hear something from her. Rolling his eyes, Negan took a few steps back heading toward his backpack again.
“Fuck this shit,” Negan muttered out loud. He wasn’t often one to give up, but this was finally it. He was leaving. He didn’t give a shit how furious it made her. Getting something back to Alexandria was better than nothing at all.
Reaching down to attempt to grab his bag, he felt the weight of Maggie’s body jumping onto his back making a surprised groan escape his lips. Her arm wrapped around his neck putting a large amount pressure over the center of his throat making him wince out. The whole thing knocked him off guard because it was completely unexpected.
“Knock it off!” Negan warned, reaching up to try to dig his fingers between the space that was there with her arm and his neck. Negan was doing his best not to hurt her now that she was doing a full-blown attack on him. Standing up fully, Negan knew that it pulled her feet up from the floor while she locked her grasp firmly to him. “Fuck Maggie.”
Struggling to shake her off of him while trying to reach around him to grab at her body, Negan snarled knowing that she was determined with this attack. She was striving to knock him out with her hold. There was no questioning that with the way her arm continued to wrap tighter around his throat. There had to be a good way to get her off of him without hurting her gravely. Stumbling backwards, Negan heard a rush of air leave Maggie’s lungs when her back collided with the wall causing her to release her hold on him. Her feet hit the ground and Negan buckled over, reaching up to grab his throat while coughing. Inhaling deeply, Negan turned to look at her with his furious eyes. His face was now red after she tried to steal the oxygen from his lungs.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Negan snapped at her while she gathered herself. Her head was thrown back, her teeth gritted while he dragged his fingers over his aching throat. “It doesn’t make sense to kill each other when there are people out there already trying to kill us as it is. I’m your only hope right now Maggie if those fuckers walk through the door.”
When Maggie pulled herself back together, she threw her hand out in attempt to hit Negan, but he pulled back just enough for her stumble forward only managing to drag her nails down the side of Negan’s face. A pain filled road fell from his throat at the burning it caused. Fed up, Negan stepped forward and pushed into her shoulders to force her back against the wall. Wrapping his palm loosely around her neck, Negan’s breathing was loud. Small pants were falling from her throat while she wiggled beneath his grasp hating that he had her locked in place.
“Son of a bitch,” Negan reached up to touch where she had scratched him seeing that there was blood over his fingertips. Tipping forward, Negan’s nose wrinkled and there was incredibly too little of an amount of room between the two of them. Personal space was not something that existed when it came to Negan. It made Maggie take in long shallow breath of air.
“What are you going to do Negan? Hit me?” she egged him on making Negan growl in response to her question. At this point she wondered if he would. She had worked him up enough to enrage him. She knew that. “Go ahead. Hit me.”
“I’m not falling for that shit,” Negan cautioned her, still keeping a firm enough hold on her throat to make sure she stayed in place. Shaking his head, he lifted his other hand up and pointed at her, his jaw flexing as he spoke. “I don’t know what you think is going to happen here Maggie, but I’m not going to hurt you just to give you a reason to fucking kill me.”
Dropping his hand, Negan went to leave only to feel her grab a hold of the blue button-down shirt he was wearing to pull him forward. It made Negan fall in against her causing his body to be pressed flush against hers. It made a sharp breath fall from his throat at the closeness of the two of them. Negan’s hazel eyes searched hers when he noticed the shocked expression in her own eyes.
Maggie’s palms pressed in over Negan’s chest trying to give some kind of distance when Negan reached for her wrists to slam them back against the wall that was behind her. Maggie stared up at him with disgust when Negan let out a cocky sound, “If you wanted to get close and personal Maggie, all you had to do was ask.”
A disgusted breath fell from Maggie’s throat while she struggled to get her wrists out from his grasps, “It’s almost a shame you hate me so much Maggie. You have no idea what I’m capable of. How good I could make you feel.”
When he said that, her lips parted and an apprehensive breath fell from her throat, “And the way you look at me isn’t always that of someone who wants to kill me.”
“You’re really that confident, aren’t you?” she slurred, relaxing in Negan’s grasps surprising Negan with her response. Instead of fighting back, she seemed to just accept the position that he had her in. “You should really put that mouth to good use for once in your life. Prove yourself. You think you’re so special…”
“What?” Negan snickered while also stunned to hear her say something like that. A moment later, Negan closed the distance between the two of them letting the warmth of his breath linger over hers. It made Maggie shudder before him when he nearly teased his lips over hers. Staying stagnant for a moment, Negan heard her loud breaths filling the air making an amused grunt fall from his parted lips. Very slowly pulling back just enough to meet her stare, he assumed that this was just some kind of game that she was playing. Dropping her wrists, he shook his head and snorted. “I know you’re not serious.”
Maggie’s eyes narrowed when she pressed forward just enough to drag her lips over Negan’s making him let out a strained exhale when she did it. It shocked the hell out of him, that was for sure. There was still that angry glare in Maggie’s eyes that made it seem like she wanted to kill him, so what was she playing at?
“Are we playing a game of chicken here?” Negan hummed, sliding in closer to her testing where she wanted to go with this whole thing. The distance no longer existed between them with Negan’s form pressed completely against hers. It felt amazing to have the warmth of her body against his, but Negan knew that he couldn’t get used to it. “What game are you playing?”
“Who said I’m playing a game?” Maggie huffed when the warmth of Negan’s bottom lip dragged over hers making her eyes come to a tight close. The tip of Negan’s tongue flicked out over the inside of her bottom lip making her whimper. That wasn’t the kind of reaction she wanted to be giving to him and it pissed her off. Bad. Shoving her hands firmly into the center of Negan’s chest again knocked him back firmly. They both were staring at each other trying to figure out what was going on between the two of them. “What are you doing?”
“See, I knew you were just fucking with me,” Negan growled when she grabbed a hold of him, her hand balling up the material of his gray t-shirt that was revealed underneath his blue button down at the center of his chest. There was something in the way that she was eyeing him over that made him question this whole encounter. This was different than what he was used to. Without reason, a moment later the hiss of Negan filled the air when she firmly hit him in the center of the face making his head drop back. “Son of a bitch…”
Before he could complain any further, Maggie was pulling him back to her for their mouths to slam together. There was a pain that flooded Negan’s face. It was a warm, tingling sensation where she had hit him, but with her lips over his Negan decided it was worth the pain. It surprised him how excited his body got at the idea of kissing Maggie. There were chills running up and down his spine. An eagerness and yearning that he didn’t know existed deep down within himself. They were both fighting for control over the kiss. It was messy with their teeth clanking and their hands trying to find the right way to grasp onto the other. Breathlessly Negan pulled away, flustered with what was going on. This wasn’t the way he expected the person who wanted him dead the most to be acting.  
“Get on your knees,” she ordered him making Negan smirk when she said it.
“No,” Negan shook his head, clicking his tongue at the top of his mouth.
“I said get on your knees,” she repeated her demand, but Negan stayed where he was only irritating her further. Sweeping her foot out she managed to get Negan to drop down to one knee after how swiftly she moved. It caught him off guard, but Negan knew he had to act fast. Reaching out to grab a hold of the gun that she had holstered, Negan knew that he didn’t want her to have it now that she had the upper hand over him. An angry huff fell from her throat when Negan looked to the gun that was in his hand. Arching his eyebrow up, he wiggled it in his hand.
“If you’re going to have me on my knees, you’re not going to need this,” Negan set the gun down to slide it across the floor toward the corner of the room putting a good distance between the weapon and Maggie. Shrugging his shoulders, Negan sensed that she was contemplating things now that she had him where she wanted him.
“You think you’re smart, don’t you?” Maggie went to reach for something else, but Negan grabbed a firm hold of her hips forcing her further back against the wall again making her body smack up against it.
“You want me on my knees Maggie, I’m not going to make this easy for you,” Negan braced his hand in over her lower abdomen noticing the way that she trembled with how close he was to her. Licking his lips, Negan noticed just how close he was to her and it made him chuckle. “If you wanted me to pet your pretty little pussy Maggie, all you had to do was ask.”
“You’re disgusting,” she reached out to dig her fingers into Negan’s salt and pepper colored hair, tugging his head back making him wince when she did it. With his eyes staring longingly up into hers, she felt her heart skip a beat in the center of her chest and it made her let out a confused sound. Negan’s palms were caressing up and over the sides of her body making her cuss to herself when her eyes slammed shut knowing that it was making her feel certain things that it should have never been making her feel. Bending down, she noticed the way that Negan’s eyes narrowed while she kept her fingers twisted in his hair. “You think you’re something special, don’t you?”
“I know I’m something special,” Negan grunted lifting up enough to manage to drag the tip of his tongue over her lips making her let out another surprised breath. “Just tell me you want me to eat out that pretty little pussy of yours Maggie and I will. If this wasn’t what you wanted, you would have already stopped this already.”
Swallowing down hard, she found herself frozen when Negan managed to mesh his lips over hers again. With each caress of his mouth over hers, she started questioning who she was and what she had been doing. Had their fight led them to this? Had All the adrenaline driven them to the desire that grew between them? Kissing Negan back, she loosened her grasp of his hair and lowered her palm to wrap her fingers around the thickness of Negan’s neck to apply a bit of pressure to the soft fleshy part that was there.
Managing to drag her lips from his, she could see that Negan’s eyes were dilated with want and lust while his hungry breaths filled the air, “You want to prove that you’re worth a damn Negan? Go ahead…show that your mouth is worth something other than running it.”
“Yes ma’am,” Negan moved forward, lifting his hands up to reach for the buckle in her pants making her take in a nervous gasp. Negan’s fingers got the material apart before he eagerly tugged down at the zipper to full get the material parted. When Negan started to tug her pants down her body, she felt her body stumbling forward making a deep rumble of laughter fall from Negan’s throat. “You’ll be surprised just how good my mouth actually is…”
Her body trembled when Negan ran his rough hands up over her legs and hips. Lifting up just a bit further, Negan pushed the material of her shirts up enough so he could place wet kisses just under her navel. Flicking his tongue out over her flesh, Negan nipped at it and lowered his hands to hook his thumbs into her panties.
“You do something wrong and I swear to God, I will kill you,” she warned him making Negan chuckle against her flesh. “I’m not kidding Negan, I will poke your eyes out with my fingers if I have to.”
“Kinky,” Negan growled at her flesh making it seem like he was amused with what she said to him. Negan managed to pull the material of her panties down her body making her let out a questionable sound when the chill from the room around them surrounded her. Negan took a minute to rest back on his knees to admire the most intimate part of her that had been revealed to him. How much of her that was exposed to Negan made her feel almost weak in the moment. “Fuck Maggie…you are something else. I tell you that.”
Negan kneeled in closer to her, sliding his hand up over the inside of her thigh toward her center. Her hand was still braced over Negan’s shoulder when his rough fingertips traced over the length of her sex. Digging her fingers into Negan’s shoulder, drew him to hiss knowing that if they shirts weren’t there to protect him, she would have likely broke the skin with her nails. With ease, Negan traced the tips of his index and middle fingers between her sensitive folds making an awe sound fall from his throat.
“You’re wet Maggie,” Negan hummed in approval, circling his thumb over her clitoris which made her hips bounce forward toward his touch. Hushing her when her nervous breaths filled the air, Negan continued to circle over the sensitive bundle of nerves with his skilled caress seeing her hips shaking at the simplest of touch. “All this time I thought you hated me, but I make your pretty little pussy so wet. Did your rage do this to you?”
Giving her one final arrogant smile, Negan tipped in to tease a heated kiss over her inner hip. Just listening to her breathing changing with the first kiss was a gift for Negan itself. Knowing that he could affect her this much turned him on more than he could have ever imagined. Taking time to draw out the kisses over her flesh had him tormenting her with the idea of whether he would pleasure her or not. Lowering his kisses in the most agonizingly slow of movements had her shaking which only fueled him even more. It made her whimper the closer he got to her center and when he just about reached his destination, she pulled back slightly, “Negan wait…”
Tipping his head up, Negan’s eyes looked her over and she dragged her thumb out over his bottom lip watching the way that Negan’s breathing had intensified, “If you pull anything…”
“The only thing I’m looking to do is make you come sweetheart,” Negan smirked, sliding his fingers further between her thighs, circling his index finger over her entrance before pushing upward making her lips part and a small cry fell from her throat. With ease, Negan thrust his long, slender digit inside of her before adding another. Taking the tip of her thumb between his lips, Negan nibbled at the pad. It made so many things enter her mind and the biggest one was how wrong this actually was. With the flick of Negan’s tongue over her finger and his digits thrusting inside of her, she knew that she should have been stopping this, but she couldn’t. “You’ve needed a release for so long, haven’t you Maggie? All this animosity got your sexual desires flowing and it just fucking kills you that it’s me your body wants.”
Reaching out, she shoved her hand into the center of Negan’s face before sliding her fingers back into Negan’s hair to tug him forward, “Make your mouth useful Negan. Shut up and start doing what you promised.”
“Yes ma’am,” Negan growled listening to her orders when his lips finally connected with her body. Negan’s mouth suckled at her flesh tormenting and taunting her with subtle flicks of his tongue. Keeping up with the thrusts of his fingers inside of her, Negan let out a proud sound against her flesh making her cry out when it vibrated against her. Tipping his head back with a wet sound, Negan looked up at Maggie amazed with how they had gotten to this. “Look at you Maggie. Fucking beautiful…”
“Shut up Negan,” she pulled his head back to her mound hearing Negan scoff before doing what she wanted of him.
Negan’s fingers left her body making her whimper when his hands gripped a firm hold of her hips to pull her into the position that he wanted. With his fingers digging into her flesh, she was certain that it would leave a mark. She wanted to lecture him, but at the same time when his tongue was back lapping at her body, she couldn’t find it in herself to actually do so. It had been so long since her body had any kind of attention and it wasn’t eager to have him stop. Holding back a cry, she lowered her head to watch Negan’s face while he pleasured her. There was a sense of determination with every strong flick of his tongue between her sensitive folds followed by the slurping sound that would follow when his lips surrounded her clit.
With a desperate pant, a cry followed making Negan’s arrogant eyes lift to hers to watch her reaction while he continued to work over her with his talented mouth. She wished that she wasn’t reacting like he wanted her to and deep down she wanted to slap the smug expression from his face, but with her body twitching she knew that she would rather him just finish. Maybe it was stupid, but she wished he wasn’t as good at this as he actually was. Why had she edged him to this?  
Throwing her head back against the wall when Negan’s fingers found their way back inside of her had her grasping tightly to Negan so she didn’t fall over. With the pumping of Negan’s fingers inside of her body followed by the matched tempo of his tongue flicking over her, she felt like her legs would give out. Negan’s head shook back and forth adding to the friction that his short beard added over her flesh making her whimper out. Negan’s fingers had found her g-spot having her bounce forward toward him adding to the sensation of it all while he quickened the speed of his fingers knowing that she was chasing that orgasm. The sensations he was drawing out from her really had her questioning things. Had it been so long that she was just eager for something like this or was it actually Negan that was capable of making her feel this way?
A growl vibrated against her clitoris making her bite down on her bottom lip in attempts to hold back the moans that wanted to fall from her throat. Negan was already cocky enough and he didn’t need the pleasure of knowing that he had her on an absolute high with what he was doing with his mouth. The wet noises Negan was making were downright crude, but it made her hot all over knowing that he was pampering her and she had the control over him if she wanted it. Her fingers pushed his head in closer to her when her heartbeat started pounding away.
“Negan,” she blurt out his name involuntarily, bucking her hips forward when a liquid rush flooded her body making every muscle inside of her lock up when his movements got harder and faster continuing through her orgasm that he had gotten her to. Panting, her body was still shaking even after reaching that state she never expected it would have allowed Negan to do. Even after she reached an orgasm, Negan continued to pleasure her and she shakily pulled at his hair to get him to pull back. Negan’s eyes were full of lust when he licked at his wet lips in a slow, seductive sweep. A moan fell from his lips knowing that the taste of her still linger over his lips. “Stand up.”
“Yes ma’am,” Negan rumbled when she grabbed a hold of his shirt and shoved him against the wall after spinning him into position. Negan’s chest was rising and falling heavily when she looked down between them to see the undeniable bulge that was at the center of Negan’s pants. Dropping her palm, she rubbed in over the center of Negan’s pants making a pleased exhale fall from his throat. His eyes rolled back before closing while she took her time to touch him. After a moment of just touching him, she squeezed at his body through the material of his pants making him fall forward. His jaw rest over her shoulder making her realize how vulnerable she had him right now in the palm of her hand. “Fuck Maggie.”
“I always pictured with that ego you weren’t packing much down here Negan. The urge for power and control just showed you were attempting to make up for something that you were lacking,” Maggie leaned forward biting at the side of Negan’s neck making him wince out when she did it. “Let’s see if I’m right…”
Falling down to her knees in front of Negan, she fumbled with his belt until Negan reached for her hands to stop her from going any further and he dramatically shook his head, “Oh no. Fuck no. I am not going to trust your mouth anywhere near the man of steel down there.”
Urging Maggie back up from the ground, he reached out to curl his fingers around her jawline, spinning her back so she was pressed against the wall, “Me? I’m not going to waste a pretty little pussy begging for attention. You on the other hand, you’ve already bit me and I don’t need to become your personal tootsie pop in the middle of you trying to give me a blowjob.”
“Really? After I just let you do what you did?” she tipped her head to the side seeing Negan smirk when he looked her over suspiciously.
“I still don’t fucking trust you Maggie. For all I fucking know, you’ll bite down and I’ll become the dickless wonder and uh-uh. That shit isn’t happening,” Negan made a tsking sound while he stroked his fingers over the side of her face. Her lips were parted and he was still attempting to read the game that she was playing.
“Or is it because I’m right and you’re not as impressive as you think you are?” she mocked him seeing Negan’s eyes narrowing while he closed the distance between them. “You don’t seem like the type to turn away a beautiful woman pleasuring you.”
“I do when I know that the woman offering to pleasure me would rather leave me in a bloody fucking mess,” Negan slurred, pressing forward to meet her lips in another wet kiss. She was still uncomfortable with the kisses, but it was like she wanted to match his tenacity. “I’m a fucking man, but I’m not that fucking stupid.”
“I could have killed you already if I wanted to Negan,” she snaked her fingers around his body to pull at the knife that he had attached to his pants. Pressing it to his throat made him snarl. Dragging it against his flesh drew a line of blood to drip down over his neck. With a grunt Negan shoved into her body making her drop the knife to the ground. Kicking the knife aside, Negan’s fingers grabbed a hold of her throat making her draw in a loud breath. “You know I’m right…”
With the closeness of Negan, she moved as forward as she could to slide her lips in over his jawline which made Negan’s grip loosen when the peppering of her lips continued down over the side of his neck. She was breaking Negan down even if he was doing his best to keep a guard up. Dragging her tongue along the flesh that had lines of blood over it from where she cut him had his body twitching. The metallic taste of his blood lingered over her tongue making Negan wince when she licked over the tiny wound she had given him.
Hooking his fingers into her hair, Negan pulled back and heard her wince when he did it. Negan’s eyes were hooked on her lips, “Where does this end Maggie? If I had my choice, I’d have you screaming out my name while I’m balls deep inside of you, but I know you and you’re too good for that.”
“I guarantee you wouldn’t have that,” she assured him with a wicked smirk, giving him a disgusted once over. “You’re an old man now Negan. I don’t see it now, just like I didn’t see it back when I first met you. You’re all talk. I’d love for you to try just to prove how full of shit you actually are.”
“Fine,” Negan’s Adam’s apple bounced in his throat and he kicked her legs apart making her gasp with his boldness. Was she egging him on into this? Yes? Why? She really didn’t know why. Negan pressed up against her, giving her little room to breathe when he reached down between them and she heard him pulling open his belt. With the jingling of it, she swallowed down hard and wondered if she had genuinely gone too far. Negan’s eyes were dark, never taking his stare from hers when he pushed at the material of his pants and wrapped his arm possessively around her waist to pull her flush against him. “Tell me no. If this was all some kind of game testing to see how far you could get me, just say the word now. Or else, you’re going to find yourself full of me.”
Instead of telling him no like she should have, she just stared out at him and nodded once making a cocky smile tug at Negan’s lips. Reaching between them, Negan grabbed a firm hold of himself and led the tip of his cock through her wet folds before lining it up with her entrance. It had Maggie’s breathing uneven when the swollen tip teased her with the idea of entering her.
“Look at me,” Negan commanded of her locking his eyes with hers so that he could see her reaction. Thrusting his hips upwards made a gasp fall from her throat when he sank his length into her. A soft rumble of a raspy groan escaped Negan’s lips with his lips agape. The warmth of her surrounding him already had him a mess knowing that he could have fallen immediately into the seduction that his enemy had been doing with him. He just had to focus. Giving her a moment to get used to sensation of him filling her made Negan chuckle when he nuzzled his nose against the side of her neck. “Does that feel small to you?”
Fighting the impulse to cry out, she could see that Negan’s eyes were surveying her over closely, watching her reaction to him being inside of her. A rush of awe flooded his veins with the way she was biting at her bottom lip in attempts to stop herself from reacting. Negan grabbed a hold of her hips and adjusted his body to start rolling his hips toward her again and again.
Gradually each thrust got stronger and stronger leading her to wrap her arms around his shoulders. Negan’s muted moans were hot against the side of her neck while he kissed over her heated flesh. Their breathing was loud, matching that of the other until Negan used his foot in efforts to get the material of her pants from her body. He struggled for a moment until managing to hook his arm under her knee to get her to wrap her leg around his waist.
“You know Maggie, if this is what you wanted the whole time…I wouldn’t have had a problem with it,” Negan rumbled starting to smack up against her harder making her softly moan with each prominent thrust he made inside of her. “How does it feel having the man you hate so blindly inside of you, stretching you, making you feel things you haven’t felt in years?”
A firm smack filled the air and Negan’s head jolted after Maggie smacked him making him smile when she did it, “I thought you were going to try to make me scream out your name Negan. You may have a big cock, but I’m not screaming your name out yet.”
“Challenge fucking accepted,” there was something that darkened in Negan’s eyes when he started to buck up against her harder and harder. Each thrust was determined, his winces filling the air while he attempted to get what she had said was impossible from her. “You think you’re so fucking strong, but you’re barely holding it together.”
Hissing out, she felt Negan grabbing a hold of her other leg to press her firmly against the wall after she wrapped her legs around his waist. Bouncing his hips up into her time and time again had whimpers falling from her lips even if she wanted to do everything in her power to stop it from happening. Negan’s wet kisses were over the side of Maggie’s neck and she was clutching tightly to him to make sure not to fall. Bouncing her hips over his had Negan’s moans filling her ears. She shouldn’t have been wanting this as much as she did and she hated her herself for evening slightly enjoying it.
“Fuck,” Negan growled, raising his kisses up over Maggie’s jawline leaving a small bite at her chin. This whole thing was something that Negan wanted to remember. He wanted to imprint the image of her features in his mind while he fucked her. It was different for Maggie and it was a moment that Negan was actually proud of. Pressing in, he tried to kiss her only to have her pull from him before he could. Tipping his head to the side, Negan knew that he was even surprised this was happening, so for her to be eager to avoid any kind of affection from him made sense. She was fighting the idea of this being him so bad. Enjoying this was going against everything she stood for and Negan understood that. Kissing was a big deal, so Negan wasn’t going to force it when she made it clear she didn’t want it.
“Down,” she breathed out and without questioning Negan allowed her to her feet, letting out a groan his body pulled from hers. It made a tense sound fill the air from Maggie’s parted lips when she shakily turned to face away from Negan. Maybe not looking at him would make this easier. There was a guilt eating away at her that a part of her really wanted this.
Behind her Negan adjusted her hips where he needed them, moving her slightly to urge her to wrap her fingers around two of the balusters on the staircase. Gripping tightly to them, she looked over her shoulder to see Negan licking at his fingers, pushing his shirt up a bit when he moved in behind her revealing part of his slender abdomen. Negan palmed his hand in over the tip of his cock making her hate that she had let it get to this. Swallowing down hard, she felt Negan pulling her hips where he needed them before smacking up against her bottom again when he filled her with his length. It drew her forward closer toward the staircase, but Negan kept her where she was while he smacked up against her time and time again. The wet sounds of their bodies moving in unison filled the air followed by their occasional moans that escaped. Falling forward, Negan wrapped his fingers around hers pressing his body flush against hers while rolling his hips into again and again.
“You feel so fucking good,” Negan hummed against the side of her neck, making her cry out when he moved his hips a certain way that had him hitting just the right spot inside of her. Negan picked up on her response and continued to thrust at the tempo he was making her squeeze tighter to the balusters, making her knuckles go white with how good it actually felt. “Come for me sweetheart. Scream out my name like you know you want to.”
Forcing herself to hold in the cries that wanted to escape her, she knew that she was losing a battle while Negan kept up with what he was doing. White flashed over in her eyes and she closed them tightly feeling her body shaking and she pulled away from Negan hearing him let out a proud sound when he clearly got her to another orgasm.
“Two orgasms so far isn’t so bad, right?” Negan poked at her knowing that she would be angry that he was able to make her reach a state of ultimate bliss not only once, but twice. Maggie’s shuddering breaths filled the air while she clung to the stairs still. Negan gave her the time she needed, watching her turn to look back at him again when she came down from her high. “You have enough yet?”
Moving forward, Maggie firmly shoved her hands into the center of Negan’s chest making him stumble over his pants that were at knees and he hit the ground hard. Looking up at her with confusion in his hazel eyes, it was soon replaced by understanding when she crawled in over him and pushed into his chest to get him to rest back on the floor. Dominantly Maggie moved in over him, pushing into his chest to get him where she wanted him. Grunting, Negan felt her powerfully lowering her hips back over his making him moan out when she did it. Attempting to reach out to touch her, it was followed by Maggie grabbing a tight hold of his wrists to pin them down onto the floor beside his head.  
“Maggie,” Negan panted when she lowered down over him completely, taking him as far as she could which made him drop his head back. With ease, she rotated her hips over his softly rocking at first. It was hard not to admire the beauty of Maggie while she used him the ways she wanted with her head tipped back. Her palms were pushing up the material of his shirt, caressing over his hair dusted abdomen and toward his chest. Hissing out, Negan felt her digging her nails into his flesh knowing that she was still out to hurt him in this whole thing. An arrogant smile flooded over her lips when Negan cried out knowing that it hurt like fucking hell. This was something that he never expected them to do to begin with, but he should have expected her still getting her attacks in on him when she could. “Fuck…fuck…fucking…”
Lifting his head up to watch her bouncing her hips sturdily over his length, Negan was soon forced back to the ground with her fingers wrapping around his throat. There was a bit of strength over his throat while she continued to have her way with him. Being dominated by one of the most powerful women he had ever known had Negan’s whole body on fire with want.
“You like that big cock, don’t you?” Negan grunted noticing that when he would talk it would just piss her off more leading her to get more aggressive with the moves she made over him. He liked that. “You ride it like such a good girl…”
“Shut up,” she snapped at Negan, lowering in over him to bite at his bottom lip tugging on it. It made a groan escape his parted lips. Using the advantage, Negan pulled her in closer to him and claimed her lips with his. Kissing her over and over again drew her in over his chest further. Flicking his tongue out over hers, Negan was eager for that kind of interaction knowing that she had been trying to avoid it throughout most of this whole thing, but she visibly liked it too. With each caress of his lips over hers, Negan could feel her opening up further and further to him. Sucking faintly at her tongue when it pushed between his parted lips, Negan moaned and rolled her onto back. “Damn it Negan.”
“I still have a challenge that you threw out on the table for me Maggie,” Negan winked, the warmth of his breath over hers. Pushing his hands up underneath her shirt, he managed to get the red material just over her breasts to reveal her bra to him. Pulling down the right cup of her bra, his mouth lowered to cover her breast just enough to take her nipple into his mouth. Twisting and flicking his tongue around the skin made him hum with approval with her soft cries following. A wet, slurping sound filled the air when he pulled his mouth away and reached to push her legs up over his shoulders. Adjusting his body, he reached between them again to lead the swollen, red tip of his erection back into her wet, inviting body. “I’m going to win this, I hope you realize that…”
“Do you ever shut up?” she snapped at him hating that the whole vibe of things would be ruined when he would run his mouth. Negan’s laughter filled the air when he started smacking his hips up against her again drawing her to cry out with the way he was moving. Everything was sensitive as it was, but the way he had her propped up against him drew his body to plunge deeply inside of hers. Clenching her fists at her sides, she felt the room spinning around her. This time cries freely fell from her throat while Negan’s throbbing cock hit all the right spots inside of her. “Sh…”
“You want me to stop?” Negan feigned the idea of stopping when she let out a frustrated sound that led her warmth to clamp tightly to his cock making him groan out loudly. “I’ll take that as a no…”
Bracing his hands firmly on the floor, Negan used them to help him plow his hips forward into her. Her fingers desperately were wrapping around his wrists to get some kind of power in all of this and he felt her shaking against him. Their skin smacking filled the air and Negan kept his eyes hooked on her knowing that she was so close to breaking what she had been holding in this whole time.
A drip of sweat slid down the side of Negan’s face and he knew that they both had gone above and beyond here. The idea that they were actually being hunted by a group of very trained killers flooded his mind for the first time since they had started this whole thing between them. This probably wasn’t the smartest of ideas and he knew he needed to finish this whole thing up.
Lowering her legs down, Negan pressed down in over her to brace himself on his arms over her after pulling her hips up closer to him so he could thrust with the remainder of strength that he had. Maggie’s whimpers and cries were like fuel to him that kept him going even though he knew they were both exhausted.  
“Don’t stop,” she hooked her arms around his shoulders, meeting Negan’s mouth in a desperate kiss when her body started shaking again. Right when it seemed like she was about hit that last and final orgasm, Negan paused all of his movements making her whine. “Negan! What the hell are you doing? Negan?”
“Beg me,” Negan demanded, his nose wrinkled knowing that she was craving that last and final release to make her body go into a sense of her own personal euphoria.
“Negan,” she smacked at the side of his face while she tried to wiggle her hips over his length, but it didn’t nearly give as much of what she needed. Throwing her head back in frustration, she nodded. “Please, please don’t stop Negan.”
“Yes ma’am,” Negan winked lowering down enough to get back to what it was that had a growing fire raging inside of her. Digging her fingers into Negan’s shoulders, she buried her mouth against the side of his neck. With the contractions of her body clamping to his pulsating cock, Negan felt his own body shaking over her when she reached her final orgasm crying out his name. It was the one thing that Negan had wanted to hear more than anything and it satisfied him to know he got what he wanted. Maggie’s hand reaching down to cup at Negan’s small bottom urging him to keep moving even after he orgasm. “Maggie, I’m gonna…Maggie…”
Trying to pull his hips back, he felt her grasp was firm and he loudly moaned out against her lips when his mouth met hers in a final kiss that they would share. His thrusts started to falter becoming sloppier when he reached his release. Line after line of his cum filled her surprising him that she would allow him to do that. Pressing his forehead against hers when he finally stopped his thrusts, Negan attempted to catch his breath only to feel her shove firmly into his chest to get him off of her.
Falling beside her on the floor, Negan panted looking over at her with nervous eyes, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…you were holding onto to me and…”
Maggie held up her hand up to silence him and they laid at the center of the floor. With the silence surrounding them, Negan snorted and turned his head to look at her, “I can’t stop thinking that this was originally a plan for you to somehow kill me, but you ended up getting far too invested in it.”
Maggie’s bright green eyes looked him over, her eyes staring down at his softening cock that was resting over his inner thigh. Maggie’s jaw flexed and Negan noticed the way that she swiftly moved across the floor to reach for her knife and he did the same going for the gun that he had tossed aside previously to grab it. When Maggie faced him, he lifted the gun and let out a grunt, “You have to be fucking kidding me, right? You’re still trying to kill me?”
Huffing, she lowered the knife and Negan kept the gun lifted when he noticed that he was visibly right that was what she was going for. When Maggie started fixing her clothing, Negan did his best to pull his pants back up his body with an angered breath, “You’re something else, you fucking know that?”
“Fucking me is not going to change my mind on me hating you Negan,” she reminded him when he got the material of his pants back together. The sound of the doorknob rattling was heard and Negan swiftly got to his feet to reach for his crowbar. Maggie did the same with her weapon only to let out a relieved breath when they saw that it was Elijah and Gabriel. “Gabriel.”
“Thank God,” Negan let out a breath of relief when he realized that now having these two here would mean that they wouldn’t be able to work through what just happened, but at least she wouldn’t keep trying to kill him. Huffing, Negan listened to Maggie having a conversation with Gabriel and Elijah when he moved over toward the corner to drop down in the chair that was there. After she was done talking with them, Gabriel moved before Negan to look him over.
“What happened to your face,” Gabriel’s finger circled the area where Maggie had scratched him and Negan reached up to drag his fingers over the wound.
“Fucking Reapers,” Negan grumbled making Gabriel nod and head out of the room to search for Elijah, leaving Maggie at the center of the living room alone with Negan. Her eyes were lingering on him showing the confliction that she had in her eyes. Leaning forward in the chair, Negan wiggled his eyebrows and flashed her a bright smile. “I won by the way.”
“Fuck off Negan,” she snarled at him making Negan chuckle when she stormed out of the room leaving him alone to his thoughts. What just happened was beyond anything he could comprehend, but honestly? He surprisingly liked it, even if it left him with a few more wounds than he had before it started. Maggie was a fireball and she was someone worth getting burned for.
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starfirette · 3 years
shadowhunter boys as boyfriends
GENDER NEUTRAL READER | I didn't put the TLH kids (Matthew, James, etc) because the series isn't over yet and as of right now, they're still, for the most part, on the older teenager side. I'll do a Shadowhunter Girls version soon because I need Jessamine and Emma content
Including the Herondales, Lightwoods, Magnus Bane, Jem Carstairs, The Blackthorns, and Kieran.
William Herondale is a protective boyfriend, as well as a loudmouth. He thinks he's the best because he's got you. Probably compares you to the other significant others of his friends, in the sense that you're better than everyone else. "Please, you put so-and-so's outfit to SHAME last night" "Oh, so-and-so couldn't kill a sprite if they tried, you've singlehandedly taken down shax" "will, the shax put me in the hospital..." "who the hell took it down, then?" "that was you, dear" "oh, aha, yes that's right. Well, don't feel too bad about it, love". Please just shut him UP
Jace Herondale is the kind of boyfriend who acts like he's totally independent and doesn't need to spend all his time with you, when, in reality, he feels miserable when you aren't around. "Y/n would love this shirt." Alec would tell him to buy it for you. Jace would scoff. "How corny." Alec would say 'Fine, then don't get it.' Jace would keep talking about it until Alec purchased the shirt himself, forcing Jace to gift it to you. Of course, Jace acts like a cool guy about it. "It just reminded me of you, that's all..."
Gideon Lightwood is the childhood bestfriend to lover. You're the one he confides in about everything. He didn't even realize he'd fallen in love with you until your family was on the verge of marrying you off. Gideon would probably stay quiet, letting you go on with the arranged marriage, until everyone around him finally explained how awful that actually is, and you're probably in love with him, too. Once Jem pointed this out, Gideon practically jumped out the window to get to you. Luckily, Jem was right.
Gabriel Lightwood is the childhood enemy to lover. You're the one he hates, and vehemently swore to never be friends with. Well one summer, your family left for a vacation in Idris. You returned for the Autumnal Equinox, all tan and gorgeous, and Gabriel realized you're actually really hot. It all goes down hill from there. He would definitely have been drawn in by your looks at first--but he DOES fall in love with you for real.
Alec Lightwood would never tell you he likes you ever. He'd rather die than confess his crush. You weren't exactly his best friend, but you were more than an acquaintance. Good luck trying to drop hints that you like him, too, because he's too salty and emo to realize that you'd ever like him back.
Jem Carstairs........how can I possibly explain my love for this man? Jem is a perfect gentleman. Probably coerced into marrying you by Charlotte, for his sake of health and safety of status. She truly wants what's best for Jem. And you're a good match for him!!! In this case, arranged marriage but you two fall in love.
Oh, to be the lover of Magnus Bane. You probably met him in the most absurd of ways, like a crazy meet cute in a rom com. He spoils you, buys you gifts to win your affection; doesn't accept it when you tell him no more gifts. He just wants love. You two probably elope and forget to tell people until a month or so after it's happened. Maybe even a year later. "By the way, we're having a one year anniversary party and you're invited, Tessa."
"???? What?"
"Oh, haha, yeah, we got married one year ago! So we would like, like, a Kuerig or something."
Kieran Kingson
Kieran just straight up asks you to be his mate one day. It's a strange moment. it's the middle of breakfast, you're exhausted, and Julian won't stop bitching about the iPod you supposedly stole and then lost, when really you just borrowed it and broke it during patrol. Kieran comes in, sits down; he says his good mornings to the family. Then, "Oh, by the way Y/n. I'd like you to come out with me for dinner tonight."
The clatter of the morning stops as everyone pauses and waits to hear your response. He'd apologize in private but extend the invitation a second time. He wouldn't have an issue saying he's attracted to you and even has a crush. He's nice about it, and not at all awkward. You, however, are very awkward.
Mark Blackthorn adores you. He approaches you in private. He's super dramatic about it, too. You thought he was going to tell you someone was dying. But no, he just thinks you are, in his words, "glowing with beauty". Okay dude. Just kiss me already. You would be the couple that's always making out or going at it. He cannot keep his hands off you.
Julian Blackthorn is the opposite. While he adores you just as much, he's calm and doesn't feel the need to go full throttle into marriage, like his brother would be. Julian wants to have one normal experience in his life. He wants to have a movie worthy relationship, with stolen kisses and first dates and awkward hand holding. He feels so comfortable with you.
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chatonnoir · 2 years
People cheering their Senti theory is confirmed. What do you have in mind about it?
Haha I knew someone would eventually ask me about it since I never really share my opinion on it
I really hated it early in the season, especially because of how people were acting after Wishmaker. Like, a lot of people saw Adrien say he wanted to be what his parents wanted him to be/didn't have any dreams of his own, and their response was a bunch of posts being like "OMG!!!! HE DOESNT HAVE ANY DREAMS!!!! THATS NOT NORMAL!!!!! SENTIMONSTER CONFIRMED!!!!!!" (yes I saw people talking exactly like this and saying things about how its 'not normal') and it was insanely insensitive and obnoxious. Things that were very obvious signs of abuse that a lot of us abused kids related to were turned in to "oBviOuS sIGnS hE's nOt HuMaN!!!1!1!!!1!" by the fandom. Truth be told, the fandom's behavior regarding things that "confirmed" the theory was far more upsetting to me than the idea of the theory becoming canon. I also personally felt like Adrien turning on Gabriel would be more impactful if Gabriel is Adrien’s biological father. Going against your birth parent(s) is immensely difficult to do when you’ve been conditioned to be submissive to them, especially because they often use the fact that you’re “blood” to manipulate you in to being loyal. That's not to say adoptive/non-blood related relatives can't be abusive and that going against them is any less difficult, of course. It's just coming from my perspective as an Asian person, since for us, filial piety and loyalty to our families is instilled in us from birth, and often used to manipulate us in abusive situations. The theory also just felt excessive to me. By which I mean, on top of Adrien already having a dead mother and a villain for a father, adding him having to find out he's a magical being who can be thanos snapped from existence felt like his story was crossing over from angst to just straight up tragedy porn.
On the other hand though, as time has passed and I’ve given it more thought, I don't think it's as unnecessary a plot development as a lot of the people opposed to it believe it is. I've seen people say that ML doesn't need to use metaphors/symbols for abuse when they've already been depicting an abused child from the start and that adding the magical element simply waters down/detracts from the abuse story, but I'm not sure I agree with that. You know I specifically like to talk about the differences between the English script and the French script, and the trend I've pointed out repeatedly is that American networks seem a lot more strict about what they deem "appropriate" for children's shows, resulting in the English script significantly toning down/softening/censoring things that were particularly romantic or emotionally heavy in the French script. I've also talked about how Astruc had originally wanted ML to be a show for teens, but ended up making it a children's show instead for economic/marketing reasons, while still trying to make ML a show that tackles more mature/heavy themes and that can be enjoyed by all ages. Those two things are, in fact, relevant here.
There’s a lot of things kids' media, especially kids' media that is affiliated with The Disney Corporation, can’t show without being blocked by executives or forced to raise the rating etc. Magical “loopholes” like Sentis let them get away with showing things more blatantly than they usually would and allow them to delve in to "darker" themes they otherwise wouldn’t be able to tackle, like explicit abuse/trauma and death (think of how Disney villains usually have to die offscreen by falling to their doom/being engulfed in flames/turning to dust/etc.) You may be thinking, “but darker things like death and physical abuse were shown by other Y-7 rated cartoons like Avatar: The Last Airbender!”, but remember that ATLA aired on Nickelodeon, not Disney. Nickelodeon has always been a lot more lax than Disney when it comes to what is “appropriate” for kids (and even then, ATLA always had to have those things happen offscreen). Did you ever notice how ML Season 1 was significantly more risqué than the later seasons, between Chat Noir flirting with Ladybug by saying he “looks hot in a swimsuit,” Ladybug implying that she’d like to see Adrien without his clothes on, and Ladybug being pinned to the ground with Chat Noir on top of her while they kissed? Did you also know that ML Season 1 originally aired on Nickelodeon in the US, after which the rights to the show were acquired by Disney? TOTAL coincidence that these teens got significantly less thirsty after the network switch /s
They've already been using magic as a loophole to push the boundaries like this, like all the times characters have "died"/disappeared, and when they actually showed Chat Noir accidentally “kill” someone onscreen (Aeon), and when they were literally able to show one of their leads eradicating all life on earth. They could get away with all of that because they have Ladybug’s Reset Button and because they kept it vague/magical enough to be able to defend that “they didn’t die they just disappeared/short-circuited/got turned in to statues/etc.!!!!“ (they absolutely did die). They can have Émilie's corpse on display in the basement because they never outright say she's "dead" and leave it vague enough that they can convince children and/or network executives that she's in a Snow White-esque endless sleep caused by magic. Characters being Sentis opens new doors for them in terms of storytelling which lets the writers bypass the limitations of being a children’s show. They can more blatantly depict Adrien being terrified of and submissive to his father without being censored/forced to tone it down because they can defend it with “no it’s not actually too dark/heavy for a children’s show, we’re not blatantly showing a child who has been traumatized and beaten in to submission! Its just because of his father's magical control! Perfectly appropriate for a children’s show! :)”
And that reasoning makes even more sense when you consider the way pretty minor/inoffensive things already get censored in the show. Chat Noir simply saying “I thought I’d lost you” was inexplicably turned in to “that was a wild ride” in the English dub of Animan??? Because apparently even having one of the leads get emotional while admitting that they thought their partner died was too much? They have a lot of constraints to work around when writing a show which is rated for ages 5+, is affiliated with Disney, and has a runtime of ~20 minutes per episode, and I don’t think enough people take those facts in to consideration when they criticize the show. Plenty of people have already made a lot of good points about how it could be beneficial for children who are victims of abuse (check out @gentil-minou's posts on it) so I won't get in to that. I just wanted to talk about this specific aspect since I haven't seen anyone taking it in to consideration in their criticism. Also, the people who are opposed to it really need to stop acting like there is one correct way to represent child abuse and that there aren't child abuse victims who actually find comfort in/relate to SentiAdrien.
My feelings are mixed and I'm waiting to see where they go with it instead of casting judgement before they've even had a chance to tell the story, but I don't hate it and I definitely don't believe it's the unnecessary plot development that the people opposed to it say it is.
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