zoe-oneesama · 5 months
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Time to Shine!
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sillysiluriforme · 4 months
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i forgor to upload the design doodle lmao
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nionom-art · 11 months
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One, two, skip a few… it’s finished!
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diadraws · 1 year
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i needed to draw alix/bunnyx refs bcuz shes ma fav. baby and growed up version
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Trailer of the London Special from Disney Channel France.
It contains more spoilers and will be released on October 5.
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dendro-bunny · 7 months
Rafayel x Reader
Genre: hurt to comfort, angst to fluff, suggestive on all boys
Synopsis: Being around you is his favorite part of the day… Yet he called you clingy and annoying… so you gave him space…
Warning: break downs, feeling less than, depression, misunderstanding, anxiety, delusion (the part where he’s hoping you’re in a certain part of the house)
(A/n): I like hurting feelings :) but I also like making them aaalllllll better <3 I WRITE SO MUCH LORD HELP ME! THE OTHER BOYS WILL BE IN DIFFERENT PARTS! Also may continue each part with a spicy part 😋
Part 1.5 , part 2, part 2.5, part 3, part 3.5
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Rafayel (frustration blinded him)
You sit at the bottom of the ladder your artist is sitting at the top of. His legs dangle ever so slightly in front of you. You watch his fingers do meticulous strokes on the canvas.
Your fingers fiddle with the cuffs of his pants. You have a few markers you’re making doodles with on his pants leg. You occasionally comment on the colors he puts on the canvas. Saying how pretty the contrast is, or how much it brings the piece together. Only encouraging words.
You’ve probably been sitting like this for 4 hours, you start to feel hungry realizing you missed lunch and so has Rafayel. So you get up and walk to the kitchen to make some food.
“Hey bae you hungry?” You raise your voice slightly from the kitchen.
“Not hungry.” He replies hurriedly.
You peak your head out the door way from the kitchen. “You sure?” You get a ‘mhm’ back and sigh. You make food for the both of you and you put his in the air fryer.
You walk over with your food in hand and rest your head on his thigh. He moves his thigh so you aren’t resting on him anymore. You blink at him in confusion.
You see his face is contorted in concentration and every few seconds he lets out huffs of frustration. You wait a moment eating more of your food before trying to sit at the bottom of the ladder again. You feel his foot nudge you off.
“Babe… I wanna sit next to you…” you frown deeply at his huff.
“Look I just need one moment of space, can you not be so clingy for 5 seconds.” You hear him mutter under breath. The part that shocks you is what he mutters after.
“Honestly kind of annoying. Don’t you have other things to do than bothering me?” He mutters this, not even sparing you a glance. If he had he would see the hurt on your face. The betrayal in your eyes. The quiver of your bottom lip you have to bite to keep yourself grounded.
“Oh… sorry… your food is in the air fryer.” You back away. You give him the space he wants. So much space you leave the apartment. After gathering your things. You know he’ll be working on that picture for the next few days. Best to give him his space right?
Maybe you were being annoying and clingy. You mean you’ve been so close to him for the last couple of days. Barely separating long enough to use the bathroom.
Maybe you were a bit annoying constantly distracting him from paintings. He’s always said you were the only one that he would let distract him during those times. But maybe he was just hiding his annoyance.
The silence in the room is deafening. Your chimes of support and jokes leaves rafayel in a choking silence. He looks to where you last were. You’re not there. Immediately his inspiration flees. The once languid hand holding his brush falls limp against his leg. Shoulders slumping and a pout on his face.
“Babe?!” He waits for a response. 1. 2. 3. Beats go past nothing. He gets down from his ladder and heads to the kitchen. Maybe you’re too busy stuffing your face to answer him. As he enters the kitchen he smells the food you’d prepared for him.
As he opens the air fryer he sees the old dish your grandmother taught you. The most amazing lobster rolls he ever tasted. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was till he look at the plate. So much love and effort was put into the dish. He felt bad for destroying it in a few bites. He really has to find you now he has to thank you for making such delicious food for him.
You really are the best girlfriend he could ever ask for. The best girlfriends get tired easy from being so great! You must be in his bed! The only reasonable place left for you to be! When he walks into his room however it’s unsettlingly tidy and untouched. His face turns to a pout. He storms around his studio looking for you. Turing the place upside down. When he concludes you left, get checks his camera system for when you left.
2 hours ago. He sees you walk into entrance and crouch down. Your shoulders shake as you weep. For 3 minutes you stay like that. When you stand you don’t bother to wipe your eyes. You just hop on your motorcycle and ride off.
His heart sinks. What happened, he genuinely doesn’t remember. He spends a few minutes thinking and comes up with nothing. Why can’t he remember what happened. He shoots you a text… he gets no immediate response. So he texts again, and again, and again.
Rafayel [14:30] :
-Can’t believe you just left me all alone! 😭
Rafayel [14:35]:
-it’s fine I forgive you!
-Especially since you made me such delicious lobster!
-You know you should tell me when you leave though!
Rafayel [14:50]:
-you know I’m not upset…
-why aren’t you answering?!
-Are you ok?!
You [21:30]:
-sorry was on an urgent mission.
-The wander cut off the service in the area.
-You’re welcome for the lobster.
-Heading to bed now good night.
Rafayel looks at his phone is disbelief. The entire time he was waiting he’s just been staring at the sea. Waiting to see if a message in a bottle would wash up on shore. And hopefully the message was from you. Dramatic he knows. But he feels lost. Without you next to him he can’t concentrate on anything else but you.
The message is as dry as it gets. No emojis, no hearts, no feelings. And you’re going to bed… without him?! He responds with ‘oh ok… good night my muse… sleep well I love you.’ With a few hearts and kissy faces… nothing back.
You stare at the last message. Your emotions are mixed, you feel guilty but upset, sad but on edge. Was he manipulating you? How does he not know how you feel? How could be blatantly ignore what he said?!
You know it’s petty and immature. Maybe it’s best you guys have some space. You make a promise to yourself to keep your interactions short for the next week.
And you do rather well… for 3 days. His texts get more and more frequent and he seems worried in them all. Yet you don’t respond, well only a few times. Declining dates and things of the sort. The fourth day you get no messages or call. It isn’t until Thomas calls you this fourth day pleading you to go talk to Rafayel and get him to hurry on his painting. Since it’s the centerpiece at the hunter association’s gala. You think that when you get there it’ll be the same song and dance as always. Listening to him whine about much there is something missing and having to go on a wild goose chase.
When you open the door. You find the place in a worst state than normal. Yeah sure it’s messy sometimes but this time there are sketches and concepts and creations just sparred around. When you pick one up, it’s of you a sketch of your smile. Then one of you laughing, then one of you 3 days ago outside his door.
“RAFAYEL?!” You begin to panic. Unsure of how his headspace may be.
You hear a crash, then shatter of glass. You turn and see Rafayel hunched over a table with the glass on the floor adjacent to him. His knuckles white from gripping the table. The shaking of his shoulders, you’re unsure of from rage or sadness, is prevalent. It isn’t till he lets out a choked sob do you know why he is shaking.
“Rafayel… babe?” Your voice barely above a whisper. You watch his head snap up at your voice. His face puffy and red. Eyes sore from tears. When he speaks his voice is hoarse. “(Y/N)? You’re here?” He larches forward slowly afraid you’ll disappear. “Wh- why?” His voice breaks as more tears begin to fall.
“Thomas… called me. Are you ok? What happened. I was worried when you stopped texting but I assumed you were busy!” You begin to lead him to the couch clearing off papers and sketch books. (All full of you btw)
“Thomas… you answer Thomas’ calls? But not mine?! Why?! Why did you just leave?! What happened?! What did I do to you that made you break down in my front garden!?” You look shocked at his outburst and look away taking your bottom lip between your teeth.
“You don’t remember?” He shakes his head no. From the slight gesture you can tell he got dizzy. He hasn’t eaten you can tell by the way you see his veins strain to pump blood through his body.
“4 days ago… you rejected my affection. And when I said I wanted to be close to you. You called me clingy and annoying. After I made food for us…” you sigh and look at him. You see he’s deep in thought trying to recount those memories.
“These past days… I’ve just been trying to give you space, to complete the painting. And your texts made me think you didn’t care about what you said so-“ you get cut off by a strong embrace. Whimpers and sobs are muffled by your shoulder.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry. I didn’t remember… I was zoned out so hard I forgot who you were. In my mind in that moment you weren’t you. I guess I was so frustrated cause the piece just wasn’t working. Idk who my mind made you to be but that’s not how I think of you. You’re the only person in the entire world I’d let even be around me while I paint.” He takes your hands and presses soft kisses to them. “I’m so sorry I made you feel less than utterly precious. You are my priceless conch, whose voice is a song I’d listen to on repeat. My actions can’t and won’t just be excused and I don’t deserve forgiveness for making you cry.”
You kiss his hands and get him to stop talking. “My artist… my lemurian… my Rafayel. I do forgive you. You said yourself you were frustrated and that’s a valid emotion. But my emotions are valid to. I know I wasn’t being mature giving you the cold shoulder. I was just angry and hurt that I thought you forgot but you really didn’t remember. I’m sorry Yel’… I love you more than anything, and I never meant for this to happen. You gesture to the room and the state of his home.
You embrace him this time. Stroking his hair and shedding tears with him. Soon he looks up at you with puffy doe eyes. “Can we get something to eat… I haven’t eaten anything since the lobster rolls.” Your eyes widen.
“Raf! Seriously?!” The gasp and shriek make his head spin. He gives a nod shyly.
You hop up and head to the kitchen. Making water and food for him. You feel arms wrap around you as you cook. Soft kisses are peppered against your neck, as rafayel inhales your sent. “I missed you… oh, what did Thomas call you for?”
You turn to face him. “He wanted to make sure you got to center piece for the gala done… is it?”
You see him bite his lip and give a guilty smile. “Noooo… I’ve been busy… crying… you know cause my muse wasn’t around to give me inspiration.” He teases and laughs weakly as you give an offended scoff.
“I have some inspiration right now but I don’t think I could even lift a pencil right now.” He leans fully on your shoulder. Basking in your warmth as a yawn rips its way out of him.
He’s at peace. How could he not be, his muse is back in his arms.
Bro… 4am thoughts be hitting different. But I wrote so much that it extended to a couple of days. Fun fact I was gonna do the other two as well but there was too much BUT RAFAYEL WILL HAVE A SMUT CONTINUATION OF THIS AND SO WILL THE OTHER BOYS!
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luchicm04 · 3 months
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lk / rb + credit if using
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maddascanbe-blog · 5 months
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Down the rabbit hole again-
Real quick design stuff since I already talked about (young) Alix's personality. I like her hair a lot, it's slightly longer on her right side and that carries over to her adult self. (Adult) Alix is wearing a Viperion themed jacket because she and him both have time miraculous. I think I need to tweek the ears in later designs to make them thinner and the base, but what's done is done. Timebreaker is nearly the same, just a few more lines to add Pizzazz *jazz hands*
Okay so I stand by the idea that the rabbit and snake miraculous are too overpowered. They feel too strong, so they need a significant drawback. I didn't mention the snakes until now as to keep this secret.
First change and the most minor. The burrow can only take you through time, not space. You will step out exactly where you stepped in, just not when. Once Burrow has been activated (young) Alix can only go through one time jump before fluff needs to recharge. (Adult) Bunnis can jump multiple times but it's always to the same place she entered unless she moves outside of it. They can't just hop around willy-nilly.
Big Change! The rabbit miraculous is only capable of viewing the timestream/timelines. If (Adult) Bunnix tries to change things herself, it will cause the timeline to collapse. The most she can do is bring other miraculous holders into help. But if they have too much foreknowledge something similar will happen. This is why she can't bring (Adult) Mari and Adrien to help their younger selves. As a result, timetagger will be very different.
The rabbit holder only ages outside the burrow, so (Adult) Bunnix is much older than she appears. She does meet (young) Alix because she remembers it happening and know it won't destroy the timeline. But she imparts to both Ladybug and (Young) Alix to not give her the miraculous until everything is over and she's sure she's ready.
Whes Alix first got the rabbit she didn't listen to Fluff's warning and wiped out an entire timeline by tying to stop Hawkmoth early. She also confirms that this is what the wish does, and it's BAD. When one timeline gets broken it can sometimes damage the others around it.
Adult Alix has seen timelines die, and watched hundreds more suffer because she couldn't intervene to save them. Needless to say she's not doing well. And she desperately wants her younger self not to make her mistakes. But as the destined Rabbit holder, she knows its inevitably going to happen again. The rabbit miraculous is not in control of time, it's more trapped by it than anything else.
There is only one Rabbit Miraculous holder across the multiverse. Most of the older ones did not belong to this world, hence why little to nothing is known about them.
Similarly the Snake miraculous has a nerf. The holder is able to go back 5 minutes. But it's just that, it's that holder. So their body still ages as normal. As a result, after Adrien spent 3 months as Aspik- he came out 3 months older. This is also why Marinette and Adrien are so apprehensive to hand out the snake miraculous.
Luka can usually do it in only a few tries but they're still terrified of those numbers adding up. Which is why Viperion only come out when they really can't risk NOT bringing him.
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ultrakart · 2 years
Here’s an idea that would make the Chat Blanc episode way creepier: Ladybug doesn’t find her corpse.
No, she finds corpses. More than a dozen of them. Each and every one of them was herself from different points in the timeline that Bunnix sent to fix the problem. Each and every one of them met their untimely demise at the hands of her corrupted partner.
The dead stares of all the petrified bodies stupefies her... leaving her wide open to a blast from Chat Blanc.
From the Burrow, Bunnix pounds her fist against the window.
Another one down...
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tumble-witch · 9 months
TW light suggestion of body horror. No descriptions though!
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Bunnix shows up in Marinette's bedroom when it's already dark outside.
Marinette knows what the older heroine is about to ask the second she hears the burrow open. When Bunnix greets her, Marinette is hyperventilating. Instead of exchanging pleasantries, she asks:
- Is it... him again?
Bunnix has a grim expression on her face, yet shakes her head. Marinette exhales. She has another question.
- Is it something I did?
- No. I'm sorry I'm asking this from you again. I'm sorry there will be no answers yet.
- It's okay. I am ready.
At first Ladybug thinks she is on another planet. Another dimension, even. There are cloud fractals in the sky. There is a street light growing out of another one, growing out of another one, growing out of another one... Trees are huge and have so many leaves they are almost a solid green mass. Some buildings are so tall they go way past the clouds in a curvy line. It reminds her of the Jack and the Beanstalk fairytale her mom used to read her before bed.
The roads branch out like blood vessels, getting smaller with each separation, ending in dead ends near the buildings or growing vertically on top of the walls.
The whole city almost looks like it could move at any second. It almost looks alive.
As Ladybug progresses through the streets (if she can even call them that), she finally realizes where the people are.
At least, what's left of them.
Infinite growth apparently works on humans, too. She never thought she'd be so thankful to see somebody not move.
The silence makes her ears ring. Everything is quiet, except for some mechanical sounds the structures make, not really meant to support their own weight in this new form.
Then, she hears laughter.
A girl with hair so long she's not sure where it ends is frantically pacing around the roof, her body movements jittery and odd. As the camera of the heroine's yo-yo focuses on the akuma, helping seek out where the cursed butterfly is hiding, Ladybug realizes the dress this girl is wearing is not grey.
It's is covered in trillions of colourful tiny dots of different shapes and sizes. They seem jittery too, as if trying to move, but some force is making them stay together. This feels like standing up after lying down for too long. Looking at the pattern for too long makes her head hurt
Ladybug continues hiding. She takes her time looking for clues. At this point she's not really sure if the girl is actually laughing or this is a weird hysterical cry. Sometimes the akuma starts muttering under her nose, too quiet to make out most of the words. Ladybug is pretty sure she heard the girl say "I can fix this" a few times though. She shifts to hear the words better.
The akuma turns around
This is the hardest she's ever fought. Chat Blanc feels like child's play now.
While the villain almost looks out of breath, long hair going everywhere, Ladybug is still barely able to keep up.
The air is too dense with oxygen.
The girl has a yo-yo as a weapon, in a cruel twist of irony. And she's damn good with it. Yet, she clearly hesitates in using the thing, saving it as a last resort to escape.
Ladybug tries to reason with the akumatized victim.
- Wait! Please, let me help you!
- You don't understand, - the girl looks around frantically, - I have to fix this! I need to fix this!
Villain's grey yo-yo starts to glow white and she throws it at a fire hydrant, making it grow another one on top.
The akuma was inside the earring. Ladybug was hit by the yo-yo. She doesn't have the time to think as she casts Miraculous cure, just before her brain registered the pain fully.
She'll remember the way it looked when she closes her eyes though.
The streets go back to normal. Her body is normal. Ladybug turns around and meets the eyes of
Marinette sits on the ground, horrified. But before Ladybug can talk to her Bunnix appears and she has to go.
Bunnix doesn't say anything as they walk through the burrow, but she's pretty sure the older heroine is holding her shoulder softer than ever before.
They didn't change anything. They didn't fix anything after they came back, no scoldings, no erasing her name from anywhere, nothing. Marinette is growing more paranoid at every turn, expecting to get akumatized. Her conflict avoidance is at all times high. She's withdrawing from her friends.
Nobody is near when Hawkmoth himself shows up in the middle of the night and she has to transform. He senses her distress immediately.
This is just too easy.
The butterfly lands in her earring just as she started to call for a last effort Lucky Charm.
"Creatomachia, this is Hawkmoth. You are overwhelmed with every problem creating a million smaller ones. Things seem to stack on top of each other and just never end. I'll give you the power to fix everything. In return, you will give me your and Chat Noir's miraculous."
For a split second, everything is white.
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p0mmia · 2 years
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✨ Happy year of the Rabbit! 🐇🌂
. . .
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sillysiluriforme · 4 months
What you plan to do for bunnix if you got a idea yet
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aloe-plant-yippee · 3 months
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i saw @sillysiluriforme ‘s redesign and was like that’s so cool and then proceeded to only draw 5% of said design
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kuzoux · 1 year
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i remembered mlb season 5 is out so i binge watched it (great season imo) and drew these :) welcome to my cringe mind
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laterreurofficial · 2 months
I am personally obsessed with (and relate a lot to) transfemme Adrien hc. You mentioned something with Adrien and Alix being parallels, gender-wise… I’m curious about what you meant by that! Adrien being trans or gnc is by no means necessary (though it would make me very happy), but I’m just curious as to what Adrien’s journey is when it comes to identity. Thanks and I hope you have a lovely day! :D
WIS HERE AGAIN!!! I will admit that that aspect of identity was merely something silu and I threw around, so there's no guarantee that it will be explored aside from like, background flavoring here and there.
What I meant is essentially, Adrien and Alix occupy a sort of middle space, but within that are opposites of each other.
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This was born out of a conversation with silu where we discuss like.. transmasc-ish Adrien? He's dealing with the aftereffects of an egomaniac mother who he was born to be the spitting image of. He's thrust into a world of strict beauty standards and forced to perform, must be seen and not heard, obey without question. He's adapted into learned helplessness and 'not thinking' in order to survive, he's born to not act, not want for more. He has no more personhood to his father than a vase of white lilies set on a table.
Alix, on the other hand, is nothing but action. As Adrien is repressed to be demure, Alix is repressed to be stoic—She is the only surviving soldier in a war that never ends, forced to battle in a conflict where nothing ever happens and it must all stay that way. She is treated by others as infallible and is forced to only rely on herself. Alix is fueled by an anger and a grief for the life she wasn't allowed to live, but she isn't able to acknowledge the emotions as such: Alix doesn't have emotions, because emotions are weakness. She denies herself any more personhood that a cog in a machine, never stopping, always acting.
....Of course, I will couch this by saying this is wisteriasymphony's thoughts on the matter. As the lead concept writer, a lot of my little tangents into ideas often go unexplored if not entirely revised over. There were talks of an Alix comic in the works, and this section of Adrien's character being explored in a much later Chloe comic. I can't guarantee anything, because the group and silu have the final and extra-final say respectively.
vv everything said stupider under the cut vv
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I know ML Is infamous for the fact that some characters don't get held accountable for their bad actions because they are the "good guy", but there are cases where characters get held accountable for things they don't do.
The only example I have in mind Is the episode "Timebreaker": Alix gives her watch to Alya so she doesn't risk to loses it or breaks It but Alya has to film the race, so she gives It to Marinette but then Chloe takes It, throws It on the track which causes Alix to run over It, and at the end of the episode the one who has to learn the lesson about responsability Is of all people FUCKING ALIX, probably because she ran over It but she probably was too focused on the race to notice It.
This Is the only example I have in mind but I'm sure there are more.
Remember, kids: If you're going to race someone, don't give a priceless family heirloom to a friend for safekeeping.
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