#i really hope ahsoka is actually inside my walls
techs-goggles9902 · 1 year
Sick-of-Ahsoka-being-stuck-in-a-random-galaxy Saturday!
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I miss my togruta. A lot. Snips ❤️
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passable-talent · 2 years
anakin skywalker x gn!reader
redeemer: part 5
new chapters every two days at 10 am EST :) until all eight parts are posted
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A young boy takes you to a fake Jedi named Haja Estree. His eyes widen, immediately, when he sees your saber. 
“Friend,” he says, standing from his table. “It’s good to see that another of us has survived.” 
“I don’t have time,” you tell him, ignoring his con. This man is not with the force, but that doesn’t matter, if he can help you. “You have connections. I need to hide; I have to find other Jedi.” 
“There’s a trade ship,” he says, and you wonder how he stomachs being both noble and deceiving. “It’s automated and scheduled. Get aboard, and go to these coordinates.” He presses a miniature holopad into your hands, and you thank him, quickly disappearing into the shadows of his building and emerging onto the streets once again. 
It doesn’t take long for you to notice how the streets cleave open for three Inquisitors. 
Which. . . complicates things. The most annoying part of the plan, honestly. You haven’t had to live as a hidden Jedi in years, and it takes a moment to allow the jolt of fear that runs through your body to dissipate into the force. Once it has, you gather your courage and slip through the crowds, crawling alleyways until you find the ship that Haja described. 
You initiate its takeoff the moment you’ve stepped inside, and sit down against its hull. 
All this time, there’s been safehouses. There have been others. You’d known that there were a few- Cal Kestis was still out there, somewhere. Obi-Wan. Ahsoka. But this. . . this network, this was more than you could’ve ever imagined. 
Truly, though, you’re still lost. Once again, alone in the galaxy. No Jedi, no council, and now, not even the security of the Empire. Just a Path and the hope that it’ll take you to anyone who’s met Obi-Wan Kenobi. 
The trade ship lands on Mapuzo, a mining planet that you sort of remember from the Clone Wars. It was one of the first battles fought, long kept safe from the Separatists. . . which unfortunately means that it was one of the first drawn under the Empire’s control. It’s much more arid and empty than you remember. 
A NED class loader droid opens the hatch of the ship, and regards you blankly as you step out of it. It begins unloading the containers within the ship, not paying you much attention, so you sit down in the shade of the ship to wait. Though it’s hot and dry, you bring your hood over your head, knowing that the Empire knows your face. 
And yet, you pull your legs closer to you, making yourself a smaller target as an Empire officer approaches in a speeder. She stops by the NED unit and dismounts. 
“It’s good to see you,” she says, extending her hand toward you. “My name is Tala Durith, I’m a spy in the Empire. I’ve seen your wanted orders, I’m glad you’ve gotten here.” 
“Tala,” you answer, tasting the name as you shake her hand. “I need to know if you’ve ever come across a Jedi named Obi-Wan Kenobi.” 
“He goes by Ben, now,” she says, taking you toward the speeder. “He’s actually with us, we’re waiting for our pilot to move us to Jabiim.”
Your heart stops for a second. Is it really. . . it can’t be this easy. There’s no way you’ve already found him. 
“I need to speak with him. I need- I have to see him.” 
Tala takes you back to her workshop quickly, leaving NED-B to unload her speeder. You take off down the hidden hallways as soon as they’re opened to you, skidding on your feet when you emerge into a large room. Three people that you don’t know sit on benches against the walls, but on your left sits Obi-Wan Kenobi with a young girl. 
“Obi-Wan?” You ask, eyes wide. 
“(Y/N)?” He asks as you see him, quickly standing up. “What are you doing here?”
“You won’t believe it,” you tell him, sudden gravity hitting you. How were you supposed to explain what you came here to say? You don’t even know what happened between him and Vader, during the dawn of the Empire, but you knew it was painful. He was just supposed to believe that Vader had changed?
“Did the Empire find you?” he asks, concern in his eyes, and you shake your head, letting out a small breath. 
“In a way, actually,” you say, and he guides you toward his bench. 
“You’ll have to tell me everything,” he says, having a seat beside the girl again. “But first, I’d like you to meet Leia Organa. She was kidnapped from her home, and we’re taking her back.” Proudly, Leia extends her hand toward you. You shake it with a smile, amused by her spunk already. 
“Daughter of Bail Organa?” you ask, and she affirms. “Nice to meet you, Leia.” You shift your gaze back to Obi-Wan once introductions are over, and your face falls just a bit. “So, where’s. . . how’s Luke?”
“He’s safe with his family. Once Leia’s home, I’ll be returning to him.” 
You nod, looking away from him for a moment, drawn to the movement of Tala entering the room. There had to be somewhere more private for this, right? 
“General, I need to talk to you about Skywalker,” you start, and you feel it as Obi-Wan almost flinches beside you. 
“My old padawan?” he asks, and you turn your head to him. 
“Yes,” you say, pausing, gathering your courage before speaking again. “And this concerns Darth Vader, too.” 
Immediately Obi-Wan is on his feet, asking Tala to watch over Leia and guiding you back into the hallway. It’s a smaller space, and if you keep your voices hushed, no one will hear the conversation. 
“What do you know?” he asks, and his tone suggests a demand. 
“I know that Anakin is Vader. It may not be common knowledge, but the Empire doesn’t really hide it. I just happened to be in the right place, at the right time, years ago.”
“And then I told you about Luke. . .” he says, covering his eyes with his palm, a heavy sigh weighing his shoulders. 
“I would never do anything to put Luke in danger,” you assure him quickly. “I am loyal to the Republic and the Jedi. To you, Obi-Wan. I need you to know that.”
Obi-Wan uncovers his eyes and looks to you again, his hand slipping down to his beard. 
“I joined the Empire to get close to Vader, because. . .” you bite at the inside of your lip briefly. “Because I wanted to tell him that his child is alive.”
“You did what?” Obi-Wan snarls, and you nod, scared as a scolded child but knowing that you need to continue. 
“I thought that it might change him. That any light inside of him, any semblance of Jedi inside him would hate to live without his child. I didn’t know where Luke was, and had no way to contact you, so I was confident that it wouldn’t lead Vader to you, if he was going to try to hunt him, hurt him. But that’s not- Obi-Wan, I think it worked. I think it brought him back.” 
Obi-Wan doesn’t react for a long moment, glaring you down. 
“Why do you think that?” he finally asks, and you swallow nervously.
“The moment I told him, he whipped his helmet off, and his eyes- they weren’t yellow. He wasn’t in the Dark, then. And immediately, he defected from the Empire with me. We’ve been trying to find you. Not find Luke, find you, so that-”
“Where is Vader right now?” Obi-Wan interrupts, and you nod. 
“We split up on Daiyu, before I met Haja. He’s pretending to still be Empire, so that he could put out a bounty on me to the Inquisitors. That’s the reason that Haja and Tala brought me into the Path, which I needed to do, so that I could find you.” 
“So he doesn’t know about the Path?” 
“I didn’t lead him to it.” 
Obi-Wan lets out a breath and looks to the side, shaking his head. 
“(Y/N). . .” he says, sounding disappointed. “Do you have any idea how much of a risk this is?”
You work your jaw for a second, not moving. 
“How do you know he’s not using you? He could be fooling you, convincing you that he’s come back to the light so you lead him to his children.”
The accusation strikes something in your chest, but you don’t show it on your face.
“No, Obi-Wan, I’ve felt him. I know he isn’t Dark, not all the way. He was your padawan, Obi-Wan, don’t you have faith in him?”
Obi-Wan looks away briefly before he hardens himself. 
“I’m going to give you a communicator. Untraceable. Go back to him, decide whether or not you really trust him. If you do, reach out to me, and I’ll come see for myself. He will not see Luke until I’ve decided that he’s ready. Even then, there’s no guarantee that Luke’s family will let him, either.” 
You nod slowly, biting your lip. 
“To go back, I have to get captured by Inquisitors. Is there any way you could use that to your advantage?”
“We could use a distraction, to leave this planet.”
“Done.” You wait as he digs out an old, Republic-era communicator, and you tuck it into your pocket. You turn down the hallway, back to the streets of the village, but you pause before you walk. “It’s good to talk to you again, General. You sound better.” 
“I’m doing my best.”
“May the force be with you.”
“And with you.” 
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beckyh2112 · 2 years
Fox^2: the last bit I have an idea for
Previously in this AU...
Hey, remember how Fox has been trapped inside Palpatine's mind since the story began?
Rex skidded through the door into Fox's room, got shoved off Stone and Thire, stumble-hopped over a casual legsweep from Gree, and staggered into Ponds.
His ori'vod just rolled his eyes and steadied him. "Cody's on his way?"
Rex nodded, reaching up to haul off his helmet. The Resolute had reached Coruscant less than half an hour ago; the Negotiator only fifteen minutes behind it. Getting here before Cody brought his weird new pet down to Palpatine had damn near killed Rex, despite being genetically-engineered super-soldier.
Cody was really lucky that everyone between him and the demagolka's cell was a Jedi, Rex was sure. Normal people might not have realized how much they needed to get out of Cody's way first and ask questions never.
-Oh, wait, Cody's new pet cancelled the Force. Kark. Rex hoped Kenobi would soothe any ruffled feathers from Jedi getting tossed into a wall for getting in Cody's way.
On the bed, Thorn was tucked into Fox's side, both of them asleep. Knight Offee sat next to them, her hand on Thorn's wrist and her eyes half-closed.
"The Jedi agreed to leave Thorn where he is for now," Gree said quietly. "They're giving Cody a chance to try his plan."
"It will work." Rex made a face remembering Ahsoka's reaction to the little lizard. He did not want to deal with another 'something took away one of my senses, it was viscerally terrifying, and you're the only person who I consider safe' incident, because adding a teenage Togruta on top of his armor had let Fives actually win one of their spars.
Knight Offee sucked in a breath. All of the clones immediately jerked their attention back to Fox and Thorn.
Thorn's eyes fluttered open, and he stretched in that way that always struck Rex as not possibly being comfortable. Then he settled a bit and seemed to notice them. "… Vode?"
"Thorn?" Fox's voice was scratchy and dry from disuse.
Thorn's expression absolutely lit up, and he flailed a sign for 'water' in the direction of everyone else in the room. Knight Offee quietly handed a glass over, and Fox took a long drink.
Rex frowned. He didn't remember Fox saying Thorn's name quite like that before. Not in a bad way, just something was off about it.
Fox set the empty glass down and slowly hauled himself more into a sitting position, helped by Thorn. Once they were both satisfied, Fox pulled Thorn against his side again to the other clone's obvious mild puzzlement. He went along with it, though, slipping an arm behind Fox's back to help hold him up.
Fox smiled at Thorn briefly, then turned hard eyes on the rest of them. "Who the kark are you people? Where's Sheev?"
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littlemisspascal · 4 years
Death and an Angel part 14.5
Death!Din x Cupid F!Reader
Summary:  And it’s unbelievable, truly, that he’s found someone who makes him feel as though he’s flying and falling simultaneously. 
Rating: T
Word Count: 3,701
Warnings: angst, dialogue heavy, language, angst, Violence, plot plot plot, did I mention angst? Cuz it’s here
Author Note: Texas weather is no laughing matter and never have I hated snow more than these last few days. This is definitely more of a transition segment so I wrote shorter snippets as a result, but there is some serious plot development nevertheless. The response to last chapter was so amazing I can’t thank everyone enough for all the love and support 💖💖💖
Links to Part 1 and Part 14 and Part 15
Cross-posted on AO3.
Photo Inspiration:
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Ahsoka hijacks the Razor Crest as soon as Din teleports her aboard the ship. She pushes Din out of the cockpit, refusing to let him so much as glimpse the coordinates of the destination she inputs into the nav computer. The Oracle hadn’t been kidding when she said she didn’t trust him going alone to rescue his soulmate.
Bo-Katan hadn’t been phased by Ahsoka’s arrival, adapting to her presence with the same ease as a duck to water. However, Din couldn’t help noticing the moment her mask of cool indifference slipped when Ahsoka asked the reaper to stay in the cockpit with her, claiming they had important matters to discuss. 
Din climbs down the ladder into the hull, recognizing that the conversation about to ensue is not one he needs to be involved in. Fingers twitching restlessly, he commits himself to checking each of the weapons in his armory, sharpening his vibroblades and loading a set of whistling birds into his vambrace. He’d made a promise to Ahsoka against killing Moff Gideon, but he’d made no vow against scarring the Seraph beyond recognition.
When Din’s finished with him, Gideon will be a warning to the rest of the galaxy what happens if you steal from Death. 
He stills at the thrum of satisfaction that runs through his body at the thought of pressing Gideon’s eyeballs out with his thumbs. The darkness within him has grown stronger since he killed Hess and it’s becoming an increasingly harder challenge denying its craving for bloodshed. If not for Ahsoka’s intervention, he would have reaped Xi’an’s soul, breaking another sacred rule. He should feel grateful, but the darkness expresses annoyance instead, upset to have been denied its kill. 
There is a thought that has been plaguing the back of his mind, shackled in the same corner as his other doubts and regrets. He once had iron control over his powers and emotions, but now he’s holding onto his human façade by a mere thread. So slowly he hadn’t even been aware it was happening, his darkness has usurped his morality. 
He’s meant to be a neutral entity, but when he looks at his reflection in the fresher mirror all he sees is a weapon. 
Obsidian orbs have replaced brown eyes. Flawless tan skin has become dissected by lines of ink that once were blue veins. 
Darkness is corrupting him from the inside out, making him a slave to the power he once mastered.
And he doesn’t have a fucking clue how to stop it. 
Bo-Katan joins him in the hull an hour later. She doesn’t say anything , just leans against the wall across from him, and Din continues cleaning the barrel of his amban rifle as if he doesn’t see her. 
The silence isn’t tense or uncomfortable, but he feels her gaze trying to penetrate his helmet. He knows the reaper well-enough to tell there is a question on her mind, but her hesitance to voice it unsettles him. Bo-Katan rarely holds her tongue around him, preferring blunt honesty over sugarcoating, which means whatever is on her mind must be serious. 
He bites back a sigh when she starts restlessly shifting in place and pauses his task. “Ahsoka told you,” he says at last.
“That Moff Gideon fucked with our lives?” Bo-Katan snorts humorlessly. “Yeah, she showed me everything.”
“I’m sorry about your sister.”
“Me too. But it’s...good not being in the dark anymore. I needed to hear the truth,” she replies stoically, but the pointless adjustment of her headband betrays her internal strife. There is a moment of pause before she looks at him again. “I heard about your promise,” she says, and it’s not really a question, except that it is.
Din’s fingers tighten around the rifle. “Did she make you swear the same one?”
“No.” Bo-Katan shakes her head. “No, she didn’t.”
He’s not surprised by the answer. He actually thinks he should have expected it, considering the universe has always held him to a stricter standard than other entities. 
“Ahsoka made it clear to me that this is something between you, Gideon, and your angel alone. I cannot interfere just like you cannot kill him.”
There is bitter resignation in her tone. He recognizes it because he felt the same when he made his promise to Ahsoka. No one likes being told no when they want something. But this—knowing with absolute certainty Gideon is the one responsible for hurting their loved ones and being told you can’t do anything to avenge them? This is the kind of pain that will linger for years to come as an ache in their bones and a scar over their hearts.
It isn’t fair. But Din’s lived long enough to know the universe never intended life to be that way.
“Can I ask you a favor?” Bo-Katan asks, pulling him out of his thoughts.
He blinks at her, realizing this is the question she’d been withholding since she came down the ladder. Never has she asked him a request before. “What is it?”
“You must separate Gideon from the Darksaber,” she answers, expression one of absolute seriousness. “The Armorer warned my people if the Lightsaber was ever mishandled, it would turn against the wielder by transforming into the Darksaber. Instead of empowering you, it deceives you. Fills your head with delusions until you lose your grip on reality entirely.”
“And you want to spare Gideon’s sanity?” Din asks slowly.
“Of course not. The son of a bitch deserves to be punished for his crimes. Even if I did want to,” her lips curl into a snarl at the thought, “there’s no way of undoing the damage done to his mind. What I want is for the weapon to be returned to the Armorer. She’s the only one who can properly dispose of it.”
“Right,” he agrees quietly. Anything that comes out of the Armorer’s forge is built to last the length of eternity. He could toss the Darksaber into the center of a sun and it’d remain whole and unaffected, waiting to twist the mind of the next wielder. Nodding his head, he assures her, “I’ll take care of it, even if I have to cut off his hands.”
Din paces the length of the hull, each thud of his boots making contact with the metal floor blends with the low hum of the engines. Usually he’d ignore the creaks and groans of his home, but the metallic symphony is the only thing capable of drowning out the thoughts in his head urging him to storm the cockpit and retake control from Ahsoka.
“Pacing isn’t going to make us arrive any quicker,” Bo-Katan tells him, not even bothering to open her eyes as she lounges atop one of his storage crates. “Ahsoka said it will be another hour at least.”
He has a retort ready on his tongue when a voice calls out his name from somewhere beyond the Razor Crest.
Din freezes in place as unexpected, heart-wrenching hope slices through his chest. He knows that voice. It’s his favorite in all the galaxy.
“Death?” Bo-Katan asks, concerned by his stillness. “What’s wrong?”
He tentatively reaches out towards the bond, giving it the slightest of tugs. When he feels the distant flicker of a reaction on the other end from his angel he nearly forgets how to breathe.
“The bond,” he murmurs, voice thick with awe and relief. “I can feel it again.”
Longing fills his chest where the hollowness used to reside now that the invisible block separating them is gone. It wraps around his heart, squeezing so tightly he nearly falls to his knees. Din pulls at the bond again on impulse, possessed by the all-consuming need to see her, to have her at his side where she’ll be safe.
The bond protests the harsh treatment, too weak to physically bring them together across the vast distance separating them. He snarls a curse under his breath, hating being helpless to protect her. It’s unfair, he finds himself thinking for a second time. Unfair how it hurts more now being able to feel her presence compared to when he couldn’t at all.
A paper airplane flickers into existence on the horizon of his mind, flying straight into his hand when he reaches out for it. I can’t leave this place. Not yet, the note says. The words themselves are unsettling, but it’s the strength of the emotions she’s attached that has him reeling with shock. For one crazy, electrifying moment he thinks he’s passed onto the afterlife. 
Another note arrives. I miss you, Din. I want to see you so much it hurts. And it’s unbelievable, truly, that he’s found someone who makes him feel as though he’s flying and falling simultaneously. 
As he sends a message of his own, never has he been more certain that if anyone can put an end to the darkness inside of him—it’s her.
“The Moff is an expert when it comes to defensive warding,” Ahsoka says as the three of them stand looking up at a canyon wall that extends in either direction as far as their eyes can see. “But even he can’t hide from my sight.”
Din scuffs at the salt-covered ground with his boot, still coming to terms with the fact all this time Gideon’s been hiding out on Crait of all planets. As much as he wants to believe Ahsoka’s right, his powers can’t detect even the barest hint of the Seraph’s presence.  
Bo-Katan’s eyebrows arch with skepticism. “You’re sure this is the right place? It’s kind of remote.”
“Perfect for building an army,” Ahsoka replies without missing a beat.
Din exchanges a look with his reaper, realizing this is the first time either of them are hearing about this. 
“Gideon has an army?” he asks. “Who—”
“Mercenaries,” she interrupts, turning around to face them. Her blue eyes are distant and cloudy, entranced by a vision. “When I break the warding, all but one will meet the end of their mortal lives attempting to overpower us.”
“All but one? I don’t think so.” Bo-Katan rests her hands deliberately on her blaster pistols. “Anyone who works for Gideon is an enemy in my book.”
“Migs Mayfeld is not to be harmed.” There is steel in Ahsoka’s voice as she blinks back into the present moment.
Din nudges Bo-Katan with his arm when it looks like she wants to continue arguing. The reaper huffs a quiet breath of annoyance, but eventually jerks her head in the tiniest nod of compliance. 
Ahsoka grabs her twin sabers from her belt and ignites their blue blades. She handles her weapons with deadly grace, altering her appearance from peaceful Oracle to fierce and cunning warrior. Turning back to the canyon wall, her gaze trails over the red-brown rocks only to pause and narrow at seemingly random points.
Bo-Katan tries and fails to follow her line of vision. “What are you—”
The Oracle leaps into the air with surprising agility, lashing out with her sabers against the rock. Blinding light bursts forth from the point of collision followed by a flickering glimpse of a gigantic metal door. 
“—looking at,” Bo-Katan finishes quietly, watching Ahsoka swing herself higher to attack another portion of the canyon wall where the next segment of warding is hidden. 
There is something undeniably satisfying about seeing the door materialize as the wardings cloaking it are destroyed. Every precise strike of Ahsoka’s sabers brings Din one step closer to reuniting with his soulmate.
As if spurred by the mere thought of her, fear ripples across the bond like a gust of icy wind, stopping his heart cold. His angel is terrified. Din reaches out as far as the bond will allow in its fragile state, trying to get her attention by pulling at it and shouting her name, but none of his attempts breach the storm of panic. 
“She needs me,” he mutters to himself, stepping forward with clenched fists. His vision narrows until all he can see is the door in front of him, an obstacle that must be dealt with. “She needs my help.”
“Wait,” Bo-Katan calls out, but her voice sounds as if it’s coming from thousands of miles away. “Ahsoka isn’t finished with the warding yet!”
If he were capable of rational thought in that moment, he would have heeded her warning. As it is, he summons his power into the palm of his hand, the darkness inside of him crowing in wicked delight. He winds his arm back, preparing to slam his fist against the door, only for a whipcord to wrap around his wrist with an audible zip. 
He’s pulled backwards onto the ground, breath knocked from his lungs as he lands with a heavy thud. Bo-Katan appears not a second later and pins him in place by straddling his waist. The darkness is demanding he push her aside, knowing with absolute certainty the reaper is no match against him, and it takes all his strength to wrestle the urge under control. 
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” She glares at him, eyes resembling green flames eager to incinerate him.
“I—” he rasps, breathing heavily. His hand starts trembling, a burning itch under his skin. “I can feel her fear. She needs me.”
Bo-Katan blows out a long, frustrated breath. “Well, shit.” She jostles him then, forcing his head to momentarily clear as his helmet smacks the ground. “Look, soulmates are soulmates for a reason, right? I heard it’s like being two halves of the same whole. So if your soulmate is anything like you, she’s not going to give up without a fight. You have to trust she can take care of herself right now. That she’ll be fine.”
Din bristles. Trust is not the issue here. There is no one he trusts more than his angel—not Bo-Katan, not Ahsoka, not even Kuiil. The issue is he’s being asked to deny the instinct to shield her from danger which is woven into every cell of his being.
“She’ll be fine.” The words come out sounding sharp around the edges, cutting his tongue like shrapnel. “Everything will be fine.”
Bo-Katan disconnects the whipcord and rises to full height, apparently satisfied by his agreement. Din pushes himself onto his feet at a slower pace, his hand still shaking as if it's electric. He looks down at it, noticing for the first time the flesh is gone, replaced entirely by shadow. His expression tightens as he observes the change, realizing the black tendrils are slowly creeping up towards his wrist. 
An alarm rings out, reverberating off the canyon walls like an explosion. Din’s gaze snaps up just as Ahsoka lands on the ground in a defensive crouch. Now that it's been fully unveiled, the door bears a striking resemblance to ones he’s seen at military fortresses across the galaxy, ridiculously massive to intimidate enemies and impenetrable from outside attacks. It makes sense, he thinks with a scoff, someone as power-hungry as Gideon claiming an abandoned base as their lair. Without the wardings, Din is able to detect the massive number of souls gathering on the other side, resembling vermin crawling over one another in their haste to arm themselves. 
He searches for his angel’s soul, even just a glimpse of her bright light, only for his powers to instead encounter a massive cloud of dark, negatively-charged energy within a distant corner of the underground tunnel system. It fills an entire room, prohibiting him from sensing if anyone is inside. There is something strangely familiar about the energy, like he’s encountered its essence before, but he can’t recall the specifics of when or where. 
“It’s time.” 
Ahsoka’s voice reels his focus back to his physical surroundings. He notices the way her grip on her sabers tightens in anticipation and out of the corner of his eye Bo-Katan withdraws her blasters from their holsters.
The bottom of the door begins to raise with an earsplitting groan, but the mercenaries only wait the minimum amount of time it takes to pass under without hitting their heads to start charging forward. 
Every mortal has a beginning and an end just like everything else in the galaxy. These mercenaries are no exceptions, having long sealed their fates when they agreed to accept Gideon’s payment. So when Din’s shadowy hand phases through a man’s chest and tears his heart out of its cavity, staining the white salt under their feet crimson as blood bursts from the vacant hole, Din tells himself he’s simply fulfilling destiny. 
He repeats it when he discharges an assault of whistling birds, each one puncturing the throats of each target they encounter with a shrill warcry. And also when he rips a devaronian’s horn out of his head, a fragment of skull and bits of brain matter still gruesomely attached. 
Again and again, with each permanently silenced voice and every shattered fragile bone, destiny is fulfilled. 
Din would be lying if he said he’s never wondered what it would be like to die. To pass on from this world into a new realm for him to explore. He’s imagined the idyllic afterlife mortals have written poems and novels about, describing it as a blissful safe haven where sorrow and tragedy have no definition because they do not exist. He’s familiar with their opinions of damnation’s appearance, too, as an infernal place of fire and brimstone and screaming.
They were wrong about that.
Damnation is not a distant hell. It is found in an underground lair on Crait. 
Instead of flames and sulfur, a Cupid’s blood is split and a soulmate bond is snapped in half. 
Instead of screaming, a madman laughs.
“I’ve waited so long for this moment,” Gideon says through his chuckles, hauling himself onto his feet. His voice is an abrasive rasp, as if he’s shredded his vocal cords by screaming. “I’ve had to be patient, wait to find your weakness so I could catch your attention. It’s a shame, really, she had to be the one you fell for. She was quite the little spitfire.”
Din stares at his soulmate’s motionless body, frozen in place. Please, he pulls at his severed half of the bond, resolutely ignoring how cold it feels. Open your eyes, angel. Don’t leave me. Please.
There is no response. Just heartbreaking silence.
“I sense your anger, your hurt, and grief. Those are mortal emotions.” The Seraph grimaces in disgust, then lets out a low hiss when he agitates the wounds on his face. “By living amongst their kind you’ve forgotten your true potential. You are not their equal, Death. You are their superior. Immortals are meant to be better than them. To rule over every aspect of their pitiful lives.”
“I don’t want to rule anyone,” Din says, dragging his eyes away from his angel to glare at Gideon. Both his hands begin to shake as his mind plunges into a gaping abyss of remorse and despair. “I just want a life with her.”
“Even dead, she continues to blind you.”
Din snarls viciously in response. His control is pushed closer to the brink, holding on by mere fingertips, and darkness engulfs the entire room as a result. 
The glow of the Darksaber persists, reflecting off his beskar and Gideon’s armor. It reminds him of moonlight, and he thinks for all that Bo-Katan warned him about the weapon’s sinful qualities, she did not mention its beauty. Even Ahsoka’s vision had failed to truly capture its radiance, just as a holovid can never compete with a face-to-face conversation. 
His powers are drawn to the Darksaber. The energy it emits matches the one encountered earlier when searching the tunnels for his angel’s aura. This close, there is no ignoring its familiarity, not when his brain feels seconds away from exploding. 
“I used to believe love conquers all,” Gideon prattles on, seemingly oblivious to Din’s torment. “I chose it as the Cupid motto because I thought there was nothing mortals cared more about than the health and happiness of their loved ones. Only after our fateful encounter did the Lightsaber reveal to me the truth.”
Lightsaber? Din’s head jerks up to stare at him, biting back a wince when the throbbing in the back of his mind intensifies at the movement. Does Gideon not realize the weapon has transformed? 
By connecting Ahsoka’s claim that Gideon didn’t fully understand the consequence of corrupting the Lightsaber with Bo-Katan’s explanation that the Darksaber deceives its wielder, the answer is an obvious one: he doesn’t.
Gideon mistakes Din’s confusion for interest and his lips slowly curl into a smile. “Mors aeterna. It means—”
“Death is eternal.” The translation slips unbiddenly from Din’s lips before he even realizes his mouth has opened.
“There is no one more feared or respected than you. But for what reason? What have you done to earn your reputation?” Gideon demands, spit flying as his anger flares. “You are no more than the universe’s favorite puppet. Mindlessly obedient to its every demand.” 
Hearing the truth always hurts, but hearing it from Gideon is especially torturous. Din’s creed to the universe has dictated his actions the entirety of his existence. He never fought against its orders, never thought of his own desires as more important than what it wanted.
Until he matched with his soulmate. She changed his priorities and shifted the center of his entire world by revealing to him even Death could experience love. 
There had been no hesitation when he broke his creed for her.
And he doesn’t hesitate breaking Ahsoka’s promise now.
“I just murdered your soulmate right in front of you and you do nothing. Did you ever love her at all?”
“I do.”
Din summons every trace of power and darkness he possesses and combines them together within his core—a volatile, pulsating mass of pure chaos. His beskar armor starts to crack and chip away, unable to withstand the increasing pressure. 
He thinks of his angel’s smiling face, the sound of her laughter, how bright her soul shines, and he thinks all those things are gone now. Not even a chance to say goodbye.
“More than anything.”
And Death lets go.
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A Twist of Fate
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(GIF not mine) 
W/C: 2.1K
Warnings: Fluffy overload  
A/N: So, this is my first ever posting any kind of writing. I have written before but I have never had the courage to post anything. But, @mrskenobi19​ and some other friends gave me the courage to put this out there. I own nothing, I was just having fun. Hope you all enjoy 😃
“....Ugh, crap….”
The rain was now coming down in a heavy downpour, like someone had turned on a shower head with you standing under it, as you made your way through the slightly crowded city sidewalk. The dark sky rumbled as you noticed the clouds roll across it.
Most people had taken cover once the storm had started, but not you. Seeing as you had your umbrella with you, you decided to plow through it.
At the time that had seemed like a good idea, after all, that is why you took the umbrella with you when you looked at the forecast this morning; that is until the wind picked up.
Now the rain was actually flying at you. The bottom of your pants were soaking wet and the water dripped off your umbrella onto your hands, soaking the cuffs of your rain jacket. Your shoes were starting to make that squishy sound from trudging through the puddles on the sidewalk as you maneuvered your way through the crowd of people who had decided to brave the storm like you.
Why hadn’t you worn your rain boots again?
“...Because it wasn’t supposed to be this bad…..just a light rain the weatherman had said...”
You huffed frustratedly under your breath, answering your own question.
The wind was blowing your now damp hair across your face, making it even more challenging to see.
Trying to secure your umbrella tightly to you in a one handed grip, you used your other hand to now brush the hair that the wind kept blowing out of your face.
But just as you let go, a surge of wind came rolling behind you, threatening to knock you off your feet.
While you had managed to catch your balance, your umbrella had not fared so well. The strong gust of wind had blown it inside out.
“Prefect!” You hissed as you stood in the middle of the now empty sidewalk, fighting with the broken umbrella.
Whatever little part of you had been dry was now absolutely soaked. The rain was falling down through your hair, down your face, to your eyes, blurring your vision.
The faster you tried to fix the umbrella and be on your way, the more it seemed to jam.
And all of this for a cup of coffee.
You were so focused on your umbrella that you didn’t notice when the rain seemed to stop falling on you. Looking up, you realized there was a large umbrella covering you.
“Hello there.”
You looked up to notice that a man was now standing over you, as you were slightly crouched down, still trying to fix your umbrella.
His voice had a wonderful accent to it. English? Or was it Scottish? His thick auburn hair seemed to be blowing in the wind as much as yours had been despite its short length. His beard was neatly groomed. But his eyes, his eyes were really what caught your attention. They were the prettiest blue you had ever seen, almost like the blue of the ocean on a summer's day. They really stood out against the dark gray sky that framed him. His navy sweater and grey peacoat certainly helped enhance his looks.
You regretted wearing your sweatpants.
“I’m sorry, but I saw you struggling and I was wondering if I might be able to help?”
How long had you been staring at him? His soft smile and his head nod as he gestured toward your broken umbrella snapped you back to reality.
“Ah….Yeah….I think it’s broken, a huge gust of wind knocked it back and I can’t seem to fix it.”
His expression turned to a slight frown as his brows furrowed.
“...Oh dear….Well, that's dreadful...I’m terribly sorry…..”
Was he staring at you too? Your eyes had locked with his for a brief second and it seemed as if the whole world had stopped spinning. It didn’t matter that you were both standing in the middle of the city sidewalk in the pouring rain; there was only him.
“....Well, are you going somewhere close by? I’d be happy to escort you. I had originally approached, hoping I could be of service. But, if not then the least I could do is see that you get to your destination as dry as possible.”
“Who was this man?” You thought to yourself. How lucky could you be that not only was this stranger good looking, but that he was also kind and helpful.
For the first time, you smiled. “Are you sure, you don’t have to, I don’t want to impose on you.”
You really didn’t. Plus, you were only going three doors down from where you stood and it’s not like it would matter if you got any more wet than you already were.
His smile was warm and genuine. “It’s no trouble at all. In fact, I offered.” Extending his arm out toward you, his eyes seemed to speak more words to you than he did. “Where can I take you too?”
Sheepishly, you took his arm. “...It’s just a few doors down, I was originally heading to that cafe over there.” You point to the building with a red door.
His eyes closed momentarily as his mouth curled into a side smile. “Well….what a coincidence, I am too.”  
Sticking his umbrella into his elbow, he now held his free hand out toward you. “I’m Ben by the way.”
Chuckling, you shook his hand. “Y/N”
Starting the walk toward the cafe, you noticed that he made it a point to keep pace with you and make sure that you both were actually able to share the umbrella. Clearly your escort was a gentleman.
Approaching the red door, he unlinked arms with you, moved to the side and held it open. “After you my dear.”
Blushing with a smile, you didn’t say anything as you stepped over the threshold.
Why couldn’t you stop smiling?
As you heard the door close behind you, you turned to find him shaking his umbrella off on the carpet.
As the two of you approached the counter, you turned to him. “Allow me to buy you a coffee, as a thank you.”
He shook his head as he shrugged his shoulders. “No, that’s not necessary, I was glad to be a help.”
“I know, but I insist. It’s the least I can do.” You annunciated the word “I” as you echoed the phrase he had said to you on the street corner.
He chuckled, a deep throaty sound; and it made your stomach flutter. “Okay, okay….you win this round.”
You noticed he said “this round.” Would there be another “round”?....The more you looked at this stranger with kind eyes and a warm smile, you did find yourself hoping that there would be another “round.”
After placing the order, the two of you stood off to the side waiting.
“So….what brings you out to a cafe in the middle of a rain storm.”
His eyes seem to light up. “I had planned on meeting some friends here. Well, I say friends but they’re more like my younger brother and sister; I’ve known them both for ages.”
His eyes lingered on you as if he was memorizing your face. “....And how about you?”
You laughed nervously. “Sadly, I am just a coffee addict. I thought I could make it here and back in time before the rain got too bad.”
His playful smile caused you to mirror his expression. “Ah, I see.”
The sound of the barista calling your name out broke the bubble that you two seemed to think you were in.
Moving toward the counter, the two of you grabbed your respective coffees.
Now what? The two of you were looking awkwardly at one another. It was as if you two wanted to say so much but at the same time you both said nothing.
Your eyes darted to the floor nervously as you tried to think of something to say
The sound of him clearing his throat caused you to look back up at him expectantly.
“.....if you aren’t doing anything you’re more than welcome to join me. My friends are hardly ever on time for anything and I’d love some company while I wait.”
He turned to the side and pointed at one of the free tables under the large windows.
Your wide smile creeped over your face. “I’d like that….thank you.”
The two of you sat down at one of the tables he had originally pointed to, but not before he pulled your chair out for you.
It didn’t matter that you were absolutely drenched and uncomfortable in your clothes. Or that you had left the television on in your apartment thinking that you would only be gone for five minutes. You could only focus on Ben.
The conversation flowed easily between you two. He was a history teacher down at the local high school and you had always loved history. Additionally, the more you two talked, the more you seemed to have similar interests in all the same areas. How many other men had you met that could enthusiastically talk about the finer points of movie musicals with the same enthusiasm that they could talk about serious dramas? Food, music, books, current events...the topics were limitless. The man even went from quoting Shakespeare to Spider-Man in just two sentences.
All of it made you not only laugh, but your walls slowly came down for this charming and intelligent man. You had completely lost all track of time to the point where you hadn't noticed that it stopped raining.
“So, do you come here often?” You asked him.
“I do. I usually stop in on my way to or home from work….Sometimes both depending on how the day went.” He chuckled.
“Oh, I get that.”
The sound of his cell phone buzzing on the table caught both of your attention.
“I’m sorry, excuse me.” He said picking up the phone and reading the text.
“......Huh…..Typical….” He smiled as he shook his head slightly back and forth.
You gave him a raised eyebrow look, asking a silent question.
“Well….it seems Anakin and Ahsoka are so late that they would rather we catch up for dinner instead….” He chuckled as he put the phone down. “Why am I not surprised?” He said looking back at you.
You looked at your watch. Wait….what? Dinner?! How late was it? You looked out the window. When had it stopped raining? How enchanted by this stranger were you? You needed to move along before you bored him to death.
Brushing your hair behind your hair, you stood up. “Well I should probably get going, I don’t want to take up any more of your time.”
Standing, he gave you another one of his infectious smiles. “It was a pleasure. I enjoyed your company very much. It was lovely to meet you Y/N.” He stuck out his hand once again for a handshake.
Smiling, you shook his hand. “It was lovely meeting you too Ben.”
As you turned and headed for the door you couldn’t help the sinking feeling in your stomach that you could possibly never see this charming and interesting stranger again. Before you had any idea of what you were actually doing, you stopped. Running with the surge of courage you had before you thought too much about it. Turning on your heel, you casually looked at him.
“Maybe you could lend me your umbrella again sometime?”
His glazed eyes that had been watching you walk away cleared as he blinked rapidly at you, taking your words in. The thoughts he had been lost in would never become a reality.
“I would like that very much.” He gave you that smile again.
You tilted your head to the side, giving him a thoughtful expression. “I wonder if it’s supposed to rain again tomorrow?”
The glee in his blue eyes was unmistakable as he understood your hidden question. “...You know, I believe it is….Around 3, actually I think the forecast said…”
“ 3’oclock huh…..well…..I may just have to bring my broken umbrella to get a coffee in hopes that a kind stranger helps me out again.”
“....Hmmmm that does sound like a twist of fate….perhaps I’ll have to stop in for a coffee myself after school, see if anyone needs help with their umbrellas…”
With a polite head nod, you slowly backed towards the door. “Enjoy the rest of your evening Ben.”
He raised his coffee towards you. “You as well Y/N.”
As you walked down the bustling sidewalk, the sunshine was now shining across your face, drying your damp clothing. You sighed happily as you replayed your afternoon with Ben. You really liked him. I mean, what wasn’t there to like? He was kind, polite, funny, charming…..and not to mention beautiful…...a twist of fate indeed.
Waiting till tomorrow at 3 would be practically impossible, but the prospect of seeing Ben again would make it all worth it.
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 4 years
(Clone Wars/Rebels) Rebels!Rex x Reader: Hope
(Author’s Note: Sooo this is a neat request I got! I REALLY hope you don’t mind that I tweaked it a tad!!!!  And I hope you like it!!!!  Highkey this almost had me crying at the end, oh my.  It’s tough for me to write Rebels era Rex because in my mind he’s forever young ;^;  But I really did enjoy this request, and thank you!
OG Request: What about a Rebels Rex x reader reunion where the reader died during order 66, but became a ghost. So she sticks with Kanan and the ghost crew, when they get Rex back she stays invisible so that he can't see her because she thinks that he moved on. Something happens and he sees her, she hides and he has to hunt her down and convince her that they could make it work.)
   “_________,” Kanan said gently.  He stood at the doorway to your quarters, eyes full of concern.  “I know this is hard for you.  Believe me, I don’t like it any more than you do, but...you can’t hide forever.  The others are worried about you.”  You materialized in the middle of the room, eyes downcast and arms wrapped around your form in an attempt for comfort.  Kanan stepped inside the room, allowing the door to slide shut behind him.  “The clones took everything from us.  They betrayed the jedi and killed so many…” The bridge of his nose crinkled as the rest of his face twisted with pain at the memories.  Bitterness came off him in waves.
   “Kanan, you misunderstand,” you whispered, walking over to take a seat at the edge of your bunk.  “That’s not why I’m hesitant to reveal myself to the men who we’ve teamed up with.  The truth is...I don’t entirely blame them.”
   “What?” he asked in disbelief.  “How could you not?”  
   “Remember, Kanan, I was a jedi knight when Order 66 went through.  You only remember part of the story because you were so young.  The men were under Sidious’ control.  We can’t hold that against them.”
   He folded his arms, as if his point still stood.  “Then why are you hiding?”
   At that, your eyes returned to the floor.  “Because I know those men.  I knew Captain Rex quite well back in the day.”
   Kanan’s eyes widened.  “You mean…”
   “I know.  It was against my code and his regulations, but we were together.  I...I loved him.  I was off on another mission when Order 66 was given.  The troops I was working with fired at me, and that’s when the accident happened.”
   “The accident that left you a ghost.  But it wasn’t an accident, _________.  Your soldiers betrayed you and shot at the energy field behind you.  They-”
   You sighed.  “Kanan, I’m not a force ghost.”  When he gave you a skeptical look, you continued, “I can walk through walls and vanis, but think about it.  Have you ever seen a ghost stick around this long?  Or actually have the ability to materialize a physical form like I do?”
   “Can’t say I’ve had too many encounters with them in the first place,” he mumbled.
   “The accident turned my body into energy.  They didn’t take my life.”
   “__________.”  He closed his eyes and shook his head.  “That doesn’t excuse what they did, and I don’t blame you for not wanting to face them.”
   “Rex didn’t do this to me anyway.  He’s a good man, and I never stopped loving him.  I just don’t want him to see me this way.  He has probably been moved on for some time now, and he’s going to be upset.”
   “He should.”
   “Kanan!” you scolded.  “That’s enough.  I get that you’re still hurting.  I understand.  Really, I do.  I just don’t need to hear this right now.”
   He released a sigh, resting a hand on your shoulder.  “You’re right.  I’m sorry.”
    Just then, the door to your quarters slid open.  You vanished on instinct, but it appeared that you hadn’t gone quickly enough.  A familiar pair of eyes stared wide at the spot you had previously sat beside Kanan.  Though you recognized them instantly, they belonged to an aged face.
   “___________?  I knew it.  It is you.”
   Kanan glanced around awkwardly while you remained invisible.  “Um…”
   “I thought I saw ___________ earlier.  I thought that maybe it was just all in my head, but she’s here, isn’t she?”
   “Look, Rex…”
   “Please,” Rex pleaded.  “Please tell me where I can find her.  I never knew what happened to her after the Republic fell.  I know you don’t like me but-”
   “I’m right here,” you said, materializing.  Rex’s eyes widened and  mouth fell open.  “I didn’t want you to see me this way.”
   “___________, what happened to you?”
   The sympathy and in his voice caused you to feel a familiar ache in your chest.  It was overwhelming.  For years you had wondered, just as he did, what happened.  For years you tried to come to terms with never seeing him again.  But there he was standing in front of you.  In fact, he was walking over.
   “Wait,” you said quickly.  “I...I can’t.”  You vanished again, this time hearing him call out,
   “No!”  You hurried past him and ran straight through the closed door.  You heard him on the other side.  “I’m going to find her.”
   - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
   “___________,” you heard Rex’s voice pant.  “There you are.”
   “Rex, I’m sorry about earlier.”
   “Don’t worry about it.”  A strained groan escaped his lips as he lowered himself to sit beside you.  “I just don’t want to lose you again.”
   You hugged your knees to your chest as you gazed out at the setting sun from the roof of the ship.  The sky glowed a variety of lovely colors; orange, pink, and even a little purple.  For the first time since seeing Rex again, you felt at peace.  Sitting beside him felt normal even after all that time.  “What do you mean?”
   “After Order 66 was given, I had quite the adventure.  Ahsoka helped me get the chip out of my head so that I would no longer carry out the order.”  He sighed.  “I looked everywhere for you after that.  Even some of my brothers told me that the worst may have happened, but I always had hope.  I never stopped looking.  I never stopped- I never stopped loving you.”
   “Rex,” you whispered.  “What we had was great, but it was a long time ago.  So much has changed since then.  We were young, and we had no idea what the galaxy would become.”
   “What are you talking about?” He gave a hearty laugh.  “We’re still young, and there’s a new hope.”
   You looked over at him, meeting those eyes that held so much warmth in them.  Even with the crinkles around his eyes and the white beard, in your eyes he was the same Rex you knew back then.  Memories began to flash across your mind like a holovid playing in front of you.  Memories of stolen glances across the strategy meetings and debriefings, secret kisses when no one was looking, and many battles fought side-by-side.
   “What happened to the serious captain I knew?” you smiled.
   “He lightened up a bit.”  Rex chuckled.  You ventured to reach out a hand to rest its palm on his cheek, and he instinctively relaxed into the touch, closing his eyes and exhaling.  “__________, do you still love me?”
   “Of course I do.”
   “Then we can make this work.  Like I said, I don’t want to lose you again.  Ever.”  He reached up to gently place his hand over yours, opening his eyes to gaze at you with determination.  Your breath caught in your throat.
   His eyes glinted then, the same way they used to when you’d look at him from across a briefing, and he leaned in to wrap his arm around your form and pull you against him.  He tipped your chin up and captured your lips in a kiss.  You giggled, and he pulled away.  “What?”
   “Nothing, it’s just,” you giggled again, tears spilling from your eyes.  “The beard.  It tickles.”
   “Oh yeah?” he laughed, leaning in to playfully swipe his beard across your cheek, sending you into a fit of giggles as you tried to break free from his embrace.  Then, he let you catch your breath.  “I missed you.”
   “I missed you too.”  You pressed a kiss to his hand.  “And you’re right.  There is hope.”
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glimmerglanger · 4 years
*whispers* if youre taking spicy prompts, may i suggest impotent!obi-wan + prostate stimulation for obikin please? Only if youre okay with it!!! I cannot thank you enough for all the chocolate cakes and sincerely wish you to be happy. thank you again and again and again!!!
soooooooooo i originally planned for this be for Sunday, but it’s really more ~feelings~ and dealing with a rough spot than just spicy. (Though, it is not safe for wizards, to be clear). It’s just not predominantly spicy. SO. I’m, uh... posting it now, instead? It also got longer than I expected.
Obikin, established relationship. Not safe for wizards. Implications of past torture. Set sometime during the Clone Wars. Starts tense, ends well.
They’d been together - whatever that meant, for them, at any given time - for an embarrassing stretch of time before Anakin noticed that he’d never properly touched Obi-Wan. In his defense, they’d spent the majority of that time deployed on one planet or another, not always together, even.
It was a weak defense, as such things went. He should have noticed sooner. It was just that….Obi-Wan always had an excuse, a reason to bolt away as soon as Anakin’s hands wandered southward, or if Anakin tried to tug at his waistband, or if he pressed too close, or--
The realization that he - actually - had no idea if Obi-Wan even wanted him hit while Obi-Wan was climbing off his knees. Obi-Wan’s mouth was red, wet. His cheeks were flushed. A moment ago, Anakin’s hands had been in his hair and Anakin’s cock had been--
“Feel better?” Obi-Wan asked, flashing him a grin and licking across his bottom lip. He looked flushed, hot and bothered. But when Anakin reached for him, he slid to the side, continuing, “I’m overdue for a meeting, we should catch up, later, though, before you return to the Resolute.”
“Obi-Wan,” Anakin managed to say, around the sudden clamoring realization in his head. But he was talking to nothing. Obi-Wan was already gone.
Confusion hit first, as Anakni tucked himself back into his pants. He went back over his memories, sure he’d--what, forgotten bringing Obi-Wan off? That was kriffing ridiculous, and he knew it. But…
But it seemed equally as ridiculous to realize that he’d never even gotten a hand inside Obi-Wan’s trousers. They’d just been so busy. And Obi-Wan had always had a reason, had always seen to Anakin and then…. Slipped away.
The confusion, really, didn’t last very long. It was crowded out all too effectively by anger. 
Anakin had been stewing for hours by the time Obi-Wan got back to his quarters. Anakin hadn’t left; knew he should have left, but…
He was sitting on the edge of Obi-Wan’s bed - a bed where Obi-Wan had touched him, stroking him until he came, only a few days ago - when the door opened. He felt a wash of fondness and warmth from Obi-Wan through the Force, and gritted his teeth together.
“There you are,” Obi-Wan said, tone warm, crossing the room, bending, and Anakin turned his face away. He felt Obi-Wan hesitate, felt the way Obi-Wan’s hand tensed on his shoulder. Heard puzzlement in Obi-Wan’s voice when he asked, wry, “Not in the mood, darling?”
The anger that had been kindling in Anakin’s chest flared brighter. He looked over, scowling, and snapped, “I don’t need your kriffing pity, you know?”
Obi-Wan blinked at him, hand still resting on Anakin’s shoulder. “I’ve no idea--”
He cut off when Anakin stood, and took a step back. Anakin followed him, itching with frustration and with - with humiliation, too. “What?” he asked, fighting the tightness in his throat, “you thought I just wouldn’t notice that you’ve been - what, exactly? Helping me out of - of duty?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Obi-Wan said, and then, louder, “Anakin!” when Anakin backed him into the wall. 
“I don’t need charity,” Anakin snarled, his spine a line of crackling lightning. “Despite what you might think, I don’t need your kriffing pity to get off. I’d rather use my own hand than have you -- put yourself out.”
Obi-Wan flinched at the words, color washing out of his face. He made to shift to the side and Anakin braced his hand on the wall. Obi-Wan looked across at him, mouth pressed tight, and said, “I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but nothing I’ve done with you has been motivated by pity. Or charity. You must know that I--”
“What?” Anakin snapped, nerves strung too tight under his skin. “That you enjoy it?”
Obi-Wan scowled across at him, chin going up. “Of course, I--”
“Oh?” Anakin leaned closer, watched Obi-Wan’s eyes get wider. He put his other hand on Obi-Wan’s side, and rasped, dragging his fingers over cloth, “Then why don’t you show me how much you--”
Obi-Wan caught his wrist, squeezing hard, eyes getting strange and distant, expression….washing flat. All blank lines. He said, “Anakin, don’t.”
Anakin jerked his face to the side, barking a laugh. “Right,” he said, sharp, “that’s what I thought. I don’t even make you hard, do I? I think we’re done, then, if that’s--”
“I can’t.” Obi-Wan bit out, as Anakin pushed away from the wall, leaving him standing there, looking increasingly small. Anakin blinked, the sweep of his anger and embarrassment coming up short, blockaded.
He asked, “What?”
Obi-Wan’s mouth twitched, not into a smile. He was still staring forward, not at anything in particular. “I can’t ‘get hard,’” he repeated, gesturing out to the side with one hand, stepping away from the wall and tugging his robes to order. “Not since -- Rattatak. Ventress, she-- I - I can’t--” He cut off, shaking his head, sharply.
“I’m sorry to have upset you,” he said, before Anakin could recover from the curdling horror that had overtaken his anger too rapidly to be stopped. “I hope that your return to the Resolute is pleasant.” And then he was gone, just like that, out the door, before Anakin could lurch after him.
Anakin missed his transport to the Resolute. He sent Rex and Ahsoka a message, letting them know something required his attention on the Negotiator. He promised he’d meet up with them once they all reached their destination.
And then he grabbed Obi-Wan’s padd and did some research, anger and mortification still moving through him, but...but at least they had a purpose. He already had more than enough reasons to want Ventress dead. Adding one more to the pile didn’t make much of a difference in the long-run.
The shame of accusing Obi-Wan of - of being terrible to him, set heavier in his gut. Anakin pushed it aside. He could make it right. He could fix it. He was good at fixing things, always had been, even if people weren’t as easy as machines and droids.
He had a plan by the time Obi-Wan’s doors slid open again.
Obi-Wan hesitated in the doorway - he must not have been paying attention, not to pick up Anakin’s presence in the room before - and said, after a moment, “Something you needed, Anakin?”
Anakin stood, grimacing a little. “Yeah,” he said, clearing his throat. “A few things, actually.”
Obi-Wan nodded, still looking over to one side. He said, exhaustion in his voice, “Could they perhaps wait until--”
“I’m sorry,” Anakin blurted, into the space between them. Sometimes it felt like he was always apologizing to Obi-Wan, or to the Council, or to… Well. So many different people. Obi-Wan blinked, looking towards him for the first time. “I shouldn’t have...said those things I said, earlier, I just didn’t - you never told me, Obi-Wan. I didn’t know.”
Obi-Wan stared across at him. He said, “I told you I cared for you. I told you I wanted you.”
Anakin grimaced, flexing his hands in and out. “I know. I - I meant about Ventress. You never--”
He knew it was a mistake, even before he said it. Obi-Wan tensed across his shoulders, taking a half-step back towards the door, and Anakin blew out a breath. “But that’s alright,” he said, as reassuring as he could be, “I still shouldn’t have - I’m still sorry, Obi-Wan.”
He took a step closer, and Obi-Wan didn’t bolt, which was a good sign, he thought. Obi-Wan sighed, instead, and said, “I’m not angry at you, Anakin.”
“I know that.” Obi-Wan so rarely got angry with him. He sighed and risked touching Obi-Wan’s arm, relieved when Obi-Wan leaned into the touch. He dared pull Obi-Wan closer, into an embrace, chest aching when Obi-Wan leaned his forehead down, resting on Anakin’s shoulder. “I really am - so sorry. I just - I want you so much, and I thought - I thought you didn’t want me at all, and…” And he’d said idiotic, stupid things. He swallowed. “Let me make it up to you.”
Obi-Wan sighed, resting there against his chest, “There’s nothing to make up, I’m not--”
“There is,” Anakin said, shifting, breathing against his hair. “And I - I have a plan. Just. Come here. Please.”
Obi-Wan didn’t protest being led across to the bed, but he did wrinkle his nose. He said, “Anakin, I’m not exaggerating. I really can’t--”
“You don’t need to,” Anakin told him, ducking to kiss him. Force, he was an idiot. Obi-Wan kissed him so sweet and hungry, every time. He should have known--
Anakin shook that thought aside, sinking down onto the bunk and drawing Obi-Wan down across his lap. He felt a little tinge of embarrassment at how quickly he got hard; he knew Obi-Wan had to be able to feel it, but… Obi-Wan made no comment about it and did not seem bothered as Anakin drew him into another kiss.
“Are you apologizing by kissing me?” Obi-Wan asked, eventually, when Anakin’s mouth felt tender and his jaw ached. He sounded amused, more than anything. Relaxed. Anakin shrugged, a little. 
“Not really,” he said, and took the opportunity to start tugging at Obi-Wan’s belt. 
Obi-Wan made a little sighing sound, but helped, at least, with the removal of his robes. He said, “I know you like to solve problems, Anakin, but I--”
“I’m not trying to solve anything,” Anakin told him, kissing his soft, lovely mouth. “I just want to be close to you.” 
Obi-Wan shot him a look that said he didn’t believe a word of it, but didn’t protest further. He shivered at the kisses Anakin scattered across his neck and shoulder, anyway, and made sweet, delightful sounds as Anakin trailed touches across his skin. He hesitated, a little, when Anakin reached for his pants, and Anakin rasped, “It’s alright, let me.”
There were scars, all over Obi-Wan’s body. Some of them stretched across his stomach or ranged over his thighs. He’d never given them much thought. He traced them, absently, falling back into kissing Obi-Wan, stretching a hand out to retrieve the lubricant he’d set aside earlier. 
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan rasped, eventually, stained red all over his shoulders, voice quaking, “listen to me, I can’t--”
“I’m not trying to make you,” Anakin promised, kissing him again. “I have - I want to touch you. To make you feel good, but I’m not expecting -- just, just relax, alright? Let me take care of you. Just for a while.”
Obi-Wan wavered, tense in his arms, and then nodded. Anakin felt him relax, felt him choose to trust, and it made Anakin’s chest ache. Obi-Wan made a puzzled sound when Anakin tugged at him, turning him so his back rested against Anakin’s chest, while Anakin leaned against the wall. 
“I don’t understand what you’re trying to accomplish,” Obi-Wan rasped, as Anakin trailed kisses down his neck, sliding hands down his chest. He was painfully hard in his pants, but - but Obi-Wan had taken care of him so sweetly, earlier. He could deal with his erection, trapped in fabric, pressed to Obi-Wan’s back.
“I’m trying to make you feel as good as you make me feel,” Anakin murmured, making a protesting sound when he felt Obi-Wan open his mouth. “I know you can’t get hard, Obi-Wan. Relax.”
Obi-Wan cut off in a groan when Anakin nipped at his shoulder. Anakin smiled against his skin and slid a hand down his skin. Obi-Wan squirmed when Anakin tugged at his thigh, spreading his legs. Anakin drew his own leg up, hooking Obi-Wan’s over the top, and Obi-Wan gasped, “Oh, Anakin, I--”
“Sh,” Anakin murmured, nuzzling against his neck. “I’ve got you.” He curled his arm around Obi-Wan’s waist and held him, using the Force to slick his other fingers with the lube. “You just tell me how it feels, alright?” he said, sliding his hand down, back--
Obi-Wan jolted, a little, at the brush of touch against his skin. His head tilted back, heavy on Anakin’s shoulder as Anakin touched him, dipped a finger tip inside him. There’d been...instructions, for what Anakin wanted to do, dry and fairly boring.
Anakin was pretty sure he’d gotten the gist of them, anyway. He trailed kisses across Obi-Wan’s skin, sliding his finger out and in again, Obi-Wan squirming against him as he asked, “Good so far?”
“Strange so far,” Obi-Wan panted out, a wry note in his tone. “I’m not sure--”
“I am,” Anakin said, sliding his finger in a little further, looking--
Obi-Wan jolted against him, suddenly, stomach tensing beneath Anakin’s arm. He let out a little sound, wordless. Surprised. Anakin smiled against his skin, the beginnings of satisfaction warming his gut, making him harder.
He rubbed the pad of his finger in a circle, buried there, inside Obi-Wan’s body. And, oh, he liked the idea of being inside Obi-Wan. He’d entertained it before, a burning desire to get as close as possible and then closer, to--
He cut off those thoughts. That was...not part of the plan at the moment. Perhaps later. He circled his finger, instead, listening to Obi-Wan make surprised, ragged sounds into the air. There’d been all kinds of suggestions, about drawing this out, making it last, making a person beg--
Anakin didn’t want Obi-Wan to have to beg. Not for this. But he did adjust his grip, did dare a second finger, sliding two inside and feeling Obi-Wan’s spine arch, feeling the sound he made. “How’s that?” Anakin asked, rasping, the pads of his fingers circling to apply direct pressure.
“Kriff,” Obi-Wan panted, and he was flushing, all down his chest, wriggling in Anakin’s hold, and it did not matter that he wasn’t hard, Anakin could feel the pleasure echoing off of him. “It’s -- it’s good, Anakin, what---?”
“It’ll get better,” Anakin promised, meaning it, plans all clambering together in his head as he withdrew his fingers. Obi-Wan made a sharp noise of protest. “Don’t worry,” he said, switched arms, sliding his right hand down, between Obi-Wan’s legs, “I’ve got you, I’m going to take care of you.”
Obi-Wan arched when Anakin sunk two fingers into him, leather sliding against skin. The muscles in his thighs and stomach tensed. And he cried out, ragged, when Anakin ran a little vibration through his fingers, the metal thrumming as he dragged his fingertips in a circle, pressing down harder, feeling--
“Oh, fuck,” Obi-Wan panted, grabbing at his arm, body clenching around Anakin’s fingers. “Anakin--”
“Mm,” Anakin nuzzled at his throat, tightening his hold, so desperately grateful that Obi-Wan had let him do this, let him apologize. “There you go,” he rasped, “just like that, come on.”
And he felt it, when Obi-Wan came, felt the way he flashed all over with sweet, hot pleasure in the Force, felt it in the clench of Obi-Wan’s body, in the way he went limp, breathing raggedly, and it didn’t matter, really, that his cock had never stirred. 
“Force,” Obi-Wan slurred, sounding dazed, and Anakin hummed, sucked a kiss into his throat, and twisted his fingers, just a little.
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tobealostwanderer · 4 years
Grogu and Din introduce Luke to a friend
Again, I wrote this late at night and I haven't proofread. I am not a great writer but I thought that this was adorable so I wanted to write it down. Slight DinLuke mentions. This story can also be found on Wattpad. Enjoy!
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It was a peaceful day at the temple. The padawans had the day of so in turn, Luke had some time to relax. Grogu's adoptive father, a Mandalorian called Din Djarin, would come and pick Grogu up in a few hours to have a father-son day.
Luke knew that the Jedi of old didn't agree to attachments with other people, including parents. But something stirred in him when he first picked up Grogu all those months ago. The Mandalorian and Child had a deep connection that wasn't easily broken. Grogu was practically unmanagable when he joined the newly established Jedi temple, and it wasn't until he got his metal ball, a replacement from what he used to play with on his father's ship, and the promise that his dad would visit him soon that he cooperated in the lessons.
Din visited once every two months and Luke got to know the man behind the helmet a bit. After all, the Mandalorian gave his name to him, which he knew was not commonly done. A tiny smile krept on the Master's face as he remembered that day..
Shaking out of the memory, Luke got up from his desk chair and made his way to the sleeping chambers of his pupils. It was about time he got Grogu ready. There weren't many pupils in Luke's temple. His own nephew wouldn't join until he was old enough to show the signs of the Force, but he was certain that he would grow up to be a powerful Jedi.
Knocking on a wooden door at the end of the hallway, a happy coo was heard. Luke opened the door to see Grogu play with his metal ball. The metal was starting to look less polished because of the creature's clawed, green hands. This obviously didn't bother the little alien as he couldn't be parted with it. Through the Force, Luke could feel Grogu's happiness. He knew what today meant.
As if on cue, the loud rumbling of a spaceship could be heard. Grogu squealed and hobbled to his tiny window as fast as he could. The familiar form of the Razor Crest landed closeby. Luke picked up the green baby and smiled down at him.
"Let's go greet your father, little one" he said with a tiny smile. His robes whooshed as he turned around, his leather boots clicking on the tiles as he powerwalked to the entrance. He too was happy to see the Mandalorian again. He was like a friend to him, although not in the way Han is a friend to him. It felt like... more. Luke had to surpress it though. Some people still remembered the Jedi of old, and remembered their customs. Even though most had forgotten, he still needed to be an example to the galaxy.
As the black-clad man and baby stepped outside, the hull door of the spaceship lowered to the ground. A cloud of dust sprang up as the metal hit the ground. The beskar clad man was quick to make his way to the two people in the yard. Happy to see Grogu for a bit. Grogu, in turn, cooed loudly upon seeing Mando.
"He has been behaving very well. He is slowly picking up his lessons. Every day his connection with the Force grows stronger" the sandy haired man said as he stopped in front of the metal clad bounty hunter. "I'm happy to hear that" the bounty hunter said, stroking the baby's green ears affectionately.
Luke handed Grogu over to Din. "I hope to have him back by dinner-" "Actually," Mando interrupted the Jedi Master. "I was wondering if you would like to join us.. Just for today. I think Grogu would like it" to which the Child indeed cooed loudly, raising a clawed hand towards Luke. "I understand if you are busy but he- we would very much like it"
It wasn't often that he saw the beskar clad man in a nervous state. In fact, he can't remember if he ever got nervous before. But Din was moving his weight from one leg to the other and looking around anywhere but at Luke. It was kind of cute...
Luke stowed away his thoughts for now and just grinned at the tall man in front of him. "I would very much like to. I don't go on many adventures anymore. Let me inform my second in command and I shall join you" he said, staying professional even though there wasn't really any reason to be this professional to the man.
Din nodded and turned to his ship, carrying Grogu to it as Luke made his way to his second in command. He quickly relied the message that he would be gone for the afternoon but would hopefully return before midnight. As he finished instructing the Twi'lek female, he made haste to join the father and son on the ship.
It didn't take long for Luke to be settled in and Mando to start the ship. The planet on which he build the new Jedi temple becoming smaller until he felt the familiar lurch of lightspeed. It took a few seconds before Luke was comfortable enough to talk to the Mandalorian.
"Where are we going?" He first asked. He knew he could look into the Mando's head for answers, but he had too much respect to infiltrate the man's mind. "A planet called Corvus. It isn't the most comfortable planet, but we want you to meet someone." Din responded. Grogu gurgled happily and Luke could vagually make out what he was saying: "Very nice, she is. Helped us, she did".
"Who is 'she'?" Luke asked, more to himself than to the two other beings in the cockpit. But nonetheless Mando responded: "You will see, no need to ruin the surprise".
It took exactly two hours when they started to lower into the atmosphere of Corvus. Luke looked at the fires that spread through it. Like it was never meant to be a forest planet, but trees grew anyway just to burn down because of the drought. As they landed close by a walled village, the white mist was almost omenous as ashes hung in the air.
Luke sensed her. She was somewhere inside the village. She almost seemed familliar even though Luke was certain that he never felt such a Force signature before. Whoever she was, was powerful, and most likely has trained like a Jedi. He wondered if she was interested in joining the Jedi again.
Before he realised it, the trio was decending from the Crest and started to walk into the village. Luke followed Din like an uncertain puppy. Because even though he was strong, he felt very out of place on this planet.
It seemed like the crackling of far away forest fires were always heard. Other than that, and the trio's footsteps, the village was quiet. Not many people were out and about and those that were slunk into the background. Luke had no idea why but he had a feeling that Din has scared these people a little.
It wasn't a big village and soon they were met with double doors. They were already opened, seemingly jammed and melted into place by a familiar weapon. Luke's fingers subconsciously stroked his own Lightsaber as they passed through the beautiful garden and to the last and biggest home in the village.
Before Din could knock, the doors flew open and a Togruta woman stood in front of them. Luke could make out a few wrinkles in her face. Her eyes shone wisdom and loss and on her belt she had two 'saber hilts. Even though he had felt her presence before, he was surprised to see the two powerful weapons hanging from her belt.
"Mando, Grogu. It is very nice to see you again. I see you have found a Jedi to train him? Please, do come in" the woman's smooth voice said. The trio stepped into the home and followed their host to the living room. As they all sat down, Grogu playing with a piece of fabric on the floor, Din introduced the two.
"Luke, this is Ahsoka Tano. Ahsoka, Luke Skywalker." As the words left the Mandalorian's lips, the two people looked at eachother with wide eyes. "That's why you are familiar.. It is a pleasure, Luke, to finally meet you. I knew your parents..." She drifted off, thinking back to her Padawan time, thinking of 'her' Skyguy.
Mando had quietly taken Grogu with him outside to let the two Jedi talk. The moment Ahsoka had spoken, he felt like the two needed to speak in private, and havinf a babbling kid around wouldn't help them get to talking. This was a private moment, he knew.
Back with the two Jedi, Luke carefully placed his hand on Ahsoka's. "I have never met them.. truly met them. But I know they cared for you, miss Tano. Ben told me about you" he said, trying to comfort the Togruta woman. "Please," Ahsoka said "call me Ahsoka. And.. who is Ben, if you don't mind me asking? I don't think I've met one" her mind fluttered through memories, trying to remember a 'Ben'.
"My aunt, uncle and I knew him as Ben Kenobi, but his true name was Obi-Wan Kenobi." Luke said calmly. He could see one hundered emotions go through Ahsoka's eyes. Her Force signature seemed to pulse with the same emotions. Happiness, sadness, admiration, respect, hope, love and grief. "Master Kenobi... I... I felt him join the Force a while ago.." Ahsoka swallowed thickly. "He was a nice man. A very good General. Caring, but he never truly understood Anakin" Ahsoka smiled at a few memories that fluttered through her mind. So strong, that they were projected in Luke's mind. Visions of the start of the Clone Wars projected in his mind. A young Ahsoka standing next to a tall, dark haired man he assumed to be his father, Anakin, and a slightly shorter man with an auburn beard that looked very much like a young Ben Kenobi.
"Sorry" Ahsoka said, as the memories stopped playing. "I don't think back a lot to.. that time. I wish you could've met your father... I still cannot believe he changed to the Dark Side" Ahsoka sighed. She was about to stand up as Luke responded to her: "That is the thing, I have met him. In the end, I got to see him. The real him. Anakin. And though our moment was brief, his love was real, and I am glad to have met him" his words shocked Ahsoka. Tears pricked in her eyes as she looked around the room. "I want to believe you-" she whispered, the tears now streaming down her face.
"He is telling the truth" a voice behind them said. Turning around, the two were met with the blue Force Ghost of Anakin Skywalker. "My son is telling the truth, Snips" a smile formed on Anakin's face as he looked at his old Padawan with fondness.
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cousinwingding97 · 3 years
Silver Memories
Chapter Five: Corvus
Warnings: Description of killing someone. This one is a long one as well, so the next chapter will be shorter since this took a lot out of my brain. Enjoy!
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Mando listens as you describe the nightmare, or possible vision for lack of a better word, with rapt attention. Every detail is seared into your brain much like the memory of being whipped that keeps playing over and over; this one feels different, though, like an out of reach dream rather than a bone deep memory. You don’t know which is worse and you wouldn’t mind some happy memories to play in the darkness of your mind while drifting to sleep.
He shrugs it off saying it’s just a nightmare or memory before turning back to the flashing lights of hyperspace. You want to argue considering the details seem more recent and there was no sign of pain and destruction while you two were on Pollis Massa, but he cuts you off with a, “We’ll find out from my friend what it is. For now, try not to let it bother you.”
Yes, brilliant idea. Can’t believe I didn’t think about not letting it bother me, you think to yourself. Even with his words, you can’t help but notice that Mando seems much more tense in the shoulders. You’re wondering if he is just trying to make you feel better in his own way.
“Do I have enemies?”
“W-what? Why do you ask?”
“Well, I mean the dream made it seem like that guy wants to kill me or capture me at least, I was found in a cell; I can’t help but feel like people don’t want me around.”
“Everyone has enemies. Yours probably grew in number just from hanging out with me.”
“Why? Do people not like you?”
Mando lets out a small sound like a disbelieving laugh, “Most people aren’t too excited about a bounty hunter sullying their place of business In case we end up causing a mess or chasing after them. I’m not welcome to most places.”
Something twists in your heart. It feels like pity or just discomfort with the idea of people judging based off the armor and job Mando performs. “Don’t you get lonely?”
Mando shifts in his seat, “I’ve never really thought about it,” he says, but you can’t help but feel a wave of sadness wash over you. A desire to fit in and be loved, but only ever being held at arms length or feared. The emotions don’t feel like your own; in fact, you know they aren’t since you can’t place any experience to that feeling. It feels more like Mando’s due to the tinge of anger underneath it all. Why wouldn’t a child be loved unconditionally and why should anyone be untouched by the love and kindness of others?
“You have,” you breathe out more to yourself. The realization hitting you like a punch to the gut, slamming all of your emotions out to be filled with his. “You’re lonely. No one gave you what you really wanted.”
You can almost see the faceless warriors demanding excellence, violence, pure fight from every child instead of the love a child needs. A desire for every child to perform perfectly without any thought or care towards what actually children need to develop and thrive. It hurts. You don’t know why, but your heart feels like there are claws hollowing it out from the inside. Your breath starts to burn in your lungs.
“Stop it.”
“You just want the gentleness and love, you want to be loved, yet you can’t have it now.” The words flow out of your mouth, unwelcome.
“I said stop.”
“Everyone is too scared of you. Mandalorians are warriors first. Nothing else.”
“Snap out of it!” Mando literally snaps his fingers in front of your eyes and just like that, the spell is broken. You can breathe again and once you can, all you feel is numb, as if all of Mando’s emotions took your own, leaving you with nothing. Your eyes focus on Mando again. He’s staring at you. The T Visor reflects the stars of hyperspace making it look like there’s a mini galaxy in his visor instead of the black void you had grown used to. You know he’s angry by his tone and the stiffness of his body language, but you aren’t scared of him now. He won’t hurt you because he’s not angry at you, just exposed from your earlier invasion into his mind. His walls are up even higher now, you can’t help but feel like you’ve backtracked in his trust of you.
“Sorry, I just... felt you. I couldn’t stop it. I didn’t mean to invade your privacy.”
He tilts his helmet subtly. Something has changed between you two and he senses it now. Less fear and mistrust on your side and more on his side now with more questions for each of you.
“The sooner we find my friend, the better. Maybe she can help you control whatever this is.”
The rest of the flight is spent in awkward silence.
Corvus looked absolutely dreadful from the viewport of the Vanguard. A foggy, barren dead planet. Dead trees, fog that clouded everything like a cloak of death. Your mood was already sour from the flight with your emotions plus Mando’s silent brooding now adding to the ever growing list of negative emotions about the current state of affairs. You absolutely hated everything about this place already. The dark gloom ate into your soul.
Mando was quiet as ever. The rest of the flight he remained silent and didn’t even look at you. You figured it was probably the invasion of privacy, but you couldn’t help it. You couldn’t help any of this! He had a right to be angry, but it still pissed you off that he seemed to be taking it out on you when you couldn’t even control what was going on.
Only when the ramp lowered and you were standing on this new planet did he finally speak to you, “Last I saw, Ahsoka was this way.” He hadn’t even stopped walking to say that, so you had no choice except to follow. Begrudgingly, you did. Like I have a choice in which way.
As if this planet couldn’t get worse, there was a silence weighing heavily around you, broken only by animalistic grunts and growls every so often. You jumped each time, scouring the area for any threat. The thought of holding on to Mando’s arm entered your mind once or twice, but his lack of reactions gave you an ounce of courage. Even if he still didn’t speak to break the heavy spell of this planet.
“Are we in danger?” You whispered into the fog.
“No.” Was the short reply.
“Then why are you not speaking?”
“Because I don’t have anything to say.”
“Even back on the ship? We are about to see a friend of yours, I’m apparently able to feel emotions through unknown powers that may be growing, I have creepy visions or dreams and you have nothing to say?” You abandoned the whispering for full volume talking, but still keeping it from yelling just in case.
“Until we know more, there’s nothing I can say.”
“More like won’t.”
The Mandalorian turns to you with a sigh, “We’ve been over this once. I’m not going to trigger you if I can help it and there’s not much to say. I hate to say it, but I’m just clueless as you are and I’m taking a shot in the dark hoping that she can help us. I’m sorry, but this is the best I’ve got right now.”
It hits you like a laser shot. Mando doesn’t know and that terrifies you. This whole time you had been following his lead thinking he knew what to do in order to bring back your memories, but he’s just as lost as you. You had been blindly trusting this man to help you and he doesn’t even have the answers. Sure, he knows more about you than you do, but the visions and emotional tune-ins are new to him as well.
“Did I not have these abilities before?”
“I don’t know.”
Mando leads you through the dead forest. Over logs, around boulders and deeper into the fog. This planet may have flourished at one time, but it looked like a graveyard now to you. There were shapes in the distance of creatures, but the lack of light coming through the fog didn’t show much detail, letting your imagination draw up horrible images of what may lie beyond the fog.
“Why does your friend live on a creepy, haunted planet?”
“It’s not haunted, just damaged. When I met her, she was freeing the locals from a tyrant who tortured those within her walls.”
“Do you think she’s still here then?”
“Maybe. The locals should be able to tell us more. If not, we can at least stock up on supplies.” The idea of people living on this planet is a tad bit surprising to you.
After hours of walking, the forest seems to give way to a grey wall. There are people posted along it, and upon seeing the silver armor, there’s a sudden rush of noise and clamor. A gate housed in the middle of the wall opens revealing an elderly man making his way towards both of you.
“Mandalorian! Welcome back! Come in, come in! Night is falling. You can rest within our walls.”
Mando doesn’t say anything, but does reach up and clasp forearms with the man who now notices you. “Oh, miss! We hadn’t expected you to be back as well. Glad you both could join us.”
You immediately looked to Mando in surprise. You had been here with him too. You must’ve have met this friend while she was here. It made sense, but you were starting to wonder how long and for what reason you stuck around.
Mando kept walking without even noticing you. The village within the walls was lively. Houses lined the main street and bustling with activity. Vendors shouting their wares, children playing in the street and racing off down the winding streets veering off to the rest of the village. Even with the plain grey and brown neutral tones of the buildings, there was life within these walls that made you smile. It was a complete night and day difference compared to outside the walls.
People were happy here and happy to see you and Mando. Villagers would point at you two and wave. Some even clapped Mando on the back or hugged you. It was starting to overwhelm you. Did you know these people? Were you from here?
Mando noticed your growing concern and cut off the old man’s ramblings, “I’m sorry, but I need to find Ahsoka Tano. Is she here? My friend here lost her memories and needs her help.”
The old man looks to you in surprise and sorrow, “Oh, you should have said something earlier! My apologies, miss. Unfortunately, Ahsoka is not here at the moment. She’s taken up a new adventure outside of our walls. She said she would be back in a few days though.”
“And when was this?” You blurt out in despair.
“Two days ago. She will most likely be back very soon if you can wait.”
“Did she say where she was going? Maybe we can find her quicker.” Mando asks.
“No, I’m afraid not. To be honest, I can’t even say if she’s on this planet with absolute certainty.”
It takes all the strength in your body to hold your mouth shut to keep from screaming.
“You and your friend are more than welcome to stay with my family in the meantime, if you wish. After everything you did for us, it’s the least we can do in return.”
Mando accepts the offer for both of you. The man leaves to go tell his wife and family in order to prepare the house for you two. When he’s left, Mando turns to you.
“I’d rather not wait if we don’t have to. Are you alright staying here while I scout out the area and see if I can track her down myself?”
“Mando, I don’t know these people despite their knowing of me! Do you trust them? And what if this Ahsoka lady comes back and you’re not here?”
He holds a hand out as if to calm you, “I won’t leave tonight. That will give me time to see if these people are fully trustworthy and let you get comfortable with them. Is that better?”
You roll your eyes in annoyance. It was, but still not fully satisfying. “Again though, what if she shows up? I won’t know her. What if we miss her?”
Mando tilts his helmet in thought. His hands settle on the belt on his hips. As if the answer came to him from touching his belt, he suddenly reaches in a pouch and grabs something. Gingerly, he reaches out his fist to you. You lift your palm and he drops a black device into your hand. It’s small and round with an oval end and a piece that juts out from the bottom. There’s a blinking blue light on the oval end.
“Here. It’s a communicator that connects directly to my helmet. It may look small, but as long as it’s on and in your ear, it will connect to me. I’ll tell the old man to let everyone know that if Ahsoka shows up, to come to you. If she does, you just press the oval end and tell me. Does that help?”
You look at the device again and gently put it in your ear. The fit is perfect and light. You press the button to test it and Mando nods in confirmation that it worked.
“Okay. That’s fine. Just don’t be gone too long. If I have another episode, I’d rather it be by someone who is already used to my weirdness.”
If you hadn’t turned on the device to test it, you never would have heard the very small breath that passed through your ear. It was a laugh. A gentle huff, but a laugh that you could hear due to the connection to Mando’s helmet. You smiled fully in pride knowing you secretly made him laugh.
The old man returned to find you and Mando shopping for new supplies. Both of your arms were full by the time he came back and showed you to his house that was within eyeshot of another gated larger house in the middle of the street. You didn’t get a good look at it, but you felt like that place held a lot of sorrow and pain within its walls.
The old man, whose name you learned was Ko, introduced you to his family. His wife, Leeda and their eldest son with his wife and a young grandson. They were extremely polite to you and Mando, catering to anything and everything. They took your bags and set them on the table by their laundry room and ushered you into the kitchen for dinner. The food smelled delicious, permeating the whole house with spice, meat and melted butter. You had no idea what it was, but sitting down to eat the seared meat and baked vegetables brought you to the most light-hearted you had felt since waking up. You ate with vigor and listened to the family speak of anything and everything. 
The grandson brought up something you had forgotten until he piped up, “Mr. Mando, why aren’t you eating? Mom says that we have to eat if we are to stay strong!”
You had been distracted with the food and hadn’t even noticed the hunk of metal sitting next to you not saying a word or eating. His creed not even allowing a meal in the presence of others, but there he sat in silence, forgoing any part of impoliteness to even mention that he couldn’t eat. Everyone’s eyes were now on Mando as he sat in awkward silence. You set the silverware down in shame. How could you forget something like that? The poor guy hadn’t had food in who knew how long? He’d been with you this whole time.
“Jax, hush! That is impolite to ask of a Mandalorian.” His mother piped up.
“No, it’s okay. I ate recently. If I can, I’d like to take some to my room for later.” You knew it was a lie. He hadn’t had food recently. There was no way unless he had hidden tubes beneath that armor, but the family seemed to buy his lie. 
You suddenly stood up announcing, “We are actually really tired from traveling so much and shopping, I am afraid we must retire. Can we see our rooms?”
Ko looks up startled, but laughs it off, “Oh yes! Of course! I should’ve known you two would be so tired. Come, come. I will show you to your room.” 
You smile at him as he stands to show you to the rooms. You were just relieved that Mando would eat soon. He must have been starving! It was astonishing you that he was still standing without a hint of exhaustion or shaking.
Following Ko out of the dining room, you were led down the hall full of family photos, to a door at the end. One door. “Here’s where you two will be staying. I’m sure you will find it comfortable.” The two of you. He meant both of you. He meant for you to stay in the same room as Mando. Oh, please have two beds. You opened the door hesitantly and lo and behold, one large bed. It was so cliché you couldn’t help the small giggle that tickled out of your throat. Before you could protest, Mando chimed in that it was perfect and thanked Ko for his hospitality while gently pushing you further into the room to close the door. 
You immediately went on the defense, “Why did you tell him this is fine! You need your privacy to eat! I can’t stay here.”
Mando had been holding up one hand while balancing the food in his other, preparing for a fight. He seemed to pause at your words. “You want to leave?”
“Yes! If it means you get to eat, then yes, I will leave or hide in the bathroom, whatever you need. I know you haven’t eaten for at least a day.”
He sets the food on one of the side tables next to the left side of the bed. He shuffles on his feet thinking about his next move. You move to leave thinking he was trying to come up with a nice way of telling you to get out. Before you can, “You can stay. If you want. Just as long as we sit on the floor facing the opposite way. Only if you’re comfortable, though.”
You can’t tell if it’s a plea or just him trying to make it seem like all of this is no big deal. You have no idea, you can’t really deny the fact that you want to stay. The idea of being out there with people who act like they know you makes you far more uncomfortable. “Alright.”
You cross the room to the right side of the room, pretending to notice all the details of the room instead of thinking about his heavy gaze. He watches you the whole time. You try not to fidget or trip over yourself in the midst of his watchful gaze. You turn your back to him and slide down the side of the bed until your legs are in front of you straight out and your butt hits the cold floor. You awkwardly give him a thumbs up over the side of the bed, “Anytime you’re ready.”
You hear a hiss and a clank of armor onto the wood table. You freeze. Your body immediately wanted to turn towards the noise. The curiosity alone makes you want to look. Maybe you had seen his face before all of this had happened and it would help trigger your memories. The thought leaves as soon as it enters. You weren’t about to betray his trust with something this monumental to him.
The quiet sounds of him sliding down to the floor and then starting to eat greet your ears. It’s so quiet and you can’t help but fill the tormenting silence with anything to distract yourself from what’s right across the room from you. It would be so easy to take a peek and the temptation leads you to studying everything around you. The room is large compared to the small compartments of Boba’s ship and the Vanguard, not large enough to distract you though. The view of the wall and its single picture of Ko’s family isn’t entertaining after a few seconds. The only window is right above the bed so you can’t look out of it without risking seeing Mando.
Boredom finally reaches its peak within your brain so you call out to the other side of the room, “How do they know me? They keep treating us like we are gods. What did we do?”
There was no way to prepare for the voice that greets your ears. You hadn’t thought about how Mando’s voice would sound and even if you had, it would never compare to reality. A warm rumble of whispered honey caresses your ears and slides down your body in a comforting bass, “This planet was under the control of the Empire. The ones that ripped your memories from you. We helped free them.”
“Ahsoka, you and me.”
“How’d I do anything?”
There’s a pause for faint chewing. You felt kinda bad for insisting that he eat and then not letting him have that luxury by constantly asking questions.
“You think that trick you did to catch that little guy on the flying lizard was an accident? Luck? You helped a lot in that fight.”
As if hearing your next question forming, he interjected, “That’s all I will say. Why did you care so much about me eating?”
The change in topic throws you. All bubbling questions leave your mind as you try to focus on the answer.
“You still don’t seem to fully trust me, you haven’t shown any concern earlier, so why now?” He asks as if to clarify his question.
“I don’t know. I’m still struggling with it. These people act like decent people, the Empire must be the bad guys here for what they did to me and this town. I guess you are the closest thing I know to be good. You are trying to help me as far as I can tell, putting in more effort than Boba or anyone else so far, but here I am not offering any sort of help back. I get that I don’t know what I can and can’t do; however, that shouldn’t stop me from making sure my pilot is in fit condition. Maybe I hate your guts with my memories, maybe we were best friends. I’ll try to stay more in the moment and trust you until you prove otherwise, as long as you are more open with me about yourself. And not about your personal stuff, just tell me if you need rest or food, okay? It won’t ruin your scary image, I promise.”
He’s quiet as you hear him finish his food and set the plate back on the table. When you hear his voice again, it’s the blasted coder instead of sweet honey, much to your disappointment.
“Alright. Only if you do the same.”
You take that as permission to look at him again, so you stand and turn to him. His thighs are pressed to the bed as if trying to be close to you without crossing to your side of the room.
“We are pretty much on our own. I’m not used to counting on others, but you are too selfless and caring to be a burden. If I ask you something, I want you to be honest. I can’t help you if you end up passing out, having an episode, or worst of all: dying. I’ll do what I can to earn your trust.”
Your cheeks warm unwillingly. It sounded like Mando cared about you, so maybe you could trust him fully after all.
“Alright. Two-way street. Neither of us breaks these rules.”
“Fine. First question, is it alright if I sleep in here? Just as a precaution. I'll sleep in the chair, so you can have the bed."
The question catches you off guard. You honestly didn't know. The idea of him just watching you while you tried to sleep didn't sound like a lot of fun.
"Uh, are you actually going to sleep or just watch me the whole time?"
He seems to realize the way that sounded stutters a little, "I-no, uh, I meant, stay in here and sleep so I can be here in case something happens. Which it shouldn't, but just in case."
"As long as you promise to actually sleep. You need rest just like anyone else, you know that right? As far as I know, you aren't an android or anything. Are you a species that doesn't require a lot of sleep?"
He sighs and makes his way to the refresher off to the side of the bedroom, "Just get some rest."
Rectuantly, you lay down to get some sleep. The bed is cold from lack of use along with the night temperatures. You can hear water running as you lay there staring at the ceiling along with soft clanging as you imagine Mando removing his armor. You couldn't sleep with that kind of stuff going on. The mental image of what Mando might look like under the armor paired with that voice had your thoughts racing.
Once the door opens again, you catch a glimpse of Mando in just sleep clothes and his helmet before he turns off the light. It's a startling sight. Casual clothes and only his helmet? You never expected this. It was like seeing a rare creature out mythology in comparison to this. Almost intimate. You could see some tan skin barely peeking out of his tunic. He was still broad and large, yet more human. The skin looked human at least.
This was going to be a long night.
Sure enough, the next morning had left you waking up exhausted. Even knowing you were safe with Mando, the thought of a strange man at the foot of you bed still left you feeling restless, almost exposed. You had tossed and turned all night only catching bits and pieces of sleep every so often. When you awoke, Mando was already gone from the room. His weapons and armor were gone as well.
Leaving the room and entering the kitchen brought you back to a life outside of Mando and traveling with possible threats following you everywhere. Ko's family was already up and fixing breakfast together. The grandson, Jax, looked up to see you enter the kitchen. He grabbed your hand and dragged you over to help fix food with them. They were nice people that went to lengths to make you feel safe and at home with them.
You tried to make efforts to get to know them. It felt awkward with the almost hero worship they treated you with though. You had no idea how you had helped these people and if you even deserved it. What if Mando had just made it sound like you had helped so you wouldn't feel worthless?
They all had their own things to do after breakfast. Jax went to school, Ko's wife went out back to tend to her garden, and Jax’s parents, Lillian and Idris, went to visit another family. Ko at least invited you to drink tea on the back porch while watching his wife work in the garden. You gladly accepted.
"It is nice to have you and the Mandalorian back in our city. It's a good reminder that we are not easily forgotten. Mando did tell us you have been forced to forget everything, including yourself.”
You hum into your tea mug, noncommitedly, "Some Empire jerks took my memories. All of them. I don't remember ever being here."
"Well, I'm sure a part of it would be gladly forgotten. We were not a happy place until you and Mando came along. Ahsoka as well. Of course, it's not hard to expect from a Jedi. That is what they do."
"A Jedi?"
"Yes, the guardians of peace in the galaxy. You really have forgotten everything." His gaze of pity just makes your stomach turn. You didn't want pity. You didn't blame anyone but the people who did this to you.
"Is there anything you can tell me about myself? What was I like?"
Ko laughs in response, a genuine belly laugh, "You were a spit fire. You saw the injustice that was going on and you personally wanted to take on every guard and mercenary yourself. Mando had to hold you back. If it hadn't been for the need to find Ahsoka, you would've killed anyone in your way."
You couldn't help your eyes bulging our of your head. You? Killing people? Fighting in general? It was a crazy idea. You wanted to think this old man was crazy, but there was plenty of lucidity in the old man's eyes. He was telling the truth.
"What did I do? How'd I fight?"
"In any and every way. You didn't hold any punches. You used anything within your range. Blasters, staffs, even your fists. You were a sight to behold. You were kind to everyone in the city that was being held hostage here. You did whatever it took to free us. We are extremely grateful. We will do what we can to help you."
Once you had finished your tea, you left Ko to his own devices in order for you to think over everything he told you. You retreated to the solitude of the room you were sharing with Mando to rummage through the thoughts flying through your brain. The fear of accidentally triggering another violent memory had you curled up on the bed. Nothing happened though. You had taken a hot shower to calm down and changed into the clean clothes Leeda provided, yet now here you were with the spear you had stolen from Utapau. Mando had let you keep that at least. You were holding it trying to see if it felt familiar in your hands like a hidden instinct or muscle memory. Nothing was coming to you though.
You waited until night to check in with Mando. Perhaps a tad bit reluctantly, but you did worry about him being out there by himself.
"Mando, you there?"
The crackle in the communicator filled your ear and then his voice filled your head, "I'm here. Is everything okay?"
"That's what I was going to ask. Everything's fine. Just a little boring. It's almost strange to be living a quiet life after the past few days."
He chuckles lightly into the communicator, "I'm sure we will be on our way into trouble eventually. It's typical for me."
You smile tightly. You could wait on the trouble. "Any sign of Ahsoka?"
The answering sigh tells you enough, but still he answers, "None yet. I'm just trying to pick up any sort of trail. I'm found her camp from last time I met her and it looks abandoned. The only clue I found so far. It looks like she dismantled her camp fairly recently so that’s a sign she’s been here at least.”
"Hopefully she's okay and this isn't a wild bantha chase."
"I'm sure she is. She's a powerful warrior."
"Yeah, Ko said she's a Jedi. Apparently that means she's some sort of warrior."
"What else has Ko been telling you?"
"Just that apparently I know how to fight expertly as well." Your tone turns accusatory.
"Yes, you do. Don't ask though, I don't know where you learned or even all the things you can do."
Your pettiness still gets to you a little as wish him a quick goodnight and cut the line. It still frustrated the amount of information everyone knew. You really needed to stop taking it out on Mando. You felt a little guilty as you went to bed that night.
The next morning brought your regrets to the surface again as you awoke to a sudden boom and shaking of the house. Screams followed the explosion as the reverberations faded away. You practically fell out of bed running towards the door to find where you hoped the others would be.
You call out for Ko and the others but there’s no response. You look throughout the house and finally find them all gathered by a door offset from the kitchen. Ko had gathered his family and was leading them down through the door down a set of steps leading to what you assumed was a basement when you cried out to them, "What's going on? What was that sound?"
Ko turns to you and grabs your arm leading you to the basement, "The Empire is back. It's a small party, but they are bombing the city!"
Your heart freezes. Is this because of your vision? Is this all happening because of you? Guilt flares in your heart. If you caused all of this pain and suffering, kriff, probably some deaths, all because of your presence, you didn’t know how you would forgive yourself. You reach up to the communicator in your ear only to find it missing. In your confusion and haste to find the others you had left it behind in the bedroom. You left it on the table like a mindless wamp rat.
You turn to run back to the bedroom all the while Ko tries to yell at you to come back to the safety of the basement. You hear more explosions outside, but you have to let Mando know. The basement won’t be safe for long if the house falls down around them. Mando may not be able to do much, but you have to warn him so he won't walk into a trap and possibly find Ko and his trapped family should the worst happen.
You reach your room and pratically fling yourself onto the table to grab the communicator. Stuffing it into your ear, you immediately open the channel. "Mando!"
"What's wrong? Are you alright?"
"The Empire's here!"
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lokicat5 · 3 years
Adventures in Jedi-Sitting
Okay guys, look, I’m sorry about this.
This is my first original post, so I hope you like it! This was supposed to be a response to a star wars post about a slice-of-life show (that I know I’ve reblogged before), but Tumblr just wouldn’t reblog it. And besides, it was long enough anyway, so, I made it into my own post! This is like the first thing I’ve properly, actually, physically written, so I’m sorry (and I’d really appreciate some feedback on it)! I just got into a flow, and I really think an “Adventures in Babysitting” episode would be awesome, because, who doesn’t need to see Cody and Rex dying inside over watching a bunch of little Jedi kids? It’s not very refined, and I haven’t worked out EVERY detail yet, so if you have any ideas for one of the things I’ve left vague or not really explained, feel free to comment or reblog (or message me, I don’t know how Tumblr works lol). Anyway, I hope you like it, this took me like 3-4 hours to write :) 
 Warning: It’s kinda long-ish. That’s it. Enjoy! :D
Okay, so it starts like this...
Anakin or Obi-wan have been assigned to look after younglings for a day, and are taking them on a “field trip” of some kind, possibly an educational one. I’m kinda thinking they’ll stay near/on Coruscant maybe? Idk. And like for some reason they bring Cody and Rex, maybe just as a safeguard or something, or as an extra pair of adults so that the two MatureTM Jedi aren’t outnumbered vastly by smol Jedi.
But then something comes up, and Anakin and Obi-wan are needed somewhere because of an emergency. They don’t want to leave the kids, but they don’t have enough time to bring the kids back to the temple. Then Cody proposes, “We could watch them, sirs.” and Obi-wan looks skeptical, as does Anakin, but Rex agrees with Cody and says, “oh go on sirs, we’ll be fine, they’re just a bunch of kids.” And Obi-wan and Anakin share a dubious look because “just a bunch of kids” with Force powers could be more of an issue than even the two most capable clones people they know can handle. And these kids are pretty young, too, but still really powerful, and there’s no back up, just the two of them. But they reassure the Jedi that they’ll be fine and it’ll be a good experience. At one point Rex is like, “Really, we’ve got this. I mean, we’ve had enough experience looking after the two of you,” and they finally get the two to give in (it was an emergency after all, so time is of the essence).
And once the Jedi are gone, the chaos fun begins.
It starts of smoothly enough, but then they can’t find one of the kids when they go to give them healthy snacks (provided by the Temple), and it all goes downhill from there. Chaos ensues, and one of the kids lifts Rex and Cody into the air, who watch helplessly as the kids start grabbing all the sugary snacks they can find and escape. Cody’s like “We... should probably call the Generals” but Rex is like “No! We can do this, besides, they’re busy.” They eventually get dropped once the kids are far enough away, and now they’re frantically looking for a little group of extremely small, Force-sensitive children, and Cody’s just like “can we call them NOW!?” and Rex is like “No! And see, there they are!” and they have to get the kids out of some tight spot, but while defending the kids they run off again and steal a speeder, and they’re all working together to drive it. They nearly get away, but Rex and Cody realize they’re gone - “Hey, where’d they go NOW?” - and manage to catch them, almost getting run over then dropped off the speeder in the process.
*cut to a battle scene with Obi-wan and Anakin fighting some droids side by side* 
O: Do you think Rex and Cody are doing all right with the kids?
A: I’m sure they’re fine.
*cut back to Rex and Cody, screaming and holding onto the back of the speeder for dear life, trying not to fall off, while the kids are driving too fast the wrong way, head on into rush-hour traffic*
Cody’s like “WE SHOULD HAVE CALLED THE GENERALS!!!” and Rex is like “THIS WAS YOUR IDEA CODY! AND BESIDES, WE’RE FINE! THE GENERALS TRUSTED US SO WE HAVE TO DO THIS OURSELVES!” and Cody’s all like “THIS IS SOOO NOT FINE” but they manage to get back into the speeder. Unfortunately, Anakin picks this perfect moment to check in on Rex to see how they’re doing. Rex and Cody are panicking because “We can’t answer that NOW!” but they also can’t not answer it either, so Rex just kinda motions for Cody to take the steering away from the kids and he answers the comm.
And Anakin’s like “Hey Rex, how’s it going with the kids?” And Rex is watching Cody trying to wrestle with the steering as one of the more stubborn kids uses the Force to keep driving, and he’s like “Everything’s going great, sir.” Anakin’s like “They aren’t giving you too much trouble are they? Those ones were supposed to be a particularly rowdy bunch.” Rex nearly drops the comm while lunging to grab a kid who, now bored, is trying to climb out the sides of the speeder, and he’s like “No sir, no trouble. They’re practically perfect little angels.” Personally, Rex decides this is more stressful than some battles he’s been in, though Cody swerving the vehicle while trying to get back to the right side of traffic feels familiar enough. Anakin’s voice comes back over the comm. “Well, Obi-wan and I are just about finished here, so we’ll be on our way back as soon as we notify the locals that their Separatist problem has been dealt with.” Rex has a fresh wave of panic wash over him, but he manages a “Very good sir, can’t wait to see you.” That’s partly true, as he’s very ready to return custody of the kids to Anakin. But just as he’s responding, Cody swerves to avoid another vehicle, which honks loudly, and the kids all laugh and cheer. Anakin sounds suspicious when he asks “Rex... what was that?” And Rex just dies. “U-uh, nothing sir. Just playing a game with them sir. Uh, got another call coming in sir, sorry sir, glad the mission went, well, can’t wait to see you!” Anakin’s like “Rex-” but Rex keys off the comm and turns to Cody, who’s gotten them back in the right lane at last. “Cody, the Generals are coming back and we have NO IDEA WHAT WE”RE DOING!” Cody’s like “I TOLD you we should’ve called someone!” And Rex gets an idea. He swoops to grab another kid, then keys back on the comm and makes the call.
When they get the speeder back to wherever their starting place had been, Ahsoka’s already there, waiting by her speeder-bike. She may not be part of the Order anymore, but Rex still calls her for advice every once in a while, and even just to say hi. They park the speeder and she walks over, shaking her head. Cody’s like, “Thank you for coming to help, General,” and she can see he really means it. The kids are still in the speeder, mostly piled on Rex, who looks at her and mouths “HELP”. She grins and says, “Rex sounded desperate, and by the looks of it, you definitely needed some help. How did you two even get in this mess?” She picks up two of the kids, and Cody picks up two more, unburying Rex enough to get out to help the last three. Rex sighs and says “It’s a long story...”
So they explain to Ahsoka what they did while she shakes her head at some parts, and she helps them set the kids back in the main area of the compound where they started. “You really let them eat (insert alternative to candy here)? That’s your first mistake.” and Rex (indignantly) says “We didn’t LET them do anything! They picked us up and floated us to the ceiling and then took the stuff themselves!” and Ahsoka’s laughing, but so are Rex and Cody and they’re watching the kids playing together and they realize they seriously like these kids.
By the time they’ve finished their tale (”...then we were back here, and, well, you know the rest.”), the kids are all tired out, and Ahsoka helps tuck them into their little rest nooks in the compound’s wall. Rex is just like, “how do you do this?” and she’s like “First: I’ve dealt with younglings before, and second: they’re just kids. There IS more to life than the war. When it’s over, life’ll go back to normal.” She grins at him, and says “It’ll be fine Rex. Besides, it’ll get easier as they get older. They lose most of this chaotic energy eventually.” Rex grins back and says, “What, like you?” and they’re laughing again, but quietly because the kids are still sleeping. Rex thinks of Cut’s family, and finds himself wondering about after the war, and if he could babysit Cut’s kids... Ahsoka walks to the door and stops, looking back as Cody and Rex follow her. “I should probably get out of here before Anakin and Obi-wan get back, and besides, the owner of this speeder will probably be wanting it back. We don’t want you two getting arrested, after all.” They both thank her as she takes the speeder back to its owner, her bike attached to the side, and they both wave as she disappears from sight.
About a minute later, they hear the sounds of a small ship landing outside, and are greeted momentarily by Obi-wan and Anakin. Obi-wan looks skeptical as he enters, glancing around the main room suspiciously. “The two of you survived!” Anakin says, grinning. “We did sir,” Rex says tiredly. It’s been a very long day. “The children weren’t too much trouble, I hope?” Obi-wan asks. “Oh no sir, they were fine,” Cody replies. “They were downright peaceful, for kids. Or Jedi for that matter. Easier than taking out a row of clankers.” Obi-wan and Anakin trade a dubious look, but they thankfully don’t mention the sounds they heard over Rex’s comm. “Well, I’m glad to hear that Cody. But, um...” he trails off, and the two clones feel their hopes sinking. Here it comes, they both think. “It’s very quiet in here, and I daresay a little too quiet. Where are the children?” Obi-wan asks. He sounds a little worried, and Anakin’s grin slips a little as he realizes the same thing. Rex and Cody both relax though. Relieved, Cody replies .“They’re sleeping sir.” Obi-wan’s eyebrows go up. “Sleeping?” Cody points down the hall behind them to the room with the sleeping nooks, and the two Jedi go and poke their heads in to find 7 little Jedi, tucked in and fast asleep. Obi-wan’s smiling as he walks back to them, and he says “I don’t know how you did it, but I’m very impressed, you two.” Both Rex and Cody practically glow with that, and they both say “Thank you sir” in unison, then smile at each other. “Wow,” Anakin remarks, “you both look really worn out though.” Cody can only nod, while Rex manages a “Yes sir.” Obi-wan and Anakin look at each other, then come to a silent agreement. “Sleepover!” Anakin yells, pumping his fist. They all shush him, and he looks apologetic as he whisper-shouts “Sleepover!” Both clones fall asleep where they’re sitting within two minutes, a small “Thank you sirs” coming from both of them. They look like they’re guarding the children, and Obi-wan and Anakin think it’s a very heartwarming sight. The two Jedi bring in extra blankets and pillows from the ship, and they make their friends comfortable before falling asleep themselves, the kids still snoring in the other room.
As they disembark from the ship the next morning, tiny Jedi troublemakers swarming around their legs, Cody and Rex feel a mix of relief and regret. Relief, because they won’t have to chase them all over Coruscant anymore, having panic attacks of every kind while trying to cause as little damage as possible and protect their tiny fragile lives. Regret, because they’ll miss the little troublemakers (no matter how hard they try to convince themselves they won’t). While their Generals are speaking to the Jedi usually in charge of the children, Rex thinks about how the last 24 hours compares to following Anakin with the rest of the 501st. He was struck by how similar their adventure was to an average day with the older Jedi, following them into dangerous situations, protecting them and doing as little damage as possible, as well as cleaning up the mess afterwards. Even calling in reinforcements was a familiar move, and he found himself smiling at the thought of these tiny Jedi leading a group of clones into battle. He also found himself fervently hoping that the war was over before they had to face that, but he swore that he’d follow them into battle himself if it meant he could protect them. They all swarmed him and Cody for hugs, and they once again found themselves buried in a pile of kids, before they ran off back to the adults, calling out “Bye! Bye!” as they ran. Obi-wan and Anakin walked back towards them and boarded the ship, having finished their conversation, and Rex and Cody followed them. Rex paused at the top of the ramp though, and turned to look back. The kids were still calling out their goodbyes as they disappeared into the temple, and they waved to him. He waved back to them, and heard Anakin call “Rex!” 
And as the ramp closed behind him, he knew that they would turn out to be amazing Jedi indeed.
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big1ron · 4 years
The Venator “Resolute” had jumped right into a separatist trap. Somehow a virus infecting the main computer has scrambled the hyperspace jump coordinates, and now the companies on board were outnumbered and without reinforcements, deep in separatist space. A few last, desperate SOSs to nobody, and the ship was quickly overwhelmed with fire. The Resolute was going down. But not before each of the escape pods could be jettisoned.
—————- Chapter Four: Contact. -—————
- this one is slightly shorter, sorry ‘bout that! -
“Why do you keep calling him kid anyways? He’s not a shiny.” Asks coric, finally.
“Because I’m older, and I can.” Jesse leaves off the ‘And cause rex does it and its cool when he does it’
“Whatever you say, kiddo.”
“Hey don’t call me that!”
“Why not? I’m older than you”
“Well yeah but I’m your superior officer so, it cancels out. Dogma, stop digging your chin into my head.”
“Sorry.” He tries to straighten slightly
“Only because you’re a commando. I outrank you in title.”
“Whatever. Still counts.”
“Alright Jesse, we’ve been walking for a few hours now. And I haven’t seen a droid in a while. We should rest somewhere, and I can actually treat that blaster burn.” Says coric.
Jesses legs are getting tired and the medic does make a good point. So fine, they’ll make rest. Jesse points to a small clearing by a low escarpment. “We can rest there for a while. But don’t take too long”
Jesse drops dogma by the rocks and takes a seat on the ground nearby.
“Thanks Jesse. This shouldn’t take long.” Says coric as he releases the snap on one side of Dogma’s chest plate. Dogma gets the other side. Coric removes both pieces and Jesse gets up, to better deal with any danger that might come to his vode while they’re more vulnerable. Coric cleans the wound, applies the bacta patch and binds it.
“Alright, if you’re done, we can get on our way then.” Dogma tried to get to his feet but Coric pushed him back down.
“No. We’ve been walking for hours, we should all rest for a little.”
“Hey you said this wouldn’t take long!”
“Changed my mind Jess. And all includes you.”
Hardcase does his best to check his fire but it’s difficult with a rotary blaster. The five droids on guard went down easily. The noise caught the attention of two mounted commando droids at the refuelling station. They leaped forward and into attack mode, easily weaving around the incoming bolts from the z-16. Hardcase just wasn’t fast enough like this, and he ducked behind some crates from returning fire. Fives had warned him against explosions but...
He dove from cover again, this time aiming past the droids and to their bikes sitting idly by. He struck one of the fuel tanks and both exploded, launching the droids forward and destroying them. He checked the premise for any remaining droids before entering the command outlet. Fives had already fried the lock and the droids inside. He was standing over one of the terminals.
“Does it have what we’re looking for?”
“Yeah, but I’ve got to time this right if I actually want this signal to get off world. So I have to piggyback our message off this stations next checkin signal, and then hope this planets main communications rig is powerful enough to get into republic space.”
“And we can’t just send a straight message why?”
“These channels are all monitored. Nothing can leave this outpost without the separatists knowing.”
“So then... we just wait? How long?”
“About 24 minutes. But after we get the message out, we’ll have to wait at this post until evac.”
Hardcase rolls his eyes. “Great.”
“Are you even paying attention to where you’re going?”
“No.” Kix buries his face in Echo’s shoulder to hide his eyes from the too bright sunlight. He ends up stepping on Echo’s heels again.
“Stop doing that! You’re going to trip me and I’m going to drop you”
“Good. You deserve it. Don’ drop me, Rex said no”
“Well Rex isn’t here right now”
“Yeah but I am and I will kick you if you drop me”
“Well you’re already kicking me so,” Echo pushes Kix over.
“Ah! Meanie!” Kix rolls onto his back and kicks out echos knees.
“Can you two just get along? Jesse, you don’t have to be mean to Dogma, he’s not even provoking you.” Coric was getting pretty fed up with Jesse not wanting to consider their teammate.
Jesse sighed. He knew just how eager to to please the kid was. He would probably throw away his own life if it gained him the approval of Rex, or maybe Jesse. That’s what made him so readily follow orders on umbara. And sure, maybe it was a little unfair to hold it against him, they had all been manipulated. But not all of them would have killed him. However, he also knew dogma would do whatever it took to get back in his good favour. And even if he might dislike him, Jesse didn’t really want him injured. “Fine, ok. We’ll rest. But only for an hour. Set your chrono.” Jesse sits against the escarpment to the left of Dogma and Coric sits to there right, and sets the timer.
“There’s nothing on this planet!” Ahsoka complains while the three of them take a lunch break. “And these bikes aren’t comfortable.”
“That’s cause they’re made for droids snips. And droids don’t need comfort”
“Well I’m not a droid. And I need comfort.”
“A better seat isn’t all these bikes need. They’re running on empty.”
“Well do you know where there’s a refuelling station?” Asks Rex
“Nope. No idea where anything is on this planet.” Responds Anakin.
“Can’t you use the force to find a base or something?”
“That’s not how the force works!” the two Jedi respond at the same time.
“Plus Anakin already tried.”
“Yeesh, Alright then.”
Tup tried to press forward as the ground started to move beneath him, rocking back and forth wildly. Trees and things he should be getting closer to moving farther away, and he tripped over things that seemed far away. His limbs felt heavy but also like they were floating. He tried to press on, but no use. He fell forwards, but the fall seemed much shorter than it should be, and the ground was still far below him. The rocks were pulsing like flesh and trees bent over him, long fingers looking to grab him. The shadows grew long and pooled beneath him, threatening to swallow him whole. He tried to get away, he had to escape, but movement was a difficulty, as this body wasn’t his, and was uncooperative. Even leaves on trees slowly morphed into hungry eyes, looking for him, searching. It was all too much, he squeezed his eyes shut, and covered his head. But it didn’t go away, he couldn’t escape.
“Stop pushing me over!!”
“Stop kicking me!”
“M’ not doing it intentionally!!”
Echo was about to push Kix over again, but he noticed white armoured figures in the near distance. This pause allowed Kix to preemptively kick him In the shin. For once, echo ignored the minor offence and approached. There were three troopers asleep, leaned against each other. Echo stepped on a twig as he approached and had to dive out of the way, dropping Kix, to dodge a blaster bolt headed straight at his head
The sound of the blaster jolted the other two awake as Jesse registered what he just did, looking at the blaster in his hand.
“Hey it’s not my fault. You two started me!”
“Yeah but if you were a droid that would have saved us. Wait is that Kix?” Jesse unwraps his other arm from around dogma and gets up to get a better look at Kix, who echo was now helping to his feet.
“Yeah but he’s got a head injury or something so he’s been annoying me this entire time.”
“Jesse! I’m so glad you’re here! Echo was being mean to me.”
Jesse shoots echo a (rather intimidating) look.
“Only cause he was annoying me!”
“I was not! You kept pushing me over for no reason.”
“Ookay you three, stow it.” Coric butts in before things can get violent. “I’ll look over Kix, all of you just try not to kill eachother before we goes moving ok?”
“I’m so BORED!” Hardcase threw another droid part against the opposite wall. “You said it would be like twenty minutes but it’s been an hour.”
“Stop being over dramatic. That’s my job. Besides, it’s only been thirty minutes.”
“Yeah well there’s-“
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please-buckme · 4 years
Him or Me. - Bi Ani x reader x male partner
Authors note: This is definitely a favorite of mine. I really took a step out of my comfort zone and I really enjoyed writing Anakin in this new and different way!
⚠️Warning: explicit, cursing
3,631 words
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It's was a Saturday night and you had just gotten off work. You lived in a small town so everyday was the same here. Every Saturday you and all your friends met at the diner in town, Dex's. It was run by an older couple who make every Saturday a $2 cheeseburger night for teens, their way of keeping you and all your friends out of trouble and to caught up on all the gossip around town.
Before you went to hangout with your friends you decided it'd be best to run home and freshen up. You took a quick shower and put on your favorite outfit which consisted of: high waisted ripped skinnies; a red and white, cotton, striped shirt and a light blue jean jacket. You felt
dork-ish-ly cool when you wore this outfit, almost badass.
After applying some red lipstick to your lips, to match your shirt, you grabbed your purse and flew down the stairs. Once you got into your car you text your best friend, Ahsoka.
Hey bitch I'm on my way. :p
Btw don't tell Ani. He thinks I'm still at work. I wanna surprise him.
With that you put your phone away and headed to the diner. You were in a great mood. Saturday was always the best day of the week to you. You got to work at the supermarket in town with all your work friends, which you loved, and got to spend the rest of the night hanging with your friends and your amazing boyfriend, Anakin.
You and Anakin had been dating for 3 happy years and you wouldn't trade him for anything. Ahsoka was your best friend but you weren't close to anyone like you were Anakin. You were the couple that finished each other's sentences and wore matching costumes on Halloween. You loved him and he loved you. Your life couldn't be anymore perfect and you didn't want it to be. Every aspect of your life was amazing.
After about a 5 minute drive that like an hour, you finally arrived At Dex's. You practically leaped our of your car you were so excited to see everyone, but most of all Anakin. You walked in saying hello to everyone you passed until you saw Ahsoka in the corner booth in the back, you made your way to her.
"Finally!" Ahsoka exclaimed throwing her arms up in the air for you to hug her. "You made it. I've been dying here without you."
"I know I'm sorry! I had to go home and change out of my uniform." You say whilst hugging her. "Did you order me a shake?" You asked pulling away from the hug to smile mischievously at Ahsoka. She reaches behind her and hands you a delicious chocolate shake, your favorite.
"Annnnddd that's why I love you." You say before taking the shake from her and bring the straw up to your mouth for a sip. "Where's Ani?" You ask in between sips. You looked around the restaurant but didn't see him.
"Um I think I saw him go to the bathroom but that was forever ago." She said popping her head up to look for him too.
"Well I don't see him anywhere else." You state getting a little frustrated now. Had he left? He didn't know you were coming so he may have. You thought to yourself. "Should I go check the bathroom? Maybe he's sick."
"I guess if you want to. I'm not brave enough to go into their bathroom. Boys are disgusting." Ahsoka says with a chuckle. You took one last sip of your milkshake then headed to the bathrooms. You tried to be a little sneaky going into the boys bathroom so people didn't think you were going in there for other reasons. You slowly went in trying not to make a sound till the door was shut.
"Anakin?" You whispered. "Anakin are you in here?" You didn't get a response but you could hear faint moaning coming from the handicap stall. You could till it was Anakin because the sound of him moaning was your favorite soundtrack on a hot summer night.
He must be sick. You thought.
You walked up to the stall and put your hand out to open the door. "Ani, are you okay?" You asked before opening the door. You opened it slowly but immediately wish you hadn't. There you saw someone else giving your boyfriend head. You gasp in shock and Anakin rolls his head back finally making eye contact with you. It took him a second to realize it was you but when he did he pushed the other guy to the floor and shot up. "A-alex?" Alex was your science partner. He would always tell you how cute Anakin was and how luck you were to be with him. You never thought he actually had feelings for your boyfriend let alone your boyfriend having feelings for him.
"Oh my god, (Y/N) no this isn't what you think." Anakin says zipping his pants.
"It isn't?" Alex spat back in response to Anakin's allegation whilst wiping his mouth.
"H-how could you? How could either of you?" You stood there blank unable to move. All you wanted to do was run, run as fast as you can, but you can't. You all of a sudden let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding in. "I- I- I don't know. I don't know what to think. I- I have to go." You convince your feet that it was time to leave and you walk out of there as fast as you can. You can hear Ahsoka and Anakin calling for you to wait but you physically could not stop. You had to get out of there. You get to the front of the diner and realize it's pouring outside but it didn't matter, there's no way in hell you'd wait it out here with Anakin. You start to fumble with your keys, unlocking the door to your car. Once you get it open you hop inside and turn on the ignition. And for a moment you just sat there in your car. The song that you were listening to before you went into the diner came on and it's almost like it sent you into a trance. You suddenly realize that you'd been so stunned by the events that just took place that you hadn't been crying. You reach your finger up to your face to wipe one single tear from your rosy cheeks. You stare at the tear for what felt like forever, letting it trickle down your finger.
Then everything hit you all at once. Everything. The first time you met Anakin, prom, graduation, his first car, your first car; everything you'd done in both your cars. You now felt every single burning tear that stained your cheeks. You let out a loud scream, you think. You were in such a trance you couldn't even hear your own voice.
"(Y/N)?" You could barely hear your name being called from outside your car. "(Y/N)! Can we please talk? Please?" You finally come out of your trance to see Anakin's beautiful figure standing over your car. Even when he's distraught in the pouring rain, he still manages to be the most luminous boy you'd ever laid eyes on. "Open the door (Y/N)!"
You shook your head violently before putting the car in drive and bolting out of the parking lot.
You were so overwhelmed. You were a blubbering mess. You looked into your rear view mirror and didn't recognize the person starring back at you. Your red lipstick was smeared all around your lips and your eyes were so blood shot that they turned into a faint shade of green. It was raining, you were crying and you couldn't see 2 feet in front of you but you didn't care. You new these roads well enough to drive blindfolded.
You weren't driving home, no. Too many memories of you and Anakin in your room and it also didn't help that there were pictures of him on every wall, even pictures of him and you lining the wall going up the stairs. Your parents loved him too, so you knew they'd want to talk to you about it and you had no idea what you could've told them. Truthfully, though, you weren't ready to talk to anyone about anything at this point.
So, you drove over to the supermarket that you worked at and gathered up a bunch of supplies and food to 'camp out' for a couple of days. You had a spot that you thought of as your own in the nearby wilderness park. There were never any tire tracks leading up to it and you'd never seen anyone else drive out that far. You'd go there time to time when things weren't great. Whether it be bullies at school or a fight with Anakin, this was your safe place. Anakin is the only person who knows about your spot. He wanted to know where you would disappear to and you trusted him enough to show him. Memories of the night you spent there with him come rushing back.
"So this is the spot, huh?" Anakin asked picking up and throwing a rock.
"This is the spot." You say walking towards him. "You know, you're the only person I've ever had out here." You say kicking at the rocks.
"That must make me kind of special." He says closing the gap between him and you. "Thank you for showing me this part of your world. This view is almost as beautiful as you." He puts your hand in his kissing it gently.
"Wow. Cheesy but I'll take it." You say making him chuckle. His goofy chuckle always gave you goosebumps on your arms and butterflies in your stomach. "I love you, Ani." You say hesitantly, now holding your breath waiting for his reaction. He looks up at you with a smirk on his face.
"Love you too, princess."
You are so mad at yourself for letting your thoughts betray you like that. What were you doing to yourself? Was this your mind telling you to turn around and go talk to Anakin?
You weren't going back. You start the car after putting all your items in car and you drive to your spot. Every song on the radio made you think of Anakin so you flipped it off.
Everywhere you looked you saw Anakin, the passenger seat where he spilt a whole thing of French fries in your floor board. "Ooo party fowl" you said teasing him. The backseat were you cried in his arms for the first time. You don't even remember why you were crying you just remember being wrapped up in his big strong arms as he combed his fingers through your hair. "I've got you baby. Is okay, I got you"
You scream at the top of your lungs, hearing it this time. You had hoped it would make all the memories go away. You just wanted to stop seeing his face in everything you do. You turned the radio back on just to drowned out your thoughts. You were now ugly crying and ugly singing, but you didn't care it was working.
You'd been out at your spot for about 1 1/2 days now and you loved it. You loved the singing birds in the morning, the swaying of the trees throughout the day and the smell of the fire at night. Your parents were very outdoorsy when you were younger so they taught you a lot about survival. You could set up a tent, build a fire, fish and even set up traps for wild animals, but you never could bring yourself to kill an innocent creatures. You got enough food and water at the store to last a couple days so you didn't have to live off the land.
For fun you'd been bird watching, hiking and every now and then you'd just.. scream. You'd scream till your voice was gone. You couldn't have cared less though, it felt so good just to let everything go. Ahsoka had been trying to contact you since the second you left Dex's. She had sent a few text asking where you were and that Anakin was losing his mind because You weren't talking to him. As he should be. You thought. Even with all the time you'd spent out here you still couldn't explain what you saw. Was Anakin ever actually in love with you? Were you his cover up? How long had him and Alex been 'hanging out'? Were they dating? Were you guys even dating anymore, or ever?
Now that you know you started putting the dots together. Anakin has been canceling on you more often and he would not let you touch his phone. You never minded it though because naively you trust him with every inch of your soul. How stupid.
You went on another hike to clear all the questions building up in your brain out. You pulled a leaf off one of the tree branches and started fiddling with it. You round it up and folded it until you decided to tear it to shreds. You sprinkled it through the air getting rid of the remanence. You had definitely gotten a little tan since being out here. To be honest you were feeling yourself. Your sweat made you glisten and the hiking and all the water had you feeling super healthy and clean.
You were almost back to you'd spot when you heard a car pull up. At first it scared you half to death. Who could that possibly be? You asked yourself. When you came around the corner you hid behind a nearby tree making sure it wasn't a stranger. But even worse than a stranger.. it was Anakin. Of course he knew you'd come here, he knew you better than anyone.
"(Y/N)? Are you going to come out from behind the tree or..?" You signed in defeat at his words. You slowly came around to be in front of the tree. You so badly wanted his embrace around you, once again stroking your hair and telling you it'd be alright but you couldn't.
"I'm definitely regretting bringing you up here." You say making your way up to him. "Why are you here, Anakin?" Your whole body was shaking but your voice was calm like nothing ever happened and you were fine.
"Because I was worried sick about you, (Y/N). Nobody knew where you were and I didn't find out your were missing until an hour ago. The second I found out you hadn't been seen since.. since.. you know, I got worried. We need to talk about it whether you like it or not, baby. I'm-" you cut him off.
"I know your 'sorry' honestly An-" he now cut you off.
"No no I'm not sorry for what I was doing. I mean yes I did it behind your back and I definitely didn't want you to find out like that. That I'm sorry about." He rubbed his neck. You could tell he was conflict but you still weren't quite sure what was going on.
"Find out what, Ani?" You asked hesitantly.
"Alex and I have been.. uh.. we've been seeing each other for a while, well 3 months. I've been dying to tell you for so long a just didn't know how." Anakin admitted.
"I don't know Ani I think letting me catch you with your pants around your ankles and your cock down his throat was the perfect way to tell me, so thank you. You really saved me on that one." You say in an aggressive tone. At this point you could say anything. Having time to clear your mind really helped you ease your nerves around him now.
"(Y/N) please hear me out." He pleaded with you.
"I'm all ears, baby." You spat back.
"I- I love you, I always have and I always will." You scoffed at his statement.
"You could've fooled me. Actually you know what you did fool me for 3 years, Skywalker."
"(Y/N) you don't understand. I love both of you. I love you both so much it drives me crazy. I want you both and I need you both. I don't know how to explain it but I never meant to hurt you in any way. I know it's too soon for you to forgive me but please try and understand." He's flustered trying to explain to you what's been going on. After he finished talking you realized you were crying. You wiped your tears away frantically trying to keep your composure.
"We were so happy, Ani. You were my best friend, my everything. Do you fully understand how heartbreaking this is for me? To know that I wasn't good enough so you had to go behind my back and meet someone new. I'm just supposed to come to terms with the fact that to you I'm not good enough all on my own. No I can't. I- I can't live like that Anakin." Your rush of emotion came back like a bolt of lightening. New, old memories of you and him together. The one so fresh to you was the one that started it all:
You were walking down the hall looking over your practice exam papers sense you had to test in an hour. You were totally flustered and consumed by all the knowledge that you forgot to watch where you were going.
All of a sudden you hit what felt like a brick wall. You fell to the floor as did all your papers. You frantically started to pick them up.
"Wow wow slow down. It's all going to be okay, I'll help." you heard the brick wall talking. You then look up to see THE Anakin Skywalker smiling down at you. This didn't help your mess of a mind at all. You were even MORE flustered now.
"I-Im so sorry. I must look like such a dork." You said trying to make some sort of  effort at a conversation.
"I wouldn't say a dork." He then looked into your eyes. "Okay, yeah, you look like a dork." He said before chuckling at himself. You punch his arm playfully. "A cute dork. You didn't let me finish." You started to blush. You looked down at the floor not being able to make eye contact with him. "I'm Ana-"
"Anakin Skywalker." You cut him off and brushed a piece of hair behind your ear. "I'm (Y/N). (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)." You finally get all your papers off the floor and Anakin helps you stand up. "I'm sorry again for bumping into." You say fiddling with your hair again. "You should be. In fact you should feel so sorry that you have to go on a date with me this weekend." He says now fiddling with your hair as well.
"Why would you want to go out with me?" You asked stunned by what was transpiring.
"I guess you'll have to find out. Dex's 7pm Saturday. I'll see you there." Anakin then walked away and left you and the butterflies in your stomach to revel in the moment you two had shared.
When you finally snapped back to reality Anakin's arms were wrapped around you tight as you both stood there and cried. He was swaying you back and forth as he usually did when saying goodbye to you. This wasn't a goodbye hug, though. This hug was deeper, stronger. This was his physical way of saying sorry. You accepted it for a moment then pushed him away.
"I'm not sharing you Ani. I can't do it. It's either all me all the time or it's.. nothing." You stood there with your arms crossed waiting for an answer. He just stared at you. "Ani, him or me?" He almost seemed caught off guard by your question. You were puzzled that he couldn't answer. You had been with Anakin for 3 years. How could he not pick you? He put his hands over his face and started to cry even more. You could tell the decision was eating him up inside and you just starred as his mind tore him apart.
After what felt like hours you went up to him and grabbed his hands. His face, though still beautiful, was a mess. His whole face was red and you couldn't tell where the tears stopped and the snot began. He was hyperventilating a little so you started to breath with him trying to calm him down. Shouldn't I be the more upset one here? You thought. You gave him a sympathetic smile and tucked his knuckles under your chin. "I'm really gonna miss you Ani." You could feel yourself starting to cry again.
"Don't- don't say that. We- we can figure this out." He started breathing heavily again.
"As much as I would love to try and figure this part out with you, Ani, I can't. I can't share you. I can't." You put your hand up to his face. "Goodbye my love." He leaned into your hand and cried even harder as did you.
You stay this way for about an hour until you both composed yourselves. Anakin kissed you tenderly before heading back into town. You almost felt at peace with the situation. You know Anakin loves you and he would never intentionally hurt you. He was truly one of the best people you'd ever met and you honestly did want the best for him and to be happy. Although you wish it were with you you couldn't have stopped him from falling for someone new.
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lilrexsoka · 4 years
I have returned, and with the second prompt for Rexsoka Week. Day 2- War!
Read it on AO3 :
Or read it below!
Rated- G
No Warning Tags. 
“You wanted to see me, Commander?” Rex rounded the corner along the edge of the Rebel base on Onderon, a repurposed temple buried deep inside their jungle. He found the Togruta Padawan sitting on the edge of a stretch of degraded stairs, the steps swathed in fuzzy green moss that had buried itself in the cracks of the white stone. In the light of the twilight, it appeared gray, and the moss was blurry, black patches among the shapeless shadows. He didn’t know exactly why she had summoned him out here so late at night; she hadn’t bothered to give him a reason.
“Yes sir,” she answered teasingly, jumping to her feet and smoothing out her cloak. Behind the dark material, she fit right in against the stone. “You’re just in time!” She began to traverse the degraded steps, her boots seemingly barely shifting a stone in that light, graceful way Jedi liked to move. When Rex did not follow, she stopped and peered down at him with an exasperated sigh. “Well, come on then, or else we’ll be late anyway!”
With a long pause, the Captain began to follow, though he wasn’t too sure of the integrity of the stairs. “Where are we going, exactly? And why do you have to take me there in the middle of the night? We have excursions to plan tomorrow.” There wasn’t much time before he would be summoned back to the cruiser; there was only so much he could teach the fleeting Onderon Rebels before he was no longer needed.
The Togruta glanced back at him over her shoulder and gave him a sly smile. “Just wait and see.”
Rex shook his head with another drawn-out sigh, still attempting to follow his Commander up the failing steps, wishing that he wasn’t so bulky. It seemed so easy for the Padawan, and yet she could carry more strength behind her fists then any clone could know. But that was all Jedi; sleek, quick and mysterious, very much like how she was acting now.
As he approached the end of the perilous path, Ahsoka already far ahead of his vision, he realized they had been climbing the outer wall of the temple; they were now on one of the stone walls, beside the towering pillars showered in moss. Rex finished the climb and scanned the wall, though he could not see the Togruta Padawan.
Something was thrown and bounced off his shoulder.
“Up here, Rexy,” she laughed, her voice light and full of laughter; he tilted his head to meet her sparkling eyes, still bright despite the lack of proper light. Her lekku hung down and seemed to frame the familiar face that he had seen almost every day for the past year; he thought he could draw her facial markings just from memory. Her lips were turned up in a mischievous grin as she gave him a cheeky wave and disappeared over the edge of the turret.
The clone smiled despite himself. “I’m not chasing you up there.” Even if he could somehow make the smooth climb, he was ready for her to get to her point. If there is one to this adventure. Sometimes he swore she took him on unnecessary trips just to spend time with him or make him smile.
Her head appeared again, but this time it was only the tips of her montrals and the crest of her forehead. He could hear the amusement in her voice as she purred, “I could Force lift you up here. Then you wouldn’t have a choice.” She burst into giggles before he could even attempt to argue and launched herself off the pillar, landing effortlessly on her feet before the clone.
Rex shook his head again, admittedly just as amused. She really was good at bringing up his mood. “Okay, Commander. Why did you drag me up here?” He gave her a sharp look suddenly. “I hope not to throw me off another wall.”
“No,” she answered, still breathless with laughter. She flung her arms up and turned her chin to the dark sky, sparkling with tiny, white lights outlining four moons of various sizes. “Look!” she simply exclaimed, waving her fingers pointedly. “It’s a beautiful night! When we have time to stargaze on Coruscant, we can’t see the sky through the haze anyway!” She spun around and inhaled, dropping her hood and sighing happily.
The clone scoffed and grinned at her motions. “We could have admired the stars from the ground, too.”
She whipped around and glared at him teasingly as if he should have known better. “It’s much better up here,” she argued, sauntering away again as he obligingly followed. “Up here, it’s just us and the sky.” Ahsoka’s voice had always been pleasant, but something in her tone was unexpectedly lovely at that time. “Mm-hm,” the Captain murmured. He suspected there was something else on her mind; despite how it seemed, Ahsoka never did anything without reason, even if that reason was quite underwhelming. It can’t hurt to ask. “Come on, Commander. Stop toying. What is the real reason behind this?” He would feel quite foolish if she was telling the truth, but the clone had been around her enough to know her tells when she was avoiding her thoughts.
She turned around once again, this time with a crestfallen expression, her lip stuck out in an almost comedic look of despair, though to Rex it seemed like it was honest. “I’m sick of it,” she simply said, her chin finally falling and her shoulders sagging. The Togruta explained as she leaned against one of the stone pillars, hugging herself against the chilly night air. “I’m sick of all of this. The war, and all the fighting, hate and horrible things.” She shook her head and laughed bitterly. “I should be used to it by now, shouldn’t I?”
The clone paced closer and sighed. He wasn’t the best at comforting another, but it was his Commander. He thought she deserved his best effort. “None of us are,” he answered honestly. “But that is a good thing. Maybe it’s these terrible things that motivate us to keep on fighting, for all those who can’t.” Rex knew it wasn’t entirely true. What motivated him the most was the urge to keep fighting for his brothers, and the Jedi by his side.
Ahsoka sighed. “You’re a better person than I am, Rexster.”
“That’s not true,” he blurted immediately, earning instant regret at her curious frown. You’re making yourself look like an idiot, good job. He hurriedly rushed into an explanation that was terribly under planned. “I know you, Ahsoka- er, Commander, sorry.” He swore under his breath and continued. I can’t make myself look any more foolish now. “You’re probably the best person I have ever met. I mean, you’re a good person. A good guy. Girl. You stand up for what you know is right. You make good choices, and you’re kind, hilarious, and brave.” Damn. I really am a fool.
Instead, the Togruta seemed to be enamoured with his sloppy speech. “You really mean it?” She murmured, her eyes wide and shining. “Of course you mean it,” she answered herself, switching over to her favourite, sly grin. “I can tell. You’re cute when you are flustered, too.” She giggled as he opened his mouth wordlessly in shock. “But in all seriousness,” she finally sighed as her laughter died. “Thank you. I needed to hear that. I’m just… overwhelmed. I’m leading and training a rebellion that is fighting their own government.”
Rex knew what she was feeling. He had been a bit nervous at first when General Skywalker had announced the plan, but he had resorted to imagining the fully grown trainees as cadets from Kamino he had been assigned to. Ahsoka didn’t have a similar comparison, but maybe she didn’t need one. She was a fantastic teacher, which he made sure to remind her.
“Yeah, I am,” she answered with a shy smile, still leaned against the mossy pillar. Her head tilted and she winked. “You’re not half bad either.” Her shoulders came up in a lazy shrug and she pushed off of the wall, dusting off her hands. “You know, you’re right. I do need motivation to keep on fighting. And I have some. I won’t stop anytime soon.” The Togruta began to walk past him, patting him on the shoulder as she moved back to where they had come from, tossing her head so her montral brushed against his ear. “Come on, it’s actually a warm night. I wanna watch the stars,” she ordered as she went.
The clone followed, slightly confused as to her last comment. “Wait,” he tried. “What motivates you, then? I’m curious.” He trailed after her quicker pace hopelessly, still overwhelmed at the pure energy the Padawan always seemed to hold.
Ahsoka hopped onto one of the ledges of the temple overhanging the wall and dangled her legs, seemingly uncaring of the towering fall below her. She patted the stones beside her and the clone reluctantly followed, though he sat on the top of the wall instead of the narrow outcropping. “It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it?” She hummed as she waited for his response, though he was quiet for a long while.
Rex had suggested what he had said before, which made the Togruta sigh and agree, though it wasn’t too convincing. It filled his mind as they sat and stared into the sky, Ahsoka occasionally gasping and pointing out shapes in the stars or moving objects that she mistook for comets. When she finally accepted that it was time to retreat and return to their sleeping quarters, Ahsoka walking along the tops of the pillars as Rex walked below her, he had to ask. “You were lying. You aren’t motivated by the people; at least not majorly. What is the real motivator?”
The Togruta scoffed and crouched from her position high above him, leaning down to face him. “If you come up here I’ll tell you,” she teased. She already knew the answer to that offer; it was purposeful. “Yeah, you’d crumble the stone with your heft anyway.”
“Haha, very funny,” Rex deadpanned as they continued their adventure. Avoiding the question only made him wonder more; what would she have answered? He hadn’t thought of it then, but sometimes when they were alone, he thought she might turn and say, It’s you, Rex. You are my motivation. Perhaps it was just some sort of strange, wishful thinking part of him that thought that might have been her answer.
Maybe she would finally reveal the truth if he told her how he really felt.
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ayo-cowbelly · 4 years
when the fire goes out, how do we stay warm? part 3/?
previous part ~ next part ~
today i’m serving up an entree of zygerrians being assholes, with a side of dark obi wan and angsty inner thoughts- enjoy!
First of all, the canon timeline has been taken out back and shot- so we’re currently just blindly driving through the year 20 BBY. For this universe, it has been about two months since the original zygerria mission (which happened at the same time as canon). Just for reference i guess.
ALSO, QUICK NOTE ABOUT UPDATES: school just started for me, along with other things, so updates are going to be weird for this story. There are just a lot of things going on in my life, including writing, so I can’t promise when I’ll be able to update- BUT IT WILL BE OFTEN! Just not on a set schedule/general time frame.
p.s. lines from the tatooine slave code the discord and i came up with are mentioned- you can find the whole thing at @newswcanonprompts
 Obi-Wan has been periodically blacking out for about a week now. Maybe more, maybe less. He’s not actually sure how long it’s been. All he knows is that sometime, the Zygerrians had decided to tuck him away in this...
 What could he call his new accommodations? It looks like an old dungeon- smells like one too. The walls are crumbling, and there’s a leaky crack on the ceiling that has been keeping Obi-Wan a bit entertained. He watches the water drops slide down the wall, making him dream of rain. He wishes to be outside, to be free.
 For the first few weeks, when he was the queen’s attendant, he had been allowed to go wherever in the palace- as long as he followed the queen when she called. She probably allowed this small bit of freedom to show everyone her new Jedi pet. But then it all changed.
 Obi-Wan had been in his “room” (a small closet-like space with a cushion and a little pot to relieve himself) when he heard shouting and running. Peeking outside, one of the queen’s guards caught sight of him and yelled something in Zygerrian; the guard then pressed a button and Obi-Wan’s collar shocked him into unconsciousness.
 When Obi-Wan awoke, he was in this cave, his bare shoulders bleeding from where the guards must have dragged him. Usually, the queen’s attendants were dressed nicely, but Obi-Wan supposed he was a special case.
 They starved him, dressed him in his torn clothes, made him look weak- a showcase of Queen Miraj’s power, her ability to beat even a Jedi into submission.
 And Obi-Wan  has been beaten. He knows it, the queen knows it, everyone on this blasted planet knows it. His muscles are pretty much depleted by now, his bones getting more and more frail every day- and his spirit was just as crushed. After learning (he learned through punishment; teaching was done with whips on this planet) to be quiet, he eventually accepted that this was no place for his well-known banter.
 Obi-Wan Kenobi is not a silent person. But, that is who he has to be, if he is to survive.
 In his silence, he thinks of Anakin and hopes for his safety. He reflects on their only communication in the last few weeks, that one burst of emotion in their Force bond. Obi-Wan wishes he could tug on the bond, at least send Anakin an inkling of feeling, but it was impossible. He has no strength for such things, and if he did, he can’t try- Queen Miraj had put him in Force-dampening cuffs some time ago (they are rusted and old, probably because the queen was never lucky enough to have a Jedi in her grasp).  
 So he is left alone with nothing but a dreary cell and troubled questions for company.
 Is Anakin alright? Does he know Obi-Wan is alive? Does he still have that horrible haunted look that plagues Obi-Wan’s nightmares, the one from the arena?
  Is his brother free? Obi-Wan wonders that most often. He doesn’t know if Anakin is free, or if he’s just briefly escaped; then again, he also doesn’t know what exactly his former apprentice is running from. Chains? Nightmares? Fear? Darkness?
 Or maybe those are all the same. At least, they seem to have become one in this blurry hell Obi-Wan is now living in.
 The Darkness comes for him while he’s unconscious. Whenever the world fades, Obi-Wan is met with a black expanse that threatens to consume him.
 He finds it harder and harder to push it away. In fact, Obi-Wan’s vision is starting to dim, his bleary eyes starting to close…
 But before he goes under, the old metal door creaks open.
 “Hello, Master Jedi,” The Zygerrian guard jeers, the mocking evident in his tone. Obi-Wan feels he has lost any right to that title (what Master would let their Padawan be treated so terribly, what Master would embrace Darkness while he sleeps?).
 Obi-Wan just turns his head to the other man, fresh cuts on his cheek stinging from the movement. He does not reply.
 “Thought you were a talker. ‘Guess not,” The guard remarks as he slides a dish of something gray-looking across the floor. Obi-Wan doesn’t recognize him, this must be the first time they’re meeting (he probably wanted a glimpse at the queen’s new Jedi pet). “No response? Fine.”
 The Zygerrian leans cockily against the cell door, head tilted down to Obi-Wan’s pathetic body. “Can’t say I’m upset you’re quiet. I didn’t expect it- the newbies are always loud at first. It’s always so irritating, listening to their crying and screaming, but they learn soon enough.” The guard smiles wickedly, fingers tracing his whip. Obi-Wan has heard the screams in this place, the cries of children. He's watched as they go still, their tears giving way for the crack of a whip and their torturers’ cruel laughs.
 Obi-Wan has been making himself numb for weeks. But as the guard drones on, his fangs glinting in the darkness, a wave of red-hot fury courses through the Jedi. It feels similar to that day in the arena, when he’d come so close to killing Queen Miraj- until Ahsoka stopped him.
 Obi-Wan wishes he’d murdered her right there. A part of him wants to see the life in her eyes drain, and he wants it to be at his own hand. He wants to see her pay for what she did to Anakin, to Rex, to so many others- he will make her pay. Make her suffer-  
  Yes,something deep in him whispers. It’ll be easy. She will suffer. And when she dies, you will be the one to make her heart stop beating-  
 “Hey,” the guard’s raspy voice interrupts whatever had been filling Obi-Wan’s head. “Were your eyes always yellow-ish? I heard they were blue.”
 Obi-Wan doesn’t know what to make of that.
 The sunlight burns his delicate skin. Obi-Wan blinks rapidly, as he is no longer used to the brightness of day (honestly, how long was he in that cell? Nobody will tell him- maybe it’s a good thing he doesn’t know).  
 He is pushed roughly with a blaster. “Keep moving, scug,” one of his escorts, a particularly nasty-looking guard, says.
 “Where-” Obi-Wan coughs, his voice scratchy. “Where are we going?”
 “You’re going to see the queen.”
 “Then why are we outside?”  
 “Did you really think your disgusting room was in the palace this whole time? If you think we treat our royalty like that, you’re more idiotic than I thought,” another guard sneers, sounding almost offended.
 Obi-Wan sighs defeatedly. “I meant, why not just put me in a speeder and be done with it? Why parade me through the streets?”
 The original guard, the one who pushed him, barks out a laugh. “Why do you think? Now shut up and walk.”
 Obi-Wan realizes what the guard means. It's a show for the Masters. He can’t stop himself from looking around, making eye contact with the slave traders and their grins- they are all too happy at seeing a famous Jedi being led along in chains. Said Jedi wants to wipe the smiles off their faces, for they might think they are in power here, but he will show them what-
  No, he thinks, recoiling from the Dark thoughts. Stop- don’t go there, Obi-Wan.    He doesn’t want to think about his eyes, if they’re yellow or blue- he doesn’t want to, he wants the Dark to leave him alone-
 Or does he?
  Stop, stop, don’t think about it, GO AWAY- he screams in his mind, pushing the Dark away. It backs off for now, but Obi-Wan knows it will come back in his dreams.
 They finally reach the palace, and the guards grab him by the arms to lead him inside. Their sharp nails drag across his skin, some even giving him more cuts- but instead of thinking about it, Obi-Wan prefers to be numb, so that is what he does. Sinking into the Force (which he can barely feel, due to the cuffs he still wears), he lets himself be pulled along.
 Queen Miraj’s voice is what snaps him out of it. The blissful respite of the Force slinks away, despite Obi-Wan’s frantic grabs at it.
 “Master Kenobi, it is wonderful to see you again,” she purrs, eyes raking over his battered form. Seeing an exceptionally angry gash on his arm, the queen smirks. “I hope you are enjoying your new room.”
 He does not reply. He will not let her take his words; she has already taken his body, she will not have his voice. It is a lesson he has learned from the other slaves, one Anakin had drunkenly described years ago.
  Though he was drunk, Anakin sounded almost poetic, but devoid of emotion- it was how he always seemed when talking about Tatooine. “Peace in Silence, Defiance in Demureness… They teach us to be quiet. Watch instead of speak. Watching is how we learn. And, if the Masters don’t have your voice, then they cannot truly win.”  
 Obi-Wan didn’t, and still doesn’t, want to know why those teachings sounded like a mantra, a code engraved into Anakin’s very being, even after being freed.
  Can you ever wash away the sands of a slave?  
 How much of the Desert still lives inside Anakin?
 Again, Obi-Wan doesn’t want to know.
 The queen keeps talking. “No response? I thought you had better manners than that, Master Jedi.” They love to call him that, don’t they? The Masters love to remind him of his place. By calling him 'Master', they reaffirm the fact that it is      they    who are really in charge- he is nothing more than their toy.
 He ignores the queen’s taunts. She cocks her head, brows narrowing. “You might be wondering why I summoned you here. I imagine you have many questions regarding your… new arrangements.”
 Obi-Wan doesn’t say anything, instead just keeping his eyes trained on her. He watches as she clenches her jaw. Her voice does not betray her growing irritation- she had been hoping for an outburst. “See, a bit of time ago, your little Republic friends came here. They broke into my dungeon, took that little Togruta you’re so fond of, and then left. They also took away my prize, your little Chosen One…”
 Obi-Wan, who had been studying the wall, whips his head towards her. Forgetting to be quiet, he stutters, “They- they got Anakin-?”
 Queen Miraj leers at him. “Yes, they did; just in time, too, I suppose. He was not going to make it much longer.”
 A pink Twi’lek -probably the queen’s new attendant- is in the corner, staring intently at Obi-Wan. She is pressing her finger to her lips, signaling for him to be quiet. He ignores her. “What did you do to him?!”
 The queen smiles smugly, annoyance forgotten. She motions for her guards to restrain Obi-Wan. Once he is firmly held down, she replies. “It was easy to see that he was once a slave. He was already cracking. But I broke him.”  She sounds prideful, taking joy in the fact that she-
   No. Anakin is strong. He’s alright. He is alright. He has to be alright.  
 “You cannot break Anakin. He is strong, stronger than you will ever be.” The Twi’lek in the corner is frantically shaking her head at him, neck rubbing against her shock collar. But Obi-Wan cannot get himself to quiet. Not now, not anymore.
 “You think he is powerful? He is a slave, Kenobi. It doesn't matter where he is, who he calls Master- he will always be chained,” the queen snaps.  
 “He was freed.”
 She laughs at his protests, eyes glinting. “You do not understand. A slave is never free, Jedi. You can shower him in love, titles, and luxury- but I know what a child of the Desert looks like. Tatooine is a cruel place; it has a certain way of… rooting itself in its children. Some of them end up here, and they are easily recognized. Skywalker is just like them, scarred and broken. They will only be free when Death claims them, Kenobi.”
 Obi-Wan pushes at the guards, trying to get to the queen. He wants to wipe that cruel smirk off her face, drown it in blood- “You’re wrong!”
 “Look at how you refuse the truth- just like a Jedi. You know I am right. You know it, you see it in him, the cracks- and you never help, do you?”
 “Anakin,” Obi-Wan grinds out, “is not a slave. He is a Jedi, he is free-”
 The queen’s lip curls. “A slave,” she repeats, “is never free.”
 The Darkness rises up in him, louder this time. It rushes through his head, pounding against his skull. It wants to be let loose- so he lets go. The cuffs start to snap, and he pushes outwards into the room. The queen is slowly pushed back at her throne, and if these rusty old cuffs will break Obi-Wan will be able to crush her skeleton against it-
 Then, something slams into his head, and the world goes black again.
 He wakes up to the throne room, but this time, it’s a bit different. For starters, he’s kneeling, held in place by two ropes attached to the walls. More guards fill the room, and now the prime minister is standing diligently by Miraj’s side, scowling at Obi-Wan.
 His head throbs from where he was hit, blood trickling down his forehead. He looks down at his hands, seeing that they are now in cuffs that look brand-new.
 “You dare try to attack me?” The queen snarls at him, slowly walking down her throne’s steps.
 Obi-Wan looks at Miraj’s attendant, the pink Twi’lek. She is looking down, knowing what is coming.
 “Learn your place, Jedi scum,” She says menacingly, nodding at something behind Obi-Wan.  He tries to go numb, but these new cuffs work better; he can’t reach the Force at all. It is terrifying, and he can’t breathe, for now he is truly alone in this hell-
 He dimly registers the crack of a whip being ignited. His stomach sinks as he hears the whip coming down, and then he is  burning  .
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malachitebeck · 4 years
Just a Little Thing While We Wait for Kenobi
So the other day I saw a post by Intermundia (I’m not going to tag them I’d explode from my own embarrassment) that really stuck with me? They were talking about how being a perfectionist when it comes to your writing is something you kind of actively have to overcome, and as someone who has left more WIPs on the cutting room floor than I can name out of pure frustration I really can feel where they’re coming from. And that made me write this. It’s not much- just a collection of scenes and ideas for a Kenobi trailer that have been running through my head every day for the past month- but I don’t know if I have the emotional stamina to write the multi chaptered fic this idea deserves (nor do I have the wherewithal to survive the inevitable heartbreak when none of this happens in the actual show) so this will have to do for now.
It’s a step! I’m taking a step and I’m learning. This is for me, but I hope you all get some enjoyment out of it too. 
The trailer begins with a shot of heavy clouds in a yellow tinted sky. A troop carrier belonging to the GAR sinks into frame, its engine whirring. The only sound we can hear now is diegetic- the roar of the engine and the chatter of voices as the camera moves up to the right hand side. Hanging on at the edge of the carrier is OBI-WAN KENOBI, flanked on either side by AHSOKA TANO and ANAKIN SKYWALKER. KENOBI, as per usual, has concern and careful consideration written all over his face. TANO, meanwhile, is bouncing on her heels. All at once we see her leap from the carrier at the behest of her masters, landing on a metal platform that is jutting out from what appears to be a Seperatist landing bay.
TANO moves at a rapid speed, followed closely behind by Troopers as well as ANAKIN and KENOBI. The camera tracks her almost like a side scrolling video game- slowing down for a moment as her lightsaber extends to cut down a droid and we see that it is still a singular green blade. We are a ways away from the Twilight of the Republic.
Eventually, the camera pulls to a stop as if it has reached the end of a track. ANAKIN and KENOBI have caught up with TANO at this point, and the droids on this landing bay are handled. The trio move at a slower pace, with ANAKIN and TANO talking rapid fire with one another. We can’t hear them, though. The sound has faded out. KENOBI is looking at them fondly now. Much more fondly than he would if the situation was really happening. But it isn’t happening, is it?
The trio cross through the sliding doors, the camera pulling once again until we are looking at solid stone. That stone fades to blackness, and within that blackness is a hidden cut. We don’t see light again until a new set of doors slides open. The room inside is dark, and the light from outside highlights sand and dust that hover in the air. KENOBI is standing alone now. His face is weary and his shoulders sag from an invisible weight. OBI-WAN KENOBI has gone from his home to a place that is merely acting as his house. He lets out a sigh, and the camera cuts to black again.
We hear the familiar opening notes of Binary Sunsets played out on a piano. In the darkness, the Lucasfilm logo enters and then fades.
When the camera rises again, we see a straight shot of KENOBI from behind- hidden in his robe and walking with a bundle pressed against his left shoulder through the streets of Mos Eisley. The camera cuts in closer, and we see that bundle more closely now. It’s a baby LUKE SKYWALKER, sleeping soundly despite the hell that preceded his birth.
KENOBI: “I hope you understand, the circumstances were not ideal. I did the best I could, but I thought you were gone….”
While this narration is going, we cut to a shot we’ve seen before. KENOBI giving baby LUKE to his aunt and uncle. However, unlike the last time we saw this moment, the camera follows KENOBI for a little while longer. We see, as the twin suns set behind him, KENOBI falls to his knees in the sand and breaks into a sob. This is the first time he has let himself cry- the first time the walls have come down since the tumultuous end of the Republic began.
KENOBI (cont.): “... I thought everyone was gone.”
The scene shifts as we start to see how the years have worn KENOBI down. Moments pass by almost like a slideshow- we see him cleaning out the old farm house that he took over to call his own, see him setting up a vaparator to survive on Tatooine- all the while he is growing older. This general of the Republic is finally coming to rest, and it is aging him.
KENOBI (cont.): “And while you were off, Force knows where…”
There is a rather drastic cut. We now see AHSOKA TANO, now a young woman. She is turned to face the camera, having been struck by the figure standing behind her. It is the SIXTH BROTHER. We are watching her fight on Raada unfold. All at once, with an expression that rival’s her former master’s, TANO turns on the BROTHER- igniting her white sabers and striking him overhead. The swift movement of the sabers acts as a transition.
KENOBI (cont.): “I’ve been here. I stayed here. I’m sure you can understand why.”
The transition carried us back to the sandy expanse of Tatooine. TANO’S twin blades settled as the twin suns, which look down on a young boy running and playing with some bemused droids. The sunset hue of the sky is reminiscent of the first time we ever saw this boy- a young LUKE SKYWALKER, around age 6.
The camera turns around to slowly focus on two figures- both wearing cloaks and standing far enough away that they blend in with the darkening surroundings. As we get closer, though- it is clear to see that the one on the left is KENOBI and the one on the right is TANO. There is a distance between them, one put there by years of lies and of their opposing views on the growing Rebellion. KENOBI’S narration has proven to be an explanation to a very wounded TANO. She mourned him. 
TANO, plainly yet carrying immeasurable weight: “I do.”
There is a pause. The wind kicks up for a moment, moving both of their cloaks as the silence hangs heavy.
TANO: “You should have reached out. You can’t defend him on your own.”
KENOBI: “I know about the Empire. They rarely travel this far, and even if they did-”
TANO: “I’m not talking about the Empire. At least… not what you’re used to.”
The camera cuts for the briefest of moments, as if we are following TANO on a flashback. We see a jungle planet being ravaged by INQUISITORS- but TANO’S focus is on one among them. He looks as though he wants nothing more than to run- and the camera cuts to focus on him as he falls onto the jungle floor. This INQUISITOR… or perhaps not quite an INQUISITOR… is CAL KESTIS. And much has changed for him in the spanse of two years.
The camera cuts back quickly, TANO shaking her head as the focus is now more squarely on her. The camera pulls back to bring KENOBI back into frame.
KENOBI: “Are you offering to help me, then?”
TANO, scorned but still sure: “Yes.” beat. “But I’m not doing this for you. He’s…. He’s the last Skywalker.”
The scene cuts again, this time to a moment with much more weight. The twin suns of Tatooine have completely set, and the sand is whipping up more aggressively than before. We see LUKE SKYWALKER, young and bleary eyed from sleep, standing in the desert. All at once he is grabbed by TANO, and pulled in close to her chest. She is on her knees, clinging to him with one hand while her white lightsaber ignites in the other- parallel to the ground but shaking slightly from her determination.
We then see the object of her ire. An INQUISITOR- standing proud as their black cape snaps in the harsh winds. They grab their own saber off their belt, igniting it. The bright crimson cuts through the bluish black night. We can feel the electricity of a fight, but before it can happen….
Fade to black.
TANO (narration): “I would die before I let something happen to him.”
KENOBI: “So we’re in agreement.”
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brokeco · 5 years
Far-Flung Hopes, ch2
Summary: The force had two children, six thousand years apart. Dooku imagined it was about time these children meet, whether they liked it or not. ———- The fic where Revan possesses Anakin.
Explaining what happened to Anakin to the 501st and the 212th was more than a little awkward, but it had to be done. Revan’s arrival was more than a little confusing. Especially because Obi-Wan was being so welcoming to someone who had the “Darth” title.
Cody had explained it to most of the men while Rex and Ahsoka showed Revan where they were staying. “This is General Skywalker’s room.” Rex opened the door, watching nervously as Revan peeked inside. “It should have everything you need.”
“Skywalker is his name? Well it certainly makes sense.” Revan stated, picking up one of Anakin’s tools from a sad little desk pressed up against a wall.
“How so?” Ahsoka asked, still suspicious of the Dark Lord.
“His body wouldn’t have survived the ceremony if he wasn’t a child of the Force like I am. The name Skywalker just makes sense for the Force.” Revan answered, the others almost able to hear the smile in their voice. “The Force is either incredibly subtle or incredibly obvious about those things.”
“Right.” Rex acknowledged, uneasy with the comfortability Revan seemed to have in his General’s quarters. “If you need anything, there should be a button near the door, and someone, most likely myself, will come to assist.”
“If it’s all the same to you, Captain, I’d like for you to stay a moment, just for some questions.” Revan stated, setting the tool down and turning back to Ahsoka and Rex.
“If you think I’m going to leave him alone with you --” Ahsoka growled before stopping herself at the sight of Revan handing Rex their lightsabers. Rex took them, looking into the eyes-holes of Revan’s masked confusedly.
Revan just looked between the two. “Now he holds my life in his hands. May I ask him questions now?”
Ahsoka seemed conflicted before she huffed and turned to leave, dragging her feet as she did. As soon as she turned the corner, out of their sight, Revan turned to Rex, signaling the Captain to come in the room. Rex had to suppress a slight jump when the door closed behind him. “You seem quite a deal more experienced than your fellow troopers, Captain. I hope to learn what I can from you.” Revan said, ignoring the anxiety they could clearly see in Rex.
“Thank you, General.” Rex replied instinctually.
“You can relax, Captain.” Revan stated as they sat on their bed. “Sit if it helps.” Rex hesitated for a second before he sat across Revan at Anakin’s desk. “There you go, Captain. Now, if you don’t mind my asking, what is Skywalker’s relation with the Jedi on-board?”
Rex cleared his throat before answering. “Commander Tano is the General’s Padawan and General Kenobi is General Skywalker’s former Master.”
Revan cocked their head to the side, perhaps confused. “Is that the entire extent of Kenobi and Skywalker’s relationship?”
Rex really wished he could see Skywalker’s eyes from behind the mask because looking into black holes was really unnerving. “They are closer and more familiar than most Masters and Padawan, but I don’t know the extent of their relationship.”
“Yes, that sounds quite a bit more like what I sensed.” Revan nodded at Rex’s second explanation. “Now, which troopers are more familiar with Skywalker?”
“That would be the Torrent Company, sir.” Rex explained. “Though, if you want specific names…” Rex suggested, trailing off nervously.
“I would appreciate names, and perhaps your descriptions, thank you.” Revan answered, completely engrossed in what Rex would tell them.
“Well Tup is the youngest of Torrent and is quite clever for a rookie.” Rex began, not sure what to say. “He actually helped to capture a traitor Jedi when General Skywalker was brought to Coruscant. Echo and Fives are batchmates, so they’re pretty connected at the hip. Fives has a bit of a strong personality, but he’s easy to agree with. Echo is a bit quieter, but when he’s loud, he’s loud . He’s always observing, so he has a better grasp on subtly than Fives.” Rex almost smiled, relaxing as he spoke about his brothers. Our medic is Kix. And it doesn’t matter what your rank is, if you’re injured, he’s in charge. He hates it when people try to hide their injuries, and he will most certainly find out if you try it. Hardcase is a bit of a wildcard, but one consistency that he has is that he’s completely dedicated to his vode.”
“Vode? Brothers?” Revan’s interest was completely held by Rex by now.
Rex almost blanched at his minor slip-up. “We, as clones, consider ourselves brothers. We grow together, we fight together, and we die together. I don’t know another way to consider us.”
“A nice sentiment.” Revan sounded like they meant it. “I look forward to meeting them. But, for now, could you perhaps, send Kenobi here?”
Rex nodded, standing from his seat and handing the lightsabers back. “Of course, sir.”
Revan only took one of the lightsabers back, leaving the red-bladed weapon in Rex’s hand. “Keep it. I don’t think anyone would trust me very much with that blade anyway.”
“Sir!” Rex responded the only way he knew how.
Revan chuckled at Rex’s tone. “Relax. I trust you’re more than capable to handle it if you need to and if I need it, I will let you know.” Rex nodded and left, gripping the lightsaber tightly even as Revan placed their lightsaber onto the desk behind Rex.
Revan waited for not a minute before Obi-Wan knocked on his door, an anxiousness to his presence. “Revan?” Kenobi called through the door. “Rex said you wanted to see me?”
Revan opened the door with the Force, allowing Kenobi to come in at his own pace. “I do, yes.”
The door closed behind Kenobi, who was a bit more relaxed than Rex had been. “What’s wrong?”
Revan suddenly sprang up, pinning Obi-Wan’s wrists to the door behind him. “I just wanted to just how close it is that you are to my host.”
Obi-Wan quickly changed their positions, pinning Revan right where he had been pinned just a second before. He gingerly kissed Revan’s neck, earning himself a surprised gasp. “Very close.” Kenobi suddenly backed away, tosing Revan for a second loop in under a minute. “But you are not him. So I’m not very close with you just quite yet.”
“Of course.” Revan said breathlessly, moving out of Obi-Wan’s way as he left the room. Alone in their half-brother’s room, Revan focused on the Force, talking to the man they knew was listening and watching. “Alright, brother. It appears we have a common interest.”
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