#i really hope people will like it once im actually done with it but we'll see👍👍👍
notozthewizard · 1 year
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I have, once again, liked a piece I was working on a little to much, proceeded to feel like I can't do it justice with my skills and turned to silly doodles as a means of distraction.
Soooo how is your day going?
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lunicho · 7 months
I saw your post about your laptop being dodgy and couldn’t help but imagine Computer Science major Wonbin who practically jumps at the opportunity to help you. He’d tie his hair back and adjust his glasses before inspecting your laptops condition. You watched closely as his soft hands worked to fix the issue. ‘Thank you Wonbin, your a lifesaver’ you said but he could only focus on the feeling of your chest against his 😵‍💫
Eventually, he’s between your thighs and teasing your clit through your undies. As he gets more into it his glasses start to become tilted and his hair is barely tied. Once you cum he tells you he thinks he’ll have to visit you again to ‘check your laptop’ but you know thats definitely an excuse.
Hope you get your laptop sorted bby and sorry if me using your actual situation makes you uncomfortable 🫶🏾 sending love and hugs!!
omg this didn't make me uncomfortable at all, i love when people are creative enough to take inspo from everything cuz im like that so UR GOOOD,, also my laptop is.. idek what she's doing i went in and did a whole bunch of shit to it so we'll see,,, ALSO OKAY WAIT after i wrote this ask.. do u mind if i turn this into a fic 😭😭
thinking abt computer science major wonbin who's had the phattest crush on you all semester. he's been trying to be your friend but can't figure out a reason to really spend time with you and he's Not about to ask you out cuz he's shy.. so when ur computer starts to flake in you and he overhears u whining about it he jumps in to offer his help! you're immediately greatful to him,, praising his skills and pretty much metaphorically dick riding him.. he loves it,, gives him sort of a confidence boost in the moment.
he'd come to your dorm after classes, sitting at your desk and immediately looking around on your laptop. you'd lean over his shoulder, tits practically falling out of your shirt. he'd be lying if he said he didn't already notice them, that he hadn't already stared at them. so when he turns to look up at you and is instead met with the scent of your perfume and the sight of your tits he clears his throat, pushing the chair backwards so he can actually focus.. he'd be the type to explain everything he's doing,, letting you know what may be wrong with your computer. when you're like "oh wonbin, don't know what i would've done without you, you're a lifesaver!" it gives him that same feeling as before.. like he wants u on ur knees in front of him.. his mind would flood with images of you in compromising positions, with you choking on his cock.. anything like that, he'd struggle to keep it together.
like u said,, he eventually ends up with his hand down your pants, his head over your shoulder. he'd lazily place kisses on your shoulder and cheek, hands working hard to make u feel good.. the type to place a hand around your throat as u grind against his fingers.. he'd be on top of the world right now omg..
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atthebell-moved · 11 months
Imma be real im a little disappointed with this event, idk like, the minimes dont sit right with me, even on a meta level, and it was just so. Idk. For something so hyped it didnt even give us that much information tbh :(
yeah it's not my favorite. i think the minimes are, in terms of features, still too close to the eggs, even if they aren't meant to be, and this really didn't actually give them info on stuff they were already investigating, just new shit to be confused about. which has been a problem in the past with events, where instead of actually getting more info on what they're already looking into they just get inundated with more new lore to worry about.
idk i think cellbit's right that things are ramping up to be more conflict oriented and less investigation, so maybe these will be for like. fighting a big war against the feds? or the other entity??? i really do not know i don't understand what the point of these is in a lore sense and i find this a really weird and disappointing thing to happen while the eggs are still missing.
i think we're also getting to a point where if the eggs really are coming back, which i really hope they are both because i like them and because i think a lot of ccs will lose some motivation to come on without them or even the hope of getting them back, they need to come back soon. like, as soon as twitchcon is over, or maybe once forever comes back. and otherwise, if they aren't coming back, that needs to be made clear. but right now we've got vague clues and nothing solid and people have already done their grief arcs for the most part and now are just kind of. floundering without knowing what else to do without their kids. even new people who didnt have kids are floundering because everything is about the eggs and now their absence.
like i do think they'll at least get the chance to save them, because otherwise the static images and messages and everything make no sense, but i just think this arc is getting old and we all really just want the eggs back. and that also makes the minimes seem like a really weird thing to suddenly throw in.
idk admins have managed to turn my opinion on other things they tried out that i didn't like at first, but this one is just really weird and im not a big fan. we'll see, though.
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sparring-spirals · 5 months
I got to say I really liked the episode (despite only having watched exu calamity of the exu series) and I think maybe Matt needed a breather after so many fast paced, lore filled episodes.
however, I am kinda bummed that the fcg processing has been put on hold for (at least) two weeks now and that means that, despite them being great actors that truly merge with their characters at the table, their reactions will be much less raw and there’s a chance some of them will forget tidbits of information, emotions they felt when it happened because they (as role players) will have had time to process it out of the game and it might create a dissonance in the game. tbf I kind of felt the difference even between the end of ep 91 and the beginning of 92 but it made sense because technically they were still running and couldn’t afford to process. idk. I have hope that we’ll still see that raw emotion, but I fear it won’t be as impactful as it could’ve been, especially if they’ll have to put the “reporting for duty” hat on immediately when they get to the camp
I think being a little bummed about the sort of unexpected hiatus on the Bell's Hells/Post F.C.G processing is super understandable! As someone who also really did enjoy the Crownskeepers return (hello im still yelling about Opal internally), I'm kind of in the same camp of being kind of thrown/disappointed about not getting to really dig into/sit with the Bell's Hells post-F.C.G loss. Like, LOVED the Crownkeepers, fascinating second half, kind of meh on the specific timing.
I'm holding my reservations about whether they're going to have to keep running/moving once we return to their portion of the story, since hey, until it happens (or doesn't!), we don't know, so I don't feel like getting too in my head about it until then.
That said! I do think that in general the cast puts characterization and staying true to the emotions of the character/story as a very high priority within the campaign. I think you're right that it won't be the exact same as if they had done a big emotional blowup/goodbye/processing scene in the same ep where they lost F.C.G, or immediately after. I don't think that means it has to be less impactful, just that- yeah, they'll have had more time to actually think/process it.
But they're also all professional voice actors who have, IMO, thus far shown how much they think about the inner lives of their characters and enjoy really digging deep into the emotional/interpersonal aspects of roleplay.
My assumption (my hope?) is that with additional time to think about + process a devastating/deeply emotional loss for their character(s), they'd choose to lean into that more, and not less. It wont be the same as the immediate raw reactions, thats true! But i dont think that means it has to be less impactful, even if they (as people) have had more time to process, and will be choosing how their characters, fresh off the loss, react. I dont think thats a guarantee it will be less impactful/emotional (maybe the additional thinking would actually enhance the reactions being true/insightful to the characters vs gut reactions from cast), but it will be different.
But if the cast chooses to lean into the heartbreak/emotions, and the circumstances of the BH in the upcoming ep enable it, I'm sure they can still kick my ass (emotionally), timeskip or not.
In general, I'm cautiously optimistic about what could happen next! Even if I don't love the timing thus far. I think there's still plenty of ways for me to get what I'm hoping for wrt F.C.G/BH. :] There are plenty of ways for me to get let down too, probably, but until it happens, or doesn't, I'm opting to not get too doomery about it. We'll see.
I uh. Hope that helps? A bit? Being bummed about specific things you were hoping for being off the table is totally reasonable. just hoping to lend an alternate way of viewing it, if desired.
(i wrote the sentence: "don't be lamenting your chickens before they hatch" and then went "what the fuck" out loud. i spent 4 hours at work today just doing systems diagramming and my brain is fried. clearly. keeping this here for my own entertainment.)
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AITA for basically being my cousins' 2nd/3rd parent and actually doing my aunts/uncles job for them
I (19 ???), have six young cousins on my mom's side who i see pretty often given everyone's schedules. Im really close with 4 of them, having grown up almost like siblings mainly with the two oldest. The two youngest dont care for me especially since one is only like 4 months old
Ive always been the reliable older brother/sisterish figure to them even when i was younger, it just came naturally. But in recent years ive had to pick up the slack in alot of things related to raising my cousins in a way. A goodish example is with the oldest, she's 16 and a few years ago I had to give her the sex and period talk cuz her school barely did anything about it (long story short they literally just gave out a basic (outdated) packet that basically just said "dont have sex, girl bleed once a month" in a horrible shameful way), and her parents just said "we'll explain when you're 18".
Ive done everything from teaching them internet safety to cooking to explain topics such as the sex talk because my aunts and uncles just dont do those things.
But enough context heres the main things,
One of my cousins called me dad in front of our relatives while we were all on vacation which caused a scene to say the least. It ended with me absolutely tearing into my aunts and uncles, which i admit wasnt the best choice but still, i basically tore into them about intentionally or not have almost completely abandoned their roles as parents. (Also one got tore into for basically forgetting their oldest in favor for their youngest so much so the oldest didnt get new clothes for two years)
The fight ended with me and my cousins storming back to the room we claimed and locking the door. We basically camped out there for the last two days if the trip, only leaving for food a night (had a bathroom connected to the room thankfully) we only really spoke to my mom and our grand uncle and aunt during that time
Its been about a month since it happened and things have atleast superficially calmed, still receiving the stray vague call out on social media and getting called an selfish asshole in a polite socially acceptable way. The only people on my side are my grand aunt and uncle, my mother, my cousins, and my friends
Im torn, because on one hand i care for my cousins and dont regret finally standing up for them all including myself.
But on the other its not completely my business on how my relatives raise their kids. I didnt have to do all that i do/did. I choose to do all those things and im still choosing to do them
I would speak to a professional or something but my last therapist dropped me cuz of stories bout my family (no joke she literally said "you're family is fucked up i have no hope in helping you, you're a lost cause") so tumblr what's your thoughts this probably out if yalls pay grade but still
What are these acronyms?
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trauma-bot · 13 hours
ouuuu i need the lore... i love selfships so much.... nuze lore please.... if you want..........
YAY YAY YAY. im gonna try so hard to keep this somewhat brief to leave room for any more questions but we'll see how that goes <3
so to preface this E does have a toyhouse bio that you can look at if you're curious! it has a more in-depth look at his personality and whole deal. you can also look at his gallery if you'd like; thats where his references and other artwork for him are stored!
a lot of it is very much to fulfill my weird convoluted fantasy of "what if i lost all hope for a future that i exist in and was convinced that i was going to succumb to the claws of my trauma and rot there forever (basically dooming myself in my own narrative) thus becoming the absolute worst version of myself in what i believe to be my final moments only for someone (two someones in this case) to love and believe in me so much that, despite it all and despite everything that was done to me and that ive done myself, gives me enough hope to undoom myself". i'm normal i swear.
also just generally im a big big sucker for stories about survivors of trauma being there for each other, and in that way i get a lot of comfort from nuze.
SO. NUZE LORE... (once again shout outs to my bestie night for coining their ship name lol)
i guess ill break it down like this, starting with N/E. (alt. ship name being pupE love (coined by another bestie of mine charlie)) E knew N back at the manor and they were close friends then, N was the first person E came out as trans to (by that i mean. N helped E work through his tumultuous robo gender feelings in real time) and N was the only one E really felt comfortable around. (other than tessa! E was also friendly with V back then as well<3)
however, E was also badly traumatized by his time in the manor, and of course Canon Events happen. E, as a disassembly drone, is now much more muted, detached, numbed, and devoted completely to their directive. he's very very very repressed and his specific brand of memory issues as well as the fucked up memory dreams causes him to dissociate and spiral a lot. he also distanced himself a lot from N for reasons even he isn't entirely privy to. something in his hardwiring just told him that N would be safer the less E stayed with him. and N is!!! really saddened by that!!! its normal! E has to learn to not be an emotionless object and actually let himself feel and need and yearn, and N is a big help with that (uzi is as well ofc!!)
i have to skip past a lot of things for the sake of not making this post so many words long but regardless; N/E is really special to me because they are two people who are in a very similar and scary situation and have had to see each other get hurt or even killed in many clone instances in many reset memory files. and its the just. the willingness to love despite knowing what happened to you and even witnessing it at times, to say "this is not all we are" and break free from those iron chains despite knowing how much it'll hurt and how dire everything is. E is so convinced that its all worthless and he couldn't be anything more than what he's used for, while N desperately wants a better life for himself and those he loves, and he's gonna drag E kicking and screaming to hope and healing. <3
NOW. UZIE :3 (alt. ship name is angelfangz)
E is MIA from the squad until like right after episode 3 canonically happens and is found by uzi and N. uzi does not trust E at first not one bit LMFAO. she doesn't hate him but like. her only frame of reference for murder drones besides N is V and J. and also E is like. he's weird and says weird cryptic things and is not exactly the easiest to talk to due to how off-putting and repressed he is. at first E is like "why is there a worker drone. in the spire. and we're all okay with this" but after actually getting more context behind Everything he's curious about her more than anything. he has to be swayed into betraying his initial directive (kill all worker drones. yknow) only because thats like all he knows how to do and would feel aimless without it, but once he is he's loyal to his new directive (help uzi figure out what the hell is going on with this solver business). yeah he treats himself like an object that can only find worth in being ordered around but we dont have time to unpack all of that right now. he unlearns it later i prommy.
uzi is like. spitefully resistant to getting to know E on a deeper lever, but this is uzi "no bonding thing" doorman and she cannot help but care about E and be concerned about his behavior. she will notttt admit that however and stubbornly holds her ground. it isnt until post-episode 4 when E and uzi are fully vulnerable around each other.
uziE is. so so very important to me. uzi has been outcasted and isolated for so much of her life, she's been treated as a weirdo freak monster by her classmates and becomes outwardly prickly and aggressive to cope with how little affection and reassurance she's been given. i know she's internalized it to mean there is something wrong with her that everyone else can see, and its only a matter of time before those who actually care for her see it too and leave her. and i know that the events of episode 4 confirmed it in her mind, that she is a freak monster and everyone was right to avoid and hate her, even though she never asked for any of this. thats a very familar feeling to me- and by extension E. E recognizes the feeling of being made into a monster against your will, of fearing and being unable to trust yourself, and of feeling like its best for everyone's safety to hide away. E and uzi find solace and comfort in each other for that. they dont see each other as broken irredeemable monsters, so maybe they aren't.
im stopping here because holy shit this got long but THERES A LOT MORE LOLL. tldr nuze altogether is very very important to me and i could talk about them forever and ever. they love each other all so much and they grow and heal and forgive and aaaaughhhgh<3 im normal.
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Dr Wily's World Domination FINALE: Part 3
//transcript of a Discord RP with a lot of people. List:
@rogue-nebula (Quasar), @freeroaming-curiosity (Oppy), @ripper-the-indoraptor ("Ripper" and Courier), @that-one-poison-trainer (Viper), @averagedualies (Dualie and Byte)
@mirror-buster-pkmn (Enker, Ballade, and Mega Man), @the-poke-virus (Virus) @beepboopstarman (Vasilyev)
@moonlit-faller (Kaladin, Sylphrena), @shallahi-and-snowflake (Shallahi), @faller-of-kharbranth (Malkah) @mercury-retrogay (Mercury), @rock-bird-go-brr (Notos) @nebula-incursionists-official (Baron Twyst Von Jokewyld)
(dear arc that's a lot hope I got everyone)
With Wallace and his pokeon safe and sound, The Incursionists prepared to amke their way around the main way to Wily's tower. However, they would soon be greeted by a visitor who would change their plans slightly
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You know what, by the time we’re done here, i’ll have seen enough skulls to last me a lifetime :/
A familiar whistle is heard, and a strange robot lands outside the Battle Palace. Seeing the general reaction to his arrival, he raises a shield and his hand
"Wait! Don't attack! I'm on your side!" "... Proto Man? What are you doing here?"
notos lets out a breath in relief, hands retreating from their pokeballs
But why only come here now? Of all times?
"I've been here for a while, but I've had to keep low-profile until now. I've been helping Megaman with the main forces, but now I need to give you some intel that might inform your next move"
"Ballade, put your cannon down."
Ballade sighed, lowering his arm cannon.
"What's the intel?"
"Wily's forces might be being controlled from his tower, but the commands sent from there to his forces abroad are actually broadcasted via a signal booster in that pyramid over there. Meaning if you can take the pyramid"
Then we can shut down all his forces worldwide that aren't in the immediate area of the Battle Frontier
Or better yet, issue a return command to send them all here, and then back where they came from!
so we dont have to worry about missing any!
Ok! Lead the way Mr. Proto Man!
"Unfortunately I can't come with you. When I attacked Wily's factory I found a few of those pink-haired servants VermilineCorp is so fond of overworking, and there's also Wallace to worry about. So while you're taking the Pyramid, I'll make sure everyone we rescued gets to safety" "Do you know who or what is guarding the Pyramid?" "I can't say for certain but I do know that Wily didn't build anything new there aside from the booster. So it's something Megaman has fought before" Oh, boo. Was hoping it was something new. "One other thing to note: Wily's Dimension gate generates enough heat that he has to keep the top windows of his fortress open at all times. So once the booster's taken it'll be easy to just fly in through those skull eyes right to hs gate"
im assuming that doesnt narrow it down very much?
That's at least 108 Robot Masters or Stardroids, and at least 44 Fortress Guards. So not really. And thank you, Proto Man. We'll use that information well.
Ok, new plan: we take the pyramid, send a return command, and then fly in through the eyes. People who can't fly carry people who can
sounds good to me! i’ve got a bunch of flyers, should be able to take about… 3 extra.
that's really convenient considering I can fly and all
since when?
since now
Virus levitates a foot off the ground
Then let's go! ^u^
Fortunately going up to the pyramid was easy enough, right up until they reached the bones leading up to the entrance. These unfortunately seemed to be a timed electric gate. They are very tempted to just walk through the gate. However, that is a very stupid idea. Notos slashes at one of the bones, attempting to destroy it. They're thick and unyielding, but it does seem like the current is only projected from one side of each the bones on either side. Perhaps blocking that side might disrupt the current.
…anyone have a particularly tall ground type? especially one who’s extra immune to electricity?
Like a Golurk?
basically yeah!
Raygor! Block that current!
Quasar's Golurk does that, and across one of the three sets of bones, the current can't run anymore
Alright! everybody across!
Once everyone's across, Quasar then moves Raygor to the second, and they cross similarly
One left…
"This is… Admittedly slower than I would have expected." What's stopping us from going around?
Have you seen how many traps Wily has in his place?
everybody's almost through when one of aforementioned traps activates a Tatepakkan due to Raygor just barely crossing outside of the bones' radius, knocking the Golurk off step with the sudden pain. The last to cross was Virus, and she was right between the bones when the Golurk started to fall, reestablishing the current. Viper pulls Virus out of the way, narrowly avoiding getting electrocuted
are you ok?!
Virus's surprisingly speechless, she clings onto Viper tightly. Oppy also tries comforting Virus, as she sees both her and Viper as new friends (perhaps mistakenly in Virus's case but oh well)
(> ~ <)
You ok?
Virus's lying she's so scared right now
If you need a minute to regroup before we press on that's fine. We'll cover you
Viper tries to return the Beartic hug that Virus is giving her, but the whole situation is a little awkward
hey, it's gonna be okay
...Virus... You ready? I don't want to force you, but Wily's threat still looms
Let's get moving then
Going into the pyramid, there are lyrics flying over a massive pit of spikes. Without warning, blocks appear, then retract and appear a different place just as suddenly Kaladin looked at this once, and he shook his head. This was a good reason to use Light.
"... You have got to be kidding me."
"Any objections to being flown over, speak now."
I got no problems, it's already been one hell of a week. Virus, are you gonna fly over or do you wanna hitch a ride?
... I'm fine
Notos calls out Battery, Sargent, Andes (Shiny Noivern), and Esper. Mercury, on the other hand, realized they don't have any flying pokémon. That's a lie, actually. There is one. Volbeat. Which cannot carry an entire human being across the murder pit. Which leaves either A.) Asking someone to carry them across (ew, talking to people) or B.) parkour (oh no. spikes.)
A shadow in the room… shifted. Became darker. Became a maw into Distortion. And out tumbled a certain Hisuian Zoroark! Who then landed as a sprawled mess on a section of safe flooring.
“Hi Oppy!”
Well... You're on an incursion for real now. Hope you're prepared, as things tend to get hectic. But you probably already know that
Malkah crossed her forelimbs in the Bridge Four salute. With everyone's flying arrangements made, the Yoku blocks were easily defeated. What wasn't were the flying Wily bots - Lyrics and Tellys, but also these strange yellow blobs that would fly in from the side and then leave. Oppy was quite hurt when touching one. Fortunately the blocks left as soon as they arrived, but they grew more frequent as they ascended, until they came to an open room with a stble floor, and a machine with a forcefield - the signal booster!
“I guess we just… junk it? And we’re good?”
"It's not going to be that simple." Three... Two... One...
right as Ballade finished, the yellow blobs returned, but this time they formed a massive humanoid shape, with one evil red eye glaring at them
Wily Fortress Boss 3: YELLOW DEVIL
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“… What the fluff.”
hey I know that guy he was in Smash Bros. you gotta hit the eye or something? That's how this works right?
Bingo. The issue is-
Yellow Devil shoots a few laser blasts from its eye at Top, Viper, and Malkah
-actually getting an opening to pull it off!
“Only ranged attack I knOW WEARS ME OUT! Aaark!”
Malkah did its best to dodge the lasers, using Shadow Sneak as a mobility tool rather than an attack as Viper jumped out of the way.
Ingrid return, Emmey you're up!
she releases her Garvantula Emmey who begins shooting electric attacks at the Yellow Devil as Viper shoots him with her Quick Boomerang attack. Virus has an idea, she uses her Gemini laser to clone herself, this distracts the Yellow Devil so Viper and friends could stay out of trouble while attacking. Notos shouts, causing their four pokemon to screech in response, shooting various ranged attacks at the beast’s eye. Malkah’s got Teru-Bozu and Chiri out, letting them use their ranged attacks as Enker raised his spear.
"Everyone! Stay behind me when it shoots! I'll block its fire!"
Viper and Emmey move behind Enker. This was met by the Yellow Devil closing its eye, and splitting its body into yelow blobs flying at Virus, reassembling at her location, hitting Viper, Virus, and Enker. Enker... admittedly wasn't expecting the splitting just yet. He took the hit, but it didn't charge his attack at all. Top Man desperately tries shooting beigomas at it, but only one connects with the eye Mercury glared at the Yellow Devil. Remember the laser rifle from p1? Yeah they're just shooting with that. Their aim isn't great, but they at least hit the thing once or twice. Probably. It's enough that Enker is able to move the girls away, or rather, Viper, as luckily that was a duplicate that was created by the Gemini laser. The replica disappears after being hit leaving the real Virus a ok.
"Are you alright?"
I'll survive
you missed me (^w^)
this outburst is punctuated by Andes firing boombursts at the eye. A Zap Square from Quasar connects with YD's eye, causing it to close, and again split into pieces lobbing itself across the room, this time at Quasar and Oppy. Oppy narrowly avoids the yellow blobs, landing next to Ballade. Vasilyev fires his plasma cutter and the Power Stone at the eye, keeping up movement as he does so.
Whatever it is, looks like the eye is holding it all together! There's 7-8 defence droids in the Devil Line. During their fights with Mega Man he took them out with Electricity and explosives! If you have any of those weaponry use those now!
Ballade followed this statement up with a barrage of Ballade Crackers. Luckily Viper was still firing her Quick Boomerang at the Yellow Devil. Mercury switches to Electric attacks, firing off a few Sparks.
I’ve got something explosive but I’m not sure how big the boom’s gonna be! Grows said they’d never tested how much nitroglycerin was in the batch I’ve got! JUST USE IT!
"You'll never know unless you use it!" “Oh dear.” EVERYONE DOWN!
Vasilyev takes out a bag, made of cloth, and lights a spark on it before tossing it with his suit’s gravity gun (esque thing)
Look out! what?
Oppy grabs Virus and gets her down (luckily that was not a duplicate Virus). Malkah's down on the floor. Viper reads the room and gets down. She also protects her Garvantula from the upcoming explosion.
Onto the floor we go. Yay. ^_^
The bag explodes roughly on contact with the Yellow Devil, filled with around 6-7 pounds of nitroglycerin, stabilized in liquid form inside fruits grown from an alien world. Thankfully Vasilyev got lucky - Yellow Devil's eye was open, and thus a blast of that power tore through the Yellow Devil's systems, and took quite a bit of the room with it. Thankfully the floor survived, but the top of the Battle Pyramid is no longer skull
Why didn't you use that earlier?
Quasar elbows the metal Top Man. This is less effective than he would have liked
It could have done nothing or it could have killed us all, I wasn’t sure. Grows could have put anything into it! Think I saw them make one with napalm in it once…
Viper and Virus are both trying to recover from the loud explosion sound. Notos clambers out from the pile of debris they’d been half buried in, grinning widely despite a slight limp on their right leg. Malkah’s still a bit disoriented from the blast. Quasar looks over to the signal booster, which is no longer shielded
Now to send a signal to all the Wily bots across the world to come here and then enter standby. That will stop the attacks for a while until we get Wily outta here
good idea
“I think I need some of that healing stuff…”
Here. I pack a number of bottles wherever I go
“…How do I use it? Do I drink it, or is it topical?”
Either works. It's pure regenerative energy in matter form after all
…can i borrow a little of that? i think i hurt my leg “...I think that’s helping.”
Top Man steps up to the booster
...of course the old bat still hasn't changed his codes. He never does… lemme see here… Quasar ya mind giving me a hand?
Quasar's able to get the booster working, and soon a signal is broadcast to all remaining Wily bots: return to base and await further orders
I'll shut this booster down in about an hour, so those "further orders" won't ever come. The bots will just stay here until we send them back through the gate
“Great!” "Can you not send them through the gate no- wait. Yes. Dr. Wily."
Yeah. Can't send em through while Wily's still on this world
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slytherinshua · 3 months
He's just precious. I definitely need to watch some of his live performances! I love it when artists really get into the music. Yechan is quite fun to watch, he seems to get quite into it. And Wonsang!! I love it when he is making faces while playing bass (generally I'm reacting the same way to his parts ahaha)
People are honestly so tough to deal with sometimes lol. I'd become a recluse if I could ahaha. I was talking about this with my brother once, when I finally have enough money to move out (not anytime soon 😭) I NEED to live with someone else. Partly for safety, but also because if I don't I'll become a hermit and never leave ahaha (also because I despise cooking and there is a very real possibility that I'll just starve instead lol). I'm glad you enjoy talking to me, I do too! (Feel free to message me anytime too!)
That's exciting, I hope it goes well!! Are you working towards grades or anything? Or do you just go along with music that you want to learn? Lessons on zoom seems interesting, online classes were hard enough sometimes so music lessons must have been something else. It is literally so hard to find motivation to practice! Like I want to be better, but I don't want to practice ahaha. Although I use to really have to practice because my mum taught me for a while so she'd definitely know if I didn't 😭
Oh wow you were so close to them!! I'd probably forget to how to pose as well, although I can't really pose in general without it being awkward lol. That's really cute that he was telling you what he was going to do
i remember my favourite hyunsang song (or maybe favourite song of all time in general) is snowflake and i watched the live of it and there's this one part where he looks back at his band/orchestra behind him and just smiles so widely before he goes up onto the lifted platform to do his guitar solo AND IDK IT MADE ME EMO CAUSE I NEVER SEE THAT BIG SMILE FROM HIM HES SO CUTE (here if u wanna see it btw)
yechan is always so mesmerizing to watch he gets SO into the music and playing you just can't take your eyes off of him!! wonsang always has fun with it and dances, smiles so wide, or focuses really hard when hes doing hard parts on the bass i just love him i could talk about him all day
yeah and its pretty bad i don't have like any interaction irl its all online and im kinda thankful for that because its a lot easier to deal with interactions online than in person its a lot less stressful 😭😭 but i never go outside i swear 😭😭 i feel like i would get so lonely if i was living alone even though i don't tend to think of myself as someone who needs in person social interaction... but i think it would build up and hit hard if i no longer had people around me to talk to even a little every day like my family.... hehe i will its so fun to talk to you ^^
rn i do plan to take another music exam probably grade 6 since that'll be the easiest to do. i need it for a high school credit so we'll see how it goes. i've done grade 3 and grade 5 in the past and got first class honors both times i think but it's still extremely stressful i think i cried both times lmao 😭😭 technically im more grade 8 or 9 piano but i don't want to do a higher level when i don't need to and haven't been playing for a year so we'll see how grade 6 stuff goes.... online lessons for piano were interesting for sure 😭😭 it was harder to do stuff like ear training and having the teacher not like exactly there with you made it harder to progress... i also forgot abt my piano lesson times a lot and would oversleep 💀 i really lost motivation to practice around the same time i was getting burned out because of school idk... back in 2020 i was so motivated with piano i would practice so much and that's actually why after i finished my grade 5 exam i progressed like 3 levels right after. i remember getting the grade 6-7 books but all the pieces were so easy in them all of sudden just cause of how much i practiced lol. but now i think i'm gonna struggle a bit to pick things back up before it gets easy again. damn having your mom as your teacher must've been hard but also nice in a way i assume?? i remember my mom used to bribe me with stuff to get me to practice, and one time i wanted to quit and she would not let me which was good cause i would've regretted it so hard but at the time i was not happy that i couldn't quit 😭😭
i remembered a pose for the second pic we took but for the first one my mind was just so blank, party cause i didn't know we were gonna do group photo immediately and also cause sangyeop was RIGHT there talking to ME. like he literally told me to sit i prob would've been fine if he hadn't spoken but like he did so ITS HIS FAULT FR 😭 i wanted to follow the pose he said he was gonna do and i did for the second pic since he said a heart pose but like damn my brain didn't want to understand what a flower pose was....
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Emoji fanfic ask
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
ohoho, so many. ive posted excerpts from a few on ao3, such as the gwourtney tdwt rewrite that i scrapped & the trent comes back to tdwt instead of duncan au that i only wrote one chapter for. the rest are locked away in my files and seldom looked at.
there's a fic for a new season back on the island that takes place a year or so after tdrr with all new challenges that i gave up on after like two and a half chapters (nemma was the main couple for that one to give you a sense of how long ago i wrote it lol).
there's a tdas fic from alejandro noah courtney and gwen's povs (guess what the main ships are...) that i planned out extensively and then started writing for that i haven't worked on in years, probably because the actual writing of it didn't seem nearly as good as the planning did.
there's a really old gwent & nemma fic that i think was an au of the black friday musical? idk what i was thinking. it was bad. it was nonsensical and it was bad.
and then there was this whole high school au that mostly focused on the theatre department and was absolutely based on my high school that was a hyperspecific flavor of weird (us students described it as a combination of a summer camp and a cult so uh... i guess that isn't too far off from tdi).
there was also a post tdrr season i planned out that took place on a cruise ship and contestants competed in trios? i read the one and only chapter i wrote for that and apparently alejandro had a younger sister named marcela who is honestly kind of an icon lol i should bring her back for a different fic or something.
and pretty much assume that for every season of total drama, i had at least one rewrite planned that i eventually abandoned. honestly it's sort of a long term goal of mine to write my own version of every season of td. i've got tdwt with slippery slopes, tdrr with amicus curiae, and eventually tdi with the courtney time travel au. we'll see how long that takes lmao it's already been over a year and i'm like 40% done at the most.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
probably any kind of soulmate au. i just don't like the idea of a romance that's so predestined that there isn't any real development between the characters. i like to read and write feelings growing organically, and when the characters instantly lock eyes and have this automatic deep connection it just feels very artificial to me. that's not to say that all soulmate aus are like that, and there's actually one or two (non td) that i enjoy and regularly reread.
but i think to write a soulmate au i would need a very strong plot revolving around soulmarks and whatnot and i would rather just have the plot without the soulmates. i feel like the concept of soulmates implies that there's only one person a character can have a meaningful relationship with and once they find that person the relationship will be perfect.
i like reading/writing about the struggles that come with making the choice to be with someone you love without any certainty that they'll be your perfect person forever. the fact that you don't have that certainty but choose to stay and foster a relationship and have that hope for a bright future together makes it a lot more meaningful to me. i also feel like soulmate aus tend to prioritize romance much higher than friendship and those are two kinds of relationships that i like to place on equal ground in my writing.
im not trying to say that all soulmate aus are bad, or that ppl shouldn't enjoy them. they can absolutely be some people's jam and if it makes you happy then go for it! there are definitely tropes i like that other people don't for valid reasons and that's all okay.
thanks for the ask!
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my-castles-crumbling · 8 months
im really sorry to dump this here but im actually so upset and i need to get this out and i have noone else to say it to
(just a note though that religion and homophobia is discussed so its okay if you dont want to talk about this)
i just found out my best friend (like, sirius and james kind of friend) is massively homophobic. weve been friends for years snd years now and he knows im a lesbian and he never said anything outwardly bad about it before now, but last night he had a few drinks in him and started talking about how he doesnt support the lgbt+ community and firmly believes anyone in it is going to hell, and that he hopes one day we'll 'see the light'
he then went on to say that hes not going to actively hate on queer people because what we do doesnt affect him or his life, and as far as ive seen thats completely true, hes never done or said anything hateful towards the community besides what he'd just said about going to hell etc.
i really dont know how im supposed to feel about all this. i felt like crying last night when he was talking because this is like, my platonic soulmate yk? and hes not actively or directly saying/doing anything against the community, but it also feels like what he said was hateful and all, but again hes never discouraged my own sexuality (in fact, hes actively encouraged and supported me when ive tried to date girls) so i almost feel id be wrong to be angry about what hes now said after hes still supported me anyway, even though he feels so strongly that its wrong
i just feel so lost and i really dont know what im supposed to do or feel about it
(sorry again to dump this on you aha)
Hi!!! <3
Ugh, this is so hard. Friends are so important, especially friends like you described. But a friend that doesn't support your identity? Honestly for me, this would be a BIG red flag. Because..idk I'm not a super trusting person to begin with, and to hear that would break my trust.
To me, at this point in history, if you're not actively being an ally for someone, then you might as well be fucking them over. I mean, does this person vote for policies that could hurt the lgbtqia+ community, and you by extension? Does he associate with people who are actively doing things to harm that community or other marginalized identities?
It seems like an excuse. "Oh, I don't shout my hatred from the rooftops, so it's okay." No. No, it's not.
And, to add to that, how will it feel now, to talk to him once you begin dating someone? Will it feel fake, even if he supports you? What about, down the road, if you ever get married? Will he want to be in your wedding? Will he refuse to go?
I guess, to me, this is a huge problem. But I'm also different than you. It may be, to you, he means enough to you that it's worth looking past. But I don't think I could do that.
The reality is, this sucks either way. And you have every right to feel upset and hurt. But I guess now you have to decide how you want to be upset and hurt by this.
I am so, so sorry that you're going through this.
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katana-zero · 9 months
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Hold on let me try to answer to all of your tags dkdmmfmmc I woke up this morning and it was the first thing I saw AAHHH
Also sorry english is not my first language so I might struggle with some sentences!! (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
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I'M GLAD THAT THIS PIC CAPTURED HER WELL 🥹🥹🥹 I wanted to draw something chill because!!! Well!!! She is chill!!
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TY I love when people like my coloring (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
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I think actually he would feel trouble feeling anything. He'd probably regret killing kids if he ever done that (because of LG) but otherwise I think he wouldn't feel anything. At first I thought that he'd feel alive, since canonically he feels alive only when taking someone else's life, but I'm not sure he'd feel anything just watching the record.
Or he'd feel the stinging feeling of regret, if church monologue is actually his (I have a theory that it's actually Fifteen's thoughts, but I'm not really sure so!! Just a fun thought) and he felt bad watching all those people cry.
Or he'd feel everything at once like one big complicated feeling (⁠*⁠﹏⁠*⁠;⁠) I don't know how to describe it.
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THANK YOU!!! 🥹🥹🥹
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I love SnowHunter SO MUCH my favourite lesbians. They have me in chokehold since I first thought about them I just. Need more of them in my life.
I think Snow uses something similar to chronos! Like that green thing Psych used in boss fight. He mentioned that the government created more than just one drug for war, so it's safe to assume that she will most likely use something similar. Or it might be something that organization Snow works for created, since they somehow recreated chronos. I hope we'll see what she uses in the dlc 🙏
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🥹 jsjxjjsk Zero and Fifteen cuddling Leviathan and Behemoth... The eepies
Fifteen stop being mad just hug a biblical creation bro chill out
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:3 I love drawing Zero with a scruff, I'm glad someone else likes it too!
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Fifteen katana zero I need you Fifteen katana zero
AHHH I'M SO HAPPY YOU NOTICED THE EFFECT!! I like drawing it on my artworks with nulls because it shows how their time is running out yk yk (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ mentally ill guys
ykw ykw. i think he'd feel so much about everything that he'd just go numb. his normal blank expression on his face but somehow even more unreadable than normal. idk if he'd be able to feel anything after that. him feeling "alive" while killing is just him feeling like he's actually having an effect on the world around him yk? that's how he was raised, a child soldier. but losing your memories of that and then running with the mindset that only the lives of criminals and corrupt police deserve less value only to see yourself killing children? beings that physically cannot have less value because they have so much more life ahead of them? brooooo brooooooooo he's done for he's donneeee. I really like the theory that the monologue is from fif instead of zero too- and it makes sense! fifteen has such strong connections to his past that of course he'd have such strong thoughts about what it was like. zero for sure could say it himself but he's so warped about whats real and not that i dont think he could form that strong of an opinion (and if it IS his thoughts then its just what psych planted in his head)
SPEAKING OF PSYCH im pretty sure the green mega chronos or whatever the psych uses was confirmed to be not actually canon and (speculation from here) just a hallucination from zero's end considering the path to getting that boss is just by pissing him off. BUT but but i do think her amping herself up on the fake chronos that the company is making is soooo real. i hope we see in the dlc god ugh. either way i definitely gotta draw some snowhunter myself since i havent stopped thinking about it.
anyway YEAHHHHH RUNNING OUT OF TIMEEEEEEE. i loveeee how subtle it is in your art but also directly staring you in the face. youre soooo good at it !!!!!
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foxglovegames · 2 years
Im gonna be honest with you: I adore your game and I havent been this excited for an romance game to come out since Our Life: Beginnings and Always but I have to admit, if it werent for the constant pictures you guys post of the game I would genuinely think its all a ruse to get money without actually posting a game.. Srry I know is not really a lovely ask but It wouldn’t be the first time someone does that and is honestly suspicious when the release date keeps getting delay for random things.. so i guess my question is, do we have an approximated date for when the game might be ready? Like not a pinpoint because of course that would be super hard but like a close month?
No worries, of course you're allowed to ask! :) We appreciate your excitement and understand your frustration with the wait. We're sorry if it feels a little suspicious, we try our best to be regular and active with updates to assure people that we're doing our best to get this game out as soon as possible without compromising the quality. With that said, we haven't been delaying the game for random reasons. We've said this previously (and any game dev, esp indies, will say this) but game dev is challenging and often takes longer than expected. We're newbies, there are only two of us on the core team (who can only work part-time for now), and we were far too optimistic about our initial release date. We've tried to give estimate dates in the past but it's hard to estimate when we can't predict how long each part of development is going to take as it depends on a lot of different factors (oftentimes outside our control). We don't want to keep handing out rough estimates that are not accurate and disappoint people (and ourselves) when it doesn't work out. Under different circumstances, were we working full-time and had a bigger core team, we could probably set a deadline much more confidently. Unfortunately, that's not the case and even more experienced studios have unexpected delays sometimes. We hope that doesn't sound like a bunch of excuses - it's just the honest truth. We try to be as transparent as we can be with you all, but we apologize if we ever come across as dishonest or suspicious. Please trust we want this game to be released more than anyone, and regardless of delays - we would never abandon a project. Had we wanted to abandon Trouble Comes Twice, we would have done so a long time ago and not written and coded the whole game. Regarding the release date, we're doing an update in mid-Dec/late Dec. We intend to be done coding the epilogues by then. Once the epilogues are done, there's some missing art and we need to quality test every route again + edit some scenes according to the feedback we've received from beta testers. Also, some other minor details. We'll talk about these in the update so you guys are up to date. Please feel free to send us another ask if there's anything else you're wondering about or would like to talk about.
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devilscreekballad · 10 months
howdy hey! just wanted to shoot you a message saying your game is really lovely! i havent finished all whats out yet but i really enjoy it so much, and I have to say, if we're making the lady ros like star trek ladies......im doubly on board lmao! (captain janeway my fucking beloved....) but either way! take ur time updating, and if u gotta go on a break, do it! youve got people who are more than willing to wait for this story to wrap up in a satisfying way, i hope writing turns joyous for you once more soon!
Happy to hear you like it.
All in all, I'm trying to get some writing and coding done, bit by bit. What's holding me down really is the same situation still (trying to pay off bills and trying to get new furniture that actually fits into my flat, plus the general world situation. Like why is it so hard for some people to not be an assweasel >:V ). But we'll get there.
As for the ladies, I won't do it on purpose, I just realized that it fit earlier XD
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sardonic-sprite · 1 year
I'm Back!
Wow, so Lent is over now, so my tumblr fast is also over and I'm still a little in shock, lol. I had hoped the past six weeks? I don't know, Time is weird, would be more productive but at least I got SOME stuff written/posted. Anyway, I have one more month of school and then fucking FINALS so expect sporadic updates at idiot-o-clock hours of the night, and maybe yell at me to sleep, eat, study, or drink water whenever i do post 😅
I am up to SO EFFING MANY wips rn on so many different fronts you guys have no freaking idea 😭 so here's a status report for EVERYTHING on or going on sardonic_sprite. (Its gonna be a monster post, y'all, bear with me)
in absolutely no particular order:
Wayne4Ham: We have a LONG way to go with this one, so just be patient and I'll slowly but steadily plug on through. Aaron Burr, Sir, should theoretically take me no longer than end of april
Wayne-Crazy: there's like 4 specific requests on it, plus a few 'series' i started, but after those, say 6-7, i'll probably mark as complete and only re-open if someone offers me an idea
Batman Beginners: i'll tell y'all up front, this one will take me forever. i don't even know what all I intend to cover, but know that i'm halfway done with the DITF arc, and it'll probably come out in the next two months
Just A Kid: this was my shits-and-giggles fic that got like 3000 notes in a weekend lmao. it's something i do intend to continue bc its so fun and i enjoy the concepts in it, but i don't have plans to actively write more of it in the immediate future.
Rev Wayne: just gave y'all Jason's fic, so the next probably won't come until late in summer, extrapolating from my few data points. if anyone has ideas for timmy's intro, let me know, i'd love some inspiration
Celeb Batwaynes: reported separate from wayne-crazy for reasons. i think theres like 12 specific requests plus 2 ideas of my own. i may put out a poll for the next one to write, but not until after school's out, because these fics are HUGE time-eaters for me. speaking of, are non-tumblr-users able to vote on polls?
Welcome to Gotham U: this was again, me doing shit bc why not. will probably add more in the style that i first posted, but i doubt i will write any prose for it. if you would like to give it a try, please reach out, i'd love to see what you write!
One Diamond: every time i touch this i make the cliffhanger worse lmao. i finally do have a direction, but execution is gonna have to wait a while.
The Young, Innocent, and Righteous: this is mostly just for me anyway, but i'm just gonna say that i'm waiting until i finish watching miraculous season 5 before i go any further
AS you wish: i have 5 more requests to do and i am so sorry to everyone waiting you do not deserve this lmao. i promise im trying, i love your ideas, it just takes me a really long time to fill in the rest and then actually write it. the next one on my list is particularly hard to pin down and so it's halting the ones behind it to. if not before, then after finals i will sit and bang my head on the keyboard until something good comes out
Light Isn't Fadin': soooooo many people have asked me about this one oof. SOMEDAY, i swear. right now its a huge, nebulous, hulking monster and im sorry it's just not happening yet.
A christmas carol: wait until december. please
Father's Day: june.
A Little Problem: over the summer, i will watch marvel movies until they once again hijack my brain and fuel this to completion. maybe.
easter eggs: how the fuck did i forget this lmao. i'm doing as much as i can in april, but when the month is done, i'm sorry, we'll all be waiting until next lenten season. hopefully it won't come to that.
aaaaand i THINK that's finally it. there's also a bunch of random paragraphs in word and google docs that may appear, not to mention ideas that kidnap me in dark alleys. but i also have like a good half dozen other wips for other places that im trying to attend to, so please be forgiving if it seems like its taking a while to post something as sprite.
as always, i love questions, comments, concerns, even some complaints, so feel free to interact.
See ya when I see ya!
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devildom-moss · 1 year
Also i had a idea for a story but im probably not gonna write it.
So yknow how the childs pain is like tenfold right.. and you know how there are spells and books that can switch peoples bodies right..
So like.. what if.. one day the child and one of the characters is just practising some spells or stumled across an ancient artifact, and it went horribly wrong and they stwiched bodies?
One: the holds perspective on pain will completely change once they felt what its like to be in another body.
Two: whoever they switched bodies with would probably be on the floor crying and maybe screaming in pain..
Anyways that is not very good behaviour.. maybe shut off your devices and set a time to go to bed. Evern if you cant fall asleep, there would be nothing to keep you distracted!!
And remember to eat, sleep (you better), and dont do drugs ^^
Sincerely, 💜
So much evil when you're using such a nice emoji, anon.
I like the idea, though. I immediately thought of Diavolo because I think it would be really funny for him to be in a lot of pain and Barbatos is just there petting his back, just "there, there, Young Master. You'll be okay. We'll get you switched back soon."
Meanwhile, the child is in Diavolo's body, finally free, walking into walls on purpose and asking any demon they can find to punch them.
I know. I've tried to set timers, but they make me stressed because I can't seem to get everything I want to done before then. I also won't completely shut off my devices. I usually have to listen to something while I fall asleep (with earbuds) because the other noises around bother me (people I live with, neighbors and their dogs, other external noises. Deadass, someone was putting air in their car tires at 10pm last night with one of those loud tire pumps. It took 15 minutes. I wanted to commit physical violence. /hj) Well, I stayed up that night, but I did end up taking a 40 minute nap the following day, and then I went to bed at a decent time.
A little hypocritical, but you make sure to take care of yourself, 💜 anon.
Again, hypocritical, but I hope all of my followers take good care of themselves to the best of their abilities.
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theboarsbride · 2 years
Can I get some Wyrm's Bride thoughts/headcanons, please? (Sorry if this comes in twice, your ask box was acting a little weird earlier!)
BUT👏👏 Wyrm's Bride AU!! Kinda of a 'fairytale au' that's based off the fairytale Lindworm Prince and Russian film I Am Dragon! Grima is a beeg ole snake/lindworm creature, Tathareth is someone offered up as a sacrifice to him but PLOT TWIST he doesn't kill her and romance shenanigans ensue 😩💦
Grima became creature because of Sauruman because.... of course! Wizard is petty and mean enough to curse him like that lmao, probably as some sort of punishment for being a shitty spy in Rohan once the Fellowship shows up like the gang of absolute Giga Chad Madlads that they are😔😔😔
Never put TOO much thought into this curse but I love the idea of it being a 'man at night, creature during the day' !
Snake!Grima makes lots of gator sounds! The deep, growling purrs, especially. XD
Probably has a HOARD! Some small treasures, but mostly hoards stuff like books, scrolls, etc. Prefers bookish materials over finery, lowkey 🥺
In terms of like... inner turmoil Grima wants to try and separate HIMSELF from his Wyrm self. Sort of like he does in Serpentine Whispers, where there is Grima, a man who is cunning and has the capacity to do good (but chooses not to), and then there is Wormtongue, the sly, dark ugly and unwanted aspects of his character.
So in this AU there is Grima, the man, and the Wyrm, an embodiment and manifestation of everything awful about him
Tathareth is offered as a sort of sacrifice to him because elves of Lothlorien (or off brand Lothlorien in a separate fantasy setting lmao), in a moment of infinite wisdom, think that giving a giant Wyrm that made himself at home in some caves just on their realm's borders a maiden to "wed" (or eat lmao) would appease him......also they wanna make peace with the beeg scary lizard before it becomes a nuisance 😩💦....also they could slay him themselves but for plot convenience we'll just say that elves aren't privy to slaying dragons anymore
And she is given as a sacrifice since she's no (living) family to be remembered by and she makes no effort to be social, and create social bonds, with elves soooooooo needless to say she wouldn't be missed 😩😔
She gets all done did and elaborately dressed in a gaudy bridal gown of lace and gossamer and silks, wears a veil and jewelry adorned with bells to garner attention, wears wreaths and headdress made of various red flowers, wears gaudy red makeup, and spent the previous night drinking a FUCKTON of wine so her blood tastes sweet..... and she also has a blade hidden on her, a fancy bejeweled one, that she hopes to use to slaughter her wyrm husband
A whole procession ensues, including the elves bringing various elven treasures and luxury foods, even having Tathareth riding atop an elaborately adorned horse with the intention of Grima devouring it as an offering as well. LOOKS like a wedding procession, but the somber folk hymns being sung and dour atmosphere make it feel like one for a funeral.
Tathareth has a whole internal meltdown realizing how her people never truly cared for her, thinking so little of her that they throw her away to be eaten by a wyrm. Realizes that she must be undesirable and wretched if that's the case.
Grima never devours her (or the horse) and spares her life, but accepts her as an offering for a wife because 1) pretty lady and he feels bad 🥺 2) .......actually 1 is one of the only reasons because why not
Tathareth is too scared to really do anything, let alone try to slay him as she planned, so she just tries to hide and cry her feelings out
Nighttime comes and BAM! She meets human Grima😩
She believes him to be a prisoner of the Wyrm as well, so she begins to cling to him as a companion so she feels less alone 😔
Grima just tries to distance himself from his Wyrm self because he is terrified of being reminded of his shitty behavior lmao
So she gets sad whenever he leaves her during the day for reasons that are a mystery to her, buuuuuuutttt she gradually puzzles out that Grima and the Wyrm are one in the same because obviously lmao
Because it's quite the coincidence that Grima disappears in the day only to he replaced by the Wyrm, and vice versa
And because both exhibit melodramatic, sneaky, intelligent, and overall cold attitudes
But a friendship develops when Tathareth realizes that Grima ain't so bad 🥺
And friendship turns to love ofc😭😭😭🥺🥺
Love confession scene would deadass look something like this scene:
Tathareth wonders if she can heal him at all, but comes to terms that her powers as a healer can only go so far when it comes to healing black magic 😔
So Grima is snake forever
But they manage
As beeg snake and hippie elf wife lmao
thank you SM for this ask, bro!!!!!🥺🥺🥺💛💛💛 I hope ya like my crazy aah rambling
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