#i really missed marta tbh
madfoxx · 2 years
I just watched Glass onion in the cinema and it ROCKED and now all i can think about is how badly i want a third movie where Benoit Blanc and his classy british husband fuck up the murder plans of yet another bunch of rich dickheads
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justagalwhowrites · 2 months
i’m interested to see how joel would react to doc getting killed!! or bitten…. i love the angst tbh! 😅 maybe during that awkward time period where they weren’t really talking but still hooking up.. they still loved eachother so much couldn’t say it because they “hated” eachother 😮
OMG Hi Bestie! 
OK so because I'm a masochist (who shares in this fun hobby of tormenting myself with images of pain with someone who shall remain nameless) I've thought about this a lot. Shared below, with permission, is some of the noodling I've done on this topic with the aforementioned anonymous person who likes to give me INCREDIBLY ANGSTY AND DEPRESSING THOUGHT EXERCISES I SWEAR THIS IS A TWO WAY STREET Y'ALL. Please note that none of this is in story format and Doc is she instead of you because that's how I think about the fic in abstract terms? I guess? I don't know lol it's a mess in my head.
Putting this below the cut because it's probably a step beyond angst. I cannot stress enough that this is like... super depressing and also COMPLETELY RAW AND UNEDITED, all I did was pull out comments/prompts from the other person out of respect for them. So please limit your judgement as much as possible this stuff is real bad lol 
Below is Joel if she got bit on the Harvard run.
how terrified he was when he thought she might be bitten, how the first place his mind went was "I can kill her and I'll only need to be around for a few seconds after she's gone"If she got bit and he needed to kill her, he'd try so hard to keep it together for her. She'd be low key panicking and be like "Please don't let me turn into one of those things, please just kill me, please" and he'd just brush her hair back and hold her face in his hand all gentle and be like "I won't baby, not gonna let you go through that, OK? I've got you, it's OK. It'll be real quick, won't feel a thing and I'll be right behind you, OK? I'm right behind you, it's OK" and he'd hold her when he did it so she didn't feel alone and he'd keep holding her when he did it to himself, too
If Doc died in the tub the night that Joel left her in the QZ 
Joel is trying to avoid herTommy goes to the clinic that day and she's not there, which he expects because she's not supposed to be there on Sundays, but hears someone say her name and how they aren't sure how they're going to cover everything without her and there's a "...I still really miss her" at the end and he's like "wtf' and so he asks until he finds someone who will actually talk to him and he's like "no, we're old friends, I just haven't seen her in a few weeks, what happened?" and Marta just kinda looks at him like "how can you not know this" and says "She died. They weren't really sure how, if she did it on purpose or if she passed out but she drowned in her bathtub" and Tommy is, of course, reeling because he loved her, too. But he's also like "Oh fuck I have to tell Joel" and he's kind of in a daze and just walks around the QZ for a few hours and he gets home and Joel is just like "the fuck is your problem" and he's like "Joel... brother, you... I need you to sit down, OK? Need you to just... stay calm for me, OK?" and he says her name and then kinda stops and Joel gets this bad feeling and is like "what" and Tommy is quiet and he's like "what, Tommy. What is it. She fuck up something else, what'd she do, what's going on" and he's just like "She's dead, Joel." and Joel is silent for a minute and then asks what happened and how and Tommy really doesn't want to tell Joel what they told him and so Joel just gets up and Tommy tries to stop him and he's like "Don't fucking touch me" and he goes to Andrew's and he pounds on the door until Andrew answers and Andrew looks like hell, he's lost weight and he looks like he's hardly slept and he looks kind of dead in the eyes until he sees Joel and then he just looks like he wants to just set him on fire and he's like "The fuck are you doing here"
and Joel is like "what happened, you have to know what happened, please, fuck, please tell me what happened to her" and Andrew shoves him and just yells "You! You happened, you fucking happened! She died that night you fucking asshole, she lived for you and she fucking died for you, too. I hope you're fucking happy" and Joel is just practically frozen there and just lets Andrew wail on him for a minute before he looks at him and goes "you must fuckin hate me, right?" "Oh I more than hate you you fucking..." "Good. Kill me. Don't... don't care how just... please, fuck just..." and Andrew just kind of laughs at him darkly and says "No, no I'm not doing you any fucking favors, Miller. I have to live with the fact that I left her alone that night. You get to live with the fact that her blood's on your hands." Jess pulls Andrew back inside and Joel just trudges home but Tommy is kind of waiting for him, he's already stashed all the guns and the knives and he got Tess because he knows what Joel is like when he loses someone like thatand Joel only asked Andrew to do it because he couldn't risk flinching again, he had to do it right this time and he goes for where he keeps his gun as soon as he's in the door and it's gone and Tommy is just crying and he's like "Joel, you can't, I'm sorry..." and he's like "Just give me the fuckin' gun, Tommy! I can't do this, not again, I can't, I can't" and he just drops to his knees and Tommy holds onto him Tommy and Tess take turns, he's literally never alone for months. Eventually they think he can be trusted on his own and he's OK for a while but I think it wouldn't take all that long before he's gone, too it wouldn't be as obvious as a gun, it'd be him making a stupid mistake and getting bit or shot or an accident on a job in the qzand all the time in between he'd be such a shell of himself, Tess and Tommy always sharing a look when it's especially bad like "this has to get better at some point, right?"and when it eventually happens, neither Tess or Tommy are ever sure if it's really an accident or not. Joel wasn't really sure either, he just knew that the last thing he thought of was that last morning before Doc flew back to New York where he got her pregnant in the water and her and Sarah made French toast
SO YEAH that's just the most depressing shit in the world lol 
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summerlycoris · 4 months
Annon-Guy: As fellow Dawn of the New World fan, what do you think of the main characters introduced in that game?
Specifically Emil, Ratatosk, Marta, Tenebrae, Richter, Aqua, Alice and Decus.
Its been forever since ive played dotnw, so i might mess up small details. (I want to play it again- but am procrastinating playing symphonia orz)
Emil- the twist with him was so good. Kinda similar to Lukes twist in tota, except a bit more tragic because. The real Emil Castnagier is dead from the palmacosta fire. And Aster is dead because of Ratatosk.
But... he's still the real Emil. Even if his life was a lie. Even if his memories of his past were fake. The memories he made with Marta, Tenebrae, and everyone were real.
Ratatosk- I cant really remember a tonne about him individually tbh. Only that he improves over the course of the story, and becomes a much better teammate to Marta and Tenebrae.
Speaking of- Marta- shes a lot of fun honestly. The quips between her and tenebrae were perfect. And her character was also really cool- going up against her dad and the vanguard, all to try and save ratatosk. Shes cool.
Also, shes got tokunaga on her backpack. Any fan of Best Abyss Character, Anise Tatlin, is a friend of mine! (joke)(kinda)(i probably would like any Anise fan unless they were murderers or something like that.)
Tenebrae- brillient honestly. After playing tota, i can see the Jade influence loud and clear. And then you get to the twist and realise- he was in on it! He knew what was going on... owwie my heart. I see his reasoning for staying silent though. Just. Ow.
Richter- gay gay homosexual gay- sorry Richter, but its true!
On a serious note. God his situation is tragic. Seeing his dead best friend in Emil- and still seeing fit to be nice to Emil, and help him out? Despite knowing that this is really ratatosk? Amnesiatically piloting a copy of his best friends body? Ow owow ow ow. That got to me when i was sixteen (still kinda gets to me tbh) why? Because he believed in Emil being Emil.
Im sorry, I just need a minute.
Aqua- another one I dont remember a tonne about. She was really loyal to Richter- even above his own desires at times iirc.
And now, for my absolute blorbo from this game...
Alice- my silliest little meow meow who has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG EVER FIGHT ME ABOUT IT!
(She has done everything wrong and i love her for it.)
I went fucking loopy for this girl when i was sixteen. Like, if she told me to jump off a cliff i woulda done it. I wouldve fought Decus for her heart in a heartbeat if. Yknow. I couldve ever stood a chance at winning lmao.
I did all her sidequests in a second playthrough. (Missed some time sensative ones in my first playthrough nooooo) and felt so bad for her when her backstory was revealed. I loved that sidequest where she gives an old lady from tetha hella medicine (iirc) because. It showed me just what she couldve been if only the world had been better towards her.
Shit, i even tried brainstorming some timetravel au fanfic with her when i was a teen. Glad that never got out of my head- i wouldve written it SO badly. (My writing when i was sixteen was SO SHIT OMG-)
I felt so bad for that final battle with them, where we had to kill her and Decus. And she realises she really did love him... tear my heart out too why dont you?!
I really need to replay this game honestly.
Decus- hes pretty cool honestly. I cant remember the most about him. I liked hearing his backstory. And he had a interesting character- prioritising Alice above any allegence he had to the vanguard. And yet- he played the punch clock villian. It was never personal if he had to attack Emil or Marta- just his job.
This is all ive got for now. One day i will replay it again. One day. I hope that answers your question!
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italofobia · 2 years
7, 11, 17 for the asks ^_^
i was about to ask which oc but then i remembered that i never fucking talk about them so it's no wonder you dont know their names 💔 this is so sad. im going to do marta for this ask because i truly snapped with her design i miss her
7 who do you look up to?
m: MEEEEE and nobody else
11 what's your favorite type of media? name some specific favorites
m: tbh i dont really have a favorite type of media. i guess movies because they are faster to consume btw my favorite movie is Obviously legally blonde. the original suspiria is a close second
17 what makes you laugh?
me: revenge 💋
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crybabycola · 4 years
showed my best friend parasite and she didn’t like it nothing hurts like this bro
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michaelwheelers · 3 years
hi! your marta gif tutorial is really helpful, thank you for taking the time to make it!! 🧡while i was watching, i noticed that you use vapoursynth and i was just wondering where you downloaded it for your mac? and if your running the new mac os (Monterey)?
i recently upgraded my mac and vapoursynth didnt transfer over properly and I've been having trouble downloading it since :( so yea i was just curious (sorry if this is a really out of pocket ask,, i just miss that little vs resizer sm 😭)
Hii, thank you so much! Yeah ofc, no problem - i love making tutorials tbh! And oooh right, omg that actually sounds terrible AHH I’m sorry that happened to you after updating 😭 I’m sorry but I’m actually using the Catalina version still 😭 I didn’t have enough space to update to Big Sur LMAOOO and i didn’t even know a new one had come out lol I’m so behind. I wish I could help :/ Fr that little resizer is sooo helpful...the most I can do is give you some links to things you can try that might help!! I’ll put links and some ideas below the cut:
Ok so firstly, I downloaded my vapoursynth from here, but a lot of the comments say it doesn’t work on any of the new updates so.... 😔
Secondly, maybe you could downgrade your mac? I looked it up and I think you can do it but idk if you’d want to since you might need the update idk 😭 also it might be a bit of hassle rip idkk
uhhh thirdly, if your mac isn’t a slow piece of poop like mine, you could download parallels for mac, which lets you run windows on your mac, and then you can download vapoursynth for windows, or download avisynth which is like vapoursynth but basically without the denoise filter (and only for windows). If you have enough space on your mac, you could install bootcamp instead for your mac to use windows on it bc that one is for free i think? But I think bootcamp takes up more space so yahh 😭
Lastly, I’d recommend downloading and installing vapoursynth using the official website’s instructions for macs, but idk how to get the resizer since it’s not an official vapoursynth thing...rip im sorry!
Overall, i hope things go well and I’m sorry this happenend to you!! 
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harristops · 3 years
I wonder if Amy will want to stay at Pride if given the choice since her fiancée plays for NCC. And I got a feeling Jodie might want to leave.
If they’ve been through the disaster before—Syd, Marta, Marisa—and/or truly love this team—Ali Riley, Gunny—then they’ll stick it out. I really want Courtney, Phoebe and Taylor to be protected out of the younger players. I don’t have a grudge against Alex, well aside from missing that crucial PK, but I don’t think it weighs on her when we lose.
Amy is our most consistent defender and if she leaves I'll be sad but she deserves better. She's super talented and can take that talent to another team and honestly would do wonders for NCC if she could get there.
I think Phoebe, Court, and Taylor are the core the Pride need to invest on growing and developing. But the problem is the love for the team and the players is probably not comparable with wanting to win a championship. The old folks will probs stay and retire, but it doesn't help the Pride tbh. They need to let go of a few of them or trade some of their younger players to get a better star midfielder. They need to stop acquiring older players past their prime. As great as Jodie was and I do think she's made a great impact, the Pride deserve a shot at the playoffs and they need a better team. Quicker midfielders, sharper strikers, and a solid defense. I mean look at Washington - Rodman is easily rookie of the year but the impact she and Sanchez have had on the organization. We have young players but the older ones keep taking the pitch and I feel add extra pressure to them to perform whereas even for Sophia and Morgan at Portland, they're killing it because they're given so much space and agency to work.
Anyways, what do I know? It's just frustrating watching a talented (on paper) team fall fast and hard despite having a solid season start.
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divineshadows · 3 years
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Memory Meme @lightbursted​
💝- A memory that made them feel loved
Cooking for others, and when other people compliment him for his efforts. Emil actually does rather enjoy cooking, and he’s not really that used to his work being appreciated by others. So just... meal times in general from his travels are something that puts a warm fuzzy feeling in his chest.
❣- A memory that leaves them laughing
This one is something I have to think about tbh... but I think just. A lot about when Colette was with the party. Her ability to miss the point combined with Emil’s tendency to be too literal+Tenebrae’s sense of humor (and Marta’s groaning lmao) made it a rather lively time for the bunch.
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that-soccer-guru · 3 years
tbh our problem rest mostly in midfield if luana and formiga are not playing, andressinha can't hold it alone and the backline without erika is shit. i mean, rafaelle basically defended alone for the full 90's since kathllen seemed quite lost to me, bruna is not a particularly good defender as we keep sayong and tamires's skill is a waste when not advancing her, she's a fucking beast with corinthians. also we have zero outside backs, it's usually improvised (as camilinha and kathllen were today, even if their position in club is actually that) and tamires should be in mid
overall i feel like we played a bit better that what we expected, holding up quite alright but less then we could've if that makes sense? we had chances that we didn't finished well but we also messed up a lot. i trully think that if luana a d formiga were in the game we could've won or tied
you know I spent all the first half saying "FORMIGA WOULDN'T LET ME DOWN LIKE THIS". So I absolutely feel you. I wish she'd been here because she definitely provides more solid backing for the team, and it showed with how much Marta kept running back.
I give kudos to Rafaelle bc she really fucking played her HEART out. She deserves to bitch slap her teammates for the really stupid mistakes they were making. I really wanted Tamires to shine a little bit more, bc she IS great in Corinthians. But the back foot start was not amazing and I don't think she found her footing.
I respected Bruna only bc of her willingness to crack ankles. Which is entertaining but does not a good defender make.
The chances were just bad bc the passes weren't connecting, but there were moments of brilliance. But when your forwards/mids are spending most of their time in recovery duty, your chances at goal are gonna suffer.
I think Brazil definitely missed its brightest stars today, and I wanted more from them. I know they had it in them. BUT it's time for them to pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and learn from this game.
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Thanks for the tag @bittersweetglories 💖💖💖
playlist shuffle rules: hit shuffle on your media player and write down the first 20 songs, then tag 10 people, no skipping!
I’ll also provide links if you want to listen to them!!
1. Who Wants To Live Forever - Queen (my favourite Queen song!!)
2. Can’t Help Falling In Love - Elvis Presley (a whole ass classic)
3. Melinda - Jason Robert Brown (if this doesn’t make you dance you’re dead inside)
4. Piece by Piece - Kelly Clarkson (a queen)
5. Nicotine - Panic! At the Disco (I believe this was either the first or second P!AtD I ever listened to!!! My best friend Javi introduced me to a lot of great groups I still love, and this was one of them!)
6. Sk8er Boi - Avril Lavigne (I remember discovering this song in an English textbook in like 4th grade lol Also I’m 100% sure the skater boy was Deryck Whibler)
8. Merlí - Miss Caffeina (Spanish indie at its best. Fun fact, I haven’t watched Merlí and I know, I gotta watch it)
9. Beneath the Skin (Accoustic) - Memphis May Fire (this is my favourite genre tbh)
10. Lips Of An Angel - Hinder (the way I’ve been listening to this song since I was like 13 where I didn’t know much English and it wasn’t until some years ago I noticed what the song was about)
11. I Don’t Need Your Love - SIX (go watch this musical, it’s amazing)
12. Chips and Vics - Mercy Union
13. El Reloj - Famous Oberogo (unpopular opinion, I actually really like Famous singing in Spanish)
14. Ain’t Got No Grass - Hair (not a big fan of this musical, but this song is great)
15. Bar Staff - Frank Turner (I really like this guy)
16. Fearless - Taylor Swift (the way my love for Taylor Swift has grown exponentially during this year)
17. Where Is My Mind? - Pixies
18. Personas - El Canto del Loco (Spanish 2000′s excellence. If they make a comeback I would lose my shit. They were my first favourite group)
19. September - Famous Oberogo, Marta Sango (fun fact I shipped them. I know I was the only one who did it, but you don’t know how much I screamed when they gave them this song. Also, CAN WE TALK ABOUT MARTA’S NEW SINGLE COVER???)
20. Imbongi - Ladysmith Black Mambazo (I wasn’t joking when I said I liked listening to all sorts of things)
And I’ll tag @eskamtrash (birthday girl!!!!), @naguaraquerandom @alicechesire @cae-des @vvirigomez @afolksongs @nometoquesel @kindaemotionalkindaemotionless
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boglog · 4 years
Dark Notes No One Asked For!
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Trigger warnings for mentions of almost everything but especially incest...
P unique take on what I assumed was going to be a typical Twin Peaks meets Stranger Things premise that slowly turned into a time travel horror/suspense epic
Almost all the characters have grey morality.
Hannah is the Biggest Bitch in Town and I live to see it
I was totally ready to hate Katarina then she and Mikel turn out to be the biggest victims of the plot ):
The casting! The acting! The cinematography! Omggg
The paradoxes were fun... at first then they become... 🥴
Agnes deserves everything. Iconic 1950s lesbian with estranged cult leader brother
The pink house 🥺
Not a good show to watch if you’re bad with faces lmao
Plot is complicated af.
I’ve literally never watched anything so confusing half the show is just infodumping bc it’s so convoluted I’m three seasons in and i still don’t understand why Noah electrocutes kids??? And why are Adam and Eve at war w their younger selves and each other??? I barely understand everyone’s motivation???
Edit: I did gobs of research for hours... I... mostly understand it now...
I’ve missed smth obvs but I truly believe that a story’s anatagonist and protagonist should have motivations that are clear enough to be stupid proof! Otherwise what’s the point???? What is the point????
Its confusing and takes itself waaay too seriously
It’s constantly trying to one-up itself with more Dark Edgy shock value.
The dialogue is incredibly repetitive, cheesy and Genre Savvy (the beginning is the end; you can’t change time etc)
The plot just revels in escalating to unbelievable levels and I’m tired of all the incest and murder and stuff like this is why you need comedy relief / filler
Like idk Ulrich is selfish and impulsive but the fact that he was dumb enough to try to murder Helge in broad daylight? And then he goes insane in prison??? He’s a cop shouldn’t he know how to evade cops???
Speaking of being dark and edgy.... everyone in Marta’s world wears black ?? Srsly?
There’s a montage in every episode. Every one!!!
Too much music. I know shows and movies these days love just straight up using songs in soundtracks and tbh musicians are having a harder time finding income but blasting Lorde or Hozier in the middle of a climactic moment In Every Episode is getting so tired please bring back scores!!! I promise it won’t hurt!!! Pls
Basically it becomes cheesy and confusing
Marta and Jonas don’t really have good chemistry idk :/ I refuse to believe the apocalypse is brought upon bybtwo h*rny teens who just so happen to be aunt and nephew
Who designed the Adam and Eve room???? Who took the time to make the creepy incestuous family tree in the ground??? Who carved out that creepy Latin stuff on the cave passageways?? Who put in all this effort for this evil aesthetic????
No one eats in this show??
I hope that one trans woman is ok
this show kind of likes to pretend that people of colour and LGBT ppl won’t survive the apocalypse or smth... typical
Too much Christianity if I’m being honest
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What do you think of the ballon d’or nominees
Mixed feelings tbh, as ever with these awards a number of players are nominated who are frankly there for reputation more than for their play this past season.
I get why Morgan and Rapinoe have been nominated, but their lack of play for their clubs is a real sticking point and I don't think they (particularly Pinoe as Morgan did have a good 2018 with the US) should be winning awards just for the World Cup - they already got them at the end of the tournament! These awards should be for the entire season, not just a month.
Frankly, I would have preferred to have seen people like Julie Ertz and Crystal Dunn over Heath/Rapinoe/Morgan - they were two of the best players for the US on the World Cup and have also played consistently well over the year. In addition to that they have been really important for their club teams too, and will be facing off against each other in the NWSL Championship Final.
The fact that Marta has been nominated is a bit of a joke tbh, she's a great player who has had an incredible career but she hasn't had a good enough year to warrant a nomination for the Ballon d'Or. She spent a lot of the season struggling with injury, Orlando are rock bottom of the NWSL and before the World Cup Brazil were struggling to win games and she didn't have a particularly impressive World Cup either. It feels a bit like she's being used as the token South American which is incredibly unfair to all the fantastic South American players who deserve more recognition and is just lazy from the people who have nominated her.
Glad some of the Swedes have been nominated seeing as they came third in the World Cup and Fischer for instance was very important in Wolfsburg's double win. Pleased for Ellen and Lucy that they've been nominated, but although Ellen had an absolutely fantastic World Cup and was arguably the best striker there she didn't play that much club football due to injury so I'd say she doesn't necessarily deserve the award for the full year.
One of the biggest snubs imo is Caroline Graham Hansen, I hope she starts getting nominated for these awards next season because she really deserves to.
I'd personally like the award to go to someone who has played well for club and country (even if their national team didn't do well/qualify for the World Cup).
I've probably missed a lot and probably have more thoughts but it's late, I've been out most of the evening so haven't really looked at the list in a huge amount of detail, and I really need to go to bed!
I'd like Viv to win but if not then I think I'd want the winner to be Pernille or Lucy.
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taraolssons · 4 years
hellooo, eva/jorge, hanna/jonas, mohammed/amira, cris/joana? (im sorry for giving u so many feel free to ignore), love you saba!
eva/jorge: very cute!! one of the best jonevas tbh (and i wouldn't mind seeing them get together again!)
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hanna/jonas: okay, i feel the need to explain this one, because i feel very conflicted on them. i think i just didn't like the way they got together? not only did they infringe on amira's season, but they broke up bc hanna felt like she needed to focus on and find herself, and when they got together again....well, she hadn't really done much of that (not that we saw of on the show, at least). so i think they COULD have been otp, but their relationship wasn't developed well enough imo ://
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amira/mohammed: i LOVE them and i MISS them okay???
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cris/joana: do i have to explain myself akjdkfkdk
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thank you marta!! love u too 💖💖
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tribblsrp · 6 years
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Name: Draco! (Marta)
Pronouns: She/her
Selectivity:  Not much, I guess? Unless a mun makes me uncomfortable or I’m super uninspired for a certain thread or interaction, I’m pretty open to roleplaying with everyone.
Favorite animal: When I was a kid it was the ocelot, but nowadays my answer is much less fancy. Dogs. Puppies. Good boys.
Favorite muse you’ve had so far ever: Fushimi Saruhiko. He’s a fairly complex character who has an interesting balance of insecurities caused by past traumas and terrible life choices that still can’t be completely justified by them.
Muse you kinda wanna pick up: The long list or the short one...? I’d love to add more KH muses once I’ll replay the games, namely Saïx, Xigbar, Roxas, Naminé and Xion. I guess what’s holding me back the most is mainly that I’m kinda missing years of headcanons since I’m fairly new to the fandom. There’s Ardyn, too... and I’m also rooting for Markus, Kara and Connor from DBH.
Most identifiable fictional character: Rokudo Mukuro. It’s been years since that, but back in my day he used to be my favorite muse to write and I would pick him up in as many rp forums as I could. I was even nicknamed after him and even my irl friends back then had a running gag with me and pineapples.
What color your aura is/think it is: No idea, but I’d go with light blue.
Personality stuff you agree with (astrology, mbti, Hogwarts house, etc be as specific as you want!):  All of the mentioned, actually. I’m a libra (leo rising), INFP and Ravenclaw.
Do you think you’re a good driver:  I don’t know, but my reflexes suck so I’ll just stick to public transport.
Favorite minor discourse (pinapple on pizza, what color is the dress, etc):  Pineapple on pizza. I love, most of my friends hate it.
Favorite vine and/or meme: I’m a huge fan of alignment charts, text post memes and incorrect quotes, if that counts.
Why did you choose this muse: I’ll just answer this the other way around. I made this blog mainly for my video game muses, because writing fics about them is too much work.
Favorite rp memory: My girlfriend is not much of a roleplayer, but I had the chance to roleplay angsty 14-chapter ignoct with her months ago. It was my first time writing Ignis, and also I hadn’t yet played ep. Ignis (while she had). Some time later I played it when she was staying at my home and I was sUFFERING SO MUCH BECAUSE (spoiler) i was like focusing A LOT on Ignis’ hopes of having Noct back at least but he knew about Noctis’ fate all alongnhajgfdse
Favorite thing you’ve written, in rp or not: I DO HAVE A FAVORITE THING, and it’s this FFXV post-game fic. Not only I really enjoyed writing it, but also I made at least four people literally cry including myself. An achieved life goal, honestly.
A line/lyrics/quote/etc you like or that means a lot to you: “Different universe, but somehow the same people had a way to find each other”
Give a shout-out to someone: I always suck at these, but:
@inchvins: VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV me alegra mucho que volvieras ;; cuando me hice el blog nuevo apenas seguí a gente del anterior, y la mayoría se había cambiado de urls y eso así que era todo un desastre y no sabía quién era ni dónde estaba nadie, pero no te veía por el dash y DDDD: y luego vi que el otro blog también estaba inactivo, así que fue hello darkness my old friend. pERO AHORA ESTÁS AQUÍ y tenemos que rolear mucho de nuevo 👀 aunque apenas tengo aún OCs nuevos porque casi no he tenido inspiración para esos, pero como pLOTEAR CONTIGO ES TAN FÁCIL Y BONITO seguro que en ná estamos en ello (?)
@lordofblacksand: One of the things that I like the most about tumblr rp community is the great variety of characters one can find here, especially since I’m a huge fan of crossovers myself, so when you first followed me I was losing my mind over seeing someone roleplay Mozenrath. It’s great to read you and write with you, really.
@hollowrage​: Can’t say I’ve roleplayed a lot within the KH fandom, so it’s not like I’ve seen many different Saïx muns but he’s a character I love and I really, really like your portrayal of him. I tend to feel like I get too carried away in our threads but tbh they’re playing a huge part on how fond I’m becoming of Axel.
@royalbestie​: yOUR PROMPTO IS THE CUTEST??? He’s a huge dork, I love your portrayal of him and I’m really looking forward to roleplaying more with you. Also, you seem like a really nice person, I simply enjoy seeing you in my dash.
@crowncoded​ Even though I write lots of muses myself, I kind of admire how you can pull off different muses and do a great job portraying all of them and capturing their essence, it’s just nice to read you. Also you and your fiance are really cute.
Tagging: Everyone up there except for Allen bc they were the one to tag me.
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naoamaya · 6 years
Alphabet Game!
Tagged by: @nightsky7ibra​ thank you!!
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag some people you’d like to know better!
A - Age: 17
B - Birthplace: Torun, Poland
C - Current time: 9:43pm
D - Drink you last had: Tea
E - Easiest person to talk to: All my lovely friends!
F - Favorite song: I’m really liking Drop Pop Candy atm..
G - Grossest memory: “Grossest”? ..I can’t think of one off the top of my head
H - Horror yes or horror no: Horror no
I - In love: Nope
J - Jealous of people: Yup
K - Missing
L - Love at first sight or should I walk by again: I think you’ve gotta get to know the person before you fall in love with them tbh (I guess I’m just demiromantic)
M - Middle name: Marta
N - Number of siblings: Two! A younger brother and a younger sister
O - One wish: For my A-Levels to be over already
P - Person you called last: My auntie
Q - Question you are always asked: “Have you got a boyfriend yet?”
R - Reason to smile: Friends and family :)
S - Song you last sang: The second intro to ao no exorcist crap i forgot what it’s called
T - Time you woke up: 6:00am - same time as always!
U - Underwear colour: Wouldn’t you like to know
V - Vacation destination: JAPAN!!!
W - Worst habit: Being unintentionally mean :(
X - X-rays: I’ve had one just before I got my braces
Y - Your favorite food: Either fruit or anything sweet honestly
Z - Zodiac sign: Leo
Not gonna tag anyone as I’ve done quite a few tag games recently i don’t want y’all to get bored of me tagging you haha, but anyone who wants to do it, please feel free to!!
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harristops · 3 years
Did you see the different 2021 Predictions? Orlando always be losing even if we look better than we did in four years 😩
Tbh, I don’t agree with some of them, but especially the JWS one. I think it will be Thorns vs. Courage for the final unless something drastic happens. 
Houston is a good team, but if JC and K-Mew both have to go to the Olympics idk if their backup keeper and Shea Groom could hold the team together for a few weeks. They’d be also be missing their Canadian and England players, too. We’ve also only seen them really be successful in shorter tournaments, so we’ll have to see if they can still excel in a longer, more rigorous regular season. 
I have some hope that Orlando won’t come dead last. If Ash and Ali aren’t selected for the Olympics, then at least their presence will count for something for the Pride (which is lowkey why I don’t want them to get the call for the final roster). Alex Morgan, Ali Riley, Marta, and Jade Moore will be missed, but I genuinely believe if they can work on the younger talent like Kornieck and Peterson, they could give themselves a fighting chance. Toni and Kriegs could hold down that backline, but our midfield needs some work and we need to get more support out to Syd (which I’d really like to see Kornieck do, tbh). 
I think Skinner should really focus his attention on developing his rookies. And if he is able to coach properly, the young talent could give Orlando a fighting chance during the Olympic window to gain some ground. The vets are great and are solid on the field, but they need more support from the youngsters. The chemistry is still not there yet and we need to have more cohesion from the vets to the youngsters on positioning and pushing the ball out of our own half, lol.
Overall though, it’s hard to tell what this team will look like in the long-run. It’s a tough and long season, and a lot of the vets are in their retirement window where I don’t know if running and performing constantly (and consistently) for months at a time would be feasible. The fall series was the first they played in a whole year, and this challenge cup wasn’t an entire disaster, but it still isn’t enough to really know if they’ve truly improved since 2019 or if it’s the same. 
All I want is for them to not place last, that’s all. I’ll even take second to last, just not last, please. If they get into the playoffs, that’s fantastic, but really just hoping for the bare minimum over here from the Moms and the Pride children.
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