#i remember being able to do and easily keep up with 50 things on the daily
unfogged · 1 year
i know we're all older and more tired and have more responsibilities but i miss when we were all younger and had the time and energy to write with all our mutuals. like talking about characters is great and all but i miss heavily writing with people.
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radioroxx · 14 days
I wish to know more about the Bonnie and Siffrin double looping au. Please. Destroy me emotionally.
HI SORRY this took a bit to answer lol
thought a bit for how to answer this because on one hand i could spill literally everything i have thought of for this au up to this point (which, while a lot, hasnt actually reached some of the Angstier segments yet. i have vague ideas for those but still workshoppin’ and all). but ahh. i will save some stuff for separate askers maybe lol. for now heres some random points of no particular connection:
- i screwed up a lil in the og post by calling it a bonnie. “joins” the loops au. it is definitely a, bonnie is there from the start, au. i considered for a bit making it more of likee… they start to remember post death to the king, but that wouldve placed em in act 4, and while thats interesting i felt like there wasnt as much to explore there. yknow? (plus. bonnie death to the king is still Very much going to happen in the au. soo)
- bonnie doesnt meet loop until a couple loops in! this was partially loops decision, about being worried to meet the party + how they would react, buuut siffrin is only so good at keeping secrets from people whos memory cant be wiped through time travel, bonne does learn about loop, and insists on meeting them. the timeline is a lil vague in my head, and this interaction i dont have compleeetely planned out? but know that it takes place around the back half of act 2, after first death to the king
- speaking of loop- bon has a pretty interesting dynamic with them too :) this is before bonnie and siffrin are able to have the Talk about his eye, and while looping back and forth together has brought them closer regardless, bon still holds a grudge against them! at least, slightly. that combined with the fact that theyre talking to some… celestial beast? sick as hell star creature?? that GLOWS? bonnie takes the loop pretty easily (this is aided by the fact that siffrin seems to trust them well enough. not completely, he is ofc still skeptical of loop throughout, but its enough that bonnie will trust them too). however, you could probably imagine bonnie is much less tolerable to loops… nonsense. more willing to bite back if they say something out of hand, and more likely to react Badly if they say something upsetting. (still 50/50 of whether or not bonnie would take loops side if they say something mean about siffrin tho lol. depends on the insult. and obviously loop would never,, say stuff like that to bon). iii could keep going about them this dynamic is very fun to me
- the friendquests go relatively the same, the only difference being that it is actually siffrins idea to set bonnie up with that big feast for everyone. !! teamwork! the training session for bonnie becomes a multiple-loops thing, letting them build up their skills over time. i think with the stress of the loops, trying to figure out what to do next now that they know killing the king doesnt work- the talk about the eye and that whole freakout takes a bit to actually get to. i have ideas about how that would go too, because it would be Different and mean something New, but…. that would be so long to put here……… just know that they. still promise to look out for each other. promise to let themselves be helped.
you may be looking me in the eyes at this point with deep frowns and wondering… Pluto….. what are all these happy silly ideas, you are missing out on so much angst potential here ?? and to that i say uuuuuuhhhhhmmm i have thought about it. and look. i dont think having bonnie- or anyone really- joining in on the loops would really solve or lessen siffrins shit mental state. but theres definitely also a layer there, on top of breaking the loops, on top of keeping everyone happy, on top of figuring it out and finding out about their country and the king etc etc- theres a priority in keeping this kid happy too! he will, and has, died dozens of times in these loops, and that sucks, and it sucks that poor bon has to remember it all, so the least they can do is. try to keep things lighthearted around them. Pretend to be hopeful for their sake. encourage them to try out new recipes on different loops to see what sticks with the family! let them run their own experiments in the loops! let bonnie join in fights with sadnesses once their training goes well enough!! do their best to at least have some fun, and some time to relax. sticking to the excuse that its all to make bonnie feel better, without realizing how much thats helping themself as well.
aaand that all sorta falls apart in act four. bonnie is killed- directly, painfully- by the king, and siffrin distances himself as he is so prone to, falls back into trying to get everything done himself because hes the one whos “responsable” for it…. ah you get the idea..
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vickysaurus · 10 months
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(Image, as well as much of my information, from Carboniferous Giants and Mass Extinction by George R. McGhee Jr.)
Take a look at this tree. On a scale of 1 to 10, how weird do you think it is?
You quite possibly just gave it a 3 or a 4 or something. Sure, it's a little odd, but does look vaguely normal, right? A friend of mine guessed it was some sort of baobab when I showed him the image.
This is, in fact Lepidodendron, an ancient tree from the Carboniferous, and by modern tree standards it is absolutely bizarre. Its closest surviving relatives, quillworts and clubmosses, only grow to a height of a few centimetres, yet Lepidodendron were giants that shot up to 50 metres tall... Briefly, before dispersing their spores and completely dying off.
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(Lycopodium and Spinulum, modern relatives of Lepidodendron, photos by Bernd Haynold and Pete Pattavina)
You see, Lepidondron lived like a gigantic dandelion. For most of its life, it was a stumpy little thing that stuck close to the ground. Just an odd scaly green stump with some long leaves poking out. The green scales its bark consisted of were the place it conducted its photosynthesis, and thus basically did the work of leaves. The Lepidodendron would stay like this for a couple years, slowly expanding its roots and getting ready for the next step. But its roots would grow mostly horizontally, down not so much! And part of why is that even they had the scaly leaf-like photosynthetic bark. That's right, even their roots could - and to some extend needed to - photosynthesise!
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(Fossil Lepidodendron bark in the National Museum of Brazil, photo by Dornicke; a fossilised relative of Lepidodendron with some of its roots visible, photo by Michael C. Rygel)
So why would you ever try to photosynthesise with your roots of all things as a plant? Surely it would make much more sense to just transport the sugars created in other parts there than to have your roots be so shallow that bits of them can catch a little light and make it in situ? Sure, if you're capable of that! This is what modern trees do, but they have two separate vascular tissues they use for transport: xylem, which moves water from the roots to the rest of the plant, and phloem, which moves sugars and other photosynthetic products from the leaves to the rest of the plant. Unfortunately for Lepidodendron, it only had xylem, no phloem, so its sugars were only ever going to move as far as they could diffuse, so every part of the tree needed to have at least a little photosynthesis happening, even the roots.
This truly gets ridiculous when the Lepidodendron decides after a few years of charging up that it's time to reproduce. That's when the weird green stump we have so far starts shooting up, up, up, very quickly, all the way until an enormous 40 or 50 metres in height. Now, modern trees grow this large by being supported by a sturdy wooden core, but that's not what Lepidodendron did. To hold up the entire tree, it relies entirely on its outer bark thickening as it grows. In mechanical terms, it was little more than a huge hollow pole, probably creaking and swaying terribly in the wind. Although I have not been able to confirm this in the literature so far, I suspect that between the shallow roots and the whole thing being held up by its bark, you could probably total a Lepidodendron with a good kick.
Now remember, all this growth is happening without phloem, so the entire length of that stem has to not just be sturdy enough to keep the tree standing, but it also has to keep doing photosynthesis to feed itself. When it reaches its full height, the top of the tree finally starts sprouting branches and small leaves, leaving it looking like the picture at the start. But those are not what it's all about for the tree: the cones that develop among them are. At a height of 50 metres, the spores produced by the cones can very easily be picked up by the wind and blown far, far away. Being spores, rather than seeds as modern trees have, they have no supplies built in whatsoever, so they need to get lucky to land in a spot that has immediate access to water. Luckily, there are a lot of those in the vast Carboniferous swamps, and with the trees doing so much work to spread the spores very widely, some of them are sure to find good spots. And then, with the spores dispersed, the tree is done for. The entire thing, which has just grown to the skies, dies off and soon comes crashing down.
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So how weird is this tree? I'd call it a perfect 10.
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msmysticfail · 7 months
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With a restless mind, Mercury conjunction Uranus, Timothée needs mental stimulation, because Mercury and Uranus speak of the mental, the intellect. He can have a very quick mind, he absorbs and understands things very easily, he is always looking for new information, maybe he tends to read a lot, but he may not like long books, as his Mercury is also in conjunction with Mars, which talks about things that can be done quickly. This aspect also denotes that he is abrupt at times, perhaps people who have a slower thought process bother him, as he has great mental agility.
As his ascendant is in Virgo, it’s ruler, Mercury, makes important aspects in his chart, this denotes that he likes to be on the move, it’s very important for him to be able to flow through different places and different people (Mercury conjunction Uranus + Venus in Aquarius). He is very easy to communicate with, his speech is fluent (Mercury conjunction Neptune) and he is eloquent when explaining his ideas (Sun conjunction Jupiter).
Knowledge is very important for him, as well as traveling, as it’s a way of elevating his spirit. He seeks to improve himself, elevate his soul, make it greater(Sun conjunction Jupiter + Mercury conjunction Neptune). This Sun/Jupiter connection has a very strong presence in his chart, this conjunction brings good humor, high-spirit and strong moral and ethical principles, whatever they may be.
There is a side to Chalamet, however, that he keeps to himself, perhaps he was very sensitive when it came to love, since from an early age romantic encounters were very important to him (Saturn in the 7th house), he has suffered a lot though, especially with Moon in Pisces in the 8th house, as he tended to to idealize others, suffering great disappointments when reality came to light. However, as he is going through his Saturn return, it’s likely that he is maturing when it comes to romantic relationships. Love is now a very serious matter, which he truly commits to, investing a lot of himself.
His Venus being in Aquarius shows that he feels very good in a crowd, he likes being around people, it brings a certain pleasure to his soul; also, like it or not, he has something that makes him different, be it his features, his manner, or the way he acts. He enjoys studying (Venus in Aquarius + Moon sextile Mercury + Mercury conjunction Mars, Neptune and Uranus), I think he was an excellent student, maybe everyone liked him, especially with the Sun being in the 5th house, perhaps his teachers loved his presence, his dedication. Speaking of the 5th house, the strongest house in his chart, Timothée has a gigantic stellium in it. In this life he came to attract attention, to express himself genuinely, to bring lightness, joy, creativity to others and to himself. Because he has powerful aspects in this house, in the sign of Capricorn, he will be remembered as someone very important, loved, intelligent and his artistic ability will be remembered long after he is gone. He will pass away doing what he likes, it’s very unlikely that he will retire, he will always have vigor and that shine of his, even in his more mature years, 50/60/70 (Sun, Mercury, Mars, Neptune and Uranus in the 5th house in Capricorn).
He is very strategic, perhaps from a very early age Timothée knew what he wanted to be when he grew up, he was/is very attached to his mother (Moon in Pisces, in the 8th house), he inherited/will inherit many of her characteristics, perhaps he knows a secret of hers(Pluto in the 4th house). There is something at the beginning of Timothée's life that is intriguing, perhaps there is some conflict, some not-so-friendly situation, perhaps it’s the secret as I said, perhaps it’s something that he has noticed since he was very young, something within the family, that leaved him/made him uncomfortable. But in any case, he is emotionally intense, mainly due to the Moon in Pisces in the 8th house + Pluto in the 4th house + Moon sextile Mars and Neptune + Moon trine Pluto. He has a very rich intimate universe, when he loves he shows it (Sun conjunct Jupiter + Mercury conjunction Neptune), he is always going through a process of internal revitalization, stirring his own depths (Moon in the 8th house trine Pluto). Timothée feels the people around him, his intuition is sharp, he knows how to navigate people (especially with Mercury aspecting Neptune) because he has this “warmth” (5th house), dealing with them, winning them over.
It would be obvious if I said that he has talent for acting, but I will say it anyway, as it’s written/underlined/printed in Timothée's chart and this is made clear by the stellium he have in the 5th house, of the arts, of stage, the house ruled by Leo. He has a lively personality, which captivates people, this is the Sun in the 5th house, people take him seriously because he strictly fulfills what he promises, Sun + Mercury + Mars in Capricorn.
Commitments are very important to him. He generally doesn't make excuses when it comes to the things he wants, he goes out there and make it happen (Sun, Mars and Mercury in Capricorn). He doesn't stand still, either things happen or he searches for something to do, being restless, curious, hyperactive. He is also very skilled at convincing people to do what he wants, he has the power of persuasion and it’s very strong (Mercury conjunct: Mars, Uranus and Neptune). He is also very honest (Mercury conjunction Mars + Sun conjunction Jupiter), sometimes he can give his opinion without being asked to, which can be considered as intrusion to some.
From an early age he set up strategies to get where he wanted, because with the Sun + Mercury + Mars in Capricorn, he already knew which mountain he would have to climb, and today/in the future, he is/will be reaping the fruits of his work. He is very independent: Mars in Capricorn made him always want to have autonomy over his destiny, to have control over himself, over his life. With Venus in Aquarius in the 6th house he cares about his friends, he is always giving advice to them, or has a lot of contact with them, they are part of his routine, whether through messages or in physical presence. Romance is very important in Timothée's life, it makes him feel good, it’s essential to his identity, Sun in the 5th house, as he likes the feeling of fun, happiness, the lightness that it brings (Mercury in the 5th house) to his heart. The area of romantic relationships is one that he does not like to lose/feel like a loser in, in the sense that he invests a lot of energy into romantic relationships (Mars in the 5th house) to have to lose his loved one or not truly have them; however, just like in his life in general, he doesn't like a stagnant, fixed love life, where he can always predict what will happen, news and movement are essential things to keep his Venus in Aquarius satisfied.
He has a good ability to remember things, to remember all the little details about his loved ones, what they said in the past, Moon sextile Neptune + Mercury conjunction Neptune, also he has a great ability to memorize, be it long texts or just some random information. He has a lot of charisma (Sun + Mercury + Mars + Neptune + Uranus in the 5th house), people in general consider him very dear, it’s difficult to have enemies or people declared his enemies. He is much appreciated by the young female audience (Venus in Aquarius + Midheaven in Taurus, despite Gemini being mostly all over his 10th house). Timothée can entertain people with ease: Sun + Mercury in the 5th house. In the search of transcending oneself for the better, pleasure, happiness, the capacity for artistic creation, as well as self-expression, these are the key words for reading the natal chart of Timothée Chalamet.
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aibouart · 3 months
unless i tagged it wrong, i apparently NEVER SHOWED RED'S STEVEN UNIVERSE AU??? evEN THO I WAS (and still am) OBSESSED W IT?? bro i drew like 50 images for his gallery on th in like a month (exaggeration but he does have over 50 on there)
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i decided to make him a fusion between a red beryl and a garnet (almandine). red beryl is pretty skittish, naive, and likes to organise, and almandine is a bit too proud, analytic, and can tend to be cold.
when fused as red quartz they lack any real quartz abilities (since they're a fusion and not a quartz) and resemble regular red's standard demeanour.
long...... (also it mentions fusion experiments and whatnot i know a lot of people don't like that stuff)
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while they live on earth, now, they originally were stationed at a planet far from there. almandine was to oversee gem production, and was assigned his beryl to help him organise information and other technical things.
the planet ended up with a lot of iron and other mineral deposits, resulting in a lot of the created gems being off-colour. he couldn't bring himself to destroy them, so he sent them all off to a different planet in hopes they'd survive together.
but the whole gem production and whatnot was mostly a cover up for fusion experimentation. namely, seeing if they could control large fusions.
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almandine was told by his higher up (iirc they're a lapis..? or something? i never drew em and remember struggling to find a fitting gem, esp with limited knowledge on hierarchy admittedly) that his role was to fuse with established out of control fusions, and maintain control over them. it was believed due to garnet's natural ability to lead and command others, he would be able to do this task eventually.
he was never fully able to achieve this and the fusions would often have to be destabilised to undo them, and as a result his gem is a bit unstable, itself. whenever he fuses with others he demands as much control as he can, and is often very afraid of losing his individuality in the fusion (which is counter intuitive to fusion itself ofc). his gem also struggles to keep form whenever he is under a lot of stress, causing him to poof easily.
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(ofc orchid the ametrine here belongs to @theotherkoifish)
despite this, his initial bond with Beryl is very important to them and their long history + compatibility lends to their relationship working well. Beryl doesn't mind at all doing whatever Almandine asks of him (which isn't a lot since he doesn't want to impose), and Almandine feels safe in their fusion as red quartz. esp cuz he feels comfort with Beryl
unfortunately, he fights with anyone else in a fusion causing it to become undone pretty quickly.
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this is Tiger's Eye, a fusion between Almandine and Orchid (Ametrine). they don't usually last very long KJSDFBSDJKBFK the tail is actually their ponytail
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anyways there's WAY MORE including other OCs i threw into the mix but this is so long already omg sowwy
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yunhohours · 1 year
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ♡ 𝙰 𝚁𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑: 𝚂𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚠𝚊 ♡
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Congratulations! You never have to take care of yourself again
Seonghwa will do it
I am only slightly kidding - Seonghwa will go out of his way to make sure you never have to lift a finger if he can help it
He is so attentive
He’ll leave a fresh bottle of shampoo in the bathroom for you to find because you briefly mentioned needing to pick some up
You don’t even remember telling him that but he sure does
Or he’ll text you “I sent you $50 for gas” because he just happened to notice you were running low when you were in your car the night before
The smallest things matter a great deal to him
Things like helping you with the clasp on your necklace or fixing a hair that’s out of place
He gets a sense of gratification from being able to do these things for you
He doesn’t even do these things to make an impression on you
He simply becomes aware of a need you have and fulfills it
It’s second nature to him
The domesticity of it makes his heart warm
He loves spoiling you sm
He’ll stop by your favorite bakery on the way home to pick up a slice of the cake you like
He’ll insist on going into a boutique to buy you clothes when you walk by because he loves seeing how excited you get when you find something that you feel good in
When he travels, he always hunts down the finest specialty of that location to bring home to you
Only the best of the best for you
He really likes to give input on your styling 
He’ll suggest an outfit for you or tell you that he think you’d look really pretty in a certain shade of lipstick
He doesn’t expect you to blindly follow his suggestions - he just thinks it’s fun
And whenever you do take one of his suggestions, he is all heart eyes
Because you look even more perfect than he imagined
He likes watching shows with you
He gets invested in them easily and will pause to share thoughts back and forth
It really feels like gossiping with one of your best friends
It becomes such an important part of his routine with you that even when he comes home dead tired from a schedule, he’ll still be ready to watch it with you
Heart to hearts are common in your relationship
Seonghwa makes it a priority to constantly check in with you and make sure you’re doing okay mentally and emotionally
He does this even more when you’re visibly distressed, but he does it regularly even when you seem fine
Because he knows that things aren’t always what they seem
He opens his heart to you freely and is as patient as he needs to be for you to do the same with him
He listens sincerely, holding eye contact with you so you know he’s present
If you start to cry, he’ll wipe your tears with his thumb and leave a kiss instead
He’ll hold you until you settle back down
And then he’ll reassure you of anything that you need to hear
He takes these conversations very seriously
He’ll use what he learns about you to love you better
He simply wants to be the perfect boyfriend that you deserve
And in doing so, he will avoid fighting with you unless absolutely necessary
When you do fight, he does his best to keep his cool
He usually only loses his grip on the situation if he feels wrongfully blamed or invalidated
But regardless, he’s quick to resolve any conflict
He can’t stay mad at you for long
You are quite literally his pillow prince(ss)
His instinct to take care of you extends into the bedroom 100%
He loves to see you so given over to him while he makes you feel an intense pleasure that you’ve never experienced before him
The arch of your back, the furrowing of your brows, the curl of your toes
All of these images are burned into his brain
He can either be so, so soft with you
Or he can rough you up a bit
He will only do whatever you’re comfortable with
And if you like both forms of treatment, he is very good at gauging you and figuring out what you would respond to best in that moment
He gets very invested in whatever role he plays
When you need him to be gentle and loving, he’ll spend ages caressing your skin and ghosting his lips over you
He’ll handle you like you might break and tell you how precious and perfect for him you are
When you’re craving something on the opposite end of the spectrum, you can literally see him change behind his eyes
He still will be careful not to actually hurt you, but he isn’t going to half-ass anything
So be careful what you wish for
He can obviously cater to anything between these extremes too
He can do it all
His sex drive is quite high too
So assuming you don’t have an issue with that, you should be prepared for a lot of physical activity
He’ll get a random craving and want to act on it asap
Sometimes it’s just oral for you or for him
Sometimes he wants to spend hours and hours building you up to orgasm repeatedly
You’ll never know whether he wants to pull multiple orgasms out of you or to deny them one after the other until he’s doing it
He just loves playing with you and your body
It’s quite addicting for him
Best best best aftercare too
Even when he’s not hard on you, he dotes on you like crazy after any kind of sexual activity
He won’t risk you ever feeling anything but sheer fulfillment with him
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spar-kie · 5 months
Do You Have The Time?
A Thorough Dissection of What Past Aevium Means For You
So I've been reading through @/jazz-kitty's rejuv playthrough (not actually tagging them bc this will contain spoilers for shit they've not gotten to but if you're reading this Jazz, keep up the good work! It's super fun to read through your playthrough :>), and I've realized we got some concrete dates (in a fashion), meaning that, we might be able to figure out when Storm 9 happens, within a couple months! As well as some other details.
Anyways even if you don't want to hear my rambling about dates, there's gonna be something I really want to share underneath the cut, I'll put some big bold header text so you know where to scroll to.
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Now, it all starts here, with Melia's Mimikyu, which we are there to see caught, giving us a concrete date, October 10th, 198X.
Now you may be asking yourself, but Sparkie, the screenshot says 1984? That's because my buddy Nym, who is on the dev team, stated that to its memory, the year is calculated based off your system date. Meaning that the year will change depending on the year you play Rejuv in. However, Jazz's post that I got this from does mention in the tags how the rest of Melia's pokemon are caught from 1981-1983. I had an old save file kicking around that was near Blacksteeple, and checking "Emma's" Pokemon in that I can also say that these dates are variable based off system time. Being 198X-3 through 198X-1. For simplicity's sake we're going to be based off of System Time being the year 2024, mostly because shit like 198X-1 is hard to read. But just keep in mind that as Rejuv is set in 202X these dates have about a 10 year range they can vary by, this will come back later, take note of this.
I want to establish before we go forward, you can also see how this works for yourself rather easily, if you go into the past and catch a pokemon, the date it's caught at will be your system time, minus 40 years. This, combined with some plot elements such as Melia's birthday being after she catches this Mimikyu confirms that the past segments take place exactly 40 years before present day, with the Time Crystals not sending you back or forth to a specific time and date, but rather a set amount of time forward and back (in this case 40 years).
Anyways, this also lets us know that Storm-9 happened a little over 39 years ago as of the game's start, and at some point during the game's time span we will hit the 40 year anniversary. I always thought it was 50 years before the game's start, I don't remember if I got that from somewhere in game or it's just one of them things I got in my head, but between the wiki and a reply from Zumi on one of my tweets it's actually 40. If anyone has the same misconception I had, I hope that clears it up.
But through what we can gleam in game, we can actually tell (roughly) when Storm-9 happens! Judging by the fact we can still visit the past at the end of the .karma files, Storm-9 has not hit the past yet. It's going to happen very soon, but it's not there yet. Thankfully, we have a very concrete date on when that would be, December 25th, 2024, as the Xen Raid is just one day later. Meaning, that as of December 25th, 1984, the Aevium region is still fine. This combined with the fact that there is a note on the door of the house occupied by the A-Gang near Hyoshi City that says they'll be out until the Summer means that they are going to be at school until late May, early June, assuming it runs at similar time frames to a school in the U.S.. Meaning that, at some point, most likely in Early 1985, but possibly for about a week in Late 1984, is when Storm 9 hits. You could extrapolate more (i.e. no teachers/other students in the academy during the Interceptor's Nightmare Realm means people might've been on break, meaning it was Late 1984 and the gang was just hanging out at the academy) but as that's explicitly stated to be not entirely accurate to how that day actually was, I'm not going to do that.
Anyways, now that you've heard me ramble about dates like your history teacher, we get to the fun part! That being I get to tell you about the A gang! That being we know the protag choices are 17-18 years old, and given that we know Storm 9 happened in either very Late 1984 or Early 1985, we can assume that the A-Gang were those ages during Storm-9. Meaning their birth years could range between 1966-1968, placing them firmly in Gen X, meaning they are chronologically old enough to be some of the people reading this's parents!
But that's not all, do you remember how I stated that Rejuv took place in 202X, meaning it could be any year of the 2020s? And thus, the past segments take place in any year 40 years before that, in the 1980s? If we were to say, put the year Rejuv takes place in in 2020, then that would mean the A Gang would be born in the years 1962-1964.
The general consensus on baby boomers is that they were born between 1946-1964.
The A Gang could, conceivably, be baby boomers.
Have a nice night everyone.
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psi-spectacular · 8 months
Since I saw @kibasniper111 do this for the campers, I wanna do some headcanons I have for the interns! Also they get sadder as you go down, be warned.
Trans kid who's fully accepted by his parents. Sorry I just really can't see the aquatos being transphobic and genuinely don't think transphobia is super common in the psychonauts universe? He's unlabeled at the moment and uses he/him pronouns.
Nona mixing up Raz's name with his brothers is because her brain had to connect Raz now having a boy name and connecting that to the other brothers so shes just a lil confused but shes got the spirit
He has (currently) undiagnosed autism, mostly because 1. there is no way the aquato family is able to afford a psychologist but 2. Augustus is also autistic and they have similar mannerisms, sensory issues, and stims so most of the family doesnt suspect that Raz is neurodivergent, they just think he takes after his father.
His helmet and googles are very much comfort items, but they also help with sensory issues. While they block out noise and reduce color in the area around him if needed, his helmet also stops him from constantly hearing the thoughts of others, which can easily overwhelm him.
He's mostly able to speak to smaller animals, mainly rodents like mice, rats, and squirrels, since they were the ones that were most common at different areas he would travel too.
He fell into water and almost drowned when he was little and that was the biggest thing that spurred the "hand of galocchio" thing.
Raz spent a lot of time in libraries and bookstores in the many towns he's traveled to in between practice and shows, and that was the way he discovered both his love for psychology and true psychic tales.
Raz is sensory seeking and douses everything he eats in hot sauce and spices. He'll try pretty much anything as long as its free and remotely edible. This extends to touch, he likes rubbing his hands on textured surfaces, especially velvet and fur.
He rubs his gloves on his face, bites, and scratches at them when he's stressed, so they're worn down where he's done it.
He has a plush toy Nona made him when he was a baby that used to be a rabbit but it's been repeatedly bitten, crushed, splattered in mud, and fixed so many times that it barely looks like a specific thing anymore, But he refuses to part with it no matter what.
His relationship with the junior agents goes from "eugh its weird having a kid here, we can't swear anymore." to "hello, this is our emotional support 10 year old, his name is shitfuck, we feed him moss, he's the golden retriver that keeps the cheetahs in our hearts from going insane, we constantly make fun of him and if you do anything to hurt his feelings no one will find your body."
Dona taught him how to forage and cook when he was little.
He enjoys dressing up and acting out roles whenever he can, and is very quick on his feet with his roles. He gets into LARPing later in life.
Raz doesn't have a specific specialty, so he's a bit of a jack of all trades when it comes to powers.
Another trans dude, Wowza. He's been out for a shorter time than Raz, but he's pretty comfortable with where he is right now. He's also bi! Woo.
He's peruvian, and was orphaned at a very young age before being adopted at around age 5 by his moms. He's currently 16.
He was one of Milla's orphans, but he was very young when the fire happened and he doesn't remember what happened or Milla, but his back did get injured in the fire and never fully healed, and that's why he's in the wheelchair.
His moms are rockabillies who own a motorcycle repair shop in the outskirts of Trujillo, They're big into 50's american culture and almost always have the radio on to whatever rock station is playing at the time, which helped inspire his love of radio and older fashion style. The albums he plays on KLOB are the only ones they let him bring because they were copies of records they already had.
He has a regular wheelchair with, you know, wheels, but when he fully learned levitation he found it easier to move around with a chair on a lev ball, especially on rougher terrain, so thats what he usually uses.
Despite his amount of Rizz he has no clue that Adam has a crush on him (not totally his fault, Adam's attempts of flirting are stuttery at best). He's just. Slightly oblivious to the feelings of others.
He acts like he doesnt care what people think. He very much does, and has some very overcompetative tendancies.
He and Gisu met in the motherlobe and have been part of the intern program for the longest, spending three years doing dumb shit in the woods while brushing off their intern duties or whatever they are.
He immediately took Queepie under his wing and they end up becoming really good friends, even if he isn't the greatest DJ. Cause he's, yknow, like 8.
She/Her Intersex transmasc bisexual. Binds.
She's an Iranian immigrant who lives in a small town in the midwest, Same town as Lizzie and Norma. They're families know each other and they're childhood friends.
AuDHD and NPD.
She's an only child and lives with her mother and grandparents. She's slightly spoiled and they pretty much let her do whatever she wants, as long as she doesn't get arrested.
She's autistic and has a special interest in paleontology and robotics. She was part of her school's robotics team before joining the psychonauts.
She's very much a romantic, but tends to leap into crushes quickly and gets her heart broken.
Speaking of, she and Norma are QPPs.
Morris and her are besties and each others hypeman.
She has a tendency to work on her projects late into the night to the point of not noticing that its three in the morning by the time she finishes something.
She's easily able to focus on something that interests her, but if she doesn't think its something she would like to do, she procrastinates and avoids it like the plague. She gets easily distracted when she finally does get started.
Has a fursona. Its an otter.
BIG Boy band fan. All paul but also n-street, synced up boys, and whatever she can get her hands on. She doesn't care if its considered "trashy", it sounds good to her ears!
Also daft punk.
She loves Dion for his lack of swag and dumb barry b benson ass expressions
She was raised muslim and is personally agnostic but Sam convinced her Jesus and Moses were psychic and she constantly pisses Norma (catholic) off by bringing it up.
She's smart and gets good grades but doesn't have much respect for authority. She has A's and B's despite skipping most of her classes.
Transfem gay, but currently unaware of his gender, mostly from repression and not feeling the need to go too far inward. (Dont all guys wish they could wake up in the body of a girl and have no one question it and call him a she?) She/He, 16 years old.
She's from a rich, very influential family in britan known for having a lot of successful and gifted members. There's a lot of push for all the kids to do something "big" with their lives, and many begin to achieve that at very young, most having scholarships and awards at young ages.
And then there's Adam. Her biggest achievements are being
Truman's intern and that time she reached the quarterfinals of the county debate tournament. She's surrounded by ivy bound prodigies and musical geniuses and she's just… some history buff. She fades into the background noise, and feels like she's failing her family despite his best efforts.
Not fully conscious of the amount of wealth his family has. What do you mean your family doesn't send you 80 dollar tea overseas every month?
On a lighter note, He's taken it upon himself to become a bit of a "big brother" to Raz because he has a sibling around his age and he reminds her of them. She's trying to teach him how to play tetris. • As mentioned before, he has a crush on Morris but is terrible at flirting. He's one of Morris' few listeners on KLOB, but mostly does it because he enjoys hearing his voice.
She and Lizzie are absolutely TOIGHT. Lizzie immediately pinned her as a dweeb first time they met and she was right. They became a lot friendlier over time and were pen pals when Adam went back home after their first year.
Adam's eyes are all funky because he's got extra strong aura reading abilities, but the downside is that he basically goes blind for a while sometimes and has to orient around the world by seeing others auras and how they reflect off and affect objects.
Had a cringey katana-and-fedora phase when she was like 13. He tries to repress the memory. Her friends won't let her live it down because they have photo evidence.
Telekinesis specialist
CW For parental neglect, bullying, and parentification. Hoo boy lotta thoughts here.
Genderfluid Xenogendered Lesbian but not fully out to people who aren't the other junior agents. 14 and uses any pronouns but mainly she/her publicly.
Her family life is... strained. She lives in a pretty small town in the middle of nowhere, southeast america. Her family was normal when she still felt like a kid, but after Dogen acidentally blew up a bullies head, it became a frantic rush of lawyers, policemen, and hospital visits.
Since her parents were frequently away trying to figure out ways to mitigate Dogens abilities and find ways to settle the lawsuit they got, Sam would spend many hours alone. She quickly had to figure out how to cook and gather food outside to sustain herself because they would sometimes be in too much of a rush to prepare anything or be gone for longer than expected.
As things started to calm down, her parents would leave her alone with Dogen while they went off doing whatever else, and when they came back they would be too tired or too stressed to help her with anything.
She spent most of her days in the companionship of animals, almost always got up whenever Dogen was hungry or sick or had a nightmare, just to feed him and make sure he was okay.
Her parents basically treated her like a third adult when she was like 10, venting to her and letting her do most of the chores in the house when they were away, and they never really left her with a babysitter because she's "so mature for her age".
She has a strong fear of developing it herself, so she represses her anger. When someone is being mean to her and she starts focusing more on not blowing up than whats happening so she gets an unfocused look which leads to more teasing.
She eventually decided to just play into the "stupid weird girl" role, hoping being the butt of a joke in a friend group and making people laugh would help ease up her anger if she just laughs it off as her being dumb. (This ended up leaking into her and Norma's relationship and was part of the reason why they broke up.)
She did actually get in prison! She had a meltdown when the teasing became too much and attacked one of the girls in her "friend" group. She got sent to juvie for that. Her parents had to get a lot of recommendations from Compton to get her into the intern program and send her away.
The anxiety is genetic!!! Yayyyy!! Same with the autism.
Her trauma's left her with a very dysfunctional view of relationships and uses the animals as a way to feel like she has some control over her life and that she isn't a servant, she can lead too and help others improve themselves. This ended up leaking into
Heavy backstory stuff outta the way, back to the present. Sam's nickname is barncat because she runs off in the middle of the night and comes back the day after covered in mud and whatever else. She's basically made herself queen of the questionable area and forages for food and scrap metal at night. also she occasionally hacks up hairballs. no one wants to know why
Despite her.. questionable pancakes, Sam is actually a very good chef! She's just better at using more dubious ingredients.
She has PCOS and is on birth control to regulate it (projecting...)
Also IBS! She gets random tummy aches a lot and has zero clue why it happens.
Sam's kinlist includes raku chan gregor samsa and that canary she saw once when she was a kid
Sam constantly masks back home and the motherlobe is the only place she feels she can be weird and free. She used to have longer hair but she lopped it off sometime during her internship because dysphoria (i hc its like end of summer so near the end of the intern program that year)
Sam ends up deciding to become Raz's weird older sister. Sam has no braincells, raz simultaneously has a lot of and no braincells at the same time, but when they're together they somehow add up to -7. She gives Raz advice that ranges from suprisingly helpful to very dubious
She really does love her grandpa, even if she's seen less and less of him throughout her life.
Her specialty is zoolingualism, but I think she'd be skilled at abilities that require her hands, like Psi-Punch and confusion bombs. She used mental connection to create a lasso of sorts she calls "critical thinking" which lets her lasso enemies and tie them down.
Cw for emotional abuse and manipulation.
Norma's a trans girl, who uses she/her pronouns exclusively. She's a lesbian, 15 years old. She's also Afro-Filipina.
I've mentioned this, but her mother is the mayor of the town they're from. They've very much in the higher rung of their town when it comes to wealth.
Norma's mother is very cold and analytical, constantly seeing most things she does as transactional. Every positive interaction is a step towards a vote, every negative action reflects badly on her status. Average politician. This extends to her daughters and how she expects them to act.
She's the kid that's always trying to be on her parents good side, because failure isnt tolerated in their family and definite high expectations for both sisters and how they're supposed to behave. The two of them constantly needed to fight to get their mothers affection and love. But Lizzie's pretty much given up on trying to appease her, so despite her powers being seen as "less rare", she's the preferred child now.
Her mom uses her as a token of "I'm not transphobic! I have a trans kid!" Despite, in private, constantly misgendering her and insisting she barely change her name (norman to norma) You know how transphobes are a minority in this verse? Yeeep. Its better for her mom to pretend her views are something else so she can get more votes.
Should I add the two of them had a catholic upbringing? Big amount of guilt on her end but at the same time a sense of superiority and entitlement. She's devout and retreats into religious studies as a coping mechanism
Raz makes her feel threatened in her status as "#1 student" and she's very aggressive about it.
She's still not over her and Sam's breakup and is slowly starting to obsess over her and why it ended.
Norma is a big fan of detective shows like Columbo, Sherlock, and Death Book. She absolutely wants to be a detective and solve mysteries, part of the reason why she joined the intern program.
She has NPD, BPD, Autism, and struggles with insomnia.
Despite her last name, neutral to christmas.
Shes a teachers pet and would remind the teacher of the homework just to piss a specific person off.
Touch averse, only lets people she trusts touch her.
She's a closet weeb and uses her psychic abilities to make her glasses glow like an anime character
She has a sherlock based tumblr (or livejournal or whatever you want them to use) and gets into ship discourse at 3 am. She also writes amateur death note yaoi. On paper. She gets so embarassed about it she burns it as soon as she's done.
She misses the time she spend with her sister and envies how much freedom she has from rebelling against her parents. She wishes she could do the same but also wishes they could go back to normal so Lizzie can have a seat at the dinner table again.
She can do glassblowing with her hands.
Same CWs as Norma, Cw for emotional abuse and manipulation.
She's closeted genderqueer and a lesbian, uses They/She pronouns. She and Norma are twins but Norma insists she's the older one.
She's just given up on her relationship with her parents. No matter what they do, she isn't going to go back to constant competition and stress. She doesn't want that anymore. The Natividad sisters give off "rich parents in a gated community" vibes but Lizzie abhors their entire lifestyle and spends like 90% of her time outside the house doing random shit
She's realized the privilege that comes with her position, and decided to hang out more in punk spaces and with kids considered "teen delinquents" or "the wrong crowd".
She prefers dumpsterdiving and thrifting over the stuff her parents buy her, stitching and crafting her own clothes is an act of rebellion because they constantly scold her for wearing "Rags".
Her parents finally gave up, deciding to go "Fine, you want to be stubborn? We'll just pretend you don't exist." They give her somewhere to live but otherwise don't acknowledge her existence in the family until she learns to behave. She created a second hangout spot in an abandoned building with her friends and she'd spend long hours there.
She'd rather be a high school slacker who hangs out with poorer punk kids who arent "in the right groups" and actually have a social life than fighting for the spot of "perfect precious angel child" for the rest of her life. No matter how many punishments they give her. She won't let anyone know, but the way her parents treat and talk about her really hurts.
She has undying hatred for hostile architecture and drags Norma along to melt the spikes.
She fake smokes. Using candy cigarettes and using her powers to make smoke because it makes her look cool but she doesn't want lung cancer.
Very into Christmas but more into the gift making and pagan traditions.
She reads vampire romance novels for flirting tips (and also cuz they're her guilty pleasure). She also pretends to be a vampire sometimes.
She enjoys going cryptid hunting and scouring local forums for information.
Hates wearing fancy dresses. Ripped up skirts and suits ONLY.
Introduced Norma to anime, favorite is Akira and fave manga is Battle Angel Alita.
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kirabook · 1 month
I remember posting this on the Paralives subreddit a few years ago and it really holds true today. Not just for Paralives, but the entire "life sim" community.
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To summarize, WHY can't life simmers just chill out and play which game they want to play?
We're finally here! 20 years later and more than one life sim is coming to the market! Yippie! Yay! There's almost a game for every type of simmer and maybe more will come around in the future.
Isn't that amazing? Isn't that great?
Then.... WHY are some of you at each other's necks fighting right now??? It's so ridiculous. If you don't like one of the games, THEN DON'T PLAY IT. GO back to the Sims. Wait for Paralives.
If you're waiting for Paralives, THEN WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING OTHER GAMES?? Like, Paralives is sitting quietly in a corner doing its own thing just fine. it doesn't need you out there fighting on the front lines drawing negative attention to it. Let it be!
If you're a Simmer for life forever and ever until the end of time, that's fine too! I know some people are being annoying and pushing into your spaces, but at the same time... how old are you? The block button exists. Do you have to go down to their level and spread more childish behavior around?
Like. Why are you guys so petty? You're like 5 year olds arguing which color is the best color.
I want to take this moment to also speak about a subset of people with potato PCs. Look. I know PCs are expensive. But if you're a gamer, then you should know graphics and performance increases year over year.
It's kind of EA to keep the Sims so behind the times that it'll run on 10 year old computers, but that is NOT the norm. 3D games that look graphically intensive ARE graphically intensive. If you want to play it, you'll have no choice but to upgrade. Most companies aren't going to cater to you like that.
If it's possible at all, I would start setting money aside now. Let's say... 100 bucks a month. 100 bucks a month for 12 months will get you a modern computer that would be able to run Inzoi easily. 50 bucks would take you two years, but hey, in that time technology will be even better and the modern computers 2 years in the future could outspec even their recommended specs. No, it's still not a NASA computer but the recommended specs aren't actually that high for 2024 tech.
We all want life sims to be better right? To run better. To look better (not necessarily to look realistic since that's not my thing). Right? We all want the same thing. This means, your computers need to be better too. Don't buy the latest cheapest PC on the market. Save your money. Save as much as you can. Buy a PC that a proper gamer deserves.
That's all I wanted to say on the subject. It's just been so..... I don't even know the word but. Seeing people fighting over Inzoi and Paralives and the Sims is straight up ridiculous.
I dreamed of days when we could have more than one life sim even if I didn't personally play all of them. My 'dream' finally comes true and the community is in shambles? I just don't get it.
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justagalwhowrites · 5 months
Celestial - Part of For You - A Collection of Requests Benefitting Palestine
Din takes his beloved to see something special.
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Event Terms: Commissioners could choose to donate between $15 and $50 via Ko-Fi for one fic of 1-2k words to be written by April 1, 2024. Payment due after completion of the fic. Donation with a match by the author was paid to PCRF on April 2, 2024 in honor of Pedro Pascal's birthday ❤️ Commissioners had the option to choose to keep a fic private and all fics may not be shared here.
Pairing: Din Djarin x OFC!Maddy
Warnings: None! Straight fluff :)
Length: 1.6k
A/N: Just a sweet, fluffy little trip to a (completely made up) outer rim world in celebration of the eclipse this week. Written by request for @mboogie3 :)
Din was in unfamiliar territory. 
Not physically, of course. He was well traveled, there was little in the galaxy that surprised him anymore. Years of chasing bounty skippers from one end of the galaxy to the other showed a man a lot of the universe. 
But one thing it hadn’t done was put him in a position where he wanted to impress a woman. 
At least until he met her. 
It had started simply enough. Din was looking for jobs that he could take and fly under the radar of the guild, not on great terms with everyone there after taking off with the child. The job was a good one. Take a large shipment of medication from Coruscant to an outer rim world that was facing an outbreak of disease. Traveling with the medication was Maddy, a woman who was meant to ensure it got where it needed to go. 
But the second Din saw her, he knew that’s not all she would be. That was impossible. Her kind smile, the depth of her dark eyes, the way her hair framed her lovely face. These were things he was not going to be able to move past, even once the shipment was safely delivered and the medication - along with its beautiful escort - was left on a far away world that Din had little reason to stay on. 
But the situation on the planet had been far more dire than either Din or Maddy knew. An Imperial remnant had gotten there just before the two of them had. The Imps tried to intercept the medication and they almost succeeded, Din and Maddy barely escaping with their lives. They managed to hand off the medication to a local leader before taking off, not able to risk staying after putting a target on their backs. 
That’s what Din liked to pretend made things permanent. He couldn’t, in good conscious, leave her there. Not when the Imps knew who she was and had a reason to go after her. It wasn’t safe, it made sense to bring her along. For protection. 
Protection he was all too happy to provide, especially as her presence on his ship made it feel more like a home than it ever had before. Just being around her was a comfort, something constant and kind that he felt like he could fall into. So easily, he could fall into her. 
He’d given into that urge months ago and now, he couldn’t remember why he’d ever fought it. Yes, she made him vulnerable in ways even the kid didn’t and opening himself up to feeling something for someone who he could lose was painful. But she was so worth it, the months they had spent together and all the ways she made his life better made that risk the most worthwhile one he’d ever taken. It made him want to do something special for her after she had done so much for him. 
She had told him once that she’d always wanted to see an eclipse. A real one, not one caused by the positioning of ships or a recording of one on a data pad. 
“Why?” Din had asked when she’d mentioned it while reading the child a story. “You see the stars all the time.” 
“I know,” she smiled a little, his son sitting happily on her lap. “But that’s something else, this is a coincidental thing that makes a world look so different for a time, something that we can’t control no matter how hard we try. Wouldn’t that be incredible to see?” 
Din decided then and there that he was bringing her to an eclipse. He just needed to find one. 
It had been trickier than he expected. He’d heard of eclipses but never seen one himself. He’d never been that worried about seeing one. But, when he started looking for one, he learned that they were rare, remarkable. Much like Maddy. 
The sun and the moon needed to be just the right size. They needed to be just the right distance from each other and from the planet. Their orbits needed to work in tandem in just the right way. And even then, you had to time it exactly right, the phenomenon changing the entirety of the sky for only a short while. 
But, eventually, Din found a planet that met all the requirements, the intersection of orbits happening not in dozens of years but just a few weeks. 
Din did all the research he could with her there aboard the Razor Crest, something that was surprisingly difficult when trying to surprise someone living in such close quarters. He waited for her to be preoccupied, usually playing with Grogu or reviewing star charts with a small frown on her beautiful face. He was almost caught in the act a week before the big day, reading something about the solar festival when she came into the cockpit. 
“What’s that?” She asked from the doorway, Grogu propped on her hip. Din scrambled to close the hologram before she could actually see it. 
“Information,” he said quickly. “About where the next bounty is.” 
“Oh,” she deflated a little. 
He frowned below his helmet. 
“Nothing,” she went back to smiling. “It just looked like fun is all. We could use a little fun.” 
“Patu,” Grogu said. 
She laughed. 
“Yes, especially you.” 
Din smiled to himself. She had no idea. 
“If this hunt goes well, cyar’ika, maybe we can take a break after, go somewhere you want. As long as we can lay low.” 
Her face brightened, a sparkle in her beautiful brown eyes.
“I’d really like that,” she said. “We’ve never had a chance to just take a break.” 
After that, Din was determined to give her exactly what she wanted. After all her kindness to him and Grogu, all the three of them had been through together, she deserved everything she wanted. 
He wasn’t able to keep his plan a secret for long once they were on planet, though. Even the spaceport was covered in decorations, dark banners with glowing white coronas in the middle of them, a smattering of stars around the edges, small lights that were dark in the middle and bright around the rim hanging everywhere. 
She looked around almost cautiously, Grogu held close to her chest as the three of them left the ship. 
“Din…” She frowned, her brows knitting together as they emerged from the spaceport and onto the streets of the city, where decorations and stands celebrating the eclipse covered everything. “Din, are we…” 
“You said you wanted to take a break,” he said. “And you said you’ve always wanted to see an eclipse. So, cyar’ika, I thought we could do both.” 
He wasn’t sure he’d ever seen her look quite so happy, the arm not cradling his son going around his neck as she stretched on her tiptoes to press herself against his armored frame. 
“I can’t believe it!” She almost squealed. “I never… this is amazing! I can’t believe we get to do this!” 
Din just smiled and watched as she made her way through the town, stopping at all the stands, running her fingers over the delicate keepsakes and traditional ornamentation before stopping for one of the fluffy, light pastries coated in thick, dark frosting. 
“Where are we?” She asked, mouth full, as they stopped to watch musicians playing in the street. 
“Deasu,” Din said. “An outer rim planet. There is a full solar eclipse here every five years and it’s been celebrated by the people here for centuries.” 
“That’s incredible,” she said, taking another bite of the pastry. “I didn’t even know there was anything like this in the whole galaxy.” 
“Well,” he said. “I’m glad we were able to find it.” 
The three of them spent the day exploring the festivities, Maddy even dragging Din out to dance as the sun was setting and the spotchka set in. 
Din made sure they had a prime spot to watch the eclipse the next day, settling in at the edge of a lake as the celebration spilled over from the town and into the open space just outside it. Musicians played, children ran, people danced. Maddy sat close to Din, the two of them watching Grogu play with the bugs in the grass near the water’s edge as the eclipse drew closer and closer. 
As the moon began to blot out the sun, she put on the special glasses and watched as the light changed and the air grew colder. The light on the ground shifted, becoming speckled crescents that scattered over the grass and the water. Maddy leaned forward, elbows on her knees, chin propped against her palms, an utterly enraptured look on her face as the moon blotted out the sun. Things went almost eerily quiet as the phenomenon neared totality, the sky looking closer to night than midday. There was a moment of silence as the perfect, slender ring of light formed around the moon. Light and darkness, in perfect harmony. Then, there was a cheer, the celebration going from nothing to everything in just a moment. 
Maddy laughed and took the glasses off, looking in awe at everything around her. Din was sure that whatever she was seeing was beautiful but he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Her smile was wide, her eyes were bright and she looked happier than he had ever seen her. His view was better. 
“Isn’t this the most amazing thing you’ve ever seen?” She asked, looking up at the darkened sky. 
“Yes,” he said, still watching her. “It is.” 
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raayllum · 1 year
decided i’d toss my own “tdp soundtrack title predictions” hat into the ring, given that i haven’t gotten to one of these since S3 aired, and damn the nostalgia
full track list here with S4 seemingly being from 1-28, and S5 from 29-62. also not going to be talking about every track as some (“rescue at the great bookery” and “threate in the forest” for ex) seem pretty self explanatory, and with that all out of the way, let’s get into it
31. I Haven’t Forgotten (3:41) — Could easily see this being an early Viren and/or Aaravos focused scene, as Aaravos holding a grudge kinda necessitates having a good ass memory - maybe even something that relates to Zubeia as well, since she’s ancient in her own way and is clearly gonna have her own role to play this season.
32. Seeking Answers (3:05) — Likely in 5x01 with the group returning to Katolis, perhaps centred on Callum and Rayla individually well, seeking answers. For Rayla, this could mean looking into the dungeons about her family and finding Runaan’s bow. We also get Rayla’s voice over (and clip) that appears to be her in Ezran’s old room in the S5 trailer asking “How do we kill a Startouch elf?” so that and/or answers about Aaravos’ prison may be what they go to Lux Aurea to, well, seek. 
34. My Most Eager Student (4:58) — First Viren and Kpp’Ar conversation (which the implication he had more than one student if that’s the case?? Fascinating) perhaps, or Aaravos reflecting on Claudia, as it seems she will fully be stepping into her own as Aaravos’ protege this season
35. Keep Moving (3:01) — Terry and Claudia, since Viren won’t wake up, realizing that they can’t wait any longer and have to start moving. Maybe end of 5x01 or 5x02?
39. In Your Dreams (1:55) — Callum and/or Viren and/or Zubeia having dreams/nightmares regarding their respective fears?
40. A Familiar Warning (2:04) — Karim and Sol Regem, maybe, beginning to barter, or a warning from Kpp’Ar that Viren disregarded, cutting to the present day with Terry giving the same one to Claudia that she likewise ignores?
42. Stay Safe (2:17) — Some sort of temporary farewell between Amaya and Janai (splitting up library things?) or Claudia and Terry (leading to her getting attacked by the water dragon?) or Ezran (+ Zym) briefly splitting up from his crownguard 
43. Father and Daughter (1:37) — Claudia and Viren most likely, maybe one of the flashbacks to when Soren was sick and how Claudia was introduced to dark magic as a Fix it solution. “I love you Daddy” out of context spoiler?
44. Like Aunt, Like Nephew (2:46) — A conversation between Amaya and Callum or Janai and Rayla about Amaya and Callum, probably. Could be either their good, protective natures, their hair, or their tendency to make some dark humoured off colour jokes
45. We Can Help Them (2:26) — Rayla telling Callum about the coins, and him offering to help and/or Karim being determined that he can still reverse the corrupted core and save the zombiefied elves. If we do get a flashback to Aaravos’ younger years, I could also see him having this viewpoint about humanity (however ‘true’ it is).
50. Times Are Changing (2:21) — Relations between humans and elves in New Aurea / human-dragon Zubeia and Ezran related stuff? This could also be closer to when the Dragang reunite and put the pieces together. Callum and Rayla with whatever they learned about (murdering?) Startouch elves and Ezran with what was gleaned from Evenere (probably the location of Aaravos’ prison, if Callum & co. can decipher the riddle/poem verses)
51. Blood Moon Rises (1:30) — Karim bartering with Kim’Dael, or her showing up of her own accord. Currently leaning toward Rayla and Kim’Dael perhaps not running into each other this season, but if Amaya and Janai bear witness/survive her villainy, Rayla would surely remember and be able to piece it together based on description, leading to a confrontation later
52. If You Kill Me Now (1:59) — Aaravos versus Archdragon confrontations / Viren demanding answers from Aaravos / Kim’Dael and Karim? Janai? / Callum and Rayla possession conversation callback. Either way, delicious, and speaks to the prevalence of murder in this damn children’s show
53. The Wounded Return (2:13) — A failed attempt to take back the corrupted core in Lux Aurea? Or speaks to the idea of “a festering wound” (out of context spoiler). If the kids have had their pirate escapade, this could also be related to the injuries we see Callum sustain in the trailer, which would make sense if anyone else had been hurt as well (hence, plural wounded) 
54. To Kill an Archdragon (3:03) — Lore on Luna Tenebris’ death (or something we don’t know about Avizandum’s) or a threat on Zubeia’s life. If Sol Regem has been corrupted by the corrupted core or is just threatening Janai’s reign, figuring out how to stop him will also be crucial 
55. Not Yours to Give (4:50) — Been wondering if Karim would even be able to free Kim’Dael, since he’s not the proper heir, and Aditi herself said that the magic was a kind “that takes”. This could also be an Aaravos related flashback since he ‘gave’ humanity something they ‘shouldn’t have’ — whether it was related to primal magic alongside the unicorns, or was the discovery / inclination towards dark magic, we’ll have to see. Could be Viren curing Soren and/or Callum ‘giving’ the Moon fam freedom (but again, have to see). Looking at the “gift giving” motif real meaningfully
56. Deadwood Deserves Dignity (3:03) — If a pirate dies or an according ship is ruined? ‘Deadwood’ isn’t a place in Xadia and sounds like a very pirate-y, seafaring moniker to me
62. Tomorrow the Sun Will Rise (3:07) — So I’ve said before that nothing good ever really happens at dawn/sunrise in this show (Sarai and the queens of Duren dying, Callum’s possession, etc) and I don’t think this is an exception. Karim cites that “This empire is ending, that the rising sun is now a falling star!” so if he’s taken over the kingdom by this point, his tendency to metaphoric language would make sense. A rising sun is also mentioned in Aaravos’ short story, Ripples, following a world changing transformation: “The humans huddled together, scarcely daring to breathe, awaiting the rise of the sun. And when the long, dark night had finally passed—for the sun must always rise, mustn’t it?—they gazed out upon an unfamiliar landscape.” Which also bodes well for predictions that Aaravos will be fully released by the end of S5 as well. 
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anthurak · 1 year
So at this point I am really expecting/hoping that we get a true ‘second-season’/full-50-episodes of Witch From Mercury. Because right now I just don’t see how the show can wrap up in a truly meaningful/satisfying manner in just four/five more episodes.
Now yes, the plot of the show could be conceivably wrapped up in that time; if we see Prospera finally reveal her big evil plan next episode, we might be able to see Suletta get her meaningful resolution, reunite/reconcile with Miorine and Aerial, and have a big final conflict against Prospera without things feeling too rushed.
But in terms of character/relationship arcs and broader narrative themes, no I simply do NOT think we have enough time left this season to explore and resolve those in an actually satisfying way.
To use G-Witch’s main relationship as an example; while we do have enough time for Suletta and Miorine to reunite and have a big love confession on a surface-level, I don’t believe we have enough time to show these two fully reconciling in a satisfying manner. Miorine lied to Suletta, she HURT Suletta, all in a horribly misguided attempt to keep Suletta safe. Suletta and Miorine reuniting and having a big love confession should really only be the START of the process of repairing their relationship, not the end. Given the care and nuance with which the show has explored Suletta’s and Miorine’s relationship up to now, I frankly can’t imagine them concluding their arc with some basic ‘they said I-love-you and had a big-damn-kiss so everything is fine now’ routine. Now sure, I can imagine (and frankly HOPE) those things happening, it’s just that Suletta and Miorine also need TIME to really repair their relationship and the show to explore that. Something I think the show can only do with a full second season.
And basically everything I just said ALSO applies to Suletta and Aerial. Because Aerial lied to and HURT Suletta just as much as Miorine did and for basically the same exact reasons. So I have to imagine the show needs time for Suletta and her sister to really repair their relationship as well. Again, given how the show has both explored its relationships and provided a deconstructive lens to typical relationship tropes, I can’t imagine it would wrap up this arc and conflict so easily.
THEN there are the broader narrative themes the show has brought up. For example, the theme of the death of childhood innocence and naiveté explored not just through Suletta and Miorine, but also through Guel, Shaddiq, Elan 5 and effectively EVERY kid-character in the show. Particularly after this latest episode, I simply do not see how the show can really explore the fallout from this event and its effect on these characters in just another four/five episodes. It’s the sort of thing that really needs TIME, both screen-time and in-universe time, for our characters to recognize and come to grips with.
Or just think about the conflict with Earth and everything that’s been setup there. Do you really think the show can resolve that in just a few episodes? What we saw last week really feels like only the START of a long-brewing conflict between the people of Earth and Space. Something that is NOT going to be resolved simply by stopping whatever evil scheme Prospera is doing. This really feels like the setup for a conflict next season, rather than something to be actually resolved this season.
And speaking of shitty parents, remember Delling? Dude’s been in a coma for literally the entire season. At this point, even if he were to wake up next episode, it’s hard to imagine there being enough time for him to do much more than have like one meaningful conversation with Miorine and then get killed off in dramatic, redemptive fashion as some ‘he was complicated but he always loved you’ bit. Which I think we can all agree would be MASSIVELY unsatisfying as a conclusion to Miorine’s conflict with her father.
Finally, just look at everything on this list, plus a bunch more I wasn’t able to cover, and ask yourself: How the hell is the show supposed to resolve even half of this in a satisfying manner over the course of, at most, FIVE EPISODES? Simply put, I firmly believe the writers have set up plot and character points that can only be resolved in a true following season after this one.
Now that’s not to say I don’t think there won’t be any resolution by the end of this season. Rather, I think we’ll be resolving a few key conflicts set up this season while still leaving a lot for what’s to come. Like I definitely expect(/hope) we’ll see Suletta and Miorine reunite, plus Aerial as well, and get some kind of reconciliation/love-confession, but again something that is clearly only the start of them repairing their relationship.
And the same thing goes with the other main characters like Guel, Shaddiq, Elan 5 and the members of Earth House. They’ll reach some form of resolution, but one that sets them on an arc for the rest of the series. Like maybe Guel has a massive blow up with his brother that may end with Lauda dead and Guel forced to take over the company. Maybe El5n kills and replaces Elan Prime and seizes control of Piel Tech. Maybe Shaddiq manages to escape and begin to establish himself as the head of a full-on Anti-Spacian rebellion. And there of course there is whatever Prospera is plotting.
As I’ve stated in a previous post, I’m starting to think we’re headed for an end of Gundam 00’s first season situation. We definitely seem to be headed to a situation wherein the Benerit Group is dissolved/broken-up/destroyed in a similar situation to what happens with Celestial Being, both at the hands of Government forces. And it seems that, just like Ribbons Almark in 00, Prospera is manipulating these events for her own ends. Meaning that I think we’re likely to see Asticassia attacked and outright destroyed at the end of the season, with Suletta, Miorine and Aerial only barely escaping with their lives and the fates of their friends unknown. Leading us into a whole new status quo for the following season.
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mdhwrites · 6 months
Fire Trailblazer is Slept on Too Hard
Since I got him, he has been a permanent part of my team. Literally only Skaracabaz has ever convinced me to take him out. He was my sole sustainer until Phantylia, at which point I rocked dual sustainers with him and Bailu and I have cleared up to Conundrum 6 of Gold and Gears with him as my SOLE sustainer running Nihility.
And very reasonably you might ask "HOW THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT!?"
They (and sorry that I'll likely use He a lot in this, I have Caelus) don't look impressive. They don't even look functional! A LOT of people have stories of what is supposed to be their showcase fight leaving only them alive to fight the Phase 2 of Jarilo 6's boss specifically because he couldn't keep them alive. So what gives? Do I just have the most cracked out Trailblazer on the planet with literally as high defense as you can get it?
No, I just have the defense set on and the Belobog Planar Ornaments on. I have okay defense substats but when I put together the set, I wasn't paying hard attention to substats and haven't grinded the set since. I admittedly have even defense boots on him so quite literally EVERYTHING gives him defense besides his gloves but that's it.
The thing that needs to be remembered about the role of sustainer, especially for preservation is that their job isn't to make sure you take no damage, it's about keeping you alive. Fire Trailblazer does that. Even if you're taking chip damage each round on your characters, he's still reducing the damage they're taking by roughly 10-20% of their health for most characters in the game. After all, max level of his ability might only be a bit over 6% of his defense but 6% of FIVE THOUSAND DEFENSE is still over 300, plus another 89 base on top. That's 400+ shield in a game where most characters have less than 4000 health at level 80, even when fully equipped, if not almost 3000. And the game's damage understands this, keeping damage a lot lower than you expect in most scenarios so that your DPSes in main content don't just crumple up and die from a light breeze. This gives them the extra buffer those DPSes need to stay alive A LOT longer.
And that's without recognizing two elements:
1: He has an emergency button for if aggro gets off of him and your DPS is getting hammered. His ultimate not only deals not an insignificant amount of damage (his damage scales off that giant defense stat after all) but also reups his shield because
2: Literally every action he takes gives you his shield. You don't need to spend skill points to get this buffer. If you do use his skill, not only is his defense already super high but he takes 50% less damage than he'd already be taking while giving a 15% damage reduction to your allies for those pesky AoE attacks. Which...
Let's admit one of the biggest issues for him: He doesn't have a natural taunt, he only has his skill. Admittedly, Preservation characters inherently pull more Aggro inherently but you DO want a Landau's Choice or Moment of Victory on him. I went from sometimes everyone ganging up on my DPSes and causing problems despite the party wide shield to that being a LOW chance of happening after getting Moment of Victory on him. But that only happened for me maybe two months ago. Slightly before Scaracabaz came out. I still used him before then because any defense Preservation LC works and I literally didn't get Landau's Choice until like maybe a month ago. My luck in this game is not good.
The other big detriment for him is that he is slow and his shield only lasts two turns. This is okay usually but it easily can leave your party open to the first attacks from the enemies (then again, there are enemies with 140 speed and so will outspeed most DPSes with their speed boots on so good luck stopping that damage with anyone) and there can be times where because your other characters lap him, they may briefly be without shields, especially if you don't hold back on his ultimate to be able to cover those blind spots. And the defense aren't insignificant. They give me 600 defense. Sure that's like 40 points of shielding but you are barely keeping your shields on people after an attack already. It can be daunting to want to swap out for that speed even if it means more consistent defense. But if you want speed boots on him with some good defense substats to help make up for what you're losing, it's the ONLY variable relic he has that has more than one substat you care about. Heck, his chest, rope, boots and orb could all be dedicated to getting speed substats if you wanted because they can't get the ONE substat he cares about otherwise which is Defense%. Unless you want to go Energy Regen Rope which is an interesting idea that I wouldn't go for personally but that's because I use his ult as a panic button.
I've saved his best role for last though, and frankly want to do a couple blogs about this game mode: He is the best sustainer in Simulated Universe. Aventurine is the only who is going to rival him in this and you get Fire Trailblazer for free.
That might sound even more insane than the rest of these claims but it's actually really simple. Shields are a lot harder to come by than healing in Simulated Universe. Literally only Preservation and Remembrance don't have a way to give you back health in their blessings. The only ones with any form of shield though are Preservation, Remembrance, Destruction and now Erudition. Erudition's requires using its keyword though so it's not easy to pull off while funny enough, the only one who can't heal in combat with a healing blessing they have without their keyword is Abundance. There's also only one relic that gives health during combat... But zero that give shields.
And hey, the way to get shields in these paths isn't consistent. The ONLY consistent shields (especially ones that are worth a damn) for multiple rounds in Preservation, the shield path, is a level 2 blessing that has an 80%/100% chance to give a 12%/15% shield, usually weaker than Trailblazer's already, and a level 3 blessing that gives its stackable shield. Meanwhile, the blessings that heal? Most of them are level 1 blessings with a couple stronger level 2s. Some paths like Hunt even get more options for healing once you have their keyword. That healing can turn on Abundance's blessings but you're going to hard pressed to enable Preservation through blessings alone.
Which is a kind of a big deal when one of the level 1 Preservation blessings just gives a flat damage decrease of 16/24% damage which is a LOT for the only requirement being that you have a shield on. Preservation in general has a lot of strong blessings that can be utilized by any other path, not just when you're focusing Preservation... So long as you have a shielder.
And Fire Trailblazer doesn't even stop there as his offensive ult makes him able to take advantage of some fringe elements like ANYTHING in Erudition and being able to be given a follow up attack from Elation. All while giving a shield that makes sure that your characters aren't one shot. Hell, I run dual sustainer a lot of the time with Bailu as backup and those teams literally HAVE to be oneshot to die at that point most of the time. I don't know if I've ever lost an SU run with those two as my sustainers.
So yeah, I REALLY like Fire Trailblazer. It'll be hard for any other version of trailblazer to be better than them in my opinion, especially as a free character. Aventurine after all is the one I said could dethrone him as the best sustainer in SU after all and he's a limited five star. The fact that no one else in my opinion has beat him yet is kind of a big deal. I won't say he's the best sustainer everywhere, Huohuo kicks ass and Luocha is honestly so mechanically perfect as to be a mistake, but there's a reason I haven't pulled on another sustainer's banner yet.
I already have one that has almost never let me down.
Frankly, I could try to use Fire Trailblazer against Scarakabaz at this point. His death balls just kind of spooked me with their damage and so I actually swapped to running Bailu and Gepard for the fight so that essentially I could ult for ult his explosions. It's not a fast way to do the fight but it got me through it, even with Welt and Yanqing as my two DPSes otherwise.
And I am serious about wanting to talk more about SU stuff. I saw a comment of someone going "I can clear Memory of Chaos 12 but can't beat Swarm Disaster 5" and that has gnawed at me because it's a skill issue but a reasonable skill issue because not everyone is good at roguelikes. It's just that talking about that has so many facets it's probably going to be multiple blogs interlinked to each other because just general advice/rules I have on the mode would be LONG.
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I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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mintytealfox · 11 months
Hellooooo, its me again uwu.
A bring more Nortalice/Alicenort content! This time its AU releated stuff! Hope that is alright
-Modern AU, they are like Shaun and Ryan from Buzzfeed Unsolved with a mix of Nancy Drew and Scooby Doo thrown in. Lots of hijinks and breaking into restricted and or forbidden areas. Sometimes they are actually solving cases, other times they broke into a gas station left to rot from the 1980s because Alice swears she saw something in there and it results with Norton rushing Alice to the doctors because she ate expired Cosmic Brownies. Not like Norton will complain, because him and Alice agreed on 50/50 on the money that comes from the cases and beats working his dead end job.
-Fantasy AU, Norton is the king of the demon realm, and Alice is the queen of Paradis (the one seen in LG and Orpheus's essences). Their kingdoms have tension with each other. Orpheus the Novelist urges war while Nightmare (yes they are two separate people). Alice however is like "Nah, imma talk to the king" and goes to the demon realm, so the two can work on some sort of peace treaty. Nonsense ensues and the two slowly fall in love, it ending with Norton asking for Alice's hang in marriage, which at first she thinks its so their kingdoms dont fight and his response being "...no you dumbass i love you. Thats why im asking to marry me"
Oletus Manor Doesnt Happen AU, aka what if Norton and Alice never went to the manor but still met each other. Can imagine its because Alice is doing a report on Golden Caves, what happened, why it shut down and interviews Norton, the only survivor from the accident. The two just seem to click and neither know why. Norton at the start tries to use this to his own personal gain, since in his state, he knows damn good and well, he will not be able to get a job again, forcing him in poverty so he tries to butter up Alice, get close to her in the hopes maybe he can marry into money. Alice also tries to use this connection to her advantage, hoping Norton's ties to the mining industry can give her access to more secretive information (like how they treat their workers). They do end up falling love properly though, and Alice uses the money from her family to help push Norton out of poverty and help him start a small jewelry business with the only catch being "Before you even dare spend a penny on clothes or luxurious things, I want you to spend the money I give you to go see a doctor in the chance to save yourself. I care too much about you Norton". Which in turn breaks Norton, but like a good break, like a "Holy fuck, she really does love/care about me, this wasn't an act, i wasnt dumb to let her into my life"
HELLO 🫡You're always welcome!! 🤣 AU stuff is ABSOLUTELY ALRIGHT 👏👏👏
LOOOL I saw Shane and Ryan and 80s and my brain went STRANGER THINGS LOL Like it starts as Norton: 'lol ghost hunting, those aren't real at least these people are paying' while Alice: 'ghost hunting, can you imagine the stories ghosts could tell if they could speak easily?? How thrilling!' But it turns into running for their lives LOL followed by eating expired cosmic brownies like nothing happened but they are all covered in dirt and grime and trauma LOL
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OH F A N T A S Y A U S are ALWAYS BANGERS IN MY EYES AAAAHHH YEESS! Gives me strong Persephone and Hades vibes and that has me SO HYPE OH MY GOOOSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! AND This reminds me of the theory I saw who knows where by this point lol but it was about the one Alice skin 'Eternity' and FG's skin 'Infernal Sin' and it went something like him being the dragon of the apocalypse to deal out the punishments that Eternity laid out. Something like that, I wish I could remember it cause it was dope as hell LOL
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10000000% using each other until Alice falls first and Norton falls HARDER MUAHHAHAHA Recently my brain keeps going to the quote from 'Our Flag Means Death' and they say "you wear nice things well" and just seeing Alice saying that to Norton when he finally gets to get all dressed up for something and him like 'oh woah' but the magic fading pretty quick at the realization, 'this is not comfy at all' and then waiting until at the gathering to say something out of pocket like "I feel like I have a pickaxe shoved all the way, right up my--" -Alice slams her hand over his mouth- 🤣🤣🤣
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legitimatesatanspawn · 11 months
What if Beren and Luthien were genderbent?
Ooh, that's an interesting question.
Now, forewarning: this is just a bunch of theories and personal thoughts on the matter so don't take this as canon. It is rooted in what we do know of the families involved and a bit in how social structures work in the setting, but in this case it is completely me talking out of hand about this.
Names. This is a big thing to me because I love names and this will help me keep the idea separate from canon. Luthien is Quenyan for "flower-daughter" so let's go with one of the Quenyan suffixes for males… Luthion sounds good if a bit too on the nose. Another option for flower are Lot/Loth from Ninquelótë, Númellótë, and Vingilot. So Lótëmon? Now Beren was named after his maternal grandfather, but since I don't know his grandmother's name we'll go up the tree for his great-grandmother Adanel. I'm guessing his mother Emeldir got naming rights to go with Beren instead of him getting named after Bregor. Admittedly Lotemon and Adanel might not roll off as easily as Luthien and Beren but they work for this post.
Brief Discussion of Upbringing: Beren and Luthien Beren, or Adanel now as this will be easier. While Artanis (or Galadriel as we know her) is the biggest Noldorian female who stands out in my memory with the next one being Nerdanel who was the wife of Feanor who deserves her own loredump post, the laws of succession in Numenor which in turn are basically spread to the civilizations of Man to varying degrees in the known lands of Middle Earth are cribbed off of those of the Noldor. Which is why I'm bringing two Noldor elves up here. Basically titles go paternally to the nearest male descendant although in the case of a female eldest child she still receives family heirlooms as her birthright. (Doesn't make up for it but whatever.) Although I do remember there being a case where there were several older daughters onto whom one of the Numenorian kings tried to pass the title to but their grandmother spooked them like some grammas tend to do, so they refused and the title went to their younger brother. Now here's the fun bit: Beren's mother (much like Luthien's Melian) Emeldir is a BAMF. Her name and her title both basically were "the man-hearted woman". So Emeldir without doubt kicked ass, lived to at least 50 going by the events surrounding Dagor Bragollach (the Battle of Sudden Flame), and I like to think she raised Beren to understand important stuff like consent and a refusal being just that. So while I think that "Adanel" would be treated just as Beren would, she wouldn't get exactly the same equal treatment. But given her mother, her father would likely try anyway. So Beren's life as a woman would be largely unchanged. Luthien, or as she'll be here "Lótëmon", is still the only child of Thingol and Melian. Still half-maia, still likely beautiful and fairer beyond everything. Still probably has a thing for tall, broad shouldered, and golden-brown half-feral people spotted in the forest. Maybe a little more leeway when it comes to things and hopefully not kidnapped (which would mean no Huan) but considering he'll still be Beautiful and how beauty is often coveted in the setting… I suspect that "Lotemon" will also live largely the same life.
Quest and Future Rather than demanding the Silmaril as the brideprice, perhaps it is instead just a proof of strength or resoluteness or something. Again, Thingol would've probably thought Beren/"Adanel" would actually be able to do it but the sheer balls to go through with it and return with that damn bold claim of it being indeed still in hand when they return… The knockoff effects for the future will be different though. Luthien and Beren's story was fairly unusual and set the stage for an elf choosing a mortal, and a mortal pursing something dangerous in the name of love. A man may be viewed as brave in some societies/civilizations by their fellow men while a woman instead deemed foolish for the same actions which is disgusting but there it is. A woman using beauty to bewitch her enemies would be 'sexy' while a man doing the same would be different and perhaps seen as underhanded. Although it would be one of the goodside counterparts to Sauron's wiles and paint the idea that cleverness such as that is not always in service of selfish cruelty. It's possible that instead of singing of Luthien's beauty they'd be singing of "Lotemon" and his cunning. There's also some slightly different implications of the mortal woman dying and waiting for her love who when he joins her has to fight for the right for them to stay together in death or in life. This also means that Thingol taking in Turin would have a few more connotations of replacing his lost son instead of caring for a second child who is different from his daughter. So maybe Turin would be even more eager to run out to fight since he doesn't want to be seen as a pale shadow to "Lotemon".
TLDR Different names, slightly different upbringings, somewhat different after effects, but since the Song is a thing and the Silmarils are still a big big thing with the characters then the story would likely stay largely the same.
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jetmanjay · 1 year
Oops, I’ve been having to do math. I want character and BIOMECH creation to be an involved process in this TTRPG, and with that comes math, my mortal enemy (I’m sure I’ll hate it more when balancing things further). I figured we could look at The Manufacturers again and see how some of the math adds up so you can see some of the ideas I’m having.
BIOMECH is going to be a d100 system, with a few things I’m gonna keep in my pocket for now. You may have noticed there are only 3 of the 6 manufacturers in this post, that’s cause the other 3 have some special things that I have decided to not reveal yet. They get more complicated or have special alterations.
Anyway, behold:
BIOUNION ltd.: One of the older BIOMECH companies, BIOUNION runs on old money, and even older alliances with factions. BIOUNION is known for heavily armored and slower BIOMECHS compared to the competition. Rather than relying on cutting edge tech, they tend to use older and more reliable parts.
Base Stats: Might: 70 +1/4 Pilot stat
Agility: 50 +1/4 Pilot stat Resolve: 40 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Wit: Same as Pilot
Speech: Same as Pilot Blood: 18 +1/4 of Pilot’s Blood
System: 10 +1/4 of Pilot’s System
Dodge: 5 +1/2 Pilot’s Dodge
X-37 Armory: A BIOMECH company that specializes in heavy weaponry. X-37 relies on larger kinetic weapons, with energy weapons being a secondary in most cases. Though they can be easily modified to use most weapon systems and are known for being highly adaptable on that front.
Base Stats: Might: 50 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Agility: 70 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Resolve: 40 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Wit: Same as Pilot
Speech: Same as Pilot Blood: 13 +1/4 of Pilot’s Blood
System: 10 +1/4 of Pilot’s System Dodge: 7 +1/2 Pilot’s Dodge
Corvus Assembly: Known for their hi-tech systems, Corvus’ BIOMECHS are more expensive as they have less flesh and blood than the ordinary BIOMECH, and have a more unusual construction. Most are outfitted with cutting edge tech, but tend to be lighter and rely on preventing taking a hit rather than being able to stand up to one. Base Stats: Might: 30 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Agility: 60 +1/4 Pilot stat Resolve: 70 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Wit: Same as Pilot
Speech: Same as Pilot Blood: 8 +1/4 of Pilot’s Blood
System: 18 +1/4 of Pilot’s System Dodge: 6 +1/2 Pilot’s Dodge
But Jay, how do I roll stats? I worked on that too, reader. Don’t you worry
 Rolling stats goes as follows:
For each base stat: roll 4d6, remove the lowest die from the roll, and then multiply the remaining value by 5. Do this a total of 5 times (one for each base stat). Example: PLAYER rolls 1, 4, 5, 5. Remove the 1 from the pool, the current total is 14. Multiply this by 5, it equals 70. You can now assign this number to one of your stats (might, agility, resolve, wit, or speech).
Blood: Your Species’ base Blood stat, add 1/5 of your Might stat to your total Blood pool for your pilot.
System: Your Species' base System stat, add 1/5 of your Resolve stat to your total System pool for your pilot.
HEAT: At time of writing, each BIOMECH has a HEAT meter that goes from 0-9. There is no variance on this stat. 
Dodge: 1/10 of Agility stat. Subtract this from attack rolls targeting the user. This does not apply if the targeted user is prone, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to move.
And that’s only part of the rough draft math I’ve done, I don’t want to give it all out before I finish. My queer ass can only handle trying to balance so much math at once, so I’m going to attempt to have combat be more straightforward and less complex than character creation (and I’m not 100% done with character creation either). Please remember that this is all a rough draft and subject to change as I continue. This could look completely different by the time I roll out the final result, or even a more public test (if that happens).
I’m doing a post with less math next time. Happy Pride.
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