#i remember why i wasn't rping on tumblr
caelumangeli · 9 months
I'm gonna throw hands. What happened to being able to write and enjoy writing different types of fiction with people who ALSO clearly enjoy writing things?? You can aknowledge toxic behavior and not support it or be down for it and still include it in fiction for you know. Entertainment and story telling purposes. Even then. What happened to blocking content you don't like or people who talk to you in ways you don't like and shit and continueing on.
why are people who enjoy or like writing villains or morally ambiguous characters such subject of attack by people. You don't have to like that content. no one is shoving it down your throat and forcing you to read or interact.
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ominous-feychild · 2 months
✦ Writer Questionnaire 2 ✦
Thanks for the tag, @the-golden-comet! (And @the-letterbox-archives tagging me when I was almost done here, haha)
Heads-up! Long post!
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How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr? A fast and loose estimate is fine!
Two months ago to the date actually??? Or, at least, that's when I first uploaded a story here. My first actual Writeblr post was me hopping in on an open tag on the 6th of June, haha. I thought it was just a month, but looks like the summer's gone by in a flash! 😭
What led you to create it?
So, I'm a writer on Tapas! I'd been attempting to social network on other social medias (twitter and bluesky) but wasn't getting anywhere, didn't like the general formats, and uh... I'm sure I don't have to explain why I don't want to touch Twitter with a 10-foot-pole anymore. Let's just say, if you haven't seen, it's just as bad as (if not worse than) everyone says. Anyhow, I'd seen lots of Tumblr short stories on other platforms and started investigating what it's like here. Didn't know what "Writeblr" was or that it even existed, but eventually stumbled into the field after posting my short story. Thanks, @darkandstormydolls! ❤️
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
How supportive everyone is??? Like omg you guys are so sweet, idk how to take it. Also I love seeing how much passion everyone else has for their writing, haha.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
Uhhhh, I think I'm pretty open about the things I'd like people to know about me, haha. I never mean to offend, so if I accidentally say something wrong, please tell me! I'm autistic and very dumb.
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
I'm ngl I keep meaning to build out my followed tags for my fandoms, haha. The only fandoms I really see things for are TMAGP (10/10, TMA is my obsession. I am obsessed. It is one of my Special Interests and I love it with all my heart) and House of the Dragon??? Except I'm not even a fan of HotD??? So that's kinda annoying, haha. (Aka, my fandom stuff, but that's on me.)
WIP it Good
Which Works-in-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Rising From the Ashes, tragically. (Because it's one of the LAST things I should be working on right now, haha.) Otherwise, I'm of course always obsessed with the Arcane Rifts. Then I force myself to be obsessed with Sun and Shadow, though it's slowly growing on me, haha.
How long have you been working on them?
Haha, so I've historically jumped around a lot in working on different things, so these are approximate guesstimations!
Rising From the Ashes has likely had 3 or 4 years put into it/the characters. If you include the Calamity Crew (which overlaps with it in the timeline and originally ended up merging with the cast of RFtA), I'd say definitely 4 years!
The Arcane Rifts has had 5 years put into it.
Sun and Shadow is very new; I'd say it probably only has about 4 months of work in it? It's part of why I'm less interested in it, haha. Less I've put into it and less I'm attached to.
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
Oh... oh dear. How could you ask me this??? 😭😭😭
Rising From the Ashes has existed since, I think, 2016. It started (tragically) as an RP starter on Google+. I wish I was kidding.
To those unaware of how it worked in that space (and likely similar ones to this day), you'd post a starter and people would join in with their own characters. 99% of the time, they'd drop out before long. However, I'd work out details of the characters in the process and carry that info over into the worldbuilding. I eventually stopped RPing with the masses and settled down with a single "partner" who I'll call Kris.
She's the one who stole my docs.
The Arcane Rifts technically originated as another RP starter? It never got attention, though, and instead my ideas for it simply carried over into the worldbuilding in general.
One of the characters of the original starter was important in the worldbuilding. It was not a character you see in the early books of tAR, though, so don't bother trying to figure it out. But, since he was so important, his origins were also important.
The Arcane Rifts started in 2019, as I wanted to make a story building out said character's origins. It was originally going to be a duology, the first book being Gene's backstory and the second being how Gene and The Other Guy's lives intertwined. (No, they were not gay for each other! 😂) It's since changed a lot, and focuses basically exclusively on Gene, haha. The last book in the series will probably be focused on the other character, though!
Sun and Shadow started for a romance novel competition on Tapas which has since ended. I didn't get to finish it in time for a lot of reasons, but I primarily cite stress and exhaustion from working full time at a physically-intensive job. It grew shockingly quickly and I had some fans donate to me related to it, so I'm kinda forced to work on it, haha. Dw--I like it! It's just harder to work on for a number of reasons, haha.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
Tragic, the questions you're asking me--
It depends, haha. I'm autistic and hyperfixate a lot. Also, for one, that's a suuuuuper vague question??? Like what do you mean "how much time"--how much time within the day? How often in general? Idk, man, haha.
I think about the Arcane Rifts a LOT!
I've put an incredible amount of time and effort into it, and I'm in love with 90% of the characters there. Even the background characters have had a lot of work put into them, getting relatively fleshed-out backstories to make their motives understandable (even if not agreeable!), and I love them all so much, haha.
Except Katerina. She's a bitch.
I also think about Rising From the Ashes a good amount, and it's invaded my brain again lately, haha.
I took a step away from RFtA and basically all of my other stories late 2021 when Kris (my ex-writing partner) and I had a falling out. It was incredibly difficult for me emotionally to look at anything I worked with her on, and obviously RFtA was a huge one (actually, tAR was the only thing of my early works she had nothing to do with). Since early this year, I've finally been able to work on it again and it's been incredibly fun removing her stuff, actually!
I think all that is a good part of why I keep randomly getting obsessed with it again, haha. It's like looking at old friends (the characters, not Kris) and being all "omg??? I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN FOREVER??? PLEASE TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU'VE BEEN UP TO!!!" except it's removing Kris's stuff, haha.
I think about Sun and Shadow a lot more than you might expect with how much I talk about not preferring it, haha. I love the characters! Crow and, actually, Valyarus especially. They're both super interesting characters, and I'll randomly find my brain working out scenes between characters interacting with them.
(The problem with SaS is that, as a book, it's incredibly different from my usual works. It's a small cast of Frey/Crow and technically Daleira, while most of my stories focus on larger casts. It makes for a VERY different experience, and so it's a lot harder to work on)
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
Actually, I've got a ready answer for this one! Until SaS, I was dedicating my time to the Arcane Rifts and had prepared the answer:
Percy Jackson meets Lord of the Rings in a steampunk fantasy world full of ✨mysteries waiting to be uncovered✨
(I'd say the "mysteries waiting to be uncovered" part ironically/accidentally mockingly most of the time, whoops, haha. I always feel awkward advertising my works.)
It was awkward when people would get actually interested in it from there and ask more questions, haha.
To clarify: that's my tagline for the Arcane Rifts! The story has gods and demigods messing with mortals, using them as their playthings and being REALLY immature babies because they don't really face consequences for their actions like PJ. Then, it's a lot more "grounded yet fantastical" like LotR, where magic is kinda infused with reality and yet you still have issues like starving to death and whatnot.
Let’s Rotate Blorbos
Name any characters you created.  Side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you’d like!
Try this for a taste! These are just the guys I've gotten colors for!
Freya, Crow, Daleira, Valyarus, Grimnir, Soren, Gene, Tazin, Mislav, Adilzhan, Ludmila, Rada, Caspar, Nikolai, Gennadi, Oska, Rieka, Liesel, Carmin, Nora, Sammy, Kieva, Caron, Varik, Elazi, Riaan, Roman, and Tiberius! (Though Tib is getting a name change sooner or later)
Who’s the most unhinged?
Unhinged in which way? There's a lot of options there, haha.
I'm going to give honorary mentions to Valyarus, Gene in the later books, Tazin, Rieka, Gennadi, and Tiberius ! (Why does it not surprise me that most unhinged characters are from tAR? 🤣 Also I swear it's a coincidence most of the unhinged characters are red.)
(... Probably.)
In general, I'd say that, incredibly ironically, the Existence of Order is the most unhinged of all my characters. She's just incredible at hiding it.
(Tbf half of the Existentials probably belong on the "unhinged" list anyway but eh. They still don't compare to Order!)
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
I'm going to give this as a tie between Gene and Sammy!
Gene has my 'tisms and just about all of my trauma, so we have a lot in common, whoops, haha. Also there's a... very specific detail about his character that makes him easier to write in general. It's just a major spoiler. 👀
Similarly and actually identically to Gene in some ways, while Sammy has a lot in common with me, he's also incredibly perceptive! (Although we don't share that fact.)
Due to the way I write, their analytical natures allow for them to spit straight facts about the worldbuilding and the people around them rather than beating around the bush, haha. Both are highly investigative, try to learn and understand everything around them, and notice small details other characters wouldn't! It makes it much easier for me to write, because uh... well here's an example of what my outlines look like.
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Long story short: I include a lot of detail which I then transfer into the POV's character narration, cutting out details which they wouldn't notice or think about, haha. In Sammy's case (which that scene has Sammy as the narrator/POV character), very little information gets cut out because he's so perceptive!
(Here, as a treat--have another example!)
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(In this scene, Nikolai is the narrator. Even the outline gets "filtered" to mirror the characters' way of thinking--like it's Nikolai himself seeing Caspar as "doll-like". The crossed-out stuff is details I most likely won't mention, but noted for myself, haha. I do the same thing if/when including details about the motives and thoughts of non-narrator characters.)
Do you ever cringe at them?
Gene and Sammy?
A B S O L U T E L Y .
Gene is a wreck in basically every way and desperately needs help (that he won't get until he meets Dimitry). As much as I love him, there's a lot of moments where you just can't help but wince and be all "shit, did you REALLY have to do/say that?"
Sammy on the other hand? He's a terrified, control freak manipulator who panics the moment he feels like he's losing control of a situation. It can be painful to watch, even if simultaneously fascinating.
How much control do you feel you have over your characters?  AKA, do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? To what degree? Are some less cooperative than others?
I explicitly go out of my way to add backstory to and develop each and every one of my characters until they "write themselves", haha.
I want my characters to feel like real people, so I do my absolute best to make them as real as possible. (That's part of why tAR is so massive...)
Special shoutout to Dimitry here, btw. Dude COMPLETELY screwed over the planned and intended from the earliest days path of the Arcane Rifts. I've mentioned before that Gene is villain-coded, yeah? Want to know why?
Because he was MEANT to be one! Then Dimitry had to come along, be the sweetest, nicest fucking person around to Gene while he was going through the worst part of his life, and keep Gene from slipping off the deep end!
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Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? And do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? For example, as Asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on AO3, etc.
I absolutely love, love, love!!! people asking questions about my characters!!! 🥰
I would absolutely prefer them as Asks sent to me, and especially would prefer if separate subjects/questions were sent in separate Asks! Like, say you were going to ask me about Gene and Dimitry. I'd rather two separate Asks, one asking for whatever you wanted to know about Gene and another for whatever you wanted to know about Dimitry, haha. However, if you wanted to ask a single question about both, that obviously is fine as a single Ask!
On writeblr engagement
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account? Do you follow ‘em as you see ‘em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? Do you follow based on WIPs, or vibes?
I definitely scope out before I follow, yes.
I choose based primarily on the personality of the person behind the blog, but the WIPs/vibes can also have an influence on my decision, haha. I'd rather follow people with kind/supportive personalities, and I'll eventually start liking their stories even if they're not initially my thing!
What makes you decide against following?
Bigotry. Moment I see it, I'm on the lookout for even the slightest hint of more and, if I see it, I'm OUT!
(That includes things like: homophobia, transphobia, TERFs, ableism, racism, xenophobia, etc.)
Also, while I include angst in my stories, the people who are big on "I have nothing but bad stuff in my writing and I'm proud" are, uh... not on my "follow" list. While they can write what they want and enjoy it, grimdark is not my thing. Angst is best in moderation and I very purposely control the amount of it in my life.
(Also Kris's--my ex writing partner's--obsession with "grimdark-ness" is a good part of why I'm so ecstatic to remove her stuff from my writing. Yes, I've tried it. For years. I hated it. Please and thank you. Also note that I proudly call myself an evil writer, so it's not like I don't love angst, it's just--moderation. Seriously.)
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
Yes! I think a good 50-30% of my interactions are with non-moots, haha. I go out of my way to try to support my moots, but I'll definitely share support with anything that catches my attention, no matter who it's from!
To be fair, though, I think a majority of non-moots I interact with are on my mental "probably going to follow soon" list. I can be slow to make decisions, haha. It doesn't help that I try being active with my moots, so I'm trying to avoid growing that list too quickly!
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
Haha, depends what you mean by that? My brain is definitely too full of my own characters to have any space for anyone else's, but I definitely do think of others' characters at times! There's plenty of y'alls characters I really like, haha.
Just... omg, my hyperfixated AuDHD brain refuses to focus on anything except for the Hyperfixation of the Moment™.
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This was a huge one! Hopefully I'm not screaming into the void with this one, or you guys enjoy finding out more about me and my WIPs.
If you're curious about the reason this is labeled Writer Questionnaire 2... well guess what!
Tagging (gently! This is a lot, haha): @honeybewrites @yourpenpaldee @paeliae-occasionally @mysticstarlightduck @illarian-rambling @.darkandstormydolls (tagged you earlier in the post haha) + open tags!
Divider from @cafekitsune!
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rosegoldscarlet · 4 months
God this is long, oops.
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Okay, I've sat down in front of my computer now. So, I think there are a lot of people here who remember when I first joined. Oh, hold on.
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Ah, that's much better. It's nice to go back to an old face. Anyway I'm Sev, and let me tell you about how I started RP, how it's impacted me, and why I'm still writing Sakuya.
I first got into the RP scene because of my now long-time best friend @cruentusscarlet (Now her name is Neo). At the time, we had only just met a few months earlier. When we first met, I was super new to Touhou. Eventually, I found out about Tumblr RP from her and started spectating her blogs.
The two blogs that caught my eye the most were her Remilia Scarlet and Parsee Mizuhashi blogs. Eventually, I got motivated to try RP too. I hadn't roleplayed anything since I was a kid, so it was relatively new ground for me. I think I should count myself lucky that I had her blessing because she was so well known in the THRPC at the time, so it definitely made it easier to slide in.
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My first RP blog ever was one for Sakuya Izayoi @clock-corpse created on July 10, 2019. I was 21 years old at the time and completely obsessed with her and Remilia.
Other RP blogs I've ran in the past include Yukari, Reimu, Aunn, Futo, Mai/Satono, Yuuka, Saki, Murasa, Ruby Rose, and Edelgard Von Hresvelg.
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Now, I going to be honest with you people. I look back at my Sakuya years and kind of wince a little. It was very obvious that I was just gaining my sea legs in this hobby to the point where it was a little awkward.
The way I presented myself was basically a grump. I was super edgy, liked to write about blood and gore, make crude violent jokes, and was kind of a hard ass... Okay maybe some or all of those things are still true to an extent, but it still made me cringe.
That's not to say that I didn't enjoy those years though. No, I loved my time RPing as Sakuya because of the people I got to meet. I made some friends, made a few people angry, and got to witness a bunch of events both pre-planned and sudden surrounding the community and the people in it.
My personal life was in a weird and depressing era back when I first started RPing Sakuya, but looking back on it, it makes me happy to see how much I and other people have grown since then. Not just as creatives, but also as people. I've made some really good friends just from joining this community and participating in a silly little hobby. I think that sentiment is why I always end up coming back (and I can never fucking LEAVE.)
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I guess what I'm trying to say is, I wouldn't still be here if it weren't for the good times I had with y'all. As corny as that sounds, it's true. You know we're doing good when we get excited to check our dashboards. I know you do, I hear it sometimes.
And speaking of checking dashboards, you're more than likely going to keep seeing Sakuya from me on it. Well, at least on this blog. Okay let's get this out of the way.
"Sev, why did you abandon your Sakuya blog only to keep writing her on this new one?"
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Okay, going back to what I said about me being cringe when I was 21 years old? Yeaaaah, I wasn't happy with how I wrote Sakuya on that blog. By the time I was 24-25 years old, I wanted to change the way I wrote her but it wouldn't have been right to just do it so suddenly and retcon everything. I already had years of character built into her and I know a lot of people liked her so I held off on doing it.
So what was my solution? While creating the Remilia blog, I decided to slap Sakuya onto it as a side muse so I could have my chance to write her with my new vision. Basically, the Sakuya on this blog is a different Sakuya from my original one. I just wanted a clean slate to start over, and impulsively making a Remilia blog gave me the chance to do it.
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Well, I think I've covered just about everything. I know this became more of a reflection rather than an origin story but, I just got sentimental while looking back. I hope this blurb wasn't too embarrassing or boring to read but if it was then uh, that sucks.
See you later, bitches.
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komorebi-rabbit · 5 months
Hey you!
I just came from your Sasori Roleplay account. I wasn't sure if you were active there anymore, so I hopped on over here via your pinned post.
You seem like a talented and fun person to roleplay with, so I thought why not ask?
I've read your rules and some of the older blogs and they really resonated with me.
I used to roleplay Itachi on Amino like you used to play/still play(?) Sasori on here. Those in depth roleplays that just make my heart sing. And also the RPs that are a pain to find because...well...novella takes work. And building a bond with a character who isn't naturally friendly takes even more time.
Still those have got to be the most fun times I can remember from my teens. And I misss them...
It was quite challenging to find people who share similar views on roleplaying and like the same fandom. So I must have given up sometime back. And when I read your blog today, I was instantly like "Oh my god this is exactly what I was looking for" (except like 6 years passed since I last attempted that xD)
So I wanted to pop in and say "Hi, I love your blog already!" but that didn't quite suffice so here we are xD.
It's kinda funny because after all this time not roleplaying, I found myself on tumblr, figured why not make a Sasori RP account (there are many others for the Naruto characters) to have some fun and be nostalgic? But...there was still a little 'eh' that was missing. And I found it in your blog.
I adore it, when people just get their characters and portray them correctly. And I've been aching to find more people like this. I remember it being quite the challenge in the past, back in my Itachi days, so it was like a gift to find your account!
Anyways, I am trailing off-
I'd love to RP with you sometime. Or...to just chat and reminisce about days past, even if I just discovered you today. I just know I would have loved to have you in my Akatsuki geoup back in 2015.
I hope you have a lovely day!
This is the SWEETEST message, oh my lord, thank you so much! You have no idea how happy this made me and how much I needed this little spark of positivity in my life right now!
I unfortunately no longer RP on tumblr due to some incidents that have made me wary over the years. I also no longer RP Sasori, but I do still RP in the Naruto fandom, just on Discord with friends that I am comfortable with. Novella does take work! But man, if it isn't worth the effort! I'm so glad people are still RPing and taking up Sasori. He absolutely deserves that love! Unfortunately, I did most of my tumblr RP back when the manga was still ongoing and tumblr was at its peak so there was a LOT more interaction then than I see these days. I wish it could go back to being that way! I miss a lot of the friends I made back then! (But also I'm still friends with some of them 10 years later, it's fantastic. You really form some lasting bonds). Even back then, however, there were only ever a couple of Sasori accounts (like... maybe 3, not including myself? And most were not active).
I'm mostly a Shisui RPer these days, though I do write for Kakashi, Tobirama, Kisame, and Izuna, too! Like I said, though, I only RP with those I'm super comfortable with, but if you want, I have plenty of recs for you! I'm also KomorebiRabbit on AO3 and @komorebirabbitwrites. My Sasori is actually heavily based on characterization from @renaerys and her works from back then (such as Zero Hour) and she is still writing FANTASTIC Sasori works to this day. I mean absolutely unbelievable, haunting, you will never get it out of your head type fics. Her characterization is unparalleled and also she's just an awesome person in general! I also mod @sasoriweek which will happen again in November of this year!
Also, if you like dark, horror-heavy Sasori, Athelise on AO3 is absolutely amazing! She writes such an interesting Sasori and some phenomenal smut, I definitely recommend her!
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wolf-eyes-wolf-soul · 5 months
♥ What’s the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
♥ What’s the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
Friends, lovers, enemies, sit down and let me tell you a tale. Get a drink and a snack, this is a long one.
TW: bullying, child death, and the AUDACITY.
I started out RPing on forums in the mid-later 00s before moving to Tumblr in 2012. One fateful day in 2010, whilst browsing dA, I came across an ad for a new forum and it was called Disney World of War. Me, being a massive TLK fan (and still fucking am don't care if its cringe) was like "hell yeah I'm going to check this out! Well, check it out I did. I joined.
For those years from my late teens to my very early twenties were some of the cringiest (in hindsight) but also most fun years I remember. I will full admit I was still full in that teenage phase where edgy = mature and adult. Still, I had fun and made friends I still have to this day.
Then The Event happened.
A player whomst I believed I was at least on friendly terms with resurrected a character who appeared to have died earlier in the RP. My current character had a relationship with this character of mutual loathing. They created a thread which was open to all members of a faction that we both belonged to and therefore I thought it would be okay to stick my character in to voice her displeasure at her former comrade seemingly returning from the grave.
Oh, how wrong I was but I'll fill you in on that bit later as I learned it.
Some nasty words were exchanged IC and I decided that my character should make her exit. For a method of getting her out I brought my my character's child (whom I also played) as an excuse for her to leave.
What I thought would happen: my character would bow out and all would go on as it had in the past.
What actually happened: the other player godmodded their character swooping in between my character and her child and brutally (and graphically described) tearing my character's child apart in front of her eyes because she "needed to be taught a lesson about keeping her mouth shut". Yes, a child was murdered in front of its mother because the mother had slung a few insults.
OOC I was reeling. I went to the player quietly but CCing in the mods of the server. I asked them if we could talk because I was NOT okay with what just happened. I had CCed in the mods for one reason: until that point it was a long standing rule that deaths MUST be agreed to by both parties before they happened. This was not the case. I had no idea this would happen until it did. I suggested an alternate way for the scene to go down where the maiming could still happen but it wasn't lethal.
Now, I thought I had a good enough relationship with this player that this suggestion would be agreeable. I had never had a bad interaction or fight with them before this point. We weren't friends but I'd describe it more like work colleagues. We knew each other and had worked together in the past with no real bad blood.
This player flipped. Not only did they double down on what happened but they uno reverse carded me hard. Not only was I the one to blame but I was also purposefully trying to get them in trouble with the mods (even tho I had explained why to them as I have here why I included them: for rule clarification). The mod eventually responded with a useless shrug and the exact words "sort it amongst yourselves" (lost all respect for them that day). So, I tried doing what they suggested and continued to try and resolve the issue so we both could be happy. Next I got hit with a threat: keep talking to this player and they would report me for harrassment...for doing what the mod asked me to do.
I have screencaps of these convos and I have shown them to several people. I am not lying when I say that I was trying to be as polite and accomodating as possible (too accomodating in hindsight). Instead I was met with aggression and threats. The situation never got sorted and to rub salt into the wound this player then went and made artwork (now deleted on an old account) of this event.
I left the forum. I just couldn't hack it. I dropped out of RPing for several years until around late 2016 when I finished uni and felt brave enough to try again.
This is what I found out later.
After I had left, the player went around spreading the lie that it was in fact me who was being aggressive and harrassing them. They said that I insisted on being in that thread because I had some sort of weird vendetta against them and wanted to bash them and their characters (blatant lie). Also when I was gone apparently because their atrocious behaviour led other people to feel bullied and gaslighted by them, somehow this was me behind the scenes telling lies about them. I was OFFLINE ENTIRELY THE WHOLE TIME.
To this day this person still holds a grudge. I know this for a fact. I tried to extend an olive branch in 2018 and was hit with a polite "warning" that if I was seen in a now new forum that I would be IP blocked. All I had did in that forum was post a polite hello not even directed at them but to the people I knew back from 2010 who I hadn't talked to in years.
And that is the worst thing that has ever happened to me in RP.
Sorry about the essay.
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rockroselazuli · 1 year
TOA Anniversary Munday
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Tagging: myself
Name: rai
Pronouns: he/him
Birthday (no year): december 28th
Where are you from? What is your time zone?: colorado! mountain time zone
Roleplay experience: ooooohh my god um. like 15 years maybe?? most recently on twt. i used to rp on tumblr back in high school though and i'm SO glad to be back cause i missed it. rping on twt is awful i need to be able to write three thousand words in one post
Got any pets?: my kitty selkie :)
Favorite time of year: autumn.. i love pretty leaves and comfortable weather and halloween and pumpkin flavored things god bless
Some interests and things you like: drawing, audio drama podcasts, birds, sugar, cosplaying, horror
Some funfacts & trivia about you:
i collect plushies
i have 14 tattoos and my next one is gonna be grima
i write original stories and someday i'm gonna make a webcomic
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play?: pokemon, animal crossing, other miscellaneas things
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: type is flying & pokemon is absol. my absolute belovedoh my god that was not supposed to be a pun
How did you get into Fire Emblem?: my childhood friend was really into radiant dawn and told me all about it and then i mentioned it to my dad and he was like "oh yeah fire emebeleme i wanted to try out one of those games" so he bought radiant dawn bc it was the one i talked about and. we did not know it was a sequel for the longest time.
What Fire Emblem games have you played?: 7, 9 & 10, 11 & 12, 13, 14, 16, 17
First Fire Emblem game: radiant dawn
Favorite Fire Emblem game: awakening
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳: g.. gregorgy. also sephiran and naesala. and rafal why is gregory the only human here
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays?
- Awakening: tharja. now i would gaius if i wasn't so attached to him being inigo's father always
- Fates: silas. now uhhh mmmm?? m. i don't know WAIT. keaton
- Three Houses: i don't remember?????? what the fuck. um. oh nevermind it was claude lmao of course it was claude. and i would do it again
- Engage: no one i uh. seem to have completely missed the chance somehow. anyway i'm going for alfred this time cause alfred/alear is everythign to me
Favorite Fire Emblem class: KINSHI KNIGHT but basically just archers in general. and DANCERS i love them
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class?: um.. idk but i'd like to think i'd be the donnel archetype cause aptitude is my only chance
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation?: golden deer!!
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with?: either micaiah bc i like her or um. yeah. i would go with claude also but not when the Other Two are in there can you imagine the bickering
How did you find TOA?: a couple of my mutuals on twt are here!! waves at them
Current TOA muses: yeehaw
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again?: not toa but my first fire emblem muse ever was volug. yeah i could write him again
Have you had any other TOA muses?: not yet but stay tuned
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards?: yeah lmao. i've got a couple archetypes that hit me like a train every time
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most?: characters with weird ass emotions
Favorite TOA-related memory: i haven't even been here a month yet but this event is really fun
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔: just the letters lol
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day that you’d like to share? 😉: back when i was on twtrp i kinda wanted to pick up ashe but then. i didn't. because ferp on twt is a nightmare and ashe was a popular character (i was cyril. safe in my little bubble)
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tvrningout · 10 months
❤️ & ☎️
my experience in the rpc | @lured-into-wonderland was curious!
❤️ my first roleplay memory
i thought my first rp memory would be here on tumblr, but actually!! before i ever knew what rp was, i was rping with my bestfriend in f.ace.book chat in middle/high school asdfg both of us were into fanfiction, creating oc's, and anime... black b.utler and n.aruto in particular :' )) and we often goofed off in the chat with our oc's and our favorite characters. it wasn't like i write now -- we were using " character a: how could you say that? *runs away* " format, but it was just goofy fun and it's honestly a warm memory to think back on, even if i can't specifically remember what we rped. (´ ω `♡)
☎️ my first character i ever roleplayed
so you can possibly guess from my previous answer that my first oc i rped was based in black b.utler :' ) her name was sophie, and she was a witch who had issues with her magic manifesting. i can't remember exactly why? but she became a maid for ciel, and she was very much an older sister figure who wanted the best for him. her story never got very far, but i do remember developing her own lore a good little bit. can't remember it now, though asdfg sometimes i still think about her because she was the character who kinda started it all for me. she's got a special place in my heart no matter how much i cringe at my early writing <3
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cflight · 2 years
get to know the author!
it's been quite a while since i've done one of these so i figure i might as well get this out of the way (even tho i chose to do it like. lol. i just woke up from a nap, spare me)
name: evan
pronouns: they/them (he is also fine)
preference of communication: discord by far (starteas#6241)
most active muse: the only muse i currently have for this blog- ekira. i'd honestly love to add some of my other muses to this blog such as hemlock since he's incredibly prevalent in ekira's story, but i need to curb my own laziness and finally give him a page lmao. i'm also incredibly out of practice with writing villains so it's been quite a while. i definitely need to freshen up there.
experience / how many years: i've been roleplaying on tumblr since i was about 13 so i have about 8 or so years of experience. i only started taking it seriously fairly recently into my early teen years, and i've been trying to do so ever since. i don't keep up to date with my rp experience nowadays (considering thinking back on old things i did as a tween makes me cringe heavily.)
when i rebooted ekira's blog back in 2020 or so is when i started taking writing up as less of a hobby and more of an artistic pursuit. i've always enjoyed it for as long as i can remember, and have loved making up stories with my characters since i was little. i consider rping to be an extension of that, and it's always great to improve my writing and characters along the way.
platforms you use: tumblr and discord, but mainly this hellsite
best experience: my best experience has been meeting other muns and interacting with characters from all aspects- whether it be canon muses or ocs, or even heavily canon-divergent muses, i love them all and interacting with each muse has been so fun. i know i would like to interact with more muns one on one more often, but i don't mind the mini interactions we do get with replying to each other's posts or seeing each other in our notifs. hello friend!
rp pet peeves: punctuation. this might be me considering i am VERY finicky on correct punctuation and spelling, so it's incredibly hard for me to jive with characters that don't seem to have as much care in their writing presentation. that's just a me thing though, and i absolutely don't fault anyone who falls into this category! it just itches my brain in a way i really do not like
this is also directed at myself, but i dislike happy-go-lucky characters with little to no substance. when i first started writing ekira that's the only thing they tended to embody. they were sweet and kind and friendly and incredibly fucking boring. they could get emotional, sure, and could get angry sometimes, but they were completely sanded down and unfun to right and otherwise just boring. i wasn't having fun writing them and i wasn't having fun in threads because i wrote them all so... samey.
it's why i decided to revamp ekira's blog the way i did, and in the same vein change up how i wrote them completely. i won't get too much into it (because tbh i already stated my problems with it and we'd be here ALL DAY if i continued) but i'm much happier writing them now than i ever was before the reboot. sometimes i still find myself falling into the same patterns as i did when i first wrote them, and it's something i personally am striving to improve on the more i write them.
ekira's still friendly and kind but can get frustrated, sad, angry, and isn't much of a blank slate as they were before. i'm incredibly proud of how far they've come since then, and hope to avoid any of the same stuff i ran into before in the past.
fluff, angst, or smut: fluff and angst are both good in moderation. i'd personally love to get into more angst threads as it's the ones i surprisingly get the least of (understandable) but i'd also like to get into more smut. i don't write it much as i'm still very much a beginner to it, but it's something i'd like to explore more of in the future; same with angst. there's a lot to ekira i'm grateful i get to explore with my friend @modestmuses and i'd certainly love more of it whether it be in those two categories.
plots or memes: i have a lot of fun doing both, but i definitely want to get better with doing things that are much more planned out. i'm not the best at thinking of in depth plots on the spot, but i know it's something i want to do more of. memes are also great (again, shouting out teddy for this one) because he just knows how to craft plots around memes so expertly that makes me crave EXACTLY what he's writing.
long or short replies: i tend to do medium replies depending on length, but recently i've been feeling more drawn to long replies. it helps me improve my writing and i love testing the waters with longer replies; it gives me more opprotunity to flesh out ekira's thoughts and actions much more than two paragraphs ever could.
best time to write: whenever i feel like it. i'm sporadic when i use tumblr so i get bursts of inspiration randomly. usually it comes best to me either mid afternoon or very late at night.
are you like your muse(s): yes and no. i'd go more in depth about it but all i can say is we both need to learn to love ourselves a bit more. also i want goat horns and a tail, it'd be sick as hell
tagged by: @modestmuses (not actually i stole this lol)
tagging: steal it
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lumienn · 1 year
Sooo here's my 'Mutual Feelings' story.
I was around 17-18, fresh out of school and into my very first anime and fandom (on Instagram bc I didn't know about tumblr back then). I wanted to be friends with this villain fan (VF for short) who was so cool - they made immaculate video edits, drew fanart and just the way they wrote and talked was so interesting. It set them apart from everyone else.
Anyway, it was a small and relatively tight-knit fandom where everyone knew everyone else- so it wasn't hard for us to start talking. And we clicked far better than I thought we would. We started RPing as a rare pair from the fandom. While RP was never really my thing, I had fun building the plot and surprising them with twists here and there, and their reaction made it worth it.
Over time, we began chatting about things other than RP and the fandom. We grew very close, and I never understood why, but the longer talks made me feel euphoric. VF (they went by she/her at the time but now go by they/them) had always been open about being bi- this was my very first direct exposure to someone who was openly queer. And in fact, the fandon itself had a few prominently queer fans which made me rethink a lot of my then-conservative views.
A year into our friendship, we were now the closest duo in the fandom and everyone knew it. By this point we had told each other our real names and countries where we lived - we'd also swapped numbers and often chatted over Whatsapp. I loved nothing more than talking to them. Getting their text notification was the highlight of my hour. And when they told me they loved me (platonically, I'd already established to them that I was straight) oh my God. My heart rate was through the roof. I was giggling like an idiot and rereading the message for weeks straight.
Looking back, this should have been a fucking clue.
VF had been paired with an OC account since before I joined the fandom, but around this time, the OC fan broke it off with an angry post on how they no longer cared about her and only wanted to spend time with someone else - here she described my account, and I could identify it because it was a unique one - and promptly deleted it a few minutes later.
You guys. I felt so SMUG. This should've been the second fucking clue.
So VF was upset about this character breakup, but they acknowledged that they hadn't been too responsive to her ongoing RP so that was kinda warranted. They didn't know I saw the post, and just told me not to worry about it. There was some other drama going on too, where I loudly and publicly defended them, and we ended up cutting off a couple of people we thought were our friends.
So now there were a few new entrants into the fandom and they'd seen all this going down. They were on our side, so we started talking to them too. Then one day, out of the blue, one of them asked me out.
I was pretty surprised - we'd only ever talked a few times, and they didn't know anything about me. I just kinda ha-ha'd it away awkwardly and tried to get out of the situation. And then another one of the newer fans asked me whether I and VF were together. I said no, but that we were very close friends. To which she replied saying she was glad because she had a crush on VF and wanted to ask them out.
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Unfortunately, she was not joking.
She asked VF out.
VF said yes.
Just like that, my whole world came crashing down.
I didn't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't this much pain. I couldn't even think. I remember how I was supposed to. be studying when I found out about this, and I just. Put my phone down and stared at the wall in pure rage for half an hour straight. Then reread the text. Then wall stare. Then- well, you get the point.
And I had an identity crisis on my hands to boot.
I was straight, for fuck's sake!
It hurt. A lot. Then I had to come to terms with the reason why I was jealous of their girlfriend but never their friends. Drumroll and trumpets, y'all.
I'll spare you the details on how it felt when VF talked about their gf, or when the gf talked about VF and posted cheesy stuff for them. I'm sure you already know.
Anyway, I was crazy enough to go back to the person who asked me out, and say yes.
You can imagine how that went.
Now here I was, 'dating' someone who I had no feelings for, while VF was being all supportive and wanting to compare notes between us and them and gf.
And you guys. I hated it. I hated pretending so much. A few days later, I broke up with the poor dude and wallowed around. I wish I had the strength not to look at gf's posts, but unfortunately I didn't. I seeked them out, felt worse, and wallowed more.
This story doesn't really have a happy ending- I never confessed my feelings to VF, and we never got together for real. They broke up sometime after, but by that time I had left that fandom and was becoming more active on tumblr.
I was terrified of admitting my sexuality to anyone. Oftentimes I denied it to myself, pretended I was straight like I 'used to be' (ha) and overhyped boys/men in my life. Yet... somewhere deep inside, I was thrilled to finally have a name to things I'd felt over the years but couldn't quite put my finger on.
It took me a long time to accept who I was (am).
And by the time I was confident in myself, VF was dating someone else and I had missed my chance.
We still keep in touch. They've moved fandoms too, and are still out there making awesome art and being their awesome self. I grew out of my crush, but I'll always fondly remember them for what they brought into my life- my bi awakening of course, but also in a large part my love for making stories and putting them out there for people to enjoy, and for inspiring me to start drawing. So there is a silver lining to the cloud.
Anyway, that's my story!
(Also I'm slightly terrified of VF coming across this post.. but VF, if you're seeing this, hi. I'm not a clown, I'm the entire circus for putting this out to the general public instead of just telling you. I'm sorry. Thank you.)
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naura-speaks · 1 year
Okay tumblr Stays. This is your native territory. If anybody's gonna enjoy this, it's you. From one Stay to another, blow this up...pretty please. I know this ain't tiktok lol.
But yeh I made an English cover of Maniac! I threw some fun little nods to the source material in the visuals (no shut up we're not talking about the members here) and my translation itself.
I'd toss this in a reblog, but I don't especially want it to get lost if someone wants to see it. Here are some more deets on how I made it!
I speak like. twenty words in Korean, so I did not directly translate it from the og lyrics myself. HOWEVER. What I did do was take the English subs from the MV along with a bunch of other lyric videos and translations (and sometimes I even looked up translations of specific words) in order to get a good picture of the original intention of the lyrics, with obvious priority given to the official translation from the MV. Then I tried to figure out how to make that singable in English. Some of it, I could keep nearly the same as the original subs, but other parts translate more awkwardly, so I took some creative license while trying not to take that too far.
Not gonna cap with you, I am not that experienced of a producer, and anybody who is will probably know that right off the bat. Part of the point of this was to force a learning experience on myself by RPing as 3racha for a bit 😂 Hence why I didn't try to come up with my own arrangement, but literally replicate every. single. sound from the original audio. If Maniac has 175M views, I'm 175 of them just from trying to make this dang thing. And that's before I wised up and just ripped the audio to insert as an audio track in my Logic session to hear it side by side rather than replaying parts of the MV every dang time it can't be illegal if I own the literal CD. Seriously though, I came out of this project knowing way more producing stuff than I had before, and I'm really proud of myself for that.
Those two are the big things, but in other fun facts, the pic I used for myself in the video was taken directly after I got back to the hotel after going to their Newark D2 concert! Were there other pics I probably could have used? Ones where the bottom half of my hair isn't approximately the color of seaweed? Sure. But it's the principle of it, man. It's the principle. and hey at least I matched with Minho for a short bit
Catastrophe is a way better producer than me and a super sweet guy, so it was really great to have him look over my work and help out with a few things, on top of his contributions as a featured artist 😭 And though JoePav's part in the cover was tiny, his enthusiasm in the project and its progress has been mighty and appreciated beyond words! When you don't have a big following, it can be a bit harder to get excited about your own work sometimes, so having somebody else get excited on your behalf is contagious and really nice 😊
I stayed up on 3/17-18/22 to listen to Oddinary when it dropped at midnight, and I started my lyric translation the very next day. I'd say the next morning, but I think I had classes. But I was vibrating that entire morning because despite having been a kpop fan for a good year at that point, Oddinary was the first album I'd bought, and it got delivered that day when it wasn't supposed to come for days yet. It was also my first anticipated skz comeback. By technicality, I'd probably been a Stay since somewhere around Kingdom by pure happenstance, but I was in denial I was as deep in the hole as I was, so I didn't call myself a Stay until after NOEASY. BAHAHAHAHA so much denial, but also so much gradual falling into Stayville because I did in fact listen through the whole album within a week of it coming out.
This got so off topic, how did it get so off topic
I remember listening to Maniac for the first time and just feeling so at home with the lyrics of it. Like even if I didn't end up covering it, it was a message that resonated so much with me and with one of the main messages I like to communicate in my own lyrics and as a person: normal is overrated. Yeah, sure, it's kind of been tossed around nerd communities so much that it almost sounds like a pick me at this point, but like, being comfortable enough with "being yourself" to act a little weird in public is a bigger feat than people give it credit for. And yep, it's one of the biggest reasons I stan Stray Kids. They're a bunch of unapologetic weirdos, and it feels like home. I like to say that they feel like family, both in the straightforward understanding of the phrase and because they often act like my literal blood family does. Like a bunch of nutcases.
And now that I've spent a literal hour or more on this brain dump (why. why did I do that.) I will let this post and myself go to bed after using my resin in genshin. Hope it was interesting enough, and if not, oh well. At least my brain has been thoroughly emptied.
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goldenlie · 3 years
Rambling, qnf enjoyer anon here again! I know you did not just drop that edit and screenshot while I'm laying here missing any proper qnf content and rewatching Quackity's shopping cart video to cope 😭 Seeing George chilling and playing MCC in Quackity's merch made me so soft, their friendship is so genuinely sweet. I sometimes randomly remember or rewatch that moment in George's last stream before new year where Quackity says he is appreciative of George and Bad and George actually says it back 😭 I think that was the moment qnf cemented its place as one of my favourite dynamics
(Hello legend as of all stars mcc day when I finally finished editing this, I didn't even say anything important but it somehow took a month. Interesting choice from me ngl I'm just keeping you on your toes, with love you'll see me in 2022 at this rate Qnf enjoyer o7)
LEGEND!! It's so good to hear from you again :D The way I wasn't even ready to drop it but Tumblr said you are babe, the timing came for both of us ngl.
I know the feeling, it's been a long time since we got a solo dose of Qnf content and I really miss it too. Is it too much to ask for another dual face-cam stream train? Those were elite. The shopping cart video is genuinely a comfort watch, now we have the racing car video too, I really enjoyed the split vcs tommyinnit style. It showcased how Qnf will always find a way to regress into their rping selves.
I adore the fact they silently support one another's merch. First Quackity with George's stickers and now George in MCC. The fact Quackity called him right before the beginning game of MCC and played with him and Ponk prior to Yellow Yaks. Knowing Quackity watches George's Pov is so wholesome, I remember he tweeted in George's previous Yellow Yaks MCC how it being his first time as a viewer in a while he really understood the appeal. I think it's safe to guess he was watching George then as well.
It really says a lot about their growth on how a month prior in Karl's thanksgiving stream George wouldn't give Q a reason he was thankful for him. George who rarely expresses anything personal regarding life experiences or feelings, to openly admit to thousands he appreciates Quackity as well a month later was so unexpected. I think at this point George was more trusting in their friendship as opposed to weeks earlier when on being asked by Quackity why he didn't respond to some texts George responded along the lines of how if he were to respond, within minutes their conversation would end up on Twitter. I think witnessing the organic growth of their trust in one another makes them so appealing as a duo.
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thiscrimsonsoul · 2 years
11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted. 12. what roleplay trends do you remember from the year you started tumblr rp? how did you feel about those trends?
1. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted.
Already answered here, but I can add something to that. Something I didn't mention in my last post was that I would like her to have more closure with Vision. Not just closure with her idea of Vision, with Westview Vision... but closure with actual Vision, Spectral Vision. That doesn't mean they get back together or that it would necessarily be happy closure. In fact, I see it being quite sad and maybe possibly even antagonistic. But I would be very upset if they never met again, because I think part of Wanda's healing process needs to include facing what Vision has become every bit as much as facing what she's become herself. Ideally, I would want them to meet at least one more time, and have that conversation of... here's where we're both at right now, here's what we each want, here's what the past means, and given that, where do we intend our separate futures to go from here? I don't see them ever getting back together, but I need them to at least have that uncomfortable conversation, because there is so much there that is still open, raw, unsaid, and unresolved between them.
12. what roleplay trends do you remember from the year you started tumblr rp? how did you feel about those trends?
Omg, so... I started rping on this site back in 2014 (Ned and Ygritte from GoT), and I barely knew what rp even was on this site, how to go about it, what I needed to do. I fell into it by accident, lol. I had fan blogs for those two characters, and apparently the way I had them set up, people thought they were rp blogs. So someone just started rping with me by sending something into my ask box, and instead of saying I wasn't an rp blog, I was like... you know what? Yeah. Sure. I'll do this. XD And it was really fun.
But that tells me something about the rpc back then. It was so light, casual, and forgiving. People had rules pages, I remember, but otherwise they were so chill and so kind to each other. It was okay if you didn't have an official rp blog. It was okay if you didn't use fonts and formatting and icons. It was okay to reblog memes from each other. It was okay if you didn't have elaborate rules or a triggers list. And people didn't have these like... angry sort of... "here are all the people/muses/blogs/FCs I absolutely won't interact with" and "here are all the reasons I'll block you instantly" tirades posted in their blogs basic info. Nowadays the vast majority of new blogs that I look at to see if I want to interact with start off so hateful and off-putting that I wonder why they're rping at all, because it seems like they just don't want to interact with people. Like they're automatically, before we even talk, so defensive and ready to block, ready to argue, ready to just hash it out and have drama. Back in 2014, it was like... do you want to write? Really? So do I! Okay, let's start! And that was it. It was that simple, and the hobby was a lot more inviting and inclusive rather than being so elitist and exclusionary sometimes. I feel like people focused more on the muses, the writing, and the storylines rather than on their personal drama and on sniping at each other, and I miss that atmosphere. The lack of tension and toxicity in the rpc is something I definitely miss.
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Why did you do that Peahen mom? I really enjoyed the thread seeing Ryu and Jun together and you fucked it up. I mean, seriously? You saw from the post that Ryu wanted to spend time with him and you made Jun be stupid to go and walk off.
He was using him or something? What a cold hearted bitch you are. I feel bad for ryo-hyuuga dealing with your shit. Why does anyone even rp with you? You messed that up, what is stopping you from messing other threads with the others on here? What are you going to do now you heartless person you?
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((*Sighs with eyes closed* Because I'm stupid myself okay?))
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((Yes, I know I fucked up on the thread.
I know I did due to thinking that Jun was going to go through a 'punishment' in a day or two but I didn't know it was going to be as soon as they got back. I should have asked but I didn't. So I had him walk off but I was trying to have him get cleaned up at least or something but no, that didn't happen.
So my dumb brain figures okay I should go and just have him go home but I remembered they were to spend time together but I didn't know it was for that same day. Yeah, I messed up. I fucked up. I blew it.
I. Know.
And no, Jun wasn't doing that to him or any of his loves he's with. He wouldn't do that to anyone. You may think I'm a cold hearted bitch but I'm not. As to others rping with me, that's their choice. I don't force others to rp with me. I want everyone to have fun and this is why I feel nervous of asking others: Anons like you coming on here and telling me I don't deserve these sweet hearts.
Honestly, I feel like I don't deserve such wonderful people I've known for a good while here. Their are so many sweet talented people here on tumblr I write with and I'm always happy seeing their interested in wanting to write and rp with me and my muses. However, I get scared of messing up that might irritate them.
And honestly, something similar to this happened to me years ago.
Once when I started tumblr and made mistakes.
Twice, messing up a thread with rico mun and some others in the past but I was stupid and young back then. I'm not perfect alright? I'm someone that will make mistakes.
Three, others threatening and telling me to get off tumblr or just disappear. Due to how they see me.
Four, thinking I'm guilt tripping but I'm not. I'm not trying to get noticed by doing that. I wouldn't do that.
But yeah, even my head still makes stupid choices and I'm not happy about it. This makes me feeling like I will keep messing up and I know that. As to what I'm going to do..I don't know. I'm just going to keep rping but right now, I feel bad so yeah, thanks for telling me how stupid I am messing up a thread and might do the same to others. Your such a big help sweetheart. *Sighs* Anyway, I hope that answers the question.....))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
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twisted-legacies · 3 years
♡ - (♥ + ☀+ ☢ for the salty meme?) - @twstragdoll
♥ What’s the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
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I suppose it depends. I'm not sure what I would consider the worst thing I've been been through, I can only think of times that I RPed with someone that I don't think of fondly.
I've been through many, many people who've Godmoded, Powerplayed, Metagamed and/or Retconned to an pretty bad degree. I was so new to RPing I was used to it, and I even fell into the trap of doing these things once in a while to others, which I feel bad for doing now. I remember one case where I basically pandered to the person's Mary Sue for a whole month because I thought it would help everyone else since they didn't really like the person, but, it really just took a toll on me, and someone else from my RP group stepped on my behalf, and kicked the person out of the group. That's why I'm super careful about Godmodding, Powerplaying, Metagaming, and Retconning nowadays, because I don't want to be that guy everyone avoids because I have a Mary Sue and aren't self-aware enough to notice it.
☀ What’s your rp pet peeve?
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Ah. I think it depends.
For Admins? I personally am kind of peeved when the person on the other side of the RP is a hypocrite and/or had double standards. Like, they say that it's fine to do some angst in an RP, but when I actually do angst in the RP they get upset, but they do it themselves all the time. I also am peeved when a person is involved in drama and make a speculate out of it, just because I have bad memories of being forced to take sides of arguments that I was pulled into because of drama because people blew it out of proportion and I happened to get in the crossfire. I know where to draw the line in the sand for my own comfort so I don't get burned out, I just have a peeve for it. I think it's because I've had so much experience with these topics.
For characters? I am peeved when out of the blue, a character has this new abilities or skill set and nowhere does the Mun mention it coming, nor is it mentioned anywhere involving the character. It just feels like the Mun pulled it out their ass to make things easier on themselves. If we talk out it, I'm cool with it, but otherwise, I'm a little peeved because it just feels like the Mun didn't try to make the character adapt, they just, made the character's life easier, which is not how life works and it's no fun if someone keeps pulling abilities and skills out of nowhere because the character doesn't struggle.
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
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So I can't think of any of late on Tumblr that I don't like, since I'm new to this. But, I have some old trends for others sites I remember not liking.
On this site I RPed on for a while, there was a thing where you could make your profiles all fancy by doing something with it, such as making it as colorful or sparky as possible. And, I hated that, because of my dyslexia because everyone would pick the weirdest colors to go together and my brain would be like, 'the fudge is this??' so I never could read the profiles well. It stopped after a long time, but I still don't like that kind of stuff. Have a purpose with your colors choice! It looks pretty when you choose your colors well and you don't make me confused why you choose two different colors that don't work together.
On another site, we did Mun asks and stuff all the time. And everyone did it, so it was hard to avoid. It was fun and all, but I remember this one trend where we'd show our real face and give out our names, depending on who you got the trend from, they'd ask for location as well. I was a minor at the time, so it made me super uncomfortable, because I thought maybe some tricky people [AKA Pedos and creeps] would find me and well, do things to me. So, I lied about my identity. At the time, lying on the internet about who you where wasn't a common thing and there wasn't much resources I could use to protect yourself. Now, I'm glad it's not that way, since I had to use photos of a person on Facebook I didn't even know. Now, there are resources for a person to hide their identity if they wish to that aren't shady like what I did. So, I kind of don't like it when people pressure me into doing certain trends that seem like tactics tricky people could use to find victims. It just. . . creeps me out to think about. So, I'm over all those trends that are just name/birthday/location.
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wanderlust-songbird · 3 years
What is the earliest romantic relationship that your muse was in during your years of RPing either here or outside of Tumblr? [For Kanaria]
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//Ah, this was back when she used to be referred to as Charmaine before I changed her name to Kanaria. But the earliest romantic relationship I can remember is with Corvallis Eldridge Miosottis, who was an OC that an old friend had made on Discord from several years ago up until around 2019 when they left the RP community entirely.
Their relationship was quite sweet, but also had its awkward & dumb moments as well as a tiny bit of angst & some action mixed in. I think it took about a year or so for the relationship to be official because of how self-depreciative the character occasionally was internally. He felt that Kanaria would be better off with anyone else, yet remained by her side as she was the one who made him feel at ease & even complete. Not to mention, he wasn't really human to begin with, despite his appearance.
When my friend left the community, me & several others were given some of her characters, to which I received Johann, his sister Renette, (those two I had a hand in creating, so it made sense as to why I was given them) & Corvallis. Unlike the former two, I actually debate on what to do with Corvallis & so he's still just stored away. I think he would be better in someone else's hands, but I also am unable to part with him for some reason. ^^'
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andy-deer · 3 years
Now im even more confused is red censored (red from now on) more than one person and white censored (white from now on) another diferent person.
So Red 1 has a crush on you but got issues, tried to end themself or you got a crush on them yet was confusing.
Red 2 (im asuming theyre diferent people) complimented you as a hot boy and had unclear intentions
And that selfdestructing behavior remembered you of white?
This is pretty hard to follow sorry
Ps: whoevertold you they broke out of a hospital to go to school XD thats the most bullshit lie ive ever read
i just dont think i could fit into a tumblr post my whole trauma cause it goesss super back--
with my best friend in school, white, who i tried to play the therapist but eventually left them cause i was very very upset over their own sadness (I was 13 years old, im not telling her story cause its hers as well) then i went out with someone else out of the pictures who was a compulsive liar (which is why I'm a bit paranoid of people lying over the internet) stopped going out with them. Started being friends with a guy way older than me (I'm not going deep on this cause im not comfortable) at the same time I met Red through rping through camp camp, who had many many many issues, family and mental issues (which I'm not going super into cause wether He was lying to me or not, It's still part of his life) I tried to be their therapist, which only gave me more self worth issues, we had a lot of fights, where i remember being blamed for a lot of stuff and pointing out that our relationship was toxic, which i think only helped aggravated Red more... I obviously left once there was a bit of calmness, then months later they contacted me again pretending everything was okay, I explained I wasn't and they blocked me.
Obviously it's way more complicated but you know, I still have some respect for their privacy and I don't wanna tell absoluteley everything about em
Also red told me that (the school thing), and I get it might seem like a silly thing to believe but I did at the time so please don't laugh at it, It's one of the many things I am still trying to forgive my past self for.
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