#i reused these poses for the suit ask
mantisgodsdomain · 6 months
Concept for your desire to do a specific bracket tournament that isn't weighted against OCs: EVERY character is represented by a Picrew or a stock image, and EVERY character has the name of their source work written without any indication if it's actually published (if the WIP does not yet have a title, a placeholder title is used without indicating that it is such). Voters won't know if the character is from something published that they simply haven't heard of yet
The problem with this is that it would still have the issue of things being weighted towards popular characters - people still know who The Knight from Hollow Knight is, even if we don't use an official image and instead used a stock image of the void or painstakingly reconstruct them in a Picrew. The main thing that gets people to vote in a tournament is connection - knowing the character or the people attached to them.
The thing that biases things against OCs in this tournament is, primarily, their limited spread - the lack of people who would be familiar with them. Though more well-known OCs can circumvent this enough to stand on firm ground with characters - someone like spotsupstuff's Three Sparrows On A Wire, for example, might have a solid chance in a tournament with canon characters, there will still be less people invested in Sparrows than there are, say, people invested Humans-B-Gone!'s Sophodra.
Because the thing with canon characters is that, by definition, you've already seen them in action. They already have a story that you can readily access, compared to an OC, where the creator has to write and present the story themself - and a story that's never been written is very, very difficult to invest people in. You can't put the emotional impact of someone you've followed for a million words up against the emotional impact of a cool design you saw in the interwebs, and if you have to create emotional investment in the space of a bio, you're naturally going to fare worse than someone who's had hundreds of pages to win you over.
Really, the only way we can see it working well is something like that @guess-that-ship's format of "text only, can't name anything that would give the game away in regards to who it is", and for obvious reasons, that's... not quite going to work the same way.
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loz-furbies · 2 months
Spirit Tracks Zelda
We've reached the surprise S-tier Zelda!
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Her princess look is the usual reused Toon design again, and this time it bothers me extra much since the game goes out of its way to namedrop Tetra as her ancestor. If you actively want me to think of multiple Zeldas in one game, you should give them different looks!
The Phantom design isn't really what I'm usually into, but it is cute when she retains her princess personality even when using a hulking suit of armour, and the Phantom isn't made any girlier (other than a slight pinkish purple colour scheme) just because a girl is controlling it. Though I wonder how much that is affected by the risk that little boys wouldn't want to play the game if the cover art had a girly suit of armour on it.
The Sprit Tracks Zelda probably has more screen presence than the other Zeldas put together, and the extensive screen time is also luckily used to make her a more interesting character.
She starts out already as a mature and responsible ruler of her people (there's no king in this game), which I think is a bit of a missed opportunity, as you could give her more character development if she wasn't already so competent at her job. Regardless, the plot starts to happen and the bad guys steal her body to use it as a vessel for the resident big bad, and her now disembodied spirit gets to show quite the range of emotions and participate in comedic scenes as well. Like her horror at having her body kidnapped for end boss resurrection is played for laughs, because her first thought is just that the whole idea is gross.
Once her body is stolen, she gets both incredibly motivated to get it back, and starts bossing other characters around while she just sits back. One of the funniest scenes in the story is when she gets closer and closer to Link's face with each sentence as she pushes him to take the job. When the mentor character Anjean says that Link needs a companion, Zelda first goes through every NPC she knows, and Anjean has to be the one to suggest that Zelda go herself.
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The way she is depicted about this changes more sympathetic once she starts to look just really helpless about the situation and that her not taking more action was more about that she didn't think there was anything she could do than just selfishly demanding others to do all the work. When it's eventually settled that she'll be the one to join Link, we end the scene with Link's exasperated sigh, which does give the whole thing a somewhat "great, now we need to drag this useless annoying girl along" vibe.
For the most of the game, Zelda has a friendly and cheerful personality, and feels more energetic than many of the other Zeldas. The opening credits where she flies alongside Link's train are so cute! One of her lines when boarding the train is an excited "Aaall aboooard!" too, which I was always happy to see.
She keeps her personality in her Phantom form too, so we get to see the Phantom do a giddy pose and say lines like "eeek!" and "hee hee". And while she initially complains how unpleasant being inside hot scrap metal is, she quickly becomes excited at her new power, and starts the Phantom gameplay sections confident that together they'll be able to get through. Once she takes part in a mini boss battle she even gets a little cocky and comments how good it was that she was there to help, but this doesn't lead to any plot line about her being overconfident or anything like that.
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At first Zelda appears more concerned about getting her body back than preventing the end boss from taking over the world. Also after Anjean has done the "you two escape, I'll hold the enemy back" mentor thing, Zelda expresses vague worry. The player then gets to ask if she means Anjean, and Zelda's response is a pretty dismissive "oh right, her too", which felt really weird because this is pretty late in the game and she should have bonded with Anjean more at that point and shows concern for other characters at multiple points. While she is clearly heroic in the grand finale, I wish the plot line about her initially selfish motives (or I mean I think it's pretty fair for her to want her body back but she's portrayed somewhat flippant about it) had gotten a more concrete wrap up.
Another thing that quite didn't hit the mark is the possibility that even if they manage to drive the end boss out of Zelda's body, she might not be able to return to it. Zelda is understandably worried, but all this amounts to is one encouraging line from Link/the player. This does get some payoff when she is actually incapable of entering her body again and only manages to pull it off after a pep talk from a villain-turned-ally, so the plot line isn't completely pointless. But it does feel like it sort of fizzles out.
Other notable characteristics about Zelda are that she's ready to work with the aforementioned villain ally so she appears pretty forgiving, and also shows a dorky side of herself when she starts shadowboxing the air when she claims she'll "have words" with him later. She can also stand her ground and talk back when the situation requires it, and Anjean notes that she's feisty like Tetra.
It's also nice that Zelda gets some lines to just talk about herself, like that she used to visit the ocean world village during summer and hopes to come back again to swim together with Link, or that her grandmother playing the spirit flute used to calm her down as a child, or that she misses the castle and wishes she ate more of her favourite foods while she had the chance. She also hates bugs and tells Link to go to the forest village alone, but changes her mind since she doesn't like the thought of waiting at the forest train station alone with the bugs either.
In addition to her dislike of bugs, she is also scared of mice, which becomes a gameplay mechanic when she can't move if there are mice enemies around. Having your female lead get paralysed by fear from the sight of a mouse is kind of stereotypical and I wish they would have thought of some other way, but at least it's set up first.
Finally my analysis may make her seem more selfish and flippant than she is in the actual game experience; in most of the scenes she's perfectly friendly, shows concern for others and puts in the work herself. It's just that some scenes felt somewhat inconsistent and didn't have a proper payoff. Overall Spirit Tracks Zelda is a really strong character with many sides to her, but I do wish her character development was better defined by giving her a clear moment that references her initial inelegant reaction to losing her body and makes a note that she's different now.
Role in the story
The basis of the plot is the usual fare: Zelda senses that something is up, but gets kidnapped before she can do anything about it, and in the finale she does some big magic stuff to neutralise the end boss. But as we know this is the one mainline Zelda game (before EoW that is) where you get to play as her and she is present through the whole game, which makes a huge difference. Her presence makes it easy to keep in mind what's at stake at all times, and even if many Zeldas make great (and bigger/more dramatic) efforts and sacrifices that are essential to saving the kingdom, the player getting to be an active participant in all that just hits different.
Through the whole game and especially the multi-part final battle I was holding my breath for if Zelda would be damseled after all, but luckily that was not the case and she remains playable for the whole thing. The final scene where Link is pushing the sword into the boss's head and Zelda runs over to help really hammers it home that this was a team effort. A+ for that!
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During my playthrough I got an unscripted moment where I was running away from an unkillable enemy and Phantom Zelda happened to stand in the way, so she was able to hold the enemy off for a moment while I made my narrow escape. Which was one of the most memorable things to happen in the game for me, moments like that just feel so much more meaningful when they're not in a cutscene. And in the context of the loz franchise it was cute for the roles to be reversed for once since Link spends so much time rescuing Zelda.
Gameplay wise Phantom Zelda is good as well. Or the sections where she is present include a lot of stealth and it's been well documented on this blog how much I hate that, but the puzzle and action parts with two playable characters who have different abilities are pretty fun.
Also a point in Zelda's favour as a companion is that I didn't feel like she was disruptive for the gameplay. Even if an NPC is likable, if they constantly interrupt the player their presence can quickly become a bother, but I thought that Zelda's lines didn't take too much time, and generally she shows up in situations where you would be reading NPC dialogue anyway.
This time Link and Zelda aren't already friends, and instead meet for the first time when she officiates his train engineer graduation ceremony, and then requests his help to sneak out of the castle to investigate the Spirit Tower (because you need to go there by train). Which is a pretty logical way to get them working together, like sure she does trust a total stranger pretty fast but whatever.
Their relationship doesn't really get developed during the story, and is mostly just based around the implicit knowledge that going on such an adventure together naturally brings you closer. Zelda does regularly compliment Link for doing well so there's that at least, but I think most of their relationship relies on the player growing to like Zelda through the game and transferring those feelings to Link. They do end the game holding hands, which probably puts them in the top 5 canon Zelink couples, though I'd rather see it just as two friends who have gone through a lot together finally getting some relief; I don't remember anything else in the game that could be seen as romantic. Regardless it's cute that both of them move their hands at the same time so they're clearly on the same wavelength.
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As for the other characters, the mentor Anjean feels more of a mentor to Zelda than Link, since she's the one whose emotional state is discussed a lot more. Aside from that one weird comment about being seemingly dismissive about Anjean's fate (or maybe Zelda was sure she was ok and thus didn't even think to be concerned about her safety? That wasn't my reading of the scene though), they care about each other and Anjean ascending to heavens at the end hits Zelda specifically.
The villain's henchman and a former student of Anjean's becomes a somewhat important character to Zelda as well. Once he's betrayed and incapacitated by the end boss (duh) Zelda becomes concerned for his well-being immediately, though it's not really explained why. I guess she's just empathetic? Him being Anjean's former student probably helped. Zelda doesn't directly say that she has forgiven him (not that he apologised), but she does say she has a bone to pick with him after they're done with the end boss in a very non-serious way, so I feel that it's implied. He is presumably moved by this and sacrifices himself in the final battle, and the failure to save him is the big bittersweet moment for the finale. This didn't really do much for me since their relationship wasn't that developed, but I guess it's nice that he got to do something at least.
Zelda's old teacher is also a prominent NPC and the two clearly care for each other, though this doesn't really get explored that much. Zelda does comment that the teacher would have loved one of the puzzles Link solves, and hopes to bring him to see it too. She also has a mutually respectful relationship with Link's engineering teacher and a former soldier.
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frydawolff · 1 year
The 10 companies facing a possible strike are: Activision Productions Inc., Blindlight LLC, Disney Character Voices Inc., Electronic Arts Productions Inc., Epic Games, Inc., Formosa Interactive LLC, Insomniac Games Inc., Take 2 Productions Inc., VoiceWorks Productions Inc., and WB Games Inc. “Work under the video game contract “includes a great deal of ‘performance capture,’ where trained professionals, many of whom are stunt performers, provide digitally captured performances used to give expressive movement to video game characters,” the guild said. “Unregulated use of AI poses an enormous threat to these artists’ professions.” The union is fighting for protective language in the contract that will require informed consent and appropriate payment for the creation and use of digital replicas and for training AI systems with our members’ performances.”
Unavoidable when I'm sure studios would love to pay minimal reuse fees via AI. VO's not gonna be a viable job in about a minute.
Spent last night with a crew of AI devs. The c-suite went on about how soon all film and TV scripts will be written by AI to appease the bottom line. He asked if I've seen Barbenheimer, I said no, "I just signed up for Criterion Channel and stopped watching all new streaming shows and movies."
He got stuck and didn't have a response for somebody making it a point to consume legacy human entertainment, presented in curated collections managed by humans.
The immediate future is bleak in a way I don't think anybody is really prepared for.
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softpine · 1 year
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i’ve been so busy lately and then i get extremely sick and i’ve been in a haze from all the pain meds the past 2 weeks so if i already answered any of these asks or if i forgot any, please forgive me 😩 i really have no memory at the moment jfksjds
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awww thank you :’) i have such a soft spot for those moments where a character who isn’t normally vulnerable opens up (but only for one special person). and so does elaine!!
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@lullabysimblr​ omg thank you so much!!! reading my story from the beginning is a herculean task fjskjds i really appreciate it 💖 i looove giving my characters flaws, it’s one of my favorite aspects of writing!
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technically they all have iphones because i just use the same phone accessory so that i can reuse poses and just quickly recolor the screen depending on the scene :/ but i honestly can’t imagine any of my characters dick riding for any corporations fjksjds
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 @alltimefail​ fksdjskj words have never been casper’s strong suit but it’s always fun to write dialogue for him!! and i’m so happy you like reading the bts posts because i feel like a self absorbed weirdo if i post them without someone prompting me first lmao so i’ll definitely post one for you!! i know i already sent you a dm but yeah i plan to combine the last 3-ish posts into one behind the scenes post because i can barely remember what i’ve already said or didn’t say 😭
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so let me just say that it’s been a while since i watched season 1 and i haven’t started season 2 yet, so some of this might not be accurate. but!! i had the same gripes when i watched it but i eventually changed my own mind. the shrooms scene is definitely not a realistic portrayal of what shrooms would make a normal person act like, but these aren’t normal people. they’re teenagers who have been removed from society, are starving, scared, beginning to think they’ll never go home again, combined with alcohol, and they don’t even know they’ve been drugged (that can make you feel real crazy REAL quick). the madness was already started to take hold in them while they were sober, the shrooms were just the gentlest little push they needed to give into it. personally i dislike how media treats shrooms in general (or like any hallucinogen) because it’s never realistic, but i don’t think yellowjackets was any more unrealistic than any other trip scene i’ve seen on tv. i agree that it was a cop-out and nothing more than a plot device which is pretty disappointing. i would’ve rather seen them descend into madness more gradually.
as for jackie’s death... if i remember correctly, all the girls had just fallen asleep outside the previous night and it was only a bit chilly, not dangerously cold. no one had reason to believe they were sending jackie to her death that night by making her sleep outside. and i live in an area where the weather fluctuates rapidly especially in the fall or spring, where one day i can be wearing a t-shirt outside but within a couple hours we’ll get 6 inches of snow. homeless people tragically die all the time in my city if they’re not able to take shelter when this kind of weather hits, because it happens so suddenly that you might not even wake up in time to realize that you’re freezing (or you’re half awake but your body is in shock and you become delirious). so i don’t find that part to be unrealistic at all. i can’t really remember where nat and travis were at the time so i can’t say why they would ignore jackie, but if it hadn’t started snowing yet, they probably just weren’t concerned. same with ben, he’s a voice of reason but he’s not really good at putting his foot down. taissa didn’t want to disagree with shauna and she didn’t think jackie would die, so she didn’t say anything. that’s all just my interpretation obviously but i’ve seen a lot of people call jackie’s death unrealistic and i just don’t agree
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i don’t even know what the bed glitch is, i’m sorry :( is it not the same glitch you can fix with an s4s batch fix?
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thank you so much for the advice! now that the weather is warming up i’ve been able to spend more time outside which has helped a lot. i’m sorry about your grandparents, i’m sending you & your family all the peace and love ♥
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i believe they’re still these eyes but i’ve customized so much of my main sims cc that i can’t say it’ll look the same. i also edited their eyes in that post to make stevie look like she’d been crying and to make elaine’s eyes more dramatic!
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i think they’re these ones :)
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skiphireeastgrinstead · 2 months
Skip Hire East Grinstead: Simplifying Your Waste Management Needs
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When it comes to managing waste for your home or business, efficient and reliable solutions are essential. This is where skip hire East Grinstead comes into play. Whether you're undergoing a renovation, decluttering your space, or handling a construction project, hiring a skip can save you time, effort, and stress.
Why Choose Skip Hire?
Skip hire offers a hassle way to dispose of large volumes of waste. Instead of making multiple trips to the local dump, a skip allows you to gather all your rubbish in one place, ready for collection.
Variety of Sizes
Skips come in various sizes, from small mini skips for minor cleanups to large roll-on-roll-off skips for major construction projects. This means you can choose the perfect size to suit your needs without paying for more capacity than you require.
Eco-Friendly Disposal
Reputable skip hire companies ensure that your waste is disposed of responsibly. They sort through the waste, recycling and reusing materials where possible, which helps reduce your environmental footprint.
When you consider the time and effort saved, hiring a skip can be a cost-effective solution. Plus, you can get a upfront quote to understand the pricing before committing.
Proper waste management reduces the risk of accidents on your site. By keeping waste contained in a skip, you minimize the chances of injury from debris and ensure a safer environment for everyone involved.
Time Efficiency
Skip hire allows you to focus on your project without interruptions. With a skip on-site, you can dispose of waste as you go, keeping your workspace clear and efficient.
Many skip hire companies offer flexible rental periods, allowing you to keep the skip for as long as you need. This is particularly useful for projects that might take longer than expected.
Using a skip hire service helps you comply with local waste disposal regulations. Professional companies are knowledgeable about legal requirements and ensure that your waste is handled according to the law.
Skip hire services can accommodate difficult-to-reach areas, providing solutions for sites with limited access. They can deliver and collect skips in a manner that suits your specific location needs.
Customer Support
Reputable skip hire companies offer excellent customer service, providing advice on the best skip size for your needs and answering any questions you may have throughout the process.
How to Hire a Skip in East Grinstead
Determine Your Needs: Assess the volume and type of waste you need to dispose of. This will help you select the right skip size.
Choose a Reputable Company: Look for a local skip hire service in East Grinstead with positive reviews and transparent pricing. Ensure they are licensed and offer eco-friendly disposal options.
Get a Quote: Contact the company to get an upfront quote based on your requirements. Make sure to discuss any specific needs or restrictions you may have.
Schedule Delivery and Collection: Arrange for the skip to be delivered at a convenient time. Once it's filled, the company will collect it and handle the disposal.
Frequently Asked Questions about Skip Hire
What can I put in a skip? 
Generally, you can dispose of most household and construction waste in a skip, including furniture, garden waste, and building materials. However, there are restrictions on hazardous items such as asbestos, chemicals, and electrical appliances. Always check with your skip hire provider for a complete list of prohibited items.
Do I need a permit for a skip? 
If you plan to place the skip on public property, such as a road or pavement, you may need a permit from your local council. Your skip hire company can often arrange this for you, ensuring that all legal requirements are met.
How full can I fill the skip?
Skips should not be overfilled, as this can pose safety risks during transport. Most skips have a "fill line" indicating the maximum level to which they can be safely loaded. Overloading a skip can result in additional charges or the refusal to collect the skip.
Can I move the skip once it’s delivered?
No, skips should not be moved once delivered due to the risk of damage to your property or the skip itself. Ensure that the placement of the skip is decided in advance with the delivery driver.
What happens to the waste after collection?
After collection, the skip hire company will transport the waste to a processing facility where it is sorted. Recyclable materials are separated and sent for recycling, while the remaining waste is disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.
Skip hire East Grinstead is an excellent solution for efficient and responsible waste management. By choosing the right skip size and a reputable company, you can ensure that your project runs smoothly without the headache of waste disposal. Whether it's a small home cleanup or a large construction job, skip hire simplifies the process and helps keep your environment clean and clutter.
For more information or to get a quote, contact a local skip hire service in East Grinstead today.
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kabutoraiger · 2 years
I was just thinking about it today, the last time we had an "evil recolor" ranger was Zyuoh The World, six years ago. Even that's a bit of a stretch, but I dunno how far you'd have to go beyond that to hit someone. AbareKiller?
that's an interesting interpretation of it... i can't think of zyuoh the world that way since he's just. the sixth. even though he had a short antagonist phase he was never a villain to me. and he has his own unique suit and helmets so not a recolor in my mind either. abarekiller also has his own unique suit.
here's the 2 i mentioned when replying to the other ask
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deathryuger does have those extra arm things but otherwise the base suit is indistinguishable from the regular kyoryus. and while the helmet was very slightly unique at the time of introduction the whole suit was later reused to make kyoryu navy.
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the dark buster/red buster situation is more complicated since obviously the suits are. different. but rather Narratively dark buster is intended to be the evil clone version so he registers as a recolor in my mind since that was ms kobayashi's blessed authorial intent.
but regardless.
if the question you're posing is rather "when was the last time there was a core guy who was villainous" then god yeah it's been some 20 years. sixths aren't usually Like That anymore. sad for all of us fans of horrible bastard men.
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] 3rd Anniversary Love Carnival - Victor
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for an event which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
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Victor’s Prologue: here
3rd Anniversary Masterlist: here
The moment we step into the carnival venue, my gaze is completely consumed by a gigantic merry-go-round.
MC: What a dream-like merry-go-round! Let’s ride this as our first attraction!
When Victor sees the golden coloured merry-go-round before him, his expression freezes in place for a moment. However, he still stands in the queue with me.
MC: Eh? You’re agreeing just like that?!
MC: “I don't waste my time on such senseless things”.
I mimic Victor, channelling a stern expression.
MC: Don’t you typically say that? Why did you agree so quickly today?
I make a face at him. When Victor sees this, he furrows his brows and gives me a gentle knock on the head.
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Victor: Spending my time on a pointless rejection is even more of a waste.
I turn around, glaring at Victor. However, all he does is stare back plainly at me.
Victor: Because of a certain childish individual, my tolerance levels have increased by quite a lot.
I specially pick a double-manned horse. Along with the romantic music, the horses start ascending and descending, moving in a circular motion.
Couples in the surroundings are raising their phones, taking photographs with various poses. Every screen is filled with brilliant smiles.
Somewhat influenced by such an atmosphere, I turn my head to look at Victor.
As expected, Victor, who is sitting on a black steed, looks so stern that it’s as though he’s participating in some investment report meeting.
Sensing the gaze I tossed at him, Victor looks at me.
Victor: What is it?
MC: Victor, do you want to smile a little?
Victor: Why?
MC: Because when people are happy, they’d subconsciously want to smile. In the happiest place on earth, and having such an adorable lady in front of you, don't you feel even the slightest bit of happiness?
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Victor: You aren’t humble at all.
Despite what he says, I can clearly see a handsome arc at the corners of his lips.
MC: Can you appreciate the joys of being on a merry-go-round now?
Victor: That’s only if seeing you look silly counts as one of the joys.
MC: Can’t you just honestly say that you’re very happy when you’re with me?
I wave my fist at him in a threatening manner.
Victor sighs. Looking back at me, he says in resignation:
Victor: I’m happy. But it has nothing to do with the merry-go-round.
As the music gradually softens, and the merry-go-round is about to complete its turn, I realise that we haven’t taken a picture yet.
Just as I adjust the angle, attempting to include Victor into the frame to obtain a “group photo”, he senses what I'm planning to do.
Victor takes my phone, then leans down closer to me.
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Victor: Look at the camera.
He lifts the phone up, pressing the shutter.
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MC: High-altitude glass platform bridge…?
In order to try a more unique attraction, Victor and I have come to the high-altitude glass platform bridge with the direction of the guide.
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Victor: Want to try it?
After a moment of hesitance, I nod.
MC: Since we’re already here!
Looking death calmly in the face, I stare at the pathway, resolutely joining the queue.
Although I’ve already mentally prepared myself, I regret it the moment I step onto the platform bridge.
MC: I can’t do this. People need to stand on the ground!
I grip the railing at the side, carefully inching forward at a tortoise’s pace.
Just as I plan to tell Victor about my regret of overestimating my confidence, I lift my head and see him waiting for me composedly.
Likely seeing that I haven’t moved after such a long time, Victor sighs softly, walks towards me, and offers me his hand.
I immediately reach out, holding his large palm.
A warm sensation sprouts from our laced hands. Victor follows my pace, walking slowly to the other end of the platform bridge.
MC; You aren’t afraid?
Victor: Why should I be afraid?
He pauses for a moment, then gives me an explanation which leaves me unable to retort.
Victor: Since it’s open for visitors to experience, there are definitely sufficient safeguards to ensure the safety of the amusement facilities.
MC: …
For a moment, I actually don’t know where I should begin.
The person is the one feeling scared. What does that have to do with the safety of the facilities?
Or should I be in awe that because of such a reason, he can overcome the fear that humans have about falling from high altitudes?
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Victor: If you’re really scared, don’t look under your feet. Look forward.
While doing that, I still can’t help but mutter:
MC: During such moments, shouldn’t you say things like “If you’re scared, hold me tight”, or “If you’re scared, just look at me”?
Victor casts me a glance.
Victor: Do you think that’d be useful?
MC: Mr Victor, do you know the power and vigour comfort brings?
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Victor: The next time you can’t finish your proposal, I think I could reuse this saying. You can use your vigour to increase efficiency, and not ask me to postpone the meeting.
I look straight into Victor’s eyes, the discipline of the working class enabling me to harden my backbone and face this investor even at a high altitude.
MC: Are you a monster? Must you bring up things that’d upset me at this time?
Victor looks at me, a slight smile in his eyes.
Victor: You’re so full of vigour. I think you aren’t afraid anymore. All right, you can finish the rest of the path yourself.
Hearing this, I realise that the transparent glass platform has already reached its end. The following path is lined with carpet.
In the midst of our banter, I’d actually completed the entire journey without even realising it.
MC: Victor, were you deliberately criticising me earlier to divert my attention?
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Victor: I should be the one with questions. When I’m by your side, where else could your focus be diverted to?
I’m left dumbfounded. Victor chuckles, as though he doesn’t care how I’d respond to his question.
Like earlier, he walks in front of me unhurriedly, not releasing the hand holding onto mine.
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Victor: The next attraction probably has a queue. Follow closely.
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MC: I didn’t expect the restaurants in the carnival to serve pretty tasty food.
I take a bite out of a heart-shaped lemon cake, and can’t help but exclaim in awe.
Initially, I had only noticed that the food laid out on the tables for patrons was shocking.
The extremely big and bold words on the leaflet - “Carnival Special Couple Set Meal” - stirred my heart.
Without another word, I pulled Victor in, pointing at the leaflet excitedly.
I didn’t expect that no matter whether it was the presentation or the taste, they left one pleasantly surprised.
MC: Victor, should Souvenir also introduce a couple set meal in the future? Like this heart-shaped cake - I’m really optimistic about its popularity in the market! I think it can attract quite a number of people.
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Victor: No.
Unsurprisingly, Victor rejects my idea.
I sigh.
MC: CEO Victor, as the most ambitious and most knowledgeable on how to advance in the market, LFG is a business miracle. What does it receive most praise for? Isn’t it how it’s bold enough to try expanding its capabilities? Also, as the manager of Souvenir, are you really not considering including such a mentality into your dishes?
On the spot, I present a report involving how to expand Souvenir, and anticipate his reaction.
Victor is the same as always. Both arms are crossed over his chest as he listens to my report seriously, then he gives his comments.
Victor: The report lacks proper thought. Rejected.
MC: Why’s that?
I feel slightly indignant.
Victor sets down his hands, signalling that I should shift closer.
I have no idea what he’s planning to do, and lean over while confused.
Victor’s fingers brush against the stray hairs near my ear, rescuing a strand of hair which has been entangled with my earring.
When his finger brushes lightly against my earlobe, I suddenly think of how Victor was the one who put on this pair of earrings for me before we headed out this morning.
Victor: Souvenir isn’t a business. Its existence is unrelated to any business models.
MC: What is it related to then?
Victor: The manager’s personal preferences.
He retracts his hand, looking at me calmly.
Victor: The presentation and image of such dishes don’t suit Souvenir’s usual style.
Regretfully, I split the heart-shaped strawberry pie, placing half onto Victor’s plate.
MC: Since the manager has already put it that way…
MC: It looks like I can only seize this opportunity, and experience the fluffy, soft strawberry pie here.
I let out a soft sigh. In my mind, I can’t help but imagine - if Victor were to make this, I wonder how it’d taste.
MC: It’d definitely be several times more delicious than this.
Victor finishes the strawberry pie, and doesn’t seem to hear my soft mutter.
After a short period of silence, Victor’s serious voice pipes up.
Victor: It won’t be an item on the menu.
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Victor: But this doesn’t mean I can’t make it for you once at home.
Victor elegantly cuts the food on the plate, not much expression on his face.
Only I know the warmth underneath that quiet display.
MC: When the time comes, I’ll invite Mr Victor to appraise it with me.
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We walk and pause, finally ending up before the Pendulum ride.
Pointing at the attraction, where shrill cries can be heard constantly, I think of that children’s day when he had taken the “Time Traveler” ride with me.
And how time had stopped for a few seconds during the descent.
[Note] This is a reference to Fairytale Date!
MC: Want to give this a try?
I turn my head, looking at Victor expectantly.
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Victor: No.
As I expected, Victor rejects me.
MC: Victor, could you be scared?
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Victor: Of course not.
His expression is stern, and he looks forward.
MC: In that case, ride it with me!
While saying this, I pull him along with me and we sit down.
There’s still some time before the ride begins. The chatter and laughter from people in the queue before us continuously drift over.
Enthusiastic visitor: A friend of mine took the Pendulum before. When it was over, he calmly said that it wasn’t much. In the end, he started puking after taking a few steps.
Happy visitor: Hahahaha, the same thing happened to my colleague. He sat for the ride in another place once, and screamed until his voice was hoarse at work the next day. He had to drink chinese medicine for the entire day.
I’m somewhat tickled by the conversations.
MC: They’re speaking so exaggeratedly. How could that be possible? What do you think?
The criticism I expected doesn’t arrive.
Finding this a little odd, I look at Victor, realising that he’s strapping on his seatbelt seriously, his expression stern.
I really wish I could take out my phone and snap a picture of this Victor before me.
The Pendulum truly lives up to its name.
At first, I even thought it’d be so-so.
But when the Pendulum’s amplitude grows increasingly larger, till it feels like I’m being tossed around, I can’t help but scream.
MC: Ahhhhh–
This! Is! Too! Scary!
Just when I’m forced to sit through these parabolic motions, my left hand is gently held onto by someone.
Bracing against the violent wind, I open my eyes. Victor is sitting straight and quietly in his seat. His posture is tense, yet he looks as though he’s very calm.
Amid the shrill screams, I can vaguely hear his voice.
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Victor: Don’t be afraid.
Stepping off the Pendulum, I immediately grasp for the railing at the side.
However, when I see Victor’s crooked tie and slightly unkempt hair, I can’t help but burst into laughter.
This time, I don’t let this chance slip by, and keep this dishevelled Victor in my phone.
I make a decision to have this picture printed out to be placed at the bedside.
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Victor: …what are you doing this time?
MC: Nothing, nothing! Oh yes, what do you think of this attraction?
Victor: …so-so.
MC: If you’re afraid, you can just say so. It’s a normal human reaction, and I won’t laugh at you.
Victor: I’m not afraid.
MC: In that case…
I look at Victor, my smile growing wider.
MC: Let’s ride it again!
Victor: …
MC: You aren’t going to prove that you aren’t afraid?
Victor: Let’s go then.
MC: Eh?
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Victor: Since you’re so enthusiastic about this ride, you’ll definitely experience it together with me. Am I wrong?
Seeing Victor arch his brows slightly, and turning my game against me, I respond with certainty–
MC: I’m sorry! We’ll head to another attraction right now!
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Perplexed and not knowing which attraction to go to next, an uproar in front attracts my attention.
MC: Eh? Did something happen?
I pull Victor forward with me.
I see a man holding a large bunch of roses and pink balloons, kneeling down on one knee in front of a woman.
The woman’s face is red from shyness, and her eyes are filled with touching emotions and surprise.
MC: Someone’s proposing!
Looking at the scene before me, I can’t help but tilt my head and whisper into Victor’s ear as he stands beside me.
MC: It’s so sweet. I hope they can be together for a very long time!
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Victor turns his head slightly, as though sensing the envy in my tone.
Victor: You’re very envious?
MC: A little.
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Victor frowns slightly, looking as though he can’t comprehend it.
Very quickly, however, he seems to think of something.
Victor: Stand here and don’t move. Wait for a while.
Before I can react, Victor has already left.
I stand rooted in place.
At the side, the proposal is still ongoing. The man stammers as he takes her down a walk through memory lane, clumsily taking out a ring box.
The girl’s eyes have long since been brimming with happy tears.
I look at Victor, not knowing what he’s going to do, and not knowing what will happen next.
Under my expectant and nervous gaze, he walks over to the person selling balloons, and buys a small balloon flower.
MC: …
I knew it!
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Victor: Give me your hand.
When Victor returns, he speaks in his usual tone.
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Then, he holds up my hand, lowers his eyes, and ties the balloon flower to my wrist.
Seeing this childish action contrasted with Victor’s serious expression, I can’t help but chuckle.
With me, he’s done so many things that are, according to his standards, a waste of time, meaningless and utterly childish.
It doesn’t seem to be a bad thing though.
My heart is encased with a sweetness. Raising my wrist happily, I crinkle my eyes as I look at the balloon flower under the sunlight.
MC: It’s so pretty!
My gaze is completely absorbed by the balloon flower, and I don’t even notice that the crowd afar off has burst into applause. That man’s proposal probably succeeded.
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Victor: You’re satisfied just like that?
MC: Hehe, the most satisfied person in the world! Let’s go, we still have to head to the next attraction.
I turn my head and prepare to leave, but Victor grabs my wrist.
MC: What…!
Pink coloured balloons and flower petals fill the air, spreading happiness all around.
And in this corner with only the two of us, a gentle kiss descends on my forehead.
Victor: The most childish person in the entire amusement park is probably right in front of me.
Victor looks at me, saying the critique that I couldn’t be more familiar with.
In his eyes, there’s also a smile and gentleness that I couldn’t be more familiar with.
The celebration and clamour have nothing to do with me.
All the happiness and clamour, all the ribbons and fresh flowers, can’t compare to a word from him.
Nor can they compare to the somewhat childish balloon flower on my wrist.
I smile while standing on my tiptoes, wrapping my arms around Victor’s neck, and giving him a kiss.
MC: He’s also in front of me! Being childish with you is the happiest thing in the world.
I hear a soft chuckle, then a warm breath. Following this, my forehead feels a tender touch for the second time.
Victor: Dummy.
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Fireworks event: here
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recurring-polynya · 3 years
ok so i really like choei and i’ve been wondering what he looks like...i mean he’s a pretty prominent oc in a big chunk of your fics so maybe... a doodle? xD
(2/2) ok maybe prominent is not the right word but memorable would definitely be it 
So, a while ago, I had the idea to try and draw a bunch of my Squad 6 OCs and do, like, little profiles for them? Like they used to have at the end of the Bleach volumes? Mostly, I just wanted to practice drawing faces. Anyway, this turned out to be way more work than I expected, so this may be the only one I end up doing, but it was fun.
Ahhh, Choei. It was 2019. I was writing my second fanfic. I needed two Squad 6 OCs, whom I hoped to reuse, because I hate making OCs. Two upper seats, one of them who laughs at Renji’s jokes and one of them who would never laugh at Renji’s jokes. The former became Fourth Seat Kuchiki Choei, the OC that dared to ask the question: what if a Kuchiki, but also a bro?
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Birthday: November 26 (Sagittarius)
Height: 183cm (6′0″)
Weight: 80kg (176lb)
Zanpakutou: Namazu
Release command: Furuwasero, Namazu!/Shake it up, Namazu! (furuwaseru means to cause something else to shake as opposed to furueru / to shake)
Special skill: Plays pivot on the Squad 6 futsal team
Hobby: Collecting stuff from the World of the Living.
Food: Likes: Yakult (yogurt drink)  Dislikes: Mushrooms
How he spends his day off: Can often be found wearing a backwards baseball cap and Sidewalk Surfers and hanging out in one of the trendy Living World-style karaoke bars and coffee houses that sprang up in the years following the ryouka invasion.
Theme Song: “Good Time” by Owl City and Carly Rae Jepsen
Choei facts!
Namazu, Choei’s zanpakutou is an otsuchi, a war hammer traditionally used for breaking down doors. Choei has two special attacks: (1) he can slam Namazu into something with tremendous concussive force, shaking it to pieces and (2) he can strike the ground to cause small earthquakes.
Namazu is named for the legendary catfish that causes earthquakes in Japanese folklore. He is normally trapped by the thunder god Kashima under a stone or gourd, but sometimes he gets rowdy and thrashes around, causing tremors. He was a popular subject of ukiyo-e prints in the 19th century and is also regarded as a deity of social justice and wealth redistribution. (Choei likes to redistribute his wealth at the bar on Saturday nights). The trailing ribbons on Choei’s zanpakutou are meant to be evocative of catfish whiskers.
In Squad 6, all shihakushou accessories must be approved, in writing, by the captain. Choei holds the record for the most rejected applications, including, but not limited to: Doc Martens, ski goggles, a puffy vest, a trucker hat, and a fanny pack. To date, the only thing he has gotten past Byakuya is a pair of bro-ass grippy weightlighting gloves which he claims are “functional.” (It is a great mystery among Squad 6ers whether Byakuya makes Renji submit accessory applications and actually approves them or if Vice Captain just does what he wants and Byakuya lets him. Also why?? how?? Is it because he has bankai??)
Choei is Byakuya’s second cousin (his paternal grandfather is Ginrei’s brother). He has four older brothers and one older sister, Naoko, who is the Lady of the Gotou branch family.  
Choei is a bit of a black sheep. He is a not a man of culture and he isn’t interested in settling down and making a nice marriage alliance. He joined the Gotei because it’s about the only thing he’s able to do to the satisfaction of his family. Although he has very high reiatsu and is a strong fighter (his zanpakutou is especially well suited for smashing Hollow masks), he has rarely been motivated to work hard, and was often dismissed by his relatives for his fun-loving lifestyle and fighting with a “vulgar”, non-bladed weapon, not befitting a Kuchiki. Since Renji came on as Vice Captain, he has made Choei do approximately 900,000 pushups and lets Choei hit Hihiou Zabimaru in the face with his hammer. Renji doesn’t know this, but Choei admires him deeply and has improved a lot under his abuse tutelage.
Choei managed to distinguish himself in my sadtimes Byakuya Dies AU, Portions for Foxes by passing the Lieutenant’s Exam and becoming Renji’s Vice-Captain (and also by hooking up with Sentarou.)
Special thanks to @kaicko for help with Choei’s zanpakutou and release command and also just listening to me ramble about my bro son.
Also, credit to AdorkaStock for the pose reference!
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yurissweettooth · 3 years
Yay For 10 Years!🎉🎉
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*Psst, click the image for higher quality!*
I have zero shame in saying that this show (and all related media) has changed my whole life in so many ways! I’m also not shy about the fact that my heart belongs to Yuri (I think he's so cool!) so of course he was the obvious choice for who do draw and write a short, light hearted fic about (which you can read below the cut!)💚💙
I hope everyone has had a lot of fun on this day!
“Let’s see here… Kotetsu Kaburagi damage report… Kotetsu Kaburagi damage report… Kotetsu Kaburagi... damage report…” Yuri exhaled, massaging the bridge of his nose in exasperation as he leafed through a mountain of crinkled, coffee stained documents. It was of little to no surprise that the pile of paperwork that had been left on his desk while he was away on his lunch break could mostly be attributed to the more reckless half of Sternbild’s prized crime fighting duo. With  a sigh Yuri lifted the receiver of his phone, intending to politely  remind Tiger once again not to use his paperwork as a coaster. However,  before he could dial the number it had begun to ring.
“Justice department, Yuri Petrov speaking.” he answered, suppressing his annoyance and replacing it with his usual polite tone.
“Good afternoon Mr. Petrov, it’s Agnes. As you might be aware, today is the ten year anniversary of the Justice Tower’s remodeling.” She explained.
“Yes. Ten years ago today all of the walls were repainted and appliances replaced to give it a more modern look to reflect a new era of Heroes.” She stated, as if that really explained anything at all.
“That is quite lovely to hear Ms. Joubert. The paint is, uh, a very nice color.” he stated politely, not even sparing a glance at the boring grey walls that surrounded him.
“Look, you don’t have to flatter me, I couldn’t care less about the paint color either. The sponsors are complaining that the returns on their investments are decreasing so we need to drum up some interest and we need to do it fast. Anything can be a reason to celebrate if you look at it right way, right? I mean, do you have any better ideas?”
“Ms. Joubert, I’m merely a judge… I apologize, but I don’t see what this has to do with me.”
“Yes, precisely! You’re a judge, bringer of justice, upholder of the law!” she passionately proclaimed “Apollon media stands for justice, as such it’s only natural that we feature a man of true justice like yourself..”
Yuri elicits a sound of smug approval and leans back in his chair “Well, I suppose when you word it in that way I may be able to see your point.”
“Fantastic! So, of course our main heroes are our star attraction, our second league heroes are a nice side dish, but you’re probably somewhere right below that when it comes to your importance in delivering justice. ”
“Oh… is that so?” Yuri asked as his briefly amused tone fell flat at her backhanded remark. Was she trying to insult him?
“Precisely.” she said as though she believed she had just bestowed upon him the complement of the century. “I was thinking, in a way you’re kind of like a minor hero yourself so maybe we could spin it as something like a ‘Meet Sternbild’s Hidden Heroes!’ segment. Of course we’ll save all the big questions for our real heroes but maybe at some point we could get your perspective on what you think of the decor of the tower and what it’s like to be a judge.”
As he began to feel the backs of his eyes grow warm he made the quick decision to end the call there before he lost his composure. “Agnes, you always have incredible ideas and I wish you all the best with pursuing that. Thank you for the information, I'll think it over. I’ll be returning to my paperwork now but please don’t hesitate to contact me again when you are in need of further assistance.”
“Oh, you're doing paperwork? In that case, this is actually a great opportunity. Stay put and act natural, I’ll be there in just a minute with the supplies and the film crew.” Agnes made a point of hanging up quickly before he even got the chance to protest.
Just as she’d promised, Agnes and her posse were barging into his office and shoving cameras in his face before he’d even been able to sign off on the first document. She wasted no time in bounding right up to his desk, turning towards the camera.
“Would you look at that, Sternbild’s very own Judge Yuri Petrov, hard at work as usual!” She gracefully spun around and held the microphone out to him “So tell us Yuri, what are you working on currently?”
He pursed his lips, just barely masking his disapproval. He had never been one for interviews, especially not while presenting simply as Judge Petrov, so he figured it best just to blurt out a few simple answers and get it over with quickly. “Well you see, Wild Tiger has again destroyed more property in one week than a group of delinquents could in their entire lifetime." He motioned to the papers in front of him "As you can see, I have a lot of damage reports that I need to-.”
It was rather frightening how suddenly Agnes was able to snap out of her charming, professional mode. “Hey! Take your job seriously!” she shouted, slamming her hands against his desk. “You’re supposed to say ‘Heh heh, I’m sure you would love to know but that’s confidential.’ and wink at the camera or something like that.”
“You’re right, my apologies." Yuri said. He tucked a lock of his hair behind his ears, shuffled his papers, and started again. Sorry, I can’t tell you what I’m working on as doing so would violate the code outlined in article 371 B of the Sternbild judic-”
“Ugh, forget it, moving on. Ahem, soooo Mr. Petrov, why don’t you tell us a little bit about what led you to become a judge and why serving justice is so important to you.”
“Ah, well that one is simple.” he said, putting on the vaguest semblance of a friendly smile “I believe that justice is important.”
Agnes nodded her head, the microphone still pointed at him for a moment longer. That is, until the moment passed without him saying anything else. “I-is that all?”
“I’m not sure what else can really be said on the topic.” he stated matter-of-factly.
“Jeez, who hired this guy…” she muttered. “Well, can you at least tell me what you think of the new penholders?”
“Aren’t these from ten years ago?”
“Well they’re newer to you because you only started working here just within the past two years.”
“Mm, I see… but couldn’t the same have been said for the pen holders that were here before the renovation if they were still here now? Does being new to me really make them new?”
Agnes lowered the microphone and gave him a look that would make even Lunatic tremble in fear. “Alright, I had hoped we could avoid it but you’ve left me no choice but to resort to plan B.”
The words “plan B” didn’t leave the most pleasant feeling in Yuri’s gut and, for a moment, he almost considered interjecting and asking to restart the interview. However, Agnes already had her mind made up and was knocking his paperwork and carefully arranged pens aside to make room for a large box displaying the company logo. She rifled through the contents, producing a large cupcake bearing red and green candles in the shape of the number ten among other various party related items.
“Bring it in.” Agnes motioned her crew closer to get a better shot as she rounded the corner of his desk and placed a large, blue and green party hat on his head, pressing it down to try and make it sit smoothly atop his curly hair. “You like these colors, right?” she asked, as if the colors were what might be wrong with this.
“Well, yes but…” he started, but she silenced him with a simple wave of her hand.
“Alright, great. Here, put this in your mouth.” she said, shoving a party blowout, rather reminiscent of Sky High's suit, towards his lips “Try not to get any lipstick on it, we need to reuse this for next year.”
“May I ask why you are making me do this?” Yuri asked, his resolve wavering.
“I’ve decided we’re doing a magazine interview instead. I’ll write out all of your answers for you, we just need a few photos of you to accompany them. Now, pretend like you’re having fun!” she reached back into the box, grabbed a handful of confetti, and sprinkled the colored paper over his head. “Cain, go go go!” she instructed, hoping not to have to waste all of their confetti on just one shoot.
Yuri complied, albeit begrudgingly, but only because it seemed to be the only way to put an end to this save for burning the place down. He gave her the smile she requested, posed with the cake, and shuffled his papers around a few more times to make it look like he had been working.
“Alright, that’s a wrap.” Agnes said at last “This should be enough to work with." She said as she began to pick what confetti she could from Yuri’s hair and place it back into the box.
“Ms. Joubert, I must ask, will something like this really be helpful to our image?” Yuri sighs.
Agnes closes up the box and sets it on the floor beside his desk.“Well, it will be interesting, that’s for sure.” she answered vaguely, “Thanks for your time, I think I can use what I got. I saw you eyeing it so you can keep the cake as compensation, just have the other stuff back to me by this evening.” She had already turned to leave before another thought popped into her head “Oh, and Yuri?”
Yuri, rather reluctantly, looked up with a questioning look. He prayed it wasn't another weird question or dumb photo idea.
“Maybe try to be a bit more cheerful sometimes, with an attitude like that people are going to start thinking you hate heroes or something. Plus, you actually look sort of pleasant when you’re smiling and having fun, even if you're just faking.” she shrugged. “Anyway, I’ll have a copy of the issue on your desk when it comes out.” she said, waving her crew after her and closing the door behind them.
Yuri, now alone in his trashed office, exhaled a sigh of relief at her departure. “I suppose the public wouldn’t be too pleased if they thought their judge hated heroes.” he remarks to himself as his glowing fingertips make contact with the candle wicks and set them alight. Once his hand had cooled he brushed it across the surface of his desk and collected the remaining confetti, repeating Agnes’s words from their phone call earlier about how anything can be a reason to celebrate. He took the stack of papers and shoved it into the bottom drawer of his desk. In a swift movement he sat back and tossed the confetti into the air above his head in celebration of ,what he just decided, was going to be a well deserved and much needed day off. As the scraps of paper rained down on him he recalled  her other words and smiled to himself.
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silver-wield · 4 years
I want to know what your thoughts are on the optional Aerith resolution scene? Particularly around the time where Aerith says the "love" line?
Awww man, you're gonna make me watch that? Lol
Ok let's do this then.
Ok, spoiler warning for ppl who haven’t played – do I still need to do this? Eh ok, (I tag FF7R spoilers as final fantasy 7 remake spoilers) and it’s gonna be reasonably long.
Also, this is one person’s interpretation of the scene, so if you disagree that’s cool and we’ll agree to disagree.
You’re also gonna have to excuse the janky quality on some of the screens, I’m grabbing them from Youtube and it’s frustrating af trying to get the exact moment I want.
Other analyses if anyone’s interested.
Shinra HQ vision scene (Cloti/plot analysis) 
Chapter 3 (Cloti reblog) 
Tifa character analysis 
Aerith Resolution (plot analysis/theory – I should probably update this since I’ve had other ideas since then) 
Train graveyard (not really an analysis, but I got some sweet screenshots of Cloti) 
Clotiscrew tunnel analysis 
Cloti reunion analysis 
The Promise Analysis 
Andrea’s approval (Cloti ask response) 
Leslie analysis (not mine, but a good read) 
Cloti action touching 
Aerti friendship analysis 
Cloti body language chapter 3 
Cloti healthy disagreement 
Cloti post heliboss battle (chapter 15) 
Clerith playground scene 
Cloti body language plate fall 
Cloud and Barret friendship 
Now, strap in and enjoy the ride.
Recap time!
So, Aerith's been taken by Shinra and the group is still feeling the after effects of the plate fall. Everyone's pretty demoralised and after they visit deep ground and Cloud gets the aborted flashback of himself inside a chamber being experimented on, he says to Elmyra they should go save Aerith before the same fate befalls her.
Elmyra asks they sleep on it.
During the night Cloud “wakes up” to see a ghostly Aerith heading downstairs. He follows her outside and they talk on the hill top where the lifestream can be seen glowing in the background.
It’s important to note that Cloud has literally just gone through both the train graveyard and seen a bunch of ghosts and the plate collapse where he’s seen a load of people he cares about die. 
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Cloud looks surprised. Hmm I wonder why....
Yeah, this is a no brainer opening. Aerith shouldn't be there and he doesn't think he's asleep at this moment. He looks around and figures out it's a dream, but isn't totally sure because how often does anyone have cognisant dreams?
You can see the doubt about if she’s a ghost or not and she doesn’t clear that up, so Cloud’s left wondering if Aerith’s dead already. The following conversation doesn’t reassure him.
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Aerith's “Maybe. You tell me,” doesn't actually help here. If Cloud's having doubts about how real it is – and she's aware of his fake persona and wants to know the real him – then causing further doubt in his mind seems counterproductive. It's like she's implying an illusory nature to their relationship. It also feels like foreshadowing the moment Cloud thinks he’s not real. 
She's also not looking at him when she says it, so even if it was a teasing moment between them, she's automatically set a distance between them. Because eye contact matters, remember? When someone can't meet your eye it's for a reason, whether they're uncomfortable or hiding something or whatever. Eye contact is a conscious connection between two people. Deliberately not making eye contact has meaning too.
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Aerith exposition. Lots of fidgeting. No eye contact. She seems like she's making small talk to avoid something. Even when Cloud faces her head on she quickly turns away again to stare off into the distance. Cloud remains in her peripheral vision only. When Aerith does turn to reassure Cloud, he looks away.
And after is the immortal line “Don't be silly” in response to Cloud's sarcasm. I mean, isn't she supposed to be the sweet one? So wouldn't her saying silly fit with her vocabulary? Or should she have said something like “Cloud, don't be a fucking moron” because she swore that one time and everyone erupted into cheers over it? Let's say it is a callback to Claudia, who somehow had a prophetic vision of Aerith being “the one”. Aerith didn't say “silly goose” which was the exact line Claudia said, so technically Aerith's only half of what Claudia suggested. If Tifa says “goose” at some point does that validate her being in the running too?
Yes, I'm being facetious. Point is, unlike the promise between Cloud and Tifa when it was Tifa reusing her own words, this relies on Aerith having meta knowledge of what Claudia said to Cloud when he was 16 and Aerith was with Zack. So, with that in mind, why would Aerith care what Claudia had to say about some other guy she doesn't even know when she's already got a boyfriend? The implication of this is that Aerith already knew everything that would happen to Zack and she'd already moved on from him to Cloud before they ever met and yet she kept writing letters to Zack the whole time.
But then after meeting Cloud she decided to take him up on the slide and talk about her dead boyfriend...as a way to let him know she's single?
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This is Cloud's face when Aerith says in a perky voice “You worried about me?” This is the bit where he says “Of course.” It's a very neutral expression tbf. There's not anything being given away and the way he says the line is very simple too. Nothing suggests he's revealing a big secret to her or that he's embarrassed by his concern. I'd say it's SOLDIER!Cloud at rest since we know from the devs that Cloud still puts on a front with Aerith because he doesn't know how to deal with her. Which is typical for Cloud since he's emotionally 16 and never dealt with girls.
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That perky persona visibly drains from Aerith's face and body language. Her posture sags, she breaks eye contact, she looks sad. This is the image of someone who isn't happy to hear that Cloud's worried about her. Now, if she was into the whole ship wouldn't she be happier to hear that line from him? She's regretful and turns away again, using her body as a barrier to any possible intimacy.
I'm sure people disagree, so imma explain. If she'd turned her back that would be an outright rejection. She'd be fully closing herself off. By turning away, she's indicating the conversation isn't over, but her degree of attention on Cloud is less than if she'd face him head on. If she stayed facing him, then that builds intimacy since face to face is open body language which can have several interpretations – some of which I've mentioned before like confrontational when Cloud steps up to Rude. When it's between a couple, it's suggestive of building intimacy and trust.
And when Cloud takes a step towards Aerith, she steps away again, towards the lifestream in the distance. Not permitting the closing of distance is a sign she doesn't want to encourage intimacy with him. That she walks towards where the lifestream is means that's where her attention and focus is. Whether that's an overarching plot reason or from a “Zack is there” reason is up to your interpretation.
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Another immortal line. Considering Aerith just stepped towards where we can see the lifestream and that she's taking up her priestess pose we can reasonably assume she's thinking of Zack, unless you're once again subscribing to the theory that she's meta!Aerith aware of her own death and speaking of that. In which case, yall need to make up your minds whether she's one or the other because you can't swap between the two when it suits you just to justify your arguments.
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When Cloud says “I'll remember that” in response to Aerith's advice that “every moment matters” it definitely comes across as one of those character building life lessons that Cloud's had over the course of the game. He got one from Barret about how not everyone has a choice to run away, one from Marle about listening to others and caring and now he's got one from Aerith about making the time they have count. These are mentor moments.
But more importantly, look who Aerith's looking at when she says that line. It's not Cloud, not the lifestream. Us. The players. She is talking to us. This isn't just wisdom for Cloud, it's for us, too.
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After a 9 second pause from Aerith, in which she looks at the ground, Cloud offers a suggestion of what she wants to say next. She seems very lost in thought during this time, and almost reluctant to speak. Considering she always seems to know what to say in any given situation, this is off. This very long pause is the longest she's been silent in the whole game. It's notable. She almost seems to be warring with herself as her eyes narrow and she subtly shifts from side to side.
I may well be wrong about the length of time she’s silent. It could be 7 seconds in a callback to the 7 seconds it took for Sephiroth to drop and kill her in OG. 
I'm one of those who does subscribe to the whole OG!Aerith vs meta!Aerith theories – which I stick to throughout every scene involving her so don't even try and @ me and say I'm a liar – and to me, this looks like OG Aerith trying to assert dominance over the situation, while meta Aerith wants to refuse.
When Cloud speaks, Aerith looks grateful for the cut in. It pulls her out of that warring state, while he's trying to look cool and mature still lol (dork)
Okay, so that whole speech she gives about thanking him is definitely coming off like she's aware of things she shouldn't know yet. This may be what OG!Aerith was trying to prevent her from saying. This isn’t something that Cloud should know yet, after all.
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After some physical humming and hawing, eyes downcast, then glancing away and we get a shot of her feet – remember all of this is intentional to build a story here – she looks up and we get this line that's making certain people freak out with joy.
Quick lesson on intonation.
Intonation is the rise and fall – the pitch – of how you say certain words. The way you say them gives them their meaning. You can say the same words in many different ways to convey different meanings and/or emotions.
I've previously focused on Aerith's choice of the word “can't” here because this is the key word in the phrase.
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure how certain people are interpreting this line to turn it into a positive. The word “can't” is synonymous with an impossibility. It means “there are specific reasons why this isn't possible.”
Aerith didn't say “Don't” as in “you shouldn't”. She said “can't” as in “not able to”. She is telling Cloud that he's not able to love her. The specific intonation on the word “can't” supports this evidence. If yall wanna examine it more closely then I suggest you turn the sound down slightly so it's actually harder to hear the whole sentence and see which words have more emphasis. Can't has specific emphasis, which wouldn't be there if she wasn't stressing the word.
As for her facial expression. I mean, this doesn't look like the earlier one where she's sad or regretful. This is matter of fact. She's telling him this as a kindness because he's not yet aware of the reasons that she is.
(Note: I didn't say which specific reasons because some of yall say it's her death and others say it's Tifa, so that's up to you. There's reasons, is my point).
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So up until she said that, Cloud was actually looking at her. But this made him turn away in dismissal. Not with embarrassment. He's not caught out and flustered. He's SOLDIER!Cloud, remember? He's all front and super cool facade.
This isn't the first time a girl has thrown herself at him. Jessie did it too, only more ott. Cloud's used to brushing off girls and does it without effort.
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I'm sure up to this point some people have been screaming about how biased I've been and unfair and this is so cloti (excuse me while I roll my eyes).
So, if I'm biased why am I about to point out that the above screen is real!Cloud popping in for a visit? This is him overriding the SOLDIER persona to question if Aerith might have a point. But not about her. About Tifa. Because within the previous few hours, Cloud and Tifa shared an intimate moment. And it wasn’t soldier Cloud who did that. It was real Cloud. Aerith is calling attention to real Cloud’s feelings for Tifa, which makes him look to the house where Tifa is sleeping. He gets soft eyed and starts to smile, but then seems to want to question himself, which we know isn’t a good idea. Real Cloud and Soldier Cloud aren’t ready to meet yet.
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And while real!Cloud is busy debating with SOLDIER!Cloud about Aerith's words, she's approached completely silently – because, ykno, she's not actually there – and he's caught sight of her hand in his peripheral vision. The second she touches him he jerks back looking surprised. This wasn't a telegraphed move where he saw it coming from 10 feet away and chose to do nothing.
I also question that if he can feel her hand here then it's solid, but when he goes to grab her it's not? So, she chose to let him feel the first touch, but then rejected him grabbing her? Or is it more likely that having caught sight of her hand in his peripheral vision he didn't actually feel her touch his face then or the time after because Aerith's not there. There's no actual physical interaction between them.
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This is pity. Not much else to say about it. Meta!Aerith knows Cloud's future and that by introducing these future concepts to him, she's causing confusion ahead of the time it should happen. She feels bad about that and probably about her OG behaviour that she had no control over thanks to the Whispers forcing her to go against her real nature.
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Well, I was going to say that Cloud going to grab her wrist – not her hand – is just further proof of her intangible presence. She isn't someone he can hold onto. But having grabbed this screen it's clear he wouldn't have grabbed her wrist at all either. His hand is open and aimed at her forearm and already passing through her well before he tries to close it.
And the reason why goes back to the ghost thing. Cloud thought she wasn’t there in person, that she might be dead or it’s a dream, but then she touched him. So he wants to grab her the same way he did Jessie in the pillar, to try and keep her alive. But his hand goes through her and he’s left looking confused again.
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“Do I get a say in all this?”
Well now. That's a bit different. I'm sure like everyone else we've all been convinced that Cloud said “Don't I get a say in this?” like he's arguing with Aerith's decision. That he's admitting he's already in love with her.
“Do I get a say in all this?” is a totally different kettle of fish.
Don't connotates a confrontational tone. It's argumentative. It's rejecting whatever previous statement was made.
Do is a question. It's inquisitive. Placid. Neutral. It's neither confirming, nor denying the previous statement. It's merely asking for more information.
Funny how those little word replacements some people use end up twisting the narrative.
Cloud’s not just speaking about Aerith’s most recent statement either. He’s talking about the whole conversation they just had. The possibility that she’s dead or dying and he doesn’t get any choice about it. This is a throwback to the OG theme of life and death and how the dying get to say goodbye and decide how to leave, while the living don’t and have to figure out how to move on from it afterwards. 
Anyway, Cloud has his back to us, so we don't even know if that's coming from SOLDIER!Cloud or real!Cloud, so that's up for debate and I won't even bother since he's got his back to us and we can't see either way.
And then we've got the cool SOLDIER!Cloud (screen) telling Aerith he's gonna save her. We already know that Cloud does his best to sound cool and confident when talking to Aerith because he doesn't know how to be himself around her. This is the kind of line you'd expect to hear from him.
She replies, “If that's what you want.” which is also very non-specific. It's a neutral statement that leaves things up to Cloud. It could imply an answer to the previous question he asked, since the two do stand beside each other and make sense. However, the interjected “It's almost morning” line breaks this up and makes it less of an impactful statement from her. She's done her upmost to neutralise any romantic context from this scene.
If yall saw romance then okay, you must be right.
I sure af didn't. I saw a regretful Aerith telling Cloud things he shouldn't be aware of yet, feeling more regretful for confusing someone who's already suffering from mental illness and then making non-committal statements that neither reject or encourage his attention.
Maybe she's regretful for her own sake as well, knowing what she does about him and still doing this to push some future narrative only she's aware of, but I wouldn't say this is romantic. It's clearly some kind of goodbye from her. Cloud, for his part, looks confused and guarded through most of the scene. There's one moment when his real self peeks out to question Aerith's meaning, but then he's gone again. We can't say for any certainty that his question was asked by his true self or his SOLDIER persona and without visual context I won't speculate.
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2manyfandoms2count · 4 years
#LadynoirJuly Day 16
I might reuse and expand some of this later, I’m sure it can become fluffier :3 Enjoy a dose of pre-reveal, post-relationship! 💗
Day 16: First kiss
Ladybug couldn’t get over how nice it was to finally be dating Chat Noir. Had she known, she probably would have given in to his advances a lot earlier. She loved how she could curl up comfortably in his arms as they watched the stars at night, without feeling bad for maybe leading him on. She loved feeling him so close, feeling safe in his embrace.  
Chat Noir loved holding Ladybug. How she leaned back into him, a perfect fit in his arms. He loved hearing her speak when they cuddled, in particular when it was about them. She would get all flustered and passionate, and that was the best combination he could imagine.
“Would you tell me about our first kiss?” Chat whispered in Ladybug’s ear one night, as they sat at the very top of the Eiffel Tower.
“Which one?” She asked with a giggle, his hair tickling her neck, as she lazily traced circles on the back of the hands that were holding her.
“There’s only one first kiss.” 
“I beg to differ.” She kissed his cheek lightly.
There had been their actual first kiss, in all senses of the phrase. His, hers, theirs. A somewhat spontaneous kiss, which had backfired completely in terms of memorability. One of them couldn’t remember it; the other had tried to forget it, and mostly succeeded. It was just part of the job. Nothing more. 
It had been a curse-ending kiss, though. In retrospect, Ladybug should have thought about it a lot more than she had; weren’t fairytale kisses a sign of true love? And the thing with fairy tales is that they always end well. No one-sided true love nonsense; the protagonists get their happily ever after. She really should have read into it, especially given how enjoyable it had been. It had taken her a long time to admit it to Chat, but those were the facts. As much as she’d tried to swat the thought away every time it came up, every kiss she’d had with somebody else had been compared to that one. And to be completely honest, very few had felt as good.
There was also the first kiss they’d forgotten together. Again, Ladybug hadn’t minded not remembering, at first. Looking back, she should have paid more attention to it. Like Chat Noir, who had analysed their pose a million times. The way their hands were laced together. The way she stood on her tiptoes, leaning towards him. Their soft smiles as they broke off, as if they knew. Knew who they were, that they loved each other, that they were meant to be. It should have been another sign not to ignore her feelings. 
There was the first kiss when he’d known. Neither of them knew that, of course, and she didn’t know the specifics. Just that she and her Chaton had made it as a couple. She’d dismissed it entirely. Maybe that kiss was best left in Bunnix’s warren.
Back in their reality, there had been the first friendly kiss that stirred things inside of Ladybug. She’d promised Alya she’d attend her New Year’s Eve party, but had made a pact with Chat Noir that they would start the year together. It wasn’t like she’d have someone to kiss at midnight anyway; Adrien was accompanied by Kagami. She’d excused herself during the countdown and yoyoed herself up to the Eiffel Tower. He’d been waiting for her. They joked around about their friends, unaware they had just left the same party. When the fireworks erupted at their feet, Ladybug noticed the mistletoe above their heads. Chat’s gaze had followed hers and with a small shrug, they’d closed the space between them to open the new year. 
It was supposed to be a quick peck. A friendly kiss. It had left them panting, their minds fuzzy about what had happened. Ladybug had adopted the colour of her suit. It seemed to have rubbed off on Chat’s face as well. 
That colour returned anytime she thought about it afterwards. And she didn’t try to stop it. 
Not too long afterwards, they’d shared their first kiss in the rain. Destiny, in the shape of the sky, had given them a little push, probably tired of seeing their stolen glances and them postponing the inevitable conversation about New Year’s. The tension between them as they stood close, shielded from the torrential rain by a flimsy newspaper Chat had snatched as it flew past them had reached its climax as Ladybug all but jumped into his arms at the sound of roaring thunder. He’d instinctively let go of their improvised umbrella to hold her, and after a second of staring at each other in astonishment, water streaming down their faces, they’d given in to the temptation. Their lips found each other like magnets, expressing all the love they had for one another. Had it not been for the need to breathe, they could’ve stayed there for hours, hands entangled in each other’s hair. They’d rushed to take shelter under a deserted archway, laughing as they ran hand in hand. They’d kissed again before bursting into a café to order two hot chocolates to go, and again after warming up with the hot beverage and tender words of promise.
Those were the ones she could think of, off the top of her head. And there’d be many more to come. Adrienette, Ladrien, Marichat, to name a few. They just didn’t know it. 
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The Ladybug Puppet Show
How to Succeed Thanks to Spite Part 4
Inspiration striked me.
“And then Chat Noir asked my little sisters if they could sign their drawing. He really loved it.”
Alya was telling her friends about her encounter with the heroic duo, and how they had given her their blessings for their video. She had even gone to school with her red shirt with black dots. Nino had a black shirt, and Rose had brought cat ears for him.
“This is embarrassing”
“Nah, you look Pawesome bro” Marinette side-eyed Adrien after that pun.
“We’re filming after class. You’re more than welcome to join us. You can be Hawk Moth”
Adrien almost choked on his drink.
“Sorry, can’t do, I have a photo shoot”
“Really?” Marinette took out her phone and looked at her calendar. There was no scheduled thing, so it meant that Adrien was uncomfortable playing Hawk Moth. Not that she could blame him.
“Besides, Father wouldn’t like me appearing in a video without his approval”
“Your dad is no fun. What about you Girl? Want to join our circus?”
“I’m not good in front of a camera. I don’t think having Hawk Moth interpreted by a girl would be…”
“You’re gonna make Hawk Moth a girl in your video?” asked Juleka. Rose was at her side with hopeful eyes.
“Well, our first choice was Adrien, but since he’s not available… and since we’re making a parody, we might as well go all out. You wanna be Hawk Moth?” Alya eyed Juleka. She was already wearing purple clothes, so she could just use a Butterfly mask and she would be a nice and girly Hawk Moth.
“No, Rose wants to”
“Well, Hawk Moth uses Butterflies, and I have that butterfly costume from last year’s festival, I could totally be a Butterfly villain!” Rose said, twirling and posing.
The group looked at each other.
“Rose that is… BRILLIANT! Do you think you can get your dress for after classes so we can film it?”
“Yes! I’ll call my mom right away!”
<('-'<) ^('-')^ v('-')v (>'-')>
“This isn’t working!”
Alya was frustrated and exhausted. Turns out, making a voiceover was much much easier than performing the stunts necessary for the video, even if they were just pretending.
Most of the class was with them, including Adrien, whose photo shoot was “cancelled” at the last minute, Ivan, who was reusing his suit from the movie to represent an Akuma. The others were extras or working behind the cameras.
Or at least tried to, as Alya reviewed their video so far; the first cameraman had been Max, who somehow forgot to record their performance. The second had been Kim, who got distracted and started recording a squirrel that somehow got inside the school. The third had been Mylene, who managed to record the whole thing, but was nervous and thus the footage was all shaky. The fourth had been Markov, who had managed to do a decent job, but by that try they all were tired and irritated, so the whole thing had been a waste of time.
“We could try again” said Nino hopeful, but catching his breath from the last stunt. Even with their daily parkour practice, this was still too much. “After we take a break”
“Yes, Ladybug, enjoy your little break, because once it is over, I will have your Miraculous! MWAHAHA” everyone looked at Rose. Despite the Fairy Princess Unicorn Butterfly Star costume, she made a scarily convincing Hawk Moth. “Sorry. Going all evil monologues is fun.”
“You should include more world play tho. Like ‘Enjoy your little break, because once it’s over, I’ll give you a lesson and get your Miraculous’” Now everyone looked at Adrien. Marinette wondered why everyone seemed to be good with evil monologues.
“ANYWAY. It’s useless; we bit more than we could chew.”
“Why don’t we try another approach?”
“Like what?”
“Well, we could edit the videos of Ladybug that you have taken…”
“I doubt we could get a coherent narrative using only fights with Akumas. Even for a Parody”
“Why don’t we make a ‘Top Ten ways the Eiffel Tower has been destroyed’?”
“For the last time Alix, we are not asking Chat Noir to destroy the Eiffel Tower just for footage”
“Why not a web animation? There are tons on the net, and some are actually good”
“Because only Nathaniel and Marinette can draw and only Max and Markov can code, and none of us can animate. Plus, if we do a crappy one That Guy could gloat that we’re nothing without his ‘awesome’ movie.”
“Why not middle point? Not live action, not animation”
“… CGI? That’s even more difficult”
“No, I mean, we can use Marinette’s dolls” everyone looked at Kim as if he was joking, but then they turned to Marinette. “I mean, she already has Ladybug, Chat Noir, and a couple of Akumas. But not Dark Cupid, even though it is the Best Akuma.”
“We are not having that discussion again.” Alya eyerolled. “And the dolls, while awesome, would be difficult to control especially if we go with stop motion”
“Why not puppets?” suggested Max. “They’re a valid form of entertainment and if we make them right we will be able to control their motion in an accurate manner”
“The Muppets are fairly popular and even if we are clumsy, we should be able to make a decent show with them”
“Hmm… That would give us some suspension of disbelief in certain things…”
“Well, I don’t like bragging, but I’m an expert in theatre, and have worked with the Muppets before. They wanted me in the movie, but thought I was too young and casted Amy Addams instead.”
“Wonderful! You should go and ask the company and see if they can help us with some Muppets, or at least some patterns to make them”
“Err.. I…”
“C’mon, don’t be shy, I’m sure Kermit will be glad to help, and the sooner you ask for help, the sooner we can start filming”
“I don’t have their number in my cellphone”
“Oh, don’t worry, go home and call them there if you want”
Lila mumbled something and left. Marinette was annoyed that Alya seemed to still believe the lying liar who lies.
“Ok, now let’s be real. A puppet show is probably the way to go, but the only one who can make them is Marinette, and she is loaded with commission work for Jagged, Clara, Austin Moon and Kitty Section. It would be unfair to ask Marinette to do all that work and for free.”
The members of Kitty Section gulped.  Marinette smiled at her friend reassurance, and the fact they were now playing Lila instead of the other way around. “Well, it’s not a problem, but with my other responsibilities, it would take at least a couple of weeks… a month, even.”
“Can’t you just cut your current dolls legs?”
“I’d cut your legs first. Puppets and dolls are very different things. Even if I reuse the dolls, I still need to design the patterns for a functional puppet. Once I have it I would need to tweak it for the different characters.”
“We can help with the sewing” Offered Juleka. Rose and Mylene nodded. Ivan nodded too. Everyone just looked at him.
“Mom taught me how to knit. It’s relaxing. It’s different from sewing but I can help.”
“I can assist Marinette with the engineering of the puppets” offered Markov. Max nodded.
“We can do the backgrounds” offered Alix, pointing to Nathaniel.
“And Marc, Adrien and you can do the plots and dialogues. Nino can be the director.”
“Yeah, we all can help in one way or another!”
Alya thought of that. A puppet show was a little low brow, but it was for fun and everyone was willing to chip in. Even Lila could probably help if she didn’t lie her way out of it, or got akumatized first.
“We can try that.”
Everyone smiled and cheered for their new group (plus Marc) project.
“Ahem” Chloe cleared her throat. Everyone turned their attention to her. “I couldn’t help hearing…”
“Because you were spying on us”
“… I couldn’t help hearing on purpose that you’re planning a Ladybug show made with puppets.”
“Yeah, so?”
“I want in.”
“Really? You think you can just come in, spy on us and demand to be included in our show? Just like that?”
“I’m paying for all expenses, including material for the puppets and the time Dupain-Cheng spends making them, the props, and anything else you might need. I need to approve of it, though”
“… what would you gain from it?”
“My only demands are: Marinette makes me a Queen Bee doll, Queen Bee gets to be a regular in the show and I voice her”
“You won’t interfere with the plots or try to change dialogues to make you look better?”
“I understand what a parody is, thank you very much, so as long as you don’t single out Queen Bee as a loser or butt monkey, I’ll play the part as written”
Alya thought about it. They doing voluntary work was good, but if Chloe was offering to pay for the puppets and props, it would be even better, Marinette deserved to be paid for her designs, after all.
“Deal” They did a handshake to seal the deal.
And that's how Equestria was made. Would Chloe try to take advantage as the producer of the show? Would Alya manage to reign in this chaos? Would Lila try to convince everyone that the Muppets sent her crappy socks with goggly eyes glued to them?
(No, hell no, and yes)
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mgrgfan · 4 years
Past of the future, future of the past...
Chapter 8. The sky's not the limit.
Author's warning: a suicide is attempted in this chapter. Proceed at your own risk. If computer systems could've been bored, the avionics of the "Hauler" would've been bored for sure. For more than a day, it was slowly doing small burns here and there, carefully deorbiting after having been unloaded, while also trying to evade space debris. Despite being impacted at several points already, automatics deemed the damage acceptable and went on with soft landing program, instead of simply deorbiting craft in they way it will burn and break apart. Right now, as Rayquaza was no longer of any concern and Minior posed not much more danger than debris - even less so, in fact, as they were actively trying to avoid collisions. Back on Earth, not too far away from Zemlino, recovery forces stood by, waiting for the cargo ship to land, so it can be brought back to Space Center for turnaround procedures, much like rocket stages of the "Water Dragon" would be in mere hours. Heat shield, parachutes, gas bags - all landing systems were still green and data meteorology stations was showing, that everything was within acceptable parameters for the landing and recovery. But right now, the ship still had to orbit Earth two more times… ---- "So… what do you think of it?" asked the captain of the "Red Explorer" everyone else, who was currently present in the mess hall in the centrifuge. "The more I think of it, the more it hits me, just what kind of a thing we've done - we've killed Rayquaza, a being millions of years old, who has controlled the skies for many eons." "And?" asked him the engineer. "Well… I mean, it's been around much longer, than humanity. Our actions has removed it out of play and, if data from ISF 9 and Hoenn locals is to be believed, there are two more players in there - Groudon and Kyogre. And with no Rayquaza to keep them in check…" "We may have to," said the pilot. "I mean, even excluding the retro-missiles, we can use solid-core railgun ammunition for orbital bombardment!" "With crappy precision and power," replied the sensors operator. "Atmosphere won't be gentle to it." "Even so…" muttered the captain, then assumed a bit more relaxed position in the chair. "I hope they'll be able to figure something out, back on Earth…" --- "And here our babies are," muttered technician in the Imperial Gray Sea Starport, seeing recovered stages of the "Water Dragon" being towed towards drydock for repair and later reuse, with a few curious Alolan Flygon in Rainy forms flying/swimming around them, as "buzzers" on the ships were now disabled. "Seems like everything went perfectly." "Indeed," replied the engineer nearby. "Just like the previous time." "Which one of previous times exactly?" asked him technician. "The original delivery of landers, docking block and Power and Propulsion Module to the Space Lab 1 to make it into the ship for the Imperial Moon Mission? The missions to build Space Lab 2?" "All of them, starting with the test flights with recovery system installed." "I guess. Kinda shame, that the early missions for delivering satellite constellations had to be only partially reusable, with only engines saved…" "Agreed. Well, they've almost got the stages there, so, time to get to work!" --- As the morning came to the eastern parts of Soris, the Emperor, still stationed in Zemlino Space Center, prepared for something truly special. Dressed in a strict suit, more fitting for a spokesperson of the space agency, rather than royalty, he, nonetheless, appeared to be concentrated, confident and serious. Right now, he was about to give the most important speech in his life so far. When the time came, he entered the conference room and walked onto the scene, under the gaze of cameras. "My dear sorisians, good morning," started the Emperor, sounding far more serious, than ever before. "I want to tell you something… Back before the Shift, when I was a young boy, one of the court's elite engineers and entertainers has constructed the first ever liquid-fueled rocket, which worked on kerosene and hydrogen peroxide. Even then, rockets have already fascinated me, but solids didn't have quite the same impact as this one did. When I first heard the roar of the turbopump, installed on the test stand, when I saw the assembled rocket blast off… I knew, that nothing would be the same for me from this day hence." "Because of that, when I've become the Emperor, I chose to, instead of trying to conquer the rest of the world, set our sights a bit higher and start conquering skies and, later, space." "And look, where did that get us. Even back then, while the rest of the world had to rely on the Pokemon to attempt to traverse the skies, we did so via comfortable machines, more advanced than anything would be in millennia to come. Even now, our nuclear airships are unmatched." "When the rest of the world had to rely on Castform at most and signs normally for predicting weather, we've had meteorological satellites for that. When bulk lifting was unachievable for them, we've used our helicopters and airships for that. When they've had to risk their men and Pokemon to get high-altitude observations, we've had satellites for that." "A lot of our technological achievements can be traversed back to the space program and the applications program for it. Even the TVs you are watching my speech with have a lot of components, derived from the space program." "For many years, we were exploring space. I remember, how happy I was, when we've managed to put the first satellite into orbit. I remember my ecstasy, when I've managed to quietly replace pilot of the SP-04 "Black Bird" with myself for the first mission and has become the first human in space." "For years and years, we were putting more and more satellites into orbits. We've also put men there - first in small spaceships, then in the Proof-Of-Concept Stations, then in the Space Labs… And when Rayquaza, without any warning, has destroyed our satellites, along with Space Lab 2 and LRV-03 with 12 cosmonauts onboard… We've turned our shock and grief into first resentment, then hatred and then - innovation." "Nowadays, there's a huge nuclear pulse battleship, which, currently, is stationed in orbit of the Moon, serving as a deterrent to any aggressor, who may think of attacking the Empire. In addition to that, as researches in the Space Lab 2 and ISF 5 have shown, some normally-terminal diseases can be treated in the microgravity." "As you've seen, aerospace industry was a great part of why our Empire was so successful. Because of that, I want to announce the Integrated Program Plan - our ticket into future. By the end of this year, we will clean the orbits a bit, partially restore the satellite constellations and, once again, have an operational space station, bigger and more advanced, than Space Lab 2. By the end of the next year, the first dedicated orbital hospital will be opened. By the end of third year, the first industrial-grade orbital factories will go operational. By the end of fourth year, the satellite constellations will be completely restored and we will have the Moonbase. By the end of fifth year, we will perform an expedition to the Red Planet. By the end of sixth year, more orbital factories and hospitals will be brought into operation. By the end of first decade of IPP, the assembly of the space colony in the libration point L5 will begin. By the end of the second decade, the colony will be brought into operation. Of course, there might be slips… but all of it will be achieved." "The Earth is a cradle of mankind… but one cannot eternally stay in the cradle. We should remember, what have we already achieved, and go on towards the future. The achievements of yesterday are commendable, but it's the achievements of today, which are truly impactful. Stay strong, my fellow imperials, and together, we will conquer the space!" ---- William Steelman, the president of Unova, didn't feel well. In fact, the entirety of the last year, especially the months after the so-called "Shift", was a major clusterbomb of problems. Especially when those damn Sorisians launched their damned space warship and demonstrated how they can use it against planetary targets. Especially when they've demonstrated the feasibility of nuclear weapons - something, that he had supported defunding back during the war with Hoenn and Kanto, before his presidency. Especially when he has also supported defunding the space program, considering it a waste of tax money, which could've been spent on more PokeCenters, hospitals, shelters and so on. And now, after this damned speech of this damned Emperor of this damned Soris Empire, he had no idea, what to do. And Sorisians announcing and giving a TV report about recovering all parts of their gigantic "Water Dragon" rocket, including the heavy cargo spacecraft, for a bit of repair and reuse soon after, was making things even worse, given the current-day situation with launch vehicles in Unova. And, what was the truly worst about it all, is that a decent part of the reason for Unova ending up so behind Soris Empire was his own fault. Even when he was defunding UASA and allowed them to lease the Space Shuttles to the rest of the world (mostly Hoenn), he only did it to free up tax money and spend it on social programs, to help everyday Unovans… and then it turned out to be a doom to Unova in the long term, unless some miracle saves them. And even nuclear industry of Unova wasn't in the really good condition, when compared to the Soris Empire… though, at least, he has helped to progress the molten salt reactors, which worked on relatively cheap and abundant thorium… But what's use in all this, if Soris Empire continues the conquest of space and, surely, builds more space battleships and weapon platforms, until they can keep the entire world compliant to their terms, lest the orbital bombardment with nuclear weapons commence?! William opened a drawer of his table. In it, alongside some old-type Pokeballs, which he kept from his League days, original ebonite knobs included, there was a familial heritage - a revolver, made by his gunsmith grandfather, along with a speedloader from the same maker and a small box of ammo. While the firearms were never too widespread in Unova, as Pokemon were almost always just as good and far more versatile, they've still had their niches and customers. Steelman took the revolver in his hands, looked at it, reflecting on the engraved writing and overall beauty of the weapon, then placed it on the table. He grabbed the speedloader and started putting cartridges into it, while thinking of what he has done in his life. After he was done, he used the speedloader to reload the revolver in one swift motion, just like during his time with father on the shooting range. William took the revolver in his hands, opened his mouth and inserted the gun's barrel into it, until it was touching the palate. He cocked the hammer, closed his eyes… and put the gun back on the table. He was the reason Unova was inadequately prepared to deal with the Soris Empire now. "Easy way out" was nothing but a cowardice of the highest level. He will be the one, who atones and fixes those mistakes or, at least, does his best to. As Steelman was unloading the revolver and putting everything back in place, his mind was racing, combing the memory for the project UASA has previously shown to him, what they've promised and how much money will they need to be done. He had work to do. A lot of it. And, maybe - just maybe, - he'll succeed in this endeavour. Even if it will require cooperating with all other member states of the Pokemon Nation. --- Around Zemlino Space Center, as always, there was a lot of work. Just as the recovered "Hauler", moved on the crawler, was rolled into one hangar, from another, a vessel emerged. It was a spaceplane - a sleek, delta-winged one, with boxy engines underneath the fuselage bringing those of "Dreamwing" to mind… and some of them were pretty similar, also being hydrogen-fueled scramjets. Others, however, were not, for they were not scramjets, but nuclear turboramjets. Inside the cockpit, two test pilots were checking everything. As this spaceplane was powered by the nuclear reactor, they've had to be very careful. Even though reactor was built to withstand low supersonic impacts, wrecking such an advanced vessel was… undesirable. "Zemlino, this is Bluebird-1, all systems green, running on batteries. Towing truck at safe distance, requesting permission to start the reactor," said the commander, hovering his hand over one of the covered buttons. "Bluebird-1, this is Zemlino, permission to start the reactor granted. Take off when ready." After receiving those words, commander flicked the cover open and pressed the "START 1" button. Far behind two humans, several control rods were retracted, allowing the chain fission reaction to start and get into high gear soon, heating up the hydrogen coolant, while the turbine pumps were revving up to ensure normal circulation of coolant through the entire system, including the heat exchanger on the outside. As the temperature continued to rise, electric motors inside the turboramjet assembly kicked in, revving up the turbines to get the air going through the heat exchanger and start up the turboramjets proper. "So far, so good," muttered the second pilot, observing the data on the MFD. Right now, the thrust has reached sufficient level to allow pilots to begin taxi to the runway, preparing for the takeoff. As much as they've wanted the Bluebird-1 to go to space today, alas, it was not an option - their test program was limited to some supersonic and hypersonic flight to test the engine assembly, then a bit of maneuvering to test the structure. As the vessel took off from the runway and the landing gear retracted, commander looked to the side and saw a "Whitebird" spaceplane, a recently-built unmanned cousin of the "Dreamwing", getting launched to deploy a satellite of sort and later retrieve it. There were rumors, that this satellite was supposed to house some kind of weaponry… but, most likely, they were just rumors. Author's notes: MFD - Multi-Function Display. BLUEBIRD spaceplane is based on the real M(G)-19 "Gurkolyot". Alolan Flygons are based on that wonderful picture. Hopefully, this chapters will be one of the last, so focused on the worldbuilding. Anyway, by the chapter ten, I will do my best to make story enter the more Pokemon route.
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ducktracy · 5 years
43. bosko the drawback (1932)
release date: october 22nd, 1932
series: looney tunes
director: hugh harman
starring: johnny murray (bosko)
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first freddy the freshman, and now bosko the drawback! bosko takes on the football field, pinned against some fierce competition.
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all good football bands open with a marching band. the drum leader pumps his baton, sporting a giant hat. the tina behind the drum leader blows the feathers off the hat, revealing a bird in a bird cage, squawking in time to the music.
the crowd shots in this next sequence are amazing for 1932! a crowd fills into the stadium, a dog punching tickets with his tooth, and a donkey’s ears service as a revolving gate to get inside. there’s an aerial view of the stadium as the seats fill up. again, it’s fascinating to watch for its time! crowd shots are always a famous enemy for animators.
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after some gags used to boast musical synchronization (such as a caterpillar playing snare drums and two dogs crashing cymbals together with their legs), we see our hero getting limbered up for the big game. a slightly painful massage turns into him protesting “be careful now!” as the brute loosening him up nearly cracks his neck in half.
another tony wons reference (which was also used in another football picture, freddy the freshman) where an ostrich asks the audience “are ya listenin’? hmmmmmm?” tony has faded to obscurity for me (and everyone else i imagine LOL), he doesn’t stand out as much as the big movie stars that’d be parodied or the crooners or what have you. nevertheless, the references are always fascinating to learn about, no matter how obscure they are, so i enjoy them regardless.
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the whistle sounds and bosko leaps from his torturous massage, right into his football gear. he motions for his fellow teammates (who are much bigger than him) to follow suit, and the ever optimistic bosko hurries onto the field.
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signaling the start of the game, the referee fires his starting pistol. out pops an egg that cracks, and the bird inside blows a whistle. you’ve seen this gag once, you’ve seen it a million times, but it was still a nice surprise with the egg cracking. i thought it’d just be another bird/mouse straight out of the pistol, so props to them for something new.
bosko punts the ball towards the camera (borrowed from freddy the freshman), and there are some cool shots of the ball flying through the air and the football players tearing up the field. unfortunately, the scene drags on longer than it could have (though again, in the heart of the depression, so i give them the benefit of the doubt with all the retakes/extended scenes used) and lessens the impact of it. intriguing cinematography nonetheless!
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tiny little bosko runs and catches the pigskin, but the force of the kick causes the ball to drag him around aimlessly. thankfully, a wiener dog comes to his aid, forming a protective V shape (once more from freddy the freshman) in front of him, sending any oncoming opponents flying and ricocheting off.
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a journalist in the press box is hammering away at the keys of the typewriter, becoming more and more aggressive. in retaliation, the type writer punches HIM back, stamping “nerts” on his forehead. i didn’t actually know that was a real word, i thought it was just something samson from camp lazlo made up LOL. for that reason alone, i appreciate the gag.
time for the cheer section portion. a kangaroo exclaims “rah, rah!” and three of its joeys pop up from its pouch and give the remaining “rah rah rah!”s. another gag includes an elderly mouse on crutches hobbling on the field. he gets hit with the football and spins between his crutches like a wheel. reused from it’s got me again!, but still as amusing as ever, especially with the overall concept of an elderly, frail mouse (who is gigantic) just meandering around on the football field.
an eagle flies on top of an american flag and perches on the flag pole, in the pose of the eagle on top of the flag pole in many upstanding american flags (flashbacks to the flags in my middle school cafeteria).
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bosko kicks the ball, and a caterpillar catches it and runs for the touchdown. bosko continues to tackle him, and one by one, with each tackle, the caterpillar loses a segment of its body, eventually decreasing to bosko’s height. love that gag! very creative. there are a lot of reuses in this cartoon, and some scenes run a tad long, but the gags that are original (to this cartoon) really hit well. another quick shot of the eagle on the flagpole, nestling down on top.
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look at that crowd shot! this is my favorite gag in the whole cartoon. a cheer section forms the face of a dog who shouts a cheer, and once the cheer is over, the dog blows a raspberry. the spit is actually real people diving from the stands and onto the field! i can’t get enough of it. reminds me of something you’d see on spongebob.
more recycled shots of the football players tearing up the field and the eagle on the flagpole. we pan to bosko, who’s running down the field, when he suddenly halts. he turns towards the audience and says in distress “the hunchback of notre dame!”
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sure enough, a ferocious looking brute (who seems to be frothing at the mouth? can cartoon characters go rabid?) barrels towards the screen. bosko, terrified, runs away to save his skin.
unfortunately for him, there’s a “title” card that declares “the four horsemen!” and sure enough, four horses are on bosko’s tail. the use of the card really makes this gag for me. i love my puns! the animation is great, too.
bosko runs back the other way, but the wiener dog from before blocks his path. he bounces off of the dog like a slingshot, and soars over the field, getting closer and closer to touchdown range.
a rock stops him in his path, and he hits his head. in a daze, our hero, clutching onto the ball, staggers over towards the goal line, just making the score. the rather predominant eagle flies up, and the top of the flagpole it had been perched on turns out to be an egg that cracks, revealing three little eaglets waving american flags. iris out as bosko bathes in his glory.
not the most riveting bosko cartoon, especially compared to the last few, but not the worst. the gags that are original really hit hard (that raspberry gag is sublime), there are some interesting camera angles and shots, and as always the music is a hit. there have been much better bosko cartoons, but much worse, too. i’d recommend for some of the gags (and to ogle at the crowd shots, whew!), but it’s mainly that: a gag showcase. nothing wrong with that at all, though!
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Ladybug Puppet Show 4
I totally forgot to upload part 4!
“And then Chat Noir asked my little sisters if they could sign their drawing. He really loved it.”
Alya was telling her friends about her encounter with the heroic duo, and how they had given her their blessings for their video. She had even gone to school with her red shirt with black dots. Nino had a black shirt, and Rose had brought cat ears for him.
“This is embarrassing”
“Nah, you look Pawesome bro” Marinette side-eyed Adrien after that pun.
“We’re filming after class. You’re more than welcome to join us. You can be Hawk Moth”
Adrien almost choked on his drink.
“Sorry, can’t do, I have a photo shoot”
“Really?” Marinette took out her phone and looked at her calendar. There was no scheduled thing, so it meant that Adrien was uncomfortable playing Hawk Moth. Not that she could blame him.
“Besides, Father wouldn’t like me appearing in a video without his approval”
“Your dad is no fun. What about you Girl? Want to join our circus?”
“I’m not good in front of a camera. I don’t think having Hawk Moth interpreted by a girl would be…”
“You’re gonna make Hawk Moth a girl in your video?” asked Juleka. Rose was at her side with hopeful eyes.
“Well, our first choice was Adrien, but since he’s not available… and since we’re making a parody, we might as well go all out. You wanna be Hawk Moth?” Alya eyed Juleka. She was already wearing purple clothes, so she could just use a Butterfly mask and she would be a nice and girly Hawk Moth.
“No, Rose wants to”
“Well, Hawk Moth uses Butterflies, and I have that butterfly costume from last year’s festival, I could totally be a Butterfly villain!” Rose said, twirling and posing.
The group looked at each other.
“Rose that is… BRILLIANT! Do you think you can get your dress for after classes so we can film it?”
“Yes! I’ll call my mom right away!”
<('-'<) ^('-')^ v('-')v (>'-')>
“This isn’t working!”
Alya was frustrated and exhausted. Turns out, making a voiceover was much much easier than performing the stunts necessary for the video, even if they were just pretending.
Most of the class was with them, including Adrien, whose photo shoot was “cancelled” at the last minute, Ivan, who was reusing his suit from the movie to represent an Akuma. The others were extras or working behind the cameras.
Or at least tried to, as Alya reviewed their video so far; the first cameraman had been Max, who somehow forgot to record their performance. The second had been Kim, who got distracted and started recording a squirrel that somehow got inside the school. The third had been Mylene, who managed to record the whole thing, but was nervous and thus the footage was all shaky. The fourth had been Markov, who had managed to do a decent job, but by that try they all were tired and irritated, so the whole thing had been a waste of time.
“We could try again” said Nino hopeful, but catching his breath from the last stunt. Even with their daily parkour practice, this was still too much. “After we take a break”
“Yes, Ladybug, enjoy your little break, because once it is over, I will have your Miraculous! MWAHAHA” everyone looked at Rose. Despite the Fairy Princess Unicorn Butterfly Star costume, she made a scarily convincing Hawk Moth. “Sorry. Going all evil monologues is fun.”
“You should include more world play tho. Like ‘Enjoy your little break, because once it’s over, I’ll give you a lesson and get your Miraculous’” Now everyone looked at Adrien. Marinette wondered why everyone seemed to be good with evil monologues.
“ANYWAY. It’s useless; we bit more than we could chew.”
“Why don’t we try another approach?”
“Like what?”
“Well, we could edit the videos of Ladybug that you have taken…”
“I doubt we could get a coherent narrative using only fights with Akumas. Even for a Parody”
“Why don’t we make a ‘Top Ten ways the Eiffel Tower has been destroyed’?”
“For the last time Alix, we are not asking Chat Noir to destroy the Eiffel Tower just for footage”
“Why not a web animation? There are tons on the net, and some are actually good”
“Because only Nathaniel and Marinette can draw and only Max and Markov can code, and none of us can animate. Plus, if we do a crappy one That Guy could gloat that we’re nothing without his ‘awesome’ movie.”
“Why not middle point? Not live action, not animation”
“… CGI? That’s even more difficult”
“No, I mean, we can use Marinette’s dolls” everyone looked at Kim as if he was joking, but then they turned to Marinette. “I mean, she already has Ladybug, Chat Noir, and a couple of Akumas. But not Dark Cupid, even though it is the Best Akuma.”
“We are not having that discussion again.” Alya eyerolled. “And the dolls, while awesome, would be difficult to control especially if we go with stop motion”
“Why not puppets?” suggested Max. “They’re a valid form of entertainment and if we make them right we will be able to control their motion in an accurate manner”
“The Muppets are fairly popular and even if we are clumsy, we should be able to make a decent show with them”
“Hmm… That would give us some suspension of disbelief in certain things…”
“Well, I don’t like bragging, but I’m an expert in theatre, and have worked with the Muppets before. They wanted me in the movie, but thought I was too young and casted Amy Addams instead.”
“Wonderful! You should go and ask the company and see if they can help us with some Muppets, or at least some patterns to make them”
“Err.. I…”
“C’mon, don’t be shy, I’m sure Kermit will be glad to help, and the sooner you ask for help, the sooner we can start filming”
“I don’t have their number in my cellphone”
“Oh, don’t worry, go home and call them there if you want”
Lila mumbled something and left. Marinette was annoyed that Alya seemed to still believe the lying liar who lies.
“Ok, now let’s be real. A puppet show is probably the way to go, but the only one who can make them is Marinette, and she is loaded with commission work for Jagged, Clara, Austin Moon and Kitty Section. It would be unfair to ask Marinette to do all that work and for free.”
The members of Kitty Section gulped.  Marinette smiled at her friend reassurance, and the fact they were now playing Lila instead of the other way around. “Well, it’s not a problem, but with my other responsibilities, it would take at least a couple of weeks… a month, even.”
“Can’t you just cut your current dolls legs?”
“I’d cut your legs first. Puppets and dolls are very different things. Even if I reuse the dolls, I still need to design the patterns for a functional puppet. Once I have it I would need to tweak it for the different characters.”
“We can help with the sewing” Offered Juleka. Rose and Mylene nodded. Ivan nodded too. Everyone just looked at him.
“Mom taught me how to knit. It’s relaxing. It’s different from sewing but I can help.”
“I can assist Marinette with the engineering of the puppets” offered Markov. Max nodded.
“We can do the backgrounds” offered Alix, pointing to Nathaniel.
“And Marc, Adrien and you can do the plots and dialogues. Nino can be the director.”
“Yeah, we all can help in one way or another!”
Alya thought of that. A puppet show was a little low brow, but it was for fun and everyone was willing to chip in. Even Lila could probably help if she didn’t lie her way out of it, or got akumatized first.
“We can try that.”
Everyone smiled and cheered for their new group (plus Marc) project.
“Ahem” Chloe cleared her throat. Everyone turned their attention to her. “I couldn’t help hearing…”
“Because you were spying on us”
“… I couldn’t help hearing on purpose that you’re planning a Ladybug show made with puppets.”
“Yeah, so?”
“I want in.”
“Really? You think you can just come in, spy on us and demand to be included in our show? Just like that?”
“I’m paying for all expenses, including material for the puppets and the time Dupain-Cheng spends making them, the props, and anything else you might need. I need to approve of it, though”
“… what would you gain from it?”
“My only demands are: Marinette makes me a Queen Bee doll, Queen Bee gets to be a regular in the show and I voice her”
“You won’t interfere with the plots or try to change dialogues to make you look better?”
“I understand what a parody is, thank you very much, so as long as you don’t single out Queen Bee as a loser or butt monkey, I’ll play the part as written”
Alya thought about it. They doing voluntary work was good, but if Chloe was offering to pay for the puppets and props, it would be even better, Marinette deserved to be paid for her designs, after all.
“Deal” They did a handshake to seal the deal.
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cancerbiophd · 5 years
How to plan a wedding during grad school (and not lose your mind)
I received a lovely ask from @brandnewleaves about wedding planning while in grad school. Congrats on your engagement! 
I also got engaged and married during grad school and learned a lot about planning a wedding during such a busy and stressful time. It does take a lot of time and energy and money, but it can be done! (A quick note: I had a huuuge reception (more than 250 guests), so some of these things may not apply to smaller celebrations.)
Here’s my advice from what I learned: 
Probably the most important thing: Do not do everything yourself! Get help from as many people as possible, especially your partner (as it’s their day too!). Divvy out the tasks, and set strict deadlines. Have regular meetings with those involved if necessary (I had at least 2 meetings with both families together to go over important details, and to reach compromise on conflicting traditions). 
Start early, so you don’t have to do a whole lot of everything all at once, and space out the tasks, so at most you may be spending like, 30 min a day on wedding planning to not feel overwhelmed (tho you can def spend longer/day if you want! Time does fly when you’re having fun!). I think giving yourself at least a year to plan a large wedding reception works well (large/fancier venues need to be reserved a year in advance anyway since they fill up so fast)
Do your research. Wedding planning is a whole new territory to learn about and conquer (there’s a reason people can make a living from being a wedding planner!). Not only do you have to find all the vendors and your venue, there are lots of major things to know, like how far in advance to reserve/purchase ____. I recommend wedding websites like TheKnot and WeddingWire, and chatting with those who have done it before (like me!). 
Then, set a timeline and schedule major events/deadlines into your planner/calendar. That way you can see if you have time to do everything you want to do, and whether you can take things a bit slower, or if you need to fast-track some things. 
Determine a budget for items. For this part I sat down with my fiancé/husband and determined which things we were comfortable splurging on, what things we could be more thrifty, and what things we could do without. The exact $ spent in the end will most likely change, but it’s good to set boundaries and expectations early on (esp on a grad student salary!!)
Stay organized. I used a plethora of excel sheets to keep track of everything, from to-do lists to budgets to the day-of-schedule. I used Google Drive so I could easily share with others who needed to be in the know, like my parents, and so I could see it on my phone the day-of (using the Google Sheets app). I also bookmarked sites on my browser (like useful resources), and kept a powerpoint slide of pictures of dresses and color schemes I liked (you can also use Pintrest, but I didn’t want to get sucked into that time-sink lol). This collection of ideas is also useful to show your dress/suit consultant, florist, hair-dresser/make-up artist, venue decorator, DJ, cake baker, etc so they get the vibe of your day right.
Use a website for guests to RSVP if you’re going to have a lot of them. TheKnot provides a free website that you can customize, or you can sign up for one at Squarespace. You can also use the website to collect info such as dietary restrictions (and to remind them of the address and other details). 
Get things on the cheap!! I know Amazon is kind of a horrible company but MAN I got SO many things on Amazon and saved a ton of money: my veil ($25 on amazon vs $300 on David’s Bridal??? are you kidding me???), my jewelry and hair pieces (aside from the rings lol), all the bridesmaid dresses (I have prime so if I didn’t like them I just returned them), all the faux fur wraps for the bridesmaids, a ton of decor such as table numbers, parts of the wedding favors, the groomsmen belts and shoes, etc etc. And if you’re not particular about reusing decor (that’s been used literally once), people are always selling things on Craigslist! 
DIY is fun and saves money, but make sure it’s doable for your skill, time, and energy. My husband I opted to hand-fill small jars with tea and hot cocoa and hand-fold these cute lil boxes for wedding favors, but in hindsight that was a horrible idea because we had way too many guests. 
Something that’s overlooked: wedding planning will take up space. Like, physical space, to store all your wedding things such as decor, wedding favors, outfits, etc. My guest bedroom was pretty much unusable for a few months because it was filled. Something to take into consideration if you live in a small space.
If you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed, stop. Step away. Take a break. Bring things into perspective. Don’t let wedding planning be a bad experience. Don’t let it bring out the ugly in the people involved. Always remember that this is a day to celebrate with your family and friends the love and commitment between you and your partner. 
My other “more my totally personal opinion” tips:
Spend the money on a professional photographer. If you’re gonna throw down the big bucks on anything on your wedding day, I suggest it be a professional photographer. I didn’t think it was a big deal, but then I saw how amazing my photos were, and how much I--and all my friends and family--cherished such an amazing memory, and I’m soo glad I spent the money. A professional photographer will charge anywhere from $150-300/hr, but even 1 hour of photography for you and your partner and your family members at the venue before everyone else arrives will be well worth it. Not only will the photos be high quality, but wedding photographers know all the best poses and angles. (Also, support your local photographers!)
If appropriate, ask for cash instead of physical gifts. We did this by saying “no boxed gifts - cash or check only” on our invitations. I think this is becoming more common these days, and I honestly think it’s more practical. I legit don’t want any dish-ware bc I already have a set? But money? Heck yes. If asking for money may not fly by your more-traditional guests, consider using Honeyfund, which is like a wedding registry but for honeymoon items, so your guests can give money towards say, the plane tickets. 
I caution against picking vendors (including venues) that are too far/time-consuming/expensive to travel often to. You may have to go back quite a few times for meetings, tastings, etc, and many of these places aren’t available to do these on the weekends and evenings (since that’s when they’ll be busy with the weddings!). Our wedding venue and all our day-of vendors (florist, cake baker, etc) were located in our hometown 1.5 hrs away, which isn’t super far, but we had to take some afternoons off work to make it to important meetings, and that kinda sucked for a grad student. However, you can of course video call in for stuff, or opt to trust how the food tastes, etc!
I think I covered most of it! If you have any specific questions, my ask box and chat are always open! (I didn’t mention it, but I also had to balance 2 conflicting cultures/religions, so I have some experience in that alley too)
Once again, congratulations on your engagement, and I wish you and your love a fantastic wedding and all the happiness in the world!!
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