#i rewatched it recently its sooooo good
marsbotz · 1 month
i really hearttttt the minions bc they r so fun for body language stuff which i rlly like in films. esp w the trio they all have their own little quirks to set them apart more since they cant do it so much thru dialogue
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tansyuduri · 3 months
Merlin Loregasm Rewatch S1E10
Hi Everyone! Welcome to my rewatch of Merlin focusing on the lore. I am a giant nerd so pretty excited about this. We’re on THE MOMENT OF TRUTH
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LETS GO! This one doesnt have the most lore so I am finding little things to cover too. So goosekeeping. In Roman Britain keeping goose domestically was not a big thing. However, by early medieval times, it had very much increased. Merlin stands between these. So keeping geese makes sense. Geese also naturally fatten themselves for winter if left to do so. So are a good choice for a village that doesn't have much to spare in the way of cultivated food.
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Now in Feudalism one of the things that was a lord's responsability was basically making sure raiders did not come and do this. Of course, this was done with various degrees of success. Ealdor is a border region and from what we learn. While it is in Cenred's kingdom it does not seem to have a lesser noble of the kingdom ruling over it. It also must be far from Cenred's court. This would leave it far from any protection. Cenred would have more of an interest protecting villages that actually provided him food. (Thus kept up their side of the feudalism deal.) This is later reinforced when it is said they appealed to Cenred (And that their safety is his responsibility) but he cares little for the outlying regions.
Merlin doesn't actually show any lesser nobility that does not live in capital cities. It does however imply they exist. (See Lancelot for more on this) What I find interesting is that Ealdor was not raided before in recent memory. Or at least that it's not mentioned. I wonder if Merlin had anything to do with this.
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Funfact "gealdor" in old English means spell or charm or incantation while Ealdor itself means chief, leader, head of family. Prince or king, or Orgin or source. (The last one seems most likely as it is Merlin's place of origin. I cannot find anything about Aecitir Also while Uther is right sending an army over the border would be an act of war. He could VERY likely get away with sending some men as Arthur suggests. ESPECIALLY since there is little likelihood of any of Cenred's soldiers being in the area to know. Its possible if this audience was granted in private he might have risked doing so. And he could have said no and then sent soldiors secretly later BUT this is Uther we are talking about sooooo.
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*Screams in not as poor as most commoners Gwen family theory* I feel like I'm kicking a dead horse here but BEING ABLE TO GIVE PEOPLE WEAPONS AND ARMOR IS A BIG DEAL
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Morgana: Bring back memories of when I used to beat you
Arthur: That never happened.
So Morgana lost her father at age 10 I have no idea what age Arthur would have been but I'm inclined to believe Morgana and that Arthur made excuses or something. NOW Morgana knows how to fight so I think we need to ask how she was trained? Did Arthur practice with her? Or was she actually trained? From what we see in the show most noblewomen do not know how to fight with swords. So it is not a traditional part of their training in the Merlin world. (The only other noble woman we see using a weapon is Mithian with a crossbow on the hunt and her loving hunting is a rarity by Arthur's reaction.) Medieval woman often used bows on the hunt so this is "normal" There are examples of medieval woman warriors but they are fairly rare. I think Morgana got actual lessons in sword craft from knights and that is was an indulgence of her wanting to learn it by Uther.
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OKAY! So they keep chickens too! I'm guessing that they mostly keep them for eggs and perhaps meat very occasionally. Eggs would be a HUGELY valuable source of protein, Along with milk (Merlin mentions there being cows even if we do not see them in this episode) So from what we see, Merlin's diet growing up would have been milk, grains, eggs, and likely some fruits and vegetables as we saw those taken earlier. Perhaps every once in a while some meat.
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Confirmation most of the village did not know about Merlin's Secret. I gotta wonder what they thought when Hunith up and sent him seemingly defenseless on the same road we see so many bandits on. Actually Hunith makes her way to Camalot twice on her own though. So Bandaits just ignore peasants if they don't look like they have anything of value on them but if knights and rich people are around attack? I think that's the only explanation for how safe roads in Merlin seem to be for peasants without valuables and how dangerous for LITTERALY everyone else.
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Will: why did you Leave?
Merlin: It wasn't what I wanted. My mother was worried. When she found out you knew she was so angry.
Will: I wouldn't have told anyone.
We also know Hunnith said Merlin was at odds with people and Merlin later says you cannot always trust people. (There is also nearly dropping a tree on old man simons with magic.) This entire thing is interesting because Cenred does not hate magic like Uther does. He was fine with Morgouse. So it's quite possible magic is not illegal, or if those rules were in place once Cenred ignored him. Personally I think Hunith was afraid of Cenred taking Merlin and using him as a weapon. Perhaps there would have been a large reward for anyone who discovered a powerful magic user and brought the news to Cenred. This is just a theory of course. She also might have been afraid of someone putting together him being Balinor's son and that information getting out.
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Let's take a moment to look at the status of women in the Merlin world. Casual sexism is a thing ("You are such a girl's pedicoat , losing to a girl being bad, Arthur not wanting the woman to fight. ETC) but we sometimes see common women owning land and businesses (Mary's tavern that appears in the Gwaine episode. Alice being a healer.) And the old religion VERY much revered women. However, Female Knights don't seem to be a thing. In fact, As we addressed earlier girls being skilled in battle seems unusual (Though we it in a magic outlaw group once and Isolde. As well as Morgana and Morgouse) and killing them in battle is seen as particularly bad. However, like real medieval woman, they can participate in hunting ETC. They also CAN rule (Gwen, Morgana, Annis) Chastity does not seem as big a deal. Woman can be alone with men without bad comments. And they go where they want without escort. Olaf's behavior toward Vivian is viewed as excessive as well. However, I don't think most noble women have sex before marriage. (Talking about Arthurs's intentions being honorable Uther not trying to bed Katrina until their wedding knight.) While perhaps doing it is not such a big deal (Vivian talking about previous men being chased with knives, Uther urging Arthur to have fun while he can with Sofia) Unsure about commoners. Also I would guess Men inheriting before women is not a thing based on how Morgana is seen as a viable heir to the throne. Also by the size of families we see birth control is readily available. SO A huge improvement on the real middle ages. But casual sexism is still a thing.
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greenerteacups · 12 days
I think you're the first person I see that points out Emma's "eyebrow heavy performance" without making fun of her lol It's easy to take it for granted now, but I honestly think she did a good enough job with Hermione. The eyebrow thing does get excessive sometimes, especially in OoTP, but I like how expressive it makes Hermione. That girl cannot be subtle, bless her.
I used to think she was better at portraying Hermione in the earlier movies than the later ones and my opinion only changed when I rewatched them with my younger brother recently. I was like 11 when DH movie released and of course that dummy (affectionate) would not appreciate the more subtle work of portraying traumatized teenagers who were being hunted in a freaking war. 18yo seemeed sooooo grown up to me at the time lol. The only movie I don't really like is HBP. I hate that yellow filter and everything was so awkward, but not in the fun way.
Anyway I just dumped an unsolicited rant on you. Sorry. Here's a question tho: what's your favorite and least favorite HP book? And favorite/ least favorite HP movie?
YELLOW HALF-BLOOD PRINCE I LOVE YOU YELLOW HALF-BLOOD PRINCE... they saw everyone complaining about the blue-grey 2000's color grading of GOF and OOTP and they said "fine. FINE. you want a warm filter? we'll GIVE you a warm filter. now everything looks like a tennis ball. are you happy?"
I sympathize completely with Watson's job in the middle-films, because charting the course from "precocious nerd child" to "battle-hardened soldier steering her friends through a war" is (no shit) kind of hard. So Watson plays her as very direct and earnest. That works as one of many interpretations you could make of Hermione's character. There's not really any darkness in Watson's Hermione, but that suits Radcliffe's Harry and Grint's Ron — Grint is, I think, the actor who's trying hardest to bring a realistic Edge to some of these war-hardened teenagers, and I love him for that — but in general, the movie's Golden Trio are very soft babies, and it's sweet.
My favorite book is Goblet of Fire (tournament arc I love youuuuuu tournament arc), and my least favorite is a toss-up between Deathly Hallows and Philosopher's Stone. The latter for reasons that are not its fault, it's just much more of a children's book than any of the others. Great children's book! That shit went crazy hard when I was a child. But nowadays, not my cuppa. Put it this way: I would rather read DH than PS, but in terms of antipathy, I also have a lot more beef with DH as a text.
My favorite movie is Prisoner of Azkaban. It's fucking gorgeous and it's a crime they let Cuarón after he delivered something Like That. it actually feels like an enchanted setting — the camera lavishes attention on all these little details that make Hogwarts and Hogsmeade feel lived-in. It's the only film that I'd recommend to someone who wasn't a Harry Potter fan, and I mean that.
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bonearenaofmyskull · 10 months
Hey! Curious if you're currently into any great shows. If so, mind sharing your recommendations? Always on the lookout for some good TV suggestions!
I imagine you've seen everything I have. I spend more time gaming. Not into anything great at the moment, but I can dig deep and see if I can remember what shows I've watched since Hannibal aired and give my opinions. I binge TV series with my mom who is in her 80's and has Parkinson's and macular degeneration and can't really do activities or read anymore, so I rewatched some old ones with her here largely to torture her with them, so they'll be in here also.
S-Tier (Winners)
My Brilliant Friend. Probably the best thing I've watched since Hannibal. If S4 is out I haven't seen it yet, no spoilers.
Better Call Saul. Possibly tied with My Beautiful Friend. Better than Breaking Bad. Much better ending. So good, no complaints. Nailed the ending. Did I mention the ending?
A-Tier (Runners-up)
Black Sails: God, there were some parts of this that were so gratuitous and tedious, especially early on, and I hated Eleanor Guthrie and not in the kind of way that means good things for a show. Some of the dialogue was just really on the nose too. This sounds like a lot of complaints, but the things it did well, it did SO WELL that it really does make up for the negatives. The acting was sooooo good and the Flint and Silver dynamic was AMAZING and the show looked great, and over all that, it really had something thoughtful to say, and that stays with you when it's over.
Stranger Things: Some parts of this show hit better than others, but I'm squarely in the bullseye of the target audience and get the vast majority of the references and nostalgia, and I love David Harbour. I appreciate their exploration of various types of horror, attempting a new style each season, and I like the charm and humor and cheese, and it's a show that knows its voice and its tone and commits fully to those things. It's trying to be a fun show and it is, and it wants to deal with real fears and real grief, and it does.
The Handmaid's Tale: Speaking of shows that are committed to their tone, this one definitely is that. It's too heavy and relentless for most people, I think, but I don't mind that at all. Parts of it do drag, but it has a lot of the same qualities (for good or bad) as Black Sails: great acting, powerful character dynamics, the things that it does well it does so well it makes up for the shortcomings, imo.
Breaking Bad: Famous show, not much to say here. Rewatched it recently and don't think it's as good as Better Call Saul, so I put it here.
B-Tier (Can't complain but will anyway)
Good Omens: Can't get into it, can't find anything particularly wrong with it. I'm into the ship. I guffaw out loud while watching it yet am thoroughly bored most of the time. Love Michael Sheen and David Tennant on screen together. I know the show can't be that all the time but I wish it was. Aziraphale ftw. I feel like people missed the point of the ending of the last season.
Mad Men: Show could give Seinfeld a run for its money in terms of being about nothing, but definitely had its charm. Watched it with my mom so her nostalgia and appreciation for how historically authentic it felt went a long way. Good performances. God, it could be boring sometimes though.
Vikings: This one was a lot like Black Sails for me. They had a bit of a struggle for a season or two but once going, they really got going. Many great acting performances and characters. Loved Ecbert and Ivar especially. Didn't have Toby Stephens and Luke Arnold, so you know...can't quite make that tier. And didn't have as much to say, or didn't say it as well, and it doesn't stay with you.
C-Tier (Can complain and will, but were good enough to stick with)
The X-Files
His Dark Materials
Downton Abbey
BBC Sherlock
Game of Thrones (I think most people have misdiagnosed this show's problems, but it sure did have them)
D-Tier (Tried but could NOT, though many people will like these...they were just Not For Me)
The Good Place
The Gilded Age
The Crown
Outer Range (what even the fuck with this show)
I tried to think of more shows I've watched in this time, but this about sums it up. But here are a couple YouTube channels I really like:
Beau of the Fifth Column
Bistro Huddy
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hibiscuslynx · 2 years
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this is sarah-jay pierce miss usa propaganda. you want to watch and think about the misses so bad.
gave mary a flag cape simply bc i think ben’s outfit for maryland is elite and i think miss maryland deserved one too !! also this connecticut outfit was also simply elite
hiding my rambles under the cut 🔥
do i understand connecticut’s characterization? no . am i enjoying it! for the most part! she is the definition of gaslight gatekeep girlboss and yknow what. u go girl.
i neeeed more maryland i love the most recent hairstyle sarah did for her like i feel like that fits her soo well. like!! wine aunt maryland !!
i want to draw more of the misses sooooo bad and my take on their designs but man ive been having a helluva time with art lately. not in a good way . but its okay i will just keep thinkin abt the misses and the wttt guys and keep tryin 💪
besties i have so many thoughts abt these girls but sometimes i just sit there and rewatch the same tiktoks over and over again grinning
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macccc hi. hi hi <3 ik u don’t watch qsmp but i wanna cry in ur inbox for a second. we got. fucked up sibling dynamics. it happened. cellbit had a twin sister named bagi and he went missing and was thrown into a war and she searched for him endlessly. his first memory is standing over a dead body and having to eat it to survive. bagi is slowly recovering her own memories and is desperate for him to remember her. he keeps pushing her away bc he can’t fathom that he had a LIFE and a FAMILY and people who CARED about him. he thought he came from war but he came from love and didn’t even know it. bagi became a cop just so she could try to break him out of prison but she never got the chance bc he broke out first and she lost him again. she spent fifteen years looking for him and he spent fifteen years trying to survive. they’re both devastated over this in different ways. this always happens with media i get into it always comes back around to messed up siblings i’m going to start eating the floorboards. the strider bros the plant twins ccrimeboys. this is my brother and i need a shovel to love him. you can get a new son or a father but who can grow me a new brother. yk. just gonna lay here and cry for a minute brb
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anyway how r u doing!!! how’s it going!!!! how r ur blorbos!! i never got into adventure time as a kid what’s it like what’s the recent series like how’s it going :3 how r ur little guys i wanna know!!!! i’m still watchin hannibal btw makin my way thru s2e2 AS WE SPEAK!!!
OH GOD OH FUCK I LOVE HORRIBLE TRAGIC SIBLINGS !!!!!!!!!!!! i keep saying this but im so glad im not directly into qsmp because i KNOW i would be imprinting on cellbit like a baby duckling. it was A JOKE AT FIRST because i saw he had a white streak but every new thing i learn about him im like. of fuck thats my type of character like. to a t. unbelievable.
I AM DOING GOOD its sooooo cold today and i cannot wait 2 be done with work so i can get all cozy (<< guy who is dumb and chose a career path that is Almost Always Outdoor Manual Labor) . adventure time is soooooooooooooo so so so good. i actually have not seen ANY of the post-canon series which is why im currently rewatching the main one!! i want 2 watch them so bad. ive heard such good things about fionna and cake. ouuguguhg. its a very good show its the perfect balance of really silly and lighthearted and also.... emotions. <3 formative piece of media. u are speaking to the worlds biggest flame princess kinnie. also i have been thinking abt my ocs a lot lately bc i havent drawn them since artfight. this is a DISGRACE.
IM SOOOO GLAD UR STILL ENJOYING HANNIBAL. oh season 2 goes nuts. season 1 is probably my favorite as a whole but my favorite Individual Episode is the season 2 finale. ohhh the season 2 finale makes me so insane. ouguha. also lmk when u meet a character named mason verger i have a funny story about him <3
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
I think the length and fillers of older anime are intimidating for newer anime fans! I have seen all of Naruto, a good chunk of bleach but none of One Piece (I'll read it when its done)
Naruto was actually one of my first anime loves! Along with Sailor Moon!! elder weeb vibes
for sure!! i rewatched naruto semi recently and gettinng thru it was insane even having watched it before!! i love naruto bc its like a classic ans super nostalgic but its sooooo tedious at times
im asking mostly because i have a backlog of naruto fanfic unfinished and was curious about the audience. sailor moon was also one of my first watches!! particularly the movies lmao
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sleevesareforlosers · 2 years
happy solstice jordan!! one thing i’m looking forward to for the new year that i’m also kind of terrified about is graduating and finally being done with school! i’m anxious about finding work but i think once i’ve got everything smoothed out and in place i’ll be really happy post-grad!
something i’m bringing forward from this year is the work i’ve put into my art, i really want to keep experimenting and pushing myself and not just letting myself get into a rut. i’ve been experiencing a lot of self-doubt this year with my art especially but i’m proud of the way i’ve been managing my time and the challenges i’ve faced so i want to bring that energy with me into 2023 :}
the weather here has been clear and sunny but pretty cold the last few days! right now it’s like 11 pm and it’s about 30 degrees F outside, so that’s like. -1C? during the day it’s more like 35-40 F. i don’t really care much for the cold so i comment on it every time i go outside BUT it’s still nice and it’s given me a chance to wear my new winter coat which is a very cute puffer jacket!
if i could be anywhere right now i think i would still pick to be home :) one of the things i’m most nervous about with moving out on my own is not being in my home where i’m comfortable and have all my stuff with me the way i like it but mostly about not being around my family so i’m enjoying spending as much time as possible living at home during the breaks and being around pretzel and my parents and siblings. also once i move my friends who live around here aren’t going to be as readily available though others will be so there’s that as well 🤔
definitely i am a serial rewatcher/listener/reader! i like the things i’m comfy with and it’s hard for me to go outside of my comfort zone and experience new things with media especially. i reread a lot of books and i rewatch youtube videos and movies and music. especially shows, i really don’t watch a lot of tv, and when i do watch tv i have a tendency to put on old shows that i’m comfortable with. i make exceptions for star wars shows but that’s it and aside from the mandalorian and andor sw has been very disappointing lately so that’s been tough. i think the one thing that may be an exception is music! while i like relistening to all my favorite bands over and over and over on loop i also really enjoy the experience of finding new music that i enjoy and playing that over and over also :)
i hope you’re having a wonderful day danny i love u!! 💝💝💝
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pretzel says hello as well 💕
[ID: a fluffy golden puppy dog lying on a tan corduroy couch, looking into the camera with his paws tucked up. end ID]
happy day after solstice love!! enjoy a longer day today than yesterday
!!!! wah thats so exciting. i cant believe ive known you like. long enough to see you do your entire degree im SO excited + proud of you and im wishing you ALL the best w your postgrad stuff!!
YES its been very clear in the art ive seen that you're putting so much effort into it and its absolutely paying off. cannot WAIT to see where you go from here! ik self doubt is a bitch but you rly are so talented i hope you can keep up your energy w it into the new year and beyond
OUGH! chilly! im glad you have a nice new jacket to keep you all toasty esp if you dont rlly like the cold. and i hope you've got as much hot chocolate as you want to warm up w when you get back inside! ive been drinking sooooo much hot chocolate recently its life changing esp when its cold out
wah thats so sweet. i absolutely understand moving out can be SO intimidating but i hope when you do end up moving you find a place that you can make yours and be just as comfy there as you are at your parents place. and in the meantime! enjoy the being home! give pretzel a BIG BIG kiss for me im saying hello back to him and givin him a good scratch
this answer does NOT surprise me at all and props on being the first person to come down firmly on one side or the other. esp w tv i totally get that <- has been rewatching supernatural unfortunately. its so much more of a time commitment and esp with shows that are just coming out its like. you want a decent payoff for your time + energy investment. like w star wars shows i was SO excited for bobf and then. well. i think i watched like two episodes and then the Thing Happened and i was like 'yeah im not finishing this' but i have heard SUCH good stuff about andor and its done coming out for this season so i just need to sit down n actually watch it.
its nice that new music is easy for you its SUCH a delight to find new music you actually like so im glad that you get to have that!!! anything specific thats been in your playlists recently?
i DID have a wonderful day yesterday i hope you have a good one today!! love youuuu
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heygerald · 27 days
omg gerald,, 🥹 ur dedication to keep writing FWAH for us, ur readers <3, is greatlyyyyy appreciated. plz continue to take care of urself + putting urself first before this story, cuz thats like rly rly important for the story as well ❤️
and for what it’s worth, i gave the fall guy a rewatch recently bcoz i deemed it necessary for the upcoming 2nd act of FWAH 😋 altho i havent been able to catch up with the recent chapters yet (super bummer, i hate college), i am sooooo excited to see where the story goes, and maybe even a little nervous bcoz hahaha we’re entering the sad puppy phase of the story and i just know its gonna break my heart a lil 🥹
SO YEAH thank you sooo so much for continuing to write FWAH, it already has a special place in my heart 🫶🏼 and i absolutely adore you for it :] XOXOOO
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Let's be real I needed this ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much! Good luck with college!!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 month
First of all AYO THEME CHANGE??? Waittt I’m loving the gold accents it looks so clean and classy!!
The chin shot is actually my villain moment like hello???? Ok but the thing is like his hair COULD be worse like in terms of drawing it shouldn’t be all that different from shidou Barou or even zantetsu…like cmon there’s just a bit of shape tweaking but if all those artists on twitter can do it surely the animation studio can….smh they’re really just keeping us in suspense
FRR I remember thinking how well all the feather details were done in the animation too like….I remember playing the rio version of angry birds too HAHA
No definitely….like a good art style definitely helps with attention grabbing but if the story is really ass or not my style I won’t hesitate to drop it LOL
Sweetheart asshole and years of pining go hand in hand LMAOO truly the ultimate trope honestly there’s just so much potential for angst and sweet moments with it and opportunities for making things complicated and intricate and multilayered shshsgsjsj
OHHHHHHH that explains a lot actually. There’s no way I’d ever see bakugo and Karasu having anything in common except for gravity defying hair maybe….heah the gravel plus the like weird in between pitch of where his voice sits really throws me off but yeah maybe if we hear him say something other than “you schmoes” it’ll be better LMAO I’m lowk about to go do the same thing and rewatch with the dub just to see how everyone sounds now I’m curious
OK GOOD LMAOOO because I literally could not think of anyone else who I thought would fit the criteria lovable jerk nagi is so real his sassy moments that are still so like…nagi-like in nature are my favs LOL him just saying with a straight face “why do you suck” LMAOOO
Wait that’s so real though if he just hadn’t pissed off everyone he would’ve just breezed through everything LMFAOOOOOO like you just tripled your workload my man….emo Reo so true I think I only fully enjoy him when he’s finally doing things on his own so like up to manshine vs bm where nagi calls him back (smh)
LMAO ITS A STRUGGLE there’s lowk some scenes of Isagi that look >>>>> but HAHAHSGAHAHAH IM CRYING THE HEIGHT COMMENT so true compared to most others in bllk he’s sooooo short it’s so funny
I remember Barou looking very weird at first LMAO truly got the npc villain treatment until he joined isagis team
Ok also did you see the recent chapter LMAO
- Karasu anon
YESSS I FINALLY GAVE IN AND CHANGED IT hehe i rlly like the gold too!! it’s so bright which after having a darker theme for a while feels so refreshing 🤩 and yay that’s the vibe i was going for!!
no fr his hair is not any worse than barou’s gravity defying nonsense…i think it makes sense for the background shots that he’s not there because if you dim/blur them enough then yuki hiori and otoya can reasonably look like npcs because they have v basic haircuts but karasu’s haircut just screams “relevant character” KDJFJDK but yeah that chin shot was so evil…like wdym everyone else gets full torso shots at least and karasu only gets his bllk icon??? TARGETED (also wait slightly unrelated but the day that isagi’s “he’s a villain 😰” line abt karasu gets animated i’m going to laugh so hard because like karasu is just a silly dumb baby pls 😭) maybe they’re trying to build him up as someone scary?? he’s kinda the main antagonist of third selection (alongside shidou but in a diff way) and isagi’s main opponent in the game especially because he picks out isagi to bully so they’re making him rlly mysterious and scary 🤔 also idk there’s some scenes of him in the background of the last ep in season two and they did not do his hair justice LMAOAOAOA also it being blue in the anime throws me off so bad because i am a black hair/purple eyes karasu truther so him being a blue + blue combo is so ugh to me…like TAKE THE BLUE + BLUE COMBO AWAYYYY FROM KANESHIRO!! wdym kiyora isn’t going to have the burgundy plus dark hair anymore it looks so good and now he’s just another blue haired blue eyed emo 😭💔
RIO ANGRY BIRDS WAS MY SHIT omg i loved angry birds when i was younger…convinced we are the same person actually like the amt of link ups we keep having is crazy
reading manhwa is insanely hard there truly are so few good ones…like how are there a bazillion manhwa out there but none of them have the exact trope i want?? i need the creativity to come through asap because some of these artists are wasting their hard work on the most boring midtier formulaic stories EVERRR 😭
i actually would recommend the dub solely because there’s a lot of jokes (mostly from nagi and chigiri) that the sub doesn’t have so it adds a much more humorous vibe to it!! like there’s a specific scene which i don’t remember being in the sub version that i literally had to rewind where barou is yelling at nagi in the background and he’s like “don’t talk back 😡” and NAGI LITERALLY JUST MOCKS HIM LIKE “dOn’T TaLk bAcK 😒” FJKSJS I LOST IT…they definitely decided to follow the spirit of the interactions instead of going for word for word translations so it feels like everyone’s a lot sillier!! there’s actually a lot of isagi sass too which made me like him much more than i did 😭 if you do end up watching keep me posted abt your thoughts 🫡 i think imo best dub voices in terms of fitting their characters have to be niko, anri, and reo ☝🏻 i actually also really liked that they made chigiri sound more masculine because it made him feel like more than just “girl insert of bllk” which is how a lot of people in the fandom tend to see him (side note rewatching the show helped me remember i love chigiri i just don’t like chigiri fans HAHA)
YESSS i think the only one that could’ve worked would be rin kind of?? considering i started bllk for him and wrote cherry tree abt him…i feel like i got on the nagi train way too fast though so rin never got to be a fav for very long 😩 and yes nagi’s lovable socially awkward jerk persona is sooo >>> i think he stands out because unlike most lovable jerks his delivery is so deadpan that you don’t even register he’s actually a shithead until much later 😭 like so many people don’t realize that he is the one talking the most trash CONSISTENTLY forget abt karasu otoya barou rin and isagi (i mean isagi def has him beat on field but off field he’s nice so it doesn’t count) NAGI is the true asshole of bllk 😰 like wdym he pulls up to a game and asks barou if he’s been practicing kneeling?? THAT IS VILEEEE but he just says it so 😐 that it’s just like oh okay…forgetting this man is a gamer like yk he has evil shit stored away in the back of his mind that he just doesn’t release because he’s apparently a “pacifist”
i love reo in epinagi the most i think!! mostly because we really see his true personality show there and he’s actually just dramatic (him crashing out while talking to zantetsu will never not be funny) and a show off but he also is such a sweetheart?? i need team v reo back NOWWW that’s def his best era 😭💔
there’s some panels/scenes where i get the vision but tbh sometimes in his rlly good panels he just looks like an off brand rin 😭 like if i’m going to like one of them it would just be rin atp because canon rin is actually hilarious and would probably lose it if you rightfully call him emo so i could def make it work in at least a humorous context 🤩 meanwhile isagi would just be like “what does emo mean ❔ do you mean EGO ❔ wait…let me adapt to this…” jkjk but also am i 🤨
no they literally did barou so dirty that i was genuinely surprised when he came back?? like right before the game against team v when isagi goes to ask barou for help i was like “wtf why is he here” because i thought he was just going to be a baddie of the week that was never shown again fsr 😭 as soon as he joined isagi’s team he glowed up though!! and he’s been getting better and better in the manga (him in u20 and bm vs ubers 🤤)…honestly barou best character because why is every single duo he’s in iconic?? like him and isagi, him and nagi, him and aiku, etc it’s insane he just has an amazing dynamic with every character he interacts with 🤩 to the point that i think he’s the only character who’s had an actual meaningful dynamic with his nel coach too!! not that he’s aware of it LMAOAOA but barou + snuffy is leagues better than isagi + noel noa, chigiri/reo/nagi + chris prince, bachira + lavinho, and rin/shidou + loki
YESS I DID!! mini nagi and karasu appearances 🥹 it’s been so long since we saw nagi in the manga so even if it’s just in isagi’s imagination it was nice to see him mentioned LMAOO also erm my “get rin therapy” thoughts from the u-20 match still hold true HAHAHA like yes it’s good for soccer but this whole berserker thing cannot be good for his mental health 😭 i’m excited to see what happens in the next chapter!! ik a lot of people think the title means rin is going to surpass isagi so bad that they’re no longer rivals but idk if that would quite make sense to me?? like it would just feel odd idt one goal/one chapter would be enough for rin to feel as though he’s crushed isagi well enough for them to not be rivals anymore…personally hoping that it’s referencing a kaiser and isagi team up because that feels like it’s been foreshadowed more/feels more natural imo (like the enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of vibe) plus it would be nice if like their final game is the whole team working together even if it’s begrudgingly 😰 but who knows i will trust kaneshiro on this one!! i haven’t rlly been majorly disappointed in anything with bllk yet (mostly just the way people read/analyze it) so i have faith it’ll cook
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lovecolibri · 1 year
SaL anon here my friend, saying hi after a long absence!! I don't know why this summer is kicking my ass so much, I've been in a rut of absolute apathy about everything, including putting in the effort to rewatch my comfort shows. But things are getting better and sometimes its the small things that get you back up (for me specifically its the return of Puppet History, an absolute gem I highly recommend).
Anywho hope the summer is going well for you despite the summer and global warming of it all. Don't know about you but I'm still pretty bitter about 911 and really the way so many of the shows we've enjoyed were mishandled so badly. And with the writers and actors (very rightfully) on strike it could be awhile before we get any sort of idea what's going to happen in s7 so I figure we've got time to get some of that bitterness out through some salty competitions. So to start which series finale had the worse ending, RNM or 911 (I know 911 isn't over but its over on fox so it kinda counts)? A lengthy justification of your choice is encouraged!!
Hello friend! I got this while I was out of town at a concert with my mom so I'm just getting around to this today. I also thought this summer was going to be Super Chill and Time To Catch Up On Things but we have been weirdly SO BUSY every weekend and had numerous unexpected Things happen (the fridge went out, thought it was fixed, it went out again, one of the cats had to go to the emergency vet an hour away and is now on new special food forever etc) and it's not slowing down any time soon! Sorry you're in your apathy rut era, I was absolutely there too recently so I know what that's like! I hope you can find some joy again soon! (I know everyone else Hates Summer, but I love not being cold all the time and heat and sunshine are what give me life so I'm currently on a slightly more energized kick which I'm going to try and use to Get Some Shit Done in regards to home improvement and self-care.)
I haven't ever watched Puppet History but it sounds delightful and with the strikes going on (take 'em down WAG/SAG AFTRA!) I'm sure I will be finding time to watch all the things I never got around to. I'm currently nearly finished with Resident Alien which has been a delight, and me and my mom are watching White Collar which has been a lot of fun for us.
Okay, now time for The Salt Mine.
It's funny that you bring up the RNM finale because I JUST saw a post the other day of Malex comparison kisses but the one they used from the finale is a wide shot and LITERALLY the main color focus drawing the eye in the shot is that goddamn fucking red dress under the bright lights of the bar, and only then, second, is the pink light Malex is under while in the darker, shadowed part of the bar. Sooooo I've been feeling salty about that for daaaaays.
It's a tough call to pit these two against each other because 911 literally shoved Buck and Eddie into "endgame" relationships with random characters they have zero chemistry with and that we know next to nothing about (Marisol) or everything we know is Not Great (Natalia). They really thought this was the end of the show and would rather waste time on these side characters and forcing these relationships rather than focus on the firefam and found family of it all and showing the core cast of characters TOGETHER as a FAMILY in the end. They rushed through the emergency and the feels we SHOULD have spent time on with everyone being hurt and seeing the firefam worry about and fight to rescue each other, all so KR could have time to (poorly) wrap up the 7000 plotlines she made for Buck because she apparently doesn't like or care about any of the other characters and only cares about Buck insofar as she can make jokes about his junk and sex life and how she can use his character to insert new ones she wants to have instead of using the characters she already has. However, despite all that mess, there WERE some good moments in the finale for the firefam and the bridge collapse was good, if too short to do what it was intended to do. 911's practical effects have ALWAYS been a highlight of the show and one of the things that makes it great so it was good to see some effort put into that side of the show again.
But, even with all the missteps of the 911 finale, RNM fumbled the ball on literally EVERYTHING in their finale. There was a Malex wedding, but it focused entirely on Michael and we didn't get to see Alex's POV on anything (not even anything about being on death's doorstep and magically being healed which happened entirely off screen and we didn't get to hear from Alex about it at all) except how he was perfectly happy having NONE of his family there for the wedding because god forbid m*ria be uncomfortable for 5 seconds because everything is about HER and how SHE feels 🙄🙄🙄 We got more focus on m*ria than we did Alex at his own goddamn wedding! And aside from that whole mess, the finale also separated Max and Liz, the supposed main couple of the show! The show ended forever with the lead in tears as Max goes to an alien planet for who knows how long! WTF kind of ending is that?! The show really made it hard to root for Max and Liz because the writing for them was just...not what it needed to be, but Jeanine and NDP had great chemistry and when they let them be in love they had some GREAT moments. I just wanted to root for them more but they constantly put them on opposite sides of every little thing they came across so they were never really able to work TOGETHER on anything and it was frustrating. Even so, I wanted a better ending for them after seasons of fighting and being so on again/off again the whole time. Jeanine especially got screwed over in what SHOULD have been Liz's show and I hate that being left behind was her ending. And that's not even going into all the plotholes and storylines the show just half-assed or flat out didn't address, and things that got dropped along the way and never explained. I know I say it A Lot about 911, but good god, the RNM cast, characters, and the base storylines they started the show with deserved SO much better than what they got consistently from the s1 finale through the end of the show.
Despite all of 911s flaws and faults, I still think they can come back from it all if they go back to the formula used in the early seasons for pacing and storyline distribution and focus on the firefam as a unit together, and given that the issues brought up by fans were pretty similar across all platforms and mirrored oftentimes by professional reviews, there's some hope for change moving forward on a new network. If RNM had been given another season I'm sure they still would not have resolved any of the plotholes and would probably have just made them worse while creating new ones 🤷🏻‍♀️
So I have to go with RNM for having the worst finale but damn if 911 didn't give it a run for it's money!
I was good hearing from you my friend! I had high hopes to work on my Countdowns fic this summer but I just have not had a weekend to myself! My niece will be visiting this whole week and my nephew is due to arrive in August but may come earlier, plus I'm working on getting out of town for some shows (and out of state if I can swing it to see Ed Sheeran), and working on some remodel work in my bedroom so we'll see when things start to slow down if I have any brain power left to write, much less do any of the other craft projects I have pending! I am confident I will get the baby blanket I'm working on done in time but everything else is up in the air. Remember when summer was time to relax? Anyway, I am ALWAYS here for your salty thoughts or anything else you wanna talk about. In the meantime, lets all manifest a good outcome for the striking workers!
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helpfulbug · 1 year
hii luna!! 😢 and 💖 for the music emoji ask!
hiiii lulu.....this took me sooooo long but here we gooooo
😢 A Song that makes you cry:
its liquid smooth by mitski. i literally cant play that shit in public its sooo over for me every time. also テリフリアメ (The Rain from Light and Shadow) by ichiko aoba, its not a sad song but i listened to it a lot in my mental spirals so now its like a tear jerker for me. i still love it and the entire album a lot tho.
💖A Guilty Pleasure song:
now. i normally just say you like whatever music you like but. recently i rewatched buffy the vampire slayer (idk. i dont think you can tell by looking at my blog at all.) and that means i also rewatched the musical episode of buffy. i WILL say it IS a good musical episode but to me musicals are something i listen to 2000000 times a day or something i dont wanna hear and is so cringe to me. so i kept listening to the buffy musical songs on the private browser bc i dont want them in my spotify history im sorry musical fans i cannot commit and become a true theater kid idk why im shy i guess.
also idk how but i have schlager on my most listened songs now (sorry this wont mean shit to you if youre not german) but WHY. is mickie krause on there.
for an actual answer to this one tho. i recently spiraled and listened to style by taylor swift one billion times. its soooo nothing and 80s nostalgia baiting but so lame but also. something about it is.....captivating
(ask game link)
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favoure · 3 years
hi! im not sure if someone asked u this before but what got you into desert duo? I just love them so much and would love to hear how u interpret their relationship!!
oh anon u've opened the floodgates (LIKE GENUINELY i went on a ramble here i. dont even know if any of this makes sense i m so sorry i m BAD AT WORDS THIS IS WHY I SHOW MY APPRECIATION FOR THEM BY DRAWING INSTEAD)
SO IT ALL STARTED ON THE 25TH OF NOVEMBER.... i decided to watch 3rd life bc last life ended just recently n thought "oh might as well watch ll's prequel.... idk if its gonna be any good thooo wdym its Only 3 lives n not randomized n theres no boogey system what....." omfg i was. So Wrong to think that bc after leaving grian's pov on in the bg i got invested and cheered for them n their silly little shenanigans together as the eps went on and By 2am i was. an ugly sobbing mess on my bed something in me Snapped fr when it came to That Scene in the pond...... i had to pause the video and take a few minutes for myself like That kinda invested yk ........
GOD REALLY JUST LIKE !!! SEEING GRIAN GO FROM FORCED SERVITUDE BC OF HIS GUILT TO UNCONDITIONAL LOYALTY SOMETHING ABOUT IT MAKES ME SOO SOOOOO????? HELLOOOOOO ???????? [BAWLS MY EYES OUT] ugh i love them sm they make me feel bonkersssss.... the more i think about it its like. the Devotion the way scar grew on grian yk like that realization that maybe Maybe. he doesnt mind dedicating one of his entire lives to this man ...... and then him reaching yellow and Even Red and Still staying by scar's side until the very end OTL
i just rewatched the first few eps yesterday too n grian didnt even want to be involved w scar's silly silly sand monopoly plan literally his first few hours w him is just him yelling at others to Not Listen to scar but like. when scar told him that the llama's name was pizza and when he told grian in the most deadpan way that he's going to murder them n grian just Burst out laughing And even later on when scar turned red n asked "can we still be friends?" he replies with "well yeah technically i still owe you my first life so... until i become yellow, i still gotta do what you say" LIKE. HEY. ALL THOSE MORNINGS SPENT WATCHING HIM LOOK SILLY CHASING RABBITS AROUND HEY HES GROWING ON U ISNT HE ...... by the last few eps this mfer rlly.... "is this where we show our true allegiance? to each other and only each other?" how can i NOT go insane after seeing All of that oh my god IS THIS ANYTHING [draws them beside each other or holding each other for the 29th time (yes u heard that right 29th time I've Counted)]
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meteorjam · 3 years
Thank you @liyazaki for tagging me! The last time I did this I had only watched like 8 dramas so a lot has changed 70 dramas later!
1. your all time favorite bl and why:
Until We Meet Again Everyone who saw it slowly progress from 6th to 5th to 1st place (BL wise anyway; 2nd overall drama) is laughing right now I'm sure. I was in love with this show from day 1 but every time I rewatched it I would fall more and more in love. Gearing up for a very fun 5th rewatch soon and I never get tired of it. The big draw of this show for me is the deep and moving plot and how loving and caring Dean and Pharm are. Also the family and found family aspects. I just adore this show and could talk about it 24/7. Pharm is also one of my favorite characters of all time.
2. that one bl that scarred you for life:
Bite Me I wouldn't say scarred but I'm still mad at that show for wasting so much of my time it's genuinely my least favorite.
3. bl that made you feel very single:
Sooooo many. Until We Meet Again for sure because DeanPharm are so in love its ridiculous. Bad Buddy as well because ugh PatPran are just so cutely disgusting with their love.
4. if you could change one thing from a bl, which one would it be?
Hmmm Mork ends up in therapy at the end of Fish Upon the Sky lmao
5. your top five:
1. Until We Meet Again 2. A Tale of Thousand Stars 3. Theory of Love 4. He's Coming to Me 5. Cherry Magic A shoutout to Great Men Academy which is actually my favorite drama but I don't consider it BL so it's not on this list.
6. that trashy bl that you lowkey like:
I LOVE Fish Upon the Sky, that show is my comfort show. Yes it's trash but it makes me laugh and I love Duean, Meen, and Pi. Most recently Rainbow Prince. That show is just bad but sooooo good. Like I'm actually obsessed.
7. your favorite korean bl (it’s important we know):
Light On Me !!!!
No question
8. but also your top 3 for kbls:
1. Light On Me 2. Where Your Eyes Linger 3. To My Star 9. season 2? which one?
Honestly I don't usually want a season 2 but I want the next installment of HIStory pleeeaaaase
10. a bunch of dramas will air soon. which ones are you the most excited for?
To the surprise of no one:
Oh! My Sunshine Night 609 Bedtime Story
But also:
Vice Versa Never Let Me Go I Feel You Linger in the Air
I know so many people who've done this recently so I don't know who to tag. If you see this tho and want to do it then feel tagged by me!
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adamsvanrhijn · 3 years
you watching hdm brought back so many memories god they absolutely did the books JUSTICE and i am a firm believer in gay lee scoresby like please him and will's dad??? the TENSION the IMPLICATIONS anyway glad ur enjoying it!!
i am about to start a reread so i will wait to make up my mind on just how good it actually is but i do think they definitely at least did A Lot of it justice, although i am concerned about some of the choices in the first two seasons and how they are going to affect amber spyglass beats. but definitely leagues better than the film and, like i've said, while watching some of the choices and production elements were just. absolutely phenomenal and matched what i remember from reading the actual books, which is a testament both to philip pullman's capability of describing environments and characters and the production's dedication to representing them accurately. but it is also definitely flawed in places even uniquely from what i just mentioned about Choices
e.g. while they made it work in that it works for a coherent story in the adaptation itself, as an adaptational choice i'm.... less than enthused about the way they chose to represent the magisterium. i wouldn't go quite so far as to say it's hamfisted but imo they're beating viewers over the head with the totalitarianism rather than diving into what in the books i think was a very deft and delicate (while simultaneously absolutely scathing!) portrayal of the specific vehicles of control of faith-based institutions and faith-based authoritarianism, including the way that individual persons of faith "allow" themselves to be controlled by not just the organizing body of their religion but by their own faith. the magisterium in the tv series rules by fear. people are afraid of the magisterium. despite all the characters' talk of The Authority and shouts of "heresy", imo the show did not represent rule primarily by wielding the authority of god, it showed rule primarily by the power of government. in the novels, that is the power of the magisterium: wielding god against a believing populace.
even within jordan college, even with the pursuit of knowledge and the permissions granted by the concept of scholastic sanctuary, many characters, including lyra, actually believe in their religion! in lyra's world, people don't shout "heresy" just because they feel the need to pay lipservice to the magisterium. are they afraid of the magisterium? yes! but they're also afraid of the the authority, because they believe in the authority! they believe in the teachings of the church! they believe that heresy is an offense to the authority, not just an offense to the fascist power that rules their lives. there are notable exceptions, but they're exceptions.
imo presenting the magisterium to the viewers with the visual language of like, third reich germany, showing it as ~~Evil~ in an up-front objective way rather than an insidious-fabric-of-society way, showing its servants as having like the sole motive of controlling the populace for their own benefit rather than having the motive of pleasing and respecting an authoritarian god, skates past the point.
like in the novels is the magisterium meant to be evil? unquestionably yes! but representing that evil with the visual shortcut of IRL fascism rather than like... gradually revealing what/who the true enemy is in this universe... not a fan of that
like yeah in the show we get some characters, basically all of whom as i recall it are affiliated with the magisterium, having something like the fear of god in them, but like... it's not the same lol.
i just don't think that was effectively portrayed. and you know i'm sure a lot of that has to do with not wanting to provoke the irl religious populace significantly more than they inherently have to in making an adaptation of these books, because critiquing religious people is Quite different from critiquing a religious institution. and like okay that would be an irl constraint and i can respect it even if i don't like it, but i kiiiiinda get the impression that some of the people directly involved in this show were like, not really into that theme themselves.
and i can see why pullman would pragmatically compromise on that in order to bring forward what in most respects is a wonderful adaptation.
maybe i'll change my mind once i reread the books? my last reread was when i was a teenager and it's possible that it was this up front and just flew over my head and/or i forgot it
although having recently rewatched the first film, it strikes me as an adaptation that could have been great but was ultimately mired in outside forces' red tape in a way way way more obvious way — the good parts are really very good, you can tell that at points in the script there was a solid understanding of at least parts of the source material even if it isn't through the entire production, and i think the sense of it being so mild and sterilized for lack of a better word (as well as the ending which, don't get me started) and the tonal inconsistency is. intentional limitations from powers on high especially knowing how the production process went. sooooo many people feel threatened by this story and it reeeally shows in the film.
anyway you didn't ask for any of this but. you're welcome ajlkdsjfdsalkfsad
final note that actually addresses your ask: i definitely got Gay Vibes with those two from like my very first initial read and i'm still crazy about it like i'm crazyyyyy
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thisdreamplace · 3 years
what is the point of coming onto a manifestation blog and essentially telling ppl there manifesting isn’t real 😭 mf we have literally experienced it working go somewhere else
NO ACTUALLY LMFAO like.... alright sooooo anyways,,,, back to regularly scheduled programming:
what are some things y'all have successfully manifested lately? :) Doesn't matter what it is, feel free to share!!!! hehe
A nice little success for me recently was that I randomly got the urge to go out to eat by myself, so I wanted this specific booth to sit at so I could watch my kdrama in peace while I ate. Plus, I went out right astlunch time which is a big no no for me, because I love beating the crowds. I eat early af I'm weird. lmao anyways, so of course, I know imagining creates reality so I decided it wasn't busy despite it being lunch time and the booth I wanted would be available. I arrived and it was slow as hell AND my booth was empty, waiting for me to occupy it. My meal slapped and I thoroughly enjoyed my kdrama. (Romance is a Bonus Book, I'm rewatching it for the 3rd time lmfaoooo when its good, its good!) 💖
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