#i rewatched the first movie a little recently to find stuff
bugdogg · 11 months
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king-crawler · 29 days
this is less of an ask and a more of a " holy shit, hi " wanted to start off saying i loved your video to death on king candy/turbo made me realize how much i liked that little loser as a villain, and now i think im bossed with the song cabinet man and honestly wish we got more of turbo like who or how he acted before everything, and we can really only speculate and find things hidden in the movie i realized so many new things, when i recently rewatched it again Penelope being on the side of the game blew me away there is so much dam foreshadowing for that guy they both have catchphrases !!! ugh anyway this is getting too long! just wanted to say i loved your video and i hope you make more stuff like that it was really fun to see you ramble and be passionate about it ^^ i mean if you wanted an ask, all i can really ask is,,hmm what made you hate turbo thus first time? as a kid? cuz i know i hated my favorite guy for a bit until i warmed up to him
THANK YOU SO MUCH OH MY GUODHDDHD ❤️❤️❤️ GRAAAGHHHAAGAGHGRGRHG!!!!! If we got more turbo backstory i would start eating my walls straight up. He is such a little loser of a villain ur right <3 I'm really glad you enjoyed it :)))
Also regarding what made me hate him, uhhh i just thought he was really scary. which then turned into a SICK FASCINATION with him because i didnt know how to process my feelings. also maybe a little bit of a crush on him because idk that would explain a lot
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lurkingshan · 6 months
Japanese QL Corner
ICYMI: There are so many Japanese qls airing weekly, so I’m going to start posting this little round up at the end of each week. All of these are on Gaga and I highly recommend watching!
Love is Better the Second Time Around
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This is officially my favorite bl currently airing. I loved this second episode a lot. I appreciate that while the first episode gave us a really solid grounding in who Iwanaga is, the second let us get to know Miyata in all his contradictory glory. That entire sequence from his failed proposal to him demanding Iwanaga take responsibility was glorious. He is still nursing a wound from their high school days and hearing Iwanaga sincerely apologize for his immaturity in making the bet back then seems to have given him some of his power back. I love that he's making Iwanaga work for it, and judging by that smile at the end of the episode, Iwanaga loves it, too.
My Strawberry Film
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Yet another week focused on the het love rhombus, this time with a double date. I was spiritually with Ryo sitting on a rock by himself, headphones on and gazing at the sea in mild despair. The plot continues to move at a glacial pace, and I am not nearly as interested in Minami or her secrets as the show wants me to be. She is just not a compelling character. I did appreciate the show making it clear that Hikaru's crush on her is based more on a fantasy of who she is than the reality. And I felt for Chika a lot in this episode and was glad she aired things out with Ryo; she needed his rejection to move on. I wonder if, as @bengiyo suggested, this show will play better as a binge, because it's kind of torturous as a weekly viewing experience.
Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yara ka
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A nice ending for a show that didn't quite come together for me. I liked both of these characters a lot, but the writing for their romance was kind of all over the place and we spent a lot of time on frustrating plot diversions instead of building a stronger relationship foundation that would leave us feeling confident about their future (apparently a lot of that extra plot stuff was added to stretch the simple manga story to 10 episodes, and it sure felt like it). I didn't at all buy Mizuki suddenly reappearing and trying to help them get back together. The way the show used his character was perhaps the most frustrating part of all; he felt more like a plot device than a person. But I'm glad Soga and Sakae decided to try again at the end, even if I wish we would have spent the back half of the show seeing them actually work through these complications instead of just talking about them constantly only to end right where they started. Not one that I will be rewatching or that will stick with me, I think.
Bonus: Call Boy (2018)
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I have been meaning to watch this film for ages, and finally got around to it this week. Before I am accused of false advertising, let me clarify that this is not a bl or a romance at all; rather it is a story about a disaffected youth who gets offered a job as a sex worker in a high end club and finds purpose and satisfaction in bringing others pleasure. Our lead Ryo is (mostly) het, but he does have one extremely memorable sexual encounter with a male colleague (played by my beloved Izuka Kenta!), and this is in general a film exploring sexual kink and stigma, so it earned its spot on ql corner.
This movie is surprisingly great, and its themes are very sex and sex work positive in a way some other recent shows have claimed (and failed) to be. The narrative is all about Ryo coming to understand the purpose of sex work, finding his own pleasure in fulfilling his client's needs, and working through his childhood trauma in the process. It's very well done and I highly recommend it for anyone who can handle exceedingly NC-17 content. It's on Viki for rent (and also in the grey).
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sharpth1ng · 7 months
So I rewatched scream recently after having read debaser four times (since November last year no I am not okay) and idk if you've already been asked this but: if you could write scream without making changes to the pov and stuff like that what would you change (if anything at all)?
Because when I was watching it I realised that I like the plot of debaser better (not necessarily because of the romance, but just on the murders and everything) and idk if that's just because you're an amazing writer (which you are BTW your writing is literally perfect I don't even know how you do it) or if it's because of how you made small details of the story make more sense or even because the killer pov works better? Idk
So yeah I'm really curious on how you would do it both on a story and on a cinematography level!!!
(also sorry if that did not make any sense I'm mostly rambling 'cause I have a lot of thoughts)
Hey, first off thank you that's so, so sweet! Second, this is a really interesting question.
Honestly theres not a whole lot I would change about scream, a lot of it is little stuff that wouldn't necessarily be a big difference in the final product. I wouldn't change much about the cinematography really, so many of the shots in this movie are made in homage to other horror movies and I love those. They feel like easter eggs.
Some examples:
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Gale nearly hitting a blood-drenched sid and swerving around her matches the scene in Carrie (1976) where she almost gets hit by a car and they swerve (a bunch of the shots in these scenes are pretty matched to each other)
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Caseys hanging and Pat's hanging in Suspiria (1977)
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Casey's phone call and like, all of When a Stranger Calls (1979)
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Billy sneaking in Sid's window and Glen sneaking in Nancy's window in A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) - especially because Skeet was partly cast for his resemblance to Glen
This isn't even a fraction of the shot references in the movie, let alone references in dialogue, cameos from other horror movies (Linda Blair has a cameo as a reporter and Sherrif Burke is also Sargent Parker in Nightmare on Elm Street), or just movies and pop-culture references seen in the background. Like it would take me forever to list them all. I honestly can't express how satisfying and dense Scream (1996) is as a fan of horror. It goes so much further than the movies actually explicitly mentioned.
ANYWAYS. All that was just to say I wouldn't change a lot about the cinematography.
A lot of what I would change has to do with tightened plot elements. One of the things that does frustrate me about the movie is how vague Billy and Stu's alibi's are after Casey's death. I don't need them to be perfect, but we know the cops talked to them the next day at school, and later when Billy is at the police station they seem surprised to find out he left his house that night. The fact that he either lied about that or left it out would have been a major red flag for the cops, and it just seems like something you would want to consider if you're planning to get yourself arrested and betting on being released. Basically I think that should have been something he revealed when questioned by the cops at school.
A number of other details I would change mostly have to do with off-screen events, but they would alter minor stuff on screen in a way that I think would make the plot more satisfying as it unfolds. Basically I just wish Kevin Williamson had decided who did which kill. It's obvious that he decided that it didn't need explaining since it was off screen and the protagonist wouldn't have access to that information. I don't even need it to be shot that differently, I don't need Skeet or Matt in the costume instead of a stunt man to give us a sense of who is who, I just want it to be physically possible for them to get around in a way that makes sense. It should be something that can be reasoned out in a consistent way if you pay enough attention.
This is particularly a problem for me with Himbry's death and hanging, and with the chase sequence at the house. Like Ghostface kills Kenny, watches Sid run away... doesn't chase her? Like he would be behind yeah, but also she's the main target and she seems to be running down the driveway. Instead he hides Kenny's body and goes back into the house? Why? Where did Randy go and why didn't he leave through the front door? Was Ghostface just waiting inside the house for Dewey instead of going and trying to find Randy or Sid? All of this feels a little sloppy to me since we know the phones in the house work. Any of those people could be calling 911.
Another moment like this is the one where Sid gets attacked in the washroom. A lot of people take that to be Billy given the fight they've just had in the hallway, but the timing of the scene seems to follow directly after that fight. Sid walks away from him, so if she's walking directly to the washroom he's behind her, how is he going to get into the washroom and hide in on of those stalls without her noticing if he has to come in after her? This also just seems unnecessarily risky for him, given how cautious he is otherwise.
I prefer the idea that this attack isn't actually a real ghostface, it's one of the ghostface copycats we see running around (one of the two dudes we see Himbry disciplining). In the original script the scene in the washroom comes directly after Billy and Sid's fight in the hallway, with the scene of Himbry yelling at the two fake ghostfaces following after the washroom instead of the hallway fight. To me this suggests that at least in the original script, these two likely got caught harassing Sid in the washroom and thats what Himbry is disciplining them for. I really don't know why the order of those shots was changed for the movie.
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(side note could these dudes be more intentionally Billy and Stu coded? Lmao like my man on the left is literally wearing Billy's same plaid shirt)
Also as a side note- some people use the matching shoes as evidence that it was Billy in the washroom, but the movie deliberately shows us that several people have those shoes, one of the others being Sheriff Burke. These shoes are actually a red herring, so we can't use them as evidence.
So yeah basically some of what I would change is the order of certain scenes. I also wouldn't mind a better indication of the timing of things, some clocks in the background of certain shots would go a long way for me. I also would have liked for the movie to do a better job laying out the geography of Stu's house, so that we know where everything is in relation to everything else before the chase. I just think that works better for a movie like this with multiple moving parts.
Oooh another big one for me is the call that Randy gets to let him know Himbry has been killed. Who does he think is calling him like that? Why are they calling the house? It obviously has to be Stu, Billy has his hands full ( 💀 ) and it would be too much of a risk to bet that people in the house would find out in time to clear out when they need them too. Basically I just think the writing of that moment could be improved, but I also think it's likely written way it is because Himbry's death scene was a later addition pushed for by executives who thought the movie needed a higher body count.
Final thing I can think of (and its pedantic as hell) is that some of Randy's movie references don't make sense. Calling Billy Leather face? Bringing up Prom Night to argue that the killer isn't Sid's dad (when the killer in prom night is a relative of the original victim)? It would be fine if the movie was pointing out Randy as being a little full of shit but the franchise positions him as the Movie Guy who knows all the Movie Stuff, so they should at least make his references work better.
Lmao ok, thats probably enough, i've written an essay. Possible there's more I would switch up but thats the stuff that comes to mind right now!
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 6 months
Get to Know Me tag
Ultimate Addition
Been tagged with multiple versions of this. Will do this all in one.
And maybe this will be the definitive version.
Thanks to: @herrmannhalsteadproduction here, @sleepywriter00 here, @mk-writes-stuff here and here, @dyrewrites here, @infinnative here, @buffythevampirelover here, and @mysticstarlightduck here.
Tagging @illarian-rambling @gottestod-writes @cowboybrunch @blind-the-winds @uninspired-platypuss @little-peril-stories @loopyhoopywrites @its-on-site @aalinaaaaaa @randomlettrrsqqssfxwcvhxnqbwriro @thepeculiarbird + anyone else
(y'all don't have to do all of these - pick one. Honestly you can do all of them but like...only if you really want to)
Version 1
Last Song - Driving the Last Spike (Genesis)
Currently Watching - Star Trek Voyager in my trek marathon, still have a little bit of Phineas and Ferb to rewatch, MythBusters, Whose Line is it Anyway, The Bad Batch as it comes out, and I keep forgetting the last bit of Hamster and Gretel is on D+ rip
Three Ships - uhhh the least controversial I feel will be Robin/Starfire (Teen Titans), Kirk/Spock (Star Trek), and Dakota/Cavendish (Milo Murphy's Law)
Favorite color - T E A L 🩵💚 it slaps. Btw this: 🩵 is not teal but it's the emoji that pops up when I type teal wtf teal is GREENER that's like cyan which also has the same emoji I'm sick of people calling light blue teal
Currently reading - beta reading Whispers by @magic-is-something-we-create and making my way through Purple Hyacinth on Webtoon
Currently consuming - uh just woke up will have my coffee in a bit
Place of birth - Earth
Currently location - pretty sure it's Earth
Last movie - True Lies (first time watching)
Version 2
Are you named after anyone? No my mom was sick of the family name she was given so revolted against peer pressure.
When was the last time you cried? Uhh couple days ago got caught in traffic due to an accident and went a separate way only to find myself on the feeder road with more traffic from another accident so I had to pull into a Jaguar parking lot before I got full a panic attack
Do you have kids? No please dear God. Future students are my kids.
What sport do you/have you played? Soccer when I was like in kindergarten.
Do you sarcasm? See next answer
What's the first thing you notice about someone? That they exist
Eye color? Brown
Scary movie or happy ending? These aren't opposites?? Scary movies have happy endings! So happy endings.
Any talents? Uh, writing, I guess. Media analysis. I can read fast. I'm Gen Z and can write in cursive. I kick ass at the puzzle match mini game on Wii Party.
Where were you born? *Double checks* yeah still Earth
Hobbies? Writing, reading, watching TV, scrolling through Tumblr, media analysis, watching YouTube, daydreaming, listening to music, useless data analysis
Any pets? Two cats
Height? 5'4
Favorite subject? ELAR (reading/writing) that's why I want to teach it
Dream job? See above
Version 3
Currently reading - answered this above
Last song - I'm doing this on a different day (sorry) and now it's Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Queen)
Currently watching - said above
Current fic - uh I'm just reading the stuff I already said
Current hyperfixation - brain recently has been toggling between Phineas and Ferb, Teen Titans (2003), Avatar The Last Airbender, Megamind, and my WIP The Secret Portal so uh pick one
Favorite color - T E A L
Sweet/spicy/savory - I guess savory but yeah depends on mood
Relationship status - happily dating ❤️
Last thing I Googled - Ming-Na Wen (wanted to know her age. She's 60)
Song stuck in my head - currently Somebody To Love (Queen - was listening to the greatest hits)
Favorite food - my dad's food, specifically his Cincinnati chili and his cake
Dream trip - New Zealand or Tokyo
Version 4
(highlight what describes you)
Dark hair* // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don't often smile// I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
*up for debate
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami* // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
*with instructions and not well
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year// I have a crush* // I have a friend I've known for ten years // my parents are together // I have dated my best friend+ // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship^ // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
*does my gf count as a crush? I still act like it lol
+am dating
^i think this is referring to romance but I do have other friends in other states
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise* // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colours // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
*I think once could be making that up
Take your bets if I'm an outdoorsy person (nope)
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of Sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower* // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed+ // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
+used to
EDIT: I've decided to add onto this post whenever I get a new get to know me tag, so from here on out this was not in the original post
Version 5
I'm over 5'5 / I wear glasses or contacts (glasses) / I have blonde hair / I often wear sweatshirts (I think some of them count?) / I prefer loose clothing over tight clothes / I have one or two piercings / i have at least one tattoo / i have blue eyes / i have dyed or highlighted my hair / i have or have had braces / i have freckles / i paint my nails / I typically wear makeup / i don't often smile / resting boss face / i play sports (was in soccer in kindergarten haha) / I play an instrument (used to, violin) / i know more than one language (I know some ASL but I've forgotten most of it... ) / I can cook or bake / i like writing / i like to read / i can multitask / I have never dated anyone / I have a best friend that I have known for over five years (Cado, how has it been seven years almost????) / I am an only child
Version 6
Last song: as of answering this, technically I watched Psych so the theme song!
Favorite color: you should know this at this point in the post
Currently watching: Psych like I said, also Star Trek Voyager and a few on the side still (see above)
Sweet/spicy/savory: see Version 3
Current obsession: ...Psych but also my WIPs :)
Last thing I googled: thesaurus because I was doing the @sipofsnips and didn't have the word this morning
Favorite season: they all suck but I'll go with fall
Skill I'd like to learn: I want to draw good
Best advice: "thinking about it counts as working on it" because it's changed my outlook on how much I get done in a day, "progress is progress" for similar reasons but more general, and generally that if you burn yourself out trying to do everything nothing gets done
Woo! This was a LOT holy shit. Hope you know more about me!
Version 7
A scent you love: ooh cookies baking smells wonderful
Something you're looking forward to this week: finals finished yesterday which means more free time for me! I get to catch up on reading and writing!!
Currently reading: beta for Whispers by @magic-is-something-we-create WHICH I CAN FINALLY GET BACK TO WOOOO
Currently playing: not a video game person sorry - but I've been occasionally picking at mobile games like Animal Restaurant
Most recent movie: uh... When did I last watch a movie?? I think it was True Lies?? First time watching. Wasn't expecting it to be as chaotic as it was.
Current show: Star Trek Voyager and Psych! Partially rewatch/first time watching every episode and total rewatch respectively! I've not seen either since middle school so this is super exciting
Favorite season: autumn because it's starting to get cooler and pollen isn't everywhere
Recently learned: took a life in the universe class this semester and learned a lot about life in the universe (obviously) and while I have mixed feelings about the class MAN the content was fascinating
Water intake: currently drinking water like always :) । have to pee
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lovemadethemdoit · 1 year
Any advice on trying to write Hangster for the first time??
oh anon, i am honored you'd think to ask me but i have no clue what to tell you here. but i'll try.
my main advice would be
don't retread the whole movie unless it's pertinent to your premise. if not, you can still do flashbacks or little scenes from the movie but hangster fandom has gotten pretty tired of rereading the whole movie plot, i'd say.
for hangster purposes, understand that the movie hints at us that they are both the best aviators in the navy other than maverick. if maverick wasn't there, they'd be the two at the top.
if you're still pretty young, understand their age difference is small (unless the main theme of your fic is supposed to be age difference. then fuck with their ages a little more than the four canon years that put them apart)
hangster fandom decided jake seresin either has a shitty family and has daddy issues or he has the sweetest most loving and supportive family and is a good texan mommas boy. BOTH IS GOOD. we love both those backgrounds for him here in hangster fandom (and they both actually work for him!)
bradley bradshaw is a cocky motherfucker (and rightly so) and he's probably felt alone a lot throughout his life so do with that knowledge what you want
you don't actually have to write mavdad. personally i love a maverick that's a little useless at personal relationships. generally, maverick doesn't have to show up at all if you don't want him to
found family is a big theme with hangster i'd say
if you write post-canon, try not to forget their day jobs and that they will be flying, on base, talking about flying and missions and stuff. it doesn't have to be a whole lot but some fics forget about it completely and never mention it and it makes those fics feel a little bit ooc
hangster fandom is branching out into writing AUs recently, which i love, so if you want to write an AU, go for it!!
general advice: please, please, stay in one tense or if that's not your strong suit, find a beta to check for that before you hit publish
other than that, just sit down and let them tell you their story!
(oh and also, rewatch tgm like ten times because you're obsessed and find a top gun spotify playlist featuring miles teller's great balls of fire performance and the song danger zone by kenny loggins 🤪)
there you go.
happy writing, nonnie!!
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mygwenchan · 8 months
Just some random Playboyy thoughts after rewatching ep8:
The folder in which Nuth saved Nant's casting and suicide clip was named "Research". Judging by other folders and stuff on his desktop, it's all related to the movie Nuth is planning to film. In the first clip, Nant also recited parts of the script. Maybe both Nant clips are part of the movie? I'd love to get my hands on that script tbh... And also on the diary entry Nuth wrote on the twins bday. I bet there is a lot of useful information to be found!
They said Nant filmed the suicide video in a hotel room, but it's literally the same building in which Soong used to live... I think it's a production error, but it still bothers me a little.
So we were all wondering why the baddy bunch's kitchen looks different right? Well... Since First decided to live with his friends and Teena pretty much moved in with Zouey, meaning First couldn't bunk with his bestie anymore, they needed a new house with more rooms! I think that rooftop party was basically their housewarming party. They simply forgot to mention any of this in the series lol
That dog mask... I think Nuth must've asked Keen to hide it for him. But I also think Nuth himself is hiding it for someone else... It's pretty obvious that Nuth and the doggo guy aren't the same person and I still think our culprit is Prom. Which somewhat leads me to the suspicion that Prom is also our drug provider! Maybe that's his actual job and being the Playboyy manager is just a side gig? Or maybe Prom is dealing drugs behind Jason Lee's back. I mean, Prom already stole a large amount of money from his "daddy" (probably stole it from the club's cash register and the Playboyys). It wouldn't surprise me if he's also stealing drugs or doing other shady business.
If the post credit scene of ep8 isn't just a dream, then Nant is very much dead 😥 Thing is though, if that is happening in present times and not in the past, Nant has died only very recently. His eyes have turned white, but his skin isn't pale and patchy. There are also no signs of insects and other stuff... So unless they got the makeup wrong, Nant hasn't been dead for more than 2 hours. Plus, I didn't see any severe strangulation signs and Nant is wearing only his undies. The clothes he wore in the suicide clip are gone. And well, someone obviously placed him in the middle of the woods. But who? That is the question!
If Nant has indeed died recently, after Nont already came pretty close to finding the dog mask and the doggo guy... someone must've gotten cold feet! I don't think it's anyone from the baddie bunch. Nont had a whole breakdown in front of them and very convincingly told them he'd give up his search for Nant. Which pretty much only leaves Nuth, Phop (yes, also my cutie Phop!) and Prom... I went back to the convo Nuth had with Phop and it does sound kind of open for interpretation:
Nuth: Aren't you mad at me about Nant? Phop: You already told me about it. Why would I be mad?. I just want you to tell me everything. Then I'll be fine."
Now Phop is the very same person who stayed strangely calm while being held at gunpoint. Same when Nuth held a knife against his throat. So either my boy is dense as fuck, or he's got nerves of steel. Add some questionable morals and a pinch of insanity to the mix and you've got the perfect psycho boyfriend who'd be more than willing to commit crimes with you! On the other hand there is Prom, who tried to find out where Nont is planning to search for Nant, but instead was told that Nont would search for the doggo guy and not his twin brother. Now if Prom is Mr doggo, he might want to get rid of all the evidence... Might as well discard of the boring twin while he's at it, since he's got a new one now?
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kneelbeforeclefairy · 3 months
I gotta explain what's happened in the past two weekish
Be me
Read hunger games when it came out like ten fucking years ago and then some. Had a group of friends who was into it. Friend group eventually broke up. Eventually got bored with it fandom. Literally recently got rid of the books cause like....well they were clogging up the shelf.
Coworker is torturing me at work (long story) so after she leaves I tend to put on little YouTube videos essay things to calm down.
Find one about the "perfect cruelty of the hunger games" explaining how the games themselves are used to surpress empathy while encouraging a facade of it
Dude that's interesting, why not?
Video talks a lot about song birds and snakes and the early games and someone called Lucy Gray?
Decide to look up some stuff aboit the book. Vaguely remember hearing something about it?
Get weird about 10th hunger games. Decide to just check out book from library
@bestnoncannonship is tired of hearing about Someone Called Lucy Gray but is interested about the games and Young Snow. We decide to watch movie
I also start rereading the books. HOLY SHIT THOSE HOLD UP.
Movie REALLY GOOD. decide, why not let's rewatch the movies because I've only ever seen the first one and she's only seen the first two.
Last time hunger games was popular and everyone was trying to play Which Character Are You , @bestnoncannonship got assigned Katniss. She wore her hair in a long braid at the time and had a blonde little sister she was crazy protective of. Also was the only one of us who had any idea about surviving in the wilderness or anything like that, being from The Country. But she never liked Katniss, see?
(group cosplay of hunger games characters never materialized. I always wanted to do the four Careers. mostly cause I liked Glimmer. )
Anyway. My character was always Effie Trinket. Didn't have much choice in the matter. old friend group took one look at me and go, it's pink, it's a bit too naive about how things are in the Not Here, its occasionally scandalized if you use the wrong forks, and let's be real it doesn't REALLY understand what trees are outside of parks. Does this bitch look like she's ever seen a district to YOU?
So we're watching the movies and at some point Ann gets REALLY ATTACHED to haymitch.
It's like an oh. OH. moment.
Wrong district 12 Victor.
She says she couldn't identify with men because of Gender ISSUES back in the day. But now that pesky little gender broke and we can identify with ANYTHING.
Gets real into Haymitch. Realized haymitch and Effie are a ship.
We both go down the Hayffie rabbit hole.
Anyway this culminates on June 6.
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Yeah. So . Universe weird like that..
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roosterbox · 5 months
hey! found your blog the other day and i love it<3
do you have any arthut/eames fic recommendations? i rewatched the movie a week ago and can't stop thinking about them
(sorry about the wait!)
First of all, hey there! Hello! Glad you found me, and glad to know you liked Inception. Hard to believe that it’s still drawing so many people in, 14 years on.
Second of all…
Oh baby. Oh man. Not just fic recs, but A/E fic recs? Yesssssssss my time has come.
First, there are a couple of writers whose entire oeuvre you should definitely check out if you haven’t.
Lolahardy, whose Dreamhusbands work is vast and varied, but here are a few of my own favorites (important note: no links because Lola’s fics are currently locked, but they are easily findable if you have an AO3 account, and you should definitely check out all of them, not just the few I mentioned here!):
In Every Universe - the fic that will never die, lol. So many great A/E stories here, but for me, the biggest draw are the other JGL/TH ships contained within. My personal favorite is Forrest/Evelyn, who I almost love even more than A/E at this point. Also, so many tropes and kinks and whatnot. Safe to say, I’m positive you’ll find a lot of different things to enjoy!
Le Mal Du Pays - this one is just lovely. I reread it again for this rec list and boy… still amazing. The chapters set during canon are so good, it’s like watching the movie again, but with the added bonus of actual A/E in the plot, you know?
Love is Strange - A/E by way of Dirty Dancing! I love it when you can enjoy an AU based on a very specific property even without having seen said property. For example, I adore everything about this fic even though I have never watched DD, not even once, lol.
OneWhoSitsWithTurtles, whose A/E work is never anything less than stellar and beautiful, and regularly makes me cry. Also, they have works in other fandoms that are equally worth checking out!
Christmas Without You (Is a Christmas Not Worth Having) - the best. The pinnacle. If ever you (or anyone else, for that matter) were curious about what my favorite A/E fic of all time is? Here’s your answer.
Dream of Me - This one is just beautiful. A simple little somewhat canon-compliant love story. So sugary sweet at times, it runs the risk of being tooth-rotting. But I’m always willing to take that risk.
39 Days to Fall in Love - the survivor AU you didn’t know you were missing. Seriously, it’s so good it might make you want to watch Survivor if you haven’t already, even if you know there’s no Arthur or Eames in it, lol.
Lullaby - Hands down, the saddest A/E fic I have ever read, and certainly in the running for saddest fic period. Seriously, it’s beautiful and worth reading but don’t go in without some tissues.
The Bumblebee and the Flower who Fell in Love - Also very sad, but so very whimsical and sweet besides. A/E works well in seemingly silly setups like this.
And now, for a few more individual recs. Mind you, a lot of my recs are a bit older - I really need to go back and peruse through the ship tag to find new stuff to bookmark - but hey, something something wine metaphors, lol.
End of the Road - this one is so cool. If you like Mad Max Fury Road and ever wondered what it would be like if you combined it with A/E (sort of) and some A/B/O Dynamics, you can’t do better than this.
Quiet Desperation - a lovely little A/E and 00q crossover story! I would read an entire series of this if it existed.
Next Big Thing - A/E as judges on a HGTV reality show. Classic! The exact kind of fairly low stakes drama I can get behind. No spoilers, but my favorite character is Misty Rainbow. For one scene in particular. If you read it, you’ll know exactly which one. Also I wish this show was real.
The Party - heavy subject matter in this one (heed the tags), but getting through the rough stuff makes the eventual fluffier bits almost extra sweet.
Out of Reach - a recent addition to my ranks, but absolutely beautiful. The emotions are so palpable and heartfelt.
And… would it be completely shameless if I included a couple of mine? I don’t like to toot my own horn too much, but since nobody else ever puts me on their reclists, why not, right?
Darling I’m Killed - my somewhat still ongoing Inception/Bond crossover. There are two sequels, and I have no concrete ideas for more yet, but there’s potential.
(I Would Like To) Paint the Way a Bird Sings - the Paint Shop AU that wouldn’t quit, lol. Still can’t believe I actually finished it. Four ships for the price of one in this fic!
Other inception fandom peeps, feel free to reblog and add any fics or authors you like! Especially more recent stuff because I am such a fandom oldtimer, lmao.
Thanks for the ask! I love recommending fics! Also thanks for the follow!
Happy reading!!
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fbfh · 1 year
I recently rewatched dazed and confused, and mitch has ahold of me again. I love that little man, i will forever love that little man. Ive watched everything with wiley wiggins in it. Ive forced my friends to watch everything too. This could also be an obsession just resurfacing again for the 3rd time since last summer.
*Sighs and opens notes app*
huh. I just looked it up and I'm gonna have to find a slime tutorial somewhere. adds to my post top surgery movie list I looked up a scene pack and... hm. yeah I can see why you're obsessing. I love a good obscure blorbo Sean from dance academy is kinda.... yk.... and yeah you convinced me to watch it. full disclosure that I haven't actually seen the movie yet and my only knowledge about Mitch is a 4 minute scene pack with minimal dialogue, but this is my first impression (and all of this is subject to change after I actually watch and get to know him yk) is 1, he's fucking adorable and 2, the baseball outfit??????????? unnecessary.
Listen Mitch has the FATTEST crush on you. like big fat lays awake at night and thinks about you when he's stoned kinda crush. he seems pretty chill so you probably have no idea that when he's staring into space in your general direction he's thinking about you falling into his arms, what your lips taste like, what you smell like. he lights up when you talk to him, burning every interaction with you into his memory. he really does just love to look at you. no matter how long you've been together, he'll just stare at you and completley lose all sense of time. and oh my god you better believe his friends will tease him CONSTANTLY about his crush on you, about how out of his league you are, but is that gonna stop him from spacing out and thinking about you in class????? of course not. he's going to make the longest mental list of exaclty how he's going to treat you right if he ever, ever gets a chance with you. on the top of his high school bucket list of stuff to do before graduation is kiss you. just once. right next to that, tied for first place, is getting to dance with you. a party, homecoming, prom, he really doesn't care. he just wants one dance with you. three minutes up close with his hands on your waist and yours on his shoulders so he finally has a proper excuse to stare at you like he loves to do. and it feels like a pipe dream right now, but it's not one he's ever going to give up on.
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kylos-starlight · 7 months
Oops :) Gets real under the cut. It's nothing bad though! <3 turns into a gush post near the end~ It's a little long so I get it if no one reads it but I like to voice my thoughts that's all.
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Top of the list he goes. He deserves to be there. Not only are his scenes at the end of IX helping me to overcome my fear of thunder and lightning. There's something else.
A few years ago I lost a certain spark. Every ounce of creativity and passion I had shattered. I was always chasing the next "big f/o" that would spark that passion again, that creativity. I never found it and I got depressed for a little bit because I thought I would never find a love as grand as I had before. So my storytelling became nonexistent, I stopped drawing, and the endless thoughts I used to have were replaced with an endless emptiness so I went quiet. I gave up trying to chase something that I thought would never happen again. I was slowly losing myself
I spent a last few years yes, self-shipping and yes don't get me wrong I love all of my f/o but there was something missing, I didn't feel the need to scream every two second about how much I love them, there was just something "off" with myself. I couldn't voice it or the anons would come with their pitchforks "You don't really love your f/o" plus it was hard to put into words. How can you love your f/o but still feel that something is missing?
cut to my sick ass lazing on the couch in the present time. I get an idea, "Hey I haven't watched the Star Wars movies in like...forever- maybe I'll re-watch them all.. then there are the newer ones I haven't seen yet." So I start watching the movies. I had a few interruptions when I was watching VII and VIII but I kept on watching. I thought Kylo Ren's lightsaber was so badass but at the time thought nothing much of Ben himself.
As the days went on I decided to rewatch VII VIII and IX because of said past interruptions be it people or my sick ass having to take meds and stuff. As I do with most things I watch the second time I really consume it. I noticed something. Something different. The very first time Kylo took his helmet off I felt it the feeling that started in my chest and radiated to my stomach.. butterflies? He spoke and there was no distortion from his mask as he wasn't wearing it and I felt my heart skip a bit. what the hell?
the more I watched the more I learned, the more I learned the more I started to fall in love. Do I condone some of the things he's done? No. Do I still love him? Absolutely. After the movies I sort of just sat there on my couch, looking at my own reflection of the tv. "wow, I like Ben huh?" I said to myself then I shrugged. "Ah, fleeting crush and maybe an f/o" Throughout the rest of the day however I couldn't stop thinking about him. Everything from his appearance to how he talked and how he carried himself.
So I decided to run with it. Would it be one of those f/o where I say I'm crushing and nothing happens? Or maybe it will be like my other recent f/o Alex? Talk about him for a little bit but then the fixation dies almost as quickly as it started?
Neither of that happened. I got flooded with endless thoughts, and ideas. Ideas for moodboards, playlists, art.
I got attached to Ben so much, it's hard to explain it but I feel connected to him in a way that I never thought was possible for me ever again. He makes me genuinely smile and I don't mean just smile with my mouth but makes me smile with my eyes. He makes me blush and laugh and feel like I'm on top of the world in such a euphoric state. I actually feel like we're together- like actually. I know it sounds insane but I have every bit of real emotion for Ben. I feel well- in love.
I said I love all my other f/o too and its true and this might sound terrible and believe me I've thought myself as a terrible person but the love I hold for Ben is higher and so much more different than the love I have for the others..
I thought he'd be like a shooting star. A moment of fun but he'd fade away just as fast as he came into my life.
I'm thankful that wasn't the case. He managed to do what I thought wasn't ever gonna happen to me again. He reignited my spark and love and appreciation. I can't say the last time I smiled this much irl and how much I've had my heartbeat fast and the tint rise to my cheeks.
I guess in short...
Ben makes me feel like I'm alive again.
<- I'm trying so hard not to cry as I talk about this but I mean it's true, I've had so much bullshit happen in my life. I've survived so many hardships and awful people. I forgot what feeling alive was, I thought my new normal was to not expect happiness because it will be met with tragedy and I'll be back at square one. Alone and fighting demons in my mind.
Ben has reignited my heart and I am forever grateful for him, I love him so much already and I hold him so incredibly dear. He makes me feel strong, and loved, and passionate- I love him with my entire soul. So deeply that the love extends past the words themselves. It's so much deeper.
If you read this far thank you <3 It means a lot to me. Thanks for listening to me coherently ramble for once.
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wildknightblaze · 6 days
people i want to get to know better
tagged by @ubejamjar, ty :3 don't know who else to tag in response so if you see this and feel like it, consider this an open invitation.
Last Song: A Risky Bet from the recent FFXIV Dawntrail raids. a little weird because my group hasn't even gotten to that part of the fight yet, but it's awesome to have in the background while I'm compiling the strategies and shit for the rest of the group. the drum & bass remixed into the song that was already burrowing into my mind bc it's essentially a Crush 40 3D Sonic theme from my adolescence is just 🤌
Favorite Color: an easy one, right? bet it's soooo hard to guess that the person whose OC has red hair and is always wearing red to the point that she looks weird in anything not red, her favorite color is red, right? trick question. my favorite color is blue. my car is blue, i'd like to paint my walls blue when i have the energy, i just find a deep naval blue to be really soothing, and probably the color i myself look best in. (turns out Ellie has her own tastes. :V)
Currently Watching: rewatching the first season of Gravity Falls because a friend mentioned it, and I never actually watched season 2, so hoping to move into that. After that I'm thinking of rolling a die to pull up something random from the backlog that's been around for years. Or maybe Arcane, idk. Or The Bear. friends have been singing the praises of The Bear.
Last Movie: The MST3k episode of Space Mutiny. A really fun time except, uh, Mike and Crow did a pretty transphobic-stereotype sketch in the middle of it. :/ Stuff made in the 90s sure was made in the 90s. At least the rest of it was pretty funny.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: I am such a spice baby that I got an accidental order of spicy chicken nuggets a couple of days ago and they actually made me sick. >.> Sweetness is nice, but I have way less of a sweet tooth than I do for something like a homemade chicken sandwich.
Relationship Status: single
Current Obsessions: if i am not logging into FFXIV even when i have literally run out of stuff to do, i am dead. part of it is also probably how i'm - not exactly leading my raid static, but I'm the one compiling the strats and teaching them to everyone else (and then executing them wrongly to lead by bad example lmfao). Other than FFXIV though, I've been having a lot of fun with a couple of indies I picked up to delve into while recovering from surgery. Tactical Breach Wizards has a really compelling and satisfying gameplay loop and a fun story; the characters are very snarky so like if the MCU has ruined that for you that can be off-putting, but it's still better-written on average lol. I haven't delved too much into Fields of Mistria but I really want to, it's cute af. I'm also thinking it's about time for another Ace Attorney, but I'm not sure if I want to do Investigations 2 IN HD IN ENGLISH OFFICIALLY or finish Great Ace Attorney 2 ALSO IN HD IN ENGLISH OFFICIALLY... ALSO, friends have started a weekly Civilization VI night in discord in the wake of the announcement of Civ VII, and I reallllly want to deep dive into that. Many fond memories of getting lost in the easy loop of V. also missed opportunity that they didn't call it CiVIlization, or CiVIIlization.
Last Thing in My Search History: "surface pro flex keyboard deals." there are none. absolutely insane how much microsoft is charging for something like this. >:( (the "flex" is important, because turns out the normal surface pro keyboard that is already ridiculously expensive doesn't have bluetooth connectivity, which idk if your thing's approaching two hundred fucking us dollars it doesn't seem like an unreasonable expectation for it to be wireless-capable!!) i gotta stop this before i get really mad about capitalism and the tech industry
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elfelt-valentine · 6 months
Hi! 3, 6, 9 and 12 (TF) and 8 and 15 for Ambulon please
Aecho Hi!!!!!
3...which scene I would like to erase from the universe and why.
Auuughgh I'm not even gonna try and think too much but like half the deaths and deaths fake outs in mtmte are grating me, I think if i sat down and actually tried to tell you i wouldn't come up with anything concrete or really worse erasing. Despite how much criticism i give to tf media there's barely anything that makes me mad enough to erase it from existence.
6...which is my favorite platonic or familial relationship in this world.
Charlie and Bumblebee is the biggest comfort to me!! I can't just keep talking abt idw1 LMAO their friendship is so wonderful and I hope we get to see them interact again at least briefly.
9...which characters I think should have interacted more in canon.
Oh man. It'd take another list. I think i would've loved to see Shockwave and Ambulon and combicons in general interact. Would've loved a little more into Shockwave working on the combiners and flashback on the combicons even if vaguely.
Amb got some daddy issues i know he does /j
12...what attracted me into checking it out.
It's actually been with me my whole life i was a HUGE transformers kid with the first two live action movies and tfp, i just kind of fell off when i started using internet much more. I had a HUGE crush on Bumblebee, esp Animated one, even wrote Ded Moroz a letter asking for an animated bumblebee toy. With a drawing. With me and Bee.
I didn't get the toy though and my parents never indulged me cuz they weren't big fans of me being into "boys" things so fucking jokes on them now.
Though if i had to say why i got so much into it recently (its going to be exactly a year since tomorrow. LMAO) its cuz I've had a passing interest in rewatching tfp and then i kind of got Really into starbee and found out about idw1, watched the live action Bumblebee, got Transformers devastation on my laptop, started reading a Lot of starbee fanfiction and eventually started reading idw1 and watching tfa, which became an actual rabbit hole for me. And here I am........
8...if I'm most interested in fics about them that focus on fluff, angst, humor, smut or actual plot?
I'll be real I mostly read fanfiction for smut cuz when it comes to anything non-shippy I'm very picky and particular w the way my favs are characterized and how things are written, but smut is somehow much less commitment to me lmao. Especially w Ambulon I'm very territorial w him.
So yea most fic I've read w him was smut.
I don't mind non-smut/ship fic recommendations I'm just bad at finding fic like that I would like lmao. Which is very funny to me cuz most stuff I write isn't really about shipping.
15...how I wish their story would go/would have gone.
He shouldn't have died like that, my entire Ambulon blog is a fix-it fanfiction. He's such a low stakes character from like. Narrative stand point, that his death is a tool for other characters "development". I don't really like how much his character was warped and twisted in general cuz Jro cannot be consistent w Ambulon for the life of him. But also I get it, y'know? His death was stupid but also not like, getting rid of another bg character is that much of a deal, even though it's insane how much personality and story he was given as a one-off character lmao.
I love the angst around his death though he makes a good story ghost.
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johaerys-writes · 1 year
Get to know me
I was tagged by @baejax-the-great, thank you so much pal! 
Share your wallpaper: My phone background for the past six months or so has been the same Patrochilles art that I'm actually not sure if I should post here without permission from the artist lol. But I can confirm that it's the cutest, most loveliest drawing of them, and Achilles looks so baby in it and I love staring at it every time I open up my phone :')
The last song you listened to: Unbound by Asgeir
Currently Reading:  Ten Days That Shook The World by John Reed (don't ask why or how, but my autistic Special Interest of choice for the past 2-3 weeks has been the political intrigue surrounding WWI and how it fuelled the October Revolution so I've been reading any book/watching any documentary I can get my hands on about it), and I've also been listening to The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath while doing chores and stuff
Last Movie: Everything Everywhere All at Once with @baejax-the-great
Craving: Travel :|
What are you wearing right now: My fluffiest house robe and my fluffy slippers and super comfy and soft socks, and yes I'm still in pyjamas 
How tall are you: 167 cm, no idea how that translates in feet and inches lol don't make me google it
Piercings: I have one piercing in each ear, I've often thought about getting more but needles be scary 
Tattoos: 6, and planning to finish my half sleeve by the end of the year
Glasses? Contacts?: Glasses, and I do sometimes wear contacts as well
Last drink: I am currently drinking some lukewarm coffee with oat milk :3
Last show: In the past couple years I've become so bad with starting shows and actually sticking with them lol, but I did do a rewatch of Neon Genesis Evangelion fairly recently..... OH and I watched Interview with the Vampire with @baejax-the-great a little while back which was super fun!! (because apparently I can't watch something unless I can shit talk or go feral over it with Bae LOL)
Last thing you ate: Toast with peanut butter and an apple
Favourite colour: Oooh that's such a hard question to answer!! The first colour that comes to mind is blue -- I always gravitate towards some version of blue, and currently it's deep navy blue, but I also own a lot of powder blue stuff. It's either that or baby pink or cream tbh, but I also own a good amount of gold/mustard things as well. Yellow makes me happy. I find jewel green incredibly pretty though I weirdly don't own anything of that colour (which reminds me I should perhaps make that a priority)
Current obsession: I'm guessing this is a fandom related question, so I'm going to be predictable and say that I'm, as usual, obsessed with Patrochilles and most of the other pairings I am currently writing, even though anxiety over real life stuff hasn't let me engage with them as much as I want lately. I do think about them a lot and have lots of ideas for new stories, and I'm also working my way back into catching up with fics I love, which I haven't been able to do in a while despite the joy it normally gives me. Brains can be very uncooperative at times, but what can you do about it lol. 
Unrelated Obsession: As I mentioned earlier I have been obsessed with Russian and generally European politics of the early 20th century for some weird ass reason lmao, but I've also been reading an in-depth analysis of Aeschylus' life and work I found in some corner of my library, which led me to looking up some academic papers about it, which led me to signing up for an online course about Athenian tragedy, so um?? I don't know what it is with me and going down those endless rabbit holes lately ahah. 
Any pets: I have a cat, aka a baby and a bastard and a devil spawn all wrapped in one (he is currently sleeping like an angel after attempting to tear down the curtains)
Do you have a crush on anyone: Um. Like, on a real life person? A fictional person? I do have crushes on several of my mutuals so if y'all are reading it I'm kissing you on the forehead MWAH
Favourite fictional character: I can't choose, don't make me choose!!!!!!! I can't choose between my children. But if I had to choose then maybe.... Patroclus? But also, Achilles? But also, my OC Tristan Trevelyan and Dorian Pavus from DA? But also Shiro and Keith from VLD? But also -- SEE, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO CHOOSE
The last place you traveled: It feels like it's been SO long since I've traveled anywhere. I went to Aegina island last summer but since then I haven't been outside the city for even a DAY and it's been driving me crazy. I just need to see some green and blue and listen to nothing but birds or waves or the wind (at this point I'll even take the rooster that woke me up EVERY DAMN MORNING when I was in Aegina lmao). I'm planning on going on a day trip to Mycenae soon though so I'm very excited about that 😄
Tagging forth to @in-arlathan, @mogwaei, @tessa1972, @aymayzing, @inquisitoracorn, @tevivinter, @elveny, @pikapeppa, @petrowriting @peggy-sue-reads-a-book @juliafied, @vimlos, @gloriesunsung, @figsandphiltatos, @gwensparlour, @glimmerofgold, @sabino-sea, and so many more of my mutuals that I'm actually too shy to tag here. But seriously if you're reading this and it looks fun please do it and tag me, I'm nosy and I want to know everything about you LOL  
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9 People You’d Like to Know More
tagged by @wen-kexing-apologist and @thewayofsubtext  <3
Tumblr keeps eating every draft of this post that I write, argh! 
Last Song I Listened To
When I started writing this, I was being lazy and letting the YouTube algorithm pick songs for me and I was listening to this song, Unfucktheworld by Angel Olsen. I've been exchanging song recommendations with a friend for a while now and I guess she has gotten to know me pretty well because this is way up my alley.
But then another song came on--We Ride by Brave Girls (a.k.a. BB Girls)--and that became the new last song I listened to. It's another song that a friend recommended to me. This time it was a friend I've been emailing with back and forth about East Asian pop music. He's a big fan of City Pop, a genre that came out of Japan in the 80s, and he sent me a list of some recent kpop songs that are influenced by/reminiscent of City Pop, including this one. I took to it right away, and it was a big hit with my daughter. 
Currently Watching
I Told Sunset About You - I’m just one episode in to this one and I can already tell it’s going to hit me where it hurts. I took a break due to family visits and related stuff but I’m fixing to dive back in. 
Moonlight Chicken - I got stalled out on this one just as it was getting good, thanks to some life stuff. I need to pick it back up!
Star Trek: Discovery - I’m a big Star Trek fan and recently rewatched everything from TNG through Voyager, but I hadn’t kept up with any of the newest series in years. I’m so glad I decided to start Discovery because it is shaping up to be one of my favorite Star Trek series. There are a lot of reasons for this. Really great LGBT+ representation is a factor. This is also is the first Star Trek series that has inspired more actor crushes in me than DS9. Michelle Yeoh in a corset! Tig Notaro as a cranky engineer! I’m dying over here. 
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Minato's Laundromat season 2 - I was looking forward to this as soon as it was announced, but with the usual anxiety that comes with a second season of a BL. I wasn’t 100% sure about the direction of the season at first, but now it’s settling in with some really interesting themes. 
Reservation Dogs - I wasn’t entirely sure about this show when I first started watching during the first season. But not only did it grow on me, it has also been getting better and better. The latest episode, which focused in part on an abusive government-sponsored boarding school (of the sort designed to rob Indigenous kids of their culture), was one of the best of the series so far. 
Edited to add: I forgot about Kamen Rider Geats! My family has been catching up on it and we're almost caught up just in time for the finale. I'm liking it a lot more than I thought I would when I watched the first few episodes, but not as much as my partner (who said he thinks it's one of his favorite Kamen Rider series he's seen). I'm really impressed with the cast, though. I'd especially like to see the actors who play Keiwa and Buffa in more things in the future.
Currently Reading
I’ve been listening to the audiobook version of The Method: How the Twentieth Century Learned to Act by Isaac Butler for a while now, but I’m having an annoying situation where it keeps getting returned to the library even though I’ve renewed it. I could just start another book, but I don’t want to! This one is really interesting. 
The vast majority of people spend a significant amount of their time watching (non-documentary) movies and TV series, which involves watching actors engage in this specific art form. And we have opinions about what constitutes good or bad acting. Yet most of us know so little about how acting is done, what kinds of theories underpin acting practice, how actors prepare for roles and scenes. I wanted to not only find out more about that, but also dig a little deeper into the differences between approaches and how they’ve branched off and clashed and so forth. 
So far I’ve gotten a lot of good background and plenty to think about, even though I’m just getting to the point where the Method/System/whateveryoucallit is starting to take on in the US. I’m guessing it’s going to get even more relevant from there.
Current Obsession
I’m always obsessing about lots of things so I’m probably never going to be able to identify just one. Some currents ones are:
waiting for Utsukushii Kare: Eternal to be available with English subtitles somewhere, somehow
foraging blackberries, making jelly out of them, and baking biscuits to go with the jelly
waiting for it to be fall already because I hate sweating and I love wearing layers
finding my Animal Crossing character some decent glasses
thinking about possible BL/Jane Austen parallels for tumblr posts
finishing a post about psychological aspects of Utsukushii Kare that I’ve been writing off and on for months and that has gotten so long it will probably have to be split up into 3-4 posts
Serge Lutens Jeux de Peau perfume (my beloved)
I didn't tag anyone. It makes me anxious and I think pretty much everyone I know on here has been tagged! Except @porridgefeast, who's welcome to do it if she feels like it but (of course) no pressure.
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crumb · 6 months
hi! i watched the passenger back when it came out but recently your sets popped up in my dash and i ended up rewatching it and that led to me watching dinner in america which i loved! i was wondering if you have any other kyle gallner films you liked beside from jennifers body and smile. also love all of your gif sets :).
That’s so awesome to hear! I’m glad you enjoyed The Passenger and Dinner in America. They’ve quickly become two of my favourite films. And thank you! I work hard on the gifsets so it's nice to know people like them. ☺️ As for other film recommendations in Kyle Gallner’s filmography, here are some that I enjoyed/thought were worth the watch and my thoughts: Note: If you have any specific triggers/aversions please check a site like doesthedogdie.com first before watching these. Mother, May I? (2023) — I wasn’t a fan of Holland Roden’s performance (I know she can act so it was a little disappointing) but the movie was interesting and I enjoyed Kyle’s performance. I mean, I liked Holland’s too at times but some parts were really bad imo. What Comes Around (2022) — I liked this one. The synopsis I glanced at beforehand wasn’t really accurate to the film’s contents but I still liked the film overall. It wasn’t crazy good like The Passenger or anything close to it but it was still interesting. Ghosts of War (2020) — I really liked this up until the last 30 minutes. But! Kyle gives a great teary-eyed/deranged monologue in this that honestly makes it worth it. The Cleansing Hour (2019) — I actually turned this one off in the first like 10 minutes but then I went back and watched the rest and ended up liking it! Once things start really rolling it’s a fun ride. Alien Code (2018) — Concept was too big brained for their tiny budget which results in some real goofy stuff BUT I really liked the story it was trying to tell and pretty much all the actors give decent/great performances. Zen Dog (2016) — It’s a weird little indie film but I liked it. It’s always nice to watch something and know everyone had a blast making it. (There’s a 30 min BTS on Vimeo that proves this lol) The Cleanse (2016) — Kyle is a supporting actor in this so if you only want to watch stuff with him as a lead then you might want to pass. I ended up kinda liking this. It was slow at parts, but it was still kinda cool. Could have done with like 10 more minutes of story to wrap things up but yeah. The Finest Hours (2016) — Again, Kyle is only a supporting actor in this but he looks real cute in this 1950s era film. Band of Robbers (2015) — I really liked this!! It has a great cast and a fun script. It’s a quirky indie comedy and Kyle holds his own alongside some great actors & comedians. Magic Valley (2011) — It’s dark and haunting and shot really beautifully. It’s a slow ride but not boring at all. Losers Take All (2011) — So much of this movie is kinda corny but it was fun and you get to see Kyle in a band singing which is a bonus lol. The Haunting in Connecticut (2009) — I really really liked this. I’m not sure why it has such terrible reviews. There are other films in the haunted house sub-genre from around this time that are much worse but somehow have better reviews than this movie which is baffling to me. I’ve been working my way through his filmography and you can see my ratings and reviews for his films over on my letterbox account. There are more of his films I didn’t include in this list either because he only had a small role, it wasn’t a very good movie, or I haven’t seen it yet. My main take away after, so far, watching 25+ films and a number of television episodes he’s been in is that he ALWAYS gives a great performance. The only time it falters is when the script/dialogue is weak which isn’t his fault. It’s kind of insane that I have yet to find something he’s been in where he’s given a mediocre performance. At this point I don’t think he’s able to give a mediocre performance. He’s super consistent with the quality of his acting. So honestly, no matter what films of his you watch, good or bad, you’re still gonna get a great performance from him.
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