#i rlly like this shirt . i like my shoulders n my collarbones n all
noxtivagus · 1 year
i rlly do like how i look today ehe
#🌙.rambles#my hair is fixed for once 😭😭 back home n after feeding the strays tho so it's ofc somewhat messy but yk it's part of my Charm. joke#i rlly like this shirt . i like my shoulders n my collarbones n all#i wore this shirt too back in the fair n oh man it was so hot then bcs i was srs wearing all black BUT#i rlly like how i looked on like thurs then n friday too ehe#hflsjfkajfka i wna watch more heartstopper today but also be more productive yk#sundays rest days nyways genbio n cle so easy ! school so ez nmn#maybe. maybe hmmm#i cld spend time w apollo but like#maybe cld call w one of our friends idk like play smth tgther#random but i miss calling w my friends sm wahh#yk going out is always lovely for me :< i love being w my family n friends but#i'm rlly an introvert too hfjshfkajfs but yk i don't usually go out like very often so#yh it's just fun n all. wnvr i do go out i enjoy myself#at lunch earlier i rmb ah yeah we were talking abt gays a bit !!!! i can't rmb how it started but my family's full of intellectuals fr#i'm so excited for our family trip in april bcs one of my ninang's gay friends will be there !!!! i heard he's really cool !!!!!!!!!#i miss my friends sm tho like. haven't talked w the ffxiv/twt one in like a month#they know we're busy tho but wahh i wna play tgther again n talk 🥺#n then w my tumblr/twt friends too i mean. like. i consider my online friends irl friends i rlly do but yk for the sake of yk identity rn#irls i miss calling smmmmm n like yk when i used to stay up late n i'll call w my friends or wtvr n late night talks too#i miss them all so much T_T hang on i'm thinking abt a lot of stuff rn#i will ask tita sometime abt ffviii/ffxii one day bcs she has them iirc. n then books too ! n other vgs ! maybe even music !#i will go to up fr. gna try my best w upcat like she said n all for pre-med. n then we cld ask her for tips for cets in general n#math bcs she's rlly goddamn good at math. tita's a bit arrogant but she's a good person c:#.. i rlly do like my hair today though#LIKE. I RLLY MEAN IT hfksjkfsjfs >< i'm so torn between so much i want to do n just think abt
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Hey!! I don’t know if you do requests but I have been exploring your page and figured I might as well ask :)- SO if you’re open to it, I would love to see a Dick Grayson x Reader where they’re friends at first (lots of tension) and she knows he’s nightwing but doesn’t get involved bc she’s a civilian and he wants her to keep a safe distance from it, BUT one day they’re hanging out together and a villain shoots her with some sort of blaster and the effects mess with her and end up giving her some type of meta human ability (your choice!) she ends up freaking out and he helps her gather her composure and comforts her with a lil angsty fic where he’s rlly worried but then she ends up being okay- IF YOU DONT DO REQUESTS DONT FEEL PRESSURED TO DO THIS ‼️ thank you so much for your time babe :)
i feel like this one was definitely a little hard to get a good ball rolling, but I finally got there. i actually physically wrote bits of this at work cause of how bored I was and how slow it was. i hope this is to your liking! barely proofread so forgive possible bad grammar and stuff
pairing: dick grayson x fem!reader (use of y/n) wc: 1.8K
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for once it seemed to be a pleasant day in gotham. early spring with flowers blooming brightly and trees growing to share their shade with commuters. the sky was like a shimmering ocean with how blue and cloudless it was; it seemed like everyone was outside if they didn’t have an obligation somewhere.
you and dick were two people taking advantage of the once-in-a-blue-moon seasonal weather. dick was growing his hair out while he was away at college so when the sweet-scented breeze swept by it toyed with his jet-black strands, some sticking in the air and others poking his eyes. he was wearing a long sleeve white cotton shirt, his sleeves pushed to his elbows with two top buttons left open to show more of his collarbones off. his long legs and thick thighs were covered in a light blue pair of levi’s 501s and damn did they do him excellent justice, your eyes couldn’t help but glance over every chance you could for just a peek.
“sweetheart!” was called which was followed by a light shove to your left shoulder. you blinked a few times and quickly shook your head then turned to see dick staring at you with a smirk on his pink lips. “you okay?”
a slow blink, “yeah.” you coughed then looked forward, “yeah. all good, just…zoned out.” trying to play it off.
“oh, so my talk about the latest night activities is boring to you?” a playful hurt tone as dick set his open palm on his chest. he added a pout for more dramatics.
now you rolled your eyes and shoved his right shoulder which didn’t do anything to his tall and muscular figure, he just chuckled at your attempt. 
“no. talks of your night activities are interesting. i just got concerned after a while. still makes me nervous, hearing you talk about riddler or penguin or even joker like it’s something normal.” your eyes held a softness as they locked with dick’s. his baby blues melting at your words.
he looked forward then licked his lips before saying, “well it is my normal. i’ve been dealing with some of these people since i was thirteen. kinda got used to them and their gimmicks.” shrugging his words off.
the both of you went quiet. the background noise of children giggling and screaming from joy in the park, dogs barking and rushing about to chase thrown sticks. parents with strollers chatting beside each other getting in some steps, and a few older men sitting at a stone chess table and playing their game in their comfortable silence.
shyly you glanced down to see your hands swinging beside each other. you bit into your bottom lip and swooped in, sandwiching your hands together before looking straight down your path. dick didn’t say anything, you only felt the way his hand squeezed yours and the goosebump-inducing way his eyes were watching you.
“why don’t you restart your account? i’ll listen this time.” taking a glance at the handsome boy before forcing your eyes away.
he hummed but didn’t say anything right away. you didn’t bother forcing him to retell the story, rather enjoying the blissful bubble that formed around the two of you. but after a few minutes rolled past, dick slowly started to dive into retelling his encounter with riddler when he was patrolling with bruce. his unoccupied hand moving about in the air, not able to keep any part of his body still. you watched his face with intense focus, pupils following the movement of his jaw and the way his lips formed his words.
just staring at him made your heart thump thump thump faster.
“and so i threw one of my sticks and caused the machine to blow up.” that was all you were able to catch before screaming erupted causing chaos. people were running any way they could, some tripping and falling as the ground shook.
your knees buckled from the unexpected quake, but dick wrapped his arms tight around your middle and held you flush to his chest. you could practically feel his heart beating against your back and on his pulse point where your fingers circled his wrist. 
green smoke starts to flood the slowly deserted park. large monstrous roots break apart concrete and patches of grass, and sharp thorns barely miss bystanders. “ivy.” dick’s voice dropped an octave, his hold on your tightening even further you thought he was gonna break a rib.
“dick, what’s-” “we need to leave. now!” dick pushed the both of you forward, his more giant hand crushing yours as you pushed your shorter legs to run faster.
just as you rounded a bend, one of the thick roots tangled itself tight around your ankle, causing you to trip and sprain your wrist. a strained cry for dick as the plant tugged you along the ground, spiked thorns digging harshly into your skin. Then suddenly you came to a stop and there was a loud snapping sound behind you. when glancing over your shoulder the root was broken in two, dick removed the piece stuck to your bleeding skin. you couldn’t help the pathetic whimpers or the tears staining your cheeks.
“it’s okay. it’s okay, sweetheart. i got you, you're safe with me.” dick was comforting you as he shuffled your body around so he could hold you in a fireman's hold. your arms started to feel like dead weight as you worked to fling them over dick’s shoulders to keep yourself close to his heart.
“dick… i don’t- i don’t feel…” and everything went black behind your eyes and static rang in your ears.
there was a tingle in your body, zipping up and down, head to toe hitting every nerve ending. muscles felt coiled tight, and sore like you did too many workout sessions at once. a groan deep in your throat as you tried moving your arms, pushing yourself upward.
“woah, woah strong girl. stay down.” firm hands held your upper arms to lay you gently when you moved your hands away.
squeezing your eyes tight before trying to peel them apart, feeling eye boogers crusting the edges near your lashes. your throat felt like sandpaper as you tried asking, “what- what hap-“ “wait, wait. drink some water.”
dick’s voice was low and gentle. a hand warm and firm holding the back of your neck as your lips fumbled for the plastic straw so you could sip down ice cold water to soothe the ache in your throat. a relieved sigh just as you opened your eyes completely.
dick was leaning over you, overhead lighting casting him in a halo glow. his growing black hair falling forward, his stunning blue eyes moving quickly and you noticed his dark circles looked deeper. his plush chapped lips turned to a saddened smile with the corners turned up.
“there she is. there’s my girl.” it was almost a purr and a delighted sigh escaped from you as you let your body relax.
your heart monitor started to beat quicker and you felt warm knowing it was due to dick and his words, but he looked panicked and then called for bruce.
“dick, it’s nothing serious.” not understanding why he was stressing when he’d usually just tease you. reaching with your right hand to touch him, you stopped short when you saw the skin of your hand was… green.
looking at your other hand and it was also green. you pushed the white sleeves up your arms and more green just followed. now you had a reason for your heart to beat faster, you were panicking, not understanding what happened to you.
“y/n, i need you to slow your heart rate. your body will react differently with this chemical in your blood.” bruce’s deep commanding voice went in one ear out the other. you tried taking slower breaths, curling your fingers into your palms to ground yourself. none of it was working.
“dick, what’s happening? what happened after the park?” voice getting wobbly and thick with emotion.
he licked his lips and reached towards you before pulling back, it hurt you to see that. “you- you passed out in the park and so i brought you back to the manor. and alfred was taking care of you until your skin started to stain into his green shade. so we took some blood samples and brought you down here for safety, turns out…”
he trailed off as he licked his lips again. “what, dick? what’s infected me?” trying to sound firm but it cracked on the word infected. scared this might be permanent.
dick sighed, “we’re still not one hundred percent sure. but can confirm that it’s from poison ivy, which explains the green complexion. which- which doesn’t change your beauty, glowing even more.” he rambled as you got quiet.
without realizing it, you slowed your heart rate back to normal. bruce and dick seemed more calm and dick walked closer to rest his hand over yours.
“i don’t want to be stuck like this.” shiny teardrops fell from your eyes and down your cheeks. you didn’t want to be different, chemically altered. you liked who you were, completely fine in your mundane life.
dick moved his palms to cradle your plush cheeks, his thumb or knuckle working to swipe away your distress and fear. “it’s okay. we’re- bruce is working on an antidote. should take a week, tops.”
“a week!” almost yelling at this information. “i- i can’t be out of work for a week. my boss will kill me.” groaning to yourself.
“hey,” dick whispered the word and tilted your head to make eye contact with him. “it’s okay. already told your boss a version of medical retellings. and bruce already put more than a month's worth of pay into your checking account.”
“i- i can’t accept that. that’s too generous of him.” overwhelmed by the care and looking after. not used to all this. dick thumbed at your cheek, “we just need you to stay here and get better. i’ll be by your side the whole time.”
you sank your teeth into your bottom lip, “you will? don’t you have things to do? i- i don’t want to be a burden.”
“no, no.” he leaned forward to plant a kiss on your forehead, “you're not a burden in any way. i’m happy to spend any amount of time with you. you're my favorite person in this whole world.”
you felt warm and bet he could feel the heat growing on your face, “really? what about wally?” trying to play off how strong his words affect you.
his smile was easy, lovely. his eyes are warm and homely. his touch gentle and grounding. “wally already knows you’re my favorite person. he’s accepted that he’s second.” and he leaned forward again to plant a longer, lingering kiss on your forehead. eyes closing as you hold onto his wrist.
“it’ll be okay.” words kissed into your skin.
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enid-rhees · 11 months
hi can you please do an enid x reader story where everyone thinks that they are dating because they are always flirting and are very touchy with each other and in the end they end up together? thank you so much and i love all ur fics 🫶🏽🫶🏽
hi !! hope you enjoy !! and tysm !! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
warnings: none!
A/N: hope you all enjoy! reminder that requests are open :]] i rlly do not care how many you send i LOVEEEE receiving requests 🫶🏻🫶🏻 just read pinned !!
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you wrapped your arms around Enid from behind, placing your head on her shoulder. “hey, pretty girl.” you mumbled. you watched a smile grow on her face.
“hey, gorgeous.” she responded, placing her hands over yours, keeping you against her. you smiled back at her. “got any ideas for today?”
Enid’s eyes looked up at nothing in particular as she thought. your bodies slowly swayed back and forth. “movies?” she asked. “movies.” you repeated with a nod. “lets do it.”
you removed yourself from her, moving to her side to place your hand around her instead. “my place or yours?” you asked quietly. “yours. you have the good movies.” Enid said, making you chuckle.
you both started to make your way to your house that was only a few houses down from hers. when you opened the door and walked in, Rick and Michonne were sitting in the living room with Carl and Judith. they also had a movie on.
“hey, kids.” Rick said aloud. Enid waved at the four of them. his eyes dropped down to your hand on her waist. “when were you gonna tell us?” he questioned.
your eyebrows furrowed, “tell you… what exactly?” you asked, genuinely confused on what he was talking about. his hand gestures between the two of you, “you’re clearly like… dating, right?”
you and Enid whipped your heads towards each other, but didn’t pull away. “we’re not dating, Rick.” you laughed nervously, your fingers gripping the shirt she was wearing. “just friends.” Enid said.
you nodded, despite the small ache you felt in your heart. “just friends.” you repeated.
the three of them stared at you, not sure if they should believe you or not. “okay.” Rick choked out. “we’re uh, gonna go upstairs and watch some movies as well. we’ll be down for dinner.”
as you started to walk upstairs, Rick spoke up again. “do you wanna watch them with us? we already have one on!” you peeked over the wall and shook your head, “no. i have better movies than you.”
Enid giggled as you skipped back up the stairs, ignoring Rick’s playful yells at you. you opened your bedroom door and let her walk in first. you started to set up the DVD player and Enid began digging through your box of movies.
“what are the options?” you asked her, plugging the player into the wall and turning your TV on. “The Parent Trap, Mean Girls, Clueless, ummmm-“
“The Parent Trap.” you said immediately, cutting her off. “that’s like, the best fucking movie ever.”
Enid threw the DVD case over to you like a frisbee and you caught it with ease, opening it and placing the disk inside the player. she jumped on your bed as you pulled out a box from under your bed.
you put it on your bed and the two of you started to open it, revealing snacks that you’ve snuck in for only you and her. she took a bag of chips for herself while you grabbed a bag of sour candy.
Enid took your remote and turned the TV on, pressing play on the screen. when the movie started, you two instinctively cuddled up to each other. she placed her head between your collarbone and neck, and your legs started to tangle together.
a few hours had passed, after The Parent Trap ended, you two started Mean Girls. you managed to get halfway through the movie before you looked at your clock, and realized it was already time for dinner.
“oh shit, let’s head downstairs before Rick kills me.” you mumbled as Enid laughed. you both made your way downstairs and into the dining room, where there were already two plates next to each other set for you guys at the table.
when you guys sat down, Enid moved her chair closer to yours and you did the same. Rick and Michonne shared a glance.
“what movies did you guys watch?” Rick asked you guys. “The Parent Trap and Mean Girls.” you responded, scooping up a spoonful of food. “we’re only halfway through Mean Girls though.” Enid added.
“oh she was right, her movies are better,” Michonne told Rick, making the two of you laugh out loud. “i told you.” you said.
you placed your hand on Enid’s thigh, softly tapping your fingers against it.
“man, you guys are such awful liars.” Carl laughed. you and Enid looked up at him. “what?” you asked.
“nothing you guys are doing screams “just friends”!” he exclaimed. “you holding her against you earlier, and now you’re completely holding her thigh. just say you’re dating!”
“but we’re not!” you argued, another nervous laugh coming out. “we aren’t dating, guys. and i’m being completely serious. we aren’t dating. we’re… just friends, okay? friends can be affectionate.”
when you made eye contact with Michonne, you immediately knew that she knew. she had a look of guilt. you broke your eyes away from her, looking down at your food.
“just leave them be guys, they made it clear they’re friends and it’s gonna stay like that.” Michonne said to Carl and Rick. another ache hit your chest.
once the two of you were done with your plates, you took hers and put it in the sink for her. “thanks,” she said when she stood up. “of course.” you smiled softly.
“dinner was really great. thank you guys.” you said to Rick and Michonne. “yeah, it was really good. thank you guys for letting me stay here today.” Enid told them.
“no problem, girls. and you’re always welcome, Enid. you know that, you don’t always have to thank us.” she smiled at them as you two started to go towards the stairs again. “is Enid staying the night?” Rick asked, voice a bit louder now that you were farther away from him.
“yep!” you shouted, taking her hand and leading her upstairs. you both jumped back onto your bed, pressing play on the movie. your previous position resumed.
after a while of silence, Enid sat up. “can i ask you something, Y/N?” you sat up as well, “always. what’s up?”
she looked down at the bed, trying her best to figure out how to say what she wanted to say.
“do you think Michonne was right?” she asked quietly. “right about what?” you questioned. Enid sighed, fumbling with her fingers. “Enid, if she did something that bothered you then-“
“do you really want to stay just friends?” she asked, cutting you off. it took you aback, and you tried to think of what to say back. “because if you really do all of this and think nothing of it then i can’t-“
“i don’t.” you said. “i want so much more than just friends, Enid. so much more.”
Enid didn’t waste another second in climbing in your lap and grabbing your face, pulling you into a hard kiss. you gripped her waist, kissing her back just as hard. you fell back against your bed and she hovered over you.
“i’m sorry for saying those things downstairs,” you breathed out in between kisses. “forget about it.” she whispered, shutting you up immediately.
the movie was no longer on either of your minds as she continued to kiss you. nothing else mattered in that moment. Enid pulled away to breathe, leaning her head on yours.
you reached your hands up, softly holding each side of her face. “i love you, Enid. i have… for so fucking long.” your eyes fluttered shut as she connected your lips once more.
when she pulled away again, she smiled against your lips. “i love you too,” Enid whispered, continuing your previous activity.
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heartjjunie · 1 year
fem reader x m crush
quick warning : mature
a/n : rlly rushed/drabble on the phone and not proofread! (this is only the draft!)
“I’ve waited too long to have you like this y/n
Theres not enough air, why does he feel so lightheaded, His chest feels so heavy though making him take labored breaths.
His shaky hands still hold a firm grip on your wrists pushing you under him surrounding you fully finally
y/n she… she feels so hot it’s burning up
Drowning in someone she can’t think beyond the way his hoodie brushes against her when he breathes in
Why are they so close again?
She can’t remember
Does it even matter?
But it’s too much, its only brushing against her grazing her skin, making her want more, so much more, any more of him. she doesn’t know if shes going to break without it or if she can’t handle any more, senses anticipating(?) so sensitive for his touch that it hurts
Pupils blown wide, she’s panting, but unable to bear his heavy gaze one second longer, she turns her head to the side, letting out a whimper
big mistake
your eyes fly open as you feel someone dive into the opening, with such urgency, jolting off the bed into the small space left after someone leaned in to her neck.
His lips were a hot press but he dared open them scorching the area red hot with his breath leaving a wet trail going down her neck
Electricity fluttering through her, racking her whole body as he shifts buried in her neck, the waves leaving her mouth hanging open an unending string of foreign gasps leaving her lips shuddering against him
Reaching her collarbones y/n started squirming with the spot but only shifting with his grip on her wrists
“someone… ah ah I- … ah hnngh”
It was too much, y/n couldn’t remember what she was trying to think, supposed to think
someone at base of her neck actually bit down making y/n let out a strangled squeak,and eyes glaze over with pure want
someone slowly pulled away for the first time raising ur wrists above ur head restraining them with just one hand and seeing ur fucked out expression , eyes nearly rolling, unstopping trembling , hair mussed and your shirt riding up revealing ur stomach he slid his hand up ur stomach tracing the waist and rubbing it not having the restraint to not feel you up any longer, “som- please…” cupping her waist harshly he pulled her into him pressing onto each other, her chest squishing into his and her head burying into his hair, his mouth brushes against her ear as he let a low whisper “not anymore… u will be saying MY name only, going to leave u with the only word u can remember as my name” and with a growl he’s flipping u around, pulling u with one hand tugging ur waist and ur wrists in front of u, ur skirt falling over his leg that as sat up wound up under you, fallint into his chest immediately and breathing heavily
Instead of the constant light electric fluttering there is an ache in ur stomach and you actually bite into his shirt and shoulder to muffle ur scream when he shifts under u
“No baby, what did I say, I need to hear you. Don’t be so bad weren’t u going to be good for me after making me wait all this time.”
pushing ur hands, still pinned together in his, into his chest you lift off his shoulder barely managing to make out, “s-som…onee ah- mmmmmh stop it’s too much ugh it feels too good, ur face nrck and entire body flushhed red, eyes hazy and clouded with need
Finally hearing his name in ur mouth someone groans and shoves a thumb into ur mouth
“Hmm what are u talking abt baby you don’t look so good, what’s wrong” he flexed his thigh under u making u fall into him again crying out “someone!”
“Please ah- ”tears slipping out of eyes from the ache for his touch
“Please what baby…?”
He licks ur tears alway tongue lingering against ur skin
“I want U”
It takes everything in him not to take u right then but he can’t let u get away again. To finally hear these words and not give u w everything u want, to make u feel good, to date u, he has to play this right
“Take me then” acting innocent he release ur wrist and leans back on his hands
U steady urself against his shoulder upset and
Burying ur self in his throat…………..** ^^ unfinished ^^ **……………………………………
Couldn’t believe you were falling apart on his fucking thigh
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dreamingoftaehyun · 4 months
tongue piercing! jeonghan
summary: jeonghan gets a tongue piercing after hearing you tell your friends your fantasies involving one
wc: 1.1k
a/n: i don't have and never have had a tongue piercing so idk if eating noodles straight after getting one is bad to do but oh well! anyways, this is a thought i've had for a while and finally got time to write about it. enjoy ^^
smut warnings under the cut
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smut warnings: porn without plot, oral (fem! receiving), fingering, squirting. that's rlly it, this is a short one :P
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jeonghan didn't mean to eavesdrop, you were just very loud.
it was a girls night and he did his best to stay out of you and your friends way, but when he was in the kitchen the conversation topic piqued his interest.
"what's your opinion on piercings?" one of your friends asked.
"oh, tongue piercings are so hot." another said.
"i know right?! i also want to know how it feels to be eaten out by someone with one." you drunkenly and the girls laugh. "you said what we're all thinking."
jeonghan immediately picked up his phone and went on the local piercing shops website. if jeonghan would be called anything, it'd be 'people pleaser'. also would he let some other guy give you that experience? absolutely not.
he made his way back to his office with a mischievous grin on his face, booking an appointment for tomorrow. he couldn't wait to see your reaction.
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the next day you got home from work tired and still a little hungover from last night. walking through the door you were greeted by warm lighting filling the apartment and the smell of freshly cooked noodles.
you walked into the kitchen and spotted your boyfriend at the sink. tip-toeing towards him, your arms wrapped around his waist. "hi, hannie."
"hey baby. hungry?" he asks as he dumps the noodles into a colander and lets the water drain before putting the noodles in two bowls. he laid out different flavour packets and sauces, along with two fried eggs and a plate of meat. "help yourself!"
while you were mixing the flavouring and the sauce in your noodles you noticed something shiny in jeonghan's mouth in the corner of your eye as he spoke. "what's that?" you ask.
"what's what?" he replies as he finishes making his noodles. "open your mouth." you tell him and he does so with a slight smirk playing on his lips.
then you saw a tongue piercing and gasped. "jeonghan! oh my god?!"
"do you like it?" he murmers as you take your bowls to the table and sit across from each other. "obviously... did you know i'm into tongue piercings or something?" you say as you slurp your noodles.
"heard it from a little birdie." he teases and you ease into a comfortable silence as you eat. when you finish your meals and wash up jeonghan speaks up.
"okay, i'll admit that i may have heard you say something last night that made me get the piercing."
you snort and turn to look at him. "and what would that be?"
"you want to know how it feels to get eaten out with one." he says casually while putting the dishes in the sink. you almost choked on your spit.
"oh god, did you hear me last night?" you bury your face in your hands and jeonghan moves them away with his own, his face close to yours. "and you got a piercing... because of that?"
"what can i say?" jeonghan smiles and you roll your eyes before kissing him. his arms immediately wrapped around your waist pulling you closer. the kiss deepened and he pushed your back against the kitchen counter. his tongue mingled with yours, sloppy and desperate.
"jeonghan," you gasped out when his tongue licked down your neck to your collarbone that he exposed by pulling your t-shirt onto your shoulder. he left a few marks while his hands were busy undoing your belt. "wait, let's go to the bed." you whisper and jeonghan nods before pulling you to your shared room.
jeonghan wasted no time undressing himself and you, his head already between your legs in the blink of an eye. he teased you a little, lips ghosting your inner thighs until you felt his warm breath on your cunt.
he licked a single stripe up your folds that had you quivering. the coldness from the metal of his piercing along with the warmth of his tongue was addicting and you'd only had a little taste. when he finally dived into your pussy you cried out. "fuck!"
he circled his tongue around your clit and you felt his piercing get caught on it for a second and you jumped. "jeonghan, shit.."
the feeling of the piercing going in and out your folds was so new to you, you had no idea how to react to it. your hands found jeonghan's hair, pulling on it whenever his piercing got caught on your clit, moans spilling out of your mouth.
"feel good?" he asked when he lifted his head to look at you, chin glistening in your slick. "so good." you nod breathlessly, unconsciously pushing his head back down to your core. to which jeonghan simply goes back to eating your pussy.
"ah, jeonghan, more!" you cry when his tongue plunged into your hole, thrusting the muscle in and out of you while his fingers played with your clit. "i'm close, please!"
then jeonghan's tongue left your heat, his head coming up. "not yet, i wanna savour you." he spits on your clit, rubbing it in with his fingers. they traveled down, two of his fingers dipping into your hole briefly before fully plunging in.
then his tongue was on your clit again, thrusting his fingers in and out of you in a torturous slow pace. his eyes never left yours. he added another finger, now thrusting faster.
"fuck, jeonghan!" you whimper, legs starting to shake. "cum for me, cum on my fingers." he coos and starts to suck on your clit, his piercing circling around it perfectly.
the knot in your stomach snapped suddenly and your eyes clenched shut, your whole body convulsing from one of the hardest orgasms you've ever had. "fuck, fuck, fuck!" you whimpered. you felt jeonghan's fingers leave your hole but his mouth enveloped your heat while you rode your high, moans and whimpers spilling out of you.
when your orgasm finally subsided you opened your eyes to a jeonghan with blown out eyes, looking at you like pray. "that's my good girl, fuck. you just squirted in my mouth."
"shit, i feel like i'm gonna pass out, that was so fucking good." you say while jeonghan gets up to get a towel from the bathroom. you looked down onto the sheets and saw how wet you got them and laughed. "i've never came that hard before."
"well, this means my piercing was worth it." jeonghan smiles as he wiped your slick off his chin with the back of his hand, pulling you in for a kiss. you could taste yourself on him.
"are you okay for round 2?" he asks. "sorry, but that took everything out of me tonight." you sigh while rolling over on your side and jeonghan chuckles and joins you, arms wrapping around you. "goodnight baby. i love you."
"i love you too, jeonghan." you whisper before drifting off to sleep.
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writemekpop · 4 years
Studio Time (Part 2) | Lee Taeyong
Pairing: Lee Taeyong x Reader
Summary: It’s time to give Taeyong a taste of his own medicine. Your plan? To fuck his best friend. Jealous sex is the best kind... and let’s just say Taeyong is more than jealous. 
Genre: FWB!Taeyong, Smut
Word Count: 1.4k 
Warning: Sexual Content
Gif: @exo-stentialism​
Part 1 | Part 2 ❤️️
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It’s been five days since you last saw Taeyong, and your body is already aching for him. But no matter how many times he fills you, he always leaves you feeling empty.
That night in the studio was no exception. It left you so wrecked you could barely stumble home. As you wiped the sticky remains of Taeyong’s so-called love from your thighs, you made a decision.
It’s time to give him a taste of his own medicine.  
They say revenge is a dish best served cold, but you’re going to do it looking the hottest you ever have. Your plan? To hit Taeyong where it hurts – by fucking his best friend.  
It’s Friday night, and you’re heading to one of NCT’s notorious dorm parties. With the alcohol flowing freely, the girls loose and the boys looser, it’s the perfect place for your plan.
You’re in your favourite dress, a sheer black lace number. It does wonders for your figure, but nothing to conceal your bra and panties. With a swipe of devil red lipstick, you set off on the hunt.
You smirk as you consider which one of Taeyong’s friends you’re going to fuck. 
You remember when Haechan covered his crotch with a pillow as you sauntered past in a tight dress. You saw how Doyoung’s eyes widened when you passed him in nothing but a towel.  
“Y/n!” A flushed Jaehyun pulls open the front door, soju bottle in hand. “You look… wow.” Jaehyun gulps, unabashedly staring at your breasts.
You smirk. This is going to be easier than you expected. “Hi, Jae.”
Jaehyun’s ears are turning a glorious red. “T-taeyong’s not here tonight.”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes. Instead, you give him your most alluring smirk. “What if I’m not here for him? What if I’m here for… someone else?”
Before you know it, you’re pinned to a leather couch, a wasted Jaehyun draped over your lap.
Renjun is sitting opposite you, frowning. In his hands is your cell phone, with the camera set to record. If you want to make Taeyong jealous, you’re going to need evidence.
Renjun wasn’t too happy about this, but ever since you caught him jerking off to your picture… let’s just say he owed you one.
“I missed you, Y/n.” Jaehyun is forced to shout over the booming EDM.
You give Jaehyun’s thigh a squeeze. His eyes go wide.
“You’re getting more handsome every time I see you.” You rub Jaehyun’s thigh, fingers getting dangerously near his crotch.
Jaehyun opens his mouth to speak, but never can – because you smash your mouth onto his.
He freezes, but as soon as you slide your hot tongue across his lips, he moans and kisses you back. Though the corner of your eye, you watch Renjun holding your phone.
Once you’re satisfied you’ve got all the footage you need, you pull away from Jaehyun. Flashing him a wink, you saunter off.
You snatch your phone from Renjun and watch the video. Your bare legs draped over Jaehyun’s muscled thighs, his hand on your ass, your tongue down his throat… It’s perfect.  You post it to Snapchat, knowing exactly who’ll see.
Now all you have to do is sit back and wait for chaos to ensue.
While you’re swaying on the dance floor, blood warmed with soju, you hear your phone go off. As soon as you open snapchat, the notifications from Taeyong come flooding in.
Jaehyun?? Rlly?? What the fuck!
And another one.
Stay where you are, I’m coming to get you.  
Your heart does a summersault. The thought of a jealous Taeyong fucking you against the wall is enough to start a fire in you, but no – you remind yourself that you’re here for payback.  
You head out of the party. You’re not sure Taeyong even knows where you live. A bitter taste rises to your mouth. You’re not sure he cares.
When you stumble into your apartment and check your phone, you see seven missed calls from Taeyong. Seven?
You’re distracted by three loud thuds. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK.
You pull open the door to see Taeyong. His dark brows are furrowed, his stare icy.
“What’s up?” you say, feigning indifference. Taeyong’s pink hair is slicked back, framing his razor-sharp face. The silver piercing in his ear makes him look the best kind of dangerous.
“What the fuck, Y/n?” Taeyong growls.  
You just shrug and wobble into your bedroom. Taeyong follows you inside, looking around at the room with interest.
“Why Jaehyun?” Taeyong stands in front of you, arms crossed. “What’s he got that I haven’t?”
You roll your eyes at him. “You’re not my boyfriend. What’s it to you?”
Taeyong takes a deep breath. “Y/n, I…”
Just when you think he’ll say something sincere for once, he stops himself.
You reach for a glass of water, but in your drunken state, most of it gets on your top rather than your mouth. Taeyong stretches out a hand, as if he wants to dab it off.  
“Don’t pretend you care about me,” you jab.
You huff in annoyance at your soaked dress. So, you yank the tight material over your shoulders and chuck it on the floor.
You can feel Taeyong’s dark eyes on your bra. You cross your arms over your chest. “What we do” – you gesture between you – “makes me sick.”
Taeyong perches on the mattress.
“I don’t know how to say this, Y/n…” His charcoal eyes bore into yours. “I…don’t want you to fuck other people. Just me.”
You shake your head. “Not good enough, Yong.”
Taeyong runs his hands shakily through his hair, taking a deep breath.
“Y/n… I lik… ah, fuck it.” Taeyong grabs your hand. “I like you. A lot. Seeing you with Jaehyun today made me realise I want you to be mine, all mine.”
You keep your face icy, but your heart begins to thaw.
Taeyong frowns. “Look, what am I meant to say, woman? I’ve never even wanted to be someone’s… boyfriend before!”
“Taeyong,” you interrupt, a smile playing on your glossy lips. “Just shut up and kiss me.”
Taeyong wastes no time in crashing his lips onto yours. You almost moan at the softness of his tongue, his alcohol taste – sweet yet spicy.
Taeyong tangles his fingers in your hair, and you pull him closer towards you. Your breaths quicken as your desire grows.
Just as you place your hand over his zipper, Taeyong stops you.
“Wait,” he says, breathless. “I wanna do this properly. I don’t want to fuck you.”
You frown.
Taeyong’s eyes go wide. “No, no! I want to… like, make love to you.” Even though it’s dark, you see the blush forming on Taeyong’s cheeks.
You lie down on the bed, and pat the empty space next to you. “Lie down with me.”
Taeyong hesitates for a second before easing himself down. You turn so that you’re lying on your side facing him.
You trace one finger down his jaw. Taeyong closes his eyes, relaxing into your touch. You move your finger onto his plump bottom lip to toy with the soft flesh.
“Are you sure about this?” you whisper.
Taeyong gives you a tiny smile. “Y/n. Just shut up and kiss me.”
It isn’t the confession you were dreaming of. But as you take in his sharp collarbone, the toned muscles of his arms, you’re too distracted to care.  
Not breaking Taeyong’s gaze, you unclasp your bra and let it fall onto the floor. Then, you toss your panties away too.
Following your lead, Taeyong takes his jacket off, and then his T shirt. Piece by piece, each one of his clothes come off until he’s just as naked as you are.
Though you’ve fucked Taeyong countless times, this feels like the first, your very first.
Taeyong cradles your jaw, bringing your lips towards his. You melt into his kiss, moaning as you feel his other hand caress your body.
“I think I’m falling in love with you,” Taeyong whispers, his voice hoarse.
He’s speaking too fast, too soon. But you don’t care that he’s just saying whatever he thinks you want to hear. That’s a kind of love, right?
You slide your hand down his abdomen, feeling sculpted lines of muscle. You follow the secret map of birth marks, trailing your hands lower and lower…
You spread your legs and let Taeyong settle between them. He pushes into you slowly, lying so close that you can feel his heart beating against your chest.
Now this is a Taeyong you could get used to.
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poppywrites41 · 3 years
Captive Love Ch 3
Prince! Yoongi x Maid! Reader
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Here is the 3rd chapter of Captive Love. Wow. I’m rlly getting more writing in than I thought.
Warnings: Suggestive themes, swearing, actual sex, mentions of violence, mentions of r*pe
If anyone is uncomfortable with these themes, GET OUT. Also, MINORS GET OUT. This story is purely fiction. The members of BTS would never do this.
Please let me know what y’all think!
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Y/N stood frozen where she was, too terrified to even breathe in fear that the person notices her presence. She watches in fear as the youngest prince, Jungkook, loses his shit after one of the new girls that arrived at the castle with Y/N spilled the water in her bucket on his expensive looking shores. The poor girl began to cry and spoke to the prince, “P-please your highness! I am n-new to my job and I am s-still learning ho- Please forgive my clumsiness!”
Jungkook laughed at her attempts to apologize and beg for forgiveness, “I don’t care if your fucking new to your job! Pieces of trash like you should have it carved in your dumb little heads to move out of OUR way. We cannot be tainted by garbage like you.”
The girl made herself small and began to cry more. The prince only chuckled at the girl’s response. “Aw sweetheart,” he said in a sweet tone of voice, patting her head while her body was trembling in fear, “I get that you’re new here and people make mistakes all the time. If it were any of my brothers instead of me, they might’ve let you off the hook just this once. However, you chose to mess with me instead. Not a very smart choice my dear.” The girl looked up at him with a questioning look. All of a sudden, the prince pushed her to the ground and placed his wet shoe in front of her face with a devious smirk.
“Now I might be willing to let this little mishap slide…” he began looking down at the girl who looked up at him with hopeful eyes.
Y/N hoped he would not make her do anything indecent. She really does not want to intrude, but he has no right to treat a girl who is new to all this so rudely.
The prince held his foot up in front of the girl’s mouth, “Like everything off my shoe and I will consider forgetting this ever happened.”
The girl, as well as Y/N, stared into the prince’s eyes, looking for any sign that this was a joke. When no sign of this being a joke, she chocked back a sob and opened her mouth to clean the shoe only to have her body pulled back into a warm embrace, shocking both her and the prince.
Y/N was so pissed that the prince acted like that, but she does not remember how she got into the position of holding the girl back from cleaning the prince’s shoe, but she kept a serious poker face as she looked into the eyes of the youngest prince.
“What is the meaning of this?!” Jungkook growls as Y/N puts the girl behind her back, shielding her from the prince’s glare.
“She does not need to clean your shoe! She did nothing wrong in this situation.” Y/N said.
The prince scoffed at her, “She did do something wrong! She spilled water on my shoes!”
“And it was an accident!” Y/N said, her voice raising a little, “She’s new to this job! This is only her first day working here and she already apologized to you. Isn’t that enough for you?”
“No, it’s not!” the prince said in a raised voice, “Her stupidity has tainted me! She needs to take it all back!”
“You are such a selfish, self-absorbed, fucking asshole!! Would it fucking kill you to be kind to other people?!” Y/N was so frustrated with the prince, that she didn’t even realized she had yelled at him. It did not hit her what she had done until he forcefully grabbed her chin and angled her neck to look up at his furious expression.
“Oh sweetheart…” he chuckled darkly, “Not only did you interfere with something you shouldn’t have, but you also insulted royalty AND yelled at me.”
Now it was Y/N’s turn to tremble in fear, her big e/c eyes looking into his dark brown ones. “I-I sincerely apologize, your highness. I let my anger get the best of me.”
He took a strand of her hair in his other hand and twirled it around his fingers, “That you did, little dove. That you did.” Y/N gulped not even wanting to think about what he will do to her. “But you know, little dove…” he said almost as if he was in deep thought, still playing with her hair, “I have never been spoken to like that, especially by woman. It was exciting. You have some spunk in you.”
Y/N was not sure what the prince was saying. When was her punishment going to come? Will she die right where she stands? She was immediately taken out of her thoughts when she felt a hot breath on her ear. Her whole body shivering. The prince gave a deep chuckle.
“Now,” he said in almost a whisper, holding her neck as he spoke into her ear, “What you did today will never happen again. But I’m not gonna lie, that turned me on.” Y/N froze in his hold, holding her breath. “How about this, little dove” he continued, “You let me fuck you, and I will forget everything that happened today. How does that sound?”
Before she could say anything, she was slammed against the wall, her breath knocked out of her. Y/N looked around for the young girl but could not see her. She managed to escape, good.
“Please don’t do this your highness!” she said in a whimper, “I did not agree to this!”
“Too bad” he said as he ran his over her dress, slowly going to the back and undoing the dress, “You don’t really get a choice against me.”
The prince placed his face into her neck, ignoring her cries as he gave her kisses along her neck and her collarbone as the top of her dress became loose, revealing the top of her breasts. He then shoved her legs apart and settled his knee in between her thighs. Even though the dress was being a barrier between her cunt and his knee, he could still feel the heat coming from the girl. He began to move his knee around, causing her to whimper more.
Y/N could not believe what was happening. She tried pushing the prince off of her, but he was so strong he wouldn’t budge. She didn’t want this, she wanted to scream and cry out for help, but she knew a much worse fate would be waiting for her if she got away from him. The only thing she could do was give up.
“What the hell are you doing, Jungkook?!” a deep raspy voice echoes through the hall.
Jungkook froze, eyes widening in some sort of fear. He stepped back from Y/N, allowing her to sink to the floor, trying her best to cover up her breasts with her loose dress. She kept her head down, not wanting to cause anymore embarrassment to herself.
The youngest turned towards the owner of the voice, “Yoongi! Stop interrupting me! I was just punishing this girl for disrespecting me.”
Y/N froze at the name of the second oldest prince.
“Jungkook,” the older prince sighed, “She’s fucking new here. Give her a break.”
“But she had the fucking audacity to call me a ‘a selfish, self-absorbed, fucking asshole’!! All because I was having another servant clean my shoe with her mouth because she spilled her cleaning water on them! I was going to punish both, but the other girl escaped.”
Yoongi looked at Y/N curled in on herself and walked towards her, Jungkook backing up, giving his brother space. The older prince crouched in front of her.
“Look at me.” He ordered.
Y/N was too scared to look at him and trying to cover her breasts. She just kept her head down. This really annoyed Yoongi, he’s never had someone not listen to what he ordered, ever.
“See?” the youngest sighed, “She did the same thing to me.”
Yoongi growled, “Listen to me slut...” he grabbed her hair roughly with his hand, causing her the gasp in pain and violently yanked her head up, “When one of tells you to look at us, you fucking lo-” he cuts himself off when he saw her face with tears in her eyes. Yoongi was not expecting her to be the one who pissed Jungkook off. He completely forgot what he was saying, he is grip in her hair loosening. He just stared at her and she stared back in confusion. “Yoongi?” Jungkook nudged his brother, snapping him out of his trance. “Next time we ask for your attention,” he says in a less threatening voice, “it would be wise for you to give it to us. It will help you in the long run.” He lets her hair go and awkwardly stands up, wiping his hands on his shirt.
“Jungkook,” he said turning to his brother, “Do you remember what the girl who spilled water on your shoes looked like?”
The prince nodded. Yoongi put his hand on Jungkook’s shoulder, “Why don’t you go deal with her while I deal with this one?” Jungkook smiled at his brother’s proposal, “Oh that would be great! I have so much in store for that whore!”
“No!” Y/N’s voice echoes, causing two pairs of eyes to fall on her. She gets onto her knees, trying her best to shield her top from the two males. “Please your majesties,” she pleads, looking them both in the eyes, “leave her out of this. I disrespected Prince Jungkook ten times worse than she did. I deserve her punishment and mine. I will take whatever is given to me. I promise I will keep her from making any more mistakes. Just please do not hurt her.”
“You mean that you will take any punishment I give?” Jungkook asks with an excited look on his face. Y/N shivers at his excitement, “Y-yes your majesty.”
Jungkook claps his hand, “Alrighty then! Everything is settled. Let’s-”
“I’ll give her the punishment.” Yoongi interrupts, causing both of their heads to turn to him.
“What?! Yoongiiii!” Jungkook whines, “I want to do it.”
“You have had enough trauma for one day. You are tense Guk.” Yoongi reasons, “Tae is going hunting in 20 minutes. Why don’t you go let off some steam with him?”
“Don’t worry,” Yoongi said, patting the prince’s back, “Everything will be taken care of. I bet Sarah misses you too. She knows how to make you feel better.”
Jungkook thought about it for a minute. Then he turned to Yoongi, “Okay. I guess you’re right. I’ll go out with Tae. But I want to hear about her punishment when I get back!” He waved to his brother as he jogged down the hall to meet with his brother.
Y/N let out a breath once the youngest left, only to have it sucked back in when Prince Yoongi stepped in front of her.
“Stand up.”
This time, Y/N obeyed. She stood up on shaky legs, facing the prince.
“Turn around.”
Y/N’s choked back a sob and looked into his eyes, silently pleading with him to not continue where Jungkook left off. He raised his eyebrows as if to remind he of what he said earlier about listening to orders. Y/N’s head dropped as she turned around, presenting her back to him. She could feel his presence get closer to her and she began to shake. When his hands landed on her shoulders, she accidentally let out a sob. Yoongi’s hands stopped where they were. Y/N was terrified that he was going to rip her tongue out or something. Then all of a sudden, she felt the top of her dress being put back in place. Yoongi was tying her dress back up. When he finished, he stepped back. Y/N turned around and bowed her head to him, “T-Thank you, your highness.”
“You won’t survive long here if you don’t surrender yourself to us.” Yoongi said, crossing his arms in annoyance.
Y/N bows her hand in shame, “I’m sorry. But maybe if you all are nicer to your staff-”
“Just because I spared you from Jungkook’s wrath, does not mean I am your friend. You don’t get to say whatever you want to me just because I redressed you.” He stepped towards her, took her chin in his hand and lifted her head to meet his eyes, "Please remember that I am much worse than him sweetheart. I am still a prince. I am still a man with ravenous desires."
Y/N looks into his eyes, “Thank you for saving me, my prince. What will you tell the prince when he asks you what you did to me?”
Yoongi sighed as he pondered what to tell Jungkook, “What you like for me to tell him, little one?”
“I-I don’t know! What d-do you usually do for p-punishments?”
The prince smirked, “For men, I usually castrate them or cut a few limbs off. Very rarely do I kill. For women…” he noticed the girl shiver, “I humiliate them in the worst ways possible. I will fuck them in public, in front of their parents. I will sometime have them tied up to where I can tease them for days. It’s worse for the servants who are virgins because I will take away the one thing they want to keep for their ‘future soulmates’. I don’t care if I have to take it from them forcefully.”
Y/N’s legs almost give out, but the prince wrapped an arm around her waist, keeping her up, “So, little one. Would you like to pick what I tell him, or do you want me to pick?”
“C-Can you t-tell him that you h-had me whipped?” she whispered, not wanting to continue this conversation.
Yoongi thought about it for a minute, “I think I can make a good story about that. I could tell him how delightful your screams were.”
The girl shivered in the princes’ hold. She looked up into his eyes once more, “T-Thank you again, your majesty.”
Yoongi chuckles as he pulls at her bottom lip with his thumb, “I suggest you go back to you work, little one. It’s too dangerous to stay around me. Unless you want me to ruin you…”
The girl’s eyes widened in fear. She quickly collected herself, awkwardly bowed to the prince, and hurried down the hall.
“Work on your greetings! Next time I will not hesitate to punish you for real if you address us rudely. I do not plan on holding back.” he called after her.
When the girl was no longer in his line of sight, he turned and kicked the now empty water bucket in frustration. “You fucking idiot!” He cursed to himself, “You should have just taken her where she stood.”
He was so pissed at himself. Who was that person he became when he was with her?! He never saves servant girls from his brothers and certainly NEVER lets them go without punishment. Sure, he has had his eye on her, but now he’s beginning to despise her.
As he was walking back to his chambers, he bumped into Jimin.
“Hey Yoongi!” He said happily, “What’s with the grumpy face?”
“Where the fuck is Grace?!” Yoongi growls.
“She’s by the pond. I think her a Joon were out there a little bit ago, but I think he’s done with her. Don’t make her too tired though! I plan on having her come to my room later tonight.” Jimin laughs. His brother’s grumpiness has no effect on him.
Yoongi mutters a thanks to Jimin and storms off to the pond. Just like Jimin said, the red-haired woman was laying on the grass nude and catching her breath. She sees Yoongi approaching and smiles at him. She rolls over and gets on her hands and knees for him, knowing that’s his favorite position. Yoongi took his cock out of his pants and knelt down behind her, jerking it a couple of times. He gathered some of the mixture of her and Namjoon’s cum that was dripping out of her into his hand and rubbed his cock with it. He then roughly grabbed Grace and thrust himself inside her sopping pussy. The woman moaned beneath him as he aggressively slammed his cock into her over and over again. He needed to get that servant girl out of his head, but all he could think about was her being in Grace’s place, moaning while she took his cock like a good girl. Thinking about Y/N made him rut his hips into Grace faster, getting him closer to his climax. Grace was desperately trying to get herself to come, sensing that Yoongi was close, rubbing her clit furiously while the prince pounded into her. Noticing that Grace was struggling Yoongi flipped her, put her legs on her shoulder and resumed his relentless pounding. The new position helped him hit Grace’s special spot, spurring her into her orgasm. Yoongi quickly followed, gulping down breaths of air, sweat running down his face and his hair sticking to his forehead.
When he pulled out, a mixture of his, Namjoon and Grace’s cum seeped out of her cunt. This got Yoongi thinking. Grace is one of the many girls that Yoongi and his brother’s use for sex. They always share the girls. If he wants to have that girl be “promoted” to that position, would he be willing to share her with his brothers? Of course, he and his brothers are comfortable with doing literally anything together. They would have threesomes or more with some of the girls. Something about that turned them on. But this girl made Yoongi feel different. If his brothers took a liking to her, would he let them use her?
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chuuya-centric · 3 years
character: chuuya nakahara
genre: fluff, smut
warnings: gn afab reader, no pronouns used, alcohol mentions / use ? unorganized as FUCK — read at your own risk 🚶 these r also much longer than i originally intended 🤒🤕 they get kinda bad at the end bc im lazy asf and just wanted to be done with these im sorry yall LMAOO
↬he he i he he i i hhnhshgghfgg
↬lord please god passionate+romantic sex with this man is all i ask you for please ill never ask for anything ever again 🙏🙏🙏
↬now i would like to start this with a disclaimer by saying chuuya is usually vv rough and passionate and would manhandle your ass 😁🤞 however these hcs will be like 🧍 slow ................. and passionate ??? not gentle per se but just romantic amd uhm very much "love making" if u will 💯
↬sensual ?? i think ????
↬hhndhsgh ik we're all horny and just wanna be used like a ragdoll but please hear me out yall
↬emotional and passionate sex !!!!!!!!! this usually happens whenever chuuya gets drunk (bc i think he is a v emotional drunk, and if he's w his s/o i think he gets vv sentimental / touchy-feely
↬ofc if you say no or reject his advances he wont do anything other than cling to ur side but if u dont do anything to stop him you will 100% be in his bed by the end of the night 🔥🔥
↬starts out as him havin a lil too much to drink nothin new yk and then he gets more touchy / physically clingy than usual 🧎
↬a lil off topic but he would absolutely fight anyone who tried to flirt w you / anyone who looked at u the wrong way LMAOOO not saying u have to babysit him but 🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯 taking him back home would be the smart thing to do as to avoid bar fights
↬but back on track i think chuuya would refuse to leave your side 💀 he would be all over u so unless ur into like hardcore pda u fr better take him home 💀💀
↬he's a horny menace 😕👎
↬okay so blah blah blah yall r back home now what ? now he rlly starts getting emotional 🚶 he's just so grateful to have u in his life and he loves you so much and what if he's not good enough for you ???? how could u love someone like him ?????? what if— please just shut him up with a tender kiss 🤒☹️ tell him u love him very much
↬he............hhbbgdgshhhh i was talking to @chuuyasbf ab this but dhshsbhhhhhh we came to the conclusion that he'd like smother u in kisses oh my fucking god 💔🙏 like he'd just cover your mf face in kisses and i— bursts into tears
↬now by this point this is where he'll start communicating his feelings thru actions rather than words so please expect a very heated makeout session (that leads up to the best sex of ur life 😏)
↬"he just goes “oops, missed a spot *kiss* oops, theres another one *kiss*" - @chuuyasbf and i honestly could not agree more please 🧎🧎 hhnbbhghghh
↬but back to the makeout session it started after u shut him up w that kiss yk and u were both just sitting on the couch, originally basking in the others presence, before the words just started flowing so ofc u gave him a lil kiss n told him he was enough and that u loved him so so much and he pulled you back for another n another til u were sitting on his lap w his tongue in ur mouth
↬and things progressed n progressed n next thing yk he's got you intoxicated (his kisses r life changing ok 🤨🕶️🤏 even if he were sober it'd just be hjndhdghgggh) but like yall know when ur grinding against them n they buck their hips up a lil ? yeah <33
↬HE'S SO HANDSY OMFG ESP IF YOURE SITTING IN HIS LAP 🙏🙏🙏 after he's pulled you as close to him as humanly possible (im talkin chest-to-chest, hip-to-hip — he is a very intimate person and greatly enjoys physical touch argue w the wall ab it) his hands go from finding purchase on ur hips and guiding your movements to pulling at ur hair to feeling u up to running his fingers up n down ur back to helping you take your shirt off. he cannot for the life of him keep his hands to himself
↬in reality he'd shift you onto his thigh before making ur neck his next target for his kisses (and hickies)
↬when you start whining for more and saying his kisses aren't enough, thats when he'll sober up enough to be snapped back to reality n to carry you to his room 🧎 or so you thought 😚
↬confused, u didn't get the hint until he bounced his leg, once, twice, oh— and even after you'd understood what he wanted you to do, he'd grab ur hips and completey take control of the pace n grind u against his thigh almost agonizingly slow, all while leaving some awfuy dark hickies on ur lower neck n a handful on ur collarbones
↬ofc theres some muttered praise and "i love yous" as well. he'll tell you how good you look, getting off on his thigh like this
↬he'll take u back to his room only after you've cum against his thigh 🧎🧎 consider it a warm up LMFAOO
↬when he finally does get up from the couch, he'll probably use his ability to help stablize yall a little 💀 (he had a lil too much to drink pls dont clown him)
↬whereas he'd normally toss u onto the bed, this time he took his time to set u down gently before settling down in between ur thighs and— hey wait a damn minute when did this mf find the time to get your pants off huh—
↬aye speaking of which i think chuuya is rlly big on eye contact regardless bc its honestly just vv intimate to him 🧐🚶
↬yall know when they like ............. when theyre like caressing / holding your thigh n looking up at u n they kiss ur inner thigh while maintaining eye contact or whatever ...................... <33
↬i think his praise kink especially shines thru when he gets drunk bc he will take his mf time covering you in kisses and hickies all while showering u in praise n telling u how beautiful u r and ab how much he loves you
↬he knows his words usually tend to be / sound harsh, but at the end of the day he loves you sm more than words will ever be able to convey :((
↬def tries to make up for that (when he's drunk 🙄 emotionally inarticulate ass 🚶) by showering you in praise and doing his best to be tender and gentle
↬and to be fair he'd be content w smothering u in praise and kisses for the rest of the night n probably would if u let him 🧎🧎 please snap this mf back to reality by yanking his hair n whining for more
↬in which case he will be happy to oblige 😚 he's def the type of person to get off on his partners pleasure so that being said this mf will make sure u cum on his tongue at least twice before properly fucking you
↬whenever hes drunk he tends set a rather slow pace but dont let that fool you 🧎 the entire thing is so fucking intimate oh my lord you will be seeing stars by the time he's done w you
↬his thrusts r much deeper n more precise than usual and he puts one of ur legs on his shoulder and has the other pressed up by ur head it really just enhances everything yk ?? 😁😁 (mating press kinda ??????? not exactly but)
↬he ends up alternating between leaving (more) hickies on ur neck n shoulders and actually kissing you as well (your lips r gon be bruised asf by the end of it all sorry 🔥💯)
↬even drunk he loves to overstimulate you omfg 🤤 loves seeing you get all teary-eyed from the pleasure (even better if u actually cry 😏🕶️🤏) bc to him it shows that he's done a good job
↬aftercare w drunk chuuya is a lil sloppy tbh 😕 probably immiediately passes tf still inside u after pressing like a final kiss to ur forehead LMFAOOO
↬but dw he makes it up to u in the morning !!!!! after taking care of his hangover first tho 💀 once he's feeling better himself, he'll def offer to draw u a bath and, lets pretend he has the day off here, after that all he rlly wants to do is cuddle for the rest of the morning
↬do not bring up how clingy he was last night LMFAOOO his face will get so red so fast (unless ofc thats ur goal in which case go right on ahead 😚😚😚)
↬please do, however, kiss his forehead and tell him that u love him n that he did a good job last night
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Heyyy so yk I’m sorry for bothering you but do you think you could maybe do like a Ymir smut for a black Y/n who’s insecure abt being chubby and not curvy but still having yk...big honkers...it’s very specific but we don’t rlly get much attention as a poc:( you don’t have to I just wanted to ask
Big honkers it is :D
Also this is kinda short though (at least compared to how long I usually write these anyways) so apologies in advance :'D
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(Ymir x Reader)
AU: Unspecified
Warnings: None
Category: Smut, hurt/comfort
Summary: Ymir's s/o gets insecure during sex, and she's there to voice her support for them.
Words: 1.8K
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Sensations of Ymir filled your mind, her fingers entwining themselves with yours, pushing your hand into the cushiony mattress. Her lips were soft and warm against yours, so different from her usually hard and closed-off demeanor.
Her lips detached from yours, and she took a minute to stare into your far-off eyes, before shifting slowly to plant a line of soft kisses from your throat all the way to your cleavage. Slowly, delicately, her free hand traveled to the hem of your shirt, trying to pull the garment off of you.
You felt your heart pick up a few paces and the blood rush to your cheeks as her hand slowly exposed your stomach—a sight you hated so much, looking at the extra layer of fat that lined your abdomen with disgust.
Your hand immediately left Ymir's grasp to swipe her hand away from your shirt, and she pulled away to look at you with confusion and concern.
Truth be told, when your lover had come to you late at night saying she had "missed you", you understood the implications, and were undeniably excited as she slowly threw you onto the bed and crawled on top of you. Yet, when her hands made their way to your sides, you couldn't help the thought that crawled up into your mind. The distinct, dreadful feeling that you were undesirable, and that your girlfriend, so fit and muscular, wouldn't want to see your body in it's entirety.
It had always bugged you. Every time you'd undress, you catch a glimpse of yourself in a mirror, and a twinge of pain always made it's way to your heart. Insecurity.
"Is something wrong, Y/n?" Ymir questioned, dragging you out of your thoughts.
"I..." You wanted so badly to tell her, but the words couldn't seem to escape your throat. Instead, you turned your head to the side, refusing to look her in the eyes.
She shifted to straddle your thighs, sitting up as her hands fell to her sides dumbly.
Suddenly, her eyes widened. "Oh! Uhm... when I said I wanted to spend the night with you, I think we had... different things in mind." She rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly, a small blush rising up her cheeks.
"No, no that's not it..." You muttered, making Ymir's confusion intensify. Truthfully, you wanted it too, but your insecurity kept you from continuing. You were afraid—however irrational it sounded—that your girlfriend would find your body disgusting.
Ymir seemed to finally sense it, as her expression softened and she leaned down, planting a gentle kiss to your cheek before shifting her mouth close to your ear.
"Is something bugging you?" she exhaled, making you shudder.
She knew the answer. She had always noticed your insecurity, in the back of her mind. Like how you'd always wait until she wasn't in the room before you started changing, or how you hated it whenever her hands or head rested idly on your stomach.
She had always wanted to talk to you about, and to reassure you. It stung just a little bit to see how you looked at yourself everyday. But, she had no clue how to go about that conversation. Now, the opportunity had presented itself.
"Let me take a guess; you're worried about your size, aren't you?" She asked, surprising you with her bluntness.
"Th-that..." You muttered, unsure of how to respond to such a forward, yet loaded question.
Without saying a word, she sat up, wrapping her arms around your neck and pulling you up into a hug. Her right hand rested on your lower back, holding you closer to her, and her left found your head, leading you to rest on her shoulder.
"You don't have to worry about any of that." She soothed, sifting her fingers through your hair, dragging her fingertips down your scalp sensually. "I don't care what you think, you're the most beautiful girl in the world." She rested her chin on your shoulder, letting out a sigh as she leaned her head against your neck. "It always tore me apart to see you beat yourself up over it. You're such an amazing person, such an amazing girlfriend, I just want you to see yourself like how I see you."
You arms had been thrown around her torso, now gripping her just as tightly. A small sniffle passed your lips, and she held you closer at the sound, rubbing your back tenderly.
A few traitorous tears flowed from your eyes. Whether you knew it or not, you had desperately needed to hear someone speak those words to you your whole life.
"Shh..." Ymir cooed, comforting you softly while waiting for you to collect your composure.
Eventually, your tears slowed to a halt, and you swallowed a lump in your throat before whispering weakly.
"Thanks." Really, you wanted to say more, but you couldn't find it in you to say anything more.
Gently, she pushed you onto your back once again.
"Don't worry about it, Y/n. You know I'll always be here for you." She gave you a chaste kiss on the lips. "So," She smiled coyly, "Do you wanna pick up where we left off?"
You nodded shyly, and Ymir instantly dove for your neck, leaving a line of sloppy kisses from your bottom lip all the way down to your collarbone, and you felt arousal pool in the pit of your stomach at her eagerness.
Her fingers found the hem of your shirt once again, and she brought herself up from your shoulders to look you in the eyes. "Can I?"
You gave her a quick nod, perhaps a little too eager, and she slowly lifted your shirt off and over your head, before throwing it carelessly to the floor.
You shifted uncomfortably in place, but settled somewhat when her calloused hands grabbed your sides.
"It's alright, baby." She hummed, soothing the lump of anxiety that started to gather in your throat. Her hand slunk behind your back, finding the clasp of your bra, unclipping it and throwing it to join your shirt on the floor.
Hands immediately found your breasts, rubbing and massaging them as she leaned forward to continue kissing up and down your body. A whine left your lips as the pads of her thumb pressed down on your hardened nipples.
Her mouth trailed down your stomach until she was met with the waistband of your pants. Her fingers fiddled with the top button, gazing up at you for permission to continue.
"Mmh..." You sighed, turning your head to the side, embarrassed but undeniably turned on. Spurred on by the noise you made, she slid your pants effortlessly down your legs, moving them over your ankles.
She stared down at your panties with an amused expression, pressing two of her fingers against the soaked fabric.
"That really didn't take much, did it?" She chuckled, pressing her fingers further into the cloth.
Your hand shot down to place itself on Ymir's head, tugging slightly at her dark brown hair, undone from it's usual low ponytail. "C'mon, hurry up..." You whined.
She only laughed, hooking her finger around the trim of your panties to pull it down at a teasingly slow pace.
Ymir seemed to be taking her time crawling back up your body, slowly slinking up to place her head inches away from your core. Without any thought or hesitation, you used the hand in her hair to yank her mouth straight to your core.
Dazed, she pulled back and looked at you, to see that even you were a bit surprised by your sudden boldness.
"Eager, aren't we?" She teased, and you covered your face with your free hand shyly. "It's fine, though. Just tonight, I'll be nice and give you what you want, alright?"
Her tongue finally met your wet, aching core, licking a teasing, but deliberate stroke all the way up to your clit. You let out a quiet whimper in satisfaction, encouraging her to continue.
Her tongue was at your clit now, rubbing it in slow circles with her tongue and sucking at it, filling the room with lewd noises. You choked out a moan, and Ymir, seemingly spurred on by the sounds you were making, slid her finger past your folds. It slipped in all the way up to the knuckle—effortlessly, thanks to how wet you were.
"Sh-shit..." You groaned, a small sheen of sweat glistening your face at the sensations.
Ymir brought her head up from your core, using her free hand to rub at your clit, making sure none of the stimulation stopped.
"You really like this, huh?" She chuckled. "You're so warm and tight around my fingers..."
"Y-Ymir..." You moaned, all your insecurities (and shame for that matter) evaporating with the overwhelming pleasure you were feeling.
She only smiled proudly before going down on you once again, adding a second finger in your folds, increasing the feeling tenfold.
"Ymir... God, fuck—!" You moaned out, grasping the sheet with the hand that wasn't tangled up in your lover's hair. Ymir let out a quiet moan against you, the subtle vibrations sending sparks throughout your body.
You were already so close to release as you tugged on your girlfriend's hair desperately. Your legs tightened around her head and your breathing increased, dangling on the edge of ecstasy.
But, a deliberate curl of her fingers inside you cunt hit a certain spot inside of you, and all you saw was blinding white as your orgasm hit.
"Fuck! Ymir, k-keep going... please—!" You panted out desperately, practically yanking her hair in your bruising grip, causing Ymir to whine softly in your cunt. Your thighs shook and clamped shut around her head, practically suffocating her between your thighs.
You rode out your high against Ymir's face, grinding against it until you legs were too tired to move. Sensing you had finished, Ymir rose from her spot, appearing slightly bashful as wet juices coated her mouth and chin.
She gazed blankly at your tired, satisfied face, committing it to memory before reaching over to grab something to wipe her face with.
You were too caught up in your afterglow to notice what Ymir was doing, until you felt the mattress dip next to you. She had laid down next to you, getting situated under the soft covers.
You didn't acknowledge her presence verbally, instead wrapping your arms around her torso, pulling her closer to you as you rested your head in her chest.
"Tired darling?" She laughed softly, bringing a hand to comb through your now messy hair.
You gave a small nod, already feeling the grasps of sleep overtaking you.
She pulled your head away for a moment, kissing your forehead tenderly, smiling as her heart swelled with love at the sight of you.
"Goodnight, Y/n." She whispered.
"Mmmm... Night..." You mumbled into her chest, the soft rise and fall of her chest against you lulling you to sleep. "Love you..."
You had already fallen asleep now, but that didn't stop Ymir from planting another soft kiss to the top of your head.
"Love you too, darling."
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I don't really like this one either whoops
I get so awkward writing smut sometimes haha
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pixie-cocaine · 4 years
ATEEZ reaction to: Their S.O. getting other Male Idol's attention
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A/N: angel, stfu before I shoot you with a love gun, I WILL DO THIS!! Oh and, I'm sorry it took like, 5 fuckin years or something to finish this. Bb has been really busy with Jiu-Jitsu classes and trying to perfect the moves, I hope you understand 🥺❤️
Songs Listened To: shower water lol (yes, I do write in the shower), Rachael - She Wants Revenge, Mind and Body - Ayelle, Streets - Doja Cat,
(also, very explicit/mature, so read at your own risk!!)
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Hongjoong ♡:
• you don't wanna brag, but you'd been gaining quite the following from most male idols ever since your debut
• you, of course, would be very happy that your group, Mania, would be blowing up, but pretty iffy about the countless idols and fans shamelessly flirting with you
• it was always in the back of your head as you did radio shows and variety television
• the fact that your boyfriend was watching all of it
• it was pretty obvious with the way he gushed about how good you did once you got home to your apartment
• but, unsurprisingly, it got to a pushing point
• one day, while you were MCing for an awards show
• Johhny, one of NCT's rappers, had thrown a couple suggestive comments your way, playfully of course
• if only he knew about the narrowing eyes of Hongjoong who watched your surprised giggle through the screen
• oh bOY
• you'd get home, as per usual, and start taking off your makeup after changing into a simple shirt and shorts set
• after a minute, Hongjoong would appear behind you in the mirror
• after asking you the same questions about your day, and you giving the same old answers, you'd feel Hongjoong push his chest into your back and wrap his arms around your waist. His finger would be caressing the skin from beneath your shirt, and the noticeable nuzzle of his nose against your ear would pull your attention from drying your face.
• "Baby, is something wrong?"
• "Would you pick any other idol over me?"
• the question would catch you off guard of course, and you turn to face him with a frown
• "I wouldn't hesitate for one second. Joong, Is this about Johnny?"
• silence, your only answer being him pressing his face to your chin and forcing you to turn your head
• "Maybe..."
• y'all would end up fuckin on the counter haHAHA
• but afterwards it would be very cute and cuddly
• "It was a test, I knew you love me too muchhhhhh"
• bitch would be all over you lol
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Seonghwa ♡:
• and y'all thought Joong's was long
• you always had that trait that drew people to you
• so it was no surprise that all attention was set on you once your group, Rougé, debuted
• it was overwhelming at times, you'd admit, but you grew to enjoy the attention, at least to a point
• and with the newfound fame, came the more frequent compliments from fellow idols
• male idols, to be specific
• handsome, male idols
• it still caught you off-guard when, while attending award ceremonies, you'd be seated next to yet another boy group
• and one of the members would smile your way, wait for you to throw a wave before looking away, and proceed to subtly check you out
• you'd be like, complete Pikachu face when your members would bring it up later
• but you'd always worry about how Seonghwa would feel about it, because his group was literally always just behind you
• he'd never really said anything about the way idols would shamelessly point out how short your skirt was that day, or compliment the sultry exposure of your collarbones
• just snickered to himself as he watched the episodes with your appearances
• he knew he had you wrapped around all five of his fingers, no questions asked
• but it was always a tic in the back of your mind
• gnawing at your conscience
• nonetheless, you began to, admittedly quite slowly, relax at the idea of playfully flirting with other male idols
• you'd dipped your toes in the water, while keeping an eye on Seonghwa's reaction
• calm water
• well..
• until the idols got a bit.. physical
• every once in a while when you made a joke, they'd feign obliviousness to how they fell into you as they laughed
• even you caught on that no, some of your jokes were not worth doubling over and putting a hand on your shoulder so that they didn't collapse
• it was one night after you'd gotten home from a weekly idol episode featuring ONEUS, did Seonghwa begin to show his steadily growing distaste for the way they so openly showcased the desire to bend you over the nearest surface
• You'd barely grazed the shower floor with your big toe when you heard the bathroom door open and close, signaling that someone, most-likely Seonghwa, had entered the room with you
• it was occasional that Hwa joined you in the showers without so much as a warning, not that you minded
• you were comfortable around Seonghwa. He made sure if it, especially with the way he encouraged you wearing revealing clothing so it would boost your self-esteem
• one glance to your right, through the patterned shower pannels, and you saw Hwa already discarding his clothes
• he slid in behind you without a word, as per usual, but almost immediately pressed his chest to your back, nosing along your shoulder and wrapping an arm across your waist
• "Do you like that other guys flirt with you?"
• you'd be really caught off guard
• like did he really just ask that lol
• you didn't really know what to say, so shocked at the question, only able to open and close your mouth like a suffocating fish
• he'd push you against the wall of the shower, a hand snaking between you to grip the back of your neck as he pressed his forehead against yours, not breaking contact
• "Answer me when I'm asking you a question," he'd utter, words teetering on sounding like both a growl and a hiss
• "Of course not, Seonghwa. You really think I'd throw our relationship away for some pretty boys?"
• your knees would almost buckle at the smirk that replaced his once stone-cold face, thumb moving to glide across your lower lip before being replaced with his own
• you'd melt into the kiss, sighing into his mouth at the way he nibbled at your lip playfully
• he'd pull away when you were literally about to risk it all lmao
• "Mm, that's my girl," he'd say, licking his lips
• and begin showering like nothing happened
• ugh this man
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Yunho ♡:
• Ever since you'd started dating Yunho, which was approximately a year ago, you'd become someone you never thought you would
• he pushed you to do things you would normally scoff and roll your eyes at
• and that's how you ended up in your freshly blossoming girl group, Eclyps.
• yes, being the visual of the group was hard, but the positive reactions from media and new fans was enough to overshadow any pressure
• too bad that didn't apply to the visual uncomfort of your boyfriend when other male idols began to take a particular liking to you
• the attraction was always there in every glance they sent your way, and you'd have to blind to not notice the way they subtly licked their lips whenever they caught a glimpse of you bending over slightly when it came to physical games
• one night, you'd been cuddled up on Yunho on the couch as he flicked through the variety shows
• he'd stopped and watched the one you'd been in that day, a new episode on Hello Counselor, and of course it had to include a member of Stray Kids
• halfway through, a counselor asked the member of Stray Kids, Minho, what his ideal type was
• he explained not the appearance, but the qualities of the type he liked, and when he was finished, everyone began to say that he pointed out all the traits you had
• he didn't deny it, but he also tried to steer the conversation away from him
• it was an awkward situation for you at the time
• you'd been spacing out for the most part as Yunho kept watching, but one glance up, and you could see the tension in his shoulders
• you shuffled closer to bury your face in the crook of his neck so you could get his attention
• he'd give it to you, but something in his eyes told you he needed reassurance, something to let him know that he was the one you wanted
• slowly, your hands cupped his cheeks, warm beneath your fingers, and you'd lean in to kiss him
• The kiss spoke for you
• all the times he'd woken up to catch you staring at him with such soft eyes, endless amounts of such adoration in the way your pupils dilated at the mere sight of his gorgeous features. The night's he came home stressed and eyes droopy from countless hours overworked, looking for you as soon as he walked through the door, then finding you waiting by a drawn bath, complete with bubbled water and steam. And how could he forget the beautiful memories of cooking breakfast together? Your beautiful laughter ringing throughout the house and filling his chest with a golden light that had him grinning from ear to ear.
• he was yours, and you were his. That was something that would never change
• when you pulled away, he'd tenderly caress your side with gentle fingers
• "I love you," he'd mumble
• you'd melt at the way he was full heart eyes at you
• "I love you, too"
(so soft UwU)
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Yeosang ♡:
• mmm, yeosang eh?
• ok, this might be kinda off, but that's because I've never rlly seen our droneboy mad or jelly. Imma just go off of guesses 🤷🏽‍♀️
• it took you and your group a minute to actually get a following, but after the hours of tears and sweat, it paid off when you were put on the latest episode of King Of Mask Singer
• you were all the rage at the time, and like fresh faces do in newfound fame, you got some attention
• especially from the male idols
• it was a couple idols in particular that made it a point to try and talk to you whenever you saw them at award ceremonies and such, and because of it, dating rumors began to arise
• of course you denied them, and it helped a little bit, but there were always people who would tease you about seeing EXO's Chanyeol
• in turn, it began to make you anxious about your actual boyfriend, who you knew would occasionally look up the shows you appeared on
• it never really seemed to bother him, you realised
• if anything, he kind of encouraged the idea of you getting more positive attention of all kinds, as long as you showed no discomfort
• you kept on worrying though, until one morning, before you left to go to yet another variety show featuring your group, LUKKI, and a boy group, VIXX, you brought it up as you got dressed
• Yeosang sat on the bed in front of you, scrolling on his phone and shifting his position every once in a while
• you looked at him through your closet mirror
• "Yeosang?"
• he glanced up, "Yes?"
• "Does it... Bother you that other guys try and flirt with me?"
• he smiled, trying to hold back a laugh, but failing when he saw you pout
• "It's not funny! I'm serious"
• and that's when he'd sigh before getting up to stand behind you
• you were wearing a dress at the time, so it was quite easy for him to tug at the black strap at your shoulder and let it fall, doing the same to the other and watching as the silky fabric slid from your body with an odd grace
• you held your breath, staring at him in the mirror, and almost letting out an audible gasp when you saw the way his gaze bored back into yours
• you felt one finger trace the underside of your brassiere
• he drew a line from your right breast to the column of your throat, then it finally rested against your bottom lip
• "No other lips will touch these ones as long as I'm here," he mumbled
• he continued back down to your chest, cupping the soft flesh in his palm and squeezing it gently
• "No other hand will touch this chest"
• then to your hips
• "No other arm with wrap around these hips. Especially not this waist"
• and before you could predict what he'd do next, his hand moved to the inner of your thighs, then very slowly, tapping at your heat through your panties
• "And no other pair of eyes will ever see this beautiful delicacy of mine, hm?"
• he flicked at the top, hard, making you jolt and suck in a breath
• "So no, I'm not too worried about it. You're mine, and you know that. If you ever forget, I have no problem reminding you."
• a shiver ran down your spine, earning a smile from Yeosang before he backed away and reclaimed his spot on the bed
• "Anyways, you're running late"
• "SHIT!"
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San ♡:
• San had always been one who was protective over you
• had a weird look in his eye whenever someone he didn't particularly like hugged or touched you in any way
• so when your group, Helix, debuted and almost immediately launched off in the kpop scene, he began to remind you that if anything happened, that he had no problem curb-stomping people
• you'd reassured him that even if something did happen, it wasn't worth going to jail for
• he'd reluctantly laid off since
• but he still liked to watch reruns of episodes with you in them together and point out how cute you looked
• he would always get quiet when someone flirted with you, though
• always
• as time passed, your own concern ate away at you, and eventually, you caved
• "San, you've been acting weird. What's wrong?"
• you twisted in his hold so that you were facing him
• it felt like all the air drained from your lungs
• it was like staring danger dead-on. His eyes held an unidentifiable emotion, icy as they focused on you. His jaw clenched, and you'd be damned if his teeth didn't crack under the power of it.
• your mind seemingly blanked of all it's previous knowledge on the English language, and you gaped at him like you'd just seen a ghost
• you flinched when he began to sit up
• "Turn around."
• was all he gave you
• you don't think you've ever moved so fast in your life
• once your back was facing him, you could feel his hands take purchase on your hips as he lifted you into his lap, making sure to spread your thighs in the process
• "Now," he began
• his index finger traced the waistband of your shorts, raising goosebumps across your skin in it's wake. Slowly, he hooked a thumb inside both your shorts and underwear before yanking them down, over your knees, and off
• he splayed his hand across your stomach, just above your center, and leaned in to trace the shell of your ear with his nose, slowly, with delicate, measured brushes.
• "I want you to tell me how it feels when other men flirt with you. Can you do that for me, baby?"
• your head nodded frantically upon hearing the request, "Yes, San."
• San cooed, massaging the bump of flesh above your panty line, admiring the softness of your tummy before trailing down further until you could feel him swirl a digit around your clit, making your shake slightly
• "It makes me feel w-weird," you stumble over your words slightly when San presses harder against your heat
• "Keep going," he encourages
• you'd take a deep breath, and go on to tell him that you'd get a big clammy and nervous. How each time it happened, you'd be silently screaming at yourself that San was watching, and that you felt awkward. You'd stutter this out, all the while San began to rub you into ecstacy, making you cum for each time Idol's would flirt with you
• ahhh, what jealousy can result in
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Mingi ♡:
Sorry if this is short, I'm low-key running out of ideas lmao
• Mingi was your biggest cheerleader
• that much was clear when he threw a mini party for you when your rookie group, NΣRO, debuted and got a boost of Fame from one of your covers of a song
• so of course he would be the one to vote for your group in award shows, cheer you on when you went to practice or were performing, and everything else you could ever imagine in a supportive boyfriend
• the only thing that put him off a bit, was the way you'd gotten closer to some of the other idols
• well..
• other male idols
• he wasn't about to accuse you of cheating just because you'd befriended other guys, but it did make him uncomfortable when they began to get more affectionate with you
• of course you noticed this
• "Mingi-ah?"
• two big doe eyes looked up at you from under the blankets, the familiar tuft of fluffy hair peeking out as the fabric slid off of his head slightly
• he stared at you, waiting, and you realized this was his way of acknowledging your beckon
• "What's on your mind lately?"
• your hand idly moved to the tresses of his hair, watching with a fond gaze as he lowed his chin back onto your stomach
• "Nothing much"
• "Nothing much? How about my appearances on TV?"
• you knew he shrugged by the temporary raise of the covers, sighing through his nose when thinking about it
• "Baby, if you aren't comfortable with the flirting, I have no problem subtly shutting it down," you spoke softly, eyes trailing over the smooth contours of Mingi's face. God, he was beautiful
• "I don't want you to think you can't have fun, I don't mind playful banter," you waited for him to cough it up, "but I don't like when they touch you."
• you smile at the way his red lips form into an unconscious pout
• "What you want, is what you get"
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Wooyoung ♡:
• honestly?
• he couldn't care less
• the relationship you two have is damn-near impenetrable
• literally you guys are solid as a rock, nothing can break it
• and because you have such a strong bond, things like flirting with other people without any intention of getting to know them truly, doesn't spark jealousy like it would for others
• you weren't the jealous type in general. You thought it was pretty pathetic to get pissy over boys. After all, if they didn't bother to ask what you were and weren't ok with in the first place before going and flirting, why waste your time?
• Wooyoung would smile when he saw you wink at the other members of your group, Q2
• wouldn't necessarily enjoy seeing you play around with other male idols, but would understand it's nothing more than a friendship at most
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Jongho ♡:
•my heart's gonna burst 😭
• so, babie, in general, is a very unsure boy
• he doesn't know how to put himself out there, and he's shy a lot of the time if we take away the people he's comfortable around
• he's insecure about how well of a boyfriend he is to you, and it shows when you tell him you love him
• you never meant to have to do a variety challenge with Jinyoung (got7) but that's just how it ended up happening
• it was a game of pepero, and he was automatically chosen for you, much to your hesitation
• he got halfway before you pulled back out of panic, and even as everyone began to tease you for it, all you could think of was Jongho's hurt face
• you were right to be worried, because when you got home, he was already nestled up in bed
• he never went to bed without you
• "Jongho?"
• he stirred, but stayed asleep
• you only attempted to wake him up after you'd slipped beneath the covers as well, and by then, he'd already cracked his eyes open at the sound of your shuffling
• "Baby, look at me"
• he would
• "I know you watched my group's episode on Idol Room"
• his eyes flicked to the pillow you rested your arm on
• you scooted closer to him so that his face was mere inches from yours, hand coming up to caress the fullness of his cheeks, which he couldn't help but melt into, even if his attitude said otherwise
• "I want you to know that it was just a matter of playing the game, baby. I had no say in the situation, and you know that"
• he nodded slowly before curling his head into your chest
• the two of you didn't address it again, and you know that he didn't say anything because it was his natural way of dealing with anxiety
• he loves you, and you love him. He knows that UwU
(can you tell I gave up lmao)
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gguktarts · 4 years
decathect | jk (3)
1. to withdraw one’s feelings of attachment from (a person, idea, or object), as in anticipation of a future loss
summary: if one thing was clear to you when you first met Jeon Jungkook, it was that he would never love you. at least, not the way you wanted him to.
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pairing: jjk x reader genre: unrequited love au || angst || a bit of fluff || drabble series word count: 3.5k parts: « previous | 3 / ? | next » cw: none this chap, i think. maybe it’s a bit less angsty than the ones before. note: this chap (is rlly crap i APOLOGIZE) was meant to include another scene,, but idk how to write!!! properly!!! and the first scene got outta hand so :(( here it is. the next part i rotated for it to be on the next update. im so sorry it took long,, id rather not get into the personal specifics about it but i got bad writers block at certain points and just. didnt get to finish it for my own deadline 🥺 & im still developing my writing so please!! if anyone feels like something is off/like it dragged on for too long (which is what i felt), etc, etc please let me know. also i haven’t checked for mistakes so sfhdk there’s that aha
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The last few days were hectic, with finals approaching and your mind on absolute overdrive. Your Intro to Thermal Physics course was biting you in the ass, which you had felt oddly thankful for. With no time to think about Jungkook or the girl in his painting, the hours blurred themselves into a continuous loop of exhaustion and academic focus: wake up, go to class, study, sleep, rinse and repeat. You’ve even gone as far as seeking out Hoseok, your astronomy lab partner and the busiest bastard you’ve ever met, to have extended study sessions within the Atrium’s library. The mixed efforts of passing the course with flying colors, and avoiding all trace to your fuckboy crush, had so far been a success—in some ways more than others.
Time spent around any hall (either within the dorms or elsewhere in the university) was minimally reduced to avoid any lingering shadows in the corners of your eyes, while each study session left you feeling more confident. Effective, convenient. Two birds, one worm. Yes, worm.
Two mouths, shared crumbs though. Your extreme devotion to the books had, after all, demanded social sacrifice. 
You haven’t seen Tae nor Joon—nor any of the other boys in days, and while you aren’t ignoring them per se, they likely know why you were behaving the way you did up until yesterday. 
That night, after dinner and after dark, Taehyung had found you with your face buried in his favorite pillow, with droopy eyes and a soft pout etched onto your lips. You didn’t need to tell him about your crush, nor did you have to speak. All he needed was a look at you, a single glance, for him to decide you needed his comfort but also some space.
But apparently enough was enough, and your presence was pointedly demanded the very minute after you handed in your last exam. The day of the week —Thursday— was thus dubbed “Movie-Theather-Night” effective immediately, so he said.
That’s why currently you find yourself staring at Jimin’s front door, phone held tight between your fingers. Tae told you he was already, conveniently, near the ticket stand so he would “obviously” buy the tickets in advance. That left you with the other side quest he couldn’t complete, which you blindly agreed to do. 
Your job is simple: grab Jimin —yes, the little one with a penchant for lateness— and meet up with Tae before 7. 
Swallowing a groan, you pointedly stared up at the imaginary heavens beyond the building’s ceiling. Praying it be on your side for a few hours longer at least, you tuck away your phone (Tae’s mild threat about stealing Jimin’s rings if the latter didn’t hurry getting dressed completely unnoticed by you), knock on the door by mere habit, and go in.
You don’t expect the loud moans, you really don’t.
Jimin’s name gets stuck halfway past your throat as the high-pitched whines continue pouring over the living room, stiffening your shoulders and rooting your legs to the floor just a step inside the flat—just enough for the door to close itself shut. It isn’t even loud enough to cover the sounds either. Your ears turn red in a heartbeat, embarrassment tugging your lips into a frown, when you note the timbre of low, soft grunts you know belong to one guy. They hide behind and below the higher pitched ones, but you somehow pick them up nonetheless. 
They don’t last long. Or maybe time goes by alarmingly fast when you zone out, because not two, three minutes later, one of the muffled voices scoffs out in discontent, dulcet tones all gone.
“What? Now?” you hear, feeling the disbelief permeating the air along with underlying disappointment. “But I thought—”
The sudden thud of a door slamming open makes you jump, startling you into partial motion before the girl rushing out the hallway catches you like a deer in headlights. 
You hate how quickly you notice that she’s not the girl from Jungkook’s painting. And it’s hard not to feel guilty when your heart quickens its pace at the idea that maybe both of them are nothing more than victims of his ways. Actually, you hope for it, because you can’t help but feel it’s equally jarring to see one of his choices so soon, and so up close, right after he’s done with her. Her disheveled hair and bruised neck, the traces he’s left, almost distract you from the heated glare she sends your way for blocking the door. Almost. 
You move out of her way when she tries pushing past you, leaving with a huff and as quickly as she appeared.
Suddenly, this movie-theater-night sidequest thing seems like a really bad idea. A very bad idea. You hate it here. 
“J-jiminie?” you move near the hall, voice shaky in all ways you don’t want it to be. “I’m here, let’s go.”
“Just a second! There’s finally some goddamn silence—”
His muffled voice carries over from your left, closer than the door of his room. You briefly debate waiting for him there, the aspect of continuing your naturally cryptic tendencies very seductive. On the other hand, you could raid his pantry for any and all m&ms, which sounds far more soothing to your rumbling stomach. 
Decided entirely on candy—Taehyung would definitely enjoy mixing it with the bucket of popcorn he never fails to buy—and maybe some food, you turn around only to collide with something, hard. 
The start of what sounds like a “boo!” trails to a low grunt upon impact. It drowns out your sharp gasp, and if it weren’t for the hands grabbing you by the elbows you’d have likely lost your footing entirely. 
Jungkook’s wide eyes and o-shaped lips greet you full force, his cheeks a soft pink hue you’ve been missing lately. They don’t exactly match the deeper flush painting you from ear to ear, your reactions to him far less graceful when so near in proximity. You can’t even speak, too enthralled by the warmth of his hands, by how his eyes shift over your body in evident worry. The way his lips tremble into a frown makes you want to smooth them into out just to see his face light up like you’re more used to, but a look to his neck is more than enough to remind you what happened just minutes ago. Right. 
“Hey, sorry, didn’t think you’d turn around so quickly, are you alright?” he asks, hands moving lower on your arms and eyes searching, as if he’s testing if you’re steady enough. Taking the chance, you quickly pull back and rip them altogether from his hold. His lips form a pout you don’t catch. 
“Yea, I’m, uh…”
Your mouth runs dry when you let your eyes travel lower, along exposed ink, sun-kissed skin and hardened muscle you had never seen before. A faint stripe of hairs peeks out from behind his gray sweats, the sight enough to make your mind wonder how he looks lower underneath. Would he be as pretty as you imagine him to be?
Fuck. Typical. Just your luck.
Pushing the thought away, you will yourself to grimace and take a step back, away from his heat and onto clearer ground. It helps that the sudden scent lingering on him isn’t the most pleasant one.
“I’m fine, thanks. Wasn’t it laundry day yesterday?” you ask, a weak attempt to defy the heat spreading up your neck once you fully process his touch, and to hopefully derail whatever thoughts he likely just formed of you. 
“What?” Jungkook looks down at himself with mild amusement, a smirk growing on his lips before his eyes bore into yours again. “Do you want me to wear a shirt? Do you not like what you see?”
Again. You hate it here.
You ignore the way your stomach tightens, hating that what he’s implying is right. A part of you does, undeniably, like seeing his skin, you can’t deny that to yourself. But for all of that, an even bigger part of you exists that simply does not. Not when your head swims with the overwhelming idea of getting rid of the dot on his collarbone, be it by hiding it through makeup or painting it a deeper hue of violet all on your own. And much less when the smell of sex gets more distinct each passing second, making you scrunch your nose in distaste. 
“No,” you grumble, crossing your arms and making your way past him and towards the kitchen. 
“No you don’t want me to wear a shirt?” he counters, tilting his head to the side, round eyes faking innocence a few steps behind you.
You whip your head around without thinking, cheeks pink and eyebrows knitted together in annoyance as an unthought retort makes its way to your throat. Before you can say anything in return, though, he’s already grinning at your flustered state. 
“I’m kidding,“ he laughs, “You’re just easy to tease, Y/N, sorry. I was going to go shower but apparently hyung’s still in there, and I haven’t seen you in a while, so." 
That last bit goes completely over your head. ’Still’ is definitely worrying, but you’d rather not know how long he’s been there in total.
"Do you think he’ll be there for more than 10?” you ask, briefly looking at the clock and doing some math. If it’s 6:27 he has exactly 10 minutes to finish. Since the ride to the theater takes around 15 minutes, let’s say 5 is spent on parking, then you’d have exactly 3 minutes to find Tae before the clock strikes 7:00.
“Hopefully not, but who knows.”
“Very reassuring,” you deadpan. It comes out halfheartedly, your focus now on finding the candy stash they keep in the corner cabinet of their kitchen.
Jungkook trains his gaze on your shorter frame when you set your attention on the upper shelf, noticing your confusion at the sight of all the snacks up there. Grabbing a mini bottle of milk from the fridge, he watches on with amusement as you get on your tippy toes, hand trying and failing to grasp the giant yellow bag of m&m’s you’re determined to steal. Before today he’d wondered why Jimin keeps on buying two bags when the shorter strictly eats the peanut-less ones, and when Yoongi doesn’t even eat sweets, but now it makes more sense to him. He vaguely remembers you eating his bag without knowing it was his. Not that he ever corrected you.
Clearly, your struggles are new to you. The peanut m&ms were always on the bottom shelf, always. You had no clue the others decided just last week to stash the dorm’s snacks somewhere more unreachable, mostly so it’s partially forgotten and not inhaled in a single day as compared to how it’s been until then.
Exasperation reveals itself on your clenched jaw and dramatic pout, but just when you’re about to climb the counter, a pair of warm hands anchor themselves to your waist and joist you upwards. 
“W-whoa, hey— w,what are you doing?” Your breath hitches and squeaks as you tense, unused to the touch but trying to work on automatic as warning signals immediately start to blare red. 
“What does it look like I’m doing?” Some of his warmth spreads through the thin fabric of the shirt you’re wearing, giving you goosebumps and speeding up your pulse. “I should be the one with questions, you shorty. Like, is there a reason you’re stealing our m&m’s?” Jungkook asks, tone light and in total contrast to the hot breath you feel against your back. It ignites a shiver to run down your spine, no permission given. Honestly, you’re surprised you hear him over the pulse continuously pounding in your ears.
“Is there a reason you’re helping me steal your m&m’s?” You counter with a mumble, voice small despite your tries to seem unbothered.  Holding onto the wooden cabinets for some stability, you snatch up the bag.
Below you Jungkook drags out a hum as if he’s thinking it through, but with his chest millimeters from your back you can feel the subtle vibrations. You want to scream. Shovel it, Y/N. Shovel it.
“Eh, I don’t mind sharing food in times of need.”
“How do you—is it my dark circles? Do they look that bad?” After Tae’s message you had gone straight for a shower and a fresh change of clothes. Makeup had never been a source of comfort, and today was no different. 
Peering down with the full intent of adding that he can bring you down now, you catch a glimpse of the fading marks on his knuckles seconds before his grip tightens around your waist. If Jungkook manages to hear your weak whimper he says nothing. He simply lowers you gently and without command, muscles flexing but no complaints of your weight present. 
“Thanks,” you add, turning to face him but rooting yourself to the spot instead of following his touch like you want to do. There’s only so much you can take before all that’s left is to crumble, and you deny to let yourself seem that weak. It’s not like you’ve changed your mind regarding your crush, after all. The quicker you forget about it, the better. The more you suppress it, the easier it will be to forget. Right? “For the lift, I mean, and for allowing my petty crime.”
The fact that you find Jungkook halfway towards the island counter, mere seconds after he lets go, stays in the front of your mind. The distance between you two grows back to the one you’re used to faster than you expect. 
“Y'welcome,” he says, words slurred together as his accent shows and that toothy, bunny smile of his gets shot your way. It’s blatantly infuriating how easily he manages to make your erratic heart thud, thud, thud. But you swallow the truth, suppress how you’ve long to see every little thing he keeps on doing. “And nah, you should’ve seen Yoongi hyung this morning. Still look exhausted though. When do you finish?”
Jungkook blinks. “Already?”
“—Mhm. Which is why Taetae wants to hang out, and why I need these,” you motion for the bag cradled in your arms as if it were your very own child—as if you’d ever want any. The small space on the counter becomes your new seat, feet swaying anxiously with each second Jimin doesn’t come out.
“Let me guess. Movies?” he asks, eyes starry as he slurps the remaining liquid from his bottle and extends an arm your way. You get the gist of what he wants when he makes grabby hands. He looks adorable, but the way his bare torso keeps on making your stomach flip and sink at any given glimpse tells you he’s actually at his most dangerous. 
You simply nod, letting him grab some m&ms from your bag before you can come to regret it.
“Which one?”
“I… dunno yet,” you confess, head tilting. “It’s his turn to choose.” Truthfully, the question hadn’t come up. Movie sessions at the dorms always consist of rotating turns: one week him, one week Jimin, one week you. Considering Tae hadn’t even mentioned the name, you take it he’s claiming his turn. It’s been ages since you’ve been to the theater, as well, so no new or specific titles of your choice come to mind.
Sometimes it baffles Jungkook that he doesn’t really know how much time you spend with his friends. Tough maybe less when he met you first, lately whenever you’re available he’s busy trying to finish his latest piece, or getting x or y homework done with, or waiting for inspiration to strike, or de-stressing through a good fuck or some exercise. Or at least he thinks so. Whether you’re busy with astrophysics or something else he doesn’t ask, he only knows you’re often not there. So whenever he hears about you from his hyungs, he wonders just how close you’ve gotten to the most important people in his life, while completely skipping over his radar. 
“Oh? ” he hums, mildly interested but unable to say or do much else besides munch.
An idea begins to play in your head as you pop a blue in your mouth, the recurring invite repeating itself like a broken record stuck in repeat, waiting to be talked about. Would he even want to go with you guys? Part of you figures he doesn’t, that he’s likely preoccupied with matters unknown to you so there’s no point in asking. The other half tells you to try anyway, that maybe officializing a… deeper friendship —if you had one in the first place— might be just what you need. To take him off the pedestal your heart built for him, to know a more real side of him, if he ever allows it.
“Hey, Jungkook? Would—”
Your tongue gets tied to your throat the second Widowmaker’s voice travels around the kitchen, resounding loudly from whereyou guess is his pocket.
Jungkook gives you a sheepish look as he takes his phone out, a sorry halfway past his lips when his eyes catch the screen. He’s so entranced by whatever is catching his attention that his voice loses all volume. By the way his head suddenly cocks to the side, you know he’s either feeling challenged or having his ego massively stroked, but you can’t quite place the flush faintly covering his cheekbones.
Another apology tries leaving him when he notices your waiting stare, his fingers hurriedly tapping at his screen. But it’s a useless effort, since he’s cut off again, this time by ringtone. 
Jungkook doesn’t hesitate to answer, a slight smirk of his in place. You can’t help but squirm and look away.
“Gimme a sec babe—no I’m not, just give me—”
The way his tone changes, the way his eyes glaze in less than a heartbeat, him. You drown it all out, drown him out. You don’t need this right now, or so soon, or at all.
As if knowing you need a saviour and a distraction, your forgotten phone begins to play Tae’s chosen ringtone. The clock reads 6:36 pm. 
“Oh, fuck.” Scrambling, you pocket the bag of chocolates and stand up in a hurry. 
“Wait, Y/N,” Jungkook calls from his seat. You see his phone pressed to his chest, as to muffle your conversation from being heard, or to ignore the loud voice still finding a way to be heard over his own. “What did you want to ask me?”
But it’s then that Jimin barrels out of the bathroom, loud and striking as if a new form of thunder. And like thunder, you hear his voice before his body.
His voice dies out the closer he gets to you, a confused sound replacing his words at the sight of his roommate. It’s clear he didn’t expect to find you and Jungkook in the same room, presumably… interacting. 
Turning to the youngest, you offer a halfhearted shrug and an easy lie. "I kinda forgot already, sorry." 
If he replies, you don’t know. You don’t register Jimin’s confused "huh? forgot what?” either. Tae’s call had gone to voicemail amidst all the noise, so you have to do damage control. 
As expected, he picks up after the first ring. “Y/n?"
"Is that Tae?” Jimin suddenly asks, head whipping your way. His tiny hands reach for your phone without your confirmation, making you twist away to evade his wiggling fingers. t’s as if he somehow knows it’s his friend despite not being able to hear his voice, nor you giving any indication. “Kim Taehyung! Why aren’t you picking up my—”
“Hyung, can you lower your voice?” Jungkook calls from somewhere in the background, a bit exasperated at the commotion. 
Your head hurts. Why couldn’t they both shut up? 
“Hey, Jimin’s with me already, we’ll be on our way.”
“Ya, Jungkook, are you really asking me that? Just go talk somewhere else! And what are you doing without a shirt on? I told you not to harass Y/N.”
You can hear Taehyung whining from the other end of the line. Honestly, you missed it, missed him. “You haven’t left? Is that Jungkook? Why are you still in the dorms?”
“What? I didn’t do anything! If you didn’t take so long in the bathroom—wait—” a timbre shift. He’s not talking to Jimin anymore. “Did you really just disobey me?" 
“Disgusting…” Jimin huffs from besides you, annoyed and equally embarrassed by his roommate’s lack of shame. It’s exactly what he needs to move into action, bidding the boy farewell with a simple “just behave while I’m gone.”
You can only roll your eyes at the background exchange, ignoring, ignoring, ignoring. "No, yes, and I’ve no idea why but we’re leaving now,” you answer. Jimin’s smaller hand grabs yours before you finish speaking, pulling you along until you fall into steps behind him.  “Plus I bring m&ms so that’s a win.”
You don’t catch Jungkook’s warm see you later!, too caught up with Tae’s praise over your choice of chocolate and the rush to go once and for all. 
And that’s okay. You wouldn’t have been able to answer, anyway. Not with the growing uncertainty in your chest. 
Would a friendship with him be worth the impending heartache? Could you put yourself through that before you push your own feelings away?
Maybe you aren’t ready just yet.
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fuckedurbias · 5 years
a/n; i love marvel, and i love baejin. because of this, my friend drew me a picture of baejin as spiderman for my birthday at the start of this year and im still OBSESSED!! ever since then i rlly wanted to write smth cute to do w this concept and so,, here we are hehe. i hope u can all enjoy as much as i do
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just for context:
you and jinyoung were friends
not best friends but, you would consider him a pretty close friend
he was a part of your main friend group so, you saw each other and hung out quite often
you were interested in him romantically
but you didn’t have a crush unfortunately
only because you could never think he’d ever reciprocate the interest
you did flirt with him sometimes, though
just to see how he responded and get any hint of how he may feel
he flirted back
but in more of a banter way
so it didn’t help and only made you confused and sad
supers were known and accepted, for the most part
your city only had a couple known ones, which was quite a few less than the other cities
like there were a few other ‘underground’ ones or supers that didn’t like being supers and chose to keep it to themselves and live normal lives rather than be heroes
even though they could choose to keep their identities hidden like some supers do
you in particular, always found supers fascinating
why were some people born with super powers?
why do some people develop powers after incidents like car crashes or bites or an injection gone wrong?
were they ‘chosen’? was there some reason behind it? was it genetics that made them more prone to developing these powers?
even if the power was something more “normal” like super intelligence that allowed them to create some kind of suit or mechanical machine or gadgets that allowed them to have things that are usually purely superpowers like flying and shooting beams
you wanted to know how and why
in your spare time
not even spare time, even on school time
you studied these supers, all the well known ones
and even some underground ones that you come across or hear of
not even in just your city, other cities, other states, other countries
you wanted to know more
you didn’t know why
you didn’t envy them or want to be them necessarily (but like, who doesn’t)
you were just, so curious and fascinated
along with superheroes came supervillains
not every super decided to use their power for good, unfortunately
this is where you got confused
because if supers were ‘chosen’ for a reason
why would anyone use their powers for bad?
and unfortunately, your city only had two main supers who always fought crime
but, there were several villains and it got quite exhausting seeing the same two slave away and struggle constantly
but thankfully, there was a new rookie super who had been seen a few times now assisting the two experienced supers in fighting the pesky villains
and god did you love him
his powers were so peculiar
spider powers?! really?! out of everything that could be a super power?!
shooting webs and being able to climb walls and ceilings
sadly, it didn’t appear he had venomous spider powers
or maybe he did but, his suit made to hide his identity didn’t really allow him to bite his enemies
he seemed pretty young, too
rather young sounding voice and stature
this drew you in even more because, what if he went to your school? what if you knew him in some way?
… what if he was your friend?
probably wasn’t but, the thought of it excited you
but now - to recent times
you and your friends were all out on a cute picnic
exam period had just finished, all of you had completed your final subjects
and now you were having a nice day out in the sun, with great food and company to celebrate
jinyoung was the last one to show up, only just finishing his final exam an hour ago
he rushed up to you guys, holding his backpack straps as he ran over to you all
you were eyeing him, unintentionally of course
he was wearing a plain, loose-fitting black v neck t-shirt and loose basketball shorts
and he looked so good
you could see his collarbones and chest very well through his shirt
and it was driving you crazy
your heart did the thing
and you had to shake yourself back into reality
once he reached you guys, he quickly threw his hefty backpack down as he sat down
he fell back onto his hands and spread his legs out with an exhausted huff
he smiled and waved at everybody
… except for you??
he gave you his scrunchy-nosed eye smile
and pet you on the head
which made your heart jump and frick maybe you were developing a little crush on him
anyways fast forward to an hour and a half later
the picnic was going well
and you and jinyoung had been lowkey flirting for a lot of the time
almost all the snacks were eaten
you were reaching for a few more grapes
but you paused
as you heard and felt a weird vibration, almost like
an earthquake?
you and your friends all looked at each other in panic
then the screaming started
you stood up and ran out onto the street next to the park you and your friends were in
and you saw it
your cities most infamous villain
in a giant robot suit, destroying the roads as it walked
smashing cars, making buildings shake and shatter
they even purposely whacked a few taller buildings with the robots arm on purpose
it was heading right down the roads towards you
you could see their evil grin as they operated the controls from the robot’s see-through dome head
you sprinted back to your friends, fear very clear on your face
without a word they immediately grabbed their bags, forgetting about the blanket and snacks
you grabbed your bag along with them and you all sprinted onto the street ahead of you
but not to much effort, the robot was already close
it was hard to run as the ground shook underneath you
you screamed for your friends to follow you into an alleyway
you turned the corner in the alleyway, in between two buildings where you wouldn’t be seen at all
you and your friends all looked around at each other to make sure all of you were there and accounted for
but one person was missing
your heart fell and you panicked, all your friends tried looking for him
but as soon as you turned your head out into the open part of the alleyway
you saw the villain
and they saw you
you screamed and all your friends ran
in your panic, you ran out in the open street
you looked back to see the robot reeling its arm back, about to smash into the tall building that was above you right now
you screamed, running faster
but you tripped
you turned over to see what was happening
and just as the robots arm was about to smash into the building
he appeared
the spider boy
he swung out of nowhere and shot a web at the robots arm and pulled it down to the ground with him
damn, for a scrawny boy he was strong
the cities other two supers appeared at this moment
one smashing into the glass dome on the robots head
spider boy, dude, person, whatever his name was, was struggling at this point to hold the arm down
the villain started to control the robots other arm, making it backhand spider boy, sending him flying
he also hit the other super trying to hold him down
and literally just picking the other one up by their cape and throwing them across the street
you got up frantically, tripping over a few more times trying to run away, knowing perfectly well what was about to happen
the robots arm swung back and smashed into the building it tried to hit before
your life flashed before your eyes as you tried to run faster, away from the parts of the building that were crumpling down above you
thank god nobody was in it at the time
but bad for you
because whole slabs of concrete were about to crush you
you saw the shadow of a massive pipe falling from one end closing in on you, about to crush you
you were running fast, but not fast enough
your life started flashing before your eyes as it was about to hit you
but as you squeezed your eyes shut, you felt a rush of wind and what felt like you soaring through the air
is this what sudden death felt like?
you opened one eye nervously as you lifted your head
what you were greeted with you never would’ve expected
spider boys face… well, mask
right in front of you
he was carrying you
he shot another web, as you screamed at the slight falling sensation
but it grabbed onto a building, sending you soaring again
all you could do was stare at him in shock
his free hand tightened around your waist as your legs wrapped tighter around his hips and your hands tighter on his shoulders
once he had taken you far enough from the villain
he shot one last web, gripping tightly onto the building it was hanging from once he reached it
you hid your face into his shoulder again, scared of the impact of crashing into a building like that
it was rather hard and sudden but
you didn’t die or get hurt
you lifted your head to look at him
he was just??? gripping onto the building
even with his body suit on??
you were really shook
you didn’t dare look down though, even feeling the wind and the sinking in your stomach from how high up you were was enough to make you want to scream and cry
he was looking up as he carefully scaled the building
but he looked down at you, feeling your eyes boring into him
you were just staring at him with confusion and shock, not able to believe what was happening right now
this is not how you ever thought you’d meet a super
you couldn’t even feel excited
just so shocked and panicked
he stopped for a second as he looked at you
your stomach flipped
you were sure he was smiling but, obviously you couldn’t see or tell
but you could’ve sworn you saw his nose scrunch up for a second
once you reached the top of the building he stood up, pulling you off him as he stood you in front of him
but your legs gave way
both from the horrid feeling of being up so high and from running so much, but probably also due to general shock and being overwhelmed
he kneeled down in front of you
“please don’t leave me up here by myself”
“i’ll be back in a second, i promise” he pointed in the distance where you could see the big robot and villain, and the two other supers successfully fighting them
his voice, it sent off a lightbulb somewhere deep in your head, but because it was rather muffled you couldn’t hear it clearly
he pet your head before shooting a web to a nearby building and swinging away
the head pat….
it made your heart jump
you smiled softly to yourself
he felt. so familiar
you didn’t want to assume but
surely, it couldn’t be
you carefully stood up, legs wobbling as you struggled to stand up straight
you watched as he fought
and it was like your heart just knew before your brain even pieced it together
it.. was him??
everything about him
his stature
his voice
his nose scrunch
his… head pats?
the way he held you, felt exactly like his hugs
you were in complete awe
as if you needed more of a reason to study supers religiously
you had to make yourself certain
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