#i see you in my askbox and i go !!
chuluoyi · 9 days
being mature is realizing that even when you have a lot of things to say bc you’re disappointed, you won’t because you have to take other people’s feelings into account :’)
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electrozeistyking · 3 months
Allow me to explain: I want to watch any and all Murder Drones episodes blindly without knowing or seeing anything on them. In fact, that's how I enjoy watching this show. Why, you may ask?
Because that's how I first watched the pilot.
I knew literally nothing about it. I didn't know who voiced in it, what it was all about, who created it... nothing. I just saw a thumbnail for a show that had to do with robots on the internet, and decided to watch it on a whim.
I was blindsided by everything. The first thing I did when N spoke was to very loudly exclaim "MICHEAL?!" And you know what? I enjoyed what I saw! It may have taken me two separate occasions to finish, but I enjoyed my experience watching it!
Did I know episode two came out? I was hyperfixating on something else at the time, so I only found out about it months later. And like with the pilot, I knew nothing about it. I hadn't seen any teasers or anything on it, so once again, I was blindsided by everything I witnessed. So on and so forth, for each and every episode.
It was easy for me not to see anything, because I didn't have reliable internet at the time. Therefore, I was completely unaware of release dates, I didn't see any teasers, I didn't see anything for any episodes.
Obviously, I could not avoid the one featured in GLITCHX, so it was unavoidable and is therefore the only exception to this rule. I am willingly choosing to commit to how I watch these next episodes, because it's been an enjoyable experience for me to get slapped in the face by every episode of this series so far.
And I'd like to keep it that way.
Okay, this is turning out longer than I meant it to be, so let's get to the point I wanna make: while this is the first news we're getting in a long while and it's certainly exciting, I am purposely trying to avoid seeing it so I can continue enjoying it this way.
Anyway, here's N playing the trumpet as an apology if I came off as aggressive at the start there. :3
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wait shit was it murder drones related i blacked out when i wrote this
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yuri-is-online · 3 months
A while ago you said in a post that Ace’s isolation seems to come from how he values Yuu and Deuce’s friendship more and I think you perfectly worded how I feel. I would like to hear more about it if you have more to say!
Like yeah he’s a very friendly and outgoing guy. He can easily make friends/acquaintances but there’s also a clear line between those friends and where Deuce Yuu and Grim stands.
He gets along really well with his seniors as seen by his relationships with the basketball club, Playful Land and hell I bet this new event will prove that too. But it gives me more of a vibe of a younger kid endearingly annoying his older classmates than friendship.
Among the first years, he doesn’t seem to be as close to them as Deuce is. Like Deuce and Epel have this whole bond going on because of Chapter 5, Deuce and Jack are in the same club etc. Ace is kind to his fellow first years and helps them out like in Fairy Gala If with Ortho but again there’s this divide. Everyone knows it’s Ace, Deuce, Yuu and Grim as the group.
Multiple people have mentioned how those 4 are constantly together and how it’s rare to see one without the other and I think that’s really important when you take into consideration on how Ace literally ditched his last girlfriend because they were too different in terms of taste (well there’s more to unpack with that but that’s not what I’m here to talk about). Quality time is hugely important with Ace in my opinion, he wouldn’t hang out with people he hates and seeing the amount of time he spends time with those three and how the game makes an active effort to make us pay attention to it tells us that yeah Ace definitely values his friendship with Deuce, Yuu and Grim more than the others and why Ace feels so separated from the other first years at times.
He also tends to keep people at arms length because of his inability to really express affection towards his friends so it just comes across as him being snarky and mean when that’s really not the case. This also does show with Deuce Yuu and Grim yet goes to help them whenever he gets the chance, buys gifts for them, spends time with them etc. Like bro his actions tell otherwise it’s so funny he’s like a tsundere.
I think his exterior kind of makes it hard to people to really get close to him and I think he purposely does that, so to see him have obvious bias towards a group of people is really important.
Gotta admire his loyalty, once you’ve proven yourself he’s sticking with you for the rest of his life. Sorry for rambling but uh yeah your response gave me thoughts.
I would like to thank the aceyuu community for their continued dedication to putting deeply insightful character analysis in my inbox. I love you all so very much. I also love your icon very much, Gen 5 best pokemon (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
it gives me more of a vibe of a younger kid endearingly annoying his older classmates than friendship.
Yes very much this. Ace is the baby of his family, and there seems to be a decent age gap between him and his brother. He repeatedly talks about wanting to be like his seniors, and Jamil mentions at least once he is generally respectful towards them. His level up lines imply he wants to try challenging Riddle again, but it seems less because he disrespects him and wants to be dorm leader and more because he wants to prove he's gotten stronger.
Friend groups
So I have been thinking since the first and second time we talked about this trying to pick out who exactly Ace's friend group even is outside of Yuu and Deuce and ??? Deuce knew who Epel was before you properly met and he and Jack do seem to get along pretty well but Ace? I feel like maybe the intention might be to have him be closer to Ortho and Sebek, which sort of makes sense. They're all the youngest in their families and look up to their seniors to varying degrees but still. Ace specifically, like you said, is literally always around either Yuu or Deuce. In Idia's lab wear vignette Ace literally stays over alone with Yuu to watch horror movies and sends Grim to get the drinks alone 💀 like sir? Hello? And he implies he's done this more than once??? I like the idea of quality time being important to Ace, he says the most important thing for him in a partner is someone you have fun with and like being around so yeah. That makes sense for him.
I think back on how Ace initially interacted with Yuu and Deuce and, while at first I was a bit hesitant to say Ace keeps people at arms length, but you can literally see him doing that in the prologue. He's a brat towards people his own age, and while I imagine he has always been super popular to a degree I don't know if I can see him ever having had as deep of a friendship with anyone as he has Yuu and Deuce. I'm not sure if I would say he does it on purpose 100% of the time, but his Suitor Suit vignette does seem to imply he does it when he feels particularly embarrassed by something. He isn't just like a tsundere, he is one and honestly I was not expecting to like him as much as I do because tsundere isn't really one of my favorite tropes.
Gotta admire his loyalty, once you’ve proven yourself he’s sticking with you for the rest of his life. Sorry for rambling but uh yeah your response gave me thoughts.
Never apologize for rambling, it is the last thing I will ever take issue with and that goes for anyone in my inbox.
I hard agree. Ace's loyalty to Deuce, Yuu, and Grim should scare anyone trying to mess with them. I am waiting with baited breath for Grim overblot he is just going to pop off I JUST KNOW IT PLEASE YANA PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE
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pianokantzart · 2 months
Yo just out of curiosity, when does your (totally awesome) SPM comic take place? Is it meant to be a direct sequel to the movie, or have they had more adventures between the events or the movie and the events of your comic?
Thanks! It's not a direct sequel. I imagine that... like you said... they've had a couple of adventures between the events of the movie and what goes on in my comic (which means few extra nuggets of trauma that Dimentio gets to use against Luigi in his mindscape.)
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valyrfia · 3 months
i'm like n1 lecfosa but i have to say some of the anons i've seen in other people's inboxes because they think that charles could've driven better today or that carlos deserved the win....have not been it. if you have an opinion to say, please just post it on your own blog and put your own name to it rather than going to terrorise and spit on someone who doesn't agree with you while retaining the luxury of hiding behind an anonymous icon. or even better, if you're upset, stick to the blogs that you know share your opinions.
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bleaksqueak · 4 months
Woah dang, waking up to 99+ notifs on tumblr almost always means that an old Homestuck piece is going around again... imagine my delighted surprise to see it was all notifs about Soli! That was a great thing to wake up to. Felt an actual flutter in my chest. Thank you so much, everyone! And apologies for how Elias' hair keeps subtly changing. You always kind of figure out exactly how a character looks and how to draw them as you go along with sequential art. It, funny enough, largely comes from figuring out their acting (so lots and lots of different angles and features that need to shift/change slightly to carry the weight of looking like they should feel, for lack of a better way to describe it ) At any rate, glad to see people are excited for chapter 3! next update will be next week, and will be a two page spread.
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doodle-zine · 1 month
So, I've been a bit distracted by other things and lost some momentum on this project, but I do have a google form all set up for zine submissions. Unfortunately I've hit a snag. I think I know how I want to deal with this, but it's just turned into one big stressful knot in my plans, so I'm here to check in and see how people feel about the possible solution.
Problem is, I realized at the last second that google is going to require a log-in for any form with a file submission (for security reasons, which is reasonable if inconvenient). I need a file submission question because I need images of doodles to be submitted to me so I can compile the zine. I have configured the form so I would not be able to see the email address of anyone who submits, but it would still require a gmail login to submit to the form.
I don't have an obvious alternative for filesharing that's convenient, anonymous, and doesn't require a login (because to be honest there's reasons those don't exist). What I'm thinking of doing, if it wouldn't put too many people off, is using the google form and offering anyone who doesn't have a gmail login to use the alternative option to DM me and submit through DMs or email or whatever we can work out.
Just wanted to get a temperature check on how well this solution would work for people:
Just to clarify, for all of these you would be able to have your submission appear in the zine with no name attached. Only the google form would be anonymous to me. Obviously DMing me would involve me knowing your username but you'd still have the option to be anonymous in the zine. I know DMing strangers is intimidating but I'm super chill I promise.
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crescentfool · 6 months
5, 9 and 16 for that artist ask meme!
5. favorite little detail in a drawing you did
this one was kind of hard to answer because i lean so much more to simplification over 1:1 detail... that said, i really loved these ones!
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the bag from the top photo is from here, minato nui on left is from some con-related draws, the ballpoint splatling on right is from a vintage draws compilation!
i just really enjoy drawing little objects and props, and as much as i'm allergic to backgrounds, i hope to overcome that next year because my friends know i love getting obsessed over random objects for a few days...
9. any new art mediums youve tried (or overall styles if you havent tried new mediums)
i haven't gotten to do much mediums outside of digital art unfortunately.... but i would say this year was the year of chibification! i turned so many characters into little guys this year (shoutout to the nui tree!). which is really ironic because i also realized this year i find full illustrations more satisfying to work on throughout the process, despite the "simplicity" of chibis.
i did some limited color styles too! (blue, purple, and red + b/w). hopefully i can do more deliberate color palette stuffs though. i think it'd be a great exercise.
stylistically wise i think i could've tried more, but. its ok! thats what 2024 is for. yipee!
16. favorite piece of art from someone else (if you have one)
it feels like a cop out answer to say this but any gift art i got of my splatoon character... LOL... i didn't expect to get so attached to him (i changed my name in game to minatoast a JOKE!!!!). um. drops this gallery link here and scuttles away. im so very grateful. you're telling me people actually took time out of their day to draw my little guy? incredible!
ocs aside, i'd like to take the time to highlight some art from people on twitter (kitaro havers rise up!), since i do consider the things i reblog to be art i'm very fond of...
this art from tin of ryomina with flowers is so. oh my god. i was SO BEWILDERED AND HAPPY!!! i was minding my own business and then saw this rt'd on one of my friend's pages... i forget who lol but i was like "WAIT TIN Kick_TheeCan DREW RYOMINA??? I LOVE THEIR ART OF THE P3 PROTAG WHAT." i feel like i got pushed down a staircase in tartarus (positive)
and this art from chris (str3wberryy), my god, the composition fucks severely. i want to eat it. he also has an alt account on twitter (@/makotoyukilover) if you want to see more of their p3 protag arts :D
i also enjoyed seeing p3 arts from yamad_125, BSZZOWL, and elulit2. im so serious if you like ryominaigis you'll probably like taking a gander at these artist's media tabs! i find my way to see the twitter arts one way or another, nothing can stop me 👁👄👁
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swaglet · 2 months
Yall gotta get help you seem so hysterical and mentally ill this isnt even me trying to shit on you, i feel bad
girllllllll.... if you think this is bad you should have seen my old blogs when i wasnt getting treated for anything. THAT is the swaglet u should feel bad for. im livin my best life minding my own business havin a good time and you are out here sending messages like this to people on anon. Boooo. "not even trying to shit on you i feel bad" i dont feel bad so idk why you do
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squishosaur · 11 months
Hi! i am avid tag reader anon and while im indecisive on requesting perhaps could you draw the equestrian club of nrc? ^^ hope you a lovely day!
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i'm gonna be honest i had to start over half way through because i only read equestrian and started drawing them as my little ponies
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electrozeistyking · 2 months
_^Loads gun^_
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for you my liege
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auriidae · 5 months
looked thru ur lifestuck au and. Heir of rage grienn is so real actually. Like I run a small classpect analysis blog and I saw that and went "that's the truest thing to ever be spoken" I love that for him. Also everything else about the au is also great it's just that that specific detail means so much to me specifically. Also may I ask about lifestuck joel?
thank you!!! and YES rage player grian is so special to me. he's mildly deranged he's bloodthirsty he'll lead people to their deaths just for the heck of it. but also: he's very much aware of how the game works he's organizing groups of allies he's not quite himself. (heir in particular,,, he is the game. he's played by the game. he's taking 30 hearts off you and he's laughing.) etc etc :)
you may have noticed that this ask took me a very long time to respond to, sorry! this partially because the character of joel smallishbeans confounds me and i spent like a decent amount of time trying to puzzle him out, lol. he is like one of three characters i don't have a solid classpect for so this is tentative, but here he is for now :]
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he is most definitely a knight, of that i'm sure. he's super connected to his aspect intrinsically, but the game is not kind to him for it. again, like martyn, he's the narrative's beloved littleguy and they love stacking stuff on him to deal with. and boy does he deal with it, or tries, but it's Not Fun
as possibly disastrous as a session with three rage players would be, i do think it would make sense in some part for him to be one -- although with the caveat that he's not very good at it, haha. yeah he's supposed to be vengeful and a force of chaos for the server. does he particularly succeed in this? ...ehhhh
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mossy-paws · 3 months
hi hello!!
just wanted to come in here to say you're really cool and i love all the stuff you do !! /gen /pos you dont gotta respond to this i just wanted to let you know that i think youre cool and really neat >:333 /lh /gen
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RAAAAAH This was such a wonderful thing to wake up to HEHE! I’m so glad people the content I make!! comments like this genuinely mean so much to me so thank you beyond WORDS for saying this 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 /gen /VPOS EEEE
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valyrfia · 5 days
guys if i reblog a post to add an opinion/discussion and say 'don't go into this person's askbox we're just all having a friendly discussion' that's not in fact code to go into that person's askbox telling them how they're wrong
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subzeroparade · 11 months
Hey there! I just wanted to pop in and say that you make truly gorgeous things, both in terms of art and writing, and are a constant inspiration to myself, as well as to so many others too, I'm sure. Your fandoms are lucky to have you! ✨️ Thanks for sharing your fine works with us all 🫡
Ahhh! ty so much, this is very kind :') especially because i also really love your work!
I never feel like just "thanks" is sentiment enough so I did a very loose portrait of your Hunter Ruza (which I hope is ok LOL????) because she is really my type she seems cool af 。◕‿◕。
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calamitydaze · 3 months
long tag ramble below u have been warned
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#ok i feel like i should say Something before i start being active again#but i dont want it to be a Statement which is why i’m putting it in the tags#(also bc i procrastinated doing this for weeks so i know this is a very stale topic by now#but i also haven’t been on tumblr literally at all so this is 100% my organic authentic opinion lmao)#so read if you gaf and ignore if you don’t#anyway: george def could’ve done more to ensure she was comfortable#and as someone who has also gotten in over my head with older men and regretted it#her hurt is valid and i’m deeply sorry she feels the way she does about that night#but with that said i see no reason to believe george Should have known how she really felt#or that he deliberately took advantage of either her youth/inexperience or her discomfort#and that’s the most important thing for me— he fucked up and misread a situation but that doesn’t make him an evil person#and i hope they can both move on and grow and heal#as for my future in the fandom: i honestly dunno how active i’ll be going forward#i was already becoming pretty disconnected so this might’ve just sped up the process? i’m tired of being put through the wringer#but i also don’t really have a fandom to replace this so i might just continue casually participating in the way i have been#either way rest assured i will never become a rabid anti. that shits embarrassing#i got HORRIBLE drolo rsd the other day when tommy’s mom needed clout and vagued him so like if nothing else. droloisms are forever#also as a last thing— this feels kinda silly and self centered to say but i will anyway#sorry for not opening up my blog as a forum for discussion again the way i did with the drituation#i know i helped a lot of people sort out their feelings and that was (and is) really really important to me#but it also tanked my mental health (mostly as a result of the fallout and not the act itself but still)#plus my life irl was pretty stressful at the time when everything was first going down#so i just didn’t feel up to putting myself through that again#but i’m sorry if anyone wanted to discuss w me but wasn’t able to#anyway. i think that’s all i have to say!#i don’t want to turn this into a capital D discussion but as always my askbox and dms are open#love you all tons! i hope you’re having a good day 🫂🫶#bella talks
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