#i seriously hate this tag its so ugly
shizucheese · 7 months
Hey guys, we need to talk. Because a certain little something in TMAGP 8 is causing what is genuinely the most toxic part of the Magpod fandom at large to once again rear its ugly head. So let's talk about podcast character appearance head canons, shall we?
I'm tagging this with the Magnus Archives, TMA and Magpod tags because I am absolutely calling all of you out, but if you don't want spoilers for The Magnus Protocol episode 8 then stop reading right now.
. Okay, so, Gerry exists in the TMAGP universe. He's happy (or at least acts cheerful). And some people have headcanoned this to mean that he is no longer goth, or at the very least isn't dying his hair black with bad box color. And other people have decided to get seriously agro over this. I have literally seen with my very own eyeballs someone call "un-gothing" Gerry a "hate crime" and calling the person they were talking to "gothphobic."
Let me make this absolutely clear for all of you: podcasts are a purely audio medium and unless a physical trait of theirs is explicitely stated, everyone's headcanon for how a character appears is valid. Goth TMAGP Gerry is valid. But also
Rainbow Goth TMAGP Gerry is valid. Pastel Goth TMAGP Gerry is valid.
Not Goth At All TMAGP Gerry is valid.
Bald Gerry who has actually gotten his brain cancer diagnosed in time and is getting treated for it is valid. Somebody's headcanon of a character that has no canonical description to them, or whose headcanon matches the few crumbs of canonical description we have but otherwise doesn't look the way you imagine them to, is not going to take away from your own headcanon of what a character looks like. If someone imagining or drawing a character looking a different way from how you imagine them looking somehow takes away from your enjoyment of the fandom or otherwise makes you feel like you need to barge in and tell them that they're Wrong and need to conform to your headcanon or else, that is a reflection on you, not them.
And this problem way predates TMAGP, let alone TMAGP 8. The only description we have of John is that he is in his early 30's and has prematurely greying hair.
If someone thinks he looks like the pastiest motherfucker to ever dwell in a basement, an extra-in-the-Adam's Family or Tim Burtan protagonist of a man, let them.
What's that? You want to tell them that John is BROWN and if they don't headcanon him looking that way they're WRONG and RACIST? Back away from the keyboard and go outside.
(Ironically, as someone who started getting grey hairs in my hair in my 20's myself, I'm pretty sure everyone's headcanon of John, with tiny little whisps of grey in his hair, is wrong, because if he was so grey that people were surprised to learn he was "a child of the 90's," he was probably full on salt-and-pepper when he was in his 20's.)
The only description we have for Martin is that he (man who canonically has the self esteem of a used doormat) describes himself as "not the smallest guy", Not-Sasha called him "roomy", Melanie is skinner than him, and Jonny said he imagined him as a "bigger guy" who would beat Alex in a physical fight. If someone decides to take this information and conclude that it means he's tall, broad and has muscle, rather than that he's overweight, fucking let them. If your first instinct to this is to run to your keyboard and call them "fatphobic" or otherwise bash them for it, I once again urge you to back away from your keyboard and go outside.
Someone headcanons Basira not wearing a headscarf? We have exactly 0 canonical physical description of her and the people who headcanon her as having one are basing that purely off of her name alone. Fucking let them. Someone headcanons Melanie and/ or Georgie as a skin color you don't agree with or a hairstyle you don't like? Fucking let them. As long as someone's headcanon of a character's description doesn't contradict the few canonical descriptions we have of a character, why do you care? Them having a different headcanon from you doesn't take away your right to imagine the characters looking however you like, anymore than it should take away their right to do the same. Someone headcanoning John as white (or Black, or Asian, or Mixed, or whatever) isn't going to make all of the fanart of John as brown with long hair suddenly disappear, nor the fanfiction describing him as such (although I do often wonder if the opposite is not true; is the fact that John looks the same in so much of the fanart I see on here really because of fandom "consensus", or is it because people are absolutely awful to anyone who draws him Different?). Someone headcanoning Martin as not fat isn't going to make the mountains of fanart of him as a fluffy little marshmallow vanish into the void (although I do remember hearing about someone getting bullied off the internet for daring to draw Martin as not fat). And someone headcanoning Gerry in TMAGP as not being goth isn't going to take away your preciouse goth TMAGP Gerry headcanon. That should be part of the fun of it, shouldn't it? Seeing what different images people have conjured in their heads of these characters we only get to experience with our ears, and celebrating the differences as well as the similarities? Why are we bullying people into conforming to one appearance of a character when no actual canonical appearance of them exists?
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staronet · 2 years
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We got each other (and that's a lot)
Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles, day 18
Prompt: Hurt/Comfort
Rated: M
CW: Violent imagery; aftermath of injury
Tags: Steve got vecna'd (he's okay, though); Angst; Trauma; Fluff
Notes: Continued from day 3. They'll be fine, they just need to kiss some and get a lot of therapy, probably.
Wanna see these soft, broken boys sleeping? Check out the heartwrenching art by @house-of-the-moving-image
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Eddie drifts.
Inky blackness surrounds him like cotton, every sound, every thought muffled. His neck and fingers and arms still hurt, but it's the dull kind that comes with exhaustion, the tingle of adrenaline finally rushing from his body. Some distant part of him is still stirring, demanding that they stay alert … but the darkness is warm and soft and alluring as it pulls him under. 
Something cold touches his hand. 
Eddie flinches awake, heart kickstarting in his chest, fear zapping into his limbs like an electric current.
He fell asleep, he realizes, and the terror of it claws its way up his throat like a slimy, rotten tangle of vines. He fell asleep and when he opens his eyes it'll be to find Steve floating under the ceiling again, to find Steve's mangled corpse on the bed, eyes sucked from their sockets, face twisted in an eternal, grotesque scream, it's too late and he fell asleep, he fucking fell asleep while- 
Steve is awake. 
Steve is awake and he's looking at him and he's alive and his hand is lying on top of Eddie’s. It's cold and there's a needle in it from the IV cord and he's ghastly pale against the sheets, but he's smiling softly and he's alive, he's alive and Eddie wants to scream, to cry, to kiss him and never stop, to hold him and never let go-
"Hey," Steve whispers. 
"Hey," Eddie croaks. "You look like shit, man."
"Aw," says Steve, and the corners of his mouth twitch and Eddie thought he'd never see his smile again and shitshitshit don't cry, Munson, don't cry. "Thought I was pulling it off real well." 
He jerks his head in the general direction of the cast on his right leg, the one on his left arm. Eddie thinks he'll hear the sound of the bones breaking in his nightmares for the rest of his life.
"Typical," is what he says. "Half dead and still worried about your looks." 
Steve hums a not-quite-laugh. His fingers caress the back of Eddie’s hand. 
"Is he …?" 
"Dead," Eddie blurts. "For real this time. It's over." 
"The kids?" Steve's fingers twitch.
"Fine," Eddie says, watches how Steve's entire form sags with relief. "Buckley and Wheeler, too. And everyone else. It's over." 
"I- good." Steve screws his eyes shut, gulps. Draws a shuddering breath. "That's good." 
Eddie watches how his shoulders start shaking. Following a sudden impulse, he flips his hand and tangles his hand with Steve's, careful not to upset the needle. Steve blinks down at their entwined fingers. 
Eddie forces himself to smile and rambles on before either of them can question the gesture. 
"El was so fucking metal, you should've seen her. Like, the way she obliterated that douchebag? Remind me to never get on that girl's bad side! Seriously, man, I don't think any of us would be here if she hadn't-" 
"Well, I don't think I would be here …" says Steve. "... if it hadn't been for you." 
Eddie’s words barrel to a stop. Steve’s fingers tighten against his, trace the callouses on his hands. Steve’s smile is small and soft, but his eyes are serious, trained stubbornly on the ugly pattern of his hospital gown. 
"I thought you hated Bon Jovi." 
Eddie huffs. "Fuck, yeah, I do. Forcing me to besmirch my Sweetheart's strings with that mainstream shit? You owe me big time, man. Better start thinking of ways to pay me back."
"Yeah?" Steve raises their tangled hands lightly. "How's this for a start?" 
And then, before Eddie can even wonder what he's about to do, he ducks his head and presses a kiss to his knuckles. His lips are soft and warm. 
Eddie blinks. Waits for the world to stop spinning. 
"For … a start?" he repeats dumbly. 
Steve's eyebrow quirks. 
"Dude, I'd like to do so much more, but I'm glad I managed to lift your hand, to be honest. We should also first talk about stuff, I guess." 
"Oh," Eddie says intelligently. "You mean … like that thing you wanted to tell me?" 
"Yeah, like tha- … that thing." Steve needs to interrupt himself for a huge yawn halfway through. Since one of his arms is in a cast and the other hand is refusing to let go of Eddie’s, it ends up open-mouthed and adorable. "Probably'll have to sleep some more b'fore that, though …"
"Sure thing," Eddie is out of his chair and fussing with the pillow before he realizes what he's doing. Steve's eyes are already drooping as he helps him settle down. "I'll … I'll be outside, tell the others you're-" 
"Eddie?" Steve's grip around his wrist is light as a feather, but he still stops like he's been tethered in place. When he turns, there's fear swimming in those pretty eyes. "Stay? I don't … I'd rather not be alone." 
Eddie is back in his chair before Steve can finish the sentence. 
"Can you…" Steve's eyes are slipping shut again and his words are slurred, so that Eddie must lean closer to catch them. "D’you think you can sing? So I can find my way back, if- … Your voice is like light."
Eddie doesn’t know what to say to that, doesn’t know if there's anything he could possibly say to that. So he says nothing. Just swallows around the lump in his throat and takes Steve's hand and starts singing softly. 
By the time Steve's breath evens out and his fingers go limp, Eddie’s other hand has found its way into his hair. 
Eddie keeps singing for a long while.
For as long as he's here, Steve will always have someone to guide him back.
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Part 3
All my holiday drabbles
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The one where the game is too easy. Or The Twenty Fourth Installment of the SKZ!Pack Prequel Series.
Tags: SKZ, Stray Kids, Stay, OT8, SKZ!Pack, SKZ!abo, Poly!SKZ, Omegaverse, Pack!Prequel, SKZ!pack Prequel, Prequel Series, Skz Imagines, Skz Reactions, Skz scenarios, Bang Chan, Lee Minho, Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Felix, Han Jisung, Kim Seungmin, Yang Jeongin, Seo Changbin, (Y/N), Fem Reader, SKZ x you, SKZ x reader, OT8 x you, OT8 x reader
Genre: Fluff, Light Smut
Title: Make It Beta
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“Wait, that was entirely fucked up.” 
You push Minho back from you and he hovers, hands on either side of your head, staring down at you as your face twists into disgust. 
He arches a brow. “You’re just now realizing that?” 
“Well, no-” You protest heatedly, your words lacking a little bite as he trails his fingers down your bare skin once again. “-but I’m just now having time to process how truly fucked up it was.” 
Minho smirks and cocks his head, and you hate how pretty he looks at this moment. 
Pretty and dangerous. 
“I needed to test my theory. And I agree with you, sweetheart, it wasn’t my best work, but I had to improvise in the moment.” 
You glare up at him, even as he grins and ducks his head back down between your thighs. 
“You’re seriously so-” Minho’s tongue licks, long and slow, across you, and you suddenly lose all train of thought, the words dying out on your lips. 
Your fingers bury themselves in his hair, and you arch your body up into him, chasing the high of his mouth on you. 
“God, fuck-” You groan out, squirming beneath Minho’s weight, his teeth grazing along the inside of your thigh as he pulls back. 
You whine pathetically at his sudden absence, wordlessly begging him for more, but he ignores you, leaning over you, palms planted steadily on either side of your head, staring you down with a serious expression, eyes dark and feral, even as his face remains smooth. 
“You don’t get to say God’s name when we’re fucking, sweetheart. The only name that’s allowed past your lips is mine. God’s not the one in between your legs.” 
The rough, low timber of his alpha voice has a shiver running down your spine, your body flashing hot all over. 
Minho pumps a finger into you, slow and leisurely, and you bite down on your bottom lip hard enough to taste copper, resisting the urge to whine between your lips. 
Instead, your chest rises and falls with a breath, and you work up your most innocent, sickly sweet smile. 
“Yes, sir.” You quip back, and the flash of something predatory, bordering on wicked amusement, in Minho’s gaze at your snarky words tells you he knows exactly what you’re doing. 
“Mm mm.” He gives a shake of his head, a disapproving tsk clicking off the end of his tongue. “Not good enough.” 
He moves his fingers again, and your body arches against your will, begging for more, even as the brat inside of you rears its ugly head at the challenge. 
Minho smirks, and you hold his gaze, managing to get out in a somewhat level tone, “What, you don’t like when I call you ‘sir’?” You arch a brow tauntingly, and a slight smirk to match his own flickers across your lips. “Binnie usually loves that one. What about-” You make a thoughtful face, and then grin up at him, sharp and goading. “-’alpha?’ Yes, alpha?” 
Minho’s lips quirk with something akin to dangerous amusement, and he slides in another finger without warning. 
You can’t hold back the gasp that slips out of you this time. 
“Try again.” 
You’re panting now with his increased pace, and struggling to choke out your words, and god dammit, the smug look on Minho’s pretty face tells you he knows he’s already won. 
He slides his fingers out and leans over you once more, hands planted on either side of your head, his gaze swirling dark. “What’s wrong, sweetheart? Cat got your tongue?” His lips twitch and a flash of sharp, white canine has your core clenching. His clean hand goes into your hair, tilting your head back commandingly to meet his gaze. “No? Then be a good kitten for alpha and behave.” 
You nod desperately, no more fight left, you just need-need him, need Minho, need his body on yours-and reach up to tangle your fingers into the thick locks of his hair, tugging him down to press his mouth to yours. 
At the same time, he slips a hand back between your thighs, and you immediately mewl with need into his open mouth. 
“Minho, fuck-” You pant out, chest heaving, brushing his with every breath. 
His eyes flash, a dangerous gold, and a smirk curves up the corner of his mouth. 
“Good girl.” He praises in a low growl, and you whimper in response.  
You know he can feel how wet you are for him already, his fingers slick against your inner legs as he pauses, considering you for a moment. 
His smirk grows wider. 
“You know, I rather like the sound of my name on your lips, sweetheart. Sometimes you’re too mouthy for your own good, but it’s nice to know that insufferable mouth of yours is good for at least two useful things.” 
“Fuck you.” You bite out, but it holds no venom, and the words are way too breathy and verging on a moan to be considered threatening. 
Minho chuckles and slides between your thighs with a knowing, amused look and a flash of dangerous teeth. 
“Oh you will, sweetheart. But right now, you’re going to be a good girl and wait your turn.” 
His head sinks between your thighs, and your fingers tangle into his thick hair once more, and you hate to admit it, but Minho’s name really does sound great as a moan. 
When you and Minho reemerge into the living room, the betas are sitting on the couch together, Jisung showing something to Seungmin on his phone, laughing quietly. 
You sit down beside them and sling your arm around Jisung’s narrow shoulders. 
“So. I guess everybody else is kind of preoccupied.” Jisung glances up from the video and instantly wrinkles his nose, making a face of disgust. 
“Gross. You smell like Minho.” 
You let out a little disbelieving laugh and glance in the other alpha’s direction, who doesn’t even bother to look up from whatever he’s doing on his phone. 
Fine. You’ll be offended for him. 
“I thought you liked how Minho smelled!” You exclaim, ribbing Jisung in the side, as he gives you a little glare and rubs at his offended ribs. 
“I do!” He protests, still wrinkling his nose dramatically, even going so far as to cover it with the palm of his hand, which you promptly swat away. “But not like this!” 
You stare at him, open mouthed. “What is that supposed to mean?” 
Seungmin leans around Jisung to catch your eye, an exasperated look washing across his features, before he deadpans, “He means you smell like fucking.” 
“Oh my god.” You roll your eyes, throwing your hands in the air. “Seriously? Are you in the fourth grade?” 
“No.” Jisung pouts, crossing his arms over his chest, glaring at you, as he snuggles back further against Seungmin, who gives him a little pat on the shoulder in support. “Fourth graders aren’t allowed to say ‘fuck.’” 
“I was.” Minho pipes up dryly, rather unhelpfully, from the opposite corner of the room. 
“You’re the exception.” Jisung throws out, without really looking in his direction. He keeps his glare level on you. “You know, noona, I can’t really decide what offends me more. The fact that you and hyung were off kanoodling while Seungmin and I were here worrying, or the fact that you didn’t even think to invite me.” 
“Dude!” You exclaim hopelessly, letting out a little laugh that verges on a scoff. “Being around you right now is torture! You literally smell so much like Jeongin it’s making my alpha feral, and Minho was the easiest, closest stress outlet.” 
Minho glances up from his phone at that and gives a wry little smirk. “I think that’s the sweetest, nicest thing you’ve ever said to me, sweetheart.” 
“Still.” Jisung visibly pouts, slumping back into the couch. 
You sigh, letting out a long breath, and try not to notice the hints of cinnamon and yeast still clinging to the beta sitting beside you. 
“Sungie.” You try, and he turns away from you with a humph, arms over his chest, glare avoiding your gaze. 
You grin a little, and lean over, butting your head against his chin until he has to notice you. 
“Sungie-” You wheedle, pitching your voice up, until you see his glare and hard expression finally wavering, his lips trying to twitch upward. “I’m sorry. We should’ve invited you, okay? Tensions are high and I wasn’t thinking clearly. Forgive me?” 
Jisung is still for a moment, and then he sighs, finally removing his arms from his chest and turning to face you with a glare that holds less bite than before. 
“Fine. But you owe me. Big time.” 
“How about-” You nuzzle your nose into his throat, scenting him lightly, and you feel him start to relax against you. You glance up at him, and meet his dark, doe eyed gaze. “-I start right now?” 
Jisung narrows his eyes. “I’m listening.” 
You bite back a smile, and raise a hand to twirl one of his dark curls around your finger. 
“How about, we go back to my place and make showering a group activity?” 
Jisung’s eyes spark with interest, though he fights to keep his expression impassive. 
“Can Seungmin come?” He asks, glancing back at the other beta, who has lost interest in the conversation, scrolling through his phone. 
“Well, yeah.” You immediately agree, pushing yourself up, until you can meet his mouth with yours, his plush lips parting beneath your own. Your voice drops to a whispered purr. “‘Group’ implies more than just the two of us, Sungie.”
Jisung swallows hard, and your eyes follow the movement, before he glances once more over his shoulder at the other beta and asks in a slightly strangled voice, “Minnie, you wanna go back to noona’s and shower with us?” 
Seungmin glances up, his expression indifferent, as he gives a little shrug of his shoulder. 
“Yeah, I guess.” 
Jisung turns back to you with a shrug of his own. “That’s all the enthusiasm you’re gonna get from him, noona. But basically, that’s a hell yes.” 
You laugh and stand, tugging Jisung, and then Seungmin, up with you. 
“Perfect. Let’s go.” 
“Okay, my turn.” 
You focus on the way the suds of the shampoo foam beneath your fingers as you massage Jisung’s hair as he talks, your hands buried up to the knuckles in his thick, ebony curls, tight and heavy with water. 
He looks thoughtful for a moment, leaned back against you in the small space of the shower, and then he grins, snapping his fingers as he announces triumphantly, “Okay. Got it!” His grin morphs into something slightly more wicked. “Who is most likely to end up on Korea’s Most Wanted? Chan-hyung or Minho-hyung?” 
Seungmin looks exasperated, rinsing his own shampoo beneath the running stream of water. “Hyung, these questions are supposed to be hard.” 
You laugh and smear a streak of shampoo down Jisung’s cheek when he pouts. 
“Minho. Obviously.” 
Seungmin shakes the excess water out of his hair and switches Jisung spots so he can rinse, leaning back against you, the warmth of his naked, freshly washed body comforting against your own. 
The beta lets out a sound that borders a snort. “Yeah, no offense, hyung, but your boyfriend is fucking scary. He’d murder someone just for looking at him wrong.” 
Jisung grins, his tightly shut eyes crinkling, as he washes another wave of suds from his hair. 
“Yeah, you’re right. He’s fucking hot though, so it all balances out.” 
You give a little half shrug in response. “Men who can kill you are always hot. I don’t make the rules.” 
You give Jisung a grin as he opens his eyes, and Seungmin glances between the two of you as if you’ve lost your minds. 
Finally, he lets out a heavy sigh and slowly shakes his head. 
“Sometimes I worry about the two of you.” 
“Ah.” You coo, tickling his sides, even as he swats your hands away, and lean in to press a sappy, sloppy kiss to his cheek. “You’re so sweet, baby.” 
“Shut up. I hate you both.” 
Jisung emerges from the water with grabby hands, smooshing an unwilling Seungmin between the two of you in a sandwich sort of embrace. 
“No you don’t, Minnie. You looooveeee us.” 
Seungmin swats irritatedly at the other beta, but doesn’t make a move to leave the sudden close quarters situation he’s found himself in, belying the truth beneath Jisung’s teasing words. 
You rest your chin on top of Seungmin’s head and snake your arms around his waist, taking Jisung by the hips and pulling him tighter against the two of you. 
“Okay, my turn.” You announce, settling against the cool wall of the shower, taking most of the relaxed, cuddling betas’ weight. 
Seungmin reaches for the body wash, and begins to gruffly rub some of the floral scented soap across Jisung’s bare chest. 
You don’t comment on the way his hands linger on the other beta’s defined pecs, but by the smug look on Jisung’s face, you know he’s noticed too. 
“Just don’t make it stupid. Or easy.” Seungmin grumps as he continues to lather, and Jisung makes a face at him. 
“Your words hurt me, Minnie. They really cut me to the core.” 
“Shut up.” Seungmin grumbles, moving to remove his hands from Jisung’s skin, but the older beta is too quick, looping his fingers around his boyfriend’s wrists with a smirk, keeping his hands firmly against his chest. 
Seungmin makes a noise of annoyance in his throat, but you don’t miss the slight pink flush to his cheeks, as after a moment, he silently resumes his scrubbing. 
“Okay.” You bite back your grin as you watch them. “Who’s most likely to say ‘I love you’ first between the two of you?” 
Seungmin’s hands go still on Jisung’s chest, and Jisung gives you a wide eyed stare over the other beta’s head, his lips slightly parted. 
You swallow hard, and push down the sudden nervous butterflies rising in your stomach. 
The steamy shower begins to fill with the scent of wisteria. 
“I-” Seungmin starts to say, his mouth open and closing a few times, as if your question has short circuited something in his brain. 
You give a breathless little laugh. 
“Okay, I’ll admit-” You admit quietly with another nervous chuckle, swallowing again, as you allow your hands to idly play with the hair at the base of Seungmin’s neck in an anxious sort of movement. “-that was a trick question. It’s me.” 
Jisung is still staring at you, and Seungmin is completely still against you. 
You force the words out past your lips, even though something inside of you is balking, reminding you of how this went the first time.
But this isn’t the first time. Or even the second. And not even close to the last. 
“I-” You take in a deep breath and exhale the words. “-love you.” 
Jisung’s eyes are so wide and dark that you feel you could get lost in them. 
He lets out a little breath, and his plush lips seal back together once more. 
“You-” He continues to stare. “-love us?” 
“Yeah.” You give a little nod, and try to ignore the fact that Seungmin still seems to be frozen in your arms. “I do.” 
Jisung gives a shocked little laugh, and his eyes light with something warm. 
“You love us.” He repeats, as if to make himself believe it, and you feel something warm and final settle into the pit of your stomach at the acceptance, and reciprocation, opening up his features the longer he ruminates. 
You glance down at the beta against you, still silent and unmoving.
“Min?” You question softly, putting a hand on his shoulder. 
He shifts, clearing his throat. 
“That was a really stupid question.” He murmurs hoarsely, clearing his throat again, as he finally moves, shifting his gaze past your own. “You were supposed to come up with something hard.” 
You grin, because with Seungmin, that’s as close to an acknowledgement, and acceptance, and reciprocation, as you’re going to get. 
“Sorry.” You apologize giddily, a little laugh of relief slipping past your lips. 
Seungmin humphs, and pulls away from the two of you, a light pink dusting his cheeks as he turns to shut off the water. 
“You two suck at games. I’m gonna have to teach you a thing or two.” 
Jisung matches your wild, wide grin above the other beta’s head. 
Laundry sneaks its way in between the wisteria blossoms, and underneath it all, a ginger laced ember begins to glow.
“Can’t wait, Minnie. Can’t wait.” 
“Do you think Roy is the top in the Royza relationship?” Jisung muses sleepily, his head on your chest, your fingers carding lazily through his hair. 
“No.” Minho replies back immediately, not even bothering to look up from his phone at the anime that’s currently playing on the TV quietly in the background. 
“That man has definitely been pegged.” You add on, reaching over Seungmin’s reclined form to grab another handful of popcorn from the bowl. 
“And enjoyed it.” Seungmin agrees with a slight nod, adjusting his glasses, the lights from the TV flashing across the lenses. 
Jisung snuggles in closer against your side, and you bury your nose in his hair, breathing in the smell of detergent and clean laundry. 
Ginger spices your nose as Seungmin shifts on your other side, his arm tossed lazily across your waist, his fingers subtly stroking the arch of Jisung’s cheekbone, the slope of his nose. 
Your phone vibrates, but you’re too comfortable and cocooned to even bother to search for it. 
Behind you, Minho rolls to his back, jostling your head out of its position of comfort, using him as a human pillow. 
You’re about to complain, when his phone vibrates as well, and he holds it above his head, squinting his eyes against the brightness of the screen. 
Suddenly, for some reason, nerves prickle across your skin, and your wolf raises its head. 
“(Y/N).” Minho says in a low voice, and you glance up at him, careful not to move and disturb the dozing beta lying on your chest. 
He turns the phone screen for you to see the text message scrawled there. 
Minho’s expression is serious, his eyes dark. 
Inside, your heart bottoms out of your chest.
“Chan needs you.” 
💗 Taglist:
@starlostjimin /
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 1 month
I'm sorry but I fucking hate proshippers so much so here's a whole post dedicated to shitting on them
also disclaimer YES I will be tagging the proship and anti proship tags so I can piss off the chronically online basement dwelling idiots :) and idgaf if proshippers have trauma cause it's not an excuse for their shitty and problematic actions!!!! Sincerely if you are a proshipper please consider jumping off a bridge!! Or at the bare minimum take a shower cause ew
And this whole post is literally just bullying the FUCK outta them so idk stanky people come at your own risk lol
AND AGAIN to clear up this isn't like rage bait or smth cause I fell like some people will accuse me this is all my genuine hate into a long ass post so yeah
But now on a serious not hehe, the reason I'm making this isn't JUST soley to yknow shit on people who are mentally ill like people who think a MINOR and a LEGAL ADULT are allowed to date, which comes into another thing before I get genuine so bare with me lol
Okay! Back to seriousness I just thought I'd add that in as a little addition hehe >_<
So, like I said before, I lowkey just added this as an extra part cause I couldn't shit on proshippers FOREVER (lowkey bcuz I was running out of insults n threats lol)
Nonetheless I have a reason for shitting on them, although not being a proshipper EXACTLY I have been through I guess, similar paths as they have? Best way I could describe it ig, ofc not sharing what I mean since it's private but let's just say I was an unfortunate child looking at inappropriate comics 🙁
The reason for this part of the post...ITS NOT THAT FUCKING HARD TO STOP WHAT YOUR DOING
Like I said, I was never a proshipper, but I have been in similar situations as they have been, although I've never made an account glorifying rape, SA, grooming, pedophilia, I can just assume what I would do in their places
Dear proshippers,
Your probably complaining and not knowing why your getting so much death threats and harassment along with a side of hate (rightfully so you deserve them) and your mental health might be low
Please know it is your fault for making your accounts in the first place, you are a terrible person for saying all of these things such as rape, sexual assault, grooming, and incest are okay and you are not mentally well
And your probably wondering,
"How do I stop the hate, harassment, and probably death threats with even getting your address leaked?"
It's simple, DELETE YOUR FUCKING ACCOUNT, or even worse just turn off ur comments but that won't help with people slipping in a few people wishing death up in you through DMS
I don't know what trauma you have but it shouldn't (and never in the first place) be SO BAD to the point where you physically CANNOT deactivate your account, IT IS SO FUCKING EASY AND YOU'LL SAVE YOURSELF A FEW SUICIDAL THOUGHTS
I know everyone one is different, but if you are a proshipper that has trauma, you shouldn't have a fucking account to begin with, and you ARE THE PROBLEM if you acknowledge the trauma, noticing you keep supporting and glorifying problematic actions, complain that you keep getting harassed and wonder why, and you just don't give a shit, not like in a "oh I don't know what to do anymore!!! 🥺🥺🥺" way, in a "oh, I don't give a shit I live for incest and adults grooming children!!!" Way, and ur also probably a pedo if ur an adult proshipper too
So, what else? Yeah, there's a shit more, but onto a better side, ones with actually good coping mechanisms!!
And a bit of a disclaimer, if your rage bait is proshipping, genuinely fuck you, and if ur a proshipper who acknowledges everything bad about it and just doesn't give a fuck, fuck you too and seek a rope to hang around your neck you fucking pedophile
Okay, coping mechanisms! I know this is probably not the best option due to most trauma which I'm guessing is probably from a family member, if it's not a good way to cope is some clean to your family, ofc under some circumstances it's NOT the best option, but if you can you definitely should try!
Also google is free yk...literally search up healthy coping mechanisms and it'll give you a huge ass list, and yet YOU STILL chose to ship a minor and adult together...how unfortunate...
Another way to cope is, and genuinely sounds pathetic as hell but bare with me...CHARACTER FUCKING AI, I mean, there are therapist bots so maybe they can help you??? And in all honesty they're really good at comforting and giving advice despite being ai, and I've tried it before...yeah embarrassed to say I've shed a tear every once in a while
And the last one IF you have the money, time, and generally the courage, book a threapy session, I cannot stress it enough, but I won't be surprised cause every proshipper is probably under the age of 16 years old
Yuhhh anyways that's all I gotta say, I know it's cringey asf but womp womp to proshippers I hate y'all despite giving some coping mechanisms and ACTUAL ways to like, stop the rightful hate you deserve lol
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doumadono · 1 year
So, on the 30th of September, Tumblr hit me with the infamous shadowban out of the blue. They took a whopping 10 days to even respond to my initial email notifying them of the issue.
Their response was a real head-scratcher. Apparently, my account and one of my works had been reported multiple times in a ridiculously short span. As a result, they slapped my account with the ban and threw it into the "check and investigation for potential malicious activity" pit. My account got tagged as a potential harassment, hate speech source, and even suspected terrorism (seriously, what the heck?) Who knew I could be so potentially malicious, right? 😅
But here's the kicker – the most surprising twist in this tale came in the form of an e-mail I received yesterday, after the ban had been lifted. Tumblr had provided me with the identity of the individual responsible for this reporting spree. Drumroll, please... It was someone I was super close to, like 2 years ago. Well, I'm shocked but not surprised as I parted my ways with them in rather negative atmosphere. But man, seriously? Then, Tumblr did their Sherlock Holmes act, sifted through my account, and concluded that everything reported was a big ol' nothing-burger.
Now, here I am, still with a weird taste in my mouth over the whole ordeal. It's the first time something like this happened to me, and I've been around since 2016. So, a dear friend suggested I should have a backup account, and where else to start but the good ol' @thepaperpanda, where my writing journey first began. If you'd like to stay in touch or just show some love, consider giving that blog a follow - in case the shadowban monster rears its ugly head again, we'll find a way to stay connected.
And hey, this is the perfect moment to give a shoutout to those who've been my rock during this dark time. @crystalwolfblog - in my hour of need, she was the lucky first to field my frantic call regarding my account's unfortunate banishment. With unflinching dedication, she clung to the phone for hours on end, soothing my agitated nerves and embarking on a valiant quest to rescue my beleaguered digital presence ♥ @mrskokushibo - the second pillar of strength in my life, always ready to provide unwavering support and clever solutions to any problem. Her guidance proved invaluable, and I'm deeply appreciative of her enduring patience during those challenging days! ♥ @sanriokamabodo - her generous support and heartfelt words were like a soothing balm for my soul in the midst of this challenging period, and I can't help but feel privileged to have her as my friend ♥ @greenwitchsalem - oh boy, what can I say? His words have a way of working their magic on me, like a soothing balm to my soul. I find myself inexpressibly grateful for his presence during this challenging period, as well as for the abundant warmth, encouragement, and unwavering support he offers ♥ @serenesaku & @muzansfangs - I must say, your overwhelming support and warm welcome upon my return after the shadowban are truly appreciated! ♥ I'd like to extend a shout-out to all the incredible folks who reached out to me, even if you didn't make it into the list above. Just so you know, each and every one of you holds a cherished spot in my heart. The overwhelming wave of support I received, even during my temporary absence from this site, left me utterly speechless. I mean, we're talking a whopping 14+ messages in the DMs just yesterday! You all are simply amazing.
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starlightshore · 5 months
Thanks for the Measured Response™. Unfortunately the character limit doesn't allow for much nuance in asks. My issue isn't so much with the character's actions as the way their conflict is framed. It always feels like we're supposed to judge Asriel way harsher - for ghosting the person responsible for their trauma - than Chara, who is actively trying to hurt them. I know you don't want to trivialize abuse, but the story still botches the subject pretty badly. Still, good luck with the rewrite.
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(sighs) please anon, while I do appreciate the effort to acknowledge the lack of nuance in the previous ask, I would much rather you approach me more reasonably. I don't appreciate you coming to me, a complete stranger to both of us, with this attitude of already guilty. can you please learn to talk to people more reasonably? like, I'm living my life out here and you come and accuse me in a really rude way of promoting abuse or whatever the far-fetched conclusion that ask could come across as.
I am more than happy to accept fault over my writing and do my best to improve, but I want to do so on friendly, acceptable terms. please withhold condemnation and explain how and why you feel the story was mishandled. You do so really nicely in the second ask and I appreciate that.
Ultimately, regardless of my intent, my story didn't convey the message and that's, at the very least, mostly my fault. I can try to explain why I'd argue I didn't fuck up as badly as you paint me as, but I will accept that the story I wrote was not emotionally paced well made it weigh more towards cruelty without the hope and understanding I wanted the story to be read as.
I want to stress that I take abuse deadly seriously. I'm a victim of emotional abuse myself and this is something I am desperate to portray in all of its ugly, dirty detail and I want to do it without hurting people. I obviously failed when I first wrote this and I want to say thank you for coming to me about it, even if I feel there is still some friction here I want to express that gratitude. But also please be aware of how you approach people. (referring to the OG ask here).
i wanna defend myself here a little and say I think you're missing the bigger picture of the framing of that scene. I feel you forgot the context of that scene and where it's placed in the story. It's this post.
Previously, that entire chapter had Chara idolizing the Asriel they knew as a child. Their timetravel ability being removed meant they longed for that power to control the narrative and live in the past. its like, metaphorical shit for how when growing up its hard to move on from the past and accept that you're aging.
That scene was the point where Chara realized that Asriel wasn't perfect -and has never been. The story is framed by Chara's POV exclusively and navigates Chara's feelings about their separation from Asriel. The "abuse" of that scene is the feeling of an older sibling telling them to "fuck off" and "stop acting like a victim" which are like... like devoid of the context of Asriel's perspective (which we didn't have at this point in the story) is a very hurtful and emotionally damaging thing to say to someone. I can see how someone reading that, who could have been through a similar situation, would react very badly to seeing that in the comic. Thus the content warning. I honestly don't know if "abuse" is the right word here, but what is someone going to have blacklisted for this? Like I said, my goal is to avoid hurting so I'm not going to not tag it. It's an issue of vocabulary vs. accessibility. I still wouldn't know what to tag this tbh.
the overall narrative of the comic is that Chara's perspective of Asriel was holding themself back. they were wallowing over a perfect picture that never existed -which reflected how they hate themselves for not living up to the perfect angelic ideal that they obviously could never have lived up to.
Chara condemning Asriel for being Flowey and being a jerk is the first step towards chara acknowledging their own blame in the equation. pretending the problem doesn't exist and that you're inherently awful doesn't fix things. Immediately after tossing out Flowey, they realize they are a flower as well. (literally becoming the thing they just condemned Asriel)
Once The two reconcile with the help of Actual Adults in the situation, the story changes POV to Asriel. It's then we're given context to Asriel's perspective and to show, that yeah, both of them Suck as people. That both are capable of majorly fucking up. And that's because the tools they're given a life of trauma and being reborn into a world that doesn't understand your damage is in itself traumatizing.
so idk man. the framework here serves a purpose and while I plan on showing a more nuanced and balanced pace -I really need to show the characters having more things going on than their larger conflict + be happier with each other. (the problem with writing for an askblog is that its very reactive and its easier to lean into tension and relationship drama than focus on the lighter but necessary moments. I know for sure the redraw will be better at this)
But yeah the framework, as it stands, feels good to me. Maybe in the details of how it's shown I'll be able to handle the nuances more gracefully but with the larger goal in mind, I'm not sure how I can change that? I would really love to hear your thoughts on that.
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runwayrunway · 1 year
Possibly an unpopular opinion but the striped condors are cute and you're just a little hater. (This is all lighthearted jesting ofc so don't take this seriously, but I stand by my opinion on the livery nevertheless.)
It's actually not really an unpopular opinion. I ran a survey about this!
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Things to note when reading this: the sample size was 50, of whom 5 did not respond to the question and were excluded. Two other options were provided, 'I'm neutral' and 'it's boring', and nobody picked either. Some of these were free-responses but I grouped them in with the answer they best fit.
So you're actually in line with about one-tenth of a very limited sample. But I consider the opinion way less unpopular when you consider that almost nobody actually feels entirely one way or the other, and most have some degree of conflict or nuance. This livery isn't just divisive between people, it's divisive in people's own minds. And literally every answer got responses, with people even saying that they don't like it but think it's a good design, which is an option I actually put on there as a joke!
I legitimately find some charm in the condor livery, for the record. The fact that I've written a lot about condor isn't because of mindless hatred, it's because I think it's a livery that lends itself a lot to analysis. My opinion is not a kneejerk 'oh, it's ugly'. I have extensively discussed the fact that I think the concept is very good. My issue is not the fact that the planes have stripes and that makes them ugly, but the fact that the implementation is incredibly sloppy and poorly thought out and it just crosses a line from tacky chic to actually aesthetically displeasing. Things like the blank engines, the wordmark, and the almost arbitrary-seeming width of the stripes prevent this design from reaching its potential.
I do derive some charm from the condor planes. But I literally review airline liveries. I'm not going to pretend I don't think they're ugly. I'm reviewing the design, not the actual airplanes. In fact, I've given very low grades to designs I actually find somewhat visually pleasing.
I also just don't hate condor's livery as a livery. It comes up a lot because it's just useful as a tool of comparison and analysis. I don't actually think it's a failure as a livery despite being ugly, and it usually comes up when I'm comparing it favorably to other airlines. Me reclassifying it to a Z grade was really broadly formative to how I think of bad liveries. I see a lot of people in the tags talking about how they at least prefer it to liveries that are boring and, like, yes, that's exactly the point I've been making for a long time now!
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I really do recommend reading the reclassification post to get my full reasoning on the subject, but my conclusion is literally that condor's livery is basically antiperfect.
I'm actually glad you sent an ask because I was otherwise going to make a post on the topic and this is just a much less forced segue into the topic. It's unreasonable to expect people to scroll back on my blog and read all of my older condor posts so I want my opinion beyond that one out-of-context funny post where I call the stripes ugly and cringe to be available upfront to people seeing this blog for the first time. I'm not a hater. I just think condor's livery is ugly. It's legitimately one of the most important liveries I've reviewed and I'll stand by that, and the fact that it keeps generating discussion is kind of proof of that.
(Well, no, I am a hater. But I hate Lufthansa. I started this blog specifically because I hate Lufthansa.)
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beatrice1979a · 8 months
second take...
WIP Ask Game
In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I had a long post written at 4 am this morning and I deleted by mistake trying to tag someone else. Ok whatever. Let me see if i remember what I wrote
@aidanchaser thank you for the tag. I'm enjoying reading fics mostly. Shadyclaw fics only. Blatant lie.
But anyway... wips... I only have 3 fics so i'll give you some info so no need to send me questions.
Unnamed shadyclaw fic. I may finish it eventually it's only a 3 chapter fic or maybe oneshot. The spoiler is here
My Darling Curse (the only WIP that survived destruction. I wrote it 15 years ago an its missing only 4 chapters and I HATE leaving things undone). Its an old fandom (Ugly Betty) gay fic back before same sex marriage was ruled in NY (mind you, Canada was ok back then but the characters are based in the US). so yeah... struggles were real
Young Getty Love. (Ugly Betty) I'll add this for measure. Because I hate incomplete stuff. and I just read the comments from 15 years ago. And its true. comments make you feel better even if they were posted gazillion years ago. Well... if i finally learn to write teen characters (which i DON'T) I might write a thing or two for MLB. But probably not...
Because right now I am sketching... and long post about drawing and blablabla. and why i dont write etc etc... and that i make tons of grammar errors and never proof my writing and bla bla... I really enjoy reading this fandom better. I am learning compostion, exposure and how to handle dialogue. MLB writers are quite diverse and talented. I love it!
Ok skipping to the part where I tag people. Let me try to remember...
@kuromori4 show me what you are writing, please
@fandomofone seriously. I need to know if you are writing more shadyclaw because I loved your last post.
@coffeebanana I don't think you've done this game. so there you are tagged...I also find it lovely that @fandomofone met me after 15 years in the comment section of one of your fics. One that is NOT a shadyclaw fic. Which I won't admit I read secretly. because EVERYONE knows i only read shadyclaw fics
... ok back on my train of thoughts...
@asukiess I mentioned you. But i think you have posted about it before? not sure.
post ended.
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mingos · 7 months
things your muse will notice about mine
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what they look like:
what you imagine an angel would look like. or a devil. you can't quite decide which. really, it depends on the lighting, the wideness of his smile, and whether or not you can see his impossibly long tongue. you can't see his eyes. you're not permitted toーno one is. instead, they're hidden behind tinted, red sunglasses with frames sculpted to make it look like he's always judging you. because he is.
and he's tall. like, freakishly tall. like nature itself has conspired since his birth to ensure he's as imposing as possible to the average person. and, somehow, he is; despite his gaudy clothes, despite his wide-legged, waddling gaitーhe's terrifying.
beautiful, with a face & body almost scientifically engineered to draw you in, but terrifying.
what they smell like:
expensive. that's the first word that should come to mind: whatever he's wearing just smells like it's expensive. floral or citrus seem to be his preferred scents, well-suited for a man who is the king of a tropical island and already dresses like he's permanently on vacation.
speaking of: for a man that can't swim, the cloud of chlorine & sweat around him certainly makes him smell like he spends most of his free time by the pool. probably because he does.
and then there's the alcohol. somehow, no matter what time of day you find him, he always smells like he just had a drink. it's not always overpowering; oftentimes, his great hygiene compensates for it enough that you can only smell it if you're standing close enough to smell his breath. but, still... how? it's 7am.
what they taste like:
ah, there's the alcohol again, though not as strong as you thoughtーmore of just an undercurrent that you can smell stronger than you taste. perhaps his fantastic oral hygiene (i mean, look at those perfect teeth) is his saving grace in this regard, and the undercurrent of mint keeps his breath fresh enough that it's bearable.
what they sound like:
what's so funny? that's what you want to ask him, because he keeps laughing and you don't know why. it's actually starting to piss you off a little. it's the strangest thing you've ever heard: the kind of laugh that sounds less like a laugh the more you hear it, like something trapped between a cough & a wheeze. it's ugly, and unnerving, but also... it's worming its way into your brain, and now you can't tell if you hate it or don't.
somehow, even when he's not laughing, he still sounds like he is. his voice has this curl to it, like he's not taking anything you say seriously. like he's looking down on you. again, probably because he is.
what they feel like:
for someone with such a vile spirit, and such toned muscles, he feels surprisingly... soft? soft hair, soft skin, soft handsーthe softest hands you've ever felt, honestly. clearly he takes incredible care of them. though, perhaps someone as vain as him putting extra time & effort into his appearance shouldn't be that surprising at all.
his chest is waxed smooth, and he fidgets a lot. when he does, you can feel the tight little ropes of bulging veins under his skin, especially in his hands and his neck. above his right hip, there's a small patch of rough skinーa scar from being pierced by an arrow as a child. don't ask him about it.
similarly, don't ask him about the old scars you can feel through his shirt sleeves when you grip his upper arms, or the scars you can feel when you place you hands on his back. they're hidden for a reason. don't bring them up.
tagged: stole it hehehe tagging: steal it from me bestie
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hawkeyedflame · 9 months
"anyway, go ahead and post your screenshots, like i give a fuck. i never said anything in that server that i don't stand by still, and i certainly never harassed anyone. while you're doing that, maybe go outside and touch some grass. like, seriously. live your life outside in the real world like a normal person and you might realize that nobody gives a flying fuck about your internet temper tantrums."
This is just Peak ironic and hypocrisy of you and your friends given what they were doing in there but I'm sorry that you just want to sweep everything underneath the rug and act like you're forgiven or have Redemption now when you haven't done anything to become a better person lol lmfao even.
It's super duper funny to watching you try to take the high road here 😂 but just know people know the real you twerp
2) Rules for the not we must be very strong motto with you too 😂 But again it's so crazy how you just lied and then immediately resended that lie and tried to wiggle your way out, you want to talk about being racist or sexist or homophobic but wait till the screenshots come out and I'll tag everything appropriately there for you and see how your friend still feel about you but deep down you haven't changed and wont change just like your creepy pals that were in there with you haven't stopped or changed as well but I'm going to guess that you just conveniently avoided all that somehow huh 3) You were so upset over hominis and his wife both racist sexist garbage people 🤡 enjoy your side show clowns ya freakshow 😂 Karma will see to you, don't worry ugly. 4) Awe you're upset of cisnowflake too another horrible sexist racist loser? For all your projecting and positioning you try to do on your page you're still just the same person you have been 2 years ago and even further back because no matter where you go or what you do you are still you Paige and your true colors will bleed back through and you can't change the hate in your heart anymore than you can change how retarded, ironic and hypocritical you are 😂 Cuz again I don't see you renouncing your friends Behavior or what they did or your part in it you're just mad because I'm here calling you out about it while you're trying to save face. I mean again if you truly moved on and are turning this new page relief you could have just apologized or said you know what that situation was horrible but no you double down back to like you always do and will again. Garbage person, simple ass 🤷‍♂️ 5)Again it's just funny you go from you weren't in any kind of Discord doing harassment or talking shit about people you dont even know and then you admit that you were in there and you stand by everything that you said but then say you've changed and its others problems what you did and caused. Yup that's the way to have integrity and maturity and to get to the next level of being a better person for sure just sleeping everything underneath the rug and flipping everybody off in the process. I hope your life is as "pleasant" as you have been.
I go to bed and then go to work and come back to this word vomit... You might actually be more deranged than the chick from the FMA fandom who was tweaking out about me supposedly being a transphobe. I'm legitimately impressed by your dedication. Honest.
So anyway, this is really funny, I guess since you're on anon like a spineless worm, you're giving me the liberty of having the last word, because I certainly won't be answering any more asks from your crazy ass after this lol
I am friends with very few people in that server. The people who are/were in there at the time that I was also using the server were acquaintances at most, with the vast majority being strangers I'd never met. I never once participated in harassing or being hateful towards anyone while I was using that server. As I said, post your screenshots if it will make you feel big and cool. I do not give a fuck. It's not like I'm going to waste my time looking at whatever "evidence" you think you have on me.
I didn't lie. I said I don't use servers, which is true. I did not say that I've never used servers. 2+ years of not participating in any servers constitutes saying that I do not use servers. You're grasping at straws, it's pretty sad.
When was I ever upset about Hom and his wife? They can take care of themselves. This doesn't even make any sense.
This is actually just really funny. You're here on anon trying to tell me you know me well enough to know whether I've changed as a person. I have, believe me. Just not in my political opinions. I don't need to renounce anything or apologize for anything, because I am not any of the things you are accusing me of being, nor are any of the people you have brought up by name in this weird little mental breakdown you're having in my inbox.
Again, didn't lie. Didn't talk shit about anyone I don't know except for a couple of creepy-ass tumblr losers that were outright stalking a couple of my acquaintances. Perhaps you're assmad because you're one of those stalkers? Much to think about. My life is extraordinarily pleasant, yes, and getting better every single day. Thank you for the well wishes. Happy new year :)
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captainaikus · 2 years
Hi hi!!
I started a writing blog (@r3nsukes)
What would your advice be for amateur me?
I really enjoy writing but it feels forced and ugly...
Hi doll ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა congrats on starting the new writing blog :p
Advice : Blog structure don't stress too much abt it cause everyone finds their theme n setup eventually, i think the nanase profile is very cute <3 Writing wise : 1. Don't stress it. Like seriously don't - cause if you force yourself to write, it won't turn out well. It's okay if a fic doesn't get out on time, it's okay if you lose followers because of it and its okay to take it at your own pace. I know that when I was writing my yandere rin fic, it took a lot of time. I lost followers since they couldn't get it when they wanted, but I honestly didn't care cause it is my fic and i will take how much ever time i want with it. 2. Tumblr tends to have a lot of escalating discourses - mostly people pointing out that you're writing about "minors." ik it got really bad with the boku no hero fandom Cause of this it's important to write the character's age in the start of the fic so that people can associate with it more. Especially the case where you write nsfw. Tags aren't enough so write what the fic contains at the start like i use tags such as : nsfw, dark content or contains sexual content - etc. so that people know what they are reading 3. Researching about a topic before you decide to write it. Research is extremely important as it can point out what you're working with and details to elaborate your story. 4. If you're new to writing and don't know what to do first, try taking requests or asking people what they want to see you write - its a good phase to push your writing n experiment with your writing style. Tumblr has a separate blog page for writing prompts and is pretty popular among authors who don't know what to write. but basic key is to not force it, cause writing from inspiration and writing from pressure really reflects when you're reading your work.
go heavy with the tags - you can fit upto 30 of them. since you're a new writer, it might take some time for it show up in the tagged work - since i write on ao3 n not tumblr except for asks or games, another thing you should take care of is the spam liking. cause that can get your blog shadow-banned ; i.e. not turn up in the tags (personally i got frustrated cause of hate n ppl reporting my works) but apart from that, I think i got most of it. I hope this helps n i wish you luck with your writings n your new blog :) feel free to ask if you need anything else okay? <3
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feralscales · 9 months
venting, feel free to ignore (tws in tags) -
ive been very, very discontent with my physical features recently. it just seems like nothing about my body aligns with what i want to look like, or how i imagine myself. it hurts. it really hurts. i feel like im gaining weight, even though ive unintentionally lost a few pounds. and i know theres nothing wrong with being overweight but that isnt what *I* want to look like, nor do i think it would be healthy for me. it also feels as though my body doesnt match my face?? like they're two completely separate parts that have been haphazardly molded together. idk. i just really hate everything about my body and im not sure any amount of compliments or reassurance could help. i mean seriously. will anyone saying i look "good" or "fine" really just suddenly make this fucked up body look any better?? no it fucking wont. i dont even know why people try to cheer me up like that. i doubt its ever worked for them. I look like i was molded out of clay by someone who has never worked with clay before. im so disproportionate. im ugly. im fucking ugly. im bordering overweight. my arms are sticks compared to my torso. my hands are small and baby-ish. my face is round and fat. im the shortest person i know. im 5'2. 5'2 and transmasc. its like the world was setting me up for failure when i was being made.
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wutlaikalikes · 1 year
bugs and socials
just some of my thoughts, scroll past
>>> Tumblr tags bugged?
About a month ago, I noticed that posts I initially posts private then changed to public the next day doesn't show under in-blog tags. And a couple of days I go, I mentioned that the email support I get from Tumblr support was kinda disappointing.
I think on my second email to them, I asked if the posts were bugged and if its a known issue. But of course, it could be an internal thing and I didn't address that inquiry.
And just today, I received another email basically acknowledging my report, which I'm relieved they finally understood the issue. There were a couple of names that would answer my emails, so I guess some of them didn't understand what I was saying. I might have been too detailed or flowery with my emails... or you know, I've worked on contact support as well, maybe they just want to go home? I get chu tho but maybe don't do that? lol
Anyways, if you are new to Tumblr, you can organize your posts using tags and feature them somewhere on your blog page. You can check out this article from the Tumblr Help Center. Organizing with Tags
>>> Twitter
Honestly, I'm just waiting for HoloPlus to be released outside Japan cause that is the only reason why I go to Twitter (I refuse to call it X). But earlier today, I read a Tweet from a fanbase, the actor they like is leaving Twitter. They understood why but, this is the point that I agree on, the community that they built is on Twitter. And its not exactly easy to use Threads with the same comforts as Twitter. You can't suddenly tell a whole community to move to a new social media, especially Threads.
If there is something I will miss on Twitter, that is the bookmarks. I like post heavily. I use bookmarks to easily find posts that I want to silently follow or images that I want to use as reference or for memes.
I also like to use lists. This would sound like I'm stalking but there are certain individuals that I follow privately and I added them to a private list cause I'm a little shy to follow them openly.
But what I would miss the most are basically people that I follow there. I don't use Twitter just for Holostars, I do follow other vtubers outside HoloPro. I also follow some celebrities like Mark Hamill (I'm not sure if he manages his Instagram but he has one). There are also artist there that mainly uses Twitter promote their art. And there are artist that I follow who specializes in sexually explicit art (usually BL).
>>> Instagram
But I wanted to try Instagram and Threads, I used to use Instagram a lot with especially when I used to experiment with facepainting and special effects make-up. But I put a hold on to that cause I got unmotivated when an uncle told me it was ugly. I mean tell me is it? Also when uncle said that, it was summer and I wasn't doing much make-up stuff anyway due to the heat in my room. I basically just fell off since then. But I kinda wanna use it again but to post my drawings. I do use Tumblr and deviantArt. Though, I am thinking of dropping deviantArt because of recent policies.
I do have Instagram on mobile and I actually hate using it. I know it is intended to be used on mobile but I usually use my computer more. The thing I don't like with the browser version of Instagram is that I can't control how I would like to crop my photo. It starts on the middle always. Unlike on mobile there is more freedom to choose. I guess I can just crop them before post but seriously though, why not have the same option?
>>> Threads
I really shouldn't have made an account. Honestly, I did that just so I can keep the username I usually use. After making an account, I discovered that I didn't have to worry about it since it uses the same login as Instagram. I also discovered right away that I can't delete the account unless I also want to delete my Instagram... that part sucked!
Sure there are room for improvements but its been about 3 months and the only change I've seen is that they added a following section. Which is great and all but I think one of the feature Twitter users like, that they decided to remove, is circles. Having a public account but keep some posts private and only visible to friends is a great feature. Sure, you can limit who can respond but that little security that only select people can see your posts, is a great feature.
Seriously Threads, Twitter is removing Circles. I think you can add that feature, users love that feature.
>>> final thoughts
I actually hate having many accounts. Currently right now the one I use the most is Tumblr. At some point in the past, I also considered deleting Instagram and deviantArt. But for now, I'm going to keep them.
links: Instagram || Threads || Twitter || deviantArt || Tumblr (secondary blog for art)
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artificialgrinder · 1 year
Rugirl song review tag #2
Part 2, waddup?
Song no 1: Zubi Zubi Zubi - Raja Gemini
Now this...guys. This is art. Seriously, like, this has the potential to be one of those sexy ass, deliciously amazing villain songs. And if you haven't listened to it yet then die correct that. Raja ate with this shit and didn't have to like fuck. She died for our sins.
Song no 2: I Can't Love You - Adore Delano
I love this one; very sad and melancholic. Vocals are amazing, I mean, it's fucking Adore. She's the best vocalist to come from drag race in my opinion. But it kinda reminds me of AS2 and that makes me sad.
Song no 3: Ugly - Courtney Act
The first time I heard this, my wee Irish heart broke for poor Courtney. Remember she went through that phase where she was hooking up with race chasers but they couldn't get into it and she thought it was because she wasn't enough? Nah! Courtney is enough. She is wholesome and sweet and important. She deserves to feel beautiful and I'm proud of where she is now. Sorry, back to the song. Sad but a bop. Just feels like a spring time song to listen to when its lightly raining outside. And as usual her voice is beautiful.
Song no 4: Battle Axe - Sharon Needles
Okay so I've only listened to this like once. And now that I'm listening again, I gotta say; thanks, I hate it. Like, not just 'cause Sharon's a shitty person, but the song in general is just a bit shite tbh. Like... "I'm a boss...apple sauce..." Clearly couldn't find anything to rhyme. Like why not "double cross" or something?? Like, wow, sis. And even the exaggerated American accent. I've always had a thing with people singing this way, like it feels lazy like they knew they couldn't really sing. Idk, just a woeful song. (But I do remember Phi Phi in the music video and that was fun to see).
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eaterofstickers · 3 years
I've been watching since the beginning, and I never noticed Rob's got work done. Maybe I'm a complete dummy lol. I thought roids, maybe.
this is so wild to me bc i noticed it like immediately?? as i was watching the series. i straight up can't ignore it it's so obvious to me. to the point where i find it to be really distracting sometimes (same can be said for kaitlin and glenn, though they fixed some stuff before this season bc they looked somewhat normal again).
but you're far from the only one who didn't see it; when i first brought it up in the server everyone was like what in the goddamn hell are you talking abt.....
(PLS dont rb this i dont wanna get into shit over it 💀)
#had to pull out pictures to compare and shit lmfao#ok uh WARNING. unreasonable amount of tags incoming#for the record none of this actually matters‚ i just get heated over the tiniest shit sometimes dont take it too seriously lol#now that thats outta the way let the ranting begin#there r SO MANY THINGS that bother me abt his face its insane but the main thing is the teeth. bro#the fucking veneers. mac used to have normal‚ slightly crooked‚ bunny teeth and all of a sudden he's got BRIGHT NEON WHITE‚ perfectly–#straight teeth????#it's just such a weird contrast it doesnt fit mac at all#it doesnt make SENSE and honestly. it's ugly#sorry rob it's just ugly. ur teeth looked fine before#as for kaitlin her entire face is different. she looks like a whole other person#it was at its worst in s13 her eyebrows were LITERALLY NOT MOVING#she would have her eyes wide open & the rest of her face wouldnt budge even a little bit#(s14 too. for an example go to that scene in gets romantic where mac tells her shes his new romantic lead)#for glenn it was the eyes. not sure what he did to em but they were. weird#they can do whatever they want w their bodies btw im not saying otherwise. not gonna stop me from complaining abt it on tumblr.com though :/#not only does it fuck w the appearance of the characters it fucks w the ACTING#kaitlin's face was so fuckin stiff her facial expressions were suffering (& she used to b great at em :/)#sigh. the veneers............. have i mentionned how much i hate the veneers!!!#anon#asks
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