#i shock people sometimes w/ that…. lmao
treecakes · 2 years
not me growing up on farms my whole life and not being able to lift stuff 😭😭😭
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maerrine · 9 months
man i am a little bummed about how this means that all this time we thought dazai was struggling for the first time was actually all just faked though. i hope we get to see dazai out of his depth at least once before the end of the series.
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diorsbrando · 2 years
SOSA!! I saw your blogs abt ShinWaka and JUST as I was reading, @/obitohno posted a drab about Shin and I screeched cause it was like fate ! My feed has been full of Shin lately and I’m so in love with him thanks to you!
NONNIE! im so glad i was able to orchestrate this for you 😏 i need to read that drabble from my sweetie pie jordan 🏃🏽‍♀️ but yes idk shin has slowly, very slowly been invading my subconscious and it’s like i need more of him idk. but you’re so welcome 🫶🏾
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cyber-neon-at-night · 5 months
I cannot get over just hoW GREAT HAZBIN HOTEL IS!!!!
(Spoilers for episode 4)
Can i just say how much I loved the "Loser Baby" song duet between Husk and Angel like omllll
I'm a loser, honey~
A schmoozer and a dummy~
Just some quick thoughts like, I loved how it was a subversion of the sort of disney-esque 'cheer-up' song if you get what i mean. It starts off all slow and clearly leading up to something and then BAM!
You've lost your way,
You think your life's been wrecked,
Well, let me just say you're
Angel: *shocked pikachu face*
I also just really love the message behind it and how instead of it being some traditional message about simply realizing how Great Your Life Is, Actually, the song is about validating your feelings on how much your life *does* suck, but you don't have to go through it alone.
Actually I just realized the whole song is basically just "Stop thinking you're special". I get how some people see that as a bad message (at first) considering what Angel goes through, but like, him staying in that mindset of "No one knows what I'm going through, No one else knows what it's like to be me, etc." would not be good for him at all. Isolation is never the answer to your problems, just so you know.
I've already seen people be like, "Husk is calling Angel a crybaby and to just get over his trauma because its hell and everyone's life sucks" and they almost(?) get it, but the point just went and flew over their heads i guess.
To be clear, the point is that Husk calls Angel a loser bc people, especially very hurt people, need to break their cycle of self-loathing somehow. And sometimes, sometimes, people need to hear that they are, in fact, a loser.
But that's okay.
Because a lot of other people are too.
You just need to find the other losers out there and connect w/ them instead of sentencing yourself to isolation bc you think your pain is special and unique.
The message isn't "You're not special dickhead lmao" its actually "You're not alone in this."
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parkerflix · 1 year
—ethan landry nsfw hc’s
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ethan landry brainrot is real
18+ mdni! aged up too (senior in college it ties in w my hc’s ok ok) feel free to add ur thoughts too ya
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-okay so
-ethan i feel would like somehow end up being a frat bro like
-he’d probably in a frat because he made a bet w chad and they both just ended up rushing
-i feel like he would be shocked everytime that he passes a rush step
-anyways he’s a frat bro now along w chad but he’s like more quiet
-but yk the brothers gotta give him shit and so they throw a massive party
-and pretty much just tell ethan to get his dick wet that day — he chickens out & is awkward around the girl that he’s trying to flirt with
-but somehow?? he ends up in bed with some other girl only after he makes sure she’s able to consent!
-i feel like he’s huge on consent and needs vocalization of boundaries
- he literally fumbles around has NO clue what he’s doing
- does learn how to give really good head though
-he’s definitely more of a giver than a receiver like he just doesn’t know how to vocalize his wants which is so funny
-anyways after making the girl cum twice, he finally finally gets the show on the road
-he’s not the best at pacing, but the girl is more than willing to tell him what he should do, and he responds well
-he gets embarrassed because he cums pretty quickly, more than he would prefer but it wasnt too awkward
-anyways that’s his first time
-after that it’s like well known within the school that he’s super good at giving head
- he’s not one to sleep w many people? he has had a few flings here & there and they all have talked about him and it’s kinda made him infamous lmao
- he definitely has had chad give him pointers— they have made out and it got weird between them so they were like nvm
- anyways he’s got people lining up to fuck him (they’re real for that!) and something kinda ? flips his senior year
-probably just not wanting to miss out and not wanting to be the odd one out in the frat house
-he’s very shy and needy so people loved that about him but when they got into bed w him wheww
-he definitely has some kinks that could be too much for others
-choking kink for sure
-i feel like he’s a switch really depending on the person & how comfortable he is with them
-has a spit kink?? LOVESSSS getting messy hes sooo
-i feel like he would also definitely not tell many people unless yk it’s his s/o if he ever gets one but he secretly has a knife kink
-he doesn’t wanna hurt the person? but something about it just makes his dick twitch in his pants
-he totally doesn’t mind fucking in public, but semi-public
-like i feel like he’d hate being so out in the open but like??? a dressing room??? a club bathroom?? yeah he loves those
- likes being restrained & restraining— he’s not picky as to w what, but it’s not one of his top
-likes threesomes but only after setting boundaries and i have a feeling he’d only like them w a s/o and one of their friends whether it’s his friend or his s/o’s friend
-both a degrading kink and a praise kink
-will not say he has a praise kink (you can tell by his hand gripping your hair harder when you praise him)
- likes when you cry when he’s being particularly mean, he doesn’t become too mean but he sometimes shows it
- takes his sexual health so seriously he’s literally always getting tested (as he should!) he’s cautious
-but w that said once he finds a partner he literally loves fucking raw
-definitely for sure 100000% sure has a breeding kink
- ties it in w his marking kink like he just wants his partner to know they’re his
-he doesn’t really have a position that’s his fave as long as he’s enjoying it, he’s pretty open to try anything once if you like it
-will vocalize to you if he doesn’t like it
favorite types of sex:
-angry sex
-just soft sex
-he’s big on cockwarming too like he only prefers to do it with a partner, he’s definitely one of those people that sees it as a more intimate type thing
-cant control himself though and will fuck up into you
-he’s not like huge? idk i feel like he’s a little bit longer than average but once he knows what you like he makes the most of it
-he definitely wants to make a video with you like i can sense it
-he’s huge into foreplay he just wants to make sure that you’re both on the same page ):
-he’s a massive tease and knows it, he licks his lips a lot subconsciously and has learned how to do it around people
-grrr he’s so <333333
-oh before i go he has a sex playlist that he had chad help him with and it had like a rlly nice vibe
-but he has queued one song that was totally not in the mood ( it was the campfire song from spongebob he was mortified afterwards) (his brothers put that in the queue from their phone LMAOOOOOO)
-okay now i’m done
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bonefall · 4 months
Talk and/or rant about why you like Bumble from DotC please?
Bumble makes me want to cry. Her story is just... heartbreaking. She's one of the sweetest, most honest characters in the entire series, and the way she is abused by Tom the Wifebeater and denied asylum by the Moor Cats, then murdered for Clear Sky's arc, genuinely makes me feel sick.
But I've talked about that before. Many, many times. Let me celebrate her brief life for this one post, just covering her during The Sun Trail. Her first appearance in Book 2 where Clear Sky murders her, Thunder Rising, is the start of the scene that begins her slow, agonizing death.
I don't only love her out of spite for how she died; I love her because she was a wonderful, warm, confident character, and an excellent friend. She provided relief from the agonizing Settler group, who are insufferably angsty and controlling of each other, and most importantly, space away from Turtle Tail's awful friend, Gray Wing.
The closer that Bumble gets to Turtle Tail, the more confrontational Gray Wing becomes. He starts to hate Bumble, as if she's stealing his Plan B while he spends all the rest of his time with Storm. I'm convinced that the writers (and the fandom sometimes <_<) believe that this is "compelling romantic drama" which makes Turtle x Gray sweeter when it finally happens, but it just makes me feel like TurtleGray is the Bad Ending for every woman character involved.
After a brief appearance as she witnesses the Settlers arrive on the moor, the very first time we get to meet Bumble is when Gray Wing and Turtle Tail are hanging out on some sunny rocks. She's cheerful, outgoing, and curious, wanting to get to know her new neighbors.
Gray Wing, the POV character, immediately makes an incorrect assumption about her weight, thinking she won't be able to climb. She can, just fine, and she plays an Uno Reverse card on how skinny they are lmao
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First thing out of her mouth is, "Oh you are SKIN AND BONES!!" Same energy as grandma who is about to make you feel more full than you have ever been in your entire life, considering she's going to open her home to Turts in a couple chapters.
They get into a conversation where Bumble asks where they came from, and why they left the mountains. She remains friendly and open, just enjoying small talk with these total strangers. She's enjoyable and lighthearted, in welcome contrast to the Settler's group which is full of moping, miserable cats.
(and in my live-read I was even frustrated at the time by how it seemed like the Settlers would have 1 or 2 nice moments, and then go back to fighting or brooding. It's unpleasant.)
In this first interaction it's just a glimmer, but it seems that what Turtle Tail LIKES about Bumble is that she makes her feel special. She LISTENS, unlike how Gray Wing is going to be in a couple of chapters.
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She likes telling the shocking tale of giant birds to Bumble, and Bumble is happy that they're away from such hardships now. When Turtle Tail turns the questions back on her, Bumble is happy to gush about her life as a house cat.
She loves her people, playing with their children and always having plenty of food, explaining that when she gets bored she comes to the woods for a nice walk. Then, she mentions something very important.
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Historically, there WAS no aggression towards outsiders. Cats like Bumble didn't take what they didn't need, and were left alone for it. This first interaction paints the full picture. Bumble wasn't afraid of the Settlers because there never was a reason to be scared.
CLEAR SKY is inventing the borders to aggrieve random cats. Him. His idea. Before him, you could walk through the forest freely like Bumble did.
This is before the arc irrevocably goes up in flames at the end of Book 3 by committing to a Clear Sky "Redemption," and is forced to create One Eye and Slash out of nowhere for Books 4/5/6. Before that absolutely baffling mistake of a choice, it is clear that The Settlers are the problem.
There WAS no Slash or One Eye. They were retconned in midway through the arc to make Clear Sky and The Settlers look less bad.
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After this exchange, Turtle Tail dismisses Bumble's way of life and chuckles at a joke Gray Wing makes about how they'll probably never see Bumble again because she'll be afraid of them... but she's thinking about her. It strikes me as being the same kind of feeling as the swirling, murky feeling of a new crush.
Can't get the chunky kitty girl out of her head, can you, Turtle Tail?
We don't see Bumble for a few more chapters, but in her next appearance, it's implied she's been visiting Turtle Tail for a while. Gray Wing sees them sharing a meal. Please note how Turts is immediately defensive. As if she feels like she's being caught in the middle of doing something wrong.
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(Tangent: note the constant suspicion and aggression towards Wind and Gorse. who live here.)
Gray Wing is as oblivious as ever. For a character described as "wise" he's incredibly dense towards the feelings of others. Yet, always, ALWAYS, Bumble is cheerful. This brewing animosity is NOT returned, she's happy to see him again.
He tries to recruit her to the moor group and she enthusiastically declines with a "No way! I love my life, actually!"
As soon as she's out of earshot, Here Comes The Confrontation. The exact one that Turtle Tail correctly anticipated when she got defensive earlier;
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"You shouldn't have friends I don't approve of, Turtle Tail. It bothers me."
How can I NOT love Bumble? When her primary purpose is to be a friend for Turtle Tail, while Gray Wing is either ignoring her or sending her on guilt trips through this entire book? She's RELIEF for a woman who's being treated like trash, and every time she shows up she's doing something cute or helpful!
(Tangent: This book's pacing is garbage. The next scene is a sudden fox raid where a billion foxes attack the camp, and then the Settlers reveal that they don't know what a fox is. BUMBLE taught Turtle Tail about the danger of foxes. This is contradicted by the later books where there's cats back at the tribe named after foxes and Quiet Rain calls her shittiest son a foxheart. But there's waaay worse continuity errors in this arc.)
Gray Wing, the POV, hates her for no goddamn reason. It's right there on the page that he can't give Turtle Tail an answer as to why she should stop hanging out with her. The two continue to fight as Turts desperately tries to salvage their relationship while Gray Wing finds ways to snap at her or offend her.
I think the next appearance of Bumble is actually the most cringeworthy, though. I get secondhand embarrassment reading this one.
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Turts just stayed with her friend overnight, and Gray Wing throws a fit about it, hissing at her that she's using the wrong terms and that she's forgotten where she belongs. Bumble watches this all happen like 😬, and then when Turtle Tail apologizes for this asshole having a conniption, he hisses AGAIN and whines about how he doesn't need to be apologized for.
But Bumble, up to her very last appearance in this book, is helpful and open.
After Gray Wing is nearly slaughtered by Fox at the border on Clear Sky's orders, so he kills him in self defense, causing Clear Sky to disown Gray Wing as his brother, which is the final straw for the pregnant Storm to run off, and then The Pacing Brothers have a casual chat over the still-warm corpse of the dead lackey, the input lag finally sends the signal to Gray Wing's brain that he needs to go find Storm.
It's BUMBLE that tells him where she can be found, as always, cutting through tension. Turtle Tail stays behind because she's understandably fed up with Gray Wing, so Bumble brings him where he needs to go. She guides him through the town, over roads, to the abandoned building where Storm is staying.
Gray Wing whines the whole time because he is a loser.
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It's also interesting to me that when Bumble's annoyed with him, she doesn't huff or even get rude. She just glances back, and points out that there's disadvantages to his lifestyle too. You get used to it.
In better books, Gray Wing's POV would be considered unreliable in the end. He's an oblivious jackass whose thickness causes him to treat other people poorly, EXCEPT for his monstrous brother, whose violence and abuse he enables through the entire series. Though he's hailed as a "perfect boy so very full of love," he causes a LOT of the problems in his own relationships and familial dynamics.
Smarter books would encourage you to step back and think critically about the events as he perceived them;
Why did his judgement of Bumble begin to harden as Turtle Tail spent more time with her? Did Bumble do anything to deserve this?
Did Gray Wing's behavior lead to Turtle Tail's eventual decision to leave the moor? Were there other factors?
What are the flaws he can identify about himself? How will he grow from this?
Are there broader problems with The Settlers, which may have influenced the mindsets of both Turtle Tail and Gray Wing?
Unfortunately with Gray Wing, the only thing they identify as a "problem" in how he treated Turts in The Sun Trail is that he spent less time with her, as he pursued Storm. The controlling behavior and frequent arguing, the condescension, and the public embarrassment are NOT treated as negative traits to address as the series goes on.
(they never are. These are not directly addressed in any of the other terrible men in the series; Clear Sky, Bramblestar, Raggedstar, etc. only paternal neglect is condemned. Men are even allowed to beat their kids and it will not be called out.)
And breaking through that lens, you see Bumble. Who is just here to be a person that Turtle Tail needs, a good friend, someone who's confident, self-assured, and LOVES the life that she lives. I can't help but feel joy every time she walks onto the screen in The Sun Trail, because Gray Wing is SO frustrating that I'm rooting for Turtle Tail to go somewhere that she'll be appreciated.
It's as if they NEEDED to invent Tom the Wifebeater, who spawns in like some kind of random event just before Thunder Rising (the humans just... went to the shelter and adopted The Worst Cat. No checks on if he's aggressive towards other cats or anything), so that Turtle would HAVE some kind of reason to leave. Because, as you can see here, she wouldn't have gone back otherwise.
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distortionbobble · 5 months
"do you ever shut up" no... and nobody asked for this but i'm thinking about situationship!anakin right now. minors dni. fic has no warnings rn . might expand this one. modern au.
see the thing is, if any of your friends had gotten into this, you would have done a whooole extraction mission to get them out of it. a situtaionship? with that fine-as-fuck man? pretty wavy brown hair and that stupid fucking smile... baby your eyes look like the ocean i'm not arguing with you...
you found him on hinge during one of your dry-spells. the first thing you noticed was how pretty this man is. his profile featured pictures of him hanging out of the window of his car, gravity pulling his hair down as he flashed the camera a prize winning smile. another picture inside a restaurant, just a hint of manicured nails in the corner of the photo.. taken by an ex-girlfriend, maybe? you hum, and scroll down to see the rest of his profile.
"anakin, 22... figuring out my dating goals," you murmur to yourself, munching on your popcorn. okay, figuring out dating goals, that means... means what? a situationship? fuck, do you even have that in you? you're ready to x him out but something makes you wanna look at that face just one more time. fuck, he's pretty.
before your better judgement can stop you you're typing out a quick response to his prompts. green flags i look for are... good at legos. okay, that's cute, right? maybe he doesn't know what his dating goals are because it's kind of intense to be like, i want a long term relationship. that is a lot of pressure. you respond by sending him the lego flowers bouquet that's sitting on your coffee table (yes, your ex gifted it to you. no, that doesn't matter to you. what he doesn't know won't kill him. besides, it was a good present).
does this count? you respond, tossing your phone to the side to focus on Love Island playing on the TV, not expecting a response from anakin for at least a couple days. which is why you're almost shocked when the screen lights up with a notification from hinge.
anakin: yeah, looks pretty good to me ahaha
anakin: sent an image
anakin: rate the set up?
you open it with curiosity and a little bubbly feeling in your chest-- a cute boy matched with you, you're pretty sure it's well within your rights to be a little excited. it's a rather impressive set up of a few different lego sets, all built meticulously. you spot a few that are difficult to get your hands on, and think for a second on how to respond to him.
you: do i spot the indiana jones temple escape set?
anakin: oh my god yes that's my favorite set lmao, took ages to get it
you: dude that's so lucky
you stare at the screen, biting your lip. fuck, this is such a dry-ass conversation, it'll probably die out anyways so you don't bother sending a follow-up
anakin: honestly pretty lucky in general w all my sets. i've got a coupe unopened ones if you wanted to hang out and do them w me sometime tho? might be fun.
oh my god. oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. okay, be cool about this. wait, is this code for a hookup? okay, hang out and do them with him = y'all fuck after the legos? or before? you're confused. but like, legos sounds like a fun time.
you: sounds like a good time. does friday work? we could pick up some takeout from this place on jefferson ave, if you're down
anakin: down for friday. but i was thinkin i could make you somethin? i can make a mean miso soup, if you're down.
you: seeya friday, then :)
you brought chocolates. to his apartment. and after you knocked on the door, you're thinking maybe this wasnt such a good idea, after all. the chocolates, and the being here in the first place.
but anakin opens the door, and his apartment smells so good, and he's got a set of space post card lego sets already open with the accompanying instruction booklet next to him.
"hi," you smile up at him, a wave of shyness washing over you as you look at him. how are people allowed to be this pretty? it's like the camera didnt do him justice, because he's at least 20x more attractive in person.
"hey. it's nice to meet you," anakin responds with a grin of his own. "d'you wanna come on in? i've just put some of the veggies into the stock. got some tofu and stuff, bok choy, it'll be good," he says, shutting the door behind you as you enter his apartment.
"nice place," you say, looking around quickly before you take off your coat and shoes.
things flow easily between you too. he tells you about his day, his job, asks you about yours, asks you about your favorite movies. you ask him about his lego sets, his decorations, his favorite music, how he learned to get so good at cooking (the soup is fucking delicious). he puts on a grateful dead song on his speakers as you work on the sets, laughing when he asks you to separate two legos that are stuck together with the nails that you have ("don't you have one of those lego-separating tools?" "those. are for pussies.").
the sets come together what feels like too quickly. you almost wanna tear it apart so that you can have an excuse to just stay for a little longer, but it doesn't seem like anakin is eager to kick you out either.
but it's late, and you should go. as you head out for the door, you feel your eyes drifting to his lips-- his pretty bottom lip, plush and rosy and you wanna sink your teeth into it-- and you know he notices too. he doesn't say anything. is a first date too early to kiss?
"well," you say, lingering at the door. "i, uh, had a good time tonight."
"me too," anakin says, equally as awkward. he leans in just a little, so that his face isn't so far, so that you don't need to look up so much.
well, that's it. no invite to a next hangout. you try not to let your face fall as you wish him goodnight and thank him for the miso soup.
you've only made it out of his apartment complex when your phone lights up with a message.
anakin: d'you wanna do smthn next week?
you smile.
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
hi hi!! 🦕 anon back at it again with the requests!! can i get somethin with our beloved handsome bros and a reader with a strong southern accent, like reader can hide their accent well but sometimes they slip up and have a very strong southern accent
mines been strong all day and i think its the funniest thing
oooo okay okay !! ; and thank you so much to you and all of everyone requesting for using handsome bros, yall r awesome lmao ; kinda delved into just southern reader on accident so whoops fjenndmsms
HANDSOME BROS ; southern accent
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo & badlinu
warnings ; language, talk about guns
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"what the fuhck"
it'll just randomly pop out from no where and surprise the shit out of him
"welcome home, darlin" He jokes, putting on a fake accent to try and match yours. "Yeehaw partner, let's go kill some bitches!"
he's very playful about it, he honestly likes when you don't hide your accent because it's what makes you yourself
he bought you a cowboy hat for your birthday and you wear it around pretty frequently LMAO
he loves having a relationship with you and learning about the southern parts of America and how it differs from the UK because obviously culture differences and shit
talking to him about tornadoes and shit like it's nothing and he's just like "!?!?!?" LMAO
catches him off guard when you let it slip/are too tired to hide it
will make a joke or two about getting your rifle to go hunt some deer or some shit
"ready to go oppress gay people and go get blackout drunk?" you ask him, showing off your accent
"hell yeah, brother" he laughs, slapping a cowboy hat you had laying around on his head
he likes hearing you tell stories about living in the south and shit
and how fucking weird your (mostly distant) family was
"wait, is incest actually a problem?"
"I mean in the 1800s yeah, it's still pretty legal in a lot of places too but it's a bit less of a problem, doesn't make it less gross though. my second aunt and uncle are actually cousins, so like, that uncle is my third uncle technically"
"What the hell?"
he grew up in the more northern areas of the east coast so he at least has America pretty understood
the cultural shock still kinda hit them tho
the tornadoes? the droughts? the heat?
they thought the heat was bad for them? oh good god
when you let your accent slip out he just takes a second to make sure he heard you correctly and then jokes about it
"ready to hit the cabellas and get some guns?" He asks in a shit accent
"hell yeah, man, let's go" you reply, grabbing a nerf gun off their desk
they love your accent though, and loves how you both pronounce things and talk completely differently
sometimes he'll catch himself talking a bit like you and pause like "did I just say that like that...?"
when you slip out your accent or are just too tired to cover it up, he can't stop thinking about you like remaking the young sheldon intro if that makes sense
I know it doesn't but bare w me...
"ready to go wind up some cows partner?"
"fuck yeah, america!! rah!!!"
loves learning about the cultural differences between you two and shit
has a whole cowboy hat collection to cosplay as you and apparently each hat has their own personality/era of yourself
asks you what tornadoes are like and shit
"do you actually say yeehaw?"
"I hope not"
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twsted-idiot · 3 months
ermm bsd hcs :3 just random ones. Aka. Projecting onto them
Don't tag as soukoku or shin soukoku. I will block you lmao.
@g0ttal0ve101 @sleepygamerotaku @crowisinthetrash
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Ranpo's literally so sassy n sarcastic but sometimes it's hard to tell if he's being serious or not. Yk how sometimes people sound different when there being sarcastic. Yeah. He doesn't a lot of the time.
Poe n Ranpo teach/taught each other English and Japanese (respectively)
^ they could both already somewhat speak the other but not fluently or very well.
Ranpo cries REALLY easily sometimes. Sometimes it isn't full on crying though, sometimes it's just tears starting to well up and he quickly wipes them away.
^ So does Atsushi. But he doesn't really hide it.
Im pretty sure Chuuya is canonically good w kids but. When he isn't actually working, he regularly takes Q, and the younger members of the ada out for food.
Kenji's just. In awe of everyone's abilities tbh, to the point of being distracted when fighting sometimes (obv he ends up fine lmao) He's just a little boy <33
Koyou and Yosano regularly have wine together.(they're secretly dating.)
^(the two of them n RanPoe go on double dates sometimes. Poe's usually reluctant but ends up enjoying it anyway.)
You will NEVER see Poe without Karl. Unless Ranpo has him. Which, Poe usually isn't far so..
Poe is oblivious to how much he spends and genuinely leaves Ranpo in shock every time. However, he actually enjoys buying things for him, so it's not like he minds.
DOA POLYCULE!!!!!!!!!!!! (Nikolai, Fyodor, Sigma, and Bram)
Yosano LOVES taking Kenji, Kyouka, and Atsushi shopping.
Dazai's actually rlly sweet when he wants to be, he just chooses to be a little shit.
Kunikida is on Dazai's ass Abt his schedule n shit, but more lenient with the younger members
"Chuuya's so lana del Ray coded" yeah but he does. Not. Listen to that kind of music. That man listens ac/dc, Slipknot, Korn, Metallica, Disturbed, etc. Trust me I know from person experience
Atsushi can purr.
Chuuya HATES white wine, you will NOT catch that man ever drinking it.
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st4rr-girrl · 1 year
Gang hcs with a crackhead! Reader
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You alrdy know that Two-bit, soda, and Steve would love you sm
Like you match their energy and you’re fun asf to be around
Darry would love you, but you’d just be such a handful for him
Since he’s alrdy dealing with a whole group of depressed yet crazy kids lmfao
You’d probably hang out w two the most, cause he always has energy
Y’all tease tf out of each other
And it’s the funniest shit to the gang
They find y’all so amusing
You’ve almost gotten kicked out of multiple places due to disturbance lmfao
You’re always bouncing off the walls and other people think ur fuckin weird lmaoao
Not that you care though
But if someone makes fun of you in public and you’re right by them….
They’re in for a treat
They better sick down and buckle up lmaoo
You and two-bit would roast tf out of whoever made fun of you
And it’s actually so funny
Like I bet soda and Steve would be wheezing.
When you enter a room, you like to make it known that you’re there lmao.
You walked into a room that only Steve was in
“Hey Stevie-bear” you shouted when he was two feet away from you ☠️
He looked at you like “bitch wtf-“
“Don’t ever call me that again”
“Awhhh ur such a bully Stevie wevie”
You laughed— obnoxiously— before leaving to go annoy someone else.
And another time
“TWO-TWO BEAR!!” you saw two-bit outside with the rest of the gang
You ran up to him and jumped on his back and he almost toppled over in surprise lmao
“Omg hey guyysssss” you said, while the gang stared at you in shock lmao
They didn’t expect that
At all
You looked behind yourself.
“Fuck is y’all looking at??😭😭” ☠️☠️you made a fake cry voice
Two bit stood there like 🧍
Anyways it can be kinda hard for the gang to keep up w you sometimes but you make sure to slow down for them 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
Cus y’all work together and stick together like a cute little family 🤭🤭
(Wrote this cause I am the crackhead friend lmaoaka)
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aughtpunk · 2 months
I was wondering if you could go a little more into detail with Shaun's character please? Cuz I'm writing a fanfic AU of ur AU centered around him and I don't want it to be too off-character (cuz I most certainly can get carried away w my head canons lmao).
Ooo, let me think about this.
At his core Shaun is very much a protective older brother (even though he hatched out of their egg at the same time) who's entire world has evolved around Jacob. Ever since the Reaping of the Lambs and the deaths of their parents protecting Jacob became the sole driving force in Shaun's life. It was what kept him going through the darkest of days. As long as Jacob was alive he could keep going, keep fighting, and keep running.
Shaun is also bit of a brat. While he's super protective of Jacob everyone else is fair game. He likes teasing people who are far too serious as a way to cope with the horrors he's grown up with. He's also sarcastic sometimes, usually towards aforementioned serious people. He also likes to tell terrible jokes just to make Jacob smile during the worst of it. Almost all of his humor in this way is his own personal self-defense.
Shaun has found himself well educated completely by accident. He never meant to become a scholar, but having nothing to do but read Shamura's library for a hundred years in the afterlife has changed that. Combined with an excellent memory Shaun has become bit of a walking library himself when it comes to science, medicine, and history. He's also one of the few people outside of The Bishops that can actually read cursive.
Shaun does have some anger issues as a side effect of The Reaping. While he would never act on them himself (he has no real official training when it comes to battle) there's always a little voice within himself that wants to default to violence as the answer to all of his problems. Indeed the thought of just straight-up murdering the now-mortal bishops for revenge has come to him many times. But he would never pick up the blade himself out of anger. Now, if someone else was willing to do it...
At the same time Shaun has a good sense of justice. It's for that reason why he was so shocked to learn about what Jacob had done with the cult. To him society is all about protecting the innocent and punishing the guilty. So hearing about those same innocents being sacrificed for the sake of power was enough to push him over the edge. He would never pick up a weapon out of anger, yet he could probably talk himself into picking up one to protect those who need protecting.
And of course there's Shaun's greatest flaw: The fact that he got completely rizz'd up by Kallamar of all people. This confuses Kallamar most of all, really.
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
Hi lovely! How are you? How have you been? I'm sorry for bothering you I'm new to your account and I saw that your requests are open. If it's okay, can I request Dazai, Chuuya, Atsushi, Sigma and Mori Ougai (I hope I spelled it right lol!) Seeing y/o in a lingerie. Not NSFW of course! If you're uncomfortable writing this, can you write how would they react to y/n having a dangerous ability that can tear world into pieces and they don't want to use that cause they're scared to do it? (I hope it made sense)
Thank you! Have a nice day/night!!!
Hello there! I've been alright, school sucks but I'm still surviving. And I decided to go with the dangerous ability one, because I was kind of stuck on how to write the first one without making it NSFW loool sorry ;w;. This is kinda short as well so sorry again ;-;
The images do not belong to me. They belong to their original owners.
TW: Mentions of death, trauma
Dazai, Chuuya, Atsushi, Sigma and Mori with an S/O who is scared of using their ability
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-Dazai had suspicions that you didn't like to use your ability at the start of the relationship, but he didn't really ask. He has met enough people who despised their ability afterall, and he knew better than to pry
-But when you opened up to him deeper into the relationship, Dazai was a bit shocked. Such a powerful ability shouldn't exist, yet it had decided to curse you with it's existence. Definitely keeps a closer eye on you from now on, but it's because he doesn't want you to fall into enemy hands
-He will comfort you and hold you whenever you feel insecure about/hate your ability. Dazai will listen to you vent and rant as much as you want, but afterwards he will tell you how amazing you were and how much he loved you even with or without your ability
-Dazai does try to stay closer to you more often, because if your ability was accidentally activated, he could immediately step in to nullify it for you. Although he is a bit teasing about it sometimes... literally asked you if he could accompany you in the shower because ‘what if an enemy is waiting there?’ Kunikida whacked him so hard with his notebook lmao
-But on a deeper note, Dazai will try to help you feel good about yourself. Encouraging words and praise fall out of his mouth whenever you need it, and he has a way with words. It works every time because you will feel a bit more confident in yourself
-However, if you refused to come to terms with your ability, Dazai wouldn’t force you to accept that it was your power. Afterall, denial is like a drug. But he will try his best to slowly help you come to terms with your power, at least acknowledge that it belonged to you and that you had full control over it
-Dazai will be with you every step of the way, and making sure that you are happy is always his number one priority
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-Chuuya is very loyal; you could tell him every single secret of yours and he would take it to his grave
-He was still very shocked when you told him about your ability. Chuuya tries not to let Mori know too much about it, because he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you
-But would your ability stop him from loving you and trusting you? No! Chuuya will still love you as much as before, even when he knows that your ability could be the end of Yokohama
-He will teach you martial arts and weapon handling. The Port Mafia has many enemies, and Chuuya doesn’t want you to fall into enemy hands. However, he will assign a few mafioso to protect you when you’re out on the streets (he’s that protective over you)
-Chuuya himself has quite a few insecurities, some which include the other side of his ability, but that doesn’t stop him from comforting you whenever you feel insecure about your ability. He will be a bit blunt, but he’s trying
-If you didn’t want to come to terms with your ability, Chuuya wouldn’t force you. Instead, he would take you out to fun places or breathtaking views so that you could temporarily forget about your power. And even if it doesn’t work, know that he’s always there for you
-He would do anything to make sure that you were happy; even if that meant using Corruption for you
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-Atsushi was really surprised when you told him what your ability was. He’s never met anyone with that powerful of an ability before
-Even though he is surprised, Atsushi is very understanding. I headcanon that sometimes he has these moments where he dislikes/is insecure of his ability, because of the pain that it put him through while he was in the orphanage. So he’s actually very empathetic and genuine when he’s comforting you
-Would probably ask Dazai for some tips on how to control your ability. Atsushi does believe that tearing the world to pieces isn’t all to your ability; that somehow you could train it and gain some control over it. But he wouldn’t force you to train it if you didn’t want to, in fear that something could go wrong
-Even more protective of you now. Atsushi genuinely worries and fears that you could be kidnapped by an enemy and forced to do something unspeakable with your ability. He tries to be with you whenever he can, and even asks Fukuzawa and Kunikida to teach you self-defence
-Always listens to you and holds you when you need comforting. Atsushi will give you 100 reasons on how great of a person you are, and how much he loved you. He hates seeing you sad, because he’ll then blame himself for not being able to help you when you needed it
-In return, please comfort him when he has his own insecurities too. He’ll appreciate it a lot, and you’re the only person that gets to see him this vulnerable
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-Much like Atsushi, he was also very shocked when he found out, but that shock is quickly replaced by worry
-What if Fyodor or Nikolai found out? What if you were kidnapped by an enemy group? Sigma could not bear to even think about what would happen if these possibilities came true. He definitely tries to keep you safe and stays around you a bit more often
-Sigma would be more tender with you, especially when you need comforting. He’ll stroke your back, listen to you, even hug you as he offers words of comfort and encouragement
-I feel like he’d do acts of service for you to show his love for you. So when you wake up, you’d find breakfast already made, clothes already ironed and a drink on the table
-He has insecurities too, but he’d push them aside without a second thought if it he had to comfort you with yours
-Such as ‘It’s okay, Y/N, I’m here for you...’ and ‘I would never leave you, no matter what!’ Sigma tries his best for you to be happy, and he hates how he couldn’t help as much
-But no matter how strong or dangerous your ability was, Sigma would never stop loving you all the same
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-My favourite Mafia boss wouldn’t really have that much of an outward reaction when he finds out about your ability
-Like Dazai, he’s had his suspicions from the start that you didn’t want to use your ability. Except he indirectly asks you about it further on into the relationship, so as not to upset you or anything
-When he learns that your ability could tear the world to pieces, Mori’s reaction would be just a raise of the eyebrows. He doesn’t say anything as he contemplates the new piece of information in silence, quickly connecting the dots together
-He wouldn’t show it outright, but Mori would protect you even more, whether through his subordinates or through himself. Since he’s the boss of the Port Mafia, a lot of enemies would naturally target you in order to get back at him. So he definitely increases the number of bodyguards that he assigns to protect you
-Mori even teaches you his combat knowledge in case you ever run into danger. And not only would you learn martial arts, you would even know how to immobilize an opponent, poison them and even learn how to fight with scalpels
-Is very very protective over you. While on the surface he might seem calm and calculated, inside he is predicting what could happen to you if you went out that day, and how to prevent any unfortunate incidents from happening. Please give him lots of affection and tell him to stop worrying too much
-Oh but if he catches anybody wanting to use you for your ability, Mori will personally take care of them. His beloved scalpel then comes in handy in these moments...
-He is more of the type to listen and give you advice rather than comfort, however he is perfectly happy to give you a hug in private if that helped you feel better
-Elise would also try her best to comfort you whenever you had insecurities or were feeling down. She would even offer you some of her sweets and those sweets are the best
-As we all know, Mori is a lover of logic. And it’s only logical to him to keep on loving you, regardless of your ability
@pixyys @pianotross @nekokinax @yuugen-benni @xxelfmamaxx @lakeside-paradise  @catzlivedforbsd
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nicolos · 11 months
rocky aur rani thoughts
it wasn't at all what i expected actually? like I'm not sure what I expected but it wasn't that
rani chatterjee let me raid your wardrobe
they really just promoted tum kya mile and jhumka because there were like no other really memorable songs--
I sound a bit mean but I had a blast, I laughed a lot, did tear up at least once, and didn't want to pull up 2048 at any time during the film
(spoilers under the cut)
the film had some real 2011 style feminism moments mixed in with more genuine things? the interview at the start made me want to die but there were some almost - ALMOST - coherent points in there
bollywood is not the place to make statements about fat shaming etc etc but there was almost smth valid in seeing any jokes about what whatshername ate clearly coming from ...people were not supposed to like?
rocky and rani were actually quite sweet, despite the ...extraness
i think the film kind of rolled over this as rocky was supposed to be wealthy, but there's a great deal of elitism in the sort of attitude Rani and her family have towards Rocky. It makes me wonder what this film would be if he didn't ... colour coordinate his cars to his clothes and live in a replica whitehouse. like on one hand it's arguably his wealth that makes him able to be the way he is, but on the other hand, the traditional/modern divide that they were showing is typically also a class divide. there's no reason for rockys english to not be good as he is now - and nothing apart from personal taste and "traditionalism" for them to critique, even though rocky isn't actually that traditional in comparison to his family, and even if he was, they - esp at the start - didn't know that
on the other hand I don't know a lot of Bengali people or a lot of Punjabi people so it may just be like a culture shock thing they're going for. idk. i understand it, i just think it's a little bit of a miss for a genuine criticism on their laughing at him
the grandparents element was funny lmao. like what's going on THERE. but it was almost kind of sweet, too, the way they just ...liked spending time together I guess
keh diya na... bas keh diya
^ half the cinema actually echoed this line with her. icons only
the film did pretty often pit men against men and women against women. this worked! when alia or her mom were yelling at men... this worked a little bit less? idk. i think sometimes it ends up feeling a bit mouthpiecey, and some of it was weirdly phrased and ...strongly delivered, to say the least. i understand that they're both from an environment in which they feel safe voicing their opinion, but I was nonetheless going - would someone actually say that? so openly? so maybe that's on me
everything about the alias dad storyline was just chefs kiss
i do think rockys relationship w his mom and sister needed a bit of work for the big fight scene to work. it sounds weird to say since so much of the film was abt the randhawas but ranveers mom's dynamics w everyone were a bit underdone
the guy playing young granddad was so hot. hotter than the real actor actually was back then tbh
all I could think during the ranveer dance routine was how much time did it take him to learn that dbdndndjdjf but that was excellent
idk. i think in some senses the scale of the movie interfered with its effectiveness, but I don't want it to be any smaller in the ayushmann khurana sense, if that...makes sense? idk. it did feel very kjo production, and I like that about it
tum kya mileeeee,,,, tum kya mileeeee,,,, hum na rahe hummmmm,,,, tum kya mileeeeee
ranis "i am speaking" was hot though the whole of that non-confrontation made me want to yell, though maybe because it was happening in public
SPEAKING OF when she crashes her car into his in the middle of a four lane road and then they just fucking stand there and talk and kiss for 10 minutes and all the other cars just go around....lmaoooooooo
still think the more obvious solution was for them both to move out of their family homes but ok
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thebreakfastgenie · 4 months
beejhawk 👀
LMAO I was just sitting here like "no one even bothers to send me beejhawk anymore" but bless you to the bottom of your pot-stirring heart, anon.
Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it? I have several reasons, which I will get into it, but I'm going to start with this one: I like a happy ending. Beejhawk cannot be a happy ending to me. I'm not entirely convinced any Hawkeye/4077th ship being endgame can be a happy ending, even the ones I like. I want to see Hawkeye move on from the war, which is what GFA is setting him up to do. Beejhawk keeps him stuck with the war defining his life. That's depressing to me. In the larger narrative of Hawkeye's life, it's important to me that the war is unimportant. The war being how Hawkeye met the love of his life gives me the ick. It implicitly suggests the war was somehow worth it. I can't think of a single reason why I would ship it. I think the biggest reason is it's simply too OOC for me. I cannot believe that Hawkeye would be in love with BJ. That is not Hawkeye to me. I actually can believe that BJ would be in love with Hawkeye, even though BJ is extremely straight to me, but I can't see Hawkeye reciprocating, ever. I've read some beejhawk fic and a lot of posts, and the way Hawkeye behaves and is characterized doesn't just feel wrong to me, it feels wrong in the way I hate the most. BJ is usually wildly OOC too. The other big reason is the complete lack of chemistry. They have negative romantic chemistry to me. This is a much smaller reason, but the things people get from beejhawk I get from other ships that make more sense to me. For a best friends ship, I have piercentyre. If I want to ship Hawkeye with someone repressed, I have hawnk or houlihawk. Sometimes I joke about this but it's kind of true that I don't need beejhawk because I have hawnk. The Joke Is Wild? Hawnk did it first. I genuinely do not understand why beejhawk is a ship at all, except that they're the two main guys. If I didn't know how slash culture worked, I would have been shocked that it even existed. In the last few seasons, I'm not even convinced they like each other. I found myself asking "do these guys even like each other?" about the alleged best friends more than once, and I had to actively rev up my suspension of disbelief to enjoy their goodbye properly the first time I watched GFA. I very strongly dislike any framing of MASH as a love story, and I have yet to find beejhawk content that doesn't turn it into the Ballad of Hawkeye and BJ. Piercentyre is fun for me, because it really changes the show very little. Beejhawk requires me to rewire the entire show, and I don't want to. A lot of moments that I adore become less meaningful to me if they're shippy. For example, Where There's a Will, There's a War. "When I wake up remind me to give you a kiss" is an expression of BJ's profound relief and a wonderful resolution to the anxiety and guilt he's been feeling for the whole episode. It's hyperbole that only works because they don't normally kiss or want to kiss. It always brings to mind a lyric from a song about WWII: "and I never kissed so many men as on that afternoon." It's not about romance, it's about being glad to be alive. I just like the show better without beejhawk. I started out a little more neutral and my visceral revulsion built through overexposure. There was also an assumption that you shipped beejhawk that I really resented. Especially because of the implications around it being slash. I am gay, I ship gay ships, I ship other gay ships in MASH. I don't ship beejhawk. I'm not required to ship every single gay ship. So all those beejhawk posts about "gay people love this" or "gay people think that" bother me and turn me off even more.
What would have made you like it? Completely different acting/chemistry. Something completely different from what I ever see the fandom do with it. I could probably be sold on unrequited (BJ's side only) or unhappy ending beejhawk in fic if it was really well done. This is your chance to plug! I think a realistic handling of it would help too. The show gives me a BJ who is as far from leaving his family as a man can be. I need to be convinced that something would change that. Meta claiming he's actually close to leaving in the show does not work for me, it directly contradicts what I see. I need writers to dig into it. Actually show me the dissolution of BJ's marriage, the pain and consequences. Show me how he manages to stay in his daughter's life, if he does. Brokeback Mountain does not shy away from how badly Ennis treats his wife and how absent he is to his children. My experience with beejhawk is that much angst is made of the obstacles to their being together, but they're quickly dispatched with. Tell me what Hawkeye sees in BJ, because I don't see it in the show.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? It inspired me to make these. I've been thinking lately that this lyric fits beejhawk "perhaps we don't fulfill each other's fantasies." If you know me, you know this is something positive from me, because it's from what I think is one of the best songs ever written. There is some interesting potential. Just get out of the true love box! Try something dark, something one-sided (BJ's side), something that ends badly! I do really like their friendship in the first few BJ seasons.
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mistmarauder · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Podficcers Apparently
Tagged by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels because she thinks she's funny. Spoiler alert, she is. <3
How many works do you have on ao3?
I have 111 atm which is such an amazing number. Look at the ones!
What's your total Ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write podfic for?
Mostly 9-1-1, but I've dabbled in Lone Star. I also have a podfic each for both One Piece and BG3. Before I got to 9-1-1, I mainly podficced for The Magnificent Seven: 2016.
Top 5 Podfics Fics by Kudos:
[Podfic] come on, come on (turn a little faster) - My One Piece podfic leads the way! It was written by @kenbunshokus. <3
[Podfic] Leading with the Left - I'm sure you're all SHOCKED to see this one on here. @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels killed us all with this masterpiece.
[Podfic] I Hate Accidents (Except When We Went From Friends to This) - @morganofthefairies gave us oblivious idiots, and I gave you all a podfic. <3
[Podfic] Love in the Time of TikTok - This one was written by @buckttommy, and the fact that it's so high is a testament to how fucking funny she can be.
[Podfic] To Build a Home We Deconstruct Our Rituals - It's @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels back to ruin our lives again.
Do you respond to comments?
I do! I fall behind sometimes, but I always catch up! 💃
What is the podfic fic you recorded wrote with the angstiest ending?
Pretty much everything I've ever podficced ends happily or with some sort of hopeful ending. I have to go with [Podfic] the nighttime fear (see it coming from the edge of the room) which was written by @extasiswings. It's a short introspective piece with no happy ending. I don't think there is another that ends unhappily for me to even consider, honestly.
What's the podfic fic you recorded wrote with the happiest ending?
LMAO! They're pretty much all end happily, as I just said.
Do you get hate on podfics fics?
No. Never.
Do you record write smut?
Oh yeah. I've recorded plenty. 😂
Craziest crossover?
I've only recorded one, and it wasn't crazy considering it was just a 9-1-1 and 9-1-1: Lone Star crossover. It was [Podfic] These Are My Stompin' Grounds written by @benjaminrussell.
Have you ever had a podfic fic stolen?
Idek how this would be possible.
Have you ever had a podfic fic translated?
Why did Mads tag me in this game? NOT ALL OF THESE QUESTIONS CAN BE ANSWERED, MADS.
Have you co-recorded co-written a podfic fic before?
I've had people guest star, and I've participated in one multivoice podfic.
All time favorite ship?
Are you fucking kidding me? How am I supposed to choose? Probably Buddie, even though that feels wrong because it's not even my current hyperfixation. I've never created as much for another ship though.
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Oh, I'm gonna finish all my shit. Don't you worry.
What are your podficcing writing strengths?
Fuck. Idk? I think I have good pacing and emote really well. And my editing has improved tremendously over the years.
What are your podficcing writing weaknesses?
I'm hypercritical and tend to overedit at times. To the point that it sounds unnatural. I'll also just shove entire projects to the side if I don't meet my own standards, so there are quite a few things haunting me from the WIP folder atm.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I've very rarely had to record in another language. Especially in the last few years. For my Mag7 podfics, there's a bit of Spanish and a small amount French, and they're kind of embarrassing for me to listen to. I've honestly considered taking them down, but I know there are people who enjoy them. So, I never do. There's a bit of Spanish in at least two of my early 9-1-1 podfics as well. I always try my best with it, but I only speak English, so I'm always super paranoid about fucking it up. I'll avoid recording entire fics just because there are other languages in them.
First fandom you podficced for wrote in?
The Magnificent Seven: 2016
Favorite podfic fic you've recorded written?
[Podfic] Carbon Date Me, Excavate Me written by @extasiswings and @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels is my fucking baby. I've listened to that fucking podfic so many times...
But my current favorite that I listen to regularly is [Podfic] nothing is safe written by @foxflowering which is my BG3 podfic. I have other BG3 projects in my WIP folder, but I'm so self-conscious about my ability to voice those characters that they're not coming out anytime soon. I was hyperfixated af on this ship for a while though and listened to this damn podfic on repeat. Also, @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels guest starred in it, so it has a special place. <3
Tagging, with all the pressure because I refuse to suffer alone: @blackestglass @mayonnaisetoffees @brasscacti @rhea314
And then some writers, who this is actually meant for: @theyarnmaidstale @queerbuckleys @honestlydarkprincess @peridotglimmer @gayhoediaz
@homerforsure @princessfbi @sibylsleaves @rewritetheending @fleurdebeton
@hazel-athena @buckactuallys @kitkatpancakestack @buckttommy @kittykatthetacodemon
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samarecharm · 7 months
Bouncing off my bi ryuji awakening post, im gonna add these tags from it: (separated to make it easier to read)
[#anyway. akira is the guy ever. and ryuji is exploding#‘i have died. badly’#i like thinking of akira like this; hes ryujis first exposure to nb ppl and gnc adjacent stuff#even if akira is p masc by most standards hes still got a bit of. aloofness. about his gender stuffs#ryuji is just really into the way akira carries himself#and it takes him a while to go oh. oh i think its cause i like this dude#um.#😳.
#also i wanted to clarify#but ryujis mom just doesnt know Who akira is in that picture#and in my head hes like. looking down at mona and petting him (while sitting)#(AND hes with ann and theyre both kind of a distance away from the camera)#so at a quick glance; hes just Some Girl#and even though shes wrong; it kicks off the mental chaos olympics in ryujis head#‘what hes not a girl’ to ‘where would she even get that from’ to ‘well akira said himself he didnt rlly care what ppl thought about it’#to ‘well. where DID she get that from?’ to lookin at what his homie does a little closer to ‘aw fuck. man.’#but i love that for him
#ALSO. RYU/GORO IN TAGS…..#but ryuji going oh my GOD oh my godddd 😨😓😓😓 when something clicks in his head about goro#his voice is so practiced and naturally softspoken and his public facing persona is very demure#and once he gets past the initial anger over goro being a pompous prick who shittalks about the thieves. hes like. god fucking dammit.#There Is A Pattern and A Type He Has and Its Killing Him To Realize it.#hes literally sitting in his room w his head in his hands]
Ryuji definitely finds Conventionally Attractive Girls pretty, but he realizes around postgame that he genuinely formed crushes on THREE people; Akira, Makoto, and Goro. And all three of them are people who carry themselves as a bit Soft and Delicate (akira and makoto w their personality and mannerisms, goro w his appearance) while also being deceptively strong. Yusuke WOULD fit into this but hes only strong in the metaverse. Also if u tried to argue that he still finds yusuke pretty, Ryuji would just say ‘yeah duh? Of course???’ and would not elaborate further.
I just think. Its cute 👉🏾👈🏾 Ryuji loves someone whos pretty and capable of knocking him flat on his ass lmao He LOVES a challenge and he likes that they can all challenge him in different ways.
Akira is way stronger than he looks; hes very toned and he used to be quite active before being shipped off to tokyo. And after fighting in the metaverse, hes gotten way better at using an enemies mass and momentum against them. Yeah he can properly knock someone down, but its way easier to let Ryuji charge him and use that momentum to sweep and pin. Which Ryuji remembers vividly for Weeks. Akira is not allowed to spar w him and Makoto for awhile after that.
Makoto is just strong as hell. But shes very defensive, and extremely patient. ‘Ill wait and see before I decide What to do’. Shes got good reaction timing and its hard to catch her offguard. Its very difficult to disorient her so oftentimes, his spars w her are more about endurance. And if he ASKS her to do so, she’ll actually fight him back. He never wins 😭 but she is very patient w him and she doesnt treat him like an idiot. She likes to give him tips and redirect his strengths to make up for his weaknesses and it makes him a bit warm in this chest
Spars w Goro are just fun. Theyre fun! Goro is way more aggressive and reckless than Makoto and Akira. He is looking for openings near constantly and Ryuji has to either keep up or tank hits. Its very. Engaging. For him. Sometimes he loses and Goro is giving him a look so smug, Ryuji wishes he could kick him in his fucking teeth (something he clearly couldnt do bc hes already been knocked flat on his ass). And sometimes he wins, and hes so shocked and HAPPY about it; he doesnt miss the way Goro looks away from him pouting like a brat (‘no fucking way are u POUTING man, what a sore loser 😭’). Goro and his uptight personality is thrown out the window completely and its so fun and refreshing to see. Hes tall and imposing w broad shoulders and toned arms and if Ryuji is staring, he finds himself immediately distracted when Goros cheerful, softspoken voice asks if hes willing to go another round.
I love it 👉🏾👈🏾 Ryujis got a complicated relationship w violence but it helps to have people he trusts engage with it in a way that doesnt make him feel like some brute. Theyre all kind of itching to beat the shit out of things for multiple reasons, but instead of taking that out on each other, they spend time training one another so that they can beat the shit out of OTHER things better. Its an efficient system 😊
#chattin#i dunno how to tag it; dont wanna add ships in here bc theres not alot of NonPego/ryu fans in the pego/ryu tag lol#but ye. ryuji likes a pretty face and he likes getting his ass whooped sometimes#i mean he likes to fight and WIN; he is not trying to roll over like a defenseless tortoise#but he likes the deception a little bit….#what do u mean ur shitty shirt or sweater is hiding those arms ??? what do u mean u can bench more than ur own weight????#its insane.#its a little 😳#also oops i am writing essays in tags again. i will continue to do this im sorry#i just have so many thoughts that dont feel like they fit in the body lol#my approach to the thieves is . they are very angry and prone to violence and violent thoughts#and they have an questionable outlet w the metaverse#BUT#if the metaverse was to poof away; where does that outlet go?#and thats the foundation for my idea of their ‘found-ish family’#i HATE the actual family stereotype but i am thinking of like#they are bonded in a specific and unique way#and they stick together because of it. no one will understand them as much as they understand each other#i know i mentioned only the four of them#but i am thinking of ALL of them#they are a little gang of their own now lmao if u mess w one u mess w the rest of the hounds#and they all have some warped perspectives on good and ‘evil’ and justice#maybe the others arent as readily capable to physically hurt someone. but they are more than okay with bad and cruel things happening-#-to bad people.#anyway. this post was about ryuji having a thing about getting roughhoused bc hes a rowdy boy#i can see it being something ann teases him about#and definitely as they get older its something that just doesnt leave him. his brain has already made the Connections#i love my homies they beat the shit out of me when i ask them to and vice versa 😊#naw theyre not really HURTING each other that bad#but its the idea of it 👀 like look at me bearing my weaknesses to u so you can make me a better person
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