#i should delete this
pirateprincessjess · 6 months
Why do we call Godzilla’s son “Godzilla Jr”
I feel like it should be Jesuszilla
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mrgoodenough254 · 8 months
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forestshadow-wolf · 11 months
It's 4:57am I haven't slept yet
Anyway soap and ghosta are wrestling and since ghost is so much bigger than soap he has to a somewhat harder time when it comes down to just strength.
Soap is scrabblimg around for something of ghost to get any sort of leverage, he can't see, it's all just ghost's massive frame (the big oaf)
He eventually does find purchase on soemthing, and the rest after that is kinda a blur, because the next thing he knoes ghost was curled in a ball groaning on the ground, he mighthave cried but he'llnever tell, and he wouldn't talk to soap for 3 days after.
Turns out soap accidentally grabbed his dick, and ghost almost had an aneurysm because he thought he thought he was about to get a spontaneous, dick removal
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hellonerf · 16 days
talking to my friend about this. grew up with a sick fascination with things related to the united states of america. that is, their brands and the ideal american life constantly presented on the internet for the young and online all over the world. the constant disney exposure that now gives me a sick feeling whenever i see art of the disney princesses being friends. this all led to me wanting to buttfuck hetalia america
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w0rm-3nthus14st · 2 months
me: i feel zen as shit up in this bit
me: oh man, that was a really embarrassing thought. thank goodness mind readers arent real, so i can rest assured in the knowledge that the inner sanctity of my mind will never be invaded
mind reader: Dude that was lame as hell lmao
me: FUCK
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deritosmi · 3 months
reigen, spin around
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gimmethatagustd · 9 months
when you spend an hour talking to your therapist about how being ace always ruins your relationships, and then she has to tell you that you’re not an asshole for being ace and that you don’t deserve to think that you are 🥴
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vividrogue · 8 months
I long to have the sun kiss my chest
I yearn for it, so much so that it feels like life and death
The delays put forth by insurance companies is absolute chicanery. It feels as if everytime I take a step forward, I take 3 steps back, I have never felt so fucking hopeless. It's not like it's an all together rejection, I'm just in this fucking state of Limbo until they can make up their minds and it feels like I'm screaming out of pain and no one is listening.
I hate waiting for the insurance teams to decide whether I live or die.
Until then, I will continue to long for the sun
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beevean · 8 months
ngl it's really stupid how OMORI of all things made me more sensitive about my grief, esp when I want to explain why I think it miserably failed at conveying denial or how vile it is that it doesn't expect you to care about the friends who feel responsible for Mari's "suicide" when I relate more to them than a kid who threw a hissy fit and put his hands on his sister
like. I know it's a healing process and all. but really? I'm letting a mediocre RPG game I don't give a shit about making me all sensitive? get out of here. at least when bojack horseman made me upset with its depiction of a broken family it was worth it because it's a good series ffs
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ifitistobeitisuptous · 9 months
I don't know who i am
I'm tired
When i clicked create post I was bursting with things to say. To talk about myself, about how the very concept of "myself" is a blurry one.
But once I got here all I could think to say is "I'm tired".
I'm tired of fucking up. I'm tired of blowing potential lifelong relationships up because I get weird and creepy.
Perhaps I'll talk about my marriage. I don't like to. I don't like being the old guy who complains about his wife. It's a really bad look.
But next year I'll have been in this relationship for literally half my life.
I was too young and immature at 24 to know what I was getting my self in to... and too proud and too in love.
She was (and still is) 18 years older than me. And she had never been loved right. And i was not equipped emotionally.
I'm tired.
And i don't know who I am as a person because I haven't been a person for 23 years, merely half a couple.
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one time i was down so horrendous i got horny when she spoke french
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purplelordstudios · 2 years
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A little vent art…. I’m sorry I’m probably offending so many people with this…
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drowning pool was incorrect
1. something wrong with me
2. something wrong with me
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ladymorghul · 2 years
the green kids but it’s just a gifset of them wrecking the strongs at the feast with lyrics from teenagers by mcr in honor of tom
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trying to politely enforce boundaries with ppl who don't respect u and take everything very personally is literally SO PAINFUL LIKE
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blogatag · 2 years
I liked the new storm scale! I'm shocked about party (i loved it so i thought it would very popular) but... for ikoria wouldnt you have put also keyword counters?
hey this is an abandoned effort to tag blogatog back in my mtg phase i am not mark rosewater in any way shape or form
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