#i should have just made a one day poll did not expect votes on this lmao
sparklecarehospital · 6 months
been reflecting on my year a bit, and i was thinking about something. i think i know what the best thing i did for myself this year was.
making cometcare public. making the ask blog.
ive had this AU stirring in my brain since 2019, ever since i got really attached to doomi during the haunted arc. one reason i went so long without revealing pollarrydoomi as a ship to readers was because doom's crush wasn't public information until late 2021.
i had kept his crush a mystery for 3 years, but revealed it after a fun experience where people figured out who it was through guessing. i'm pretty sure i did a poll about it? asking people to guess who they thought it was, and uni won the vote, meaning everyone had already figured it out.
after pollarrydoomi was revealed and i started drawing art for it and people made fanart for it, i still couldn't post any of my AU art because ally wasn't public and she and howie were in the AU. in july 2022, for the comic's birthday, i revealed ally as a character to the readers. others around the time had started to notice characters i had in pfps and i ended up telling everyone i did have pollarrydoomi ship kids, but i didn't make them public.
in november 2022, i revealed eve on toyhouse. after her reveal, i would soon reveal sly as well in december 2022 on my birthday (revealing sly as a birthday present to myself is such a funny gesture now that you guys know how important he is to me). over the next few weeks i revealed cream, frosty, and marco as well. all of the main cometkids except chem.
then one day someone out there suggested that i make an ask blog for the cometcare AU. it was such a spontaneous decision, and i didn't even really know what i was gonna do with it at first. i was just kinda messing around. but when i made the blog i realized that if i wanted this AU to be experienced in complete authenticity, i couldn't make uni cis.
so i revealed uni being trans through the blog, despite the fact i'd gone so many years without ever revealing her identity. why did i do it? there's a lot of reasons. not wanting to make her a "dad" in the AU contributed, but also i felt like it wouldn't be detrimental to the story to confirm a character being trans. it also made me (and the crew in general) a lot more comfortable being able to properly refer to uni with her actual pronouns.
making the ask blog really changed me, because finally i could share this little family and comfort story i'd built in my brain with the world and make it real and make content for it and let people consume it.
but what stopped me most of all?
i've said it many times before... but i felt like it was cringey.
i felt like making an AU with 93985893844 fankids in a ridiculous complicated polycule wasn't something a Serious content creator should do, and i was really worried the reception would be negative or people would think it was stupid or something. i did NOT expect it to become as popular as it is. the blog actually has more followers than the MAIN ASK BLOG for the canon comic. it was received SO POSITIVELY and the fact it was just kind of blows me away.
it means so much to me. being able to share the most special thing in my life with people and for people to actually like it and have fun with me and want to see it, and for me to be able to not have to follow strict professionalism about spoilers and chronological storytelling, and being able to change and add in things whenever i felt like it. it's such a freeing experience.
when i was a kid, i used to make stories and OCs and i didn't take them as seriously as i do the sparklecare reboot. this kind of turned into my entire life and career kinda, so i had to take it more seriously. but making this AU honestly just makes me feel like i'm a kid again, it makes me feel like i can have fun and literally do whatever the fuck i want without worrying what people think or if it's realistic or if it makes any sense.
i know though, that some people don't like pollarrydoomi. and i know why. whether it's because of being attached to barruni (of course, they're the canon ship and main characters, i get it) or just having discomfort with the idea of shipping doom with anyone when canonically he hasn't experienced a redemption arc... i get it. i know not everyone likes it.
and that's okay! people are entitled to having their own feelings about content. i understand it. and i've come to accept that's always going to be the case with anything i do with these characters.
but i'm still going to do this for myself. i do this because it makes me happy to just have fun and not worry about being serious all the time. it feels good, especially when it's with characters that are really really important to me.
cometcare is genuinely the most special and important thing i've ever made for myself, it's such a huge piece of my identity and it makes me who i am. and being able to make this story public and share it with people and share these things that have been in my brain for so long with others means so much to me.
that's why i think it was the best thing i've done this year. it's kind of literally changed my life to be able to talk about them. it's made me happier than i've ever been making content. i'm not just making it to entertain myself alone anymore, i'm making it to entertain others like i do with other stuff. and the fact people actually like it still is unbelievable to me.
so, i guess my outlook for next year as it comes is to continue to stop taking everything so seriously. i can tell my stories however i want to. i hope others can realize they can do this too.
please make whatever you want, whenever you what, as much as you want, even if it doesn't make sense or if it's "cringe". you will be so much happier when you realize as a creator you DON'T have to take all of this so seriously. the comic still exists and people read it even if i'm doing this. You Can Do Whatever You Want And Nobody Can Ever Stop You. the only person who can stop you is yourself when you let your inhibitions get in the way of your ability to create things for yourself.
have fun! life is too short to take everything you do seriously
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zazzedcoffee · 1 year
There are polls on 𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐫 dot com
Quite a few people have been asking how I have been making these polls. To make them I have been using the Tumblr API. While it is currently undocumented – there is a polls API route that allows you to post and get poll data. While the Tumblr UI puts quite a few restrictions on how many polls can be in a single post and when polls finish, the API currently has no restrictions on this*.
Poll Behaviour
Each poll and poll answer has a uuid tag (a "client_id") that should, ideally, uniquely identify each poll and poll answer. Silly things start to happen when you make a post with two polls with the same client_id, or one poll with several answers with the same client_id. This is how I made this monstrosity.
Polls also have an "expire_after" tag that allows you to set the deadline for the poll. While the UI restricts this to one day or one week, you can put in any time you like for this. This is how I made the 50-year horsie poll and whatever this is.
There are other fun things like being able to put newlines in polls which only display on mobile for some reason.
Can you make polls like this too?
Yes. In fact, from the beginning, I have had a python package that handles posting polls in a public GitHub repository. All you would need to do is register an app on the Tumblr API to get the various necessary authentication tokens and go ham**. Just be warned, I don't intend for this to be a fully-fledged implementation of the Tumblr API, but it gets the job done and will be useful for a few other projects I'm working on. I don't know when they are planning on adding polls to the API docs, or the official Tumblr clients – but I presume that by the time they do, these zany polls will sadly be no more. It seems like the polls API is still being worked on and I can imagine a lot of these issues (I call them features) being fixed. So let's have fun with it while it lasts.
Making your own fun poll
Let's try to recreate this post using my tumblr-dot-com package. Following the example on the readme to set up a tumblr object for your blog with the necessary auth tokens, the post can be constructed as:
# ... snip content = ( Content() .poll( "Wie cool ist das bitte?", [ "Jetzt zocke ich Fortnite", "und trinke Cola", "YIPPEE!" ], option_uuids=[uuid4()] * 3 ) )
res = tumblr.post( content=content, tags=["Yippee!!", "polls"], )
# ... snip
Here, the post content is being constructed with a single poll block – the option_uuids is an optional list parameter that allows you to pass custom uuids for the poll options. Here, the option_uuids is being set to the same uuid repeated three times – which causes votes to be counted for all three options at once.
I hope you enjoy this fun little tumblr client – again, it doesn't implement everything from the tumblr API but should be good enough a least to have a play around. Just a final note – since the polls API is not yet final, I am expecting some of the poll-specific behaviour of this client to break at some point – so be warned.
* Beyond the other API post restrictions. And, this is probably going to be patched (see this comment).
** This may make your Tumblr account look suspiciously like one of the pretty lady spam bot accounts causing your account to get blasted like mine did.
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murkycran · 28 days
Misc. Vox Fic Rec List
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Welcome to my Miscellaneous Vox Fic Rec List!
Soooo after a lot of consideration, I decided to make a third rec list. This one will be for miscellaneous fics, which can mean anything from smaller Vox pairings to fics that are not strictly Radiostatic or VoxVal. You'll see what I mean.
I will keep updating this periodically as I read more fics, too, so feel free to check back every once and a while! I'll reblog it when I update it, plus make a note with the date at the top. Trust me, this is by no means a complete list; there's fics I still want to add to this that I just haven't gotten to yet. I just decided to go ahead and post it anyways, because if I kept waiting until I ran out of fics to rec I'd probably be working on this forever.
These are not in any particular order; I'm going by both my Bookmarks list on AO3 and my memory of fics I forgot to bookmark. I also tried to make notes on what fics were written before season 1 released, but I might have missed some, so keep that in mind.
Please let me know if any links don't work or are wrong!
✨Before you proceed:✨ read the tags on these fics if you decide to read them. Many of them have heavy material - no surprise given the fandom, but still, felt like this needed said. On that note, there's also fics with explicit material and some fics are straight up PWP. Again, read at your own risk/heed the tags.
Fic Rec List Masterpost
Radiostatic Fic Rec List
Staticmoth Fic Rec List
Alastor Makes a Porno by Charnel_Goat, spappest
Summary: Alastor interrupts Val and Vox's personal time to get his rut over and done with, and they're just going to have to deal with that.
Basically, Alastor and Val try to have a threesome, but they keep arguing, everyone's injuring each other trying to figure out the logistics, and nobody cares what Vox has to say about any of this.
Notes: This has Staticmoth, Radiostatic, and Valastor. It's not strictly leaning more towards any pairing (tho Val does make a pretty sweet comment at the very beginning about Vox lol), which is why it's going on the Misc List. Porn with an edge of hilarity that - despite the tags - made it pretty funny. Three terrible people being terrible to each other. Vox suffers. Heed the tags.
He's Visual, Alright! by dead_boy
Summary: For Valentines Day, Charlotte Morningstar— Lucifer’s brat— had announced the hotel would be hosting a sweetheart poll, allowing winners to vote for the biggest ‘sweethearts’ in Pentagram City! How adorable!
— Of course, when Angel gets involved, things get a little twisted, and hell treats it as a most-fuckable-celebs poll.
Vox isn’t the only one surprised by how high he scored, and how concerning the amount of votes he received was.
But there was no way in hell this “demand” was enough to make him give into Valentino and Velvet’s newest fixation: Making use of this fame and making Vox do some modelling!
Surely he won’t mind the lingerie and toys provided by Velvet and Valentino respectively, right?
edit march 2024: i can’t believe he just won the hottest hazbin character poll. literally manifested
Notes: Poly Vees. Funny af. Vox suffers, but in a good way. Written BEFORE the hottest HH character poll, can you believe that? Lmao.
stray by vol_ctrl
Summary: How Vox met Vark. ♥
Notes: No ship. Written before season 1 release.
After the Credits Roll by leftofrevolution
Summary: Everyone knew the Magnes sometimes liked to spice up their sex life by dragging another demon into the middle of it.
Vox maybe should have paid more attention to that particular tidbit of information than he did.
Notes: Lilith/Lucifer/Vox. Chapter 1 written before season 1 release, with Chapter 2 being released after season 1 release. I read for the crackship, ended up liking the Lilith/Lucifer/Vox dynamic and world-building a LOT. Lol. Poor Vox. Or good for him? Still has yet to be seen.
The Shopping Cart Test by spappest
Summary: Angel never expected Prince Charming to have a TV for a head, but when Vox kills Valentino and saves him from his abuse, well… Maybe Hell doesn’t have to be all that bad. With Val out of the way, everyone can have a happy ending. Angel’s safe, Charlie’s happy, and even Alastor finds love.
Oh, wait. This is Hell. It’s always that bad.
Notes: Angel/Vox. Started before season 1 release. First Staticdust fic I read. :)
Hold Me Up by Sameko
Summary: Vox has been in and out of a relationship with Valentino for years. Always breaking up. Always coming back.
Then one night comes the definitive crack at the expense of one of Valentino's employees, to which Vox never paid much attention other than for shits and giggles.
One night, one word too many, might be enough to shift the perspectives of two people once strangers to each other.
Notes: Staticdust. Pretty bleak and dark at times, but so, SO good. Two broken people trying not to cut each other with their edges while also trying to help each other.
Cruel Melody by Hiding_Behind_a_Pencil_and_Pen
Summary: A man hopelessly in love with a monster, despite how much it hurts.
A person chained to a beast he can never escape, no matter how hard he tries.
Vox and Angel Dust have given their body and heart to Valentino, and neither know how to free themselves from his lies.
But maybe, even if it never gets better, they won't have to suffer alone.
What if Husk was just a little too late to get to the bar in episode four? And a certain media Overlord helped Angel instead. They find out that they're not so different after all.
Notes: As of now, I think this is Queerplatonic Staticdust.
Revelations in Technicolor by Awesome_Possum
Summary: Velvette had been dead for six years, part of The Vees for four, and fucking Vox for a little over two. They had a good thing going.
On one of their bi-weekly Vox-mandated movie nights, Valentino put a plan into motion and Velvette learned something new and surprising about her business partner and part-time sugar daddy that made a shocking amount of sense.
It ultimately ended up bringing The Vees closer and if Valentino claimed that was his intention all along, no one had any reason to believe him.
Notes: The Vees are a V and Vox is the hinge, so he's in a relationship with both Valentino and Velvette. Interesting headcanons for Vox's human life. :) (What is the ship name for Velvette/Vox again?)
System Shutdown by Swoolie
Summary: Taking a leaf from Alastor's book, Vox goes on a small break from everything.
He doesn't stick around long enough to see the chaos that ensues after his sudden disappearance.
Notes: This is tagged with both Radiostatic and Staticmoth. It's too early in the story to tell definitively which direction it's going to end up, so for now it's going to be on the Misc list. I'll probably move it when it becomes more clear what the main pairing will be.
Dapple Rose by The_Penny_Tails
Summary: Everyone always assumes the same thing about Alastor and Vox's relationship: That it's one-sided, that it's based on fixation, and that the reason for their falling out was due to the obsession turning into something that couldn't be controlled.
All of those assumptions are correct. The only problem is, everyone gets the 'who is obsessing over whom' part of the equation wrong.
When Vox and Valentino end up stuck at the hotel, suddenly the entire relationship between the radio and television is put on display, casting it and Alastor in an entirely different light.
Notes: Tagged with both Radiostatic and Staticmoth. Due to both this and the entire story itself (you'll see what I mean when you read it), it's going here on the Misc List. I freaking love this story, because so far I've not seen another fic where Alastor was obsessed with Vox while Vox was not obsessed with him in return. :3 Everything Penny_Tails writes is gold!
Here I Come by Heliosolar
Summary: Vox contemplates his lackluster life as he stands over the edge of the city.
Or, the fall of Vox, both mentally and physically.
Notes: Written before season 1 release. No ships, just Vox. Heed the tags.
Entertainment for Two by Heliosolar
Summary: With the radio demon joining them for the night, Vox puts on a show the two overlords will never forget.
Notes: Written before season 1 release. Staticmoth and Radiostatic, at the same time. 😳
Proposition by Snorp_Lord
Summary: Alastor does not, strictly speaking, have a 'relationship' with the King of Hell. But they certainly have a something.
A something which does not include Vox. But Alastor is at least willing to indulge Lucifer in whatever this new idea is.
The new idea is Vox.
Notes: Contains Radiostatic, Radioapple, and Staticapple, but for this installment, Radiostatic is definitely the focus. Very intense, pretty sweet. 😳 Has 2 more parts in the series which are definitely worth the read, though they don't feature Vox as much.
meteor shower by spoondrifts
Summary: alastor, rosie, vox, and a study in non-traditional love.
Notes: QPR Alastor/Rosie/Vox. Very good! (What's the ship name for this?? Radiostaticrose?? Radiorosestatic?? Roseradiostatic?? Staticradiorose??)
spiraling down thy majesty by spoondrifts
Summary: “Okay, um, time out,” Lucifer said, because he felt like they were maybe losing the plot a little. “I feel like I should remind you that I’m not here because I was like, uh, overwhelmed with lust for you, in particular. I’m here because Husk said you were Alastor’s ex and I have poor impulse control and thought it’d be funny, but I’m realizing now that this is actually just really weird and you, my friend, have some serious issues that I am not equipped to handle.”
Or: Lucifer and Vox have a shared problem that starts with Al and ends in stor and has a in the middle—thankfully, there's a solution! (The solution is sex. It's just sex.)
Notes: Staticapple. Revenge sex. As in...they're both getting revenge on Alastor...using each other. Lol.
(Fic rec list to be continued as I read more)
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sykosomatic · 8 months
detective hoffman x apprentice!male reader <3 (nsfw!!!)
cw: reader gets fucked in a saw trap, no plot just porn, reader giving hoffman head, rough sex, no condom/lube for plot purposes (but you should use those things irl!), hoffman spits at reader, reader is submissive, reader bottoms, hoffman cums in reader’s throat and ass, famous saw bathroom makes an appearance(!).
((as voted on in the poll i posted a couple days ago!))
your head was throbbing from dehydration, your eyes opening to a harsh blue light. the blue only made it worse, your eyes straining in the fluorescents. you couldn’t remember much about where you’d even been before this… working on a trap, maybe? that’s the last thing you remembered, but something could’ve happened between then and … whatever was happening now. “ugh…” you groaned, trying to move and get up, and finding out that your wrists were strapped down to the chair you were sat in. and your ankles as well..? what the hell was going on?
“hello..? guys, this isn’t funny…!” you groaned out, your own voice making your head throb. your shoulders felt heavy, and you looked down to see that there was in fact a trap around your neck. you recognized it; amanda had been working on this one. was it finished? was she trying it out on you..? “amanda?” you croaked, hooding for an answer. now that your eyes had adjusted, you knew where you were at. that damn bathroom.
you felt hands on your shoulders — well, they parts of your shoulders not carrying the shotgun trap on them — and you jumped a bit, looking for the owner as he walked around to the front of your chair. you frowned thoughtfully, wondering what had spurred him to put you here, looking around for a timer. what had you done to warrant a trap? you minded your own business, helped when needed… and besides, you’d already survived your own trap. a second wasn’t necessary; you still had the scars from the first. “hoffman..?” you mused, watching him take something out of his coat pocket. a tape recorder. your stomach flipped.
before you could object or voice your concerns for being tested again, he set the tape recorder in your lap. he reached in and pressed a button on the side of your collar, presumably turning it on. there wasn’t a timer — amanda had wired it to be set off some other way. hoffman pressed play on the tape player and his own raspy voice played from the tape.
“hello, young apprentice. i want to play a game.”
hoffman shifted forward. you watched him undo his belt and slide his zipper down as his voice over the tape told you what to do.
“i want you to prove yourself to me. you deem yourself worthy of being an apprentice, and yet you’ve done nothing to prove you can handle it. do you have what it takes?”
hoffman’s cock was what you’d expected for his build and height; it was girthy, and probably a bit above average length. he stroked it slowly in front of you, making your face hot.
“you want me to suck you off,” you gathered, from the very obvious information in front of you. his lopsided grin gave you butterflies. you hadn’t thought of him sexually before, not really, and as you looked up at him you wondered why. he had a nice muscular, dad bod build. his face was attractive, and when he did decide to speak his voice was raspy and rugged.
instead of answering, he pulled a little switch box out of his pocket and pressed a button. you heard your collar beep, as if activated. you’d thought it was already activated… evidently he’d tweaked amanda’s design and added a timer.
“you have two minutes,” came his voice from above you; his real voice, making you shudder. what, you had to make him cum in two minutes using just your mouth to prove you deserved to live? was that what your life was worth, a blowjob? little did you know, he had a lot more in store for you than that.
you leaned your head in and met him halfway, wrapping your lips around the head of his cock. you figured you obviously didn’t have very long so you had to skip the niceties of a really good blowjob; you had to give him a good, fast, sloppy one.
you swirled your tongue around the head of his cock, bobbing your head and trying to fit as much of his girth down your throat as possible. you fought back a gag, clawing your fingernails into the wooden armrests of your chair. his hand found the back of your head, driving his shaft down deeper and making you choke. drool dribbled down your chin, slathering all over his cock as he made you gag on his length. he seemed to like the sound, and hey, if he was gonna help you win, who were you to object?
your drool coated his cock as you gagged, practically streaming down his length and balls. he grunted in pleasure after a moment, shoving your head down even further. the hair at the base of his cock tickled against your nose and chin. he held you there for a moment, his grip tight on the back of your head as he growled lowly, cumming deep into the back of your throat. you sputtered and choked, drooling his cum out of your mouth. you tried to swallow what you could, not knowing whether or not that would get you penalized.
you expected him to disarm the collar once you were through sucking him off but he didn’t. he undid your leg restraints, and you stayed put. why hadn’t he disarmed the collar?
hoffman undid your wrist restraints, grabbing you roughly and turning you around, shoving your knees into the seat of the chair. you grinned in protest but didn’t say anything else just yet. what else was he going to do to you?
hoffman restrained your wrists on the top of the back of the chair, tying your wrists up between the rungs. “i… won.. didn’t i?” you asked. as soon as the words left your mouth you knew better than to have asked them and your face went red as hoffman yanked your pants down, exposing your bare ass to the undeniable chill of the room.
“oh, am i mistaken? have you proven yourself worthy to me?” he spat at you, first in his tone and then actually spitting at the rim of your asshole. he was going to fuck you. why did the thought of that make you so aroused?
“well.. my two minutes was up.. wasn’t it?”
hoffman chuckled, like he knew something you didn’t, and he wasn’t going to tell you.
“did you like my mouth so much you wanted the real thing?” you asked playfully, biting your lip as you awaited his response. he smacked your ass, hard, and you gasped. “fuck!”
“maybe so,” he muttered, chuckling at your reaction. you could feel, but not see, his cock aligning at the entrance of your asshole. it made you clench up in anticipation but you quickly realized that would be a bad idea. you relaxed your body as much as you could as you felt his slobber and cum covered cock sink into your asshole. god, was he so girthy. you moaned deeply, spreading your legs the best you could to give him room. his cock was warm and wet as it slid up into you, making you whine as he sheathed himself all the way in.
he gave no warning as he slid slowly out that he’d slam back into you, and you hadn’t expected one, but it would’ve been nice. you saw stars as he pounded his cock into you, hitting that oh-so-special spot about the third time in. it had you unraveling in seconds, drooling and whining. his hands held tight to your ass, so tight you were sure there would be bruises. and occasionally spanked you to get a good reaction.
“oh, fuck!” you cried out as you came, splattering the chair with your cum. your legs shook as he kept taking you, making your eyes water. he was fucking you so hard you’d started getting lightheaded. you moaned and whined incoherently, your head bobbing with his movements like you were some sort of rag doll. god, it felt so good.
“shit, shit!” you cried out as he milked a second orgasm out of you. how had he done that? your asshole was raw and sore by the time you came from him pounding out that spot. that was three now? your wrists were rubbed raw from the writhing and wriggling he was working out of you, and you couldn’t bring yourself to care that much.
hoffman was quiet save for the occasional grunt or groan, right up until the end where he started almost growling. you could feel him being impossibly rougher as he got to his orgasm; he was clawing at your sides, back, and ass. as he came, he held your ass cheeks flush against his hips, keeping you there as he unloaded himself into you. he filled you up, making you moan out at the sensation. “fuck…” you breathed out as he finished.
hoffman pulled his cock out of your ass, slow and deliberate as he watched his cum spill out of you and down your thighs. he smacked your ass one last time, pressing the button to disarm the collar — finally — making relief course through you. he undid your restraints, unexpectedly, and wordlessly walked away. “i had fun too..!” you called to him as he walked off, leaving you there covered in his cum.
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Poll Vote Fluff
Sorry everyone for being late. Was fighting a mean headache. I hope you all had a great weekend and wish you a wonderful week <3
A Legend about True Love by Katia_Anyway (G)
The Prince of the Kingdom, Luffy, has spent his whole life locked up in the Castle, his Grandfather the King insisting that the world outside was too dangerous. But the Prince is curious and adventurous, he wants to go explore, even if that means having to sneak out alone. But once outside, he gets lost, and needs the help of a very beautiful Witch named Trafalgar Law.
No Stranger to Crazy by Purplehairedwonder (G)
The Straw Hats arrive on an island to discover not only that the Hearts are already there, but there is also a winter festival happening. Law doesn’t have the best memories with winter islands or festivals, so Luffy is determined to make some good ones with him.
You can calm me down by Sakuya_Serenity_Kira (G)
After Luffy has beaten Kaido devastatingly, his fighting spirit is unbroken. He wants, he needs more. In this intoxication, he loses control of his new abilities. Can someone stop him? But who? And how? After all, Luffy is now. . . a god.
A Sinner's Pledge by bimarian (T)
This one little incident this morning just reminded him of the promise that he wanted to make and of the letter that he said he would have to eventually write. The Surgeon takes a moment to glance between his sleeping fiancé and the papers on his lap before he finally writes a greeting on the scented paper. ‘Hey, Ace-ya.’  In which Luffy wakes up from a nightmare—and Law finally writes a letter to make one little promise to Ace.
Midnight by Chenziee (T)
Luffy really wanted to celebrate the end of the year with his friends and family but with his arm injured, strict orders of no partying, and his roommate on his heels, it got really damn hard to sneak out.
Are You Bananas by Plume8now (G)
Usopp gives Luffy an idea, and now, Luffy can't get it off his mind. Of course, he won't wait until tomorrow to do it. And nothing can stop Monkey D. Luffy.
The Mysterious Case of the Hiccups. by ClementineJuicebox, SailorHeichou (G)
-hic- The first hiccup that started it all.
Show me what love is all about by aloas (T)
If Law didn’t know how useless Luffy is when it comes to making plans, he would be complimenting Luffy’s mastermind for always knowing just the right way or the right time to catch Law unguarded. But Law knows that is not the case. So, he curses at the universe. Or fate. Or whatever deity out there that is constantly plotting for Luffy to find Law. (Or the one where Law learns a thing or two about love.)
Answer the Question by Heart_Core (T)
Law’s birthday celebration hadn’t gone the way Luffy expected too, but he was grateful nonetheless.
Our Hearts, Made Whole in Each Other by Purplehairedwonder (G)
Luffy cupped Law’s cheek with his hand, softly grazing his thumb over a yellowing bruise. “Torao is so pretty,” he said quietly, a note of awe in his voice. Law flushed. “Torao’s heart is beating so fast.” “Yeah,” Law agreed, swallowing. “It is.” Luffy’s, despite a few flutters, was beating steadily in Law’s chest. Law, on the other hand, felt pinned to the spot, one hand holding Kikoku and the other in Luffy’s grip. “You should stay.” Law blinked. “What?” “You should stay,” Luffy repeated. “On the Sunny. With me." Written for 10 Days of LawLu 2023 Day 10: Confessions.
Always See the Daylight by Purplehairedwonder (G)
“Why did you want to see my room?” Law asked, both curious and a bit apprehensive at what the response might be. “Because it’s yours!” Luffy said immediately, sitting up quickly. Luffy looked as though the answer had been obvious. For Law, however, that explained exactly nothing. “What—” Luffy looked around, his expression softening in a way that made Law fidgety. “It’s very Torao,” he decided. Written for LawLu Week 2022. Day 5 Prompt: Captain's quarters
Coming Home (To Breathe Again, To Start Again) by Purplehairedwonder (G)
Law had a… complicated relationship with the concept of home. But here on the beach of Wano with Luffy looking at him with such fondness that Law wanted to squirm, he thought that maybe home could be another person.
-Mod Raiya
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lutzlig · 1 year
Tumblrwoman Election Wrap-Up
To celebrate the end of this election, I'm gonna answer the rest of your questions!
First off:
Thanks everyone for participating! This ended up way bigger than expected. It was pretty exciting, seeing everybody chime in and participate.
Shoutout ESPECIALLY to all the people making fanarts, memes, etc... you people are incredible!!! Most of it can be found under #twe23, be sure to check it out, everybody!
Here's some highlights you people have made:
this github live number tracker made by @twilight-sparkle-irl during the vriska/katya poll. A THRILLING read!
this hollow knight miku oc by @anonymous-utility!! shes so cute...
@seasoned-cabbage made a wiki sandbox for the polls... it's so satisfying to see the stats laid out like this : D
@unidentifiedfroggy wrote fanfiction that just perfectly encapsulates the whole experience : ' )
General Q&A
"Who did you want to win?"
I myself think Vriska deserved the title most! I think vriska is just as integral to tumblr as Cecil is, if not more.
As for the other 2 involved, they didn't really care who won!
How often did you hear "Why are you pitting 2 bad bitches against each other"?
Often! One of us was going to count, but he got so annoyed that he stopped. You people need to get a new sentence.
"Why are there minors in a tumblrsexywoman contest?"
It's not a tumblr sexywoman contest, it's a tumblrwoman election! Before we made the poll, we considered whether it's better to throw out the minors or remove the "sexy" angle. We decided on the latter, mostly because this kind of competition would feel incomplete without tumblrgirls like miku and vriska.
Will you be doing this again next year?
Hm, not sure. Probably not! At least, I wasn't planning on it. We did this on a whim, and this is (SUPPOSED TO BE) my art blog.
I might make a blog for it next year, if these are still relevant and the demand is high (which i highly doubt).
Why didn't you answer my question?
I got like 130 asks this week and most of them were cries of pain and outrage. I was also incredibly busy irl until a day ago. If I didn't answer your question, Sorry!
Concerns about Corruption
According to the tags on these, every single one of the polls was rigged in some way or another. Particularly grievous examples of this were Miku's loss (I suspect Vriskavoters doing foul play (I am vriskavoters. I voted Bayonetta to sabotage Miku. Then i spent the whole day listening to Miku voicebank comparisons.)), and Marcie's win (Somebody accused the Adventure time subreddit of having swamped the poll. The post in question had 19 upvotes. The poll on tumblr had 92,123 votes).
What's more, I've been offered bribes!! Several american dollars! The political landscape of tumblr sure is a scary place...
Some of you really don't know how to act. This goes out to a small (but very, very vocal) minority - don't be a dick! Just because it's the internet does not mean you can just insult random strangers! This is a poll about fictional women, this is NOT a place to call people the r-word or imply someone is stupid for liking a character.
Some people left pretty graphic, violent messages. Most of these were jokes, but still. Take caution with the words you choose. This should go without saying, but telling strangers to "eat glass" and the like is not acceptable behaviour.
In the end, this was a competition between fictional characters, so seeing people arguing in the replies and trying to gain some sort of moral high ground was a little bit saddening.
Most of you were nice though, luckily : )
To everyone who left kind messages, to everyone engaging and having fun, the fan art, the posts, to everyone expressing their thanks to us - thank you!!!
In the end, this was a lot of fun, and it was nice to see the website come together like that!
What's next?
For the next few days, I'm going to be promoting my friends' projects as much as I can to scare all of you people off of my blog.
I got WAY too many followers from this and frankly, that is simply not acceptable. You all need to leave NOW, because I want to get back to posting art eventually and I would rather not be on everybody's timeline.
That's why I have decided to become a massive sell out and reblog my friends' stuff on main for a bit. Peace!
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quaranmine · 5 months
Sorry for putting this in your asks but you're absolutely right about the poll thing. I honestly just wish the poll would be deleted at this point, even if there would be some possible backlash from that as well-- I don't understand why op would include jellie if they clearly did not want her to win and had particular intentions going into this (expecting a "democratic" show from Tumblr sure is... something) but regardless there's so much bad energy around the whole thing (and this happens with basically every single poll I've seen on Tumblr, mcyt involved or not) and it's just so disappointing all around. The poll was made with bad faith, I don't understand why people are still paying attention to it. Nothing can be gained from this, if Jellie wins everyone who already is unreasonable will just be even more petty about it. It's a bad look for both sides, even if I do completely sympathize with everyone who's mad about the disgusting statements by op. It sucks.
I think you're explaining a lot of my same thoughts very well now. I was worried on the last poll (semi final or whatever) that this might go down badly, which is the same thought I have any time something vaguely mcyt-related ends up in a poll, but it went fine so I naively thought this one would be fine too. I was wrong...yikes, it's bad. Like you said, it's bad energy surrounding the whole thing. I don't care anymore about Jellie winning because it's such a negative experience, not a genuine friendly win. If she does win, everybody who voted for nefarious anglerfish is just going to be super mad about it. If she doesn't win, people are also going to be mean about it. It's just a cacaphony of people arguing and being mean to each other at this point. OP's comments upset me too but it just genuinely isnt worth it to Keep Talking About It. They get it. They got it thousands of notes ago. We're just dogpiling and talking in circles at this point and being obnoxious about it.
I'm also worried it might breach tumblr and Scar will somehow hear about. I think it would hurt him to see people say nasty things about Jellie AND hurt him to see his own fans acting nasty on his (unasked for) behalf. Whereas if everyone would just drop the issue we could all move on instead of getting into a frenzy over a simple cat poll. I think it should probably be deleted too. Either call it right now with nefarious anglerfish as the winner, declare co-winners, or just forget about it completely—I don't care what options gets chosen but I do think it's a bad idea to stretch this situation for another 5 days. Maybe everyone will lose interest by then.
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youredreamingofroo · 3 months
a bit of a message talking about inactivity and my possible hiatus. I dont know if this counts as a cw but i talk about depression here and there at the beginning (nothing graphic) and as usual, its a rant
im gonna be straight honest rn, i'm probably not gonna be active on tumblr for these next few days, ive been super up and down depressed and im just unmotivated and too tired to do anything, im still gonna check in here and there but dont expect me to reblog or reply to many posts, if at all. This could mark the beginning of a hiatus, but with mood swings and up and down depression, i could be back, active as ever tomorrow. Ever since ive uninstalled Sims 4, i did feel a weight lift off my shoulders, but simultaneously made me depressed due to the lack of... well... doing something, i dont... really know how to put it into words, its just something in my brain that i just cant explain, i guess a good way to put it is playing sims 4 gave me the motivation to stem off into other mediums, blender for example, gave me something to do, something to learn, and while i can still use blender, i just get progressively slower and slower at doing stuff in it because of my limited resources, some scenes i want to do require specific outfits and i dont have the facilities to make those outfits... i mean i probably do but i just dont feel motivated to do all that. I still play other games, ive been playing a lot of slime rancher 2 and have been trying to branch out to other games (indie games and bigger games), I want to post gameplay but if youve seen me rant about tumblr before, one of my biggest gripes is just how fucking annoying it is to upload images, so i just get completely unmotivated to post images/gameplay especially if its just some silly post. if uh if anyone is still reading this, ill be honest, i havent even been motivated to write about WAS at all, probably havent touched the planning doc in about 2 weeks. This... 'spiral'... has been noticeable for me for the last week as my sleep schedule gets swapped around from sleeping at night and awake during the day... to sleeping during the day and awake at night, this is all my fault, but its also just something that happens rotationally for me, i go from sleeping VERY early in the evening (6PM at the earliest) and waking at VERY early times in the morning (4AM at the latest) to sleeping VERY late in the morning (6AM at the earliest) and waking up late in the evening (3PM at the latest), i dont really know what causes the shift, but it happens, and i often blame myself for it even though i dont know what causes it...
anyways sorry, this will probably mark a very iffy hiatus, like i said ill be active but not... super active, i didnt check tumblr at all yesterday/monday, so thats kind of the pattern to expect from me depending on the day. In the meantime... i might try to get back into older sims games, ive mentioned this before, but i do have sims 1 on my laptop so maybe ill post stupid little gameplay posts from there (granted i havent played in like... a month 😐). I'll probably put up a poll after this post for people to vote on which sims game i should play- i KNOW i did it once before but im probably gonna do it again cuz i cant find the post and i have over 1000 posts 😭
if you read thus far, thank you for sticking around, if your a random person who read this for no reason... thanks? if your a follower of mine and cant understand where im coming from with this lengthy post, see yourself out or deal with it 🙃 otherwise, thank you all and i will be lurking about
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We have a winner!
After just under half a year, the Monster Hunter Tournament has come to a close!
First, our 3rd place winner is Dalamadur!
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Ahtal-Ka put up a good fight against its round 1 rival, but in the end Dalamadur took the titles of 3rd Place Monster and Tumblr's Favorite 4th Final Boss. It's still impressive how far Ahtal-Ka made it in the tournament, fans of the golden empress (including me!) should be proud of how well it did, while Dalamadur is very much deserving of it's spot in the top 3. Congratulations to the largest monster in the (main) series for getting such a fittingly high spot!
As for our champion, it's Gore Magala!
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After a very close match, Gore Magala managed to pull ahead and claim its place as the #1 Monster! Namielle put up a very close fight, and was even winning for the first day or two, but Gore managed to sneak ahead for the win. Full disclosure: I personally wasn't a huge fan of World, to the point that Iceborne was the first (and to date only) MH game I've skipped since I got into the series with Tri / 3Ultimate. Because of this, I actually hardly knew anything about Namielle before starting this tournament, and certainly didn't expect it to make it this far. Seeing this monster that I had personally not really thought much about have so many passionate fans behind it was honestly one of the coolest parts of running this whole tournament, so thank you Namielle fans! You've made me appreciate this monster that I've never even fought way more than I had previously.
Conversely, I wasn't surprised at all by seeing Gore in the finals: from before voting for round 1 had even started I personally guessed Gore was going to make it really far in this tournament, and I can't deny it wasn't deserving of it. Between being the monster with the most story relevance in the only MH game that tries the hardest to have an interesting plot (barring stories and other spin-offs anyway), having a super unique and engaging status effect, and just generally being a very aesthetically cool monster, it was always going to be a force to be reckoned with in this tournament. Despite it not being my personal favorite monster (that would probably be Valstrax), I'm definitely alright with it being our tournament champion.
Thank you all for joining me for this! While being much more work than I expected, this was a lot of fun to put together. For the future, I might do some smaller, one-off polls if I have ideas for them (feel free to suggest any you think of!), and once Wilds comes out I might do another bracket (either with just Wilds or the whole roster again, I'm not sure). Until then, happy hunting, and thank you all for voting!
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eponastory · 7 months
Murder! You Wrote.
An interactive second person being of view Devil May Cry fanfiction!
Poll is at the end of the chapter!
Firstly, you will need to read each part as it's posted. In order for the story to go on, you will have to vote on what happens next! Now, this can go in several different directions, so please pay attention for the little clues. You can guess who the murderer is before the story ends, but the reveal will be at the end. Have fun!
Also, this will be a Gender Neutral Reader and there will be no use of pronouns or detailed descriptions. YOU are the Reader. This is pretty much your story, I'm just throwing out possibilities! 😁
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It's dark. So dark that the street lights do not provide much luminance to see the words on the sign above the entrance to the hotel. The rain from earlier in the day made the air muggy on this autumn night. You are trying hard to see ahead of you, but the fog has made it difficult. Groaning, you reach into your Jean pocket for the small piece of paper with the address written on it.
As you bring it up to your eyes, you see that you are indeed in the tight place. However, it is not as you expected it to be.
You were expecting this grand hotel. Not this rundown, building in the middle of spookyville. If someone were to go missing, this was the place. The atmosphere alone was speaking to you. Yes, this was the perfect place for inspiration for your next book.
After all, you were a world-renowned murder/mystery author.
Most, if not all, of your books were inspired by places you have visited around the world. It was no surprise that your books were on par with Agatha Christie, but you were stuck on this next one. Your publisher was urging you to write your next book, but you were burnt out from publishing book after book.
You were here for the local Oddities and Curiosities convention as a guest speaker. Except your hotel was not as lavish as the convention organizers said it was. Oh well, at least you did not have to pay for it.
You swallowed as you felt like you were the victims of one of your own stories. This had to be a stupid decision. Maybe you should have politely declined their offer of free lodgings. Next time you will be more mindful of that.
The buzz of the lights in the outdated lobby was the setting of a movie you had seen once. Not a particularly good movie, but it was still enough to set you on edge. There were two chairs up against the mint colored walls with a table in between them. The dim lighting almost made everything look like some insane asylum. Even the white linoleum floor gave you this uncomfortable dread. The long hallway before you stretched on for an eternity. It invited you into some horror you could not explain as it rolled in your belly.
The feeling vanished as you felt yourself nearly jump out of your skin. You turn around to see a man standing at the reception desk. He was leaning against it with his back turned to you.
"Yo! Anyone there?" He said. You noticed he was dressed rather odd. A red coat, leather pants, and boots. The other strange thing was the color of his hair. "Service really stinks around here." He scoffed as he stood up straight. "They tell you it's a five-star hotel, then this shit happens." You knew he was talking to you when he turned his head to the side.
"It could be worse." The words popped out of your mouth. "For all I know, this could be some H.H. Holmes bullshit hotel." You knew the story about the famous Chicago murder hotel in the 1890's. You wrote a fantastic historical fiction novel about it. "Next thing you know, you fall into a vat of acid or something." There was a short laugh from the man with the white hair.
"Heh, I've seen worse." He turned around to look at you. "You look like the type to be into that sort of thing anyway." You shrugged.
"I know a thing or two." After all, you spent countless hours of research on all sorts of egregious crimes. He nodded, probably not really interested in what you were there for in the first place. "Actually, I need to check in."
"Well, I'd go find a better place if I were you." Obviously, but you were a bit on the poor side at the moment. No new book, and you spent most of your money fixing up your Victorian home. "Service is lacking, and there is no bar." A bar was essential for your work to begin.
There was the sound of someone clearing their throat. Both you and the stranger in red turned to the direction of the sound to see another man. This man was peculiar. He was just as tall as the odd man you were speaking to, but he was as pale as a dead body. Black hair swept back with as much hair gel that could be mustered to keep those locks in check. He was certainly gaunt withp his cheekbones poking out like sharp alabaster. The dark circles under his eyes also did not help his appearance either.
Just looking at the man gave you a distrustful feeling.
"May I be of assistance?" You gulp at the sight of the man behind the reception desk. He gives you a blank stare. You swear up and down that you are in some kind of dream, but you know you are not. You shake off the tingling feeling going down your back as you look to the red clad stranger you were speaking with earlier. He shrugs with a small smirk on his lips.
"Uh... yes, sorry." You pull out your phone with your reservation details already up on the screen. The receptionist only looks down with his eyes as you put your phone on the desk. "I'm here for the convention. My room should already be paid for the weekend."
"Ah yes... the Author." The gaunt man said with a drill voice that dragged out each syllable. He reminded you of Professor Snape from Harry Potter. The slow retort was enough to make you really wonder if you had stepped into some alternate reality.
The grunt from the man next to you said otherwise.
"Uh, yeah, I'm here for the Oddities and Curiosities Convention." You took your phone from the desk and put it in your back pocket. "The convention people were supposed to pay for all of my expenses."
"Yes, everything is paid in full." The half lidded dark eyes of the man across from you seemed to be staring out into nothing as he turned over a page in the log book. Was this place not up to date? Everything was... old fashioned. "Please wait." It was as if the man were a robot as he promptly turned away.
"Seems like everything here is all analog." You made the observation as you saw the old television sitting on a table in the corner behind the desk. "Even that TV looks like it's straight out of the 60's." You told the stranger you met earlier.
"That's nothing, you should see the rooms." He pointed over his shoulder towards the hall. "Rotary phones and vibrating beds with coin slots." That was really bad. And gross, but he looked pretty jovial about it. "It's like I'm back in the late 80's." You were not sure if you should run far away or not.
"I'm really glad I brought disinfectant spray." You thought about the can of Lysol you normally carried around for reasons like this. It was safely stored in your backpack. You traveled light, only bringing what you really needed with you. "Can't do anything about the bed bugs though."
"If it makes you feel any better, at least the sheets are clean." Thank the heavens for that. There was one saving grace about meeting the man you were standing there with.
"Are you here for the convention too?" You asked him. You were curious about why someone dressed like him was actually there.
"Nah, just in town for a job." He seemed to be dismissive of the whole thing. "My client is paying for the weekend, but said client hasn't shown up yet."
"That sucks." You wondered what kind of work the man did. He was definitely dressed for something a bit more lucrative. Red coat, faded Henley, and not to mention the guns. Two guns. .45 caliber. Custom made.
You knew guns only by the research you did for your books. He had to be some kind of undercover agent or assassin... something like that. This was giving you some ideas for your next book at least.
"Here is your key." The receptionist came back slamming the key on the counter to grab your attention. "Your room is on the second floor. Breakfast is provided until 9 AM." You hesitantly took the key while trying not to show you were slightly perturbed by the zombie across from you. "Enjoy your stay." He said slowly and ominously.
"Thanks... I guess." You looked at the man you had been talking to before with a bit of nervousness. "See you around."
"Yeah. I'm sure we'll run into each other again." He gave a mock salute with a smirk before turning his attention to the zombie receptionist.
You slowly made your way up to your room. The elevator was apparently out of order, so you took the stairs. Thankfully the second floor was not too bad. It had a different theme going on. Instead of mint green walls, they were more of a salmon color with brown and orange accents. It could be much worse.
Once you found your room, you unlocked the door and opened it. The guy downstairs was right. It was pretty bad, but at least it did not smell like an old musty hotel. It was actually not that bad. The bed definitely had a coin mechanism, but at least it looked comfy with the beige linens and brown comforter.
At least the shower was in working order.
You threw your back pack on the red chair in the corner before getting ready for bed. Tomorrow you were going to have breakfast, then you had to be at the convention center for ten.
You were sleeping pretty well until you heard something strange coming from the vent above your bed. A strange ticking sound had made its way into your dreams before pulling you to the land of the living. The ticking was not like a clock. It was more like little finger nails tapping on the vent. The rhythm of it had you sleepless for the rest of the night.
Until it stopped at 5AM on the dot.
You were tired when you rolled out of bed at 7. Your feet dragged as you made your way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Brushing your teeth had been a slow process as you stared into the mirror. Your eyes had dark circles under them indicating your three or so hours of sleep were not enough. Your eyes were slightly bloodshot from being awake as well.
Hopefully you would get a better rest when you returned from the convention.
Going down the stairs was an endeavor. You held on to the railing for dear life as you made your way to the first floor. You were in desperate need of caffeine and you really hoped the coffee at the breakfast bar was adequate enough for your refined tastes. If not, you could always find a Starbucks on the way to the convention.
Once you finally made your way to the first floor, you found the breakfast room. It came as a surprise to see there were five other people there.
The one you recognized first was the man with the red coat you had spoken to last night. He was sitting quietly at a table practically inhaling his waffles while another man sat in front of him. The two men were similar in features which clearly made them related. While the man in red was more relaxed, the one sitting across looked as though he was losing his patience.
Oh well, eggs and bacon were calling you.
You did notice a man and woman giving each other the cold shoulder as they ate their breakfast. The couple was in their early thirties at most and sat two chairs down from each other. It was obvious they were having a silent fight with each other. She would glance at him with hurtful eyes every now and then.
Then there was the older woman quietly sitting at the table by the window with a book in her hand. Her glasses were on the tip of her nose as she sat there. Her dark skin hinted at her Sub-Saharan ancestors. You admired her poise as she sat there eating and enjoying her book. A book which you had written almost ten years ago.
She must be there for the convention as well.
Just as you were dropping spoonful of scrambled eggs on your plate, a scream rang out through the entire first floor.
All at once, everyone in the room stopped moving and turned their attention to the hallways outside. Your immediate instinct was to find out where that scream originated from, so you took your plate and headed out of the room.
Being the true crime fanatic that you were, you followed the wailing sound of a woman who was in obvious distress. Turning left down another corridor, you saw her kneeling on the linoleum floor with her hands over her mouth as she cried. You did not even bother to put your plate down as you stepped closer to the red headed woman sitting on the floor.
"Are you okay, Miss?" She did not turn to look at you as she began to shake uncontrollably. You noticed there was a puddle of blood in the doorway as you moved closer. "Miss?"
"He's... dead." The woman muttered out while still staring into the room she was about to enter. You crept ever so slowly to look inside, but what you saw made you drop your plate.
It was a blood bath.
The whole room was coated in blood. The body of a man had been contorted in an unnatural way. It was something you had never seen or heard about before in any case. Murder like this was not murder, but something else entirely.
"What the hell?" Was all you heard before you suddenly found yourself being pulled from the scene by a hand on your arm.
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megatownac · 8 months
Supertown Popularity Poll Results
So. The polls are over. All 90 of them. You can still find the list here if you want to see the breakdown of each individual poll, but what you need to know is that each islander was pitted against each other islander in every one of the 90 ways that can happen, so each islander showed up in 18 polls. I decided early on that nobody got a point in the event of a tie. Here are the final scores, in order from highest to lowest:
First place: Ankha, with 11 points Second place: Chief, with 10 points Third and fourth place: Dom and Phoebe, with 9 points Fifth and sixth place: Chrissy and Drago, with 8 points Seventh place: Tybalt, with 6 points Eighth and ninth place: Francine and Henry, with 5 points Tenth place: Cally, with 4 points
Out of curiosity, I decided to see what the scores would be if a tie gave a point to each contestant instead of to neither. These were the results:
First place: Chief, 14 points Second place: Ankha, 13 points Third and fourth place: Phoebe and Drago, 12 points Fifth place: Dom, 11 points Sixth and seventh place: Chrissy and Francine, 10 points Eighth and ninth place: Henry and Tybalt, 8 points Tenth place: Cally, 7 points
So the rankings did shuffle around a little bit. Chief, it seems, was in 4 different polls that tied.
Despite what I said in the initial post on the subject, most polls did not end in ties or have zero votes. There were 15 that did. So 75 polls had a clear winner.
I could play around with the numbers even more if I wanted to. For example, what happens if ties gave half a point to each islander? But I won't. I also won't say what the results would have been if I had voted in the polls that ended in a tie. I was tempted. I really, really wanted to vote in some of these, just to do it. Just to let my own opinion influence things. Given how few votes each poll had, I could have really swayed things, I think. That's why I didn't ever vote. I really wanted to know who people liked the most.
And it's Ankha, of course.
Every so often, someone will find my blog through one of its tags and mass like a couple hundred of my posts that feature a certain character. This year, that happened at least three times that I noticed with Ankha. I wound up having to block one person who kept messaging me over and over about Ankha. I've never blocked anyone before this year. It was upsetting. I'm still upset about it. It kind of tarnishes the fact that she won this whole popularity contest for me.
I should be happier about it. This was a grand experiment that lasted nearly eight months, and I saw it through. And I've said before that Ankha is one of my favorite islanders, and that I had her in my Population: Growing game decades (literally, two decades) ago. So I like Ankha. She's a cute little yellow cat with a funny hat. What's not to like about her?
I'm also glad Chief did as well as he did. Chief is new to me. I only had him in this game on a whim: I liked the fact that his design made me think of certain middle-aged gay men I've known who are doing their best to age gracefully but are, undeniably, aging anyway. That's as much thought as I put into it. I'm sad Cally didn't do well. I had Cally early on in my New Leaf days, and I gave her away to someone who promised I'd be able to visit her again someday and then removed their blog from Tumblr and I never saw Cally again. It was sad. I think about that from time to time.
Something a bit similar happened with Henry: I had him in my New Leaf town, and I gave him away to someone whose blog is no longer active and who didn't post about him. Oh well. I didn't mind that as much. I like Henry alright, but he's never been one of my favorites. I'm fine with how badly he did in the polls.
I don't have any big conclusions here. This went, well, it honestly did go better than I expected for it to in a lot of ways. I kept holding out hope that maybe this blog would finally, after about ten years on this site, pick up a few followers and get me over that 1600-follower mark (I've had 1500-something followers for over six years--every time I gain a few followers, I lose a few), but I'm not willing or able to do what it takes to go viral. These are the kinds of posts I make.
I'm very grateful to the followers I have who stick around, liking and occasionally reblogging my stuff on a regular basis.
@vanilla-owns-chocolate @92explorer @zane275 @averygamin2 @schtroumpfalunettes @anch-vaviel @ozai @thebigjawpokemon @pie-bean
Those are in no particular order. I just went to my blog's activity page and scrolled down through a week or two's worth of notes until I saw all the usual folks I remember.
But, even though we don't talk, I appreciate you for being here for so long. It's easy to say that I don't do this for the notes, and I don't, really, but it's nice, you know? To see that there are folks out there who like what I put out there.
I'm going to be honest with you. I've given this a lot of thought. I think it's time I stepped away from Animal Crossing for a while. Focused on other things.
This isn't goodbye. It's just a hiatus. There are a few days of posts left in the queue, and then this blog will go silent, and I'm going to write some kind of actual message a little while after that sorting out my thoughts after ten years and one month of running this blog, which started on September 8, 2013. That's too long. Too, too long to have written anywhere from 4 to 10 posts a day. My activity page says 22,643 before I post this. Probably more than 22,000 of those were original, written by me, that is, not reblogs.
I'll be around. I have a main blog. @ozai has even liked a couple of my posts there, so I'm pretty sure they know about it. It's mentioned at the top of this one, even on mobile. So it's not a secret. It's right there. I write about other things there than Animal Crossing. Lately, it's been mostly about the novel I've spent the last three and a half years working on. I might actually have it done in another two years or so! Won't that be exciting? Then I can shut up about it and start writing about the next one.
I also wrote a few thousand words about Frog, from Chrono Trigger, once. It's not exactly surprising to me that my main blog has never even made it above 70 followers, is my point.
That's enough of this. I'm getting dangerously close to depressing, and I don't want to do that.
Here and now, this experiment, these 90 polls, was a triumph. I stuck with it. Ankha won. Chief came in second. Those are good things. It's good. I'm happy with that. It's the culmination of ten years of work. And it's time for a break.
Have a great day. Please continue doing your best, and I promise that I will, too.
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whisper-and-tangle · 1 year
The Best Sonic - Blazamy Fic
A fic inspired by the BestSonicShowdown polls!
A few days ago, Tangle, as what was supposed to be a joke, formed a tournament.
It was called the 'Best Sonic Showdown', and the idea was first created after Tails had discovered a phenomenon that allowed him to travel through dimensions- and bring a multitude of Sonics...Soni? With him.
Now, most of these Sonics shared the name-
But Tangle, for some fun, decided to start a tournament.
It was a series of polls- whoever won would get to be called Sonic, the others would have new names created for them.
The problem?
It got too popular.
Way too popular.
The Sonics were too interested in it- propaganda was made, and even competitors that weren't Sonic, like Metal or Shadow, joined in- out of spite, or to prove themselves better.
Eggman even tried hypnotizing everyone to vote for Metal-
Which failed, miserably.
What surprised Tails the most, though, was that Blaze even decided to humor Tangle's competition-
Amy, during one of Blaze's visits to Green Hills, managed to convince her to join in- Blaze agreeing on the terms that Amy joins with her.
The two sped through the competition, surprisingly-
Some merely thought Amy and Blaze were better than Sonic- others voted for them as a joke.
They even made it to the semifinals.
It was a tense moment- Tangle stood next to the poll boxes, about to reveal the winners of the semifinals.
Hundreds visited Spiral Hill village just for the tournament.
More than hundreds voted.
Tangle didn't nearly expect it to get this popular- she didn't expect it would become a full-on tournament, either,- she was going to make it a one-off joke.
But it was too late now.
It was time to unveil the winners-
And Amy rushed through the crowd, Blaze awkwardly following behind her-
"Blaze- Trust me, you've GOT to watch this! We could actually win this!" Amy said as she gestured for Blaze to follow her, running through the crowd.
Blaze shuffled through the crowd, eventually arriving near the front with Amy next to her.
"I'm unsure, though- Isn't this all...kind of ridiculous? I mean, we're not Soni-" Blaze said nervously, attempting to speak jokingly to distract herself from her nervousness.
She was cut off before she could finish her sentence, however-
For the votes were unveiled.
Both Amy and Blaze didn't make it through-
"Oh, c'mon!" Cried out Amy as she threw her hands in the air, dejected.
"Atleast we made it to the semifinals, huh?" Amy continued, lowering her arms as she turned to Blaze, who wasn't entirely upset by the endeavor-
Or upset at all, really.
"If I'm being honest, I didn't particularly...enjoy the competition. Marine should be happy I made it so far, though." She replied, sighing in relief- She hated charging through crowds just to see a vote, but was willing to do it for Am-
For a friend.
She was willing to do it for a very close friend.
"Yeah- sorry for dragging you here, Blaze. I was just kinda excited- You don't visit much, and it's...it's just...nice. Whenever you visit." Amy awkwardly spoke, turning away from Blaze.
Blaze looked at her, smiling slightly as Amy turned away.
"It's fine. I would've declined if I was exceptionally uncomfortable, anyway." Blaze spoke, hesitantly grabbing Amy's hand as she continued speaking,
"Would you..."
Amy turned back towards her- blushing slightly, and surprised.
Blaze immediately let go of her hand, embarrassed-
"Sorry- Would you like to go get a coffee? I just thought- that might cheer you up?" She continued nervously, waiting for a reply as she felt more and more anxious.
"Blaze." Amy replied, a blank expression on her face as she stared at Blaze-
Which only made Blaze more terrified- did she say something wrong? Should she not have grabbed her hand?- Did she completely mess up?
"I'd love that. Thanks." Amy continued, smiling sweetly as Blaze immediately felt relieved and reassured-
Much less anxious than before, Amy slowly took Blaze's hand as the two began to walk throughout Spiral Hill village.
"So, do you know where a coffee shop is?..." Amy said, laughing as they walked aimlessly through the village.
Blaze smiled-
"If I'm honest, then no, not quite." She replied, chuckling-
"I'm sure we'll find one on our way." Blaze continued, heading through the village.
As they wandered, Tangle jumped infront of them- tired, but happy nevertheless.
"BLAZE! AMY! HEY!- So happy to see you guys! Sorry about the whole semifinals thing- cool that you managed to reach the semifinals, though!" She said as she ran over to the two.
"Yeah, it's fine. Do you know where a coffee shop is, though? Me and Blaze were just gonna grab a coffee." Spoke Amy- Tangle thinking for a moment, before responding,
"Yep! Just down the road, actually!- Anyway, I've GOT to go! Can't be late- first date with Whisper!", quickly as she rushed away, a bouquet of flowers held by her tail.
"Bye!" Amy yelled to a far-off Tangle, who was already too far away to hear-
Blaze stared off with a confused expression on her face.
"They...weren't dating before? Did I miss something?" She asked as the two began to walk to the coffee shop.
"Pfff- Yeah, we both kinda had the same guess there. No, they just started dating recently- things are going well for them though. Happy for them." Amy replied, swinging open the door to the coffee shop as she walked in, Blaze following behind her.
Blaze took a seat next to Amy as they entered the shop, sitting at a table in the corner.
"Think I've been here before, actually." Amy said as she skimmed over the menu, placing it back onto the table as Blaze stared at the menu.
"Huh. That's interesti..." Blaze spoke, her sentence trailing off as she talked, distracted by Amy's eyes as she stared into them.
It was like a field of freshly blossomed flowers, with leaves flying through the wind,
the sky a bright, calm blue,
and the sun shining brighter than ever.
It felt safe, comfortable, and caring.
It felt perfect, despite not fitting the word-
Because the trees surrounding the field could cause splinters,
A misplaced step could crush a flower,
But it still felt perfect, to Blaze.
She loved it despite it's flaws.
Blaze didn't realize she completely froze up, staring at Amy-
until Amy asked her,
"So, what do you want to order?", Blaze snapping out of it as she shook her head, her face red as she mutters an apology for getting distracted.
"I- Uhm,- I'll- The same as you, please." Blaze spoke, desperately trying to think of an order, before ultimately deciding to give it up to chance.
Well, maybe chance wasn't the right word. She knew Amy loved soft-served ice-cream, and it was likely this shop sold it too.
"Right! I'll be back in a moment, then." Amy replied, getting up and walking over to order.
As Blaze was alone, she thought to herself;
Did she really think of Amy that way?
She'd never guess it, before.
She just thought they were very, very close-
But now?
It felt bittersweet.
She was, truthfully, in love with Amy-
But did Amy love her back?
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sege-h · 10 months
Alright I've not stopped thinking about this all day because I'm peeved and I guess I have things to say as someone that has been here long enough that they watched the internet go 'OCs are annoying and cringe' for a few years, enough that it scared a bunch of young artists away from ever making OCs without the fear of looking """cringe"""
If you're not someone's friend/it's not an inside joke it's never okay to go 'Kill that [OC]' especially not when you go '[not joking]' at the end of it
That's someone's little guy (gender neutral) that they've made. Something creative they've shared with the world.
Yes you're allowed to find something annoying but like. When you very publicly go 'I think this is annoying' you're telling the someone that made it 'you and this thing that brings you joy are annoying'
You are not critiquing anything by doing this- No one asked you to, and Sonic OCs aren't like a show or a comic anyone can watch and give their negative thoughts on. You're just being a jerk. OCs can be so personal and you never know whose day you might be ruining by basically going 'I hate that you're having fun, I find it and your OC annoying'
Maybe it's a budding artist
Maybe it's someone whose day was already bad
Maybe it's someone whos dealing with insecurity in their work and your words will be the breaking point that makes them quit or makes them too anxious to keep doing something for years to come
Can you tell that last one happened to me once? Lmao
The Sonic OC Tournament was so civil and that's because everyone in that tournament understands what it's like to make an OC and share it with the world. Nobody wants to go 'youre annoying, your OC should get killed in this poll' to someone else, because they understand how rude that is
People are campaigning for that OC to win a general Sonic tournament? GOOD. They're having fun! What do you expect them to do? Go 'hey everyone vote for literally anyone else but my OC, i hate them'????
When you have negative thoughts on someone having fun without hurting anyone, keep them to yourself. Or hell, maybe you have a friend that's also negative, feel free to DM each other over it instead of saying it where the artists can see. Again, the artists of a personal OC, not some piece of media that's free to critique.
I've been in this fandom for a long time. And trust me, if this is you, if you find yourself acting like this. Work on it. Grow into someone better. Because you don't wanna be the person whose impact on someone's time in fandom was 'that one jerk weirdo'
Me and the friends I've grown up along with in this fandom remember all the good times- the time someone did fanart of our OCs unprompted, the times people were nice to us, the times anyones commented so much as a 'hey! I like your fanfic/OCs!' and even though it's been years, we remember the names of the people that made fandom good for us!
But we also remember the jerks. But not their names. They're just a 'hey remember that one time this weirdo said my OC sucks?' or 'hey remember that jerk that kept insisting to critique my art even though no one asked?'
They're nameless, tiny black smudges on our experiences in fandom, people we decided to stay away from going forward. And you don't wanna be that.
I guess all I'm saying is, please learn how to act around people online. We're here to have fun, not put on a show for someone else. We're people, not content machines for you to either show amusement or disdain towards. Someone/something someone made as a fan annoys you? Stay away from it then, and don't kick someone for having fun with the characters they made
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lily-blue-blue-lily · 8 months
i made a poll about taylor swift. it slightly made my notes a living hell for a week. heres some info i gathered from it cos i figure some people might find it interesting!
(gonna put a keep reading thing cos this might get long!)
- the post got 36k votes and 7.5k notes and really made it round every possible opinion on taylor swift there could be
- it was a lot more negative than i was expecting. i accidentally found my way onto swiftie instagram a few months ago and now my instagram algorithm thinks thats all i wanna watch so i think maybe my perception of how many people are actually are a fan of her is a bit skewed?
- that being said, in general, people were actually very reasonable and had very nuanced opinions in the notes, which was a little surprising
- however, the people who really really dont like her have absolutely zero chill
- tumblr swifties are a lot better than instagram swifties
- i should have made some options on the poll which included being completely neutral/having no opinions on her as a person, thats my bad
- a lot of people think shes hot, regardless of their opinions on her or her music
- the main reasons, roughly in order, for people disliking her are:
1. her fans
2. the private jet thing
3. the matty healy thing
4. her having a white woman victim complex
5. her being a nepo baby (something i wasnt aware of before this poll)
6. her music being overplayed at peoples places of work (which is so valid, i cant listen to cardigan without wanting to die for this very reason!)
(there were other reasons people disliked her but these are main ones)
- a lot of people who said they didnt like her music did have one or two songs that they said were the exception. these are all the ones i saw specified:
- love story
- you belong with me
- innocent
- blank space
- look what you made me do
- bad blood
- the best day
- safe and sound
- no body no crime
- style
- anti-hero
- we are never ever getting back together
- tolerate it
- seven
- you're on your own kid
- long live
- never grow up
- also quite a lot of people said they disliked her music with the exception of one album. the albums i most saw specified for this were 1989, fearless and speak now.
- a lot of people, regardless of their overall opinion on her/her music dislike midnights
- a lot of people said they only liked her music up until red. alternatively, quite a lot people said they have only liked her music released since red.
- i learnt about gaylors (and kaylors) through this poll. i didnt really know that was a thing. it confuses me. (shoutout to the anon i got about it, i dont agree with you and dont really get it, but you were also one of the nicest people towards me on this poll so i very much appreciate that, thank you!)
- on that topic, everyone, regardless of their opinions on taylor, seems to be annoyed by gaylors. (except the gaylors themselves).
- i got frequently (and sometimes quite aggressively) accused of being a swiftie on this poll due to the range of options on it. im not actually a swiftie, im just bad at making polls! i have very complicated opinions on her that frequently change, which is the main reason i made the poll, i wont go into detail on my thoughts on her here (nor did i on the actual poll) but im happy to explain my thoughts fully if someone asks!
- finally, here are some tags that made me laugh!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
and this tag, which might be the most baffing thing anyone has ever added to one of my posts:
Tumblr media
theres probably more absolute gems hidden in the notes, but this poll got a lot of tags and replies and there was no way i could read everything!
thanks for reading and please dont take any of this too seriously, i made the poll due to my own curiosity and this post is just for anyone else interested!
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badvgopinions · 2 years
This is such a stupid article that I could barely bring myself to read all of it because I facepalmed so hard.
It claims that Team Skull, Team Yell and Team Star are bland and part of a devolving trend because they're nuisances instead of threats and apparently that makes the story less compelling because there's lower stakes or something.
Ignoring the fact that both of the OTHER organisations in those games had goals that nearly destroyed both Alola and Galar, with the Aether Foundation unleashing Ultra Beasts on Alola and accidentally triggering a near apocalypse in Alola and Ultra Megalopolis because of Necrozma, and Chairman Rose triggered the Darkest Day again which nearly turned ALL of the region's Pokémon into rampaging kaiju. That's pretty high stakes to me.
There's also the fact that SCARLET AND VIOLET AREN'T OUT YET. We have no idea what Team Star's goals are. They article immediately jumps to conclusions that they're only pointless trouble makers or something when they could be planning their own apocalypse thing. We don't know WHAT their goals are yet so how can they judge them?
There's also the fact that the article claims that "The first villainous team to truly stand out negatively in the mainline series was Team Skull" …Excuse me? I've been a fan of Alola since it's release and I've never heard any negative opinions on Team Skull. Hell, Truegreen7 did a favourite characters poll recently and Team Skull was voted as the second most popular evil team behind Team Plasma. To claim they "stood out negatively is just false.
There's a few things I wanted to say, couldn't choose which one so I'm going to say all of them.
Team Skull was made partially because people were getting kind of tired of the usual terrorist who knew what they were doing. I'm pretty sure THEY were getting tired of that, too, which is why they made Team Skull the focus while the real villains were lurking in the background. And they are the best villain team ever. They're self-aware, relatable and are just really, really funny.
With that out of the way, of course I'm expecting a "secret, true villain" for Violet and Scarlet, but at the same time I kind of don't want there to be. I won't complain if there is but for these games I kind of want your school adventure to be interrupted by a Pokemon. Maybe one that wakes up after 10,000 years and just does destructive Pokemon stuff because they're a destructive Pokemon.
This is probably because futuristic/prehistoric seems to be a theme for these games and I'm probably thinking about Lavos from Chrono Trigger.
Team Star as far as I can tell is just a rival school group or something, which sounds like fun, honestly. I'm not really sure though, nobody is. Like you said, the games aren't out yet. Maybe it'll turn out that they are actually terrorists. Maybe the people behind them will turn out to be someone who's been puppeteering them in the background. Maybe it won't. Maybe we should stop making assumptions about a game that's not out yet, again, like you said.
I am making myself excited for the game though, wanting to know just how the story will be where you're open to get badges in any order. It'll probably be like the Gen 1 games where the order of badges you get doesn't effect the story. But again, nobody outside from the developers knows because the game's not out yet!
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here are the plots if you want to use them to vote:
this is what I'm thinking would happen with each ship (for more context, see the post below this that says story poll):
After curfew was one of Lily and James’ favorite times to meet. Some students were always sneaking around but none of them bothered to venture up to the Astrology Tower or the owlery. They would usually hold hands as they got their mail and the picnic basket the house elves were kind enough to prepare before going to the Astrology Tower. 
Lily got herself comfortable on the blanket, feet swinging back and forth in the air. She paused when she saw a small parchment envelope. Eyes squinting, she examined the way her name was written before holding it up to her nose. 
“Hmm?” James asked as he took the food out of the basket. 
“This letter, it’s from Y/N. She’s a Hufflepuff in most of my classes. She always scents her letters so they smell like a garden.” 
“Y/N… You’re talking about Hufflepuff’s chaser? She’s wicked fast, it’s insane. She should be their seeker.” 
“Yeah, that’s her.” 
“What did she sa— Hey, I got a letter too. I bet it’s about the upcoming match.” 
Lily rolled her eyes. “Not everything is about quidditch.” 
“Whatever you say, love. Open the letters on three?” 
Both of them smiled as they tore through the envelope. A range of emotions went across their faces as their eyes scanned the small paragraph you wrote over and over again. Like a mirror, they clutched the envelopes to their chests. Lily nodded. 
“You go first.” 
“Um.” James started scratching the back of his head. “She’s liked me since we were fourth years but she doesn’t expect anything. She just needed to get it off her chest so she could try to get over me. If there’s a small chance I like her, she wants me to just send a letter… You?” 
“Are you serious? That’s what she wrote to me! I mean, she only liked me since last year but it’s almost the same.” 
You took your breakfast to the Black Lake pier. It was one of the last days of good weather before autumn really settled in. You also did it to escape the claustrophobic Great Hall while you internally berated yourself for sending those letters. Why would you do it so close to the start of the school year? You should have waited until summer when everyone would have graduated and never looked back. Then you could have at least avoided them. 
Taking off your shoes and socks, you sat at the very edge of the pier and let your feet kiss the water. The elves had made an amazing breakfast: apple streusel muffins, bacon, honeydew, and pumpkin juice. You took a bite and just looked over the lake. Two bodies plopped down next to you, making you jump. You turned your head to see James on your right side and Lily on your left. They placed two envelopes on your lap. 
“Read James’ first.” 
Delicately, you peeled open the envelope and pulled out the letter. As if it was a neon sign, the words Lily and I are dating, blinded you. You pressed the letter to your face and threw yourself back until you were laying on the pier. This was possibly the most embarrassing thing ever. Even more embarrassing than dropping the quaffle after you sneezed in the middle of a game. Lily picked up the other letter off your lap and held it over your face. You tentatively took it. The couple laughed when you threw the letter. 
“Are you serious?” you asked. 
James nodded. “Lils and I talked about it and we want to give it a try with you. If you’re okay with that?” 
You and Remus gave each other looks from opposite sides of the Hufflepuff common room. Sirius lost his shoes hours ago and his shirt was gone only mere minutes before you and your friend locked eyes. Remus shook his head, peeling himself from the wall as he did so. You made your way to the yellow wool couch where his shirt and shoes hopefully still were. 
You chuckled as you met Remus at the front. Sirius was slumped over him but still trying to party. The taller man readjusted himself before. 
“Y/N, can you stop by the kitchens and get him something?” 
“On it.” 
Racing up the stairs before Sirius threw up on himself, you made it to the marauders’ dorm. There was a lowlight coming from the bathroom and the sound of Remus trying to get Sirius into the bathtub. You went in, setting the tray with bowls of chicken noodle soup and watermelon chunks and cups of tea on the counter before making your way to the belligerent boy sitting on the edge of the tub. Remus scratched at his head. 
“Padfoot, what can I do to get you in this bath?” 
“I told you, get in with me. Y/N too.” 
You turned the faucet and grabbed some bubble bath. “Okay, pretty boy, let’s take a bath.” 
“What?” Remus asked you. 
“Just do what he wants so we can sleep. He won’t know the difference between us in underwear and him naked.” 
Remus put a charm over the food to keep it warm before joining you and Sirius. Your cotton underwear stuck to your body as the water soaked you. Remus sat in front of Sirius while you sat behind to try and avoid seeing him completely naked. He lathered up a washcloth to wash Sirius’ body while you did his hair. 
“It would’ve been easier if he turned into a dog,” he grumbled. 
“Rem, he can barely stand. Do you think he could actually turn himself right now… Yes, pretty boy, let me just condition your hair and then we can eat. Okay?” 
Sirius sighed, bending all the way over to look at you. “I like it when you call me pretty boy.” 
“I’m sure you do.” 
“I like it when Moony calls me caraid. Do you know what it means?” 
“It means love in Welsh.” You looked up at Remus. “And you swore British speech wouldn’t rub off on you, saying love every sentence. You’re starting to sound like me and James.” 
“Shut up.” 
You and Remus finished washing Sirius up and got him into some pajamas before sitting on Remus’ bed to enjoy the food. Sirius didn’t eat much but enough that he hopefully wouldn’t be too hungover in the morning. He whined until you and Remus slept in bed with him. 
The raven-haired boy woke up in the morning, clutching his head. Letting his hand fall, he froze when he felt something underneath him. You woke up when Sirius screamed. Remus came to shortly after, groaning his complaints. 
“Is there a fire?” he asked. 
Sirius slapped both his hands to his cheeks. “Did we sleep with each other?” 
Remus opened one of his eyes. “Did you really just ask if we had a threesome?” 
“I’m in bed with both of my crushes and I can’t remember anything about last night, excuse me for forgetting if there was a threesome or not.” 
You and Remus sat straight up. “Did you just say crushes?” 
Instead of being at Hogsmeade with everyone else, you and Sirius were making out in his dorm. Friends with benefits wasn’t exactly what you would call each other because you had only made out. But you were getting there. His hands were under your shirt, groping your breast, over your bra. Your hand was down his pants, fingers toying with the band of his underwear before slipping past it. All clothes were shed aside from your panties and his briefs. 
You groaned as he pushed one finger into you. Sirius’ lips left yours to kiss up and down your neck. You both jumped when the door opened. James was so concerned with reading his muggle book Remus gave him that he didn’t even notice you two at first. He only looked up when he heard the band of your underwear snap when Sirius tried to quietly pull his hand away. 
“Well, don’t stop on my account but I’m taking a shower and finishing the book in the comfort of my blanket.”  
Sirius looked down at you. “I don’t mind… Y/N, we don’t have to.” 
You kept looking between him and James. “It’s kind of weird if he doesn’t join.” 
Both men’s eyes went wide. James gulped but his feet were carrying him closer to the bed. 
You looked down at Remus’ hand holding your wrist as he led you through Hogwarts. Your friend was more frantic than usual which was saying something because since knowing Remus when you were both three, he was a somewhat frantic boy. 
“Rem, slow down. My legs are shorter than yours, you know.” 
He didn’t say anything but slowed down ever so slightly. The two of you didn’t completely stop until you were in one of the empty classrooms on the seventh floor. He locked the door and sat you down on the large desk at the front for whatever professor chose to teach in that class for the day. You watched your friend scratch at his head before tucking his hands in his back pockets. He was looking extra cute today. Your breath caught in your throat. Right then and there you made a decision. After Remus told you whatever he needed to say, you would confess to him. 
“I need your help,” he finally said. 
You giggled. “That’s what you dragged me up here for?” 
“I help, you don’t have to whine. When have I not helped you?” 
“I like James and I want to tell him that but I don’t know how.” 
Your smile dropped. Remus was gay? And he never told you? Part of you was sad that you liked him, knowing his eyes were on someone else. Another part of you was sad that maybe you weren’t safe enough of a space that Remus ever felt comfortable telling you about crushes or his sexuality. And then you focused back on the fact he liked James… the other person you had a small crush on.  
“Y/N? What’s the problem?” 
You were snapped back to attention, focusing on the boy in front of you. You jumped down from the desk when you felt tears in the corner of your eyes threaten to fall. 
“Yeah, I’ll help you. You guys look good together,” you said before you started to leave the room. 
Remus grabbed your hand before you could leave. “Will you turn around and look at me?” 
“Why did you start crying?” 
You sighed. “I’ll tell you if you let me go.” 
Remus nodded even though you couldn’t see and let go of your wrist. Slowly, you turned and looked at him. There was no way you could say it in a way to spare your feelings. So, you decided to just be outright and then run. 
“I like you, like like you,” you said before tearing open the door and booking it. 
You were only a little bit down the staircase before Remus caught up to you. You tried to yank out of his hold but he just moved to the steps below you. 
“You said you’d let me go if I told you. Please let me leave with some dignity.” 
“But you didn’t let me speak.” 
“You don’t have to tell me anything.” 
“After the bombshell you just dropped, I think I do.” 
You sniffled. “Rem, I get it, you’re gay. I don’t feel like being let down gent—” 
“I like you too.” 
“But you like James.” 
“Dude, you do know what bisexual means, right?” 
“I forgot.”
“Can I kiss you?” Remus asked, breathlessly. He gave you a peck on the lips when you nodded. “You’re such an idiot sometimes.” 
“This whole summer I tried to ask you out and you never returned the sentiment. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship so I stopped.” 
“You asked me out?” 
“Merlin, Y/N. Was me saying let’s go on a date to the beachfront restaurant on couple’s night not obvious?” 
“I thought it was so we could get free cake.” 
“You’re unbelievable… But I do have feelings for James too. I just wanted to tell you that.” 
“Rem, I have a small crush on James too.” 
He gave you a side smile. “Should we do something about that then?”    
Regulus decided to get some quidditch practice in early on a Sunday morning. The pitch would be clear and even when it was later in the morning, the other players would all be at Hogsmeade. Putting on his gloves, he started to walk into the pitch when he heard two voices. 
You and James were practicing quidditch. Well, he was practicing and you were pretending to help him while really you drew pictures of the gnomes that ran by and posed for you in exchange for bread. Not many people took art as an elective but you enjoyed it. James flew low and just practiced throwing a quaffle — he sometimes took over for the Gryffindor chaser — so he could talk to you. 
“Did you see Regulus the other day?” 
“How could I not? He rolled his sleeves up and it was so hot. Do you think he’s noticed our staring?” 
“Nah. Thank God he’s more oblivious than his brother. You know, Pads almost killed me the other day because I said Regulus’ hair looked the best in the entire school that morning.” 
“That sounds like Sirius,” you said with a laugh before standing up to throw the quaffle to your friend. “I want to kiss Reggie’s face off.” 
“Get in line… hey, Y/N, do you want to kiss each other’s faces off after this?” 
“Hmm, why not. Ugh, I wish we could just date him?” 
Regulus came out from where he was hiding. “Okay, then date me.” 
You dropped the quaffle and James fell off his broom. Both of you looked at the man in front of you. 
“I’m sorry?” 
Regulus shrugged. “Date me, then.”  
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