#i should say pose refs. i took pictures of my hands for the last one and i used clip's 3d modeler for the first (but i posed it)
hell0mega · 11 months
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"but it's pretty!"
trying something new after hearing what his crush's fave color was
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maybe it's working too well (bonus under the cut 👀):
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zosanbrainrot · 17 days
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part 06!! and the end of Act 1
01 02 03 04 05 06
I don't have anything else storyboarded right now, I have the dialogues for Act 3 written down, but for the 2nd Act I'm gonna have to rewatch parts of WCI. I'm also thinking of a different approach, more like a series of illustrations not a comic, but idk yet, I'll have to rewatch and see!
It's not like I'm actually using a 3 Act structure as in 'a method of writing a story', I don't know how to and I haven't tried learning that (YET). I just think its neat and reflects how I divided my artistic process. I've always seen this story in my head as 3 parts.
And before I delve into part 06, I can't stop myself from saying that....... part 05 really needed another closeup on Sanji's face. If I ever try and repost it to another site then maybe I'll add it (between the panels of Ichiji & Zoro and the closeup on the spear, it would help the rythym but also strengthen the emotional connection, before Sanji shuts himself off)
Anyhow part 06
Most panels were a breeze, but the last two, my god, I just couldn't get them right for the longest time. In the end my favourite panels are the closeups of Luffy and Nami, I should really draw them more.
Here's how this panel in particular went:
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I did like how the pose was looking in my first rough pass, the face is scrunched, the shoulders are high with tension, the direction is consistent
Couldn't execute it though... I think in the first rough sketch the camera is looking at Luffy slightly from above? Like he's leaning into it. That's why the shoulders can be so high up, but I didn't realize what it was when trying to clean it. So when cleaning the sketch I drew the head on the same level as the camera which made the whole pose look flat, also in this weird angle, like it's not fully 3/4, but it's not facing forwards either.
I didn't know what wasn't working, so I doubled down and tried with the lineart, but it didn't magically help. It just looks like he's slouching.
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4. so I tried to rethink the pose and commit to a 3/4 view. I like that more of the neck is visible now, you can feel that he's leaning forward with the scream, but I think I could have pushed it a bit more still
5. with linework I made some small changes, like a bit shorter hair, smaller nose and the eyes pushed back a bit. I also added the scratches and filled in the black parts
6. added flat colors & shading!
Last panel with Sanji was even harder to draw hehe
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so I thought this would be easy bcs I wanted to basically redraw the panel from the anime
that's why my rough sketch was extremely rough, I didn't think about it much
and then I had so much trouble with it lmao You'd think that it would be easier when you're covering the character's face, but I was in this undecided space of on one hand wanting to show the pain on Sanji's face and staying truthful to the anime scene on the other. I also found it super diffucult to show the emotions without the eyes
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4. The pose in 3. also wasn't working so I tried to make him more slouched, like he's curling in on himself more, it was definitely a better direction. I tried going into lineart from here but I didn't like how the fingers were turning out
5. So I decided to get a new ref and took a picture of how I'd make this gesture myself. With this pose I also changed the position and angle of the face slightly, bcs it would have created a very small space between the hand and the nose and I wanted the two shapes to connect
6. I really liked the hand, but was having trouble with the hair, it felt too short, still couldn't get the face right either
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7. so I elongated the hair and worked on the face some more and was finally happy with what I had!
8. added colors! At first I had it colored like the other panels, color just on Sanji then gradient on the bottom helping it fade to black, but it wasn't sitting well with me. Maybe because the space above his head was too big and I didn't want to have a background here and also wasn't adding the little floating pieces to the carriage scene (these were reserved for the grass battlefield)
9. SO! I made Sanji's figure darker and also added a darker shade to the whole scene and I think it ended up working really nice. Like he's drowning in the darkness, the only element piercing through it are Luffy's words. It also just fills up the space better lmao, feels less empty visually
Its gonna be A WHILE, before I have updates for this, I'm gonna have to start with the rewatch anyway. Right now I'm gonna have to focus on finishing my extra pieces for the @rdtriozine !! If any of you read this far you may as well check it out lmao I have a full illustration spread there and gonna have spots for a fic too ❤️ I just need to draw them!!! AGHHHH
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onebizarrekai · 4 years
v3′s art is comically terrible for a professionally distributed game in a series: a compilation
in this not-essay I will list all of the mistakes and problems I have spotted in v3′s art. don’t worry, it’s entirely for fun and I’m doing this on a whim, so please feel free to not take this seriously but also it’s hilarious and embarrassing how ridiculous this is like what happened did they speedrun the whole production or what
see, there are some things you can take as meta like “they made it bad on purpose to allude to the downfall of tv shows that have been on air for much too long” but I have a very strong feeling this is not the case due to the nature of some of these errors
disclaimer, the more I study this art, the more I fear that the artists were underpaid and underslept, so if this is in fact the case, I am so sorry to all of them but also I’m going to make fun of the art anyway
anyway let’s get started!
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if you study this image for longer than 5 seconds, you will see that kaede is the only one fully shaded and keebo is literally just his normal sprite pasted into the image. every other character is just an ordinary ref, hence most of them facing the exact same direction with neutral expressions on their faces. it looks like a bad edit, and is probably one of the worst pieces of art in the game. it kind of gets better from here on, but my roasting will not.
with that out of the way, here’s the problem that officially bothers me the most and clarifies my viewpoint of “this is not meta and an actual lack of company communication”
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this freaking cg, which seems normal at a glance, but some wiseass was like “oh, kaede is a girl, so obviously she’s going to be shorter than the Male Protagonist™” ah, that’s funny. because if you look at the character bios, kaede is, in fact, one inch taller than shuichi and not like 6 inches shorter as she is shown here.
also shuichi’s shoulder is disproportionate and horrendous and he looks vaguely like a jojo character, but I wasn’t even thinking about that until right now.
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thanks guys, 50% of the fandom who has never bothered to check these bios thinks that kaede is like 5′3 (did the developers really put so little thought into her to the point where drawing her correctly in the game didn’t even matter??)
also I would like to point out that, even though this isn’t related to the art itself, yes, a character kaede’s size being only 117 lbs is unfeasible, but this applies to literally every character in danganronpa ever and it’s not new news that it’s unrealistic
update: someone in the tags informed me that in versions of the game that use centimeters, like the japanese version, kaede is actually shorter than shuichi, which just adds another thing to the list of weird decisions the localization team made for no reason. that said, after confirming this, kaede is 167 cm in the original, while shuichi is 171 cm, which are approximately 5′6 and 5′7 respectively, but one inch is still nowhere near as drastic as it is depicted above. (in spite of this, I would rather depict kaede as slightly taller, so I’m probably going to keep doing that.)
the journey continues!
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bro if you want kaede to have shoulder length hair then stick to it to begin with
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you can pretend this is at an angle all you want but they definitely committed the shorter kaede sin a second time
wait a goddamn second.
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no………… it wasn’t kaede who shrank. it was shuichi who got taller
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speaking of which, can we talk about how shady the perspective is in this elevator pic? look at shuichi and kokichi in comparison to kaede. kokichi, who is canonically 7 inches (edit: or 5, if you’re loyal to the original) shorter than kaede, looks taller than kaede. he’s growing too. what steroids are these gays taking
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running into the room, electric boogaloo: I don’t think tsumugi is supposed to be the same height as kokichi
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gonta… gonta you’re lookin a bit like a jojo character there
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I love how kaito’s head looks kind of like it was pasted onto his body. why is he the same size as shuichi? shouldn’t he be high school bully size or something? his torso is teensy
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ah yes, white angie.
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I love this cg but why is shuichi’s right hand so much bigger than his left hand
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I also love how this cg looks like they literally took pictures of trees and pasted them into the background, especially on the left. the shadows are so weird, especially closer to the ceiling, it’s difficult for me to believe they didn’t do exactly that.
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return of Enlarged shuichi
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puberty update: kokichi is now taller than shuichi in spite of shuichi never missing leg day. what crimes will he commit
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I have to mention it, guys. this has to be one of the worst danganronpa cgs. kokichi’s facial proportions look atrocious. look at the way his face sticks out like his jaw is in the wrong place. his scarf is a pasted texture. that’s it. this moment was so iconic but the cg just looks so… so… off. like something is terribly wrong, but you can’t put your finger on it.
you know what? let’s get into that ‘pasted texture’ thing.
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let’s imagine you’re an artist working on a professional game. you’re assigned to draw cgs of kokichi ouma, who has a checkered scarf from hell. sure, it will be terrible to draw, but you only have to draw it once at a time! plus, perspective is pretty important, right? can you be bothered? nah, actually. let’s just copy paste a checkered pattern into the cg, because I’m sure nobody will notice. it’ll blend right in with the other cgs that someone actually put effort into drawing his scarf in, right?
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no. the answer is no and I very much noticed. this genuinely looks terrible and I would understand taking a shortcut like that in fanart or even an indie game but this is a full price pc and console distributed game
(an addition: look at kokichi’s TINY HANDS in that last one)
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meanwhile, they straight up forgot to color in kokichi’s scarf in this cg.
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dude. I forgot about whatever the hell this cg was. anyway look at keebo please just look at him
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lovin kaito’s baby arms
real talk, maybe you could argue that he’s missing muscle because he’s deathly sick, but most of his cgs don’t line up with this, and his arms just look disproportionate to his torso size (granted this is a consistent problem across all danganronpa games and a lot of characters have this weird problem, like hajime, but also kaito is bigger than hajime so I kind of have higher expectations of him) maybe it’s his stupid goatee and the way he reminds me of yasuhiro?? it creates this illusion that he’s older than he is and so I keep expecting him to look more like an adult
oh, also rantaro is missing some of his accessories in that video he made–you know the one–but I don’t wanna go back and screenshot it
also you may have noticed that I’m skipping all of the monokub cgs because I literally do not care about them and I’m not even bothering to check and see if they have artistic mistakes in them
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hey um uh kaito you seem to be missing your neck
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hey guys do you like my pregame fanart
so, that done, the sprites are also pretty terrible at times. they’re not as interesting to go through, however, and downloading the full sprite sets for every character and studying every single one of them will drive me insane, so I’ll just sum some of the ones I noticed up. I made things for kaede and shuichi before deciding I wasn’t going to get into it, so here are these.
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that said, other mistakes include kokichi missing his purple highlights in all of the sprites encompassing a specific pose, stray pixels all over the place on everyone, and everyone also has heavily inconsistent shading, but literally all I think about is how pregame shuichi is unshaded and two of kaede’s pregame sprites have glaring outfit change mistakes in them
anyway, thank you for taking the time to read my ridiculous ramble. in all seriousness, there’s this looming presence of some lack of communication in the development team, like with all the art and design inconsistencies, pieces and sprites that look rushed, stray pixels, and missing basic proportional stuff. these are the kinds of things that you supposedly have to pretty much have in the bag in order to get jobs in professional businesses, so it’s really weird to me that this game suffers from so many of these problems. it’s like they tried to make the art so much more crisp than the other games, but it fell on its face as they realized it was going to take longer to draw everything and they started to rush. it’s weird, because the coloring itself looks normal–it’s just sloppily drawn, and the proportions are a mess once put into the context of perspective. many of the cgs look like they were drawn by different people, and I’m still not over the fact that half of kokichi’s cgs have his scarf pasted in as a texture.
the moral of the story is that if you’re selling a game at full price that also happens to be in a series that has had 3 very good games in it already the stakes should probably be higher than this. v3 has been out for more than 3 years and it’s still $40 (did it cost more than that before? I sure hope not), and the overarching quality of the game is just not as high as the other games. I’m not saying that the other games don’t have any problems with their art at all, they’re just not as glaringly obvious and every artistic choice in those games feels intentional.
regardless, I had a blast roasting the art at 2am, so maybe you got a kick out of all this chaos.
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gamergirl929 · 5 years
Take A Picture It Will Last Longer (I Just Might) (Emily Sonnett x Reader)
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Anonymous Request: Okay hear me out... A sonnett imagine where the reader is a new worker for the photography company and the r keeps getting distracted while watching sonnett play but sonnett also get distracted by the r and after a while of CONSTANT flirting one of them makes a move plz and thank u ur amazing
“SONNETT!” Kelley yells, just as a ball smacks into the side of the blonde’s head, her hazel orbs wide as she glances around.  
“Wha...?” She glances around, turning to Kelley who’d just ran up to her.  
“Where’s your head at?” She asks and Emily clears her throat, her eyes darting to where you’re kneeling down on the ground, holding a camera.  
Kelley follows her gaze with a toothy grin.  
“AHHH! I see.” She winks and Sonnett rolls her eyes, giving her a shove.  
Off field, you’re watching the pair with a smile, your cheeks flushed.  
Emily Sonnett had, had her eyes on you for the entire practice, hazel orbs darting your way each and every opportunity they could.  
Honestly, you couldn’t keep your gaze off of her either, it was your first day taking pictures of the USWNT and it was going to be a regular gig, you traveling alongside them to take photos, the photos you yourself had always seen scattered online.  
You glance down at your camera’s screen, giggling when you realize you’d caught the moment the black and white ball had hit the side of Emily’s head on camera.  
Your laughter draws the attention of those nearby, as well as a few players on the field and you cover your mouth in an attempt to stifle your laughter.  
On field, Emily is grinning, cheeks red.  
“Awwwwwww.” Kelley pokes her in the cheek and she swats her hand away with a pout.  
“What’s going on here?” Alex walks up with a grin, and Kelley turns to her.  
“Sonnett’s got a crush on the new camera girl.” She bites her tongue between her teeth and Emily rolls her eyes.  
“I do not.” She grumbles as she stomps away, but as she glances out of the corner of her eye and sees you looking her way, she can’t help but blush.  
It’s time for your first USWNT game, and you couldn’t be more excited.
The fans cheering as the anthems sound on field, you snapping pictures of the team, some singing along, while others, Megan Rapinoe in particular stands for what she believes in.  
You were absolutely giddy when the teams took the field and the game had begun, taking shot after shot of each and every player, catching a few that you knew would catch the public’s eye for sure.  
You turn towards the bench, still staring through your lens when you see a familiar pair of hazel orbs on you.  
Your eyes widen as you glance over the top of your camera, Emily Sonnett still staring your way, eyes wide when she realizes she’s been caught.  
You surprise her by giving her a thumbs up and the woman grins, nudging her teammates beside her, Mal Pugh and Lindsey Horan, the three posing for a photo.  
You take a few snapshots before turning back to the field, sending Emily a wink before you go back to taking pictures, unaware that the blonde’s eyes are still on you, her friends teasing her about her obvious crush on the new photographer.  
You circle the team in their huddle, the game well over as Vlatko talks with his team.  
You snap a number of memorable shots, and hope they’ll be enough to impress as you move down field, completely unaware that you’re about to slam right in to the woman who’d been plaguing your mind the entire day.  
“Shit.” You mumble under your breath as you run straight into the woman who’d stopped in front of you.  
“I’m so sorr-
You go silent, smiling when you realize the woman standing in front of you is the one and only Emily Sonnett.  
“Uhhh, hi.” Emily shuffles nervously from foot to foot and you grin.  
“Hi.” You bite your bottom lip, your cheeks flushed.  
The two of you stand still, eyeing one another intently before you both nod.  
“Well bye.” You both at the same time, turning and rushing off in opposite directions, Sonnett’s team watching on with wide eyes and confused expressions.  
Lindsey snorts.  
“Ummm, what the hell was that?”  
Ashlyn walks up, her hand in Ali’s.  
“Gay panic?” The blonde asks and Ali nods.  
“Gay panic.”  
“Where’s the gay panic?” Megan asks when she walks up at the couple nods to where Sonnett is running, completely in the opposite direction of the locker room.  
Megan nods.  
“Looks like gay panic to me.”  
Kelley snorts.  
“Better get her before she wanders off and we have to put out an Amber Alert.” Kelley shakes her head cupping her hands around her mouth.
The blonde stops before glancing around, cheeks blood red.  
Needless to say, your encounter with Emily a week ago didn’t go exactly as you had planned your first meeting with her would go, so sadly, there was no turning back but you planned on making your second encounter with her a bit better than the first.  
“Uhh, hi.” You whisper, Emily glancing around, still spraying her water into her mouth. When she realizes it’s you she completely forgets about the water, spraying it all over the front of her tank top.  
“Jesus Christ Sonnett.” Kelley whispers to herself, but when you start to laugh, she smiles.  
Emily shakes her head running a palm down her wet shirt.  
“It’s not funny.” She pouts and you shrug.  
“Pretty funny from where I’m standing.”  
Emily crosses her arms across her chest with a pout and you grin.  
“I’m Y/N, sorry I didn’t really uhhh, introduce myself the other day.” You shrug, fidgeting nervously.  
You smile, holding your hand out and Emily grins, dropping her water on the ground in favor of taking your hand in hers.  
“Emily, and yeah I didn’t really introduce myself yesterday either, I was uhhh... Late for a meeting.” She shrugs, taking a step towards you.  
Unfortunately for her, she steps on the water she dropped moments before spraying the bottle’s contents all over the place.  
“Oh my god.” Ashlyn snorts, face palming on field along with the rest of her teammates gathered there.  
“What are we going to do with her?” Mal whispers, but before anyone can answer you start to laugh, a laugh that Emily can’t help but return.  
Tobin grins, crossing her arms across her chest.  
“Nothing, seems like she likes Sonnett just how she is.”  
It’s in the next game against England when you find you can’t keep your eyes off the defender, who is tearing up the field, letting fans of the USWNT see the side known as Saucy Sonnett.  
You just so happen to get a few pictures of Emily Saucy Sonnett in all her glory, a particular picture of Sonnett sitting on the turf and glaring at a ref, bottom lip protruding has you laughing so hard tears are streaming down your cheeks.  
By the time halftime rolls around you realize that a wide array of your photos are only of Emily Sonnett and your eyes widen, cheeks blood red.  
You clear your throat quick to hide your camera, from whomever may be walking past.  
“Whatcha hiding there?” You hear a voice behind you and you nearly jump out of your skin, flipping around to find the one and only Saucy Sonnett standing in front of you.  
“Uhhhh, nothing at all.” You shrug innocently, and Emily’s eyes narrow.  
“I don’t know you’re displaying suspicious behavior.”  
You let out a hum, shrugging.  
“Guess you’ll just have to see when the pictures come out.” You wink and Sonnett’s eyes widen.  
A sudden arm slips around Sonnett’s neck and she’s pulled away in a headlock by Tobin Heath who sends you a grin as she drags the blonde into the tunnel, the woman attempting to wiggle out of her hold the entire way, but to no avail.  
You glance down at your camera with a smirk, biting your bottom lip, contemplating if you should post the picture or not.  
“OH MY GOD.” Kelley wheezes a few days later as she shoves her phone under Emily’s nose, showing her the photo, you’d taken of her glaring at the ref grumpily.  
Emily’s cheeks flush bright red, her eyes wide.  
“Ohhhh, and look your girlfriend posted it.” Lindsey teases and Emily grumbles.  
“She isn’t my girlfriend.”  
It’s just then you come into view, kneeling down to snap some pictures of the players on the field for practice.
Sonnett jumps to her feet and marches over to you, unbeknownst to you considering your face is hidden behind your camera, but when you do spot her, you grin.  
“Hey.” You grin and Emily huffs, you snicker.  
“I guess you saw my picture.” You wink and the defender pouts.  
“Oh, come on.” You nudge her playfully. “It was cute.”  
Your eyes widen, Sonnett’s following close behind as the two of you glance away from one another, your cheeks flushed pink.  
“What I mean to say is...” You glance away biting your lip, a foreign courage stirring in you before you turn back to the blonde with a smirk.  
“No that’s what I meant to say.” You wink and Emily’s eyes double in size, cheeks flushing a darker shade of red.  
“Sonnett!” Someone calls out and the blonde blinks rapidly, clearing her throat before she glances over her shoulder.  
“Ye-Yeah, that.” She points before turning around and rushing off, back towards her teammates.  
You watch her go with a giggle, grinning when the woman glances over her shoulder to look at you one last time, stumbling over her own feet as she does so.
You shake your head watching as she moves to talk to one of her coaches, her hazel orbs darting your way every few seconds.  
You glance down at your camera, smiling softly as you focus your lens on the blonde, taking a picture of the two of them, though to be honest, you may or may not zoom in to only get Emily into the picture.  
The sunlight hits her just right, her hazel orbs shining almost as bright as her smile when you snap the photo and you glance down at it.  
You swallow hard, cheeks flushing dark red.
This was one photo you’d be sure to save and though you weren’t about to admit it just yet, it wasn’t just because the photo was beautiful, but the woman in the photograph as well.  
You were mortified, of course they would want the picture of Emily Sonnett you took released, the photo of the blonde’s shining hazel orbs and dazzling smile on full display.  
A minute part of you was hoping that Emily hadn’t seen the photo, but when you saw her Instagram you knew she saw it, considering she was gushing about it and about the photographer who took it, AKA, you. She even went as far as to make it her Instagram's profile picture, displaying your photo to the entire world, a photo you weren’t sure you were ever going to share in the first place.  
“Well if it isn’t my favorite photographer.” You jump at the sound of a familiar voice, putting on a smile when you turn to the hazel eyed blonde with the dazzling smile.  
“Your favorite? That’s a pretty high honor.” You wink and Emily laughs.  
“Well, with you in the running, no one else could stand a chance.” She shrugs and you blush.  
Emily smirks, taking a step closer and your eyes widen.  
“You always take close ups of all the players like that?” She asks and you bite your bottom lip, that foreign courage again swirling in your chest.  
“Only the cute ones.”  
Emily blinks rapidly in surprise, the tips of her ears shifting from pink to red in a matter of seconds. She opens her mouth, but is cut off when someone’s hand settles on her shoulder, the owner of said hand revealing themselves to be Kelley O’Hara moments later.  
“So, this is the person behind that Instagram photo you can’t stop talking about.” Kelley smirks and Emily turns to her eyes wide in horror.  
“What do you mean?” She asks, scoffing dramatically and your brows raise.  
“She means... ‘Oh my god, look at the picture she took of me, isn’t she so talented.’” Lindsey mimics the blonde who rolls her hazel orbs.  
“’Do you think she takes pictures like that of everyone, do you think it means something?’” Mal squeaks and Emily throws her head back with a lengthy growl. 
Suddenly, Alex appears somehow reining in the trio and dragging them towards the bench, towards her other teammates.  
“Carry on.” Alex grins, sending Emily a wink that has her cheeks flushing. She turns back to you, rubbing the back of her neck nervously as she digs her heel into the turf.  
“So I was-
Sonnett is suddenly cut off by the sound of a whistle and she throws her head back with a growl, throwing her hands up in the air.  
“CAN I JUST TALK TO THE CUTE GIRL IN PEACE!?” She shouts, stomping towards the bench and her teammates who are watching her with wide eyes, the woman completely leaving you behind in utter shock, cheeks blood red.
“Subtle Sonnett. Subtle.” Kelley shakes her head, patting the woman on the back when she reaches her.  
“Did I just say that out loud?” She asks the USWNT veteran who slowly nods.  
The next time Sonnett approaches you, she’s much stiffer than before, albeit nervous.  
“He-Hey.” She sends you an awkward wave and you grin, moving to your feet from where you were knelt on the sidelines.  
You smile, your own cheeks flushed.  
“Hey stranger.” You wink and Sonnett’s cheeks flush.  
Luckily for the two of you, it was nearly time for the second half to start, leaving just a sliver of time for the two of you to talk.  
“Ho-How’s my favorite photographer?” She stammers and your brows arch.  
“Great now that her favorite defender is here.” You wink and Sonnett blushes bright red. Her tongue slips between the tight line her lips have formed and you bite your bottom lip.  
“Something on your mind?” You ask and Sonnett shrugs.  
“Maybe something...” She mumbles and your brows furrow as you take a step towards her.  
“What’s on your mind?” You ask worriedly and Sonnett takes a deep breath.  
“I was wondering if... Maybe...” Emily shuffles nervously from foot to foot and you cock your head to the side, smiling at the endearing sight.  
You take another step towards her, placing your hand gently on her forearm.  
“You can tell me.” You whisper realizing the blonde’s eyes are as wide as saucers as she stares down at your hand, your thumb running back and forth across the flesh of her arm.  
Goosebumps sprout beneath the pad of your thumb and you smile softly, Y/E/C orbs locking with Emily’s hazel ones.  
Emily opens her mouth, immediately snapping it shut before doing the action again, trying to find the words she’s searching for but unfortunately, she comes up empty.  
Also, unfortunately, she’s waved over by her team, giving you a singular nod before she rushes away, the phantom feel of your palm on her forearm.  
The game against Sweden is brutal, as per usual some of the tackles to Sonnett sends a shiver down your spine and twisting your stomach in worry.  
Needless to say, you’re relieved when the game ends and everyone, is mostly intact. What you don’t expect however is Emily Sonnett literally bypassing everyone and running towards you. She throws her arms around you, pulling you into a surprise, sweaty hug that you’re more than happy to reciprocate.  
“DOYOUWANTTOGOONADATEWITHME!?” Emily shouts, her words running together like word salad.  
Your brow furrows when you pull back, eyes wide.  
“Come again?” You laugh and Sonnett takes a deep breath, swallowing hard. She’s about to clam up again, but when you boldly tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear, she finds the words she’s been searching for, for so long.  
“Do you want to go on a date with me?” She asks, nervously fidgeting and you grin, surprising her and yourself by gently taking her hand.  
“I’d love to.” You whisper and the smile that takes up half of Emily’s face is dazzling, her eyes shining as she bites her bottom lip.  
“Uhh... Cool...” She nods, and your brow arches.  
“I’ll uhhh, give you my deets later.” She gives you a thumbs up, backing away slowly.  
You watch her go, the woman throwing a fist in the air before she is even a foot away. She glances over her shoulder, cheeks dark red as she gives you a charming smile.  
You shake your head, your own face split in half by a massive smile.  
You had a date with THE Emily Sonnett, and you couldn’t believe it.
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weeping-petals · 5 years
Shadow Rabbit
Word Count - 2,493
The Crystal Gems need to have a talk about their encounter with the hostile Spinel, and send Steven off on a quick ‘errand’ to pick up doughnuts. By the time he returns home, he has even more questions.
“That can’t be right. You didn’t just fall asleep.” Pearl began, promptly when they return to the Crystal Temple.
 The blast of light faded, and each member of the Crystal crew stepped off. Pearl followed close behind Steven, still aboard the ‘you’re wrong and I must be correct’ train. Behind the Pearl, Amethyst made a face.
 “Maybe fell on your head,” the lilac gem posed. “Or got dropped, tossed, hurtled. Maybe a fist collided with—”
 “Would you guys stop it!” Steven burst. He tugged off his hoodie and threw it aside. They weren’t listening, and hastened to judge ever sentence that popped out of his mouth. All throughout the hike back, they boggled him with interrogation of what happened, how he felt. The trio was uncharacteristically clingy, more so than if he had fallen into actual peril. “That’s how it happened. We were sneaking around, well, she was sneaking. I stopped paying attention, and… yeah, it was really boring.”
 Amethyst shrugged. “No, that doesn’t sound like Spine. Try again.”
 Pearl disregarded the coat on the floor (very unusual) and knelt on her knee, to examine Steven once more. “You must’ve suffered a concussion. You shouldn’t have been sleeping, in fact, you should stay awake for the next few hours. To be safe.”
 Steven was at his wits end. “I didn’t FALL! The complete opposite of interesting happ—”
 “I could use some doughnuts,” Garnet blurted. She put a hand on Pearl’s shoulder, stole her away from Steven, and set a hand on Amethyst’s head. The two gems went along with the gesture, grasping a hidden meaning. “Steven, you’re the best at catching doughnuts. Do you mind running a quick errand?”
 This was a universal request to excuse them for a short spell. Steven toed the floor with his sandal and pouted. “Sure. Any special requests?”
 Pearl raised a finger. “Two bakers dozen.”
 Amethyst piped up next. “Filling. And coating. Lots of sprinkles. BACON!”
 “Red and blue,” Garnet wished, clasping her hands together. “You better take the wagon.”
 It hurt a little more than it should have, despite knowing it was gem business. The topic always spooked his dad, but it fascinated the pants off Steven. He should have been a part of it; he was the one kidnapped, but he also wanted to help Spinel. The time he spent in her company (or captivity?) felt like days, though it was only a few hours. The sun was rising on the tranquil shores of Beach City, the denizens emerging from storefronts or meandered their way along the boardwalk to begin opening shop. The Crystal Gems spent a whole day and night out in the forest.
 The wagon was easy to haul off from the beach and to the road. He ventured to the front of the Big Doughnut and hurried inside.
 “I need a bakers dozen! ASOP!” He whooped.
 “Whoa-whoa!” Sadie, opening shop today, struggled with two large boxes of merch. “I barely got the displays set. Can ya kinda give me a sec?”
 Steven immediately chilled. “Oh. Sorry! Forgot what time it was. What time is it, by the way?”
 “Barely got in, if that’s a good ref,” she offered. She set the boxes on the counter and began opening, pulling out pre-packaged pastries. “You’re up early for a Saturday.”
 “So, time doesn’t flow differently in the magical petrify forest. Huh?” Steven tried to sound clever, stroking his chin as he crossed to the counter. “In-teer-esting.”
 Sadie smirked as she rose up from behind the display case. “Magical forest? Time flow? Is this more of that gem stuff?” If Lars was here he would be groaning at her, to not get Steven started. But it was nice to have some positive company while she was setting up, and Steven was always getting into some wild adventures. It kept him out of trouble.
 “It was cool,” Steven enthused, eyes starry. “We – the gems and me – went out to check on this rock forest, where this temple was bein’ built. There were crystal trees, bigger than the city, bigger than the temple and the city combined!” He swung his arms up, exaggerating details. “It was sunset there, while here it was middle of the day! Oh-oh! And there was a gem there! A real gem, like Garnet, Pearl, or Amethyst!”
 “A gem person? Y’mean, other than those gem monsters….”
 Steven broke from his whirlwind showman and gawked. “Why does everyone keep hating on her? She’s not a monster!”
 A loud thump resounded from the counter, likely from Sadie bumping her head. “Hold up, take it easy.” She straightened, rubbing her crown. “I’m going off on all those stories you tell, and the fact the other gems are always fighting these… monsters.” She cast her eyes away, hesitant. “And, aside from you, your friends, and… your mom – I had no idea there were other gems, gem people, around. So….”
 “A bakers dozen! Make that two!” Steven announced. “I have to get back, so I can ask them about her.”
 “I gotcha the first time, kiddo.” Sadie resumed ripping packages and lining up the inventory. “That’s like twenty-six doughnuts, and we’re not officially opened yet. What sort of doughnuts you want? I can go through the boxes and get started.”
 “My dad!”
 “Maybe he knows something about her!” Steven did an about-face and raced to the door. But halted. “Wait, Amethyst might be upset if she doesn’t get her doughnuts.” He did a little dance at the door, indecisive about what he should do and fighting the urge to blast out to the carwash. Even worse, what if his dad didn’t know anything?
 “Yes, do that!” he harped.
 Sadie sighed and dropped her forehead to the countertop. Adorable as Steven was, he sure was a mess.
 “So,” she said, after hauling out the third box from storage. “Did you catch the name of this new gem?”
 Steven sat at one of the tables, swinging his feet under the chair. “Spinel.” He was twiddling his thumbs on the tabletop, focused intently. The crash of the box snapped his attention back to Sadie.
 “Spinel,” Steven repeated. Sadie gazed at him, expression perplexed. “Hmm?”
 “Sorry. I’m sure I’ve heard that name before.” She shook her head. “No idea where.”
 “My dad?”
 “Nope.” Sadie collected up the boxes and made progress on filling up the order. “That’s half my stock. Anyway, I think it was… Sour Cream? Certainly not Lars. I think it was around Halloween, we were sharing creepy stories about stuff that frightened us, y’know, when we were kids. That guy Sour Cream told us about this imaginary friend that was a kind of variant of this crooked man, and he called it Spindle—”
 Outside the Big Doughnut, Steven burst from the doors screaming, “SOUR CREAM!”
 Sadie was not close behind, didn’t catch Steven, and stood at the threshold. “Steven! YOUR DOUGHNUTS!”
 For the better part of the day, Steven raced across Beach City checking every nook and cranny he laid eyes on, every shady alleyway seeking the ‘Cool Kids’. He ventured to the abandoned warehouse, but the nights activities ended hours before dawn. In desperation, he tried hammering away at Lars door, but the father of Lars answered and spoke on behalf of his son that “that boy is still sleeping.” Steven raced off, exploring all the likely cool places the Cool Kids would meetup. He had no idea where Sour Cream lived, let alone other go to hangouts. He didn’t want to race out to the cliff.
 At long last, Steven began a desperate patrol of the shoreline. And there, near the pier of Funland he spied the Cool Kids in the midst of a round of hacky sack. And there was Sour Cream, balancing the lumpy satchel on his knee.
 “Sour Cream!”
 “Huh?” He balanced the sack on his elbow, right before Steven nearly bowled him over. “Brah! What gives—” He passed the orb, and Jenny managed to nab it on her ankle. “I guess I’m taking two!”
 “I have questions! Questions! And you have answers I need! Please!”
 Reluctantly, Sour Cream let his arm get tugged by Steven, and went along with the pre-teen. “I was in the middle of something. Do you get bad reception at your house? Texting is a thing.”
 Steven stalled. Above, the noises from screaming ride goers spilled down as the coaster careened through its track. “That’s… true. I’m used to talking face-to-face though. Heh.”
 Once Sour Cream liberated his arm, he jammed his hands in his pockets. “That’s more direct. I see the appeal.” He nodded. “I can’t help but catch those vibes of tension radiating off you. You got something you think I’ll help you with?”
 “I don’t know.” Steven was beginning to second guess. He was in such a hurry to locate Sour Cream, a task deemed all but possible, he didn’t gather up a good question. Or beginning. “Uh… did you ever know a gem?”
 “Amethyst? Yeah. Forever a long—”
 “No-no-no.” Steven took a breath. And stalled. Amethyst? He shook his head. “A gem named Spinel?” The bafflement that met him was disheartening.
 “Sorry lil dude. Aside from Amy, I don’t know any gems.”
 “Well,” Steven cupped his chin and considered. “What about the crooked creature? Spindle?” At first Sour Cream shook his head, but then, recognition lit up in his eyes.
 “Ooh, yeah. That thing.” He turned his gaze up thoughtfully. “This critter used to hang around the city, I’d see it lurking in the shadows sometimes. Kinda spooked me, but I didn’t get the ambiance it was dangerous.” He stooped on the sand, and began sketching out a face, grin, bent body, and tall ears. “It was sort of like a rabbit, made of ramen. Say, who’s been telling you my stories?”
 Steven didn’t answer. He was mesmerized by the crude picture, and could see how Spinel could be mistaken for a rabbit. Minus the fluffy tail. “Spindle?”
 “Yeah! Er, don’t know where the name came from.” Sour Cream weaved his arm in the air, fish like. “It did this deal, sort of slithered up and down walls. I’d see it, but no one else could. Meh. As I got older, I stopped seeing it. One day, I guess.” He shrugged and stood. “I grew up.”
 The story was very strange, but there was no mistaking what was staring at Steven from the sand. “Thanks Sour Cream. That really helped.”
 “Really? I didn’t do much.” He wiped the sand from his hands.
 Steven waved, as he took off. “That was all I needed. Sorry for stealing you from the game!”
 “No prob. Don’t do anything I would!”
 It was a long hike back to the Big Doughnut. Long, because Steven was halfway to the Crystal Temple, before he realized he’d forgotten the goods. He hurried back to the shop and raced inside.
 “Where’d you go?” Sadie asked, upon coming from the back storage.
 “No time to explain! I hope I’m not too late!” He grabbed the doughnuts, nearly forgot to pay, and went back to the cash register.
 “Too late for what?” she was getting panicked. Steven was sweaty and red, from running around too much in the sun. “Are you okay?”
 ���Thanks for the doughnuts! I’ll see you tomorrow!” Steven blew out of the store, nearly plowing into Lars.
 “Crud, what is it now?” Lars barked, scuttling aside. “Don’t they feed you?”
 “I was just leaving!” Steven threw the boxes onto the wagon and took off, leaving a cloud of dust.
 Lars scratched his head. “Weird. Usually he tries to hug me… or something else weird. Sadie!” He entered the shop. “Did you give him caffeine again?”
 Racing a second time back to temple winded Steven. He managed to not lose a single doughnut or box on the uneven, and soft surface of the sand. Local seagulls took an interest in his cargo, and a few brash winged beasts pursued prepared to tear apart the precious goods if the boy stopped for the barest of moments. It raised the stakes for Steven’s skirmish back to the home, but he managed.
 “Shoo! Rawr!” He swung his arms at the seagulls, as he unloaded the boxes. They were still following him, gracefully gliding on wind current, while Steven ascended the steps. “AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”
 Steven plowed through the screen door. Boxes went flying, a few doughnuts scattered, and seagulls poured in through the gaping portal. “Hey guys!” More seagulls swooped in, settling on the confectionary treats slain in the madness.
 The Crystal Gems gawked with varied stages of horror. Except Garnet. This was not the scenario she anticipated, but it was no less what she would’ve expected.
 “My DOUGNUTS!” Amethyst roared. She shifted form mid leap, and a large liger pounced on the crushed boxes, hissing and swiping at the laughing gulls. One bit her on the nose. “OW!”
 Steven rolled away before he got stepped on. He still had a lone box in his hands. “Salvaged one!” He scampered up and held it out to Pearl.
 “Aw, uh, thank you… Steven.” She took the box and handed it to Garnet, whom just held it. “It took you longer than we expected.”
 “RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRR!” Liger Amethyst shook her mane. Seagulls had overrun her, while she competed with them for eating the doughnuts. The birds were stealing the crumbs from beneath her jagged teeth. “THAT’S MINE YOU SEA RATS!”
 Pearl grimaced and clasped a hand over her mouth. Garnet sighed.
 “I think that’s enough of that.” Garnet handed the box back to Steven. “Cover your ears.” Pearl did that for him, but Steven was concerned, and dropped the doughnut container to set his hands over Pearl’s.
 Garnet formed the gauntlets and walked over to the doorway, where Ligerthyst combated the bold avians. She raised her hands over her head.
 “OUT OF OUR HOUSE OF SUFFER MY WRATH!” She screamed. That was it. She was loud, and commanding, and terrifying when needed.
 The seagulls screeched and flapped, vacating the premises in a white cloud. In their wake, feathers covered everything, including a scratched and scuffed up Liger. “ooOow.” Amethyst pawed at the boxes, tears formed in her eyes.
 Steven shifted his head to view Pearl. Her hands went tense, and were uncomfortable on his head. He couldn’t hear, but Pearl looked super upset and paler than usual. He pulled away from her grip.
 Amethyst sniffled. “Nothings left. It’s all gone. Everything. Gone.”
 “Look! We still have one box here! TADA!” Pearl snatched the box off the floor. She barely got the lid off, before Ligerthyst lay siege to the contents. She sighed, relieved.
 Steven almost expected vultures to descend, it looked like one of those nature documentaries in the veldt. Anything would be more pleasant than those seagulls. “Um, so… did Spinel live in Beach City, too?”
 The room went silent, and all three gems looked at Steven. Ligerthyst had crumbs all over her muzzle.
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wwevampireamongkpop · 6 years
From Show-off to Hope
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A/n: this is an idea I’ve had for a while and finally typing up all thanks to @empress-with-the-crown and the others of #TTC
A/n #2: It’s been forever since I’ve been able to write anything. this is a kpop/wwe fic
Taglist: @sugasfatgf @evilangel84 @ballins-princess @nerdlife0612 @littledeadrottinghood 
Pairing: Dolph Ziggler x Selene [OC] (past), Monster Woo x Selene (platonic), other kpop groups
Part 1  Part 2 Part 3
Name: Selene Rogers
Nickname: Moon
Height: 5′2
E/c: Hazel
Tattoos: 4, right ankle Captain America’s shield with Wolverine’ claws in front of it, left calf Shield logo, right side/ribs stars and notes, sternum the Deathly Hallows
Skin color: pale to lightly tan
Hair: Black and blood red later black and green
    The match was supposed to be a simple match against Naomi on SmackDown Live. Selene had gone for a sunset flip powerbomb and the moment her feet hit the mat to do the powerbomb her left knee gave out. In that moment she knew something was wrong. Pain shot through her body as she collapse to the mat. Naomi knew something was wrong and quickly got off the top turnbuckle. The ref called the match and medical came out.
    Naomi helped Selene to the back with the help of one of the trainers. Naomi and Selene both knew that it was serious. She didn’t need the trainers to tell her that she was going to be out of action for several months. She remembered Seth had the same thing happen to him at a live event. With this being on TV, she knew Seth and Roman would be calling her soon.
    She pulled her long black and blood red hair out of her face and into a messy bun. Tears running down her face has she knew she would be out for at least 8 months, maybe.
    Over the past couple months, Selene had been slowly losing who she was as a person. Training daily, being in character daily to the point she was going insane. To be honest, she was actually happy this had happened.
    “I’m so sorry about this, Selene. This shouldn’t have happened.” Concern filled Naomi’s voice.
    “Don’t feel bad, girl. Shit happens.” She tried to reassure Naomi. “Besides, this may actually be a good thing for me. I haven’t had a break in so long.”
    “I know but this shouldn’t be the way you go though.” Selene placed her hand on Naomi’s shoulder.
     “It’s all part of what we do.” She pulled Naomi into a hug without hitting herself in the knee. “Besides, it’s always fun being in the ring with you. Glow girl.” Naomi gave her a sad smile. “I’ll be fine, girl. I’ll keep you up to date on everything.” She nodded before walking away.
    Just then Dean walked into the trainers room, worry covered his face. Selene just sat there, knowing damn well he was just being worried over his non-blood sister.
    “I told you not to do that move, it’s the same shit that took Seth out for months.”
    “Dean, I knew what could possibly happen. Seth told me the best way to land on my feet for that powerbomb but it didn’t go the way I wanted it.” Selene felt a tear run down her face. Dean stepped closer to her and hugged her.
    “Seth called me and wanted me to tell you he’s sorry for you getting hurt, especially since it’s the same way he got hurt.” Selene hugged him tightly, like it would be the last time she ever saw him.
    “I’m going to miss ya, Lunatic.” With a sad smile from both, Dean pulled away and helped her to the women’s locker room. One of the trainers told her that they had a vehicle ready to take her to the hospital for further examination, leaving out the fact that she will be needing surgery.
   She gathered up everything that was hers, the best way she could and pulled on her Ambrose zip-up sweater. Being the sweet friend he was, Dean helped her put on her sneakers. He even helped her out to the awaiting vehicle.
    “Get healed and be back quick.” He kissed Selene on the top of her head then helped her into her seat.
    “I don’t know when I’ll be back Dean. I requested time out and I got it. Tonight was my last match for a while.” Dean looked hurt because she didn’t tell him.��“Don’t look at me like that. I’ve been beginning to loose myself the past few months and I just need time to find myself again. I didn’t want this to be the way I go out but it happened.”
    “Why didn’t you say anything?” His voice low, annoyance and worry filled it.
    “You would try to get me to stay when I don’t feel like I’m myself.” She looked up at him. “You will always be an older brother to me, the same with Seth and Roman. I’ll keep you guys in the loop of what’s going on, recovery and everything after.” Her voice held sadness and reassurance.
    “You better, we know where you live and will come bug you during recovery and rehab.” A small smile curved his lips a bit.
    “After I’m done with rehab, I’m going to do a bit of traveling, so it will be hard to find me if you aren’t where I’m at.” She couldn’t help but smile. She truly loved the man before her like an annoying older brother but she wouldn’t want it any other way.
   Months later, bout 5 months, Selene was walking around on her own. Rehab had been hell but her friends kept her going. True to her word, she started traveling as soon as she was able to do things on her own she packed a suitcase and left. She went to Osaka, Japan for a couple weeks because Finn had told her about it.
    She had arrived in Seoul. She loved the view she had from the plane as it was descending. She had been wanting to visit for a number of years and Seth even poked fun at her for being a K-pop fan, which all she did was go “Shut up nerd.”
   As Selene walked around Seoul, she couldn’t help but feel like she was home. Her phone started going off in her purse, a familiar ringtone signaling her who was calling her. Her favorite lunatic, Dean.
   “Hey Dean.” She said the moment she answered his call.
    “Hey, doll. How’s everything going?”
    “Great, I arrived in Seoul late last night and just walking around right now.
    “Good. Ro wanted me to call and check up on you.”
    “How sweet of him.” She giggled a bit. “He is such the dad friend.” This comment made him laugh. She could hear Roman in the background asking what’s so funny and Dean telling him.
    “How’s the knee, Moon.” 
    “It’s good, great actually. The yoga I’ve been doing has been helping a lot.” She was off in her world  while talking to Dean and didn’t see the person walking in her path. He was talking to someone on his phone and wasn’t paying attention. They both hit damn near head on, which caused Selene to damn near fall on her ass if he didn’t catch her in time.
   The man looked intimidating but Selene was used to men who looked like that. His face relaxed a bit as he let go of her arm. She told Dean she’d call him back and put her phone in her purse.
    “Sorry I wasn’t watching where I was walking.”
    “It’s ok, you’re not hurt are you?” Concern filled his eyes.
    “No, I’ve taken bigger hits than that before. I’m all good.” She bowed to him, showing her thanks for not letting her fall.
    “You’re not from here, you’re from the states. Aren’t you?” Selene knew she stuck out a bit so she wasn’t surprised he pointed that out.
    “Yeah and you’re that guy on Instagram who his followers call um,” she snapped her fingers as she thought of it, “Daddy Woo.” He nodded showing she was right. “I’m Selene Rogers, my friends call me Moon.” She held out her hand.
    “Young Woo, friends call me Woo or Monster Woo.” He shook her hand. “You’re not scared of my appearance. Most people are.”
    “Nope, I’ve worked with men who can cause nightmares. So someone like you isn’t scary or intimidating.” She smiled at him. 
    Just then a couple of girls walked up to them with excitement on their faces.
    “Can we have your autograph and a picture please.” One of the girls sound nervous. “If that’s okay with you.”
    “Of course.” Selene smiled while she signed the magazines the girls had. She thanked what ever god out there that she decided to learn how to read, write and speak Korean.
    “I’m sorry that you got hurt. I hope you’re doing well.”
    “I am, thank you. Injuries happen sometimes.” She handed the magazines back. “Woo, do you mind helping with the pictures please.” He nodded and took the girls phones from them.
    “On three. One, two, three.” He took the pictures after they posed then handed the girls their phones. The girls bowed with a thank you and left. “What was that about?”
    “You know how I said I have worked with men who can cause nightmares.” Woo nodded his head. “Well I worked for the WWE, I am a female superstar.” She couldn’t help but smile. She knew she didn’t look like the typical female superstar but that was made her stand out.
    That was the start of Selene’s friendship with Woo started. A month after that, she had moved to Seoul. Within the first couple weeks she had met Wonho and Jooheon from Monsta X which led to her meeting the rest of the group. That also led her to meet some other groups as well and becoming great friends with everyone.
    Her world changed one day when she walked into a different gym because her normal was unusually packed. She walked towards the lockers, after asking where they were, put her bag in a locker and proceeded to the treadmills.
    She had her headphones in and her workout playlist going. She never noticed one of the guys there watching her from across the gym, completely in awe of her.
    Selene started the treadmill slow. Zutter by GD&T.O.P.  started playing in her ears and she couldn’t help but start swaying with the beat the best she could. From there she got her heart rate up and went on with her workout. It was leg day.
    Half way through her workout, she practically walked into someone and literally fell on her ass.
    “Sorry about that.” The man said as he reached out to help her up.
    “It’s okay, I should have watched where I was walking.” She allowed him to help her up. She pulls her headphones completely out of her ears. She got a good look at the man she practically ran over.
    “You’re new to this gym, aren’t you?” He looked familiar but she could place where.
    “Yeah I am. Easy to tell.” She suddenly got shy which caused him to get shy. Selene normally never really got shy around guys so this was kind of new to her.
    “Yeah, um.” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I know this may be bold but would you like to grab something to eat later?” She looked a bit shocked and she bit the side of her bottom lip.
    “That’s great. I’m Hoseok.”
    “I’m Selene.”
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Sweeter Chapter 9
Adrien blinked his tired eyes against the white morning light starting to trickle in through his curtains, he hadn’t slept all night. He had gotten home, released his transformation, and finished the math homework he had taken a break from, slipped out of his clothes, and jumped into bed; all the while wearing the same stupid smile that had been stuck on his face since she flew away into the night, the same smile that he tiredly wore now.
How was he supposed to sleep when his dreams were coming true around him? He was sure he had fallen asleep when he had seen her standing there ribbons whipping in cold fall wind, but when they almost kissed he was positive he had died and gone to heaven. She almost let me kiss her he thought for maybe the thousandth time, why did she run? It wasn’t enough to discourage him but it did raise a concern in his giddy heart. He knew the answer or at least he thought he might, they didn’t really know each other and maybe they never would. It didn’t stop him, he knew how he felt; he knew she felt it too. Okay maybe he didn’t KNOW but god did he hope, he hoped more than he had ever let himself hope before. How could he not when he felt the chemistry of their casual interaction like ebb and pull of the tide.
He flipped on his side picking up his phone to look at the time; it was about a half an hour till his alarm was going to go off. Best to just shower and ask the chefs for a double espresso at this point He thought as he rubbed the weary feeling out his eyes. Managing to roll out of bed without waking his snoring kwami he headed off to the bathroom. Normally he would play a podcast or an audio book over his bathroom speaker but he needed to wake up plus part of him really wanted to dance. He clicked on his songs of choice and stepped into the steaming water. “You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it I thank you all.” He began to sing over the light cascading of water around him, before long the chorus was flying out his lungs, his wet hair stuck to his forehead as his vocal cords tired to match the high pitch of Freddie Mercury.
Feeling better after a shower, he laughed to himself, hearing the lyrics of the song bounce in his head he was the champion.  He had for a moment captured the attention of the most powerful, confidant, kind hearted women in the entire city of Paris.
He opened the door and was met with glowing lime green eyes shaded in cynicism “Don’t you think you’re awfully cocky for someone who couldn’t stick the landing?”
“Shut up Plagg” Adrien said tossing his towel towards his Kawmi who just evaporated though. “You can’t ruin this, it’s too good.”
“For you!” Plagg said glaring, his eyes narrow slits.
“What do you mean?” Adrien said jumping in to a pair of black jeans.
“She seemed pretty confused by the whole thing, why do you think she ran?”
Adrien paused for a moment, he didn’t want to cause his lady any kind of distress “hmm why are you helping me with romance, you hate this side of humans.”
“Because you have been chasing after this girl for years and I’m not going to let you screw it up as soon as you show any progress.” He said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “So pause for a moment and think, how do you think her morning is going Monsieur Romance?”
He tussled his damp golden locks as he walked towards his large glass windows and stared across the glowing horizon. “I think she is surprised by her feelings, whatever they may be, but I saw her smile before leaving. She may be a little confused and lost but I’m not giving up, not now, not now that I’m so close, closer then I have ever been.” He took a deep sigh as sunlight sparkled across his hauntingly hopeful green eyes.
I’m so close
Things were blurry, but slowly they were coming into focus, his hand on her thigh as he hoisted her against the wall. His lips were on hers and they were as soft as she had hoped, his other clawed hand slowly traveled down her latex clad arm. Her breath hitched as he grabbed her hips pulling himself as close as possible, his eyes cracked open to look at her, they were filled with a delicious darkness as he drank her in.
“My Lady” he whispered huskily as he dragged his hand slowly between her legs.
Marinettes eyes shot open as she awoke from her rather steamy dream, “TIKKI!!” she shouted as panic filled her flustered body.
Her favorite little red blob flew up and landed on her knee “What’s wrong Marinette?” she squeaked as raven haired girl reached for her phone to check the time. She was relieved to know she still had time before she had to get ready; she took a deep breath running her fingers through her hair and down to her neck where they rested comfortably.  
She turned to Tikki as confusion and desire danced across her expressive features. “What the hell h-happened to me last night?” She had no idea what had come over her. She had be exhausted when she had got home and dismissed the whole event  as a moment of adrenaline but, for him to follow her into her dreams and in the way that he did proved to her that more was going on.
Tikki giggle softly “Well I think we figured out you’re attracted to Chat Noir.”
Marinette pouted not wanting to face the truth but the more she thought about it the more she realized how true it was. She had never known Chat out of their work, but now to see him in all of his complexities, and unique qualities she found herself drawn to him. God, and the way he looked at her when she was Ladybug? Would make anyone feel as high as she did on top of the world, sharing his warmth, I almost kissed him. She thought for the first time, letting the realization set in, she groaned grabbing a fist full of her hair as she fell back into her puddle of pillows. “How did this happen Tikki!!?”
The God patted her knee where she sat trying to comfort the confused teenage girl. “The heart can be a fickle mess, but let’s talk through this.” She said sympathetically “So we know you’re attracted to him, what do you find attractive about him?”
She was quite staring at the patterns in her ceiling “I-I don’t know…” red glowing from her cheeks as a list of Chats many attractive features filled her imagination.
“Come now Marinette, what do you like about him? Do you have feelings for him?” She wanted Marinette to open her heart and trust herself.
She closed her eyes and relaxed a little “I love how he makes me feel like I can do anything” she started softly “loyalty, I love how I know he will always be there when I need him, I like how when things seem hopeless he is still cracking jokes” With each thing listed her timid smile grew wider and wider. “He can be so silly, I love his passion, I even like how wild he can be.”She opened her eyes in shock “I do have feelings for him.” She thought she only had room for one blond haired, green eyed hunk in her heart, but I guess another found his way in.
She bolted upright feeling anxious about her newly discovered feelings “I barely know him and he doesn’t really know me, what do I do?! Even if I wanted things to work out it never could! We would have to revel ourselves and that’s completely out of the question! We would have to be so careful if Hawkmoth found out he could use it against us and put everyone we love in danger!” She set her hands in her lap defeated
“If you really care for him, I know you could find a way.” Tikki said not wanting her to lose hope
Marinette alarm started to ring loudly breaking her out of the moment and forcing her to look at the image she had set as her screensaver. The picture calmed her restless heart “I may have feelings for Chat” she said calmly as she snoozed her alarm “A part of me might even want to be with him but…”
“Don’t you dare look better than me!” She said teasingly as she held up her phone getting both of their faces in frame.
“I’ll try my hardest.” He said posing with his go-to photo shoot smile, it’s not that she hated that smile; she just preferred his real one.
“Hey Mr. Model you got something on your shirt.” She said with a playful smirk
“Huh? Wher-“he wasn’t able to finish the question before her finger flicked his nose interrupting him. “Oh my god I can’t believe I fell for that!” He said beginning to laugh
She loved the way his face lit up when he genuinely smiled, that’s when she chose to snap the picture.
That’s what she wanted; she wanted to make him happy. He hid it well, but there are moments when he thinks nobody is watching, his mask breaks, and you see the sad lonely boy underneath. She wanted to fill every second of his life with love and warmth and to see that genuine happiness flowing out of him never to go away.
“But?” Tikki asked a twinkle in her wise eyes.
“I’m so close.” Marinette responded breathlessly as she looked up from her phone. The answer hung in the air and filled the room with a spark of hope; she couldn’t give up on him, not now.
“And today is Step 3!!” Tikki excitedly added, proud of Marinette for following her heart.
“And today is Step 3” she whispered to herself suddenly aware of the time “Tikki I need to get ready!!” She said detangling her blankets and climbing down the ladder. Tikki observed the champion of Paris rush around her small pink room rambling about what she should say, if she should throw in a cheesy pun, or if she should try be cool and nonchalant. Her deep blue eyes watched in wonderment at how quickly they always seem to grow and how no matter what, things always seemed to fall into place. They will find each other soon; it’s only a matter of time.
“Tikki hurry eat your breakfast we have to leave soon.” She said while loosely braiding her hair finishing it off with a silver ribbon that matched her silver flats.
Tikki floated to where soft lemon cookies awaited her “I like your outfit today Marinette” she commented “It looks very you!”
She smiled wide at the compliment twirling her grey skirt “Thanks! I especially like the spots.”  She said in reference to her pink sweater with white dots.  “It is like Marinette and Ladybug all in one!”
“Because they are!” Tikki squeaked happily
“Because I am” Marinette agreed with a chuckle
Nino was taping his pen endlessly to some unknown beat as Adrien tried to focus on the power point in front of him. Bullet points and letters flew out his fingers but never entered his brain; all he could think about was her lips, her eyes, and her hair. He went to reread his notes he found notes of a different kind.
Blue eyes that drown me
Hair as black as midnight
Pink lips as soft as clouds
She is ocean, sky and everything in-between.
The sound of silence got his attention, he noticed that the tapping had ended; he looked over at Nino just in time to detect him leaning over his shoulder trying to copy what was written. He felt his cheeks flame as went to quickly cover up his notebooks.
“Aww come on man I totally spaced out during that last slide!” Nino whispered.  
“Later” Adrien said with a huff.
“Fine.” Mumbled Nino grumpily “oh, by the way me and Alya are going on another lunch date, so it looks like it’s going to be you and your special study buddy.”
“okay cool.”Adrien responded distractedly
“Dude what is with you today, your head has been in the clouds all morning and you look exhausted”
“Just didn’t sleep well.” He said dreamily
“Oh? Have a certain lady on your mind?”
“hmmmm laady…” he slurred as the weight of his head rested upon his fist as his eyelids started to droop closed.  
“God knows what the two of you do in the back of that library, must be quite the party if it keeps you up all night.”
“Wait what?!” He said snapping awake
“Adrien! Nino! Please save your conversation for outside of class, some of my students want to be prepared for their test tomorrow.”
“Yes monsieur.” Nino and Adrien said in apology
“Just as clueless as ever…” Nino muttered to himself but loud enough for Adrien to hear
Why do people keep calling me that?
Marinette was deaf to the sound of the bell over the thundering of her heart. There is no avoiding it, if she didn’t do it at lunch the whole thing was off. She couldn’t help it, she was worried about all the things that could go wrong, about stumbling through the whole thing, but even though she could imagine all of that, she couldn’t seem to picture him saying no. They are friends now, why wouldn’t he want to spend time with her?
“Marinette!” a stern voice shook her from her thoughts “while I’m thrilled that you enjoy my class so much you don’t want to go, teachers need to eat lunch too.”
“Pardon me.” She squeaked and scurried out of the classroom
Her heartbeat became the rhythm to her death march as she slowly went down the hall dreading the progress she was going to make. If she just stayed right here with him, things would never have to change they can stay good friends forever, but if she moved forward who knows what could happen.  Her feet stopped moving at the thought of losing everything she gained, she was so scared. What does ladybug do when she is scared, that’s right she fights her fears, she does what is right, and does running away feel right? No, not today, not ever.
               With that she felt the courage renewed in her as she turned the corner to face a terrifying but beautiful creature. Only to find him with pencils in his mouth impersonating a walrus so well that milk was coming out of Ninos nose. She snorted at the sight in front of her and she felt her body relax he is just a normal person she reminded herself and a complete dork. All of her worries and fears melted away as she approached the stairs where all her best friends were waiting.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, Madams and Monsieur’s” Alya shouted before gesturing to Adrian “I give you the sophisticated upper-class model Adrien Agrest!”
“Arf, Arf” Adrien said clapping in response losing the pencils in the process.
“S-stop it” Nino said barely able to breathe “you- guys are- killing- me”
“What weird circus show is happening here?” Marinette asked joining the conversation
“It’s actually Adriens comedy special and this is his best material.” Alya stated rolling her eyes
“Say what you want babe this man is hilarious, I’m still recovering from all that milk that came out of my nose.”
“Awww thanks man, you’re so sweet.”
“And now that I have that sexy image in my brain again, we can go have a romantic lunch by river side.” She said standing up and grabbing Ninos hand “Come on babe lets go.”
“Alright, see you guys around.”
“Bye girl, oh and good luck” Alya said with a wink.
“Thanks” she said sternly but with a small smile, turning towards Adrien she gestured up the stairs “shall we?”
“Lead the way Dollface” he said as he followed her up the stairs “So what was Alya wishing you luck for?” he asked curiously
“O-o-oh that? That was about a…um…a quiz! That I have next period and was a little nervous about.”
Smooth totally nailed it
“If you wanted we could work on that instead of Literature homework so you feel better about it”
He is so cute and helpful
“No it all right besides since you will be at your photo shoot during class we should get as much work done as we can.”
“Yeah sorry about that, I hate leaving you with that daily analysis, but my dad is really laying on the pressure when it comes to his winter line.” He said as he opened the door for her
“It’s all good just bring me some of the best shots from the shoot and we will call it even.”
Adrien felt his cheeks warm “Um-“
“For fashion reasons, to study, not to um study you, to look at designs and stuff.” She said rapidly as she felt the blood rush to her face. So she wasn’t perfect, she still stuttered and made a fool of herself sometimes the point is she keeps trying.
He chuckled at her embarrassment and gave her one of his dashing smirks “Anything for you Dollface” he said as he plopped down into a cheap red loveseat by a tall window in the back of the library. “Do you want to read first or should I?”
“I don’t mind going first” she said smiling at him as she sat in the green chair that looked just like his own and was placed by it as well there was a small table in front of them as well where they had set their things.
These moments had become his favorite part of school; it’s what he dreamed school could always be. They would trade off every other chapter; while she read he would close his eyes or stare out the window and just listen, she read beautifully, her voice was soft and smooth like silk but it was also filled with such personality. While he would read, she would sketch the outfits of the characters, sometimes they were modernized, sometimes they were historically accurate, but they were always beautiful, she would always laugh at the silly voices he would do when certain characters talked. When they had finished the assigned chapters, they would talk what seem like forever about the story its many different layers, how it might end, which people they liked more and why. Then they would just talk about everything, his life, the bakery, video games, his poetry, Alya and Nino, her designs, everything. He didn’t understand how they had gotten to where they are now but he didn’t care, he felt so comfortable and safe around her, she had become his best friend (Not that he would ever admit that to Nino).
               He wanted to tell somebody about last night, he knew he couldn’t, not even Nino could know, but he wanted to share with someone about this great joy that had been bubbling in him and all the confusing questions he had.
”Alright Agreste you’re up!” Marinette said sweetly
“Marinette can I ask you something?”
“I-It’s about girls…” he added nervously
“Oh? Umm okay” she said shyly twisting the end of her braid.
“So I like this girl, and she has been kind of distant from me in the past but now I feel like we are getting closer…”
“Uh huh go on” Marinette heart had stopped along with her breathing, could he be talking about her?
“But you see I’m worried if I try anything or tell her how I feel, she will go back to being distant and I don’t know what I would do if that happened.” He looked so sad so confused it allowed her to clear away her fearful and selfish thoughts. He needed a friend even if he was or wasn’t talking about her she had to be logical and give him good advice.
“I think you should be patient, let this girl feel comfortable around you, then when the moment is right approach her and tell her the truth, but no matter what she says don’t let it ruin your friendship.” At least that’s the advice she has been giving herself for the last few years.
He smiled and nodded “That’s some really good advice, way better than most of Ninos advice, he is always like, dude just go with the flow”
Marinette couldn’t help but giggle Adrian’s Nino impersonation was spot on not to mention it was hilarious to hear him talk like a dude bro.  “So are you gonna read me the next chapter or what?”
“Alright no more distractions” he began to read the next chapter but instead of pulling out her sketch book like she usually did, she just sat at closed her eyes like he would do. He kept reading but every now and again he would look up at her, god she really is pretty. He had accepted the fact that he was undeniably attracted to Marinette, though sometime he still felt guilty about it both because he felt a loyalty to Ladybug but also because Marinette looked a lot like her so he felt as though he was projecting those feelings on to her, which was completely unfair.  Stop thinking about her that way man, you almost kissed Ladybug last night and now you are checking out your friend, not cool, get your shit together
When the chapter came to an end there was only 5 minutes left of lunch. “Wow that was a long one.” Marinette said stretching her arms above her head “Adrien…”
“Yes?” he said while beginning to pack up his things
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Sure, anything” He stopped and gave her his full attention.
She smiled at that “Um well I was wondering if you would like to go with me tomorrow to the poetry slam thing at like this coffee shop?”
Adriens eye lit up like fireworks “Are you kidding me?! That sounds awesome! I would love to!”
She was beaming now, not because of her own happiness which was filling her up, but because of his “Really?”
“Of course, that exactly the sort of thing I would love, thank so much for thinking of me!” He was so excited, he wasn’t really allowed to out in public much because of his father, but fuck his dad he was going to start living his life weather Gabriel Agreste approved or not. The bell rang signaling the end of lunch “Oh shoot gotta run my class is like on the other side of the school, what time is it at?”
Marinette face hurt because of the smile she could not get rid of “It starts at 6:30 but I figure we could walk from the bakery together, so meet at my house around 6?”
“Thanks Marinette, you really are the best.” He said bounding away and out the door. Leaving the sweet raven haired girl unable to move or remove the giddy look from her face.
“Psst Marinette you got to get to class.” Tikki whispered from her purse
“He said yes” She said in a daze “HE SAID YES!!” She repeated jumping into the air pumping her fists in celebration.  When she settled down a bit she began to gather her things “We better go Tikki I got to get to class.”
The small God just shook her head in a knowing and loving way at how things always seem to fall into place
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sakamichidiary · 7 years
What's Your Favorite Flower~?🌸 It's Matsuda Konoka (^^)
Member: Matsuda Konoka Source: Second generation Hiragana Keyakizaka46 blog Post date: 2017/12/16 17:36
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It's been a while☺. Ah, I think most people know by now, but we can now use emoji [in our blogs]😚. It's Konoka Matsuda, the 3rd year high schooler from Kyoto prefecture! Boom! The four frame picture I posted last time was well received, so I'm doing it again this time! (lol) For the two pictures on top, I thought the sleeves on my clothes looked cute, so I took the pictures in a way that I could show them! For the bottom two pictures, if I had to say which pose it was, it'd be the natto pose! (lol) It's a pose I made up during the SHOWROOM auditions. At that time, I used both of my hands to make circles, but that's something ya can't do when you're trying to take a selfie~ So I tried to do it using only one hand and was able to do it! (lol) Everyone, please try doing it too (ᐛ)٩ Well then, it's my second turn at the relay-style blog. Once every 9 days feels like it comes too slowly and too quickly🙃 Maybe that's because I'm on the side that has to do the writing? (lol) For those who are waiting, this is something that probably doesn't apply (lol) It'll be long sentences from now on~ Please don't fall asleep halfway😪😳 (lol) It occurred on the 12th and 13th. Was there anyone who was able to go?? We 2nd gen members were able to appear in it! We had our self-introduction corner and for the 2nd gen members, we performed our first ever song. For all 20 members of Hiragana Keyaki too, it was the first time we were able to perform "NO WAR in the future" together! For the self-introduction corner, I did a call and response where I asked "What's your favorite flower~?" and the crowd answered "Konoka!" My name is written with the kanji for "like (好き)" and "flower (花)", so the response is made so that fans can remember my name as well as the kanji! Were you able to remember my name? (lol) All we wanted to do for the self-introduction and the dance was to have a good showing. We all wholeheartedly practiced hard in order to achieve that. However, during the first day, I got hit by stage fright and messed up in a part where I usually never mess up... But I used this frustration as a source of motivation for the second day, and was able to do everything perfectly! I feel like I've gotten used to the stage a little bit more, so I'll give it my best to not have stage fright next time. For the Hiragana Nationwide Tour, the 1st gen members performed throughout the country, and it culminated here at Makuhari Messe. We wondered if it was okay for us freshly admitted 2nd gen members to intrude in the tour, or whether we deserved to have our first concert stage be in such a grand venue. But once we appeared on stage, and were cheered on by so many people, we also felt that we couldn't lose [to the 1st gen]. Once our turn was done, we watched the 1st gen's performance on the monitors backstage the whoooooooole time. We were completely exhausted after having sung and danced just one song, but the 1st gen members didn't show any signs of fatigue even once, were smiling from the beginning until the end, and were able to hit all the right notes at the high points where it really counted. I was deeply moved by all of that. In particular, from Kumi-san's wonderful speech until the end of "W-KEYAKIZAKA no Uta", I was a crying fountain that couldn't be stopped... Everyone was bawling😭 We also gave it our all and worked hard for the concert, to the point where we could cry. You must be totally tired from having read all those sentences, so it'll be picture time now🤳 First up is Nobuko (Tomita)!! For her self-introduction, Nobuko did a perfectly executed rap for 30 seconds. But behind this, she put in an incredible amount of effort, and had practiced over and over again. She said it herself, but there are really two sides to this hard worker: the diligent girl and the party-goer! Next up is Hina (Kawata)!! I was surprised when I learned that she was in her first year of high school (lol). I thought she was a little younger (lol).Since we're both from the countryside clan, we often talk together when we're at hotels and stuff. Hina likes to be dotted on. I really love her smile~😚 In the countryside clan, there's Hiyo-tan (Hamagishi), Hina (Kawata), Nao (Kosaka) and myself (Matsuda). Hiyo-tan and Hina are super lively, so me and Nao gently look over them😌. But according to the other members, I'm supposedly funny, so I sometimes join them and goof off too (lol) There are still people who haven't realized it yet but... People may think that I'm serious and diligent from my first blog, but I also love to party it up too😚 So I want to talk with everyone soon at handshake events~🙌🏻 I'm not a morning person at all😪😴 I'm someone who can't wake up without a cellphone's alarm (lol) Without the ringing of an alarm bell, I can't wake up⏰ I'll keep on introducing myself this way next time too! This is the 5th single's dress! It's cute and I like it😍 You can't put on this dress by yourself, so everyone helps each other with the buttons!! I wanted to post this in my previous blog, but I kinda forgot about it (lol) I'm changing topics now, but recently, I got the results of my final exams... I got horrible grades on the subjects that I thought I would do well on, so I got depressed. I know I didn't study enough, but even if I realize that, it's still painful (lol). This is a case where I should've put in more effort beforehand😂 I'd like to try my best and make "doing in advance" my motto from now on🧐 I'll end it here! Next up will be Manamo😚 She's the older sister whose favorite plush toy is a tonkatsu👧🏻1 This was Matsuda Konoka, today's person in charge! This is quite an old picture, from before I cut my hair. It's from about four months ago! (lol) My next post will be on December 25th! It'll be on Christmas Day🎄 How will everyone spend that special day~? See you later( ᐛ )٩و #2
Tonkatsu is breaded and deep-fried pork cutlet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonkatsu ↩︎
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sakamichidiary · 7 years
Nice to Meet You ♪ Miyata Manamo
Member: Miyata Manamo Source: 2nd gen Hiragana Keyakizaka46 blog Post date: 2017/12/08 22:29
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Nice to meet you! Thank you very much for having opened this blog. I'm Miyata Manamo, a 2nd Hiragana Keyakizaka46 member from Tokyo prefecture, 19 years old and a first year university student. I was born on April 28th, am a Taurus and my blood type is A. My birthdate is basically the same as Konoka's (Matsuda Konoka)♪ This must be fate~♡ We are almost exactly one year apart in age. Well then, since this is my first blog, I feel like it'll be a little long. I'd be happy if you could spare three minutes of your commute to work or school, three minutes of your break time or three minutes before going to sleep, for me ♡ I'm always sporting a loosely coiled twin tails. I loosely coil my hair, or loosely tie it. Recently, I've taken a liking to hairstyles that are curled, more than those that are straight. So normally, my hair is kind of curly.1 *********************** When I heard that I would be able to write a blog, I was overjoyed. I want to cherish this place where I can directly talk to everyone, using my own words, as "Miyata Manamo", and not as "Number 18-chan" or "Mie-chan", as I was called during the SHOWROOM auditions. In reality, I'm not very good at writing. I'm very worried about whether I'll be able to convey my thoughts properly, but I'll give it my best! First of all, I really want to thank everyone who watched my SHOWROOM auditions and wrote comments of encouragement!! It was fun to talk to people there, and I was always thinking "What should I talk about today?" and getting all excited. I looked over the comments before the final judging and was encouraged by them! I was really happy ♡ I received so many congratulatory comments when I announced that I had passed the auditions... I treasure all of them. I hope that my feelings of gratitude will get through to all of you~! I was nicknamed Mie-chan, since I had a triple-fold on my eyelids. How nostalgic~♡ I previously had a conversation with Akari (Nibu Akari) where we talked about nicknames... She told me "This is the first present everyone has given you." My present was not only my nickname, but also the many the comments that I received. That's why this time, I'd like to return the favor (^^♡ Suzuka (Tomita Suzuka) says "thank you" in a really polite way! She treats words with care. I guess that's why she's good at rapping~ Everyone [within the 2nd gen members] gave me the nickname "Manamotti." It's just that... up until now, no one has ever called me by that name. The closest I've gotten is when Miku (Kanemura Miku) sometimes called me "Motti." I wonder why... (- -)° Everyone calls me "Manamon." ●○○○ The accent when pronouncing it is kind of like this. The pitch accent is the same as "Fuji-san." Probably. I'm happy at just being called, but please call me in a way that's easy for you! Hiyo-tan (Hamagishi Hiyori) calls me "nee-san"~^^ Myself (on the left) and Hiyo-tan (Hamagishi Hiyori on the right) striking a decidedly adult-like pose. And in the middle, but a little hard to see, is Akari (Nibu Akari) the camerawoman who we see through the mirror's reflection. These are the clothes from the BLT photo shoot. They look adult-like and I quite like them ♡ Is there anyone who has bought the magazine? It was our first time in the BLT magazine, and all 20 of us were on the front cover...! I was overjoyed. If you'd like it, please take a look!! * Weekly Playboy * B.L.T. * Nikkei Entertainment It's already been four months since we've been admitted into Hiragana Keyakizaka46, and we've already been able to be included in this many publishings. I am really grateful for this. I took a lot of pictures, so I'll post them at another time, okay? ♪ There are various areas where I feel that I am lacking, compared to our 1st gen senpai, and that makes me feel down. But I'd like to give it my best to emit a happy aura and find fun in anything I do! *********************** I think that Miku (Kanemura Miku) also wrote about this, but we all get along really well, with no regards to our differences in age. As an example of this, before dance lessons, we all play the "Hina-chan game" together. It's a weird tag game where everyone who gets touched becomes Hina (Kawata Hina)! (lol) Even though I'm the oldest amongst the 2nd gen members, everyone tells me "Nao (Kosaka Nao) seems more mature than you~" (lol) I wear rabbit-shaped mittens, and I ride the bus while cuddling a stuffed animal, so I'm aware of it but... I want to become an onee-san who will support everyone from behind, when something happens. Me and my small hands. When comparing with Akari (Nibu Akari on the right), my fingers are almost one joint shorter than her. My hands are tiny and soft, like shiitake mushrooms. (When I said this to Akari, she burst out laughing, so I like to use this expression now.) *********************** Well then, Next up will be the ninth and last member! Watanabe Miho! Even though she's one year younger than me, she sometimes looks like an onee-chan. I really like it when Miho asks me "Can I have a bite?" It somehow feels like she becomes a spoiled little kid. Well... I'm sorry this went on for so long. Thank you very much for reading. Baimin ♡ Miyata Manamo #1 Have you taken a look at "Weekly Young Jump" yet? Nao was really cute〜〜♡♡ Please take a look at that as well!
During the 2nd gen auditions, Number 18-chan was who I was rooting for, so I'm glad that she passed and that I was able to finally read her first blog post! I will oshiing for her very hard w.
Here's the proof that I was an early Manamo supporter 😛
But if I had to pick an early favourite, I’d go with 18番. She has that idol aura 🔥https://t.co/O0rtKrvV6v
— Copycatken@46⊿ (@copycatken) August 9, 2017
Please forgive me, I have no idea what the heck idols are talking about, when they start going into hairstyle terminology. 😭 ↩︎
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