#i smiled seeing the usernames on my dash and seeing so many familiar faces
sendforbromina · 4 years
hi there ladies
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Witcher Of The Night (Chapter 10)
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Characters: Geralt of Rivia x small!Naive!Reader
Summary: Geralt has found a djinn as your ticket for your way home. Though, some conditions doomed his fate. Your confession for the witcher got him climbing down towards the goal of sending you away; reconsidering what could happen when you stay for a week or maybe more. Howbeit, your panic-stricken confession lead into unlocking the Djinn out of its confinement and thus, leading you into becoming one possessed human and giving Geralt factual reasons as to why he was destined to you.
Warnings: Possessed reader. A gushing reader who managed to accidentally confess her feelings for the witcher. Upset Cirilla. Weird shit going on. Soft, hardheaded but smiley and frustrated Geralt all at once. A VERY MUCH NOT accurate words of Elder speech. AHONHONHON. I’m sorry in advance. Mention of blood. LOTS of Geralt Gif’s because…why not?
Words: 5.9k
A/N: You’ll have tension on the next chapters. When I mean tension, I mean sexual tension. I can hear y'all screaming and waiting for this moment to shine. HAHAHHAHAHA. I hope the wait is worth it.
Disclaimer: PNG’s used in edits are not mine even the GIF’s too. However, the edits and oneshots are definitely from moi. Characters, places and said monsters aren’t from moi as well. GIF’s INCLUDED ARE CREDITED TO THOSE WHO MADE THEM! I DO NOT OWN THEM!
MY WORKS ARE NOT NOT NOT NOT NOOOOOOT TO BE POSTED ON ANY OTHER WEBSITES. My official username in Wattpad is “TATATHEPOTATO” and that’s the only other site I have for writing aside from Tumblr. Thank you, Tater tots!
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You understood everything now. Very perfectly. Geralt was acting weirdly soft to you because he was finally throwing you away.
That was a more reasonable explanation to his sudden supple treatment towards you as you remembered how he was avoiding you the day before you were captured by those asshats. Though, it stopped there. He saved you and that was it. That was the only thing you remembered aside from the blurry image of you confessing something heartfelt to the witcher as he carried you to send you off to some healer.
You didn’t tell him anything ridiculous, didn’t you?
Those cheeky, dashing smiles he tries to give whenever he catches you staring made you narrow your eyes once you timidly avoided his beams like a blushing baby.
He was probably just happy that you were going to be out of his majestic hair once you wish for a genie to take you back home. It hurts to know that the witcher was happy and basically twerking inside his head about shooing you away.
Truly, your heart was feeling heavy because of it. The heavy feeling being brought as you had your steady hike with his family. Those lips that were jutted out in a pout was ineradicable even till the moment you’ve arrived at a tranquil looking lake.
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Geralt took notice of your vexatious pout that was permanently carved as he threw the fishnet out in the lake. Dismissing your attitude with a faint shake of his head at the wonder why you were looking downright dejected when it was finally the time you could go home and leave the havoc that you were in.
“So, a Djinn is a fish? Since you’re using a fish net…” he’d heard you question the bard that was leaning on a dead tree, arms crossed like an executive in some company as he watched Geralt trawl for your Djinn. The witcher tugged on the rope of the fishnet and pulled; seeing no pitcher yet that had a Djinn and only an empty bottle of wine that was thrown out in the lake. He frustratingly exhaled a breath and ceaselessly tossed the fishnet back in the water.
Cirilla and Kolby were crouching down beside the swamp as they were playing with the water in their hands. Patiently waiting for whatever you were finding.
“Haven’t you heard of genies?” Jaskier bellowed, making your eyebrows twist together in ire for his attitude. You crossed your arm and gave yourself a second before a loud cajole left your lips, “—The mystical creatures that grant you three wishes?”
Your frowning self promptly turned the opposite as you remembered a movie that you’ve loved back in your laptop, “Oh! The one from Aladdin! Will the Genie come out of it? Is it a smoke of blue?!”
The bard let out a perceptible loud sigh, eyes focused at the witcher who was mindlessly cussing to himself for finding his Djinnie-Djinn-Djinn that took three hours already. He gave you a look that consisted of abounding judgement.
You shrugged to yourself; dusting off his sarcasm, “I suppose not,”
“—The last time it came out, it attacked my throat and gave me the ill-fate of having no voice to talk nor sing. I’ve been brought to a healer—thanks to Geralt and his selfless virtue, and been brought to an orgy which eventually; Yennefer–” Jaskier’s chatters were ceased by Geralt’s stern tone that echoed a meter away as he was hauling over his fishnet, audibly groaning as he felt something heavy that has been caught.
He hoped it was no monster or anything.
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“That’s enough, Bard.”
Jaskier leaned off the dead tree, hands on either side of his hips as he looked offended by always being cut-off in the middle of his chitter-chatters with you, “Why do you always cut me off when it’s about the mage from Vengerberg?” a teasing pause. “—It’s like you don’t want me mentioning about her because the small rat is around,”
The witcher gave no response other than a displeased hum, not giving his amber eyes while the fish net dripped as he dragged it out to see some type of vase that had a peculiar seal, “Hmm.”
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He’d heard a clap and it was from the bard, “Oh, a pitcher! It’s the Djinn!” before his voice suddenly upturned into a softer tone like he was avoiding something. The leaves crumpled beneath his shoe as you felt Jaskier discreetly side stepped away from you or everyone like a frog in the mud, “I’m just going to…give you space and peace like you hoped for,”
The message was for Geralt as he slowly but surely hid behind a tree where Cirilla and Kolby was. A distance which is still coherent for him to hear you both from a distance. You’ve eyed him like he was going loco when he gave a thumbs up behind the tree and peeked with only his head showing to the both of you, a beam on show.
“Don’t forget to make three wishes when the harsh wind hits you! Also, make it fast so it doesn’t thwack you in the neck!”
Geralt held onto the pitcher, inspecting a different seal in his hands. Much more different than the one they had decades ago. It was an eight figure hand clustered in a circle with random stars all over.
“Are you sure this wouldn’t be a snake in the grass, Geralt?” the witcher heard the bard speak from behind the tree, loud enough for you to hear his question thrown. There was a moment of silence as Geralt studied the pitcher a lot more closely, trying to understand and remember what the seal meant.
He’d finally taken the chance to voice out to the bard in a gruff tone, “As long as she doesn’t wish for anything that would mutilate anyone,”
You gave them looks; back and forth as they went on to their talk like you weren’t there with them. It’s not like you could understand whatever magic or terms they were even talking about. This was the problem for living in a world that you weren’t familiar with; not a single thing that you were used to besides the cooking. Other than that, their world was living in history that you somehow didn’t wish to have lived in.
With magic even involved in their lives like it was a normal thing.
“What if this backfires, Geralt? You know..like it would give her a tumor in the neck and then you’ll go find a healer again and—” Jaskier cut his sentence in haste when the witcher gave him a scolding glare. He’d shut his mouth, contemplating on what his next words would be.
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“—You sure it’ll give her what she wants?”
“It can grant the most far-fetched wishes,”
“So, when you wished for peace prior to that day; giving me tumor is the best idea for your Djinn?”
Geralt gave him a mocking smile, one that consists that his patience was wearing thin again for the talkative bard who asks too much questions like he was the person who came from another world and not you, “But, it quite helped, didn’t it?”
The bard rolled his eyes back at him, puffing out a breath as he emerged behind the tree and leaned his shoulders on the dry wood; his face contorting in anxiety as he saw Kolby crouched in front who was giving him those puppy eyes.
You were too engrossed from their talk and didn’t notice Geralt who was now in front of you; handing over the pitcher where a Djinn was kept.
“As long as she’s the master, the Djinn won’t hurt her.” he reassured for you; feeling your agitation take over as you were realizing that there was a risk that their genie could hurt you. Though, those glowing eyes of his that resting on you; giving an unfamiliar tenderness of his gaze was simply telling you that it won’t happen.
But, the stingy feeling inside your heart wasn’t helping those warmth within his eyes.
“Make your wish, Midget.” he simply said, dropping his gaze for a second before returning back on your glum filled eyes, “—Once unbarred and has three of your wishes, the djinn is set free,”
You loosely held onto the pitcher like you were hesitant. It was there now. Your way for home. One of the options that can get you coming back from where you came from. Away from their chaotic world that had too many fremd explanations about their way of living other than earth where having a stable job was the only problem you had.
Not for the fear of monsters and people selling you off to some duke or king.
“—and…you are also..” the witcher drawled out his words, seeming to be in deep thought as his features turned stony and inexplainable, “—free. Back to where you came from,”
He sounded like he was choking when the witcher continued his speech; or maybe it was just you who wanted to think he actually didn’t want you leaving?
Shocking to say, you actually didn’t want to. His family was extraordinaire and caring. The type where they wouldn’t blink just to save you from danger even if it would involve them bleeding to death.
Geralt’s family was one of a kind. Thus, you realize how much of a family you had back in earth. A family who let you work overseas to help them in their lives as you work your ass off so they could pay their bills. It’s not that you weren’t thankful that they’ve taken care of you when you were a kid and even paid for your college fees, but sometimes working abroad can be depressing when you have no one around.
No one to hold and share your sadness with.
“What if I…” Wish to stay? your thoughts were in a mess. You trailed off and anxiously bit the insides of your cheeks as Geralt waited for you to finish your sentence. Yet, you clicked your tongue and changed what you wanted to say instead, “—What if it hurts me? As much as how it did to Jaskier?”
Geralt’s shook his head, frowning as he does so, “I won’t let that happen, midget.”
The way he said it; soft and reassuring like he promised that this option you had involves no pain. Leading you into yearning for something that seemed to be unreachable and utterly fantastical for it to happen in reality. That is; if their world was really your reality.
Nevertheless, you could feel every sorts of emotions and feelings. It was frustrating you to the point of being unreasonable by wanting to stay.
Jaskier faintly smiled as the bard realized what you were already holding. This was it. The last time to have you around. He was indecisive about it despite of him not wanting to welcome you warmly on the first day since you were hunted by an Alghoul. However, it seems like the latter had a change of heart and actually began to appreciate your annoying, little presence. Definitely like a cute rat that he probably feeds when nobody is looking.
“Should I bid you a goodbye right now?” he solemnly muttered as he fidgeted with his fingers. An action he does when he was anxious or thinking about something. You gave him back a gloomy smile and felt your chest feel even more heavier than it ever did.
The princess had her nose scrunched to its extent. Eyebrows furrowed in total bewilderment as she was trying to understand what was happening behind her back. “Why do we need to say farewell? To whom?”
Jaskier mustered up the courage to tell her, expecting for another set of her tantrums because of the sudden decision that Geralt has made for you, “—To Y/N.”
With just two words, it was enough for the princess to squeak and protest, completely objecting at the plan ahead as she gave the witcher a furious glare. “What? Geralt!”
She’d hopped forward against the muddy ground, hissing as she does so while Jaskier tried to catch her but she was too quick for him to slide away from. Geralt heard her heavy marches, closing his eyes in fatigue and stress as he murmured, “I shouldn’t have brought you both with me,”
It took five seconds for Cirilla’s steam to blow like a train; throwing angered protests at the witcher that was bound to protect her till the day she dies, “How dare you not tell me this?! I demand for her not to leave!”
“Princess.” Geralt firmly stated, a sigh leaving his lips as he does so and continued, “She doesn’t belong here,”
“I don’t want her to leave!”
“She belongs to her rightful dimension,”
Cirilla gave out a frustrated huff of her breath, snobbishly crossing her arms before the witcher as she gave him a scowl, “Don’t act like I didn’t see you both together in your bed last night, hugging her to sleep!”
Jaskier blinked repeatedly at that; giving the witcher a double take and also making you narrow your eyes at them from what they were pointing out.
The princess knew. She knew what she saw when she wanted to check if you were already awake yet and saw Geralt sleeping like a baby. Beside you with an arm surrounding you close as his palms rested along the middle of your back; intentionally avoiding the wounds before it could even open up itself.
It was the first time she ever saw the witcher having to sleep like a deadbeat without waking up due to his heightened senses because she tried to peek. He was completely vulnerable and seemed like to be in deep slumber; cuddling another person in his arms like it was his comfort.
“Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon.” Geralt snarled, giving her the sharp eyes as and a tone that tells her to stop before he doesn’t talk to her for weeks end. He’d used her full name for the first time in forever and simply to say; Geralt was pissed.
Cirilla’s voice wavered, feeling her throat run dry and eyes seem to appear cloudy as she took in Geralt’s hostility towards the truth that has been said. He was always like this, pushing people away when he seemed to feel like they were finally having a connection; fearing for being attached and for what outcomes it may bring.
“You are certainly an idiot, Geralt.”
The witcher’s nose flared in discontent, her narks immediately went straight to his head as he wore a nasty scowl; letting the irritation straight out of his mouth as he starts spitting ire at everyone who seemed to make his life a little more difficult, “Are you done talking shit now?”
The princess went on with her glares, peering up at the witcher with a piercing glint of her eyes, “You never fail to disappoint me,”
“Thank you, Princess. I always do plan to disappoint people. Comes in becoming a witcher,” was the only sarcastic remark that the witcher managed to reply with a rough grouse and an obvious roll of his eyes.
In between their heated argument, Jaskier even had the guts to butt in like what he always do; his face sketched in opposition for the sudden decision at hand like Geralt wanted it done in haste, “Do you really need to go back? I mean, I’ve talked to Geralt about it last night! He’s just one stubborn witcher and trying to push you away because he’s scared of being attached! We can always keep your Djinnie-Djinn-Djinn and just use it when you feel like going home—”
The latter was harshly cut off by a gruff sputter of Geralt’s warning, “Bard.” his nose flared even more, “—Will you fucking shut up? Even just for a minute?”
You didn’t know what to do. Everyone was telling you not to do it yet, even your heart as well. It was crazy, to even choose between living in a dimension that was full of peril or a world where it keeps you depressed because something was hugely missing in your life back in earth.
There was someone intensely staring at your face and you knew it was the angered witcher, no doubt because he seemed like he wanted you away already, “Wish for what your heart desires, midget.” he lowly hissed and gave a nasty grimace to the two pair of people who was strongly ceasing the progression of you going home to where you belong.
Everybody didn’t dare to make any form of noise except for the Hirikka who was looking at you in curiosity; never knowing what was going on. Jaskier shook his head in disappointment at the witcher, giving him a look that was pure of dissatisfaction and it was the first time that the bard ever did. He was trying to make Geralt feel guilty for his decisions or whatsoever.
“Final words for us before you go, small rat?”
Your heart was downright heavy as you began to send off your final messages to the people who did nothing but be kind enough for letting you stay despite of not knowing who you are. You gave Cirilla a look full of warmth, faintly smiling back at the princess who was now sobbing because the only person whom she felt a different type of connection was now leaving. The idea of not being able to see you again because you didn’t belong to their world was giving her distraught as you were the only person she connected with that involved with a woman’s touch.
“To Cirilla,” you choked in your own words, feeling the hesitance in your throat as you evidently swallowed. “—Hey, don’t cry. You’re going to be the strongest and bravest woman I can ever know. With a witcher by your side, he’ll mold you into becoming a better person as well,”
Your voice was faltering like a thin sheet of paper. Silently, the witcher stared; feeling the heat of his gaze grazing on the side of your face as you continued to bid your goodbyes.
“Jaskier,” an acknowledge that made the bard scoff with a forced grin, trying to make the situation lighter for everyone, “I know you’re utterly enamoured by my singing, small rat. Now is the perfect time for your confession!”
You managed to roll your eyes a him, “Keep annoying everyone. I hope Kolby bites you in your sleep,”
“I shall die a brokenhearted man!”
Last but not the least, a message for the witcher who has always been saving you like a knight in shining armor. An expected knight in your fantasies.
Never even expecting to like him in a way that you wondered how it would be like to be his lover. Nonetheless, the thought was a blur because he wasn’t just a mere human. He was a mutated one and a person who takes his job very seriously as a monster-slayer.
Maybe being his other half would be pretty much an adventure.
“Geralt,” you turned your heel to face him, considering the distance that he was an arm away from you. He’d given you an apathetic gaze, masking in whatever he was feeling right now as you couldn’t see right through him as of the moment, “—I’ve seen this in the movies too much and I understand why you’re handling everything in silence,”
He was just that type of person. You knew because there has been lots of people you’ve encountered who had his type of personality and you understood his character completely.
Hence, the type of person he was needed care because they weren’t used to people caring for them. He needed the conciliatory affection because he craves for it even though he hardly says he don’t; and even when he does receives it, the brightest way to do it is to push that person away because he knew he didn’t deserve the tender care.
“You’re no monster for me,” you genuinely spoke with all your heart. Geralt’s stoic expression seeming to waver as you’ve given him a look of appreciation for everything he did for you, “—You’ll never be because I know you have a good heart,”
He gazed at you even longer than he should, eyebrows in a pained twist that created a frown etched on his face. What were you even saying? Your mind was literally a ball of yarn right now as you stand in front of him; thoughts flying elsewhere as you started to panic because you wanted something off your chest before you go. Permanently.
Therefore, your mind thought it was the right moment to confess such feelings that you knew it wouldn’t ever be said once you go back, you snapped your head away as you cringed for your stupidity, “—andthatIlikeyoubutnobodyneedstoknowthatbecauseIneverconfessedtoanymanever! Like really really like you. My heart is just–just pounding like a drum whenever you’re around—”
It was fast. A mere whisper of your heart being a YOLO little bitch by speaking out your feelings like a crazed woman offering some type of sacrifice as you were citing spells to your own; that type of fast talking that won’t get any normal person to understand the heck you wanted to comprehend.
You were idiotic enough to forget that he wasn’t any type of normal.
Geralt’s hum seem to stop your panicking mental state. His hum sounded perplexed and utterly…amused.
You swallowed the nervous jitters down your throat before opening an eye to see him cocking his head to the side, judging your embarrassed self and probably judging you from even confessing despite knowing it would be a one-sided affection from the witcher.
“Midget.” you’ve heard your conscience speaking to you, his tone somewhat quieter but still in that gruff voice of his that made your insides tingle. Your eyes was squinted shut as you looked away, avoiding his stares and went on with your audible monologue, “Oh my God, I should’ve wished first before confessing like a lovestruck high school girl,”
Geralt couldn’t help but subtly clear his throat. You always never fail to amaze him in terms of your panicking, clumsy gestures. He raised a surprised brow, thoroughly understanding what has happened prior to your rants.
“You didn’t hear anything!” you squealed and held onto the handle of the Djinn, furiously tapping it with your index finger in sheer embarrassment for the failed confession. The witcher clicked his tongue, shifting on his own burly weight and keeping his teeth together as he tried to think of an answer to your sudden confession.
“What do you mean hmm? IT WAS JUST A WHISPER!?”
Jaskier had his forehead furrowed in utter curiosity, just hearing the soft mumbles and your yelping kept his curiosity at bay. Yet, he’d heard you screaming, “Small rat, don’t you know that witchers have heightened senses and he understood you a lot? Probably even hear your heart pounding fast every time you’re—”
You’ve snapped your eyes open, realizing you were covering your face away from the witcher who was faintly smirking down at you with an unfathomable twinkle in his eyes that weirded you out. However, Jaskier’s words seeming to whack you in the head for being stupid and not asking more for what the witcher’s abilities consists of.
“Wait, what? He can even hear my—I SHOULDN’T HAVE SAID THAT!” His super hearing caught you off-guard. You didn’t expect that he had that kind of skill because all you knew was that he was strong and exceptionally good at using his swords.
Well, the news definitely shocked you to the core. You were mouthing words at Jaskier as the bard narrowed his eyes back, not understanding a thing from your silent mouthing of words as you wanted the ground to eat you alive. “WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME, THEN?!”
Your hostile reactions was surely bewildering the bard, “Why? What did you tell him, Y/N?”
You’ve heard Geralt’s stern baritone pitch of his, thus igniting a fast shake of your head as you could feel the heat travelling up in your face like a jet plane, ignoring the witcher who stood tall before you, “NOTHING, Jaskier! I’m so stupid!”
“Your reaction doesn’t mean nothing…”
The discomfort was making you deal with a lot of things. Rejection, anxiety and being a butter finger. Your eyes caught the Djinn wrapped around your fingers as you tried to cover your face from the witcher. So, you’ve did the inevitable and ungracefully held onto the seal before giving Geralt a once over.
Hence, you didn’t know what he was thinking when he suddenly ceased your wrists from doing so.
His bright amber eyes looked at you in warning, meeting yours in a reluctant shadow of his emotions when you’ve held onto the seal looking like he had a change of heart and didn’t want it to happen.
Maybe, it wasn’t too bad to let you stay for a little more while. Just a week or maybe more. His consciousness spoke at the back of his Ivory head. He wanted to make sure of something; if it was really destiny trying to play with his emotions for whatever bullcrap he was feeling when he’d heard your confession.
“Midget!” roughly scolded Geralt as he’d realized you already had opened the seal before he even stopped you. Jaskier had Cirilla and Kolby behind a far end tree as they watched you both struggle from trying to open the Djinn prior to your confession.
Both of you held onto the seal. Eyes locked onto each other; his in utmost dismay and worry as the pitcher was ajar from the seal, currently unimpeded from its body. Then, there was a strong ripple of the brisk wind clawing down your feet, crawling up the curves of your bodice in a way that could frighten you because it was not any normal.
The whistle of the wind came in with hushed voices that you couldn’t understand nor recognized. An invisible phantom of cold fingers reaching your head like it wanted to crush your skull as the voices whispered louder; like a spell that you couldn’t comprehend.
Your knees were giving up from the pain it wanted to bestow. Those eyelids of yours fluttering shut as the spirit was trying to suck on the energy you only had. But, you didn’t flop on the ground as you could feel tangible warmth surrounding your body; not letting you fall nor letting go.
The cluster of wind became stronger. You’ve heard him yell back, keeping you as close as he can and felt strong, calloused fingers grab onto the side of your face; shaking you awake as he kept you standing still, “Make your wish!” he loudly demanded amongst the rustle of everything.
The pitcher loosely lost its touch from you as it fell to the ground. A wish. You needed to make wishes. Your eyes drooped, blinking in a daze as your vision caught the only thing in your fore sight.
A medallion. His medallion. A witcher’s medallion that was currently vibrating on his chest like something alarming was happening or was nearby.
“I-I wish…” you whispered more so to yourself, hearing the witcher groan out loud as he tried hard to keep you still. The force trying to keep you both apart but Geralt wasn’t backing down nor did he plan on letting go.
Jaskier, Cirilla and Kolby had their palms over their ears from the harsh wind encircling them. Keeping still behind the huge Oak tree. Then, the winds abruptly ceased as they were crouched behind for cover.
You were unconscious for one second; your whole weight given to the witcher as he had an arm on the small of your back, your face tightly smothered on his hairy chest that you awfully find endearing and pleasing. You’ve inhaled a long breath like you weren’t given oxygen, batting your eyelashes up at the witcher who was supporting all your weight with his strength.
A listless look for the witcher was all it took for him to narrow his eyes back at you, checking for any signs that you weren’t you. Though, none. You were okay and…you were still there with them.
The bard peeked his head out, checking what happened when he seen you with complete limbs and being hugged by the witcher himself. Jaskier shrugged to whatever the hell happened and hollered, “Well, that was pretty much an anticlimax for the second time.”
Gently, the witcher pulled you away from him. His strong fingers clasped upon your shoulders as he eyed you very seriously. The sudden shift of the wind keeping him uneasy as he didn’t trusted the harmless process of having your wishes. “What did you wish for, Midget?”
You shook your head from the delicate pain in your head; sighing as you wearily told him, trying to give him a smile that appeared thoroughly forced because you kept on wincing and holding onto your temples, “Don’t wishes shouldn’t be told? Because it never comes true when it does? Especially when you wish upon the stars? I’m not telling it—”
Your words were cut short by a shrilling scream that made Jaskier, Cirilla and Kolby jumped from behind their tree; hastily striding to where you were. “Stay back!” the latter ceased them from coming any closer as you fell on the ground, back flat and your back arched in a horrifying way.
The veins in your throat was throbbing as you felt pain in the valley of your breast. A part that was scorching hot like you were being burnt alive. You painfully whimpered as your body felt fluid, desperately grasping onto your chest to relieve the pain or try to take off whatever causes it but there was none.
You yelped another loud scream; feeling it boring holes inside your body and in your heart. Geralt hurriedly knelt in panic, the panic suddenly crashing him like a freight train as his face was stern in confusion. He’d held onto the side if your neck, his thumb stroking your jaw which got you hissing as the pain incredibly added another; like a gas to the flames as you’ve moaned from the intolerable pain.
“Cáerme,” You’ve suddenly hushed, hearing the unfamiliar voices violently ruining your peace; making everything hurt as you whispered it out loud.
The witcher couldn’t help but stare you down in ponder and utter worry. He heard you. A word that sounded familiar but he didn’t quite understand as it only took a person who was an expertise in it that could interpret the words you started to say.
“Saov,” Geralt’s breath hitched, golden eyes agape and his expression in thorough shock as he tried shaking your body to wake you up from whatever is trying to possess you.
It was like fighting for something you could never see.
Amber eyes. Chalky white hair. A distinguishable face was the only image in your head as you could hear Geralt’s angered voice screaming ‘no!’ in the background; a blurry image sketched inside your head as he was fighting knights and unfamiliar people surrounding his family who came with him.
Including you.
With Jaskier and Cirilla who had blood staining their clothes as the night swallows her loud cries.
Despite of the witcher’s warning, the bard scooted off to where you were; dragging Cirilla with him as Kolby trailed like a pup. Howling at the same time as you screamed once more, “Geralt, what’s happening?!”
You’ve suddenly snapped your eyes opened as you threw your head back, the color of your eyes giving Jaskier a fright as he also knelt before you, his eyes bulging out of his eye sockets as he saw black. Raven black.
“Certainly not the small rat!” the bard shrieked before pulling away from peering down at you, falling onto his back as he gave Geralt a once over.
His brawny physique was crouched beside you, his wild, disheveled hair framing his face as he loudly groaned out loud like he was also in deep pain, seeming to hold onto his chest like he was having a toxic heart attack.
Your words. It was used for magic and spells. Next thing Geralt knows is that he was suddenly pushed off the ground, his back hitting the ground with a loud thud as he felt phantom fingers keeping him steady and still. He harshly breathed through his nose, struggling with the force that was keeping him down.
Though, to no use; he couldn’t. It was some sort of potent spirit.
Every word you say was filling vile inside his chest. It hurt as much as you did. But, he could withstand the pain more than you do as he was roughly growling beneath his chest.
“Geralt?!” Jaskier and Cirilla yelled out in chorus when they’ve seen him get hauled back by some unforeseen creature. Their focal point on Geralt that they didn’t notice you hurriedly crawling towards the witcher like a possessed woman.
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You sat on his shredded, prominent torso once you’ve reached the witcher, tilting your head to the side as your eyes were completely pitch black. His eyelids fell shut once he was dragged down; Geralt was unconscious. You’ve held a palm in front of his face before uttering one last speech that certainly didn’t come from yourself. It was a bedevilled version of you that had no control over your system.
With that, you’ve leaned down very closely to his face. Warm breath hitting his face as you were tilting your head like a single strand of string can only be passed onto both of your lips together. The witcher sighed as he does so, face in a peaceful state as an unpredictable line of dark smoke escaped your lips, streaming down his ajar lips of the witcher who was down and unconscious.
Jaskier and Cirilla couldn’t move. They were dumbstruck at the scene that unfolded before them. All of your energy was taken from you as the possession has started and so, you’ve dropped dead on the ground. Closely beside Geralt as a blurry vision of you dropping on the rocky ground in the night sky ended your consciousness.
It was a blurry image that had you seeing Geralt run over for you, his face covered in grime and blood as he appeared to be on the verge of crying.
As your head fell on the ground with a soft thud; without warning, the witcher snapped his eyes open. Thick, robust fingers grasping onto his medallion that laid on his sturdy, bewhiskered chest. His eyelids drooping in total weary as he remembered a short event that concluded when he’d shortly fallen off in unconsciousness; giving him a dream as to why you were bound to him; destined to be with him forever.
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The witcher saw a future with you. It wasn’t just any ordinary dream that he had because this time; he was euphoric in it. Utterly happy and smiling with you in the picture.
Destiny really never fails to fuck him hard for the second damn time.
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Taglist: @alyxkbrl​​ @himarisolace​​ @barkingbullfrog​​ @ayamenimthiriel​​ @hellodevilslittlesister​​ @vania-marie​​ @spookypeachx​ @grungelovebug @fangirl-inthe-us​ @nympeth​ @amirahiddleston​ @gabethelobster​ @dreaming-about-starfleet​ @uncoolcloudyhead​ @melaninstylezz​ @psychosupernatural​ @missjenniferb @dance-dreamer​​​​ @marvelousell​​​​ @kingniazx​​​​ @angelias134​​​​ @tapismyforte​​ @chook007
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writer-dreams · 5 years
Love Potion (Part 6) (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
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Part 6 has been released! For those of you confused as to why this is labeled part 6 now, read the A/N below. There's only one more part left, so keep an eye out for it! ((Also, to the person who asked me for a tag, I'm sorry that I couldn't add you. I was stupid and forgot what your username was. It started with miniature and that's all I remembered. Please message me again if you still wish to be tagged.))
Prologue / Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / End
Update Tags: (I HAVE REACHED THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF PEOPLE THAT CAN BE TAGGED IN A POST, I'M SO SORRY!) @celestialceci @marvelobsessedteen @imaginesforthepeople @danidomm @marvelrose @vogueworthy-barnes @glossysoph @stevesvibraniumshield @bi-mama @fiveisadorable @paulalucianap1 @drama-llama-04 @mellow-delight @hahaboop @awesomehannaha @stantalentstanclc @queenskyster @outsider-underwater @babebenhardy @imaginespnr5er @riddikuluslypotter @pitkins @bughug1999 @drawlfoy @onyxbunny22 @sorgenprinzessin @vivianhuynh77 @dauntlessdracarys @jellyfishbeansontoast @frenchkpoplover @kaibie @starvinggaywriter @lunathepettuna @accio-rogers @summer-wasteland @storymage-danganronpa @daintyyukhei @writerandee @accio-perseus @fightpain-with-morepain
House: You choose
Blood Status: You choose
Warnings: Possible swearing
Note: The reader in this story is female / uses female pronouns
Word Count: 2,927 words
3rd Person POV
Day 6
Y/n woke up on her soft dorm mattress. She looked around in confusion before her eyes settled on the note placed beside her pillow. Raising her eyebrows, she picked the note up and read what was written.
‘Good morning, Love. I hope you had a wonderful sleep. I took the liberty of carrying you back to your room after you had fallen asleep. I hope you don’t mind. I’ll see you later today!’
-D.M. ♡
That’s right. She had fallen asleep on Draco’s lap yesterday. Her cheeks heated up at the memory, still wondering why she didn’t push him away. Her feelings were so mixed for Draco, it was just so confusing. She shook away her thoughts and got ready for classes, trying to ignore how quickly her heart was beating.
A few hours later, Y/n walked out of her Transfiguration class, completely ready to eat lunch. McGonagall was still just as strict as ever, pushing her students to their limits with tons of homework and a low tolerance for horseplay. After such a tough class, Y/n was starved. She practically dashed through the halls, almost drooling from the scent of (favorite food) wafting from the Mess Hall.
As she rounded one of the corners, Y/n heard some shouting coming from the next hall. At first she ignored it, thinking it was some stupid first-years. That is, until she realized that she recognized one of the voices.
“Get your filthy hands away from me, Potter!” That oh-so familiar voice barked. Of course, she knew that voice. She had become quite acquainted to the owner of that snarky voice.
Curious, Y/n peered into the hall from behind the wall, gasping at the scene in front of her. Draco was cornered at the wall with Harry and Ron pointing their wands threateningly at him. Draco’s wand lay discarded far away from him, proof that Harry had most likely disarmed him. Before she could stop herself, she threw herself between her friends and Draco.
“What the hell is going on here?” Y/n shouted.
“He levitated a first-year into a tree! That’s what’s going on! So, we’re simply trying to teach Malfoy a little lesson.” Harry glared at Draco.
“Poor bloke was crying and begging to be put down. However, this prat,” Ron said, pointing at the blonde, “Only smiled and left him up there.”
Her two friends continued, trying to secretly poke their wands around her. Y/n rolled her eyes at their pathetic attempts and shoved the two boys back. Taking a couple of steps back from the force, Harry and Ron looked at her with disbelief in their eyes.
“Honestly, just leave him alone!”
“Y/n, why the hell are you defending him?!” Harry accused, “He’s nothing but a bully!”
Y/n stopped, considering Harry’s words. Why was she protecting him? Any other time and she probably would have hexed Draco’s arse as well. It’s not exactly like he was in the right either. What was so different this time? She just instinctively stepped in front of him without a second thought.
“Because he’s my boyfriend and he’s actually really caring, despite what you may think!” Words flew out of Y/n’s mouth before she could stop them. Somehow, they just felt right to say. Like an instinct.
Ron’s eyes looked as if they were going to pop out of his head while Harry searched Y/n’s eyes, trying to find some sort of hidden meaning in what she was saying. His eyes softened slightly, seeing that Y/n was shaking.
“You know, Y/n, just because he’s your boyfriend, it doesn’t mean that you have to feel obligated to protect him all the time.” Harry said, putting emphasis on the word 'boyfriend’. Clearly, Harry still remembered that she was Draco’s girlfriend in the first place because of a dare. A dare that was coming to an end very soon.
Y/n rolled her eyes at Harry. “I like to think of it as more of a sign of good faithfulness. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I were to abandon my boyfriend to the mercy of his two enemies?”
“But Y/n! You-” Ron began.
“Just shut your damn trap and leave, will you?” Y/n said, exasperated at her friends. “Just accept that as long as I am his girlfriend, I’m going to protect him to the best of my abilities. It’s what a good girlfriend would do.”
“Even when he’s wrong?” Harry raised an eyebrow.
“I would support him through thick and thin.”
Harry’s face quickly turned to one of disappointment as he tugged at Ron’s sleeve.
“Let’s just get out of here, Ron.”
Ron was about to protest before he saw Harry’s face. He then sighed and turned to follow Harry out of the corridor.
Y/n turned back to Draco, who put his hand on her shoulder. She turned to see absolute awe in his eyes.
“You would choose me over your friends?” He asked, surprised.
Y/n nodded, her cheeks starting to turn red. “You protect me all the time, a good girlfriend should only be able to return the favor.”
Draco began to smirk before Y/n elbowed his side. He gasped out in pain, holding his ribs.
“What was that for?”
“Just because I’ll protect you, doesn’t mean that you’re in the right.” Y/n rolled her eyes, “You know better than to stick a first-year into a tree.”
Draco gave Y/n a small smile, though something flashed in his eyes as he did so. Something so small that not even Y/n noticed.
“Hey Love, I have a question for you.” Draco asked Y/n as they walked together in the halls after lunch.
Y/n turned to him with a questioning look on her face. The Slytherin boy looked nervous for once. He bit his lip and avoided eye contact with her. How strange.
“There’s going to be a party in the Slytherin Common Room tonight. Zabini told all of the Slytherins to come with a guest and I was hoping that you’d be mine.” Draco said, scratching the back of his neck. He still didn’t look at her and he was licking his lips nervously.
Ignoring Draco’s odd behavior, Y/n focused on what he said. A party was exactly what got her into this situation in the first place, along with a wild game of truth or dare. Then again, how many more opportunities would she have to attend a secret party in Hogwarts? Not many. She may as well enjoy everything she can in Hogwarts, seeing as she would eventually leave the school.
“I would love to go with you!” Y/n smiled at the boy. Draco’s face split into a beaming smile as his nervous posture relaxed.
“Oh, thank Merlin. The party’s at 7, I’ll see you then.” Draco pressed a kiss to her cheek before walking off, practically emitting an aura of happiness.
Y/n placed a hand against her cheek, feeling as though Draco’s warm lips were still on it. She sighed happily, not bothered by anything happening around her. She definitely couldn’t deny that one of the other reasons she wanted to go to that party was to spend more time with Draco. There was just something about him. It was as if she were seeing him in a different light. Her heart was fluttering like a wild bird in her chest. She began to walk to her next class, a slight bounce in every step. She simply couldn’t wait for tonight.
Y/n stood in front of the tall mirror in her dorm room. Her eyebrows were furrowed as she still couldn’t find the perfect dress for the party. She sighed and took off the dress she was wearing, going back to her wardrobe to look for another.
She roughly pushed through the coat hangers, frustrated at herself for taking so long to find a dress. Usually, she wouldn’t bother taking so long. She’d simply change into a random one and go. Groaning loudly, she hit her head against the hard wood of her wardrobe door. From the corner of her eye, she spotted a flash of (f/c). Y/n raised her eyebrows and pushed all the other gowns aside to reveal a gorgeous (f/c) dress. Y/n smiled as she remembered the first time she got it.
“Y/n!” Her mother called. The small girl entered the bedroom shortly afterwards, wondering what her mother wanted. She stared curiously at the woman, who had her back turned to her daughter. Her mom suddenly turned around, holding an elegant (f/c) dress. Y/n’s jaw dropped at how amazing it looked.
“Look at what I found, darling.” Her mother grinned.
“Wow, it’s gorgeous!”
“You know, Y/n. I wore this dress when I went on my first date with your father. It was at a time that whenever I was around him, I felt this feeling in my chest. At first, I didn’t understand it. However, when I wore this and danced around with him in the streets, I realized what it was.”
“What was it?” Young Y/n asked with a sparkle in her eyes. The way her mother was describing the scene seemed almost fairy-tale-like to her.
Her mother hummed a soft tune. “You’ll know when you’re older, darling. All I can say is that it will feel….right.” Her mother suddenly extended the dress towards Y/n.
Y/n raised an eyebrow at the gesture. “What are you doing, mum?”
“Giving you this dress.” She answered bluntly.
Y/n let out a gasp of surprise as she pushed her mother’s arms back. “I can’t take this. It’s so important and holds so much meaning. What if something happens to it because of me?”
Her mother gave her a pointed look. “This dress was there when I first went out with the love of my life. It has witnessed many tears and fights, but it has also seen the magic of love. It has been there for me and now it will be there when you first meet the one who will bring you eternal happiness. I want you to wear this when you find them and when you do, know that your parent’s love is there with you.”
“But, how will I know if they are 'the one’?”
“You’ll know.” Her mother smiled knowingly.
The small girl gingerly took the dress from her mother, feeling honored that she was being given something of so much value. She walked to the nearest mirror and placed the dress in front of her body, imagining what she would look like in it. Of course, being so small, the dress practically pooled on the floor and the bodice was definitely made for a larger body. Nonetheless, she beamed at her reflection while her mother tilted her head and flashed her a soft smile behind her.
The memory faded as Y/n found herself in front of the mirror, the dress pressed against her body. Something stirred in her gut, a warm feeling filling her body. Something inside of her unconsciously screamed at her to put it on, that this was 'the magic moment’. She continued to look into the mirror, contemplating it. The dress looked like it would fit perfectly now, compared to all those years ago. It was perfect. Finally opting to wear it, she thanked her mother inside her head for convincing her to take the dress with her and changed right into it.
Y/n looked back to the mirror, excited to see how she looked. She cracked a smile and quickly spun around, admiring how the dress billowed and twirled. Yet, something was still missing. Something glinted silver in her peripheral vision. She turned her head and noticed the dragon necklace that Draco had gotten her. She had avoided wearing it every since the day that Pansy had taken it because every time she put it on, she got the same weird feeling in her chest that she got when she saw Draco smile.
Yet, she still picked it up off the dresser top, placing it around her neck and feeling the cold steel on her skin. She turned to the mirror, finally feeling satisfied with her final look. She grinned and exited her room, ready to go to that party.
She arrived at the Slytherin Common Room, feeling intimidated by the large amount of people and the loud music. All around her, people were already in their friend groups, chatting away and enjoying the night. Y/n spotted Draco’s blonde hair from afar, seeing that he was standing around a table with some of his friends. His eyes met with hers and his face split into a toothy grin. He was dressed nicely in a simple black suit, with a green tie and black shoes. Her breath caught in her throat, and she was unable to move until he was in front of her. She smiled up at him, seeing his eyes looking over the dress she was wearing.
“You look stunning, Love.” He complimented, looking down to see the necklace she was wearing. “You actually wore it….”
“Of course, why wouldn’t I?” Y/n asked confused.
“It’s just….” Draco trailed off. “Never mind. Let’s just go eat something.” He grabbed her hand gently and brought her further into the party.
Hours later, Y/n found herself genuinely enjoying the party. All night long, she was practically stuck to Draco’s side and noticed that he had never let go of her hand. Suddenly, the upbeat tune of the last song faded away and a slow song started playing, causing everyone in the room to grab a partner and start waltzing together. Draco turned to her with a small smirk.
“May I have this dance, Love?” He bowed, still holding her hand.
“Well, how could I say no when you refuse to let go of me.” Y/n joked.
Draco smiled and led her to the middle of the room, resting his hand on her hip and holding their intertwined fingers out. Y/n placed her other hand on his shoulder and the two began to move their feet together in sync, swaying the to the soft beat of the music. Draco’s warm grey eyes bore into her, as if he could see into her very soul. Her chest felt as though it was swelling with an odd happiness. Time seemed to stand still as the music and everyone talking was muted into background chatter, like she and Draco were the only thing that mattered. She no longer saw the people around them, seeing them only as shapeless blobs of color. All she could see was Draco and his sweet smile.
Then, he stopped dancing, worrying Y/n. Everything was still unfocused as he took her outside the Common Room. She had no idea why he stopped or where he was taking them. The whole time, she was in a daze. However, she soon found Draco taking her up the familiar stairs of the Astronomy Tower. He didn’t stop until they reached the balcony. Outside, it was completely silent. The night sky twinkled with thousands of glittery stars and the moonlight bathed everything in a soft white light. It was so beautiful and peaceful. Y/n was suddenly aware of how often Draco would take her here, like it was their special spot.
Gazing at the stars, she could see all of her favorite constellations. She could make out the constellation of Draco, which shone the brightest of all the others. Y/n could feel eyes on her, making her turn to see silver eyes watching her with adoration.
“What are you looking at?” She giggled.
She was taken aback by his blunt statement. Nevertheless, heat began to rush to her cheeks, turning them bright red. Draco sighed as he finally looked away from her.
“Draco? What’s wrong?”
“I love you, Y/n. I love every single fibre of you. I just…..” He paused, “…I just wonder if you feel the same.”
Y/n didn’t know what to say. Even she wasn’t sure of what she felt around him. Surely, it couldn’t be love, could it? Draco turned back to her, closing his eyes. He placed a soft hand on her cheek and leaned in slowly. However, he stopped a few mere centimeters away from their lips touching. He was giving her the decision to either kiss him or turn him away. Y/n was shocked, staring at his lips. Her heart was pounding in her chest like a loud drum.
'It was at a time that whenever I was around him, I felt this feeling in my chest.’ Her memories recalled what her mother had said.
'All I can say is that it will feel….right.’
'But, how will I know if they are 'the one’? ’
'You’ll know.’
At this point, Y/n had understood. She understood what that feeling was. She understood why it felt right to wear this dress. She finally understood why dancing with Draco made everything else melt away. Without a second thought, she connected her lips with his and felt him pull her in closer to him. It was such a sweet kiss, filled with unsaid confessions. Their lips fit together perfectly, almost like two puzzle pieces. This was the first time, during this whole fiasco, that she had kissed him on the lips. Any other time, she had turned away to make him kiss her cheek. She knew then, that she wanted to stay like this, with him, forever.
Finally, she realized that she couldn’t deny it anymore.
I’m in love with Draco Malfoy.
Thank you so much for reading Part 6. So, to stop any confusion, I labeled this part as Part 6 because I changed the first part to a ‘Prologue.’ I felt this better suited the description and now the chapter numbers line up with the days. I actually really like this one (especially the ending bit) and I hope all of you did as well. Sorry it took so long, I found myself busy with schoolwork and such, but I’m back. Thank you again! Until next time.
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ironwoman359 · 5 years
"What's wrong?" "Am I.... Am I a bad kid?"
“Oh...oh, sweetie come here,” Damien sighed, pulling Remus onto his lap. “You’re not a bad kid, I promise.”
“But I got in trouble again at school today...Roman never gets in trouble. Mrs. Johnson said I should b-be more like him...it’s cuz he’s good and I’m bad, isn’t it? I’m the bad twin.”
Remus buried his face into his father’s’ shirt, and Damien made a mental note to have strong words with his sons’ second grade teacher.  
“Remus, listen to me,” he said softly, peering down to meet his son’s eyes. “You are not the ‘bad twin,’ and Roman is not the ‘good twin.’ You both are wonderful, beautiful boys who are still growing and learning, and sometimes when we learn, we make mistakes. Those mistakes don’t make you bad. You know what they make you?” 
“What?” Remus sniffled, and Damien smiled at him. 
“They make you human, Remus. The best thing to be.”
“B-but...is Roman a better human than me?” Remus asked, and Damien held in a sigh. “He never gets in trouble at school...”
“Remus, does Roman get in trouble here at home?”
Remus paused, and Damien could practically hear the gears turning in the small boy’s mind. 
“Does that make him bad?”
“...no, but I still-”
“Remus, listen,” Damien said firmly. “I don’t care how many times you get in trouble versus Roman getting in trouble. Neither does your daddy, do you know why?”
“Because you and Roman are both our little princes, and we love you more than anything in the world. Okay?” 
A shy yet toothy grin spread across Remus’s face, and he nodded. Damien grinned, then leaned down and kissed him on the nose. 
“There’s that smile I like to see! Now, why don’t you go out and play with Roman? I think he’s starting a quest in the backyard.”
“Can you come out and be the Dragon Witch?”
“I need to talk to Daddy for a few minutes, but we can both be out in a little bit, okay?”
“‘Kay! Love you, Papa!”
“And I love you, little prince,” Damien said, and Remus dashed away to find his brother. 
Damien let out a sigh, and fell backwards on the couch, running a hand over his face. 
“Well, that didn’t sound too good,” a familiar voice came from the kitchen, and Damien looked up, a tired smile on his face. 
“So you did hear all that...I wondered if you had.”
“I figured it would be best if I didn’t butt in while you were talking,” Patton said, fully emerging from the kitchen and sitting next to Damien on the couch. Damien leaned his head on his husband’s shoulder and let out a sigh. 
“I am going to send the rudest letter to that Mrs. Johnson,” he growled, and Patton tutted, reaching his fingers up to massage Damien’s neck and shoulders. 
“I understand the temptation, my dear, but you don’t want to say something you’ll regret. Why don’t you let me handle it?”
“I’m just...loathe to let her keep treating our little prince like that...”
“Oh, don’t worry,” Patton said icily. “I won’t go easy on her, not by a long shot.” 
Damien laughed, and kissed the side of Patton’s head. 
“Maybe you ought to play the Dragon Witch today.” 
Patton chuckled, and the two of them sat in silence for a moment, taking in the calm that came over the house any time the twins were outside.
“I am very proud of you,” Patton said after a time, looking up at Damien. 
“You did really well with Remus. Really, really well.”
“Thank you,” Damien mumbled, and Patton smiled. 
“I know you think you’re not cut out for this whole ‘fatherhood’ thing. But I mean it, Damien.” He leaned up and pressed a slow, sweet kiss to Damien’s lips. “I’m really really proud of you.”
The two of them stayed that way for several minutes, snuggled into each other trading the occasional lazy kiss...until the back door to the house burst open and Roman tore through the living room, Remus in hot pursuit. 
“Daddy!!! Remus’s is trying to make me kiss a frog!!!” 
“Papa!!! Roman is refusing to break the witch’s curse!!!” 
Patton and Damien exchanged glances, then in one motion, they stood up to take care of their little princes.
Sanders Sides Taglist:
 @lizethemotherlycat,  @coffeestudylive, @logically-asexual,  @migraine-marathon, @princeyssash,  @idontevenfreakingknow22, @tree4life25, @spacevirgil, @virgiltheanxious, @thebaagelboy,  @msu82, @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2, , @thesleepyraziel, @bobolovesoze,  @littlemiracle05, @pattson,  @nerd-in-space, @thesides,  @stay-in--place, @ravenclawunicorn1, @at-least-seven-pretty-potatoes, @michealawithana, @anotherfandomtrasher , @fandomsofrandom,  @a-deliciouslyfadingcollection, @nightmarejasmine, @xxfoxit, @quoth-the-sparrow, @katatles-the-fish, @misty-the-mysterious, @alyssadashrub, @punkassplonker, @noctisvalex, @i-sold-my-soul-to-thefandom, @funsizedgremlin, @vigilantvirgil, @nonamefightergirl, @thomasbemyfriend, @starsinger , @milomeepit, @justabookworm39, @shortandfantastic, @thesilentbluesparrow, @royallyanxious, @mirror2thespirit, @coffee-stains-paper-and-ink, @silverrhayn, @mooksie01, @backatthebein, @nye275, @anastasialestina, @callboxkat, @a-lexicon-of-words, @emeraldfoxface,   @peachie-keeen, @llamaly, @witch19,  @heythereprincey, @bring-it-on-perra, @nienna14, @bubblycricket, @thomasfandersunite, @slightlyobssesive,  @logicallyanxious, @apologetically-anxious, @keys117, @digitally-analog,  @ocotopushugs, @warping-reality,  @grey-lysander, @your-username-is-unavailable, @hikariyukino, @theresneverenoughfandoms, @virgil-sanderssss, @violetmcl, @thatfandomfollower, @nothingelsemattersme, @cdragontogacotar, @narniasfinestavengingsociopath, @absentmindedproff, @fantasyandfairfolk, @virgilsblogofanxietys, @your-average-outcast, @sanderstalker, @galaxy-warping, @queen-of-all-things-snuggly @a-little-bit-of-ace, @faithfreedom-art @therealhmmlingle @xxladystarlightxx, @morgan-the-art-girl, @stormcrawler75 @wowitsmyblog, @romanssippycup, @lunalikesgamesandstuff, @lamp-calm-sanders, @musikasworld @cyberpunkjinx, @mauvelavender @samathekittycat @black-out-wonder @i-read-by-lamp @ravenclawicecream @nashiraneko @lucifer-in-my-head @ladyartemisia28 @awesome-and-unique-username @zoalis @entpscarleharrrr @raygelkitty @zeldahadasword @gubbalupagus @musicphanpie-b @virgilssweaterpaws, @faacethefacts @a-simple-fryingpan @pinkeasteregg @punknerdmusings @imantisocialgetoverit @anuninspiredpoet  @awkward-avocado-of-death, @poison-lyra @modcarbz, @thisrandomperson102,  @skydiamcnds @just-another-starfish, @thepoolofthedead,  
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Ephemera Chapter Four
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Ephemera: In art, transitory written and printed matter (receipts, notes, tickets, clippings, etc.) not originally intended to be kept or preserved.
Alternatively, things that exist or are used for only a short time.
Description: Nobody knows who Vante really is. Everything about the popular artist is shrouded in secrecy: from his face to his name to everything in between. After years of working for his art gallery, Y/N feels she may just be the closest thing he has to a friend. Between her success at work and her relationship with campus hot-shot Jeon Jungkook, Y/N’s life has never been better. But is Jungkook truly who he says he is? And who will Y/N protect now that she knows Vante’s livelihood may be on the line?
Genre: Romance, Drama, Fluff, Angst
Pairing: Jungkook x (f) Reader x Taehyung
Word Count: 5k
Tags: Non-Idol!Au, Gang!Au, Art History Student!Reader, Film Student!Jungkook, Art Student!Taehyung
Warnings: Swearing and mentions of alcohol, although infrequently
A/N: Hey! Lmao, I’m flip-flopping with this link thing. Last week I had to remove them whew. Anyway, this week I’ll add them later on. For now, if you want to catch up on the rest of the story, please head over to my masterlist! If you can’t find it, shoot me a message and I’ll send it to you. And on that note, please feel free to send me anything you’d like! Feedback, theories, critique, anything goes!
And in personal news, I’m having my short story published in a literary magazine!! PUBLISHED!!! I really can’t believe it. It feels so surreal. But it’s thanks to you guys that I had the confidence to submit my work to the magazine. Thank you for supporting me :’)
And again, if you want to follow my Twitter, my username is @/plzpunchmebts. I’m super active over there and hopefully in the future I’ll do some livestreams/chats with you all!
- Mercury
Previous Chapter – Next Chapter
Weekly updates: Sunday, 1PM (PST)
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Outside, I heard the computer room door open and shut. Two pairs of footsteps echoed down the hall. I blinked at the document before hastily shoving all the papers back in place. I threw the folder into its place in the drawer and shut off the light, rushing out into the hallway and dashing into the bathroom across the way. I turned on the water just long enough to be convincing and dried my hands on my pants before bracing myself in the mirror. I didn’t…quite look myself. The same purplish bags hung beneath my eyes that I’d begun growing accustomed to, but there was something else in my face that left me unsettled. Where once there was a girlish naiveté, now there was something harder, something with rougher edges lingering in the details of my expression. In the set of my jaw, in the hollows of my cheeks, in the shadows in my eyes. It was aged somehow, weary.
It was tired.
I sighed and shut off the light as I walked back out into the hallway. Again, the television rang out through the apartment. And this time, it wasn’t the news. Perhaps it was something about having my deepest fears confirmed that had me on edge, or perhaps it was the thrill of doing something I wasn’t supposed to, or perhaps even it was the alcohol in my veins, but it seemed a new feeling had replaced that deep-down ache that had persisted for weeks. And it felt…something like anger. Keeping documents that Vante had signed? Running intel on a man who wanted nothing more than to make the world brighter with his art? Spying on someone who supported and believed in people without expecting a single thing in return? I ran my fingers through my messy hair and entered the living room with a smile.
“Y/N!” called Jungkook, eyes wide.
I chuckled. “Sorry. I saw you guys weren’t out here when I got back and helped myself to your bathroom.” I met Jungkook’s eyes with a steeliness that felt foreign. If he could look me in the eye and lie without flinching, then I could too.
“We thought your call would take longer,” said Seokjin with a laugh. “Not much to talk about?”
I returned his laugh and nodded. “Ah, yeah. She was freaked out since she forgot to feed Hyunie,” I said with a shrug. “I’ve gotta go now and take care of it since she’s working on a paper.”
Jungkook groaned and approached me with a frown, placing his hands on my hips like they fit there perfectly. And, until recently, they did. “Baby, you gotta stop doing favors for everyone,” he said, drawing out his words.
Playing drunk? After all that?
I cocked a brow and let my hands roam his arms with a hum. A smile teased my lips, and I could feel the malice in it. A malice that had never been there before. I let my eyes follow my fingertips and, for the first time since we’d started dating, I noticed a shiver run up Jungkook’s body. Like I was affecting him.
How stupid could I have been? When he never so much as reacted to me? How many more months could I have gone in blissful ignorance? Seeing him now, with a faint flush to his face and eyes wide like saucers, I wondered just what I had been thinking all this time?
I chuckled and sighed a little. “What can I say?” I asked, meeting his eyes with a lazy smile. “I guess I’m just a really good person.”
Another shiver worked up to his chest from the base of his spine. Was this his type after all? “I-I guess so,” he said with a breathy laugh before clearing his throat and backing away with a smile. “So, should we continue Would You Rather?”
I pouted and gave his chest a little pat, letting my hand linger there for a beat too long. I could feel his heartbeat. It was racing. “Sorry,” I said, sighing as I began collecting my jacket and bag. “I’d better feed Hyun before Nara calls again. She’s…persistent,” I said with a laugh, squeezing his bicep before waving goodbye to Jin. I made my way quickly to the front door and swung it open to a waft of chilly air.
“Wait!” called Jungkook, stumbling slightly on a rogue pillow as he jogged after me. As I turned, I noticed that flush was still in his cheeks.
So he liked an assertive woman after all?
Really, how stupid could I have been, thinking he’d be interested in me at all?
“W-We didn’t finish the beer,” he said, pointing behind him toward the coffee table.
“Or the game!” offered Seokjin with a grin.
I laughed and shook my head. “Hyun needs food,” I said, then glanced out into the hallway. “And I have class tomorrow anyway. Raincheck?” I asked, peering back inside the apartment with a smile.
Jungkook blinked at me for a moment before he coughed a little and rubbed his arms, leaning away from the blast of cold that slipped in from the door. “Promise?” he asked with a smirk. Ah, there he was.
I nodded, smiling wide. “Mhm! I’ll text you,” I said, waving as I slipped outside and shut the door behind me.
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Nara always kept her spare key hidden in a potted plant outside her front door. I’d scolded her enough times to make her ears bleed that these sorts of hiding spots were too obvious, but nonetheless she persisted. As I entered, Hyun was already upon me, whining as I locked the door behind me. The sixty-pound Samoyed had these eyes that made my heart weep and a perpetually wagging tail. I ran my hands over the white fur on his head with a soft smile. At least Hyun was trustworthy. After filling Hyun’s bowl, I decided to simply stay and wait for Nara to return. There was lots to discuss anyway. I hadn’t anticipated she’d take all night, but by the time one o’clock rolled around I was exhausted and Nara’s plush couch called me like a siren. I quickly sent her a text that I’d be waiting for her when she came home, that I had a lot to tell her. Maybe then she’d hurry up. I told myself I wouldn’t rest for long. Ten minutes maximum. But the dim kitchen lights cast comforting shadows on the ceiling and the faux fur blanket Nara had draped over the back of the couch felt like a warm hug. Hyun joined me as I snuggled into the cushions and the two of us fell fast asleep.
I don’t think I even dreamed.
My cell phone’s alarm screeched at seven and I jumped up, Hyun still snoozing at my feet. My eyes flashed around the apartment, looking for anything and nothing. Before panic could settle in, I heard the familiar sound of Nara’s laugh from the open kitchen and turned over my shoulder to see her stirring a cup of coffee, a matching one sitting just beside her on the kitchen bar. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.
“Shit,” I breathed.
She laughed and nodded. “I figured you needed the rest,” she said. “I would’ve waken you up, but I didn’t get home until three anyway.”
“Three?” I asked, standing and rubbing my forehead. I grabbed the coffee and took a sip. Ah, just like her dad’s. “You don’t honestly expect me to believe you were working on your essay until three in the morning,” I said, smirking at her as I met her eyes over the rim of my cup.
She chuckled, a nervous sound, and rubbed the back of her neck, glancing away. “Ah, well…”
“Don’t tell me you lied about the library-,”
“No!” she shouted, turning to me with wide eyes. “We did do that until midnight when the library closed…” She smiled sheepishly at her slippered feet, wiggling her toes.
I cocked a brow. “And then?”
“And then…we might have gone out for drinks…as a, you know…reward?” She turned a hopeful grin towards me.
Without a word, I flicked her forehead and she winced. As she rubbed her injury with two fingertips, I laughed lightly. “Did you have fun?” I asked, eyeing her.
She didn’t look quite as tired as before. Her skin was brighter and her smiles lasted longer. Perhaps a night out was what she needed after all. She giggled. “Mhm,” she said, pulling her phone from the pocket of her sweatpants. “I got a video of this girl in my class singing Eyes, Nose, Lips at the karaoke place and falling off the table.”
I placed a hand on her phone and smiled, guilty. “I’m sorry, Nara. But I really have to go. I’ve got class and I haven’t even changed clothes and-,”
“But it’s really short! It’s so funny. I promise it won’t take long,” she said, smiling wide with eyes that resembled Hyun’s.
I opened my mouth to protest, but nothing came out. Maybe, with the scant time I had to spare, I might have liked to talk about what happened with Jungkook. Maybe I might have liked hearing her advice. But with a defeated smile I simply nodded and leaned over her shoulder to watch the first of what was sure to be several videos from her night out.
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Friday was long. I hadn’t even had so much a a free half hour to run home and change clothes, leaving me in the loungewear I wore to Jungkook’s all day. My classes seemed to drag on and my mind was spinning from one activity to the next. Each interaction left me tired, and I knew the day had only just begun when I finally collapsed on my bed at three. I fell onto my stomach, letting my eyes slip shut for only a moment as I sighed. Images of Jungkook’s flustered face repeated in my mind endlessly. That new, unfamiliar expression was haunting.
I’d really been a fool.
Before I could become too comfortable, I stood to my feet and got changed for work. As I wandered to my dresser half-dressed in search of a clean blouse, I found none in the drawer. Perplexed, I turned to my hamper and saw it was overflowing with used work shirts. I heaved a sigh and rubbed my forehead. I’d been neglecting my household chores lately. Even the houseplants were suffering. The devil’s ivy I kept in a hanging basket over my kitchen table was starting to brown at the leaves and the succulents in my terrarium weren’t looking very succulent at all.
I supposed these days I’d been neglecting a lot of important things.
I turned back to my dresser and scoured it. Nothing but sweaters and old shirts. I couldn’t very well show up to the Gallery in a Pink Floyd shirt that my dad gave me years ago. Nor could I show up in a dirty, wrinkled blouse that smelled like hamper.
I pursed my lips and opened my top drawer. I moved aside a few pairs of panties and some bras to reveal the only lingerie I owned. I’d bought it only a few days before finding out Jungkook wasn’t who I thought he was. I figured it might be nice for our first time.
But after last night, I realized it wasn’t his style anyway.
The white silk slip was nothing more than a sleeping dress when I really thought about it. Not once had I worn it, and after the last few weeks I assumed I never would. I ran my fingers along the thin straps and chewed on my cheek. Was it too risqué for work? Surely, patrons would notice I wasn’t following the dress code, and if they didn’t Mr. Kwon would. But what were my alternatives?
I sighed and pulled the thing up my legs from the bottom, sliding it over my tights and jimmying it up my waist from underneath my skirt. It felt odd to wear a whole dress beneath my skirt, but as I readjusted the hem it was perfectly unnoticeable. Quickly, I grabbed my blazer and straightened it along my shoulders, staring at my reflection with a furrow in my brow.
It didn’t look that bad, did it?
I just had to be careful not to bend down…
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“Can you tell me about this photo?” asked a soft voice from behind me.
I smiled and turned. A young girl, maybe thirteen, stared in awe at the large photograph over my head. My smile eased and I nodded. “Certainly,” I said, watching her eyes glitter with wonder as I turned to face the picture. I gestured with two pointed fingers to the two silhouetted figures in the center of the shot. “Critics say these two pieces conjure the same feeling as photos taken by Diane Arbus.”
“Two?” she asked, looking at me with wide brown eyes.
I smiled. “Mhm,” I said, pointing to the photo’s companion beside it featuring the same two people now facing one another, hands interlocked. “It’s a candid shot of two lovers in an alleyway in Gangnam.”
“Ah,” she said, grinning at the black-and-white print. “Who’s Diane Bus?” she asked.
I suppressed a laugh and nodded. “Ah, Diane Arbus is a famous photographer who used to capture images of marginalized communities,” I said, crossing my arms as I scanned the photos. From far away, it was impossible to tell anything about the couple. “Drag queens, sex workers…people that society likes to hate.”
She raised her brows and looked at me. “Really?”
“Yes,” I said, smiling. “Do you notice anything about the couple in these photos?”
She blinked once before turning to the prints with squinted eyes. Her eyes flitted all around for a few moments before, having had enough, she shook her head with a frustrated sigh.
I grinned. “They’re both men,” I said.
Her eyes went round. “They are?”
“You couldn’t tell, right?”
She shook her head, smiling. “Not at all.”
“Because in the end, they’re just people,” I said, nodding. “Diane Arbus wanted to dignify and humanize the disenfranchised.” I paused for a moment as I thought of what to say. With a sad smile I crossed my arms. “Once you understand that everyone is only human, it becomes much harder to hate them.”
She nodded, her smile still remaining, as she chuckled once. “I really never would’ve known.”
“Cool, right?”
She laughed. “Super cool.”
“Jia!” shouted a voice from across the gallery.
The girl and I both jumped, turning to the source of the commotion. The shock of the outburst left me a little shaken, but as I took in the scene before me my nerves settled. Standing with his legs set wide was a young man in a suit, hands balled into fists, face slightly red from exertion and eyes set staunchly on the girl at my side.
I leaned down close to her ear and whispered, “Is that you?”
She stiffened and looked up at me with pleading eyes. “Yeah,” she said, sighing. “It’s my brother.”
I watched the worry etch itself into her features and set my jaw. I patted her shoulder and smiled, leveling our eyes for a moment. “I’ll help you out.”
Jia stood behind me as I approached her fuming brother. I gave a small bow before meeting his eyes with a smile. “Hello, Sir. Is this your sister?” I asked, gesturing to Jia as she stayed close to my flank, scuffing the tip of her tennis shoe against the ground.
The young man exhaled loudly and gripped his nose bridge. “Jia, you were supposed to come directly to my office on the eighth floor! Can’t you count?” he shouted.
By then, a few patrons had stopped what they were doing to look at the commotion. Feeling their gazes burning holes through my back, I cleared my throat and maintained a smile. “Sir, I understand you’re upset, but she wasn’t causing any trouble-,”
“Did I ask you?” he asked, finally turning his angry eyes toward me, slowly scanning my body from head to toe. I stiffened underneath his scrutiny. “What kind of gallery lets their employees dress like this?” he asked with a scoff, eyeing the exposed skin of my clavicle where the blazer couldn’t quite reach. “Guess it’s true what they say about the benefits of being a woman getting a job.”
I swallowed hard and forced a tight smile. “If you could please lower your voice-,”
“Do you know what kind of day I’ve had?” he asked, then laughed and raked his fingers through his hair. “Of course you don’t. I bet you wouldn’t last a day in my office.”
I nodded. “Sir, I apologize for any inconvenience you’ve faced on our behalf, but-,” I began
He cut me off with a loud laugh and began wagging a finger in my face. “What?! Inconvenience? My twelve-year-old sister has been in here for who knows how long and you didn’t think once to ask where her guardian was? Inconvenience? This is borderline negligence!”
I nodded and offered what I hoped was a soothing smile. “I understand, Sir, but I must-,”
“Jia, let’s go,” he said, grabbing for the girl’s arm roughly.
She slid behind me, causing the young man to grab me instead. My eyes went wide and so did his. From the mortified look on his face, I could tell he wasn’t a dangerous man. Perhaps a bit strung out and more than a little frustrated, but no predator. I smiled gently and guided his hands off my forearm.
I turned to Jia and gave her shoulder a squeeze. “You should go with your brother now, okay? You can come back and visit another time with your friends,” I said gently, leading her by the back to her brother.
The young man seemed stunned into silence by his own actions and, as if finally returning from some daze, he looked at me with apologetic eyes. “Thank you,” he said, his voice still slightly rough as he gnawed on his lower lip. He bowed curtly and walked toward the elevator with Jia in tow sending looks at me over her shoulder.
As he left, my body eased with relief. I patted my chest a few times before turning to Yuri at the front desk, her eyes wide as she watched me. I smiled and nodded my head, a silent cue that I was indeed okay, and she returned it before greeting two new patrons.
Carefully, I pulled the edges of my blazer closer to my chest, hoping to cover any indecently exposed flesh. I turned back to the patrons and bowed with a smile. “My apologies for that incident. Please don’t hesitate to ask me questions,” I announced, bowing.
But as I lifted my eyes, I didn’t see the floor of the gallery. Instead, I saw the stout suited legs of Mr. Kwon, and when my gaze reached his face I felt myself collapse a little. Disappointment was set in the deep brown of his eyes. Of course he’d been there to see everything. Every painful, mishandled second of it.
“Y/N,” he said. “May I see you in my office?”
I scanned the gallery for a moment, noticed each pair of eyes still settled on me, and cleared my throat, nodding as I followed Mr. Kwon down the hallway. He said nothing until the door clicked shut behind us and the silence became unbearable. Gruffly, he sat down at his scantly decorated desk and gestured with one large hand for me to sit opposite him.
I followed his directions and watched him, my heart pumping loud in my ears. “That was…unpleasant,” he said with a nod, lacing his fingers and peering out from over them.
I nodded. “Yes, Sir.”
“And it was not entirely your fault.”
My chest felt lighter at his words. I sighed and nodded. “I could have done much better.”
“You’re right,” he said, then sighed and rubbed his temples, his glasses clacking up and down with the motion. “And while that man was out of line, we do have an expected level of professionalism here at the gallery that we all have to uphold.”
I nodded. “You’re right.”
“You didn’t deescalate the situation,” he said, meeting my eyes seriously. “You allowed things to get out of hand.”
“I know, Sir.”
“You need to be more firm, Y/N,” he said with a somber nod. “You surrendered to that man too easily and as such, things got out of control.”
“I apologize,” I said, my eyes pricking with tears. I kept my gaze on my hands, shaking as I held them clasped on my lap. The longer we spoke, the more this sounded like a total dismissal. What would I do without this job?
He sighed. “People only have the power you give them,” he said with a cough. “When you forfeit your power is when you truly lose.”
I nodded, the first tear slipping from my eyelid and tracking down my cheek to my chin. “I understand.” He was right anyway. Hadn’t I spent years doing that?
“And as much as I disliked the way he said it, he was right about your work attire.”
I swallowed hard and squeezed my eyes shut to stop the tears. “I apologize for my lack of professionalism.”
He sighed. “Y/N, you’re not being fired,” he said, to which my head snapped up and my watering eyes went wide. He was simply watching me from over his fingers, thick brows set low. “You can relax.”
I sighed and nodded, wiping beneath my eyes. “Thank you, Sir.”
“But please…be mindful of your attire. It’s not right for a woman to be…so brazen with her appearance,” he said with a cough and a glance at my chest.
I stiffened and nodded. “Y-Yes, Sir,” I said, but the words tasted acrid on my tongue. Was this what life really was? Fighting tooth and nail to be belittled and looked down upon for something as simple as my attire? Wasn’t he the one who said I mustn’t forfeit my power?
Was I really okay being spoken to this way?
And if I was, then why was my heart racing not with fear but with something hotter?
“You’re dismissed,” he said with a nod. “Please, just try to do better.”
“I will,” I said, my tears having halted in their tracks.
I stood up and bowed before walking back out into the hallway. I stood out in the center of the corridor for a long moment, my arms crossed. Because I was a woman, I had to endure it. Because I was desperate for work, I had to endure it. Because I wanted to protect Vante any way I could, I had to endure it.
Slowly, I lifted my eyes to find the security camera positioned in the corner of the hallway. The blinking red light indicated that it was indeed working. I furrowed my brow as a few more stubborn tears collected on my chin. I let them fall to the ground, still locked in a gaze with the camera. Was Vante on the other side? Could I communicate with him with a look alone all the things I needed to tell him?
I wiped my eyes, adjusted my blazer, checked my reflection in the window facing the city, and pasted a smile on my lips before walking quickly back to the floor.
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The shift was finished at long last and the nighttime cityscape stretched on forever outside the gallery windows. Yuri had taken off on her own for a date, leaving me to close the place on my own. With a sigh, I collapsed against one of the chairs in the break room, resting my head on the countertop. As I did, I noticed yet another security camera stationed by the doorway, trained on me. Was this how Vante moved around the gallery unnoticed? Was this how he knew when I needed bandaids or coffee or an encouraging note?
Gently, I pulled the purple pendant from my pocket and ran my fingers over its surface. Lately, I’d been bringing it with me everywhere, hoping for some luck. So far, ineffective. I sighed and shut my eyes, my fingers still working over the smooth stone. So much had happened lately and all of it had left me utterly exhausted. I wanted to sleep.
Or perhaps I wanted a drink.
I sighed against my arm as I rested my head atop it, eyes shut. The crying had done a number on my makeup already, so I wasn’t worried about a little rest. The light from the hallway turned the backs of my eyelids a translucent red and each moment that passed my breathing came more slowly. How many times had I taken quick naps right here during breaks? How many times had I put myself last so that everyone would like me? Everyone would respect me?
Hadn’t I told myself once I became an adult, I’d stop caring so much about what people thought of me?
It seemed some habits were harder to break than others.
I continued running the pads of my fingers along the fine carve marks of the pendant, eyes shut. At least Vante believed in me. At least he saw something worthwhile in me.
And what was I giving him in return?
Halfhearted protection from a boy I was most certainly still in love with.
I hated myself.
If I could only get a moment alone with Vante, I could tell him everything that had been going on. I could explain why I let a strange young boy into the gallery unsupervised. I could tell him my findings and we could figure out their scheme together, from the inside.
Maybe you should fake him out, echoed Jungkook’s voice in my head. Pretend you’re sleeping and catch him leaving you presents like Santa.
There was no guarantee he was even at the gallery today, or that he’d leave me something. But as I briefly considered gathering my things and heading home for the evening, something kept me rooted to my seat.
I’d be lying if I said I was never…a little curious. This man with whom I’d built a years-long companionship was still a complete mystery to me. I didn’t even know his real name, but oftentimes he felt like my closest friend. And besides, I needed to explain the situation to him somehow didn’t I?
But what stopped me from leaving, what kept me from opening my eyes despite being wide awake, was something more than curiosity or obligation. There was a desperation in my rapid heartbeat. Knowing Vante had likely seen me cavorting with Jungkook the other night through those many surveillance cameras made me anxious. His notes had stopped. So too had the gifts. We hadn’t corresponded at all.
And for some reason, it felt like I’d betrayed him.
After some minutes, I heard the door creak open slowly. Could this really be true? Was he truly going to fall right into my trap? I kept still, holding the pendant in my palm as it rested atop my thigh. I managed my breathing, trying to inhale and exhale with ease and heaviness.
The footfalls were soft and almost timid as they reverberated through the room. I didn’t move a muscle. The steps came closer, closer, closer, until-
A large, warm hand pressed softly to the side of my head, guiding my hair behind my ear. I heard him sigh: a deep, breathy exhale. His gentle fingers pressed against the skin of my cheek, touching me like I may break. My heart raced. His hand moved from my face to rummage through a pocket near my ear. I heard him shuffle things around before placing something in front of my nose. Again he sighed and placed his palm against the back of my head, smoothing my hair down.
“Take care of yourself,” he said in a whisper.
A voice I recognized.
Before he could disappear again, I snapped upright and turned to him with wide eyes. Matching my expression, he stood beside my chair with flushed cheeks and hair that looked unruly against his forehead. He was dressed like he was on his way out: a full-length brown coat and an expensive dress shirt. He blinked at me through his glasses and his lips parted as if to speak.
But I beat him to it.
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mangoshibi · 6 years
Garry's Christmas Part 4
Here it is! The final chapter! Prepare for cuteness overload! Garry is the most precious thing in the world and I had so much fun writing this. Perhaps I will write more in the future. If so, they can be found on my ao3, username CreepyPastaBoi. 
I hope everyone has a happy 2019!
Garry had fallen asleep after finishing his hot chocolate so the two decided to let him sleep on the couch while they finished wrapping the remain gifts. Brian and Jack each got one present for the other and one for Garry but he had received many other gifts from mainly Zalgo. He loved Garry to death and said that he deserved all of the gifts. Sometimes Jack felt like he spoiled Garry too much but Zalgo reminded him that that was a grandfather’s job.
Garry had remained asleep for a full hour which gave the two plenty of time to finish wrapping all of the gifts which they hid in the spare room. It was the only room in the cabin with a functioning lock which they were thankful for. Garry was a very curious pup and without that lock, he would have found his gifts by now.
“So who’s going to sneak out of bed tonight and put the gifts under the tree?” Brian asked in a whisper.
“We don’t have to worry about that.” Jack replied. “I spoke to Zalgo and he said he’ll come at midnight to move the gifts over.”
“I guess he’s taking on the roll of Santa Claus.” Brian chuckled. “And he even got most of Garry’s gifts. How fitting.”
“Yeah I know. Wouldn’t it be funny if he even dressed the part too?”
“Zalgo dressed as Santa… That would be a very interesting sight.” The two chuckled and went back to the living room. “Since it’s almost dinner time I’ll start cooking. You can go sit with Garry if you want.”
“No, I’ll help. I can teach you to make my famous beef stew.”
“Oh that would be great. I was going to ask you eventually because Garry begs for it every time you have to leave for a few days on a mission.”
They went to the kitchen and got to work. Brian made it his mission to memorize every step so he could make this on his own when Jack was away. They finished just as Garry began to stir from his sleep. They knew he had woken up when he made his little sounds. They weren’t exactly whines but were pretty close. They just called them his ‘waking up noises’.
“Oh he’s awake, and just in time.” Brian said as he was the first to hear them.
“Dinner time little man.” Jack went over to the sofa and picked up Garry who was stretching. “We are having your favorite, beef stew.”
Jack chuckled to himself and put Garry on his chair and Brian served him. “Careful, it’s still hot.”
“Thank you!” Garry waited until Brian and Jack got their bowls and sat down before attempting to eat his stew. He licked it as a test and when he felt that it was at the right temperature he began eating. When Brian and Jack’s food cooled they ate too. “I hope Santa like the cookies I made.”
“Oh I’m sure he’ll love them.” Brian smiled.
“Yeah, they look delicious. I can’t wait to try one.” Jack said and gestured to the cooler they were stashed away in.
“I want to stay up and see if I can see Santa!”
“But you need your sleep and I heard that Santa won’t come if you are awake.” Brian said.
“But he won’t know if I’m awake or not because I don’t have eyes or even eyelids.” Garry pointed to his face which was of course just a skull.
“Santa knows everything. He knows if any child is asleep and that includes you.” Brian said.
“How does he know?”
“Because he’s magic.”
Garry’s mouth hung open slightly to reveal his surprise. Brian and Jack laughed a bit at the sight. “Do you really think he could fly in a sleigh without magic?”
Brian got up and collected everyone’s dishes so he could wash them. While he did that Jack pulled out the cookies and gave one to Garry. “Time for the big taste test. These look so good!”
“So rich in sugar is what they are.” Brian chuckled.
“But that’s what makes them so good!” Garry said. He thanked Jack for the cookie and ate it. His tail wagged instantly when he bit into it. “Yummy!”
“I second that.” Jack said while still chewing. Brian shot him and look so he immediately shut his mouth and continued chewing.
“I’ll steal a piece if you don’t mind.” He said. He didn’t even wait for Jack to react, let alone respond before he broke off a piece of his cookie and ate it.
“Hey… My cookie…”
“Oh come on, it was one piece and that thing is huge. It’s more than enough for you.”
“Fine.” Jack pouted and in response Brian gave him a wink. He felt his face heat up as a light blush spread across his cheeks. Brian chuckled and turned his attention back to Garry.
“So how are the cookies?”
“Delicious!” Garry exclaimed. He finished eating his cookie then looked at Brian. “Can I have one more?”
“Garry…” He said in an almost warning tone. “Those cookies are fairly big and packed full of sugar. I don’t want you getting a tummy ache from eating too much. You can have some more tomorrow. How does that sound?” Garry whined but didn’t try to push his luck. When Brian made up his mind then it was final. There was no changing it.
“Fine.” He huffed.
Jack watched the whole interaction and chuckled. He would have suggested they compromise and give Garry half of a cookie but he didn’t want to piss off Brian. That was the last thing he wanted to do on Christmas Eve. “Well it’s getting late guys, should we start getting ready for bed?”
“That’s a good idea. That way we can get up early to open the presents.”
“Presents!” Garry repeated. He hopped of his chair and dashed to the room he shared with his dads to get ready for bed. Jack and Brian laughed and followed him to their room.
“So what do you want to wear tonight?” Jack asked as he looked through the dresser filled with Garry’s clothes.
“Can I wear my reindeer onesie?”
“Of course!” He pulled it out and went over to Garry who was sitting on the bed. His tail started wagging when he saw his dad hold up his onesie. Jack helped Garry into it. After that he and Brian got ready for bed and changed into simple sweat pants and t-shirts. Since Jack had quite a few and Brian had nothing he would always steal Jack’s clothes but Jack didn’t mind. In fact, he thought it was adorable to see Brian in his clothes.
When everyone was ready for bed they all got in, with Garry in the middle and Jack pulled up the covers. Garry snuggled up next to both Jack and Brian when they settled. Both of them leaned in and kissed the sides of Garry’s snout. Garry giggled and gave both a little lick on the nose. “Night dad. Night papa.”
“Good night Garry.” Jack and Brian said in unison.
Jack and Brian were fast asleep. The moon was high in sky and the light came flooding in to the small bedroom. Garry had tried to sleep but he was too excited to settle down. It was Christmas Eve. Santa was going to come and leave presents for him and his dads tonight. He wanted to be awake for when Santa came but he had no clue when that would be so he figured he would stay up all night. When he was sure that his dads were sound asleep he got up from his spot in between Jack and Brian, stood up on his hind legs and looked out the window that was just above the bed.
Outside the snow was still falling. The fine layer on the ground was now a few feet deep. “I could get lost out there.” Garry observed. He was looking forward to the morning because once he opened his presents and played with some toys he was going to drag his dads outside for another snowball fight and this time he wasn’t going to lose. If grandpa Zalgo showed up for Christmas morning like he promised then Garry was going to ask him to be on his team and take down his dads.
He looked up at the sky and looked for any sign on Santa. Brian had told him that Santa will arrive on his sleigh pulled by his reindeer which was something Garry really wanted to see. Maybe he could be friends with the reindeer. He waited for a long time but didn’t see anything. Now it was fairly late and Garry was starting to feel very sleepy. His excitement had worn off and now he struggled to stay awake. He got bored of looking out the window so he sat down on the bed and thought about what to do next. He wanted to sneak off to the living room and wait for Santa there but Brian was a very light sleeper and would hear the bedroom door open. It didn’t help that the hinges were very loud.
Garry looked down at his dads as they slept. Jack was sprawled out on the bed while Brian was curled up next to him. Garry noticed that they were holding hands. It was sweet. He loved seeing moments like that because it showed just how much the two loved each other. He was lucky to have them as parents.
He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a slight creaking sound coming from the living room. Sure this cabin was old and all homes made ‘house settling noises’ as Brian had said but that sounded exactly like a footstep on the wooden floor to Garry. Santa must have arrived! Garry carefully and slowly got off the bed. He had to climb over Jack to do so but luckily he was a heavy sleeper and didn’t even react when Garry climbed over him.
Once he was on the ground he went over to the door and as slowly as possible he opened it. If done slowly the noises it made were next to none but it was a very long process. He opened the door just enough for him to slip through then made his way to the living room. He held his head up and sniffed the air. Someone was here. He couldn’t identify who it was as this smell was completely new to him but there was a faint trace of familiarity although he couldn’t identify it.
He walked around the sofa to get a better look at the tree and was shocked at what he saw. There, next to the three was a big figure who was carrying a big red sack. This person was dressed all in red and was taking gifts out of the sack and placing them under the tree but paused when Garry’s foot caused the wood to creak. He turned around and looked right at the small pup.
“Kids should be fast asleep at this hour.” He said.
“I-I’m sorry… I just wanted to see you Santa…” Garry said quietly.
Santa walked over to Garry and kneeled down before him. “I wish I could stay and chat but I have a bunch of other kids to visit tonight.” He gave Garry a pat on the head then held out his hand. “Take this and hurry off back to bed. You’ll need your energy so you can open all of your presents tomorrow.”
Garry looked down at his hand and saw he was holding out one of the cookies he made. “But I made those for you! I can’t take it!”
“They are delicious. I ate the rest but left this one for you. Thank you for the cookies, you are an amazing cook.”
“You’re welcome!” Santa handed over the cookie to Garry and watched as the little pup went back to bed. When the door closed he finished dropping off the presents and left the house.
Garry got back into bed, in between his dads and happily ate up the cookie. As he did he thought back on what had just happened. He couldn’t believe he met Santa! It was a magical moment and Santa said he liked the cookies! If his dads weren’t asleep he would have squealed with joy. He finished up the cookie then snuggled up under the covers. He couldn’t wait to see what Santa brought him in the morning.
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A Day in the Crown City
(What really happened after the Grad Ball)
It was a fine Saturday. The bright Marbel sky had kissed our skin as we paraded our way going back to our individual homes. The remnants of the last night's Graduation Ball were still on our minds. The party was vibrant and spectacular at the same time. Our stay at the Japanese Courtyard Hotel was a blast. We had a remarkable night not just for the party itself but also to the many in-betweens.
While waiting for our ride, Ate Sol, Maam Ge and I were very busy talking about the recent happening. If our heart was full; our stomach was also stuffed with the sumptuous breakfast served at the Gecko Bar. I was in hype maybe because of the dose of caffeine I swallowed.
Our ride had just came. We had instructed the driver for our individual destinations. Maam Ge and I were busy chitchatting at the back while Ate Sol was also talking with her friend. When we reach KCC, I got down first then bid goodbye to each of them.
I automatically went down to the baggage section and deposited my paper bag and suitbag with my dashing outfit inside of it. I was in hurry because I will be returning the cravat that I had borrowed from my cousin since he will be using it for the graduation this afternoon. I went directly to the commissary and happily gave back the borrowed embellishment to him.
After which, I went directly to the john to do my business. I dashed out after I washed my hands and headed my way to the elevator. I was in the middle of the thing, when the blackout happened all of a sudden. I can't see nothing and I was transfixed at the moment. I fished out my phone from my satchel for me to use my portable flashlight so that I can go through the next floor. I was horrified when I wasn't able to grasp the familiar texture of my mobile phone.
I slowly moved my feet and pretended that I have eyes like that of a cat. We waited for about five long minutes for the power to return. During those moments, I was in a frantic state because every minute is precious for me to trace the whereabouts of my phone. I went down and rechecked the paper bag and suitbag and even asked the staff if she had noticed the phone I was carrying when I was transacting earlier but to no avail. I even returned to the commissary but found nothing. My legs are weakening and my stomach is churning. I can sense that my adrenal gland was already mad and my mind is already postulating.
The next thing I know, I was already flying straight to the apartment of Ate Sol and asked whether they had noticed my phone when I got down earlier from our ride. I was in the verge of loosing hope already since we contacted my phone but no one is answering. It keeps on ringing and ringing.
Then, I contacted Maam Ge through Ate Sol's mobile and asked her the same thing. She mentioned that before she got down, she checked the crevices of the ride but found nothing. This time, I was keeping my cool for me to think well and remember when was the last time I got hold of my phone. Yes, I vividly remember that I was holding it when we were waiting for the ride. I even texted my cousin and slid the phone back to the right pocket of my board shorts.
The thing I have to do now is to change all of my passwords for my email and social media accounts. So, I texted Maam Ge to meet me at the The Coffee Table for us to use their WiFi connection since the power is still off. But when we got there, the shop was close. So we went to the The Coffee Bar adjacent to Powermania. We ordered two large Hazelnut Frappuccino and do the necessary thing for me to salvage all of my accounts.
I was too engrossed on the changing of my passwords. I was really remembering everything since I have different sets of passwords and usernames to all of my socials. Before I got out earlier from Ate Sol's apartment, I had already changed the password of my Facebook account since this one is very mainstream. The rest of the accounts followed including my Gmail.
When were done, I tried to contact again my phone using Maam Ge's cellphone but still, it was ringing and nobody is answering. I must have dropped it somewhere but if I did, we might be able to hear the fall, right?
It was already 2 o'clock when we decided to part ways. Still, I was apologetic to Maam Ge for the trouble I caused. She reassured me that 'twas fine. I told her that I have to return inside the mall and ask some personnel at the paging counter to inquire whether somebody had seen my phone. One of them said that I have to go to the CRS Office near the parking lot and he said that I could actually instruct someone to view the CCTV footage.
My hope was back! So I run like retard dog and headed my way to the second floor carpark area. When I got their, an angelic face with deep-seated eyes greeted me with all his full-smile-teeth-out-kind-of-thing move. So I have to tell him, in simplest form, what had happened. I thought it would be easy. But it wasn't! I even filled out some information and wrote in detailed narrative all of the things which had happened earlier this morning. With all the hustle which involves a short interview and photo taking using his cellphone for the documentation blah blah blah, I asked him if I could now view the footage. He said, with an echoing sound, "No!" He said that I still have to file a blotter at the Koronadal City Police Station. Hope slipped again.
I was loosing my mind this time. From KCC, I even walked on foot going to the KCPS. When I was at the station, the chief of police asked me some basic questions. He then told me to proceed to the adjacent building and asked for an Incident Report Form (IRF). I faced another policeman and do as what the previous chief had instructed. Since the current is still not working, the cop told me that he cannot do the printing and besides, the Non-uniform Personnel (NUP), who are responsible for that protocol, are not on duty during weekends. He told me to return on Monday for me to continue my hunt.
Hope is shattered! But I didn't cry. I even told Maam Ge earlier that I hope whoever saw my phone will be able to use it in good ways.
I got out from the police station and call a tricycle driver to transport me back to KCC. Then, I watched a movie entitled Us starred by Lupita Nyong'o. But don't blame me if I am that insensitive. I guess, I just want to chill for a moment and forgot the mishap. I've had enough!
When the movie was done, (Spoiler Alert: it was great and I have written a seperate literary criticism and microblog for this movie) I went to the green baggage counter and asked for my stuff. Another personnel had even asked me if I had already found my phone. To me, it feels like a mockery. I just leered and moved on. I walked through the other side of the mall and went directly to the terminal going to Tantangan.
I seated at the backride of the tricycle and waited for two more passengers for it to go. Then, out of the blue, I saw my mom. She instructed me to get down first. She was in a hurry and shakily asked me if I had gotten my phone already. I just shrugged. I told her, I lost it.
I was tailing her and while walking, she told me that somebody had answered her call from my phone. Thank heavens! She told me that a brisked voice picked up the phone and told her if she could actually get my phone. The man even instructed my mother to get it on the next morning. But my mother insisted to claim the phone already. I found out that the man, my mom is communicating in the phone with, is actually the same man whom we had had our ride earlier this morning. This time, I burst and cried all the tears I had kept since I lost that gadget. I thanked him and his wife for the kind gesture of returning my phone. I really couldn't believe it.
After which, my mom bought some bread and fruits since the man's wife is the cashier and baker at the Julie's Bakeshoppe. I instructed my mama not to get the change.
When we head home, I was actually contemplating and realized a lot of things. What have I done Lord to do me such huge favor? I knew this story, is an ordinary one but it had taught me a lot of morals which will forever be engraved in my mind.
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goldenscript · 7 years
wips tag.
i was tagged by @workofteaguk and @wonhopes to share my works in progress, since it’s really no surprise that i have ten million wips but enjoy these ones i’ve been working on so far i thought i’d share with everyone else what i have cooking up so far! also, thank you guys for tagging me (”: <333
title: i hate you, (but of course) i love you pairing: jeon jungkook | reader genre: exes au, fluff, humor, a dash of angst status: currently standing at 4.3k, probably about 80% done. i have two more section to write with lots more bickering between the two. (((: preview: —
“—What the fuck?” he says, finally getting a proper look at the silver on both of their wrists. His head still pounds at the sudden thought, but he suddenly recalls the pair of handcuffs that Jin was swinging around last night. They weren’t anything special, but the older man was flaunting them around with his own brand of drunken smugness. It was a rare first to see his older friend with a such a bold pair of items but an even rarer to see him so piss-drunk. How did he—
“Shut the fuck up,” he hears Y/N grumble. Without another second, you begin to turn away from him before the yank at both of their wrists stops further movement. “Ow! What the—”
“Take my wrist apart, why dontcha,” he grumbles back, attempting to yank you back to your back position. “I’d appreciate keeping it, thank you very much.”
He barely blinks his eye by the time you shoot right up in the bed, clutching your head as you turn to him in disbelief. “What the fuck?! Jeon, what did you do?”
“Me?!” he says, wincing at his own volume. “I’m innocent, I just woke up handcuffed to Chewbacca. Thanks for asking.”
“Chewbacca… this brat,” you scoff, giving his arm a shove while clutching the top of your head with the other.
“I didn’t do this,” he answers your unsaid question, feeling his heart pound. Like old times, only frustration seemed to come with you. “Maybe one of the guys did it or somethin’.”
“Fuck, I’m never drinking at the same party as you again,” you groan, shooting him another look before your head slammed back onto his pillow. “And I’m definitely going to kill Jin for bringing these stupid things, too.”
Then, it hit him and his own groaning and head-slamming ensued—god, why the fuck did he agree to a drinking competition with you?
(more wips under the cut~) 
title: chatroom confessions pairing: jeon jungkook | reader genre: childhood rivals au, fluff, some angst status: at about 4.1k, only 20% done. i have the outline finished, i just need to go on with the act of writing this thing. preview: —
The next time you log on, he’s on.
It’s not even the same time as before.Your clock reads 8:03 PM right now.
But there it is, the little green symbol besides his username. The sight is foreboding, practically beckoning you to click the user and say something, anything.
You find some bravery in tapping on the icon, your fingers already tapping away—
[8:06 PM] peachy-keen: I don’t know or care if this is Jungkook or not but come clean already
Unfortunately, you can’t even find the rest of your courage to press send. You want to say something at the least. But what?
Do I say? ‘Hey, Y/N here. Remember me from 6th grade? Yeah, you totally crushed my little grade school heart.’ Or ‘Hey, is this Jungkook or was this one of Lisa’s friends fucking with me?’ Or-
You don’t even have a moment to finish your thought when a ding! emits from your laptop’s speakers.
[8:07 PM] blue_seagull: long time, no see
You blink, letting out a shaky breath before typing up an immediate response. Here goes nothing.
[8:07 PM] peachy-keen: uh, yeah
[8:08 PM] blue_seagull: Still don’t think it’s me?
[8:08 PM] peachy-keen: No
[8:09 PM] blue_seagull: How can I prove it?
[8:09 PM] peachy-keen: I’d have to see your face.
[8:10 PM] blue_seagull: [photo.jpg sent]
The photo looks relatively like the Jungkook you remember from the vaguest parts of your mind. As begrudging as you are to admit to the fact, he’s actually quite handsome. His mop of dark hair sitting atop his forehead is no longer the same bowl cut like seven years ago. His features have definitely filled out too. Even his smile has become even nicer than you remember. And it isn’t completely foreign anyway.
You’ve seen a photo or two from mutual friends’ Instagram photos, but you’re still not completely sold in this case. In this day and age, this could be that same person catfishing as Jungkook. You’re about to type something along those lines in your response, but you erase it and laugh after reading his next message.
[8:11 PM] blue_seagull: I’m gonna take a guess and say you think the picture is a catfish
[8:11 PM] peachy-keen: duh.
[8:11 PM] blue_seagull: okay, skype me then
[8:12 PM] blue_seagull: guk_0901
Perhaps it’s dangerous to do something like this. Skyping some complete stranger and all. But then again, it was dangerous to chat with a complete stranger too. It isn’t like there’s much to lose at this point. You heave out a sigh, shrugging your shoulders and mutter something along the lines of “Fuck it” before you give him your response.  
[8:15 PM] peachy-keen: Sure, whatever.
Once you’re logged into your Skype account, you type in the username that “Jungkook” has provided you. The icon is a different photo than the one he sent you, but it’s still the same boy. Just that observation alone makes you realize just how nervous you are. Of course, this is expected. You’re actually not sure what’s going to come from this call. You don’t even know if you’ll actually be seeing Jungkook or someone else from your old elementary school.
A part of you prays it’s him, but another part doesn’t just for the sake of your own feelings. Way too many things happened back then.
At least I’ll be able to get some answers out of it… right?
You press the call icon, watching as the rings come to a halt after the first two chimes and Jeon Jungkook appears on the screen of your laptop.
Again, he’s the first one to speak. This time an almost all-knowing smile curves on his smiles as he says, “Believe me yet?”
You’re actually left a little baffled at this moment. Your lips parting slightly to say words, your mind’s racing a million miles per hour, before you say something, “Um… yeah…” You pause for a moment, calming yourself as you suddenly recollect the intent of why you logged on in the first place, “You have some explaining to do.”
He lets out a soft chuckle, his features softening as he nods, “I figured.”
title: where the lines overlap. pairing: jeon jungkook | reader, park jimin | reader genre: band au + romance, angst status: standing at 2.1k, 2% done. LOL. it’s a series i have in the works, so bear with me. i’m trying to get it done right. preview: —
a year and a half ago.
You wanted to get far, far away from everything so you ran.
At that point, you were sure you had run off a good five blocks from the cursed music building, allowing your lungs to collapse and expand in random intervals. It felt like everything had collapsed around you, and perhaps it did in many respects. What the fuck could you do? Go with it? Let yourself shed the weights of your own band mates after all the blood, sweat, and tears you all spent trying to get to where you were?
That thought alone had you shaking your head, running a shaky palm through your locks as you searched for solace somewhere. It had to be there right? Or did it even exist there at all?
You couldn’t even fathom where you were because this was nowhere close to the five blocks you spent sightseeing with everyone else. You didn’t see the other music buildings or the small corner convenience stores that proved their worth during strenuous practices leaving you and the others drained—was it that hard to be perfect, after all?
Bang’s face flashed across your mind, his disappointment at the lack of practice earlier that day. There’s a deep set frown etched into his weathered skin, eyes narrowed as Yoongi tried to reason your way through the mess and how it became slits when you dared defending your mint-haired companion. The older man grunted, “Fix this; whatever the hell it is. Just fix it.” So, you ran after another screaming match with Jungkook.
You just ran the moment you could because what else could you do?
Bang was mad, Jungkook was mad, Taehyung was confused, and Yoongi was watching it unfold like a spectator, and you? You were confused, scared, and you needed air.
Fuck—, you wheezed, plopping down by the end of the path. At this point, you didn’t even care for the dirt that stained your jeans or the funny looks you received from passersby. You didn’t really care for anything right then. You just wanted your heart to stop trying to escape your chest.
You felt your phone vibrate against your leg, but you didn’t even bother looking at it. Instead you tried to familiarize yourself with the view before you. There was a cluster of vendors offering goods, all sorts of kebabs, milk teas, and even sweet creams; all of them without a care in the world. You saw an arcade filling up with children shrieking for money and for a turn on the machines. Behind you, there was a food shop, wafting the distilled air with fresh soup and customers filling the air with chatter and inquiries. It was all busy, all moving forward, and there you were, suspended in time like a ghostly spectator because like many times before you were just a nameless face.
The sky was a bright blue hue, cerulean really, with wisps of clouds peeking between passing intervals as they seemed to move while everyone else remained still down below. You could feel the sun beat against your slick skin, clinging to you like a second layer as you found your erratic heart calming down.
What you see before you was normalcy, tranquility. Things you wish you had again.
You rose from your spot, giving the scene a final once over before you willed your legs to move up the incline toward the cliff that hung over the rest of the city. There was something therapeutic in all of this though you hardly believed you deserved any relief knowing the things you knew. By the time you felt yourself stop and rest against the burning metal beneath your elbows, you were still thinking.
Dammit. Closing your eyes, you tried to will the pressing thoughts away. I should tell him shouldn’t I?
But if you did, you’d risk more than just the sake of your relationship. You’d risk his dream. The only dream that Jungkook has ever had, and you’d be the one to rip it away from him. You hoped he’d find his own aspirations… out of everyone, you didn’t think you could do that. You pushed him to do this after all.
You said aloud, hearing the hoarse edges, “Fuck—” 
You swore you heard something off to your right but when you braved a look around you, it was just an unwelcome sight of visitors beneath the safety of a gazebo. It was just a family, celebrating amongst themselves. They thankfully paid you no attention, opting for the fascinations of their own food and devices than some random girl trying to figure out what her next move was.
I could just lea—
You heard your phone ring this time, vibrating against your back pocket and interrupting the daring thought—whether you actually appreciated it or feared it was still beyond you. Rather than thinking further, you decided to pull out the plastic device, hoping to God it wasn’t Jungkook.
It wasn’t, so you slid your fingertip across the screen to answer.
You released out a deep breath, “Yoongi—”
“—Lemme guess you ran off to clear your thoughts?” He wouldn’t sound worried to anyone, straight tone and all, but you heard the edge in his voice.
“I did.”
“He’s worried, y’know,” It made the reality of the situation wash over you, taking its hold on you as you tried to wrestle with the next set of words waiting to part your lips—
“I’m going to leave the city.”
“Y/N,” There was a deeper edge to his voice, a warning laced between the syllables of your own name, “where are you?”
“Enjoying the view.”
title: beneath the surface pairing: kim taehyung | reader genre: ??? status: outline is 75% done and i have barely less than 1k written so that’s maybe 1.5% done. preview: —
With the door shut tight behind you, you’re given a choice between two options: stay awake and talk about the kiss or pretend to sleep and deal with it tomorrow. Because out of all people, you know that Kim Taehyung would breach the topic no matter what as it was in his very nature go for what was uncomfortable even if he had a hard time doing this himself; and, as much as you’d like to do this, to debunk whatever happened in that split second where all you could taste was the cherry Coke on his lips, you can’t bring yourself to do it. Especially not when your mind is whirling about in discordant thoughts all seemingly screaming for more when you should be doing no such thing.
It happened. It was just the heat of the moment. You turn on your side and lean your head onto your arm. Now stop thinking about it.
But it’s like your brain wants to taunt you with a reminder of what just passed: all that plays is the close proximity of Taehyung’s visage a hair’s breadth from yours, his deep, chocolate brown eyes soft from the reminiscing over a distant past that the two of you once shared together, back when times were simpler—at least as simple as college could get—when all you two ever worried about was midterms and final examinations and the Final Reckoning enacted by your parents at the end of each school year, while the scent of mint and sugar fanned across your features. Just sitting beside him, knees brushing against one another and feeling the heat radiating from his lean body, you felt your heart thundering and your mind swimming with two simple words: Kiss him. Then you did and he did too. And it’s all that remains burned into your mind, because holy fuck we kissed.     
You find yourself recalling the day when you doodled the simple cloud to him, embellishing it with his username in hopes that it would give him strength to follow his dreams like you were following yours, and you see the way he lit up and pulled you in tight. The thick scent of eucalyptus shrouded you, and yet you enjoyed every moment of it, allowing it all to put you at ease despite the fire burning in your own heart. It’s the same feeling now, burning even brighter and hotter, because under these pretenses, you actually have no fucking clue what overcame you or him to do it. All you know is you felt something with the brunet, perhaps nostalgia or connection in ways that seemed to date back to high school all tightening around your own better judgement.
It’s wrong. I shouldn’t—
Hearing a knock at the door, your heart damn near jumps out of your chest but tension soon expels from your body. All you do is stay in place as the doorknob jiggles and footsteps make its way behind you.
“Y/N?” Taehyung whispers, leaning over the bed frame. When you don’t reply and all he can see are your shut eyes, he lets out a deep sigh. “We’ll talk about it tomorrow then.”
The certainty that he would leave the room is soon dispelled the moment you hear him shuffle onto your side of the bed albeit the arrival comes after a few moments—you’re almost certain he stopped by your desk—when he grabs onto the edge of your comforter and pulls it over your legs and onto your torso. He’s careful not to touch any parts, his warm touch only grazing your shoulders as he covers you. All the while, he’s humming a song—one you’re unfamiliar with—that soothes your mind.
“Good night, Y/N… sweet dreams.”
As he turns off the lights and shuts the door behind him, you feel yourself basking in the scent of eucalyptus and drifting to sleep with a smile curved on your lips, Good night Tae… sweet dreams.
i tag: @sugaspen @jamlessness @jungnoir (idc if other ppl tagged u, i’ma still tag u) @taechubs
{ of course, you don’t have to do this!! but if you do (this goes out to anyone reading this far), feel free to tag me!!! }
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