#i spend so many hours in cas and it completely drains me
qingyii · 1 year
really respect people who have the patience to go from making sims/ocs that match their style perfectly and then decorate their homes and stuff and still want to play the game
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quillquiver · 5 years
Happy birthday, Dean! This is pure fluff and I do not apologize.
Dean never thought he’d live long enough to hate getting old, but he has, and he does, and it freaking blows. Forty-one. How the hell did he make it forty-one? Why did he make it to forty-one? His knees creak and his back aches and he’d like to get off this ride now, thanks, because if he can’t eat seven grilled cheeses and parkour after a shifter then what’s the friggin’ point?
Forty-one. Jesus. 
Dean doesn’t want to get out of bed. He doesn’t want to get up. He wants to sink into the memory foam and be twenty-five again. 
“Dean, I know you’re awake.”
Cas sits on the edge of the bed, and from the weird tinkling and sloshing noises Dean can tell that he’s been brought breakfast (burnt toast with peanut butter) and that his coffee has spilled all over the tray. Despite the piss-poor meal and sub-par delivery, Dean has to actively stop himself from smiling. He groans and buries his face in his pillow.
“You’re forty-one, you’re not dying.”
Dean glares with his only currently visible eye, and Cas gives him a shit-eating grin, the thing soft and sweet around its edges. Dean is totally weak for it. For him. He loves the motherfucker half to death.
“Happy birthday,” Cas says, like they have something to celebrate other than Dean’s sagging ballsack and soon-to-be arthritic hands. 
“Ugh,” Dean mutters.
“I think you’ll look very distinguished with grey hair.”
“Ugh,” Dean mutters.
“I love you.”
“Ugh,” Dean mutters, though it’s impossible to curb his smile, now. The thing only widens when Cas moves to kiss him, which renders the entire gesture impossible and therefore moot, but it’s hard to be upset when Cas is rubbing their cheeks together and telling him how sexy he is and how much he adores him. 
It takes a whole hour of making out and being lazy in bed for Dean to finally pull away with a grumbling stomach and reach for his breakfast, to which Cas blushes despite himself and says: “It’s a little burnt.”
That’s the understatement of the century; the thing’s a full-on slice of premium carbon, but Dean eats it with a smile on his face, and drinks his cold coffee, and then spends the day watching Dr. Sexy in his pjs with his brother and his angel. They order in, Cas and Sam proudly present him with a lopsided but surprisingly tasty pie, and Dean gets presents in the form of clothing and a bunch of useful shit for Baby.
...And when he and Cas are cuddled together post-birthday-fuck, playing with each other’s fingers and tracing patterns onto bare skin, Cas makes a show of suddenly remembering something and gets a small box from his trenchcoat. “Here,” he says, tossing the thing onto the bed.
It’s a ring.
“I, ah, had part of my angel blade melted down,” Cas says nervously, rubbing the back of his neck in the dim. “And obviously this is a gift that you needn’t accept, and I don’t mean to upstage your birthday but, um---oh, I should kneel---”
He starts to get down on one knee, still totally naked, and the whole thing is just so... absurd and sweet and completely Cas that Dean gets tangled in the sheets in his haste to get off the damn bed. “Jesus, don’t---Cas, don’t do that. Don’t---C’mere---”
Cas freezes, eyes wide as all the blood drains from his face. “Oh. Um, I---”
“Castiel, you moron, get the hell up here!”
He comes hesitantly, practically squeaking when Dean yanks him into a hard kiss, which he then barely returns. “Wants to marry me, fuckin’ hey...” Dean pulls away with a smile big enough to break his own face before surging forward to kiss Cas again; once, twice, three times. “I love you.”
Cas gives a tentative smile. “You’re... yes? You’re saying yes?”
“What? Yes! Of course I’m saying yes! Have you met me?”
The pinch between his brows and the righteously indignant twitch of his mouth means Cas is gearing up for a serious rant, so Dean cuts him off with another kiss before he can get started---something about mixed signals and being an ass and scaring him blahblahblah.
“Okay,” Dean says, pulling away and clutching tight to the little box. “I’m sorry okay, I’m sorry, but can you just...? I mean, would you...?”
Cas gives him one of those huge, gummy smiles and slips the ring on Dean’s finger. The wrong one, but hey, what the hell does it matter; Dean is legally dead and Cas doesn’t technically exist. 
Holy shit.
“You just blew every birthday I’ll ever have outta the water, man.” Dean can’t stop looking at him, his joy, like, palpable at this point--- “God, I wish I didn’t have a geriatric dick so we could fuck again.”
Cas snorts and rolls his eyes, still grinning as he slides across the mattress to kiss Dean thoroughly. “I like your geriatric dick,” he says quietly, seriously. 
Dean’s so happy he honestly doesn’t know what to do with himself. “It likes you, too,” he says nonsensically, because literally the only thing that matters right now is the way they’re kissing and holding hands and together. 
And fine, yeah, Dean never thought he’d live long enough to hate getting old---and sometimes he does! But... staring down the next however-many-years with Cas? 
What’s not to love about that?
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renorasims · 4 years
‘Free’ at last!
Well almost (only have to work a few more hours monday) but close to a summer break (2 weeks) finally! I never worked more hours in my life than these past 6 months. The uni’s new financial system was getting implemented/going into its final stage of going live on July 1st and since i don’t have a long term contract... i kinda felt like i had to over-achieve to make sure i still have a job febr 2021.
Everything is looking good so far, my manager is very satisfied abt the work i delivered and at this rate she doesn’t see a problem at the horizon for me but with covid and all... Like so many people who don’t have a long term contract/stable job i’m still a bit worried. 
Anwyays i’m really happy cuz now i finally try and relax a little and spend more time creating CC and maybe even... i don’t know if i can do it... play the game for the first time in months? With all that has been going on and the pressure to deliver at work (and Patreon) i never have the time to actually play The Sims anymore. Sometimes a little in CAS but true game ahhhumm no. 
Its also due to me being perfectionist and going completely bonkers with all the townies lookin’ like lunatics whahaha XD I did install mods to prevent them from spawn too much but my urge to control every aspect of the game can be very paralyzing. Also the over organizing of my mods folder... its just too much. Every time i wanna play i somewhere would like to just delete it and start over. But i also know there’s lots of goodies that will go down the drain since they’re from smaller creators that i don’t always get to remember -__-  Which is such a shame since i enjoyed playing it soo much! Keeping my fingers crossed it might come back soon ^^
If you have tips how do you guys deal with these issues? If anyone experience them at least... hehe :3
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emilialuciasantos · 3 years
Weekend Getaway || Self-Para
When: July 22, 2021
Where: San Francisco, California
Featuring: Ace Wong, Abbie Cohen (Ace’s half-sister), and Logan Miller (Abbie’s fiancé) 
Triggers: Anxiety, self-harm
Emilia needed to get away. After spending half of the month cooped up in her room-- and the entire month without her favorite person-- she was getting restless and anxious. Lola said she needed to clear her head, but what if that wasn’t the full story? What if Lola just wanted to get away from her because she did something to upset her? Emilia had been having these thoughts multiple times a week since Lola’s departure, and she needed to get away before those thoughts-- and worse intrusive thoughts-- consumed her. So she texted her other favorite person.
Emilia: hey, are you free this weekend? do you think I can come visit?
Ace: of course you can! I’ll clear my schedule! I NEED to take you to CAS and SFMOMA!!!
Emilia packed a bag and was on the road the same day. Paula wasn’t thrilled about the spur-of-the-moment decision, but she knew Ace and trusted him to keep her daughter safe. Six hours later, she was in The Golden City. As soon as Emilia entered Abbie’s house, she fell into her best friend’s arms, squeezing him tightly. 
“I missed you,” she muttered, burying her face into his shoulder. 
“Missed you too,” he muttered back, petting her hair as she sobbed into his shoulder. 
Ace made his move back to San Francisco in April, and this was the first time she had seen him in person since the move. She wanted to go to his graduation ceremony, but had too much going on with finals. She felt awful for missing it, but he understood and told her that there was always next time. This was also the first time she was seeing Abbie and Logan since before their engagement. She congratulated the happy couple and asked them for all the details about their wedding planning process. Once her bags were put down, the air mattress was blown up, and Abbie and Logan left for their night shift at the hospital, she sat down in Ace’s room and shared everything that was on her mind. 
“So at the end of May, my parents went on a cruise for their wedding anniversary. To celebrate the semester ending, Blaine and I decided to throw a party. I told people they could tell their friends, which was probably the biggest mistake. Too many people showed up. I don’t even know how that many people found out about it. There were people there who were complete strangers to me! And I tried to be a good host and talk to everyone, but it was really draining. Blaine wasn’t there at the start of it because he was picking up drinks and got stuck in traffic, but when he came home and saw all the people, he flipped his shit. He screamed at me about how I didn’t respect him and that I was ruining his home, all this really mean stuff. I ended up shutting myself in my room for the rest of the party. Blaine and I ended up making up the next morning as we were cleaning up, and it hasn’t come up again, but... I really upset him, Ace. A childhood picture of him and his parents got smashed. And you know Blaine, he’s a pretty stoic guy, but things with his mom just really set him off. And then there was pride. Pride was really fun. There was the parade, and the beach concert, all this cool stuff. This whole big fight broke out at the concert, but I’ll tell you about that later... But as fun as it was, I didn’t get to spend much alone time with Lola. I did spend time with her, don’t get me wrong, but... it was never really just the two of us. Then right after the month was over, she leaves! She went to spend some time with her family in Chicago. And we’ve been texting here and there, but... but I don’t know if she still likes me. And then when I was at a rest stop, I saw some shit on Gossip God saying how I was doing just fine without her. But I’m really not! I feel myself constantly checking my phone for updates from her. I keep worrying that one day she’s just going to text me and say that she hates me and never wants to see me again.” At the end of her rambling, she flopped face-down onto Ace’s bed. 
Ace tried to follow along as well as he could by reading her lips. He didn’t fully catch every detail, but got the gist of everything. He rubbed his best friend’s back as he spoke to her, “Hey, it’s all going to be okay. Blaine just had a bad night, and if he was really still mad at you, I don’t think you would’ve been able to make up the next morning. And with Lola, I’m sure she wouldn’t just decide to hate you. From what I’ve seen, she seems to be the type to speak her mind, so if she didn’t like you, I think she would’ve said something by now. Sometimes people just get overwhelmed and need a break. I’m sure if you were living away from your mom, you’d do the same thing. Hell, I did the same thing back in January! She’ll come back, and you two will get your alone time in no time... Is there anything else bothering you?”
Emilia hesitated before looking back up at Ace and answering, “Relapse. I’m afraid I’m going to relapse. I’ve been thinking about it late at night every night for the past week or so. Every time I see scissors at work or razors in the bathroom, I just... I freak out.”
“Have you told your therapist about this?”
“No, she’s on vacation until August. Everyone’s abandoning me.” 
“Hey, hey. I’m still here, whether I’m a six minute drive or a six hour drive. And I’m here with you right now. Nothing will happen to you on my watch. We’re going to have a fun, relaxing weekend together. I got you a CityPASS and we’re going to go to the museums together, and if you packed a bathing suit, we can go to the beach too. And then you’re going to drive home on Sunday and text me when you get home. And if you get any more thoughts about it, you’re going to text me and we’ll talk through it. And once your therapist gets back from vacation, you’re going to tell her everything you’ve said to me today. Okay?”
“Okay...” She sniffled, sitting up to wrap her arms around Ace once more.   
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saxxxology · 5 years
What Goes Bump in the Night - 8
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PAIRING: Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader WARNINGS: a/b/o dynamics, Victorian social dynamics, allusions to non-consent and dubious consent, dominance/submission, slow burn with eventual smut, suspense/horror/gore themes.
Series Masterlist
Read the entire series on Patreon for just $3
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Life goes on. 
You and Sam steadily acclimate to your new bond. It’s rough at first; you never want to stop touching each other and John often raises his voice at the newly mated Alpha for trying to sneak up to bed before whatever study they’ve been working on has concluded for the evening. As the weeks go by, however, you settle into a routine. Now that you’re claimed, Sam can take you into the city without the fear of you being taken. On Saturdays, you get lunch at a little café, and afterwards go for a walk in Central Park before heading back home. 
Sam’s grown considerably less irritable and controlling, something you thought might only increase due to his claim over you. Truthfully, he does grow angry after arguments with his father and brother, but he hasn’t thrown an insult your way or mocked you for your weaknesses. 
However, nearly half a year into your new lifestyle, Sam’s awoken by the sharp rapping of his brother’s fist on the bedroom door. He carefully slides away from your sleeping form and opens the door. 
“What?” he asks, almost irritably. He doesn’t like being pulled away from you longer than necessary.
Dean holds a rumpled copy of the morning newspaper out for Sam to read. “We’ve got a case. It’s bad, there’s at least five other hunters on it.”
Sam rakes his eyes down the short column. A girl’s gone missing from the slums in the city, and bodies are being found completely drained of blood. All from immigrant families that surely won’t be investigated by the police.
“What the hell is it?” Sam wrinkles his nose in confusion. “Vampire?”
“Yep.” Dean stuffs his hands in his pockets. “It’s working fast. People have been reporting bodies for days, but last night…”
Sam scans further down the article. An entire apartment of thirteen people had been found mutilated in the same way.  “Who’s on it?”
“Gabe, Cas, almost everyone within two hundred miles.” Dean casts an eye past his brother’s shoulder. “You know how these bastards work, Sam, you need to hide her.”
Sam issues a low growl at the thought of anyone other than him touching his Omega. “I will. Any news on when the others are arriving?”
Dean nods. “Gabe and Cas sent a telegram an hour ago, they should be here within an hour or two. Everyone else is in town, we’re meeting here at noon to plan where this thing might be. They hunt at night, and the body count is rising. We need to take of this as soon as possible.”
Sam turns and casts a worried glance at you. “The last time we had a gathering—”
“She’s claimed,” Dean hisses. “Now is not the time for you to worry about her, you need to worry about the people that are dying. We’re the only ones who can stop this thing.”
Sam’s shoulders dip as he exhales. “Fine. Just… let me talk to her.” He closes the door in his brother’s face before he can reply and strides back to the bed, where you’re stirring beneath the sheets. He dips his head into the crook of your neck, planting a warm kiss there as your eyes flutter open.
“Mmm,” you moan and press your fingers into his bare shoulders. “What was that about?”
“We have a case.” Sam lies down next to you and nuzzles the side of your neck. His tone is stiff, and you rake your fingers through the wispy ends of his hair.
He sighs heavily, then nods. “We have a lot of hunters coming to the house.” When you stiffen, he quickly moves to console you. “If we had another place to meet, believe me, I would choose there, but we’re closest to the activity and we have room for everyone here.” He strokes a lock of hair away from your neck. “I won’t let them hurt you, but you do need to be involved.”
You frown. “How?”
Sam smirks. “We’ll need someone to serve tea and coffee. And maybe some of those biscuits you make so perfectly.”
You balk. “I’m not a servant—!”
“I never said you were.” Sam hovers over you, watching your eyes flare with indignation. “But it’s a good idea to give the others the impression that you and I live in a way that is to be expected, with you serving me.” He presses a kiss to your lips, stopping you before you can protest. “And before you ask,” he continues, pulling the covers off your body and slowly kissing his way down your bare body until his head is between your thighs, “I’ll make it very worth your while.”
After making your way out of bed, you set yourself up in the kitchen, preparing dough for the sugar biscuits Sam’s requested and cleaning the expensive set of china teacups stored away for special occasions. Sam, Dean, and John busy themselves in the basement, apparently cleaning weapons and organizing ammunition. You have no idea what it is they’re going to hunt, but from the preparation and Sam’s earlier tone, you take a good guess that it’s not going to be easy at all. 
The hunters trickle in over the course of several hours. When you emerge from the kitchens to set the dining table with cups of tea and coffee, you can hear many voices coming from the library, where they all seem to be gathered. Sam’s scent punches through the noxious cloud of Alpha and Beta, giving a slight comfort to the anxiety that shoots cold bursts of adrenaline through your stomach.
Sam answers almost immediately when you knock on the door, balancing a pot of tea and coffee on a tray. You carefully step inside, keep your eyes on the floor to pretend that Sam’s beaten you into submission. You hear the other Alphas hum with approval as you set the tray on the coffee table and murmur something about being back with the biscuits and cups before scurrying away. After the table is entirely set, Sam waves his fingers dismissively, and you play a small curtsy before leaving.
A couple of hours later, Sam finds you at your dressing table, running a brush through your hair. The sun’s gone down, and the house is quiet. Everyone must have gone to bed. Sam saunters up behind you, placing his hands on your shoulders and staring at your reflection in the mirror. 
“You look exhausted,” he murmurs.
You let him pull the brush from your fingers and run it through your already combed locks. “I did spend the afternoon cooking… I suppose I’m just not used to that much work. I feel like I should be.”
“We have a cook for that,” Sam covers, “we just don’t allow her to know what we do.”
“How do you manage that?”
“Very carefully.” Sam chuckles and runs his fingers over your hair. “Come here.”
Obediently, you stand and turn to face him. He looks extremely strained, and you can’t help but allow an urge to comfort him wash over you. “What is it?”
“This thing,” Sam pauses, his eyes closing for a second before fluttering back open, “this thing that we’re going to hunt… it’s dangerous. More dangerous than what we usually hunt, and…” he takes a deep breath, exhaling shakily, “what I am trying to say is that the likelihood of me not coming home is higher than usual.”
At the mere implication that your Alpha could die, you shake your head, face twisting into a grimace as you fight tears. “No,” you say firmly, “Sam, don’t say that—”
Sam interrupts you, ignoring your distress. “I’ve made provisions for you in my will. If I should die, my share of my father’s inheritance will go to you, and my claim over you will place you in Dean’s care. I understand that he is not your ideal mate,” he continues over your near outburst, “but he will keep you safe.”
“He wanted to rape me.”
“Yes, he did.” Sam’s eyes darken. “But my claim mark on you won’t let that happen. He can’t take the guilt of claiming another Alpha’s mate and he knows it. Now…” he brushes his fingers under your eyes, his expression softening, “will you let me take you to bed?”
You nod, letting him lean down to press a soft kiss against your lips. His hands drag your nightdress up, and you lift your arms to let him pull it over your head. His fingers scoop over your ass, and he lifts you up with a soft groan, carrying you swiftly to the bed and laying you down on the mattress. You scoot back, watching him undress. When he’s standing naked, his cock thickening between his legs, he climbs onto the bed, hooking his palms on your thighs and dragging you roughly down underneath him. 
“I love you,” he whispers.
You blush even though you’ve heard him say the words several times before. “I love you, too.”
Satisfied, he claims your mouth in a deep, passionate kiss and nudges your thighs apart. You moan when he ruts his cock through your folds, letting the heat and weight of it tease you until you’re slick and ready for him. You shift when he lines up at your entrance, and he reaches for your hands, pinning them by your head as he rolls his hips. Your sighs mingle as he fills you, sinking deeper and deeper until he feels the entrance to your womb pressed against the tip of his cock. 
His first thrust is deliciously drawn out and makes your thighs quiver around his hips. He grins against your cheek when you try and pull him back in with your heels against his ass, and only frustrates you further by giving a series of short, slow thrusts that barely push the tip of his dick into your drenched pussy. 
“Stop teasing,” you whisper, trying as hard as you can to push your hips up into his. 
Sam obliges, planting his knees against the mattress and shoving forward with a brutal thrust. Your eyes roll back in your head as he fills you almost painfully. “Like that?” he asks, smirking down at you as you sink back to the present.
“Yes.” You squeeze his hands and bend your knees back until your knees are at his ribs. 
Sam settles into a steady rhythm, grinding his pelvis against your ass in a way that makes you gasp and squirm as warm waves of pleasure crash over you. Pulling his hands from yours, he wraps his arms underneath you, lowering himself until you’re almost entirely wrapped up in him. His thrusts grow more and more passionate, and he reclaims your mouth in a warm, wet kiss. It’s rare that Sam’s ever this gentle with you; when he does crave intimacy, he’s rough and dominant, only slowing when you’re begging him to. 
It’s almost like he’s trying to savor it as if he knows he’ll never experience it again.
Sam pauses mid-thrust, raising his head to look down at you. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”
“No.” You swallow thickly. “You’re acting like this won’t happen again.”
Sam closes his eyes. “Omega, please try and understand—”
“Understand what?” You push him off and roll away, tears brimming in your eyes. “That you might die? I can’t just hear you say that and pretend that everything will be okay. If you die I’ll have nothing, Sam, I need you.”
Sam watches you burst into tears, unable to help yourself. All matters of lovemaking forgotten, he sits up and reaches for you, desperate to provide some form of comfort. He curses himself for upsetting you; he knows that he’s still got to work on being more sensitive to your feelings, that you process certain scenarios differently than he does.
“Omega,” he tries again, running a palm over one quivering shoulder, “please, look at me.”
You raise your head, tears streaming down your cheeks. “What?”
“I don’t want you to feel this way,” he explains, picking his words carefully lest he upset you more, “I hate seeing you upset, you know that. But I do need you to understand that my… profession… has certain risks and there is a reason why we have a dozen hunters on this one alone.”
You stutter through your words, trying to keep from dissolving into sobs. “I just don’t want to have to see you… or know you suffered…”
Sam presses his lips together. That part he can’t argue with—if he does perish on this hunt, you’ll be forced to see his body at one point or another, and the odds are that a Vampire won’t leave him in once piece, much less identifiable.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes. “Do you want to just go to sleep?”
You shake your head. “I want to finish this… just… please don’t act like this is the last night we’ll be spending together.”
Sam presses a tender kiss to your forehead and pulls you close, issuing a primal growl as he lays you back down on the bed and eagerly situates himself between your thighs. He has to work to get himself hard again, but once he’s ready, he slides himself in easily, watching your tearstained face flush with pleasure. 
“That’s it,” he coaxes, “don’t hold back, ‘mega, I want everyone in this goddamn house to know how good I’m makin’ you feel.”
His next thrust is hard enough to make you whimper, and he leans back, placing a hand on your lower belly so he can rub your clit with his thumb. You shudder and let out a desperate moan, and Sam grunts in response, quickening the speed of his hips. Fingers curling into the covers, you toss your head back and allow a high-pitched cry to escape, and Sam matches you in volume with his own groan. 
It doesn’t take long to work up a rough yet passionate rhythm. If the bed was less sturdy, you know that the frame would be rocking with the force of Sam’s thrusts. His hips slap against your ass, and you can’t be bothered to hold back the sounds you’re making as fresh tears—this time of pleasure—flow from your eyes. 
“You’re gettin’ close,” Sam mutters, “I can feel you squeezing me, you’re gonna cum all over this big cock, aren’t you?”
You nod desperately. “Yes, I’m gonna cum, Alpha…”
Sam’s hips jolt as he nears his own ending. “Me too, shit… yes, ‘mega, keep grippin’ me like that…”
He falls over you, pinning you shuddering body to the mattress as you cum, the heat of your climax spreading through your body hot enough to make your head spin. He doesn’t knot you, just shoves forward with a bestial groan and spills himself into you in several hot, thick spurts that you feel dripping down the cleft of your ass as he thrusts sloppily through the aftershocks of both your orgasms. 
Sated, he sinks down over you, pressing a messy kiss to your lips. You shudder against him, wrapping your legs around his waist to keep him inside you.
“God, you’re shaking,” he runs his lips down the column of your throat. “I can feel you, ‘mega…”
You hold him tight, letting him settle over you. “I don’t want you to go,” you whisper, voice still cloudy with emotion.
“I don’t want to go either. But I have to… it’s my duty.” He lies with you, breathing softly into the crook of your neck until he goes soft and has to pull out. You moan when his seed drips between your legs, and he scoops you up before it can ruin the comforter.
“We really should put something down before,” he jokes, attempting to lighten the mood as he sets you in the bathtub and reaches for a washcloth. When you can only offer a small smile, he drops it, cleaning methodically between your legs before turning the taps on. Climbing in and pulling you down into the tub, he holds you against his chest, running his fingers through your hair as the water slowly rises to fill half the tub. 
“You do know that I’ll do everything to come home,” he murmurs, looking down as you rest your head on his shoulder. 
You nod stiffly. “I know. I just hate the idea of you leaving and… not coming back.”
Sam presses a tender kiss to your cheek. “I promise that I’ll have the others watching my back. They don’t have families or Omegas to go home to, but I do, and they know that.”
Tilting your head back to gaze up at him, you brush wet fingers over the light stubble on his jaw. “I’m sorry for crying earlier… I hated stopping making love with you.”
“Don’t be sorry.” Sam heaves a sigh. “I should know by now that you and I process differently. It’s my fault for pressing it.”
It’s late by the time you finally slip into bed, snuggling together under the warm covers. Sam holds you close, his nose tucked into the crook of your neck.
“Sleep well, Omega,” he whispers, “I’ll wake you in the morning.”
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Someone Alive, Part Seven
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    Before the fall, Castiel spent a lot of time watching Dean. He was fascinated with the fireman. He had been stationed on earth for centuries, observing from the sidelines. It was so much of the same, but watching Dean felt different. It was like Castiel was getting to learn everything about Dean without having to intrude, insert himself. He was falling in love with Dean through the veil. 
Dean cooking, looking so focused with his tongue half out of his mouth. Chopping, measuring, and missing that bit of sauce on the corner of his mouth. 
Dean on a run with Sam, sweating, pushing himself to the breaking point. He would run until the dog was panting and asleep at his feet, his tongue still out in the water bowl. 
He’d spend his mornings scoping the internet and newspaper for fires he may have missed, cases of arson, or even cats up trees. He missed being in the station, it was driving him mad. 
One night he just stood in the shower under the hot water for an hour. His eyes were closed, his muscles tense, as the water ran over his newly healed arm. He leaned against the tile, his eyebrows knitted together. He looked pensive, pained. 
It took everything in him not to step behind the frosted glass, into the shower behind him, and leave a trail of kisses across his tense shoulders. He wanted to calm Dean, to know what worried him, to make him smile. But he couldn’t. Dean didn’t know he was there. 
Sam, though, did. 
The dog would look at Castiel with that tilted head look and ask him why ? 
Castiel didn’t have the answer. He didn’t feel he had any answers, if he was being honest. All he had was the want, the yearning to be closer to Dean. 
“Cas?” Dean called out, his voice full of pain. “You there?” 
He knew what Castiel was. He knew that Castiel was an angel so there was no real reason to hide from Dean anymore. Except Castiel couldn’t make himself be seen, no matter how many times Dean called out to him. No matter how much he wanted to. He was blocked by a twisting feeling deep in his gut. 
He didn’t have a name for it then, the feeling of dread that settled inside of him. He could’ve named the feeling after the green eyed man who called out to him even in his sleep, because the thing that crippled him was the thought of Dean asking Cas to never see him again. Telling him to leave forever. The idea of never seeing Dean again stopped Castiel dead in his tracks. He was frozen in space and time. 
“Cas? Just… please, come on.” 
It was futile. There was a reason that angels shouldn’t communicate with the living. It wasn’t something Castiel ever understood, but standing there in front of Dean he felt so close to the man that he loved, a breath away, yet they may as well have been separated by a galaxy. Because Dean was human, so beautifully human, and Castiel wasn’t. There was no amount of time and space that could change that fact. 
So Castiel stayed in the shadows, and no matter how much it hurt him, he listened to Dean call his name out into the darkness for the rest of the night. 
Jo wasn’t driving fast enough, in Castiel’s opinion. He missed his instant teleportation. His flight with a single thought. In retrospect if he were to do the fall a different way, he thought perhaps he would choose a location just a bit closer to the cabin, a bit closer to Dean. “Can’t you drive any faster, Jo?” 
“Castiel, if you ask me that one more time I will slap the shit out of you,” Jo warned without turning to look at him. 
He’d asked a minimum of five times previously. Time had meant nothing to Castiel before the fall, minutes, seconds, years… they were a concept made by man. A concept that didn’t affect him much, but the moment he hit the ground it felt like the moments were slipping through his fingers. He didn’t have enough time. They’d never have enough time. 
Jo glanced at him after a while of silence. “So what happened to you exactly?” 
“I fell.” 
She laughed lightly and shook her head. “Well that’s pretty obvious.” 
He looked to her curiously, unsure of how anything about his situation could be humorous. 
She glanced at him again, her expression softening just a bit. “This thing between you and Dean… it’s real, isn’t it?” 
He nods solemnly. “I believe that it is.” 
“You love him?” 
“More than I ever thought was possible.” 
“I hope it works out for you two, I really do.” 
“Thank you. That is kind of you to say.” 
“I’ve seen him around Lisa, and he’s never really been like this with her. They’re okay together but it isn’t… I don’t know. Magic? That sounds lame, but.” 
“No,” Castiel said softly. “That’s exactly what it’s like.” 
“What’re you going to say to him?” 
He hadn’t thought about that up until that point. What was there to say? “I don’t know. What should I say?” He asked, suddenly incredibly exhausted, drained, and becoming a little hopeless.
“I’m not sure I can answer that for you. Maybe once you see him you’ll know what to say.” 
“I’ve never been good with words,” he said uncomfortably. “What if I say the wrong thing?” 
Jo considered this for a moment, tapping her finger on the steering wheel. “I think if he loves you it won’t matter what you say.” 
He hoped that she was right. He didn’t know what he would do if Dean turned him away. He could imagine himself standing there, vulnerable and human with a broken heart. He didn’t know how he would possibly survive that. 
They pulled up to the cabin, and Jo put the car in park, turning to look at him. She looked at him curiously, examining him, before she loosened his tie and unbuttoned his top button, she tousled his hair and smiled as if she was proud of herself. “You look good. Well, as good as you can with all of that dirt and blood.” 
“Hopefully it will be enough.” 
“Do you want me to stay?” She asked him softly. “In case you need a ride back?” 
He shook his head and unbuckled his seatbelt. “No, I can find my own way back if that happens.” 
If Dean rejected him he would have far bigger issues than how he would be getting back to Chicago. “Thank you, Jo, for everything.” 
“You’re welcome, kid.” She put the car in reverse. “You got this.” 
He nodded weakly, offering her a small smile. He opened the car door and exited, clicking it shut behind him. 
He looked at the cabin as Jo pulled away, gravel grinding against the car’s rubber tires. The cabin was old and run down. It didn’t exactly look like a romantic place for weddings, and Castiel had observed plenty of beautiful places to be. But he supposed any place with Dean would be romantic.
There was a twist in his gut, anxiety fluttering behind his belly button. His feet felt heavy as he tried to convince his legs to move. He’d spent so long on the sidelines just watching, never interacting, never sticking his hand in the water to test the temperature, that he’d been helpless. But now? Now he was human, and if he’d learned anything from his centuries of observation, it's that humans were not observers. They took action, and if he sat back and refused to act, he would lose Dean forever. 
That thought was enough to propel him to the front door, his curled fist colliding with the wood in three solid knocks. 
“That must be the pizza!” He heard Dean call from inside of the house. 
The sound of the love of his life’s voice made Castiel dizzy, his head light enough that he worried it would float away. He wasn’t prepared. He hadn’t rehearsed. He didn’t know what he was going to say. He didn’t know how he would react seeing Dean without the heavenly veil between them. 
The door opened to expose Dean, wearing a gray T-shirt, jeans, and just his socks. His hair looked a little messy like he had been laying around, and he was holding cash between his fingers. He was smiling when the door opened, bright and welcoming, but as soon as he saw Castiel his expression faltered. The smile fell off his lips, mouth open, as if he was trying to catch his breath. “Cas?”
“Hello, Dean.”
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Dean Winchester had no idea what to say. He was without words, and that was saying something. He always had some kind of comeback, but opening the door to find Castiel standing there had rendered him completely speechless. 
The angel looked… well he looked like shit if Dean was being honest. There was blood and dirt smudged on his face, matting his hair. His clothes were dishevelled. Dean had never seen him not look put together. It was disorienting. He felt like he needed to pinch himself, to reach out and touch him to prove that he was real and not some kind of dream. “Cas?”
“Hello Dean.”
The low rough resonance of his voice sent chills down Dean’s spine, curling his toes in his socks. “What’re you doin’ here?” He found himself asking the question, when he really wanted to pull him into his arms and whisper I am so glad you’re here. But there was still time and space between them, an invisible barrier he couldn’t seem to cross. 
“I came to see you,” Cas said awkwardly. There was something distinctly different about him, like the thing that made him so ethereal had melted away. “I am sorry to interrupt.”
He looked shy, looking up at Dean through thick dark eyelashes, making his stomach flip in response. He felt like a teenager again. He felt completely overwhelmed. “Interrupt what?”
“I… I was told you came here with her. ”
Then Dean’s stomach dropped. Lisa. He opened the door a little wider. “Come in.”
Castiel looked a little green at the lack of response from him, but stepped through the threshold. 
“Why’d you come here, Cas?”
“To see you.”
“Yeah, yeah I know that’s what you said, but if you thought I was here with Lis…” His voice trailed off as he felt he suddenly saw Cas. He’d looked at him when he opened the door, sure, but he didn’t truly see him. Dean hadn’t taken a chance to take Cas in, to really observe what he was seeing and process it. It couldn’t be. It was ridiculous. Outrageous. Impossible. But yet there he was, standing in front of Dean bloodied, broken, and vulnerable. “What did you do, Cas?”
“I hoped I would make it to you before you made any decisions. I had to at least try, Dean, because the idea of losing you is more than I can bear.”
Dean leaned against the counter and watched Cas stand there awkwardly. One of his shoes were untied and it sort of felt like he was this damsel in distress. Like he was just waiting for Dean to sweep him up. 
“I hope I am not too late,” Cas added, his voice desperate.
“Too late for what?”
He needed Cas to say it, to make it real. 
“I… it’s real, Dean,” Castiel said quietly. His fingers flexed at his side. “What we have. The way I feel… it’s real. You said you wanted to be with someone alive, and I heard you. I understood what kind of life we would have if I were an angel. It wasn’t fair for you to give up so much for someone who was not willing to give up just one thing to be with you.”
“What’re you sayin’, Cas?” Dean asked, his voice tight, his chest tighter. It squeezed with every beat of his heart, his body begging to close the distance between him and the angel. He felt he had been a fucking idiot this whole time. He may have had a half life with Cas, but at least it was something. As the angel stood in front of him, with glistening wet, blue eyes and trembling full lips, a half life didn’t seem so bad. 
“I did it, Dean. I fell.”
It was like the whole ceiling was crumbling. The world fell apart around him so the only thing that remained was him . Castiel. The air was rushing in his ears, a deafening woosh. 
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Castiel looked at Dean, terrified that it was over. He was too late. Dean was just looking at him, his lips parted slightly. Castiel had made a mistake, and his heart cracked in his chest. Is this what heartbreak feels like? He wanted to laugh at the prospect. He’d wanted to feel, after all. He just had only focused on the things he was excited to feel. Dean's hands, his lips, the way that he tasted, the pressure of his body against Castiel’s. He hadn’t planned for the bad things. He hadn’t planned for the ache of a broken heart, the throb of a cut on his face, the unthinkable possibility that Dean didn’t love him back. 
He hadn’t let himself consider these things because they were paralyzing. He didn’t want to be stuck any longer. He wanted to be free, and now that he had all the freedom in the world, next to Dean it all seemed so small and insignificant. Next to Dean, nothing else felt important. 
“Say something,” Castiel pleaded softly, begging for the end. He needed something to happen, anything to release the tension that coiled around him, constricting his muscles and lungs, even if it wasn’t the answer he wanted. Either way it would be over. 
“You said… You fell. Are you saying…” Dean was mumbling, uncertain, and his green eyes flashed up to Castiel’s as if he was asking Castiel to say it again. 
It took every breath from his body, every push that he had to bring the words back to his lips. “I am human, Dean.”
Evidently that was the answer that Dean wanted, because he let out a breathless word, single and quick. “Good,” he whispered, before closing the space between them. 
Dean’s strong arms wrapped around Castiel, pulling him into his chest. Dean kissed him, the pressure against his mouth almost painful from the cut on his bottom lip. The cut stung and throbbed, but it only took a moment before Castiel wrapped his arms around Dean’s neck, pulling him closer. He wanted to cry out, to take more of Dean’s breath into his body. Their chests pressed against each other, and Castiel’s eyes stung. 
He couldn’t ever have imagined what it would feel like. He had no frame of reference, no comparison that could ever equal this , and it was so overwhelming that Castiel wondered if he would ever feel anything like this again. Kissing Dean was what Castiel suspected it felt like to be born. He ran his fingers through Dean’s hair; it was surprisingly soft. His skin was warm, sunkissed from running outside despite the cool Illinois air. His long eyelashes tickled against Castiel’s cheeks and a warmth pulsed through his chest. The heat traveled through him, starting at the base of his chest and spreading through him. It was what he imagined fire to feel like. 
He wasn’t sure what he’d expected, but whatever was in his mind previously was wiped away the moment Dean’s tongue touched Castiel’s bottom lip, asking permission to dig even deeper into him. 
I think I know your soul, too. 
Castiel knew, as Dean’s fingers rubbed along his back, under his tattered suit jacket, that he did. Dean knew him more intimately than anyone before, but as Castiel pressed against him, their noses brushing, and Castiel’s belt digging into his stomach, he knew he wanted more. He wanted Dean to know all of him, and he wanted to know all of Dean. 
They parted, Dean almost panting, with this stupid grin on his face that made Castiel’s stomach flip. “You son of a bitch, you really did it.”
“Well, I do not look this way for my own enjoyment,” Castiel said dryly, gesturing to his tattered appearance. 
Dean’s eyebrow shot up as a laugh bubbled in his chest, falling out of his lips in a way that was almost bouncy. “Did you just make a joke?”
“I was just being observant.”
“Of course,” Dean said with a snicker. 
They stood there in the doorway in an awkward, palpable silence, just staring at each other, and suddenly Castiel felt unbelievably naked. He folded his arms around himself protectively as the details that had floated away when Dean kissed him were resurfacing. “Where is Lisa?”
“Jo told me that you came here to… to marry Lisa.” The words tasted sour on his lips. He almost choked on them, feeling that they were stuck in his throat. “Where is she?”
“She isn’t here, Cas,” Dean said, his face softening. 
“I heard you talking to someone, Dean.” Static peppered through him, his fingers twitching against his biceps. He wanted to kiss Dean. He wanted to be with him, but the last thing he needed was for Lisa to come out of the shadows and shatter the little bit of strength and resolve that he had left. 
“What? I wasn’t…” The familiar smile tugged on Dean’s mouth as some kind of connection was made in his head. He brought his fingers to his mouth then, sticking them between his lips, and whistled, sharp and quick.  
Castiel felt disoriented for just a moment, the loud, high-pitched noise striking his ears, but it was just a second before the sound of paws padding against the hardwood floated through the quiet air of the cabin. 
Sam ran into the room and right to Castiel, nudging his leg for pets. The dog's large chocolate eyes looked up at him questioningly, his head tilted to the side. Castiel knelt next to Sam and scratched under his chin. “Hello, Sam.” The dog licked his fingers in response. Castiel could no longer hear him. The link between the earth and him had been severed when he hit the ground, but Sam didn’t seem to mind. He nuzzled into Castiel’s touch, not needing words to convey what he was feeling. The silky fur against his now wet fingers made Castiel’s eyes sting again and a sob rose in his throat in a sudden rush of emotion. 
“Hey, buddy,” Dean said, crouching next to him. “You good?” His hand brushed the side of Castiel’s face and it sent him tumbling over the edge, hot tears rolling down his cheeks. “Fuck.” 
“I am…” Castiel tried to begin, but the words seemed to tangle with his tongue. 
“‘Mere,” Dean murmured, pulling Castiel into his arms. “Get it out.” 
Wrapped in Dean’s arms, for the first time in his incredibly long life, Castiel crumbled into a thousand pieces, his heart cracking and letting out centuries of pain that he hadn’t realized he was carrying.
Part Eight
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casbeanwrites · 6 years
if the muse strikes u would u do destiel with 31 and 53?
bed sharing + mutual pining from the trope mashups
“This isn’t how I imagined we’d first share a bed,” Dean lets out without thinking about it.
A shocked silence follows his words. He immediately regrets them, but it’s too late, and now they float heavy between the two of them, tied up back to back on a small dingy bed in the room in the back of a vampire nest.
Let’s just say the hunt didn’t exactly go as planned.
“How did you imagine us sharing a bed?” Cas’ low voice breaks the silence.
“I didn’t,” Dean back-paddles. “I haven’t, I didn’t mean it like—”
“That’s too bad,” Cas murmurs. “Because I agree. This is not how I thought we’d first share a bed either. Although, considering the lives we lead, perhaps I should have.”
“How–? How did you, uh,” (God, when did Dean’s voice turn into a squeak?) “you’ve thought about us? In a – in a bed?”
“Yes. Many times.”
“Oh.” Dean attempts to laugh it off, but it doesn’t come out right. “Hope we were doing something more fun than this.”
“The bar is very low, but yes.”
Dean’s heart is hammering, and it’s not because of the twenty-five rabid vampires right outside the door, who promised to drain them slow and painful.
He feels Cas’ hands move until they meet his own. An index traces the curve of Dean’s thumb, until Cas is able to hook their fingers together. They’re still facing opposite walls, and are still about to very probably die, but Dean bursts with the most ridiculous giddy happiness he’s ever felt.
“Cas, I–”
“You don’t even know what I’m about to say,” Dean frowns, craning his neck to try to look behind him. He can only see the back of Cas’ head. His hair is dirty and messy but Dean still aches to run his fingers through it.
“Yes, I do. And I already know.”
Dean closes his eyes. He still wants to say it. Out loud. At least once.
“We are past the deathbed love confessions, Dean. We’ve been there, and we’re not going there again. We’re not going to die.”
“But Cas, if we do–”
“We won’t.”
Dean would lie if he said he doesn’t quiver a little inside when Cas uses that decisive, rough tone, but it doesn’t change the reality of their situation.
“You’re human now. And we got no one coming for us, so–”
Dean can’t finish his thought. The door opens with a swing.
“How’s he doing?” Sam asks from the door.
“No change.”
Dean’s finger automatically finds Cas’ pulse point and he sighs. He’s been watching him breathe for almost 10 hours. The steady pulse of Cas’ blood under his fingers is the only thing keeping him from going completely insane.
As it turned out, Sam and Jack were alerted by some  hunters in the region that the pack that they thought was only six vampires turned out to be a large family. When Dean and Cas didn’t answer their phones, they immediately drove over and asked all the hunters around to organize  a rescue mission.
They made it out almost without a scratch. Except Cas, who got caught and might or might not have been bitten. His wounds weren’t deep, but he still lost blood and hasn’t woken up. Dean hasn’t left his side since, sitting in a chair or laying awkwardly on the motel bed, counting Cas’ breaths, checking his pulse, awaiting the dreaded moment when Cas might wake up with fangs and a hunger for blood.
Dean makes himself a little more comfortable in the bed and finds Cas pulse point again. He counts his deep breaths, one, two, three, four, five… And without meaning to, he drifts off to sleep.
Dean groans. His nose shifts against soft skin.
He pulls back and Cas’ face enters his field of vision. His expression is soft, a gentle smile on his lips. His eyes are shining despite the darkness.
His pulse is steady under Dean’s fingers.
“You’re awake,” Dean breathes out.
“Yes. And you’re in my bed.”
Cas’ smile is way too bright for this shitty situation, but Dean can’t help but mirror it.
“Yeah. Is it everything you dreamed about?”
Cas’ smile widens. His hand shift, threading his fingers with Dean’s.
“Close. Ideally, I’d have enough energy to do a lot more than just hold your hand. But this is still quite satisfying.”
“We got time,” Dean murmurs, despite the fact that he’s waited ten freaking years for this and he doesn’t know if he’ll survive waiting any longer.
“You could still kiss me,” Cas offers.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’ll do that.”
When they finally get home, it’s not even a question. Cas follows Dean to his room without a word, and they don’t make it out for almost a week.
They never again spend nights in different beds.
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mattzerella-sticks · 7 years
The Fruit of Our Labor (Coda to 13x15)
How did Cas break the news he had to go? What was his adventure like? How did he get the fruit and how was the journey back?
Here's what happened (I think). (ao3)
           “I’m sorry, you have to go where now?”
           Cas rolls his eyes, sagging back into his chair. “I think you’ve heard me well enough,” he mutters, “that it does not bear me repeating it.”
           Dean bites back a groan, instead kneading at the space between his brows. “Maybe I didn’t hear you,” Dean says, voice booming in the silence of the war room, “Maybe I had a stroke and I just imagined the part where you said you have to go to Syria!” Castiel doesn’t flinch.
           “I can assure you, there was no stroke,” Cas tells him, “If there was, you’d have soiled yourself by now.”
           His cheeks flare to life, and Dean purses his lips. “That’s not, I meant…” he stumbles, tripping over his tongue. When he notices Cas’s shoulders shaking, Dean’s protest tapers off. He glares, “Not the time to be pulling that kind of crap.”
           “I apologize,” Cas says, failing to hide his grin, “But you were starting to take this too seriously.”
           “Well then how am I supposed to take it, huh?” Dean asks, throwing his hands up, “It’s not even been a day since you Kentucky Fried Donatello’s mind, and now you want to head over to the Middle East?” Cas swiftly sobers up at the mention of the now brain-dead Prophet, but Dean keeps powering on. “I mean,” he continues, “I know you said we were fighting a war, but I didn’t think you meant that one.”
           “Dean,” Cas sighs, the word carrying the weight of a million conversations. Dean’s gaze doesn’t waver. He pulls a nearby chair closer and sits on it, leaning forward, sliding his hand on the war table until it rests inches away from Cas’s.
           “I don’t see why you have to go,” Dean says, “Can’t we find this at any old farmer’s market or something?”
           “Fruit from the Tree of Life can’t be picked by mortal hands,” Cas explains, “After Adam and Eve had plucked the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, Chuck took precautions and made sure that anyone who dared to try would suffer great consequences.”
           “What ‘consequences’?”
           “Well,” Cas starts, thinking back, “For anyone who wants to attempt eating from the Tree of Knowledge, will have their senses blinded at a single touch, and –“
           “Woah, what do you mean?”            “It’s a rough translation, but it means that their minds would be wiped clean, and they’ll know nothing – as pure and innocent as if they were reborn.”
           “So exactly the opposite of what the fruits s’posed to give,” Dean says. He’s hit with a realization seconds later. “So… if someone touches the Tree of Life…”
           “A quick and painful death,” Cas confirms. Dean’s posture stiffens, and he starts to tap an uneven rhythm on the table, trying to reach forward with every few beats, only to pull back.
           “And you seriously don’t want back up?”
           “Dean, you’re scared of flying –“
           “Not for you,” Dean rushes out, biting his lip to stem the stream of consciousness. He blushes, and continues rambling, “I mean… if you needed the help, that is. I can swing by and get some drugs that’ll knock me out and – and hey, I’ll be good and ready to watch your back and…” Further words die on his lips, as Cas offers him a soft smile, and bridges the gap between them to caress his fingers.
           “Thank you for the offer,” he says, “But if you were to follow me, I’d be worried for you. Only humans are affected by the protection spell… angels can bypass it. And as you said… this isn’t the safest place to be in right now. And of the two of us, there’s nothing that’s out to kill me over there.”
           “Not even,” Dean starts, swallowing past the dry lump in his throat, “Not even other angels?”
           “When my brothers and sisters fell,” Cas explains, “no matter where they were, they all rushed over to the United States, to regroup and strategize.”
           Dean chuckles, “Guess Kushner was right about Angels in America.”
           Cas tilts his head, “I didn’t know you were familiar with his work. How do you –”?
           And just like that, Dean pulls away, clapping his hands and plastering on a fake grin. “So… air travel. You probably need a passport, and I can throw together a bag you can bring – just so you’re not suspicious – and… maybe a few other things.” He jumps up, banging his knee against the table. He curses under his breath and stumbles back. “I can – y’know I’ll…” he jerks a thumb towards the door, “Yeah…”
           Cas can’t feel his face from how hard he was smiling.
           ‘Oh how I miss my wings.’
           Cas pulls at his tie, tugging it until he can slip it over his head. He might not be human, but his fallen angel status means the heat can still affect him. He’s already down to his shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Sweat is starting to pool in certain areas, and he can already imagine some of the words Dean would say at his appearance.
           That just brings forth a very different, very familiar heat that treks up the back of his neck.
           Stuffing his tie in his bag with all his other clothes, he tries to focus on something else. Like his wings.
           If he had them, he wouldn’t have needed to spend all those hours crammed between an old woman who truly had no business being on the plane, and a small kid who had left his mark on Cas’s shoes.
           The tennis sneakers he’s now wearing aren’t as stiff as his own, but they are less comfortable. He would have just cleaned his own shoes, but before he could even attempt the stewardess and the boy’s mother had descended upon him. His shoes were already being tossed somewhere in the back while the mother – Kathy, she had told him – offered him a pair of her husband’s extra shoes. Along with her phone number.
           That ended up probably where his boots are now.
           And now he’s trekking across the land, following the spike in power and tracking it with his grace. Walking under the hot and heavy sun, instead of just landing there after one powerful flap of his wings. And then he’d pick the fruit and fly back home to Dean and –
           His wings, he was thinking about his wings.
           Not anything else.
           But his wings aren’t that interesting after the fifth hour. Cas has nearly drained his water bottle, and he’s been forced into his undershirt. His button-down was sopping up the sweat on his forehead, wrapped around his head. There’s sand stuck in his shoes, rubbing and chafing his toes, and he regrets not taking the extra pair of socks Kathy had offered him.
           ‘Funny,’ he thinks, ‘Eden did not feel this far away last time.’
           He’s about to take a quick break when he feels the shift in energy. Like cold water was being poured down his back, it makes his skin prickle and goose up in anticipation. Cas focuses his grace, and feels the heavenly power pulsing a few feet in front of him.
           Drawing on adrenaline, he races ahead and throws himself headfirst into the portal.
           Shade. He’s never been more grateful for trees, their limbs providing the perfect cover from His Father’s most powerful creation – next to humans. He breathes in deep, the sweet scent of flowers long lost to time overpowering his senses.
           It’s the sharp crack of a broken twig that stirs him from his rest. Cas sits up, pulling his angel blade out from his grace.
           Staring at him, wide-eyed, was a man with long, curly hair, olive skin, and a crooked nose. He was also completely naked.
           A victim of the Tree of Knowledge.
           Cas returns his blade to his grace and stands, holding his hand out to shake. The man only stares at it, the wide-eyed fear still there.
           ‘Right,’ Cas thinks, ‘Blank slate.’
           There’s no telling how long this man has been here, the magic of Eden keeping its inhabitants alive forever. And like Adam and Eve before him, this man returned to his most basic self.
           “Hello…” Cas starts, unsure of what to call him. A name pops up, and he rolls with it, “…Steve. My name is Castiel.” Steve tilts his head, still unmoving. Cas drops his hand and moves forward.
           Steve darts away, hiding back into the brush.
           “No, wait!” Cas calls after him, “I just want some…” Steve is long gone, the rustling carrying further and further off, “Directions…” Looking around, Cas extends his grace forward, and finds what he is looking for.
           Unlike the trek before, Cas takes his time. The Tree of Life is not far, and it’s been too long since he’s visited Eden. The colors seem to take on new dimensions, and their vibrancy seems to reach out and connect with his grace in many ways.
           Funny, though, that the green seems… duller. Not as great as other greens he’s had the pleasure to know personally.
           The water is a different story. There’s a tempting reservoir with a waterfall that a slew of animals were gathered around. He licked his lips, imagining the feel of the pounding water on his body. Cas shook his head, breaking himself from the spell. There were more important things to do at the moment.
           But maybe he will return, one day. Introduce Jack to some of his family history, and the Winchesters to a slice of paradise.
           ‘Duty first,’ Cas reminds himself, a mantra he’s carried with him when he was still a soldier of Heaven’s host. It kept him focus in the toughest of battles, from fighting demons to his brothers and sisters to himself from crossing further over the line of friendship between him and a certain hunter.
           “Duty first,” he mumbles dejectedly, trudging past the pool and on towards the fruit. It’s not far, the closer to the clearing he gets; the easier he can make the two trees out.
           They’re not that tall, their first branches starting about a foot shorter than Sam. But the trees aren’t the appeal. The beauty is what the trees grow.
           It’s no wonder Adam and Eve fell into temptation. The apples hanging from the boughs shone like rubies, glittering and singing to him. Whispers, in the back of his skull, of questions they can answer. The voice is deep and gruff with a slight Southern drawl. He ignores it and turns towards the other tree.
           It’s even shorter than the Tree of Knowledge, and its fruit doesn’t sparkle. It’s plain and ordinary looking, the skin of the orange rough and battered. Cas quirks a smile, the irony not lost on him. He steps closer to the tree and reaches out to complete his mission.
           Before he can even touch it, a small force pulls at his wrist.
           He looks down at where a small girl, no more than six or seven, watches him with large, grey eyes. She shakes her head and points near the tree, where Cas can see the sun-bleached bones of another person resting – a warning to anyone who dared pick this fruit.
           Cas wants to assuage the girl’s worry, but something else darts out from the underbrush.
           Steve grabs the girl and crushes her against his chest and away from Cas. He tries to put on a brave face, but the tremble of his lips still shows. Behind him, where he was originally hiding, Cas can make out a few more figures.
           “Looks like Eden is less abandoned than I thought,” Cas muses, looking back at Steve. Steve shifts on his feet, ready to flee at any moment.
           Not wanting to startle him, Cas decides actions are better than words. He turns back towards the Tree of Life and reaches for the fruit again. Steve makes a strangled noise, but Cas plucks it from its branch and looks it over. Deeming it acceptable, Cas pockets it in his bag and starts to move away from the tree.
           He doesn’t get far, his path blocked by the crowd of dwellers who are openly gawking at him. Even Steve has lost his fear, jaw slack in Cas’s direction.
           Cas, unused to this kind of scrutiny, raises his hand meekly, “…Hi?”
           The crowd scatters into the trees, shrieking in a language Cas can’t understand. Birds, startled from their nests, fly and join in with calls of their own. He frowns at where Steve and the little girl once were, crossing his arms against his chest.
           “Don’t get your feathers in a twist, Castiel, they act like that with even their own shadows.”
           Cas slips the blade free again and turns to the newcomer. He nearly drops it, when Billie the Reaper pushes herself off the Tree of Life.
           “Billie?” he asks, “What are… how are you-“
           “Still alive?” she guesses, chuckling, “Gotta say: like hunter, like angel. It’s what I told Dean – I didn’t so much as die as I got a… promotion.”
           It takes a second, but he understands what she’s getting at when her ring flashes before him. “You’re Death.”
           “The one and only,” she grins, stalking towards him. His grip tightens on his blade. “And as Death, I have a lot new responsibilities. One of them I already explained to Dean. But something I didn’t tell him – because I thought it was not of import – was that I have a direct connection to the Tree of Life, thanks to God. When I felt someone pluck the fruit and didn’t see them appear before me, I knew something must have been going on.” She looks him up and down, “And of course it had to be one of you.”
           He tips his chin, “Are you going to do anything about it?”
           “Now in a past life, maybe,” she starts, her eyes twinkling in mirth, “But things have changed. I had to shift my thoughts on certain matters… including you and your ragtag group of humans.”
           Cas’s jaw locks, biting his tongue from saying anything further.
           “But I must warn you,” she continues, inching closer, “you’re playing with dangerous magic. Are you sure you want to mess with the already weak fabric of the universe?”
           “Yes.” There’s no hesitation. His voice is firm, and he offers no questions to his motives. “If we don’t, Michael will. It’s best for us to rescue Jack and deal with the problem before it comes to us.”
           Billie squints at him, watching him like a vulture on its perch. She pulls her hands behind her, and trails her gaze up and down his body.
           “You are a stubborn one,” she finally says, smirking, “you two truly deserve each other…”
           “Come again?”
           She ignores him. “I’ll let you take the fruit,” she says, “But know this – there are thousands of possibilities of how this can play out. I know them all. You know, you’re the only angel with records of probable deaths? I’ve checked… they’re all lined up, one after the other, under W,” she grins, “For Winchester.”
           Cas’s cheeks flush, but he doesn’t dare look away.
           “And any one of them could come true if you take that ingredient back with you.” The smile falls from her face, and she is inches away from him. “You were brought back for a reason, Castiel,” she grabs his arm, “But sometimes those reasons are more obvious and simpler than we think. You spend too much time looking at the big picture, and you can lose sight of the most important details. Don’t take my advice lightly, it’ll hopefully be the last I give to you.”
           Cas isn’t sure what she means, but doesn’t dare speak up. “…Thank you, Billie.”
           “I really hope it ends well for you, Cas,” she tells him, “If you play your cards right, it could be #4134.” He wants to ask what she means, but she doesn’t let him speak. “You still have more to do,” she says, “Let me at least help this way.” Billie squeezes his arm, and the trees and sunlight are replaced with brick walls and fluorescents.
           He whips around, where Dean and Sam were sitting at the war table. Sam is gaping at him, while Dean rushes forward, checking him over.
           “Are you okay?” he asks, flitting his eyes over every part of him, lingering at where his white undershirt sticks to his chest, showing more than he’s used to. Cas can’t answer, mind wavering in different directions. On Billie’s words… on the plans… on the way Dean’s hand on his wrist evokes a tingle that travels up and down his arm.
           ‘The details, Cas,’ he thinks, looking at Dean’s face, taking in his flush, his tongue flicking across his lips, and the slight haze in his eyes, ‘Focus on the details.’
           He smiles, “Yes. I am… I’m fine.” He lifts his bag up, “I have the fruit.”
           “That’s great Cas,” Sam says, walking towards him and Dean, “But… how did you get here? Didn’t you take a plane?”
           “It’s a,” he starts, flustered, “It’s a long story.”
           “We have the time,” Dean says, smiling. Cas matches it with one of his own.
           “Yes,” he says, “we do.”
           Billie shrugs off her jacket on the desk and walks over towards her library. She steps into one row and lets her heels click against the tile, eyes searching for what she wants.
           The first book is right where she left it, sticking out slightly: #4134. The other is harder to find, wedged between two very thin tomes. This one is labeled #5010. She brings them over to her desk and takes a seat, putting on her reading glasses and flipping to the end of each story.
           Dean, aged 94, slips away peacefully in his sleep on a Tuesday, next to his husband.
           Castiel, having given up his grace, follows him two days later after a final visit with his grandchildren.
           Their heaven is glorious and well deserved.
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carelesslytrying · 6 years
Crossfire (Pt. 1)
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Pairings: dean x reader Summary: Before you met the Winchesters, you got pregnant with your first child. Not wanting them to grow up in the life of hunting, you gave them away to your aunt. But years later, that same decision took your life now by storm. Warnings: torture, cursing Words: 1,413 A/N: I thought this was a cool concept and I haven’t seen it myself so I hope you like it.
“Do you really have to go this weekend?” Dean asks for about the fifth time this morning.
You laugh slightly, putting your last piece of clothing into your suitcase before zipping it shut “Yes Dean, you know the drill. I’ll be back by Friday evening.”
He groans, sitting up off the bed as you set your suitcase onto the ground. You were currently about to leave the bunker to make your way to South Haven, Michigan. It was a somewhat small town where you could easily hide the secret you’ve been keeping for the past thirteen years.
Back when you first started hunting, you ended up teaming up with a fellow hunter you had came to know as Morgan. Through the trials of being a hunter, you and Morgan had become close, so close that after only a year or two of dating, he proposed.
For a while, the two of you had it good. Though you had your bad days and arguments over hunts, in the end it had pulled you two together. That is, until it pulled you apart.
It was on April 18, 2003, when you watched your fiancé have his heart ripped out by a werewolf, and the beginning of May when you found out you were going to have a child.
You knew then you didn’t want your child growing up in the hunting life, so you took the time off. You stayed with your Aunt Dianna throughout your pregnancy, alerting any hunters of any cases you saw so you weren’t completely out of work.
After having your bouncing baby boy, Grayson, you continued to stay with your Aunt till he was old enough to be without you. It was heartbreaking, having to drive off on a ‘business trip’ while your aunt and him waved from the front porch, but you knew just stepping out of the hunting life wasn’t an option.
From then on, whenever you had the time between hunts, you would go up to Michigan and spend time with your boy. It became more lenient since he’s gotten older and understands that you can’t be there all the time, but he had your personal phone number and was able to call you whenever.
You never told anyone about your late fiancé, or that you have a child. Not even the Winchesters. You didn’t want to risk something coming after him, he was your baby after all.
“Why do you see your aunt so much anyways? Doesn’t she know you have lives to save?” Dean began to whine, making you give him a look. 
“Aunt Dianna gets lonely, and don’t pull that shit on me. You know she doesn’t know about hunting.” You say, the old lie coming off your lips effortlessly.
Dean’s lips curled into a pout as he threw his legs over the side of the bed. You looked down at him, immediately getting sucked into his puppy dog eyes. You held your stare for a minute before Dean’s eyes lit up as a small smile creeped up onto his face.
“What’s that face for?” You giggle as he jumps up to his feet and makes his way over to your shared dresser.
“What if I came with you this time?” He says, pulling open a drawer and rummaging through it.
You felt your smile fade as your heart sank into your stomach. You knew that he would end up asking at one point or another, but not now. 
“Dean, I-I don’t think that’s a good idea.” You say, digging for an excuse in the back of your mind as he grabbed his spare duffel bag from under the bed.
“What do you mean? We’ve been together for almost three years now, I think it’s time I meet one of the relatives you actually see.” He says, shoving some clothes into his bag and you bite your lip harshly.
“I just-It’s so late notice honey. Dianna isn’t very open to new people she’s never met.” You say, and you watch his face falter, making your stomach twist.
“Besides, I think Sam and Cas need you right now as they search for Jack.” You say, crawling over the bed over to him.
You cupped his cheeks as he began to pout. Deep down, you wanted him to know. You hated hiding this from him, lying every time you got a private call or had to leave unexpectedly to Michigan for Gray. And lying to Gray was even worse. Once he got older and was more aware, he had many questions. 
“Why are you never home?” 
“What do you do for work anyways?” 
“Where’s Dad?” 
“What happened to him?”
It broke your heart, because you knew how good of a father Dean would be. And you could only imagine Dean teaching Gray how to fix the Impala, or watching the two play football in the front yard while you cooked dinner.
But these were only fantasies.
You leaned in, placing a gentle kiss to Dean’s lips to which he immediately responded back. After a moment you pulled away, resting your forehead against his as you stared deeply into his eyes.
“I’ll be back soon.” You whisper, biting your lip slightly as he sighed. 
“Text me when you get there, alright?” He asks and you smile slightly before nodding. 
You give him a quick peck on his lips before turning around and grabbing your duffel bag, throwing it over your shoulder. You step down off the bed, grabbing your phone, keys, gun, and hunting knife before you knew you were ready. You turn to Dean, who was now leaning up against the doorway.
“Got everything you need?” He asks and you think before nodding.
“Alright, come on, Sam and Cas are waiting in the kitchen.”
After three pit stops and eleven hours worth of driving, you finally pull up to the familiar two story home. You exit your car, taking in the fresh country air as you adjust the duffel bag on your shoulder. 
You shove your keys into your jean jacket pocket, walking across the lawn up to the house when you noticed something. Your eyebrows furrow slightly, seeing that most of the lights in the house were still on.
You were surprised to say the least, it was fairly late after all, a little past midnight. You simply shake your head, figuring that Gray probably stayed awake for you to arrive. 
You walk up the front porch steps when you felt the blood in your face drain at the sight of the lock on the front door, busted through. Your duffel bag slips off your shoulder, falling to the porch with a thud as you pull your gun out. 
You slowly push the front door open, feeling your already pounding heart increase at the sight. The house was a complete disaster. Tables and chairs were tipped over, broken pictures and vases scattered the floor.
“Grayson! Grayson, baby!” You practically scream, about to run upstairs to his room when you hear a faint groan come from the kitchen.
You run down the hall at the sound, glass crunching under your feet before you suddenly come to a screeching halt in the kitchen. Aunt Dianne laid like a crumpled heap on the floor, slashes across her body, causing a pool of blood to form on the pearly white tiles around her. 
“Aunt Dianna . . “ Your voice was barely audible as you dropped down to your knees to her aid, your gun dropping to the ground next to you. 
“Sweetheart, I-I tried to st-stop them. They-they took h-him.” Her voice was breaking as you slipped your hand into hers, trying to keep her as calm as possible.
“Who did Dianna? Who?” You ask frantically, feeling tears blur your vision as you gently place your hand on her cheek.
“Th-The men with black ey-es.” Her words were forced and stumbled over, but you understood her, even if you didn’t want to.
You bite your lip harshly to choke down your sobs, your worst nightmares unveiling before your eyes. Demons found your son, they took your son, your baby, your boy. 
Your whole body began to shake uncontrollably as Aunt Dianne gave out one last breath. With that, your tough exterior came crashing down. Burying your head into your hands, you began to sob incoherent words, only one thought going through your mind.
You lost him, and you were going to find him. No matter what it took.
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thegregorybruce · 3 years
September 19, 2021 AsktheBuilder Newsletter
Ah, I get it. You're standing over there against the wall with Missy, Fran, Sean, Noble, George, and Meg because you just subscribed in the past week. Welcome! I devote this top paragraph to you each week. Thanks for becoming part of my virtual family.
You, though could have subscribed in the past few weeks. Do you remember my August newsletter where I shared getting two glasses of T-Rex lemonade?
It turns out one of my subscribers, Erik Thorson, wrote a delightful song about lemonade! CLICK or TAP HERE to listen to it. It's guaranteed to make you smile.
I ran across an intriguing article in the news this past week. It was about building with concrete on Mars. Astronauts would use all their body fluids to make AstroCrete. Here's a pull quote from the article:
"A crew of six astronauts can produce an estimated 500kg of high-strength AstroCrete on a two-year mission on the surface of the moon, according to the findings."
(There was a typo in that pull quote because the entire article was about building on Mars, not the Moon.)
Since you probably don't know much about concrete, that 500kg number is meaningless to you. 500kg equals 1,100 pounds. One cubic yard of concrete here on our Earth Ball weighs about 4,000 pounds.
So two years for six astronauts to make 1/4 yard of concrete... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
This is why you need to be careful about being WOWED by articles like this. For goodness sake, do the math!
It's going to take hundreds of years to build a concrete building up on Mars at that rate! "Tom, you need to DRINK MORE WATER!"
Old Blueprints Filled with Gold
Steve is one of my best friends. He lives in sunny southern CA. I go out to visit every few years and was last there three years ago, helping him with his Honey-Do list. We had a blast and recorded, with the help of his darling wife, this video about how to stain Mexican outdoor patio tiles. It's a funny and informative video. I will NEVER make it as a Hollywood actor. Not on my best day.
A few days ago Steve sent me a link to a curated scanned copy of a nearly 100-year-old builders magazine. It's filled with amazing articles and photos. Here's one you should study: These three images of a residential fireplace may not mean much to you, but they're filled with gold. The architect who drew these knew exactly how to build a fireplace, firebox, and chimney that will NOT SMOKE.
CLICK or TAP HERE and allow me to put flesh on the bones of the above blueprint. I share all the critical dimensions that you can plug into the blueprint. Trust me, you'll want to bookmark the page.
If I were a young architect, and even one that had a few years under my belt, I'd spend two hours a week going over old blueprints like these. Many have details you simply don't find in modern plans.
CLICK or TAP HERE or Mr. Shovel Man above to get FREE and FAST Bids from local contractors for any inside or outside job at your home.
VIP Fast Answer and Consult Call
The past two weeks, I've done a boatload of VIP Fast Answers and my trademark 15-Minute Phone Consult.
In fact, as I'm writing this, I'm just 2.5 hours away from talking with Cosmo. He lives out in the Pacific Northwest and watched my video series about building my deluxe shed. He ordered a stunning pre-cut shed kit. Cosmo has a few questions about getting the concrete piers at the right height.
Why do I promote these services?
I get no less than TWENTY emails a week from homeowners like you that are in a MESS and need me to throw them a life preserver. They decided they KNEW BETTER and just jumped into a job or decided to TRUST what the contractor told them.
The average cost to FIX the mess they're in is about $2,000.00.
Why not invest $20 or $50 before you get in a mess? Having me advise you is the BEST MONEY you'll spend on your project. Period
Changing Word Meanings
I've been building my Ask the Builder and STAIN SOLVER websites for over twenty-five years. I also work on my ham radio blog and my personal blog.
Did you know that I can go back to one of my old columns and completely change a sentence, delete things I've said, or add content in just SECONDS and you'd be none the wiser?
If you don't have a copy of the original page, you have no idea the content has been changed. It's sort of spooky.
Well, I think this is starting to happen with the English language! If I can do the above with my website, don't you think those that own the online dictionaries can do the same? If I'm right, then it makes sense for you to have one, or more, hardcover traditional dictionaries around your house. It's pretty darned hard to change the definition of a word in one of those!
CLICK or TAP HERE to see the dictionary I use multiple times each week.
Yicky Drain Flies!!!
My friend Jim reached out to me days ago asking about how to get rid of pesky drain flies.
CLICK or TAP HERE to see the easy easy steps on how to defeat forever drain flies.
That's quite enough for a Sunday.
Peace out.
Tim Carter Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com Organic Cleaner - www.StainSolver.com RR Telegrapher - www.W3ATB.com
Do It Right, Not Over!
P.S. Did you know fresh concrete can BLEED? How's that possible? If you make a mistake, you can RUIN the concrete! CLICK or TAP HERE and stuff a bit more info into those tiny gray cells of yours.
The post September 19, 2021 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from Home https://www.askthebuilder.com/september-19-2021-askthebuilder-newsletter/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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baekberrie · 7 years
m i s t l e t o e - bbh ❄1❄
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Winter AU, fluff, romance
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Previous - Next
It was a lovely evening, 5 pm, the sun  had already set an hour go, leaving the streets in darkness.
Snow was calmly falling  on the ground, the streetlights together with the shiny Christmas decorations gave an inviting look to the world outside.
Normally you would've ran outside just to spend some time, walking into the untouched snow, taking in the bright surroundings, and enjoy the swelling feeling in your heart while feeling excited for the season.
But this time it was different. You wanted to feel that good, but you just couldn't bring yourself to. Not after what had happened.
You sighed as you pushed the now finished cup of ice cream away from you on the tea table.
For the past few days you had been feeling extremely depressed. You had been dumped even before a real relationship had started, it felt horrible. All you had been doing during these days was crying your eyes out and eating away the sadness with ice cream. Though that hadn't helped that well.
Moreover, it got worse. Comfort eating made you always realise how pitiful you were at the moment. How messed up you were, which added more salt onto the wound. That he had been able to break you like this, in the blink of an eye, you hated it. So much.
Just a week ago you were happily smiling in his warm, strong arms. Who knew that only a simple question about Christmas could've sabotaged everything. You had been so sure that he had been wanting you as much as you wanted him. But apparently you couldn't have been more wrong.
Who were you trying to fool, how could you have thought that Joohyuk had was being serious with you. That he wanted something more with you. He had just been flirting around, maybe fluttering you a bit too much, cause that had caused you to fall deeper for him.
Maybe he just had a small crush on you and knew that it wasn't going to last long. So your blunt request to be kissed under a mistletoe must have taken him back. Yet it still felt unfair, and it made you feel so stupid. You had been so sure that he liked you, how could he just turn his back at you like that? He could just have told you that you were moving too fast. Or maybe he hadn't liked you at all, maybe he was just up for someone temporary to flirt and play with, to later leave them like nothing.
You let out a sigh, feeling how you started to dislike him more and more by every second that you thought about how he had messed you up. You wanted to cry, bet kept it in this time, you had already shed enough tears for an asshole.
With a sniff you looked down at the cute animal sitting in front of your feet, it's tongue hanging lazily out if his mouth as it swung the tail left to right excitedly. Your dog, Kookie never failed to make a little smile appear on your face, with those big, dark eyes that shone cutely.
"And what do you want?" you asked your dog, as you arched your brow at it.
Kookie barked happily and you knew already what that meant, with a groan you threw yourself back deeper into the sofa.
"No way, I'm taking you out on walk now!" You protested, even though your dog wouldn't understand what you were saying.
Eventually you gave in and decided that maybe it wouldn't be so bad to leave your apartment, as you had locked yourself in it for several days. It was time to start forgetting what Joohyuk had done to you and try move on. You knew very well that it wouldn't be easy. You had been hurt by men so many times that forgiving and forgetting had become so much harder, since every time something like this happened, the same scar would open again. In the end it never got time to heal, you could never heal.
You admitted that maybe it was a bit your fault too, cause you easily fell in love with men that treated you well and were nice, of course not always, but sometimes you couldn't help it. It was like you attracted players and jerks, better said, fake people. Or maybe it was the other way around? Nah, you just wanted someone caring, nice and funny who could make you feel happy and special, someone who could make it last.
Sadly enough someone like that had never happened to you. Yet. Maybe God was trying to tell you to grip more dearly of your heart, to not give it away so fast. Probably.
With heavy steps you walked into the bathroom, just to fix your hair, to make yourself a little bit more decent. You had no intention of scaring people on the streets with your messy hair. For the rest of your face you couldn't care less at the moment, you were heartbroken once again, drained and tired, your face was really the last of your problems. And so you ignored your puffy and red eyes,  and went straight to the entrance, wearing your thick and puffy winter jacket.
At last you added a scarf matched with a cute pink beanie that melted perfectly with the soft scarf around your neck and face.
Kookie followed after you quickly while barking enthusiastically, which made you chuckle. Kookie was your only company at home, as well as your best mood maker. He never failed to cheer you up when you felt down and always kept you company no matter in what part of the house you were. He was like your guard, your little saiviour. You found it amazing how dogs could detect your mood and feelings. Sometimes you wondered if it was possible to love an animal as much as you did.
You wouldn't replace Kookie for anything.
As you stepped outside, you could already see your breath clouding into the chilly air as you sighed. Along with your dog you started walking in the direction of a park, a place where you would usually let your dog run freely in. While walking you observed how every step left a trace in the untouched snow, making you almost feel bad to ruin something that was looking so beautiful.
Untouched snow, you felt a bit like it. It looks whole and beautiful on the outside, but in the end it's so easy to break it, to ruin it. Just a single step and the snow would no longer be the same. Then it would snow once more, and the snow would be untouched again, but later on it will have people walking on it, leaving it scrambled and dirty.
That was how people had treated you, and you had forgiven them so easily. But what could you do, you were kind and had a big heart, keeping a grudge wasn't in your standards.
Finally, as you arrived at the awaited park, you quickly released Kookie from the leash, letting him run freely around the park. There were a few people taking walks, mostly couples, you couldn't help but for a moment wish that you were one of them.
Kookie was a good dog and wasn't the type to attack random people, or walking up to them when he wasn't wearing the leash, so you weren't worried about him possibly getting closer to some strangers. Eventually, you  patted some snow away from a bench and sat down on it, ignoring the fact that your pants were slightly wet by the action. From there you watched your dog play happily in the snow, mostly eating it, which made you chuckle.
The sky distracted you, you couldn't just ignore the way the night sky was beautifully illuminated by the stars of many colors, painting the dark sky with its shiny light.
In the meantime you hadn't noticed that a young man had walked up to your dog, innocently smiling at it.
He crouched down in front of it, just to observe it's cute eyes better, the more he looked at him, the wider his smile grew. Kookie wasn't intimidated, nor felt threatened by the person in front him. The dog just stared back at the guy, boring his black orbs into his.
The boy reached his hand out towards the dog's head, in attempt to pet it.
"Hi there little one- WAIT, what the hell no! no! Bad doggie!"  He abruptly yelled and jumped further away from the now standing Kookie. It was just then you looked away from the sky, just to see your dog walking around a boy who was occasionally sprawled on the snowy ground.
You frowned deeply before sprinting down towards your dog, just to attach it's collar to the leash again. You looked up at the boy that was sitting not so far from you, with big eyes he watched the dog.
His blond hair was glittering under the streetlights, as it rested lazily on each side of his forehead. A red beanie contrasting with his hair color. On his now red and round nose rested a pair of oval formed glasses, his eyes were a sparkling dark color, yet slightly puffy, giving him a cute touch. He was a very handsome boy, cute at the same time.
"I'm sorry, did my dog cause you any problems? " You eventually asked, politely.
A little smile appeared on his lips, and in that instant, you swore that your heart skipped a beat.
"Well... Your dog just casually took a shit on my shoes, new shoes. White shoes. But I guess it's okay." He explained, finding it hard to restrain a grin since this situation sounded completely hilarious.
Your eyes trailed to his feet and saw the ugly stains your dog had left on his expensive looking shoes. You gasped and gave him a worried look.
"Gosh, I'm so sorry! Bad Kookie! Since when do you even poop people like that?" You apologized and scolded Kookie frustratedly, at the time as you tried to fight away the urge to laugh.
The blonde boy just smiled at you and at Kookie who was shamefully looking down at his feet.
"Don't worry you can laugh at me I'm about to do it too." He said and laughed directly after. You were sure that so far, his voice was the most beautiful thing you had ever heard, and his laugh was something even more melodic. It was contagious, and not being able to stop yourself, you giggled at him.
As you realized, you brought your hand towards your mouth.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't be laughing."
He just shook his head giving you another smile, making you once more mesmerized by his mysterious beauty. His milky skin making his cold cheeks look redder, his lips slightly swollen by the cold.
"What can I do for you? Let me at least wash them for you?" You offered, starting to feel more bad for the mess your dog had caused.
The boy seemed to think about your offer for some time, as he quietly scanned your face, body, taking in every detail, the silence making you lightly uncomfortable.
"It's okay, I wouldn't want to bother you. You seem to have enough on your plate already." He said and tilted his head to the side, giving you a sympathetic look. Your mouth fell open at his words, as suddenly Joohyuk returned into your mind.
"Wait, what, how?" You quietly mumbled with a deep frown, and the boy just gave you a weak smile.
"You just look very sad and your eye bags are very visible you know? I just imagined that you've been through heartbreak or something similar, so I really don't want to bother you." He said causally, your heart unintentionally sped up as his words lingered into your mind.
You barely knew this guy, yet he was understanding you at your first meet, just by looking at you he had understood what kind of pain you were undergoing. You decided that maybe washing his shoes wouldn't be bad, it was the least you could do.
"Don't worry, really I feel bad, please let me wash your shoes." You insisted with a pleading look, the boy couldn't really protest so he sighed in defeat.
"Fine I guess, then how about you come with me, I'll get another pair of shoes to wear, and I'll hand you these ones?" He said and you slowly nodded. You found it odd how you were already trusting this guy. You had just met, yet there was something about him that just screamed about how amazing he was. You couldn't really describe it. Just the way his smile could numb the pain in your chest was strange. How you already felt comfortable around him.
"That's okay to me, I guess..." You said a bit skeptical, your brain started to warn you about possible dangers, which couldn't just be ignored. The guy just smiled again. Man he never stopped smiling, you wondered how he even managed to do that.
"Do I really look like a dangerous person? I mean look at me!" He eventually chuckled, pulling his lips into a cute pout, actually no. You would never think he'd be any type of criminal, but you never knew.
"You never know..." You continued, and he seemed to get your point. In fact, he just took some steps towards you, you felt your breath itch inside of your throat, not finding the courage to even let out a breath.
He then just stretched out his hand in front of you, beaming brightly, showing his pearly white teeth.
You couldn't help but stare at it before understanding that he just wanted a handshake. In the end, you put your hand in his, feeling how a cold chill went down your spine at the contact to his cold yet smooth skin.
"I'm Byun Baekhyun, nice to meet you." He introduced himself, a cheerful grin resting onto his mouth as his eyes found yours.
You felt your mouth twitch upwards at the warm feeling of slight happiness filling you up. Happiness, what was it that you were feeling?  Healed, pain-free? You weren't sure, but it felt amazing. You secretly wished for his hand to keep on holding yours.
"I'm Y/n, nice to meet you too, Baekhyun." You smiled back, his name tasting sweet on your tongue.
"Now before we get my shoes, let me buy you a coffee, it's getting cold." He said, as his hand left yours, you immediately missed the feeling, but you quickly pushed the thought away.
You didn't protest, instead, you let Baekhyun led you to a very cozy coffee shop where he offered you a warm drink, the two of you talked and talked. It was just as if you had always known each other. Baekhyun was a funny guy, charming and caring. You got to know many things about him, that he loved singing, and to work out. That hadn't surprised you since he did look pretty fit.
He lived alone, he had left his parents house just a year ago. Not because he had any conflicts with his family, just to live closer to his workplace. In fact, he was very close to his parents and brother. And even if he could meet them often, he still missed having them at home sometimes, he also explained that it was why he spent a lot of time at his parents' house when he could.
You realized how being with Baekhyun had been something good for you, he had managed to sincerely make you laugh and smile. And just after a few minutes of talking, you wondered why you had been in the first place. He had managed to erase Joohyuk's face from your mind completely. And it had felt amazing.
The two of you had reached his apartment, though you didn't get to see it as you waited at the entrance, he only needed to change shoes anyways. Just a minute after, he had returned with a bag in which the shoes you were going to clean were.
With a weak smile, you took the bag from his hands. You felt your heart tingle the moment your fingers brushed against his in the process.
Suddenly you realized something and faced him with your eyebrows meeting on your forehead, Baekhyun just gave you a questioning look.
"Why are you still in your coat, you could just stay at home now?" You mumbled,  a bit confused. He just let out another of his beautiful laughs that you'd love to listen to nonstop.
"I'm not going to let you walk home alone at this hour for sure." He grinned and you immediately felt your cheeks heat.
"There's no need for that..." you protested awkwardly.
"Don't be like that, also need to see where you live, so I can get my shoes back. Right? " Baekhyun reasoned and you admitted he had a point.
"Well, I guess you should come with me then." As you gave in, a warm smile spread onto his face, his eyes forming into half moons. You felt your insides heat, a warm feeling roaming into your body as your gazes locked.
When you reached your house you thanked him for accompanying you and apologized for your dog once more, which he just told you not to worry about.
You told him that he could come and get his shoes in two days when they would be dried and like new. After that, he left, and you headed inside with Kookie by your side.
Just as you stepped inside you instantly missed his presence. But the thought of being able to see him again made you more excited than you were sad to say goodbye.
You looked very much forward to see him again, your heart was already beating in a hysteric manner against your chest.
Ignoring the late hour it was you started cleaning the house with eager, wanting it to shine and smell like fresh cleaning products. All of this just because someone that had just crossed your path. Your path that you didn't want him to leave.
"Kindness is just like snow, it beautifies everything it covers."
hi angels 🌹💖 I'm back with another story, as you can guess this will be another short winter special, I hope you'll like it and look forward to read it. Much love, pola💓🌹
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callmestp · 7 years
Tagged by @glassestouchdown​.  Thanks for considering me!  It’s been ages since I’ve been tagged on anything (big surprise there), and I like thinking up answers to the questions.
1. Post these rules
2. Answer the questions given by the tagger
3. Write 11 questions of your own
4. Tag 11 people!
1. If you could change just one thing about the world what would it be? To take some lyrics from the Creed song “Higher”: “The only difference is to let love replace all the hate.” And that would be it.  Christ asked his followers to love their enemies and pray for those who would injure or persecute them (Matthew 5:44).  And 1 Peter 4:8 states that love covers over a multitude of sins.  Many other problems in this world, I feel, would be resolved in a few generations if people stopped their hate and loved instead.
2. Name a song that regularly gets stuck in your head. A song that has been stuck in my head lately is “Come for Us” by Evan Wickham.  You can listen to it here: https://youtu.be/Jen0s9V4e5Y A friend of mine called the melody “majestic” and I’m inclined to agree.
3. What was the last movie you watched at the cinema and what did you think of it? That would be “American Made,” starring Tom Cruise.  I was surprised to find out that it was based on a true story.  I had known of the historical events mentioned in the film -- the drug cartels in Colombia, the Sandinistas in Central America and the Contras fighting against them -- but didn’t realize there was one person who was getting involved in all those areas.
4. If you could take some time off and just go study in a foreign country for a while, what would you study and where? I had to think about this one for a bit, but then the answer hit me in the face like a ton of bricks.  If I could go abroad to study something, it would be to Israel, especially Jerusalem.  It’s such a hub of cultures, and it’s steeped with history, Biblical and otherwise.  Part of the reason I would go, would be as a pilgrimage to see the places where Christ lived and taught, and where he met His end.
5. What’s a skill that you don’t have at the moment that you would like to have? There are several ways I can approach this question.  I can think of it in terms of a skill I would like to have but don’t really need, or a skill I really ought to have.  In terms of a skill I’d like to have, I’d like to know how to play certain instruments: a steel guitar, a steel drum, and a church organ.  In terms of a skill I ought to have, it would be public speaking.  (It’s difficult for me to think up responses on the fly, making spoken conversation awkward for me.)
6. Who is the first fictional character that you felt really connected to, and who you still feel connected to today? It’s possible that there may have been someone different when I was younger, but in terms of what I can remember today: Sonic the Hedgehog was a video game character I connected to, from the first time I played one of his games, ca. 1996.  Without saying any words, I saw someone with a sense of adventure, traveling all over the place, fighting for what he thought was right.  I’m still a fan of the franchise and I still enjoy Sonic, but with all the other characters that have since been added to the cast, I adore the ancient Tikal the Echidna.  She was a girl after my own heart: spiritual, compassionate, nurturing, almost motherly.
In terms of something a little more contemporary, I quickly gravitated to Toriel Dreemurr in the 2015 video game Undertale.  I saw an older woman with a good heart, compassionate, protective (almost to a fault), left alone to wither away in the Ruins with only a few small monsters for company.  I felt so bad when I had to leave Toriel behind, and nearly cried when she hugged me and walked away.  Thankfully, in the Pacifist story arc, she got a chance to fulfill her dream of becoming a schoolteacher.
7. Are there any particular types of stories that you find yourself always drawn towards? I enjoy mystery stories, trying to piece together the clues before the protagonists can.  I also really enjoy underdog stories, where one or more “small time” people work to achieve what others would have dismissed as impossible.  These are probably why I love the movie Zootopia so much.
8. If you could meet a fictional character and spend a day with them, who would it be and what would you do together? To build upon my answer to question 7, I would like to meet and spend a day with Judy Hopps from Zootopia.  Though the movie shows a bit of her back story, I’d love seeing a day in her life right now: how things are going with her partner Nick, how she’s treated by Chief Bogo and the other cops at the ZPD now that she’s definitively proven her worth, and how she spends her free time away from work.  I’d also ask for more of her back story: exactly what age she decided she wanted to be a cop, what she did in pursuit of her dream between ages 9 and 24, and whether she’d have done anything different with her life if she had the chance.
9. What are three things you would never want to go without? Family, the Bible, and a means to connect with other people.
10. List three things about yourself that you take pride in. I hesitate to use the term “pride” because, while it’s good to have a moderate degree of self-esteem, runaway pride can be one’s downfall.  But in terms of things in my life that I’m glad are true:
A. I earned my Professional Engineering license in 2015.  By far, that is my crowning achievement in my career.  I’ve been wanting that ever since I was in college, and I put in the long hours for 6 months, studying for that eight-hour exam.  And I certainly make use of that license in my job, though sometimes I get the feeling that it’s being taken for granted.
B. Since 2011, I’ve been able to express my ideas through creative writing.  If I remember right, I’ve completed 11 fan fictions (plus one currently in progress).  The writing has gotten progressively better (and usually longer) with every new story I compose.  Regrettably, I’ve made little progress in this area during 2017, for all the other demands being made on my free time.
C. I’m glad that I’m at a point in my life where my circumstances are stable enough that I can help out others in need, whether that’s offering my time or my financial resources.  For years, my sister has come to me for help on her university coursework, and this week, I learned that she trusts no one else (not even her own classmates) to give her advice and support she needs to succeed.  I suppose I’m a victim of my own success, but still, for someone to actually say that I am valued that much...
11. What are you looking forward to in 2018? I am looking for a change in my life for the better.  As of right now, every day, my evenings and weekends are occupied by one of three things: I’m either working late into the night (as part of my job’s on-call rotation), filling out applications for a new job, or helping my sister.  If I was to get a new job -- and by tomorrow, I pray that some very good news is coming my way -- it would remove two of those three drains on my time.  Thinking more long-term, moving into a new apartment closer to where (I hope) my new job is located, because this apartment has all the memories associated with my current employer.  And maybe I can even work on other areas of my life I’ve been neglecting: finding friends, maybe even getting into a relationship.
The following questions are what I’m writing for this assignment.
1. If you could change one thing about yourself, whether it’s your body, your mind, or your life, what would it be?
2. (This is a morbid question, but it’s been on my mind since All Saints’ Sunday) If you died tomorrow, who do you think would attend your funeral?  What do you think people would say about you, good or bad, if they were being honest?
3. Name your favorite thing about where you live right now.  This could be in reference to your actual dwelling place, or the geographic location thereof.
4. What was something you had said or done when you were younger, that you now look back on and cringe?
5. Name your favorite hobby, and briefly explain what got you interested in it.
6. Your Tumblr blog: how’d you come up with the name?  How long have you maintained it?  Have you ever moved or changed names on Tumblr, and if so, what was the reason?
7. Christ Jesus once said that wherever your treasure lies, your heart will be there also (Matthew 6:21).  What is it that you treasure most in your life?
8. If you could step into the life of any other person, living or dead, for 24 hours, who would it be, and what would you do with the time?
9. Describe your preferred platform for video games.  Why do you prefer that platform over others?
10. If you had the option to be born into any time period, any place, where/when would it be and why?
11. What would be your thoughts of a world where humans co-existed on Earth with some sort of non-human sentient beings?  They could be existing Earth species (feral or anthropomorphic), they could be extraterrestrials, or they could be non-organic robots.
Usually, for me, the most difficult portion of this activity is finding people to tag.  On Tumblr and elsewhere, I tend to be a dead-end for most content.  I don’t follow many blogs.  Many are run by bots, and the ones that aren’t, I don’t know their authors personally.  The only blog I follow, whose author I know, would be @glassestouchdown, and for that, all she would have to do is answer my written questions.  Of course, anyone reading this, who follows my blog or otherwise, is welcome to try this themselves.
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Season 12 Codas
Since we’re all deep in hiatus, I figured I would make a master list of my s12 fics for anyone here on tumblr who’s interested. Fic list beneath the cut :)
12x01: Heartbeat
“The souls are gone,” Cas says, breathing a sigh of relief. He’s close enough that Dean can feel it on his face.
Cas slides his hand further back and finds his pulse. A human way of checking. Dean desperately hopes he doesn’t feel his heartrate tick up. They stay there for a heartbeat (Dean knows, he’s counting) longer than they have to before stepping back.
After they get back to the bunker with Mary in tow, Dean and Cas need to talk about the Lucifer thing.
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12x02: On Eagle’s Wings
“So. Mom in action. Weird.”
Not exactly the best word for the utter confusion of seeing his mother a) stab someone and b) beat up on a seasoned fighter like Lady What’s Her Face.
Cas inclines his head. “I’ve found that sometimes the people we idolize are not what we expect.”
12x02 Coda. Sam and Mary go to church, while Dean and Cas have some God talk of their own.
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12x03: Jet Lag
"The thing is, intellectually, Dean knows this isn’t permanent. Because even if he’s never been a parent, he practically raised Sam and he knows what empty nest syndrome feels like. Mom’s out there looking for her kids. Once she realizes that the only place she’ll ever find them is this bunker, she’ll be back. Or, at least, he hopes so. But the emotionally raw side of him, the part that feels like the four-year-old Mary is so desperately searching for, has completely taken over. He sits in the middle of his bed clutching a pillow, fighting the lost-in-the-mall feeling in his chest with all his might.
Cas left. Mom left. He can’t even keep his family together for more than two damn days.
Once Mary leaves the bunker, Sam figures that there's only one person to call that can drag Dean out of his funk.
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12x04: Starting Small
“They’re older than me. How am I supposed to be their mother?”
She’s not running from her sons, she realizes. She’s running from their picture of her, from the woman that they think she is.
Castiel shrugs. “I don’t know. But I would start with trying to be their friend.”
After Mary leaves the bunker, she ends up calling Cas to find out a little bit more about her kids. Mary and Cas friendship fic.
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12x05: Unusually Domestic 
“So,” Cas says conversationally, “you killed Hitler?”
“It was awesome.”
Dean launches into a full play-by-play of the hunt. Cas helps the story along by nodding appreciatively in all the right places. He even goes so far as to let out a gasp at one point, which Dean would not have seen coming.
There are days that I think my life can’t get any stranger,” Dean tells him.
Of course, he’s saying this while sitting in the kitchen of an underground bunker that used to be owned by a group of anti-supernatural geeks with an angel, drinking a cup of coffee. It can’t get much stranger than that.
Cas and Dean chat.  It gets domestic.
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12x06: Chocolate Chip Pancakes
An awkward silence descends. Cas tries to break it.
“Are you and Alex—?”
Oh, God. She can’t have this conversation.
“Are you and Dean?” Claire snarks back.
Cas is heading through Omaha and catches Claire and Alex after the Radiohead concert.
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12x07: The Blame Game
“If Lucifer was still trapped in the Cage, he wouldn’t be out there killing people. Every single person he takes early is on me.”
Sam shakes his head. “If we’re going to be playing the blame game, I’d say that the person who let him out in the first place wins.”
Cas looks miserable. “I was the one who let you out of the panic room.”
“And if you want to get technical like that, you would have never gone to the Cage in the first place if I hadn’t been stupid enough to think that God would bother talking to me.”
Sam and Cas finally talk about the Lucifer thing.
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12x08: The Worst Part
Dean is going to lose his mind in here.
He’d never call himself a people person, but the truth is that he’s lived very little of his life alone. Growing up, he’d never gotten a moment to himself. Back then, it had seemed like a curse, but he’d happily kill right now if it meant he got to spend an hour in a sleazy motel room at three A.M. with Sam and Dad snoring up a storm. Even after he and Dad split up for hunts, he still found himself surrounded by people—the occasional one night stand, thin motel walls, sleeping in the Impala on the side of the highway with the sound of traffic.
The worst part is the loneliness.
It's been thirty-five days. Sam and Dean are trying to cope with their imprisonment, and Mary and Cas are doing their best to get them out.
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12x09: Love and Love
There’s something about the way Cas says his name like it’s a prayer, like it means everything, that makes him snap.
“I’m not worth that! Not worth yanking Mom back into this—this messed up thing we call a life! Not worth upending the entire world for the thousandth time!”
By the time the tirade is over, his chest is heaving like he’s followed Sam on one of his ridiculous runs. Of all things, that’s finally what earns him a response.
“Of course you are,” Cas says.
After they all get back to the bunker, Sam and Mary have a conversation about Hell, and Dean and Cas talk some things out.
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12x10: Red Hands
Cas doesn’t answer. Dean reaches up to take one of the bloodied hands in both of his own. It’s shaking. Gently, Dean moves his thumb in a slow circle around Cas’s knuckles. Some of the tension in Cas’s hands drains away, but his shoulders stay hunched, his eyes locked on something that Dean can’t see.
Cas killed another one of his siblings. Dean steps in to take care of the guilt.
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12x11: More Than His Share
He’s amazed by how much Cas there is in his memories.
The exact fold of his old, ill-fitting trench coat, down to how many buttons chased each other up and down the flaps. The gummy crinkles of his first-ever smile, and how much bigger it’s been growing over the years. The warm steadiness of his hand on Dean’s shoulder, resting where the scorching red handprint used to lay.
Dean’s lived a long life—most of it, admittedly, dead. But Cas takes up so much more than his share of space.
After Dean gets his memories back, he talks with Cas. 
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12x12: Watching Over You
Dean still grabs him again to lead him into the room. For his part, Cas just lets it happen. Right now, it feels better to have someone else in the drivers’ seat. He does raise his eyebrows when he realizes there’s only one bed, though. He turns around enough in Dean’s grip to catch a glance of his face.
A flush rises in Dean’s cheeks. “I—I wasn’t planning on sleeping.”
He maneuvers Cas until he’s sitting on the edge of the bed. Cas can’t help the tiny smile that tugs on the edges of his lips.
“You were planning to watch over me.”
After nearly losing Cas again, there are some things Dean wants to say. Well, not quite say. But the sentiment's there.
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12x13: Mamma Drama
"He really doesn’t want to have this conversation, but he presses forward anyway.
“Imagine if someone—if God, if your brother—sat you down across from Alastair and told you to buck up, work together, save the world.”
He tries to keep the bitterness from his voice, but that just makes the sentence fall completely flat from his lips. It sounds like someone else entirely has said it. Sam examines his fingernails for a long moment before looking up to check how Dean has taken it."
Sam and Dean talk about Mary working with the BMoL. It goes...surprisingly better than expected.
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12x14: Sales Pitch
Jody Mills likes to think that she has a pretty good BS meter. You have to, in her line of work. (That is, raising two teenaged daughters who think that if they work together, they can outwit her. They can’t. They can try, but they can’t.)
That said, the guy in front of her is off the charts.
“Nice to meet you.”
“Name’s Mick,” he says with a smile.
Mick tries to recruit a couple of hunters by name dropping the Winchesters. It doesn't go as planned.
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12x15: Heaven Doesn’t Come With Keys
“This is Heaven that we’re talking about here, Cas. That worries the hell out of me, okay?”
Cas lets out a bitter laugh. “I don’t think you have to worry about me teaming up with them.”
His wings, still incorporeal, fold in close to his body, even though there’s no one there but Dean to see them. He can’t help himself; he’s pretty sure there’s a slight red tinge to his cheeks despite the fact he should be separate from his vessel. Should be. Maybe that’s why his wings are so—
The words burst out before he can stop them. “They said I was broken.”
Cas and Dean talk about Heaven and home. 12x15 coda.
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12x16: Parent or Angelic Guardian
Cas’s voice is bitterly cold. “So I should just stay on the job, then. Let you take care of my—of Claire.”
“She’s not your daughter, Cas.” It comes out a little sharper than he’d intended, because he’s thinking of a little boy in Indiana who’d thought that Dean was the king standing on top of the world, not Atlas sweating beneath it.
“She’s not yours, either.”
Dean opens his mouth to speak, but gets cut off by the click of being disconnected.
Dean calls Cas about the incident with Claire. It doesn't go too well.
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12x17: Thank You
“Have you—have you ever—”
Her voice breaks off. Sam leans back on his bed and roots around in the drawer of his bedside table. He’s ninety percent sure he has a tissue box in there somwh—oh. He pulls one out and hands it over. Eileen blows her nose loudly, then crumples the tissue in her fist.
God knows how many times. It’s not usually something she talks about, but there are tears in her eyes and she looks like she might need another tissue pretty soon, and there’s a feeling in his chest that hasn’t been there in who knows how long.
Eileen and Sam sort of end up sharing a bed. It's cute.
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12x18: Superdad
When it’s all said and done, Cas has a baby in his arms.
Nephilim, Dean reminds himself, but it’s difficult to think about the kid like that when he’d seen his very human mother bleed out, pleading with them to take care of him. Dean’s seen a whole lot of awful in his time, but that ranked pretty high on the list.
She hadn’t even gotten a chance to name him.
The motel room somehow seems even more suffocating now than it had a few minutes ago. Cas sits perched on the end of the bed where Kelly—yeah. And he has a baby in his arms. What are they supposed to do?
Alternate take on the nephilim baby, post 12x18
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12x19: Come Back to Me
The worst part of all of this is that Dean remembers that look. Remembers the calm, cool certainty in Cas’s eyes when they’d first met. Dean remembers a chiseled piece of granite with ice chip eyes. And he’s nothing like the Cas that Dean knows. The Cas that Dean—
Cas gets kidnapped/brainwashed by a Nephilim. Dean isn't too happy about it.
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12x20: Pick Me Up
By the time Alicia and Tasha have left, there’s a hand on his knee. Dean raises his eyebrows.
“I thought you had a date tonight.”
Max shrugs. “I’m flexible.”
Oh God. Not that Dean hasn’t used bad pick-up lines in his time, but that was pretty damn awful. 
Max tries a few moves with Dean.
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12x21: Collateral Damage
He doesn’t realize that he’s crying until the words in the ASL dictionary blur so completely that it all looks like one big smudge. Before he knows what he’s doing, he’s pulling pages out at random and crumpling them in his fists. They flutter to the floor like snowflakes until they blanket a small circle around him.
Sam finds himself imagining what she would look like with snowflakes in her hair and sinks to the ground. Cross-legged, he sits among the snowdrifts and aches with every gasp for air. When the very last page is clutched between his fingers, Sam finally looks down.
Two signs. Like, and love.
Sam loses Eileen.
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12x22: The Last Man Standing
“It’s us.”
The picture is clearly ripped from the security cameras at the retirement home. Both of their backs are to the camera, but he’d recognize her bun anywhere, and it’s not like his large frame is easily mistaken for someone else.
“Friends and allies,” Sam reads aloud.
They’d gone after her first.  Because of him.
Jody and Sam talk about Eileen. 12x22 Coda
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12x23: Sitting Vigil
“Dean. It’s not like that this time.”
Sam tries to be gentle about it, but it’s like pulling off a Band-Aid, isn’t it? The sooner Dean accepts that none of their usual tricks could possibly work this time around, the better. Chuck and Amara have wandered off on the weirdest family road trip ever. Crowley and Rowena are both dead. Heaven wouldn’t help one wayward angel. There’s nothing on Earth—or above, or below—that can help Cas. Not this time.
Post 12x23, Dean refuses to believe that Cas is gone.
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kdkurtd · 7 years
Knowing when it’s time (guest post from Keith Doelling)
Dire situations often call for quick and drastic action. Still, when dire lasts a long period of time and becomes the new normal, it is hard to know when to change course and place it above all else. How do you manage your resources to be ready for the key moments? When do you sound the alarm? So when my mother called me on Thursday, Aug 31, 3 pm EST in a bit of a panic and said “You need to come home now.” Amidst all of my emotions was a sense of relief. That time I had worried about for 8 months had come: the decision made for me. Three hours later, I was on a plane with my fiancée coming back to CA to see my Dad in the hospital where we remain today. It was my mom, my uncles, my grandma who really had to grapple with this choice as the situation escalated quickly.
Dad came to Kaiser ER with concerns about internal bleeding. He had recently started blood thinners to handle a new clot in his right arm and saw what he thought were tell tale signs of potentially fatal bleeding. When they checked him out, they admitted him to the ICU right away. Not for bleeding but for intense difficulty of breathing. They placed him on oxygen assist and suspected rapid tumor growth which was later confirmed by the scans.
When we landed at SFO, my mom took us straight to the hospital. Ten hours after her call, we got to his room in the ICU to see him sleeping, but not peacefully. His breathing required strong contractions of nearly every muscle in his chest and each breath came with strong gasps as if the air he needed to survive was just out of reach. It seemed my dad was drowning on dry land.
The next day Dr. Ha prepared us for the worst-case scenario. Using so much energy for (not so) simple breathing couldn’t be maintained forever and the body would eventually shut down in a matter of days. Much of the breathing issues came from large amounts of fluid around the heart and lungs which restricted lung capacity and blood flow.
The fluid could only be relieved by placing tubes in the left and right chest cavity and around the heart to drain the fluid out continuously over many days. Three tubes to let out all of the pressure on his lungs and make his breathing more peaceful. The procedures were delayed by scheduling conflicts over a day before finally being completed.
Once all three were put in, a miraculous transformation happened. His breathing became much stronger and easier. He no longer needed oxygen assist. He has been able to get out of the hospital bed and sit in a chair for meals and even walk up and down the hall. He has been doing breathing exercises to expand his lungs and we are working on physical therapy exercises to improve his leg strength and keep him strong for as long as possible. Every day, he does his best to push himself to eat and stay strong despite lack of appetite and comfort. His push forward despite all that he is facing is truly inspiring.
But even as the procedures have been successful, his cancer remains a hard and relentless beast. He deals with intense pain in his shoulder and abdomen when he coughs and we don’t really know why. He is on pain meds that are often too strong (sleeping all day) or too weak. In the end, while his life has improved from the early days in the ICU, Dr. Ha’s prognosis has only improved slightly. He is faced with incredibly hard decisions: to keep taking chemo and place himself in more discomfort for long odds, or to rest and be comfortable with the remaining time he has. How do you know when it’s time to change course? To quit the struggling and live your final weeks peacefully. In the end, it is his and his alone to decide when his moment has come. We all will respect his choice to live his final days the way he wants to.
Perhaps the silver lining of this week has been spending our days with all of our extended family. Our hospital room is always the most crowded with his brothers, nieces and nephews, and a long line of friends who want to see him every day. He has said many times that the most important thing for him is spending quality time with his friends and family. His face lights up with each new visitor. No one can doubt the loving friendships he has made and the number of people he has affected throughout his life. To see the support we have from his whole community really helps him as he continues through this process.
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dragonflybeach · 8 years
12.11 coda
here there be spoilers~
After Rowena reverses the spell, Dean is exhausted and Sam is mentally drained.
They make it 150 miles out of town before Sam decides to stop for the night.
It's barely late enough in the afternoon to convince the desk clerk to let them check in. Dean takes a nap while Sam drinks and stares at the tv, screen on but sound off.
When Dean wakes, they order a pizza, because he didn't feel like going anywhere and Sam isn't in any shape to go.
"I think you've had enough, Sammy." Dean says gently, but Sam isn't really making any effort to pour another drink anyway.
They watch a little bit of Edward Scissorhands, until the silent glances between them make clear that it isn't as funny as it used to be before they met the Steins. They skim through channels until they land on The Mummy, so they distract themselves by coming up with hilarious ways they would hunt the mummy and deal with the beetles.
Sam could pass for sober by the time they turn off the tv and say good night.
Dean isn't even surprised when Sam wakes up screaming an hour later.
The second time, Sam wakes whimpering.
The third time, when he starts whimpering, Dean climbs in bed with him, and manages to fold his brother up enough to tuck Sam's head under Dean's chin and murmurs soothingly while running his fingers up and down Sam's spine.
It works like it did back when the kid was a foot and a half shorter and barely tipping 100 pounds and a helluva a lot easier to gather up in Dean's arms. First Sam snuggles up. Then, after the shaking stops, he pushes Dean away and grumbles something about being fine.
Dean lets him go but doesn't get out of the bed. They have a rule that any conversations that happen in the dark like this stay in the dark, so Dean asks.
"Why are you taking this so hard? You came a lot closer to losing me two weeks ago, with the Billie deal."
"But I would have been in The Empty, waiting for you." Sam answers softly. "It wouldn't have been like this, watching you forget me, and then you die because you forget how to swallow or breathe or something."
"Do you seriously think I made that deal with Billie to get out by sacrificing you?" Dean asks him, shaking him gently. "You know better than that. I made the deal to get you out of there, so you could go home to Mom and Cas, and I would have been the one waiting in The Empty."
"But Mom and Cas are yours ... " Sam begins, but Dean interrupts.
"What do you mean, they're mine? Cas is your friend too. Remember, he helped you track me down when I was a demon and saved your life the night you broke your shoulder. And maybe you've forgotten, but Mom is your mother too."
"She barely talks to me." Sam says softly. "She plays games and stuff with you. And if you and I are both in a room, you're the one who has Cas' attention. You're all I've got. It would have just made more sense for me to go with Billie and let you stay here and carry on with Mom and Cas."
"Sam, it's not like that." Dean puts both hands on Sam's face and looks him in the eye as much as possible, in the near total darkness of the room. "Cas and Mom would both be devastated if anything happened to you. And there's Jody, and what's her name, Eileen? She keeps in touch with you. And Witch Twin Dude. There are people who care about you, Sam. Yeah, I'm number one on the list, but there is a list."
Sam mumbles something, but whether it was acceptance or just something to get Dean to shut up isn't clear
He does, however, settle down and within a few minutes his breathing is deep and even again.
Dean stays in the bed beside him, ready in case the nightmares come for round 4.
Dean wonders, as he has so many times lately, if it's time for them to hang up the proverbial towel. They've both lived much longer than Dean ever expected. Of course, there's no way they would ever leave the life completely. They could run research and verify aliases like Bobby used to. Sam might want to go back to school.
They would stay in the Bunker of course because there is so much shit out there that might come looking for them one day.
The next thing Dean knows, daylight is shining in his face and the bed shift when Sam rolls out and heads to the bathroom.
As he expects, nothing is said about the discussion during the night or the fact that Dean was still in Sam's bed come morning.
Sam is back to himself, farts and spending way too much time on his hair and grumbling about the only breakfast choices in the immediate vicinity being Waffle House or Huddle House, or as Sam calls them, Grease and Other Grease.
Dean thinks again about getting out, retiring and living out the rest of their days, because he knows he would never survive if anything were to happen to Sam.
But this has been his life since he was four years old, and he has no idea how to not keep doing it.
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