luci-in-trenchcoats · 9 months
Of All The Places to Meet
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Summary: When the reader gets into a bad accident, she doesn’t expect to meet her true mate at the same time...
Pairing: Alpha/Firefighter!Dean x Omega!reader
Word Count: 2,500ish
Warnings: language, car accident, major injury
A/N: Enjoy!
“She’s fucking jammed in there good. We need to cut her out.” You blinked open your eyes slowly, very aware of how…off the world seemed. Your head was killing you, that was for sure. Something about the fact you were upside down in your car told you that had something to do with it.
Lazily you turned your head at the scent of vanilla and tobacco, humming at the pleasant smell in the otherwise metallic and burnt rubber scented air. Beside you, crawled in your passenger window on his back, laying on top of your roof was a pair of gorgeous green eyes staring back.
“She’s awake!” called the man, his attention on you the whole time. “Hey, sweetheart. You were in an accident. I’m gonna get you out of here.”
“Smell pretty,” you murmured, fighting off the urge to pass out again. “I’m gonna…”
“Miss. Miss, try to-”
Dean’s POV
“Fuck, she’s out cold again,” I said. I could see where her door was pinned against her left side. It’d be a miracle if she hadn’t shattered her hip or femur. My stomach churned once more, hands gripping the center console that was partially cracked and pushed forward. 
This was not how this was supposed to happen. You don’t meet your true mate in a goddamn car wreck when she’s critically injured. You just don’t.
And now there was another problem.
Alpha’s were notoriously protective of their mates, especially true mates. That instinct skyrocketed when they were injured, even something as small as a cut thumb.
Seeing, smelling, my true mate when she was broken and battered and hurt out of her mind?
Yeah, there was no way I was going to be able to physically get away from this little omega.
“Winchester! Let the medic get in there and we’ll work on getting the driver's door off,” called Benny. My gut said to stay but I also knew she needed someone more qualified than me to attend to her at this moment. Reluctantly, I climbed out and ran around to the outside of the car, a few guys already working on ripping the metal apart.
“She’s got the neck brace on!” called the EMT. “We’re ready for whenever she’s loose.”
Twenty minutes later we finally had the door off, a backboard slipped underneath her and she was being pulled out of the vehicle.
The EMT’s packed her up and somehow she wasn’t bleeding out. There was always the chance for internal injuries though. I wandered over to the back of the ambulance, climbing into the back much to the displeasure of the two EMT’s.
“What the hell are you doing Dean?” said Benny. I chucked my helmet at him, Benny barely catching it. “De-“
“She’s my true mate. I can’t…I need to go.” He sighed but nodded. 
“Let him ride with you. I’ll pick him up at county later. Dean?” I nodded as they started to close the doors. “Listen to the doctors and stay out of their way. That’s how you can keep her safe.”
I nodded as they shut the doors, my focus going to the woman strapped to the stretcher. She looked so broken, covered in blood and scrapes.
I squeezed her hand, a gentle twitch of her finger in my palm. 
“You’ll be okay, Omega. I promise.”
Reader’s POV
You blinked open your eyes slowly, grateful this time you were right side up. The bed was soft and warm even if your body felt achy. A buzz was thrumming through your veins as you looked down, the drugs in your system keeping you calm as you took in the sight. 
Your entire left leg was bruised. Literally every spec of skin was bruised. 
And then you saw the monstrous contraption encasing it, pins holding your thigh in place. Beeping rang through the room as your heart rate shot up, eyes fixated on your wiggling toes.
“Okay. Okay, I can still walk,” you breathed out, inhaling deeply. “Hopefully.”
A wave of exhaustion hit as the door opened, an Alpha!nurse walking inside. “Well good evening Y/N! How are we feeling?”
“Shitty.” You frowned and closed your eyes again.
“Do you remember what happened?” he asked, checking the monitors and then bending your arms. 
“Uh. I was driving on the highway and then I woke up here,” you said, nose twitching. “Something smelled pretty.”
He just hummed and checked your leg that wasn’t secure, offering you a smile. “I’m going to check a few things and then I’ll bring the doctor in.”
An hour later you were laying back in bed, staring at the ceiling and trying to wrap your head around everything the doctor had said. Intensive physical therapy would be needed for months and even then your leg may never be a hundred percent again. You had a concussion and wouldn’t be able to drive a car for six months most likely. You’d need to take a leave of absence from work. Although that one might not be that bad actually considering how stressful it’d been lately.
On top of all that, apparently there was some creeper Alpha firefighter hanging out in the waiting area. 
Waiting for you.
Because your day hadn’t been unsettling enough as it was.
Before long you were fast asleep, hoping that tomorrow you’d wake up and find out this was just a nightmare.
“Good morning Y/N!” said your nurse, Alfie. You twitched your eye, not deterring his chipper mood one bit. “Feeling any better today?”
“We’re going to have problems if you’re always this bubbly when I wake up, Alfie,” you grumbled, sighing as pain shot up your leg. “If you could just do me a favor and cut off my leg, that’d be appreciated.”
“Oh, don’t be drastic, Y/N. I know the doctor wants to wean you off the pain medicine as soon as possible but it shouldn’t be that bad.”
“Did he shatter his femur yesterday? No? When he does he can talk to me about taking away my pain meds,” you said, hitting the button for morphine but nothing coming out. “Alfie. I need something.”
“The doctor gave strict orders to have you on only over the counter-”
“It fucking hurts!” you shouted, surprised at how agitated you were. Normally you were always kind and polite to strangers. But this? You were in pain and you didn’t have the patience to be a socially acceptable human being today.
Alfie looked sympathetic but his reply was cut off when a man with disheveled hair and dirty clothes came barging in the room. Strike that. The creeper Alpha firefighter that was stalking you outside was suddenly barging in the room.
“What are you doing to her?” he spat out, venom in every word. You could hear him audibly growl as he stalked over to Alfie, the poor Alpha shrinking back like he was an Omega cornered in a dark alley.
“Hey! Get out of…” you paused when you caught his scent. The heart rate monitor beeped dangerously fast, both of them turning to you. The scary Alpha firefighter suddenly made you calm, his scent giving off clear signals.
Relax Omega. You’re safe and protected.
“You can’t be in here,” said Alfie as he got his wits back. He grabbed the firefighter, shrieking when the man growled so loud it sounded like he’d gone feral. 
“Alfie’s right,” you said, pain filling your heart as you breathed deeply. You had no idea who this Alpha was but you knew his instincts were in overdrive. “You’re filthy and this is an ICU. Go home and clean yourself up. Come back this afternoon and we’ll talk then. That’s an order, Alpha.”
“Yes, omega,” he said softly, nodding once. “Are you okay?”
“Later, Alpha.” He apologized briefly to Alfie before leaving, Alfie relaxing when his scent went with him. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I don’t know how you got him to believe you like that. He was this close to snapping.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s my true mate.” Alfie raised his eyebrow and cocked his head.
“We can do a blood test. And make him take one too before we let him back in. On second thought, that’s absolutely happening.”
You raised a hand, wincing as pain pulsated through your leg. “Tell him I asked him to please take the test so he doesn’t take it out on the staff. Please.”
“Will do.” He paused as he exited the room. “I’ll talk to the doctor about your pain meds, see if we can make the steps down not so drastic.”
“Thanks Alfie.”
You were tired when you woke up after lunch and physical therapy. So much so you could barely open your eyes. You wouldn’t think you could be all that physical with a damn broken femur but after they moved and worked you to the point of shouting, you’d changed your mind quickly.
A large, calloused hand stroked your cheek, wiping away a stray tear that fell. The air smelled sweet, like pine and vanilla. “Omega. How can I help the pain?”
“You being here helps,” you murmured, his long fingers brushing away more tears. You squeezed your eyes when pain ripped through you. “They say I don’t need the morphine but I only can sleep today when I’m exhausted from the pain. I don’t know how I’m supposed to get through this.”
“With me, Omega. I’ll talk to the doctors. You were injured only a day ago. They must  have missed something if it hurts so badly.” He bent down and kissed your temple, your eyes fluttering open. “Please don’t worry. I’ll be here for you every step of the way.”
You stared up into his green eyes, surprised to find him smiling at you. “Why are you so handsome?”
“Makes up for my lack of singing ability,” he chuckled. He brushed your hair behind your ear, his scent coming off in powerful waves to soothe you. “I’m sorry for scaring you earlier. I know you don’t quite know me but I was one of the responders to your accident and when I scented you…my instincts went a little crazy.”
“It’s alright,” you whispered, a flash of pain rising up again. “Can you find the doctor?”
“Yes Omega,” he murmured. “Try to rest.” He got up from the nearby seat and hummed. “I’m Dean.”
“Y/N,” you said, shutting your eyes once more.
“I’ll make it better Y/N. I promise.”
Two Weeks Later
“Hey,” said Dean when he entered your hospital room. “I heard you’re getting discharged today.”
You grumbled from bed, wearing one of his fire station hoodies. He pulled the curtains open, smiling wide as you tugged the hood up. 
“Aren’t you excited to be getting out of here?” He had a point. You were happy to be leaving, with some pain medication too. But your leg was still incredibly fucked and you couldn’t go back to your apartment. Not when it was on the third floor. Dean luckily lived in a ranch style but you hated imposing on him.
“I wish I didn’t have to move in with you.” His smile fell as you groaned. “I meant like this. Because I’m hurt and can’t be alone. I wish we could be like a normal pair of mates.”
“Hey,” he said. He sat on the edge of the bed by my good leg, lightly stroking over the bonding gland in my neck. “We are normal. We just need to practice a bit more patience than other true mates.”
“You mean how I can’t have sex for months until my leg is healed. It’s going to drive both of us crazy to wait.”
“We can bond, just without the knotting. We’re already scent bonded and as long as we don’t stay away from each other for too long-“
“You mean an hour tops? You’re stuck by my side for the next three months minimum. I might not walk correctly again. I might always-“
He put his hand over your mouth, annoyance rising in your veins. 
“I’m your Alpha, even if you don’t bear my mark yet. I never want to hear you say you think I’m stuck with you. Being with you is the only thing I could ever want. We will figure this out and I will not mate you until you are fully recovered. Am I clear, Omega?”
The use of your title from his lips sent fuzzy, calming feelings throughout your body, your head nodding without thinking. Large fingers gently stroked your cheek, a soft hum escaping him.
“Are you ready to go home with me?” 
“Okay, Alpha. You can take me home.”
“You all set?” asked Dean later that evening. You were in bed, leg propped up on some pillows. Dean had spent the day with you, helping you get discharged and set up his house so it was a bit more friendly for you to get around in. 
“As good as I can be,” you said, watching him disappear into the closet, returning in a fire station shirt and a pair of skinny black joggers. “You have work?”
He chuckled and shook his head. “No, no. Just getting comfy for the night. I can order us some food. I’m sure you’re starving.”
“A little,” you said, Dean sitting beside you, urging you to curl into his side. “Thank you for helping me that day. The accident.”
“It’s my job, sweetheart,” he said, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple. “I’m just happy you’re still here. You got lucky.”
“Hell of a way to meet your mate.” He hummed, quietly stroking your bare arm with the tips of his fingers. “I’m really glad I’m not doing this on my own.”
“You’ll never be on your own ever again, Omega. I promise.”
“I know, Alpha. My leg might never heal the same way but at least I got one good thing out of this situation.” He smiled, brushing your hair behind your ear. “This comfy ass bed.”
He rolled his eyes with a smirk, kissing the top of your head before he got up. “Alright. With that, I’m off to go be your manly Alpha and hunt down some food for us.”
“You mean order takeout?” you teased. He tossed a pillow at you, laughing lightly.
“For that I’m ordering pineapple on the pizza.” You dropped your jaw, Dean laughing a bit harder, his scent the calmest you’d ever smelled it. “I’m kidding. I’m not deranged.”
“Good cause true mates or not, that is not happening,” you said. 
“Glad we can agree on it,” he said. “What about a supreme?”
“Now we’re talking,” you said. He left the room with a nod, returning a few minutes later with a soft smile. “What?”
“Nothing. Just really glad to finally have found you. It’s…easy with you.”
You knew what he meant, patting the spot next to you. He returned to your side with a smile, pulling you to rest against his chest. His scent filled the air, a relaxed cozy feeling settling in your bones.
“Yes, yes it is Alpha,” you said, taking a deep inhale, exhaling slowly. “It absolutely is.”
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goldenispunk · 5 months
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Firefighter!Dean because he deserved that happy ending 🧡
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zepskies · 11 months
Smoke Eater Update: Early Chapter Drop
It's November 1!! I legitimately cannot believe we're almost done with 2023. It's insane.
*ahem* Anyway. 😂
I'm going out of town this weekend, so you might get an early drop of Smoke Eater Part 9 tomorrow! 🥳
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anotherspnfanfic · 2 years
Hit and Run: Nightmares
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Pairing: Dean x reader
Word count: 2540
Square Filled: Hugs for TMAS bingo @supernatural-jackles
Warnings: nightmares, character death (but not really), lots of fluff
Summary: Dean is still haunted by her accident.
A/N: Well it’s been over 2 years since the last timestamp on this but this part of the accident I never wrote into the original series wouldn’t get out of my head... so here it is. 😊
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
It was a beautiful spring day. Clear blue skies, birds chirping, and the smell of freshly-mowed grass lingering in the air. A perfect day, yet Dean couldn’t seem to shake this sense of dread.
He rinsed soap suds off the side of the truck. Before he could set the hose down, the bells sounded through the station. Hastily, he and the rest of the crew loaded into the trucks and pulled out of the station.
The lieutenant advised they were headed to a single-vehicle hit-and-run crash on the highway.
The silencing of the sirens and hiss of the air brakes announced their arrival on the scene. He was overcome with an intense sense of déjà vu as he climbed out of the truck to see the mangled blue Mustang.
Everyone moved towards the car to begin extricating the driver, but he couldn’t move. He felt like his feet were cemented to the ground.
Before he could figure out why, he was standing behind the ambulance with her on the stretcher. His hand was in hers as she cried out in agony. “I know it hurts. Just breathe and squeeze as hard as you need to, sweetheart.” She was then loaded into the ambo with him sitting beside her.
He held tightly onto her hand, worried that if he let go, she might just disappear. Suddenly, she squeezed his hand, panic filling her eyes as she struggled to breathe. In an attempt to soothe her however he could, he ran his thumb softly over her knuckles.
As Sam and Cas worked to treat her, he whispered soft reassurances. He was fairly certain she didn’t hear him over the commotion, but he continued anyway. Less than a minute passed, and she was able to breathe easier once more.
Dean watched as she slowly started to relax as the adrenaline in her system began to fade. She fought to keep her eyes open and her grip firm on his hand.
“Four minutes out!” Benny hollered from the driver's seat.
Moments later, her hand went lax in his just before she lost her fight for consciousness. “Stay awake, kiddo. Come on, open your eyes,” he pleaded.
Next, the heart monitor began to blare warning tones. “V-fib,” Cas announced.
“Damn it,” Sam muttered. Pressing his fingers against her neck, he added, “Lost her pulse. Dean, compressions.”
Once again, Dean was completely frozen in place. Why couldn’t he move? He had to save her.
He blinked and was then standing outside the trauma room at the hospital. He watched as the doctors worked to resuscitate her. “No,” he breathed out. “No, no, no. This isn’t what happened.”
“Hold compressions,” said the doctor. “Clear.”
Dean flinched as she was shocked once again. He shook his head. “We got her back in the ambulance. This is all wrong.”
The doctor looked at the monitor as the monotone droned on. He shook his head and sighed defeatedly.
“No. No, no, no, no, no.”
“Time of death…”
Dean gasped, jolting upright. Disoriented, it took a moment for him to realize where he was. He was at home, in his own bed.
As he tried to catch his breath, he glanced over his shoulder to see her sleeping soundly. She was safe and right beside him. He sighed in relief. It was only a nightmare.
Once he’d started to regain his bearings, he took a slow, deep breath. He scrubbed his hand down his face in an attempt to wipe the remaining images from his mind.
“Dean?” she asked, grogginess in her voice.
Not having noticed she’d woken, he nearly startled at the sound. Looking over his shoulder once more, he plastered on what he hoped was a convincing smile. “It’s early, sweetheart. Go back to sleep.”
She wasn’t convinced, though. Hearing the breathlessness in his voice, she pushed herself up to sit beside him. “Are you okay?”
He didn’t look at her as he nodded. “Yeah. Just a bad dream. I’m fine.”
“Wanna talk about it?” she asked as she rubbed between his shoulder blades.
He shrugged.
“Was it about that bad call this week? That fire…?”
He shuddered at the memory, but shook his head. “No, but maybe that was what triggered it.”
She didn’t push. Instead, she just wrapped her arms around him and squeezed gently. Keeping her arms snug around him, she rested her head on his shoulder and waited for him to speak again.
He lowered his head to kiss her arm and then turned his head awkwardly to press another to the top of her head. “It was about you.” She pulled back just enough to see his face. “Your accident. It was like I was back in that ambo with you when you almost—” He cleared his throat. “Except in the nightmare, you did.”
“Hey.” She shifted to kneel in front of him and took his face between her hands. “But I didn’t. I’m right here.”
“You did, though,” he whispered, closing his eyes tightly. “For a very long three and a half minutes… you were dead.”
She lifted his hand and placed his palm against her chest and held it there. “See, I’m just fine. I’m alive, and I’m not going anywhere.”
As his eyes locked with hers again, she watched some of the tension in his shoulders start to melt away.
She laid her hand over his heart, and he lifted his free hand to press hers tight to his chest. She could feel that it was still racing with the remnants of fear from his nightmare. She leaned forward and started to pepper kisses across his jawline and down the side of his neck.
He let his head fall forward to rest in the crook of her neck. She moved her hand to the back of his neck and started to play with the short hairs. They sat like that for several minutes in silence as he reassured himself that she really was there and she was okay.
“Besides…” she started, pulling away to look at him with a smirk. “You didn’t even know me back then. It would have just been another crappy day at the office.”
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “That is not funny.”
She chuckled. “Just a little?”
He shook his head. “Not even a smidge.” Grabbing her arm, he quickly spun her around so her back was against his chest and then flopped back against the bed.
She squealed at the abrupt movement as he rolled both of them to their sides and made himself comfortable.
She smiled. “I love you, Dean.”
“I love you more.” He squeezed her hard before his hands found hers. With his left, he interlaced their fingers, and his right wrapped around her wrist, his fingertips settling against her pulse.
His fingers stayed firmly in place until his breathing evened out and he relaxed into sleep. It was a position he fell asleep in fairly regularly. She had never really understood why. Until now.
Once she was sure he was fully asleep, she gave into her own drowsiness. She took a deep breath, enveloped in the smell of his shampoo and aftershave. Pulling their intertwined hands closer, she pressed a kiss to his knuckles before drifting off.
When she woke again, sunlight streamed through the crack between the curtains. Dean’s arm was now loosely draped over her waist as he snored lightly.
She contemplated waking him, but decided against it. After the nightmare he’d had, she figured he could use the extra rest. She thought about just lying there or trying to go back to sleep until he woke up, but then her stomach growled loudly. Rolling just enough to look over her shoulder at Dean, she smiled. He looked so peaceful, a welcome contrast to a few hours earlier. She carefully lifted his arm so she could get up without waking him and went into the kitchen to make breakfast.
She was stirring scrambled eggs, flipping bacon, and toasting a bagel while the coffee brewed. Once everything was ready, she set all the bacon on one plate and poured two mugs of coffee. As she started to put the eggs on plates, Dean came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly.
He huffed. “You know, of all the mornings I would have rather not woken up alone…”
Setting the pan and spatula back on the stove, she spun around in his arms and then stood up on her tip-toes to kiss him. “I’m sorry.” Reaching up to run her fingers through his hair, she continued, “I didn’t expect you to wake up. I was planning on coming back to wake you with breakfast.”
He stole a piece of bacon and ate it. “You’re forgiven.” After a quick kiss on her forehead, he took the plate of bacon and one mug and headed back towards the bedroom.
“Where are you going?”
“To wait for the rest of my breakfast in bed!” He disappeared from her sight as she laughed.
Quickly, she finished dishing up the eggs and placed them on a tray to bring into the bedroom.
“You know we could have just eaten at the table. You were already up.”
“And pass up the rare opportunity for breakfast in bed?” He scoffed. “No way.”
She set the tray down and situated herself beside him on the bed. He held up a piece of bacon for her, but before she could bite it, he pulled it away and ate it himself. They both fell into a fit of laughter as she pushed him back into the pillows. “So rude!”
“Sorry. Here, for you.” He lifted another piece towards her, but she didn’t move to take it from him.
Instead, she grabbed two pieces off the plate and shoved both in her mouth. While chewing she said, “You thought I was going to fall for that again?”
“Maybe.” He chuckled.
They ate in comfortable silence. When she was done eating, she slowly sipped her coffee. She swirled the dark liquid in the mug before she spoke. “You know, in all the times we have talked about that day, we have never talked about that part before last night.”
“I know.” He sighed. “You never brought it up, and I think I was trying to block it out.”
“Guess I’m lucky. I don’t remember it. There are all these stories about out-of-body experiences and your life flashing before your eyes. All I remember is you beside me in that ambulance and then waking up in the hospital. I feel like I should have realized how much it could have affected you, though.”
Dean shook his head. “No. There’s no reason you could have known that. That’s the first, and hopefully only, time I’ve had that nightmare.”
“There is one reason. It’s why you sometimes fall asleep with your fingers on my pulse like you do, right?”
He glanced down at his coffee mug and shrugged. “I can stop. If it bothers you.”
“It doesn’t.” She reached over to place her hand against his cheek, urging him to look at her. “It brings you some comfort. That could never bother me.”
He kissed her palm softly. “Remember that joke you made last night about ‘just another crappy day at the office’?”
“Yeah.” She dropped her hand back to her lap.
“You’re right. We have lost patients before. It wasn’t like it was the first time I’d experienced it. But it has never felt like it did that day.”
She furrowed her brows in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“It's hard to explain, but it didn’t feel like just another patient we might lose. You didn’t feel like a stranger.” Dean looked at her for a moment before dropping his gaze to the bed. “‘Drop the patient at the hospital and never look back.’ It’s not really a rule, but it kind of is.”
She hummed. “Don’t get attached.”
He nodded. “I’ve never broken that rule. Except with you. I went to the hospital that night. I had to know, but you were in the ICU, and I wasn’t family so they wouldn’t tell me much.”
“Wow.” She smiled as she took his hand. “Why haven’t you ever told me that?”
He squeezed her hand. “Felt weird to mention at first. Then, eventually, I just didn’t know how to bring it up. There wasn’t really a time or even a reason to mention it.”
“Well, it’s sweet.” She chuckled. “And it’s nice to know it wasn’t just me.”
A mix of surprise and confusion flashed across his face.
“I didn’t remember much about the accident at first. But I vividly remembered you. You were the first person I thought of when I woke up, and I thought about you so much those two weeks in the hospital. I had actually considered taking a cab to the station before I was given the all-clear to drive.” She chuckled as she remembered walking into the fire station that first time. “I really did want to thank everyone that day at the station, but mostly, I wanted to see you again.”
“And now you’re stuck with me.” He pulled her towards him and smushed her in an awkward hug.
She laughed and pushed herself back just enough to be more comfortable. “Yeah. Who would have thought a near-fatal car crash could actually be one of the best things to ever happen to me?”
He shifted her so she was straddling his legs and hugged her tightly once again. “Can you just do me a favor and stay away from hospital beds for the rest of forever?”
She smirked mischievously. “Oh, I don’t know. I kind of figured I’d visit one a few more times in the semi-near future.”
He pulled away to scowl at her.
“Are you saying you don’t want kids? I was thinking two or maybe three. But I plan to do that in a hospital.” He rolled his eyes as she continued. “Because if you're saying you don’t want kids, then I really might have to rethink this whole relationship.”
“You are a smart-ass.” He pulled her closer and pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead. “I would love to have kids with you someday. But that is the only reason you’re allowed near a hospital bed, deal?”
She made a show of thinking it over. “Fine, I will do my best. But with my luck, I’m not making you any promises.”
He grumbled. “You could just promise anyway.”
“Fine, if you want me to lie to you. I promise I will.” She rolled her eyes dramatically before climbing off him and off the bed.
“Thank you. Where are you going?”
“Put this in the kitchen,” she explained, grabbing the tray off the bed. She left the room, and he could hear her loading the dishes into the dishwasher before she reappeared in the doorway. “Do you wanna go for a drive today? We can take your Baby. Maybe have a picnic by the lake.”
Images of his nightmare flashed through his memory, and he shuddered. Beckoning her closer, he grabbed her arm to pull her down beside him. “Or we could just watch movies in bed all day.”
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His Charge
Summary:  In his need to be closer to Dean, Cas appears as a human, replying to Dean's ad for a roommate. But can Cas ever escape heaven after breaking the rules by being so close to his charge?
Castiel doesn’t know why he wants to cuddle his charge in his bed right now, but he does. And he knows that it’s against the rules to interact with his charge as a guardian angel, but the rules never state that he can’t imagine. So, Castiel imagines holding his charge close, feeling his breath and heartbeat and placing gentle kisses all over. Castiel imagines stroking his charge’s hair, finally feeling whether it’s silky or coarse. Castiel imagines smelling him, knowing if he smells like car oil (that he’s frequently covered in) or leather (that his jacket is made of).
It’s this imagining that leads Castiel to actually break the rules just to be closer to his charge. He manifests as a human so that his charge may see him and Castiel follows him, still making sure that his charge doesn't notice. But this was too difficult to maintain the necessary distance, so when his charge put up an ad looking for a roommate, Castiel applied.
That’s how he finds himself at the door of his charge’s apartment, finally meeting him face to face for the first time. Castiel decides to knock as he’s seen his charge do several times when going to meet his brother Sam at college or when he visits his non-biological father Bobby.
His charge - no, it must be Dean now because he mustn't freak his charge out by calling him as such - opens the door with a shy smile and Castiel tries to smile back, but the movement seems foreign, something he rarely finds himself actually feeling like doing. But when he’s assaulted by the smell of both car oil and leather and when he sees his charge’s green eyes looking right into his own, Castiel feels so giddy that his face conforms. Which he supposes is the socially correct way to greet someone so that he seems friendly, so it works out in the end.
“Hello, Dean,” Castiel says and for some reason Dean’s eyes become slightly darker at the sound of his voice. He’s not sure if this is normal, but his eyes don’t become fully black, so he supposes that his charge is safe. So, Castiel outstretches his hand as he knows he is meant to in this situation as a means of greeting, keeping the smile on his face.
“You must be Cas,” Dean responds, his eyes now seeming to sparkle. Castiel finds they look quite pretty.
“Castiel,” he corrects, sure that his charge just made a mistake, but Castiel becomes confused when his char- Dean chuckles instead.
“Nah, man. Castiel is too much of a mouthful, so I’m calling you Cas,” Dean responds. And that was that. “Well, come in.”
Cas follows and feels completely at home around Dean. He’s so familiar with his charge’s presence that being able to be fully surrounded by everything that reminds him of his charge through all of his new senses almost overwhelms him, but it also feels like home.
Continue on AO3
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deancaslvr · 6 months
somethin a lil fruity happens and we’re all just collectively like what abt dean winchester and i love that for us
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seasons-of-death · 10 days
i did NOT expect chilis (the restaurant) to beef with twitter users over a gay angel and his bf and the most disliked ship of that gay firefighter show
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 months
Lost & Found
Pairing: Firefighter!Dean x Teacher!reader _____
“Guys, guys! Orderly fashion,” you said, waving the kids back onto the bus after their field trip to the fire station. You counted them off and sighed when one was missing. You got on the bus, looking down the rows. “Has anyone seen Zeke?”
“Ms. Y/L/N, is Zeke lost?” asked Jessica.
“No,” you said, climbing off the bus and running smack dab into a broad chest wearing a firefighter shirt.
“Sorry. I spotted a straggler,” he said, your gaze going down to find Zeke standing there.
“On you go, Zeke,” you said, the boy running up the steps. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” he said, flashing you a wink.
“Dean. Teacher mode,” you said.
“It’s a field trip day, sweetheart,” he said, stepping over to you and whispering in your ear. “Mr. Nicks was giving me a few dirty looks for the way I was looking at you. He a problem?”
“Devin is a doofus who I’ve turned down more than once and knows you’re my boyfriend,” you said. “I can handle him.”
“More for me, right?” he said, giving you a kiss. “Ms. Y/L/N.”
“Firefighter Dean,” you said as he spun away with a whistle. “See you at home, handsome.”
“Oh, yes you will.”
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lioniheart · 4 months
2016 // 2024
I'm back at the fucking building again
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zepskies · 2 months
Hey, Zep! Hope you’re having a great day!
Writing amoralism has been really fun lately, and it’s one of my first AUs, which is hard to write since you have less information and it requires a lot of thinking.
But, in your opinion, which AU do you think would be hardest to write Dean in?
Hey, girl! My day is kind of just starting out, but I'm better today than I have been for the past week, so I'm counting it as a win! 😄 Hope your day is going well too.
Yeah, I think writing AUs that aren't canon-based are harder to write as well, because it requires much more world building and potentially research, etc. Maybe for that reason, I've only written three AUs so far in SPN world (all are Dean Winchester x Reader):
Never Say Goodbye: A canon-based soulmate AU series set in seasons 1-2.
Make It Right: A canon-based Omegaverse one-shot (Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader).
Smoke Eater: A "full" AU series, in which Dean is a firefighter. But the story pulls a fair bit from canon and features several SPN characters.
Smoke Eater was vastly more difficult, but still very fun and rewarding to write!
As far as your actual question though, I think as long as you're able to keep Dean as Dean, meaning retain as much of his canon personality and values as you can, I think you can put him in almost any AU premise.
However, because Dean is the quintessential Han Solo rogue, I think the trickiest AUs to write for him would be any kind of period piece, like Victorian era or older.
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For example, the lovely @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior is doing a phenomenal job of writing an Edwardian era AU called Things Learned and Unlearned. She's managed that difficult thing of putting in an incredible amount of research into making the time period feel real and authentic, while also writing Sam and Dean (especially Dean) believably themselves.
So it clearly can be done! I just think the amount of research needed for period pieces, and keeping the canon characters feel believable as themselves, make it harder than other types of AUs.
Thank you for this question, Arty! It was really fun to contemplate. 😘💜
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nicksalchemy1 · 6 months
Mientras Respiro, Espero - Part 1
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Pairing: Firefighter AU Dean Winchester x Nurse!Plus-Size!Mexican!Reader
Summary: Dean Winchester, a firefighter with a reputation for casual flings, finds himself longing for something more meaningful in his life. Meanwhile, you, a stubborn surgical intern, are trying to escape your past in California. When Dean loses a bet and is tasked with cleaning the trucks, your paths cross unexpectedly. Little do both of you know meeting each other would cause some problems.
A/N: “Mientras Respiro, Espero”: Spanish for “while I breathe, I wait.”
Here’s the first part of my little story. I really like writing in this universe and if part goes well, then I’ll continue posting. (I’m gonna post it anyways 🧐) Credits for inspiration again go to @zepskies !!
🚒 Series Masterlist
Word Count: 2,167
Warnings: Toxic parental situation, mentions of fat-shaming, childhood trauma, and a quick old-fashioned meet cute.
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Part 1 - Who’s Afraid Of Little Old Me?
Avalon, California, was a gilded cage with ocean views, where the houses were as polished as the facades people wore. It was in one such manicured home where your story paused.
“Mija, you’re wasting your life with these... these dreams of yours! ¡No seas tan estúpida!” Your mother’s voice was a razor wrapped in velvet, cutting into you as you packed the last of your belongings into an old, battered suitcase.
The room was a mausoleum of your former life, with its pristine walls adorned with academic accolades and a full-length mirror that once reflected a girl desperate to please. Now, it only mirrored your resolve.
“I’m saving it, not wasting it,” you shot back, the words tumbling from your lips like brave soldiers in battle. You tucked a framed photo of your childhood self – the one with the broadest, most hopeful eyes – into the suitcase's side.
Your mother’s silhouette filled the doorway, her arms crossed in the silent indictment. “And what about the family reputation? Our standing in the community?”
You zipped up the suitcase, and the sound of a definitive line drawn. “What about my happiness, Mamí? What about living a life that’s actually mine? With someone who won’t pick on me like I’m still a child?”
She scoffed dismissively, a sound that stung like salt in an open wound. “Esos gringos no saben nada. Happiness is a luxury for those who can afford to be foolish.”
You locked eyes with her in the mirror, your own gaze hardened like forged steel. “Then consider me a fool.”
The house seemed to hold its breath as you shouldered past her, suitcase in hand. Your father stood in the hallway, a silent sentinel. His eyes, a mirror of your own, flickered with something that might have been pride or sorrow – or both.
“Daddy,” you whispered, pausing for a moment.
He cleared his throat, a rumble from deep within. “You always were the stubborn one,” he murmured, his voice barely above a soft-spoken whisper. “Be careful. Call me anytime you need me.”
A nod was all you could muster before you descended the staircase, each step a drumbeat to your newfound freedom. The door closed behind you with a finality that echoed through your bones. The California sun dipped low, as if bowing to your courage.
The suitcase wheels rumbled against the cobblestone path, a small but sure declaration of your departure. Behind you, the house – a beautiful prison of expectation and familial duty – faded into just another part of the landscape.
You didn't look back.
Considering it was your first time flying in an airplane, first class at that, you were anxious. Not about actually being in the plane around people or the way the lady in the seat across from your aisle coffee smelled like someone took a fancy shit, but because you were moving in with a couple that you trusted yet, hardly knew.
Mary and John Winchester were rough around the edges, but they meant well. They knew what happened in your household, how toxic it was, and invited you to stay with them in Lawerence. Plus, you would be able to keep your job. Mary was head of Neurosurgery and earned you a spot as a surgical intern. Working hard or hardly working, am I right? You thought to yourself, smiling to yourself.
And boy, were these ‘gringos’ rich. Not only did they offer you that extra guest room in their house, but they also bought you your first-class seat, in which your butt was in right now.
You knew John was a respected detective, and with his income mixed with Mary’s, they made bank.
You also knew they had two sons. John and Mary mentioned their names, but you knew the youngest worked for the ADA, and the oldest worked as a firefighter.
Cool. Wonder what that's like, you tilt your head in thought.
A stable work life, home life, and family. But not all ‘picture-perfect’ families meant they were truly picture perfect.
And that was for you to figure out.
The airplane descended through the cotton candy clouds, and the world below began to take shape—a patchwork of fields and roads that would soon become your new reality. Your heart danced a nervous tango with the seatbelt across your lap, anticipation tightening with every drop in altitude.
The captain's voice crackled through the cabin, announcing the imminent landing in Lawrence. You straightened up, smoothing the fabric of your jeans as if to iron out the last creases of your past life.
When the wheels kissed the tarmac, you felt a jolt, not unlike the one that had propelled you out of your family’s house. You collected your single suitcase from the overhead bin—a symbol of your fresh start—and made your way through the aisle with a resolve that echoed the click-clack of your boots on the aircraft's floor.
The airport was small but buzzing with life, a hive of reunions and farewells. You stood for a moment at the arrival gate, scanning the crowd until you saw them.
Mary's presence was undeniable. She stood with a grace that spoke of her surgical precision, her eyes warm and welcoming. John, equally imposing in his own right, had the stance of a man who had weathered storms and could chart a course through any adversity.
They spotted you almost immediately, and Mary’s smile widened as she opened her arms. “There she is! Welcome to Kansas!”
You stepped into her embrace, the scent of antiseptic mingling with a soft perfume—a stark contrast to the oppressive aroma of your mother's overwhelming floral scents. “Thank you, Mary,” you smiled, grateful for the genuine warmth.
John extended his hand, which you shook firmly, finding in his grip the silent support of a seasoned detective. “Good to have you here. We’ve got the guest room all set up for you,” he said, his voice a deep timbre of reassurance.
You nodded, your eyes meeting his. “I can’t thank you both enough for this opportunity.”
As you walked through the airport, with Mary’s hand lightly on your back and John carrying your suitcase, you felt the weight of your old life lifting. The conversation was light, peppered with Mary’s questions about your flight and John’s quips about Kansas being the true heart of America.
Once in the car, the grilling starts. “So, how are you doing, hun?” Mary asks curiously, mainly because she’s concerned and trying to make sure you’re comfortable.
“Oh, you know, as good as you can be while moving state from state.” You remark as politely as possible, trying not to seep tension into the car ride.
“I hope you feel better. When we get to the house, you’re welcome to rest. I don’t cook very well,” She clears her throat, shrugging, “But I can give you some money to order something in?”
“I couldn’t do that, but thank you. It’s late, anyways. I’ll wait till tommorow morning.”
“Okay. Just as along as you’re comfortable.” Mary winks, a soft, motherly smile on her face.
You nod, meeting her smile with the same.
John pulls the Volkswagen van into the driveway and puts it in park, shutting the engine off. “Home sweet home.”
You sigh and step out of the car, staring at the home. The house is a two-story structure with a prominent green exterior. It features white trim around the windows and roof edges, contrasting nicely with the green. The front door is wooden with a rich, warm tone. There are two windows on the upper floor and one window on either side of the front door on the ground floor. A chimney extends from the left side of the roof, indicating a fireplace inside.
A well-maintained lawn adorned with various small plants and flowers. A concrete pathway leads to three steps up to a small porch area before reaching the wooden front door.
Mary leads you up to where your room is at and it seemed to be one of her boy’s old nurseries, but now the wall was decorated with two old band posters, The Beatles and a Zeppelin poster. Huh. The bed had a floral blanket and a navy sheet under it. There were two pillows in a white silk covers and a lamp on the beside table.
“John and I are gonna hit the hay, so, goodnight, love.” Mary waves from the doorframe, giving you one last glance before heading off.
“Goodnight,” You reply, setting your suitcase down beside your bed and lay back on your bed.
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In the locker room, you changed into your scrubs, the fabric feeling foreign yet exciting against your skin. You tucked your hair under a surgical cap and checked yourself in the mirror. Ready.
The hospital corridors were a maze of activity, doctors and nurses moving with a sense of urgency that was almost palpable. You found your way to the intern's lounge, where a group of young doctors was gathered, pouring over patient charts and sipping on coffee as if it were a lifeline.
That's when you met her — Charlie Bradbury. With her vibrant red hair and a stack of comic books under her arm, she was a splash of color in the sterile environment. She noticed you immediately, her green eyes lighting up with an impish sparkle.
"Hey, you must be the new kid! I'm Charlie, your friendly neighborhood genius slash intern. Welcome to the chaos!" she greeted you with an outstretched hand, adorned with quirky rings.
"Thanks, I'm..." you began.
"Don't tell me," she interrupted playfully, "You're the one who just flew in from Cali, right? Mary's been raving about you."
You chuckled, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. "Guilty as charged."
Charlie showed you around, her chatter filling the spaces between the bustle of the hospital. She introduced you to the other interns, the nurses, and even the grumpy guy who ran the coffee cart. Throughout the day, you shadowed her as she confidently navigated patient care, inserting IV lines with precision and calming anxious patients with her quirky humor.
Despite the exhaustion that came with the endless rounds and the mountain of new information, you felt a sense of accomplishment. You were doing this, really doing it — and you were not alone.
In the afternoon, Mary tasked you with delivering first aid kits to the local fire department as part of a community outreach program. You welcomed the break from the hospital walls and made your way to the fire station with a box of supplies in tow.
As you approached, you noticed a firefighter washing a large, red truck — his sleeves rolled up, revealing muscular arms, and his focus never wavering from the task at hand. You hesitated for a moment before approaching.
"Excuse me," you called out, "I have a delivery from Lawrence General?"
He turned around, and you were met with striking green eyes and a smudge of soap on his cheek. He was ruggedly handsome, with a stubble that spoke of long hours and a jaw set with determination.
"Oh, hey," he replied, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Thanks for the-"
Before he could finish, another firefighter called out to him, "Dean, we need you!"
"Sorry, duty calls," he said with a charming, apologetic grin. "Just leave the kits by the door, and thanks again."
"No problem," you replied, feeling a pang of disappointment as the moment ended too quickly. You placed the box down and watched as he jogged back to his colleagues, ready to respond to the next emergency.
The rest of your shift passed in a blur, and before you knew it, Mary was driving you back to the Winchester home. As the car hummed along the road, she glanced at you with a knowing smile.
"I hope your first day wasn't too overwhelming. You did great," she said encouragingly.
"It was definitely a day to remember," you admitted with a tired smile.
Mary's expression turned warm and excited as she announced, "Well, get ready for a family dinner tonight. John and I want you to meet our sons properly. They're excited to have you."
The thought of the evening ahead sparked a mix of nerves and curiosity within you.
"Oh, uh, okay." you replied slightly indifferent by the unexpected dinner, but the prospect of a meal with a family that wouldn’t make measure how many calories your plate has won’t be bad just because you had to meet your “landlord’s” sons. “Sounds nice.”
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And there’s that! Next time. 😉
Character Introduction For This Series
Dean Winchester Masterlist
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angelsdean · 1 year
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1.09 Home / 1.01 Pilot
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cowboylikesel · 5 months
oliver stark keeping the soul of dean winchester alive while jensen ackles is still playing with his dead corpse
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grippysockedtoebeans · 6 months
Well I'm off to go read firefighter dean au now. No one talk to me for the next 48 hours
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thefableddestiel · 5 months
Ok and what if I said that I’m becoming genuinely invested in Evan Buckley despite never watching 911 because the gifs I see of him remind me so much of Dean Winchester?
A certain new show might end up on my TV very soon…
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Some people want a career
Others want a significant other or kids
I personally just want Dean Winchester back
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